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Joined: Jan 23, 2020

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Toonstrack reviewed Black Widow #15 Apr 6, 2022

Idk how. But I went into this issue not privy to the fact that it is the last issue of this run. When I got to the final page, I audibly decried the discovery. Not because this book or any of its previous issues did not satisfy me, but because that means for now I can no longer look forward to picking up this book off the shelf every month and let me tell you that SUCKS.

This has been more

Black Widow #15

By: Kelly Thompson, Elena Casagrande
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Guns. Explosives. Widow's bites. Good old-fashioned hand-to-hand. Natasha Romanoff is an expert in just about every form of combat known to humankind...and it's not enough. The Living Blade will not let his query escape this time. San Francisco's golden gates slam shut for the superspy as Kelly Thomp...

batguano rated King Conan #2 Jan 18, 2022

King Conan #2

By: Jason Aaron, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Jan 12, 2022

•  CONAN must make an unholy alliance if he is to continue his journey on the Western Sea!
•  But as the fallen warriors of this mysterious isle rise to fight once more, will Conan succumb to the lure of CURSED SORCERY after all this time?
•  And what of his son, PRINCE CONN, ...

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batguano rated X-Men #6 Jan 7, 2022

X-Men #6

By: Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jan 5, 2022

There's a new hero on the X-Men. Who is he? Why is here? And why does Cyclops not want him on the team?

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batguano dropped Conan The Barbarian (2019) from their pull list Nov 10, 2021

Conan The Barbarian (2019)

From an age undreamed...hither came Conan the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet...
Robert E. Howard's creation return...

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batguano dropped Grimm Fairy Tales (2016) from their pull list Nov 10, 2021

Grimm Fairy Tales (2016)

New Series Launch!

Grimm Fairy Tales is Back!

The world of humans has forever changed and the Grimm Universe has been shaken to its core. It started with the Age of Darkness and now with the death of Sela Mathers, earth's long time guardian, the Realms of Power have fallen into chaos. But Sela left behind one thing that may be abl...

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Psycamorean reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #78 Nov 10, 2021

This was weird. I think Kelly Thompson did a good job with the writing, but the way Morbius was dealt with, with the security system, was very odd. I don't know what Ben thought would happen if he lured a crazed monster man towards his apartment, with its security. I guess he thought since the Beyond Corporation are such good guys, there would be some containment thing for Morbius, or something. I more

Amazing Spider-Man #78

By: Kelly Thompson, Sara Pichelli
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Ben Reilly’s second real outing as Spider-Man pits him against MORBIUS, and it DOES NOT GO WELL! The full support of Beyond gets tested as Morbius puts the hurt on Spidey in a big way.  

+ LikeComments (4)
Psycamorean - Nov 10, 2021

For sure. Justin Ponsor made everyone he colored look twice as good. Just one of the best in the industry.

Kalaoui - Nov 15, 2021

Yes Justin Ponsor made all art better with his colors. Sara Pichelli has two things going, her health issues with her back come and go which affects her output and deadlines and her style has changed as all artists evolve but some new things she's trying don't all land as well as her previous iterations. So it's a bit of both I think.

batguano added Grimm Fairy Tales (2016) to their pull list Sep 8, 2021

Grimm Fairy Tales (2016)

New Series Launch!

Grimm Fairy Tales is Back!

The world of humans has forever changed and the Grimm Universe has been shaken to its core. It started with the Age of Darkness and now with the death of Sela Mathers, earth's long time guardian, the Realms of Power have fallen into chaos. But Sela left behind one thing that may be abl...

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batguano added Conan The Barbarian (2019) to their pull list Aug 26, 2021

Conan The Barbarian (2019)

From an age undreamed...hither came Conan the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet...
Robert E. Howard's creation return...

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Psycamorean reviewed Spider-Geddon #5 Dec 22, 2018

Good ending. Everything is tidied up. The Inheritors are hopefully never coming back (although they definitely will). In the back of the comic, they say that they wanted to use this event to focus on the other spider characters outside of Peter and to close that chapter, and they succeeded in creating an interesting event that bookends the influx of spider-people. I hope that we don't get another more

Spider-Geddon #5

By: Christos Gage, Jorge Molina
Released: Dec 19, 2018

• The grand conclusion to the Spider-Event of 2018!
•  The Spiders have been split apart; they've been betrayed-and some have died. It's time for the final battle.
•  The end of the Spider-Verse is here.
Rated T

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WhistleBlower reviewed Daredevil #32 Jul 28, 2021

I can't imagine the lengths of self-oppression one has to go through to be offended by the slightest hint of political themes.

Daredevil #32

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Jul 28, 2021

•  The Angel of Death has come to Hell's Kitchen and New York City. A series of grisly murders tests Elektra's mettle and commitment to her role as the new DAREDEVIL, as the city spirals in a state of near panic.
•  Meanwhile, Matt Murdock faces tests and challenges of his own, as the i...

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REYNARD reviewed Infinite Frontier #3 Jul 27, 2021

Xermanico needs to draw the whole issue...

INFINITE Questions:

-Where is Psycho Pirate trying to send Barry to?

-Who is the Flash analogue that Barry sees in his vision?

-Why is Bones building transport ships and gathering prisoners? What is his plan?

-Where is his Roy's Black Ring from?

-Where was Hammond going to take Roy?

Infinite Frontier #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Xermanico
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Barry Allen's history with the Psycho-Pirate isn't pleasant.
The Flash encountered this mind-bending villain all the way back in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, and it did not end well for the Scarlet Speedster. For the first time since his death and rebirth, Barry runs afoul of this foe-hopefully it will go better this time around!...

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batguano - Jul 27, 2021

Yea, only reason I stopped following this book was because Xermanico isn't doing the full interiors

batguano commented on this:
Father_Gascoigne reviewed Nightwing #82 Jul 21, 2021

They should really just rename this series, for the time being, Pissing Off Comic Purists 'Cus It's So Easy.

y'all are sad.

Nightwing #82

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jul 21, 2021

Melinda Zucco’s connection to the man who killed Dick Grayson’s parents wasn’t a surprise to the Blüdhaven hero, but what the former Robin discovers about Melinda’s ties to the Flying Graysons leaves the usually upbeat detective speechless.

+ LikeComments (11)
Father_Gascoigne - Jul 23, 2021

I have plenty to say just not to knuckle draggers, darling.

Father_Gascoigne - Jul 25, 2021

tell us how you feel about the new Masters of the Univese, please.


Superman and the Authority #1

By: Grant Morrison, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 21, 2021

Sometimes even Superman finds a task almost impossible. Sometimes even the Last Son of Krypton needs to enlist help. Some tasks require methods and heroes that don’t scream “Justice League.” So Clark Kent, the Metropolis Marvel, seeks out Manchester Black, the most dastardly of rogues, to form an all-new Authority tasked with taking care of s...

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batguano dropped Power Rangers Unlimited from their pull list Jul 6, 2021

Power Rangers Unlimited

Astronema is one of the most popular Power Rangers villains ever and her true origin is revealed for the first time in a one-shot directly connected to the events of Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers!

Before she became a Power Ranger, a young girl named Karone was kidnapped by bounty hunters and brainwashed into the assassin known as Astron...

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batguano added Power Rangers Unlimited to their pull list Jul 1, 2021

Power Rangers Unlimited

Astronema is one of the most popular Power Rangers villains ever and her true origin is revealed for the first time in a one-shot directly connected to the events of Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers!

Before she became a Power Ranger, a young girl named Karone was kidnapped by bounty hunters and brainwashed into the assassin known as Astron...

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batguano commented on this:

great art and characters. Indie comics are the best.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #117

By: Sophie Campbell
Released: Jun 9, 2021

A winner is crowned in Jennika's battle of the bands and two old foes make surprising revelations as the TMNT and allies prepare to take Mutant Town in a new direction! Important steps towards the next chapter of the TMNT saga are made here!

+ LikeComments (2)
batguano - Jun 13, 2021

This book is great but TMNT is definitely not indie. The IP is owned by Viacom a huge conglomerate

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Red & Blue #3 May 18, 2021

This is the best one yet. 10 for the first story, 9 for the second, 7 for the third, 6 for the fourth (expected better from Spencer), 8 for the last one. I loved the art for the 2nd, 3rd and last story, very, very good.

Superman: Red & Blue #3

By: Michel Fiffe, Laura Braga
Released: May 19, 2021

Five more incredible tales of the Man of Steel, told in an art style that pays tribute to his primary colors. In this issue we take visits to both Smallville and the Fortress of Solitude. We look at an object that was important to Superman on his trip to Earth, and we see the lasting impact that has on those around him. Plus, punching! Someone has ...

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RKS - May 23, 2021

LOL No, just no. This issue was just bad.

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Antenovial reviewed Wonder Woman #770 Mar 9, 2021

Starting with this Issue Wonder Woman is now a double feature, and even though the main story and the back-up have very different vibes, I think it adds more to the book than that it takes away.

The main story is written by Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad with fantastic art by Travis G. Moore and Tamra Bonvillain. Moore on lines and Bonvillain on colors have proven time and time again more

Wonder Woman #770

By: Jordie Bellaire, Paulina Ganucheau
Released: Mar 10, 2021

What. Is. Happening?! Wonder Woman just woke up in the middle of battle, with rampaging hordes of mythological beasts bearing down on her! Not even the Princess of the Amazons can survive such an assault, but that’s okay-it’s just another day in Valhalla! The warriors here spend their days fighting and their nights drinking-and if they die in c...

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JBL Reviews reviewed X-Force #15 Dec 21, 2020

I don’t like that they are turning Beast into such a questionable character

X-Force #15

By: Ben Percy, Joshua Cassara
Released: Dec 16, 2020

Omega Red's harboring a deadly secret, and X-Force may have to cross a line to keep Krakoa safe. But nothing compares to the trust broken by the interrogation of one of their own.
Parental Advisory

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batguano - Dec 23, 2020

Beast has been questionable for at least 2 decades at this point lol

JBL Reviews - Mar 20, 2021

How so?

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allenquanobi reviewed Wolverine #1 Feb 19, 2020

Awesome. Both stories are intersting and fitting for the Wolverine character. About him being off by himself investigating a mystery and the violence that goes along with it. The art is amazing in both, Bogdanovic and Kubert are amazing artists who really capture the gore and detail that a Wolverine book should have. Looks like another winner for Dawn of X

Wolverine #1

By: Ben Percy, Adam Kubert
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Wolverine been through a lot. He's been a loner. He's been a killer. He's been a hero. He's been an Avenger. He's been to hell and back. Now, as the nation of Krakoa brings together all Mutantkind, he can finally be... happy? With his family all together and safe, Wolverine has everything he ever wanted... and everything to lo...

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Hislight reviewed Marauders #8 Feb 19, 2020

Big Improvement from the last issue. Still dont get what all the hooting and hollering is about tho. This series is decent when its at its best. Bobby was cool here. Really the best part of the issue other then the lil dragon ending.

Marauders #8

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Feb 19, 2020

As Verendi's plans against Krakoa grow, the Marauders find themselves missing something vital... something that brings Storm and the White Queen to blows. Artist Stefano Caselli (AVENGERS, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) joins the crew of the craziest X-series of them al!
Rated T+

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Hislight reviewed Marauders #7 Feb 5, 2020

I honestly hate the Pirate crap mixed with X men it looks stupid and the dialogue trying to throw little pirate jokes in here and there makes it that much worse. I just cant get over how forced the whole pirate thing is. That being said this issue was not as terrible as some of the others. Art was nice and I found this issue to make less mistakes with the stories progression. Still, the series as more

Marauders #7

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Feb 5, 2020

As Verendi's plans against Krakoa grow, the Marauders find themselves missing something vital... something that brings Storm and the White Queen to blows. Artist Stefano Caselli (AVENGERS, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) joins the crew of the craziest X-series of them al!
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Marauders #6 Jan 24, 2020


-An OK issue. Definitely the weakest Marauders yet.

-I still think this comic is just a lot of fun.

-I think in terms of characters, the best DoX book would be Hickman's New Mutants, but this series is close behind. Everyone here is really compelling.

-Sebastian Shaw is a fantastic villain.

-Great, suspenseful ending.

T more

Marauders #6

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Marauders are caught between the forces of Madripoor and the Black King's machinations! Thankfully, they have TWO Omega Level mutants onboard...
Rated T+

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batguano rated Excalibur #6 Jan 24, 2020

Excalibur #6

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Secret of Rogue's Coffin!
Locked in her mysterious coffin, Rogue dreams. Meanwhile, Apocalypse performs a ritual, and the throne of power changes hands. The reign of mutantkind reaches the Otherworld at last.
Rated T+

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batguano commented on this:
ohhaimark reviewed Excalibur #6 Jan 24, 2020


-Great art.

-Apocalypse is still the most interesting thing here.

-I kinda liked the falling action. The last three scenes were genuinely good character moments. Let's hope this series can get back on track. Or... on a track.


-This series is so boring.

-This story is ridiculously un-engaging. I'm just watching more

Excalibur #6

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Secret of Rogue's Coffin!
Locked in her mysterious coffin, Rogue dreams. Meanwhile, Apocalypse performs a ritual, and the throne of power changes hands. The reign of mutantkind reaches the Otherworld at last.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
batguano - Jan 24, 2020

Thank you, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills seeing all this praise. The art is really good but everything else is just meh. I feel almost no connection with most of these characters. And the team roster seemed random especially the inclusion of jubilee and gambit.

egonnn244 - Jan 26, 2020

I had the same troubles with this series. But I found this issue surprisingly fun and entertaining, and it actually gave me some much-needed interest in the story. Finally.

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Hislight reviewed Marauders #6 Jan 23, 2020

I have come to the conclusion I dont like pirates enough for this book. The art didnt help here at all and when the book gets all shiver me timbers I just kind of cant. I dont like the XMen with a pirate backdrop and I get thats personal I just also felt this story is getting dull. I know Im a minority here but I think this is all just too goofy.

Marauders #6

By: Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Marauders are caught between the forces of Madripoor and the Black King's machinations! Thankfully, they have TWO Omega Level mutants onboard...
Rated T+

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