El Chapulin Colorado's Profile

Joined: Jul 14, 2014

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100th Anniversary: X-Men #1

Jul 20, 2014

We are presented a future not so different from the present: many of our beloved mutants are still here, there are angry anti-mutant mobs, characters still debate if they are doing the right thing to achieve Xavier´s dream; and in traditional x-men fashion, we end this issue with a little time travel trip that just takes us WAY too much back in the past Maybe not a useless issue, but one that certainly would make any fan angry

Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9

Dec 25, 2014

The so called "one comic you must read this century" has bad art, badder story and is one of the baddest events; dont bother with it

Batgirl (2011) #49

Mar 4, 2016

If this is the best this creative team can come up with it seems I haven't miss anything. Some problmes within this issue are: - Simple, fast and unremarkable story - There was no clear way to explain how Frankie and virtual Babs were moving through real Babs memory, they simply changed from one stage to another with no good transitions, some times they were in a middle of a fight and in the next panel they were witnessing a new memory - The villain turns out to be someone who probably wont matter after this arc and with some far fetched motives - The solution to the problem of recovering Bab's mind comes so out nowhere that even the character that comes out with it seems surprised to have think about it or te even understand what she is talking about

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #5

Dec 15, 2016

Ugh, another Batgirl-obsessed guy, cant DC writers (comics and movies) think of any other thing?

Batman (2011) #35

May 19, 2015

Batman (2011) #36

May 19, 2015

Batman (2011) #37

May 19, 2015

Batman (2011) #38

May 19, 2015

Batman (2011) #39

May 19, 2015

Batman (2011) #40

May 19, 2015

Batman (2011) #41

Jun 20, 2015

Great way of telling of telling us why Gordon isnt the best, but definitely is the perfect choice to be the new Batman

Batman (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 18, 2014

Thrilling heist adventure that foresees and intriguing and hard time for Batman

Batman (2016) #1

Jul 3, 2016

From 0 to 60 in no time; a fast paced, exciting and dramatic story and an amazing beginning of a new series

Batman (2016) #21

Jun 4, 2017

Batman vs Reverse Flash...and he gets his ass kicked

Batman (2016) #22

Jun 4, 2017

Excellent heartwarming story between Batdad and Batson where you see both have so much to tell each other and unfortunatelly cant

Batman / Superman (2013) #21

Jun 20, 2015

This issue deals primarily with Superman finding out what happened to Batman during Endgame, not necessary to read the other Truth tie-ins

Batman / Superman (2013) #22

Jul 13, 2015

Superman and Batman have a interesting conversation but after that they spend the whole issue attacking each other verbally and complaining about the lack of trust between them and the consequences of their actions in their separate titles. I dont know if the villain's appearance was coincidental or if he is the man Superman was looking for

Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #3

Jul 20, 2015

Batman and robin battle aliens on the moon, not much conflict or emotion, barely ok just forgettable

Batman Incorporated (2012) #0

Mar 28, 2015

Didn't read the previous Incorporated volume and despite some holes in the narrative and some horrible art, this issue served its purpose

Batman Incorporated (2012) #1

Mar 28, 2015

Great start

Batman Incorporated (2012) #2

Mar 28, 2015

Graet issue about Talia's history and motivation for this series

Batman Incorporated (2012) #3

Mar 28, 2015

The action begins!!

Batman Incorporated (2012) #4

Mar 28, 2015

Batman Incorporated (2012) #5

Mar 28, 2015

Not a fan of this possible/alternate future; however the story's atmosphere is incredible and scary

Batman Incorporated (2012) #6

Mar 28, 2015

Business just got serious!!!

Batman Incorporated (2012) #7

Mar 28, 2015

Damian to the rescue

Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Mar 28, 2015

Great issue, but in the final pages Batman seems to teleport from one place to another and the final scene was lacking detail and emotion and seems to defy the logic of the situation

Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Mar 28, 2015

The heretic vs the bat-family

Batman Incorporated (2012) #10

Mar 28, 2015

Bat-batman in armor vs the heretic; Im not sure whats the point of taking man-bat serum if he is going to use a battle armor, and I was hoping to see him more man-bat like but his only appearance change are some slightly longer teeth

Batman Incorporated (2012) #12

Mar 28, 2015

Preparing for the end

Batman Incorporated (2012) #13

Mar 28, 2015

Great ending to the story. However, I think the way it is told, jumping between present and past, takes something off from the finale

Batman Incorporated (2012): Special #1

Mar 28, 2015

Of all the short stories, the only worth reading is the one with Squire overcoming Knight's dead

Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

Calendar Man takes the spotlight as the villain in this issue and his plan is to kill everyone in Gotham using some kind of spores that only bloom on spring and to have several chance to succeed he also constructs a machine that alters weather to follow the seasons 1 each day; seems complicated? dont worry, as Batman saving the day and frustrating Calendar Man's plant is only a tiny part of the issue; instead, most of the time we focus on Duke jumping on the proposal to be Batman's new partner. Overall the issue was fine, nothing special.

Booster Gold (2007): Futures End #1

Mar 31, 2015

Convergence tie-in that follows the story of Booster Gold after he disappeared at the end of JLI

Civil War II #3

Jul 13, 2016

Craps like this is why Im not ashamed of reading Marvel comics online for free. If you like disrespect for comic characters and for comic readers, this event and specially this issue is for you

Convergence #0

Apr 12, 2015

Convergence #1

Apr 12, 2015

Earth 2 characters enter Convergence trying to understand what is happening while Telos makes an announcement to all bottled cities. Good first issue but the price is too much for an exposition issue

Convergence #2

Apr 16, 2015

The story continues directly after last one's end, with EARTH 2 heroes trapped and then fighting Telos. There is a lot of focuses on Grayson as he narrates much of the issue, first with a flashback to the last seconds of Earth 2, the fight with Telos and then his travel with Batman as he encounters his son, which was a very brief and as much emotional as one would expect from either Batman. Meanwhile the rest of the heroes travel to a ruined city while just teasing all the action of the different battles. I HOPE THE STORY IMPROVES NEXT TIME

Convergence #3

Apr 23, 2015

After a good start and promising future the story stumbles. Reused splash pages, rushed or interrupted dialogues, shock moments that lack impact, poor plot continuation are some of the mistakes in this issue

Convergence #4

May 7, 2015

Lots of dialogue and some boring/irrelevant fights. Ending may turn things interesting

Convergence #5

May 25, 2015

Telos is not who we thoight he was but I dont care about him. E2 heroes still do nothing. Brainiac was summoned for nothing. Deimos makes every tie-in pretty much unnecessary

Convergence #6

May 25, 2015

This issue is very straightforward. With the cities no longer needing to fight each other, the heroes form an alliance leading to a giant battle royale with Deimos and the also allied villains. I guess that was what all we were hoping this event was for isnt it? Still there were 2 thing that bothered me: Grayson easily convincing Telos to help them, and the fact that if Deimos is as powerfull as he says, why would he need the help of the villians?

Convergence #7

May 26, 2015

I dont see how this can have a satisfactory ending. This issue is not only jokingly short, it aslo has one of the most absurd moments I've read in a comic, in which a quiet conversation between 2 characters in the middle of a gigantic and chaotic fight between the characters of all the multiverse, suddenly stops the whole fight and makes the bad guys help the heroes

Convergence #8

May 27, 2015

Very confusing and super dense final issue that didnt change a thing unless you are from Earth 2. But Booster is back baby!

Convergence: Booster Gold #2

May 27, 2015

The only tie-in that matters and it is very good but a bit complicated to understand. BOOSTER IS BACK BABY!

Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2

May 27, 2015

Not a lot of story, just a bunch of fights. Just what I wanted

Convergence: Harley Quinn #2

May 25, 2015

Harley is fun, everything else is pretty much non-interesting

Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #2  
Convergence: Superman #2  
Convergence: Swamp Thing #2

May 25, 2015

Swamp thing the vampire slayer

Convergence: Wonder Woman #2

May 25, 2015

You would never like to fight Wonder Woman or Vampire Joker

Death Of Wolverine #1

Jan 14, 2015

The only thing that bothered me is that the usual first page explanation of previous events that conclude with what we are about to read doesnt appear in this series, so I still have no idea how Wolverine lost his healing factor. Besides that, the story is good, we see what happens when you try to hunt The Wolverine, there is a short but brutal fight, and the art and colors are just beatiful

Death Of Wolverine #2

Jan 14, 2015

Logan keeps climbing the ladder of command to try to figure out who wants him and in the process he will have to fight Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike WITHOUT HIS POWERS. The characters are well written but the lack of action is a little dissapointing even though it makes sense

Death Of Wolverine #3

Jan 14, 2015

Following last's issue clue and with the help of Kitty, Logan finally discovers who wants him, but not after a cool fist and sword fight The best part of the issue must be the deep conversation we see Wolverine having with Kitty about how sometimes he feels sad and just wants it all to end and in contrast how his new mortality makes him want to be better; this cool scene moves quickly to a cool fight where Logan dons a samurai armor and finally discovers who is responsible for the bounty on his head

Death Of Wolverine #4

Jan 14, 2015

Logan reaches his final destination and looks in horror how the new project X is going on before making his final stand against Dr. Cornelius and his henchman This wasn't the way I expected it to end but it sure was a fitting one and I liked how in just a few panels Logan is able to answer his enemy's question about whether he has done anything with his life This must be one of the few occasions in which I would've loved that Marvel extended the story a few issues as having it conclude in just 4 makes it feel rushed

Death of X #4

Nov 27, 2016

Looks like nobody in Marvel's HQ has any idea of what to do with the mutants and they just keep writing vague, horrible and greatly contradicting stories. It really must be a dark time for them when you miss Bendis writing them

Detective Comics (2011) #41

Jun 20, 2015

Great way of telling us what Bullock's been doing since Endgame, what is his present with the Batman Special Task Force, and what is his future plan with Montoya

Detective Comics (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 18, 2014

I think this issue had a lot of potential but is ultimately disappointing because of some bad and distracting art and mediocre ending This could have been much better it never leaves the Riddler´s office and all is a conversation between Batman and Riddler

Divergence (FCBD 2015) #1

May 28, 2015

The superman part was pretty boring but I liked the end. The batman part was great however I was hoping for someone else to replace Batman. The JL part was simply awesome

Flash (2016) #21

Jun 4, 2017

The first part of the story was an excellent crime investigation story, the second was a good story were our heroes got glimpses of their stolen time and friendships Wally warned Barry about

Flash (2016) #22

Jun 4, 2017

A conclusion that doesnt gives answers and feels a little hollow; not really what one expeteced of this mini event but understandable if it is considered the continuation of the DC Universe Rebirth #1 and the 2nd chapter of the 2 year long DC vs Watchmen story. Could the objective of this travel may be to further weaken the DC heroes making Batman doubt about keep being Batman?

Forever Evil #7

Sep 18, 2014

Great ending ang game changer for Lex Luthor

Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bane #1

Sep 18, 2014

Good start that then transitioned into a mediocre fight and an in-transcendent ending

Gotham Academy (2014) #13

Jan 28, 2017

Cant recommend it as a tie-in or a Gotham Academy issue. The issue deals with the Detective Club trying to solve a zombie mystery with Riko (from We Are Robin) getting involved by accident; the zombie turns out to have some sort of connection with Olive and the Court of Owls (who Riko gets a glimpse of and later in the main event it has some impact on the story)

Gotham Academy (2014) #18

Jan 28, 2017

Would have like it more if the Robin plot was a full issue instead of a lot of backstories in 5 issues

Gotham Academy (2014) Annual #1

Feb 6, 2017

A very fun scooby doo type story whit a surprising ending

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1

Feb 18, 2017

What happens in this issue doesn't seem important right now and looks to have the only purpose to introduce Amy and make you dislike her, but don't fool yourselves, this will have bigger ramifications down the road as this is only the first part of a bigger story you wont start to understand until the real plot develops a little more

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #2

Feb 18, 2017

The detective club is back in business but it appears there is a shortage of mysteries to investigate,but later as Kyle finds out there are some students missing and Maps has a strange encounter with the newly assembled witch club, Kyle and Maps look to have a new case in their hands

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #3

Feb 18, 2017

This was a great 2 issue story that didn't just had a cool mystery to resolve, it also brings some changes to a member of the detective club and brings other characters like Katherine and Eric more into the spotlight. The story also brings back the mysterious symbols the team has being investigating since the last series and looks like future issues will revolve around their enigma and the map Colton found

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #4

Feb 18, 2017

This one-shot takes says it takes place before Second Semester and brings a suspicious circus to campus and as headmaster Hammers orders it to leave, Olive seems to be delighted by a young boy promoting the circus to the students; all this makes the rest of the team want to find the truth behind this circus only to end up fighting some supernatural creatures. The story is solid but the art and colors are spectacular

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #5

Feb 18, 2017

The big story that started in issue #1 and even before starts to takes shape and while the trial begins Pomeline brings her mother to help but at the same time decides to go on a last minute hunt for the mysterious and powerful book with Tristan, leaving Colton hurt and putting his future in jeopardy. The plot is getting very interesting with Pomeline teasing us about this book that is very important and it may very well be since it seems to have been well hidden for a reason and also because she is not the only one interested in getting it as we've seen at least Eric and Mr Scarlet being after it as well (maybe Batman too?). Then there's also Amy, by now it is obvious there is something strange about her and Im intrigued to know what's up with her

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #6

Feb 18, 2017

While the trial is in recess Colton has escaped and with Pomeline in possession of a key evidence to help him the team splits again with Kyle going for Colton while Olive, Amy and Maps go to the mansion to look for Pomeline What we have here (and last issue too) is a brilliantly written detective book, we have our heroes finding clues without feeling forced by the plot and revisiting old events and locations while using new knowledge or items they didn't have the last time, just because of that this was a terrific issue, but then you add the awesome character moments: Amy shows why she is still a horrible friend, Maps reminds us why she is so awesome and Kyle has a great scene with Colton. Now it seems the team got themselves an enemy too...uff

Grayson #16

Sep 4, 2016

Time for a theme song

Grayson #17

Sep 4, 2016

Grayson #18

Sep 4, 2016

Want to see a great series being trainwrecked by new writers as the story was entering its climax? Also featuring bad art

Grayson #19

Sep 4, 2016

Not entirely bad but so much wasted potential

Grayson #20

Sep 4, 2016

Cant forgive DC for not letting King and Seeley finish what they started

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17

Mar 22, 2017

Sciver better have a good plan for the separated rings and some great moments coming for Kyle or I'll hate him for making him just another GL again

Justice League (2011) #40

May 15, 2015

This issue is heavy on dialogue and explains many things, yet still leaves enough mystery to keep you intrigued for whats to come. The character's backstory are great and the art is beautiful. The only drawback is that you may need more than 1 read to understand all that was told The issue follows Metron, the watcher of the multiverse, as he tells us the tale of the history of the universe and in particular, the war between 2 gods and their homes. Metron tells us who he is, what does he do and why has he done some things he wasn't supposed to do and the impact of his actions in the present Later on, Metron catches up with his old acquaintance Mobius, who isnt too happy to see him and who tells Metron that he may have finally found a way to escape his destiny and is ready to wage war, but not before taking care of his old friend

Justice League (2011) #52

Jun 25, 2016

Good prologue to Action Comics with a great interpretation of Luthor but an awful, terrible follow-up to the Darkseid War story that just ignores Lena's betrayal and abandons the opportunity to see Lex as the ruler of Apokolpis

Justice League (2016) #1

Jul 21, 2016

This issue may have recycled the plot from the Rebirth issue, but the art and characterizations are miles better this time and the plot is interesting enough to at least make you buy the next issue

Justice League (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

Great follow up,the story presents new mysteries that keep us guessing what will happen next and how the League will deal with all this weird stuff. Batman and the League are finally forced to ask Superman for help after things go from bad to worse and Im glad this explains why they didn't ask him earlier and why he isn't a League member again yet Art and colors are awesome

Justice League (2016) #3

Aug 19, 2016

Hitch tries to keep the plot surrounded in mysteries but this time instead of being intriguing and exciting its starting to get frustrating and boring. The biggest problem is that the story doesn't move forwards; we're still dealing with the same threats of issue #1 (and a few new ones) and have learned nothing at all. The second biggest problem are the characters, they seems useless and as lost as we are about whats going on and all going in different directions

Justice League (2016) #4

Sep 16, 2016

A collage of dumb stories and vague plots

Justice League (2016) #5

Sep 26, 2016

First arc ends and maybe now Hitch can do a story that is not garbage. Why was this so bad? - The story makes no sense. Through the whole arc the League came up against 3 enemies: the machines inside the Earth's core causing earthquakes that can destroy the planet, a swarm type of techno aliens aka The Purge, and 4 giant magic dudes who are the embodiment of old mystic forces of the universe aka The Kindred. The 3 seem to be related and none is explained at all (except for some very cryptic info in earlier issues) and we're left with these questions: what were the zodiac crystals, who built the machines, does the explosions of the machines at the core had no negative effect at all, what does the Kindred finishing their song means, whats up with the Purge and the army of dead Cyborgs?; of course it is teased this is not over but there's little interest to see how is this continued - Bad characterization. At first the characters were good but as the story progressed they became less and less what they are to the point that it seems like they didnt had a clue about what was happening or what were they doing (even say that their actions are based on guesses because they're not sure if what they're doing is a good or a bad thing) and felt more like actors following a bad script than real characters making decisions. These affected specially Batman, who had some bad dialogue that didn't make sense or felt forced, and Superman who spent the whole arc complaining about being at the brink of death - Deus ex plot. The resolution comes via some unexplained or convenient coincidences and developments. Cyborg suddenly has control over The Purge? Aquaman following instructions from a crystal without asking for explanations and arriving at the perfect place and time? Flash and the GL's recovering their powers just because? The kindred letting Wonder Woman join the League against them without explanaition? Superman being able to carry the last machine to the precise locat

Justice League (2016) #6

Oct 11, 2016

There are 3 big problems in this issue as I see it: - right from the beginning it was a big mistake to start the story in what seems the middle of story arc, right after beating the bad guys (again getting zero info about them) and before the heroes realize its not over. The problem here is that having no context about what happened before decreases the impact and credibility to what we see is happening now - second problem is that this kind of story (good guys turning bad) has been done way too many times and there's nothing to indicate Hitch's version will be better or different than the rest - third strike is that what could've been the highlight of the issue gets sidelined too quickly; I really would have loved to see a complete issue (or more) dedicated to a Jess and Barry date nigh

Justice League (2016) #7

Oct 23, 2016

Another nonsense story with another unexplained villain and with very questionable characterization. Half of our heroes fears are logical, half are dumb and added nothing to the story. In the end felt like an inconsequential story (except for Jess leaving the JL for an unexplained reason in one of the worst dialogues I've ever read)

Justice League (2016) #9

Nov 17, 2016

Please DC, can Hitch's reign of mediocrity come to an end? There is just no excitement in seeing the JL facing a random hacker dude

Justice League (2016) #10

Dec 31, 2016

Paraphrasing Flash's words: "I cant believe the JL is getting their asses handed by Google". Dumb millennial kids and their ipads causing troubles

Justice League (2016) #11

Dec 31, 2016

This time there not much to say, the whole issue is a big fight which is precisely what the series needed: known villains with a clear objective, and hey, it only took Hitch 11 issues to give us that. But of course this being Hitch there will be negative things, in this case was the lack of Amazo which was the main attraction but only got a few panels since the story focused more on everybody trying to get their hands on the holy ipad, and the return of Jessica Cruz whose exit from the JL a few issues back now seems very inconsequential (not that I doubted she would return but because why Hitch bothered to do it to begin with)

Justice League (2016) #12

Jan 4, 2017

A very well done origin story as well as a great tie-in story that provides much needed context to the main story, and although I don't thinks it is essential, I highly recommend it. As the comic tells us, this tale takes place before the first issue of JLvsSS and narrates via a Waller interrogation of a captive Maxwell Lord, his origin and motivation as well as establish pretty much very clear how his gift works; and although his backstory is very brief and not very exciting, the rest of the story (much of it preceding the events of Darkseid's invasion on the New52 JL #1) does an excellent job of showing us who Lord is, what he wants and how he plans to acheive it

Justice League (2016) #13

Jan 26, 2017

For start, the description of the issue is a lie, this story happens after JL vs SS #5 and follows Steve Trevor surviving on Washington after Eclipso arrived and turned everyone evil. The story has some good horror elements like a zombie apocalypse theme that was well done but ultimately the story is not essential (unlike the previous 2 tie-ins) for the main story and there are better book to spend your money on

Justice League (2016) #14

Feb 4, 2017

What a boring issue where our heroes spent all their time whining and blaming each other in what must be the worst team support session ever. Hitch continues to not giving us any reason to buy this book

Justice League (2016) #15

Feb 15, 2017

A little ore interesting than any previous story but the plot just sounds ridiculous: a religious group from the future wants to erase all super powered people from history and existence so they set some kind of bombs through different time periods where superheroes appeared, still it seems that for this very important existence-threatening mission the alien girl who is the guardian of the timeline or something like that only recruited present time JL, and send each hero (except for Batman and Superman who were somewhere else at the time) to an unknown place and time to fight an army of unbeatable robot/creatures and stop a super bomb; meanwhile Batman and Superman along with the Infinity Corporation (I dont who they are or what they do) investigate a time disturbance and are also transported to an unknown place and time

Justice League (2016) #16

Mar 1, 2017

Its all talk and no action in this boring and quick to read issue, but all this exposition is a waste of time because in classic Hitch fashion none of the characters know anything about whats going on and the few that know something say nothing. Its getting clear that for you to understand a little better all this crap you must have read Hitch's previous JLA series. The only thing I like are the various scenarios our heroes are trapped but unfortunately they have very little or no screen time at all

Justice League (2016) #17

Apr 4, 2017

This issue was all setup for apparent next issue big battle and I hope the Alexis Luthor revelation at the end brings something interesting because once again, the issue was all talk (in a vague sense as always and trying not to tell anything)

Justice League (2016) #18

Apr 13, 2017

It happened just what I thought it would, the great fights we were teased last issue were totally ignored and were all resolved when Batman rescued Superman and deactivated the timeless robots and now the woman who "helped" the JL is the new villain. If I know what is going to happen you are not writing anything good, please DC get a new writer

Justice League (2016) #19

Apr 27, 2017

Another lame and confusing plot that is resolved easily; villain keeps talking about something bad is coming, to stop it she decides to kill every superhuman that ever existed or will exist on Earth, she is stopped when her self acclaimed unstoppable plan is foiled by the JL easily destroying the timeless machines and she ends running out of power..now who will stop that things that is coming of which we heard so much but care so little?

Justice League (2016) #20

May 4, 2017

No surprise that Hitch brings another boring story that is unnecessarily complicated. This time Flash tries to repeatedly stop a guy from detonating some kind of bomb but each time he does it, he ends up farther into the past and the guy just appears again saying the same and doing the same. Be smart and save your money as this wont end better than previous stories

Justice League Dark #29

Jul 14, 2014

A very disappointing finale for an otherwise good Blight story (which by the way has some really big continuity problems connecting it with the main Forever Evil event) The 2 big problems that prevented this issue from being great were Zatanna´s odd characterization regarding Constantine, as it seems that it contradicts all what she has always said about him during all JLD run; and second, a big reveal during the final battle that maybe would have had a bigger impact if it was a developing argument during the story rather than a last minute twist

Justice League Dark #30

Aug 9, 2014

This is the beginning of a new JLD as the roster gets shaken up; the members of the new team haven´t worked together and have different reasons for being here, which will make for some great developments, interactions, relationships and stories in the future

Justice League Dark #31

Aug 9, 2014

Not an origin of Nightmare Nurse but still good issue

Justice League Dark #32

Aug 9, 2014

This 3 part story provided some great and necessarily deserved backstory of the Nightmare Nurse while helping the team develop the trust and teamwork they need I still have questions about the role of Constantine in the new JLD

Justice League of America (2017) #1

May 14, 2017

Very good first issue that shows the team start with small tasks before taking on their first real test

Justice League of America (2017) #2

May 14, 2017

The story is still very good, when last issue pointed toward a big battle,the plot takes a turn as our heroes try to dialogue with the Extremists which was going good until one of the Extremists didnt like where everything was going and now the JLA has a very different battle to fight. Art is very different from the 1st issue but it's still good and by the end you get used to it

Justice League of America (2017) #3

May 14, 2017

The JLA has the mission to help revolutionaries overthrow a legally elected villain in order to avoid international consequences...that is tough. I like that the way the JLA decides to act is exactly what Batman wanted this team to be; by joining the revolution it meant the people were the ones acting and not just waiting for some superheroes to save them and the JLA was there simply to level the playing field instead of fixing everything

Justice League of America (2017) #4

May 14, 2017

The extremists are taken down 1 by 1 but who will take on Havok? (its not Batman). Maybe the final issue doesn't have a big fight or a lot of teamwork snce most of the fights were 1 on 1 but by the end the JLA accomplished exactly what they needed and Batman and Vixen know the team is in the right path. The epilogue that takes place in the Extremist's past and old world hints to some interesting things

Justice League of America (2017): The Atom Rebirth #1

Feb 11, 2017

The issue takes place before the events of the DC Rebirth one-shot and ends with what we saw on said issue; it tells us the story of misfit college student Ryan Choi and how he became the Atom's sidekick. Orlando did an extraordinary job with both characters and cant wait to see them on JLA

Justice League of America (2017): Killer Frost Rebirth #1

Feb 11, 2017

The story follows Frost thru some very tortuous last days at Belle Reve thanks to Waller wanting her to crack under pressure to retain her; it is an ok story as it doesn't have much juice to it and it only reiterates what we learned from JLvsSS event where Frost said she wants to be one of the good guys; however, the ending when Batman finally shows up to welcome Caitlin to the free world shows some flashbacks to these lasts days that can be interpreted either in a good or bad way concerning Frost's efforts to be a good guy which all will make for some interesting issues in JLA

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 21, 2016

For a first issue of a supposed big event there was nothing to see here; If you read the preview you know everything that happens in this issue

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Dec 29, 2016

After last issue, I (and most people) thought that this fight was going to be very one sided with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions and I am very disappointed that we were proven right. The single matches between the JL and the SS were such a disgrace that MOST OF THEM DIDNT LAST MORE THAN 1 PAGE!. Meanwhile, in Lord's secret evil lair, the other bad boys just keep talking and talking The ending was not only disappointing but also frustrating by having the fight end suddenly and conveniently; and although my previous criticism of Waller being unprepared for the JL is somewhat addressed here, it all depended on luck

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Jan 4, 2017

With no fight taking place in this issue we finally get to see a story start to develop. With the JL captive in Belle Reve, Batman gets to escape just as Waller wanted and the two get to the cheese of why she wanted the JL (yeah, like it was part of your plan that the JL showed up in the last mission, saved Deadshot and got captured by a stroke of luck). Meanwhile the bad guys seem to have stopped talking long enough to finally be ready to attack. The best part of the issue was a conversation between Killer Frost and Superman that really dig deeps into her character and advances really well her story. The SS also have some good moments when we see them mocking the captured heroes and having some laughs between them, that's until Batman shows up and tells them to shut up and get to work (not really but I would love had that happened). I've not been a fan of the story so far (I've found it rushed but still feeling like we have learned nothing or progressed anything) however this issue really seems to be a step in the right direction, and with next issue promising to rise the heat, Im starting to get excited

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 14, 2017

This event is almost an exact copy of the Trinity War event of 2013

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #5

Jan 24, 2017

With the JL under his command, in just 15 minutes Mawell Lord took control of the USA as a first step to make a peaceful world and Batman knows there's no way to stop the JL but he still decides to go to Washington and fight; luckily for him the SS and Lobo want to help (everyone for their own reason) so Batman has no other option than to accept their offer and declare them the new Justice League. Meanwhile in Washington, Lord shows Waller how he is bringing peace to the worldwith some unexpected results The first part of the issue is a little boring and the SS wanting to help Batman doesn't make much sense (except for Lobo and Killer Frost); despite this, the story keeps surprisingly getting better and better with each issue by rising the stakes and making the challenges our heroes have to overcome even greater, which is very good, and the final pages of the issue were really good and presented a frightening scenario worthy of JL event Strangely at the same time, the story also fails to deliver any sense of satisfaction with each passing issue by being not exactly exciting and having all battles not living to the expectations; next issue will bring round 3 of battles in this event and from what I've seen in the previous 2 battles and with only 1 issue left before the conclusion, I dont see the story not having a rushing ending and disappointing yet again with a supposed big fight

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 25, 2017

The story was nothing special and doesn't need much explanation: things are bad all over the world, the new JL is fighting the old JL with each member slowly succumbing to Eclipso's influence, Batman comes up with a plan, Killer Frost unleashes her hidden hero, the day is saved; later the JL and the SS are all best buddies and we see the formation of some new teams. As a whole event, the final product ended being an overpriced tease for future stories in several other books, a storyline that wasnt very well developed or paced, would be epic battles that were a let down and had little screen time, and not as good and consistent art as it should have had. It was more a JLA opening arc than a Rebirth event and expected much more

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 6, 2016

Giant half machine squid monster comes to Earth, JL goes inside it to destroy it, discover there are more coming, new Superman appears and disables monster's brain, JL tells monster to get the F out and tell its friends not to come, monster calmly goes to space. Bad story with zero excitement, bad character introduction and even worse art

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #50

Jul 6, 2020

The post-Shattered Grid storyline was doing pretty good and the finale had me curious and excited but unfortunatelly not only does "Necessary evil" fails to live up to its name but all the various plotlines had a lackluster and unsatisfactory conclusion Avoiding spoilers Im just going to simply mention my issues with the story: 1) the battle of the MMPR vs Dayne was resolved in a very dumb way and a villain that was shown to be a formidable foe was easily dispatched 2) the battle of the Omega Rangers vs the Anointed ended very quicly thanks to the help of the Solar Rangers (nice way to spoil your own story with the cover BOOM) which seems like lazy wrting to me since it would have been much better if they appeared AFTER the fight just to lend a hand with the finnishing touches instead of arriving mid battle and practically ending the fight when it was at its most desperate/thrilling point 3) If the problem with the Morphin Grid giving power to random people was as easy to resolve as simply bringing the Solar Rangers (which I really dont like or care much about since they were introduced in a mediocre story), why didnt the Emissary do that from the beginnig? I see no purpose in creating the Omega Rangers and makes even less sense when he was only going to recruir Jason 4) Now that their mission is done what are the Omega Rangers going to do? staying at Safeheaven and taking care of the poeple seems very trivial and once again lazy writing. I hope we keep seeing them in the enxt story 5) The reveal at the last page of the mysterious character who would appear was very exagerated by BOOM, I think everybody knew who was it going to be and besides, it didnt do a great job of making me excited fo whats next. Hope the FCBD issue and the new series does a better job 6) I thought the title implied there was going to be some philosophical analysis for why evil is necessary to exist but we got nothing of that. I thought they had great opportunities to delve into this in both GGPW and MMPR issues where the rangers sometimes pondered about their futures once they´re no longer rangers thanks to there being no evil guys around or maybe at the final battle they could´ve considered themselves the bad guys...but nothing but wasted potential

Nightwing (2011) #30

Sep 18, 2014

I really don't see why Dick needs to make everyone believe he is dead

Raven #1

Oct 11, 2016

What I liked about this issue and what seems will be the theme of the book, is its focus on family and friendship; and a sprinkle of teen highschool drama doesnt hurt as it is fun to see this kind of normal things thru Raven's eyes. The only negative thing I can say about this book is the lack of background. With this being part of DC's Rebirth and this mini serving as a prelude to her appearance on the new Teen Titans I expected more in this aspect since having not read anything with her in the New52 I dont know nothing about her origin or why is she staying with her relatives and going to a normal school or why she is no longer with the Teen Titans. She gives us little information about this via monologue and dreams but it was not enough

Robin War #1

Feb 2, 2017

Very good issue with some real life roots but the rest of the crossover is very very bad. Also there are too many artist with many different styles that create a huge visual problem

Robin War #2

Feb 2, 2017

Plot made no sense, Grayson betraying everyone to send them to jail to keep them safer to go investigate what he could have done without betraying anyone and causing the whole plot to begin with? Damian joining the Court of Owls so they don't unleash the talons to destroy the city even when they did it anyways? A bunch of kids beating unkillable, regenerating, ruthless assassins that Batman and his family could barely beat, without weapons? Grayson joining the Coust of Owls to let Damian go even when he already quit them? To add insult to the injury, the finale has no consequences in any of the books that participated in the crossover (apart from some brief mentions on We Are Robin) Also there is some of the worst art styles by different artist I've seen thrown together

Suicide Squad (2016) #9

Jan 12, 2017

A very good story of betrayal and highly recommended if you're reading the main event. This tie-in once again takes place before the main event, this time narrating the events of the squad's first mission as they were deployed to infiltrate The Not Nice Korea to sabotage a metahuman development program that put the world in risk of war and how ultimately Waller is forced to make sure this team's first mission is it's last. The 3 things this issue accomplished were: - Work as a true tie-in to a big event by providing backstory and character motivations for current events - Give our villains some very needed personality that has been lacking in the main issues. This story portrays them in a way that makes them seem more menacing and uncontrollable which is very distinct from the main issues were we haven't seen them do much besides the opening scenes and acting very calmly after that (or at least up to issue 3) - Make Waller look like a boss again

Suicide Squad (2016) #10

Jan 26, 2017

This issue was advertised as an epilogue to JL vs SS, and it is, but in a completely different way to what you saw on the main event; it surprised me in a good way but it is not was it said it would be. From the event conclusion you know Rustam still wants revenge on Waller and his first step is to comfront her with her sons (SAY WHAT?!) to prove her she doesn't know as much as she brags; her childen on their part are not very happy to see her and question her motivations and her whole identity as we have known it, which in turn provides some background into Waller we rarely see. The story is pretty much all family drama and although its not very exciting, it was well executed In conclusion, a very good one shot but not a very good epilogue to the JL vs SS event

Superman (2011) #50

Mar 16, 2016

I feel sorry for whoever has been reading Superman or any related title since the Truth storyline began. Just ignore anything that has happened since issue 40

Superman: American Alien #3

Jan 14, 2016

Despite a rush start this issue developed a simple story and ended awesomely. There are funny momenst and thera are serious moments, they make you laugh and they make you think deeply. Also this issue is filled with cameos. Enjoy

Superman: Doomed #2

Jan 9, 2015

Disappointing final issue for a not very good event; too much time of the issue is spent talking in the mind of Superman or in what-if stories, Brainiac´s explanation as to how he can rewrite the universe is really hard to believe as well as Wonder Woman´s plan to attack him and the way Lois is able to help Superman; but above all, a not very satisfying and open ending I think this event was much better before Brainiac was revealed to be the main villain, when the story was just about Superdoom, but even then it had some big flaws in the plot and wasnt very exciting

Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

Oct 5, 2016

The purpose of this issue as serve as a quick introduction to the members that will form the new Teen Titans group; to tell us very briefly who they are and what were they doing before Damian kidnapped them (in this regard I strongly recommend you to read Detective Comics 940 before this to read a great story or you could be spoiled the big news here if you dont already know) The characterization and the look of the heroes really makes them feel like the teens they are (except Starfire of course who looks and acts a little more mature) as we see them mostly having fun and having an optimistic attitude (even Raven). It is also good that even if the time was short, that their personalities are already starting to surface and show how different their motivations are

The Multiversity: Guidebook #1

Feb 1, 2015

This is the first Multiversity issue i've read and altought it was very good, i think that a read of Multiversity #1 would help a lot since i dont know whats happening in the house of heroes. Of the 2 stories in this issue, the one with the batmans is the best as it has important consequences to the multiverse; while kamandi's story tells a somewhat confussing history of the multiverse What dissapointed me about this issue which ended lowering its rating is how we are presented with te whole 52 earths; i was expecting a page per earth presenting its heroes and a little history of that particular world, but instead we have only a paragraph per earth including 7 without information (possibly this will be resolved in Convergence)

The New 52: Futures End #48

Apr 3, 2015

Nothing changed from issue 0

Titans: Rebirth #1

Jul 3, 2016

A simple plot with a very simple and dumb solution; however, what this is all about is recovering the lost ties and friendship, and in that respect, the story did a good job

Trinity (2016) #1

Oct 5, 2016

The story is simple: Lois wants that if Clark is becoming a superhero again, he should get to know again Bruce and Diana so she surprises Clark inviting them for a dinner at the farm. There is something special in seeing a group of characters that used to know each other try to rediscover their friendship and Manapul achieved it in an outstanding way.

Trinity (2016) #2

Nov 17, 2016

Feels more like a one-shot but still is very enjoyable

Trinity (2016) #3

Nov 17, 2016

Manapul as an artist is incredible, as a writer not so much, and despite a very strong first issue the story starts to get weak. Just like the previous one, this issue feels more like a one-shot rather that the 3rd part of a bigger story. Want to see Batman's parents murder again? Want to see young Bruce feel guilty and sad? buy this issue; otherwise skip it as there is no story progression nor character development. Art is really good thou

Trinity (2016) #4

Jan 4, 2017

Once again the developing friendship between our heroes takes the spotlight and Diana really shines in this issue as Manapul does an excellent job showing how kind she is and how much she misses her home Although there still seems to be a lack of progression with the plot, we finally get some clues about what is going on with these dreams, and our heroes finally realize who is behind this

Trinity (2016) #5

Feb 6, 2017

The whole issue was plot explanation and it was confusing. Ivy explains that because of her connection to the Green, she can somewhat use the Black Mercy's abilities to consciously enter the dream world where she found, unknowingly to her, Mongul's unconscious manifestation of a daughter named White Mercy who tricked Ivy into showing her how this world worked so Mongul could, I guess, take control of Superman's body while his mind is trapped in the dream world because coincidentally Ivy, who really cared for her "adoptive daughter" and unknowingly again to her, put Superman to sleep to use his solar energy to try to get her to the real world At least Manapul's art is outstanding

Trinity (2016) #6

Feb 15, 2017

Satisfying and enjoyable ending but with so many inconsistencies concerning the dreamworld and Mercy's character to be a good story

Trinity (2016) #7

Apr 13, 2017

Ra's and Luthor interactions and dialogue were perfect and Circe I guess it too (I've never read anythong about her) which is good because these inteactions carry the issue as the story doesnt fell it will be that good as apparently there is an ancient hidden power in these temple that has a hieroglyph showing these 3 characters ruling the world, but in order to get it they will have to prove themselves

Uncanny X-Men (2013) #31

Feb 19, 2015

This is the first issue I've read and also is the ending of the Xavier's last will arc. The ending is very lazy and with no creativity, I feel sorry for anyone who bought all the previous issues as the plot renders almost all of them irrelevant; however, the last pages talk between Cyclops and Eva makes it seem as some good came out of this worthless story and definitely makes Eva one of the coolest and interesting characters around

We Are Robin #1

Aug 7, 2015

Although there's an absence of the other main characters of this series, I think it was acceptable due to the fact that although we are familiar with the main character from his previous appearances, we are only just starting to know him, his dreams, fears and sense of humor

We Are Robin #8

Jan 28, 2017

Good return to basics. The story follows Smiley, a teen who is obsessed with the Joker, Duke who has left the robin life and finally finds his parents, and the rest of the robins through their daily life

We Are Robin #9

Jan 28, 2017

While things are not going very well in Duke's life, or Izzy's or Riko's, things look promising for Smiley after he finally got some people to be part of his movement, the first battle between the robins and the jokers takes place in an alley when Dre saves a family when they were getting out of the movies (sound familiar?) and we get more of the robins and their daily life

We Are Robin #10

Feb 2, 2017

Keeping up with the good habit of showing us the robins and their own problems, we continue Izzy's feud with her mother and her struggles to not be expelled from school, Dax improving his mechanical skills and trying to re-team with Dre who himself is too busy tracking the Jokers and figuring their plan and Duke finally tries to reconnect with Riko when suddenly the Jokers show up at the school to take it hostage

We Are Robin #11

Feb 2, 2017

The band is back together as one by one realizes how good they are together and do some epic teamwork to bring down Smiley

Wonder Woman (2011) #40

Jul 5, 2015

The story feels forced with all thats happening with the JL, Dona has zero character development, too many missed oportunuties by Finch to make this story great

Wonder Woman (2011) #46

Dec 7, 2015

This issue not only marks the end of a very poorly written and chaotic arc, BUT IT ALSO TAKES THE LIBERTY TO SPIT OVER MAZARRELLO'S INCREDIBLE RUN AND SOME OF HIS GREAT STORY DEVELOPMENTS Sadly, WW's title is not worthy anymore

Wonder Woman (2011) #47

Jan 20, 2016

Skip this issue unless you want a story that resolves itself without any intervention from the hero

Wonder Woman (2011) #51

Apr 21, 2016

Art was great, but it is impossible to ignore the bad pacing, mediocre dialogue, rushed plot, bad characterization and lackluster cliffhanger. And to think all this could've been averted if only Diana acted like her usual smart, trusty self....or at least used her lasso of truth on that evil looking sorcerer at the beginning of the story

Wonder Woman (2011) #52

May 18, 2016

Diana confronts Hecate, Hera shows her true intentions, Zeus is back, not so happy ending. Now it seems like nothing we read about Wonder Woman from 2011 to 2016 matters. The whole purpose of this issue was nothing more than putting the toys back in the box in time for the reboot of the character, and it did it very poorly by under performing in terms of anticlimactic ending, plot holes, questionable portrayal of the hero and mediocre story. This issue also represents the end of a run that should only live in infamy for what seemed to be a continuous intent to undo everything achieved by Azz and Chiang story that was nothing short of a modern greek epic

Wonder Woman (2011) Annual #1

Jul 5, 2015

The aliens get to go home making their story worthless, Dona is beaten easily and the amazons suddenly realize their mistakes, all this mess is caused because Hyppolita doesn't love the old lady. Too many convenient outcomes and missed opportunities to take advantage of possible great developments doomed this story....at least the art is very good

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

This issue is very brief and not very interesting. On one side of the story we have Wonder Woman looking for Cheetah's help in her quest for the truth while on the other side we have Steve Trevor who's also in Africa looking for a terrorist. The main story doesn't have much development and feels slow while it seems like Trevor's side-story robbed us what could have been the most exciting part of the issue: Diana's fight against an army of cheetah creatures. The art is just ok; it is unfortunate that the art is not on par with the 2 previous teams after enjoying some awesome art in the previous runs. Some panels have great art, others just feel ok, but this leads to my biggest complain which is the inconsistency, especially when it comes to Diana as sometimes the proportions of her body seem weird, sometimes she has asian eyes, and her hair and lips constantly change making it look like its a similar person, but not the same. Coloring is also ok, may be better than it looks to me, but I think its too dark and not a good fit for a Wonder Woman title after, again, having enjoyed some great colors in the previous runs

Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Aug 3, 2016

The story keeps the excitement at the minimum possible while only taking baby steps forwards and start to become predictable. Art is great but WHY DOES DIANA STILL CANNOT HAVE MORE THAN 1 EXPRESSION?

Wonder Woman (2016) #5

Sep 18, 2016

s in the previous issues, not much happened, Trevor is captive and will soon become a sacrifice to revive a god, Etta goes to his boss's house (who we are presented as Sasha but if she is a known DC character I don't have a clue who she is and neither are we given any background or information about her) to inform her of the situation which doesn't help Trevor because they're not going to mount a rescue mission since Wonder Woman is near thus making the operation unnecessary; meanwhile Diana and Cheetah walk aimlessly in the jungle and talk about why is it that just now Diana cant come back home when luckily they find the place where Trevor and his friends are captured The most important thing in this issue revolves around Sasha who seems to be involved with Wonder Woman's situation albeit maybe not voluntarily; however this tease doesn't convince me that the direction of the book is the right one because although this seems to indicate the story isn't following the predictable road I believed, now it seems it is steering away from the mythological aspect of Wonder Woman but who knows, maybe it will work in the end but so far I'm not pleased nor interested

Wonder Woman (2016) #25

Jun 28, 2017

Meh. After 25 issues it doesnt feel like much has changed

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

This is nothing more than a setup for Diana's new series, I liked how Rucka played with Wonder Woman's contradicting pasts but the issue has no big reveal, no surprise, nothing exciting, nothing that awes you.

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