Gophfacekillah's Profile

Joined: Oct 09, 2024

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Overall Rating

Snyder is king of strong starts. Pace is great and covers a lot quickly without feeling like all exposition. All the characters seem super interesting. Only issue so far is Bruce may be the least interesting character so far.

On the weeks this book comes out, this is the first book I choose to read without fail. This issue is not changing that pattern now. This lines up a lot of story threads to come that have me so excited! The villain organization is fun. The mystery of the town. Also is anyone else shipping croc and Jan from HR.

Felt like an issue made only to lengthen the store for an extra issue. This was a decent read but just felt superficially short. It’s a step in the right direction though.

This and the last issue could’ve been one issue. Just like the last issue, pretty good action but felt superficially short.

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