Fixer1140's Profile

Joined: Sep 25, 2013

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Overall Rating
Action Comics (2011) #25

Nov 15, 2013

Hate Superman, loved this comic. Great Zero Year read. Just really well done.

Action Comics (2011) #26

Dec 4, 2013

Action Comics (2011) #27

Feb 4, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #23  
Anti-Venom: New Ways to Live #1

Oct 12, 2013

I like Anti-Venom, so sue me.

Aquaman (2011) #19

Sep 25, 2013

This was my first Aquaman comic, and although it was part 2 of 5, I was quickly immersed (pun intended) into the world of Aquaman. My initial perception of Aquaman outside of the comic world was the Aquaman that is the butt of all superhero jokes, and potentially light in the loafers. I feel this is mainly due to his other appearances (such as in the Justice League, etc.) being outside of the water, and thus his powers utterly worthless, ergo making him worthless. However, this series shows a different side, with a whole other world and society operating at the bottom of the ocean, where he seems much less out of place. From now on, I'll definitely be defending Aquaman if I hear any derogatory remarks against him, as this series makes taking him serious a lot easier. If you're looking for a new series , I highly recommend this one.

Aquaman (2011) #20

Sep 25, 2013

The lowest review I've given to a comic. This truly is an "Interlude" to the main series, at it has nothing to do with it other than a pointless side story. My problems with it: 1. The writing, especially dealing with continuity, is lacking. In one panel they're about to fight something, in the next they're on the plane leaving. It forced me to double check if I skipped a page. It looks more like a comic I would write, where I would realize it would require too much drawing, so I would just skip every other panel. 2. The female character from Africa, the one who is pointlessly scantily clad, is given some pathetic love back story to make her seem less shallow. It doesn't work. Skip this one, you will miss nothing of the actual series' plot.

Aquaman (2011) #21

Sep 25, 2013

Aquaman (2011) #22

Sep 25, 2013

This comic really starts to get the series moving (part 4 of 5). Asking so many questions about the origins of Aquaman and the Dead King, and ending with a wrench in the machine, it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Aquaman (2011) #23

Sep 25, 2013

A wonderful ending to the 5 part story arch that'll have you wanting to know all the possible answers to the question it leaves you with.

Aquaman (2011) #23.1

Sep 25, 2013

An enjoyable read, but I can see how some may not rate it too highly either... ***SPOILER*** Namely the fact that Black Manta so quickly goes from "I hate Aquaman, because he killed my father" to "I hate the Crime Syndicate, because they washed my father's body away." Kind of a cheap and silly revenge tale. However, they only had one issue to work with, so they did what they could. The nod to Ocean Master, who will appear in the next issue, was a neat tie-in.

Aquaman (2011) #23.2

Sep 26, 2013

Assuredly the better of the two Aquaman Villain's issues. This issue adds a touch of humanity to a character who draws a thick line between humans and Atlanteans. I was a bit worried up to the final panel, as it determined whether I would view him as a soulless villain or a sympathetic character. Great read.

Batgirl (2011) #0

Mar 5, 2014

Beautiful work and a great story. It was so awesome when she dawned the makeshift batsuit for the first time.

Batgirl (2011) #14

Mar 5, 2014

Link to my full review:

Batgirl (2011) #15

Mar 5, 2014

The Joker has gotten substantially creepier in this one. Interesting read.

Batgirl (2011) #16

Mar 5, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #17

Mar 5, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #18

Dec 11, 2013

Batgirl (2011) #19

Dec 11, 2013

I really enjoy the direction of this Batgirl series. It's not shallow, as heroine comics tend to run, and it's fun.

Batgirl (2011) #20

Dec 11, 2013

Not sure of some of the other low ratings but I enjoyed this issue. Yes, the New 52's version of the Ventriloquist is kind of annoying, as it's basically the girl from "The Ring" and the dummy is Jigsaw from the "Saw" movie franchise. However, it was still a solid comic and I look forward to see where this goes.

Batgirl (2011) #21

Dec 12, 2013

I loved this one due to its horror feel to it. Ton of fun.

Batgirl (2011) #22

Dec 12, 2013

This is leading up to a major climax with Jim going after Batgirl. It is painful to see how much he loves his daughter, but unknowingly hates all that she's done.

Batgirl (2011) #23

Nov 10, 2013

Batgirl (2011) #24

Nov 10, 2013

Batgirl (2011) #25

Nov 15, 2013

I thought the reviews for this were misleading. I find most post-apocalyptic fascinating, or at least those that examine the general breakdown of society when something, such as a freak storm, causes chaos. With this in mind, I thought this was a good story, and you'll only be disappointed if you expect superhero action.

Batgirl (2011) #26

Dec 12, 2013

An excellent conclusion to Wanted. We see Barbara channeling her frustration and hatred into this showdown against Knightfall's cronies. As a result she seems to really grow into the cowl, as they say she seems "darker." Great read.

Batgirl (2011) #27

Jan 18, 2014

This series is definitely getting better and this Gothtopia is definitely an interesting tie-in. Wonderful purchase.

Batgirl (2011) #31

Sep 17, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #32

Sep 17, 2014

Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 14, 2014

Batman (2011) #13

Nov 7, 2013

I've been catching up on this series and have waited over two months for the release of the TPB. That wait was not in vain. The return of the Joker can only be described as something out of a well-made horror film. The art that Capullo pulls off is nothing short of cinematic and will have me re-reading so as to soak in any missed details again.

Batman (2011) #14

Nov 7, 2013

Batman (2011) #15

Nov 7, 2013

At this rate, I don't know why I even bother reviewing Death of the Family. It's all 10s.

Batman (2011) #16

Nov 7, 2013

Batman (2011) #18

Nov 8, 2013

Batman (2011) #19

Nov 9, 2013

Batman (2011) #20

Nov 9, 2013

Zero Year here we come!

Batman (2011) #21

Nov 9, 2013

Batman (2011) #22

Nov 9, 2013

Batman (2011) #23

Nov 9, 2013

Loved this one, especially the pit at the end. Made it that much more epic.

Batman (2011) #23.1

Nov 9, 2013

Weird story, why does the monkey shoot and have engineering skills? They probably should have had a disclaimer about the Joker being confused about his own past or something. A concrete Joker origin is unorthodox. Sweet cover though.

Batman (2011) #23.2

Nov 9, 2013

Definitely the best of the Villians' Month. I've never really appreciated the Riddler, but that's because I've never seen him like this. Excellent issue.

Batman (2011) #23.3

Nov 9, 2013

An underestimated issue. A good show of the Penguin and his kingpin-likeness.

Batman (2011) #23.4

Nov 9, 2013

Interesting story, but ultimately doesn't really draw me into the whole Arkham War/ Forever Evil story arc.

Batman (2011) #24

Nov 13, 2013

A great Batman epic. I hope we stay in zero year for a long while.

Batman (2011) #25

Nov 17, 2013

I love this series and where its going. I find the Riddler a fascinating character and rediscovering everything in Zero Year keeps me coming back.

Batman (2011) #26

Jan 28, 2014

Still a good issue, definitely a set up for big things to happen.

Batman (2011) #27

Feb 4, 2014

Batman (2011) #34

Oct 14, 2014

Batman (2011) #35

Oct 14, 2014

Batman and Robin (2011) #15

Nov 6, 2013

I'm behind on the Death of the Family, and I can't wait to experience more of it.

Batman and Robin (2011) #16

Nov 7, 2013

A great accompaniment to Death of the Family story. If you have to pick a series, stick with Batman.

Batman and Robin (2011) #17

Nov 8, 2013

Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Nov 8, 2013

Batman and Robin (2011) #21

Mar 5, 2014

Love Batgirl and Batman, but this was kind of a disappointment.

Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Nov 9, 2013

The Court of Owls is probably one of the neatest things to come out of the New 52! I definitely look forward to seeing more of them.

Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Nov 20, 2013

Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #1  
Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Dec 10, 2013

Not the greatest Batman comic series, but definitely sad... :(

Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Dec 11, 2013

Batman: Black and White (2013) #1

Sep 25, 2013

I've only recently re-entered the comic book world, and I am entirely new to the DC Universe (Being an lifetime Marvel fan). However, I thoroughly enjoyed this comic. It has some deeply thought out themes, displaying them in vignette-style that breaks the barriers of a typical comic. Definitely more for the artsy or literature-inclined who care to explore more of the Batman universe in a new way.

Batman: Black and White (2013) #2

Oct 4, 2013

Not the same caliber as the previous issue. I felt some of the plot twists were of a lesser quality, and only two of the stories can I say I enjoyed. However, I still think this is a promising miniseries and I look forward to the next issue.

Batwoman (2010) #25  
Captain Marvel (2012) #1  
Catwoman (2011) #25

Dec 4, 2013

A solid issue. It's sad when the highest rated issue in a series is from a tie-in.

Deadpool (2012) #17

Nov 18, 2013

I've missed this crazy guy's humor. Loved it.

Deadpool (2012) #18

Nov 18, 2013

Deadpool (2012) #19

Nov 18, 2013

Deadpool (2012) Annual #1  
Detective Comics (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

I've always seen Detective comics as a low quality comic. However, this Zero Year tie-in was fantastic. As it says, it focuses in on Jim Gordon. I hope the series stays here, it'd be interesting to see a crime series that focuses on G.C.P.D. with all the crazy stuff in the background. I'll be keeping my eye out on the next issue.

Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 15, 2014

I signed off after issue #25, as #26 didn't interest me at all. However, this big issue brought in Snyder, so that drew my attention. And really, of all the varied stories, I found Layman's "Gothtopia" the most captivating (fortunately, considering it was supposed to be the main story). However, the other ones really did a good job in wishing Bruce a happy 75th birthday. Can't wait to see what happens next with this series.

Detective Comics (2011) #28

Feb 7, 2014

Loved this issue and story arc. Poison Ivy was a definite plus.

Detective Comics (2011) #29

Mar 12, 2014

Didn't end as well as I hoped, nothing really changed.

Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven and the Red Death #1

Oct 31, 2013

The art is ok, and the writing is good because it's based off an amazing author. The Red Death is my favorite of Poe's. However, I'd rather just read it, as the imagination can make things much scarier than artwork can.

Fairest #1

Oct 9, 2013

Fairest #6

Oct 12, 2013

Fairest #7

Oct 12, 2013

Cool for the noir theme.

Fairest #10

Oct 21, 2013

Fairest #11

Oct 21, 2013

Fatale #14  
Flash (2011) #25

Dec 4, 2013

Decent enough of a tie-in.

Green Arrow (2011) #25

Nov 14, 2013

Green Arrow (2011) #26

Dec 4, 2013

Green Arrow (2011) #27

Jan 23, 2014

Ending was definitely a surprise...

Green Arrow (2011) #28

Feb 7, 2014

This keeps building up, I can't wait to see where it goes.

Joker (2008) OGN

Oct 15, 2013

I read reviews that this was a dark graphic novel. That was an understatement. I walked into the story being a fan of the Joker, just like the protagonist, being drawn to his care-free and creepy personality. However, by the end I was absolutely abhorred by the Joker. Because of this graphic novel, I no longer see him as this somewhat appealing character, but as a psychotic, evil man who deserves no one's praise. This book made me see the true nature of the Joker, and makes me appreciate Batman that much more. Thank God for the Batman. The writing was very good, but my goodness, the artwork. So detailed and shadowy, it set a serious atmosphere that made the Joker's outbursts of laughter that much more off putting. I would argue this piece will go down right next to "The Killing Joke." So if you have any interest in the Batman universe, or have a misguided fascination with the Joker, this is a must read.

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #1

Oct 2, 2013

A very trippy adventure for Spider-man here, which makes for some interesting reading, breaking your typical panel art. I like this, if for anything, to see Peter Parker back in the suit. Marvel needs to bring back the old Spider-man, and this issue gives us something while we wait.

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #2

Nov 8, 2013

I miss Peter. Bring back Amazing Spider-Man!

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #3

Dec 4, 2013

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #4

Jan 18, 2014

Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #5

Feb 9, 2014

Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 12, 2014

Enjoyed it, and excited to see where the series goes.

Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 15, 2014

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #4

Sep 26, 2013

Just like the show, it was adorable. The writing was well done, as I think it encapsulated the characters really well. I loved the references made to movies that would never be put on the actual show. It was like watching an MLP episode tailored to our audience.

Red Hood And The Outlaws #25

Nov 24, 2013

Looking at the rest of the series, I was worried this tie in would be mediocre. The first appearance of the Joker (although he's not known as that yet, as this is the first time he's seen post-ACE chemical accident) was a real treat too. I doubt I'll keep up with the rest of the series, but this one was a great buy.

Regular Show #1

Oct 22, 2013

Love the show and thought the writing fit most of the characters really well. Waiting for season 2 on Netflix!

Rocket Girl #1

Oct 9, 2013

What pulled me in was the series' description and I'm glad I took the plunge. I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. The art was nice, but the world/concept was what really drew me in. I'm excited to see where this goes.

Rocket Girl #2

Nov 15, 2013

I really wanted to drop the series for budget's sake, but I had to come back and see where it was going. Great so far.

Spider-Gwen (2015) #20  
Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #1

Oct 9, 2013

Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #2

Oct 9, 2013

Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #3

Oct 9, 2013

Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #4

Oct 9, 2013

Star Wars (2013) #13  
Star Wars (2014): Screaming Citadel #1  
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #1

Jan 16, 2014

I love stories involving the formation of the empire. Can't wait to see what happens here.

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #2

Jan 16, 2014

If you have any interest in the Empire's roots, I feel this is a great series to hop on. Love it so far.

Superman (2011) #23.2

Sep 25, 2013

I've never read a single Superman comic, so here's a really fresh perspective. I actually enjoyed the story really well, as it shaped an interesting back story to this villain. A purest may think differently, as I'm sure the origin story differs from the original character's (a common theme in the Villains' Month issues). Overall it was a fun read and definitely the best of the Superman Villain's Month issues.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 10, 2013

I bumped this score up for the fantastic artwork: very crisp and detailed. I enjoyed the coloring job as well. The writing was good and worth the read.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #2

Nov 15, 2013

I still claim to hate Superman and yet I keep buying his comics... Yet another great one. I was living vicariously through Superman's return punch to Apollo. Man, did that feel good. Once again, what drew me back to this series was the art/coloring. Fantastic. I don't want to be that guy, but Wonder Woman is gorgeous. And I'm not saying in the hyper-sexualized nature that comics and other media tend to go. Just her eyes and lips that seem so real... now that I'm done being a creeper, seriously go get this issue.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #3

Dec 14, 2013

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #4

Jan 30, 2014

Swamp Thing (2011) #1

Nov 6, 2013

Swamp Thing (2011) #2

Nov 6, 2013

Swamp Thing (2011) #3

Nov 6, 2013

Swamp Thing (2011) #4

Nov 7, 2013

Swamp Thing (2011) #5

Nov 7, 2013

Swamp Thing (2011) #6

Nov 7, 2013

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29  
The Green Hornet (2013) #1

Dec 13, 2013

The Green Hornet (2013) #2

Nov 2, 2013

Love this series.

The Green Hornet (2013) #3

Nov 3, 2013

A much darker turn for the series. Love it!

The Green Hornet (2013) #4

Nov 3, 2013

The Green Hornet (2013) #5

Nov 4, 2013

This series is going in a great direction, however I feel like some of the personal struggles he's going through should last a little longer than a couple of issues. Otherwise, still a great series!

The Green Hornet (2013) #6

Oct 3, 2013

I'll definitely be coming back for more in this series. Luckily my local comic shop is having a sale on back issues, so that I'll be able to fully catch up. Wonderful noir piece, for sure.

The Green Hornet (2013) #7

Dec 13, 2013

The Green Hornet (2013) #8

Dec 18, 2013

The Green Hornet (2013) #9

Mar 12, 2014

Phew, this issue took a dark turn. Love it!

The Green Hornet (2013) #10

Mar 12, 2014

A couple of unexpected turns, wonderfully put.

The Private Eye #1

Oct 13, 2013

Very interesting concept. Makes me question what I store online now...

The Private Eye #2

Oct 13, 2013

Love the online accessibility and story so far.

The Private Eye #3

Oct 13, 2013

The Private Eye #4

Oct 13, 2013

The Shadow #18

Oct 17, 2013

Great art and fun, vintage times.

The Shadow #19

Nov 23, 2013

The Shadow Now #1

Oct 2, 2013

New to the Shadow franchise, but this issue quickly caught me up to speed. Great story telling that has all the noir excitement of its radio program of old. Loved the very little advertisements (2). An excellent read.

The Shadow/Green Hornet: Dark Nights #1

Oct 12, 2013

A terrific crossover of some of my favorite characters, all set up in an interesting historical setting. Loved it.

The Shadow/Green Hornet: Dark Nights #2

Oct 31, 2013

Still love this story arc, and the historical notes at the back made me appreciate it even more.

The Shadow/Green Hornet: Dark Nights #4

Nov 5, 2013

I can't get over this series, it's great so far. Only one issue left, and the historical basis behind it still makes it very intriguing, causing me to do some research afterward that makes it all the more real.

The Shadow/Green Hornet: Dark Nights #5

Dec 10, 2013

The Wake #1

Oct 4, 2013

Big fan of Snyder's work, which is what drew me to this series. I have so many questions that I can't wait to have answered. The last time a story brought me to the bottom of sea, I was not disappointed.

The Wake #2

Oct 4, 2013

Still lots of questions even after some were answered. Love it!

The Wake #3

Oct 6, 2013

Continuing an intriguing series, ending with a wonderful "Oh shit" moment.

The Wake #4

Oct 7, 2013

I only mark it down because I hoped Cthulhu would emerge at the end...

The Wake #5

Nov 24, 2013

The Wake #7

Sep 18, 2014

The Wake #8

Sep 18, 2014

The Wake #9

Sep 18, 2014

The Wake #10

Sep 18, 2014

The Wicked + The Divine: 455 AD #1  
Uncanny Avengers #10

Sep 25, 2013

As a standalone, this was a disappointing read. Although featuring some popular characters (Wolverine) and some lesser known ones, the dynamics between them feel pretty flat, if not forced. I can't judge the series as a whole from this single issue, but if I had to, look for another Avenger series.

Wonder Woman (2011) #1

Oct 9, 2013

Wonder Woman (2011) #2

Oct 9, 2013

Wytches #1  

Reviews for the Week of...


