thecomiccookebook's Profile

Joined: Jun 22, 2016

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #1

Aug 7, 2019

Wow, Ryan Stegman has some of the most detailed and beautifully terrifying art I've seen all year. It's insane every page of his 60 page monster is near perfect. The story is primarily recapping the Venom series thus far which is understandable. I'm loving the way Cates displays the Parker / Brock relationship and hope to see more of that in the later issues. My only gripe would be that I wish it was comparable in price to a DC book of the same size. The new horror direction that Marvel is taking with books like this and Immortal Hulk is great and I look forward to seeing more in that vein.

Action Comics (2016) #958

Jun 22, 2016

A lot of fun but the whole Clark Kent double is ridiculous.

Action Comics (2016) #976

Mar 22, 2017

Very cool to see how this panned out, never knew much about Mr. Myxlplyx before this event and I loved him in this. The revelation and how it resolved in this issue was great and I haven't been more excited for Superman.

Action Comics (2016) #987

Sep 13, 2017

Very good start to this story line. I love seeing Superman being a hero and inspiring. The big reveal will upset a lot of people, but I think this could be really cool. I will wait and see how this is explained because this possibly could be a red herring still.

Action Comics (2016) #988

Sep 27, 2017

This was a great origin for why Mr. Oz does what he does. It was very tragic and thought provoking. I'm excited to see where this will go and how it will effect Superman and the Doomsday Clock story.

All-Star Batman #9

Apr 20, 2017

Pretty good. Loved how Batman turned everything around in the end. The issue confirms that this is, in fact, in continuity but I haven't decided if that is a good thing or not. Seeing Ra's Al Ghul wasn't as cool as expected, considering his role in Detective right now. Overall, it was a satisfying conclusion but probably the weakest issue in relation to how amazing the rest of the arc was.

All-Star Batman #10

May 10, 2017

Your typical Snyder storytelling with great art. The story did a fine job at making me intrigued with where the story will be going next. Like most Snyder stories, I can't help feeling like this would read better in trade so that is how I would recommend reading it.

All-Star Batman #11

Jun 21, 2017

Still solid. There are two stories going on, one past and the other present, and the past story is far more interesting. I know both stories will eventually collide but I find myself a little bored during the the Bruce Wayne, super-spy, elements. Hopefully the landing will be solid.

Amazing Fantasy (2022) #1000

Aug 31, 2022

I really dug this despite the silly 1000 numbering gimmick. So many top notch creators on board for this giving their unique spin on what makes Spider-Man special to all of us. If you dig anthology books, there’s a lot of good stuff here. Much stronger than the very blah ASM 900 as far as anniversary celebrations go. Also, no ads was a bonus!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #11

Dec 12, 2018

Really enjoy this run so far. The comedy is right up my alley as well as the characterization of both Jameson and Spidey. Speaking of, I love how this issue expands upon the status quo of their relationship together that started in Zdarksy's Spectacular Spider-Man run. It's great to have a writer like Spencer who is able to play of the current continuity with a character so well. I know some people are iffy on Ottley's art but I love it so far. This continues to be the first book I read every week which hasn't been the case for Spider-Man in a long time.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12

Dec 19, 2018

Meh, I have been loving Spencer's story thus far but this issue in particular feels like filler. A lot of this issue felt very similar to Spectacular Spider-Man #6 but without the emotional gravitas of that one shot. I still adore Ryan Ottley's art and look forward to where the story goes, just sometimes condensed storytelling generates pointless issues like this one.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #17

Mar 13, 2019

I really dug the beginning of Spencer's first (sort of) big Spidey event. I find the premise to be quite a cool idea that could lead to some great character moments for both Peter and Kraven. Ramos is, as always, a great choice for ASM. Looking forward to the rest of the story.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #25

Jul 12, 2019

I was expecting some answers or a reveal of Kindred's identity which left me sort of disappointed by this issue compared to the previous issue. I know it's kind of my fault for going into this under false pretenses but when your book is a ridiculous $7.99 (or $10CAD for me), I hope to get something worth my money which I felt this didn't completely do. I also think that Spencer, while writing great Spider-Man characters and universe, keeps stretching out the mystery a little too much. That said, I do love his comedy writing and the Electro plot had plenty of very funny moments. I didn't care for really any of the backup stories but I did like seeing a preview for what Gleason's take on Spidey will be. Overall, some pretty nice art and I'm still invested in this story but this is totally not worth cover price.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #33

Nov 7, 2019

I don't know, I find myself finding it harder to be interested in Spencer's Spider-Man anymore. Besides Gleason's excellent art, I've found this series bogged down by event after event (Hunted going into Absolute Carnage and now this) that I don't care about. Maybe all I cared about after all is the Kindred storyline and MJ but that continuously keeps being put on the back burner. It might be time for me to drop this book for the time being.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 27, 2022

I’m very conflicted on this issue. On one hand, I enjoy the teaser and mystery that is setup on the first page but I don’t like the setup for another separate mystery on the final pages. This just feels like another case of a Spidey run that will be decompressed for another 50-100 issues or so until it’s resolved and forgotten about. JRJR’s art is just as controversial as the story. He has always been an artist I have mixed feelings about and this time around isn’t jiving with me. Overall, not a recommend and I won’t be continuing this run. I don’t feel the need to read something where I can already see the writing on the wall and it’ll be dragged out for the next couple years. I’ll stick to my Diet Pepsi.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Jul 27, 2022

I check in on ASM for every new run and centennial issue and this is one of the roughest issues I’ve read from ASM for a long time. Ed McGuinness’ art felt rushed and inconsistent due to multiple inkers. And the storytelling was very uninteresting with some very outdated dialogue. This is possibly the weakest centennial issue I’ve read from ASM and this new run seems incredibly unfocused and uninspired.

Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

Pretty great jumping on point. Art alone by Sejic makes this book worth getting. I am not particularly familiar with any of the side characters of Aquaman besides Black Manta and Mera so there were a few moments with the side characters I didn't care about. The story looks like it will be exciting to read in trade.

Aquaman (2016) #43

Dec 19, 2018

I thought this was a fine start to an Aquaman story. I'm not the biggest Aquaman fan yet Kelly Sue DeConnick did an excellent job at setting up a new interesting direction for the character. Robson Rocha had some pretty good art that depicted water well. Kind of like my feelings for the recent Shazam book, this book is probably better for established fans rather than passive ones like myself. I'll probably trade wait the rest of this series.

Avengers (2016) #1

Nov 2, 2016

Thought the art was gorgeous but lacked story depth. I'm a little disappointed because it is Mark Waid and I expected more than a mediocre issue. Sadly won't be continuing this.

Batman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Great start. I'm a little mixed on the art but Tom King writes a very charismatic cast. I like the more death-defying attitude of Batman and am excited for issue 2.

Batman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

I read this issue twice; first time, I didn't like it very much, second, the intention behind this arc was more clear to me. This arc main focus is the relationship Catwoman and Batman share with the Bane story being the backdrop. And for those mad about Selina killing 237 men, this issue almost recons that. Art is gorgeous as always.

Batman (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

Batman (2016) #15

Jan 18, 2017

Batman (2016) #16

Feb 1, 2017

Tom King has found his stride with this issue. Batburger was hilarious and the future issues of this arc seem very exciting. Surprising, tight deadlines have made Finch's art more enjoyable to me.

Batman (2016) #17

Feb 15, 2017

Batman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

Very solid issue, great to see King writing the other villains in this issue, all with suiting personalities. Particularly enjoyed the Two-Face and Riddler moments. Bane remains a terrifying presence with Batman trying to buy as much time as he can keeping him out of the way. I've never been as wowed before by Finch's art but here he is killing it even with deadline pressures.

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

Tom King and David Finch conclude their "I am Bane" arc great. I love the part in which Batman almost mocks Bane for saying "I'm going to kill you". This accumulated everything that has been established in his whole series so far. Ending was almost bittersweet. I encourage individuals who dropped this to give it a second look because I think its fantastic.

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 20, 2017

I knew that Tom King would deliver. I know that a lot of readers haven't been hot on his run so far but I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far, very different than your standard Batman books. I love how his run connects itself to Rebirth as a whole in this issue. Fabok on art was a great call, as expected. Can't wait for Flash #21 next week, looks like it will be a great crossover.

Batman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

Still a very solid event. The meetup between Father and son in this issue was extremely emotional and Fabok's art is on point like always. Still lacking on delivering on any actual button clues but it seems to be preparing the next issue for more details of the Watchmen's involvement to be revealed.

Batman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

This issue reminded me why I love Tom King's Batman. It was very poetic and captured the unlikely pairing of Batman and Swamp Thing very well. A great one shot.

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

Another solid issue. A great character study on why Batman does what he does.

Batman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

Mikel Janin, as always, proves why he is one of the best in the comics business currently. His splash pages are absolutely gorgeous. Tom King has got me intrigued yet again with this story arc and the tastefully done storytelling. Can't wait for the next issue.

Batman (2016) #27

Jul 19, 2017

Batman (2016) #29

Aug 16, 2017

This story arc is so frustrating. There have been five issues and nothing makes much sense. I understand what he's going for is a sort of political debate and choosing the lesser of two evils which I think is cool. The execution, however, does not establish the differences of each side very well. Bruce Wayne in this issue was very bizarre, he does something that is unnecessary as motivation for Riddler and Joker. This feels like yet another story arc compressed too much so a milestone such as Batman #800 (35) can line up with a big moment (Catwoman's response).

Batman (2016) #30

Sep 6, 2017

This story doesn't make sense. Isn't this whole fight over who gets to kill Batman? So what good would Batman joining a side be? The Kite-Man focus in this issue was totally unnecessary, unlike the previous Kite Man interlude. This story arc has been confusing and pointless. At least the art is great.

Batman (2016) #31

Sep 22, 2017

I actually like this issue quite a bit. The Kite-Man stuff in this was much more worthwhile than the previous issue. Janin knocks it out of the park again. I am interested in how this will wrap up; contrary to Snyder, King typically sticks the landing just the journey to get there is not always great.

Batman (2016) #32

Oct 4, 2017

I think the revelation of what Batman did in this was interesting. It's definitely going to piss some folks off that have thin skin but I liked it. I'm also looking forward to what happens post-marriage proposal. Other than that, the overall storyline of WoJaR was meh, filled with many highs and lows.

Batman (2016) #33

Oct 18, 2017

I loved this issue. Joelle Jones is fantastic; say what you will about King's writing but he has consistently had the best artists involved in his projects. The story seems very interesting from a character development perspective where King has shined in his run thus far. Can't wait for the next issue.

Batman (2016) #36

Dec 6, 2017

Since the Cat and the Bat have been engaged, Tom King has been doing a tremendous job on Batman. Just last week we had one of my favorite stories of his run / the year (Batman Annual #2) and this week brings us another great character piece. Like all of King's work, the panel work is brilliant and he gets only the best at DC to pencil.

Batman (2016) #39

Jan 17, 2018

I'm surprised, this is not very good. There's still the possibility that the cliffhanger could be resolved in the next issue but as of right now, this was a bad call. Especially because I have been loving Tom King's run since the engagement and to potentially fuck that up already is frustrating. Joelle Jones knocked it out of the park, at the very least.

Batman (2016) #60

Dec 5, 2018

Why am I still reading this? It's not as cringe-inducing as the previous issue but the characterization of everyone is still completely off. King's prose is your standard philosophical driven writing which can be interesting if it was integrated into a cogent plot like it was in Vision or Mister Miracle. The final page reveal was intriguing but King has let me down too many times before to have me excited to where this is going. Janin art has grown stale on me whereas Jorge Fornes art was a nice breath of fresh air. I would love to see Fornes return for some more Batman work in the future. Overall, I know King has said this is a long haul but I expected to enjoy the journey, much like I do when other writers write huge interconnected runs.

Batman (2016) #118

Dec 7, 2021

First new Batman issue I have read in a while and I’m pleasantly surprised. To be honest, I initially only bought this for the beautiful homage cover by Viktor Bogdanovic but was still curious about where Williamson would take the book after Tynion. This felt refreshing after the mess that was the end of King’s run and the blandness of Tynion’s run. Williamson crafts a fairly straightforward Batman story and with very solid art from Jorge Molina. That said, I’m not really interested in any more new Batman villains / characters. Overall, it’s worth checking out but not blowing my socks off. I’ll probably just trade wait for now.

Batman (2016) #125

Jul 5, 2022

I am a big Chip Zdarsky fan and was really looking forward to his take on Batman and it was pretty good. A positive out the gate is Jorge Jimenez’ incredible pencils. I also like that this feels more like a return to the mystery storytelling compared to more recent action-oriented Batman stories. On the other hand, I’m not terribly interested in where this mystery is going. I’m not going to be continuing with this series month to month but buzz over subsequent issues might make this a solid trade.

Batman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 29, 2017

Wow, this is one of the best stories from Tom King's Batman run. It is a beautifully told story with some great art from both Lee Weeks and Michael Lark. Just go out and read it.

Batman / Spawn (2022) #1

Dec 13, 2022

I don’t know what people expected. This was incredibly nonsensical but at least you get to see fantastic Capullo art of these two characters together. I’m glad I picked this up for it’s a great art book, can’t expect anything more or less.

Batman / Superman (2019) #1

Aug 28, 2019

It's great to see David Marquez on a DC book, he really shines at drawing both Batman and Superman. Joshua Williamson continues to be a consistent writer that I'm never blown away by and this issue is no exception. The mystery that is presented here could be compelling but I'm getting tired of is the Batman Who Laughs and other "Jokerized" characters which are a crux to this storlyline. Not really my cup of tea.

Batman: Killing Time (2022) #2

Apr 6, 2022

I’m really digging this mini. Tom King and David Marquez are two favourites of mine so putting them together is a recipe for success. I love the mystery / heist change of pace compared to other King Batman comics. I’m not sure where it’s heading which is great and I’m here for the journey.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 17, 2022

Tom King and Mitch Gerads have another hit on their hands. It’s a very unique spin on Riddler, a character I have always loved but hasn’t had a definitive story. It’s too early to say if that’s the case for this one shot but I’d definitely recommend this. I truly believe that Tom King and Mitch Gerads will both go down as some of the best from this era of comics and this is just more proof positive of that.

Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1

Oct 4, 2017

Definitely the weakest link so far in the Metal tie-ins. Not even Van Sciver can save this generic and goofy story.

Batman: The Red Death #1

Sep 20, 2017

Pretty awesome. Di Giandomenico has been one of the standout artists to come out from rebirth so I'm happy to see him on this. This is the perfect example on how to do a tie-in; it is a one-shot and is directly related to the event without being necessary for those who just want to read Metal. It was awesome to see how the Red Death was created and I'm definitely intrigued to see how the others came to be.

Batman: White Knight #1

Oct 4, 2017

I was really excited for this series and I'm now more impressed than I expected. Murphy takes this simple idea and runs with it in a very interesting and relevant way. For those that don't like politics in their comics, stay away from this. But if you like politics done in a very interesting way, pick this up.

Batman: White Knight #3

Dec 6, 2017

Sean Murphy continues to make a unique twist on the characters we love. I love the moral grey area surrounding both the police, Batman and Jack Napier as the plot progresses. It really makes you question what makes a person good or evil in a tasteful and relevant way.

Batwoman: Rebirth #1

Feb 15, 2017

Excited to see where this series goes. Art was wonky in a few spots which I found unexpected.

Black Bolt #1

May 3, 2017

This book has absolutely gorgeous artwork. The story is well told and looks to be preparing for an exciting series. Very optimistic after this issue, could be one of Marvel's best of the year.

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1

Jul 12, 2019

Now this is what I call a great crossover book which is to be expected from Jeff Lemire, of course. Michael Walsh is a somewhat underrated talent so I'm delighted to see his approach to both the Black Hammer and Justice League characters. The setup for this first issue has me eagerly anticipating what will happen next. Another win from both Lemire and Walsh.

Captain America (2017) #696

Dec 6, 2017

This series just makes me smile. Waid and Samnee are like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - work well on their own but even better together.

Captain Marvel (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

I guess Captain Marvel just isn't my thing. I can see why a lot of people will enjoy this and I appreciated how the book was being meta about her "image". Carol Danvers is much more likable in this than she has been in the last 3 years or so. Other than that, I found myself bored with the plot. Carmen Carnaro's art is passable but nothing fantastic. The plot could pick up but as of this issue, I'm still not sold on Carol.

Champions (2016) #1

Oct 6, 2016

This book was frustrating to read with Civil War II not finished. It makes vague references to the aftermath of that event without us readers knowing about what happens. Other than that, the team makes sense but I just don't care enough to read any further adventures, no interesting villain to push the plot forward.

Champions (2016) #5

Feb 3, 2017

This was a very poor way to shoehorn in Gwenpool, she unfortunately was useless and her personality doesn't suit the tone of this book. Speaking of tone, this book is completely all of the place. Ramos art, the inclusion of Gwenpool, some of the snarky banter with the kids tells me that the book is lighthearted but at the same time, Waid is juggling very serious topics of police ignorance and racism. It's a shame because I agree with a lot of the stances that Waid addresses in this but the bizarre tone shifts and ill-fitted artwork make this book not work.

Civil War II #2

Jun 22, 2016

This book is on the way to becoming a train wreck. The characterization of Tony in this book is incredibly off-putting and nothing like Tony. He would never torture a kid, even in his darkest moment. Carol is portrayed as a moron; her side in this whole debacle is so incredibly wrong and unjustifiable. The book is doing the typical slow-burn that is oh so popular at Marvel comics right now and it doesn't pay off. My prediction is that Carol will try to arrest Banner and it'll backfire, resulting in releasing the Hulk and starting what she was trying to prevent. I'm very weary about this book and it's outcome. At least David Marquez's artwork is beautiful.

Civil War II #5

Sep 25, 2016

Civil War II #6

Oct 28, 2016

Civil War II #7

Nov 25, 2016

Civil War II #8

Dec 28, 2016

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #1

Jul 4, 2018

This book is absolutely nuts but that's why it works.

Crossover (2020) #10

Dec 8, 2021

This book is just stupid fun but I love it anyways. It’s definitely not for everyone but I can really feel the passion for the medium coming from Cates and Shaw in this project and I’m always a sucker for that kind of acknowledgment. I also love the Bendis / Oeming insert as part of the story that really emphasizes the theming of this being by the comic community, for the comic community. This is a sickeningly meta comic and I’m here for it.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Superman #1

Jul 12, 2022

That was so beautifully written, which is not a surprise considering most of Tom King’s work in my eyes. He writes the Superman family of characters in such a timeless and compelling way that is rarely done but when it happens, it hits hard. In addition, Chris Burnham’s distinct pencils really elevate the script. I hope this duo work together again in the future. My favourite single issue of the year thus far from an event I’m otherwise not reading.

Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 14, 2017

This is great! Snyder delivered the type of Batman story that I wanted and has the markings of being on the same caliber as Court of Owls. Love how he tied elements from his time on Batman into this. The weakest point was definitely the art, while mostly good, having different artists jump in at random times was jarring. I'm looking forward to the Casting and the Metal event more than before.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 13, 2017

Damn, that was amazing. I love how Snyder is not only taking continuity from his own story but also from Morrison's Batman and Multiversity as well as Geoff John's Justice League among others. Everything that I though would be ridiculous actually paid off and is now really cool. If I wasn't sold on this before, I am now.

DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

Jun 28, 2017

I have been looking forward to this all year and I wasn't disappointed. King writes such a tortured Elmer Fudd and re-imagines the Looney Tunes cast in a realistic, gritty setting. The second story was just as good but is more Looney Tunes show inspired. Both stories are fantastic and showcases Tom King's range as a writer.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1  
Defenders (2017) #1

Jun 14, 2017

Very bland start to this team book. I typically like Bendis team books when there is a lot of team banter and charisma but the characters in this were surprisingly deadpan and serious. Marquez usually draws gorgeous books but this felt a tad messy, possibly rushed. I like that the story is streamlined and straightforward, even though the story is fairly generic. This could get better, probably a series to wait to read at a library.

Defenders (2017) #2

Jun 28, 2017

Nothing really happens in this issue. There are a few gorgeous panels by Marquez but besides that, the story isn't very interesting. The last page reveal was pretty ridiculous and didn't make much sense.

Detective Comics (2016) #935

Jun 22, 2016

Should be good, I'm liking the team a lot, especially the dynamic of Clayface. The threat seems like a promising adversary. Art is great.

Detective Comics (2016) #943

Oct 28, 2016

Solid issue, the art wasn't the greatest. Promising story arc that hopefully picks up next issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #947

Dec 28, 2016

Detective Comics (2016) #955

Apr 26, 2017

One of the noticeably weaker issues of the arc. The prose Tynion uses throughout this was very Snyder-esque but not as strong. The constant artist changes, though understandable, effect the flow of the story. This is a book that definitely reads better in trade so I think that is how I'll continue this series.

Detective Comics (2016) #956

May 10, 2017

This issue, again, was very disappointing. Art is not the greatest and Tynion spends more time hinting at future storylines than the current arc. The ending of this arc felt very sudden.

Detective Comics (2016) #994

Dec 12, 2018

I thought this was great until the last page reveal. I kind of wish this had nothing to do with Joker for he's getting over used in every Bat title. Regardless, I'm happy and excited that Detective Comics is a detective book again with emotional stakes for Batman. Mahnke is great except for his design on the new creature in this book; very dark and uninspired which might be on purpose but still distracting. Overall, worth a read and I'm in on the countdown so far.

Detective Comics (2016) #999

Feb 27, 2019

I really loved the ending of this issue but I totally understand why people would not. It's primarily a character piece on Batman rather than your standard mystery which I found to be refreshing. It did for me what Tom King has tried to do with his latest arc but with more respect for the characters. Easily my favorite Batman story of the year thus far and I'm really looking forward to #1000 and the continuation of Tomasi's run following that.

Detective Comics (2016) #1000

Mar 27, 2019

It's hard to review compilation issues like this but I was definitely overall pleased and didn't mind spending $13CAD on it. I knew nothing groundbreaking was going to happen but there were some great short stories that displayed why Batman has lasted for 80 years. My favorites were Kevin Smith, Geoff Johns and Paul Dini with least favorite being Dennis O'Neil, with the rest falling somewhere in between. All the art worked very well for me with the exception of Kelley Jones who hasn't aged well. I'd say its worth owning and I'm happy to have both Action and Dectective 1000 in my lifetime.

Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 8, 2021

I typically love Chip Zdarsky’s writing but I have found his Daredevil to be just decent and this is no exception. There’s is some great characterization and dialogue in this issue but the plot doesn’t seem very unique. Marco Checchetto brings his A game and I hope he’s a constant throughout the entire event. It’s a breath of fresh air in terms of large scale events but lacked any surprises.

Doctor Strange (2015) #13

Oct 30, 2016

Fun, creative issue. I'm enjoying this arc a lot more than Last Days of Magic actually, very imaginative storytelling with each issue seemingly focusing on a different member of the Doctor Strange rogues gallery. Bachalo's art is a win for me, very stylistic and colorful.

Doctor Strange (2015) #382

Dec 6, 2017

Holy shit, this series is insane. The comedy is refreshing and on point and the ending made me so excited for the future of this story. Donny Cates is easily the writer of the year for me.

Doomsday Clock #1

Nov 21, 2017

Geoff Johns does a incredible job with continuing the Watchmen story in a respectful manner. Gary Frank is one of DC's finest and he brings his A game to the table for this. Those expecting answers already will be disappointed but the story and playing field were established well in this issue. Can't wait to read the next issue.

Doomsday Clock #2

Dec 29, 2017

Damn, I love this. The twist at the end of the story was shocking and I'm so pleased to see these Watchmen characters interacting with DC characters. The new characters are also very compelling. Gary Frank is still fantastic as always.

Doomsday Clock #8

Dec 5, 2018

I'm so on board for where this story is going at this point. I know people have complained about the slow pace of the story up to this point but I find it to be necessary with this style of storytelling because it paid off in this issue. I love the homages to the artwork of the original Watchmen in this; Gary Frank is putting 110% into everything involving this and it shows. Johns knows how to write each character involved accurately as shown with Superman, Lois Lane and Batman in this issue. I also appreciate that is book doesn't shy away from political parallelism which is handled in a respectful and profound manner. Can't wait to see where this goes.

Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 18, 2019

I know everyone was upset about how long it took for Doomsday Clock to end but with the way this ended, all should be forgiven and forgotten. Gary Frank and Geoff Johns concluded a beautiful story that's more a thematic sequel to Action Comics #775 than Watchmen. There are a few allusions to current or future DC continuity but Johns doesn't let that editorial mandate affect his overall story. This should read wonderfully in trade considering that I read all 12 issues this past week again and despite delays, it did not affect the read of this modern classic.

Excalibur (2019) #1

Oct 30, 2019

Not really my cup of tea and the first of the Dawn of X I'm not interested in going forward despite having two of favorite X-characters (Apocalypse and Rogue). It's more about the Braddock's, which I expected but it didn't make me interested in their story. The art is also fairly bland compared to the previous artists we've seen on this X-relaunch thus far. I won't be continuing this series but if you like magic and the Braddock's then this may be for you.

Fallen Angels (2019) #1

Nov 13, 2019

To be perfectly honest, I didn't really like this book. Much like Excalibur, it's a book primarily about a character I don't care about (Psylocke) while also not being an interesting story. Hill's writing lacks excitement and personality. Szymon Kudranski is comparable to Salvador Larroca which is an art style that I find to be distractingly too much in darkness and too close to the uncanny valley. Easily the weakest out of the Dawn of X which has had equal hits to misses, in my opinion.

Fantastic Four (2022) #1

Nov 9, 2022

This was fun start to this new relaunch. The story harkens back to ‘60’s shows like the Twilight Zone and other anthology series which I enjoyed. The last page sets up an interesting plot line going forward which to some may feel too similar to ASM at the moment. Iban Coello’s art is fun as well. Overall, it’s a very serviceable start to the series but nothing in it is blowing any doors off yet.

Flash (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Slow start to the series but seems promising. Hopefully it doesn't fall under the bandwagon of "slow build, quick resolution" that so many books tend to do nowadays.

Flash (2016) #9

Oct 28, 2016

I was really put off by the art but the story was sweet. Loved seeing the two Wallys meet and should lead to a very interesting relationship.

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

Not as strong as the opener but still very satisfying. The ending felt a little ruined by the cover solicitations but the story getting there was still well done. Art was a step down from Fabok but got the job done sufficiently. Overall, still enjoying this crossover and can't wait for Batman #22.

Flash (2016) #22

May 17, 2017

I found this ending very disappointing. Nothing really happened by the end of this and is a noticeably weak spot in the rest of the story line. There was a few great character moments but for most part, the lack of development in the Rebirth story line make this story almost feel pointless.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

I thought this was a good start to another Spider-Man book that sets the tone for Tom Taylor to focus on local crimes rather than any big, end-of-the-world scenarios. That said, the story line itself doesn't feel all that interesting. Taylor nails the pathos of Spider-Man but not the story. Juann Cabal has art that I'm conflicted about for it feels very similar to Mikel Janin. The backup story hooked me in but I expect there to be no consequence when all is said and done. Overall, pretty good but some noticeable problems.

Generations (2017): The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor #1

Aug 23, 2017

This was the weakest of these Generations book, surprisingly. What I have liked out of the other tie-ins was missing here: both generations learning from each other. The last page was awesome but not really relevant to the intent of these books. I'm surprised I didn't like this more because I typically love Aaron's Thor material.

Generations (2017): Wolverine & All-New Wolverine #1

Aug 23, 2017

This was heartfelt and fun. This continues the theme of the Generations books appropriately with each incarnation of Wolverine proving they are the best at what they do. The only downside is that it's still frustrating to not know what caused these characters to meet; hopefully we get the answer soon and make these stories more enjoyable.

Gotham City: Year One (2022) #1

Oct 5, 2022

Another great mini-series from Tom King. I love that this is a noir-style detective story set in Gotham which a lot of Batman stories recently have been lacking in. Phil Hester is also an inspired choice for this; I love the grittiness that his pencils supply that is only accentuated by Jordie Bellaire’s beautiful colours. I’m excited to see where this series goes.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Jan 23, 2019

It comes at no surprise to me that this is yet another Donny Cates book that tickles my fancy. The great "God Country"/"Thanos Wins" pairing of Cates and Shaw return for the first Guardians book that I thoroughly enjoyed since Abnett and Lanning. I love that he builds upon current continuity while still making it accessible and unique. I cant wait for the next issue.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #2

Feb 20, 2019

Not as stellar as the previous issue for it mostly focused on team dynamics rather than advancing plot. That said, I really love the way Cates voices all these unique voices and relates his story to the continuity of the Guardians of the past five years or so. I will continue reading this even though this felt mostly like filler.

Hawkman: Found #1

Dec 29, 2017

I found this very uneventful compared to other Metal tie-ins. Not terrible but definitely forgettable.

House of X #1

Jul 24, 2019

Hickman's back at Marvel and doesn't disappoint. The structure and interior design (which are found in his indie books like Black Monday Murders and East of West) work beautifully in this X-book. I get the sense that Hickman will be able to go nuts and truly make the X-line significant and worth reading again. I'm also pleased to see rising star Pepe Larraz on this high profile book and compliments Hickman's writing. Can't wait for more and is already in the running to be one of my favorite series of the year.

House of X #2

Aug 7, 2019

I am speechless. My excitement for Hickman on X-Men has doubled since the previous issues. It's a joy to see Pepe Larraz still on his A-game which is especially impressive considering the bi-weekly schedule for both him and Silva. I'm not going to spoil or say anything else, just read it!

Immortal X-Men (2022) #1

Mar 30, 2022

The post-Hickman landscape has been a mixed bag and I was full of skepticism of this new series but I must say, I’m pleasantly surprised. Gillen has never been a writer that has wowed me but this could change that. I love the choice of having this book from Sinister’s perspective, a favourite of mine. Werneck’s art is serviceable but not exciting me like other recent X-artists. Overall, going to check out the next issue and go from there.

Inferno (2021) #3

Dec 8, 2021

What makes this title so exciting to read each month is that I can never predict where Hickman is going with this. So much is packed within every issue of this X-line event and I discovered a newfound appreciation for Cypher. The only downside is though Silva, Caseli and Schiti are all very talented, the swapping of artists throughout this issue can affect the pacing of the story from time to time. Regardless, this is a must read for Hickman fans.

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

Wow. Not surprising that yet again, Hickman nails the ending of his run but also keeps it open for the other writers to expand and explore new concepts with the groundwork he established. His goal was simple: fix the X-Men. And I believe he has done that. Hopefully post-Hickman is still compelling but I just have to applaud him for making the X family of books a talking point again.

Joker: Killer Smile #1

Oct 30, 2019

Of course one of my favorite creative teams, Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino, deliver yet another gorgeously terrifying looking book. I love the more abstract nature of this book and the changes of style that Sorrentino pulls off between flashbacks, modern day and the Mr. Smiles storybook is nothing short of amazing. I love the format of this book and I'm looking forward to where this will go.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Dec 28, 2016

This was simply unadulterated fun. It felt similar in tone and structure to the airport scene in Captain America: Civil War by having a fun and character driven action scene. Additionally, the ending made me excited about the next issue. This is a great example of how events should be written: pure fun that involves the whole DC universe but doesn't have to "change the state of the universe forever" type of deal.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 25, 2017

A very solid conclusion to a very solid event. I particularly loved that by the end, it didn't go into typical event fashion and kill off characters and change the status quo forever. It was overall a fun event. Definitely something worth rereading.

Marauders (2019) #2

Nov 20, 2019

This was a great follow up to the really exciting first issue. As a Kitty / Kate Pryde fan, I really like the new status quo for her and her merry band of pirates. We are still in setup phase with this issue but it continues to be a great setup. My only complaint would be that Lolli's art feels a little strained by the very quick schedule this book is under. Otherwise, I'm happy to have this X-book in my pull.

Marvel Comics (2019) #1000

Aug 28, 2019

It's what I expected, nothing outright bad but not worth the price. There is some top notch art in here from both veterans and new talent I haven't seen before. Most writers, however, don't get the space needed to explore their piece. The structure of this book is neat and the the Al Ewing story throughout is interesting but not enough for me to read #1001.

Marvel Knights: 20th #3

Dec 5, 2018

I found this issue underwhelming in terms of plot development. The first two issues created a great sense of intrigue and mystery along with emotional weight. This issue felt like it didn't advance the plot anymore and focused to much on Frank Castle's backstory which isn't very interesting or important. The art is also not as strong as previous issues. I'm going to still continue this but I think the loss of Donny Cates and / or Mathew Rosenberg on scripting killed some of the momentum.

Marvel Knights: 20th #4

Dec 19, 2018

While I appreciate the concept of giving new talent like Vita Ayala a shot at Marvel with a series like this, the execution hasn't been spectacular. Much like the previous issue, this issue feels rather pointless to the plot. This focused more on the development of T'Challa in this reality and it worked fairly well. On the plus side, Joshua Cassara created some consistently beautiful pages which made the read more enjoyable. I look forward to the next two issues for Rosenberg and Cates are back on scripting duties so I hope they pick things up.

Marvel Legacy #1

Sep 27, 2017

This was frustrating. There were some cool reveals and hints at future story lines but most of the book was pointless. To compare to Rebirth (which is impossible not to do), Johns planted the seeds for the future of DC through a unified theme. This, however, was just a bunch of little teases at random story lines without any sense of a connecting thread. I will say that the art was fantastic; artists such as Esad Ribic, Steve McNiven, Chris Samnee, Russell Dauterman, etc. like always are great. Overall, the book is not a complete disappointment and I do have hope for the Marvel Universe moving forward but I wish this was a little more meaningful.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #1

Dec 12, 2018

This is a great book for new readers of Miles Morales. For older fans, like myself, this issue doesn't offer too much. Javier Garron is a welcomed artist to the series albeit a very standard one. Most of this issue is back story (which is perfectly acceptable for a new series) with not a lot of new story. I am interested to see where the plot will go from here for it seems fairly ambitious for a mainstream character.

Mister Miracle (2017) #2

Sep 13, 2017

I'm certain this is going to be something special. The plot is progressing nicely and the paranoia Scott feels is what the readers feel. Gerads is still fantastic on art so there is nothing really to complain about.

Moon Knight (2017) #190

Dec 29, 2017

I love the characterization of Marc Spector in this series. Bemis does a great job of making this a dark comedy. Jacen Burrows is serviceable; when compared to last couple of Moon Knight artist, its the weakest but does the job fine.

New Mutants (2019) #1

Nov 7, 2019

To be completely honest, I'm not a big New Mutants fan but I wanted to give this book a shot because of how solid Dawn of X has been. The best aspect of this issue is easily Rod Reis and his amazing art. Other than that, the story is not bad and the characters are charming but I guess not enough to convert me into being a fan. Not one I see myself continuing but I'm sure this book will make classic New Mutants enthusiasts happy.

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 16, 2021

This was a beautiful character focused introduction to Taylor’s run on Nightwing. I’ve always thought of Dick as being one of my favourites in the Bat Family and I’m thrilled that he has an appropriate writer and status quo again. Also, Bruno Redondo’s art was dynamic and filled with plenty of gorgeous spreads and panels. The cover itself is worth the price alone but I’m happy to add this to my pull.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1

Jun 21, 2017

Finally, Spider-Man is great again! This book was hilarious, self-aware and entertaining throughout. Kubert does his job, although nothing spectacular and the plot itself isn't anything cool as of yet. That all said, the energy and comedy alone entice me enough to pick this up. Definitely the go-to, in continuity Spidey book.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #2

Jul 19, 2017

This book continues to be hilarious and fun. The story is still not very exciting but is starting to pick up. That said, Zdarsky's comedy and character writing is where this book shines. A definite read for any Spider-Man fan.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #3

Aug 23, 2017

The comedy that made me fall in love with the first two issues was mostly absent here. Instead the focus is on this Kingpin plot which isn't particularly original. Kubert's art is mostly pretty good though some panels appear messy. I'm probably going to drop this for now unless I hear about a massive improvement in the future.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #4

Sep 22, 2017

I don't understand what happened. I thought the first issue was really funny but this was just painfully unfunny. None of the jokes land and that's what this series has relied on. The plot is uninteresting and the art is very mediocre.

Powers of X #1

Jul 31, 2019

Not as immediately engaging as last week's House of X #1. This issue has a lot more information to assess and much of which won't be fully understood until the rest of the story unravels, which is why Hickman stories are so compelling and encourages multiple re-reads. R.B. Silva is very similar to Pepe Larraz in style with a little more more scratchiness. Again, the graphic design is the best and most important aspect of both series. Still very excited to see where this will go.

Powers of X #6

Oct 9, 2019

What a fantastic ending to both Powers of X and House of X. I'm overall impressed with how consistent RB Silva and Pepe Larraz have been on art, especially within this tight time frame. I love that Hickman answers only the questions that are necessary to wrap up this series while setting seeds for what will be important for Dawn of X going forward. Can't wait for more for what has been my two favorite Marvel books of the year.

Royals #2

Apr 20, 2017

This book seems to be severely overlooked and underrated. Its a well rounded Marvel book with a great cast, cool space action scenes and intrigue. Al Ewing does a great job of tying this into Secret Empire without really affecting anything in his story. The weakest part is the art inconsistency with there being two artist on board. Looks to be a great Marvel series in the making.

Secret Empire #0

Apr 20, 2017

I was just starting to get bored of Steve Rogers: Captain America then Secret Empire #0 came out. I was skeptical because I have been wishy-washy about Spencer's run so far but the payoff in this issue was totally worth it. Hydra Cap is the most interesting Steve Rogers has been ever, in my opinion. Acuna on art was perfect, so happy to see only the A-list artists on this book. Looking forward to the rest of the event, could be similar in greatness to Secret Wars.

Secret Empire #1

May 3, 2017

Not as crazy as issue #0 but still such a blast to read. I am a little apprehensive of the Barton / Romanoff romance but other than that, I love what Steve has transformed Hydra into. The Champions are being written way better than they are in their own books too. McNiven's art, like always is top notch. Spencer packs the book with so much story that it almost makes it worth the high cover price. Can't wait for the FCBD issue and issue #2.

Secret Empire #2

May 17, 2017

Pretty cool, Sorrentino proves yet again why he's one of the best in the business. Story wise, I was happy to see more plots starting to develop. This is a little bit of a slow burn, but because it's Nick Spencer, I'm sure it will pay off in the end. Great last page as well, Spencer is doing a great job at making me want to read on.

Secret Empire #3

May 31, 2017

This was a very slow issue. Nothing of particular intrigue or plot development happened. Last page reveal wasn't even surprising, such things are expected at this point. I have been so excited about this event but up to this point, it seems like meandering. Extra issue definitely wasn't needed, because it's just compressing the story development in a negative way.

Secret Empire #4

Jun 14, 2017

This was okay. The story was a lot more lighthearted than the previous 4 issues. Art was inconsistent; Yu was not on his typical A game. I'm ready for this event to be over and done with so everything is back to normal again and we can (hopefully) focus on individual stories.

Secret Empire #5

Jun 28, 2017

I feel like I'm watching Lost all over again. I don't know how they are going to wrap this story well with how many twists and shocks continue to happen. Art was inconsistent and among each artist's weakest.

Secret Empire #6

Jul 19, 2017

I really don't get the praise for this book. The art is, for the most part, terrible. The prose is pretty good but the story itself isn't very exciting. Spencer keeps pushing back answers for redundant narration of lost hope and distrust. The overall story has been stretched out for too many issues; I feel this would have been better suited for a 5/6-issue series rather than 12 (including #0 and Omega).

Secret Empire #7

Jul 26, 2017

A little better than the last issue but still not great. At the very least, more moments of significance happen in this issue but we should have been at this moment a few issues sooner. There's a particular moment that is such a generic event trope that it wasn't even shocking or upsetting. At least this is better than Civil War II.

Secret Empire #8

Aug 9, 2017

I'm so happy to see this falling into place now. This issue felt hopeful and the story seems to be heading somewhere now. The art was better than usual, I still don't like how one artist can't draw a whole issue but Acuna did most of the issue which I appreciated. Like the characters in this event, I regained hope for this story.

Secret Empire #9

Aug 23, 2017

It's a well concocted resolution for the most part with most questions answered. Some situations in this happened due to convenience or just because it needed to happen. Another criticism is the narration continues to be ridiculous and redundant. Other than that, a solid issue in an overall mediocre event.

Secret Empire #10

Aug 30, 2017

Damn, even with a good artist on board for the last issue feels rushed. Some pages were great, many were pretty weak for McNiven. I thought the way they got Steve back was pretty creative. The narration is still very cheesy. Overall, this event was okay, neither the outrage a lot of people made it out to be nor this fantastic story about our current political climate.

Sentry (2018) #1

Jun 27, 2018

The Sentry and Jeff Lemire are the perfect pairing. As usual, when given the right book, Lemire delivers a starting issue full of paranoia and intrigue. This is on its way to being one of Marvel's best of 2018.

Shazam! (2018) #1

Dec 5, 2018

I believe this would have been better if I was more of a Captain Marvel / Shazam fan. It's really well written, which is to be expected when its by Johns, but it feels rather small scale compared to what I'm used to reading from him. Dale Eagelesham is a very consistent artist and a fantastic choice for this subject matter. This will probably be a fun series to revisit as soon as it is released in trade.

Spider-Man (2022) #1

Oct 5, 2022

This was alright but a welcome change compared to the very middling current ASM. Dan Slott writes the character of Spider-Man very well, as proven with his great short story recently in Amazing Fantasy #1000 among many others. Mark Bagley is also easily my favourite Spider-Man artist and doesn’t miss a beat here. My issue is I think this whole Spider-Verse storyline seems a little nonsensical. I also don’t care for the fact that this is tied in with the main book because of the dumb costume and good guy Norman nonsense. I’m not going to continue this but I hope it continues to be a better alternative to the mainline book.

Star Wars (2014) #24

Oct 28, 2016

Star Wars (2014) #26

Dec 28, 2016

Contemplating dropping the title at this point unfortunately. This Yoda backstory was surprisingly lackluster to me and didn't develop the character like the Obi Wan backstories did earlier in the series.

Star Wars (2014) #31

May 17, 2017

Meh, not as exciting as the last issue.

Star Wars (2014): Screaming Citadel #1

May 10, 2017

This was a lot of fun, probably the most fun I've had out of a Star Wars comic in a while. Checchetto's art is beautiful and imaginative, for new characters and creatures look amazing while the well-known characters like Luke and Han look like their movie counterparts. Gillen writes a compelling story, pitting two unlikely characters together against what looks like a terrifying villain.

Star Wars: Darth Maul #1

Feb 3, 2017

I was really looking forward to this, Darth Maul was always a favorite character of mine and I dig a lot of Cullen's Bunn's work. Unfortunately, I thought the book was bland. Bunn wrote the character of Maul well but it suffered the same problem of the other Star Wars comics where they have to play it very safe and cannot do anything ambitious.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi - The Storms Of Crait #1

Dec 29, 2017

The art is questionable and somewhat distracting. The story is essentially pointless, only written to capitalize on the Last Jedi.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

Jun 16, 2021

I found this to be quite a lot of fun and incredible artwork from Bilquis Everly. The story has great character stakes for a character that I wasn’t previously interested in. Another great book from Tom King.

Superman (2016) #7

Oct 28, 2016

I have never been much of a Superman fan, especially with the current movies, but this series completely changed my mind. Without a doubt, my favorite rebirth title so far with issue 7 being one of the best issues of the run. A fun, comedic character story that I prefer over the very serious, save the day type of story.

Superman (2016) #9

Oct 28, 2016

Superman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Superman (2016) #16

Feb 3, 2017

Fairly anti-climatic. To be honest, my favorite part of the Superman series so far was the father-sun dynamic and with Jon missing from this arc, I felt myself losing interest. Thankfully, next issue will be family man Clark again.

Superman (2016) #17

Feb 15, 2017

Disappointment. Art was okay and I usually like one-shots but the story wasn't interesting, in fact it was kind of confusing. Hoping Superman Reborn brings this series back on track because the last handful of issues have been mediocre.

Superman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

Still on board for this series. I hope this arc keeps up its optimism and focus on the family rather than just Superman. Great to see Batman and Robin in here as well.

Superman: Year One #2

Aug 21, 2019

After reading what I thought was a fairly decent first issue, I decided to give this one a try and I'm so disappointed that I did. Crazy Frank is back with this issue with some classic Islamophobia, disjointed narratives and an ugly portrayal of Superman. I hate the way he writes Clark as a sort of player, leaving Lana cut and dry while moving onto Lori who I bet he will do the same thing too. It seems like this version of Clark's goal in life is just to be with and protect women, not protecting the planet. JRJr's art was at least pretty good, some neat creature designs.

Teen Titans (2016) #1

Oct 28, 2016

Fantastic opening, definitely more fun than the rebirth issue. I haven't read Teen Titans prior to this but I love the characters and how they work with each other. Art is top notch, Jonboy has a very distinct style. Looking forward to where this will go.

Teen Titans (2016) #3

Dec 28, 2016

I thought this was pretty good, developed the characters a little more but fairly minimal on plot. The art was mediocre but had an interesting conclusion. On the fence about continuing this.

Thanos (2016) #13

Nov 22, 2017

This is prepping to be one of the best series to come from Marvel Legacy. There's great dynamic art from Geoff Shaw with a fun story from Donny Cates.

Thanos (2016) #14

Dec 29, 2017

Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw are the creative team of the year for me. This and Doctor Strange continue to be the best books to come out of Marvel Legacy.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 12, 2018

Pretty good return to form for Snyder. The mystery is engaging and reflective of earlier Snyder Batman stories. The DKR line was embarrassing dad joke that I wish I didn't read. Pretty much every Snyder-ism shows up in this book so if you enjoy that, you'll enjoy this. Personally, I'll trade wait this.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Jul 31, 2019

A little bit of a clunky ending but this was an overall great, horrifying series. Snyder falls victim to many of his tropes on the finale of this story by wrapping up fairly conveniently and a philosophical discussion on what Batman means to his city. It's not an outright bad thing but is becoming more apparent the more he writes Batman. On a more positive note, Jock has some of his most beautifully grotesque art in this book and is worth picking up for that alone. The final page was also very interesting going forward although I'm a little disappointed that this story wasn't self contained. Despite my few issues, I'd still recommend this to any Snyder Batman fan.

The Demon: Hell is Earth #1

Nov 22, 2017

Nothing groundbreaking or intriguing enough to continue. The story is serviceable on the character but nothing is here to give the story an unique spin. Brad Walker's art is very good but overall not worth price.

The Fix #9

May 10, 2017

A surprisingly weak entry in this series. Art wasn't as solid as it typically is, almost felt rushed in some parts. I can't help but feeling like Nick Spencer is putting so much effort into Secret Empire and both Cap books (which are both fantastic) that this has fell to the sidelines. I trust Spencer and Lieber to continue writing a great series but this was definitely the weakest link.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #20

Jun 21, 2017

This was okay, the allusions to refugees in our society was a bit on the nose for my liking. I'm also sick of Odinson being such a bitch when it comes to who wields the hammer. He's thousands of years old, shouldn't he have grown up by now? The new Thor is unexpected and unnecessary, I'd rather just have one Thor, Jane Foster.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #703

Jan 17, 2018

This has been one of the most satisfying character runs in a long time. You can tell from this issue that Jason Aaron has been planning this for a while and the payoff thus far has been emotional. Dauterman is having a blast drawing this because the book looks incredibly detailed and colorful. "The Death of the Mighty Thor" has been one of the best Thor stories, on par with "The God Butcher".

The Mighty Thor (2015) #705

Mar 21, 2018

This rivals God Butcher for being my favorite Thor story of all time.

The Unworthy Thor #1  
Thor (2020) #20

Jan 5, 2022

Meh, I’m starting to lose interest in what’s happening in this. It’s not bad, just doesn’t have the surprises and great character work that earlier Marvel-era Cates had. I do really enjoy Nic Klein’s art but the storytelling is kind of bland. Most likely dropping this middling series.

Trinity (2016) #1

Oct 28, 2016

Trinity (2016) #2

Oct 28, 2016

Not as good as the previous issue but still very good. Art fantastic as expected and the very comic-booky twist at the end was fun. Can't wait for the next issue.

Ultimates (2015) #8

Jun 22, 2016

Along with the Vision, this series has been the most consistent and well written out of All New, All Different Marvel. This is what I hoped for in terms of Civil War II: high stakes, a moral debate, great characterization, the works.

Ultimates (2015) #12

Oct 28, 2016

Vanish (2022) #1

Sep 21, 2022

This was quite a bit of fun. The Stegman and Meyer combo never fails to impress. The story is not bad either; it’s very fantasy / magic driven which isn’t usually my cup of tea but Cates’ prose really carries it along. My only criticism is I’m not a fan of the fantasy exposition dump. I get that it’s necessary but I’m sure subsequent issues will feel a lot less of a slog as a result. I might come back to this once the trade comes out.

Venom (2018) #11

Feb 20, 2019

Some truly fantastic work from Cates yet again. There are a few retcons within this story that might upset some people but I thought it really added to the Venom mythos. An always consistent book from a consistent creative team.

Vision (2015) #12  
War of the Realms #1

Apr 3, 2019

I reread all of Aaron's Thor run this week in preparation and this feels super satisfying to read as a result. This brilliantly sets the stage for what will be coming in this event and how it will affect Thor's life. Also, every page by Russel Dauterman is stellar and worth the price alone. It's too early to call it now but if the rest of his run was any indication, I'm certain this will be an incredible finale.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Art is gorgeous but I'm not into the Wonder Woman mythos enough to truly appreciate this.

X-Force (2019) #1

Nov 7, 2019

Another great issue 1 from the Dawn of X line. This was probably my most anticipated because of the lineup and premise and it does not disappoint. Joshua Cassara's art has been some of my favorite of the line so far with incredible attention to detail and style. Ben Percy is a welcome addition to Marvel and I'm happy to see him on a higher tier title. So far, this and Marauders are titles I'm most excited for going forward.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #1

Apr 5, 2017

This book plays it safe and I think it makes this very mediocre. Nothing new happening to the mutants here so if you want to read about classic characters who don't change, this is the book for you. Ardian Syaf's art is very bland and Guggenheim writes the characters fine, just nothing to give the book that extra oomph like Morrison, Whedon or Claremont.

X-Men: Grand Design #1

Dec 21, 2017

This is worth the price for the quality of the paper and page count alone. The content is just as fantastic with vibrant art and an amazing history lesson on mutants in the Marvel Universe. I also appreciate his works cited list, giving readers a page by page breakdown of where they originally occurred in the comics. I knew the guy who brought us Hip-Hop Family Tree would deliver and he has.

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