Talon1load's Profile

Joined: Jun 24, 2018

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #3

Sep 18, 2019

I am loving this event. The interactions between Carnage and everyone else are great. Venoms internal conflict is interesting. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Absolute Carnage (2019): Immortal Hulk #1

Oct 2, 2019

This was mostly just recap about Immortal Hulk. It did show how it tied into the Absolute Carnage event but just barely. It was pretty boring and not really worth the time or money.

Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #2

Sep 11, 2019

This was a fun issue. All of the Absolute Carnage tie ins have been fun so far and this one was as well.

Action Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 29, 2020

Get rid of Bendis. All he does is try to inflate the importance and impact of his own bullshit. Stop with Leviathan. It sucked and was a failure, much like his entire run on the Super books. As for JrJr, I really like a lot of his art from Marvel but his DC works is absolute trash. Stop putting him on books. Seriously. It’s bad. Now, JrJr and Bendis together? There is nothing redeemable about this issue.

Age of X-Man: Alpha #1

Feb 1, 2019

This is just bad. The art is terrible, the characters are poorly portrayed, and X-man continues to be written out of character. This is a sad attempt to cash in on the popularity of Age of Apocalypse but without the talent to do it.

Batman (2016) #49

Jun 24, 2018

This issue was so pointless and poorly executed that I wish I could give it a negative rating based on writing alone. Once again the art is the only good thing about Batman these days.

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

What a poorly thought out waste of time.

Batman (2016) #51

Jul 20, 2018

Not only does Tom King not understand Batman, he doesn’t understand the legal system either. Someone who funded Batman would not be allowed to be in this jury. How long after the last issue is this because trails don’t move along very quickly. Just another piss poor issue from King.

Batman (2016) #53

Aug 16, 2018

King once again shows that he has no idea who Batman is. Instead of finding the actual killer, he bribes his way into a jury and sabotages his case against Freeze who would be freed if he just found the real killer. This continues to be the worst Batman run ever made.

Batman (2016) #54

Sep 6, 2018

The art was okay. Dialogue was terrible, again. I’m starting to wonder if King has ever actually had a conversation with another human being. Also, not every bad guy needs to be a murderer. Just stop. Let the goofy ones just be goofy.

Batman (2016) #55

Sep 20, 2018

The art is the only good thing about this comic. King AGAIN proves he doesn’t know a character in the Batfamily. Shocker.

Batman (2016) #56

Oct 3, 2018

Why does Batman continue to be so underwhelming? It really shouldn't be that difficult to write a story that flows logically but, once again, King fails to do so. For the world's greatest detective, he really sucks. You'd think the writers time at the CIA that we constantly hear about would have taught him how to develop a mystery and make clues for Batman to uncover to solve it but not so much. Instead, we get the story pushed forward with no explanation about how any of it occurs. Then there's the stuff with Kanto, what would he possibly have to do with KGBeast? No one knows because King fails have anything make sense. How's he's stayed on this book this long is the real mystery.

Batman (2016) #57

Oct 17, 2018

Another pointless issue with a bunch of filler and no real dialogue. The art is great and deserves a higher score but the story was just crap.

Batman (2016) #58

Nov 7, 2018

Sigh. Once again, King writes a character with additions they’ve never had before just to take those additions away because you have to constantly have a shocking death. He also, once again, forces some ridiculous parallel between Batman and his villain. He’s apparently got a lot in common with every villain in Gotham. How King has been able to stretch out this one troupe for 58 issues is beyond me. He’s never done it well but he’s always done it consistently, I’ll give him that.

Batman (2016) #59

Nov 21, 2018

While the dialogue “YOU SHOT MY BOY” is still terrible, this isn’t the worst issue of Batman that King’s written. I didn’t necessarily like how he had Bane just sit there and get the crap beat out of him, I did like the dedication to making Batman look completely out of control. Not sure I believe that it really adds up with Banes character but they rarely do in a King book. I hated him hitting Gordon at the end. That was just King continuing to make Batman a completely unlikable character while also adding to everyone’s perception that he’s out of control. Batman has become one of the dumbest characters in DC because he just keeps playing into Banes hands at every turn. The art was great but this Batman still leaves me feeling like I just don’t care about his story.

Batman (2016) #60

Dec 5, 2018

This issue was beyond stupid. Batman is the world's worst detective and now just goes around beating on people. King realized how pissed off people were about how he had Batman kill the Beast so he changed that. The shit with the Penguin was ridiculous. So Alfred is watching Penguin in a cage, that is big enough for him to lean out but for some reason has to open the door and hand feed him. What the hell? Also, Alfred is sitting there talking to Penguin with nothing but a blindfold on to keep him from seeing his face. What prevented him from lifting it up? And apparently, Penny IS a penguin? Seriously? So he married a damn bird? How was Penny's father looking for her if he's a bird? And the shocking ending has Bruce's dad knocking him out. The same dad who was willing to watch his world end to save his son is now working with his enemy to make his life miserable. Good God, get King off this book. This title just get's dumber and dumber.

Batman (2016) #62

Jan 9, 2019

I feel like I'm living through Office Space but instead of every day being the worst day of my life, ever new issue of Batman is the worst issue I've ever read. This was a lot of, just stupid dialogue. Batman was tied up and in order to get free, used a batarang, that's taped to his chest for some reason, and cut himself until it's embedded in the bone so that he can pull it off of his chest and use it....riiiiiiiiggghhhttt. That was beyond stupid. The rest of the issue doesn't really improve from there. I didn't care for the art and the writing is pathetic at this point. Please, DC, find someone who actually likes the character and who isn't trying to work their own mental issues out through so many people's favorite character.

Batman (2016) #63

Jan 23, 2019

Another pointless issue with repetitive dialogue and revisiting themes. This run isn’t even worth getting worked up about anymore. Batman has become a completely forgettable book. It’s just sad really. Not as sad as Batman appears to be all the time but close.

Batman (2016) #64

Feb 6, 2019

Soooooo, this sucked. It's like Tom King couldn't figure out how to connect all of his poorly written stories so they called someone else in to do it and they had to make due with what they had. While this Batman has shown more emotion in this issue that King's has in maybe the whole run, it is still poorly executed. The ending was a nice surprise though.

Batman (2016) #67

Mar 20, 2019

If I could have given this a negative number, I would have. The art was the best, and really only, part of this story and I didn't care for it. Every week appears to consist of Tom King seeing how he can suck more than the week before and yet still somehow get praised for it. In that, he's succeeded because there are still people giving him 9's and 10's somehow. At this point, I'm left believing that they are just trolls because nothing about this issue could ever be construed as praiseworthy because nothing happened. It was mostly just a reference to King's Elmer Fudd story that I couldn't give two shits about. This issue is an insult and really just a way to prove that no matter how much King sucks, his sycophantic fans will gladly cough up $4 for absolutely no return. I award him no points, we are all now dumber for having read this, and may God have mercy on his soul.

Batman (2016) #68

Apr 11, 2019

Wow. Ok, so this was yet another waste of an issue. Even in Batman’s subconscious this makes no sense. Stripping Superman robots, endless panels of intergalactic wine, and THE most boring Bruce Wayne ever set to page. The art was nice but was so completely tonely different from the rest of the series that it was off putting Batman who, being the greatest detective, would know Lois and Selina apparently thinks Lois is going to have a robot version of her husband strip for her new friend. Come on man. This issue was so stupid, it was painful. The 4 is just for the art.

Batman (2016) #69

Apr 17, 2019

This issue pisses me off even more than the rest of the filler nonsense. One, why does King keep having Bane fight naked? This was never a thing before. Suddenly this master tactician thinks it’s a good idea to fight with his dangly bits hanging out? Stupid. Second, why is Thomas here? There’s no explanation and it makes zero sense. Third, this damn dream sequence is just annoying. Holy hell, get over the break up already. I honestly don’t understand how anyone could still want a relationship between Batman and Catwoman after King’s run. He has made this pairing toxic. We were treated to the usual terrible dialogue and the lyrics to a song that probably no one knows. Also for the grand finale of the Knightmare arc and Batman is STILL LOCKED IN THE DAMN MACHINE!!!! So there’s no real resolution to anything. The 4 is all art which was decent enough but it had zero chance of making up for this nonsense story.

Batman (2016) #70

May 1, 2019

While this was an improvement over Knightmares, that’s not really saying much. Batman escapes the nightmare machine, talks like an asshole, and beats the crap out of almost everyone of his rogues in single panels. Really let’s you know how incredibly NOT dangerous and threatening they really are. He even drops Solomon Grundy and Amygdala bare handed without breaking a sweat. Solomon Grundy, who gives Superman pause, got his ass beat in between panels while Batman goes on about being a nightmare himself. People who complained about hating Batgod should be pissed but since Tom King is writing it, most will give him, yet another, free pass. Batman walks straight out of Arkham saying he’ll be back with his team later. If this is all part of Bane’s plan, it’s a really stupid plan that is needlessly convoluted. This story, like so many by this writer, makes no sense. Oh, and then there was the public domain literature that is a King staple as well. The art was not bad but, again, was not enough to make up for a poorly written issue. His last arc drug on and on and then this issue Batman takes on almost his entire rogues gallery in single panels. King needs to learn what pacing is because his sucks. Anyway, this was another mediocre issue from an overhyped writer.

Batman (2016) #71

May 15, 2019

Ahhh, The continuing story of how to not write Batman, by Tom King. So in this poorly crafted tale, we have what appear to be two separate timelines, presumably both actually happening but with King you never know, one shows Batman sort of gathering the family and the other shows him finding out that he's lost. We start with him on the roof with Gordon lighting up the Batsignal, that Gordon destroyed just a few issues before, but he's changed the bulb out to be red. The significance? Who the hell knows, it's never been referenced before that I'm aware of and isn't explained here. The only way anyone knows anything is because Batgirl just happened to be at her dads office and was told. SHE goes and makes the calls to the Batfamily members to get them to come help. I guess Batman is for some reason unable to actually call them? Pretty damn stupid but whatever. One bright spot here is that Young Justice gets referenced which is cool since I don't think that's really happened anywhere else. The rest of the story is switching back and forth between the two timelines. One could be a dream maybe? I don't know, it would be pretty bad if it was considering the shit show that was the Knightmares arc. Batman confronts Bane and his dad just stands there while we continue to not get any explanation regarding why he's there or working for Bane. Batman say's he's going to break his damn back, there's more bad dialogue, Alfred seems to have been lured to Bane's side through we can assume Psycho Pirates manipulations aaaaannnnndddd not much else of substance happens. Oh, Batman leads the batfam into Arkham and calls out Bane but everyone there seems surprised because they said everything is fine. King is trying to make it look like Batman has gone mad but after 71 issues of this writing, who wouldn't. It ends with Batman bitch slapping Tim Drake for no damn reason soooo, yeah there it is. This issue was better than some but was still poorly constructed and written. King continues to rely on the artist to carry his books but, honestly, you could have Jim Lee drawing this book and it still wouldn't make up for the inability to tell a coherent story or follow the writers own damn continuity.

Batman (2016) #72

Jun 5, 2019

An entire issue wasted by telling you everything that’s happened in the previous 71 issues but telling you how it was all Banes plan. Doesn’t really go into how he accomplished any of his plan but it tells you he was responsible for even the most inexplicable events. King doesn’t even give a shut about his own continuity because he states that Booster took Batman into an alternative reality in “The Gift” when that never happened. If the writer doesn’t care about his own story, why should anyone else? His issue really helps readers understand why King is being removed from this book. For those who say you can’t judge the story because it’s not complete, o want you to start eating a shit sandwich but don’t tell us how disgusting it is until the last bite because that’s what this entire run has been. One big shit sandwich. Don’t waste your time or money on this filler issue.

Batman (2016) #73

Jun 19, 2019

Once again Tom King shows that he knows nothing about Batman or even basic biology. Let’s see, Batman has his back broken, AGAIN, that’s at least the second time during this run, his alternate reality father apparently fixes it and escapes Gotham with Bruce all off panel. Is King capable of doing anything original because he just does the same shit over and over and he doesn’t do it well. Anyway, so daddy fixes his broken back and immediately throws him over the back of a horse. Having just had back surgery myself, this is complete and utter bullshit. King, again, shows that he has no idea how backs work. Lol. It’s so bad it’s funny. Daddy Bats rides around fighting ninjas and singing “Home in the Range” which I guess allowed King to fill space without having to come up with any of his own shitty dialogue, so that’s both a plus and a minus. Bruce eventually wakes up and does nothing, which is a continuing theme with King’s Batman. There’s a brief conversation where we once again see that the writer knows jack and/or shit about Batman and has him, once again, whine about the night his parents died. Holy shit this is talked about in every other issue. Oh, I forgot that Thomas, with his convalescent son draped across the back of his horse has also been dragging a coffin. Who’s in the coffin? Why non other than mommy bats. Now, is it Flashpoint Martha? That doesn’t make sense, how would he have had the time to grab her body? Is it this worlds Martha? That makes even less sense because he never met her. So either way, this is an idiotic twist thrown in for shock value. I’m sorry, but if you’re a fan of this run, you’re not a Batman fan because this isn’t Batman. When, in his 80 year history, has he EVER been written as this stupid, whiny, and ineffectual? When? This is not So much Batman as it is an extremely bad parody of him.

Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

Lets see, King uses a folk tale he’s already used previously and then repeats it in the same story. Still no resolution on how Thomas is in this world. Bruce gets into a straight up fight while still healing from a broken back and then being sling across the back of a horse. This is just more bullshit. People seem to think it’s some sort of genius writing but it’s mostly just pretentious bullshit that tells the reader nothing. It’s one nonsense filler issue after another and I can’t wait till it’s over. King seems to have big ideas so hopefully he does better writing movies where a more competent writer can fill in the details. As for this issue, if you haven’t bought it already, don’t bother.

Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

What the hell did I just read? How long since the last issue? Why was Catwoman on the mountain? I get everyone is probably being controlled by Psycho Pirate but it’s still stupid. Nobody sounds right which I’m sure will be chalked up to being controlled but that only changes their emotions, not their entire personalities. What was with the stupid ass story of the man walking up the mountain? I guess Thomas just has utter contempt for his son and treats his old pal Alfred like shit as well. This was complete and utter bullshit. So standard King writing. I hate it with a fiery passion at this point. It never gets better because King can’t seem to write a coherent story. How anyone could claim this is a 10/10 perfect comic is beyond me. At what point do you realize you’re just a sycophantic fanboy? King cannot get off this soon enough. Hell, I hope he goes to write for Tv and leaves comics altogether.

Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

A pointless issue from an incompetent writer. That's really all there is to say. The art was nice but the lack of coherence and actual story leaves this at a 2.5 for me.

Batman (2016) #77

Aug 24, 2019

The art is fantastic. I don't deny that. King has always had really good writers. I'm convinced that half the reason he's been as successful as he has been. It certainly can't be for his writing skills because the man has none. Let's see, some quick "highlights" Gotham Girl has become an overpowered Harley because that's exactly how she sounds. Annoying as shit. How has she not died from her powers yet? Or is that another plot point that King has forgotten. When are she and Duke supposed to fall in love? Does King remember who Duke is? Damian suddenly knows how to use magic because...reasons that will never be explained. The 13 year old Robin also easily took out the one person who was supposed to be preventing every other hero in the world at bay. Hmmmm, if only the Justice League would have thought of magic. Maybe they should meet some people who use magic and make a team of those guys. They could be called Justice League Dark or something like that. Just a thought. What else, oh Thomas forgot he had a grandson even though he knew about him in the Button I believe. This isn't as hard to believe because King forgot that Batman had a son throughout most of this run. Thomas is also the absolute worst father and grandfather around but we don't know why still since this is a 180 degree difference from his previous iterations where he was willing to sacrifice his entire world for his son. Bane appears to be on venom again but who knows if this is real or not. The same goes for the shocking death of Alfred. Oh shit, I almost forgot, because it had so little effect, Bruce and Selina are hanging out in Paris for no reason at all. Bruce is recovering from having his throat slit which he has spent more time doing than he did any of the times his back has been broken during this run. I actually didn't have a problem with Damian entering Gotham. I have more of an issue with him being the ONLY one who has done it. The idea that all of the heroes and the government would leave an entire city full of civilians to be terrorized by Bane and his minions is just too much. It's idiotic. Also, for the city of Bane, there is surprisingly very little Bane. Lots of Flashpoint Batman but not really Bane. Maybe King misnamed the entire storyline? It wouldn't even be the biggest screwup he's had on this run. Bottom line, the art continues to be great while the story still makes no damn sense and is written by an overpaid fanboy.

Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

The art is good but this story and dialogue are so damn bad that it’s a 2.5 for me. Apparently Catwoman interrogated the 2 random guys on the mountain who easily beat and cut Bruce’s throat. For some reason they knew the key to beating Bane. Why? Who the hell knows. King can never be bothered to provide details. The dialogue is so bad that I’m left assuming Tom King is actually a hermit who has never interacted with another human being. This issue and the entire series is complete bullshit. Thank god he’s leaving but it still isn’t soon enough.

Batman (2016) #79

Sep 18, 2019

This issue was BUUULLLLLSSSHHHIIITTTT!!!! Seriously, so much of this sucked. Except for the art it was exceptional as always. The big revelation was that they met on the street AND the boat but decided to settle for now having met on the beach. That was idiotic. And now it turns out that Alfred magically signaled that he was safe so Bruce sent his 13 year old son into a city controlled by the villains that all kicked his ass. Sounds like great parenting and tactical decision making. Since Alfred was very much not safe, assuming that was Alfred, there should be more here but this is King so it may just be yet another dropped plot thread. We get more ridiculous dialogue and some ridiculous couples yoga that I’m not even sure is physically possible. I give it a 3.5 and it’s all for the art. I can take bad art if the story is good but great art with a shitty story just does nothing for me.

Batman (2016) #80

Oct 2, 2019

The art was terrible and I usually enjoy JRJR’s work. Gotham Girl is suddenly deathly ill, which matches up with how she SHOULD be acting but seems out of nowhere with the last time we saw her. Bruce just walks into Gotham and starts taking guys out knowing that Bane and Thomas have Damian captive as well as the consequences for his actions and just hopes his dad does the right thing. Seriously? This guy who has been tearing his life apart and Bruce now hopes he does the right thing? Still no explanation why he’s tearing his life apart by the way. This issue, like SO many others in this run, was bullshit. If you haven’t wasted your money on it already, don’t bother.

Batman (2016) #81

Oct 18, 2019

Communicating through violence. I’m PRETTY sure Batman didn’t support this when it was done with Cassandra Cain so I doubt he’d adopt it with the rest of the family. An aged alcoholic alternate world Batman got the shit beat out of him and then magically, off panel, defeats the group of much younger and better trained fighters. Seems legit. Everything has actually been part of BATMAN’s plan now? Riiiiiiiight. With this writing, I honestly don’t know how King keeps getting work. Seriously. How did this guy get awards for this type of bullshit? The art was just bad. I like JrJr for the most part but his work here and on All Star Batman has been horrendous. The cover doesn’t look bad but the interiors suck. The best part of this issue is that it’s one more down until King is off this book. He’s made Bruce a pretty unredeemable character which is why he’s going to have to be replaced, again. Only 4 more to go.

Batman (2016) #82

Nov 6, 2019

Why does King continuously have Bane fighting guys who are almost naked? Gotham is Catwoman's? Since when? Batman once again needs Catwoman to jump in and save his ass? Shocker. Batman yells that he's going to break Bane's back? Never heard that before. Thomas, who never had anywhere near the amount of training as Batman or his people, walks through a room littered with Batfamily bodies and appears to now have zero marks from the battle with them? Sure why not. I'm convinced that all of the positive reviews are just King under different accounts because there is no way that anyone that actually can read would find this enjoyable, let alone good. The art is good and the only reason this is rated as high as a 2.

Batman (2016) #83

Nov 20, 2019

Wow. Just wow. This is the more humanized Batman? Last issue this guy got shot in the gut and this issue he's completely fine. In this run he's been shot, had his throat slit, and broken his back multiple times to just pretty much walk each off as if nothing happened. This isn't a humanized Batman, this is a terminator Batman who is emotionally stunted. Don't worry though because Tim magically recovered from being impaled 2 issues ago as well. The only one who's injuries seem to stick is Alfred, who has been dead for months our time but who knows how long in comic time. I'm assuming he's been dead long enough to be getting pretty ripe though. King steals some more poems to fill up space because he's unable to come up with anything meaningful and original. This was a very exposition heavy book where Alfred leaves a journal? a recording? I'm not sure. Doesn't really matter. Alfred gives a stupid reason why he gave the "all clear" to get Bruce's plan in motion and I guess we are supposed to gloss over the fact that his "all clear" put Damian's life in danger. In the end, this issue exists to give those who are willing to forget what happens issue to issue the feels. It shouldn't since everyone has known Alfred is dead for months now and if he was really in the clear then Bruce would have heard from him already but that should only bother those who put any actual thought into what goes on in this story. The art was great though. Seeing Batman pointlessly punching a wall was nicely rendered if not completely pointless. This issue was complete shit and no one should bother wasting their money on this. King shouldn't be allowed to continue to write at DC since he spends no time trying to understand the characters or trying to figure out how to pace a story or make a coherent plot.

Batman (2016) #84

Dec 4, 2019

Man, what can we really say about this book? Thomas promises to his dead parents that he will spend the rest of his life warring against anything that might cause Bruce pain. Except for him apparently. He can completely fuck Bruce's life up and that's all okay. Bruce also doesn't see what Thomas sees in the Joker, whatever the fuck that is, we don't know because it's also not explained. Thomas also magically knows about the whole Booster thing despite the fact that he wasn't there and should have no frame of reference for it. Reverse Flash somehow traveled to Flashpoint and kept Thomas alive? No explanation how he did that. Also, Thomas now decided to kill the Flashpoint world not to save Bruce and the real world but because he hates everything. Not the explanation I remember at the end of Flashpoint but ok, King does whatever the fuck he wants anyway. Thomas had a relationship (father/daughter?) with his worlds Selina where Thomas, inexplicably, asks Selina if she thinks it's possible to be Batman and be happy. Talk about forced. Thomas killed all the villains on his world but decided to team up with them on this Earth. That makes sense, right? The reverse order of this comic makes an already bad comic even more painful to read. I'm sorry, but at this point if you like this comic then Tom King could come right out and say he wants to shit in you Wheaties's and you'd still praise him because you're nothing more than a King fanboy/girl. There is nothing remotely good or redeeming about this book be it this issue or the entire damn run. This shows a lack of understanding of the characters as well as just normal human interaction. If you haven't wasted your money on this issue yet, don't. You'll be happier and $4 richer. The art was...okay? That's the most positive thing I can say about this comic.

Batman (2016) #85

Dec 18, 2019

Damn, so Batman is completely ineffective and once again has to have SuperCat come in and save him I mean, Thomas took out the ENTIRE BatFam but Catwoman can take him down no problem. I guess it could be worse, this could be Batman's main solo book. Wait, it is? Oh shit, this does suck then. Gotham Girl apparently, though has had fairly limited interaction with Bruce since the beginning of this run, seems to KNOW that Selina knows Bruce like no other. Where she picked this up, nobody knows. Also, the kryptonite the King himself created is used here to magically cure Clair. Wow, good thing he created that one thing that could save her and if just so happened to pop up for this occasion. Wesker, why was he Thomas's butler again? So that King could conveniently have him be his biggest weakness you say? Correct!!! It wasn't set up for any real reason, just so that King could suddenly make him the reason Batman knew the plan all along. BUT, if he has had him on the inside for all this time, why was Alfred's death a surprise? Because King needed some manufactured feels. I'm guessing Thomas is locked up in Arkham? Who do they think he is? Is he telling people he's Thomas Wayne? This could be problematic. Don't worry though, Bane woke up from his coma, because injuries mean nothing in King's world whether they are gunshots, like the one's Bruce got a couple of issues ago, or broken backs, like Bruce has had a couple of times in this run, or slit throats, you can walk all of these things off. Bane has now walked off a bullet to the brain and...wait for it...he broke Thomas's back because apparently that is the only thing Bane can do. Where you waiting on a married Bat/Cat? Tough shit. Sort of. They are married in spirit but not in reality. They decided to bone instead. Oh well, guess that's good enough for fans. In the end, Thomas sounds like a dumbass, despite the fact that this man was a doctor and Batman on in his timeline, and here, all he does is continuously try to destroy his son's life because he wants him to stop being Batman. This still makes zero sense. This best thing that can be said about this issue and this entire run is that it is over. The art was nice but Tom King is, in my opinion, one of the WORST writers to ever work for DC.

Batman (2016) #88

Feb 6, 2020

This is what I’ve been missing, an actual story. The new tech thing in every issue is already getting a bit old but we at least have a real mystery now instead of whatever that crap was that came before. The art is beautiful and the writing is a HUGE improvement. I can’t wait to see more about where this mystery with the Designer goes.

Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 12, 2018

This was a refreshing change of pace for Batman. He was actually competent for once. It was great. However, the real star of this comic was Alfred and seeing what he goes through in service to Batman. I definitely think DC should give Tom Taylor a Batman book so the character can be fun to read again.

Batman (2016) Annual #4

Oct 30, 2019

This was a useless issue filled with nonsense. Riding horses across horseback? Seriously? Why would Gotham have a missile defense system? What city in the US, other than DC, has a missile defense system? This issue didn’t provide any new insight to Batman or anything else. It was a complete waste of an issue. This could have been used to explain a lot of stuff that STILL hasn’t been explained in the main comic but instead we get a notebook that shows Batman stays busy I guess? Such a waste.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 31, 2021

The art looks great. The story, continues to be bullshit. If you enjoy Kings schizophrenic storytelling then you'll probably enjoy this. If you prefer any sort of coherent story though,don't waste your time.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #2

Aug 7, 2018

This is just a fun comic to read. Seeing Frank as Ghost Rider and dealing with a baby Thanos is a blast. His history with Galactus was cool and unexpected. This comic is at the top of my list now.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Dec 23, 2020

Johns needs to be the architect of the entire DCU. Great story.

DCeased #1

May 1, 2019

I thought this was a really well written first issue. The idea of the anti-life equation getting corrupted and broadcast through digital means is kind of interesting. See a zombified DC universe sounds like a lot of fun so I'm definitely all in on this series. Can't wait for the next issue.

DCeased #5

Oct 2, 2019

I really enjoyed this issue. Damian as Batman was cooler than I thought it would be and Luthor has some nice moments. I like that the heroes are finding safe havens until they can get everyone off planet. Still wish Harley would just disappear. Sick of seeing her. Lois has a pretty cool moment with Luthor. The ending...man. More heroes fall and it’s pretty heart breaking. I loved the art. This was a really solid issue.

DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1  
Doomsday Clock #10

May 29, 2019

That’s how a comic should be written. Loved it.

Doomsday Clock #11

Sep 8, 2019

Not a bad issue but not the best either. For a comic that has been habitually late, it still felt rushed. I love Johns but the delays have really hurt this book. I’ll read it as a full run once it’s complete but right now it still doesn’t feel completely connected to the first half. This issue kind of felt like an attempt at a quick explanation to make it connect but it just did t work for me.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #6

May 9, 2019

Amazing issue. This heart warming tale actually got me choked up. Best comic I’ve read in a long time.

G.I. Joe (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

The story doesn’t do much to hook the reader and the art is not good. Killing Duke in the first few pages was not a great way to get long time fans of the property to want to stay. This was a pretty forgettable book. Not terrible but certainly not good.

G.I. Joe (2019) #2

Oct 23, 2019

I wasn’t a fan of hipster Rock and Roll but the rest was surprisingly good. I really enjoyed this issue. Way more than the first.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #268  
Go-Bots (2018) #1

Nov 21, 2018

This art is just trash.

Green Lantern (2018) #1

Nov 7, 2018

This was a typical Morrison comic. A lot of nonsense that lets you know he probably writes everything while high. The story and art were just kind of meh. If you’re not a Morrison fan then this book isn’t going to change your views.

Green Lantern (2018) #3

Jan 9, 2019

I hated this issue. I don't need Morrison or anyone else going on about their distaste for religion or anything like that. This issue just came off as super anti-religion and self-righteous and in the very end Hal murders someone in cold blood and tells all of the other Green Lanterns to just cover it up. I get that it was a bad guy but the good guys still aren't supposed to just shoot people down. This series hasn't been great so far but this was a particularly bad issue.

Green Lantern (2018) #4

Feb 6, 2019

God I hate Morrison on this title. It's filled with a bunch of uninteresting nonsense that really just left me realizing that I'd never get that time back. I honestly don't know what people see in his writing but for me, he's barely a step above Tom King on my list of terrible writers.

Green Lantern (2018) #7

May 1, 2019

I do not understand how this book is getting such high reviews. I'm so sick of Grant Morrison on Green Lantern. Hal goes into his ring and the AI is a fairy living in some sort of fantasy world? What the hell? I hated every second of this issue and it bothers me because I love Hal Jordan. He's my favorite Green Lantern and I really want to like his stories but these are terrible.

Heroes In Crisis #1

Sep 28, 2018

Hey more depressed out of character heroes written by King. Wow, who would have guessed. THis book was advertised as dealing with mental health but all we got was death. King doesn’t seem to know how to tell a story without senseless death and depression. The art was great but the rest was just meh. Which I guess is a step up from the writers normal trash.

Heroes In Crisis #2

Oct 31, 2018

Harley wants the Trinity’s attention but instead of staying at Sanctuary she runs and then lures them to her in some convoluted mess that ends with her beating the three of them. King, once again, makes Batman incompetent. Booster is now just a nutjob with no real explanation other than the other convoluted story that King wrote. The art was fine but the writing is bordering on pathetic and there is no way this guy should be paid to be a professional comic writer.

Heroes In Crisis #3

Nov 30, 2018

Sanctuary has go to be the dumbest and most ineffectual therapy tool ever conceived. Lagoon boy has trauma from being shot and losing friends? Shot him repeatedly. Seems healthy. Wally West is missing his kids? Let him see them in a simulation and then question why he would need them. Because that’s not idiotic. Tom King again proves that he has no idea who Booster Gold is and has no idea how to write him. Why not have him witness a murder and then just stand there and do nothing? Sounds like a hero. This story serves no purpose. If King is trying to delve into heroes trauma he’s doing a piss poor job of it. He should probably learn more about such a sensitive topic before attempting to write about it. This is obviously just an excuse for DC to get rid of characters they don’t like.

Heroes In Crisis #4

Jan 2, 2019

This series is just bad. Everyone is written out of character. Batgirl and Harley suddenly have some sort of an emotional connection out of nowhere. Lois and Clark are more concerned with protecting their anonymous sources than catching a killer. This is just a terrible series that DC needs to hurry up and forget about.

Heroes In Crisis #5

Jan 30, 2019

This isn’t even worth the time talking about why it’s terrible. It’s all be explained by others. Just know that it’s bad and King has no place talking about anyone’s trauma.

Heroes In Crisis #6

Feb 27, 2019


Heroes In Crisis #7

Mar 27, 2019

2.5 and that’s for the art. I feel like we say they same stuff every issue. Poor characterization, the plot hasn’t moved, still pretty much nothing has been answered, shitty dialogue, you know, same as always for King. How he gets paid for this, I’ll never understand. If you haven’t already paid money for this, don’t. It’s just not worth it.

Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

The art was fine but this story was so bad that even that couldn’t save it for me. Tom King seems to have never read anything with Wally West in it before because he knows nothing of this character and how he thinks. He also seems to not understand how computers work. He takes Rebirths symbol for hope and makes him an “accidental “ mass murderer by losing control of the speed force? Pretty sure that the last time the speed force unleashed a storm like that people got powers. Anyway, Wally then goes around and frames Harley and Booster, the guy who has saved countless lives is now framing innocent people. Wow. Then he goes into the future to kill himself? What kind of idiotic, convoluted crap is that? This whole series was garbage and the fact that it’s in continuity is a tragedy for the DCU. Avoid this at all costs.

Heroes In Crisis #9

May 29, 2019

Absolutely the worst event I’ve read. King knows jack shit about any of the characters and has zero business writing them. Wally killed and mutilated his friends because he was sad. Tried to kill himself after delaying the investigation for 5 days for reasons. Not any that make sense, just reasons. King has no grasp on how time trace works in any other comic book and tries to explain it in the most convoluted way and even puts in the comic how it doesn’t make sense. If you don’t understand it, don’t write about it. This goes even more for the entire mental health aspect which it is abundantly clear King knows nothing about. Boosters whole purpose in this comic was to get a body in the end and he seemed cool with it. No one is written in character. This was a travesty. Best part of this book is that it’s over. Bros before heroes my ass.

House of X #2

Aug 9, 2019

I hate how Hickman just randomly completely changes the his story of a character and also does it in the most nonsensical way imaginable. So the timeline restarts completely every time Moira dies? Is she suddenly a god? She’s also a mutant now out of nowhere. This has been a bullshit storyline so far. Maybe he can make it make sense at some point but it’s definitely not there right now. I also hate the pages of just text. If I wanted that I’d go read a book. However, I bought a comic so I’m looking for more.

Immortal Hulk #3

Jul 19, 2018

This issue was not good. The art was terrible with a different artist representing each witness. Some of it looked like it was done by a child. The story was a waste of an issue this early in the series. We need to know what the actual status quo of the main character is and not whatever this crap was. I love the Hulk but this issue was weak as hell.

Immortal Hulk #7

Oct 10, 2018

Great issue. The ending really leaves you wondering what’s gonna happen next.

Immortal Hulk #25

Oct 23, 2019

This issue was boring as hell. I stopped reading about 8 pages in. I skimmed the rest but there was nothing interesting in this comic. I was looking forward to a good Hulk comic and instead got this trash fire.

Injustice 2 Annual #2

Nov 21, 2018

This is how you humanize characters. Tom King needs to read this and take notes.

Justice League (2018) #39

Jan 29, 2020

Thank god this bullshit is over. Why anyone would want a Justice League book where the heroes almost never win is beyond me. DC needs to do some housecleaning and Snyder, despite a few good stories, needs to go along with King and Bendis. Get writers back in who know how to tell complete stories and remember what the point of having heroes is. This entire run was trash.

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #2

Oct 2, 2019

Get Bendis out of DC. He’s ruining everything he touches. Leave the Legion alone man. This book had the social commentary that I’m not a fan of, especially when poorly executed as it was here. Stop blaming everything on the rich. Damn. Why is Rose the main character in a book introducing the Legion? This is just ridiculously bad. I’m also not a fan of the reimagining of all of the characters. DC, do us all a favor and ditch Bendis.

Marauders (2019) #1

Oct 23, 2019

I've been really down on the HoX/PoX stuff because it is, honestly, just terrible in my opinion but Marauders was a pretty fun comic. Kitty was finally made interesting.

Martian Manhunter (2018) #1

Dec 6, 2018

This was painfully bad. MM’s origin is changed to make him a much less likable character. The terrible art doesn’t help the issue either. Definitely avoid unless you just like throwing money away.

Mister Miracle (2017) #12

Nov 14, 2018

You gotta be shitting me with all these 10’s. This was a complete nonending and a complete waste of an issue. King fails to say anything of substance and leaves the entire story to remain up to the readers. DC, FIRE this writer!!!!!

Mr. and Mrs. X #3

Sep 20, 2018

I very enjoyable read. I look forward to this title every time it comes out. I love Gambit and Rogue and Thompson continues to write them as a fun and charismatic couple.

Mr. and Mrs. X #10

Apr 24, 2019

I enjoyed this issue. This has been a great series. Beautiful artwork and a fun adventurous story. Not a huge fan of Mojo but I’ve enjoyed this despite the villain. Gambit is my favorite Xman and he’s well written here.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27

Oct 10, 2018

Another great issue. This is the best Bat related book out.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #32

Mar 13, 2019

Loved this issue. Red Hood has been the most consistently good book since Rebirth began and it continues to deliver. I loved Jason's interaction with Bruce. I can't wait to see how this storyline plays out.

Shazam! (2018) #1

Dec 6, 2018

Loved it. Finally, a fun book. This was a light hearted fun story about family and enjoying their powers. This book is what Rebirth was supposed to be all about. I can’t wait for the next issue.

Shazam! (2018) #4

Apr 1, 2019

Beautiful art and a fun, lighthearted story. One of the best titles DC has out right now.

Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

I enjoyed this first issue. Ben is a new and interesting character who has different life experiences than his dad who is broken from his time as Spiderman. I look forward to seeing where Ben goes from here.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Rey #1

Sep 18, 2019

Useless story. Didn’t really add much to the character except to show she somehow had mastery over Jedi skills that others had to train to learn.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #1

Feb 6, 2020

I loved this issue. This is what I’ve waited for since I first saw the original trilogy back in the 80’s. Vader actually looking into where Luke came from and trying to find out how this happened. It was great.

Strange Adventures (2020) #1

Mar 4, 2020

How can a writer who gets so much praise, suck so bad? He once again uses a DC property to work through his own anxiety and depression from his time in the CIA. Get a therapist already and stop with this shit. He also shows that he STILL doesn’t know Batman in just a couple of panels. Batman investigates everyone but suddenly wont investigate Adam Strange? Bullshit. The art was fine but the writing is repetitive and just goes over the same shit that King goes over in every single series he writes.

Strange Adventures (2020) #5

Sep 2, 2020

Another boring issue. King once again takes long established characters and just writes them completely different. He just needs to get away from super hero comics. Go back to the original characters like in Sherrif of Babylon otherwise he just butchers characters. I’m also over Mitch Gerads art. There are few, if any, redeeming qualities for this series.

Strange Adventures (2020) #8

Jan 31, 2021

Strange Adventures (2020) #10

May 26, 2021

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1

Nov 27, 2019

I agree with Batman Jones, this is the first Dark Multiverse tale that wasn't painful to get through. This was a really well crafted book that I would recommend to anyone who was a fan of the original Infinite Crisis.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 12, 2018

Not a bad issue but not great. It was confusing about what Earth this was taking part on which lead to confusion about what was happening and to who. I would like to know more about the character and what makes him such a huge threat but so far, we haven't seen much to explain that in any of his appearances. I'm hoping this series will flesh the character out more but this issue was lacking.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #11

Feb 6, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #17

May 1, 2019

I enjoy this for the most part but the whole Logan vs Scott thing is old and boring. Killing characters is a great way to get an initial shock but we all know that it isn't going to last so it makes this story lose some of the meaning. It's a not a bad story but it's terribly unoriginal and takes a New Mutant off the table for no real reason. I wish DC and Marvel would focus more on good storytelling and less on shock value.

Venom (2018) #18

Sep 11, 2019

Cates has been killing it on Venom since he started the series. This was another great issue.

Venom (2018) #20

Nov 27, 2019

Venom is probably the best book Marvel is putting out right now IMO. This issue was no different. It dealt with the aftermath of Absolute Carnage but more importantly, it addressed Dylan finding out that Eddie is his father. I can't wait until the next issue.

X-Men (2019) #2  
Young Justice (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

I wanted to love this, I really did. I love the old Young Justice comic but Bendis's dialogue is just hard to read. Everyone talks the exact same joking way, including the villains and it just took me out of the story. I'm hoping that it gets better from here and we get a good explanation for Superboy's return and all that but with Bendis, you just never know.

Young Justice (2019) #2

Feb 6, 2019

I liked this issue more than the first. It gave us some insight into Wonder Girl that we didn't get the first go round. The story itself doesn't really progress much but we do get an interesting look at where she's been before now.

Young Justice (2019) #5

May 1, 2019

I enjoyed this issue but I don't think it did much to really advance the overall plot. Other than giving back story to where the members of Young Justice have been recently, I'm not entirely sure what the plot is right now. I do know that I absolutely HATE Gemworld. I thought Tim's story was pretty good but this still isn't doing a sufficient job of making this make sense with the current DC continuity, though this issue did try. Overall, this wasn't a bad issue but it wasn't mind-blowing either.

Young Justice (2019) #9

Oct 2, 2019

This issue was dedicated to giving background on Teen Lantern and actually succeeded in making her less interesting. Before we were led to believe she had hacked the Green Lanterns but it turns out she just got handed her gear. Bendis took a good idea and made it boring. Which is crazy because it was HIS idea that he ruined.

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