Beyond_Batman's Profile

Joined: Feb 02, 2019

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Absolute Carnage: Scream #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #83

Jan 2, 2022

This was a waste of time. This was pure filler.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #89

Feb 16, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #3

Jun 20, 2022

I guess I'm just having a hard time dealing with how easy Spider-Man was beaten by Tombstone. Unless they are going to explain a big strength upgrade I don't get it. Spider-Man would be dead by now if Tombstone who is much weaker beats him by putting him in a bear hug. The rest of the story can do whatever it wants, but it doesn't work for me knowing him getting beaten so easily doesn't really make any sense. How has he survived against so many more dangerous villains yet fucking Tombstone does a WWE move on him and actually beats him with it. Give Spider-Man the respect he fucking deserves!

Avengers (2018) #32

Mar 17, 2020

Avengers (2018) #41

Jan 21, 2021

Batman (2016) #82

Nov 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #95

Jul 25, 2020

Batman (2016) #108

May 31, 2021

I just can't get into this whole cyberpunk/magistrate storyline. I'm not really into the story and DC has already let us know what is going to happen with Future State. I have zero reason to buy Batman. I stuck around because it's Batman and I usually stick through bad storyline out of character loyalty.

Batman (2016) #143

Feb 18, 2024

This story is trash and dialogue is ridiculous.

Blood Hunt (2024) #3

Jun 15, 2024

This event sucks. I don't like Blade as the big bad. Thor was already the most powerful character in the whole marvel universe. Now he has the Odinforce(I guess Thorforce now) but is still hanging out with the Avengers is stupid enough as is. Now he is getting beat by a bunch of vampires. Odin was on the level of Phoenix, Galactus, etc, yet he is somehow seemingly less powerful than he was doesn't make sense to me and it is really killing the story for me. Sam Wilson's speech was way too corny. The whole team got their asses handed to them, but last issue they decide to win because they are the Avengers and that's what they do. Trash. I'm done with this event. I give it a 2.5 because the art is good.

Cable (2020) #6

Jan 7, 2021

This is my last issue of Cable until a new creative team is on the book. He came back and killed the old Cable because he was soft and was not capable of making the tough choices without his morals standing in the way. Fast forward to now. He is now a character that has more in common with a teen CW network character than the original Cable or even a soldier for that matter. Its not a terrible story or comic it just is not any Cable that I recognize. If you like teen cheese then this book is fine.

Captain America (2018) #19

Mar 3, 2020

This current storyline is becoming a chore to read.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 5, 2021

Who the hell are these critics on this site that give 90% of everything they read 10 stars? Everything can't be a 10. Its hard to take the critic reviews on here seriously sometimes. But this was a solid comic and series. Definitely not a 10 but was worth the read. But I am so glad this event is finally over. These huge events that span for months and have multiple tie ins and effect every storyline is really starting to turn me off in both dc and marvel. Sorry for the negativity but these events lose so much of their potential by dragging it out into nothing but a cheap cash grab.

Dead Romans (2023) #1

May 18, 2023

It gets a 5 for the art. Don't let the time period trick you into thinking it's a good story. It's hard to follow. The characters look exactly the same. It's just not entertaining.

Dead Romans (2023) #2

May 18, 2023

More of the same. It's a stupid story set in an entertaining time in history. Even in the Roman days, you needed one woman in a group of hundreds of men to set them straight and call them out for being cowards. This is how it would really go. Woman: You are all being cowards! Roman officer: Smack!!! That would be the whole story if it was historically accurate. I'm not saying that is how the story should have been, but come on. How about a little realism?

Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII (2024) #2

Jun 15, 2024

Joe Kelly is the only one who writes a good Deadpool. He is a messed up,conflicted, and tortured person who uses his humor as a his escape. Everyone else writes him like he is a walking joke machine that never takes anything seriously. To finally see him have some emotional depth again is great. If you read his run in the 90's it is really hard to read anyone else's depiction of him. But, as far as the actual story goes it's great. It's just as violent and bloody as you'd expect from wolverine and Deadpool. Good from start to finish. P.S. go read joe Kelly's run on Deadpool.

Deadpool (1997) #1  
Deadpool (2018) #8

Feb 2, 2019

Is there a point to this series?! Every issue is completely random and pointless. I have no idea where or if there is even a direction to this plot. 8 issues in and there is absolutely no point to the story. They are mildly entertaining. I get Deadpool is supposed to be funny and random. But come on, this is just ridiculous. Wasting money in hopes Deadpool becomes good again. Bring back joe Kelly.

Deadpool (2018) #15

Jul 23, 2019

I must say I am not a huge fan of the direction Marvel seems to be going with Deadpool. Thebfirst Deadpool I ever read was the first issue of the Joe Kelly run. I have his whole run and when I think what deadpool should be as a character is how he wrote him. Liefeld's Deadpool was actually pretty borung and cliche until joe and his crew made him into an actual character. But back to my point, Deadpool has turned into nothing butvstupid punchline after stupid punchline. Any comedy is gone because the jokes become so redundant. There is nothing deep about his character anymore and there is almost no plot anymore. Yes he is supposed to be random and crazy. But its like this whole decade for deadpool has been nothing but a neverending punchline with no substance.

Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1

Aug 5, 2021

I did not enjoy this issue even a little. It tried so hard to be funny that it wasn't. The plot was dumb and boring. Tom Taylor is very over rated, injustice and Nightwing are good but that's about it.

Deathstroke (2016) #43

Jul 23, 2019

Good story. Stupid ending that doesn't make sense if you think about it. 1) how does he get hit by an arrow of all things?! She just happened to catch him on an off day?! 2) its an arrow. And he heals. And is the world's most deadly assasin. And she is a teenage green arrow!! 3) he heals 4) you should never have a comic character die from a gun or *ahem* an arrow. You have to look past the fact that they could be sniped out before they knew what hit them to even begin to consider comics even slightly realistic. So an arrow should not have even been in the discussion. 5) aaannnnnddddd... He heals. That doesn't even seem like it should do all that damage to Deathstroke. A well placed arrow takes down the terminator. Yay girl power!!! They can do stuff too!!!

Empyre #2

Jul 23, 2020

Empyre #3

Jul 29, 2020

Empyre #5

Aug 12, 2020

This whole event is just meh. It's not terrible, but this whole event and all of its tie ins could have been covered in about 3 issues. The Cotati could have been so much more interesting if they added more than Quoi and Swordsman(I dont get why he is referred to as swordsman, its a plant with his memories). Off topic but the fact that Marvel is going out of it's way to show that the Black Panther is in charge is starting to irk me. We get it, he's black and "in charge".I have never in my 20+ years of collecting and reading Avengera there being a leader as anything more than a figurehead. They make it seem like there is now a chain of command and he is in charge. The Avengers are a group of heroes banded together for the same cause and do not "take orders" from anyone. They listened to Cap because they respected him, not because he was the "leader".

Excalibur (2019) #14  
Fantastic Four (2018) #38

Dec 6, 2021

It wasn't great but it did keep me entertained. Kind of a dumb plot though. A legal custody battle over the wizard's clone? Ummm....OK.

Fantastic Four (2018) #40

Feb 18, 2022

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 9, 2021

I just can't get past the fact that there is nothing Batman like about Tim Fox. He has no connection to Batman at all. Bruce traveled the world training in different ways and learning tactics. He pushed himself to be who he was. Yes the money helps of course,but he is supposed to be the best of the best and his training is what prepared him for it, not his money. What the hell has Tim Fox done that could have possibly prepared him to be Batman. And nobody better bring up him being in the military or something. No SF training is even close to being enough to be Batman. The only connection to Bruce Wayne is that DC decided to give all of Bruce Wayne's money to a more deserving black family. Why would he even want to be Batman? Why not be his own hero? (I know they are calling a random black dude "Batman"so they can use everything Bruce did to promote "new" character, im talking comic world). Why would Damien just let some turd that would get his ass handed to him by every Robin prance around ruining his father's legacy? I mean come on. I could put a Batman costume on right now and go fight crime in my city. But I'm not Bruce Wayne so I wouldn't really be Batman and I would be dead pretty fast. I didn't think FS: Superman of Metropolis was great, but it makes sense that his son will take up the mantle one day. I don't care how good the story is if I can't believe the current character that is Batman just isn't any where near good enough to be Batman.

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 12, 2021

Oh man!! I just can't stand how they are just so lazily creating new characters. "He did what the original Batman could not and truly saved Gotham". I ranted about this in another post but are we actually going to see how Tim Fox had the proper training to actually be Batman? He was a full grown adult when he was introduced. Where did he learn everything from? Hes like Rey in the sequels lol. But I was planning on skipping Justice League once I heard Bendis was the new writer anyway so I guess I don't care about the far future of Justice League or the near future of it either.

Future State (2021): Nightwing #1

Jan 20, 2021

Ghost Rider (2019) #5  
Green Lantern: Blackstars #2  
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #3

Mar 23, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10

Jan 7, 2021

This review is more bashing these stupid events than anything just so anyone who reads this will be warned lol.Good artwork. But it was such pointless tie in to KIB. I'm so tired of Marvel and these big events. Let ONE writer make ONE storyline that doesn't have 50 tie in and spin offs that completely water down the story. It's bad enough they are making mini series but at least I can just skip those and miss absolutely nothing important to the main storyline. But it really grinds my gears when they add these tie ins to current runs of titles. Keep the forced tie in to Venom only since it shouldn't have been a huge event in the first place and should have been told in the pages of Venom.That being said next issue seems like it could be cool and back on track.

Hellions (2020) #12  
House of X #1  
Hulk (2021) #2

Dec 18, 2021

What is this? This wouldn't even be a good what if storyline. The whole idea of the starship and fueling and piloting is not clever or fun. Bruce Banner's character is unlikable and and a bad cliche of a mad scientist. I just don't like it. I'll give it a chance for an issue or two more just because its donny Cates.

Immortal Iron Fists #6

Jun 3, 2021

So Iron Fist is not Iron Fist anymore. What a great way to end it. He is now one of the most useless characters in the Marvel universe right behind Hawkeye and Black Widow. Is marvel making it a point to ruin all their characters? Aaahhhhh!! Lol

Iron Fist (2022) #1  
Juggernaut (2020) #1

Sep 23, 2020

I thought it was an ok story. The issue didn't seem to build toward a bigger plot other than a random fight with hulk next issue. I also thought the story spent too much time focusing on the back and forth with d-cel.

Justice League (2018) #35

Nov 7, 2019

Justice League (2018) #53

Sep 17, 2020

I liked the story. I like how it gave a quick rundown of what happened. I hate that dc doesn't have a couple "previously in" paragraphs like marvel does. I'm a big Nightwing fan. And I'm not trying to race bait or anything lol but wasnt hawkgirl as white as nightwing throughout this whole justice league run? She looks like she turned into a black woman with no explanation. And does the fact that martian manhunter is fighting mindhunter mean he already got past the omega titan?

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #5

Jan 4, 2022

When did Kang turn into such a whiny baby?

King In Black #2

Dec 25, 2020

It feels like every big marvel event is the exact same thing with a slight twist to the villain. They try and cram every big name hero in the books and it takes away from the story. Not every event needs every character. Sometimes less is more.

King In Black #3

Jan 20, 2021

King Spawn #5

Dec 17, 2021

So I liked the issue but I am confused by the flashback of AL Simmons death. I'm like 99.99% sure Chapel was the one who killed AL. Was this changed at some point? I stopped collecting for awhile when I was in the military. I also don't like Wynn saying he taught Spawn. Wynn didn't teach AL anything. Al was an elite soldier and Wynn did nothing but give him targets. He wasn't a general either which is confusing me. He would have zero to do with his training so him saying he taught him is confusing as well. Does the writer not know Spawn's origin?

King Spawn #8

Mar 18, 2022

Loki (2019) #2  
Major X #1  
Marauders (2019) #13

Oct 14, 2020

It wasn't a terrible comic or anything. But I only bought this to follow the x of swords storyline. It was completely unnecessary for me to buy this. It could be summer up in ine sentence: Storm, against the wishes of Wakanda takes an ancient sword for the battle close at hand.

Marauders (2019) #15

Nov 11, 2020

Marauders (2019) #21

Jun 2, 2021

Mighty Morphin (2020) #16  
Monkey Prince (2022) #1  
Moon Knight (2021) #8  
Nightwing (2016) #62

Jul 18, 2019

It was a decent issue. I thought the artwork was really good. I dont mind the whole ric grayson thing but he seems exactly like Dick Grayson but with no memory. They need to stop focusing on " the nightwings". They individually all suck as characters so none of them will be getting an expanded role when this storyline is over. And how has not one of these detectives not thought he is Nightwing already. I mean Nightwing disappears, they take his suits, and then someone with all of Nightwing's skills shows up and helps them. Plus he has the same mask pretty much. Terrible detectives lol

Nightwing (2016) #74

Sep 11, 2020

This only gets a 9 because Nightwing is finally back!!! The actual issue was hust ok overall. It was very rushed and I don't like how Dick was whooping Red Hood like he was a novice. But I get this issue is about Nightwing and his return so I wont judge too harshly. But I am just so glad this whole ric grayson saga is over. But I do think he should go by Rick from now on. That is a name no one under the age of 60 years old goes by anymore. His name is kind of a joke in this day and age. So overall im glad nightwing is back, but he should go by rick and not dick because its 1940 anymore.

Power Rangers (2020) #16  
Powers of X #6

Oct 9, 2019

I willnsay this is a great storyline but it's still over rated im ny opinion. It's slightly confusing the way they jump from the past to the present to the future. The alternate timelines made some of the impactful things a little less interesting knowing that they will simply get as many do overs as they need. That is lame. I also don't like these backup bodies they have stored for every mutant. It's going to be a huge mess continuity wise going forward, especially when eventually Hickman leaves. I mean damn near every character that dies comes back regardless. Now it's going to be the spiderman/ben reilly clone saga all over again. But with every single mutant instead of just good old spidey. So I will say this was a very good series. But I just think it is very likely this will cause all types of wierd alternate versions of multiple characters that are going to cause chaos for continuity in the mutant world.

Rogue Sun (2022) #1

Mar 5, 2022

Everything was good but I wish they didn't go with him being a high school student. It feels too Power rangerish.

Rogue Sun (2022) #11

Mar 9, 2023

Shang-Chi (2021) #9

Feb 25, 2022

Shang-Chi (2021) #10

Mar 27, 2022

Silver Surfer: Black #2

Jul 23, 2019

Would get a 10 if it wasn't for the art. Too childish and cartoony for my likes. But this was good all around story wise. But why does Knull look like a Kiss band member?

Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 1, 2021

It was entertaining enough for the mess of a story it is. After 4 issues of fighting doc ock saves the day and its like this series had zero importance. For Spencer's run or Spider-Man in general. How do 40 supervillains show up in NYC and not one of the 500 heroes in the area not show up to help? I think Spider-Man would have been justified texting one his super friends. And I still am waiting for this big Kindred payoff.

Spawn #314  
Spawn: Spawn's Universe #1  
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #13  
Star Wars: Crimson Reign (2021) #1

Dec 9, 2021

Star Wars: Crimson Reign (2021) #2

Feb 2, 2022

I know they are trying to turn qira and crimson dawn into this powerful group that moves behind the shadows but it just doesn't really work. They are trying to cram a story and make it feel important while setting it in between the small window between episode 5 and 6. Qira is no threat to the empire and by trying to make qira into too big of a player is hurting this story tremendously. I like her character and ochi has turned into one of my favorite marvel star wars comics characters but they need to stop adding too many things to finished plots. We all know what happened in the original trilogy. Marvel has no idea how to handle the star wars universe or they just aren't allowed to do anything original.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #18

Dec 1, 2021

This issue was a waste of paper and ink. It was a story about characters no one cares about that have minimal impact if any to the storyline. I like this run but I'm not sure I like this Crimson Dawn story Marvel is going all in on.

Star Wars: Hidden Empire (2022) #3

Feb 17, 2023

WTF am I reading? Vader would have snapped chanaths neck with force mid sentence in the opening scene and force crushed the other 2 before they could move. These comics are so hard to take seriously. One of the most powerful sith lords is struggling against some c level Bounty Hunters. Is this a joke?! I mean seriously. If i took these comics seriously it would diminish Vader and force users in general.

Star Wars: Hidden Empire (2022) #4

Mar 2, 2023

This issue was much better. But this setup should have happened by issue 2. I have a feeling we were baited pretty hard with this sith lord. With one issue left, what can they possibly do with whatever sith comes back even if they do? Maybe one will come back and it will lead into another series but I doubt it. Or Palpatine will stop it and take it for himself. Boring too. I don't think disney understands that jedi and sith need force users to fight against. It's so fucking boring and frustrating to see normal ass soldiers and Bounty Hunters being the enemy. If they somehow make it so qira gets palps on the defensive without another sith lord to challenge him I'm going to be pissed. To diminish the most powerful sith of all time who destroyed the entire jedi order and is so powerful he can toy with maul and Savage oppress at the same time is so disney. Q'ira sucks, stop trying to make her relevant. She is like the carol Danvers of Star Wars. Just go away! Why do they keep making terrible comics? They stick to the same era and try to cram trash and trash characters in the same time spans between the OT. The Yoda comic is a disappointment. It's like a whole series of nothing but boring, pointless filler stories. The plot line in Darth Vader is about a padmes handmaiden that literally no one cares about.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Jan 6, 2021

I thought this was a good starting issue for the new era of the jedi. Characters were diverse without it feeling forced(so far at least). Good pace, all the characters introduced were interesting. Sskeer is my favorite so far. I had a lot of doubts heading into this. I'm a big star wars fan from dawn of the jedi and kotor up to right before the sequels happened lol. But so far I must say I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. Beware of the 1 star ratings, even 10 star ratings for that matter too. It was not perfect by any means but a 1 it definitely was not. Anyone who gave it a 1 had already made their mind up before they read it.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #2

Feb 3, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #3

Mar 7, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #8

Aug 12, 2021

This is turning into a terrible comic and and feels more like a terribly written X book than a star wars book. The villains are just not doing it for me. The drengir are extremely dumb and boring. The Nihil are also dumb. When Avar Kriss was in the drengir control and they were like "no, she connects us all", that was very Jean Grey and not very jedi or force like. I'm souring very hard on this book. It reads like it is completely for children. I haven't found one character to be interesting or even likable yet. I'm only going to keep buying these in case they adapt the high republic into live action and they are worth something. Horrible comic. Terrible writing. No Star Wars feel other than they have lightsabers. The writer and editorial staff don't seem to understand the way the force works.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2023) #1

Nov 13, 2023

Keeve Trennis was promoted from knight to master in one year of being a jedi knight. Ummmmm....OK, even the jedi have affirmative action now. These weird anti force creatures are so dumb. If I didn't want to keep up on canon, I would have zero reason to read the high republic. It's a stupid era to pick, considering you can't use sith without breaking canon. It's just boring. The villains are boring. It just sucks.

Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Sep 9, 2021

I like this book overall. But I just get so tired of them constantly having waller blow someone up 5 times per comic. I mean they are in arm's length of her all the time. Anyone of them could knock her fat ass out before she could react. Superboy(Match) could just eye laser her. I understand it's a comic and you have to take things with a grain of salt,but over reminding us readers 5 times per issue is unnecessary and makes the story hard to believe and a chore to read.

Superman (2018) #13

Jul 12, 2019

Does this remind anyone else of when Bardock was trying to convince everyone planet Vegeta was going to explodre?

Superman (2023) #11

Feb 28, 2024

I like the story overall, but using kryptoninte really took the momentum away for me. I'm just over Kryptonite, it's used way too often with Superman. I don't care if it's a new type or whatever. It's dumb and unoriginal and just a plain ass lazy way to make Superman vulnerable. Just make it extinct DC. Please.

Sword Master (2019) #1

Jul 25, 2019

Sword Master (2019) #4

Oct 9, 2019

Sword Master (2019) #5

Nov 7, 2019

The Resistance: Uprising #6

Nov 27, 2021

Good series but I thought the end was kind of stupid. Whoever this species is that created the reborns step in and stop everything. The explanation they give is about as lame as can be. We still know nothing about the reborn and the ending was anticlimactic. Hopefully this is not the end and we get some more.

The Scorched (2022) #1

Jan 12, 2022

The Scorched (2022) #10

Oct 2, 2022

Thor (2020) #16

Aug 29, 2021

Not bad, not great. I'm sick to death of the drama with Thor's hammer. He's worthy, he's not worthy. Everyone can pick it up. Just destroy Mjolnir and be done with it or make it so only he can use it again. Cates said "don't worry, the hammer story is different and interesting", but it's not.

Thor (2020) #18

Oct 21, 2021

Story is ok. But what is this art!?? It looks like a children's book. I wanted to put this issue down as soon as I opened it. 😕

Thor (2020) #22

Feb 18, 2022

Thor (2020) #23

Mar 10, 2022

Titans (2016) #34  
Transformers (2019) #27

Jan 20, 2021

This series tries to juggle way too many characters alot of the time which makes the storyline drag out way longer than necessary. Those are really my only complaints of the series and this issue.

Transformers (2019) #38

Dec 21, 2021

This series is all over the place. Too many sub plots that drag on and too many characters. It's really good sometimes but then it is hard to even get through the issue other times.

Transformers (2023) #9

Jun 15, 2024

This comic is amazing. If they don't rescue Cliffjumper I'm going to be very sad.

U.S.Agent (2020) #1

Nov 16, 2020

WTF did I just read? It is safe to say that 1st issue will be the last I read of this series.

Vanish (2022) #1

Sep 22, 2022

Vanish (2022) #6

May 9, 2023

So she killed the main villain? But yet let his guilt about it turn him into such a victim it completely ruined both of their lives? That is pretty dumb. The whole reasoning of giving him the spotlight because he needed it doesn't really work if it in fact was hurting him. The characters are all unlikable. Main character is not only a badass killing machine. But he is also emotionally the biggest bitch in comics. There is no build up of fights or characters so far. If this comic doesn't make me care about the fate of one character by next issue I'm done.

Vanish (2022) #8

Jul 31, 2023

I'm sorry, but I think this series is trash. Oliver literally whines and moans and feels sorry for himself every issue. He gets his ass handed to him in every single fight. He's a complete loser with zero likable qualities as a character. He was supposed to be some all powerful character but yet he gets saved by his woman like the bitch he is. Why even make him the main character? Why not just make the woman the main character? This serie is all over the place to the point it is unenjoyable to read. This is probably pretty obvious, but I am done with this series and Donny Cates.

Venom (2021) #5  
War of the Realms #1  
X-Factor (2020) #1

Jul 31, 2020

I think the resurrection thing is so stupid.😰😰😰 But I still like most of the x books. The characters and dialogue were cheesey and cringey. It was a serious chore to finish this issue. Peace out X-Factor.

X-Force (2019) #4

Jun 8, 2020

Overall it was pretty good. Not sure I'm a huge fan of them dying every issue so easily. Like, how the hell did they ever survive this long without being able to come back from the dead. And one thing that is really bothering me is how Wolverine gets blown in half. He heals AND is basically indestructible. He is not deadpool. I can't believe no one else has mentioned it. Is it adamentium lite? Benjamin Percy get your head out of your butt!

X-Force (2019) #20

Jun 2, 2021

Reviews for the Week of...



