Bill Heuer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Batman Universe Reviews: 134
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Overall, it still was a fun issue to read but it really didnt lead to much, even with twenty pages. My biggest problem was the fact the issue was that many pages when the actual events could have been shown on less than half that count.

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Overall, I am intrigued by the storyline and mystery behind it. The artwork did not jump out to me as a standout but the story and dialogue balanced the issue out. It is a solid starting point without relying too heavily on the ending of the Joker/Harley cliffhanger from the previous arc.

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Overall, the issue was a fun read and I am thoroughly enjoying this arc and how it placed Jason in such a different role than he has been in recently.

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Overall, this issue had larger themes and focused on one of Batmans support systems which are not usually highlighted in regards to the psychological stresses of the job. The ending hinted at Jokers return (again) which soured things for me but it looks like Harley will be coming back which could make for some interesting scenes to see an older Harley in this world.

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Overall, I like where this arc is headed and with the cliffhanger of Penguin in Jasons own personal cell. I think there will be a great mix of tension and excitement as Jason turns the Penguins empire legitimate by destroying it.

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Overall, I enjoyed this issue and the story itself shows the stakes are only getting bigger from here forward. I am looking forward to seeing the Super Sons face off against this newly formed Injustice Army.

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Overall, the arc was just a big action set piece that, unfortunately, did not dig deeper into the relationship between Joker and Bruce nor did it establish any real connection between Terry and the Joker. Im not saying the Joker had to kill Robin to create an impact on Terry but, compared to the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker film, we see close to zero development between the current Batman and the original Joker. It makes me continue to appreciate that film that much more. Hopefully, the creative team has plans for this arc diving further into issues of the need for a Robin in a war on crime going forward.

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Overall, the Underlife arc had a lot of potential for a grounded, gritty Red Hood story in middle America but went in a more sci-fi, horror route which did not make this feel like the best setting for a Red Hood solo arc. In the end, it looks like he might be getting a new team which has the potential for some good character development and always solid, well-written dialogue for Red Hood.

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Overall, the issue was a fun read and it looks like we will get to see the boys break out in the next one. It will be interesting to see where the boys head to next on their galactic journey.

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Overall, the issue was not bad but we are at a point where I hope the story takes a breath and tries to dive into some deeper themes of the arc that have been hinted at. Whether its the upper class needing to be in better touch with the rest of Gothams society or the Bruce/Dick argument over the role of Robin in the Bat-Family, the next issue will hopefully take a moment to explore them.

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Overall, the issue was solid in and of itself but the hints at the future helped this issue leave me with a very good feeling.

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Overall, I think this was a fun issue, but hopefully, the overall plot gets more focus put into it soon.

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Overall, this issue was much more enjoyable compared to the last few of this arc. It captured the psychotic nature of the Joker brought into the future Gotham. Although not a lot of action nor any additional details into how the Joker is present in the future, it felt true to the characters ever-changing mood.

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Overall, I found myself really enjoying this issue and had fun while reading it. It does not have a real tie to the overall story but, as a relative filler story, it was funny while having some deeper themes if you were wanting to take something more away from the story.

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This issue offered very little in character development and instead focused on high octane action which certainly has its place in comics but, without tension or genuine villain, there is not a lot of staying power for these types of stories. I really do hope they ground the story going forward with Jason heading into the Deep South to face off with the man known as Solitary.

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Overall, a solid issue and I am definitely interested in reading more.

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I do hope the creative team makes this standalone arc(s) of just Red Hood flying solo something worth reading and different enough so that we will appreciate it more when the rest of outlaws are brought back (fingers crossed).

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As with previous issues, I cant complain too much because this comic is pretty much coming off as I imagine it is being advertised. Its a fun, space adventure for two young heroes. I am looking forward to seeing the Super Sons meet up with their future counterparts even if it is just a magical byproduct of the enchanted house they are trapped in.

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In the end, the issue was fine but its apparent retelling of an already established story makes me nervous for this arc. It is really going to depend on the creative teams ability to go in a different and fresh direction to this return of the Joker.

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Overall, this was a good issue and a huge step up from last months first outing with Red Hoods revamp. Hopefully, the creative team shows us an intriguing new villain to go with the great character development showcased in this issue. My outlook on the title is certainly more positive so I can only look forward to what is to come.

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Overall, it is a fun read and although I am not in the target audience, I am looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

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Overall, I am pleased with the direction it's going and the bigger themes that Jurgens seems to be wanting to tackle in regards to Batman's mission.

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I wish I had more good things to say about this issue but, aside from the well-drawn action, I did not think the new Red Hood was a very compelling character I want to root for. When he was with Artemis and Bizarro, he felt like a person recovering from past trauma and getting a legitimate second chance at a family. Now it just feels like a vengeful thug wearing a red hood.

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Overall, a good story for Beast Boy but an arguably better arc for the team in general.

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Overall, the writing and artwork continue to keep Super Sons a must read for me every month and this story gets to involve the Justice League so some good father/son crossover looks to be imminent which has led to great scenes in previous arcs.

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Overall, I am torn on this issue as it had some really nice character moments but also had some unnecessary fluff and shoved in comedy.

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Overall, I just feel that the motive for the story feels lacking as Beast Boy does not seem to fit the stereotype of a suitable candidate for the Neverland technology. At this point, it feels that the rest of the arc will just be an action piece to release Gar from Jorans hold and destroy the implants which is a little disappointing but the next issue could still hold a surprise.

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Overall, the art was good and despite being a shorter story that wasn't too complex, if offers character development and moments of humor.

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I am very much looking forward to seeing Jasons eyes opened to what Bizarro has up to behind their backs.

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Overall, an interesting start to this new arc focusing on Beast Boy. The creative team is utilizing current technology to present conflicts to a social media-centered character. Looking forward to seeing how this story will play out.

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Overall, some humor and great artwork help to make this opening issue of the Parent Trap arc an entertaining one.

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In the end, the issue itself was an enjoyable read but its spot in the arc contributes to a stalling of the plot. With a few positive elements like Lexs reveal and the Outlaws joint suspicions, we seem to be moving in the right direction.

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Overall, the story did not lend itself to a multiple issue arc, so I am glad Wolfman and creative team were able to deliver an important coming of age story for Kory while keeping it engaging and entertaining.

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With no developments in Terry and Stalker as they both just brawled the entire issue, it certainly leaves a lot to wish for in the next issue (titled Revelations). I can only hope that we will find out who the mysterious and murderous financial backer to Stalker is by next issue.

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Overall, the issue is leading us closer to the ending of this arc and I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Bizarro is up to and the consequences of his actions.

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I admit that I was surprised that there was still another issue to conclude this crossover, so I am interested to see how they will end this event. I do hope that Future Tim is not drawn back to the current timeline as he seems to be out of the picture in a way. The only development I could see with Tim would be coming face to face with Dr. Manhattan and that this is somehow connected to Doomsday Clock. I am looking forward to the concluding issue in this event.

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Overall, the issue did not carry any tension through from the previous one. Dialogue and artwork arent enough to balance out the issue to make the story engaging going forward. Hopefully, the creative team will take Stalker and make him a compelling villain in service to a greater threat. The hidden figure could prove to be an interesting plot twist if handled correctly but, thus far, I do not find myself caring much for who it could be at this point in the story.

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As a single issue, the story did not have much character development nor did it really focus on Superman. Half the issue, as noted earlier, took place in Wayne Manor between Bruce and Tim. As this was a Superman issue, it may have been better for Supermans confrontation with Future Tim to last longer. This could have even revealed more about Future Tims relationship with Superboy/Superman in the future. However, as a set up for this Super Sons arc, I am definitely looking forward to seeing Jon and Damian face off against Bat-Tim.

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In the end, this issue continued a downward slope for the story set up in last months issue. I really hope the creative team gets back to the main story of Bizarros changes and how his intellect may not be the best thing for himself or the team.

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The arc wrapped up nicely and it looks like we got a full squad again. It will be interesting to see where Tim will fit in to the future of the team as hinted on the last page. Overall, I am looking forward to seeing this team come closer together and become more like friends than just teammates.

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Overall, this first issue shows promise of a potentially great character development story for Terry rebuilding himself into a far more seasoned Batman as well as Bruce confronting some of his inner demons and potential regrets. Despite the twist not feeling earned and the less than satisfactory artwork, I am looking forward to seeing what the creative team brings next.

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Despite the great artwork and good dialogue, the story itself just isn't very gripping and often confusing in its scope. I feel like we have strayed away from the core point to the arc which was Bizarro attaining a genius level intellect. Even last issue showed him broadcasting to Gotham that he and the Outlaws would clean up Gotham, but now they are teaming up with Task Force X to take down a subterranean villain who could destroy the world. It just feels like the focus should be more on the fact that Bizarro literally died and is now back with an enhanced intelligence thanks to Luthor. Hopefully, the story is circling back to this point soon.

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The ending I found very interesting because we have two major cliffhangers with very different stakes in each. On the one hand, we have a legitimate tidal wave about to destroy Star City, but in Central City we have Kid Flash throwing down an ultimatum for Damian to apologize for firing him from the team. Percy seems to understand that a dramatic moment does not necessarily have to be a big action piece but can be a small emotional one as in the case of Kid Flash's ultimatum. Either way, I know I am very much looking forward to seeing how it turns out although I do have a feeling Damian will have to apologize fast in order to get Kid Flash's help to stop the tidal wave.

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Overall, I am looking forward to getting back to the true present day and seeing Terry and Bruce's return to Gotham after facing off against Damian.

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Overall, I'm really looking forward to seeing this buildup continue and where reborn Bizarro is heading. The entire creative team here does not disappoint, even with this basic “filler” issue to get us closer to the revelations and climax of the story.

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Overall, this issue felt very much like filler and ended up starting a few new characters off on an uneasy first step. Hopefully with Bruce and Terry returning, we can see some real development of the Bat-family of Neo-Gotham.

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There seems to be a consistent complaint over crossovers and their tie ins recently in the New 52. This issue brings those complaints to the forefront with a story that didn't include the cast of the title book but puts them aside to serve the overall plot of the event. This does not make for better stories but detracts and harms the quality of the individual title that is brought into the event. Hopefully, the future tie in's for this event will enhance the event but not at the expense of the individual titles.

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Overall, a good start to this arc and I am intrigued to see where they take Bizarro's character in the next few issues.

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Overall, the story itself had some exciting action moments with a few noteworthy, ‘quiet” moments surrounding Jason and Dick's relationship. However, the annual did have some gaping plot holes with a few too many forced plot points. Obviously, this less-than-stellar annual does not take away my excitement for next month where we pick with an eloquent, reborn Bizarro.

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Overall, I really enjoyed the teaser for the next arc and I'm looking forward to what this creative team has in store for a Beast Boy centric arc.

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Although no major tease for the next arc, I am definitely on board to see what this creative team has coming next.

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I wish I could say that this issue has turned me around on how I feel about magic-based stories within the DC Universe, but I still can't say I'm on board after this issue. With the continuity missteps along with a story that already felt complete after the Trinity fought a demon possessed Etrigan only a few issues ago, I have to hope that the creative team will deliver some truly compelling moments in future issues of this arc.

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I could discuss this book all day, but I am curious how this book is being received by those keeping up with it. Let me know your thoughts below. Being one of my three favorite Rebirth titles (Detective Comics & Superman being other two), I'm curious to know where it ranks for you.

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Overall, the saving aspect to this issue was the artwork. Manapul's soft, “warm” color tones and penciling makes each panel so much fun to look at and fills these stories with a real feeling of joy and adventure. In the end, that is the important thing when reading comics. Although a weaker story and writing, the art team delivered where this issue can at least be enjoyed visually.

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Despite this very minor gripe I had while reading, I really was moved by this issue. It is comics, so we know that no one ever stays dead, but its up to the creative team, both in writing and art, to make these deaths impactful. Lobdell and the art team succeeded in that here. Making a character's return mean something is the next step following their death which I have no doubt the creative team will be up to the challenge.

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Overall, I really liked this story and the new take it had on the Looney Toons characters within the Batman Universe. King proved he can write dark noir stories without pulling from a lot of Gotham-centric themes. Although maybe not the most kid friendly story, it nevertheless paid homage to a collection of Looney Toons characters and their usual motives (although slightly darker here) which I enjoyed.

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Again, it doesn't hold up too well compared to some of his other issues that have explored the motivations and personalities of each of the Trinity members but its still a fun read.

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Lobdell's writing and story continues to keep me engaged. Artemis' backstory and look into a different kind of Amazonian lifestyle and viewpoint was interesting and felt fresh. As I had said earlier, this issue was mostly action, but the overall story was fun and engaging. With a true cliffhanger at the end, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing next months' issue.

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Overall, this was a good annual and helped to continue the coming battle between the new trinities in Rebirth against Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. It was a nice moment with Bruce trying to connected with his fellow teammates and struggling to form the words and needing a little help from Clark.

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Overall, the issue was a set-up for this coming arc and the invasion of an alien virus. The Trinity is up against their own teammates now which was hinted at the previous issue. Although it is not due directly to Rebirth as previously implied, this still could be a fun arc.

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Overall, a great issue and it stays in line with the tone of the title since Rebirth. Ever expanding in its character development and incredible detail from the art team, this title remains at the top of my list of Rebirth books.

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Overall, this issue had some very interesting implications and sets up an interesting conflict between the Justice League if this secret of a puppet master behind their reality is revealed. Still being confused with last issues relevance, I am still very much onboard with this title and intrigued to see where it is headed.

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The artwork was great and Lobdell's writing and story telling helps to give that artwork the real impact it deserves. This issue truly felt like a cohesive team book. Lobdell has had a lot of the story, thus far, to focus on Jason which has helped to build other characters around. Now, we see the story start to shine a light on each character. We see him even play at this with Jason saying that “this isn't my story, not entirely”. The humor and witty banter between the group really has Lobdell's Dark Trinity finding traction. He continues to build a strong title and deliver on both action and emotional character arcs.

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Overall, the annual was a great self contained story and did what I think it should made me more interested in checking in with the Titans going forward and did not confuse me with any previous storylines that might have been necessary to understand this one.

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Hopefully, the inclusion of the Trinity will help to piece this together and this issue will be much more integral to the story looking back at the end of the arc. The creative team does deserve credit for the very fact they had a first issue not even really have the Trinity in it (unless you count the “amalgamation” monster). They also picked three villains that do seem to fit the Trinity and help to elevate any tension in future interactions with the Trinity.

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Overall, this Bow of Ra storyline does not really seem too exciting, but I'm looking forward to seeing this last piece of the Outlaws group come together.

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Overall, I am really looking forward to seeing where this series goes from here. I am a little anxious that after this character building arc will result in a more action packed arc with less substance going forward. Hopefully they utilize a good villain and keep us as engaged as I was during this first arc by Manapul.

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Although the artwork leaves much to be desired (putting it nicely), I was still drawn into this issue with Lobdell's writing and character development. The relationship between Bizarro and Jason is a fascinating one that I can't wait to see what will happen in the future.

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One of my favorite moments was actually the debriefing after the big climax. I really enjoyed the interactions between the Justice League and the Suicide Squad. Each characters' questions and answers fit their personalities perfectly and captured the fun quality that can be had in these crossovers.

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Overall, this issue was mostly just action directed and back-story driven. Hearing more about the Black Mercy was interesting and Manapul has certainly introduced a new element to it with Monguls daughter, the White Mercy. My hope going forward is that Manapul has found an interesting way for the Trinity to overcome the daughters control over their bodies.

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Another great moment which will stick with me for awhile is the scene of Jason debriefing Bruce about the mission. Even though it was disconcerting to see Batman laugh, it was great to see these two have such a human and honest moment together. Their relationship certainly felt like a strained father son type but they seem to really come to terms with each other here. The panel that ends this scene was probably the best part of the whole series thus far and Soy really created a memorable one to portray the old dynamic duo.

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As this arc nears its end, I am excited to see where Manapul will take it next. Mongul's reveal at the end means we will most likely get a pretty action-packed next issue. However, the important thing is the groundwork that Manapul has been laying down here. He has made this Trinity grow together as they explore each others' weaknesses and insecurities. The bond that they have recreated here in this arc can only help to make for even better stories here on out.

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Overall, between the comedic and solid writing from Lobdell and the consistently great art from Dexter Soy, I am again eagerly waiting for next month's issue.

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In general, this series continues to give the readers very “down-to-earth” moments for these mythic heroes. Its great to see these three have very “human” moments. In its simplest form, this was an issue about a grieving son and his two friends being there for him to help him overcome his own doubts about himself due to a tragic event. The previous issue was about a young father getting a chance to connect with his own father in a way he never could before having a son. I hope we get this same trend in the next issue with Diana's “twilight-zone” version of Themyscira.

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With the cliffhanger here of Bizarro being controlled by Black Mask's virus, I can't wait for the next issue, but I'm sure we will only get one issue of a controlled Bizarro since this Dark Trinity needs to really start to come together. We have seen a few brief moments of them together, but Artemis felt removed so I am looking forward to seeing them all out in the open and teaming up.

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The artwork is great of course. I don't think anyone had doubts about Jim Lee being solid with his pencils. Although if they are the reason for these short main stories in the pages, which I'm sure they are, then I do think that's a problem. Overall, I do like the inclusion of Zod as a potential pawn of Waller as ridiculous as her idea is to control a Kryptonian. It makes for a good threat and certainly sets the stage for the coming Justice League vs Suicide Squad storyline.

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I enjoyed the emotional elements that this issue presented with Clark getting to see his dad again but also the twilight zone quality that this series is starting off with all-to-perfect settings the Trinity finds themselves in. The introduction of Poison Ivy and the mystery behind her partner in crime still leaves enough suspense for the overall plot and the “big bad” they will eventually have to fight. Overall, I am loving this series and would recommend anyone to jump on board this title now to see their heroes presented in a much more personal way.

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Overall, this series is still going strong and I can't wait for the next issue. The truly great thing right now going forward is that we're definitely going to get some great action, but Lobdell is delivering on the writing and character developments so we will actually care about what happens to them.

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Overall, I am really looking forward to Manapul showing these three become even closer in future issues. With a lot of series seeming to have a lot of action, this series will be a refreshing break with more character development and arcs.

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My only criticism is that I wish they called this entire series Dark Trinity as the title of the issue is named. The name would have added some gravitas to the series and separate it from the less than stellar performances of Lobdells earlier works with Red Hood. This series has a lot of potential to be a great, fun contrast to the actual Trinity series coming this month. Both could be really enjoyable but have different tones. Despite the misbranding of this series, Im very much looking forward to the next issue and the development of Bizarro.

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Despite this issue being a bit of a letdown, hopefully they will handle the introduction of Artemis well and next month we will start to see the series develop a little more.

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Overall, I really enjoyed this issue but I think that is mostly due to the fact it was a standalone Red Hood issue. I am still skeptical of the inclusion of Bizarro and Artemis, but hopefully Lobdell can deliver some decent writing to support the solid artwork so far.

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Overall, I thought this was a great Harley one shot issue. I enjoyed reading it but have to admit that it did not really tie in to the Suicide Squad apart from the quick panels showing Harley in prison, presumably with the rest of the team. I am still very much looking forward to the next arc for the Suicide Squad so this Harley issue was a good filler until then.

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Overall, I just really am surprised that DC let this one slip away. Justice League was consistently one of the few good titles during the New 52 and to have it end this way after some really great stories is a big letdown for me. Again, it was a nice Lex Luthor story but his name is not on the title. Hopefully, the new creative team coming up will have some really great arcs to start off this rebirth for DC.

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Overall, the issue was great, but as the ending to Darkseid War, I thought it could have been stronger. There seemed to be such a motivation to set up all these characters' paths in Rebirth that they did not focus enough on the actual story that they had built up.

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Regarding this issue as an ending to the series, I was worried that the creative team would not end the series on a good note but they certainly did. The final shot of them flying down trying to make their city a better place is what the series has all been about at its core so it was nice to see that continue here at the end. The series itself has had a few rough moments and some problems but I have enjoyed the ride overall. It has been a nice break from all the major superhero stories. It will be nice to see how these characters fit into the larger TBU from here on out after Rebirth. Obviously Duke will make appearances, but I still felt that some of the other Robins had more interesting storylines that deserve to get fleshed out in the future.

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Overall, this issue did eventually tie back into the overall story and it looks like the Superman/Bizarro showdown is fast approaching. With Luther now involved, I am hoping that we might get to see Bizarro teamed up with Batman's Insurgency to try and take the offensive against Superman.

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With only two more issues of this series, Im definitely looking forward to seeing how the team will get out of this situation and come to terms with Waller. Hopefully, the great run that this title is on will continue after Rebirth.

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Overall, it was not a bad issue, but just did not impact me the way I was hoping. I admit I have high expectations every time I pick this title up…I blame Johns great writing and Faboks fantastic art. But seriously, I am still very excited for next months issue as always and am dying to know how Darkseid War will end.

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With Rebirth coming and the end of this series on its way, the creative team of Miller and Buccellato seem to be really pushing now to move the story along to meet the video games timeline. I am certainly looking forward to them speeding things up. It is time to see Superman become a full fledged tyrant and Batman begin to investigate the inclusion of heroes from the Multiverse. The next few chapters will be very telling as to whether this is the route the story is heading towards.

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In the end, a very minor nit-pick in a good character developing story. It did not really advance the overall plot but it was good to see more spotlight given to Damian who has had some rough times in this series with still more changes to come.

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Overall, I really liked this special issue, despite it basically being a tie-in. An essential tie-in to the overall story, but it really was just back story and side character development amidst Darkseid War. It really seemed like this could have stood on its own as a main chapter of Darkseid War but the creative team had only so many issues for this story and Grails schemes involving the Anti-Life Equation had to be given more attention. In the end, this issue was the perfect way to satisfy the readers until issue #49.

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With great comedic timing and gratuitous, violent action, this issue was great despite a few problems I found within certain characterizations and plot development. Rebirth might throw some changes to the team in a few months but I like where this arc is headed at the moment.

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All that being said, Bermejo has given us an issue with some particular real scenes featuring gun violence and mass chaos which goes back to him wanting to make something grittier in Gotham. The set up for next month is there and I am looking forward to seeing ALL the Robins come together.

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Overall, the story still has me interested but Im hoping for Bizarro to now get folded into the bigger story with the Insurgency. It would be cool to see Batman attempt to join forces with Supermans clone. Of course, this would drive a wedge between him and his team but that would fit with the multiple times he has done something against the teams wishes.

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Seeing the Fist of Cain was an interesting twist, especially with Mr. Reed seemingly in charge. The next issue seems like it could be full of some great action and lots of death so it should be fun.

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Despite some solid action scene with Bizarro battling the Rogues, these chapters were good, but not great. They still have me excited to see Bizarros role in this story get more fleshed out now that he has stepped out into the light so to speak.

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Now that it is public that Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok are leaving the title, Im sure we are going to get something really special here in these last two issues. In just this issue alone, we got to see the Green Lantern Corp, Justice League/Crime Syndicate team-ups, and Lex Luthors parademon armydefinitely feels like the creative team is pulling out all the stops as they near the conclusion to their last arc. At this point, I could not be happier and cant wait for next month.

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Although let down after reading this issue, I still am hopeful for Bermejo to come back next month with a stronger showing and move this story along at a faster pace.

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Hopefully, the creative team can build on this solid issue and make this book really live up to the hype.

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Overall, these two chapters had a few exciting moments but really seemed to just be filler. The artwork still holds up and helps to deliver these exciting moments.

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Overall, a great issue and one that has me even more interested to see where the arc is going.

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Like I said before, this issue was mostly just filler for the upcoming face off between Clark and Bruce. The plot point of Bane abducting and torturing Catwoman to get Bruce to show himself was a good way to make that happen. Although they are keeping us focused on the two big guys facing off, its exciting to see Bizarro's story getting sprinkled in and I have a feeling that his arrival will definitely elevate the story.

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Overall, this was a nice start to Seeleys run in that it gave us good action with some humor as well as a cliffhanger to keep us guessing.

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Overall, I would say this was a great first issue and, so far, a good recovery after Robin Wars lackluster performance. If anyone has not been following the series up until now, this feels like a good first issue to start with now.

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As I previously said, these issues always do a good job at teasing big moments such as the development of Bizarro, so that leaves much to anticipate for chapter 5 along with the interrogation of Catwoman.

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Overall, the controversial environment that the Wonders find themselves in now leaves me excited to see where the story goes from here. Although I was looking for a change in artist, Jimenez still has given some great panels before so I will keep an open mind.

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The issue concludes with The Parliament of Owls welcoming Dick, as he places an owl mask on his face, into their ranks as the Gray Son of Gotham.

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Overall, Year 5 is starting off on the right foot and I cant wait to see where it goes from here.

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Johns delivers on writing again here despite the minor issues and gets Act III of Darkseid War off on the right foot. Although Darkseid War has now become a larger scale Forever Evil arc with heroes and villains teaming up again, I am not definitely not disappointed and cant wait for the coming battles. Since some of our heroes are New Gods now, I am looking forward to seeing their interactions with the Crime Syndicate. Johns has set the stage for a very epic showdown between the Justice League/Crime Syndicate and the fully charged Anti-Monitor.

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Overall, another good issue but not quite the big return I was expecting. Still, with the relationship and character development, this issue will hopefully be seen in hindsight as a good point in the arc to slow down a little and expand on those story points. I am excited for the return of the members of the Crime Syndicate. Forever Evil was a fun arc and getting some of those characters back will be a welcomed addition to this story.

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Now with all that said, I still enjoyed the issue I just was expecting more in regards to plot development. Each issue has been a lot of fun for me and I am glad the 75th year of Robin has been given as much love as it has with the multiple stories honoring the character. The Robin War, as a whole, has been really entertaining for me and I am still very much onboard and excited for what is to come. Regarding this issue, I was just whelmed (reference from Young Justice that fans of the show should know).

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Overall, the issue was fine and it was entertaining to see the heroes come together. I have certain problems with the artwork as well as how the creative teams introduce new plot points/characters. That being said, I am interested to see where they take the story now that the team is together and they have formed their own Justice Society.

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Overall, I liked this issue and since I have not been following the series up until now, I will say that I will be checking in now to see the conclusion of this arc. Knowing that Seeley will be coming onto the book soon also keeps me interested in the near future of this series.

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Overall, the issue got me hooked and I am very much looking forward to seeing this story play out. I would definitely recommend this to anyone even if they are not following each of the series involved in the event. Let me know what you thought in the comments below.

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Regardless of the negatives, the issue was still entertaining and I know I am very excited to see whats coming next month in Robin War.

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Overall, I enjoyed the action of this issue and I am looking forward to seeing the other heroes get involved in stopping Jimmy and Huntress destroy the world.

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Instead of punishing him, they reveal themselves to be the Justice Mites of America and invite him to rejoin them. They give him a warning to behave to which Bat-Mite agrees enthusiastically and offers to be turned over to Human Resources should he fail. The issue ends with the heroes discussing the new threat before the LeagueCanceltron.

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Overall, I thought the creative team gave us a solid one shot that has me even more interested in other one shots as well as the next issue in the main Justice League title.

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Overall, this issue accomplishes both plot and character development and even finally revealed who had been controlling the homeless army from the beginning. Having it be the Court of Owls or a rogue Talon just makes me that much more excited for next month.

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Johns gives us some cool moments throughout this issue. Starting with the monologue of Wonder Woman, Johns has been utilizing her really well as a set up for these issues and helping to create suspense. Having her state that new gods are born out of a gods death builds excitement for the issue. Despite not being happy with Bat-Gods way of thinking, I like the new personalities of the new gods, especially Flash, so Im definitely looking forward to seeing Johns develop these new gods further in future issues.

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For just being counter-programming compared to darker titles like Justice League or Batman, Bat-Mite brings a lighter tone to the collection of DC titles out right now. If only for that purpose, Bat-Mite is a good read and worth it for someone looking for that. It is not a title that connects with me but I am hopeful to see the Sentry Silent come to Earth to collect Bat-Mite.

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Overall, this was a good start to the new arc but it feels weird saying that given Batman is only in a few panels (and the series is called Batman/Superman). I am excited to see the rest of the Bat-family help out Superman since Batgirl was written well in this issue and I have confidence Grayson and Red Hood will be treated the same by writer Greg Pak. It seems too much to hope for a better characterization of Gordon so I am hoping that the Bat-family can substitute for Batman here in the near future. From just the dialogue on the last page, it looks like we will get some fun interactions between the group so I'm certainly looking forward to that in the next issue.

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This issue certainly gave us a lot to think about what is to come for both our heroes and villains in this storyline. I was certainly happy with the game-changing ending and cant wait until next month to see the fallout from such a massive event.

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The issue ends with Dick seemingly returning to work for Spyral. Agent Zero tells Grayson that Spyral is his new family and that he is not alone. Dick agrees with her and, now being reconnected with the Bat family, he says with a smile, “I'm not alone”.

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Overall, I enjoyed this issue very much since Bermejo started to explore other Robins and developed Riko's character. Up until this point, its been difficult to recognize all the Robins but it seems like that is changing. Seeing a Robin hallucinate to some degree and potentially deal with post-traumatic stress disorder was an issue I think needed to be fleshed out. These Robins are normal kids that are trying to tackle real problems and injustices so it only makes sense that the consequences reflect that realistic tone we are getting with We Are Robin.

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Despite the weak character development, this was a fun story arc and this issue did a nice job at concluding the Subterranea storyline. The highlight for me was the epilogue scene between Bruce and Clark. This issue also set up the next arcs villain as Vandal Savage, which should be interesting, and I look forward to seeing his interaction with Batman and Superman.

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Overall, I had a few laughs with this issue and it was a nice change-up to my current run of comics I usually read. The simplistic plot line does play nicely into what a kid could follow when reading this but the jokes seem to target older audiences. It is certainly not my first choice of comic I would grab but it has its merits.

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Being the Batman fan that I am and with how much I enjoyed the standalone prequel comic, I know I would not mind a spin off series with Langstroms stories in Gotham. Seeing more Justice League stories from this alternate universe would require better villains and stronger plot lines. Overall, I amglad we got this prequel series and I will just have to cross my fingers for some more Vampire Batman.

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As the team mourns the loss of Troy, we see Alfred in the Batcave and it is revealed that he is The Nest and the one who brought them all together. In the final panels, Alfred states that he failed to bring another home and that The Nest must go to the Robins.

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Overall, this is my favorite issue thus far due to its ability to build excitement and deliver cinematic panels. The art is fantastic and Fabok gives us great character designs like Bat-God and Kalibak. Finishing with a head on charge between the Justice League, Darkseid, and the Anti-Monitor creates the perfect cliffhanger and leaves me counting the days until the next issue.

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Despite the reliance on Doctor Psychos character and mishandling of Batman, this issue still had some fun moments so we will see how the creative team finishes this prequel arc.

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Apart from the rushed backstories, I did like the issue and am glad that they are developing this alternate universe. Hopefully, we will get to see more different versions of our other favorite characters from the DC Universe as the story continues into The Forever War.

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Like I said, I enjoyed this issue for the most part and the cliffhanger certainly left me curious to see what will happen next. Although Gordon seems a little out of character and all the arguing between Batman and Superman gets a little old, it is a unique story with good art and I am on board for what comes next.

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