Josh Allen's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerd Initiative Reviews: 54
8.4Avg. Review Rating

The slow start this issue has started with is really hurting this issue and the series overall. While I'm sure the series is going to be great by the end, it's hard to get excited for the next issue with things starting as slowly as they are. But there is promise with the last few pages showing a pick up in pace.

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It's an issue you're going to want to pick up if you're heavily invested in this new Ultimates universe. And if you're not THAT invested, you should still pick it up because this feels like a turning point in the story. This is where things are going to change, and it's going to be great to see where they go from here.

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Daniel Jose Older pens some of his best work yet with this issue. The artwork from Paris Alleyne compliments the story wonderfully. This issue is a must read if you've been keeping up with the various High Republic series from Dark Horse Comics. Even if you haven't there's something here you'll enjoy. Overall it's a great read and worth the pick up this week.

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George Mann pens a fantastic issue that is absolutely worth the read this week. He's building the foundation for a great story that is only getting better with each issue. Whatever ends up happening with the Echo Stones is going to be incredibly interesting to read, and I'm absolutely going to be reading.

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If this is the end of the series, than it's one of the better finale's I've read. And if it's not, it's just as good an ending of the story. This issue should be one you pick up this week, and is honestly the best issue I've read this week. It's a wonderful piece of storytelling that deserves some sort of award.

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While there isn't much action-wise for this issue but it is a promising start. We're going to see fan favorite characters in Luke, Han & Leia and a villain that it appears might be on a level of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Segura has big shoes to fill when it comes to Star Wars comic storytelling, but if he keeps this up he might be able to be among Charles Soule and Cavan Scott as great story tellers in Star Wars. So far, it's a great start and I'm very excited to see where this goes.

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Rodney Barnes delivered an epic conclusion to a fun mini-series that I honestly went into with no real big expectation. Each issue surpassed the previous one, and it's a series that will appeal to a broad range of fans.

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The issue plays out overall like the episode does, and that is a great thing. You know the story, or are at least familiar with it, and it serves as a great companion to the tv series. Rodney Barnes does a phenomenal job adapting one of the better Star Wars television shows onto the page, and the entire creative team does a brilliant job of bringing the story to life in a different medium. If you haven't seen the show for whatever reason, this series is the BEST way to experience it. And if you have seen it then it's a great way to experience it in a brand new way.

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The issue is a fun read, and really interesting in terms of character development. But if you're looking for a knockdown drag out fight, then this isn't the issue for you. The scenes between Harry & Peter at the end of the issue are the real highlight, and is the start of a point I think all the readers have been waiting to see start happening. Despite the misstep that is this issue, I fully anticipate the next one will be a return to form.

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FINAL POINT: Greg Pak has crafted an absolutely AMAZING finale to one of the best Star Wars comics ever done. It lives up to the hype and leaves me wanting more. It's a must read issue for all Star Wars fans, no matter how big of a fan you are. Greg Pak has certainly cemented his name in the list of the great Star Wars authors. If his name is on something Star Wars related, you are NOT going to want to miss reading it.

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This issue feels like a bit of an interlude, and on the surface you might think it's a filler issue but it's not. It's adding a new wrinkle into the story that is sure to make things even more tough for our heroes. The twist is one of the best ones I've read in recent memory, and it's honestly one that I should've seen coming. So kudos to Daniel Jose Older for hiding it so well. I'm even more excited to see where things go from here, because things are not going to slow down and only speed up from here. And I absolutely cannot wait to see where it goes from here!

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This is the final issue in the story of Cap vs Death, and it's a fitting end to a good story. It's been a fun one that has been a real pleasure to read with each release. And the tease at the end of the issue is very intriguing to see just how it plays out and what it could mean. This issue is a fun read, and one that I think is worth picking up for any fan. It's a story that's pretty straight forward and is stellar from start to finish.

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Charles Soule pens what I consider the greatest Star Wars comic ever written, and it's a story that took a big chance with the story and it connects in a big way. It's quite possibly the best work Charles has ever done, and it's under strong consideration for making it onto my Mount Rushmore of favorite comics of all time. This is an issue you CANNOT miss, and is an instant must read for all Star Wars fans. If it's not in your pull list, do yourself a favor and go pick up this issue ASAP.

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It's not the most earth shattering issue in recent memory, but it's still a fun issue to read regardless. It adds some great depth to a character that didn't get a lot of screen time and it's a great exploration of one of the newest characters in Star Wars. It's worth the pickup if you're looking for some light reading or just looking to pass the time with a fun read.

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It's a great start to this story, and it's going to be interesting to see where George Mann takes this story and how crazy it could get. It's a very solid start and definitely one you're going to want to keep an eye on. It's got a lot of promise and should be very good going forward.

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Daniel Jose Older does an incredible job telling a one shot story that is a fantastic companion piece to the story that's been going on in recent months. If you've been keeping up with the story, you're going to want to read it ASAP. If you haven't, give it a shot. It's a great bit of storytelling that might convince you to read the work Older has been doing, because it's been GREAT work.

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Deniz Camp tells a masterful story that takes well established characters that have been around for almost 63 years and turns what you think you know about them on their head. This issue is going to be point you're going to come back to in future issues as a moment to reflect on why Reed/Doom does what he does. And it is going to be incredible to see that play out.

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Overall, this issue is a nice 180 degree turn from the debacle that was the last issue. It's a great start to the final story in the Zeb Wells run. And while most of the run has been incredibly suspect, this seems to have some promise. Time will tell if the story will be worth remembering, or best forgotten ASAP. But for right now, it's an incredibly strong issue.

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Straczynski and co write a compelling issue that while it might not be the most action packed issue, it does certainly raise the stakes for what Captain America has to go up against. It is perhaps his most daunting, and powerful foe yet. Will Cap be able overcome death? Or will he fall victim to it's sweet embrace? Only time will tell.

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Regardless of if you've seen the episode or not, the issue is a fun read that goes by very quickly. It continues to be a faithful adaptation, and the entire creative team deserves a tip of the cap for that. This is definitely one to pick up if you haven't seen the show in a while, or are perhaps looking to introduce someone to the series who hasn't seen it yet.

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Charles Soule does an incredible job setting up the final issue of this incredible series by weaving together a fantastic story that is new but at the same time feels like a classic Star Wars story you might've seen someplace else (in a movie, tv show, video game, etc). And with the tease at the end, the finale is going to be very interesting to see what happens with the issue.

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Daniel Jose Older crafts another SPECTACULAR issue that is quickly becoming a MUST READ issue each month. This issue especially is a wonderful blend between some exposition between characters and plot development. It's going to be especially interesting to see how the heroes respond to the new challenges. If you haven't been reading the series so far, this issue is a great jumping on point. And you do NOT want to miss this issue.

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It's taking characters we've known for so long, and not presenting them in a way that we've seen before. This issue along with the whole series should be at the top of everyone's must read list. It's still early in the series, so it won't take long for you to catch up if you haven't started yet.

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If you're thinking of picking this issue up because you haven't read an issue of Spider-Man in a while, don't. The only reason I could say to pick this issue up is that you're a collector who's looking to collect the whole run. But even then I would question why you would want to collect this run that is going to go down as one of the worst runs in Spider-Man history. You'd be better to spend your hard earned money on anything else at the comic shop this week, because this issue is 1000% skippable.

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Greg Pak pens another INCREDIBLE issue in his fantastic run on the Darth Vader series. This issue, and the last few issues are about as can't miss as it gets. It's one that Star Wars fans are going to want to pick up at their comic book shops and read ASAP. If you haven't been keeping up with the series, do yourself a favor and jump on now! You won't be disappointed!

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While this issue isn't an action packed one, it does contain a great story that fans are going to want to read this week. It's an awesome origin story that doesn't stay on the beaten path and takes a few risks with where things go. It's a very promising start to the series, and it's a series that should be put onto everyones pull list at the comic shops.

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It's a fun read, that every Star Wars fan should check out when they get the chance. You might want to wait to read this series once it's over. It's halfway through it's run, as it's only going to be 4 issues long, and it's hard to see where it's going to go. Maybe it will end with Vader facing Tensu, but maybe that's too predictable. Regardless, the series thus far feels like one you might want to binge-read once it's all over.

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Cavan Scott further cements why he's in the same conversation as Charles Soule as the great Star Wars storytellers. The issue changes the tone & pace they've been following to incredible effect, and the story will keep readers guessing on what will happen next right up to the very end.

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This issue is another feather in the cap for Daniel Jose Older with a great story, and a feather in the cap for the entire creative team. They really hit it out of the park in every facet of the issue. The story is awesome, the art work is top notch and it all blends together for a great story set in a fantastic time period for Star Wars.

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The ending of the battle is a little lackluster to say the least. You'd figure that with as much history as Peter & Norman have with the Green Goblin that the battle would be a little more extravagant, but that's not the case here.

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It's a great read that any Star Wars fan can get into, and it's one that I think every Star Wars fan should pick up this week. And that also goes for comic fans, you don't need to be a diehard Star Wars fan to appreciate this story. Do you know who Darth Maul is? Well then you're good to go! I cannot recommend this issue enough!

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While the issue doesn't have any major action sequences, it does have some fantastic story building moments. I get the feeling that Hickman is building to something big with the first series of issues and I know it isn't going to disappoint. It's a great read for any Spider-Man fans that you should absolutely pick up this week.

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This is a great issue from Greg Pak and the entire creative team. It brings together the prequel & original trilogies in a really fun and interesting way. It also teases some information that Luke doesn't know but is obviously curious about on some level. Where things go from here is anyone's guess, and not everyone might like that but I do. I prefer to be surprised and shocked by what I read, and I know Greg Pak is going to do just that.

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As I said before, this issue has something for absolutely everyone. And it's honestly the most well rounded issue I've read in recent memory. The actions sequences are great, there's a confrontation readers of the series will have seen coming but it's still shocking to see it play out, and the ending is very intriguing. I won't go into spoilers, but let's just say I don't think this is going to be "happily ever after. But we'll just have to wait and see.

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Charles Soule continues to shine in his Star Wars work, and this issue is a fantastic jumping on point for fans looking to get into the mainline comic series. It's the start of a new story, and one that looks like it's going to be very interesting. And since it's Charles Soule, it's going to be about as can't miss as you can imagine. This is one that all Star Wars fans are going to want to read.

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The issue is a fun, quick read that all fans will enjoy no matter if they've seen the show or not. It's an incredibly faithful adaptation that follows the source material to a T, and is a fun way to revisit the show in a different medium. You should absolutely pick this issue up if you're looking for something different at the comic shop this week, or you haven't seen the Ahsoka series in a while.

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The artwork is as great as ever, and kudos to the whole team for that. The issue is a fun read for fans of The High Republic new & seasoned. It's an easy jumping in point since it's the start of a new story, and while you might not be familiar with all of the characters right away you'll learn them over time. I'm also very interested to see where this story goes, because the ending is very interesting and the possible routes this could go are doubly interesting.

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This issue is another example of what I've been saying, and that is that The High Republic has some of the BEST storytelling in Star Wars right now.

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Much like pervious issues of the Black, White & Red series (Maul & Vader) this issue is a fun read. It's an easy pickup for any Star Wars fan, no matter what your level of fandom is. From the most diehard to the fan who might have only seen the films once. Like I said when I reviewed issue #3, do you know who Darth Maul is? If the answer is "yes, than you're good to go! I HIGHLY recommend this entire series to Star Wars fans.

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The issue is a strong return to form for Cavan Scott after a brief hiccup in the last issue, and it's an issue that pulls at the heartstrings a little bit. The issue feels like the first step in the next chapter of this story, and it's going to be interesting to see where it goes from here. It's a great read and one that I think Star Wars fans should give a chance and read. If you're a newer Star Wars fan you might not want to jump in on this issue specifically, but if you're a seasoned Star Wars fan you'll definitely want to read it.

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The issue is good, and a fun read if you've been keeping up with the story to this point. But if you're just jumping in, you might be a little confused at what's going on. There aren't any huge stakes or a cliffhanger ending with the issue, and to be honest it feels like an interlude between stories, or a prelude to what's to come with the inevitable end of the Zeb Wells run. Regardless, there are some interesting plot threads brought up in this issue that I'm interested to see where things go from here. And the next few months should be VERY interesting.

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Justina Ireland does an incredible job of taking Spider-Man, a character that has been around for nearly 62 years, and putting him into a story that's compelling and interesting. And one that feels different than some of the stuff you might've read the last few years, and Spider-Man has been run through the ringer the last couple of years for sure. It's a read an issue every Spider-Man should check out, because it's a ton of fuin and an interesting read that looks like it's building to a very interesting boil. I for one, cannot wait to see how things play out next.

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The issue ends on a cliffhanger, but it's not entirely surprising. Because it's a moment that has been building for some time now. And what happens next is going to be awesome to read, and a story you're not going to want to miss if you're a fan of the prequel and/or original trilogies.

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Charles Soule tells another fantastic story in his run on Star Wars that is a nice change of pace from the usual action packed stuff you might expect. I won't spoil the ending because yes we do know what ends up happening, it does fill in a little bit of interesting info about how things progressed with Lando between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. This issue is definitely a must read for Star Wars fans!

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The issue ends on a great cliffhanger that I'm definitely interested to see, and Cavan Scott does a great job telling a story with a lot of different characters uniting for a common goal. It's going to be interesting to see where things go from here, and it's definitely a story that Star Wars fans should add to their pull list and catch up on if they're not doing so already.

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This is a fun issue to read, and is an easy pickup for all Star Wars fans. Do you know who Darth Maul is? You're good to go! That's all you'll need. Mark Russell does a wonderful job of showing just dangerous he is and why you really cannot underestimate him. And given the ending of this issue, it's going to be interesting to see if maybe that plays a factor into the story going forward. I HIGHLY recommend this issue to all Star Wars fans.

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This issue is a fun read for anyone who's a fan of Star Wars, no matter what level of a fan you are. It does a great job expanding on a character that's so integral to the story, but one we admittedly don't know a whole lot about. The action sequences are spectacular, and the story is very memorable. I highly recommend this series to everyone!

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Daniel Jose Older is a phenomenal story teller and I would definitely put him in the category of "can't miss anytime a new project of his releases. And the story Older tells in this issue is a great one. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the storytelling the entire crew are doing with The High Republic series are phenomenal and some of the best storytelling being done in Star Wars today at any level. This issue is a great jumping on point for new readers young or old, and gets a story going while also catching people up on things.

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The issue isn't the strongest work that Cavan Scott has ever done. But that's okay, not every issue can be a hit. The issue largely feels like filler and more than half of the issue is focused on an event that won't have any impact on the story going forward, but the parts that do have an impact on the story will be interesting to see how they play out going forward.

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Charles Soule is one of the best storytellers in Star Wars right now, and this another entry is another feather in his cap. A compelling story that gives some backstory, and fleshes out one of the more unknown figures in the Star Wars franchise in Mon Mothma.

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Marc Bernadin tells an awesome story that weaves together multiple facets of the Star Wars universe and leaves it open ended for more to possibly come. While this appears to be the end for this series, I hope it isn't the full end. Because I truly feel there's a lot of room in the current universe for a Mace Windu story. So Marvel, please continue this story!

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The end of the issue is another example of the incredible storytelling, and jaw dropping moments that the series has become known for. And it will leave readers wondering how Vader is going to get out of the mess this time. Only the Greg Pak knows, but readers should know that it's going to be incredible and a moment to remember.

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Cavan Scott weaves a masterful story that gives the reader very little time to breath and instantly kicks the story back into high gear in an incredibly gripping way. It brings together an unlikely group that has to put aside a lot of baggage and work together at a time when it seems like no one in the group wants to, and the group is mostly Jedi! And with the final frame, it will leave readers of The High Republic novels curious of just what will happen next.

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The issue isn't reinventing the wheel when it comes to telling the story of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It's a film we've all seen at least once, and are pretty familiar with the finer details of the story. But it is undaunted by the task of retelling the story. It breeze's through the scene's from the film & fleshes out some moments that happened off screen. It's a fun read for anyone who's seen the film, no matter how big of a Star Wars fan you are.

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