Steve C's Profile

Joined: Aug 23, 2017

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Damage (2018) #1

Jan 23, 2018

Plllllppppp [wet fart sound]. After reading this, I'm bummed that I asked my comic shop to pull each of the "New Age of Heroes" titles. The art is cool, but the story just seems so one-dimensional and hackneyed.

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #1

Nov 7, 2017

Really didn't enjoy this at all. I think the problem is having an older white guy writing for a late-20s/early 30s black character just doesn't work, especially when comparing it to Ta-Nehisi Coates' writing for Black Panther.

Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc.: Omega #1

Jan 23, 2018

This issue put me to sleep. Meh.

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #4

May 19, 2018

My rating of 5 is because the artwork is terrific. The story is soooo boring, and this issue was all exposition.

Batwoman (2017) #10

Jan 5, 2018

This title gets a little worse each issue, in my opinion. The main character is not really likeable, and I don’t really care about her if she’s not with Batman. The loose ties to the Detective Comics storyline doesn’t help it out at all. Not sure I’m going to continue reading this one.

New Challengers (2018) #1

May 19, 2018

Meh. Pretty boring and not fun at all. Snyder’s stock is plummeting, in my book. Why can’t he just write a story without a bunch of co-authors anymore? It’s not like he’s that busy with his stories being published left-and-right.

The Immortal Men #1

Apr 12, 2018

This book was such a slog to read. I feel like Tynion started off great on Detective, but after the first couple of story arcs, continuing into Metal, and now this, his writing has been hard to follow and just... meh. Also, the art switching constantly from Jim Lee to Ryan Benjamin (I guess?) was distracting. Took me an hour to read because I kept losing interest.

America #8

Nov 7, 2017

I picked up my first issue of America the other day, because I'm purchasing the whole set of lenticular Marvel covers as they come out (my guy hooks me up), and this comic was one of the really pleasant surprises of the bunch. I had no idea that the character of America Chavez exists (I'm not really a Marvel fan, in general), but I'm glad that she does. It's a refreshing voice to have in comics. I'm a 34 year-old white guy, and I really enjoyed reading about this inter-dimensional, LGBTQ Latina (Not sure if she's actually Latina because she's not from Earth, so how can she be Latina?) whose super power is portal punching, because she and her squad are so cool. I'll definitely be picking up #9.

America #9

Dec 1, 2017

Added this one to my pull list due to getting all Marvel lenticulars from my comic shop, so I started with #8. In my opinion, the last issue was really good in terms of story and illustration, but this one fell a bit flat for me. The writing was fine, but I really didn't care for the art in this issue.

Hawkman: Found #1

Dec 28, 2017

Solid tie-in. A little vague and confusing, but overall I think it was a good comic.

Secret Empire: Omega #1

Sep 15, 2017

I really liked the series as a whole, even if the "moral of the story" was only skin deep. It clearly parallels current life in America, and I think it was told well. What I did not like about this issue is that there is still no clear resolution, and it's really just a set-up for there to be more stories told in the saga of Cap vs. Evil Cap. Also, I am not a fan - at all - of Andrea Sorrentino's art. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed the story as a whole, the art really brought it down, in my opinion. Expressionless faces, weird angles, and ridiculous color schemes abound. I would have much preferred illustration for the series to have been done by Daniel Acuña (issue #0).

Batman: Creature of the Night #1

Dec 1, 2017

By the way the guys at my local shop were raving about it, I thought this would be the next 'White Knight', but it's not. It's good, but I didn't love it.

Mystik U #1

Dec 1, 2017

Nice, strong start. I liked it, but didn't love it.

Justice League (2018) #2

Jun 29, 2018

Scott Snyder‘s plots are a bit too complicated, convoluted and not all that clever, in my opinion. I’ve purchased every comic that he’s put out over the last eight years, and I feel that his last strong effort was the Court of Owls storyline. There is nothing particularly witty about his writing that makes this story compelling either. the art, however, in this book Is terrific, hence the score.

Justice League (2018) #3

Jul 9, 2018

Better than the last issue, but I think it's a little too dense and convoluted, with a ton of exposition. The art is awesome, though.

Justice League (2018) #5

Aug 2, 2018

Surprisingly excellent issue. After Snyder’s convoluted first four issues, this one was so awesome. Looking forward to #6!

Nightwing (2016) #15

Sep 28, 2017

Tim Seeley has become one of my top 3 favorite DC writers over the past couple of years, for work like this. He writes Dick Grayson/Nightwing with such an incredible tone, and this issue is him at his finest. He writes a fantastic love story here, and he frames it in such a way that it's identifiable and real. I love reading this book.

Nightwing (2016) #29

Sep 20, 2017

I think this is the best single issue related to Metal that I've read so far. There's not a huge focus on Nightwing - the issue's more focused on the team - but that's OK, because I think the narration and the action in this comic area all on point! There are clear parallels to GoT in this issue (and I heard that Metal is influenced by GoT, in general), but I think they're used well. I'm glad I put all the Metal tie-ins in my pull list (I read Nightwing anyway), because so far, having Damian and Dick moving through the ring of hell has been a really great read thus far. I loved this issue!

Nightwing (2016) #34

Dec 7, 2017

I get that it’s Seeley’s last issue in an overall underwhelming run, but can someone please proofread A copy after it’s printed to make sure that there are no strange characters inserted into words? (Blüdhaven had several squares instead of “ü” throughout the issue). I’ve been buying this title out of respect for the character, and it has gotten progressively worse over the run. I’m looking forward to the new writer (Sam Humphries) taking over. (And hopefully new editor, new artist(s), etc.) Nightwing is a better hero than he’s been portrayed by Seeley. I don’t get it… Tim Seeley was a great writer on ‘Grayson’, but what he’s done with Nightwing has been terrible. ALSO: There are word balloons that end mid-sentence. I wish I could upload photos to point out what a crappy comic this is.

Nightwing (2016) #44

May 7, 2018

Nightwing (2016) #50

Oct 21, 2018

My love of Nightwing is complicated... I like to read about Nightwing, but I don’t really know who the character is, as he seems to have a constantly changing (and sparingly used) supporting cast, less than compelling villains, and a rotating-door of a love life, so I’ve always felt it’s been hard for me to really grasp who he is on his own... I’m looking forward to seeing how Ben Percy writes this story and sets Dick/Ric/Gray/Richard on a new path.

Justice League (2016) #33

Nov 15, 2017

I dug it all the way to the end... Then there was a bit of a letdown. Nice to have a Cyborg character-building book. He doesn't usually get much of the spotlight. :)

Justice League (2016) #34

Dec 8, 2017

Solid start to Priest's run. It's now on my pull list.

Justice League (2016) #38

Feb 10, 2018

I really thought Priest was going to turn this ship around, but I find the writing to be so convoluted and confusing. Don’t get me wrong, I like reading words, but the whole story with Barry rescuing the tech in outer space... I had no idea what he was talking about. So much comic book pseudoscience terminology. I just couldn’t handle it. In general, this storyline is a snooze. And what’s with Jessica kissing Bruce on the lips at the end of this issue? Is this not the same Bruce who’s engaged to Catwoman? I can’t stand all of this selective continuity going on at DC. If this story is taking place on an earth other than Earth-0, I’d love to know.

Justice League (2016) #41

Mar 24, 2018

Justice League (2016) #42

Apr 5, 2018

Pretty good.

Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #1

Jan 5, 2018

Very good start. I really like the premise of this comic; it’s very well researched and well-written. I’ll definitely buy #2.

Hunt For Wolverine #1  
New Mutants: Dead Souls #1  
Avengers (2016) #675

Jan 11, 2018

Strong start! I dig it. Both the writing and the art are great!

Avengers (2016) #681

Feb 23, 2018

I was going to stop reading this after part 6, but the cliffhanger was so good that I continued reading, and I got more of the same in part 7. I really dislike this storyline. It's one-dimensional and all-over-the-place. Too many characters being shoehorned into 2-3 page segments, and none of the villains have been developed at all. It's all fight fight fight, and I don't really care about the Black Order, the Lethal Legion, the Grandmaster, or the Challenger. Because of the lukewarm, generic writing, I barely care about the Avengers in this arc (and I'm a big fan of the Avengers). I gave this arc a shot, but this is my last issue.

Avengers (2016) #684

Mar 16, 2018

Avengers (2016) #685

Mar 24, 2018

I think the storytelling and art have both improved since the beginning of this run.

Avengers (2016) #689

Apr 23, 2018

Avengers (2016) #690

Apr 29, 2018

This book ended up being great, even after I almost lost interest half-way through. I feel like it could have been shortened to 10 issues and wouldn't have lost much, but overall, I enjoyed it a lot.

Superman (2016) #39

Jan 19, 2018

Superman (2016) #44

Apr 7, 2018

I really do not enjoy this storyline, and the dialogue is horrendous. Bizarrospeak is horrible and incredibly frustrating to follow. I’d be happy to never see Bizarrospeak again. The 5 rating is for the art, or else I’d give it a 1.

Superman (2016) #45

Apr 20, 2018

A terrific send-off for a couple of great creators. However, I am a bit disappointed in DC... They really should have asked Tomasi, Gleason (and Jurgens in Action Comics) write a goodbye letter to fans and put it at the back of the book (in place of the very much repetitive Bendis promo interview was). I think the right thing to do for this transition to Bendis would've been to have the current creators write that: "writing Superman was an honor and a privilege," and that the titles are in "very capable hands." I think the optics would have been much better that way, because the way it comes off is that DC is bouncing two really solid creative teams because "superstar Bendis" is the best in the business and they gave their new start what they want. That being said, I am a TREMENDOUS Bendis fan and I am very much looking forward to his run starting. The only way a reader of DC Comics wouldn't have know that "Bendis is Coming" and he's taking over on Superman and Action is if they were literally comatose for the last few months. One less Bendis promo and one goodbye letter from Tomasi & Gleason and Jurgens would have gone a long way. In fact, it would have been very Bendis-ish.

Justice League: No Justice #1

May 10, 2018

A good start. Hopefully this’ll be better than Metal. Obviously the companies rip-off each other, but it feels like DC has been ripping off Marvel a lot recently. Sideways and Spider-Man, the Terrifics and the Fantastic Four, Damage and the Hulk, and now the Omega Titans and Galactus. Snyder’s going to town.

Justice League: No Justice #3

May 27, 2018

I think this was the best one so far. It starts to tie the story together and finally starts making some sense. I loved the art, too; although, it would have been better if one artist did the whole thing, rather than Riley Rossmo doing half and Marcus To doing half.

The Silencer #2

Mar 2, 2018

Is it a rip-off of John Wick? Kinda. But it's well-done and I like it. :)

The Silencer #3

Mar 30, 2018

The Silencer #5

May 27, 2018

Another strong outing for this book. And I much prefer Victor Bogdanovic’s art to Romita’s. Sets up issue #6 amazingly.

The Silencer #9

Sep 27, 2018

I dig it!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #2

Jul 29, 2018

Great art and great story thus far. Looking forward to #3!

Batman: Damned #1

Sep 20, 2018

Pretty good book. The art is excellent, but of course the highlight was Batman’s dick being shown. Awesome, hilarious, and oh so weird.

Captain America (2018) #1

Jul 9, 2018

Definitely going to pick-up #2.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 15, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal #6

Mar 29, 2018

This was definitely one of the craziest (read: all-over-the place and convoluted) crossovers I've ever read, and if I focus on the content of the six issues of Metal, I'd say, overall, I loved it. With all of the tie-ins that I bought and read between issues #1 and 6, I'd give it a 7.5. There was a lot of ridiculous, confusing cockamamie stuff in this story, and while it was fun, I think all the tie-ins took away from the heart of the story. However, as far as last issues of crossovers go, I really enjoyed it, as it brought the story to a satisfying conclusion and set-up the New Age of DC Heroes and the new Justice League: No Justice storyline very well. SPOILER ALERT-based opinion: With the flash of light at the end (where the heroes breach the outer walls of the multiverse)... Did anyone else think of Black Hammer - that our heroes could could have easily been transported to a farm in Rockwood to live out their days?

Detective Comics (2016) #964

Sep 15, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #965

Sep 29, 2017

Looks like the beginnings of a very cool story. I really like Tim Drake, so I'm glad he's getting the spotlight with this arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #968

Nov 8, 2017

Incredible! This arc has been awesome, and Detective is definitely the best Bat-book going. Loved it!

Detective Comics (2016) #969

Nov 28, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #970

Dec 19, 2017

Not without its shortcomings, but this is another solid issue of DC. I'm very much interested to see where Tim Drake's future takes him.

Detective Comics (2016) #972

Jan 11, 2018

This was my favorite DC issue of the past few months. It seems that some of the strings that JTIV set up months ago are being tied up, and I like it! Also, the art is terrific. I much prefer Mendonça’s art to Barrows’.

Detective Comics (2016) #978

Apr 12, 2018

I find this book to be getting less interesting/compelling as the weeks go by. Also, I very much disliked the art. I'll probably take a break from this one for a while.

Detective Comics (2016) #985

Jul 29, 2018

Best issue of Detective I’ve read in a very long time. Classic Batman. Awesome!

Detective Comics (2016) #988

Sep 18, 2018

Overall, a good story. It lost points for misuse of “you’re” instead of “your” on page 29. Gordon to Batman: “I’m sure you’re (sic) presence is needed elsewhere.” It should read either: “you’re needed elsewhere” or “your presence is needed elsewhere.”

Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #1

May 10, 2018

Maybe it’s because I miss the early days of Bendis’ New Avengers, but I enjoyed this one. Not much happens, overall, but the dialogue was witty and fun, and I like Tom Taylor’s writing a lot, so... 8.5

Infidel #1  
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #600  
Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Jul 29, 2018

Solid. Strong to quite strong.

Return of Wolverine #1

Sep 20, 2018

Solid start! The art was great, and I’m just so glad that Wolverine is back, bub. (See what I did there?) He’s the best there is at what he does, and what he does is SUPER NICE!

X-Men: Blue (2017) #19  
X-Men: Gold (2017) Annual #1  
All-New Wolverine #28

Dec 19, 2017

This is one of my favorite books since legacy began. I agree with everyone who wrote that Gabby is the best. She definitely is, but Laura and Daken are awesome, too. I can't help but wonder, though... When will we see Logan?

All-New Wolverine #29

Jan 23, 2018

All-New Wolverine #33

Apr 5, 2018

I love this comic so much... It's really migrated its way to the near-top of my stack. :)

Analog #1

Apr 6, 2018

I don’t understand these published ratings, which aggregate to 7.0 as of me writing this... this book was awesome! So awesome! I can’t wait for #2! This is my favorite book of the last few weeks! So glad I didn’t listen to certain reviews and went with my gut.

Analog #2

May 10, 2018

Issue 1 was dynamite. This one was pretty good, but not terrific.

The Man of Steel (2018) #1

Jun 1, 2018

Loved it! Great start to the series! Bendis’ writing and Reid and Prado’s art are both incredible.

The Man of Steel (2018) #2

Jun 6, 2018

I love this book so far! So glad it’s a weekly!

The Man of Steel (2018) #5

Jun 29, 2018

I like the story overall, but I really didn't enjoy the art in this one... except Jay Fabok's pages.

The Man of Steel (2018) #6

Jul 9, 2018

Great end to the story and leaves us with a cliffhanger for AC #1001 and Superman #1. Fabok's art is amazing.

Action Comics (2016) #987

Sep 15, 2017

Action Comics (2016) #993

Dec 19, 2017

Action Comics (2016) #995

Jan 11, 2018

Action Comics (2016) #998

Mar 16, 2018

I think this might have been my favorite Action Comics issue of Jurgens' (overall solid) run. 'Booster Shot' made me into a Booster Gold fan. :)

Action Comics (2016) #1000

Apr 18, 2018

Fantastic! Jurgens’ story and art (first story) were terrific, and set the tone for the rest of the book. Tomasi and Gleason’s story was also strong. But Bendis’ story - setting up Man of Steel - was Super-cool. I can’t wait for the mini-series. Tom King and Clay Mann’s story was also a solid one. Scott Snyder’s, on the other hand, was not good.

Action Comics (2016) #1001

Jul 29, 2018

Action Comics (2016) #1004

Oct 25, 2018

The Terrifics #2

Mar 30, 2018

The Terrifics #3

Apr 29, 2018

The Terrifics #4

May 25, 2018

This was awesome! Really funny and definitely continues building this team. I'm hooked.

The Terrifics #6

Jul 29, 2018

This book continues to burn bright, but this was my least favorite issue of the run thus far.

Batman (2016) #32

Oct 6, 2017

Meh. The whole arc was too slow moving and anticlimactic. The reason I gave it a 7.5 is because of Mikel Janin’s art, which is awesome. Tom King has really been quite underwhelming as the writer of Batman thus far. I think he’s too concerned with how artistic a story is, and not concerned enough about the actual narrative. And all of his characters stutter and stammer way too much.

Batman (2016) #34

Nov 7, 2017

I like when Tom King writes about couples/families... That seems to be his bread & butter. The dynamic between Bat and Cat is awesome. I hope they get married.

Batman (2016) #35

Nov 15, 2017

In my opinion, this is the best single issue in Tom King's run. Amazingly paced, and the back-and-forth between Selina and Talia, set against the back-and-forth of Dick and Damian really makes this a special issue. The dialog is tight and understandable (there's not a bunch of stammering and stuttering, which I find King likes to use in his dialog), and during the battle, I see why Bruce would choose Selina. She's a cool Cat (pun intended).

Batman (2016) #36

Dec 7, 2017

Absolutely loved this issue! Other reviewers have said it well... The juxtaposition of the two of them (Superman and Batman) having conversations with their significant others about their best friend is incredible. Tom King writes terrific relationships, even if he doesn't always excel at writing action. I love the direction he is taking Batman. As a long-time Batman fan, I've never seen this type of Batman story, and I love it, because it's different. Top notch!

Batman (2016) #38

Jan 7, 2018

Batman (2016) #39

Jan 23, 2018

Really great! Cool story, incredible art, complex relationships and high tension. Loved it.

Batman (2016) #41

Feb 23, 2018

What an amazing issue. Tom King has been on fire recently, and the streak continues with this one. Much of the issue's story is told through the art, which is incredible. I think Mikel Janin is my favorite artist right now. He really builds the tension with the way he depicts the events and characters in this issue, especially Ivy and the Green. Tom King tells a tight, intense story while using few words; and those he does use are sharp and to-the-point. This was the fifth book I read this week but the first one I felt compelled to rate and write a review.

Batman (2016) #43

Mar 21, 2018

Batman (2016) #44

Apr 5, 2018

Batman (2016) #45

Apr 19, 2018

Maybe this review is biased by my love of all things Tom King, but I thought this issue was fantastic! The two-man (er, one-man and one machine) comedy team of Booster and Skeets made me LOL several times. The story’s concept is fun, and the actual words are terrific, as always. Tony Daniel’s art was awesome as well. Not sure I understand the low marks this issue is getting.

Batman (2016) #47

May 19, 2018

Not sure I understand why this story was published a couple of months before the wedding, unless something in the “permanent” timeline was changed as a result of Booster’s meddling, and thus effects the wedding. If ultimately this storyline has no impact on the timeline, then it was just not very good. Daniel’s art was great, though.

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 9, 2018

Tom King and Mikel Janin are awesome, and this issue reaffirms that. Though I was let down a bit by the ending, it was beautifully written and illustrated.

Batman (2016) #51

Jul 18, 2018

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Batman (2016) #52

Aug 2, 2018

Awesome story... words and art were both incredible.

Batman (2016) #55

Sep 20, 2018

Not the best story of the run, but it’s still better than 90% of what’s being published. Daniel’s art is great.

Batman (2016) #57

Oct 23, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #2  
Death or Glory #1

May 7, 2018

Really cool book! I think the story and the art are both terrific. Definitely sticking with it.

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1

May 27, 2018

I thought this was a really strong story, which paid tribute to Wolverine and his relationships with the X-Women protagonists. The art was awesome, if slightly overly-sexualized. I really like Thony Silas’ style.

Quantum Age: From the World of Black Hammer #3

Oct 11, 2018

Solid issue. I like the world building and the bit of backstory of the Quantum League.

Superman (2018) #4

Oct 11, 2018

Really like the direction of this book and the tone of each issue. Plus, the art is fantastic.

Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 10, 2018

Tom King is terrific and I love Fabok’s art. I just feel it lacked that “punch”. The twist at the end was good, but I felt it lacked something. Not sure what.

Venom (2018) #4

Jul 29, 2018

Donny Cates is a phenomenal writer. This book is super-engrossing. Love it.

X-O Manowar (2017) #6  
Batman: White Knight #2

Nov 7, 2017

Terrific writing and art. Dig it!

Batman: White Knight #5

Feb 10, 2018

Batman: White Knight #7

Apr 5, 2018

After hitting a bit of a lull in issues 3 through 5, the last two have been dynamite! Can't wait to see how this all ties up!

Batman: White Knight #8

May 10, 2018

Great finale to a great series!

Doctor Strange (2015) #384

Jan 23, 2018

Doctor Strange (2015) #388

Apr 29, 2018

Doctor Strange (2015) #389

Apr 29, 2018

I love Donny Cates' writing. Too bad he didn't write the whole 'Damnation' story.

Oblivion Song #1

Mar 16, 2018

Awesome first issue! I can't wait to see where this goes.

Oblivion Song #2

Apr 12, 2018

Really digging this book so far.

Catwoman (2018) #1

Jul 9, 2018

Really great #1 issue for Ms. Jones' first time (I think) writing for DC... and she illustrated it beautifully as well! Awesome start; I can't wait to read more.

DC Nation (2018) #0

May 4, 2018

I really loved each story in this book in its own way. After Metal, I wasn't so much looking forward to No Justice and the new Justice League teams, but I'm kinda into it now. Bendis' Clark Kent short was great and introduces a new rogue (of some kind). And Tom King is just the best there is right now.


Jul 16, 2018

Loved it! Loved the surprise release; loved to story; loved the characters; loved the humor! I can't wait for #2!

Descender #29  
Gideon Falls #1

Mar 16, 2018

Very cool start. Not a huge Sorrentino fan, but when his art is paired with a story like this, it works quite well.

Gideon Falls #2

Apr 12, 2018

Fantastic! I typically don't like Sorrentino's art, but for this story, it totally works!

Gideon Falls #5

Jul 18, 2018

Oh man! The book continues to absolutely KILL IT! Another incredible issue.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #32

Nov 8, 2017

Awesome! Simply Awesome! I've never been a huge fan of GL, but this issue ROCKED! There is a sequence in the middle that is illustrated just oh-so-beautifully by Ethan Van Sciver, and the words by Venditti are great. The pacing is quick, and the story is action-packed. Looking forward to the next Metal Tie-In.

Heroes In Crisis #1  
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1  
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #18

Jan 11, 2018

One of the most consistently entertaining books DC is putting out. I dig the relationship between the three of them, the humor, and the saga of Bizarro is terrific.

Sentry (2018) #1

Jun 29, 2018

Awesome issue! Jeff Lemire is my favorite writer right now. I took a 0.5 deduction because the cover stinks. Interior art was solid, though. :)

Sentry (2018) #2

Jul 29, 2018

Loved it! Lemire is born to write off-beat characters like the Sentry. Can’t wait for the next one.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #705

Mar 21, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #706

Apr 29, 2018

The New World #1

Jul 29, 2018

The unexpected MVC of the week! Awesome story and art! I’m on board for more!

X-23 (2018) #2

Jul 29, 2018

Awesome book! It’s funny, beautifully drawn and colored and has the right amount of gravitas. Honey Badger is the best.

Doomsday Clock #1

Nov 22, 2017

Great start to this series! I dig it! If anyone can write a sequel to Watchmen, it’s Geoff Johns. And Gary Frank’s illustrations are amazing. Not only is his style similar to Dave Gibbons’, but he’s so detail oriented. I loved this issue! P.S. [Possible spoiler, if my guessing is right] Is it possible that the new Rorschach is the kid reading Tales of the Black Freighter from the Newsstand?

Doomsday Clock #2

Dec 28, 2017

So far, I love almost everything about this story and the way it’s being told.

Doomsday Clock #4

Mar 29, 2018

Doomsday Clock continues to be awesome, well-paced, beautifully drawn, and better than Metal. I just wish there weren't so many delays... I'm starting to lose interest (despite the comic being awesome), as the publishing schedule is a mess.

Doomsday Clock #5

Jun 1, 2018

Sooo good! Almost worth the wait. (2 months between issues totally blows. I’ll be done reading this when I’m 70.) I would have given it a 10 if it didn’t take so long between issues. Question: Is this taking place in the Earth One version of the DC Universe? I ask because Batman’s costume is different than the Earth-0 version, and things are noticeably different. I know this story is supposed to reconcile the New 52 and Rebirth eras, which is why I think it’s strange if this story is being told as a cross between the Watchmen U and Earth One. Hrm.

Doomsday Clock #6

Jul 27, 2018

Freakin' incredible! This series is amazing... Just wish it would come out monthly. :(

Unbelievable Gwenpool #23

Dec 29, 2017

In my opinion, this is the best comic book that people aren’t reading. I’m so upset that it’s being canceled. This book came to me because I pre-ordered all of the Marvel Legacy lenticular covers from my local comic shop, and the issue of Unbelievable Gwenpool was the one I liked most. It’s such an entertaining read - issue after issue - and I hope Marvel keeps the character around after this book’s cancellation. It’s truly wonderful.

Unbelievable Gwenpool #24

Jan 11, 2018

This is Marvel’s best comic right now. I can’t believe they’re ending it. :( I keep holding out hope that Marvel just announced Geenpool’s cancellation because it’s a peer of the current storyline (it is)... One can hope, right?

Unbelievable Gwenpool #25

Mar 2, 2018

I’m very upset that this was the final issue of The Unbelievable Gwenpool, but this was a great send-off. Seriously though, Marvel, Hastings and Gurihiru are a great team, and this book was terrific. I wish more people would have read it. I can’t wait until Gwenpool comes back. 🖐🏻 Bye for now.

Mister Miracle (2017) #2

Sep 15, 2017

Mister Miracle (2017) #3

Oct 12, 2017

Incredible. Between King's storytelling and Gerads's illustrations, this book just *does it for me. It's captivating, dramatic, funny, sad, hopeful, and satisfying all in one comic. I look forward to Mr. Miracle each month, and it's always at the top of my pile when I sit down to read.

Mister Miracle (2017) #5

Dec 14, 2017

Holy cr@p! The best one yet, and I’ve been giving every issue a “10”, so I would give this a 20, if I could. This is a truly incredible issue. I love what Tom King and Mitch Gerads are doing with Mr. Miracle.

Mister Miracle (2017) #6

Jan 11, 2018

Mister Miracle (2017) #7

Mar 16, 2018

Another brilliant issue from the best team in comics.

Mister Miracle (2017) #8

Apr 23, 2018

Mister Miracle (2017) #10

Aug 2, 2018

Incredibly emotional and honest issue. This is the best comic book being published, possibly ever.

Mister Miracle (2017) #11

Sep 20, 2018

In-cruh-heh-dih-bull!!!! (Incredible!)

Batman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 29, 2017

If I could give this an 11, 12, or 13, I would. This may have been the single most moving comic I have ever read. I love their romance, and I love Tom King's writing. This issue is a special one. I'm going to share this one with the people I care about. :)

Batman: The Devastator #1

Nov 2, 2017

I absolutely LOVED this tie-in. In my opinion, this is by FAR the best "Evil Batmen" story published so far. It was not difficult to follow, the dialogue and narration is incredible, and the art is amazing. This might be my favorite issue in the entire 'Metal' event thus far.

Batman: Who Laughs #1

Nov 15, 2017

Awesome. Just awesome. Weirdest and darkest Batman story I've ever read, and it was AMAZING! I loved The Devastator, and I loved this one. Glad they saved the best for last!

Reviews for the Week of...



