Al B. Harper's Profile

Joined: Apr 19, 2014

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Overall Rating
A-Force #4  
All-New Captain America (2014) #1

Feb 24, 2015

All-New Captain America (2014) #2

Feb 24, 2015

All-New Captain America (2014) #3

Feb 24, 2015

All-New Captain America (2014) #4

Feb 24, 2015

All-New Captain America (2014) #5

Apr 3, 2015

The ending ruined my day. SPOILER ALERT I care more about a bird than I do Nomad.

All-New Wolverine #17

Feb 12, 2017

Art is a step down from previous issues. Seems like they are rotating now but I prefer the other artists who have been on this series.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1

May 14, 2014

Decent first issue. Started some interesting threads to follow in future issues (boy is the Black Cat pissed!). Just wish we got more of the main story and less filler.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.3

Jul 14, 2014

Weakest issue of the mini-series so far but still a decent take on Spidey's earliest days.Artwork does a nice job of paying tribute to the silver age. I still can't seem to get over the use, or should I say overuse of modern technology. Having a modern computer or cellphone in the background would be fine, but we're constantly reminded that the camera's being used are digital. I just think it takes away from some of the fun readers of classic Spider-Man could have with this series.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #2

May 21, 2014

Good issue that kept the momentum of #1 going. Lot of interesting threads which hint at where the book is headed. I really don't like the art but the story will keep me coming back if it keeps up like this.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #10

Nov 21, 2014

A little cluttered, but a fun issue. A good mix of action a and setup. Coipel's Peter looks a little too much like Andrew Garfield.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #12

Jan 20, 2015

Not the strongest issue of spiderverse, but it progressed the story nicely. I prefers Copiel's art though, except for the fact that he has started drawing Peter to look like Andrew Garfield.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #15

Mar 6, 2015

Nice end to the event, but it was more about the various spiders saying goodbye to each other than anything else.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #16

Mar 13, 2015

A fun romp after the epicness of Spider-Verse. Obviously this issue suffered from what came before it, but it brings Peter back to earth and the series will hopefully build on the preSpider-Verse threads from here. Sad to have Ramos and his much more cartoonish looking characters back after Copiel's amazing pencil work.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #17

Apr 14, 2015

Fun issue, but I'd like to see more substance and less wheel-spinning.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #17.1

Apr 26, 2015

Fun read. After all these years Conway still has Parker's voice down pat. At this point these 'point issues' are better than the main series.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #18.1

Jun 4, 2015

Enjoying Conway's story more than Barberi's art, especially when he does characters out of costume. Nice to see accurate characterization of Black Cat, rather than what we're seeing in the main series.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #6

May 17, 2014

Best part was definitely the action at the end. Just could not get over the awful art, especially after the amazing art of the previous issues. Wolverine's face was particularly a major mess.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #7

May 25, 2014

As a tribute to the 80s cartoon this is a 6.5. However, if you had no clue about the show or hated it this book is more like a 2.5/10.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #8

Jun 12, 2014

Decent start for new creative team though I don't care for how McGuninness draws Wolverine. Hopefully going forward the series focuses on the other characters more as this was a strength of the first arc. There are already enough Wolvie books on the shelves.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #9

Jul 14, 2014

While the story has been interesting, the dialogue in this issue had some major weak spots. Barberi's art was a welcome surprise as I had been really turned of by art of issue #6, the first time this series had different artist take the reigns.

Amazing X-Men (2013) #10

Aug 17, 2014

America #2  
Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 20, 2015

Ant-Man (2015) #4

Apr 9, 2015

This issues brings the fun the series is known for and cranks up the drama. I absolutely love the 'villians anonymous' references, as they reinforce my feeling that this book is the spiritual successor to Superior Foes.

Ant-Man (2015) #5

May 8, 2015

An explosive finale to the excellent first arc. Even the though there were fewer jokes in this issue it had a couple of the smartest and funniest jokes if the series so far. Great ending to a great arc.

Ant-Man (2015): Last Days #1  
Astonishing Ant-Man #7

Apr 21, 2016

Not the best issue if the series but fun nonetheless.

Batman (2011) #31

May 28, 2014

This is book is just great. I mean of course it is, it's Snyder and Capullo! This my be my favorite of the last few issues. The back and fourth between Batman and the Riddler, and the action are great. The smirk on Lucius's face when Batman gets the job done is priceless. And top it off there was a very interesting ending which makes you wonder how it ties to next issue.

Batman (2011) #33

Aug 17, 2014

Batman (2011) #39

Mar 7, 2015

This arc just keeps getting better and better, setting up one hell of a conclusion!

Batman: Eternal #8

May 29, 2014

So most of the negative reviews I've seen are attacking the differences in art from week to week. Well duh, with different artists taking on the book week after week why is this such a shock? And no this week's issue wasn't the biggest art change for certain characters, that happened weeks ago so people should be over it. The series is as billed. I mean, the fourth Falcone didn't throw me off any more than the second. With that out of the way this week's Eternal was, in my opinion, the best issue storywise since the first few issues. Everything involving Batman was great and it was nice to see where Bard's allegiance lies (not that we had any doubt). And although it was very brief, we finally got an update on Stephanie Brown. If the series keeps up like this I won't be bowing out after issue #20, which is where the first trade ends.

Batman: Eternal #9

Jun 12, 2014

While not as good as last issue it was still great and has a very interesting suptise twist at the end.

Batman: Eternal #12

Jul 3, 2014

Fantastic issue that helped me forget the garbage (art, story, and dialogue) of issues 10 & 11. Well...except for the batagirl/red hood exchange and Alfred's daughter. Everything else was interesting and moved the story along.

Batman: Eternal #13

Jul 2, 2014

Finally this series is back on track! After a decent issue last week, it's great to see the story progress in a meaningful way after couple sub par issues in #s 10 & 11. The story is one of the strongest Eternal has had yet. Maybe because the storylines of focus were all interesting and built on the previous issue. Other issues in this series seem to stand alone while this issue felt integral. Almost as important, and for some more important, is the fact that the art in this issue is fantastic! Like the story, one of the best jobs of the series; it built on last week and helped me forget the awful art of issues 10 & 11.

Batman: Eternal #14

Jul 14, 2014

This series is really picking up steam. While I liked last issue's story better, the art in this one was excellent. Some real disturbing images of the Penguin.

Batman: Eternal #15

Jul 23, 2014

While the art is good, the story's a step down from the last few. I have no problem with an issue with little or no Batman as this series's focus is on Gotham and it's many faces. The only thing is, when Batman is excluded, the story better be solid like we had with the Bard storyline a couple issues back. Unfortunately this issue brings back some of the threads which I had forgotten and wish it had stayed that way.

Batman: Eternal #16

Jul 27, 2014

While the art was decent this issue, like last, focused mainly on the story threads which aren't that interesting. Dialogue was absolutely, especially Batwing and Vicki Vale.

Batman: Eternal #17

Jul 30, 2014

Much much better story and writing than the two supernatural issues before this one. The trip into the past really ties this story together and gives Batman a chance to shine, as he's seemingly taken the last two issues off, even if it is from '3 years' in the past. Harper was also handled very in this issue. She wasn't annoying like she has been in some of the past issues.

Batman: Eternal #19

Aug 17, 2014

Batman: Eternal #35

Dec 4, 2014

Batman: Eternal #37

Dec 17, 2014

Some weak characterization and not the best art the series has seen. Hopefully it will pick up with all these villains in the mix.

Batman: Eternal #38

Dec 25, 2014

This week's issue was a step up from last and progresses the story nicely.

Batman: Eternal #39

Jan 1, 2015

Batman: Eternal #41

Jan 20, 2015

Batman: Eternal #43

Jan 30, 2015

This series is getting real good as it enters the home stretch!

Batman: Eternal #44

Feb 15, 2015

Boring story. The Batwing storyline issues have been my least favourite.

Batman: Eternal #45

Feb 13, 2015

Ending salvaged an otherwise forgettable instalment.

Batman: Eternal #46

Feb 19, 2015

Ras should've had some better than Z list and less annoying goons for Batman to run through. Some awful dialogue really held this issue back.

Batman: Eternal #48

Mar 6, 2015

Alright, this series is picking up steam at the right time. Hopefully we are in for an explosive ending where each issue gets better and better. Couldn't ask for any more than that.

Batman: Eternal #49

Mar 13, 2015

Hopefully the creative teams can keep this level of fun up until the fast approaching conclusion!

Batman: Eternal #50

May 15, 2015

Batman: Eternal #51

May 15, 2015

Batman: Eternal #52

May 15, 2015

Batman: Europa #1

Dec 2, 2015

Wow the writing is bad. Super hammy. It's as if the plot was given to a 12 year old and they were told to write the most obvious, cheesy, and grammatically incorrect dialogue possible.Joker's characterization is baaaaaaaaaaad. Pretty good art but not enough to keep me around; especially with the $5 price tag. Stay away.

Bitch Planet #1

Feb 20, 2015

Great start to a fresh new series.

Bitch Planet #2

Feb 20, 2015

Excellent second issue. Great art, great story. Pick this one up if you can handle it!

Bitch Planet #3

Feb 20, 2015

Outstanding story and great look at one of the book's main characters. Even with the change in artist for the first of very third change-up issue (which some have criticized as too soon), it does the main story a service and doesn't take away from series' momentum.

Bitch Planet #4

May 3, 2015

Black Panther (2016) #18  
Black Science #9

Oct 11, 2014

I concur with other reviews that this issue starts off strong (finally, some focus on Rebecca) and then it just becomes confusing. Has to be the weakest issue of the series so far despite my favorite character making an appearance at the end.

Black Science #11

Dec 26, 2014

Nice to see this book is picking up again after a few weaker than usual issues.

Black Widow (2014) #7

Jun 12, 2014

Because it's the start of a new ark I was looking to drop this series - yeah, that's not gonna happen! It's nice to see the series get it's first major guest appearance, and Daredevil is neither misused or overused. And if the story doesn't pull you in the excellent artwork will. This is one of a few marvel books (ex. Electra) that looks as if its being drawn by a master-painter. Highly recommended.

Black Widow (2014) #14

Feb 3, 2015

Excellent script. Would've scored even higher if the pencils didn't seem like step down this issue.

Black Widow (2014) #15

Feb 24, 2015

Black Widow (2014) #16

Apr 22, 2015

Black Widow (2016) #11

Feb 12, 2017

That last page. Wow!

C.O.W.L. (2014) #1

Feb 20, 2015

C.O.W.L. (2014) #2

Feb 20, 2015

C.O.W.L. (2014) #3

Feb 20, 2015

Radia is a fascinating character and this series keeps getting better and better,

C.O.W.L. (2014) #4

Feb 20, 2015

Great characterization in this issue, even though it can ultimately be boiled down to Blaze is cool and Arclight is a jerk.

C.O.W.L. (2014) #5

Feb 20, 2015

C.O.W.L. (2014) #6

Feb 20, 2015

Captain America: Sam Wilson #17  
Cyclops (2014) #2

Jun 12, 2014

Really fun issue with a hint of darkness (Corsair obviously has some secrets!).

Cyclops (2014) #9

Jan 20, 2015

I figured once GR left the book I'd be dropping this. Unfortunately for my wallet the last couple issues have been fantastic and I'll be sticking around.A likeable Cyclops, who knew such a thing existed.

Cyclops (2014) #12

Apr 14, 2015

Unfortunately the creators were shoehorned into the Black Vortex. On its own merits this is simply an OK last issue of what was a very fun and surprisingly good series.

Daredevil (2014) #1

May 25, 2014

Great issue. Continues the last run while still being an easy jumping on point for readers who did follow previous run.

Daredevil (2014) #2

May 25, 2014

Another great issue. Better than last only because it had me at the edge of my seat earlier and longer than #1. Which is not a criticism considering the last issue had to recap what DD has been going through since the last run.

Daredevil (2014) #3

May 25, 2014

Probably the weakest issue of the series but it was still great, and ended on a great cliffhanger.This creative team continues to knock it out of the park!

Daredevil (2014) #5

Jul 14, 2014

Daredevil (2014) #6

Aug 21, 2014

Daredevil (2014) #7

Aug 21, 2014

Daredevil (2014) #8

Sep 18, 2014

Daredevil (2014) #11

Jan 20, 2015

Daredevil (2014) #12

Jan 20, 2015

Daredevil (2014) #13

Mar 7, 2015

An excellent issue that stands on its own as a great story, but also sets up the final arc of this series beautifully. You can not ask for more than that from an issue. Seriously bummed the creative team is leaving; whoever takes over after Secret Wars has some big shoes to fill.

Daredevil (2014) #15

May 3, 2015

Deadly Class #11

Feb 24, 2015

Deadly Class #12

Apr 27, 2015

Great to see this book maintaining its high quality storytelling!

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1

May 17, 2014

After a dark beginning and some traveling we get to see Shang-Chi get to work. Pretty good action throughout and the art isn't as bad as some reviews state. It fits the dark kung fu feel the book is going for. It's nice when marvel branches out into different genres and I'm excited to see where this miniseries goes. As someone new to Shang-Chi I just wish there was some more back story to his relationship to his former lover, but more info will probably come to light in the subsequent issues.

Detective Comics (2011) #32

Jun 12, 2014

Really loving this series since the new creative team joined but this was probably the weakest issue of the last three. Not that in itself it is a weak issue, it is very good, but it kind of ends abruptly. Can't wait to see where the story goes next month. The art is fantastic and an excellent contrast to the main Bat-book.

Elektra (2014) #4

Jul 23, 2014

As always the amazing art makes this an absolute pleasure to look at and the story's really picking up. Great action throughout!

Elektra (2014) #5

Aug 21, 2014

What a great series! Another issue with outstanding art, story, and action. If you like the serious side of Marvel you should puck up this series now!

Elektra (2014) #9

Apr 27, 2015

Elektra (2014) #10

Feb 3, 2015

Very sad this series is ending when it's one of the best Marvel is putting out. Wherever Del Mundo goes next I'll be following!

Fantastic Four (2014) #4

May 14, 2014

First issue of the series with nearly wall to wall action. The ending definitely has hooked me for next month.

Fantastic Four (2014) #8

Aug 17, 2014

Fantastic Four (2014) #12

Nov 2, 2014

Fun issue that did a good job of moving the story along.

Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Feb 25, 2015

Am I missing something here? Because this is not the perfect book many have made it out to be.

Grayson #6

Jan 20, 2015

Grayson #7

Feb 14, 2015

Step down in quality in terms of story for this series, but still a decent issue.

Grayson Annual #1  
Green Arrow (2011) #33

Jul 3, 2014

Green Arrow (2011) #35

Jan 20, 2015

The change in art is a step down for me and a bit of a shock. Hopefully the art and story pick up next issue.

Green Arrow (2011) #36

Jan 20, 2015

The in your face addition of Felicity to "Team Arrow" is a little too forced, quick, and neat and tidy. I get why the new creators were chosen but how about a slower build up to the merger of the two worlds. I mean we just got off of a great arc that was nothing like the show. Art is better than the previous issue.

Green Arrow (2011) #37

Jan 20, 2015

Some interesting action and a villain who's easy to hate. Slightly better than the previous issue. Art continues to be hit or miss; some things look great, others not so much.

Green Arrow (2011) #38

Jan 20, 2015

Weakest of the last 3 issues, but does keep the reader's level of hate up for the villain. Hopefully the creators can get it going soon, though I'm worried because the art is getting worse.

Green Arrow (2011) #40

Mar 6, 2015

Fun issue, but why are some of the guests even involved? Cannot wait for the new creative, although I don't know who that will be yet, to see if they dial back or embrace the newly introduced Arrow TV elements of the book.

Inhuman #3

Aug 21, 2014

Although the story in this issue is a tad predictable, the book's main premise still intrigues. Doesn't hurt that the are is amazing either. Luckily the next issue is out very soon so we can see if this book is worth sticking with.

Inhuman #11

Jan 30, 2015

Nice to see the two main stories converge, although Stegman's drawing of Medusa took a major step back from the axis tie-ins.

Inhuman #12

Mar 7, 2015

Inhumans Prime #1  
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

May 12, 2014

Great first issue. Although Iron Fist has always had dark elements to his story given his origin, this take on Danny himself is decidedly darker than others.

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #2

May 12, 2014

Simply not as good as the first issue. Art and writing just seem a little disjointed,maybe double duty is too much for Andrews.I didn't think that'd be the case just two issues in. For longtime Iron Fist fans the flashbacks to his parents deaths are unnecessary. Hopefully it's just a hiccup and the book can't back to the heights it reached in #1, it very well may because, at the very least, this issue sets up and interesting scenario going forward.

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #3

Jun 12, 2014

By far the best issue of the series and a great bounce back from last month's disaster. The artvis noticeably better and the story finally has some legs. As a fan of classic Iron Fist the ending came as a bug shock. Excited to see where the story goes now.

Justice League United #0

May 27, 2014

Great start to what seems like it'll be a really fun book. As someone unfamiliar with most of these characters it was a great introduction and I'm really intrigued by the new character.

Justice League United #1

May 27, 2014

While not as good as #0 this book was still a fun read. Stargirl was definitely the star of this issue (no pun intended). As someone who has absolutely no idea about the history between Hawkman and Lobo, Lemire made their storyline easy enough to follow. The book loses some points for me because of the exclusion of the new character. At to the many reviewers asking the pompous question "Why do we even need this book" the answer is because people need a fun book, that is well written, has good art, is better than most of the justice league stuff on the shelves, and one that unlike 80% of other books, doesn't take place in New York. Moosonee is a refreshing location for a mainstream comic to take place and it's actually not that cold there this time of year!

Kingpin (2017) #1

Feb 12, 2017

Art is a little inconsistent but the story is great. Rosenberg has been killing it since starting at Marvel and this both fits with, and stands on its own from, the Kingpin miniseries (which also had polarizing art).

Luke Cage (2017) #1  
Magneto (2014) #15

Feb 24, 2015

Magneto (2014) #17

Apr 26, 2015

Mystery, sacrifice, and mentally produced ghost Nazis, count me in!! Hopefully the 'last days' issues don't derail this book's strong storytelling.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #1  
Moon Knight (2014) #11

Feb 3, 2015

Although this issue is not as good as the last couole, it progresses the story enough to set up a great conclusion to this creative team's run.

Moon Knight (2014) #13

Apr 29, 2015

I can't believe the drop off in quality with this creative team. Bunn's been great on Magneto, but the dialogue on this is issue is simple to the point of making characters sound stupid, which tonally changes the Moon Knight we're used to. And the art is equally frustrating.

Moon Knight (2016) #1  
Ms. Marvel (2014) #12

Feb 24, 2015

Ms. Marvel (2014) #14

May 3, 2015

Ms. Marvel (2014) #18

Sep 15, 2015

Nightcrawler (2014) #2

May 14, 2014

Action packed, albeit over a misunderstanding, and some great background and character development by Claremont has me eagerly awaiting next month's issue.

Nightcrawler (2014) #5

Aug 18, 2014

Introduction of the villians felt forced. Like their inclusion was only so the that the issue could end 'too be continued.' This would have been an excellent one-shot between arcs had the main story not been interrupted.

Operation S.I.N. #2  
Original Sin Annual #1  
Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #6  
Punisher (2014) #9

Jan 20, 2015

This issue didn't really add anything and the Black Widow issue was much better (pencils, inks, story, etc.).

Rick and Morty (2015) #1

Oct 1, 2015

Rick and Morty (2015) #2

Oct 1, 2015

Rick and Morty (2015) #3

Oct 1, 2015

Rick and Morty (2015) #4

Oct 1, 2015

Rick and Morty (2015) #5

Oct 1, 2015

Scarlet Spiders #1

Nov 29, 2014

Have not read Costa's work before but this issue was well done and fit in perfectly with the rest of Spider-Verse. I haven't read anything to do with Spider-Clones in years but this was a nicely executed issue with great art. Give me more Spider-Verse!!

Scarlet Spiders #2

Dec 17, 2014

A step up from last issue which has me anxiously awaiting the climax.

Scarlet Spiders #3

Jan 25, 2015

This issue was 95% action and a fitting end to the miniseries. The first half wasn't great at was sitting at a 6/10 for me, but a great ending helped redeem this issue. One issue I had was with Diaz's rendering of Black Widow/Jessica Drew. However, the series succeeded in making me interested in three characters I had never been interested in before. if you've followed this series make sure to read this before Amazing #13 too!

Secret Avengers (2014) #3

May 15, 2014

Not my favorite issue of the series but it is funny and action packed! Endimg sets up big Hawkeye and Fury issue coming next month.

Secret Avengers (2014) #7

Aug 21, 2014

Really didn't care for the Deadpool angle, though this is still a great series. According to the letters page the main arc is going to run through issue 15, which has me excited.

Secret Avengers (2014) #12

Jan 30, 2015

Not bad, but not up to the usual standard of this book. And the characterization of Lady Bullseye is waaaaaaay off.

She-Hulk (2014) #12  
Silk #1

Feb 24, 2015

Silk #2

Mar 23, 2015

It impresses me how well this character stands on her own, despite all the advice and support Silk could use from others in the Spider family.

Silk #3

May 3, 2015

Silver Surfer (2014) #8

Jan 20, 2015

Silver Surfer (2014) #9

Feb 24, 2015

Silver Surfer (2014) #10

Mar 23, 2015

Great issue and the first of the series that actually had serious consequences which should be felt throughout the next arc.

Southern Bastards #1

May 14, 2014

Wow!! I am so glad I left this on my to read pile for a couple weeks, only because it means I'm closer to the next issue. The art and dialogue were both spot on and the ending had a cinematic beauty about it. Loved the explanations Aaron and Latour gave in the final page because it made the story relatable to those who find some areas and characters of the South to be extremely disturbing.

Southern Bastards #3

Jul 2, 2014

Can't get enough of this great series.

Southern Bastards #7

Feb 15, 2015

Great continuation of the Euless Boss arc. Can't wait to see how it concludes next month!

Southern Bastards #8

Apr 3, 2015

Simply amazing. At the beginning of this Coach Boss arc I was mad I had to read, almost exclusively, about Boss, and now I'm mad the arc is over. Well done two Jasons.

Southern Bastards #9

Jul 14, 2015

Amazing issue. This series continues to be incredibly gripping, even with the change in focus.

Spider-Gwen #1

Mar 13, 2015

Not as great as I was hoping for based on the awesomeness that was EoSV #2, but a solid start to the series.

Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #1

Jul 14, 2014

Decent first issue with good art and a nice twist. Didn't really care for the dialogue of the antagonist fro the future.

Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #5

Oct 19, 2014

Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #8

Jan 28, 2015

Great issue. And am I the only one who thinks 2009 has some of the best cover art around? I just wonder how Spider-Verse is going to wrap up with only ASM #14 left? Guess the events are still going to be felt in each Spider title going forward. How could they not?

Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #9

Mar 8, 2015

Fun story, great art. Wonder if we'll ever get to see the threads from the first arc sewn up?

Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #10

Apr 13, 2015

Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #11

Apr 13, 2015

Feel like it's going to be hard to wrap this series up next issue...

Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Jan 26, 2015

Spider-Woman (2014) #2

Dec 18, 2014

Spider-Woman (2014) #3

Jan 26, 2015

I understand why some people don't like this book. If you're not reading ASM it's pretty much useless, which is an odd way to launch a series. However, I have enjoyed the 3 issues well enough because I'm all in on Spider-Verse, although the art takes a step back from last issue. For those following Spider-Verse this issue is best read exactly halfway through ASM #13.

Spider-Woman (2014) #6

Apr 27, 2015

Fun and intriguing. Can't ask for much more than that. If Ant-Man is the spiritual successor to Superior-Foes, than this is the spiritual successor to She-Hulk.

Spider-Woman (2014) #7

May 8, 2015

Another excellent issue of this series. I thank my lucky stars (ok, maybe just the creative team) for series like this and Ant-Man as they continue to fill the void left by Superior Foes and She-Hulk.

Starlight #3

May 14, 2014

Finally some great action (how will Duke get out of this one?) while the character building continues (what happened to the boy's parents?).

Starlight #4

Jun 12, 2014

So far this book is a gem. This issue wasn't my favorite, but only because it was a much needed 'move the story' along month. But it was still really good, as it balanced a little action and humour with the introduction of the resistance's base. We finally found out what happened to the boy's parents and there's a bug twist at the end that promises more action to come.

Starlight #6

Oct 28, 2014

Great ending! Really interested to see how this turns out as a movie since the rights were sold before issue 1 came out.

Storm #8  
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #13

Jul 14, 2014

Loved the parts with Shocker and Silvermane. Although this wasn't the series's strongest issue it was still funny and enjoyable.

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #15

Sep 8, 2014

The Kitchen #1

Feb 23, 2015

The Kitchen #2

Feb 23, 2015

A nice jump in quality from the first issue.

The Kitchen #3

Feb 23, 2015

The Kitchen #4

Feb 23, 2015

Best issue of the series so far and a great amount of story progression. End on the biggest cliffhanger yet.

They're Not Like Us #1

Dec 25, 2014

Good start and nice cliff hanger.

Trees #3

Jul 29, 2014

Interesting, but will hopefully be much more so when we begin to get the big picture. The cover is great, however the story suffers due to some dialogue and pacing issues. Still, could be good build up issue in hindsight, you know, when stuff actually starts happening.

Uncanny Avengers #22  
Uncanny Inhumans #0

Apr 14, 2015

Awesome feature story and an ok backup, which sets up the future direction of Flint and Iso. McNiven's interiors are beautiful, which was a pleasant surprise after seeing Blackbolt's Muppet face on the cover.

Uncanny Inhumans #1

Apr 15, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans #2

Apr 15, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans #3

Apr 15, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans #4

Apr 15, 2016

Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #5

Jul 14, 2014

Great suptise ending ending. Really liked Shen in this series. Hope the last page leads to some new stories.

Wytches #5  
X-Force (2014) #6  

Reviews for the Week of...


