Jeff Plaza's Profile

Joined: May 12, 2021

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Action Comics (2016) #1044

Jul 1, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1045

Jul 31, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1046

Aug 27, 2022

The stakes and risk are high with little chance of success. But even so this books manages us to show that Superman always finds a way.

Action Comics (2016) #1052

Mar 3, 2023

I really love this format!

Action Comics (2016) #1053

Mar 30, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #66

May 19, 2021

This was a good epilogue wrap up issue that gave of satisfactory conclusions to some story arcs, but also raised the stakes to the bigger A plot (Kindred). I can count at least three cliff hangers that had me surprised. I am genuinely excited for how everything will connect. And that last page reveal? OOh man, that was a shocker and I can already see people theorizing whats gonna happen next. Nick Spencer is on top of his game! And Bagley needs to stay on Amazing because his art was fantastic this issue!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #69

Jun 23, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 8, 2021

The art in this issue was a huge step up. I admit I'm bias as a massive spidey lore fan, but dang does Spencer know how to please fans like me. Spencer's bold kove to retcon the sins past story and connect it to Kindred seems abrupt at first but the more you think about it , the more it feels like natural plot than what actually happend in Sins Past. I think the best part of the issue is that it does raise the stakes to the finale unlike the sinister war issues. My hope Spencer is able to tie all his loose ends in the next 80 page issue we re getting. It will sad to see a writer with so much lore detail leave.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74

Sep 29, 2021

This was massive massive let down. I was on board Nick Spencer story untill Marvel Editiorical High jacked his book and rewrote it leaving this massively unsatisfying. THIS.WAS GARBAGE. No way he left this conclusion before he left marvel. THERE ARE LITERALLY.PANELS and dialogue in the comic that look like that were deleted. The main one is the last pages where it looks like peter says something important to Mj( Proposal???) But its scribbled out! THIS WAS GARBAGE!! I hope one day Spencer can let us know what happened because marvel just gave a BIG F you and OMD haters

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 8, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80

Dec 1, 2021

It was a good issue, but I wish we had more stuff happening in this issue. Also, I kinda wish that the book showed Ben hold his own against Kraven son/clone, but he sluggish manhandled most of it. So far BEYOND, hasnt given any wins to Ben or enough character development for him. I realize he can be a polarizing character but as he is the current fill-in Spider-man, I d like to see him beat some as once in a whole like Peter does. Ending with May was the best scene. ART is the best part of this!! Wish he was still doing Black Cat :(

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80.BEY

Dec 9, 2021

After this issue, this series needs more Ock in it

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #83

Dec 31, 2021

I enjoyed the style of this story but like has been stated before this felt unnecessary and more filler material.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #86

Jan 20, 2022

Best issue of Beyond. We should've had thisnteist payout earlier to raise the stakes. Very excited fornthe future

Amazing Spider-Man (2018): King's Ransom #1

May 12, 2021

this was a fantastic issue that tied this arc together nice while also paying off three years of story plot points

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 27, 2022

I "second opinion " everything AFRE said. This was...just okay. I do wanna stress that this is issue NUMBER 1! Issue number 1s are supposed to be exciting! Engaging! And get you hyped for what's to come. This is issue didnt do anything near that and felt like just a new arc. Theirs been 5 #1 amazing/superior issues and I feel this is the most underwhelming. I enjoy Peter owning the mobster villians like Tombstone with what seems to be a gang war brewing. I dont like the making Peter life worse switcheroo that Marvel is intent to commit to now, which seems like a vindictive act against fans of the Nick Spencer run/ Spidey-marriage. However, I do like that Wells is addressing the forgotten Nick Spencer plotpoints like Gog, The Rose, and Randy. Hope he can address the Ned Leeds and Betty stuff soon. But, this issue was fine. We'll need a couple more issues to assess how this will go because it go uphill or downhill real quick. Example, Beyond had a good opener but went into disaster filler within a couple issues. Heres to a new era!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Jul 31, 2022

Why does everyone act like their in factory settings mode? Flash being back from the dead should be a big deal to Peter but its treated as if nothing happened. Man what a waste of 900. For me, 200, 300, 400, 800 were the top centennial issues. This is the worst for how it seems less like a next step in Peter's journey and more like a repeat of status quo?

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #9

Sep 14, 2022

As a Spider-man fan - I feel like this was way too quick of a read. It was a quick set up which got resolved in less than a a page. I wish that wolverine and spidey had more interactions with each other. Calling back to the story like in Spider-man vs Wolverine wouldve neat. It just seems like they could have replaced wolverine with any other hero and the results wouldve been the same. Gleason's art is not as phenomenal as it used to be. I dont know if this was a rushed job but usually he can formulate dynamic poses or remerable pages. Here it seem like he was just turning in pages for a deadline. The Mj/ Peter interaction was the best part. As a Jonathan Hickman Xmen fan- I dislike everything about the direction that they taken with Moria X. Turning her into a evil supervillain robot is such a disservice to the complexity that was added to her in House of X. This issue gets huge points down for this aspect.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #18

Jan 29, 2023

Everything I like about this issue I like except with all the Ben Reily stuff. His character has been so twisted and changed without reason that He's unrecognizable. His turn to the Jackel made more sense than this bs.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #19

Feb 8, 2023

I really enjoyed Peter and Felcia, dynamic here. They were written so well. I think this is the first time that for me, they felt like a real relationship. The villain plot was ok, nothing mind-blowing, but it did give us chance to have fun with our two lover heroes. And of course, The art was stellar, but its the Dodsons so you can expect no less than their best. Hey Marvel, is it too late to have this filler creative team take over?

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #20

Feb 24, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #21

Mar 8, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #23

Apr 7, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24

Apr 20, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #33

Sep 6, 2023

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 23, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #12

Jun 29, 2022

While this series never reached its potential, this was the best issue in the series with ot of good moments. However the flash forward and backwards stuff never justified itself. I do appreciate the experimentation and hope that King learns to better use it for future stories. I wont go to extreme conclusions that this is the worst comic ever or that King should never write again. This isnt his best comic for sure but I sincerely hope that Kings learns from the critiques in this story

Batman / Catwoman (2020): Special #1

Jan 26, 2022

R.I.P John Paul Leon

Batman: Killing Time (2022) #3

May 6, 2022

Normally, a character like the HELP would be cliche. However, his introduction into this story has upped the thrills in this series to another level. Very intense read. We also get some interesting information on the prize of the heist that have roots in Batmans past. Very good

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 18, 2022

Holy Crap! I did not expect this issue to end up the way it did.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Penguin #1

Oct 23, 2022

This was my favorite of the One Bad Day Line-up

Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) #1

Jan 20, 2022

This is my favorite spider-man issue in a long time. It feels like classic spidey with a touch of 90s clone saga. I wish the main ongoing was written more like this tone. J.M. Dematies is killing it!

Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) #4

May 5, 2022

Best Spider-man book out right now. Wish The writer was the main ASM writer. Without feeling too compressed , I get a substantial amount of story with 1 issue. Please keep this going

Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) #5

Jun 15, 2022

This is the best spider-book on stands! It doesn't dwell on wasting our time with filler or mystery box characters or 6 months later. It focuses Ben Reily as a character and his relationship with his clone brother Spider-cide. The art he was fluid and supported the action well. I hope we get more of these by the same creative team!

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #3

May 26, 2021

This is a series worthy of you attention! Both the story and art are given great depth and detail in Beta Ray Bills Journey to Surtur's land. Johnson put a lot of effort into the story and if you need further proof, check out his YouTube page where he gives an in-depth commentary in the making of his series. This series is very underrated and deserves more than 5 part issues. Alot of Heart is in this one, folks!

Birds of Prey (2023) #1

Sep 6, 2023

Birds of Prey (2023) #2

Oct 5, 2023

Black Cat (2020): Infinity Score #1

Dec 9, 2021

Good Ending Wish McKay had more issue to develop this story more instead of feeling rushed. Hope they continue this somewhere with same creative team.

Daredevil (2022) #1

Jul 13, 2022

Daredevil (2022) #2

Aug 18, 2022

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #1

Jun 7, 2022

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #6

Nov 10, 2022

Jon Kent stuff was the best part for me.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Superman #1

Jul 13, 2022

Pretty great story, especially for those raising kids

Dark Web (2022) #1

Dec 7, 2022

I like the issue alot. I feel like it still trying to do alot to justify Ben's turn to the Dark side. I enjoyed his interactions with Norman but I am still preplexed by his and Madalyn's Motivations here. Also, I'm curious what people think about the return of the status quo for a certain marvel character? Regression or Temporary for the event

Dark Web (2022): Finale #1

Feb 7, 2023

From a outside perspective, this was a fun meaningless event that had enjoyable moments. Unfortunately, once you take a closer look, you see its failings. This was Plot-Driven story without any of the characters having any development or acting like themselves. It was frankly insulting to see Peter throw Ben under the bus and not try his upmost best to try to fix his CLone-Brother and repair their relationship. What happened to Ben wasn't his fault... It was In-Story, And Editor-Wise, elements that slowly started ripping away his character without any reason. Peter knows this but he refuses to take "responsibility" and help Ben. It's even worse to know that the Xmen solved Ben's memory issue in their own tie-in but naturally dont bring it up here. For me, the best partso f the events were the Xmen issues (#3 foremost) because it got to the heart of the conflict, which was Maddie being thrown to the side by Jean. Makes me wish Duggan wrote the event vs Wells. I know Wells just wanted to conclude his Hellions Saga with this but man do I wish he could have put more effort.

Defenders: Beyond (2022) #1

Jul 21, 2022

FAVORITE COMIC OF THE WEEK! What I appreciate in Al Ewing writing is that he respects continuity and the cosmology and universe rules set up in the Marvel Universe. ( One above all. etc ) That being said I am a major fan of Secret Wars 2015 and the original event in the 80s. Ewing pays respect to fans of it and all for it! This is gonna be good!

Dune: House Atreides: A Whisper of Caladan Seas #1  
Fantastic Four (2018) #37

Oct 23, 2021

This was a great Halloween issue. Very Nice slice of life issue that focuses on character development

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #2  
Flash (2023) #1  
GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022) #4  
Gold Goblin (2022) #1

Nov 17, 2022

The characterization and continuity of Norman Osborn here was spot on!

Gold Goblin (2022) #3

Jan 6, 2023

As a Spidey-fan, this is a great in-depth character piece into Norman's state of mind these days. The writer did their homework.

Gold Goblin (2022) #4

Feb 8, 2023

This is the best Norman story I read in years. Reminds me of the days when he was Iron Patriot and he was trying to be "good" but was set up for tragedy from the beginning.

Gold Goblin (2022) #5

Mar 18, 2023

Sad this wasn't ongoing. I hope that Cantwell can write more Spidey Stories

Hulk (2021) #6  
I Am Batman (2021) #10

Jun 15, 2022

I Am Batman (2021) #11

Jul 13, 2022

The surprise guest star of this issue had me really excited!

I Am Batman (2021) #18

Feb 15, 2023

Incredible Hulk (2023) #3  
Inferno (2021) #3

Dec 9, 2021

Extremely upset that Hickman is leaving. Inferno showed the potential that Xmen could live up to again.

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

I love Hickman and his run on Xmen has been legendary. That said, I feel this issue was very rushed and not satisfying to this story or his overall xmen story. Hopefully, the xmen people will call him up again when sales start declining and need his next phase of the story.

Iron Cat (2022) #1

Jun 29, 2022

This was an enjoyable read. Great art and action with fast pace to match it. Hope this continues past 5 issues. However, I wish the mystery behind the IronCat identity was more compelling. But it doesnt take more than a second to realize who it it before the reveal. I'm glad they reveal it this issue and hopefully lead with more character development between them and Felicia

Iron Cat (2022) #2

Jul 31, 2022

Jed Mackay needs to promoted to bigger series like ASM. He understands characters!

It's Jeff (2023) #1  
Joe Hill's Rain (2021) #1  
Jurassic League (2022) #2  
Justice League (2018) #75  
Knight Terrors (2023): Night's End #1  
Nightwing (2016) #80

May 19, 2021

This is probably DC comics best title. Reminds me of Hawkguy

Nightwing (2016) #97

Oct 23, 2022

Nightwing (2016) #100

Jan 22, 2023

One-Star Squadron (2021) #6  
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 16, 2021

I gotta be honest, I usually been loving these Krakoan xmen events but this one was a huge disappointment as the penultimate issue for the Hellfire Gala. As far as the story goes , it basically feels like a over padded sequence or montage with Magneto's big plans. Unfortunately, the issue frames this plan as a solution to the arrako problem which is basically introduced to us in this issue. This only highlights the criticism that we barely gotten any development on arrako since X of Swords. I also felt a bit underwhelmed as to this big momentous reveal. Maybe other issues will explain why this is so important. Also, I will double down on the criticism that Duggan is trying to hard to imitate Hickman and not in a good way. I can only imagine how this would have been presented if he wrote the issue. Lastly, the art gets the highest praise as it saves this issue from a lower grade. It definitely invokes the mood and big scope it's trying to accomplish. I realize I may be alone on this given other reviews but hopefully their are other silent voices who feel just as disappointed as I was.

Possessive #1

Jul 28, 2021

I bought this on a whim because the premise and cover art had me interested. Surprisingly, This was favorite issuenof the week. Lots of great humor and writing. Very excited to see how the creators plan to continue this strange romance.

Possessive #3

Oct 23, 2021

Sinister War (2021) #1

Jul 15, 2021

Bear summer comic event in a long time!

Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 8, 2021

Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt (2022) #3

Jan 20, 2023

Great Character-piece for a Peter Parker. We are given a Peter Parker who wrongfully thinks hes the clone and is going through a major identity crisis with the pressures of being a father. Moreover, there is a great attempt to give depth to members of the Kravenoff Family and the Cursed Legacy that he left behind. I really wish Marvel would consider J. M. DeMatteis as the next main Spider Writer. But I'll take these UNTOLD TALES any day other the main book. Please do more.

Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt (2022) #4

Feb 15, 2023

For me, this is the best Spidey title out right now. As a sorta sequel to Kraven's Last Hunt, I appreciate this story trying to giver further detail into the Kraveoff Family. Also Mj being the linchpin to hold Peter's insanity at pay I liked. At the very least. I can see the writing is engaging and has purpose that an adult audience can enjoy. I can't really say that about Dark Web in Amazing.

Star Trek One-Shots (2022): Ferengi

Apr 22, 2022

Star Trek One-Shots (2022) #400

Sep 8, 2022

As a Trekkie, this was a pretty awesome celebration. Something here for every type of fan

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Dog of War #1

Apr 6, 2023

This felt like the beggining of a great episode of Ds9! Fans, your in for a treat!

Static (2021): Shadows of Dakota #1

Feb 8, 2023

I didnt read season 1 but this issue grabbed me. I loved the art and the new villain appearance raised the stakes for me.

Static (2021): Shadows of Dakota #2

Mar 8, 2023

Static (2021): Shadows of Dakota #6

Sep 27, 2023

This was so good!! criminally underrated

Static (2021): Shadows of Dakota #7

Nov 30, 2023

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

Jun 17, 2021

I loved this issue! I cant wait for the next one. The art was amazing, I think this was a perfect issue for new readers.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7

Jan 20, 2022

Sad this series is ending soon. Will be on the look out for whatever this creative team decide to do next.

Superior Spider-Man (2023) #1

Nov 15, 2023

I wish this was more about OCk and less about Spider-Boy

Superior Spider-Man Returns (2023) #1

Oct 12, 2023

Slott is one of my least favorite writers for Peter Parker but hes one of my Favorite for Otto as Spider-man. His Superior Spiderman run is easily a highlight in Post One More Day era of Spider-man Stories. Slott Gets Otto and I hope he can get free regin to right whatever he wants with Otto. (Just don't let him touch Peter) This Story Kicked major butt!!

Superman (2023) #1

Feb 23, 2023

SO Hopeful and Inspiring. Excited for the Future! DC is winning me back!!

Superman (2023) #5

Jun 25, 2023

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #13  
Superman: Space Age (2022) #1  
The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1

Dec 1, 2021

Honestly, this was better than the main Beyond Plot going on right now. The back and forth between Ben and Felicia was written well! MARVEL, consider Jed MCKACY as the next solo writer for ASM please!

The New Golden Age (2022) #1

Nov 10, 2022

Pretty Great.

Titans: Beast World (2023) #1  
Ultimate Invasion (2023) #3  
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1

Jan 11, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #2

Feb 21, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #3

Mar 28, 2024

Ultimate Universe (2023) #1

Nov 1, 2023

Good but the Price does not justify the short length of this series. I hope Hickman's plan isnt to make his Ultimate comics more expensive.

Way of X (2021) #2

May 19, 2021

No Question, this is one of the best X-titles in the line-up. Its been asking the questions we've all been asking since House of X. Also, Legion digging on his Dad was great!

Way of X (2021) #4

Jul 16, 2021

This is one of the best X-titles out right now! Why is this a limited series?!

Reviews for the Week of...


