8.3 |
Overall Rating |
9.0 |
Ab Irato | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Ab Irato #6
Feb 16, 2018 |
I picked this series up as a complete trade and was very happy with the complete story. My only knock against this book as that I wish we had more time and that this world could continue to be flushed out. This is great sci-fi. Both art and story work perfectly together in a lived-in world on the brink of being pushed too far. My hope is that Lion Forge can one day circle back and continue this story because this world is just good if not better than War Mother, Extremity, and the many other post-apocalyptic stories floating around today. This arc, in the end, resolves a great stand-alone story but still leave you with a lot of what next? The characters may feel rushed but they are very detailed individuals you want to know more about. Pick this complete story up because you will not be disappointed. |
8.8 |
Abbott | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Abbott #2
Mar 6, 2018 |
This continues to be my favorite new series. Saldin Ahmed is off to a brilliant start to his career. Abbott is a vivid world with great character and mystery that grows thicker with each page. The art creates a classic throwback setting while capturing the tone and stakes with ease. Boom has a really special book on their hands. Pick this up |
9.5 |
Abbott #3
Mar 30, 2018 |
Saldin Ahmed is a brilliant comic writer and as his name grows many will look back on this book as a great entry in his career. I love this series. I am not sure if it was always intended to be a mini but I hope it doesn't stay that way in the future. Abbott is a remarkable character and her Detroit backdrop continues to be vivid and real. We finally have a face to our villain in this book and Ahmed has set up a leading hero who everyone else has determined as a threat before she is aware of what power she has. The darkness of the art continues to be solid. I love the pictures. I have seen criticism of word panels but I saw no problem with it and I was engrossed from start to finish. Pick it up |
8.0 |
Abbott #5
Jun 4, 2018 |
Abbott comes to a solid close but it feels like Ahmed cut the story short. The moments are solid and Kivela's art is amazing, but all of this would have been best served with more time. More time to build our main villain. More time to explore the supernatural. More time to explore the vivid supporting characters and Abbott herself. Ahmed has been doing such solid work that it is easy to forget he is still pretty new to comics and now that the number of books has increased we may see some dips in quality of his books since his brilliant run Black Bolt. I did not like this book as much as the stories that lead up to it but that is because I needed more story and Ahmed is very likely to revisit this world down the line. Overall this was a good book with high action, great art, and satisfying ending in a mini-series (not sure if it was supposed to be a mini from the start). This would be a solid book to pick up in trade. Readers of this book should check out Shadowman over at Valiant if they want a similar story and tone to Abbott. I hope to see more work like this in the future. |
8.5 |
Action Comics (2016) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #1000
Apr 19, 2018 |
I am not a big Superman fan. He has always been a backdrop character for me when reading JL books and I rarely delve into his stories. Though a book hitting #1000 is special. No one can deny that Superman is a legacy. This is a great book for issue #1000 and it is discussed why Superman is special. Bendis's run does not inspire me that Superman will continue its upward momentum of being good, but Bendis gets his shot. I am just not sure he is digging very deep when teasing his story. That being said this issue is a great look from start to finish on who Superman is and why many love him. I will not be continuing this series and I will likely just keep up Superman in the relaunch of Justice League. I am also looking forward to reading the new Titans book after No Justice, but DC did really great with this book. |
8.1 |
All-New Wolverine | 7 issues |
8.5 |
All-New Wolverine #33
Apr 9, 2018 |
I really enjoyed this issue. The future story arc looks interesting and everything was paced really well. Gabby as the future Wolverine looked really great and I wouldn't mind exploring that in it's own book. This was a great issue for me and Laura's mission is already off the an action packed start and I liked the ending. Looking forward to the reveal next month. My big ask is that Tom Taylor give Laura true costume and code name before the next book begins. I liked her current costume just fine and see no reason why that can't continue into the X-23 series. It makes little since to regress Laura to the old outfit and name when she has grown so much. We will see but I am riding this out till the end. |
9.5 |
All-New Wolverine #35
May 16, 2018 |
I had a great time finishing this series. Laura as Wolverine has been one of my favorite runs. Taylor has done great work here. The issue moves well and future laid out in this book looks very interesting. My only problem with this arc is that it was short. We could have set up a lot more and flushed out the events. As far as a shortened story due to Marvel Editorial I am really pleased with how this book wrapped up. There is one other thought I had about this book and many other books I read this week that involved legacy heroes being returned to status quo or cancelled. This book, Thor, and X-Men Blue all showed Marvel futures paying homage to legacy characters. Black Panther Annual gave a remarkable future that gave a glimpse of Tchalla and Storm's children. I would welcome a line of books focused on legacy characters in the future as the main heroes of the marvel universe. I think that would be an easier sell then killing or nerfing established older characters. |
8.0 |
All-New Wolverine Vol. 1: Four Sisters
Mar 16, 2018 |
The First arc of ALL-New Wolverine is an amazing superhero romp and establishes why Laura is a great Wolverine to follow. Laura really is the best choice to fill Logan's shoes. I think this book strikes a great tone and helps set Laura off on bright future in this book. In Taylor's hands this book will be one of the best mutant books at Marval. |
7.5 |
All-New Wolverine Vol. 2: Civil War II
Mar 16, 2018 |
As far as event crossovers go this was actually a really good crossover, but that just means it was just good as far as the usual quality of this book. Old man Logan and Laura coming together is due, and the story takes some interesting moves in the age of Civil War II (Full disclosure I really don't like this event at all). Though if you are going to read a book during the event this is an easy one to pick up and check out. It is also a good book that is establishing Gabby as one of the best new characters to the Marvel, mutant, and Logan family. Worth a pickup. |
7.0 |
All-New Wolverine Vol. 3: Enemy Of State II
Mar 16, 2018 |
As far as the story goes this series is struggling to regain its footing after Civil War II (Full disclosure still don't like Civil War II). The story is fine, but it will not inspire the readers who loved this book from the start but didn't want another tie-in to jump back in. Laura continues to develop and this volume is worth reading to continue to watch Gabby by the perfect partner for Laura in future stories. I have held on through this book, but I hope the next arc is better and Taylor can right the ship. |
8.0 |
All-New Wolverine Vol. 4: Immune
Mar 16, 2018 |
I really want give this book a 7.8 or 7.7 but I will settle for an 8 since this volume does not deserve a 7.5. I have to say that despite artists changes this book has remained very consistent with look and feel. I like X-force inspired costume over the yellow but that is subjective. Immune is Taylor really getting this book back on track and it is a great volume for both Laura and Gabby. Laura and her healing factor brave virus that threatens everything. This is not the first time that Laura would put it all on the line to take on a virus (X-force fans), but how she handles it really shows what type of person she has become. Laura is a nobler more heroic Wolverine and the cameos from other characters help to bring that message home. I still love gabby's comic relief and my only ask is that someone needs to create a mini of Gabby (Honey Badger) and Deadpool. That book would be pure antics. Pick this book up. |
8.5 |
All-New Wolverine Vol. 5: Orphans Of X
Mar 16, 2018 |
I had a really great time with this volume. Daken, Laura, and Gabby are a great group to follow throughout this arc. Laura's growth is really seen in this arc. Cabal draws beautifully throughout this volume. This is the story where we finally give Gabby a code name and complete just how uniquely funny and amazing her character is. I enjoyed every second of this run and its conclusion. The Orphans of X is reminiscent of a past Logan Wolverine story but the twists it takes the history of Wolverine and Daken in this volume really show how Tom Taylor pays homage to what came before. Laura has come to be my favorite Wolverine. I love OG Logan and his return I am sure is welcomed by many but I have not missed him. Between Old Man Logan and All-New Wolverine, I have felt covered on the Logan front. I also think there is an interesting story to explore with Logan and his clones and others being considered a subrace of the mutant population. Races of Mutants and their experiences could be a really interesting next chapter in mutant kind. We have the regenerative in Logan, Laura, Sabertooth. We have psychics, We have energy based mutants. We have transporters. There is a story in there Marvel. What actually saddens me is knowing this book will not continue as is but Laura's story will continue in X-23, but I really hope we give her a code name considering all the writing about her transcending the assassin they made her. We will know more in the coming weeks as Fresh Start becomes the new status quo. Pick this book up |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #799
Apr 23, 2018 |
I must admit. I have never been much of a Spider-Man fan. Honestly, he doesn't do much for me. I get a lot of people relate to the plucky down on the luck thing but that got old for me really quickly. Honestly, I am not sure if my lack of interest in Spider-man is because of who he is or because Dan Slott has been writing the character for forever and I am not that interested in Slott's writing of this character. All that being said I actually really liked this story. I like the Red Goblin and think he should stick around as Spiderman villain. I am a fan of characters progressing in story and place in life and Green Goblin getting an upgrade in threat sounds good to me. This book looked and felt good and for the first time, it looked like the Spider-man family actually felt like a family (Admittedly I don't keep up enough with this book). I have followed the various new Spider people and I would be interested in a book that combines them and takes on threats like the Red Goblin. I doubt I will attempt to add the Fresh start of Amazing Spider-man to my pull list, but I do think nick Spencer is a good choice to replace Slott. My plan is to try and keep up via Marvel Unlimited and then see where things go. |
8.0 |
America | 1 issues |
8.0 |
America Vol. 1: Life & Times Of America Chavez
Dec 6, 2017 |
This is a solid series that really is an example of Marvel trying to create series that might appeal to fans of Image comics. The pace is good and America as a character is fantastic. She is easy to love and the art is bright and full of heat. I think this series is best enjoyed in trade but it needs the issue to issue to issue support. Never in my life have I seen a comic get so much unjustified hate as this one. This book catches a lot of flack based on the race and sexuality of America Chavez, but if you want a different kind of Marvel comic that feels different then this is a great comic to start picking up. I would also say that this is one of the better books to get a comic fan who traditionally reads image or indie books. |
7.5 |
Antar: The Black Knight | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Antar: The Black Knight #1
Apr 19, 2018 |
Antar is a solid first issue from Nnedi Okorafor and the artistic team. This book begins with solid action and a painful origin story for Antar. Eric Battle's art style will likely be divisive for many. I find it classic and well suited to telling this legend. Okorafor tells a well-paced story that ultimately is pretty standard for a hero origin story. With parent strife and close deaths that define our hero. What many reviewers will miss is that this book is based on original epic poetry. Antar was an actual person and he was writing these hero tropes long before comics and superhero origin stories. SO to be honest it is not this comic being unoriginal but rather us as writers not coming that far from ancient epics. Antar has a lot of promise and this first issue is mostly moving pieces into place and giving readers of a glimpse of the Middle East and Northern African experience before the rise of Islam. Battle shines when showing struggle but I often wished for art and story to slow down and let us really look at the world. The issue felt more like it was catching us up on a previous volume then a true beginning. I blame that on this being a mini and not an ongoing series. We have a lot of ground to cover before this finishes but I am onboard for where we are going. Pick it up if you are looking for something different to jump into or you want to support a new black writer in the world of comics, but I will know next issue or by issue 3 if this story is better digested as a trade. If you are looking for other stories like this that feature people of color I recommend checking out YouNeek comics and what they are building. |
8.0 |
Avengers (2016) | 3 issues |
7.5 |
Avengers (2016) #680
Feb 20, 2018 |
Solid middle entry in this event. I gave an extra .5 to this issue for the spotlight we got on Rogue. Avengers No Surrender is best described as consistent. Consistent art and consistent story and the writers are doing a solid job of cleaning up the Avengers books and setting up a new status quo. We are finally starting to see some real pushback from the heroes and this book felt more like a clash of good and evil than previous entries in this story. I can't help but contrast this event to Dark Night Metal but honestly I prefer No surrender simply because it is not as dragged out and each issue doesn't follow the same basic plot like Metal. If you are an Avengers or Marvel fan then jump into this event and enjoy. |
8.0 |
Avengers (2016) #685
Mar 22, 2018 |
I want to give this book a 7.8 but I can round up for the sake of credit where credit is due. No Surrender has been a solid entry into this weekly and this event I think has been really underrated for how epic in scope it is. I loved the Hulk VS Vision fight and the stakes keep getting raised. My major hope is that we can raise the stock of some villains out of this event for more action in the Avengers Fresh Start. For a comic that is now in part 11 I don't feel fatigue or that this has been dragged out at all (Dark Knight Metal). My hope is that more of these weekly cross-stories can happen because they are more sustainable than Marvel's usual line-wide event strategy. |
8.5 |
Avengers (2016) #686
Mar 30, 2018 |
Avengers No Surrender feels the stories we would tell ourselves while playing with a room full of our favorite toys. Immortal Hulk is shaping up to be my favorite version of the green guy. A Hulk that is clearly not dumb and making deliberate choices while still being enraged is going to be a great ongoing story. So far No Surrender has been a massive superhero-supervillain street fight. Hulk cleans house and the players are all exposed. I am not sure this event has needed to be this long, but i have yet to get bored and I have to confess that I have enjoyed this story more than Dark Knight Metal. Metal does more, has better art, and is likely more important but I just plain love how fun and action-packed this weekly has been. This method for an event is a lot easier than the typical Marvel events that have fatigued the Marvel fan base. You pretty much need to read this book from start to finish or wait for the massive trade that is coming, but it is really fun to be a part of. |
8.8 |
Avengers (2018) | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Avengers (2018) #1
May 2, 2018 |
I really enjoyed this fresh start. First and foremost the art looks really great in this book. It looks and feels just like the premiere book of marvel. If you only read one book to follow the entire Marvel universe then you should be reading this book (Except that there is no mutant on this team). The stakes are high and the threat feels worthy of an Avengers book. The book balances well between the Pre-historic Avengers and the current new line up. The team does not fully come together just yet but we see them get involved in the current threat and the potential is all there. Aaron is my first choice for writing this book and I am excited to see where he takes this. This book strikes the tone that Marvel needs and I have high hopes for this book lasting and getting to a higher issue number. Bi-Weekly is a good schedule. I have no complaints. I was going to give this book an 8.5 for story, but I loved the art and it pushed things up another half point. I enjoyed the tone in No surrender and Aaron brought a lot of that to this book and grounded it. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Avengers (2018) #4
Jul 9, 2018 |
Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness are a great team. First and foremost this is a book with great art and pacing. Avengers was a book that Marvel needed to get right because there just wasn't enough consistency and it didn't feel like the book that lead the entire Marvel Universe. If readers were going to read one book and know what is going on throughout the Marvel universe it is supposed to be Avengers and Aaron and McGuinness capture.that. The book is high stakes with a threat that is large enough to be Avengers level. The action is there along with the mystery. I really look forward to knowing the next part of the story that happens and I don't want to wait for the trade or for this to be on Marvel Unlimited. The voices of the team are captured and Aaron is writing and leaving room to grow the relationships on this team. I especially and enjoying She-Hulk. I have been really surprised at how much I am enjoying both flagship Team books from DC and Marvel. Pick it up |
9.0 |
Avengers (2018) #10
Nov 14, 2018 |
The best part of this series is that it feels like the lead team book of Marvel. If you wanted to read one book that is really setting up the big story that is the Marvel 616 universe this is what you need to be reading. This is a big high action story that will keep moving till the last page. The two big books for this week are Avengers and Uncanny X-Men and both are laying the ground for epic stories and they will leave you with more questions than answers. I am looking forward to what takes shape. |
8.5 |
Avengers (2018) #11
Dec 17, 2018 |
This book was a good time. It sets the stage for a very interesting future for the Avengers. Marvel is also creating a space for the Squadron Supreme that could have major benefits going forward. Jason Aaron is easily in the top 5 writers over at Marvel right now and what he is doing with Avengers makes it continue to feel like the first book a Marvel fan should read. Aaron continues to understand the intelligence of Black Panther and this introduction of international heroes and what that network could look like is genius. The only thing that has me concerned is how this arc will be finished up before we get to War of the Realms. Pick it up |
6.7 |
Batman (2016) | 10 issues |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #33
Oct 20, 2017 |
A great beginning to a new Batman Arc. My largest hope to this arc is that we actually commit to it. I think Bruce and Selina should get married and future writers support this. Bat and Cat have been going back and forth for decades and creating a more human Batman has the potential to really evolve the character. Batman having a wife like Catwoman and a son like Damian really creates a test for him. Can you be morally black and white when the two people closest to you are as grey as they come? Tom King is setting up the next 20 years of Batman writing and it looks personal, real, and an actual test of a character who has literally done it all. Jones's art in this issue is great and the nod to Batman Vs Superman does not go unnoticed. The art sets a tone and character art is really grounded. Jones excels at faces and tone in this issue. This is not an action-packed issue, but it does set us up for an excellent part 2. With all that is happening with Batman in Detective Comics, Metal, All-Star Batman it is really difficult to know what is happening when. Tom King does not seem that concerned and DC in the beginning of Rebirth kept continuity at the front, but that seems to have relaxed now. I don't need everything to make sense but this arc may bother those who struggle with those kinds of details. If you want a take on Batman that doesn't make him seem broken and inhuman then this Tom King arc is one that you should love. I am looking forward to Duke Thomas becoming a bigger deal in the family because King is really starting to find Duke's Humor. It is great to see Batman's actual and adopted sons in the same place and recognition that Duke is really in this family. Pick it up. |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #34
Nov 16, 2017 |
Another great installment in this arc. We are really setting up something special in this arc. Batman feels more like a human then he has in years. The pace of this issue is spot on. There is action and a great sense of place. A city of criminals that the UN and JL won't touch is a great venue for this story, and I hope King or future writers return too. This city would be a solid place to establish a new hero in the DC universe. Jones create wonderful art in this issue. The pages drip with character and heart. In general, we are putting a lot of heart back into Batman after the previous arcs have been such big epic stories. The coloring itself is worthy of being an example for aspiring artists. You will not be disappointed in this issue and Rules of Engagement is a refreshing arc to get back into Batman with and a great contrast to the Metal event going on. Pick it up |
10 |
Batman (2016) #35
Nov 16, 2017 |
I really enjoyed part three of Rules of Engagement. In the past, a book like this would have devolved into a sexy catfight between two barely dressed female powerhouses. That is not the case. Both women have their historical sex appeal but we really get a chance to delve into their motivations and attachments to Batman. Talia and Cat are an amazing pairing and there is a lot of potential there for a future story. King has really shined with this issue. He used a well-drawn sword fight to underscore the conversation that needed to happen between dynamic characters. This is also a great issue for Damian and Dick. It fully shows the brotherly relationship that has bloomed over multiple stories. We are exploring the possibility that Batman can be Batman without being an angry man in a cave, or completely isolated from romantic love. We have the ability to explore a Batman story about a man who is happy, dedicated to family, and who will fight to the last breath to end crime and exploitation. The last moments of the issue give us a glimpse of the Gotham family that King is building. Batman, his sons, and his longtime love riding out together. The new first family of Gotham that is willing to put it on the line for others. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #36
Dec 15, 2017 |
There is no Batman book like this one that you can currently read. Tom king really excels at taking an action title and somehow giving us a book about a relationship is ok. I enjoyed this read to the fullest. king is going through a lot of steps to build this marriage between Catwoman and Batman. I think we are at a good place to make this a real thing for years to come and not something that should die with the next major arc or writer. King is really great at character study and he is putting a spotlight on every part of these characters past and future with this book. Batman's relationship with Superman is something to be considered when writing a book about Batman choosing happiness. The art is great and I am onboard for the next installment this month. Tom King has not given readers much of a jumping on point with this arc, but reading through the last couple volumes of this story is really worth it. |
6.5 |
Batman (2016) #41
Mar 8, 2018 |
Ok. I love Batman but if you have been following the way too many Batman titles out from DC you will struggle with this book. I think Tom King wrote this story and has had it in the back burner somewhere and he has brought it out while preparing for his big story with the wedding and finally looking into that 3 jokers topic we still need to flush out. Ivy looks great and the art works but the level of little inconsistencies with other stories is kind of odd. My biggest question being why is Poison Ivy into taking over the world again? She was turned into an anti-hero and I think Tom King is playing a little fast and loose. There are other little logic issues with story that make me ask if this is really happening. I wonder when this is actually happening too. DC has a lot of timelines that are weird. I think this takes place after metal but before Doomsday Clock. No idea. I may check out of this arc and come back in with Tom is telling the story he really wants to tell. |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #42
Mar 8, 2018 |
Ok I am pretty sure this is not really real but maybe real. The mind cast news cast is odd. Catwoman one punching three speedsters is a lot to handle. She is good but all three of the Speedsters? I am guessing this book takes place before the current arc of Flash because Barry still has his powers and I am pretty sure that that was the Titans Wally West. Seriously DC has a lot of timelines right now. Metal is not over but for some reason the world has moved on anyway. Doomsday Clock is on hold, but No surrender will start soon. I thought we were adding the Watchmen and did Dr. Manhattan create the dark multiverse? Why can't he rain in the Dark knights? Not to mention future Tim and his future stuff not having any mention of any of the events in Metal or Doomsday clock. DC is still making solid books but the control I saw in Rebirth is getting lax. This book is better than the first one in this arc but it is still weird. Seriously is Jeff at the helm anymore because it is getting weird now but fans haven't kicked up much fuss sooooooooooooo..... Whatever. This has not been my favorite arc. |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #43
Mar 22, 2018 |
This is story arc is felt like a set up that was forced in to be filler and give a nod to Tom King's next book (Which I am interested in). This story arc is by far the worst of Tom King's Batman run after rebirth. Poison Ivy's motivation was pretty weak given her history and I would rather giving her a mysterious sin to uncover in sanctuary then a basic nod to the War of Jokes and Riddles. Continuity comes up here as well as a lot is going on in the DC universe and a world crisis event like this being pushed in before or between Metal, No Surrender, and Doomsday Clock seems like the communication was at a minimum between writers. It is just a week issue that could have been better, but Tom King seems more focused on the wedding and this arc was really just something for readers to chew on before we all buy the BatCat wedding. Unless you are a die-hard Batman fan you really can skip this arc and read the countless other books with Batman in them. |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #44
Apr 4, 2018 |
The story reads mostly like filler to me. Not much actually happens and most of it feels out of character for everyone but Catwoman. King and Janin sell some sex with an undressed Catwoman. We keep talking about the crazy timelines and mutliple continuity issues that is Batman and Catwoman but that is about it. I didn't understand what I was supposed to get from this issue. The super detective ninja Batman appearntly is a hard sleeper. Alfred seems to have some moral flexibility with stealing a dress. The issue is just more filler until we get the wedding. I wish King would do more with this story then a say yes to the dress episode. The art is cool though and it got me to give an extra point to a book I really didn't like much at all. |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #46
May 6, 2018 |
Tom King does not understand Booster Gold. What makes this book fail is Booster Gold not making any sense. I think Tom King only pays real attention to his own characters because when he isn't writing a story he really planned he just seems to force things to happen without ever giving a reason. I would say that this issue is a big issue for Catwoman fans but tell Catwoman in this issue is legit crazy and nothing like the Catwoman you might recognize. I'm not sure who this book is supposed to be for. Nightwing fans will hate Batman Dick Grayson. Batman fans will feel this is just filler (because it is) this entire arc is headed right to a dieus ex machina that returns us from this Batpoint timeline. I think Tom King needs a break from Batman. The book still looks good. Art is consistent and high quality. Another Tom King arc you can skip or maybe pick up on the cheap down the line if you are really wanting to collect this run. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #50
Jul 4, 2018 |
I really didn't like it. Tom King since I am Bane ended has been let down after let down after filler. DC made a major mistep in the NY Times spoil, but honestly the real mistake is that all of this story changed absolutely nothing. Why have all this build up to do nothing? The book is a master class in art. The artists coming together to pay homage to Batman and Catwoman did a great job showing the spirit and history of the couple, but that is all you get. We could have done an art book and gotten the same level of joy because the story is week. Detective comics is the Batman book to follow and I don't see myself reading Batman until Tomorrow King is off the book. I also reject the only a sad unloved Batman can defend Gotham. I reject it because Batman has the largest family in all of DC comics. If Batman can be a father and continue the fight then why can't he be a husband? I also find it hard to believe that all of this just came to Selina's mind on the wedding day and not during the huge amount tie in and lead up story that DC milked for this weak story arc. A waste of time |
8.5 |
Batman and the Signal | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Batman and the Signal #1
Jan 5, 2018 |
Solid book from DC. My hope is that the Signal finds some arc after this mini has wrapped up, because a day shift Gotham hero is a really great idea. Snyder and Patrick do a great job of not glossing over Duke's race while still maintaining a very interesting Superhero comic. This is not a perfect book at all. There are some pacing issues and the set up is a little rushed, but there is a lot of potential in this book and a lot of potential for Duke/Signal's rogue gallery. The book assumes that you have read We are Robin or Allstar Batman but this book does a solid job of introducing a different kind of Batman character. Pick this book up and support because I would like an Ongoing Signal comic. |
6.8 |
Batman: Damned | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Batman: Damned #1
Sep 24, 2018 |
Masterful art. Decent story. Interesting start. Batman Damned is more atmosphere over anything else and my hope is that we buck the broken Batman trend and focus on the mystery. Bermejo's art is the real star of this book because it is nothing short of amazing from page to page. The way everyone is drawn is so rich with detail that this book should really be studied. However, the art alone is a 10 out of 10 but the story is really a 7 out of 10. Not much happens aside from setting up why we are here in the first place. Azzarello has a great light touch with saying what we are all thinking without saying it. Though Constantine just showing up took me out of the story and made me question why he would help in the first place. This is likely the perfect book to start Black label off. However, my hope is that we get other characters a series under this imprint soon because there is already enough Batman elseworld dark gritty story out there. Let's do this work with Black Lightning, Katana, Etrigan, Wonder Woman, Red Tornado, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter (Can't wait till his solo mini-series starts). There is a lot potential to swing for the fences that can be done with more than the Trinity. I hope we get there soon. |
5.5 |
Batman: Damned #2
Dec 17, 2018 |
I don't know what so many see in this book. Sure it is "Darker" but that is supposed to allow for chances to be taken and to drive home a strong narrative but so far these books seem to only be about the high-quality art and the feel they want to create. The art masks the fact that the story is extremely weak. This series is not a Batman story in a darker universe but rather a darker universe that wants to through in some faces from the DC universe. It doesn't use who these people are but rather just asks them to look scary and do nothing with it. The greatest thing to happen to this book is that the first issue was a controversy and because the book will never be rereleased it has rocketed up in value. If you are looking for a story as good as White Knight this is just not it. Black label is off to a really rocky start and so far the problems others had with it are proving true. The books are not coming out on time. The lack of a strong editor means concerns about the overall storytelling. My concern was on Azzarello and the fact that he has far more misses then hits and one of those main misses happens on Batman and his fundamental lack of understanding for the character. This team made a great book in Joker back in 2008 and it would have made more sense for them to write book on Harley Quinn, a Joker sequel, Scarecrow, or any other villain they can deconstruct and run wild with. I am dropping Batman Damned. |
10 |
Batman: Lost | 1 issues |
10 |
Batman: Lost #1
Nov 14, 2017 |
This was a truly great tie-in that more than made up for the lack of a Metal book this week. Great art and nods to fans throughout the issue make this a real joy to read. We are really opening up Batman on a human level and even though DC has Batman or Batman family in what feels like every space possible this is still a welcomed book. The horror elements of metal really help breath air into the Batman titles. Pick this up |
9.0 |
Batman: The Devastator | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: The Devastator #1
Nov 3, 2017 |
If you are not on board with these tie-ins already this issue will not inspire you to jump in, but they really are great depictions of what Bruce Wayne could be if anything in his world was not what it is. This issue explores Bruce Wayne without friendship and human attachments. It is a dark vision of the loan dark hero that many think Batman should be, but in practical writing that is not sustainable. I live this issue in contrast to the current Batman book because Batman is becoming more human in both Batman and Detective comics. Tieri and Daniel prove to be a great combo in memorable art and writing. We get more of a sense of place by showing why all the other heroes and how the Superman family is reacting to this event. Marvel's event methods have become tired, but Marvel often does a better job giving us an idea about where all the other characters fit in the event (Even if certain writers don't care about it). We are starting to see DC take place and setting a lot more seriously with these books. I wonder if other books will start to reflect that Metal is/has happened because it is becoming more apparent in continuity that the other books are largely ignoring this event. Pick this read up |
8.0 |
Batman: The Drowned | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Batman: The Drowned #1
Oct 24, 2017 |
I am very pleased with these nightmarish visions of Batman. I am enjoying how DC is giving Batman the evil makeover that we have often done with Superman. Batman is such a driven character that it feels fresh to see more of what would happen if he was any less than what he was. The Drowned is another solid entry and in my opinion better than Murder Machine. This version of the Dark Night has felt the most dangerous and of the three that have gotten their solo book. Tan shows some dense but very satisfying art. Abnett has the difficulty of following what is already an established formula for these books. Introduce dark version of Bruce; Bruce crosses line and kills Superhero, he destroys his world. I also feel like the DC had bigger plans for the Dark Multi-verse and then walked those ideas back. The worlds they have set up all just feel like vehicles for rise of a villain and not like living places. Even when the Drowned crosses over to the main universe the world does not feel alive, and if something does not feel alive then the impact of killing a piece of it rings a hollow. We have miles to go before we sleep and the nightmarish images throughout this series will be in your dreams. These books do not feel like anything that should rated teen and the edge all across Metal is just as evident in this book. If you are reading this event already this not a book to skip though it is not essential. If you are looking to jump in then you might be better served to read the others first. Pick it up. |
8.0 |
Batman: The Merciless | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Batman: The Merciless #1
Oct 27, 2017 |
Batman the Merciless was a fairly average entry in this series of Darker takes on the Dark Knight. There nothing wrong with it and I have no plans on dropping the next issue, but when we look back on this event I don't believe this character will be missed. DC is still keeping up the art quality and this issue does not in any way hold us back. Like the other issues, the world suffers the most in the comic. It looked like DC was setting up a great Dark multiverse that was in need of new heroes to change things. It seems like that is continuing to be walked back. What I think is a miss is that none of these Universes seem like they are worth saving. Maybe it is because we have scrapped Dark Matter for New Age of heroes, but time will tell. Pick up this issue if you are already on board and want backstory, but a cliff notes version of this is just as useful. |
10 |
Bitter Root (2018) | 3 issues |
10 |
Bitter Root (2018) #1
Dec 17, 2018 |
Drop whatever you are reading and read Bitter Root. Walker has outdone himself in a book that has enough depth to run for years and be a hit for Image. Bitter Root #1 sets up something special. The tone, art, and pacing are all there. The only other book I have read that included Greene's are was Powerman and Iron Fist from 2016. I really liked his work there but I love it in Bitter Root. The Deeper color pallet helps but the book is dripping with character and each page I read of Walker's writing just makes me want to know about the lore. My hope is that Image really lets this story run and find its maximum audience. |
10 |
Bitter Root (2018) #2
Dec 17, 2018 |
This is a must read for any Image fans, Sci-Fi fans, History Fans, Horror Fans, and anyone who just likes damn good story. Walker and Chuck Brown clearly put a lot of thought and time into this book and the deserve whatever support can be given. Greene's art is rich and interesting and this story has all the components of great work. Issue 2 maintains the high pace of issue 1. Walker is still setting up the cast and what looks to be a major conflict in how to deal with the high number of Jinoo(Demons/monster) that have infected a world so strangled by hate. That is really where Walker is shining. He has managed to give the monster that is this time of high hate a face. There is still a lot we don't know but I doubt we will be waiting long at the pace that Walker and Brown have set. This book will remain in my pull list. Pick it up |
10 |
Bitter Root (2018) #3
Jan 11, 2019 |
Bitter Root has become my favorite monthly series to read. If ever there was an Image book with huge potential for TV and film options this is it. David Walker and Chuck Brown have written the greatest book of their career. This book has something for everyone with characters and a tone unlike anything else anyone is writing. Sanford Greene continues the high level of art in this book. The book drips character and detail on every page. I truly hope I get to read this book 50 issues later as one of the best at Image. We will see. Pick it up |
9.2 |
Black Bolt | 3 issues |
10 |
Black Bolt #6
Oct 27, 2017 |
What Ahmed is doing with Black Bolt is nothing short of amazing. No one thought this book was going to be the emotional rollercoaster that it is and that this would be the best inhuman title in years. The supporting characters shine and Ahmed is really making Black Bolt more than a silent powerhouse. We actually care about the Absorbing man and that alone is worth an award. This is what the Inhumans are really supposed to be. They should be powerful people fighting out on the fringes for the space to breath. Ahmed has the potential to be compared to Tom King here. Breathing new life into an old character and reintroducing them to a new audience is not easy, but Ahmed's run on Black Bolt has been nothing short of excellent. Ward continues the high level of work that we are used to with this series and this style captures the subtle feelings of Black Bolt like no one can. Ahmed is in my top ten of writers to write a Blue Marvel & Spectrum series. If you are new to this series then start from the beginning. If you are new then keep going because there is no reason to get off this ride. Pick it up. |
9.0 |
Black Bolt #7
Dec 15, 2017 |
Ahmed really writes the hell out of Black Bolt. This series has been my favorite Inhuman book of all time and this is easily one of the best monthly books being written right now. Issue 7 is a strong book and finally closes the door on what has been an amazing Story arc. The trippy art style of this book continues and it is jarring. The art and book can even border on confusing but it is a worth it read and something worth spending time looking at the page and soaking in the details. Absorbing Man was a break out star of this arc and Ahmed has shown a real ability at exploring the more cosmic level of Marvel. I feel like if we got Ewing, Jason Aaron, Gabby Rivera, and Ahmed together we could really give the cosmic side of Marvel the TLC it needs and many of these books could head into space alongside guardians, and those writers are in the best position to create a great space for more cosmic books at Marvel. Buy all of Black Bolt. It is easily one of the best books that Marvel has right now. |
8.5 |
Black Bolt #8
Dec 15, 2017 |
The pace was a little weird for me for this issue, but I still really enjoy reading this book. Ahmed writes Black Bolt beautifully and it feels like BB's heart is on every page. I am interested in Ahmed keeping up his amazing quality of writing when he needs to establish a new supporting cast for BB. The art continues its jarring and unique style. Sometimes I love it and some pages don't do it for me, but I always get the feeling the writer and artists are trying to create. Such a superb book should be on everyone's buy list and this book is also a good recommendation for those who are not so into the superhero genre but may want to explore it. You can jump into this story on this issue but you will be doing yourself a HUGE favor by reading the last 7 issues. Pick it up |
9.0 |
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #3
Jan 5, 2018 |
This was the best issue in this mini so far. I truly hope that Black Lightning finds success here and gets an ongoing comic or is a part of Superhero team in the near future. Isabella writes a vivid home for BL and Clayton Henry has done a great job with the art. This is a solid book that ups the action and still manages to embrace black culture and be an actioned packed superhero comic. Pick it up. |
8.5 |
Black Magick | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Black Magick Vol. 1: Awakening Part One
Mar 13, 2018 |
Black Magick is another great example of why I love Greg Rucka. If you are fan of Jim Butcher's Dresden files this is really a series for you. Rucka moves the action well and provides a gritty real world setting despite the magical elements of the world he has created. Scott use of Stark Grey's, blacks, and white with the special pop of color add to the tension of the book. Where this book falls is in world building. The setting is a functioning backdrop for the story and not necessarily a world you want to live in yet. I think we will get that in volume 2, but that is my most major gripe about what is a really smart and we'll paced book. Pick it up |
8.8 |
Black Panther (2016) | 8 issues |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2016) #17
Sep 7, 2017 |
Another Solid issue from Coates and he is getting into the groove of comics. My greatest joy of Coates bringing T'Challa and Storm back together is that it is a black writer helping a white company understand an audience. One thing we have not seen much of at Marvel over the years are strong black power couples. Ewing brought Blue Marvel and Spectrum together and Coates brought Storm and T'Challa back together and it is a welcome sight from Black comic readers. I also love Coates commitment to flushing out Wakanda, and this is especially true after the cancellation of World of Wakanda. Coates and Sprouse excel at creating a vivid backdrop of Wakanda. This is the most complex and layered Wakanda has been in years. We are setting up a real space for Wakanda and its sounding neighbors are becoming more vivid. The issue with most comic book universes is that the world is too narrow, and Marvel's number of heroes based in NY and the east coast is living proof of that. Give Coates more time and he can create an Africa and roster of characters for years to come. Storm is the real star of this issue, and like many of the issues in Coates run he is establishing a real Black Panther family of characters that have potential in the Marvel Universe. My only problem with Coates as a writer is that his books are not that accessible for other readers to jump in on. He has a manner of character speak that is not normal and his comic is dense, but I applaud him for creating a comic more for the adults seeking more complex story than the one note teen comedy that can often be in a Marvel comic. The other major knock is that Coates is writing political and fantasy adults story with Super heroes and not really writing a Super hero comic. If you are looking for a Black Panther who basically an African 50s Captain America this is not the comic for you, but if you want something deeper I would suggest getting the trade and getting an ear for this kind of writing. |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2016) #166
Nov 14, 2017 |
Some Solid Black Panther story Telling. Coates really does shine at flushing out Wakanda and creating a living place for Black Panther to exist in. Coates is best at crafting Black Panther the King. Black Panther the Superhero is now taking shape in this arc and this issue begins with really setting up Klaw. This is an issue for Klaw and it is mostly about him. This is a great place to jump in on, but the overall story of Black Panther figuring out why the Panther God is AWOL. This is a great issue to jump in if you haven't already, but you will enjoy it more if you read the Nation Under Our feet arc. Pick it up |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2016) #167
Dec 21, 2017 |
Coates is really putting in some solid work on Black Panther. This issue was a joy to read. Coates has really gone to school on Black Panther and the level of lore that he is teasing out from the history of Wakanda is the best I have read in years. Coates does an excellent job of balancing Black Panther the ruler, hero, and person. Coates continues to make Wakanda a big star of his book and making Africa as a place more viable for future work. Marvel's hero universe can be so New York focused that another great city in Wakanda could support more heroes. The Art continues to shine in this book. Wakanda the technical marvel and Wakanda the wild African wasteland both get their moment in this book. Klaw was a big part of the last issue and this issue really brings the spotlight back to Black Panther and gives a nod to readers who have been following Coates on this book. We also get a tease of Wakanda's future in space that was used in the Marvel legacy one-shot. The future looks bright and possibility abounds. Perhaps a new Black Panther 2099 book is in order. Pick this and the last issue up if you want to jump in, but Coates is best enjoyed from start to finish so picking up all previous issues or checking this out in Marvel unlimited is very worth it. |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2016) #168
Jan 5, 2018 |
Coates has a vision for Black Panther. This series is really going somewhere. This issue sets up a lot and still has Wakanda as the star. I worry for the day that Coates might leave this book and someone else has to juggle such a cast of characters leading this book. This series really has started to feel more like a book from Image then from Marvel. Coates isn't afraid to build the world and story then showcase Black Panther as leading superhero. That type of risk-taking makes this book one of the best on-going at Marvel comics right now. The world is so vivid and the stakes are always high. Klaw isn't as much a character in this book as a force that really threatens the core of Wakanda. Sprouse continues the excellent art in this series. This is a story about facing demons and that is felt on every level of this book. Coates really should consider fantasy writing and creator-owned comics, because he could really have a voice in this industry if he decides to go all in. Pick this up |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2016) #169
Mar 3, 2018 |
COATES is setting up something big. Coates is really starting to settle into BP as a super hero comic. The supporting cast continues to expand in this issue and more and more Coates seems to be raising the stakes. I think part of his mission is to give some of these characters a bigger profile so we can start seeing them in more corners of the Marvel 616. I'm holding out hope that we see Gentle pop up in the fight before his appearance in X-Men Red (also a book you should pick up). I am less a fan of Kirk as some others but he does a really great job in this issue. Wakanda is the biggest star of each run so far and I don't see that changing before this Arc is done. I also so great potential in Storm being a recurring character for the rest of BP. |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2016) #170
Mar 3, 2018 |
This was easily one of my favorite issues in this recent arc. This was a high action Wakanda goes to war issue. We learn that the actors working against Wakanda are more United then we might think and the reveal at the end is a nice nod to longtime BP readers. Coates had always been a great writer. When he took over this comic he was a great writer who was writing a comic. This is the first issue where I would call him a great comic book writer. The dialogue feels more fluid. The pacing is perfect and the stakes remained high from start to finish. Kirk is not my favorite artist on this book and there are panels I know others would have dripping with detail, but his arts doesn't take away from the writing but is is ok to good art in a series that has had great artists do remarkable work. The future looks bright for Coates in the world of comic books. |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2016) #171
Mar 30, 2018 |
Another great issue from Coates. We pump up the action in this issue and finally see who has been pulling the strings and attacking Wakanda (remarkable choice for a villain). Coates has begun to dig deep into Marvel history and I think that shows his dedication to comic book writing. This gives me hope for his upcoming Captain America book that I think many will complain about just because of who Coates is. On to the review. Expect high action and pay off from all the world building done in this book. Kirk does solid art all around in this book. The stakes continue to grow from page to page. One thing I think is odd is that this arc is named for Klaw but I don't think Klaw was ever that huge a factor. It was still a very enjoyable arc for me and I think traditional fans will like the focus being more on Black Pather then the world of Wakanda. I think Coates has found a balance and is raising the stock of many characters. I have high hopes for the upcoming book featuring the Dora Milaje. |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2016) #172
Apr 20, 2018 |
Coates writes a really solid end to this arc before the Black Panther Fresh Start. Expect high action and a great spotlight on what has becomes the heroes of Wakanda-especially if you are a Storm fan. I enjoyed the end of this story and this entire arc, but I am unsure if should have been titled Klaw stands supreme considering that Klaw was not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. It almost feels like this story was meant to be longer and Coates and Kirk had to wrap things up in order to get ready for Fresh Start. That being said I like the (re)introduction of The Adversary as a BP villain and the larger mystery of where is Bast and the Gods of Wakanda is something I hope Coates gets to explore in the future. I like that Coates is coming into his own and starting to really get comic books. I also love his appreciation for the history of BP and how he is pulling those character into the now. As we begin the space epic coming to Black Panther I am interested to see how Coates writes a more solo focused BP story. He has built up many heroes in his current run and I am still holding out hope for a Wakanda ongoing series that can feature these characters as a team (fingers crossed). I am also interested in what Coates will do with Captain America and how he will manage the hate that is likely going to come his way no matter what he writes. My hope is that he can keep things light at moments and not jump right into the heavy questions. We shall see. Pick up Coates entire run on BP and get ready for Fresh Start |
9.8 |
Black Panther (2018) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Black Panther (2018) #1
May 29, 2018 |
A great Fresh Start and the jump on point many have been asking for. I have really enjoyed Coates run on BP and I am happy to see him continuing in a new direction. In the previous runs by Coates, he really made the focus about the supporting cast. At points, his run was a full political drama mixed in with superhero elements, but this fresh start puts T'Challa right at the forefront and the star of a great space epic. Coates waste no time setting up players and getting us into a story that has the potential scratch the itch of those seeking a BP closer to the high action movie and the promise of high action is all around. The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda has a lot of potential to be one of the best settings in the marvel universe but the mystery of where they came from and how such a place exist are questions that Coates will likely shine in answering. Pick this up |
10 |
Black Panther (2018) #3
Aug 27, 2018 |
You really need to read what Coates has going. Also I hope Coates is at least considering a creator owned sci-fi series somewhere. This book continues to look and be great. The stakes are high the world is amazing and every issue I want to keep pressing on. The story takes place in a future with familiar faces and names populating the story. Coates does not seem to be in a rush and I am fine with that. The intergaltic empire of Wakanda is a setting I hope lasts after this arc is concluded, but Coates work on BP and Captain America should prove he has really arrived as a great comic writer. |
9.0 |
Captain America (2018) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Captain America (2018) #1
Jul 9, 2018 |
Coates is off to a remarkable start. This book really gets where Cap is right now and is really exploring and setting up a conflict that feels worthy of Captain America. Coates had a lot of hurdles to deal with when he was picked to write this Fresh Start. The haters were ready to complain and cry SJW before a line was written, but Coates captures a Captain America that is dealing with the events of Secret Empire. Yu's art is strong and I am excited to see how Coates continues this story and who else he introduces into this ongoing series. I would be excited to see Coates write Falcon into the book at some point because I think he would really get it. This book brings up a good point to me and Punisher does the same as well. I don't think Marvel owes anyone an apology for Secret Empire because Secret Empire was not a bad story and Hydra Cap was not a bad character. It was likely the right story at the wrong time for a company that had done too much too soon and who didn't send off older characters in a respectful way, but as a story, Secret Empire was one of the better events I have read in some time. This book does a great job of using events of the past and giving us a Cap that feels current. The entire story feels current enough to be relevant and topical but distant enough to not be heavy-handed and allow room for Coates to craft something special. Let's use the past to influence the future and not pretend like legacy characters or Secret Empire didn't happen. One of Marvel's issues is that they will try something and then overdo it when that something becomes successful. Like the Cosmic Ghost Rider got a lot of buzz. Now we will have multiple warped characters get added into the mix spinning out of Infinity Wars. The same thing happened when Marvel saw success with Spider-Gwen (Ghost Spider), Ms. Marvel, Miles Morales Spider-man, and Jane Foster Thor. A lot of legacy change happened all at once because Marvel overestimates. My hope is that Marvel is learning some caution. Pick this book up |
9.0 |
Captain Marvel (2019) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Captain Marvel (2019) #1
Jan 11, 2019 |
Kelly Thompson is the clear correct choice to give Captain Marvel her fresh start. The book has the right tone and really sets up the character in context. I know that the mission is to Make Carol Danvers more earthbound but I do help there is a balance made with her space adventures. Kelly Thompson writes a true jumping on point and Carman Nunez Carnero really supports with quality art. Kelly starts are off with a sense of time. I'm a little confused on continuity. Captain Marvel clearly joined the Avengers in Jason Aaron's book but in her solo title, it seems like the ask happened before the dark celestial storyline. It is a little confusing for readers of both books but it likely easier for those jumping on. All in all I loved it and plan to pull the monthly book for the first arc and then see if it is worth keeping in a regular pull list. Pick it up |
7.8 |
Catalyst Prime: Summit | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Catalyst Prime: Summit #3
Mar 6, 2018 |
Summit is my favorite series of the Catalyst Prime books. The story is solid to follow with a main character that is ripe to be flushed out. Summit has a similar issue to Noble but less extreme. Prime books tend to be in a hurry and overlook the build to big action and instead just go straight for the action. This is still a solid book and I love the art and design choices. |
7.5 |
Catalyst Prime: Summit #4
Mar 21, 2018 |
Summit still remains my favorite of the Catalyst Prime universe. It has great pacing and Val is a relatable hero to follow. My only knock against the book is that the story just isn't that fresh and my hope is to see some more crossover as these books develop. It is the moments of action that feel the most forced on the writing front. The big action of this comic was a superhero fighting two guys with guns in the Jungle, and I would like to see more scale and distinction to powers. Writing about Val as a superhero comes second to Val and the shadowy organization she is up against, or the ghost that haunts her, or the drama of why she should trust no one. I would love to see Amy Chu write a spy comic. Catalyst Prime as a universe is not quite ready to go up against Valiant, Marvel, and DC yet but the potential is there and Summit is not a bad comic jump in with. Summit and Noble are of two extremes. Noble fully embraces actions but never slows to build up the tension and Summit struggles with action but the actual build and story is really good. If you are already on board with this book then pick it up and support an indie company with a lot potential. |
8.5 |
Champions (2019) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Champions (2019) #1
Jan 3, 2019 |
Champions #1 is a great start that shows you just what this team is about. I also think it captures its age group really well. Jim Zub and Steven Cummings are a really good team for this book. The tone of this book is optimistic. The attitude is one of we want to make a difference and we are making it happen. Champions is the kind of book that you should read if you want some classic we are good guys hero work in the world that we have now. Human trafficking, natural disaster, and other world dangers are real for us now and the Champions are supposed to be the heroes we need right now. This is a nice contrast with the Avengers because they are trying to find there place in a nation that mistrusts them. This is a solid jumping on point but it is worth going back and reading Champion up until this relaunch. |
8.4 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) | 6 issues |
8.0 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #1
Dec 26, 2018 |
Issue 1 of CLoak and Dagger starts off stong and drops us in on the current place that Cloak and Dagger have found themselves. The question this series seeks to answer is can this duo really exist without the other. Their relationship strain is at the center of this issue and them being separated and trying to find an identity outside of what they used to be is the core of the book. Many of us struggle with who we are after a break and this book takes that concept and makes into a superhero story. There is a lot to like with this book. |
9.0 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #2
Dec 26, 2018 |
Dennis Hopeless has done an amazing job of really unpacking something as simple as a bad break up and allowing that concept to grow into a full blown superhero series with horror and crime elements. Mistrust is the main idea of this book. How can trust someone willing to let you starve and how can you trust someone you think is always on the edge of being horrible? Dennis seems more comfortble writing the dialogue and world of Dagger while just being more about the pain and image of Cloak. That is not uncommon but it would be nice to see Cloak with a support network, but in the end Cloak's loner status makes him more of an unknown and his complete reliance on Dagger is something that helps create the tension of the book. Loved this issue. |
8.5 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #3
Dec 26, 2018 |
the true villain of this book is taking more of a shape and he is just the kind of enemy best suited to Cloak and Dagger. Each issue is really about the different components of breaking up. This one is about reliance. The basic truth is that these two have not found a way to not rely on one another. The simply can not fully divorce their lives and in a past filled with regrets misunderstanding what happens when you need that person you are trying to leave. Cloak's hunger is not going anywhere and neither is Dagger's stubbornness. Though the biggest obstacle they face together knows them just as well as they know themselves. He knows how to get in their heads. Hopeless has made a villain that is the living embodiment of a toxic environment. Style point for that. It is also important to note just how great the art has been in this digital series Messina has done brilliant, bright, and creepy work setting the tone for this book. |
8.5 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #4
Dec 26, 2018 |
I truly have come to love this book. The book at this point can be a little confusing to keep straight of who is in control of who's mind. There is an element of confusion and vertigo to this issue. What makes this book so good is that it continues to deconstruct what makes Cloak and Dagger who they are. Hopeless in this issue really breaks down their communication or lack thereof. This book remains consistent with strong storytelling and quality art. |
8.5 |
Cloak and Dagger (2018) #5
Dec 26, 2018 |
I really have been enjoying what Marvel is doing with MDO titles. This kind of out of the box thinking is really a great idea. Marvel needs to find better ways of letting these kinds of titles find an audience and grow without the burden of monthly paper sales and this is a smart option. Hopeless brings this story home nicely and continues his deconstruction of a break up. Both characters have moved past the complete turmoil that is breaking up, but now they are in a place uncertainty. The final phase of being broken up is finding your new normal and I would not be surprised if that is the theme for the next volume of Cloak and Dagger. Likely the next book will follow the 2 chapter issue style of the other MDO books and that will lend itself well to the writing and art style. |
8.0 |
Cloak and Dagger Shades Of Grey
Dec 26, 2018 |
Shades of Grey is a strong Trade with a lot to offer. The Marvel Digital Originals are an interesting experiment for Marvel. For those wondering I will explain the system, though Cloak and Dagger broke from the traditional method for this first arc. The MDO's work really smartly. There are 3 issues that span one arc. Each issue has 2 chapters that are the size a full monthly comic issue. The books come out for three months and on the 4th month, there is a paper trade you can by in your local comic shop. The individual chapters are all digital and purchased primarily through Marvel's online store. Currently, the MDO line includes Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Daughter of the Dragon, and Cloak and Dagger. Basically, all the Marvel TV show books except Daredevil and Runaways because those books come out already in monthly paper issues. They have all been really strong and this system makes a lot of sense. Overall this was a great book to bring back Cloak and Dagger. The story was high stakes and really helped returning and new readers find out just who these characters are. If you have picked up this trade expecting the same or similar story to Cloak & Dagger the TV show then you will be disappointed. However, if you remain open-minded you will still get a wonderful story and arc that takes you through the stages of an actual break up set to a superhero story with some fun horror elements thrown in. Sometimes pacing and keeping certain panels straight can be a challenge. You may find yourself going back to get your baring on where the story is going, but what is always clear is the strain between Cloak and Dagger and how the villain of this story exposes them. Any Cloak and Dagger fan should be excited about this book and the future MDO arcs to come from this series and the other MDO books. If you bought the books online and still want to keep a paper copy this series is worth the double dip but I wish Marvel could give us some ability to save on the paper copy if we already bought the digital. That would be perfect and I would happily through in an extra few bucks just to keep a paper copy on my shelf. |
8.0 |
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure #1
Dec 27, 2018 |
A strong issue to jump back into Cloak and Dagger with. This MDO is all about Cloak and Dagger trying to figure out there new normal. Can they enjoy what makes them work well together while also having some boundaries and personal lives? It is an interesting question. The story is straight forward and the art maintain a sense of stark contrast in tone. The elements of creepy horror are there and this MDO made me wish we could go further and make Cloak and Dagger a Marvel MAX title. This book is already more mature then the average marvel title and there is definitely room to grow in that direction, but with the issues DC has had with Black Label I am doubtful for that relaunch. Both chapters of this issue set up a quality foe in Negative Man and a more mysterious enemy pulling the string. What makes the book so good is how human Cloak and Dagger feel. They are people who have been through a lot and Marvel would be wise to lean more on the gritty homicide lane for this book. Pick it up |
4.5 |
Cyborg (2016) | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Cyborg (2016) #18
Nov 1, 2017 |
This is just a bad book and DC continues to not know what to do with this character. DC badly needs some more people of color featured on the writing and character side, but Black Lightening would be a worthy replacement for this book and a better chance to bring some needed energy to the mix. Cyborg as a character has not evolved enough. I would much rather replace this book with an Ongoing Black lightening or a fresh take Martian Manhunter. How about a team book with Black Lightning, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Death Stroke, and Big Barda. Call it Manhunters and make it a book about the team tasked with hunting down the escaped worst of the worst villains. Think about it DC. |
5.0 |
Damage (2018) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Damage (2018) #2
Feb 14, 2018 |
It isn't that good a book. Honestly I am likely to drop this series already because it is weak. When Dark Matter now New Age of DC heroes was first discussed it was supposed to be a master showing in art and story telling. That has not happened so far. We have a decent comic in Silencer. A ok at best start to Sideways and this series which is just bad. New Age of DC heroes is more of an attempt to get angry marvel fans then anything else. If you are mad that Hulk is different then skip weapon H and come to DC to read damage. It is a rehash of hulk stories pushed into a DC universe that wasn't really asking for it. Skip this book and wait for a trade or promising future reviews because damage isn't worth it. |
6.5 |
Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1
Feb 15, 2018 |
The Dark Knights metal event is reading less like a cohesive story and more like writing by dart board in the DC office. Snyder is really writing on a formula in this event. Heroes try to do something. They go looking for an item or place. The Batman who laughs is one step ahead. The heroes lose hope seems lost but there is a lasting image and moment on the last page. Insert random item with unique property and someone making up some new lore for DC's cosmic nature. Snyder rewards longtime readers with an obscure or seldom used DC character or reference to an item from past comics. At this point, I am pretty bored with this story and am ready to wrap things up and move one. This issue also gives a spotlight on Detective chimp. If he interests you this is probably a good read for you. I find it strange that the New Age of DC Heroes really don't have much to do in the event despite it launching all the books and some of the stories being based in events of Dark Knight metal. You really need to have been following all the main books to remotely understand this issue. All in all this event for me is best described as functional filler before the other events DC has already started or teased. |
8.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal | 6 issues |
8.5 |
Dark Nights: Metal #1
Mar 22, 2018 |
Really solid start this event. Art is amazing but this is really hard to justify as an issue 1 when the info you get in Forge and casting or so essential to really get into this comic, any fan of the Dark Knight will love it and pick it up. Snyder needs to be careful of the fantasy speak and how willing he is to make up science to justify his story. |
9.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #2
Mar 22, 2018 |
I like Snyder's long game and ability to dig into the DC lore and mythos. This book still looks amazing and the tone is really perfect. Snyder still has a fantasy speak issue and the book may not be as enjoyable for those who are not full on DC lovers and fans, but the story has action and it feels like a threat worthy of the Justice League. |
8.5 |
Dark Nights: Metal #3
Mar 22, 2018 |
I feel like this story is what it is like to be in Scott Snyder's head. The Stakes are only getting raised and the scope is huge. This is a big Superman issue and the art is remarkably creepy. The comic reads like a nightmare. My only knocks are that Snyder writes like everyone reading is a huge DC fan and when he needs to explain things the exposition gets really heavy and bogged down and that influences the techno and fantasy speak that still bothers me in this series. |
8.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #4
Mar 22, 2018 |
Snyder how you going to resolve so much in two more issues? Art is still dazzling and the scale is still great. This book is still a love letter to DC fans, but I am starting to get some fatigue of this story and see the makings of the formula that Snyder uses to write. Snyder has a history of not knowing how to end his writing and looks like we may be headed that way but he has one more issue to make me change my mind that he not just waiting till the last issue to resolve his storylines. |
7.5 |
Dark Nights: Metal #5
Feb 15, 2018 |
Scott is going to create a God hand in order to rescue everything in the last issue. Ok hear me out. Issue 5 of this event is fine. If you are a DC comic fan this is really an event for you because it is basically an ongoing word vomit of all of Scott Snyders knowledge on the DC universe. The plot has been the same for the last few issues. DC heroes try. DC heroes are foiled by the Batman who laughs who has anticipated everything. We see a glimmer of hope but the darkness keeps them on the run. Insert a few obscure references to things and some interesting backstory on characters like Hawkman and others. If you are anything less then a huge lover of all things DC this event is really boring and it will not make you one. I am not sure what is going on with DC editorial but they are making a lot of marvel like calls that no one is calling them out on. They are doing a lot of back to back events. Events set after each other and start and end before the other. Remember Doomsday Clock? That is still a thing. We also have teased the Justice league's book reboot. So we know we all make it. Not to mention Doomsday Clock has been toned way down since all the hype. Even this event is stringing on pretty long for most of the tie-ins being the same plot over and over again. |
6.5 |
Dark Nights: Metal #6
Mar 28, 2018 |
I don't think Scott Snyder is my cup of tea. I will start with the positive. Issue 6 continues the high level of art that this series in known for. The pages coming from Capullo and Glapion really look amazing. The scale is there in this book. The stakes feel high throughout the series and the high that is reached in this issue is consistent with the rest of the book. The heroes look like they are in for a fight for there lives. If you are a Snyder fan to begin with then you will likely love this book. I also enjoy the effort of opening up the DC universe to something more. Now on to my issues with this story. 1. There is a lot about this plot that makes no sense. How is a Batman who was pulled from the forge have enough time to plan with Joker and double team the Batman who laughs (A plot thread left dangling by the end of the issue). 2. How exactly are Batman and Superman even alive and coming out of the forge with full 10th metal Battle armor. 3. Did we remotely need all these evil Batmen if they were just going to fade into the background once the story needed to be wrapped up? 4. 10th metal is a Deus Ex Machina. For all the talk about launching new heroes and exploring new worlds none of that actually happened. Plastic man stepped up but most other heroes got no spotlight or minimal recognition. Snyder literally made Cyborg stay in the car for the entire book. We bring back Martian Manhunter for him to barely register in the final battle. In the end, we are left with same saviors (All-White) joining hands and being the trinity+ coming in to save the day. It felt like more of the same to me. If New Age of Heroes is supposed to be important than why are all of its characters a mention in an epilogue but not the actual hero? Yes. The Source Wall coming down is interesting but what is actually changing? We gave more nods to Marvel knock-off books and characters than anyone from Earth M (NO mention of that universe at all). I tend to not like DC stories |
8.0 |
Days of Hate | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Days of Hate #2
Mar 12, 2018 |
Days of Hate is a worthy book for image. I enjoy the tension and imagery. Ales Kot is really in no rush in this book. Kot is content to keep the slow burn going and place the chess pieces in the needed spots. I'm enjoying the tribal nature of the book and the direction it will go. The story reads like a nation on the brink of war, but I don't know how many issues until the story picks up. |
9.0 |
Deathstroke (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Deathstroke (2016) Annual #1
Feb 5, 2018 |
I am actually pretty shocked at how good this book it. Priest goes to some odd places in this book but he really sets up something great for both Power Girls. The characters behave a little out of their normal behavior but that doesn't stop this book from really making moves. Christopher Priest is many things but afraid of shaking things up is not one of them. He leaves us with a lot of questions and many roads to take and I call that the mark of a good writer. |
8.5 |
Defenders (2017) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Defenders (2017) #6
Oct 27, 2017 |
Bendis is really killing it with the Defenders. Defenders is the best team book at Marvel right now. It captures the voices of each character and I am excited to see what Deadpool brings to the story. Bendis does a great job of Catching everyone up on the last arc while also giving us some interesting reveals for the future. This is a solid jump on point and Marquez is keeping art consistent throughout the series. This is a good time to be a reader of street-level Marvel comics. My hope is that Bendis can play well with others and be thoughtful about the other books currently featuring each of these characters. I was skeptical of this book in the beginning as a Netflix cash grab, but I am happy to say that that is not the case and Bendis cares. Perhaps Coates and Bendis can find some common ground and The Crew and Black Panther can connect with the other Street level heroes. Maybe even some Runaways love too. Just a thought Bendis. |
8.0 |
Defenders (2017) #7
Dec 15, 2017 |
Another solid book by Bendis. Bendis does his best work when he is given his toys and a corner of the playground that he can call his own. This is not my favorite entry in this arc but this comic is still good and worthy of anyone's pull list. I can't help but feel like we didn't need Elektra in this story but it seems like everyone from the Netflix series needed to be in this series so why not? Diamondback is really my favorite character in this book. He has been a wonderful villain and I like that their are so many players and unanswered questions to still explore. My concern is that Bendis won't get around to finishing this book and giving this arc/planned arcs the care they deserve. My hope is that after he is gone someone can keep this book going and it can be the premiere street level team book for years to come. Maybe get the women of Fearless Defenders back in the mix. Maybe a little She-Hulk as well. If you didn't read the previous issue then i would say pick up the trade and then start at issue 6 before reading this issue. |
9.0 |
Defenders Vol. 1: Diamonds Are Forever
Dec 15, 2017 |
Bendis is writing one of the top 3 team books at Marvel if not the best one. Issues 1-5 of Defenders really shine. I honestly thought these books would be toss away issues just for making sales for the Defenders Netflix series. Yet what we get is wonderful character work, amazing action, twists and turns. The Street level battle for a new King Pin is really strong writing and this a great time to get into the street level books at Marvel. Luke Cage, Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Defenders is really worth a look right now. I don't know what will happen with this book after Bendis heads to DC, but it should be continued or allowed to finish and be given a proper ending until someone can keep this momentum going. Pick this trade up Mike |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #967
Oct 27, 2017 |
This is a great time to be a Batman fan. This huge Batman Metal event is taking up a lot of the mindshare right now, but Tynion is writing a great arc and giving Tim Drake the attention he deserves. I have argued for years that Tim Drake is the best option to be the next Batman. He is every bit the detective of Bruce and is more driven than Dick Grayson. He is better adjusted than Damian and more effective than Jason Todd. He understands the work more than Terry and is more like Bruce Wayne than any other Robin in existence. Great art helps support the continuation of this story and Detective comics as a Batman team book has been a complete success. This comic is flushing out Gotham more and it is building up the Bat-family in a way few have successfully done before. Pick this book up To Add There is something to be said for too many Batman books and DC being very Batman heavy right now. Right now there is a Batman story for everyone and they all are strong. If you want the best overall picture of Gotham and the family with your Batman comic I suggest Detective comics. If you want to hear about Batman and how he is evolving and growing then you need to be reading Batman. If you like the darker side of Batman then pick up the metal event. If you want a Batman story that returns to the roots of what made the character a great solo story then pick up Batwoman or all of All-star Batman. If you want more Gotham stories and you don't care about the ongoing story of Batman then pick up the minis that are floating around like White knight or Batman and he Shadow, Mother panic, Super-Sons, and the list goes on. Eventually DC will need to walk back this many Batman stories but for now just jump in and enjoy the ride. |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #968
Nov 14, 2017 |
This became a really solid arc and a great arc to feature Tim Drake. Tim Drake has earned a bigger future in the DC mythos and this arc proves there is a lot of depth that can be explored. Detective Comics has become the must-read Batman family book. This arc is good to review before the Super Sons and Titans crossover because we are not done exploring Tim Drake Batman. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Domino (2018) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Domino (2018) #1
Apr 11, 2018 |
This opening issue does everything needed to get you started. Domino looks to be a fun series with high action, humor, and interesting character story into the more morally grey mutants that are a lot of fun to follow. Simone does her best to catch any new readers up on who Domino without getting too bogged down in the backstory. All you really need to know is that someone really hates Domino and ends up having a birthday she won't forget. Baldeon gives us solid art that does play up and sell some sex, but it does not over-sexualize a historically sexy marvel character. The tone the book takes feels like a combination of Super Spy action story meets the Expendables. I plan to be onboard for the first story arc, but so far I am very happy with the work this team is putting out. Pick this book up. |
9.0 |
Domino (2018) #2
May 11, 2018 |
I loved Issue 2 of this book. The story is strong. Art from Baldeon continues to find that great balance between sexy and grounded. Some might find there is a bit too much dialogue and explanation of powers when it concern Domino but many should remember that not everyone has followed this character in X-Force or her solo mini-features. Domino as a person is already taking shape and her anti-hero status and humor are done wonderfully by Gail Simone. Simone's style really lends its self well to Domino. My only knock against the book is that I don't understand why Cho is in this book. I am not sure if that was an attempt to build up one or both characters but that was the most out of place to me. That aside I like the story and motivation behind our main antagonist. My favorite thing about this book is that it is an adult theme but not exactly heavy or dark and the best vide I would say Simone has captured is the Fox movie version of Deadpool. I will continue to keep this in my pull list and if you haven't already you should jump into this series. Pick it UP |
9.0 |
East of West | 2 issues |
8.5 |
East of West Vol. 6
Apr 21, 2018 |
Volume 6 is likely the weakest of the volumes in this series but considering the high quality of art and story that still means Thais is a great book. It is just mostly putting peices into play for the next volume. This series is best digested in collected additions because it is a lot to follow and when issues are read together the huge cast is easier to follow. |
9.5 |
East of West Vol. 7
Apr 21, 2018 |
Vol 7 is among the strongest volumes of this series. East of West still has the problems it has always had. The cast is large. New faces pop up regularly and have a major impact on the plot outside of the chosen. The series is finally reaching a point of all out war. With the power players revealing their hands. Expect High action and surprises. My major knock against this series is that Hickman swings for the fences and gives us too much to digest on a regular basis. So much religion, politics, race, and characters, and motivation that it all feels important. That being said you manages it well and this book will have you on the edge of your seat. |
9.0 |
Eclipse | 9 issues |
8.0 |
Eclipse #2
Mar 17, 2018 |
See my volume review for details. |
8.5 |
Eclipse #3
Mar 17, 2018 |
See my volume review for details. |
8.5 |
Eclipse #4
Mar 17, 2018 |
See my volume review for details. |
9.0 |
Eclipse #5
Mar 17, 2018 |
See my volume review for details. |
9.5 |
Eclipse #6
Mar 17, 2018 |
One of my favorite issues in volume 2. See my volume review for details. |
9.5 |
Eclipse #7
Mar 17, 2018 |
A brilliant issue in this arc See my volume review for details. |
10 |
Eclipse #8
Mar 17, 2018 |
Great conclusion to the story arc See my volume review for details. |
8.5 |
Eclipse Vol. 1
Mar 17, 2018 |
I really enjoyed this first volume. Eclipse is not a hugely original destroyed earth story but it is well written and well paced. It says something to me when I want to keep going and I always want to know what happened. Kaplan doesn't build the world as much as he should, but it is still a world I want to know more about. This is a great trade to pick up and read as you wait for other books or it is a great book to grab on sale at anytime. |
9.5 |
Eclipse Vol. 2
Mar 17, 2018 |
I loved volume 2 of this series. This book deserved more support for finishing such a strong arc. The world opened up and that did wonders fornthe entire story. I love how Cielo came into her own and escaped the damsel trope from the previous arc. I just want to know more and there is plenty of life left in this story. My hope is that down the road Kaplan can get back this. He has moved on to Port of Earth and his ability to explore urban wasteland is a strong ability for him as a writer. Timpano has been a remarkable artists and his wasteland and New York City have been great to look at. I would love to see this book one day continue and here more about the other cities and the state of the reforming US government. I gave some generous scores on this book issue by issue and that is because I saw scores that low balled how good this book is. This is a great series to grab on sale or in trade somewhere. |
8.2 |
Exiles (2018) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Exiles (2018) #1
Apr 11, 2018 |
I have been excited about this book since Marvel announced it and put Saldin Ahmed as a writer. Exiles is a fun book that feels like the liberated team book from Marvel. The best thing about this type of story is that we can go anywhere at any time and it presents a real playground for a writer and this book has a very strong writer. Ahmed now has both Black Bolt and Abbott under his belt and he shows no signs of slowing down the great writing. Exiles starts by setting up an interesting take on Blink and giving us our first three team members. Ahmed wastes no time getting us into the stakes and for using the Unseen/Nick Fury Sr. to get us into what promises to be a big story. My hope is that Marvel lets this story run and evolve because that is what Exiles do best. A solid art team depicts locations with amazing ability. Each setting we blink to feels like an actual place and that it could exist. That is the balance that Ahmed will have to manage. He has all the ability to create crazy versions of every hero but he has to justify it or else we lose the impact. So far I am happy with this book. I have been looking for a great cosmic multiversal story since Ultimates2 and Exiles may be heavier on comedy but offers the same great ability to plot out the multi-verse. Pick this book up |
7.5 |
Exiles (2018) #3
May 11, 2018 |
Ahmed wrote a solid entry in his first Marvel team book. The story has been a bit rushed but that is also the nature of the narrative right now. The Exiles are just one step ahead of doom at all times. This issue also gives a nice nod to fans of the original run. Art is solid but with so many moving parts to this story it feels like we are not taking enough time to set up for a bigger payoff. We are starting to see some of the team begin a deeper dialogue with one another but I feel like there is something coming in this story some kind of twist that Saladin Ahmed is waiting to pull on us. This issue will not grab any new fans but if you are already on board for the first arc than you will likely see no reason to stop. |
8.5 |
Exiles (2018) #4
Jun 15, 2018 |
So far this has been my favorite issue of this series. Ahmed seems to have calmed down from the sprint we were on and where every issue was just the cast outrunning a giant zombie Galactus head. The pace is still high the story is wordy. That will likely be the nature of this series because every issue brings with it a new setting we are dropped in but as this is a big issue with a major reveal that sets the tone for the rest of this arc and likely next volume. We are starting to see the cast show their humanity. Humor is still there. This story is more about slavery than about high seas pirate action. The cover of this issue does not capture the story itself. I honestly think the addition of piracy and other alternate universe characters is there to help lighten the weight of African slavery being the central theme of the story. Ahmed does a great job of balance and as far as writers who get how to approach black stories he is really good at it. (Read his mini Abbott) Ahmed was smart enough to feature black heroes and remind us that this version of Blink is a Black woman so the story does not suffer from a white savior complex. This series will stay in my weekly pull list and will not just become a Marvel story I catch up on with Marvel Unlimited. |
9.0 |
Extremity (2017) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Extremity Vol. 1: Artist
Feb 15, 2018 |
I truly loved the ride that was Extremity. Warren Johnson sets up a world truly worth saving and his story explores the depths of finding humanity in an inhuman time. Cycles of violence and purpose are big themes in this book and the story uses round vivid characters to tell the tale. This volume will leave you with many questions about who, what, and where. Sometimes back story is teased enough to show the motivation of a character but left open enough that we could continue this story for over a hundred issues. The first arc this volume covers sets up a dangerous vivid natural waste of of world that you know promises a lot more surprises. The main character shines and her battle to conform to the expectations of the world and her father really are heart tugging from page to page. Her journey promises to be legendary and I can see extremity running as long as the best that Image comics has to offer. |
8.1 |
Falcon (2017) | 6 issues |
8.0 |
Falcon (2017) #1
Dec 6, 2017 |
The is a lot of potential for this series. My hope is Marvel gives this book a chance to find and grow its audience. If you haven't guessed this is the book for all the Sam Wilson Captain America fans and it sets up the next chapter in Sam Wilson's story. Barnes does some solid work and giving Sam Wilson an actual place and gives the reader an idea of the scale of hero Wilson wants and should be. Sam Wilson works best as a character that can scale from street level to high level. He is at his best when reminding us about culture and the other American. Some complain about the new design but I like it and his new costume gives Sam some needed power upgrades. My biggest argument for Sam Wilson as a hero is that he needs an upgrade in abilities. The Falcon was originally a token supporting sidekick that became a bigger hero, and if he is to survive on his own then his skill set must develop. My hope is that in the course of this series Falcon can become one of the biggest American superheroes. I love Cassara's art and Barnes does an excellent job of setting up a villain for Sam that will truly test him. Pick it up. |
8.0 |
Falcon (2017) #2
Dec 6, 2017 |
There is potential for this series. It hasn't found itself yet but it still remains on my pull list. The first two issue of this series read like a #0 introduction. This issue was most about the partnership between Falcon and Patriot. The future looks bright this partnership, but the energy and intensity of this comic needs to be raised. We have already had an amazing series in the Captain America Sam Wilson comic so I doubt there is a lot of patience for going back to square one. Cassara still provides solid art and great street-level look for this book. My advice to Barnes would be, "don't make the first volume a slow burn." Put some bang into the next three issues. Then when readers are on board continue the character study. continue in the direction of streets on fire and Falcon doing everything he can of keeping a community together. I have high hopes for issue 3. |
9.0 |
Falcon (2017) #4
Feb 5, 2018 |
This was my favorite issue in this arc. Barnes is really digging deep with Falcon. I didn't know if the paranormal and magical space of Marvel was for Sam Wilson. Though Barnes sets up Falcon as a man willing to go however far he needs. Sam Wilson is still the Captain America willing to go and say the things that Steve Rodgers doesn't and using a demon as Falcon's first major foe has really been impressive. The art in this book comes out great and Cassara really shines at creating hell and my hope is that Brother Voodoo continues to be a presence in this book in the next major arc. My only problem with this run is that I think Patriot can be a little over the top with his young black slang and one-liners. Aside from that, I love this book and it has earned a permanent place on my pull list. If Marvel ever decides to give Brother Voodoo an ongoing book again I think Barnes should be top pick. |
8.0 |
Falcon (2017) #5
Feb 14, 2018 |
I enjoyed this arc and found the ending to be a solid end note for Falcon and a very interesting supporting cast. The pace remained solid but some of the corney moments still remain in the book. The art continues to suit this story well and I found it interesting that the next arc in this story will continue falcon fighting some bump in the night kind of characters. We will see if blade makes an appearance because so far Falcon is fighting all the things blade would be up against. You get a fast paced superhero story and I look forward to vampires and Misty In the next issue. Pick it up |
8.0 |
Falcon (2017) #6
Mar 14, 2018 |
Issue 8 of Falcon is a solid set up for the next arc of this series. Though it is better to read this book from the start this is a solid jumping on point for Falcon. Mostly we are getting the players set up for the next phase. The art is consistent in Falcon and the darker color some actually suits the book. More and more we see Falcon moving to the street level and what is special about this series is the use of real world issues being exploited by supernatural forces. That attitude continues in this arc where Frost uses invisible forgotten people as pawns in his games to take down Falcon. Barnes has a real skill at grounded high heroics with the real world issues we face without getting preachy. Biggest issues with this book is likely it's use of supporting characters. It looks like we are setting the women up in book as plot devices but my hope is Barnes doesn't go for the cliche. Misty Knight is due for more visibility and I do love her relationship with Sam. It is a little tired to give Patriot a love interest for the sake of plot device at the end, but I am willing to see where it goes. Still a solid book. Pick it up |
7.5 |
Falcon (2017) #7
Apr 11, 2018 |
Falcon as a character has gone through a lot and paid a high price for Marvel walking back their diversity in the line-up. Sam leads a great book as Captain America and really confronted other experiences of people in America, and now he is no longer Captain America, no longer leading the Avengers or is on the team at all. His book is being canceled and the only real hope for the character insight is if he gets added back into the Captain America book that Coates will be writing and that many are already in arms about just because of who Coates is, but we are here now so on to the review. Quality wise this book has every right to continue as it offers an interesting take on this story. I am happy to see blade make an appearance in this series since Falcon's entire run has dabbled in Blade's territory. The art in the opening scene was strange and really not to my liking on the overall quality of the book. Once we get into the actual story and see the darkness reflected in the panels I see the allure of this artist for this book. The action and struggle look great and the changes in Sam's suit abilities really work well against what he is up against. This story is not very unique but it is fun and worth picking up. |
7.5 |
Generations (2017) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Generations (2017): Iron Man & Ironheart #1
Sep 7, 2017 |
A solid issue that relates more to the ongoing story that is Marvel then other Generations tie ins. Let's start off by saying that generations installment is not as good as Thor or Wolverine's. Don't go into this book expecting an action packed romp, but it is an interesting vision of the future that Bendis has for the Marvel universe. My favorite thing about this issue is that it helps me see what to expect from Infamous and Invincible Ironman finally coming back together. I like the changing art style but it does hold the potential to take a reader out of the book. The story moves well but it feels like it should have been a part of a larger issue. This issue feels more like a love letter to what Bendis is doing in Infamous IronMan then to Riri and Tony showing their legacy and that is the real knock against this issue. The biggest problem with Marvel right now is that there is no grand architect of the Marvel universe and where it needs to go. The lack of long term vision is really hurting Marvel. One thing I will say about Bendis is that he has a long term vision. I believe Nick Spencer, Bendis, and Al Ewing could help chart an actual course. Generations is a rush job and a fast response to a long-term marvel comics problem, but if you can get past that then you should enjoy this issue and it won't take away from fans of the current ongoing comics. |
9.0 |
Gideon Falls | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Gideon Falls #1
Mar 9, 2018 |
Of the new number ones from Image this week Gideon Falls is not my favorite. That will go to Prism Stalkers. It isn't even my second favorite because that goes to Kirkman's new book. Though Gideon Falls is a great 3rd place to have (Image had a damn good week). Image has some real winners this week and I have yet to read Firebug. What holds this great comic back for me is the art. I a just not a fan of mushy faces that are iconic with Sorrentino. I loved Sorrentino's Old Man Logan but his characters never look quite distinct enough me and they don't show the expression I would like. That doesn't mean he can't draw scary setting and a great ghostly figure. Jeff Lemire continues to be on of the top 5 comic writers alive today. The pace is great and by the end of issue anyone would be hard pressed not want to know more. I feel like Gideon Falls is the horror and suspense comic that many wanted Black Munday Murders to be. I think if you like Black Munday murders you will likely love Gideon Falls. I am on the fence if this book will be in my monthly pull list or I will add it to my list of trades to pick up. My early feeling is that I will love reading this book by the volume more than as a monthly. That has been the case for me with Redlands, Saga, and Lazuras. Image really makes a great book and they always have series in backlog I like to jump back in on and read a complete story. |
9.0 |
Gideon Falls #2
Apr 17, 2018 |
Gideon Falls continues to be a haunting story with tesion and great art. Serrentino is typically not my favorite but his style in horror is a great fit. Lemire is crafting a story that makes the reader feel like they are at the edge of a cliff they can not see and no one knows how deep we will fall. If you want a great horror series than do yourself a favor and jump into this book. |
9.5 |
God Country | 1 issues |
9.5 |
God Country Vol. 1
Mar 17, 2018 |
When I first started this trade I wondered about what was all the hype. This is a really good book, but why are people calling it best of the yea material. I finished it and the hype is absolutely true. This story starts out great and ends in perfection. I'm happy indeed this start to finish as as one book. Cates told a great story that really doesn't need a sequel. I think that that is a testament to Image Comics. Image has wanted another hit like Saga and Walking Dead but to not draw out story for the sake of dollars here is something I heavily respect. This is a book about choosing connection over power and fighting He'll for the people you love. It is about time and passing on the best of yourself. Shaw captures all of that in the art. I hope we see this team again soon because the work speaks for itself. Pick this up and give it to your kids in the future. |
4.0 |
Heroes In Crisis | 2 issues |
4.5 |
Heroes In Crisis #4
Jan 3, 2019 |
Tom King is a strange person. He can be like Bendis with ignoring continuity and what others have built into these characters, but he does it with massively less charm and heart. Tom King at this point seems to be writing Batman and Batman family like he really wants off the book. This is the thinnest in this issue so far. Nothing really changes aside from Batgirl seemingly taking a lead in this investigation. I use investigation loosely because this book has not read as a strong mystery. Clay Mann is a great artist and the book looks good but that is about it. Some characters don't look quite how they currently look. Heroes in Crisis sometimes feels like it was supposed to have been a Black Label book because at least the world and story would feel more dangerous. DC started out writing really strong stories after rebirth and they made a plan that really made sense, but so far no event to me has worked out the way they said, and I feel like this book will be forgotten soon and DC will move on to the next thing. |
3.5 |
Heroes In Crisis #8
Apr 24, 2019 |
I am really over DC's event comics that are not what DC promises. The reveal feels convoluted and outside the character of the murderer. DC continues to get a pass on these books that are supposed to rewrite the status quo but never do. Doomsday Clock never is out in a timely manner and we have long passed the promise of the importance of Dr. Manhattan being a major part of the DC Universe. Dark Knights Metal though many enjoyed( I did not) was quickly overshadowed by the weekly Justice League relaunch. Almost every New Age of Heroes book has been cancelled. DC Black Label got bogged in controversy and DC did not stand by their product but the extremely slow release schedule of every title makes it seem like an afterthought. We are here again with this book where a fan favorite DC character is being taken in a direction that few like. Why bother? |
8.0 |
Hunt For Wolverine | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Hunt For Wolverine #1
Apr 28, 2018 |
This issue dumped a lot of information on us in the most action-packed way possible. Honestly, I didn't need the original Logan back. I was happy with the ending and if anything I would have been fine giving Old Man Logan a revived healing factor and letting him continue as the younger Logan had been. Maybe with a little extra grey, but we are here now and this is how it is. Soule keeps the pace well and uses all the players well as well. This issue sets everything up so this is more about communicating where everyone is before the great hunt for Wolverine (Though to be honest I think Laura will always be my Wolverine). There is a new Status Qup coming for the X-Men and something tells me when this is all said and done. There will be one lead X-men book once the new team takes over astonishing and that this new book will have Logan as leader of the X-men with the original players in play. All I ask is that X-Men Red continue. If you are a big Wolverine fan jump in, but everyone else can probably just catch up after the fact. |
8.0 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #1
May 13, 2018 |
I am starting to feel that Tom Taylor just really agrees with me. He writes in a tone I like and he is just really at home writing in the Marvel universe. I love his run on All New Wolverine. There is a great twist at the end of this book. One that quickly got my attention and will likely keep me on board till the end. However, I still don't know if I am onboard for the multiple minis to explore the return of one major character. This first issue is about putting the band together and launching them into the story and the story is good. You a get a little action and some good set up for a better issue 2. I will be keeping this in my pull list. So this ends my formal review, but I have some other thoughts on this type of writing from Marvel and why I think it should continue in its own space. Ok. Hear me out. DC was on to something in their Elseworld style book. So much so that Black Label was created and now those type of books will live there. For someone like me who loves Batman, Static Shock, and all the DC cartoons from back in the day, but who really isn't that interested in the ongoing story of the DC Universe (Though I will likely read the new Justice League and Titans series cause they look amazing) this is really great. I can jump into a great story that is contained or read it in trade. DC with all the crazy imprints it announces is finding different readers and meeting them where they are. Still waiting on my Earth M imprint though. Marvel has a different strategy. Marvel's world is a more world outside your window approach and nearly every book they produce is in-universe. This book is not so much a great story to go find Logan as a great story about people in the world and I don't understand why Marvel can't create 4 books that are just that. If we had books that were just designed to tell Marvel stories and brings random characters together then less great characters would sit on the shelf and likely find their readership. We left Blue Marvel a |
5.5 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1
May 29, 2018 |
This book was just ok for me. Not all that noir in tone and story but not the worst book I read. The story felt more like a more serious version of Charlie's Angels. Each page read more like a look at the smart hot characters. I am not sure I will continue to follow this book and I am really starting to think that Marvel over-invested in multiple mini-series to bring back one character. I struggled to understand why this book needed to happen when the characters it follows are X-men(Women) and we already have multiple books that this story could have been a part of. I would only pick this up if you really want to read about the return of Wolverine but none of these books are really about Logan just yet. |
10 |
Immortal Hulk | 1 issues |
10 |
Immortal Hulk #1
Jun 7, 2018 |
If Al Ewing's writing in Immortal Hulk is worth his weight in gold and if Ewing pitched this idea then he is worth his weight in Diamonds. Immortal Hulk is one of the best debut comics I have ever read. The tone is perfect and the freshness of this take on Bruce Banner and this new smarter more complicated Hulk is really something to read. Everything in this book felt mature, dangerous, and gave us a promise of mystery and character that will keep us reading until the end. Ewing's take on Hulk honestly is an idea that I wish was the direction of some of Marvel's older heroes. Hulk being moved to focus on the older fans who have been looking for Hulk and Bruce to evolve is a wonderful idea. My hope is that we continue on this path for a long time. If Marvel had matured some of their older heroes and moved the younger more diverse characters into the spotlight I think the situation would have been easier to navigate, but I digress. Marvel has neglected Horror for a while now and there is room for it in the Marvel universe. My next pitch would be a horror-themed book staring Brother Voodoo. Pick this book up and get ready to subscribe to the next story arc. |
7.5 |
Infinity Countdown | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Infinity Countdown #1
Mar 8, 2018 |
This is a solid book. I feel like I would give it at least an 8 if it didn't feel like I was already behind before I started it. The book kept feeling like I should have read the Guardians of the Galaxy run and there were clearly things in it that I would likely enjoy more if I was a guardians fan, but if you are jumping on this book as an event comic (Which it is) it feels like you came in in the middle of guardians arc. The book is bright and fun and it feels like an old-school superhero comic. No spoilers but this is an interesting book for Groot and the end credits scene with Black Widow. I was on the fence before with these marvel end credits wolverine snippets but I am in the pro camp and would like them to continue. I think part of Marvel Comics (DC too) problem is that it can be weird how they connect the world outside of event comics and the end with Widow was the best one so far and it felt like a solid entry in a story. I think these kinds of scenes can be used to help people get into other books that may appeal to them. This book is an 8 if you are a GOG fan but everyone else might need to look into that series to flush out some plot devices that seem strange. Pick it up |
7.5 |
Infinity Wars (2018) One Shot | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Infinity Wars (2018): Prime #1
Jul 26, 2018 |
I enjoyed this book. It helps get you ready for the real fight to come and sets ups the Big Bad for Infinity War. As a story it is just Ok and likely a good entry for anyone that did not read Infinity Countdown. Deodato's art is really great for this series and I look forward to the rest of this event series. |
9.3 |
Jessica Jones (2018) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Jessica Jones (2018) #1
Sep 20, 2018 |
Marvel is really on to something with this format. It offers a lot of value is likely a better model for these books continuing on a longer path. For those who don't know. Each issue is two chapters and a digital exclusive. At the end of a story arc a trade is offered in print of the complete stories. This idea will be used for all the current Netflix marvel heroes. Jessica Jones is first and Luke Cage is available as well. Cloak and Dagger, which was already a digital exclusive, will follow the same format even though it already comes out as a monthly. Once an arc is finished the trade comes out while the comic takes a break just like a season finally. With that out of the way. You can expect a wonderful mystery out of these books. The art can seem inconsistent at times but it really captures the feel of Jessica Jones and the street level nature that Marvel has always excelled at. If you are fan of Marvel Knights, Street level gritty story, a good mystery, or Jessica Jones, this is a must have read. |
9.0 |
Jessica Jones (2018) #2
Sep 20, 2018 |
Kelly Thompson was the perfect choice to continue Jessica Jones after Bendis. She gets it and is really digging into the story. This issue skips around more and that can be jarring for the reader but at the core is a really great story with interesting characters and twists. Iulis gives NY a great vibe and the setting just feels alive. Jones is perfectly captured as a character. Elsa Bloodstone is a great character in Thompson's hands and my hope is that we can see more of her. Looking forward to the next 2 chapters in the 3rd issue. |
10 |
Jook Joint | 2 issues |
10 |
Jook Joint #1
Feb 27, 2019 |
Beautifully drawn, great writing, and a world you want to sink your teeth in. |
10 |
Jook Joint #2
Feb 27, 2019 |
I truly love this comic and all that it is about. I wish it came out more often. |
8.7 |
Justice League (2018) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Justice League (2018) #1
Jun 7, 2018 |
I really enjoyed this issue. We are starting out the gate really strong. Martian Manhunter taking the lead in this book was great writing. This is rare for me as I often do not like Scott Snyder as a writer, but he is playing in a big box of toys that he helped shaped and this book really feels like the pay off to a lot of that (problematic) writing. This book feels like the flagship team of DC comics. The Scale is correct for the team and the threat is worthy of a Justice League. Jim Cheung does great art that really captures the tone of what DC is trying to accomplish with this relaunch. This is a great jump on point and a perfect book for those who loved the Justice League TV series or who loved the Young justice tV show. Pick this book up |
8.5 |
Justice League (2018) #2
Jun 21, 2018 |
Another solid entry in this relaunch. I really like the team dynamic developing and Martian Manhunter is a remarkable team leader for the Justice League. His inner monologue is great and my hope is to see another shot at solo series for him. Snyder still likes to make stuff up on the fly though. Cosmic membrane? What I don't like about the events after Metal and No justice is that there is a lot of talking about the changes sci-fi word vomit to describe things and that feels forced. The stories around it like justice league and Titans is really great though and this issue is no exception. The cast is pretty large but Snyder is doing a good job of focusing on characters that don't get a lot of page time. This book looks to be the series that John Stewart, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl fans have desired. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Justice League (2018) #3
Jul 9, 2018 |
Snyder is doing some solid work on this book. Jimenez does great art and this book captures what many loved about the Justice League tv series. Snyder's focus has been to build up characters like Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, and not rely so heavily on the Trinity and it works wonderfully. I still hold out hope for a Martian Manhunter solo series. Both Avengers and Justice League are really strong and feel like books that lead their Universes. If you are going to read at least one book from each company to follow along with then pick up Avengers and Justice League. You will not be disappointed. |
7.8 |
Justice League: No Justice | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Justice League: No Justice #1
May 9, 2018 |
So DC has basically been doing everything they can to appeal to disaffected Marvel fans. New Age of DC Heroes are all DC takes on Marvel characters and themes. The threats you see in this comic are basically Dark Celestials. DC and Snyder do a really good job of continuing an ongoing story that began in Dark Knights metal which also a Marvel concept. DC is moving their universe to a more concrete ongoing uninterrupted history, but that may be in doubt considering how slowed down Doomsday Clock has become. The story moves well and the art quality remains high throughout the book. Snyder delivers his usual twists and I really like the ending twist. I am not a big Snyder fan and for many DC fans he can do no wrong but I tend to struggle to get past his usual tendencies, but I enjoyed this book and I am onboard to see where this goes. This weekly will wrap up pretty quickly before we launch the rebooted JL, Titans, and TT books so my concern is creating such large new cosmology while having to do justice to a huge cast of characters. So far Snyder starts strong but this story is supposed to wrap this month in a 4 issue arc and the first issue introduced only one of 4 of these new powerful godlike creatures. I am expecting big moves issue to issue and hopefully, every action will be justified and not some superweapon that Snyder pulls from thin air to save the day in the end. |
7.5 |
Justice League: No Justice #4
May 31, 2018 |
Snyder to me is the ultimate idea guy. He will come up with a really amazing concept and the idea will be so cool, but the execution if always weird for me. Much of this series has been Snyder making up new rules. We introduce a lot of amazing stuff for future writers to delve in on. Ultimately this 4 issue weekly is just a launch for the new Justice League and Titans books and that is a great concept. I just don't think the story we got was all that worthy of such a major launch. 2 months ago we rewrote all the rules of the DC universe with the end of Dark Knights Metal. Before we really see the consequence of the weight of that story the ending of this story rewrites the rules of the DC universe. It is hard to buy into a story when it feels like that story doesn't buy into its prequel. Doomsday Clock is also supposed to be huge and change everything so we will see. On the positive note, this book feels very Justice league and it feels like the scale of a problem that that book should always capture. The art is amazing. and the future really does look bright for the team books that will come later (I just wish I skipped this weekly and jumped right into the new books). What I am most in favor of is everything that will feature Black Lightening, Martian Manhunter, and other characters in need of a bigger investment. If you are a JL fan or a fan of good art pick this and the entire weekly up. If you are not a huge DC fans then just read a synopsis and jump in with the relaunched titles. |
8.0 |
Kick-Ass (2018) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Kick-Ass (2018) #1
Mar 6, 2018 |
Really good first issue. Miller plays this book's opening pretty safe. By the end of the issue we are all set up to jump into action. We have an interesting lead with levels we can explore. Issue 2 will prove a lot on where we are going. |
8.2 |
Luke Cage (2017) | 3 issues |
8.0 |
Luke Cage (2017) #166
Dec 15, 2017 |
Welcome to the Legacy numbering of Luke Cage. This is a solid book to enter the new arc with. Cage is out in America and his Blackness is a subtle feature of this book. David Walker takes a heavier touch when discussing race in the Luke Cage book, but for all those SJW critics of Marvel that is not the feature of this book. This is a story about hero's capture but the best thing about a black writer writing a black character is that he can make the book authentic to the black experience. Walker has a lot to live up too in his last arc but he has time to find his footing and build the height that was the start of a new Luke Cage comic. He does provide a great jumping on point for this arc. You do not need to read the last trade to enjoy this book, but you should get that trade anyway because it is great. Pick this book up. |
7.5 |
Luke Cage (2017) #167
Dec 15, 2017 |
Walker is still trying to get his bearing in this arc. There is a lot of potential for the next issue. The world that Walker has created doesn't feel as real yet as the ones he has created in the past. This book should continue being on your pull list. It is a good book but not a great one. Sanna continues a great look for this book. The art style for this arc has been really solid and a colorful yet grounded look for Luke Cage. Keep reading and pick it up. |
9.0 |
Luke Cage Vol. 1: Sins Of The Father
Dec 15, 2017 |
This Luke Cage arc was great and if you are a fan of Luke Cage or someone who just watched his Netflix series this is the trade for you. It is perfect in tone and art. Walker and Blake make for a solid team. This is not the book for those wanting the fun of the Powerman and Iron Fist series but it develops Cage as more a real character that is round and unique in the Marvel universe. This trade gets back to basics with Luke and it is a great jumping on point for any fan who wants to be on the Luke Cage bandwagon. Walker takes a light touch in exploring social issues enough that this book feels real for Cage while also making this a solid superhero story. If you have never read Luke Cage before you will leave this trade ready move forward with us who read all his books including when he lead the Avengers. If you are a longtime fan then this book is great for getting you back into Luke's history while creating some more twists and secrets to uncover. Pick it up |
10 |
Luke Cage (2018) | 2 issues |
10 |
Luke Cage (2018) #1
Sep 20, 2018 |
Luke Cage (MDO) starts out the gate really strong and through Luke into a mystery and situations that appear to be his greatest struggle. Anthony Del Col really succeeds where many Luke Cage writers struggle which is making the story feel really personal for Luke and not making him feel so perfect and above it all. He also brings in an illness for Luke that is so plausible and real and really threatens to change the entire future of the character. The Format for the MDO series really lends themselves well to these characters and the audience Marvel is trying to build. A lot of credit needs to be given to Marvel for trying to get back to the roots that made them famous while still bringing diversity and inclusion to the line. We can always do more to bring more people into comics and we should want them there. This book is off to a great start with that in mind while still staying story first. Pick it up |
10 |
Luke Cage (2018) #2
Sep 20, 2018 |
Luke Cage (MDO) is a brilliant comic. Luke is facing a situation that is quickly spinning out of control. The stakes are high and these books are having a lot of success bringing in real-world issues and concerns. Marvel has found a nice balance between being the world outside while not necessarily over pushing politics. They have done this by focusing on the feelings of those outside. Luke Cage feels fresh and conflict is worthy of this character. Though this book is not as gritty as Kelly Thompson's Jessica Jones it is still alive and raw. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Marvel Legacy | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Marvel Legacy #1
Sep 27, 2017 |
Marvel Legacy is a solid one-shot with amazing art. The Marvel Universe is a large beast in need of a single vision for the future. This one-shot gives us a glimpse of what marvel Legacy could be for all readers. Jason Aaron does a great job of creating a history that I would love to revisit. The Avengers 1,000,000 BC are an interesting group for how little they are a part of this comic, and the ongoing mystery and figures presented are a chance for Marvel to make an event feel worth the time and effort again. There is a moment when the three main legacy superheroes of Sam Wilson (Captain America), Jane Foster (Thor), and Riri Williams (IronHeart) are fighting side by side. Jason gives a moment of questioning how long these characters will wear their mantle. Sam is returning to the Falcon. Jane Foster is facing death and Riri though a fascinating character is the most in doubt for holding onto the mantle of Iron Man. Jason Aaron takes a moment to wink at us as readers and just live in the moment. Maybe Marvel's legacy approach has not been all that all readers want, but that does not mean that these legacy heroes were ever poor characters. I am on board to continue reading Falcon and my hope is that Jane Foster continues being Thor or some kind of hero based in the Thor mythos. Jane Foster Thor has earned that. Many faces pop up in legacy, but the comic is remarkably focused. Street level heroes get a very small mention in a single panel. This book is very focused on the main titles and the cosmic level of the Marvel universe. My only nick pick is that i would have welcomed this as a three-issue story. Maybe focusing on the different levels Marvel itself, but I imagine we will hear more of the Rabid Celestial under our feet. The biggest reveals are of course the return of Logan and the ending featuring the children of Richards, but there was one panel I found the most WOW-inducing. Throneworld of the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda and Birnin T’Challa that mea |
8.5 |
Oblivion Song | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Oblivion Song #1
Mar 8, 2018 |
Kirkman is the greatest example of a successful comic book writer today and Oblivion Song support that. Kirkman has introduced another world and combined the wasteland, politics, and strong personal narrative to create a really wonderful first issue. Image has been looking for another Saga or Walking Dead to add to its titles and Oblivion Song may just be that next huge title. Lorenzon De Felici does amazing work and crafts a world and culture that feels lived in and fresh all at the same time. There are many dystopian future stories, but how many stories do we have of culture just moving on from the tragedy and leaving people behind. The left behind people is a story that many can relate to and what Kirkman does best is speak to the human condition through fantasy, sci-fi, and world building. Image has premiered a lot of number 1s this week/recently and they have all been really strong, but I hope they don't eat other in sales because there is some good writing and art to enjoy from Image. |
8.0 |
Oblivion Song #2
Apr 11, 2018 |
Kirkman really knows how to use personal narrative to build huge worlds. It is not easy but the makes it look that way. Oblivion Song 2 gives us a deeper look at our main character and a world he wants to save, but what happens when both world(s) really don't want that? What happens when we have all decided to accept fate and move on? Those questions are at the core of this action sci fi drama. Kirkman builds the world through a lot dialogue in this issue and the team creates a decent number of supporting characters that all seem to agree on quitting. This is not the most action packed issue number 2 but it moves well and helps us understand why one man is the last on trying to save those who are left behind. Pick it up |
7.5 |
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #5
Feb 1, 2018 |
It was not bad. I am glad that Jean is back, but this story was basic enough that it didn't need to be this long and most of the X-men are there to add color and backdrop. This story could have been 1 to 3 books longs and likely would have been stronger for it. Art was solid and I am still prime for X-Men Red and the new cast of X-men Blue, but if you want to skip this mini for the likely catch up that will be in the first issue of X-Men Red then you are not missing much. The best part of this book is that the Pheonix force is made small by Jean being honest about the toxic co-dependent relationship that they have. It does feel like we are done with Jean Grey Pheonix force and we can actually start to move her character in a different direction. I am ready for the future. |
8.8 |
Prism Stalker | 4 issues |
9.5 |
Prism Stalker #1
Mar 7, 2018 |
Octavia E Butlers fans will see her influence throughout this book. As a big fan of hers I really love what Sloane Leong has created here. Leong has created a truly alien world. This comic starts almost like a dream and reader just moves through poetry and imagery to start the book before we are introduced to Vel, main character, situation. Like Butler, Leong uses science fiction to give us a different view of slavery and this is very much a book about the impossible nature of being a slave and still holding on to your humanity. I'm on board for this book and if you are looking for a book that is shooting for a higher level of story then this is a series to keep your eye on. I look forward to this world opening up. Pick it up |
9.0 |
Prism Stalker #2
May 9, 2018 |
Sloane delivers another great entry in this series that feels unlike any other. She plays with the reader by keeping us a little disoriented which is much like the main character feels. The world is vivid, dangerous, and quite literally alive all around us. The question for readers will be-do they find this book too weird to get into and are you willing to listen and take in information that you may not understand now for the payoff of something in the future. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Prism Stalker #3
May 9, 2018 |
It is hard to know how to rate this book. It is hard to know which part of this book Sloane loves more. The writing or the art. The book is amazing to look at because it really does feel like an Alien setting. The world building is in full swing and there is a lot to take in with struggle being central to learning the rules. Some of the trippy nature of this book is starting to give way to a more concrete vision of the universe. As our main character comes to understand the rules of her new world we as the readers begin to understand more as well. I think my first disagreement with the writing of the story is that I think Sloane's world building lasting three issues may be a misstep in keeping readers engaged. Many readers like to know early where we are going and Sloane's focus on building the world and the powers within before really giving us relationships and supporting characters to relate to. The lack of some kind of home where the reader feels like they understand could work against her. So far we have seen many creatures with the potential of having a relationship to Vep but none that has been given enough time for us to care if anything really happens to them. I still love this series and I will continue to read it each month. |
8.0 |
Prism Stalker #4
Jun 12, 2018 |
Prism Stalkers continues to be the fascinating acid trip that it began ass but the story is coming into more focus. Sloane Leong's style makes the reader feel just as out of place and awkward as Vep does. This issue feels a lot like the beginning of her breakthrough. As Vep begins to figure out her world what started as a majorly surreal experience becomes more concrete. Leong's art continues to perfectly serve her story. The explosion of color is jarring and there really is no comic out right now that looks like Prism Stalkers. My hope is that the writer can continue to sharpen the story and let us as readers find some stable footing as we begin what looks to be an immersive, vivid, and living world. Reading this story means that you need to ride out the weird and absorb the details. Prism Stalkers is not a book to fly through but the action is there. When Vep is in a fight the panels are chaotic and a struggle much like the current state that Vep is in. I have a lot of confidence that series will really pay off for all readers who continue to stick with it. Pick it up. |
8.8 |
Punisher (2016) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Punisher (2016) #218
Dec 15, 2017 |
I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed this comic. Rosenburg is really on to something with this story. Punisher and his war against gangs and crime can often get stale and this move to focus more on the soldier and what that means is nice. More than a little of this is taking inspiration from the punisher Netflix series and this arc has real potential to be a lasting part of the Punisher mythos. Vilanova provides good art for this book. I also like the idea that the War machine armor should be more about war. Pick this issue up and jump on |
9.0 |
Punisher (2016) #219
Dec 15, 2017 |
I really loved this issue. Punisher upping his game and moving into fighting abusive governments is a really great arc. My hope is that we continue on this path for awhile. The War machine armor is not the focus, but it does offer up a great chance for Punisher to be about more than just shooting gangs and other people with guns. My hope is that we see more stories of Punisher creating revolutions in other nations. It is a common idea that superheroes don't jump into conflict in other nations as much and this could be a really great space for Punisher to be in. Rosenburg sets this story in a fictional country (Soviet Style Russia) and he actually brings some more heart to Frank. The story is just as violent as any Punisher book and honestly not much as different then Franks usual behind enemy lines one-man army story. This book just feels fresh and that is mostly because of the writing and the humor between Frank and his AI. Rosenburg uses his writing to talk about international issues that this comic would be brilliant to explore. A story about a foreign agent meddling, fighting, and destabilizing a government or the realities of regime change could be a really unique perspective that I hope Rosenburg explores. Pick it up |
6.0 |
Return of Wolverine | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Return of Wolverine #1
Sep 20, 2018 |
This book is fine. Nothing revolutionary. It is a nice point to jump in no matter where you are coming from. If you never read a Wolverine or X-men book. If you didn't read the multiple books that searched for Logan it really doesn't matter just jump in. There is some solid action and the book really looks great. It just feels like this mini is set up a new enemy and story that will be introduced in a fairly crowded event time for Marvel. Infinity War, Spider Geddon, Extermination, and this are all happening at the same time. Just because it isn't one event across the line does not mean that Marvel is overextending some. |
5.0 |
Return of Wolverine #5
Feb 22, 2019 |
This series is just not that good. It has gone from ok to barely ok from start to finish. The story is basic and straight forward. Logan was brought back to be Wolverine in a comic world where I thought we had already filled the void. X-23 was a great Wolverine and Old Man Logan was fitting the more mature material better. Most would be better served to read a synopsis and just pick up when the new Wolverine #1 comes out. We have not gotten a single good Wolverine is returning storyline that was intended to be a Wolverine storyline. The best story about him was in the pages of Thor. The miniseries searching for Wolverine flopped. The Soule Return of Wolverine is a mixed bag at best, and the timing is bad because we have already moved on to Age of X-man and War of the Realms. Just skip it. |
7.5 |
Revival | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Revival Vol. 1: You're Among Friends
Feb 16, 2018 |
I like Revival but I don't love it yet. It is creepy and unsettling as a good horror book should be, but this entire arc I kept waiting to feel some actual suspense and fear and it never came. Revival felt like the potential for a GREAT comic was always there but it never quite made it. I still plan to continue with the next trade, and there is a lot of good in this book. The art really serves the story well. Revival has a great sense of place and the people populating the own really add to the mystery. The issue in Revival is that there isn't enough danger in the first volume. There is just enough to keep us glued to the promise of more, but Revivals cover art and synopsis lead you to believe you are about to walk into a bloody dangerous place but that place hasn't become fully realized. I have high hopes for Volume 2. |
9.0 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #1
Jan 5, 2018 |
I was really shocked at how much I loved reading this book. I thought this book would basically be a rehash for those wanting to read about Black Panther before the movie comes out, but this comic is fast and vivid with some of the best art. The book is gorgeous. Paul Renaud did an incredible job on every part of this book. Coates has really proven himself as a standout writer for Black Panther. I as someone who has read Black Panther going back years really enjoyed this story and it would be my first recommendation for anyone who wants to read a Black Panther comic for the first time in 2018. I think there is a lot of potential with having more Black Panther themed mini stories and perhaps give a second shot to the Midnight Angels and other people in the Black Panther corner of Marvel. Pick this book up |
9.0 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #2
Feb 12, 2018 |
This is a brilliant series and a joy to read. I preferred the jaw-dropping art of the previous issue but this book still stands with good art and a brilliant story that I can't wait to see progress. I really wouldn't mind turning this book into an ongoing prequel series that explores the Black Panthers before T Challa and Shuri. This book is my go-to recommendation for new readers wanting to get into Black Panther. There are still great trades and complete series that fans can pick up but if you want the best book going into Watching Black Panther in Theaters then Rise of the Black Panther is your book. Pick it up |
8.5 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #3
Mar 12, 2018 |
Still a really great story for those wanting to get into Black Panther. Art is great and the action is fun. The dialogue in the fight was a little sci-fi tech heavy but the comic moves well and looks great. I think this book is hitting an interesting place with people looking for jump on points for Black Panther. I love the current run on Black Panther in the main book but expanding the Black Panther book somehow would be nice. Maybe send a little love to that Storm book we once talked about. Pick it up and keep reading. |
8.5 |
Secret Empire | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Secret Empire #10
Aug 31, 2017 |
The best aspect of issue 10 is that it is the true reset for Marvel. It sets the tone for a different age of heroes being heroes in the Marvel Universe. This issue is a bit rushed but Spencer has delivered on what was needed. Had Civil War 2 not have happened or been forced into the limelight this event would have less polarization. We also have solid art throughout this book and a return to the epic scale that these events should be. I don't want Marvel to lose the diversity in its titles but I do want a return to focus for story telling. Spencer has proven that a villain can still be complex, interesting, and motivated and that spirit needs to continue in Legacy. Maybe just maybe people will get off the let's bash Marvel train and actually read the stories and then make judgments. The biggest flaw in the writing for this event has been Black Widow. If you kill off a character then the death must be worth the sacrifice. Widow's death and footnote funeral panel is a disservice to the character. Spencer and Marvel were not wrong to kill her off and I am sure she will have a return soon but don't reduce a character to just a narrative device. Spencer really doesn't seem to have a relationship with Black Widow considering how much he used her for the event. Aside from the issues with Widow and fatigue, this has been one of my favorite Marvel events. Much like Ultimates issue 100 set up a strong place to build for the future Spencer has done the same. The Question now is will Marvel follow through? Can Marvel get back to basics and better create a story? Can they support and increase excitement for writers to create? Have they cut enough books to really refocus on what is important? Can they bring the best of the legacy heroes and the classic heroes together in a more complex and cohesive world? We will see |
8.5 |
Shadowman (2018) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Shadowman (2018) #1
Mar 29, 2018 |
I have rarely read much from Valiant comics. I loved War Mother and Eternity but this is the first time I decided to jump into a regular monthly series. Shadowman was a great number 1 for this series. We get some solid action and the comics does a really good job of giving new readers the info they need. I heard mixed reviews about past runs of shadowman so I am happy to start fresh. If you are a Brother Voodoo, Dr. Strange, or Constatine fan than I think you will love this issue. Diggle sets the danger and mystery early in this book and the characters feel vivid. I think I prefer Diggle's dialogue to the tone he has in the narration but ultimately it is great writing. The art I love. It is dark and feels authentic. Between this book and Abbott I have had a great week for indie comics. Pick it up |
10 |
Southern Bastards | 1 issues |
10 |
Southern Bastards #20
May 13, 2018 |
Jason Aaron at his best all over again. Southern Bastards captures a deep south small county and mixes it with a gritty take no prisoners crime drama. As Aaron and Latour complete this volume they have kept one of the best books at Image. Aaron across the board is writing amazing books. He knows how to build an epic and maintain high quality of overtime and this series continues to be one of my favorites. After this issue, we set up a larger cast that will battle from the soul of Craw County. The question to be answered is who will win and what will they be willing to become in order to do it? Aaron has a created a Southern-fried version of Game of Thrones and as a Southerner myself I am on board for this ride to the very end. The delays do suck. if this book was consistently coming out then it would be getting more regular coverage and media for how amazing it is. Pick this book up |
6.5 |
Super Sons (2017) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Super Sons (2017) #12
Jan 22, 2018 |
I am not sure what happened with this event. It started out strong and then lost complete focus towards the end. It feels like someone at editorial called stop on everything for fear of issues down the line with the other events DC has going. The Damian and Superboy have developed a really solid relationship that can be the stuff of a great future in writing, but this issue was just bad. If you want a real epilogue on this arc you need to look to the Titans book for it. |
9.5 |
Thanos (2016) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Thanos (2016) #17
Mar 22, 2018 |
Donny Cates is easily one of the best writers today in comics. This series just keeps getting better, but honestly, I don't know where we go from here. This book felt like a dramatic conclusion and terrible end for the Marvel Universe. We have seen many futures in the world of Marvel but this book truly felt like the last gasp of a dead 616 and Cates is answering the question of what now? What happens after Thanos Wins and all are dead? What does he even do with Mistress Death if all others are dead? There is no Netflix or anything left. This is a great comic that has made me feel a range of emotions throughout the run and Hulks final moments and the Surfer's stand against Thanos was drawn to perfection. Pick it up |
9.8 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) | 5 issues |
10 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #700
Oct 20, 2017 |
I love it. I love it. I love it. This is going to be an emotional story arc for Thor and Marvel fans as a whole. Jason Aron is the best Thor writer. If this story needs to be told then I am glad he is at the helm because anyone else could end up spoiling everything. The art is huge in this issue and colors explode off the page. Throg really could be a great mini-story in himself. There was a lot to chew on in issue 700. The Golden Thor Hammer and future Odinson all-father give Jason Aaron a multitude of directions he can take this story arc. My hope is that we find a way of keeping Jane Foster-Thor, but I don't know what Aaron is really working toward. The only knock I have against this issue is pacing and the Mangog. Mangog just doesn't inspire the the fear on the page like Gorr or other villains. We are more being told to be worried about his coming than actually feel worried about his coming. The Fact that Jason Aaron has kept up this War of Realms for this long is a marvel in itself. It seems sometimes like he had to hold off writing to resolve the problems and Jane-Thor hate. The story that Jason Aaron mentions in the future of a corrupted Ego the living planet vs Odinson the All-Father sounds more interesting than a War Thor Mangog splash page. I am interested in the fall out of this arc and I will be on board to the end. Aaron sets us up with multiple Thors and someone needs to die by the end. The question is who and how. The She-Hulk vs Thor fight was impressive and a great nod to the past. The changes in art can be a little off putting for some but they remain in line with the perspective of the Thor we are discussing. Let us all jump in on Mighty Thor #700 because anyone would enjoy this comic. |
9.0 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #701
Nov 16, 2017 |
Jason Aaron is the best Thor writer of all time. He gets it and this issue takes the first the first major step in what will surely be a major change for Thor. The pace is great and Harren does solid work with Mangog and Old Asgard. This arc is about finding out who will be Thor in the end and what does it mean to be Thor. What Aaron really excels at is telling a huge overarching story while still having great arcs for people to jump on. The Death of The Mighty Thor is still an installment in War of the Realms, and the War has not been forgotten or has stopped because we are now in this arc. That is not an easy way to tell a story but Jason Aaron makes it look effortless. Do yourself a favor Pick this up. |
10 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #704
Feb 28, 2018 |
This run continues to be the best comic series coming out of Marvel. Aaron has really set himself up as the premier writer for Marvel now that Bendis has moved to DC. This issue is filled with heart, action, and struggle which has been true of the entire Jane Foster Thor run. Aaron and Dauterman continue the high quality of work that Mighty Thor has become known for. Jane has been one of the greatest Thor's anyone can ask for. Aaron rights a god that is empathetic, powerful, and willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the least among us. I can not imagine a character more worthy of being Thor. Even as it becomes obvious that Odinson is soon to take up his mantle again I have to say that Aaron take on Thor/Jane as a character is more than deserving of continuing in some way, shape, or form. If ever we needed an Ultimate universe and a Thor to helm Ultimate Thor it should be Jane Foster. This issue is not a jump on point and anyone wanting to read Death of Thor should begin at part 1, but Mighty Thor is best enjoyed from start to finish. Sadly there will be fragile fanboys happy to see Jane Foster die, but Aaron is writing her an ending worth our time and deserving of the brilliant hero he has created. Pick this book up. |
10 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #705
Mar 21, 2018 |
The day Jason Aaron stops writing Thor will be the saddest day ever. Jane has been my favorite Thor by a country mile and even though I think her death is being written by a master writer. Part of me wonders if her soul is somehow going to be Odinson's new weapon as he returns to lead this book. No matter what this has been masterfully written, drawn, and colored. The struggle and color drips off the page. I keep hoping that somehow Jane will be saved but we have gone to far to turn back now. There will be a lot of fools who celebrate this return to status quo but Jason Aaron for this entire story has put on a clinic on how to write a superhero in the modern age. Pick this up and read this entire story because it is one of the best books you can buy. |
10 |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #706
Apr 25, 2018 |
I really must tip my hat to Jason Aaron on writing such an amazing series with Jane Foster Thor as the lead. Aaron really gave her character a strong beginning, middle, and end. Dauterman also deserves a shout out for the amazing art we saw in this and other issues. All around this has been one of my favorite series to follow. I hope Aaron can find a place to return Jane Foster to her glory but the writing and the open door left at the end of the issue promise something special in the future. There will be fragile (incels) out there who will forever hate on Jane Foster as Thor but only through ignoring great writing can someone begin to hate on such a high-quality well-crafted story. I can not say enough that if you are a writer interested in creating Superheroes then you owe it to your craft to read the entire Jane foster and Unworthy Thor series from start to finish. It is the best guide and how to on how to build, maintain, and end the story of a great character. See you guys in Thor #1 and Avengers #1 |
7.5 |
The Silencer | 1 issues |
7.5 |
The Silencer #1
Feb 14, 2018 |
It is ok. Nothing revolutionary happened in this book. We introduce an interesting character that shows some promise but nothing much after that. I am keeping it in my pull list but I would like to see some improvement going forward. I am not a huge Romita fan but the art holds up ok along with the story, but I have read many one woman army books in other places that started off stronger. |
8.0 |
The Terrifics | 1 issues |
8.0 |
The Terrifics #1
Mar 1, 2018 |
This was good opening issue for this book. I think DC's heavy-handed marketing of this book as a Fantastic Four knock-off is not doing the book any favors. These are four characters thrown together and given a problem. They are not a family. I have a feeling they will become a family pretty quickly for the sake of editorial but hopefully, we will get a good series in the process. The art is great and really captures the tone. My hope is that we really get to explore the Dark multiverse and all the dying worlds therein and I am not sure if any other book is going to stick with the Dark multiverse after the event like this book will. The pace is written well and the dialogue is strong given the nature of this book. We are basically dropped in and off to the races very quickly. Seldom does a team book start with everyone on the roster together on the last page with the incite of this great adventure lobbed at the main cast. This is a heavy-handed book. New Age of DC Heroes, in general, is a heavy-handed attempt to target angry Marvel fanboys. If you are upset about diversity, changes, relaunches, and insert whatever the Marvel gripe is then New Age of DC Heroes is an olive branch. My hope is that we get some new good work in the process despite the beginnings. My hope is DC will also not shortchange Earth M when it is time to get that Universe going again. |
10 |
Thor (2018) | 1 issues |
10 |
Thor (2018) #1
Jun 13, 2018 |
Jason Aaron is just extremely good at what he does. Del Mundo's art style works well for this book for me but I can see others finding the shifts in drawing style to be a little jarring. The story is remarkable and we are dropped in on a Thor Odinson trying to get his groove back as a hero. Thor #1 is great jump on point for anyone who wants to get into Thor. I still highly recommend reading Aaron's entire run because it is nothing short of brilliant or reading the Mighty Thor Jane Foster complete run because it will give you a full picture of everything current in Thor (Also it is an amazing story). Aaron organically catches any new reader up on all they need to know while not making anyone who has been reading Thor feel bogged down with backstory. Aaron tells the past in an active way that progresses characters and lets us know where all the players currently are. This story is told in two halves. One in the present and one in the very distant future. If you are reading Aaron's current run on Avengers you know he does a strong job of telling stories in different time periods. Thor #1 is no exception. We flashed forward to a distant future Midgard that is facing a great threat and the character reveal at the end will be surprising and have everyone wanting the next issue. So many current Marvel books have teases of the future it seems that Marvel should just develop an imprint dedicated to telling fresh stories with legacy characters in the distant future because the Black panther annual, All new Wolverine, and Thor tell futures stories that are worth an ongoing. Pick it up |
8.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1
Nov 16, 2018 |
Overall I am happy with how this story turned out and I think it will have a good pay off. The biggest issue with the X-Men comics for years has been that they don't have a voice because those writing the stories don't actually know what is like to be a disenfranchised person. Uncanny X-men #1 almost falls into that trap because this story begins with the same usual tropes that the X books have fallen into. Someone is trying to wipe out mutants. There is a Senator pushing to use science to get rid of them. Shadow figures we don't yet know are controlling the outcomes. All of that happens in this issue. What gives me hope is the comic seems aware of how much that has been used. The comic is aware that the NuMutants have been students for too long. The potential for a real lasting fix seems possible here. X-Men Red by Tom Taylor has been one of the best X titles we have had in years. I am a little sad that he is not going to be the Uncanny X-men writer going forward because he actually gets what makes the X-Men work as a concept. In the age of the rise of nationalism and harder boarders. In an age where redlining still has a major effect on us today there is no reason why the X books shouldn't have meatier better stories. Why is there no X-Men story that talks about migrants? Why is there a mutant underground book where powered people are outlawed and the X-Men have to work under the radar to get mutants out of the country? We have been talking about Caravans and people escaping from violence but we can not have a story of 5000 mutants showing up to Wakanda or the US for help? Those are the stories these books need and I hope we get there. |
7.2 |
Wakanda Forever | 3 issues |
7.0 |
Wakanda Forever: Amazing Spider-Man #1
Aug 27, 2018 |
This is a fun read but definitely should not be priced at 5 dollars. It is a fun story that kicks off this tale nicely. I don't think Nnedi Okorafor is a comic book writer yet. The story just is not a smooth but there is some humor and fun to be had. |
6.5 |
Wakanda Forever: X-Men #1
Aug 27, 2018 |
Of the three stories this one is the weakest. It introduces a solid take on storm and the X-Men. Nothing about the characters sounds off so Okorafor has done her background work. This part 2 is really setting up the next story which again is not worth the 5 dollars but I enjoyed it. |
8.0 |
Wakanda Forever: Avengers #1
Aug 27, 2018 |
This story really brought it home in the end and gave a character a solid ending (we could use more of that to make room for other characters). Malice is a character that needed a real arc and dimension and Okaorafor really did that. Really this mini is just the first reintroduction of the writer who will be taking on Shuri in October. I have a lot of hope for that book but I do wonder if the maturity of the writing and tone will be there. I also wonder how much Shuri as she is now will be taken. Shuri has been more spiritual than technology based in her powers. Coates as done amazing work with her in Black Panther and more worry is that progress will be sacrificed to bring Shuri in line with her MCU counter part. Either way I will judge the work on its own and see, but right now I am cautiously optimistic. |
8.5 |
War Mother | 1 issues |
8.5 |
War Mother #3
Oct 24, 2017 |
You need to be reading this comic and this series should be an ongoing and not a mini. War Mother is a vivid and interesting world that is begging for a video game or tv series. This series has the potential of being the Mad Max style series that we all deserve. Segovia paints a grounded destroyed environment that feels more real than many other Sci-Fi series and War Mother brings some color that is needed with Valiant comics in general. Van Lente has delivered another solid entry in this story arc and I am on board to the end. I don't normally spend much time with Valiant Comics, but I would be on board with War Mother being a permanent part of my pull list. If you are a fan of Gears of War, Mad Max, or any story of post-civilization then this is the best comic for you right now. Pick it up |
8.5 |
X-23 (2018) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
X-23 (2018) #1
Jul 12, 2018 |
I am very happy with this fresh Start. Tamaki still remains true to the tone that brought success to Tom Taylor's run. My hope is that they can keep in strong contact about the ongoing story because Taylor continues to write my favorite Marvel team book in X-men Red and that book still uses Laura and Honey Badger quite well and keeping continuity would be nice. Mariko Tamaki is setting up an interesting story with the Stepford Cuckoos and I felt a little horror influence in the story. I have been such a fan of X-23 and honestly, I have yet to read a story around this character that didn't like. Each Run with her has been good to great and I think that is a testament to how well thought and round a character that she is. Tamaki and Cabal (Which sounds like an action movie) really understand the history of the material they are working with. I personally didn't need Logan to return from the dead. I felt covered. Fans have seen Laura grow over years. Each writer thoughtfully built on the last. Laura grew up and became more than a killer. Logan was given a good story and a good death. I can understand why many are happy he is coming back and why many are happy with the return of FF and Galaticus and Silver Surfer as a duo again. For me I like moving forward and giving characters a real ending. X-23 I hope has a long run and I am fine with the title, but like so many who loved Laura's story I really hope that even if the book keeps the same title (I think probably should) that Laura gets a codename we can all stick with. Pick this book up and subscribe so we can keep it going. |
8.0 |
X-23 (2018) #6
Nov 9, 2018 |
This issue is just a nice 1 off story before Tamaki starts the next major arc. It is fun and light story. Duarte's art is nice as well. X-23 continues to chug along and my hope is this book can have a nice long run. |
6.8 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #27
May 13, 2018 |
X-Men Blue is a great series. Especially with this group of X-men at the forefront. I was never that interested in the time-displaced X-men but having Polaris, Hudson, Daken, and Xorn in this book really make it for me. My only ask is that we not return Magneto to the status quo villain role. If Marvel is to be an ongoing story then we need to move forward. Magneto as a hero is far more interesting than a return to the status quo. If anything Havok has earned the right to continue in the traditional Magento role as the mutant who goes too far in defense of his people. I like villainous Havok. The cast is balanced and the stakes are high. What happens in this comic is so huge that It should really be referenced in other books outside of the X-men line. Jump into this arc because we will soon head into extermination and the X titles are stronger now then they have been in a long while. |
5.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #30
Jun 27, 2018 |
There is really nothing that great about X-Men Blue #30. What was being pushed as a big issue with the reveal of Jimmy'S codename is painfully average. The entire post-Mothervine writing so far has been below the height that was reached in Mothervine. The Search for Jimmy Hudson is a through away story at best. It has a touch of drama and forced action. The art is fine, but ultimately the last two issues of this book have gone nowhere. Cullen Bunn would have been better served for Mothervine to be his final story before both Gold and Blue are replaced after Extermination. Nothing about this issue makes it seem like Jimmy's "Codename" will stick and the name picked was treated with no conviction or care as anything else in this book. Don't pick this book up. Just read X-men Red. |
9.4 |
X-Men: Red (2018) | 6 issues |
9.5 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #1
Feb 8, 2018 |
This was one of the best opening issues for a book I have read in a long while. Tom Taylor really gets the X-Men. This book feels like the start of the best X-men team book running right now. Taylor takes this book in a different direction and really does an amazing job setting this team up and where the X-men really are in the world today. Jean Grey is the best character to truly carry on the values of Professor X in the modern era and I am looking forward to this story, and that is due to jean acknowledging where Professor X was both right and wrong. The X-Men are at their best when they serve as a symbol of a people and Taylor is really setting up the stateless migrant experience in this book. Seeing the X-Men as a member of the goldal community and the intrigue that that inspires is a great arc to begin this series with. Heart and relationship is just touched on enough to establish things but not so heavy-handed that we are rehashing why these decades-old characters are such close family. My hope is that Tom Taylor can really explore his All-New Wolverine and Jean Grey relationship. What Jean is doing and the story that Taylor is creating sets this book up as the first X-Men book you should read. Right now if you are an X-Men fan the best team book has been Astonishing X-Men (BY A Country MILE), followed by a good X-Men Blue, a so-so X-Men Gold, and an outright bad Weapon X. If Taylor continues to write at this level Red will be the best by issue 3. My hope is that we get a new writer and a new issue 1 in the rumored X-Men Black/X-Force. I am also holding out hope for this new X-Men blue team because it is time for the needed change and being inspired by Gifted does not bother me. If I was to place bets on upcoming X-Men team book rankings in 6 months it would be: X-Men Red Exiles (If it counts as a mutant book?) Astonishing X-Men X-Men Blue X-Men Black/Xforce (If we get a new writer) X-Men Gold Weapon-X (If we don't get a new writer and relaunc |
8.5 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #2
Mar 7, 2018 |
X-Men:Red is really proving to be the best X-Men team book going. It is everything an X book is about. The stakes remain high in issue 2. We introduce Gentle and Trinary in this issue and Trinary's introduction will likely get some fan boys complaining but she looks like a great new character. We end the book with a promise of an action packed 3rd issue and I love that Wakanda is the hide out spot for this group of X-Men. This is still a great team book to jump on. Honey Badger is seriously my favorite break out new character. Her comic relief continues to be spot on. |
9.5 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #3
Apr 11, 2018 |
Tom Taylor really gets the X-Men. The rumors of an X-Men relaunch keep persisting, and if it happens Tom Talyor has earned the right to be considered for Uncanny X-men. Red has all the elements that make up a great X-men book. intrigue and mystery. Red has a strong team of dynamic characters to follow. It has political commentary and allegory to our world today. This is the most heavy-handed the book has been about talking about intolerance and the rise of fake info on social media, but the cause is intriguing and the crisis continues to get bigger and more public. Our team is almost assembled. Most of the players are now involved with more to come and the last page is a great cliffhanger that promises a big issue number 4. If you only wanted to read 1 X-Men book then make RED your must pick up |
10 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #5
Jun 7, 2018 |
This was a great comic week and Tom Taylor continues the high-quality story that is X-Men Red. he also excels at writing Jean Grey as the leader the X-Men were destined to have. Jean Grey is brilliant, thoughtful, heroic, and a force of nature. The roster of this team is spot on for being the premiere book of the X-men. The stakes are high and the villain controlling things is a truly worthy one. Taylor creates a story that returns the mutants to being noble while turning up the tension from issue to issue. We have only been setting the stage and adding to the supporting cast but at 5 issues in the story feels like it is moving and never like we slowed down to introduce characters (Exiles current series is falling into that trap). Despite the cover this not a big issue for Namor. If you are jumping in just to see him then this issue is going to disappoint. X-Men Red is my favorite team book at Marvel and it continues to deliver. You are best served to read from the beginning. Pick it up |
10 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #10
Nov 9, 2018 |
We have come to the second to last issue of this brilliant series. There is not much else that can be said for how good Tom Taylor has written this story. Red has been the best example of what an X-men story could be and the fact of the matter is that Tom Taylor should be continuing this story and X-Men Red into the relaunch of Uncanny X-men. Taylor will have written a tight character journey of a team of mutants that bring in allegory to real-world issues of bigotry, immigration, and nationalism. Taylor gives his story a sense of context within the Marvel universe by having other characters of major importance and even with subtle moves tells us where in the ongoing story that is Marvel that this book takes place. As great as Mothervine was in X-Men Blue (It was crazy good) it lacked a sense of place in the continuity. Taylor does a better job of navigating what has been the largest struggle for mutants in the Marvel Universe. How can the public be ok with other powered people like the Fantastic 4 and Avengers but hate mutants? Taylor set up his story by having a mutant form a national face and that made seeing them as a race believable next to other non-mutant characters. It sucks that this book will come to an end. Taylor moves on the new Spider-man book (It will be great but do we really need another one?) and Uncanny becomes the central X-Men book with X-Force and maybe something else spinning out of this weekly event. We will see where this goes and I look forward to the conclusion of this amazing arc but I shed a tear for my favorite Team book at Marvel coming to an end. |
9.0 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #11
Dec 18, 2018 |
A very good if not premature ending to the best team book at Marvel. Tom Taylor understands what makes the X-Men great. He also showed a remarkable ability at writing the voice of Jean Grey and has positioned her as the clear leader of the X-Men and a voice we shouldn't let return into what many saw as boring and flat in previous years. The ending is just as high stakes as the lead up. If you have been reading you will likely keep reading, but as we transition into Age of X-Man and complete the weekly story of Uncanny X-Men I hope Marvel has learned something of what made this book work and to hopefully let Tom Taylor continue the spirit of this book in another X-Men title. We have ended al the color code X-men titles. I imagine that Weapon X will one day get its ending as well, but as Marvel resets the X-Men my hope is not everything comes back and we still move forward. I don't think Professor X and Magneto should be what they were. Let a character like Emma Frost be the new Magneto. Let Jean Grey be a better idealist in the new age. What works best for the X-Men titles is that there can be a title for every genre and that there can be a title that can speak to what is happening in the world. There should be an X-Man title about what it means to be underground and illegal in your own nation (Gifted). There should be an X-Men title about what it means to be a superhero team (Astonishing). There should be an X-Men title that is adult oriented (X-Force). There should also be a book that is all-encompassing and Mutants as a nation and race taking on the Avengers-level threats (Uncanny/Red). We will see. Great work Tom Taylor |
9.0 |
X-Men: Red (2018) Annual | 1 issues |
9.0 |
X-Men: Red (2018) Annual #1
May 31, 2018 |
Tom Taylor is doing remarkable work on X-men Red. This Annual takes a step back and really features what Jean Grey is about. This annual does a great job of tieing up some ends and investing Jean Grey the leader in person. Taylor writes a story that shows why Jean really is the leader the X-men and mutant kind actually deserve. Every character voice in this book feels right. There is one big problem with this annual. Pascal Alixe's art is not up the standard of the writing. Characters look strange and sometimes it feels like Alixe stretched skin across skeletons and called them people. Maybe the artist and colorist were not on the same page because normally X-Men red reads and looks amazing. My hope is that Alixe is not one the artists that works the regular monthly series. This annual does serve the ongoing story but it is not required reading to understand the next issue. Overall I continue to enjoy Tom Taylor's work on the X-titles. Pick it up. |