Speeding Bullets's Profile

Joined: May 25, 2014

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**SPOILER FREE** The Riddler has always been my favorite Batman villian and this just cemented it for me but Bruce Wayne's transformation through all the pieces woven into this story is just masterful. The Red Hood Gang, The Kane family ,Jim Gordon ,Lucius Fox, Alfred Pennyworth and Gotham itself bring incredible new depth to a character, whose origin has been written to death. This creative team has probably put together the best run in Batman's history IMO and this story is no exception. Scott Snyder continues to build his legend, this is MUST READ.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1 May 25, 2016
Superman (2011) #51 Apr 6, 2016

The art took a bit to grow on me but it is a perfect match with the great writing and makes the jokes work

Action Comics (2011) #40 Mar 13, 2015
American Vampire: Second Cycle #3 Jun 1, 2014
American Vampire: Second Cycle #5 Oct 27, 2014
Batman (2011) #31 Jun 1, 2014
Batman (2011) #51 May 1, 2016
Batman and Robin (2011) #34 Aug 22, 2014


If you told me a couple months ago that all these moving parts were leading up to a fantastic payoff in the form of the newest member of the G.C.P.D. Jason Bard ... 1) I would asked what you were smoking and 2) You would have been right. Hats off to all the writers involved for weaving each thread into the bigger story in such a gratifying way. If you weren't already convinced Jason Fabok kills it as usual.

I enjoyed their work on The Flash ,but the story telling of Bucellato and Manapul are fantastic here. They've put the "detective" aspect front and center and down played the overly used gimmicky "gadget" angle. The way Bruce Wayne and Harvey Bullock have been crafted into the story is a breathe of fresh air and takes me back to the stories from the 1980's that I love. If this is the tone they plan on keeping this will be an iconic run. Visually the book is beautiful and still captures the noir "grim and gritty" look. If we get treated to the Scotland Yard,globetrotting Batman who made training both body and mind to fight crime I will be over the moon.

Divinity II #2 May 27, 2016

I'm loving this book. It still has ties to Batman and what makes Dick Grayson who he is but other than that it is way off the beaten path. There is so much good jammed between the covers that anyone looking for something different should really check this book out. Once again it's a one and done story and while Tim Seeley and Tom King are killing it, the art of Mikel Janin alone is worth the $2.99 .

Grayson #3 Oct 7, 2014

I missed Janin on art duties but for the purpose of telling the story Tom King imagined, it was perfect. This book has far exceeded my expectations for both "Grayson" itself and what I thought we would get for a story set five years in the future of a new title with only two previous issues.

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 Jun 1, 2016
Green Lantern (2011) #40 Mar 31, 2015
Justice League (2011) #50 May 27, 2016

This book is off to a promising start and has a sort of "True Detective" feel to it. Characters, story ,art and pacing were all top notch. If you were looking for something to read outside of the superhero genre I would highly recommend picking this one up and getting in on the ground floor.

Wonder Woman (2011) #35 Oct 30, 2014

From the underwater scenery to character facial expressions, Pelletier's art is fantastic for this book. Johns had an iconic run but I like where Parker is going with the last couple issues. I'm really enjoying the development and chemistry of Mera and Tula as well as Atlantis politics. It's a little bit "Game of Thrones" without the nudity and that's not a bad thing.

Batman (2011) #35 Oct 9, 2014

It was a pretty quick read but that is closet thing I have to a complaint. The further we get into this story it feels more and more like Damian is set to make his return as Robin, however the scene between Bruce and Clark gave me the feeling we were being baited. I also really enjoyed Tomasi and Gleason's explanation for "Hellbat" and why the league doesn't have Batman's back on this mission. Between the last page and developments on Apokolips I'm intrigued, which is the whole point.

Maybe the strongest issue of this weekly yet, it was all good. It was tight all around, story ,art, pacing, action, character development and tied the subplots to the main story in way that really worked. This was the book I hoped for when it was announced.

I know it isn't realistic to to keep expecting the quality of these last 2 issues from a weekly book but we can hope.

Jason Fabok has another strong issue and hits all the marks. The best reads for me are the ones that flow naturally and I don't have to stop and stare at panels to decipher them like hieroglyphics. Aside from the usual beautiful art his facial expressions really bring depth to a pretty straight forward story. It's obvious that there will be consequences when this story is all said and done as we get into the home stretch I'm excited. What has surprised me the most has been how much I've enjoyed the newer/less used pieces put on the board. I've looked forward to Vicky Vale,Bard,Penny-Two,Stephanie Brown and Harper more than the "family"

i don't usually pick up this book , but I may start if this is the usual caliber one can expect.This has been one of the better "Futures End" one shots.

For starters I love the pacing and it looks like this creative team has Flash finally hitting his stride (no puns intended).You got a lot of story for just $2.99 . Both future and present Flash presented some mysteries while giving some answers as well as a relationship building while another seems to be falling apart. I think Booth's art is a good fit for Flash and I can't wait to see where this is all headed.

This was a pleasant surprise on so many levels. I'll start with what didn't surprise me and that's Mikel Janin's art ,man is it beautiful but if you read any JL Dark you already knew it would be. Seeley and King are treating Dick Grayson with the care and respect the 75 year old former sidekick deserves. Unlike the first 29 issues of Nightwing you get the sense this creative team understand the characters voice and he and Bruce have really cut the cord this time. Although he's learning on the job his personality and confidence still shine through in his new role as agent of Spyral. Helena and his mysterious employer show potential for some great stories going forward, something his last book sorely lacked. The future looks bright...well shadowy but bright.

Grayson #8 Mar 31, 2015

Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino offer up a strong finish to their run which wasn't only fantastic but probably saved it from being canceled . While not every book has been an overwhelming success in the "New 52" there has been a handful of books that will be talked about for years to come. Scott Snyder on Batman , Jeff Johns on Aquaman and Green Lantern ,Brian Azzarello's redefining Wonder Woman and what Jeff Lemire was able to bring to Green Arrow over the last 18 issues. Not only has this creative team brought some real depth to Olllie but also his supporting cast. Hopefully the next creative team can take advantage of the wealth of resources left behind to craft some equally entertaining stories .

Justice League (2011) #30 Jun 1, 2014

It's hard to believe that I enjoyed these last 3 issues as much I did considering this book was off my pull list not so long ago. The team is still exchanging verbal barbs and as dysfunctional as ever but unlike previous arcs this one actually had a satisfying conclusion that didn't end with them finding themselves in some new mess. DeMatteis and Guinaldo deliver a strong Nightmare Nurse back story and throw in a couple surprises along the way. My only question is what role Swamp Thing will play on this team going forward.

Titled "Sleep" this is the best issue of the run so far and reads unlike anything else Marvel is doing right now. While still a quick read, the team of Ellis and Shalvey is a perfect fit for Moon Knight and will leave the next creative team a challenge to maintain the same tone.

Nailbiter #5 Sep 5, 2014
Ninjak (2015) #16 Jun 8, 2016
Omega Men #12 May 27, 2016
Superman (2011) #39 Apr 3, 2015

Tomasi always gets the emotional tone right and Mahnkes art is a perfect fit for Superman. It's solid for only having 20 pages to set up what's about to come and bringing some closure to what just played out for the New 52 Superman.

Charles Soule brings "The Wolf and The Lady" to a satisfying conclusion and combined with the art of Javier Pina it really carried some emotional weight that was set up last issue. Swamp Thing isn't for everyone but it continues to be unique as well as one of DC's better offerings every month.

Swamp Thing (2011) #36 Nov 16, 2014

I know that this is not the Wonder Woman we all grew up with and there are those that take exception with that, I was one them when this title started. Thankfully I came to my senses and picked it up again.In terms of importance for the character ,I would put Brian Azzarello's run up there with what Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" meant to Batman at the time. Thanks to his brilliant vision and the pencils of Cliff Chiang Diana has been redefined for future generations.

Wytches #1 Oct 28, 2014

If only the "Doomed" story was as fantastic as this aftermath issue. Greg Pak really writes a great Superman book when he isn't burdened with a messy crossover and Aaron Kuder does some beautiful work here. This is the kind of issue fans of the character want. Lana and the rest of Clark's supporting cast have been been one of the highlights since Pak took over and it just keeps getting better.

Action Comics (2016) #966 Oct 28, 2016
Aquaman (2011) #39 Mar 1, 2015

This issue serves as a solid intro to who Aquaman is for those not familiar with the character and gets you up to speed if you didn't read the previous series.The art was fantastic and does a nice job of setting up the supporting players as well as his nemesis.

This was a breath of fresh air for both Barbara and DC. I never thought I would say " I'm enjoying the diversity in the Bat-books", mostly because I couldn't see any but "Grayson" and now "Batgirl" do just that. Gail Simone had a nice run with the character but at times she became almost as dark if not darker than Bruce. This is still Batgirl but with a unique style, hanging with hipsters and just a younger vibe in general. That may anger some fans but if you can get past all that it's a really good comic book.

This is a self contained detective story that has Batman tracking a serial killer with some great character moments. It's not that I don't love the big sprawling stories we usually get from Scott Snyder , but this had that classic feel of the Batman stories I grew up with. At times Batman tends to be overused in the DCU for the sake of selling a book but if this any indication of what to expect from Gerry Duggan in "Arkham Manor" it'll be on my pull list.

Batman and Robin (2011) #32 Jun 20, 2014

Great issue but the hero here is Mikel Janin. His work is just incredible and for me he really makes every character come alive and easily distinguishable. He nails it when comes facial expressions and really puts me in that moment of the story. I'm might just call him bacon from now on because he makes anything you put him on better.

Bloodshot: Reborn #13 May 25, 2016
Daredevil (2014) #14 Mar 30, 2015
Earth 2 #26 Aug 12, 2014

The one thing missing since the first issue has been fun but I'm happy to say that it's back. It took a bit but this creative team is starting to hit their stride.

Gotham By Midnight #4 Mar 2, 2015
Green Arrow (2011): Futures End #1 Sep 8, 2014
Green Lantern (2011) #35 Oct 3, 2014

Jensen and Chang really stick the landing here in the final chapter of "Uprising".They deliver a strong finish to what has been one of the better crossovers in the Lantern books.

After some strong chapters of the " Uprising" crossover I decided to give this book a shot , and man am I glad I did. Bernard Changs art is beautiful and at the same time captures the tragedy (on multiple levels )that is the story of John Stewart and Fatality. Thankfully Van Jensen doesn't drag out the reunion and the lasting impact it has on them is one that I'm looking forward to seeing play out.

Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1 Oct 2, 2014
Justice League (2011) #31 Jul 20, 2014

This book reminds of one part Silence of the Lambs , one part Twin Peaks with a dash of Scooby Doo thrown in , and I like it . You have a serial killer who isn't bashful about what he's done but that's just the beginning. The community of Buckaroo has more than it's share of secrets and quirky townsfolk to go around . What started out as Finch meeting up with his friend has taken on a whole new meaning . Pick this one up.

Nailbiter #4 Aug 13, 2014

This served more as a final issue than a "Futures End" tie-in ,that said I enjoyed it.

Yet another well written book by Charles Soule who clearly has a grasp on what makes a book a great read. Despite not having any real interest in this book after reading the first few issues of the series I decided to give it another shot thanks to some beautiful covers and the fact that everything I've read from Soule has been thoroughly enjoyable. Not everyone has the skill to bring depth to each of the characters in a team book (especially ones I didn't previously care about) while still crafting a good story but he strikes that balance while keeping up great dialogue that doesn't read like a monologue. I don't know what it would take for DC to lock him up exclusively but they should try to make it happen. He clearly loves what he's doing and I would love to see his take on some of the DC properties that were mishandled , fumbled or just straight up abandoned since the New 52 relaunch. His current workload consists of 5 monthly books from the big two and doesn't allow for it.

This book only gets every month. We get the first of four chapters of a reckoning that has been brewing since Guy took over the Red Lanterns from Atrocitus. It's a nice jumping on point for readers new to the book. It gives you some of the history that brought us to this point and leaves you with that sense of dread and anticipation of what's to come without it coming off as exposition. Both art and writing make this book one of the better books out there every month.

Red Lanterns #34 Aug 31, 2014

This book is the first chapter in the last leg of a story Tomasi has been building up to for over a year. For newer readers you get a streamlined recap/history lesson of how we got this point. I can see where some will take issue with the continuity presented here. It strings together pre-reboot continuity with the current New 52 continuity, then ties in elements of Earth 2 and then alludes to a wrinkle that we haven't seen and is presented here for the first time to the best of my knowledge. I really enjoy Andy Kubert drawing Batman even if the consistency isn't always there in this one, the action sequences(and there is no shortage)are a lot of fun. There will be a new Robin come December, I'm on board for the trip.

Robin Rises: Alpha #1 Dec 26, 2014

This latest revelation is a game changer for Sinestro and it will be interesting to see where Cullen Bunn takes it. The bulk of the issue is a conversation between Hal and Sinestro but it was a good one , the dialogue seemed very natural. dale Eaglesham returns to art duties and turns in his best cover to cover work yet.

There really isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. With Johns, Pak and Soule writing the Superman books it's a good time to get back on the bandwagon. Long time Superman fans will be excited to see the return of his original supporting cast and despite how you feel about John Romita Jr. and his distinct style you should still pick this one up. Outside of a few panels I enjoyed his pencils they helped make it feel more like a return to the classic pre-New 52 Superman stories fans have been asking for.

Teen Titans (2014) #3 Oct 25, 2014

Well it's about time. First off Patrick Zircher art makes everything better, but for the first time in quite some time I'm really looking forward to next week. We finally get some forward momentum and few reveals that were exciting. Let's hope it keeps going with all the September tie-ins. This was far and away the best issue this series has offered up thus far.

Makes for an unusual but interesting pairing but I'm curious to see what Charles Soule brings to the table over in Swamp Thing #32. I personally enjoyed what's happening in Atlantis while Aquaman is on the surface more. Despite having both Parsons and Pelletier splitting the pages it didn't take from the story.

I really like what Parker and Pelletier have come up with in their design for Chimera.Everything from his being cooked up in lab and then turning on his creator a la "Frankenstein" origin,to his sort of modern "Creature from the Black Lagoon" look he's pretty bad-ass. Throw in some unique abilities and his tendencies for extreme violence and he provides a nice threat for Aquaman. Parker has done a nice job rounding out the cast as of late with his use of Mera ,Dr.Shin ,Vulko ,Tula ,and the people of Atlantis as well as the surface. Pelletier just gets better every issue.

Arkham Manor #5 Mar 1, 2015
Batman / Superman (2013) #15 Oct 20, 2014
Batman: Rebirth #1 Jun 1, 2016
Deathstroke (2014) #1 Oct 31, 2014
Detective Comics (2011) #35 Oct 7, 2014
Earth 2: World's End #1 Oct 21, 2014
Earth 2: World's End #2 Oct 21, 2014

Strongest of the series so far but there is room for improvement. There has been a little too much jumping around in previous issues and while the same can be said here, it was much easier to follow.

Flash (2011) #33 Jul 29, 2014
Flash (2011) #38 Feb 10, 2015
Flash (2011) #40 Mar 29, 2015
Flash (2011) #52 May 25, 2016
Flash (2011): Futures End #1 Sep 25, 2014
Green Lantern (2011): Futures End #1 Sep 8, 2014

The art is hit and miss but that aside overall it was a far better than the last issue.Unlike many of the rebooted Marvel books starting over with #1 issues you don't feel like you're missing key pieces to the puzzle having not read the previous series. For those not familiar with Iron Fist it does a nice job of conveying his origins through flashbacks as well as making it part of the story unfolding in the present. I particularly enjoy the familiar but updated take on that cool kung fu stuff I grew up with in the 70's.

Now that this book isn't caught up in crossover Hell JLD is actually a book I'm enjoying. The art is great and the story has my interest. If I had one gripe it's that the book is finally getting good and would have liked to see Frankenstein make the roster.

Overall this was a much better read thanks to some fun team interaction and better dialogue while keeping the action fast paced. That said I have some concerns. One of selling points for me of this book is how it would use Deathstroke as team leader, especially after his own awful book was cancelled. I thought this was an interesting approach to the character and frankly I was looking for some redemption, however with his own new monthly announced and the meeting he takes in this one I feel like he may already have one foot out the door. My other concern is the art , sure it was nice but it took 5 people to get it done according to the credits. I like the concept and want this title to succeed so I hope some consistency can be established sooner rather than later.

Supergirl (2011): Futures End #1 Sep 21, 2014
Swamp Thing (2011) #32 Jun 5, 2014

Overall a really solid first issue and it does a nice job setting the table. The roster is pretty much the same one Lobdell's ended with but the difference is immediately noticeable starting with the incredible pages by Rocafort and Brown. Pfeifer does a nice job of establishing each members powers as well as their roles and personality but maybe the most important he does is make them feel like a team. My only minor complaint is at times when moving from one scene to the next the narrative could have been tightened up a bit making for a smoother transition.Good start and already way better than the last go round.

The New 52: Futures End #7 Jun 20, 2014

It took a while getting here but this is the book I was hoping for. Finally we the reader are thrown a few bones regarding many of the arcs that have been setting up and you can see how they may intersect down the road. The art has never been a problem but unlike previous issues this one has a nice balance of story and action without being exposition heavy. No spoilers here but there were a couple "Wow" moments and the biggest one for me was during the Grifter portion, which has been my personal kryptonite. If you were off the bandwagon now might be a good time to get back on.

If you bailed out on this book it's probably time to get back on board. The last three issues are providing some payoffs.

The New 52: Futures End #21 Oct 4, 2014

Unlike previous issues that have felt disjointed due to jumping around to some of the less interesting plot lines while incorporating clunky exposition heavy hard to follow dialogue, this was nice. Both art and story came together as well as the pieces presented and gave it some nice flow.

Wonder Woman (2011) #39 Mar 22, 2015

Overall I enjoyed this first chapter but it had its share of problems as well. My first issue was the pacing. It tried to accomplish a little too much over 20 pages. To me the best Superman stories are character driven plot where this seemed to be the reverse. I'm a fan of Patch Zircher and I would have liked to seen a nice 2 page splash of the new suit being revealed for the first time but all the action (no pun intended) didn't allow for it. My bigger problem was the Superman/Lex interaction. The dialogue between the two is cliche and Superman makes some strong assumptions without any evidence to support it. The purpose of his whole diatribe seems forced to push a confrontation between the two. It would have been more in character to voice his suspicion to the motivations of Lex and then the defiant refusal of removing the shield to get to the same place.

This was probably the most enjoyable issue since the reboot for me.I wasn't distracted by wierd facial expressions from Ramos and Dan Slott got alot of work done in the way of re-connecting the supporting cast to the "Peter" Spider-Man. The only problem I had was with all this foundation being laid out for future issues the Electro story of the last two issues gets a little lost in the mix.

Aquaman (2011) #38 Feb 4, 2015
Aquaman (2011) #40 Mar 31, 2015
Flash (2011) #31 May 31, 2014

As usual the art is inconsistent. Hal in particular should look like himself in a book where he's the featured character and don't even get me started on Simon Baz....I was looking forward to seeing him , that is until I saw him. That aside it was nice to get a break in the action and re-establish that Hal is a guy with a family and sort of regular life problems once you get past the part about him being leader of a universe spanning police force.

At some points I feel like saying "Enough with the rehashing we got it the first five times".Seven issues in I'm still not sure how far along we are in this first arc, perhaps halfway? Despite the crowded panels the art of Porter,the blindside we get towards the end will compel me to pick up #8.

Jeff Lemire consistently delivers a well written book no matter the title and this is no exception. My problem with this book is there is almost too much going on .It starts with Miiyahbin's origin continuing to unfold and then moves to a malfunctioning teleporter that's wreaking havoc for the team as well as Bythe and this "weapon" he's created ,throw in Lobo for some added chaos,and it finishes with Hawkman attempting to dispose of a core that's about to explode. The thing I'm missing with just one issue left in this first arc is a greater sense of who Adam and Alanna Strange are and how they fit in with this group.They seem to get a little lost. Martian Manhunter is clearly the leader and the panels where he communicates with the child by McKone,Smith and Ortego are beautiful. The interaction between Ollie and Buddy has brought fun to team and although late to the party Supergirl provides some more muscle. I'm curious to see how Lemire brings this cast together as a cohesive unit.

This reads more like Grayson #0 than the final issue of Nightwing , and that's a good thing. It does more than the previous 30 issues for giving Dick Grayson a clear direction and a good idea of what the vision of the new creative team of Seely and Janin will bring to the table in their relaunch of the character. Bruce and Dick finally cut the cord in a meaningful way to allow for growth which his been absent thus far in the New52 reboot. For a character who celebrates his 75th anniversary next year he may finally get to step out of the shadows with a nemesis and supporting cast we care about (Helena).Unlike some other canceled books this wasn't phoned in and was wisely used to give the loyal and weary fans a peak at what's to come before losing them. Change isn't always a bad thing

A little but underwhelming from what I expect from Charles Soule mostly because there isn't much in terms of moving the overall story forward. This has been a book I really look forward to lately and I hope we get back on track but his current workload has me a bit concerned.

Sinestro #4 Aug 8, 2014

No surprise that Soule offers up another well written chapter and I appreciate the obvious research he does to bring authenticity to the story. This was mostly setup for the story to come but Pina's style kept me engaged.

Teen Titans (2011): Futures End #1 Sep 21, 2014

Having read the first 8 issues of the last run and occasionally checking in to see if it had improved (it didn't) , this has been a breath of fresh air. While it lacks in the action department , I appreciate that Pfeifer is taking the time to establish an identity for the each member and where the team fits in the DCU. That may not seem like much to hang your hat on but it's something that needs to happen if we're supposed to care about what happens to them month after month and something the last run lacked.

Overall it was better than the previous issue no thanks to the Grifter part of the story. The interaction between Amethyst and Frankenstein upon his return to S.H.A.D.E were the strongest part of this issue.We get more of Tim Drakes story and I'm curious to see how all these pieces will fit together in the end.I'll be back for another week.

The the pacing has been much better recently and the writing continues to get better. Emiko and Barda make an appearance and look to be providing yet another thread to explore. There were a couple fun moments, in particular the interaction between Terry and Tim. The identity of Superman continues to be a mystery but I'm leaning toward Val Zod at this point.

Better but still a bit all over the place but Zircher art always makes for a better installment.

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 Jun 8, 2016

Dan Slott is a talented writer so I'm sticking with it for a few issues to see where it goes. As much as I wanted the real Spidey to return and I'm glad to have Pete's sense of humor back, 3 issues into ASM the most interesting part of the book thus far has been him navigating through the relationships Doc had established with the supporting cast.As far as the art goes with the exception of the goofy facial expressions it works fine.This books holding my attention for now but the last page doesn't exactly have me on the edge of my seat.

This final arc had a few too many plot holes for me but Gail Simone deserves some credit for her handling of Barbara taking up the cowl again and putting a bow on what was a pretty successful 3 year run. This arc tied up some loose ends, however I had few problems with how we got there. For starters it seems unlikely that Batman would let a showdown on such a scale play out in Gotham and not play a more active role than give Barb the keys to the "Batboat". Secondly, when did Batgirl acquire that vast network of people she called in for backup? And even though I'm willing to look past her newly found computer skills (only because it's a throwback to her days as Oracle)when did she acquire them? But perhaps the biggest disappointment for me was the final confrontation or lack there of. For a feud that built for so long it was squashed a little too easily for me. The final pages brought some closure and left a clean slate for the new direction/creative team which I'm looking forward to.

I still think this book has a future despite its rough start. The action and art are still fantastic and hopefully that detail and focus will make it's way into the story post Convergence.

Flash (2011) #34 Aug 30, 2014
Justice League United #4 Aug 19, 2014
Lobo (2014) #1 Oct 1, 2014

Well I really wanted this book to be amazing being a fan of the character from the 80's , but it isn't. I almost feel like Ellis is getting paid by the word and each one is expensive because this is a 3-4 minute read at best. There has been little character growth over the 3 books although he adds a new wrinkle in this issue. Shalvey's art is nice but sadly the "street gang" looks more like a failed punk band that Batman took off the streets back in the 80's. It appears from solicitations that there will be a new creative team taking over with issue #7 so I'll probably finish this arc and see what the next creative team brings to the table.

Moon Knight (2016) #1 Apr 14, 2016

Having never read the previous Suicide Squad I picked this one up for Deathstroke and Black Manta. The roster generates it's own inner conflict although the addition of Joker's Daughter is questionable. Her motivation and qualifications for joining is flimsy at best. While not groundbreaking, the art was nice and there were enough bits of potential story-wise to give this book a chance.

New Suicide Squad #4 Nov 15, 2014

So far so good, just not great. While Lyssa helped provide motivation at the start of this arc she seems to have fallen into the background and that's a shame. This issue drives home that the way Sinestro sees himself varies greatly from the way he's viewed by everyone else he's had any contact with. Despite Eaglesham only doing half the art it didn't suffer.

This issue does little to move the main story forward and instead sets up some of the subplots,some more interesting than others.Slated for 52 issues I understood going into this series that we were playing the long game but outside a few pages of Frankenstein and Tim Drakes being inserted into the story not much happened.

I feel the Tim Drake rehash could have been left out and the Voodoo portion of the story still isn't doing anything for me but it did work a classic character into the mix so that was kind of cool. Overall it was solid thanks to the strong start and better finish.

Not bad overall but the art left a little something to be desired.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #15 Mar 1, 2015
Arkham Manor #6 Mar 30, 2015
Daredevil (2014) #4 Jun 21, 2014

It was good just not great. Sure there was action and it gave you that moment of feeling triumphant against overwhelming odds that you wanted however it was a fleeting one that only lasted a handful of panels. While were on the subject of panels , I usually don't complain about the art unless I find it distracting and it was here. Tan's consistency varies quite a bit from one panel to the next. It runs the gambit from nice to decent to yuck. I enjoyed Hal's jokes and they worked for the most part in the story but his song at the end was a little bit over the top. It felt like Ryan Reynolds trying too hard to be funny ,not just in the GL movie but every movie he's in.

I found the art inconsistent and while I may stay until this story wraps up I don't see this staying on my pull list. Deathstroke seems like an afterthought perhaps because this is only a setup for his own monthly but even then the action is so over the top that it plays somewhere between one of the later "Die Hard" films and an old episode of "The A-Team". I like the Team roster but 1993 called and wants this script back.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #15 Feb 1, 2015

It was a well written issue but still underwhelming and did little to nothing to move the story forward. Grifter's partner (pre-abduction) and Firestorm make an appearance but the highlights were seeing the Justice League roster 5 years from now and the Frankenstein and friends pages for me.

As usual more questions than answers. This one was all over the place but the last arc and some nice pages turned in by Merino,Green and HI-FI somewhat salvaged it for me. Next week we'll have arrived at the quarter mark point in our story and quite frankly I had much higher expectations. If not for a large chunk of my September reading centering around Futures End I would strongly consider bailing out at this point.

This was a bit disappointing after the last 4 issues and almost felt like 2 books. The first half was exposition heavy and focused on the least interesting characters with art that was not up to level that I have come to expect from Patrick Zircher. However the art did improve towards the end with a couple nice reveals.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.2 Jun 27, 2014

The saying "It's not how you start , it's how you finish" could apply here... only not in a good way. If you enjoyed the origin of Chimera combined with the events unfolding back in Atlantis with Mera then it will be hard not to be disappointed. This is about as generic an ending as they come to an otherwise fantastic arc by Jeff Parker.

The last issue had me looking forward to this one so ... yeah I was disappointed. Both the action and dialogue came off as forced and contrived. The best art was on the cover as usual but the interior pages really did nothing to elevate the story. Gail Simone has told some good stories over her run on Batgirl and it's a shame that this is the arc that will close out her run which for the most part pretty good.

Don't judge a book by it's cover.While I can appreciate the art of Bertram, it was such a departure from what we've seen in the previous 10 issues that it took me out of the story a bit too much.

If you were riding a high off the last few issues this will bring you back to Earth. Having been treated to the work of Janin and Fabok recently probably didn't help Derek Fridolfs work here which you may enjoy more if your a fan of Marvel's current "House Style". Not that I mind it but when I stare at a panel for 20 seconds and I'm still not sure what I'm looking at,that's a problem. That's the case here and beyond that it really doesn't do anything to elevate a pretty forgettable issue. There wasn't really any movement in the 4 stories touched on except one and it was minimal.

Daredevil (2015) #4 Apr 7, 2016

Story and art....meh. I usually like Soule but churning out 4 to 5 books a months seems to be hurting the quality.

Nice art and lots of action but not a whole lot of meat on the bone when it comes to moving the story along. Outside of nerfing his ability, which I don't have a problem with I don't see the point of a younger two eyed Deathstroke. I hope that change is only a temporary one.

The art was great and while the story floated some interesting ideas out there, the delivery was a mess. What this issue really could have benefited from was an editor.

While above average read and the art is a good fit this should have been a mini series. I was really hoping for some hooks but it was straight jabs. This premise has been beaten to death countless times since the days of the old black and white Westerns on tv to present day. From the returning Vietnam Vet who is having trouble finding his place in the world compelled to take a stand to daddy issues and living in that larger than life shadow being cast is all pretty cliche. Clint Eastwood , John Wayne and Sheriff Buford Pusser (google it kids) and countless others already been there and done that.

This was a step back from last week . The opening fight and the the vision Lois has of the heroes of Earth-2 aren't enough to carry on the good vibe I got from the last issue. I expect some peaks and valleys in a weekly but Batman Eternal doesn't seem to suffer from it nearly as much as this book does .

The art was fantastic especially considering the size of the cast but ultimately it couldn't save this from being a clunky conclusion. What started out so promising and presented some interesting ideas along the way also had just as many flaws. None of the better relationships were explored over the 6 issues and I felt the spin off characters and books were being promoted more than being integrated more organically into the story. Peter should be the star and is the reason I read this title but he gets lost in the backdrop and his book became a vehicle to push product in the end.

As a Mark Waid fan this is disappointing on a few levels for me. After such a strong start to this story (last issue), this was an equally weak conclusion. Everything in this issue comes off as clunky and contrived. Since it's relaunch Daredevil seems to have taken a back seat in his own book. The formula employed here has been beaten to death as well, you know the one where Matt seems to provide council (not the legal kind) every other issue to The Shroud, Foggy, Mom , or random mad robot guy and quite frankly it's getting old already.

Just caught up only to find out Lemire is phoning in his final run at DC. This has been a far cry from his Animal Man and time on GA...what a shame.

I was very optimistic about the story when I Waller laid out her mission to Deadshot and explained his "injury" ....that all ended with "fishstick" . There were some fun ideas presented and Andre Coelho does a nice job with the over the top violence but it just didn't come together in end.

Outside of the first few pages and the last few moving the story forward a bit this issue didn't offer much.The bulk of the issue centers around Grifter who continues to be my least favorite part of the book. This needs to get better fast or I'm going to have a hard time justifying the twelve bucks a month. At this point I'm only hanging in there because of the talent involved and I don't want to consider the fact that the September solicitations will be one-shots tied to a story I no longer care about.

If there was any bright spot it was only a few panels towards the end of the book. It's getting harder and harder to get excited about this book every week with plots creeping along and new set pieces put on the board. I expected a slow burn with a weekly but this is turning into a real grind for a book I want to be excited about.

Was it bad?...No. Was it good?...No. Can you skip it?....Absolutely.

I'm late to the party that I wish I skipped. Half of the art in this book is borderline awful , sorry but I can't drink the Kool-Aid. I can tolerate some of the "house style" art Marvel is going with these days but in my soul I have to believe some of the old time pioneer pencilers who built the medium would be rolling over in their graves at the quality given the tools and resources available to artists today. I'm a big Lemire fan but I can't get down with this nor am I willing to part with the four bucks.

Nothing to see here unless you wanted see Batwing one last time before this book was canceled or you find yourself one of the few who misses "Batman Inc."

Daredevil (2015) #3 Apr 7, 2016

Been there, done that too many times. Same story only now it's twice a month with a some characters sprinkled in that only a handful of readers care about. Ever wonder why they haven't been featured or popped up more often before now ? Simple , they can't carry a book. Sadly "Detective" will also be part of an early crossover with the "Batman" title in the near future but after that it's off my pull list and I expect sales to fall as Batman fades into the background of his own title. On a positive note ,I'm a fan of the art Eddy Barrows is doing.

I lowered my expectations for this knowing it wouldn't be the iconic run Lemire and Sorrentino gave us, but even then it falls well short. I could see someone new to the book or a fan of "Arrow" finding enjoyment here however this is a huge change in tone for those with it already on their pull list. The art is hit and miss, the dialogue is wonky , the characterizations of Bruce and Lex are awful, and some ideas are straight up rehash for someone who has seen the show (meds getting stolen before reaching the clinic). I could forgive this on the "CW", just not on the page.

It is what it is. I gave it 8 issues because I believe buried under all the exposition there is good premise here but this arc is stuck in Neutral.It was strong out of the gate but never found a balance between story and action. It's disappointing because I like Porter and the work J.M. DeMatteis is doing in Justice League Dark as of late but with the 30 to 40 books I read a month this one has found itself off the pull list.

The dialogue isn't very good in some spots and the story just continues to limp along.

The New 52: Futures End #28 Nov 16, 2014

The flow of the story wasn't bad and the cover was nice...and those are the only nice things I could think of saying. The interior art was awful and the story was simplistic, kinda boring and lacked any connection to the "Futures End" story. Save your money.

Reviews for the Week of...




