hasanturkoglu's Profile

Location: Bursa, Turkey Joined: Nov 12, 2017

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Overall Rating
Absolute Batman (2024) #3

Dec 18, 2024

Absolute Batman (2024) #4

Jan 8, 2025

Absolute Superman (2024) #1

Nov 6, 2024

Absolute Superman (2024) #2

Dec 4, 2024

Absolute Superman (2024) #3

Jan 2, 2025

Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #1

Oct 23, 2024

Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #3

Dec 27, 2024

Action Comics (2016) #1058

Oct 25, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1061

Jan 10, 2024

Action Comics (2016) #1064

Apr 9, 2024

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2

Apr 4, 2023

What is this?!

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #1  
All-New Venom (2024) #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22

Mar 23, 2023

Marvel, you must end this torture now. We haven't read anything good for years about Peter Parker (Amazing Spider-Man)! This must stop now!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #23

Apr 6, 2023

That we are now experiencing the height of torment, when will this torment end?

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24

Apr 19, 2023

Stop this please...

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26

Jun 1, 2023

Stop this!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #32

Sep 7, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #33

Sep 9, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #34

Sep 22, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #38

Nov 22, 2023

Avengers (2023) #7

Nov 2, 2023

Avengers (2023) #10

Feb 10, 2024

Batman (2016) #130

Dec 8, 2022

We read most absurd self rescue in the history of the Batman! What're you doing Zdarsky? Stop writing absurd!

Batman (2016) #134

Apr 4, 2023

I think Zdarsky wants to present the immortal Batman to the readers, but that's not what we want. I think the series continues with a decreasing momentum. At the end of the series, there will be a Catwoman beautification and nothing will be connected. This is not the Batman.

Batman (2016) #139

Nov 7, 2023

In Batman, writers now write revised stories by revising the stories of past writers. This is getting very boring, I don't know if it's the author himself or the editors, but they need to stop this repetition. And again Joker, isn't that enough? We need something new in Batman and in Detective Comics! There is no bright idea or anything new in this story. It's been going bad since Failsafe and repeating past stories. God!.. Batman jumped from space to earth without any extra protective gear and fell to his knees safe. A human hero did this in DC Comics. Does DC want to make our non-superhuman hero Batman, a superhero? Batman is one of the rare human characters in DC Comics who does not have superpowers, and let's leave it that way. Stop it now and try something new.

Batman (2016) #140

Dec 5, 2023

Batman (2016) #143

Feb 14, 2024

There was no need for this, end the torture run now!

Batman (2016) #144

Feb 20, 2024

This series is Zdarsky's worst work! When Batman landed on her feet from space without any protection from the atmosphere, this series gave the signals that it would be bad.

Batman (2016) #146

Apr 3, 2024

Stop this!

Batman (2016) #148

Jun 5, 2024

Batman (2016) #150

Jul 3, 2024

Batman (2016) #158

Mar 27, 2025

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Scorched Earth #1

Nov 2, 2023

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Red Hood #2

Oct 26, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #11

Jan 19, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #13

Mar 21, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #14

Apr 19, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #15

May 19, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #20

Oct 17, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #21

Nov 21, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #22

Dec 20, 2023

Batman and Robin (2023) #1  
Batman Incorporated (2022) #1

Feb 14, 2023

Batman Incorporated (2022) #2

Feb 14, 2023

Batman Incorporated (2022) #3

Feb 14, 2023

Batman Incorporated (2022) #4

Feb 14, 2023

Batman Incorporated (2022) #5

Feb 14, 2023

Batman Incorporated Vol. 1: No More Teachers

Sep 12, 2023

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #8  
Batman: Off-World (2023) #1  
Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Ra's Al Ghul #1  
Blue Beetle (2023) #5

Jan 2, 2024

Blue Beetle (2023) #6

Feb 14, 2024

Captain America (2023) #4

Dec 13, 2023

I would say the series is J. Michael Straczynski's weakest work.

Captain America (2023) #6

Feb 7, 2024

Daredevil (2023) #1

Sep 13, 2023

Daredevil (2023) #6

Feb 21, 2024

Dark Web (2022) #1  
Detective Comics (2016) #1076

Nov 2, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1077

Nov 15, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1081

Jan 24, 2024

not good... same old gotham and batman things...

Detective Comics (2016) #1084

Apr 25, 2024

Detective Comics (2016) #1090

Oct 23, 2024

Detective Comics (2016) #1092

Dec 27, 2024

Detective Comics (2016) #1093

Jan 22, 2025

Edge of Spider-Verse (2023) #3  
Flash (2023) #4  
G.O.D.S. (2023) #4

Jan 24, 2024

Hickman is building something mythological!

Green Lantern: War Journal (2023) #8  
Hulk (2021) #14  
Immortal Thor (2023) #1

Aug 23, 2023

Immortal Thor (2023) #4

Nov 15, 2023


Immortal Thor (2023) #5

Dec 13, 2023

Immortal Thor (2023) #6

Jan 24, 2024

Incredible Hulk (2023) #1

Jun 21, 2023

Incredible Hulk (2023) #6

Nov 22, 2023

Incredible Hulk (2023) #9

Feb 22, 2024

Art :/ They want to end the series and that's why there are terrible drawings in this series. This is not a indie comic book series! Don't do this pencil style in a main comic book series. Fulfill your fantasies elsewhere. And series feels like the start of a record stuck on repeat! I never thought Phillip Kennedy Johnson was a good writer. He makes a nice introduction to the stories, but then falls apart and can't be put together... I think I bought this series just for the covers and now it's time to give up on it!

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7

Apr 4, 2023

Every issue is getting worse!

Justice League Unlimited (2024) #2  
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #1

Dec 8, 2022

This was better than I thought! Here's hoping! The next chapter in Miles Morales' web-slinging adventures gets off on the right thwip. The creative team seems to have put their best in it. I am truly impressed and I feel excited for the new adventures of Miles. Written by Cody Ziglar and drawn by Federico Vicentini to the new ongoing of Miles Morales: Spider-Man and it was a good start to first issue. It feels a bit more back-to-basics with the new creative team. Spider-Man always worked best as a street-level character whether it's Peter Parker or Miles Morales under the mask. Federico Vicenni's drawing was exactly as it should be in a Spider-Man series. With Federico Vicenni's drawing, you can almost feel Spider-Man's movements. He can make you feel Miles' web, Miles' punch, and all of Miles Morales' amazing Spider-Man moves. We also have to thank Dike Ruan for this amazing cover. I hope he continues to be the cover artist for as long as possible to this run. By the way, I must say that Bryan Valenza’s colors are also remarkable. I think Bryan is perfectly compatible with the penciler. And the writer. I have to say from the first issue that Cody Ziglar was perfect for the series of Miles Morales and I hope I continue to think so with future issues. Dialogue is also great as it sounds natural and how young people talk... how Miles Morales talk. There’s no fake slang or anything, from his texts to his captions. Much more could be said, but in short, I hope Ziglar did a great job with the first issue and he will left a cult series in the Spider-Man history at the end of the series. Also Cory Petit the letterer was good. Finally, I have to say that there is a great team harmony that should be exactly. Thanks very much to the new series of Miles Morales' the new creative team. Excelsior!

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #2

Jan 12, 2023

Something good is happening here. With this second issue, this new series of Miles looks like it will achieve something really nice. With this issue, I made sure this was the team we really needed for Miles. Not much has happened yet in this first arc but I like giving Miles more of his own rogues as a young hero. Can't wait to see what Zigler has planned for the series. Vicentini's pencil style is kinetic and dynamic that we can really feel the moves of Miles Morales: Spider-Man. Miles is having difficulty processing just how difficult and frankly bizarre being a superhero can be and Misty Knight enters the story at this very moment. But I'm actually not a fan of the way this 'mentorship' thing is going with Misty, it's making Miles look like an amateur. I don't really get the point this mentorship with Misty. But Miles’ conversation with Misty Knight in the middle of the issue was considered and poignant. I could say this mentorhip thing won me right there. Maybe we can wrap this thing up by calling it team-up. I really love this black and red costume by Morales. In the previous series, they made a weird pinky costume just to make a difference. I hope they will not use that pinky costume in the series. It took its place among the ugly costumes I've seen in comics. But I must say Bryan Valenza also charm with his colors in this issue again. I really loved the color tones. Keep it up Bryan. I can understand his problems with his girlfriend Tiana, but frankly, I also think that Tiana is not the right girlfriend for Miles, and I'm pretty sure of it. I don't think good stories come out of this couple. For some reason it feels like Gwen or Kamala would be a better choice. It sounds like there would be better stories if Miles' girlfriend be a superhero. But that person is definitely not Tiana. I understand Miles is worried about his friends, but Ganke must have a life of his own. Ganke is a little too sticky, so Ganke should give Miles some slack. I think Miles should spend more time with his family in this series. I understand what Ziglar is trying to do, but he needs to change his perspective a bit or he'll fall into repetition. But it was still quite enough as the second issue and I think next stories of this series of Miles will be better. At this point, we, the readers, should leave some space and time to Zyglar. I continue to enjoy the mystery in this arc. Ziglar does a good job of balancing the interpersonal drama with humor along with some great moments between Miles and Misty, but except for the mentor situation. There is a fun and fast pace to the story and I like the immediacy of the action within it. I look forward to seeing what happens next and how close this new villain will get to the people Miles loves. That's all I could tell without giving too many spoilers. After conveying my warnings and thoughts about the second issue, I still can say that I love the issue. Now go to your local comic shop and get Miles Morales: Spider-Man #2. You will add a quality comic book to your collection. Excelsior!

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #3

Feb 2, 2023

Frankly, the story bored me a bit, and therefore I did not write-up about the 3rd issue. But after reading the 4th issue, I decided to write-up for the 3rd issue. Let's get the ball Rolling. 3th issue's opening pages are starts with flashbacks of the Villain’s origin story. Miles finds himself facing a dangerous new villain who knows everything about him! A young woman who wants to destroy Miles personally. A young woman calling herself The Rabble. Yes, you will meet Rabble. Without spoilers, how can I describe what you will see and read in this issue about the Rabble... okay I got it. Every villain needs their origin story and that’s what we get in issue #3 with Rabble. She didn’t want to lash out at the world or have some inherent desire to see the world conquered or the like. No, her vendetta is very much personal with Miles Morales. There is a strange source of motivation about Rabble. Finally, let me say this; I guess you will say she is crazy. It looks like Ziglar will continue to create memorable foes for Miles. The charm that Federico Vicentini and Bryan Valenza are casting just gets better and better with each issue. Also I need to point to the pages near the end when Miles and Misty defeat Scorpion before Miles meets Rabble, where the sun is setting and the lighting on the characters is done fantastically. Beating Scorpion can't be a spoiler, after all, we can't imagine Miles not beating up the Scorpion. Oh, here's a spoiler, Vicentini and Valenza continue to push this series even higher with each issue. Don't make the mistake I made and read the 3rd issue right away. Then go straight to the 4th issue, because it looks like this series will continue to get better.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #4

Mar 16, 2023

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #4 is started with lots of action from the very first pages. So let me enter directly with the penciler. Federico Vicentini's pencil style really get more magnificent with every issue, and I can say that the effect of coloring is also important in this. Federico; In addition to the flowing panels he draws to help the flow of reading, he does not miss detailed background drawings. He’s not afraid to mess around with dynamic panel angles either, leading to not just fantastic action scenes but moments of conversation that feel equally stylized. Good art is good art, and Vincenti draws the hell out of Spider-Man. On the plot side, this issue bridges the second act and finale of Ziglar’s first Miles Morales arc, Trial By Spider. It's been a really good start for this series, I can say that even before I've not seen the final issue of the first arc. It looks like Rabble's knowledge of Miles' identity is also coming to light. So Miles' worries also increase. And I can say that Misty Knight and Miles made a good team, Misty acts more like her older sister rather than being a mentor. Frankly, I liked the bond that Ziglar built between the two characters. Let me sum it up without giving spoilers. Rabble, on the other hand, doesn't seem to want to be a bad person, but she doesn't seem like a very healthy person either because of her purpose. Rabble, on the other hand, doesn't seem to want to be a bad person, but he doesn't seem like a very healthy person either because of his purpose. A real gray character, maybe a little crazy... She is pretty scary as a villain, with an unrelenting rage and an intellect to do something with it. Her rants can be repetitive and whiny. I think Ziglar has created a solid original character for the Miles Morales universe. I think we can say the following in summary for this issue; little is left on the cutting room floor, the team working at a pace that is equally controlled and exciting. Then I repeat my words, you will add a quality comic book to your collection if you buy this ‘Miles Morales: Spider-Man’ series.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #5

Apr 13, 2023

Miles Morales has been a beloved character in the Marvel universe since his debut in August 2011 (Miles Morales first appeared in Ultimate Fallout #4), and the latest series of Miles Morales… Absolutely! The 5th issue of Miles Morales by author Cody Ziglar, penciler Federico Vicentin and colorist Bryan Valenza is a true tour-de-force in the world of comics, with its engaging storyline, stunning visuals, and rich characters. In this issue, we see Miles continuing to navigate the dual worlds of heroism and everyday life, with the support of his family, who have always been there for him through thick and thin. Miles' family is a crucial part of his story, as they offer him the support and grounding he needs to balance his responsibilities as a hero with the challenges of growing up. Another important character in this issue is Misty Knight, who is on her way to becoming a great mentor to Miles. Her guidance and support add a wonderful dynamic to the series, as we see Miles learning from her experiences and gaining a new perspective on what it means to be a hero. Meanwhile, the character of Raneem Rashad, aka Rabble, provides an interesting contrast to Miles' heroic journey. While Rabble is right in his own way, his anger and bitterness eventually turn him into a mediocre but effective enemy. This dynamic creates a powerful tension that drives the story forward, and allows Miles to grapple with the complexities of heroism in a realistic and relatable way. Ultimately, this issue is a testament to Miles' growth as a character, as he realizes that while he wants to be a normal person, he also has responsibilities as a hero. This realization is a powerful one, and adds a depth to Miles' character that is truly compelling. Overall, Miles Morales #5 is an incredibly satisfying read. It's a testament to the talent of both Cody Ziglar and Federico Vicentini, who have managed to create a comic that is not only thrilling and action-packed, but also emotionally resonant. If you're a fan of Miles Morales or just looking for a great comic to read, this is definitely one to check out! In conclusion, the 5th issue of Miles Morales by Cody Ziglar and Federico Vicentin is a must-read for any fan of the series. With its engaging storyline, beautiful illustrations, and rich characters, this comic is a true masterpiece of the genre. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a newcomer to the world of comics, you won't be disappointed by this incredible work of art.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #6

May 19, 2023

In the first pages of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #6 that sequel to Carnage Reign, we witness Miles Morales transitioning into a new chapter of his life as he settles into his new home with his family. After the first arc, Miles is trying to find a sense of normalcy while juggling his responsibilities as both a teenager and a superhero. Amidst this new beginning, the storyline also explores Miles' budding relationship with Tiana. As they navigate the dating process, their connection evolves gradually, characterized by a sense of calm and stability. As the story unfolds, Miles Morales finds himself at a turning point in his life, where things are finally starting to look up. However, his newfound optimism quickly takes a dark turn when he unexpectedly becomes entangled in a confrontation with Carnage and Scorpion at a bustling city diner. Amidst the chaos and destruction caused by this intense battle, the diner becomes a battleground, resulting in collateral damage and trapping Miles beneath tons of debris. In a dire situation, Miles realizes that he can't escape alone and must join forces with Scorpion, his former adversary, to ensure their survival and rescue others in need. Miles, driven by his unwavering dedication to helping others, takes on the role of the hero in this situation. He recognizes the immense responsibility that comes with his powers, a mantra reminiscent of Peter Parker's iconic motto: "With great power comes great responsibility." It is evident in every panel and drawing that Miles is the epitome of selflessness and determination, risking his own safety to save those in need. Through the intense action and gripping sequences, the comic portrays Miles' unwavering commitment to doing what is right, highlighting his resilience and unwavering spirit even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Despite the contrasting motivations and uneasy alliance with Scorpion, Miles stands as the beacon of hope, inspiring readers with his courage and determination. As the story progresses, it remains to be seen how this reluctant partnership will evolve, and whether Miles' unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of people can influence Scorpion's choices. The comic explores the complexities of heroism, redemption, and the potential for change, providing readers with a thrilling narrative that keeps them on the edge of their seats. After fighting their way to the surface, things get more tense when Miles finds himself face to face with Agent Gao’s new anti vigilante team composed of former villains. A team he will be forced to join. As for the writer's storytelling: Although Carnage may not be the central focus of this particular installment, the absence of the iconic villain doesn't detract from the enjoyment of the story. Instead, readers are treated to a Spider-Man tale that encapsulates everything that makes the character compelling and engaging. From thrilling action sequences to moments of heartfelt emotion, the issue embraces the essence of Spider-Man and showcases the qualities that have endeared the character to fans over the years. The storytelling prowess of Ziglar ensures that readers are thoroughly entertained, with the plot unfolding at a brisk pace, leaving little room for dull moments. The tension and excitement build throughout the issue, hooking readers and keeping them invested in the outcome of the story. Moreover, Ziglar skillfully weaves in elements that make Miles Morales a unique and relatable character. From his struggles with balancing his personal life and responsibilities as Spider-Man to his unwavering dedication to helping others, readers are reminded of what sets Miles apart as a hero. His resilience, determination, and moral compass shine through, making him a character that readers can root for. Ultimately, Ziglar's storytelling mastery, combined with the dynamic team-up of Miles and Scorpion, creates an engaging and entertaining Spider-Man story. With a perfect blend of action, character development, and surprising twists, this issue delivers an enjoyable reading experience for fans of the web-slinger and leaves them eagerly anticipating what comes next. If we talk about the drawings of this issue: Penciler Vicentini showcases their impressive artistic skills throughout the issue, treating readers to visually captivating panels. The artwork is not only skillfully executed but also exudes a sense of fun and energy that enhances the overall reading experience. Vicentini's illustrations bring the story to life with their dynamic and vibrant style. Each panel is filled with meticulous details and expressive characters, capturing the essence of the scenes and effectively conveying the emotions of the characters involved. The action sequences are particularly noteworthy, as the artist's ability to portray movement and intensity adds an extra layer of excitement to the story. The visuals in the issue create a visually immersive world, where readers can easily get lost in the pages. Whether it's the bustling cityscape, the debris-filled diner, or the underground maze of the trapped heroes, Vicentini's attention to detail and ability to create depth and atmosphere contribute to the overall richness of the artwork. Let's talk about colors: Furthermore, the artist's use of colors enhances the storytelling, complementing the tone and mood of each scene. Whether it's the bold and vibrant hues during action-packed moments or the more subdued tones during introspective scenes, the color palette chosen by Vicentini helps set the visual tone of the story and adds to its overall impact. Cody Ziglar and Federico Vicentini are doing really well, and if you haven't read a single issue yet, you're missing out.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #7

Jun 21, 2023

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #8

Jul 23, 2023

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #12

Dec 6, 2023

Please reconsider these empty and absurd stories and return to the original and creative ones that were produced in the beginning... Why am I critiquing so harshly? Because, despite my love for the character, I'm not a mindless fan who has lost the ability to think critically. Criticism is important, and if it is ignored and blind admiration persists, editors and Marvel will not feel the need to demand any changes. I understand constructive criticism, but sometimes destructive criticism is necessary to convey that something is wrong, otherwise the same ridiculous content will continue. So what is Miles Morales' costume? Seriously, stop stalling readers; Instead of presenting these ridiculous and distracting stories, you should refrain from broadcasting for a month if necessary. I also believe that the last chapter could have been written in a better way, but it seems that the writers sometimes lack enough inspiration. Moreover, writers must learn to accept criticism; It seems like everyone has become quite sensitive. It is widely known that many writers today produce personalized stories that deviate from originality. A good example of this is Dan Brown; I suggest you do some research on this subject. Brown made big advertising deals and wrote his latest books, set in desired countries and places, as if you were there. Your first holiday could probably be there after reading Dan Brown's books. To add, Companies place pressure on writers to include absurd pop culture elements in their stories. This practice needs to be halted immediately in order to eliminate this nonsensical phenomenon. Forced narratives do not yield positive results, and this has a detrimental impact on comic book sales. It is essential for companies and writers to recognize this and for individuals to develop the ability to handle constructive feedback. Instead of engaging in productive discussions with critics, authors often choose to launch personal attacks, relying on popular culture figures for support. The reason why I haven't commented on the series for a long time was patience, but my patience has run out with this issue. I hope the team regains its former energy and we return to the quality stories we started with.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #13

Dec 13, 2023

Come full circle. Keep it up!

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #16

Feb 14, 2024

Punisher (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #4

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #5

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #6

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #7

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #8

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #9

Jan 19, 2023

Punisher (2022) #11

Apr 19, 2023

Resurrection of Magneto (2024) #1  
Rise of the Powers of X (2024) #2  
Shazam! (2023) #1

May 3, 2023

Shazam #1, written by Mark Waid and released in May 2023, offers readers an engaging and visually stunning introduction to the character. As someone who had never read a Shazam series before, but knew the character from the movies, I was eager to see how Waid would approach this beloved hero. Mark Waid's seasoned writing skills are evident in the first issue of Shazam, which had a great start. But what really stood out were the magnificent art by Dan Mora. The art and storytelling were highly effective, and colorist Alejandro Sanchez made Mora's pencil style even more captivating. Together, the writer, penciler, and colorist created a visually stunning comic. The issue starts by explaining the meaning of the word "Shazam," which is an acronym for the six ancient heroes that Billy Batson can transform into: Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. It's a great introduction to the character for readers who might not be familiar with the Shazam comics. Waid also touches on the side characters in the issue, but he doesn't go into too much detail, I think he will gradually open the side characters. One thing that really stood out to me in Shazam #1 was how Waid reminds us that Billy Batson loves being Shazam, but ultimately the character of Shazam is actually a kid stuck inside. The issue does an excellent job of showing this, especially on the last pages where Waid demonstrates just how lonely Billy is, even in a crowd. In the meantime, what we should not skip is the author and penciler effectively convey Batson's orphanhood from the first to the last page. I think that the author will give us more about this orphan child and his psychology in the next issues. Overall, Shazam #1 is a fantastic introduction to the character for readers who have never read Shazam comics before. Mark Waid conveys just enough to keep us wondering about the continuation, and the issue is a great starting point for those who want to explore the world of Shazam. The writer, penciler, and colorist are a great team, and I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Spider-Boy (2023) #1

Nov 2, 2023

Spider-Boy (2023) #2

Dec 26, 2023

Spider-Boy (2023) #3

Feb 1, 2024

Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

"This is a good story; it talks about people, family, love, loneliness and much more...then it just so happens that all of this takes place in the world of Spider-Man. Spider-Man is a vehicle to tell stories about people and their struggles...and that is amazing." says Sara Pichelli. Absolutely I agree and Sara Pichelli is definitely a good choice as a penciler for the series. I think the value of this series will be realized years later, even if it has a good ending. Like Miles Morales, Ben Parker will be loved after many years, but I still don't want Ben Parker involved in the 616 universe. The character can have his own comic book series in his own universe, I'm ok with that, but that's the comic book industry... And the cover of Spider-Man #1. Sorry Olivier Coipel... You're a good penciler, but this time the cover's not that good. The characters' anatomical mistakes are very noticeable. I think it made a difference to these days when comic books started to repeat itself too much. And I don't know who the real writer is, Dad Abrams? or son Abrams? But the comic book made a nice start, hopefully it progresses beautifully and is well written to a good end. Give a chance to this comic book that has a cinematic technical panels and words. Don't be biased and be open to innovation, you will not regret. Stay with comics.

Storm (2024) #2

Dec 10, 2024

Storm (2024) #3

Dec 12, 2024

Superman (2023) #1

Feb 23, 2023

It’s not perfect, but it is very good. The creative team came together to create something special. Joshua Williamson and Jamal Campbell accomplish everything you want from a first issue with Superman #1. It’s a great reentry point for lapsed fans and starting point for anyone new. I loved the way all of the characters are written. I really enjoyed the first issue, so give it a shot.

Superman (2023) #2

Mar 21, 2023

Superman (2023) #3

Apr 19, 2023

Superman (2023) #4

May 19, 2023

Superman (2023) #8

Nov 21, 2023

Superman (2023) #9

Dec 26, 2023

Superman (2023) #13

Apr 16, 2024

Superman (2023) #19

Oct 23, 2024

Superman (2023) #21

Dec 27, 2024

Superman (2023) #22

Jan 22, 2025

Superman: Lost (2023) #6  
Thor By J. Michael Straczynski & Gillen Omnibus  
Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #1  
Ultimate Invasion (2023) #1  
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 Omnibus  
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1

Jan 10, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #2

Feb 21, 2024

This is what we need as a fan of Spider-Man (Peter Parker).

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #3

Mar 28, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #4

Apr 25, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #6

Jun 22, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #12

Dec 18, 2024

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #14

Feb 26, 2025

Ultimate Universe (2023) #1  
Ultimates (2024) #7  
Uncanny X-Men (2024) #7  
Vanish (2022) #5

Mar 23, 2023

It doesn't happen, Cates. Behave yourself.

Venom (2021) #29

Jan 3, 2024

Venom (2021) #30

Feb 10, 2024

White Widow (2023) #1

Nov 2, 2023

White Widow (2023) #2

Dec 13, 2023

Wonder Woman (2023) #2

Nov 2, 2023

Wonder Woman (2023) #4

Dec 20, 2023

X-Men (2021) #25  
X-Men (2024) #9  

Reviews for the Week of...




