OldManComics's Profile

Joined: Apr 17, 2021

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

May 18, 2021

This may be a polarizing comic, but it's King's Batman, you probably either love it or hate it. It's the conclusion to his run. My two cents? I love it. It's a story that is building in my mind since that amazing Annual #2. If you don't like Bat/Cat love story, this isn't your cup of tea. But for me it's the true end of an amazing run that I will always remember. I liked the premise, and although I kinda saw the first twist coming, it was intended to, the build up, the mistery. Starting from the end result, asking how and why and building the puzzle is my jam. Bringing in Clay Mann was just the cherry on top, he just nails every frame, always daunting, always on edge of excitement. From the action to the heart and soul of the story, it is simply masterfully done.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

May 18, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

May 18, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Jul 25, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jul 25, 2021

Batman: The Long Halloween: Special #1

Jan 14, 2022

Pretty cool, I always felt that there was room to expand on Calendar Man, and I think this special did that nicely. It is a bit pricey for what it is, but you're also returning to this world with the same tone and people behind it, so you gotta respect the fact there was this story in the bank. However if there is not much to do in this world don't try to milk a future series just cause. It was a great standalone Batman story, and this serves as a epilogue twist chapter almost.

Crossover (2020) #7

Jul 14, 2021

This series was already cool, a strong 8, but this issue taking the time to explore the minor but interesting misteries just elevated the comic industry strategy of creating breathing room for the main creators in these kind of story "pauses". I love it, Chip double-meta approach intertwined with Cates story was brilliant. Let's keep this going, because like Chip I need some answers!! xD

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1

Feb 10, 2022

Really digging this medieval DC world, the choices just make sense for me. There is so much going on but it still feels balanced, and we just get that feeling of power through the issue to know more and more! Putri's art just fits perfectly in this style. Damn, can't wait for more!

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2

Feb 10, 2022

This series is just brutal, no restraint and moving things along. Godamn, what is happening? Fun story and awesome visuals that's what's happening! I would never believe DC superheroes would fit so good in a medieval world xD But I gotta say, I've been swayed.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #3

Feb 10, 2022

Such an imaginative world this is becoming. Can't wait for the next step on this story. Putri is just slaying every page (and many characters may I say). Just give me a giant map of this world, like, right now xD Tom Taylor, you had my curiosity when this was annouced, and my attention has peaked, let's see where you take it. Gimme Batman origin ahah

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #4

May 10, 2022

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #5

May 10, 2022

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #6

May 10, 2022

We're midway in the story, and frankly the mistery is holding pretty well, but I was hoping for a Green Man reveal of some sort. The art continues to be spotless. The character development on Constantine was nicely done, and some beats on some of others were a nice touch. The world's politics is fairly complex and interesting, but I got to say now is the time to start answering some questions xD But I guess... it's war time!

Eternals (2021) #1

Jan 11, 2022

Great start! I came late to the party, but this was very interesting, a cool clean slate for people who wanna pick up a new series. The Eternals backstory exposition felt very organic, Ribic's art is spotless, giving that sort of timeless gods vibe that brings alive the always amazing Gillen's writing. Excellent cliffhanger btw, it sold me on the spot!

Eternals (2021) #2

Jan 11, 2022

Excellent action to start the issue, following that Thanos cliffhanger (I'm biased on Thanos, cause he's most times freaking awesome). The super duper whaaaat came from the execution of turning the concept of an Eternal on its head and moving on with the spacey mistery. All praise from my side, powerhouse team on a great great start.

Eternals (2021) #3

Jan 11, 2022

This issue felt more personal, much more focused on character development, and it helped to increase the mistery on a couple of plot threads, still very open. Interesting to see the godly murder mistery unfolding during the second half of the arc. Can't express how well this series has been constructed, writing, art, colors, as well as the editing. Loving it.

Eternals (2021) #4

Jan 13, 2022

Really cool, the pacing of the mistery is adequate, as well as the charaters beats, we see each eternal personality and it is funny and interesting. Great issue once again!

Eternals (2021) #5

Jan 14, 2022

This was perfect, loved the twists and turns and how the story managed to show us the different characters of the team. Excellent story telling. Super bleak plotlines as we can see the rifts between the Eternals family. The action, the emotion, it's all there. Powerhouse team of Gillen and Ribic!

Eternals (2021) #6

Jan 14, 2022

Terrific way to end this arc. I was hooked from start to finish. I am super into the Thanos storyline and the connections around the Eternals. There's a lot of room for progress but we got a significant end to this initial story. I adored the path taken it's heavy, complex, messy, emotional and action-packed. Best thing Marvel is doing right now. What could I want more?

Eternals (2021): Thanos Rises #1

Jan 14, 2022

Great background story for either the Eternals and Thanos. I think the rifts in their society are very interesting because there is always an argument to be made on both sides of such divergence. The ominous presence of Thanos is always so well done, although we already know the story, it still strikes hard. Weaver's art feels more Kirby-ish, modern, but the feel is there, which I found very cool. Excellent companion piece to the amazing Gillen's Eternals series!

Geiger (2021) #1

May 18, 2021

Strong opening issue #1, straight away to the origin story, which was pretty cool btw. Well written by the worldbuilding treasure that is Geoff Johns and stunning art by one of my favorite artists, the great Gary Frank. The man that glows AKA Geiger is the true definition of a strong first issue, presents the character, the world, the glory of its art, sets a clear path, for hero and villain, and leaves us craving more.

Geiger (2021) #2

Oct 8, 2021

The art continues to be awesome, the story decisions I found a bit odd, the jump to tell a somewhat different story to present us Las Vegas could have been done in a more engaging way, although I reckon it will make sense in the future.

Geiger (2021) #3

Oct 8, 2021

Awesome art check. Cool characters check. Devastating story check. Okay I have to give in and say despite #2 was weaker, #3 brought it home. The story that we were missing from #1 to #2 really hit me, I didn't saw this coming, and the cover... my god this was sad and heartbreaking. And my god was it well written and drawn! Really feeling it now! Lets go Geiger!

Geiger (2021) #4

Oct 11, 2021

Really cool issue, threads in the middle, carrying the wait of worldbuilding (mainly on the Organ People) while moving the story forward. The addition of new backstory is always welcomed, not gonna lie, the boron rods in the suit were a very nice touch of trying to explain the godamn suit xD

Geiger (2021) #5

Oct 11, 2021

We have reached the destination! However, it is bleak. The US is fractured, fisically as well as morally. Let's see how it develops. I find this series to be quite balanced in heart and plot, always joggling backstory, action and set up very well. This issue is no exception. Also, some strings start to connect and I reckon I will stay hooked on Geiger's world.

Geiger (2021) #6

Oct 12, 2021

How to go out with a bang! Great first arc, on this new universe. Loved the big battles, the exploration of the misterious past, the heart and soul of this character and what's around him. It's hard managing to end a great story while developing new threads of stories to tell in the future with seeds from the past, without hurting the main story. Geiger excelled in this and I think the merit goes to the creative team. Gary Frank's art is remarkable in conveying the emotion and visuals needed, and Geoff Johns having this creative freedom just hooks me up going forward and I will buy every single Geigerverse comic!

Geiger (2021): 80-Page Giant #1

Mar 25, 2022

Geiger was cool, knowing there's a bigger universe and timeline was cooler, but seeing here some hints of what might be coming our way... It's just awesome. Geoff Johns has done it again, and I am all here for it. The ministories of each ruler were a nice touch. Junkyard Joe and Redcoat look great, cant wait. For a giant issue, this didn't felt like a filler nowhere, just context of the world and hype for what comes next. Loved it.

Hulk (2021) #1

Dec 16, 2021

I mean this is stupid-ass fun! I don't have the weight of reading Immortal Hulk, so I came in clean. But if you are looking for something just crazy this is it. Banner's scream of glory. And I am ready for it, just fucking smash it Banner!

Hulk (2021) #2

Jan 16, 2022

Still fun and I am intrigued by the story. This issue focused more on the action side of having Banner face the Hulk, but there was a lot of fun moments, very bloody actually, more than I've seen Marvel do in a while, and I think it fits this story quite well. Banner feels truly crazy, now lets see what the hell is going on with that cliffhanger ahah

Hulk (2021) #3

Mar 8, 2022

Ryan's art continues to be awesome, and I think Cates kept me intrigued enough to keep me engaged till the end of the first arc. There are some f#ck€d up ideas floating around in this new world Hulk's at, but what would you expect, this series premise was completely bonkers xD

Hulk (2021) #4

May 2, 2022

I mean no one can argue that Cates/Ottley don't know how to have fun! This is pretty rad. I'm not sure I'll hang around for much, but as for the time being I'll keep having fun. Bring on the BFS (Bring Friendly Spider) bitches! xD

Hulk (2021) #5

May 10, 2022

What a ridiculous idea, but it's still mad fun. The end of the issue left me with questions, stupidass questions, but nontheless xD

Hulk (2021) #6

May 10, 2022

It was a nice story arc. The premise was simple, it was mad, it was fun. It delivered on that front. Story development wise it landed a bit short, I needed more. But there was some interested beats and the execution of the major idea worked for me. I'll be here for the Hulk vs Thor match. After that, I think not. But if you're into good'ol superhero fun with Hulk at the center of the action, then this is for you!

Human Target (2021) #1

Feb 8, 2022

Excellent #1 as usual from Tom King. The why? It presents the character, its personality, its objectives and its problems. He also get a classic King thrope of time induced drama, which worked extremely well for me here. The set is staged, the questions are asked, now wait as the mistery unfolds. Oh and Greg Smallwood? He nails every page, cause ya'know he's the man for this exciting murder mistery.

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #1

Jul 25, 2021

Great start from Millar and Edwards. We had to unpack +30 years worth of relationships and to check the world, but it was worth it, really well done there. The art is worthy of Quitely with its own futuristic take, really enjoyed that. The story is bold on opinions as Millar always is, but I am mostly really curious to see the links to the overall story and to see how it will pay off in this series. Let's hope it will end with a banger! :D

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #2

Aug 16, 2021

Well that was quite surprising in a number of ways... A couple of misteries arise and the art is really growing on me!

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #3

Sep 13, 2021

The best issue so far, the art keeps its dashing futuristic look and the story split between heart (Hutch) and mistery (Chloe). Really enjoyed this issue, really excited for what's coming!

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #4

Oct 5, 2021

I loved this cover above all else. Seeing Hutch as Skyfox just fills my heart with joy. Tragic joy, but nontheless :p The story continues the unvailing and desconstrution of the Sampson-Hutchence family, and I feel I am inside a Star Wars tragedy, seeing all those emotional threads unfolding. Despite, being full of questions, I do love the fucked up idea of mistakes that just keep on going through generations. I mean, we're only human, right...?

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #5

Nov 9, 2021

Ruthless Mark Millar strikes again, godamn this has been an epic ride! He keeps true to the Jupiter's story and it just works so naturally I can't help to feel energized with his futuristic Superhero take. This is not a higher rating cause I feel Tommy Lee Edwards' art had a better feel to the story's tone than this new artist. The grittiness of Mathew Dow Smith just didn't work for me apart from the "barbarians" world scene. But let's see how next issue sorts things art-and-plot-wise. Can't wait to see The Utopian with a worthy task upon his hands in issue #6!

Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #6

Jan 17, 2022

I loved the story. Loved the twists. I really really didn't liked the art. I mean no disrespect, but the artist substitution in #5 left me a bit cold, and in this issue with so so many cool shit happening feels like a bit of a let down. Specially because there's a lot of characters exiting this saga à la Millar bloody way. Cool visual ideas that fell flat for me, cause Edwards had such a futurist style that really sold the tone of this Jupiter's Chapter. Dow Smith's style feels a bit rough, quick, and rushed. It's not bad art, but the action is messy and the big wow moments are undertoned cause it all doesn't fit well together. It feels disconnected. I am sad. I have no idea what happened to Tommy Lee Edwards, but I wish we got at least some insight from Mr. Millar since the previews still say the previous artist's name. If there was the need to push the calendar to help finish the issues it would be best, cause after all we will have to wait for #7-on anyways. And we ended up forking out 5.99$ for this. Unfortunately, I DO feel disappointed :/

Justice League: Last Ride #1

Jan 11, 2022

Very fun start to this miniseries, I picked it up on a whim, since Mendoça is portuguese as am I, and Zdarksy sold me on Crossover #8. And I am afraid I quite liked it, I ordered the rest of the series, cause the JL core is there, although on a conflicted way. I hadn't read JL in a while, but the small format was a plus to keep following this.

Justice League: Last Ride #2

Jan 11, 2022

Justice League: Last Ride #3

Jan 11, 2022

Justice League: Last Ride #4

Jan 11, 2022

Justice League: Last Ride #5

Jan 11, 2022

Justice League: Last Ride #6

Jan 11, 2022

Justice League: Last Ride #7

Jan 11, 2022

This was pretty damn good. Story was super well paced, the two parallel stories are very well divided throughout the series. Not rushing or dragging, engaging mistery and it made sense to me. A bit of convinient decisions (looking at you Darkseid), but overall I believed it. It felt harsh and complex on a emotional level while keeping the plot simple, and that's not easy. Zdarksy should take on more miniseries like this on DC universe. My biggest complain were the covers, I believe it's rare when I end up enjoying more the inside art. The covers feel generic, gritty but very cold (apart from #3 which I believe is what I would like to see on the others). So, really proud of my countryman Miguel Mendoça on getting the right tone for this story while balancing the story's action.

King Of Spies #1

Jan 16, 2022

Excellent opening issue, a great story about an old man full of regrets that decides he has nothing to live but he has still some work to do. Vigilante work in a final mission as a super-spy. The first action scene set in his golden days was cool, but the story really starts to shine after it. Perfect execution by Scalera, we really feel the weight of it all and the action does feel relentless, Sir Roland King truly represents the calm in the eye of the storm. Mark Millar has done it again, and I am very excited.

King Of Spies #2

Feb 8, 2022

This issue is still super strong, but it goes full on Millar fun-crazy mode. I do see some Nemesis-like action pieces, which are amazingly drawn by Scallera. But we still feel some weight from the characters backstories and personalities. And the over the top flashy comentaries on society are also there. Although I had questions about the physics of things, I has so fucking entertained by it, I didn't thought much else.

King Of Spies #3

Mar 8, 2022

No chill from Millar, we goes there, cause he doesn't give two fucks about it. This truly feels like a world-class spy going beserk and following his gut on bad people that he thinks should die. It's a fucked up sense of vengeance that lives in the limbo between reality and fantasy. Feels like rage coming from within the writer's COVID lockdowns. And Scalera's art is superb as always.

King Of Spies #4

Apr 11, 2022

Awesome end issue. The story circled back to the more introspective view in #1, after two action packed issues with a lot of scorn and sarcasm and anger, we know see Sir Roland taking a final bow with a lot of punch and heart. It's a great story with suberb character development. There are a lot of nice twists on the premise of Bond gone Rogue here. Peak Millar. And I have nothing more to say about Scalera, the man just owns the raw emotion plus the intense brutality required for the story. Powerhouse team, top notch series, loved it!

Klaus #1

Nov 7, 2021

Very cool idea, feels just right for the winter season with a cup of tea and some biscuits. If you like xmas, fantasy and heartfelt stories this is for you. You'll see some awesome art and a great story!

Klaus #2

Nov 7, 2021

Klaus #3

Nov 7, 2021

Klaus #4

Nov 7, 2021

Klaus #5

Nov 7, 2021

Klaus #6

Nov 7, 2021

Klaus #7

Nov 7, 2021

A great ending for this somewhat familiar fairytale! Really enjoyed this series, it's cool, sweet, and magical. I love christmas lore and I love this twist on the classical Santa mith! :D

Love Everlasting #1

Feb 8, 2022

Beautiful comic. Which is FREE. The powerhouse team of Tom King and Elsa Charretier achieved perfection with this opening issue. That is FREE. I mean the story is so damn intriguing, the art is gorgeous and everything together just achieves the perfect set-up, tone, and leaves you in awe. And did I mentioned that despite being an incredible romantic, misterious and thrillering comicbook, it is also godamn FREE? Like once a month, BAMS! free comic. So yeah, perfect comic AND free. Go. Read. Now.

Radiant Black #1

Dec 26, 2021

Great start from a promising series, the emotional vs action balance is all there and the art is amazing!

Radiant Black #2

Dec 26, 2021

Great showdown between the two Radiants, I like the way this is going! I gotta say the covers are just freaking awesome.

Radiant Black #3

Dec 26, 2021

Really great character development and excellent story about writer's block. Really enjoyed this, and oh damn can't wait for #4!

Radiant Black #4

Dec 26, 2021

Holy shit I did not saw that coming! OMG! Excellent work from Kyle and Marcello, the cosmic story is really taking off, and the twist is so interesting. Once again loved the art and the emotion of it all, a really good comic. Let's go!

Radiant Black #5

Dec 26, 2021

Well, I think this ended up exactly as I thought, the step up was great as well as the execution. The next chapter awaits. The cosmic mistery starts to unfold!

Radiant Black #6

Jan 11, 2022

Heartbreaking story, I do have a lot of issues with the morals of the Radiant Red and its actions on the main story as well as in here, but it was interesting to have the knowledge of the backstory to this character. Lafuente's art really sold me on the sadness and stress of this couple's life tho.

Radiant Black #7

Mar 3, 2022

Really enjoyed the new characters, and the menacing villain. Radiant Black has been a revelation, I freaking love this series. But I do have so many questions ahah

Radiant Black #8

Mar 3, 2022

Cool action pieces once again, I do feel the tension between this group. It's awesome what has been built in this super hero universe. I do hope at some point they come together as a team, but Black and Red tension will not be easy to overcome.

Radiant Black #9

Mar 3, 2022

OMG, this was heartbreaking. FUCK. This hit me in the godamn core. You guys are bastards. You can't do that! Look at all this feelings coming out of me!! What else can I say, if you like being torn apart while you're lock into the page, come read RB. Although, beware, it's one hell of a ride. Cheers to all the RB team, you are unique, can't wait to finish this story arc.

Radiant Black #10

Mar 3, 2022

Imagine a Doctor Strange meets Moon Knight meets Power Rangers vibe. Now imagine that it becomes greater than the the sum of its parts. That's what RB #10 feels like. It's perfect. Costa and Monti simply smash it with either the spacey or trippy art, and Kyle Higgins just keeps feeding us more questions while unfolding so much, on an awesomeness and emotional level. The cover is just the coolest. This is the best superhero story out there. And one the the best books of 2021. Period.

Radiant Black #11

Mar 3, 2022

Loved the humor on this one. The wholesomeness of Nathan and Marshall. The greyish of the villain that creates this team-up issue. I'm intrigued to see whos's under the Radiant Pink on a personal level. And I can't wait for the next story-arc, because it has truly been, one hell of a ride! Stay Radiant!

Radiant Black #12

May 2, 2022

Yellow's "Radiant origin" one-shot story felt really personal, as for Red had been. Cool ideas trown here, felt very "modern" let's say. I think it's a nice way of filling in the main series arc gaps, I enjoy them, despite being more interested in the main one. Cool art, vibrant colors, as always. So, no complaints here. Now, lets head to Year 2!

Radiant Black #13

May 19, 2022

It was a great idea to flip Marshall place in the friendship, now being the one that needs help and support. The new villain Accel looks cool, would have liked to see his power set used to something specific tho. This Rogues arc is very exciting, and that ending oh man, Radiant Black goes to Radiant Dark ahah

Robin & Batman (2021) #1

Feb 10, 2022

I was really moved by this story. I had never really read a young Robin story, specially since Dick was the first one. And it is great to see a faulty Batman, someone who is trying but doesn't really know how to deal with people despite having a duty of care, that seems accurate for an younger Bruce struggling with parenthood. Everyhting feels quite real, quite natural, very on character. I came for the beautifully painted artwork of Nguyen and the human touch of Lemire's words, and I was not disappointed.

Robin & Batman (2021) #2

May 2, 2022

This was just perfect. The Robin story I never knew I wanted. Lemire just washed me away with Teen Titans first adventure, and then just smashed my brain with Batman's overpowering lack of regard for child innocence. It's just brutal but realistic in a way. Everyone is growing and learning in their own way. Loved it.

Robin & Batman (2021) #3

May 2, 2022

On the issue, it was not the strongest in some ways, but it delivered a very satisfying end to this incredible tale. The premise was spot-on, but the execution was masterfully done. Both the story and the art displayed on this series were at its peak. Lemire/Nguyen were a perfect fit for this. I mean, the relationship of Alfred-Bruce-Dick is just truly defined here. A true and well established vision for these characters. For me, an instant classic.

Rogue Sun (2022) #1

May 3, 2022

This series is off to a great start! The premise is very intriguing, I am curious to see where it is going. The characters are complex, so there's a lot to unfold. And the art is just gorgeous! Can't wait to read more :)

Rogue Sun (2022) #2

May 17, 2022

This is shaping up really well, we got cool visuals, complex backstories with real trauma and some superheroing in between. I mean it's an original concept that feels really great to read, The Massive-verse is getting even better. This is definitely going on my pull list.

Rogue Sun (2022) #3

May 17, 2022

Oof, this is cool! Loved the jewelry "prison" and all the twists and turns on the Bell family. I also like the drama of the estranged father-son relationship, it makes sense. Abel's art continous to be flawless, with Ryan Parrot they're a powerhouse team. Can't wait for issue #4!

Rorschach (2020) #10

Aug 15, 2021

This unfolding mistery is shaping up very well. This issue felt like the case breakthrough of a detective series, that we've been eating clue crumbs all season. The overall art remain impecable and the Fornes cover is just gorgeous, one of his best on this series, and the competition has been high! King and Fornes really bring the A-guns on this, and I can't wait for the last two!

Rorschach (2020) #11

Oct 5, 2021

The plot twist of #11 rightafter the mindblowing itchscratching issue #10 was welcomed. The art continues to be wonderfully noir and misterious while giving us that lovely tension. I adored the descend to madness of our protagonist, and I think it fits in the story quite well. It's Rorschach I mean...

Rorschach (2020) #12

Oct 5, 2021

This was an amazing series. The journey was the best and I really enjoyed the ride, the combination of King + Fornes was a match made in heaven. Thanks for that. Issue #12 was the most predictable of all 12 issues. Hard job following the last two. The path was established, it was just a matter of seeing it unfolding. I think there are some very interesting artist decisions, that the art managed to deliver quite well, as always. Fornes is the s#!£ and translates King's ideas with a masterful touch. P.S. I don't really see the necessity to compare the current US political state with this watchmen world series or how polarizing opinions seem to be about its ending. But maybe that's my european brain that don't see the need to turn everything into a "dem-rep biggger dick fight".

Star Wars: Kanan #1  
Supermassive (2022) #1

May 2, 2022

Can't wait to see this movie one day! xD But for real, this superhero universe looks awesome, it just keeps on adding layers of interesting interconnecting characters. A great crossover story, great action, beautiful art. I mean, what else could you want?!

Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Aug 3, 2021

What a heartbreaking first story. Godamn... King just knows where to hit. Swampy is so very well written and the enormous and beautifully tragic art/colours from Fabok/Anderson just really set the tone apart. It's one of those thick issues that is actually worth the cover price! A limbo of mirroring guilt. It's one of those stories that will stick with you. I can't go into much detail about Len Wein story, because it's a shame that I was not aware of his work on Swamp Thing and finally knowing him from a story he unfortunately didn't had the opportunity to finish is just tremendously sad. It is a great tribute tho.

Tankers #1

Mar 25, 2022

It's a pretty bonkers series with crazy characters and a ridiculous premise. But godamn, it made me laugh! Dinos, stupid action, and funny dialogue done right.

Tankers #2

Mar 25, 2022

The premise of correcting their mistake in #1 is as stupid and fun as before. The ideas and satire at hand are just quite mad and I can't stop laughing about it.

Tankers #3

Mar 25, 2022

It was going to be hard to finish this series, but I enjoyed a lot of Venditti's ideas here. The tropes he's playing with here just work, they are not real or good but they are a great way of mocking something while entertaining us. If I had any comment to change anything on this series, would only be to increase the madness, but I'm afraid it was maxxed out xD Btw the back stories were all very interesting and stupid throughout the series, it's good they kept on topic.

The Department of Truth #1

Oct 29, 2021

Excellent start for a series. Plot is mad as fuck, art is haunting, everything seems to be setting up the future while telling a compelling story in this single chapter. Godamn I was hooked on this!

The Department of Truth #2

Oct 29, 2021

Well this issue evolved the story's mistery into full blown horror, holy shit that was mad xD

The Department of Truth #3

Oct 29, 2021

This got really political real real sad and very very disturbing. I just get mixed feelings about it but I can't stop reading it xD

The Department of Truth #4

Oct 29, 2021

It went all cucocrazy, with mind bending plot madness O.o Excellent storytelling by Tynion, I'm amazed of this series' quality and sheer amount of irony!

The Department of Truth #5

Oct 29, 2021

I mean this final arc's issue gave so many answers but created so many more questions. Really cool way to finish for now, while building and hyping us up for what's coming next.

The Department of Truth #6

Dec 9, 2021

The weakest so far, the art was a bit of a miss for me, it only fitted the tone when we were in the Roman times, but overall this "deviation" story was interesting, filling in some backstory, the plot was very well written and it fits the overall DoT storyline.

The Department of Truth #7

Dec 9, 2021

This "deviation" story was incredible, the most frightning so far (reading it alone at night helped), I really enjoyed it. The noir style art from Tyler Boss was very cool, since it was very fitting for the time and tone of this particular story. Excellent work from Tynion once again. But poor Doc, harsh origin story.

The Department of Truth #8

Dec 9, 2021

Good start for this second story arc, Cole's story seems to be increasingly more connected to it all but it's all questions at the moment. Great to see Martin Simmonds back at the helm, loved the nuances of the flashback scene's art, as well as the framing of the pages, great editorial work here too. The new DoT employee here presented seems very well thought and I really liked him. Tynion sets the present mistery back on and I am in for the ride, let's see where this goes.

The Department of Truth #9

Dec 10, 2021

This issue was very heavy on dialogue, but keeping its wonderful art ofc. It was a fun rabbit hole to see the conspiracies theories own history, and surprisingly it makes a lot of sense, in a weird kind of way. However, I felt that, like Cole, we went on a long explanation for something simple by the end. Nontheless, not all worldbuilding can be perfect, and I still found some enjoyable parts and we deepened some of the series misteries.

The Department of Truth #10

Dec 16, 2021

This is a cool concept, I liked this Wild Fictions storyline, felt very human, showed another side of conspiracies, a kinder side. The explanation of how it all started and changes is so curious - the humanity of it all, the exploration into the unknown. Bigfoot is an icon, and this story was so interesting.

The Department of Truth #11

Dec 16, 2021

This side of the beliefs (the wonder, the joking, the bizarre, the pain), it is humanity at its best and worst. I never tought DoT would make me feel like this. This is a sad heartbreaking story. The Last Hunt of a lost man. Lost in his past, in his beliefs. His faith concluded in an impossible truth that nobody is going to know. The artistic choice of the letter was beautiful, this second part of the story is as well written as the first. Definitely one of my favorites issues so far.

The Department of Truth #12

Dec 17, 2021

Simmonds' art continues to amaze me. He has managed to swoop me in thorugh several tones with great sucess. It's so very well constructed, Tynion can use this as a tool to keep things engaging no matter the story plot ahah Powerhouse team! Good to see the story back on the bigger scope of things, Hawk acts as we all thought he would, things were set in motion for Cole, so now we wait for the bang!

The Department of Truth #13

Dec 22, 2021

Fucking loved it! I was expecting some twists on this walk on memory lane with Hawk and Cole, but godamn this was great. The art continues to scare the behjesus outta me, like no comic ever did, and it's just so well framed with the plot, Tynion and Simmonds are a power house. This ended up the story arc perfectly, giving some answers, while setting some questions moving on. Really excited about the future of this series. Now I am ready for some pause issues, after all we gotta know more about the Lady in Red!!

The Department of Truth #14

Jan 19, 2022

Again great "filler issue", this series is just great when providing pauses for the main artist while never decreasing the amount of relevance it creates to its own worldbuilding. It was very cool to see s'more origin stories, to increase the mistery and background of The Lady in Red and our main characters too. Tynion is cranking out magic once more, and Pearson gave a very strong and distinct look to this DoT issue, I really enjoyed his realistic and gritty feel. Excited for whatever comes next!

The Department of Truth #15

Feb 11, 2022

This is a strong issue, despit not one of my favorites in the series, still very enojoyable. The first bit in prose about a Mothman encounter decreased the overall rating I might have given, because frankly I was more afraid of the fucking Smiley-Man than any other thing here, and kudos for Romero for giving me the hibbie jibbies late at night. Nontheless Doc is my fav in this series, and the DoT flashbacks are a big part of the why. I loved the secrecy of censored documents, the hints of future plotpoints on the Woman in Red, and in honesty even the Mothman sightings are very well writen, cause they feel like a real-life documentary and Tynion truly deserves credit on that.

The Department of Truth #16

Mar 10, 2022

The weakest by far in this run, this time we ended up suffering from "main story hiatus" fatigue. However, it's still an enjoyable book, the art is very cool and trippy and it fits the story Tynion is trying to navigate us through, but the scope of this chapter within the main DoT story is scarce and mainly skippable. I understand the ideas at hand, but I believe this story from Lee's past, ends up being and unfortunately forgetable chapter in a very remarkable series.

The Department of Truth #17

May 2, 2022

I had forgotten to review this one, but the issue is really cool. Great flashback story. Fornes' art fits really well here, since it's a noir conspiracy mistery and Fornes is the best at noir right now. The story with Lee is a conspiracy classic, and it builds on the overall story as we dwelve into Lee's story in the next main arc.

The End (2020): Deadpool #1

Jul 14, 2021

I mean for Dugan's DP readers, this is a heartfelt story, a must read may I say. I frankly loved it very much. To my surprise the second half of the comic, with crazy half-baked classic DP one page stories gave me that warm feeling of reading something stupid the way only DP comics can provide. Great double feature of ideas for the comic. Joe Kelly just knows DP and me all too well. Perfection!

The Magic Order: Vol. 2 #1

Dec 15, 2021

Solid start from Millar, a bit of house cleaning, a great action piece, and setting the stage for what's coming. Really cool artwork from Stuart Immonen, it fits quite nicely.

The Nice House on the Lake #1

Jul 25, 2021

Wow! What a surprise! Really cool art, so eerie, like something is scratching in the back of my mind. The story kept me guessing till the end and what a surprising ending. Really launches the series onward. First fantasy, with the Last God now horror, good way to go DC Black Label. Can't wait for more!

The Nice House on the Lake #2

Aug 13, 2021

Ah yes, my fav late night read... This series is bold and weird and awesome. The art continues to be an eerie wonder and the writing is so heartfelt and real and f****d up. Love it! And ofc the mistery goes on, and I need answers!

The Nice House on the Lake #3

Sep 14, 2021

The mistery is alive and well! Kinda..right..? xD I keep getting amazed by Alvaro Martinez Bueno's Art and the story continues its misterious path without giving too much but keeping us engaged. It keeps exploring how the human mind deals with extreme trauma and lack of control. We have a range of characters and ideas and all feel very human. The "villain" is still an unknown in terms of how and why, but its eerie look and reveal still stuns me at my core, and so does on our merry group. Can't wait for more :)

The Nice House on the Lake #4

Oct 7, 2021

Solid issue, focusing on another character. Really liked the tone on this one, I think this is the most human apocalypse story I've read. It just makes sense, all their actions feel natural, real good work on Tynion. Martinez's art is mesmerazing once again, is just weird and that fits the bill. I'm still intrigued by all the mistery around the house grounds and those crazy orange colored openings are just full of questions, what does it mean? Is that the future? Why is it narrated in first person by every character like that?

The Nice House on the Lake #5

Nov 9, 2021

Well, this curve ball of a finish left me saying "what, how?" to myself XD I continue to love this series, and actually after meeting Alvaro in person, I gotta say: Thank god they will halt this series so we can properly draw everything, this is top tier art! I love how Tynion just connects every bit from start to finish, those first pages in the future and the past creeping in are just so perfect. And despite not being the strongest issue so far, the ending has quite a punch. Best series I read this year no doubt, can't wait for #6!!!!

The Nice House on the Lake #6

Dec 15, 2021

Great mid-finish here, the story didn't develop much on the present side (except for that wtf cliffhanger), but gave a lot of backstory to Walter and Reg's past. All that was great storytelling, mushing in its continuous mistery just leave us craving more... Excellent work from Tynion and Alvaro, lets hope April arrives soon!

Thor (2020) #1

May 18, 2021

Great work by Donny Cates, this is the first comic I read by him and my god the man is for sure on the way to become one of the greats. He truly understands Thor. He knows how to grab you, he knows how to pay homage to the past, respect the legacy of not only the character but his felow writers. Nic Klein goes for the ride and paints us the picture in Donny's mind. It's a great look for Thor. It's truly an asgardian team! This team absolutely trows it out of the park, and the readers simply stay in awe. It's a clear 10, as is the totallity of this first arc. Lets hope we may see a long and wonderfull Thor run.

Thor (2020) #2

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #3

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #4

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #5

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #6

May 18, 2021

Masterful end to the first arc. Story and art are simply perfect. Enjoy. Best work out of Marvel right now.

Thor (2020) #7

May 18, 2021

Donny just knows how to write a breather comic. He wrote a great first arc and is know setting is eyes on the future. This is smart. I also enjoyed the art by Kuder tho, and Nic Klein deserves the break ahah

Thor (2020) #8

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #9

Nov 11, 2021

Thor (2020) #10

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #11

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #12

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #13

May 18, 2021

Thor (2020) #14

May 18, 2021

Why words? You saw my 10. What an end to the arc. I mean this run is incredible. Everytime it keeps me guessing. The art once again fits like a glove. This team is like a raging bull, just get out of their way. All hail Donny "The Scribe" Cates!! Really excited to see what comes next. Another breather? A new twist? The set ups and antecipation go in different directions. Many interesting directions. Why are you still reading this? Place this on your pull list, order it right now man!

Thor (2020) #15

Nov 11, 2021

I liked the tone of this initial "filler arc", good setting up for the future once again but a little slow with just some filler action. I guess it's a bit predictable what will eventually happen, but lets see what all this set-up will trigger.

Thor (2020) #16

Nov 11, 2021

I mean it's fine, the artist was a cool choice, I like what I see here. But Cates now this issue is a bit empty, maybe a two-part would have been enough like on the first "filler arc"

Thor (2020) #17

Nov 11, 2021

I felt a bit confused with information I didn't actually knew, since I only picked up Cates' Thor and know little of what happened before, and besides from the Freyja-Thor final conversation, it was a little unconsequential. Bandini's art still cool tho.

Thor (2020) #18

May 11, 2022

This was fun, Throg is cool. As fillers go, it was an improvment I think

Thor (2020) #19

May 11, 2022

Great set-up for this arc. I found it very on point, the Odin-Thor relationship was very well done, the mistery around everything that is happening in the Realms is really brutal. Nic Klein is still on his peak performance and Cates is back on main plot, and all that is why I am here!

Thor (2020) #20

May 11, 2022

Strong issue! Psychologically I think it was very cool, the characters are where I imagine they would be in a situation like this. I liked the future set ups, I liked the continuation of Mjolnir's rampage, and I am quite intrigued. I'm a bit mixed on the visual design of the God of Hammers. Lightning is cool, lightning creatures are not as much.

Thor (2020) #21

May 11, 2022

I really enjoyed how they managed to link Thor's continuity, it worked for me, it's not perfect as the other big arcs, but I am still interested in Cates' vision for Thor. Mjonir's speech is brutal! Loved it frankly. Prophecies are always fun for me. Nic Klein is a master at his craft and he's the best fit for Thor since Ribic, however, the Lightning look is not of my taste. Lightning is always cool, but not as people, sorry :/

Three #1

Aug 1, 2021

Three #2

Aug 1, 2021

Three #3

Aug 1, 2021

Three #4

Aug 1, 2021

Three #5

Aug 1, 2021

This is a cool series! I know it's old, I know my review won't matter a great deal, but nontheless, if you are here reading it and you like Gillen or Ancient Greece or just a good ol'comicbook, go for it! This series increased in quality throughout, has great art, a cool little story about nobodies, surrounded by the shadow of an old greek power. It has shine a different and informative light on Spartans. Trust me on this, it's worth the buy ;)

Reviews for the Week of...




