C.V.R. The Bard's Profile

Joined: Dec 15, 2019 About Me: Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

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Action Comics (2016) #1029

Mar 25, 2021

A father son tale, that shows Clark slowly handing his role over to ... Jon ? Eh. At least the jagged pencils looked cool with all the neon colors. And the promise of Mongul ... Why'd he look so decrepit? Where's Mongul's son? Why can I not tell him apart from Darkseid? Cancel culture better not touch this character Alan Moore made famous. Glad to see Cloonan on Midnighter in Action. This back up story just felt right and actually makes sense to have lasted from Future State because of all the time travel shenanigans. I've always loved Midnighter : dude's like Punisher mixed with Batman and pimp slap's the shit out of all homosexual stereotypes. But again, the tokenism is real, give this dude his own title. I don't know what's going at DC, but taking their minority characters and throwing them on the B-side, is an attempt, but with the backstories mostly being better than the main, DC needs to pull the trigger on Midnighter - pun intended. Just imagine having an A.I. in your head constantly bombarding you with thoughts of transhumanism being an improvement on humanity. That suspense, guns blazing , and torture sequences ? That's "Action" right there. Not tne sop fest in the Superman story. DC better be careful, because it's clear that their second-tier characters are starting to outshine their main ones, and I'm not talking the force-fed one's like Jon or Yara. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Alien (2021) #1

Mar 28, 2021

Boring from the jump : wow , this is just like every Alien movie ! The thing about the boredom (the people around this book would probably call this "suspense") is when the killing starts, it's a surprise. Even more surprising was that the humans did the killing before the Aliens ! Wish there was more melanin in this. I was spoiled by the original screenplay Dark Horse released, but those characters were far more entertaining than this lot. That's the problem with an iconic franchise, always in comparison with it's past. Will this series overcome ? Well with the critique on transhumanism as a running theme in this book, I will be sticking around to see. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

All-New Miracleman Annual #1

Mar 13, 2021

I just got though The Complete Collection of Moore's Miracleman and I can remember reading this as an aside while I was taking a bus from Louisiana to New Mexico more than 6 months ago. Morrison and Milligan are two more legendary storytellers that throw that hat in the Miracleman ring here that Moore and Gaiman have already covered, and the results are just as obscure with memorable panels as expected. Moore's Miracleman is the first graphic novel I ever have poured over for almost more than a year, and since my introduction to the character in my teen's during Gaiman's run , Miracleman has an interlocked story that is allotted to breath and is still just as interesting and soul-sucking when you decide to pick it up again. Only the finest pen's from the UK get to touch these tales , and this annual to my recollection, is no different. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #55

Dec 31, 2020

I had just got through reading "One More Day" a few days prior, so seeing that iconic "Brand New Day" lead-in for a flashback (no matter how horrible that reboot was) - gave me chills. Albeit, more than MJ getting hit with a pumpkin bomb, because Spidey can always have Spider - Gwen right? I mean I will never forget the way Pete talks about her in Loeb's "Blue", so the stakes just never seemed as high as they should whenever MJ is in the picture as threatened. Yet, I did not expect Spidey to get so riled up over MJ, that he punched and webbed a hole through Kindred's face.Well while reading this and picturing Zendaya, I began to understand. I find it funny that all it took was a love interest to get Spidey to release some ultra-violence, not his friends in peril or being given the Tom Cruise treatment in "Edge of Tomorrow" , plainly pussy. Sigh, this is why Spider-Man comics never really do it for me. The stakes are never really that high, and the characters are well-off on their own and carry these toxic relationships while creating their own problems, when all they need to do is sit down and be grateful. And that goes for Web-Head too. At the most, this issue's best scene was Spider-Man punching Kindred's face in and MJ getting blown sky high. Harry's monologue would have killed the issue without these scenes, which is why even MJ tried to sacrifice herself just to not hear his ASM-style bitching. I started off reading USM as a kid. I just hold my comics to a higher standard, and though ASM is the flagship Spider title, it always feels emasculated. No matter the era. Because yes, I owned Maximum Carnage , and this series in that respect is no different concerning the impact of this title.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #56

Jan 6, 2021

Yeah, I knew not to invest any thought into MJ being blown up. Looking at Norman Osborn's schizoid disorder is fascinating and unnerving in the same sentence. This issue is a case study. And Mark Bagley takes readers back to his USM run , reminding readers like myself why he is the greatest to ever draw the Web-Head. Looks like Post-Mortem is off to a good start.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #58

Jan 31, 2021

A seamless transition into a new saga. Mr. Negative feels like Mr.Scarface here and I am a sucker for that TNBA shit. Harry Osborn's kid revealing the glider to his mother was priceless. But seriously, is Liz really that much of a dumb blonde to not realize Peter is Spidey after hearing Pete and Norman going at it in the hallway? Well, she's definitely deaf. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #59

Feb 12, 2021

Okay it's time for Aunt May to die. Write it Spencer ! It was funny to see Spidey get powerless against corruption in the law system. Something about reading that is always funnier than when it happens to you. Oh and all the Osborn interactions stayed creepy. As it should. That soap opera will keep my eyes glued to the next issue. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #61

Mar 10, 2021

Yeah miss me with this run. Spider-Man is broke and sells out ... AGAIN ? Peter Parker is Marvel's Peter Pan , and I'm tired of it. I'll pick it up again when shit gets mature. Last thing I needed to see was Spider-Man cashing in on social media - not as a developer (which would be expected , mature), but as a goddamn wanna-be influencer. Another bromance with a second rate superhero instead of actually tending to a legitimate romance? I can catch Kingpin in Daredevil playing with the grown-ups instead of chasing after this Indiana Jones shit. This issue is a gateway into an arc that is just like Spidey's "new" suit : Hot Garbage. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

America Chavez: Made in the USA #2

Apr 19, 2021

Another good issue. I'd like to see the child put on this woman one day. Spider-Man,why were you here? The flashback scenes built America up better than any book I read before with her in it, and I was introduced to her through the Ultimates - and even back then her powers were still on the fritz. I hear on various newssites that there's going to be these new social justice Cap's for an anniversary special coming soon. Why not just put the spotlight on America? She checks all the tokenist inclusion boxes and most importantly, as found in this issue, she has the hero's heart. Seeing her interact with her family and the disappointment of her mother, her coming from another world ... As a foster youth, I can empathize with her more than an Aryan Cap. If Marvel ever wants to pass the shield again and they are looking for a candidate - they need to look no further than this issue to crown the new Cap. And yeah, Kate wasn't on one : that habanero sauce is not to be played with. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

America Chavez: Made in the USA #3

May 10, 2021

So Chavez has a sister? This is a strange deus ex machina. I really expected better, especially since America's powers have been unreliable since Ultimates. As long as she keeps wearing those crop tops though, America will stay getting a pass from me. Now if only the entire continent she's named after could follow her example ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Avengers (2018) #40

Jan 2, 2021

I was surprised how good this was and glad I spent my time reading it. Doom vs. Cap ? Never saw that coming. And surprisingly Cap quoting the "I can do this all day" MCU trope was not as annoying or cringe-worthy as it should have been because of the context of the story. This issue was built around the inadequacy that Cap feels behind the mask and behind all the power that he wields, and I believe someone who has never heard of Captain America could pick up this issue and understand who he is and what he represents without getting to deep in the mythology. Wolverine's appearance at the end has me hoping AvX doesn't get a sequel like Civil War did, and overall looking forward to who his opponent will be in this tournament as well as the remainder of this arc as a whole. I have no idea when this story takes place thanks to King In Black , and the other X-titles, but with continuity questions being the only drawback of this issue, at least that can be expected while reading comics - just like you can expect to get a good story every once in awhile, and this is that.

Avengers (2018) #41

Jan 25, 2021

I read the Supreme Power MAX series, so any appearance of Hyperion and Nighthawk will get love from me, but does not prevent me from appreciating Shang-Chi beating Hyperion by just being still. Lesson. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Avengers (2018) #42

Feb 6, 2021

Love Namor, think he's better than Aquaman and all that , hell, I even recognize him as the First Mutant from time to time but c'mon , Aaron's going to put him against Echo , Bendis' sexiest creation , and have her slaughtered in the ocean ? How in the flying fuck is that fair competition ? This Pheonix tournament lost credibility with this here, shit Echo should've mixed it up with Red Wolf , for some Native love there . Even Shanna would have been a dope match up. Having basically break into Namor's home and get murdered for trespassing , basically , is no way a match-up. And I love Shang-Chi , but two issues of him fighting in a row ? And then he loses because he isn't willing to kill ? How many bodies has Cap capped when he swinging his shield in the 40's? Man, pacifism is the weakest excuse to kick Shang-Chi out of the tournament, when the Avengers are all technically super-heroes and even a casual reader knows what the cardinal rule of men in tights tends to be. By that merit, wolverine should just win by default, and I thoroughly enjoyed his little speech where he denounced his reserve Avengers membership and wen't full Magneto in regards to his Krakoan citizenship. That was the best piece of writing in the whole book, that got crushed with the Pheonix Force teasing to be Thor's mom ? Come on , this type of shit must be why I hear all these bloggers talking down on Aaron's name , but I'll stick with it just to see who wins the tournament. Not for this shit side story. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Avengers (2018) #44

Apr 22, 2021

The right decision was made, long live Echo as The Pheonix ! And Shanna was in the finals! My two top picks made it to the end. Namor got his arms ripped off and put on his knees, Moon Girl got sassy, & Iron Mam still has access to a Celestial. There was some cool plot devices here. Cap vs. Panther was just a metaphor for the fact that Panther is being held back as a leader with Cap overshadowing him on the team. The only drawbacks were from The Pheonix itself : By Pheonix logic, She-Hulk's rage should have made her the new host. An Aaron could have really kept all that "Thor's New Mommy" shit. Yes, Namor got his arms ripped off - that was a memorable visual, but the pencils were meh. Colors bright. Glad the artist got replaced for the King In Black tie-in. This Avengers needs more shadow. Just like Echo, I guess. Let the road to corruption by esoteric Firebird begin. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Avengers (2018) #45

Apr 22, 2021

I just got through finishing the King In Black Namor tie-in. So glad this wasn't that when I'm King In Black'd out ! Black Panther leads thia iteration of the Avenger? Cap with the COVID mask sure has been getting more panels, Aaron should cut Cap out to avoid the confusion. Besides, Coatea has him! The conversation between Echo & Ghost Rider was a passing the torch moment between cheeseburgers ... An endearing moment when the contrast was the entirety of The Avengers team being complete dick's to their A.I. system. Didn't Dan Slott warn Tony about this? And wow, isn't Dracula busy these days ! At least that gives writer's an excuae for Blade to get some airtime. Now if only he could get that 'fro back ... The exchange between Blade and Black Panther left alot to be desired, especially since Blade basically just dropped The Avengers team and picked up a meaningless title elsewhere as "Sheriff" of a town where nobody respects him. This wasn't the greatest way to write-off Blade, but with everything going on in "Wolverine" & Heroes Reborn , it doesn't look like the Daywalker is going as far as Aaron's pen appears to be putting him. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Barbarella (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

Barabarella busts out in an era where being a sex worker is more socially acceptable than ever before; dropping right on the heels when a clown like Meagan Thee Stallion covers a rag like S.I. It's only fitting. The thing is, despite Barbarella's laughable, Enchantress - esque powers, there is deep storytelling here that throws everything that previous Barabarella know into flux - capturing their interest, and giving new readers like myself who have never heard of the character the perfect place to latch on to and to fall in love with the character. Not being a purveyor of space comics, Barabarella hit me left field : Brian Bolland was brought into the fray for a variant, the gorgegous Musabekov art that he took from his covers for "Vampirella vs. Purgatori" are now a page by page treat, and the cast of characters surrounding Barabarella have every right to be annoying (from the A.I. she makes love to, to the little pet who sounds like Gollum in my head), but for some reason the supporting cast comes off endearing and covers the ground that Dynamite's version of a blonde Poison Ivy basically can't as a mystery-action piece unfolds out of a comedy that looks like the Tijuanna Bible's Silk Spectre I was going on and on about. I've been reading a lot "Doctor Aphra" & "Darth Vader" lately , plus Duggan's "GOTG" has been softening me up for this tale of surprising intrigue & mystery that holds no punches with it's laugh factor or sex appeal (as expected with a Dynamite title). I'm glad I took a chance on Barbarella this week, but I am not remiss to see that this title serves a specific niche. I don't know how insulted I should be that Dynamite has my number to keep me reading after they just ended "Vampirella vs. Purgatori" to transition so smoothly into a book like this. At this rate, the pheremones will never wear off ! - IG: @djcvrthebard

Batman '89 (2021) #1

Aug 17, 2021

Hats off to Quinones for capturing the absolutely grotesque facial features of Michael Keaton. I know that Burton is always into things that would make an audience vomit, and while watching his Batman films I can wholeheartedly attest that Keaton did not obtain his role because of any "good" looks. I was always more of a Superman kid, so any time that the '89 Batman came on I would be bored out of my gourd. As I grew older and got deeper into the mythos, I was disappointed to see Billy Dee Williams' Harvey Dent not get as much screen time as I would have expected him to within the Burton-verse. Hamm rights that wrong here and shows a Dent that has grown up in Batgirl's stomping grounds of Burnside - save for in this iteration, Batgirl is engaged to be wed with Dent and of course the Commissioner isn't too happy about that. The scene's where Dent speaks with a child on the corner, flashing his car to him and speaking with his barber from his upbringing are touching scenes that provide the background needed to support Dent as the eventual Two-Face that he should have by all means became (though Tommy Lee Jones was a highlight within the Schumacher films, or more so the concept of Sugar & Spice was ...) and offer an excellent contrast to his conversations with Wayne in an attempt to get his assistance in his crusade against Batman. Strange bedfellows. The action sequences are as drawn out as the film's with hair-brained Joker plots; even with The Joker no-longer present. I've seen "Batman Beyond" do better. But the action sequence that really got me was the final scene featuring a possible Robin on the wrong side of the tracks due to issues of poverty. Jason Todd is my favorite Bat-sidekick, so I am a sucker for that shit. And if Hamm & Quinones can keep the heart within their action & dialogue sequences while not delving too much into the elements that made Burton's first foray into the Batman Universe so laughable, I will continue to be along for the ride. - C.V.R. The Bard

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 25, 2021

This is great. I am glad King gets to finish his Batman story the way he wants to. The Joker innuendos are cringy as ever,so Catwoman's retaliation on the final page hits paydirt. Catwoman's posterior never looked better by the way, hats off to Mann. The only drawback is the lack of Batman in this title, at this point this should have been called Catwoman/Joker , but only time will tell.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Apr 5, 2021

This is more cohesive than the last few issues. We got gorgeous tapestries of Catwoman in panties, a cat getting frisky over a meal, and a hybrid Huntress/Bat-Girl who looks like she has on a 2030 LFL uniform (please don't let it come to that) why she does rounds questioning Batman's Rogues, which given the time skip, should have looked considerably older. At this point, I realize this would read better as a trade, but I'm already locked in for the monthly. Especially when King's writing is this clever with Catwoman dissing Bruce in the final panels going all Freud on him, and the bomb Joker planted having Gematriac code written all over it. This coupled with Mann's gorgeous art makes it to where I am willing to continue to watch the pieces just fall where they may. It is a Detective Comic, why not let the mystery play out? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #2

May 10, 2021

This is All You Need Is Kill with Batman in it. Makes me wonder why Tom Cruise has yet to portray Batman. Got a love story in there, Harley Quinn doing the Backpack Kid dance, and Batman confusing Catwoman with a muscular Cat-Guy not named CatMan. More immersive than the Thor crossover, and for good reason. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman / Superman (2019) #16

Mar 24, 2021

Yang is back with more fire. I felt like I was a kid again waiting for STAS to come on Kids WB, complaining to my family that I didn't want to watch BTAS because Batman was "boring". Suffice it to stay, I only read the Superman story and understood why Yang put the tale on top, given his history of love for the character. Still, to see Lois drop in the Bat's story was some shit I have never seen in a comic book. Just as the tales were so 40's but still had drones and other modern technology, this film melded the past with the present, and the future with Dr. Manhattan's level of linear time on full display. I usually only read Action and Detective to get my monthly World's Finest fix, but as long as Yang is on this title, I will be checking in to see what he does to continue to pay homage to the bright parts of the past as he leads these icons into the dark and uncertain future. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #5

Mar 21, 2021

I waited until this issue , to read every back issue prior leading up to this. I love the attitude, the surprises - all my years reading comics I never knew Deadman's family was so deep ! The script is such a throwback I'm waiting for someone to say "old chum". And for once , Neal Adams has accomplished what no other writer can : to make Damian Wayne look and sound bearable ! The jokes here are great, and it's easy to get lost in this story and be surprised at each of the reveals which don't leave too many hints. It's Batman vs. The man who dubbed him "The Detective", what more is there to exoect? I'm ready to see what happens next. At the end of every issue, I feel as dizzy as the drawings of people Adams does when someone's getting flipped over! This is a solid mystery book and I look forward to next issue to get the full scoop. Great, now I'm thinking like how Adams writes ... That's the lasting effects of a great production. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman: Black & White (2020) #2

Jan 31, 2021

King's story was thought-provoking and filled with hopelessness. But the second story with Catwoman was the real gem. Cute as the way Catwoman looked in that white suit. On that Funeral for a Freak tip, and that's why I love silent comics ! - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Batman: The Detective (2021) #1

Apr 18, 2021

Kubert got every character looking bloated here, but the story is far from that. Batman's over here boxing ghosts, teaming up with characters that haven't been big since Batman Inc. & leaving the manor for the second time ina Bat-book in less than six months. Maxi-Series, shit, abandon the Magistrate story & make this the new Detective arc ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman: The Detective (2021) #2

May 17, 2021

These composite Batmen really make me think they are the real deal with the way Kubert is drawing this. Kubert stays showing off his chops here, while the story from Taylor feels a little heavy on backstory. Hopefully the buildup is over so next issue we can get into the meat & potatoes. The death of the stooges are straight out of a noir novel and I am looking forward to learning the motivations of this copycat terrorist group. - IG : @djcvrthebard

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

Zdarsky can't go wrong with heroes in Red, putting forth the most empathetic tale with my favorite Robin, that I've read in awhile; given that most Red Hood stories recently are just usually focused on him toting guns and walking the fine line between hero and villain. This story here shined a much needed light on all the abandonment that created Gotham's favorite prodigal son, through the eyes of a kid going down the same path - and what better mirror could there be? The other back-up stories don't work as well. The Outsiders story had such little dialogue and non-stop action that I hope Metamorpho goes back to working with The Terrifics and The Grifter story was in runner-up territory, despite beginning with appearances of other Wildstorm characters and a Batman / Grifter showdown - this would just be better off as a standalone, to keep Grifter from looking 2nd rate. The Harley Quinn story I skipped happily, almost as happy as I was finding out that this book had very few appearances by DC's most over-exposed character. Putting it in Gotham City, may be dicey, since it's a tired backdrop - but these backup stories (at least on first showing) have the opportunity to overshadow the main Bat-titles at the least. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 18, 2021

Just read the Red Hood story and wow did Hood look genuinely afraid of Batman's judgement in a few panels. And it was unique to see some of the panels be shaped like a Bat. Oracle did nothing for me in this story, especially after Three Jokers, I was fine on reading her solo story. I'd rather read Wildcats than another masked up superhero looking like a blood, so Cole Cash's story was a pass. And I'm still mad The Outsiders didn't have solo success like The Terrifics. So my selection was pretty simple, and it's easy to see why Zdarsky's story is getting top billing in this issues. Where else can I see Jason kill drug dealers as both a kid and an adult, and actually see the ramifications of such actions? Yeah, probably not in that Digital First series. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

May 17, 2021

Shiva's story was heartbreaking. But letting go of those you love is the universal language of life. Skipped the rest but Red Hood. Great to see the best version of The Dynamic Duo back in action. I am a sucker for this shit. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #4

Jan 31, 2021

At first this was terrible : another Joker origin re-telling, Duke being featured as a character who is not from the Dark Multiverse and then Montoya got snarky as to pick things up and Harley got choked out by rolling film for the grande finale. Originality saved this issue as it came to a close. I just hope the next issue puts a period on the White Knight universe.Oversaturated is an understatement. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #6

Apr 5, 2021

This was so bad I had to put it down four times and fight sleep while reading it. Harley Quinn needs to stop having solo books. Put a fork in her, she's overdone. The ending was terrible, Harley partnering with Bruce to this level is just weird. All the White Knight characters have gotten on my nerves so much I never want to read another White Knight book again. And the main villain, she just would not shut up! I am so glad this is over. No more. Please. I can do without hearing Harley's voice in my head for a long time. This was oversaturation at it's finest. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #1

Apr 5, 2021

Oh happy day : it's Johnson on Marvel putting together a book with my favorite character to ever wield Mjolnir and making Thor look like the asshole he is. Anyone on Thor now and in the future needs to take notes because this is how you pace a Marvel Viking book. If the Valkyrie story was written like this, it would have stole the whole King In Black show. If Thor was written like this, then I'd actually be interested in reading a monthly on Goldilocks. And the art is gutter as always and looks like it belongs on the walls where Aztec ritual sacrifices were committed. Even in defeat, Bill has never looked better. Fin Fang Foom and empty Galactus helmet's turn this into the Fantastic Four pitch Dan Slott better watch out for, because Johnson would shit all on his run if he takes the reins! And Sif, Lady Sif, what a bitch. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Black Cat (2020) #2

Jan 25, 2021

I used to put a quarter in that Spider-Car outside the Toys R Us. This plus the Anti-Venom symbiote being used throughout the tale gave clout to a book that can easily be slept on. Black Cat's crew are comedy relief, but still manage to be cool. A ghost dog? Better than Harley Quinn's beaver. Hell, this whole team shits on the little kittens Catwoman got in her hometown right now (the whole reason I stopped reading that title for now). A high-soeed chase against symbiote dragons spells out just how action-packed this issue is, but then to throw in a cliffhanger similar to when Wonder Woman picked up Mjolnir in Marvel vs. DC will keep me locked in for anotber issue. Exploiting my fond memories for attention - MacKay & Villa got this Cat's number. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Black Hammer: Reborn #1

Jun 28, 2021

Black Hammer Reborn No.1 is Lemire doing what he was born to do : telling goddamn stories about unknown characters that an avid comic book reader can only grow to love. I come off of falling in love with Sweet Tooth two years ago at a Kansas Public Library. Damn representation, "Black Hammer" to me was just an edgy superhero group that went at it with the Justice League before I read this issue. I didn't even know Black Hammer was an actual character, let alone a "black" one at that. Put more sauce on it, you get a female. This is the perfect time for even a seasoned writer to double down on stereotypes and goof up, but I read Lemire's latest Sweet Tooth mini , The Return , which stars strong afrocentric female leads. This is familiar territory for Lemire, and he handles this opportunity just like a vet. This issue is relatable for a man like me who grew up in households with Afro-women who ruled as matriarchs, only to be thrown in an adult life that did not pan out the way I thought it would, especially when I woke up one morning to discover that my marriage was over through infidelity from my past partner - just like the main character in the very pages of this premiere issue. There's no pandering here, or clamoring for a certain audience like recent books starring Afro-centric leads or having the promise of them (the former Static , the latter Wonder Woman ). The characters just are who they are and the situations are so realistic that I recognize them through multiple points in my own life; whether directly or from an environment I have been around and know like the back of my hand. The realism here is just off the charts. I honestly expected another great Visions one-off. Then I find out Dark Horse found some way to produce my new favorite title, despite the latest God of War wrap. Fresh out of left-field with bloody action, dark humor, dramatic content, and an attractive main character who is vulnerable but at first glance portrays invincible - Black Hammer Reborn No.1 does not reinvent the formula of the comic book debut - this book perfects the comic book debut. - cvrthebard.bandcamp.com

Black Hammer: Visions #2

Mar 11, 2021

Geoff Johns is the master of homage. I didn't know his palette extended to horror. Consider myself schooled. Short, sweet, and utterly creepy. The way horror comics should be written, Ram V should take some notes. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Black Hammer: Visions #3

Apr 23, 2021

Zdarsky does what he does best : puts superheroes through the Ringer. Felt like I was watching Hollis Mason get beat to death all over again. Matter of fact, the funeral scene had shades of the Comedian written all over it as well ... Whatever, The Watchmen is the only holy book I could ever consider to have around me, so this was a cool read where I got to learn a little more about unfamiliar characters that appear to be Dark Horse's answer to Doom Patrol. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1

Mar 24, 2021

This week I've been hitting the dreaded warmlines, so from the jump this tale of the Black Knight is that empathetic story that I pleasantly am surprised to read, especially from this tier of a character that I barely found out existed through the pages of Savage Avengers. To see him with the main Avengers was as funny as it was pitiful, giving me even more reason to not pick up a Thor book and to petition for Spectrum to relieve Carol Danvers of her duties. To fight the good fight, just to be ridiculed, die and be ressurected is familiar and a dreaded possibility of what lies at the punctuation mark of my own destiny. I just can only hope I wake up to a woman like the Knight did when all is said and done. I hate the plasticity ot warmlines, this book provides great insight into the troubles of isolation in this transhumanistic era in a way that isn't pandering, but is painfully funny (emphasis on the painful). I look forward to laughing and crying with the Black Knight for the rest of this ride. Possibly the most fun I've had this week without having to pull out my own Ebony Blade! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Black Panther (2018) #24

Apr 5, 2021

For every time I ever shit on Coates' long-winded Panther run, here was a much needed reprieve - featuring damn near every Afro-Marvel superhero going it at it with what appeared to be an army ruled by A.I. The direct influence from Miller's Ronin are unmistakable. The upcoming conclusion looks as bright as the Storm & Spectrum team up, I'll probably never get to see again. And the back up story was touching, especially in a world where A.I. seems to be more empathetic than a humanity that is just growing more and more selfsih. Those Def Jam Forward stories need their own reprinted collection. Coates on Cap has always been more of my cup of tea, but I have to give the man credit : he can write disseratations in comic book panels, easily make epics - oh, but apparently he can make epic battles to back up that script too. Just give him the right artist in Acuna's paints and it's game over like the next issue. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Black Widow (2020) #9

Aug 3, 2021

High paced action and my favorite person to ever wear a Spider this side of Eddie Brock, Black Widow No.9 is featuring a Widow story that is just getting better and better. I am glad I stuck with the series, because the Arcade storyline dragged , and it seems as if the farther Natasha gets away from her family life the better the story gets. The banter between Yelena & Natasha is spoke on and played up, but not to a level of annoyance. This was my first time reading this book in color, and I am glad to see the variety of ethnic backgrounds featured in the book, non-stereotypical, and as quirky as possible. And once more the decision to put Anya in this book is absolutely fantastic. I have an attachment to her character since I was a kid and she's been done justice here in these pages by Thompson. Casagrande's art is still simple pencils with eerie eyes that look like they never blink, but the simplicity of her art makes it to where each character flows in splash page action sequences that look like they belong in multiple panels, but are instead told on one page in a way I have never seen drawn do effortlessly and cohesively before. And that's the beauty of this latest arc of Widow, there isn't too much traction on this road despite the rocky start. - @C33VictoryRulez

Bloodshot (2019) #12

Mar 10, 2021

I came for a Comicstorian recap and that's just what I got. Definitely didn't inspire me to pick up another issue of Bloodshit (especially after my introduction to him through that terrible Diesel film), but Benny might have a future in the script department , if his "friends" actually gave him the opportunity to pen some dialogue instead of just narrate. Yeah, some adventure could have definietly been injected in this adventure title. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Cable (2020) #7

Jan 25, 2021

Happy to see the loose ends returned to on this arc. Rachel and Cable made a team that I could never expect to be that good. Aside : I wonder why Hope is never at the Summer's family table ? Only a Cable book can make floating babies look so cool. With Stryfe in this, I wonder if Genesis will make an appearance of Cable's wife via A.O.A. ? So many possibilities. That only teenage Cable has opened the door to - hecklers need to change their tune and be grateful : LONG LIVE THE TEEN. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Cable (2020) #9

Mar 25, 2021

A strange beginning only progresses towards the fanboys of geriatric-Cable to finally get a promise of the ressurection they always wanted! Not the best decision for Marvel to repeal, since I actually like Kid Cable better than the geriatric. I never read Cable before this iteration showed up unless he was kicking it with Deadpool. Shit, Stryfe's already here - why not throw Genesis & Ultimate Cable and have one big happy family? Speaking of happy families, the interactions between Cable and his sister and daughter are what drove this otherwise filler issue. Noto's pencils really phone home that these characters are related as the script brings levity to how the Summers' family is possibly the oddest in the Marvel Universe, linked by traumas that scoff at any spiritualists' ramblings on "generational curses". - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Cable (2020) #10

May 2, 2021

Wow Cyclops and Cable's relationship - mutant families completely exemplify the broken family stereotypes from the Afro-diaspora that directly influenced the X-gene back in the 60's. And the psychoanalyzing doesn't stop there. Cyclops completely shared my sentiments : "Don't bring back the old man." The fight in between with the Arakkians was a nice little sub-plot to add on too, providing action but also insight into the rocky relationship betweeb Krakoans & Arakkians. And the ending ... A flash forward, had me breathing a sigh of relief. Keep Kid Cable. Hell if anyone wants to tell Old Man Cable stories, do another title then. Duggan & Noto here are underrated magic. This a duo that never misses.

Captain America (2018) #28

Apr 5, 2021

Sin was heavily featured in this book. I ain't mad. And her full name is a nod to the S.S. soilders ? In a world where the WHO is looking like Gestapo , that's an alliterative callback that was hard not to notice as was the overall story concerned with both shaming and trying to reach and understanding with people who subscribe to online extremist groups. But Coates' narrative falls on deaf ears. It must be hard to write a story about a government agent upholding the ideals of a company that masquerades as a country. Still, Coates works with what he's given and provides action in an opening that looks it belongs in a Statham flick while using the 32 or so pages to preach against idolatry, but not come off preachy while doing it. Coates on Cap is Cap at his best since JR Jr. was drawing Zola as Cap's captor the Cosmic Cube. If this is what he could do with Marvel's icon who upholds "The American Way" , it only leads me to wonder what he and Abrams are cooking for the big screen for DC's resident patriot. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Captain Marvel (2019) #25

Jan 31, 2021

I dont usually pick up Ms. Marvel. I am still sour she no longer wears the swimsuit from my middle school days. Then I saw Namor on the cover. Picked it up. Wasn't disappointed. Chained up women from the first page, tales of a marriage out of desperation followed the remainder of the tale. Then Emma Frost made an appearance and Ms. Marvel followed Black Cat this month by doing the Diana Prince shit in Marvel vs. DC on the last page. I'll be locked in for the next one - swimsuit return or not. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Carnage: Black, White & Blood #1

Mar 25, 2021

What saved this? The "choose your own adventure" story - that's what set this book apart from being a mediocre cash grab , that surprisingly DC is just doing better with both "Red & Blue" & "Black & White". That story aside, this was a bad reminder of how bloated Maximum Carnage was (and how weird the concpet of Carnage's "family" was) & how mucn I don't want to see anyone in the Carnage symbiote, unless it's Casady. I don't think that sort of appreciation for the character is what Marvel was going for while putting this book together. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Carnage: Black, White & Blood #3

May 10, 2021

Nothing too memorable. I hated that high seas one. The comic-con read made up for it in realistic creepiness that had my mind wandering after I closed the book. I love that feeling, especially when I'm getting it from a book instead of a film. That's a rarity. And saved the book ultimately since I cant even remember the first story and the second one should have stayed on the cutting room floor. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Cimmerian: The Frost Giant's Daughter #2

Jan 25, 2021

A nice balance to the other Red Sonja book I read last week where she runs into some suoerheros. I got into Conan comics through Savage Avengers. This is as raw as I would like and makes up for what it lacks in the comedy scenes I am used to in Avengers with lust. Conan is a solidfied comic book legend, this title is just anotner notch to add to his underrated catalogue that has been shrouded in obscurity by the shithole that is Hollywood. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 11, 2021

Funny, brutal, the only real issue with this re-telling of the JLA's 1st appearance stretched-out, is the somewhat pedestrian pencil work. Other than getting a new penciller on board, this issue elevated the stock of the legendary Earth 3 Syndicate. Watching Superwoman & Ultraman demolish satellites without a care for the crew workers on them suffering in the vaccum of space, to ending up witnessing this realities' Thomas Wayne & his nihlistic viewpoint becoming solidified through the murder of Harvey Bullock, this limited series is doing a great job in filling in much needed backstory on the Syndicate that other books dating back to the first Crisis have only alluded to, while presently giving a story that not only pays homage to the Jim Starlin's JLA, but gives readers who may not know of the Syndicate, a real prespective on just how ugly the Syndicate can be. Now if only the drawings looked more like the covers for the variants, then this title wouldn't be able to avoid the appreciation it deserves. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 10, 2021

Another great issue. Seeing the Syndicate's vulnerabilites was a pleasant injection of sadism, and SuperWoman's origin wothnher quest to kill Hippolyta is way cooler than Diana's origin. Donna Troy over Lois Lane? What a great choice. I wonder how Luthor will play into the remainder of this series, and I love how he has shades of his STAS iteration. And the art improved! Who knew we needed 3 issues to re-tell the JLA origin to perfection? Another win. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Crossover (2020) #3

Jan 6, 2021

A preacher abuses his son and pushes hate , Madman! makes an appearance. As always, the comics are more relatable than this existence. Shit, throw me in the dome! - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Crossover (2020) #5

Apr 5, 2021

Quick, to the point, but I don't feel cheated. Staring down that barrel was a perfect ending and that sword makes canceled Image books look like a goldmine of ideas. Back issue bins, what a treasure. This is an ode to that. I look forward to see if the preacher's son is going to pull the trigger. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Crossover (2020) #6

May 10, 2021

Hit-Girl came through and Ellipses was really somebody else. What a way to shut it down ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Daredevil (2019) #26

Jan 31, 2021

Elektra is a great DD srand in, I am eager to see the progression of her story after this whole King In Black debacle. I love how all the old Venomized variants are finally becoming canon characters. DD giving into the symbiote has created one badass character and Daredevil's experience in jail is as real as it gets. But in all seriousnesa, when the guards were getting murked by the symbiotes, what was DD really going to be able to do ? - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Daredevil (2019) #27

Feb 12, 2021

I want Elektra to show more leg. Two of Matt's exes go at it and all I get as a reader is E playing possum on some Hand shit? I demand a rematch ! Matt riding the lightning was dope, but that suit was such a tease! I could have done without all the religious talk though, Matt "The Choir Boy" Murdock could save that for the confession booth. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 10, 2021

Another win as Daredevil really gets put through the paces and is coming out looking like a loser. That shower fight scene, in the aftermath Daredevil should have got shot, if he really wants to experience the full spectrum of the penal system he serves. At least he's experiencing loss after loss,and "seeing" the affects of incarceration on those he gets locked up. This arc is "Empathy For Devils" not Dummies. And damn , that mask must have a must about it, huh ? And here goes Kingpin meddling with another one of Matt's lovers. From Echo , to Mary , and most infamously Elektra - Matt & Fisk really have a certain taste in women. It's almost like Kingpin plays the disapproving father role in Matt's love life. And speaking of Matt's true love (no, not Karen Page), the cover should have spoke more to the contents of the issue. I want to see more Elektra in this, like I want her DD suit to show more skin ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Daredevil (2019) #29

Apr 18, 2021

Hell yeah : another prison fight ! And I know Elektra's holding back, but I want a little more violence from her in that costume. I wish that girl she picked up from King In Black would just go away. And the mafia storyline, is common for this title, but not particulary appealing. Those prison fights are just too good. Honestly, Elektra should just hang up the suit , bequeath the kitchen to Power Man & Iron Fist and Zdarksy could then just focus on prison Daredevil. A man can dream,can't he? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 6, 2021

Okay time to cut the bullshit, I waited for the book to end, and now that the time is finally here : Capullo and Snyder, in the immortal words of Snoop Dogg - "I can live without that shit". Seriously, the only good Metal take is found in the Tales of The Dark Multiverse series. Just an issue long, no bloat and a satisfying ending. This issue though ? The fight between The Darkest Knight and Wonder Woman was so underwhelming. Honestly Superboy Prime and Perpetua were both better contenders , and I would have been happy if Prime actually delivered the killing blow - but no. Wonder Woman reached god level , having her demi-god status shed into looking a golden visage like Disney's Hercules - but this was less exciting. The whole thing felt like a joke that fell flat and just overstayed it's welcome. From Etrigan's appearance to Nightwing's "pixie boots" comment , this issue felt like it was written by the staff of Mad magazine. And that ending - really , a jamboree ? And if that was not bad enough , seguing into basically lifting the multiversal amnesia of the DCU , like every DC character is Wolverine fresh out of House of M. I can now see why in some concepts of rebirth, the loss of the memory of one's past life is necessary. This book is a reminder of that. Hell, this whole series. Plus, The Darkest Knight can be hurt by just one red sun? So he's Superman all of a sudden , when just issues earlier he was pelting Perpetua with planets? I will be missing Futire State , just like I skipped Endless Winter , but to be frank as bad as this series was - at least a few Watchmen characters got involved and Wonder Woman rocked a chainsaw while Batman was a zombie. There was an army of Lobos. Superman was corrupted and Lex Luthor walked around like the leper on Death's album covers - so all was not loss. This was Capullo and Snyder, I read Last Knight, I knew what I signed up for. At least I thought I did. They left there stamp on the DCU, but when some new writers come to retcon what they did as Capullo & Snyder close the door behind them, DC better make sure those two don't have a spare set of keys. * If you like this review, check out: audiomack.com/cvrthebard & cvrthebard.tumblr.com

DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1

May 17, 2021

Lovee some of the shorts here that I read and the exposure to characters that just get overlooked. Kong should be replacing Jon for the next Superman role, and finding out so much of Green Arrow'd extended family - I smell a new Arrow team complete with a new Speedy. And as for that last tale, Nubia looked perfect completing the Trinity. DC what's the hold up? Bendis would write her well, I have no doubts. Time to stop tokenizing Nubia, and put her in the game. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #7

Jan 25, 2021

Yay ! Constantine is finally the hero! Superman being a symbol of hope against an all powerfuk demon gave me goosebumps as such a scene is supposed to and the story ends with a kiss. This was the perfect light ending to a story mired in darkness. A great ending to a horror epic that could have done without the pencils on World's End. Please, no more sequels. This is good as is. - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Deadpool (2019) #10

Jan 31, 2021

Been awhile since I picked up the Merc since he went Hollywood. This was cute , funny , and action-packed as a D.P. book should be. Won't be bringing me in for a return next month, but I am glad this tie-in gave me an opportunity to see what was going on Monster Island for a bit. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Deadpool (2019): Nerdy 30 #1

Mar 10, 2021

Flipping through this juvenile rag, I have come to the realization that I outgrew Deadpool. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Detective Comics (2016) #1034

Mar 28, 2021

Alot of socialite Bruce in this issue, though I am most intrigued to see how Huntress plays into this. The action sequences were a slog, I have just seen this before too many times. I would have skipped the Robin side story, but I love Talia. Out of all the little editor's notes , DC could have mentioned Silencer. Surprisingly the story with Damian was more interesting than The Bat's. Jon could take some notes from here on how to properly fill in the shoes of an icon. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Die!namite #4

Jan 31, 2021

Yeah this is better than Marvel Zombies and DCeased put together. I said it. And to think I was reluctant to even pick this up. I wish I would have jumped on earlier, but with a story like this, I think any point is a good point to start reading when it's just : Sex. Gore. And more sex and more gore. Sensual and bloody, the way that Mila Jovocich taught me to enjoy a zombie tale. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Excalibur (2019) #19

Mar 25, 2021

I usually miss this, but I couldn't pass up on anything featuring the more attractive Psylocke - and I ain't talking British. I like how it basically picked up off the events of X of Swords (which was the last time I seriously picked up an Excalibur title) so it was easy enough to follow and become immersed. Haha, I love how the Snyder Cut had such influence over comics that the townspeople were singing praises to Psylocke for saving their village. Other than that, I am still kind of confused over Psylocke and Braddock's history, but not enough to search for any back issues. I am fine with what this was. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Excalibur (2019) #20

Apr 11, 2021

This was the best book I read from this week's drop. A seance, a misunderstood goth girl, and a swordfight in the astral plane. Plus Professor X tried to throw the book at another mutant not named Sabretooth? Yeah, this was as cool as Emma Frost popping up in her White Queen gear in her subconcious & having an empathetic moment about her past riddled in victimhood. Until the next issue of Hellions, it looks like this is where the action is at, surprisingly, because just like Psylocke - I did not just come to the beach, that is Excalibur, for nothing. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Immortal Wonder Woman #1

Jan 25, 2021

Okay I hopped on the Future State craze. That Nubia story and the promise of a homeless Batman drew me in. Luckily this story of a despondent Wonder Woman and a depressed Darkseid was better than I expected and feels in the same vein of Dead Earth with sexier art , painted , as opposed to the gritty , indigenous , pencils in Dead Earth. Speaking of indigenous , that Nubia story was perfect. Returning Grail to the forefront and opening up mystery as to Nubia's powers and her side of the DCU is welcome to my eyes and mind. Forget Yara, this Wonder Woman is better than a side story. This is a case of Bart and Hubert, just change the names to Diana and Nubia. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #1

Jan 25, 2021

These stories on WarWorld are cool, but the most interesting piece of this tale is the first part with the girl against the zealot shit going on once Superman left. And no tnose editor's notes are not enough to entice me to see what's going on with Jon Kent in Future State. Superman meets Planet Hulk with a cast of afro-centric characters for tne supporting cast ? I'll check out another issue. - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 25, 2021

This premise put me on the Future State train and I was given everything I expected. Batman loses everything. This is what I expected to happen at end of Joker War, but better late than never. Coming from California , forced nomadic living is in my veins. Seeing a rich kid like Batman homeless in a big city brings a smile to my face. And still having the drive to fight crime, despite that , makes my smile even wider ! I live the life of a ghost , but to have your obituary on skyscrapers, is a whole 'nother level. Plus, I cant help but be called back to tbe first Batman comic I ever bought as an avid Detective reader - Morrison wrote it, Zurr-En-Arrh , the first appearance of that raggedy ass suit . Glimpses of such a spirit have my spirit locked in to see what will happen in issue two and with Grifter , my favorite Wildstorm character not named Vodoo, cutting up all over the side story. My only issue was that Batwing was written like a punk - save that type of attitude for Duke. Hopefully Fox finds his cajones in the next issue, and if he doesn't, his emasculation won't stop me from enjoying my gateway series into Future State next month ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1

Jan 31, 2021

Much as I love Superman it was fun to see him get trash thrown in his face and retreat from Luthor , outmatched and outgunned. From the start of the issue Supes just bit off more than he could chew , and the proposition of A.I. rights made more sense from Superman in a few panels than Dan Slott did in his entire Iron Man run. This is a slow read, but when the shit hits the fan for the Kents, the look on their faces is priceless. And it's great to see Clark and Lois still getting it on in a broom closet at their ripe old age, true love never dies - as does the never -ending beef between Supes and Lex , exemplifies in these very pages. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Jan 31, 2021

Batman gets his head blown off, Superman gets checked, and tbe Crime Syndicate makes a return - Amanda Waller has assembled a better JL team than whatever the current DC writers ever could on the main title ! Didn't read the Black Adam short. After all that, why? - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #1

Jan 31, 2021

Not a bad story, short to tne point, and peels back more of the layers to the overall story of Batman creating his own problems with the Magistrate. I didn't like Superman being made to look uncouth in this issue. Since I place him at the top of the Trinity, when people write him as gullible, that never sits well with me. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 31, 2021

I just read the Dark story. It dragged as always. All I basically remember was Etrigan being pissed he now possessea chimp. I just want this to he Dark Avengers so bad.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2

Jan 31, 2021

Batman in a flat with a conspiracy theorist meets Red Hood becoming a sell-out to the government - featuring the best retelling of the Red Hood legend. With the most childish artwork on that side story, which was a standout, this Dark Detective title is at the top of Future State. Forget what the Magistrate has to say ! - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2

Feb 6, 2021

A surprisingly entertaining read with enough fan-service money shots to keep me turning the page , as the story was as ripe as Flor's age probably is. Still, by the time I closed the book , I was disappointed to find that there won't be another issue, tempting me to read the other Future state titles Flor is featured in - and that's where they got me. Though the story could have been told better on this week's issue of Venom, it was those money shots of Flor that has me eager to see her in her own solo title , and the way that she's drawn makes her a welcome addition to the DCU and to rep that tiara. Back in the days when I started masturbating was to the gorgeous art drawn by none other than Ian Churchill , whoever is on pencils here takes me back to that mindset in my younger days. For that reason alone, I am glad that a character was drawn this attractive , with no holds-barred in this cancel culture , and that that attraction was a gateway into a pleasant read where the pencils on the easel did more than the words typed into the script. Put Jones on the pencils again , but throw Azzarello a bone on the script for that Infinite Frontier, and the comics community will have a winner , while this two-parter will be remembered as a pre-cursor for what Jones can do with a sketchbook. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Future State (2021): Justice League #2

Feb 12, 2021

Once again only read the JLD story. An excellently depressing conclusion as could only be expected from the "Dark" within the title. Glad to see Zatanna back in her fishnets in the "future", maybe Ram V could bring back Inza while he's at it , what with the departure of the New 52 Fate on the final pages. Leave it up to DC to make Merlin look like a real asshole. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #2

Mar 25, 2021

Yeah this was no Planet Hulk. Tne art of Superman on WarWorld was just rushed, and I saw a better telling of this by Bruce Timm in the DCAU. The story should have focused on tne girl reading Clark's story instead, so much more could have been done if the story would have stayed on Earth. Definietly did not whet my appetite to read House of El, but both the Miracle Man & Midnighter time travel escapades were interesting enough to have me look forward to their adventures outside of the hell that is Future State. Black Racer? Sadly a complete afterthought. I love tne art and this girl taking up the mantle, but the story of the Racer now being heroic? Garbage. I would rather have her be an agent of Darkseid than a hero in goofy scenerios. I want seriousness with a Black Racer title. That was so far from here, it's probably in Infinite Frontier ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #3

Feb 12, 2021

A satisfying conclusion to the Grifter jawn, accompanied with the latest inclusion of the chronicles of modern- L.A. - living Bruce Wayne. I want the person to set him up be the daughter of his landlord so bad ! That storyline aside, the big Bruce meets Fox was flat as a pepsi left out for too long. The first couple of issues were explosive but this one was the definitive bridge to what is building up to be a glorious finale. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Future State: Gotham #1

May 17, 2021

Just read the Red Hood joint, because my favorite Robin was the draw to cracking open another dreaded Future State book. It was not that bad. I'll check out the next one. Need to replace the penciler though, I hate how he makes Ravager look like a disproportionate toothpick. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Generations (2021): Shattered #1

Jan 6, 2021

This almost felt like the 1st time I picked up Marvel vs. DC all over again. Most likely because Jurgens was on the title. No matter, at least he doesn't jerk readers around. Everything but Booster Gold is what I came here for (even though old Booster Gold gave off an aura that I never thought possible to see in the character: respectability): time travel hijinks like this was Zero Hour all over again (Waverider I see you !), the appearances of classic heroes ( I even smiled when I saw Silencer ) and a band of misfits being put together to stop a seemingly unstoppable foe. This is what comic books are made for. Now there are a few revisions to the team I would have made : Raven instead of Starfire , Rayner instead of Sinestro. But those are just my personal preferences , I am excited to see what every member in this book has to offer. Especially, Kamadi - since I have never read a book featuring him before. Saturn Girl and Superman getting wiped out was just absolutely bonkers for me - Supes because of his power level , and Saturn Girl , because I've always had a soft spot for her since Legion of Superheroes was a saturday morning cartoon for me in my youth. The threat is legitimized in these pages , and Hank Henshaw arguably has one of the coplest deaths that I have ever seen in comic book history in these very pages. Doctor Light's teanslation issue was real, as well as her breathing in space - but in the final pages , when did she have the time to throw on her costume ? The ending was obvious, but I was happy to be along for the ride. Even with that sobering look of horror of what human interaction will become with A.I. , curtosey of Batman running into some sex dolls. I am here for all of this. Taking the latest Giant Size X-Men #1 reprint route and having a different artist on every page was a great idea (though in future issues J.R. Jr. would be a shoe-in for a full 32) and further sold the magnitude of what this series promises to be . Not from any word of mouth from the creators but from the art alone , from issue one onward this is going to champion storytelling in the medium of comics. Not just a bloated event to sell multiple tie-ins , no this Generations shit is going to be concise and focused on the art of storytelling and I could not be happier. I look forward to more smiles and awe ahead. Just because I got some while reading this issue, it doesn't mean I've had my fill. * If you like this review hit audiomack.com/cvrthebard & cvrthebard.tumblr.com For more content !

God of War (2018): Fallen God #1

Mar 13, 2021

It's been years since a Summer Break meant hours of video game entertainment via my Aunt's 90's gaming system and still : Playstation stays shitting on all other gaming platforms with moves like diversifying it's brand with books like this. "Fallen God" is the realest thing to come out of Santa Monica since the bell would ring at that city's University High School and I would go back to South Central via Crenshaw Ave. high, drunk, and depressed. I never played a God of War game, but once upon a time in my early 20's in 2017 , I had a PSP. And I bought a Soul Calibur game for that joint and wore it out playing as Kratos. Familiarity with the character aside, "Fallen God " was written for me and every other person who shakes their fist at the sky & throws their tarot cards or what have you , when the universe has other plans than what you intended. Kratos's swords constantly returning to him serves as the story's perfect metaphor for not only memories that cannot be escaped but also how no matter how much each of us changes on our path on this planet, there still is some silly reason why we are here that (some like myself tend to believe) needs to be fulfilled. And not even our own thoughts of what is best for ourselves gets in the way of this pre-ordained, groupthink mindset. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

God of War (2018): Fallen God #2

Apr 19, 2021

Another great issue. Another issue where the reader gets taken through the loop with Kratos and gets to feel just as annoyed as him as Kratos bucks against existential dread and the pointlessness of choice. If Sony'a producing comics this well, I want to see Crash Bandicoot take a dark turn in the stapled pages one day. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Day The Stars Fell

Apr 5, 2021

Yeah the buck had to stop here. I love Grant Morrison, I can't stand Hal Jordan. Vol.1 was literally Law & Order in space and in this volume - the saga continued. So by the time Green Arrow & GL got off their drugs here, I had to put this down. Morrison just was pulling all types of characters out of his ass that I just don't like reading about. If only Morrison and I could see eye to eye that Kyle Rayner is "The Green Lantern", then I could have got through this second volume and completed the series. But no, it's still fuck the police - space cops included. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #12

Apr 5, 2021

Abstract art meets 80's metal, psychedellic colors and does the monster mash with mythologies ranging from the Greek to the undying esoteric. If GOTG weren't super heroes before, I am ready to see Ewing stick that definition to them, since he seems to be able to pull out the elements of whatever he touches and put the best on display. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Hellions (2020) #8

Jan 6, 2021

That was alot to absorb. By the end of the issue I felt like Havok. I don't care how much fan-service there was in the drawings of Psylocke in this issue , did she really have to throw up those robots? The antagonist being baited to do himself in was comedy, and proved Empath has a reach that extends past what limits he belives he has. And yeah, John's save of Psylocke was cool. And Nanny? Creepy as always down to the final panel. All the issue missed was Sinister's pomp, but that should be expected in the next issue. Havok really has to toughen up. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Hellions (2020) #11

May 10, 2021

So the start of this was what, just to shit on the latest main X-title ? Meh, it worked. Just another issue where the best X-team on the shelves is being led around by their noses and Psylocke just delves deeper into her deal with her devil in Sinister. Sinister trying to talk with the loss of his teeth was pure comedy and I felt no pity for Mastermind or Arcade (who's really been making his rounds around he 616 recently). Wonder what the Gala has in store for these guys? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Heroes Reborn (2021) #1

May 10, 2021

Shades of Marvel vs. DC here down to the Afro-Centric main character. I love this! Now if only they made the Squadron Supreme more akin to their MAX counterparts, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. And this event only lasts two months? Yeah, I can already tell this Heroes Reborn is going to be a keeper just like the last one. No sarcasm either, I am happily not the majority. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Heroes Reborn (2021) #2

May 17, 2021

Hulk got fused with Bizarro - two of my comic book favorites - just to get stamped out by the worst iteration of Hyperion. And I thought Spider-Man got done dirty ... The lack of the MAX Squadron Supreme is going to stay as my biggest gripe against this story. I might try to ignore it. Blade popping up like Ebon ob Static Shock was crazy, and Cap with a beard is such a crazy look I was reading him as grizzled instead of pretentious. Amazing what some facial hair can do. - IG : @DJCVRTHEBARD

Immortal Hulk #0

Mar 31, 2021

9.16.20 #CVReview Throwback : While DC milked Batman Day to the fullest , Immortal Hulk's zero issue touched me to tears on the eve of the original new comic book day. These re-prints are where Ang Lee got the idea for his '03 film from. This is where Ewing got a majority of his juice for his latest killer run that has cemented the Hulk as a do-no-wrong title in recent comic book history. Mike Mignola takes his Hellboy chops to pen the creepiest childhood visages that surround young Bruce Banner's abused past. And Peter David uses a chibli Stan Lee to help narrarate the murder of Bruce's father and the continuation of the generational curse of the Banner family of being deemed as madmen and monsters. I could relate to this on a personal level coming from an abused broken home. Having a father that I recently gave a chance to this year be back in my life who ended up putting both physical and emotional bruises on me as an adult in a similar way as he did when I was a youth. I will not be opening that door again. Mental illness does carry on from generation to generation but how it's dealt with is an entirely different story. I can empathize with Brian Banner not wanting a child so he wouldn't become his father, but then I can empathize with Bruce's repression as well and the urge to commit patricide while at the same time craving acceptance from your old man. And the added inserts to tie-in to the Immortal Hulk story were well utilized and kept me on the edge of my seat in the middle , thinking it was over. If this issue came out with a variant release , I would buy it and throw it on a wall even in this digital era due to the significance and resonance this story has in my personal life. As a victim of domestic abuse , and as someone who strives not to repeat the same cycles in any of my future relationships from what I have been taught in my environment. As a person who stares in the mirror and can see a monster in the human present, not in the green silhouette of repressed rage , both the motif and the man waiting for some kind of release - I am glad for these re-prints being presented in the format they were and included in this epic series. Immortal Hulk is what I need today. Because I am not a kid anymore. I dont need saving from a superhero, I just need to kick it with someone who understands. And I am glad that these storied tales (that live up to the hype after all these years of hearing about them) shed some light on the strongest Avenger , not just in body but in discipline as well. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Immortal Hulk #43

Feb 6, 2021

The Hulk literally saved a kid from police brutality. I am fucking done. Released at the top of the U.S. corporation's Black History Month , my favorite founding Avenger did a "brother" a solid. Now a lot of people, who do not identify as Afro-American. have been dragged through the mud for including these Rodney King - like instances in there art , as using plight for profit. Coming from California , where I have experienced and witnessed police brutality to the point where to escape such social ills, I exported myself to Middle America, I don't care how contrived that scene may seem to readers - it was too cool. I would have killed to have the Hulk have my back when I was in my teens getting my face ground into pavement by SG or LAPD , because each time that happened , more than likely I had a Hulk t-shirt on I copped from hot topic. Now as for the other controversy with Jewelry store , as someone with Jewish blood , the stereotypes exacerbated on that part of my DNA , I take lightly , and actually enjoy. To be considered as greedy and money-grubbing , I look at those stereotypical attributes as signs of wealth so whatever. I'm just surprised the police didn't pull over Joe Fix-It because the way Joe Bennett draws him , he looks like an 80's porn reject , which in the era of Me-Too looks kind of suspicious to me. Sketching controversy aside , here we have another gorgeous cover by Alex Ross , and Ewing's story is enlightening and adds more to the mythology surrounding Bruce Banner's MPD and the routine that he and his alters use to manage his disorder , to stay our from behind bars and ultimately to survive. I wish I was as calm as TwoYoungMen when that composite-abomination body of the Leader/Banner/Doc Samson appeared from underground like a Tremor. And as always , sympathy for the Green Goliath , who is strong enough to lift a car , but still looks as weak as ever thanks to the marriage of Ewing's story and Bennett's pencils. Fuck the controversy , because by the end of this tale , these men will go down in history as putting down the greatest Hulk-arc ever. I'm ready for #761. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Immortal Hulk #44

Mar 10, 2021

Whelp, the U-Foes just put the "Mortal" in The Immortal Hulk. A quick read that had me smirking like Gyrich on the cover while I was flippinh through my illegally downloaded cbr. file. Watching the Hulk get beat down over and over is like watching those videos with the maltreatment of cattle in farmhouses that scared me into becoming a vegan in my early college days. It was almost a relief to see the Hulk finally get put out to pasture(especially given the eternal alternative in books like The End ). Doc Samson's crew is holding it down on their end of the tale and I am eager to see their story expounded on, and that news reporter's powers truly evolve into something more than some shit lifted from Shamalyan's Sixth Sense script. In due time , I know the dream team of Ewing & Bennet will deliever. And if there is ever a lesson to pick up from this issue : phone's should be lifted up only while reading comics or writing reviews - fights are meant to be fought, fuck all that recording shit. A PSA if I've ever seen one approved by the Comics Code as another gruesome Hulk ass beating is put down in the books.Talk about karma. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Immortal Hulk #45

Apr 11, 2021

Sunshine Hulk ? Fuck it, Solar Flare Superman was cool. Other than Red She-Hulk playing like she was going to be introduced as Superman on Zack Snyder's Man of Steel , or the awkward testing of the reporter's gamma powers this was a set-up issue - so nothing to exciting here, unless if some girls out there get wet off Doc Samson rocking Sasquatch-possessed mutton chops, mugging hard in the panel ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Immortal Hulk #46

May 10, 2021

I really wanted an orange Hulk. At least Joe is back. And the Avengers working for Gyrich? The Avengers get more sanctimonious and hypocritical every second. Hopefully Heroes Reborn sorts them out. Hulk making the U-Foes run with their tails in between their legs was great and who doesn't love Red Harpy? The saga continues and has yet to fall off. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Immortal Hulk #48

Jul 11, 2021

I would give a lot for Bennet to draw She-Hulk 24/7. I love the way that Ewing writes her too and doesn't make her Savage side look stupid , as opposed to Aaron's writing on the current Avengers. That's all the comparisons I'm going to speak on for this review, because Immortal Hulk will win against any other title currently on stands if I continued to do that. It was great to see Harpy reunite with the Hulk. Though to see her be so head-over-heel's for Joe Fixit surprised me. I was not aware that she had a specific personality that she latched on to in her relationship with Bruce. But to see after all that, her still desire the milksop, was touching. Betty genuinely loves all parts of Bruce, but favoritism has become a coping mechanism in her case dealing with a mate who has a psyche wrought with MPD. Fixit's non-chalant attitude towards Banner seems like a front. But, affection would not really fit his "machismo" attitude, so that 's expected. I'm glad to see there is more titles spinning off of this series, and the scenes with the memories between Betty & Bruce were a thing of beauty. The past in a frame always is. - IG : @djcvrthebard

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 7, 2021

Took me back to when Rebirth dropped , and I honestly am just glad Doomsday Clock is still canon (Note this is written by a creator who believes The Watchmen is The Bible). Other than that there's nothing special here. If you want a good epilogue to Death Metal,then look no further than Immortal Wonder Woman. Because this is all that is, except watered-down and unnecessary.Though those final pinals gave J.R. Jr. some room to shine. That god's artwork sure is something else ... Felt a Free Comic Book Day book, and didn't even carry a #1 on it, though it was just as expository as Rebirth #1, except a little too hopeful. Felt like I was being patrionized throughout the whole read, but then again that's how entities that aren't human, like to treat humans , right ? With kid gloves ? Again I was glad the Quinetessence got stomped the fuck out by the end of the tale, even though their group word comes from my favorite root word. And wasn't there enough xenophobia against Supes' son in all those Future State books I didn't read. This isn't the time for previews, DC needs to stop pussyfooting thier audience and drop the new shit. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Infinite Frontier: Secret Files (2021) #6

Jul 7, 2021

The latest issue of Secret Files just could not dissapoint. What to expect from anything featuring Psycho Pirate? Here is a good reason why this character has survived every generation of the DCU. Filled with existentialist themes to further push the narrative in the main Infinite Frontier series, the best really had been saved for last with a classic interrogation featuring some of the most thought-provoking dialogue I have read in years. I will take Bones' & Pirate's conversation about stoicism with me for the rest of my existence dealing with emotion. And that's not on every new comic book day, thanks to the way "life" is set up. The bar has been raised here with this series, that not even the return of the Batman Adventures or those shorts with Vixen & Red Hood in "Truth & Justice" really could accomplish (though they were great in their own right). This line of Secret Files shorts punctuated here let comic book heads everywhere know that DC Digital Firsts' actually can carry some weight. Whoever drew this needs to be hired for the next Digital First title because the marriage of illustration and script here (penned by Lucifer legend Dan Watters) is what comic books are made of, not just thrown together like most straight to digital books after Tim Kring's webcomic of Heroes was getting compiled to be published under Wildstorm (look it up).

Injustice: Year Zero #14

Jan 6, 2021

It was cool to see Joker run rampant to a level , I had never seen before. I am honestly glad it ended the way it did, focused on Batman's faith in Superman's morality as the reasoning behind Joker's motive to kill Lois was a coy nod to the game. The storytelling was there, but the pencils and colors on this was just like that World's End series : pedestrian. I hope Year One is not a new thing and some shit I just missed when the game first dropped. * Like this ? Hit cvrthebard.tumblr.com & Audiomack.com/cvrthebard For more content.

Iron Man (2020) #7

Mar 24, 2021

Comedy, existential postulating , and rising action : even in the filler issues, Cantwell's run on Iron Man is the most entertaining I have read since I started buying comics when I hit middle school and Iron Man was still the SHIELD director ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Iron Man (2020) #8

Apr 18, 2021

Another great issue. The art is gorgeous, MoonDragon was running shit like this was GOTG and Hellcat did a demonstration of inner/shadow work in such a simplified manner, anyone reading this should put their spiritual coach back on the unemployment line. This just needed more than one panel of Misty Knight though. Because let's be real as far as bionic arms go, Bucky can stick his where the sun don't shine in comparison to the Hero For Hire / Daughter of Liberty looking like she came off the set of a Roy Ayers scored joint. How can such good come from a book without one panel featuring the the titluar character? This is how : - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #7

Jan 31, 2021

This series drags and this is just the continuation. The Joker's murders here are not as over the top as the previous issues, and I kind of dont care about Harley's revenge quest revealed in this issue. This is like reading a Law & Order comic. And I don't really like Law & Order. I just thought this was a mini-series , but 7 issues in, I am just in too deep. - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Juggernaut (2020) #5

Jan 6, 2021

Was that the end of an arc or the series ? The book kind of dragged opposed to past issues, but lifting D-Cel's story from Jean Grey's origin in the Dark Pheonix flick peppered with an urban touch was not a bad idea. Damn, can't believe Outkast is now considered old school. I will miss her comedic relief should this series continue. Other than that seeing how Juggernaut gets treated by the mutants is annoying , but the bully eventually gets bullied. Action was there , set up for the next arc was there ,and had a unique emotional drive fueled by both comedy and tragedy. Here's hoping the story continues, as much as D-Cel gets voted into the new X-Men ...

Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 19, 2021

Bendis just came off a compelling run on "Action" - what more was there to expect? Here on his first issue of JL - Black Adam gets eased in to his membership, a villian tests the League and makes the new team look weak, and Naomi gets previewed to become a heavy hitter in a book that began with the questioning of the weight of symbolism. Bendis is at the top of his game telling memorable stories , but the artist on this issue makes every character looked blushed up like their starring in a romantic fan-fic. The art just isn't appropriate for the atomsphere Bendis' words creates, and it makes Bendis' story suffer. As for the JL Dark story, it's a slow bubble , but serves as a solid precusor for hopefully a full run, because this side-story stuff has to be left in the past where "Future State" is. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Justice League: Last Ride #1

May 17, 2021

I'm eager to see the dysfunction between the dismantaling of the League - once again. A little tired of Martian Manhunter being a sacrificial lamb, but I am a sadistic sucker for watching him burn so let Zdarsky tell his DC tale that makes Batman look like an asshole, once again. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Kick-Ass vs Hit-Girl (2020) #5

Mar 24, 2021

A rushed ending and no team-up, but at least Hit-Girl really put Patience through the paces. And J.R. Jr. returned for cover art ? The endings in the Patience Kick-Ass books are always rushed (ironically) , but it doesn't work negatively, it only builds anticipation for the next adventure for the Kick-Ass with a kick-ass body! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black #3

Jan 25, 2021

Reed Richards looks like a fool, I smell another slap coming towards Sue's face. Iron Man all over this series is badass, and Venom's son grabbing Cap's shield was better than watching Spidey do the same thing in Civil War on the big screen. I wonder if this kid was modeled after Tom Holland ? Pointless pontifications aside, King In Black is action packed and not reliant on the tie-in's , at least so far , so this is a book that I would introduce to someone who has never read a comic before. Any book that can make a bore like Thor look badass in the slightest is a win for the comic book industry everywhere. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

King In Black #4

Feb 23, 2021

This is what big event series can only dream of. This issue could have easily been read through autopilot until those 90's feels when Jean Grey took center stage. It's almost as if she was talking to me through telepathy while I was reading, which I guess she was. This is the magic of comics. And then the classic useless Cyclops crying out for his paramour after her brain hemorrages. That's some XTAS type shit right there. The flashback tnrough Knull's head was better than reading any compilated compemendium trying to recap the Knull story prior to King In Black. And how can I forget Dylan? I really felt for him in this issue, and watching the light god struggle to get through the symbiotes , that shit gave me real anxiety. So yes I was shocked Silver Surfer isn't the lightbearer, but I am more than happy to see Eddie be that guy. As much as a career-loser he believes himself to be, he deserves that moment. Making me glad I got that Knull logo tatted on my chest, years before Sony ever considered a Venom flick; and inadvertantely giving me hope in my own personal life. This is the magic of comic books; on full display in a big event book. Damn near unheard of in this oversaturated cultural trope, but here is the anamoly : King In Black #4. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black #5

Apr 11, 2021

Quick with lots of ass kicking, this is the antithesis of the 1st issue : which was the fall of Eddie & rise of Knull. Here, readers get the fall of Knull & the rise of Eddie. I enjoyed myself and am so glad that stupid Namor tie-in didn't factor in because I never got to finish that or a few other King In Black tie-in titles. Knull was just so weak. But I guess he has the spirit of a true king - always sending others out to fight his battles for him. Hopefully Eddie stays true to the streets with his new role. And I hate Thor, but fusing Mjolnir with the Surfer's board to make an axe - well, Cates knows how to make a "Crossover" ! Though he could have given all of Spidey's lines to the X-Men featured in this book (just saying) , and after all of this; I just know that Iron Man better keep that symbiote armor & the Fantastic 4 look useless as ever. Long Live King Eddie, because I don't want to see another story with weak-ass "send my goons on you" Knull, ever again. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Iron Man/Doom #1

Jan 2, 2021

Doom believes in Santa Claus. 'Nuff said. Just when MF DOOM's passing was announced to the Hip-Hop community , this was the book I needed to get me through. Having read Doomquest and all of Infamous Iron Man , this continues to deliever in the tradition of a good story of Stark and Doom matching wits, with all the sarcastic cynicism required when dealing with these characters on the panel. Yet even the story centering around Santa Claus could not lift dispell the pomp and postering these two titans tend to do whenever they share a title. Two big egos , St. Nick, and some symbiotes - who knew this could be a recipe for succes?

King In Black: Marauders #1

Feb 6, 2021

The threat of human-trafficking never seemed more serious than when told through the pages of this "funny book". Duggan can actually write seriously , completely taking me aback with this tie-in in contrast with his "Savage Avengers". This man has made Kitty a certified Red Queen , better than what any writer could have done on the main title with this single issue. If Duggan isn't already on the main Marauders, then Marvel needs to sign him up. My only issue with this story is that Iceman shouldn't have given the traffickers water , on what slave ship do they do that at ? And putting those bastards in South Africa ... my South African blood boiled. I wouldn't want human traffickers anywhere near my ancestral homeland , the mutants should've had that gate going straight to hell. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

King In Black: Spider-Man #1

Mar 24, 2021

This wasn't needed : a childish tie-in for a serious series. Shit like this further drives the nail in the coffin for Spider-Man's respectability , as David's run on the "Symbiote" series further raises it. I wish they would have sticked to "Symbiote" and thrown the script for this stupidly annoying shit in the trash. The Cap one-shot accomplished everything this book did, but with a mature take. The two stories in this just makes Marvel's mascot look like he's still riding on training wheels, even though he's older than the kid he's teaming up with to save some annoying ass composite old hag and some military personell. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Ghost Rider #1

Apr 6, 2021

L after L for Ghost Rider, but he still made it look cool. It would have been nice for an announcement of another Brisson led run after this one-shot, you know like the Valkyries got or the surprisingly good Union, but Marvel knows where to put their money right? How many times have they wen't bankrupt and lost property rights over the years? Mephisto went from backseat bitching to a throne in hell, I learned symbiotes can infect demons, and the penance stare got an upgrade and a deadlier name. Fun, fun, fun all around. If only all tie-ins can be like this. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Namor #5

Apr 22, 2021

I'm just glad it's over. Namor looks so weak coming out of this book, this tie-in really should have been scrapped. Boring & had 0 to do with the main arc. This was a miss. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes #3

Apr 22, 2021

Glad to see Toxin back. And with a new host? I expect more of him. Perhaps a fight with Dylan, because of his age - range. The Brood nod was cool. Could've just included all the above and threw out that garbage Cloak & Dagger story. The weakest of the bunch & a bad cover choice. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #1

Jan 6, 2021

Not big on Thor titles, but this is intriguing , and at least it is set in the present tense as opposed to that boring Namor King In Black tie -in. That level was what I expected while reading this. Instead, the writer was smart enough to include the Sentry and added a couple of sexy grim reapers. One that has amnesia and the other in charge of the Sentry's transition who runs into the symbiotes on the other side. I am willing to check out another issue, despite my dislike of Norse - Marvel. Aaron is vetted. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #4

Apr 6, 2021

All that just to pull out a goddamn sword like a splinter? You've git to be kidding. And, no - as I sit here alone having lost all the social pillars I once upon a time had in life to comfort me, I just dont buy this 32 page lecture on loss/life. Yes some of the jokes aimed at the horse hit, and after seeing Snyder's JL, the Valkyries riding out reminded me of the Amazons , so they looked cool - but only this time around. Marvel's really continuing this series? Count me out. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Thunderbolts #2

Feb 10, 2021

Rosenberg is at it again. Ever since this man's run on Uncanny , I swear he can take any super team and put them to good use - as Kingpin does in this issue, still trying to pull a trick out of Norman Osborn's old Thunderbolts playbook way back in Secret Invasion when I was still in middle school, hitting puberty. Laughs abound, for damn near every page , and that is far from an understatement. There's no redemption for this set of Thunderbolts here , and that's exactly how I like them. Assholes (and hats) through and through. Who knew looking at a deer get caught in the headlights could be funny as much as that trope has been beaten to death as the severed body of the Sentry , which present in this issue , got even more laughs out of me and was far more interesting than whatever selling point Marvel tried for that new Valhalla series. I thought Marvel would drop the ball here , that the first issue was a fluke, but it appears I did not read the credits close enough. Rosenberg just can't be fucked with when his pen graces the page of a team book. This man is what Captain America is to the Avengers , what Superman is to the JLA - and with all the shit critics give him the man might as well be this reality's amalgamation of those characters the way he "Super-Soilder"'s on . And I say go right ahead Matt, because I'll be in the trenches with you reading whatever you got , every step of the way. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

King In Black: Thunderbolts #3

Mar 7, 2021

A great send off to the best tie-in of the King In Black saga, which in hindsight, did not have the stiffest competition. The laughs are sti rolling, the oil paint still looks niche, and the dialogue is still just as raw as the action. The ending is paint-by-the-numbers , comic book 101 , on how to set up a tie-in into an on-going - and I hope Rosenberg writes that too when it's time to reassemble Marvel's best team before Duggan wen't all Savage with the Avengers. I only wonder who Taskmaster really is, because when that masked peeled off, it could've been the Chamelon for all I know. This is how you whet a reader's appetite. Thunderbolts is how you keep comic book shops open in an era where print is dead. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Lonely Receiver #5

Jan 19, 2021

No ending could have ever wrapped up a story this relevant to the present and future of dystopian romance. A 5 issue portrait of what relationships are today in a world more concerened with buzz words than actual conversations that can lead to progression. Bottom line : it's cool to learn to love yourself, but not everybody wants to be isolated. Whatever happened to the days where people actually worked out relationships instead of just retreating to work on themselves, when in actuality they are just ashamed and insecure in how they treated their mate? Gone. Like this series. I thought tnere would have been some more violence, some more murders , I did not expect the ending to be essentially a P.S.A. against the relationships I once dreamed of having now lost to nostalgia. This was pitched as a horror series , and despite all tbe dread and death in the past issues the culmination was a lesson that true horror is not a crazy, stalker ex - but the concept that (according to this story) empowers such a person : a monogamus relationship - something that was once seen as a union to aspire to , now canceled in today's Western culture. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Lucifer Vol. 4: The Devil At Heart

Feb 15, 2021

Ah, the end is once more the beginning. I have no idea why the print run on this was cut short, but I am glad that the final issues found printing in this volume. This is the theory of existentialism told sold well in prestige comic book format , that the whole series should get a reprint in prestige comic book format. I smiled seeing Mazikeen , Duma , and all the old players in this rich mythology that brings characters from the Christendom in an entertaining light. A retelling of the epoch of there being no light without darkness , it's just all comedy and tragedy in seeing each of the characters realize this , and the reactions that follow serving as a reflection of the reader itself ; the grand tradition in the tales of the Sun of god himself is passed down from Gaiman , to Carey, to Bllaack and successfully carried by Watters here at the end of his run , as the beginning. This was and is Lucifer at his finest. I popped this open at 4 in the morning and did not put it down until it was over when the sun came up , nobody but the devil can make an avid comic book reader do that. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Maestro: War & Pax #1

Jan 25, 2021

Cold , cold Maestro. This is not a needed series , but I'll stick with it to see Maestro slaughter more kids and watch the hero known as the Hulk lose his soul to the hubris of the Maestro. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Maestro: War & Pax #3

Mar 31, 2021

A portrait of when your friends become your enemies. The biggest blow is just that Bruce still hasn't gotten over the trauma of losing his mother, like another Bruce in comics. Seeing all this that molded the Future Imperfect, and having David just come back to his brainchild - I can see why David has decided to take care of this character for so long just to tell this story. Between this and Ewing, there just is no escaping the fact that any Hulk story Marvel comes out with recently just hits paydirt. Avengers? Eat your heart out. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Marauders (2019) #20

May 10, 2021

The Storm tribute issue. Well-deserved. And written by Duggan, no less. Versatile. Get this man on the next Crossover or Black Hammer Visions, something at Dark Horse! And I could have swore Storm had 10 knives. So cool to see her flex her power in so many ways. Kenyan women are something else, even Emma Frost and Calisto had to bow, and those women are nothing to sneeze at ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Marvel (2020) #4

Jan 31, 2021

I just read the Thing's story in this and by that merit it was sad and filled with regret and self-loathing as the inside of the Thing's rock head could ever be, but it ended on a cheerful note as the Thing's heart tends to be so just like the Thing's life - it wasn't all bad. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Marvel (2020) #6

Mar 24, 2021

Throughout this whole series, I skimmed through alot of the stories. This issue I treated no different. I am tired of the bew trend in short stories going through corporate comic's Big 2. I am glad this was not the original "Marvel" as planned. Honestly, it's not worthy enough to hold the title, even with the big payoff art at the end. I would have rather had just a Strange vs. Nightmare and skipped the throwaway shorts. Even with Bermejo in this issue, I really just got tricked into reading a 6 part Strange book and the only Sorcerer Supreme's I respect are Vodoo , Doom , and Magick in that order. I'd rather peep Ross' covers on Hulk, Iron Man, and Cap - this ain't it. A definitive miss with 2 good splash pages that deserve a poster, and that art wasn't even by Ross ! Meh. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1

Mar 13, 2021

This book was great when I read it - I especially enjoyed the innocence of the "girl's night" story, just to see those young heroes be out of their elemenet for a change, and just let their guard down instead of puffing out their chest all the time to try and measure up to their idols. And Ridley's Spidey, was another slam dunk for a week that included another great short from the legend by way of Batman Black & White. And it's hard to get praise for a short through this medium, but Ridley is a vet who flexes his skills in this short like he was writing another installment to "American Way". - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #24

Apr 5, 2021

Cute, endearing, and both Miles & Khan did more for the people than Parker or Danvers (even though she was in an alt. universe) has been doing for months. Clone Saga got teased, but I'm not worried. I've every iteration of the Saga but the panned original and I loved each one. If this is the Spidey their going with, I expect nothing but good things in the future for this Spidey's story. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #25

May 3, 2021

Both stories were fun, Miles' Mom has ass, Peter's bringing shades of that animated Sony film into this and Miles should have whooped his friends' ass on G.P. Yeah this is going to be another fun Clone Saga. My only issue? I would like it better if the characters talked proper english and if Miles's Dad would be more than Mr.Mom. Having a father in the Afro-community is like finding a 4 leaf clover - I would know. I want Ahmed to delve deeper into that relationship just to show what could be possible, as is common in the comic book world. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

New Mutants (2019) #15

Jan 31, 2021

This book had a Wolverine clone begging for attention at a marriage. Magick was giving out noogies as quick as teenage angst was being handed out by Mirage, all while Shadow King lurked in the background looking like a sex offender. This book is a roller coaster, nust when I want to put it down, a joke or some action or something horrible happens to jolt me awake and to prompt me to turn the page and ultimately to keep me curious as to what will happen next issue. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Mar 11, 2021

Spidey gets all the cute chicks, right? The love interest in this is drawn dope, but everything else looks as rushed as the title of this series. Is there a way Bagley can get back here ? Seems like he & Land seem to be the only people with common sense that can draw the web-slinger. And hearing an ex-CEO get jealous over a foreign conveyance - Parker can save that, for real. This is leagues ahead of the ASM issue that came out this week, but it just cant carry the weight of the recent Spidey mini-series penned by the Abrams'. Just knowing this was inspired by the film series Crank , throws me back to my childhood and encourages me to maybe pick up another issue , but I need Peter to grow up. I need "Life Story" , something mature, and this isn't it. Sad when the side story with Zemo kicking ass was more interesting than the full-length with Marvel's mascot.

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #2

Apr 23, 2021

Surprisingly entertaining. Don't like Spidey's girlfriend here. The one on the deathbed should have been the one getting more shine. The re-imagining of the Spider-Sense as buzzwords and the intrigue of the villains saved what would otherwise be another Spider-Man spin-off that looks like it's aimed at kids. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Red Sonja (2019) #23

Jan 31, 2021

Snorefest, couldn't do it. Love the cover art , like all Dynamite books, but inside is a perfect example of why I tend to avoid these titles. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Red Sonja: Superpowers #4

May 10, 2021

Took a minute for me to read but Sonja stripped, choked a guy out , and ended up actually expressing childlike joy while enjoying the gift of flight given to her by her new suit. A rare time seeing Sonja actually happy. I think she smiles less than Batman. And speaking of Bats, this issue ended up with her lining up Vampirella, interconnecting this series with The Dark Powers. Glad I'm reading both and that this reveal was a surprise and not force-fed. This needs to be canonized. I love seeing Sonja out of her element. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Red Sonja: Superpowers #5

May 13, 2021

Well this is what I expect from all Dynamite titles : something raw & titilating. I haven't read a catfight this arousing in awhile, nor have I read a superhero throwdown more visually or phonetically satisfying than this. There was no rush, and even though the fight was seen through Sonja's eyes, the perspective of Vampirella & "The Superpowers" were still translated thoroughly. And this is only round 1? I could swear Vampirella & Sonja have squared off multiple times before, and Man of Steel - esque battles have been in comics since before Zack Snyder touched his first camera - but I'll be goddamned if this does not feel fresh! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Robin (2021) #1

May 2, 2021

The impossible has finally been achieved after rising from the dead with a pet from Apokolips , after making his first appearance in Batman No. 666 (which is more Metal than anything Tom King can put out), after making Raven his girlfriend in the DCAU - stil Damien Wayne was a dweeb. All it took was a fightingbl tournament and a black suit to make this Robin a certified badass. The way the fights are drawn are with a level of realism that doesn't rely on gratuitous gore, though Damien eventually gets Kaino'ed in the first issue! Ravager is here, and it looks like Red Hood might have a little competition - but given the Bat Family's sexual escapades with Talia, maybe Deathstroke's daughter might make a run through the family as well ... Sex scandals aside, I love how all the characters hate Damien as much as I do and that Damien takes this crtique on ths chin and uses it as more fuel than what a Lunchables product claims on it's commercial advertisements. And the manga influence isn't shied from here, but embraced with the pencils, down to Alred's ghost popping up like Samuel L. Jackson on Afro Samurai. Damien even reads manga here , putting to rest the debate between manga or anime (finally). I was tempted to just shrug this book off because, well, it's Damien. I'm glad I gave this a chance. Willamson : don't fuck this up.

Rorschach (2020) #4

Jan 25, 2021

Ahhh, my favorite type of issue : a Rorschach : unmasked, incarcerated, and spilling guts - only something here fails tne classic formula as opposed to if this was Reggie or Walter letting it all hang out fot the tape recorder. I guess it's because this Rorschach was more of a textbook simp : his costumed efforts done for someone else as opposed to his own inspiration like others to have put the mask on before. Still, to see Rorschach finally drop someone down an elevator shaft was a great nod to the source material. 4 issues in with a nod like that, and the cover looking like Hooded Justice was going to amke a guest appearance, I trust King & Forns have my favorite masked comic book character in good hands. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Rorschach (2020) #5

Feb 12, 2021

Felt like I was watching Giuliani in Borat 2 all over again. U.S. government corruption can be translated through medium after medium, leave it to a Watchmen spinoff to give the trope justice. It was nice to see the Comedian and the Doc in some panels again after Doomsday Clock , and being in that restroom was just ... uncomfortable. The laughs were ugly. The mystery still deep. Rorschach can't go wrong. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Rorschach (2020) #6

Mar 9, 2021

Heartbreaking continuing it's air of melancholy and providing an argument for why the art of pen pal-ing may never return, despite the many people who I've met in recent years who put their address up in hopes to initiate this dead form of contact's revival. This issue draws inspiration once more from the Genovese murder and is an interesting take on Rorschach's diary - allowing readers such as myself to have more sympathy for the vigilante's featured in this tale , who in previous issues seem only cold and vengeful. The focus isn't on the detective here, but that's ok. He still makes enough sporadic appearances to allow the story to build in what is shaping up to be the book that puts the "Detective" in DC comics this year. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Rorschach (2020) #7

Apr 18, 2021

Fuck this is Tom King. It's such a shame that an issue where someone is in a Rorschach costume the whole way through just lags and plays for filler. One of my favorite writer's made an issue long cameo & there were nods to Doc Manhattan & The Black Freighter from what I consider The Bible - what the fuck happened? Tom King. I understand King's writing style : an unraveling mystery, but I just dont have the patience for what he is doing to one of my most beloved comic book characters. This book needs Azzarello like the Rorschach mask needs to be on Reggie Long's face ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard?

Rorschach (2020) #8

May 17, 2021

An interrogation? The only thing I liked was the callbacks to the mask becoming the wearer's face. I'm done man. And Rorschach is one of my favorite comic book characters. This wacky story is losing it's legs. Anybody but Tom King should have handled this. This book should have went straight to GN - maybe that would have saved it from being a blemish to Watchmen's legacy. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #3

Feb 12, 2021

This was fun as fuck. The man is no teleporter, but through the whole issue I felt like I was going on a ride. The scene with Fortean was especially harrowing to where I had to take a double-take just to witness the power of the portal. Just when I thought this title was going to go the way of Excalibur and X-Factor, now I want to tune in next issue to find out who the mole is. My interest has been captivated. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #4

Mar 21, 2021

It was cool to see a zombie Cable get blasted , but I cant even remember the characters name's here and I love the "teleporter" who speaks to the universe, I love the leader who gets drunk to quiet her mind but she's interchangable with the brains on X-Force. The girl who blasted Cable , she slept with Cyclops ? Cyc gets all the dimes, damn. Again all these characters are cool and I look forward to the future here but I am ready to move on from King In Black. And man , all the way in space ? As I read Knull , he doesn't seem all that powerful because he sends his goons all the time , but man his influence has reach ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Sacred Six (2020) #6

Jan 31, 2021

There'd an ebony Vamp? Sold ! I open it up and I am not dissapointed. Sexy, snarky, entertaining. This is the good side of Dynamite that needs to be showcased more often. When the cover is up to snuff with the contents, this indie can't lose ! - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Sacred Six (2020) #8

Apr 23, 2021

Flip from the gorgeous allegorical variant cover art (that perfectly describes the vampiric & predatorial nature of religious institutions) by Stephane Roux and you get a little bit of backstory to set off the pure action horror dripping with sarcasm on each page. Everything in this issue felt like cinematic , but in a sarcastic since : From Draculina busting out the bathroom stall like Superman wrecking phone booths, to her scene just unimpressively picking that jail cell lock, to Vampirella unceremoniously rising from the grave sucking the blood out the coroner pleasuring himself over her like this was Kill Bill and The Bride was learning to walk again - there is a marriage of the cinematic, the gross, and the mundane here that makes "Sacred Six" the funnest tryst you can have with your pants on. And just to revisit the flashbacks, the writer doesnt beat you in the head with it like other writer's. It feels essential but cool watching a young girl blow off a date to learn her way around a car through the guidance of her father in the same vein an adopted child is told a bedtime story by Nyx on how he came in her posession in a land that looks Medieval , but features sub-machine guns & Prius' to spice it up. Yeah it may be hard to keep up which character is which but this book made Prius' look cool, if that doesn't put the 'Sacred' in Sacred Six - I dont know what does. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Savage Avengers (2019) #19

Mar 25, 2021

This was the first "okay" issue. It took me this long to realize this book is literally just "Conan Meets Tne Marvel Universe". There is no literal "Savage Avengers" team. Fuck ! Meh, at least Iceman mentioned his snowman days and Deadpool got a few good laughs in, and got blown up for when the comedy missed. Conan in the Hellfire mansion is a good fit. Wolverine naming Conan as his friend was heartwarming. Shit, I'd like to chill with them as they sip some beers after Wolverine takes his swipes at Knull. With the Krakoan gate being right in the mansion, I would like to see Conan crossover in the X-Men titles, though that probably won't happen. Whatever, I've seen crazier shit in this title - that's why I look forward to each issue , and usually cant put them down. But this one felt like a chore. I'll blame it on the fact of it being a tie-in issue. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Shang-Chi (2020) #5

Jan 31, 2021

A solid ending, I just wish tnere would have been more issues ! This had jokes, action , and a story of fate with Freudian overtones. How does this shit not sell? - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Skybound X #5

Aug 10, 2021

Skybound X is the top anthology on the shelves right now overflooded with bloody black & white stories. I've skipped over The Walking Dead for years because of the hype and high issue count never made the franchise inviting. The Rick Grimes 2000 tale that bookends here is more than I could have asked for in my first trip into The Walking Dead. Short, to the point, and accessible to readers unfamiliar with the mythos. Rick Grimes 2000 is a mature read with enough ridiculous factors (aliens, mechs, zombies, & lightsabers) to plaster a grin on your face & keep it there ! So since Rick Grimes 2000 wraps here, I decided to venture further into the anthology - something I neglected to do in past issues. I ended up reading the whole thing. Though the 2nd Kirkman tale in here featuring mechs & magick didn't really appeal to me (a little longwinded & clunky for a preview, though the character concepts were cool), I was able to get a taste of acclaimed books "Gasolina" & "6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton". The latter looks goofy as hell, but the story was hard to read. It was like watching Dicaprio in "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" fall to a new low by indulging in taking out his anger on a lower being in the animal kingdom. Not as uncommon in my reality as one would believe, but to see this act in comics heightened my disgust. As was my passion in the former in "Gasolina". I felt like I was watching the stories of the couple told in Rodriguez' "Desperado" series : ridiculous & romantic. Something that action tales no matter the medium deliver better than any rom-com ever could. - C.V.R. The Bard

Sonjaversal (2021) #1

Feb 6, 2021

Dynamite is on a roll in 2021 , and the trend has continued with this premiere issue of Sonjaversal. Eschewing the medieval lore, and instead opening with a futuristic alternate Sonja, I never knew Power Rangers-esque mech-fights could look so good. And then when the inevitable trip to medieval times did occur, I got a fun story where I learned that the origin of Sonja's powers comes from her chastity - making this character more intriguing with this fusion of Samson & Wonder Woman in regards to this character's origins. And then capping it off with a "The One" style gauntlet that the last page teased, this is a pull and it works as a device that could definitely could esrn this title a placed within a pull. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Sonjaversal (2021) #3

Apr 23, 2021

This issue lagged for me. Though it made sense because backstory was thoroughly provided, but I feel like it could have been peppered into further issues to avoid the lag. I had to put this down several times and wasn't particularly happy to come back to it. That shouldn't be the response to a book that is supposed to sell me sex & violence. And the Gundam Sonja ? Haven't we learned from Spider-Verse ? That shit's not cool. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Spawn #314

Jan 31, 2021

The typos in this book are annoying as ever. No matter , Spawn is still as big and as loud as possible and with the grotesque Omega Spawn sitting on the throne making Spawn his bitch, I am still.strpped in religiously for the rest of the ride. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Spawn #316

Apr 9, 2021

For once no typos and a Simpsons-type smash-cut wrap-up for the first arc featuring little talk and big monsters. Then an after-credits oozing sensuality with She-Spawn? Yeah, this was a nice reprieve from the recent Spawn books which appeared as if they were dragging, but in actuality were building up this Dragon Ball level action that I can only hope will continue for the next issue. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 18, 2021

Finally Aunt May has been murdered ! Yeah, some people say Spidey with the symbiote is an oversaturated plot line. To me it never is. There' s a reason why I got the Venom logo inked on my chest, and it's not entirely for the early memories of thet Black Suit arc that the 90's STAS arc gave people like me while I was still shitting in diapers. That symbiote is a ride-or-die to the fullest, and I love reading it's subversive thoughts and seeing the way it lures Peter into trusting it, while pushing away those he loves. It's like the textbook version of schizophrenia. And then when there's no psychoanalyzing that portion of the story, enter Hobgoblin acting a fool and getting his shit subsequently pushed in because he took the "cat and mouse" crap too far. I love the design of the mutating symbiote suit, Peter pushing away MJ like a rag doll because of night terrors (which is a reality for anyone who's ever experienced night terrors) & it is a joy to see Peter just give in to the only thing that makes Spider-Man look serious. Spider-Man just belongs in black.This book just adds futher evidence to that argument. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

May 17, 2021

I wish Peter would have killed J. Jonah. Oh well,he'll be wishing the same thing next issue. This is great. I love seeing Spider-Man cut loose and with the symbiote that never forgot him. I always loved What If? stories, and this as a limited with Zdarsky on it - the master of pulling superhero's into depressive states - is the perfect intro to something I want to see more of. Seeing Peter bond with the symbiote further, seeing M.J. dissapointed but powerless to Peter, hahaha that scene , Peter should do that more often, maybe then the relationship wouldn't be on-and-off all the time. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Spider-Woman (2020) #8

Jan 6, 2021

That opening shot belongs on a poster ! Making something so beautiful so grotesque ... I am glad King In Black has included this title into it's fold, or I would have stayed skipping it. The interactions between Spider-Woman and Octavia are pure comedy, and watching Spider-Woman toe the line looking like a crackhead while the apocalypse occurs is so fresh , I never thought I'd see that. What was expected was Rhodey coonin' out for Stark all over again. Come on , War Machine has always been cooler than Iron Man, I am tired of him being depicted aa subservient. That needs to change. Other than that , keep everything else in this story. Marvel has something here. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Spider-Woman (2020) #10

Mar 24, 2021

The sequences with the death of Octavia's many daughters was comedic and relatable, culminating in even the High Evolutionary showing levels of empathy I prejudicely thought impossible for him. The action sequences felt like Adam West's Batman meets Punisher MAX. The only feature that was underwhelming was the ending of this arc: unless Jessica is strung out on a drug, I give a damn about her personal life. So next issue she better be tweaking off something or it will be another hiatus for me until I give her title attention, because I'm not here for any of the melodrama. Isn't that what Spider-Man is for ? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Star Trek: Voyager - Seven's Reckoning #3

Jan 25, 2021

Fast paced and more tight knit than whatever went down at the White House a few weeks ago. Star Trek heavy on action and low on the yip-yap. This is the spirit that kept me engaged in the Abrams flicks. Only problem - I want more emotion in the characters faces. Everyone but Seven looks like they have a constant smile on damn near every panel, even when their getting dissed ! - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #7

Jan 25, 2021

I slept on Aphra until I heard of her affiliation with Vader. Glad I picked her up. Her and the characters she runs into are cute, funny, and ready to blow some shit up. The cover sold me, but the story inside will have me checking for the next one. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Jan 7, 2021

Did this era just get pulled out of Star Wars' ass ? What happened to the Old Republic in the introduction ? Anyways , I like the main character. She feels like she was modeled after Zendaya's on-screen persona that she gets typecast in role after role. I love those deadpan characters. The pacing of this issue was quick. That's a plus given that there was so much kiddie shit, that I was looking for a young Yoda appearance, but was denied once more. Still, the main protagonists master provides a cool mystery for the progression of this series. I usually tend to stay on the dark side, because Sith's are cooler(Shit, I might get a Fall of the Republic logo tatted somewhere on me , now that I know it exists), but also because the Jedi just feel like the clergy or something. They have that rigid religious feel whenever I read them. Still, that mystery with the new Jedi Knight's master is enough for me to check out another issue , but I wont be holding my breath for it like I am for the next Vader drop. now THAT'S a Star Wars Story ! - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Static (2021): Season One #1

Jun 21, 2021

In a week where I played catch up due to just hopping out on "time-served", "Static" was a title that I was looking forward to, though not at the forefront of the Milestone relaunch. Though it's placement is understandable , as Static is arguably the most recognizable character from Dakotaverse , all that I had feared was present in this first issue, namely the overwhelming sense of teen melodrama. The family dinner with the Hawkins was the highlight of the book, providing an interesting "before-and-after" juxtaposition, but all the drama between Virgil & his friends, let alone Hot Streak - just overshadowed that. Now , the last time I saw those two tangle was going through back issues in my late teens, or most memorably in my superman drawers watching Kids WB! , but this here lacked the punch those previous encounters had. It has to be the pencils. The art here just looks thrown together, like any digital first book , except this one takes the insult a step further by mockingly using a hi-resolution coloring that makes the book look like some whacked out anime that completely lost all of it's manga roots. There might be something in this story, but now in my 20's I am starting to see the comparison's that rank Static as the "poor man's Spider-Man". I grew up. I just want to see my comic book compatriot's do the same. HotStreak burning down the Hawkin's house was a nice call back to his Grand Dragon template, but if the writer's are going to have BLM plastered all over the book - well, this whole thing is starting to feel just like that "movement" and it's only the first issue : not to be taken serious, just another money grab off the back off afro-centric pain & plight. At least Virgil's mother made it through this one ... - IG: @djcvrthebard

Strange Adventures (2020) #9

Apr 6, 2021

Overrated. Still. The paints are amazing but I stopped caring about the mystery surrounding this title long ago. Every time I pick this up is a chore. The Justice League lame as ever, and the only aryan heroes I show love are Super Saiyans - so sorry Strange, but you get no love here. Every month I wait for this title to end. Where is the fucking payoff? The only good scenes are with Mr.Terrific. King should have just wrote a story about Terrific. Why did he decide to write about this bum ? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 7, 2021

After all these years of advancement , Amanda Waller is a tub of lard again. That's the biggest disappointment of this premiere issue - but there's more ! The new team , I was happy to see killed off. Though the action to get there along with the Joker gas (tying into Infinite Frontier #0 I assume), was pedestrian. Peacekeeper is as much a tool as Rick Flag is (no wonder why John Cena scooped up that role), and the story gives them the majority of the dialogue. Plus, Amanda Waller is back to her old tricks, and those tricks have lost their taste. Even with the short page count and limited dialogue this was just a slog to read through. The team on Future State from the alternate earth should have stuck around, and once again for the second time this week another Future State book beats out whatever Infinite Frontier has to offer. This is not a good way to come out the gate. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Jul 27, 2021

Morrison didn't retire. Morrison didn't retire! MORRISON DIDN'T RETIRE! Those were my initial thoughts when I picked up "Superman And The Authority". Happy that one of my favorite scribes and teachers was not going to hang his hat on a series about my least favorite (and most overrated) Green Lantern's. It appears that authors in all mediums have a tendency to pull the ol' bait and switch to get consumers to purchase more of their product. But with Morrison's ecletic bibliography - I do not mind playing the game right along with him. The book begins with the type of mind-altering that one can expect with reading Milligan's run of "Shade The Changing Man", and once more a Vertigo-alumni's fascination with U.S. Presi. J.F.K. is present here in the opening sequences as Superman has a private conversation with Jack, that seemingly fuels the Man of Steel's motivations in this new limited. The reader then gets introduced to Manchester Black (a character I have been familiar with since I was a kid and Ed McGuiness was still handling "Batman/Superman") in a standoff situation after a wild night complete with alcohol and a bed with a passed out paramour. Black carries the attitude of Constantine, but is built like the main character of Ennis' "The Boys". And it's not a bad pairing, when Morrison has Black sitting in front of a Superman who is visibly aged, ran down, and worse for wear. Not as bad as "Kingdom Come" Supes, aesthetically - but if it were a prizefight bet, Ross' Supes would be walking out the victor, as here Morrison's Superman even looks to struggle to hover in the air. Turns out this Superman is working for the Feds and looking to hire Black for a new superhero team. This shocks Black, and he spends the remaining of the issue bad mouthing Supes , categorizing him as a fascist and a failure, while punctuating the conversation by essentially telling him to "piss off" while he walks away from The Fortress of Solitude , with one of the more gorgeous panels in the book. Superman appears dejected, but the promise of other prospects brighten his visage up, if only slightly. As a reader though, the promise of the future prospects for the new Authority can only brighten this book to standout for my future pull. The comedic timing between Black & Supes was mature in a way that I cannot expect from being a religious reader of Supes in Action. The scene where Black demands alcohol as a source of his life force, I could only see Constantine doing the same thing over a pack of ciggies ! And as can be seen from that previous sentence, the language is infectious. It's only proper to start the book off with one of U.K.'s finest , since it's penned by one of U.K.'s best. Now I can't wait to see Morrison's spin on a character like Natasha Irons and of course to see Midnighter regain some testosterone, since his recent appearances in Action under Cloonan have softened one of DC's greatest gunslingers. This premiere issue has set the bar and I expect much from what Morrison will be doing in this limited run - something that I have no doubt that Morrison will be able to deliver with the toys he has promised to let out the box. - IG: @djcvrthebard

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #1

Mar 21, 2021

For all those mad at the way Snyder deconstructed Supes, this is the template of that deconstruction. The first real superhero here exposed in tales of powerlessness to being a goddamn P.O.W. to having the godlike ability to be entrusted to giving the world color, and still not be a fascist about it like Hal Jordan in the first couple issues of Morrison's run (THE Green Lantern is Kyle Rayner, I don't care what Grant says). Supes even gets deconstructed here and is saved by a kid, out of all the 2 color palette books that have dropped in the recent years , this is ahead of Batman & Wolverine's by leagues. I wonder if Carnage can top this ? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Sweet Tooth: The Return #5

Mar 10, 2021

Lemire still knocking it out the box this late in the series. That page where the reunion occurs is filled with so much emotion that just spills off the page that it couldn't have been delievered by another person than the man writing it. Seeing the antagonist pruning those plants just oozed levels of creepiness that are hard to calculate and watching our protagonists escape felt like a triumph that translated to where I wanted to celebrate from where I was reading, but with the panels dedicated to that clock , (symbolizing both the end of the series and the release of the virus Gus is carrying ) , synonymous to the girl's reunion with her father only to find him on a death bed - this 5th issue is a testament that everything that gliters certainly is not golden. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Sweet Tooth: The Return #6

Apr 22, 2021

A patriarchy undone by it's matriarchy in ultra - violence, THEN thats the cue for folks to take their masks off and act like they weren't down with fascist ideals. Lemire wraps things up here with the typical. But,Sweet Tooth still retains it's legacy as a standout. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Symbiote Spider-Man: King In Black #3

Jan 7, 2021

Not one bad issue yet , and Greg Land is killing covers and page art like I'm back in high school and this his run on Uncanny X-Men all over again. I have never seen the REAL Ms. Marvel look so gorgeous. If only the classic swimsuit outfit would have been in her canon too. But alas, got to love what you have , right ? And in this issue I learned an interesting fact behind Rocket's name linking him with the same guys who made Helter-Skelter a thing while watching him get tore down for his looks as the mistrust for Kang caused so much friendly fire, I could have thought this was a retelling of my days playing COD at my brother-in-laws house in high school. This is how you tell a tie-in story set in the past. That Namor staff needs to take serious notes. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Symbiote Spider-Man: King In Black #5

Apr 5, 2021

Leave it up to Spider-Man to have the best King In Black tie-in. Yes, the entirety of this tale even surpasses the comedic Thunderbolts by various margins. From the opening shots looking like a "man walks into a bar joke" with Peter taking shots in this intro to the ending with Parker looking to booty call Black Cat, this is the mature Spider-Man with some hair on his chest that I don't feel ashamed to read. Overall though, this closing issue of this tie-in is heavily focused on the real Captain Marvel - and I was here for every second. Monica Rambeau can do anything from wielding swords to stopping eclipses making this issue essentially David's petition for Rambeau to usurp Carol Danver's position as the Cap - all day, every day. And of course Greg Land just draws her so gorgeously. I lived in Louisiana, the women over there weren't that gorgeous. Then again, Rambeau is a New Orleans native & I was in Baton Rouge , so the jury's still out ... But not on this book. Peter David & Greg Land just really putting it down here and letting the comic book world know not all veterans are relics. I just wish the Watcher didn't wipe the characters memories, then the heroes would have been better prepared for this King In Black mess. But, if that happened this story wouldn't have existed so at least something good came out of all the death & destruction from the mindwipe. Land's Rambeau belongs on a poster stat, with the ebony sword. There's a 90's writer on the title and I bet he even could tell Marvel that merch like that could have saved the company from bankruptcy back then ... But I digress. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Boys Vol. 1: The Name Of The Game

May 11, 2021

So this is the infamous Wildstorm run that started at all. Written with a heavy Crown tongue, the whole book is brutal violence and innuendos. When that isn't enough it's orgies and blowjobs topped off (pun intended) with impalements and flesh-eating hamsters. Beyond all these attractions is a story of espionage, vengeance, and the missuse of power common in the U.S. "country" that is openly ran by corporations in this reality as it is in the reality I am writing this review in. The names for the characters are juvenile, and deaths are treated like a Mortal Kombat game to see who can one up the next. This book is why the Comics Code exists and why Ennis was a shoe-in for the best Punisher run in the history of the character's creation. After putting this book down, I got a headache. It's a lot to take in when I'm used to my average weekly run of fan service that leaves something to the imagination and villains getting taken down without pools of blood (or blood mixed with pools of semen, in the case of this book), but this was just the shocker I needed. It's not as eloquent as Miracleman and not as sophisticated as Watchmen, but it's also not as perverse as a Red Sonja or Vampirella book prior to Comicsgate. The Boys' Wildstorm run notch's up the extremities of the comic book medium while running the underlying theme of just what does it take for a person to sell their soul and how far down the road are they willing to take it? With characters that I had to learn to love (Hughie is ridiculously indecsive, Terror's owner I wouldn't trust with eyes on the back of my head. And Terror is just ugly), art that was cramped and bloody, and a script that felt built around shock, teenage lingo and nothing more my first foray into The Boys is that you don't have to be so mature to read this, despite it's recommendation. On the surface, the book is juvenile, but deeper this volume of The Boys is about making deals with devils and just what it takes to hold those deals together. It's superhero media in general : childish on the surface, but deeper when you get into the story. And that's the thing about The Boys, I wanted to just stop at The Wildstorm run, get a taste ... but now, I want to go deeper. The Boys is a rabbit hole filled with a lot of sex and violence, for no reason but just to shock and awe. Take off your grad cap for this one, you wont be needing it to enjoy this ride. A ride that sincerely feels like it caps off at around 13. With a statement like that it's easy to see why Ennis decided to call this "The Boys". A smutty male empowerment fantasy (like all comics are accused of being) but it tries a little to late to put a reign in on those powers, haha, and this is just the first volume ! If there was ever a personification of low-vibrational reading, The Boys would be it. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Boys: Dear Becky Vol. (mr) Collected

May 11, 2021

"Dear Becky" had more substance than the first volume because of the added tear-jerker of a love story. If you've read this book and can empathize with any of the characters, then you've probably already lost love. Ennis playing on this was gold enough to get through the more rougher parts of the tale. The action, stark political stances, and expletives are still all here - but these elements are all reigned in and more controlled because of the presence of Becky, through memory and spirit surrounding the overall read. Not too much is spoiled for the series prior, so "Dear Becky" still provides a warn welcome to go back when it's all said and done. Superhero ambush after superhero ambush, the dark humor still hits and even though this time around Hughie is gaining love instead of losing it, the feeling of absence and regret is still heavy throughout the entirety of this read, making all the subplots nearly an afterthought with the presence of Billy's letters that even I've found myself writing to my own Becky, once upon a time ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Dreaming: Waking Hours (2020) #6

Jan 6, 2021

The colors grew on me, but boy do I hate walking into this story always feeling like I am reading some femme fan-fic. Not a problem as the story progressed and Puck actually proved more of a threat than he ever has throughout any Sandman book. Death is gorgeous with dreads. DC Direct needs to make a statue of her stat , if there still open. If not MacFarlane toys knows what to do. I was surprised to see Constantine , given the events of his latest series, but the dude's magic so that justifiea his every appearance as I pored over JLD and Dead Planet the past year , and now this. That talk with the witches parents was comedy, but her boyfriends wardrobe choice is a big red flag as to why I've never let any female in my life dress me after I got out of diapers. The shadow creatures looked like the Kabuki warriors from The Batman cartoon. And Mathew and Goldie popping up as giants - wow ! I wonder what that nurse who ran out is plotting on doing? Her social commentary was as important to this story as the epilogue of the Shakespeare enthusiast finally getting instated as a doctor. Neat wrap ups in the beginning leading into an arc that is looking to trump the first one. This is The Dreaming after all. * Like this review. Check out more content on : cvrthebard.tumblr.com & Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Good Asian #1

May 10, 2021

This isn't Charlie Chan, but it borrows alot from it's noir predecessor. Still, "The Good Asian" separates itself as it combs through the effects of code switching, interment camps, and even a dead body that would make Ennis blush gets thrown in there too. This enough to encourage me to pick up another. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Invincible Red Sonja (2021) #1

May 10, 2021

Terrible art, boring story that just cant stand up with the more oft-kilter Sonja titles out now. These are the feminist clowns that ruined Harley Quinn ? Hard pass. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Joker (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

Tired as I am of The Joker from the start of Infinite Frontier #0, the minute I picked this up and started reading in Gordon's voice. I thought "what am I doing ?". This isn't Frank Miller. This isn't Year One. I already got enough cop drama with that Kami Garcia trainwreck I've dived to deep in to get out of called: "Criminal Sanity". Fuck this. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #2

Jan 31, 2021

Ridley tells the tale of how Afro -American couples are percieved, with the woman respected over the man , no matter what he does for he and his woman - as Willie Lynch had championed for in that infamous letter. I thought the Titans couldn't have lost any more cool points with me after TTG. I thought wrong. Treated Malcolm like a slave and a token , and didn't even go to his wedding. Shit, I'm glad Roy got killed in Heroes in Crisis after reading this ! And what DID happen to Aqualad ? Thought I was going to be reading a book on Kitana, and was blessed with this - and I don't believe in blessings. I may never watch a Ridley movie, but I don't need to. The man hasn't lost his pen since his days at DC. Ridley has done it again. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #3

Apr 5, 2021

I had been waiting for this issue since this series was announced. I was dissapointed at the presentation. Felt like I was reading a storybook or a comic book encyclopedia more times than not. And taking away the mythology of Kitana's kitana, left me crestfallen. I'll never look at Kitana the same way again, but it doesn't mean I come away from this book with any less respect for her than I already had. I wish more time could have been spent on her. The Outsider talk could have been abridged, given the time already spent on the team in Black Lightning's issue. And the Death of Superman talk, well I sat through the Snyder Cut twice and have been reading about the event since I was a pre-pubescent, that could have been saved for another character. Also I wanted more original art. This is Kitana, for pete's sake! There was a large missed opportunity here with images that just looked like re-prints from past books. But it was all worth it, just to see Kitana lose her shit at a Sade concert and pull a reverse seppuku. Plus I didn't know that girl who essentially sparked the South Central riots threw a punch at the clerk that shot her. John Ridley got me to where I want to review that tape. And that's what this series is all about - to spark the conversation of hidden history. The read was raw, I just wanted it to be more looser. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Union (2020) #4

Apr 7, 2021

Funny, entertaining , with a little bit of history mixed-in on what some would consider the "elite's". The Union is the Marvel UK revamp that Excalibur wishes it could be. I feel like I've known Britanna my whole life, and I didn't even learn about her existence until she was killed in the first issue ! This book has power. Funny, how all of Marvel's mini's are outshining their main's. The Union is just another testament to that fact. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

The Union (2020) #5

May 10, 2021

Neat bow. Safe ending. Don't know if I'll ever see these guys again. They would fit in well over on Excalibur. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Truth & Justice (2021) #3

Mar 24, 2021

This could have been a good one shot, though it shouldn't have been. Solid jokes (that stretching scene stays in my mind), action blended with metaphysics and legendary mythos from various cultures, and the promise of a new superhero team that could sell books this side of The Terrifics. This story deserved better than a panel a page (with some pages panels repeating)! DC has to stop with the tokenism and pull the trigger already and give Vixen and this cast of supporting characters a main title. How long has it been since this supermodel was down with the League ? Oh right, back when McDuffie was alive & writing! Hmmm, really makes you think ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Truth & Justice (2021) #10

Mar 24, 2021

This is a story that should be given a bigger treatment, I can only wonder what the result of the mystery will be. It was a nice change of pace to see Red Hood use those detective skills too , a completely underrated weapon in his arsenal. I wonder what Damian thinks knowing that Hood fucked his mother? I wonder if Bruce and Hood ever tag teamed the Ghul? Questions that may not be answered in this series, but will always be in my mind whenever I see a panel featuring Jason hopping out that Lazarus Pit. To be honest Scarecrow feels a little out of Jason's weight class, that lead joke kind of told it all. Wonder if he'll end up like Penguin. Time will tell. Even in an abridged format like this, Red Hood still keepsy eyes glued to the panel. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Truth & Justice (2021) #11

Mar 31, 2021

A Jason Todd therapy sesh mixed with an abridged telling of the basis of Todd's arc in 3 Jokers - if only the art didn't look like it came out of Mad magazine. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

U.S.Agent (2020) #3

Mar 2, 2021

It's a cold thing how they make this book impossible to find through databases. It's fitting though, because U.S. Agent is a diamond in the ruff. Only in a book like this could a pizza guy turn out to be a supervillain, familal melodrama can actually appear to be dangerous (as opposed to anything the DCU on CW can deliver), and rednecks in the P.C. , post - Trump - era can actually seem endearing. Splash pages have been given a new life in this book , with enough script stuffed in two pages of action that this could be mistaken for a chapter of One Piece, except of course it wouldn't because this book isn't drawn as cramped. There is plenty of room to breathe here despite this book being stuffed with three storylines within three issues. U.S. Agent is surprisingly multi-layered despite it's first impression as just action anti-hero junk food from the 1st issue. And the biggest highlight of all tnis - is on the week where Marvel decided to honor Black History Month and drop some great short stories in "Voices" (one featuring a Ridley story that perfectly complimented the week's Batman Black & White short) and the return of Coates in "Black Panther" ( which I appreciate more now after getting into Coates' "Cap"), U.S. Agent tackles the issues of inner-city unrest along with it's cannibalistic nature featuring an Afrocentric Cap butting heads with an Afrocentric Bucky , ultimately over self-respect; which is year after year, Black History Month after Month, still in short supply due to the circumstances and obstacles that we face in the ethnic class of African American. This story steals the spotlight away in the issue, but in no way does that not make any of the other correlating plotlines any brighter in a mini-series that is in dire need of an extension, as much as it is in need of respect put on it's name. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

U.S.Agent (2020) #4

Mar 31, 2021

If the last issue was focused on ethnic tension, then this this was focused on the dangers of drug abuse playing into the overall theme of disgrace in a country where for some you can easily make more of a living by being relieved of duty. But even that comes with cost. With sky dragons raining out the sky on the final page , Priest has mastered the art of the cliffhanger. The cows getting shook also is further proof Priest & his gang are masters of the splash page, prior to reaching the end of this rag. I finally have the name of the official U.S. Agent (Saint) stuck in my head, and his Benjamin Button backstory (basically) helped to set him apart. Yeah, U.S. Agent never seems like much ; but just like when I was 1st was introduced to the character through Marvel vs. Capcom , John Walker and anyone who bears his shield has 2 big powers with that name and title : (1) The power to be memorable & (2) the power to eclipse an icon. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

U.S.Agent (2020) #5

May 3, 2021

I love this series, but sadly, it would have read better as a trade. The collision between the two U.S. Agents was a proper climax and someone needs to write the American Kaiju series TODAY , just like Walker needs to get Cap's shield back. The man is just too cool. All of this easily distracted from the fact that the ending felt rushed. This is one of those tales that belongs on a big screen, it doesn't feel like Priest was writing this for the panels. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Usagi Yojimbo: Wanderer's Road #3

Jan 31, 2021

A tale of loneliness and the crutch of companionship in a cold , cold world. Funny how vengeance can be just as much of a companion as an actual pet. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Usagi Yojimbo: Wanderer's Road #5

Mar 31, 2021

I was wondering where Gen was at in this series. Coming from knowing Usagi only from the TNNT cartoon back in the 2000's , this was fun to see them partner up again like I remember from my childhood. I wish these books had more blood though ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Usagi Yojimbo: Wanderer's Road #6

May 9, 2021

Usagi outstripped all the books on the stands this week. I get tired of being strung along with comic books with short stories or long sagas with seemingly endless build up. This issue of "Wanderer's Road" is interconnected with the rest of the series, but, it can jumped in on at any point and still be entertaining. A simple story with espionage that leaves a wide opening for samurai action. Usagi gets to play the fool for a bit, which explains how a character this serious could even be considered to hang with the TMNT, and then there's even a little of blood that gets sprayed from the gate - a rarity in Usagi tale. This is fun & impossible to put down, which is hard to say for this book's competitors. Yeah, there's no canon to adhere to, and I dont know how many master's Usagi knows or owes for a someone who claims to be ronin, but this journey was fun to read. And that's what comic books should be about first and foremost : fun. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Vampirella vs. Purgatori #1

Mar 28, 2021

This is just sexy. Vampirella vs. Purgatori is a snuff porn mixed with supernatural mysticism. I could read this and never watch a porn again, definietly a better storyline than whatever's on Xvideos. That sequence where Purgatori goes all vampire on that old lady deserves a lithograph all it's own. The only flaw inis story is Lillith : it's tiring seeing her as the main antagonist in all these Vampi books. As a new reader just getting exposed to Vampirella's story , I want to see her have more of a Rogue's Gallery. So what if Lillith is a milf. That's been established since Mike Carey's Lucifer. I want more in more ways than one from this story. Purgatori better have a crazy Rogue's. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Vampirella vs. Purgatori #3

May 13, 2021

An orgy,a Snow White Evil Queen take, and alot of flying/running around with gorgeous shots of Vampi/Purgi's "lovely lady lumps". This title is the fun version of Harry Potter's hunt for horcruxes. The mystery just got deeper, more villains got introduced and this title is at least more than halfway through. I don't know how they do so well over at Dynamite (probably the lack of big event books and the focus on non-canon mini-series), but I am glad they are doing it - or I would not have the pleasure of reading this! - C.V.R. The Bard

Vampirella: The Dark Powers #2

Jan 31, 2021

This feels in the same vein as the Red Sonja : Superpowers title except more focused on xenophobia and prejudice. It's like Superman vs. KKK except with the supernatural being discriminated and the main character has sex appeal and an adult level of snark and sarcasm. And with a variant like the one they had with this months cosplayer Vanta Black, pardon me if I felt right at home.

Vampirella: The Dark Powers #4

Mar 28, 2021

It was insane to see Vampirella actually play by the rules, but this built this perfectly to see her get "To-The-Moon-Alice'd" by some superhero coming out of the JSA-era. Really begs the question as to why superhero teams have such bad H.R. I mean they are superhuman. Shouldn't they handle conflicts amongst themselves in a more diplomatic way than fisticuffs ? I guess tbe Quiet Council is even better than I believed after all. And seeing Vampi fly around with those bat wings, man , DC can take notes on their Man-Bat ! Ahem, Neal Adams, 2019 Ram V ! Just saying ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Vampirella: The Dark Powers #5

May 10, 2021

Even down to the title, it's just cold how Dynamite's composite JLA is doing Vampi over Red Sonja. But I love how they are being pitted against each other, because even though there were hints - I did not see this coming. I thought this storyline and Sonja's was happening in another universe - not a before and after ! Vampi being prejudged and the way she takes it : hurt , but been there before. The way she handles something of a penance stare and she gets into a fight where her skirt gets lifted for fan service, this story is hard to start whenever I open an issue, but every page turn, the tale consistently gets better and better.This is the real Amazing Fantasy. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Venom (2018) #32

Jan 6, 2021

An interesting premise, only just picking it up due to the tie-in. Eager to see how Eddie claws his way back from death and gets his symbiote back. This was pure setup. I'm ready to see some action.

Venom (2018) #33

Feb 6, 2021

The build-up truly culminated in a suicide run for the century that Flash Thompson made that could almost make me forgive him for beating up Peter Parker in the '60s. Even Eddie got to redeem himself here, and the whole concept of these hosts battling their way back from symbiote hell - it's just that classic Jesus-arc the Christendom really loves to rehash over and over with a saviour rising from below to sit on high. But the snag Eddie hits at the end , hahaha , that's the type of madness that will have me returning to read Cates' next installment. - audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Venom (2018) #34

Apr 18, 2021

So Flash is back? Where was the editor's note for Carnage ever being dragon? I don't remember that during Absolute Carnage. This was a cool little tie-in , but added nothing important to the main story. Skippable, but as a comic book head, I just had to pick it up - though Knull, looks weak as ever here. Even Venom's symboite basically said he wasn't worth the fade. Damn Cates, should've built up his boss villain better. But the book is action packed with a redemption arc, so Knull's weakness can be easily glossed over with feel good moment after feel good moment. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Wolverine (2020) #8

Jan 2, 2021

The prologue could have been given it's own issue and would have been more fitting for this anniversary title. I don't feel too good about Wolverine enlisting his kin to help him with Omega Red. It made Wolverine look weak , and anniversary issues are not the place to do that to a flagship character. Plus , why is X-23 aged down? Is that another clone ? One of Laura's "All-New Wolverine" sisters ? I barely started picking up New Mutants , that shit had me lost. For X-titles this week, the main one was a better read on all tiers, this was backburner, and that is sad to say especially on a special issue dedicated to a legend. Out of all the guests for side stories that Marvel loves to pull out it's ass for events like this , the prologue would have been the perfect segue , and I would have loved it. The return of Patch could have waited until next issue. The ball was dropped here and the Marvel Universe heard it.

Wolverine (2020) #9

Jan 31, 2021

With a heartfelt pneumonic the bro-code in this issue of Wolverine doesn't die easy. I am surprised Kingpin didn't rat on Wolverine sooner, but really, why does everyone want to exploit Krakoa so badly. Can't the mutants just be left alone? Still, another mind controlled Wolverine issue wont be too bad on my eyes, especially if he killa some of his friends and goes through another arc of lamenting and grief. So , I say : bring on the next chapter ! - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

Wolverine (2020) #11

Apr 23, 2021

Nothing really memorable here except the LogBook reports and Omega Red making a sparing appearance. Other than that, Avengers told a better Dracula story this month. Marvel's renewed interest in vampire's better lead back to Selene. And as for the femme fatale - c'mon Wolverine , with your romantic history, at this point your just doing it to yourself now. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #4

Mar 12, 2021

Thompson's tale exemplified why I love Wolverine : relatability, especially in loss. And Mystique is always a fun character to read. Plus the return of mohawk Storm, taking Wolverine out for a drink? To cool, but not cool enough for me to skip ahead of Brisson's long winded entry to the grand finale with a Sauron (who I read in his X'92 whiny voice) team-up, I never would have expected , but was happy to see. If only Shanna would have shown up ... - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Wonder Girl (2021) #1

May 20, 2021

Gorgeously drawn & well-written. Jones is able to tell a backstory & drum up excitement for the future without dragging in any point of her pilot. Nubia makes a token appearance, as well as a queen who appears to have usurped Artemis' thrown. That's all great, but I still want to see more of Nubia in the DCU than these little cameos. Since she took over as Queen of the Amazons, I still ask DC : Where is that woman's solo series? I take having a book called "Wonder Girl" & ghost Diana as a goddamn insult to the the twin sister of the legend Diana Prince, but that oversight does not take away from Jones' work here on Yara. Yara is annoying, but offsets that with her cuteness. Yara is headstrong and impulsive , but Jones is able to translate those faults into both bravery and heroicness. Yara vs. Hera? Sounds Herculean to me, and I am excite to see her overcome her trials just like in Future State. But that still doesn't change my position on viewing Future State as a boon that did not need to be. But that is to say Yara looked great coming out of that & she looks even better here. But still, judge this book with a heaviness in my heart for Nubia. Jones featuring her in this story , I have no doubt she'll do her justice but she's still secondary to Yara when Nubia has both senority in publication history & title - DC needs to make sense of this and fix this issue, because Yara would make a great Wonder Woman, this title is priming her for that role; but I'll be goddamned if she gets the Wonder Woman title before Nubia is officially accepted & recognized as a member of the Trinity by both the readers & DCU characters alike. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard IG: @djcvrthebard

Wonder Woman (2016) #770

Mar 24, 2021

Didn't even pick it up. WHERE IS NUBIA ? Looked at all the solicitations for future issues, Yar gets her own series and phantom Wonder Woman gets another arc focused on her basically being the new Spectre that already ended in Death Metal, then in Future State, then in Infinite Frontier #0? In Future State didn't Nubia get instated as the new WW? Come on even Hippolyta is getting shine in Bendis' JL. Let Diana rest. Even Artemis took over in the 90's after the Contest. It's time for Nubia to take her bloodright and be DC's official Wonder Woman, Until then, don't expect me to pick up a fucking issue. DC keeping damn near every little change from Future State, but not the main one that was actually cool and exciting ? First Milestone gets teased and then released as only Digital Firsts and now this? I ain't having that. (EDIT) Know what's a great idea : I only read Action and Detective, I skip the Batman & Superman solo titles. DC needs to throw Nubia in Sensational, move that title to print and call it a day. The character deserves an investment, not to be Wally West-ed. My introduction to a version of her in Morrison's Multiversity was enough to convince me. DC needs to tap in. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Wonder Woman (2016) #772

May 11, 2021

Again no. I just looked at the cover. Another double Diana story, when she's supposed to have BEEN dead? WHERE'S NUBIA? Hell, where's Yar? DC needs to stop bullshitting the readers and pass the torch. Pussyfooting time has been long gone. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Wonder Woman: Earth One #3

Mar 14, 2021

I assume this will cap off the series since Morrison has spoke on retirement recently and I have to say it satisfies the story that was told throughout the three volumes. As a reader of superhero books though, there is a few things I do not approve of most overtly the use of brainwashing to control the masses through "love". I get a few eggs need to be broken to create a new regime , but moves like that make Harmonia look like a facist state. The feminist overtones were a little too much until the story flipped once Steve Trevor came through and had a conversation with Wonder Woman about equality. This is around the midpoint of the story when things started to change. Wonder Woman's metaphysical journey through the underworld was just as entertaining as the Future State yarn. The multiple bait and switches there and throughout the whole of the story served it's purpose to keep me entertained, since the first half slogged through, but as the pace picked up - I couldn't put it down. Initially this Earth One volume looks like either a feminist pamphlet or a mockery of the movement - but in reality , Wonder Woman Earth One Vol.3 is a book that preaches equality, but teaches the dangers of government, no matter who runs it , their dedication is to control and to subjugate groups of people in favor of others. Yes, history is marred with lies and falsehoods , but herstory can have just as many landmines. Love is a spell, and manipulating people through emotion, is still manipulating. But the Art of War amongst other books was observed extensively. There isn't too many books where Wonder Woman gets to be a queen, and she really shows off her tactician expertise. Plus, it can't be forgotten that kangaroos kicking through giant-mech robots is cool as fuck. Wonder Woman Earth One Vol.3 isn't a bad book, and it leaves an impression after it is read, but most likely not on the points that were intended. I only wonder how this ties in to the overall Earth One universe. Yeah there probably wont be an Earth One Justice League, but I would want to see how all the other characters featured in this universe survive on Harmonia. It's an idea. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

X-Corp (2021) #1

May 17, 2021

This isn't it. I dont care what the writer says Penance looks like a bitch. And Angel looks like a dunce.The frontrunners of this team are completely unlikable. Make Madrox and that hacker girl team leaders , because this writer cant voice Penance or Angel. Too long of a book. This just wasn't it. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

X-Factor (2020) #6

Jan 7, 2021

Hahaha oh fuck no ! I love Siryn. I love Polaris. But what the fuck is this? That beautiful cover lured me in until I remebered why I havent picked up an issue since the first one. This book is overtly effeminate and reads like a SJW fan fic. I am so straight on this. Never again. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

X-Force (2019) #16

Jan 25, 2021

Kid Omega finally got the girl and Wolverine shit his pants, all of this, while Namor revealed his stance on his own status as "The First Mutant". X-Force continues to the best mutant team in the 616 and beyond. Oh and Cassara' paints ? Gorgeous. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

X-Force (2019) #17

Feb 12, 2021

This book could have easily went the way of X-Factor with the injection of femme in this issue , but no X-Force will forever have it's balls. I felt happy for Kid Omega schmoozing it up with his Cuckoo gal. I laughed my ass off at the outfit try-on montage and bucked my eyes at the action that followed. Stiff competition with the Hellions , but still insofar , X-Force is the original balls to the wall X-team. This is just another issue to add to that reputation. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

X-Force (2019) #19

Apr 23, 2021

This issue felt like Bill Sienwickz on New Mutants. Overall, the tale is about dealing with the past and revisting those murkier parts of the self in order to move forward on one's path. A Marvel Girl/Domino team-up? I could not have seen that coming a million miles away! And I love Kid Omega, hell, I even made a song about him on my album "Baker's Dozen : Refried " - so the predictable ending of him saving the day and surviving got applause from me, just for all the shit he's been through. And even I was taken aback by Marvel Girl's psychological assessment on the Kid. But at least he was able to get under her skin while he called out the way the Summer's House is designed for easy access under that Marvel Girl skirt of her's. I loved the art, but whoever drew it should definietly put some fan service shots on his to-do list for further issues. What I am saying is, it was nice to Jean after her hiatus from what I see as the lead X-Title. The mystery was solved and kept me engaged throughout the whole arc. Now my only questions are :where's Beast, and how long until Colossus gets back in action (thanks to that cryptic insert)? - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

X-Men (2019) #16

Jan 2, 2021

Great the X-Men are back ! Only thing missing is Rosenberg behind the pen again. Noto provides possibly the most gorgeous paintings of Marvel Girl and continues to do so here , and tbe Quiet Council's conversation in this issue was comedy. The Unbeaten and her interaction with Magneto and Professor X was also comedy. Magento tried to pull the wool over theat Arakki's eyes, but Xavier looked like an idiot carrying that flower even before The Unbeaten called him out. Real bad form. The two islands being unable to reconcile was just Hickman's way of saying when you want to call your ex back ... Don't. Which is kind of what Xavier did in trying to reinstate Marvel Girl into the Council. A move seen a mile away , having read the Onslaught series and knowing Xavier for being more than fond of the redhead. I dont know who will be on the new team, but the laughs surrounding the politics in this issue make me eager to find out.

X-Men (2019) #17

Jan 31, 2021

This issue had the 90's written all over it - from Jean Grey's outfit to the return of a storyline with the Shi'ar Empire. Hell, I even got the vote for Marrow at the end of the issue. This issue was a throwback, but could have been easily passed as well. Given Xavier's history, I would have liked to see more of his involvement with this, but alas, that was not the case. I'm not big on the X-Men going galactic so this issue had a rightful place as a filler. But I'm glad I stuck with it or I would have missed that funny exchange between Storm and Cyclops' techniques merging. No wonder why the Godess was on the cover, she single handedly saved the whole issue from complete mediocrity. - cvrthebard.tumblr.com

X-Men (2019) #19

Apr 5, 2021

Heartbreaking and hellspawn all.at the same time. This is what purgatory looks like. But what's more important of a takeaway from this deep read admist all the soliloquy and philosophical postulations, is the fact that X-23 needs to be drawn in a crop top 24/7. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

X-Men (2019) #21

Jun 15, 2021

What with getting locked up over a little misdemeanor and then getting things together for my new place out in the 313, I've been sleeping on a lot of the books that have been coming out over the past two weeks. Luckily, I was able to feast my eyes on Hickman's latest, via X-Men number 21. The Hellfire Gala was every bit as extravagant as promised, given the lead up over the past several months to the special event, it was only right. The art was gorgeous. I could have swore that Phil Noto's brush was on a couple of pages, but surprisingly several other artists (including one of my favorites in Sara Pichelli) did their just due within the panels. One of my top 5 emcees, Eminem, made an appearance in the book (alongside Paul Rosenberg); not his first appearance in Marvel Comics but definitely one more memorable than his Mighty Avengers No.3 cover for the MMLP2 promo run circa 2013. Aside from one of the rulers of rap, you had the ruler of the seas A' la King Namor, starting off the tale by bodying a conversation with Professor X and Magneto by really throwing his royal weight around, punctuating the conversation with going to the Avengers and probably showing his ass over there as well too. Hickman really gets Namor down here, The first mutant publicly known transcends the exclusive tribalism of homosapiens superior because no matter what he recognizes himself as a man of two worlds and the sea's of Atlantis gave him a crown where as a seat on the Krokoa council would be a step down for him. Genetics be damned, Namor is a man of objectivity, and Hickman is able to speak his language better than any writer of the Fantastic Four has since their return after Secret Wars. Shit makes me want to pick up Hickman's fabled run of the Fantastic Four (despite me not really being interested in not title save for any issues with Dr. Doom)! That's what any good book should do : inspire the reader to want to revisit the backcatalog of the writer and the other artists responsible for putting together the 32 page magazine, and this issue of X-Men nails that shit. I was skeptical of the focus on the outfits that were harped over since Kid Omega's return arc via X-Force, but after seeing Storms back in a one-piece, I kind of get it now. The announcement of the new X-Men lineup felt fresh, even though I was privy to the information via Blerd Without Fear, and other such comic book centric podcasts months prior. Luckily, when this reveal actually happened in the issue, I had forgot the solicitations and was filled with just as much surprise as Laura Kinney was stuffing her face with kabobs on her claws. I never read the Gambit & Rogue mini-series that they had, so I was lost as to how they even turned up in a eXcalibur, but seeing them here at the ball reminded me of how good they look together. Honestly, they should be the poster children of relationships in the X-Men universe, not the convoluted Summers family. And speaking of the Summers', since Cable is going after one of the Stepford Cuckoo's, it seems he has his father's taste (at least that inheritance doesn't translate into eyeware), but after the way that Frost welcomed everyone attending the galla and performed something of a psychedelic psy-op that made me feel tranquil and proud, I can understand what Summers and Shaw see in the metaphorical and literal White Queen. But of course the Black Queen had to upstage her. Typical Jean Grey shit. And esoterically speaking, the darkness must always overtake the light, though never have I seen such a beautiful spectacle of this axim portrayed in literature. Eclipses are rare enough. Enough slobbing of the knob though, this issue did have a drawback or two. Namely that I have no idea what Mr. Sinister was talking about in the little tabloid insert, but I really don't care because I am prepared for the next issue of Hellios to be funny and action packed as usual, though this insert did take away from the overall peacefulness and serious tone of Hickman's book. Keep that shit over there. Just as well, if Marvel comes out with a poll for best dressed (since they had such a large emphasis on the wardrobe over past issues) Storm's going to win bar none and even though. I mention this since she had her send off issue in Marauder's, but that still doesn't feel like it's enough. What is her future going to be in the coming X-titles and John Ridley's new Black Panther? After the role she played at the end of Ta-Nehesi Coates' run, she honestly did not look like she wanted to be on Wakanda or lift the annulment between her and T'Challa. Plus, Eminem and the other celebrities didn't look out of place at the gala - but the Avengers sure did. I can only wonder if this issue is going to be leading up to an Avenger vs. X-Men 2? Which wouldn't be the greatest since that storyline got panned just as bad as Civil War 2 , but it could still happen. Few missteps, alot of celebration & alot of open ended questions that can only lead to future storylines that should be heralded by Hickman giving the success of his game-changing run punctuated hugely here by the comic book series that made "Giant-Size" a thing. And this wasn't even billed as a special issue. - IG:@djcvrthebard

X-Men: Legends (2021) #2

Apr 5, 2021

Glad this wasn't long winded like tbat recent Liefeld book with Storm & Cable's son. This was cool, with a nice little peek into the Summer's family tree. My only problem was some of the shading with the pencils. Looking forward to another art team for the next arc. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #1

Mar 7, 2021

Usually Hellboy books bore the shit out of me, but this takes all the dialogue out and instead replaces it with whimsy. A Jonesian adventure with a Hellboy with peach fuzz, who actually manages to be cute - unlike the whiny teenage Hellboy that was found in the latest film. Somehow, this younger Hellboy is more mature on some Benjamin Button type-madness. That aside, there's finally a jungle girl here that Mignolia had the sense to give ethnic qualities that were more than European and I give him props for that because from Conan Doyle to Dynamite , I had yet to see such representation until I picked this up. And as for the zealot in the villain ? Simple enough, transparent character there . and sometimes that's all Hellboy needs to be to get enjoyment out of the series as a read. - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #2

Apr 7, 2021

This is the best Hellboy story I have ever read and it isn't even over yet ! Jumping from aspirations of Spielberg in the 1st one to being inspired by Conan Doyale and Planet of the Apes. And Hellboy is cute here, not saracastically annoying. The She-Devil is Ameila Earhardt meets the Hulk and Rousseau's art had me mistakening his pencil for Mignola's. And now the next issue is priming up to be the Universal Monsters re-make the world was hoping for. Since I was introduced to Hellboy as a kid, I always found his books boring - ironically, Hellboy as a kid, is the total opposite ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #3

Apr 23, 2021

Backstory & a battle is the perfect formula here for Young Hellboy, moving out of it's Indiana Jonea tropes to something more out of a Universal Monster Movie collection (Dark Universe really should have survived). If only the ape would have turned back into her human form when she waa defeated, comics have given me quite the fetish for damsels in distress over the years ... This issue feels like the lengthiest of the bunch so far, but in retrospect it makes since given the fact that this appears to be a mini-series. If that's the case, Young Hellboy needs an immediate spin-off after the next issue wraps, because I've read Hellboy before , but never has a Hellboy book actually captured my interest before they turned back the clock on the titular character here. Ladies & gents : I think we have a 'Cable' situation here ! - Audiomack.com/cvrthebard

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