Señor Smokey's Profile

Location: Hell's Kitchen, New York Joined: Jul 20, 2020

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Overall Rating
Alien: The Original Screenplay #1

Aug 8, 2020

-Nothing too special, it keeps enough intriguing to see how they build up the appearance of the alien -Environment art is nice, but there is a lot to be desired when it comes to facial expressions on the characters

Archangel 8 #1

Aug 12, 2020

-Like the opening parallel between the fighting dog and 8 -Definitely major punisher inspiration -"he happened. he was beautiful" -Love the effect of the woman after seeing the man hes after -Last page is beautiful -Very good opener, not too much to dislike. Big fan of the concept.

Archangel 8 #2

Aug 12, 2020

-Like the plot development of Michael being the antagonist -Seems like altering the landscape of the cartel is just part of the game -Wish we got to know more about dee, but maybe that'll come later on. -Another great issue, enjoying how things are playing out

Archangel 8 #3

Aug 12, 2020

-Love the art of the grave yard panels -More cartel depth is nice, makes theme feels like characters rather than fodder -The art during 8's interrogation was amazing -Lot of build up to michael's plan, hope it pays off

Archangel 8 #4

Aug 19, 2020

-From the panels with the broken cell phone screen to michael approaching the mansion with the embers of explosions around him; the art this issue is immensely satisfying -I think there is a parallel between the cartel boss finding any way to stop him and raziel blockading any self-expression that goes against Gabriel -The love interest feels unnecessary, but im not against it if it actual has a purpose -I wish more happened, honestly. Need more exposition into michael, into the whys of his pathway. Im wondering how issue 5 will make the culmination of events worth it

Archangel 8 #5

Sep 25, 2020


Bad Mother (2020) #1

Aug 6, 2020

-Builds a solid foundation for the story, nothing unbelievable. AWA has not disappointed me so far

Bad Mother (2020) #2

Sep 20, 2020

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #1

May 2, 2021

Sigma male thor vs beta ray bill

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #2

May 2, 2021

loving this beta to sigma bill arc

Big Girls #1

Sep 6, 2020

-One of those comics you see yourself developing a huge soft spot for. Love the sketch-like art style, how the colors are blunt at climatic moments, and how the panels flow. So far all the characters are enjoyable and feel like they have room to expand. The use of a ethical dilemma in the first issue was a dark great plunge into the world as it can be a bit of a goofy idea on paper.

Big Girls #2

Sep 17, 2020

Picks up right were #1 left off. We get more depth with the current slate of characters and the jacks. The world is built up a bit more in this issue as well.

Big Girls #3

Nov 16, 2020

Big Girls #4

Nov 20, 2020

Big Girls #5

Jan 1, 2021

Black Widow (2020) #1

Sep 6, 2020

-Surprised at the length was hoping for a couple more pages. What is here is a good framework; Natasha is charming and black widow is self-aware and calculated. Not really sure how i feel about the potential antagonist, but i hope Thompson has something interesting worked up with him. -Artwork was so well done and the coloring really set the moods of each panel and its dialogue

Crossover (2020) #1

Nov 26, 2020

Cates always has a unique way of writing that makes his characters feel very alive - that continues with crossover crossover.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Aug 6, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #2

Aug 6, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #3

Aug 6, 2020

-Loved DD being crafty -Showed personality layers in NYPD.... Just not full of kingpin pawns -Last two pages have great art

Daredevil (2019) #4

Aug 6, 2020

-Great dialogue between punisher and DD -Love the use of colors during their interaction too -Det. Cole is still an early character, hopefully will be more fleshed out

Daredevil (2019) #5

Aug 6, 2020

A landmark issue -Matt's need to continuously prove he is not a monster feels like seeing a friend go down a path you cant stop -The fight pages are well done and are loaded with tension -The character appearance in the last few pages is written perfectly for the two

Daredevil (2019) #6

Aug 7, 2020

-Different artist,decent, but previous issue felt more realistic and i like the darker hues in comparison, plus the faces feel really animated at some points -I think, while Cole is a standard trope, hes a solid navigator through the police politics of Hell's kitchen -Big fan of Matt using his senses in the parole meeting -Wonder what Chip does with janet

Daredevil (2019) #7

Aug 7, 2020

-Starting to miss the 1st arc art more and more. Kingpin kinda looks weird -The slower burn of showing the city in the wake of DD's disappearance make the the world feel alive and bigger than just the environment where DD fights crime -Loved the last page

Daredevil (2019) #8

Aug 7, 2020

-Mindy's face morphed like 5 different times -Art feels too bright -Feels like there was too much exposition into the crime family's past, but i did love the philosophical debate between izzy and matt -Liked seeing fisk talking large-scale politics -Issue was solid, but not too much happened -Things heated up on the last two pages

Daredevil (2019) #9

Aug 7, 2020

-Great opening panels with Reed and Matt discussing god and religions place in the world -Enjoyed the art is the church -More of Cole and the police force feuding. kingpin has truly made sure to have them on his side and the owls actions will probably help their loyalty grow as they deal with cole -Action sequence was well-paced, matt showed some rust -Love interest can be good, both are expressing concerns about their struggle with identity

Daredevil (2019) #10

Aug 7, 2020

-Great art this issue, i love the red and black radar scenes -Matt questioning the endgame of being with mindy adds more depth -Matt giving joe to foggy is a sign that matt cant make up for his sins cleanly while his alter ego festers -DD wanting Cole to frame the attack on the officers on him sets up for a great story as he is a mythical figure to hell's kitchen at the moment

Daredevil (2019) #11

Aug 10, 2020

-If he does it well, electra coming back to make Matt relearn his roots would be awesome -Cole not I'Ding the shooter means chip can do more with daredevil as a symbol in hell's kitchen -Love the writing of Matt experiencing anxiety when feeling joey's heart rate and meeting his mother. Then offering to be there if she needs any help -Excited to see how kingpin overcomes his new adversity -Damn chip really can write spiderman in a way in which his had child-like excitement, but the maturity of someone who has dealt with good and evil for years. -Probably on of the most morally-driven issues in reference to dialogue that really attempts to show the grayscale in justice/heroism.

Daredevil (2019) #12

Aug 10, 2020

-"But im plan B" got me so pumped, love me some foggy and Plan A was creative -Love the continuity with DD's moral compass when dealing with criminals -Using Kingpin in a room full of those with power while having Daredevil say "They dont fear me" is just smart design -A refreshing perspective on Kingpin who rarely tapped into his primal nature this series, excited to see more of his actions when the chessboard is not owned by him

Daredevil (2019) #13

Aug 10, 2020

-Chip and Marco create such appealing transitions -Cole's story has grown on my over the past 4 issues -Love Wesley having the spotlight -issue had really good balance in telling each character's story

Daredevil (2019) #14

Aug 10, 2020

-Bit of world building with hammerhead -Cole is can be more of a passenger character at times, but the world built around him makes his journey so much more interesting -Love Chip's writing on the morals of being held accountable by the law -Definitely a bridge/set up issue, but it does it with intelligence

Daredevil (2019) #15

Aug 10, 2020

-Wilson's face when the goons walk in to fight him is full of emotion -This parallel story of kingpin/mayor fisk and Matt/Daredevil going through their lives with old and new identities clashing is amazing -The writing lives cohesively with the panels, i love when matt or kingpin says something and it applies to the current scene in the other's story -Matt really is a simp for these NY girls, respecting the game tho

Daredevil (2019) #16

Aug 10, 2020

-DD talking about not having a goal while listening was insightful -Trying to broker deals and it backfiring in the criminal world shows how fisk did keep the peace and everyone in their place as there is little trust -Man do i love the art of DDs sonar ability by Fornes, but nothing beats checchetto

Daredevil (2019) #17

Aug 10, 2020

-Damn, what an opener. Nice touch on the cross to make it closer to home for matt -Matt actions creating a ripple effect in the underworld makes this world feel even more connected -Honestly love the brother and sister think hell's kitchen is inconsequential, completely disrupting this new/driven matt -Exciting name drop at the end

Daredevil (2019) #18

Aug 10, 2020

-Chip really has made Cole a likable character with this arc and this world of hell's kitchen -Digging the art during the chase for Mindy's daughter -Owlsey is colddddd -Damn the last page is such a hype-builder -There so much this issue sets up to be excited for while feeling action-packed. Everything feels as if it is on the cusp of breaking loose

Daredevil (2019) #19

Aug 11, 2020

-The art is perfect this issue, love the shattering glass, the flames rising throughout the panels and the vast amount of expression depicted -Having the owl in for a page was a nice touch, i would have been wonder what he was doing during the battle -Powerful image of kingpin looking over hell's kitchen -Im happy chip went all in on daredevil being a symbol -Surprise character reveal, always looking forward see how chip changes things up

Daredevil (2019) #20

Aug 11, 2020

-The opening pages gives me chills -"He took away my sight, but he gave me the world" -I cant praise the art enough -Love Mary's charisma -Every voice stands alone, each character feels like an individual -YESSSSSS FISKKKKKKK -Izzy preludes "you cant buy loyalty" and this issue shows that -The panel with bullseye(on the van) and DD facing off while flames erupt...Jesus -"blessed be the lord"

Daredevil (2019) #21

Nov 30, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #22

Nov 30, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #23

Nov 30, 2020

Another perfect issue for Zdarsky. Everytime there is a DD-Spidey interaction the dialogue is completely elevated and this issue is its highest point so far. Art is fantastic as is the usual case with Checchetto. The twist was not something I expected either

Daredevil (2019) #24

Dec 1, 2020

The art for this issue is not too appealing to me. Solid issue to probably end this arc

Daredevil (2019) #25

Jan 1, 2021

Making the hand, Electra, and JailDevil cool in the same issue. I hope Zdarsky never stops writing DD

Daredevil (2019) #26

May 20, 2021

pretty good tie-in, obviously would've liked the story to progress instead

Daredevil (2019) #27

May 20, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #28

May 20, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #29

May 20, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #30

May 20, 2021

nothing wild, electra 100% outshines matt

Daredevil (2019) Annual #1

Aug 26, 2020

-Very good take on a concept that easily could've been just a goofy side story. -Enjoy has it changes history, but does not change the how the environment around the murdocks affects them. -Open-ended last page allows Chip to use him, but i do not really see that as something that will happen

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #1

Aug 6, 2020

-Enjoyed the opening sequence of Constantine drinking with ghosts -The art is amazing as usual with this series -dialogue between lane and her son is so good -Taylor always does a good job of adding a bit of light in this comic(humor in this case with green arrow talking to green lantern) -"Shes here" is terrifying

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #2

Aug 6, 2020

-Nice seeing swampthing, Taylor makes the most of character appearances even with the faster pacing of the story -Always a great line or two that is super memorable(Jason and Damien) -Harley is great -Wasnt sure about the love scene, but they both are young heroes who are trying to keep themselves together without many who they look towards for guidance.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #3

Sep 2, 2020

-Definitely a set up issue, bringing characters together and setting up big plans -plastic man had a very abrupt resolution -Art is always consistently good for this series; swamp thing stood out as the most eye-catching.

Devil's Highway #1

Aug 7, 2020

-Art grew on me during the re-read -Percy builds the world with good characterization, each interaction feels unique -Opening feels like a crime thriller tv show -Like how there is context in the art that shows why Sharon is a tough person

Devil's Highway #2

Aug 12, 2020

-I like the explanation of the trucking world and how it is easy to get lost in it. -Building up how interconnected the trucking community is makes this murderer more intimidating, like a ghost who is always there -Mixed feelings on the main character. Shes gaining depth, but she kind of feels like a tough exterior trope -I do like how she defends the prostitute and does not shame her for her work -The mysterious male character lingers more

Devil's Highway #3

Sep 20, 2020

Good pacing and offers most of want I wanted in the middle issue of the series. Best trucker conspiracy theory comic

Doctor Doom (2019) #1

Aug 7, 2020

-Political doom is great -Love the exchange between kang and doom -A great setup and enigmatic response from doom to the attack on antlion

Doctor Doom (2019) #2

Aug 7, 2020

-Always get a bit excited to see kang -Maybe have another powerful hero to transport doom would have been more believable -Wished we got a doom v. strange sequence -Funny dialogue between le fay and doom -Taskmaster!

Doctor Doom (2019) #3

Aug 7, 2020

-Hell sequence needed to last longer, maybe be a two issue arc -Like the inclusion of AIM -The art is hell was amazing, wish we got a more mystical battle between mephisto

Doctor Doom (2019) #4

Aug 14, 2020

-Mixed bag -Pacing could slow down -This issue felt like two in one -Still fun

Doctor Doom (2019) #5

Aug 7, 2020

-Kang talking that hot shit is fun -Fight sequence was hard to follow -doom doing the full heel switch is questionable considering the buildup of him saving the world. Maybe there should be more internal conflict. -Figured doom would go after the woman too -Glad doom got armor, but wish it wasnt so perfectly timed

Doctor Doom (2019) #6

Aug 6, 2020

-Odd jump from end of #5 to the beginning of #6 -Not sold on the way they travel -Steely dan joke -Kang and doom have a great dialogue

Doctor Doom (2019) #7

Sep 28, 2020

Seems like we are heading back in the right direction

Ghost Rider (2019) #1

Aug 9, 2020

-Hell breaking out into factions sounds amazing -Art is solid, but really shines when ghost rider is in a action panel

Ghost Rider (2019) #2

Aug 9, 2020

-Liked Ghost rider hunting demons and giving his reasoning why what their doing is sinful -Enjoyed the idea johnny is seeing only what he wants to believe due to the immense power hes received -Not sure why there was nothing about the war in hell in this issue

Ghost Rider (2019) #3

Aug 9, 2020

-I feel like there is a missed opportunity to see more war in hell, more of the factions fighting to gain control while a splinter group goes to free mephisto

Ghost Rider (2019) #4

Aug 9, 2020

-I think danny exploring limbo couldve been a little longer -Not much going on with Lilith -Loved everything involving Johnny -Split between knowing mephisto has been cut off from hell so he is weaker and also not believing Johnny could capture him so easily

Ghost Rider (2019) #5

Aug 9, 2020

-Multiverse hell and Lilith making a deal with belasco is a great idea -Great issue, fast pace, great character appearances -Things are beginning to come together

Ghost Rider (2019) #6

Aug 9, 2020

-Punisher is wholesome confirmed by the spirit of corruption -Loved the exchange between Dr.Strange and Johnny -Great art on the last page

Ghost Rider (2019) #7

Aug 9, 2020

-Liked seeing the army of hell rise, but man i wanted something showing the buildup -Final resolution felt too quick, felt like this should have been on a bit more of a grand scale

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Aug 8, 2020

-Feels like each character has their own voice and motives that align with what we know about them -Love seeing rocket happy -"because i dont sleep to good anymore" is a great line from rocket -Peter being peter and sending a text message to gamora -Action art is well colored -Page when moondragon is blocking the minds of the gods in battle is beautiful -How they conduct the mission feels like it could be put straight into the movie

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2

Aug 8, 2020

-The pacing is fast, but there isnt a drop in quality due to it -Art for the athena sequence was lively, full of color, felt cosmic -damn what an ending

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #3

Aug 8, 2020

-Great opening, love the emotional scene from groot's POV -Not sure how to feel about drax not knowing the pretender from the alternate moondragon(but i also need more context from the comics that led to this run) -Great pages with gamora trying to process the events of the last issue -Little bit of a slower issue this time around, but it seems like a new setting is coming up

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #4

Aug 8, 2020

-Cleverly use of dialogue bubbles when marvel boy is running in the D-type devourer -Marvel boy is a cornball, quantum swap is cool -Ending get you excited for next issue

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5

Aug 6, 2020

-Glad there is exposition on non-perfect moondragon in the beginning -Moondragon battle art is great, the dialogue bubbles are always well place in busy moments -Groot and rocket scheming -Great resolution for moondragon

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6

Sep 5, 2020

-Really love this grounded concept of a hero so pivotal to the galaxy doing something that seems out of the ordinary, especially for a whole comic. Usually with mental health we get characters talking to one another; i love seeing Richard in an actual session. -Gamora had the best dialogue -Biggest complaint is that there could have been far more involving Richard's younger years rather than only panels of his father. Missed out on showing the build up of his sole savior complex before he became a hero -Also the ending left me in the dark

Hawkeye: Freefall #1

Aug 6, 2020

-A comedic hawkeye deals with the ineffectiveness of taking down a criminal with leverage in the city -Art isn't anything too crazy, but its solid and well-colored -the best of this comic is the dialogue, so much fun and so many good interactions -Excited to see what they do with the story

Hawkeye: Freefall #2

Aug 7, 2020

-The charisma of this series grows with each issue -Rosenberg kills the interactions between avengers(who act just like youd hope they would) -Love Clint wanting to one-up stark -under the lighthearted nature of clint, i love the plot of him wanting to do more while dealing with the identity of being a lesser avenger

Hawkeye: Freefall #3

Aug 7, 2020

Hawkeye: Freefall #4

Aug 7, 2020

Hawkeye: Freefall #5

Aug 12, 2020

-As wacky as it is...all the appearances is how NY would be with how many heros/villians are running around. -Hawkeye is a petty fella and its fun -Hahahahah called fisk "big boy" -Loved the page with the two avengers, clint, and his Ex talking -With all the humor in this, there are still consequences for actions -Bullseye's appearance has been used wonderfully

Hawkeye: Freefall #6

Sep 6, 2020

-I like this ending as it sums up what hawkeye is in this series. He might be an avenger, but he can be no better than the criminals he fights against, he can share their ruthlessness, flaws, and be just as apart of the underworld's chess game as they are even if it is from a place of doing good. I think if rosenberg wants to, he could easily star a continuous series based off this comic.

House of X House of X / Powers of X

Aug 8, 2020

-Felt immense, everything had a purpose -The balance between future, past, and present was so well-balanced -Art was probably the best ive seen so far -Hardcover was so nice

Immortal She-Hulk #1

Sep 25, 2020

Did not read empyre and haven't read immortal hulk yet, this has me hyped to read the trades(for i-hulk not empyre). This is a personal story tied-in with cosmic events, but luckily Ewing navigates his narrative in a manner where I don't feel lost.

Iron Man (2020) #1

Sep 17, 2020

Solid start where we see iron man in search of his own identity as everyone around him already has an image built up of who Stark is. Art is smooth; the contrast of colors is probably my favorite aspect of it.

Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Nov 28, 2020

Funny, good art, and a cohesive buildup for a first issue.

Justice League Dark (2018) #2

Nov 28, 2020

Justice League Dark (2018) #3

Nov 28, 2020

The otherkind is one of the cooler villain designs. I like the way it speaks, a mixture of: arrogance, confidence; and playfulness. I'm glad Tynion is going for the long game with this character.

Justice League Dark (2018) #4

Nov 30, 2020

Amazing art and cosmic fights

Justice League Dark (2018) #5

Nov 30, 2020

Sad chimp

Old Haunts #1

Aug 7, 2020

-Art style is a real tone setter, the blue hues are so nice -World and character building is good enough to draw me back in -Solid issue, looking forward to more characterization and how they use their pasts to tell a story

Old Haunts #2

Aug 7, 2020

-Exactly what the second issue needed to be, more elaboration on what is happening and why. -Art is still good, but definitely shines more in the nighttime panels -Series definitely is keeping me interested with its issue endings

Old Haunts #3

Aug 12, 2020

-Issue felt really quick -Love how alex's son looked just like him in the childhood panel -Little alex is by far the most fleshed out and interesting character -I think this was a logical step in the story, but i wish there was more in this issue..this world is potentially brimming with immense intrigue and these characters are too. i really want more depth and it being a 5-issue series could be a negative just because we cant get more exploration. I basically like what is here, but i know with more room to breathe this would be even better -Issue 4 will be a big chance for the writer to fully flesh out these characters

Old Haunts #4

Sep 18, 2020

Highly psychedelic issue where the art reaches a new peak while continuing to use said artwork to tell the emotions/trauma of the 3 main characters

Old Haunts #5

Nov 20, 2020

Silver Surfer: Black #1

Aug 8, 2020

-Probably the best opening sequence ive read so far -love the panel layout -Art is so vibrant and the switch to black an white is satisfying -Cates writes with importance -Climax and villain reveal is perfect

Silver Surfer: Black #2

Aug 8, 2020

-"i have seen such wondrously horrible things" -Silver surfer and ego are well-drawn -Love the build up to ego

Silver Surfer: Black #3

Aug 8, 2020

-Impactful beginning, enjoy seeing SS deal with his past while being written with such an empathetic tone -The art on ego flows off the pages and panels seem like that move into one another -Such a fucking sweet ending

Silver Surfer: Black #4

Aug 8, 2020

-Every appearance is so purposeful -Love the way Uatu is drawn -meeting of galan and SS feels immense -Galan seeing bloody hands that together shape his helmet

Silver Surfer: Black #5

Aug 8, 2020

-Opening pages are tense and feel like they are leading to something no one will come back from the same -Holy shit the panel design and art of the final battle is insanely creative -Ending dialogue is filled with so much triumphant euphoria -Stellar comic

Spider-Man: Life Story Collected  
Strange Adventures (2020) #1

Aug 6, 2020

-Great start, love the story being told in parallel with the events on raan and earth -Love the themes of heroism, regret, and morality -The art connects so damn well with the emotion of adam

Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Aug 6, 2020

-Some have problems with the trivia, but i see it as one of the smartest characters using a tool to keep his mind from pacing plus i enjoy seeing him navigate his daily life.(rather than dwell on his family) -I believe the green knight dialogue is metaphorical to strange -The art on raan is beautiful -Kind of a filler issue, but still enjoyable

Strange Adventures (2020) #3

Aug 6, 2020

-Art continues to be stellar, great facial expressions -The scenes of Alanna talking and Adam fighting are great and its a great metaphor for how we glorify and trivialize violence -Loved when adam was caught off guard by hawkman and then got knocked down in his duel -Good use of how media can skew public opinion

Strange Adventures (2020) #4

Aug 6, 2020

-Glad we get to see Mr.Terrific navigating post-war politics on Raan -The art style of the lasers caught my eye -Mr.terrific is such a good choice, loving his character -The more this series goes on the more i am invested in how King navigates the story's backroom politics

Strange Adventures (2020) #5

Sep 2, 2020

-Alanna has become my favorite character, shes calculated and always offers interesting sentiments on what the world is pressing her about. It seems like she has cards no one knew we were at the table -Wish we got some mister terrific, but i assume that he will be a major part of the next issue -The relationship between the pacing and stories being told feels natural. It is on the slower side, but that allows for taylor to take his time and add multiple small elements to the world, giving it more life. -Might be the best art in any comic that im reading

Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Aug 30, 2020

-Art and coloring is lively -I like the main cast so far -Waller leaving is a potentially refreshing take on someone running the crew -The resolution of capture and utilize over kill is smart, fits the character of lok

Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Sep 10, 2020

Overall fantastic issue. The opening felt movie-like and vibrant, gave something to chew on immediately. The best parts about this issue were deadshot developing more with the revolutionaries and shark/fin's telepathy relationship. Taylor continues to build interesting relationships in only 2 issues

Suicide Squad (2019) #3

Sep 10, 2020

For the concept of a unit of villains that are prone to dying, Taylor has given unique voices to each character and created a story to care about. My favorite trait that shined in this issue is how solidified the balance of different character is

Suicide Squad (2019) #4

Sep 10, 2020

Great humor, art, and story. Got more backstory on why the revolutionaries want to infiltrate task force-x. The build of for this series is going at a steady pace, Taylor does a good job of letting some characters or concepts simmer while others take the primary role.

Suicide Squad (2019) #5

Sep 11, 2020

Great ending to the first act and a reveal that makes me interested in the next arc. Deadshot continues to be my favorite character and Taylor does a lot with him without overdoing the amount of space he takes up in issues.

Suicide Squad (2019) #6

Sep 11, 2020

A landmark issue for this series. The humor was probably the best it has been and blended so well with the action sequences. Batman and Deadshot really sell this issue.

Suicide Squad (2019) #7

Sep 12, 2020

Suicide Squad (2019) #8

Sep 12, 2020

Decent issue, definitely ok with a more slower pace one after the last two or three. The backstory did not really draw me in too much

Suicide Squad (2019) #9

Sep 25, 2020

Dadshot comicbook character of the year 2020 and its bullshit this series is not continuous

Suicide Squad (2019) #10

Nov 26, 2020

Suicide Squad (2019) #11

Nov 26, 2020

Should have been longer, but the ending wrapped up the plotline in a clean manner.

The Resistance #1

Aug 13, 2020

-With concepts of superhumans and a virus that kills in two days, this is a very grounded sci-fi book -Art was dark with well-drawn, expressive faces. -Shows a spectrum of reactions and how much unity or division massive events can cause. -Straczynski is able to navigate human empathy and political greed effectively -This is a great premise that wasted little time building the world, excited to see what he does with it

The Resistance #2

Aug 13, 2020

-Art continues to impress -Straczynski builds up more interest in the politics, seems to have a more realistic approach to superheroes and does not try to over reach -The world feels full and used

The Resistance #3

Aug 13, 2020

-Did not really feel this one -Like the superhero business model type idea, but the character at the center of it didn't grab me -Wish there was more about the political/resistance story line with this issue

The Resistance #4

Sep 7, 2020

-This issue had a lot of what makes this series good. The world feels big again, alive with paranoia and purpose. The resistance is forming an identity and the world leaders are analyzing what is potentially happening in regards to the virus. My main negative takeaway is the meteor origin feels a little cliche and maybe issue 2 or 3 should have has this inserted in somewhere it can work.

Thor (2020) #1

Sep 14, 2020

Love what cates is doing. His style is changing the foundation and expectations for each character he does, Thor get this treatment with fantastic scale. The comic feels a mix of personal and cosmic with thor showing signs of internal conflict, still upholding his king-like fortitude, in the opening age of his taking of the throne with the later pages abruptly opening the world up with a new ominous threat. Art is killer top

Thor (2020) #2

Sep 14, 2020

Galactus and Thor feel truly powerful in this issue and although it is hard to convince a reader to care about a planet we know little about, the way Thor is voiced creates a tidal wave of empathy as he defends those who can not themselves.

Thor (2020) #3

Sep 15, 2020

The art this issue is grand, shimmering with vivid colors of battle while cates accompanies it will heavy words of two old friends making their hardest choice. Thor feels like a king making choices he knows only people who are worth their kingship make, but it i love how the actions of him calls to what is the cost?

Thor (2020) #4

Sep 16, 2020

Lady sif works so well in the role of the guardian of the bifrost, she is both regal and empathetic. Love the teasing of loki this issue as a taste of the potential future. Galactus and thor continue to be characterized so well and their relationship is built on the foundation of carrying the largest burdens in the universe

Thor (2020) #5

Sep 16, 2020

This issue has a lot going for it. There is a heartfelt dialogue between Sif and Beta ray bill, the art is spectacular, the black winter as a character is all-consuming and calculated. not sure how i feel about the twist. I guess im leaning in the positive direction as im still interested in the why of it.

Thor (2020) #6

Sep 16, 2020

Thor continues to build his baggage and the crown does not ease that weight. The art has hit its peak with this issue, so many great panels of vivid color showcasing the power of thor. The arc overall was great(wish the ending and saga with the black winter felt more full) and im excited to see the ramifications of Thor's actions

Thor (2020) #7

Sep 17, 2020

This is a breather after the cosmic events that came before this issue. Cates does a lot of good here: the humor hits well, thor and bill have a great dialogue, and the conflict with mjolnir is a highlight. Nic klein is far better on the art though

Thor (2020) #8

Nov 16, 2020

Thor (2020) #9

Nov 20, 2020

Love the premise of this arc

Thor (2020) #10

Jan 1, 2021

Donny Blake, Donny cates... they're both crazy ya know

Thor (2020) #11

Apr 30, 2021

Thor (2020) #12

Apr 30, 2021

Senior Throggy

Thor (2020) #13

Apr 30, 2021

Thor (2020) #14

Apr 30, 2021

Vision Hardcover

May 20, 2021

Complete emptiness after finishing this. A perfect story.

X-Factor (2020) #1

Aug 16, 2020

-Way too much exposition, there was no room to digest the situation or characters -Art was ok, faces and expression were lively -Not really sure, this concept has potential, but definitely not a great first step

X-Factor (2020) #2

Sep 12, 2020

Worst comic i have read after about 4 months of being into the hobby. Jokerman would give this a 1 and id respect it

X-Force (2019) #1

Sep 28, 2020

X-Force (2019) #2

Sep 28, 2020

All the characters were written really well and the art was vibrant this issue.

X-Force (2019) #3

Oct 4, 2020

X-Force (2019) #4

Oct 4, 2020

X-Force (2019) #5

Oct 5, 2020

X-Force (2019) #6

Oct 5, 2020

X-Men (2019) #1

Aug 13, 2020

-Cyclops opening made me smile -"Im tired of fighting, scott...but ill never be tired of lifting up our own" -Seeing magneto with so much care on his mind -Scott is so good in the opening issue -I like the art, but there are times where it can feel a bit lifeless(in dialogue panels) -Definitely a focus on Cyclops this issue which can feel unbalanced, but Hickman uses his life as a way to show mutant peace

X-Men (2019) #2

Aug 13, 2020

-Cable made me laugh a couple times -Got something brewing with Apocalypse -Feeling the same about the art -Now i want to see how the council and higher up mutants deal with this new environment

X-Men (2019) #3

Aug 13, 2020

-Dialogue was horrible for the first couple pages, but got better -I dont really care about these antagonist -I like all the x-men and their interactions with each other -Feels like a very interesting major plot muddled by weird choices -Coloring was amazing -I can see how people would get a kick out this one

X-Men (2019) #4

Aug 13, 2020

-Magneto looking clean as fuck in da all white -Apocalypse with the gucci suit -"my other names are not fit for you to utter" -"Loved magneto/wakandan king's dialogue -Jesus magneto killed it this issue -Great page of gorgon -Worth the wait to hear the professor speak -Yu's art did everything id want it to do

X-Men (2019) #5

Aug 14, 2020

-Silva's artstyle is captivating -The vault was immense and well-crafted -Interested in how the children of the vault will play out in a grander scheme -Like seeing potential mistakes being made and risks taken by x-men. -Hickman is connecting ideas; keeping a balance between contained stories and overarching ones

X-Men (2019) #6

Aug 14, 2020

-Hickman continues to excel at writing these characters, making them feel like individual voices. The conversation of charles and raven draws so much emotion. -Contrasting mystique as blue with the environment as white is a great artistic touch -Fantastic issue where the writing and pacing took the spotlight. Hickman is consistent on tying in the events taking place to create the feeling of something bigger at play

X-Men (2019) #7

Aug 14, 2020

-So much to digest. Nightcrawler is a great lens to witness the evolution of Krokoa. Questioning the morality of the ever-changing landscape of a nation that is new. Hickman has serious hit a stride in this serious. -The art during the climax of the crucible trial sold the emotion -This issue stands on its own, but feels like a very important dialogue on the series as a whole

X-Men (2019) #8

Aug 14, 2020

-Felt somewhat disjointed and sporadic, but enjoyable. -The art for the Brood was very good

X-Men (2019) #9

Aug 14, 2020

-Not completely feeling this one or the space arch -The ending of this issue was anti-climatic -Yu continues to do great work on the brood

X-Men (2019) #10

Aug 14, 2020

-I liked vulcan, did not completely understand everything involving his past, but enough to infer and gain something. Enjoying hickman exploring a wide amount of mutants -Not too bad, but i do not really care about the antagonist

X-Men (2019) #11

Aug 30, 2020

-Like the reappearance of the summoner -Exodus' speeches always draw me in - Magneto was great this issue, loved seeing him take commanded -The combos of powers was awesome -Humor was good this issue when it appeared

X-Men (2019) #12

Sep 18, 2020

Can see someone either hating or loving this issue. Im always down for more lore building and it seems were getting something big as apocalypse is making final preparations for something. The lore was interesting, i like the new additions to apocalypse's life and the art is always good with yu.

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #1

Aug 14, 2020

-"you grow up fast once you realize you're a mutant" -Love seeing my boy at the end -Great opening with well-done moral ideas -Art was average

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #2

Aug 15, 2020

-Doom is great -Enjoyable issue

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #3

Aug 15, 2020

-This was definitely Doom's issue -Doom feels like he knows the power that has arrived on the island and makes sure to be ahead of the curve -Love the debate between him and Xavier -This issue really sells how on edge every faction is(except for doom)

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #4

Aug 15, 2020

-Full, two-page spread of the battle is beautiful -Makes sense Franklin is the savior -Charles punishing richards is understandable; this is not the same xavier and hes on par with his actions in HoxPox/x-men -Art overall this serious was alright, battle scenes is where Dodson shines

Reviews for the Week of...




