Mighty Morphin Comic Rater's Profile

Joined: Mar 25, 2021

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007 (2022) #1

Aug 21, 2022

PKJ is plagued by the same thing that undermined his initial run on Alien, a decent story is set back by distractingly bad art

007 (2022) #2

Oct 1, 2022

Fantastic! PKJ makes it clear he knows and appreciates the character and so far he’s delivered a story that is enticing and that fans of the original Bond novels and Sean Connery films can enjoy.

007 (2022) #5

Jan 29, 2023

PKJ does a fantastic job keeping Bond’s character true to the books and Connery’s movies while coming up with an original, captivating story

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2022

Jun 1, 2022

This issue does an excellent job highlighting Clark and Martha”s kindness, goodness, and compassion, virtues comics and indeed the whole world needs more of. Compelling wisdom from Martha about how quickly small things can make a big difference and a truly inspirational end scene that shows that Superman’s true power lies in making others better versions of themselves.

Alien (2021) #1

Mar 25, 2021

I think the mediocre reviews complaining about how slow this issue is are missing the subtle difference between action and suspense in storytelling. This issue, much like the original film, was about a slow buildup- initially establishing the baseline characters at their most human, with an undercurrent feeling that something just isn't right. The film did this by starting out with average Joes griping about what average Joes gripe about- their jobs, their pay, etc. The comic does this by showing the protagonist's slow reintegration back into society as he has a retirement ceremony, tries to reconnect with his son, and goes to therapy for PTSD. Like the movie, the vapid introduction builds tension because we the audience know that the banality will come crashing down, that the stale will soon become the horrible. It's the staleness that makes the the terror relatable- we can initially see ourselves in the protagonist's shoes, as they complain about and go through the same things we do. The dread comes in when that familiar staleness transforms into horror, seemingly instantaneously. [SPOILERS FOLLOW] For example, in a flashback Gabriel remembers his comrade complaining about how he should've been on vacation moments away from his terrifying death at the hands of the xenomorphs. The book's closing showing subsequent panels highlighting Danny's look of horror, followed by the facehugger jumping out of the page, followed by darkness, shows how this horror simmers, abruptly peaks, and leaves us wondering what is going to happen next. The book also does a fantastic job of highlighting the hypocrisy of pseudo-moralistic activists that burn the world down while claiming they are trying to save it, as Danny's band of do-gooders unhesitatingly kill everyone that gets in the way of their trying to expose how evil Weyland-Yutani corporation is. As often happens in real life, these activists end up making things much worse as they unleash hell on the world, but in this story they receive some comeuppance as they are the first to go through the hell they've brought upon everyone else. In this respect, Danny is initially portrayed as very unlikable, but a person who is seemingly manipulated by his activist girlfriend and has the potential for growth as a character as the story continues.

Alien (2021) #2

Jun 1, 2021

True to a fault to the Aliens film. I enjoyed this story because it mimicked the tone of the movie, but disliked it because at points it felt like they just took the plot from Aliens and transposed it to these comic book characters. Weyland-Yutani blackmailing a retired professional into an unwilling mission against the xenomorphs, the little girl witnessing the xenomorphs attacking her loved ones, the secret motives underpinning the mission, the race against the clock, and even the marines’ flippant attitudes and way they talk are all lifted directly from the second movie. I liked it because I loved the movie, but I hope this comic is able to find its own voice instead of just copying themes that worked for someone else.

Alien (2021) #4

Jun 24, 2021

My biggest complaint with this issue was the artwork. While the action sequences and the portrayal of the xenomorphs were done pretty well, the faces of the characters looked distractingly bland and I felt they did not adequately convey the emotional anguish and the terror the story was trying to project. Aside from that I think the story itself did a great job of giving us more hints about Gabriel’s past while at the same time setting up twists and turns for the story’s future. I, and I would think most Alien fans, are pretty satisfied with the way the series has been progressing so far.

Alien (2021) #6

Sep 27, 2021

Aside from the criticisms about the art, I feel like a lot of the reviews for the issues in this series’s first arc were overly harsh. I found the first issues to be true to the tone of the first two films, while the last issues really shined as the series took on a voice of its own, culminating with the multiple unexpected surprises in this issue. Gabriel’s redemption was heart breaking to anyone who’s struggled with trying to reconnect to their family. Although some people complained about him being unlikeable, in the end he was a dad just trying to do his best.

Alien (2021) #10

Mar 27, 2022

I feel like this series has been unfairly panned by the critics for its entire run. Johnson offers a lot for fans of the Alien franchise, staying true to the elements that made Alien and Aliens so iconic while still finding a voice of his own. He shows how much havoc the Xenomorphs can wreak among a variety of characters in a variety of settings, and the new Xenomorphs he’s created are even more terrifying then the original. The only criticism from the consistent naysayers that I will agree with is that the art could be better.

Alien (2021) #11

Jun 5, 2022

The story continues to be great, the art continues to be mediocre (so much so that in this issue it was sometimes hard to see what was actually going on).

Alien (2021) Annual #1

Aug 12, 2022

The art was worse than usual (which was already pretty bad), most of the characters looked like they either had a stroke or had blob-like faces like they were made out of putty. The story didn’t make sense either, it was one of Gabe’s missions but inexplicably not one of the missions Gabe was shown reminiscing about in the initial books of the series. I’ve been pretty forgiving with the series but this has been the worst issue so far.

Alien (2022) #1

Oct 4, 2022

The art got a lot better but the story got a little worse, overall the reboot ends up roughly where it was before, i.e. far from perfect but still enjoyable for fans of the franchise.

Alien (2022) #2

Nov 14, 2022

I almost feel like PKJ just came up with a clever name (Steel Team) and now he’s just trying to force a story around it. The elite team of un-killable androids easily dispatching the xenomorphs undermines what makes the xenomorphs, and the entire franchise, so compelling: they are the perfect organism matched only by their hostility, survival against them is based more on luck as it is on skill, and despite their best efforts most who face them will not survive. Except here they’re nothing more than fodder to show how awesome Steel Team is. The twist at the end keeps things interesting but I hope the story goes back to the root theme of showing how nearly hopeless it is to battle the xenomorphs. Also not a fan of using the name of Christ in vain. The time will come where we will have to give an account for every careless word we have spoken, and at that time sacrilege in an attempt to get some cheap laughs or to add supposed depth to a silly comic book character’s dialogue probably won’t seem worth it.

Alien (2022) #3

Dec 29, 2022

Lots of twists and turns to keep things interesting

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #70

Aug 13, 2021

Great artwork, good but ultimately forgettable story.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 27, 2021

Overly ambitious to the point where the entire sinister six storyline was too crowded, too convoluted, and too confusing. I’m ready for the Spencer run to end. The September 11 memorial the end was very touching. I will never forget where I was when the towers went down and I pray that we as a country don’t take the unprecedented freedom, prosperity, and safety we’ve enjoyed as a nation fore granted.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74

Nov 3, 2021

This was quite a chore to get through. The only redeeming quality of this whole issue was the mini story about Uncle Ben

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #78.BEY

Dec 28, 2021

Fun but pointless issue, did not seem to contribute to the main storyline

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80.BEY

Dec 28, 2021

This was a fun issue and a great portrayal of Dr. Octopus as someone more nuanced than the stereotypical super villain. Also liked May’s kill with kindness attitude and her ability to see the best in others, even those who she knows hurt her nephew.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #83

Feb 5, 2022

Patrick Gleason knocked this one out of the park! Both the writing and the art were fantastic.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #86

Feb 13, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #87

Feb 6, 2022

All of the issues in the Beyond run would be solid in a monthly or maybe even semi-monthly series, but I’m getting Spider-exhausted with this coming out almost every week

Are You Afraid of Darkseid? (2021) #1

Nov 4, 2021

I’m admittedly not well read when it comes to the DC universe but a lot of the stories just didn’t make sense to me.

Batman (2016) #125

Aug 3, 2022

The art was beautiful and the story was good. Interesting take on the Penguin as an AOC style socialist living a life of luxury while despising anyone else who does the same. The filler story at the end was nonsense (why would Selena care about protecting Penguin’s club?) but it is what it is. I give 10/10 for the art, 8/10 for the main story, and 5.5/10 for the filler story.

Batman (2016) #126

Aug 25, 2022

Batman (2016) #127

Oct 4, 2022

Fantastic! Great story, great art, great allusions to previous key stories in the Batman ethos, this is the best single issue of Batman that I’ve read in a long time. Even the side story, which is usually a throwaway, was better then normal.

Batman (2016) #129

Nov 23, 2022

The backup is better then the main story

Batman (2016) #130

Jan 21, 2023

I for one am not as worked up by the whole return from space thing as some people were, to me it shows that Batman has a plan for EVERY contingency, no matter how unlikely or absurd. The thing that bothers me about this whole story arc is that he created a killer super robot that is capable of wiping out the entire Justice League but inexplicably he never thought to use this technology to stop and deter crime. Why was he more prepared to punish his friends than stop his enemies? But I suppose in a way this is reflective of the leftist mindset in general.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1

Mar 23, 2022

I don’t think it quite lived up to all the hype but it was still a very good comic written by an author who knows how to tell fun stories. Kingdom Come was one of the best comic stories of all time, loved Waid’s run in Daredevil, and I look forward to seeing what he’ll do here

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #3

Jun 18, 2022

“Superman doesn’t believe in hell” was a foolishly silly explanation for how Clark knew they were in an illusion

Batman: The Knight (2022) #2

Mar 3, 2022

I could’ve done without the puerile hypocrisy of Bruce justifying robbing the CEO of an oil company because he’s a rich polluter when Bruce himself is a billionaire with a private jet, but otherwise this was a great story. Despite the countless stories told about Bruce Wayne/Batman, Zdarsky was still able to come up with a Batman story that is fresh and different than what has already been done before.

Batman: The Knight (2022) #5

Jun 15, 2022

The worst issue of the series, and possibly the worst thing I’ve read written by Zdarsky, so far. While everything leading up to it shows how Bruce develops different skill sets to become the Batman, this issue just has him bumbling through, throwing a book his mentor wanted him to retrieve into the river, and ends with “now you’re ready for masks.” Why would Oblosnky want to continue to train Bruce after he deliberately failed the task she set him up to do? Also, wasn’t Bruce worried that the top secret book might wash up somewhere? Nothing about this issue made sense.

Batman: The Knight (2022) #8

Oct 24, 2022

Batman: The Knight (2022) #9

Oct 24, 2022

This issue was incredibly boring considering it was meant to portray one of the most pivotal moments in Bruce’s life

Batman: The Knight (2022) #10

Dec 12, 2022

The story was ok but overall the series ends without adding anything meaningful to the Batman mythos. Overall Bruce just came across as a self-centered brat throughout the series, he took what he could from his respective mentors but didn’t offer anything in return or really give any of them a reason to go out of their way to train him.

Chicken Devil #1

Nov 3, 2021

I’ve never careened between OMG, LOL, and WTF as many times in a single issue as I have with this comic

Chicken Devil #3

Jan 26, 2022

Best miniseries I’ve read in a long, long time!

Chicken Devil #4

Feb 26, 2022

This was FANTASTIC! The whole series was just so wild and unexpected. I definitely hope to see Mitch again in the future, and see what all the hype about the torpedo is about. I’m definitely on board for the second run if/when it comes out.

Chicken Devils #2

Feb 9, 2023

I’m baffled by the modern moral notion that insulting someone’s religion is bigoted unless the insults are directed towards Christians or Jews. I found Buccellato going out of his way to make fun of Jesus detracted from what has otherwise been a very entertaining series. Let me caveat this by saying that in no way am I implying Buccalleto is a bigot, but 1)we all have immortal souls and will someday be held accountable for all that we say or do and 2) there is an obvious double standard in modern pop culture concerning how Judeo-Christianity is portrayed compared to other religions.

Daredevil (2019) #30

Jul 11, 2021

LOVE IT! Elektra out-Batmans Batman as a rich, tough, fearless vigilante. "Neither of my identities have anything to fear. They create fear."

Daredevil (2019) #35

Dec 4, 2021

I made the mistake of getting a subscription to Daredevil through Marvel via Midtown Comics so I get to read this a month and a half after everyone else. I’m a fan of both Daredevil and Chip Zdarsky but this issue was a letdown. I get the impression that Zdarsky is just tired of writing this series and is focusing most of his efforts elsewhere, while hastily wrapping up his run here. As a result, Matt’s interpersonal struggle about doing the right thing and not acting as if he is above the law, a struggle which he has been dealing with this entire run, is just haphazardly dismissed. After three years, instead of a real resolution, what we get instead is an awkward close where Matt just impulsively decides he is in fact too good to follow the law and he has fellow “heroes” that feel the same way to back him up. The fact that the focal point of the past three years was so sloppily and inexplicably resolved in half a page really diminishes what has otherwise been a great run.

Daredevil (2022) #1

Aug 9, 2022

A lot of nonsensical things in this issue. Matt paid dearly several times over when his secret identity was first revealed and for years after, and now he’s back to playing fast and loose with it? Also, he knew Spider-Man’s secret identity, what made him forget it in this issue? And won’t Wilson realize he killed the wrong person when he sees that Daredevil is still around? And why is “the man without fear” scared of guardian Angel? He’s seen similar gimmicks before. Disappointing start but I’m still interested to see where this is going

Daredevil (2022) #2

Aug 30, 2022

Nonsensical retcon and forgettable backup story. The best thing about this issue was the cover gallery at the end

Daredevil (2022) #5

Dec 29, 2022

A great story set back by one sided proselytizing about how prisons are bad. Prisons ARE bad, that’s why they’re used to punish and deter crime. The other side of the coin is the vast majority of people in prison did something to get themselves there, and they left victims behind in their wake, victims who curiously rarely get the same level of compassion as the criminals from the prisons are bad crowd.

Daredevil (2022) #7

Jan 29, 2023

Daredevil (2022) #8

Feb 26, 2023

Exciting issue with a climactic battle. For a supposed lifelong devoted Catholic Matt misunderstands fundamental tenets of Christianity when he says “no creature is born evil.” This would undermine the need for a savior which is a foundation of the entire Christian religion. However, I do appreciate that Zdarsky seems to have made a good faith effort in trying to reasonably portray someone committed to the Lord rather than writing off God as a goofy myth and/or ridiculing His followers as most comics these days tend to do.

Daredevil (2022) #10

Jun 3, 2023

The story itself was ok, but Zdarsky went out of it his way to insult cops and the American flag. A good writer can tell a story in such a way that even if you disagree with a particular statement, it at least gets you thinking about it or can help you see things in a different light. Here neither the comment about cops nor the comment about the American flag were inherent to the storyline nor contributed anything meaningful to it, it was obviously nothing more than Zdarsky using the comic as a soapbox to air his own political opinions. Aside from that, I’m ready for Zdarsky’s run to come to an end. While I enjoyed it overall, it’s been a lot of beat downs and moping for Matt, I hope to see him start racking up some wins again.

Daredevil (2022) #11

Jun 3, 2023

SPOILER Daredevil cutting out his own eye was WAAAAY over the top. The backup story was better than I expected in that it was just a fun story, a nice change of pace from the perpetual beat downs that have characterized Zdarsky’s run over all.

Daredevil (2023) #1

Oct 4, 2023

There sure is a hell of a lot of damn frivolous cursing which makes Matt come across as a pretty piss poor priest. It just seems strange that he’s being portrayed as a man of the cloth without the maturity or discipline to speak in a more reverent manner. Other than that it was a good enough first issue, plenty of intrigue to explain what happened to bring him here going forward, but I hope they restore him to his more usual role as a street level hero against his more typical rogue’s gallery. While Zdarsky’s run was good, most of it was Matt either in jail or as the head of some supernatural organization, it just felt like we were missing the old school Daredevil beating up mobsters while dealing with human problems that made some of his greatest runs so compelling.

Dark Ages (2021) #5

Apr 8, 2022

This just rushes from one scene to another in such a way that the entire series is shaping up to be fun but ultimately superficial and pointless. It’s cool to see the new characters Taylor has come up with, and it’s fun to see heroes like Storm get to exercise their power, but the way it was done it presents like a highlight reel more than a cohesive story.

Dark Ride (2022) #1

Oct 7, 2022

Intriguing, well thought out, and unexpected. Williamson does a brilliant job immersing the reader in his fictional horror theme park. I’m excited to see where this goes.

Darkhold (2021): Iron Man #1

Oct 20, 2021

This was a fun story. I’d rate it a 5.5 or 6 but I gave it a few extra points to even out what I assume is a fake review from blob, considering he rated the issue before it was even out.

Detective Comics (2016) #1034

Mar 25, 2021

The story itself is a solid 9.0. Excellent exploration of Bruce Wayne as a character and how he deals with setbacks and human interaction, something that is typically lacking with the overwhelming focus on the alter-ego Batman and that persona's seemingly invulnerable attitude. The reason for the downgrade is simply the price and my ability to maintain this issue on my pull list. With DC's proposed price increase to $6 and this issue coming out bi-weekly, I am not able to invest $156 a year to see how this series pans out, especially when there are multiple other comic series that are at least as good and available at 1/3 the price.

Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Jan 5, 2022

Some redemption following the mediocre end to Zdarsky’s run on Daredevil. Timely advice from Captain America, never give in to tyrants because once you do they’ll take it all.

Devil's Reign (2021) #6

Jun 15, 2022

It seems like everyone wants to do a “character defining run” where a major character suffers a cheap death to garner sales and make the event or the run seem more meaningful than it really was. It’s overplayed and we all know whoever dies will be back in a couple of months. While Zdarsky made it seem like this was the direction he was going with Daredevil vowing to kill Kingpin, I’m glad to see he took a more restrained approach in the end.

Devil's Reign (2021): Moon Knight #1

Apr 6, 2022

The writing was 10/10 OUTSTANDING! Jed Mackay is killing it with Moon Knight. Unfortunately the art came nowhere near to matching the story to the point that it became severely distracting. While Mackay tells a dark story, the art is a vibrant anime style that would be more fitting in something like Power Rangers or a teenage drama, and does not adequately portray either the sinister prison environment or the effect of that environment on Spector’s mad regression to back to being a dog of war.

Eat The Rich #1

Nov 3, 2021

Interested to see where this ends up going

Eight Billion Genies #1

May 22, 2022

Eight Billion Genies #2

Jul 13, 2022

Brilliant, well thought out series so far

Eight Billion Genies #3

Aug 10, 2022

This series is BRILLIANT! The story and the art are executed perfectly and the genies mimicking their human counterparts and/or messing around in the background are hilarious. I can not think of any story that has done a better job of mixing action, humor, and heart

Eight Billion Genies #6

Dec 31, 2022

With its brilliantly thought out setting, myriad of characters, and multiple worlds in the form of the different havens this could easily be an excellent ongoing series. I hope they at least consider a sequel

Eight Billion Genies #7

Mar 5, 2023

Elektra (2022) #100

May 18, 2022

Nocenti’s story makes up the bulk of this issue and adds an interesting dimension to Mary and Fisk’s relationship but the art was mediocre and the overall story was just ok. The dance story was pointless. The lighter stories at the end were the highlights of this issue, this would be a worthy addition to a daredevil fan’s collection just for those stories.

Elektra: Black, White & Blood #4  
Flash (2016) #779

Mar 2, 2022

I’m not a Flash fan but I bought this issue because at least hinting at the existence of a good, moral, God that cares for us and has plans for us is something 99% of other comic writers won’t do, and because Jeremy Adams seems like a good person. This was a fun story and a nice change of pace from what sometimes feels like the monolithic, secular humanist worldview put forth by most other comic writers.

Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2

Jun 15, 2022

Some of the best moments of my life were taking my favorite toys and setting them up for big battles. There was no story behind it, the battles didn’t make sense, it was just fun. This is that in comic book form.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #5

Jun 23, 2021

Fun, but forgettable, issue.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #7

Jun 28, 2021

Wasn’t as good as it could have been. The series’s set up was brilliant. The Squadron Supreme quickly and efficiently eliminates recurrent threats like Galactus and Thanos, presumably saving billions of lives when compared to the destruction these threats cause in the mainline universe, and Blade even says the Squadron Supreme universe is “better” than the one he remembers. The only problem is it is not real. Thus we have the potential for exploring if truth is something worth fighting for in and of itself, even if it may make things worse in some ways. Unfortunately instead of exploring this theme with any seriousness, the series quickly degenerated into a slapstick parody of DC heroes. The overall story was fun but pointless, and it’s disappointing t did not live up to its full potential.

Heroes Reborn (2021): American Knights #1

Jun 20, 2021

After spending months looking forward to the Heroes Reborn take on Daredevil, I must say this issue was a huge letdown. The overall tone is that Grist just crammed this issue with a bunch of superficial junk and hoped it would tell a cohesive story, but he didn’t put any effort into actually developing the characters. We know Luke Cage is a cop because he was wrongfully imprisoned for... what? And he’s fighting against... what? Nighthawk fights crime by serving as the story’s main crime lord’s “backup?” Matt Murdock, dutiful worshipper of Mephisto fights crime because of the evilness of Mephisto that he sees reflected in others? Finally, and most egregiously, Luke Cage dismisses Christianity as a “fringe cult,” but the author doesn’t explore this idea any further, making it come off as a cheap shot airing of the author’s personal grievances instead of anything substantive. Overall the story comes off as a half hearted magic trick where Grist fills the “story” with meaningless distractions and hopes the reader doesn’t realize that there’s nothing behind the curtain.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Heroes Return #1

Jul 27, 2021

Immortal Hulk #25

Jan 14, 2022

WTF was this? It was like terribly written fan fiction and had nothing to do with the main storyline. 2.5 for the story, minus a point for the pretentious way it was told.

Immortal Hulk #26

Mar 19, 2022

The series was off to a strong start but went off the rails with issue 25, and even though this issue returns to the main storyline it was so heavy handed it doesn’t give much hope of a recovery happening anytime soon. And the scene where the Rush Limbaugh parody (which ironically looks a little like Al Ewing) says the government cannot be trusted and the public sector has to step in is outright foolish- the government IS the public sector. If you’re going to shoehorn your political opinion into your work, at least try to make it an informed opinion.

Immortal Hulk #28

Mar 19, 2022

The asinine caricature of a brainwashed right-winger daydreaming about shooting his own daughter was just too much for me, I’m out.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 1: Or Is He Both?

Dec 29, 2021

WOW. Prior to this series I had zero interest in the Hulk, and in the middle of the run I picked up a couple of issues, was completely lost, and didn’t see what all the hype was about. I decided to give the run another shot starting from the beginning and I’m so glad I did, so far this is one of the best series I’ve ever read. UPDATE: I’m disappointed to say the rest of the series did not meet the high expectations set by the strong start of the 10 issues included in this TPB. Over Ewing’s run I’ve gone from not caring at all about the Hulk, to thinking he was one of the most intriguing characters in the entire Marvel universe, to not caring about him again. My advice is to read until issue 24 then stop and wonder at what might have been if Immortal Hulk didn’t fly off the rails starting at issue 25.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #1

Mar 31, 2022

Not a big fan of the whole disparaging Jesus thing

Joe Fixit (2023) #1

Jan 25, 2023

Fantastic, this issue was a lot of fun. Exciting to see kingpin get his ass handed to him, which doesn’t happen very often.

Joe Fixit (2023) #2

Mar 18, 2023

Another fun issue

Knighted (2021) #2

Jan 11, 2022

Knighted (2021) #5

May 25, 2022

Mighty Morphin (2020) #5

Aug 16, 2021

This is the issue that got me back into comics after a long hiatus. Being the standoffish maverick of the group was cool when there was only one in the group (i.e. Raphael in TMNT or Wolverine in the 90s X-Men), but when everyone decides they’re too cool to follow the rules they just become another jerk in a world already too full of them. This was the trend I saw in comic books and when Scott Snyder’s Batman punched his son in the face I had enough and stopped reading everything except Daredevil, dipping my toes back into comics here and there but never finding anything to bring me back until I read this. In a world where everyone is an “antihero”, it was so refreshing to see the moral character of the new green ranger, a good hearted person that just wanted to do the right thing and was willing to make sacrifices to do so. When Matt’s dad gives him his half hearted support by telling him he can go plant trees or whatever, it was a call back to the original television series which has an episode where the power rangers were actually planting trees. As a kid I thought it was silly that someone with all that power would be doing something so menial but as I’ve matured I’ve come to realize it’s doing the little things that will make a difference in the long run.

Mighty Morphin (2020) #17

Mar 23, 2022

I was nervous about Parrot leaving the series but Mat Groom handled the transition perfectly and he is setting up what promises to be an exciting next chapter for the Power Rangers. Loved seeing the more personal side of Rocky, and Groom definitely nailed the voices of the Rangers as teenagers with attitude.

Mighty Morphin (2020) #18

May 22, 2022

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022) #100

Nov 10, 2022

The death ranger as a character fell flat but Parrott still managed to weave a brilliant story about friendship, life, and the things that truly matter.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022) #102

Dec 31, 2022

I’m amazed at how well Melissa Flores took the series over from Parrott and Groom and kept it going without missing a beat- it’s at least as good as their runs and their runs were two of the best ongoing series from any publisher for the year. Great flashback showing how much heart Matt has and building up the emotion for his sacrifice at the end of the issue. I’m really excited to see where this goes.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022) #107

Jun 3, 2023

Mindset (2022) #1  
Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham #0

Nov 10, 2022

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #1

Jan 1, 2023

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #3

Jan 25, 2023

Art was great, story was great, I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like to be one of the original fans waiting almost 30 years for this to come out

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #4

Feb 20, 2023

Story did not seem to progress much, if at all, I’m this issue

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Aug 24, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #2

Sep 5, 2021

If the series remains as outstanding as its first two issues, I believe it will be the BEST ongoing series in Marvel’s lineup once Daredevil comes to a close.

Moon Knight (2021) #9

Apr 8, 2022

I think this was the weakest issue of the run so far but it’s still better than the strongest issue from most other series’. I look forward to seeing where Mackay goes from here

Moon Knight (2021) #10

May 18, 2022

Moon Knight is COLD

Moon Knight (2021) #13

Aug 10, 2022

13 issues in and every one has been fantastic. Probably the most consistently great ongoing comic right now. MacKay gets the character and doesn’t try to force him into being something he isn’t.

Moon Knight (2021) #17

Dec 3, 2022

This is quite possibly the single best comic issue I’ve ever seen in using art to convey the story, and the writing continues to be fantastic. Moon Knight is easily the best ongoing series coming out of the big 2, nothing else they are currently putting out comes close to being this good.

Moon Knight (2021) #18

Jan 29, 2023

Moon Knight (2021) #21

Mar 30, 2023

Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) #1

Jun 15, 2022

The last story, “The End” was great. The rest were hard to follow.

Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) #3

Aug 21, 2022

Wrong turn was a fun story about bank robbers who get into the wrong cab, and No empty sky was an outstanding take on Moon Knight’s conflicting natures in that he hates cults yet is talked into inculcating a child he rescues into being Konshu’s next fist. I was a huge fan of Nocenti’s work on Daredevil but her story here, which came across as a petty attack on an Elon Musk-like parody, was complete garbage and by far the weakest of the anthology.

Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) #4

Sep 30, 2022

Easily the worst issue of the series so far. Cantwell’s story was stupid. The other two stories were ok but it was strange that they were both cat-themed quasi-hallucinations. The woman giving birth to a cat was over the top. Cantwell’s story was stupid. Did I say that already?

Newburn #1

Nov 3, 2021

10/10 for the main story which was a hard boiled classic. Points subtracted for the cheap filler story tacked on at the end.

Newburn #2

Dec 26, 2021

I love the main series (9.5/10) but hate the cheap filler at the end

Newburn #3

Feb 27, 2022

I’m amazed that Zdarsky has been able to put out near perfect noir crime stories for three months in a row now. The only thing that detracts from this issue are the diary pages (necessary for explanation of some elements of the story but did not need to take two full pages) and the terribly written, terribly drawn filler story that’s been tacked on the end of every issue. Subtracting the diary pages, the ads, and the filler, there’s only 16 pages of actual story here.

Newburn #4

Apr 9, 2022

Zdarsky continues to knock it out if the park, the only downsides are the wasted pages for the diary (the entries spell out what literally just happened in the comic and added nothing to the story) and the backup, but I’ll admit this time around the backup exceeded the low expectations it established for itself in the previous issues.

Newburn #6

Jun 9, 2022

The stories continue to be great but Zdarsky keeps putting gimmicky fillers in each issue that give the impression that he’s trying to do as little as possible to put out this comic. In this issue, full page captions of the year indicating when different parts of the story take place make up a full quarter of the entire issue’s story (5 out of 21 pages). With everything being as expensive as it is and people having to cut back on their discretionary spending because of it, I think readers will start to realize they’re not getting a lot of bang for their four bucks if Zdarsky continues to replace substance with filler.

Newburn #7

Jul 2, 2022

Planet of the Apes (2023) #1

Apr 27, 2023

I hope this picks up because the potential for a great story is there but this issue just jumped between so many different times and places without really going anywhere that this was the comic book equivalent of a wheel spinning frantically while stuck in the mud. I do hope we get to go back to the future world the original movies were set in somewhere over the course of this series.

Planet of the Apes (2023) #2

May 25, 2023

The human/ape interactions where the apes are learning to read, fishing with the humans, etc. was interesting but otherwise this issue has the same problem as the last one, it just jumps around too much without feeling like it’s going anywhere.

Planet of the Apes (2023) #3

Sep 20, 2023

Power Rangers (2020) #11

Oct 9, 2021

Power Rangers (2020) #15

Feb 14, 2022

There hasn’t been a major Zord battle in either Mighty Morphin or Power Rangers this entire run but this issue made the wait well worth it. The art was brilliant, Parrott’s storytelling finds a way to appeal to nostalgia while coming up with something entirely new, and White Tiger Dragonzord might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in the Power Rangers universe.

Power Rangers (2020) #16

Mar 19, 2022

Between Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers, Parrot draws to a close what has been a near perfect run of 35 issues with the only weak issue between the entirety of both series’ being Power Rangers #10. The whole buildup and execution of the Eltarian War was masterfully done, and rereading the back issues shows how much planning Parrot put into the whole story arc. I look forward to seeing where this series goes from here and am disappointed he’s leaving Mighty Morphin.

Power Rangers (2020) #18

Jun 5, 2022

Good, fast-paced fun! The publisher is implying the series is coming to an end with issue #100 (legacy) but I hope that is not the case as this and Mighty Morphin are consistently some of the best works in comics being put out recently.

Power Rangers (2020) #19

Jun 16, 2022

Power Rangers (2020) #21

Aug 10, 2022

Power Rangers: Universe #1

Feb 6, 2022

I might give it a reread and reconsider my rating, but the first time through this story was very convoluted and difficult to follow. Disclaimer, I’m also not very well versed in the Power Rangers universe aside from the original television series and the current Mighty Morphin’ and Power Rangers comics, so maybe there’s some baseline history I’m missing that would help me understand this story better?

Power Rangers: Universe #2

Feb 21, 2022

I really wanted to like this but the multitude of typos and the jumbled dialogue were too distracting

Predator (2022) #1

Aug 25, 2022

Decent start to the series and keeps me interested in seeing what happens next.

Predator (2023) #1

Mar 30, 2023

This was just a retelling of Predators and, aside from the specimens being collected from different time periods, didn’t really add anything for anyone who’s seen the movie. Hopefully the series can find a voice of its own as it continues

Predator (2023) #2

Apr 27, 2023

Action but not a lot of story or character development. So far Brisson in this arc hasn’t provided anything to anyone who’s seen the Prefators movie.

Predator (2023) #3

May 25, 2023

Mediocre at best. We’ve seen Theta for nine issues now, she still has no personality, there is still no reason to care about her as a character, and the story is taking a long time to get where it’s going, if it’s going anywhere at all. I can almost guarantee this will be future dollar bin filler

Robin (2021) #2

May 26, 2021

Disappointing step down from what was an outstanding first issue. The narrative introductions of the main contestants were unnecessary and could have unfolded more naturally as the tournament progressed. It also somewhat spoils the tournament as this issue outlines who the main fighters are and who the final contestants will be, suggesting the the fights to come will be largely meaningless with the exception of the final one since we can already assume we know who will win. The issue also does a mediocre job of highlighting the moral complications that arise when death has no meaning, which is accentuated by the Way of X’s masterful handling of the same topic five minutes before this issue came out. The story does lay some interesting groundwork for what may be going on behind the tournament, and for Robin to mature into a less ego centric character but the suggestion at the end of this issue is that the next will be a throw away (oh no, a beach barbecue), the tournament itself may be largely pointless, and the intrigue laid in the previews and issue one may not come to full fruition. I’m still on board for now but I hope this issue was a one off and not a reflection of what this series is going to be like.

Robin (2021) #3

Aug 13, 2021

Whoever wrote the promo for this issue really undersold it. So much better than I expected given the “beach party from hell” tag line. Connor and Damien’s takes on their fathers were a hilariously refreshing break in a medium that seems like it’s been taking itself too seriously lately, and the reveal of Ra’s al Ghul at the end was masterfully done. I would also argue that this comic has the best artwork of any current ongoing series.

Robin (2021) #8

Jan 15, 2022

This is the BEST series DC has in its lineup and the artwork is unmatched by anything else at DC or any other publisher. Probably the best drawn fight scene I’ve ever seen in a comic.

Robin (2021) #9

Feb 6, 2022

Another FANTASTIC issue. Williamson taking the scenes from Batman Year One but refocusing the story so that Bruce’s call for help was his first step as Batman was brilliant. The only part I didn't care for was Robin using his own blood to draw goofy looking goggles on his face, but everything else about this issue was spot on.

Robin (2021) #14

Jul 2, 2022

Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

May 3, 2022

This was a fantastic start to the shadow war event. Ra’s al ghul’s conversion from ecoterrorist to seeing the value of all lives was quite unexpected and intriguing and I wonder if we’ll get to explore what led to his change in heart. In addition to Ra’s’s sudden urge to do the right thing, we see the human element of characters that aren’t humanized very often including Ra’s, Damien, Bruce, and even Slade, who is bonding with his newfound son. The only downside to the issue was the inconsistent art, which was at some points brilliant (BANG) and others confusing (Batman hugging Damien with the exact same image of Batman hugging Damien in the background). I’m definitely excited to see where this is all going.

Shadow War (2022): War Zone #1

Jun 18, 2022

Incredibly boring collection of stories

Shang-Chi (2021) #2

Jun 30, 2021

Why are the covers for this comic, Wolverine #13, and Amazing Spider-Man #69 all stylistically so similar? Is it fighting while falling week?

Shang-Chi (2021) #5

Nov 3, 2021

The stories are good, the art is fantastic, and I love the theme of sticking with your family but at this point we’re five issues in and have yet to see anything new.

Star Trek: Year Five #17

Jan 16, 2022

Added a lot of depth to Gary Seven and made him and AEGIS very intriguing. We’ll never know what the intended Gary Seven spinoff would’ve been like, but it was fun seeing this comic take it in a completely unexpected direction.

Star Trek: Year Five #20

Aug 13, 2021

Very well done. Spock travels back in time and finds that the revered hero of his past was not as virtuous as history remembered him to be but was instead a totalitarian that fostered a chilling effect of those that disagreed with him. Here Spock has to contend with whether or not the ends justified the means. He knows the end is a peaceful, logical planet Vulcan that would become a founding member and cornerstone of a Federation that would ultimately benefit the entire universe, but the cost is allowing those of Turak’s contemporaries who disagreed with him to be tyrannically put down and silenced. Those familiar with the franchise know how conflicting this must be for Spock, as he knows his moral obligation is to defend those whose rights are being stripped away in the name of the greater good, but he also knows that logic dictates the needs of the many who would benefit from Turak’s teachings in the future outweigh the needs of the few whose rights were trampled to get to that near-utopian future.

Star Trek: Year Five #21

Aug 16, 2021

Overall great story but the misattribution of the “house divided” quote was distracting. “A house divided against itself cannot stand” is an Abraham Lincoln quote the same way “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” is a Michael Scott quote, i.e. yes they said this but they were quoting another source, in Lincoln’s case that source being Jesus Christ. The fact that Spock was either too ignorant to know this or too frivolously imprecise to care is incongruous with the meticulousness central to Spock’s character.

Star Trek: Year Five #23

Oct 9, 2021

Star Wars (2020) #15

Aug 15, 2021

Lots of dialogue about “strategery” (as dubya might say), and the story itself was fun but it didn’t contribute anything to either the main or War of the Bounty Hunters storylines

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #14

Aug 14, 2021


Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #12

Aug 14, 2021

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #13

Sep 5, 2021

I thought it was a huge letdown that we did not get the confrontation that was promised in the previous issue.

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Alpha #1

Jun 20, 2021

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2

Aug 13, 2021

I can’t believe Boba Fett doesn’t have his own ongoing series by now, especially considering some of the lesser known and less interesting characters in the Star Wars universe that do (i.e. those in the current Bounty Hunters ongoing series).

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3

Sep 5, 2021

“Maybe they’re your Uncles, you’re Aunties” was a killer line! This is my impression of how Marvel typically goes about handling its “event” series: 1) Put out a lot of advertising 2) Put out an outstanding first issue 3) Once you’ve gotten people hooked, just piddle out garbage for the next 3-4 issues and collect a paycheck. Luckily this has not been the case with War of the Bounty Hunters at all as every single issue has been fantastic, and I’m looking forward to what I hope will be an equally outstanding conclusion. I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, this series proves Boba Fett needs his own ongoing series.

Strange (2022) #1

Mar 21, 2022

The Marvel version of Diagon Alley was fun. The story itself was good but I expected more after following MacKay’s awesome work on Moon Knight. Some of Clea’s facial expressions were overly cartoonish to the point of being distracting.

Strange (2022) #2

Apr 28, 2022

Meh. Clea talking about how great she is non-stop got kind of old by the end of the issue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #116

Aug 13, 2021

The Raph rap was embarrassingly bad.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #5

Jul 25, 2022

The main story was outstanding and tragic. Mike is so entrenched in the war he spent his whole life training for that he’s willing to give up everything, including his own life, to see it to it’s end. But the note he leaves for Casey shows that he realizes the ultimate futility of his actions and that he wants Casey as his mentee to know in her life the peace he never had in his. Unfortunately, the main story was somewhat diluted by the pointless side story of Casey leaving her mom only to spend the rest of the issue trying to find her again, which did not make any sense.

That Texas Blood #10

Mar 19, 2022

This issue is the peak of what has been an outstanding series. SPOILER: the scene of a kid being tickled and laughing in one panel to being dead on morgue slab in the next is one of the most heartbreaking and memorable scenes I’ve ever seen in comics, or any medium for that matter.

That Texas Blood #16

Aug 25, 2022

Fantastic art, fantastic story, my new favorite ongoing series

That Texas Blood #19

Nov 23, 2022

Masterful use of sequential art to build suspense and drive the story without even having to use words. I have mixed feelings about RQK’s ending, on the one hand I can see the horror value of leaving him as a nameless, faceless killer with unknown motivations for his killing spree, on the other a back story and character development for RKQ would have also been fascinating (perhaps material for a future arc?) Otherwise this was a perfect issue, I really hope this series continues.

That Texas Blood #20

Jan 19, 2023

Fun, lots of action, great art, captivating, heartfelt, what more can you want in a comic?

There's Something Wrong With Patrick Todd #2  
Timeless (2021): 2021

Jan 23, 2022

A fun preview of things to come and some of the wisest words ever spoken in comics: “true human greatness lies in putting others before yourself”

Transformers: King Grimlock #1

Aug 24, 2021

Transformers: King Grimlock #2

Oct 9, 2021

This was a fun but ultimately superficial issue. I agree with Gizmo’s review, the art made it really difficult to follow what was going on at times.

Transformers: King Grimlock #4

Jan 16, 2022

This miniseries seems destined for the dollar bin but it’s been fun nonetheless

Transformers: Wreckers - Tread & Circuit #1

Nov 4, 2021

Transformers: Wreckers - Tread & Circuit #2

Dec 19, 2021

What was the deal with the robot kiss during the countdown to the race?

Transformers: Wreckers - Tread & Circuit #3

Jan 15, 2022

Unborn #1

Nov 4, 2021

I was not a fan of the decision to dedicate several pages to the mission logs but this was otherwise a great story. SPOILERS FOLLOW: I was particularly intrigued by the handling of Captain Trang’s pregnancy and the death of the baby’s father. Trang seems to suggest she has no intention of keeping the baby and is struggling with trying to tell the father, who was mortally wounded by the monsters. If the story progresses such that Trang comes to see the value of the life of her child and decides to keep it, it would show a surprisingly counter-cultural level of moral maturity. I’m definitely intrigued to see where this story goes, what happens to the baby, and what meaning, if any, can ultimately be found in this series’ title.

Unborn #2

Dec 19, 2021

Unborn #3

Dec 21, 2021

After a compelling first issue this story got dumb fast. Why is the fate of the world put in the hands of a crew where every member was abused as a child and is suffering from extensive psychological trauma? And the decisions made by said crew are so questionable that 1) no reasonably competent person would follow them and 2) it makes it really hard to want the supposed protagonists to win. The only parts of this issue that weren’t terrible were shamelessly copied from the Alien franchise (the corporation manipulating contact with an alien species for financial gain, the visual style of the alien and nursery, even the suggested possibility that the main character is mothering an alien). At this point the only reason I’m finishing the series is because I preordered the issues months ago after what I thought was a great first issue but otherwise this is a hard pass.

Way of X (2021) #4

Sep 5, 2021

So disappointed this series is coming to an end, the world of comics needs more good hearted/good natured heroes whose biggest concern is doing the right thing.

Reviews for the Week of...



