Colleen St. Lucie's Profile

Joined: Jan 09, 2020

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Overall Rating
Astonishing Iceman (2023) #5

Dec 23, 2023

Actually a commendable ending to a series that was probably 2 issues to long.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) #2

Apr 20, 2023

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) #5

Jul 19, 2023

After completing this series I'm not sure what the point was. Hoping for a break from Betsy, she received a huge push the past 4 years and needs to be in background for a while.

Bishop: War College (2023) #3  
Children of the Atom (2021) #2

Apr 15, 2021

Honestly, the best part of this was the Hell's Belles, long forgotten 90s villains, getting some page time. Hopefully by next issue, the jig is up and the origin of the characters' powers and trajectory of the book will be clear. This seems like a miniseries as the leads don't have star power or staying power. Storm seemed extremely condescending and rude, out of character. Are all mutants superior race bigots now? Appropriate for Acolytes who used derogatory "flatscan" lingo but not our X-Men heroes.

Dark Web (2022) #1  
Dark X-Men (2023) #1

Aug 16, 2023

Don’t like this lineup (particularly comic trash Azazel) but it exceeded expectations.

Devil's Reign: X-Men #2

Mar 9, 2022

Duggan's a bit over obsessed with writing Emma, trying to shoehorn here. It doesn't work, and she doesn't need to be everywhere.

Devil's Reign: X-Men #3

Mar 23, 2022

Decent rebound from previous chapter. Still feels very much like surplus and shouldn't be called "X-Men" when it's really just Emma at play.

Excalibur (2019) #22

Jul 15, 2021

I think Tini Howard is the right writer for Excalibur. Her work sings with the Otherworld stuff and bringing back these obscure telepaths from Marvel UK is badass! I love me some obscure mutants. That said, I don't think Gambit fits at all in this title. I don't think Jubilee especially fits, though I wish Shogo dragon baby would just stay in Otherworld and free her up to be fun again.

Excalibur (2019) #26

Dec 16, 2021

Exceptional X-Men (2024) #1

Sep 7, 2024

Bonus points for the amazing art.

Gambit (2012) #1

Mar 16, 2023

Wish Clay Mann were still on X-Books. :(

Hellions (2020) #14

Aug 5, 2021

Zeb Wells is awesome. Considering how well he's done with this team of unpopular characters, just imagine how well he'd do with a team of non-psychopaths. Hopefully we eventually get to see what the real Nanny looks like behind that armor. The Locus Vile are wonderfully creepy.

Hellions (2020) #16

Oct 6, 2021

Another great issue by Zeb Wells. I thought this was especially good in humanizing Empath-- just a little, and giving us some background on Nanny. Must find out what's inside the egg! The Kwannon stuff for me is just meh, she's just there but not one of my favorites.

Hellions (2020) #18

Dec 16, 2021

I like Havok, Empath, Sinister and Nanny-- the rest of them I don't care about, but I do care about Zeb Wells's excellent writing and will sadly miss this series.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #1

Apr 2, 2022

A very solid opening entry by Gillen. Only disappointment was Hope, who I guess is a pet character of his. She lacks the gravitas of the other Council members. But his Sinister is THE definitive Sinister and loved his focus here. I will keep reading.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #4

Jul 13, 2022

Really not great. Emma used to be a villain, please embrace it instead of softening it like we've seen previously in Marauders and now here.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #9

Dec 7, 2022

If there's one star at the top of Gillen's Christmas tree it's Sinister, a character he pretty much owns now. Maybe his best issue yet of Immortal?

Immortal X-Men (2022) #12

Jul 19, 2023


Immortal X-Men (2022) #13

Jul 19, 2023

Want more Doug.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #16

Oct 4, 2023

I think it's clear Gillen is the best X-writer in the stable right now.

Inferno (2021) #1

Aug 4, 2022

Inferno (2021) #2

Dec 16, 2021

Inferno (2021) #3

Dec 16, 2021

Love the factions. Xavier/Magneto; Cypher/Warlock/Krakoa; Destiny/Mystique; Emma/Herself.

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 6, 2022

My only gripe is Moira's characterization-- and her honesty to Mystique and Destiny which didn't make sense to me. But otherwise a solid conclusion, and Hickman will be missed.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #10

Sep 27, 2023

Emma is Duggan's Mary Sue. She must appear in every issue he writes.

Jean Grey (2023) #1

Aug 30, 2023

I have asking for an adult Jean solo series for years and it's finally here! Only. . . it's kind of a 'What if?' story. It seems only the last issue will be relevant. However, the writing and art is very good, so I'll score it well.

Jean Grey (2023) #2

Sep 27, 2023

Disappointed this is another 'What If' story. I want a real adult Jean Grey solo in present time, not flashbacks and what ifs. However, the actual writing is good.

Jean Grey (2023) #4

Nov 16, 2023

Knights of X (2022) #1

Apr 27, 2022

I was kind of meh on Excalibur but this was a strong start. Howard did a great job previously establishing the realms of Otherworld as a playground so it should be fun to explore. The enemy villain team looks cool, and kudos for the return of the Jersey Devil!

Knights of X (2022) #4

Aug 2, 2022

I don't get all the 10s. A 10 is an instant classic we'll be talking about 10, 20 years from now. This was just decent. Rachel/ Betsy, fine, but it seemed unearned despite the clues being dropped inartfully in advance.

Legion of X (2022) #4  
Marauders (2019) #26

Dec 1, 2021

So nice to see more of Harry Leland and Lourdes Chantel. I would gladly read a book just about the Hellfire Club with Frost, Shaw, Leland and Chantel. Iceman's new powers on display are a little ridiculous even for an Omega.

Marauders (2022) #1

Apr 6, 2022

A bit too many Z-listers so far. But, like Hellions, writer could make me love them. I'm not there yet.

Marauders (2022) #4

Jul 14, 2022


Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) #2  
New Mutants (2009) #11

Sep 17, 2021

Great solo adventure for Dani enhancing Asgardian lore. Art is a bit peculiar and stylized but it works here.

New Mutants (2009) #21

Sep 17, 2021

And this is what you call "sticking the landing" kids. That look exchanged between Magik and Karma at the end...Wish Zeb Wells could give us another 20 issues of New Mutants with the classic team.

New Mutants (2019) #5

Jan 9, 2020

You can tell Sunspot is Hickman's favorite NM character and he has the arrogant lothario bit nailed with humor narration. There were about 2-3 other LOL moments in the dialogue as well, so kudos for that. For my money, this is the best New Mutants issue to date from this volume, although 1-2 were strong. Marvel's decision to have the X-Kids detract from the ongoing nature of the book is very distracting and slows the progression of plot. And I'm still wrapping my head around Illyana as the leader of this team (Mirage, Cannonball, Karma and Sunspot all seem to be the more obvious choice). Maybe the payoff for that is later, but it just seems a weird Krakoan decision since she is quite unstable! So far I don't think Hickman has his finger on the pulse of having Mirage, Wolfsbane or Karma shine quite yet. But thoroughly available and I want more more more.

New Mutants (2019) #6

Aug 4, 2022

Not strictly bad, but doesn't hold a candle to the team in space, and feels like a distraction from the classic team. Just give these kids their own book if you want to write them.

New Mutants (2019) #7

Aug 4, 2022

New Mutants (2019) #14

Dec 17, 2020

It seems unwise to stuff all the young Mutants into a book that should just be for the New Mutants. They’re all fighting for page time and this one didn’t even have Roberto, Sam, Amara or Doug. What makes New Mutants great is the dynamic among the classic cast, whereas Ayala is including Scout, ostensibly because she really likes writing her and not because she fits at all. The New Mutants as mentors to the young kids is hackneyed, done and dusted, sorry. But there’s potential for improvement.

New Mutants (2019) #17

Apr 29, 2021

Mirage and Karma's adventure in Otherworld was fun, a wild fantasy adventure reminiscent of the classic Asgardian Wars. My critique is that it felt rushed rather than rich. The main reason here is obvious: New Mutants has been infiltrated by all these X-Kids who need their own book. If it they were prominent X-Kids from the Academy X area, there may be more appeal, but plenty of focus is on characters like Rain Boy and Cosmar. Wolfsbane's struggle with Tier is also compelling, but on the whole, this is disjointed. The makings of a great fantasy romp in Otherworld are there, but the effort is weakened by the younger mutants' using of page space.

New Mutants (2019) #19

Jun 21, 2021

I am convinced Ayala is just not the right writer for New Mutants. Ayala gets a few beats right here and there but doesn't seem to get the right vibe among the classic team and their relationships and dynamic. Trying to shoehorn Warpath and Scout and the X-kids into this book get clunkier with each issue. Ayala might do really well with a book on the X-kids as less established characters but so much about the classic cast is mishandled in my opinion. And why oh why would Wolfsbane be in her werewolf form at a gala???

New Mutants (2019) #21

Sep 1, 2021

The Shadow King stuff was worthwhile. All the stuff with Warpath and the kids on the moon was a waste of page time. Reason being that Warpath and the kids on the moon don't fit very well in this book. Is this a book about Dani, Illyana, Rahne and Shan plagued by the Shadow King? Cuz that's cool. Or is it a book about bland Warpath training boring newbies? Cuz that's lame.

New Mutants (2019) #22

Oct 6, 2021

Pacing is terribly slow. Please end this arc.

New Mutants (2019) #23

Dec 16, 2021

New Mutants (2019) #24

Feb 9, 2022

Bad art, bad writing. Ayala's run started off strong but is now completely out of gas. Title needs a new writer.

New Mutants (2019) #26

Jun 24, 2022

New Mutants (2019) #28

Aug 18, 2022

I feel similarly to the Shadow King arc. This Limbo story started well and had some good ideas, but the journey and resolution were lackluster. Non-lineal storytelling can be really powerful; I'm not sure this was. And I'm not sure it makes any kind of sense given the original Inferno storyline.

New Mutants (2019) #29

Sep 12, 2022


New Mutants (2019) #31

Dec 1, 2022

Miss the original team. #notmyNewMutants

New Mutants (2019) #32

Dec 7, 2022

A New Mutants book with only one of the New Mutants, and the worst one-- Wolfsbane. The rest are pet characters. This seems like an online special, a mini or a piece of an anthology series, misplaced, mismatched for book title and just not that interested in where this ship is sailing. I am always desperate to pick up any New Mutants book but this may well be the end of that.

New Mutants (2019) #33

Dec 28, 2022

Truly abysmal. This is what you call cratering.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #1

Mar 8, 2023

+1 point for the art.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #2

Apr 20, 2023

I hated #1 so much but against my better judgment went for issue #2 to follow Dani, Xuan and Rahne. I continue to despise Shela, Morgan and the Lost Club who suck so hard. But this issue was better than expected given the cast. Some good ideas, but all over the place.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #4

Jun 29, 2023

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #5

Jul 19, 2023


Nightcrawlers (2023) #3

Apr 20, 2023

Just waiting for Sins of Sinister to be over and Spurrier to be done with Nightcrawler. Some day.

Phoenix (2024) #1

Aug 24, 2024

Phoenix (2024) #2

Aug 24, 2024

Yay for Jean as a solo hero. Good seeing a familiar face in Corsair but he's weirdly inappropriate here! Sold on a Jean book; not necessarily the cosmic angle, but giving it a fair shake.

Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 21, 2021

Pepe Larraz's art is awesome. The idea of terraforming Mars with mutant powers is clever, but aside from sort of setting up a new status quo for Arakko and the Omega level mutants flexing, there's not much to it. Creativity of the Arakko mutants off the charts though.

Realm of X (2023) #3

Oct 26, 2023

The art is not Neves but Bruno Oliveira. I am sorry to say that this style completely took me out of this narrative. Literally everyone is cross-eyed on every panel, giving the whole thing a goofy feel.

Rogue & Gambit (2023) #2

Apr 20, 2023

I thought this was pretty fun but a bit inconsequential. -1 point for tying the woman to the stove, that seemed out of character and scummy.

Sabretooth (2022) #2  
Secret X-Men (2022) #1

Feb 9, 2022

Not good. Howard trying to emulate Hickman's Sunspot and failing. A bit cringe, really.

Storm (2023) #2

Sep 27, 2023

Storm (2023) #5

Sep 27, 2023

I'm not nearly as harsh a critic on this series as most. I thought it was pleasantly fine. I just think it pretty uncool that Marvel is willing to pay writers and artists and spend other publication costs on * flashback * series. Hello, what about a current Storm mini in continuity? Or Gambit? Or Jean Grey? And, if you're going to do a flashback, answer a dangler. Example: How the hell Jean and Psylocke switched powers in the Revolution era.

Uncanny Avengers (2023) #1  
Way of X (2021) #5

Aug 22, 2021

Can't say I loved everything about this series but there is a lot I really liked-- using unexplored characters like DJ, the focus on Nightcrawler and exploring Cortez's personality. Cortez's ending in the book was quite impactful like an unexpected twist at the end of a movie. I docked a few points because bringing back Onslaught is dumb...using the same _very cool_ concept of the Patchwork Man would have been great for a brand new villain.

Wolverine (2020) #15

Aug 25, 2021

Not usually a fan of Wolverine solo stuff and always look for guest stars, but this one is good. Kubert's art is so reminiscent of his Wolverine heyday and both Blackmore and the Solem backstory are worthwhile.

Wolverine (2020) #16

Oct 1, 2021

I'm not too much of a solo Wolverine fan, but thought this arc was better than the Omega Red and Maverick stuff. What I didn't like was the inclusion of Emma (hello, are any editors out there-- she's pointedly not an Omega level mutant) and how easily problem was solved.

Wolverine (2020) #21

May 19, 2022

I get enough Deadpool elsewhere. There wasn't enough non-Deadpool content to keep me interested.

Wolverine (2020) #31

Mar 15, 2023

Wolverine is basically the X-Force book now, which is a good thing!

X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #1

Jan 26, 2022

Nice opening salvo and the focus on Moira and Mystique although Moira in past few months seems way more ruthless than ever before. Inferno needed this followup. 💛

X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #4

Mar 9, 2022

Really exciting issue. As with the previous parts of the story, it just seems weakened by the fact that Moira isn't really acting like Moira. I guess that's what happens with a retcon but the about-face is just not plausible...especially the part with Banshee. Badass, but not plausibly in character for Moira.

X Lives Of Wolverine (2022) #5

Mar 16, 2022

And...he sticks the landing. Great art too. 💚

X-Corp (2021) #3

Jul 15, 2021

On first read through, I didn't care for this issue. Art was bad. On second read through, I kind of liked it once I got over the art. Concepts have potential. For me, X-Corp doesn't have enough characters I really care about. Unless you're a fan of Angel, Monet or Multiple Man, it's just not an essential read. I may drop this title soon.

X-Corp (2021) #4

Aug 22, 2021

This series suffers from lack of A list characters and A list concept. If a book doesn't have Scott, Jean, Logan, Ororo and the other heavy hitters it better be darn good. This isn't. It's not easy to write fiction about business and make it compelling, and this book just hasn't hit its mark.

X-Factor (2020) #9

May 12, 2021

While I have admired this series, this issue was a sloppy mess.

X-Force (2019) #15

Dec 17, 2020

X-Force (2019) #24

Oct 13, 2021

Coccolo is an awesome artist! Love the spotlight on Colossus. Plus the Black Tom and Beast stuff was great too. I'm personally tired of Wolverine, Domino and Kid Omega so this one was great for me.

X-Force (2019) #26

Dec 16, 2021

This surfing tangent plot has caused series to lose some steam.

X-Force (2019) #37

Feb 1, 2023

I wish the X-Force lineup had more banner characters or even minor X-men, but instead we have too many anti-heroes. However, the advancement of the Xeno/ Man with the Peacock Tattoo plot ruled.

X-Men (1991) #1

Apr 20, 2023

Phenomenal art, iconic issue. It's legend surpasses it's actual quality but that's ok.

X-Men (1991) #25

Apr 20, 2023

A classic right here. Iconic.

X-Men (1991) #28

Apr 20, 2023

Absolutely fundamental Jean Grey issue with a banger cover.

X-Men (1991) #35

Apr 20, 2023

Definite filler issue and antagonist is one and done. But actually not bad. . .

X-Men (2019) #19

Apr 15, 2021

I like Synch as a character, ambivalent about Darwin, don't care for Laura (one Wolverine is enough). But this. Was. Amazing. High concept and heartbreaking and makes Synch as a character now incredibly complex.

X-Men (2021) #4

Oct 13, 2021

This series is supposed to be the line's flagship, but it's actually the one flagging. Still, Jean Grey is awesome.

X-Men (2021) #6

Jan 6, 2022

A hint that we might be going off the rails here. Series seems to be sputtering.

X-Men (2021) #7

Jan 26, 2022

A slight bounceback from several consecutive dragging issues. Could do with not seeing in Emma Frost in every single weekly comic, she's too omnipresent.

X-Men (2021) #11

May 11, 2022

Cool issue. I like the team split up and having separate moments. And...stuff happens for a change. Not sold on Synch's power creep. Otherwise, I want to know what happens next which is big step in right direction.

X-Men (2021) #12

Jul 15, 2022

I'm glad we have a change of roster and will only miss Rogue. More banner characters on the banner team!

X-Men (2021) #17

Nov 24, 2022

Seems like this had a fake ending. I'm intrigued.

X-Men (2021) #21

Apr 20, 2023

Every now and again there's a bounceback issue. This had some interesting stuff.

X-Men (2021) #24

Jul 19, 2023

Don't get the Jean/Scott spat but otherwise very solid.

X-Men (2021) #25

Aug 2, 2023

I can’t with the nonsensical spelling of Shadowkat but on the whole this was good. Her scenes and development were the highlight. Not sold on the composition of this team though, especially Ms. Marvel and Rasputin IV. I want my banner X-Men 😢

X-Men (2021) #27

Oct 4, 2023

Beautiful Phil Noto art. But I can only hang on so long to this title while the lead characters are freaking Ms. Marvel, Rasputin IV, Talon and Synch. I need my A-list X-Men please.

X-Men (2021) #33

Apr 3, 2024

I like the Latverian mutants. Don't have much else to say.

X-Men (2021) Annual #1

Dec 21, 2022

There are already so many X-Men characters than they don't need to take Avengers/ New Warriors characters. If anything, the other way around. So I'm not all that jazzed about Firestar. That said, the issue was a solid one-shot and actually seemed to care about continuity and the characters sounded like themselves. Bonus points for the classic Hellions.

X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala #1

Jul 15, 2022

I would have liked to see more mutants than the stars of the show, even in cameos, but issue did a nice of job of setting up things to come.

X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

Jul 27, 2023

Don't at all like Ms. Marvel as a mutant. Some things didn't add up like the practitioners of the Red Triangle Protocol. Plausible practitioners of the Red Triangle Protocol Angel Nightcrawler Shadowcat Wolverine Bishop Forge Gambit Probably Not Emma Frost (She would have her own defense; it was designed to withstand her in the first place) Rasputin IV (if this technique survived generations) Monet (never a student of Xavier; would use an Emma technique) Synch (nevert a student of Xavier; would use an Emma technique but maybe learned from Jean) Kwannon (never a student of Xavier) Northstar (never a student of Xavier) Aurora (never a student of Xavier; also a very fragile psyche) No Way Ms. Marvel - absolutely 100% implausible Daken Lourdes Chantel (trained by Emma if anyone, definitely not Xavier) Talon

X-Men: Before The Fall (2023): Mutants' First Strike #1

Jun 29, 2023

Liked the artist!

X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1

Sep 23, 2021

Story - B New team reveal at end - F: Nightcrawler (excellent) Pixie (good) Juggernaut (ok -- terrible on an X-Men team, great as a villain) Blindfold (bad, undercuts Moira/ Destiny story) ForgetMeNot (dumb character, Spurrier's plaything, cmon)

X-Men: Red (2022) #1

Apr 6, 2022

I love being critical but this was damn near flawless.

X-Men: Red (2022) #2

May 19, 2022

I thought the Petra/Sway reveal was clever. Love reference to continuity-- even recent Hickman continuity. Wondering how long this book can float on only 2 banner characters (Storm & Magneto).

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #2

Sep 15, 2021

Werneck's art is absolutely beautiful especially his Jean, finally free from that heinous yellow mask. The X-Factor cast seems a bit shoehorned in here but otherwise a very compelling ending. The "Wanda" we see is...Hope borrowing Mystique's powers? Great cliffhanger!

X-Treme X-Men (2022) #1

Dec 9, 2022

You can only be so psyched about a flashback series which by its nature will not have consequences to the present canon. But, it's nice Kitty as Shadowcat in a more iconic form than the Captain Kate Pryde persona in a flagging Marauders series. Ogun as the big bad is a bit weak, but I think people give non-classic Claremont crap about introducing new villains that don't stick, so why not?

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