GL Mike's Profile

Joined: Jan 13, 2018

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #42

Mar 7, 2018

I think "EDiakota" said it best. Just read his review.

Batman (2016) #44

Apr 5, 2018

Wake me up when Bruce finally wakes up. Nice art.

Batman (2016) #49

Jun 22, 2018

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

Tom King blue balls the readers!

Blackest Night #1

Jan 15, 2018

Blackest Night #2

Jan 23, 2018

Another great issue. Story and artwork are both awesome! I loved the Aquaman & Gotham City scenes.

Blackest Night: Batman #1

Jan 22, 2018

Re-reading this again reminded me how much I really enjoyed the Dick Grayson Batman with Damian Wayne Robin! I'm not a Deadman fan but the character worked well in this issue. Nice line by Damian when he saw his grandparents corpses! Also seeing Dick's parents raised was cool.

Blackest Night: Batman #2

Jan 22, 2018

Really liked this issue! Fantastic art by Syaf and Tomasi at this best writing. Continue to love the interaction between Dick Grayson Batman and Damian Wayne Robin. The emotions charging the black rings was cool. My favorite Batman - Arnold Wesker Ventriloquist and Scareface coming back was awesome. Also really liked the Jim Gordon scenes.

Blackest Night: Batman #3

Jan 22, 2018

Another really good issue by Tomasi & Syaf. The artwork was stunning. I absolutely love the way Syaf draws Batman!!! Great interaction between all characters - both living and dead!

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1

Jan 15, 2018

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2

Jan 15, 2018

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3

Jan 15, 2018

Bloodshot: Salvation #1

Feb 7, 2018

Bloodshot: Salvation #2

Feb 7, 2018

A very good story with decent artwork. There are multiple sub-plots here which makes me think I will enjoy this even more as a re-read when the storyline is over and the pieces are all in place.

Bloodshot: Salvation #3

Feb 7, 2018

Another solid issue with great storytelling and very good artwork. A must-read for those who enjoyed issues one and two! This series continues to deliver in all areas!

Bloodshot: Salvation #4

Feb 10, 2018

A very good story which focuses on the origin of "Rampage" and his brother. The story is very emotional drawing the reader into their abusive childhood world very easily. The artwork is amazing and enhances the story even more! My only "nit-pic" is the panels were for the most part big , making it a quick read.

Bloodshot: Salvation #5

Feb 11, 2018

The story and artwork are both outstanding! We have multiple sub-plots going on with multiple time frames. This is writing and art at it's best! I also love Valiant's thick stock paper for the cover - nothing but quality here!

Bloodshot: Salvation #6

Mar 21, 2018

First off, the artwork is spectacular! I love that Valiant gives me a thick cover for my $3.99. The story here is very good, but a tad slow for my taste. I'm not sure why Lemire gives us a glimpse of the near future. It spoils the storyline currently going on in the present. I mean, if we see Jessie in the future, then we know she doesn't die in the present. Anyway, this is still one of my favorite books on the market right now.

Bloodshot: Salvation #7

Mar 21, 2018

Bloodshot is blind in the dead zone. That's it. There's not much story here and the artwork is nonexistent. So why am I rating it as high as I am at 8.5? Because it's sooo different from everything else! We get to see what Bloodshot is seeing - nothing! Every page is black. We only get Bloodshot monologuing and talking to Bloodhound. It's very different and very good.

Catwoman (2018) #1

Jul 4, 2018

It's tough to read and try to enjoy this on the heels of Batman #50. Thanks Tom King!

Damage (2018) #1  
Eternity #1

Feb 11, 2018

A great start to a new "Divinity" mini-series. I do think there should have been a summary on the inside cover to catch up new readers on what has gone before in the previous Divinity mini-series. It's a quick read, but one that needs multiple reads to really understand what is going on. The art is beautiful.

Eternity #2

Feb 11, 2018

A good story with excellent artwork. I personally liked the first issue a little better but this was also good. I would give the story an "8.0" and the art a "9.0" averaging "8.5" overall.

Eternity #3

Feb 11, 2018

Another good issue with excellent artwork. My only complaint is that I'm getting tired of the story line about getting the baby back.

Eternity #4

Feb 11, 2018

This was an excellent conclusion to the story. I almost feel it could have been a three issue series combining issues two and three together into one issue and then end with this issue! Kindt brought it all together here and it became clear what he was trying to do with the series. I love some of the moral questions presented to the reader in this issue. The artwork was excellent. The colors seemed to "pop" in this issue more than the others. Looking forward to more Divinity in the future.

Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1

Feb 6, 2018

A great comic from start to finish. Great story & fantastic art. It doesn't get any better than this!

Flash (2016) #36

Jan 15, 2018

Flash (2016) #37

Jan 15, 2018

Flash (2016) #39

Feb 11, 2018

The worst part of this issue is the cover. I mean, come on man, the cover gives away the reveal at the end! It's a beautiful cover, but how about using it for issue #40? AFTER we read about Grodd's reveal. There's nothing worse than having a cover SPOIL the ending of a book! Ok, so besides that it was a solid issue. I did love the art.

Flash (2016) #40

Feb 14, 2018

This is a great issue. I love the ending and hope it sticks! It better not go back to the status quo in an issue or two. The story was enjoyable and easy to follow. The artwork enhances the story so much! A must read for every Flash fan!

Flash (2016) #41

Mar 1, 2018

This issue was good, but not great. There was a lot of standing around talking which reminds me of team flash on tv, which they do a lot. Barry seems to be a little schizophrenic to me. First he hands the "flash" reigns over to red head Wally (god I hate that there are two "Wallys"), now he says that the only way to beat Grodd is if HE is the Flash. Huh? What changed his mind? Why all of a sudden is he being a jerk to both Wallys? I am curious to see if Meena and Godspeed will leave the dark side!

Flash (2016) #42

Mar 14, 2018

Will the real Barry Allen please stand up? This guy isn't him! Who is this guy? This Barry says to Godspeed..."I broke you out because, despite everything we've been through, I TRUST you." Huh, he trusts Godspeed? Seriously? Do we really need to go back and list everything Godspeed did in the past? Barry must have amnesia. I have no idea what Williamson is doing here. I was hoping Barry would turn the Flash mantle over to red-headed Wally for longer than just one issue! As a Wally fan from years past, I was looking forward to him being THE Flash for an arc or two. Nope. And the artwork didn't help. Not a fan of it. This isn't the worst book out right now, but it's not going the right direction in my opinion. Williamson needs to step up his game soon or turn the reigns over to someone else.

Flash (2016) #43

Mar 29, 2018

The story is just ok. But the artwork really stood out in this issue! Beautiful work by Di Giandomenico! I love it! Now if we could only get a great story to go along with it, this book would be outstanding! Let's go...!

Flash (2016) #45

May 12, 2018

Great story & beautiful art - 'nuff said!

Flash (2016) #46

May 12, 2018

Flash (2016) Annual #1

Feb 11, 2018

There are two storylines together within this one issue. The first takes place in the 25th century and the second in modern time. The modern time storyline centers on Wally West (elder) and his struggle in having a personal life outside of being the Flash since his return from the speedforce. This storyline was just ok imho. It was nice seeing some references and characters from the 1986 Flash series when Wally was the main man. The future storyline was boring until the reveal at the end. The reveal was great and really peaked my interest as to what will come next. I'm now excited for "Flash War!"

Geiger (2021) #1  
Green Arrow (2016) #33

Feb 20, 2018

Green Arrow (2016) #34

Feb 20, 2018

Green Arrow (2016) #35

Feb 21, 2018

Green Arrow (2016) #36

Feb 22, 2018

Green Arrow (2016) #37

Feb 22, 2018

Green Arrow (2016) #38

Mar 19, 2018

Percy did a great job with this series and I'm sorry to see him go. This issue read more like the end of the series rather than the end of a story arc. A good "jumping off" point for readers. I, however, will continue to buy this book and see what the new writer(s) do with Oliver Queen. I have no idea what the cover of this issue is about! "The Fall of Red Arrow?" Huh?

Green Arrow (2016) Annual #1  
Green Hornet (2018) #1

Mar 7, 2018

A decent start for the new series. A great jumping on point for readers unfamiliar with the character of the Green Hornet. The writer does a nice job with the character's background history. Not a lot happens in this issue, as it's more of a set-up for the upcoming storyline. I wasn't crazy about the artwork.

Green Lantern (2005) #44  
Green Lantern (2011) #1

Feb 23, 2018

Being very dissatisfied with the current "Green Lanterns" title, I decided to go back and re-read the "Green Lantern - New 52" series. This is so much better than what we have coming out today. It's been so long since I've read this series that it felt new. Sinestro is a green lantern again. Great story and artwork. My only nit-pick is that I wish Johns had given us a summary as to WHY Hal had his ring taken away by the guardians. I know it's a brand new start with "the new 52" but Johns is clearly keeping history from the past. So, I want to know what's come before. Besides that, this is a breath of fresh air for Green Lantern fans.

Green Lantern (2011) #2

Feb 23, 2018

Doing a re-read of this series. So far I'm loving it. Johns & Mahnke give us a fun, classic Green Lantern story with great art. With Hal and Sinestro center stage THIS is what I wish was being published today. My only nit-pick is that the panels are very large making it a quick read. Besides that - this is great stuff. I'm ready to read more!

Green Lantern (2011) #3

Feb 23, 2018

Another great issue. Hal & Sinestro make a great disfunctional team. I'm really enjoying this re-read. Hal having a ring that can be turned off by Sinestro is awesome. Can't wait to see where that goes. The cliffhanger on the last page is something that should have every reader ready for the next issue.

Green Lantern (2011) #4

Feb 23, 2018

More great stuff from Johns & Mahnke. I'm really liking this re-read years after it first came out. My favorite parts include the Hal/Carol flashback scenes and Sinestro forming multiple rings. Professor Insidd looks pretty cool too.

Green Lantern (2011) #5

Feb 23, 2018

1) I loved the interaction between Hal & Sinestro. 2) The death of Professor Insidd was cool! 3) Sinestro's fine print in his deal with Hal was neat 4) Hal's proclamation of love for Carol was something many fans wanted to see.

Green Lantern (2011) #6

Feb 24, 2018

This issue definetely takes a step back from the past issues in both story and art. Hal and Carol are back together and Sinestro uses Starstorm to help him find Lyssa Drak and the "The Book of the Black." I enjoyed the Hal & Carol scenes (especially when Hal took on the four guys solo), but I was confused by the Starstorm parts. Who is that guy? So, Sinestro couldn't find Lyssa without him? I found it kind of boring. This definetely is not Johns best work.

Green Lantern (2011) #7

Feb 24, 2018

This is much better than last issue. Johns & Mahnke are back and featuring the Indigo Tribe - Nok! I'm all in for that! So, Sinestro knows about the Guardians plans to replace the Green Lantern Corps with the Third Army and he wants Hal to help him stop them. The only problem is they are both taken captive by the Indigo Tribe! Good stuff here!

Green Lantern (2011) #8

Feb 25, 2018

You know an issue is good when you remember it years after it is published. That is the case with this issue. In this issue we learn that Abin Sur had something to do with the the Indigo Tribe, and Sinestro becomes an Indigo. The artwork is absolutely beautiful.

Green Lantern (2011) #9

Feb 25, 2018

This is as good as it gets! Beautiful artwork and a fantastic story. We get answers to the questions about the Indigo Tribe that makes this issue historic to the green lantern mythos!

Green Lantern (2011) #10

Feb 25, 2018

I liked this issue overall. However, there are two things that bug me about it. 1) Getting the Indigo Tribe members back "online" turned out to be too simple. 2) Where did that black ring come from? I liked the interaction between Hal & Sinestro and the overall artwork. Nok!

Green Lantern (2011) #11

Feb 26, 2018

Another good issue. However, I feel the details in the artwork wasn't as good as previous issues. The story was good and I look forward to more of Black Hand in the next issue. The best part of the series continues to be the interaction between Hal & Sinestro. My favorite line was when Hal blasted Sinestro with the ring and said "I wanted to make sure it worked." LOL

Green Lantern (2011) #12

Feb 27, 2018

This issue felt like a "Blackest Night" issue with Black Hand, zombies, etc. So, being a fan of "Blackest Night" I found it enjoyable. The artwork was fine, but nothing to brag about. The issue continues in "Green Lantern Annual #1."

Green Lantern (2011) #13

Feb 27, 2018

It's very different reading and rating this issue 5 years after it came out. Simon Baz is now a firmly established Green Lantern with his own book. When this issue came out he was just being introduced into the dcu. So if you like Simon Baz in 2018, you're gonna like this intro issue more than those who don't like him in the current timeline.

Green Lantern (2011) #14

Feb 27, 2018

This issue is mostly Simon Baz running from the Justice League. But, it has a small amount of a lot of other stuff... 1) Guardians/First Lantern 2) Simon/Sira 3) Third Army 4) Templar Guardians 5) Black Hand 6) Hal/Sinestro. So overall, a very good issue with decent artwork.

Green Lantern (2011) #15

Mar 1, 2018

Simon Baz continues to take center stage as "Rise of the Third Army" continues. Johns does a great job with the multiple sub plots. The artwork adds to the overall story.

Green Lantern (2011) #16

Mar 2, 2018

This issue features Simon Baz. If you're a Simon Baz fan this one's for you. ;)

Green Lantern (2011) #17

Mar 3, 2018

A nice beginning to "Wrath of the First Lantern" storyline. I really liked the retelling of Krona trying to witness the creation of the universe and the introduction of Volthoom. Simon Baz has a confrontation with Black Hand while Hal & Sinestro are trapped in the "dead zone." The artwork is really good. As a villain within the GL mythos, Volthoom - The "First Lantern" is a keeper!

Green Lantern (2011) #18

Mar 4, 2018

First and foremost the artwork is fantastic and worth the price of admission on its own! My favorite part of the story is the interaction between characters in the "dead zone." I'm a little confused with the "dead zone." Is this "purgatory"? Is this a place inside the ring? Clearly, there are characters there who are both dead and alive such as Tomar Re and Hal Jordan. Hopefully, the answer to these questions will be addressed in future issues.

Green Lantern (2011) #19

Mar 4, 2018

Another fantastic issue with amazing artwork! The First Lantern (Volthoom) is front and center in this issue along with Sinestro. The interaction between these two characters is great. All this AND a fold-out cover!

Green Lantern (2011) #20

Mar 4, 2018

Geoff Johns finishes up with a home run! And I finally get my wish... Hal & Carol together forever!!!

Green Lantern (2011) #21

Mar 5, 2018

Not the best, but definitely not the worst, as Robert Venditti takes over the writing of GL. Considering the shoes he's filling, this is a very good start. Venditti establishes Hal Jordan as the new leader of the GLC, in the aftermath of the fall and rise of the guardians and templar guardians. I'm a fan of Tan's artwork so the artwork is a plus in my opinion.

Green Lantern (2011) #22

Mar 5, 2018

Hal leads the new recruits against Larfleeze and the orange corps menagerie... and that's about it. The artwork is very good. Story - 7.0; Art - 9.0; Overall - 8.0

Green Lantern (2011) #23

Mar 5, 2018

I think this issue is one of Tans best artwork. The story is good as Hal continues to struggle being the new GLC leader. I like this new villain - Nol-Anj and also the brief appearance of the upcoming villain - Relic.

Green Lantern (2011) #23.1

Mar 5, 2018

The back story about "Relic" is very good. The artwork excellent. This is a must-read for all Green Lantern fans.

Green Lantern (2011) #23.2

Mar 5, 2018

Huh? What does this have to do with Green Lantern? There's not even one Green Lantern in the entire issue. It's just all about Mongul flexing his muscles in a monologue with some alien admiral. The artwork is terrible too. Thank god I spent $2.99 on the regular cover version instead of $3.99. This issue is just a total boring mess in my opinion!

Green Lantern (2011) #23.3

Mar 5, 2018

This issue is just ok. There's nothing exciting or important that happens. The only interesting scene is when Black Hand raises Hal Jordan's father - Martin. Besides that, it's a flat, boring issue with mediocre art at best.

Green Lantern (2011) #23.4

Mar 6, 2018

This is a great issue with fantastic artwork. It is by far the best Green Lantern "villain" issue. There's nothing new here, but the retelling of Sinestro's backstory from Lyssa Drak's perspective is fun & refreshing. A great issue for new readers. Kindt & Eaglesham really deliver on this one!

Green Lantern (2011) Annual #1

Feb 27, 2018

Anything written by Johns and drawn by Van Sciver has got to be good imho. And this issue is no exception. A prologue to "Rise of the Third Army" Johns sets the stage for what is to come. I remember reading this when it first came out in 2012, and I found it just as enjoyable this time 'round. If you're reading "Rise..." this is a must read! Love the cover!

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #39  
Green Lantern Corps (2011) #0

Mar 10, 2018

This issue tells the backstory of Guy Gardner. I enjoyed it. However, since this is the "Green Lantern Corps" title I wish we had gotten a story about the "corps" in general rather than just one person. Be that as it may, it was a good story with decent artwork.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #1

Mar 6, 2018

A good start to a new series. This is a re-read years later for me, but it still feels fresh and fun 6.5 years after it was written.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #2

Mar 7, 2018

Action from start to finish. The artwork is very nice. I just wish we got a little more info about the villains.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #3

Mar 7, 2018

Another action-packed issue from start to finish. That's two issues in a row now. I need a little bit more than an all-out brawl.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #4

Mar 8, 2018

We finally find out who these bad guys are - "The Keepers." Now that we know who they are and what they want it makes things more interesting moving forward. I really enjoyed the artwork too.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #5

Mar 10, 2018

I loved this issue. It had a nice balance of action and character development. Tomasi does a great job giving us the backstory of the "Keepers" through the Martian Manhunter. AND this issue has one of my favorite lanterns - Hannu! The "mean machine" lanterns look cool and I look forward to seeing them in action against the "keepers." The artwork is beautiful!

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #6

Mar 11, 2018

This is the "fight issue" culmination that everything has been leading up to. Was it great? No. Was it terrible? No. It was good and very predictable. However, there was one event (no spoiler) that happened that I'm sure will be the focus in future issues.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #7

Mar 11, 2018

This issue deals with the aftermath of John Stewart's actions from last months issue. Unfortunately, the artwork detracted from the feeling and emotion of the overall story. If the artwork was better, this would have been a 9.0 or 9.5 rating.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #8

Mar 12, 2018

The artwork in this issue is amazingly good! Pasarin is at the top of his game with this one! The story is also very good. It's the beginning of a new arc entitled - "The Alpha War." And although there is not a lot of action, the character interaction and dialogue is great. Guy Gardner and John Stewart take center stage here and their characterization is at its best!

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #9

Mar 12, 2018

More of the same from last month! Beautiful artwork along with a great story. I'm not really a fan of the Alpha Lanterns, but this arc is changing that! There's more action in this issue than last month, but the characterization and interaction remain the same. Highly recommended arc.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #10

Mar 12, 2018

John Stewart receives a death sentence from the Alpha Lanterns. Guy and the corps bust him out of the science cell. The Alpha Lanterns face off against the Corps - next issue. That about sums it up. The story is ok, but it is the artwork that really shines here. story 7.5; artwork 9.5; = 8.5 overall.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #11

Mar 13, 2018

A slugfest issue. The strength of this issue continues to be the artwork by Pasarin.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #12

Mar 13, 2018

The slugfest continues. Goodbye Alpha Lanterns! I continue to love the artwork.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #13

Mar 13, 2018

This is an amazing visual book. Cafu at his best. "Rise of the Third Army" begins and it doesn't disappoint. We get to see what the Guardians are up to as well as the "third army" at work. Tomasi has a great feel for writing Guy Gardner and John Stewart.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #14

Mar 13, 2018

Another great issue by Tomasi & Pasarin! In my opinion, "Green Lantern: Corps" is the best book in the "Rise of the Third Army" crossover. Every issue has had memorable moments with lasting ramifications.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #15

Mar 14, 2018

Another nice issue. This one's all about Guy Gardner, so if you're not a "guy" fan you probably won't care for it. I personally really enjoyed it. Tomasi's take on Guy Gardner is spot on. The artwork takes the story to the next level.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #16

Mar 14, 2018

The artwork continues to be outstanding. The story takes a little step back here in my opinion, as most of the issue is Guy Gardner and company fighting the Third Army. New Green Lantern Simon Baz makes an appearance.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #17

Mar 25, 2018

Guy Gardner takes center stage as Volthoom's wrath is directed toward him in this issue. Volthoom takes Guy on a journey into his past and alters events to make them tragic endings. The emotional sadness and grief Guy feels energizes Volthoom via the emotional spectrum, making him stronger. This is a fun issue with beautiful artwork. Tomasi is great writing GL characterizations, so this plays directly to that strength!

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #18

Mar 25, 2018

John Stewart & Fatality take center stage as Volthoom's wrath is directed toward them in this issue. Volthoom takes them on a journey into their past and alters events to make tragic endings. The emotional sadness and grief they feel energizes Volthoom via the emotional spectrum, making him stronger. This is a fun issue with beautiful artwork. Tomasi is great writing GL characterizations, so this plays directly to that strength!

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #19

Mar 25, 2018

This issue is ALL about the artwork. It's beautiful. I'd give the art a rating of 9. However, there's not much story here. Mogo brings the corp to himself and releasing Volthoom's mental hold on them. That's about it. Not much there. So, I'd give the story a 7. That gives this issue an 8 overall.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #20

Mar 25, 2018

Another issue with beautiful artwork. A nice finish to Tomasi & Pasarin's GLC run.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #21

Apr 2, 2018

Meh. It's just an "ok" issue - nothing great, nothing bad. It's very forgettable.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #22

Apr 5, 2018

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #23

Apr 5, 2018

Green Lantern Corps (2011) Annual #1

Mar 24, 2018

A nice conclusion to the "Rise of the Third Army" story arc and lead into the next - "Wrath of the First Lantern." Tomasi brings it all together very nicely. The only thing missing was Hal Jordan. The artwork was also very nice. "Rise of the Third Army" is a classic run in the Green Lantern mythos.

Green Lanterns #1

Jan 27, 2018

I really enjoyed this first issue! Plenty of background information on our heroes Simon Baz & Jessica Cruz for new readers, as well as a good storyline for established GL readers. Rocha does an excellent job with the artwork! Oh yeah.. and Red Lanterns!

Green Lanterns #2

Jan 28, 2018

I really enjoyed this issue. The two inexperienced Green Lanterns dealing with "rage" overcoming the inhabitants of earth. This definitely isn't Hal, John, Guy or Kyle but that's ok. Seeing how rookies would handle the situation is entertaining. Love the cover and overall artwork. No Bleez?

Green Lanterns #3

Jan 29, 2018

I'm enjoying the "Rage Planet" storyline and this issue is no different. However, the artwork takes a step back here. FOUR artists? Am I seeing this correctly - FOUR!? Ugh. I'm not a fan of multiple artists.

Green Lanterns #4

Jan 29, 2018

I usually don't like issues that have multiple artist, but this issue's artwork wasn't bad. Three artists on the book and surprisingly it flowed pretty smoothly. I've been enjoying this story line arc and this issue was no exception. The dialogue between Simon & Jessica was good. I liked how they finally opened up to each other and shared their concerns about fear and failure. Loved the last page - Red Lanterns!

Green Lanterns #5

Jan 30, 2018

Simon & Jessica vs Red Lanterns round one! An enjoyable, fun story. Excellent artwork.

Green Lanterns #6

Jan 30, 2018

Overall, a decent story with good artwork. My only gripe is the resolution to this story arc. It seemed too simple and wrapped up too quickly. Looking forward to the new story arc.

Green Lanterns #7

Jan 30, 2018

This issue is totally a character study. Jessica is invited to Simon's house to help him bake cookies at his family get together. I found the story boring and the art less impressive than past issues. If you want a look into the characters of Simon & Jessica you might like this issue. If you're looking for action - look elsewhere!

Green Lanterns #8

Jan 30, 2018

This was a fun issue. Sam Humphries continues to write this book as more of a character study rather than continuous action stories. This issue had a good balance of both character study and action. Ed Benes does a great job with the artwork. Love the cover!

Green Lanterns #9

Jan 31, 2018

This was a GREAT issue! Part one of "Phantom Ring" gives us the background story of the man who is to become the "Phantom Lantern." Simon Baz & Jessica Cruz were only on one page and that was fine. This issue is about Frank Laminski! I loved reading his back story and the artwork by Rocha was beautiful. The best issue of the series so far!

Green Lanterns #10

Feb 1, 2018

"The Phantom Ring" part two is another great issue. The story continues to develop Frank Laminsky as a villain. I'm really enjoying this new character. A deranged man who wants to be a hero. The artwork is beautiful. I hope this storyline maintains it's momentum!

Green Lanterns #11

Feb 1, 2018

Another great issue with fantastic art that enhances the story a hundredfold! Watching Humphries develop this new antagonist over the past few issues has been fun. In this issue Frank really displays his full psychopathic personality as he tries to be a hero only to reveal his "true colors."

Green Lanterns #12

Feb 1, 2018

I've been enjoying this arc entitled "Phantom Lantern" but this issue seemed like it was treading water. Although overall it was a cool issue and the art was good, it felt unnecessary to the overall storyline. Not much happens.

Green Lanterns #13

Feb 1, 2018

Overall an enjoyable issue. Best part was the interaction between Guardian Rami and Volthoom. I'm not sure if the history of the creation of the GL ring as told in this issue is correct.

Green Lanterns #14

Feb 3, 2018

A solid issue to end the arc. The Rami/Volthoom interaction scenes were the best. Although I liked Frank as the Phantom Lantern, he never seemed like a big threat - just crazy. I liked the twist at the end as well as the artwork.

Green Lanterns #15

Feb 3, 2018

Meh. This issue didn't do it for me. I'm a Jessica Cruz fan, but this "anxiety" thing is getting to be too much. We are reminded every issue about her anxiety problem and now we get an entire issue about it. I don't want to sound insensitive, as I DO understand this is a major problem many people in the real world face every day. However, it's getting to the point of overkill in this series. The artwork was also not as good as previous issues.

Green Lanterns #16

Feb 3, 2018

This issue was just "ok" at best. It felt disjointed at times. The writing of Batman just felt "off" to me. I did enjoy the Bruce/Simon interaction about Simon carrying a gun. The artwork was solid but not great.

Green Lanterns #17

Feb 3, 2018

I love the idea of Scarecrow having the yellow lantern power, but the execution of the story here was not good. A missed opportunity for a good story for sure! I'm glad the arc is only two issues! Let's move on...

Green Lanterns #18

Feb 3, 2018

This issue is the back story to Volthoom: The First Lantern. Simon & Jessica aren't even in the issue which was fine by me. I didn't even miss them as I was drawn in to the story behind the man we know as Volthoom. A fascinating story with great artwork.

Green Lanterns #19

Feb 4, 2018

This is a good issue to start the new "Polarity" arc. The focus is on Dr. Neil Emerson and his struggle with his "dark side" - Dr. Polaris. The reviews for this issue are low, but I personally enjoyed the issue.

Green Lanterns #20

Feb 4, 2018

An enjoyable issue with very good artwork. Dr. Neil Emerson (Dr. Polaris) is trying to save his brother from brain cancer. It's easy to root for the villain here. This book continues to be a great "character study" book each month.

Green Lanterns #21

Feb 4, 2018

A great ending to the "Polarity" arc. The artwork is beautiful. The story is riveting. This issue has it all - visuals, action, characterization & emotion.

Green Lanterns #22

Feb 6, 2018

I think this is the first time in the series that I wasn't happy with the first issue of a new story arc. I found this issue boring at times and the artwork mediocre. It's another character development issue with Jessica going to Mogo to receive basic training. But almost everything we are introduced to on Mogo is not new to GL fans. It's mostly a... "I know that already" issue.

Green Lanterns #23

Feb 6, 2018

Jessica in training with Guy & Simon in training with Kyle. I enjoyed the interaction between Jessica and Kilowog. The Rami/Volthoom discovery was cool too. Overall, a decent issue with nice art.

Green Lanterns #24

Feb 6, 2018

I enjoyed the story more than the artwork in this issue. Jessica & Simon earn their "stripes" while Volthoom/Rami learn the secret of Jessica's ring. I'm glad the Jessica/Simon training is over and we can move on and focus on the Volthoom storyline.

Green Lanterns #25

Feb 6, 2018

Although the cover gives a lot away in this issue, it was great none the less. We get a really good story that focuses on Volthoom along with excellent artwork. The extra pages is worth the $3.99 cover price.

Green Lanterns #26

Feb 6, 2018

One of the best issues in the series! "The First Ring" is exactly what it says - the origin of the first power ring. We learn the history of the ring, Volthoom from the perspective of Guardian Rami. Story 10 art 9 = 9.5 overall.

Green Lanterns #27

Feb 6, 2018

This was just an "ok" issue. Jessica & Simon are thrown back into early earth history. This issue didn't impress me in story or artwork.

Green Lanterns #28

Feb 6, 2018

We finally get to see all seven of the original Green Lanterns together. After many issues of one to two pages of each original Green Lantern, their story comes together. I do have to say I was disappointed with the death of one of them, as I found that character intriguing and would have liked to see more stories with the character. Overall, this was a good story with very good artwork.

Green Lanterns #29

Feb 6, 2018

Not a lot happens in this issue, but the artwork and "Ancient Lanterns" are worth the price of admission.

Green Lanterns #30

Feb 6, 2018

Jessica & The Ancient Lanterns vs Volthoom! The carnage is bad as is the artwork in this issue. This series has been hit or miss every issue.

Green Lanterns #31

Feb 6, 2018

A decent ending to the "Out of Time" story arc. I know some reviewers didn't like the ending, but I am ok with it. Nothing special, but not bad either. Overall, a mediocre issue.

Green Lanterns #32

Feb 6, 2018

Sam Humphries' "swan song" issue. Personally, I think he should have ended after the last issue. This issue felt like a filler with lots of characterization and not much action. Although I'm sure that's what he was going for, it feels like he's going out with a wimpier instead of a bang! The art didn't help either, as I didn't feel it was as good as past issues.

Green Lanterns #33

Feb 6, 2018

A good start for new writer Tim Seeley. He is clearly keeping the characterization development of Jessica Cruz & Simon Baz in the forefront as Humphries did. I liked the way he changed scenes from past to present in a clear, non-confusing manner. The artwork by Pansica enhanced the overall story.

Green Lanterns #34

Feb 6, 2018

Not as good as Seeley's first issue last month, but not bad either. He continues to focus on Simon & Jessica's personal life as well as their adventures in the GLC. Simon & Jessica's discussion about Liseth's whisper comment to Simon was a "lol" moment. Cliquet's artwork was just ok.

Green Lanterns #35

Feb 6, 2018

Bolphunga + bad artwork = a train wreck of an issue! This issue had nothing of interest for me. I knew I was in trouble when I saw Jessica on page one drawn like she is 13 years old. Simon sleeping with Veronika aka "Night Pilot?" Ugh. Let's hope this mess is cleaned up soon!

Green Lanterns #36

Feb 6, 2018

Ugh. Another bad issue! What can I say about an issue featuring Bolphunga, his dad and sister! Not much to like here. I guess the artwork was ok, but nothing to brag about. Moving on...

Green Lanterns #37

Jan 13, 2018

Another issue with not much to like. Seeley is doing a poor job on this book. I'm hoping for a new writer soon. The artwork is poor also. Simon Baz looks like he's 35 years old sleeping with a 16 year old. This book needs a kick in the ass!

Green Lanterns #38

Jan 14, 2018

A little better than last issue, but not much. The best part is the cover!

Green Lanterns #39

Feb 10, 2018

This was just plain bad! The art was ok, but the story was boring and ridiculous. I think Seeley is trying to make some kind of political or social statement here, but it really missed the mark in my opinion. I'm REALLY hoping the next arc is better, but I'm quickly losing confidence in this writer.

Green Lanterns #40

Feb 11, 2018

I have been on a rant about this book lately, as it has been really bad in my opinion. I was expecting to really dislike this issue, but after reading it I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. I thought this issue was a good mix of character study and story line action, as it was in the days of Humphries. I can see many readers not liking the whole "Caper" app thing, but I thought it added a lot of personal character to the story. How does Jessica deal with this new info that the app tells her Simon is a good match for her? How does this affect their working relationship? I'm cool with this issue and interested to see what happens next.

Green Lanterns #41

Feb 21, 2018

Story... one word - boring. Art... one word - bad. I'm a huge Green Lantern fan, but this just DID NOT work for me on any level. I couldn't wait until I was done reading it.

Green Lanterns #42

Mar 7, 2018

This book is just a trainwreck right now! I'm not even going to waste my time reviewing all its problems. Just read my review of the last issue and to this one, I say, "ditto." I can't believe this book is still coming out twice a month! Ugh! It's very painful for GL fans. Thank god "Hal Jordan & GLC" is decent and we can look forward to "GL: Earth One" coming out! phew!

Green Lanterns #43

Mar 21, 2018

Glad this arc is over!

Green Lanterns #44

Apr 5, 2018

Not a great issue, but much better than the past few! I like the artwork and the overall plot, just not the execution of the plot. Jessica making a deal with "Singularity Jain" to fight her internal demons - like it. Having it played out on a "robot planet" with a robot dad and baby - not so much. I think Seeley is trying too hard to make this series light-hearted and humorous. At times it borders on ridiculous and silly.

Green Lanterns #45

Apr 20, 2018

This is Seeley's best issue so far (in my humble opinion). Is it perfect? No, but soooo much better than what's come before! I've never been a fan of Cliquet's art and it doesn't add much to the story here. It's just "ok" in my view. I'm just happy this issue is a step in the right direction for the series.

Green Lanterns #46

May 6, 2018

This is definitely Seeley's best issue so far. We finally get some GL mythos connection with "Volthoom's ring." We also get the origin story of Jessica's anxiety disorder and nice artwork. I hope the momentum this issue brought to the series continues!

Green Lanterns #47

May 19, 2018

Green Lanterns #49

Jun 22, 2018

This is just plain bad. I have very little interest in what's happening in this book right now. Ugh.

Green Lanterns #50

Jul 4, 2018

A good start for new writer Dan Jurgens and artist Mike Perkins. This is the best GLs issue in a long time. It has a true GLC feeling. It's good to see other GLC members in the book besides Jessica and Simon. I'm excited to see where this new storyline goes!

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jan 27, 2018

A good introduction issue into the the newest Green Lanterns of earth - Simon Baz & Jessica Cruz. I'm not really sold on the fact that we need TWO MORE Green Lanterns from earth but it's clear DC is reaching out to female and Muslim readers with these characters. The artwork is amazingly good.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1

Jan 17, 2018

Solid 1st issue. My only nit pick is I don't like the way Sandoval draws Soranik. Besides that, good story & art.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2

Jan 17, 2018

Hal continues his search for the corps and battle the Sinestro Corps. Enjoyed both story and artwork. I still don't like the way Sandoval draws Soranik, but that's just me.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3

Jan 18, 2018

I enjoyed the issue but I'm starting to feel the story-line is starting to drag. Artwork is consistently good throughout (except for Soranik lol).

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

Jan 18, 2018

Hal, Guy & John share equal time in this issue and all three are great! Love the interaction between characters in this issue (not just a slugfest) but that said, the art work alone is worth the price of admission!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #5

Jan 19, 2018

Another great issue by Venditti with beautiful artwork by Van Sciver! Some real "money shots" worth the price of admission. Love the interaction between Hal/Soranik and Sinestro/Lyssa. Guy Gardner stands strong! Another must read for all lantern fans!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #6

Jan 19, 2018

Another solid issue. However, at times it feels like it's "treading water" to get us to next issue's confrontation between Hal & Sinestro.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7

Jan 20, 2018

Hal & Sinestro slugfest. Not bad, not great. A decent ending to an arc that felt two issues too long. I'm ready for a new arc.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #8

Jan 20, 2018

Story...good, artwork... great. A good jumping on point for new readers as Venditti gives a nice, concise, easy to follow recap of what has gone before. Nice beginning to a new arc.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #9

Jan 20, 2018

Overall a good issue. Some parts (story & art) I liked more than other parts.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #10

Jan 20, 2018

Not a lot of action in this issue, but the dialogue between Hal and Abin Sur in the emotional spectrum is worth the price of admission. Ed Benes does a nice job with the artwork.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #11

Jan 21, 2018

An enjoyable action packed issue. The Green Lantern Corps & Yellow Lantern Corps work together to escape their entrapment from Larfleeze. Nice artwork by Sandoval.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12

Jan 21, 2018

A Green Lanterns/Yellow Lanterns vs Larfleeze's Orange Lanterns slugfest. Beautiful artwork by Van Sciver.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #13

Jan 21, 2018

A very touching stand alone issue. Taking place 60 years in the future, Somar-Le tells her grandchildren about her encounter with the Green Lanterns and her ability to overcome fear as a young girl. Stand alone issues usually don't fare well, but this one is memorable with a heart warming lesson. I also enjoyed the artwork.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #14

Jan 22, 2018

Green Lanterns & Sinestro Corps join together as one corps. Hal & Kyle go looking for Saint Walker- that's about it. A slow start to this arc. Enjoyed the artwork.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #15

Jan 22, 2018

Beautiful artwork but just an ok story. Really liked the Guy Gardner part, didn't care much for the Elemental villain.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #16

Jan 23, 2018

Guy Gardner vs Arkillo slugfest. The cover says it all. Good artwork and lots of blood.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17

Jan 23, 2018

I personally liked Kyle as the White Lantern, so I'm not thrilled with him going back to being a Green Lantern again. I AM glad he's wearing the same GL uniform as before. The artwork is worth the price of admission here - beautiful!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #18

Jan 23, 2018

A set up issue for what is to come. Not a lot happens in this issue but it does end on a high note leaving the reader curious as to what will happen in the next issue.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #19

Jan 24, 2018

This issue was excellent. Great story by Vinditti and beautiful artwork by V Kenneth Marion! The story moves along very nicely as we get answers to questions about Rip Hunter & Sarco. Can't wait to read the next issue!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #20

Jan 25, 2018

A good issue, but I found myself wanting more background on Sarko. "The jury is still out" on how I feel about the explanation of who the prism beasts are. Really enjoyed the artwork.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #21

Jan 25, 2018

I enjoyed the ending to this arc. The revelation of who Sarko's parents are was great. Artwork was excellent. My only complaint is I thought the way Hal "saved the day" was too easy. Besides that - solid issue!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #22

Jan 15, 2018

Story = 7.5; Art = 9.5 Artwork alone is worth price of admission!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23

Jan 15, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

Jan 15, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #25

Jan 15, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #26

Jan 16, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #27

Jan 16, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #28

Jan 16, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #29

Jan 16, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #30

Jan 17, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #31

Jan 17, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #32

Jan 17, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #33

Jan 17, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #34

Jan 17, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #35

Jan 17, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #36

Jan 13, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #37

Feb 10, 2018

John Stewart has words with the guardians. Hal & Kyle fight Zod. That's about it. I would give it a 7.5 rating, but it has nice art so I'll bump it up to an 8.0

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #38

Feb 14, 2018

The best part of this issue is the artwork! Van Sciver is the man! It's absolutely beautiful. The scene with the ring going through the Eradicator's head is AWESOME! So, the art alone is worth the price of admission. The story... good, but not great. It's moving a little slow for my taste. Art 10; story 8.0 = 9.0 overall.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #39

Mar 1, 2018

Overall, I liked this issue. And compared to "Green LanternS" right now - this is a 10. The best part was the interaction between Hal & Zod. So, I've been thinking about Zod's side of the argument. Do the Green Lanterns have the right to invade the planet Zod had settled on? Do the inhabitants of the planet have the right to worship Zod if the choose to? They clearly are not slaves nor are they worshipping him through force or coersion. Now, I think it's clear that Zod's intentions are evil, but what if they weren't? What if he was sincerely just trying to build a society like that of Krypton? Does he have the right to do so? This issue brings up some interesting points of political discussion and food for thought. :)

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #40

Mar 15, 2018

This is clearly a "filler" issue to extend the story arc. Nothing really happens to move the story along. It's a slugfest issue. The only saving grace is the artwork. Venditti is better than this.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #41

Mar 29, 2018

A Hal Jordan vs Zod slugfest issue. The artwork was just ok. Next arc, please!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #42

May 12, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #43

May 12, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #44

May 12, 2018

A good start to the new arc. My only nit-pick complaint is that I'm not crazy about the art. That aside, this storyline has great potential. I'm expecting each issue to get better and better as the storyline progresses!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #46

Jun 14, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Jan 17, 2018

Venditti does an excellent job recapping the essentials of what has gone on before. Great story leaving the reader ready and waiting for issue #1 of the new series. Van Sciver's art is fantastic. A must read for anyone who likes Green Lantern.

Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 4, 2018

Love the shout out to the tv series - reporter "McGee!" Can't wait to hear Bruce say: "Mr. McGee don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Medieval Spawn / Witchblade (2018) #1

May 12, 2018

I really enjoyed this first issue. I don't agree with the negative reviews it's been given. I'm a big Spawn fan, but I don't know anything about Witchblade. However, the issue was easy enough for me to follow. It has everything needed in a first issue: background info, set up and action. I'm looking forward to the next issue to see where it goes from here. The artwork was great too! If you like medieval stories with a mystical flair check this out!

Ninja-K (2017) #1

Mar 9, 2018

A fantastic start to the new series! The background of the Ninja Programme was awesome and informative to old and new readers alike. I'm excited to see where this series goes in the months (and hopefully years) to come.

Red Lanterns #0

Feb 8, 2018

The story is very good, but a little confusing at times. The artwork is beautiful! It's not the best jumping on point for new readers, but a great issue for longtime fans who want to learn more about the origin of the first Red Lantern!

Red Lanterns #1

Feb 8, 2018

An excellent first issue. Milligan does a great job giving us some history background of the Red Lanterns as well as set things up for future issues. I also enjoyed the subplot on earth which will clearly lead to the establishment of an earth Red Lantern. Finally, I love the artwork by Benes.

Red Lanterns #2

Feb 8, 2018

A great story with beautiful artwork. I love how Milligan shows Atrocitus as someone who is trying to use the red power ring for "retribution" and not just blind rage and mayhem. It is possible for the Red Lanterns to use their rings for good. They don't have to be the "bad lanterns."

Red Lanterns #3

Feb 8, 2018

Another great issue with beautiful artwork. This issue focuses on the Red Lantern Bleeze. She's a great character with lots of appeal and potential. Love how Milligan gives us enough of her background and still provides a current story. Love the cover too!

Red Lanterns #4

Feb 8, 2018

I don't think this issue is nearly as bad as many are saying. The artwork is very solid. The story is a little fractured since Milligan has a few sub plots and background character stories going on. However, I believe these sub plots are important to character development and future story lines. Overall, a good issue.

Red Lanterns #5

Feb 9, 2018

This book has been Red Lantern character studies to date. This may be the reason for reviewers low ratings - but I like it. This is another good issue similar to last issue. We get background origin stories about Red Lanterns: Ratchet, Skallox and John Moore. Also the main storyline which centers around the disappearance of Krona and rebellion of Bleeze. The artwork is very good too!

Red Lanterns #6

Feb 9, 2018

Another solid issue that centers on the new earth Red Lantern - Jack Moore. I'm rating this a little lower than previous issues because it was a quicker read and the art wasn't as good. However, overall it was enjoyable. Can't wait to see Jack vs Guy Gardner next issue!

Red Lanterns #7

Feb 10, 2018

This wasn't a bad issue, but there's noting great about it either. This is mainly a red lantern slugfest issue. Rankorr vs Guy Gardner, Blezz leads red lanterns into a battle and Atrocitus deals with his creation - Abysmus. The artwork is solid.

Red Lanterns #8

Feb 10, 2018

Not a bad story but the artwork is definitely not as good as previous issues. This series started out as a character study with enough action to be very entertaining. It's becoming a slugfest series lately.

Red Lanterns #9

Feb 10, 2018

Red Lantern rage fighting and character development both in this issue. A good balance is back. We get the rebellion of Bleez, the continued development of the character Rankorr and the main storyline - the death of the red lantern power battery. The artwork is solid.

Red Lanterns #10

Feb 10, 2018

A fast, action packed issue. Atrocitus seeks out Abysmus as the red lantern power battery continues to die. Much of the issue is a slug fest with Stormwatch, but overall it was enjoyable. The artwork is very good and helps enhance the story.

Red Lanterns #11

Feb 11, 2018

This was a great issue! The art is amazing and the dialogue between characters was great! There was a lot of fighting here, but the dialogue between characters during the fight scenes was great. Especially Bleeze and Fatality's "hate" vs "love" dialogue. I don't understand all the "hate" for this issue. I personally "loved" it.

Red Lanterns #12

Feb 12, 2018

The final round of the Atrocitus vs Abysmus slug-fest, as Bleez contemplates an offer to become a Star Sapphire. The best part of this issue is the artwork. Story 7; Art 9; 8 overall.

Red Lanterns #13

Feb 12, 2018

I love this issue. The artwork is beautiful and the story awesome. I love the way Milligan changed the course of the story mid-way through. First, we get a story about a slave girl and her sister, then WHAM - Rise of the Third Army! Great issue!

Red Lanterns #14

Feb 12, 2018

The artwork in this issue is very good. I really liked the story for the first part of the book, but then Milligan changes direction and instead of continuing with the "third army" plot, he goes off in another direction, sending the red lanterns to different planets to seek vengeance in order to strengthen the power battery. It seemed a little disconnected to me. Overall, it was still pretty good.

Red Lanterns #15

Feb 12, 2018

The only good thing about this issue was the artwork. The story was disconnected and all over the place. The "third army" has nothing to do with the issue even though it's mentioned on the cover. I've been a fan of Milligan's writing on this book, but this issue strikes out!

Red Lanterns #16

Feb 12, 2018

Even the art is bad in this one. It's a total train-wreck! This series is falling prey to tying itself to the other green lantern books in hopes of drawing in new readers. It's not working and I'm afraid it's going to continue.

Red Lanterns #17

Feb 13, 2018

This issue is not very good. The art is sloppy and the story boring. The connection to "wrath of the first lantern" shows up on the very last page. Overall, very disappointing issue.

Red Lanterns #18

Feb 13, 2018

This is one of the best Red Lantern issues in a long time! The artwork is beautiful and the story is great. This is the first crossover issue that works. Also, the cover is awesome! Finally, a good Red Lanterns issue!!!

Red Lanterns #19

Feb 13, 2018

Another failing grade issue. Ugh, and on the heels of a very good issue with #18. This book is very inconsistent. The artwork isn't terrible, but the story is really bad.

Red Lanterns #20

Feb 13, 2018

Milligan's final issue is a "cleansing of the pallet." It reads like he wants to tie up loose ends and give the new writer a Red Lanterns Corps that has put their personal issues aside and are ready to move on. The artwork is decent.

Red Lanterns #21

Feb 14, 2018

New writer Charles Soule & artist Alessandro Vitti come aboard to take over the title. Honestly, I was expecting a little more from their first issue. The story is ok, with Hal Jordan sending Guy Gardner to spy on the Reds by becoming a Red Lantern himself. Since when does Guy EVER listen to Hal? I'm hoping the storyline becomes more interesting as it progresses. This issue is a lot of set-up. I found the artwork ok, but a little sloppy.

Red Lanterns #22

Feb 15, 2018

An enjoyable issue with decent artwork. Sets some groundwork for moving this book forward in future issues.

Red Lanterns #23

Feb 15, 2018

I like this issue, but I can't find anything to love about it. The story and artwork are good but not great.

Red Lanterns #24

Feb 15, 2018

Even though this issue is part four of the "Lights Out" crossover, it stands on it's own. Soule does a nice job of balancing the continuation of the story from last issue and the crossover story in the other lantern books. I loved the Guy/Bleeze interaction scenes. The artwork is very good too.

Red Lanterns #25

Feb 16, 2018

I'm interested in the storyline of the Reds having their own sector. The Atrocitus return part... not so much. It's kind of boring. The art is decent, but nothing here that's blowing me away. I do really like the cover.

Red Lanterns #26

Feb 17, 2018

Overall, this was a good issue. I liked the art and the story of the lanterns going against Gensui. Also the death of one of the lanterns was cool too. I didn't like the parts with Atrocitus.

Red Lanterns #27

Feb 17, 2018

Another solid issue with good artwork. My favorite part is Guy's interaction with Tora.

Red Lanterns #28

Feb 18, 2018

Love the "flipbook" idea! Two for the price of one. I wish they did it more. I understand in the short term they lose money, but the idea is to get Green Lantern book readers to read Red Lanterns by giving them a free issue of it. And a good Red Lanterns issue it was! I loved the Hal/Guy interaction and having Kara Supergirl was great too. The artwork was good too. I think this was Vitti's best issue so far.

Red Lanterns #29

Feb 18, 2018

This might be my favorite Red Lanterns issue. Love the Kara/Guy/Superman interaction. Artwork is great.

Red Lanterns #30

Feb 18, 2018

This is the best Red Lanterns issue so far! Both the story and artwork are top notch! The only reason I'm not giving it a perfect "10" rating is because I don't understand why "Sheko" is sane and able to think and speak clearly when first becoming a Red Lantern. The idea has always been that a red needed to be baptised into the blood ocean to become sane after receiving the ring. Is this a mistake by the writer? Hmmm. I also don't like that I have to read "Supergirl" to get part 2 of this 3 part story arc. Besides those two things, this issue is awesome!

Red Lanterns #31

Feb 18, 2018

A solid issue, but not a lot happens - mostly arguing. I do like this new red lantern called "the judge."

Red Lanterns #32

Feb 18, 2018

Another good issue. The battle lines are being drawn between Guy Gardner & Atrocitus. This is the first of a four-parter that puts the players in place.

Red Lanterns #33

Feb 18, 2018

This issue feels like a filler. Not much to say about it. Guy meets with John Stewart to ask for help with Atocitus, while Atocitus plans for war against Guy. This issue is treading water and doesn't move the story forward. On the plus side, the art is good and I'm still interested in the Guy/Atrocitus battle that is clearly coming!

Red Lanterns #34

Feb 19, 2018

A good ending to an enjoyable arc. I like the fact that after the dust settles, it doesn't return to the status quo. Next arc...

Red Lanterns #35

Feb 19, 2018

This feels like a forced editorial crossover issue. I think Soule tries to give readers who don't want to read the crossovers a stand alone story, but it falls flat. The artwork is good.

Red Lanterns #36

Feb 19, 2018

There's not much to say other than I agree with everything the reviewer "WhiteLantern" said. Read his review for what I think about this issue! lol

Red Lanterns #37

Feb 19, 2018

This issue was ok, but not as good as I'd hoped being Soule's final issue. Guy & Simon try to escape New Genesis - that's about it.

Red Lanterns #38

Feb 19, 2018

This is bad. Guy Gardner goes solo? Is this Red LanternS or Red Lantern - singular? No other red lanterns in the book? wth. Atrocitus infects the earth with rage, but we never see him? Ugh.

Red Lanterns #39

Feb 19, 2018

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse - it does! This issue is soooo bad. I'd give it a "3" rating if it wasn't for the fact that the art is decent. Don't even bother reading it. Only Red Lantern in the book again is Guy Gardner.

Red Lanterns #40

Feb 19, 2018

What started out as a good series with Milligan ends as a disaster. I hope Red Lanterns gets another chance again someday.

Red Lanterns Annual #1

Feb 18, 2018

The battle begins between Guy Gardner & Atrocitus and there are causulties. This is a good issue with excellent artwork. It's not an issue for new readers to jump in.

Sideways #1

Feb 15, 2018

What is DC doing? First we get "Damage" aka "dc Hulk", and now it's "Sideways" aka "dc spidey." It's hard not to see the similarities. I DID like the artwork. Story 6.5; art 8.5 = 7.5 overall. Anyone remember the DC "bloodline" heroes that came out in the 90's? This could be bloodlines round 2! Ugh!

Spawn #285

May 6, 2018

Spawn #286

Jun 10, 2018

Spawn #287

Jul 5, 2018

Jason Shawn Alexander's art continues to be perfect for this series. This is not your typical superhero comic book. Grit and edge define this series. The writing was good (but not great). Can't wait to see Overtkill in action again.

Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 11, 2018

This is just a great issue all around. The artwork by Fabok is absolutely amazing. The main story is not action packed and it's not intended to be. It's classic psychological Swamp Thing at it's best. I loved the tribute art and final script By Wein. The ONLY reason I'm not giving it a "10" is the price tag. At $7.99 cover it doesn't come cheap.

Venom (2018) #1  
X-O Manowar (2017) #8

Feb 11, 2018

The story is simple and enjoyable. The artwork is absolutely amazing! This is not a jumping on issue for new readers, so if you're not reading X-O: Manowar you need to be jumping aboard with the next issue! This is one of the best books on the market!

X-O Manowar (2017) #9

Feb 11, 2018

The art alone is worth the price of admission and absolutely amazing! The story is best summed up by Schon who says to Aric, "you've won the battles, but you've lost everything else in the process."

X-O Manowar (2017) #10

Feb 11, 2018

Another AMAZING issue! This is the jumping on point if you haven't been reading X-O! Aric isn't even in the issue and I didn't miss him. This issue is that good! The art is so good I actually felt like I was reading a movie. The ONLY reason I'm not giving it a perfect "10" rating is because it was a quick read. This is one of the best comics currently on the market in my opinion.

X-O Manowar (2017) #11

Feb 11, 2018

The artwork has really enhanced this series. However, here it takes a step back into mediocrity giving this issue an "8.5" instead of the usual "9.5"

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