Soyner's Profile

Joined: Aug 22, 2014

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Overall Rating
13 Coins #1

Nov 5, 2014

Nothing extraordinary about this series so far. It does have very nice art but the story just doesn't match up with the top-notch graphics.

3 Floyds: Alpha King #1  
Airboy #1

Jun 14, 2015

Nice surprise! The art is fantastic and the story so far is definitely NSFW but overall...I like it!

Airboy #2

Jul 3, 2015

Aloha, Hawaiian Dick #1  
Annihilator #1

Oct 25, 2014

There is something "cool" about this comic. Cool title. Cool artwork. Unfortunately, after finishing reading it, it just felt "okay" in the end. I can't really put my finger on it but something seems slightly off. BUT overall it is worth a read to see what your take on the issue is. I may have just expected too much before reading it.

Archie (2015) #1

Jul 17, 2015

Archie (2015) #2

Mar 30, 2016

Arclight #1  
Astro City (2013) #16

Oct 22, 2014

Sweet story. Almost felt like an After-School-Special. Maybe not the most mind blowing issue you've ever read, but a solid issue.

Axcend #1  
Beyond Belief #1

Apr 22, 2015

Meh, this felt like more of a chore to read than it should have. Love the photo cover variant but it couldn't save the overall recommendation of the comic. Not a fan.

Big Man Plans #1

Mar 6, 2015

Wow, what a fresh breath of dirty, dark air. The protagonist is nothing short of epic. The art is disgustingly beautiful and the story takes you places you don't want to go...but still want to know about. Good start to a new title.

Big Man Plans #2

Apr 8, 2015

I'm really liking this title but oh man is it brutal. I truly am looking forward to seeing how this all ends up. I'm guessing it will be even more twisted than we even expect.

Big Man Plans #3

Jun 3, 2015

Hardcore to say the least. I don't know whether to cheer for him or think that he's as bad as the other guys.

Big Man Plans #4

Jul 8, 2015

Birthright #1

Oct 13, 2014

I really liked the first half of this issue. Good mystery. Interesting story. But when the twist occurs I personally started to lose a bit of interest. It's not really Birthright's fault though. It's more just not my cup of tea than anything else. If you like fantasy comics then you may really like this. For me though, it's just not what I'm looking for.

Bitch Planet #1

Dec 12, 2014

I wanted to like this book. Cool front and back covers. A fresh new title...but it just didn't do anything for me. Sometimes a bit confusing. Sometimes a bit over-the-top. And sometimes kinda cool and interesting. Unfortunately, it just didn't all come together to make a difference. I'll probably pass on #2.

Black Jack Ketchum #1  
Black Road #1  
Black Science #7

Aug 30, 2014

Wonderful issue that was full of action and adventure. The art style is glorious and this series really feels like there are tons of new adventures and characters that I'm excited to meet and read about. Hopefully future issues are able to keep up the great storytelling and flow of this issue.

Black Science #8

Aug 30, 2014

Another good issue is in the books. Newly designed creatures and danger in every direction. We learn some backstory and finally hear about "Black Science". Overall good issue in a great series.

Black Science #9

Oct 11, 2014

Here is my complaint on this issue. It's very very confusing. Starts off rock solid but after a few pages it's easy to get kinda lost and quickly have to backup a few pages to figure things out. Surely things will be straightened out and cleared up soon but for now this issue wasn't near as fun as the past few issues, in my opinion.

Black Science #10

Oct 30, 2014

Again, a beautifully illustrated issue that gives us more info about our family of characters while giving us many tense moments of action and drama. Thr story is a bit complicated and I'm starting to have to figure out and remember who did what to who in what world but it's still worth the read.

Black Science #11

Dec 30, 2014

Very cool issue..and very confusing. Great art as always and this issue has some nice adventure and tension mixed in. I just wish I could completely understand things now that there are alt characters appearing everywhere.

Black Science #12

Mar 8, 2015

I really like Black Science but daaaaaaamn this is getting confusing. I am thankful they have the summary of the story on the inner cover but it didn't take long to get muddy again. This issue is not a great start to a new arc but maybe the next issue will surprise us.

Black Science #13

Apr 7, 2015

A solid outing for Black as Science. It was getting complicated but this issue helps clarify some things and take a slower/deeper look at things.

Black Science #14

May 18, 2015

Lots of drama and intense decisions in this issue. I'm still a little confused on exactly what is happening but this issue stood on its own and made for a good story.

Black Science #15

Jun 25, 2015

Black Science #16

Jul 21, 2015

Black Science #17

Dec 13, 2015

Black Science #18

Feb 15, 2016

Black Science #19

Feb 15, 2016

Black Science #20

Feb 15, 2016

Black Science #21

Aug 21, 2016

Black Science #22

Aug 21, 2016

Bloodstrike (2015) #1  
Bob's Burgers (2015) #1  
Cannibal #1  
Casanova: Acedia #1

Jan 30, 2015

I like the Casanova storyline but I must admit it lost bea bit in the library. Also the story in the back was a bit lacking. Overall not a complete waste of time but I read much more interesting comics as of late.

Chew (20090 #43

Sep 29, 2014

Another clever and creative issue that includes a wonderful three cover face mashup. In this issue you see Olive really start to take shape and show others how powerful and impressive she truly can be.

Chew (20090 #44

Nov 9, 2014

Deadly chopsticks, a secret squirrel and a warning from Chu that goes unheard. All leads to a bloody misadventures that leads to many surprises and plots twists. Good issue.

Chew (20090 #45

Dec 4, 2014

Great art as usual and good writing (although not my favorite of recent issues) The big news here is the last page. Huge event. Looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

Chew (20090 #46

Mar 7, 2015

Mean old granny taking a punch for the mouthing off to cop. What's this world coming to?? Good stuff as always.

Chew (20090 #47

Mar 29, 2015

Kinda of a bit of a speed bump with not too much going on (until the ending cliffhanger). Not a great issue but still one to read and keep up with a great series.

Chew (20090 #48

Apr 25, 2015

Always great art. Always a bit better than most comics with story details. Not the best of the series but helps move the story nicely.

Chew (20090 #49

May 29, 2015

Still going strong...except poop Poyo.

Chew (20090 #50

Jul 4, 2015

Chew (20090 #51

Nov 16, 2015

Chew (20090 #52

Dec 14, 2015

Chew (20090 #53

Feb 16, 2016

Chew (20090 #54

Feb 16, 2016

Chrononauts #1

Mar 19, 2015

Great issue that has miles of potential. The only downside it's nothing brand new and is an area you'll feel like you've been before. But that being said, things still feel like this new spin may work well for the readers.

Chrononauts #2

Apr 27, 2015

A fun ride through centuries of history. But you can see the writing on the wall that things won't be incredible for long.

Citizen Jack #1  
Codename Baboushka: The Conclave of Death #1  
Colder: The Bad Seed #1

Oct 23, 2014

Wow. Creepy? Yep. Good art? Yep. Interesting story? Yep. Did I mention creepy yet? Yep. Yep. Yep. Great first issue that is simple yet complex with its introduction to our main characters. (Including a villain worthy of comic nightmares) If you like creepy then grab this one quick. It's right up your alley.

Copperhead #1

Sep 11, 2014

Good start to a new series. Very easy to follow but not so simple it gets boring. Mixed with a little humor, action and meeting some rather off-the-wall characters, Copperhead may end up being on my pull list if it keeps this pacing and smooth storytelling.

Copperhead #2

Oct 9, 2014

Really like how the story is progressing. And it's not just one story going on in the issue but also the nailbiting journey of the sheriff's son continues. This issue may have convinced me to put this on my pull list. Give it a try if you are on the fence. Issue #2 is a winner.

Cry Havoc #1  
Cutter #1

Oct 1, 2014

This is a rough one. The premise is solid. And the story really starts to draw you in. But there are problems. Rough art. Sloppy transitions from scene to scene. And the characters all tend to look the same. (And I think I even saw a typo) Overall, a promising storyline with a sloppy execution.

D4VE2 #1  
Death of Love #1  
Deep State (2014) #1

Nov 15, 2014

I both liked this issue...and kinda just thought it was "okay". Still not exactly sure what to think. It has potential to be INCREDIBLE. Or it could end up being just a boring X-Files clone that never really sets itself away from the herd. I guess future issues will answer that question.

Descender #1

Mar 7, 2015

I'm a big fan of Lemire (especially Sweet Tooth) and was pleased to see this new series in my pull box. And I was especially pleased at how much I enjoyed the story after reading it. As long as things don't get too complicated (which happens sometimes with sci-fi comics) this series will be well worth the ride.

Descender #2

Apr 9, 2015

Wow, we are off to a super emotional start. This issue already has things you don't normally get until a series has been running a while. Definitely keep an eye on this title. Good stuff is in store.

Descender #3

May 6, 2015

Another great issue by Lemire. This is looking to live up to the potential of a fantastic new comic. Nice stylized art. Characters we are getting to know and care about. Totally on board for this one.

Descender #4

Jun 24, 2015

Descender #5

Jul 18, 2015

Descender #6

Aug 25, 2015

Descender #7

Dec 15, 2015

Descender #8

Jan 3, 2016

Descender #9

Feb 17, 2016

Descender #10

Feb 17, 2016

Descender #11

Jul 23, 2016

Descender #12

Jul 23, 2016

Descender #13

Nov 27, 2016

Descender #14

Nov 27, 2016

Descender #15

Nov 27, 2016

Descender #16

Nov 28, 2016

Descender #17

Mar 28, 2017

Descender #18

Mar 28, 2017

Descender #19

Mar 28, 2017

Django / Zorro #1

Nov 12, 2014

Nothing too special about issue #1. We get to know a bit about our cast but a lot is still up in the can be expected with a first issue. Not sure I'll continue and buy #2 but I don't regret buying it.

Drifter #1

Nov 16, 2014

I really wanted to like this comic. The art is fantastic! Beautifully illustrated with such great detail that it really sets the scenes nicely. But the writing just felt...clunky. Didn't really have a good flow. Nic Klein's art is the real star. Maybe if the writing morphs a bit this will be a "pull list title".

Eclipse #1  
Ei8ht #1

Feb 20, 2015

Wow, Eight really earned its "8" rating. Not overly complicated. Good art and cover design. Potential good story. Worth the money to give it a shot. Pretty decent read.

Empty Zone #1

Jun 22, 2015

I liked it...but didn't love. I feel it didn't get deep enough into what to look forward to so it just kinda hangs a bit.

Faster than Light #1  
Four Eyes #1  
From Under Mountains #1  
God Hates Astronauts #1

Sep 3, 2014

What a strange journey. The good news is, it is purposely weird with tons of weird little extras and characters that will either leave you laughing or wondering "What the hell am I reading??" It is almost a cross of Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy mixed with some farmers. The art is great. The laughs are there (although, many times it comes across as almost trying too hard). Overall, a good start. Still not convinced if it will be added to my pull list though. Gonna let it soak in some more.

Goners #1

Oct 25, 2014

This was a bumpy ride. Unfortunately I'm talking more about bad transitions, confusing dialog and shallow character development. BUT I will say I loved the look of the sharp edged art direction and the possibility that things may improve in future issues. Too bad I probably won't read them because this issue never pulled me in like it potentially could have.

Gotham By Midnight #1

Nov 26, 2014

I'm not usually a Batman fan or much of a DC reader but I thought I'd give this first issue a try. Overall, not bad at all. Some of the transitions are a bit choppy but nothing that complicates things too bad. I did love the art. Had a nice unique feel to it. Still not sure I'll grab #2 but glad I tried #1.

Graveyard Shift #1

Dec 29, 2014

Sure, it's your typical vampire tale...but it's not bad. Good art. A story with plenty of holes left to fill in later. Overall, very average on the blood sucking scale.

Grizzly Shark #1  
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #18

Aug 30, 2014

Nice lead up to a big cliffhanger. I like the way the story unfolded and the action of the epic fight. Not a perfect issue (no Rocket or Groot to be seen) but an enjoyable read.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #19

Oct 20, 2014

The battle never stops in the issue. Sure things get a little complicated but overall there's action, surprises and multiple deaths...over and over.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #20

Nov 24, 2014

A little confusing. A little crazy. Not the best issue of Guardians of enough good to make it a decent installment.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #21

Nov 21, 2014

Not sure why the critics didn't like this one. Sure not a lot happens but enough does that made me not get bored and an ending that made me smile with intrigue. I enjoyed it.

Huck #1  
I Hate Fairyland #1  
Ice Cream Man #1  
Injection #1

May 26, 2015

I'll be honest..I couldn't even make it through the whole comic. Nothing appealed to me at all.

Intersect #1

Nov 19, 2014

What. Did. I. Just. Read? I'm not sure what this is about or even the story after reading Intersect. All I know's not for me. The one positive is I like the Jeff Lemire cover option it had.

Invincible #114

Sep 14, 2014

Pretty tame with action but ripe with talk and plot setups. Big things are bound to happen soon. I believe this is the calm before the storm...of fists and robot parts.

Invincible #115

Nov 20, 2014

Great action. Crazy character mind sets. And an ending to keep you wanting more. A solid issue overall.

Invincible #116

Jan 22, 2015

Not a lot going on here. Felt a little slow. (Especially after the past battles) Still a good series but it just takes a little break this issue.

Invincible #117

Feb 23, 2015

Nothing too exciting in his issue but it does a good job of closing a few doors and leaving a few more cracked open. And the baby finally has a name...pass the cigars.

Invincible #118

Mar 31, 2015

Nice review at the beginning and a well crafted entry story to their new home...but holy cow the ending is rough. Hoping for the best. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Invincible #119

May 9, 2015

Not a lot of action but overall a decent issue. Next issue sounds like it could really be a really exciting one.

Invincible #120

Jul 5, 2015

Invincible #121

Jul 22, 2015

Invincible #122

Nov 2, 2015

Invincible #123

Nov 2, 2015

Invincible #124

Nov 2, 2015

Invincible #125

Dec 13, 2015

Invincible #126

Jan 10, 2016

Invincible #127

Aug 20, 2016

Invincible #128

Aug 20, 2016

Invincible #129

Aug 20, 2016

Invincible #130

Nov 27, 2016

Invincible #131

Nov 27, 2016

Invincible #132

Mar 3, 2017

Invincible #133

Mar 3, 2017

Invincible #134

Mar 27, 2017

Invincible #135

Mar 12, 2018

Invincible #136

Mar 12, 2018

Invincible #137

Mar 12, 2018

Invincible #138

Mar 12, 2018

Invincible #139

Mar 12, 2018

Invincible #140

Mar 14, 2018

Invincible #141

Mar 14, 2018

Invincible #142

Mar 20, 2018

Invisible Republic #1

Mar 20, 2015

A surprisingly good #1 with great art and an nice little twist at the end that helped raise my score from a 7.5 to an 8.0. I'll have to keep my eye on this title. The potential is there.

Isola #1  
IXth Generation #1

Jan 13, 2015

Wasn't sure I'd enjoy this series after the first few pages but it got better and better. At the end, I geniunely care about the characters enough to care about their futures. Good #1.

Jupiter's Circle #1

Apr 21, 2015

Nothing too exciting. Not a complete disaster but just not Millar's best work. Hopefully it starts stepping out from the crowd in future issues.

Jupiter's Circle #2

May 13, 2015

Not great. Not bad. Decent art and story but nothing to really get excited about.

Jupiter's Circle #5

Aug 12, 2015

Jupiter's Legacy #5

Jan 17, 2015

I'll be honest, I can't really remember what happened in #4 since it's been so long but #5 certainly kick some major butt. Great story. Great characters. Nice comeback. Hopefully they can start turning these issues out quicker so I don't forget things again.

Kaptara (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

I really liked it. Reminded me a bit of Black Science who hi also really like.

Kaptara (2015) #2

Jun 19, 2015

Not as good as #1 but still pretty decent. Love the art. Has a MAD Magazine feel.

Kill Or Be Killed #1  
Limbo #1  
Low (2014) #2

Aug 30, 2014

I like the idea behind this comic and was real excited after the ending of #1 but this issue just left me a bit confused and letdown. The art is pretty but still makes it a bit hard for me to tell exactly what's going on because of the muddiness of the style. The transitions jump a bit much for me as well. Just didn't feel like a smooth read. Again, the premise is solid but I'm not sure I can stick with it if it keeps up with some of the problems in #2.

Low (2014) #3

Sep 27, 2014

This may be my favorite issue so far. I wasn't really in love with this title but decided to try again after really not liking #2 that much. This felt more inline with what I was looking for in the story. Thanks to this edition I'm going to go ahead and grab #4 when its released. I was about to give up early but I'm still hanging on.

Low (2014) #4

Nov 2, 2014

A little bumpy here and there, but this issue really gets the story flowing and opens up a whole new world to Low. It sets the scene and gives you a good sense of what challenges lay ahead for the crew. Plus, a nice twist gives this issue a little extra coolness.

Low (2014) #5

Dec 3, 2014

Great peril and action in this issue! You can feel the desperation from all sides. Very good issue and moves things along nicely.

Low (2014) #6

Apr 11, 2015

Solid end to this first story arc. Although it can be a little tough to see exactly what is happening because of the occasionally muddy art, it didn't stop this from being a great issue.

Low (2014) #7

Jul 24, 2015

Low (2014) #8

Aug 1, 2015

Low (2014) #9

Sep 23, 2015

Low (2014) #10

Oct 28, 2015

Low (2014) #11

Mar 30, 2016

Low (2014) #12

Jul 11, 2016

Low (2014) #13

Jul 11, 2016

Low (2014) #14

Jul 11, 2016

Low (2014) #15

Mar 1, 2017

Manifest Destiny #11

Oct 17, 2014

Finally, a solution to the frog creature drama. And I must say, the solution ( and unexpected heroism at the end) made it a very satisfying one. Looking forward to see their next adventure.

Manifest Destiny #12

Dec 23, 2014

Solid issue that drives the story forward while giving us some backstory on why they are there. And I have to admit, I can't wait for them to make it to the arches. Should make for a crazy adventure.

Manifest Destiny #13

Feb 22, 2015

An easy read. Tension between the troops. And a new creature. What's not to love about this new issue. Good stuff.

Manifest Destiny #14

May 10, 2015

Fighting and biting creatures. Another good issue is in the books. Still enjoying this series.

Manifest Destiny #15

Jun 21, 2015

Not sure how I feel about the talking bird. Hope this doesn't turn into Howard The Duck movie.

Manifest Destiny #16

Aug 27, 2015

Manifest Destiny #17

Sep 27, 2015

Manifest Destiny #18

Nov 14, 2015

Manifest Destiny #19

Jul 12, 2016

Manifest Destiny #20

Jul 12, 2016

Manifest Destiny #21

Mar 9, 2017

Manifest Destiny #22

Mar 10, 2017

Manifest Destiny #23

Mar 10, 2017

Manifest Destiny #24

Mar 10, 2017

Manifest Destiny #25

Mar 13, 2017

Manifest Destiny #26

Mar 13, 2017

Manifest Destiny #27

Mar 27, 2017

Mantle #1

May 17, 2015

Already a huge shock and it's just the first issue. Nice start. Not the most original comic ever but it's a pretty decent read.

Masterplasty One-Shot #1

Oct 6, 2014

Excuse me, I believe I ordered the large comic. Holy. Cow. This issue is obnoxiously huge. But I guess that's the point. Luckily, the inside contents are worth having to wrangle the enormous pages to read. The idea of Masterpasty is finding a way to change your entire look. The story tells the tale in an entertaining manner while even learning a lesson or two. If you can hunt it down, give it a try. (The comic. Not the Masterpasty operation.)

Men of Wrath #1

Oct 4, 2014

Wow, did I just see what I think I saw. This comic is filled with some absolutely brutal violence and scenarios. It's well written and the story is setup well enough to get you wondering where it's going and how crazy it's going to be. I'll be grabbing issue #2 but honestly there is a part of me wondering if it's going to have too much brutality for me to completely enjoy.

Midnight of the Soul #1  
Mind MGMT #25

Sep 2, 2014

Starts with a nice recap of the story and then continues the story of how things have become so tragic and out of control. It may not be the most interesting or action packed issue but it does a good job of forwarding the story.

Mind MGMT #26

Nov 23, 2014

One of the better issues in recent memory. Always enjoy reading the comic and finding layers upon layers of story. The new character is very intriguing. Can't wait for #27.

Mind MGMT #27

Nov 23, 2014

Tons of story gets unloaded in this issue. We learn some interesting backstory and find out how Mind MGMT was formed (or is it all false?) This series is finally starting to pick up steam again.

Mind MGMT #28

Dec 3, 2014

Again, nice to see things rolling along. I really like the ending run this comic is on. Things are getting interesting. Can't wait to see how it all ends.

Mind MGMT #30

Feb 3, 2015

Very cool cover and green inner pages but as for the story...sure it really moves things along but for some reason it was so full of info it was a little hit and miss. Overall issue overall but for some reason wasn't the amazing issue it was probably meant to be.

Mind MGMT #33

Jun 16, 2015

One by one...they all fall down.

Mind MGMT #34

Jul 1, 2015

Mind MGMT #35

Sep 26, 2015

Mind MGMT #36

Sep 26, 2015

Mirror #1  
Moonshine (2016) #1  
MPH #3

Oct 15, 2014

Robin Hood on speed pretty much sums up this issue. The crew gets down to business and starts tearing the rich fat cats a new one. And just when they think they have it all figured out, there's a little hiccup. Overall, this was a fun issue. Definitely recommended to fans of Millar.

Munchkin #1

Feb 16, 2015

I'm not really familiar with the Munchkin world but overall as comic it was decent. Nothing great but easy enough to get through.

Mythic #1  
Nailbiter: Nailbiter / Hack/Slash #1

Mar 7, 2015

Actually ended up really enjoying this one-shot. It wasn't incredible by any means but it was definitely a decent read and worth a purchase (although the price felt a little steep but I was at least glad I liked it after paying that much for the issue.) I have never really read any Hack/Slash but this got my interest level up for the series.

Nameless #1

Feb 5, 2015

Not bad but just a little too "out there" for my taste. Has potential but issue #1 wasn't the killer story I was hoping for.

Nameless #2

Mar 9, 2015

The good news is I enjoyed #2 better than #1. The bad news its still a bit over my head but we're moving in the right direction.

No Mercy #1

Apr 4, 2015

Good setup. Interesting drama. Slight hint of mystery. Overall I enjoyed the ride. May keep an eye on this one.

Nonplayer #1

Jun 15, 2015

It just wasn't for me and nothing really happened to get me excited about the plot or care about the characters. Not horrible but not my cup of tea.

Oblivion Song #1  
Oddly Normal #1

Sep 17, 2014

This first issue had a nice setup as we get to meet our main character and the hardships of her daily life. The telling is a little slow but has a few "oddities" that I'm sure are a hint of what's to come. Overall not spectacular but for the right audience this may be a fun ride.

ODY-C #1

Nov 28, 2014

To quote Seinfeld "it's not you, it's me." I couldn't (and quickly didn't want to) make sense of this comic. I've read difficult comics before and ended up liking them occasionally but this one just made it overly difficult on many levels that it was almost impossible to get through...for me. I see some people liked it and I think it's great but it's just not a good fit...for me.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #3

Aug 30, 2014

I'm a big Kirkman fan but Outcast #3 missed the mark a bit for me. The interactions on their own merit were fine but honestly it's just a little confusing popping from scene to scene. You can tell some big things are in store in the future but the storytelling style is still too jumbled for my current taste.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #4

Sep 28, 2014

This issue really had a nice pace and slowly, but methodically, reveals more about our main character, but even more about a few more strange situations of people not really acting like themselves. The last page is a nice little nugget and creepy cliffhanger of what we can hopefully expect in issue #5. This issue really helped get things on track and kept me wanting to learn more.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #5

Nov 22, 2014

Creepy, creepy, creepy. This was a nice issue with a nice pacing and tense scenes that are always welcome. I hope the series keeps this tone and pace up for future installments.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #6

Jan 5, 2015

This issue was a standout from other issues. Clean storyline. Questioned answered. Potential for future craziness. Hope they all start to take shape like this.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #7

Mar 23, 2015

Nothing really happens in this issue. It's not horrible but don't expect a whole lot of story or action. This one put on the breaks a bit.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #8

May 11, 2015

A nice progression in the story. Looking forward to the next issue and the hunt for the runaway girl.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #9

Jun 3, 2015

More good stuff and the story is moving right along. I hope we get more and more answers.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #10

Jul 4, 2015

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #11

Aug 11, 2015

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #12

Sep 23, 2015

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #13

Dec 17, 2015

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #14

Jan 5, 2016

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #15

Mar 30, 2016

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #16

Jul 24, 2016

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #17

Jul 24, 2016

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #18

Jul 24, 2016

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #19

Mar 15, 2017

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #20

Mar 16, 2017

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #21

Mar 16, 2017

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #22

Mar 17, 2017

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #23

Mar 17, 2017

Paper Girls #1  
Past Aways #1

Apr 6, 2015

I usually like Kindt but this just felt off. Too much explanation for things when it wasn't needed and characters that are hard to like so far. Also not a fan of the art. Hopefully some people out there will enjoy it though.

Penny Dora & The Wishing Box #1

Nov 18, 2014

This is a sweet simple story that is different than most comics because of the absence of gore, profanity and all the charming things you find in most Image comics recently. Is the story great? Well, it's decent with some cute scenarios and imagery but it's nothing to get too excited about...yet. It's a decent start to a new beginning series.

Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #1  
Pisces #1

May 3, 2015

It started out promising. Great art. An interesting scene...but then things just went haywire. Not bad necessarily but just too confusing to care about. Once things are explained it may be upgraded but for now it's just a cluttered mess.

Plutona #2  
Postal #1

Feb 4, 2015

Wasn't sure about this one at first but at the end it kind of left me with a "True Detective" meets "The Leftovers" vibe. Better than expected.

Power Lines #1  
Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 13, 2014

A nice setup to, what looks like, a good story. The first issue is a little wordy and doesn't really have any action but you can tell the next issue may be a little more adventurous.

Punks: The Comic #1

Oct 8, 2014

If you like this type of comedy (Feels very British. Almost like a comic version of the show The Young Ones) you'll probably really enjoy this book. BUT if you don't like it there really aren't many redeeming qualities to make this worth a purchase. The art style is very fun and creative but again it all gets a little old if you don't like random, oddball comedy.

Rasputin #1

Oct 29, 2014

Simple first issue. And honestly, I think it helped me take in the world of Rasputin. Some harsh scenes. Some surprising scenes. Overall a decent start to what may be stellar series.

Rat God #1

Feb 4, 2015

Bought it because of the cover but was surprised to see the actual art style in the book (seemed a bit rough around the edges) Thr story and characters are alright but nothing really intriguing happens and overall it's just a decent debut.

Rat Queens #8

Oct 7, 2014

Nothing too crazy in this issue but enough to give you some nice character development and even a little chuckle or two. And even though there were a couple ladies that are too hairy for my taste, I rather enjoyed this little story. Now hopefully next week will pack in some adventure for a nice change of pace.

Rat Queens #9

Mar 10, 2015

Cool battle scene in the end. Just wish I could figure out what happened at the beginning.

Rat Queens #10

May 4, 2015

I must just be getting too old to remember everything going on in Rat Queens. Thai issue seemed to jump around a bit and I was lost in several sections. I wanted to love it but overall I have to lower my grade a bit for the jumping around on the story.

Rat Queens #11

Sep 14, 2015

Rat Queens #12

Nov 17, 2015

Rat Queens #13

Dec 21, 2015

Rat Queens: Braga #1

Jan 17, 2015

For a one-shot it does a good job of conveying a new confined story that ends up having a side story that many will find sympathetic to modern day problems. Overall I enjoyed the issue but wasn't overwhelmed by it. A nice compact story with some interesting points. Looking forward to the regular story kicking back in next issue.

Red One #1

Mar 21, 2015

Incredible art. A protagonist that has some interesting story points. And a plot that lends to wondering how things will progress. Overall, I really enjoyed Red One.

Renato Jones: The One % #1  
Ringside #1  
Roche Limit #1

Sep 24, 2014

I'm giving this title a 7 pretty much just based on personal tastes. The art is good. The storytelling good just didn't draw me in like I wanted. The intellectual bend is intriguing and the space element of the story has potential but I just didn't feel a connection with the title so far. Maybe if I had some "Recall" I'd like it better.

Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1  
Rot & Ruin #1

Sep 12, 2014

Nothing new in this new series that we haven't seen before. That's not to say its bad, because it's not, but so far it is your typical zombie apocalypse story. Granted, it's just the first issue so hopefully a few new twist and turns start to pop up in future issues.

Royal City #1  
Rumble #1

Dec 21, 2014

I'm not sure exactly what happened in this issue...but I liked it. The art is definitely my style and the mysterious story had my attention. There is a chance that it may evolve to something that ends up turning my off but right now I'm going to grab #2 when it releases.

RunLoveKill #1

Apr 15, 2015

The thing is...I loved the art. I really wanted to like it but it just kinda tells a story (so far) that feels dated and stale. Nothing really grabbed me. Although it wasn't horrible. Definitely had some decent moments. Overall, not a real good start.

Saga #22

Sep 1, 2014

Great drama. Tension on almost every page. And an ending cliffhanger to keep you waiting by your pull box to see what happens. Overall solid issue.

Saga #23

Oct 1, 2014

Good things are happening in SAGA. And by good I mean good for the readers. Things are progressing. Things are happening. Characters are in dramatic situations. Choices must be made. This issue is a great read and is a great new addition to the SAGA story to get you hungry for more.

Saga #24

Nov 10, 2014

Not the best issue but nonetheless a solid outing for BKV and the Saga team. Sex, violence and odd creatures. All the staples of SAGA and this issue doesn't disappoint.

Saga #25

Feb 7, 2015

Not my favorite issue but definitely still good enough to carry the SAGA name. Great art as always and some story elements to push things along. Ready for a big battle soon.

Saga #27

Apr 20, 2015

Great art as always and a nice (and trippy) backstory of Marko. Not the best issue of SAGA but still very solid.

Saga #28

May 19, 2015

Maybe not the best issue of all time but the story is still going strong and the drama is getting thicker and thicker.

Saga #29

Jun 23, 2015

Saga #30

Jul 19, 2015

Saga #31

Dec 15, 2015

Saga #32

Jan 5, 2016

Saga #33

Feb 22, 2016

Saga #34

Jul 17, 2016

Saga #35

Jul 17, 2016

Saga #36

Jul 17, 2016

Saga #37

Mar 14, 2017

Saga #38

Mar 14, 2017

Saga #39

Mar 15, 2017

Saga #40

Apr 2, 2017

Saga #41

Apr 2, 2017

Saga #42

Apr 3, 2017

Savior #1

Apr 10, 2015

The art is absolutely beautiful in the series. The story is pretty good too. This may end up on my pull list if it's able to keep it up the next few issues.

Secret Identities #1

Feb 21, 2015

Is there anything special about this first issue? No. Is there anything worth reading then? Maybe. It has decent characters and a few twists but nothing out of the comic world norm. Hopefully it will surprise us but for now it just an average read.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #1  
She Wolf #1  
Southern Bastards #4

Sep 4, 2014

Wow, what an issue! A major battle takes place that almost had me cheering. It's only issue 4 and it feels like we already hit a huge climax. If this is what happens this early in the series, I can't wait to see where it's going. Great read!

Southern Bastards #5

Nov 8, 2014

Loving this series. Not sure exactly what's drawing me in but it plays out so smoothly...warts and all. If you ever want an example of great character development then this is your book. Can't wait to see what shocking thing happens next.

Southern Bastards #6

Dec 13, 2014

I'm still really loving this series! The way it's changed over to the Coach's story hasn't slowed it down a bit. And it feels extra odd actually feeling sorry for the same guy you hated just a few issues back. Great read.

Southern Bastards #7

Feb 15, 2015

This series is on fire. It tells its story so well you can't help but have your heart and soul affected. Sometimes it's tragic. Sometimes oddly uplifting. One of the best comics out there.

Southern Bastards #8

Apr 5, 2015

Wow, I love this title and this issue is about as hard hitting as they come. This is one of the few series I honestly look forward to reading.

Southern Bastards #9

Jun 20, 2015

Solid as always. One of the best series out there today.

Southern Bastards #10

Aug 1, 2015

Southern Bastards #11

Oct 19, 2015

Southern Bastards #12

Nov 29, 2015

Southern Bastards #13

Feb 21, 2016

Southern Bastards #14

Jul 10, 2016

Southern Bastards #15

Nov 27, 2016

Southern Bastards #16

Mar 1, 2017

Southern Bastards #17

Jan 13, 2018

Southern Bastards #18

Jan 13, 2018

Southern Bastards #19

Jun 9, 2020

Southern Bastards #20

Jun 9, 2020

Southern Cross #1

Mar 15, 2015

Not the greatest #1 but good enough to set up a story that has some mystery and intrigue. The only real downside is I'm guessing it will take a while to get to the bottom of the mystery and we'll have to read a lot of filler in the meantime.

Spook House #1  
Spread #2

Aug 30, 2014

The story keeps motoring forward as we meet a few new characters and again see what baby Hope is capable of. The art direction is rough and full of character and the story is still simple but has enough teeth to it to keep you wanting more. This series still looks to have a lot of potential and I'm definitely looking forward to #3.

Spread #3

Sep 11, 2014

Again, Spread is trucking right along and we learn a little bit more about the strange Spread world and even hear NO say a little more than his one word answer. The new characters are extreme and insane along with the action. Get on board now because Spread is living up to the hype so far.

Spread #4

Nov 5, 2014

Wow, I am really loving this title. Just when you thought things couldn't get more're proven wrong. What a crazy issue with gore, action and a cliffhanger to whet your appetite for issue 5. Bring on the madness!

Spread #5

Jan 21, 2015

Not as good as past issues but still a nice read. The biggest problem though was it has been so long since the last issue the beginning was very confusing trying to remember the past. Hopefully future issues don't lag like this one.

Spread #6

Mar 18, 2015

Plenty of action and bloody panels in this new issue. Plus some huge shocking twist and turns mixed in for good measure. Another good issue worth reading if your tummy can handle it.

Spread #7

May 2, 2015

A character backstory issue but thankfully it's for a character that is interesting enough to carry an issue of his own. Not to mention a nice juxtaposition of then and now.

Spread #9

Sep 22, 2015

Spread #10

Oct 22, 2015

Spread #12

Feb 14, 2016

Spread #13

Feb 14, 2016

Spread #14

Jul 10, 2016

Spread #15

Mar 4, 2017

Spread #16

Mar 5, 2017

Spread #17

Mar 5, 2017

Spread #18

Mar 5, 2017

Spread #19

Mar 9, 2017

Spread #20

Apr 4, 2017

Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 21, 2015

Good start to the SW series. Jason Aaron has a very reader friendly style and the art stays close to the characters we all know and love.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Mar 15, 2015

Good to see the gang back in action. Nice artwork and a story that goes back to the good ole days. This comic will not fail you.

Star Wars: Princess Leia #1

Apr 1, 2015

Not too bad. Decent art. The start of a decent story arc but...nothing really special yet.

Starlight #6

Oct 29, 2014

Nice ending to a nice series. Overall there was nothing mind-blowing or new or fresh in the story but it did have a sweetness to it that didn't make hearing a storyline you may be already familiar with hard to read through. In fact it's simplicity actually boosted this title for me.

Starve #1  
Strange Sports Stories #1

Mar 27, 2015

It started off okay but soon went downhill. With the uneven stories and high cover price may have to skip this one.

Sundowners #1

Sep 12, 2014

Not a bad first outing for Sundowners. The characters seem interesting enough. The story has a nice hint of mystery to it. Not completely in love with ithe ssue but it did have an overall good flow and tone to it. Issue 2 will help solidify the future of this title and if it's pull list worthy.

Switch #1  
Symmetry #1  
Tales Of Honor: Bred To Kill #1  
The Autumnlands #1

Nov 6, 2014

I wasn't sure about this story at first. After a few pages I wasn't really excited about what I was reading. BUT it then started to grow on me and grow on me. By the end it had redeemed itself and made me realize this was better than most #1s. Great art too. This title has definite potential.

The Autumnlands #2

Dec 24, 2014

I don't know why really but this issue really lost me for the series. I enjoyed #1 but this one seemed a bit clunky and just odd in places. I don't think its bad but I just think it's going to end up going to places I don't really care about.

The Beauty #1  
The Covenant #1  
The Discipline #1  
The Dying and the Dead #1

Feb 1, 2015

I've never been a big fan of Hickman but this series is actually better than I thought it would be. Sure, it's a lot to take in and filter through (setup wise) but overall a decent start to a new story.

The Empty #1

Feb 13, 2015

Nice art. Easy to follow story. A potential interesting adventure involving the roots. I see real potential in this title.

The Empty #2

Apr 4, 2015

I have to admit I actually like the simple story and characters in The Empty. Nothing too overwhelming or in your face. Just a nice smooth ride so far.

The Fade Out #1

Aug 30, 2014

I really like the simplicity of this first issue. Easy to follow. Characters that are unique to each other (complete with a great character glossary at the beginning). And a story that has a few fun twist and turns but doesn't get too crazy and confusing. Hopefully this all stays true to the entire series run.

The Fade Out #2

Oct 3, 2014

Another solid issue in this new series. We get some good backstory and meet a few more players in this mystery. (I love the character glossary at the beginning) And a really cool extra is a report on "Fatty" Arbuckle added to the end of the comic. This series has serious potential. Hop on board now and soak it in.

The Fade Out #3

Nov 13, 2014

Not extremely excited but a solid read nonetheless. We see the struggles of recasting a new actress and the drama that happens backstage. Perhaps, maybe my favorite part was the Laba Turner story in the back. Nice addition to a nice series.

The Fade Out #4

Jan 10, 2015

Another solid issue that inches the story forward and we get a glimpse of what's to come. Nothing fancy. Nothing crazy. Just solid storytelling.

The Fade Out #5

Apr 19, 2015

Well written and drawn along with some nice story lines. My only complaint is the way the story unfolds it jumps around a bit which makes it kinda confusing at times.

The Fade Out #6

May 30, 2015

A well written story that delivers a nice touch of the olden days.

The Fix #1  
The Goddamned #1  
The Humans #1

Nov 17, 2014

Not the best #1 I I've ever read and not the most original either. But I can't hate on it too much. It was simple in a decent way and easy to make it to the end. Maybe a bit too vulgar for some but for now I'm more optimistic than negative on this one.

The Legacy Of Luther Strode #1

Apr 12, 2015

Fantastic art in this new Luther strode series. Although it's a little hard to follow in some of the action scenes, overall it's a gun start.

The Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars #1

Mar 24, 2015

I'm not usually a fan of Hickman, but this one seemed to be okay. A fun little story that isn't too complicated and frustrating and even has a few smirks along the way. Better than expected. (But no masterpiece either)

The Paybacks #1  
The Surface #1

Mar 14, 2015

I don't totally hate this title but it just felt it was trying too hard. I know things will probably be cleared up and some of life's questions may be answered but it just wasn't an enjoyable or satisfying read.

The Tithe #1

Apr 16, 2015

Kind of a surprise. I like the Robin Hood aspect mixed with a bit of mystery and crime. This new series feels a little fresher than most new series coming out these days.

The Violent #1  
The Walking Dead #131

Sep 13, 2014

Nothing big to report in this issue. It does some character building and slowly forwards the story. Hopefully it's setting up some big events in the future.

The Walking Dead #132

Oct 5, 2014

This is a quick read BUT wow does it pack a punch. There is a nice juxtaposition between two moments in time but what we see at the end is a nice exclamation mark and wanted change in story. This issue is simply "short and sweet".

The Walking Dead #133

Nov 7, 2014

Not too much action but it still keeps your interest by filling in some story lines and continuing to keep us teased with the new bunch of deadheads floating around and hunting them.

The Walking Dead #134

Nov 17, 2014

Killer issue! Whisperers. Crazy Carl. Kung-fu fightn'. Nice mix of action, adventure and cliffhangers.

The Walking Dead #135

Dec 14, 2014

Good issue. We see some aftermath of the Carl/Sophia episode and we get to see what was hiding under the captured masked fake walker. And after reading the last page, it looks like walkers aren't the biggest thing to worry about anymore.

The Walking Dead #136

Jan 17, 2015

Solid issue but not amazing. Adds some tension to the story with some big future plot points being discussed but overall not too much happens this issue. Still worth a purchase though.

The Walking Dead #137

Feb 14, 2015

Another solid issue...with one of the most disgusting pages at the end I've ever seen in TWD. And it doesn't even involve walkers. Bleh..,

The Walking Dead #138

Mar 15, 2015

Solid issue filled with some nice storyline progression. And an ending that will make 139 worth looking forward to.

The Walking Dead #139

Mar 29, 2015

Things stall a bit here. It's not horrible. You get some character growth but not enough to make this issue anymore than a dull bump on the Walking Dead radar.

The Walking Dead #140

Apr 8, 2015

After the last page cliffhanger it looks like things just got turned up a notch. Ooohhhhh boy.

The Walking Dead #141

May 24, 2015

Kind of a letdown of an issue. And the fact Negan stayed in jail makes no sense to me. I'd rather him cause chaos again for a bit.

The Walking Dead #142

Jun 27, 2015

The Walking Dead #143

Jul 5, 2015

The Walking Dead #144

Jul 12, 2015

The Walking Dead #145

Aug 25, 2015

The Walking Dead #146

Sep 22, 2015

The Walking Dead #147

Oct 26, 2015

The Walking Dead #148

Nov 29, 2015

The Walking Dead #149

Jan 9, 2016

The Walking Dead #151

Feb 21, 2016

The Walking Dead #152

Apr 26, 2016

The Walking Dead #153

Apr 26, 2016

The Walking Dead #154

Jul 9, 2016

The Walking Dead #155

Jul 9, 2016

The Walking Dead #156

Jul 9, 2016

The Walking Dead #157

Oct 17, 2016

The Walking Dead #158

Oct 17, 2016

The Walking Dead #159

Oct 17, 2016

The Walking Dead #160

Nov 27, 2016

The Walking Dead #161

Feb 27, 2017

The Walking Dead #162

Feb 27, 2017

The Walking Dead #163

Feb 28, 2017

The Walking Dead #164

Feb 28, 2017

The Walking Dead #165

Mar 21, 2017

The Walking Dead #166

Jul 1, 2019

The Walking Dead #167

Jul 1, 2019

The Walking Dead #168

Jul 2, 2019

The Walking Dead #169

Jul 2, 2019

The Walking Dead #170

Jul 3, 2019

The Walking Dead #171

Jul 3, 2019

The Walking Dead #172

Jul 3, 2019

The Walking Dead #173

Jul 3, 2019

The Walking Dead #174

Jul 4, 2019

The Walking Dead #175

Jul 4, 2019

The Walking Dead #176

Jul 5, 2019

The Walking Dead #177

Jul 5, 2019

The Walking Dead #178

Jul 6, 2019

The Walking Dead #179

Jul 6, 2019

The Walking Dead #180

Jul 6, 2019

The Walking Dead #181

Jul 6, 2019

The Walking Dead #182

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #183

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #184

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #185

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #186

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #187

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #188

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #189

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #190

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #191

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #192

Jul 7, 2019

The Walking Dead #193

Jul 7, 2019

They're Not Like Us #1

Dec 28, 2014

Can't really complain about anything in this issue. Decent story. Potentially interesting characters. But nothing really grabbed me and caused me to really care yet. I know it's just issue #1 but it just kinda felt like more of the same but with different names for the characters. Maybe it will surprise me and be great but right now it's just "so-so".

Throwaways #1  
Wayward #1

Aug 30, 2014

Didn't really know what to expect from this title but it pleasantly surprised me in drawing me into the story, that towards its conclusion became both exciting and admittedly weird. Not 100% sure I'll stick with this title but for a blind buy and read it really was much better than most #1s I run across.

We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 4, 2015

We Stand On Guard #2

Sep 14, 2015

Wolf #1  
Wytches #1

Oct 17, 2014

Great first issue. The opening scene was a perfect setup to expect the unexpected in this series. I liked the art. The characters. The mystery. It is a bit hardcore on all levels but seeing as it's a mature title I guess that is to be expected. I think this may have to be added to my pull list. Really am intrigued to see where this story is going.

Wytches #2

Nov 12, 2014

I think this issue was even creepier than the first. Good storytelling. Freaky happenings. And nice art all show up in this issue and help make this a new series with potential.

Wytches #3

Dec 22, 2014

There is some warped stuff in this issue. But along with the "out there" moments, there are also some nice mysterious moments. I'm really looking forward to getting some answers...I just hope we don't get strung along too long.

Wytches #4

Feb 6, 2015

I know this issue is getting good reviews but honestly I found it good but very confusing. Not sure if I'm just having an off day with making sense of it all or if the transitions are too jumpy but either way I hope #5 clears things up a bit.

Wytches #5

Mar 30, 2015

I guess I'm in the minority on this one. It was a decent issue but I feel it wasn't as complete as it could have been. I am looking forward to seeing the conclusion though. It's been an interesting ride.

Wytches #6

Jun 4, 2015

Nice twist and turns in this one. The action and revelations were really fun the watch unfold. Good stuff.

Reviews for the Week of...




