Rachit Mittal's Profile

Joined: Jul 01, 2021

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All-New Hawkeye #5  
Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #1

Aug 5, 2021

I like when non superpowered character are given a spin off comic. I actually loved that because we can delve into non superpowered aspect of world.

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #3

Aug 6, 2021

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #4

Aug 5, 2021

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #5

Aug 6, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #77

Oct 25, 2021


Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #500  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #60

Aug 13, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #68

Aug 12, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #71

Jul 28, 2021

Story is good and engaging. Keeps you hooked up. But this Federico team up on art, it just didn't suit the ASM. Spidey, Harry, MJ and Carlie were drawn kinda childish. Change of Artwork in between the issue, it angers me. It baffles me that ASM, flagship book of most popular Marvel Character, Spider-Man, doesn't have same level of Art. Too many Artist. Ugh Marvel.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #72

Aug 25, 2021

It is pretty evident that Norman Osborn made deal with Mephisto for his personal benefits. He wanted his Oscorp to grow. So he might have sold his son, Harry soul to Mephisto. This makes Spec 200 death even more hard. He became a good guy but his soul can't go to Valhalla or something. Right of Harry soul has been licensed to Mephisto. Man Osborn is literally worst Father. Having father like him is worse than having no father. By the way, Making a deal with devil to improve his life style in return of someone important to him is perfectly in the character. While in OMD, Peter making the deal, atleast IMO, is way out of his character. Parallel between two thing established. (Is he criticising Peter's characterisation during One More Day?) European House, Clone Tube,Sins refers to Stacy Twin(or maybe little May from Clone Saga too but seems unlikely). Harry getting to know about his father deal then his best friend deal. How their choices has affected his life. This hurts pretty much. The very person he considered family affected his life so much. Ruined his life. Disney and Norman can be compared. Both wanted to acquire what they wish for. Both can go to any extent. We don't know quite what dirty Disney does behind the scene.(I am pretty sure something Dirty Disney would be doing. They do make compromises.) But for Norman we know, he sold his child soul. Starting Dialogue of Kindred and Norman dealing parallel Nick Spencer dealing with Substack too. (Is he subtlety rationalising his deal with Substack even though we don't need it?) Harry isn't what we think. This is actually bothering me. Harry being Kindred is making sense very much now. How he got these demonic power? We may not get answer to this. I don't bother now. Please let it be Harry. I just hope that Kindred is Harry but something we haven't thought of is being revealed now. Maybe Harry himself is demon like Mephisto.(obviously less powerful than Mephisto.) Post OMD Harry is just good part of Harry being separated. Demonic Harry is actually angry that how he is not the one who is there with Liz and Normie. I don't think we can question on Harry love for Liz and Normie. He truly loved them. Art was preety good IMO. Looks little bit manga-ish which I liked. Art:7/10 Story:9/10 Spencer had huge pacing issue but he is good on characterisation and on plotting. I think there are 5 part of comic book writing: 1. Characterisation: 9/10 2. Deciding Plot: 8/10 3. Mapping: 4/10 4. Summarisation: 4.5/10 5. Scripting:7.5/10 Spencer needs to work 3 and 4 part.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 8, 2021

This is confusing because so much to grasp. It was good that I made a chart for Spencer run because during last remain I understood that it is going to be confusing which it did. So making a chart helped me to enjoy the issue much better and not been confused while first time reading. Sins Past gone. It's victory. If he retcons OMD too, then he is going to hailed for writing Spidey even though I would hail him even today but if he does that too then it's just fricking awesome. This makes Sarah and Gabriel interesting than before. And Spencer really tried to make sense in everything while making a retcon. This thing I liked. I thought most of writer don't even care for previous work before them much but he clearly does which is clearly be seen in his entirety of run. Looking at you, Cates who retconned Galactus origin and killed Galactus. Looking at you, Jason Aaron who retconned Thor mother as Phoenix without considering the fact that he himself wrote Phoenix dated Thor.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74

Sep 30, 2021

Ended not the way I expected but still a good ending. Mayday future of dethroning Mephisto was what I always imagined. Atlast it's canon now.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 6, 2021

Art was definitely good. But storytelling wise, it's just meh. IMO it's downstep from previous run starting point. I can't say for entire Beyond era at now. I think it is even a downstep from previous issue. Spencer starting point was so better than this. Ben Reilly looked like a corporate douchebag. I am gonna take away your mantle. I want you to be sidelined. You can't be Spider-Man. Instead of having Beyond Corporation agreeing on 3 Spider-Man in town, I will stop both of you from being Spider-Man. Atleast Miles didn't did this type of shit. In Clone Saga of 90s, Ben didn't wish to be Spider-Man at all. It was Peter who passed the mantle to him. Now he wants to. Yeah, he had a reasonable reason of Beyond Corporation but he wants Peter to stop whereas in Clone Saga of 90s, he didn't do anything like that. It was Peter himself who stopped being Spider-Man. Even in Revelation arc, Peter wanted to become Spider-Man again. He didn't want Peter not to return to Spider-Man. Kelly Thompson back up stories was quite boring. I expected much better work from her. Captain Marvel and Black Widow work for her is damn amazing. I want that level of work from her. Beyond Corporation is suspicious. How they knew Ben Reilly is Clone? Beyond Corporation ready to do anything to trademark Spider-Man. Then Ben got a radiation proof suit. Then Radiation based supervillain team, U-foes attacks. Why this seems like a planned? Beyond Corporation is very very suspicious.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #76

Oct 13, 2021

This was much better than previous issue. At last, Ben was Ben I knew. My suspicions on Beyond Corporation is growing. What are they upto? Truly excited for next issue with Kelly Thompson.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #77

Oct 27, 2021

Great. As expected from Kelly Thompson. Art sometimes feels off. One thing that's bothering me is if MJ called everyone that means she called Fantastic Four. Reed can solve anything. He can obviously solve this. They didn't have much going on. It's just Johnny Problem but Peter appeared in FF latest issue. Maybe both aren't appearing in same sliding time. Sliding time sucks.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #78

Nov 10, 2021

Boring. The way Morbius was treated, it sucks. The MJ, Felicia and Peter part was real good. Scene would have much better with use of word "Friends" instead of love interest. Close Friends visiting is good. Have Betty and Flash appear too. It shows care one had for their friends. Jonah, Robbie, His father, Aunt Anna should also be there. What's point of building a relation between Peter and them when you aren't using them when they should be used? Art sucks here. I loved Sara Pichelli artwork during USM but here it sucks.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #78.BEY

Nov 17, 2021

Jed McKay is great. This issue expected good.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #79

Nov 24, 2021

Sorry for nitpicking. But one thing is bothering me constantly. Why Robbie, Peter's roommate, not showing to Hospital? If I got to know that My roommate, my friend is in coma, I am definitely going to pay a visit. Also for Jonah. Didn't Jonah think of Peter akin to son? He is also not showing here. I don't know I feel bothered by this. Did I need to suspend my belief to believe that it went off panel? Though I feel it should be shown on panel.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80

Dec 1, 2021

Issue was fun. Can't really say what they(Beyond) are planning. What's their secret motive? The most important sub plot I am interested in. Though Cody Ziglar used trope of Ben not being Spider-Man but he used in fun way.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80.BEY

Dec 8, 2021

Average Issue. Wierd Sexual Tendency between May and Otto. That was damn irritating. Edit:- I was feeling that I might have reviewed the issue unfairly because of wierd tendencies. So I decided to give issue a re read. Now I really felt that I need to decrease my rating but I am not decreasing it further. So Beyond Corporation took over Parker Industries remnants. Cool. Now This Beyond saga could might have been interesting to me if it was Peter with few changes here and there. Like Peter dealing with ramifications of PI era. Like he didn't dealt with PI fall properly. So it is something he need to deal with immediately. I really like when side character or antagonist take a chair in story writing for a while instead of Protagonist but here it just didn't fit. It is just done in average issue. Like Tom Taylor in his FNSM run wrote an issue with MJ taking chair of story writing. It was much better than this. Or one of Hunted tie in which Gibbon taking chair of story writing. Even that was better than this. This just doesn't look as well written issue. Last two issue by Cody Ziglar was much better than this. Something off here about story writing.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #81

Dec 15, 2021

Miles Costume looks okay. Change the mask immediately. Colour Combination is good. Torso is good. Shirt meh. Mask wierd. Now coming to issue, Story wise nothing happening in Beyond. Seriously just giving reason not to read and hate Beyond even more. I hope I turn out wrong next issue. Just Narrative Driven stories with no character driven element. I think Beyond Saga is going to miss run on ASM. It has 7 issue + 2 dot issues. So far only Cody Ziglar Kraven Story was real hit imo. Other than all miss. Just borderline managing to be fun.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #82

Dec 22, 2021

Finally an issue worth it. Art was really good. Well complemented with Story which is kinda horror esque.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #83

Dec 29, 2021

Issue was good. Decent issue focussing on Peter. Largely disconnected with Beyond bigger plot. That's what I liked the most. It's disconnected with shitty Beyond Plot going on. What's with Spider Sense disguising as Web head in dream? Now Art, Colors in Real World Sequence looked a little bit off. In Dream Sequence, it was clean and simple. Great Pencils by Patrick Gleason. I am just iffy on Colors. I think Patrick Gleason is better as artist than writer. As for Beyond till now, it's just okay. Not so interested in Ben. Plot is just shit. Plain shit and Boring. No matter how disappointing Spencer run was at end, but it was much interesting than Beyond. I didn't like Slott characterisation much but still he wrote interesting stories until Spider Verse. But here, Interest is just decreases in Ben side. Still minor nitpicking, Why don't writer cleverly and logically use Supporting Character? There is Lack of Continuity. Peter and Randy were roommates before Beyond Saga. Why didn't Randy coming to see Peter? I mean Randy would obviously be knowing that Peter was in Coma. You just can't hide from your roommate. And he isn't coming. You know This is unbelievable. If I got to know that my friend is in Hospital and he is also my roommate, you know I am definitely going to pay the visit. But here Writer are just stupid not to use Randy. Bullshit. Pure Bullshit. I dislike how Writer use character on their personl bias instead logically from continuity. There should be Jonah, Aunt Anna, Robertson family and few other more but it is Randy who is bugging me alot. I mean he is literally Roommate. Then not paying visit when Friend is in Hospital might be US Culture. In that case, I can't do anything.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #84

Jan 5, 2022

Ben just does what Beyond says. He seems more like Employee rather than hero. Otto's anger is justified. He built Parker Industries. Building a company is difficult task. It's huge risk. And getting to know thàt someone bought it for cheap, is just disheartening. Him going after Beyond is good progress. Atlast Progress in the Beyond Story or it seems so. At last Average Issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #85

Jan 13, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #86

Jan 19, 2022

It's good read. Nothing Special. But This do bring what I felt Beyond was lacking. I am not sold on Wells taking over ASM. I was hoping for MacKay. But I guess Time will tell.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #87

Jan 26, 2022

Peter training to get back being Spider-Man. Fun to read. Essence of Spider-Man lies in small stuff for me. I absolutely loved that MacKay was focussed on it. BagMan Mask with Animal Shirt. God best small stuff. I am call this now "Animalistic" Bag Man I know Wells is next writer. I hate it. I always wanted MacKay. MacKay just continue proving that He DESERVES a ASM run. I want him to write ASM and make it #1 book again.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88

Feb 2, 2022

Art looks bland here. Origin of Queen Goblin is nothing interesting neither unique. It's decent enough. Queen Goblin Design is decent. Now coming to main aspect of story, Beyond is typical Coglomerate. Buy or Exploit Laws. Beyond is clearly exploiting laws. Government gives pass whenever a Hero/Villain fight is involved. Beyond is just planning those attacks to cover themselves. Ben is just a Employee.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88.BEY

Feb 9, 2022

It's focussed on Beyond's Shady Side. I really like Hobby. Seeing him again was great. Last time I read about him was Taylor's FNSM. He got FairGray under him. Next Time,I am reading him and getting to know it's not under him makes me sad little bit. Seeing Ricochet suit was great addition. I really liked it when Peter wore it but now Slingers wear them. Not a big fan of them. I am really waiting for Beyond Conclusion. We know it's shady(right from Issue 75-76) but conclude it. TLDR: It's a fun issue which doesn't really add much to Main Story but it just delves more into what we already know.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #89

Feb 16, 2022

Mark Bagley and Patrick Gleason together. It was going to be great. Yeah it is. This Goblin Gaze is quite interesting. Solid Issues.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #90

Feb 23, 2022

It's great. Marvel really gonna have Brother esque relation between Ben and Peter. I thought they'll have them fight against each other instead of fighting alongside each other. Now It would be dream come true for me if I got to read miniseries where Ben, Peter and Kaine are teaming up. Had Brother esque relation.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #91

Mar 3, 2022

Okay issue. Poor Pacing. Art was decent. But feral lizard was good to see.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #92

Mar 9, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #92.BEY

Mar 16, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #93

Mar 30, 2022

I am quite conflicted on the issue. Felt it was decent ending. Art was quite decent throughout except one panel where Maxine face looked really wierd. I felt that Ben and Peter fight was very much immature and forced. I didn't felt that they had legitimate reason to fight. Thanks Zeb for reminding me why I am always so picky on Ben Reilly. It's fucking memories thing. Thanks for resolving it until next writer picks it up. Though If i remember correctly, Ben before his death during Clone Saga gave up on being Peter and memories(which were never his to begin with). But Zeb brought it back and did concluded it. That's good. I am conflicted on what Ben is gonna be as Chasm. Villain? Conflicted. Might like it if they didn't involved Memory thing. I think Ben as Hero is lost cause. If Zeb handled it better than Slott, I might stop being picky and might change my opinion on him. I was hoping that he would atlast forge his own path by end of run. He would atlast become his own hero. But it seems like there are two path Ben as character had: cheap 2nd grade Peter or memory cliche villain. End is definitely intriguing to check next run. But Still I am not interested in reading it since 'Peter did something', solicits, previews and most importantly art and lame idea of ASM#900.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Chameleon Conspiracy #1

Jul 1, 2021

Chameleon Conspiracy wasn't much bad but also much good. It is just meh in every aspect. The only Thing that is cool concept is Chameleon Program thing. I am rating this 7 majorly because I want to see Chameleon Program thing explored. That's a cool thing Spencer added. Last issue I thought it would be like Clone Conspiracy but for me it is better than that. I don't know why this was even named Chameleon Conspiracy when Peter and Chameleon fight we never got to see. Instead we get Teresa ignoring him. Though the panel between Teresa and Peter, I liked it. It is just that I really want my Peter to have a sister. But Marvel is giving me reason for not caring about her character. Though I also say that Marvel shouldn't introduce that in first place. But now they have included them they seriously need to build the brother-sister bond. Please Marvel, do it. This story could change the fact also that Peter's parent were spies which TBH I never liked. It was a mistake. They could address this by that. Even Sins Past could be addressed by that. This Chameleon Program thing can address things I don't liked very easily. For Teresa I feel they should show that Teresa is Peter's real sister who is trained to become a Chameleon. Richard-Mary kiled by two Chameleon after Teresa birth. Teresa handed to them. Ben-May never got to know about this because Real deal died. Fake deal became Spies/Double Agents. But killed when fake deal planned to tell the truth. I don't want another loved one being snatched from Peter again. That's a trap I don't like. Give Peter a loved one and then snatch it. That's what they do it with Peter. Don't want that to happen again.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 28, 2022

I wasn't planning to read it but God this is terrible. Bland Art. Forced Drama down to throat. Blatant Misunderstanding of Parker Luck. Digger, Tombstone thing is too bland. Not interested in whatever useless drama Wells had for MJ and Peter. May was super cringe in 2nd page of her scene. I first page everything was fine then she stood up and putting her hand above chest. That looked so cringe and crap. Art is just so fucking terrible. Bland.

Avengers (2018) #33  
Avengers: Tech-On #3

Oct 6, 2021

It's fun comic.

Avengers: Tech-On #4

Nov 11, 2021

Fun to read until Deus Ex Machina Black Panther came. I hope he wouldn't came as Deus Ex Machina.

Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) #1

Jan 20, 2022

Did Marvel just confirmed that Peter MJ had child in Past? I thought OMD/OMIT retconned the Mayday out of mainstream Marvel universe. But it seems like miscarriage is still a part of their history. I think it's cool. Miscarriage was part of their history. An essential I consider. It matured both as character. Wow.

Beyond (2022): Mary Jane & Black Cat #1

Jan 26, 2022

I was cautious about this issue. I thought for a cat fight, they'll ignore Felicia and MJ interaction in past. Even if they are very less but still it is significant. MacKay didn't. All of this felt natural. Pep Talk between MJ and Black Cat felt real and Natural. Fun reading it. MacKay killing it.

Black Cat (2020): Infinity Score #1

Dec 8, 2021

Good Ending. Didn't expected cancer thing. Pretty surprised.

Black Widow (2020) #11

Sep 15, 2021

Black Widow (2020) #12

Oct 27, 2021

Great. Liked the art very much. Widow fighting style was quite great.

Black Widow (2020) #13

Jan 5, 2022

Pretty Good issue with great artwork.

Black Widow (2020) #14

Feb 25, 2022


Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #1  
Captain Marvel (2019) #31

Aug 11, 2021

Captain Marvel (2019) #33

Oct 6, 2021

Kelly Thompson writes a great Captain Marvel. She is damn amazing writer. She is able to keep me interested in Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel (2019) #34

Dec 1, 2021

Good issue. Enjoying Thompson run.

Captain Marvel (2019) #35

Jan 5, 2022

It's really great.

Carnage (2022) #1

Mar 23, 2022

Great isdue

Daredevil (2019) #33

Aug 13, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #34

Sep 8, 2021

Art was good. But this mentality that recid is given so that they don't come back is shit. What's with Cole? I get all police officer aren't good. But still only way to do good is bust out cops. What about actual criminals? Arresting them is not the way to do good. What about helping people while Superhero fights super villain. Police can actually help Superheroes in saving. They can take casualties to hospital quickly. Have fast escape of people caught in between conflict. This thing is not been pointed out by Marvel and DC but police can really be help if they just step up and try writing police as also competent which some does write but some don't. It is also a way to do good if you want to do good. Just try to look around.

Daredevil (2019) #35

Oct 27, 2021

Okay. Fight sequence hard to follow but great fight sequence. I read the issue again. Again Stupidity from Chip Zdarsky. Here, Spidey was wrong. I agree Cops didn't do to stop Bullseye. But this stupid pep talk isn't justified either. DD ran from Prison. He is fugitive. Cops had order to arrest DD. That particular cop, who listened to Spidey' stupid pep talk was just following his order. Why he was put like he was wrong in following order? What a Bullshit. From when, following order became wrong? Even the order wasn't wrong. DD is superhero but it doesn't make him above law that law will start bending over his d**k. He ran from Prison. So he must be arrested like other people who ran from Prison. Why DD be treated differently than others? Is he above law? Oh, Matt Murdock, lawyer, already illegal Vigilante, now also thinks himself as superior to Law and everyone. Living in universe where Superhero thinks himself above law is hell. Superhero are curse rather than boon. Rating only for great Art. Writing sucks.

Daredevil (2019) #36

Dec 1, 2021

Art looks above average. Below good but above average. Somewhat in between. Story wise, I don't know what I feel. Mary and Fisk romance seemed wierd. Elektra Matt was good. What happened to Butch's mother? It got me excited for Devil's Reign. I don't know why but I am getting a feel that Devil Reign would be somewhat similar to Civil War with one change of Heroes vs Kingpin.

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1

Jan 13, 2022

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2

Feb 2, 2022

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #3

Mar 2, 2022

Dark Ages (2021) #1

Sep 2, 2021

Dark Ages (2021) #2

Oct 6, 2021

Interested how superheroes built a world without electricity. Getting a huge ancient era esque vibes. Pretty interested where it goes.

Dark Ages (2021) #3

Nov 17, 2021

It's great. Only minor problem, character who has pyrogenesis as superpower gets burned away by fire. Overloading of power killed him. Stupid. I love how he references Faraday law. Physics inside me: Secretly happy. Tom Taylor had mastered the ability to craft dystopia world.

Dark Ages (2021) #4

Jan 13, 2022

Dark Ages (2021) #5

Feb 23, 2022

The only thing that disappointed me so much, more than misleading cover, is Deadpool presence in DA. I don't really think Deadpool should be included. Series was going good but Deadpool... Deadpool works better in his own series than in anyone else or team up series.

Dark Ages (2021) #6

Mar 30, 2022

Fine issue. Lacklustre ending.

Darkhold (2021): Alpha #1

Sep 30, 2021

Meh. Not so interested where it goes. Marvel, atleast put efforts to have us interested. Why getting so lazy?

Darkhold (2021): Spider-Man #1

Dec 22, 2021

Whenever you want kinda guilt-responsibiliy issue, drag Gwen and have BS story built. Literally whatever Peter did in this issue was entirely BS. Art was only bit interesting here.

Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 8, 2021

It's Civil War 3 or Dark Reign 2 whatever you wish to say. Heroes Bad. Hire Villain. It's same just Kingpin va Heroes with DD being Centre figure. Let's see how it turns out.

Devil's Reign (2021) #2

Dec 29, 2021

Art is great. Though it looks like taking elements from Dark Reign, which I liked the most. Sk far it ks going great. Luke as Mayor. I knew it. Luke would run as Mayor. Tony will fund it. Checchotto art was f**King amazing. It's visually great.

Devil's Reign (2021) #3

Jan 26, 2022

Seems like Toned down Civil War. Did Zdarsky killed Foggy? That's sad. Anyways let's get to next point. I am really digging the art. It's good.

Devil's Reign (2021) #4

Feb 9, 2022

Pacing is slow here. It focusses on what needs to be focussed upon. Fisk view on Power is great to be focussed upon. Marco Chechetto is killing on Art. It's great how he draws Doc Ock, Fisk and others. I felt Foggy died in last issue but he didn't. It's relief.

Devil's Reign (2021) #5

Mar 9, 2022

Everything in comic except DD senseless lecture of heroes not killing villain.

Devil's Reign (2021) #6

Apr 6, 2022

Ending of Event that lands well. Hmmm. Enjoyed The Event. Art is absolutely Gorgeous. BTW, Chechetto never ceases to amaze me by how gorgeous she draws Elektra. Excited for Relaunch. Though don't really understand why but excited to read what comes next with Fist, Hand, Daredevil. Would Chip use Punisher in next run as he is also associated with Hand currently, I wonder. 🤔🤔

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #1

Jan 13, 2022

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #2

Feb 16, 2022

Boring. Otto Doom, Otto Banner, Otto Parker, Otto Ghost Rider, and so on list will continue increasing. For every Marvel Character, there is a reality where Otto or Gwen is that character.

Eternals (2021) #11

Apr 13, 2022

Must be hard to lose faith in Your Gods for Ajak.

Eternals (2021): The Heretic #1  
Extreme Carnage (2021): Riot #1  
Fantastic Four (2018) #1

Aug 4, 2021

Fantastic Four (2018) #19

Aug 4, 2021

Now Reed was correct all along. Doom was also proven correct all along IIRC. So no one is wrong. Everyone is correct. Why do they had to changed their origin?

Fantastic Four (2018) #26

Aug 3, 2021

Fantastic Four (2018) #29

Aug 3, 2021

There is fine difference between being a jerk and being careful about something. Sue was written as jerk not as careful big sister and kinda mother. I get it why she doing that. But way she is written doing makes her a jerk. I get that Sue is having her doubt on Soulmate Thing but Johnny is also an adult. She should be written as careful sister but not as sister who is spying on her adult brother.

Fantastic Four (2018) #30

Aug 3, 2021

I don't think I should compare between writers of two books I am always most excited for. FF and ASM. Slott tried to advance his plot with being a tie in King in Black. Spencer also tried to advance his plot with being a tie in of Absolute Carnage. But Spencer succeeded. Not much happened but we got the connection. Here not much happened other than every character showing their jerk side. Worthless. If I know about this before I read this issue, I would never touched this issue.

Fantastic Four (2018) #31

Aug 3, 2021

Art is mostly amazing throughout out the run. But writing goes up and down. But this is definitely up from previous awful issue. I liked Johnny being written as Responsible Guy. I get why Sue is anxious about Franklin. But again she was gonna spy. It is good that Johnny stopped her. That's not a good sign of parenting, Sue Storm Richards. Talk with your kids and give him a space too. Not much good parenting from one side is enough. Don't do it from both the side. And about best part, Ben and Reed. Amazing. Thought Space.

Fantastic Four (2018) #32

Aug 4, 2021

I thought Johnny Character development. Ugh No. I really liked Johnny and Sky. Sky looked real awesome. Never mind. Comicbookroundup, kindly give us option of rating a book 0.5 or 0.

Fantastic Four (2018) #33

Aug 4, 2021

Mehhhh issue. One time read.

Fantastic Four (2018) #35

Sep 15, 2021

First Story was mediocre. It is just wierd filler between Bride of Doom story and Reckoning War event. And WTH. Reed also has long sister. So first Tony had long lost brother and he was adopted. After that Peter had a long lost sister. Hank Pym had a long lost daughter. Thor also got a long lost sister,Angela. Now it's time for Reed to have long lost sister. I wonder who's next? Back Up Story was quite good and charm of issue. Most of writer don't focus on Johnny efforts in controlling over fire. That's second time I remember this has been put to focus. Ben issue was focussed on. Reed and Sue don't have power that directly puts anyone close to them in danger. Ben, due to his look, faces issues. He has been called Monster. But this was focussed on. But for Johnny, only time it was focussed when Sue and Johnny exchanged the power. That Galactus storyline. Though it's exactly on same line. But I like putting this. I didn't liked JRJR art in the issue.

Fantastic Four (2018) #36

Sep 22, 2021

Fantastic Four (2018) #37

Oct 21, 2021

Fantastic Four (2018) #38

Dec 1, 2021

I can't say why I kept reading the book even though prior to this, I found it not worth it. But this issue was fun. It was good.

Fantastic Four (2018) #39

Jan 13, 2022

Uhh, Johnny characterization were little off but art was good. Dialogue were ok. Trauma Franklin makes sense.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #1

Aug 5, 2021

Art: Good Story:Good. Mary Jane and Peter story was amazing. I liked this alot.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #11

Aug 5, 2021

Future Foundation (2019) #4

Aug 5, 2021

Future Foundation (2019) #5

Aug 5, 2021

Hulk (2021) #2

Dec 15, 2021

It was fun to read. Had Fun. Stage Fights of Hulk were great. But what is this with "Deal with Devil" phrase? This part is pissing me off for unknown reason. Wherever I hear this phrase, it just piss me a lot. I am still nitpicking about Character Development of Immortal Hulk. Though I knew it was gonna happen. But still feeling bad about it. Art was good. Ryan Ottley is great artist. His Pencils looks great imo.

Immortal Hulk #49

Aug 8, 2021

Immortal Hulk #50

Oct 14, 2021

Great issue. The only disappointment I had is Green Scar and Devil Hulk not present here. I liked one thing very much. Instead of trying to give more powerful Hulk, Al Ewing tried to give a balanced Hulk. Balance Hulk System. Banner, Savage Hulk, Joe Fixit at peace. I think Al Ewing really adores Peter David run on Hulk. Peter David also tried to give a balanced Hulk by merged Hulk which later retconned into Proffessor Hulk persona by Paul Jenkins. Al Ewing did in much better way than David. Al Ewing here is just great. Though I think Ewing uses so much expositional dialogue in most of his work but here it is not much and also it works.

Immortal Hulk: Great Power #1  
Immortal She-Hulk #1

Nov 19, 2021

I was just reread Immortal Hulk so I read this too. Mr Ewing did a cunning retcon. It's hard to notice.

Iron Man (2020) #14

Nov 28, 2021

Iron Man (2020) #15

Dec 22, 2021

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #28

Aug 7, 2021

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #29

Aug 11, 2021

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #30

Sep 30, 2021

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #32

Nov 10, 2021

Okay. Fun to read. Art was okay.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #33

Dec 15, 2021

Miles Costume here looks better than ASM book but still okay at best. Change the Mask immediately. Story wise it is better than ASM Beyond part. This is just a tie in. Tie in better than main story. Wierd. Glurppppp.

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Dec 3, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #2

Dec 3, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #3

Dec 3, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #4

Dec 3, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #5

Dec 3, 2021

Great. Loved every bit of it.

Moon Knight (2021) #6

Dec 22, 2021

Look at art by Alessando Capuccio. It's great. Clean and Sexy. Story is also great in itself. I am Moon Knight.

Moon Knight (2021) #7

Jan 19, 2022

Moon Knight (2021) #8

Feb 9, 2022

Another Great Issue by MacKay.

Moon Knight (2021) #9

Mar 2, 2022

Moon Knight (2021) #10

Apr 6, 2022

Just Amazing.

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #4

Aug 26, 2021

Bachalo art never got me. It's Spider-Man book. So I picked up all 4 issues but now I am feeling bad to have my money over this. Story didn't felt interesting much. Can this diagonal panelling end or not? It makes it uncomfortable to read IMO.

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #5

Sep 30, 2021

Boring. Please Marvel stop. Stop this book. Being a avid Spider-Man fans, I end up reading this shitty book. I don't want to read this. But "Spider-Man" written on book force me to read the book. I end up regretting it. Stop this shit. Art is so bland and boring. Chris Bachalo art never gets to my nerves. If you aren't stopping the book, then atleast stop this shit artwork. Please return to usual. This tilted panel is shit......

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #310  
Phoenix Song: Echo #1

Oct 21, 2021

It's not bad. It's not great either. Though predictable after one point in the issue but I wanted to know what heppen in future. Why was Forge even there? Just to get maya from one point to another. No significance. I would have given higher rating if Maya understand she needs to learn her power after the incident without Forge. I hate all those people who just came for free Advice. Forge was really one of those. He was an asshole here.

Red Goblin: Red Death #1  
Savage Spider-Man (2022) #1

Feb 2, 2022

It's continuation of Non Stop. Art here is much more bearable and interesting than Bachalo artwork in Non Stop. Looks Interesting as of now. Hope Story gets fleshed out next issue.

Sensational Spider-Man: Self-Improvement #1  
Shang-Chi (2021) #1

Sep 18, 2021

Shang-Chi (2021) #6

Nov 17, 2021

I like when character are in condition of moral choice. I like when it comes to choices a superhero make. This was enjoyable. Art was above average but nothing great. I don't know where book is going.

Shang-Chi (2021) #7

Jan 6, 2022

Great Artwork. Interesting Premise.

Silk (2022) #3

Mar 30, 2022

This is underrated miniseries.

Sinister War (2021) #1

Jul 14, 2021

Amazing Issue. Art was amazing by Mark Bagley. Starting was superb. Clear Reference to terrible storyline One More Day. It looks like this has Mysterio redemption as a subplot too. 'Devil taking her due'. What does Mephisto wants now? Is it MJ soul? It looks to me like that only. Like by coming back together they had violated the deal and MJ soul in danger. But we will get to know more in SW-2? Excited for SW 2!!!!!

Sinister War (2021) #2

Aug 7, 2021

Sinister War (2021) #3

Aug 18, 2021

I mean it's good. Action was cool to see. But what Kindred is actually wanna do? What's with DrS and Mephisto? What's with MJ and Kindred? All the questions are worrying me. I need answers. This would be recommended by me to all if he just nails the landing. Though there were multiple artist here but they were managed in a way that it doesn't hurt. It is like 90s Clone Saga to a extent but better. Questions are there but we have no answers. We need answers, Mr Spencer. ASM72,SW4, ASM73(aftermath),ASM74 all he had left. How will all the plot line be handled in just 3 issues.

Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 2, 2021

Art was good not great which I wanted. though I would prefer that only Mark Bagley (my favourite Spidey artist) only drawn the entire issue or two artist at most. Man, Boomerang died. I started to like the guy but he died. That sucks. But I like the fact he died on his own term with saving his friend. I liked the Doc Ock role here. But I felt Three teams, Savage Six, Sinister Six and Superior Foes would be enough instead of 6 teams. Morlun and Sin Eater and everyone else looked kinda forced. With 3 team, focus can be made them more which in turn would make it even better IMO. Now Kindred vs Spidey showdown is coming which I expected in this issue. Dr Strange and Mephisto conversation was quite interesting IMO. What does Mephisto mean by "He should celebrate small victories. I have big feeling big loss is imminent." What big loss is coming? "He is walking away from a fight where odds were devastating stacked against him." Why does this dialogue mirror something I wish to forget? Another week to wait for Kindred vs Spidey. This is part that sucks the most. Do someone agree with me that Spencer absolute best in Spidey was Last Remains and Hunted arc. They were Absolute best of his run. Sinister War started exciting but by the end it is lacklustre.

Sinister War Collected

Nov 24, 2021

Spider-Man & The X-Men #6  
Spider-Man / Fantastic Four #4  
Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

Aug 12, 2021

Only problem I have with this issue is Kingpin survival. It's plain stupidity. And faces were lacking emotions. Otherwise it is great. I think in the entire 5 issue series this was the weakest issue.

Strange (2022) #1

Mar 2, 2022

Great Issue by Jed MacKay as expected.

Strange (2022) #2

Apr 6, 2022

Superman vs. Lobo (2021) #2

Nov 11, 2021


Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Aug 10, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Sep 28, 2021

This is good. Art and Story telling is quite good. Politics is there but character development happened with it. I liked that Jon sided with refugees. I believe Refugees should be given shelter with all basic needs. Politics is not upto throat but it is very well written. Most of time I don't prefer politics and Comics because Politics is an absurd divisive topic which only spark controversies. I don't like controversial topic. But if it is involved then it should be in a way that it feels like this, good story telling with efforts.

Swamp Thing (2021) #11  
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #3

Sep 28, 2021

It's fun but something is missing.

Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #4

Oct 14, 2021

It's a little fun but not much fun. I hope this Symbiote Spider man series with Peter David ends after next issue. No More Symbiote Spider-Man. It's getting less and less fun with each issue.

Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #5

Nov 24, 2021

Not so Interesting. Felt like quality of content going down.

The Avenging Spider-Man #5  
The Death of Doctor Strange #1

Sep 22, 2021

We know that Dr Strange will return in few months. Character die and return. But if written correctly then it stands out at iconic. Hoping for this death to be iconic. I am interested in where it goes. Dr Strange Present died. Dr Strange from another time came. Dr Strange contingency plan for death.

The Death of Doctor Strange #2

Oct 20, 2021

Not bad. Not great. Interesting enough to keep me hooked up for book.

The Death of Doctor Strange #3

Nov 24, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange #4

Dec 29, 2021

Jed McKay as usual on fire. Great Storytelling. Atlast we know Murderer. Now Climax in Last issue. Bit slow this murder mystery was, but I'll pass it for great writing and art.

The Death of Doctor Strange #5

Jan 26, 2022

Solid. Excited for Jed MacKay on Clea.

The Death of Doctor Strange: Strange Academy Presents #1

Nov 3, 2021


The Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1

Nov 3, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1

Dec 1, 2021

Wow this week from Spidey office I was happy. It was fun. ASM 80 and this issue both was good. Black Cat and Ben Reilly banter looked cool. A Village without Doctor. The world don't know importance of doctor until he disappears. That was heartfelt. Doctor Strange trusted Spider-Man most because we all know he would do anything to deal with. Wow Ben really proved he can be Spider-Man in this book for me. Jed McKay came in one of options for ASM after Beyond arc ends(I hope day comes soon.) I wonder who should take over it? Chip Zdarsky or Jed McKay?

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #1

Sep 16, 2021

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #2

Sep 16, 2021

Art is quite good. Interesting. Fun. Does writer doesn't thought any other name than "MORE"? Naming seems lazy. WTH. More is wierd name.

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #3

Sep 16, 2021

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #4

Sep 16, 2021

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #5

Sep 16, 2021

The Thing (2021) #1

Nov 11, 2021


Thor (2020) #16

Aug 27, 2021

Okayish issue. Art was good. Story felt bit off. Let's see where it goes.

Thor (2020) #17

Sep 30, 2021

The only thing which I liked about the book was interaction between Freyja and Thor. It reminded me of Lord Krishna story.

Thor (2020) #18

Oct 20, 2021

It's okay.

Thor (2020) #19

Nov 24, 2021

Book getting track after a while. Art is great. What did you do, Mjolnir? What happened with you?

Thor (2020) #20

Jan 6, 2022

It's really great issue. I think Cates gonna retcon Aaron God Tempest BS or it is God Tempest angered from Eons of imprisonment. Latter is interesting.

Thor (2020) #21

Jan 26, 2022

Thor (2020) #22

Feb 17, 2022

So Donny Cates just retconned Stupid Aaron Retcon of Phoenix being Thor's Mother. It's good. I wasn't really interested in picking up but when I heard about retcon, I picked up. I loved it.

Thor (2020) #23

Mar 10, 2022

Venom (2011) #1  
Venom (2021) #1

Nov 10, 2021

Amazing Issue by Ram V and Al Ewing. Edit:- I think main villain(person with red eyes) is actually Eddie Brock from distant future who had mastered ability to flow through time. Future Eddie wants to Present Eddie to go on same path as him. In the way, he had neglected Dylan. He had lost his Human aspect. Story basic plot would be developing Dylan and Eddie bond. Present Eddie would understand from his future counterpart what wrong step he took on path of King in Black. By the end, Eddie would most likely renounce his King in Black Status. I think that red Symbiote is Carnage or he is going to be any kind of problem that will future Eddie face. Maybe Future Eddie time travelled to save himself from facing that issue. Present Eddie would stop that future from happening with renouncing King in Black Status.

Venom (2021) #2

Dec 1, 2021

I actually like this. Ram V on Dylan and Al Ewing on Eddie. Two writer two protagonist of series with one artist (hopefully Bryan Hitch stays like Ryan Stegman stayed on Venom). Story is interesting. I like that Venom Symbiote got identity. Identity similar to Eddie Brock.

Venom (2021) #3

Dec 22, 2021

Venom (2021) #4

Jan 20, 2022

Venom (2021) #5

Feb 17, 2022

In this issue, We had concept that are gonna be in this Run set up. But it's not like Immortal Hulk which was much more than Concepts. But I guess I should wait. I am definitely intrigued by these concept. What's gonna happen? I am missing Dylan side of story. Art: Bryan Hitch is great artist. No doubt, Art will be good.

Venom (2021) #7

Apr 13, 2022

It's good issue. Is that Eddie at last?

Vision Hardcover  
War Of The Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1  

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