mglsts's Profile

Joined: Mar 24, 2018

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Death Of The Inhumans #5 Nov 9, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) #10 Nov 9, 2018
Mr. and Mrs. X #4 Oct 30, 2018
Return of Wolverine #2 Oct 30, 2018
Sentry (2018) #5 Oct 30, 2018
What If? (2018): Ghost Rider #1 Oct 30, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) #9 Oct 30, 2018
Avengers (2018) #9 Oct 12, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #11 Oct 12, 2018
Spider-Geddon #1 Oct 12, 2018
Venom (2018) #7 Oct 12, 2018

After the amazing issue #4, this felt a bit weaker but still a solid ending to an interesting story arc.

Even in a slower issue with less action, there's still an intense atmosphere that can be felt throughout. This was a setup for what should be an action packed issue #7.

Solid wrap-up issue. Introduced some interesting changes to the Avengers status-quo, solidified the new team and sets up the next story arc.

I enjoyed this, but the story so far feels like it's meant to be read as a whole than in single issues, since it raises more questions than it answers and it's not always easy to follow without actually knowing what's going on.

This keeps getting weirder, wackier and over the top, but I'm having a blast reading this series.

This is a modern classic in the making. Amazing art, incredible lore and story filled with both hype and heartfelt moments. Gold standard right here.

Solid ending for the first arc and managed to get me curious to see what happens next with Domino.

Definitely a step up from the first issue. Despite the actual FF only getting together at the end, at least we get that in this one and a hype moment, so I don't feel cheated like I did with #1.

A blatant setup issue to sell the gimmick Warps comics. Not a lot actually happened beyond that. Gamora continues to be wholly unconvincing as a villain and the only good thing about this is the art.

This has been a pleasant surprise so far, I hope it finishes strong too.

This continues to be fantastic. An horror atmosphere, good plot twists and Hulk lore building, make this one of the best ongoing comic book series at the moment.

Cates' Thanos Wins was great this is a good continuation of that, with some ties to Infinity Wars and Cosmic Ghost Rider. Might not be the friendliest book for those that aren't up to date with past and current issues of these stories, but I'm all in so far.

Fun issue, with great character and world building for the 1,000,000 BC Avengers. Looking forward to see how this ties up with modern Avengers like I expect to happen.

Solid issue, some attention grabbing twists, but the quality and consistency seems to be dropping, not only in the storytelling but also the art. Hopefully it finishes as strong as it started.

I'm not hooked, but I'm intrigued enough to give it a shot. I liked some of the concepts, but others feel flat and the way the story is told could be better for the sake of clarity.

Great art, solid characterization and a fun story. Thompson has been nailing it since Rogue and Gambit mini series.

Still not too familiar with the Sandman universe, but this was still interesting enough for me to give it a try.

This continues to be such an awesome and captivating story. Sure some stuff gets wild and very out there, but still plausible and entertaining enough to make me go "Wow" a few times in every issue. The art is just superb, especially in the big splash pages.

Fun and action packed ending to the Final Host arc, which got a bit convoluted here and there, but still managed to deliver a satisfying conclusion.

I'll start with the worst, the art is really weak in large portions of the book and sometimes it can be very distracting. Contrary to many, this was my favorite Hunt for Wolverine series and I really wanted to collect this on trade, but it's hard to justify paying the cover price with such low quality art. This issue, and maybe the whole story arc, was clearly just a way to streamline Psylocke's backstory so it can be accessible to new readers once the X-Men Universe gets a soft reboot with Extermination, followed by Uncanny X-Men #1. Her body switch story was incredibly convoluted (even for 90's standards), and even though she's been one of my favorites since the 90's and I grew up with Asian body Betsy Braddock, a lot of people found her story too complicated and/or problematic. It's sad that one of the most iconic Asian characters in comics is going away, but seems like for many it's for the best.

This book continues to be a wild and fun ride. Sure the art takes a bit getting used to, but I think at some points it actually works well.

First issue was quite fun to read. It's a weird team, but seems to work well to create some situations where you just can't help but chuckle. Thompson has been scoring plenty of hits lately. I really like the art style and the colors, they go well with the more laid back West Coast feel of the book.

This continues to be a joy to read and own, but as floppy and trade. I feel like it's a must for any X-Men fan.

Great issue, solid action and tension. The art and page setup style really complemented the action scenes. My only wish is that the story itself moved a bit faster, most issues have a lot of stuff going on, but we're seven issues in and the main plot is evolving very slowly and still feels miles away from concluding.

Not the most exciting start and it's mostly a slow setup for future events, but still did enough to keep me curious.

This continues to deliver a great story, gives us Mary Jane back (for now), the puns and jokes are appropriate, and the twist at the end keeps me guessing until the next issue comes out.

Farmhand #1 Jul 25, 2018

The art was pretty rough in this, but I appreciated a respite from all the action by providing us a look at how bleak things can look when people hit rock bottom.

This is excellent. Kelly Thompson continues to deliver excellent stories with Rogue and Gambit.

The story continues to be all kinds of wacky, but still has enough interesting going on that keep me reading.

Dark, broody and unnerving. This series continues to deliver and end with a plot twist. I'm all on board with this.

Fixing and polishing some of the most confusing and conflicting parts of the Klyntar lore in a very entertaining and compelling manner, while also giving us a bonus Thor God of Thunder tie in? YES PLEASE!

Continues the interesting plot point of the dead Cuckoos revival in a satisfying way. I do have to wonder if there will have to be references to food in every issue, it's getting a bit weird.

Avengers (2018) #5 Jul 24, 2018
Cable (2017) #159 Jul 24, 2018
Captain America (2018) #1 Jul 24, 2018
Champions (2016) #22 Jul 24, 2018
Immortal Hulk #3 Jul 24, 2018
Justice League (2018) #4 Jul 24, 2018
New Mutants: Dead Souls #5 Jul 24, 2018
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #307 Jul 24, 2018
The Life Of Captain Marvel #1 Jul 24, 2018
The Magic Order #2 Jul 24, 2018
X-Men: Blue (2017) #31 Jul 24, 2018
X-Men: Gold (2017) #32 Jul 24, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) #6 Jul 24, 2018

Strong start, gave me enough to keep me interested, but left enough out to keep me guessing.

This managed to rekindle my love for Spider-Man, which I thought it had been lost forever. I love the art and the Todd Mcfarlane era costume look, I love that MJ is back and I love that it seems we're getting soft "reboot" for Peter Parker to clean up all the clutter that just didn't make sense.

I'm a big fan of the original X-23 comics so this was a must for me. Mariko's other works are not usually my style, but I was willing to give her another chance, and I think it was worth it. Strong first issue with some interesting plot points being introduced and the return of the Cuckoos, so I'm liking this quite a bit. The art is good and the cover is great. I hope it continues with this level of quality.

I was a big fan of Soule's run, and this is definitely a different style. So far it looks promising with some interesting ideas being introduced.

We get a bit more backstory on the 1,000,000 BC Avengers and a continuous escalation of stake. This has been a joy to read.

Now that's how you start a comic book series. Seems like Cates can do no wrong.

Poignant. Again another very promising series by Cates that grabs us right from the start. I can understand some people are upset about killing off Inhumans, but as a fan of the X-Men for over two decades, and I'm used to this and seems like it's time the Inhumans get their due.

More Doctor Strange adventures in his quest to find his mojo, interwoven with a solid Infinity Wars tie-in story.

A smart and violent Hulk with ambiguous morals, a recipe for horror and I'm loving this.

I like this, but there is such a thing as too much going on and too many concepts being brought out.

This feels like I'm back in the 90's reading my New Mutants/X-Force comics. For someone who has read that series this is awesome and a treat, but I do question if this isn't a bit confusing for someone who is picking the title for the first time. For me it's perfect, so I'm giving this high praise as easily a top ongoing Marvel series.

This comic has some of my favorite X-Women and overall female comic book character reminiscing about their ties to one of my favorite male characters, Wolverine, so this series is a treat. The art could be a bit better in some places, and while the premise of the story is great, it drags a bit a certain points. Still, I'm really enjoying this and will miss it when it ends.

Justice League (2018) #2 Jun 27, 2018

The first issue managed to pique my interesting in a very positive manner. Weird and funny in just the right amount.

An oddly long story arc, that took some detours, had some great highlights and some average moments, is finally reaching the conclusion and seems like it will end with a twist and in a flashy way.

As a fan of the original Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee mini-series, this feels like a return to form and a worthy addition to the saga of Sentry.

Fun, humorous and wacky in a good way. Really enjoying the direction this has taken, very reminiscent of Thor: Ragnarok movie.

A classic in the making. An epic storyline with suspense, horror, cosmic elements and just the right amount of action scenes. The art is top tier and just elevates everything to a whole other level.

Bait and switch that I both enjoyed and disliked. I'm really happy for Rogue and Gambit, because they were definitely my favorite X-couple, so this comes out being a net positive.

Ahhh I love the smell of a lecture in the morning. We get it Saladin Ahmed, you hate the US and apparently all European countries. As if that wasn't boring enough, the stylistic choice of using monochromatic tones for 2 issues feels like I'm being cheated out of some proper art and inking. I'm finding it really hard to justify the cover price with this series... Which is a shame since I loved No Surrender and really wanted a Quicksilver story, and all I get is this.

After a solid first issue and a disappointing second issue, it finally feels like we're picking up steam and things are getting interesting, and I got hooked back in.

While it's a retcon, I'm very interested in this new Symbiote lore. Loving the thriller elements in this and the art is incredible, making everything come together perfectly.

Surprise appearances can make a comic book series more interesting, but it won't work for long. It's a decent issue, but had very little progression for it's size, failing to justify cover price.

A lot of Doom, more clues to the whereabouts of the rest of FF and puts us one step closer to FF's return. We couldn't ask for much more.

This series continues to keep me on the edge of my seat from the uneasiness that it cases me to feel something horrible is about to happen, but you just don't know when. Seems like we're getting a big clue with this book and it's definitely a nightmare scenario for Scott Free and Big Barda.

Stellar start! A good setup, but without all of it being setup as it often happens. We also get some good action, backstory, family drama and a tease preview of a distant future with a weird unexpected guest. Can't wait for the next issues.

They clearly don't know what else to do with the time/alternate reality displaced X-Men anymore, and are just killing time until Extermination.

I honestly don't get what's was the idea with this. Second time we go back to the future, and this time without Cap even being there. Feels like they ran out of ideas and this is all just filler material waiting for Coates' run to start. Which is probably the case.

Really fun issue with EXCELLENT art and coloring. It was a delight reading this.

Had a fun time time with this. Deadpool solo comics are always a hit or miss with me, but this shows potential.

Weird issue, especially considering it's the last one of the series before it "reboots". Spider-Man felt more like he was written as Deadpool and they changed at the last minute, and his whole cameo seemed like a running gag that overstayed its welcome just a few pages in. A weak ending overall, which is surprising after the superb ending of Cates' run on Thanos, so I expected something more substantial instead of just an OK filler issue.

Solid start, nothing major to point out but the premise sounds interesting so far.

Still a decent series, but it's quickly losing its steam. Hopefully the main series has a stronger delivery and consistency than this, or it will be a disappointment.

Mostly a setup issue, but has some interesting plot threads teased.

The series that keeps on giving and getting better with each issue. Outstanding.

I'm liking these series, and it helps that Jean is one of my all time favorite characters, but I could use a bit more subtlety on references to current world politics and a faster pace. For a monthly series taking so long to setup the villain and the main conflict might kill the hype people had for this, myself included, or force people to trade wait and risk killing the series.

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #12 Jun 6, 2018

Loving the dark mood and the horror atmosphere this comic book is exuding. The Hulk's return in Avengers: No Surrender left me very hyped for this and so far it's delivering. He was always a character I only had mild interest on, but this is making a good case for me to pickup this run.

First issue actually had me hyped for this series, but this one reminded me why I became weary of Bendis' releases the past few years.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #29 Jun 6, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #800 May 31, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) Annual #1 May 31, 2018
Avengers (2018) #1 May 23, 2018
Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1 May 23, 2018
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #600 May 23, 2018
Venom (2018) #1 May 23, 2018
X-Men: Gold (2017) #28 May 23, 2018
All-New Wolverine #35 May 20, 2018
Avengers (2018) #2 May 20, 2018
Cable (2017) #157 May 20, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) #4 May 20, 2018
Astonishing X-Men (2017) #11 May 10, 2018
Batman: White Knight #8 May 10, 2018
New Mutants: Dead Souls #3 May 10, 2018
X-Men: Blue (2017) #27 May 10, 2018
X-Men: Grand Design #1 Apr 29, 2018
Action Comics (2016) #1000 Apr 27, 2018
Aliens: Dust to Dust #1 Apr 27, 2018
Avengers (2016) #690 Apr 27, 2018
Doctor Strange: Damnation #4 Apr 27, 2018
Hunt For Wolverine #1 Apr 27, 2018
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #303 Apr 27, 2018
Thanos (2016) Annual #1 Apr 27, 2018

I've been loving the Death of Mighty Thor, but I can't help but feel that Jane staying alive risks undermining the gravitas of this story arc. She had a beautiful death by sacrificing herself to save Asgard, at long last proving herself worthy in the eyes of stubborn Odin, but by keeping her alive, they took the easy way out and significantly brought down the impact of the overall story. Still, the whole story arc was a 9/10 so a must have trade for fans, but if not for the ending, could have been a 10/10.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #26 Apr 27, 2018
Cable (2017) #156 Apr 20, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #8 Apr 20, 2018
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey Collected Apr 20, 2018

Slott's ASM has often been hit or miss for me, but he sure is finishing strong. It was also great to see Silk again.

Avengers (2016) #689 Apr 18, 2018
Venomized #3 Apr 18, 2018
Avengers (2016) #688 Apr 12, 2018
Infidel #1 Apr 12, 2018
Iron Fist (2017) #79 Apr 12, 2018
Mister Miracle (2017) #7 Apr 12, 2018
Old Man Logan (2016) #38 Apr 12, 2018

JUST WOW! What is it left to be said? This story arc had me turning the pages like a madman and everything about this was stellar. When Thanos wins, we all win and an instant classic is born.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #25 Apr 12, 2018

Jean is one of my favorite comic book characters of all time, I've collected a solid portion of her meaningful moments in comic book history and I was incredibly excited to have her back, but not like this... So far this run has been underwhelming and not even this issue with Gambit has been able to keep my initial hype for this. Even if you're like me that can overlook quite a bit of politics in comics, some of it on this run has been so on the nose and heavy handed with events specifically mirroring or referencing events in the current US political climate, which for a non-American not only makes it uninteresting at times, but also unfortunately it will likely ensure this run will not age well. There are some good things in this, which is why I'll push through and see how it goes when the full team is assembled.

Black Bolt #12 Apr 7, 2018
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #5 Apr 7, 2018
New Mutants: Dead Souls #2 Apr 7, 2018
Rogue & Gambit (2018) #4 Apr 7, 2018
All-New Wolverine #33 Apr 5, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #798 Apr 5, 2018
Astonishing X-Men (2017) #10 Apr 5, 2018
Avengers (2016) #686 Apr 5, 2018
Avengers (2016) #687 Apr 5, 2018
Old Man Logan (2016) #37 Apr 5, 2018
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #302 Apr 5, 2018
X-Men: Blue (2017) #24 Apr 5, 2018
X-Men: Gold (2017) #25 Apr 5, 2018
The Mighty Thor (2015) #705 Mar 25, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) #1 Mar 25, 2018
X-Men: Red (2018) #2 Mar 25, 2018
All-New Wolverine #32 Mar 24, 2018
Astonishing X-Men (2017) #9 Mar 24, 2018
Avengers (2016) #685 Mar 24, 2018
Cable (2017) #155 Mar 24, 2018
Doctor Strange: Damnation #3 Mar 24, 2018
Iron Fist (2017) #78 Mar 24, 2018
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #3 Mar 24, 2018
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #4 Mar 24, 2018
New Mutants: Dead Souls #1 Mar 24, 2018
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #300 Mar 24, 2018
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #301 Mar 24, 2018
Thanos (2016) #17 Mar 24, 2018
X-Men: Blue (2017) #23 Mar 24, 2018
X-Men: Gold (2017) #24 Mar 24, 2018

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