Big Brother's Profile

Joined: Aug 20, 2014

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Overall Rating

Part Star Trek, part Trump administration. Russell never disappoints.

No energy, no thrust, no edge, no decent cliffhanger, no intriguing hook yet. Doesn't hold a candle to Dark Horse.

I enjoy experimental comics, but this felt like Morrison flexing for the sake of it and not much else. Reminds me of how Alan Moore eventually focused on recreating the unique style of older works.

Billionaire Island #1 Mar 8, 2020

Sorry to see the volume end.

Standard fill-in stuff. Don't use Deathstroke like that.

Super fun!


I don't know why Magnett continues to review these issues when they disagree with the core premise. They might as well not even bother. Maybe get someone to review it that doesn't come into every issue with a negative preconception. If the dialogue for these biblical figures doesn't ring true enough for you in this satirical comic, then don't read it.

Putting King on this book has been a blunder of epic proportions. It is clear that the man does not know what he's doing.

I can't believe Snyder has so much pull at DC now. It's an edgelord nightmare.

Is the dialogue always this bad?

Once you get past the crossover packaging, this is another great, thoughtful one and done story that Mark Russell is known for.

Adds nothing to the original. The real sequel, Eye of the Camera, has already been done.

Seven Soldiers of Victory: Guardian #3 Jul 23, 2019
Wonder Twins (2019) #6 Jul 13, 2019

Less of a one-off like I expected, more of a set-up issue for something else we'll get in a year from now. I'm a little disappointed that it wasn't a better standalone experience.

Second Coming #1 Jul 10, 2019

Great issue. WARNING: Those of you afraid of the "SJW" boogeyman should steer clear of this.

Let the healing begin.

Another bewildering installment of Tom King's Babyman.


I really appreciate how full these issues feel, with plot and movement. This didn't play out as I expected, and I love it.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #17 Mar 13, 2019

Slow start.

Fans of Russell's Flintstones and Prez will enjoy this.

It's an unfocused retread of Infinite Crisis.

Shaping up.

Star Wars: Age Of The Republic: Anakin Skywalker #1 Feb 7, 2019

Not bad. I'm ready for the horror to erupt.

An algorithm could have written this. Hopefully the event is more creative.

Lots of fun!

Fleeting but satisfying for a prequel fan.

Nice artwork!

Just okay. Hopefully we'll get fireworks next issue.

A real treat for fans of a certain secret agent. I do love that the focus of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen has shifted to a female cast.

Transformers: Unicron #1 Jul 11, 2018

Hot garbage. I would score it 0 without the pin-up art.

Pretty basic and predictable. I was hoping for something more creative to end a mostly good run.


This one threw me for a loop. Issue 18, released the same day, broke my brain.

Nicely paced, good mix of classic Spidey elements. Back on track.

This run has run out of steam.

I agree with Herushalaim; these last issues feel less like an arc and more like cleanup. The Loki plot is dull and I lost interest quickly. The ball was dropped with Bobbi just as I was getting used to her and the art is substandard for this series. Let's hope that Slott can end it well.

This is an easier to read and quirky version of Morrison "meta." If you can't handle comics about comics, you won't like this.


Heavy handed but still touching. I can see why Busiek felt compelled to write something like this in the Trump era. Not my favorite issue, but continuing the trend of Astro City as one of the best comics on the stands.

Good clean fun.

Not as bad as Revolution. That's about the highest praise I can give to it...

Flawed premise, decent artwork.

Pretty but dull.

So far there's more potential in the premise than Revolution. Let's see what they do with it.

For a linewide crossover tie-in, this issue wasn't bad at all. Secret Empire was a big factor, but the focus never deviated from Spider-Man.

Just a bit more obnoxious than I expected from Ennis (and I'm typically a fan of his work), but the plot that starts up right before the issue ends is interesting enough to bring me back for the next issue.

Fun, but a little weightless.


The back 1/3rd wasn't quite as sharp as the rest, but all in all this was a witty, funny, heartfelt masterpiece of satire.

Fire and Stone was much more eventful and satisfying than this extended arc. Basic to the end, and underwhelming.

Continues to be a dependable, quality book.

You know the drill by now.

The Banana Splits story lost my interest about halfway through. It just wasn't funny enough to be worth it. However, Mark Russell hits it out of the park again with Snagglepuss and it's definitely worth reading!

Mostly throwaway. Stick with the rich satire of The Flintstones monthly comic.

The whole event has just felt "off" and awkward.


Well that was a bunch of nothing.

Consistently entertaining.

Competent, cunning, intellectual, forward-thinking, master detective Batman died with Grant Morrison.

More fluff. I've played "spot the analogue" so many times in so many different comics that this just wasn't that interesting. Too bad the plot appears to be extremely shallow.

Compelling but still awkward premise. I enjoy seeing long-term plot seeds bearing fruit, like Parker's no death vow and Ana Maria's relationship. This isn't the rip-roaring high adventure event that I'm used to from Slott, but it's decent in its own low-key way.

I'm checking in to see Morrison's Multiversity concepts return. This is big, splashy, and decompressed like most of what you'd expect from the Big Two. I hope the whole arc isn't as light and breezy as this issue.

Sharp, smart, funny and depressing! This series continues to impress!

Very powerful, heart moving stuff

Just garbage.

Just incredibly shallow and drawn out. This thing has managed to make Dark Knight Strikes Again look better in comparison.

This book has fallen prey to the modern house style, which stretches out plotlines in order to fill trade paperbacks. I've been holding on because of my appreciation for Rucka, but that hasn't kept me from slowly losing interest.

Finally, some meat to go with all those potatoes! Best issue of Dead No More so far

Glad to get back on track after Revolution. A solid continuation of Robots in Disguise.

Another fine and funny issue. Don't let the clown crusader on the critics review page fool you.

Nice artwork!

A fast, fluff read.

Three issues in and this blockbuster storyline has gone practically nowhere. Slott is better at pacing and plotting than this, so I can't help but be disappointed.

Well, that sucked.

A rare treat for DC and Morrison fans who know their stuff.

Very impressive.

Finch sucks as usual, and Prez is as good as ever (unfortunately not a "concluding" chapter), but not enough to justify 5+ dollars.

Lots of talent, but not exactly a great read

More spinning wheels.

Fine artwork, but absolutely dull writing for anyone who's familiar with Batman.

Crap, pure and simple.

Pure dreck. Whether you're an old fan who should know better or a new fan who's looking for a good time, this is absolutely not worth reading.

Fairly solid traditional storytelling.

This was not the blockbuster hit that I was hoping for, and the impact of old characters returning from the dead just doesn't have the cachet that it used to. I'm trying to remain patient for when this event really kicks in, and I'm eager for some red meat plot developments. Bonus points for great art by Cheung.

All this "Road to Dead No More" stuff has just been OKAY, and even though I'm not all that enthused for the event, I'm ready to get on with it.

Continues to be a straight-forward affair.

Good start. I'm hoping the journey is better than the obvious and telegraphed destination.

Lots of recap and a small step in the next direction. A satisfying-enough episode in a long-running serial.

Too much Luthor, quite honestly.

Transformers: Robots In Disguise #56 Sep 2, 2016

Empty three minute read. Good artwork and NO story.

All-New All-Different Avengers Annual #1 Aug 12, 2016
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #16 Aug 12, 2016
Wonder Woman (2016) #4 Aug 12, 2016
All-Star Batman #1 Aug 10, 2016

Wow, this is what a real superhero comic is supposed to look like! Solid stuff!

Very basic stuff. I hope these events are setting up something more significant later on, because this was a pretty dull, by-the-numbers read.

Empty calories, and a Batman who sounds and acts too differently. I'm jumping off of this one before the crossover (which is already being set up in the second issue) begins.

Extremely satisfying testimony for adults.

Captivating and rich.

Big, dumb, padded-out comics with a fraction of a story contained within each issue. We've Rebirthed into mediocrity.

This doesn't feel as tightly plotted and scripted as it used to be, and I've been enjoying it less.

Maximum decompression.

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1 Jun 15, 2016
Superman (2016) #1 Jun 15, 2016
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1 Jun 9, 2016
Action Comics (2016) #957 Jun 8, 2016
Detective Comics (2016) #934 Jun 8, 2016

Decent setup issue with unfortunate artwork by Matthew Clark.

Another misfire from Snyder. I'll be happy when he's far away from the Batman franchise. This was breezy fluff.

Bendis needs to spend less time trying to be cutesy and spend more time learning how to write. Not that it matters, because Marvel will print anything that he lazily cranks out. This is lackluster, and putting the Thanos event in the 0 issue is just a baffling decision. Marvel mediocrity at its worst.

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 Jun 1, 2016

All set-up, no real story, absolutely skippable.

The best Star Wars comic series that Nu-Marvel has produced.

Not worth the hype, or the hemming and hawing. It's a basic first issue, and really nothing special. The twist is only a big deal if you care about all the media attention around the comic. The story itself is nothing new or exciting.

Teases for stories that have either been done before or just aren't that interesting. Not enough to get me excited for the reboot.

I've been waiting a long time for more details on Jack, and this story looks promising.

Civil War II #0 May 18, 2016
Future Quest #1 May 18, 2016

Meh. Waid is wasted on this.

A real treat for fans of the old school and continuity!

At least you don't have to pay for it.

I started off excited for a big new Apocalypse story, but this thing has been deadly dull, and I don't see it improving any time soon. Very disappointing.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #12 May 7, 2016

Reads like Ennis without the heart.

Very entertaining conclusion to a lumpy storyarc.

Garbage. This makes DKSA look like Watchmen.

I appreciate the effort. This is a post-Bendis era story (right before the next one) that embraces the camaraderie between the heroes. Unfortunately it's not very good, and would have been better served (and traditionally presented) within 3 or 4 issues of a mainline Avengers comic.

I appreciate the effort here, just a tad more than the execution.

Wonder Woman: Earth One #1 Apr 27, 2016
The Autumnlands #10 Apr 15, 2016

This was tough. Waid has put in long-term effort with these characters, but the events of this issue and the crossover itself are very dull. A derailment from what was on course to being a good thing. And, as one of the penultimate chapters in Standoff, a failure.

A much lighter issue in terms of content, but still a good time. Let's hope the pace picks back up next issue.

Lots of fun!

Very strong.

I don't know what Snyder's been writing, but it ain't Batman.

Big disappointment, and a waste of a premise. Spoiler alert: the "deviation" makes no difference. Why even bother with a What If? scenario if the story still plays out identically to the original? Considering all the different roads that could have been taken, this is massive missed opportunity.

The IDW Transformers line is the best series of adventure/sci fi/superhero comics currently being produced.

Two Hal Jordans go at it for no good reason, and the story has no ending. Happy anniversary?

It's funny how little of Batman there is in Dark Knight III.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #8 Feb 18, 2016
Paper Girls #5 Feb 9, 2016

Much stronger second issue. The smaller moments are very well done.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #7 Feb 5, 2016

Just did not come together in a satisfying enough way.

Always a pleasure.

Not a lot of movement in this issue.

More fluff that goes no where and does nothing.

I hope you like hamburgers!

Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #5 Jan 6, 2016

A slow start (standard for Marvel these days), but so far the writing and artwork are just fine. Let's hope they make the most out of this mini.

After Cry for Justice, his Justice League, War of the Supermen and Earth 2, it's time to admit that James Robinson just isn't very good.

When is a twist not a twist? When it's telegraphed every step of the way. And the backup might as well have been an issue of Jeph Loeb's Supergirl.

Bold new direction and a witty script! I like it a lot!

I love the Squad, but this was done in bad taste. One long fight scene where one side dominates the other. At a certain point, I wondered "Is this it?" "Want to see what happens next," with Hyperion crushing Namor's skull? Not particularly.

Scarlet Witch #1 Dec 12, 2015

Looks great, but I still don't know what the hell is going on in this comic book, and with only one issue left, I doubt it will be a satisfying conclusion. This is one odd soap opera that's hard to grasp.

We Stand On Guard #6 Dec 12, 2015

Basic, but competent. This felt like a pitstop before getting back on the road, and it was enjoyable.

Bad art, ho-hum story. Dark Horse did this kind of thing better on a regular basis.

Like smashing your action figures together. Maximum Meh

Prez (2015) #6 Dec 7, 2015
Daredevil (2015) #1 Dec 3, 2015

Solid entertainment. Vaughan keeps it moving and Chiang is awesome as usual.

Star Wars (2014) #13 Dec 3, 2015

Run of the mill, right out of the gate.

This is one flimsy 3 minute read. Vader sounds awkward and the simple story looks like it's going nowhere fast.

If they had just called it "Joker Team-Up", I probably wouldn't have read it.

Just kinda going through the motions. If you're a Star Wars fan, this certainly isn't something you haven't seen before. Funny how folks complain about the redundancy of the prequels, but gobble up these weightless comics whose stories are locked between movies.

Looks great, but needs to pick up the pace.

Started off like a fun idea, but turned into a James Robinson memoir. You'll dig it if you're interested in his private life, I guess, but I can't ever see myself reading his Airboy again.

A bit too fluffy and bouncy for my tastes, but that's preference. Waid is always solid, but this simple tone doesn't demand too much of him, yet.

Major gaps in storytelling here. I'll give it an extra point towards the score because there's action this time around, even if it comes out of no where and isn't explained at all. This thing is a mess.

Solid and entertaining.

Yawn. Ellis's witticism's don't pop like he thinks they do, and the whole thing looks like a dull affair. Don't go thinking this is boring because it's faithful to the books; Fleming's original stuff wasn't this bland.

Delightful as usual. If DC doesn't let this finish, there will be hell to pay.

Star Wars: Kanan #7 Oct 29, 2015

Highly entertaining! Fun and funny!

Big fat dud. The plot twist pretty much wasted the original concept, so this is even further removed from Civil War than it seemed at first.

Way too low key for a first issue. This is basically an extension of the last volume.

A tad underwhelming. The premise has become more complicated with this issue, and I'm not sure how well Waid will be able to wrap up and speak to all of the elements in just two more installments. If this material isn't handled correctly, the whole thing will be a disaster.

Ho-hum. More of the same. Lots of talk about "stuff happening", lots of build up for elements that weren't included in Secret Wars proper. Hickman has one mode, and it's painfully dull.

DC, what are you doing?

Superhero fans disenchanted with the Big Two really need to check out IDW's Transformers. The roster is huge, the mythology is thick, and the writing is a cut above the mainstream that you're used to . I appreciate and look forward to this franchise every month. This issue, in particular, is as good as any other in the Transformers line. Satisfying reads.

I was high on this book for the first few issues, but it ended up as empty. That seems to be a trend with the majority of Secret Wars books, so I don't completely blame Peter David. This stuff presents the illusion of depth, and it goes absolutely no where.

Utterly disposable.

Empty fluff in the end. But then, isn't all of Secret Wars? This was fun while it lasted, but it doesn't really have much to say, and I can't see myself returning to it in the future.

Finally, the damn story kicked in. As complicated as the mechanics are, it was well told, clear to understand, and very entertaining. Best issue of the series, right before the last one.

Nice art from Sorrentino that can't save a pointless comic book. With only one issue left, it's obvious that this "story" is going no where. Vapid. Empty. Bendis. Business as usual.

Fun stuff! I'm gonna be pissed if DC doesn't see this story through to the end.

Good closer to the arc that reads well as a single issue. Best issue of the series.

Thanks again, Hickman, for reminding us that real Marvel Heroes like Doctor Strange would rather hand over ultimate power to evil tyrants than take on the responsibility themselves. There's no fire, no pulse, no drive behind this red-hot blockbuster selling series. Secret Bores continues to disappoint.

What started as a novel concept has turned into self-indulgent tripe.

Very solid.

Pure fluff, in the Mighty Marvel fashion. There's no story here, and it makes me miss the Dark Horse stuff even more.

What the hell does this have to do with "Siege"?

This was a rare treat. Fans of the tv show will slip into it quickly. The voices of the characters and the wacky tone is right in line with the cartoon, and it's like coming back to an old friend. There are enough new ideas here to keep new and old fans very entertained!

Nothing special. This story is basically running down a checklist. Let's hope there are some curveballs and new ideas coming in the next issues.

A bit more straight-forward and simplistic than I expected, but still enjoyable. Don't expect any great insights on race here; this is basically Mark Waid's Black Superman.

The "story" here could have been told in half the pages. Secret Wars proper continues to be dryly written and slowly paced. Thank god (not Doom, or Hickman) for tie-ins.

This made a helluva lot more sense then I expected it to, and it was a good read. Fans of Morrison will recognize this as well-trod territory, but that doesn't detract from its unique qualities.

Surprisingly good, and I'm happy to see DC take chances on off-beat stuff like this. Should be a fun ride while it lasts.

It's a good thing Bendis is always paired up with great artists, otherwise his brand of quick-read fluff would never get noticed.

Ahh, a new riff on an old favorite. This was a pretty well crafted issue, that ebbed and flowed with its story beats. The ending was very nice, and I'm sure any fans of Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme wil get a kick out of this. Otherwise, it's the remix of a great tune for a brand new audience.

Seriously, WTF? I really am starting to worry about Grant, but I can't say I didn't enjoy this! There's a definite gearshift here, and it's extremely unpleasant, but it's also quite interesting, and there's enough connective tissue to make you THINK you know what's going on! This can't last forever, and I hope Morrison manages to end it well.

Contrary to what Marvel may think, I didn't ask for this. But I did enjoy it! Dan Slott continues his solid roll with the Spidey franchise, and this was another great chapter (better than the last few months of the main title)! I also appreciate that this is largely removed from Secret Wars proper, so it's not bogged down in the Game of Dooms faux-fantasy setting. Looking forward to next issue.

Hickman finds new ways to define the phrase "slow burn". Fast-paced stuff like Infinite Crisis took infinite crap from fans, but this turtle walk gets high praise. Is a slow retread of Age of Apocalypse good enough for you? This concept seems so beneath a cerebral guy like Hickman, and I seriously doubt that this was his endpoint when he started his long, boring run on Avengers. Throw Dr. Strange on the pile of morally-corrupt, compromised, ruined characters. There's no joy in this thing.

This is more like it. Ewing turns in a solid Avengers story that actually feels like an Avengers story! That's become a pretty rare thing these days! My only complaint s that there's practically no Ultron in Ultron Forever, but that doesn't detract from it being a great read.

PAD is rock solid, always. This was a very good read that stands on its own, so if you don't love Game of Doom Thrones, you'll definitely get something out of this. The dialogue always feels "right" and natural. One of the best Secret Wars tie-ins so far.

Atrocious. DC managed what I didn't think possible: They've watered down and wrung out the multiverse, their greatest asset next to the legacy concept (previously disposed of). I love the multiverse, but if it's just gonna be tossed around like this, I don't need to see it. Extremely disappointed in DC.

I got bored of this thing about halfway through. Typical Hickman: big ideas, NO character. Nothing to latch on to. Make me feel something, Hickman. TRY to make us feel something. This is cold, droll, and boring.

Duursema is as awesome as ever (maybe even better!), and Simone continues to do her "middling" thing. This is a huge opportunity that I felt was wasted, and editorial must take some of the blame. However, Gail has dropped the ball with a few blockbuster premises in the past, and I'm not surprise that she barely made much of this.

The most interesting thing about this comic is the fan response. And no, I never factor that in to my reading of any comic, movie, music etc. But this time, the response is more interesting than the product. Don't get me wrong: Secret Wars 01 sucked. Listen closely to the people who defend this gimped product. Listen to their rebuttals to the idea that the thing just didn't make sense, and wasn't satisfying. We have entered an age where comic book "fans" have been conditioned to take what's given, no matter how flawed the story may be. We have gone full circle from "Every comic should be someone's first" to "Screw you if you haven't read everything else." It's a sad state of affairs, and I don't think Hickman realizes the limitations of his art craft. I blame the Marvel editors for that, and a great many missteps over the years.

In the end, this is ultimate farce. It's as good as a "Last DC Story" that we'll ever get, and I enjoyed it on that level. I'm sure the ending will disappoint many, but the entire series has been commentary, and this last issue reinforces that commentary. No, it's not better than your favorite "traditional" comic crossover, but it's great in a completely different way.

Impressively plotted and written. Spidey's dialogue feels "right", and Watanabe remains a compelling character. At this point, it's better than the main series. Looking forward to the next issue.

Four issues of crap with a story that's going no where. I'm done.

Remender's about as subtle as a hammer to the head.

Incredible comic book. Can (and should) be read on multiple levels, many times. Multiversity on the whole has been a rare treat, and this might have be the best issue.

As a fan of his work, I tend to put a lot of trust in Dan Slott, but he dropped the ball with this bloated, weightless crossover. I suppose the novelty of "so many Spider-Men!" was supposed to carry the story through, with thin moments of character interplay and utterly dull villains. Although I haven't enjoyed any of this latest Spider-Man run as much as Slott's previous, I have the feeling that the endings to both this and Superior Spider-Man were rushed by editorial to get the book in line with other initiatives.

I'm happy to see that this issue redeems the awkwardness of the first four issues. The scenes with Mary and Peter are some of the sweetest I've seen. Great work here by Slott, after a rocky start.

Great comic! I loved the depth of this version, and the awesome nods to old Marvel handbooks and trading cards. Weaver knows his stuff, and I'd like to see more from him and this character! My only gripe is that it ended too soon!

These Futures End comics are one-note and utterly disposable. Batman & Robin, like many of the others, is just one long fight scene that leaves you with nothing to take away. Scorched earth comics that don't entice me in the least to read their monthly series.

This was a travesty. Batgirl, protege of BANE? "The Black Beast"... Really? I don't know what universe Gail Simone is writing for, but it sure ain't the DC Universe. Full of bad ideas, utterly disposable.

A return to Crisis! As an old school DC fan, this gave me chills. This first issue was a great, jam-packed start, and I can't wait to see where it goes. Do yourself and (re)read Action Comics 9 (2012) before Multiversity.

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