Nightmare of Solomon's Profile

Location: Texas Joined: Dec 15, 2015

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Overall Rating
4001 A.D.: Warmother #1

Aug 7, 2016

This is the first valiant title in a while that after reading the first issue failed to grab me. It's solid on a technical level, but the story just failed to grab me.

Action Man #2

Jul 30, 2016

Is there a point to this comic?

Action Man #3

Aug 28, 2016

It feels this comic solely exist as a way to justify the Hasbro-verse and the upcoming "Revolution" crossover event.

Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #3

Mar 10, 2016

Mark Guggenheim has managed to write an abomination of a comic so terrible that it has managed to bring dishonor to not just his ancestors' but also to whatever cattle they might have owned in the past.

Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #4

Apr 14, 2016

Someone put this book out of its misery.

All-New All-Different Avengers #7

Mar 24, 2016

What the hell was the point of this issue? We didn't even get to see how they became cosmic playthings for Kobik. I feel like this issue added nothing and just added to the frustration that Avengers Standoff has been so far. In fact, I could say that about every single "tie-in" that has come out in the last 3 weeks.

All-New All-Different Avengers #8

Apr 16, 2016

Did ANAD Avengers needed to be part of this crossover? No. In fact, none of the books that have been part of Avengers Standoff are 'cept for the Captain America book, which is what Standoff was supposed to be about. Instead they tried to spread out a very thin plot/event and ended up with a bunch of nothing.

All-New Hawkeye (2015) #2

Dec 15, 2015

The art in the present still seems reminiscent of Aja, but that might be for the best considered how muddy the art for the parts that take place in the future is. Also, kinda upset how badly Lemire seems to have it for Clint... basically this book has devolved into everyone telling Clint, and us, how terrible he is and how much of a better Hawkeye Kate is. I'm sorry, but that's just not the kind of story I want to read.

All-New Hawkeye (2015) #3

Jan 14, 2016

The art for the flash-forwards continues to be atrocious, and the character shilling for both Kate and America Chavez is groan inducing, but at least the Clint Bashing has been reduced this issue, so yeah, giving it a four, which is actually an improvement over the previous issue.

All-New Hawkeye (2015) #6

Apr 23, 2016

it ended better than how it started but still dont like all the character shilling for Kate and treating Clint like crap by lemire

All-New Wolverine #13

Oct 9, 2016

The fleet of 747s flying in close formation was downright silly.

All-New X-Men (2015) #2

Dec 20, 2015

I want to care about the characters, but this book makes the cardinal sin of making it very frustrating to do so, so why even bother?

All-New X-Men (2015) #4

Feb 16, 2016

I feel Dennis Hopeless is trolling us with his characterization of Laura Kinney, which btw is terrible.

All-New X-Men (2015) #5

Feb 27, 2016

All-New X-Men (2015) #12

Aug 11, 2016

The Warren/Laura relationship and the explanations around Laura's behavior is so bad no reader really buys it.

All-New X-Men (2015) #18

Feb 1, 2017

The biggest piece of shit that came out of Marvel this week. PS. Cyclops was Right.

All-Star Batman #1

Aug 13, 2016

I was loving this issue until the Alfred reveal... was Snyder touched improperly by a butler when he was a kid?

America #1

Mar 1, 2017

Gets a 2 point deduction from my actual score just for saying something is better than The Cure. (PS. Nothing is better than The Cure)
Gets a 0.5 point bonus for punching Hitler.

The dialogue goes from incredibly bad to outright cringe-y at times, with its only decent point being the art by Quinones.
I men, you got some gems like:
"What in the holy menstruation are you doing here?"
"Oh for Princess Leia's sake, not you too!"
"Chico, you look mad familiar..."

You also get a terrible author self-insertion, and the author decides to do away with a relationship in the worst possible manner, with America breaking up with her girlfriend because she wants to move away for college, which makes no sense since America's powers include teletransportation!

This comic is so bad, that the more I think about it, the worse it gets and the lower the score I end up giving it.

Surely it will find its fans, just like Mockingbird, Patsy Walker, Great Lake Avengers and other titles have found their fans, just wondering if it will find more fans than the titles I mentioned in order to have enough support and not be canceled 6-8 issues down the road. I mean, hey, maybe this time Marvel will find an audience that actually buys the comic!

America #2

Apr 5, 2017

David Gabriel is a moron for saying Diversity is at fault for the Marvel Sales slump; that's not the case, that has never been the case -- I blame bad writing and events, and this comic is a perfect example of bad writing.

Do you want to buy a comic that is basically 22 pages of "How do you do, fellow kids" and "YASSS QUEEEN"? Then this comic is perfect for you -- it's also perfect if you want to torture your brain cells -- because I'm sure some people get their kicks like that

But really, this saddens me. I like MAC, she was pretty badass in Young Avengers and is a total badass that stood up to Captain Marvel in Ultimates during the CWII event -- but this comic? This comic is terrible if you're a fan of MAC, unless you want anything MAC related, no matter how bad it is, then... I guess, have at it? Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

America #3

May 10, 2017

Did Gabby Rivera self-insert into comic again? Bleargh.

Some of the dialogue continues to be super cringy as well, but less so than previous times, and I'm not talking about the random spanish words peppered here and there.

I'm multilingual, with being fluent in spanish as well as in english (among other languages), and I happen to live in a community with a huge latino population, but they don't speak like America does -- granted, in this case it's Mexicans vs Puerto Ricans -- so maybe Puerto Rican communities in NYC do speak like this, in which case, I cannot particularly blame this comic for this, but I feel like it's worth pointing out.

But now I'm curious, since America seems to say that she might not be Puerto Rican, she just identifies as one because they look like her? Does that mean she's basically Rachel Dolezal?

America #4

Jun 21, 2017

It actually has less cringey dialogue than previous issues, but it is still cringey at times. Otherwise it's super meh.

America #5

Jul 19, 2017

This comic is rescued with Kelly Thompson doing co-writing duties and the inclusion of Kate Bishop, which tells you what a bad shape this comic is in, and even then the quality barely goes up... did I mention America #3 sold only 12K units? give it a couple more months and it will be selling as many copies as My Little Pony, 'cept My Little Pony, more often than not, can actually be read without damaging your brain cells.

Some of the monologues try to sound all empowering, end up coming as completely shallow. Gabby cannot tell the difference between cyborgs and androids. Also, they gleefully destroy helicopters and do killshots on mooks and then realize everything was empty so its ok!-- this goes beyond heroes not caring bout collateral damage (hello kamala chastising avengers) to outright irresponsible heroes.

Also, the panel where Kate monologues about America and the biker chick fly into the sky is just... Gabby, we get it, you think lesbians are awesome, ok... actually Lesbians are awesome, but the dialogue is Chris-Chan/Sonichu levels of bad.

"I'm literally intriqued and in awe of both of them. If this what it's like to date other women, then I applaud all the women dating women right now because this is incredible."

An adult wrote that... and it makes you wonder if Marvel still has editors in their ranks.

I love reading this comic because of how bad it is; every month is basically a treatise on how not to write a comic.

America #6

Aug 30, 2017

"give her some of this brown fist"

Quality writing right there! Seriously, this comic continues to be hilariously bad! Like a bunch of the Spanish is grammatically and/or spelled wrong. The last time I saw spanish that bad in a Marvel comic was in the Edmonson run of Punisher, and that's because he wanted to write authentic spanish and he sucked at it -- but at least he had the excuse of being gringo. Rivera always prides herself in being latinx and hot spicy puertorican from the bronx, but people actually mock her because her spanish is terrible even tho she insists its part of her culture and whatnot (protip: it's just a show).

Oh yeah, and Kate's dialogue continues to be incredibly shitty... and I pity the mindless ones for being dragged into this.

As for the cover, I know they're going for a Love&Rockets homage, but even Adventure Time did a better homage cover than this.

Also, someone from 4chan got their letter into the reader mail at the end... and it was glorious.

America #7

Sep 21, 2017

First of all, given that she was born in a lesbian utopia in a parallel dimension with no actual concept of what latina, latinamerica or even the United States is -- why is the cover a homage to Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" album?

Isn't "Pa'lante" usually a slang puerto rican drag queens use?

Sky novelas, AND GIANT SPACE LESBIAN SPIRITS! [Judges in Spanish]

Planet Fuertona? And what the fuck is a Malenapedes?

Also, apparently demons prefer gender-neutral pronouns.

The bit about the dead cat was actually heartfelt. They tried to make this thing about about America and her grandma and trying to connect and unable to because America got overwhelmed, but I cared more about a dead cat in a single panel than the whole Grandma/Granddaughter drama the whole comic tried to convey.

Now that I think about it, how does a world full of lesbians get pregnant? Are they secretly futa?

I actually wonder if they took out the letters page after they got trolled by 4chan.

The art was decent for a couple of pages. Then again, you had artists like Jen Bartel, Annie Wu and Ming Doyle...

That said, I'm beginning to wonder if America will ever encounter actual real adversity or obstacles to overcome, because so far every issue has basically been "America! You're so awesome! you're the bestests of the bests" while actually being a bitch to just about everyone.

America #8

Oct 25, 2017

1) America refers to herself as latina, again, even tho Gabby made it clear she's from a planet that has no concept of latinamerica. So... it's ok to do cultural appropriation if you're brown?

2) Gabby doubles down on the self-inserts, with a mary-sue backstory about how her mom and grandmom were intergalatic valedactorians... whatevs, you can't even do spanish properly, but, as they say in spanish, no es mi pinche pedo.

3) Comic basically confirms that Gabby had America break with her established gf because the gf was white -- because now, all of the sudden, America and Magdalena are an item yet also in a long-distance relationship, which was the excuse for the break up with Lisa

4)Back to the Gabby self-insert, she teams up with America to kick mindless-ones'ass... Another Mary-Sue check!

5) The whitest character so far is, of course, the evil one.

6) Sotomayor University has the most useless liberal arts degrees in the multiverse; can't even use them to get hired as a barista.

7) Insert a unironic "What do you mean, you people?"

8) Obvious reference to police state.

9) Unironic reference to America adding to diversity.

10) The Gabby self-insert is the key to solve the plot! Mary-Sue strike NUMERO TRES!

I love this comic... it's so bad it's hilarious! It's actually the first Marvel comic I read on NCBD because it just makes me laugh so hard with how bad it is.

America #9

Nov 29, 2017

I thought the art had gotten an upgrade, and in some parts it did, but deteriorated quickly.

And so... plot convience re: the cuffs... eh? boring. Also, I swear the villain is the only WHITE person in the whole university. In any case, America waits to break her cuffs for maximum audience effect -- in any case, it motivates a ragtag bunch of marysues to fight against the baddies, whoever they are -- also, the professor lives like an ewok; oh yeah and prodigy is a creep that is spying on everyone with cameras he installed himself all over the place...

Oh yeah, did I mention part of Exterminatrix' plan is to mass produce robot versions of America? And that the fate of Sotomayor U rests in the hand of the Gabby self-insert?

So yeah, this comic continues to be hilariously bad. Just wish they would stop ruining the good name of The Fifth Element with its "LeelooDallasMultipas Phi Theta Beta" bullshit.

America #10

Dec 20, 2017

Time for another review!!!

So... Blackface makes an appearance, that's nice, I guess?

Also, noticed that America switches from Latina speak to valley-girl speak every now and then, which is kinda weird -- that said, either speech pattern still sounds like it was written by Sonichu.

Oh yeah, and Gabby's self-insert character (X'andria) is kicking butts like a good Mary Sue.

Oh yeah, more white people appear at this university, and guess what? they're villain/mooks dressed as rednecks and with tiki-torches! Nice! Their leader is even called AltGeekPepe...oh lawd -- she must be very pissed off about the 4chan letter she got a while back.

And America is stuck in limbo, somehow, (i can't afford to remember what happened on previous issues given how bad this is, but yeah)... and she talks to the Guardians of Planet Fuertona... and they tell her she got chlamydia or something.

Going back to the evil white people with torches that are totally a stand-in for altright... their argument is actually right for once. America, as far as we know, is an illegal -- tho basically in the same sense as Superman is, though Clark had the advantage of having adoptive parents that likely had papers prepared for him and such -- America grew up in the Lesbian Dimension (a dimension without the United States or Latin America for that matter, but I digress) and landed in the middle of the bronx as a tween... and this is Gabby's own origin story of America, but I'm rambling now...

Anyways... this book has been cancelled. Honestly? I'll miss it (because its a crack to review it!)


America #11

Jan 17, 2018

So, right away we start with Gabby's Self-Insert Mary Sue character (X'andria) being totally BFF with America -- and somehow it devolves into Franklin's quote of trading liberties for safety and the evils of surveillance, white people being racists and Sotomayor U becoming a sanctuary campus. Little sidenote here -- you have to point out Prodigy's hypocrisy -- no way around it: He objects there was a surveillance system put in place, but he also had a surveillance system he installed himself prior to this America goes on break from the U, wishes really hard and manages to make a portal to her Abuela. The scene is not that bad actually, you know, connecting to a long-lost family member and such, and then looking for your roots together, and even growing as a person. Anyways, now they're in planet Fuertona... other Starlings are here? (Wait, did they ever call America a starling before this?) Anyways, now we got sassy redhead lesbian fuertona fighting flying chupacabras that are attacking Planet Fuertona -- and due to plot coincidence, America gets slightly depowered cuz the chupacabras function like metaphorical chupacabras, sucking and draining the energy of those that fight them -- oh yeah, and America's grandma gets kidnapped by the chupacabras. And this is the problem with America, she can be a very unlikable character under Gabby Rivera, and all the goodwill garnered in the scenes with her grandma get then upended with America's hotheadedness by willing to make a choice that could hurt all the other Fuertonas/Starlings/Whatevers just to rescue her grandma -- Maybe I'd be more willing to give America a pass if she wasn't consistently unsympathetic. A bad comic, with good art, built upon good ideas, but the script was wanting. Also a shame the design for the redhead fuertona (which is great) is wasted in this book. PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS

America #12

Feb 28, 2018

Hola, mi gente! I had to come in and review the final issue! Planet Stronk is under assault by La Legion, which is spanish for The Legion! (What a boring name!) -- and of course America decides to try something dangerous (not just for her) to fight them off (Is Gabby aware of the term Unintentionally Unsympathetic?) So, America wants to power up by leeching some energy from this semi-sentient crystal that came out of Planet Stronk's butthole... and she let La Legion towards the crystal, and now is upset la Legion is trying to leech the crystal... idiota! Also, Gabby's spanglish continues to be terrible. It's actually hilarious that the redhead fuertona can't handle how much of a Mary Sue America actually is -- also Grandma named her wolves after film directors, but one of them is spaniard, not latinamerican (failsauce!) -- furthermore, any self-respecting abuela would hit you with a chancla if you called her vieja... and America, can you stop flirting with every lesbian ever? At least, America somehow manages to solve a problem without punching, so character development? Although it begs the question why America is able to take a diplomatic route with chupacabra aliens, but her first instinct is to punch whites? (oh yeah, its written by Gabby). Stacey Lee's art is good for the most part, but boy, the writing... it's what brought down the whole series... The ideas in the series as a whole were not bad tbh, but the scripting and dialogue were very weak. In any case... PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS THE END ~poi~

America Chavez: Made in the USA #1

Mar 3, 2021

Hola, mi gente! It's been a while since we've had an America solo comic! Guess what? It's BUENO! Well, it's a good comic compared to the basura that was Gabby Rivera's comic! Just kidding, it's actually a good comic -- and right off the bat it goes and retcons America's origin story as depicted by Gabby's trash comic. The lineart by Carlos Gomez is great! I was familiar with his stuff rom the Red Sonja series from some years ago (written by Amy Chu) -- however, the colors are just not as crisp, so the art ends up looking a bit muddy, but that's not Gomez' fault I'm actually hopeful this will be a good America Chavez comic by the time this wraps up.

America Chavez: Made in the USA #5

Aug 18, 2021

Hello Amigos! I completely forgot I was supposed to review the whole series -- been really busy tho -- MUY OCUPADO -- so it just escaped my mind! I think this is a solid wrap-up to the mini, but setting things in place in order to be continued in the future. Also, not gonna lie, but I thought they were gonna do a fakeout on the retconned origin at the very last minute, just to show the antagonist was lying and completely unreliable just to mess up with America -- NO BUENO! -- but they decided to play it straight instead. Honestly, I'm happy the new origin grounds her instead of the whole utopian lesbian dimension ruled by wiccan -- but I know some people lost their shit to these changes. Also like that her powers are on the fritz -- makes it more interesting than being a flying brick. Oh well, the mini is now over and I have hope for the future, just don't let Gabby Rivera get anywhere near America ever again.

Angela: Queen Of Hel #5  
Archie (2015) #7

Apr 10, 2016

This book has completely lost me with the 4th wall breaking and hashtags.

Astonishing Ant-Man #3

Dec 28, 2015

One of the funniest books I've read in a while. The interaction between Ant-man and Falcap was hilarious for the most part.

Astonishing Ant-Man #13

Oct 23, 2016


Avengers (2018) #20

Jun 26, 2019

Only a step above that terrible JaneThor issue where she fights Absorbing Man and Titania... by giving old Shulkie fans the big middle finger. I really don't get it why writers feel like taking jabs at the fanbase. It's one thing knowing you can't cater to everyone, but why actually go out of your way to antagonize? Also, considering what happened with Chelsea Cain fucking up badly just a few weeks ago, maybe using t-shirts to deliver messages is not such a good idea.

Avengers (2018) #60

Oct 22, 2022

It's actually amazing how Mark Russell is able to nail Clint Barton's personality in a single issue while Jeff Lemire couldn't do that during a complete run.

Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha #1

Mar 5, 2016

I know Nick Spencer is known for his humor, eg:Superior Foes, Ant-Man, but Maria Hill making puns all the time comes off as extremely jarring...

Batgirl (2016) #6

Dec 29, 2016

larson expects us to suspend disbelief long enough to ignore huge flaws in the plot

given my score... it didnt work

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #5

Dec 18, 2016

The art is pretty good, all things considered, by the new Oracle thing is the worst.

Batman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

Either King, Finch, Workman or his editors, Taylor or Doyle made a mistake cuz that sure as hell aint a 747 as the comic claims it is, at best it's a Boeing 737NG with a tail assembly drawn inconsistently.

Batman (2016) #10

Nov 3, 2016

I truly enjoyed this book. Batman comes across as an implacable man, letting Bane take the first shot, and at the end of the issue it basically comes to Batman going "Ok, My turn." So yeah, I thought it was pretty badass.

Batman (2016) #11

Nov 17, 2016

I've not only been defending King's Batman but also genuinely liked it. I actually thought the previous issue was pretty badass, but... wow, I totally hate how he wrote Catwoman in this issue; maybe the next issues have a better portrayal of Catwoman... but wow...

Batman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

Maybe they could have toned down the Oedipus Rex thing.

Batman And Robin Eternal #10

Dec 15, 2015

The story was decent, but the art was atrocious in some pages -- that said, credit is due for at least delivering this comic in a weekly basis, something Marvel can't do.

Batman: City of Madness (2023) #1

Oct 10, 2023

You're just here for the visuals, because this is all fluff and no substance.

Batman: Europa #2

Dec 20, 2015

The story is solid, but the fact that we waited for this book for many years now, and Jim Lee couldn't be bothered to pencil more than one issue does bring down the series for me. And yes, I'm being unfair to Camuncoli, his art is phenomenal, but consistency is important in a mini-series, specially one delayed for 5 years.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 21, 2022

Only the art has value -- because the writing is just TK using Alan Moore as a springboard while writing some edgelord crap on par with Mark Millar's Nemesis.

Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #1

Nov 3, 2018

Every anthology book is a mixed bag, this is no exception. I think perhaps the story that irked me the most was the one written by Jodie Bellaire, in part because Gotham is canonically a goddamn island, not a place next to the rocky mountains!

Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 16, 2017

The only reason why it's ok is because Tynion IV is holding Bennett's hand.

Batwoman: Rebirth #1

Feb 17, 2017

A book I had high hopes for, but I fear for its future... the dialogue and scenes felt forced at times, and I feel it's just gonna get worse with Tynion IV not holding Bennett's hand from this point onward.

Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In #1

May 6, 2016

Those last few pages... it just made me have intense sad feels with that reveal.

Bitch Planet #6  
Black Canary (2015) #6

Dec 31, 2015

The art is gorgeous, but the story is all over the place and not leaving me with any desire to find out about the answers.

Black Canary (2015) #9

Mar 16, 2016

Black Knight (2015) #5

Mar 9, 2016

That was a disappointing ending for a story that was saddled with too much right off the bat. Maybe Marvel should have let this title develop on its own corner of the universe before saddling it with weirdworld and uncanny avengers right off the bat.

Black Panther (2016) #2

May 15, 2016

Did this book just went "Kill All Men"?

Black Widow (2016) #1

Mar 5, 2016

It was a giant action scene with no substance whatsoever -- I expect this to get better given its Waid/Samnee but the first issue was basically all fluff and no meat.

Black Widow (2016) #2

Apr 10, 2016

The idea of Black Widow being blackmailed irks me so much. I'd have preferred Natasha taking on Shield over a difference in ideology than simple blackmail. Of course, my other guess is that she planned to get blackmailed in order to get this new villain?

Captain America: Sam Wilson #4

Dec 28, 2015

The comic was very enjoyable, even if it had a predictable twist. Some wolfcap bits had plenty of humor and the art continues to be really good -- my only nitpick, art wise, is the design of Joaquin Falcon and his buggy eyes... they creep me out.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #5

Jan 17, 2016

The only thing Viper is missing is Trump's toupee.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #6

Feb 8, 2016

I'm a democrat that supports Bernie Sanders and the political message of this comic is so on the nose it's super annoying to the point of becoming a parody and thus pulls you out of the comic. That said, still better than any of the Captain America Remender books.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #9

May 8, 2016

The art doesnt do the story any favors, and Spencer wears his politics on his sleeves, and even as someone that agrees with him on that front, I find it annoying.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #10

Jul 2, 2016

Calling random superheroes of color his family at Rhodey's wake is akin to getting random fellow jews out of Boro Park so they can recite the Kaddish at my funeral -- specially when, just like in James Rhodey's case, I do have family and loved ones that would do that, and hang in a backroom as they had these characters in the comic.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #25

Aug 10, 2017

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

May 25, 2016

Almost everyone knows how comics work and that this won't stick for long -- but it doesn't make it any less grating to see Spencer come across as a cheap hack that defecates on a 75 year legacy of a character created by two jewish men.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #4

Aug 28, 2016

There are two things I learned from this comic: Steve Rogers hates Harambe & Nick Spencer hates Jack Kirby.

Captain Marvel (2016) #8

Aug 28, 2016

The issue actually shows us what Carol actually feels about using Ulysses and whatnot -- too bad it contradicts both her portrayal in Ultimates and the main Civil War II which is the more de-facto canon.

Captain Marvel (2016) #9

Oct 2, 2016

Not even in her own book can Carol survive the character assassination being done by Marvel.

Catwoman: Election Night #1

Nov 3, 2016

On one hand, you get a very nice Prez coda, but is it really worth it if you got to pay 5 bucks for it and the first half is a terrible Finch comic?

Champions (2016) #1  
Civil War II #2

Jun 17, 2016

the beautiful art doesn't save the comic from the awful plot.

Civil War II #8

Dec 28, 2016

I second the garbage label for this book.

Civil War II: The Oath #1

Jan 27, 2017

A really well crafted comic from a technical stand-point. Spencer is good at speeches, that's for sure, but...

But considering what's setting up, what we've seen him do already to get to his goals and what he wants his goals to be... in light of the current political landscape...

I do wonder if Spencer is gonna push Steve so far down that redemption is no longer an option... I guess we'll see, right?

Civil War II: X-Men #1

Jun 17, 2016

I wish someone in the comic would have pointed out Jean's hypocrisy about reading people's minds without their consent.

Codename Baboushka: The Conclave of Death #3

Jan 17, 2016

The concept is cool on the surface but the art is so amateurish at times. I really wish they would go with a different artist.

Conan: The Slayer #2

Aug 28, 2016

My favorite Conan story ever is "The Tower of the Elephant", and there are plenty of other stories where Conan deals with sorcery and whatnot -- and yet, for some reason, I find giant sea-orcs mildly off-putting.

Cyborg (2016) #4

Nov 3, 2016

It is not bad, it's just... meh. This whole series has been completely forgettable and unable to really grab at you.

Daredevil (2015) #1

Dec 15, 2015

Gorgeous artwork and a solid story, and yet you cannot help but to feel cheated out for it takes 20 pages for Soule to wipe away all the things Waid built during his run, with such a cheesy convenient plot device that smells of something akin to Spider-Man making a deal with Mephisto.

Daredevil (2015) #2

Dec 24, 2015

All things considered? A bit lackluster so far. At this point, if I feel the need to re-read Daredevil and I'm in a hurry, I'd pick up a Mark Waid issue before picking the current ones.

Daredevil (2015) #3

Jan 28, 2016

The story is still trying to find its legs, and so far, it is still stumbling by the time we get to the last page. I mean, he gets blamed for that witness losing his fingers while in custody. I mean, why is he being blamed? According to people he's a blind lawyer... he can't be guarding him, standing outside his room swinging his cane around!

Daredevil (2015) #20

May 21, 2017

It's not One More Day, and I know they joked about that in a previous issue -- but goddamn if I'm not pissed off by Soule undoing Kirsten and Matt's relationship.

Waid's run showed Kirsten could be a grounding teether Matt could grasp at when his depression would flare up, and I loved that... Jeezus, this just pisses me off!

Daredevil (2015) Annual #1

Aug 6, 2016

i dont like that they are making potter a bad guy again, also... echo was supposed to be dead wasnt she? completely useless annual if you ask me

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Superman #1

Jul 12, 2022

If you don't like TK, you'll feel justified even further.

Dazzler: X-Song #1

Jun 6, 2018

Hola Amigos... oh wait, this isn't America! Lemme try this again, Hello dudes!! This is one weird comic, let me tell you about that! This was apparently meant to come out more than a year ago, which is why the whole inhumans/mutants conflict is being brought up again -- much to the dismay of everyone that wanted to forget the events of IvX. More importantly, while completely ignoring the little part of the terrigen mist killing mutants. It's also a supposed to be a metaphor on intersectionality and that infighting among minorites and activist groups is not productive -- this is why you end up with a transexual woman being harassed by a TERF, I mean an Inhuman being harassed by a radical mutant -- which is not a bad message in and of itself if it wasn't beating you bloody with ten anvils at the same time. Also, they never explain how they can tell the girl is an inhuman in the first place, can they smell her? do they have inhuman gene detectors embedded? HOW CAN THEY TELL SHE'S INHUMAN? But I don't think Maggs is one to care about petty details like that. It is also really weird since the book is about Dazzler not wanting to be a superhero anymore, and would rather be a hero on the sidelines, being a rolemodel or doing heroic deeds that don't involve actual fighting villains -- AND THEN the next issue of Astonishing X-Men is gonna have her back as a superhero, so... so much for that? This comic book is very cringey at times, but it's not as bad as America. The art is pretty good and way better than just about anything that was printed within the 12 issues of America that were published. If anything, the downfall is not that this comic is bad, it's that DCYou's Black Canary did this way better.

Death of X #1

Oct 9, 2016

This is outright offensive to X-men fans.

Death of X #2

Oct 23, 2016

I got the feeling that Marvel shoulda have started with this book before publishing any x-men/inhuman books following secret wars because it's too late for many fans -- and you can tell they're backpedaling given the revelations of the new x-men books coming in 2017... As for the story, I get the feeling that Scott is braindead and Emma is doing a Weekend at Bernies with Scott's body.

Death of X #4

Nov 23, 2016

Death of X is basically what if you mix Weekend at Bernies with V for Vendetta, but with mutants instead.

Also, if you were expecting Lemire to explain what terrible thing Cyclops did... doesn't pay off. So Lemire kept telling us that Cyclops did this completely unforgivable thing in Extraordinary X-men and it turns out all he did was to make -one- terrigen cloud innocuous to mutants... wow, such a monster!

No wonder other characters in the Marvel universe see Tykeclops as the 2nd coming of Hitler!

Snark aside, it's hard to judge the mini-series in isolation given that Marvel announced it as an interquel between Secret Wars and Extraordinary X-men that would explain the events of the eight missing months -- and as such, Extraordinary X-men, by casting a shadow on Death of X, retroactively draws a goal line that Death of X is supposed to reach, and ultimately is found wanting.

Deathstroke (2016) #8

Dec 18, 2016

Deathstroke comes across a bit marysue-ish in the fight against superman, but other than that, it's a solid issue.

Detective Comics (2011) #48

Jan 7, 2016

The creative team manages to execute a very good Gordon story with a new killer with a very interesting MO; definitively can't wait for next issue.

Doctor Strange (2015) #4

Jan 8, 2016

I love me this book. Probably one of my favorites post secret wars, along with Vision.

Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 16, 2016

Too weird for its own good at times. That said it's a superb comic on a technical level.

Dreaming Eagles #3  
Equilibrium #1

Aug 31, 2016

A timeskip sequel featuring a new Cleric in search for Preston, Christian Bale's character, after the council of Libria has come up with a weapon that threatens the destruction of the underground movement. It's not bad, and it took a 2nd reading to actually enjoy it more, but the art is wanting, particularly in the action scenes.

Extraordinary X-Men #4

Dec 24, 2015

Lemire is letting me down big time... to the point I actually fear what he'll do with Moon Knight. It's just so weird putting out so much subpar work at Marvel, but really good stuff over at Valiant and Image, well at least compared to his Marvel work.

Extraordinary X-Men #5

Jan 14, 2016

What the hell happened to the art? It looks so rushed. Oh, and the story feels rehashed as hell. Maybe I'll pick this series again once it has 2-3 TPBs out worth of comics because right now is just not worth reading month to month.

Extraordinary X-Men #13

Aug 28, 2016

Falcon (2017) #1

Oct 22, 2017

I like the mention of Fred Hampton Jr (people should read more on his story) but did Barnes even read Secret Empire and Generations, because he completely misunderstood Sam and Steve's relationship at the end of those comics.

Female Furies #1

Feb 6, 2019

Darkseid gets #metoo'd

G.I. Joe (2016) #1

Dec 28, 2016

I honestly tried to read it, but I couldn't get past the art.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #226

Mar 9, 2016

Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender handing out free lobster rolls to the people of Springfield, in a food truck called "Ebirah Edibles" is simply genius.

Generation Zero #1

Aug 28, 2016

It's a technically solid comic. Solid writing, interesting plot, decent pace, very strong art from a technical standpoint -- but it also has this strong tumblr aesthetic which is off-putting to me hence the reduced score. I'll probably check out the series on trade in the future.

Generation Zero #3

Oct 29, 2016

Generations (2017): Iron Man & Ironheart #1

Sep 6, 2017

I actually had more fun reading the terrible America #6 than this comic.

Giant Days #10

Jan 8, 2016

Giant Days #11

Feb 6, 2016

I love Giant Days, but outside of Daisy, the most relatable and likable characters have been Ed and McGraw -- and yeah, I'm with McGraw in this issue rather than with Susan.

Giant Days #13

Apr 10, 2016

I ask again and again whether I'm supposed to sympathize with the characters in this comic... Esther went from being my favorite to being completely unsympathetic in my eyes. Granted, she's been like this for me for a while, but every new issue seems to cement her as unsympathetic in my mind.

Gotham By Midnight #12

Dec 24, 2015

Ferreyra did an awesome job through the 2nd half of this series and he should get a lot of credit for keeping it afloat; unfortunately, it seems this series was doomed since it seems half of the readership was just in it for Ben Templesmith and didn't give Ferreyra a chance. A true shame -- and to be honest, I actually enjoyed Ferreyra's stuff more. Gotham by Midnight, you'll be sorely missed.

Grayson #16

Jan 28, 2016

An amazingly fun issue, with tons of banter between Dick and Tiger.

Green Arrow (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

It's not Mike Grell, but it was a really solid issue. Solid dialogue for the most part and very tight art by Schmidt.

That said, sometimes, I suspect, Percy just tries too hard and comes across as self-patting over how progressive it is, which kinda detracts from the book.

I've mentioned in the past, but it's biggest drawback is it can get too cute with how on the nose it is with its political leaning, and how easy it is to swallow depends on whether you take it at face value or as a joke (though I presume Percy was aiming for at face value). And I say this as a bleeding hippy liberal and registered democrat, so it's not like I'm trying to bash Percy for having an opposing ideology to mine.

I'll look forward to see this collected so I can display it next to my Mike Grell collection.

Green Arrow (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

I like the story, but some of the dialogue if fucking narmy.

Green Arrow (2016) #14

Jan 7, 2017

For all the decent things this issue accomplish -- they get tarnished by a really bad action scene in the climax, where Ollie somehow has to run faster than an arrow so he can jump in front of it and take a hit meant for a high-ranking police officer.

I know Ollie is athletic, and I know this is a comic, but even then it broke my suspension of disbelief.

Green Arrow (2016) #19

Mar 16, 2017

The Roy Harper flashbacks were weird.

And even if I agree with Percy's politics way more often than not, it's how crudely and forced they were injected here that makes this issue somewhat jarring -- and I say this as someone that owns the Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell GA collections.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #12

Mar 13, 2021

i’m just glad this is over

Green Lanterns #1

Jun 17, 2016

The first of the new DC titles I'm tapping out from. It was the weakest of the DC Rebirth one-shots and certainly the weakest of the new titles for the major characters -- which is a shame since I really want to see more Simon Baz, but the writing has been super clunky from the start.

Green Lanterns #8

Oct 9, 2016

The last page bothered me so much. If we just found out a thing like a phantom ring exists cuz no one knew... why is there some random dude driving cross country trying to find it? Did the Green Lanterns announce it to the whole word on the nightly news?

Green Lanterns #16

Feb 5, 2017

Green Lanterns was so good on the previous arc, but god... it felt like Sam Humphries cannot write Batman nor Commissioner Gordon... I think this is the worst issue since the first arc with the red lanterns.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2

Aug 11, 2016

I actually enjoyed this issue a lot, and like it a lot more than Green Lanterns title.

Hawkeye (2016) #1

Dec 18, 2016

Tries too hard, and then proceeds to shit on Clint, even when he's not even on the book.

Hellboy in Hell #10

Jun 6, 2016

Truly the end of an era.

Heroes In Crisis #2

Nov 3, 2018

Remember kids, the moral of the story is that if you seek therapy, you'll get killed!

Heroes In Crisis #6

Feb 27, 2019

Let's shit on wally!

Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

Seen people on twitter to give this series a chance, that you shouldn't judge the series based on the first few issues, that you should withhold judgment until the end -- but just like it happened with Secret Empire, initial impressions ultimately proved right... in the words of Jay Sherman: It stinks.

Heroes In Crisis #9

May 28, 2019

Seen people say that Heroes in Crisis is hated because they don't get the subtext -- you know, Wally dealing with loss and so on -- but if it really was about that, then we should have had a book that dealt with that. If that was really the case, why is that particular thing a small percentage of the story? Why is it a bad murder mystery that is not even resolved, but for a taped confession? In the end, we just get the heroes stopping Wally from killing himself, gets some hugs, and gets placed in JL jail... hooray *sarcasm* It's so weird that King can do an excellent book on anxiety and mental illness in Mister Miracle, and completely screw the pooch on the same topic just months later. The highest of highs, the lowest of lows.

Howard The Duck (2016) #3

Jan 8, 2016

very entertaining issue, I'm coming back around to this title after feeling it uninspired towards the end of the first chip zdarsky run.

Howard The Duck (2016) #9

Jul 30, 2016

I could travel to Argentina and still get hit by the wanking motion this comic is.

Howard The Duck (2016) #10

Sep 4, 2016

This issue pats itself in the back so much about how witty it is that it's basically masturbatory.

Howard The Duck (2016) #11

Oct 16, 2016

Mr. Murray AKA Chip Zdarsky somehow manages to stick a decent landing for the end in spite of how much I hate all the "oh, i'm so witty" self-patting he loves to indulge in.

Human Target (2021) #6

Mar 22, 2022

TK really comes across as having a bone against the JLI

I Am Not Starfire OGN

Jul 27, 2021

The only merit this comic has is the art -- cuz the comic is just Mariko Tamaki appearing to deal with her own mommy issues thru her self-insert character.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 3, 2021

Nowhere near as good as DC Rebirth. Also, as someone else said, with Future State being so goddamn bleak, you can't help but to see this and think "whelp, we're gonna go downhill from here"

Injection #8

Mar 16, 2016

The sexual excess scenes added nothing to this book, and the jokes in the panel would feel more at home in Sex Criminals. I'm not prude, it just feels like a waste of comic book real estate.

Injustice: Year Four Annual #1

Dec 30, 2015

Plastic Man is used extremely well in this issue. I just loved him altogether.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #600

May 23, 2018

3-4 pages in and is already full of all the stuff you hate about Bendis, from walls of inane dialogue to utter contempt for what his fellow writers write in the small parts of this shared universe. Oh yeah, he had one of the artists copy the Wally West Barry Allen hug from DC Rebirth -- and this is also a coda to his Miles Morales run -- and while the whole Tony Stark is really adopted thing can be placed at the feet of Kieron Gillen, Bendis managed to grab that ball and somehow make it all worse. The last page of the main story uses the same art as the first page of this issue... and the fucking coda is directly lifted from one of his X-Men annuals from about 3 years ago!!! It's almost apropos that his last marvel pages ever are just copypasta. Ultimately a mediocre issue, fitting for a mediocre run. PRESS S TO SPIT ON LEGACY.

IvX #6

Mar 8, 2017

The book is the equivalent of rubbernecking a crash that involves two nice cars at an enthusiast meet... because the drivers are morons.

Also, who the fuck came up with the idea to reusing Penance's old costume for Emma Frost?

Jessica Jones #1

Oct 9, 2016

Felt like an old dog whose teeth fell off.

Jessica Jones #6

Mar 8, 2017

Bendis trying to polish the turd he dumped in CWII.

Josie and the Pussycats #1

Sep 30, 2016

i loved all three girls, Josie, Val and Melody... but the dialogue was a slog to read thru...

Justice League (2016) #11

Dec 21, 2016

DC really needs to hand the book to someone else, because Hitch is just not doing it any favors. I mean, this is supposed to be the flagship team book of DC and it's just waffling between mediocre to terrible with no sight of improvement any time near.

Justice League (2018) #60

Apr 20, 2021

What book are these critics reading that just handwave Bendis' terrible dialogue?

Justice League / Power Rangers #1

Jan 16, 2017

If you had been liking the current MMPR comic, this will be a downgrade since it has that campy TV show feel rather than the more serious tone of the ongoing series. That said, it is an upgrade from Hitch's Justice League ongoing, but then again, the bar is so low that no one should be surprised by this.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 6, 2016

My name is Commander Shepard, and this is my least favorite rebirth comic in the Citadel. Had I known how many references this was gonna be making to Mass Effect, I'd have skipped it and read my actual Mass Effect comics, or play some Mass Effect instead.

Kaijumax Vol. 1  
Kaijumax: Season 2 #1

May 15, 2016

One of the best books you're not reading! It's funny how you can get commentary on socioeconomic issues currently affecting the US while using Kaijus but that's the mark of a good writer.

Kaijumax: Season 2 #2

Jun 11, 2016

Kill Or Be Killed #1

Aug 7, 2016

My hope is that the demon is actually a fabrication of his mind rather than taking the demon at face value, because the twist with the demon just pulled me out completely from this comic.

Kingpin (2017) #1

Feb 12, 2017

The story is intriguing enough to want to continue reading it, but it's not enough to overcome how bad the art is, particularly when it comes to drawing Fisk, despite its obvious Frank Miller influences in some panels.

Lords Of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling #1

Jul 22, 2020

A decent story ruined by terrible dialogue.

Love is Love #1

Jan 1, 2017

I hate to come across as picking on a book that was created for pure altruistic motives, and yet here I am -- but this is a problem all anthologies have: some stories are better than others, despite the good intentions of all the creators involved.

You got some solid one or two page stories, you got some entries that are just baffling and one or two that are almost downright insulting... not out of malice mind you, but the execution was just terrible.

In the end, people need to mourn and find ways to cope with the tragedy, and as creators, they took to this to share how they feel; I cannot diminish the intention -- but good intentions also gave us Magneto and Doctor Doom crying over the WTC remains 15 years ago, which almost made the tragedy within the pages come as farcical.

So read this comic, knowing you helped a good cause, but don't shut off your cynicism just because -- this book is better served by acknowledging the flaws within.

Lucifer (2015) #6

May 21, 2016

The first five issues were fine. Sure, they were no Mike Carey levels of prose, but they were interesting. This issue however... oh boy... this is bad... this is dialogue that feels more like cheap YA pseudo-edgy tv show about angsty vampires -- completely missing the point on the nuances of Carey's prose. Do you remember the last page of the original Lucifer run, where he finally leaves into the void and becomes nothingness? That's what I wish I could do after reading this crap.

Man-Eaters #1

Sep 26, 2018

Hola amigos! *checks title* oh wait, this isn't America by Gabby Rivera, lemme try this again! Hello my friends! This is not an on-the-nose book, Cain comes in and pushes an anvil up your nostrils and into your cerebellum, and you feel the brain damage as you read it! The problem is that there's no nuance, Cain tries to go with allegory and seem like a deep-thinker, but it's just narm. And lastly, and I know she was asked about this on panel at a convention recently, for all the talk about diversity and such -- this comic has a very exclusionary plot, because it's about women, about ciswomen, about cis white women -- sure, you get a black girl being handcuffed once, and a couple of other PoC in a couple of other panels and maybe in minor roles, but you can tell the characters in the comic that are the braintrust are white and the ones that are gonna drive the plot are cis white women -- and while she dodged that question at the convention about if her comic was exclusionary, this book confirms that yeah, this comic is very exclusionary: it's all about the cis women, about the cis white women... This comic shows the biggest problem Chelsea Cain has, she's not FEMINIST AF, she's WHITE FEMINIST AF, a brand of feminism that is incredibly toxic because it wraps itself in the flag of progressiveness and says it tries to go for intersectionalism, but it's really only about them -- and if you need a recent example, just look at what happened at The LCS Valkyries, Kate Leth's child, where it disbanded when allegations of racism and exclusion came to surface from women of color and trans women. While the high concept is interesting and could really be used to create IRL dialogue, the dialogue within the story, the story and the narration are kinda stilted, it's almost bad satire due to the lack nuance and the backmatter will make you eyeroll. The art is superb, but it's a bit of a waste. ? PS: Does Cain have a tampon fetish? PPS: Also, are we really supposed to believe that stopping people from turning into monsters and murdering their family is a bad thing?

Man-Eaters: The Cursed #1

Jul 14, 2021

Ah, Fuzzy-Ones! It's been a while! The story seems to be an improvement so far over the original story, but it's just the first issue -- it does have bits of cringe here and there, but it's nowhere near as bad as the original series -- but then again, and I repeat myself, it's just the first issue. Cain still has a penchant of trying to ape Hickman's love of graphic design by including tons of inserts, but they don't really add anything to the story and end up just using pages -- granted, she's not the only one, even other x-writers have failed to add anything to the story with their inserts, but I digress... Could be better, could be worse... ranking it low because of distrust towards Cain.

Man-Eaters #2

Oct 31, 2018

Helly my fuzzy ones! Here's some random thoughts on the issue 1) That's just soap. 2) I seriously think Cain has a tampoon fetish, but at least it's also instructional and young people trying tampoons for the first time might find it relatable? 3) It's an insult to reduce Frida Kahlo to Postcard icon, also kinda weird that praises an anti-imperialist in Boudica, but then praises Queen Elizabeth II right after. 4) The whole thing with the girl lying about menstruating by saying she trimmed her pubes with her dad's mustache trimming scissors is actually pretty funny. 5) Divorced parents, coddling their daughter too much -- understandable, I guess? 6) If a cat is 8 feet long, but weighs only 130 lbs, that cat is skinny as fuck. 7) And of course the dad is kinda incompetent while the mom is super-competent, but, heh, comes with the territory and it's not a bad trope really 8) The issue just ends abruptly Actually, somewhat of an improvement over the previous issue, if you read it as unintentional comedy rather than some highbrow literary opus that is supposed to be taken superserious by teens and young adults -- still gets somewhat of a low score because Cain is playing this completely straight, instead of the over-the-top satire it comes across as. Also, again -- are we really supposed to believe that stopping people from turning into monsters and murdering their family is a bad thing?

Man-Eaters: The Cursed #2

Aug 18, 2021

Hello fuzzy-ones! As usual, Cain delivers a comic light on content -- with several pages getting used to her "graphic design is my passion" bug. It really is nothing spectacular, just disappointing.

Man-Eaters #3

Nov 28, 2018

Hello Fuzzy Ones! I'm beginning to truly love this comic, in a completely ironic way. Anyways, here goes my bulletpoint review/commentary - Despite the snark, at least the sex ed/puberty talk is better than the one they offer in Texas public schools. - That's a nice tip to get rid of blood stains in your laundry, might give it a try next time I get a nosebleed. - Here comes Cain's other fetish: Corgis. Hot take: Corgis are overrated. - Yep, the husband is completely useless. - And that's probably a reference to the Sinclair Group and their op-eds across their local tv stations. - Oh hey, segregation cups. *eyeroll* Bonus point for a jab at girls invading geek areas. - And turns out the girl got her period on purpose, because fuck the patriarchy (even if you become a murderous beast). The art is nice, and there's even some humor I truly enjoy, but I just can't take this book seriously -- tho I still want to continue reading it because it's an amusing car crash.

Man-Eaters: The Cursed #3

Sep 15, 2021

We're back to the shenanigans of a comic not being a comic -- instead, an exercise on graphic design with the pages full of fake ads and such -- it's basically backmatter that you'd find at the end of a deluxe collection, rather than a comic itself.

Man-Eaters #4

Dec 26, 2018

This issue is not even a comic, it's just bad over-the-top anvil-dropping satire that actually wants to be taken prima facie because its playing it straight. Like, I had started to like this comic in an ironic way, but boy... this issue is just... wow...

Man-Eaters: The Cursed #4

Oct 13, 2021

You're still losing a lot of real estate to exercises in graphic design and trying to be clever -- what's the point of having a 26 page comic if 8 of them are wasted on faux ads et al.

Man-Eaters #5

Jan 30, 2019

Hello fuzzy ones! Time for some thoughts on this comic - First of all, really good art -- that's truly the highlight of the book, isn't it? - I wish they could cut it out with the parody ads and inserts. It's not clever, it's just eating real estate from the actual story. - The story is pretty light for that matter in some parts. - I actually did chuckle at the blue apron joke, but rolled my eyes at all the Nietzschean philosophy talk in the restroom. - Despite the dad being pretty useless, at least he seems to have figured out part of the "mystery" That's it, I wish I could say more, but 9 pages were used on inserts rather than actual story.

Man-Eaters: The Cursed #5

Nov 10, 2021

A whole lot of meh?

Man-Eaters #6

Feb 27, 2019

It took them 6 issues to finally mention transgender people... funnily enough, they don't mention ftm transgenders, so the comic still comes off as weirdly TERFy -- with the implication that only cis women are the ones revolt against the patriarchy and whatnot. It's just weird -- also, the dad is pretty dumb.

Man-Eaters #7

Mar 27, 2019

Hello fuzzy ones. I really kind of wish they would knock it off with the "graphic design" pages -- they just eat away at the comic real estate. Like, I swear the comic is always like 4-6 pages shorter because they love to include these surreal ads and such. That said, I did not expect that twist at the end.

Man-Eaters #8

Apr 24, 2019

Hello fuzzy ones... This is not a comic? It's literally not a comic. It's basically a graphic design portfolio. Just like Man-Eaters #4, Man-Eaters #8 is just an exercise in design. As such, it fails as a comic. I've pointed out that one of the biggest problems with Cain is that there's barely any story in her comics, but this is excessive: if you were to combine Man-Eaters 1 thru 8 into a single paperback, you'd only have about 5 issues worth of story, and I'm being generous. They think it is cute that they do these splash pages to advertise fictional products to give a sort of augmented reality feel to the comic, but it's also a great way to pad the comic and leave you with 14 pages of story in a 22-pg comic -- but, as I said before, this is just splash pages, so it is ZERO pages of story.

Man-Eaters #9

Jun 5, 2019

Hello fuzzy ones! Still a frustrating reading in regards to pacing. Still unnecessary pages that feel more at home in a graphic designer portfolio trying to land a gig at a corporation. I did chuckle at Cain's "Take That!" to Marvel. oh yeah, turns out that chelsea cain is a TERF.

Man-Eaters #10

Jul 4, 2019

It is quite possible Cain did add a trans-masc character because of the internet drama that happened a couple of weeks ago -- while it usually takes time to substantial changes to a comic, the fact that the scene feels tacked on and the art is rushed, well... There's still a lot of wasted pages on stupid ads and, if the trend continues, issue 12 is just gonna be a graphic design thesis disguised as pointless worldbuilding, as issue 4 and 8 were -- so a 12-issue maxi-series that really only had 7-8 issues to tell a story with lots of pacing issues because the rest of the pages were wasted on stupid fake ads. Ironically, the best review I've seen on Man-Eaters 10 will never be aggregated here as it doesn't use a score to give its analysis.

Man-Eaters #11

Sep 13, 2019

Hello fuzzy ones I just realized something, Cain has been scripting these ad-inserts because she wanted to sort-of copy Jonathan Hickman's trademark charts as a way to provide extra bits of tangential world-building to her story, but her story is so thin, it hurts more than it helps, because they take so many pages from the comic for this and there's barely any story left. The art took a nosedive, which used to be the only saving grace... Also, this issue is pretty vacuous. And of course the main character has the "Ask me about my feminist agenda", tho by now, we know Chelsea Cain's agenda is White Feminism with a side of TERFness.

Man-Eaters #12

Oct 2, 2019

Hello fuzzy ones? What's the point of this "issue"? The story ended in the previous issue, if you could call that a story in the first place. This is just a lot of self-patting and something you can submit as a graphic design thesis.

Man-Eaters: Tomorrow Belongs To You #1

Mar 4, 2020

Fuzzy ones! This is not even a comic -- it's just a graphic design portfolio disguised as self-satisfied gags, like 8 fake hundred dollar bills with ruth bader ginsburg instead of good ol' benny frank, and that's literally like the first 2 pages of this "comic book"

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #0

Jan 17, 2016

It's real bittersweet to see Trini in the comic, given that the actress died in a car accident many years ago. Also, was not really interested in the last two short-stories, I could do without them.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #7

Sep 24, 2016

never thought such a bland show could be so good as a comic.

Mirka Andolfo's Sweet Paprika #3

Sep 27, 2021

You're coming to the series because it's well drawn and full of hot and sexy times -- but removed from that, and you find a mostly unlikable main character, and even if she's like that as a product of her upbringing, the fact is that she's still unintentionally unsympathetic.

Mockingbird #2

Apr 16, 2016

While the banter was good, the story was total meh. I guess I didn't expect this to be so light-hearted? I guess I wanted a comic with slightly more gravitas. It just feels disappointing given how good the first issue was.

Mockingbird #5

Jul 30, 2016

This is one of those schizophrenic books where within the same book it can have some really awesome pages and some incredibly bad ones.

Mockingbird #8

Oct 19, 2016

I can understand Cain wanted to do away with Mockinbird's rape because it made her a victim and a cheap plot device... 'cept Cain didn't think or seemed to care that the new story makes it so that she cheated on her husband, letting him believe she was raped, so in her quest to turn Mockingbird from a victim and into a strong person she instead turned Mockingbird into a complete scumbag who allowed her husband to wallow in emotional torment over what had happened to her because "she can make her own decisions and deal with the consequences". GREAT SUCCESS!

Moon Knight (2016) #1

Apr 15, 2016

I had my misgivings going in given that, well... I've hated how Jeff Lemire has treated Clint Barton in the Hawkeye series... but this comic was awesome! It feels like a natural continuation of the previous series written by Ellis/Wood/Bunn.

Moon Knight (2016) #5

Aug 7, 2016

Perhaps one twist too many, because it surely feels like the car fell of a cliff. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see where this goes, but I just feel this issue the story just tumbled down to get where it ended after really strong first four issues.

Moon Knight (2016) #7

Oct 16, 2016

I just don't enjoy Jeff Lemire as a writer as much as others do.

Moon Knight (2016) #10

Jan 8, 2017

It's a good comic from a technical standpoint -- but it just dawned on me that Lemire's Moon Knight will never do what I wanted out of an actual Moon Knight comic: street-level crime fighting with a maybe magic/maybe mundane twist to it (As the Ellis/Wood/Bunn series did) -- instead it will all be a battle inside the fractured mind of Marc. I can appreciate what Lemire is doing, but at the same time, it will always have that against it from me.

Mother Panic #2

Dec 29, 2016

edgy pretentious heroine plucked right out of a dime-a-dozen YA novel.

its only set in gotham so that members of the batfamily can catch glimpses of her and quip about how edgy she is.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #3

Jan 23, 2016

3d Printers do not work that way!

My Little Pony: Friends Forever #24

Jan 8, 2016

Sometimes you just want a light read that is fun and self-contained. This accomplishes that.

My Little Pony: Friends Forever #31

Aug 20, 2016

Some pages have some great graphics with surreal painting-like shots. The story seems like it would be great as an episode if the story had a bit more meat on it, but as a story that's supposed to be about friendship between two characters? It kinda falls flat. Still better than plenty other comics that have come out under the 'Friends Forever' banner.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #41

Apr 15, 2016

Being someone that works at schools, I gotta say I regret not buying extra copies to give out to librarians so they could read it to small children. It has great art by Andy Price and Katie Cook returns to form with the humor she's known for.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #42

May 15, 2016

I never expected someone to use My Little Pony as a platform to take a swipe at Roy Lichtenstein, and yet here we are. Also nice nods to Mike Mignola, Chuck Jones and Charles Schulz.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #44

Jul 31, 2016

The biggest thing this comic did was undo the oft-maligned change Katie Cook did about Nightmare Moon being an entity that possessed Luna, rather than Nightmare Moon actually being the darkside of Luna -- this fixes that, so there's that.

Nightwing (2016) #12

Jan 7, 2017

Naked whale woman is my new fetish.

Nova (2016) #2

Jan 7, 2017

It's good that Rich Rider has such an overpowering presence that it makes me forget how much I hate Sam Alexander, something books like Champions and Avengers could never do.

If it wasn't for that, I'd stop reading the comic right away.

Nova (2016) #4

Mar 14, 2017

The Sam Alexander quotient is too high, therefore it's bad in my book!

Occupy Avengers #2

Dec 25, 2016

Perhaps the best Hawkeye story in a while, too bad the series is DOA on the shelves. The Occupy label surely didn't help.

Omega Men #8

Jan 28, 2016

Omega Men #9

Mar 4, 2016

Omega Men #12

May 26, 2016

Optimus Prime #1

Dec 14, 2016

Barber returns to form after a very disappointing Revolution event that needlessly bogged down the Transformers universe by gluing it together to other Hasbro franchises (ROM, GI Joe, Action Man, MASK). If this comic can stay focused solely in the Transformers universe, this will be a solid series.

Unfortunately, this also has the same problem as its sister series Lost Light/MTMTE, you need a lot of heavy knowledge of the previous series to fully enjoy (and understand) the contents of the comic.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #14

Dec 24, 2015

Still suffering of pacing issues... I mean, it literally had a splash page of nothing happening, just to take space....

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1

Dec 24, 2015

The art is slightly better than, say... Unbeatable squirrel girl, but the writing has terrible pacing and reeks of Tumblr.

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #2

Jan 23, 2016

Dialogue was painful to read.

Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #11

Dec 18, 2016

I stopped reading halfway thru it -- it just failed to grab me.

Prez (2015) #6

Dec 15, 2015

The first arc ended really strong, I can't wait for the 2nd arc -- I just wish DC had been smarter in promoting this title.

Punisher (2016) #1

May 6, 2016

It currently lacks something, but I hope it can find its legs and get better -- but for now, my biggest complaint is that the coloring looks too bright at times. I liked the muddled colors of the Edmondson/Gerards comic a lot more... also, all the swear words censorship feel out of place considering how violent the book is. Not bad, but not great either.

Punisher (2016) #4

Aug 7, 2016

The biggest flaw in Dillon's art is starting to show -- you can only tell Face and Frank apart based on the color of the skin. If it wasnt because I'm actually seeing Frank on this comic, I'd have thought Face was the Punisher from that 3-parter where he became a black man and teamed up with Luke Cage.

Punisher (2023) #1

Nov 13, 2023

The new Punisher #1 was absolutely mid, a toothless and needless comic. Nothing really interesting about it since they literally just had a new character basically go thru the same trauma as Frank, since Frank cannot be the Punisher for real-life reasons associated to the misuse of his original logo. This comic is clearly a meta exercise attempt at cloning Frank Castle's archetype without the real life baggage. I can imagine the EIC telling the writer "Make a story about someone with Frank's trauma, but that it's not Frank" -- which is the funniest thing because that already existed: Rachel Alves. But again, the problem is the logo and it's IRL baggage.

Rat Queens #14

Dec 31, 2015

The writing for this arc has been weaker overall and this issue continues that trend. Also, the art continues to feel incredibly stiff.

Rat Queens #15

Mar 16, 2016

Rat Queens #16

May 5, 2016

I think this comic went from a comic that had hit a rut, both story and art wise to being a comic that actively pisses you off -- sure, there are flashes of what made this book once great, at least when it comes to the writing, but not enough salvage it. Unless this becomes an invasion of the body snatchers type of story, this is just gonna piss you off. Also, Dee's hair is inconsistently bad, in one scene taking almost a quarter of a page all by itself -- which really is a sign of the art still stuck on its rut.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #8

Mar 8, 2017

Who is ghost writing for Lobdell? Still one of the books that has improved the most since Rebirth and without much fanfare.

Red Sonja (2016) #1

Jan 17, 2016

What the standard questionable art and coloring Dynamite is known for couldn't do, during the Oeming run and all the way to the really good Gail Simone run, Marguerite Bennett could and that is to swear off reading Red Sonja. The writing was just so terrible overall.

Red Sonja (2017) #0

Dec 18, 2016

Everyone knows that part of the appeal of Red Sonja is the fanservice, well except for Marguerite Bennet, but I think even a title that is supposed to have fanservice can have too much, for its detriment.

That said, I'm curious to see how this will go... but off the bat, I'm liking it more than I ever liked Bennet's run... it's just a matter on whether I'll like this series more than I liked Simone's run.

Red Wolf #2  
Robin War #2

Jan 15, 2016

This series started so strong is it is sorta infuriating how badly this ends. The conclusion with Damian Wayne was ok, but the final reveals dealing with Grayson are so infuriating I was tempted to chuck my ipad at the wall.

Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7

Dec 24, 2015

A low-point in the series. Damian disappears from the action really early in the story and no one comments on it at all for 80% of the comic, and then we get the reveal page... which is such a plot-hole you could sail the USS Nimitz through it.

Rough Riders #1

Apr 10, 2016

The idea of Teddy Roosevelt leading a team of characters seems like a take on Moore's LXG while having enough differences to be its own thing -- however, I cannot forgive they chose Edison over Tesla, perhaps because it would be too obvious but Tesla is still a more interesting character in fiction than Edison.

Saga #37

Sep 4, 2016

I wonder if BKV tells Fiona Staples to draw dicks to distract people from the fact that all the story threads BKV is laying out there barely advance issue to issue, if at all.

Scarlet Witch #1

Dec 15, 2015

The problem with Scarlet Witch is that it's trying to do what Doctor Strange is already doing, and doing it badly. Whereas Strange is quirky and fun, Scarlet Witch came across as wordy and dry. If you want comics that delve in the supernatural, you're better off reading Doctor Strange and Constantine.

Secret Empire #1

May 3, 2017

If this comic wasn't so expensive, I'd use it to wipe my ass next time I run out of toilet paper.

Secret Empire #10

Aug 31, 2017

Secret Wars (2015) #9

Jan 13, 2016

After the slump that 6, 7 and 8 were, I gotta say I'm incredibly surprised at how well they managed to stick the landing. Sure, the delays hurt the series as a whole, but it's really darn good as a compilation/continuous series. The ending, in a weirdly comparable way, has a Dr. Who feel to it, but more importantly... it closes a chapter in Marvel history that started way back in Hickman's original Fantastic Four book, and leaves the door open for future FF stories.

Sex Criminals #16

Feb 18, 2017

I have a love/hate relationship with this comic. I love the story in and of itself, but hate it when Fraction/Zdarsky just start patting themselves in the back with how witty their meta-commentary is.

Luckily, they kept the meta-commentary to the recap pages and out of the actual story... and hope they can keep it like that, because that's what I hated from the previous arc.

Shipwreck #1

Oct 9, 2016

Guess I forgot to take my LSD before reading this book.

Slash & Burn #6

Apr 14, 2016

A true definition of flash in the pan. It burned bright at the beginning but quickly fizzled out into the likes of a cheap birthday candle that got snuffed at the weakest of sighs. Such a shame because I expected more of this comic and well...

Southern Bastards #14

May 15, 2016

Berta is just awesome -- she also shows much more restraint than I'd have shown had I been in her position.

Spider-Geddon #1

Oct 10, 2018

This is just inheritor wankfest, and goes out of its way to be mean to its readers by killing long-time faves.

Spider-Gwen (2015) #4

Jan 8, 2016

I think the art is de-evolving but I am enjoying the story so far.

Spider-Man (2016) #1

Feb 6, 2016

Really fun to see Miles back in action.

Spider-Man (2016) #2

Mar 5, 2016

I take Bendis' side on the current brouhaha on the internet on race and Spider-Man (I don't want to be BLACK Spider-man, I want to be Spider-man) -- but the whole spicy grandma at the end going "Face it TIGRE, you're about to get a big ol' kick in the CULO" is bad dialogue that fits better among the worst Telenovelas you can watch on Univision -- and for that, this comic loses a whole point in rating from me.

Spider-Man (2016) #3

Apr 10, 2016

This great issue is bogged down by my utter dislike for Miles' jerkass Grandma.

Spider-Man (2016) #7

Sep 4, 2016

Where's the energy this book had 4 years ago? The first few issues were completely wasted with the grandma subplot and nothing has happened in 7 issues really... This doesn't even fall under "writing for the trade"

Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

I guess I'm too cynical to enjoy a comic where Peter loses an arm and MJ gets killed...

Spider-Man Noir (2020) #1

Mar 7, 2020

Always been a fan of Juan Ferreyra, and his art continues to be solid as usual -- but he cannot do all the heavy lifting, and unfortunately, that's what ended up happening with bland storytelling courtesy of Stohl

Spider-Women Alpha #1

Apr 10, 2016

Who replaced Gwen Stacy with Steve Buscemi?

Squadron Supreme (2015) #1

Dec 20, 2015

Namor's death feels like someone at Marvel asking "Hey, who else is related to the FF, so that we can crap on them?" and Robinson raised his hand and said "There's Namor, and I can have him killed in my book!" and that Marvel exec said "Do it!"

Squadron Supreme (2015) #2

Dec 31, 2015

Considering this is basically a terrible Marvel experiment, the only joy is the inevitable crash of this title.

Squadron Supreme (2015) #3

Jan 17, 2016

Now they're chucking them to Weirdworld? Really? What'a trainwreck of a series.

Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1

Apr 16, 2016

Wow... who knew they would be able to write a compelling one-shot about Threepio and a ragtag group of droids. That said, it being a one-shot was probably the best idea -- the story had the meat for one comic, but not for two or more without dragging down into a full-on decompression comic.

Strange Fruit #4

Nov 5, 2016

Well, that was a whole lot of nothing other than being a circle-jerk about how NOT racist the creators are, particularly Waid.

Supergirl (2016) #1

Sep 8, 2016

A much better issue vis a vis the rebirth issue, which I found deeply boring. I also liked the jagged artstyle a lot more then clean but weirdly aging art that was featured in the rebirth issue. Still miss the leotard though. :V

Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Aug 17, 2016

I hate to come across as mean-spirited, but this is one of the worst Rebirth books I've read (It's not bad, it's just flat out meh), and it upsets me because I had hopes for it. Seems they somehow de-aged Kara. She seemed older in New52 series but here they put her back in Highschool. Also, kinda liked the leotard better, but I can see why they switched to the classic look.

Superman (2018) #2

Aug 15, 2018

Any comic that has Batman taking a shit as part of the narrative is a badly written comic. Not to mention Rogol Zaar is the most boring DONUT STEEL CHARACTER. If I wanted to read about this cosmic warlord that is so threatening to entire civilizations, I'd read Dragon Ball Z, because Frieza does a better job at that than Rogol Zaar.

Superman (2018) #29

Mar 13, 2021

Superman: American Alien #3

Jan 17, 2016

This was a crazy issue, how crazy? Clark, who is mistaken for Bruce Wayne, has sex with Barbara Ann Minerva (Cheetah) during a cruise meant to celebrate Bruce Wayne's Birthday, and that's just one of many things and tidbits that happen in this comic. Certainly not your average Superman story.

Superman: American Alien #6

Apr 24, 2016

Perhaps the weakest issue of this miniseries so far, because I hate the idea of Clark being a cuckold.

Teen Titans (2016) #3

Dec 29, 2016

the art is clearly the worst part of this book

The Autumnlands #13  
The Black Monday Murders #1

Aug 13, 2016

Hickman really loves concentric circles, doesn't he? In any case, a really solid first issue... if a bit too dense at times -- and there comes the caveat: Will he finish this comic? Anyone remember Dying and the Dead? As solid as this book was, I can't help but feel that this book will read really good only after it is collected as trades, and possibly only after it is actually wrapped up. Been burned by the likes of Hickman and Ellis too many times to consider following them on a monthly basis when their schedule is more miss than hit.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #6

Jul 16, 2016

This gets a really positive review merely by not taking a year between this and the previous issue.

The Fade Out #12

Jan 8, 2016

In true noir fashion, this book series ends in a note that reminds you of "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown" and leaves you feeling empty, just the way Brubaker wanted. Definitively a great maxi-series that is not long on the tooth and comes to a natural conclusion.

The Fix #1

Apr 10, 2016

Feels like the grown-up, and slightly more disgusting, older brother of Superior Foes. Coulda used less graphic story regarding Jizz but, other than that it wasn't bad.

The Forevers #1

Sep 17, 2016

I didn't make it past the first half... this comic was a mistake.

The Great Lakes Avengers #1

Oct 16, 2016

a bag full of technically good but still meh comic.

The Massive: Ninth Wave #1

Dec 15, 2015

Ninth Wave #1 captured what initially made The Massive good before it devolved into Magical Space Jesus towards the end. This is the kind of political intrigue we should have gotten from the original series, and for that I like it, even if its just a taste.

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #0

Dec 21, 2016

I think I would like this issue better if it didn't gloss over so badly over her personal failings in CW2, like, I don't know... breaking a bunch of constitutional amendments and legal precedents?

Also, why is she the most popular hero within the Marvel universe now? Feels forced as hell, specially considering that, as I said earlier, she was acting like a fascist thru the latter half of CW2?

I want to like this series, just like I've wanted to like other Captain Marvel series, but this is like the 4th relaunch in 5-6 years... that's not a good record, so I hope this series improves.

Of course, one could always ignore anything Bendis did in CW2, but it's kinda hard when a bunch of comics have to pick up on the aftermath he left behind.

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 18, 2017

I can applaud the good intentions of the writer, but Carol has been so bad for a couple of years now, and this book just continues that trend that I almost feel like Avengers 200 is a step up.

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #2

Feb 27, 2017

I find this book offensive on how mediocre it is.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #2

Dec 20, 2015

Dauterman's art is really good, 'cept for Loki's stubble since it ends up looking more like if someone glued pubes to his face.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #3

Jan 14, 2016

Not only this comic is too on the nose when it comes to those that criticize the new Thor, but has also decided to take all the growth that Loki had during Al Ewing's run on Loki Agent of Asgard and dump it on the trash.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #4

Feb 18, 2016

Jason Aaron's message hits you with the subtlety of a sledgehammer that migth as well run this comic as a dialy strip on The Onion, because it comes across so bad it might as well be a parody.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #5

Mar 10, 2016

The Mighty Thor (2015) #6

Apr 24, 2016

The only good Thor story in a while... probably because it actually features the one and true Thor.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #11

Sep 23, 2016

I'm sorry, but as a fan of OG Thor, this just makes me angry. As much as I want to appreciate the technical aspects of this comic, my emotions just make me hate this comic.

The Once And Future Queen #1

Mar 13, 2017

A genderbent King Arthur? I'll stick with the Fate series, at least I know the fights will be better there.

The Riddler: Year One (2022) #1

Oct 25, 2022

Man, I sure love that the origin for The Riddler is that he's autistic.

The Saints #4

Jan 8, 2016

Like Wicked and Divine, 'cept less pretentious.

The Sheriff Of Babylon #1

Dec 15, 2015

Tom King shows us why he's an up and coming star and Mitch Gerard's art style fits perfectly with his highly technical style well suited for military type stories as previously seen in The Activity and Punisher.

The Sheriff Of Babylon #2

Jan 8, 2016

I love the political intrigue revolving around the events depicted in this book.

The Sheriff Of Babylon #3

Mar 4, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon #4

Mar 4, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon #5

Apr 10, 2016

As close as perfect as you can get.

The Sixth Gun (2010) #50

Jun 17, 2016

It wasn't an ending that I wanted, but the series got the ending it needed. It's a great, if bittersweet, closure to a series that I've loved for many years, and the entire trade collection (once the last trade paperback is released) will proudly be displayed on my shelves as a reminder that I, just like Gord in the comics, will be one of the few witnesses that will remember the sacrifices the heroes made throughout the series.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #13

Dec 18, 2016

I rolled by eyes so hard I sprained them.

Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to re-enact Space Jam, guest starring Jeremy Lyn?

The Unstoppable Wasp #1

Jan 4, 2017

Acronyms don't work that way.

The Unworthy Thor #1

Nov 8, 2016

It's so good to have the OG Thor back!

The Unworthy Thor #5

Mar 22, 2017

I feel cheated on two fronts.

First, the reveal of the whisper that brought down Thor feels like a reenactment of the Heckler messing up Happy Gilmore's mojo at a golf tournament.

Thor has had self-doubts in the past; heck, even Jane commented him having doubts is what made him strive to be a better god and be worthy of Mjolnir in a previous issue of Unworthy Thor...

And secondly, Thor deciding not to pick up the hammer, when we were sold on Thor picking up the Hammer and this not being the case at the end.

The X-Files (2016) #5

Aug 28, 2016

I really don't like how they ruined Scully's dad.

Thunderbolts (2016) #1

May 8, 2016

I'd prolly make the effort to get invested in the story that Jim Zub wants to tell if it wasnt for the art that looks like it came out of Youngblood.

Tomboy #2

Dec 15, 2015

The art is superb and the story is gripping. A complete surprise how good this series has been so far. It's a must read in my opinion.

Tomboy #3

Feb 6, 2016

This continues to be an amazing series. I seriously did not expect the Grandpa to have that backstory... and that reveal at the end.

Tomboy #4

Mar 4, 2016

Tomboy #6

Jul 31, 2016

Looks like they were right -- you cannot always save the girl .

Transformers vs. The Visionaries #1

Jan 4, 2018

Any story whose creative process starts with "I got an idea, let's kill X" is one you should not put your faith on -- and unfortunately, this is what this is.

David Mariotte, in an interview, pretty much admits that the creative process started with the premise of killing Kup for shock value, to show how dangerous the new characters are; the issue was built with that death as its conclusion, and it shows.

Transformers vs. The Visionaries #2

Feb 9, 2018

Transformers vs. The Visionaries #3

Jun 3, 2018

Transformers vs. The Visionaries #4

Jun 3, 2018

Transformers vs. The Visionaries #5

Jun 3, 2018

Transformers: Holiday Special #1

Dec 24, 2015

Three short stories. - First one deals with Starscream accidentally bringing x-mas to Cybertron. - Second deals with the Lost Light, in particular, drunken shenanigans involving Nautica, Swerve and Whirl and a X-mas miracle. - The third deals with Thundercracker flying at mach seven to the north pole to punch Santa. And everything ranged from delightful cute to downright hilarious. It was really an enjoyable comic.

Transformers: Lost Light #1

Dec 14, 2016

Lost Light, née MTMTE, returns in full force and full form after a nearly half-year long break if you don't count issue 56, 57 and the Revolution one-shot, and boy did I miss this series.

Jack Lawrence does an admirable job with the art, but it obviously lack the Milne touch... though I'm betting it might have to do more a bit with the inking being slightly wanting at times.

In any case, Lost Light #1 is a great comic, but it certainly has its flaws, mainly being that it requires a -lot- of pre-existing knowledge for fully get this comic, and while Roberts and the Editorial try their darnest at the very end with 5 pages of prose that recaps ALL of MTMTE (up to issue 55), I do wonder how many people will bother with it and feel this comic is too convoluted and therefore not enjoy this comic vis a vis those that enjoy it at its fullest because they've been reading James Roberts' material since Chaos Theory and Last Stand of the Wreckers.

Transformers: Lost Light #3

Feb 27, 2017

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #44

Dec 16, 2015

The last shot of Megatron coming to terms to the damage he has done to the cybertronian race is soul-crushing.

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #47

Dec 16, 2015

Roberts really knows how to make you care about robots that came out of a toyline, to the point you just feel your heart ripped out at times. This issue? This is one of those where Roberts just stabs you in the chest with his hand and pulls your heart out, shows it to you and then tosses it outside until the next time he needs to do it again.

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #48

Dec 24, 2015

The plot against he-who-must-not-be-named gets resolved a bit too quickly for my taste, the fate of a certain someone is not revealed at all... but Roberts manages to make us forget about them for the most part with one of the creepiest moments in MTMTE history when a certain psychiatrist arrives... and I just can't say more without spoiling it. Not perfect, but damn good.

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #49

Feb 16, 2016

The status quo has changed drastically for 3 characters... and also has a scene that rivals the goriest of The Walking Dead comics. That said, Roberts has been doing mini-arcs of 2-3 issues for a while now and sometimes they come out as very rushed instead of taking his time with arcs that are 4-5 issues. Not his best work, but better than most comics.

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #50

Mar 9, 2016

A near perfect issue that sends you into panic mode just mere four panels in. Roberts masterfully uses all the plot threads he has seeded over 49 issues to strangle your heart, and will continue to do so for the rest of this arc.

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #51

Apr 2, 2016

Whereas Issue #50 leaves you full of dread, Issue #51 leaves you full of hope, and that is a testament to Robert's abilities.

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #54

Jun 22, 2016

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #55

Jul 27, 2016

it is uncertain whether James roberts wanted us to feel something during the climatic fight after that long build up for nearly 50 issues or nothing at all given that a particular set of characters are meant to ultimately be reduced to nothing, such being the ultimate insult to them. all in all a great conclusion to season 2, setting up the first seeds for season 3 in the new lost light title

Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers #1

Dec 15, 2015

Very rewarding experience provided you have knowledge of the previous mini-series and the current ongoings.

Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers #2

Dec 30, 2015

Some of the action was hard to follow, and you really can't tell what's going on in some fight scenes. The mystery and the characterization is ultimately what drives this book.

Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers #3

Jan 28, 2016

The strongest issue so far in this mini-series, with tons of little continuity nods across several Transformer franchises, and not just the IDW Transformers series, for those that have a keen memory and a sharp eye. This is Nick Roche doing what he does best.

Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 24, 2016

never thought they could start a comic about the trinity with just having dinner together and make it work and yet it happened.

Ultimate End #5

Dec 20, 2015

A non-ending for the Ultimate Universe that is worse than a whimper.

Ultimates (2015) #10

Aug 20, 2016

It was oddly satisfying to see America beat Carol.

Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1

Jan 8, 2016

At least I'm curious as to why Warren is again Archangel? Somewhat pedestrian plot so far, and yet more serviceable than the other 2 x-team books, just wish it wasn't Greg Land on art, even if I like his stuff more than Bagley's.

Uncanny X-Men (2016) #3

Feb 8, 2016

They should just call this X-Force.

Uncanny X-Men (2016) #4

Mar 5, 2016

The story is not that bad, I mean, I generally like Cullen Bunn's work -- but greg land's art is so... ugh. I'm sorry Bunn, my man, but I cannot support your comic while Land is the artist.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #19

Jun 6, 2019

The only way Rosenberg's plots can work is by making everyone incompetent and out-of-character. Rosenberg's run has been abysmal.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #21

Jul 4, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #22

Jul 25, 2019

If you wanna know how pointless this series is, basically every mutant killed in this series is shown alive in promo art for future series.

Usagi Yojimbo #158

Oct 22, 2016

Oh god, the feels...

Vision (2015) #3

Jan 8, 2016

Tom King is truly the next big thing at Marvel. I just love this book.

Vision (2015) #4

Feb 8, 2016

Continues to be the best and most intelligent ANAD title.

Vision (2015) #9

Jul 16, 2016

Vote Loki #3

Aug 7, 2016

Compared to Prez, this comic is found wanting, both in the charm and art department. Still not a bad comic, but Prez clearly is the superior comic mocking the election cycle, even if it came out last year.

Weirdworld (2015) #1

Dec 20, 2015

Kinda sad that Arkon will not be the main focus of the story, but Becca and Goleta make such an awesome pair that it makes up for that!

What If...Miles Morales #4  
Wonder Woman (2016) #754

Mar 31, 2020

I know they had retconned Maxima to being a lesbian during Nu52 in an issue of Supergirl -- but now they say the first rulers of the royal blood of Almerac were lesbians -- doesn't that mean the line should have ended there? If they end up having descendants, that means they have other means to conceive, in which case the current day plot makes no sense. The reveal of the lesbian founding queens of Almerac just creates holes barely covered by the veneer of an empowering lgbt positive narrative -- and that doesn't always equal good writing.

Wonder Woman (2016) #770

Mar 9, 2021

So... the new direction for Wonder Woman is to make her a Sif expy?

X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green (2022) #1

Aug 21, 2022

Hey, do you want to be doompilled?

Reviews for the Week of...


