Jack's Yattering's Profile

Joined: May 20, 2016

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Overall Rating
Action Comics (2016) #966

Nov 6, 2016

Action Comics (2016) #967

Nov 20, 2016

Action Comics (2016) #969

Dec 26, 2016

Score: 7.5

Action Comics (2016) #971

Jan 21, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Action Comics (2016) #972

Feb 4, 2017

SCORE: 7.3

Action Comics (2016) #973

Feb 18, 2017

SCORE: 7.3

Action Comics (2016) #974

Mar 4, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Action Comics (2016) #975

Mar 12, 2017

SCORE: 8.2

Action Comics (2016) #977

Apr 12, 2017

My score would be higher if not for the recap of Superman's origin (which read like a back-up in a 90's annual). The Daily Planet and recruitment scenes were a great read, though... SCORE: 6.8

Action Comics (2016) #978

May 5, 2017

It's nice, for a change to get a continuity reboot with some immediate answers. Really, in five years of the New52, DC wouldn't commit one way or the other to whether or not Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday actually happened (for one example of a common problem with the New52...let's not even get into the history of the Robins over in BATMAN). Not a great issue but full of some nostalgic and truly,truly welcome images for a long-time reader like myself. SCORE: 7.5

Action Comics (2016) #979

May 20, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Action Comics (2016) #980

May 25, 2017

Re: The cover to ACTION COMICS #980 - Man of Steel vs. Buns of Steel SCORE: 7.4

All-New All-Different Avengers #11

Jul 1, 2016

All-New All-Different Avengers #15

Nov 16, 2016

All-Star Batman #4

Nov 20, 2016

All-Star Batman #5

Jan 8, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

All-Star Batman #6

Jan 30, 2017

SCORE: 6.9

All-Star Batman #7

Mar 6, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

All-Star Batman #9

May 1, 2017

SCORE: 6.7

America #1

Mar 11, 2017

I hate you, Marvel. Despite all my misgivings, I purchased AMERICA #1 to see a character that I enjoy everywhere else star in her own series. This Modern Age of Marvel that I'm, obviously, not meant to be a part of continues to disappoint. This is one of the worst comic books I've read in some time. I don't know why Marvel insists on doing these quirky, surreal, books... so much for being "the world outside your window". Terrible story and characterization coupled with and unforgivably bad dialogue. I'll stick with the Ms.America we get in ULTIMATES and hope this book is never mentioned there or anywhere else. I hate you Marvel. SCORE: 3.9

Angel Season 11 #1

Jan 24, 2017

SCORE: 6.7

Angel Season 11 #3

Apr 8, 2017

SCORE: 6.3

Angel Season 11 #4

Apr 19, 2017

SCORE: 5.4

Angel Season 11 #6

Jul 8, 2017

Issue #6 is a big improvement and, hopefully, only the first step in the right direction for a season of ANGEL that has, to date, disappointed me time and again. SCORE: 6.8

Angel Season 11 #9

Sep 27, 2017

If you've read any of my reviews on the subject, my love of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and, especially, ANGEL (on tv and in the comics) is no secret. That is what makes me so sad to admit how bad I've found this most recent season of ANGEL. Unfortunately, ANGEL #9 is the worst of the worst. The story is, practically, nonexistent and the writing (which has been weak throughout the season) is especially poor with bad characterization and dialogue. Forget about the hands-on approach he took at the beginning of BtVS Season 8, I can't imagine that Joss Whedon, now, even reviews these comics in his role as Executive Producer. I never thought that Dark Horse would ever put out an ANGEL series that made me long for the IDW days. (1st read score: 3.4) Second Reading (10/18): On a second read-through this issue is not as bad. My,admittedly,brutal review was due, mostly to disappointment at this issue and the series in general. While everyone still feels out of character in their motivations (with all the good he's done it doesn't seem realistic that Angel would risk bringing on any one of the apocalypses(?) he prevented by stopping his own siring) and their dialogue is interchangeable, I have to admit to enjoying this issue more with adjusted expectations. (Second read score:5.6) SCORE: 4.5

Angel Season 11 #11

Nov 22, 2017

I have been pretty harsh in my reviews of this season of ANGEL (and I stand by them). However, issue #10 and, especially, issue #11 of ANGEL SEASON 11 have been such a pleasant surprise. Everything from art to writing to story have improved. Even the characterization, which has felt way off, was a little more on point this month. The one exception, and it DOES relate to characterization, is that if Angel and Illyria DID have sex, it is quite rapey on Angel's part. I'm all for an Angel/Illyria romance. I mean, why the hell not? But to have sex without Fred's consent is wrong. Despite that, this was still the best issue of ANGEL in Season 11. SCORE: 7.4

Angel Season 11 #12

Dec 20, 2017

It's tough to rate a book like this. I, personally, try to rate a book on its own, standalone, merits and not in relation to the overall story it's a part of. So...with that in mind, ANGEL SEASON 11 #12 is just ok. It isn't great but it's not a bad read in and of itself. As the conclusion to the most recent season of ANGEL, however, it is pretty damn bad. This season had no point and did NOTHING to further the characters or their "lives" and contributed NOTHING to the ongoing narrative that began with the premiere of the BUFFY tv show over 20 years ago. There was no antagonist (aside from, maybe, the grossly out of character Angel...OR Audrey 2,I guess), no consequences...no story, really. BUT, as bad as Season 11 of ANGEL has been (a must-read for only completists and die-hard fans such as myself), ANGEL SEASON 11 #12 is just ok. SCORE: 6.5

Aquaman (2016) #8

Oct 16, 2016

Aquaman (2016) #11

Dec 3, 2016

Aquaman (2016) #14

Jan 11, 2017

Another great issue in what is shaping up to be my favorite run on AQUAMAN. SCORE: 8.2

Aquaman (2016) #15

Jan 25, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

Aquaman (2016) #16

Feb 11, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

Aquaman (2016) #17

Feb 24, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

Aquaman (2016) #18

Mar 13, 2017

Dan Abnett continues to make his run on AQUAMAM my, all-time favorite. One thing I enjoy, in particular, is the fact that Mr. Abnett uses Arthur's conflicts to build up an intriguing, eclectic supporting cast. His run is more layered than your standard "villian of the week" fare...because the villains,themselves, are more layered (and not, necessarily villians at all). SCORE: 7.3

Aquaman (2016) #19

Mar 16, 2017


Aquaman (2016) #20

Apr 7, 2017


Aquaman (2016) #21

Apr 30, 2017

I've been loving Dan Abnett's AQUAMAN. In fact, and I've said this before, REBIRTH has given me a new level of respect for Mr. Abnett as the hardest working man at DC...And even his worst storylines (like H2.O is for me) are still good. I haven't loved this arc but only just put my finger on why. Growing up in the'80s, I saw this story in ALIENS and its myriad imitators (except here, we have a little PACIFIC RIM thrown in). Still, I've never enjoyed reading AQUAMAN more (and, yes, that includes Geoff Johns' run) and look forward to the future as hinted at in this issue's subplot. SCORE: 7.6

Aquaman (2016) #22

May 13, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Aquaman (2016) #23

Jun 2, 2017


Aquaman (2016) #24

Jun 17, 2017

SCORE: 8.6

Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

I've said it before: the current run of AQUAMAN, by Dan Abnett is my favorite in all the years I've been reading comics. That said, AQUAMAN #25 has surpassed anything done in this run while being firmly rooted in and growing from what has been laid out in the previous 24 issues (plus a few issues from before REBIRTH). Stjepan Sejic's introduction to the series could not have been better timed...beautiful work. However, while the art is amazing, it isn't the only reason for the positive reviews that AQUAMAN #25 is receiving (definitely not in my case,at least). Here, the art only serves to make an already great issue damn near perfect. Wow. SCORE: 9.3

Aquaman (2016) #26

Aug 12, 2017

I've commented in other reviews of this series, in other reviews on this site, how, this,current, AQUAMAN series is my favorite in the character's history. That, most definitely, continues to be the case. Aquaman has never been a favorite character and I've never found his solo books,even the better ones, to be anything more than average. I'm still a little surprised, after many years of reading comics,to like an Aquaman title as much as I do this one. So, imagine my surprise when I found found myself putting AQUAMAN #26 at the top of my read pile the week it went on sale (a week that saw me purchase eighteen new releases). I read it and, once again, enjoyed the hell out of it. Now, I don't know if it's the great new storyline from Dan Abnett or the terrific art from Stjepan Sejic (probably a little from column "A" and a little from "B") but AQUAMAN has gotten even better. If it isn't my favorite DC book, at the moment, it is definitely a contender (and one of my most anticipated). Not bad Aquaman...how pleasant it is to be surprised by a character after reading about him for so many years. SCORE: 8.8

Avengers (2016) #1

Nov 16, 2016

Avengers (2016) #2

Jan 2, 2017

AVENGERS (and, its sister title CHAMPIONS) is a vast improvement on ALL-NEW ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS. Mark Waid is almost always terrific but what sets it apart from its predecessor is a true, classic lineup of Avengers. My only critique would be that Mike Del Mundo, while being a great artist, is not an ideal fit for AVENGERS. SCORE: 7.7

Avengers (2016) #2.1

Jan 10, 2017

SCORE: 7.3

Avengers (2016) #3.1

Feb 13, 2017

SCORE: 6.8

Avengers (2016) #4

Feb 22, 2017

SCORE: 8.1

Avengers (2016) #5

Apr 3, 2017

This is the kind of Avengers story I love. It's just too bad that Mike Del Mundo's art, which is a great fit for other books (see the first volume of WEIRD WORLD,for example, where his work was outstanding), detracts from this book. It can be murky and hard to follow, at times,and the characters look like caricatures of themselves. I can't help but feel AVENGERS would be better served with a different, more traditional, artist. SCORE: 7

Avengers (2016) #6

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 6.2

Avengers (2016) #7

May 28, 2017


Bane: Conquest #1

May 29, 2017

SCORE: 4.8

Batman (2016) #8

Oct 16, 2016

Batman (2016) #10

Nov 7, 2016

Batman (2016) #11

Nov 22, 2016

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 14, 2016

Not only was this issue bautiful to look at and to read but it it gave the most logical and eloquent explanation for why Batman doesn't kill (that I've read in 30 years of reading about the character). Well done. Score: 8.9

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 11, 2017

After a terribly disappointing sophomore arc Tom King regains some creative footing with a spot on tale about the ongoing relationship between the Bat and the Cat. BATMAN #14 is smart, sexy and, more than a little, sad...much like its protagonists. Nicely done. SCORE: 8.6

Batman (2016) #15

Jan 28, 2017

BATMAN #15 is an excellent issue despite a weak close (Catwoman may have, in fact, stolen the night but hearing Batman wax poetic about it seemed way out of character...even when speaking with the most trusted member of his family). Other than the concluding lines, I really enjoyed the the redefinition of Batman's and Catwoman's relationship in the Post-New52 world. SCORE: 8.3

Batman (2016) #16

Feb 7, 2017

Two things I took from BATMAN #16: First, after a rate misstep with I AM SUICIDE Tom King have us, perhaps, his best issue of BATMAN, to date, with this issue. Second, we need a book starring the various Robins. I can read a while issue is them having lunch at Batburger. SCORE: 8.8

Batman (2016) #17

Feb 24, 2017


Batman (2016) #20

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 6.4

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 22, 2017

SCORE: 8.8

Batman (2016) #22

May 6, 2017

SCORE: 8.5

Batman (2016) #23

May 28, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Batman (2016) #36

Dec 8, 2017

When Tom King is on point he is ON POINT. Between this issue and last week's, nearly perfect, BATMAN ANNUAL #2 it has been a good time for Batman fans. SCORE: 8.9

Batman Beyond (2016) #1

Nov 16, 2016

Batman Beyond (2016) #2

Dec 20, 2016

Score: 6.3

Batman Beyond (2016) #3

Jan 17, 2017

SCORE: 6.9

Batman Beyond (2016) #4

Feb 4, 2017

...probably my favorite issue of BATMAN BEYOND since his, DCU/post-FUTURES END, series began, . A big part of that is the art,by Pete Woods,and the new costume; both of which serve to separate this series from its cartoon counterpart (something that has been sorely needed). SCORE: 7.7

Batman Beyond (2016) #7

May 14, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Batman: The Red Death #1

Sep 20, 2017

...a, surprisingly, well done issue. BATMAN: THE RED DEATH #1 is, certainly, more entertaining (and more deserving of your $4) than the usual cash-grab one-shots produced in conjunction with an event like METAL. Plus, it's done by the regular creative team behind THE FLASH and features some of Carmine Di Giandomenico's best work to date (his DARK KNIGHT RETURNS inspired Batman is a real pleasure to behold). SCORE: 9.2

Batwoman (2017) #1

Apr 9, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Batwoman (2017) #2

Apr 23, 2017

I really like this character. I liked her in 52 and I loved her first solo run in, Greg Rucka's, DETECTIVE COMICS. Unfortunately, none of her self-titled series have managed to hold my interest beyond a few issues. Suffice to say, I was, eagerly, anticipating the REBIRTH era of BATWOMAN. James Tynion had proven that he had a good handle on the character in his DETECTIVE run and Steve Epting is a great artist (although Batwoman has never lacked for great art). Unfortunately, history repeats...Not only have I been disappointed by the new BATWOMAN, I can't even find anything in its pages to look forward to (the REBIRTH issue left me concerned when nothing, from its peek at the future caught my eye). I'll look in on this book from time-to-time...and the, inevitable crossover will prompt me to pick up the occasional issue, but, for now, I'm going to have to stick to DETECTIVE COMICS for my Batwoman stories... SCORE: 5.8

Batwoman: Rebirth #1

Mar 10, 2017

Not a bad issue as montages go. The title's direction looks promising. Honestly, though, if you're not a fan of Batwoman (and/or Steve Epting) like I am then take away a point from my score. This issue won't create any new fans. SCORE: 6.9

Black Bolt #1

May 3, 2017

At the top of my list of favorite characters/properties you'll find Iron Fist, Black Panther and the Inhumans. Of that third example, my favorites have always been the brothers, Maximus and Black Bolt. After a few years of Inhuman books that were good enough but not quite what I wanted, in the space of a month I get ROYALS and, now, BLACK BOLT #1. There is little to this book that isn't wonderful. From idea to execution...the Writing...the art...everything works together,from page one, to tell the opening chapter of a very promising series. Even if I wgasn't, already, a fan this would be a damnn good comic. SCORE: 9

Black Bolt #8

Dec 8, 2017

I was so lookin forward to Al Ewing tackling the Inhumans over in ROYALS. While Mr.Ewing hasn't disappointed (he HAS to write the inevitable return of the Fantastic Four) it is BLACK BOLT which has, truly, blown me away every month. ...and BLACK BOLT #8 may have been my favorite issue so far...Beautifully written and drawn with an equally stunning cover. SCORE: 8.9

Black Hammer #1

Jul 22, 2016

Jeff Lemire's mainstream comic work usually leaves me cold. It's not bad, necessarily, just not great...nowhere near the quality of his creator-owned works. That being said, BLACK HAMMER #1 is an excellent example of what Mr.Lemire is capable of outside of a pre-established comic universe. In fact, I haven't been this enthused about anything he has done since I read the first issue of SWEET TOOTH...a book which impressed the hell out of me. ...looking forward to next issue (after I read this one again).

Black Panther & the Crew #1

Apr 12, 2017

Ta-Nehisi Coates is a big part of why the current BLACK PANTHER series is shaping up to be my favorite solo run of the title character, ever. His writing is smart and dense (occasionally, overly so) and a pleasure to read. His Black Panther feels like a superhero living in the real world (and it's been a long time since Marvel has felt like "the world outside your window"). His stories are a terrific combination of politics, mythology and good, old-fashioned, superheroics. That same storytelling is present in BLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW #1. The first issue is a slow-burn detective tale that is already shaping up to be as complex and multi-layered as BLACK PANTHER is. The weakest part of this issue is Butch Guice's art. While good it is not nearly up to its usual standards of excellence. SCORE: 7.9

Black Panther & the Crew #2

Jun 3, 2017

BLACK PANTHER & THE CREW #2 is a really good issue. Like its sister title, BLACK PANTHER, PB&TC is so much more than just a superhero comic...the setting(s), in this case the Harlem of the Marvel Universe, is so integral to the story it is, practically, a character unto itself. Too bad Marvel cancelled it, already. SCORE: 8

Black Panther (2016) #7

Nov 7, 2016

Black Panther (2016) #9

Jan 17, 2017

SCORE: 8.5

Black Panther (2016) #11

Feb 28, 2017

I love this book. Issue #11 of BLACK PANTHER is a fitting conclusion to a story that had been building since the first issue. While, sometimes, a litte over-written, this run on BLACK PANTHER has successfully combined superhero comics with politics and spiritualism. That's no easy feat. A defining run (so far) of my second favorite Marvel character (Iron Fist still holds the top spot) and my,probably, my favorite BLACK PANTHER run in the last thirty years. SCORE: 8.6

Black Panther (2016) #12

Apr 16, 2017

SCORE: 8.6

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1

Dec 11, 2016

I bought this issue only because, after Iron Fist, Black Panther is my favorite Marvel character. Unless you are a big fan of the current run of BLACK PANTHER, a completionist, or,like me, a little of both, this is not necessary reading. All said, it was a very good issue BUT not, nearly, "very good" enough to justify the $4.99 price tag. Score: 7.3

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #2

Jan 10, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #3

Feb 5, 2017


Black Panther: World of Wakanda #4

Mar 10, 2017

If you enjoy the main BLACK PANTHER title (as much as I do,especially) then WORLD OF WAKANDA (issue #4 included) is worth your time. Even then, it is still a tough sell as the title character is a background piece in this series. All that said, I've been enjoying the hell out of this book. It is the perfect supplement to the main title. It fleshes out the Midnight Angels in a way that, I feel, actually makes the core book more enjoyable. Not to mention it continues the emphasis on Wakandan culture that Ta-Nehisi Coates started in BLACK PANTHER. This development of Wakanda, is, in my opinion, one of the best aspects of Mr. Coates' run. Wakanda seems more like a real place than it has been in all the t years I've been reading about the Black Panther. SCORE: 7.7

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #5

Apr 11, 2017

SCORE: 6.9

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #6

Apr 21, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Blue Beetle (2016) #2

Nov 16, 2016

Blue Beetle (2016) #4

Jan 17, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #27

May 20, 2016

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #28

Jul 1, 2016

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #1

Nov 25, 2016

ANGEL and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER maintain the #1 and #2,respective, slots on my list of favorite television shows (ANGEL take first by a margin so narrow it is practically imperceptible...#3 is THE WEST WING if anyone cares). That being said, it should come as no surprise that I love the comic continuations of these characters. While not earths-shattering, I enjoyed the hell out of Season 11 #1. Having Christos Gage back as writer promises great things to come...for, while, the earlier comic seasons have been fun, they suffered from, sometimes drastically, uneven storytelling. Gage's runs (first during Season 9, with ANGEL & FAITH - my favorite run on either book so far - then with BtVS Season 10) have proven to be solid, true to the characters...and so damn fun. Since this hasn't been so much a review of the issue as much as a love-letter to these comics I'll tale a moment to say: Great issue...while it served, mostly, to reestablish the status quo, it put enough out there to keep me intrigued. It's just too bad that everyone is so happy...because, as history has shown time and time and time again: in Buffy's world, happiness doesn't last...and when you're up, there's nowhere to go but down.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #2

Dec 22, 2016

Great story. Great writing. Great art. Great issue! I was, disappointed, to say the least, when Dark Horse announced that BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON 11 would only be 12 issues in length. After reading this issue, I'm over it. It looks like we're still going to get the usual great storytelling but with a lot more story packed in every issue. I never loved the idea of the "real world" becoming aware of the supernatural. That said, since the world at large does knows about Slayers, vampires, etc, Season 11 looks to be, exactly, the tale I've been waiting to be told. PS - Can't wait for the young Giles limited series co-written by Joss Whedon. Score: 8.8

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #3

Jan 25, 2017

Good, GOOD stuff. SCORE: 9.2

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #5

Apr 9, 2017

BtVS SEASON 11 #5 was a minor misstep in a season that I have been, otherwise, enjoying the hell out of (minor as in miniscule..as in this issue was only very good as opposed to excellent). It was well-written, as always, by Christos Gage and Georges Jeanty turned in some really nice pages that were reminiscent of his early work from Season 8 (when his work was at its best and his enthusiasm for the book showed in his pencils). My only real complaint is that things felt a little repetitious as we,once again, deal with the ogre, the blood shortage and the unrest within the camp. SCORE: 7.6

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #6

Apr 20, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #7

May 24, 2017

I'll be honest: My love of Buffy's universe probably leads me to score this series a little higher than I, otherwise, would. It's as if, just for existing...for giving me more of one of my favorite shows, each issue, automatically gets an extra point. Taking that into consideration, it makes my 7.6 score a little less impressive. SEASON 11 started strong but the last three issues have been slow and, a little, repetitive. With the exception of a few minor developments, the last few issues of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER have seemed interchangeable. This might be ok in a full-length "season" but, considering we only have five issues left before SEASON 11 is concluded, this decompressed storytelling makes the story feel thin. Don't get me wrong, the characterization, dialogue and artwork are as spot-on as always but I just can't help but feel the story is in a holding pattern. SCORE: 7.6

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #8

Jun 21, 2017

While the time Buffy and Co. spent in the internment camp seemed to go on an issue (and a half?) too long...while the series dragged a little at the mid-point...BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Season 11 #8 was a terrific issue that made up for it all. If you've read it, you know why. If you don't, already, read BtVS, no review is going to get you to start now (we are 11 seasons and 20 years into the story, after all). I just wanted to take a second to voice my opinion on the issue. It's a good thing that, in a cappy world, we can, at the very least, be thankful that, after all this time, the story continues... SCORE: 8.3

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #11

Sep 27, 2017

Season 11 started out SO strong and promising. Unfortunately, while not, remotely, bad, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON 11 #11 was a bit of a let-down. The writing and art were as enjoyable as ever but the issue felt so rushed that the moments that should have had the most impact (one of which was a game-changer) had (next to) none. SCORE: 7.4

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #12

Oct 25, 2017

While, by no means bad, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Season 11 #12 suffered from the same problems as the rest of this season...poor pacing and a few anticlimactic moments (which is, really, too bad as I loved issue #1). I didn't see ANY mention of a Season 12...which had me concerned. If this was the final season of BtVS it was not a worthy conclusion. If nothing else, and this is the end, I'm hoping for a limited series or one-shot to give us a proper, satisfying good-bye. Maybe Joss, himself, will do it...I think he'd HAVE to. Meanwhile, I will hope for the best and, eagerly, look forward to the GILES limited series. (PS - I really liked the Harmony/Clem cover. However, it just brought another missed opportunity to light as these covers would have been a great way to peek in on Buffy/Angelverse characters that have been neglected in recent years - Gunn comes to mind as an immediate "for example".) SCORE: 7.2

Bug: The Adventures of Forager #1

May 22, 2017

SCORE: 6.6

Captain America: Sam Wilson #14

Nov 8, 2016

Captain America: Sam Wilson #15

Dec 12, 2016

I have a real, nostalgic, soft spot for D-Man from the Mark Greunwald, black-suited The Captain, Johnnie Walker days of CAPTAIN AMERICA. This issue would have been fun, regardless. Score: 7.6

Captain America: Sam Wilson #17

Jan 15, 2017

SCORE: 6.9

Captain America: Sam Wilson #18

Feb 5, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Captain America: Sam Wilson #20

Apr 7, 2017


Captain America: Sam Wilson #21

May 23, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

Captain America: Sam Wilson #22

Jun 14, 2017

SCORE: 8.2

Captain America: Steve Rogers #5

Oct 19, 2016

Captain America: Steve Rogers #6

Nov 6, 2016

Captain America: Steve Rogers #7

Dec 19, 2016

Man, Jesus Saiz draws the hell out of Red Skull. Score: 8

Captain America: Steve Rogers #9

Jan 21, 2017

CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE ROGERS #9 is another very good (bordering on excellent) issue. I think the fans who are avoiding this series on principle (much like when NIGHTWING became GRAYSON over at DC) are missing out on a terrific, engaging story (much like GRAYSON over at DC...which, incidentally, stands as my favorite Dick Grayson solo book in 30 years). My only complaint this issue would be the cliffhanger ending to the trial of Maria Hill...Otherwise, it was a great issue that had me looking forward to what comes next. SCORE: 7.7

Captain America: Steve Rogers #10

Feb 7, 2017

CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE ROGERS continues to be my favorite Cap book in years. Issue #10 is another excellent installment. My only complaint...the only thing that brings the score down...would be the mediocre quality of the art for any page not drawn by Jesus Saiz. SCORE: 7.7

Captain America: Steve Rogers #11

Feb 24, 2017

SCORE: 8.5

Captain America: Steve Rogers #12

Mar 4, 2017

CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE ROGERS #12, one of Spencer's weaker issues, was,still, an excellent installment of my favorite Cap run since Waid/Garney. Plus, it had Taskmaster! Am I his only fan? All the experimental garbage that Marvel has been churning out,recently,and we can't get a Taskmaster solo? Just look at that cover. SCORE: 8

Captain America: Steve Rogers #13

Mar 19, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Captain America: Steve Rogers #15

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Captain America: Steve Rogers #16

Apr 19, 2017

I love this run of CAPTAIN AMERICA. If the art, this issue had been just a little more consistent, this issue would have scored substantially higher. SCORE: 7.8

Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #3

Jan 10, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Champions (2016) #3

Dec 9, 2016

The individual members of THE CHAMPIONS represent everything I hate about modern Marvel. Separately, I do not like any of these characters but Mark Waid and Humberto Ramos managed to create a book I enjoy the hell out of, just the same. CHAMPIONS is a book that is better than the sum of its parts and issue #3 was another great issue...Great writing...Great art...Two great creators doing some of the best work of their respective careers. Good stuff. SCORE: 9.1

Champions (2016) #5

Feb 22, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Champions (2016) #6

Apr 1, 2017


Civil War II #6

Nov 16, 2016

Civil War II #7

Dec 20, 2016

Score: 5.7

Civil War II: The Oath #1

Feb 8, 2017

This was much more a CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE ROGERS annual than an addendum to CIVIL WAR II so your enjoyment will,likely, depend on your enjoyment of the former than the latter . I, for one have been loving Nick Spencer's current run on CA:SR and THE OATH was a, well drawn, wonderfully written issue that is especially poignant considering its real world implications. For those that hate what Marvel has done with Steve Rogers...a careful read of this issue, while showing just how, subjectively, evil he is, also gives the first glimmer of hope that all may not be as it seems with the original Captain America. Great...great issue. SCORE: 8.7

Cyborg (2016) #2  
Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 15, 2017

Thank Barbatos! With DARK NIGHTS: METAL #2 the DC comics I loved and lost has finally been REBIRTHed in full. Rather than bring back the post-Crisis/pre-NEW52 continuity in one fell swoop, DC has (very gradually) been merging the two since REBIRTH began (with Superman's story being the exception). DARK NIGHTS:METAL is one of those universe-wide events that only DC can do (and that Marvel has never been able to match), yet, hasn't done in years...It tells a great story, RICH in continuity, and celebrating what came before (rather than treat it as if it didn't happen). It is a true "CRISIS" in spirit (and in all the good ways that the word crisis inplies to a DC fan) if not in name. Welcome back,DC. SCORE:9.6

Dark Nights: Metal #3

Oct 11, 2017

I am not going to go into WHY I love this series...I would just be repeating what I said in my review of issue #2. Suffice it to say, DARK NIGHTS METAL #3 maintains the quality of previous issues...it is beautiful to look at and an, absolute, pleasure to read. If you are not reading DARK NIGHTS METAL you are missing out. SCORE: 9.3

Deadpool (2015) #13

Jun 10, 2016

I feel as if DEADPOOL has floundered sine it's most recent relaunch...perhaps due to the loss of Brian Posehn. This issue, however, was terrific (and the only issue of the, recent, $10 variety even close to being worth the money). Unfortunately, the best parts were relegated to those written by Charles Soule. I laughed out loud at Deadpool's dialogue and his scenes with his eyes popping back in were priceless. Gerry Duggan is responsible for one of the best runs of DEADPOOL with its previous volume. However, when the main writer gives us the weakest contributions of the three writers this issue, perhaps it is time to let someone else take over scripting duties.

Death of X #1

Oct 16, 2016

Death of X #4

Nov 27, 2016

While not the best written series, especially considering the talent involved, DEATH OF X had an entertaining conclusion (that may have even come as a pleasant surprise if you manage to avoid spoilers). Much like the writing, Aron Kuder's art throughout this series was not up to his usual standards. That said, his absence was sorely felt throughout issue #4 as the majority of the art wasn't even done by Kuder. I've been collecting comics for 30 years and one of my biggest peeves remains when a fill-in artist is used on a limited series. In conclusion, despite my gripes, I'd still give THIS issue a 6.9 (rounded up to 7 due to the limitations of this site). I enjoyed the series, as a whole, despite the fact that it had a hastily created, thrown together at the last minute, feel to it.

Deathstroke (2016) #5

Nov 6, 2016

Deathstroke (2016) #6

Nov 20, 2016

Deathstroke (2016) #7

Dec 6, 2016

Deathstroke (2016) #9

Jan 9, 2017


Deathstroke (2016) #19

May 30, 2017

SCORE: 6.1

Detective Comics (2016) #942

Oct 16, 2016

Detective Comics (2016) #943

Nov 6, 2016

Detective Comics (2016) #944

Nov 20, 2016

Detective Comics (2016) #946

Dec 26, 2016

Score: 8.4

Detective Comics (2016) #947

Jan 8, 2017

SCORE: 8.1

Detective Comics (2016) #948

Jan 21, 2017

Score: 7.8

Detective Comics (2016) #949

Feb 4, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 24, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Detective Comics (2016) #952

Mar 19, 2017


Detective Comics (2016) #953

Apr 16, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Detective Comics (2016) #954

Apr 14, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Detective Comics (2016) #955

May 5, 2017

The weakest arc in this run takes a turn for the better with DETECTIVE COMICS #955. A spotlight on Orphan and some nice artwork from Marcio Takara make for a really good issue. SCORE: 7.8

Detective Comics (2016) #956

May 20, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Detective Comics (2016) #957

Jun 4, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Oct 19, 2016

Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 19, 2016

Doom Patrol (2016) #3

Nov 20, 2016

Doom Patrol (2016) #4

Mar 14, 2017

My only real complaint would be that this, latest, volume of DOOM PATROL seems to have deadline issues. In the end, though, I don't even care about that. I'd rather have a great book, by the creative team we have now, that ships once every six months, over a timely-shipping book that was rushed to print or, worse still, had a fill-in creator. SCORE: 8.6

Doom Patrol (2016) #5

Mar 24, 2017

Re: DOOM PATROL #5 - I just fell, a little bit, in love with Casey Brinke. ...she drives the ambulance! SCORE: 8.7

Doom Patrol (2016) #6

May 23, 2017

It took many convenient plot points to make this story happen. Still, DOOM PATROL #6 was so much fun and looked so good... SCORE: 8.5

Earth 2: Society #18

Dec 6, 2016

Score: 8.2

Earth 2: Society #22

Mar 24, 2017

I stuck with EARTH 2, in all its iterations, since its New52 premiere. For better (James Robinson should have been left to build the world as he saw fit)...for worse (Daniel H. Wilson is NOT a good writer. In any medium.)...I stuck with EARTH 2. Dan Abnett did a lot to turn this book around and make it enjoyable, again. It was, obviously, too little too late. Books end. I've been reading for many years and firmly believe its the journey and not the destination that matters when it comes to storytelling. Still, EARTH 2 #22 left me a little cold. Out of all the dangling threads that will never get answered one nags at me. What happened to the people that the Wonders left behind on Telos? SCORE:5.5

East of West #27

Jul 1, 2016

East of West #29

Dec 19, 2016

Score: 9.1

East of West #30

Feb 4, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

East of West #31

Feb 9, 2017

I'm a big fan of superheros. That's not to say I don't read a bit of everything but "independent" books, that aren't part of a shared universe with twenty other books, usually end up being read in trade. That said...I can't trade wait EAST OF WEST. I love this book. While Year Two of The Apocalypse (capital "T", capital "A" for those uninitiated) had done slower moments, Year Three has been amazing. Issue #31, focusing on a group of characters we've never met, may be the best issue in months. It was cross-section of everything that works so well together to make this book...sci-fi political action vs. apocalyptic western...it's so damn good. SCORE: 8.8

East of West #32

Mar 18, 2017

EAST OF WEST #32 is another great installment of my favorite "independent" series. Great art, impeccable writing and characterization aside, this issue spotlights one of (if not my number one) favorite characters of the series... Chamberlain continues to be the most layered member of the EAST OF WEST cast and his scheming and double-dealing is endlessly entertaining. Of course, the story, this issue, is also terrific. SCORE: 9.1

East of West #33

May 25, 2017

I love this series and EAST OF WEST #33 is a perfect example why. SCORE: 9

FCBD 2017: All-New Guardians of the Galaxy/Defenders #1

May 8, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

FCBD 2017: Catalyst Prime: The Event #1

Jun 2, 2017


FCBD 2017: Secret Empire/Spectacular Spider Man #1

May 8, 2017

SCORE: 8.2

Flash (2016) #9

Nov 6, 2016

Flash (2016) #12

Dec 26, 2016

Score: 6.6

Flash (2016) #13

Jan 8, 2017

FLASH #13 may be my favorite, post-NEW 52/REBIRTH issue of this series. Neil Googe (not to be mistaken for Arnold Jackson nemesis, The Gooch) turned in some, particularly solid pencils this issue. I think that, if Mr. Googe can maintain this level of quality on a monthly basis, he'd be the ideal candidate to replace Jonboy Myers on TEEN TITANS. The script from Josh Williamson has the best dialogue he's written since taking over this title (which leaves me especially hopeful because his writing usually ranges from above-average to excellent on every other book he writes...but he's had some trouble with forced situations and dialogue on THE FLASH). My break-out star of FLASH #13 had to be Kidnapper #2, as portrayed ny Marty Feldman..."you mean like, adopt them?" Good issue. SCORE: 8.1

Flash (2016) #15

Feb 4, 2017

SCORE: 8.1

Flash (2016) #16

Feb 24, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

Flash (2016) #18

Mar 19, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Flash (2016) #19

Apr 7, 2017


Flash (2016) #20

Apr 13, 2017

FLASH #20 felt like a fill-in through and through (which makes sense,I guess, seeing as it WAS a fill-in). The standout of the issue was Neil Googe on pencils. His work borders on cartoony but improves with every issue he does...and, somehow, it works here. SCORE: 7

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 30, 2017

I love every page of this issue. FLASH #21 is another example of why REBIRTH has been such a success. It is everything I love about comics. Howard Porter had come so far since his beginnings in the Image Age of the'90s. Every page is gorgeous and he draws the best Flash-in-action that I've seen in ages. SCORE: 8.8

Flash (2016) #22

May 22, 2017

My score for FLASH #22 may have been closer to an 8 but Howard Porter's art was, just, sick a pleasure to look at that it made the whole issue better. SCORE: 8.8

Flash (2016) #23

Jun 14, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Grayson Annual #3  
Green Arrow (2016) #8  
Green Lanterns #8

Oct 16, 2016

Green Lanterns #10

Nov 13, 2016

Green Lanterns #11

Dec 3, 2016

Sam Humphries continues to surprise me. After a shakey opening arc (from a writer whose work I never cared for, previously) GREEN LANTERNS is shaping up to be one of the most fun "LANTERN" books in years. I almost dropped this book after the first arc but my love of the Lanterns (and these two Green Lanterns, in particular) made me give it another shot. I'm glad I did. 8.2

Green Lanterns #13

Jan 3, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Green Lanterns #14

Jan 15, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7

Nov 6, 2016

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #8

Nov 20, 2016

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #10

Dec 26, 2016

Score: 7

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #11

Jan 9, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12

Jan 21, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #1

Nov 26, 2016

A great start. My only concern is that Mr. Bendis has not, in the last couple of years, been giving us stories written to his, previously high, standards. A Bendis book is no longer guaranteed to be a good read (the two Iron Man titles leading to INFAMOUS IRON MAN are a perfect example of this...they were both pretty underwhelming). All that said, I really enjoyed this issue and I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens....I don't,necessarily, trust Doom's intentions. Well...If nothing else, I can say, definitively, that I really like the design for Doom's Stark-inspired armor.

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #2

Nov 26, 2016

Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1

May 23, 2018

...what a, truly, unexpected and pleasant surprise INFINITY COUNTDOWN: DARKHAWK #1 was. SCORE : 7.5

Inhumans Prime #1

Apr 1, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Invincible Iron Man (2015) #14  
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #2

Jan 11, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

Iron Fist (2017) #1

Mar 23, 2017

Iron Fist is my FAVORITE Marvel character. Still, I was not looking forward to this title. I got the impression it was, yet, another hastily thrown together comic, editorially mandated to stick to the most basic and familiar aspects of the character for the express purpose of synchronicity...get it out there while the new, Netflix, show is fresh and able to generate interest and money. I still think that is the case. Surprisingly, however, I loved IRON FIST #1. It was well-written by Ed Brisson while Mike Perkins provided art that was both clean and gritty at the same time (like Danny Rand himself). The story seemed, understandably, a little generic as it was probably created with new, Netflix inspired, readers in mind...people with no knowledge of Iron Fist outside of the show. But, even this didn't detract from a great issue. I'm looking forward to this series, now. My one hope, going forward, is a return to Iron Fist's green costume. Hell, I'll take the red or white version of the costume. I just do not care for the Adidas jumpsuit-looking uniform that Kaare Andrews designed. SCORE: 8.6

Iron Fist (2017) #2

Apr 23, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Iron Fist (2017) #3

May 29, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Iron Fist (2017) #6

Aug 2, 2017

IRON FIST #6 was terrific. While I, thoroughly, enjoyed the opening arc, I was a little concerned about Danny Rand being involved in, yet, another kung-fu tournament (Not only has it been done. ..more than once...but I'd hate to see Iron Fist limited, solely, to martial arts themed villians and stories). However, that same tournament has, apparently, set the stage & given IRON FIST (the series) direction and Iron Fist (the character) a renewed sense of purpose. Good story, great art,excellent characterization, a welcome appearance by the (other) Master of Kung-fu (in his Avengers uniform, no less) and an interesting villian made for a great installment of IRON FIST. SCORE: 8.5

Iron Fist (2017) #73

Oct 5, 2017

IRON FIST #73 was another great issue starring my favorite Marvel hero (Iron Fist, not Sabretooth) and featuring one of my favorite Marvel villians (the surprise one at the end of the issue, not Sabretooth). There was, also, a good story, nice art and a fight scene that was (probably unintentionally) reminiscent of John Carpenter's THEY LIVE (with Danny Rand and Victor Creed standing in for Roddy Piper and Keith David). Good stuff. SCORE: 8.2

Iron Fist (2017) #74

Nov 1, 2017

Ed Brisson and Mike Perkins continue their terrific run on IRON FIST with issue #74. If you are not, already, a fan of Iron Fist, then the current run (and the last two issues,in particular) will make you a fan. It's just too damn fun not to. SCORE: 8.1

IvX #0

Dec 9, 2016

Score: 7.3

IvX #4

Feb 18, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

IvX #5

Mar 4, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

IvX #6

Mar 22, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Justice League (2016) #6

Oct 16, 2016

Justice League (2016) #9

Dec 2, 2016

Justice League (2016) #10

Dec 14, 2016

My distaste for this run of JUSTICE LEAGUE has become so profound that it is difficult to, honestly, rate (or enjoy) an issue without my preconceptions coloring my judgment. So...while this issue was poorly conceived and written, I was happy to see the League battle some actual super-villains for a change. That, alone, made me feel a little generous. Score: 5.8

Justice League (2016) #12

Jan 10, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Justice League (2016) #13

Jan 28, 2017

SCORE: 5.5

Justice League (2016) #14

Feb 10, 2017

...I liked this one much better on a second read and still couldn't being myself to give it more than a 4.6 rating. Another faceless generic enemy fought by heroes acting out of character...Awful dialogue. .I was giving it EVERY chance, Mr.Hitch, but once Batman referenced "womp rats"...? Ughhh). And the art was only OK. SCORE: 4.6

Justice League (2016) #15

Feb 24, 2017

JUSTICE LEAGUE (or, JLA, JLI etc.) is one of those books that I will stick with longer than average even if I'm not, particularly, enjoying it. It's an essential title...one of those books that are, automatically, a little more enjoyable just because I'm a fan of the character(s). I'm saying this because I want to explain why I continue to read JUSTICE LEAGUE even though I don't enjoy it. For me, it is like pizza...I'd rather have bad pizza than none at all. And THIS BOOK IS BAD PIZZA...and,after thirteen bad issues (and two guest-written issues...only one of which was good) I'm getting full. Issue #15 is pretty bad for just about every reason that critics have cited in reviews for previous issues...in that, at least, the book is consistent in its poor quality. Rant aside, a little ironic fact, Bryan Hitch was one of the creators on one of my favorite JLA runs, ever. Of course, Mark Waid was writing then and Hitch as artist was at the top of his game. SCORE: 5.4

Justice League (2016) #16

Mar 11, 2017

JUSTICE LEAGUE #16 is, easily, Bryan Hitch's best issue since issue #1 of his JLA. If he could keep this up I would be hopeful for the title's future. SCORE: 7.6

Justice League (2016) #17

Mar 19, 2017

Wow. JUSTICE LEAGUE #17 makes two good issues in a row for Bryan Hitch. Plus, we're, FINALLY, getting light shed on some mysteries that have been around since Justice League of AMERICA #1. It's going to take more than two or three or,even, five good issues for Bryan Hitch to win me over and make up for past indiscretions...but if he manages to end this story arc well, without falling into old habits, he'll be off to a good start. PLUS, it, certainly, doesn't hurt to have Fernando Pasarin backing him up on pencil duties. Mr. Pasarin's work is so nice to look at, as a whole, that I can overlook his, occasionally, doughy faces. SCORE: 7.6

Justice League (2016) #18

Apr 7, 2017

"Meet the greatest threat the Justice League has ever faced! Meet. ..MOLLY!" I have enjoyed the last two issues of JUSTICE LEAGUE and was very hopeful that Bryan Hitch was getting better. Unfortunately, JUSTICE LEAGUE #18 is more in line with Mr.Hitch's usual,substandard, output. The issue would be a "5" if not for some really nice art from Fernando Pasarin. I think Mr.Hitch's biggest problem is that he tosses every idea he has into the first part of his story arcs but never leaves room to expand on anything. His stories become needlessly convoluted with little to no explanation or resolution. Oh, well. Maybe, this time, he'll stick the lambasting and surprise the hell out of me. SCORE: 5.9

Justice League (2016) #19

Apr 20, 2017

Bryan Hitch, once again, proves he is the master of the non-ending. No answers. ..no resolution...JUSTICE LEAGUE #19 was so bad that I'm angry at myself for enjoying the second part of this arc and getting my hopes up. So many things just happened without explanation (I don't want to post spoilers but if you're ever fighting an AI/master of time thing/braniac-hulk baby... randomly bleeding on it will allow you to take over its systems...I think?). Fernando Pasarin turned in some great art and is the only reason this issue didn't end up with a MUCH lower score. SCORE: 5.2

Justice League (2016) #20

May 8, 2017

My score is only as high as it is because, this issue, Bryan Hitch's pencils are closer to the high quality art that we've come to expect from him (but haven't gotten in awhile as his pencils have suffered in recent years). His Flash,especially, has a classic look that I've come to miss...more and more, artists tend to draw the Flash's costume covered in glowing seams and electrical effects that overshadow the simple excellence of a classic costume. Unfortunately, the reason the score isn't higher is also due to Bryan Hitch. His writing and storytelling continue to be about as good as they have in previous issues (that's "good" as in, "not.."). If you've read a single, previous, issue you know what I'm talking about. If this is your first issue of Mr. Hytch's JUSTICE LEAGUE then know that this is as good as it gets. SCORE: 6

Justice League (2016) #21

May 18, 2017

Once again, Bryan Hitch gives us a conclusion that is so bad it goes back in time and ruins the first/early issue(s) of the arc. In this case, it was ridiculous logic that ruined everything (in addition to the usual terrible dialogue). If Flash reset things and went back in time every time he connected with the artifact...and the original "event" that triggered everything happened at the expo...then how did Flash,originally, start out the story the day after the "event" (with Jess)? How did it launch hum into the future the onr time and into the past every other time? I still,occasionally, enjoy Bryan Hitch's art and his art was good enough in JUSTICE LEAGUE #21 (good enough to bring the score up a bit...nice cover, too). SCORE: 5.1

Justice League of America (2017): Rebirth #1

Feb 24, 2017

After reading comics for over 30 years In still a sucker for a good team-building montage. That's what JUSTICE LEAGUE REBIRTH #1 is. It doesn't hurt that both Ivan Reis and Steve Orlando are in top form here. I'm really looking forward to what's next. SCORE: 8.6

Justice League of America (2017) #3

Apr 8, 2017

SCORE: 6.8

Justice League of America (2017) #4

Apr 13, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Justice League of America (2017) #6

May 20, 2017

While this may be my favorite issue of the series, that isn't saying much. Steve Orlando is capable of so much better (MIDNIGHTER is a must-read) but he is, definitely, one of the more uneven writers in comics (like Scott Lobdell Mr. Orlando is capable of both great storytelling and terrible writing). Also, nothing against Andy MacDonald...I enjoyed his artwork well enough this issue...but, this is the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA...How do we not have an A-list artist on this book? Why has Ivan Reis only done a couple of (half-hearted) issues? The, occasional, fill-in is expected but this seriesfeels as if the fill-in artists have done,practically, every issue. SITE: 6.9

Justice League of America (2017) #7

Jun 4, 2017

Where the hell is the Steve Orlando that was responsible for MIDNIGHTER? I want him on this book. At least HE was fun. SCORE: 5.5

Justice League of America (2017): Vixen Rebirth #1

Jan 13, 2017

What a pleasant surprise...I picked this issue up (like most, I'm willing to wager) in anticipation of the upcoming JLA book. Vixen has NEVER been a favorite character of mine. In fact, I've always, rather, disliked her. If JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA: VIXEN - REBIRTH is an indication of what we can expect of Vixen, going forward, I may have to change my opinion. This wasn't, by any means, a perfect comic but it WAS a good combination of story+art+writing that made for an excellent read. Of particular note is the art by Jamal Campbell. I'm not very familiar with Mr. Campbell's work. If I've seen it elsewhere I couldn't say. In and of itself, his art is good..not great...but teeming with potential. His art, especially his color-work, shines every time Vixen uses her power (nice effects). While not a"MUST READ", I'd, recommend this issue if you are a Vixen fan or, like me, want a little peek into what to expect from the, upcoming, JLA book. SCORE: 8.2

Justice League of America (2017): The Ray Rebirth #1

Feb 1, 2017

Among the many transgressions of the NEW52 was DC's, ill-fated, reboot of The Ray. I could have forgiven,just about, any change to the character, at the time, but DC did the one thing I couldn't accept: they totally redesigned the character (and, considering The Ray has always had one of my favorite character designs, the redesign was most definitely not for the better).So, here we are, years later and The Ray had been REBIRTHed. I enjoyed this one-shot enough (good story, nice art, likeable protagonist)...but, more than anything, I'm just happy to see one of my favorite, modern costume designs back on the printed page. The future looks bright. SCORE: 8.3

Justice League of America (2017): Killer Frost Rebirth #1

Feb 4, 2017

Unfortunately, the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA spotlight prequels ended with the weakest. SCORE: 6.1

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Jan 8, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #5

Jan 21, 2017

Score: 8.1

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 29, 2017

...a fun ending to a fun, well-paced series. Great writing, beautiful pencils (I can't believe this is the same Howard Porter who drew JLA 20 years ago), cool super-hero one-liners and an enemy defeated via pseudo-science that can only (should only) make sense in comic books. This series was (did I mention) fun and issue #6 is a perfect example of everything I love about the medium. My only complaint would be with the last page...it would have been a jaw-dropping twist if Grant Morrison hadn't done the same thing years ago. SCORE: 9

Kamandi Challenge #1

Jan 29, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

Kamandi Challenge #2

Mar 22, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Kamandi Challenge #3

Apr 17, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Kamandi Challenge #4

May 14, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Karnak #6

Feb 11, 2017

I'm a big Inhuman fan. Of the Inhumans, Karnak has long been a favorite (along with Black Bolt, of course). I'm also a big fan of Warren Ellis. So, taking this into account, KARNAK #6 should have been a home run of a hit for me. Unfortunately, long delays between issues killed the momentum of this series. Additionally, as a singular issue, KARNAK #6 could not support its own ideas wothout benifit of having read the previous five issues. KARNAK (the series), in its six issue entirety, was a deep, dark exploration of my favorite Inhuman but issue #6, as a comic, read without benefit of its preceding issues, is lacking. I'm not a fan of trade-waiting but would definitely suggest reading all six issues of KARNAK, in a sitting, to truly enjoy this issue and the series as a whole (it is a VERY fast read, by the way). As a singular story and character piece, this series is pretty amazing. That's why, I've included both my score for the series and my score for just the issue with this review. ISSUE SCORE: 6.4; and SERIES SCORE: 8.7

Luke Cage (2017) #1

May 19, 2017

I was,initially drawn to David Walker's POWER MAN AND IRON FIST because Iron Fist is my favorite Marvel property (neck-in-neck with Black Panther, the Inhumans and Union Jack). However, I stuck around because it was just a damnn good comic. The reason I came to check out Luke Cage, despite not being a fan of him as a solo character, is because, in the end, PMaIF might as well have been called LUKE CAGE AND THE OTHER GUY...I loved the book but, let's be honest, it was Luke's book...and he was written SO WELL. Unfortunately, the Luke we get in LUKE CAGE #1 feels less like THAT Luke and more like the Luke frim the Netflix show. This isn't bad...it's just not great. I would still say that LUKE CAGE #1 is a decent read. It just isn't what I was hoping for. I'll give it another read before deciding whether or not to pick up issue #2. SCORE: 7

Midnighter And Apollo #3

Jan 2, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

Midnighter And Apollo #5

Feb 22, 2017

SCORE: 8.7

Midnighter And Apollo #6

Mar 25, 2017

SCORE: 8.3

Milk Wars: JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1

Jan 31, 2018

I enjoyed MILK WARS Part 1 quite a bit. Steve Orlando has a certain chemistry with Aco that I haven't, yet, seen in any of his other work (unfortunately) . I can't help but think that I would have enjoyed this issue MUCH more if the core DOOM PATROL series was up to date. MILK WARS, obviously, continues from the current (late and unfinished) storyline going on in DOOM PATROL. I can't help but think this may enjoy this issue even more once I've read DOOM PATROL #11...when and if it comes out. SCORE: 8.3

Mister Miracle (2017) #4

Dec 1, 2017

What an, all around, amazing book! MISTER MIRACLE reads and looks like The New Gods (one of my favorite DC properties starring one of my favorite comic characters) done by David Lynch (my favorite director)...what more can I ask for from a comic. Compellingly written and beautifully drawn. SCORE: 9.1

Mister Miracle (2017) #6

Jan 11, 2018

Every issue of MISTER MIRACLE is better than the one preceeding it and #6 is no exception. The panels following the revelation for why the new room was needed...Scott and Barda's reactions and interactions...made for a perfect moment. THIS is why I still read comics 30 years later. If you're not reading MISTER MIRACLE you're doing yourself a disservice. SCORE: 9.4

Monsters Unleashed #1

Jan 25, 2017

Score: 7.5

Monsters Unleashed #2

Feb 1, 2017

MONSTERS UNLEASHED continues to be a pleasant surprise with issue #2. It doesn't take itself seriously...no forced themes or poor attempts at provoking deep thought (a la CIVIL WAR II)...just fun superhero v. monster battles. I've never been a fan of Cullen Bunn but his script for this issue is good enough to get the job done for this type of book...where the writing definitely should, and does, take a back seat to the art. As far as the art goes: Greg Land, who has shown a steady improvement in his work in recent years (that began with his run on MIGHTY AVENGERS), turns in a terrific looking issue (and David Curiel's colors, especially in the opening pages, really compliment the art). The only real problem I had with the issue is that HOOVER DAM, where the X-Men battle what looks like The Mayor from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, borders two (2) states...and NEITHER OF THEM IS CALIFORNIA. SCORE: 7.7

Monsters Unleashed #3

Feb 17, 2017

If you want to see what I think of this issue I'll refer you to my review for issue #2...my opinion of MONSTERS UNLEASHED #3 is about the same. Neat,thoughtless fun with really nice art. This issue got a slightly higher score only because, while Greg Land turned in some great looking pages last issue (some of his best, in my opinion),Leinil Francis Yu (always one of my favorite artists) managed to outdo himself here. This issue is such a pleasure to look at. SCORE: 8

Monsters Unleashed #5

Mar 15, 2017

MONSTERS UNLEASHED #5 was as fun as the rest of the limited series. Mindless, monster fighting fun. I don't know if there is enough here to support an ongoing...definitely not if it follows the format established in the Limited Series. What was unadulterated fun for five issues will become annoying by ten. That said, the ongoing cast, introduced this issue, their abilities and story are interesting enough...And, while I'm not normally, a fan of Mr.Bunn's work, I do love me some Elsa Bloodstone. So, to conclude, while it will never be considered a modern masterpiece, MONSTERS UNLEASHED was a fun ride for anyone, like me, that likes to, occasionally, have a little fun with their comics. If I could sum up my opinion in one word... SCORE: 8.1

Monsters Unleashed (2017) #1

Apr 20, 2017

Everything good about the limited series of the same name can be found in, the ongoing, MONSTERS UNLEASHED #1. However, the first issue of the ongoing has more character development, personality and some surprising (and welcome) additions to the supporting cast. Plus, it has monsters and, best of all, ELSA BLOODSTONE...and if you don't love Elsa Bloodstone, you've never read a comic with her in it. A great start. Score: 7.9

Moon Knight (2017) #189

Nov 29, 2017

...no longer Marvel's answer to Batman. Finally, with MOON KNIGHT # 189, Max Bemis gets it right. This is Moon Knight being used to the full potential of the character in a way that he hasn't been in years. Even the exemplary run from Warren Ellis did not "get" Moon Knight right like he is here. If Max Bemis keeps it up he will have an amazing run. (Note: Issue #188 was great, too, but I was reserving judgment for the appearance of the title character). Good, good stuff all around. SCORE: 9

Moon Knight (2017) #190

Dec 27, 2017

Max Bemis and Jacen Burrows are three for three with MOON KNIGHT #190. With each issue my confidence, that this may be the best run on MOON KNIGHT in years, grows. Time will, of course, tell but...damn, this is a good comic. SCORE: 9.0

New Avengers (2015) #16

Oct 19, 2016

New Avengers (2015) #17

Nov 22, 2016

New Avengers (2015) #18

Jan 2, 2017

A great conclusion to the best book ,currently, carrying the AVENGERS name (by leaps and bounds above the rest). As a series, NEW AVENGERS had a rocky start, mainly due to some questionable art, but it became a highlight in a time when the majority of Marvel's output is at an all, time creative low. Plus, it doesn't hurt that NEW AVENGERS had one of my favorite (and most underrated) current writers (AL EWING) telling stories about some of my favorite (and most underrated) characters from the last 30+ years of collecting (SUNSPOT & CANNONBALL and WARLOCK!). Looking forward to U.S.AVENGERS #1. SCORE: 8.8

New Superman #5

Dec 6, 2016

Score: 7.9

New Superman #6

Jan 7, 2017

I almost dropped this book, once or twice, during the early issues of its freshman arc. Because of its ties to Superman (the original, Clark Kent, hyphenless version...a personal favorite of mine) I decided to, at least, finish up the first storyline. Suffice to say I'm glad I did. NEW SUPER-MAN has gotten better with each issue (really...each issue is better than the one before), culminating in a great end to the origin story of Kong Kenan. Amidst some really nice art, good writing and great storytelling is a comic book that, truly exemplifies everything that made me love comics as a kid. It has a certain innocence in its high-adventure that comics, today, don't typically manage to attain without turning off adult readers. NEW SUPER-MAN manages something even the best books don't do. It is a hell of a lot of fun. SCORE: 8.1

Nick Fury (2017) #1

Apr 20, 2017

I'm a big enough fan of Nick Fury (Senior AND Junior) that I might have checked this book out just for that reason. However, the big draw, for me, was Aco (who I followed over from his run on MIDNIGHTER). Suffice to say, I wasn't disappointed. Aco's work speaks for itself so I'm not going to say more than it is a pleasure to look at..James Robinson,however, is also at the top of his game, here, and the colors of Rachelle Rosenberg, which I thought would be a distraction from the art, just worked so well to complement it. From its simple cover (subtly paying homage to what came before while showcasing all the modern sensibility of this new era) to the last page, NICK FURY #1 is comics done right and a surprising, yet welcome, addition to my pull list (for as long as it maintains this level of quality). SCORE: 8.4

Nightwing (2016) #6

Oct 16, 2016

Nightwing (2016) #8

Nov 14, 2016

Nightwing (2016) #9

Dec 2, 2016

Nightwing (2016) #10

Dec 14, 2016

Score: 7.6

Nightwing (2016) #14

Feb 10, 2017

SCORE: 6.1

Nightwing (2016) #15

Feb 25, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

Nightwing (2016) #16

Mar 12, 2017

This is,easily, Tim Seeley's most well-written issue of NIGHTWING to date. This, along with the return of Javier Fernandez on art, some suprising (and mature) plot developments and the return of my favorite dynamic duo of all time (with the appearance of Robin) made for one terrific book. SCORE: 8.3

Nightwing (2016) #17

Mar 22, 2017

A good issue. To be honest,though, I scored it a little higher than it deserved. First, I'm just such a big fan of the Dick/Damian dynamic (I prefer them over Bruce and Damian...in fact, I wouldn't mind seeing "Nightwing and Robin" become the norm). Second, the villian of the piece (I'll avoid spoilers and his name) is, perhaps, my favorite modern Bat-Villian. If you don't share my opinions you may want to deduct (up to) one (1) point from my score. SCORE: 7.8

Nightwing (2016) #18

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Nightwing (2016) #19

Apr 20, 2017

SCORE: 7.3

Nightwing (2016) #20

May 12, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Nightwing (2016) #21

Jun 2, 2017

SCORE: 6.2

Nightwing (2016) #23

Jun 23, 2017

While the art left me a little cold, NIGHTWING #23 is, probably, my favorite issue in some time. I love superhero comics and NIGHTWING #23 is a superhero comic through and through...costumed crime-fighting, a tumultuous private life, colorful villians and a setting, in Bludhaven, that is becoming as essential to the character as his costume. SCORE: 7.6

Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #9

Nov 5, 2016

I really like this book. Even if IRON FIST wasn't my favorite marvel character, I'd really enjoy this book. That being said...while the story (one of the best tie-ins forced upon us by CIVIL WAR II) and writing were as good as ever, the art and an awful cover brought my score down. That is one BAD (bad as in bad and not the way Cockroach Hamilton would use it) cover. The story and writing combo add up to a solid 8. The, mostly, guest art is a middle of the road 5. The cover gets a 3.5 only because the bottom half is decent. Things go bad as we move up

Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #10

Dec 6, 2016

Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #11

Jan 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #15

Apr 14, 2017

POWER MAN AND IRON FIST #15 was a solid end to a great series. Everything that made this series great since the first issue is present in the last. This volume of POWER MAN AND IRON FIST is one of those runs that I see myself pulling out, from time to time, and re-reading in its entirety. It was everything I love about comics and I'll miss it. At least, I have LUKE CAGE #1 to look forward to, next month. SCORE: 8.8

Punisher (2016) #219

Dec 13, 2017

Much like Max Bemis's MOON KNIGHT, this "new" PUNISHER, by Matthew Rosenberg, seems to be a return to greatness for a character that is rarely used to his fullest potential. The "Punisher as War Machine" concept is a sales gimmick (an obvious one at that). However, the execution of said gimmick is flawless. Mr. Rosenberg's Frank Castle is smart, ruthless and possessing of a dry humor that is often misused, overlooked or outright ignored by other writers. Yes, he's wearing the War Machine armor but, to the Punisher in this issue, it is just another tool to be used. When reading PUNISHER #219 it's clear: if he didn't have the armor he'd find some other way to make the bad guys dead. Frank may be using the armor but it doesn't define him or change who the Punisher is in any way. By the way: The art for PUNISHER #219 compliments the writing, perfectly. This is a good comic and it is the Punisher done right (despite the iron-makeover). SCORE: 8.5

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #5

Jan 7, 2017

I've been reading comics by Scott Lobdell since he was doing 8-page SHAMROCK stories for MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS. To say his work in recent years has been uneven would be an understatement. However, one thing about Mr. Lobdell's writing has bit changed in almost 30-years...at his best, he is capable of some terrific comics. RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS, from concept to execution, is a TERRIFIC comic. SCORE: 8.5

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #7

Feb 26, 2017


Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #8

Apr 8, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #9

Apr 13, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #13

Aug 26, 2017

I would consider myself a (long-time) fan of Scott Lobdell's comics despite the fact that the quality of his body of work has been (to put it simply) uneven. At his worst, we have been subjected to his SUPERMAN and TEEN TITANS. At his best, we have been fortunate enough to enjoy his GENERATION X/GENERATION NEXT and RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS. WHILE previous versions of RHatO, including RED HOOD/ARSENAL, have fallen in that aforementioned "uneven" category, the newest volume, sporting the REBIRTH banner, has been a consistently strong, well-written super-hero book. RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #13 continues a streak of above-average comics that started with issue #1. If you haven't given this volume a shot, do so, now. SCORE: 8.5

Royals #1

Apr 5, 2017

With one issue of ROYALS, Al Ewing and Jonboy Meyers restore a lot of the magic and...well, majesty, that have been missing from the Inhumans in recent years. And they did it without flushing all of the new additions to the mythos established during those years. ROYALS #1 is well written and beautiful to look at with great pencils and color work (Jonboy Meyers, who I did not think would fit this title, did an outstanding job). I'm looking forward to what comes next. SCORE: 9

Royals #2

May 2, 2017

ROYALS #2 was another excellent installment in a series that should have been done years ago. As much as I've enjoyed Charles Soule's run with the Inhumans (the initial, post-Terrigen Bomb, INHUMAN is a particular favorite of mine) their best stories usually involve the Royal Family. ROYALS fully supports that statement. Hopefully, when this book becomes monthly, Jonboy Meyers will be able to keep up. I didn't mind the fill-in art, per se, but it's never a good thing to see the art chores divided after one issue. Still, I'm loving this book. SCORE: 8.2

Scooby Apocalypse #6

Nov 5, 2016

Scooby Apocalypse #7

Dec 6, 2016

Score: 7.2 The dialogue in this book continues to be downright cringe-worthy... However, this is a book where nostalgia rules all and I can't help but read it and enjoy it every month.

Secret Empire #0

Apr 19, 2017

I read everything twice and sometimes adjust my score upon a second reading... so that may very well happen here once I get over the initial excitement of the story... but for now all I can say is how much I loved SECRET EMPIRE #0 (amended on 04/25: upon a second read-through my opinion remains unchanged). I could not have asked for a better culmination of everything that has been happening in CAPTAIN AMERICA for the last year. Outstanding story...Great art...Great writing. It's been a loooong time since I felt tension reading a comic book. Great, great stuff! If you've been enjoying Nick Spencer's excellent run on CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE ROGERS (and CA: SAM WILSON, for that matter) you will NOT be disappointed. SCORE: 9.7

Secret Empire #1

May 4, 2017

Everything I said about issue #0 can be applied to SECRET EMPIRE #1. I'm more excited for this event than ever. Not only is this an event book done right, it's just a damnn good superhero comic. SCORE: 9

Secret Empire #2

May 26, 2017

SCORE: 8.7

Secret Empire #3

Jun 14, 2017

SCORE: 8.1

Secret Empire: Uprising #1

Jun 14, 2017

SITE: 7.1

Secret Warriors (2017) #1

May 14, 2017

While the RESURREXION initiative is proving to be very uneven, both in creativity and quality, for Marvel's X-Books, its Inhuman-led books have been solid across the board. SECRET WARRIORS #1 continues this trend with another great premiere issue. The story, while being a tie-in to a larger event is a fun, well-written origin story for the new Secret Warriors team. Add to that some really creative pencil work from Javi Garron (seriously, Ms. Marvel's debut, this issue, was the absolute coolest I've ever seen her look...seeing her from the perspective of a frightened Hydra agent) and SECRET WARRIORS promises to be another, outstanding, addition to Marvel's resurrected Inhuman books. SCORE: 8.5

Secret Warriors (2017) #2

Jun 3, 2017

SCORE: 8.3

Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #1

Oct 27, 2016

As with its sister properties, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and ANGEL, SERENITY's score probably gets an extra point just because of my love for the characters and the 'verse in which they exist. That being said, the first issue of NO POWER IN THE 'VERSE is a decent premiere with a hell of a lot of promise. My favorite thing about the issue? I love...absolutely love...that the Mandarin expressions are being dropped in the dialogue again. There have been problems with making this come across well, in print, since Serenity / Firefly comics were first published. In the last series it was discarded altogether and its absence was felt. It is done very well here. My only real complaint would be that Georges Jeanty draws many of his characters the same way. It's often very difficult to tell characters of the same gender apart without the benefit of their respective dialogue. It is something I noticed on BUFFY, as well, the more rushed his work got. Still, his pencils are very nice to look at (and light years better than anything I could ever draw). I bring it up only as a fan who knows that he is capable of better.

Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #2

Dec 20, 2016

After a real promising start, with issue #1, SERENITY: NO POWER IN THE 'VERSE #2 was disappointing, to say the least. The characterization was way, way off here...especially with regards to Mal and River (I won't waste time citing specifics...if you're a fan, you can't miss it). SCORE: 6.4 (If I'm being honest, the score was, probably, lower. I think that last point came from my love of the property.) If I'm being honest, I peobably added a punt because of my love of the property

Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #3

Jan 24, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #4

Feb 20, 2017


Shade, the Changing Girl #1  
Suicide Squad (2016) #5

Nov 6, 2016

Suicide Squad (2016) #6

Nov 26, 2016

Suicide Squad (2016) #7

Dec 10, 2016

Score: 8.2

Suicide Squad (2016) #8

Dec 18, 2016

Score: 8.4

Suicide Squad (2016) #9

Jan 21, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Suicide Squad (2016) #11

Feb 11, 2017


Suicide Squad (2016) #12

Feb 26, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Suicide Squad (2016) #13

Mar 19, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

Suicide Squad (2016) #14

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Suicide Squad (2016) #15

Apr 13, 2017

This arc was the low point of the series and this issue was the low point of the arc. I grew up reading books drawn by John Romita Jr., and while his work has, since, declined in quality, I didn't, unlike many others, hate his work on SUICIDE SQUAD. His pencils, this issue, however, were especially poor (not only rushed-looking but phoned-in...like he could care less about the end result). The story and writing felt the same as there were absolutely no surprises in Amanda Waller's/Rob William's convoluted scheme/story. Eddy Barrows' art single-handedly brought up my rating for this issue. As always, Mr. Barrows turned in some beautiful pages. Still, I'm optimistic about the future of the book. SCORE: 6.1

Suicide Squad (2016) #16

May 1, 2017

SCORE: 8.2

Suicide Squad (2016) #17

May 12, 2017

Without a doubt, SUICIDE SQUAD #17, is the best issue of this series in awhile. Last issue was really good, too, but THIS issue was pure Suicide Squad mayhem...THIS issue was everything one could want from an issue of Suicide Squad...and it was SOOO nice to look at, too. SCORE: 8.5

Suicide Squad (2016) #18

Jun 3, 2017

SCORE: 8.4

Super Sons (2017) #1

Mar 11, 2017

SCORE: 8.6

Super Sons (2017) #2

Mar 26, 2017


Super Sons (2017) #3

Apr 21, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Superman (2016) #8

Oct 16, 2016

Superman (2016) #11

Dec 3, 2016

Another great issue. After years of sticking with my favorite character through one bad story after another...it, is finally, a hood time to be a Superman fan, again.

Superman (2016) #12

Dec 14, 2016

Superman, Frankenstein, Doug Mahnke...Christmas came a little early. Score: 8.7

Superman (2016) #15

Jan 28, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Superman (2016) #16

Feb 10, 2017

SCORE: 5.8

Superman (2016) #17

Feb 25, 2017

SCORE: 5.8

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 5, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Superman (2016) #19

Mar 19, 2017


Superman (2016) #20

Apr 7, 2017

This was an excellent issue, in general, but the name on their mailbox was a particular highlight. Just like in BATMAN AND ROBIN, Peter Tomasi writes the perfect superhero family dynamic. I wonder if Ma Kent is alive in this new version of Superman's reality. SCORE: 8

Superman (2016) #21

Apr 25, 2017

SORE: 8.6

Superman (2016) #22

May 4, 2017

SUPERMAN #22 featured one of my favorite artists and a spotlight on Lois Lane-Kent that I didn't even know I wanted. All that and a really nice cover by Ryan Sook. SCORE: 8.6

Superman (2016) #36

Dec 8, 2017

OK. Maybe SUPERMAN #36 wouldn't, normally, be an "8" comic but it has two things in its favor: art from, the always terrific, Doug Mahnke AND one hell of a last page. SCORE: 8

Tales of Suspense (2017) #101

Feb 2, 2018

The revival of TALES OF SUSPENSE had been, so far, such a paragraph pleasant surprise. Issue #101 was even better than the previous installment. Excellently written and drawn...kinetic and fun...TALES OF SUSPENSE #101 is the perfect action movie/spy drama/ buddy cop book that I didn't know I wanted. SCORE: 8.8

Teen Titans (2016) #1

Oct 26, 2016

It wasn't until I read this issue that I realized just how limited Damian's exposure to the rest of the DC Universe has been since his debut. He has been such a huge presence in the Bat-family books that I have failed to notice just how little an impression he was left everywhere else. Observations aside, I loved this issue. With the exception of the early part of Geoff Johns' run on TEEN TITANS, it has been years..YEARS (literally a decade or TWO)...since I've enjoyed reading about the Teen Titans as much as I did this one issue. Let's hope the book stays this good going forward.

Teen Titans (2016) #2

Dec 6, 2016

Teen Titans (2016) #3

Jan 17, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Teen Titans (2016) #5

Mar 14, 2017

One (barely a) Spoiler ahead... TEEN TITANS #5: A solid issue that leaves me hopeful for the future of the franchise. Khoi Pham, in particular, made a great showing this issue. Where his first issue on the series looked and felt like a fill-in (probably because;it was...he came on after the hasty departure of Jonboy Meyers) Mr. Pham really made the book his own with this issue. The last few pages, starting with Batman's appearance were, particularly, gorgeous. SCORE: 8.7

Teen Titans (2016) #6

Apr 16, 2017

Great issue. People complain about how bad the New 52 TEEN TITANS was (and they are, absolutely, correct). The fact is, the poor quality of this book preceded the New52. TEEN TITANS had been floundering since Geoff Johns' run. So, I am appreciative that, with the exception of a couple of cringe-worthy moments, the REBIRTH era of the series has been terrific. Koi Pham had proven to be a, more than, suitable replacement for Jonboy Meyers..showing visible improvement from one page to the next. I haven't read a lot from Ben Percy outside of GREEN ARROW (which is decent but uneven at times) but he has proven to be very capable with TEEN TITANS and I remain optimistic. After all, I really can't remember the last time I looked forward to reading TEEN TITANS...but I AM looking forward to issue #7. SCORE: 8.4

Teen Titans (2016) #8

May 26, 2017

SCORE: 7.4

Teen Titans (2016) #12

Sep 15, 2017

After a few years of really poor stories (pre-dating the NEW52), the REBIRTH era TEEN TITANS has been a, relatively, enjoyable run. TEEN TITANS #12 maintains the quality of this latest volume. That said...Percy Benjamin HAS to stop writing Damian's continuous referrals to Batman as his father in public. It's bad enough that he does it in front of his fellow Titans but he does it in front of EVERYONE...heroes, vilians, the general population...EVERYONE. It seems a little sloppy for anyone trying to protect multiple secret identities in addition to his own (much less, those of the Bat-family). It seems, especially, careless and out of character for Damian. SCORE: 7.2

Teen Titans (2016): Lazarus Contract Special #1

Jun 14, 2017

SCORE: 6.4

Titans (2016) #3

Oct 27, 2016

Titans (2016) #4

Nov 16, 2016

Titans (2016) #5

Dec 20, 2016

I can't get enough of Brett Booth's art on this book. Wally, practically, sped across the page as he raced back and forth across the country (ironically, I didn't care for Mr. Booth's work on FLASH). TITANS is a beautiful book...and, just a lot of fun, overall. Score: 8.5

Titans (2016) #6

Jan 8, 2017

TITANS #6: A great conclusion to an impressive opening arc. Dan Abnett's REBIRTH output had been, across all of his titles, some of the best work of his career...and TITANS is no exception. It's terrific. Brett Booth was born to draw this book. I enjoy his work, in general (his FLASH run being a rare exception...ironic considering how Flash-centric this opening arc was) but TITANS is so beautiful to look at. It's bright and flashy and positive and super-heroic. Nice work. Speaking of bright and flashy...the colors by Andrew Dalhouse and Carrie Strachan shine this issue (even when they don't "shine", like in the muted pastels of the speed-force, they look great). SCORE: 8.4

Titans (2016) #9

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Titans (2016) #10

Apr 14, 2017

Dan Abnett is the unsung hero of REBIRTH. His books (all of them) read like the classic comics of the late 80's and early 90's that I grew up reading. No event-motivated writing here...just a perfect mix of action, story and character development...all in a single issue! This holds true for all of his books; not just TITANS. Brett Booth,meanwhile, has found,in TITANS, the book he was born to draw (and the colors, as always, are great, too). The only reason this issue didn't get a higher score was due to my inherent dislike of the Fearsome Five. SCORE: 7.7

Titans (2016) #11

May 13, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Trinity (2016) #2

Nov 7, 2016

Trinity (2016) #3

Dec 11, 2016

The story seems less focused than it started out in issue #1. The story is,at best, average. The art, on the other hand (by Clay Mann & co.), is amazing. It is, easily, the best work I have (ever) seen from Mann...with smart and creative layouts inspired by, series writer/primary artist, Francis Manapul. Beautiful work. Score: 7.3

Trinity (2016) #4

Jan 10, 2017

SCORE: 6.1

Trinity (2016) #5

Feb 5, 2017


Trinity (2016) #6

Mar 10, 2017

SCORE: 5.2

Trinity (2016) #7

Apr 9, 2017

SCORE: 7.3

Trinity (2016) #9

Jun 4, 2017

Francis Manapul's first arc on this series left me a little cold. The first issue was strong but the remainder of the issues were, more than, a little weak...Mr. Manapul's scripting left much to be desired. Here we are, again, at the beginning of an arc and TRINITY #7 is off to a very strong start. However, there is evidence of Mr.Manupal learning as he goes and the writing is,definitely, improved...just in the way he manages to sync the dialogue to his, always excellent, art is more apparent. Plus, as I mentioned, Mr.Manupal's art is, in a word, "excellent" this issue...the best looking issue since the series began, in my opinion. SCORE: 7.4

U.S.Avengers #1

Jan 7, 2017

After a second reading I loved this issue even now than the first time. I dig the hell out of Al Ewing's writing, in general, but his Avengers run(s) have been outstanding (seriously, start with the first issue of Ewing's MIGHTY AVENGERS and see how organically that, original, team evolved into what is, presently the U.S.AVENGERS and ULTIMATES, respectively). U.S.AVENGERS had everything that one could want in a comic...if,you don't like this issue then you don't like America. SCORE: 8.5

U.S.Avengers #2

Feb 4, 2017

SCORE: 7.7

U.S.Avengers #3

Mar 11, 2017

SCORE: 7.9

U.S.Avengers #4

Apr 10, 2017

Another great issue. I can't help but cast Michael Cudlitz as Abraham Ford in the role of Maverick/Red Hulk. SCORE: 7.9

Ultimates (2015) #11

Oct 19, 2016

Ultimates (2015) #12

Nov 20, 2016

Ultimates 2 (2016) #2

Jan 10, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Ultimates 2 (2016) #3

Feb 7, 2017

Travel Foreman is NOT working to his potential with this series. As a fan of his previous works, I can say with complete confidence that he is capable of much more than he has given us with ULTIMATES(squared). Some of the panels in issue #3 (and issues #1 and #2 for that matter) don't even look finished. THAT SAID, this issue was still terrific. It is a testament to just how good a storyteller Al Ewing is that,even when the art isn't clear, the story still shines. ULTIMATES may be my most anticipated book from Marvel. I'm loving it. I hope Marvel is smart enough to give Al Ewing the FANTASTIC FOUR upon its inevitable return...because, with the exception of the cast, this book is everything I'd want from an FF series. SCORE: 8.1

Ultimates 2 (2016) #4

Mar 14, 2017

Even though,for some reason, Travel Foreman's pencils have been nowhere near as good as he is capable, ULTIMATES2 has been outstanding and so much fun. Issue #3 had been the best,yet. Aside from the, usual, great story and writing abilities of Al Ewing, this issue had the Ultimates battle the Troubleshooters...finally. I loved, LOVED, Marvel's New Universe and these Troubleshooters (Justice, Spitfire, Psi-Force...) and their references to the White Event are pure nerd candy for me. That said, this ULTIMATES2 would be a great book even without these updated versions of some classic ideas. Al Ewing needs to head up the inevitable return of the FANTASTIC FOUR when it happens. SCORE: 8.8

Ultimates 2 (2016) #5

Apr 16, 2017

I love ULTIMATES2 and issue #5 was another example why. If only Travel Foreman would work to his potential .. SCORE 8.5

Ultimates 2 (2016) #6

May 8, 2017

SCORE: 8.3

Ultimates 2 (2016) #7

May 17, 2017

ULTIMATES2 #7: An unfortunate, forced fill-in issue. The series has, obviously, been put on hold while SECRET EMPIRE plays out. ULTIMATES2 will, likely, continue as planned when the tie-ins are over with. I'd wager that in re-reading ULTIMATES2, when all is said and done, it will read seamlessly if you skip these SECRET EMPIRE issues. All that said, Al Ewing makes the best of things this issue. It IS as well-written as ever. It is the high-quality of the writing and a nice cover that made my final score as high as it is. After all, the story is, mostly a reiteration of what we've, already, read about (several times) in SECRET EMPIRE (and elsewhere) and the low quality of the art needs no comment (in case you haven't seen it...it is BAD). I don't normally knock somebody's artwork because I can't draw any better... except, in this case, I think I could. All said...this issue was a rare low for an otherwise great series. SCORE: 5.4

Ultimates 2 (2016) #8

Jun 24, 2017

Brilliant! To put it simply, ULTIMATES2 #8 is amazing. If you had told me that Galactus, forever relegated to a "living" plot device, would become such an engaging, three-dimensional, character, I would have thought you were crazy. But ULTIMATES2 #8 proves that he is just that. Not a single member of the Ultimates appeared this issue (excepting, maybe, Galactus, himself) but you'll never notice...or care if you do. To top it off, the art of Aud Koch, which was such a detriment to the previous issue, only contributes to what makes this issue so terrific. The art just works so well here that I could not imagine another artist telling the story better. What a great issue. (07/08/17 - I just read ULTIMATES2 #8 for the second time. I was pleased to discover that I enjoyed it more than the first read-through.) SCORE: 9.8

Ultimates 2 (2016) #100

Aug 16, 2017

ULTIMATES2 #100 was an excellent, thoroughly original and surprisingly surprising conclusion to one of Marvel's best books in recent memory. Honestly, the biggest, most pleasant surprise (for me, at least) was something that did NOT happen rather than something that did (I'll avoid spoilers here but if you don't know what I'm alluding to, the non-event is mentioned by Mr. Ewing in his afterword for the issue). I've sung the praises of Al Ewing in other reviews on this very site so I won't bore you by repeating the same things I've said many times before...with one exception: If ULTIMATES2 (and its predecessor, ULTIMATES) have not convinced the decision-makers at Marvel that Al Ewing needs to write a new FANTASTIC FOUR title, nothing will. SECOND READING AMENDMENT (09/02/17): On a second read, ULTIMATES #100 was even better . I couldn't ask for a a more satisfying conclusion to this sprawling tale that started with the transformation of Galactus (and made me an actual fan of the character for the first time in 30 years). THE ULTIMATES are why, as an adult, I continue to read "superhero" comics. I'm looking forward to, inevitably,rereading the whole twenty-two issue epic without monthly interruptions. SCORE: 9.2

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #15

Nov 5, 2016

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #16

Dec 6, 2016

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #17

Dec 26, 2016

SCORE: 6.9

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #18

Jan 9, 2017

SCORE: 7.3

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #20

Mar 10, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #21

Apr 1, 2017

SCORE: 6.8

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #22

May 1, 2017

SCORE: 8.3

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #23

Jun 4, 2017

A very good issue which I enjoyed, more than anything else, for tying up the loose ends floating around this series since UNCANNY AVENGERS existed as a title (since Remender wrote the book). The Cable/Synapse storyline could have taken up a little less space but, at least, it made Synapse somewhat interesting to read for the first time since her debut. SCORE: 7.5

Uncanny Inhumans #14

Nov 8, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans #15

Nov 27, 2016

Uncanny Inhumans #16

Dec 25, 2016

A good issue which also features my favorite NuHuman, Frank McGee aka (...the great character with the terrible Inhuman moniker of...) Nur. Score: 7.6

Uncanny Inhumans #17

Dec 31, 2016

...What a pleasant surprise this arc (and this issue, in particular) has been. Just good,solid storytelling with no hype or status quo alerting event attached. Best of all, I experienced a split second of honest-to-gods suspense as Black Bolt made his decision (after all, with his own book coming out - hooray - it isn't impossible to think they'd want him able to speak). Good stuff (and a really nice cover). Score: 8.1

Uncanny Inhumans #18

Feb 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Uncanny Inhumans #20

Mar 24, 2017

The last issue of UNCANNY INHUMANS also happens to be one of the best. Maximus is such a great character and Charles Soule writes him so, damn, well. UNCANNY INHUMANS#20 was a great issue with genuine, laugh at loud, moments. SCORE:8.7

Weapon X (2017) #1

Apr 19, 2017

SCORE: 7.6

Weapon X (2017) #2

May 2, 2017

SCORE: 6.9

Weapon X (2017) #3

May 20, 2017

SCORE: 7.1

Wild Storm #1

Feb 28, 2017

SCORE: 8.9

Wild Storm #2

Apr 9, 2017

SCORE: 8.1

Wild Storm #3

Apr 21, 2017

SCORE: 8.3

Wild Storm #4

May 19, 2017

I have been enjoying every single page of this series since issue #1. In four issues and a couple of days (in comic time) Warren Ellis has managed to create, in the new Wildstorm Universe, an amazing world littered with realistily complex, compulsively readable characters. THE WILDSTORM #4 may have cemented one of these creations, the most recent iteration of Henry Bendix, as one of my favorite characters in ANY series. GREAT character. ..Great characters...Great book. SCORE: 8.5

Wonder Woman (2016) #9

Nov 7, 2016

Wonder Woman (2016) #10

Nov 20, 2016

Wonder Woman (2016) #13

Jan 8, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

Wonder Woman (2016) #14

Jan 21, 2017

SCORE: 8.1

Wonder Woman (2016) #16

Feb 20, 2017

Another great issue of WONDER WOMAN aside...how score that gorgeous cover? Wow. SCORE: 8.5

Wonder Woman (2016) #17

Mar 3, 2017

SCORE: 8.3

Wonder Woman (2016) #18

Mar 19, 2017

SCORE: 8.9

Wonder Woman (2016) #19

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 7.8

Wonder Woman (2016) #20

Apr 14, 2017

WONDER WOMAN #20 is just a damnn good comic. SCORE: 8.9

Wonder Woman (2016) #21

May 3, 2017

SCORE: 8.8

Wonder Woman (2016) #22

May 20, 2017

SCORE: 7.5

Wonder Woman (2016) #23

Jun 3, 2017

On its own, WONDER WOMAN #23 is a very good comic. As the conclusion to Greg Rucka's long-running story WONDER WOMAN #23 was a little underwhelming. SCORE: 7

X-Men Prime #1

Apr 1, 2017

SCORE: 7.2

X-Men: Blue (2017) #1

Apr 12, 2017

What a pleasant surprise. Cullen Bunn (who,usually, leaves me cold but, has been doing some good work, recently) and Co. produced a terrific first issue with X-MEN: BLUE #1. I don't have high hopes for this most recent reboot of the X-line and X-MEN: GOLD was just good enough to escape mediocrity but X-MEN: BLUE was pretty great. I don't know how long I'll stick around,this time, but I do know that I am, at the very least, looking forward to the second issue. SCORE: 8.2

X-Men: Blue (2017) #2

May 2, 2017

I've said elsewhere: I've never, particularly, enjoyed Cullen Bunn's writing. I'll be damned, however, if he isn't killing it on X-MEN: BLUE. It's difficult to judge just how good a series is going to be after two issues but, if Mr. Bunn is able to live up to the high standards he set so far (and, X-MEN: BLUE HAS improved from issue one to issue two) this may shape up to be a truly classic run. I have always found the concept of the O5 in the modern day to be an intriguing one but Mr.Bunn is the first writer, for me, to handle them properly. My opinion of Mr.Bunn has changed, dramatically, in recent months (between this book and MONSTERS UNLEASHED). Finally, it goes without saying, Jorge Molina draws a beautiful book with pencils reminiscent of Olivier Coipel. This is good, good stuff. SCORE: 8.3

X-Men: Gold (2017) #1

Apr 7, 2017

SCORE: 5.9

X-Men: Gold (2017) #2

Apr 27, 2017

Someone's personal views would never affect my enjoyment of his or her work...Ardian Syaf's opinions are his own (though, really, what a stupid, stupid thing he did). Political views and career suicide aside, his art in X-MEN: GOLD #2 is still bad. I have never been particularly fond of Mr. Syaf's pencils but his work in X-MEN: GOLD has been awful. All that said, I haven't been enjoying the rest of the book,either, but considering how much the art detracts from the book, I'm willing to give it a couple of more issues before deciding to stick around. Ken Lashley had a distinctive style that, at its best, would work very well here. I'm staying positive... SCORE: 5.6

X-Men: Gold (2017) #3

May 13, 2017

SCORE: 6.6

X-Men: Red (2018) #1

Feb 7, 2018

Finally, after years of floundering, we get the next step in mutant evolution. THIS is what should have grown out of the seeds planted by Chris Claremont years ago. While I have, most definitely, enjoyed certain X-MEN runs over the last 20 years (Whedon's EXTRAORDINARY,Morrison's NEW and any issue of Peter David's X-FACTOR remain favorites for different reasons), X-MEN RED is just what long time fans who thought the X-Men had lost their way needed. SCORE: 8.6

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