MyNameIsNotJohn's Profile

Joined: Jun 24, 2016

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Overall Rating
Aquaman (2011) #20

Feb 20, 2018

Pointless filler. Entirely skippable. Glad I got this one for 50 cents.

Aquaman (2011) #25

Feb 23, 2018

Avengers (2012) #32  
Batman (2016) #6  
Batman and Robin (2011) #18

Apr 24, 2019

This issue is a great example of delivering a story in a way that only the comic book medium can. There is a lot to appreciate here. I read this as part of my Batman Incorporated reading order and it made it much more impactful. Always fun to revisit this special issue.

Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Apr 24, 2019

I think this is a tough issue to enjoy on its own, but as part of the entire Batman Incorporated run it’s pretty important and meaningful. Morrison just knows how to write dialogue that sticks in your head and if you read the rest of the New 52 run, things come to a head in a satisfying way in this issue. An important issue to own in any case, just for the short period of time it had influence.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

Oct 6, 2019

I thought it was good and it’s super immersive, but I really couldn’t buy into Diana’s look and dialogue considering all we have grown used to in her character, and seriously why you gotta do Darkseid like that? In the back of my mind I was hoping Darkseid would be responsible for the current state of the world in this book but it turns out this “Omega” guy is apparently responsible and I’m sure even when he’s revealed I won’t accept that he could take out Darkseid lol.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Oct 7, 2019

I didn’t find it as good as #1 but liked the references to different characters in this post-apocalyptic setting and the Lex/Superman status quo. Still quite immersive. Really hoping Omega is not a former robin/bat ally but if it is then I hope Snyder is convincing enough with the reveal.

Blackest Night #0

Dec 17, 2017

Blackest Night #1

Dec 17, 2017

Blackest Night #2

Dec 17, 2017

Blackest Night #3

Dec 18, 2017

Blackest Night #4

Dec 19, 2017

Blackest Night #5

Dec 19, 2017

Blackest Night #6

Dec 19, 2017

not much happens besides the new lanterns and theres too many ads

Blackest Night #7

Dec 19, 2017

Blackest Night #8

Dec 19, 2017

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1

Dec 17, 2017

saint walker story easily carries the issue

Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2

Dec 17, 2017

Countdown To Infinite Crisis #1  
Detective Comics (2011) #22

Sep 7, 2019

Very good and immersive. Awesome art and both main story and backup were well done. Really hope the villain identity is not as obvious as it looks.

Detective Comics (2011) #35

Oct 27, 2019

I found this one issue better than the entire Icarus arc that preceded it.

Detective Comics (2011) #36

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Fate (2015) #1

Sep 23, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #2

Sep 23, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #3

Sep 23, 2017

Art still the best part. Pacing could be better

Doctor Fate (2015) #4

Sep 23, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #5

Sep 23, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #6

Sep 25, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #7

Sep 25, 2017

Lots of content here. This issue felt like it contained more than 20ish pages of story and the art really helped that out. While Khalid's disbelief in his situation gets repetitive by this point I can let it slide a bit.

Doctor Fate (2015) #8

Sep 25, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #9

Sep 27, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #10

Sep 27, 2017

I feel like every issue at this point is like a roller coaster. High points riddled with low points.

Doctor Fate (2015) #11

Sep 27, 2017

Inconsistent art is among a few of the issues that makes this the worst issue in the series

Doctor Fate (2015) #12

Sep 27, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #13

Sep 27, 2017

Kent Nelson helps breathe some new life in the series as the OG Doctor Fate makes his introduction.

Doctor Fate (2015) #14

Sep 27, 2017

Great art by Inaki Miranda and an extra little backup story make this one of the most enjoyable issues in a thus far average series.

Doctor Fate (2015) #15

Sep 27, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #16

Sep 27, 2017

Doctor Fate (2015) #17

Sep 27, 2017

Good art

Doctor Fate (2015) #18

Sep 27, 2017

Doomsday Clock #1

Nov 22, 2017

This is huge. This issue felt so packed. When you think about it, not a ton happens in this issue. It's mostly setup. But it still did so much, in my opinion. It's insane to see the continuation of Watchmen in this day and age, and Johns, Frank and Anderson are crafting something that is respectful of the source material and promises to do so much more with it. When I first read DC Rebirth #1, seeing that last page, I was shocked. I was very apprehensive. But I told myself - if anyone can do this, if anyone can make this work - it's Geoff Johns and co. And I think this is coming true. 11 more issues will confirm or disprove this...but I enjoyed this. And I can't remember the last time I read a comic without ads. That was a huge factor in my immersion. The idea of a series like this is so incredibly ambitious and risky - but this is a solid start. I have no idea how this got rated T+, though.

Doomsday Clock #4

Apr 5, 2018

Doomsday Clock #5

May 31, 2018

Doomsday Clock #6

Aug 1, 2018

The overarching plot of Doomsday Clock continues to move at a snail's pace, but the book itself is so immersive with every panel that it's tough to complain. If there's one series that makes 32 pages feel much longer, it's this one, no doubt due to Johns and Frank's ability to work with the 9 panel grid. While I didn't find Mime/Marionette's origin too unique, I thought it gave great insight into why they became the people we find them as in the series. It's easier to understand compared to someone like the Joker who had one bad day topped off with a freak accident; M&M (as I will now forever call them)'s lives, starting as early as childhood, molded them into the wonderful freaks they are. But I have to say, my favorite part of the issue was the supplemental material in the back about the Department of Metahuman Affairs; I really want to know who's heading it all up and what led to the bleak state of the world in relation to superheroes. Also, great to see a classic Shazam character making an appearance, who hasn't been seen in continuity since Shazam's Justice League backups about 4/5 years ago!

Doomsday Clock #7

Sep 27, 2018

Doomsday Clock #9

Mar 6, 2019

This is a huge comic we're reading, huge.

Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 24, 2019

Earth 2 #0

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #1

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #2

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #3

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #4

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #5

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #6

May 23, 2017

Earth 2 #7

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #8

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #9

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #10

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #11

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #12

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #13

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #14

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #15

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #16

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 #17

Jun 2, 2017

Earth 2 #18

Jun 2, 2017

Earth 2 #19

Jun 2, 2017

Earth 2 #20

Jun 2, 2017

Earth 2 #21

Jun 3, 2017

Earth 2 #22

Jun 3, 2017

Earth 2 #23

Jun 3, 2017

Earth 2 #24

Jun 4, 2017

Awesome fill in art. I'm a fan of the Barrows / Ferreira dynamic and it does not disappoint. The layouts were especially creative. Story just seemed more epic than usual with a good blend of action and strong character moments.

Earth 2 #25

Jun 4, 2017

I really can't find anything I dislike about this issue. This is closer to a 9.7 or 9.8 since maybe some of the dialogue could have been better, but this is one of the most entertaining issues I've read yet and reading it with the knowledge of the previous issues makes lots of things come full circle. Great art and moments make for the best issue of Earth 2.

Earth 2 #26

Jun 4, 2017

I was conflicted on what to give this comic. Leaned toward a 7.5 but...we do have some satisfying art and moments. However things just ended too quickly. Should have been panned out more. I never have thought this before, but the ads really killed this issue. There were like 10 pages of ads at the end of this issue and I have to think that more could have been done if they weren't there. Perhaps something like this would have read better in trade format. Anyway, still a good conclusion but definitely felt lacking. Also Power Girl is on the cover and doesn't appear once in this issue (I can't stand misleading covers).

Earth 2 #27

Jun 4, 2017

Earth 2 #28

Jun 7, 2017

Earth 2 #29

Jun 7, 2017

Earth 2 #30

Jun 24, 2017

Earth 2 #31

Jun 8, 2017

Earth 2 #32

Jun 8, 2017

Earth 2 Annual #1

Jun 1, 2017

Earth 2 Annual #2

Jun 2, 2017

Earth 2: Society #1

Jun 8, 2017

Earth 2: Society #2

Jun 8, 2017

Earth 2: Society #3

Jun 8, 2017

Earth 2: Society #4

Jun 8, 2017

The flashback style is something I wasn't sure of at first but they're proving to be welcome additions and help to flesh out this new earth. Still wanting more of the main story though. Also it seems like there's inconsistency with how OG Superman died, but I'm willing to overlook it.

Earth 2: Society #5

Jun 8, 2017

Weak main story and character choices / inconsistencies but art and most of the flashback were good.

Earth 2: Society #6

Jun 8, 2017

Pretty weak dialogue. I hate what's happened with Jimmy. New Gods are stingy, though. And it's sad to see the divisions among the Wonders, but rebuilding a new world must not be easy.

Earth 2: Society #7

Jun 8, 2017

Pretty weak. Conflict resolved too easily and Kara + Val go from frenemies to teaming up from one second to the next. Poor dialogue too. Abnett takes over after this so should be much better.

Earth 2: Society #8

Jun 10, 2017

Already better under Abnett.

Earth 2: Society #9

Jun 10, 2017

Earth 2: Society #10

Jun 10, 2017

Earth 2: Society #11

Jun 10, 2017

Earth 2: Society #12

Jun 10, 2017

Decent conclusion to the arc but I wasn't sure how the thing with Green Lantern worked exactly because I thought he had to sacrifice his humanity in World's End #26? Maybe I was overthinking it.

Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 12, 2017

Earth 2: Society #14

Jun 12, 2017

Earth 2: Society #15

Jun 12, 2017

Earth 2: Society #16

Jun 12, 2017

I think this was my favorite issue so far. It just hit all the right beats and ended on a good cliffhanger.

Earth 2: Society #17

Jun 13, 2017

Great art and for once the story is actually compelling. The stakes feel greater than any previous issue honestly.

Earth 2: Society #18

Jun 13, 2017

Earth 2: Society #19

Jun 13, 2017

Earth 2: Society #20

Jun 13, 2017

Really sub-par dialogue even for this series. Reads like the worst of the first six issues.

Earth 2: Society #21

Jun 13, 2017

Earth 2: Society #22

Jun 13, 2017

A feel-good recap issue but still better than a lot of issues of this series. My Earth 2 wonders have had a rough time throughout their 3 series, but I'll miss them. I hope they find a place in Rebirth as they are and not simply replaced by the classic versions.

Earth 2: Society Annual #1  
Earth 2: World's End #1

Apr 21, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #2

Apr 22, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #3

Apr 23, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #4

Apr 26, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #5

Apr 26, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #6

Apr 27, 2017

Good pacing with this issue. It's tough to manage the multiple storylines, but all of them have their important parts here.

Earth 2: World's End #7

Apr 28, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #8

Apr 28, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #9

Apr 28, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #10

Apr 28, 2017

Quite a few feels in this issue. Dialogue and art better than usual. The introduction of Darkseid was what the series needed to get more momentum at this point and the short parts with him and Miracle were good.

Earth 2: World's End #11

Apr 28, 2017

Nice to see Darkseid in action; this issue had a tighter written and artistic focus which helped its quality. Only focusing on Apokolips helps to flesh out our New God characters and set the stage for the coming conflict.

Earth 2: World's End #12

Apr 29, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #13

Apr 29, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #14

Apr 29, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #15

Apr 29, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #16

Apr 30, 2017

Some annoying plot holes, but the art is mostly good and the story moments are noteworthy if you can suspend disbelief a bit. Kara donning the S-Shield was the highlight of the issue for me although I have no idea how it magically attaches to her suit, but I like the inclusion of that costume change. Overall it's nice to see the Wonders get a solid victory in their struggle to save a dying world.

Earth 2: World's End #17

Apr 30, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #18

Apr 30, 2017

A great issue in a mostly average (so far) series. This was a really smooth read for me with good pacing, which is tough when you're juggling multiple storylines, and the art was some of the best this series has had.

Earth 2: World's End #19

Apr 30, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #20

Apr 30, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #21

Apr 30, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #22

Apr 30, 2017

Some potentially cool moments undermined by the art and pacing. More time should have been placed on Alan's struggle against Apokolips, his inner turmoil etc. I would have liked that to be half the issue. At least the cover was awesome.

Earth 2: World's End #23

Apr 30, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #24

Apr 30, 2017

Earth 2: World's End #25

Apr 30, 2017

Truly a good quality issue, but some annoyances such as art inconsistency and incorrect speech bubble placement almost kept me from giving it an 8. On to the last issue. World's End is here.

Earth 2: World's End #26

Apr 30, 2017

Fantastic issue; the best of the entire series. Although the series as a whole was decent / average, in this issue all the devastation and loss that has been seen throughout the death of Earth 2 came to a head. I was honestly emotional in this issue, and seeing Alan say goodbye to the last shreds of his humanity and face Darkseid a final time made me smile. I knew Earth 2 was lost but damn if the Wonders didn't give it their all in the last moments. There were some iffy parts of the issue, such as the art being odd in a few panels, an abrupt end that didn't tie in to Futures End #47 as much as that issue referenced this one, and some random characters popping up in weird places, but the truth is I didn't care. The good far outweighed the bad. The art is more hit than miss, with amazing colors and effects that caught my eye and reinforced the story rather than taking away from it. The sheer dominance of Darkseid as he finished off the planet, the desperation everyone felt, and the hope that still lived on - all of that combined to produce one of the best issues I have read in a while. Entertaining, emotional and satisfying, Earth 2: World's End #26 is now one of my favorite comic book issues ever.

Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1  
Green Lantern (2005) #1

Nov 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #2

Nov 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #3

Nov 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #4

Nov 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #5

Nov 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #6

Nov 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #7

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #8

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #9

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #10

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #11

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #12

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #13

Nov 21, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #14

Nov 23, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #15

Nov 23, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #16

Nov 23, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #17

Nov 23, 2017

Exciting stuff

Green Lantern (2005) #18

Nov 23, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #19

Nov 23, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #20

Nov 23, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #21

Nov 27, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #22

Nov 27, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #23

Nov 27, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #24

Dec 1, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #25

Dec 1, 2017

Every page succeeds. No space is wasted. No threads are left hanging. And it teases what to come in a graceful way that does not impede a story. This is how you conclude an event.

Green Lantern (2005) #26

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #27

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #28

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #29

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #30

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #31

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #32

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #33

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #34

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #35

Dec 9, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #36

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #37

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #38

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #39

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #40

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #41

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #42

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #43

Dec 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #44

Dec 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #45

Dec 17, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #46

Dec 18, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #47

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #48

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #49

Dec 19, 2017

unecessary issue

Green Lantern (2005) #50

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #51

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern (2005) #52

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern (2011) #18

Feb 26, 2018

some of my favorite comic art of all time

Green Lantern (2011) #20

Jan 4, 2018

A bittersweet ending to a long run, but one better than I could have possibly hoped.

Green Lantern (2011) #36

Mar 10, 2018

best venditti issue so far. strong dialogue, art and the story moves along smoothly

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #1

Nov 22, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #2

Nov 22, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #3

Nov 22, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #4

Nov 22, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #5

Nov 22, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #6

Nov 22, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #7

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #8

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #9

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #10

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #11

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #12

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #13

Nov 26, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #14

Nov 27, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #15

Nov 27, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #16

Dec 1, 2017

lots of stuff happens. game changer for the GLC. best issue of the War since the Sinestro Corps Special.

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #17

Dec 1, 2017

Issue doesn't flow as well from GL #24 but still solid.

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #18

Dec 1, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #19

Dec 1, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #20

Dec 6, 2017

Sometimes the best issues are the slow ones with lots of talking. Something about this issue just made it a great read.

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #23

Dec 6, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #24

Dec 8, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #25

Dec 8, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #26

Dec 8, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #27

Dec 12, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #28

Dec 12, 2017


Green Lantern Corps (2006) #29

Dec 12, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #30

Dec 12, 2017

A dense issue but in a good way. Anytime an issue moves smoothly while feeling like a 48 page special or something is good.

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #31

Dec 12, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #32

Dec 12, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #33

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #34

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #35

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #36

Dec 13, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #37

Dec 15, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #38

Dec 16, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #39

Dec 17, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #40

Dec 17, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #41

Dec 18, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #42

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #43

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #44

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #45

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #46

Dec 19, 2017

Green Lantern Corps (2006) #47

Dec 19, 2017

great end to an era of great GLC by tomasi and gleason

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1

Nov 18, 2017

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #2

Nov 18, 2017

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #3

Nov 18, 2017

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #4

Nov 18, 2017

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #5

Nov 18, 2017

Green Lantern: New Guardians #16

Jan 3, 2018

Very important Kyle Rayner issue. Ending feels deserved. Great colors courtesy of Wil Quintana.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #21

Mar 11, 2018

Green Lantern: New Guardians #35

Mar 10, 2018

Great issue that reminds me why New Guardians is my favorite GL New 52 book. Justin Jordan includes a lot of lines that call back to the various defining moments Kyle has had as the White Lantern. The year he has spent with the Guardians has caused him to have some grievances which are clearly aired here, and you can see a shed of the old guardians showing in the new ones. The nature of the Life Equation is also fleshed out a tiny bit more here, helping us to see just what Kyle has become. Art is also great, Brad Walker, Drew Hennessy and Wil Quintana always bring it in this series. Makes me sad there's only 5 more issues to go. I have a feeling Kyle will play a big part in Godhead based on this issue.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #38

Mar 11, 2018

Green Lantern: New Guardians #39

Mar 11, 2018

Green Lantern: New Guardians #40

Mar 11, 2018

I thought it was a fantastic ending, I really did. Justin Jordan put so much care into this title, with very few missteps in my opinion. This issue is evidence of that. He not only provides a satisfying ending to this status quo, but takes it upon himself to make a thoughtful contribution to the mythos of the White Lantern and the Green Lantern universe as a whole, and does so in a way that isn't contrived. It seems perfect for the story told in these final issues, and is very in tune with how he has characterized Kyle throughout his run. The dialogue was good, the final battle was satisfying in a way that so many aren't - too often, villains are defeated through a deus ex machina, through oversimplification, or in a way that is rushed. But it's different here because the villain is so personal that the only way Kyle can defeat it is to change something about himself, and it's nice too because the group that has affected him throughout the series is there for him in the end. It doesn't ring hollow like the cliche "look into yourself for the answers" way - it really just made sense. And the art team really shines in this final issue almost the entire time. There is a lot of creative variety put into the layouts and design choices. I really can't say enough good about it. What saddens me, besides having to leave behind an amazing run, the book that introduced me to the entire Green Lantern universe, is that the choices made in this book probably aren't going to be referenced by other writers in the future. I know some things about Kyle's future having a general idea about the Rebirth Green Lantern title, but I think I'll always look back on this book and remember it as one that explored a character very well and had a hell of a time doing it.

Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #2  
Green Lantern: New Guardians: Futures End #1  
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1

Nov 11, 2017

Green Lantern: Rebirth #2

Nov 11, 2017

Green Lantern: Rebirth #3

Nov 11, 2017

Green Lantern: Rebirth #4

Nov 11, 2017

Green Lantern: Rebirth #5

Nov 11, 2017

Green Lantern: Rebirth #6

Nov 11, 2017

Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1

Nov 26, 2017

The beginning of something big and exciting, and what I've been waiting for after the previous volumes of Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Ion. Everything is about to pay off.

Infinity #1  
Injustice 2 Annual #2

Nov 21, 2018

A surprisingly good ending to this series considering it's largely a flashback. It's bittersweet to once again see what Clark and Bruce were like before the events of the game, but it works well here because Tom Taylor is such a good writer who has spent a lot of time with these characters in this setting. He writes the Kents so well and their interactions are great with Bruce, the dialogue in the bar between Jonathan and Bruce is great. And in the ending, Bruce finally shows some emotion, but too late...really makes you think about this series Art is also great, Redondo always brings his A-game and gave this title a very distinct style. I'm going to miss it so much and I'm so glad I own every issue. I love the games and the comics as long as they're written by Taylor, and I hope DC wises up and gives Tom a major series somewhere down the line. He writes a better Batman and Superman than is presented in the current titles right now and would be perfect for a reboot of the Batman/Superman title, but he also wrote every character in the Injustice comic universe well, in my opinion. I enjoyed nearly every issue of this series and will absolutely be going back and rereading it all some day. My only gripe is that certain characters like Firestorm and Cheetah (I think?) remain completely unintroduced, but for a series of this length they couldn't get to everyone, I suppose.

Ion #1

Nov 25, 2017

great art

Ion #2

Nov 25, 2017

Ion #6

Nov 25, 2017

Ion #7

Nov 26, 2017

Ion #8

Nov 26, 2017

Ion #12

Nov 26, 2017

I enjoyed this series. I didn't have issues 10 and 11 but ill get them eventually. This is a good Kyle Rayner series and I loved the art in all issues done by Greg Toccini. I'm glad i chose to include this series in my Green Lantern collection and I think it was good pre-reading as I draw nearer to the Sinestro Corps War.

JSA Kingdom Come Special: Superman #1

Feb 27, 2019

This was a really cool issue and was a real beauty to look at. The story itself was a bit bare bones but this was the first comic written fully by Alex Ross so I didn't mind. It was cool to read an Alex Ross painted comic in the single issue form, one of those unique things the comic medium delivers. The bonus material, which I usually don't care for as far as breakdowns of how artists and writers work in tandem, was actually really freaking good and it was so cool to see Alex's process and his stand-in models.

Justice League United #0

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #1

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #2

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #3

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #4

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #5

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #6

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #7

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #8

Sep 30, 2017

This issue felt extremely short. Good art but weak story development.

Justice League United #9

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #10

Sep 30, 2017

Am I crazy or didn’t Wildfire die?

Justice League United #11

Sep 30, 2017

Etrigan doesn’t skip leg day

Justice League United #12

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #13

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #14

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #15

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United #16

Sep 30, 2017

Justice League United Annual #1

Sep 30, 2017

I’m hooked. Great art and I’m curious as to where the story will go. Also nice since I’ve barely read anything with the Legion. This was a quality annual.

Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam #1

Dec 1, 2016

The Darkseid War: Shazam #1 is one of the best tie-ins to the Darkseid War, only beaten by the oft-praised Green Lantern issue. Steve Orlando writes a good Shazam and understands where he is now compared to where he was in his origin story, and the art by Scott Kolins (whose art I find hit-or-miss usually) and Romulo Fajardo Jr. is some of the best I have seen in any comic ever. There is so much filling the pages and the story, while definitely out-there and possibly not as interesting as the story originally promised in the solicitations, delivers as far as a compelling tie in goes. Recommended for any fans of Shazam in the New 52.

Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Sep 20, 2017

Just barely enough information is presented to make the comic understandable for those who have had similar bouts with Scott and the New Gods. This first issue does not hold your hand, but plants the seeds that explain the underlying situation. Even then, by the end of the issue you find yourself questioning the narrative you've established. But that's what makes it so immersing and intriguing. Not to mention the great art and overarching themes that drill themselves into your head, a staple of Tom King's work. This issue shoots high, and this is a perfect character and world to do so with. The New Gods are returning at last - even if all is not as it seems.

Mister Miracle (2017) #2

Sep 20, 2017

This is still good and above other comics published today, but issue #2 has nowhere near the thematic success of the terrific first issue. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. This issue is less setup and more establishing the feel of the moment, the brevity of war and battle, and how the chess pieces move across the board as a result. Just a tiny bit more is revealed about Scott's situation, but it's still unclear exactly what's going on. Having never followed a series like this month to month, though, I'm not worried, and with 10 more issues this series has plenty of room to breathe. Omega Men had an issue like this where you kind of just read along but not too much happens and that's ok. When all is said and done I'm confident that this will be an important part of the whole.

Mister Miracle (2017) #3

Oct 18, 2017

Better than the last issue. What matters here is it feels like more is happening. Scott has become a bit more aware and worrisome and it is clear he is being taken for a ride. What isn’t clear is exactly how that’s happening. That’s not a bad thing, though, and once again I’m consoled by the fact that we have nine whole more issues to flesh this out. I think the pace we have now is alright. Art continues to be terrific.

Mister Miracle (2017) #4

Dec 8, 2017

I think what sets Mister Miracle apart from other comics is how different it dares to be. I knew from the first issue that this was something else, a story not being told anywhere else, in the same way, in any other comic. And this issue is a perfect example. Now personally this is probably my least favorite issue so far but that doesn't make it bad at all. I've said it so many times already, but since I'm not used to following comics month to month, I know that this is just going to be another important piece in the narrative when everything comes full circle. At first I thought the art was the strongest aspect, because there was so little dialogue, but what little dialogue there is manages to be very impactful. Orion's interrogation was surprisingly immersive and I felt like every "statement" formed a box that continued to wrap itself around Scott. Every time he says "true", the box gets smaller, it gets harder to see a way out. Scott has been driven to the edge, it seems, and who knows how he's going to escape? I can't wait to find out.

Mister Miracle (2017) #5

Dec 28, 2017

Art the strongest portion for me. Story didnt hit home like I hoped it would. But it is the last date of a seriously damaged man, and that was my mindset throughout the issue. It is nice to see he won't be going without a fight and I hope the next issue, the halfway point, at least yields some answers. It's totally possible this issue will be much better once the entire series is released but for now, this is my least favorite issue.

Mister Miracle (2017) #6

Jan 29, 2018

I hate to say it but each issue gets worse for me. I feel like the focus has been less on Scott's crazy reality trip and more on quippy, pseudo-intelligent banter. I get how King writes, I do, but I can't help but think back to other books, such as The Vision and Omega Men, that had purposeful, impactful dialogue. Don't get me wrong, I love that we even have a book with Scott and Barda and I think they are great characters to do this kind of thing with, but the problem is we have been wanting real answers of some sort for awhile, and reaching the halfway point, I'm still being let down. This issue has a decent ending, and I am really hoping actual things can start happening again. King hasn't let me down in any of his other books. He has 6 issues to redeem himself in my eyes, and I trust him. I don't think this book is deserving of the perfect 10s reveiwers have been consistently giving it, but it's still a good quality comic. Let's see where the rest of this crazy ride goes, and hope it isn't hit with delays like too many of DC's more anticipated books.

Mister Miracle (2017) #7

Mar 28, 2018

This to me is a return to form for the series. I don't know if the skip month somehow helped my perception of it, but all I know is this is what I wanted from this series back again. Yay! Meaningful dialogue perfectly balanced with humorous dialogue, and fantastic art that really captures what I imagine the stress of pregnancy and childbirth is to the parents. My goodness, that "No one knows anything" line was my favorite, just a perfect panel. I liked this also because it is STILL redefining the genre. A typical action-filled comic book has battles and war, but this entire issue is just as tense without having any of that. I really liked this one and am excited for what comes next.

Mister Miracle (2017) #8

Apr 26, 2018

Adds absolutely nothing of consequence to the story. The art is good as always but that is no longer enough to justify throwing heaps of praise on it. I wish this series would stay consistent with its pace, honestly. I really truly get the appeal of what this issue has in it. Showing how quickly time flies with a kid, especially when your attention is divided, and imagine how much more difficult it is for Scott and Barda, fighting a literal war while their kid is at home. But there needs to be more than that. I really liked the last issue because it managed to have an engaging plot while furthering the story in a clear direction, I mean they’re having a kid for crying out loud. I guess you could argue that this furthers the story by showing how their kid grows but really what does that add to the overarching plot? If you are one of those people who has been giving this 9s or 10s every issue (I personally believe none of the issues except the first were that good) I would ask you to stop for a second and ask yourself “what is really going on in this series?” I’m not talking about the obvious issue of is Scott alive/dead, what’s real or what isn’t, I’m asking do we really know where we are story-wise? What is this issue doing to get us somewhere? Not much. If the argument is “oh it’s showing his kid grow and look how much time has passed and how stressed it is being a parent” that doesn’t cut it, that could be done in half the length of this issue. Overall disappointing.

Mister Miracle (2017) #9

Jun 27, 2018

It’s on the upswing.

Mister Miracle (2017) #10

Aug 2, 2018

A lot better! More of this please, as we finish off this series, hopefully well. Most important change here is the dialogue is *relevant* and moves the story along.

Mister Miracle (2017) #11

Sep 27, 2018

This series has rebounded well. Let’s hope last issue wraps it up in a nice fashion!

Mister Miracle (2017) #12

Nov 23, 2018

I see what King was trying to do with this issue, and this series as a whole, but it ultimately wasn't what I was looking for. I get the point that the issue barely manages to make evident, and though it's semi-clear what Scott's state is now and what it was through the entire series, it's still difficult to ascertain, and for a book that has repeatedly been stated to fit in with and affect the main DC universe (with the likes of The Button, Doomsday Clock, etc)...I don't think it should be difficult to know. It should have been straightforward. It's great that the ending leaves room for interpretation because a lot of works do that, but I think King could have accomplished this in half the time. Overall this issue does not make me look back fondly at the series proper and I miss the excitement I had with issue #1, which I believe was the best issue of this series and, perhaps ironically, set impossible standards for the rest of the series going forward. King's other series I've read, Omega Men and The Vision, both had amazing endings and rank among my all time favorite comics. While both have the same deal as Mister Miracle in that their endings leave a lot of room for reflection and interpretation, there are ZERO filler issues in either series and the story is so easy to follow. Mister Miracle went from unique hit to overrated filler in my eyes, riding on the coattails of its praise and hype, and I'm disappointed to say that after the series was starting to climb back in quality. It just goes to show, you can't win them all.

New Avengers (2013) #8

May 27, 2018

New Avengers (2013) #9

May 30, 2018

New Avengers (2013) #23

Aug 17, 2018

Omega Men #12

Apr 17, 2019

Back when Tom King was untouchable. Sorely miss this quality of writing from him. So rare for a series, or story arc for that matter, to produce an ending as merited and satisfying as this. One of those issues where the quotes, the characters, and the moments stick with you years after reading it.

Red Lanterns #18

Jan 4, 2018

The art team outdid themselves with this issue. Gorgeous artwork. Dialogue wasn’t bad compared to previous issues. This has been one of the best issues of the First Lantern crossover.

Red Lanterns Annual #1

Jan 20, 2018

Seriously good, plot threads resolved and a bunch of cool I really missed Sepulveda’s art. Really enjoyable issue.

Red Lanterns: Futures End #1

Apr 27, 2018

In my mind I think this will always be how i view the true fates of the likes of Guy and Bleez. Great read and awesome art.

Secret Wars (2015) #2

Sep 18, 2018

I just reread this after reading hickman ff and avengers, so much better now that I understand the backstory and characters. Great world-building.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1

Sep 11, 2021

This was a mostly good issue and alternative to the events of Countdown to / Infinite Crisis. I like Ted Kord and while some things in the book I felt were a bit hasty or unrealistic, it works within the confines of the page count and it’s mostly believable for a one-shot. This issue is also a good showcase for Aaron Lopresti who continues to do good work illustrating the likes of Ted and Booster from the days of Generation Lost, and adds a lot to the tone of the issue; stylistically it’s straight out of 2005 and that’s a good thing. Overall a good read

Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax #1

Nov 27, 2017

Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman #1

Dec 1, 2017

Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1

Dec 1, 2017

gave me some nice backstory on superboy prime. he is a well characterized villain. All these Tales of the corps tie-ins have shown me the Sinestro corps members all seem to have their own underlying motivations.

Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion #1

Dec 1, 2017

great art

The New 52: Futures End #48

Dec 1, 2016

If you treat this as an elseworld story you'll much likely be less frustrated as those who wanted a satisfying conclusion. And it's completely understandable to be upset with this ending, an ending to a series that already faced a number of problems, but given the current status quo of Batman Beyond hopefully it can be forgiven for the missteps that occurred during its run. It's technically a story where the villains win and I can live with that.

World's Finest (2012) #0

Jun 7, 2017

Kevin Maguire is king of facial expressions

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