8.0 |
Overall Rating |
10 |
Ant-Man (2015) #5 |
May 19, 2015 |
10 |
Archie (2015) #9 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
10 |
Archie (2015) #10 |
Jul 28, 2016 |
10 |
Batman (2011) #32 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
Best. Setup. Ever. |
10 |
Batman (2011) #33 |
Jul 23, 2014 |
+'s -Batman defeats the Riddler purely through wits. -Every emotional beat strikes the right chord, with every character arc rounding off perfectly. -Just when you are happy at the everything is awesome feeling, the issue puts you in your place, with a mildly sad event, which truly gives birth to the Batman, someone who we may think can never be happy, doing what he's doing, but who knows that he can never be happier than he is doing what he's doing. -While lighting the Bat-Signal was an emotional moment in Batman #0, it is an epic moment in this issue. -'s None |
10 |
Batman (2011) #44 |
Sep 24, 2015 |
10 |
Black Science #14 |
May 23, 2015 |
10 |
Black Widow (2016) #5 |
Jul 24, 2016 |
10 |
Daredevil (2014) #5 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
Easily the best issue in Mark Waid's run, combining all the best elements of the series, and that is really saying something. |
10 |
Daredevil (2014) #13 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
10 |
Daredevil (2014) #15 |
May 23, 2015 |
10 |
Daredevil (2014) #16 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
10 |
Dark Night: A True Batman Story #1 |
Jun 27, 2016 |
10 |
Hawkeye (2012) #21 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
10 |
Hawkeye (2012) #22 |
Jul 15, 2015 |
10 |
Saga #1 |
Mar 29, 2015 |
10 |
Saga #20 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
10 |
Saga #22 |
Aug 27, 2014 |
Unable to review this issue... Too choked up... All I can say is, bring a tissue. The fourth arc is building to its climax, and you're not going to like how. |
10 |
Saga #23 |
Sep 24, 2014 |
This issue does every thing Saga usually does. How much better can you get? |
10 |
Saga #24 |
Oct 31, 2014 |
The perfect first page, perfect character development, the perfect (sort of) conclusion to the arc (more like a conclusion to the first act of a much longer arc, if you consider Dengo to be the driving force, but if you see Marko and Alana's relationship crisis as the point of the arc, the this was the perfect conclusion) and the best Saga cliffhanger EVER. And that's saying a lot. |
10 |
Saga #26 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
10 |
Saga #27 |
Apr 9, 2015 |
10 |
Saga #29 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
10 |
Seconds #1 |
Jun 3, 2015 |
10 |
Southern Bastards #8 |
Apr 4, 2015 |
10 |
Southern Bastards #9 |
Jun 17, 2015 |
10 |
Sunstone (2014) #1 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
10 |
Sunstone (2014) #3 |
Sep 6, 2015 |
10 |
Sunstone (2014) #4 |
Feb 29, 2016 |
10 |
The Fade Out #5 |
Apr 23, 2015 |
10 |
The Private Eye #10 |
Mar 23, 2015 |
10 |
The Sheriff Of Babylon #5 |
Jul 25, 2016 |
10 |
The Walking Dead #138 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
10 |
The Walking Dead #139 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
10 |
The Walking Dead #145 |
Aug 17, 2015 |
10 |
Velvet #10 |
May 3, 2015 |
10 |
Vision (2015) #1 |
Nov 30, 2015 |
10 |
Vision (2015) #8 |
Jun 8, 2016 |
10 |
Vision (2015) #10 |
Aug 12, 2016 |
9.5 |
All-New Hawkeye #1 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
9.5 |
Batgirl (2011): Endgame #1 |
Mar 23, 2015 |
9.5 |
Batman (2011) #39 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
9.5 |
Batman: Eternal #14 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
9.5 |
Black Science #13 |
Apr 4, 2015 |
9.5 |
Black Science #17 |
Nov 30, 2015 |
9.5 |
Black Widow (2016) #4 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
9.5 |
Convergence: Green Arrow #1 |
Apr 23, 2015 |
9.5 |
Convergence: The Question #2 |
May 19, 2015 |
9.5 |
Daredevil (2014) #14 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
9.5 |
Deadly Class #12 |
May 3, 2015 |
9.5 |
Hawkeye (2012) #20 |
Sep 10, 2014 |
The amazing storytelling of the Clint Barton part of Hawkeye combined with the refreshing, light-hearted tone of the Kate Bishop part come together, resulting in a masterpiece that isn't just awesome in itself, but raises the level of the whole arc with a satisfying and jaw-dropping conclusion. Also, Kate's a badass. |
9.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #13 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
9.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #15 |
May 23, 2015 |
9.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #8 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
9.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #9 |
Jul 28, 2016 |
9.5 |
Prez (2015) #1 |
Jun 18, 2015 |
9.5 |
Rat Queens #8 |
Oct 2, 2014 |
Probably the best Rat Queens issue so far. If you've been following this series, you know that is high praise. |
9.5 |
Saga #21 |
Jul 23, 2014 |
With the perfect writing and the near-perfect artwork, the only thing preventing me from giving it a perfect 10 is the how the larger story, the gradually changing character dynamic are the point of this story, thus a story arc with every issue being given 9 or so the story arc as a whole is still going to be 10-worthy. You can't give an issue a 10 after waiting a month for it and seeing the story progress a few hours (that is, not very eventfully) |
9.5 |
Saga #25 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
9.5 |
Secret Avengers (2014) #15 |
May 23, 2015 |
9.5 |
Sex Criminals #8 |
Oct 15, 2014 |
These characters have so much heart and are so relatable, the sex part of this becomes secondary. And boy, that last page was heart-shattering. |
9.5 |
Sunstone (2014) #2 |
Sep 6, 2015 |
9.5 |
The Fix #3 |
Jun 8, 2016 |
9.5 |
The Walking Dead #140 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
9.5 |
The Walking Dead #142 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
9.5 |
The Walking Dead #143 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
9.5 |
Ultimates (2015) #9 |
Jul 24, 2016 |
9.5 |
Velvet #11 |
Aug 17, 2015 |
9.5 |
Vision (2015) #9 |
Jul 14, 2016 |
9.5 |
Wytches #2 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
Great writing, and incredible artwork. Wow! |
9.0 |
Ant-Man (2015) #3 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
9.0 |
Ant-Man (2015) #4 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
9.0 |
Batman (2011) #35 |
Oct 8, 2014 |
Snyder and Capullo at the top of their game... How can that ever be a bad thing? |
9.0 |
Batman (2011) #36 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
The story is going so fast paced, as opposed to Zero Year, that two issues in, you feel like so much has happened, that six issues should be enough to tell a whole saga. But the best thing about this arc till now and specifically this issue is that you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA where this might be going. |
9.0 |
Batman (2011): Futures End #1 |
Sep 10, 2014 |
Seeing as Snyder didn't write this one, I'm kinda surprised how good this turned out to be. Read the Detective Comics #27 75th Anniversary Special before you pick this one because without it, this is a good, intriguing story. Coupled with that one, it truly becomes something special. |
9.0 |
Batman: Eternal #13 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
9.0 |
Black Science #15 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
9.0 |
Catwoman (2011) #39 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
9.0 |
Catwoman (2011) #43 |
Aug 17, 2015 |
9.0 |
Chrononauts #1 |
Mar 23, 2015 |
9.0 |
Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #2 |
May 19, 2015 |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2014) #7 |
Aug 21, 2014 |
Amazing stuff. The reveals were handled in a way much better than how I was afraid they would, the characters weren't black/white and you actually care about them, It has an epic Matt Murdock/Daredevil awesomeness moment, and DD is generally a badass throughout. Nice job. |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2014) #8 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
Way too much awesome in this issue, but I don't wish to spoil anything, so I'll just get to the point. As far as I'm concerned, this issue introduces us to the coolest villain we've seen in Waid's run, and yes, the villain is SCARY AS HELL. Definitely intrigued for the story arc. Just wish they would drop references to what's going on in She-Hulk and what's about to happen in Superior Iron Man. |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2014) #9 |
Oct 16, 2014 |
Whenever you think Mark Waid has shown us all he has for his incarnation of DD, he provides a new insight. The art is as good as ever. The villains are the scariest we've seen in the renumbered series. |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2014) #10 |
Nov 20, 2014 |
I'm scared for the guy... Is he going to be alright? |
9.0 |
Dark Horse Sampler (FCBD 2015) #1 |
May 23, 2015 |
9.0 |
Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
9.0 |
Deadly Class #6 |
Jul 17, 2014 |
9.0 |
Deadly Class #7 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
This issue slows down on the action and focuses more on the characters, especially the general 'outcast' theme that runs through the series. That might be a downer for most, but as far as I am concerned, that is pretty awesome, and makes this one of the best issues the series has had, which is saying something. |
9.0 |
Deadly Class #9 |
Nov 27, 2014 |
This is usually a series of explosions of awesomeness, but this issue is more of a calm (sort of) before the storm, suggesting that the next explosion is going to leave my ears ringing with awesome. |
9.0 |
Deadly Class #10 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #934 |
Jun 8, 2016 |
Clayface and Batwoman are the parts I'm most excited for. And maybe Orphan. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #935 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #937 |
Jul 28, 2016 |
9.0 |
Gotham Academy (2014): Endgame #1 |
Apr 4, 2015 |
9.0 |
Grayson #3 |
Oct 2, 2014 |
If you are new to Dick Grayson, this series is an amazing introduction, if you don't like him, this series will make you love him, and if you already love him, then this series was tailor-made for you. |
9.0 |
Grayson #5 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
9.0 |
Grayson #7 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
9.0 |
Grayson #8 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
9.0 |
Grayson Annual #1 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
9.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #7 |
Aug 21, 2014 |
This series is less Woooow! and more Weeeee! Less EPIC and more Awesome! All in all, a fun read. |
9.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #8 |
Sep 10, 2014 |
Continues to crack me up with every gag and also leave me interested in the next one. |
9.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #14 |
Apr 23, 2015 |
9.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #16 |
Jun 18, 2015 |
9.0 |
Rat Queens #7 |
Jul 17, 2014 |
9.0 |
Saga #28 |
May 23, 2015 |
9.0 |
Snotgirl (2016) #1 |
Jul 24, 2016 |
9.0 |
Superman: American Alien #7 |
May 18, 2016 |
9.0 |
The Fade Out #4 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
9.0 |
The Fade Out #7 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
9.0 |
The Private Eye #8 |
Oct 8, 2014 |
9.0 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 |
May 3, 2015 |
9.0 |
Unfollow #1 |
Nov 30, 2015 |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2011) #33 |
Jul 26, 2014 |
9.0 |
Wytches #5 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
8.5 |
All-New Hawkeye #2 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
8.5 |
Ant-Man (2015) #1 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
8.5 |
Archie (2015) #11 |
Aug 26, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman (2011) #37 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.5 |
Batman: Eternal #12 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
8.5 |
Batman: Eternal #20 |
Aug 21, 2014 |
One of the Stronger issues till now. The climax of the Batgirl arc was as underwhelming as most of the arc itself, especially because the only dude making the arc interesting, Todd, was not the focus here. I liked the Batman arc till now, but the resolution felt kind of like an unsatisfying wrap up, just like the Batwing arc a few issues back. The real reason this issue was so good was the Gordon arc's climax. We see Gordon be a badass, we see a new badass character, and neither of them overshadows the other in their awesomeness. And the last few pages, man, those last few pages... One of the best story arc setups EVER. Also, [SPOILER ALERT!] |
8.5 |
Bitch Planet #4 |
May 23, 2015 |
8.5 |
Black Widow (2016) #1 |
Mar 3, 2016 |
8.5 |
Catwoman (2011) #36 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
The art is the selling point of this series for me, though the writing is excellent too. |
8.5 |
Catwoman (2011) #37 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.5 |
Catwoman (2011) #41 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
8.5 |
Catwoman (2011) Annual #2 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
8.5 |
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1 |
Jun 8, 2016 |
8.5 |
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1 |
May 3, 2015 |
8.5 |
Daredevil (2014) #6 |
Jul 26, 2014 |
8 mostly, plus 0.5 for the intriguing mystery, was Matt's father really a [SPOILER]? |
8.5 |
Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1 |
Nov 3, 2014 |
Take Hawkeye vs Deadpool's no holds barred fun, and add emotion and introspective moments to it. Also, some celebration of Logan's life rather than moping for his death. Probably the best Duggan I've read. (Not that I've read a lot.) |
8.5 |
Descender #3 |
May 19, 2015 |
8.5 |
Descender #6 |
Aug 17, 2015 |
8.5 |
Dredd: Uprise #1 |
Nov 27, 2014 |
More intriguing than Underbelly, but not nearly as good as the movie. |
8.5 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #2 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
The story is building up, and the mysteries are pretty intriguing, the only problem being that most of the school kid characters are too one dimensional and typical, fitting into well defined high school drama roles, like the snob. And then there's the art. HOLY @*#@ING S@#T! That is Gorgeous! Even if the story wasn't interesting at all, it would be worth it simply for the art. Now that Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's run on WW is over, this is my second favorite DC series (behind Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo). |
8.5 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #5 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
8.5 |
Gotham By Midnight #2 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
8.5 |
Grayson #1 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
8.5 |
Grayson #2 |
Aug 7, 2014 |
8.5 |
Grayson #4 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
This is so much fun! Cool spy mystery in the background, rooftop chases, plot twists at ever turn, and Dick Grayson being Dick Grayson. Tim Seeley rocks. Love the art, too. |
8.5 |
Grayson #9 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
8.5 |
Hawkeye (2012) #19 |
Aug 2, 2014 |
8.5 |
Mad Max: Fury Road - Furiosa #1 |
Jun 18, 2015 |
8.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #10 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.5 |
Rat Queens #9 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
8.5 |
Secret Avengers (2014) #12 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
8.5 |
Sex Criminals #7 |
Aug 19, 2014 |
Truly amazing characterization for Susie and Rachel, and some fun moments with Jon too. |
8.5 |
Sex Criminals #9 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.5 |
She-Hulk (2014) #9 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
Amazing plot, I just wish this was in the Daredevil series and written by Mark Waid. |
8.5 |
She-Hulk (2014) #10 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
When Captain America throws his mighty shield... I really like She-Hulk... |
8.5 |
She-Hulk (2014) #12 |
Feb 22, 2015 |
8.5 |
Silk #4 |
May 23, 2015 |
8.5 |
Southern Bastards #6 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.5 |
Spider-Gwen #3 |
Apr 4, 2015 |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #1 |
Jun 27, 2016 |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #3 |
Jul 24, 2016 |
8.5 |
Superman Unchained #7 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
8.5 |
Superman Unchained #8 |
Sep 10, 2014 |
This issue is far more focused on action than plot, but the conflict it sets up for the finale has the potential to be truly game-changing/meh. Which reminds me, the reveal in this issue, which ties everything together, was kinda underwhelming. But Luthor's awesome. You truly get to see that here. The guy's a genius. |
8.5 |
Superman Unchained #9 |
Nov 9, 2014 |
Scott Snyder did something he does so often: following up really tense plot buildup with a finale that goes poof! Luckily, while Jim Lee's art was about the big explosive action sequences, Snyder's writing was not. Throughout the series, he had questioned the existence of Superman and he gave a resounding conclusion that only reaffirmed my trust in his writing. Which reminds me, read Wytches. Even if you don't like horror. Wytches may very well make you like horror. |
8.5 |
The Life After #1 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
8.5 |
The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
8.5 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 |
Mar 23, 2015 |
8.5 |
The Walking Dead: The Alien #1 |
Apr 21, 2016 |
8.5 |
Thor (2014) #6 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
8.5 |
Thor (2014) #7 |
Apr 23, 2015 |
8.5 |
Ultimates (2015) #8 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
8.5 |
We Stand On Guard #5 |
Nov 30, 2015 |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2011) #34 |
Oct 2, 2014 |
Amazing buildup for the finale. The tension is rising. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2011) #35 |
Oct 31, 2014 |
The run was spectacular, but the finale did not hold up to the same level of quality. Last issue's cliffhanger turned out to be a red herring, a pivotal character was new to this issue so I did not particularly for her dilemma in the extremely important decision she made. How Diana's character development played into her fight with the First Born did not make complete sense, and the issue desperately needed an epilogue to show us the new status quo, for instance, who sits the Iron Throne. But the whole run is highly recommended. Since the beginning of the New 52, this has always been my favorite series behind Batman. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #3 |
Jul 28, 2016 |
8.5 |
Wytches #4 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
8.0 |
Ant-Man (2015) #2 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
8.0 |
Arkham Manor: Endgame #1 |
Apr 4, 2015 |
8.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #5 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
The best thing about this series is how well it captures the vibe of the show. The worst thing is how little happens in each issue. Why did they have to make it bi-weekly? I bet the monthly print title must be way more fun to read. |
8.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #7 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.0 |
Batman (2011) #34 |
Aug 19, 2014 |
A generic, good issue... The sad part is, surrounded by great issues, the good issue feels more like a filler than it should. You always get that feeling that Gerry Duggan is good, just not as good as Scott Snyder, Matteo Scalera is good, just not as good as Greg Capullo. It's a simple done-in-one mystery which is based more on the philosophy of the villain than the actual detective work, and you may not get everything, cuz the resolution feels kinda convenient. Highlight of the issue is certain decisions made by Batman that make you go like "That's why I love that guy!" |
8.0 |
Batman (2011) #43 |
Aug 17, 2015 |
8.0 |
Batman (2011) Annual #3 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #1 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #3 |
Jul 24, 2016 |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #21 |
Aug 28, 2014 |
One of the better Eternal issues, though as I've said before, this issue's merits also lie primarily in what it could mean for the future than itself, and with every subsequent issue of Eternal, you are left with a sense of waiting for the events mentioned in Batman #28 to happen. Even the reveals are less exciting in themselves than in their potential, especially as at least two of these were expected. There were some cool and important references to two awesome Batman stories here, Hush and Gates of Gotham. You simply HAVE to read them, in that order, to full appreciate the potential of this series. |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #27 |
Oct 8, 2014 |
Just another Eternal issue... |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #31 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
To me, this was the best Ray Fawkes issue so far, but then, this was basically the only Ray Fawkes issue I liked at all. The Arkham elements, in themselves, are still as uninteresting as ever, but luckily, this issue focused more on Alfred's escape, and boy, he's a badass. |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #32 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
Story wise, just another issue progressing the plot (the Ray Fawkes arc is over, thank heavens), nothing special, nothing bad. But the art was amazing. I just keep waiting for Jason Fabok issues to turn up in this series. |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #33 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
Really happy that, at least for the moment, Ray Fawkes is gone and we're getting more of Kyle Higgins. The art is great, and things are happening at a really great pace. |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #34 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
While the issue may not be one of the best Eternal issues so far, it does deliver one of its more satisfying twists. |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #39 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
8.0 |
Batman: Eternal #50 |
Mar 23, 2015 |
8.0 |
Black Widow (2016) #3 |
May 8, 2016 |
8.0 |
Captain Marvel (2016) #6 |
Jul 3, 2016 |
8.0 |
Catwoman (2011) #35 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
I watched The Dark Knight Rises and really wanted to read the Catwoman monthly, but the reviews fervently told me not to. Glad I jumped on at this point. Interestingly enough, Selina looks a lot like Anne Hathaway in this issue, but not the TDKR Hathaway, more like the Interstellar Hathaway. |
8.0 |
Catwoman (2011) #40 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
8.0 |
Catwoman (2011): Futures End #1 |
Sep 25, 2014 |
A little standard, but fun nevertheless. The direction this series is going in turns out to be a lot more fun than I expected it to be. |
8.0 |
Convergence: Swamp Thing #1 |
May 3, 2015 |
8.0 |
Deadly Class #11 |
Feb 22, 2015 |
8.0 |
Descender #1 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #938 |
Aug 12, 2016 |
8.0 |
Dredd: Uprise #2 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.0 |
Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #2 |
Sep 24, 2014 |
Gorgeous artwork, fun script, but Spider-Gwen doesn't get much of her own character here, she's practically a female Peter Parker. |
8.0 |
Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1 |
Jun 8, 2016 |
8.0 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #3 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.0 |
Gotham By Midnight #1 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
That's more like it. In Batman Eternal, a story featuring Hush, Spoiler, Catwoman etc, all the Ray Fawkes issues did was pass another week where I simply wanted to get past the Arkham plot. In his own book though, he shines. The art is incredible. Some really bad panel transitions, though. |
8.0 |
Gotham By Midnight #4 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
8.0 |
Grayson: Futures End #1 |
Sep 4, 2014 |
It is kind of sad that I have to give this issue an 8 despite such a well written plot and narrative, but the art just was that bad. And the script was okay, too. But seriously, read it for the way it's told. |
8.0 |
Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #0 |
Sep 24, 2014 |
Sets out to be insanely funny. Achieves it. Manages to throw a bunch of references to Hawkeye. I'm in. |
8.0 |
Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #1 |
Oct 15, 2014 |
Still funny, but the plot just isn't intriguing enough. |
8.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #9 |
Oct 16, 2014 |
Still incredibly fun, though the emotion takes a backseat. |
8.0 |
Rat Queens #10 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
8.0 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #7 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
8.0 |
She-Hulk (2014) #11 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
8.0 |
Silk #3 |
May 23, 2015 |
8.0 |
Silk #5 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
8.0 |
Spider-Gwen #2 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
8.0 |
Spider-Gwen #4 |
May 19, 2015 |
8.0 |
Superior Iron Man #7 |
Apr 23, 2015 |
8.0 |
The Flash: Season Zero #1 |
Sep 10, 2014 |
Amazing artwork. |
8.0 |
The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 |
Nov 27, 2014 |
Morrison tries to achieve a lot with this issue in terms of sequential storytelling techniques, but the story loses its impact partly because of how much better these characters have been dealt with in Watchmen. For example, in itself, it might have been fun to see an exploration of the character of Captain Atom, but it just doesn't hold up against Dr Manhattan. |
8.0 |
The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.0 |
The Totally Awesome Hulk #7 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
8.0 |
The Walking Dead #141 |
May 23, 2015 |
8.0 |
Thor (2014) #2 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
The art is amazing, and it is really well written, but as a new reader, I know too little to care about the plot. Also, when you introduce a strong female character, I like her to be treated like Ms. Marvel. The amount of focus the art puts on her figure is disheartening. |
8.0 |
Thor (2014) #3 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
8.0 |
Thor (2014) #5 |
Feb 14, 2015 |
8.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #5 |
Aug 26, 2016 |
8.0 |
Wytches #1 |
Oct 15, 2014 |
Never thought I'd actually like a horror comic, but yeah, I definitely do like this horror comic. |
8.0 |
Wytches #3 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
7.5 |
All-New, All-Different Avengers (FCBD 2015) #1 |
May 23, 2015 |
7.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #7 |
Oct 15, 2014 |
I'm pretty sure this would have worked a lot better if they had the hole Ms. Marvel teamup in one issue. Reading hardly anything followed by a To Be Continued is kinda annoying. |
7.5 |
Ant-Man: Larger Than Life #1 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
7.5 |
Arkham Manor #1 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
Nothing special, but it has potential to improve. |
7.5 |
Arkham Manor #2 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
The art has a manic, creepy feel to it, which the writing doesn't seem to replicate. It reads like a good Bat-story, but just another bat-story. |
7.5 |
Arkham Manor #5 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
7.5 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #2 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
Art is still pathetic, pacing of the story is picking up a notch, the banter still closely resembles that of the TV series, which is awesome, but they're playing up the 'Olicity' thing too much, almost getting irritating. I don't think this is ever going to feel like an awesome series, but it does ease the wait for the next season a little bit. |
7.5 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #6 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
Same gripe as ever... #5 and #6 put together would have made for a really great issue, but trying to do so much in so little space is really not working well. The backup only gets two pages every issue, which really sucks. But the plot is interesting, and getting four pages at once would have been way more cool. |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #16 |
Jul 26, 2014 |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #17 |
Aug 2, 2014 |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #19 |
Aug 19, 2014 |
Juggling four storylines, this issue is less awesomeness and more visions of future awesomeness. Of the Batman, Gordon, Red Robin and Batgirl storylines, at least one should get a satisfying resolution next issue. Hopefully. The highlight of this issue is the banter between the characters, which is fun to read. |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #22 |
Sep 4, 2014 |
The plot hardly moves ahead at all, there is no reveal, the only thing that makes this one worth reading is its side-plot, Penny-Two. |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #23 |
Sep 11, 2014 |
Technically, the plot progresses a lot, through some 'big' reveals, but considering that one of them had already been spoiled and another had become obvious by now, this issue hardly does anything. Great art, though. |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #36 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
7.5 |
Batman: Eternal #52 |
Apr 4, 2015 |
7.5 |
Bitch Planet #3 |
Feb 22, 2015 |
7.5 |
Black Science #12 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
7.5 |
Catwoman (2011) #38 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
7.5 |
Convergence: New Teen Titans #1 |
May 3, 2015 |
7.5 |
Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #1 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
7.5 |
Convergence: Superman #2 |
May 19, 2015 |
7.5 |
Daredevil (2014) #0.1 |
Jul 18, 2014 |
7.5 |
Descender #4 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
7.5 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #1 |
Oct 1, 2014 |
Really fun art with a lot of potential for the story, but not enough happens to make this issue awesome, just enough to keep me a little intrigued. |
7.5 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #6 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
7.5 |
Green Arrow (2016) #1 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
7.5 |
Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con International: San Diego #1 |
Jul 17, 2014 |
No one expects this comic to be anything but funny. As this was neither able to give absolutely hilarious moments nor be consistently funny, it isn't much more than a time-killer. The climax was pretty cool, though. |
7.5 |
Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #2 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
The jokes are funny, but I care too little about the plot. |
7.5 |
Rat Queens: Braga #1 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
7.5 |
Snotgirl (2016) #2 |
Aug 26, 2016 |
7.5 |
Southern Bastards #7 |
Feb 14, 2015 |
7.5 |
Superior Iron Man #2 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
The art is easy on the eyes and consistent with the tone of this series (which I would have preferred darker, given the premise), and I like the way Matt's thoughts are written, though apart from that and the basic premise of the story, this is not a well written book. The first confrontation between the two is astonishingly stupid. I like the fact that Tony hasn't been written as completely evil, though I really think Waid would have done a much better job building a story with this premise. |
7.5 |
Superior Iron Man #4 |
Jan 23, 2015 |
7.5 |
Superior Iron Man #6 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
7.5 |
Superwoman (2016) #1 |
Aug 12, 2016 |
7.5 |
The Multiversity #1 |
Aug 21, 2014 |
the story in this issue often got a little confusing, cheesy or over-expository, and it's merit lies more in what it sets up. Interesting world building, decent story setup, uninteresting "We want to destroy the universe" villains. Also, spoiler ahead, a lot of fun to see "major" comics characters in their dc multiverse versions. |
7.5 |
The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
A not very engaging plot, a dull script and amazing art make this issue better than the first one, but I still don't think I'll recommend it to anyone. |
7.5 |
Thor (2014) #8 |
May 23, 2015 |
7.5 |
Uncanny Inhumans #11 |
Jul 3, 2016 |
7.5 |
Velvet #9 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #1 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 |
Jun 8, 2016 |
7.0 |
All-Star Batman #1 |
Aug 12, 2016 |
7.0 |
Arkham Manor #3 |
Dec 27, 2014 |
7.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #1 |
Sep 2, 2014 |
Terrible art, OK writing. |
7.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #8 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
7.0 |
Avengers (2012) #36 |
Oct 15, 2014 |
Boy that's messy |
7.0 |
Batman (2011) #41 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #15 |
Jul 17, 2014 |
The least interesting storyline hinted at coupled with an as of now boring villain, and no cool character moments makes this a lesser entry in the 60 issue epic. The saving grace is, as usual, Harper Row. |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #24 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
Individual issues of Batman Eternal remind me of individual manga chapters as the story hardly progresses at all even though they're the same size as the monthlies. In this issue, that is, practically, Spoiler #1, Batman gives a guest appearance with no point whatsoever. But the Spoiler part was fun enough to make up for that. And I'm getting tired of the 'spoiler alert' jokes now. |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #28 |
Oct 16, 2014 |
Aside from being a little too rushed, a nice entry. |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #30 |
Nov 3, 2014 |
The problem with Batman Eternal has always been that while it certainly has its moments, it also has its weak links. If every issue didn't tackle so many of the ongoing plot lines, I would have recommended readers to simply skip the Ray Fawkes arc. Glad its finally over. As for the art, the pencilling, while not bad, made characters look too different from what they usually look like, but the inks and colors were fabulous. |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #37 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #45 |
Feb 14, 2015 |
7.0 |
Batman: Eternal #49 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
7.0 |
Captain America: Sam Wilson #10 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
7.0 |
Chrononauts #2 |
Apr 23, 2015 |
7.0 |
Civil War II: Gods of War #1 |
Jun 9, 2016 |
7.0 |
Convergence: Superboy #2 |
May 23, 2015 |
7.0 |
Convergence: The Adventures of Superman #1 |
May 3, 2015 |
7.0 |
Convergence: The Question #1 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
7.0 |
Daredevil (2014) #12 |
Jan 23, 2015 |
7.0 |
Divergence (FCBD 2015) #1 |
May 23, 2015 |
7.0 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #4 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
7.0 |
Grayson #6 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
7.0 |
Marvels Ant-Man Prelude #2 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
7.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #11 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
7.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #12 |
Feb 22, 2015 |
7.0 |
Secret Avengers (2014) #14 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
7.0 |
Superior Iron Man #1 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
Seeing as it's an Iron Man series, the fact that the only character I care about is Matt is disheartening. |
7.0 |
Superior Iron Man #3 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
7.0 |
Superior Iron Man #5 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
7.0 |
The Flash: Season Zero #5 |
Nov 17, 2014 |
This doesn't feel like it's in the same universe as the TV series at all. And when you take it apart and read it like a regular comic, it has nothing really good about it. The art is good in itself, but it looks so different from the TV series that I can't praise that either. |
7.0 |
The Multiversity: The Just #1 |
Nov 30, 2014 |
Interesting idea, messy execution. |
7.0 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
7.0 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5 |
May 19, 2015 |
7.0 |
Titans: Rebirth #1 |
Jun 26, 2016 |
7.0 |
Wonder Woman (2011): Futures End #1 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
Some cool character analysis of Diana doesn't save this issue from the general feeling of boredom and redundancy that surrounds it. While ordinarily, I would have recommended this to fans of the Brian Azzarello run who are curious about her future as the God of War, the story doesn't end here, but continues into Superman/Wonder Woman: Futures End, which is a very good reason not to recommend this to anyone. |
6.5 |
Batman (2011) #38 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
6.5 |
Batman: Eternal #26 |
Oct 1, 2014 |
Interesting progression in the story and some cool but probably pointless changes to the villain's back story are not enough to redeem the atrocious artwork. |
6.5 |
Batman: Eternal #35 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
6.5 |
Batman: Eternal #41 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
6.5 |
Batman: Eternal #42 |
Jan 23, 2015 |
6.5 |
Batman: Eternal #48 |
Mar 7, 2015 |
6.5 |
Bitch Planet #1 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
6.5 |
Chrononauts #3 |
May 23, 2015 |
6.5 |
Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #1 |
May 3, 2015 |
6.5 |
Descender #2 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
6.5 |
Detective Comics (2011): Endgame #1 |
Mar 16, 2015 |
6.5 |
Flash (2016) #1 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
6.5 |
Gotham By Midnight #5 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
6.5 |
Inhuman Annual #1 |
May 19, 2015 |
6.5 |
International Iron Man #4 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
6.5 |
New Avengers (2013) #25 |
Oct 16, 2014 |
While the plot has potential, Time Runs Out has been failing to get me attached to the characters. I'm dropping this. |
6.5 |
New Avengers (2015) #12 |
Jun 9, 2016 |
6.5 |
Secret Wars (2015) #0 |
May 23, 2015 |
6.5 |
Spider-Gwen #1 |
Mar 2, 2015 |
6.5 |
Spider-Gwen #5 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
6.5 |
The Flash: Season Zero #3 |
Oct 15, 2014 |
Bad art, boring story... Well, at least it was better than #2. Had it not been connected to the TV series, I would have dropped this already. |
6.5 |
The Flash: Season Zero #4 |
Oct 22, 2014 |
In itself, this might have been a decent series, but as a prequel to the series, it really fails to capture both the look and the feel of the series. |
6.5 |
The Flash: Season Zero #6 |
Nov 18, 2014 |
The art is amazing, it just doesn't look like the show at all. The story isn't bad, but it isn't good either, so had this not been in the same universe as the TV series, there would have been absolutely no reason to read this at all. |
6.5 |
The Flash: Season Zero #7 |
Dec 22, 2014 |
6.5 |
The Flash: Season Zero #9 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
6.5 |
The Multiversity: Mastermen #1 |
Feb 22, 2015 |
6.5 |
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
6.0 |
Arkham Manor #6 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
6.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #4 |
Oct 16, 2014 |
In a 20 page issue, NEVER spend 8 PAGES telling us what we already know! We've seen the show, guys! |
6.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #10 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
6.0 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #11 |
Feb 26, 2015 |
6.0 |
Batman: Eternal #29 |
Oct 22, 2014 |
There were some cool beats in this issue, but they all came from the side plot, and the Arkham plot is as boring as it has ever been. So if you've enjoyed Ray Fawkes' issues till now, you probably won't have much trouble enjoying this one. |
6.0 |
Batman: Eternal #38 |
Dec 25, 2014 |
6.0 |
Batman: Eternal #44 |
Feb 4, 2015 |
6.0 |
Batman: Eternal #47 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
6.0 |
Bitch Planet #2 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
6.0 |
Civil War II #2 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
6.0 |
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #1 |
Jun 30, 2016 |
6.0 |
Convergence: Shazam #1 |
May 23, 2015 |
6.0 |
Convergence: Superman #1 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
6.0 |
Gotham Academy (2014) #7 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
6.0 |
Gotham By Midnight #3 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
6.0 |
Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #4 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
6.0 |
Sex Criminals #10 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
5.5 |
Arrow: Season 2.5 #17 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
5.5 |
Batman: Eternal #43 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
5.5 |
Batman: Eternal #46 |
Feb 22, 2015 |
5.5 |
Batman: Eternal #51 |
Mar 28, 2015 |
5.5 |
Chrononauts #4 |
Jun 16, 2015 |
5.5 |
Civil War II: X-Men #1 |
Jun 22, 2016 |
5.5 |
Marvels Ant-Man Prelude #1 |
Feb 5, 2015 |
5.5 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #5 |
May 23, 2015 |
5.5 |
Thor (2014) Annual #1 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
5.0 |
Arkham Manor #4 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
5.0 |
Batman (2011) #40 |
May 23, 2015 |
5.0 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #3 |
Feb 28, 2015 |
5.0 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #4 |
Apr 15, 2015 |
5.0 |
Superman / Wonder Woman (2013): Futures End #1 |
Sep 18, 2014 |
Story is generally pointless and sort of redundant, but the feel-good climax could have redeemed this issue, if not for the art. This issue is easily the worst-drawn comic book issue from the past few decades that I have read. It is so ugly in general, that many people will just stop reading this midway. |
5.0 |
The Flash: Season Zero #2 |
Sep 24, 2014 |
It's kinda weird, but while the one thing I liked about #1 was the art, it was also the one thing I hated more than the writing. I'm not sure why I'm even following this anymore. |
5.0 |
The Flash: Season Zero #10 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
5.0 |
The Multiversity: Guidebook #1 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
5.0 |
Thor (2014) #4 |
Feb 1, 2015 |
4.5 |
Convergence: Detective Comics #1 |
May 23, 2015 |
4.5 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #2 |
Jan 23, 2015 |
4.0 |
Convergence: Crime Syndicate #1 |
May 23, 2015 |
4.0 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1 |
Dec 31, 2014 |
3.5 |
Batman: Eternal #40 |
Jan 24, 2015 |
3.5 |
The Multiversity #2 |
May 23, 2015 |
3.0 |
Convergence: Justice Society Of America #1 |
May 23, 2015 |