Kitaru's Profile

Joined: Jan 13, 2016

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Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 23, 2016

Good start to Action that leaves many questions to be answered. Favored this start of a Superman comic more than the regular Superman series.

Action Comics (2016) #958

Jul 30, 2016

Cool introduction to Doomsday, with the mystery of who Clark is yet to be answered.

Action Comics (2016) #959

Jul 30, 2016

Still an interesting story, but the past few issues have felt like one long battle.

Action Comics (2016) #960

Jul 30, 2016

The trio of Luthor, Diana, and Clark adds for an interesting fight, but it is still the fight that has been going on for the past few issues. Jonathon also seems to be becoming a strong character within Action and Superman, which is a plus.

Action Comics (2016) #961

Aug 17, 2016

The ballad of the cross issues fight scene continues. Typically I would be displeased with nothing but fight scene after fight scene, however it appears the story is finally progressing in what appears to be a very interesting turn of events. I am excited to see where this story continues.

Action Comics (2016) #962

Aug 27, 2016

Nice conclusion that builds upon a mystery that any Superman fan is trying to solve, who is Oz? While the previous few issues felt a little too focused on the action part of the comic, this ending starts to form a great relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman. A good issue for any fan of superman.

Action Comics (2016) #963

Sep 16, 2016

Interesting start to a new story line that will hopefully answer some of the questions surrounding the mystery of Clark Kent. Not the best DC comic currently, but still fun and interesting enough to hold my attention.

Action Comics (2016) #964

Sep 29, 2016

I am enjoying the mystery behind Clark Kent more than I thought I would. While I am not a huge fan of jumping from only fighting to only dialogue issues, the ending of this one made it worth it. Here is to hoping a particular someone is revealed soon.

Action Comics (2016) #965

Oct 20, 2016

Pre-flashpoint Lois is hundreds of times better than New 52 Lois, and I would prefer to read her in any story involving the two. Action has not always been my favorite Rebirth comic, but this issue was handled well and reminded me of why Dan Jurgens has done Superman for so long.

Action Comics (2016) #966

Oct 30, 2016

I have really enjoyed the idea of the Superman comics splitting focus between everyone in Superman family, with the past few Actions focusing more on Lois. Dan Jurgens has been doing good with Action Comics, and it will be interesting to see where it leads.

Action Comics (2016) #967

Nov 17, 2016

Lex has been a good alternate protagonist to Superman, with the leader of Darkseid part being the best thing about the comic. I have enjoyed Dan Jurgens run and like the villains he selects for each of his arcs.

Action Comics (2016) #968

Nov 24, 2016

Lex as Darkseid is a cool turn of events, that add more depth to the character that he may not have had in the New 52. Some moments in this comic were a bit off at times, but altogether is was very action packed and intense.

Action Comics (2016) #969

Dec 14, 2016

Not much happened in this issue, but I like the setup to the team-up between Lex and Clark and hope that this does not lead to betrayal. This issue gave more backstory than it might have needed to, but it does introduce Godslayer in more depth, which can be seen as a plus.

Action Comics (2016) #970

Jan 3, 2017

A bit of a slow issue, but I understand the need for a setup. I enjoy Super-Lex, but it feels like he might be turned into a bad guy again after this arc ends, which is worrying. I hope the Men of Steel will find a more passive and peaceful way to solve this dilemma, but in the end it is up to Dan Jurgens to decide what happens.

Action Comics (2016) #971

Jan 17, 2017

I have enjoyed the steady stream of good Superman stories. Luthor and Superman actually teaming up and fighting has created what I feel will be a very interesting dynamic in upcoming issues, along with the emphasis on Lois, creating a strong female lead.

Action Comics (2016) #972

Jan 31, 2017

This was my favorite issue of Action Comics yet, with the ending setting up the next few arcs of the Supermen comics. Good guy Lex is officially better than evil Lex, but I do feel like they will eventually convert him back to evil, which I hope they do not.

Action Comics (2016) #973

Feb 16, 2017

The creepy Clark Kent story arc will probably be my favorite that Dan Jurgens has done so far. I have also enjoyed the use of Lois Lane as a lead and hope that the setup for the Superwoman side of the story has a good explanation to it.

Action Comics (2016) #974

Feb 26, 2017

This is one of my favorite Superman stories ever, with creepy Clark being an idea that sound cheesy, but is surprisingly well executed. I hope that he ends up being someone that preexisted with the DC mythology, but I trust that Dan Jurgens knows what he is doing.

Action Comics (2016) #975

Mar 9, 2017

Great issue of Action, that continues one of the best storylines that I have read featuring Superman. I am excited to see how the revelations made in Superwoman tie into Action and Superman. The twisted also was someone that I did not think of or even expect to show up anytime soon.

Action Comics (2016) #976

Apr 4, 2017

One of the better arcs in Superman history continues with more revelations that I feel have been done very tastefully and without destroying previously beloved characters.

Action Comics (2016) #977

Apr 22, 2017

This issue is meant to establish Superman's past after the events of Reborn. It will be interesting to see him take on finding out who is Mr. Oz and why he has been so consistently in his life.

Action Comics (2016) #978

Apr 27, 2017

It's not necessarily the most eventful book, but I do think it serves an important purpose. It setups the next arc as well as establishing what the current continuity for Superman is. It allows for future creators to know where to start from and creates a new Superman with the best parts of the old two.

Action Comics (2016) #979

May 11, 2017

Another start to a what I consider a very retro style Superman story. We are getting classic Jurgens, with a mixture of new and old villains joining together to stop Big Blue. I am excited to see how this gets resolved.

Action Comics (2016) #980

Jun 1, 2017

If you have been reading this story with the Suicide Squad story then this issue will be all the more enjoyable for you. I have loved Dan Jurgens recent arcs with Superman and hope this trend continues.

Action Comics (2016) #981

Jun 20, 2017

A bit of an odd twist at the end, but I think it was well done and that overall this arc has been another good Dan Jurgens Superman story. I am interested in seeing the whole Superman family join up and fight his foes.

Action Comics (2016) #982

Jun 29, 2017

Villains teaming up can always be a difficult story to write well, but I feel that Jurgens has done a good job of it so far. I think some of the villains can at times feel unnecessary, but I also realize that it is impossible for everyone to have the same about of attention and spotlight on them when so many characters are at the center of the story.

Action Comics (2016) #983

Jul 20, 2017

Books with multiple heroes and villains in it have a tendency to spread themselves thin at times, which can lead to choppy dialogue and no true story progression. This however was not the case with this issue. The character interactions were well made, with the only problem being that this arc is already too long.

Action Comics (2016) #984

Jul 29, 2017

While still enjoyable, these past few arcs have blended into one huge arc that is starting to wane my focus and interest. I like the Zod revelations, as well as the family team up, but I think this entire run has been a few issues too long.

Action Comics (2016) #985

Aug 9, 2017

It felt like a step back with how Lex Luthor was portrayed, with him going from proud back to petty and jealous. I hope this only occurs with Rob Williams writing because I have actually enjoyed superhero Luthor.

All-Star Batman #1

Aug 17, 2016

Amazing start to a Batman story that leaves many questions to be explored and answered. The combination of Synder's unique take on Batman and Romita's visually pleasing versions of beloved rogues creates a fantastic atmosphere and feeling to the comic. I would very much recommend this to any batman fan.

All-Star Batman #2

Sep 16, 2016

I understand the hesitance that some readers are feeling towards this issue, but I think that we should also consider that Snyder has written Batman for years and provided a ton of great stories. I enjoyed the action behind this issue along with the widespread number of villains that appeared. To anyone that is unsure about this comic, I would just recommend to give a few more issues. Snyder has a habit of building up big revelation that I would say often provide a fulfilling ending.

All-Star Batman #3

Oct 20, 2016

All-star Batman is a very action driven story, that might not be for every fan of Batman. Personally, I have enjoyed the mystery and continued build up that this issued provided and think that the Batman titles are all being handled well.

All-Star Batman #4

Nov 17, 2016

I still do not understand the hate behind Snyder's run on All-Star. I thought that Two-Face is handled amazingly by being the brain enemy of Batman, while KGBeast is a great physical enemy to Batman. I still have been enjoying the series.

All-Star Batman #5

Jan 3, 2017

Very twisted ending to the My Own Worst Enemy arc, with it not really resolving anything, which leaves an opening for future interactions with Two-Face. Again, I have enjoyed Scott Snyder's storytelling ability mixed with John Romita's very different style of art and look forward to the Mr. Freeze arc.

All-Star Batman #6

Jan 17, 2017

Mr. Freeze is a villain I have always enjoyed, but I have never seen used as often as the rest of Batman's rogues. The format of the comics can take some time to get used to, but overall I think it is written and drawn very well. I will have to see with the next issue, but I think I might end up enjoying this arc better than the Two-Face arc.

All-Star Batman #7

Feb 15, 2017

It was great that this continued the previous story, instead of just starting a new one. When you first start reading the issue you do not realize how connected everything is until the end. I have never been a big fan of prose writing styles, but I have enjoyed this one so far.

All-Star Batman #8

Mar 16, 2017

Overall, another great issue from All-Star Batman, but I do have one question: Does Mad Hatter know who Bruce Wayne is? This is not a problem for me, just something I felt was a bit confusing while reading this comic. It continues to bring great depth into the character of Batman, along with displaying the differences in his enemies and what motivates them.

All-Star Batman #9

Apr 23, 2017

Another classic ending for Scott Snyder with a Batman book. I am hoping that the next arc will be different enough that it continues this good run on Batman and does not feel like the same story over and over. Ra's Al Ghul was a good first major villain for this book and I feel like he will reappear soon enough.

All-Star Batman #10

May 11, 2017

This was one of my more favorite issues of All-Star Batman. I have always enjoyed the father/son bond between Bruce and Alfred and am very interested in seeing a bit of Alfred's past.

All-Star Batman #11

Jun 29, 2017

I have been enjoying the story so far and like everything that has to do with Alfred's past. At certain points it can be humorous, while at other points it is more serious and direct.

All-Star Batman #12

Jul 29, 2017

This was one of the more boring issues of All-Star Batman and one that I hope will not be representative of the rest of the arc.

Batgirl (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Really fun book and take on Batgirl, with beautiful art, both on cover and inside. Seems like this will be a great start to Batgirl.

Batgirl (2016) #2

Aug 27, 2016

Great second issue to Batgirl that mixes fun storytelling with great art. One of the better, light comics that Rebirth has to offer and a must read to anyone a fan of Barbara Gordon.

Batgirl (2016) #3

Sep 29, 2016

Great mix of action and story, with fun villains being created. Rafael Albuquerque does Batgirl justice with his art, and Hope Larson ties up the story nicely with her character development. This is one of the more fun Batgirl stories I have read and would recommend to people that want something detached from the DC Rebirth series.

Batgirl (2016) #4

Oct 30, 2016

The issue was fun, but had some weak story moments. The idea of everybody fighting for a cure allows people to get into college seems a bit far-fetched, but I feel that there could be other reasons behind why people want the technology. I still like Batgirl, but this was one of the weaker issues.

Batgirl (2016) #5

Nov 24, 2016

Batgirl has finally begun to pick up, especially with the brain trick that she did in the comic being a very awesome to Batgirl's arsenal. I think it has finally found it's groove and these next few issues will continue to rise.

Batgirl (2016) #6

Jan 3, 2017

Unfortunately, not really anything happened in this issue, with the problem that was introduced being resolved too quickly. I did enjoy the inclusion of Poison Ivy in this issue and find it interesting that a number of series have used her recently. Art was still fantastic, and the Burnside arc should be interesting to read.

Batgirl (2016) Annual #1

Apr 1, 2017

I would have preferred that the annual focused only on the Supergirl and Batgirl storyline, but I understand that it was purely setup for the future. I still enjoyed the first story and would recommend this to anyone a fan of the two of them together.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1

Aug 18, 2016

A very fun book that seems like it will have pretty consistent entertainment throughout. Only problems with the book is that the art gets strange looking in the faces, occasionally, and sometimes the dialogue can be a bit off. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone would like fun comics that offer a different take than the typical darkness that most comics have nowadays.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2

Sep 18, 2016

Better than the last issue, but I still think there are some aspects of the story that can be fixed. Batgirl, at times, can be written as childish and innocent, while at other times she is intelligent and collected. Huntress comes off as aggressive and angry. Despite these problems I think it is an interesting story, with a good team of characters.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 30, 2016

Big fan of the Batgirl and Black Canary team up, but the Huntress parts felt forced with the art throwing off all momentum. Just look at the Batgirl's teeth!

Batman Vol. 1: The Court Of Owls

Jun 23, 2016

Amazing beginning to the rebooted Batman series, with Snyder showing why his considered one of the best Batman writers ever.

Batman Vol. 2: The City Of Owls

Jun 23, 2016

Great story that follows up on the Court of Owls theme.

Batman Vol. 3: Death Of The Family

Jun 23, 2016

A very dark Joker story that leads one to consider what is truly wrong with Scott Snyder. Other than the constant nightmares I must face now, the story is great as usual.

Batman Vol. 4: Zero Year: Secret City

Jun 23, 2016

I really enjoyed this beginning of Batman's career story. Not the greatest of Snyder's works, but still very good.

Batman Vol. 5: Zero Year: Dark City

Jun 23, 2016

I really liked this Riddler story and consider it one of my favorites of the Batman New 52 run. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to see a different take on Batman.

Batman Vol. 6: The Graveyard Shift

Jun 23, 2016

Some of these may not of been the most perfect of Batman stories, but the issues were still very well planned and thought out, with both great art and a great take of Batman. I personally thought that Tynion's issues were very fun.

Batman Vol. 7: Endgame

Jun 23, 2016

Good, solid story that I would recommend to anyone who loves comics, not just Batman lovers. Snyder is a very solid writer with a lot of insight into legendary characters.

Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy

Jun 23, 2016

I have always enjoyed brief stints of different characters playing Batman and the same is to be said with Gordan's run.

Batman (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Gotham and Gotham Girl are cool characters with what will seemingly be a cool new take on Batman stories. King is a great writer that has proven himself capable multiple times and should be trusted to handle batman .

Batman (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2016

Again a great story from Tom King! While the build appears to some as slow anyone who has read a King story knows how epic it will end up.

Batman (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2016

While a slow build up, I still stand behind the notion that it will end dramatically and eventfully. Gotham and Gotham Girl are interesting new characters for Gotham and a Batman story.

Batman (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

Way to get really dark again Mr. King. Fantastically dark issue, that I think proves that King knows how to write Batman as more than an action hero.

Batman (2016) #5

Aug 18, 2016

Really good story, but very dark themes as well. Tom King is doing Batman incredibly, with this issue setting up what will appear to be major stories in the future. Would read and recommend to any comic fan.

Batman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

I felt that this was good epilogue to a dark story, as well as being a good bridge between this and the next big arc. While the story may have seemed out of place and disorganized with the previous issues, I feel that this was the point of the issue. Gotham Girl is dealing with the death of her brother as well as the lingering effects of Psycho Pirate. The issue reflects the turmoil and stress the comes from huge tragedies, and I believe does so in a way that few others can.

Batman (2016) #7

Sep 22, 2016

I thought this was an enjoyable first issue of the Monster Men run, but I do get why some people might be more cautious towards it. Batman is portrayed more emotional than I have seen him done in a long time, but I also do not think that is a bad thing. It gives more depth to a character who might be considered by some fully fleshed out, along with explaining how he would react after the death of a close friend. Not that bad of the first issue of the story arc.

Batman (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

I have been enjoying the Monster Men story story so far. I understand the hesitance from some people, who do not want to see consistent crossovers that force them to pick up comics they are not collecting, but I think this should just be seen as a fun story. DC has done well with Rebirth, especially with Batman related titles, so I would trust to see where this story leads. The Batman comic's art is my favorite of the Monster Men stories and I have enjoyed the lead up to Hugo Strange.

Batman (2016) #9

Oct 20, 2016

Great first start to the I Am Suicide arc, that seems to also set up many different future events. While everyone might not have enjoyed the Monster Men arc, I feel that this will go back to the Batman stories that everyone enjoys. Altogether a great comic that brings what will seem to be great supporting villains.

Batman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

The mixture of Catwoman's dialogue and Batman's continuous movement forward creates a feeling of tension that starts to build up the explosion that will be the final Bane encounter. This issue starts to move forward the roles of each person within the Suicide Squad and creates a very different Batman story.

Batman (2016) #11

Nov 20, 2016

I understand some of the negativity coming from critics and fans about this issue, but I would argue that things with Tom King are never what they seem. Anyone who has read Omega Men knows that just because something appears a certain way, that does not mean that it is true. Catwoman is a large part of the Gotham franchise of stories, so I feel that there is something that everyone is missing. Other than some unexpected turns, the art and writing was done very well.

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

This was a very simple issue, with a very powerful message. It lived up to it's name in a very direct way that I feel will place it on a path towards a powerful interaction between the Bat, the Cat, and Bane. I also think it did a good job of clarifying somethings that people took issue with in King's run at the beginning of the I am Suicide arc. Overall, great issue with great art.

Batman (2016) #13

Dec 22, 2016

I actually really enjoyed the ending. I know that for some people this arc was less than perfect and had many problems, but I overall enjoyed it. It was not perfect and had moments that seemed odd and unnecessary, but I will always be a fan of Tom King, with this further cementing that belief. I also am looking forward to the next few arcs and seeing how everything ties together.

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 5, 2017

KISSING PRANK GONE SEXUAL!!!!!! Apart from the obvious focus on the relationship between Batman and Catwoman, the inclusion of other minor villains was a nice touch. I am very intrigued to find out who is really behind the deaths attributed to Catwoman, as well as if there is any happy ending to this arc.

Batman (2016) #15

Jan 19, 2017

The ending was a bit expected, but I think readers wanted it to happen that way nonetheless. Overall, rooftops has been a great break from the I Am storylines and will enjoy seeing how it ends.

Batman (2016) #16

Feb 15, 2017

Interesting beginning to the I Am Bane arc, but I was hoping for more of a resolution to the Catwoman story. The ending is kind of surprising, but I feel like it will be a Death of the Family sort of twist.

Batman (2016) #17

Feb 18, 2017

I have really enjoyed the Bane story so far and like the idea of an angry and spiteful villain. I hope not every issue has to deal with something being taken away from Batman, but so far it has been done so in a story driven manner. David Finch's art is on point and I think the storytelling is very consistent for Tom King.

Batman (2016) #18

Mar 4, 2017

My favorite issue of Batman by Tom King so far, with what is arguably one of the best lines a Batman book yet. I constantly forget how good of a villain Bane is, but I am very rarely disappointed by his appearances in the Batman comics. I think the ending will end up being very explosive with a lot of repercussions for Bat family, but I think it will be worth the setup so far.

Batman (2016) #19

Mar 16, 2017

This might be my favorite mental breakdown from any Batman villain ever. The rage-fueled Bane vs. the goal-driven Batman creates a great dynamic that contributes a what I hope will be a very powerful ending.

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 6, 2017

A surprisingly melancholy ending for an arc that has been led up to for quite a few issues so far. I realize that it is a Batman comic and a Tom King comic, but I still was surprised by how effective the voice over for the fight was with evoking a certain emotion response. Overall, I really enjoyed this and cannot wait to see what is next with Tom King.

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 23, 2017

This to me is the quintessential sequel to the DC Rebirth #1 issue, with it continuing a story that was setup within that oneshot. I am looking forward to seeing where this is headed, but I cannot imagine that they will introduce Dr. Manhattan this early. I loved the interaction between Reverse Flash and Batman, with this being my favorite Batman issue in recent memory.

Batman (2016) #22

May 8, 2017

This might be the best issue of The Button arc yet. I am hoping that some nod to the Watchmen universe will be made by the end of this story, but overall I am happy with what it has done. This arc, much like Superman reborn, seems to be about correcting and closing problems in continuity and in character development.

Batman (2016) #23

May 18, 2017

A very powerful and moving dialogue within a one-shot that most people would usually consider unnecessary. This is one of the best Batman issues by Tom King to date and I hope that they continue to get better whenever he decides to do something different.

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

A very deep and introspective issue of Batman that I feel may not be for everyone one. It sets up a storyline that that people will either like or very much dislike, but I think either way it will be memorable.

Batman (2016) #25

Jun 29, 2017

Very different and very dark type of Batman story that I feel has not been done in this way in a long time. I like that it is a major departure from the Snyder type of stories and focuses more on the villains motive than the heroes.

Batman (2016) #26

Jul 20, 2017

Good art mixed with a very different type of Batman story. I am hoping that the more this goes on, the more we see a different side of the Joker.

Batman (2016) #27

Jul 23, 2017

A nice, but sad interlude that focuses in on a character that Tom King has repeatedly used in the past. While this issue is a departure from the main story, I feel that it does not take away any momentum or feeling from the story.

Batman (2016) #28

Aug 5, 2017

While the story has not been as great as I have wanted it to be, it still has some moments and potential that I think more than makes up for some of it's faults.

Batman (2016) #29

Aug 22, 2017

Another okay issue, but I still want more focus on the characters. I feel like this entire story would be ten times better if it displayed both the Joker's and Riddler's point of views during the war, not just Batman's.

Batman (2016) Annual #1

Dec 1, 2016

I enjoyed this annual because it allowed for a small break from the seriousness of the Batman storyline currently. I keep seeing comments that state that this comic was unnecessary, but that is the point of an annual. If you buy an annual thinking that it will explain every question you have that problem is on you, not the comic. Overall, I liked the majority of the stories with the art being a great addition as well.

Batman / The Shadow #1

Apr 27, 2017

While it does say it is a Batman/Shadow crossover it feels more like a Batman story with elements of a new/preexisting character. I am interested in seeing where this leads, along with it explaining who the Shadow is in this universe.

Batman / The Shadow #2

Jun 6, 2017

Another good issue to this odd crossover. I think the villains and heroes balance each other out in such a way that the mystery element of a detective story is not lost in the skill or ability of either side of the fight.

Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 7, 2016

Good bridge between Snyder's Batman to King's future Batman. Good starting point, nice art, and good tribute to a well run comic.

Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 16, 2017

Tynion's run on Detective Comics has been nothing, but good storytelling from the start, however I do not feel that this is on that level. Batwoman has been a character I have been surprised by how much I have enjoyed, but this first issue felt slow and not as interesting as the Detective Comics version. I recommend for anyone that is a fan of hers, but I really hope for a more interesting plot to arise.

Batwoman: Rebirth #1

Feb 18, 2017

Typical intro issue for new comics, but I do think it did a good job of setting up the future of this comic. The art was great and while a lot was summarized, it was done so consistently and fluidly.

Blue Beetle (2016) #1

Sep 29, 2016

A complaint that I have seen about this issue is with the dialogue and how nothing has happened yet. I just want to remind everyone that this is the first issue, so it makes sense that some setup, including extensive dialogue, is required to create a story. I agree that this is not a perfect issue, but I love the Ted and Jaime interaction, as well as the fun characters introduced at the end. Give this series a chance before you tear it apart, it might turn out like the other Rebirths have.

Blue Beetle (2016) #2

Oct 31, 2016

Not a perfect series, but there are some humorous moments that make up for the odd dialogue. I like the relationship between Ted and Jamie, as well as the side characters all having distinct personalities, but the conversations can be difficult to follow at times. Good issue, that I hope improves in the future.

Blue Beetle (2016) #3

Nov 24, 2016

The dialogue and story momentum could be off at times, with the beginning being a confusing couple of pages. I think the comic could progress in a better story, but I just did not feel great about this issue.

Blue Beetle (2016) #4

Jan 3, 2017

The comic is slowly starting to pick up steam, but it is still not where I think it should be. The dialogue has gotten less clunky, with the introduction of the scarab's past being a refreshing addition, but more must be done before this can become a truly good comic.

Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Aug 27, 2016

A very fun start to a character that is beloved by most DC fans. While the Rebirth issue does not provide much in terms of story, it does introduce the characters to those who have never experienced Blue Beetle before. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a more lighthearted approach to DC.

Bug: The Adventures of Forager #1

May 10, 2017

An interesting and odd comic that features characters that I think few have thought about in a while. I like the connection that it has to New Gods, while also being a comic that will begin to explore and illuminate a character that has not had much exposure.

Bug: The Adventures of Forager #2

Jun 20, 2017

This comic is a great throwback to an earlier style of comic writing and drawing that would allow for me unbelievable events and actions to occur.

Constantine: The Hellblazer #13

Jun 23, 2016

This Constantine run had a great beginning and held up for a while, but the ending, especially this issue, felt rushed and unnecessary. The solution to Constantine's problem was too simple for all the build up it had behind it and left this comic feeling half done.

Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 20, 2017

An interesting start to a odd mystery story by Scott Snyder, with good art and story setup. My only problem with this issue was that it could be a little all over the place at times. I hope that a few of the mysteries presented are done well and that certain characters appear sooner rather than later.

Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 20, 2017

This to me was better than the previous Dark Days issue, but still had some minor problems with story direction and sudden changes in pacing. Altogether it got me more excited for the Metal comic, as well as providing a new realm of possibilities within the DC Universe.

Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 22, 2017

Probably one of the best event comics I have read in recent history. Not only does everything connect in an unexpected way, but the story also feels like it is progressing despite a multitude of questions being included. I hope it continues this strong.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Suicide Squad/The Banana Splits #1

Apr 1, 2017

I thought it was one of the weaker crossover issues, but I did not feel that it was anywhere near as bad as the reviewers said it was. It could be cheesy at times, but I think that should be expected from the Banana-Splits appearing in a comic.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Booster Gold/The Flinstones #1

Apr 1, 2017

For someone that has never been that big of a Booster Gold fan, I thought that this crossover was surprisingly good. The Jetsons issue in the back was also very interesting and I feel that it is a good setup for anyone that is interested in reading it when it comes out.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Green Lantern/Space Ghost #1

Apr 1, 2017

This issue was the best Hanna Barbera crossover that was released this week, with a great team up between two of the greatest members of their respective universes. It had a perfect amount of tomfoolery with true emotional development.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Adam Strange/Future Quest #1

Apr 1, 2017

This one was the most boring of the crossovers for me. I think it has to do with me not being fully caught up with both storylines that it diverges from, but not much happens overall. I feel like it is just a catch up issue that is one of the more unnecessary crossovers to get.

DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1

Dec 14, 2016

Really enjoyed this one-shot issue, while it was not serious or integral to the DC Universe, I think it served it's job of being fun. At times the stories could come off as cheesy, but overall it had a genuine feel to it with nice coherence between the stories.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

Jun 7, 2016

An unbelievable start to what seems to be DCs own rebirth. This story brings back everything one could hope for in a DC story and should be gotten.

Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1

Oct 31, 2016

A unexpectedly pc book, while also being a well written version of Boston Brand creates an odd sensation when reading. I enjoyed the book overall, and would recommend to anyone that wants to read a story that is seemingly disconnected to the rest of the universe.

Deadpool (2015) #13

Jun 7, 2016

Good Deadpool, Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Power Man collaboration. Huge amount of pages and worth the price.

Deathstroke (2016) #19

Jun 1, 2017

A better issue that the Teen Titans one, but still not the level I want from this sort of event. I hope the annual resolves everything well, but only time will tell.

Detective Comics (2016) #934

Jun 23, 2016

This start leaves hope that Tim Drake will finally be portrayed the way he should. Tynion seems to know what direction he wants to go with Detective and I believe it will be for the better of all the Batman family.

Detective Comics (2016) #935

Jul 30, 2016

Spoiler and Red Robin always will be a great combination. The story is the best Detective story to come out in a while, with Batwoman taking the lead we all hoped she would.

Detective Comics (2016) #936

Jul 30, 2016

Fantastic twist, with Tynion writing Batwoman and Tim Drake the way the should be written. This seems to be one of the best comics of Rebirth and something everyone should try.

Detective Comics (2016) #937

Jul 30, 2016

A continuation of a great run, with Tynion proving that Batman stories can involve more than just Batman.

Detective Comics (2016) #938

Aug 17, 2016

Great character development and interactions that make this one of the reasons why Detective Comics are the must read comics during Rebirth. Great story, great team and even greater direction.

Detective Comics (2016) #939

Aug 27, 2016

Best DC release of the week. Tim Drake is done superbly, with Batwoman becoming the strong lead we all knew she would be. If you are not reading Detective then I would point you to the score of this comic.

Detective Comics (2016) #940

Sep 16, 2016

Fantastic issue of Detective that starts pulling on strings that we all want to see what they unravel into. My only worry with this comic is that Tim won't be used for another year, but other than that a near perfect issue. Great Batman comic that if everyone who loves Rebirth should be reading.

Detective Comics (2016) #941

Sep 29, 2016

I have been enjoying the Monster Men story overall, with some parts being better than others, but this issue was one of the better issues for me. Nightwing and Gotham Girl's ending sets up what might be a really exciting turn in the story, and Batman's stability after the death of Tim looks like it will impact the future of the Batman stories.

Detective Comics (2016) #942

Oct 20, 2016

While I did enjoy the Monster Men story overall, I do feel that the ending was quick, with little explanation behind the whole incident being given, or explored. I do think the Hugo Strange/Batman interaction was a good idea, but maybe solved too easily.

Detective Comics (2016) #943

Oct 30, 2016

This issue wrapped up the events before Monster Men, while starting what seems will be a very different type of Batman storyline. Tynion has done a great job writing the batfamily and continues to deliver great character development.

Detective Comics (2016) #944

Nov 17, 2016

The Victim Syndicate is an interesting concept that I feel will have a huge twist as part of it. I have really enjoyed Tynion's interpretation of the BatFamily and will continue to read as long as his is one it.

Detective Comics (2016) #945

Nov 24, 2016

I understand the Spoiler is in grief, but so is every character that has literally known Tim longer. Still, I think Tynion is doing a great job on Batman, but I think Spoiler might just be a character I never quite connect with.

Detective Comics (2016) #946

Dec 14, 2016

Interesting twist to the Victim Syndicate arc, but I am having a really hard time with Spoilers character. I know that she should come off as the victim, but it seems that she is being the most disruptive out of all the villains in the story. Overall, I am very interested in seeing who the first victim is.

Detective Comics (2016) #947

Jan 3, 2017

I am really starting to dislike Spoiler, but the glimpse at Tim Drake made up for any problems she caused for me with this issue. Also, I cannot wait until Azrael joins the team, which should cause a very different dynamic with the team. Overall, I am looking forward to see where this team goes and how it changes as the issues progress.

Detective Comics (2016) #948

Jan 17, 2017

Overall, a typical Tynion Batman comic, but I did feel that some parts of the issue were forced at times. I thought that the part with Dr. October could have been done more fluidly, but I do appreciate what they were trying to do with the character. The art was very good and I am interested in seeing how Batwoman's story plays out.

Detective Comics (2016) #949

Jan 31, 2017

Detective has done a really good job of reestablishing Batwoman, with these past few issues setting up what will be a great solo comic. I am looking forward to the enemy that they will eventually introduce and how it relates to the Batman stories.

Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 20, 2017

I think the Oversize issue is worth the extra few dollars. I am a fan of Cassandra Cain and am interested in seeing how her involvement in the team and as a person will evolve over time. The only reason I did not give it a higher score is that this story seems really similar to a Secret Six storyline that I have read.

Detective Comics (2016) #951

Feb 26, 2017

Interesting concept for there to be a League of Shadows that Batman does not know about. I think this arc will be good and hope that Cassandra Cain will be front and center for most of the arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #952

Mar 9, 2017

Detective has been really great as of late and I honestly think that it is due to the use of a uncommon cast of Batman characters. This issue does some great setup for the next few issues and further develops Cassandra Cain as a character.

Detective Comics (2016) #953

Apr 4, 2017

I still have enjoyed this arc so far, but this issue had a few confusing developments, such as when Orphan decides to fight Batman. I get why, but I feel that it came off unexpected.

Detective Comics (2016) #954

Apr 22, 2017

I agree that this issue was not as good as the previous few issues of the Detective Comics. The arc has been going on for what feels a long time, with the setup for the end battle being prolonged over and over again. At times Batman feels weaker and less planned for things in this title than the others, but this is a team book so it makes sense at times. I am still interested in seeing what happens, but I hope that it is done slightly better.

Detective Comics (2016) #955

Apr 27, 2017

This arc has been one of the more boring and slow arcs for me. I appreciate the transformation they are trying to do with Orphan, but I feel that it could have been done slightly quicker. I still think Detective is a quality comic, but I just hope the next arc picks up the pace.

Detective Comics (2016) #956

May 11, 2017

The League of Shadows story has been very boring to me with this finale not helping that problem whatsoever. I hope the next story will not be to Spoiler heavy, but based on the name I think I will have to get used to it. I just wish there was more of whatever is missing from this arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #957

Jun 1, 2017

I did not find this issue appealing at all. The characters were unrelatable and Spoiler's reasons for stopping Batman were clouded by the fact that what she was doing was very Batman like. I hope the next arc will not be too convoluted with Spoiler's plans and plots.

Detective Comics (2016) #958

Jun 20, 2017

This, just based on the first issue, will be a more appealing arc for me compared the last one. I have always liked Jean-Paul and hope that the history of his suit explored more. A good start and hopefully a more exciting arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #959

Jun 29, 2017

An interesting issue, but I feel like Tynion really loves to create mysteries within the Batman family with this being no different in this story. Zatanna is a big plus to me, as well as a story revolving around Azrael.

Detective Comics (2016) #960

Jul 20, 2017

The art and the inclusion of Zatanna makes this arc my favorite since the first arc of Detective. I hope that the ending of the arc is strong, but so far it has been an interesting take on certain characters pasts.

Detective Comics (2016) #961

Jul 29, 2017

A great continuation of a good story with well done art. I hope that this trend follows even after this arc, and that we don't get another League of Shadows style arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #962

Aug 9, 2017

We are eventually making our way to Tim Drake, with a strong ending to my favorite Detective arc so far.

Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Sep 16, 2016

Great start to what will be a great continuation of what has always been one of the more odd team of characters. Reminded me of Morrison's Doom Patrol, which is an added plus, with a mix of Way's very crazy way of writing. I recommend this title to anyone who wants something that is out of the norm, but is still considered very good.

Doom Patrol (2016) #2

Oct 20, 2016

I think I can fairly state that Grant Morrison might of had some influence on this version of the comic. Weird, but satisfying with what seems like a well planned storyline in place. Read if you want to experience something that is just crazy.

Doom Patrol (2016) #3

Nov 17, 2016

It can be odd and neurotic, with seemingly random conversation points, but I have felt nothing but enjoyment for this series. The character development is the most interesting type I have read in a long time and the story is slowly becoming evident.

Doom Patrol (2016) #4

Feb 16, 2017

The weirdness that this comic has created not only continues to make it a great story, but also creates fantastic character interactions and new, unique characters. I am really hoping for more Flex Metallo in the future of this comic, but so far it has been great.

Doom Patrol (2016) #5

Apr 4, 2017

Another fantastic issue with Casey being a one of the best original characters in recent history for DC. I would prefer that the issues came out more frequently, but that does not stop this comic from being a mind-bending twist of good and chaotic.

Doom Patrol (2016) #6

Apr 27, 2017

Weird and different, but still a great comic and a great ending to the first arc. I hope that the next one will be able to keep up in terms of quality and weirdness, but I think Gerard Way has proven himself capable so far.

Doom Patrol (2016) #7

Jul 29, 2017

Interesting and odd with the only problem being the gap inbetween issues. I am interested in seeing how Niles Caulder is handled in the future, as well as if we will receive other characters from the past.

East of West #1

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #2

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #3

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #4

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #5

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #6

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #7

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #8

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #9

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #10

Dec 8, 2016

East of West #11

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #12

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #13

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #14

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #15

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #16

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #17

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #18

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #19

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #20

Jan 3, 2017

East of West #21

Jan 3, 2017

East of West: The World One Shot #1  
Elsewhere #1

Aug 5, 2017

Not much happens in this first issue, which can lead to problems with people deciding on whether or not to get it, but I think it has enough potential to warrant anyone to try it out.

Ether #1

Nov 17, 2016

I enjoyed the humor within the series, but I can also feel the sadness that will undoubtedly come from this comic. This is a amazing first issue that I would recommend to any fans of comics, not just indie. I really hope this comic does not eventually break my heart with some unexpected ending or revelation.

Flash (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Great Flash art, with a great flash story brewing. Newly introduced character is a fantastic addition.

Flash (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2016

August is a great Flash ally that seems to balance out everything Barry stands for. Really hoping Wally eventually joins up into the story.

Flash (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2016

Legion of speedsters is one of the reasons why this is one of Rebirth titles at the top of my list for must read comics. Great Rebirth writing that I hope continues it's trend.

Flash (2016) #4

Aug 17, 2016

Still a very fun and very good run for Flash, but the ending leaves one unsure of if it is the best route for Flash to go down. Based on the previous issues I will continue on trusting the author's choices, but with a tinge of uncertainty.

Flash (2016) #5

Aug 27, 2016

I love the Rebirth Flash, with this issue being no different. While we aren't one step closer to finding out who is Godspeed, we do start to see Barry's relationships with the others in his life. I trust Joshua Williamson to continue doing a great job and would recommend to any Flash fans.

Flash (2016) #6

Sep 16, 2016

There is a melancholy to this issue that few comics can ever make you feel. On one end the visually appealing art, and fantastic character and story development makes this issue worth praise, but on the other hand the sadness the surrounds the reveal of Godspeed makes one hope what they are reading is false. Great issue and story arc!

Flash (2016) #7

Sep 29, 2016

Superman and Flash are my favorite comics of Rebirth, with this issue displaying the exact reason why. The art is perfect for anything related to the speed force and Godspeed is one the best new Flash characters to have existed for a long time. The captions and titles for the comic both on the covers and ending pages give an extra amount of enjoy.

Flash (2016) #8

Oct 20, 2016

Great story interaction between Wally and Barry, with Godspeed being one of the more creative villains in recent Flash history. Really have been enjoying this comic and all flash fans should give this a try.

Flash (2016) #9

Oct 30, 2016

This issue displays the beginning of the Flash family being rebuilt, with it reminding people of why Wally is one of the more beloved characters. It will be interesting to see where it leads and which new characters it introduces.

Flash (2016) #10

Nov 17, 2016

Wally, please, please, learn from you counterpart. The art is great, especially for shadow work, and the villain seems as though it will be an unseen force, with former villain and hero teaming up to stop it.

Flash (2016) #11

Nov 24, 2016

I have really enjoyed this comic, but it can be odd at times. Whenever Wally messes something up, Barry is always seemingly put a blame for, despite their not be any real reason for him being at fault. I had a hard time seeing why Barry was at fault for making Wally take responsibility for his powers. Altogether the art was cool, with the story being interesting as well.

Flash (2016) #12

Dec 14, 2016

I have loved Williamson's run on Flash, but this issue was lacking, with some of the plot points being solved to easily. The arc was a interesting idea, but the execution fell flat in a few places, with the ending being too easily wrapped up and happy. I still am looking forward to the Rogues Return arc.

Flash (2016) #13

Jan 3, 2017

Very simple and fun issue that sets up one of the best couples in the DC universe. Wally was the most likable he has ever been for me in this issue, which is saying a lot coming from me. Lastly, I am looking forward to seeing how the Rogues will get introduced in the next few issues.

Flash (2016) #14

Jan 17, 2017

I think that their has been a lot of setup in the past few issues of the Flash, but I am excited about the return of the Rogues to Central City. It will also be interesting to see an evil version of them that has not existed since the start of the New 52.

Flash (2016) #15

Feb 20, 2017

I am continuing to enjoy the Rogues storyline and feel that this is one of the better versions of it.

Flash (2016) #16

Feb 20, 2017

Setup for the final showdown between two of the best archenemies. I wish the Rogues would have stayed good, but this issue does a very thorough job of explaining the way. The Rogues are still my favorite villains gallery and this storyline has done them justice.

Flash (2016) #17

Feb 26, 2017

Great ending to the Rogues storyline, but I would have preferred that they had stayed good for a while longer. The arc has been great and Captain Cold is done exactly how I think he should be. The Rogues are neither evil nor good, but rather a mixture depending on the circumstances.

Flash (2016) #18

Mar 9, 2017

I am a fan of evil speedsters, but Wally is one of the most moody characters I have every read. I understand that his dad is evil and has lied to him his whole life, but his personality is almost intolerable at times. Overall, I am willing to see where this leads.

Flash (2016) #19

Apr 4, 2017

Wally's emotions are the fastest thing in this issue. Changing from sad to happy to angry all in a matter of three pages. I still enjoyed the parts with Boomerang, but I am having a hard time tolerating Wally's attitude.

Flash (2016) #20

Apr 22, 2017

This was more of a setup issue for what will end up occurring in the next several Flash issues. We will see a character returning from the past, Iris and and Barry's relationship, and more of Black Hole.

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 27, 2017

Continues the great crossover story with a few blasts from the past. This is one of the best stories in recent history for DC and I would recommend everyone to give it a try. I am excited to see where this mystery leads and if it starts to answer some questions from rebirth.

Flash (2016) #22

May 18, 2017

I knew that not everything would be resolved, but I am happy with how the story went overall. I think people expected too much to be explained from this story, but I think people need to realize that it has only been a year since Rebirth has started. I hope we continue to see The Flash's involvement within the story continued into the Doomsday Clock story.

Flash (2016) #23

Jun 6, 2017

I have really enjoyed The Flash so far, but this was the first start to a story that I found just okay. I like crossovers and I am a fan of the Reverse Flash, but this felt just mediocre to me. I hope that it continues to strengthen in story, but for now I will be cautious with this story.

Flash (2016) #24

Jun 20, 2017

An okay prelude that I hope will setup an overall good arc about one of the Flash's most infamous enemies. I will always enjoy a Barry and Hal team-up, but I think this one could have been more focused.

Flash (2016) #25

Jun 29, 2017

Firstly, I enjoyed this story and issue a lot because it helps refresh the motivation and insanity that Eobard Thawne has for new readers. However, I am hoping that Williamson's run will not be known as the depressing or negative run on The Flash. For me the Flash has always been one of the more positive heroes within the DC universe, lately though this has begun to change.

Flash (2016) #26

Jul 20, 2017

This has introduced an interesting new take on the speed force that I had not known existed. I am hoping that all the heart break that has taken place in the comic is eventually resolved, with it all having been for a good reason.

Flash (2016) #27

Jul 29, 2017

Very quickly has Barry's life started to fall apart, with this being not exception. I like the new powers, but a still hesitant on the author stripping away all joy from the flash.

Flash (2016) #28

Aug 9, 2017

An interesting take on Flash's new power set that instead of benefiting him, continues to hurt everything around him, this time in a literal way. I only hope that this does not become a case of a superhero gradually becoming evil due to new powers.

Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 9, 2016

My favorite rebirth comic yet and a great return of a much loved character.

God Country #1

Jan 17, 2017

Very sad beginning, but the ending sets up what I feel will be a very intense and exciting comic. Not much really happened with this issue, so it is hard to judge what type of comic it will be, but I have enjoyed the way it is written and the odd gods elements added to it.

God Country #2

Feb 26, 2017

Not as sad as I thought it would be. I think the mixture of the comic's mythology and realism is done very tastefully, while also allowing room for a story to grow. I think this comic will be one of the great indie comics of 2017 and hope that it continues to grow.

God Country #3

Mar 20, 2017

Another great issue of a comic that mixes together sorrow and redemption in a way that creates a melancholic undertone. The mythos and gods behind the stories are continued to be explored and continue to develop great characters.

God Country #4

Apr 23, 2017

I am hoping that this series has a happy conclusion, but everything up until now has been very well written and planned out. I feel that his may become a regular series based on the amount of success and praise it has been met with. The Hell landscape and anger from Emmett Quinlan were great additions to a already great story.

God Country #5

May 18, 2017

An issue that delves deeper in to the motives of some of the characters, along with setting up an ending that I feel may end in some sort of melancholic sadness. I am interested in seeing if the success of this series warrants Image and Donny Cates to create a new running series of God Country.

God Country #6

Jun 29, 2017

I would say that this is as nearly a perfect ending as possible for a miniseries of this quality. This has been one of the best indie series in recent history and I would recommend it to anyone interested in reading something that is both quick and fulfilling. I am excited to see what Donny Cates does next with his career.

Green Arrow (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

This is one of the few examples of a comic being good enough that it turned a character I had little interest in, to a character I cannot wait to read.

Green Arrow (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2016

Still a fantastic Green Arrow run that leads one to continue to express full interest and excitement.

Green Arrow (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2016

Do not get why people are annoyed that the art is different. The art still looks good to me, with the story being the main reason I am still reading or even started reading.

Green Arrow (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

Still one of my favorite runs of Rebirth that I think is consistently good each issue. Great art matched with even better story telling this is a must read for any DC fan.

Green Arrow (2016) #5

Aug 18, 2016

Ben Percy continues to deliver a great opening run of Green Arrow. Anyone that is a fan of good stories mixed with great characters should give this comic a run. Also, the ending will make any Green Arrow fan erupt with joy.

Green Arrow (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

I really enjoyed the start of this new arc, and while it does not focus on Oliver Queen, Emiko starts out as a great lead. I really love the relationship between Oliver and her, as well as the dark story that is being brought from her past.

Green Arrow (2016) #7

Sep 22, 2016

I have really been enjoying Emiko's run in Green Arrow. This issue's art and story were great, with the interest for the next issue being continually sustained. One of the best books of Rebirth, with this issue proving why people should pick it up.

Green Arrow (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

Smooth art mixed with classic Oliver Queen, leads to one of the greatest Green Arrow stories around. I have never really had an interest in Green Arrow, but after the start of the Rebirth run I have thoroughly enjoyed. I feel that this story will get odd and twisted, but will also set up the super-couples relationship further.

Green Arrow (2016) #9

Oct 20, 2016

I have loved Ben Percy's Rebirth run on Green Arrow, but I also remember his tendency to get overly preachy in his stories. I understand that Arrow is known for it's take on social issues, but I also think that going too far in one direction can be hurtful to the comic. I still enjoyed this issue and thought it was a good ending to the arc, but hope that the comic won't start going down a road that takes away from the story.

Green Arrow (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

I still have been enjoying the Green Arrow comic, but some issues, like this one, can get a bit convoluted in it's message. I understand the Oliver is known for his social justice actions, but at times it seems out of place and can detract from the momentum of the story. I still enjoyed most of the issue and will continue reading.

Green Arrow (2016) #11

Nov 20, 2016

I enjoyed this issue more than the previous one, with the emphasis on political undertones being minimized. I think the lead in to the next arc about Ollie confronting his company will be a great story, with this being a good finish.

Green Arrow (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

Dinah and Ollie bring a new freshness to this comic, with this issue displaying the great teamwork and comedy they can bring together. I am not always a fan of political messages in comics, but I think this issue handled it nicely.

Green Arrow (2016) #13

Dec 22, 2016

This series seems to love to torture Ollie. The more his personal life goes well, the more his public image and personality seem to suffer from it. This issue displays the interesting take on how upbeat this comic is drawn, but how dark the subject matter and actions can be. I am enjoying this arc and hope to see it lead somewhere good and happy.

Green Arrow (2016) #14

Jan 5, 2017

It was hard to tell what was going on with this issue of Green Arrow. The end left me wondering if Ollie was still considered good or bad by the police, with the problem that was introduced previously not really being resolved or worsened. I still enjoy the art and the interactions between Dinah and Ollie.

Green Arrow (2016) #15

Jan 19, 2017

So much buildup is happening in this arc that I am hoping that the finale is not a letdown. Still enjoy that art behind Green Arrow issues, along with Ollie's relationships with his team.

Green Arrow (2016) #16

Feb 15, 2017

The Emerald Outlaw story arc has been consistent so far, but I feel like very little has actually happened in terms of the story. It feels like whenever a problem occurs it is solved within the next few issues, which creates this sense of stagnancy. Overall, it is still enjoyable.

Green Arrow (2016) #17

Feb 18, 2017

The ending really was confusing, but I think it will have a good explanation in later issues. The other still matches the story style and the story is still maintaining my interest.

Green Arrow (2016) #18

Mar 4, 2017

Let's see what the Rebirth explanation for the end of the Arrow/Speedy relationship is, but I did like their connection in this issue. The art is fun, but I will admit the political nod to the Dakota access Pipeline did irritate me a bit.

Green Arrow (2016) #19

Mar 16, 2017

I understand some of the dislike that this issue has received, especially with the weirdly placed political overtones and the abrupt change in Speedy's behavior, but I think the art and story have both been very typical for the comic. I want their to be better transitions from past to present in the story, but I also want to see more interactions with Ollie and Speedy, like we have been.

Green Arrow (2016) #20

Apr 6, 2017

Ben Percy does a really good job of making nobody likable in this past story arc. The reason that Ollie and Roy don't get along really does not make that much sense and seems a bit forced at times. Also, the subtly in this issue is practically no existent.

Green Arrow (2016) #21

Apr 23, 2017

I think this comic is finally getting back on track after that boring and slow previous arc. I am hoping for a non-predictable story, with a good use of the characters that have been presented and fleshed out.

Green Arrow (2016) #22

May 8, 2017

Everyone is a dick to Ollie for the worst reasons in my opinion. I like the Ninth Circle parts of the story, but it feels like Ben Percy is trying to make Ollie be in the wrong, but instead it feels like everyone is overreacting for no reason.

Green Arrow (2016) #23

May 18, 2017

The story is good so far, but the treatment towards Ollie still seems unreasonable to me. I hope that more is explored with the Ninth Circle, especially with how his father was involved, as well as what the supernatural element of their group does to the city.

Green Arrow (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

This arc has been difficult for me to gage whether I have enjoyed it as a whole or have felt that it letdown the series altogether. This issue was good for me, with the ending setting up another interesting story, but I still feel that there are some big problems with the way Green Arrow is being written. I will continue to read and see where this story goes.

Green Arrow (2016) #25

Jun 29, 2017

A good oversized issue, but not great when it comes to importance for the story. This felt like more setup for future issues rather than anything meaningful occurring in an issue I payed extra for.

Green Arrow (2016) #28

Aug 5, 2017

This is one of the more fun Green Arrow arcs that does not seek to continually destroy parts of Ollie's life, but rather to slowly start to rebuild it.

Green Arrow (2016) #29

Aug 22, 2017

My only problem with this issue is that Ben Percy has the same trouble that many writers have and that is they cannot write Batman well. It seems to me that if people try to write Batman outside of a Batman title then it is usually just completely off of the characters archetype.

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

Jun 7, 2016

A great start to Green Arrow that caused a person, me, who previously had little interest in Green Arrow to try the coming up issues. Altogether, one of the best starts to a series.

Green Lanterns #1

Aug 18, 2016

Green Lanterns is a different take on the Green Lantern universe. The first issue was interesting, but I'm still not sure if the comic is one I would read on a bi-monthly basis.

Green Lanterns #2

Aug 18, 2016

I love me some Bleez. Jessica Cruz is a great character that keeps my interest up for the series, but Simon Baz is a bad combination of Guy Gardner and Jon Stewart. I would recommend this to anyone that is a fan of Lantern Stories.

Green Lanterns #3

Aug 18, 2016

Still a different take on Green Lantern stories that I think is a good idea, but Simon Baz comes across as unlikable and strong headed. Jessica Cruz continuously makes a sympathetic lead, with the Red Lanterns being great first enemies for the series, but I still think the characters need some work.

Green Lanterns #4

Aug 18, 2016

Still an interesting story, but I just do not think Green Lanterns is quite were it needs to be yet to be considered a good comic. I would tell be to stick with the comic if they like the characters and the idea, but I would also warn that it still needs some work.

Green Lanterns #5

Sep 4, 2016

Fine issue, but Simon Baz is still a character I have a hard time connecting with. I think Sam Humphries does Jessica Cruz perfectly, but the series is about two people, not one. Collect for any fan of the Red Lantern stories, but it is not a series at the top of my list.

Green Lanterns #6

Oct 7, 2016

Better ending than beginning, with Jessica Cruz being the best part of the entire story arc. Some moment felt overdone, but I do understand the need to plant the seeds for future storylines.

Green Lanterns #7

Oct 7, 2016

The partnership dynamic is slowly starting to form between the two characters, but some moments feel like they are taking two steps back. There was an odd scene where Jessica is about to run away, but Simon then stops her, then Simon runs away, with Jessica stopping him. My biggest problem with the series is I feel like the character development is not split as evenly as it should be. With some of the characters the growth feels stunted, while the others are well fleshed out.

Green Lanterns #8

Oct 7, 2016

I have been on the fence about this series for awhile now. There are genuinely great moments, such as the growth of Jessica Cruz and story of the exiled Guardian and at other times it feels like something is missing. I think every issue is a step up in quality, but I am not sure if it is at it's peak yet.

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 7, 2016

Not my favorite Rebirth special. Jessica Cruz seems to be a character with lots of potential, but Simon Baz has never been a favorite and this issue has failed to covert. Read if a fan of green lanterns.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1

Aug 11, 2016

Better run than the previous Green Lantern comic, but still has a bit more to go before I consider it a great comic. Still I would read if you love stories about the Corp and Sinestro.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2

Aug 17, 2016

Interesting issue that shows a lead up into what will appear to be a bigger climax in the next issue. Best run Venditti has done so far with the Green Lanterns, would read if you enjoy the universe.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3

Aug 27, 2016

Venditti continues the good pace of the Hal Jordan, which while not perfect is getting better as time goes on. I think this is his best run of a green lantern comic and I am excited to see what he does next.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

Sep 16, 2016

Venditti has been writing the Green Lantern Corp members really well recently, with Gardner being amazing this issue. The art for this comic is phenomenal, with the story being the best Venditti has done so far.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #5

Sep 29, 2016

Venditti has been writing Hal Jordan like a complete different person. He has been capture perfectly the essence of the Sinestro Corp, as well as Guy Gardner. This is the better of the Green Lantern comics for me and I would recommend to anyone the wants something detached from everything in DC.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #6

Oct 20, 2016

Fantastic run by Venditti, with this issue establishing what will a full blown battle in the next issue. Hal, Guy, John, and hopefully Kyle, are all about to attack Sinestro's Corp, and only excitement can come from it.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7

Oct 30, 2016

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp has turned out to be one of my favorite comics of Rebirth, with this issue displaying how awesome Hal and Sinestro are in terms of power. The embodiments of will vs fear has this issue being very action oriented and filled with color.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #8

Nov 17, 2016

I'm ready for God of Willpower Hal and Kyle Rayner to make an appearance in the next issue. This has done a good job of setting up what will seem to be a huge plot point in the forthcoming future. I think this is one of the better runs of a Green Lantern team in recent history.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #9

Nov 24, 2016

This was my favorite issue of this comic yet, with the ending being a great start to what will be a very eventful few issues. This Green Lantern team has been destroying my expectations in a very positive way.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #10

Dec 14, 2016

Any interaction between Hal and Kyle will always be a plus in my book, with this reflecting that power that both these heroes have. It also seeks to reintroduce everybody's favorite Guardians, which will lead to a intense arc with a certain Lantern group. Continued quality on this Lantern run.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #11

Jan 3, 2017

Who doesn't love the craziness that Larfleeze bring to a Green Lantern comic? The more other Lantern Corps appear within this comic, the happier I become with it. First the yellow, than the white, with the orange now appearing, I hope that the blue are next to make a grand entrance into the universe.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12

Jan 17, 2017

One of the best reunions in Rebirth, with a even better version of the Corp being created. I am hopeful that even more Kyle Rayner stories will be done in the upcoming issues, along with the eventual inclusion of the other Lantern Corps.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #13

Jan 31, 2017

I understand some of the criticisms for this issue and do agree it is skippable, but I do think it has some merit to it. It allows for a break for both the audience and the story, so that when this new arc starts, we are not overwhelmed by the story. While this issue was not necessary, I would still suggest it to people who have liked the series so far.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #14

Feb 16, 2017

Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, and Saint Walker make for the best Lantern team-up with this story leading into what seems like it will be a more united Lantern universe. I am hoping that eventually the indigo and violet lantern corps join up with the green and yellow.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #15

Feb 26, 2017

The return of Saint Walker starts to unite multiple Corps together, along with the ending being a very typical move for Guy Gardner. The story has been great so far and I have enjoyed the art as well. I hope that this is all leading into some great united story arc.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #16

Mar 9, 2017

A very blood and Guy Gardner heavy issue. Not much happens, but for once I am happy that it doesn't. This is a nice look into certain characters development and drive and I hope that it creates more in depth stories for the future.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17

Apr 4, 2017

Surprisingly I was not that upset by the fact that Kyle Rayner became a Green Lantern again. I think it was done very well and I think it will setup an interesting storyline down the road.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #18

Apr 22, 2017

In terms of time traveling heroes this was one was the most right for a Green Lantern book. The book is still continuing to good stories, but I would prefer that eventually Kyle goes back to being a green lantern.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #19

Apr 27, 2017

The idea of merging the Corps and time travel creates for a very eventful and interesting premise. I think all this is a setup for the return of a past character.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #20

May 11, 2017

I have a feeling that the villain will end up being the descendant of a very well known character. I like the fact that we are going back to deal with the item that changed Hal and that it might give us more insight into his abilities.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #21

Jun 1, 2017

This was a very expected ending and one that I was hoping for to end differently. I enjoy the art and writing, but felt that this was the weakest issue of the arc for me. I hope that whatever happens in the future is done tastefully with the knowledge given in this issue.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #22

Jun 20, 2017

I am not excited for this arc because it is starting to feel like the old Venditti Green Lantern stories that I never enjoyed. I will be patient and see where it heads, but so far this issue was just okay for me.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23

Jun 29, 2017

We finally begin to see the seams start fall apart within this uneasy alliance between the GL and SC, but I hope that this is not the theme for the entire Venditti run. I feel like most of his arcs have had to do with this topic, which has been handled well by him, but I want something different now.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

Jul 20, 2017

This has continued to be my least favorite arc from Rebirth Green Lantern series, with Venditti's characterization of Soranik Natu being very twisted and unrecognizable. I am just waiting for this arc to move on.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #25

Jul 29, 2017

Not a fan of this issue, nor of Venditti's interpretation of certain characters. More than following how the character would act, Venditti shapes the characters to fit the story, not the other way around.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #26

Aug 9, 2017

Whenever the side Green Lanterns are used, such as Grak, I always have a better appreciation for the storytelling because it means that the story cannot simply rely on the grace of the big lanterns. This is a great start to what I hope will be a fantastic arc.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Aug 11, 2016

Good start to a Green Lantern comic and personally a better comic than Green Lanterns, but still has a bit more to go before I am fully happy with it.

Harley Quinn (2016) #1

Aug 5, 2016

Feels more like a continuation of the previous Harley comic, but when the previous comic is great then there should be few complaints. Funny, with great dialogue, that proves why Harley is on top this year.

Harley Quinn (2016) #2

Aug 18, 2016

Same great quality we all have come to expect from Conner and Palmiotti's Harley Quinn. Very fun and very funny comic that has fantastic characters. Anyone would wants to read a comic that entertains them and does not have all the doom and gloom most big comics display, typically, should pick this comic up.

Harley Quinn (2016) #3

Sep 7, 2016

Very interesting end to a very odd and funny comic. I think Harley Quinn continues to maintain the quality it has for the past few years and would recommend this series to anyone that wants a fun comic.

Harley Quinn (2016) #4

Sep 22, 2016

I'm not 100% percent sure what people were expecting from a one-shot issue of Harley Quinn, but for me it provided everything I want and expect of this comic. It was funny, with witty dialogue and interesting villains.

Harley Quinn (2016) #5

Oct 5, 2016

Very fun, very typical Harley comic. The outside of the story seems chaotic and crazy, while the inside is quietly and secretly setting up what I feel will be a organized purpose.

Harley Quinn (2016) #6

Oct 20, 2016

Another good Harley Quinn comic that seems like it will set up a very interesting joker storyline. Funny mixed with good story makes this an issue that people who want something different from DC need to read.

Harley Quinn (2016) #7

Nov 2, 2016

Another great Harley issue that sets up a future Joker storyline. I like the inclusion of more and more Gotham related villains, and would be interested in a storyline with her back in Gotham. Funny and a well written issue.

Harley Quinn (2016) #8

Nov 24, 2016

Pretty typical Harley issue, with the future Joker storyline being a very anticipated few issues. I have continue to enjoy this comic.

Harley Quinn (2016) #9

Dec 23, 2016

Cool setup to the Joker arc, which I feel will be a surprise in who the Joker actually is. I have always enjoyed how disconnected this comic is from the rest of the universe, which allows a person to decompress from the seriousness surrounding the rest of the DC universe.

Harley Quinn (2016) #10

Dec 23, 2016

I always enjoy a Christmas special, with this being no difference. The comic could be a bit chaotic at times, but that is usually expected of a Harley Quinn based story. Overall, I enjoyed the break from the typical storyline.

Hellblazer (2016) #1

Sep 4, 2016

I like John Constantine as a character, but nothing happened in this issue. No story was pushed forward, no reason for some of the characters to participate. This comic just felt underwhelming.

Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

Jul 30, 2016

The solution to him getting back into London was oversimplified and makes me the worry that the comic is not "returning" to what Hellblazer was.

Huck #1

Dec 8, 2016

Huck #2

Dec 8, 2016

Huck #3

Dec 8, 2016

Huck #4

Dec 8, 2016

Huck #5

Dec 8, 2016

Huck #6

Dec 8, 2016

Injection #1

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #2

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #3

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #4

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #5

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #6

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #7

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #8

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #9

Nov 6, 2016

Injection #10

Nov 6, 2016

Justice League (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

A step up from the Justice League Rebirth, but still has a long ways to go. The art is fantastic and the story seems interesting, but only time will tell how it will go.

Justice League (2016) #2

Aug 5, 2016

While currently the story is not perfect, these first few issues will be to flesh out a new version of the Justice league, while building up to what I feel will be a climatic battle and twist. To anyone wanting to try out Justice League my advice is to stay on for a few issues before dropping it. The story seems to be building up with fantastic art behind it.

Justice League (2016) #3

Aug 18, 2016

I think the biggest problem with the issue is the continued lack of interaction between characters. The story is genuinely interesting and seems like it will have a good twist to it, but still more character development needs to be done. By not having the characters interact the story is stretched out further leading to more generalized writing. Overall, Justice League is an example of a good story that has too much going on at once.

Justice League (2016) #4

Sep 7, 2016

A word that sprang to mind when I read this comic was interesting. While it might not be the comic everyone wants Justice League to be, I don't think it is awful. Bryan Hitch has created a story that I think just on a base level is very intriguing, the only problem is the continued lack of character interaction. I will not lie and say that this doesn't need work to be done on it, but if people just give it a chance I think they will start to see the positive behind it. Great interaction between the Green Lanterns, good plot twists, but needs more emphasis on the 'team'.

Justice League (2016) #5

Sep 22, 2016

I have defended Justice League in the past for being chaotic, by voicing my opinion that underneath all the fluff is a good story. While I would love to say I feel the same after this issue, I don't. This issue was chaotic, rushed, clumsily constructed, along with having an abrupt ending. No questions were answered and no set up for future explanations was established. I still have faith that Justice League can create new, good stories, but I am also certain that this was not a good example of that.

Justice League (2016) #6

Oct 5, 2016

While the beginning was more confusing than mysterious for me, and the ending was weird and out of nowhere, the middle worked fairly well for me. The Flash and Jessica Cruz side-story is a fun addition, along with any sort of team interaction from the Justice League being openly welcomed from me. Hitch has a lot to improve with the Justice League comics, but I do think this is a step up from the last arc.

Justice League (2016) #7

Oct 20, 2016

The story is very messy, with the villains never being concrete, and the heroes having trouble interacting and working together. I really want for this comic to do well, but when there are blatant issues like when emotions that the heroes have trained for years to master get the best of them, it creates a sense of disbelief in the story. I will keep to the comic, but am hoping that there is going to be something that will justify my choice.

Justice League (2016) #8

Nov 2, 2016

They misspelled the word civilian, which I think is a clue to how I felt about this issue. Other than spelling, the biggest problem I have had with this comic is the lack of any material villains. All the villains have been weird intangible things that affect the emotions of the League, but I don't think that this is enough to create good story. Justice League needs to be better focused and edited before I will start to be happy with the comic.

Justice League (2016) #9

Nov 20, 2016

This issue was actually a step up for me from the previous few issues. Outbreak has started off weak, but I do feel that anything is possible and that this story could end up good. I still want more from Justice League, but this hopefully will be a step in the right direction.

Justice League (2016) #10

Dec 7, 2016

Again, I am hopeful that the inclusion of physical villains will start to help the comic some, with this issue not being as bad as the past few. I agree that this Justice League run has not been what it should be, in particular with the writer, but I also do not think it is fair to rate every issue based on hate for a comic. I will continue to be hopeful that will start going upwards in quality.

Justice League (2016) #11

Dec 22, 2016

I'm not sure what to say about this series that someone else has not already said. The characters are very awkward with each other, and can even feel less like a team and more like strangers forced together. I think this series needs a much deserved break and a new creative team to freshen things up.

Justice League (2016) #12

Jan 5, 2017

A lot better than the usual Justice League comic, but this issue is not required to enjoy the Justice League vs Suicide Squad event. This deals more with Max Lord and his relationship with Amanda Waller, which can be at times a bit hard to follow. I still enjoyed the comic and enjoyed getting to know a character I never was really that informed about.

Justice League (2016) #13

Jan 19, 2017

This issue was okay, but was kind of pointless. This felt as though they were trying to fill more story than what actually is needed, with the involvement of Steve Trevor being confusing. Again, it was not horrible, but is one of those easily skippable issues that only people that have space in their weekly collection should read.

Justice League (2016) #14

Feb 15, 2017

Again Hitch manages to create another Justice League story that fails to have a villain with a face. The amount of needless dialogue and weird interactions that present in this issue make me wonder why DC allows this to continue.

Justice League (2016) #15

Feb 18, 2017

The art made the comic more tolerable, but I still am having major issues with the dialogue and characterization of certain League members. The time traveling part of the story was confusing, but the Zeus scene was really explosive and awesome.

Justice League (2016) #16

Mar 4, 2017

Better than usual, but Hitch is horrendous at writing Batman. The dialogue is still clunky and cheesy at times, but the action was more than passable. I desperately want this story to be a sign that Hitch is getting better, but I do not think that it is true. The Wonder Woman part of the story looks the coolest to me.

Justice League (2016) #17

Mar 16, 2017

It's been a better than usual arc. I really appreciate the fact that the villains are real and solid characters that have purposes that are not random and completely arbitrary. Despite all the good things that these past few issues have done, I still want to emphasize I still dislike the way Batman has continued to be written.

Justice League (2016) #18

Apr 6, 2017

This issue was fine as well, but it just feels as thought they are trying to include as much as possible in every issue, which creates a mess. The dialogue is still wonky, but the idea is semi-interesting this time around.

Justice League (2016) #19

Apr 23, 2017

This entire run with Justice League has been long and convoluted and just continues to get more and more so. I thought this arc started off better than the past few, but this ended on a real whimper.

Justice League (2016) #20

May 8, 2017

I'm so tired of time being the villain in most of his arcs. Every arc has felt explosive, but not in a good way. Big event after big event diminishes the sense of importance that succeeding should have for the League. I just want a small, well-written story.

Justice League (2016) #21

May 18, 2017

There is really not much that I can say about this issue that I have not said about the previous issues and arcs of Justice League before.

Justice League (2016) #22

Jun 7, 2017

A significantly better issue that usual for Justice League, but it still had some slight problems to it. I am not sure why, but everyone person who writes Justice League always has problems getting one character right and for me it was Wonder Woman in this issue. Overall, it was an enjoyable read and a break from the past few Blockbuster level stories in this series.

Justice League (2016) #23

Jun 29, 2017

This was better than the usual Justice League stories, but still was not great. I feel like past few stories have had to do with Jessica Cruz more than anyone else, which is odd for a book about the team, but I think it helps show insight from a rookie on a team of experts. I am hoping that eventually Justice League starts to make more complex and satisfying stories.

Justice League (2016) #24

Jul 20, 2017

This was a better issue than anything that has appeared in Justice League so far, but it may be a bit confusing to those that do not read Aquaman. I would recommend this to people who are interested in trying out Aquaman to see how the book compares for them.

Justice League of America (2017): Rebirth #1

Feb 15, 2017

I still think this comic will be a lot better than the the current Justice League title, but I will admit that this issue was slow and is probably unnecessary to get. It is just another case of heroes being reintroduced, but I do see the necessity for it.

Justice League of America (2017) #1

Feb 26, 2017

This issue made me happy because I realize that DC finally has a well written Justice League team. Again, this is more of a team building issue, but I do like the choice of Lord Havok as the first villain and I feel that this comic will be consistently well made.

Justice League of America (2017) #2

Mar 9, 2017

Honestly, I do not see what everyone is having a problem with. It is written way better than what Hitch has been doing with Justice League and actually contains a villain that has some depth to him. I will agree that it was not the best issue that I have read and I did expect more, but I still am looking forward to the next issues.

Justice League of America (2017) #3

Apr 1, 2017

I genuinely do not understand the dislike that is surrounding this comic. I wish that it was more exciting than it has been for the past few issues, but I think that story and dialogue is a lot better than the Justice League comic. It even has good parts to it, like a very interesting villain's backstory and a team trying to form together.

Justice League of America (2017) #4

Apr 22, 2017

I did not think this arc was as bad as most people thought. It had problems with being slow and boring at times, but it still had an interesting premise to it. I think the resolution worked out well and that the setup for the team dynamic will work to create new stories.

Justice League of America (2017) #5

Apr 27, 2017

I will say this again, this is a comic that has a good writer, but a boring story. I don't think it is as bad as some of the people are describing it, but I think it has some inherent flaws. The issue seems weirdly paced at times, with it alternating between tones quickly. I enjoy the team dynamic, but wish the story was a bit stronger.

Justice League of America (2017) #6

May 11, 2017

Very messy and uninteresting issue. The characters were all over the place, with some developments being entirely unnecessary. I feel like too much is trying to be done, so some things start to lack.

Justice League of America (2017): The Atom Rebirth #1

Jan 5, 2017

Great character introduction that sets up the future of the JLA team, while also providing a great one-shot story that will inevitably lead into a good arc about the Atom. Overall, I am excited to read the other upcoming JLA one-shots.

Justice League of America (2017): Vixen Rebirth #1

Jan 17, 2017

Vixen is a great oneshot that tells the story of a hero that has received more mainstream success in recent years. The issue featured good art, with a story that provides a powerful motive behind Vixen's super heroism. I will be very interested in seeing how she interacts with the other JLA team members.

Justice League of America (2017): The Ray Rebirth #1

Jan 19, 2017

Honestly, this oneshot was underwhelming for me. The Ray was the only oneshot I was actually looking forward to reading, but it ended up being scattered and weirdly paced. His sexuality was thrown in randomly, with no sort of purpose to the actual story. Compared to the Atom and Vixen's stories, this is was the least successful in creating interest for a character.

Justice League of America (2017): Killer Frost Rebirth #1

Feb 16, 2017

Okay start to a Justice League of America character, but this issue as a whole felt unnecessary. I will enjoy the JLA comic, but I felt that this was not as strong as that will be.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 22, 2016

Good start to an arc and crossover event that I am excited about and that shows good promise. It will be interesting to see how the SS and JL go from fighting each other to fighting alongside each other. Also, I am very intrigued by how Lobo will go from bad to good guy in this story.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Jan 3, 2017

Interesting ending to the Suicide Squad and Justice League first fight, with an unexpected character being the weakest link. It will be interesting to see how Batman resolves the problem the resulted from this issue, along with the way the Lobo will interact with the Justice League. Overall, a continuation of a good story with great art, as well.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Jan 5, 2017

I continue to enjoy this DC event, with this issue setting up what will be an explosive battle. This issue focused more on humanizing a few characters, as well as introducing the problem that exists with Maxwell Lord. The ending had a very odd twist to it, which I will enjoy further exploring.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 17, 2017

A lot of action within this issue, which I thought was setup and executed very well. Usually, these types of comics have the League losing to the enemies at first, then eventually they defeat them, but this had a different take on that. The fact that the Justice League was able to overpower the bad guys, but get defeated in a different means entirely is a refreshing take on a classic comic style.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #5

Jan 19, 2017

The multiple angles this story has been going for has worked out pretty well for me. I enjoy Max Lord's gradual reveal of how crazy he truly is, as well as the hints about Waller's past. Finally, I will enjoy seeing the new Justice League face off against the old one, with the major villain being in control behind all of it.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 31, 2017

Cool setup for a new series with this final issue of one of DCs better events. I had some trouble understanding whether or not Amanda Waller planned for all this, but I thought the final villain and teamups made up for any confusion.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 30, 2016

A letdown going from Geoff Johns run to this. I don't think it will be awful, but it has a huge hurdle to go over.

Love is Love #1

Jan 3, 2017

Very inspiring, with some very minor issues. First, any reader of this comic must realize that the meaning is more important than the story with this comic, which the comic does very right. The problem that exists is that stories aren't really sorted, which at times can take away from the emotion that is meant to be expressed with this poems, prose, and stories. Again, this is meant to inspire, not to impress, which I agree it does time and time again.

Mech Cadet Yu #1

Aug 5, 2017

I genuinely enjoyed this very anime style of story. While it does use tropes that most anime/manga stories follow, it did so in a very necessary and creative way.

Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Aug 9, 2017

Amazing art and amazing storytelling that shows people why Tom King is one of the best writers when it comes to those different characters. There will be a very amazing message to this entire story that will change how miniseries are done.

Moon Knight (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Amazing comic that pulls me in with mystery.

Moon Knight (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2016

Again another fantastic issue, Lemire knows his stories.

Moon Knight (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2016

Story makes one feel insane with all the turns and new mysteries arriving.

Moon Knight (2016) #4

Jul 30, 2016

Crazy twists that force one to admit he has no idea where this will lead.

Moon Knight (2016) #5

Aug 5, 2016

Weirdly interesting and interestingly weird. This run of Moon Knight seeks to trick and deceive the audience in a spectacular manner and it does exactly that. No idea where the story is headed, but that makes the journey all the more exciting.

Moon Knight (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

What the f**k is happening? I have never been more confused and more satisfied with a comic, as I have been for this one. Usually this level of mystery would start to annoy, but I am just itching to get the next issue. Honestly, this might be the best Marvel comic out currently and I would recommend to anyone that wants their head messed up.

Moon Knight (2016) #7

Oct 20, 2016

Moon Knight is still as confusing as it has ever been, but it has had a consistently good character development to it as well. I hope that next few issues are not the just same thing as the past few, but I trust Lemire to know what he is doing.

Moon Knight (2016) #8

Nov 2, 2016

Ending makes the issue well worth the series of completely mind breaking events that happen. Lemire has continued to do a great run and I look forward to what the end of this arc brings for Marc Spector.

Moon Knight (2016) #9

Dec 7, 2016

Best issue of the series, with the sanity of Marc Spector being a great final point of the arc. It will be great to see the new iteration of Moon Knight after this issue, especially with one fighting at full strength, both in body and mind.

New Gods Special #1

Aug 5, 2017

An interesting snapshot for anyone that is interested in the base characteristics of the New Gods.

New Talent Showcase: 2016 #1

Dec 1, 2016

Not that bad overall. It does feel like the writers are still trying to find their groove within DC, but some of the stories had some genuinely good plots and ideas behind them. I enjoyed the Superman story, as well as the Boston Brand, one the best, with Wonder Woman and Flash having a great artistic style to it. While I would not say this is required for any DC fan, it is a good idea to see what writers will be available in the future and how they are.

Newsboy Legion & The Boy Commandos Special #1

Aug 9, 2017

This was just awful dialogue and storytelling that made it near impossible for me to maintain interest through. I hope the other specials are nowhere near this bad.

Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Good start to Nightwing, with great appearances from Damian, Bruce, and Babs. I think it will continue to be a great comic.

Nightwing (2016) #2

Aug 5, 2016

Tim Seeley knows Nightwing, and this issues just further cements this notion. Great interactions between Raptor and Nightwing that I feel will make a great twist.

Nightwing (2016) #3

Aug 18, 2016

Raptor and Nightwing are one of the better teams of Rebirth with a fun and balanced dynamic. The appearances of Batgirl in the last few issues have also been a plus, with people hoping for the resurgence of Dick-Babs.

Nightwing (2016) #4

Sep 7, 2016

Good issue that has one of my favorite interactions, Dick and Damian, as well as great continued interest and mystery. Raptor is a cool new character, with helping Dick become even more of his own independent hero.

Nightwing (2016) #5

Sep 22, 2016

I think the Monster Men storyline with be a good break from the main series for people, but I also get why there is some hesitancy to the idea of cross-overs. Cross-overs can ruin comics, but I think this will instead help connect points and happenings across the three main Batman comics. It already in it's first two issues set up Cobra's importance in the future, along with Hugo Strange.

Nightwing (2016) #6

Oct 5, 2016

I think we are about to get Mechs in this story and that will either be amazing, or just out of place. Batman vs Hugo Strange is a very anticipated fight that this issue sets up, with giant monster being a close second. I think Night of the Monster Men is doing it's purpose to unify the Batman family and while I agree a ton of crossovers is bad, one is not.

Nightwing (2016) #7

Oct 20, 2016

Nightwing is one of the more consistent comics within the Rebirth era of DC, with this comic maintaining my interest and attention with every issue. I really enjoy the mystery around Raptor, as well as his connection to Grayson.

Nightwing (2016) #8

Nov 2, 2016

Quality issue of Nightwing that reflects why he is one of the more beloved characters from DC. The interaction between Bruce, Raptor, and Dick creates amazing backstory, along with fantastic fight scenes. Great comic with this being on the best issues yet.

Nightwing (2016) #9

Nov 20, 2016

I have enjoyed almost every comic that has contained Superman in Rebirth, with this being no exception. Dick and Clark are a combination I always seem to forget about, but always end up enjoying when they join forces. This is also a great lead up to Bludhaven.

Nightwing (2016) #10

Dec 7, 2016

Cool start to Nightwing's reintroduction into Bludhaven, with the addition of former villains creating a great starting point of the story. The colors within the comic are vivid, with the blues popping whenever they are presented.

Nightwing (2016) #11

Dec 22, 2016

This Bludhaven arc is one of my favorite stories currently, with the bright colors and odd characters helping create a very fun and interesting storyline. The connection between past and present, both with Nightwing and the villains he encounters, draws a very well presented parallel about the acceptance of who they are.

Nightwing (2016) #12

Jan 5, 2017

Still a very fun comic, but it felt like very little happened within this issue. I have enjoyed the Bludhaven storyline, but I think that it might be losing steam with characters getting framed one by one. Again, the art style is fantastic for a Nightwing story and the story is still very enjoyable.

Nightwing (2016) #13

Jan 19, 2017

Very obvious villain, but I did enjoy how the story got to the obvious reveal. This issues sets up what I feel will be a tragic backstory, as well as introducing permanent characters in Nightwing's future.

Nightwing (2016) #14

Feb 15, 2017

The finale was a bit messy, with the resolution being too quickly wrapped up, but I still have been enjoying Time Seeley's run. I am interested in seeing what else will be done in Bludhaven over the next few arcs.

Nightwing (2016) #15

Feb 18, 2017

Very nice and sincere issue of Nightwing that ends with me wishing that it could be like that for a few more issues. They are teasing a villain I know very little about, but I am very interested in seeing how he is done in these modern stories. Art was fun as well.

Nightwing (2016) #16

Mar 4, 2017

Not a huge fan of Damian Wayne, but when he is paired with Grayson it becomes one of the best duos in the DC universe. Equal parts raunchy, funny, and sad, the Nightwing comic continues to hold up.

Nightwing (2016) #17

Mar 16, 2017

The other Dynamic Duo continue to help strengthen a great arc in Nightwing, with the villain being very deranged and twisted. I hope that the ending will not be depressing, but who knows how Seeley will deal wit the issues he had brought up for Dick.

Nightwing (2016) #18

Apr 6, 2017

This arc and issue are basically a orchestra of former Nightwing villains. I liked the Dick and Damian team-up and want to see how this arc ends up affecting Nightwings life.

Nightwing (2016) #19

Apr 22, 2017

I hope that the Nightwing Must Die arc does not end sadly, but it has been really well done so far. The villains have all been great and the chemistry between Dick and the others are well played out.

Nightwing (2016) #20

May 8, 2017

This issue was a bit more odd compared to other Nightwing issues, but I still enjoyed to teamup between him and Robin. It did a great insight into the psyche of Dick, as well as establishing some future problems in his life.

Nightwing (2016) #21

May 18, 2017

I thought this was a fun break from the dark and heavy Nightwing arc that we just came out of. I understand that some people feel this was unnecessary, but the solution to that is just not buying the comic. I enjoyed the art and the simple villain that did not require a ton of backstory or monologue.

Nightwing (2016) #22

Jun 7, 2017

Another consistent issue of Nightwing that finally moves forward by introducing the villain into the arc. I am interested in seeing the goal of this arc, as well as what it does for Dick Grayson going forward.

Nightwing (2016) #23

Jun 29, 2017

So far this story has been a bit stale and boring with this issue following that same trend. I have really enjoyed Nightwing, but these past two issues have been a departure from the type of quality I am used to with this book.

Nightwing (2016) #26

Aug 5, 2017

Not bad, but still not the same quality that Nightwing has been previously in the series. I hope that it starts to pick up soon.

Nightwing (2016) #27

Aug 22, 2017

This issue was just boring and kind of uneventful. I wish that it was more like the beginning of Nightwing in Rebirth, but unfortunately everything just seems to fall short.

Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 30, 2016

Very good start to what will seem to be a great story. Always loved the Court of Owls stories and think this will be well planned out.

Paklis #1

Jun 6, 2017

I thought that the ideas for stories presented were interesting, but the execution fell flat for me in the end. I think so of the stories will get better, but for the first issue this was just an okay start to an Image series.

Pretty Deadly #1

Mar 4, 2017

It was an okay first issue. A sort of East of West vibe minus the technological aspect. The story could be a bit confusing at times, but I thought the idea was interesting.

Redlands #1

Aug 9, 2017

A strong start to a new horror book, which displays that Jordie Bellaire's abilities go beyond her artistic ability. I still need to wait and she how this story turns and how it establishes the main characters.

Rumble #1

Mar 4, 2017

Very odd, but equally interesting first issue. I picked up the number 1 to see how it would appeal and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #1

Sep 22, 2016

A very interesting start to what seems will be a very metaphysical and abstract comic. I love that it is presented as fantasy, but the main villain's power is neither tangible or physical. I feel that this will be Image's next big comic and people should get on it as soon as they can.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #2

Oct 31, 2016

Great indie series, that creates a lot of mystery and action. Awesome magic visuals combined with great backstory.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #3

Dec 1, 2016

Best issue yet, with the nailshot scene being one of the coolest additions to the story. I am ready for the future direction that will start after the end of this arc. Great comic.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #4

Jan 3, 2017

Same amazing quality as usual, but I fear that this may be taking a very dark turn, very quickly. The story seems to be going from action-adventure to a more horror theme, which I won't mind too much if it is continued to be written the same way. Here's to a continued trill ride with this comic.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #5

Apr 22, 2017

This is one of my favorite series of the year and I am glad that it is starting again. The fantastic art and the creation of this weirdly wonderful world makes me glad that the team is consistently evolving. The next issue in the swamp will be a very interesting place in terms of location and story creation.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #6

Jun 1, 2017

A very sad issue, but one that displays how much thought and creativity Rick Remender uses when establishing the backstories of every character. It is hard to imagine this series ending in any other way than one based on the successive events that have occurred so far.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #7

Jul 20, 2017

I understand that people enjoyed this issue less than usual because of the change in art and the shift in story, but I still think it serves a good purpose. It seeks to explain motivations and history behind certain characters, while taking a step outside the normal story.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #8

Aug 5, 2017

I had no problems with this issue and thought that it matched the tone and direction of the previous arcs, but I do get that people hate this departure from the main storyline. My argument against any dislike for this issue is that this was important character development for several characters that would have died if the issue had just moved on.

Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Sep 4, 2016

The series is closer to the movie adaption than I would prefer. I believe that series should reflect their own ideas and concepts rather than take from other sources. While this isn't the worst series I have read, this is by no means a must read. Read if you like Rob Williams, but apart from that I have not reason to recommend this.

Suicide Squad (2016) #2

Oct 7, 2016

I have never been that big of a fan of Suicide Squad, but have always loved Rob Williams' work. I think he does Harley, Boomerang, and the team dynamic really well. In addition, I think that his backup stories are just as impactful as his main storyline.

Suicide Squad (2016) #3

Oct 7, 2016

My favorite issue so far, with it displaying the unpredictability Rob Williams. The Katana backstory was done very well, matched up with great art. I think Suicide Squad will shape up to be one of the better comics of Rebirth and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in fun story and team dynamic.

Suicide Squad (2016) #4

Dec 1, 2016

Zod is written very differently and more crazy in this comic, with this issue being a great interpretation of the character.

Suicide Squad (2016) #5

Dec 1, 2016

The Hack backstory was fine, but I prefer the regular story a lot more. There are ups and down with this comic, but as a whole I have enjoyed it.

Suicide Squad (2016) #6

Dec 1, 2016

This was an interesting take on Belle Reve, with the specialization on each character being a cool take on how they function away from missions.

Suicide Squad (2016) #7

Dec 1, 2016

Everyone crazy and the possible return of a beloved character made this issue one of the better suicide squad issues. Sane Harley, with a crazy Katana cutting everyone's body parts off is an odd premise for a story, but fun nonetheless.

Suicide Squad (2016) #8

Dec 14, 2016

Cool start to the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad run, as well as being a good finish to the Black Vault arc. I am still not 100% sure how a certain character returned, but I will accept it and move on with the story. Zod was a great starting villain to unite the team, with Killer Frost being a great addition.

Suicide Squad (2016) #9

Jan 17, 2017

Origin of the Suicide Squad is one of the best part of Justice League vs Suicide Squad. While it is not necessary to read, I would recommend it to anyone that is a fan of JL vs SS comic. The art is very fun, with the story portray some characters in a different light.

Suicide Squad (2016) #10

Feb 20, 2017

The epilogue is fine, but I don't like the idea that Amanda Waller can plan for everything. It can take away from her character at certain points, but it looks like the next arc will humanize her.

Suicide Squad (2016) #19

Jun 20, 2017

Not much progresses in this issue, with the exception of a certain character's fate, but it will be interesting to see how this event effects the structure and roster of the Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Sep 4, 2016

For some reason I just did not enjoy this Rebirth special. Perhaps it was because it felt like they were basing the comic on the movie, rather than the other way around, or because it felt overdone. Overall, I don't really intend to actively collect the series.

Suicide Squad: War Crimes Special #1

Sep 4, 2016

A fun special that I honestly preferred over the regular Suicide Squad series. Nice art, matched with witty dialogue, I would recommend this to anyone that wants to read something disconnected and comical. While I would not say this is a must read, if you have the budget to get something extra then I would oppose you for getting this.

Super Sons (2017) #1

Feb 18, 2017

Great start to what I feel will be a great team comic. I would be very interested in seeing if other children of super heroes join up at various points in the comic or if it will just focus on the two currently. The art was fun for the comic and the writing was typical for Tomasi.

Super Sons (2017) #2

Mar 16, 2017

The momentum from the fist issue continues, with this issue being surprisingly dark for a comic about two pre-teens. I have always been a fan of the way Tomasi writes younger characters and this comic further cements that idea.

Super Sons (2017) #3

Apr 23, 2017

This is one of the best once monthly comics coming out of DC and I think the villain and interaction are a perfect start to the book. I would recommend this for anyone that is reading Superman.

Super Sons (2017) #4

May 18, 2017

A good resolution to a comic that will probably be oriented towards fun and character development rather than deep and dark stories. As long as people realize that I think all these stories will continue to be good and even allow for a break from the gravity that is the DC Rebirth mysteries.

Super Sons (2017) #5

Jun 29, 2017

A bit unnecessary when it comes to plot, but still a very fun addition to one of the more lighthearted and interesting books in the DC rebirth catalog.

Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Oct 31, 2016

Very connected to the previous run of Supergirl, which might put some people off, but I think they summarize well enough for new readers. It was a good mixture of fun and good storytelling.

Superman (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Amazing start to what I feel will be the best Rebirth comic. Johnathon will be a great addition to the Super family with great father son moments.

Superman (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2016

Another perfect issue that shows Tomasi's talents with writing Superman. The return of an Eradicator is also a well received addition. Great run!

Superman (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2016

Again, another amazing issue that proves that Jon will be a fantastic character. Superman is amazing and is only getting better.

Superman (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

Best comic of rebirth! This issue what the perfect combination of heart-warming and weird that should force readers to realize that this might be one of the best recent Superman runs.

Superman (2016) #5

Aug 18, 2016

The best Superman run continues with this issue. Not only is Superman done amazingly, but Lois and Jon also have near perfect character development. Tomasi is currently the best story teller and writer for Rebirth and I would recommend this comic to everyone.

Superman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

Amazing end to the Eradicator fight, along with a beloved character reappearing. Honestly, this may be one of the best Superman runs to have come along in a very long time. I greatly recommend anyone pick this up, whether a fan of DC or Marvel, this is an amazing piece of writing and art for all. I am excited to see where Tomasi's run continues and hope he stays on for a long time.

Superman (2016) #7

Sep 22, 2016

I have a habit of giving this comic scores ranging from 9 to 10, but I always have felt that it deserves it, with this issue being no different. While it can be argued nothing really happened in this issue that was the brilliance of it. Stories don't always have to be big and flashy, but instead can be simple and sweet, with a lot of heart and character development. Jon went from being a character I had no interest in, to one that I have connected with better any other sidekick/son. A perfectly simple issue that continues the best run of Rebirth.

Superman (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

Any fan of the New Frontier, or just fun father-son superhero stories, will love this issue. The ending for any fan of DC should make one ecstatic that this story was tied in to the Rebirth universe. Overall, Superman is performing how we have come to expect Superman to perform this past few issues, with this being another one of the best comics of the week.

Superman (2016) #9

Oct 20, 2016

Great ending to a tribute towards Darwyn Cooke, that give rest to characters that he wrote about, as well as starting up what will seem to be an interconnected story. As usual, it is one of the best comics out currently.

Superman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Any story with Batman and Superman interacting one on one is always a plus for me. Jon slowly becoming Superboy has also been a great transition to see, with these next few issue solidifying the character that he will become within the DC universe.

Superman (2016) #11

Nov 20, 2016

Great set up for the Super Sons comic, with very fun and active art included. I have enjoyed that Bruce and Clark are starting to become friends within all stories that contain them in the Rebirth saga of DC. While the arc was short, it was a great setup for the kind of person Superboy will be.

Superman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

Interesting start to a Frankenstein and Superman team-up. I am always a bit cautious when a writer starts a story with the heroes fighting, but it this the fight seemed more one-sided, with Frankenstein just trying to prove his point. Regardless, Tomasi has done Superman right for the past 11 issues, so I will trust him the direction that he takes with this story.

Superman (2016) #13

Dec 22, 2016

Not my favorite ending to a Rebirth Superman storyline, but it was still good, nonetheless. The emotions could be all over the place, with some characters experiencing a weird reaction to a situation, but I still enjoyed the crossover with Frankenstein. It is refreshing when a comic takes a break from a similar pattern.

Superman (2016) #14

Jan 5, 2017

Multi-verse Supermen will either end amazingly or be one of the most random and nonsensical DC comics that has existed, and I am gravitating to a bit of both. I hope that this arc also explores the reason that Superman is so different that all the other Supermen, as well as what happened to the previous one. Overall, it has continued great storytelling and great art that matches the action needed for this type of comic.

Superman (2016) #15

Jan 19, 2017

Multiverse Supermen has been something I have thoroughly enjoyed so far, with the mystery behind our Superman being something I want to more fully explore. I like the theory that our Superman is one-half of the whole Superman that will eventually be explored in later issues.

Superman (2016) #16

Feb 15, 2017

Not a bad ending to the Multiplicity run, but it did feel like a lot of loose ends were left open. I still enjoy this comic, but I think this arc was not as strong as the past few. I am ready for the Superman Reborn run which I hope answer most of the mysteries surrounding the Superman family.

Superman (2016) #17

Feb 18, 2017

I do not understand why people disliked this issue, but for me it felt like a typical Tomasi's Superman storyline. The issue was meant to be mysterious and will probably set up something in a few issue, or maybe even in Super Sons. I like Jon and have fun reading stories that he is in and leading.

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 4, 2017

Great first issue of Superman Reborn, which is still my favorite current comic in DC. While I think that the idea of Prime Time would be very well played, I don't think it actually is Superman Prime. Creepy Clark, whoever he ends up being, will go down as one of the best Superman mysteries in recent history and the ending to this issues sets up what I hope will be a great Superman story.

Superman (2016) #19

Mar 16, 2017

More of a setup issue for the next Action Comics, but still provides more understanding behind the villain. I am looking forward to seeing what the revelation in Superwoman does for the characters in the next part of Superman Reborn.

Superman (2016) #20

Apr 6, 2017

A simple, but effective start to a new arc. It helps start to settle the events of the last arc, as well as tackling the previous mystery set-up in Dark Harvest that creates an interesting new story.

Superman (2016) #21

Apr 23, 2017

This issue starts to display Jon becoming his own person, with him separating out from his dad's shadow. I like the idea of a more mystery based Superman story and hope that it has a good surprise at the end.

Superman (2016) #22

May 8, 2017

The mystery starts to unfold, with this being a great Lois taking charge issue. I am a fan of anytime Lois is written well and this is no different. I am excited to see where it goes and how much chaos it creates.

Superman (2016) #23

May 18, 2017

This was such a brutal issue of Superman. I do not think I have read an issue of Superman with this much force behind the story in a very long time. I hope that everything gets resolved well, but it feels like more will happen that will hurt the family before anything begins to help them.

Superman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

Another good issue of Superman with my only gripe being how powerful Manchester Black is. I know he has always been written as a strong telepathic, but he almost seems overpowered at this point.

Superman (2016) #25

Jun 29, 2017

A good, if not slightly quick, resolution to a very dark arc for a Superman story. I think the ending helps wrap up everything very cleanly, so that no leftover pieces of story make this arc feel sloppy. I hope the new few issues are a break in darkness for the Kent family.

Superman (2016) #26

Jul 20, 2017

This was a bit of a step down in terms of the previous arcs and issues of Superman, but it is also a different creative team so that is understandable. I am hoping that after these next few issues, the comic comes back in full swing.

Superman (2016) #27

Jul 23, 2017

Patriotic to the nth degree, but still a nice relaxing issue after the past few arcs of darkness and madness. I understand why people may not have enjoyed this one as much, especially with all the history and politics unapologetically displayed to the readers, but I still liked it. A very family friendly issue that focuses on family.

Superman (2016) #28

Aug 5, 2017

I love Tomasi and I love Superman, but this was just boring and poorly done. The subject matter was not tastefully delivered, but instead crammed downed the audiences throat with massive bouts of dialogue. I hope the next story is more similar to the previous Superman arcs.

Superman (2016) #29

Aug 22, 2017

It looks like an interesting premise that I hope leads to more well-written Superman stories. Anything with Lanterns and Superman is always a plus in my book.

Superman (2016) Annual #1

Dec 1, 2016

Superman/Swamp Thing team-up will always be a plus for me, with the combination of the characters being one of the best pages within the annual. Again, I will always be a big fan of the way Tomasi writes his Superman and appreciate this issue for what it was an annual. It was a nice break from any massive storylines that introduced a beloved character for most DC fans.

Superman: American Alien #1

Jun 23, 2016

Cool beginning, always liked Max Landis' view on Superman and this comics shows it perfectly.

Superman: American Alien #2

Jun 23, 2016

Still a very interesting origin story for Clark Kent and displays how he became the man he is today.

Superman: American Alien #3

Jun 23, 2016

The way Max Landis introduces characters, pre-Villian/Hero, allows the audience to have a different view of iconic characters, which in turn allows for an interesting read.

Superman: American Alien #4

Jun 23, 2016

Great interactions between three pre-Legendary characters. Max Landis is writing Clark the best he has been written is some time.

Superman: American Alien #5

Jun 23, 2016

Best American Alien issue for me yet. Landis knows what is expected from a comic about the Man of Steel secret identity.

Superman: American Alien #6

Jun 23, 2016

Great run so far on American Alien with this issue being no different.

Superman: American Alien #7

Jun 23, 2016

Loved the entire series with this being the perfect ending for it. Hopefully Max Landis will write more Clark/Superman in the future.

Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 7, 2016

Fantastic tribute to the New 52 Superman, while also displaying the personality of the pre-New 52 Superman that all have come to know and love.

Teen Titans (2016) #8

May 18, 2017

I like the story, but I think that there are certain characters within the DC Universe that come across as unlikable and one of those people is Kid Flash. I hope that what they are building up to is a spectacular as they are implying, but in these first two issues not much has happened.

Teen Titans (2016): Lazarus Contract Special #1

Jun 6, 2017

This was a major letdown of both an ending and a crossover in general. The resolution and the consequences that occurred from that resolution were disappointing and poorly constructed. I hope that what happened is eventually resolved, but overall this issue killed my taste for the Titans team.

Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

Oct 31, 2016

I have really enjoyed Ben Percy's recent work with this being another example of his increased quality. Every character was uniquely written, but Damien, for people not fans of his, can come across as unlikable and over the top. I recommend to any fans of a good teen titan story, but not to people who have tolerated Damien in other stories.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #1

Jan 21, 2017

I have just recently become a fan of Captain Atom and read his New 52 series in preparation for this miniseries. The one thing I have to say about this series is that it is and isn't connected to the previous series. They make references to the past, but at the same time change the history of certain characters, and the order that certain events took place. I enjoy this issue, but I would prefer that the writers just agree on a certain backstory for a character.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2

Mar 4, 2017

Very good second issue, with the character development being one of the best I have seen in any miniseries. A good mixture of uplifting and heartbreaking, but overall a great comic.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3

Apr 6, 2017

The story has been a great mixture of a person trying to keep a hold of their humanity and someone trying to find themselves. I think this has been one of the better miniseries DC has released recently.

The Manhattan Projects #1

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #2

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #3

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #4

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #5

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #6

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #7

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #8

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #9

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #10

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #11

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #12

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #13

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #14

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #15

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #16

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #17

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #18

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #19

Dec 8, 2016

The Manhattan Projects #20

Dec 8, 2016

The Sandman Special (2017) #1

Aug 22, 2017

Odd and sort of corny at times, but I think this retelling of a classic Jack Kirby matches his tone and vibe very closely. Out of all the Jack Kirby specials this is the best yet for me.

Titans (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

A good issue, but the revelation of who is messing with the Titans takes a while, with not much actually happening in the comic.

Titans (2016) #2

Aug 27, 2016

The pace is slowly starting to pick up in Titans, with Abra Kadabra being a great first villian. The mystery surrounding the Titans, along with the return of Linda Park makes it a good issue. This is a comic for anyone that is a fan of the classic sidekicks.

Titans (2016) #3

Sep 29, 2016

I love how Abnett has been doing Wally West and the interactions between the Titans. While things feel like they are happening slowly, I think that might have to do with it only been a monthly comic. Since we are so used to bi-monthlies from DC, the pacing of this comic feels even slower than it is. I enjoyed Abnett's Titan's Hunt and think that he will do just as well with this comic. All I recommend to people have a problem with this comic is just to have some patience.

Titans (2016) #4

Oct 31, 2016

I love the Titans team, as well as how each one of the characters is being written. The story might not be progressing as fast as some people want it too, but I would say that it is only a monthly series. Overall, I have loved titans.

Titans (2016) #5

Nov 24, 2016

Wally West is one of my favorite characters of Rebirth, with the speed in this issue making him an even more awesome character. Abra Kadabra is a silly character from an outside perspective, but within the comic he makes a very good villain. Great issue.

Titans (2016) #6

Jan 3, 2017

It was cheesy, but much like a pizza, a good kind of cheesy. Wally West and Dick Grayson are two of my favorite characters within the DC universe and the way they are being written and handled with this comic has pleased me immensely. I am looking forward to what the future for the Titans brings and I hope that Wally will start appearing in other series, as well.

Titans (2016) #7

Jan 17, 2017

One of my favorite issues of the week. Wally and Clark have a great relationship that exists from the pre-existed versions of their worlds. I have continued to enjoy Titans, with it being one of my favorite comics to read every month.

Titans (2016) #8

Feb 20, 2017

Titans continues to be one of my favorite comics of Rebirth, with Wally and Dick being the best teamup. I am happy that Bumblebee will eventually join the team, but I wish that so would have her husband.

Titans (2016) #9

Mar 9, 2017

Wally and Dick are the Brave and the Bold. Continued great characterization by Dan Abnett that makes all the characters distinct and likable. I do hope that they eventually include Mal Duncan into the team, but for now I am happy with Bumblebee.

Titans (2016) #10

Apr 22, 2017

Great finale to the Made in Manhattan arc and we finally get the inclusion of Bumblebee. I hope to this the problems that have occurred over the past few issues, end up resolving themselves.

Titans (2016) #11

May 11, 2017

An okay start to a story that I think could be rather exciting. I think some of the reveals are rather abrupt, but they only have four issues to get an entire event in, so it makes sense to me. I enjoyed a darker Nightwing, as well as the Wally interaction in the end.

Titans (2016) #12

Jun 20, 2017

Truthfully this was a bit boring at times, but the art was nice and I hope that it starts solving the problems created by the first few arcs of the series. I will wait and see how this turns out.

Titans (2016) #13

Jul 20, 2017

While I prefer Roy and Donna together, I still think that the developments to Wally are very interesting and could lead to a good future arc. I just hope that all the changes to the team dynamic are for the better.

Titans (2016) #14

Aug 9, 2017

Much like the title of the story, things are starting to fall apart for the Titans, with this arc being a complete deconstruction of who they are and where loyalties lie.

Titans (2016) Annual #1

Apr 1, 2017

Very good annual that perfectly captures the distinct personalities and relationships between the Titans and Justice League members. Anyone that is a fan of either team should read this. It has great art and dialogue, as well as good character development.

Titans: Rebirth #1

Jul 30, 2016

Wally is an awesome addition to the original Titan team that will make the comic go from good to great.

Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 22, 2016

To say that the art is just okay is nothing short of an understatement. The brilliant art mixed with what I thought was solid dialogue allowed for a very enjoyable first issue. The is may be the first relaxing comic that I have read in the past few years and I think that it will continue to excel. I highly recommend people pick this up if you are a fan of any of Manapul's work, along with the interaction between the trio.

Trinity (2016) #2

Oct 20, 2016

Beautiful art with great character interaction creates an issue that should be read by all fans of the big three. This might be my favorite comic of Rebirth, with it matching what my expectations of how the three would interact and carry themselves in a story.

Trinity (2016) #3

Nov 20, 2016

I agree that it was not as amazing as the previous two issues of Trinity, but once Francis Manapul has drawn something it is hard to compete. I enjoy the story and think that Lois is being very well written in the recent Rebirth comics. I cannot wait to see what is done for Wonder Woman's fear.

Trinity (2016) #4

Dec 22, 2016

Cool emphasis on Wonder Woman this issue, but I can see why not everyone enjoyed it. The setup to the ending seems a bit long, but I would argue that this series seeks more to explore and introduce backgrounds of each character to each other, rather than bore the audience. If the characters knew nothing about one another, then the teamwork for this relatively new incarnation of the team would not make sense.

Trinity (2016) #5

Jan 19, 2017

The art by itself makes this issue worth the collecting, with the metaphysical story being an added benefit. Very weird villain that I feel will turn out to be someone else entirely. I did appreciate the inclusion of multiple villains to match multiple heroes, it creates more depth to the stories.

Trinity (2016) #6

Feb 18, 2017

Did not end quite the way I wanted it to, but the art was amazing and the story was more than adequate. I would say that the combination of story and art make this comic still enjoyable and still consistently interesting, even if some flaws exist within it.

Trinity (2016) #7

Mar 16, 2017

Not as enjoyable as Manapul's run on it, but I still like Clay Mann and liked Cullen Bunn's Sinestro. This focuses more on the villains of the Trinity, but I think that is a good departure from the many story.

Trinity (2016) #8

Apr 23, 2017

This was an unnecessary issue that I think most people can skip. It has more to do with Clark revealing his observations to Batman and Wonder Woman that any actual story progression. I am ready for the comic to continue with actual story.

Trinity (2016) #9

May 18, 2017

A creepy beginning to what I hope will be the horror arc for the Justice League. This comic is what I want the Justice League comic to be, especially because of the visually appealing element to the story. Great art and a good start to an interesting concept of a story.

Trinity (2016) #10

Jun 29, 2017

Very beautiful art and an interesting premise for a story that has odd turns and very odd villains. I think Manapul's writing and art would be more impactful if so many breaks had not been made within his run, but altogether I enjoy this book.

Trinity (2016) #11

Jul 23, 2017

Visually stunning, with a story that seeks to explore the importance of not being misunderstood. I think this story would have had a greater impact if the breaks and changes in art had not occurred frequently.

Trinity (2016) #12

Aug 22, 2017

A good story that suffers from the fact that the story is fragmented to hell. Every issue related to this story is separated by another arc, which leads to disinterest for the main story that is being told.

Trinity (2016) Annual #1

Jun 6, 2017

Overall, it was a good continuation of the story started earlier in the series with the inclusion of Etrigan being an added bonus.

Wild Storm #1

Feb 18, 2017

This issue felt like we were witnessing the typical day for the characters, with not a lot happening, but I liked it nonetheless. I like the start of different character's storylines, I like the references to the past of WildStorm and I think that this comic will do very well.

Wild Storm #2

Mar 16, 2017

I really enjoyed this issue, even more than the first. I was afraid that Grifter would be changed and edited to be completely different that what his past incarnation was like, but the managed to keep all his qualities that I have always enjoyed. This has great characters that I want to see interact even more.

Wild Storm #3

Apr 23, 2017

My favorite issue of the week for comics and what I feel is becoming one of my favorite comics. The gradual build up of the important characters starting to meet up will create an awesome team by the end of it. I am hoping to see more characters from the past appear.

Wild Storm #4

May 18, 2017

Still one of my favorite comics out right now with this issue being no exception to that trend. Despite the slower pacing in this issue, I found the art awesome and the continued exploration in the motives of each character a great piece of story creation.

Wild Storm #5

Jun 29, 2017

Another great issue from Warren Ellis that creates the feeling that a lot will be happening in the next few issues. I am hoping that we get more Grifter action soon, as well as the final team starting to form and congregate.

Wild Storm #6

Jul 23, 2017

These past few issues continue to gather all the characters with this one focusing more on Spica and Cray, as well as the rich lore that surrounds this universe. I am excited to try out the Deathblow comic that is coming out after reading this character for the past few issues.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2016

Cool start to Wonder Woman that leaves a creepy and mysterious feel to it. We warmly welcome to the return of Rucka.

Wonder Woman (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2016

I like the alternating stories idea and feel that eventually they will merge in a spectacular fashion.

Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2016

Great continuation of Lies, with the team up being one of the coolest parts of the comic.

Wonder Woman (2016) #4

Aug 17, 2016

Best issue so far and makes great references to the history of Wonder Woman. The amount of easter eggs and nods to her previous stories since her inception make it an awesome read.

Wonder Woman (2016) #5

Aug 27, 2016

Greg Rucka does a great job of slowly reuniting Etta Candy, Wonder Woman, and Steve Trevor, by including her greatest enemy, along with a fantastic new foe. Great issue that I feel will lead to an even better one.

Wonder Woman (2016) #6

Sep 16, 2016

Another good issue by Rucka on Wonder Woman. While I prefer Lies over Year One, I still think that they are both great stories that explore the different sides of Wonder Woman's lore.

Wonder Woman (2016) #7

Sep 29, 2016

The Wonder Woman arcs by Rucka have had constantly good pacing and structure, with the this issue both tying up and setting up future character interaction. Barbara Ann is done consistently well, as well as Diana being the peacemaker we all know and love. This is a great comic to read for anyone a fan of vivid imagery and great story telling.

Wonder Woman (2016) #8

Oct 20, 2016

A good break from the Wonder Woman stories by focusing on Cheetah's past. It allows for further exploration into characters, as well as the audience not being desensitized to continued changing of stories. Wonder Woman continues to be both written and paced well.

Wonder Woman (2016) #9

Oct 30, 2016

Wonder Woman has one of the weirder storylines within Rebirth, with the end goal not being seen until the final issue. Barbara Ann and Diana a great leads to the series, with Trevor being a strong side character. Interesting issue overall.

Wonder Woman (2016) #10

Nov 17, 2016

It is hard to decide which storyline is better, when they both seem to have big influences on each other. I continue to enjoy the innocent version of Diana most people see in the intro stories about her, balanced out with the wise Diana in the modern day stoyline.

Wonder Woman (2016) #11

Nov 24, 2016

Very confusing, very argument inducing issue that makes me want to just find out the solution to the question presented. Greg Rucka has been doing a good job and continues with this mind altering issue.

Wonder Woman (2016) #12

Dec 14, 2016

An unique reintroduction to Ares that I hope leads to better and more detailed questions being answered in Wonder Woman's life. Ares has always been a personal favorite and I am looking forward to see where this leads.

Wonder Woman (2016) #13

Jan 3, 2017

Not a huge fan of this issue, but I will trust Rucka to make a great resolution to this next arc. It was nice seeing that Steve Trevor could actually handle himself, instead of being constantly saved my Wonder Woman. Let's see what happens to crazy Diana next.

Wonder Woman (2016) #14

Jan 17, 2017

Fun, but this Wonder Woman comic can be a bit inconsistent at times. I think that writing and art are both topnotch, but the tone feels weird at times. Happiness and sadness will flip rampantly in the same issue, but I do understand the setup for a Wonder Woman is not sure of her own existence.

Wonder Woman (2016) #15

Feb 20, 2017

Crazy Diana is one of the more interesting storylines that I have seen with Wonder Woman in a while. I am excited to see who the main villain is and I am hoping that it is not the most obvious answer.

Wonder Woman (2016) #16

Feb 20, 2017

The origins of villains issue was good, but I feel like a lot of build up is being made for a ending that I hope is worth the wait. I liked the art and thought the background gave some depth to characters, but I would have preferred another Diana story.

Wonder Woman (2016) #17

Feb 26, 2017

This storyline seems like Rucka is really trying to build up tension, but it can come across as slow sometimes. I still enjoy what he is trying to do with the story and have liked the inclusion of Minerva into the team. Here's to hoping that this story comes to a good conclusion and was worth the wait.

Wonder Woman (2016) #18

Mar 9, 2017

I think that Wonder Woman will eventually cultivate into a really interesting story, but the last few issues have been a bit bland to me. I like the art and I think the story can have some really interesting parts to it, but I just feel like it has been moving slow.

Wonder Woman (2016) #19

Apr 4, 2017

It still feels very slow to me, with Diana taking a decent amount of issues just to recover, so that they can go on their way to somewhere else. I like Rucka, but I feel that these issues need to pick up the pace a bit.

Wonder Woman (2016) #20

Apr 22, 2017

The pace is finally picking up in the Wonder Woman issue, but I feel that it took a while just to reach a conclusion that most people knew about 10 issues ago. I hope that the villain is not actually who we expect it to be.

Wonder Woman (2016) #21

Apr 27, 2017

It finally feels like this comic is picking up in speed. I am interested in seeing where this leads and how the two alternating stories finally converge. I think choosing the villains they have is a good nod to her past, but I feel that the final villain will be someone unexpected or even new.

Wonder Woman (2016) #22

May 11, 2017

It wasn't bad, just unnecessary. It was more setup when setup did not need to be added. I thought the last issue was finally going somewhere then we get this slowdown. I just want for this story to start dealing with the bad guy of the 'arc'.

Wonder Woman (2016) #23

Jun 1, 2017

This was a good start to the end of Rucka's Wonder Woman run and I hope that it continues to pick up speed with more story being created. I enjoyed resolution and am interested in seeing what else is about to happen.

Wonder Woman (2016) #24

Jun 20, 2017

That ending with Diana and Cale is one of the nastiest DC burns in recent history. The only thing that is more brutal than Diana's strength is her honesty. I liked her ending and think that the last issue of his saga will be very well done.

Wonder Woman (2016) #25

Jun 29, 2017

A good ending to Rucka's run that allows the future writers room to work and grow the characters. Some people argue that the run was pointless because Diana has not really changed in any way, but my argument is that this is more a discovery of who she once was rather than a recreation of a character. This entire story felt like it fulfilled what the point of Rebirth was, to bring the best of the characters we love back.

Wonder Woman (2016) #26

Jul 20, 2017

A step down in terms of quality compared to Rucka's run, but still I would consider this a fine beginning to a new Wonder Woman run. Every that I have read from Shea Fontana up until this point has been moderately good, so I trust that this run will be the same.

Wonder Woman (2016) #27

Jul 29, 2017

Not a perfect issue, but I still do not feel this is as bad as some people are rating and describing it. It is a new Wonder Woman writer that is trying to stay true to the character while also bringing her interpretation to it. To me, while it has been simple, it has been a lighter and more fun read.

Wonder Woman (2016) #28

Aug 22, 2017

Not a perfect Wonder Woman story, but I still think it is better than what everyone has been rating it. I think Diana's characterization for the most part is right, even if the stories are a little boring at times.

Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #1

Jun 6, 2017

Really enjoyable collection of short stories that completes that Trinity's ability to make good annuals. I thought it was a good break from the long running Lies and Year One arc and I hope that more of the annuals can be this level of quality.

Wonder Woman (2016): Steve Trevor Special #1

Jun 7, 2017

This special was sort of pointless to me. I get that it is meant celebrate the movie, but it still had very little story to it, with no real emotional depth provided. Collect this if you are a Wonder Woman fan and want to support the movie and characters.

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 9, 2016

Good start to Wonder Woman and a nice welcome back to Rucka. Nice set up for what will seen to be a great arc.

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