kcscribbles's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comicbook Dispatch Reviews: 287
8.5Avg. Review Rating

20th Century Men (2022) #1

Aug 17, 2022

Final Thoughts20th Century Men #1 is a daunting start to the series, hitting the reader with lots of flashbacks, characters and locations, but giving very few details on each.Anyone whos interested in war stories or political thrillers will like this, but for me, it just didnt click.

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A Thing Called Truth #4

Feb 2, 2022

The transitions between countries are drawn in a cute endearing way, similar to a Skottie Young visual.  Its like the comic book equivalent of a screen wipe in a film.The background details give a feeling of location and place but arent so overwhelming they overshadow the characters. All in all, its great work and a perfect fit with the story.

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #1

Mar 7, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1 sets up a great big bad with Ultraman, has some great guest appearances by Val-Zod, Oracle and Mister Terrific, and gives us some fun glimpses into Jonathans personal life. I look forward to what comes next. Recommended.

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2

Apr 4, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2 ends the two-parter on a shocking but satisfying note. Jonathan has some great character moments and there are surprises galore. Though theres a huge plot hole in leaving Jay Nakamura out of the action, I enjoyed the book and look forward to seeing what happens next.

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #3

May 2, 2023

Final ThoughtsAdventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3 continues the Countdown to Injustice story in grand fashion, as Jon tours Earth-49 and we get reacquainted with Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash and the other heroes of that Earth. Recommended.

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Alice Ever After #1

Apr 6, 2022

Alice Ever After #1 is hampered by the two-dimensional supporting characters, but Alice is, as always, a fascinating character, and the contrasting art styles elevate the book, making this a slightly above average continuation of Alice's story.

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Ant-Man (2022) #1

Jul 27, 2022

Ant-Man #1 is a fun story that kicks off the mini-series in an interesting way. It looks like future issues will be taking jaunts into Ant-Mans past also, so maybe well get an Ant-Man story that looks like it was drawn by George Perez or Gene Colan. I also look forward to learning more about this mysterious scientist from the future and what his intentions REALLY are.

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Apache Delivery Service #1

Jan 5, 2022

His style is unique, but I dont feel like its a good fit for this book.

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Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #1

Jan 19, 2022

Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #1 takes Fletcher on a new mission behind enemy lines, and we get to spend some time with him now that a year has passed since the original series. The cliffhanger ending seems to put Fletcher in a no-win situation, and itll be interesting to see what happens next issue.

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Artemis: Wanted (2022) #1

Jul 19, 2022

The characters postures and body language are also drawn wonderfully, conveying the characters moods at any given moment.  This is most evident with Artemis, who seems to slump more, at least during the early parts of the book, but when she goes into combat, her confidence seems to return, and she seems to tower over everyone else.

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Avengers Forever (2021) #2

Jan 26, 2022

Final ThoughtsAvengers Forever #2 would have benefitted from branching plotlines, with Ghost Riders torture sequences periodically switching to see what Earth-818 Ant-Man and his team were doing. By the end of the issue, I was saying Okay, weve got it, the Black Skull is pretty terrible, but Ant-Mans Iron Ants are always welcome.

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Avengers Forever (2021) #6

May 30, 2022

The Shiar Throneworld architecture and King Killmongers fleet of massive space vessels all give the feeling of being in the midst of a conflict in another universe.The fight scenes are bombastic and fun, with some great choreography as TChalla constantly fights multiple opponents simultaneously.

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Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #1

Mar 1, 2023

Final ThoughtsBarbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #1 gives us a menagerie of bizarre and colorful aliens, the introduction of an equally bizarre new character, and whets the appetite for the next chapter. If youre a fan of Barbarella or Heavy Metal-style stories, grab this one up.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Battle Lines #1

Aug 29, 2023

Batman/ Catwoman: The Gotham War Battle Lines #1 is a great start to what promises to be a crossover with real impact. Its a fascinating character study of Catwoman, Batman and the henchmen who work in the shadows of Gothams criminal network. Recommended.

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Batman Incorporated (2022) #1

Oct 11, 2022

Batman Incorporated #1 is a good start to the series, with solid art, an interesting mystery and a nice variety of characters and personalities.

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Batman: Knightwatch (2022) #4

Dec 6, 2022

Final ThoughtsBatman: Knightwatch #4 is another great all-ages book from DC. It makes me wish DC would do a similar book for the Superman Family and other DC characters like The Flash and Green Lantern. So many books have multi-issue complex storylines that never seem to end, so it's nice to have a book like this, that you can read and get two complete stories with a beginning and ending. A very fun and entertaining book.

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Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) #1

Jan 17, 2022

Ben Reilly Spider-Man #1 is a slow start to a 5-part story. It gives brief insights into Ben's current situation, introduces a mystery and sets up a conflict with another villain for next issue, which hopefully will expand the story to make it more epic than it appears here.

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Beware The Eye of Odin #1

Jun 22, 2022

Of all the various creatures popping up throughout the book, the trolls are the most fascinating and grotesque, and lend an almost horror vibe to the book, with their multiple disfigured heads and fused eye sockets.   I look forward to seeing the other creatures that pop up over the course of the series, and I hope the creative team is able to maintain the balance between horror and light-hearted action.

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Beware the Planet of the Apes (2024) #1

Jan 4, 2024

Beware the Planet of the Apes #1 is a terrific beginning to the miniseries, taking us back to the setting of the original film from 1968 (which I personally prefer over the modern CGI-infested Ape films).  All the characters come to life through the writing and art and it really feels like another Apes film that never got released.  I look forward to seeing what happens next in it.  Highly recommended.

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Black Adam (2022) #2

Jul 19, 2022

Black Adam #2 has some major developments that will impact at least the next few issues. The new character Malik is a fun character to read, a brilliant young medical student who refuses to take any garbage from anyone. I only hope he encounters Batman in the future and gives Batman an earful of attitude. That would be fun to see!

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Black Cloak (2022) #1

Jan 11, 2023

Im sure there will be many fans of Black Cloak #1, but it just didnt click with me. Too much jargon, confusing art and a lackluster mystery made the book tough to get through, but theres hope in main character Phaedra Essex, whos the highlight of the book and manages to partially save it.

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Black Panther (2023) #1

Jun 14, 2023

Black Panther #1 kicks off the new series by turning Black Panthers world upside-down. Lost, fighting crime in the shadows and questioning his existence, it gives us a fascinating look at a Black Panther weve never seen before. We get some great action throughout the issue too, and I look forward to seeing where the book goes from this strong first issue.

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Black Widow (2020) #14

Feb 23, 2022

Despite the fact the book jumps between different characters and locations, the story flows smoothly and ends with a shocking cliffhanger ending that I have to admit caused my jaw to drop.  Good stuff.

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Blood Stained Teeth #1

Apr 27, 2022

The best part of the artwork is the way the city is drawn throughout the story.  The art style works here, because it really shows how far this city has fallen, with massive ugly neon lights seeming to blend with the grime of the streets to form a character in itself.

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Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #1

Feb 1, 2023

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #1 is a slightly above average kickoff to the series. Brielle Brooks just seems to perfect to be interesting, but when the supernatural creatures and vampires appear, those scenes have the feel of an old Universal Horror film. Hopefully next issue will expand on the two good cliffhangers at the end of the book.

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Bolero #1

Jan 19, 2022

Over the course of the story, Devyn gets more and more tattoos, and by the end of the issue, Devyn is gloriously arrayed in flowers, symbols and webs, swirling and dotting her body like beautiful battle scars. The sci-fi part of the issue is drawn in a surreal fashion thats diametrically opposite to what wed seen to that point, but equally beautiful and edgy.

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Bolero #2

Feb 23, 2022

The ArtLuana Vecchios art shines again in Bolero #2, first with the cover, where we see Devyn in her many incarnations, then inside the issue, where Devyns art style changes to capture each of the universes where Devyn hops to.   It perfectly captures the mood of each section of the book, ranging from the playfulness and pageantry of a Jane Austen style universe to the bloody grim warfare and steel of the Joan of Arc universe.

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Briar (2022) #1

Sep 28, 2022

Final ThoughtsBriar #1 mixes horror and fantasy to mostly good effect.  Briar and Spider are interesting characters and make a great duo, but the book needs more focus on an end goal.  There was a bit too much stumbling around this issue, but hopefully the story will be tighter and more focused over the next three issues.

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Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #0

Apr 19, 2022

Theres so much detail in the art, youll be tempted to go back and reread again just to take a closer look at the art. I especially loved the way he drew Arnim Zola, the face projected on his chest looking far more sinister here than in the past. Overall, its magnificent art and I look forward to seeing what he does next.

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Captain Carter (2022) #1

Mar 7, 2022

When the one battle scene comes, its drawn in an in-your-face manner.  In one panel, we see the POV of one of her opponents, as Peggy hurls her shield at him, and it looks like its nearly popping out of the panel like a 3-D film.  Great work!

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Captain Carter (2022) #2

Apr 13, 2022

Captain Carter #2 ratchets up the action and tension from the previous issue, as Peggy deals with terrorists, as well as comes to grips with her government and the modern world. It introduces new threats and ends on a great cliffhanger that I can't wait to see resolved next issue.

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Captain Carter (2022) #3

May 25, 2022

The storys similar to the film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, with subversive agents, lots of action, and a world that doesnt operate in black and white.

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Captain Carter (2022) #4

Jul 14, 2022

Captain Carter #4 is a good continuation of the story, bringing in Tony Stark and adding a new dynamic to Peggy's circle of characters. The battle scenes are great, but the revelations given this issue to the overarching story were disappointing, with predictable villains where the writer could have had much more formidable sinister villains for Peggy to overcome. Still, Im looking forward to see what happens in next issues finale.

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Captain Carter (2022) #5

Aug 10, 2022

Captain Carter #5 is an okay ending to the mini-series. There are some good moments between the characters and Betsy gets some time to shine, but the main villains are lackluster, and Peggy Carter doesnt get much to do in this final issue. Hopefully in the future Marvel will continue Peggys story and give us a more expansive view of her Earth.

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Captain Marvel (2019) #37

Mar 28, 2022

The creature (and the mysterious Abra Kadabra-type villain who controls it) pop up a few times during the course of this issue, but the main focus of the book is Binary, as Carol and Spectrum try to acclimate her to humanity.  Binary, like great fictional characters of the past including the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz and Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, has intelligence and strength, but has zero understanding of humans and what its like to be human.I enjoyed seeing Binary fumbling her way through human issues, as Carol tries desperately to teach her about things as Spectrum gets a kick out of it all.  Its a better than average Stranger in a Strange Land type journey, with a few guest-star characters popping up along the way.  This was the most enjoyable part of the book, and I hope Binary stays around a while, so we can see her evolve over time, and hopefully become human herself?

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Captain Marvel (2023) #1

Oct 25, 2023

Captain Marvel #1 is a great kick-off to the new series. It introduces a fantastic new nemesis for Carol in The Omen, hints at even more villains to come, gives us some exhilarating fight scenes and ends with a chilling cliffhanger. Recommended.

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Captain Marvel (2023) #3

Dec 27, 2023

Captain Marvel #3 takes a diversion from the main story arc as Yuna faces off with beasts in the Sanctum Sanctorum and we check in on Doctor Strange and Clea. Its a fun story, but I felt Carol resolved a big problem in the issue way too easily. Otherwise, the character interplay was great and the issue ends with a solid cliffhanger.

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Captain Marvel (2023) #4

Jan 10, 2024

Captain Marvel #4 is another thrilling issue of the series, with a fun heist story, more great insights into Yuna and her skills, and a great brutal battle between Captain Marvel and Blastaar. Though we dont see much of Omen this issue, her presence is felt throughout the book, the series continuing to meld science-fiction and dark fantasy wonderfully. Recommended.

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Castle Full of Blackbirds #2

Oct 19, 2022

Final ThoughtsCastle Full of Blackbirds #2 continues Sara May Blackburns story. Its filled with dark magic, haunting visions and gothic intrigue, all set within the Linton School for Girls, which is a character unto itself. Sara and Miss Brooks are wonderfully complex characters, and I look forward to reading the next chapter of the story.

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Cat-Man and Kitten (2022) #1

Nov 30, 2022

Cat-Man and Kitten #1 is a good spotlight for the heroic duo, giving them a grand adventure filled with exotic locations and action. On the down side, the supporting characters are more interesting than Cat-Man and Kitten themselves, but we do get some hints that theres more to Cat-Man than what we think, and I hope we get future stories with Cat-Man and Kitten to see how Cat-Man evolves over time.

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Catwoman (2018) #39

Jan 19, 2022

Catwoman #39 is a great first part of Catwoman's new era, putting her back in Gotham and giving her a whole new cast of enemies and friends. The ultra-cool art and Selina's savvy attitude, coupled with some great John Wick-style action scenes, make the book a fantastic ride.

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Catwoman (2018) #40

Feb 24, 2022

Catwoman #40 continues Selinas vendetta with some great action scenes, gorgeous art, and a great twist at the end. Though her quest to take down Don Tomasso is not as interesting as her dealings with Valmont, theres a lot of fun here and I look forward to the next issue.

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Catwoman (2018) #41

Mar 16, 2022

Catwoman #41 is a great continuation of a story that further separates her from Batman, as she fully takes on the anti-hero role, using brutal efficiency and using methods Batman would never use to rid Gotham of the crime lords. It's a side of Catwoman I hope we get to see for a long time.

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Catwoman (2018) #47

Sep 20, 2022

Final ThoughtsCatwoman #47 continues Selinas vendetta against the Ibanescu crime family, taking her to Europe and amping up the scale of the story. It moves at a furious pace until finishing with a great cliffhanger ending.

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Catwoman (2018) #54

Apr 18, 2023

Final ThoughtsCatwoman #54 continues Selinas story, as well as secondary characters Eiko Hasigawa, Punchline and Marquise. Ive been loving this little corner of the DCU and Gotham City, and this issue has some very intense moments complemented perfectly by action and moments of dark humor. Recommended.

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Crave (2023) #1

Nov 29, 2023

Crave #1 has the feel of a great A24 horror film like Midsommar or Bodies Bodies Bodies, with a high concept (in this case involving the internet and apps), interesting characters and a heavy atmosphere and feeling of dread throughout. You feel something seriously malevolent is going to happen and every panel seems filled with omens of things to come. Highly recommended.

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Creepshow (2022) #3

Nov 8, 2023

Creepshow #3 is a must-buy for Zoe Thorogood's story alone, a truly terrifying and disturbing story that will stay with you long after you've finished reading it. The second story is also good, with a great Lovecraftian twist. Overall, it's a terrific issue and it's highly recommended.

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Cyborg (2023) #1

May 16, 2023

Final ThoughtsCyborg #1 gives us some great moments of Cyborg in action, as well as some great dramatic moments too. The book lets Cyborg shine, and even though I feel the art hinders the story rather than reinforces it, the book proves why Victor Stone is one of the more interesting and unique characters in the DC Universe.

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Danger Street (2022) #1

Dec 13, 2022

When I finished reading Danger Street #1, I wondered what the point of this mini-series (and this issue) is. Is it just a way for DC to hold on to the copyright of these obscure characters? Is it an attempt to portray Z-grade characters in an edgy dark story and strike gold with a Watchmen-type story again? I really dont understand why this mini-series even exists. I wish they would have just done a Creeper mini-series and tossed out all the other characters, but so be it.

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Danger Street (2022) #2

Jan 10, 2023

Danger Street #2 frustratingly continues to try to wring a Watchmen-style story with DCs most obscure characters. Warlord is nothing like the Travis Morgan of the past, hes more a shell of a character now than the great character he once was. Its a story that wanders from subplot to subplot, and hopefully when the subplots and characters come together, the series will improve.

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Daredevil (2022) #1

Jul 11, 2022

Why not have one or two day in the life style issues where we get to see Matt coping with the aftermath of Devils Reign out of costume, just living his life as Matt Murdock and pondering what hes going to do next before dropping us into another 15-part epic?

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Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1

Jan 10, 2022

As she talks to an old acquaintance in a diner, the details of the diner stand out.  The steam wafting off the coffee cups, the grainy texture of the booths and walls, and the street lights gently illuminating the interior.Im looking forward to seeing his art on what promises to be a knock-down-drag-out battle next issue.  If he draws it as expertly as he draws the quiet scenes, itll look amazing.

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Dark Spaces: Hollywood Special #1

Aug 16, 2023

Dark Spaces: The Hollywood Special #1 is a great start to the mini-series, with a fascinating main character, a chilling atmosphere throughout and a terrifying cliffhanger ending. If youre a horror fan, grab up this book and enjoy the ride! Recommended.

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DC's Harley Quinn Romances (2023) #1

Jan 31, 2023

Harley Quinn Romances #1 is an overall mediocre book with a 2 great stories and 2 slightly better than average stories out of 8. If youre in the mood for a mix of stories ranging from the bizarre to silly to bittersweet, this book is for you.

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Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #4

Dec 29, 2021

Joshua Williamson writes Black Canary dark and grim, and I like her this way.  Shes been independent of Green Arrow for a while, and its nice to see her get her own personality and identity, rather than be just Green Arrow Lite.   Slade Wilson is his usual vicious self.  He doesnt like being used, and he wants to know whats really going on with Libra and T.R.U.S.T., and hes not letting anyone stop him from finding out.

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Deep Cuts (2023) #2

May 31, 2023

Deep Cuts #2 is my book of the week, a wonderful trip back to the jazz age, with a fantastic main character, gorgeous art throughout and an emotional rollercoaster ride of a story. Highly recommended.

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Dejah Thoris (2023) #1

Mar 8, 2023

Final ThoughtsDejah Thoris #1 is a great slam-bang beginning to what promises to be a great series. There is a LOT of action, some Game of Thrones-style intrigue and it promises to show us a lot more of the exotic landscape and creatures of Barsoom in future issues.

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Dejah Thoris (2023) #2

Apr 19, 2023

Dejah Thoris #2 treads water as it sidetracks the main story with a tale of Dejah and Rroos conflict over a green Martians fate. Its an interlude that could have been told in a few pages, yet takes up the entire issue. Thankfully, theres a slam-bang cliffhanger ending and great artwork that saves the book from mediocrity.

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Devil's Reign (2021): Winter Soldier #1

Jan 24, 2022

The StoryAs Devils Reign: Winter Soldier #1 opens, Kingpin is fighting his own mind, as the suggestion Purple Man planted in everyones heads to forget Daredevils identity, keeps playing over and over in Kingpins brain, driving him a bit mad.Winter Soldier has become obsessed with seeing the files that Kingpin has on him, using subterfuge and his fists to find their location.

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Die!namite: Never Dies #1

Mar 2, 2022

Die!Namite Never Dies #1 is a great start to the next phase of the Dynamite zombie epic. Im not sure how long Dynamite will continue the story, but if it stays this good, Im in for as long as it lasts.

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Doctor Strange (2023) #12

Feb 7, 2024

Doctor Strange #12 introduces the return of a threat from Stranges past and gives us an amusing little romp with the ever-quarreling Bats, Anton and Aleister.  The art is the highlight of the issue.

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Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise (2022) #2

Dec 28, 2022

If you want to be simultaneously dazzled and befuddled (in the best possible way), pick up Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise #2. Make sure to set aside time to read it multiple times, its an issue (and a mini-series) thats best absorbed rather than read. Enjoy being lost in its beautiful pages.

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Draculina (2022) #1

Feb 9, 2022

Its obvious shes the villain of the series, and Katie and Imogen are the heroes.And theres the problem, because other than Marvels Darth Vader comic, or maybe The Joker comic from DC, I cant think of other any book starring a villain thats had a long run.   Villains just dont make good headliners, because if they win, the storys over, and if they keep failing, people lose interest.  Christopher Priest is a great writer, so if anyone can make this book a success its him, but Draculina was the least interesting character in this issue.  I hope he adds more layers to her in the issues to come.

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Echolands #5

Dec 29, 2021

On top of that, the backgrounds are filled with massive detail across the pages.I cant imagine how long it took him to draw these issues, it must have been painstaking work, but I marvel (no pun intended) at every page.

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Echolands #6

Feb 2, 2022

Final ThoughtsEcholands #6 brings the first arc of this saga to a close, ending on a cliffhanger and leaving many subplots open for future development.  The art is stunning and adds many layers to the story.

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Elektra: Black, White & Blood #1

Jan 5, 2022

The StoriesThe highlight of Elektra: Black, White & Blood #1 is the story titled Not the Devil (written and drawn by Leonardo Romero) which, after a brief opening, turns into one long John Wick-style action tale, as Elektra takes out as many of Kingpins men as she can, wielding a Katana and her trademarks sais as the thugs speed down the road. Theres no setup given for her vendetta, and it doesnt really matter, because watching Elektra wipe the thugs out with Jason Voorhees-style efficiency and brutality is amazing.

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Elvira in Monsterland (2023) #1

May 17, 2023

Elvira in Monsterland #1 is a fantastic debut issue for what promises to be a hilarious rollercoaster ride of a miniseries. It will warm any horror film buffs heart. If youre not a film buff, youll still find a lot to love here, with lots of surprises and hilarious scenes throughout. Highly recommended.

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Elvira in Monsterland (2023) #4

Aug 30, 2023

Elvira in Monsterland #4 is another fun issue of the miniseries, with some hilarious scenes between Elvira and Vlad the Impaler, great art and a surprising turn of events for Elvira in the climax of the book. Even though some of the material falls flat when Vlads not around, the book ends up being another great read.

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Elvira in Monsterland (2023) #5

Sep 27, 2023

Elvira in Monsterland #5 ends the miniseries with action and a LOT of meta jokes, serving as a parody of the huge blockbuster superhero films of Disney and Warner Brothers. This issue didnt have me laughing out loud like the previous issues have, but its still a fun ride and sets up things nicely for the next miniseries.

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #1

Sep 5, 2023

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1 is a hilarious book reminiscent of the glory days of late 80s Justice League. The humor comes naturally and never gets too silly and I love Martha Kents presence in the book. A surprise character pops up at the end and promises to make next issue equally fun. Recommended.

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #2

Oct 2, 2023

If you want to read a fun series with lots of interesting characters and hilarious situations, grab up Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #2. While youre at it, pick up the first issue too. Get in on the ground floor of this excellent series, you wont regret it. Who knew Smallville could be such a blast? Highly Recommended.

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #3

Nov 7, 2023

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #3 is another fantastic issue of the series. Its hilarious throughout, feeling like a really great episode of a classic sitcom, then ends on a very dark cliffhanger that sets the stage for grimmer things to come. Its a roller coaster ride of a book and its highly recommended.

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #4

Dec 5, 2023

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #4 is another fantastic issue of the series. Its full of fun and fascinating characters, has a lot of hilarious moments and feels like those DeMatteis/Giffen Justice League comics that were so enjoyable in the 80s and 90s. It bucks the current trend of every comic having to be grim and dark, and hopefully DC will do more series like this in the future. Highly recommended.

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #5

Jan 2, 2024

Next issue is the last issue of the miniseries, but I hope DC keeps Fire and Ice in Smallville and we get either another miniseries or (dare I hope) an ongoing series with the characters, because this little corner of the DC Universe has been too masterfully constructed to just toss it away.   Despite the abrupt tone shift of Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #5, I still enjoyed the book and I look forward to next issue.  Recommended.

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Fire and Ice (2023) #1

Aug 2, 2023

Fire and Ice #1 is a great debut issue, with beautiful art, great characters and a lot of sword and sorcery-style action. You dont have to have seen the Fire and Ice film to enjoy the book, so if youre curious about the book, pick it up. Recommended.

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Fishflies (2023) #1

Jul 12, 2023

Fishflies #1 grabs the reader from the start and never lets go, with a great sympathetic character, a creepy atmosphere and a shocking twist at the end. This promises to be another great mini-series from Jeff Lemire. Recommended.

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G.I. Joe: Saturday Morning Adventures (2022) #1

Feb 16, 2022

G.I. Joe A Real American Hero: Saturday Morning Adventures #1 amazingly captures the feel of those crazy fun G.I. Joe episodes from the 1980s, right down to having a last page with a Knowing is half the battle lecture from Mainframe. I believe this book will be a 4-issue mini-series, but if the book stays this good and continues giving me those fuzzy nostalgic feelings, Ill be rooting for it to flip over to ongoing series status.

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Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel (2022) #1

Jul 28, 2022

The only problem I had with him was his panel placements, which made the shifts in the story more confusing than they should have been.  In some cases, it almost seems like panels are overlapping when the story transitions to a new location/time.

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Ghost Rider (2022) #18

Sep 13, 2023

Ghost Rider #18 is the perfect overview of Talia and her personality, showing what makes her tick and the demons she continually faces every day. For anyone who loves the character, this is a must buy. If youre unfamiliar with the character but love horror stories, its also a must buy. There are several chilling scenes throughout the book and it's a great set-up for the storyline kicking off next issue.

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Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2

Apr 27, 2022

The Supreme Commanders goals are much smaller than Ritas.  Where Rita wants to conquer the whole multiverse, the Supreme Commander just wants to mine all of Earths resources to take back to his world.   The two are an interesting contrast, with Ritas loudness, quick temper and impulsive decisions a stark contrast to the Supreme Commanders quieter, calmer, more cerebral approach. We get to see the Rangers in and out of costume throughout the issue, including one fun scene where they hijack a damaged Planet X UFO and clumsily fly it to the mothership.

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Godzilla: Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon

Dec 20, 2023

Godzilla Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon #1 is a blast from beginning to end, wasting no time in getting into the action. Jet Jaguar is in top form and Jen is an interesting new character. Id love to see Jen and Jet Jaguar rocketing around the globe in future adventures, battling kaiju and making new friends. Maybe even running into Godzilla again? Highly recommended.

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Golden Rage #2

Sep 8, 2022

One beautiful splash page shows Jay and the others leaving their house to head off across the island.  In the foreground, Jay and Caroline are walking a long dirt road as the house appears behind them in the distance, showing that theyve truly left their safe microcosm to head out into a simultaneously serene but deadly landscape.

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Golden Rage #3

Oct 5, 2022

Golden Rage #3 continues the story in a gripping way, giving the reader a great mix of action and character development with a few genuinely shocking surprises thrown in. In addition to the story, there are wonderful supplements in the back of the issue (with a map of the island notated by Lottie, book reviews, and a recipe) that make the book's microcosm feel more real. Highly recommended.

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Hack / Slash: Back To School (2023) #2

Nov 22, 2023

Hack/Slash: Back to School #2 is another fantastic issue, bone-chilling from beginning to end. We learn more about Hunters for Hire & Darla Ritzs Academy for Girls, Darla Ritz herself, and Boo continues to be one of the best supporting characters in a book Ive seen in a long time. Highly Recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #18

Aug 2, 2022

Harley Quinn #18 sets up a grand adventure to come, but the issue fumbles in handling the supporting characters and throwing in a long fight scene when one wasnt necessary.The prolonged battle would look great in a film, but here, it just comes off looking like a way to pad the issue.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #20

Aug 16, 2022

Final ThoughtsHarley Quinn #20 is a weak continuation of the Task Force XX story, with most of the characters not feeling right, a potentially great combo of Harley and Grundy being wasted and a plot thats been used way too many times in the past.Hopefully, given the cliffhanger, things will improve next issue.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #21

Aug 23, 2022

Harley Quinn #21 delivers some good action, a couple laughs and a closer look into Luke Foxs character. The story will be continued in an annual, and the team is all together for a final confrontation with the big bad, which hopefully will keep the momentum of this issue rolling into a great finale.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #23

Oct 25, 2022

Harley Quinn #23 is a perfect issue and a fantastic continuation of the "Who Killed Harley Quinn? story. It's got some great moments between Harley and Kevin, a brutal and dynamic fight between Harley and Damian Wayne, more tantalizing clues as to who the mystery shooter is and ends with a great set-up for next issue. If you're not getting this book, start now! Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #24

Nov 22, 2022

Harley Quinn #24 is a fascinating continuation of the Who Killed Harley Quinn? storyline, with Harley interrogating Mr. Zsasz in scenes that are gripping, alternating between comedy and horror. We get to see Harley struggle with her dark side and we get a stunning reveal of the mystery assassin. Another great Harley Quinn issue!

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Harley Quinn (2021) #26

Jan 24, 2023

Final ThoughtsHarley Quinn #26 escalates the threat to Gotham City via dozens of Harleys from various Earths. Theres some great action, a few hilarious moments, and a wonderful moment between Harley and Kevin. This is the most Ive enjoyed a Harley Quinn story in a long time and I look forward to seeing what happens next issue.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #27

Feb 28, 2023

Harley Quinn #27 concludes the Who Killed Harley Quinn? storyline with a fun trip through the multiverse, along with some hilarious, horrific and touching moments. Harley Quinn and Old Lady Harley make a great team and I hope we get to see more of the other alternate Earth Harleys in the future.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #28

Mar 28, 2023

Final ThoughtsHarley Quinn #28 is a home run of a debut issue. Harley is written wonderfully, we get some great confrontations between her and Two-Face, and there are a couple of big surprises that shake up Harleys life, setting up intriguing stories to come. Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #29

Apr 25, 2023

Final ThoughtsI had a blast reading Harley Quinn #29 and the series has moved up to be in my top 5 current favorite series. This issue has just the right mix of humor and drama and Zatanna and Harley are so much fun together! I hope Tini Howard has her stay around for a while. As Zatanna would say: dednemmocer ylhgiH!

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Harley Quinn (2021) #30

May 23, 2023

Harley Quinn #30 is a wild ride from the first page to the last, tossing Harley into a cosmic situation out of her comfort zone as we watch her figure out a way to get to Earth-26, running into some hilarious moments along the way. The issue ends with a great cliffhanger that promises to pull Poison Ivy into the fray. Recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #31

Jun 27, 2023

Final ThoughtsThough the ending was frustrating, the rest of Harley Quinn #31 was great fun, finishing Harleys journey to Earth-26 and bringing her back to Earth-Prime and into Poison Ivys arms. Its action-packed, with some great character moments and art. Recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #32

Sep 26, 2023

Harley Quinn #32 breaks free of the Knight Terrors baggage and brings Harley's book back on track, deepening the mystery of her multiversal powers, giving us some great moments with Lady Quark and her Warworld and introducing an intriguing new character in Lux Kirby. Recommended.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #34

Nov 28, 2023

Harley Quinn #34 puts Harley in one bad situation after another, as Lady Quark tightens her grip. Watching Harley take trips to other Earths is always fun and we get a great trip to Earth-43 here, as well as the birth of a new threat and a solid cliffhanger ending.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #35

Dec 26, 2023

Harley Quinn #35 continues Harleys multiverse story, finally revealing the true threat behind the storyline and bringing back Kevin. Much of the issue unfortunately feels padded and Im hoping were entering the final act of the story. I love seeing Harley traipsing across the multiverse, but this story is running on fumes at this point.

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Harley Quinn (2021) Annual: 2022

Aug 30, 2022

Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1 is a solid conclusion to the Task Force XX storyline, delivering some great fight scenes and the interplay between the characters, as well as a terrifying big bad.

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Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): Legion of Bats! #1

Oct 18, 2022

Final ThoughtsHarley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats! #1 is one of the most enjoyable books Ive read in a long time. Its hilarious, touching in parts, with a lot of great scenes. Harleys more anarchic than ever and there are some great twists in the book too. Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): Legion of Bats! #2

Nov 15, 2022

Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats! #2 is another great issue of the mini-series that introduces some great new characters, gives us a few juicy subplots and laughs, and ends with a great cliffhanger. Highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): Legion of Bats! #3

Dec 20, 2022

Harley Quinn The Animated Series: Legion of Bats #3 is another fun issue of the series, with some great plotlines for Poison Ivy and Harley, and some great action. Harleys new Bat-themed identity is hilarious and theres a great setup for next issue.

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Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): Legion of Bats! #4

Jan 17, 2023

Harley Quinn the Animated Series: Legion of Bats! #4 is another great issue of the mini-series, setting up the menace of Black Mask and his False Face Society, and giving us some great moments with Harley and Batgirl in action and Ivy and Frank the Plant at odds. Its an issue filled with laughs, action and some touching moments too, and its highly recommended.

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Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): Legion of Bats! #6

Mar 21, 2023

Harley Quinn: The Animated Series Legion of Bats! #6 is a good finale to the miniseries that perfectly sets up the next season of the animated series. We get some great scenes between Harley and Ivy and this Earths version of Vixen, Wonder Woman, Nightfall and Livewire are complex and interesting. Recommended.

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Hawkgirl (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

Hawkgirl #1 is a great debut issue that promises a series full of action and a great villain in Vulpecula, whos incredibly sinister and will be a formidable nemesis for Hawkgirl in the issues to come. Recommended.

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Hawkgirl (2023) #2

Aug 15, 2023

Hawkgirl #2 continues Kendra and Galaxys story. I enjoyed the two together, learning about each other and watching their friendship develop, and the fight scenes at the end are fun and explosive. Its a good second part to the 6-part story.

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Hawkgirl (2023) #3

Sep 19, 2023

Hawkgirl #3 felt primarily like a guest shot issue where Batman is shoe-horned into the story. Even though Vulpecula seems like a very generic villain, I love the interactions between Hawkgirl and Galaxy, as well as the great fight scenes and action. Im hoping next issue well get more insight into Vulpecula and the Nth Metal Dimension.

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Hell Sonja (2022) #1

Jan 12, 2022

The battle scenes take place on the ground and in the air, and the air battle looks like something out of one of Ray Harryhausens old films like Clash of the Titans or The Golden Voyage of Sinbad as titanic Kaiju-like creatures battle each other for air supremacy, the Sonjas holding on for dear life amidst the chaos.  Its beautiful work.

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Hellcat (2023) #1

Mar 15, 2023

Hellcat #1 begins the mini-series with a tantalizing mystery, providing more background on Hellcats past as she wrestles with her inner demons while trying to find answers to Spaldings brutal murder. Rick Sheridan is an interesting twist in the mix and I look forward to seeing how the story continues next issue.

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Ice Cream Man #27

Dec 29, 2021

Ice Cream Man #27 is a wonderfully done-in-one-issue story. Its not full-out horror, its more like a David Lynch style thriller, a look at a bizarre event happening in a mundane world, but its a gripping story that I enjoyed, and it makes me want to go back and read previous stories in the series.

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Ice Cream Man #28

Jan 26, 2022

Final ThoughtsI enjoyed Ice Cream Man #28, and Ive been enjoying this book issue after issue. It reminds me of a more sophisticated EC horror comic, with all the chills and bloody horror of one of those pre-code comics mixed with some complex ideas and a great atmosphere. If you like horror stories at all, grab this book up.

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Ice Cream Man #30

May 25, 2022

There are a couple of twists throughout the story, and the Doctor seems to have his own agenda, beyond just basic testing of the hallucinogenic.  The nurse also seems shady.All the secrets are revealed at the end, in a climax involving a copious amount of blood and a chilling final fate for one of the characters.

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Ice Cream Man #36

Aug 23, 2023

Ice Cream Man #36 is another magnificent issue, a bittersweet dark fantasy tale that will stay with you long after youve finished reading it. Highly recommended.

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Ice Cream Man #37

Oct 25, 2023

Like the classic Twilight Zone series, the Ice Cream Man series always delivers thought-provoking stories, at times having expertly crafted twist endings. At other times (like with Ice Cream Man #37), the stories are character studies with a hint of the bizarre and terrifying. This issue is another great tale in a series filled with fantastic stories. Recommended.

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Immortal Red Sonja (2022) #1

Apr 13, 2022

Immortal Red Sonja #1 kicks off Sonja's Arthurian storyline with a slow start, but sets up interesting situations to come.

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Iron Cat (2022) #1

Jun 28, 2022

As with many artists these days, the backgrounds arent drawn with the same amount of detail, and the scenes in the past, taking place in the city of Pershyy Misto, suffers for it a bit.   I would have loved to see the city drawn in more detail, because it seemed like a location similar to Monoco, and more detail would have given the book a James Bond-type feel.

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It's Lonely at the Centre of the Earth OGN

Nov 9, 2022

Its Lonely at the Centre of the Earth is a beautiful book, giving us insights into Zoe Thorogoods battle with depression and social anxiety. It's a fearless document of a time of change in Zoes life, raw, emotional and heartfelt. This is easily one of the best books of the year, both in terms of story and artwork, and its highly recommended.

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Jackpot (2024) #1

Jan 18, 2024

Jackpot #1 is all-out action from beginning to end and feels like a classic Marvel comic, giving us a crossover with Spider-Man and She-Hulk (along with some great interaction between them), an explosive battle with a powerful villain and some quality downtime with MJ and Paul.   What could have been just another book mired in the seemingly endless Gang War storyline turned out to be my favorite book of the week.  Highly recommended.

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Jay Garrick: The Flash (2023) #1

Oct 17, 2023

Jay Garrick: The Flash #1 kicks off the miniseries with a wonderful combination of character moments and action. The family moments between Jay, Joan and Judy (say that three times fast!) are sweet and touching, and it will be fun watching Judy get adjusted to 2023 in future issues. Recommended.

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Joe Hill's Rain (2021) #2

Feb 16, 2022

Joe Hill's Rain #2 continues the story after the last issue's gory climax, spending more time with Honeysuckle and her friends not impacted by the disaster, adding new layers to them and laying the groundwork for an expanded view of that world. It mixes emotional and humorous scenes with scenes of gore and terror, and the whole book has a wonderfully creepy sense of doom throughout. Highly recommended.

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Joe Hill's Rain (2021) #3

Mar 16, 2022

Joe Hills Rain #3 adds another layer of suspense to Honeysuckles situation, spending time allowing her to grieve the love that she lost. Its the type of horror that goes for atmosphere rather than shock, and its a riveting read. As with the best stories, I have no idea what direction it will go next or how it will end, but Im definitely staying for the ride.

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Joe Hill's Rain (2021) #4

Apr 13, 2022

Joe Hill's Rain #4 is a great penultimate issue that puts Honeysuckle through the wringer and ratchets up the tension more, in preparation for the conclusion next issue. It's a captivating read and highly recommended.

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Kill Your Darlings (2023) #5

Jan 17, 2024

Kill Your Darlings #5 delivers a great horror story while filling in Roses mothers background.   It ties together all the hints that have been dropped in the series so far and perfectly sets up whats to come.  Recommended.

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King Kong: The Great War (2023) #2

Jul 5, 2023

Whether youre a Kaiju fan or not, pick up King Kong: The Great War #2 (as well as issue #1). Its a master class in building tension and how to handle monsters in stories. Attacks are swift and merciless, danger is always present and the book has a relentless tension throughout. Highly recommended.

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Klik Klik Boom (2023) #2

Jul 26, 2023

Klik Klik Boom #2 continues the miniseries with heavy doses of action, humor and a touch of pathos. Sprout, with her unique way of communicating and her combat prowess, is a fantastic character and I look forward to seeing her battle with Minerva World Services rage on next issue. Recommended.

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Klik Klik Boom (2023) #3

Aug 23, 2023

Klik Klik Boom #3 continues Sprout's story with suspense, great action scenes and some comedy peppered throughout. Sprout is a super intriguing character and the issue ends with a powerful cliffhanger. Recommended.

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Knight Terrors (2023): First Blood #1

Jul 4, 2023

Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 is a bland beginning to the newest DC crossover, with the DC Universe being attacked by a nightmarish villain. Deadman has some great moments and the mystery of the villains past is intriguing, but overall, the book fails to generate any excitement for the other tie-in books.

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Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn (2023) #1

Jul 25, 2023

Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #1 gives us glimpses into Harleys psyche and shows yet again why shes such a unique character. Its fun watching her dispatch everything Insomnia throws at her and her jaunts from Earth to Earth are equally fun.

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Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn (2023) #2

Aug 22, 2023

Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2 is an enjoyable second part to Harleys Knight Terror story. It gives us a fun look at Harley as a Supergirl-style hero and detours Harleys previous storyline back on track after the Knight Terrors interruption.

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Knight Terrors: Punchline (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

Knight Terrors: Punchline #1 combines action and horror to great effect, tossing Punchline into a battle where shes totally out of her element, fighting to survive. Its one of the better Knight Terrors tie-ins and its recommended.

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Knight Terrors: Ravager (2023) #2

Aug 1, 2023

Knight Terrors: Ravager #2 ends with a cliffhanger that leads into the Brave and the Bold book? Why? If youre a huge fan of Ravager or this Knight Terrors storyline, pick the book up, but anyone else should pass on this.

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Knights of X (2022) #1

Apr 25, 2022

Pardon me if I sound sour, but would it kill Marvel to use Dazzler in one of these many X books?   Shes always been my favorite mutant character, but Marvel continues to overlook her.   In all fairness, though, she wouldnt have been a good fit for this book, but I just thought Id vent a bit. The issue ends with a great reveal, a return of something from X-Men history, and something, ironically enough, that ties in with Dazzlers past as well.

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Dark Fate #1

Feb 14, 2023

Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 is the best Lazarus Planet one-shot so far. The stories range from pure superhero action to high-fantasy adventure to dark and moody John Wick type action. It gives us great moments with rarely seen characters like The Huntress, The Doom Patrol and Cassandra Cain and introduces new characters Circuit Breaker and Xanthe Zhou. I especially loved Xanthe Zhou and I hope we see a lot more of them in the future. Highly recommended.

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Leonide The Vampyr: A Christmas for Crows #1

Dec 14, 2022

Leonide the Vampyr: A Christmas for Crows #1 is a wonderfully grim and haunting tale, giving us the continuing story of Leonide and her ongoing battle with the Priest. Its the perfect Winters tale for anyone who loves gothic horror.

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Love Everlasting #1

Aug 10, 2022

I read the issue twice in an attempt to understand what Tom King was trying to accomplish here.  At first, I thought he was parodying the old romance comics of the 50s and 60s, but theres more to the book than that.  I feel ultimately its going to turn into a Twin Peaks type story that may always be as bizarre and puzzling as this first issue.  Time will tell.

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Lovesick (2022) #1

Oct 26, 2022

Lovesick #1 is the beginning of another great series. Luana Vecchio does the art and story, and it's a perfect combination of horror and eroticism. Domino is a fascinating character and the world of this story is wonderfully complex and dark. Highly recommended.

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Lovesick (2022) #2

Nov 30, 2022

Lovesick #2 is another winning issue, the perfect combination of horror and sensuality, giving a peek into an underworld that most of us will never see and hope doesnt exist. It gives us deeper insight into the main character and never shies away from violence and gore. Highly recommended.

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Lovesick (2022) #3

Dec 28, 2022

Lovesick #3 keeps you on edge from beginning to end. Theres a heavy atmosphere of dread throughout, and we see a side of Domino we havent seen before. Its an issue filled with brutal violence, yet punctuated with surprising moments of tenderness and beauty, and its easily the best book of the week.

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Lovesick (2022) #4

Jan 25, 2023

Lovesick #4 is a fascinating and heart-breaking look into Dominos past, as she tries to come to grips with her appetite for self-destruction. Jack is equally fascinating. Hes as despicable as it gets, but hes a great counterpoint to Domino, and itll be interesting to see where their relationship, so filled with pain and perversion, goes from here.

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Lovesick (2022) #5

Feb 22, 2023

Lovesick #5 takes us back to young Dominos time with Jack, giving us more insight into her relationship with Jack and why she has succumbed to him. Domino is one of the most fascinating characters to come along in a series for a long time, and if youre a fan of her, this issue will have you loving her even more. Highly recommended.

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Lovesick (2022) #6

Mar 29, 2023

Lovesick #6 takes us deeper into Domino and Jacks past relationship, showing how massively manipulative Jack is and giving us a version of Domino who is surprisingly fragile. Beneath the Lucio Fulci-style viscera and gore (and theres lots of it) is a disturbingly beautiful love story of two damaged people who give and receive love in the most forbidden ways possible. Highly recommended.

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Lovesick (2022) #7

Apr 26, 2023

Final ThoughtsLovesick #7 delivers a satisfying (though heart-breaking) finale to the miniseries. This miniseries has never played by the rules and this issue is no exception. Ill miss Domino, one of the most fascinating characters Ive ever read, and I look forward to getting the collected miniseries so I can read it again in the future. Highly recommended.

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Magic (2021): Nahiri The Lithomancer #1

Nov 30, 2022

Magic: Nahiri the Lithomancer #1 is a fun book that shows a comprehensive timeline of Nahiris past, present and future. We get to see her powers and personality in full display and the book puts her in a great place for new adventures, should Boom! Studios want to do a series with the character. I hope they do.

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Maskerade (2022) #1

Sep 14, 2022

Maskerade #1 is a great beginning to the series and to Kevin Smiths Secret Stash Press line of books. Its got some great humor in places but also delivers some great action, a fascinating new anti-hero. Even though its a revenge tale, which has been done so many times in the past, the overall feel of the book is darkly funny, and the character is unique enough to keep things interesting. Im looking forward to the next issue!

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Midnight Suns (2022) #2

Oct 19, 2022

Final ThoughtsMidnight Suns #2 is a super fun continuation of the story, with mostly non-stop action, great dialogue and character moments, and a perfect cliffhanger ending. Highly recommended.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #1

Dec 28, 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles II #1 is a good start, introducing a mystery involving all the characters (even their enemies), tossing in several Power Rangers and TMNT villains and supporting characters, and ending with a great cliffhanger ending. Recommended.

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Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) #1

May 9, 2022

Dotun Akandes art on So White. Yet, So Dark is much more detailed and traditional, and it complements the writing.  The action scenes are fun to follow and the backgrounds and vehicles are also drawn with great detail.Jorge Forness art in The End is a sparse style, but the characters emotions and the villains in the issue are drawn in such a way that you can tell their motivations and their abilities.  Since this story takes place in a snowstorm, snow is a constant visual in every panel, and it contrasts wonderfully with Moon Knights starting white outfit.

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Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU (2023) #1

Mar 14, 2023

Final ThoughtsMultiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #1 is drowning in bad dialogue but has a good premise. The Walking Dead style Earth that Harley lands on here will hopefully be a temporary stay and well get to see her travel more interesting areas of the multiverse in future issues.

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Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #2

Jul 5, 2022

Multiversity Teen Justice #2 is a great continuation from the last issue's cliffhanger. It's filled to overflowing with locations, characters, and subplots, and ends with another great cliffhanger. Highly recommended.

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Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #3

Aug 2, 2022

Multiversity Teen Justice #3 is a fun continuation of the limited series. We get a lot more information on the universe of Earth-11, some more great character interplay between the team members, Aquagirls startling adventure on the Star Sapphire homeworld, and a doozy of a cliffhanger ending.

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Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #4

Sep 6, 2022

The ArtMarco Faillas art in Multiversity Teen Justice #4 shows off each characters personality wonderfully. His depiction of this universes Green Lanterns is slightly different from the Earth-Prime universes Lanterns, just different enough to give them a sinister look, but you immediately know who they are. His page layouts really enhance the story, especially on one page, where Raven goes nuclear, tossing everyone about as demons appear around her. Its a fantastic portrait of Raven that really shows whats raging inside him.

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Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #5

Oct 4, 2022

Multiversity: Teen Justice #5 is a fun penultimate issue of this mini-series, giving us some rousing action and great character moments and moving the story forward. The members of Teen Justice are all wonderful, and there's no filler or wasted dialogue throughout the book.

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Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #6

Nov 8, 2022

Multiversity Teen Justice #6 is a great conclusion to the mini-series, full of action, emotional moments and surprises. It offers a tantalizing glimpse into the world of Earth-11, a rich world that I hope we get to see more of in the future.

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Neighbors (2023) #1

Mar 22, 2023

The Neighbors #1 is a strong debut issue, setting up the main characters and the tension between them as it also begins unveiling the secrets of the neighbors and the otherworldly-type town the family has moved to. It ends with a great shocker and I cant wait to see where the miniseries goes next.

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Neighbors (2023) #2

Apr 26, 2023

Final ThoughtsThe Neighbors #2 is a great continuation of the story, giving us more insights into Olivers past and his relationship with Janet while hitting us with several chilling moments throughout. If you love horror comics, pick this up!

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New Mutants (2019) #25

May 16, 2022

The StoryNew Mutants #25 kicks off with Magik, Wolfsbane, and Dani Moonstar having a sparring session thats more Fight Club than Karate Kid, with no strikes being held back.  Despite the brutal fighting, its easy to see the close bond the three characters have.  This is a nice moment between the characters, who have all been around forever, and I could have easily enjoyed it if the whole issue consisted of them just fighting and chatting. But Madelyne Pryor soon appears (in an outfit that makes Red Sonjas costume look like a burqa) and soon all of them are off to Limbo.

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New Mutants (2019) #26

Jun 22, 2022

Jan Duursema draws pages where Magik flashes back to her childhood, and those pages are spectacular.  As always, Jan draws fantasy worlds like no other.

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New Mutants (2019) #31

Oct 26, 2022

New Mutants #31 begins a new story arc focusing on Escapade and her classmates, and it's a super fun read, with a great mix of humor, character development and action.

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Nights (2023) #1

Oct 11, 2023

Nights #1 introduces us to a strange new world thats both menacing and fun. All the characters have interesting quirks and secrets that promise to pay off in the future and the storytelling structure is unique. Its a great read and a fantastic beginning to a new series. Recommended.

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Olympus: Rebirth (2022) #1

Aug 23, 2022

Olympus Rebirth #1 is a fantastic story, showing Hippolyta's journey to Olympus, her ascension to godhood, her conflicts with the other gods, and her quest to Tartarus.Even those who aren't well-versed in Greek mythology will love the combination of action and drama here, but fans of Greek mythology will delight even more in spending time with this version of the Greek pantheon, one of the best versions I've seen in ages. Highly recommended.

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One-Star Squadron (2021) #2

Jan 5, 2022

The StoryThe One-Star Squadron series is an edgier version of the Keith Giffen/J.M. Dematteis Justice League from the 1980s, with Red Tornado the manager of  a Heroz4u office.  Heroz4u provides work to those heroes who have been forgotten or never got the acclaim of heroes such as Superman.  Its like Luke Cage and Danny Rands Heroes for Hire, except Heroz4u does Bar Mitzvah appearances, birthday parties and Cameo videos.

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Onyx (2022) #1

Sep 28, 2022

Onyxs armor and weapon designs are on point.  There are enough differences between her and other armored characters such as Iron Man or X-O Manowar to make her visually interesting, especially in the way she wields her energy weapons. The jungle terrain that the bulk of the story takes place in looks lush and foreboding, and enhances the tension in the story.

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Outsiders (2023) #1

Nov 14, 2023

Outsiders #1 is a completely different take on The Outsiders team, taking a more "X-Files style approach and promising to show us corners of the Earth-Prime we've never seen. Batwoman and Luke Fox work well together and tantalizing hints set up some fascinating things to come.

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Outsiders (2023) #2

Dec 12, 2023

Outsiders #2 continues the great concept of superheroes going after the unexplored corners of the DC Universe, confronting bizarre threats and phenomenon. Though I love the concept of the book, I feel Luke and Drummer arent written in a dynamic way. Hopefully as the series goes on, the characters will grow to be as fascinating as the situations they face.

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Outsiders (2023) #3

Jan 9, 2024

Outsiders #3 presents an alternate world overloaded with Batman and Batwoman variants.  The story is tinged with horror and you can feel the anxiety and tension ratchet up during the story as Luke and Kate struggle to find their way back home while dealing with all these alternate versions of themselves.  A fun surprise appearance by another Batman Family member tops off the issue.

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Pantha (2022) #1

Jan 5, 2022

I especially loved the way Lima drew Samira (who is Panthas human form).  Her elegant nose and smile reminded me a bit of actress Cate Blanchett, and Sekhmets human form Lora Dunmore reminded me a bit of Janine Turner, an actress I loved back in the 90s.

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Pantha (2022) #2

Mar 30, 2022

Pantha #2 continues the story of the Egyptian new gods and old gods, adding another layer of conflict, tension, and plotting, even as it expands on Pantha's past.Hopefully, as the story continues, Pantha will be placed front and center, and not feel so much like a supporting character in her own book.

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Peacemaker Tries Hard! (2023) #1

May 2, 2023

Final ThoughtsPeacemaker Tries Hard! #1 is a great first issue, perfect for both Peacemaker fans and those who know nothing about Peacemaker. Its fun and has a fantastic cliffhanger ending. If youre curious about Peacemaker, grab this book and get on the ground floor of what promises to be a great ride. Recommended.

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Poison Ivy (2022) #2

Jul 5, 2022

Poison Ivy #2 continues Poison Ivy's quest to destroy mankind, and gives us a better look into her psyche than any story is provided before. Though it looks like it's dangerously close to devolving into another zombie epic, hopefully, G. Willow Wilson will avoid that and continue making Poison Ivy so fascinating that Batman fans will be saying "Joker who? in the future.

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Power Girl (2023) #1

Sep 26, 2023

Power Girl #1 is a good start to the series but has room for improvement. Amalaks a good nemesis for Power Girl but I was never sure what his power set was and the fight between them is over way too quickly. Power Girl also needs to have a personality thats more than just a template. Still, Im looking forward to next issue after this issues great cliffhanger ending.

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Power Girl (2023) #4

Dec 26, 2023

Power Girl #4 continues to be a fantastic series, building a solid Rogues Gallery for her, making her more complex than shes ever been in previous appearances, and making Omen an equally fascinating member of her supporting cast. This issue is filled with action and the Symbioship adds a touch of horror to the book. Recommended.

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Power Girl Special (2023) #1

May 30, 2023

Power Girl Special #1 is a terrific showcase for Power Girl and what makes her such a great character. It puts her up against a villain who truly challenges her, gives new insights into her character and its action-packed. Omen also shines here and Johnny Sorrow is as terrifying as always. The backup story with Fire and Ice rounds out the book with a fun story and a great battle between Fire and Guy Gardner. Highly Recommended.

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Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1

Sep 2, 2022

Final ThoughtsPower Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 is a rollercoaster ride of a story, with tons of action, some great character moments, and a very touching story.   It makes me want to see more of the Omega Rangers, Xi, and their continuing adventures on the edge of the universe.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #1

Oct 25, 2022

Punchline: The Gotham Game #1 is a great beginning to the series. We get to see Punchline in action, both in combat and in setting her plans in motion. She's so completely different from Harley Quinn that it makes her super interesting, and her penchant for dealing with everyone brutally makes her a formidable presence. I look forward to reading the next issue.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #2

Nov 22, 2022

Punchline: The Gotham Game #2 continues Punchlines story and its action-packed from beginning to end. Punchlines ruthless obsession with taking over the XO drug market in Gotham City and her conflict with Yakuza boss Eiko Hasigawa has made her a major force in Gotham Citys criminal underworld. Its a great mini-series so far, with a cliffhanger thatll make you count the days to the next issue.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #4

Jan 24, 2023

Final ThoughtsPunchline: The Gotham Game #4 continues the story with various subplots, all of them interesting, and gives us another issue filled with great characters, intrigue, a couple great twists and Punchline continuing to be a fascinating and menacing counterpoint to Harley Quinn.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #5

Feb 28, 2023

Punchline: The Gotham Game #5 is filled with action from the first page to the last. Punchline continues being one of the most fascinating and vicious villains currently in Batmans rogues gallery. Watching her methodically seize control of The Royal Flush Gang and taking on the crime bosses of Gotham has been amazing, and after this issues cliffhanger, I cant wait to see what happens next. Recommended.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #6

Mar 28, 2023

Punchline: The Gotham Game #6 concludes the miniseries with a great scene between Punchline and The Joker, as well as a final battle in Punchlines war with Black Mask. Punchline is a wonderfully complex and fascinating character who has left The Joker eating her dust as she plots, kills, and double-crosses her way to the top of the Gotham City crime scene. I look forward to seeing where she goes from here.

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Punisher War Journal (2022): Base #1

Feb 22, 2023

Punisher War Journal: Base #1 is a good dive into Franks back story, with some great character moments and a pulse-pounding second half. Its interesting to see Frank living a normal life with his wife and kids, before disaster happened. If you love the Punisher, youll love this book.

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Quest (2023) #1

Aug 2, 2023

The Quest #1 is a great beginning to a new fantasy series with a powerful lead character, great action and lots of exotic locations. Recommended.

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Radio Spaceman #1

Mar 2, 2022

Radio Spaceman #1 is filled with interesting concepts and bizarre locations, but the flow of the story is disrupted by the lack of dialogue. It's just fascinating enough for me to come back and read the next issue.

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Red Sonja (2021) #5

Jan 5, 2022

Red Sonja #5 starts off interesting but soon fizzles out. Theres not enough in the issue, either with the characters or the plot, to encourage me to want to read the next issue.This issue is for Red Sonja completists only.

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Red Sonja (2023) #1

Jul 19, 2023

Red Sonja #1 is a fantastic debut to the new Red Sonja series, bringing her character back to basics. The combat is bloody and fierce, theres a great subplot with the ascent of an interesting new nemesis for Red Sonja, and some scenes have a welcome injection of humor. If youre not familiar with Red Sonja, pick up the book. If youre a fan of Red Sonja, this book is highly recommended.

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Samurai Sonja #1

Jun 24, 2022

This Sonja is a woman of heavy discipline and few words, so after her introduction and getting the armor, we dont learn anything more about her.  But we do get a couple of great fight scenes with Sonja wielding her bow and sword with equal destructive force.The main villain of the book (or at least the first story arc) is revealed at the end of the book, and looks to be a great adversary for Sonja, as she continues her quest to avenge her father.

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Savage Avengers (2022) #1

May 16, 2022

Savage Avengers #1 is a great debut for this incarnation of the team. There are tons of great fights, each of the characters gets a moment to shine in the issue, and the book perfectly sets up a major dilemma for the next issue. Highly recommended.

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Scarlet Sisters (2022) #1

Oct 12, 2022

Also, I enjoyed the final showdown with the Cabal, where the trio and the Councilwoman work together to take the Cabal down.  Lady Satan especially shines in this moment as we get to see her in full command of her powers.

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Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #5

Feb 7, 2024

Theres a wonderful dynamic between She-Hulk, Hellcat and Captain Marvel in The Sensational She-Hulk #5 and I hope to see more of them together in the future.  A fierce extended battle, Daimon Hellstroms appearance and a great scene with Jack of Hearts and She-Hulk make the issue another fun ride.

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Shadow War (2022): War Zone #1

May 18, 2022

Shadow War Zone #1 has enough good stories and art in it to make it fairly enjoyable, but it's not a home run. The first and last stories are the best, but all the stories are enticing enough to see what happens next in the Shadow War.

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Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings (2022) #1

Jul 20, 2022

Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings #1 is a martial arts battle fest from beginning to end. It's an explosive way to kick off the series and a change of pace from the usual first issues, which are usually mostly filled with exposition and set-up for future issues.

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Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2021) #3

Jan 26, 2022

Final ThoughtsSheenas quest continues and a great new character is introduced in Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #3. Theres not much action on this issue, but the chat between the two characters is interesting, and a great set-up for whats to come next issue.

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Sirens of the City (2023) #1

Jul 12, 2023

Sirens of the City #1 is a blast and my favorite book of the week. I enjoyed this issue and Im looking forward to whats to come. Laylas a fascinating character with a great power set and the book perfectly sets up this world, dropping tantalizing hints of whats to come. Highly recommended.

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Slumber (2022) #1

Mar 16, 2022

The issue begins with a detective duo investigating the latest murder caused by a possessed person.  Theyre the typical clich detectives, and they have no idea of the magnitude of whats going on.  So much of the issue is spent with Stetson, that the detectives come off as bland and flat because we get to know nothing about them.  By the end of the issue, its inevitable that their paths will cross with Stetson, so hopefully, at that point, theyll be fleshed out more.  Maybe Stetson will enter their nightmares so we can see what makes them tick?

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Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones (2023) #2

Apr 7, 2023

Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones #2 is a great continuation of the miniseries, giving us some great moments between Doc Ock Gwen and Spider-Gwen. The two play off each other in fun ways and its a blast watching them battle Sandgwen together. Though Im not sure the concept of the miniseries will last, for now its a great ride. Recommended.

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Spider-Woman (2020) #18

Jan 12, 2022

Spider-Woman #18 is a great action-heavy issue, with lots of furious conflict and Jessica's race against time to keep her friend alive. With the surprise villain that appears at the end, it looks like things are going to get even more complex for Spider-Woman, and I look forward to seeing how she handles this new threat.

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Spider-Woman (2023) #3

Jan 25, 2024

Spider-Woman #3 is saved by the fantastic artwork and the battle scenes, but the predictable course of Green Mambas story hurts the book.  I look forward to the series getting away from the Gang War story and move into devoting time to making Jessica Drew the spectacular and unique character she has been in the past.

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Spirit World (2023) #1

May 9, 2023

Final ThoughtsSpirit World #1 is a great first issue for Xanthe Zhou, one of the most fascinating recent characters to debut at DC. We get to see more of Xanthes powers in action, have some great scenes between Constantine and them and get to see Batgirl in an epic fight for her life. Recommended.

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Spirit World (2023) #2

Jun 13, 2023

Spirit World #2 mixes humor and horror, giving us some great action scenes with Cassandra and Po Po along with lots of dazzling magic from Xanthe. For anyone who loves Asian mythology and wants to see a different twist on magic use in the DC Universe, check this out!

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Spirit World (2023) #4

Aug 8, 2023

Spirit World #4 continues Xanthes adventures in The Spirit World, which is a great new unexplored area of the DC Universe.Each issue presents new aspects of the realm and the book is a great combination of comedy, superhero action and horror.

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Spirit World (2023) #6

Oct 31, 2023

Spirit World #6 ends the miniseries with a bang, giving us more insights into Xanthes history, some fantastic action sequences and a touching ending. I hope DC continues using Xanthe, further exploring that corner of the DC Universe so beautifully steeped in Eastern mysticism. Recommended.

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Echoes (2023) #1

May 17, 2023

Star Trek: Echoes #1 is a fast-paced kickoff to the miniseries, with some great action and great moments for the characters. We get to see Kirk come under fire from the upper brass again and the issue ends on a riveting cliffhanger that sets up a potentially very bad dilemma for the Enterprise next issue.

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Star Wars (2020) #23

May 6, 2022

I feel Star Wars is at its best during these space battles.  Sure, there are great moments of philosophy, and times when its nice to watch Jedis using their skills to perform superhuman feats, but when its all said and done, a Star Wars tale isnt complete without a good battle among the stars, and this issue delivers that from start to finish.

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Star Wars (2020) #26

Aug 17, 2022

Star Wars #26 is a great kickoff to a new storyline, giving us some great moments with the Rebel fleet and setting up some fascinating new characters for the future.

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Star Wars (2020) #27

Sep 7, 2022

Star Wars #27 is a gripping story of two normal people caught in the middle of the conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire. The issue is action-packed and thrilling from beginning to end, as we watch them try to stay ahead or standoff with the Imperial fighters relentlessly coming after them. A great issue!

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Star Wars (2020) #28

Oct 12, 2022

Star Wars #28 continues the story of Crimson Dawn agents Melton and Bevelyn, as theyre caught in galactic intrigue, regular people becoming major heroes in a war they didnt start. Its a wonderful story with moments of anxiety, as its never sure if theyll make it out alive or not. That, along with some great Luke and Hera Syndulla moments, make this another great issue.

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Star Wars: Crimson Reign (2021) #2

Feb 2, 2022

The StoryStar Wars: Crimson Reign #2 begins with The Archivist, Lady Qiras advisor, giving a brief narrative of whats transpired so far.  I love this character, she reminds me of one of the blind oracles from Greek myth, with her long sinewy hair and utterances filled with ambiguity.  The issue then goes back in time, ominously Before the Fall, where Qira sends the assassins Deathstick and Ochi of Bestoon on seemingly impossible missions.I like Deathstick, though thats a horrible name! 

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Star Wars: Crimson Reign (2021) #3

Mar 12, 2022

Though theres not much action this issue, we get a lot of different locations, and Cummings perfectly captures Madelins withering away, as the dark side of the force eats away at her over time. Great work!

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Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #20

Feb 9, 2022

Darth Vader #20 continues the Crimson Reign storyline in grand fashion, showing Vader in action outside of the handful of films we saw him in. It's a fun story and issue that's a reminder of how great a villain Darth Vader can be when written correctly.

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Star Wars: Han Solo & Chewbacca (2022) #1

Mar 12, 2022

Han Solo & Chewbacca #1 throws us right into the action, and it's fun seeing an edgier Han Solo trying to find that one big score. Marvel's doing a great job of showing the darker and grittier side of the Star Wars universe, and this book is no exception.

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Star Wars: Hidden Empire (2022) #1

Nov 16, 2022

Final ThoughtsStar Wars: Hidden Empire #1 continues Lady Qiras story in grand fashion, amping up the action and taking Qiras vendetta against the Emperor to a grander scale. Its a tense action-packed issue and Lady Qira continues to be one of the greatest characters in the Star Wars universe.

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Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories (2022) #1

Aug 24, 2022

Final ThoughtsStar Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 is a great beginning to this new Dark Horse series. It features a story set in one of the most beloved Star Wars time periods, has some good banter between Obi-Wan and Anakin, and has some great action scenes complete with a surprising ending.

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Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories (2022) #2

Sep 21, 2022

The dialogue between Luke and Leia is good and laced with nostalgia, as they both reflect on their home worlds, and they share a couple of nice moments during their journey. When the big battle scene comes, the snow troopers and their commander are as incompetent as usual in the Star Wars Universe, but its always great to see Leia blasting a few of them into oblivion.

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Star Wars: Obi-Wan (2022) #1

May 6, 2022

Star Wars: Obi-Wan #1 is a fun start to a series that promises to show some great moments in Obi-Wan's life and give more insight into his character.

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Star Wars: The Halcyon Legacy (2022) #1

Feb 2, 2022

Star Wars: The Halcyon Legacy #1 transcends its cringe-worthy Disney theme park origins to become an interesting new area of the Star Wars universe to explore.The series will continue to flashback to different periods in Star Wars history, and it seems like every major Star Wars character has come into contact with the ship at some point, so it'll be interesting to read their stories, as well as see how the siege of Crimson Jack is resolved.

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2022) #2

Nov 9, 2022

Star Wars: The High Republic #2 is a good continuation of the story, with a good plot but a mediocre main character in Jedi Vildar Mac. Still, its an interesting story set on one of the more beautiful Star Wars worlds.

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Starhenge: The Dragon and the Boar #1

Jul 6, 2022

A large variety of spaceships and alien architecture fill the pages set in the future, and they give this universe a grim look and feel. One splash page, where several ships wage battle, lighting up space with orange explosions and laser fire, is especially beautiful.

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Static (2021): Shadows of Dakota #1

Feb 7, 2023

Static: Shadows of Dakota #1 kicks of Statics season two with a flurry of action and some great character moments. Static, as usual, is a fun and interesting character and reading his adventures feels like reading one of Stan Lees books from so many years ago. I look forward to reading the next issue!

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Stoneheart (2023) #2

Apr 12, 2023

Stoneheart #2 has fantastic art throughout and a great main character in Shayde, but the introduction of Eldon Redwood, whos a very bland character and pretty much dominates the whole issue, set the book back for me. Hopefully hell grow on me in future issues.

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Strange (2022) #1

Feb 28, 2022

Strange #1 is a fantastic kick-off to Clea's saga as Sorceror Supreme. Exotic new locations and a new adversary are introduced, we get a couple of big surprises, and Clea is delightfully full of barbs and bravado throughout. Highly recommended and I hope Marvel keeps Clea as Sorceror Supreme for a long time.

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Strange (2022) #2

Apr 6, 2022

Strange #2 is the second issue of my new favorite Marvel series. I've always been a fan of Clea from decades back, and it's great to see her finally front and center in a book. I hope Marvel keeps the book focused on Clea for a long time to come. Jed MacKay writes her completely different from Stephen Strange, and her personality, her power and her history open up a ton of new story directions that have brought a new excitement to the mystic side of the Marvel Universe.

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Strange (2022) #3

Jun 1, 2022

Strange #3 continues Clea's odyssey as Earth's new Sorceror Supreme. The issue is filled with action and shows what a powerful force of nature Clea is. The issue ends with two great cliffhangers, and it'll be interesting to see what happens next.

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Superman: Lost (2023) #1

Mar 14, 2023

Final ThoughtsSuperman: Lost #1 sets up Supermans crisis situation that will be the focus of this mini-series and even shows a bit of the after effects on him also. Im looking forward to this mini-series and seeing Superman in an isolated situation thats going to push him to his limits. If you're a Superman fan, make sure to grab this up and get on the ground floor of this epic story.

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Superman: Lost (2023) #2

Apr 11, 2023

The first issue set up the story, but Superman: Lost #2 kicks it into overdrive, showing us Supermans first days cast adrift in space. There are some great moments as we watch Superman adjust to new alien landscapes, even as we switch to the present where Lois struggles to help him recover. Its a thrilling read from beginning to end and makes me look forward to whats to come. Highly recommended.

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Superman: Lost (2023) #4

Jun 13, 2023

Superman: Lost #4 is the weakest issue of the miniseries so far, feeling more like a step back than a leap forward. But putting Clark in a moral dilemma hes rarely faced before, in addition to a great surprise character popping up at the end, makes the book better than average.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #14

Aug 9, 2022

Superman Son of Kal-El #14 is a great penultimate chapter to the battle against Henry Bendix, with the Revolutionaries joining the fray and some great moments with Superman and Jay. Bendix is a great villain and itll be interesting to see what happens in the final showdown with him.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #15

Sep 13, 2022

There are a vast number of characters in the book and a lot of action going on, but Cian keeps everything flowing well, and you always know where youre at and what characters are involved at any moment.His version of Robin (Damian Wayne) is especially great.  Through his expressions, the arrogance and borderline insanity of the character comes out.  If I were Jonathan Kent, Id be a little wary of Damian.  At least this version of Damian.

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Superman: Space Age (2022) #1

Jul 26, 2022

I also love the splash page where Clark officially becomes Superman and soars towards space looking every bit like the noble square-jawed hero. They also perfectly capture the technology of the time.  Fighter jets, huge vacuum-tube televisions, and military war rooms all capture the era in flawless detail.

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Superman: Space Age (2022) #2

Sep 27, 2022

Superman: Space Age #2 is another triumph of an issue, blending Silver Age nostalgia and super-hero action with modern themes of drama, heartbreak and isolation. Its a beautiful story that ends on a high note leading into next issue. Highly recommended.

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Superman: Space Age (2022) #3

Feb 21, 2023

Final ThoughtsSuperman: Space Age #3 is a fantastic finale thats filled with humor, heart-breaking moments and grand adventure. This is the best Superman story Ive read in a long time, a beautiful tribute to the classic stories of years gone by, and Ill be re-reading and visiting this Earth many more times to come. Highly recommended.

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Survival (2023) #1

May 3, 2023

Survival #1 immediately grabs you by the throat and never lets go. Its the beginning of a fantastic horror tale that delivers shock after shock combined with a feeling of dread throughout. The lead characters are interesting and Im looking forward to the next chapter of the story. Highly recommended.

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Swamp Thing (2021) #14

Jun 28, 2022

Swamp Thing #14 is a continuation of the book's second season, with a unique spin on the "Earth's in danger story, and it's a fun but chilling head trip that ends with a great cliffhanger.

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Swan Songs (2023) #1

Jul 5, 2023

If youre looking for a fun and light-hearted story thatll make you feel good, avoid Swan Songs #1. But if youre looking for a dark tale with an apocalyptic setting, heavily drenched in horror and existential dread, check this book out. Recommended.

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Swan Songs (2023) #2

Aug 9, 2023

Swan Songs #2 is not only my favorite issue of the week, its my favorite issue of any book this year. It takes you through every emotion possible and like the best books, it stays with you long after you finish reading it. Its superb and highly recommended.

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Swan Songs (2023) #3

Sep 6, 2023

Swan Songs #3 is another wonderful issue of the series, with a great twist ending and many touching moments. Each issue of this series is a well-crafted complete story with a beginning and ending, and its a great alternative to most series that have stories that seem to run forever with no solid ending. Recommended.

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Swan Songs (2023) #4

Oct 18, 2023

Swan Songs #4 is another fantastic story by writer W. Maxwell Prince, who makes every story more than just a simple horror story. He makes you THINK and he truly disturbs you, and that makes each issue priceless. It has gore, some truly disturbing scenes and explores complex characters and ideas. Recommended.

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Swan Songs (2023) #5

Nov 29, 2023

Swan Songs #5 is another great issue of the miniseries, a story about an everyman named Albert that will terrify you at times and tug at your heart at others.

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Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #1

Oct 5, 2022

Sweetie Candy Vigilante #1 is like a technicolor grindhouse film. Its a fantastic debut for the character Sweetie, a gory pop-color epic reminiscent of the glory days of Heavy Metal magazine and late-night cult films.

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Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #2

Nov 2, 2022

Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 is a beautifully drawn issue that provides more tantalizing information on Sweetie and her purpose. This continues being a fun book, an urban fantasy story with a twist of 70s style grindhouse horror. Highly recommended.

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Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #3

Dec 15, 2022

Final ThoughtsSweetie Candy Vigilante #3 is another fantastic issue of a series that I hope continues for a long time.   I feel the series and the character are strong enough to potentially form a whole universe of books, much like Mike Mignolas Hellboy universe.  Highly recommended.

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Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #4

Feb 8, 2023

Sweetie Candy Vigilante #4 is another home run of an issue. We get to see Hansel and Gretel in action (can these two get a spinoff series please?), more of Sweeties HQ and weapons, and some great gory scenes that remind you that this book is gloriously grindhouse in tone. Highly recommended.

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Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #5

Apr 5, 2023

Final ThoughtsSweetie Candy Vigilante #5 is another fantastic issue of my favorite Dynamite Entertainment series. The art is vibrant, Sweetie and her world are fascinating and always makes you want to see more, and the new characters introduced this issue will make the series even more rich in issues to come. Recommended.

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Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #6

Jun 21, 2023

Though I felt not much of significance happens in Sweetie Candy Vigilante #6, we do get an entertaining battle of wits between Sweetie and Detectives Jacks and Reyes, as well as some nice moments between Pixie Stix and Candy Wolf. The book is always a fun read and I look forward to seeing what happens after this issues great cliffhanger ending.

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Tales of Syzpense (2023) #1

Jun 21, 2023

The first chapters of both stories in Tales of Syzpense #1 didnt entice me enough to run out and add the book to my pull list to see the next chapters. Though the second story is mildly interesting, theres not enough here for me to recommend the book.

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TerrorWar (2023) #1

Apr 19, 2023

Terrorwar #1 is a great beginning to a new series, incorporating elements of cyberpunk, kaiju and 80s action films and introducing a great new cast of characters with Muhammad Cho and his team. Theres enough here to get the reader hooked, with a cliffhanger ending that promises to make next issue even more intense. Recommended.

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The Agent (2023) #1

Dec 20, 2023

The Agent #1 is the debut of what promises to be a great urban fantasy series. It has a rarely-used setting, two potentially fantastic main characters, and the perfect mix of horror and action. If Rhym and Sebastiens characters are given more complexity in future issues, this series will be a must-read book.

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The Agent (2023) #2

Jan 31, 2024

The Agent #2 is a solid sophomore issue in the series, building on Sebastiens character and providing hints to his backstory while fleshing out the status of politics and magic in this world.  The climax of the book is startling and horrific, showing a truly unique spin on voodoo.  Im looking forward to next issue to see how Rhym and Sebastiens story continues.

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The Alternates (2023) #1

Sep 13, 2023

The Alternates #1 is a fantastic beginning to a new mini-series set in the Minor Threats universe. The characters are fascinating and its great to see another corner of this universe explored. This universe is ripe for hundreds of different types of stories and I look forward to exploring it more in upcoming issues. Recommended.

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The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2024) #1

Jan 2, 2024

The Batman & Scooby-Doo! Mysteries #1 is such a fun book and my favorite DC book this week.  Its a self-contained story with a beginning, middle and ending, interesting characters, some great Shaggy and Scooby hijinks and a better-than-average mystery.  Nightwings interactions with the Scooby Gang are fun and he never seems out of place in the book.  Its a great issue and highly recommended.

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The Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men / Black Knight #1

Jan 19, 2022

The Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men Black Knight #1 is a mediocre addition to The Death of Doctor Strange saga. It adds a new twist to Jacks' character and gives Faiza Hussain some screen time, but seems unnecessary in the current avalanche of one-shots that are tied into the main story.

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The Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone #1

Jan 12, 2022

The Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone #1 has a couple of good action scenes, but doesn't add any new layers to Elsa Bloodstone's character. The new Bloodstone family member and the twist at the end set up a new direction for Elsa, which hopefully will pay off in the near future.

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The Last Barbarians (2023) #1

Feb 15, 2023

The Last Barbarians #1 is a perfect kick-off to a new fantasy series. Sylv and her brother Shadow are unique characters and the dynamic between them promises a lot of fun moments to come. This first issue sets up this beautiful world, along with exotic creatures and hints of danger looming in the shadows, and I look forward to seeing where the series goes next.

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #1

Aug 2, 2022

New Champion of Shazam #1 delivers a fantastic premiere issue for a promising mini-series. It has a wonderful retro feel but gives a modern take on Mary and a new direction in life. New supporting characters are added and the issue ends with a great cliffhanger and hints at a new threat to come. Highly recommended.

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #2

Sep 6, 2022

The New Champion of Shazam! #2 is another fantastic issue of the mini-series that puts Mary through the wringer throughout but gives us some great action scenes and character moments. Highly recommended.

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #3

Nov 1, 2022

The New Champion of Shazam! #3 continues Marys story with some good character moments, another epic battle with a great villain and gorgeous artwork from Evan Doc Shaner.

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #4

Jan 17, 2023

As much as Ive always liked Billy Batsons Shazam, I love Mary Marvel more, and despite a few stumbles this issue, Ive really enjoyed The New Champion of Shazam! mini-series overall and I hope Mary continues as the flagship Shazam character for a long time.

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The New Golden Age (2022) #1

Nov 8, 2022

The New Golden Age #1, though having an extremely confusing narrative that jumps between many different time periods, puts the original Justice Society of America in focus again, as well as introducing several new legacy characters and a unique new villain. The book also features appearances by numerous obscure characters that are always fun to see.

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The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1

Jun 28, 2023

The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1 sets up an interesting new character and the book is a good blend of science-fiction, horror and superhero books. Recommended.

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The Rocketeer: The Great Race #1

Apr 6, 2022

Rocketeer: The Great Race #1 is a fantastic continuation of The Rocketeer's saga. The Rocketeer, as well as his supporting cast, all shine throughout the book, with fun action sequences and the Nazi menace looming in the background. Reading the book was akin to watching one of those great old movie serials from a time long gone. Highly recommended.

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The Vampire Slayer (2022) #1

Apr 20, 2022

The end battle with the monster is fierce and fun, with a resolution at the end of the issue.  I hope with this series, we get the same season-long big bad story arcs we got with the TV show, but with this issue, it's just a good old-fashioned knockout drag-out fight with a huge monster and a great ending.

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The Vampire Slayer (2022) #2

May 25, 2022

Willows demonic scenes are nightmarish in a H.P. Lovecraft-type way, and all the characters look very much like the actors and actresses that portrayed them on the show.The fight scenes with the vampires are dynamic and explosive, and the scenes where Willow casts magic lights up the panels with beautiful lighting effects.

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The Vampire Slayer (2022) #10

Jan 18, 2023

Final ThoughtsThe Vampire Slayer #10 is a wonderful interlude, giving us deeper insights into the characters, great acid trip visuals, Willows internal conflict and a cliffhanger that could seriously change the course of the series.

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Timeless (2021): 2021

Dec 29, 2021

If you're interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any others that were mentioned then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

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Vampirella vs. Red Sonja #1

Nov 2, 2022

Vampirella Versus Red Sonja #1 avoids being a standard battle between two major Dynamite characters as it introduces a "Crisis on Infinite Earths style story with tons of heroes, Earths being destroyed by demon armies and Vampirella being blamed for the disaster. She and Red Sonja, at least in this first issue, become minor supporting characters in their own book.

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Vampirella vs. Red Sonja #2

Dec 7, 2022

Final ThoughtsVampirella Versus Red Sonja #2 amps up the threat to Dynamites multiverse while giving us some great character conflict and sword-wielding action with Red Sonja. All the featured heroes are interesting and the ending makes me look forward to seeing what happens next issue. Great work!

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Vampirella vs. Red Sonja #3

Jan 4, 2023

Final ThoughtsVampirella Versus Red Sonja #3 is another thrilling chapter of the mini-series. Despite the fact Red Sonja and Vampirella are barely together during the mini-series so far, the Crisis on Infinite Earths-type story of the multiverse under attack and Vampirella and Red Sonja being involved in the politics of the Justice League-style team the Project is fascinating and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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Vampirella vs. Red Sonja #4

Feb 8, 2023

Vampirella Versus Red Sonja #4 escalates the stakes and puts Vampirella front and center, as we see the full range of her powers as she faces off with Super-American. Its a suspenseful and action-packed issue that has the perfect cliffhanger ending leading into next issues finale.

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Vampirella vs. Red Sonja #5

Mar 8, 2023

Vampirella Versus Red Sonja #5 delivers a not so memorable finale to the story. After the prior issues set up an epic crisis across multiple Earths, with a wide variety of heroes and the subplot of a long-buried secret among The Project, this issue wraps up everything way too quickly and neatly.

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Vampirella vs. The Superpowers (2023) #1

May 24, 2023

Final ThoughtsVampirella Versus The Superpowers #1 is a slightly better than average kickoff to the miniseries. Vampirella is as fun as always and her interactions with everyone around her (including The Project) are fun to read. The S Division officers seem very clich though, and I found their scenes made the issue drag a bit. Hopefully, they will improve in future issues.

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Vampirella: Dead Flowers (2023) #1

Oct 4, 2023

Whether or not youre into the gothic horror subgenre, pick up Vampirella: Dead Flowers #1. It puts Vampirella in a different environment from her usual tales and theres a wonderful atmosphere of creepiness and dread throughout. Recommended.

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Vampirella: Dead Flowers (2023) #2

Nov 1, 2023

Vampirella: Dark Shadows #2 is a great second part to the story. Even though Frances Moore is a bit of a clich character, Rookhaven Manor is a wonderful setting, with every corner filled with menace, and the battle of wills between Frances and Vampirella promises to explode next issue.

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Vampiverse (2021) #5

Jan 12, 2022

Bloodwings soldiers are drawn as a cross between the zombies in Dawn of the Dead and the Gamorrans from Star Wars.  Theyre as terrifying as Bloodwing herself.

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Vanish (2022) #1

Sep 21, 2022

Vanish #1 kicks off the series with an uninteresting main character on a slightly more interesting vendetta. The location of the story is far more fascinating than the characters themselves, but hopefully over the next few issues, after we see more of Olivers life, hell become a character we can relate to and root for.

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W0rldtr33 #7

Jan 31, 2024

W0rldtr33 #7 is another great issue of the series, moving several sub-plots forward while introducing another interesting character and giving us a peek into Gabriel Winters past.  The book melds horror, espionage and cyberpunk into a story that will chill you to the bone.  Recommended.

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Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #1

Oct 10, 2023

Justice Society fans rejoice! Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1 is another great book spotlighting a Golden Age hero and is a great companion piece to the current Justice Society of America series. It feels like a pulp novel with some thrilling two-fisted action scenes and serves as a great introduction to Wesley Dodds and his supporting cast. Recommended.

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Where Monsters Lie (2023) #1

Feb 2, 2023

Final ThoughtsWhere Monsters Lie #1 is a great first issue, setting up a wild new horror/comedy series that never shrinks away from a hard R rating of violence and gore. Anyone whos a fan of slasher films (and even those people who arent) will enjoy it.

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White Widow (2023) #1

Nov 1, 2023

White Widow #1 perfectly kicks off Yelenas new life, efficiently introducing all her supporting characters, giving us some cute scenes with her pooch Bint Clarton and some thrilling action scenes, and setting up Armament as a massive over-arching threat for the series that will push Yelena to her limits.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #3

Jan 10, 2023

WildC.A.T.s #3 deepens the mystery involving the Court of Owls, gives us some deeper looks at Halos Seven Soldiers of Victory, and has some great action throughout. Its an issue that moves at a great pace and left me looking forward to seeing what happens next issue.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #4

Feb 14, 2023

WildC.A.T.s #4 has Grifter fighting for his life and its a thrilling ride. Zealot also gets some great character moments and there are a couple startling reveals. Another great issue and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #5

Mar 14, 2023

Final ThoughtsWildC.A.T.s #5 is another great issue, the best of the series so far, with the perfect balance of James Bond-style intrigue and superhero action. Theres a great encounter between Superman and The Seven Soldiers of Victory and the mystery of Grifters death takes a fascinating turn. Highly recommended.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #6

Apr 11, 2023

WildC.A.T.s #6 is a good issue overall with a couple of good cameos by legendary DC characters. The art came up short with showing the impact of the action scenes though, and the book can be overwhelming at times with the number of characters involved.

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Wonder Girl (2021) Annual: 2022

Aug 30, 2022

Wonder Girl 2022 Annual #1 is another fantastic issue in the constellation of Wonder Woman books. Its heartfelt and gives us some epic battle scenes and lots of interesting Brazilian mythology. Its exotic, fun, and highly recommended.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #797

Mar 20, 2023

Wonder Woman #797 is a great continuation of the Revenge of the Gods story and features a great horror-themed main story complemented by an equally wonderful second tale, and sets up perfectly for Wonder Woman and Mary Marvels stories to continue in Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #2.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #800

Jun 20, 2023

Wonder Woman #800 ends this chapter of Dianas story in a touching way, reinforcing what makes the character so unique and special after all these years. The backup story is equally excellent and is a great setup for the next Wonder Woman book to come. Recommended.

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Wonder Woman (2023) #1

Sep 19, 2023

Wonder Woman #1 is a riveting start to a new storyline, one of the best first issues Ive read in a long time. It holds up a mirror to America, delivering a politically charged story that puts Wonder Woman on the run and gives her two new formidable enemies. Its filled with heart-breaking moments as well as blazing action. I look forward to seeing where next issue takes us.

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Wonder Woman (2023) #2

Oct 24, 2023

Wonder Woman #2 continues the story arc with a mixture of great character moments and action. Like the best stories, this tale holds a mirror up to our current political climate and issues were wrestling with in the real world. Though Sargent Steel is a hammy villain who detracts from the grimness of the story, theres still a lot to love here and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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Wonder Woman (2023) #3

Nov 21, 2023

Wonder Woman #3 continues the fascinating storyline, as Diana desperately continues to find a way to mend relations between the USA and Amazons. The villains are too one note but the overall story arc is just interesting and thrilling enough to make up for that.

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Wonder Woman (2023) #4

Dec 19, 2023

Wonder Woman #4 tugs at the heart. It has beautiful scenes with Diana and Jack on Paradise Island, alternating with scenes of the President and the villain of the arc. The villain seems unnecessary to the story and is a bit clich, but overall the story arc is good and Im invested in wherever it goes next.

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World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #3

Sep 12, 2023

Worlds Finest: Teen Titans #3 is another enjoyable issue with some great action scenes and more insight into each of the Titans personalities. Theres a great scene between Robin and Batman and a foreboding appearance by a shadow villain who will be menacing them in the future.

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Reviews for the Week of...


