Azrael's Profile

Joined: Mar 10, 2019

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Overall Rating
Action Comics (2016) #1011

May 26, 2019

Great lead up to the Leviathan story arc! The deep intel spy versions of Clark and Lois were also good to see. The introduction of Manhunter could have been less sudden though.

Action Comics (2016) #1012

Jul 26, 2019

It was great to see Leviathan but otherwise is just filler and adds nothing even though it is a tie-in.

Action Comics (2016) #1013

Jul 26, 2019

Unlike the last issue, this is more of a tie-in. It was great that even as Leviathan is running wild, Lex cares only to pass his gifts out to people as part of his plan.

Action Comics (2016) #1014

Sep 7, 2019

A decent tie in for Event Leviathan and entertaining.

Acts of Evil: Punisher Annual #1

Jul 25, 2019

A bit goofy and the artwork wasn’t all that good until the end. But it was an enjoyable story.

Adventures of the Super Sons Vol. 1: Action Detective

Apr 28, 2019

This series continues in the same style and quality as the previous Super Sons series. Fun, unique and full of charm!

Basketful of Heads #1

Nov 1, 2019

I hoped for a while that DC Black Label would branch out into horror so my anticipation was high for the Joe Hill comic series. And this did not disappoint. Not much on scares but it sets up the story nicely and the ending really makes me want to read #2.

Basketful of Heads #2

Nov 29, 2019

Great to see some meat on the story now. The scenes with the head were very good.

Basketful of Heads #3

Dec 22, 2019

Insanely entertaining. The dialogue of the head was great and the ending was a great cliffhanger.

Basketful of Heads #4

Jan 24, 2020

This issue keeps dialing up the precarious situations and tension. So far very interesting but I can’t see how she can think that confessing to the heads in her possession could result to anything but negatives for her.

Basketful of Heads #5

Feb 26, 2020

More charming and funny than horror in this issue. It’s good to see the plot continuing strong but where are all the members of the community that are not involved in the plot?

Basketful of Heads #6

Apr 13, 2020

Every issue ends with June facing an extraordinarily dire situation but this one tops the cake. The plot was really advanced in this issue and the action was also very good. Cutting your thumb up is a total bad ass move as well.

Batman / Superman (2019) #1

Aug 28, 2019

This would have got a 10 if DC kept a tighter lid on who the infected are. They revealed it themselves and it was leaked everywhere else. But this first issue was still very fun to read and I’m excited for the future issues. And this issue shows that Batman can take down the whole Justice League and Superman. But if he has sufficient time to plan.

Batman / Superman (2019) #2

Sep 27, 2019

Shazam is strong but infected he seems much more lethal. Batman and Superman work very well together and the ending with Superman working undercover was fantastic! Two of the infected have been spoiled by DC after Shazam was already spoiled so that makes two left who we have no idea about.

Batman / Superman (2019) #3

Oct 26, 2019

This series has been fantastic so far! And it gives a good reason why Batman and Superman don't call in the rest of the JL. The artwork was also magnificent.

Batman / Superman (2019) #4

Nov 22, 2019

Best of the series so far! Wall to wall acton and the final reveal of all the infected was done in a very good way. I'm dubious the Fortress of Solitude can be that easily hacked but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

Batman / Superman (2019) #5

Dec 30, 2019

I expected more from this issue before Hell Arisen. It just seemed like it was an issue in the middle of a story arc instead of one that ends one section and follows into another.

Batman / Superman (2019) #6

Jan 24, 2020

This just seemed more like a bridge issue from one storyline to another. Or rather that’s all this was, period. Didn’t have much impact on the Infected storyline and as the whole “The JL is angry at Batman and/or Superman for keeping secrets” has been done quite a bit. What was worse is that the ending was just dropped on our laps. Maybe have Zod break into Ghul’s place and develop why in issue #7..

Batman / Superman (2019) #7

Mar 1, 2020

The artwork was not very good in this issue and the story just seems silly. To resurrect Kandor using the Lazurus pits seems beyond far fetched. Zod may be dangerous and lacking in morals but he is not stupid or insane. This seems like something you’d expect from a more insane villain who just wanted to cause trouble.

Batman / Superman (2019) #8

Apr 12, 2020

The premise is still very silly with many tiny Kandorians attacking the heroes but this issue was a lot better. Also the interaction between Zod and Ras was pretty fun.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #1

May 15, 2019

A good start for the issue. And despite the controversy and complaints from the creator, Black Lightning isn't a support character for Batman. He is the leader Batman cannot be. This issue did well but it would have been good to have a more pressing threat.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #2

Jun 16, 2019

Thoroughly enjoyable and very fast paced after the first couple of pages. It feels like the series is gaining good momentum.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #3

Jul 25, 2019

This issue feels very average. All the al Ghul parts were great. It’s interesting to see why he wants Sofia. However the rest doesn’t have that feeling and feels like filler.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #4

Aug 15, 2019

No momentum whatsoever. It doesn’t need to be action all the time but there are no impactful moments here or a suitable cliffhanger. Also Batman says that the Outsiders are not his army or his sidekicks but will micromanage at every opportunity. Black Lightning seems to only be good for giving words of wisdom. He certainly isn’t fighting, struggling or solving any clues.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #5

Sep 14, 2019

After two substandard issues this issue is much better. Black Lightning finally does something rather than show angst and stand around. Hopefully they build on this growing momentum.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #6

Oct 14, 2019

Something finally happened! If the series can continue in this pace, that'd be great. It is not easy to make Duke and Cassandra interesting by themselves but this issue did just that.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #7

Nov 17, 2019

It just feels like this series is sputtering. I'm fast losing interest and this issue doesn't do much to help.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #8

Dec 18, 2019

It was good to see Black Lightning get more of a role than usual. However the story isn’t that captivating.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #9

Jan 19, 2020

It just seems like this series is plodding along. The group is constantly moping around or getting mad at each other. Black Lightning's reaction to someone he cares for being murdered was very understated. It just seems this series borders between good and average.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #10

Feb 14, 2020

A lot more action and less of the annoying bickering. If only the majority of issues in this series was like this. Seeing more Bruce Wayne and not just Batman was also cool.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #11

Mar 13, 2020

This issue was more devoted to the action which is good as the dialogue was a bit so-so. The action was good though.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) Annual #1  
Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #1

Sep 6, 2019

When seeing this I thought it was a random story from somewhere in Batman’s timeline but I was pleasantly surprised to see it was a sequel story to No Man’s Land. That excuses the writing for Batman as it did not match modern style. However the story is confusing. Why is Gordon unaware on Ra’s and if Batman somehow never shared information beforehand, why doesn’t he trust him now? Then the whole ending with the bloody cape was just odd. It’s not bad, it just gave me a weird feeling.

Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #2

Oct 14, 2019

I regret subscribing to this series. The cover had nothing to do with the story. The writing was strange. The plot was just confusing. It had no draw and didn't create intrigue.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #1

Jul 25, 2019

Loved it! Azrael seems to have let himself go but is stronger than he seems, so it’ll be great to see more of him. The dialogue and the artwork for Batman and the Joker was top notch.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #2

Aug 28, 2019

Love it! This issue like the last does a great job on capturing the reader’s interest from start to finish. Also time away from Batman has not been good for Azrael. This is a great twist on the Azrael character.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #3

Sep 27, 2019

Every character was on point and this series has not failed to really bring it. The dialogue with Batman and Harley was fantastic! There is plenty of intrigue on what the Joker's plan is and the ending was quite a surprise. Can't wait till the next.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #4

Oct 28, 2019

After the gut punch from #3 the hits keep coming. This series continues its high quality in the illustration and the writing. Azrael seems to have learned a lot from his time dealing with Bane.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #5

Dec 14, 2019

The only flaw I can see is how the Joker's baby can suddenly make a switch in character to Napier. However, the other parts were a continuance how great this series has been. The dialogue, artwork and the reinvention of the Azrael character.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #6

Jan 24, 2020

This was another heavy hitting issue in a very enjoyable series. The shocking reveal that Bruce isn’t really a Wayne and the Joker getting shot were definitely surprises. The storytelling has been near flawless. One criticism however in this issue. Maybe I missed something but how does Batman not know who Jason Blood is?

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7

Feb 27, 2020

Best artwork of the series let down by weak dialogue. Also Barbara has her spine nearly broken but soon after is able shut up before the final showdown with Azrael?! Still the Batman identity reveal was well done and so was the original batmobile making a return.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #8

Apr 10, 2020

Great end to a great series. Everything was wrapped up very nice and the next series "The Trial of Bruce Wayne" was also set up very well. Nightwing's line where he said "Holy biblical flood Batman" was genius.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight: Von Freeze #1

Nov 22, 2019

This Mr. Freeze origin story was super well done and very fascinating!

Batman: Damned #3

Jun 28, 2019

The artwork is brilliant! Putting aside the faux “controversies” that get people all unnecessary mad, this issue close the story, for now, very nicely. Would have loved to see more Zatanna and Swamp Thing though. And the parts felt a little rushed.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

Jun 6, 2019

A very solid first issue! I always get excited about dystopian DC futures. How they draw Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman could have been better and just glancing over Darkseid's death could have been a lot better. However, the pros far outweigh the cons.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Aug 4, 2019

This series continues to impress! It is nice to see what destroyed the world early on that having to wait till the end. The introduction of the Court of Owls and the mystery of what happened to the Flash was great. Snyder has done a great job to build up excitement for the next issue.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

Dec 31, 2019

A great end to a great series! Snyder and Capullo really outdone themselves here. I would like to see the Darkseid head hold a bit more power in death and maybe Batman should have left Omega broken instead of killing him but these are small gripes that don’t take away from a good short series.

Batman: Universe #1

Jul 27, 2019

Batman’s relentless pursuit of the Riddler across countries is done very well here and is a load of fun. Always great to see Deathstroke as well. The dialogue may be off in parts but it doesn’t take away that this is a fresh story and not a throwaway retread.

Batman: Universe #2

Aug 16, 2019

The best word to describe this issue is: fun. It is an enjoyable Batman story, fast paced and not trying to do too much. Loved it!

Batman: Universe #3

Sep 14, 2019

Batman’s dialogue seemed a bit off but with all the space jumping and Batman chasing after Savage. This is is yet another really fun issue.

Batman: Universe #4

Oct 16, 2019

Another solid hit! This series has just been fun to read and I never knew Batman in the Wild West was something that was missing from my life.

Batman: Universe #5

Dec 6, 2019

Batman: Universe #6

Dec 6, 2019

Great end to a great series! I don’t think Batman says “Oh boy” but otherwise no issues.

Books of Magic (2018) #7

Apr 30, 2019

A bit of a slow read in parts. This comic also seems shorter than it usually is which begs the question if it is due to the interesting story or whether it is a bridge to bigger events. Still the magical world is being greatly developed in this series.

Books of Magic (2018) #8

May 24, 2019

An issue that gets straight to the point. It is fun and the other magical worlds are explored very well. Plus the relationship between Tim and Rose is expanded much more than previous issues.

Books of Magic (2018) #9

Jun 28, 2019

The story was great and it’s good to get a better understanding of Ellie’s character. I thought the plot to get her back would be more than just happenstance. Maybe Ellie is more connected to magic than one may believe?

Books of Magic (2018) #10

Jul 27, 2019

There may be not a lot of action in this issue but Timothy learns a valuable lesson here that many books, comics and movies fail to explain or express (assuming a world where magic is real). Sometimes magic goes wrong. Just like if you create a medicine it may affect people differently. And even with the best of intentions, magic may have unintended consequences. With Timothy’s mother back, the question also remains if this is real or a trick.

Books of Magic (2018) #11

Aug 28, 2019

An enjoyable issue with a nice cliffhanger at the end. However there is one thing that bothers me. Is Tim so clueless and naive to not know a trap when he sees one?

Books of Magic (2018) #12

Sep 27, 2019

Give an immature kid magic and what is likely to happen? He or she will likely use it for their own purposes even if it is crosses the line or is intended to help someone. The progression Tim will be on now to discover that actions have consequences will probably make his character mature quite quickly.

Books of Magic (2018) #13

Oct 28, 2019

The introduction of a magical type police was quite cool. Tim Hunter really has developed as a character.

Books of Magic (2018) #14

Dec 1, 2019

The concept was cool, Constantine was great and the it was a good read except how Tim Hunter is written. He just seems like more of a brat who clumsily manages to work powerful magic. And why John suddenly decided to let him go and Tim shrugged off the murder attempt, it makes little sense.

Books of Magic (2018) #15

Jan 4, 2020

The unlike ability of Tim has been a problem for a while now but there are two glaring problems in this issue: - So Tim learns he is being looked into by the magic police. Wouldn’t the reaction of someone, let alone a child, be to have more alarm? Tim brushes it off, like with the Cold Flame like it’s nothing. - Tim seems incapable of learning anything. He got fooled by a fake mother and now a person walks up looking like him and he just accepts and welcomes it?!

Books of Magic (2018) #16

Jan 24, 2020

One again, how does Tim not see a trap when it’s right before before him until it’s too late? If Tim is going to be the most powerful magic user, why does Rose let him out of her sight when she knows there are forces out there that want Tim dead? This issue wasn’t bad and was told very well but it just annoys me how Tim can be so clueless.

Books of Magic (2018) #17

Feb 26, 2020

As of late the series had been either hit or miss. This issue does not see Tim blindly walk into traps or had incessant whining by the characters. The whole revelation that the evil Tim was caused by his dreams was a very good twist.

Books of Magic (2018) #18

Apr 13, 2020

Well it was a sudden ending to the problem of Tim's dream self. Not great but not bad. Tim making his evil dream self angry was quite funny and at least he wasn't irritating like in previous issues.

Conan: Serpent War #1

Dec 7, 2019

I was worried that getting the team together would be like it was in Savage Avengers but this made more sense. Overall, a good opening. But readers should read Serpent War #0 before this for some needed backstory.

Conan: Serpent War #2

Dec 28, 2019

I enjoyed this a lot. The plot is very compelling and the setup seems not forced. Moon knight seemed out of place in terms of dialogue but no major problems.

Conan: Serpent War #3

Jan 25, 2020

Everything about this issue is quite average. Not bad but certainly nothing that will stick in my memory.

Conan: Serpent War #4

Jan 25, 2020

The only real positive about this issue was Moon Knight. The other characters just seemed like they were fighting just another battle. And then everyone goes back home with no repercussions apart from Moon Knight.

Contagion #1

Oct 12, 2019

A very interesting start! I imagine that Marvel are trying to capitalize on the hype that DCeased got but they made another unique zombie-like story.

Contagion #2

Oct 14, 2019

A great virus outbreak story with superheroes. Like done with DCeased, this series does a good job to create the feeling of despair that there is little to do. I wonder what would happen if Galactus was to consume a disease ridden planet. Would it affect him?

Contagion #3

Oct 21, 2019

Jessica Jones really is the standout here. Very enjoyable series!

Contagion #4

Oct 26, 2019

Contagion #5

Oct 31, 2019

A rushed ending to an otherwise great series. I like the idea of Moon Knight being a Trojan horse but a little bit more of how and a challenge would have been appreciated.

Daphne Byrne #1

Jan 9, 2020

A good start. More classically horror from the start than the other Joe Hill comics. The pacing seems rather rushed but the premise is interesting.

Daphne Byrne #2

Feb 7, 2020

MUCH better than the first issue! This issue delivered on bringing a feel of horror, making the lead character more compelling and telling a fun story. Hopefully this pace is kept up.

Daphne Byrne #3

Mar 11, 2020

The artwork is a bit iffy but the story is fantastic. Some really old school horror and you truly don’t know what the specter that is following Daphne truly is. Then the subplot with the mother is also a nice twist.

DCeased #1

May 6, 2019

When I heard of a storyline where DC meets zombies, I was sceptical. But this is a great opening a very unique take on a fast spreading virus. The Apokolips scene was tense and the cliffhanger at the end makes me excited for the next issue.

DCeased #2

Jun 7, 2019

Definitely leaves you with more questions than answers which is great for a second issue. How will they get a cure? What happens with Batman really? A very good first couple issues.

DCeased #3

Jul 3, 2019

This issue continues to build up the hopelessness of the situation and really keeps the reader engaged.

DCeased #4

Aug 7, 2019

DC have really hit success with a new zombie story that goes beyond overused tropes. With heroes and villains dying left, right, and center, i am eager to see who’s next and if they survived Atom’s blast.

DCeased #5

Oct 2, 2019

Just when it looks like the world couldn’t get any bleaker, Superman’s infection seems like an apocalyptic scenario but I’m sure Damian knows where the kryptonite is or carries it. This series does a good job at ending each issue with something that makes the reader want more. However it would have been good if Alex had more to do in this issue.

DCeased #6

Oct 31, 2019

With all the dark twists and turns it is great to have a somber ending ending with the end of the world as we know it. The impact of a “zombie” Superman was very well done. However the solution of just using a kryptonite infused sword seemed like a rushed solution and really let the story down.

DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1

Sep 6, 2019

Some say this one-shot issue has so relevance or purpose but that would be very wrong to say. As the heroes of earth are getting overrun, what about the magical world? There has to be those that have ticked themselves away planning for a solution. This issue shows some light on the story and has hopefully Constantine makes another appearance in this series.

DCeased: The Unkillables #1

Feb 19, 2020

A pretty good follow up. I always wondered after the first DCeased why Alfred or Damian didn’t send any message to Gordon. Seeing how the villains adapt is an interesting concept.

DCeased: The Unkillables #2

Apr 8, 2020

The dialogue was brilliant and there were some genuinely funny moments. Mainly how the villains existed with or trained the kids.

Detective Comics Vol. 1: Mythology

Jan 1, 2020

It was good but not fantastic.

Detective Comics Vol. 2: Arkham Knight

Jan 1, 2020

A classic detective story with plenty of satisfying action.

Detective Comics Vol. 9: Deface The Face

Apr 23, 2019

I love Two-Face so this really disappointed me. The dialogue was not at all like how Batman typically talks. He sounded more like The Flash at times or like you're talking to a random character. The story was not bad, not perfect but good. That is the saving point.

Doctor Doom (2019) #1

Oct 12, 2019

Not bad but not great either. The positives are the it shows just how differently Doom is seen by his own people and the rest of the world. His dialogue on the news and the Brexit joke were also great! The negatives are that it doesn't have the bang that I expected.But it wasn't bad by any means.

Doctor Doom (2019) #2

Nov 6, 2019

Some parts of it were very good like Doom’s reflection while getting transported. However I can’t tell why but it just feels flat overall.

Doctor Doom (2019) #3

Dec 4, 2019

Doctor Doom in hell should have been told over 2-3 issue where he passes trials set by Mephisto until released by death. All the while he finds out who framed him when he returns. This story seemed rushed. But it wasn’t bad at all.

Doctor Doom (2019) #4

Jan 3, 2020

So far this series has been sputtering but I think this was the best of the series so far. I’m not sure exactly what the main problem is but it just feels like it’s lacking intrigue. The whole issue with Doom predicted to save the world isn’t all that enthralling but his business with Kang and his search for answers is. The plot against Doom and Latveria seems to be taking shape as well.

Doctor Doom (2019) #5

Feb 7, 2020

I don’t really know if this was a good issue or not. It seemed too rushed and I’m not crazy about the whole prophecy Doom is getting. Although I did like him going back to his evil ways and Kang was great. If Doom caused all that trouble though as the heroes believe, I think they’d send A-grade heroes after him though rather than the ones pursuing him now.

Doctor Doom (2019) #6

Mar 11, 2020

Doom has a road trip with Kangaroo through the desert. Not much happening really. The dialogue was weak and this issue just felt bland. Doom getting the best of Kang at the end was kinda cool though.

Doomsday Clock #9

Mar 10, 2019

I expected this issue to be good and it did not disappoint. Even exceeded expectations and is probably the best issue on the series thus far. The showdown is well worth the long wait it takes for these issues to be released.

Doomsday Clock #10

Jun 5, 2019

This issue redefined the history of Superman and was fantastic from start to finish.

Doomsday Clock #11

Sep 6, 2019

This series does a great job to consistently build tension. I don’t know if it is the satisfaction after so many delays but it all seems to be coming together very well. If it finishes in the same quality, the whole Rebirth relaunch will come to a satisfying end. How Batman and Superman will expose Ozy’s smear plan against them is unclear but intriguing which is what comics should build.

Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 22, 2019

A very decent ending to a good series. Maybe it’s just me but the ending seems similar to the ending of the tv series. Also it’d be good to see more of Batman and the Justice League at the end fighting with the returning JLA.

Event Leviathan #1

Jun 17, 2019

The dialogue is a bit shaky but all in all, a good launching point to see what Leviathan really is and what they are planning. However Lois and Batman seem to be talking to each other as if their interactions haven’t been that many.

Event Leviathan #2

Jul 26, 2019

The race to find out who Leviathan is and why he is sparing some is really drawn out well here. This finally feels like a mystery thriller.

Event Leviathan #3

Aug 15, 2019

Pros: Any good conspiracy has people miss evidence by chasing up theories that throw them off course. What does Amanda Waller have? Lois Lane is a total badass. Cons: There are no punches, or in other words there is not much impact of this issue. Jason Todd should have barely escaped and done so by luck. He is not as good a fighter as the comic says. It seems that the series is losing some steam.

Event Leviathan #4

Sep 12, 2019

Nothing really major happened in this issue but it was interesting and the events were relevant for the plot. Having Silencer just pop in the story was a bit odd but having another team of detectives also trying to solve the plot was also nice. It's nice that in a mystery story, the identity of Leviathan is not at all obvious. It could be anyone.

Event Leviathan #5

Oct 12, 2019

I loved how Batman bugged the car and the general dialogue between the people. The ending between Superman and Leviathan was also very good. But the issue did have a lot where they just recapped who are the suspects and the whole thing with the Manhunters wasn't all that great. I just hope the reveal isn't done poorly. The issue was generally very forgettable.

Event Leviathan #6

Nov 17, 2019

I have no problem with this final issue apart from one giant thing. Mark Shaw isn't a bad choice for Leviathan but it just seems so "meh" as the character is largely forgotten by many. Also the other Manhunter casually forgets she has another Manhunter out there.

Green Lantern Vol. 1: Intergalactic Lawman

Sep 6, 2019

You can tell Morrison is a writer on this from the style and some of the more off the wall content (in a good way). Overall, enjoyable and I’m moderately excited for the next collected edition.

Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Day The Stars Fell

Dec 31, 2019

A solid beginning and ending. However the middle dragged on a little long.

Green Lantern: Blackstars #1

Feb 1, 2020

Green Lantern: Blackstars #2

Feb 1, 2020

The comments about the direction of DC storylines and parallels to events that have been going on was a thing of beauty! Then mix it in with Morrison's trademark comic weirdness and creativity and this was an amazing issue to read.

Green Lantern: Blackstars #3

Feb 1, 2020

I loved the trap that Jordan set to ensure victory. Morrison really wrapped this one up very nicely!

Harleen (2019) #1

Sep 28, 2019

After the dismal Superman origin story I was worried about this one but it was great! This is what Black Label should be with more adult themes and some swearing. The origin story was done extremely well as the Harley Wuinn story is a bit Manson-esque. The Joker is a mystery but he is a master manipulator.

Harleen (2019) #2

Nov 4, 2019

The part of Joker’s allure is that he’ll adapt his personality to whatever condition he is present in. This story does quite well in showing how Harley’s desire to prove a theory can be twisted into feelings of affection. The whole subplot with Harvey was also quite good.

Harleen (2019) #3

Jan 1, 2020

Loved it! From the start of the connection between Harley and Ivy, the Joker’s manipulation derailed, the artwork, Two-Face and faithfulness to source material (unlike Superman Year One), this issue was a fantastic ending and a very enjoyable series. It seems Black Label is really picking up steam.

Hawkman (2018) #19

Jan 9, 2020

Not bad but didn’t really add much besides a glimpse into Sky Tyrant’s motivation.

Hawkman (2018) #20

Jan 9, 2020

A great issue not focusing on the action but mythology and timeline of the character. The art was great and the dialogue of Carter and the Batman who Laughs in Sky Tyrant’s head was cool. Nice to see an explanation on how he was infected as well.

Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 30, 2019

There are so many other ways this series could have drawn upon the issue of mental illness and given a pounding finale. I have no problem with who the killer is but the story is wrecked by an oversimplified story, a lazy reveal who is the killer and worst of all, a boring story that could have been made far more exciting.

Heroes In Crisis #9

Jun 5, 2019

After a disastrous issue #8, this issue ends with a big giant “meh”. It could have been so much more. The interview panels were actually really good here though.

History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #1

Jul 27, 2019

For long time readers of Marvel most will be nothing new but for those getting into comics (maybe through the movies), this should be required reading to understand what is what. Even for those with a good amount of knowledge, this recaps what happened at the beginning onwards with quick but informative descriptions on each event. The art is also really good and a lot of research has been done to produce this. For those that say this is like a “lecture” or “recap”, many like to see recaps and see again what they already know when watching movies. This is a great issue.

History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #2

Aug 25, 2019

Great stuff! Again, this is required reading for anyone who does not know much about the Marvel universe. I like to think I know quite a bit but this issue also gave some history I never knew. Some areas could have used one more text panel but all in all, this is great.

History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #3

Sep 27, 2019

Some of these events (e.g. Namor) deserved more than a short paragraph but this is a great refresher of the key events of Marvel history people are most familiar with.

History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #4

Oct 21, 2019

A trip down memory lane with some of the best stories printed.

History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #6

Dec 31, 2019

Granted the classic stories were the best but the ending with Franklin and Galactus was great. Also having paid less attention to Marvel these days, there were some learnable events here. Would have been great to get a blurb about Punisher here though.

House of Whispers (2018) #7

Mar 18, 2019

By far the weakest of the series thus far. The story is very convoluted and tries to do too much in one issue.

House of Whispers (2018) #8

Apr 17, 2019

After the disaster of issue #7, this issue makes up for it and more with some captivating events and is definitely one of the best in series so far.

House of Whispers (2018) #9

May 15, 2019

After recovering very well last issue, this one is just meh. Plodding along with not much intrigue.

House of Whispers (2018) #10

Jun 17, 2019

This see-saw series of good and bad issues improved on last month’s but still just feels bland. Something big needs to happen or some changes need to be made.

House of Whispers (2018) #11

Jul 27, 2019

This series had so much potential and has some characters that are exciting. However a great potential story is sucked dry, like the spiders did in this issue, by a lack of focus and without consideration of how the reader can catch up. The Dreaming is an example of a complicated story written and presented right so that the readers follow.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

Nov 29, 2019

John Constantine: Hellblazer #2

Dec 30, 2019

John Constantine: Hellblazer #3

Jan 24, 2020

Best issue of the series so far. John barely had to practice magic but got the result he wanted. This issue did very well in finishing the story.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #4

Feb 27, 2020

This issue was amazing from top down. The story was interesting, the artwork was superb and this issue was genuinely funny. John’s character was really shown off here perfectly. A guy who seems to be useless until backed into a corner when he needs to get the job done.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #5

Apr 10, 2020

Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #1

Oct 14, 2019

A great start! Shows just how more brutal the First Order are than the Empire. Hopefully they keep this up.

Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #2

Oct 25, 2019

Loved this issue! Mon Calamari deserves more attention than they get. Also the Quarren and Cala dichotomy was very interesting. How the First Order kill anyone who merely has contact with the Resistance perfectly shows how different they are from the Empire.

Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #3

Oct 25, 2019

In some ways, this comic makes Finn more exciting than he is in the movies. A very good issue.

Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Allegiance #4

Nov 3, 2019

Not as good as previous issues. It could have been a whole lot better. But all in all it was decent.

Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality

May 14, 2019

These issues kicks off a much larger storyline in a very fun way.

Justice League Dark Vol. 1: The Last Age Of Magic

Nov 22, 2019

Justice League Dark Vol. 2: Lords Of Order

Nov 22, 2019

The issues in this trade publication is exactly why I was so excited that the Justice League Dark was back!

Justice League: Odyssey Vol. 1: The Ghost Sector

May 28, 2019

Good concept but the story feels rather dull in parts.

Lucifer (2018) #6

Mar 24, 2019

The storyline from the first five issues comes together here in a quite exciting way. It'll be interesting to see if Lucifer becomes his old self again or what awaits him on the other side.

Lucifer (2018) #7

Apr 23, 2019

A bit slower than the previous couple of issues but it does not lack on building intrigue.

Lucifer (2018) #8

May 21, 2019

This issue is exactly what I hoped it would be. Another strong addition in the series.

Lucifer (2018) #9

Jun 20, 2019

Love it! Caliban’s story here really shown through. Even though it didn’t have Lucifer barely in it, the whole plot with the hunter and Caliban trying to understand and get to hell was very entertaining.

Lucifer (2018) #10

Jul 26, 2019

It was great seeing the other gods and Lucifer was great as always but the issue overall largely felt under the usual stellar standards of previous issues.

Lucifer (2018) #11

Aug 22, 2019

Great to see the angels get more involved in the party. Their presence and the final page gave some excitement to a much slower issue than normal. It’d be nice if Mazikeen gets more involved and finds a way to fix her face.

Lucifer (2018) #12

Sep 24, 2019

After so many great issues, this week’s is probably the best. Lucifer’s travel to all the afterlife locations and especially the conflict against heaven is so well done. Also good to see god make an appearance, albeit only an audio one.

Lucifer (2018) #13

Oct 21, 2019

I absolutely loved it! The war with heaven was set to rage forward and Lucifer cleverly gets out of it. Cali am also chooses not to do the expected move and become an angel and chooses to die. This issue perfectly finishes one arc to move on to the next.

Lucifer (2018) #14

Nov 22, 2019

Finally we see more of Lucifer's powers and his whole house building mission and interactions with the shopkeeper was great. Having Constantine pop in at the end makes me very excited to see what's next. What loses points in this issue is that I'm not sure that the whole "God hunt" prophecy doesn't sound all that great and doesn't seem that exciting. It should have been fleshed out a little more.

Lucifer (2018) #15

Dec 27, 2019

This issue was great and Lucifer seems to be a more menacing character now which is great. The hunt also is presented better. However what bothers me is that Constantine seems deathly afraid of Lucifer when I would expect him to be a bit more bold and cocky. Then back down like he did at the end when he made him mad.

Lucifer (2018) #16

Jan 19, 2020

I wasn't sold on the hunt before but I am now. It is always good to see a bit more of what happens in Hell. Odin's journey through to get the horn repaired was very interesting and Lucifer's dialogue with Mazikeen was fun to read. Lucifer shows why it very least is tied with The Dreaming for the best current Sandman Universe series (probably better though).

Lucifer (2018) #17

Feb 20, 2020

I love it! Was dubious about The Hunt when it began but this is really been a great story with terrific writing. The hunters really do seem like worthy adversaries to Lucifer. When the lady got scared and shouted “Jesus”, I expected a joke or a comment like “not quite” from Lucifer but that ah well.

Lucifer (2018) #18

Apr 8, 2020

Before I asked myself how Lucifer doesn't remember hunting the god previously but on reflection I'm sure he knows but withheld the information. Odin's story was very enjoyable here and the Lucifer series has continued its very strong run. No complaints at all.

Marvel 2099 (2019): Punisher #1

Dec 1, 2019

Nothing really to do with the punisher except a person wearing a punisher type suit midway through the comic. This was very forgettable mostly.

Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1

Nov 1, 2019

A decent start but it'd be better if there was more of a recap of the backstory instead of being dumped in the middle.

Plunge #1

Feb 19, 2020

The characters are set up pretty good and the premise is very interesting. All in all a good foundation for a tense situation is done adequately. The only thing that makes me a bit dubious in the very last page with the talking microbes.

Plunge #2

Apr 12, 2020

Punisher (2018) #9

Mar 18, 2019

Insanely entertaining. This series of the Punisher has been gripping since the first issue and this issue shows how no-one should ever take Frank too lightly.

Punisher (2018) #10

Jun 18, 2019

The fight has been a long time coming and this series continues not to disappoint!

Punisher (2018) #11

May 5, 2019

An action-packed issue from start to finish with a satisfying cliffhanger at the end.

Punisher (2018) #12

Jun 15, 2019

The Punisher finally makes it back home! And this issue shows that the Punisher is just as lethal when he has no gun.

Punisher (2018) #13

Jul 3, 2019

This in The Punisher at its best. Great to see Fisk again and this is definitely one of the top, if not the top, in an amazing series. The point about why the police should not be displaying the Punisher logo was also really well done.

Punisher (2018) #14

Aug 7, 2019

I loved Frank’s chat with Moon Knight. This issue was just fun with great action mixed in with great dialogue. Kingpin’s exasperations with Zemo produced a chuckle.

Punisher (2018) #15

Sep 6, 2019

This may be a controversial opinion but this Punisher team-up is better than the Savage Avengers. Fun, interesting and the team has more of a reason to gel than the other team-up! The march towards Fisk through Zemo and his squad is great!

Punisher (2018) #16

Oct 2, 2019

The series starter with a bang and finishes with just as much excitement. Frank and Ghost Rider seem like a natural team up as well. Falling off a building seems like an anti-climatic way for the Punisher to “die” and it’s make more sense for him to throw the sword at Fisk but these are not large gripes at all. Hopefully the writers get a chance to work on the Punsiher in the future.

Punisher Kill Krew #1

Aug 15, 2019

People often say that Frank cannot hang with or against heroes and super villains. And that him doing so is just the writers being fan boys/girls. But what Frank lacks in powers, he makes up for in ingenuity. A great first issue and the whole goat riding across the universe got a chuckle. Not so silly that it’s bad.

Punisher Kill Krew #2

Sep 14, 2019

The Punisher dealing kids is always interesting. The way he dispatched the frost giants and destroyed the genetic experiments was also great. And finally the Juggernaut is back!

Punisher Kill Krew #3

Sep 27, 2019

The issue shows you can write a Punisher story and also make it funny. I love dark and serious Punisher but some levity done right is always welcome. The scene where even the Juggernaut was disgusted by the Punisher's actions was hilarious.

Punisher Kill Krew #4

Oct 25, 2019

Great artwork, great dialogue and a fun story. This series has been very impressive. Foggy was a bit grating though and could have been written better.

Punisher Kill Krew #5

Nov 22, 2019

The series started great and never lost pace. This was enjoyable from start to finish with a very satisfying ending. The added humour was subtle enough, the action was great, the artwork was well done and this series has been brilliant.

Punisher: Soviet #1

Nov 17, 2019

This issue doesn't have a lot of punch behind it but is a solid Punisher opening. The plot of him taking down huge mob bosses is always great for Frank.

Punisher: Soviet #2

Dec 15, 2019

Mostly an exposition issue but it is interesting and a good story so no complaints. Shows how Frank can be a team player.

Punisher: Soviet #3

Jan 4, 2020

For a Punisher comic this wasn’t at all about the Punisher but that was no problem here. The story was really well told and is something that Frank can relate to which really furthers the plot. One of the best things in this issue was there were some gut punch moments due to the horrors of war. But was excited for another Ennis MAX series and so far it has not disappointed.

Punisher: Soviet #4

Feb 26, 2020

From the moment the girl seemed to calm even when near the Punisher, I guessed an international tracker and I was right. Surprising that Frank didn’t consider that an option. Otherwise a fine issue.

Punisher: Soviet #5

Mar 13, 2020

Keeps up pace well with some great action. The ending is set up really well!

Punisher: Soviet #6

Apr 12, 2020

Ennis sticks the landing again with a great ending. The brutality at the end, how he dealt with the sons and how he tied all the loose ends up were done very well!

Savage Avengers (2019) #0

Feb 10, 2020

Just a recap of an old story but this was the first I have ever heard that story. I enjoyed it.

Savage Avengers (2019) #1

May 5, 2019

A solid start for the series. I wish that the Punisher got more than a couple pages at the end and it seems that the heroes are dropped in rather than developed as to why they were targeted but the Conan vs. Wolverine parts were fun.

Savage Avengers (2019) #2

Jun 7, 2019

Still feels rather rushed. It would haven better if each character was introduced one at a time. But the action is good and the plot seems promising.

Savage Avengers (2019) #3

Jul 4, 2019

It’s good to see the series is getting better and better. The writing is funny in parts and the artwork is amazing. If it can avoid getting to clustered, this’ll be a good series.

Savage Avengers (2019) #4

Aug 7, 2019

Although this series is way to rushed and everything feels like it is just dropped in with a uninspiring first villain, there are some positives. The art is great, some of the dialogue is well written, the Punisher is always cool and dragon Venom was great to see.

Savage Avengers (2019) #5

Sep 6, 2019

So far this series has been a major disappointment but I had fun reading this issue. The end was suddenly dropped on the table though so it should move the issue down some spots. But having fun is what comics are about, and this did the job. Hopefully they don’t continue “Here comes this and here comes that!” Method of storytelling.

Savage Avengers (2019) #6

Nov 19, 2019

Savage Avengers (2019) #7

Nov 6, 2019

I actually liked this issue. The story with Voodoo and Gath, Elektra and Strange as well as Conan and Doom was very interesting. It’s difficult to have all the characters to just suddenly meet up again. Hopefully this continues but this series is still on a short leash.

Savage Avengers (2019) #8

Dec 4, 2019

Conan may not be the most consistently compelling character but his dialogue here was quite good. Having Doctor Doom and Strange made this issue even better. I’m still dubious about the series’ longevity but this issue didn’t disappoint.

Savage Avengers (2019) #9

Jan 9, 2020

The constant bickering between the characters is more of a drama than an action-based comic However, the ending with Strange as Iron Mage was awesome. However I hoped for action and we got it but I wasn’t blown away by it.

Savage Avengers (2019) #10

Feb 14, 2020

Strange in the doom armor was fantastic. The way that each of them fought together was very fun and the whole thing with trying to get Deadman back was very interesting.

Savage Avengers (2019) #11

Mar 11, 2020

I really liked reading Kulan Gath’s backstory. The action was good and it’s interesting to see what this weapon that can put down Gath really is. The artwork could have been better in parts though.

Savage Avengers (2019) Annual #1

Nov 2, 2019

Personally I loved this issue. So far Savage Avengers has had its bright moments but has been at most mediocre. If they followed this format that they had in the annual, I think it would have been a lot better rather than dropping everyone in the middle. Have the members each have a motivation to investigate a human trafficking ring but they find that the unit is actually part of the sickle cult tied to the evil wizard.

Second Coming #1

Jul 26, 2019

At last this series starts after the ridiculous "controversy" that caused a switch in publisher. Overall, it is a charming story of how Jesus' message was misinterpreted. Some of the issue is charming and it is interesting. However, some of the jokes do fall flat. The artwork is great though.

Second Coming #2

Aug 15, 2019

The last issue was a bit underwhelming with all the hype but this issue really made up for it. The jokes were funny and were a mix of obvious and some humor tucked away. The dichotomy between god and Jesus was also really interesting and makes me excited to see if god will try and put a stop to the whole living arrangement.

Second Coming #3

Sep 24, 2019

Precisely what would happen if Jesus was to quietly come back to earth. This issue was full of good and clever humor with a great cliffhanger.

Second Coming #4

Oct 25, 2019

The humor is spot on but I'm not exciting by Satan's motivations. Also why couldn't Sunspot just pick up the car and fly it to the police station? However, Jesus in jail and how the Arian gang perverts the Bible was a very interesting narrative.

Second Coming #5

Dec 1, 2019

The whole two different stories of Sinatra being set up by a dictator and Jesus and his followers was very interesting. And the ending of Satan planning a strike against the two at his very own last supper was very well done! God however seems to be written rather off. It would be better if he was written as a disinterested party with too much on his plate than a father type figure with shifting moods.

Second Coming #6

Jan 18, 2020

Overall it was an entertaining issue and I liked the ending of Sunstar’s wife getting pregnant. But I was not crazy about the flashbacks or Jesus killing Satan.

Star Trek: Picard - Countdown #1

Nov 29, 2019

Very interesting start! I love a good Romulan story and this countdown to the show look promising. However one thing that bugs me is that Picard seems not to care with an officer calling him by a nickname.

Star Trek: Picard - Countdown #2

Dec 27, 2019

No problems with the plot except for two things. Commander JL is a bit irritating. And Picard would not call a person by initials like he was trying to seem cool. Picard is also not a fan of unhelpful flippant comments by others apart from very few people mostly out of Starfleet. Also how is it possible to take over a ship like that so easily? They should have showed some more detail.

Star Trek: Picard - Countdown #3

Jan 31, 2020

Quite a decent ending and a good stopping point before the series start. Even in the face of extinction, Romulans will do what Romulans do.

Star Wars (2014): Empire Ascendant #1

Dec 30, 2019

Seeing Poe Dameron’s connection via his parents to the Empire was a great touch. The Vader and Aphra stories seemed rather bland but the bounty hunter story was great. All in all a great hype issue.

Star Wars (2020) #1

Jan 3, 2020

Loved it! No huge reveal apart from Luke showing more force abilities but this was the ideal way to start off the series! The artwork was also amazing. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for everyone to start trusting Lando and exactly why the Imperial commander has an especially large hatred for Leia other than that she’s a rebel.

Star Wars (2020) #2

Jan 31, 2020

I absolutely loved Lando’s interaction with Jabba and how he is able to squirm out of trouble when needed. The ending showing someone retrieving Luke’s lost lightsaber was also very intriguing!

Star Wars (2020) #3

Feb 26, 2020

Leia getting frozen in carbonite was surprising and it’s always great to see Lando smooth talk and trick his way out of trouble. This issue also answered a common question of what happened to Lobot. A decent issue. But why use the resources and freeze Leia in carbonite when you can use binders and stun guns for free?

Star Wars (2020) #4

Apr 8, 2020

The evolution of Lando from a scoundrel who is in it for himself to Rebel was done very well here. Also Luke's realization that a Jedi isn't his lightsaber was also good. The Ugunaut finding his lightsaber after he left was also a good moment. I don't think even a short amount of time however in carbonite would mean that there are no effects from being frozen. That was a bit cheap but overall it was an enjoyable issue.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Princess Leia #1

Apr 17, 2019

This issue should be highly recommended reading for Star Wars fans. Especially to those that wonder what happened between the movies. This one-shot highlights something that most Star Wars fans know. Leia is an awesome character.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Grand Moff Tarkin #1

Apr 17, 2019

Many believe Tarkin to be a stiff standard authority figure but for those that have read the Tarkin novel, they know that this is not true. Tarkin is a vicious warrior, cold and calculating. That is what garners a lot of respect from Vader himself. This issue emphasizes why.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Special #1

Apr 30, 2019

The IG-88 and Yoda stories are what makes this comic. It would have been better to focus on those two as the Porkins story was rather lackluster and too goofy.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Han Solo #1

May 6, 2019

Another one-shot, another hit for the series! This issue answers the question very well when people ask why Han Solo didn't just go and pay off Jabba after A New Hope.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Boba Fett #1

May 15, 2019

Boba Fett does not care about any "side". He is is own and only side. What Boba cares about are bounties. This comic shows this very well. Could have used more action and fighting from Boba Fett though.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Lando Calrissian #1

May 21, 2019

This is a good issue. Nothing memorable or breathtaking but adequate. A typical Star Wars story.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Jabba The Hutt #1

May 26, 2019

As a Jabba story it was average. However extra points are added as the issue shows that economics means as much to the Star Wars galaxy as it does to us.

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Luke Skywalker #1

Jun 8, 2019

The Luke/Palpatine connection could have been better. But overall it’s still a good issue

Star Wars: Age Of Rebellion: Darth Vader #1

Jun 28, 2019

Vader is my favorite Star Wars character so I hate to criticize but the whole testing of Vader was done thoroughly in the Darth Vader comic series. Although it was a different kind of test and Vader is as cool as always so as a Vader fan, I like it.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Finn #1

Jul 5, 2019

Great backstory to Finn. The artwork was very good and it shows a bit more on why he may suck as a stormtrooper but makes a good rebel. Also why the First Order is far worse than what the Empire is blamed for.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Captain Phasma #1

Jul 27, 2019

This is the Phasma that we should have got in the movies instead of just reserved for the books. She is not only skilled but cold and sees others only as tools to reach the ultimate goal. The line of about patriotic idiots being shields is very telling of the First Order and how they are not like the Empire.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Special #1

Aug 3, 2019

All in all, solid stories! It is great to know more about these characters and it is a shame that many of the people who complain that the sequels are too rushed, will not know this backstory.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Poe Dameron #1

Aug 29, 2019

At first I thought this was a bland average at best story but the ending moves it to a very good story and shows Poe’s connection with the Resistance.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: General Hux #1

Aug 29, 2019

Very impressive comic. There is a reason why Snoke never allowed Kyle to do whatever he wish with Hux and trusted his command abilities. It is great to see more of his character and it was an entertaining story at that.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Supreme Leader Snoke #1

Sep 14, 2019

This issue is not bad but not great either. No small bits of Snoake’s backstory. But it was an interesting read.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Rey #1

Sep 27, 2019

Never really got much from this that really added to the character of Rey. It's nice to see a story of what happened on the way to see Luke but the story just felt average.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Rose Tico #1

Sep 27, 2019

The largest positive is that it is good to get some backstory to a character that is generally considered not that memorable. And it was interesting backstory at that.

Star Wars: Age Of Resistance: Kylo Ren #1

Sep 27, 2019

So Vader wouldn't think of going in the worm? He's done more than that. This just felt wrong.

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #1

Mar 13, 2020

I liked this a lot despite what the “expert” critics say. The characters are really interesting with many well known bounty hunters on a collision course. The appearance by Aphra was also a nice surprise.

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #2

Apr 13, 2020

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #1

Feb 6, 2020

The dialogue with the droid helping Vader felt a bit weird. Vader is the type to shut someone up if they’re talking too much like with Aphrodite. But all in all this was a good issue.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #2

Mar 11, 2020

Before reading this, I guessed who “Padme” really is and I was right. Not much of a surprise and the story seems a bit bland. Vader kinda takes a back seat in his own comic series. Also the droid following Vader is quite an annoying character by talking so much and trying to be humorous but I know he’s there for exposition.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #1

Apr 30, 2019

The story is interesting, the artwork is decent and it is a traditional Star Wars story. However, it is similar to other stories told before. At least the comic isn't just an advertisement for the Disney Park, which is still exciting enough.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #2

May 26, 2019

An average story mostly but the ending does make the next issue quite intriguing.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #3

Jun 28, 2019

The addition of Hondo, the Whills and Doctor Aphra was well worth the price of admission so to say. The best issue in this series I believe.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #4

Aug 4, 2019

A solid issue. A bit weak on plot but the character development is still very fun. The art is not bad either. I hope the later issues bring in other heavy hitting characters for the finale.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #5

Aug 29, 2019

It wasn’t bad or boring but the ending had no sense of satisfaction. Nothing really sticks in your memory long enough.

Star Wars: Target Vader #1

Jul 4, 2019

A decent start. It suffers from not being all that different from other Star Wars titles and is a bit meh at times but the plot is nice.

Star Wars: Target Vader #2

Aug 16, 2019

Great to see how the Rebellion works behind the scenes instead of being brash and bold like people see in the movies. The test of wits between targets is also very fun.

Star Wars: Target Vader #3

Sep 28, 2019

Great to get a bit of backstory. And soon he will learm a lesson that one cannot merely shoot Vader.

Star Wars: Target Vader #4

Oct 14, 2019

A really compelling story and the best of the series by far. You can't just surprise Vader and the series gets Dengar very right. He'll always side with the strongest side.

Star Wars: Target Vader #5

Nov 17, 2019

Valance is a very fascinating character. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him in future publications.

Star Wars: Target Vader #6

Dec 14, 2019

This was a good series and this issue was good but didn't land any large punches or an exciting ending. Although, this issue did well in setting up the future ongoing series with Valance.

Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren #1

Dec 30, 2019

This is a must read for those that want extra detail not provided in the movies and especially for those that have questions regarding Ben’s sudden fall to the dark. The origin of the Knights of Aden seem just as unknown as before this issue came out but I anticipate we’ll get more and better backstory detail later.

Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren #2

Jan 19, 2020

Seeing more about Snoake was great and Kylo's constant contact with Snoake through the voices in his head were just like they described in Rise of Skywalker. It would have been good to know a bit more about how the Knights of Ren started and it seemed that they were found way too easily. But overall a solid issue.

Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren #3

Feb 14, 2020

Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren #4

Mar 13, 2020

Loved it! Some really nice Rise Of Skywalker tie-ins and some good explanation in how Ben turned to the dark side.

Star Wars: Tie Fighter #1

Apr 23, 2019

It might be a trailer for the book, but the story has some definite intrigue. A solid start.

Star Wars: Tie Fighter #2

May 21, 2019

So far I like the series but adding more intrigue or action would definitely make it better.

Star Wars: Tie Fighter #3

Jun 20, 2019

Best issue of the series so far. It doesn’t feel like a throwaway and the action was good. Hopefully they stay at this pace.

Star Wars: Tie Fighter #4

Jul 27, 2019

The story may be nothing new but this issue gets some who hate the Empire to cheer on the characters. While they may be just random characters whose name you probably couldn’t say if someone quizzed you randomly, it’s written so you care about what happens.

Star Wars: Tie Fighter #5

Aug 25, 2019

Not bad but the ending seemed rushed and had no real satisfying conclusion apart from the crew learning of Palpatine’s demise.

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #1

Apr 30, 2019

This issue serves as an excellent parallel into reality. If you are unaware that a person saving your life is evil, your view will be shaped by what you know. So Obi-Wan's line rings true that, "you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #2

Apr 30, 2019

This series hits it out of the park. This issue in particular highlights something not looked into by many other stories: the dread that Imperial officers hold over failing. That the Empire, joy is to serve and officers will work to constantly advance themselves. But the looming specter of Vader and commanding officers looms upon everyone.

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #3

Apr 30, 2019

I LOVED this issue! A great parallel to reality regarding people who idolize killers and how they are unaware until the bitter end what the truth actually is. A crazy comic but in a great way!

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #4

Jun 6, 2019

This is not a bad story but it is nothing special as other Star Wars stories in the past. Largely, it is just forgettable. It could have been good to see what Vader said over the comms at the end. By far the weakest in the series.

Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #5

Jun 15, 2019

Kind of forgettable. Vader hunts down rebels, one escapes by luck but Vader eventually wins.

Supergirl (2016) #37

Jan 9, 2020

Have t been following Supergirl closely but picked this up as it continues The Infected storyline. The way she dealt with Superman and Batman was quite good. However, the issue did feel rather bland.

Supergirl (2016) #38

Jan 9, 2020

Apart from Krypto tracking Kara, it is a shame he didn’t do too much more than that. Wonder Woman’s entrance was quite good and everything with the lasso but this storyline needs more of an impact.

Supergirl (2016) #39

Feb 15, 2020

Seems I’m in the minority but I quite liked this issue. WW’s actions were as you would expect and if the earth was facing a rogue Kryptonian threat, why wouldn’t the government step in?

Superman (2018): Leviathan Rising Special #1

Jun 6, 2019

This really amps up anticipation to the Leviathan storyline. The way they made Leviathan seem a match for Superman is great. It was also written and drawn very well. However, the addition of the Jimmy Olson story in the middle did drive the momentum to a screeching halt for a while. I get a Lois Lan comic series but is there really demand for a Jimmy Olson comic series?

Superman: Up In the Sky #1

Jul 5, 2019

It wasn't thrilling but it was a decent random Superman story. The way he cares more about one small case just as much as huge cases exemplifies the character of Superman. The writing is a nothing special but nothing bad. Nice to see his interactions with the other heroes on things like this.

Superman: Up In the Sky #2

Aug 8, 2019

The first story was great. A perfect example of how Superman is not defined by his powers. The second story however was a bit of a come down but not by much.

Superman: Up In the Sky #3

Sep 7, 2019

The many deaths of Lois Lane was fascinating and I get it is just Superman imagining the worst. That gives it a point but otherwise this issue is all over the place. The last story made no sense. Dropped out I’d nowhere and one of the worst Superman stories.

Superman: Up In the Sky #5

Nov 6, 2019

Terribly disjointed issue. I like the idea of Superman bargaining with Darkseid but the self-dialogue went on for WAY too long. By now I don’t care about the girl that Superman is looking for.

Superman: Up In the Sky #6

Dec 6, 2019

This series has been terribly disjointed since it began. Starting good then getting really bad. However this was a very satisfying ending.

Superman: Year One #1

Jun 20, 2019

For a Black Label comic, I expected something unique. Maybe some new details on young Clark Kent. Him in school was interesting but it largely was too cheesy, the dialogue of him as a toddler/baby in the space capsule was strange and the worst of all ... Clark Kent joins the Navy?! I was hoping for some impactful stories, not a retcon of quite a few parts.

Superman: Year One #2

Aug 25, 2019

Where to begin! The whole retconning of Poseidon, the birth of Superman’s outfit and Superman after leaving home is just horrible. Telling a new story and taking risks is not a bad thing but changing the story radically for no reason and with no respect to the ground story is unforgivable. Then everything with the Navy. I wonder if they consulted anyone who has been in the armed forces but if you break the shaver when getting your hair cut and perform superhuman level in training, people don’t just say that he’s good and moves on. Also when it’s time for sleep, unless you’re going to the bathroom, watching the sea is not permitted. Clark Kent spent all of this life hiding the fact that he is not of the worlds by being a blundering giant of a man. Why go to the military and potentially reveal yourself and make yourself a target for capture? It is just plain awful. I could go on. The writing was abysmal. I’ll forget everything for when the final issue comes out to give it a fair shake but this series has been a terrible disappointment.

Superman: Year One #3

Oct 21, 2019

The retconning was terrible in the first issue and now they take some key moments of Superman’s life like meeting Batman and Wonder Woman and simplify it by rushing through these key moments. And not telling them well or correctly to begin with. So glad this is over.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Knightfall #1

Oct 17, 2019

A much darker story than I expected, which I like. The positives are that Azrael was great and the way Gotham was turned was cool. But it felt a bit rushed at the end and Bane’s son was underwhelming. Also how Batman got a new body was a bit silly. The glove by the multiverse shifting being who is narrating the comic also had a glove that looked WAY too much like Thanos’ gauntlet.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1

Nov 4, 2019

The plot Seems quite rushed and overall just is average. It seems DC wants to make their own What If type series. I love that but they need to do better.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1

Nov 17, 2019

I don’t think this was necessarily bad. However, DC is clear they want to capitalize on Marvel’s What If series by doing alternative history. That would be great but they need to not pack so much into such a short space of time. Maybe they need to study how Marvel did their long running series because while not bad isn’t all that good. It’s average at best. But points come from Lobo here but are taken away by Scott Free’s final decision.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1

Dec 3, 2019

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Judas Contract #1

Dec 18, 2019

The whole plot made some odd assumptions and the what if twist just seems to not be a possible outcome. This was just really bad.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #4

Apr 17, 2019

This issue presents a more desperate Batman and continues the ongoing storyline with more twists and turns. Very good read!

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #5

May 14, 2019

The helplessness of Batman continues. The actual ending could have more background and less exposition but overall an exciting issue and lead up to the finale.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #6

Jun 16, 2019

The art is fantastic and this issue is a great case study on how to set up a final cliffhanger. Always wanted to see Gordon try on a bat suit.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Aug 3, 2019

What a finale! The art was good but the story was better. The whole discussion on if Batman beat the change in his blood through him being Batman or whether it was planned by the Joker was great. It also sets off the Batman/Superman series very well. I would have liked to see more of the Punisher Batman (a.k.a. Grim Knight) but maybe he survived and will make an appearance again. That is my only serious knock on it.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018): The Grim Knight #1

Mar 18, 2019

DC have struck gold with the dark Batmen and this Batman/Punisher hybrid character is a really compelling character. The comic continues the Batman Who Laughs series very well.

The Dollhouse Family #1

Nov 17, 2019

A very solid start to the series with some heavy hitting issues. I look forward to reading more!

The Dollhouse Family #2

Dec 13, 2019

Great artwork and a wonderfully depressing issue. This issue definitely improved on the first issue. The ending was great.

The Dollhouse Family #3

Jan 19, 2020

The Dollhouse Family #4

Feb 14, 2020

This story was properly horror. A lot of suspense, good characters and scenes like the monster hiding behind the closet were great!

The Dollhouse Family #5

Mar 13, 2020

Finally she tries to find out more information about the dollhouse. She should have done that a long time ago. Still this issue does very well to build excitement for the conclusion.

The Dreaming (2018) #8

Apr 17, 2019

For those not familiar with Daniel (Dream) or those that know him well, this adds a great direction for the character. Can be a bit slow at times but the direction and the artistry have been fantastic.

The Dreaming (2018) #9

May 6, 2019

The artwork is spectacular! The story here is very charming and creative. This issue may be the best of the series thus far.

The Dreaming (2018) #10

Jun 8, 2019

The artistry continues to be stunning! A very interesting story with some definite questions about what Dream is up to.

The Dreaming (2018) #11

Jul 4, 2019

This series continues to impress with great storytelling and artwork. A very high standard has been set with this series.

The Dreaming (2018) #12

Aug 7, 2019

This issue felt like a fever dream (no pun intended) with Wan. Is Dream really gone? Who really controls the Dreaming? What is happening to Wan?

The Dreaming (2018) #13

Sep 6, 2019

This seems to also bring in a storyline from the Lucifer series about deities losing their power when they are forgotten and not worshipped. Same here for lends and folklore where they begin to vanish. This is very well done and also the folklore legends standing for pride and against the protesters was fantastic.

The Dreaming (2018) #15

Nov 8, 2019

Definitely one of the strongest in the series! This was the kickoff to year 2 and they did it perfectly! The whole story with Matthew was great. Dreaming and Lucifer are the cream of the crop in the Vertigo (now Black Label) series.

The Dreaming (2018) #16

Dec 4, 2019

Storytelling done right. It was already great to see why Dora is the way she is but also the reveal of who Wan is and what the plans are was even better! Magic mixed with tech and wrapped in a conspiracy.

The Dreaming (2018) #17

Jan 3, 2020

Something is really wrong with the AI and this issue really does great to drive up the tension on what that may be. How Lucien cannot die, where/why is Cain missing and how is that person at the very end? It’s a dead heat between this and Lucifer as to what the best formally-Vertigo series is currently.

The Dreaming (2018) #18

Feb 7, 2020

I had to read this a twice to fully understand but that was no problem. This is an epic turn to this story. The way they brought Dora back to fighting form and set up the final showdown was really creatively well done!

The Dreaming (2018) #19

Mar 11, 2020

An easy perfect score for this issue. The artwork was amazing and the way this issue brought together the entire complex story from issue #1 was done superbly.

The Infected: Scarab #1

Nov 22, 2019

This had a somewhat interesting story. Nothing great but not bad. The artwork seemed a bit weird though.

The Infected: King Shazam #1

Dec 1, 2019

The Infected: Deathbringer #1

Dec 6, 2019

I really don’t understand the criticism. Like with Beetle this issue shows how and when the infection struck. Donna may not be the most compelling character but as a bad guy she is in my books.

The Infected: The Commissioner #1

Dec 28, 2019

All in all the plot is rather confusing and it has too much dialogue. Although some of the dialogue is good, this issue didn’t do much for me. It’d be great to see Gordon do a bit more here.

The Last God (2019) #1

Nov 3, 2019

A decent starting point for the series. It wasn't all that gripping but the mythos is interesting and the artwork was great.

The Last God (2019) #2

Dec 1, 2019

I was dubious about the first issue but this really made up for it and now I’m excited for what comes next.

The Last God (2019) #3

Dec 30, 2019

There’s a lot to forget and re-reading certain parts is a must. The crossing of timelines also gets a bit muddled in this issue. However the plot is great and the characters are interesting. However the journey to the Black Stair has some definite LOTR vibes in this issue.

The Last God (2019) #4

Feb 1, 2020

Easily one of the best of the series. This series is really building up steam!

The Last God (2019) #5

Mar 1, 2020

The Last God (2019) #6

Apr 13, 2020

Transformed Tyr was a great villain. This certainly was an action packed issue.

The Low, Low Woods #1

Dec 22, 2019

A pretty poor start. The main characters are unlikable and just are not written well. The overall plot is ok-ish but hopefully it builds steam.

The Low, Low Woods #2

Jan 19, 2020

Not scary at all but at least they're dialling up the creepy and the characters aren't enormously unlikeable like in issue #1. This issue wasn't bad but it is lacking in any significant impact or charm. I hope it can improve because the idea of a town that hides secrets from the world but warps whoever lives there shouldn't be a hard concept to screw up.

The Low, Low Woods #3

Feb 20, 2020

At least the series getting is getting better. Some things seem to happen too randomly and I can’t buy how well the girls take shocking news or events like getting attacked or finding out a lady is a sinkhole (not sure how that works). It just seems like too much is dropped in our lap like the witch, the monster, Octavia kissing another random woman whose mother is a sinkhole.

The Low, Low Woods #4

Apr 12, 2020

The Sandman Universe: Hellblazer #1

Oct 31, 2019

A great start to the series albeit a bit drawn out in parts. However I love the darker tone and especially the Brexit jokes.

Wolverine Vs. Blade Special #1

Jul 25, 2019

Great artwork! Wolverine and Blade have some great chemistry. Overall it was an enjoyable one shot.

Year of the Villain: Special #1

May 6, 2019

This sets up the big mega-event of the summer very well!

Year of the Villain: Sinestro #1

Aug 8, 2019

A pretty decent tie in. Not fantastic and a bit meh at times but the parallels to reality and how Sinestro doesn’t need to be all guns blazing was really well done.

Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1

Aug 22, 2019

Black Mask has always been interesting and Lex was right. He does think too small. I hope the lack of a solid conclusion is a prelude to him being involved in Lex’s grand plan or to be continued in future Bat Family comics.

Year of the Villain: Lex Luthor #1

Sep 27, 2019

A good multiverse story is always nice and this did deliver. What Lex was trying to do was very unclear but the ending was fantastic.

Year of the Villain: Joker #1

Oct 14, 2019

Carpenter did a great job telling a great Joker story. Joker is chaos personified and his random acts of cruelty was on show here mixed with with some humor.

Year of the Villain: Black Adam #1

Oct 26, 2019

I don't understand the bad reviews of this issue in many ways. To me, Black Adam is DC's Doctor Doom in some ways apart from not as intelligent. Like Doom and Latveria, Black Adam's skills as a ruler comes across here and it was very interesting. There is one criticism I do agree with though and that's the premise. Shazam defeated by prayer? How? Why? Why wasn't this a defense used before?

Year of the Villain: Ocean Master #1

Dec 13, 2019

Ocean Master is an underrated villain and this issue also ties up a loose end of the Drowned Earth story.

Year of the Villain: Harley Quinn #1

Dec 18, 2019

There were som good moments but overall this felt a bit too childish. It didn’t seem to fully fit in with the whole Year of the Villain arc and the overall feel of it.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Dec 30, 2019

By this point I don’t really care who wins. At least this series is short and this particular issue built up a little bit more. Always good to see the Crime Syndicate anyway.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

Jan 24, 2020

I loved how Batman Who Laughs managed to capture Phantom Stranger. We don’t see enough of the Phantom Stranger anyway. This issue also exemplifies how good Batman Who Laughs is at scheming and how intelligent Lex really is even when powered up.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3

Feb 27, 2020

I actually quite liked this issue. The Joker’s appearance was great, the dialogue was good and the artwork was the best part. One would think Lex still has an army. But I wonder why the heroes that are left don’t make an appearance. Probably not to get infected but at least it’s nice to see them monitoring the fight.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4

Apr 12, 2020

I didn't dislike this issue but I did have a problem with how sudden Lex's plan was destroyed. Also how the villains don't finish the other off when they have the chance. But it does set up Death Metal quite well. Hopefully then this will wrap up the involvement of The Batman Who Laughs for the time being.

Reviews for the Week of...




