freemanlouis7's Profile

Joined: Oct 31, 2016

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Overall Rating

Straight to the point, very cartoon flashy.

Best single issue I've read in months. Great art, enthralling story.

Bitter Root (2018) #1 Mar 18, 2020

Great action and drama

Talk about a guilty pleasure, it was absolutely ridiculous and I enjoyed every page of it. Face paced and great cliffhanger.

So we'll written

Funny, serious, timely, good pacing, true to continuity (Miles is in another universe right now). You either love or hate Ramos art but I happen to love it.

A fun, uplifting, well paced and good looking comic book.

Just when I thought I had the jist of the issue Waid does a clever twist. Best issue thus far.

Loved: Character design/ world building/ art/ storyline/ pacing/ ending. I wish this was a twelve part story.

Geeking out fun from cover to cover.

Such a feast for the eyes! It was the last part to the story so the action came quickly and kept going. Finally a comic worth the price, more like these please.

It looked amazing, intense from panel to panel (even when I already knew the outcome). Left me excited for what's next.

Defenders (2017) #7 Nov 17, 2017

How could this be anything less than a ten! What a satisfying conclusion to the story arc.

Excellence #1 Sep 19, 2019

Love the lore of this world.

Fun and too the point, just what a one shot should be.

It was excellent through out, I can not wait for the next issue.

Everything I was hoping issue six would be I got in issue five. I am definitely on the hype train.

Love the art and crisp dialog

From start to finish, a beautiful and exciting issue.

What you want from a monthly comic. Resolution of story line while pushing the plot and the series forward. Good balance of action and dialogue, and still love the art.

Only get this comic if you like: 1. Panel after panel of gorgeous and fast paced action 2. Charming and thoughtful banter 3. A satisfying amount of plot development

Loved every panel

Great issue about power and how we deal with it. Intrigued on where the story is going.

It accomplished its goal of creating a comic that makes you interested in a dozen storylines. Did I just see a Wakandan space force? I never figured him for a butterfly out of a coocoon type! Are they really going to give us "them" back?!? Very exciting read. Oh, I want more BC Avengers.

One of Coates better issues this far, pacing and dialogue was engaging.

Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #2 Sep 6, 2018
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #3 Sep 6, 2018

Great art and lots of fun action, what more can you ask for? Oh, and a funny Black Ant and Taskmaster scene.

This is how I like my comics. I hope it goes on far beyond the crossover event.

In one issue we get a whole lot of great. CAN Not Wait for the next issue.

I love this art team! I'm invested in the Morales family.

Why can't every issue be like this? Fast paced, witty banter, humor, intrigue, lots of action and a cliffhanger. That's the recipe.

I would like to give this issue a 10.25

Another issue that deserves more than a ten.

Just great action

The Mighty Thor (2015) #700 Nov 1, 2017

Intense and beautiful to behold

The Mighty Thor (2015) #703 Jan 18, 2018

I am equal parts sad and delighted by this issue. An exciting read from the first page to the last. I am depressed that a story with so much more to tell is ending, I give it an 11!

I enjoyed every panel, enjoyed Deadpool's very self aware humor to the comic. It would have been a perfect 10 but the writer forgot to mention that Black Panther hired Deadpool as a Merc for hire in Doom War.

Why is this series getting better as it's about to be cancelled? It is a rare example of a series that works well/better as a tie into an "event". I like Sam's personal struggle much more than previous storylines.

Now that's an issue 4! Moved the story along, the banter was good, but most importantly beautiful action. Would have been a 10 but no one explained how Danny instantly fixed his spine.

Lots of fun elements (like young Thor from Jason Aaron's earlier work on the series) make for a very fun diversion.

This what I hoped/expected when I read the pitch for Generations. Good character development, meaningful story. It provided closure while creating anticipation for where Sam and Steve go next as people. My only complaint is a common one . . . why make the comic more expensive. Just impressed by how well done and fleshed out it was for a one shot.

Great pacing, great dialogue, great ending.

Fun, approachable, great art team, nice pacing.

The art team of Stefano and Marte turn a 7.5 issue to 9.5. I hope they stay with the Iron Man cast for many months to come.

Every panel was a victory. Bendis' excels at the getting to know stage of a character.

Easily the best issue yet, crisp dialogue, Riri finally wins a fight, lovely and rich art.

Great artwork throughout, from the action sequences to the faces of the characters. What I enjoyed most is the unfolding, intriguing plot that's developing. It was a well paced and exciting issue that left me wanting the next issue sooner than later.

They have found a winning formula of good art/plot/dialogue/pace and action, and it's working for them.

Best issue thus far, enjoyed the art. Favorite line: "You're a Omega level telepath with a mindscape roomy enough to contain a blazing good bird"

Excellence. Conversations were meaningful, the stakes were high, the pacing was perfect. Great art from facial expressions to action sequences.

That's how you make a comic.

Action, drama, answers, a big question at the end, Avenger lore, good gritty art.

Oh look, heroes being heroes yeah!

Love the dialogue and the art.

Spider-Gwen (2015) #16 Jan 24, 2017
Spider-Gwen (2015) #17 Feb 28, 2017

Just Dope.

Perhaps I'm just a sucker for a good alternate universe Wolverine story but I enjoyed this issue. It would have been a ten except for the terrible guest artist in the middle.

High paced, high stakes dopeness from beginning to end.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #15 Jan 23, 2017

Awesome "Godly" issue, very bold direction. Well paced as usual.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #17 Mar 17, 2017

Nearly perfect, very exciting, but felt brief.

Ultimates 2 (2016) #5 Mar 29, 2017

Plenty of fun dialogue and action.

Gave a Batman comic a shot and enjoyed it.

Start Immonen has been getting better and over the past few years. I would have given it a ten but Osborne's running was weak.

Got a little dull in the middle but a great read.

Fun time traveling plot, fun banter, and I am sold on the painted art look.

Avengers (2016) #3 Jan 10, 2017

Now that's more like it, go straight into super hero-ing. Peter is acting like Peter. Sam is acting like a leader.

Great art and fun start.

Avengers (2016) #677 Jan 25, 2018

Good pacing and great art.

Very interesting issue from page one to the end. Well written one shot with great art.

Avengers (2018) #24 Oct 31, 2019

Much better, pacing improved, solid reveal at the end, good action and art. Well done.

FINALLY! A comic book issue that feels like a comic book! Here's hoping the conclusion won't fall flat.

Keeping up the action, reveals and good pacing of the previous issue my hopes are renewed for this series.

Black Panther (2016) Annual #1 Mar 8, 2018

It brings the last ten years of comics in perspective and leaves with a cliffhanger that excites you for what's to come.

This is more like what I expected from this series. A little character development, a little action, and some absurd Deadpool just for fun.

Great issue, I would love to see more of Sean Izaakse and the art team.

Fun action, fun dialogue, just didn't like Sam's mask.

A character building issue of heroism when facing hopelessness

Great art, great pace, great cliffhanger

Can not wait until the next issue.

Great art, great banter, great suspense for a mystery, shocking ending; Defenders is climbing the ranks as one of Marvel's best monthly comics. SPOILER: It makes you wonder why no one has ever tried to just sneak up and shoot Black Cat before, she has no Spider sense or armor.

Great action sequence but why so little fighting from the guest star?

"Oh, it just keeps getting better, doesn't it?"

Doctor Strange (2015) #18 Oct 23, 2017
Excellence #3 Sep 19, 2019
Excellence #4 Sep 19, 2019

Beautiful art, but was the turns at the end that pushed it to a nine.

Incredible art as usual and it's good to see some character development out of Spencer. However, not knowing the rules/lore of this world it can feel like just making things up as it goes. I don't know what people can usually do so I don't know what to be impressed by.

Another suicide mission comic but Pepe's art makes it worth it.

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #4 Jan 27, 2017

I find the character Victor Von Doom to be fasinating and enjoy seeing the layers of his personality come out under duress.

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #11 Sep 3, 2017

Ninjas, much like bacon, makes everything better. Never take Stefano off this title. Nice use of the whole cast.

I just love Riri/ Hologram Tony banter.

Well written and good art. Some panels were a bit too wordy and, of course, I could have used some more action. Overall a great establishing issue with good pace.

An exciting and beautiful issue. Luciano Vecchio is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

Another issue of beautiful artwork and good pacing. Riri's lack of social skills is consistent and it is interesting to see how various Marvel characters react to it. A pretty good but not great cliffhanger.

A fun geek-out issue with exciting action layouts and cool villain designs. Also some new insight on Riri's past and present "condition". Would have been a 10 but this certain family connection has been done a hundred times before.

IvX #1 Dec 31, 2016

Lots of fun action/matchups. Nice twists and guest star.

Jean Grey #3 Nov 30, 2017
Jean Grey #4 Nov 30, 2017

Very well done and crisp pace.

Marauders (2019) #5 Jan 1, 2020
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #5 Apr 24, 2019

Finally the pace of the issue is picking up with good action. Actual tense moments and real cost.

Go Go Power Marvel😉! This issue reminded me that comics use to be for young people, not guys in their mid thirties like me. I just accepted it was for fun and I enjoyed it.

I do enjoy Khary's art

Did a great job moving the character/plot forward

How comics should be made

You are either thrilled or upset by this "more questions than answers" issue. I have some good guesses and can't wait to see if I'm right.

All I asked was that they keep up the pace of the action and they did so.

Not as exciting but still very interesting.

Royals #1 Apr 6, 2017

Love Jonboy, good pacing.

Kept my attention, good build and good reveals.

Intense and action packed, complete with twist and cool cameos.

A really good ending but could have used a little more explanation, wrapped up almost too neatly.

Surprisingly good read and art throughout.

Beautiful to look at, fast pace start without a bunch of reintroducing familiar characters.

Great dialogue, great art, fast pace, and a plot that is not hindered by the crossover event.

Secret Warriors (2017) #3 Jun 27, 2017

Humor, character development, great art and action.

Spider-Geddon #1 Oct 11, 2018

Fun issue well paced, it would be a ten if we could see the next step in the Matt Murrdock character.

Spider-Gwen (2015) #27 Dec 29, 2017
Spider-Gwen (2015) #29 Mar 5, 2018

Great art and emotionally taunt issue. A little more action and it would have been a ten.

Lots of butt kicking, thank you. Plus it leaves some questions to ponder.

Another well paced and well balanced issue. Supporting characters got developed, plenty of action, and most importantly the plot actually moved along (Bendis can go several issues sometimes with plot in neutral).

Good ol' comic book fun

My only problem was how easily the Phoenix was dealt with.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #702 Dec 29, 2017

Good comic book fun that leaves you anticipating the next issue.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #17 Mar 17, 2017
The Unworthy Thor #2 Dec 8, 2016

Beautiful to look at, the suspense is killing me.

Al Ewing made his very big ideas a very easy and enjoyable read.

Wow, that was an intense page-turner. The art was pretty good as well. Fun learning the rules of her new powers.

Surprisingly good issue. I am not a GOTG fan but I enjoyed them here. Art and storylines were solid.

All-New Wolverine #27 Dec 13, 2017

Art is just great.

Avengers (2018) #11 Dec 21, 2018

Exciting issue, sometimes the action was unclear.

Intense but little action.

Love the art, moves plot forward.

Not one dull panel

Champions (2016) #16 Jan 18, 2018

Intense build up and fight. Fun seeing all the different heroes in action.

Champions (2016) #18 Apr 7, 2018

I was going to say it has a fun loving tone . . . until the end :)

An interesting expansion to the new norm for the X-Men. Very curious about Apocalypse angle but not convinced why Jubilee is there. Art was just beautiful.

Excalibur (2019) #3 Dec 4, 2019

A fun one shot

Fun and well written issue, but another misleading Marvel cover. Stefano is great as usual.

Ironheart #6 May 30, 2019

Beautiful art as usual, but more exposition than I wanted. The writer was cramming in a lot of character development into the final issue 😑.

Great issue, great art but man do I have some big questions! The twist was worth it.

A solid and exciting issue.

Mosaic #4 Jan 22, 2017

Good issue but it did leave me with a bunch of question marks.

Secret Empire #1 May 4, 2017

Great issue, the villans were C-list though.

Spider-Gwen (2015) #18 Mar 24, 2017

Nice to get some background on Murrdock, although I was hoping for more twist. It reminded me of Batman Arkham Origin

Spider-Man (2016) #12 Jan 13, 2017
Spider-Man (2016) #234 Nov 3, 2017
The Mighty Thor (2015) #14 Jan 9, 2017

I thought it was going to be a certain one eyed character☺

Way to flesh out character dynamics without sacrificing a transition issue.

Berserker Odinson . . . nuff said

Ultimates 2 (2016) #1 Nov 29, 2016
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1 Nov 30, 2018
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #2 Nov 30, 2018

Exciting well paced issue. The big reveal at the end was ruined for me sadly enough by Marvel.

Pretty good art and story showcasing the new status quo and power set. Fun cliffhanger.

Great art and another fun cliffhanger but just short of a nine.

X-23 (2018) #2 Nov 30, 2018

Just a fun good looking issue.

All-New Wolverine #16 Jan 16, 2017
All-New Wolverine #21 Jun 21, 2017

Intriguing start

Avengers (2016) #9 Jul 14, 2017

Beautiful to look at, the sadness on Odinson's face was the most striking.

This is a fill in issue done right, great dialogue and art.

Looks pretty, enjoyed seeing Ghost Rider but not much happening. The font in the word bubbles spoiled the twist ending.

Very interesting and tense, but could we get a little action? T'Challa did nothing.

The art and the ugly of war; could have been a nine but as usual very little action for a comic book.

Good, but didn't live up to the slow build up.

I would have given it a 9 but there are too many unanswered questions and no signs of them getting back to them.

Interesting set up.

Fun almost Saturday morning cartoon feel.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #16 Jan 9, 2017

A well written issue but mostly there to build momentum to next Secret Empire installment. Some funny moments and inspiring moments save it.

Good get to know issue. . . not much for Miles though.

A good enough filler until the next Marvel event comes storming in.

Champions (2016) #10 Jul 13, 2017
Champions (2016) #12 Oct 6, 2017
Champions (2016) #14 Nov 17, 2017
Defenders (2017) #2 Jul 8, 2017
House of X #6 Oct 4, 2019
Infamous Iron Man (2016) #3 Jan 7, 2017
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #2 Dec 29, 2016

The pacing of Riri's character development is a little faster than Bendis' 2000 Ultimate Peter Parker which is nice. Riri has a hard time confronting things and this issue gives her plenty.

Jean Grey #6 Nov 30, 2017

All over the place nostalgic fun, with an interesting ending.

Marvel Comics (2019) #1000 Oct 4, 2019

A fun but fairly light issue. Nice art, but cliffhanger not so great when it's on the cover.

Better pacing, more hero involvement and a villain reveal.

Mosaic #7 May 9, 2017

A very fun and charming issue.

Good but not a fan of the art

Secret Empire #6 Aug 10, 2017

Thought it would be a 5 but turned out to be an 8. Well written and leaves the reader curious about the future.

Fun but predicable at every turn.

Can't go wrong with ninjas and limited power-ups.

Could have explained the Cindy Moon connection better.

Spider-Man (2016) #14 Mar 17, 2017

A well paced and intense read. Only problem is the art makes the mom look older to younger from panel to panel.

Spider-Man (2016) #18 Jul 6, 2017

Not to be taken to seriously, just a fun all over the place issue to play around with different ideas.

Better than expected, it's the art that makes you forget the cliched plot.

Good, a little more action would have been nice.

Solid conclusion, hope the villain returns.

Ultimates 2 (2016) #2 Dec 29, 2016

Now that felt a little bit more like a comic book, hopefully with a significant impact on the universe.

Like the art, story is same old.

Moved the plot forward, good action, art holds it back from an 8

Although the "Enemy of the State II" title was a bit misleading its conclusion was satisfying.

All-New Wolverine #22 Jul 8, 2017
Avengers (2016) #6 Apr 16, 2017

Good but not amazing.

Introduced some new ideas but still could have used some more action.

Getting better but still more talking heads than a comic book.

Some fun character interactions but not much else in this one-&-done.

Fun but nothing special.

A fun enough one shot

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #7 May 4, 2017

I do enjoy the intriguing mother character but I dislike paying for little morsels of plot development, should have waited for the TPB.

Interesting intro, but it was just a intro. Stefano should do art for all of the Marvel universe.

Same review again: great art, great banter but the slow plot pacing keeps it from an eight.

It looks great and is charming, but should be collected and placed in the children section of the bookstore (online or brick and mortar). It seems like such an opportunity missed.

Motor Crush #1 Jan 19, 2017

Good, another misleading cover.

Fun twist

I love the youthfulness of the issue but would it be asking too much to get a little more super hero action, it is a comic book after all.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #19 May 29, 2017
Ultimates 2 (2016) #8 Jun 28, 2017
All-New Wolverine #19 Apr 6, 2017
All-New Wolverine #20 May 18, 2017

It had some holes in its logic that were distracting but charming all the same.

Great art, but doing a time travel story with one character made in the 60's and another from the 10's was just a logistical nightmare.

Same ol' same ol, at least the art is good.

This is the first issue I didn't love. Too much of an information dump by the villain all at once. Would have been better to spread his backstory out over issues. Still great art however.

Exciting but Emma's villain turn seem too sudden and drastic. Also a bunch of people died and things just kept going.

Marvel Comics (2019) #1001 Oct 4, 2019

Nice to see Elsa Bloodstone again

A little better, the art saves it

Great to see the artist back but not an exciting finale.

Ok set up

Nice enough, but it does feel like promotional materials for the movie

The Totally Awesome Hulk #14 Jan 18, 2017
Ultimates 2 (2016) #3 Jan 23, 2017

Just ok story and art.

Once again pacing and the lack of plot development keeps this issue from being great. Background and monologues are great for a page or two but . . .

Getting better but still feel we should have gotten more story for the issue.

Nice enough fill in story but didn't care for the art.

I'm not sold on the art just yet. The end reveal was already spoiled for me but it still didn't make a ton of sense. Sam is doing his daytime Batman impression complete with young Ward and zip line wrapped around thugs. I'll give it another issue.

The writing is getting better but I'm just not a fan of the art.

Although they tried their best to explain things I had to spend ten minutes reading wiki entries to appreciate this issue. Definitely for the long time fans and not new Rebirth guys like me.

Corny but fun seeing Mar-vell again.

A little too much standing around and talking, IronHeart's appreance was just ok but I wanted more. Another fun cliffhanger but not a lot of answers.

Very sweet but a little thin.

Advances the plot a bit but other than that just as #2

New powers don't make up for bland writing.

I like Bendis but this habit of stretching an idea (a flashback) out one or two whole issues is unfair to the paying customer.

A little more effort on the finale guys, please

I picked up this issue because it was a part one and it was getting good reviews. I had to go online and do some extra research to figure out what was going on.

Dull art and storylines.

The dull in the middle of the story line issue. Ms. Marvel texting is a waste of a cool character.

Not very friendly to readers new to the New gods, I just have believe more will be explained in following issues.

Great art but the issue felt all over place, like just a bunch of ideas thrown together. The fact that the cover to this issue had very little to do with the comic is annoying. Ganke and Miles' friendship and dialogue save it from a 5.

When will T'Challa snap out of this and be decisive? The comic should be titled "The Second Guesser". If he wants to be a super hero he should act like it, if a king than act like a king.

Man, I could see that coming from a mile away.

A nice and hopeful story but . . . Mystic Tony rather than Iron Tony Art was all over the place Story wasn't super engaging

Art is great as usual, but I don't like these halt the plot fill in issues.

Why is Mosaic acting like he's thirteen? Why is White Queen such a villain leader (again) amongst heroes?

Coates, I am begging you, pick up the pace. So little actually happened.

Very dull and bland for a number one issue, hopefully it will pick up next issue.

Curse these useless crossover issues!

Why was Captain Falcon so slow on the uptake? Why can't Thor Foster's hammer handle the shield? Why is Peter Parker so gullible? Why was Was being a jet? Why was the art so Terrible?

Art was a disappointment, hooded character reveal was disappointing, whisper disappointing.

That's two issues without Black Panther doing or saying anything interesting 😒

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