Tony's Profile

Joined: Jan 30, 2019

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Overall Rating
Age of X-Man: Alpha #1  
Age Of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #1

Mar 13, 2019

Age Of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #2

Apr 18, 2019

Age Of X-Man: NextGen #1

Feb 13, 2019

Age Of X-Man: NextGen #2

Mar 20, 2019

I like the art and oh man the story that Brisson is building is just incredible. The connection with other "Age of X-Man" series is enjoyable. Glob is amazing. Solid issue.

Age Of X-Man: NextGen #3

Apr 18, 2019

Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X #1

Mar 7, 2019

More than a good first issue. It will be interesting see what happens in the next issue.

Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X #2

Apr 4, 2019

Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #1

Feb 21, 2019

Age of X-Man´s books shows many situations in a perfect world where there are only mutants, in this case maybe this book is interesting only for Nigthcrawler´s fans but in general it lays the foundations of a story that, if is developed well, can be quite good. The art fits very well. It will be interesting to see what happens with characters like Meggan, Cuckoos,etc. and the consequences of the story.

Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #2

Mar 20, 2019

Age Of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #3

Apr 18, 2019

Age Of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #1

Feb 25, 2019

Age Of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #2

Mar 13, 2019

Age Of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #3

Apr 16, 2019

Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #1

Feb 27, 2019

X-tremists is a title that I have waiting for. The premise is interesting and the artwork for me is ok, it will be nice to see where goes and how ends the story but I feel some parts of this issue very rush, in some way I was expecting more but I guess is an interesting start to see how this characters evolve in this Age of X-Man event.

Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #2

Mar 27, 2019

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #1

Jun 25, 2020

If you know the reason for this book to exist, I mean, you actually read The Amazing Spider-Man (2018 run) then I think you can get an idea about it, so taking that into account, it is a solid start, the art is beautiful.

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #2

Jun 25, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1

Jun 27, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #2

Jun 27, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #3

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #4

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #5

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #6

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #7

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #8

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #9

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #10

Jun 29, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #11

Jun 30, 2020

At this point, Spencer has developed a great chemistry between Spidey and his support characters, art is great.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12

Jul 1, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #13

Jul 1, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #14

Jul 2, 2020

Bachalo.- You love the guy's work or you hate it. Knowing the story you can see this issue as one more story in the road to "Hunted" event.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #15

Jul 2, 2020

The all stuff with Ned pretend to lead to something or is just a subplot with a random end? Anyway glad to see how things goes with aunt May.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16

Jul 3, 2020

Great Start.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16.HU

Jul 4, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #17

Jul 4, 2020

The best Ramos artwork is in this book. Great story.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18

Jul 4, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18.HU

Jul 4, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #19

Jul 4, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #19.HU

Jul 5, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20

Apr 25, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20.HU

Jul 6, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #21

Jul 6, 2020

"Tell me about responsibility when you have a kid"

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #22

Jul 7, 2020

Nick Spencer closes a story that began with "The Last Hunt" followed in "Grim Hunt" and then disapeared because nobody knew what to do with the Kraven character. With its ups and downs, I think this issue works as an acceptable ending and returns Kraven to the place he should never have left, just as most fandom thought.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #23

Jul 7, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #24

Jul 17, 2020

Great issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #25

Jul 19, 2020

As a special issue it works very well and lays the foundations for what we can expect in the future of the series in the short and long term.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #26

Jul 20, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #27

Jul 22, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #28

Jul 22, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #29

Jul 31, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #30

Oct 14, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #31

Oct 14, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #32

Oct 21, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #33

Oct 21, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #34

Oct 21, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #35

Oct 21, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #36

Oct 21, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #44

Jul 15, 2020

Good issue. I really like the dark and perverse tone that is handled in this issue and it definitely has a good presentation of "Sin Eater". Art fits very well with the story. Said that, beyond that you may like or even hate "One More Day" (which is totally respectable). To this day it is a wound that has not fully healed and while the first years Marvel tried to bury the subject and close it, in recent years it has played with the presence of Mephisto and his relationship with the arachnid characters (Miles Morales and Superior Spider-Man) may be just winks or hints like the one we found in Spider-Man/Deadpool but added to the way that Slott handled the Peter/MJ relationship and that eternal "I want but I can't" (literally in the 700 issue and issues before 800 there are equal panels that reflect the treatment of the couple during Slott's run) this whole matter has been kept alive in some way and has definitely taken on more relevance since Spencer took the character, bringing things to an interesting point with the ring and what Peter wants to say to her (that appears again in this number). Because if I remember correctly in "One Moment in Time" MJ makes him promise that he will never put her in a difficult situation as asking her, in other words, she makes him promise that he will never propose to her again in life. I point this out because Spencer plays long-term and somehow it seems like this new villain (Kindred),the whole ring thing, Peter needing MJ, what Kindred claims at the end of "Hunted", Mysterio's role and his relationship with MJ and what's going on in general in this issue and 29 seem to have any relationship, hence Spencer takes the time to put things in their place, I understand that this does not please everyone but if it is built well it can generate a stage that modifies to the foundations the status-quo that exists since "One More Day " and I don't necessarily mean the return of marriage can be anything that changes Peter's life but it has to be something big or important. If not, it is time wasted.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #45

Jul 29, 2020

Love Bagley´s art and things get interesting. Between what Peter, MJ and Kindred lives and feels, I feel that OMD story could be definitively closed.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) Annual #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Jul 27, 2022

Well... it's not #500, #600 or #700 and #800, these issues closed cycles or previously planned arcs and opened story to new horizons, good or bad, that's something else. Here we have something more self-contained, that does not close big plots and in theory does not leave big questions open (I say in theory because I hope that at some point certain elements raised here will be taken up again that highlight the importance that a issue like this should have). While it is true the issue does not seem too bad to me, it is not as attractive as it is supposed to be, the art is good in general and an artist like EM would be good for the character, if they let him work at his pace. The last page doesn't bother me, although with everything Spencer has done and the semi-stable relationship with MJ it does seem a bit strange, even in the context narrated by Wells at the beginning of this run. What at this point is a bit tiring for me, subject to what happens in the future and what the story prepared by Wells has in store for us, is that after more than 10 years of OMD there are still certain traumas, demons or fears with giving Peter a partner and not changing her around the corner or pretending to revive old relationships that are going nowhere, I'm not asking him to marry again or undo the "mephistazo" I just ask that in the sentimental aspect of the character, Marvel follow a basic direction without changes right off the bat that don't transcend. For me it is an OK issue close to the "meh"

Batman (2016) #1

Apr 3, 2019

Batman (2016) #2

Apr 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #3

Apr 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #4

Apr 6, 2019

Batman (2016) #5

Apr 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #6

Apr 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #7

Apr 8, 2019

Batman (2016) #8

Apr 8, 2019

Batman (2016) #9

Apr 9, 2019

Batman (2016) #10

Apr 13, 2019

Batman (2016) #11

Apr 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #12

Apr 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #13

Apr 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #14

Apr 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #15

Apr 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #16

Apr 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #17

Apr 16, 2019

Batman (2016) #18

Apr 16, 2019

Batman (2016) #19

Apr 17, 2019

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 17, 2019

Batman (2016) #21

Mar 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #22

Mar 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #23

Apr 21, 2019

Batman (2016) #24

Apr 21, 2019

Batman (2016) #25

Apr 22, 2019

Batman (2016) #26

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #27

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #28

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #29

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #30

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #31

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #32

Apr 24, 2019

Batman (2016) #33

May 1, 2019

Batman (2016) #34

May 1, 2019

Batman (2016) #35

May 1, 2019

Batman (2016) #36

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #37

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #38

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #39

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #40

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #41

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #42

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #43

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #44

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #45

May 4, 2019

Batman (2016) #46

May 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #47

May 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #48

May 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #49

May 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #50

Mar 18, 2019

Batman (2016) #51

Mar 14, 2019


Batman (2016) #52

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #53

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #54

Mar 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #55

Mar 15, 2019

Batman (2016) #56

Mar 16, 2019

Batman (2016) #57

Mar 18, 2019

Batman (2016) #58

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #59

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #60

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #61

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #62

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #63

Mar 14, 2019

Batman (2016) #64

Feb 7, 2019

Cover: Ok. Art: Ok. Color: Ok. Story: This first part is an interesting introduction for this arc. Sometimes it feels like nothing really happens at least nothing relevant for the story but I supose nothing is what it seems. The relation between Batman and Flash is the best part and all fits perfectly with everything Batman has lived and is living. I think that as the story progresses the following issues will be more interesting.

Batman (2016) #65

Feb 23, 2019

I really have enjoyed this crossover. The artwork of the whole event (incuding this issue) is incredible and it complete the story in an amazing way. This issue has beautiful panels. Maybe in some points the story feels a little weak but at this moment it has been everything I expected. Art 10; Story 7.

Batman (2016) #66

Mar 6, 2019

I like Tom King's Batman run but I think all of this "Bat-Cat" stuff is taking up too much space and sometimes (like this issue) it's there just to tell us something that we all ready know. At the end Selina maybe lies but what is the meaning of this, just King knows that because after all we don't forget that this Selina is just a projection of Bruce's mind. The artwork is very cool and it worth read the issue. I have to admit that King does a great job when he questions how it is that if all the non-wedding was to strengthen Batman how he ended up so weakened and cornered by his enemies. Let's see what happens in next issue.

Batman (2016) #67

Mar 20, 2019

Well, the artwork is stunning in some parts, all the issue is a chase with one final twist. I hope the "Knightmares"arc leaves us something. I can understand why people may don't like or even hate this issue and is that on the one hand it feels as if it doesn't contribute anything to the story.

Batman (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

The issue is what it is, a funny vision of some events before the non-wedding. If you want more, well, good luck with that. So, from that point of view, the art of Amanda Conner is fine and fits perfectly with the whole point of the issue and the story isn't bad, it's designed to make you laughand and yeah I guess is an ok issue. At this point I feel the biggest problem with the lastest books is the repetition of the same things. Honestly, I don't know what is real or could be real and what is just a dream or a nightmare or whatever. I say this because I remember King said that some events of the Batman's nightmares are memories which that means we are talking about situations that just real happened, so now, beyond the obvious things, We don't know what is or was real or what is a dream. Anyway, I enjoyed it in general also I like the final page, but like I said before, We need to push the whole story because it seems like everything just stopped since issue 50 or at least it seems to slow and We all know that the Bat is broken and the Cat is his greatest love and the man is suffering so much. I just hope this arc guides us to something relevant, and I don't mean the Flashpoint Batman, because it is obvious, I mean something else. Each comic book has to work by itself and as part of a great story, maybe in 8, 9, 10, etc., issues we can say, hey, now this or these or all nightmares have sense but even if that happens, one issue needs to work alone and at this moment not all nightmares works alone. I need this arc ends, it's not I don't like it or enjoy it at all but I think there are some important things to tell the readers or maybe King could has explored other aspects about Bruce's psyche in this nightmares. I guess if you have enjoyed the last issues this one is for you if you did't like or enjoy the last ones I think your opinion with this one will be the same. I can understand if some peope feels this like just another filler issue because in some way (at this point) it is. I hope King surprises us in the final issue. I don't know how to say it, I enjoyed the issue but I feel that the story has been stagnant a long time ago.

Batman (2016) #69

Apr 17, 2019

This time King uses a dance to tell the readers what's happening and push us forward to the story. Something that I like is that for the first time in a long time, We can see Batman actually reasoning and evaluating his situation like a detective would do, in fact he's thet world's greatest detective, so is good for me to see a thinking Batman, more or less. There is some interaction between Bane and Flashpoint Batman but real answers will have to wait to issue 75. The thing with Catwoman fits with the story and there is some sort of revelation (I don't know if I can trust what Batman says since this is a nightmare and I don't know what pretends King). I like very much the way how king portrayed Thomas Wayne. He looks insane. I don't have any problems with the art and colors I think they're good in fact I think the art and colors in general are very good in all king's run. I think all of us knew that all this was generated by a Scarecrow's toxin so it's not a surprise, there are better and worse stories with fear toxin but in this case is what we have. So with this issue and the revelation the nightmare(s) ends for Batman and for some readers. I like that because it's true I like in general king's work but it's true too that the series needs a new direction. Batman needs to put aside the whole situation with Catwoman, it's time to continue with the story. Overall an ok issue, isn't a explosive final and I think King could have done a better arc, the repercussion of the revelation will be seen in the future, We will have to wait to see if it's true or it's just another distraction of King that will have some other explanation.

Batman (2016) #70

May 1, 2019

The parallelism between this book and the issue #19 is undeniable, even the story itself lets you see it, as I said before, in this run, at least for me, the art is not a problem, this week Janín and Fornes did a great job, the action panels were good and the story flows pretty well. There isn't much story developed but I guess the point of this issue it's to show the readers that Batman has some level of madness and his mind has begun to break. The bad guys don't fight Batman at all because they are only puppets used by Bane.I guess many of them even didn't want to be in front of Batman. It has some flaws but in general I enjoyed it but the answers need to come.

Batman (2016) #71

May 15, 2019

The artwork is 10/10 but I have some issues with this one, Wasn't the bat-signal broken? and what's wrong with bat-family, Bruce is the greatest detective or at least he used to be and just because what he said to them seems wrong they belive he's crazy, instead to say, we need to find what's happen here. I feel Gordon was a little out of a place. I don't think this was already planed, I mean, they changed the whole issue 70 and the cover for this one (Batman in a fight with tigers) hasn't any relation with the story until they show the Kubert cover, so the story changed too, and only God knows if issue 72 suffered some changes until issue 73 that suposed to be issue 70, anyway, at this point I don't see any great revelation. I remember Janín was the only artist for this story arc. It will be interesting what will happen after the punch. I don't why but I enjoyed that "Yes, master Bane" line.

Batman (2016) #72

Jun 5, 2019

I say this every issue but it is the true, the art never fails in this book, for me it is 10/10 in this issue, then you have 5/5 points for this book. King brings some answers, maybe you will like them or maybe you will hate them, but he starts to explain how every story arc has a conection with the main story. It is clear that Thomas Wayne is telling to the readers the whole story, so now we have a new perspective from all these events, it is not perfect but it has some logic, yeah, the Catwoman role it is weird and it is difficult to think Batman fell in love precisely with her. The situation is that one way or another and with a certain degree of quality, king intertwines all the stories he has developed since his first issue and that is appreciated, in this case I give a 4/5 to what he raises and how poses in this book. We continue to have a slow advance in story but at this point I do not think it is King's problem I think it is more related to the plans of Snyder and company. Obviously King has an ace up his sleeve in the whole situation with skeets, since Booster Gold did not take Bruce / Batman to a world where there was no Batman but what happened in "The Gift" was totally different so open that see what happens. Finally I must point out that there are many parallels between this issue and others of King's run.

Batman (2016) #73

Jun 19, 2019

One of the best issues in all King's run Art:10/10 Janín and Bellaire at their best. Writing: It's ok, it's good and the motivations of Thomas Wayne have logic, he can save a person who he loved, yeah we don't know how he survived but that situation doesn't make the book a bad comic book, at least for me, the dialogues between Bruce and Thomas feels good. 10/10.

Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

The whole art justify to read the book, I mean, Janín and Bellaire did an excellent job in this one, the desert and the pit panels looks just incredible. That is 10/10, but like I said before, We know that the art has never been an issue to this book. Most of the complains about this run have one name "Tom King". This run is perfect, of course no, but at least for me, it has some level of quality and it is good to see how King relates one story to another. Now it is time to see how all of this concludes and finally we will know if there are some answers for some plot points, if you didn't like this Batman it wil be very difficult that you will like this conclusion.

Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

I love when Tony draws Batman, some people just don't like it or some people just hate it, but I like tony style and the Mitch art is awesome 10/10. The story starts strong I think big things are coming, the dialogues are good, and this issue feels like a Batman story but you know, it is a twisted Batman story. (10/10).Overall, I guess if you don't like this Batman maybe you don't find anything in this issue to change your opinion or maybe not, but beyond that I think that this will be a fun and crazy adventure.

Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

I just want to say this: Good art Good story Tom King and Tony Daniel show us what is Gotham City right now and it is amazing. It is a story that encompasses many issues, so it will progress little by little.

Batman (2016) #77

Aug 21, 2019

The art as always is simply amazing 10/10 Janín and Daniel at their best. Colors are pretty good especially those used in the story of Damian and BatThomas. I expected a little more from the Bat - Cat meeting but in general I think it's fine and well ... you know ... nobody saw that coming.

Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

I consider that, nobody in their right mind, will criticize Mann's art in this issue, it is absolutely incredible. It is a 10 out of a 10. It is one of the most beautiful drawings I have seen in several years and the colors do not detract at all. The problem will focus on the script and the dialogues of Tom King but no one should be surprised. A few numbers to conclude his stage, he will not change, for better or worse from here until the end he will remain in his style and in what he intends to oppose. I like the Bat-Cat stuff, I just hope this really leads to something compelling and that in the end everything joins with a certain logic. I need to see how this relationship evolves in the following issues to be able to reach a conclusion about it and see if everything that has happened after number 50 has been worthwhile.

Batman (2016) #79

May 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #80

May 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #81

May 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #82

May 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #83

May 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #84

May 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #85

May 21, 2020

A slightly anticlimactic ending for my taste. I think it reflects, for better and for worse, every stage of Tom King with this superhero. In general I enjoyed the whole story, seen as a set, which in the end became repetitive, that is not disputed, best of all, the great artists who collaborated with King.

Batman (2016) #86

May 22, 2020

Solid start

Batman (2016) #87

May 22, 2020

Batman (2016) #88

May 22, 2020

Batman (2016) #89

May 22, 2020

Batman (2016) #90

May 22, 2020

Batman (2016) #91

Jun 9, 2020

Batman (2016) #92

Jun 9, 2020

Tynion knows what he is doing, he knows where he goes, maybe his era began with some doubts but this issue is the proof that story goes from less to more. Each panel counts and when you read this issue you really feel this is a Batman story. March's art is 10/10 and the colors are just beautiful.

Batman (2016) #93

Jun 23, 2020

You ask for answers, well, this is your issue. Everything sets up for "Joker War" and I could not be more excited because after all, this feels like a good developed story. A great climax. Not a fan of the mix art.

Batman (2016) #94

Jul 7, 2020

A set up for what's coming.

Batman (2016) #95

Jul 21, 2020

Batman (2016) #98

Sep 1, 2020

Batman (2016) #118

Aug 26, 2022

Batman (2016) #119

Aug 26, 2022

Batman (2016) #120

Sep 4, 2022

Batman (2016) #121

Sep 4, 2022

Batman (2016) #124

Sep 4, 2022

Batman (2016) #125

Aug 6, 2022

Batman (2016) #126

Aug 6, 2022

Batman (2016) #127

Sep 6, 2022

My first contact with Batman in its continuity was with Morrison's Batman, from that moment I followed the character in form, going through the stage of Dick in the mantle, the Snyder/Capullo era, King's Batman and later without to move away completely I separated during the stage of Tynion, he never managed to fully capture me, what Williamson did seems acceptable to me and now with Chip in command of the controls I think that a great time can come for the character, something that over time will become a cult, or at least I hope so, because CZ's previous and current works are of great quality. As a fan of Morrison's Batman, seeing Chip explore the myths created by him is very pleasing to me and the mastery with which he does it is an absolute delight, without a doubt it is a run not to be missed and although like everything it will have its very high and very low points I think the character is in good hands. The classic and modern touch of the story is amazing. Regarding the second narrative, we will see what it leads to... Story 10/10 Art 10/10 Colors 10/10

Batman (2016) #135

May 2, 2023

Batman The Button

Jun 5, 2019

Batman The Wedding Album

Jun 5, 2019

Batman Vol. 1 Deluxe

Mar 16, 2019

Batman Vol. 2 Deluxe

Mar 16, 2019

Batman Vol. 3 Deluxe

Mar 16, 2019

Batman Vol. 4 Deluxe

Jul 2, 2019

Batman (2016) Annual #1

Apr 25, 2019

Batman (2016) Annual #2

Apr 25, 2019

Batman (2016) Annual #3

Mar 16, 2019

Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #1

Jun 5, 2019

Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #3

Jun 10, 2020

This comic has some interestings moments, what Joker said to Deathstroke give you some idea about the all Joker War stuff.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 25, 2020

Artwork:5/5 Story: 5/5 Classic look, mistery, action, detective style, violence, humor, etc. This comic book has everything.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 29, 2020

I've to be honest I want more developed the Jason/Barbara "romance". The art makes worth this book. The story is good, I really like this issue, although it leaves a strange feeling, since when I finished reading it I felt as if nothing had happened in the story, but reading it in depth, a lot of things really happen. I hope it's the calm before the storm and the story closes in style.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

Poor Jason!!!

Cable (2020) #1

Jun 17, 2020

A fun comic book. Phil Notos´s artwork is great.I'm quite interested to see where the story leads, it seems to be related to the "X of Swords" and let´s see whats happen with the "original" Cable. For tastes the colors, I think that some criticisms are somewhat unfair with this comic.

Cable (2020) #2

Jul 29, 2020

Beautiful art and actually you can see there is a story to tell so is a good issue. Give it a chance.

Cable (2020) #3

Sep 2, 2020

Cable (2020) #4

Sep 2, 2020

Cable (2020) #5

Oct 14, 2020

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #0

Jul 25, 2022

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #1

Jul 25, 2022

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1  
Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Jun 16, 2020

The art is great and the story promises something big.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #2

Jul 14, 2020

Woow just woooowwww.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #3

Aug 10, 2020

Capullo´s artwork: 5/5 maybe he delivered us a better panels but in general I dig a lot what he is doing in this comic and some colors looks beautiful. I think you need to judge this comic from two perspectives, one: A part from something bigger, I mean when we have the full story we will see if the whole thing works well or not and, two, as comic book stand alone, it´s perfect, of course not but it´s fun and fits well with book one and two. Some people will criticize that it uses resources used in other stories, but that is clear from the beginning, it all counts. For me is a 4.5/5. I suspect the story will be criticized for making use of nostalgia at certain points,at least for me it works.In the end you are interested in knowing what will happen and I think that is good.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Oct 13, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Legends of the Dark Knights #1

Aug 7, 2020

I think when you want to do a massive event that shakes the status quo you need every comic counts, every story has to increase the whole narrative. The reader needs to feel what is reading. I think this chapter (one shot) of Dark Nights Death Metal fails because when you finish it...well...most of the things at least at this point feel pretty generic and unimportant. They are only there for filler.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Guidebook #1

Aug 18, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Sep 8, 2020

Artwork.- 5/5 The colors and the Manapul's art is just great maybe this comic is worth just for the art. Story.- Snyder delivers a good one, this book has a huge value and the payoff comes with the ending. I had a good time with this. I said before that when you tell stories like this you need every book counts, well, this comic counts and counts a lot 4.5/5. * I was really surprised by the appearance of some characters. The narrative created by Snyder doesn't forget his older readers, those who have followed him since all this began.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Sep 22, 2020

This is for Wally West fans.It may feels like a filler issue but it is a good one.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1

Sep 29, 2020

Well, for some strange reason I like a lot the art of this book and maybe the story is just Ok but I just love Owlman and Captain Carrot. I think you need to understand and get carried away by the extravagant, rare and even ridiculous story that is being told in this event to be able to enjoy all the issues and especially this one. In this context, I consider this issue to be a quality one, especially because although it is repetitive on some occasions, it definitely clarifies many of the things or ideas that had been developed in previous issues.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Robin King #1

Oct 21, 2020

By this point I think Death Metal is some kind of twisted parody of some characters, elements, lore and behaviors from all DC and from that point of view this issue is not so bad.

Detective Comics (2016) #1000

Mar 27, 2019

The art in general is great. Definitely some stories are infinitely better than others. I feel that some writers and artists that have left their mark in the history of the bat were missing.

Detective Comics (2016) #1001

Apr 11, 2019

I love it

Detective Comics (2016) #1002

Apr 24, 2019

The art is just great and the story is incredible well written, I mean, the issue has amazing action panels and good dialogues. I did't expect the Robin part but I think once you read the entire issue it fits so well.

Detective Comics (2016) #1003

May 8, 2019

I have enjoyed so much this "Arkham Knight Saga", maybe the story and some concepts aren't original at all but Tomasi plays very good with some elements of Batman's lore and this issue isn't the exception. Tomasi writes a good Batman and a great Damian, I can't remember when was the last time they had this chemistry between them, the dialogues feels rigth and the story has a good coherence. Batman sounds like Batman and Damian sounds like Damian in a very good way.I tought we would see Arkham Knight's identity in the next issue but I don't feel the revelations out of a place, for me, it seems logical and I never tought in that option. Ther art is just incredible.

Detective Comics (2016) #1004

May 22, 2019

The artwork worth the issue. Is the classic villain origins tale but I like what Tomasi did with this Arkham Knight character, clearly the timeline and ages of the Batman characters has some issues but I don´t have a big problem with that. On the other hand, the Arham Knight's motives for attacking Batman were developed in an acceptable way, so a good issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #1005

Jun 12, 2019

I feel a little disappointed, it is not bad at all, but it is not good enough. Art is great but I think Tomasi fails to give us a decent ending to this arc. The whole Ak plan feels pointless and the resolution of the conflict is just rush and feels kinda to Deus Ex-Machina.

Detective Comics (2016) #1006

Jun 26, 2019

Pretty decent issue (in a good way).

Detective Comics (2016) #1062

Aug 21, 2022

Very interesting...

Doomsday Clock #1

May 23, 2019

Doomsday Clock #2

May 23, 2019

Doomsday Clock #10

May 29, 2019

Oh man, what Johns does with this issue is just beautiful, I mean, first, Superman fans have to be happy because in this issue Johns places Superman at the center of the DC Universe and I like that because he deserves that type of attention and fits very well with the story and second, well, the way Johns begins to explain the new 52 reality and all other changes is just awesome. Gary Frank artwork as always is great.

Empyre: X-Men #1

Jul 23, 2020

Empyre: X-Men #2

Aug 10, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #13  
FCBD 2020: X-Men #1  
Flash (2016) #64

Feb 13, 2019

Although it is still unclear the role of Gotham Girl in all this as well as where they go each of their actions, the interactions between Flash and Batman are the best and highlight the weakness of their current friendship. The art is great as well as the colors used. As I mentioned in the first part of this mini event, the third and fourth chapters should close with great moments once the bases are more or less established.

Flash (2016) #65

Mar 1, 2019

I can understand how things ends for Flash and how this could be a new point of view to write this character. But aside his fight with Batman I can not see a perfect ending for this crossover. It seems more like an introduction for what is to come. At the end there are no clear answers and I don't know I guess Tom King has any plan for Gotham Girl. The art is amazing and the issue has incredible panels.

Flash (2016) #783

Jul 26, 2022

Flashpoint: Beyond #0

Jul 19, 2022

Flashpoint: Beyond #1

Jul 19, 2022

Flashpoint: Beyond #2

Jul 19, 2022

Flashpoint: Beyond #3

Jul 19, 2022

Flashpoint: Beyond #4

Aug 2, 2022


Flashpoint: Beyond #5

Sep 7, 2022

The art is just great, throughout the series it has been maintained at a high level and it is something that stands out in the works in which Johns participates. On the other hand, I am a big fan of Johns' works, he seems to me to be a writer of great quality who has made a good name for himself in the American comic industry, I really do not know and cannot imagine what relevance or impact this comic will have in the future of the DC Universe (especially when, unlike in the past, the "events" actually meant something and their consequences played out over time) but the mere fact of returning to the Flashpoint Universe (which I think can be exploited even more) with a story like this, of great quality, is justification enough to read this series. Something that is not completely clear to me is the situation of Martha Wayne, her body was not buried somewhere in the desert, according to King's run in the Batman series...or she was the Martha of the "main" earth... In any case, the reading is great and I hope a great closing. By the way, the relationship between this penguin and Thomas Wayne is 10 and for some reason, if Thomas survives I would like a particular character to become his Robin, it would be interesting in my opinion.

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Jean Grey And Emma Frost #1  
Hellions (2020) #1

Jun 17, 2020

Solid start, this series promises interesting and big things. The artwork is ok.

Hellions (2020) #2

Jul 22, 2020

A real gem of a comic, the art fits perfectly and the characters are very well written. I hope we have much more of Madelyne in the future.

Hellions (2020) #5

Oct 14, 2020

House of X #1

Jul 24, 2019

I have been an X-Fan since I was a child, despite that, I did not have the opportunity to read the great mutant events in real time, so I have been waiting for this for a long time, it certainly feels different and promises many things to future, its reading leaves the reader wanting to know more and that is good, I really hope that Hickman returns to the mutants to the position they deserve. Larraz and Gracia are perfect, I still don't understand how they are not in the new series, I suppose they will participate in the second wave, or at least I hope so.

House of X #2

Aug 7, 2019

This issue is insane in a very good way. Art 10/10 Script 10/10

House of X #3

Aug 28, 2019

Difficult not to mention the good work of Larraz and Gracia, I think nobody will question the artistic section of this series. The issue maintains a certain level of quality, I still consider it a bit lazy, I would have liked a longer appearance of the X-Men. We reached the middle of the series, I hope Hickman has left the best for this second part.

House of X #4

Sep 4, 2019

Breathtaking. One of the best X-Men stories in a long time. It is incredible what an excellent drawing and the game with the colors can do when it is accompanied by a good writing and vice versa. The thing here is that with a classic style, Hickman continues to reimagine the mutant history quite convincingly. I would have liked a slightly more active Jean, but overall a great issue.

House of X #5

Jun 16, 2020

House of X #6

Jun 16, 2020

Immortal Hulk #19  
Justice League (2018) #1

May 10, 2019

Justice League (2018) #2

May 10, 2019

Justice League (2018) #3

May 10, 2019

Justice League (2018) #4

May 10, 2019

Justice League (2018) #5

Aug 19, 2020

Justice League (2018) #6

Aug 19, 2020

Justice League (2018) #7

Aug 19, 2020

Justice League (2018) #8

Aug 17, 2020

Justice League (2018) #9

Aug 17, 2020

Justice League (2018) #10

Aug 19, 2020

Justice League (2018) #11

Aug 19, 2020

Justice League (2018) #12

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #13

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #14

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #15

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #16

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #17

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #18

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #19

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #20

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #21

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #22

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #23

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #24

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #25

Aug 21, 2020

Justice League (2018) #26

Aug 24, 2020

Justice League (2018) #27

Aug 24, 2020

Justice League (2018) #28

Aug 24, 2020

I forgot how awesome this Justice League issues are.

Justice League (2018) #29

Aug 24, 2020

Justice League (2018) #30

Aug 24, 2020

Justice League (2018) #31

Aug 26, 2020

The whole Justice/Doom War is great.

Justice League (2018) #32

Aug 26, 2020

Justice League (2018) #33

Aug 26, 2020


Justice League (2018) #34

Aug 26, 2020

All this event is just crazy in a good way.

Justice League (2018) #35

Aug 29, 2020

Justice League (2018) #36

Aug 29, 2020

Justice League (2018) #37

Aug 29, 2020

Justice League (2018) #38

Aug 29, 2020

Justice League (2018) #39

Aug 29, 2020

This issue is not an ending not at all. I can understand why some people hate it but for me this is the best JL run since new 52 I mean I loved what Johns did but this has something special since I grown up with "Super Friends" so see how Snyder brought back the Legion Of Doom and how he plays with some great teams (JSA) and the way he mixes different characters from stories that have a special place for me was great. Maybe it's pure nostalgia but I appreciate that "Metal" has laid the foundations for such a story. The art was pretty great in this issue and in the whole arc.

Justice League (2018) #40

Sep 1, 2020

Justice League (2018) #41

Sep 1, 2020

Justice League (2018) #42

Sep 6, 2020

Justice League (2018) #43

Sep 6, 2020

Justice League (2018) #44

Sep 6, 2020

Justice League (2018) #45

Sep 6, 2020

Justice League (2018) #46

Sep 6, 2020

Justice League (2018) #50

Aug 13, 2020

Justice League (2018) #51

Aug 18, 2020

Well, maybe it's pure filler but I think it has an interesting potential, by itself it is an entertaining number, the art is very good it may be the best arc of this pre death metal era.

Justice League (2018) #52

Sep 1, 2020

At this time the continuity of the DC universe is all a chaos, in a way I think this has affected this comic a bit, I loved Snyder's run, the stories that followed don't seem bad to me, in fact I enjoy many of them but in the end I think that not all of them got the ideas right. I don't know what plans DC has, it is evident that Death Metal aims at a restart, a clean slate or at least a new stage, it seems that after the Death Metal tie-ins this comic will continue and will not be canceled / restarted, so I think that Loveness would be an interesting writer, I think since Snyder left the series Loveness's arc is the most consistent, entertaining and fun of the run, this second part focuses on Batman but that doesn't detract from the story and it seems to me that in general the chemistry between team members flows properly. The art matches the tone of the story and conveys the emotions that the writer wants. For me this issue and the past give a break to this series, I hope Williamson doesn't disappoint and does something interesting with the 5 issues they gave him. Then I hope that someone capable takes the reins of the title and DC doesn't drop the level of the series that gathers its flagship characters.

Justice League (2018) #53

Sep 15, 2020

Art 5/5 Story 4.5/5

Justice League (2018) #54

Oct 6, 2020

Justice League (2018) #55

Oct 21, 2020

Justice League Vol. 4: The Sixth Dimension

Aug 24, 2020

Justice League (2018) Annual #1  
Justice League (2018): Road to Dark Crisis #1  
Justice League: No Justice #1

Aug 13, 2020

Justice League: No Justice #2

Aug 13, 2020

Justice League: No Justice #3

Aug 13, 2020

Justice League: No Justice #4

Aug 13, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #13  
Powers of X #1

Jul 31, 2019

The art and colors are amazing, this book and House of X will have no problems in this regard. On the other hand, if House of X 1 allowed the reader to notice a new rebirth for the X-Men franchise, it is this number that really opens a new era for mutants. I like the new characters and the story seems interesting, there are important dialogues and you can feel how the story moves forward. At some point the "annexes", tables or graphs or explanations, etc., seemed a bit boring but I think they are needed to lay the foundations for everything that is coming. Certainly, sometimes it is somewhat confusing and it may be that new readers are totally lost but if you analyze all this as a single story you can conclude that Hickman did not lie, this will change the history of the X-Men.

Powers of X #2

Jun 16, 2020

Powers of X #3

Aug 23, 2019

There are no words to describe what Hickman is doing with these series, it is not just writing, the artistic team perfectly complements the work. The relevance of all this is that the characters were again interesting for the reader. It is not only about unbridled action or entire pages of dialogs, it is appreciated that each panel has a purpose or objective. As a former X-Men fan I am very happy with this stage

Powers of X #4

Sep 11, 2019

This issue is a bit confusing, but it is what is expected from Hickman. While it is true that each issue of this series and House of X is good and has a great quality in itself, I think that like every good story that connects, it will be the saga in its entirety that makes us appreciate all of this.

Powers of X #5

Jun 16, 2020

Powers of X #6

Jun 16, 2020

Superman: Year One #1  
The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

May 27, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

May 27, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #3

May 27, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #4

May 27, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #5

May 27, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #6

May 27, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

May 27, 2020

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #11

Feb 6, 2019

Finally Cyclops is back in action and I must say that this issue really feels like and actual X-Men story. Art is great and the colors are magnificent. For me the best is how well Cyclops and Wolverine are still portrayed. This is the Cyclops we wanted back. This is the real start of this series.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #12

Feb 20, 2019

The issue has a good panels and for me the art and colors are ok for the tone that Rosenberg puts in the story. This number follows Cyclops and Wolverine through a kind of prison where they find some mutants. My only issues are the lack of definition of the Cyclops personality and the death of a mutant that feels a bit forced. I like the relationship that is developing again between Cyclops and Wolverine. The most important thing like I said before is that this story actually really feels like and X-Men story kind of "Back to the Basics" and for me it's ok.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #13

Mar 6, 2019

Larroca did an excellent job in this one. The art is simply amazing and the Guru-eFX job highlights it. The plot is interesting and makes you want to know what happens next. This issue has everything, it has characters development and it has many action and great sequences. Yeah the tone maybe is dark but it seems that things that Rosenberg plans to do will have consequences, permanent consequences in the future and to be honest the X-Men franchise needs something like that.The issue justifiques the Multiple Man presence. In this 3 issues I can see and X-Men story arc. Lets see how it ends. Don't mind about the old outfits.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #14

Mar 20, 2019

I'm not a big fan of all "Disassembled" story arc. I don't hate it but for me it was kind of disappointment in some aspects but I understand the necesary of its existence for the future that is already Rosenberg building to the franchise. Being said that, after issue 10 the things are getting better and better and issue number 14 is the living proof of that. This comic book has everything. A stunning intro, plots that already care us, good action secuences, characters development, panels that shows the X-Men in all their glory, the art of Larroca is so good, maybe it has faults but for me is just good as the story and the colors used by Guru-eFx fits very well. The chemistry between all characters is great and I already said this from issue 11 but I need to say it again, this really feels like and actual X-Men story.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #15

Apr 3, 2019

The action is good. I have some issues with some panels but the art as the narrative in general is ok. The interaction between Cyclops and Hope it's well writtten by Rosenberg. It's great to see how all the characters interact with each other. Definitely a solid issue.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #16

Apr 18, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #17

May 1, 2019

Rosenberg continues doing a good job. Let's see where goes this.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #18

May 17, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #19

Jun 5, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #20

Jun 19, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #21

Jul 3, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #22

Jul 17, 2019

Uncanny X-Men X-Men Disassembled

Mar 23, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) Annual #1

Feb 6, 2019

At this point the best issue of the series.

Venom (2018) #1

Feb 25, 2021

Venom (2018) #2

Feb 25, 2021

Venom (2018) #3

Feb 25, 2021

Venom (2018) #4

Feb 25, 2021

Venom (2018) #5

Feb 25, 2021

Venom (2018) #6

Feb 25, 2021

War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1  
Wolverine (2020) #3

Aug 2, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #4

Sep 23, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #5

Sep 23, 2020

X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1  
X-Force (2018) #1

Feb 26, 2019

Excellent first issue with the members of the original X-Force. The action is fantastic and I love the art.

X-Force (2018) #2

Jan 30, 2019

Continue with the narrative of the previous issue, beginnig to mix perfectly the events of Extermination and Uncanny X-Men as well as the announced return of Ahab. Personally, I like art very much and I think it fits very well with the tone of the series.

X-Force (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

This is by far the best issue at this point, the action, the drama, the relationships, all of this is so well written. Something interesting in this issue is the fact that we can see some evolution in the X-Force members relationships. Ed Brisson is killing it with this series. All pieces starts to unite in a very good way. The talk between Cannonball and Kid Cable is powerfull and Boom - Boom is just amazing. I know some people hate the art but for me is just incredible, it fits very well with the tone of this X-Force and the colors are incredible. Did't see coming what Ahab did to the President's son.

X-Force (2018) #4

Mar 13, 2019

With this issue ends the first story arc of this series and for me this issue is good, but it could have been better. The action is fantastic and the chemistry between these characters improves more and more. Once again, we have an excellent character connection, this time between Cable and Domino. I like what Brisson is building around the Cable - Rachel relationship and how everything comes together from "Extermination". I think Ahab's death could have more impact. The artwork and colors are ok. The appearance of Stryfe was already expected and makes you want to know what will come next. Solid conclusion. Overall an enjoyed issue.

X-Force (2018) #5

Mar 27, 2019

Well, the answers are coming. Good issue. Brisson's work begins to intertwine all the loose ends and begins to shape interesting characters with relevant motivations that show that not everything is totally good or bad. I am anxious to see how he develops this Stryfe's version. The art is good.

X-Force (2018) #6

Apr 14, 2019

The issue brings some important answers but we need to push the story because in some way it feels to slow.

X-Force (2018) #9

Jun 12, 2019

X-Force (2018) #10

Jul 17, 2019

X-Force (2019) #1

Jun 20, 2020

Solid start. Cassara´s artwork is great and fits perfect with the tone of the comic.

X-Force (2019) #2

Jun 20, 2020

X-Force (2019) #3

Jun 20, 2020

X-Force (2019) #4

Jun 20, 2020

X-Force (2019) #5

Jun 20, 2020

X-Force (2019) #6

Jul 12, 2020

X-Force (2019) #7

Jul 12, 2020

X-Force (2019) #8

Jul 12, 2020

X-Force (2019) #9

Jul 12, 2020

X-Force (2019) #10

Jul 12, 2020

Good Issue. Great action. What are the intentions behind the last pages? Are the foundations of something being laid? Will it continue to develop? We'll see.

X-Force (2019) #11

Aug 12, 2020

X-Force (2019) #12

Sep 9, 2020

X-Men (2019) #1

Jun 16, 2020

Solid first issue.

X-Men (2019) #2

Jun 16, 2020

Yu´s artwork doesn´t fit at all, at least for me, in my opinion this book need a diferent artist.

X-Men (2019) #3

Jun 16, 2020

X-Men (2019) #4

Jun 17, 2020

Spectacular. Maybe I am in the minority but Yu´s artwork sometimes is great, since issue 1 he has amazing panels, just beautiful but he has too, in my personal opinion, some bad, very bad panels just say again I think his style doesn´t fit with this X-Men line.

X-Men (2019) #5

Jun 17, 2020

Silva´s art. That´s all. This new X-Men line or era fits perfect with artist like Larraz, Silva, Asrar, Kubert and many other with similar style.

X-Men (2019) #6

Jun 17, 2020

X-Men (2019) #7

Jun 17, 2020

X-Men (2019) #8

Jun 18, 2020

X-Men (2019) #9

Jun 18, 2020

X-Men (2019) #10

Aug 2, 2020

Its Ok, not great not bad.Its one of the issues that Marvel has with its "big events" that sometimes include series or stories by force. Although in the case of X-Men I think it has been handled in a good way.

X-Men (2019) #11

Sep 23, 2020

X-Men (2019) #12

Sep 23, 2020

X-Men (2019) #13

Oct 21, 2020

Year of the Villain: Special #1  

Reviews for the Week of...


