the green death's Profile

Location: Outside the Circles of Time Joined: Jun 03, 2013

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Action Comics (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

Cyborg Superman is Darth to Braniac's Emperor and it works quite well. He's a tragic character and I like the Nu52 version better than the old school (who had a great design but who's character was lacking in my opinion). Solid story and art, I'll probably pick up Supergirl as a result to see where the story goes from here.

Action Comics (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

I like both Fisch and Pugh and enjoyed this issue. It is not, however, the best be seen from either of them, but its still a nice little story defining Metallo and setting him up as a straight ahead villain now.

Action Comics (2011) #24

Oct 5, 2013

First part of Psi Wars was much better. The Psycho Pirate isn't a terribly interesting foe. I liked The HIVE Queen and Hector Hammond far more. The art was rather uneven as well.

Action Comics (2011) #25

Nov 6, 2013

Great issue. I love Bluejeans Superman and this may be his best appearance. Lots of learning the ropes of superhero-ing and learning humility too. Just a wonderful story with art to match.

Action Comics (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

Greg Pak gets Superman like few other writers and he runs with the ramifications of the new status quo in a way that feels very true to Superman. Wonderful art from Kuder too.

Action Comics (2011) #42

Jul 1, 2015

High stakes very personal superman story, definitely running with the de powered storyline in an interesting and engaging way. Love Pak on Superman, love Kuder on the character too. A great point in a great run!

Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 8, 2016

Very classic 90s take on the Big S, and worked better than the Rebirth Superman one shot in setting up the characters while also driving the plot forward. A good issue.

Action Comics (2016) #958

Jun 22, 2016

Totally solid and fun comics Action. Very classic 99s Supes but with better coloring and art and more decompressed writing. Absolutely worth my $2.99 and I'm pretty sold on the book now.

Action Comics (2016) #959

Jul 13, 2016

Continues the combination of Big Bang action along with sprinkles of mystery and pretty great art. Not essential, but tons of fun. More decompressed than most of the Rebirth books, but somehow the old school-ness of the character situations makes me not mind.

Action Comics (2016) #960

Jul 27, 2016

Action comics continues to be aptly titled and the pacing seems more like a newspaper strip than a full comic. To me Superman works well in this sort of pacing though, the character lends himself to widescreen and decompressed and so I'm enjoying it all quite a bit. Kind of wish there would be more Luther though.

Action Comics (2016) #961

Aug 10, 2016

Still fun but this issue the holding pattern of action packed fights with three panels of mystery doesn't work quite as well as it has been, mostly down to the art being good but not as good as what's come before. Next issue looks like we'll get some answers, so this is probably more of a blip down with my enjoyment rather than it being tanked.

Action Comics (2016) #962

Aug 24, 2016

This arc ends on a high, all the action is tied up, we get some great character moments and future challenges are teased. Overall I've really enjoyed this opening arc slugfest and I'm interested to see where the series goes now that it's going to slow down for an issue or two,

Action Comics (2016) #963

Sep 14, 2016

Entertaining start to a new storyline about the new Clark Kent. I want to know answers and we seem to be circling towards them. Great art too, love Zircher on Superman.

Action Comics (2016) #964

Sep 28, 2016

So a major mystery has been revealed... To be a further mystery. Something about this book makes me very forgiving about its glacial pacing and I am still enjoying it eight issues in. I do wish we had a little more Super-Lex.

Action Comics (2016) #965

Oct 12, 2016

Decent issue that starts what hopes to be a solid new storyline. The last page caught me by surprise, even though I should have guessed it. After the first storyline being a little too heavy on action, after three slower issues I'm hoping for more action in Action again.

Action Comics (2016) #967

Nov 11, 2016

After two short storylines that did more to lay foundation than showcase the full-on action of the first Doomsday story, the bang pow is back and not a moment too soon. This series reminds me of old school Shield-numbered Super-stories of yesteryear and I mean that as a good thing. I Tuvalu wasn't e pe ting the last page reveal here, well done keeping me guessing.

Action Comics (2016) #977

Apr 12, 2017

I've enjoyed Action since Jurgens came onboard but feel he's really found his groove the last few months. The pacing is better, the characters more vibrant - this is the best work I've read from him in many years! I'm excited for the rest of the post-Reborn Secret Origin and the assembly of the Revenge Squad. Bring it on! Also, Ian Churchill has never looked better - great art from an artist I'm usually lukewarm on. A more pencilled look/less tight 90s image inks.

Action Comics (2016) #982

Jun 28, 2017

This storyline continues to be exciting and the art is solid. Well worth $3.

Action Comics (2016) #1040

Dec 13, 2022

Acts of Evil: Wolverine Annual #1

Dec 30, 2020

I thought was a well-paced done in one with solid storytelling and really nice art. I picked up the Acts of Evil trade for sale on ComiXology and got to say I enjoyed pretty much all of it but the Deadpool story. Kind of surprised people here didn’t like it so much.

Adventures Of Superman (2013) #45

Mar 11, 2014

Great Superman comic. Action packed, wonderful art and quite touching. Pretty much perfect.

All-New Doop #1

Apr 9, 2014

Nice art but the story did nothing for me. I wish for the fully anarchic Milligan of X-Force and Shade days, but everything I've read by him in the past few years has been a letdown.

All-New Ghost Rider #1

Apr 9, 2014

The story zips by and it's done practically before it starts, but the art is glorious and well captures the sense of speed necessary for a book like this.

All-New Ghost Rider #2

Apr 9, 2014

Great art, but there's still not a ton of story to sink your teeth into. Unsure if I'm going to stick it through the first arc or not.

All-Star Batman #1

Aug 11, 2016

Didn't know if I'd get this or not, but the Jock cover looked great so I dived in. Really like the art, pretty good on the story. Like that Batman seems to have a sense of fun about him and his verbal sparring with Two Face was the high point. I'm in for another few issues at least.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.2

Jun 27, 2014

I love the art, but the story feels very "been there, done that". Like Marvels, without the "guy on the street" angle.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #2

May 22, 2014

Its a fun issue but I just started this book after a few years away and the amount of subplots tied to the titles time as Superior is a little daunting to me.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #790

Oct 25, 2017

Came back to Spidey with Legacy after a while away and have really enjoyed these past two issues. It's classic Spidey but updated in a way so it doesn't just seem like the same old stuff again. Great great art helps a lot too!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #9

Nov 14, 2018

Top tier superhero title. The stories move in interesting and unexpected directions while keeping the characters true to themselves and the villain's plans are interesting. The art was really nice too, more like this please.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12

Dec 19, 2018

A fun little issue, but definitely a bit of a step down from the last few.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #22

Feb 19, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #63

Apr 8, 2021

I love this title, Spencer gets the history of the characters so well and rides the themes well. Really solid art too, I wish this were weekly.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #65

May 5, 2021

Great fun, gives a nice resolution to some storyline’s while setting up for next weeks king-size conclusion to the overall arc. I’m really happy that this didn’t just feel like part 3 of 4, but felt like an exciting and satisfying story in and of itself, that’s something you don’t see quite often enough these days.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 7, 2021

Good set-up. I’ll be interested to see where this goes and I think the thrice monthly for six months style of release gives it a good length to tell an epic story that won’t bloat. We’ll see if that is a true prediction or just wishful thinking as things progress.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018): King's Ransom #1

May 12, 2021

Wow, there’s a lot of payoff here, numerous plot threads come satisfyingly to a close while another big one is set up. Gotta say that I thoroughly enjoyed this one more than I have any other new comic for a while. Well worth the time and money spent though it really isn’t a jumping on point so much as a ride for regular readers.

Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc.: Alpha #1

Dec 7, 2017

Nice solid start to what could be an interesting storyline. Stegman does some solid art and Slott and Costa's writing blends together seamlessly. It's not going to change the world or anything, but sometimes you just want a good solid Spider-Man/Venom comic

Animal Man (2011) #20

Aug 11, 2013

Very touching well written issue of this great series.

Aquaman (2011) #23.2

Sep 26, 2013

Very good issue! Story and art both very solid and it was cool to see Orm not so much a villain as a character whose morality is totally different than most of one in the present day.

Aquaman (2011) Annual #1

Nov 1, 2013

I'm behind on Aquaman but usually enjoy Ostrander but was left cold by both the story and art here. Boring villain, no real depth to the characters, this was a missed opportunity.

Aquaman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Exciting and entertaining, with as much intelligently designed world building as there is explosive action. The art work is fantastic and the script sparkles, so far one of my favorites of Rebirth.

Aquaman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

Yep, it's an all out action issue, but it's an action issue that uses the fighting to tease out the themes of the series. I liked how willing Aquaman was to out everything on the line to end the cycle of violence between himself and Manta. It's nice to see him behave as the consummate hero. I think Abnett gets what makes Arthur tick.

Aquaman (2016) #3

Jul 20, 2016

The next stage of the first story is all about moving the pieces on the board, and it does a good job of that. Not action-packed, but after last issue's giant throw-down, this felt like a good thing. A solid issue of a very entertaining series.

Aquaman (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

Just a great issue, everybody's actions are consistent to their characters and the blending of these actions creates a tense political thriller. Yeah, Aquaman sits perched near the top of the Rebirth pile for me. I get its not everyone's bag, but for me it's scratching an itch I didn't know I had: Classic superhero political thriller action movie.

Aquaman (2016) #5

Aug 17, 2016

Another impressive issue. Lots of action, but the action serves to further Aquaman and Mera's relationship. Also, every subplot is moved along as well. Top of the pile for me.

Aquaman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

Beautiful artwork, another action packed issue that furthers character development. I would have preferred it if we hadn't just had an all action issue last time too, but this is still a great series and a favorite of mine currently.

Aquaman (2016) #7

Sep 21, 2016

A great issue that packs a lot of plot progression in without feeling overstuffed. Eaton isn't quite the artist Walker is, but he's still damned good and this is a great looking book as well as an excellently written one.

Aquaman (2016) #8

Oct 6, 2016

I love this title and it's ability to balance action with ongoing plot lines is great, reminds me of an intelligent update of the sort of comics I loved as a kid. The first book I read every time it comes out.

Aquaman (2016) #10

Nov 11, 2016

Aquaman And The Others #1

Apr 9, 2014

Surprised how much I enjoyed this. A nice intro to all the characters, a good lead-in to Future's End and solid art. I'm on board for at least the first arc, which I truly didn't expect.

Aquaman: Deep Dives (2020) #1

Apr 23, 2020

Really solid art and a nice straight ahead superhero story that showcases Orlando's ability to make the classic still feel relevant. Probably my favorite so far off these daily digital DC books.

Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

I've been rereading Johns' Aquaman run and this builds off of this, uses it as a good intro for new readers and sets up a new political direction for the series. I liked this a lot and feel it stands at the same level as Johns' excellent run

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #6

Dec 11, 2017

The think the art of this series reads best at a monthly pace but I suspect the story will benefit from a one-sit reading, so in some ways the series is at odds with itself. That said, I was pleasantly surprised by the intelligent way Xavier was brought back and am interested to see where they take the idea.

Avengers (2016) #672

Oct 10, 2017

I haven't followed any of Waid's Avengers since the first 0 issue. I did read the first few issues of Champions and enjoyed them fine. This issue here I got suckered into due to renumbering (what can I say, I like big numbers better than small numbers and will enjoy the 3-6 months that Marvel reverts to big numbers). That said, this issue works well as a reintroduction to everyone and does a great job of setting the two teams against each other subtly without the unnecessary fisticuffs. Thought the art was top notch too. Good mix of old school with new school facial expressions, layout and color. $24 seems like a lot for the whole story so I'll probably wait my six months until its up on MCU to read the rest, but once it is up, I'll read the heck out of it.

Avengers (2016) #673

Nov 2, 2017

After a so-so last part, this story becomes a lot of old school fun now. What I expected out of Waid's run and haven't gotten as much as I wanted.

Avengers (2018) #4

Jul 4, 2018

This was probably my favorite issue yet. Lots of big ideas on the creation of supers in the MU, but with good character moments and solid action. Also noticed that despite a number of splash pages, this one didn’t read in five minutes - it felt meaty. Enjoying this run a lot so far!

Avengers (2018) #5

Jul 18, 2018

This is one hell of an Avengers comic! The characters all feel in character, the action is huge, the set-up for the last part is just cool as anything and Ghist Rider is the surprise break out character here! Aaron gets how to write this sort of big stuff and I really hope he keeps up the quality and stays on the book for ages.

Avengers (2018) #10

Nov 14, 2018

This was a perfect modern superhero comic. Wonderful art, action, intrigue, great character writing, tons of set-up, decent payoff. If every book were this good I’d go broke from buying them all. Literally no complaints here. I want to reread it tomorrow, and the day after.

Bat-Mite #1

Jun 3, 2015

I love that there's a kids book set in the DCU. That said it isn't laugh out loud funny enough for this adult to buy more than one issue of. Hope the kids love it though!

Batgirl (2011) #41

Jun 24, 2015

Great to see Babs and Batdad interact in and out of costume. Another winning issue from one of my favorite current runs.

Batgirl (2016) #1

Jul 28, 2016

Great issue, I've been following Batgirl since the Burnside team and feel this is a great next step, the character feels like she's found the next level of progression naturally and it's looks and reads great!

Batgirl (2016) #2

Aug 26, 2016

A good issue, I really like the globetrotting and wish the Beynd Burnside was actually a longer storyline. As much as in enjoy Albuquerque's dynamic line work, there are times I wish he hired an assistant to draw in backgrounds.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1

Aug 17, 2016

I really like the art and the characters are great, but I'm just not feeling the story and the inserted arguments among the heroes, which seems unnecessary and we all know the way it's headed (they'll find out they all work well together). Probably going to stop following this now.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 21, 2016

Didn't feel like a Rebirth special, it was more like the first issue as it pretty directly continues into the new series. That aside, it was a nice solid comic book and I liked the characterization. As a fan of Batgirl of Burnside, the character remained the character I liked here, but focused more fully on the heroics. Black Canary was good and funny, but Huntress felt a little off from her Grayson depiction. Even so, I'm interested in seeing where it all leads and who the new Oracle is. Oh, and unlike common consensus, I thought the art was mostly great.

Batman '66 #5

Aug 6, 2013

A lot of fun for your .99. I wish it was still in the animated format of the first three issues, but no worries- I will still pick it up as long as it stays such fun!

Batman (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

Great art and a strange story that just didn't do it for me. I like the idea of the Joker with a monkey sidekick, but this story didn't pull it off. Also, did anyone really want to see the Joker as a little boy?

Batman (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Great issue! Not as connected to Zero Year as I expected, but that's no problem. This is really the first time we've seen the Riddler unleashed in the New 52 and boy oh boy is he awesome! Easily my favorite of the Batman Villains issues and one of the best so far that I've read in Villains Month.

Batman (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

An entertaining done in one Penguin tale that builds on his recent appearances in the New 52. I run hot and cold with Tieri but feel that he pulls in solid work here and the art is quite nice too.

Batman (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Loved Nolan's art but the story overall was just fine, nothing great. I liked Tomasi writing Guy Gardner but find that he falls flat for me much of the rest of the time. Your mileage may vary.

Batman (2011) #26

Dec 13, 2013

Great art and the story's also very solid but something about it just doesn't have my full attention. Unlike many I like, but don't love, the Year Zero story.

Batman (2011) #41

Jun 11, 2015

I'd lost interest n Scott Snydet's (IMO) Batman but this refreshed my interest for sure. Jim as Batman is pretty great and I'll stick around for as long as it intrigues me.

Batman (2011) Annual #2

Aug 6, 2013

Really great art and solidly written annual. The new villain is well introduced as are the new side characters.

Batman (2016) #2

Jul 8, 2016

I like this story and think there's a lot of mileage to get out of Gotham and Gotham Girl. The dialog is crisp and entertaining and though the art isn't my favorite ever, I like Finch better here than I did on JLA.

Batman (2016) #3

Jul 21, 2016

Really dig the optimistic Gotham and Gotham Girl, though it feels like things might get tough for them next issue. Finch looks better than he ever has and the book moves along briskly, but never at the cost of character depth. I'm not the biggest Batman fan, but since Revirth I've been loving this book and Detective.

Batman (2016) #5

Aug 18, 2016

Great comics happening here. This arc has had my favorite art from Finch and the art fit the story tone perfectly. The end to "I am Gotham" was tragic, deep and dark. I'm not usually the biggest Batman fan, I tend to be a bigger fan of the quality of writing and art he gets out of creators, but here Batman's unflinchingly selfless heroism, to stand up for the possibilities of a better Gotham and to shoulder burden without being broken by it is a true inspiration. Loved this issue. My favorite single issue of a DC comic since Rebirth started.

Batman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

I know taste is subjective but I'm a little shocked that King's Batman isn't considered a break away hit. I think it's genuinely a great run so far and I love this downbeat epilogue issue. Great story, great art, great comics!

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

Almost a full year after the Rebirth special we move a little closer in towards the source of this planned two year arc. Unafraid of the spotlight shine, Tom King writes his ass off and Fabok turns in some of his best work (an impressive feat for an artist of his caliber). Things didn't shake down like I expected and the issue is all the better for the twists and turns it presents. I wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of integration of the Watchmen stories into the DCU, but if quality like this is result - bring it on!

Batman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

Pretty much a perfect comic. Great story and art, thematic depth and the issue felt longer than it was. Sometimes you don't need endless monologues to get into characters' souls.

Batman (2016) #105

Sep 17, 2021

I’m reading these late because I digital sale wait, but damn did I love this ending. The art on the arc was the most inconsistent of Tynion’s run but the story was fantastic and it was emotionally resonant in a way Batman rarely is for me. I’m really sad he doesn’t have much time left on his Batman run as I think Tynion could have pulled off his five year plan and left us with one of my favorite Batman long-form stories. Ah well, I’m happy that he’s found personal fulfilment with his creator own work and substack - I’m just bummed that as a mainstream superhero a fan, that his fingerprint will be missing from this sphere.

Batman (2016) #130

Jan 3, 2023

Man I love Zdarsky on Daredevil and I look forward to the next time I get a month of Marvel Comics Unlimited so I can catch up. His Batman first arc feels just so much less engaging than his Daredevil work though. Heck even his Red Hood run in Urban Legends hit harder than this. This just comes across as a relatively generic action thriller movie and the book is saved by the cool back-ups and the strong art (made great through the colouring). Maybe the next arc will sell me on his Batman run, hope so as I imagine he’s here for years.

Batman / Superman (2013) #2

Aug 6, 2013

Beautiful art and some very solid character writing, the decompressed nature of the story keeps it from achieving full marks however.

Batman / Superman (2013) #3

Aug 28, 2013

Best issue so far. Loved the Earth 2 Batman/Superman back story, it was love and really on mark. The use of two artists was handled well and even though it was done to help Jae's schedule was given a story reason and worked seamlessly. I feel Pak is finding strong footing here and could end up being one of the heavy weight Superman writers of the past decade.

Batman / Superman (2013) #3.1

Sep 26, 2013

Dug this one quite a bit. Booth has never looked better, I've not been a big fan but am rethinking my position after seeing his art on this issue! The story's quite good too. I'm excited to see where Pak takes all this old Krypton/Zod/Doomsday material that he's seeded between this issue and Zod.

Batman / Superman (2013) #10

May 8, 2014

Lemire is in full-on Frankenstein writer mode and that's a ton of fun. Craziness and zaniness aplenty with Ray Palmer finally stepping into the role of Atom. Good old fashioned uber fun crazy concept comics for the whole family!

Batman / Superman (2013) #21

Jun 11, 2015

I like Pak's take n Superman a lot and this follows naturally from his work last week in Action Comics. I'm very interested where this goes and the arts grand too.

Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #1

Mar 13, 2014

Nothing more or less than a perfectly entertaining done in one annual with great art and a wonderful sense of character. My favorite work that Pak has yet to turn in on this series, really shows that he's the same writer who is working wonders on Action

Batman and Robin (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

A decent story with absolutely lovely art. I've always liked Two-Face and he's absolutely crazy in this issue. A little too much constant shooting and violence for my taste however, it got a little "loud".

Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

A great story of the Court with immensely creepy art. I am now onboard to see where this goes in the pages of Talon. You see the Court in present day as well as throughout history and you see their reaction to the events of Forever Evil. More please!

Batman and Robin (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Great art but wasn't really feeling the story until shortly before the end when I was hit with an unexpected relationship that elevated the entire book. Read it to the end!

Batman And Robin Eternal #18

Jun 3, 2016

I liked the twist and thought it well delivered. A high point in the series to this point,

Batman And Robin Eternal #26

Jun 13, 2016

Through the ups and downs of the series, it all ended well and gave a great resolution for Harper and set up Cassandra for her Detective Comics story. Tynion can write the hell out of character scenes and he manages to give characters individual and unique voices.

Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 9, 2014

Nice solid start to what I hope is a thrilling weekly series. I'm onboard for the first few months.

Batman: Eternal #2

Apr 16, 2014

The second issue continues a strong start for this series.

Batman: Eternal #3

Apr 25, 2014

Still going strong! I love the deeper look we are getting into Gotham.

Batman: Eternal #4

May 7, 2014

Another solid issue that keeps the story rolling while continuing a slow roll-out of the cast involved.

Batman: Eternal #5

May 8, 2014

A decent issue with really great art.

Batman: Eternal #6

May 15, 2014

Interesting stuff is happening and I really dig the Spectre, but this issue had six out of twenty pages devoted to either splash or double splash pages. Too decompressed. I'll stick around, but hope that doesn't become a trend here.

Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) #1

Apr 22, 2020

Nice Jim Lee art is the only thing this has going for it. Otherwise fully forgettable. I’m picking up every one of the week one Digital Firsts, but so far there’s not been too much to convince me to try week two.

Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Not the biggest Snyder fan, but man do I love me some King and I'm happy to say I see his fingerprints more strongly on this than I do Snyder. Clever update of Calendar Man and Bruce was on point and really cool. Excited to see where Duke goes too, I liked him a lot in this issue.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

Simone does a good creepy story. This is my first exposure to the new Ventriliquist and she's cool in a sort of Sadoko (from Ringu) meets Chucky kind of way, but I still prefer the old Alan Grant version. The art is quite nice!

Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

A nice decent story by Palmiotti and Gray raised above the average by the surprisingly great art by Jason Masters. I've never seen Masters before but he strikes me as a really solid mid-tier artist who could likely work his way higher. I don't mind New Freeze at all, if you do you probably won't like this issue. Personally, I liked the fact that its very definitely the second act of the story started in the Batman Annual and I love seeing stories like these play out over the course of years done by different creative teams, its part of what really endears me to shared universes.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

Layman brings another great freakin' issue that actually gets you I tot he head of Clayface and makes you realize just why he's a villain and its not some horrible event in his past, its just that he's very proud and not terribly smart, a bad combo. Good art too though I didn't love Clayface's current design as well as his last one. This issue was also a pleasant surprise because I didn't know Layman had a Villains month issue and I was a little bummed to go a month without him on Tec.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Not very good at all I fear. Even the Fabok cover is under his usual standards.

Battlestar Galactica: Classic #0

Oct 3, 2018

A nice intro to a new storyline that seems to have appeal but I just don’t have the nostalgia for these characters needed for this to fully land. If you do hold BSG Classic near and dear you’re in for a treat, otherwise you, like me, probably won’t be along for the ride. Still appreciate the free digital zero issue as I’d never have tried it out otherwise,

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #10

Nov 18, 2017

As one of the few people following the Legacy initiative at Marvel I'm buying the first Legacy issue of all books. This might be good issue for regular readers but it did anything at all to catch a new reader up to date, I was lost in the deep end here confused about who anyone was, what was going on and why I should care.

Bizarro #2

Jul 12, 2015

Funny book, nice art. Six issues will be a good length for this.

Black Bolt #8  
Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

Tons of fun, great first issue. I like Batgirl a lot and this series is also enjoyable after a similar fashion but has a style very distinctly its own. Much more gonzo than I expected, more humor too.

Black Canary (2015) #7

May 22, 2016

Black Canary (2015) #9

Jun 11, 2016

A great little done in one issue that makes me bummed that this version of Black Canary won't continue into Rebirth. Dad and her band mates work great with other writers and I feel there are years worth of stories that will go untold.

Blackout #1

Apr 9, 2014

A good but not great first issue that left me feeling a little lost not having read the DHP lead-in. The back-up however, is fantastic! Superb work from story to art to coloring. 9/10 for back up 7/10 for lead.

Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Aug 25, 2016

The story was loud and messy and filled with dialogue that I didn't enjoy when it was done far better on Buffy. There was a time when Giffen's snarky dialogue made me laugh, but it's grown tiresome and grating to me over the years, and these days he's a much better co-writer with JMD scripting, than he is a writer. Blue Beetle has been a character I've loved since his first DC, post-Legends series, but I don't imagine I'll follow this series after the proper first issue (I'm buying all Rebirth specials and first issues).

Boo: The World's Cutest Dog #1

Sep 7, 2016

It's a cute fun little book for kids and fans of the very cute Boo. Not going to change your world, but if you want a cute little book with a cute little star you could do worse.

Buzzkill #1

Sep 18, 2013

As a sober comics reader this comic spoke to me far more than I expected, freakin great comic! Very excited to see where it goes from here. For those of you non-sober types, don't worry, it's not a lecture or a lesson, just a great comic story with a very clever hook!

Buzzkill #2

Oct 16, 2013

Not a letdown from the previous 10/10 first issue. Everything here is brilliantly handled and is my current favorite book on the market!

Buzzkill #4

Dec 19, 2013

Brilliant series ends brilliantly. Comic of the year in my book.

Cable (2017) #150

Oct 18, 2017

The issue is largely set-up but it's very solid and interesting set-up and I prefer Cable as part of a team than solo and this oddball team he's building looks like they could have some strange and entertaining adventures.

Captain America (2017) #695

Nov 2, 2017

Beautiful art, by the numbers story. I liked Spencer's run better and will want for Marvel comics Unlimited to read further here.

Captain Midnight #4

Oct 30, 2013

Just straight up good self contained superhero comics here. Well written and well drawn, I picked up all four issues today and now have a new book for the old pull list. Well done!

Captain Midnight #5

Dec 6, 2013

Great fun! Solid superhero material being produced from a very interesting angle. How much can we trust our hero? How has the world changed since he's left? Can he cope wi the changes?

Captain Midnight #9

Apr 9, 2014

Top notch superhero comics month in and month out, Captain Midnight has never been less than very good and it's becoming better and better as it builds.

Captain Midnight #11

May 29, 2014

Perfect superhero comic winds up the first season of Captain Midnight with grace. The best issue yet of a wonderful series.

Captain Midnight #20

Mar 3, 2015

This really is one of the best superhero books on the market now. It's a great long form story, good art and it asks tough questions of the hero and doesn't give easy answers. Deserves far more recognition than it seems to be getting.

Captain Midnight #24

Jun 24, 2015

I've loved his series. It doesn't end on a bum note, but it is a bit action packed at the expense of the cool character moments I've loved. Wish there was going to be an issue 25 as after Justice League this is the book I've been following longest, since the third issue. Thanks so much to a great writer, editor and team of artists!

Champions (2016) #13

Oct 18, 2017

Not as fun as the Avengers part one, the story seems a little scattered and the action didn't really grab me - let's hope things improve when the High Evolutionary shows up.

Checkmate (2021) #2

Jul 28, 2021

HO IS DAEMON is some pretty terrible from cover typography, like not at a professional level at all.

Conan And The People of The Black Circle #1

Oct 24, 2013

A good fun book and Olivetti's art is a perfect fit. I'm onboard for the whole mini.

Constantine (2013) #9

Dec 13, 2013

A nice next step for the Blight storyline. Not quite as good as JMD's issues but still a lot of fun.

Constantine (2013) #21

Feb 9, 2015

So dark and so Damned good. Nothing good happens here for the characters but the drama all that evil shit stirs up is hugely entertaining. Makes me wish Fawkes was going to stay on the book post mini-boot.

Convergence #3

Apr 23, 2015

I know I'm in the minority but I find his a really fun old school comic book. I dropped Worlds End a few issues in and haven't followed Earth 2 for ages but find the characters easy to identify with. Looks like they are setting up Grayson to become the new Batman of Earth 2 which I'm cool with. Solid art too.

Convergence #6

May 14, 2015

A lot of fun. It's very old school in many ways and that's why I like it. Heroes band together because they're heroes and villains band together because they're bad and I realize it's been a long time since we've had that sort of simple storytelling and for all its lack of depth, it's still a whole bunch of fun.

Convergence #7

May 20, 2015

This mini started out with a sputter but I've enjoyed the heck out of the past few issues, just fun old school comic books with a great set-up for the finale.

Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1

Apr 27, 2015

Some positive word had me excited for this one and while it wasn't bad it was not my favorite Convergence story either. Kind of bland.

Convergence: Justice League Of America #1

Apr 27, 2015

A whole lot of fun, one of the better Convergence crossovers. CrissCross's art is fantastic, like a modern Infantino- so impressed!!

Convergence: The Adventures of Superman #1

Apr 27, 2015

So much old school fun that it hurts! Supergirl is fantastic here, I've never read much pre-Crisis Supergirl but I found myself wishing for a regular title with her while reading this. Wolfman reads far better here than he did in his Villains month stories.

Cyborg (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

Very classic feeling first issue and I'm interested in where it's going but wish there'd been a little more meat on the bones.

Cyborg: Rebirth #1

Sep 7, 2016

Dang solid Rebirth issue, has me interested to read issue 1 and see how things develope,

Dark Horse Presents (2014) #1

Aug 21, 2014

Great reboot to this always quality anthology. I liked every story, which is a rarity for an anthology.

DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

Jun 29, 2017

It's dark and funny and really absurd in how seriously it takes itself. A very good one shot and definitely one not to be missed if you have even a passing interest in the idea of these two characters meeting. The second story is also quite a hoot and makes me want to see Tom King write another straight up gag comic as he has skills in that "not as easy as it looks" department.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 25, 2016

I wish I hadn't read spoilers, but I did and even so the book floored me with the emotional moments. As good as big two superhero books get.

Deathstroke (2014) Annual #2

Jul 2, 2016

I picked this up because the reviews intrigued me and I've lo been a fan of Phil Hester's intelligent yet never showy writing (why he's not a bigger name I do not know). Honestly, this issue was even better than I expected. There are shades of classic Kurosawa here, but updated and well used. The art is well above average as well and perfectly suited for the book's tone. I know this will never be a big hit, but I think if you like a well told gritty revenge story, you'd do well to pick this up. I hope Hester gets used more by DC in the future.

Deathstroke (2016) #1

Aug 26, 2016

The seeds planted in the Rebirth one shot already start sprouting and the direction of the series is much clearer to me and I'm now stuck with the pleasant problem of following another really good book through at least one arc. Welcome back to comics Priest! One note, I haven't followed Deathstroke much but did pick up last month's Annual, and if you're digging this series so far, I think you'd like that Annual. Very much a similar vibe, though with more linear storytelling. It was great and I heartily recommend it.

Deathstroke (2016) #2

Sep 14, 2016

I liked this issue, and loved Hama on layouts however I'm dropping the book as I feel it's going to read better in large chunks than single issues. I have too hard a time keeping track of who's who. Still, after an arc is done I'll pick them all up and enjoy the hell out of a one sitting read.

Deathstroke: Rebirth #1

Aug 12, 2016

Really loved the flashback scenes, but the rest felt a little too scattershot. I thought the recent annual by Phil Hester was a little better at showing an interesting multi-layered look at Slade's mercenary side. However, this issue isn't a done in one and its setting up not just a single story but an entire ongoing approach to the character and Priest makes it very intriguing. That said twice a month is more Deathstroke than I really need in my life, so despite a good story and very nice art, I'll probably leave after issue 1 (I've been buying through the first issue on all the Rebirth titles).

Defenders (2021) #2

Sep 8, 2021

This reminds me of Ewing’s excellent and under-appreciated work on Ultimates, the scope is simply enormous and the action breathless. What gives this even extra spice is Rodriguez’s amazing, complex yet simple artwork. Been a big fan of his since Spider-Woman with Hopeless (another under-appreciated title) and I truly hope this series breaks him out as the A-list talent that he deserves to be seen as.

Defenders (2021) #3

Oct 7, 2021

I like this a lot. Hope it becomes either an ongoing, or (even better) a series of mini-series - that way they could keep Javier Rodriguez on every story.

Detective Comics (2011) #23

Aug 8, 2013

Another great issue for this great series. Layman and Fabok are firing on all cylinders.

Detective Comics (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

Pleasant art with a rather dull story. I like Poison Ivy well enough to be entertained, but she was far better handled in BoP and the Detective story with her and Clayface than here. Wish Layman had done this issue.

Detective Comics (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

This didn't do much to sell me on the upcoming Arkham War. Tomasi misses many of the characters voices and the set-up of the Arkham crew versus a bunch of Bane-style criminals isn't much to write home about. One of my least favorites of these Villains month books, which kind of sucks as its one of the ones that very directly leads into the next step.

Detective Comics (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Great art! I've enjoyed ManBat's story in Detective and while his isnt written by Layman it still gives us the next step for the character and its a step that makes sense. Where this goes next, we'll have to wait and see.

Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 9, 2014

Great art, but its a little weak on the story side of things.

Detective Comics (2011) Annual #2

Aug 6, 2013

There is a lot of good going on in Batman comics right now, but at the top of the heap stands Layman's Detective! I'm shocked that he's not drawn more attention than he has to the book because its so good issue in and out, plus he ties everything together tightly while still offering done in one style issues. I think a lot of writers could learn a thing or two from Layman. Oh, and his co-writer must be good too, because I couldn't tell any sort of decrease in quality in the writing for this annual. The art, also, is top notch!

Detective Comics (2016) #934

Jun 8, 2016

A great introduction issue with beautiful art, by far my favorite story I've read by Tynion - it's like a distillation of everything that worked in the two Batman Eternal minis, without all the stuff that didn't work. Also, good god the art is top notch! I've been a Barrows fan for a while, but this is the best I've see him and he coloring perfectly compliments his line work.

Detective Comics (2016) #935

Jun 22, 2016

Dang solid part two for this story. I'm now overalls familiar with the characters going in and yet the personalities sparkle through easily. Lovely art too, I'm enjoying his series so far,

Detective Comics (2016) #936

Jul 14, 2016

A very dense read and I am happy that Martinez rocked the art, which after the amazing work Barrows has been doing, I was concerned about. Tynion has a great feel for the cast and is writing at the top of his game.

Detective Comics (2016) #937

Jul 28, 2016

Love this storyline, the evil Batnerd kid was great and the Colonel's plot is sketched out in greater detail. Simply great serialized entertainment,

Detective Comics (2016) #939

Aug 26, 2016

God I love this series! Really hope they're not going to kill Tim Drake next issue, like the foreshadowing leads us to believe they might. This series has made him an invaluable addition to the Batfamily again, in a way he hasn't been at least since the introduction of Damien.

Detective Comics (2016) #941

Sep 29, 2016

My favorite part so far of this crossover. Really liked the Gotham Girl and Nightwing scene, creepy good stuff.

Doctor Fate (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

Great art, decent story. Impressed that perhaps Levitz is out of his writing rut,

Doctor Strange (2015) #381

Nov 15, 2017

A great start to the new storyline and one of the better Legacy books in being a fully contained introduction to the book, it's characters and the primary mysteries that will grow from here. I loved Donny Cates' intro book at Dark Horse with the alcoholic superhero and I'm happy to follow him here.

Earth 2 #17

Nov 6, 2013

It can't be easy to take over a popular title in the middle of a massive epic storyline but Tom Taylor does an excellent job here!

Earth 2: World's End #1

Oct 10, 2014

A good but not great start. I'm intrigued enough to stay around for the first month.

Empyre: Road To Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War #1

Mar 25, 2020

Great summation of what is leading up to Empyre and also a good character based piece about the suffering that continual conflict brings. I haven’t read almost any other event lead-in’s that work this well. Writing, art, pacing - all pretty danged great. Also, it got me excited for what comes next.

Eternal Warrior (2013) #1

Sep 11, 2013

This is a fine start to a new series. I like Pak a lot and picked up based on him and a lingering fondness for the old Valiant series. The art is not great and the story a little decompressed, but I am curious as to where this leads so may pick up at least the first arc.

Eternal Warrior (2013) #2

Oct 9, 2013

A far better issue than number one. Gives Gilad a great hook and its taken me from slightly interested to fully engaged. The only downside, there two art teams here. Ones amazing, the other- not so much.

Extermination (2018) #3

Sep 26, 2018

Exciting, action-packed and still room for decent character work. Pretty great mini so far.

Extermination (2018) #5

Dec 19, 2018

Hell of a climax to a fun series. It was worth waiting a few weeks in order that the book look as good as it did. Really didn't see the ending coming and I felt it was a good last run for the time-displaced O5. I know this era got a lot of poop thrown at it, but I enjoyed the Blue and the non-Bendis All-New a great deal and was happy to see their story get proper closure.

Falcon (2017) #1

Oct 16, 2017

I honestly liked Sam as Falcon and was a little bummed (though not surprised) that he wouldn't be keeping his position a little longer. Still this was a great first issue that keeps the political heat Spencer brought, adds a good sidekick, includes strong character work. I'm a little surprised there's not much humor given how the Boondocks was my favorite newspaper comic back in the day - but I can't complain as the tone is perfect for the book.

FCBD 2014: Project Black Sky #1

May 7, 2014

A free 24 page comic featuring my favorite current superhero Captain Midnight teaming up with the obnoxious yet lovable Brain Boy in a battle against Ape-X a giant intelligent ape. Top that amazing comic book sundae with great art and a sparkling script and you get just one more reason why Dark Horse has been slaying it with their Project Black Sky line.

Fight Club 2 #2

Jun 24, 2015

Great work, gets very interesting and dark while there's still a sad and sick humor underneath it all. The marriage with Marla falling apart is really well done and written by a man who understands the characters he writes.

Flash (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Very good issue with a great grasp of Barry and good set up of the side characters. Cliffhanger makes for a long wait for issue two.

Flash (2016) #2

Jul 14, 2016

Barry mentoring a new speedster is pretty dang entertaining and I didn't see the ending coming. As it stands Barry is definitely one of the most likable superheroes on the market, he's a good guy underneath and I appreciate that. Very solid series.

Flash (2016) #4

Aug 11, 2016

Another solid issue in a very good series. Barry is a nice guy who likes making he world better and I dig that! Personality-wise he's one of my favorite characters in the Rebirth line. I really liked Googe's art and hope he's one of the series regular artists. Already looking forward to the fifth issue!

Flash (2016) #22

May 17, 2017

I didn't expect many answers going in, after all this is a midway point for a two year storyline. I figured it would introduce more questions than it answered, but the art and writing were terrific and I felt well served by the story. The last issue of Batman seemed the weak link here, but it all ended on a high.

Flash (2016) #776

Jan 6, 2023

Cute AF and I loved it. Adams’ run so far has been hit after hit and has stylistically been pretty wide ranging. He’s definitely a name to watch.

Flash Gordon #1

Apr 10, 2014

A fun thrill ride of a first issue. Lots of big adventure and if this issue and King's Watch is anything to go by, Parker has the characters down. Very good stuff.

Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 8, 2016

I thought Williamson's run on Dark Horse's Captain Midnight was great and so I was excited to see him onboard for Flash, a character I love. He didn't disappoint, a great issue that ties heavily into the Rebirth special and hints at the shape of I gs to come. Since I suspect, most reading this aren't familiar with Captain Midnight, I should say that Williamson does a great job juggling a large cast, overarching narratives and smaller pieces, so we're in for a treat!

Forever Evil #1

Sep 4, 2013

Great first part of this new story let down a little by the art (with Ivan Reiss it would have been a 9.5). The arts not terrible, some is quite good, but after the quality of Trinity Wars it is definitely a step back. Very excited to see where this all goes from here!

Forever Evil #2

Oct 2, 2013

Good forward motion happening here. Very excited to see where this series goes next.

Forever Evil #3

Nov 6, 2013

Still a whole lot of fun and I'm very curious to see where it all leads next issue. Plus we now know where the Justice Leagues have gone (which tis in nicely to what we saw in last months JLA).

Forever Evil #7

May 22, 2014

Summer popcorn comics at their best and a rare modern event that ended better than it started. Loved every second of it.

Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #1

Oct 30, 2013

Good solid start to this mini. I've been a fan of the New 52 Steve Trevor and a fan of Sterling Gates' writing for awhile, so this is a bit custom made for me. The art is boing amazing, but solid enough and there's no jarring differences between the two artists. Good stuff.

Forever Evil: Arkham War #1

Oct 9, 2013

Much preferred this to the two Tomasi Villains issues. Lots crammed in here, most of it is set-up but its all good set-up and the art slays.

GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022) #2  
Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance #1

Jan 3, 2021

I got this because I hadn’t seen anything by Mackie or Saltares in ages and this seemed 90s af. It is, and that’s really all there is to it. Turn off your brain, crank up testosterone levels and it’s a fun enough diversion. Can’t say I’m hankering for more, but as a one shot it reminded me of 90s Marvel and that’s all I was asking it to do (though I should add, the art is quite good).

Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth #2

Aug 8, 2013

The action stuff is great, the human stuff not so much. But really, who is buying a Godzilla comic for the human drama? Only action complaint is SPOILER wish Zilla had been obliterated.

Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth #5

Oct 30, 2013

If you're not a kaiju fan, this ain't going to win you over. But for kaiju nerds like me, this issue is pure gold with an amazing appearance by my favorites, the Gargantuas! If the idea of a comic with the Gargantuas in a comic makes you excited, this will be your favorite issue of Rulers of Earth, if you either don't know or don't care about the Gargantuas and their like, you're probably better off looking elsewhere for your comic thrills.

Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth #6

Nov 30, 2013

The best Godzilla comic I think anyone could reasonably expect. It really captures the vibe of makes the big G great, though I wish we'd seen a little more of the damage that happened when Vegas got stomped, one of the fun bits of having the monsters in the States is seeing places I know get trashed.

Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth #10

Apr 9, 2014

Another fun issue of this kaiju monsterpiece! Pretty much love this series.

Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth #11

May 7, 2014

More exposition than most issues, but it seems they're drawing everything together for the big finale to the first twelve issue arc that will happen next issue. The human characters are still far less interesting than the brilliantly choreographed fight scenes, but that's to be expected for a Godzilla series!

Gotham Academy (2014) #7

Jun 11, 2015

Super fun! Maps is my favorite character in the series and her in an adventure with Damien Wayne is just a straight up good time through and through.

Gotham Academy (2014) #8

Jul 9, 2015

Great fun!

Gotham Academy (2014) Annual #1

Sep 4, 2016

I followed and enjoyed the first series of Gotham Academy and this annual is more of the same tightly scripted, well drawn adventures starring an eclectic group of teens. It's pure fun and while hitting similar joyous notes, the script is more complex than you'd find in the average Scooby caper.

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1

Sep 16, 2016

A fun re-introduction into the world of Gotham Academy. I liked the last run a lot and if this issue is indicative of the run to come, I'm going to like this a lot too!

Grayson #1

Jul 16, 2014

Action packed intro issue with great art and really solid set-up. I'm not sure if the superspy stuff is really my bag, but I can't fault the series for being a shining example of a genre I'm not in love with.

Grayson #19

May 22, 2016

Nope, not as good as King/Seeley/Janin, but few comics are. It's still true to the Spyral plot and I suspect the writers are working off King's notes. I actually think for pinch hitting Lanzing and Kelly do a pretty great job, I also thought that they were some of the best voices for Batman & Robin Eternal, so I hope Rebirth gives them something to do that isn't tied to other people's plots.

Grayson Annual #3

Jul 1, 2016

Totally fun annual-sized adventure. I hope to see more from Lanzing and Kelly as I think they are solid writers and the best to come out of Batman and Robin Eternal. It's nice to see them tackle something that's not a part of someone else's story. Nice art too and every part fit the story well. I'll miss Grayson.

Green Arrow (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

A dark as hell issue with pitch perfect story and art. My favorite of the first week of Villains Month.

Green Arrow (2011) #24

Oct 5, 2013

Another top notch issue of a top notch comic. Lemire and Sorrentino are a dream team and every month for nine months they've released a great comic. Highly recommended, even to people who aren't DC nerds like me.

Green Arrow (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

Definitely this follows more on Lemire's run than anything else from the Nu52, but in some ways it even improves the character of Ollie. I didn't have high hopes for this issue, but bought it because the preview impressed me more Han I expected it to, but now it's added to the pull list. Great gritty superhero title that, for the first time since he relocation, actually felt like it took place in Seattle (I lived in the Pacific Northwest for five years a decade ago)

Green Arrow (2016) #2

Jul 8, 2016

Totally enjoying this run so far, I'm impressed by how much has happened and we're only three issues in. Honestly, I was a little worried that Rebirth might be a very decompressed line, but here second issues have alleviated any fears of that. Percy/Schmidt are a great team!

Green Arrow (2016) #3

Jul 21, 2016

Totally enjoyed this issue. There are evil super villain Bankers, good action scenes and heroes to root for. The script is dense that means it take time to absorb the story. The second artist Ferreyra, does a great job keeping the art strong and the layouts were especially great this issue. A highlight.

Green Arrow (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

Another great issue of Green Arrow, the series that moves from strength to strength. Loved seeing Dinah in action, she's great here!

Green Arrow (2016) #5

Aug 22, 2016

Good ending with great art. Overall an extremely successful introductory run on the Emerald Archer. I've got to hand it to Percy, he truly deserved to stick around as the author and get one more shot at making his mark!

Green Arrow (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

I like Emiko's character and am surprised and happy to see her as the focus for this book's second arc, leaving the island mystery floating (sorry, bad pun) for another issue or two. The art isn't as stellar as the previous run, but well suits this storyline, so no complaints

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Really really great art and a fun, relatively done in one status quo set up issue. I'm in for at least the first storyline and I really do like Ollie and Dinah together, works a treat.

Green Lantern (2011) #23

Aug 8, 2013

Good not great issue. Hal has a lot to learn about leading the Corps and I hope he starts to learn it sooner than later, as he comes across as more of a jerk than I care to read about. The Star Sapphire conflict was well handled. Tan's art in this issue is a real highlight, easily the best I've seen from him on this book. He appears to be getting more comfortable with the cast and is flexing his

Green Lantern (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

Great art and an interesting background for Relic. He definitely has a heroic angle for doing what he's doing. It seems that the heroes not only have to defeat him but also defeat what caused him to want to destroy the lanterns in the first place, which might prove more challenging.

Green Lantern (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

Definitely on the upper tier of the Villains month issue. There is a brilliant scene in here about how Black Hand breaks out of jail that simply floored me. Soule is the writer to watch right now! I have little doubt that he's going far, though wonder if he'll veer into TV and movie writing. The art is good here though definitely not Ponticelli's best. The story itself is cool as it didn't waste a lot of time with origins and instead showed what Blackhand would do if suddenly GL were out of the picture for a while. The twist is grizzly and a good gut punch.

Green Lantern (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Eaglesham's back at DC! And he's never looked better! The story is a nice recap of Sinestro's life that is well told. It is really the iconic, "story of" issue that you could give to anyone to understand e character of Sinestro. I'm happy all Villains Month issues weren't like this, but I'm also happy this one was. Well done!

Green Lantern (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

A good set-up for the Lights Out storyline but I sort of feel the new GL teams jumped a little too fast into huge cataclysmic events. What with the Blue Lanterns stuff over in NG and now big stuff on OA, I would have preferred a little more time to let the new status quo settle in.

Green Lantern (2011) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2013

Some interesting ideas thrown in a blender with a lot of shouting and posing. I just don't feel Vendetti quite gets these characters. I'm giving the GL books (except Soule's brilliant Red Lanterns and maybe New Guardians) one more month to win me over or else I drop them.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #23

Aug 14, 2013

A good ensemble book that closes out the first mini-arc with a bang! Your mileage on the book will vary depending on how much you enjoy large casts. Me, I love 'me when juggled well and actually prefer this title over the main GL book.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #23

Aug 21, 2013

There's a massively shocking moment at the end of this issue that I hope doesn't pan out the way it looks to have. I'm definitely excited for the upcoming crossover but hope that a cool part of the new myths wasn't wiped out for the sake of shock

Green Lanterns #2

Jul 6, 2016

Best issue of the run and I'm now happy I stayed around. Things are gelling between Baz and Cruz, though we still need a little more of Baz in the mix. My only complaint is how the Red Lanterns here don't seem to build off of Charles Soule's great run on the RL book. Hopefully this will be explained.

Green Lanterns #3

Jul 20, 2016

Really enjoyed seeing Baz do cool stuff instead of getting a constant talk down. Though Bleez's characterization from Soule's great Red Lanterns run was nowhere in sight, she was still well-used here. The hodge poddge artwork knocks the score down a bit for an otherwise solid issue.

Green Lanterns #5

Aug 17, 2016

Decompressed with so many splash pages, but that's not what bothers me. What bugs me is that they've completely edited Charles Soule's great Red Lanterns run out for no real reason other than to draw some of the classic Red Lanterns in a fight scene. Characters who are dead and unaligned with Atrocitus are alive and on his side and their characterization washed away and turned as bland as "henchman #3". I'd thought about dropping this before, but now it's well and truly dropped.

Green Lanterns #21

Apr 19, 2017

A good ending to a good storyline and one that leaves the GLs with a new archvillain of sorts. After the first arc of this series not really landing and reading really decompressed, I've been impressed by how much story and emotional beats Humphries packs into the series now. I think he's really found his feet as a DC writer and a GL writer. Great art too, it's always a treat when Robson does a full issue.

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Wanted to love it as I really like Baz and Cruz, but only liked it in the end. Actually, I think it was my least favorite of the rebirth one shots. Still great art and a good set-up, just felt it would have worked better as an eight page preview story than a full 20 page main event.

Groo (1998): Friends and Foes #6

Jun 18, 2015

The Only "problem" with Groo is that it's so consistently well drawn, funny and well written that it's easy to overlook. A more variable quality title might get more of a rise out of people. Can't recommend is book highly enough.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #146

Nov 2, 2017

I haven't read a Guardians comic in a while (since early Bendis) and this was just what I wanted in post-movie Guardians book. The background is cosmic, the character voices are on. Good stuff!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #148

Dec 7, 2017

Really good issue. Duggin impresses with his ability to drive a story forward and still offer really good character work that doesn't seem shoe-horned in. This should be one of the bigger books on the stand, but instead it's lower tier, which is a bit of a bummer.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1

Jul 27, 2016

Pretty good set-up issue, but I don't know if I'll stick around to see where it goes. Only so many comic dollars but I'll pick it up when it goes down a dollar in a few months on Comixology.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

Ties up some stuff from the last run (which I haven't read from 20 or more issues) and introduces a few new threads all the while giving a cliff notes version of the history of the Hal and the GL Corps. Without the amazing art this would be a little lower score-wise, but Van Sciver is on fire here and gives a decent book a shine that makes it sparkle.

Harley Quinn (2016) #1

Aug 4, 2016

Every once and a while I try a Conner/Palmiotti Harley Quinn comic to see if it's my thing or not, and every time I discover that it's still not. I'm sure many will enjoy, the humor just doesn't land for me.

Hellblazer (2016) #1

Aug 25, 2016

I liked this a lot better than the Rebirth Special. There's just something about John and Swamp Thing together that works. I figured I'd drop after this issue, but I'm onboard now for at least the first storyline.

Hellblazer (2016) #2

Sep 28, 2016

John acts a dick and an English mystery deepens. Meanwhile, Swanp Thing waxes philosophical. Good book that feels like old Vertigo, so long fast paced New 52 storytelling, hello deliberate pacing and moral bankruptcy.

Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

Loved the art (I've been a Moritat fan since All Star Western) and thought the story was good, but it's not quite the sort of story I'm looking to comics for these days, so I'll probably give the series a pass.

Heroes In Crisis #1

Sep 26, 2018

The amount of story in this issue amounted to the pre-credits scene in a TV show. What's there is fine and the art is great, but rarely has the phrase "written for the trade" felt more true.

Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 4, 2018

Very dark take on the Hulk, this reads like an intelligent horror comic and nothing at all like Pak’s Totally Awesome run (which I also enjoyed, but for very different reasons). The art and writing compliment each other well, really hope we get quite a few issues like this before the next dramatic tonal shift.

Incredible Hulk (2017) #709

Oct 18, 2017

I never read Planet Hulk (need to add it to my Marvel Comics Unlimited list) but this story still works for me. It's Hulk put into the world of Mad Max with added monsters - who wouldn't have fun? I know Land is a controversial artist and I run hot and cold on him but find this to be on the better end of my enjoyment spectrum with him.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 2, 2021

I thought I was going to be more excited for the coming new series after this but left only really interested in Superman and the Stargirl special and figuring I’ll give the new Green Lantern series a shot too. Nothing else much grabbed me and that includes the upcoming crossover series.

Infinite Frontier: Secret Files (2021) #3

Dec 8, 2022

I’ve been kind of so-so on Infinite Frontiers but I really liked this issue. It made me see Jade and Obisdian as potentially strong A-List characters despite never really paying attention to them before. Honestly I think you could make a kick ass mini-series/ongoing with the brother/sister pair.

Infinite Frontier: Secret Files (2021) #6

Dec 13, 2022

Infinity Man And The Forever People #1

Jun 12, 2014

I really enjoyed OMAC and though this started a little slower due to the number of characters introduced, by the end I was totally onboard. Excited to watch this series evolve.

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #1

Jan 20, 2021

Been reading the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Iron Fist collection of the old black and white magazine stories and so thought I’d give this a chance because I have usually enjoyed Larry Hama. Wasn’t disappointed, this is a great first issue. It introduced the central storyline, has tons of action, great art and colouring and Iron Fist seems like the same character as he did decades ago, so it captures his personality well. I’m on board for the whole mini if it stays his good.

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #2

Feb 17, 2021

Great art and the story chugs along. Reminds me of the days of the black and white Marvel magazines and specifically the Iron Fist story from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu. Has a huge scope and a semi-dreamlike execution. I dig it.

Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 10, 2014

Great art, but the story itself seems a bit half baked.

Iron Man (2020) #19

Apr 25, 2023

I only am really reading comics on the MCU app so rarely review anything as it’s at least three months old by the time I read it. But this, this is a perfect comic- great restrained writing and nuanced art. I just loved it and feel I kind of have to write a review just because sometimes shouting into the void is worth it when you’re shouting about something you love.

Jean Grey #10

Dec 16, 2017

Very epic issue, lots of great action with character work supporting it all. Great last page, I've loved this series from the start (a stealth Marvel Team-up book starring Jean Grey) and love it still. Hopeless had better keep writing at Marvel when this finishes or I'll be bummed.

Justice League (2011) #23

Aug 28, 2013

A huge finale to the Trinity Wars story. I truly enjoyed this event and felt it genuinely worked as a giant summer event in a way few modern events seem to. Perhaps that was due to the small number of main issues and tie-ins giving the series a far more unified approach. I'm anxious to see where Forever Evil goes from here, hope it keeps up the momentum.

Justice League (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

Darkseid is and always was an absolute jerk and I'm happy his origin didn't diminish that. I don't know that we needed a Darkseid origin but since we got one, this was a good one to get. Good work Pak! The artists do a really nice job too.

Justice League (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Never loved old Lobo and I quite liked Bennett on her Batman Annual, but this one didn't do it for me. Grim 'n gritty bounty hunters who aren't named Hex aren't my thing so its not that this isn't a good comic it's just not a comic I'm going to love.

Justice League (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Johns/Gates make a writing dream team! This is where you have to go if you want the backstory on Forever Evil's Alfred and Owlman, and its well handled through and through.

Justice League (2011) #24

Oct 24, 2013

Helluva fun read. Ultraman is a major jerk, here's why! Sets up a great battle heading our way in FE 3. This is the Geoff Johns everyone fell in love with as a writer and he's firing on all cylinders.

Justice League (2011) #25

Dec 13, 2013

Another greatly entertaining issue of JL. I love the background on Owlman and his weird desire to have Nightwing as a friend. Solid art too, though not quite Reiss' level of quality.

Justice League (2011) #29

Apr 16, 2014

A good but not great issue. I like Johns' take on the Metal Men, but the Cyborg/Grid battle wasn't quite as cool as I wanted.

Justice League (2011) #30

May 22, 2014

A lot of fun, quite excited to see where this story goes from here.

Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

This is how you start an event! Great action that doesn't skimp on the character work. So good!

Justice League (2011) #52

Jun 22, 2016

Prelude to Actuon Comics, it explains a lot about how Luthor has gotten where is he now. It almost seems like they're playing him as a flaws hero more than a straight villain, interesting to see how long that lasts...

Justice League (2016) #1

Jul 21, 2016

Reads like the first part of a trade, but it felt like decent widescreen JLA comics to me with great art. Not amazing, but solid and I think Hitch gets the rookie GLs' voices pretty danged well and I'm happy they're here. Everyone else he does a variable job. The threat could be interesting. Not my favorite of the Rebirth stuff, but I like it enough to keep following for now,

Justice League (2016) #2

Aug 4, 2016

This storyline lacks much weight, but it's fluffy fun. Honestly , it reminds me of an old Gardner Fox story from the 60s decompressed to six issues. That's kind of cool because it makes it feel classic, but kind of weak because there's not much more depth than would be needed to fill a single issue. The art is great! I'd dropped this from my pull but bought it on a lark, not sure if I'll be around for issue three or not.

Justice League (2016) #3

Aug 18, 2016

I mentioned last issue, but this reminds me of an old 60s JLA issue by Gardner Fox massively decompressed. The character work isn't strong, but the ideas are kind of cool and the art is great. I've dropped series I like more, but for some reason I keep buying the new issue when I see it on the stands.

Justice League (2018) #1

Jun 7, 2018

I think this is going to be my time to just realize that Snyder isn't the writer for me. I really liked the Court of Owls storyline but ever since then he's never quite landed for me. This has pretty great art and an epic feel, but the characters don't act strangely, none of them seem to have three dimensions - just a bunch of cyphers. I was hoping for a big bold first issue to get me back into the DCU - instead I got something that didn't really feel any better than Hitch's run (in fact to me it actually felt pretty similar to Hitch - big cosmic level stuff with no human connection).

Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 16, 2021

Great art from start to finish, but Bendis (whom I neither adore nor loathe) just doesn’t do enough in the lead story to hook me. There’s a fight, it looks pretty but never reads as particularly exciting, and there’s some talking that sets up the themes Bendis wants to explore, but does so in a kind of boring fashion. Ram V does more in 10 pages than Bendis did in 20 and I’ll pick up the digital trade for JL Dark because it is highly intriguing - I just can’t see myself buying the book monthly with the lead being so lightweight. I need to enjoy more than 1/3 of a title to fork over for it.

Justice League (2018) #62

Dec 13, 2022

Justice League Dark #22

Aug 6, 2013

I'm loving Trinity War, a mystery story framed as a giant superhero slugfest. It is quite a compressed storyline, fitting three issues of action and characters in a single issue. That's just the sort of comics I like, so no complaints from this corner! Also, its fun to see Geoff Johns' over-arcing plans for the New 52, that he's been seeding in Justice League, play out.

Justice League Dark #23

Aug 21, 2013

Everything is winding up for the big climax next week and I love Trinity Wars! Tons of characters, tons of action, good dialog and a mystery underneath it all. Can't wait to see where it goes from here!

Justice League Dark #23.1

Sep 8, 2013

This story is definitely convoluted, but if you work through that its actually pretty cool. I like the new Creeper being a demon whose desire is simply to create chaos. Yes, I always liked the old Creeper too (I'm a Ditko nut) but its fine to me for a new Creeper to appear.

Justice League Dark #23.2

Sep 18, 2013

Sometimes I enjoy a comic that I suspect most everyone else will hate, often time those same comics are written by Dan Didio. What can I say, I really enjoy the strange quasi-religious angle he's taken with Phantom Stranger and now here in Eclipso. It's such a bizarre take on Christian religion in the DC Universe I find it fascinating. Plus the art is really cool and they've been building towards Eclipso's intro since the early days of the New 52 so its cool to finally see it.

Justice League Dark #24

Oct 24, 2013

Almost a 9.5 A small week for me from DC but just about everything was so high grade. JMD is brilliant here and Janin is a major force as an artist. I love this issue and am quite curious to see this whole Blight thing play out. The ideas behind it all are quite interesting.

Justice League of America (2013) #7

Aug 14, 2013

Trinity Wars stays on course as a great little event! Tons of characters but still with great character moments (especially with Luor and Psycho, Johns can write the heck out of his villains)

Justice League of America (2013) #7.1

Sep 4, 2013

Great story, solid art. I've been a Deadshot fan from the old Ostrander days and so it makes me happy to see his origin handled so well. This is definitely an issue of Suicide Squad rather than JLA, but its a great SS issue, so why complain? Very excited for Kindt to take on the Squad, I feel its in good hands.

Justice League of America (2013) #7.4

Sep 26, 2013

Johns/Gates dream team! Loved this issue and how they bring Black Adam back. The ending has me stoked for what's next in Justice League! Highly recommended for fans of Johns' recent Shazam story, of Black Adam fans or those following Forever Evil.

Justice League of America (2013) #10

Dec 13, 2013

A fine issue but not the highlight of Kindt's career. Stargirl isn't really a character that he can sink his teeth into like the corrupt weirdos of Suicide Squad. I am happy to get her origin, but feel this issue could have used a little more Martian Manhunter.

Justice League of America (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

A nice wide screen comic that would have felt at home on the shelves a decade a go and is still a treat today. I wish every issue was this thick, I like a good graphic novel sized issue!

Justice League Of America's Vibe #9

Apr 26, 2014

Lots going on, honestly a little too much going on, but still a fun issue.

Justice League United #0

Apr 24, 2014

Good solid start with some very nice art. Color me interested, and with Lemire in the writer's chair, I imagine its only going to go up from this nice starting point.

Justice League United #1

May 15, 2014

Good fun so far.

Justice League United #8

Feb 9, 2015

Here's where I drop this series. Too many characters with a story not strong enough or with the sort of emotional weight required to hold them all up.

Justice League United #11

Jul 9, 2015

Great art, good concept, convoluted storytelling.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 8, 2016

Perhaps it's a case of low expectations brought on by poor reviews, but I was pleasantly surprised by this issue. I thought the characters were well handled (frankly Baz seemed better here than in Green Lanterns) and I'm happy to see the new Superman stuff being brushed upon and even with all the character moments, there was time for lots of action. Not my favorite of the Rebirth specials, but much better an id been led to expect.

Kings Watch #5

Apr 9, 2014

Parker and crew ride out on a high. This was a fun series from the start and it had interesting character development and lots of seeds for future adventures. Let's hope for another King's Watch mini, or even ongoing.

Larfleeze #1

Aug 28, 2013

Not funny, this issue made 20 pages seem like too much. It's too bad because Giffen and JMD can be great together.

Legendary Star-Lord #1

Jul 18, 2014

Not bad, but did very little for me overall. Definitely not hooked for issue two.

Magneto (2014) #1

Mar 11, 2014

Not a big fan if the character, but this was well enough reviewed that I gave issue one a shot. It was well written with good art, but the character still isn't interesting enough for me to follow amend this will end up a one shot purchase,

Marvel Comics (2019) #1000

Apr 3, 2020

I really loved this mural of what makes Marvel great. It made me nostalgic for stuff in the recent and distant past and got me excited for the Masked Raider storyline. A good read to catch up on while in isolation.

Marvel Comics (2019) #1001

Apr 3, 2020

Definitely not up to the standards of the 1000 issue. Not something I’d imagine re-reading but it had fun moments while I was in the midst of it.

Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 11, 2014

Best Ellis I've read since Fell. Best Moon Knight I've read ever. Great first issue!

Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 9, 2014

Its a triumph of style over content, but with style this lovely, you won't feel short changed.

Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 8, 2014

Beautiful and well written, but also a little slight for four bucks.

Moon Knight (2014) #4

Jun 4, 2014

Perfect comic book.

Moon Knight (2014) #5

Jul 5, 2014

Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 6, 2014

Another perfect issue and now I jump off the series as Ellis leaves. Six perfect issues is more than most series offer in runs far longer so I leave he table fully satisfied.

New Superman #1

Jul 13, 2016

Good solid intro issue that feels both new and old at the same time. I'm onboard to see where things go from here for the Super-man of China and the way the board is set up, it could be an interesting game. The art along the way is pretty good, if not mind blowing.

New Superman #2

Aug 10, 2016

A good solid second issue with the adventures of jerk Super-Man and the ersatz Justice League. It'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. I mean I assume he'll learn some humility but the last page makes it look like that is not going to happen soon, I'd actually kind of like it if he remains arrogant through the series, doing good deeds but never really becoming a good person.

New Superman #3

Sep 14, 2016

Good solid third issue, I am really enjoying this series and the way Kenan acts is often surprising but always within character. I'm digging the other JL of China members too.

Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 29, 2016

Good first issue that combines the espionage from Grayson with the sort of super heroics you want from a Nightwing title. Not sure about Raptor yet, but am curious to see where it goes from here.

Nightwing (2016) #2

Aug 5, 2016

Really enjoy the dynamic with Raptor, it didn't develope like I expected it to and the story was so much better for that.

Nightwing (2016) #4

Sep 7, 2016

Good issue, but feel the storyline could have used another issue or two to flesh out the Owls' downfall, it all happened a little quick. Still entertaining and Raptor is a great addition to the title. I'm ready for the brief Bat-crossover and then stoked to read more Raptor in Ocotober.

Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 14, 2016

Really impressed and surprised at how naturally this book works as the gateway between Grayson and this next phase of Nightwing. As a huge fan of the Grayson series I was apprehensive, but this was really good and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

One-Star Squadron (2021) #6  
Original Sin #1

May 7, 2014

An intriguing start to the series. I hope the series continues to work as a standalone from the crossovers, if it does I'll stay on board, if it gets lost in crossovers, I'm out.

Original Sin #2

May 23, 2014

A step down from the first issue both story and art wise. A fine issue but the sheer number of characters make it so almost none of them really shine here.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #297

Nov 15, 2017

Felt like half an issue more than a full one and not one of the best jumping on points for Legacy. As someone who hasn't been following PPSSN it doesn't give me enough to get me back next month.

Phantom Stranger (2012) #11

Aug 8, 2013

Just about as good as a tie in issue can be! It definitely tie into Trinity Wars but also continued the series' own themes through the crossover. I'd dropped PS around issue 4, but the strength of this issue had me buying up the issues I missed. Also, the artwork is amazing, far better than it was earlier in the series! Feels like no other DC book out there and highly recommended for filling a niche that I would never have imagined needing filling ( superhero fiction starring Judas).

Phantom Stranger (2012) #12

Oct 12, 2013

Another great issue of this shockingly wonderful title. jMD is writing the hell out of this title and Blanco's doing solid work on the art.

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1

Dec 28, 2017

I've been reading the old Claremont run one issue a day for the past month and a half and I'm two issues to the end of the original Dark Phoenix Saga (unintentionally good timing). The best compliment I can give this book is that the mysteries, the ease of which the characters interrelate and the feeling that this is building to something would fit right in those classic books. I've been enjoying the X-Men since Gold & Blue started but this is the best of any of them, great book.

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #2

Jan 4, 2018

Really intrigued by the Magneto pieces. Another great issue, I hope Rosenberg ends up with an X-book after this mini.

Prez (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

Really funny, probably my favorite of the issue 1s so far from DCYou, though Black Canary comes close.

Prez (2015) #2

Jul 22, 2015

Funny as hell, and that's tough to do in a comic book. Pretty on point satire, good characters and art and corndoggirl's dad steals the show with his inspiring commentary. Love this series.

Providence #2

Jul 11, 2015

Two issues in and this is the masterclass of how to write brilliant, intricate, thought provoking comic fiction. Best thing on the stands IMO,

Rat Queens #1

Sep 26, 2013

Like a session of D&D starring ironic Suicide Girls. The humor is pretty funny at times and the arts quite nice but there's not a lot of story here to gauge how this is going to work as a series. It's also a little too self consciously "hip" for my taste these days. May pick up the next issue though as I do like to support D&D style fantasy books.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1

Aug 11, 2016

I like this a lot, it reads far more coherently than any other latter day Lobdell (and I don't mind his work, but sometimes the hyperactivity of his storytelling got too sugar rush for me) and the art is dang pretty and the pacing is really good. I didn't imagine I'd be in for this title, but I'm adding it to the pull list and honestly I wouldn't mind if it were twice monthly. Bonus points for taking the psycho-killer aspect out of Jason, makes him far more interesting IMO.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #2

Sep 14, 2016

Didn't like it as much as the previous issues, but the art is great and the character moments strong, I just wish a little more plot had happened.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #4

Nov 11, 2016

A very fun issue of a very fun book. The plotlines are all coming to a head and the story and art continue to be of great quality.

Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Jul 29, 2016

Much better than I'd expected. Honestly if Lobdell's name hadn't been on the cover I wouldn't have known it was his work. Don't know if I'll follow this or not (I'm buying a lot of Rebirth and only have so much reading time) but will probably at least give the first issue a chance.

Red Lanterns #22

Aug 6, 2013

Hilarious issue with a real bite to it! Soule has won me over 100%. After two issues, this is probably my favorite of the updated Green Lantern books.

Red Lanterns #23

Aug 28, 2013

We find out what's been going on in Guy's mind over the past few issues, as does someone else. Atrocitus is also back with Dex-Starr and has a target painted on Guy. Plus great comedy bits about spaceship names and the like. A book that is dark and humorous, and has been consistently great since Soule took over.

Red Lanterns #24

Oct 24, 2013

About as good as mainstream superhero books get. Easily the highlight of the Lights Out crossover.

Red Lanterns #25

Nov 30, 2013

Lots of fun. There's a looming sense of dread as to what's coming for the Red Lanterns taking over as guardians of Earth's sector. It just can't play it well, no matter how well intentioned everything is. Great stuff.

Red Lanterns #29

Apr 9, 2014

Another top notch issue of one of my favorite books out. Loved it through and through and the Supergirl as a red story is developing better than I expected it to.

Red Lanterns #30

Apr 25, 2014

A near perfect comic book. Love how the characters are evolving and gaining real depth, a master class on writing a team book.

Rocket Raccoon (2014) #1

Jul 5, 2014

Loved the art more than the story but it overall quite good.

Rogue & Gambit (2018) #1

Jan 3, 2018

Very fun first issue, gets the characters perfectly and feels the right amount of old and the right amount of new. I'm onboard with those asking for Thompson to get an X title after this.

Shadowman (2012) #11

Oct 2, 2013

Pretty terrible. I like Skullkickers but Zub pitched this Halloween one shot all wrong, and Sepulveda's art impressed less here than in Red Lanterns. Plus Dr Mirage's introduction is a fist full of blah.

Shazam! (2018) #1

Dec 5, 2018

Been looking for a comic to get me back "in" with the DC Universe and everything I've tried hasn't really hit the spot (I am just not a big Scott Snyder-style writing fan) but this was just what I wanted! Geoff Johns at his most playful! I've always liked his work, but this shows that he's continued honing his craft as there's just the right amount of humor/heartwarming moments/action/revisionism and it's capped off with one big old jaw-dropping cliffhanger and another softer/fluffier but equally fun cliffhanger. This is everything I wanted in a great DC Superhero Comic Book.

She-Hulk (2014) #3

Apr 9, 2014

Great fun! Well worth my $2.99

She-Hulk (2014) #4

May 7, 2014

Another fantastic issue of this book. Its breezy and fun, filled with so many lovely character moments you'd think writing such things was easy. Soule remains the writer to beat in 2014 and I think Pulido's art is the perfect fit for this book.

She-Hulk (2014) #5

Jun 12, 2014

Another great issue. The art was a little Aeon Flux which was an interesting angle to take.

She-Hulk (2014) #6

Jul 16, 2014

A good issue in a great series. The lack of resolution is a little frustrating, but I have the feeling we will get more of the mysterious blue file in months to come.

She-Hulk (2014) #10

Nov 19, 2014

God I love this book! I feel Soule is not shining quite as bright as he once was on many titles, but this one remains amazing. Of course, it's also only got two issues left. Ah well, twelve great issues is an amazing run!

Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Apr 9, 2014

A good start. Lovely art and a decent story, interested to see where it goes from here.

Sinestro #1

Apr 16, 2014

I enjoyed this issue a great deal. Wonderful art and the story was well done (a bit of The Unforgiven in its set-up of drawing the old ring slinger back through use of his family) with dead-on characterization for the lead. Reminds me more of the Johns days of GL than any other book currently out.

Skyman #3

Apr 9, 2014

Terrific issue! Each issue of is mini has topped the previous one, now I'm saddened that the series only has one issue left. The Captain Midnight team-up has been great so far and I've been impressed. Y how much character and plot have been compressed into these three issues.

Sons of the Devil #1

Jun 3, 2015

A well written deliberately paced intro to a new horror title. I like how the main character really had issues with anger in a way that was more realistic than general in a comic. That drew me in and the realistic characters is what adds this to my pull list.

Spider-Man (2016) #234

Nov 2, 2017

Haven't been following this series since waaaay back, and this issue wasn't really written for the newbie. Seems like a nice issue if you've been along for the long haul though.

Star Trek Annual: 2013

Dec 13, 2013

Vastly entertaining slice of classic Trek done in a strange and unique manner. The story packs a lot in helping make it worth the cover price. Really enjoyed.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #1

Feb 5, 2020

Knew nothing about this going in except that it's about Vader right after Empire. I figured I'd but the first issue then wait for ComiXology sales for later issues, but there's no way I'm waiting now. Great issue, strong art and a fantastic cliffhanger I certainly didn't see coming. This is Pak on his A-Game.

Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1

Sep 9, 2015

It was fine. The art was beautiful but the whole "new characters thrown in with classics right at the end of Jedi" set-up didn't do a lot for me. I'll probably read digitally when it's in a sale

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Feb 10, 2021

A wonderful first issue that introduced new and likeable characters, had a threat and resolution but created hooks for future issues. The great story is matched by wonderful art that was not only beautiful to look at but also did a great job telling the story. I’m hooked!

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #1

Feb 3, 2021

Nice solid introductory story with some pretty high grade art. Definitely several steps above what I expected from the Adventures take on High Republic in both story and art.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #4

May 7, 2021

Decent story with pretty art, but overall the series is a little slow-moving for my tastes. I'll probably switch to trades after this first arc is over unless something blows me away in the next few issues.

Starfire #1

Jun 11, 2015

Well done in every regard, but just not my scene. Harley doesn't really do it for me either and I wouldn't have picked this up if it wasn't a slow week.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #2

Dec 21, 2022

Tons of fun and I’m excited to see where this goes. I think Geoff Johns taking a break from the main DCU for a little bit has made me appreciate him all the more. Absence and the heart growing finder and all that.

Static (2021): Season One #2  
Suicide Squad (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

A very solid issue. Kindt hits the ground running and you definitely feel the effects of Forever Evil here. I feel he doesn't quite get James Gordon Jr and Steel, but everyone else is cool and I love seeing all the conflicting agendas at play!

Suicide Squad (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Another great issue. Kindt fits like a glove here and we finally have a book that feels like a modern version of the classic Ostrander days. Love it!

Suicide Squad (2011) #26

Dec 13, 2013

Totally digging Kindt's run on Suicide Squad. It ties in well with Forever Evil and I think its actually a better tie in than the official three tie-in minis. Zircher slays it on art too.

Suicide Squad (2011) #29

May 7, 2014

Very convoluted artwork leads to an unimpressive end to Kindt's run on Sucide Squad. Somewhere in this run there's a fun book that harkens back to the Ostrander days, but I'm afraid it got lost along the overly decompressed way.

Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Aug 18, 2016

Pretty good first issue, I like the idea of the book being two stories with the first story being something like an old fashioned cliffhanger serial. Great art and a decent set-up but not much depth to dig into yet. The twice monthly will serve a book like this well,

Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 4, 2016

Manages to fit a big fat action movie into one 20 page book, that's impressive! It doesn't reinvent anything but it moves along at a great pace, introduces Flag and Waller and manages to have some strong action scenes too. I'm going to stick around for this one.

Suicide Squad: War Crimes Special #1

Sep 4, 2016

Loved Ostrander's original Suicide Squad run (it was the only book I bought every issue of month by month for that many years) so it's nice to see him back, and the plot here is great! It's just a single special cannot be packed with the depth of characterization that he specializes in, so while a fun 5th week distraction, it's not as legendary a return as an extended run could be. Also the art was serviceable but not anything to knock socks off.

Supergirl (2016) #1

Sep 7, 2016

Decent Supergirl issue, but I don't think I'm as into the teen superhero solo books as I used to be. This is a drop for me, but if it comes on sale on Comixology in a year, I'll pick it up.

Supergirl (2016) #8

Apr 12, 2017

Haven't read an issue since the first one but picked this up for the Emerald Empress/Saturn Girl stuff - unfortunately that's a non-starter relegated to just a few pages. Instead we get a Superman Reborn recap that conflicts with this week's far better Action Comics (how much Superman remembers of his past life is radically different here than there). I've now read a number of Steve Orlando comics and none of them have really grabbed me. The best was Midnighter, but even that wasn't my favorite. There's something about his style that doesn't click for me.

Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Aug 24, 2016

The art was lovely but the story didn't quite grab me. I'll buy the first issue proper and see if it hooks me but otherwise I'll leave it on the stands.

Superman (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

I love Sholly Fisch's writing and hope that he ends up on an ongoing title soon. He reminds me of Layman's work on Detective in that he can write a great one issue story that also seeds future story lines. His Bizarro origin is a great done in one Lex and Bizarro story that also sets up a future iteration of the villain. The art is top notch too. Highly recommended!

Superman (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

Huh Kuder wrote this as well as did the art? He does a really good job, far better than Kubert's Joker issue. Parasite comes across as a jerk before and after his powers manifest. He's definitely in that class of "jerk" villains who are simply ugly people before came the powers and I like him framed that way. Recommended!

Superman (2011) #41

Jun 24, 2015

Good first chapter, though I agree it could have moved a little faster. Yuen has the character stuff down well though and Romita has never looked better.

Superman (2011) Annual #2

Aug 10, 2013

A very fun spotlight on Lois Lane! Great art by Jurgens and a well written character piece by Lobdell. The only downside is the random inclusion of World of Krypton part four, which was ill placed being as it is running as backup in Action and that it wasn't terribly good.

Superman (2016) #2

Jul 8, 2016

Best issue yet. The story is progressing differently than I expected and this issue, unlike last time, didn't feel decompressed at all. Loving the father/son dynamic!

Superman (2016) #3

Jul 21, 2016

A little weaker than the last issue, but Jimenez is a good artist to work on this book on the non-Gleason issues. The Eradicator didn't excite me much and I don't love Superman's need to punch first, I thought he was an older wiser Superman from the New 52 one, but both here and in Action he seems more half cocked. Still a good series, just not at its peak.

Superman (2016) #4

Aug 4, 2016

Great art but a step down from the three previous issues. Lots happens, but there's not a lot of explanation, it kind of reminded me of a Jeph Loeb comic. Great art, but I hope the story self corrects next time around,

Superman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

Not a huge fan of the writing, which can be very decompressed and convoluted in plot development, but the emotional beats are really good and after the mediocre threat of the Eradicator was taken we got a number of great emotional moments. Good art too.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 9, 2013

Great character moments, and I do love Soule's writing, but feel his writing is a little pared down here to make room for e widescreen art (which is lovely, but I'm more a plot than art guy). Still a very enjoyable book, even if its not as filling as, say, Swamp Thing.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #2

Nov 13, 2013

Solid art and good writing (though far from Sule's best) make this an entertaining book, but decompressed storytelling keep it from its true potential.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #7

Apr 9, 2014

A breather issue that ties up strands from the last arc and sets up the upcoming Doomsday crossover. The best bit was a couple page scene at a dance club, that just nails what makes the Clark/Diana pairing work as surprisingly well as is does (at least in Soule's capable hands)

Superman Unchained #3

Aug 21, 2013

Good issue, but wish a little more happened. Snyder seems to naturally click a little better with Bats than Supes so far, but its still entertaining.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #1

Apr 22, 2020

Reads like a full-in issue from the 90s, not bad but not essential by any stretch of the imagination. Great art though and a fair price.

Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Felt more like an epilogue to the recent Death of Superman rather than a prequel for what's to come, but i enjoyed the story it followed pretty well and his is more of the same. Tomasi is a little more decompressed than I prefer, but still a solid issue. I'll give issue 1 a shot and decide if I follow or not based on that.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #7

Dec 13, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #15

Dec 21, 2022

Been reading an issue a day of this on the DCUI app. I’ve liked this series a lot, except the Dreamer intro issue felt too decompressed and this conclusion issue feels a little too fast and the resolution too simple and easy. Still Jay and Jon are cute, Superman is self-sacrificing and heroic and the scene with Lex and Bendis, sorry Bendrix, was good. Plus the art was strong.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021  
Superwoman (2016) #1

Aug 11, 2016

So good and my instant favorite among the largely solid Rebirth Super-titles. Who knew Jimenez would be such a great writer? He gets character drama, he gets action, he gets events - if he stays this good we might have just witnessed the first volley my an industry heavyweight writer. Gets an extra .5 to the score just by how much it crams into its 20 pages,Mathis is the opposite of decompressed storytelling and I love it!

Swamp Thing (2011) #23

Aug 8, 2013

Great conclusion to this two issue arc. By turns hilarious and terribly dark, the story was never less than brilliantly handled and Lapham did a rock solid job on the art even though I was initially disapointed that Kano didn't do the whole book. I actually think I preferred Lapham's Constantine to Kano's. Soule is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. I may even pick up his Thunderbolts, even though I am mostly a DC guy.

Swamp Thing (2011) #23.1

Sep 18, 2013

A very creepy issue with a few twists and turns along the way that I wasn't expecting. I love the vision of what he'll for Arcane would be, quite clever. The art is great too, another wonderful issue in a great run by Soule.

Swamp Thing (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

Bless my Soule, another great issue by my new favorite comic writer! Pays off the Seeder storyline, while at the same time setting up future story lines quite nicely. Thought the guest artist did a nice job too!

Swamp Thing (2011) #25

Nov 7, 2013

Another great issue with a pretty full on cliffhanger. Swamp Thing hasn't been better since the 80s

Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2013

Another week, another killer comic by Charles Soule. Piña turns in some absolutely killer artwork as well. Great examination of the other past totems and what they did to plead and appease the green.

Teen Titans (2011) #23.2

Sep 19, 2013

Not very good I'm afraid. I rather enjoyed the Kyle Highins issues of Deathstroke I read, but didn't care for any of the other issues I've read. I wish they'd let him write this. Moritat's art is cool, which is why this gets a 5 from me. The rest of the art is serviceable but no more than that. A easy to avoid issue.

Teen Titans (2016) #2

Nov 24, 2016

After a really impressive last issue this one is disappointing.

Teen Titans (2016) #8

May 17, 2017

Totally fun second part and I'm happy they bypassed the "heroes fight each other" trope and actually moved the plot along instead. I feel we've already gotten more plot in the two parts of this story than you get sometimes in 5 issues. Deathstroke steals the show here as he did last issue. Looking forward to next week! I like these DC crossovers (this along with The Button and Superman Lives) that tell a story weekly over the course of a month. I hope they stay with this model. The story tends to cook faster this way.

Terminal Hero #1

Aug 6, 2014

A good intro to a strange story with a conflicted main character who is going through hell. Reminds me a little of Harbinger, if that series happened to an older guy and not a bunch of kids.

The Autumnlands #6

Jun 3, 2015

Only bad thing about this issue is that there's going to be a long wait before he next one comes. Excellent and surprising conclusion to the first arc. I love this series.

The Black Order #1

Nov 15, 2018

I liked the character writing for the Black Order’s leaderand this sort of violent gonzo sci-if tale is what Tan excels in drawing but overall it went by a little too fast Tim feel like anythiñ othe than an appetizer. I’ll probably stick around for the series though because there’s something I like about this sort of cosmically tale and it reads better than Infinity Wars and Avengers: No Surrender.

The Black Order #2

Dec 16, 2018

Never really cares about these characters, bought first issue on a whim but I’ve really been enjoying things. It gets a little convoluted at times but it’s never less than entertaining.

The Dying and the Dead #1

Feb 9, 2015

God that was a chore to sit through. Beautiful art, interesting protagonist but unbelievably dull.

The Fade Out #1

Aug 21, 2014

Very intriguing set up to what promises to be another great collaboration by this talented team.

The Fox #1

Oct 30, 2013

Wanted to love this for being a good old fashioned throw-back to simpler days in comics, but it all came across a little haphazard in the plotting department. Unless the reviews are really glowing I'll probably leave this one off my pull list.

The Legend of Shang-Chi #1

Sep 27, 2021

This was a fun one-shot. The writing and art complimented each other really well and it gives a threat to take care of, some great martial arts action and a decent intro to Shang-Chi. These sorts of stories are often fully disposable but this was actually a great little one shot.

The New 52: Futures End #0

May 7, 2014

A fast and furious opening to this new weekly series. I'll be interested to read the first issue and see where it goes from here. My gut feeling on this series is that it's going to surprise a lot of people with its quality though only time will tell for certain.

The New 52: Futures End #1

May 7, 2014

A really nice start, I actually liked this issue a little better than 0 as it felt a little weirder and less "Days of Future Past". Its taking place on a world in line to become a dystopia but not there yet and that's intriguing to me.

The New 52: Futures End #3

May 22, 2014

Another fun issue of this weird series. Lots of pieces now without too much cohesion, but its cool to me to see how it all fits and where it goes. Plus, Lemire writing Frankenstein always makes me happy.

The New 52: Futures End #9

Jul 5, 2014

The New 52: Futures End #11

Jul 16, 2014

I find this series very entertaining. I want Lemire to write an ongoing team with Amethyst, Frankenstein, Atom and Hawkman... The team is a joy and had me laughing out loud.

The New 52: Futures End #16

Aug 21, 2014

Great issues, I'm still loving this series with the exception of the Grifter stuff with just bores me a bit with its overload of Giffen cynicism.

The New 52: Futures End #29

Nov 19, 2014

A great issue that ties together several story lines and concludes them in a thoroughly entertaining fashion. Also, great Zircher art.

The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #1

Jan 4, 2023

Now this was a ton of fun! Great voices for the characters, easy intro to the core conflicts and some nice action.

The Next Batman: Second Son #6  
The Occultist #2

Nov 6, 2013

The best issue of the Occultist so far . Our young hero hangs out with a coven of witches and things get a little weird and dark. Dug all the astral adventures and look forward to seeing where it all goes.

The Occultist #3

Dec 6, 2013

Another solid issue of this fun series. Great set up,for issue 4 as well!

The Shadow Now #1

Nov 8, 2013

Very good modernization with wonderful art! I'm in for the long haul (but one month later to save $2 digitally)

The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #2

Oct 2, 2013

Interesting in theory more than actuality, I'm still love the art and am curious to watch the gentle "demo tapes" of Star Wars come to life in their mutant somewhat warbled way.

The Wicked + The Divine #11

Jun 3, 2015

Wow. Great issue, just great. I've gone up and down with this series, but now I have no regrets for sticking with it.

The Wicked + The Divine #13

Sep 9, 2015

Painfully good issue. One of the best done in one's I've read in years.

They're Not Like Us #2

Feb 9, 2015

Morally ambiguous storytelling and I really have no idea where this is going. Only issue is that it's a little decompressed though I'm not sure how else this story could be told.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #1

Dec 14, 2022

Characters were fun, I loved the art (though can completely understand not liking it) but found the mystery underwhelming. One more draft and this could have been a home run.

Timeless (2021): 2021

Dec 29, 2021

I bought this because I get a kick out of the Marvel preview one shots like Incoming. I didn’t realize that it was a Kang-centric story nor did I realize it was written by MacKay (obviously I saw Kang on the cover but didn’t really pay much attention to that, it was a total ComiXology impulse buy). MacKay is one of my current faves, but Kang is a bit fine IMO. Like the design but find Marvel time travel stories to not usually be among my favorites. However this turned out to be a pretty great one-shot. Although yes it sets up various Mavel future stuff, it works far better as it’s own story than any other of the annual one-shots, partially I think because it’s got a small cast and a tight plot. The different artists all pulled their weight and despite a few different teams, the art largely gelled,

Titans (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

Probably the most unabashedly fun comic so far to come from Rebirth. Good jokes, great character interactions and some good second steps into the mysteries surrounding Wally.

Titans (2016) #2

Aug 24, 2016

The action issue, but it was action that furthers some of the core mysteries and brings Linda Park into the mix (which is probably the part I'm most keenly following), so the story keeps rolling. Good issue and Booth's art is very fun.

Titans (2016) #5

Nov 24, 2016


Titans (2016) #10

Apr 12, 2017

Remember when comics featured interesting Superheroes fighting interesting Supervillains with evil plans? Remember when you got a fight, character stuff and plot stuff all in one issue? Remember when comics were just straight up fun? Abnett does and he makes the sort of comics that have fallen out of popular favor but never out of my heart! I'm rating this probably higher than I might normally, just because it did what it did so perfectly and gets me chomping at the bit for next month's crossover.

Titans (2016) #11

May 10, 2017

Damn fine comic and a great way to start an event! This feels like a big event even though it's only four issues - but it's all character driven.

Titans Hunt #8

May 28, 2016

I liked this whole series, which I bought digitally after reading Rebirth #1. What I think works so well is that it all just feels so danged DC. I don't know how else to put it into words, but there's something great and refreshing here and I hope that quality continues as the series continues into Rebirth. My only disappointment is that I wish Titans was one of the twice monthly books!

Trinity of Sin: Pandora #3

Aug 21, 2013

A good issue. The conclusion has me intrigued and has roped me in for at least another three issues to see how this plays out.

U.S.Avengers #11

Oct 25, 2017

Tons of fun! I've read me a lot of Al Ewing since joining Marvel Unlimited and I really dig his work, but never expected anything quite as leftfield as the "Archie" world here. I love the playfulness of the script. The art lets it down a little (it's good art, but in my perfect world Ewing would be working with the A-List). Still highly recommended if you like the cover, you'll like what's inside! Also, the last page reveal does point the way to an interesting part 2.

Ultraman: The Mystery of Ultraseven (2022) #5

May 10, 2023

Great ending to another strong Ultraman Marvel mini. Honestly I feel each series has built on and gotten better than he previous.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1

Nov 14, 2018

Great start to the new Uncanny. Great art and story, my only complaint is that the backups aren’t quite as engaging as the main story, though the Bisohop story kicks ass.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #4

Dec 5, 2018

Probably my least favorite issue so far of the new Uncanny as it felt the most disjointed to me (the multiple writers may have taken its toll on the flow). But still overall good fun.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #6

Dec 19, 2018

I thought the last few issues felt a little disjointed and that this was a return to form. Liked the art a lot too. Very classic 80s style Marvel looking.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #7

Dec 26, 2018

Great art and one of the better issues here imo. Yeah, there’s a time jump but it’ll all make sense halfway through and I loved seeing the Young XMen get the spotlight. They are characters that aren’t so established that there’s a real danger that one or all of them can end up hurt and I also always love the “should we kill” moral dilemma stories.

Unity #1

Nov 13, 2013

Good not great first issue. Interesting characters and ideas and lots of action but it all feels a bit scattershot so far. I'll give it four issues and suspect ill be loving it rather than dropping it by that point.

Veil #3

May 10, 2014

This strange and cool comic continues to twist and turn its way through another issue. A lovely book.

Venom (2016) #157

Nov 9, 2017

To be honest I stayed with this series for two reasons following the Legacy "launch". 1. Great Bagley art - he is on fire drawing in the Spiderverse and I love it. 2. The series is crossing over with Amazing and then XMen right after and I follow both of those. That said, the series has really won me over with the Kraven/Venom fight. There's nothing deep or ponderous here - but it's genuinely fun. I love the scene of Fisk's crony introducing Kraven to the city and Kraven's standing there in full lion garb - it's the sort of outlandish fun that makes me a comic fan.

We Have Demons #1

Oct 7, 2021

Not usually a big Scott Snyder fan (though I always enjoy Capullo), but this was fun. Yeah it suffered a bit of the “tell don’t show” monologues that Snyder enjoys but the spooky demon hunting end of times supernatural hero story that’s being told here works better to that type of storytelling than I fell DC Superheroes do. I’m pretty excited for the second issue, not bad for something that comes free from ComiXology Unlimited.

What If? (2018): X-Men #1

Oct 3, 2018

Thought this was a great Cyberpunk Elseworlds reimagining of X-Men. There seemed to be more backstory than they could fit in a single issue so I wouldn’t be sad to see this spun into a miniseries. Also, both artists had radically different style, but they integrated wonderfully.

Wonder Woman (2011) #36

Nov 19, 2014

The story is pretty good and Finch's art looks astonishing, well beyond what I've seen from him prior and his Swamp Thing was fantastic!

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Good story and best art of the week, just gorgeous work by Sharp. I thought this was a lot better than the special, and it'll be interesting to see how the Year One story fares next issue.

Wonder Woman (2016) #2

Jul 14, 2016

I'm liking this Year One and am surprised by how much I'm enjoying Steve Trevor's story, which I didn't expect to be as front focused nor as interesting as it is. Great artwork too. I like how this series is doing something different with the twice monthly schedule, it's cool.

Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Jul 28, 2016

Good albeit slow moving story with amazing art.

Wonder Woman (2016) #4

Aug 12, 2016

Going in I wasn't nearly as excited to see the Year One story as I was Truth, but two issues down and I'm impressed by just how good this is. Great story and perfect art, plus Wonder Woman's mom is the hottest woman in comics th way Scott draw her.

Wonder Woman (2016) #63

Feb 24, 2020

Extremely fun one off issue and the most I’ve enjoyed the series since Rucka left.

Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace (2020) #1

Apr 22, 2020

Like the Superman issue this felt like a fill-in issue, though the art here isn’t quite as good. I’ve never been a big Harley fan but I thought she bounced off Wonder Woman pretty well. Nothing extraordinary but nothing offensive either.

X #18

Oct 10, 2014

Dark as hell issue of this always solid series. I don't know when I've seen a protagonist take more physical injury.

X-Force (2018) #1

Dec 26, 2018

Brisson writes this sort of thing really well and though his art won’t be for everyone, I love Burnett’s art. That said, I’m just not a huge fan of gory violence and indiscriminate killing in my mainstream superhero books so I’m not sure if this one is for me. I’ve preordered issue 2 so we’ll see if that turns me around. I still couldn’t rate it too low because I think it is of a high quality, just not perfectly to my tastes.

X-Men: Black (2018): Magneto #1

Oct 3, 2018

Claremont knows Magneto inside and out and he writes a surprisingly modern script that made me happy inside and out. The art is a little lackluster but the backup strip is awesome so the half point lost for art is made back up there. I would buy the hell out of a Claremont Magneto mini.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #15

Nov 15, 2017

A good ending to a fun storyline. I thought the way Mojo was defeated was a little easy but really liked the last few pages teaser for storylines to come. The X-books are a lot of fun right now!

X-Men: Blue (2017) #16

Dec 3, 2017

Another fun issue. Last page reveal promises more time displaced entertainment, sign me up!

X-Men: Blue (2017) #17

Dec 16, 2017

Another fun issue, I never read X-Men 2099 but it was still a fun dance in yesterday's version of tomorrow. Dig Sila's art too.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #13

Oct 10, 2017

A fun back to the basics issue, I thought this was a good reintroduction to the modern X-Men for me as a lapsed reader. The characters were instantly recognizable with the dialog and actions and I'm good for a little Mojoverse "greatest hits" craziness.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #14

Oct 18, 2017

I think this greatest hits storyline has been a lot of fun so far and this part is no exception. It's not deep but it's a ton of oldschool fun, I only wish we'd had another Art Adams cover for this issue.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #16

Nov 28, 2017

Great playing out of long term plotlines and the start of what I hope will be a great space X-Men story. I've recently caught up on this series and felt that it's had it's up's and down's but this issue was the sort of story I was hoping for from a Guggenheim X-book.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #17

Dec 11, 2017

What can I say? I continue to find this series to be fun and think it's really hit the right mix with the Negative Zone storyline. I've been reading Claremont's run on Marvel Comics Unlimited (up to issue 118 now) and while this series doesn't hit the peaks of that run, it does offer a similar adventure quality that is fun and enduring. Total side note, it's surprised me how little Claremont really uses the "feared and hated" mutant card in those early stories. I was expecting it to be a major point.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #19

Jan 4, 2018

I'm in the minority but I quite enjoyed this issue. Kitty taking down Sythian (sp?) was inventive and made sense and I enjoy seeing villains dispatched by thinking rather than just punching. Only issue I have is that Guggenheim really keeps the secondary X-Men in the background and I'd be happier if they weren't around if he's not going to invest them with strong personalities.

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