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Joined: Oct 12, 2014

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Action Comics (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

Not a bad issue but I feel like we need more time to let this Truth storyline develop. I mean this issue already references Superman #41 which doesn't come out til the last week of the month so there are a lot of missing pieces to this truth puzzle. Overall I like the change in tone. It sets up what could be a memorable Superman story but having Clark as a normal human certainly makes for some interesting challenges. Not much to say but this isn't a bad opening for a story arc that stretches across at least 4 titles (Action Comics, Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman, Batman/Superman).

Action Comics (2011) #50

Mar 9, 2016

Action #50 was a fun a read. I hate it when there are a bunch of artists in a single issue but a lot of the art was solid with a few iffy panels. When he finally gets his powers back and emerges triumphant from the fortress, I definitely smiled. The splash page made you feel like a kid again. Giddy that the superhero is ready to punch some bad guys in the face after reaching full power. I feel the conclusion will serve up some welcome payoff moments. I initially thought the "Truth" storyline was a misfire and a clusterphuck of a story with too much crap going on to make it very cohesive but this salvage job could be worse. It's a feel good issue that is far from perfect but I liked it.

Action Comics (2011) #51

Apr 20, 2016

Not a lot of advancement in plot but Kara is reintroduced to the DC Universe after a long hiatus for no real reason. Frankly, I thought it was weird the Supergirl title ended so abruptly with issue 40. They literally leave you on a cliffhanger that's touched on in this issue, when Kara cuts herself when she was working as barista. I thought Supergirl would have been one of the titles to make it to issue 52 but strangely Catwoman did, but not Supergirl (that's DC editors for ya). Albeit Catwoman got better with the mafia war storyline, but Supergirl also started getting traction with Lupacchino and Perkins. It was a shame because Kara's character is getting a solid boost with her tv show on CBS so a comic with her would be very relevant. In this issue of Action, Kal pretty much is signing his will before his death to have Kara inherit everything tied to the House of El. At the very last page, we get a cameo from Superman's Ex-lover, Wonder Woman to immediately connect with chapter four of Tomasi's Super League run. Loving this story but this chapter wasn't as good as the previous two.

Action Comics (2011) #52

May 12, 2016

Ya know in hindsight, reading The Final Days of Superman in one go instead of in chapters probably would've been a better experience. Reading it in chapters with choppy scenes and cliffhanger endings is kinda irksome. The meeting between the Supermen isn't what I expected at all. And so far all the older Superman does is fly around and save his wife and kid. I feel bad for New 52 Superman, nobody really liked this version and now they're taking their time slowly killing him. I woulda spared myself the misery and asked for a Kryponite bullet to the head.

Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 8, 2016

That Oz character shows up again in a panel if you were paying attention. The rumors that the New 52 Superman may have been a creation may hold water and I suspect the "Clark" we see in this issue is another Superman that was created. If Oz does turn out to be Ozymandias and the New 52 was just one giant conspiracy by the Watchmen, we could potentially have a buildup to an extremely interesting event, hopefully without the word "crisis" in it. My guess is that we could have the Watchmen reveal themselves to the DCU characters by Christmas, if not, definitely by next summer. If DC pulls this off well, they could finally change the status quo without destroying their history. For now, Rebirth seems like the characters are all doing some soul-searching and getting back to what defines them at the core. Killing off New 52 Superman is still a gamble. Even at the comic shop today, I heard grumbles about having the old, "boring" Superman back. At the same time, some are happy with it, either way DC has made its way back to my pull list in a meaningful way...for now

Action Comics (2016) #959

Jul 15, 2016

The Superman title is the better book in this instance. While Action gives a decent amount of, well action, it's story-telling is kinda wafer-thin. While the other title focuses on the relationship between Jon and his father as Superman, this book just has a bunch of sound and fury so far. Kirkham's art is always decent and while not as good as the elite 4, (Fabok, Reis, T. Daniel, and Jim Lee) it's serviceable for most all DC books. Not the best of Rebirth but if you think about it, that actually shows how strong most of the rebirth titles are, when this is considered the weak link.

Action Comics (2016) #976

Mar 24, 2017

DC played it safe with the ending. Honestly with so much still shrouded in mystery, it seems like a lot of work just to get some red boots and a new belt... Maybe a younger body too?? Either way, we are back to the status quo and I'm assuming memories from both the New 52 and Post-Crisis, prior to Flashpoint are now all valid? In the double page spread, in Supes' rogue gallery, you see Ulysses in the lower left of the diamond in the middle (I think). It's just awkward that Clark now knows he hooked up with Wonder Woman a la New 52 while in a parallel continuity, he's married to Lois... Oh well, could be worse, Jon could've wound up with a half-sibling with even better powers than him...

Action Comics (2016) #978

Apr 26, 2017

I enjoyed this issue and it's starting to clarify things up but it's also proving that trying to mesh two continuities together is always going to be messy and a bit awkward. We see New 52 Superman come home to news that Lois is knocked up which messes up the New 52 continuity entirely and Jon's original birth was during Convergence and only Thomas Wayne of Flashpoint timeline was present. In this issue, New 52 Diana and Bruce are present during Jon's birth but after the birth, a post-crisis Superman goes into hiding with his family like the mini-series Lois and Clark after Convergence ended. You can already tell this is hard to keep track of and it still brings into question about whether Diana and Clark had a romance in the New 52 continuity, which I actually thought was one of the highlights of New 52 and Superman/Wonder Woman was a good series while Soule was writing. It's irritating that this is such an awkward transition and after a year of Rebirth it's still kind of a mess but hopefully we get somewhere.

Action Comics (2016) #983

Jul 12, 2017

Supergirl isn't in the Phantom Zone in this issue of Action Comics but she is in the Phantom Zone of her own title, Supergirl. Also Supergirl kicked the ass of Cyborg Superman in her own title, Supergirl but it is not the same Cyborg Superman in this issue of Action Comics... Phantom Zone? More like Twilight Zone!! No, ok I'll show myself out...

Action Comics (2016) #987

Sep 13, 2017

I don't know if I'm the only one but I hate the idea that Mr. Oz turned out to be Jor-El. I'm still hoping it really isn't the actual Jor-El but then it retreads too much like Zor-El/Cyborg Superman. Jor-El in my mind is supposed to be the hopeful one of the two brothers but having him as a cynical shadowy figure wanting humanity to destroy itself through dark decisions seems really out of character for Jor-El. It's not sitting well with me. Jor-El was the voice of reason, compassion, and hope. But now he's just a couple screws loose away from being crazier than Zod.

Action Comics (2016) #988

Sep 27, 2017

This is a stellar issue but it echoes a lot of the themes present in Wonder Woman (the film). When Jor-El mentions that "They do not deserve you" to Kal, I was like, didn't Hippolyta say the exact same thing to Diana before she left to fight in WWI? There are many parallels to why Jor-El wants to take his son away from earth and why Hippolyta wanted to hide Diana from the world of man. As parents you always hope to protect your child's innocence, not realizing that they'll only grow to become strong and become true heroes when facing the real world and its horrors and making the decisions that require courage. Excellent read and a bit thought provoking. I might end up liking this event after all...

Action Comics (2016) #1000

Apr 21, 2018

Some of the stories ended way abruptly but the Dan Jurgens story is definitely a standout. Tom King imagining Earth being destroyed after the Sun supernovas was an interesting take. Unlike some of you here, I'm actually kind of worried about Bendis. He's introducing a weird villain that's trying to take credit for exterminating all the Kryptonians? That wipes out a lot of the backstory of Superman's origin, where it was the Kryptonians themselves that doomed their planet forcing Jor-El to send his only son to Earth as a beacon of hope. I don't think Bendis would re-write that origin with a sketchy villain but then again Bendis has written some stuff at Marvel that's turned that whole company into kind of a mess... But "Fresh Start" in May, amirite??

All-Star Batman #3

Oct 16, 2016

If you were a fan of Snyder and Capullo's Batman run during the New 52 era (which I actually kinda miss...) boy are you in for a rude surprise. For $4.99 you are purchasing grotesque art from Romita and Declan Shalvey and a choppy plot that is going in circles. Snyder can be excellent with storytelling or just downright infuriating. This is the latter... And Duke isn't really that good of a sidekick. He lacks the charm of Dick Grayson, the grit of Jason Todd, the genius of Tim Drake, and the arrogance, no phucks given attitude of Damian Wayne. He'd be the worst Robin of the bunch by far. So the fact that he isn't a Robin proves DC doesn't trust him with the mantle. Why leave an already solid character like Luke Fox's Batwing on the shelf and force Duke, a character no one really cares about in the spotlight??

All-Star Batman #5

Dec 29, 2016

I can't say that I enjoy this series. When it was announced I was excited. I'm not a huge fan of Romita Jr.'s art but I enjoyed Snyder's run with Capullo during New 52 and nothing like that... I might stay on a little longer because Mr. Freeze has been absent from a Batman book for too long except for the first Annual of New 52 Batman that was a bit creepy when you found out Nora was Victor's mother instead of wife. Maybe the Batman-centric event this coming summer will make things right. At the very least we'll get Capullo back who can actually draw different faces so it doesn't look like all the characters are the same template just colored differently.

All-Star Batman #14

Oct 5, 2017

Not a terrible ending by any stretch of the imagination but this title felt like it has ran its course. This issue felt like it was running on fumes. You know it had to have an ending like this, although learning the true identity of the ally probably wasn't expected as well as his final actions but overall it doesn't add anything new to the Batman mythos. However, it is nice to see the bond between Bruce and Alfred but odd when you consider Alfred has a daughter of his own out there that he is barely as emotionally invested in.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9

Nov 6, 2014

I'll go ahead and admit I don't always have faith in Marvel events. Not that the events are bad but Marvel always has missteps in executing an ambitious storyline. However, since Spider-Verse only involves Spider-Man characters, it should be less less convoluted than say Original Sin or Axis which has gotten off to a bumpy start. The premise of Spider-Verse seems a bit ridiculous but it's meant to be. With a gathering of Spiders, the building army is gonna be awesome. The Inheritors provide some laughs along the way as you see the family members bicker over who gets what world and the Spiders in it. Overall, this seems like a worthwhile event. However, I will be sticking with the main title and maybe a few tie-ins if it adds a noteworthy element to the story because as is now the norm with Marvel, buying every single book on the checklist of an event is a fast-track to bankruptcy.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #12

Jan 7, 2015

I miss Coipel's pencils. This was an ok chapter but I don't need more random obscure Spider-people regardless of whether or not they can bring in a giant robot zord and command it like a power ranger. So far Earth 616 Peter hasn't done anything spectacular to warrant him as the chosen leader (sound a little like Superior Spider-Man now) and we take a tour of dinosaur land before meeting up with Silk and Uncle Ben in nuclear land. I'm curious to see what Jessica Drew is up to though. Definitely the weakest chapter of Spider-Verse but there's enough good stuff to keep me on this wild ride.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #13

Jan 21, 2015

This new Uncle Ben bothers me. He's a cowering old man who had to convinced by Superior Spider-Man to join a fight he seems ill-fitted for. I'm assuming he will die again in the final battle because he's an embarrassment compared to the dead 616 version of him. Also, whatever happened to the Spider-Man, Aaron Aikman from Edge of Spider-Verse #3? Has he even made an appearance yet? A solid chapter though. It looks like the Inheritors are starting to take a beating with Solus getting pretty messed up in this issue. Hopefully the final chapter is epic because part 4 and 5 kinda fizzled a little bit after the excellent first 3 chapters.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #14

Feb 11, 2015

Kinda a letdown in terms of conclusions. In an underwhelming fight sequence, we ship off the inheritors to a radioactive wasteland. Yay... And stop forcing the Peter Parker & Cindy Moon/Silk creepy horndog fest, it's not funny anymore Slott. Spider-Verse started off excellent but began falling apart after chapter three, so pretty much after the Coipel pencilled chapters. The story just got so muddled with so many random Spiders that eventually you could barely tell them apart and even if you could it barely made a difference in the story. Mind you I didn't read every single tie-in for Spider-Verse (my wallet just couldn't take it) but I felt like the subplots actually did the main story a disservice because it skimps out on development of the personalities of each inheritor. Also it's funny that Karn just all of sudden joins the Spiders in a surprise attack against his family with barely any explanation but this late in the game, I just didn't care anymore. Whatever floats your boat Mr. Slott. I read an article that TASM is relying too much on gimmicks and event stories to sell books and I wholeheartedly agree. I'm guessing there's gonna be a huge slump after the epilogue issue 15. And lo and behold they're doing the whole .1 gimmick for the next few issues. For such a mainstay in comics, Spider-Man deserves better.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #16

Mar 12, 2015

After Spider-Verse kinda fizzled out in my opinion, we're back to the status quo. With Ramos at pencil duty again, it feels like it's picking up from issue 6 right before Edge of Spider-Verse. We're again introduced to Peter as an incompetent manager of his own company and doing random Spider-Man duties with even more random villains. Not an essential read by any means but this is a fun issue. It was kinda like bubble gum, there's no nutritious value but there's something to chew on and it tastes sugary. And for the love of god, please someone have Black Cat and Spidey sit and makeup and maybe even have a post heart-to-heart make-out session. Felicia Hardy is just not as convincing as a mob boss as Selina Kyle is.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #17

Apr 2, 2015

The Amazing Spider-Man is the equivalent of comfort food in comics. It never tries to tell an overly complicated story and it doesn't muddle the dynamic with constant guest appearances. It's simply a fun read that leaves you content enough to remember to pick up the next issue. In issue #17 we return to the personal problems of Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Parker Industries. Ramos is back at pencils and I have to say his Spider-Man is becoming the default look when I think about Spider-Man comics. The story is relatively villain free save for the Ghost that is hacking into the computers at Parker Industries but mostly we enjoy the dynamic between Anna-Marie and Parker. Furthermore the backup story with Black Cat isn't half-bad and I'm kinda surprised she's not in a reboot solo title given Marvel's trigger-happy finger with releasing new #1's these days. Also seeing Mary Jane albeit on a billboard on a splash page by Ramos is enough to make you hope that after Secret Wars and Renew your Vows, that MJ is back in the picture. (Oh please retcon Sins Past also, that probably sucked more than One More Day and is the reason why Straczynski barely has a career anymore).

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #17.1

Apr 23, 2015

Spider-Man's side story adventure is turning out to be more fun than Slott's Parker Industry/Ghost plot, although I find the main story more humorous at times. The criminal underground provides a more compelling story. Plus I find it funny that a kid wearing a bright colored suit is fighting crime gangs unlike a certain brooding counterpart who wears a dark colored costume, growls at his enemies, and has a fetish for small flying nocturnal mammals. Fun read, but Wraith needs to lighten up. What a b!tch.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #23

Aug 6, 2017

BEEOTCH YOU PHUCKED NORMAN OSBORN WITH NO CONDOM, DAT JUST CRAY NASTY!!! NO I DON'T WANT YO HOE @SS NO MORE. That shoulda been Pete's response during a few panels. Woulda made more sense...

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #27

May 15, 2017

This issue was pretty dope, art was good too. But in all honesty Norman Osborn is still a phuckin creep imo. Now he has an ugly @$$ face to go with it. If I was Pete, I'd shove a stick of dynamite up his butthole for what he did to Gwen Stacy's butthole and pretend Uncle Ben never taught me better. Now he be banging vampire ladies and releasing wannabe joker gas all up on these fools. In all seriousness though, this issue held my attention unlike some previous story arcs in this volume that I can't even remember anymore.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #789

Oct 12, 2017

I tend to like Spider-Man when Slott decides to push the envelope. I enjoyed the Superior run far more than I thought I would because it genuinely brought a new element to the Spider-Man mythos. I thought Parker Industries was a fun take on how tech company founders are but there is so much back-treading this issue that I pretty much feel like all the development from the past volume was a waste of time. Art's good but Spider-Man deserves better. Also, this issue wasn't a fun read, for years I picked up Spidey's main book because if was fun. I initially thought Silk was a stupid character but I ended up enjoying the dynamic between her and Peter. This mockingbird pairing does not generate excitement for the coming issues. I'm sure some Spider fans will enjoy the return to roots but for comparison's sake, Rebirth did a better job with Superman by reuniting Clark with Lois and adding Jon as the new status quo. I dunno maybe Mr. Myx could show up and mash Peter from Renew Your Vows with 616 Peter...

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

Jun 5, 2015

No this is not what I asked for... I guess the story was decent but the problem I've been having with Spider-Man stories these days is that they're so generic and forgettable. Half the time, they aren't even that exciting. The pace is so fast, your head will spin. And fast for no apparent reason either. I'm not even sure I wanna pick up issue #2... Maybe, I'll flip through it right quick at my comic shop and make a decision then.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5

Sep 13, 2015

At the end of it, this story really didn't mean anything. In issue #1, Parker leaves the Avengers hanging high and dry and I still don't feel like he made up for it. Ok so his daughter has Spider powers, so what? The Spider-girl version of Mayday Parker was a more interesting interpretation of the same character. And the black symbiote suit didn't really do anything either. I guess he really just couldn't find a spare red and blue classic costume. Regent also turned into chump during the anticlimactic final battle. I felt it was mostly a waste of time after reading the last panel but hey at least those Campbell variants are cool. Also, can Dan Slott PLEASEEEEEE pass the torch? I really had enough of him as a writer. His stories are becoming so mundane.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #1

Nov 10, 2016

I love this comic and everything it's about. I love the family dynamic and to me this book draws heavy comparison to DC Rebirth Superman, which also based on family dynamics is fantastic. Like Jon, Annie is struggling with her newfound powers. And also both MJ and Lois are headstrong mothers who are able to aid their husbands in many ways and sometimes even steal the spotlight. I like this Spider-Man more than earth 616's.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #2

Dec 14, 2016

Luh this series. MJ with Spider-powers just one upped Lois Lane stealing Bruce Wayne's power Batsuit in that one issue of Superman in the recent Rebirth run. I know, I know but I can't help but draw comparisons with the other popular superhero family. Maybe the Parkers and Kents can go on a play date. How cute would Annie and Jon be?? CROSSOVER Marvel and DC. Phukkin DOOOOOOO IT!!!!!!!!

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #3

Jan 12, 2017

This wasn't a bad issue but it feels like we've been arriving at the same conclusion every issue for three months now... Like deja vu all over, I honestly had to go back to issue 1 and 2 to see if I had spider-senses and knew how the issue would end or that all three endings for every issue so far has been almost the same. Just end the mole man and his damn dinosaur already... At least this arc is concluding next month, this can't drag on anymore... It is interesting how Annie is seemingly developing her powers at a faster rate and seems to have stronger spider-senses than her dad. But at the same time, I realize Pete is siphoning of his powers willingly to his supermodel wife, such a gentleman that Mr. Parker is. Annie seems pretty reckless so far and it makes her character a bit, well clumsy. I can't help but compare it to the current Superman Rebirth run because like Annie Jon is experiencing the same things but unlike Annie, Jon is anxious to control his powers and you can see him become remorseful after his mistakes. Whereas Annie just seems like a spontaneous and aloof kid. Furthermore, Superman is providing solid guidance for his son while Pete and MJ always seem to be pre-occupied. And Lois has bailed out her boys more than once, albeit once in a badass Batman suit she found on the moon, (yeah you should really read Superman if you're not already). I feel like this series has potential, it's just unfortunate that another title also being released currently is doing a better job with a similar premise.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #5

Mar 24, 2017

One of the few non Star-Wars Marvel books in my pull. I don't find this title spectacular by any means but it's just to satisfy the fact that I believe Pete and MJ should be together and allowed to have babies. I always have to compare this with the current Superman books because there's a similar dynamic with Clark, Lois, and Jon. But with Supes, the stakes are higher. Although enduring Bouncy Bunny gives Pete some mad street cred.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #12

Oct 12, 2017

Kind of ended with a thud. The X-men show up for no reason other than a fan service cameo and the mecha-goblin thing was designed like a bad Megazord from Power Rangers. If it wasn't for the intriguing premise of the next story arc fast-forward 8 years, I would honestly drop this title from my pull. It's not a terrible title but I can definitely live without it.

Aquaman (2011) #36

Nov 27, 2014

Aquaman hasn't been this good in awhile. I hated the Chimera story arc. It just seemed pointless other than introduce a villain I don't really care for. The worst part is, Aquaman didn't kill him, so the Chimera is bound to make future appearances. However, in the meantime, we are getting some good stuff with Maelstrom. The Martian Manhunter's appearance was relevant to the story and wasn't just a random appearance. J'onn's psychic abilities helps reveal some of the mysteries regarding Atlanna's death and at the end Arthur becomes aware of a portal used by his mother which is looking like it's gonna lead to some sort of hidden city. It'll be interesting to see Arthur confront his mother and the plot is thickening so I'm committed to see this story until the end. I'm getting a little sick of Vulko's pathetic personality but other than that Parker's writing is still solid.

Aquaman (2011) #38

Jan 28, 2015

Aquaman is still a very fun adventure comic to read. The art is still gorgeous and it's fun to see Arthur and Mera tour through some mythological kingdoms. Tons of action in this issue and it seemed nonstop. I absolutely love Mera's character and as far as couples go in the DC universe, Arthur and Mera are one of the best natural pairings. We finally see Atlanna but it ends abruptly at a cliffhanger after her appearance.

Aquaman (2011) #43

Aug 27, 2015

I liked this issue, it's starting to connect the dots from the end of New 52 to post-New 52. Enjoyed Poseidon's cameo but the reveal at the end is the big kicker. Also, we finally know that the new Triton Aquaman is wielding is really Poseidon's, so yea it's not a toy. Aquaman remains the most fun of out of all the solo titles of Justice League members. I always know what I'm getting when I pick up an issue of Aquaman, plain dumb fun. And I like it that way.

Aquaman (2011) #50

Mar 30, 2016

This was a solid issue and actually pays tribute to Mera more than Arthur. I dig Aquawoman and thinks she just might be cooler than her husband and will give Diana a run for her money as the most badass lady superhero. Abnett brings back some of the fun I had when Geoff Johns was on the initial run. Rapmund's art looks better than his recent stint on the Flash title and the fight scenes are excellently drawn. The thing I love most about Abnett is his injection of humor into this issue. I actually found a comic funny for once, ironic right? Rebirth is looking more and more like an event I can jump in on. DC heroes deserve to have consistently good stories that satisfies the large faithful fanbase. This issue is a step in the right direction.

Aquaman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

You guys remember the Street Sharks? I remember the Street Sharks. Today Aquaman punched Street Sharks and it made for a fantastic issue. Honestly Aquaman has always been underrated and I like how this issue is dealing with the idea of Atlantis being a rogue nation. I do think that most of the Atlanteans are idiots. They'd rather attack the US than believe in a terrorist group. Luckily, Aquaman was successful in finding N.E.M.O. God help us all before D.O.R.Y. strikes...

Aquaman (2016) #16

Feb 3, 2017

Aquaman might be one of the most underrated books during this Rebirth era. At first I thought it's not much different in tone than during the New 52 but now I feel like the flow of Aquaman is one of the best. With each issue, the story connects cohesively. The weird part is the way Walker tells his sotry, I remember what happened in the last issue without having to go back to it. The villain that get's introduced at the end though? A telepath? Also looks too much like Dr. Doom in some panels...

Aquaman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

Crown of Atlantis seems to hold some weight unlike H2.0 which was kind of stupid. Deadwater was never that interesting of a villain, (more of a mindless sea-monster really) so why bring him back so soon? If was a weak way to end the New 52 run of Aquaman and less than a year out he makes an unwelcome reappearance. I was genuinely worried that the writers had run out of options for Aquaman but with this issue, I feel ok. It's political but not as in your face as X-Men Gold or Secret Empire or even Green Arrow which has become a little bit of liberal propaganda. Atlantis populists have genuine concerns about protecting their home and they feel Arthur is not up to snuff and "out of touch" with the common Atlantean, (sound familiar?). It touches on some of the current political sentiment without drawing too many parallels which can be a turn-off regardless of the opinions you hold. Honestly let's see where this goes, color me intrigued. And afterwards, it looks like Dolphin is gonna make her Rebirth debut which I'm excited about because let's be honest, Rebirth is all about bringing back characters and continuity that we've missed.

Aquaman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

Now that's what I'm talkin bout!! This art is bee's knees and the kitty's tittys. We get some call back to A-man's history and obviously Dolphin's return. Another awkward reunion with Garth in the future? I mean Wally is already having Linda trouble, why not Garth? We can't all hit on Donna Troy..can we? Dolphin's return is actually a huge welcome. I'm glad DC is slowly but surely bringing back some of our favorite characters that sat out the New 52 fiasco. Now how bout Jade, classic JSA, and giving some love to Martian Manhunter who deserves his own title with a solid creative team (As well as Swamp Thing). Zatanna also makes an appearance with last week's Detective, so the universe that was a mess is slowly coming back together. Oh and I notice Arthur is growing back a beard just in time to look more like Jason Mamoa before Justice League hits the big screen.

Aquaman (2016) #26

Jul 20, 2017

The art wasn't as strong as last issue's but Sejic is still one of the best. It was just some of the lines were sloppy and you could tell he was under crunchtime to make the deadline. I like the feel and tone of this title. While it wasn't terrible before, it wasn't really memorable unlike this story arc. Although I expected something different after Mera made an appearance in Justice League, (honestly I thought the JL would help Mera in some way, shape, or form after the Fury issue in JL), this was a chapter that builds to the payoff. I still hope the JL make an appearance if only for the reason of seeing Sejic drawing Wonder Woman but we'll see what happens. I'm also curious about Garth and Dolphin, I do want them to eventually run into each other in this Rebirth continuity.

Aquaman (2016) #27

Aug 16, 2017

This story arc is getting pretty good. This issue was a lot of setup. Garth potentially joins the fight. The widowhood potentially masterminding the whole thing to put Mera into power. Vulko gets help from a disgraced sister from the widowhood. Arthur has revealed himself to be the king. Things should get all kinds of crazy in the coming issues.

Aquaman (2016) #28

Sep 22, 2017

I know Garth is rubbing a few out to Lilith Clay aka Omen in Titans but today I came to the realization that if Garth breaks the crown of thorns with a bit of his hocus pocus, he could reunite with Dolphin, his better match who was once the mother of his child. Make it happen Rebirth...

Aquaman (2016) #32

Jan 17, 2018

This was a good read, Aquaman has been really good ever since he was dethroned and the art whether it's Sejic or Federici is top notch stuff with a grungy games of thronesy feel to it. I had a discussion about this issue with my local comic shop and we agreed the message buried in this issue is actually commentary on today's politics. Questioning Rath's mental stability and his growing obsession with recklessly using magic as a weapon. And then the Widowhood admitted that they only supported Rath as an interim and now realize it was a mistake but they couldn't stomach Arthur's liberalism and progressive agenda. It draws too many parallels to current events right now to be coincidence. Regardless, it makes for an interesting read.

Aquaman (2016) #34

Mar 21, 2018

Jones' art keeps making me think I' reading a classic Swamp Thing comic when I'm not but while this issue isn't bad, it's definitely more of a one-shot feel explaining the background of Rath. I believe Arthur Curry, the Aquaman actually does not even make a physical appearance in this issue. It is interesting enough and while not as blatant as Green Arrow, Aquaman is a comic with political commentary these days. As the oppressor is reminded of times when he was the oppressed and his resentment against the stupidity of common folk.

Aquaman And The Others #11

Mar 4, 2015

This was a waste of a series title. I'll probably forget the whole damn thing when I wake up tomorrow and it really did not have a lasting effect. Probably won't miss this short-lived title but I still think Aquaman's cool. But DC, cool it, not everyone needs to have a solo title and a team book... But if I'm honest, I wonder how a stand alone Mera title would do??? Possibly explore her past prior to being Arthur Curry's arm candy.

Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

You have to really care about Aquaman as a character to enjoy this book or else this is the most ho-hum, forgettable one-shot of Rebirth so far. It seems Aquaman is the one character that won't be going through a lot of changes. Minor outfit changes back to a more classic look aside, Aquaman is pretty much a continuation of the New 52 Aquaman storyline. Mera's changes are also mostly aestehtic as well, she regains her popped collars on her green body suit and a slightly different hair-do. The fact that they are a married couple again brings joy to my heart. However, I can see Aquaman becoming very pedestrian if I didn't already know that Geoff Johns had the Rise of the Seven Seas concept already on deck. The whole conflict between Atlanteans and Earth dwellers has been beaten like a dead horse.

Avengers (2018) #1

May 10, 2018

I'll stick with it. You need to read Legacy #1 and the recent FCBD Avengers to really have a feel of what's going on since you're kinda just thrown into the action. I have faith in Jason Aaron and I think this is a decent start for what it's worth.

Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 12, 2014

The transition in the new direction is far from flawless and to be honest I feel this issue betrays its old audience. Babs trades in the darkness of Gotham for a standard college town complete with sorority girl type roommates. The story could turn out to be interesting but for the first chapter, it primarily builds that trendy, social-media, hash-tag world that doesn't really appeal to me. Also a Babs that consumes too much alcohol and blacks out seems a little out of character. DC is really experimenting with all the new Bat books but so far only Grayson is sticking for me.

Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

Batgirl is a polarizing book, you either hate it or love it but I'm gonna go ahead and contradict myself and say I'm still on the fence about it. I get they're trying to reinvent Babs for a hipper more youthful crowd of today's society. But to be honest it's kind of gotten silly. The motorcycle twins don't have as much intrigue as Knightfall (Although Simone gave them the short end of the stick with her last issue) in terms of villains. Also, it's kind of hard fitting in the bright and joyous world Babs lives in now with the rest of the Bat family. Grayson becoming a super-spy as least retains that mysteriousness of the Bat-family but shopping for outfits at the mall???? Such a departure from the Oracle character, Babs has become.

Batgirl (2011) #37

Dec 10, 2014

Not a huge fan of this new direction and yet three issues in I'm still reading it so maybe I'm warming up to it. That being said, this issue was pretty enjoyable, even made me laugh a few times. It gets pretty ridiculous but that's kind of the charm Batgirl as a title has now, it's not afraid to show some humor. It is still worlds away from Simone's tone of Batgirl and it's gonna stay that way. I'm actually kind of ok with it now. You meet a Batgirl imposter who turns out to be somewhat of a lunatic with an obsession with fame and seems like a satire of everything wrong with today's pop culture figures. Babs still seems kind of clueless when she's a normal civilian, it would probably make Dick Grayson cry. I'm giving this issue a solid score this time around but it could still cut back on the constant references to their version instagram.

Batgirl (2011) #38

Jan 17, 2015

I really hope the Convergence event wipes out this selfie-loving, hipster version of batgirl. This issue gets kinda preachy but the theme is so tired and worn out, it barely comes across as original anymore and plus there hasn't been any villain that is truly threatening. Not to sound condescending but so far, you have a cross-dresser which stirred up a fair amount of controversy and some random biker people as the baddies and possibly Babs' thesis which is giving her more headaches than any villain so far. So looking forward to Convergence where we see art of Oracle and Nightwing hinting at getting married.

Batgirl (2011) #40

Mar 18, 2015

Not bad, I enjoyed this issue. It had a decent plot and the art is still distinctly Babs Tarr which is to say it is one of the few books where you definitely know who drew the art. The story has a premise that hints at Babs' days as Oracle. I thought the crowd scene at Dinah's concert was a bit too rushed. I like how Black Canary is getting her own book and hopefully it has more character than Birds of Prey, which was one of the few New 52 titles that genuinely sucked.

Batgirl (2011) #49

Mar 2, 2016

Damn this issue was good. Usually I hate a multitude of artists mucking up the feel of a comic but due to the story, it worked. I was skeptical when Simone stepped off and Stewart/Fletcher filled in but if I am honest their run has been more memorable than Simone's. The Batgirl formula won't work on every title but for certain characters, it introduces a new element that separates them from just another Batman wannabe.

Batgirl (2016) #7

Jan 29, 2017

If I'm honest, with the direction Larson is taking this book, they should retitle it Barabara Gordon Rebirth rather than Batgirl. The point is, the costume is now meaningless to the current iteration of Babs. Back in the New 52 during Simone's run, we learn in the #0 issue that Babs takes on the mantle of Batgirl because she was inspired by Batman, fighting violent criminals and needing to protect her identity and her ties with her father, James Gordon. The problem now is that she can solve the social injustices without the costume just as effectively. She didn't need the Batgirl costume to help her stop that homeless man from being abducted and sold (weird anyways when you think about it, if you're going to do experiments on human subjects, why pick on the homeless crowd from any other random human). She could've filmed the incident with her smartphone notified the police and be on site when the cops showed up. Simple and effective without the need to "lug her boots around". The costume is now more of a hindrance than a help. Also now that Babs has gone full organic-coffee-drinking, fundraiser at a aquarium themed nightclub-going hipster, I can't see her back in the nitty gritty of Gotham's underworld. She seems so far removed from the girl who was shot by the Joker. So three things: 1) There is enough interest in Babs that I think she can have her own comic, 2) but it shouldn't be Batgirl, you have Cassandra Cain as the Orphan and Stephanie Brown as the Spoiler who are actually in the trenches of Gotham fighting alongside Batman and Batwoman, pass your mantle and costume as Batgirl on!! I mean that's the whole point behind Rebirth isn't it? Why would you put Grayson back in a blue Nightwing costume and then still keep hipster Babs? Either keep hipster Babs and pass on Batgirl to two women who have already been Batgirl or give us back the detective Babs and not SJW Babs. 3) SJW Babs is interesting on her own, separate it from Batgirl and make her stories more narra

Batman (2011) #35

Oct 12, 2014

It's a really fun issue especially with the reveal of who's really behind all these shenanigans on the last panel. The Endgame story arc looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun but I don't expect it to have a very involving and intimate story like Court of Owls, Death of the Family, and Zero Year. However with Snyder, you can always expect a few good twists along the way and Capullo's art is still solid. I actually liked how the Batman title rarely involved other members of the Justice League but we'll see how this plays out. I will admit that this issue is more flash than substance when it comes to storytelling.

Batman (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

An enjoyable issue but the whole Jokerized Justice League wasn't very convincing. Besides the fight between Superman and Batman in a mechanized suit (pretty much gonna be overplayed by the time we see it in the Batman v Superman movie) there was barely any incorporation of the Justice League members in the story. I was anticipating the Joker going full Chess-master and use the Justice League like pieces in a chess-match against the world's greatest detective. Maybe have Batman bust out some of those cases he has locked up in the Bat-cave that exploits the weaknesses of the Justice League we saw in Forever Evil. It woulda lived up to the Endgame title too. But alas, the members are now recovering in hospital beds with anti-toxins and I'm left with the empty feeling of so much wasted potential. The actual reveal of the Joker was well-done although a bit sooner than I expected. Ends on a cliffhanger so I'm picking up #37 before I decide on how Endgame stack's up to Death of the Family but it' still a few rungs below Court of Owls and Zero Year as of now.

Batman (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

I found myself having to re-read a few panels to get some bearings on what the hell is going on. Chaotic scenes comprise the majority of the panels and I was a little lost when Batman ran into Joe Chill and had that whole thing with Duke and his parents (seemed like a hallucination but isn't). Thing is we know Duke was the kid from Zero Year who eventually becomes another Robin if you followed the Futures End one shots. So I it looked like a jokerized Joe Chill was looking to kill Duke's parents exactly like he did Bruce's. Gordon's down and Joker is up to no good so next issue should hit a few climaxes before the resolution. Also, is anybody else wondering what happened to the recovering Justice League members?? I mean the Amazo virus couldn't touch Wonder Woman and Superman but they got it bad from the Joker Virus so sorry to say Lex but the Clown one-ups you when it comes to cooking up viruses. Also the new Joker, especially the cover is f&*%#ng creepy. I don't even think Harley can love that anymore.

Batman (2011) #38

Jan 28, 2015

Last page is absolutely mind-blowing. To stop the Joker who only makes a brief appearance on one page this issue Batman will turn to a very special group of enemies to help him fight off the clown prince of crime. Scott Snyder is making a very ballsy and intriguing move but I have faith he will pull it off beautifully. Endgame looks to be the best story arc yet. With two issues left in this story, I have a feeling the finale will be insanely good. Not a whole lot of action but the dialogue is superb. Snyder blends in some history and mythology in this issue and it works well. Art is always solid thanks to Capullo's distinct art style and I was happy to see Dick Grayson (Post Forever Evil, agent of Spyral) make it into a few panels. Can't wait for issue #39!

Batman (2011) #40

Apr 30, 2015

I wouldn't say it's perfect but Endgame is definitely one of best Batman stories to date. Although I am someone who thinks Snyder has masterful storytelling, this finale wasn't Snyder's finest. We get a lot A LOT of crazy action in this issue but the way it was resolved was kinda odd. Obviously Snyder meant to leave us with a mysterious cryptic ending where there are more questions than answers but overall, this story does change the status quo of Batman, at least for the time being. Also it was kinda a letdown with the villain teamup, I thought Batman's rogue gallery would be more involved in this issue but I guess not. Dick showing up out of nowhere was a fun surprise though. Let's see how Snyder crafts the next chapter of Batman. Definitely still onboard.

Batman (2011) #41

Jun 14, 2015

The ending was a kicker but I thought it was too soon. I mean let's face it, deep down we all knew Bruce was out there somewhere but to pull a stunt that so quick kinda detracts from this new direction that DC is going. What next? Mr. Bloom is really the Joker with amnesia? It's a decent debut but I'm not convinced it'll be a home run. I've enjoyed the main story arcs since Snyder and Capullo took over with the New 52 including Zero Year which some people gripe about but with such a radical change, I'm not sure if this will sink or swim.

Batman (2011) #43

Aug 12, 2015

Snyder finally clears the air on some of the burning questions we've had. The interesting and somewhat sinister thing is, if you think about it, this was due to the chemical the Joker was using to drive the citizens of Gotham crazy during Endgame, Dionesum. Although it has a different effect on Bruce, Joker is either directly or indirectly related to this. In Death of the Family Joker tries to eliminate the Bat-family so he can have his twisted love obsession with Batman but in Endgame his emotions flip to insane hatred. What if this is still an elaborate scheme of Joker's? I'm hoping Bloom doesn't just turn out to be the Joker in disguise because I genuinely want a new villain in the Rogue's Gallery but the clues are starting to reveal themselves. Plus the invention Alfred shows Clark is interesting and leaves the door open for a return of Bruce as we knew him. If Snyder and Capullo intend to leave at issue# 50 (which I hope they don't) I already see that they are gonna go off with a bang.

Batman (2011) #44

Sep 10, 2015

This was an excellent comic. Jock's art is not the cartoony realism style from Capullo but for how gritty this story is, the style works perfectly. While this can be treated as a one shot, it gives a glimpse on how Gotham at its worst can really make desperate people unintentionally cause more problems for the city. The story of a kid down on his luck who gets involved with the wrong types of people is a story that exists in real life everyday. The story alludes to some current events that America has struggled with. Whichever side of the fence you're on, shootings of young blacks especially by police has been a hot topic since Ferguson. This comic voices some of these issues. While, the main storyline is put on hold this month, this issue is worth a read.

Batman (2011) #46

Nov 14, 2015

The lower score for this issue could have been predicted. Snyder always has that midstory lull as he tries to set everything up for the finale so it feels like we're just reading over plotpoints with no immediate payoff and that's because it's designed that way. This is why Batman is more enjoyable in trade paperback than singles. In order to tell the entire story, Snyder needs more than 32 pages (including ads) he's given each month. As we build up to the end, things will definitely start to be revealed, but in this issue just know Bloom is a bad dude, monster?, alien? with the ability to control technical equipment. This story definitely isn't as thrilling as Endgame but I feel like it changes the status quo without sucking (like Superman for instance). So I'm staying tuned and anxious to see who takes over as artist once Capullo goes on leave next year.

Batman (2011) #50

Mar 23, 2016

This issue was overhyped and disappointing. Considering how good issue #49 was, this was a clunky dud. And bringing yellow back into the costume, really?? I always thought when you're sneaking through the night, you probably don't want to be wearing bright colors, which is also why Robin's suit looks stupid in every way, shape, and form. The Gotham going to $#!% scene with Bloom looked better in issue #40 with the Joker. It's essentially the same stuff right? City is about to go to hell, screaming citizens, bunch of bat people running to and fro trying to prevent disaster. And who cares about Bloom anyways> He was creepy in the beginning and then just became lame. And that Daryl subplot was unnecessary. Probably ruined the good feelings I had for issue #44. Overall this was a sloppy mess and no wise conversation between Bruce and Alfred that I was half-expecting to tie things together. Phuck it, Greg and Scott, you take that break from Batman. For an oversized issue, it felt like a mess with an unsatisfactory ending with a lot of loose ends. Who the hell was Bloom, is Alfred's hand ok? Ya know what, phuck it all. Let's reboot this whole $#@!show and come up with some lame synonym for reboot, relaunch? No, oooh how bout rebirth???

Batman (2011) #51

Apr 27, 2016

A solid farewell issue from Snyder and Capullo. Some people never warmed up to Snyder but I think he genuinely loves the character Batman and at least he tries to put his heart and soul into his writing. The only thing is, besides the new costume, Snyder pretty much brings Batman back to the old status quo, although DC probably wants it that way. Either way we come full circle although it looks like the Joker is still in his amnesiac state sitting on the bench. This was a solid run and for 51 issues, I enjoyed most of the run. On to Rebirth.

Batman (2011) #52

May 12, 2016

This is a classic characterization of Batman. While you can say this comic is merely a rehash of how Bruce was affected by the tragedy we are now all very familiar with, there are merits to reminding readers of why Batman exists in the first place, to show how strength sometimes come from dark places.

Batman (2016) #7

Sep 23, 2016

This is kind of a weird story. Monsters that literally pop out of nowhere. It's like Batman meets the Kaiju. In the second act, Batman fights Godzilla with only a Batarang and dental floss... I dunno where this is going, I also read the Nightwing issue and I still don't know where this is going but hey, we saw Hugo Strange work out naked so 8 out of 10 I guess...

Batman (2016) #9

Oct 22, 2016

Did I miss something? When did Catwoman end up in Arkham?? She was a underworld crime-lord for a moment before getting back to black latex and whips and then Arkham?? Someone had a bad day no one knows about... And I don't get the guy that says Tom King ruined Catwoman. How?? We only see her on the last page and she's in a straight-jacket and doesn't say anything.

Batman (2016) #11

Nov 19, 2016

I liked Batman better when Scott Snyder was writing, there I said it...

Batman (2016) #12

Dec 9, 2016

I'm literally LOLing at all the bad reviews, "he just punched a lot of faceless dummies and then shows up against Bane and Catwoman". Dude there were also words in the book, did you read them? I actually loved the way there was barely any spoken words. The format as almost a love letter to Selina about why he has a strange attraction to her is actually the best part of this issue. He admits his faults to Catwoman, confiding in a lover that he sees similarities with but is ultimately the yin to his yang. Other than the Joker, there is no other character in Batman's rogue gallery that has a more complicated connection with him. Janin's art is stunning, and the pages almost look like a blend of watercolors and colored pencils. I loved this issue, I like how Janin digs a little deeper into Bruce through Selina. If Snyder did an excellent job with Batman's relationship with Joker, King is doing well with the Batman and Catwoman dynamic.

Batman (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

Batman has been wildly inconsistent in terms of storytelling since Snyder and Capullo left. It's confusing how King can get Dick Grayson as a secret agent so right the entire run or at least before he stepped off and Grayson went to sh!te. And then DC hands him Batman and most of the time he seems like he doesn't know what to do with him. With Snyder, he took Batman and ran with it and developed a solid interpretation of his vision of Batman. Sure some people didn't like it but you could read a few pages and knew Snyder's fingerprints were all over it. He was that distinct, with King he seems hesitant like he wants to put his own spin on it without upsetting the readers and what we get is a hodgepodge of wasted potential storylines. At this point, I say balls out King, I'd rather you go nuts with Batman like you did Vision than have a weird naked wrestling match with Bane and a semi-erotic relationship with Selina Kyle. And Bane now wants venom again?? After all that rehab?? What a shame, it'd be funny if his henchmen mistook what Bane meant and brought Venom to fight him. Marvel/DC crossover anyone??

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

I guess this is Batman's idea of a date. Punch people, punch more people, let catwoman steal her own stuffed animal, and then rooftop sex. I guess those people at HISHE was right. Batman could take out Palpatine but he's got one inescapable weakness... Batman's problem? He likes bad b!tches...

Batman (2016) #16

Feb 3, 2017

The consensus is in, people love Batburger and it's nice Bruce hasn't filed a copyright lawsuit. Honestly the part where Bruce uses a fork and knife to cut his burger made me lose it. It was a very fun issue and it's funny how the Robins are talking about each other's deaths over a Bat-mite meal and action figures. The Batburger scene was fun because we all know from the last page, this story arc is about to get real dark, real quick. Also Catwoman really needs to stop using Gordon's Batsignal as a booty-call tool. It's rude. This is Tom King hitting his stride and he served up a great issue and yes I would like to jokerize that!

Batman (2016) #18

Mar 3, 2017

I applaud young Master Wayne. He transformed his mommy issues into something more. He became a jacked bodybuilding kung fu master crimefighter. He's so badass he learned from the best, Ra's al Ghul and then turns his back on his mentor's philosophies while banging his daughter (unprotected too). Sure his son was a little $%&*. But now he's reformed and leading the Teen Titans. Way to go Batdad. Also I forgive Bats for always hanging out with the wrong type of women. He's been through so much, sometimes it's ok to pipe a jewel-stealing, leather costume fetish wearing, cat-burglar on rooftops (which is a felony btw). Plus he was apparently so good at extracurriculars, she is now ok with doing Bats' dirty work. What did Bane do with his mommy issues?? He took highly illegal substances and now looks like a roid raging lucha libre. Now tell me who went about it the proper way? Stop smirking Alfred...

Batman (2016) #19

Mar 17, 2017

Not exactly a brilliant issue like the previous few but I guess we see Bane angry? We literally run through the rogue's gallery only to arrive to Batman with his fists clenched. Why is King so inconsistent with this title? He's usually brilliant, I mean I was someone who said Grayson as a spy was absolutely stupid to my local comic shop, only to come in a few weeks later telling them to add Grayson to my pull list. And then Vision and Omega Men dropped and I was in nirvana without picking up an Image title. The funny thing is, I don't want King to be replaced because I know he can write, I just don't understand why there are so many chapters that seem insignificant to the overall progression of his stories. Between Tynion on Detective, King on Batman, and Snyder on All Star, I feel like King's Batman feels most out of touch with the character.

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

There are hints of Nolan's TDKR in this issue for obvious reasons. King doesn't officially put his stamp on it until the end where Bruce talks with his mother. Other than that, most of the other story elements are borrowed from past Batman vs. Bane stories. 20 issues in and I'm still on the fence with King's Batman. On the one hand, it's very character driven unlike Snyder that had a slowly unfolding plot that often lead to a big payoff. Snyder explored certain relationships like Batman and the Joker but King seems to try to dig at Batman's psychology all the time. After the Button, I'm curious to see the next arc, which seems more story driven than character driven with a conflict between the Joker and Riddler.

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

This is what I've been waiting almost a year for. Since reading the Geoff Johns one-shot that set this whole thing into motion, this story is the only one I really cared about. Oz and Superman can take a backseat, this is the event you've been looking for.

Batman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

HOLY $#%&!!! This is why I read comics, this is why I spend my hard-earned dollars on fictional characters and the stories they're involved in. It is always a pleasure to see Bruce's emotional side, the man behind the Batman and seeing Thomas sacrifice himself for Bruce plays into why the Batman exists in the first place, to turn the pain and suffering of an individual into something greater without the need to be recognized for it. It stings that Damian may never know his paternal grandfather who is every bit as strong as Ra's without the psychotic desire to cleanse the world. While some people have mixed feelings for Flashpoint since it erased continuity (well until Rebirth) but with this issue, the event really has solidified its place in DC lore for good. In fact, I hope this isn't the last time we visit the Flashpoint timeline. Either way, it's time for the finale and I'm fine with it being delayed a few weeks if it means it will be epic. Hell, I'm even ok if it is released as a double sized issue if they need it to close the story. If the excellent storytelling is keeping up, I'd gladly shell out 5-6 bucks for it.

Batman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

Where is Swamp Thing's Rebirth? Swamp Thing was one of the few titles that was consistently good, proving that not everything during the New 52 era was all bad. Snyder went for a more horror comic approach which is fitting but it wasn't until Charles Soule took over when I really became involved with the story which turned into more of a saga than what Snyder was doing. This guest appearance in Batman, only makes me wish that Swamp Thing got the Rebirth treatment. Zatanna is another one on my list as well as Martian Manhunter. Justice League Dark members should have more of a presence in the Rebirth universe methinks..

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

My question is, how is Talia, the baby mama gonna take this news?

Batman (2016) #25

Jun 22, 2017

Eddy and Joker always had the weirdest relationship. I suspect that this is gonna play out like a godfather rival mob story with all the villains and Batman in between. Janin's art is always top shelf, his work on Grayson is still one of my all-timers. It was a pity King and Janin exited Grayson early. That series went to $#%! after they left. But again this creative team works for the most part on Batman. Tom King really has a fetish for Catowman doesn't he??

Batman (2016) #26

Jul 6, 2017

The art is excellent but I'm still a little iffy on King's narration. He still does the ebb and flow across splash pages like his previous issues. I don't know if that technique always works. Tbh, at the end Batman seems pretty incompetent with a wall of dead people he's failed to save. And on top of that, it seems like he's just recalling events during a lengthy pillow-talk session with Catwoman. The whole Catwoman fetish is actually making me worry it's going to muddle the rest of King's Batman tenure because it's veering a hard left to the previous characterization Scott Snyder built during his New 52 run which if I'm not mistake is still in canon and the War of Jokes and Riddles takes place immediately after Zero Year. Snyder always showed how Bruce would put off pursuing relationships for the sake of being Batman much to Alfred's chagrin. Remember during the Zero Year Finale in issue #33, Alfred imagines Bruce settling down with Julie Madison only to have to turn her away when Bruce chooses to go crime-fighting. And if continuity holds, he is literally in bed with Selina mere months? after that. So it kind of ruins what Snyder established. Or maybe Batman just likes women with more daddy issues than he has. The art is top notch and the suit in this issue is miles better than the Rebirth suit. Storytelling has me a bit worried, I can't see the entire Rogue's gallery picking sides between Riddler and Joker. Someone would sit out for sure (I guess Bane wasn't invited, I didn't see him among the combatants).

Batman (2016) #28

Aug 3, 2017

Art was beautiful, second to only Sejic in this manner of art-style but this is an issue that deserves a second read-thru. At the end, it was interesting to see Batman having to find a way to restrain himself from beating Deadshot to death. It was fun to see the duel between Deathstroke and Deadshot, although I thought Deathstroke would wipe the floor with Floyd when it comes to hand to hand combat because Lawton is more of a marksman than a skilled combat fighter. So I felt that was a little off. If Deadshot can handle Deathstroke then Batman shouldn't have such an easy time beating him to a pulp. But besides that inconsistency, I enjoyed the issue.

Batman (2016) #29

Aug 17, 2017

It was weird reading this issue and Metal back to back. Snyder and King have completely different takes on Batman and I have to say I dig Snyder's more. While this was no doubt a unique issue and the storytelling was presented in a different way, what was absolutely terrible in this issue was Joker's portrayal. He's not at all scary anymore. The fact that you would let Joker have dinner with you and let him pout all the time, removes the crazy intimidation factor that Snyder's Joker had. This Joker is actually kind of pathetic to be honest. Also, generally speaking, no one (besides Harley) likes to work with the Joker, he's so unpredictable and psychotic that even villains don't trust him. For the Joker to create his own posse in this story arc just seems so out of character for the clown prince of crime who usually works alone and in the shadows, only revealing himself during the endgame. Speaking of endgame, the rogue's gallery actually teamed with Bats to take down the Joker. I get this is set way before that but it's hard to put the two portrayed Jokers together. Maybe there aren't just three Jokers.

Batman (2016) #31

Sep 22, 2017

The way the Joker is portrayed in this story arc still bugs me. He's more grumpy than chillingly sinister which seems out of character for him. It was nice to see a decent amount of Catwoman in the costume design of Brian Bolland's run though. Thankfully Janin scaled down the massive mammaries for Selina. This is after all a serious comic for serious readers...

Batman (2016) #32

Oct 4, 2017

A lot of nonsense in this story arc but having the Joker make that sacrifice to save Batman and keep what he stands for intact almost makes him heroic... As for Batman, he failed big time from a moral standpoint. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I get that he's still in his early stages barely after zero year but it's pretty epic how badly he failed this round. Tying things back to zero year is the only way I can make sense of Batman all of sudden wanting to stab the riddler. Because riddler was responsible for zero year as well.I can't say I was ever completely onboard with King's Batman and after this issue, that's still the case. I just wish King's fetish for Catwoman would take a backseat because it's starting to take over too much. The whole story arc is now technically a pillow talk flashback?? WTF mate...

Batman (2016) #33

Oct 19, 2017

Am I the only one that hopes Talia stabs Bruce or Selina so this bat-cat nonsense will end? The art is superb though, gotta hand it to Joelle. I gave this issue a decent grade because I love awkward moments like riding in on your horse with your hooker/jewel-thief fiance to meet your evil, terrorist group leader baby-mama with a fetish for a harem of naked lesbians that makes Selina's fetish for whips and leather seem tame by comparison. Batman likes bad bitches, we get it Tom King, can we move on now??

Batman (2016) #34

Nov 2, 2017

Moral of the story: Don't let your current gf/wife/fiance meet your ex.

Batman (2016) #37

Dec 22, 2017

I liked this issue and the art is quite appealing even though everyone is griping about fan service which I think is kinda funny. I'm unhappy with this issue because they tried to make me happy by writing a feel-good story about my favorite characters. Stay angry my friends...

Batman (2016) #39

Jan 17, 2018

Batman's a f%$#@* cheater!! Dude can't keep it in his pants, just ask Talia. Sure Talia drugged Bruce but unless some of it was crushed up Viagra, dude is still responsible for poppin that boner. C'mon Tom King, we know you just want the editors at DC to green-light writing your fantasy porn of Batman in a reverse gangbang with Catwoman, Wonder Woman, and Talia!! You SICK BASTARD!! Then again if such an issue existed, it would probably go to a second-printing...

Batman (2016) #41

Feb 22, 2018

The art is amazing especially the way Janin renders Selina and Pamela, but the story is lacking. At this point Janin might as well be drawing porn and you'd get about the same enjoyment with or without writing. In fact maybe skip the writing. It boggles my mind that the same man responsible for Vision and the current run of Mister Miracle is also writing the weakest stories for Batman...

Batman (2016) #42

Mar 7, 2018

Some parts were kind of funny. The art is great. But I nearly shat myself when about midway thru the story, there was that panel with the plot twist, it was that double splash page with Superman and "Bendis is coming"... I curled up into a fetal position and started crying. The true villain shows himself...

Batman (2016) #43

Mar 21, 2018

Batman is a title that continuously proves that not every single Rebirth title is better than its New 52 predecessor. I feel the same about Justice League. Tom King's storytelling is so incoherent at times, connecting the dots can be pure frustration. In this issue he reminded us of the War of Riddles and Jokes which I hated for two reasons, 1. The Joker portrayed felt off ESPECIALLY since, 2. Supposedly this takes place after Zero Year of Snyder and Capullo's run. The Joker that Snyder wrote is nothing like the one in King's mess of a story arc. The theory of multiple Jokers has to be real then, because Snyder's Joker was some next-level stuff while King's Joker just felt limp. It's odd that King, whom I normally think is an awesome writer is struggling with one of the most iconic characters in comics. I actually didn't think the Superman title needed a shakeup although the Bendis takeover is now inevitable. But for Batman, I would vote for a new creative team pronto. What's Brian Azzarello up to these days??

Batman (2016) #46

May 2, 2018

What is this shit? I honestly don't know what I'm reading anymore. If they can take Gleason and Tomasi off of Superman (which was doing spectacular) then DC can also take Tom King off of Batman. King really needs to get off this book before he ruins his own reputation. Every issue also makes King's Catwoman fetish more ridiculous.

Batman (2016) #47

May 16, 2018

I did a line of cocaine before reading this issue, so of course it made perfect sense and I can't wait for more of these types of stories on my most beloved comic book, Batman. I hope Batman remains likes this until the day that I die... BANG! (Ok I just arrived from the future via time-travel and shot the version of myself who snorted that line of cocaine and enjoyed this issue of Batman, the world is saved...consider this my gift to my old high school math teacher who finally worked up the nerve to ask Ms. Bossert, the French language teacher to ask her to marry him and agree to only bone each other for the rest of their lives) Can Bendis write Batman instead, it can't be more phucked than it is now anyways...

Batman (2016) #48

Jun 7, 2018

I like Janin's art but King is again writing Batman as sort of an apathetic idiot. Throwing a batarang at Joker's face was supposed to do what?? Kill him? I thought he was against killing. Maim him? What's the point of that. Also I found it most shocking that Batman didn't figure out a way to save the bride in the church from getting killed. Very out of character for the world's greatest detective. On top of that, after the bride's dead body falls to the ground, Batman looks like he doesn't even care. Is the real Batman locked away in a basement somewhere, because this Batman is an ass...

Batman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 29, 2017

I take it all back, Tom King can write Batman after all...

Batman / Superman (2013) #31

Apr 15, 2016

Nothing really happens in this issue event-wise but there is some strong character development in this chapter. For the first time in a long time, I feel Superman is properly characterized as a hero who cares about humanity even when his death is imminent. Furthermore, his relationship with Bruce is excellently portrayed. Although Batman and Superman have different MOs, at the core is a strong friendship. The most powerful panel is after Superman reveals he is dying and Bruce suggests finding a way to solve the problem, Bruce smashes a computer after Alfred leaves him, which expresses his frustration over possibly losing his closest friend. You can feel how Batman respects his friend and is distraught over Superman's condition. It will be interesting to see how Supergirl will take Clark's news after being gone for awhile. I am looking forward to the meeting between New 52 Superman and the post-crisis Superman.

Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #2

Apr 2, 2015

This was a fun comic. It was stupidly written and has some pacing issues but it was worth a once-over for sure. But some of the villains on the cover do not make it in the story. Obviously the Joker because putting the Joker in a comic without having a fleshed out and thoughtful plot would be considered sacrilegious these days. Although I thought we were going to get some resolution with the Phantom King, the plot mainly centers around Superman or rather Clark Kent without superpowers trying to help the town that Doomsday demolished back in the Doomed story arc. Without giving away too much, let's just say that Superman's new power forces him to be crafty rather than just punch through everything and it was interesting to see that. We are left with another cliffhanger just like with all the other books as we wait for the Post-Convergence DC. And Batman/Superman is probably one of the books I'll still have on my pull list come June.

Batman And Robin Eternal #20

Feb 19, 2016

Standard fare for a Batman comic with nothing too memorable. Action, evil guys with subplots but the saving grace is that we finally get the arrival of the current Robin, Damian. I was wondering where that little punk was in a series that featured every Robin except him until now. Go f%$#@ 'em up Damian.

Batman And Robin Eternal #21

Feb 24, 2016

This is what Batman and Robin Eternal should be for all of its issues. Tony S. Daniel at the art and Batman in the thick of the plot. While Mother's backstory was an interesting aside, we get some solid Batman in this issue. His dealing with Harper Row's father reminds me of the scene in Batman Begins with Flass.

Batman And Robin Eternal #25

Mar 24, 2016

These weeklys have been disappointing. Future's End, World's End, Convergence... Gone are the days of the 52 weekly. The thing with B&RE is that is started off really promising, like even better than Batman Eternal. They could have really changed the way people think about the role of Robin and they did for about six issues before reverting back to the status quo. Other than the issues by Tony S. Daniel, the artwork has been very forgettable. Everything in this series is conservative, we've seen it all before. I hope Geoff Johns is really working hard on an interesting story for Rebirth right now because they would need a Blackest Night caliber event to save their brand.

Batman And Robin Eternal #26

Mar 30, 2016

I thought this was a good Batman comic. All the DC weekly series titles have had their problems but I thought this at least had a good ending. I enjoy how Harper decides to take a different path than all of the traditional Robins. The relationship she had with her mom resonates with me personally. When I was younger, I often had to walk home alone from school until my mom got off work late and it sucked but as I grew older I knew it was to give me a fighting chance to live a better life than hers. So those panels hit home for me. Ironically I also watched Power Rangers after-school as referenced. But I had to finish the Bruce Timm Batman series before I started my homework. Cassandra's future is interesting, she is a fighter and so her role as a vigilante fits. Harper hoping to graduate with an engineering degree also fits and I can see her being an Oracle-ish character after Rebirth. Glad Bruce is back as Batman. This may have not been a perfect comic but I enjoyed it and the reasons why I love reading comics exist in this issue. While the storyline has flaws, the resolution was satisfying and leaves the door open for all the Robins to build their own legacy outside of Batman. The art was good too except for one page near the end that seemed a little sloppy. Overall, DC heroes inspired me as a kid and this comic paid tribute to why.

Batman and the Signal #1

Jan 6, 2018

Not to be overly critical but can't they make already cool and more established black characters better? Cyborg just ended with issue #20 and Luke Fox is to me, more interesting as Batwing than Duke as the signal. I actually liked Duke Thomas in the short run of I am Robin that led into Robin Wars. But this Signal character just seems so bland. I get this is Scott Snyder's brainchild but honestly the Bat family already has enough sidekick-y characters. My friends who's black says he'd really rather they put a creative team who know what they're doing on Cyborg especially since he's green-lit for his own movie... He also finds Wally West (The current Kid Flash) more spunky than Duke, especially since West doesn't especially like Damian Wayne on Teen Titans. This issue is kind of weird too, kids with random meta-powers just show up...

Batman and the Signal #3

Apr 29, 2018

Delays killed any momentum for this THREE issue series. Seriously they couldn't get their $%&# together for three measly issues. I was laughing when I saw the Metal event logo on the cover. You're like a month late bro... Snyder needs to accept that Duke Thomas just isn't that compelling of a character. He tried to avoid turning him into another Robin but unfortunately Duke was most interesting during the I am Robin series that I actually thought was decent. Overall, I think this is a fail...

Batman Beyond (2015) #1

Jun 3, 2015

This could be a good book, it has potential but now I feel like Future's End was nothing more than a prelude to Batman Beyond. Because the only book that FE seemed to have any influence on was this one. Now I could be wrong but right now all Batman Beyond is right now is a continuation of the FE plot. It was an interesting first issue and because of Chang's distinct art, I kept having to remind myself that this was a Batman book and not GLC. I hope Terry McGinnis makes a return somehow because it feels sacrilegious that anyone else is allowed to wear that suit. We'll see how Timmy is doing as a slave in a concentration camp next issue but so far between the Jokerz and some random fight scenes, it's hard to get a feel to where this book is going.

Batman Beyond (2016) #6

Mar 26, 2017

Trying to relive my childhood through this comic and it's working out so far with all the characters introduced in Bruce Timm's original animated series have made a faithful appearance just like they were in the cartoon. However, blending this world into the Rebirth continuity can be a bit tricky. First since Bruce and Barbara Gordon are alive, it's safe to assume many people are also alive as well. As much devastation as Brother Eye has brought to this world, where are Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, and all the rest of the bat-family? (Tim Drake is a bit iffy since he disappeared into thin-air and is presently Mr. Oz's prisoner in present time) Alfred is probably gone as is probably Jim Gordon but Damian should be in his what, 30's? He's a thirteen year old in present time Rebirth continuity. And unless Future's End still has bearing on this world, where are the other Justice League members? Terry was part of a Justice League in the cartoon and it'd be cool to see them make an appearance again. So far, this is the title I have the most questions with.

Batman Beyond (2016) #8

May 24, 2017

It only gets a high score because of the reveal on the last page. Everything else is regular porridge.

Batman Beyond (2016) #10

Jul 26, 2017

I'm enjoying this future version of Damian. But why did they do Goliath dirty like that? Also I would love to see Jon Kent with future Damian at some point. Super Sons Beyond

Batman Beyond (2016) #13

Oct 30, 2017

This issue was terrible. The layouts were a complete mess and the story wasn't compelling enough to go back and try to figure what panels to read in what order. Chang is an artist by trade and it looks like he should stick to that. I'm surprised how hard it has been for DC to make Batman Beyond good. You literally can do whatever you want with this character without screwing up too much past continuity since Terry isn't bound by that. Batman Beyond was Bruce Timm's stroke of genius and so far the writers for this title haven't been up to snuff.

Batman: Lost #1

Nov 9, 2017

Pays homage to classic Batman moments but then tries to alter it using Barbatos as the conduit. Then draws a parallel to another time Batman was lost in the timestream via Final Crisis with the alluding to Return of Bruce Wayne storyline. The only thing truly intriguing was insinuating that Barbatos was the actual bat that flew near the Wayne Manor window that was the original inspiration for Bruce saying I shall become a Bat! and thus begins Batman. The creepy fake granddaughter doesn't win any points with me tho...

Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

I'm hopeful but this issue doesn't exactly blow my mind. Duke Thomas's future is intriguing but I thought he does become Robin, not a yellow-suited Bat-kid or whatever Batman has in mind. Then again that was a Future's End One-shot issue so I'm not sure if that's canon anymore. I'm actually hoping Watchmen plays a significant role in the Batman series. Out of all the characters in the DCU, Batman seems like a natural fit for intertwining with Watchmen. I can already imagine Nite Owl coming out as the true head of the Court of Owls and conspiring against Batman. I'm geeking out over potential storylines.

Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1

Oct 5, 2017

Upset they essentially corrupted and bastardized a Green Power ring, no amount of hate, darkness, or anger should be able to override a Green Power ring. I mean just make another type of ring, like a hate ring that sucks away light and poisons the soul of the wearer, sure maybe a bit too similar to a black power ring (without the zombie effect) but it'd make a lot more sense than what Humphries wrote. Hell a red ring or yellow ring would make more sense being overridden by this twisted version of Bruce. I initially thought the Devastator would be the story that didn't stick but now I think it might be Dawnbreaker...

Batman: The Devastator #1

Nov 2, 2017

Best one out of the bunch so far. It's essentially a twisted darker version of Batman V Superman. Eat your heart out Zack Snyder.

Batman: The Murder Machine #1

Sep 27, 2017

I kinda like these f'ed up versions of Batman, these versions of Bruce are willing to cross the line and they're more true to their emotions. Alfred is obviously more immortal than Ra's al Ghul but if a writer had the balls to actually kill off Alfred in continuity, Bruce would snap. Alfred's the only thing keeping Bruce sane. The way I look at it, these evil Dark Knights are what happens when Bruce gives into his fears, anger, and hatred. This is what happens when a Batman falls to the Dark side of the Force... In the Red Death, Bruce thinks Barry doesn't take full potential of the Speed Force and Batman wants that power to go back in time, save his parents, and kill all villains. Yep, Metal is definitely ripping themes from Darth Vader, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Batman: White Knight #4

Jan 6, 2018

This is a very interesting take on the Batman mythos from an elseworld perspective. We're at halftime and it's been a good read so far. Surprisingly, the reason this series is good is not because of Batman but rather Joker/Napier. The character development on Batman so far is that he's super grumpy over a sick Alfred... I mean we arguably got an angrier rage Batman when Damian died in New 52 and Batman lost his $hit even worse during that time imo.

Batman: White Knight #7

Apr 7, 2018

White Knight could be the best Batman story I've read in the better part of a decade. It's not confined to the main continuity, so Murphy has free reign to let his storytelling take center stage and it is extremely satisfying to read. Although the book started off with Batman being extreme in his methods, it's devolved back into a normal-ish Batman book and I'm ok with that. I actually don't think this Batman is worse than the Requiem Batman (New 52 timeline after Damian Wayne gets killed by Leviathan). At the end, I appreciate this story that adds a new point-of-view on Joker. He tries to be good but at the end he's still an evil psychopath. I guess the ingredients are still the same for a Batman story just cooked in a slightly different way and it's still excellent. What I'm trying to say is...I'm just glad that I'm not reading a Batman book that's really just Catwoman pseudo-porn based on Tom King's weird fetishes.

Batman: White Knight #8

May 10, 2018

The ending feels a little bit of a cop out because overall we're back at the status quo. Murphy has done a fantastic job with his self-contained story but I can't help but feel like the editorial team held this title back from its full potential. Comparing it to Nightwing, The New Order, another self-contained elseworlds story, I think White Knight is overall better written but New Order had a more satisfying ending for me. It wrapped things up while White Knight had loose ends that sets up a possibility for a sequel. I mean no important players die and I could be wrong but it was never revealed what Alfred had for Bruce after he died.

Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 17, 2017

I didn't know what to expect when I picked this issue up but it's interesting enough to keep me onboard for at least the first story arc. I feel like you do need to read some of Batwoman's New 52 run (which I have not) to have some of the plot threads make sense. There are characters in this first issue from Kate's past that I'm assuming I'm supposed to be familiar with but unless you have read previous volumes, you really won't know what the hell is going on. So it's a bummer that for an issue #1, its not exactly friendly to new readers who are just jumping on.

Birthright #1

Oct 22, 2014

I really enjoyed this comic. I thought the pacing was a bit hurried but I also appreciated that it revealed Mikey in the end as a Warrior Beast-Man rather than leave on a cliffhanger. I'm expecting some LOTR-ish action and that gets me excited. I can see this becoming a solid Image book and the art is great. I thought the parents' marriage deteriorating was somewhat humorous. Don't know if it was intentional or if I just have somewhat of a messed-up sense of humor. The brother Brennan was also a hot-tempered red-head so it was a little cliche. I will be picking up issue 2, it already looks like there's gonna be a twist in the plot already.

Black Canary (2015) #9

Mar 17, 2016

I liked the art. It was retro mixed with manga and had a bit of that cartoony feel. The story was enjoyable if you remembered to take your ritalin.

Black Panther (2016) #1

Apr 12, 2016

Not the easiest book to jump on. I feel it's a book for already established Black Panther fans. If you're completely new to his character, you might feel a little lost on the background. The story seems like it'll be a slow burner meaning you need some patience and invest some interest before you get a payoff, which actually can make for an amazing read after six issues in or so. I'm not the biggest Black Panther fan so I might have to skip this if there other titles I want to read more.

Blue Beetle (2016) #11

Jul 26, 2017

You know it's a bad sign when Batman makes an appearance in a title that couldn't be farther removed from him. Remember New 52 Hawk and Dove when it was doing terrible and they guest-starred Batman as a remedy? Yeah it kicked the bucket less than a year in... I feel the same about this title.

Captain America (2017) #695

Nov 2, 2017

Reading this issue was like eating hot comfort food after a long and exhausting road trip. Nothing too crazy but satisfying all the same. I got used to the excellent pairing of Samnee and Waid with Daredevil and I'm glad this tried and true creative team is back on one of Marvel's marquee heroes. Welcome home Cap, we missed you.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

May 25, 2016

The "twist" doesn't sit well with me. One of the defining attributes of Steve Rogers is that he's good to a point where it ostracizes him from other heroes. I may still be running on the good feelings I got after watching Civil War and thought the letter to Tony was a fantastic sum-up of what it feels to be Steve Rogers. He never felt like he belonged anywhere but he still had the determination to still believe in himself and his values, that's something I respect. The reveal at the end of this issue undermines everything I believe about Cap, it's almost sacrilegious at this point. I'm really hoping this is some sort of mind control because it just doesn't sit well with me. Like an emo dancing Spider-Man it's a bad characterization of an icon.

Catwoman (2011) #35

Oct 24, 2014

Wow, I'm very impressed. The gritty art by Brown fits this new direction perfectly. The storytelling is excellent, almost seems more like a Vertigo book. I am very intrigued about the next issues. It's about time someone unlocked the potential of Selina Kyle's character. I have not been reading Batman Eternal but I feel readers would have a better understanding of the background info if they did. Selina as a mob boss of a crime family is convincing with how the character is reinvented and set up. Again, we have another Bat book that's going in a new direction and altering its title character but unlike Batgirl and Nightwing/Grayson, Catwoman's transition seems the most believable. Catwoman you are no longer the worst book in DC's lineup, congrats.

Catwoman (2011) #36

Nov 28, 2014

The difference between the previous run of Catwoman vs. the current one is night and day. Valentine has transformed Selina's character completely. In fact the current Catwoman reminds me of Lemire and Sorrentino's run on Green Arrow. It's got that grittiness to it that makes it unique and the artwork simply fits. I'm interested to see how the imposter Catwoman will play out in the current story. There's no way we've seen the last of her. Other than that, Selina seems very Don Corleone about crime family life as she says no to drug trafficking and I suspect that will piss someone off and lead to some violence against Selina. I'm along for this ride for sure and I'm glad Catwoman is no longer reduced to cheap thrills like being Batman's fetish sex kitten.

Catwoman (2011) #37

Dec 18, 2014

I know it was you Fredo, you broke my heart... Well looks like Selina crosses the point of no return by ordering someone in the family to get whacked but she is very hesitant. Black Mask looks like he be brewing up a gang war in Batman's town which will put Selina in the middle. The story is quite mafioso godfatherish still with just a splash of Catwoman. Honestly they shoulda renamed the Catwoman book as Selina similar to what they did to Nightwing/Grayson because even though it's the same character, it's a completely different angle. However, I am thankful that for 3 straight months, Catwoman is a fantastic book rather than one I'd line the cat litter box with.

Catwoman (2011) #47

Dec 10, 2015

Dammit, why revert back to the same-old, same-old? Catwoman used to be the joke of all the DC New 52 titles and then Valentine came, shook things up and made Catwoman arguably one of the best DC books available on the shelf. Although this isn't as bad as the Nocenti issues, the stakes just don't seem that high like they did when Catwoman was having mob wars with Sionis, Penguin, and Eiko. What's worse this issue acts as if the past 12 issues had no bearing on Selina's character at all. She literally goes back to being a cat burglar with no lingering effects from the consequences of Valentine's run.

Catwoman (2011) #50

Mar 9, 2016

The fact that this title has made it to issue #50 is a miracle especially since it was one of the weakest titles of the New 52 during Ann Nocenti's run. This was a fun little issue but the two backup stories were pointless. I wish they didn't try to stretch this issue #50 to 48 pages. The primary story was fine with some cool cameos that don't entirely seemed forced. But the mask and JL stories were head-scratchingly stupid.

Catwoman (2011) #52

May 11, 2016

There was a stretch where Catwoman was arguably the worst title DC had to offer during the New 52 era. It's nice to see it end on a high note. Between flashbacks and betrayals, this little story kept me entertained and was more inline with Valentine's run than Nocenti's. Obviously there are some dangling plot points that could be picked up in the future but for now Catwoman doesn't leave a bad impression.

Catwoman: Election Night #1

Nov 5, 2016

Trust me you don't wanna pay five dollars on a comic that just reminds you of how terrible this particular election has been. I just want it to be over...

Champions (2016) #2

Nov 3, 2016

Wow, I might have to put this on my pull list. I am a huge fan of Ramos's art. His work on TASM was one of the reasons I got into comics back in the day. I love the dynamics of these young heroes. The things is, with maybe the exception of Scott, we don't know these characters as well as their established Avenger counterparts (Peter Parker, Captain Marvel, Vision, etc.) So Waid has almost a blank canvas to work with. He can develop these youngsters in any way he sees fit and it's starting to become intriguing. After thoroughly enjoying the Rebirth of Teen Titans (Let's face it Champions is the Marvel counterpart to DC's Teen Titans), I am excited that there is another equally enjoyable book in the same vein. We see a juvenile and unsure of himself Scott deal with fitting in. Cho is kind of the brash a-hole and Khamala is shaping up to be an excellent leader. Having Nova, Miles Morales, and Viv rounds up a pretty cool team.

Champions (2016) #4

Jan 12, 2017

One of the very few books in Marvel's lineup that's consistently good. I don't know how Gwenpool is going to fit in but so far everything else works. I do admit that a scuffle with Atlanteans seemed a little random but hey it's a fun ride so far.

Civil War II #1

Jun 1, 2016

Two characters die in this first issue, and it barely provides a compelling enough reason to start another Civil War, especially since the dude who killed both of them is the big bad Thanos. (Why not just punish him??) Marvel still, now shamelessly, places the Inhumans above the X-Men. Right now, this event seems forced. There really is no reason for Carol and Tony to go to war, both lost friends. It just paints Tony as another egotistical douche. Coipel's pencils were better in issue #0 but the art is probably the only thing this issue truly has going for it.

Civil War II #2

Jun 16, 2016

The artwork is plenty gorgeous, but the plot feels scattered, definitely not as cohesive as the original Civil War. First I got to then end and realized I don't really now who the real villain is in this event. So the antagonist is just Ulysses's visions? They're so random. First he envisions Thanos and Thanos came and phucked $#!% up. Now he's envisions Hulk killing everyone? So lemme guess, next issue Hulk shows up and then phucks $#&% up... Can I suggest the next vision then? Deadpool comes and kills everybody, wait I think that was already done... Fine, since Marvel is all about recycling ideas, have Gwenpool kill everybody. Truth is, there's no real compelling reason for a war. In this first one, at least Cap and Iron Man had a genuine split over the Hero Registration Act. Now, it just seems so stupid... Draw Medusa going on BDSM on Beast with her hair next time and maybe it'll make things interesting...

Civil War II #3

Jul 15, 2016

This would be better if a movie called Minority Report didn't exist. The concept is intriguing but the problem is, it's already been explored and better told by Steven Spielberg. While the mediums differ, (Film vs Comic book), the endgame has to be similar. Stopping crimes based on a future vision is an ultimate moral dilemma but the problem with Marvel is that they are trying to hard to incorporate a "Civil War". With the Superhero Registration Act, it worked better but this, not as well. I can't say this is the worst event Marvel has ever done but at the same time, it's not amazing either.

Civil War II #5

Sep 22, 2016

Why would Miles Morales kill Rogers anyways?? There's no rhyme or reason. Killing Banner for the possibility of hulking-out and killing everyone was already a wafer thin plot device but now this?? Just have Deadpool murder everyone again and call it a day. At least that would be more entertaining...

Civil War II #6

Oct 27, 2016

Fact: There are pretty pictures in this book. Fact: There are also words. Fact: There is a lot of characters. Fact: Most of those characters have nothing to do but stand there. Fact: I can't tell if issue 6 is better than issue 5 because I don't really remember it...

Civil War II #8

Dec 28, 2016

This was the extra issue?? It was pointless, what a cash grab. 9 issues in total, if you paid retail you shelled out roughly $50 to read an event that was spectacularly mentally challenged. Luckily I have a friend who would buy dog poop if Marvel produced it and his comics are always on his coffee table along with his monthly subscription to Hustler. I usually read the comics because they generally have better stories in them but for once I could be wrong with these Civil War II books... Captain Marvel has some ideas for the future eh? How about one that didn't include Bendis writing for the House of Ideas?? That scene where Ulysses saw a vision with Monsters fighting was shameless to epic proportions. Use a crappy event book to advertise another crappy event book that's coming soon to a comic shop with an owner who didn't want to order any Marvel event books in the first place near you. I have a suggestion for an event book: Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe II. And then a one-shot event called: New Birth: Deadpool becomes pregnant and gives birth to a Marvel Universe that resets and removes everything you hate about Marvel as an apology to their fans...

Convergence #1

Apr 8, 2015

After a somewhat bizarre #0 issue, we get an exposition heavy issue #1 with not that much going on other than the Earth 2 characters trying to orient themselves in a desert wasteland. Telos could potentially be a notable villain but only time will tell. I have my reservations about this issue since it's just setting things up but the premise is intriguing. The official DC Hunger-Games will probably kick into high gear next week. Don't know if this event will help DC tie up some loose ends and gain some old readers back while potentially picking up new ones but may the odds ever be in their favor. Also I'm curious on how Morrison's Multiversity series will tie into this, I mean it HAS to right??

Convergence #2

Apr 16, 2015

The art is fine but the story is sort of scattered. The action sequences between Telos and Earth 2 Justice League (Society?) seemed out of place. Then again, the alternative is more dialogue between the characters that just translates to more exposition which we already got a heavy dose of in issue #1. The encounter between the two Batmans/Batmen was interesting but they could've done more with it, besides a staring contest, Thomas saying he's proud of Bruce, and then Bruce brooding. I'm hoping issue #3 starts turning things around because right now the main book is sort of a drag. And since there are only 6 issues left, DC can't afford to waste another one on seemingly random scenes with no real connection. I'm starting to hate the weekly format, because while we get a constant stream of storytelling, what good is it, if the story kinda sucks? Forever Evil tested our patience with its releases but that story was well-written and had a good payoff, I'm skeptical about Convergence and I was livid with the way Futures End concluded. While I don't hate Convergence (yet), it is a bit underwhelming given all hoopla behind it.

Convergence #3

Apr 23, 2015

Story just isn't cutting it on the main book. Which is a shame because the art is actually stellar. Problem is there is little to no direction on the plot. It all seems like a mess right now. You jump from random city to random city meeting a bunch of random characters with little to no introduction or development and expect everything to stick? Telos has the potential to be one of the most interesting villains in the DC universe but he's being wasted right now with poor writing. Convergence is exactly how you should not do an event. Compared to the Geoff Johns written Flashpoint event which also was primarily structured to reboot DC, Convergence is a disaster.

Convergence #4

Apr 30, 2015

The best issue of Convergence so far, although that's not saying much. Skartaris seems interesting enough with the Dinotopia gimmick that's getting tried out but I think the real improvement is developing Telos. From some angles and interpretations, it seems like he could actually turn and join the heroes in the fight, at least that's kinda what I got from that conversation he had with Grayson. Only time will tell but I have a funny feeling Telos is gonna have a change of heart and sacrifice himself or something along that line to stop Brainiac. Also, does anybody else recall how Telos was supposed to be Brainiac's son or something like that in the Convergence previews when Didio was trying to explain this event?

Convergence #5

May 6, 2015

While Convergence is by no means a great event comic, I also don't think it's as terrible as it's being made out to be. The first few issues had bad pacing issues and Telos wasn't established well in the first act of Convergence. However, I think now that we're filled in on his backstory, I can see Telos having a few surprises as we close out Convergence at the end of the month. Jeff King obviously still needs some time to transition into writing comics but his first effort could've been worse. The pencils have been good throughout Convergence and Andy Kubert keeps that up. Normally I would wonder why Geoff Johns isn't in some way involved but with Darkseid Wars looming on the horizon, I'll give DC a pass because based on the FCBD issue of Divergence, Darkseid Wars is going to be a true epic. Also since the comparison will be inevitable and I have just picked up the first issue of Secret Wars, I'll go ahead and say it: yes, it looks like Hickman will have the better event this go around. Still, I'm committed to reading both events and in terms of Convergence, I'm curious to how the New 52 Earth Prime characters will play out in the next few issues.

Convergence #6

May 14, 2015

I like it. The art has been consistently decent which I appreciate and while the story meandered in the opening act, it looks like the final act will be worthwhile. I assumed earlier that Telos would flip sides and turn hero and it looks like there's more evidence to that now. I'm expecting Dick Grayson to play a central in the last two issues and I suspect he will be the new Earth 2 Batman once Earth 2 Society hits stands. We could use some more development on Deimos, so far he's just a generic egotistical supervillain and not very interesting to be honest. At least we get to see our heroes pummel Deimos's team next week. Also it looks like Convergence has some relevance with Darkseid Wars which is cool because that's gonna be the event we remember from DC this year for sure.

Convergence #7

May 21, 2015

Convergence will never be as good as Flashpoint or Forever Evil but the final act has been entertaining for the most part. Thing is I'm ready for it to be over. Deimos was always kinda lame and we all know the heroes wouldn't stay mad at each other forever. Also Telos is probably gonna sacrifice himself to save the world or worlds or alternate timelines/realities/red version and blue version of the original Pokemon games. So all in all, his character has so far been a huge waste of potential. And I'm still a little upset how they dealt with the badass version of Brainiac. He just poof, disappears? Well to be honest Deimos kinda does the same thing too. Hopefully issue 8 ends with a huge action gangbang orgy and we can restart the regular series whose previews actually look pretty awesome. I actually think DC streamlining their titles for the sake of quality over quantity is a welcome move and I look forward to the stories ahead. June can't come soon enough. Farewell New 52, after 3 years calling you new is a bit of an oxymoron anyways.

Convergence #8

May 28, 2015

This issue had a satisfying conclusion at the expense of turning this whole event into something inconsequential. Also DC tends to undo and redo and then undo the redo only to redo the undo, you see what I'm saying? So now the Multiverse is all dandy and we're all one big happy family until an editor decides it's not anymore. While I thought they teased a cool character prior to Convergence hitting stands, Telos is now someone forgettable in fact maybe he forgot this whole thing happened after we meet a Brainiac who's not so evil after all. Yay! I still think Telos is a very cool character conceptually but the execution to develop him fell flat in this event. In fact I think you could flesh out Telos's backstory out enough to have a solo title comic or at least a mini-series lasting at least 6 issues. Telos could potentially match a New God in terms of power and maybe he joins the fray against Darkseid this summer. Who knows? Overall this event was a bit of a letdown. It could of been a decent epic but they literally squandered away the first 3 issues doing absolutely nothing. And who really wanted to see Deimos and all that Skataris BS? Definitely not me. The ties with Grant Morrison's Multiversity was kind of weak but at this point who cares? Darkseid Wars looks to be epic and it needs to hit a home run for DC this summer because Marvel has been killing it with Secret Wars.

Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1

Apr 16, 2015

After reading all these 2 issue one-shots, I found myself feeling exhausted. That's because unless you have done research or read DC for decades, the characters in these stories may either be unknown to you or super vague. If you are familiar with the versions of Batman, Superman, etc. you still hesitate to pinpoint who it is exactly. Shadow of the Bat was a decent read, (This week's one shots were all average with no standouts like last week's Superman or Nighwing & Oracle) but for those who haven't read Knightfall, Azrael might be unfamiliar. The story itself was believable, having the dome, necessities like food and medicine will become luxuries. That premise made Bruce and Azrael trying to stop gangsters like Tobias Whale a genuine concern. The problem is once the dome lifts and we hear Telos's chant for the millionth time, the stakes are drastically changed and we enter a giant battle royale, which makes me wonder how all the issue #2s are gonna turn out. Overall Convergence is strange, by trying to please everyone, I feel DC is doing itself a disfavor. Most of the newer readers will have little vested interest in these particular interpretations of these characters. And these one-shots barely do the old characters justice. Also although the New 52 wasn't perfect, after 3 years of hard work, they actually did a relatively good job of building a new canon. Now they undermine it with what is turning out to be a mess of an event and it's a damn shame.

Convergence: Catwoman #1

Apr 16, 2015

A fun read and Selina Kyle actually doesn't change too much from version to version. In fact other than the costume, her personality is more or less the same. The thing about Convergence is that it's turning into a random klusterphuck, at the end of this issue Kingdom Come Batman shows up out of nowhere and I don't even recall Telos matching her up with this version of Batman. While the concept was initially intriguing, Convergence is driving me up a wall. I'm just glad that it ends in a month because we're two weeks in and I literally want to Hulk-smash a gingerbread house every time we run into Telos's idiotic dome chant. He shoulda just said may the odds ever be in your favor and left it at that.

Convergence: Green Arrow #1

Apr 16, 2015

Good Gawd, someone get Green Arrow some condoms! How many illegitimate children can you run into in one day? In all seriousness this was a solid one shot from the Convergence event. It was well-written and you didn't need a lot of back story on this particular Green Arrow to enjoy the story. The racist hate group was a bit of a twist as it seems all the one shots have the common theme of shortage of food and supplies as well as lack of stars in the sky. It was cool to see Connor Hawke lay out all the hate group members with his Tibetan monk calmness and accurate archery. Thumbs up on this one.

Convergence: Harley Quinn #1

Apr 10, 2015

The, "What's a hungry games?" comment did it for me. There was a good dose of humor in this issue and it's great to see the classic Harley Quinn I grew up when I used to get up early on Saturday to watch Bruce Timm's Batman TAS. I'm definitely on board for issue 2, Harley Quinn vs. Captain Carrot already sounds like a riot.

Convergence: Justice League #1

Apr 8, 2015

Art is solid, story was fun, and curious about flashpoint Aquaman and Mera. Doesn't stand out like Convergence Superman or Nightwing and Oracle but it wasn't bad by any means. This hunger-games-ish story hopefully amounts to some quality matchups in May.

Convergence: Superman #1

Apr 10, 2015

This is the Superman we know and love. This more mature version of Superman is excellent. I couldn't stand the Superman/Clark Kent they portrayed in the New 52 Action Comics. I get that Ma and Pa Kent die early in that series so Supes is a little more brash due to lack of parenting, but Jurgens gets this Supes absolutely right. It'll be interesting to see how Flashpoint Superman interacts with Lois because it's almost a creepy obsession but at the same time I loved how Snyder portrayed Flashpoint Superman as a pet project locked away which makes you wonder what would happen if Kal-El didn't land in the loving home of the Kents much like Red Son and Mastermen. And this issue has one of the sexier covers I've seen that doesn't involves boobs or drawing women like they're porn stars (cough...J. Scott Campbell cough, cough). No offense Campbell, we still love you and your variant covers..

Cyborg #1

Jul 22, 2015

Pretty art but not a lot goes on. Another evil alien machine robot villain? Definitely don't have enough of those. I'd hate to judge a series on its debut issue but if this is what we're gonna get the rest of the way, it's gonna be pretty forgettable. Vic Stone could arguably be the most interesting member of the current incarnation of the Justice League but that all depends on the writing.

Cyborg (2016) #11

Apr 5, 2017

When you hike up the price by a dollar even if it includes a digital code (to an issue I don't even think I want to read again) you better make sure the story is a solid read, otherwise that price increase starts to get noticed a lot more and could induce pull-list drops... This throwaway story literally involves a digitized childhood friend of Vic's that tries to kill him in a video game world from their childhood. I kid you not...

Cyborg (2016) #13

Jun 12, 2017

There's a reason why no one is reading Cyborg. It's not that good. Considering how good most Rebirth titles are, the less than average level of this title really shows in comparison. The villains are lame, the supporting cast weak, and with a movie solely about Cyborg due out in a few years, it should be on DC's list of priorities to make this title good.

Cyborg (2016) #15

Aug 4, 2017

Some of the lines are beyond terrible, like Scarlett's you still turn me on line. There are others but thankfully I've already forgotten them at the time of this writing. The whole being black means you'll get overlooked is somewhat condescending when Exxy overrides the Metal Men but that's barely the only thing cringeworthy in this book. This is one Rebirth title that isn't doing well in terms of story-telling which is kind of a shame. So far, Cyborg's solo title ever since DCYou has been a floundering mess. It's a shame, it could be a good title but no one knows what to do with Victor Stone yet in his own book...

Cyborg (2016) #18

Nov 2, 2017

Writing for this issue is awkward. Essentially Cyborg is talking to himself during some nonsensical sequence of events. So Anomaly just commits robotic suicide all of a sudden? It's like Conrad just said phuck it, I dunno what to do with this mess I've created, let's just kill the villain in the most convenient way possible and give our readers the blandest happy ending we can do. Taking Variant off the board like that was an odd move. She's potentially an interesting character but again Conrad conveniently put her back on the shelf. The worst part is after months of this crap, it's rendered meaningless at the end, everything returns to the status quo. Machine Queen cameo is proof, good things came from Swamp Thing, DC needs to bring him back. Swamp Thing was proof not everything during New 52 was terrible.

Cyborg (2016) #21

Apr 7, 2018

Still not a compelling read, but for once, it feels like Wolfman has given Cyborg a sense of direction as a comic book. The scenario we're thrown into feels like the same but one difference is, it's more focused on Victor. No random Sarahs or Variants running around to distract from Victor Stone Marv may be able to pull this character he created out of the grave but it'll take some time. I didn't expect a 180 in a single issue but honestly, this is DC's last ditch effort. If Wolfman can't catch some traction for this book, no one can...

Damage (2018) #1

Jan 17, 2018

Very subpar, mediocre, lackluster, and uninspired first issue for all the hype and delays. The art is only decent (not Daniel's best work by a long shot). I realize it's only a first issue but it was such a quick five minute read with only chaotic action and barely any plot and character introduction, I couldn't even tell what the first name of the title character was until I read a blurb online. And how is this supposed to relate to Metal? Is this one of the messed up earths of the dark multiverse? Then is that the earth prime Amanda Waller or some other one? Not too impressed with this new age of heroes schtick...

Daredevil (2014) #8

Nov 22, 2014

A little late reviewing this issue but it's a solid read nonetheless. Daredevil is one of Marvel's best books and I like how Daredevil is a title that doesn't constantly have guest appearances from other more popular Marvel characters. The purple children seem like an ominous group but I appreciate how it's not a status quo villain that takes center stage as the opposition. Mark Waid is again doing some solid writing and Daredevil is perfect for reader's who want an intimate story without a ton of crossover influence. Narration takes precedence over action in this book and that's fine by me.

Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 14, 2017

Pretty damn good. But I'm shocked the Joker (or a Joker?) lives in Batman's Batcave's secret lair. Glad that Hawkman is back in the fold. Still waiting on Martian Manhunter to rejoin us. Romita's art is a bit jarring and Kubert needs to drop the art motif from DKIII, it literally looks like the faces are melting... Snyder's writing style is very apparent. He loves opening up with mysteries and then blowing your minds at the end. I remember the first issue of Court of Owls with the DNA match of the John Doe killer matching Dick Grayson kicking things off. I'm down for Dark Days. Now to reread Infinite Crisis.

Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 12, 2017

Snyder is setting himself up to play to his strong suit which is mystery and horror. The evil versions of bastardized Batmen with other members of the JL seem to be waiting in the corner ready to haunt the nightmares of small children. There are interesting things at play here (Miracle Machine, Anti-Monitor tower thingy from Infinite Crisis) with many characters showing up seemingly out of nowhere, Talia for example. That's an ex I would definitely get a restraining order against. She always shows up in weird and dark places with her boobs hanging out and a knife hidden up her ass-crack. I would never want to see that baby-mama again. If I'm honest I never really cared about Duke's character but Snyder seems intent on shoving him down my throat... However, I would love to see this event give rise to a proper Hawkman Rebirth title perhaps even pencilled by Andy Kubert?

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

Feb 27, 2016

Azzarello has written some decent stories which is why I keep reading this $#!%. Miller's name is attached but I doubt he's really doing much in terms of story direction. But if I'm honest, so far this title has been a phuckin' disappointment for all the hype it received. Also I usually dig Kubert's art but when an artist tries to emulate another artist's style and doesn't do it effectively, it looks like a muddled mess which has been what most of the art has been for DKIII. I'm not expecting Jim Lee or Fabok level details but for the love of all things good and holy, tighten those pencils up. Hopefully thawing out Superman just like a certain Captain Rogers should make things interesting in book 4. The Green Lantern mini-comic was way bizarre and we got a breast-feeding Wonder Woman before that so that's sayin' something. And old man Bruce was cooler when he was mentoring Terry McGinnis, no offense Carrie. Ok. I'll stop complaining now, point is I already shelled out $18 and I haven't been thrilled with what I got in return.

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #7

Dec 28, 2016

Too many delays and horrible pacing killed any momentum this title had. The fact that the mini-comic attached in the middle is the best part of a 6 dollar comic is pretty ridiculous...

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #8

Mar 29, 2017

This series over-promised and under-delivered. It's based on one of the most iconic comics in history but you feel like it's just a hollow sequel that just can't reach those lofty measures. The talent associated with this book is top notch even if Miller is taking a back seat to Azzarello this time. For what it is, the series has taken to long to finish. It'll be 18 months by the time this chapter is finished and so far it's been a strange ride. Essentially the master race is a bunch of Kryptonian zealots and I'm still struggling to understand what their endgame is? They are after a baby with Amazon and Kryptonian blood, Jonathan and wants his sister Lara at their side. Actually, that's the only interesting part about this issue, that Lara leaves with Quar's followers. Overall, if it weren't for the mini-comics, I'd be hard pressed to recommend this comic.

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #9

Jun 7, 2017

It could've been worse but I actually thought this issue was ok. Overall the series didn't go anywhere, just made Bruce younger so there can be 27 more sequels to the DKR. It does water down Frank Miller's original work. I personally don't think it's worth $50 to get through this slog especially given the delays. Lara could be interesting but she's just a rehashed Supergirl that is the offspring of Supes and Wondy. I guess "meh" describes the whole series in one word...

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1

Jun 17, 2016

Azzarello is one of my favorite writers. His stuff is gritty and it feels natural he's doing the heavy lifting in writing the DK series after Miller who I consider the godfather of gritty story-telling. This issue isn't a must read but it does explore the mind of an older, past-his-prime Bruce which I always find interesting. My favorite take on a washed-up Bruce will always be the pilot of Timm's Batman Beyond where Bruce is forced to use a firearm to scare his enemies which goes against everything he's fought for but this take is a fun experience as well. Not a game-changing comic by any means but to Batman fans, it should be satisfying.

Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1

Feb 14, 2018

Morrison is perfect for this acid-dropping event. If you read Multiversity or at least a few of the issues, you can see connections being made. I'm surprised they ended a certain character the way they did but it wouldn't surprise me if he came back in some way shape or form. After all this is comics, death is like getting the cold, it happens every now and then and you get over it...

Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 16, 2017

They could potentially introduce a villain on par with Darkseid or Anti-Monitor in terms of power. This is a Multiverse shakeup event. Art isn't the best by Capullo's standards but the man is on a time crunch so I'll cut him some slack. I'm totally onboard although this issue doesn't really give much away.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 13, 2017

Wow, Snyder's writing on Metal so far is proof that cocaine is a helluva drug...

Dark Nights: Metal #3

Oct 12, 2017

Poor Supes, you are now responsible to charge all the phones in the Dark Multiverse. They have Clark's @ss strapped tight... All he wanted was to save his abusive best friend with deep psychological issues and enjoys dressing up as a bat while proceeding to beat the $#@& out of unsuspecting baddies... Also if issues #1 & 2 was the snorting cocaine phase, issue #3 now begins the dropping acid phase. Stay tuned kids, this is similar to having sex on a roller coaster with no seat belts. Rock on Snyder.

Dark Nights: Metal #4

Dec 20, 2017

I have no idea what the phuck is going on...but I like it. I'm gonna read it again after smoking a bowl.

Dark Nights: Metal #5

Jan 31, 2018

For a penultimate issue in this event, I'm shocked at how after reading it, it just feels like Snyder is spinning his wheels but going nowhere. Other than a cameo by Martian Manhunter and some Dark Wonder Women, nothing in this issue felt that exciting. Also I read Capullo and Millar's Reborn mini-series, and it has way too many similarities. We also still don't know sh%t about Barbatos even though he's supposed to be the guy pulling all the strings. Issue 6 better be a whopper or this event really fizzled out. I will say that almost all the one-shots tied to Metal have been excellent and almost a better read than the main event due to solid character development.

Dark Nights: Metal #6

Mar 29, 2018

This event got a little too crazy for its own good and I feel like its overambitious reach didn't end up with a very coherent story. Still I admire Snyder's effort for a such a huge undertaking. Regardless of how I felt about this odd finale, it moves the DC universe forward and is forcing it to evolve for better or worse. I can tell Capullo grew tired as this event concluded as the artwork isn't up to his usual standard and some friends had to lend a helping hand, Mikel Janin's art was instantly recognizable. Also I'm thankful for all the new characters and elements Metal brought such as the evil Batmen and expanding the multiverse. However, I think Barbatos was a weak character overall and could've been skipped. At the end of the day however, I think Snyder works better in self-contained stories such as Court of Owl and End Game. The events are usually Geoff Johns' forte.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Suicide Squad/The Banana Splits #1

Mar 29, 2017

Harley makes out with the monkey after losing a twerking contest to the elephant. The killer croc on lion action was a bit too graphic for me. Just kidding, none of that happened. My @ss was as high as a kite when I read this issue and I tried to grab em by the snagglepuss only to realize it was my old ChuckE Cheese rat costume I never returned after getting fired from sneaking cheese pizzas from a kid's birthday party...

DC / Looney Tunes: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1

Jun 28, 2017

Best one shot out of the bunch. Makes up for the Hanna Barbera crossovers. No Daffy Hal Jordan crossover? Duck Dodgers dude...

DC Nation (2018) #0

May 3, 2018

Wow, Tom King can write a Joker story after all. That was creepier than Snyder's Joker. Super excited for the relaunch of Justice League and the wild looking No Justice event. Wish I could say the same about Superman but after reading the Action special and the Supes story in DC Nation #0, I'm starting to really wonder why they would end Gleason and Tomasi's run and ruin a good thing??

DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1

Dec 15, 2016

More enjoyable than the DC New Talent Showcase special a few weeks back and I like how the Harley interludes tie all the self-contained stories together. Some stories could've been extended or omitted entirely like the one page New Super-Man story with Red-Orchid was it??? Seriously either flesh it out a little bit more or omit it entirely. I'm really looking forward to Damian and Jon's friendship.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 25, 2016

I'm feeling pretty good about DC's future after reading this. Of course DC could still eventually ruin themselves but for the rest of the year, I think their books will be solid reads. I'm glad they're not trying to just throw things against the wall and see what sticks like they did with New 52. Welcome back Wally.

Deathstroke (2016) #2

Sep 16, 2016

Deathstroke isn't the easiest comic to read, in fact I had to reread both #1 and 2 to get what was really going on between all the flashbacks and exchanges. However, once things start to make sense you realize this is the best Deathstroke has been since he was in his own book.

Deathstroke (2016) #13

Feb 24, 2017

Poor Jericho, how long has his dad been banging his fiance behind his back?

Detective Comics (2016) #939

Sep 1, 2016

Detective is arguable better than the Batman title as of right now. I like how Detective makes me feel like investing in the Batman and Robin Eternal series wasn't a complete waste of money, as it builds on the characters and storylines that series introduced. It does seem ominous for Drake on the very last page but I think he's the only Robin that has yet to experience a notable death out of the main 4 Robins.

Detective Comics (2016) #947

Dec 29, 2016

Rebirth is off to an incredible start and with issues like this, you realize there's something bigger at play in this universe slowly building up. Detective Comics in this Rebirth era is excellent completely due to storytelling. This isn't the New 52, where we'll slice off the Joker's face for shock value, these are genuinely intricate stories with payoffs that do not require splash pages. Tynion is writing his best stuff in this title and Geoff Johns was right, DC didn't abandon the 4-5 years of storytelling Post-Flashpoint during the New 52 run. Rebirth weaves together that period of time while fixing the flaws that were evident and dragging the entire DC universe down. At the end of this issue we see Drake and Oz, and I feel like Johns short run on the New 52 Superman was smartly planned. He probably knew he was going to something along the lines of Rebirth and with Oz he could tie everything together for the first act. I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into it but I appreciate how 6 months in Rebirth is making me care about the entire DC universe and I'm picking up more titles. During the New 52, the only consistent titles I was looking forward to the entire time was Snyder and Capullo's Batman and Justice League. Ironically those two titles in Rebirth feel a bit disconnected at times for me. But I s'pose overall DC has progressed.

Detective Comics (2016) #952

Mar 10, 2017

Shiva just one-upped Talia's lover. You go girl. Cassandra's connection with Shiva isn't exactly new if you are a long time DC reader but for those of you who just realized it with this issue, it is a punch in the balls ain't it? And Damian thought his parentage was a $#&%storm. I hope Batman gets some backup outside of this team, perhaps some other members of other teams. I mean I can't be the only one who wants to see Lobo throw down with Ra's Al Ghul and Shiva right??

Detective Comics (2016) #959

Jun 30, 2017

This is a solid read, Zatanna deserves her own title as does Martian Manhunter and Swamp Thing. I'm kind of hazy on New 52 JL Dark but I remember loving it when I read it and I honestly think Zatanna could hold her own as the leader of a Justice League dedicated to the dark arts, magic, and Harry Potter's world of wizardry. It's interesting that Zee and Bruce had a thing for each other during childhood and who could blame them? Batman is literally the only character that can join any version of Justice League and not have him feel out of place.

Detective Comics (2016) #967

Oct 30, 2017

Has undertones of Bruce Timm's BTAS when I read this issue. After Future's end got muddled and ultimately made inconsequential, I was waiting for someone to do a better job of incorporating Brother Eye in the DC Rebirth continuity. Tynion answered the call. It was sooner than I expected but it can have serious effects moving forward. Bruce is his own worst enemy after the Joker, the Brother Eye program was always proof of that. Tim Drake is my least favorite Robin but if I'm honest, he's the only one that can beat Bruce at his own game given enough time and resources. Let's see where that takes us.

Doctor Fate (2015) #10

Mar 20, 2016

After every issue of Doctor Fate I always feel like it could be better. It's not a bad title but it feels like it's not living up to its potential. With rebirth looming, I feel like this comic will never hit its stride as it is one of the books on the chop block. It's a pity...

Earth 2 #28

Nov 7, 2014

If you've been reading World's End, this issue gives you the background of all the Furies. Not an essential read but it was interesting. I'm curious about whether or not Darkseid will star in next year's DC's event. You have Godhead and World's End all hinting at a plot to fight against Darkseid. Although the Justice League of Earth 1 or is it Earth Prime? have stopped Darkseid before, you can just tell there's a story waiting where he's bigger and badder and is ready to devastate the Justice League again. Regardless, Earth 2 is still one of DC's better titles and has been consistently good in both art and story.

Earth 2 #29

Dec 3, 2014

Earth 2 is now essentially second fiddle to World's End. Like last month's issue's history of Apokolips' furies, we get a more intimate story regarding earth 2's Dick and Barbara Grayson. We finally get to see Dick punch someone and I have to say I was getting kind of annoyed with earth 2 Dick Grayson acting like a mama's boy when I keep thinking he's the badass Nightwing at least in a few earths of the multiverse. The story pretty much shows Babs kicking butt again and ends with her and Dick chasing down their son. We get an appearance from this world's Harley Quinn-like character and she's pretty boring compared to the one we've come to know and love as Mr. J's lover. Decent issue but if you want action, earth 2 style, World's End has your fix.

Earth 2 #30

Jan 7, 2015

This issue felt empty like the cliche about chewing a zero calorie sugarless gum. It's something to do/read but you get nothing out of it. Honestly the best part about this issue was the cover. That's a pretty swell picture of Alan Scott and Grundy and some other random avatars we are barely introduced to and then instantly forget about in the actual comic. This title was once one of my favorite books but now with DC trying to sell weeklies so they can drain your wallet 4 times a month instead of just once, this book has become a shell of its former self. Pity.

Earth 2 #32

Mar 4, 2015

The art was gorgeous and the story although not terrible is not half of what it used to be during the early issues of Earth 2. It also sucks the World's End has sucked the life out of this book. I believe this is the final issue of Earth 2 and it will be re-branded as Earth 2 Society or some nonsense like that. It looks like the New 52 Earth 2 characters will take center stage in Convergence or at least according to the poster and possibly wipe away the old Justice Society to be replaced by the new versions of Dr. Fate, Jay Garrick's Flash, and Alan Scott's Green Lantern for a new Justice Society. It's gonna be weird but we'll see what happens.

Earth 2: Society #20

Jan 13, 2017

This issue was okay but honestly, I'm just waiting for it to end so we can get a proper Rebirth of the Earth 2 heroes and the classic JSA. Earth 2: Society is one of the last vestiges of New 52 and it's time is coming to a close. While Earth 2 was an amazing series when it first launched as a New 52 series, it's really taken a beating after the Convergence fiasco and I just want to see it laid out to pasture. Of course, the characters are salvageable, Val-Zod, Powergirl, etc. but they can't exist on their own anymore without some connection to the Rebirth universe...

Earth 2: Society #22

Mar 10, 2017

A feel-good closing issue to a series that's been floundering since the Convergence debacle. Ultimately this issue doesn't really do much, just a montage of heroes making the world a better place. Not a bad thing but it doesn't hold any weight. I was hoping for some setup to the inevitable JSA Rebirth since we are already teased classic Jay Garrick's return in April with the Button event between the Batman and Flash titles. I'm not sure what to make of this New 52 holdover, while I don't think it should be thrown away completely, it's actually hard to place them next to their original counterparts and make any sense. Not even a Watchmen, Mr. Oz is screwing with you can make it fit. Perhaps this will be simply be shelved like metro Lobo...

Earth 2: Society Annual #1

Sep 1, 2016

I loved this comic but not for the usual reasons. It was very personal and touched on why DC embraces legacy so much in their stories. It's refreshing to see Grayson from another perspective and this Earth 2 version nails it. He is not the Nightwing character of Earth Prime full of bravado that we know and yet you can believe that this is indeed Grayson.

Earth 2: World's End #2

Oct 16, 2014

I have to say Earth 2: World's End has been more enjoyable than Future's End. Maybe it's because it's only going to be a 26 issue run rather than 48 but so far it has great action sequences and the storytelling moves at a far more rapid pace when compared to its Future's End counterpart which has been bogged down in exposition for what seems like two months. I have found Earth 2 to be more interesting than Earth Prime simply because the opposition seems like they can overwhelm the heroes and there is genuine struggle in their world. This will be a weekly pull for me and it's likely to help Future's End since the stories are overlapping and World's End may be that shot of adrenaline for the entire story.

Earth 2: World's End #5

Nov 5, 2014

The art in World's End has been consistently good. I am absolutely loving this weekly series, and it has way more action than its sister book, Future's End. The action is not all for the sake of action though, it advances the story and in this issue things get interesting as enemies become allies and a certain member of the Trinity that we thought was dead seems to be alive. Can't wait for next week's issue.

Earth 2: World's End #6

Nov 13, 2014

Still enjoying this weekly more than Future's End. It meshes perfectly with the Earth 2 monthly and the seamless way the books are woven together is fine by me. There's a surprise twist at the end again and unlike last week's this one will have some immediate consequences. I'm really enjoying the side story with Dick and Barbara but for some reason Earth 2 Dick Grayson is somewhat of a pushover while Earth 2 Babs is pure bad@ss. I'm curious to see what happens with their new bodybuilder friend we encounter this issue. I can't wait for the Darkseid appearance!

Earth 2: World's End #7

Nov 21, 2014

I enjoy the fast pacing of World's End and how it is tying in with the monthly Earth 2 book. However, with a story pace this fast, I'm wondering how they're going to stretch it to 26 issues. Alan Scott reconnects with his bf/ new white avatar Sam and Helena is captured by Dessaad and at the end we get an ominous surprise. The fact that Mister Miracle exists in Future with several of the Earth 2 heroes suggests that Earth 2 is essentially doomed and this is losing battle. I think once Darkseid shows up, things should get very interesting and I'm actually hoping that some of the consequences of the Godhead event (which is now essentially also a weekly if you think about it) make it into the World's End storyline.

Earth 2: World's End #8

Nov 27, 2014

Starting to buckle under the burden of being a weekly just like Future's End which has been heavily afflicted with rushed artwork and subpar writing. The artwork is still good for World's End especially when compared to this week's god-awful pencils from Tom Raney in Future's End 30. The story kinda goes nowhere this week and the Furies are losing steam as the big bad villains they're supposed to represent. However, Barda and Fury (Wonder Woman's daughter) return to Apokolips so next week should provide some thrills. This issue is mostly forgettable. I haven't followed Batman Eternal but so far I wouldn't recommend DC to continue this weekly titles experiment. It's possible to pull off but DC just hasn't been putting enough time and effort it seems to properly flesh out these titles.

Earth 2: World's End #10

Dec 10, 2014

Kinda misleading title. Darkseid rises but only at the very end, to see the real Darkseid rises, you're gonna have to tune in next week. Honestly, World's End suffers like Future's End from being a weekly. I like it a bit more because the art is consistently prettier and the story is more cohesive. There's an interesting premise with how Superman is still alive but so far he's more of a liability than an asset to the team. Oh and we get one page where we see Helena as something pretty grotesque much to grandpa's dismay. I'm wondering where the Dick, Babs, and son story is going because so far we have a badass Babs that kicks ass who may be dead, a somewhat useless whiny Dick, and their kid we honestly know nothing about. There has to be a payoff or why include them at all right? Right??

Earth 2: World's End #11

Dec 18, 2014

Finally, it's getting really good. Darkseid is more than a mere appearance and Miracle confronts him head on. I'm a little confused on timing after Barda is revealed to be a traitor because in the Future's End title, the trio of Miracle, Barda, and Fury are still together during the assault on Cadmus so this event takes place after Future's End? But at the same time, Red Tornado/Lois Lane I presume is still alive in World's End but she is dead in Future's End after the Cadmus Island assault?? So there are some inconsistencies to say the least. Or it's possible Barda reconciled with Miracle and Fury after the fact, I really don't know. Or DC could just go into a massive clusterphuck with Convergence next year. Either way, this issue is good. Now that we know that Darkseid is the same in all the Multiversity according to the foldout poster DC gave most comic shops during Multiversity issue #1, I am cruious to see if the events of Godhead tie in to the grand scheme of things. At the end we kinda know that the big players in terms of villains are Darkseid and Brainiac which could make for some interesting stories.

Earth 2: World's End #25

Mar 26, 2015

World's End started off with a bang and then proceeded to hit rock bottom and is now mediocre as it gets ready to come to a close. With this comic, you have the too many cooks in the kitchen effect and it's weird to have the art continually shift as you progress through the issue. Overall, World's End is all action with little character development (which is a shame because Earth 2 has very interesting characters) while the sister book, Future's End has become a decent title with some good storytelling. Overall we get a decent payoff. We finally see Darkseid pummeling our Earth 2 heroes and it looks like the exact reverse of the fight between the Earth Prime heroes fighting Darkseid in Justice League 1-6. I mean Darkseid looked like a pansy getting his eyes stabbed out by Wonder Woman and Aquaman in that first story arc while now he's slamming all the Earth 2 heroes. We'll see how this is resolved but obviously most of them survive since we see them in Convergence and Earth 2 Society is already a confirmed title.

Earth 2: World's End #26

Apr 2, 2015

Merely passable. Between World's End and Future's End, I'm now officially skeptical of weeklies. You invest roughly 4X the amount of dollars per month into a story that often feels rushed with the too-many-cooks-in-the-kitchen syndrome. The art was decent and seeing Darkseid pummel Earth 2 heroes, I suppose is satisfying in some weird way (him getting pushed over like a chump in New 52 Justice League: Origins still makes me wonder how big of a threat is this guy when he gets his eyes poked out and ass handed to him in mere minutes against the JL of Earth Prime?). The ending was better than the god-awful ending of Future's End so here's hoping next week's Convergence ties things up. Well we already know our Earth 2 heroes make it since there's Earth 2: Society coming up, although I'm wondering if the current Thomas Wayne Batman hands over the mantle to a Bruce Wayne from one of the other worlds in the Multiverse. Eventually we're running into Darkseid Wars this summer in the regular JL book although I'm iffy on the time line because we know Hal is back still a Green Lantern although he's gone rogue in GL #40 and Supes is still wearing his regular costume prior to his Solar Flare power so I'm supper confused on how Darkseid Wars/ Anti-Monitor will fit in with all this. And an Owlman and pregnant Superwoman is still running around out there somewhere too.

Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #2

Oct 24, 2014

The art is great but the story is only adequate. The only reason this book is the most popular out of the 5 Edge of Spider-Verse mini series is because Gwen Stacy has been a darling fan favorite since the 60's. It's essentially another what-if? book. It works but there's nothing really new, it simply replaces Peter Parker's Spider-Man with Gwen Stacy as Spider-Woman and instead of Peter living with the guilt of Uncle Ben's death, Gwen is haunted by the tragedy of Peter's death. It has a darker tone than the current ASM books but it works. Also all the band members of the Mary Janes look like they shop exclusively at Hot Topic.

Flash (2011) #35

Oct 22, 2014

I still think Buccellato and Manapul are better story-tellers with more involved plots and gorgeous art but Jensen, Venditti, and Rapmund are giving us a lot of fun which is something that DC comics needs more of. If you read the Future's End one shot last month, you'll expect a third speedster to make a guest appearance and the fight sequence with the 3 Flashes made for good action. I don't know what they're going to do with the Future Flash character and even though he looks cool, he hardly seems necessary, since the Reverse Flash character is already the evil twin counterpart that Future Flash has been portrayed as so far. This issue is a lot of flash but little substance (sorry for the pun). I will be back for issue 36 though. I mean who doesn't want to see Flash fight dinosaurs in Jurassic Park land?

Flash (2011) #36

Nov 26, 2014

Not a perfect comic but the most fun I've had with a Flash issue in awhile. Prehistoric dinosaurs and robotic sentinels from the future makes for some fun times ahead. We get introduced to a savage scientist type character that helps Flash out in a bind and I'm curious to how he's gonna play out in the grand scheme of things. Meanwhile outside of Speed Force Jurassic Park, Future Flash has officially taken over Barry's life and I think that's the most interesting spin on the Future Flash character yet. I was initially annoyed with Future Flash because it just seems like another dressed up Reverse Flash but now they might be able to something with it. Just when I though Jansen and Venditti were running out of steam we get some energy back in one of the New 52 books I've been following since its inception.

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

I enjoyed the first chapter more, although with Saturn Girl and Johnny Thunder both introduced now, I'm wondering how they're going to wrap up everything in two issues. Fabok and Porter have different styles so if you wait until all four chapters are out and then read them all in one sitting, it can be bit jarring. This chapter wasn't bad but it leaves us on a cliffhanger meeting between Batmen of different timelines. The weird thing is, if you look on websites that already have the cover for Batman #22 up, you'll see that it looks like both Martha and Bruce have been shot dead. But if you read Flashpoint and the Batman:Knight of Vengeance tie-ins, you know that Martha Wayne goes insane after Bruce's death and becomes the Joker of the Flashpoint world, so has there been another continuity alteration? I guess we'll find out. I am excited that it seems the classic JSA will be making a return and the New 52 Earth 2 version will be shelved for now.

Flash (2016) #22

May 17, 2017

Not the best ending but DC is playing the long game, the whole Watchmen conspiracy is to last two years. The best word to describe this issue is "cryptic". No answer on Saturn Girl or the JSA. Jay Garrick literally died of aging too fast due a cosmic force? If you check out the art, Garrick shows up young but then is gray-haired by the next few pages. It was disappointing to see him gone in a flash, pardon the pun. Also, if you picked up the 3D cover, why is Red Robin on the cover?? On the left side of the cover, Red Robin is one of the four characters in a circle, the bottom one to be exact. I'm wondering if DC was delaying this book due to indecision rather than not having the story planned out. I have a suspicion that there were several endings the editorial team was mulling over and then removed an element at the end to let Geoff Johns include his epilogue teaser. My guess was that there were going to be a lot more answers at the end of this issue but then DC decided to remove it and include it in Doomsday Clock. Time will tell, but man, this issue was like getting promised Tiramisu cake for dessert only to wind up with a half-eaten oreo...

Flash (2016) #25

Jul 2, 2017

Is anybody else getting sick of Reverse Flash? Can't we focus on something else?

Flash (2016) #26

Jul 12, 2017

The evil Flash trope is getting way too overplayed... Williamson can do better, I know he can. I was getting sick of Reverse Flash as the villain and now they decide to switch it up...with a version of Black Flash?

Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 8, 2016

Enjoyed this issue more than I expected. It comes full circle from Flashpoint to Rebirth and the friendship between Barry and Wally is again put on center stage. With an appearance by Batman, this issue sets up a lot of plot points for the future of DC. However, the character Godspeed, that was unnamed but introduced in a panel seems so lame. It's another Zoom/Reverse-Flash like character with bug-eyes and no mouth. Between, Black Flash, Zoom, and Reverse-Flash, there are already enough evil versions of Flash than I care to count. Throwing Godpseed into the mix doesn't really do anything for me.

Future Imperfect (2015) #1

Jun 5, 2015

I'll admit, I've never been a huge Hulk fan but the premise of the original Future Imperfect story was interesting enough to make me want to pick up this issue. Although part of the reason I picked it up was because for some reason I really liked the cover art for the Gwen Stacy variant, the issue was not half bad. Pretending to be Odin to infiltrate a rebellion was clever writing and the fact that we have an impending Thing vs. Hulk SmashClobberfest sounds exciting. Sure I may pick up issue #2.

Future Imperfect (2015) #3

Sep 10, 2015

It was a fun read but Greg Land still draws all his women with the proportions of porn stars.

Grayson #4

Nov 5, 2014

Grayson has been one of the better books in the 9th? 10th? 176th? wave of the New 52. It's been 4 issues in and I like the pacing and the story is still coherent. I feel like there's about to be a big reveal or major plot twist with the conversation Dick has with Batman, er I mean Birdwatcher has with Mr. Malone. There needs to be some sort of payoff soon though, because so far it's been a lot of hinting and mysterious plot points. With an annual coming up, I feel like we'll get something mind-blowing that involves Batman, Stormwatch, or both. Plus Spyral seems like a very dubious organization, so betrayal is in the air.

Grayson #5

Dec 3, 2014

Odd issue. A lot of questions pop up remain unanswered. It kinda drops you out in the middle of nowhere quite literally without a lot of explanation. If I remember correctly issue 4 had Mr. Grayson chasing after Helena around the school rooftops in a playful flirty way and then all of a sudden you're in the desert with Helena, Grayson, Midnighter, and a random woman giving birth to some sort of mystery baby. No joke. This isn't a bad issue, just really odd. Hopefully the upcoming annual and issues let me know what the hell is going on. And still curious about how Mr. Malone aka Batman has to do with Spyral's conspiracies or rather against Spyral's conspiracies.

Grayson #6

Jan 14, 2015

Solid issue, it's interesting on how everything will tie together. A lot of things are shrouded in mystery including that baby and how everyone managed to escape that hallucination in the desert from issue 5. Grayson can be a little odd from time to time but its quirkiness is something that sets it apart from other books. I feel like there is a big payoff coming soon. Oh, and hooray for robot zombie killer whales.

Grayson #8

Mar 7, 2015

Grayson is one of my favorite titles that DC has to offer right now. I was initially upset that they cancelled Nightwing because he was one of my favorite characters but this new direction has really worked in many ways without completely abandoning Dick's character as Robin/Nightwing. This comic has everything I could want, solid action, a touch of mystery, humor, and just enough Batman er, Mr. Malone to remind you why Dick Grayson is who he is in the first place. I'm curious to see what Spyral is really all about but the new mystery woman at the end should play into that. I like how this book is unfolding its story slowly instead of adhering to arcs and events. We'll see what happens after Convergence but I'm definitely staying onboard.

Grayson #11

Aug 27, 2015

Outside of Snyder and Capullo's Batman title, Grayson has got to be the best title DC has to offer. It's a bit of a sleeper hit, every issue they keep knocking it out of the park and I loved this issue's psychological thriller bits. It was a joy to read and it was interesting to see a reference to the fact that yes Richard Grayson has had a relationship with Starfire for certain in this continuity. I have no idea where this is leading after the last page in this issue but that is partially what has made this comic so damn good.

Grayson #16

Jan 27, 2016

This is why I read comics. Well paced action sequences, clever dialogue, intriguing plot points, and Richard F*&%#ng Grayson. Ba Bow!! Still the most fun to read out of all the Bat-family titles. I was curious to see what happens to Grayson's role at the end of Robin War but unfortunately that storyline isn't advanced in this issue.

Grayson #18

Mar 23, 2016

Thanks DC, you pulled Tom King and Mikel Janin off one of your best books to give me another mediocre comic. Grayson was consistently good until now...Phuck you guys.

Grayson #19

Apr 27, 2016

After Tom King and Mikel Janin left this book, DC essentially torpedoed this series. This title showed that you can change the status quo and create an excellent story. Even skeptical fans that hated the idea of not having Dick as Nightwing eventually jumped on board. Now it's barely resembling the issues I was reading a few months earlier. Having grown used to Janin's amazing pencils, the new art is very jarring. And the story feels so disconnected from all the buildup from previous issues that I sometimes feel lost with the incoherent plot. I dunno, I get this series is ending but the fact that it started with a bang and is ending with a whimper is very disappointing.

Green Arrow (2011) #36

Nov 6, 2014

I'm not digging the new direction. I get the people responsible for the show Arrow are now writing the book but please don't make it too obvious. The sudden emergence of Felicity Smoak is evident of that because she is drawn similarly to the girl who plays her in Arrow. The story has also taken a few steps back from Lemire's run and that is no good thing. The art is good but it doesn't stand out as unique in the DC lineup like Andrea's art did. I'm not going to say the book is getting as bad as Nocenti's nonsensical run but I can see it going there. I'll stick with this book for a little bit longer because Green Arrow is one of the more intriguing DC characters. But if we're getting mechanical polar bears as villains again, I'm out.

Green Arrow (2011) #41

Jun 4, 2015

This is the Green Arrow I want to read about. After Lemire's run we were kind of free-floating for a few issues but this seems like we're back on track. To be honest Green Arrow is the DC character you could go extremely gritty with. Sure he had his day as a Robin Hood-esque hero but dark tones fit Arrow almost better than Batman. I dig how we see Emiko interacting with her brother as she struggles to adjust to a normal life but you know that the instant Oliver is in trouble, she can be that silent ninja assassin ready to back her brother up and kick some serious ass. Looks like this book is heading toward being part mystery, part horror, and a ton of action with a pace that will probably be slow unfolding and then have a stellar payoff. Here's hoping...

Green Arrow (2016) #10

Nov 5, 2016

Seems like the honeymoon phase with Rebirth is over, this story really reverts back to status quo. Not saying it's terrible but really the glow of Rebirth was gonna wear off eventually. That Black Canary splash page tho...

Green Arrow (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

This book is gangsta. It's got politicians going looney with hookers and cocaine Wolf Of Wall Street style. And what's funny is that the art style by Otto Schmidt looks cartoony like he used to work for Disney. Imagine Schmidt drawing a comic where Mickey is doing lines off Minnie's butt with Goofy drunk in the background going Ah-yuck to Donald and Daisy doing despicable things. Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I dig how Ollie isn't like Bruce Wayne. When you read Batman you know the dude's getting out of there alive and with style. I mean he's Batman but Ollie Queen is a bonafide phuck-up, when he gets into a bad situation you genuinely think he might be screwed for good. But it's a good thing he has a badass girlfriend who bails him out on a motorcycle and fishnets and she genuinely likes Oliie not like Batman's girlfriends that wanna kill him after sex. Talia that sperm-jacking garden tool!!! You know Canary's gonna bail Ollie out because that's kinda all Green Arrow's got right now, a devoted girlfriend he has complicated history with. And I never thought in a million years a Seahawks cheerleader would be he one that makes Seattle turn on Ollie. And why did Russell Wilson get benched for Cy??

Green Arrow (2016) #32

Oct 5, 2017

Best thing about this metal tie-in event's over. It was fun during the first chapter with Damian trying to figure out the whereabouts of his father, the Batman but now it just got weird. Why would you want to strap up a possessed Killer Croc and Starfire to a machine that looked like it was left out of the Mad Max movie?? And Dick doesn't even save his ex-lover/baby mama from that contraption. Last I checked she's still tied to that Fury Road looking thing... Now that's just rude Grayson...

Green Lantern (2011) #36

Nov 6, 2014

Godhead is proving to be a very worthwhile event although it seems like the Green Lantern book is always featuring some event. Seeing Hal interact with Sinestro is always fun and interesting and this book has a heavy does of that. I would welcome Darkseid returning to a universal event in the New 52 because I felt the original New 52 Justice League run with him didn't do the character justice. Godhead is essentially a weekly book as well and I will be picking up Green Lantern Corps #36 to see where this goes. Hopefully the payoff is worth it.

Green Lantern (2011) #38

Jan 7, 2015

Really enjoyed this issue. It's nice to read about Hal instead of Green Lantern for a change. After the events of Godhead, some R&R was definitely warranted. Who knew Hal, Guy, and Barry would walk into a bar and actually lose in a barfight? Also, I find it kinda cold when Carol pretty much rubs it in Hal's face that she's with Kyle and not him because he needs to "discover himself". The man's just helped saved the universe lady, the least you can do is back off. That being said, it'd be nice to see Hal drop by JL hq just to catch up with Supes and Aquaman and maybe even call Bruce a tool again.

Green Lantern (2011) #40

Mar 4, 2015

This issue felt like a new beginning. While we don't get all the details, (some of it is just downright fuzzy), Hal is definitely questioning the Corps as an establishment. It would be interesting if Hal decides to lead a crusade against the Corps and even the Templar Guardians who are still kinda shady if you ask me. It looks like the Lost Army title will answer some of those questions. I actually like this idea, it shakes things up with new ideas and for too long, the Green Lantern title has relied on event after event to keep it from feeling like a book of recycled material (content-wise not paper-wise). Ever since Blackest night (although that was an epic event). I'm just curious on how they are going about the timeline because in the Justice League book, on the last page of issue #39, we see Hal back as Green Lantern getting ready to beat up some Anti-Monitor/Darkseid badness. But as the New 52 winds down and Convergence consolidates the entire DC mess of a coherent timeline, I'll leave my opinion on how they are just about ready to muck up their current timeline complaints to a minimum.

Green Lantern (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

There are ton of changes with this whole DC You thing. Supes is pretty much powerless, Batman is now Jim Gordon in an "Iron-Bat" suit, Wonder Woman bought a new outfit to wear as did Aquaman, and Hal is now a long-haired rogue. But with Hal as an outlaw we get some interesting freedoms with story telling. He doesn't have to be slave to the Guardians and the Corps and for once Green Lantern is book that has free reign to legitimately be a solo Hal Jordan title. Again this is a set up of a bigger story but it's a good opening.

Green Lantern (2011) #44

Sep 3, 2015

I like this issue, it does nothing to advance the upcoming Black Hand vs. Relic story but it gives Hal that vagabond through space feel and I can dig it. To be honest, this issue felt similar to a Star Wars comic and I mean that as high praise. So far Hal's new direction is something I can believe and enjoy unlike say the new direction with Superman in "Truth". I can genuinely follow the transformation Hal has gone through and it shifts just enough plot points to break status quo while staying true to Hal's core as a character.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #37

Dec 10, 2014

Godhead is quietly becoming the most underrated event in comic books these days. This is another solid issue and we see Highfather and his facist ideals clear as day in this issue. I'm hoping this event has lasting ramifications for the future of DC, it seems like it's setting up something bigger that's looming on the horizon. Sinestro is the pepper added to this particular issue as he banters with a few new gods. A solid chapter even though Stewart takes a backseat in his own book this go-around.

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #40

Mar 12, 2015

Chang's panels were great but this title series doesn't end too well. Too many things left unresolved, (maybe they'll be resolved post-Convergence?) like what happened with Fatality? Chang's pencils are excellent but beyond that this issue felt more like an end to a forgettable story-arc rather than an entire series. To be honest, GLC started losing steam when they shifted Guy Gardner to Red Lanterns. And ironically that's also when I started caring less and less about Red Lantern as well. So by moving arguably the most interesting human Green Lantern to another book, they stabbed both in the leg so the books barely feel like they're progressing. Up next we'll see how they conclude Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner's storylines.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #37

Dec 18, 2014

Not a bad issue but it's only an obligatory read if you're following the Godhead event. Highfather is a bit of an ass and to be honest his personality is actually too similar to Darkseid for me to appreciate. He's very authoritarian, mechanical, and ruthless. I mean he slaughtered a whole planet already which is something Darkseid would do. They might as well start a competition between brothers at this point. On the other hand it is fun to see all the Power Rangers er...different Lantern Corps members to team up and fight the big bad villains.

Green Lanterns #16

Feb 3, 2017

Didn't Simon already give up his gun? I'm really getting sick of these two amateur hour Green Lanterns. At least progress in your powers, abilities, and overall growth as a character. Next week, Jessica gets another fear-induced panic attack from Scarecrow and we're back to square one... Oh and including Batman doesn't help...

Green Lanterns #31

Sep 22, 2017

Kind of a hack job of an ending. All this buildup and a rushed happy ending that ends with going home for pancakes makes light of the whole situation of the whole Green Lanterns Corps history I do declare...

Green Lanterns #32

Oct 5, 2017

Apparently they like pancakes... This title betrays the fact that Rebirth while initially brilliant is getting a little stale. New creative teams can't hurt at this point. Ditto for the Flash, Williamson has done a tremendous job but the title itself needs some fresh elements. If it wasn't for Metal, I'd say the second act of Rebirth is not nearly as impressive as its debut. I would not be against reverting all titles back to once monthly schedules. I actually think Aquaman got better when it became a once-monthy title with the same writer. Green Arrow is another one going to the once monthly format, Green Lanterns should follow suit.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #19

May 1, 2017

Kinda late to review this, but this was a solid issue. I have a funny feeling, Sarko is Soranik and Kyle Rayner's son. He's dead set on finishing what Sinestro has started a la Kylo Ren and Darth Vader style. Sinestro, Soranik, Sarko, yep it seems like it'll turn out that Soranik will turn out to be Sarko's mom after getting her freak on with Kyle. Plus you can tell Kyle is extra horny this issue with that rose bouquet and he pretty much asked Soranik if she wanted to Netflix and chill...

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #21

May 24, 2017

Well somebody forgot to use a condom during intergalactic sex... Can't say I was surprised though...

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23

Jul 2, 2017

I get there's gonna be tension between the Green and Yellow (what else is new?) even though they're teammates. However, I'm more intrigued with how Soranik is gonna react next issue knowing that she's gonna shag Rayner and then have the worst son ever.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

Jul 12, 2017

I don't know what's more well-written, the tension between the Green and Yellow Corps, the dynamic between Arkillo and Guy, or the the drama between Rayner and Sora. This book is excellent. Although I wish they would just drop Hal Jordan from the title and just call it Green Lantern Corps, it's a more accurate title.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #25

Jul 27, 2017

Soranik is acting a bit out of character. She's supposed to be calm and rational but then finding out that her kid who mind you was obviously a product of bad parenting is now dead in a meat locker, she suddenly loses it and brands Kyle like some Texan ranchers brand their cattle. I think she forgot they still need to bump uglies for their kid to even exist or else doc brown's lime paradoxes will definitely occur...

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #26

Aug 12, 2017

Whenever I start thinking Rebirth has gone a little stale, this title shakes off those thoughts. Obviously this sets up a Metal tie-in but we already know Hal is one of the main players in the event and not Simon or Jessica, which is fine because if Snyder wants to tie up some loose ends leftover from New52, it would make sense to use the JL team from that time period in DC continuity. What's more intriguing is the connection to the New Gods and possibly New Genesis. I already am excited for Mister Miracle and hope it's all connected and this helps keep it alive. Hal and the GLC is consistently good.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #28

Sep 14, 2017

Reggie Hemingway is a straight moron. Black Racer has nothing to do with this issue. Those were Omega beams fired from a Nth Metal golem that can track Highfather. So while subtle, it's obvious this story has ties to the Metal event. I hate it when reviewers have obviously not read the issue or misread it entirely and then give it a bad score... If you don't care for it fine but at least do your damn job and spend a few minutes to actually read the panels instead of just skimming through the pictures and assuming random $%&*. Jack@ss...

Harley & Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica #1

Oct 5, 2017

It looks like ever since the success of Batman/TMNT crossover, DC is not going to slow down. We just got done with JL/Power Rangers, Batman & the Shadow, Green Lantern/Planet of the Apes and now in the middle of Wonder Woman and Conan and now Harley and Ivy meets Betty and Veronica and I have never used so many "ands" in a single sentence before... This is hardly a must-read and kind of a weak debut for a crossover. Paul Dini is the only reason I picked up this issue and I'm a little underwhelmed but I'll still return for issue #2. The art is ok but all the girls are drawn with the exact same figure... C'mon I'm all for the small-waisted, big-breasted types but surely not everybody has the physique of a porn star in Riverdale. I picked up the Adam Hughes cover and he at least has varying proportions in his art.

Harley Quinn (2013) #26

Mar 24, 2016

This book is consistently good. It doesn't take itself too seriously and it could not care less about the DC continuity. I am kinda worried about the books aligning with the cinematic universe too closely though...

Harley Quinn (2013) #28

May 18, 2016

Harley Quinn is some crazy $#*% but it's the good kind. This series is ending but it's more like a renumbering after Rebirth drops, for now Red Tool seems like a fun little parody of Deadpool but please for the love of baby Jesus, you ebay scalpers who are trying to make a quick buck with "Red Tool first appearance" don't forget to put the toilet seat down in your parents' basement after you flush...

Harley Quinn (2016) #10

Dec 21, 2016

These Harley Quinn artists really need to calm down. I've never seen Harley with boobs the size of those organic personal sized watermelons until now. And for a few pages I really thought something weird was gonna happen with Santa and Harley with Joker busting in and machine gunning the hell out of Chris Cringle and his hunny bunny...

Harley Quinn (2016) #13

Feb 3, 2017

Well that's one way to deal with a creepy stalker...

Harley Quinn (2016) #14

Feb 18, 2017

It took me to the end of this issue to realize, reading Harley isn't as fun anymore. This title used to be a highlight on my pull list but now I read through an issue of Harley's shenanigans and think, didn't a team up with a superhero against a mob boss and evil alien pervert already happen?

Harley Quinn (2016) #15

Mar 3, 2017

Harley is bisexual, trisexual, and quadsexual. Just like Dick Grayson who once did naughty things to a Tamaranian, Harley seems like the type of gal that would do an alien s&m style. She'd do an alien without a penis is what I got out of this issue.

Harley Quinn (2016) #17

Apr 9, 2017

Did anybody else read the Joker's word bubbles in the backup in Mark Hamill's voice??

Harley Quinn (2016) #32

Nov 26, 2017

It's been a good run by Conner and Palmiotti but sadly, I'm just all Harley-ed out. Ever since her popularity increased, I feel like the market is oversaturated by Mr. J's main squeeze. And I honestly feel like this Harley Quinn and the one in Suicide Squad can't be the same person, it's just not logically possible...

Harley Quinn (2016): 25th Anniversary Special #1

Sep 13, 2017

The robin story was a bit incoherent but it's a decent overall read for 5 bucks.

Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #1

Apr 13, 2016

I'd never thought I'd say this but Harley is overexposed. Yea, she's a fan favorite and bless Bruce Timm for creating her but for chrissakes, let her take a break every now and again, there's been a Harley title come out almost every week. Next week we get issue #3 of Harley's little black book followed by Harley Quinn #27 the week after that. We get it DC, Harley makes money but you guys need to stop whoring her out, she deserves better... Oh, and the comic? Eh, it was ok. The main title is still the one to read.

Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #3

Jun 8, 2016

Harley is sooooooo overexposed, it's not even funny. This mini-series is not even any fun considering it's a Harley Quinn title. It was the one comic this week that felt like a chore to read. Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys would have worked better as a one-shot, hell make it an over-sized one-shot but stretching it out over 6 issues shows how wafer thin the writing is for this series. It is definitely a drop from the pull list. In two weeks, we get issue #4 of Harley's Little Black Book...

Harley Quinn and Her Gang Of Harleys #5

Sep 1, 2016

Lol, this issue obviously had a few digs at Donald Trump based on how the dad is drawn, Surprisingly personal on many levels that touches on how wealthy successful parents don't actually make the best ones. There is definitely some social commentary buried in the craziness of a Harley comic. Not the best but for a mini-series that I was losing interest in, this penultimate issue wasn't half bad.

Harley Quinn And Power Girl #3

Aug 19, 2015

This title is irreverent and funny. No it's not meant to be a deep thinker's political commentary book but it does wonders for whoever has laughed at a dirty they told before their friends did. It's not meant to be taken seriously but at this point, outside of Suicide Squad, any comic that bears an Amanda Conner cover that features Harley Quinn is exactly what you'd expect. Laughs and silliness.

Harley's Little Black Book #3

Apr 20, 2016

I'm rating this a 10 because they make Dan Didio the devil who gets one-upped by Harley.

Harley's Little Black Book #6

Mar 29, 2017

So I'll probably not donate this one to the local elementary school at the end of summer when I get rid of some of the books I don't need or will never read again. This was crude humor at its finest. Also, does anyone know why there are dolphins on the cover. I mean I googled nine dolphins and I still don't get it...

Hawkman: Found #1

Dec 27, 2017

For a guy that usually hates Hitch's art, this wasn't so bad. But to be honest this was a take it or leave it tie-in for Metal. The whole issue is basically an acid trip for Carter Hall. Not an essential read by any stretch of the imagination.

Hellblazer (2016) #10

May 24, 2017

I honestly have no idea where this is going. It seems like we're wandering around aimlessly looking for a book? This title might be the worst of Rebirth. It really sucks like a lot. Kinda like a porn star...

Hellblazer (2016) #11

Jul 2, 2017

Where the phuck is this series going? I don't give a $#%& about a floating shoe.

Howard The Duck (2015) #1

Mar 24, 2015

I liked this comic way more than I thought I would. It's one of the funniest comics I've read in awhile and it reads like an 80's sitcom episode, remember Alf? I can only imagine the next issue where you pair Rocket with Howard. It's gonna be fun.

Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1

Oct 9, 2015

Gorgeous art, recycled ideas. For something all new, all different or whatever catch-phrase Marvel is using to draw in your dollars, this issue has the same old Tony or rather it gives you the Tony based on the MCU version played by RDJ. When superhero movies first broke out onto the big screen, the characters and stories were based on the comics. With Marvel nowadays, the reverse seems true. The new comics seems to be heavily influenced by the Marvel Studios movies. While I'm impressed by the art, I feel like this is just the same dish served with a different sauce. The whole issue is an exposition with a reveal that dings the Secret Wars event. There will be a few twists and turns but I bet Marvel will reboot Iron Man in a year or so again. I mean Superior Iron Man was pretty much a mini-series and a throwaway one at that. This series will be good for at least a year but like most titles, it'll probably have a different creative team by issue 20 or so.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #1

Nov 10, 2016

This is by no means a perfect comic but I'm giving it a perfect score because I applaud Marvel's effort to create a character that genuinely adds diversity to their characters, runs counter to stereotypes, and introduces real-world problems to their audience. Riri is introduced as an incredibly intelligent girl who struggles in a rough neighborhood but instead of becoming disheartened and succumbing to the harsh reality, she decides to fight back and this is very encouraging to anyone who may feel like something is stacked against them. She is also living with a stepdad which can be tough in certain situations. Kudos to Marvel for writing an encouraging story especially during these times. However, we kind of know how Mr. Stark is going to end up even before the end of Civil War II...

Justice League (2011) #36

Nov 20, 2014

Wow, first off, Fabok's interior art is absolutely gorgeous. His Wonder Woman is something to behold. The story itself is mostly exposition this month. We listen to Luthor's dubious explanation about why he had the virus in the first place and the city of Metropolis is in peril, which makes for some interesting drama. Besides the the trinity of Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman, it looks the rest of the Justice League are out of commission. I don't know what the time gap is between the Amazo Virus and being Jokerized as in the current Batman Endgame story but the immune systems of the Justice League members are taking a humongous beating. I've been on this book since the first issue and I have no intention of stopping now. Definitely will pick up #37 as long as Geoff Johns continues weaving interesting stories. The character now known as Patient Zero should be interesting to face.

Justice League (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

Johns has always been conservative when it comes to storytelling for Justice League and it's more of the same this issue. Fabok's pencils are gorgeous and his Wonder Woman is still better drawn than the recent new direction art by Finch. I'm enjoying this run but we'll see if we get some twists now that Batman is about to go critical.

Justice League (2011) #40

Apr 30, 2015

Geoff Johns written events are always a worthwhile read and this looks to be one of the best. As prologues go, this was great, it introduces Anti-Monitor and gets you familiar with this incarnation of him and sets up what I'm sure will be a high stakes conflict. It looks like this is happening in parallel to Convergence so I'm not sure if the aftermath of Convergence will impact anything but Convergence is sorta turning into a sh!tshow so I'm hoping it doesn't muck up any plot points. Anyways, I would've appreciated if we didn't have a million artists for this issue but it's always good to see Jim back to work even just for a few panels.

Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 4, 2015

10, in relative terms this is the perfect first chapter to an epic. It almost makes up for having to trudge through that Convergence nonsense for two months (well almost...). I get the feeling the remaining Crime Syndicate members who've been locked away since the conclusion of Forever Evil are about to join our heroes in this fray. While the Crime Syndicate are inherently less noble than their Justice League counterparts, I can see them fighting alongside the JL in order to stop Anti-Monitor who we know destroyed Earth 3. Grail's Mom Myrina could provide the interesting plot twists in this saga but it looks like Wonder Woman, Miracle, and Grail will most likely take center stage. I could not be more excited for the next chapter and after reading several titles this week, I have to say DC You looks like it's ready to get back to focusing on telling good stories rather than trying to sort through all the continuity mess. Keep it up DC, so far DC You has been better than New 52.

Justice League (2011) #42

Jul 15, 2015

Sure it's a lot of exposition but Batman becoming a god is enough to make everyone this side of Apokolips sh!t their pants. Also I wanna see what damage Superwoman's kid can do. (We keep getting teased that.) I mean when an evil Shazam counterpart who's also Earth 3's Luthor knocks up an evil superpowered Amazon, things are just gonna get all sorts of crazy. I mean it's almost as crazy if Darkseid drops a load of sperm in an Amazon chick and then has a baby! Wait... But all in all, to those complaining that nothing happened in this issue that we didn't already know, calm yourself. This is Geoff Johns we're talking about, the payoff won't come til at least six issues in. The only complaint I have is the timeline. I'm sorta confused where or rather when we're at. We know that the Green Lantern event Godhead has happened cuz Hal (who isn't a rogue yet) references it but isn't Bruce Wayne now just doing charity work and retired as Batman? Didn't Supes lose his powers? And is Wonder Woman's new outfit at the dry cleaners? What gives? So I think this Darkseid war happens before all the DCYou changes but I'm just making an educated guess right now...

Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 19, 2015

I think Warner Bros. should hold off the Justice League movie until Darkseid War ends and then immediately proceed to make a movie based off of it. Apokolips Superman looks more badass tan mobius chair Batman even tho it's just a reverse black and white color scheme of him. Negative Superman? And that splash-between Anti-Monitor and his army against Darkseid and his parademons is hang it as a poster in my man-cave worthy. Story-wise? It's Geoff Johns which means you're better off withholding judgement until the entire arc is released, otherwise you're just grading chapters of a whole book. Honestly I kinda wish I waited until this came out in trade and just read through it as one whole epic.

Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 21, 2015

Manapul's more abstract watercolors are a departure from's Fabok's detail-oriented pencils but it's still a gorgeous book. The story progresses slowly like any Geoff Johns book, it slow cooks until the climax. But we do get some changes as everyone is now becoming gods and goddesses. Also where the phuck is Aquaman? Has someone put out a missing person's ad yet?

Justice League (2011) #49

Apr 28, 2016

So now both Darkseid and Anti-Monitor/Mobius are dead and the new evil villains are Steve Trevor and a baby?? AM I missing something?

Justice League (2011) #50

May 25, 2016

I just might like Fabok's art ever so slightly more than Jim Lee's. This issue is a finale but it sets up so many other stroylines that it may as well have been Rebirth #0. Also where was Aquaman, the entire Darkseid War?? Did he just call in sick? I mean Justice League members do get sick days right? I am a little creeped out by one thing though... Grail hated her father, Darkseid enough to bring Anti-Monitor to kill him, she then uses a bunch of hocus pocus to bring back a bigger, meaner, badder version of her father who ends up getting killed faster than the previous version, only to use even more hocus pocus to bring her father, Darkseid back as a baby...against her naked body?? Is this weird to anybody else??

Justice League (2016) #5

Sep 24, 2016

While Rebirth as a whole has been doing well, I'm actually surprised how much my two favorite titles have dropped off in quality storytelling namely Justice League and Batman. Not everyone is a fan of Geoff Johns and Scott Snyder but to me they represent consistent storytelling. Hitch just isn't doing it for me. And I also hate his artwork, I'm sorry but Bryan Hitch's art is just too loose for me, his characters always look like they're half melted or something. If it wasn't for Tony S Daniel's pencils, I'd say Justice League Rebirth has been the biggest disappointment of Rebirth so far... If I'm completely honest I was blown away by more titles during the New 52 relaunch than Rebirth (JL, Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League Dark). The missteps with New 52 was trying to release too many obscure titles and completely removing a few legacy characters. Rebirth has brought back Superman in full force though, I will give it that.

Justice League (2016) #7

Oct 22, 2016

Hitch sucks. Both his story arcs have been nonsensical. For those who are saying everything about Rebirth is better than New 52, this book is proof that it's just not true...

Justice League (2016) #8

Nov 2, 2016

What is Hitch doing?? His arcs are nonsensical and and I hardly remember anything afterwards which means poor writing. The arcs are so short to the point where it can't hold water. Last arc was two issues and didn't make sense. Ok, I take it back, I can remember thinking WTF when Clark mentions he wants to kill Batman during a casual conversation at dinner with Lois. Well that came out of nowhere. Furthermore, this title seems so disconnected from the other titles. The individuals are all dealing with problems that seem nonexistent and inconsequential in JL. JL is a chance for all the characters to explore their dynamics with each other when facing a threat they can't handle on their own. After the excellent Darkseid War, JL has fallen hard in terms of storytelling and art for that matter. Tony S. Daniel's pencils are solid although not as tight and detailed as Fabok's but the fill-in artists really make JL seem like a book no one is really committed to. Which is a shame... Maybe JLA next year will be better, it certainly won't take much to do so...

Justice League (2016) #9

Nov 19, 2016

Hitch has really taken Justice League to some low depths after Geoff Johns skyrocketed the title with Darkseid Wars. I really want someone to put this title out of its misery... I can't even comment on the nonsensical plots anymore, hacked power rings froma random dude in his garage?? A took a non-random dude (Batman) in his garage (the Batcave) way longer to reverse engineer that same ring. Does Hitch even know his comics??

Justice League (2016) #10

Dec 9, 2016

It feels like Justice League is stuck in mediocrity since Rebirth and it sucks when compared to the excellent end to the New 52 era with John's Darkseid War. The art was decent but not amazing for me. I was hoping Tony S. Daniel would last longer than 4 or 5 issues. I just think it's a little ridiculous that the Justice League is getting beaten by an app on an ipad. As far as writing goes, it's pretty stupid imo. I just hate how Justice League seems reduced to side quests. Hitch already has a failed JLA run that also had an extremely delayed release this week (honestly DC should just kill that title so it won't get confused with the upcoming JLA which looks way more promising). I'm also confused on why Superman doesn't even make an appearance this issue, even with his Batman trust issues it makes this team feel so disconnected. What a waste this title has been...

Justice League (2016) #11

Dec 21, 2016

If Justice League has gotten this $hitty after Geoff Johns' departure, the movies that he's working on right now better be phucking brilliant. If it takes DC's best creative talent to stop Zack Snyder from screwing the pooch in the DCEU then fine I'll let a bad Justice League comic book slide but if both the Justice League comic and the Justice League movie suck harder than a porn-star with student loans to repay then I'm filing an official complaint with xerox copies of all the butt cheeks of upset fans because signatures on a petition doesn't seem to do anything these days...

Justice League (2016) #14

Feb 3, 2017

I got nothing out of this issue. It's a rehash of old ideas and Hitch continues to be consistently scattered in his storytelling. I'll be the first to say that I hate his art, way he draws faces, eyes, and expressions just look all melted together with no fine detail in his pencils. Also we've encountered what the third forgettable world threat, now in the form of a poor man's Death Star (Hitch even had the balls to reference Star Wars). For something so threatening, it was taken out so easily it seems even if Batman narrated a standard plan to defeat it. While the dialogue explored the League like a group therapy session, they're doing it in the middle of an attack which seems odd. And after almost being killed by the space station thingy during the initial attack, they destroy it later in what fifteen minutes tops? Either, the threat is not as bad as it seems or the League can go from amateurs to all-star within a ten minute pep talk. Hitch is the same reason why the previous delay-plagued run of JLA which I still can't tell what continuity it fits, failed miserably. Next week we get Orlando and Reis on Justice League of America Rebirth and with the character one-shots, I can already bet money that it's going to be better than Hitch's Justice League, which isn't saying much I guess but it's still mind-boggling how your flagship title can go from pinnacle of the comic industry to a bunch of forgettable and disconnected one-shots...

Justice League (2016) #15

Feb 18, 2017

Another disconnected issue all over the place. Hitch's JLA crashed and burned for a reason and DC then rewards him with their flagship book. It's unbelievable. This issue shows the biggest flaw of the entire series, it feels too far removed from the rest of the DC Rebirth universe. Half the time, I'm wondering if this is taking place in a different parallel earth or something. While Rucka is working furiously to remove Diana's Azzarello's origins (which I'm actually kind of bummed about), here's Hitch having Diana hallucinate about Zeus getting shafted by his abusive daddy. So I guess Zeus's infidelity and anger problems are all from daddy issues? And then Batman and Superman are in god knows where having a pointless argument because Supes can't find Lois and Jon. Oh and more faceless, nameless, generic robot/alien/insect/blobs of evil cannon fodder fighting our heroes. After 15 issues, I'm still wondering, where the phuck is this title going? I scored this a 5 because Pasarin, whose art I usually hate, has improved his pencils and it looks pretty sharp this time around.

Justice League (2016) #16

Mar 3, 2017


Justice League (2016) #17

Mar 17, 2017

Tying it with Superman Reborn is a good move even if it was loose. Everything else still sucks.

Justice League (2016) #20

May 3, 2017

This book is whack. Doesn't even feel like it's part of the continuity.

Justice League (2016) #21

May 17, 2017

I find it funny that this event is called "Endless" which is exactly the word I'd use to describe Hitch's disconnected storytelling that's been going on for nearly a whole year now. Eventually this has to go somewhere, just like this short story arc, I feel like JL readers are stuck in a time loop with something bad happening everytime that could be prevented if someone had their $#%@ together. Next issue, Earth gets invaded by the Chiutari!!! On load to DC from Hydra Cap!

Justice League (2016) #24

Jul 6, 2017

I absolutely love Mera's character and she is one of the few reasons why being Aquaman just might be better than beings Bats or Supes. Who wouldn't want Mera as his queen? On any given day, Mera can give Diana a run for her money and she has occasionally. Aquaman just kicked into high gear last issue and I might go so far as to say, it might be the best book DC Rebirth has out right now. Yes including King's Batman. The Flash and Superman have kinda slowed down in terms of excitement in storytelling these past few months. Even though this is a one-shot type book for Justice League, it is the best issue I've read so far from this title hands down.

Justice League (2016) #27

Aug 17, 2017

Decent enough for a Hitch written JL issue but again, it feels like it's an elseworld title again and it's ties to the Rebirth continuity still seems unconvincing. I just think it's funny that's Cyborg's son is the result of a half robot and a piece of tech. It's like an iPhone and an AI had a baby... Next up: Hunter's mommy issues...

Justice League (2016) #28

Sep 7, 2017

So Aquaborg doesn't show up despite the cover. This issue is more about mommy issues and then going back in time to kill said mommy. The last panel has Hunter saying something about killing Wonder Woman which reminds me of a previous issue when Superman goes crazy and says he has to kill Batman. Can Hitch stop writing this garbage? What is this, Marvel? Where heroes are constantly fighting each other with no well defined villain? I get Geoff Johns has a lot on his plate now that he is part of the DCEU but his writing on Justice League is sorely missed. Hitch is stepping off after this story arc ends which is a welcome change. This title could use some momentum from a good creative team before the movie hits theaters.

Justice League (2016) #34

Dec 7, 2017

I'm flabbergasted that the world's greatest detective who should know at least a dozen world languages did not realize that Corona Del Mar would probably refer to a seaside city. Get some sleep Bruce, you're losing it.

Justice League (2016) #38

Feb 9, 2018

I'm shocked that we're nearly forty issues in and JL is still one of the post-Rebirth titles that is inconsistent in storytelling. We've already had a few creative teams changes and while Priest is doing better than whatever Hitch was writing, it's still not at the level of Geoff Johns New 52 and let's leave fond memories of Morrison's run on JLA off the table for now. I think there is an awkwardness to the position of Cyborg's character. Currently he is simultaneously shown in flashbacks as a member of the teen titans and has an unresolved relationship with Raven per Dark Nights Metal and in JL he is now founder/leader of the main continuity JL. On top of that, his solo title is struggling and Wolfman is taking over in April to try to make things work. So it makes meshing everything together messy af. While I like that Priest is trying to buck the trend of having Batman basically run the whole world/multiverse/DC comics in general, it's not been smooth overthrowing Batman as the incompetent leader.

Justice League (2016) #39

Feb 24, 2018

Priest is trying his best to right this ship and that's about all I can say... Justice League hasn't been the same since Geoff Johns left. Although some people still think New 52 is worse than contracting gonorrhea, it did give me some of the most memorable events in Forever Evil and Darkseid Wars...

Justice League (2016) #41

Mar 23, 2018

I love the fact that Priest has the balls to create Red Lion. He's not even hiding the fact that it's a Black Panther swipe with the design. But given that Priest also had arguably the most successful run on Black Panther during his days at Marvel, I can't blame him.

Justice League / Power Rangers #1

Jan 11, 2017

I love the Justice League and I love the Power Rangers (original MMPR mind you, remember the flip-head action figures?, Those were da $h*t) Mixing these two teams together is kind of a weird experience. It's hard not to compare this series to the recent Batman/TMNT crossover which was dope and a half, it actually worked and Ra's and Shredder team-up against Bats and Donatello, sign me up!! But here, it's a little more awkward. I honestly need to see what happens later to see how the dynamics play out. In my opinion, it would have made more sense if it was a Power Rangers and Titans mash up. I can see Wally West cracking jokes with Trini and Roy giving Kimberly some tips on how to shoot an arrow and Tommy getting a bit jealous when Kimberly, a gymnast, bites her lip when she sees Mr. Grayson's sexy ass doing some acrobatic flips in battle. Oh well, maybe at least in this team-up Cyborg can at least show Billy how to upgrade the Zords... But regarding the story, it was very fast-paced, Zedd plants a bomb in a wannabe Alpha 5, Zack teleportation device short circuits and boom, he's one on one against Batman. Later the other Rangers show up in Gotham and you realize just how big a Zord is...

Justice League / Power Rangers #2

Feb 12, 2017

It's very typical crossover stuff that doesn't take a lot of thought to write but then again this comic is supposed to be fun and that it is. I grew up with the original MMPR and then Bruce Timm gave me Justice League Unlimited and my childhood would never be the same. This kind of gives me an idea about what a mashup between those two universes would be like. Also it's impossible to properly give all 12 characters and the villains involved their due in just 6 issues, so I already know this will be light on exposition and just a ton of action sequences. That's why Batman/TMNT crossover last year was better because it focused on just a handful of characters, and had villain teamups that made more sense. I also didn't realize how ridiculous Zedd looks until now, as a kid I thought he was the coolest looking villain ever...

Justice League / Power Rangers #3

Mar 11, 2017

The cover is misleading, there is no Megazord action at all. Wonder Woman does make out with Billy though. Just kidding, that doesn't happen either. What did happen? I don't really remember, it was that forgettable of an issue...

Justice League / Power Rangers #6

Sep 27, 2017

Uh, when it comes to DC crossover comics, this one is pretty bad. The entire JL was under-utilized. I don't even know if John Stewart was in this issue. Feels like a rushed conclusion with dialogue simpler than that found in a first grader's book. Really should've skipped this and saved about $25. Not worth the trouble...

Justice League of America (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

I enjoyed this issue but to me this title seems more like a side-quest adventures book of the Justice League and if Rao didin't show up at the end, I would say this issue is quite forgettable. I've never been a huge fan of Hitch's art either. It's just drawn too loose for my liking and sometimes the faces look like they're melting. The regular Justice League title written by Johns is still arguable the best title DC has out right now especially since I'm kinda iffy on the direction Snyder is taking Batman now.

Justice League of America (2015) #8

Mar 30, 2016

Man, it's been a rough few weeks for Superman. Someone at DC headquarters really hates him. First on the big screen in BvS and now in the pages of JLA. Poor guy, he just wants to save our asses and inspire us to do good.

Justice League of America (2017): Rebirth #1

Feb 11, 2017

Nothing very noteworthy happens in this issue but that art though... The four one-shots featuring Vixen, Atom, Killer Frost, and Ray were better in terms of giving development and introductions to characters comprising this new JLA. Let's face it, this issue can be summed up with, this is what happens when Batman plays Nick Fury with the Avengers Initiative, er, "The team of heroes that aren't gods but people to inspire other normal people to fight for justice". Justice, ASSEMBLE!!! (Damn, just not as catchy is it??) Honestly, Black Canary is Black Widow, Lobo is Hulk if he was a loud-mouthed pervert who likes eye shadow, Atom is a more mild-mannered Iron Man with a heavy dose of Ant-Man, the Ray is Hawkeye, and Vixen is Thor with a necklace that makes wild animals instead of a hammer, and Batman doubles as director Fury and Captain America except broodier, BATS EVEN HAS A SHIELD IN THE PREVIEW OF NEXT ISSUE ON THE LAST PAGE!!! Oh and Frost is what happens when you invite Loki to join the team, except with boobs instead of a witty sense of humor...

Justice League of America (2017) #1

Feb 24, 2017

Beautifully drawn comic. Someone as skilled as Ivan Reis deserves to have his own book instead of filling in on issues here and there. The story? Let's just say this isn't Orlando's best. The issue was actually kind of chaotic. All of sudden these planet-threatening despot aliens just show up out of nowhere?? (Actually that's been happening a lot lately, the normal people in the DC world might wanna avoid cities with a resident superhero, it seems like Supes just got done with fighting some other planet-threatening aliens in previous issues too, although most of it took place off-world). I'm on board for at least the first arc but with such a cool team that doesn't just include all the heavy-hitters, I expected more. I mean at least make Lobo gouge some bad dude's eyes out to really show the main man's back.

Justice League of America (2017) #2

Mar 10, 2017

This isn't a good book...yet but it still can be. Normally I'd write it off but since Steve Orlando is writing it, I'll stick around on faith. But as it currently stands, it just seems like another Batman book with a few guest characters. They need to incorporate the interesting cast more. Vixen is like the female version of Marvel's Black Panther but she's relegated to just punching a few bad guys. C'mon now. And Reis off pencil duties on the second issue is kinda like pulling the rug out from under a fat guy, with the readers being the fat guy...

Justice League of America (2017) #3

Mar 29, 2017

Lobo isn't really a team player and he's a bounty hunter, so I don't understand why he would stay and follow Batman's orders. During the JLvsSS crossover, I could kind of get why he went along with Waller but this is just weird. Unless Batman is offering him the finest booze and prostitutes on the side, I can't see how Lobo would be in it for the long run. The writing feels odd overall, it's a slow burn with fast pacing. A lot of major things happened but it still feels like the story is stuck in first gear. With the takeover of most of Eastern Europe, you'd think the League would do something drastic but so far, the only major move that's happened is that Batman stole someone's mighty shield...

Justice League of America (2017) #12

Aug 12, 2017

This could, keyword: could, shape up to be worthwhile. I had hopes for Justice League of America Rebirth when it first launched but it's been mostly hodge podge since then. This does start to unravel a mystery presented in the original Rebirth one-shot so they should handle this story with some care. Ray Palmer returning would definitely be welcome. Still waiting on the classic JSA...

Justice League of America (2017) #13

Aug 31, 2017

This is probably one story arc from JLA that will actually matter in the grand scheme of things, especially since on the last page with the credits, it says: Special Thanks to Geoff Johns.

Justice League of America (2017) #17

Oct 30, 2017

This title is still struggling to find its footing and after eight and half months, it's worrisome. This arc pushes some loose threads along that we got from Rebirth one-shot but it doesn't resolve anything besides passing the Atom's mantle to Choi. If I'm honest Rebirth is losing some steam storytelling-wise and there are a few titles that I think should end if they don't know what they're going to do with it. Superwoman is already slated to end January and Blue Beetle is rumored to end soon as well. While DC Rebirth isn't in trouble per se, they should work harder in writing some better focused stories to maintain the momentum they built since Rebirth started.

Justice League of America (2017) Annual #1

Nov 29, 2017

Dolphins aren't that cute...

Justice League of America (2017): Vixen Rebirth #1

Jan 11, 2017

If you're looking forward to the upcoming JLA series, this one-shot should be on your to-read list. Vixen was definitely relegated to obscurity during New 52, which should've been a crime given the character's interesting background. In all honesty, if they existed in the same universe, T'Challa would probably never have married Ororo. The two have so much in common. Anyways, this issue brings us up to speed with Mari. And whether you're new to the character or have known of her since Bruce Timm's Justice League Unlimited series, you know her well by the end (yup growing up in the 90's was awesome, sorry you kids are now stuck with Adventure Time and Regular Show). The story isn't as linear as last week's Atom but given the fact that she's already a well-known model giving interviews by the time she's a seasoned superhero, flashbacks are a necessary evil to tell her story. At the conclusion, I am excited to see how she will fit in with the JLA which means the one-shot did its job. Also I give this book a higher score because Jamaal Campbell's art is beautiful and it's nice to see him do something other than draw covers for the Power Rangers. Kudos.

Justice League United #6

Nov 13, 2014

This issue is all over the place. Supergirl is drawn on the title page which is clearly somewhere in Canada (she's drawn right behind Mon-El and Martian Manhunter) and yet a few pages later, she's somewhere on a moon in outer space talking to Byth. So either her super-speed is severely underestimated or the editors weren't very careful with this issue. That gripe aside, the story gets a bit hectic, Green Arrow and a corrupted and very alive Hawkman are in a brawl, Supergirl is fighting Byth and the rest are in one clusterf*&% of a battle in the ice. On top of that, we're about to get a surprise appearance by some Legion Lost members. This insanity is either gonna be brilliant or it's gonna explode in our faces. I like Lemire's work but I think he's better with the more intimate stuff like he did with Green Arrow.

Justice League United #7

Dec 11, 2014

Not much happens for a comic DC charges $3.99 for. A lot of fighting between the good guys and bad guys and so many characters, good luck keeping track of them. Byth takes Ultra away and J'onn telepathically communicates with him between a ton of splash pages. This Saga is taking a drag. Hopefully the finale is worthwhile because this issue is just kinda meh. Again Lemire proves he writes better when the story is more intimate and focused on a single character's struggles like his excellent work with Green Arrow but his epics kind of just wander all over the place.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 21, 2016

I really think Fabok is a better artist than his mentor, the great Jim Lee... His art is something else. This issue is all set-up but it's the set-up of an intriguing premise that will definitely shake up both JL and SS nad the Rebirth Universe in general, which if I'm honest is becoming a bit stale. Bryan Hitch's JL especially. I've never been a huge fan of weekly titles but it's better than dragging out an event that nobody really seems to like and not end it before a reboot that has plots dependent on your huge crossover event (yea that was a dig at Marvel, they've only done it twice in a row with Secret Wars and now Civil War II...) Either way this is an event to shift some directions of DC's marquee properties before summer's huge event which is almost guaranteed to include the Watchmen because January's Action and Superman titles will revisit Mr. Oz and based on the covers will bring back New 52 Superman in some way, shape, or form. I see Jl vs. SS as act I of something bigger...and I like it. Plus with Fabok's art, it's hard not to tie it back to his previous work with Geoff Johns on Darkseid Wars. It's all flowing brilliantly so far.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Dec 28, 2016

There are some moments of clunky dialogue but plenty to be enjoyed in this issue. First Deadshot's dig at Batman using kids to fight his war against crime was kind of funny. If you think think about it, it is crazy that a self-righteous dude like Batman sends in mostly orphans to do his dirty work in brightly colored costumed no less. As much as I love Bats, it's funny when the bad guys call him out on his bull$h!t. Art is stellar although having Fabok on the whole run would have been an epic follow up to his work on Darkseid Wars, although this event seems more scaled down in tone. Next, I like how Williamson is portraying Lord, Lobo, and the yet unnamed team of baddies although it's still mostly build up. And finally just when you thought Amanda Waller could not be more badass, she commands the Suicide Squad like a Pokemon Master commands her Pokemon and takes out the entire Justice League with a Blizzard attack from Killer Frost. Bats got played... And now Waller is seemingly upgrading her Pokemon Team to some Legendaries. Superman, FIRE BLAST!!! Wonder Woman, SEISMIC TOSS, Flash, QUICK ATTACK, Aquaman, SURF, Batman, Odor Sleuth??? Anyways juiced about this series. Keep it up Joshua Williamson, we want to keep you employed...

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Jan 4, 2017

Nothing too surprising this issue, you knew the JL vs SS would eventually turn into a team-up. This is DC after all. Before reading this issue, I read this week's Justice League simply because I'm curious about Max Lord's background. Post-crisis Superman seems to remember him so I'm guessing this Max Lord is also from that continuity but also existed in the New 52 because of the flashback to when Darkseid invaded Earth during Johns' run of JL for New 52. So it's a little ambiguous what we're dealing with here and how all of a sudden the real Lobo that was fake Lobo in New 52 is now the real Lobo again. There's a lot of loose ends from the New 52/DCYou debacle that needs to be tied up for this truly to gel. Right now for this event to truly take off, they need to make the conflict between Lord's team against the JL/SS team interesting. I get there's a bigger event to follow this summer but it'd be a shame if they didn't stick the landing with this one.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 13, 2017

Best issue so far but Pasarin's art is just not my thing. It's like a slightly sharper version of Hitch's art and if you know me, I hate Hitch's art... I will say that before reading this issue, this week's Suicide Squad tie-in is worth a read, it gives a pretty good picture of the dynamics of the early Suicide Squad with Lobo, Emerald Empress, Johnny Sorrow, and Polaris. We learn about the falling out between Waller and that particular team which leads to how Lord could use them to attack Waller which turns out to be a ruse. Turns out Lord is just manipulating Squad members to get something from "the vault" which turns out be something very troublesome indeed. Get ready for Eclipso's return to the Rebirth Universe. At the end all Justice League members are affected by this particular item...except for Batman...for some reason DC always spares Batman. So now it becomes clear that Waller and Bats will be leading a team comprised of old and new Suicide Squad members to fight some scary JL members. And according to this issue, apparently being crazy is a superpower and Harley obviously has it in spades...

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 27, 2017

This was a good event and it helped that it was relatively short, released on time, and concluded in less than two months. However, they really shortchanged one of the more threatening supervillains in Eclipso with this event. For a villain I consider as dangerous as Steppenwolf, he was dispatched way too easily. Obviously he's not dead or destroyed but not a great characterization of him. Also makes me wish that Amethyst is brought back, that was a cancelled New 52 series that had real potential. Obviously this is all a setup for future titles and events and I only have a few minor complaints but overall this one won't stick with you like Darkseid Wars or Forever Evil did.

Justice League: No Justice #1

May 10, 2018

This was an awesome first issue. Honestly I re-read Metal #1 just to compare Snyder's recent epics and hands-down this hooked me in more while Metal's first issue was confusing and I kept reading it hoping to be unconfused only to be sort of let down with the whole damn thing at the end. First, no ads made the pace of this book flow well and second, the ensemble cast of characters is organized well so far so it's not as crazy as it looks. Third, Martian Manhunter is back for good it feels like! With it being a weekly, this will be a fun ride before Justice League relaunches and I think I'll be happy with the result.

Lobo (2014) #1

Oct 22, 2014

Not digging the new Lobo, he seems too much like a pretty boy Edward Cullen type. Already skeptical about the direction this book is heading. I read it this morning and I've already forgotten almost everything that happened. Basically there's a bunch of violence but Lobo doesn't kill dogs. It's part of his code like how Batman doesn't use guns except Lobo's code of conduct is much lamer. I used to like Lobo's character because there was a sense of humor but now they're trying to force you to take serious a character that was born out of a parody. I'm probably not gonna spend another 3 bucks on issue 2.

Lobo (2014) #2

Nov 6, 2014

No way this book will last. The storyline is almost nonsensical. The art while decent cannot carry this book, it's generic by today's standards. It's humorless (I thought the whole point of Lobo was being somewhat of a parody character). Not a fun or good read. There are so many other interesting characters that they could make a solo book about. Booster Gold comes to mind. Honestly Lobo is better off being a support character. I'm a little worried about DC right now. So many new books and new directions when really they shouldn't fix what isn't broke. I'm bracing myself for the worst in the new direction of Wonder Woman that comes out later this month.

Martian Manhunter (2015) #12

May 21, 2016

This title turned out to be more of psychological thriller than a normal superhero title. Just like Starfire, I would say this was a decent mini-series that stood on its own and is a satisfying self-contained story. I'm not sure what Rebirth has in store for J'onn J'onzz but I hope he will play a significant role in the reborn universe. I always felt like he played a second fiddle role in the New 52 universe.

Marvel Legacy #1

Sep 27, 2017

I appreciate the effort but the issue still kind of reads like a clustephuck... I thought it was odd how it looked like Wolverine literally hatched from his adamantium tomb thing. I have faith in Aaron just based on the fact that many of the Marvel titles I still read are authored by him but I'll need to read more or legacy to get a feel if this is in fact the right direction.

Mera: Queen of Atlantis #1

Mar 3, 2018

Mera finally gets her long deserved solo title even if it is just for six issues. That being said, this first issue was a little weak for me. You have to know what's going on currently with Aquaman to get the full gist of everything but either way, you know Mera is not her usual self and Arthur is currently leading a rebellion against Rath. Orm is throwing me off. All of sudden he's happy and settled as a land-dweller? I don't buy it, especially given his distaste for his brother being half human and sitting on the throne previously. Issue 2 will need to answer a few questions for this story to make sense and be compelling. Another thing is that this issue had inconsistent art, a few panels were truly standout and then you get Supes and Wonder Woman drawn like mannequins with no expression at all... What gives? Im committed to this mini-series but the premiere was far from perfect.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #1

Mar 2, 2016

Only people who grew up with the original MMPR show will truly appreciate this comic because so far, it doesn't exactly scream great writing and storytelling. Not saying it's bad but its standard fare. Also, you need a little bit of background info to know when this takes place which I'm assuming is after the "Green with Evil" event that introduced Tommy into Power Rangers (yes, I am part of the crowd that watched the original series). The Tommy Kim relationship feels natural and the art is the equivalent of comfort food, nothing spectacular but it feels right. I'm on board so far but it's not a title that will be on the very top of my "to read" list every month. Essentially this feeds you nostalgia and also because the original actors are in their 40's, so a comic is as good as it's gonna get if you wanted more action from the MMPR.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #12

Feb 18, 2017

This comic series is what would have been if the 90's tv show actually had decent writing instead of borrowing clips from super sentai.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #13

Mar 18, 2017

This series has been great and it's not trying to sell me a hipster bastardized version of a childhood favorite like Lionsgate is.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #19

Sep 28, 2017

Meh... Power Rangers has lost some steam since the end of Lord Drakkon's story.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) Annual: 2018

Apr 29, 2018

You're essentially reading the same short story plot five times in a row except with different teams from across the generations of Power Rangers. It's a fun and relatively quick read but if $7.99 is a little steep for you, you could go ahead and skip it and not miss out on much.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Pink #1

Jun 1, 2016

Not surprisingly, this issue did read very much like a recent Batgirl comic and there are similarities in the portrayal of this Kimberly Hart and Barbara Gordon during her time in Burnside. However, since the original Power Rangers hold a special place in my childhood, I like how this comic expands on stories from the original show. While the regular Power Rangers title from Boom is focusing heavily on the Green Ranger during his early days with the team, it's fun to read some "lost stories" like this issue. This is by no means essential reading and it does feel like a backup story. As a limited series, it should be fine. I just can't see this title becoming a mainstay in Boom's lineup. I am a little confused on how Kimberly can still morph into the Pink Ranger, didn't she pass her power coin to Kat after she left the team?

Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Aug 9, 2017

You could read this issue twice in a row and you'd still be tempted to give it another go to fully grasp the narrative. This is Tom King at his best. People were blown away by King's run on Vision and this is shaping up to be just like that or possibly even better. Mister Miracle isn't for everyone but if you love comics, you should at least steal your friend's issue, read it, and then give it back. Or maybe just keep it... I'm also glad that highfather ditched the New 52 garbs.

Mister Miracle (2017) #5

Dec 16, 2017

For some reason, perhaps because of the freedom that comes with writing more obscure characters, Tom King makes Mister Miracle work. In 5 issues I'm more invested in this series than I am in King's Batman. Also, it's interesting King decides to go with Barda and Scott picking LA to live in with a celebrity vibe. For those that never wanted Tom King's Vision series to end, you should pick this up if you haven't already.

New Superman #1

Jul 18, 2016

The jury is still out on this one. I'm glad that DC is trying to incorporate more diverse characters without necessarily destroying the lore of the original. To me this feels like a Miles Morales to Peter Parker without the two characters existing in alternate universes. Kenan Kong is no Clark Kent and that's refreshing because I didn't want a rehash of the same guy with the only thing different being race. That being said, I don't like how Kenan seems like a punk. I get it can set him up for a journey of growth and maturity but to select him to be a hero after witnessing him bully people and engage in forcing someone to give him money isn't exactly like how Steve Rogers got selected for the Super-Soldier program based on his merits. I'll have to read a few more issues in before making a final judgement but at least this comic offers something new.

New Superman #8

Feb 10, 2017

Best issue in a series that gets better. We are introduced to the Chinese Joker and there is more development on Kenan as a character. Oh and to those speculators who bought up every single copy of Batman/Superman 32 to flip on ebay, the joke's on you. It's now obvious that, issue #32 was NOT the first appearance of Kenan Kong, but for those who actually read New Super-Man, from issue #1, you could already tell that was probably not the case because Kenan is an actual boy not the test-tube baby turned test-tube man we saw in Batman/Superman 32. That turns out to be Superman 0, a less Bizarro version of a Chinese Bizarro that is now with Ching Lung, the epitome of Chinese stereotypes. I find it refreshing that Ching Lung can be brought back without backlash and I suppose that has to do with Yang being Chinese so it takes the edge off the people quick to be like, "THAT'S RACIST" They can actually read through how the character develops now before crying foul a la Steve Rogers Captain America is now a secret agent of Hydra...

New Superman #16

Oct 12, 2017

Yuen thinks outside the box which is why this title is one of the better ones in Rebirth's lineup. It's interesting to see him tackle Chinese caricatures that are steeped in stereotypes.

New Talent Showcase: 2016 #1

Dec 2, 2016

The Hawkgirl story was the only one I thought was subpar, the Superman one is something I genuinely hope they pck up in the future. We get a Joker that is more conniving and sinister than the chaos-loving incarnations. All of a sudden there's a method to the madness. Zatanna needs to join the Rebirth universe ASAP, if anything, she'll be sure to give that bastard Constantine blue balls.

Nightwing (2016) #8

Nov 5, 2016

Great portrayal of Grayson as a character even though the story reveals how Raptor was pretty much a creepy obsessive stalker on Dick's mom, (ewww...) Loved the end moment between Bruce and Dick.

Nightwing (2016) #16

Mar 3, 2017

It's funny because Nightwing is freaking out over unprotected sex with a kid who is literally the result of unprotected his old mentor. $#%@ just got weird didn't it?? I love how Dick's first thought after his baby-mama to be calls him was like, this wasn't like when I be 17 and banging Starfire and not realizing our babiez won't just be interracial but interspecies as well. You stay classy, Dick Grayson ;)

Nightwing (2016) #17

Mar 18, 2017

I love Damian. He's such a little $#@%, but pair him with Grayson and you've got the best dynamic duo that leaves Bruce Wayne out of the equation.

Nightwing (2016) #28

Sep 6, 2017

Dude, a reviewer gave this issue a 610 and it's is a 157.9 on average... I thought this issue was good but the CBR score means it's life changing...

Nightwing: The New Order #4

Nov 23, 2017

Anything Kory and Dick Grayson, I am immediately onboard. If I'm honest I think Babs can be annoying, the know-it-all, I have a photographic memory, eat your heart Tim Drake, goody-two-shoes act can be a bit tiresome. It's like dating an attractive librarian who goes to raves from time to time. Kory on the other hand just works well with Dick's charm. It's interesting to seem them older with a kid and the dynamic is fascinating. My LCS owner thinks this reads like an X-Men comic to which I ask, what's so bad about that?? Also it's funny that Gar is stuck in a hybrid beast mode and angry that when Dick unleashed the superpower robbing formula, he just happened to be in mid-transformation mode. That's Higgins for ya.

Odyssey of the Amazons #1

Jan 27, 2017

I've always thought a comic about the Amazons sans Wonder Woman could work and this semi-proves it. While it's a decent first issue, it definitely needs time to develop and I don't know if that can be properly done in six issues. It's also interesting that this series is set to conclude around the same time Wonder Woman hits the big screen. Curious to see what happens to Hessia next issue, especially since it seems like the majority of Amazons she brought have already been wiped out. Also it's worth noting that there does exist a Thor in the DC universe although he's less of a hero than the more well-known Marvel version. It would be interesting to see him being brought into the fold. After all Hessia is wandering into Norse Mythology territory and it seems she is crossing paths with the Jotuns at the end of this issue.

Odyssey of the Amazons #2

Feb 18, 2017

This issue is whatever but I kind of wonder what a DC/Marvel crossover between Wonder Woman and Thor would look like now. At any rate Sif is gonna be pissed that Thor wants to breed with an Amazon instead of an Asgardian especially after a decent amount of mead...

Odyssey of the Amazons #3

Mar 17, 2017

I'm really considering dropping this title. It showed promise in the first issue and then became nonsensical. Between all the fighting, you really don't know what is going on, only that there are trolls trying to mate with human women. Or was it frost giants? Either way, this story is a mess.

Odyssey of the Amazons #4

Apr 19, 2017

Best issue so far which isn't saying much. I feel like this series is so disconnected from the rest of the DC Universe. To be brutally honest, this series feels like a poorly written Image book wannabe...

Omega Men #7

Jan 4, 2016

I only recently started reading Omega Men and had to visit a few shops to find all the back issues but after catching up to this current issue, I have to say this might just be more enjoyable than Jason Aaron's Star Wars run if only slightly. With Star Wars you have more well-known characters and a whole universe already established which is good because you are familiar with a lot of the story elements but it sets up parameters and limits surprises because you already know what it all comes down to since it's canon to the movies now. With Omega Men, you don't really know what the endgame is and what it could potentially build up to. With Rayner assuming a new role, he provides the familiar face in unfamiliar territory. So far it's been a wild ride and not everything is explained yet but I have a feeling there's going to be a good payoff now that DC has decided to extend the run.

Omega Men #8

Jan 27, 2016

Proof that DC is capable of making a quality comic. Omega Men is a hidden gem. The storytelling is top notch. If only more DC titles were crafted like this. No gimmicks, just a cohesive plot with a build-up to a payoff that I feel will be worthwhile. The fact that they almost cancelled this title just shows how big of an idiot Didio is. I really hope DC shakes up their front office rather than just do reboot after reboot. There's quality stories in the DC universe if only they trusted their creative teams and let them have liberties creating a storyline. Movie by committee killed the Batman franchise back in the late 90's. Then after they hit rock bottom, they let Chris Nolan tell a unique Batman story and we get one of the best trilogies this decade. The same goes for their comics, they need to let creators feel free to imagine without boundaries. I'm all for Didio and Lee getting the boot. Sorry Jim Lee, I absolutely adore your art but you're doing nothing as a front office guy. It's like letting a rock star become CEO of a record company, it might not work out for the best...

Omega Men #9

Mar 3, 2016

This title never disappoints. Which is strange because it's published by DC.

Omega Men #10

Mar 30, 2016

If the entire run of Omega Men had a forgettable chapter this would be it...hopefully.

Raven #6

Feb 18, 2017

This mini-series wasn't good but it wasn't bad, which means I'm gonna forget about most of it in 17 seconds.

Reborn #4

Jan 27, 2017

This title was definitely overhyped. While most Image titles are sleeper hits that slowly gain more and more fans, this was a 180. It started off interesting and then just bottoms out with nothing too memorable. Let's face it, you're paying for Capullo's art not Millar's mediocre storytelling. If you're like me, you got addicted to Capullo's style of art during New 52 Batman and reading this to curb withdrawal symptoms.

Reborn #6

Jun 7, 2017

I'm kind of underwhelmed with the whole thing. No faulting Capullo's art, it'll be nice to see him back with Snyder in the upcoming Dark Nights: Metal event. This story was never compelling. Golgotha was never very convincing as the primary villain. I thought there would be a twist or something but no, the finale literally turns into Bonnie killing the underdeveloped villain, saving her ridiculous excuse of an ex-husband and becoming queen. The problem I had was that the characters were so underdeveloped. I barely got to know Estelle before she met her end in an anti-climactic battle scene that was generic at best. Even with a double issue, the events happen in a blur with no lasting impression. At $6, it is a let-down. Definitely disappointed and I hate how Millar tries to cop out with the "End of Book One". If Book Two is another half-baked project like this, count me out...

Red Hood / Arsenal #7

Dec 9, 2015

By no means is this essential reading but I've enjoyed Red Hood since people were crying foul that Starfire was drawn like a stripper during issue #1 of the new 52 relaunch. What made this issue enjoyable was making Joker's Daughter a personable character. Prior to this, you didn't know much about her. She came out of nowhere and was not as likable as Harley Quinn who had way more personality. Now you see her as a lost soul and I think there's potential for this character after all. But in terms of Robin War, this didn't do much to move that event. In fact they coulda just dropped Red Hood fir this month's title and called it Arsenal with guest star: Joker's Daughter.

Red Hood And The Outlaws #36

Nov 21, 2014

Don't do drugs kids. This issue seems to be talking about substance abuse as we see Jason use Venom to get that momentary high and overcome his inhibitions to beat his enemies very near close to death. Starfire due to guilt also seems to be heading down a self-destructive path as we see her go to a dealer to get her fix on a substance taken via injection. Meanwhile Roy is recovering in a hospital bed with a special guest who's very fond of wearing special green hoodies. I actually like this darker tone as Red Hood and ultimately Jason Todd is a dark character with a troubled past and inner demons. I would say he's the most cynical of all the Robins and definitely the one most likely to snap and go overboard. Yes Damien was trained by the League of Assassins but his demeanor is actually more methodical than Jason's.

Red Hood And The Outlaws #40

Mar 20, 2015

The art was fantastic and I thought the colorist did a great job. The key to enjoying RHATO is to not take it too seriously otherwise, you'll overanalyze a book that really doesn't have much to analyze. But since this is the last issue, it's a bit late for advice now isn't it? This title has always been shallow in terms of storytelling but the action has been a riot. While there are some issues that try to inject some emotion into the book like that one a few months back where Oliver visits Roy in the hospital, most of the time, Hood and the gang just want to have fun and blow $#!% up. And after getting beaten to death by the Joker and resurrected, can ya blame the kid and his equally troubled friends? It'll be interesting to see Hood and Arsenal move on away from Starfire, who's getting a solo book that I'm looking forward to, because we have the very talented and underrated Emanuela Lupacchino at pencils. (Her work on Supergirl has been excellent and I look forward to her helming Starfire). Overall a fun title that I was fond of while it lasted. They shoulda done more with Helspont this issue but I'm sure he'll be back.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #2

Sep 16, 2016

Two issues in and I'm enjoying it. Although I miss the dynamic between Jason and Roy, things are shaping up to be pretty interesting already. Oh, and Artemis isn't dressed like a stripper like a previous member of the outlaws whose name rhymes with Bar-Tire...

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #3

Oct 16, 2016

The fact that this is by Scott Lobdell who wrote the original RHATO during the New 52, (the one where Starfire is essentially a stripper) shows you can do better. This is one of the sleeper hits of Rebirth and Todd is shaping up to be a solid leader to a trio of misfits. While I do miss the Red Hood/Arsenal bromance, Roy is back with the Titans which feels more natural due to his history with that team and who can forget the history he has with Dick as Robin and Speedy. If you have a few bucks to spare and want a book without the heavy hitters of the DC universe, this actually isn't that bad of a buy. You could do worse...

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #6

Jan 13, 2017

I'm surprised how good this is. Definitely a sleeper hit. With this team, Jason Todd can actually go toe to toe with some of DC's heaviest hitters. Not saying I didn't enjoy the bromance between Arsenal and Hood but with this team, you feel like things are gonna get serious. And although Starfire potentially is as storng as Artemis, Artemis has the devil may care attitude which is different than the version of Starfire Lobdell thought of in New 52 which was essentially every frat boy's dream girl. The best part of this book was Jason's exchange with Batman, it brings everything full circle since the one shot Rebirth issue. Although everytime Batman laughs, it creeps me out and I half expect the Joker to pop out with a spray can of Joker gas...

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #13

Aug 13, 2017

If you told me that RHATO would be one of Rebirth's strongest offerings with Scott Lobdell still writing, I woulda laughed my ass off but a year later, it's one of the only Rebirth books that hasn't fallen off in terms of storytelling. The only other title that comes to mind that has also done that is Hal Jordan and the GLC. Aquaman is the only book that I actually think has improved since it's Rebirth inception. Everything else has kinda gotten stale for me... Super Sons has been a fun read though.

Red Lanterns #35

Oct 22, 2014

This was a decent issue but I feel like it's one of the weaker chapters of the first act of Godhead. The New Guardians issue from last week was the best chapter so far but since Kyle Rayner's White Lantern is directly tied to the Life Equation the New Gods are searching for, it makes sense that it seemed the most relevant. It's fun to see Tora and Guy's dysfunctional relationship and Simon Baz (Remember him?) makes an almost obligatory appearance. A solid read but besides a fight between Guy and a dictator and then another fight with a few New Genesis soldiers, there's not much you'll remember by the time Sinestro's Godhead tie-in hits shelves next week.

Robin War #1

Dec 2, 2015

This was solid first chapter. Very involving although it does remind me a little bit of Marvel's Civil War event and how the whole thing started in the first place. The Court of Owls always makes things interesting. Since the next chapter will be part of Grayson, I expect it to be good.

Secret Empire #0

Apr 21, 2017

This event is good. I admit I haven't been keeping up completely with Hydra Cap and all the stories leading up to this but make no mistake, this event is going to be good. There is already an established direction and the story has been building for awhile, this is the payoff. This is more Jonathan Hickman leading up to Secret Wars than Bendis's usual BS. For once I'm actually scared for our heroes. Cap is not only convincing as a double agent for Hydra but he is a competent leader for Hydra. In fact he makes Red Skull seem like a joke. You read this truly believing Cap can destroy the entire roster of heroes from the most powerful Avenger to your grassroots soldiers of SHIELD. In essence Cap could be the most deadly villain in the Marvel Universe. Also for those people comparing Ardian Syaf's art to Nick Spencer's writing, please stop. Syaf included hidden messages in his work not relevant to the story at all and is only his thinly veiled beliefs that antagonizes other people based on religion. Spencer has planned out a story that happens to have Cap turn to the dark side and I suspect there will be eventual redemption and the story was approved by Marvel's editors knowing full well what was going. Syaf snuck in his art without the approval of the front office. There is a big difference. Stop attacking Spencer and let the man tell his story, this could be the best Cap story we've had in a decade. Have faith true believers, Cap will be back on our side soon enough but for now, he's gone rogue...

Secret Empire #1

May 3, 2017

I can't help but draw some parallels with Star Wars. Hydra Cap is unleashing his inner Vader and the Secret Empire reminds me of Palpatine's Galactic Empire. Heroes are being hunted down like order 66ing the Jedi. A show of force like the Death Star destroying Alderaan is akin to the final pages of this comic. All in all, the concepts presented in this book are nothing new but for a solid read, I might pick this issue up especially if your local comic shop offers a 20% discount.

Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 6, 2015

Not bad, but I feel like you need to have invested in Hickman's Avengers titles to fully enjoy this event which means you would have been reading for a few years to truly appreciate Secret Wars. While it may be a bit confusing to new readers who jump in, you can already tell this is gonna be epic but will it be memorable? Some comics you read, enjoy a massive roller coaster ride, and then after you get off you tend to forget. I'm hoping it won't be but we won't be able to tell until the last issue. Also, this could potentially be a disaster with so many characters but Hickman has done a fine job with his opening. You see your favorites but they don't all bog the plot pacing down. Overall, this issue #1 does exactly what it's supposed to which is makes you anticipate issue #2. Hopefully it'll be worth it because the next issue also hits us with a premium $4.99 price tag.

Secret Wars (2015) #3

Jun 4, 2015

For those of you who read Hickman, you know that the payoff literally might take years so to judge his storytelling issue by issue is kind of hard. That being said, I thought this comic was a solid read.

Sideways #1

Feb 14, 2018

Yea, the costume design makes it look very Spidey-esque. The main character has a Peter Parker vibe too, which means he's also a social outcast in high school with nerdy friends and doesn't live with his biological parents (sound familiar?). Honestly, if it wasn't for the seemingly blatant rip off of Spiderman, the art and the pace is solid enough to warrant another issue. However with all the characters in DC New Age of Heroes so far, I feel like it could be retitled: if Marvel characters existed in the DC Universe, and it would be an accurate description.

Silk #1

Feb 19, 2015

Silk is not a game-changer by any stretch of the imagination. In fact if it wasn't for Spider-Verse and Spider-Man, her character would have trouble standing on her own two feet. Gwen Stacy has had a cult following since before I was born so it's obvious Spider-Gwen is easily gonna overpower Silk in terms of sales. But kudos to the business execs who are trying to squeeze every last penny out of the manufactured Spider-Verse event. The writing is generic but I did enjoy some of the flashbacks prior to Cindy being condemned to her bunker. The Dragonclaw villain is as ridiculous as they come and the Pokemon reference jokes were plain worn out by the end. Stacey Lee's art reminds me of Babs Tarr and it's similar with the cartoony feel that you either love or hate. Between Silk, Spider-Gwen, and the new direction for Spider-Woman, I just don't know how much my wallet wants to handle. I wanted to enjoy Silk enough to make me want to stay on this book but unfortunately that didn't happen. Marvel has pumped out a plethora of female lead books including Thor, Squirrel Girl, Angela Asgard's Assassin, Silk, Spider-Woman, upcoming Spider-Gwen and even Princess Leia (well for about 6 issues) to add to Storm, Ms. Marvel, Elektra, Captain Marvel, and Black Widow. Most of those books are good but unfortunately Silk is not in the top 5 of the titles I mentioned.

Sinestro #22

Apr 27, 2016

With betrayals in the Sinestro Corps and Soranik butting heads with her egotistical father, Sinestro, this series is becoming quite intriguing. Enter a potential conflict with the Red Lanterns and you've got yourself a promising story line.

Sinestro Annual #1

Apr 3, 2015

For a book that did nothing but give us a brief biography on Sinestro Corps members and leave us on a cliffhanger, this was a great read. It got to some more personal details about each Sinestro Corps member and how their fall from grace turned them into raw potential to wield a yellow ring. Looking forward to continuing Sinestro after Convergence.

Spider-Gwen #1

Feb 26, 2015

I have mixed feelings about Spider-Gwen. I'll admit I love her character and was excited about the concept of Gwen as Spider-Woman for EOSV #2. That issue was the most intriguing out of the five, partially due to the fact that it was based on a character that was well-established in the Spider-Man mythos. However, upon picking up the comic and seeing the art, themes, and storyline, I can't help but feel it's a comic book of trends. Meaning it has the elements of a book that caters to modern hipsters and wants to draw in a new audience rather than completely satisfying the old one. There's nothing wrong with that (growing an audience means more $$) and I'm sure plenty of old comic-readers will appreciate this which I did but between this comic, the new direction of Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew with her new costume), and Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr's Batgirl, it seems comics are once again evolving with the times. There have been many trendy artistic cues (Even the word bubbles are designed differently in SG #1) so the focus on aesthetics are in flux. I was raised on Jim Lee art of the 90's and watched Bruce Timm's Batman growing up so this is a bit out of my comfort zone but I appreciate it for what it is. However, I can't say it's now my new favorite. The story explores old themes done in a new way. And in this issue we are introduced to the Vulture. I'll stick around for a few more issues but if I'm honest, I think that recent Marvel successes such as Star Wars and Spider-Gwen has been fueled by hype more than substance.

Spider-Gwen #3

Apr 3, 2015

Another solid read. Nothing incredibly ground-breaking this issue but Gwen is a really fun character, although the Vulture still seems like an oddball choice for one of the villains in this first arc. The more I read Spider-Gwen the more it feels akin to Batgirl, except I dunno who would be tougher as a father, Captain Stacy or Commissioner Gordon. That being said, I'm glad there are more female leads in comics these days and that they are actually well-developed characters. I found myself enjoying the female Thor comic way more than I thought I would and it looks like Spider-Gwen will be a consistent pull list-er. At the end of this issue we see Gwen return to Peter's room who died in this world of the multiverse so I'm curious to see how this impacts Gwen.

Spider-Man / Deadpool #4

May 1, 2016

I don't think this series is bad but it's just not my cup of tea. Between Thor fighting a devil lady and Spider-Man and Deadpool dancing in their underwear, I think I'd have to be slightly crazy to truly enjoy this comic. If Marvel and DC ever wanna do a crossover that overdoses on insanity, Deadpool/Harley Quinn would move mountains.

Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Nov 20, 2014

Honestly, this book felt like a product made to squeeze every penny they can out of the Spider-Verse event. Marvel has smart marketers, knowing the popularity of Spider-Man, Marvel is churning out as many titles as they feel will make them a fair amount of money. And with so many Issue #1 books coming out recently (Thor, New Cap, Superior Iron Man...), Marvel is looking to cash in big in the final quarter of 2014. Spider-Woman being one of those #1s. It was an awkward read, with Silk being that same clueless but happy to be along for the ride character we got since her intro in ASM #4. The spiders bounce around from place to place just because Silk draws the Inheritors to her just like the early bloomer draws all the boys in her 8th grade class. Speaking of boobs, I can see why people say Greg Land is the porn producer of comics. All his female characters are drawn the same way, slim waist, super busty, and gratuitous curves. And the poses he draws them in are very questionable. Regardless of what people say, there's definitely an audience for this kind of stuff and although people don't like to admit it, it's actually a pretty big audience which is why this book will sell and Greg Land is still employed. The story so far also can't really hold water (riding giant lizard creatures through the desert?), it's ironic the writer's name is Hopeless. Honestly I would skip this issue unless you really need to know every single detail involving Spider-Verse which if you are, be prepared to have a huge dent in your bank account because like all Marvel Events, there will an obscene amount of tie-ins and books tailored specifically to be a tie-in like this book we're talking about right now.

Spider-Woman (2014) #2

Dec 18, 2014

We can complain all we want about how over-sexualized women are in comic books but this issue was damn fun. Yes Greg Land draws all his girls with huge boobs and slim waistlines (similar complaints are being made about Finch's Wonder Woman and I don't completely disagree) but as far as adventure comics go, this issue wasn't that bad. Of course, I still think Spider-Gwen has a better platform because Gwen Stacy has always been a smart confident female lead and she can be appreciated by fans new and old. Still Jessica Drew does an ok job in the meantime as the primary Spider-Woman. Hopefully by the time Silk gets her stand alone title next year she won't be such a rookie because she's as clueless as they come in terms of the Spiders. But since they call her the bride, I'm assuming she has a bigger role to play in the Spider-Verse event so maybe after Spider-Verse ends, her character won't just be a supporting character. Spider-Woman isn't Marvel's best new titles but it's also not horrible. Still I can't see myself sticking with this book but for now I'll read it if only for the Spider-Verse tie-in.

Spider-Woman (2014) #4

Feb 13, 2015

You know I'm actually one of the few that doesn't mind Greg Land's art. Sure he's been called the porn drawer of comics but he's hardly the only artist that tends to draw his female characters in a more sexualized manner. Plus there's an artist switch soon anyways, so... The writing, however, is always only decent. I hope this is due to the fact that it is tied into the bigger event of Spider-Verse. Every time I pick up an issue of Spider-Woman, I have a hard time remembering what happened in the previous issue. That being said this issue finally establishes Jessica Drew as the sole character of her own book. Both Gwen and Silk will move onto their own independent titles and that's a good thing for what felt more like Spider-Women than Spider-Woman. In this issue, we see Jessica Drew reconnect with Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel and mention that she longs to have a relatively more normal life as a super-hero. After a somewhat random fight scene in the Avengers tower, Jess quits and decides to reinvent herself starting with a new costume. Definitely reminds me of the recent direction change with DC's Batgirl which is mildly successful so we'll see how Jessica Drew fares when compared to the arguably more popular character of Barbara Gordon. I have high hopes for issue 5, hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 14, 2015

Overhyped in my opinion. I'll try not to be too critical since it is a first issue and Star Wars is a saga after all but for a debut, it's a bit underwhelming. The story starts with Han tricking the Empire (again) to land on their weapons facility planet, honestly the Empire just seems to be comprised of mindless idiots who can't out-think a 3rd grader. There's so much rehash from Return of the Jedi in this issue as Han pretends to represent the Hutts and negotiate something that I was never too clear on. Princess Leia and Luke are disguised in the same outfit as Lando in the mentioned nod to RotJ. Luke then finds a bunch of slaves and I really don't know how they plan to escape discreetly with what is at least 20 to 30 slaves. R2 provides some comic relief like he does in the movies and Vader makes an appearance. Star Wars is hard to write since there is so much out there already in terms of fiction novels. comics, animated series, etc but I still think Aaron can do better as he has shown me with Thor. Marvel/Disney will rake in the cash due their brilliant marketing of what I've come to deem, only a mediocre product. This will definitely be one of the top 5 if not THE top seller of 2015 even though the year's barely begun. I'll stick along for the next few issues to see where this is going but I'm not exactly impressed...and I thought the artwork was sub-par to be honest.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 11, 2015

I enjoyed this issue. In fact I think it has better story telling than the main Star Wars title since it is focused on one and arguably most interesting character/villain. The exchange with Jabba was amusing and it's interesting that Jabba calls him a Jedi because it means Jabba knows that he was previously Anakin Skywalker before falling to the dark side. It's cool to see Emperor Palpatine back in the office where he fought against Mace Windu and where Anakin first swears to become Vader. My favorite scene was actually when Vader holds his old lightsaber which Obi-Wan had passed to Luke and he recognizes his old weapon. It was somewhat bittersweet to see Vader succumb to emotion. Curious to see how Boba Fett (Who could also have an interesting stand alone title) plays into this story. Loved this first issue, will be back for the next chapter.

Star Wars: Darth Vader #3

Mar 26, 2015

This comic is now overpriced (and overrated) thanks to the hype machine and rumor mills out there. While it is still a mystery whether or not Aphra will make an appearance in the Episode VII film, it is clear that she's kind of a weak new character. Her chattiness kind of threw me off because normally the serious-minded and unsympathetic Vader would have force-choked someone like that to death. And the reason they're together isn't super compelling. Ok we now get evil versions of R2-D2 and C-3PO, evil counterparts isn't exactly a novel concept and makes the creative team seem kind of lazy. I already forgot what the rest of the comic was about because you can literally finish it in under 7 minutes even at a slower pace and nothing really stands out in this issue. If you have a copy, I'd recommend trying to flip it while you can. (Although I'm sure ebay is already flooded with them at astronomical prices).

Star Wars: Darth Vader #4

Apr 10, 2015

I'd hate to say this (especially since I loved the 1st issue) but for all the hype Darth Vader is generating and the whole hoopla with issue 3 and Aphra, I think Darth Vader is just a mediocre comic now. While on screen, Vader is one of the greatest villains of all time, on the pages of a comic, he just isn't very dynamic (maybe the writer's fault?). I enjoy the main Star Wars series and Princess Leia was a pleasant surprise (Do your thing Mark Waid!) but Vader just doesn't do it for me. Going around random places and force choking random people be it space pirates or Geonosis bug droids doesn't really interest me. And sorry but Aphra is not that cool of a character, she just isn't and neither are the evil versions of C-3PO and R2-D2.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens #1

Jun 24, 2016

Ya know how people say the book is usually better than the movie? This isn't one of those cases... Now that I think about it, this was kind of stupid idea to begin with. The Force Awakens is arguably the most watched movie in the past 5 years, maybe even a decade. So when you read this, everything is familiar but without the grandiose experience of the movie.

Starfire #1

Jun 10, 2015

Loved this new title. DC You is making some good moves. Two weeks in and I feel they've definitely refreshed their lineup. This book was fun. Starfire has a unique, lovable personality and she is arguably the hottest female character in comics (no pun intended). With Conner and Palmiotti writing, this will be a quirky book that takes a more intimate look at one particular character rather than epic fights and crazy action you would get in say Wonder Woman. It's a humorous title and the characters are very human such as the sheriff, the grandma, and her grandson. Lupacchino always has impeccable art and I'm hoping this is another milestone in her relatively young career. I dig this book. It's not perfect but I'm still giving it a 10.

Starfire #6

Nov 14, 2015

One of my favorite titles in my pull list. Lupacchino's art is consistently good and the quirky storytelling of Conner/Palmiotti keeps things interesting but lighthearted. This issue wasn't as memorable as previous issues and there weren't as many switchbacks between various subplots but a surprise guest at the end makes me excited for the next few issues. Yes, everyone's favorite former Boy Wonder is back in the picture and that's always a good thing. You stay classy, Dick Grayson.

Starfire #7

Dec 9, 2015

I feel like Grayson is everywhere. Robin War, Batman and Robin Eternal, his own title, and now he's continuing on his visiting the ex-girlfriends who think I'm dead tour. Kori definitely has a better reaction seeing Dick alive than Babs. I mean Babs pretty much told Grayson that he was a Dick and should screw off. Meanwhile Kori teams up with Dick to take down some bad guys and is probably teaming up with Dick again after the last panel on the last page. Solid issue and another decent read on a title I'm reading regularly now.

Starfire #12

May 12, 2016

Starfire was pretty much a mini-series. It was self-contained and worked well on its own. It was a more humor filled title without the level of ridiculousness that Harley Quinn is known for and the art was beautiful throughout the 12 issues. I enjoyed it for what it is and I liked how Palmiotti and Conner crafted a fun story for the fans and used guest characters sparingly. Definitely a sleeper hit. I hope we see more of Starfire during Rebirth, she deserves better than the porn-star persona Lobdell gave her during New 52's inception.

Suicide Squad (2016) #2

Sep 16, 2016

Lee's pencils aren't as sharp as they used to be but this comic is not half bad.

Suicide Squad (2016) #7

Dec 2, 2016

If you strip away the Jim Lee artwork (which I'm partial too although I admit it's not his best work), the story is actually pretty nonsensical. Between Russians, Zod, and Boomerang, half the time you don't know what's going on. The designs are also trying too hard to merge with the movie universe and I don't know how I feel about that...

Suicide Squad (2016) #16

Apr 26, 2017

No more backups! No more iffy Romita Jr. art! Fully-fleshed out story cover to cover! Waller is a badass! Luthor is a creep! Zod is about to phuck $#@% up!

Suicide Squad (2016) #20

Jul 2, 2017

Sejic's art is stellar. Imagine if DC gave the Rebirth treatment to Justice League Dark with Sejic on artwork duty. The story in this issue is whatever. Honestly I'm getting a little burnt out on Harley Quinn overload...

Suicide Squad (2016) #26

Sep 27, 2017

Sejic's art is always a treat but the choice villain (Poison Ivy) wasn't really effective in advancing the plot.

Super Sons (2017) #1

Feb 18, 2017

If you had a childhood friend that you always got into trouble with, (boys especially) this issue will remind you of the glory days. Although Damian and Jon have A-list superhero dads, they're still normal (somewhat) kids. Who didn't love paying back the class bully with some of his own medicine as a kid? Staying up late for mischievous adventures? Sign me up. Playing pranks on teachers and the principal? Yes. One thing me and my buddies never did was run into a supervillain that generally hated our dads but this comic is what makes comics fun and dare I say it? It reminds me of elements of Calvin and Hobbes, which was a comic strip I loved as a kid. Add a sprinkle of superhero shenanigans and you have a book that should be on anyone's top ten for 2017. I hope this title runs for years and sees Damian and Jon fight over girls, social popularity, and athletic scholarships to the most prestigious universities. Super Sons: Dawn of Puberty, make it happen DC...

Supergirl (2011) #35

Oct 16, 2014

The art was good but for an issue that's written like a one shot, it falters in storytelling especially when compared to last month's excellent Future's End Supergirl. First there's no real reason for Red Hood to be in this story in the first place other than teasing a venom enhanced Jason Todd that will be in the next arc of Red Hood and the Outlaws. Supergirl still seems very childish even after going off-planet and going through events from Doomed. The relationship between her and Michael tries to hard to be PC and it doesn't work as well as the relationship we were shown with Captain Comet last month. I'm still hoping that Supergirl finds its footing, it can be a great book but it's never quite there. I'm enjoying the depiction of Supergirl more in JLU where she is showing glimpses of leadership qualities rather than the unsure of herself version we have in this issue.

Supergirl (2011) #36

Nov 20, 2014

I dig this issue. With all the new creative teams and new directions just not one direction please, Supergirl is going somewhere worth following. Supergirl has always been a book that had some trouble finding its grounding but I have a feeling this next adventure might just establish Supergirl's character's foundation enough to build on. We already know that she and Captain Comet are gonna develop something if you happened to have read the Future's End one shot so it's something to look forward to. Also the first few pages where Kara and Clark have a conversation shows Kara's human side which I enjoyed. The artwork is well-done, the inks are great and the colors are vibrant. The addition of Perkins is something I'm excited about and I will join Kara in Space "Hogwarts". I also like the fact that Supergirl doesn't try so hard to be cool like a certain girl who used to live in Gotham, has red hair, a cop for a dad, and some scandalous moments with Mr. Grayson.

Supergirl (2011) #37

Dec 18, 2014

Had a lot of fun with this issue. Yes it's a bit space Hogwarts-ish but the dynamics between the students at Crucible are fun. It's funny how most of the girls want to shag Comet and he just seems clueless about it. Tsavo might be an interesting character as this arc develops. A Cat hero prince who's older brother is evil? Sounds a bit overplayed but when it's an anthropomorphic Cat hero, who cares? Based on the cover, you'd think Supergirl deals with her past demons in this issue but like most covers it's just to entice you to pick it up. However the real story isn't that bad, one of the professors (think Snape from HP) seems like a shady fellow but we learn that the academy is meant to train special youngsters to help protect the galaxy should the Green Lantern Corps fail. I'm a little curious about the timeline since Kara is also part of the JLU. I swear there were a few panels that specifically point to that. All in all, it's a fun read. While most other titles are doing big changes in direction like Batgirl, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman, this subtle creative change is actually doing the book some good. Will be following along as this story unfolds.

Supergirl (2011) #38

Jan 22, 2015

Having a lot of fun with Supergirl in this story arc. It's like watching a Saturday morning cartoon when we were kids. The art lends itself to that and the action is paced pretty well. Glad that Superboy is back, his own book kinda struggled to its finish line but his character is too good to leave out of the New 52 universe completely. It'll be interesting to see how Kara's doubts about Crucible plays out in future issues as we already know the school has some dubious agendas regarding their students. Not too shabby from a title that had some awkward transitions in between story arcs (yes I'm talking about going from Red Daughter of Krypton to those 2 weird Doomed aftermath issues).

Supergirl (2011) #40

Mar 20, 2015

This was an extremely well done story arc for Supergirl and it will be one that might actually stick. So many memorable characters and I hope Lupacchino gets her excellent work recognized because she has some beautiful art, (Excited for her pencils on Starfire's solo book, this summer). I checked the solicitations for June and it looks like this book isn't coming back which is odd because we are left on a cliffhanger note and the book has so much potential that I'm surprised it isn't one of the books staying. Spoiler, Kara experiences something similar to what her cousin Kal is experiencing in Superman #39 but for her we don't know if it's temporary or permanent. Also I was hoping that Comet and Kara's relationship gets fleshed out because that Future's End issue for Supergirl was one of my favorites for that particular month, no offense Michael.

Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 28, 2014

Solid issue, this title could be very interesting. Having Daredevil in San Francisco also adds an element that could have interesting implications. This issue speaks to how technology seems to run people's lives nowadays. Having an app that speaks to the vanity of humans provides for some social commentary on our current fascination with having the perfect image. Marvel has been hitting some home runs with their recent relaunches. The new Thor and Captain America while gimmicky on some levels have provided solid reads all around. I definitely recommend this issue. It's a shame the Axis event issues have been real spotty or Marvel would be on an absolute tear right now since Spider-Verse is being well received too.

Superior Iron Man #2

Nov 28, 2014

A narcissistic Stark vs. a people's champion in Murdock? Sign me up! This was a fun little issue, it was pretty much one giant conflict fight scene but the last few pages provide a twist that I wonder whether or not will make it into the Daredevil title as well. 2 issues in and it's been a good title so far. Also the art has been gorgeous, Cinar's pencils are great, not anything groundbreaking but solid work nonetheless.

Superman (2011) #35

Oct 23, 2014

This is a tricky chapter to write because it is smack in the middle of Geoff John's story. We are now familiar with Ulysses and his background and now there comes a twist in the plot. While the Machinist serves as a shadowy villain, it's the moral compass of Ulysses/Neil that provides the most intrigue. It doesn't exactly end on a cliffhanger but Neil's mindset and the decisions he's making are starting to thicken the plot. While he was previously regarded as essentially Superman's identical blonde twin, now the differences between the two characters are starting to unfold. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns into Superman vs Ulysses for the endgame because it seems like that's where it's heading. However since this issue mostly provides its readers speculation, I have to say it's not as satisfying as previous issues. But I have faith that the payoff will be good.

Superman (2011) #36

Nov 28, 2014

Still love this run by Johns and Romita. The art is an acquired taste and I believe I've acquired it. I actually think this has been one of Romita's better works as I didn't enjoy his stay on Captain America as much. Some of the critics have mentioned they didn't enjoy this issue but I actually like how the differences between Ulysses and Superman are pitting two ideals against each other rather than the standard villain vs. good guy. While Neil seems a bit extreme, I can't completely root against him, we don't know the entire story yet so you can't just write him off as a bad guy and then leave it at that. There is some mystery that is left unsolved as we meet a strange alien or 4th dimension character and Neil for some reason does not want his parents going on the spaceship. There's definitely something more sinister going on. Excited for how this story is going to wrap up.

Superman (2011) #38

Feb 5, 2015

Not a bad ending of a unique story arc but not the best from Geoff Johns either. Ulysses character will probably reappear in the future but it looks like he'll be on the back burner for awhile. The pencils were a little sloppy on some panels, especially on the first few pages where there's a panel that looks like Superman has no ears from a 3/4 view. That being said, I enjoyed Romita Jr.'s take on Batman. Very similar to Capullo's Batman except Capullo tends to have more detailed and subdued lines than Romita. From solicitations, it looks like the next issue will focus on Jimmy Olsen knowing that Clark is Superman and the fact that his powers haven't returned to him yet. Plus the epilogue hints that the shadowy villain introduced in issue 34 is gonna be a player somewhere down the line. Not a bad arc but I feel like Johns can do better and if I'm completely honest even though the storyline was panned by critics, H'el on Earth was still my favorite event on the New 52 Superman title.

Superman (2011) #39

Mar 20, 2015

This book definitely shook some things up in a good way. Who knew that by losing his superpowers, Superman actually became more super. Standing in front of a gun and convincing a criminal to do the right thing when you know you're vulnerable actually is more inspiring than being invincible. Jimmy and Clark's bromance was also kind of funny since in different ways they are both misfits. It's a pity, Johns is bowing out of this book after only 7 issues but I'm excited for the upcoming Truth story arc.

Superman (2011) #40

Apr 30, 2015

I don't get why this issue has gotten so much hate. Sure it wasn't anything spectacular but it wasn't awful either. Although the main ingredient in issue #40 was lame jokes, it was actually kinda amusing to see Superman have a hangover. The new superpower is clever because a lot of people dislike Superman as a superhero because he is pretty much invincible if it wasn't for the inconvenience of being allergic to green rocks. Now you have a convenient "power" to blow up once and be human for a day. It's gonna be interesting to see how they can effectively integrate this and have it stay relevant. Other than that, it was good to see Romita get a chance to draw the other Justice League members. Love him or hate him, Romita's art is distinctive and you know right away who's pencils you're looking at. The writing was passable and plus you can't really judge a person's writing ability based on one interlude issue so I'll keep my opinion to myself. Other than that, bring on the Truth storyline, curious to see what it's all about.

Superman (2011) #42

Jul 29, 2015

Weirdest chapter to date. Hordr? What the hell is going on? Seems like a random terrorist group that literally pop up out of nowhere. For an event I anticipated, Truth is turning out to be a pretty scattered. The chapters between all the books don't flow well and so far the only ones I've cared for are in Action Comics. Eh, maybe the Batman/Superman ones too. It's odd that Clark and Lois are getting flirty in this issue since we know that Lois is on and off with some random dude and Supes is boning Wonder Woman (although I suspect that relationship could be on the outs soon). I feel like it's unfair to place the blame on Yang for this title's struggles especially when the first time he writes for DC, he has to adhere to event boundaries. So he never gets a chance to cut loose and really establish his tone with the character. But honestly, I can't think of anything noteworthy that happens in this issue. I mean the only thing worth mentioning is on the cover for chrissakes.

Superman (2011) #43

Aug 27, 2015

The Truth event has been a misfire and a wasted opportunity. Stripping Superman of powers could potentially lead to an interesting story but the scattered chapters are difficult to connect as a whole and serve the Superman mythos no benefit. Lois Lane is the smartest reporter in the DC universe but her actions in this issue seem impulsive and nonsensical. So if a terrorist group wasn't threatening to reveal Superman's secret and instead threatening to blow up a city, would Lois blow it up herself and tell Supes, "There, now you don't have to worry your conscience anymore?" It's making Lois look desperate and incompetent. While this issue did nothing to advance Superman's character, it did wonders in tearing down Lois. Sure it's fun to see hints of our favorite couple flirting but that doesn't cover up the fact that this event has turned out to be aimless. Sadly outside of Geoff Johns short stint, Superman has been one mess of a title and considering its DC's flagship superhero, it's a bit troubling. The Action Comics chapters have been good but the rest are forgettable. I'd hate to rag on Yang at his first big breakout but for some reason, he's striking out even though the man could be an awesome storyteller. Which begs the question, how are they going to conclude this event and make it meaningful in the long run?

Superman (2011) #50

Mar 17, 2016

I lost my powers but found a t-shirt in my size and got a bad ten-dollar haircut. Then I bought a motorcycle to drive to a random motel. A girl who I could've boned in another life gave away my secret in a news article. I fought ink monsters and robots with red cloth around my knuckles. It was fun so I joined an underground ufc club in Oakland where they dress in homoerotic costumes. I infiltrated a secret secret place to find that a very old angry man who is addicted to magic rocks has a plot to destroy the world with his kids. I then tried some green pop rocks myself that used to make me sick..but this time I got addicted. I brought my friends and we punched all of them. Then I got my powers back randomly, and remembered I had a spare suit tucked in my butthole. I grew back my hair in record time after it didn't grow for months. Next issue I meet a different version of me who is older, cooler, has a dope beard, wears a sick black costume, and had the pleasure of knocking Lois up. I wish I was that Superman, and that's the "Truth".

Superman (2011) #51

Apr 6, 2016

Holy hell, they got Supers right for once!!?!? Why couldn't they have done this sooner and not torture fans with that "Truth" nonsense?? Art is awesome, Janin's run on JLD and Grayson were fantastic and I would've picked this issue up for the art alone. It's a shame this event will end next month but I'm hopeful for rebirth. Excited Kara Zor-El will make an appearance because her series ended way too abruptly.

Superman (2016) #1

Jun 17, 2016

Excellent start, for once I may have enjoyed Superman more than Batman. I am excited for Super-sons. The premise is pretty cool, I mean Bruce and Clark have always had a solid friendship, so why not Jon and Damian? Poor Goldie...

Superman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

This was an awesome issue and unlike the New 52, this Superman title feels like it has a direction in storytelling. I'd never thought I'd enjoy reading a title about Superman as a dad but I love the dynamic between him and his young son, Jon who in the Batman Beyond title is seen as the Superman of the future, although Beyond is getting the Rebirth treatment soon with McGinnis returning as Batman so I dunno if things will be altered. I'm absolutely stoked to see Jon develop into a hero and am eagerly anticipating the shenanigans he'll have with his dad's best friend's son, a certain arrogant punk named Damian Wayne in Supersons.

Superman (2016) #6

Sep 12, 2016

I didn't think I would live to see the day when I liked reading Superman more than Batman, spoke too soon...

Superman (2016) #10

Nov 5, 2016

I wanna thank the person who decided to bring back Post-crisis Supes being happily married and getting freaky in the sheets to bring us Jon, who is gonna be an excellent foil to Damian's holier than thou attitude. Super-sons is going to be a fun read if this keeps up. Jon: "My dad can beat up your dad." Damian: "Shut up you half-breed alien!!"

Superman (2016) #16

Feb 3, 2017

Oz is scheming, we get it... Outside of the fact that I am overjoyed Captain Carrot is not a pet bunny anymore, I thought this issue kind of demolishes some of the excellent things Grant Morrison did with Multiversity. While it was nice to revisit a lot of the characters (I loved Multiversity by the way, PHUCKING LOVED IT!!) I thought it took away some of the more mysterious elements of the many earths that Morrison crafted. Does every earth have to become a culling ground for some evil baddie only to be saved by the Earth Prime heroes?? Also New Super-Man's meeting with our standard Big Blue could've been more interesting than eating dim sum on the rooftop where Batman could've potentially left his DNA all over when hanging out with Cat. Good thing Clark doesn't have blacklight vision...

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 3, 2017

I wished I just collected the four issues between Superman and Action and just read them all at once at the end of the month, I'd probably be more satisfied with this bogus cliffhanger of an issue. Clark Kent is now officially the creepiest stalker in all of humanity. Forcing a proposal on a first date with Lois and then kidnapping Jon?? What the hell is wrong with this guy??

Superman (2016) #19

Mar 17, 2017

Just so you know Mr. Oz doesn't actually appear in the comic unless Oz is really Jon or Lois or Superman or Jimmy Olson after visiting Paris during fashion week. And now that New 52 Superman is back, I just wanna mention that his costume looks like it would get incredibly warm, with the turtle neck and all. And Gleason's Myx is drawn way creepier than Mahnke and Churchill's Myx. Like way creepier...

Superman (2016) #20

Apr 6, 2017

Moral of the story: Don't drink organic milk. Drink milk with growth hormones and GMOs instead. Many Batmen died to bring us this information...

Superman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

This issue didn't pull any punches. Gut-wrenching storytelling. The Super family just keep running into some shady characters. Jon is having a rough year, from almost losing his parents to Myx to the real Black behind Black Dawn, the Kents just can't catch a break...

Superman (2016) #25

Jun 22, 2017

Poor cows...

Superman (2016) #27

Jul 20, 2017

The art was bit wonky at times but the book has good intentions. If you want action, you're better off looking elsewhere because this book is genuinely about what a typical American roadtrip for your everyday family is like. To me it was fun, nothing epic but a fun read. As a kid I did take roadtrips and as a kid I did have a history teacher that talked about the events, places, and people mentioned in this issue. So what I'm saying is, I give this book a solid score because it did make me feel like a kid again and that's something too.

Superman (2016) #34

Nov 3, 2017

Lois is a badass. It's a good thing Clark is actually a Kryptonian or he might not be able to keep up with his headstrong wife. Jon's powers are developing pretty fast, he's holding his own without his Pops around. Solid second chapter to a story arc that is standing out.

Superman (2016) #40

Feb 10, 2018

I don't like how Superman comes off as pretentious and worse, being oblivious of it in this issue. A wiser Superman would try to understand the situation before offering a solution. What Supes had in mind may not be well-received and I feel like Clark should know better. I mean if a goofball like Hal gets it, no excuse Clark shouldn't. This is my primary knock on this issue, the portrayal and characterization of Superman. I'm not sure what Bendis has planned for Big Blue but if this title is just gonna spin its wheels until the eventual relaunch with a new #1 this summer, then it's a damn shame because Rebirth made Superman great again...

Superman (2016) #45

Apr 29, 2018

Excellent finale to Tomasi and Gleason's run. The Rebirth era Superman has been a consistently good read and I hope Bendis knows what he's doing now that he's taking over. (Every time I see the "Bendis is Coming" double page ad in the recent DC books, I damn near have a heart attack...) This issue hits pretty close to home when Lois starts crying mopping up the floor where you can still see Jon's footprints as a baby. My sister recently moved from San Diego to San Francisco for a new job and when they were cleaning the old San Diego house after selling it, you could see finger smudges on some of the windows from when my nephew finally learned to stand as a seven month old. So yea this was a touching issue.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #12

Oct 12, 2014

This issue is a little odd. Superman and Wonder Woman fight like a married couple for the first time and the villain is a flower, no joke. Obviously Strife is involved in a plot twist since she's featured on the cover but there's a guest appearance from another DC character from a book that Charles Soule is also a writing, which was pretty fun. I'm just so glad that the Doomed storyline is over because while it started off good, it dragged so many titles that were tied into the arc that it became frustrating and almost intolerable.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #13

Nov 21, 2014

The shift in creative teams provided for an awkward issue. Tomasi tries to make Diana and Clark seem like a normal couple with their whole domestic life and date night but the way it's presented is a bit of clumsy. The villains in this issue are just meh and the story itself is forgettable. Unfortunately what isn't forgettable is how inconsistent Mahnke's art is on this issue. It'll be good for a few pages and then he'll draw a Superman that just looks distorted especially the face. It's a step down from last month's issue even though it had a few oddball moments. However, I'll admit I'm a big Charles Soule fan so I may be biased towards his work. I think Wonder Woman and Superman actually make an interesting couple but it's because they are both powerful Superheroes which makes the dynamic different. If they are going to force Clark and Diana into a standard relationship then they might as well revert Clark back to being shacked up with Lois Lane.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #18

Jun 17, 2015

First, Mahnke's art looks sharp and gorgeous this go around. While Truth has been decent so far, there hasn't been a chapter that really sticks with you yet. Throwing in the Suicide Squad seems a bit odd and looks slightly desperate but besides the first chapter of Truth in Action Comics, nothing has been too coherent in terms of the storytelling.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #20

Aug 19, 2015

One of the more interesting chapter in the Truth story although it was short on action, plenty of development in terms of plot. Hopefully they don't waste Diana's truth lasso interview with Lois next issue.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #22

Oct 21, 2015

This issue is pretty much an extended edition of the 8 page DCYou preview found in the back of the second month Convergence books. The art by Mahnke is strong and the facial expressions are skillfully contrived but if truth be told, I'm kind of hoping this title ends soon. Superman/Wonder Woman started off as a pleasant surprise with Soule and Tony S. Daniel but after Soule made his exit from the title (and all of DC for that matter) the book had some awkward in-between issues before being relegated to a tie-in series to the Superman "Truth" event (which I hope ends soon as well). In this issue, the relationship starts to fall apart, and Superman is becoming more and more hell-bent on returning to the status quo, because he's sick of wearing t-shirts and looking like a marine on leave at Comic-con. And at the end Superman kidnaps Parasite for who knows why. And voila we have another chapter in the books of an event that has overstayed its welcome. (For those looking for the genuine Superman, please see: Superman: Lois and Clark).

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #27

Mar 16, 2016

The best thing about this issue was the cover. Beautiful cover by Benes. Whoever did the interior art should be thankful he's even employed. Glad this stupid story is finally at an end. Superman/Wonder Woman used to be an excellent read. Now it's serves to tell the most pointless chapters of the biggest misfire in the short-lived DCYou.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #28

Apr 27, 2016

Art was brilliant this issue. Decent amount of action and some PG superhero on superhero romancing. I dig it.

Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #29

May 18, 2016

Storywise, this crossover fell apart after chapter two but the art has been consistently good. At this point, I'm just throwing my hands up in the air and praying Rebirth rights the DC ship. Besides Batman and Justice League, the New 52 era titles have all unraveled at this point. So many titles feel directionless at this point.

Superman Unchained #9

Nov 6, 2014

This was an excellent conclusion to an amazing run by Snyder. It was well worth the long wait. A little bummed that it's the end but it was brilliant while it lasted. Usually I have my reservations about a Jim Lee drawn book because his art often overpowers the story and you end up feeling like you're flipping through a very pretty picture book. Not so with Snyder's writing, he manages to weave in some intimate scenes in between the action packed splash pages. Lex Luthor was sort of given the short stick but the book ends with a surprise twist with the Wraith character which changes your opinion on him. Although not everyone is a Scott Snyder fan, I have to say he is the Chris Nolan of comic books and I happen to appreciate that. I hope somewhere down the road, the stars align again and Jim and Scott make another book. No offense to Geoff Johns but I wonder what a Scott Snyder written Justice League book would be like. If it's anything like this, it would be a real treat.

Superman: Lois and Clark #7

Apr 20, 2016

I am phucking excited for Rebirth now, I was already intrigued but this Superman just feels right being THE Superman. Sorry New 52 Superman, you were just had too much of an identity crisis for 52+ issues. Now will the real Kal-El please stand up?

Superwoman (2016) #15

Oct 12, 2017

Superwoman is a comic that never found its identity and after over a year with this title, I'm starting to wonder, does this title really need to exist at all? I mean you have characters like Zatanna, Swamp Thing, and Martian Manhunter just to name a few, who are sidelined without their own titles and then you read something like Superwoman and you really do scratch your head and go WTF mate?? I really don't care about this issue's new black hole villain or whatever, how can I when the title character is struggling to gain any traction in her own book?

Superwoman (2016) #17

Dec 16, 2017

The best thing I can say about this title is that the end is near...

Swamp Thing (2011) #40

Mar 4, 2015

This was a very satisfying conclusion and the way the art and story was handled was nothing less than masterful. In a war against the machines, the green army led by Holland as the avatar makes for some impressive scenes and the story is told both intimately and at a larger scale with a perfect balance. Although I would've enjoyed more focus on Abigail Arcane (and Anton) for that matter, the story was able to have a definitive endpoint without the reader feel like something was missing. It almost breaks the fourth wall with its creative take on storytelling. We meet an interesting character at a Philadelphia library that talks about how stories live on forever and Swamp Thing's story will be everlasting regardless of the war's outcome. It's an interesting take and I enjoyed it. Overall, Swamp Thing was a brilliant book and showed that the New 52 had a few hidden gems besides Batman and Wonder Woman. Also, while this series is indeed done, I can see Swamp Thing's character coming back in a new title as the solo character or perhaps part of whatever Justice League Dark turns into. Dark World perhaps?

Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 10, 2018

Why Swamp Thing still doesn't have a solo title in the Rebirth era is beyond me...

Teen Titans (2016) #1

Oct 26, 2016

This is a beautiful book. Jonboy Meyers is beyond excellent. Is it too late to make him happy and bring him back?? His art definitely makes the characters alive and it is fitting for this group of teen heroes. Definitely a lot of fun, I wont get in to the details because you will want to find out for yourself but I feel Damian is finally getting his due credit. With enough character development, he may be your favorite Robin yet, sorry Grayson but the punk is right, he's the blood son of Batman... Plus I don't feel too bad for Dick now that he's back as Nightwing and leading the Titans as it always should be. Maybe Teen Titans and Titans team-up with awkward exchanges between Nightwing and Starfire?? Also the roster could use a few more members. Would love to see Jon (the new Superboy and blood son of Supes) find his way on the roster soon...

Teen Titans (2016) #4

Jan 28, 2017

After Jonboy Meyers' departure, I haven't been enjoying the art as much, knowing what could've been. That's no disrespect to Pham, his pencils are still brilliant but for some reason< I found Meyers art more vibrant and fitting for Teen Titans. This is still a very good comic and one of the better offerings from DC Rebirth although I have to give Titans a slight edge just because of the chemistry between the members of that team. The Teen Titans team is in its beginning stages for the most part. Outside of Raven and Beast Boy, the members have yet to develop strong connections although with Damian's selfless acts against Mara and Ra's it looks like the team is finally coming together and next issue should be a blast. I like Starfire's role as the mentor, we all know she belongs with the Titans and would have some interesting interactions with a certain Dick Grayson but I feel Kori is doing something outside of her comfort zone with this new team. I am enjoying this comic although I can't say I love it yet. The storytelling is good for the most part but in a very rare instance, I personally think Marvel's equivalent to Teen Titans, Champions, is the better title between the two. And this is coming from a diehard DC fan...

Teen Titans (2016) #7

May 9, 2017

WHat is this Damian is baby Wolverine BS??

Teen Titans (2016) #12

Sep 13, 2017

By no means is this essential reading but it does let the reader explore the Metal world a bit more and I found it to be a fun read. With the lead-in to Nightwing 29 as its final page, I'm excited to see how Grayson fits into all this. Quinn and Croc showing up in the middle of nowhere seemed a bit random. Arrow's appearance makes more sense and I actually think Emiko and Damian were made for each other now that Olly mentioned it...

Teen Titans (2016): Lazarus Contract Special #1

May 31, 2017

Decent crossover. Not a very satisfying ending. The one take-away from this issue is that Damian is still a complete @$$hole. I kind of thought Damian had moved past that after his dust-up with his cousin and grandfather recently but I guess not. He's not fit to be the leader of the Teen Titans. He potentially ruined two speedsters which is not a smart move. Titan Wally now has a heart condition that severely limits his powers thanks to Damian's kung-fu moves. And Teen Wally is now at odds with Damian. Stupid on Damian's part for weakening both his team and Grayson's team. It was kind of funny when he thinks patting Raven on the head and saying, "there, there" would fix her. Damian, you're still such a little doosh. Can't wait for Jonathan Kent to whup your little bitch-ass, after he gets through his own issues right now...

Telos #1

Oct 9, 2015

Terrible first issue. Telos has always been a character with potential but he's being mishandled again and again. Convergence was the biggest wasted opportunity in recent time and the only benefit from it, is that writers are no longer constricted to the New 52 timeline and I'm expecting next week's Lois and Clark to hit it out of the park. But Telos is a mess of a comic. I honestly don't remember what I read except that they have a cowering, backstabbing version of Brainiac rather than the omnipotent supervillain up there with Darkseid and Anti-monitor that I usually think of. I think this title will crash and burn. It might not even complete its 12 issue run like it's supposed to.

Thanos vs. Hulk (2015) #1

Dec 9, 2014

All reviews are subjective and while this is a decent comic, I just don't like it that much. I was never fond of the cave-man speech when Banner becomes the Hulk because it makes the character seem stupid and to me, uninteresting. Also Pip the troll tricking Thanos so easily due to his ego makes the two title characters look like idiots. Also, from this first issue, it seems more like a team-up between Hulk and Thanos rather than a versus. Annihilus seems to be the primary antagonist in this story but I could be wrong. The art is ok but I don't care for it much. I dunno, this mini-series just doesn't hold my attention and I'll probably forget all about it by the time issue #2 rolls around.

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1

Feb 24, 2018

I digs it a lot. However, this event should totally have a reformed goblin as a temporary Robin to help save Tir Na Nog. Also Joshua Davidson should be banned from reviewing anything with Batman in it, since he hates the character. It'd be like having a hardcore vegan rating steakhouses and burger joints, it just don't make no sense...

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #2

Mar 21, 2018

Sharp's Batman reminds me a little of Van Sciver's Batman but this has been an interesting, fun, and weird surprise. It seems Diana is always caught in these type of sidequests be it from Celtic, Norse, or Greek mythology.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #1

Jan 4, 2017

Picked this up out of curiosity and this first issue wasn't that bad. This definitely took place during the New 52 era given Superman's turtleneck costume but I suspect Captain Atom will enter the Rebirth universe is some way, shape or form. I'll admit I don't know much about Captain Atom and did not read the short-lived New 52 run. From my understanding Captain Atom is potentially the strongest in terms of destructive power in the entire DC universe so his role could be interesting. From what I read on forums, Captain Atom could eliminate Doctor Manhattan by absorbing the Quantum field so with the Watchmen looming on the horizon, I can see Captain Atom making things interesting for DC.

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #6

Jun 7, 2017

This could've been the de facto Rebirth One-shot issue for Captain Atom but hopefully we get the real thing down the road. It's definitely taking part in the Rebirth timeline/world given the costumes of the Justice League on the last page. I would love to see an epic showdown between Captain Atom and Dr. Manhattan. Here's to hoping...

The Man of Steel (2018) #2

Jun 7, 2018

Wasn't a fan of the artist shuffle and they literally recycled Fabok's art for two issues straight with no real point (Why rehash something you are saving for later to go into detail with?). It was the last few panels of the last issue in a weekly series, I think we didn't forget it. It was odd. I like how Bendis is reviving the Daily Planet as something that matters because it's what grounds Clark in humanity. However, I don't like how Bendis jumps around plot points with such incoherence. Now I'm beginning to worry if Superman is in good hands with Bendis...

The Man of Steel (2018) #6

Jul 6, 2018

Bendis literally tore Superman down to the bare minimum, even removing Kara from the equation to top it all off. I was ok with this issue, the storytelling was coherent and consistent, although I'm still not a big fan of Rogol Zorr. He seems like another generic alien villain hellbent on destroying worlds. We have at least a dozen of those already. Jor-El's recent developments still seem out of character. In short, I'm conflicted about the direction Superman is headed in.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #6

May 2, 2016

Every time Marvel writes YOU DEMANDED IT! I feel like I'm being duped. I didn't particularly enjoy the crayon art of this issue especially when compared to the Dauterman's pencils. Definitely didn't demand that. And then we have the original Thor acting like a total douche who turns on people the instant they stop praying to him. WTF mate? Overall I hated this issue even though they now added yet another generic villain to the Thor mythos (well Marvel's version of it anyways).

The Mighty Thor (2015) #7

May 28, 2016

These past two issues have been insufferable. I can't stand the crayon art anymore and I could not care less about this Bodolf guy. The title character doesn't even make an appearance in this issue...

The Mighty Thor (2015) #706

Apr 26, 2018

Initially picked up Thor #1 back during the first Marvel NOW! out of curiosity and never once was let down by this series. Aaron is a masterful story teller and I'm sure there are more than a few haters of Jane Thor that privately now believe this comic title is worth its weight in gold. Don't want to spoil anything at all for readers. This comic is simply a fun time with a lot of heart. It's sad Jane's run as Thor is over because this series was something special. I know for a fact I will revisit these issues years down the road. For all comic lovers who haven't given this series a shot, you truly are missing out. Asgard and the nine realms is a fascinating place to spend some time in.

The Multiversity: Mastermen #1

Feb 19, 2015

It's inevitable this will be compared to Red Son which so far by consensus is better than Mastermen but there is still some good stuff explored in this issue. Unfortunately being a one-shot, the story abruptly concludes while we wish for further developments and honestly the briefness of this story is its ultimate downfall. Overman is hinted at being troubled by his past and is spending considerable energy trying to escape his past while still maintaining his power over the New Reichsman which is pretty much a Nazi Justice League. An Uncle Sam hero and his freedom fighters show up for only a few panels before bombing the hell out of a few places which makes you wonder if Americans are now the primary members of terrorist movements. Overall, there's a bunch of interesting what-if's that never gets fleshed out which is disappointing. But I'm afraid even if it does get fleshed out, it'll just bear a lot of similarities to Red Son so Morrison really needed to get creative in order to separate his story from Mark Millar's which didn't happen. Also, while not everyone loves Jim Lee's art, to me it's always a treat to see interior work from his pencils. I wish they made this issue longer, I would've gladly paid $7.99 for a jumbo issue like the Multiversity Guidebook if it meant for space for story-telling.

The New 52: Futures End #27

Nov 5, 2014

It's starting to build to the climax of the story. Batman vs Batman Beyond is teased in this issue and that's going to be fun to watch unfold. Green Arrow's team launching an assault on Cadmus is something I also anticipate. Terry McGuinnis still seems incompetent as a super detective but that's part of his charm...I think. It's starting to get good and there will be a lot of action to come. I'm interested on what's to become of Frankenstein, Stormwatch, Brainiac, and Superman but those storylines were untouched for this issue. Brother Eye may just be a ruse, even though it was invented by Holt and Wayne. I wouldn't be surprised if Brainiac turns out to be the major player, in the last issue of Doomed, there were hints that he would play a part in Future's End.

The New 52: Futures End #28

Nov 13, 2014

A step back in my opinion after a solid few issues in the past month. Not much dialogue between Bruce and Terry which is a shame because now you have standard fare fighting that isn't too memorable especially if the art is only so-so. Fifty Sue also has got to be the most annoying character in the New 52 by far. Again cliffhangers all around. I want more on the Lois story. Future's End can sometimes be a mess with all the subplots they're trying to weave. I guess it's necessary in a weekly series because you could probably tell each subplot's story in about 12 issues. Future's End was an ambitious book but unfortunately with multiple parallel stories, different writers and artists, there's been more missteps than I a reader can forgive. I remember being super excited after issue 0 and 1 and then things started getting messy. It looks like Maddy is about to be turned into a new Firestorm in that teleporter too. I hope the finale is worth it because I've trudged through a lot of mud to get there.

The New 52: Futures End #29

Nov 21, 2014

The cover actually gives a lot away if you can put two and two together. This was a more intimate issue and the action was relatively subdued as we build to the climax. Usually what makes Future's End frustrating to read are the endless cliffhangers but this issues ties up a lot of loose strings regarding the Firestorm plot. Although where the characters are gonna go from here is anybody's guess. I am super excited to read about the assault on Cadmus next week hopefully it'll be a real fun trip.

The New 52: Futures End #30

Nov 26, 2014

Plenty of action in this issue but unfortunately it felt very rushed. It's like getting a "C" on a homework assignment you did on the car ride to school, the morning it was due. So many things were just glossed over, like Lois and Red Tornado, Deathstroke and Grifter. Also clunky dialogue and some awful art ruins what at least could've been a fun issue despite some lapses in writing. There is a panel of Power Girl's face that just looks grotesque and the proportions of faces are just off on so many pages, it's somewhat embarrassing that it's been published. A wasted opportunity to wrap up the Cadmus Island storyline. Honestly, I feel Future's End was an ambitious and promising project ruined by the fact that it needed to be a weekly. There have been more missteps than triumphs in Future's End and even now, I feel like they introduced Batman Beyond for no particular reason since the character has barely done anything noteworthy. Forever Evil was a well polished story served in good hefty portions which I loved. With Future's End we usually get a bunch of messy issues that simply don't feel like a coherent storyline.

The New 52: Futures End #32

Dec 10, 2014

Art's solid but the story is kind of random. I still think they're wasting Batman Beyond's character, he spends so much time being a damn tourist and nothing else really. And considering he's ran into Bruce Wayne's Batman, I'd expect more interaction between the two. Stormwatch just kinda shows up outta nowhere although I was interested on the Braniac drones they saw out in space. There are some funny moments between Lana and Grifter/Cole Cash though. I dunno, issues like this are tedious to read. I'm most interested on Superman's story now and really just hope they stick a fork in Cadmus island already.

The New 52: Futures End #33

Dec 17, 2014

Art is up to snuff again. A lot of hinting at this and that. Again it's an issue where nothing much happens. New Firestorm Maddi gets her first shot at fighting Dr. Yamakaze/Polaris. Plastique and Terry flirt. The only interesting premise with Stormwatch is over in the first 4 pages. If you have a friendly comic shop, pull up a chair and read it. It might take 15 minutes. When you're done put it back, end of story.

The New 52: Futures End #35

Dec 31, 2014

Holy $#!%!! This is what Futures End is all about. This is the best issue by far and it's not even close. Batman Beyond finally moves into action and we see some explosive scenes between Batman, Batman Beyond, and the Batman/Joker hybrid that's manipulated by brother eye. Ends on a cliffhanger but that's expected. The dialogue between Ray Palmer and Amethyst discloses information regarding S.H.A.D.E. and the impending conflict with Brainiac so it was very necessary. Also thank God for Lana Lang actually calling out 50 Sue for being an annoying murderous Psycho trapped in an 8 year old's body. Took 35 issues but hopefully it stays this good the rest of the way until Convergence.

The New 52: Futures End #40

Feb 4, 2015

Very enjoyable issue and this issue has some staying power as scenes unfold with some weight to it unlike previous issues where it's all exposition and you forget about it the moment you finish. It's good to see Supes, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Batman in a few panels. Brainiac invasion plus Darkseid returning means the summer event from DC is gonna be a hectic one. If they pull it off right, then they'll solidify the New 52 timeline as well as marry some elements people loved from the previous timelines via Convergence in April.

The New 52: Futures End #41

Feb 11, 2015

Well=paced action and solid art, about all you could ask for from this weekly. It's nice to see Batman and Superman prominently in this issue. Looks like Convergence is already starting as we see Hawkman and Multiverse versions of him in a few panels. Great issue, Brainiac looks like he's getting ready to wreak havoc and Mr. Terrific and Bruce are in for a confrontation. Meanwhile Terry McG looks like he's ready to join the final act's assuredly intense action. Oh and this summer Batman Beyond finally gets his own stand alone title. Kudos DC.

The New 52: Futures End #44

Mar 4, 2015

Weeklies are ambitious projects and tough to pull off well and Future's End proves that. While the story had a few, alright several missteps, the concluding chapter has been very fun and action packed with the outcome having some significance in the grand scheme of things. Although I think it's odd how they dealt with Brainiac in this particular issue. We'll see how this arc wraps up in less than a month so it's safe to say that I will stick with this title until its end.

The New 52: Futures End #45

Mar 12, 2015

Another solid issue from a series that had a mucked up middle. The first couple of pages with Frankenstein and Amethyst was surprisingly poignant. It'll be interesting to see how the story concludes and how it'll tie into Convergence. The art was awesome for this issue. And it looks like they're at least taking time with the pencils in their weeklies.

The New 52: Futures End #48

Apr 2, 2015

Future's End has its moments but overall the payoff was more of a slap in the face than anything else. I felt like I was duped. First they kill off Terry McGinnis, who just might be as cool or cooler than Dick Grayson as Nightwing, for no apparent reason and then proceeds to end with how we are in a post-apocalyptic world where the heroes lose and Eye has won. I'm at a loss for words. Maybe after we read the 8 issues of Convergence, we get a better resolution but if you've read Future's End since issue #1, you've already invested roughly $160 on this story and now they want you to shell out around $40 to read Convergence with no guarantee of a satisfactory ending? Thank God, my local comic shops provide chairs and that the owner is friendly enough to let you read entire comics on the regular without buying. On top of that if you read the sister book, World's End which is arguably even worse, you just paid roughly $300 for a spectacular kluster-phuck of an event that leaves your wallet as drained as your soul. Kudos DC, you are the true villains, perhaps Brother Eye is a metaphor for you guys as a company...

The Silencer #4

Apr 28, 2018

Great issue, the conflict between Deathstroke and Silencer is actually more believable than his beef with Batman.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #22

Aug 16, 2017

Weapon H would've been cool if not for the fact that Bizarro was conceived the same way and Doomsday already has pokey things sticking out of his body.

Thor (2014) #2

Nov 13, 2014

This is good stuff. I realize people are quick to say Marvel is trying too hard to revamp/appeal to more readers with a new Captain America, a new Thor, having Wolverine bite the dust, turning Tony Stark into an evil Superior version that apparently worked for Spidey but Thor is a good book regardless on what gender he/she is. It's fun to see her explore her new powers, seeing her discover how to fly was enjoyable. While her identity is still a mystery, you don't care about that now because the new perspective on the world provides enough that readers will be satisfied with.

Thor (2014) #3

Dec 10, 2014

Holy $#!&, the last page honestly makes me wish issue #4 comes out tomorrow. I really dig Jason Aaron's writing. He has honestly made me care about a character I previously couldn't care less about. The female Thor is becoming a very endearing character. Reading her thought bubbles, the audience knows she is still a little unsure of herself but still fights with conviction regardless. She phucks up plenty of Frost Giants in this issue and it's a ton of fun. Malekith is still being his sneaky, sneering self but that last page is where it's at. Still on board for lady Thor for sure.

Thor (2014) #6

Mar 12, 2015

Another great chapter. The scene with Jane Foster was a bit random but it gave an opportunity for Thor (dude with arm missing) to show his humanity. Surprisingly there was very little Thor (lady with that cool metal mask still hiding her identity). Things are still being setup but it looks like the payoff should be solid.

Thor (2014) #7

Apr 15, 2015

Jason Aaron is killing it. Thor with a female lead is officially a success. Doubters be damned! Epic heavy metal music should be playing while you read this comic. These battle scenes for some reason are not so generic that you forget them the moment you turn the page. Seeing Thor bloodied up and sending the Destroyer flying through the oil rigs of Roxxon was ridiculously satisfying. And now that the cavalry has arrived, I can only imagine the excitement issue #8 will bring. All the while sneaky Malekith is up to something and the interjections barely muck up the pacing of the story. Is Thor really Roz, who knows? But one thing's for sure, Thor is definitely one of the top 5 Marvel comics if not top 5 overall hitting today's comic stores. It's a real treat and I'm hoping it has a shot of making it into the MCU canon someday. Also has Thor (the male one) permanently forgotten how to put on a shirt?

Thor (2014) #8

May 13, 2015

Secret Wars may not be a bad event but it's certainly screwing everything up. With every comic concluding with, "There is only Secret Wars", you kinda wish that wasn't true because this coulda been a long and interesting saga if not for this rude interruption. Obviously Jane as Thor would not last forever but it's a shame it's abruptly concluded at issue 8 with a vague possibility of being revived after Secret Wars. Also there was no need for a lot of the guest stars to be there, Jessica Drew Spider-Woman being particularly out of place. Aaron has been on a roll with Thor and Star Wars and Dauterman has art that is the perfect blend of cartoony realism. I'm hoping once the Secret Wars hulabaloo is over and done with, we get back to properly good comics like this one.

Titans (2016) Annual #1

Mar 29, 2017

A good annual that actually has implications for the Titans series moving forward. Anytime we get to see more of Barry and Wally together is always a treat. I'm on the fence with Diana and Donna's relationship. The whole identity crisis Wonder Woman is currently going through is kind of iffy for me. Missing in this dynamic that would've been interesting is Superman and Superboy, the Conner Kent version not his current biological son, Jonathan. I'm actually hoping that somewhere down the road, that Superboy makes a return.

Trinity (2016) #9

May 17, 2017

Manapul's art is always brilliant, unfortunately the storytelling is again forgettable. I barely remember what went on for the past few issues of Trinity even though they keep reminding us in book. I'd hate to say this but after 9 months, Trinity feels like fluff. You aren't missing much if you don't read it and you are getting much if you do. It's just kind of there... I find it odd that while the Watchtower is under deadly attack, Bruce, Diana, and Clark are just chilling by a lake in civilian clothes. If Cyborg didn't boom tube them, what, do they go for a swim while the rest of the JL die?

Trinity (2016) #11

Jul 20, 2017

Manapul's art is pleasant, the story is medium grade fare but it's no worse than the Justice League title.

Trinity (2016) #12

Aug 20, 2017

This issue proves the cast of Justice League Dark need their own books. Hellblazer alone isn't cutting it. JLD was one of the best New 52 offerings before they killed it prematurely. Trinity is an odd title. It jumps from story to story and at times can be incoherent. This issue is continued from the annual from about a month and a half ago but doesn't really explain how Ra's and Circe got their hands on Red Hood and the Outlaws. This title needs more polish, it's lackluster at best although the occasional Manapul issues have stunning art.

Trinity (2016) #18

Feb 24, 2018

Batman riding a pink-orange maned unicorn named "Biscuits" is worth a 10 alone.

Trinity (2016) Annual #1

May 31, 2017

DC Rebirth needs to embrace some of their Justice League Dark characters. Seeing Etrigan reminded me that during New 52, Demon Knights was actually pretty good. With Rebirth, they have a blank slate again, so it would make sense to bring back some characters that are beloved by the DC community. Swamp Thing and Zatanna need to shown some love. And DC Rebirth Universe is sorely lacking some Martian Manhunter... As for this annual it's a little scatterbrained and the scenes where Bruce, Diana, and Clark are out of costume were more enjoyable then the ones as Supes, Bats, and Wondy. Guillem March's art was definitely missed and I'm glad he pencilled the whole issue.

Uncanny Inhumans #0

Apr 2, 2015

First of all, McNiven's pencils are again gorgeous as phuck!! The art is stunning. And second Mr. Soule is an awesome storyteller so this issue was a pleasing teaser of what's to come and I'm excited! However, with that being said, I'm kind of pissed inside when I see the Uncanny adjective attached to the Inhumans on a title. It looks like Marvel is not even trying to hide the fact that they are stonewalling the X-Men franchise simply due to the movie rights. Although people hate on Fox, it's still technically Marvel's fault. I mean who else do you have to blame when you were on the brink of bankruptcy during the 90's and had to sell off your most popular character rights to movie studios in order to stay afloat? It's a little unsettling when Axel has to go on twitter to tell fans that the X-Men aren't really going off into a separate universe after Secret Wars despite rumors. Plus there's an Inhumans movie by Marvel studios in the works and there are no X-Men in the new Avengers roster. I'm really hoping Marvel finds a way to settle their beef with Fox like they did with Sony. Ending the Fantastic Four title was another nail in the coffin. Obviously Fox is giving the finger to Marvel by rebooting FF but I'm skeptical about that move because we all know how that turned out with Sony and Spider-Man. We'll see what happens but in a perfect world the FF and Spider-Man would be around in the upcoming Civil War movie and we can only dream about an Avengers vs X-men movie...

Weapon X (2017) #1

Apr 12, 2017

Pak's writing is usually great but side effects of Greg Land's art includes vomiting, nausea, seizures, severe migraines, and erectile dysfunction so ask your doctor if Weapon X is right for you.

Wonder Woman (2011) #35

Oct 29, 2014

Satisfying conclusion to an excellent run. I will miss Cliff Chiang's exquisite art. Its distinct style has made Wonder Woman a unique book that has been on my pull list since issue 1 of the New 52. Azzarello and Chiang have crafted a book that will be recommended in years to come. I'll be honest and say that I previously have never cared much for a Wonder Woman book but the combination of Greek mythology with a splash of new age superheroes has made this book epic. I hope the new stand alone Wonder Woman movie will integrate elements of this New 52 run. There are a few interesting twists in this issue. I appreciate how Azzarello manages to show genuine human emotion in Wonder Woman although she is ultimately a god of Olympus.

Wonder Woman (2011) #36

Nov 19, 2014

New directions are like relaunches. They're hit or miss and this is sort of in the middle. I still hear tons of gripes over Wonder Woman's origin but I was ok with it. I was willing to accept a different origin if it meant good stories and Azzarello delivered so I find it forgivable. This new direction actually doesn't really establish a direction at all. (Actually Wonder Woman kinda acts like Supergirl in this issue with the anger and identity issues, which is bad considering I always though Wonder Woman was more of a role model figure for young Kara Zor-El instead if a peer) It introduces the Justice League and Swamp thing in one issue and I'm not sure it's really necessary. I hate it when books introduce the League for no apparent reason. We already have a book dedicated to the Justice League, unless it's absolutely necessary, I'd prefer the solo book to be focused on the main character. David Finch's art is by no means bad, but for some reason the baby face doll look makes Wonder Woman look like she's regressed to prepubescent years and it seems off given the striking God of War Wonder Woman Chiang had previously drawn. As a matter of fact, Finch's Superman also kinda looks like he's a teen as well. It'll take me a few more issues to come to a proper opinion about the story but the art is throwing me off a little and I'd hate to say it but Finch's art is sometimes hard to differentiate from your Jason Faboks and Tony S. Daniels.

Wonder Woman (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

Pretty pictures in this comic but the substance is lacking when compared to the previous epic story arc. Although Finch's art isn't bad, it is somewhat generic. It's your standard fare where women are drawn all the same being busty, toned, and very sexualized. It's a far cry from Chiang's art that made Diana look rather fierce. Unfortunately as the art goes from distinct to status quo so does the writing. I applaud Meredith for trying to involve more characters from the DC Universe but so far most of the appearances seem irrelevant and in fact both times are somewhat odd. Swamp Thing is simply glossed over in last issue and the kung fu stick match between Diana and Clark was a pretty random scene. It took revealing Donna Troy for the first time in New 52 continuity to inject any excitement. I'm a little disappointed two issues in because Wonder Woman was such a good title during the inception of the New 52 that this seems like a shame. Meredith needs to hone in on Diana's emotions more. The conviction she had when she was tied up and stabbed by first born, her good intentioned naivete when she struck Hephaestus and wanted to free her brothers, and her compassion as she begged for the the sake of Zola and Zeke at the end of issue 35. Actually now that I stop and think about, what does become of Zola and Zeke?

Wonder Woman (2011) #38

Jan 27, 2015

This was a good chapter all things considered. Meredith Finch still needs time to solidify her direction while also introducing new characters so I'll give her until the end of this arc to judge her ability to write Wonder Woman. It started off kinda shaky with issue 37 and the almost non-consequential appearance of Swamp Thing. But three issues in, it looks like we could have a good story yet. I'm interested to see how Donna Troy's character plays out.

Wonder Woman (2011) #40

Apr 2, 2015

I really don't know what Meredith Finch wants to do with Wonder Woman. After five issues in, I'm still confused on what she's trying to do. Diana is just bickering with random Amazons about how she is not taking her responsibilities seriously. Also getting way too many guest appearances in a title that previously was guest appearance free. IMO, too many guest appearances is a sign of weak writing. It's a gimmick meant to cover up empty plots and pointless dialogue. Previously Wonder Woman felt like a genuine epic, now it's relying on pretty art by David Finch (which has actually gotten sloppy on a few panels in this issue) to carry the title. I dunno man, I just feel like this title is going nowhere. Wonder Woman used to be consistently ranked as a top 100 comic during Azzarello's tenure but I highly doubt WW is ranking this year. And I hate how they're reinventing Donna Troy into a soulless puppet for villainous schemes. It's just not sitting well with me. I dunno what's holding Meredith Finch back, every time I think she's about to shake things up, she lets her foot off the gas and just shifts to neutral. Do something crazy with the story Meredith, I dare ya. And no, having a random villain from the aftermath of the First Born falling into the pit doesn't count.

Wonder Woman (2011) #41

Jun 18, 2015

Some magic that made Wonder Woman a must-read was lost after Chiang and Azzarello bowed out but in issue 41, I sense a return to some of what made this title one of the best of the now defunct New 52. Perhaps it's the guest appearances from Zola and Zeke (who potentially could be a very interesting character being that he's a son of Zeus). But overall, I appreciate the gesture that Diana wants to grow into a queen/god and ditch her former self who tends to be a bit too trusting at times. With a new mysterious villain, I want to see how this story unfolds. I'm optimistic and hope that the growing pains with the Finches are mostly over.

Wonder Woman (2011) #43

Aug 19, 2015

Wonder Woman still feels stuck in a rut. For a title I once considered second to Batman in the New 52 continuity, it now has fallen off quite a bit. The only reason I'm giving this an above average score is because Finch is starting to use characters I found intriguing during Azzarello's run. But she's doing little to further develop them, which is a damn shame. Furthermore, Finch seems lost on how to characterize Donna Troy. Donna Troy is a weak, meandering soul with no grasp on her own life. It would be tragic if it wasn't so pathetic. When she talks with the Fates, she's effectively requesting suicide over being a brainwashed puppet that was forced to kill people. I had a hard time coming to grips with that. Sure it could work if Finch dared to dive deeper into Troy's psyche so we know what she's really thinking and why she's in a state of despair other than the shallow, "oh I killed people, so I can't be redeemed" attitude we're getting. On top of that, the action sequence with Aegeus seems pretty random and was off-pace. Sigh, if only Wonder Woman wasn't one of my favorite characters, I'd consider dropping this title already.

Wonder Woman (2011) #45

Oct 22, 2015

This issue was disappointing. You kill off two characters that were underdeveloped and then you introduce another evil goddess? Maybe Donna will find a way back to life since these are comics but why kill off a character you barely fleshed out especially since people were already kinda peeved by it? And Donna's blue-haired friend? That was a total waste. I expected her to be Zola 2.0 but I guess not. I'm really hoping for a creative team change soon.

Wonder Woman (2011) #48

Jan 21, 2016

Is it just me or has the last few issues been so random, the title now feels disconnected? I had to go back to issue #47 to figure out what was going on, only to find that issue 47 had nothing to do with issue 48. Issue 47 might as well have been a one shot. Also Diana's new costume must take forever to wash at the dry cleaners because it's disappeared for 2 issues and now she's back in her stripper outfit. I enjoy David Finch's pencils but if this title doesn't correct itself soon, it's really going down the toilet. Issues #41-46 might not have been an amazing story arc but at least the issues felt connected. It's interesting that the only DC books I consider must-reads have had the same writer since the new 52 inception: Batman and Justice League. Everything else has fallen off a cliff. Except for Grayson, that book is dope.

Wonder Woman (2011) #50

Mar 24, 2016

This actually wasn't that bad now that I don't expect much from Meredith Finch. I just hate how naive she makes Diana, she's handed a bowl of water and now she assumes the Cyclops are good? I might've missed how Ares came back to life but the exchange between him and Diana reminds me of past issues when Azzarello was at the helm. The art by David Finch was good but when the fill-in artist stepped in, it felt like it was drawn by a fifth grader trying to copy Finch's style. That dragon must've been fun for David to draw because it looks like he took the time to fill in every detail. The backup story with Donna Troy has been the best one I've read in all the issue 50's so far. The art was good but there are a few problems with the story. It does feel like Donna is cursed even when she tries to do some good. Poor girl.

Wonder Woman (2011) #52

May 18, 2016

Not perfect by any means but the art was beautiful and as erratic as Meredith Finch's writing has been, I can tell she put in a lot of effort in this final issue. The ending is a bit depressing but it drives home what makes Diana grounded as a god and part of humanity. Wonder Woman is a Rebirth title I am very excited for.

Wonder Woman (2011) Annual #1

Jun 3, 2015

Decent final chapter but good lord did some plot points just get glossed over. Ok, so the random alien dudes who had hives of random people just went home after Cyborg said he could fix it? What about all those people then? I mean Diana was crying over them a few issues ago and now the aliens who did all that, get to go home scott free? Also I hate what they did to Donna Troy, HATED. She was a mindless killer who is now resigned to rotting in prison. Talk about spitting on one of the most cherished DC characters or at least Teen Titan. You can say the art is good but if I'm honest, I've seen better from David Finch. The adjunct chapter was a pleasant surprise and redeemed the issue for at least 2.5 points. The background story was almost essential because without it a lot of plot holes are left unfilled. Overall, Wonder Woman could be doing worse. I hope the refresh (the word reboot is sort of taboo in the comic world these days...) will help Meredith find her voice because I do realize she still had some loose ends to tie up from Azzarello's run. I just hope Wonder Woman doesn't just go back to being a run of the mill comic like it used to be.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

I'll give this a 10, it's been awhile since a comic has been this rewarding in awhile. Liam Sharp's pencils are absolutely gorgeous, beyond drawing Wonder Woman, his ability to capture a rain forest/jungle is superb. Hats off to the colorist too, he definitely makes Sharp's pencils come to life. For those of you who have read Rucka's previous WW run, this should feel familiar yet new, like a fine dish you've had before except prepared with slightly different ingredients and perhaps a tweaked method. With the reintroduction of many of WW's supporting cast including Candy and a more classic feeling Steve Trevor, we get the classic feel of WW. The one thing I hated about New 52 WW was just how naive and juvenile she felt, especially during the Finchs run. It felt Diana was stuck in her young princess mode and now it feels like she is as strong and wise as Hippolyta. We'll see what happens plot wise, because besides introducing characters and setup, not much is divulged in this issue.

Wonder Woman (2016) #17

Feb 24, 2017

Sharp's art is keeping me interested but they really need to figure out Diana's identity and have her back in the thick of a genuine adventure instead of flashbacks to year one and hallucinating about the snake that phucked with Eve and Mowgli. Stop hating on Azzarello's run Rucka, you ain't on that level yet... In fact Azzarello is the reason I'm reading this stuck in neutral storyline that's been going on for the better part of a year. I thought Wonder Woman was consistently top 3 during the initial New 52 run and the title went from being ignored to the top of my pull list and now my interest is seriously waning... Bring back First Born, that guy isn't doing anything and I'd hate to see him at the unemployment line.

Wonder Woman (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

Beautiful art, rambling and incoherent story. What's Azzarello up to these days?

Wonder Woman (2016) #25

Jun 28, 2017

The last bit between Diana and Steve Trevor saved this issue, otherwise I thought it was a little random. First you're out in the middle of the desert fighting with your team. Then it cuts to Etta and some foreshadowing. Then she asks to revert Minerva back to her normal self. Then she meets with Bats and Supes about her lasso. Gets it back via magic and caps it all off, shagging Steve. I mean I guess it was an eventful day at least...

Wonder Woman (2016) #26

Jul 12, 2017

I get it's hard for a new creative team to take over a series that was doing well but this issue just doesn't excite me for what's coming next. I had some complaints about Rucka's writing seemingly throwing a lot of Diana's origin and continuity in limbo but The Truth turned out to be a solid read. I'm not sure about this but I will see where it goes. The art is bit cartoony for what I've gotten used to from Wonder Woman but it's not bad.

Wonder Woman (2016) #27

Jul 26, 2017

I talked a lot of $#%& about Meredith Finch's short run on Wonder Woman but this is arguably worse... And even though the art isn't bad per se, it's cartoony style is kind of jarring especially coming off of Liam Sharp and Evely's beautiful pencils.

Wonder Woman (2016) #28

Aug 17, 2017

This book needs to right the ship ASAP. I used to think Meredith Finch has had the worst WW run in recent memory, I now stand corrected. I know this creative team will be stepping off soon but I'm skeptical of the next team as well. Wonder Woman deserves better than this...

Wonder Woman (2016) #31

Sep 28, 2017

Art's good, plot's weird, pacing's off. One minute you're in the middle of nowhere and then it cuts to LA. They need to make Grail more complex of a character. She's just not that interesting. Also since Darkseid is now a kid, is this after Metal?? Because from what I know, he's still a baby that Batman has been carrying around in an oversized fanny-pack. However, I'm still gonna give it a pass because it could get more interesting. If they bring back the Greek gods, it could make for some epic storytelling. But then again, after Heart of an Amazon, I'd probably think Diana opening up an ice cream shop with only three flavors would be a better story arc than the past one.

Wonder Woman (2016) #32

Oct 12, 2017

I can't help but think Wonder Woman has lost its direction after Rucka stepped off. I will never change my mind about Azzarello's run. While people to this day gripe about changing Diana's origin, it was one of the most focused and consistent runs I've read in the past decade from the big two. More impressive was the fact that a coherent epic was told in the span of three years without any egregious missteps. I had hopes for "children of the gods" but so far it can't hold a candle to what Azzarello built during his tenure. I realize it's only been two issues but when I finished issue #1 of New 52, I was hooked. This was supposed to tie up some loose ends of Geoff Johns' Darkseid War but it's been a weird start. The inclusion of Hercules makes no sense and to be honest Jason wasn't that hard to find. It literally took a plane ride and an afternoon to find this long lost brother who didn't seem very lost at all...

Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #1

May 31, 2017

A nice collection of short stories but the first encounter between the Trinity was a little underwhelming. Also I don't know if I'm the only one but I'm low-key bugged by the post Superman Reborn costume after the New 52 and Post-Crisis Supermans (AKA Pokemon Blue Version and Pokemon Red Version)fuse into one. During their first encounter shouldn't Supes be wearing his original red tights on the outside suit or at least the first Rebirth costume?? Oh and Wonder Woman having an island of pet baby Kaiju is actually kinda cool.

Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #2

Jun 7, 2018

I'll admit I'm a sucker for Star Sapphire Diana which is why I'm giving this a decent score. However, this story seems like a weird tangent to the Dark Gods storyline that it's messing up the pacing of the an arc that I actually thought was ok.

Wonder Woman (2016): Steve Trevor Special #1

Jun 7, 2017

I'll be honest and say I picked this up because the relationship between Diana and Steve was so good in the WW movie and was riding on that high. I almost cried man tears when Trevor made the ultimate sacrifice and I'm convinced it definitely was for real, because if you think about it, the movie is a giant flashback and in the present Diana thanks Bruce for "bringing (Steve) back to her" by being able to locate the original photo and Steve's watch. So it feels like the last time Diana saw Steve was literally right before he jumps on that plane. The comic is take it or leave it... It's mostly about Steve, Diana is a sidenote.

Wonder Woman/Conan #1

Sep 21, 2017

Fun read, not essential by any means but it DC team-ups are usually fun. Batman and the Shadow has a bit better plot but this is all action. I wonder who would win in a match Red Sonja or Diana?

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

This is actually the Rebirth title I was most excited for but it isn't my favorite... I applaud Rucka to try to make Diana's two origins cohesive but the two back-stories simply cannot coexist, eventually something has to give or else we're gonna have some frustrating and confusing story-telling. My guess is that the new version will stick simply due to the fact of Jason, Diana's supposed fraternal twin brother. After killing off Zeke, Jason could provide some answers to a few questions, especially since from issue #52 we see Zeus return to full form. Splitting Wonder Woman into two separate story arcs will be interesting but for the love of all things good and holy, I hope it's not like that for the rest of the way. I dig the new costume, surprisingly it would have fit better with Azzarello and Chiang's run but it's beautiful nonetheless. I hope Diana being a daughter of Zues won't be completely abandoned, while being born of clay is the classic telling of Diana's birth, I always thought being a god of Olympus is very fitting for Diana. Rebirth has been good so far, hopefully DC keeps it up.

World's Finest (2012) #28

Nov 12, 2014

I liked this issue. Not an epic story by any means but it's fun to get some background on Earth 2 counterparts of the Trinity. I mean after all, they're all dead by the end of issue 1 of Earth 2. Seeing Bruce and Clark as kids was amusing. Can't believe these little brats will become such mighty heroes. I dig the Roman mythology parallels to Earth 1's Greek mythology of Wonder Woman. Also, I'm really curious about how Steppenwolf managed to charm Diana and end up having a daughter with her. That relationship has a lot of intrigue. I'll probably forget the details of this issue by next Wednesday but it was a fun read nonetheless.

World's Finest (2012) #29

Dec 11, 2014

Worlds' Finest has turned into a strange comic. It's still enjoyable but unlike the run with Huntress and Power Girl there is no cohesive story that one issue builds from the previous. These issues are honestly random flashbacks narrated by Red Tornado/Lois Lane. It's still a fun comic but so far all of them feel like one-shots. Yes you do get a character back from the last issue when Wonder Woman saves Bruce and Clark as kids but that's about it. I am enjoying the unique artwork though, it reminds me of the Bronze age with the cartoony rendering.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #2

May 1, 2017

I dunno if I'm the only one but I'm really tired of the thinly veiled political commentary on the current administration. I'm not even getting into the "hidden" political messages that Syaf pulled in issue 1. I'm talking about how deporting mutants is essentially a parallel to the threat to deport illegal immigrants from the States. I also pick up Green Arrow which was a solid title for DC Rebirth but the past arc is essentially talking about the Dakota pipelines. While I agree with certain points, I hate how comics are trying so hard to tie into current political events. It's fine in small doses and if written well. As a kid comics were an escape, allowing me to take brief break from my chores and homework, giving me a breather. Now some comics are smothering me with the crap that's plaguing news media outlets and it's defeating the purpose of why I read comics in the first place.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #3

May 7, 2017

I have problems with the last scene during the exchange with Nance. It was essentially pointless other than the cool "We're the X-Men" and showing Kitty's leadership but here's why the scene ultimately falls apart, it didn't accomplish anything. They went in with accusations and not a lot of hard evidence or proof. And technically they did break in and knock out security guards while also physically threaten Nance with mutant powers. If that exchange was all caught on say a security camera, Nance could easily use that against the X-Men. When reading that panel where Prestige picks up Nance in midair, I thought she would've also probed her mind for proof she was behind the brotherhood of evil mutants. She didn't... All in all this was the X-Men book I was looking forward to and so far it's been a letdown smothered in extra thick controversy sauce. Also it's heavy in politics which is kinda why I've been steering clear of Marvel. Secret Empire is essentially a giant what if a fascist government took over the USA, a touchy subject given the time. Thank God for DC and having Batman and Flash solve the mystery of the button, Aquaman fight ancient sea monsters, and Superman figuring out who's responsible for evil alien cows.

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