GreyMouser's Profile

Location: MA Joined: Mar 15, 2013

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A1 #1

Jun 18, 2013

. . $4, 30pgs! All ADs @ back! . . . A1 and Atomika return from their most recent slumber, this time from Titan publishing. This anthology brings three stories in serial form. A style which usually isn't to my liking, but i wanted to support Dave Elliott who writes 2 of 3, and is the editor. While the opening story, (The Weirding Willows) isn't so much to my genre tastes, the middle story, CarpeDiem, is a fantastic ride id love to see as its own title! The third story is a bit short, but certainly works to grab me with an interesting premise. Give it a shot folks!

Abe Sapien (2013) #1

Apr 4, 2013

.. $3.50,22pgs.comic, 8pgs of ADs. . . . Finally we see Abe return to his own mini-series and the world as it stands. An excellent primer fro those that have missed "Hell on Earth" so far, or are new to BPRD in general. For those of us who have been tuning in its a bit of a rehash, but a smart retelling. Good work from Scott Allie here, and the art is good and effectively moody but stands to taste. Not action here, but plenty of good dialog and characters that make this seems even more like a BPRD boo then an Abe book, so far.

Abe Sapien (2013) #2

May 2, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. 5pags ADs thru-out. good cover art. . . a fine 2nd issue that picks up the pace, informs and throws us some action. I am enjoying Mignola and Arcudi's work here, especially the dialog and details that pertain to the larger world. Sebastian Fiumara is up to bat with some very nice artwork. Dave Stewart's color really stand out and compliment well. a bit of a cliffhanger leaves me looking forward to the next issue.

Abe Sapien (2013) #3

Jun 9, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. Creepy cover. ALL ADs @ BACK! Third issue and final act to the first arc of Abe's own series! A good arc which started slow, but blows up in this issue. Monsters, transformations, and heretical threats of the coming world, I'm happy to see Scott Allie's work here, and i hope he stays continues to write this on-going series. I think i trust him with this next stage in 'ol Abe's story. As always, its wonderful to see the work of Dave Stewart. While the art has moved to something quite far from Mignola's style and template, i do enjoy the art here by the Fiumaras.

Abe Sapien (2013) #4

Jul 3, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs + 4pg prv & 1 pinup. No ADs!! A- Cover. . . The art for this doesnt work to well for me, but hasits moments. A slow and somber 2 parter gives way to an very interesting, maybe even 'meta', conversation between Abe and some BPRD fans which may mirror the Mignola/Arcudi'S relationships with BPRD readers. They seem to say they understand how we missed our old friends, the monsters who we have watched save us from monsters. This faith is not shaken, and we are glad to see him again, in these trying times. I hope the writers are trying to say, 'hold fast, they are coming back... to save us.' BPRD has gotten so much grimmer, which i enjoy, but it has lost its way character wise. I can only hope the wait is almost over, to see the characters i love again. The world, plots and the epic storyline are ready for them to return... and save us. Meanwhile there are plenty of revelations here to keep us interested.

Abe Sapien (2013) #5

Aug 9, 2013

. . $3.50,22 + 4pg Prv. NO ADs!! Dark B- cover. . . Part 2 of 2 of this quick and excellent short arc. While the feel is off in the early pages it comes back as soon as he hits the Saline Salton Sea. By the end of the issue i feel like it was a good ride and in keeping with the creepiness of the MignolaVerse more then ever. The writing, story and plotting are good; Characters and dialog as well. Dave Stewart is excellent as usual on colors and tones. Max Fiumara's art style doesn't work for human characters, and is way off for the MignolaVerse at times, but his creatures,textures, backgrounds and most everything else are awesome. A recommended series. Apparently Mignola & Arcudi were just in my old town, but my LCS didn't bother to mention! DRAT!!

Abe Sapien (2013) #6

Oct 11, 2013

Exciting developments via a new character & the Abe im looking for!

Abe Sapien (2013) #7

Nov 14, 2013

a slow start turns into a kick ass issue, to wrap up this 2-parter. Not my favorite arc as i think they needed to spend more time on the Mayan myths and how they apply. great dialog and character work tho.

Abe Sapien (2013) #8

Dec 12, 2013

. . . $3.50, 22pgs. All ADs @ back! . . . A great standalone "flashback" issue that really improves and brings value to the last arc. Oeming isn't my favorite artists, but his backgrounds are Mignola-esque and the environments are creepy. Really liking Scott Allie's involvement on AS, they are really bringing that character!

Abe Sapien (2013) #9

Jan 9, 2014

This is another good issue, but it confused me a bit toward the end. Pacing issue, writing problem or just me? Otherwise its strong and great to see Abe in action.

Abe Sapien (2013) #10

Feb 25, 2014

Some problems with art and pacing this issue, hard to follow at times. Art is not my favorite, but it has its good points especially with Stewart on board. Still a good series that ill stay with until they raise the price.

Abe Sapien (2013) #11

Mar 13, 2014

. . . $3.50, 24pgs. B grade cover. minimal ADs. . . part 3 of 3 wraps up this arc but leaves us in the middle of a zombie epidemic. So that's kind of weird, and the pacing/plotting of the Abe portion throws me off a bit too. However, the side story kicks a lot of ass and provides chills and developments. The extra pages give it a boost, and the efforts amongst the artists help it shine. Still loving Abe & i suggest this series.

Abe Sapien (2013) #12

May 20, 2014

While this is a good issue featuring quality art and writing, there is not much Abe. Really it focuses on 2 random characters and what they have gone through. In that regard it is Excellent! But i'm reading "Abe Sapien" for Abe Sapien, not for the characters he meets along the way. I also still dislike how Abe is written as stupid. What would he ever think he can wander around a terrified world without being shot or attacked?? I'm on board for the long term, but i hope they get back to sensible activity and development for Abe.

Abe Sapien (2013) #13

Jun 12, 2014

While i dont understand how this could be a good "starting point for new readers", it is a good read that brings some things together.

Abe Sapien (2013) #14

Oct 2, 2014

Deliciously awesome

Abe Sapien (2013) #15

Aug 21, 2014

Surely one of my favorite issues so far, and not just for Roger! Although Roger's dialog seems a bit weird to me, i must re-read the issues from that time to double check.

Abe Sapien (2013) #16

Oct 2, 2014

A nice to start to the arc, and a decent jumping on point.

Abe Sapien (2013) #17

Oct 30, 2014

A decent end to the arc, but i was hoping it would end Abe's meandering. I guess not, so im switching to TPB collections!

Action Comics (2011) #18

Apr 28, 2013

. . $4, 30pgs. incl.Backup. Too many $#@% ADs! Great Graphic Cover. . . While the lead up to this arc has been complex and somewhat confusing, This issue does a good job of bringing it together with a powerful action finish and sweet after notes. Although im not sure if i should be horribly creeped out by how Mxy ends up. Wonderful artwork from the whole art team throughout the series so far. Morrison's run will not be followed up easily.

Action Comics (2011) #19

Apr 28, 2013

. . $4, 28pgs. !$%#@! ADs! Cool Gatefold Cover. . . This issue begins a new arc and ushers in the Diggle era that never will be. However Tony Daniels has risen to the call. And to the saddle of Diggle's plots, as rough as they may be. Courage TD. So i find myself liking some of this story and plenty of the artwork. However, the sudden jump for Luthor in villain class does not work for me. Also, the jump backa year is a bit jarring, but it still a nice opening effort. Im not sure ill follow on at $4 a pop.

Afterlife With Archie #1

Oct 11, 2013

Gorgeous book, all around. Too bad about the ADs

Afterlife With Archie #2

Nov 25, 2013

$3, 23pgs + 6pg backup. Grade A cover! . . . Archie may have produced the best single issue of a comic book for the month! you get a lot for only $3! high production quality and love for the craft that really shows. An excellent comic book sure to please zombie fans! I highly recommend this series.

Afterlife With Archie #3

Jan 9, 2014

. . . $3, 23pgs + 6pg classic reprint! Grade A cover. All ADs @ back! . . . Another excellent issue which features great pulpy art, wild colors, great writing and plenty of thrills and chills. As well as being one of the best zombie books available, this series explores the characters as you have never seen before. i Highly recommend this series, but its not for kids!

Afterlife With Archie #4

Mar 6, 2014

$3, 32pgs+ 6pg classic backup!! A+ cover. minimal ADs @ back! . . . Another great issue i this series keeps me shouting "best zombie book on the market", whenever i go into a comic store! Wonderful art & design is just the beginning as the writing and character use is tip-top. You think Archie's gang are just cheesy kid's books? get ready to eat your words when you read this series. Thier charms are turned to horror when these creators (publisher) refuse to flinch from a solid zombie tale. Highly recommended.

Afterlife With Archie #5

May 20, 2014

Easily the best zombie book on the market, and clearly one of the best comic books in print. The attention to detail and design is inspiring. The art and colors are perfectly matched to the subject matter. The writing, pacing and plotting are superb. Oh, and lets not forget the fantastic bonus classic terror-tales in the back! Not for kids, but a must read for anyone who likes horror stories!

Afterlife With Archie #6

Aug 21, 2014

Great JUMPING ON POINT! This series is easily the best zombie book on the market, and probably one of the best horror titles. Just when we might be getting used to zombies, the creators give us a BIG switch. This issue serve as a great stand-alone, lead-in for the Sabrina series and resolves the mystery of what happened to her since a previous issue! However, it gets crazy, creepy and scary fast and should not be missed by Archie, Sabrina, zombie and HP Lovecraft fans!

Afterlife With Archie #7

Dec 19, 2014

ALwA RETURNS! The beginning of a new arc, although it says part2. i wonder how this will be collected. Great stuff, highly recommended!

Afterlife With Archie #8

May 18, 2015

A great issue that could almost stand alone, with plenty of movie references to enjoy! Writing is still chilling and absorbing, Art and colors catch the perfet mood. The price is easy as they add extra pages and still feature classic back-ups! Oh, and what a stunner in this issue!

All New Executive Assistant Iris #1

Nov 13, 2013

While this book is still attached to the past, it gets us up to speed effectively and is packed with action. i like the writing,characters and background flavor. On the downside, it boarders on sexist hormone baiting with every other pose being that of a model. If they bring up the 'strong woman' angle more, it could help balance that. Or it could go the softcore route, either way it will probably earn a following. Certainly worth trying out for $1!

All New Fathom #1

Aug 1, 2013

. . $1, 21pgs + 2pg backup. Moderate ADs. B grade cover. . . This first issue of a new Fathom series moves along nicely and exposes us to the characters and immediate situation. The artwork is decent, and frames are full, but rough at times. The color work is bright and vibrant. The storyline is interesting and very current. Fans of the series should be intrigued, but im not sure ill be reading at $4 an issue. But for a dollar, this issue is a must Try!

All-New Soulfire #1

Nov 18, 2013

a decent little comic that drops you into a pretty involved world and history. A bit strange for the 1st issue, but it does a decent job of adapting you to it. The art is OK, good for what seems to be the Aspen style but a bit rough at times. Certainly worth trying out for a $1!

Amala's Blade #0

Mar 15, 2013

i gave this one a chance, and at times i was enjoying it. However, too many "?" moments had me wondering about the writer and art was not for me. While the art has its moments, other times it was too messy. There is some potential here, but i don't see paying $3.50 for future issues.

America's Got Powers #6

Jul 10, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. All ADs @ back. C- grade cover. . . So wow this has been a long wait, 5 months, since the last issue and they have even tacked on a 7th issue to this previously 6 issue series. Ill be hard pressed to bother reading anything from Ross or Hitch again, as this series has meandered into crap territory on both fronts. The plot never appeared before jumping into trying to be something else... i think? i feel like i got myself into a morass with this series as its never made much of a story, and i'm tired of looking a tracings of celebs. Hitch's art has got to be the worst i've seen from him, and the logic jumps and dialog are just sad. i look forward to this series being over, i hope we get a decent bang in the end of this luke-warm to lame, severely delayed title.

America's Got Powers #7

Oct 11, 2013

hmm, AGP goes Akira. a decent ending with some extra pages helps to sooth the sting of waiting thru delays & bad plotting. cant make a final judgement as i need to re-read the series to see if Ross did anything special.

Animal Man (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

SO the rot storyline comes to a close with this issue, and i suppose its fair enough. i was hoping for a bit more, perhaps better fight scenes at the least. Still i was pretty satisfied till the end. Its really annoying when things like that are forced and make little to no sense. Nothing against the character, he just got a leg-up in my book. But damn, it made no sense in hoe it went down. Also, it makes no sense that the others are 'cured'. Especially the new avatar! for pete's sake it was STILL too late and nothing addressed that. I was willing accept the 'reset', but they pushed it too far. i think im off this one, but ill give the next issue a try. on the upside, DC seems to be paying attention to the intrusive amount of ADs and may be reducing them in some titles. that will get them i half point up.

Animal Man (2011) #19

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. too many #$@% ADs! . . . A hell of a way to start and ARC, or follow up 'the Rot'. But it is solid writing which gets deep and still moves along to have an active 2nd half. Wonderful to see Steve Pugh on art here, he really shines in his craft. Rough gatefold cover, doesnt occur. A great issue for AM fans.

Astounding Villain House One-Shot #1

Nov 10, 2013

$3.50. 32 Giant pages! no ADs!! . . . .Some fun stuff here from an old Indie & DIY legend Shannon Wheeler, NOT Mignola, Golden or Stenbeck. hehe. Glad to see Dark Horse plenty of freedom to do 4 superpowers spoofs, his way. His humor is dry and sarcastic in a mudan way that boarders on absurd. it reminds me of great 70's/80s independent comics, that used more of your snarky brain in commentary on life & funny-books, instead of bright, sugar coated drivel of the mainstream.

B.P.R.D.: The Dead #3

Aug 5, 2014

totally awesome

B.P.R.D.: 1948 #5

Mar 16, 2013

A good ending issue for the arc, better then others in the series. The Artwork was always good at setting tone, if not my preferred style. Another fine retro BPRD story.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #105

Mar 20, 2013

___$3.50, 22pgs.+ pinup; all ADs @ back. ____ Looking to be a great 2 parter, which will please any regular reader with any interest in Varvara or the Soviets. ive felt that BPRD has slipped away from its roots and characters. Stories too populated with new cast, far too mundane. But ive spoken too soon, just as Liz has made a recent resurfacing. Another of the old team is back, awoken to a very different world. .The art looks great and Stewart continues the coloring that just 'makes' the Mignolaversefor me. i look forward to the next issue!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #106

Apr 17, 2013

. . $3.50,22pgs.+; all ADs@back! Unrelated but Creepy Cover. . . Mignola & Arcudi bring a great wrap up to a succinct 2 parter. Plenty of payoff and feels like the way BPRD should be. Not alot of Varla but some great character work otherwise. Peter Snejbjerg impresses with his artwork and Stewart, as always, is wonderful on colors. That whole team is gold, even Scott Allie.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #107

May 21, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. ALL ADs @ Back! Very creepy cover. Rcudi and Mignola continue to rock the BPRD world with 'Wasteland', the current arc.A shift in art style still looks damn good, from Laurence Campbell. Especially with the always quality colors of Dave Stewart. The weave of timeline is interesting. It does wander here and there, but the action makes up for it. Should be a gritty 3 part arc.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #108

Jun 19, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. Furious Cover, B+. All ADs @ Back! . . So i think BPRD has really gone over into Horror territory in recent times, and this issue is a great example. They have given me the chills like a good zombie and monster book should. The fear and are palpable and i feel more connected with the characters then usual. Different threads come together in this issue, as Kate, Panya and Nichayko communicate. Laurence Campbell's art strays from the foundation Mignola style, but is well suited to this arc. An excellent balance of character and drama without losing the zombies, action and chills!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #109

Jul 22, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. Minimal ADs. C- cover due to banner & excessive title. . . Another great issue of BPRD gives us a killer conclusion to the current 3-part "wasteland" arc. This issue, and the current series, picks up the action and reveals just how bad the world has become. The writing is very good, delivering quality characters, dialog and pace. The artwork, form top to bottom, is really growing on me to the point that i could enjoy this as BPRD style for a long time to come. If your not reading BPRD, and the Mignolaverse in general, you may be missing out on the best cohesive mini-verse on the market.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #110

Aug 22, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs + 4pg Prv. Solid B cover. All ADs@back! . . . Finally Liz returns for her first full arc since the end of the War on Frogs. Its about time since we have only seen the barest of glimpses of her in too long. Still she is not the same Liz and is just recovering from a near death experience. Hopefully she will be up and at 'em soon. This issue is especially good due to the strings that are starting to come together. Specifically Abe, Liz and Fenix in a way unique to the Mignolaverse. In no way do you need to read all the titles, but if you do you will get a greater feel for the world-building and characters. A fantastic title and a good time to jump on for lapsed readers.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #111

Oct 11, 2013

A very good issue that brings us Liz in a solo adventure that i expect to become a very cool team-up. a bit slow for some, but very exciting to me!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #112

Oct 30, 2013

A good issue that brings up the development a bit, but Liz's development is obvious and abrupt.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #113

Nov 25, 2013

$3.50, 22pgs. Al ADs @ back!!. . . A damn good issue that has plenty of action and development, even if the 'god-killing' was off-page. At least we get to see Liz in action and some character & plot progression.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #114

Dec 26, 2013

A great issue to wrap up to this arc, including an epilog where it belongs! IN the monthly comic, NOT that overpriced DHP anthology or only in the HC/TPB collection. That pisses me off when they do that! This arc was slow at times and Liz's progression was a bit rushed, but it was very good overall. Nice to see DH moving ADs to the back and keeping the page count up. I hope the MignolaVerse can stay my top books for a long time to come! I highly recommend this and any other Mignola titles!!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #115

Jan 16, 2014

Another great issue of BPRD, this is the start of an arc that should be very meaningful to the ongoing story. Art and colors are fantastic, even tho they stray from Mignola's classic style. The inclusion of Liz and Feenix, as trusted operatives, is a bit abrupt to me but it does keep things moving forward. This arc seems to be split into two groups, which may be a bit confusing but promises plenty of action! I highly recommend this title, and this is a good place to jump in,

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #116

May 22, 2014

Another good issue, but a little hard to follow which team is which and who all these new characters are!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #117

Mar 25, 2014

an explosive issue packed with action, but jumping between teams gets messy and confusing. one of the better issues of the arc. Still a recommended series IMHO.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #118

Apr 17, 2014

Another killer issue that is loaded with action. Writing, characters and colors are all on point. However, im not the biggest fan of the art style and the black flame looks like a crappy cartoon villain. Now Liz is like a superhero, all of a sudden, with her flying "super-nova" bit. IS she the human torch now? what happened to character progression in BPRD?? even the final page action of Iosef seems heavy-handed and makes little sense to me. I am still liking BPRD but wish it was the old days...

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #119

Jun 12, 2014

Another badass issue, loaded with action! My main complaint is the deus ex machina that is Liz Sherman.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #120

Jun 19, 2014

This 2-parter will be short and sweet, made all the better by it actually being TWO stories in one. The primary being a long overdue focus on Kate Corrigan that promises serious developments. The other features the old crazy researcher as our 'crypt-keeper', if you will, uncovering a lost tale of young HellBoy and BPRD boss Trevor Bruttenholm! I can already see that this mini will be better crafted then some recent BPRD arcs, and probably more rewarding. Possibly a great jumping on point for new & lapsed readers!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #121

Aug 21, 2014

^%$& spooky! another BPRD cast member to beware of!!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #122

Sep 3, 2014

Another killer issue, for this great ongoing series.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #123

Oct 2, 2014

One of the most badass issues of BPRD in a while. This 2-parter is exactly where i see Dark Horse going with this series! Its only going to get more incredible from here. 2 more issues for me til i switch to TPB, but ill always keep reading BPRD!

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #124

Oct 30, 2014

A great stand alone issue, which is separate from the usual cast and focuses on regular survivors! Refreshing.

B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #125

Dec 3, 2014

Too much chatter. kind of lame, unless you are really stoked by character jabber.

B.P.R.D.: Vampire #1

Mar 28, 2013

$3.50, 22pgs. all ADs @ back. ___ While i am very fond of BPRD and the Mignolaverse in genral, i tend not to enjoy vampire comics. At one time i did but i feel the creature over saturated media, like zombies are now. Mignola has had good track run with it, but im not sure how i will feel about this series. Not a lot to judge from the first issue, except that Ba and Moon are fine artists. The opening pages are wonderful, made that much better by Dave Stewart's ever fantastic colors and tones. BPRD in general has been getting mundane to me, so little of the old creature packed cast. Still, this was a good read if a bit slow. Nice cover.

B.P.R.D.: Vampire #2

Apr 24, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. All ADs to the Back! Grim hunter cover. . . SO the collaboration looks strong between Mignola, Ba & Moon. And Dave Stewart, as always, makes everyone look Great! His colors really make these series for me, art wise. This moves forward a Vampire story that i was sceptical of, but i am warming up to. The inclusion of the Professor is a treat and the plot is moving along, and seems relevant to the Mignolaverse nicely.

B.P.R.D.: Vampire #3

May 29, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. Creepy crypt cover. ALL ADs @ Back!! . . This issue steps up the action, with a sudden power up for agent Anders. The art moves from Mignola-like eto something not as pleasant, but effective. The turn of events seem a bit obvious, but an enjoyable read.

B.P.R.D.: Vampire #4

Jun 27, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. Creepy grade A cover. ALL ADs @ Back, right on! . . This issue really raises the bar in several ways. The colors are rich, the art has more depth, the dialog snaps and the action blows up in a big way. Vampires VS. itches. War. Carnage. Even if you haven't read any other issue at least pick this one up.

B.P.R.D.: Vampire #5

Jul 31, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. ALL ADs@Back! crowded A- cover. . . The final issue of this tale of Anders the cursed BPRD soldier. While i don't tend to like vampire stories, this one was enjoyable overall. This issue is a bit anti-climactic, and serves to set up Anders as a wild card in the MignolaVerse. Not a lot of action and more of an epilog, its still nice to see the Prof. get out on a mission. The art is stark and moody and serves the story well, but it is a bit cartoony at times. Dave Stewart does excellent work with the limited palette of noir. A good issue and series overall.

Ballistic #1

Jul 11, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs + 3.5pgs of annotations & a 1pg map. All ADs @ back. Nice B+ cover! . . Its great to find a comic that just jumps right into your face and insists its a freak show, ready for your pull list. This comic is wild, and clearly rises above most comics these days. Part Buddy movie, part Cronenberg film and all weird... this book brings fun and action to your eyeballs. Adam Egypt Mortimer's writing is wild, with more imaginative oddities then shock value. He is clearly a writer to watch out for. Darick Robertson is no stranger to comics, considering his work on "The Boys". Here he takes things to a new level which impresses, even if the art is not always as clean as previous efforts. The colors by Diego Rodriguez start a bit dark but are excellent overall. If you like bizarre fiction, this title is for you. Im in!

Ballistic #2

Oct 11, 2013

Great twisted fun stuff, jump on board and support Black Mask/ Occupy while enjoying the heck out of yourself! art is fantastic and i am impressed but this writer i didnt know before. i gotta check out his other stuff, if this is the way he creates!

Ballistic #3

Nov 7, 2013

Wow, another great issue that further pushes this title to the top of my reading pile! Since tWD has become crap, this may be my favorite book on the market! Way to go BlackMask!

Ballistic #4

Feb 28, 2014

AAAWWWSOME!! We get a lot of development, history and background info in this issue. The down side is that its comes across as a little disjointed, but comes together in the end. This book is better then almost anything from any other publisher, Shaolin Cowboy being the exception. Great art, intense colors, incredible writing, killer characters and a world that is fleshed out deeper then we will ever know. Make sure to read the back-matter, Egypt is putting in the work! If Black Mask can get all their titles to this level they will the best indy by far. I highly recommend this series!

Ballistic #5

Jun 19, 2014

This appears to be the final issue, or at least the resolution to a first arc, for this mind twisting series. This may very well be one of the best titles on the stands, if you can handle the bizarre-O fiction that can be strenuous to follow. I certainly hope this series continues, as i will be happy to buy up whatever they offer! Dont miss the collection, if you missed the floppies!

Baltimore: The Widow and the Tank #1

Mar 16, 2013

Another excellent Baltimore standalone from Mignola and crew. The art is strong and effective at setting the right mood. i look forward to the next Baltimore series, but these shorts are keeping me happy and do a nice job of growing the character and world.

Baltimore: The Inquisitor #1

Jun 19, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs + 3pg prvw. B+ cover. This "One-shot" comic or Stand- Alone, is a full story and great exploration of the mysterious Judge Duvic! Alot of payoff for regular readers, and such a good comic its a great read for anyone. Deep, brooding, dark as always this issue is beautifully rendered in real pencil and INK. Dave Stewart really brings wonderful tones and color in all the right places. Really impressed with this one.

Baltimore: The Infernal Train #1

Sep 5, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs +4pg Prv. Solid A Cover. Only 1 AD page! . . . This promises to be an awesome mini series as Baltimore seeks out Jerk Duvic and finds the mysterious furnace again, in Budapest. The plot and action move quickly and we are more informed about the woman, her henchmen and the secret on the train. After seeing the judge torture children, I look forward to seeing if the he wets his pants confronted with real monsters! HA! The art and colors are gorgeous as always with Stenbeck and Stewart. The whole Baltimore crew again coalesces to bring us an incredible ride.

Baltimore: Chapel Of Bones #1

Jan 6, 2014

A very exciting issue that sets up the final confrontation which begin with the very first Baltimore book. It serves regular reader well, while being a great jump in point for new readers (albeit late to the party). Mignola and crew don't stretch out story lines with fluff and BS. They give us solid worthwhile stories in small arcs, when they finish them with out rush or shortcuts. The saga of Lord Baltimore is like the epic of Hellboy but straightforward, concise and of the highest quality. From writing, character & dialog to the Art, design, colors and letters... all top notch. & i dont even like vampires!!

Baltimore: The Witch of Harju #1

Oct 2, 2014

A nice creepy opener for this arc, and a NEW start to the Baltimore series! Haigus is DEAD, now we start the adventures of Lord Baltimore & COMPANY...

Baltimore: The Wolf and the Apostle #1

Nov 4, 2014

While this issue is not a tale of Lord Baltimore, it is excellent and may set up his involvement for the conclusion in #2! I highly recommend this series.

Baltimore: The Infernal Train #2

Oct 30, 2013

Another great issue packed with action and developments!

Baltimore: Chapel Of Bones #2

Feb 7, 2014

As much as i love Mignola titles, and this series in particular i have mixed feelings about this issue. I enjoyed it overall but it rushes in the beginning and drags in the end. I was hoping for an epic battle, after all these years of build up, but this arc was more about setting up Henry's pals and a new 'big bad'. So while I'm glad to see Baltimore will continue, this arc is anti-climactic. Also, there are some problems, like hand switching and the page with the heart. Not really up to their standard quality, but I'm in for the next arc anyways.

Baltimore: The Witch of Harju #2

Sep 3, 2014

Sheer excellence.

Baltimore: The Wolf and the Apostle #2

Dec 3, 2014

Again, this in NOT a story about Lord Baltimore himself, or his team. However, it an interesting 2-parter that involves a new character and the old scumbag Judge Duvic!

Baltimore: The Infernal Train #3

Nov 7, 2013

A great wrap up to a 3 part mini that is packed with more action, thrills and developments then a half a year of DC or Marvel event ties-ins! My only complaint is the stunning cliffhanger, but i still highly encourage all comics readers to get into this series!

Baltimore: The Witch of Harju #3

Oct 2, 2014

Great finale to this 3 part arc! i highly recommend ANY Baltimore arcs. They stand alone on their own pretty well, and are NOT connected to the Mignola/Hellboy universe (although they SHOULD be! lol).

Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #1

Aug 4, 2014

A great start to what promises to be a VERY fun mini-series! I don't read a lot of Batman or The Green Hornet, but i grew up with with both. Even though i am not from that era, old comics from older family members trickled down to us kids. Watching re-runs of the old TV shows was great childhood fun too. This is pure fun, for the young at heart. Lovingly crafted and loaded with humor, and STILL only $2.99! Highly recommended!

Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #2

Aug 4, 2014

A very enjoyable follow up to the first issue, loaded with progression. Something most big 2 books don't seem to be able to handle. Still built on fun, humor and slapstick action. This series is sure to please!

Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #3

Aug 21, 2014

Another comfortable, enjoyable issue that moves forward and gives us some good old-fashioned laughs. a great series for all kinds of readers!

Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #6

Aug 4, 2014

some lucky dog go to read this whole series, while we wait! lucky dog! i hope this issue really is .99 cents, but i doubt it! LOL . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . OIC! these are digital ratings, im rating the physical floppy comic book!

Batman Incorporated (2012) #0

Aug 1, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Too much ADs! gimmicky C - cover. . .

Batman Incorporated (2012) #13

Aug 4, 2013

. . $3, 24 pgs! Cool B grade cover. Reduced & good AD placement. . . The final issue of this series bring s a climactic conclusion but as always , don't expect the house of al ghul to be wrapped up. In that way its a bit anticlimactic, but its still a good read. The art and colors are very good, with some minor flaws by Burnham. Characters and dialog and good here, but there are some odd parts that throw this finale off-kilter. Im looking forward to the special, which i hope will feel more complete.

Batman Incorporated (2012): Special #1

Aug 31, 2013

. . $5, 38pgs+! Cluttered C- Cover. Some interrupting ADs. . . This issue is a collection of shorts focusing on international characters. It does a good job of a wrapping up the series, for those characters even if the biggest part has moved on to the other bat-books. I enjoyed see to these characters, and how they move on grow and kick ass. I think these are solid stories even for those who did not read the series, but it probably hold the same impact that they will for those who did.

Black Kiss 2 #1

Mar 21, 2013

___ $3, 22pgs B+W. Min ADs @ back. ___ Children and religious tea-totalers beware! This is not for them, this is for adults who can handle mixing sex, violence and alternate lifestyles entwining with the comic medium. While i first found the art cramped and difficult, i quickly got over it and re-adjusted to Chaykin's style. For $3 i was pretty pleased to see Howard return to one of more deviant series. No decompression here as we move quickly through TWO areas in each issue! A bit hard to follow at times, its worth the re-read to put it all together.

Black Kiss 2 #2

Mar 21, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs B+W, All ADs@back. . . Howard continues to bring his unabashed story of love and lust, for those who dont give a crap about cultural limitations. Not the art or story for most,as they can be difficult to follow. It takes some focus to get used to and we get a lot for our $3. Not easy reading, but well worth the effort.

Black Kiss 2 #3

Mar 21, 2013

Striving for deeper debauchery and shredding right wing fantasies for a sterilized world, BK2 continues to ravage.

Black Kiss 2 #4

Mar 21, 2013

While i am still enjoying this series, it does get awkward and confusing at times. i think this issue slides back a bit for me, but its still has some great moments. Chaykin continues to bring intense, detailed art as subjected to his whims.

Black Kiss 2 #5

Mar 21, 2013

While i need to read this in a bright room, as not to tax my eyeballs, this series continues to move at high pace. The history of the succubus and her lovers unfolds which should please fans of the original series. A good twist here provides extra delight.

Black Science #1

Dec 3, 2013

An excellent start with gorgeous art, concise opening and a lot of pages for the price! Recommended.

Black Science #2

Jan 6, 2014

Another cool issue of this new weird science series. The art and colors are most impressive. The page count and quality are just about right on target. The writing for character and dialog is good but sometimes feels a bit watery. This is early on, so i expect it to get deeper soon.

Black Science #3

Jan 30, 2014

. . . $3.50, 21pgs. B- 'wrap' cover. All ADs @ back! . . . While featuring some cool action and current development, its mostly a flashback issue that drags a bit. Art is sick but hard to read at times, So White's art really helps and needs to stay sharp. A good issue for an interesting series, although its light on page count for the price. Wait for TPB, i'm switching to after the arc.

Black Science #4

Feb 28, 2014

an excellent issue filled with action, drama, betrayal and a new exciting character! Aside from the page VS price problem, this series kicks ass and makes fringe science fun. i recommend this series.

Black Science #5

Apr 14, 2014

Another good issue that moves the sabotage plot forwad. This one keeps us on the edge, with the last page. Art and colors are still outstanding and the plotting/writing is pretty good. This arc is recommended, but if the price stays $3.50 i may switch to TPB after issue #6.

Black Science #6

May 2, 2014

This issue is a great example of how to wrap up an arc and get readers to stay on during a break. extra pages and glorious art are just the beginning. We see plenty of action and i am intrigued by what this dimension indicates for the eververse! i also like how we get in the head of the character we hate. I need to reconsider, even after a short page of insight. After pointing out that the 6 issues add up to 150 pages, i am cool with the price. i was going to drop this, but im on for at least another arc. Recommended!

Black Science #7

Oct 2, 2014

a gorgeous comic

Black Science #8

Sep 3, 2014

This Gorgeous series, moves along nicely.

Black Science #9

Nov 5, 2014

Great stuff, especially the ART!

Black Science #10

Nov 4, 2014

While the art is clearly the star of this series, the story revs up for me in this issue. I loved seeing the kids on their own!

Black Science #11

Dec 29, 2014

A very good finale to the second arc, this issue is wonderful eye-candy. They increased the price, but their is a higher page count and the ADs for the next two issues promise the previous $3.50 price. I am definitely continuing to following this title, but i plan to switch to TPB.

Brain Boy #1

Sep 12, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs +4pg prv. Solid B Olivetti cover. Almost NO ADs! . . . So here is a modern revamp of an old Dell Comics character, to add to Dark Horse's new "Super" hero initiative. The writing is set back by a few confusing snafus, but is pretty good overall and has a couple funny moments. The art is pretty good, although it might be the colors that really make it shine. Im a bit confused by the plot and some dialog, even though im sure i can see whats coming, the character's powers are also jarringly strange. I can see this becoming a good series, but i am currently on the fence about if i will continue.

Charismagic (2013) #1

Nov 13, 2013

While still relying heavily on past history, this reboot gets us up to speed quickly and effectively. This title isn't my cup of tea, but shows potential and layers of character and story that is sure to please some readers. Only $1, so its certainly worth giving it a shot!

Clone #5

Mar 28, 2013

__ $3, 22pgs. all Ads @ back. ___ Another great Skybound imprint, they are lucky to have Jaun Jose Ryp who's artwork is just amazing. High Definition, high detail, hyper realistic. Someone commented Ryp's dots has relaxed, but his issue they are back in force,it takes a moment to take in everything in those panels. My favorite artist nowadays. Felix Serrano brings Ryp's work to life with his excellent colors. Schulner moves along the conflict and provides some development in this issue that moves along the plot. Great dynamic cover!

Clone #6

Apr 24, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. All ADs@back! A grade cover. . . . The Clone conspiracy continues, from the heights of government to the leads entanglements. Ryp's artwork is the star for me, and Troy does a tremendous job of making it looks as good as ever.

Clone #7

May 29, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. ALl ADS @ back. Poor tats cover. . . This Issue ramps up the action and violence to move along the plot and keep us excited. Im a little puzzled by the need for THREE writers, and cant really accept how easily these heavily armed clones go down. Is that one bad clone supposed to be super fast and strong or something? Excellent artwork from Jaun Jose Ryp, brings this title over the top for me. Just amazing and hyper detailed work that is smart and doesn't cheat the corners. Andy Troy's colors go quite well with the illustration. A couple of twists have us hanging on the cliff for the next issue!

Clone #8

Jun 28, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs +5pgs prev. Minimal ADs. Grade A cover, self wrapped? . . This series keeps picking up and is just dying to be an action movie or series. The action is great in this issue and finally we see the creators do mind getting nude and nasty. They may start shocking us with a bit more then blood and RYP. Speaking of Juan Jose Ryp, he excels in the this issue and make for a fest for the eyes.Andy Troy does well to create colors for the master, and the issue overall is great.

Clone #9

Jul 26, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. All ADs @ back. B+ cover. . . The score mostly for the artwork but I gotta deduct a half point, for a very uncharacteristic mistake in his tattoo work. This is a good series, but i really wish his talents were focused on something more worthwhile. This story goes on and on and i barely care about the characters. I'd love to see Ryp work on something with more depth, or something bizarre or outside of regular comic stuff. Heck, his 12 issues of Wolverine were AMAZING! Why not do more of that, at the very least? On the writing side, it moves along at a good pace and has good character and dialog, but we are still stuck in the same plot. So i guess it would make a great screenplay...

Clone #10

Sep 14, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs +4pg prv. A+ Cover. All ADs@back. . . This issue really brings it up on all levels. With the exception of the art which is already amazing. But even in that case, there is more for Ryp to show off. His signature details are rampant, as well as his attention to detail. Andy Troy's colors are better then ever. But the real meat is the action, character interactions and developments of this issue. I feel like this is a nice close to arc two, and next issue may be a good jumping on piunt for those who are not on board already. This series is worth reading and looking even better for the future.

Clone #11

Oct 30, 2013

A real badass issue to start the 3rd arc, after a time jump.

Clone #12

Nov 25, 2013

a pretty kick ass issue, even if it did read really fast. Im enjoying the arc's storyline, but its the art that keep me buying monthly.

Clone #13

Jan 6, 2014

This issue of clone is the most intense and twisted so far. While dont think this title needs to rely on shock, the occasional bit is exciting. Ryp's artwork is stellar as usual and the colors compliment very well. This series is moving along well, and i highly recommend trying the first, well-priced TPB.

Clone #14

Jan 30, 2014

. . . $3, 22pgs. Grade A cover! All ADs @ back! . . . Clone keeps giving us great issues, a balance of real world sci-fi and intrigue punctuated with action and artwork that at the top of the industry. All for $3!!

Clone #15

Mar 6, 2014

$3, 20pgs? B+ cover. All ADs at back! . . . This issue wraps up the third arc in explosive style. We see the machination and manipulations progress, when they should be sticking together. We are left on a classic cliffhanger, are the poised to be saved or have they sealed their fate in death? i recommend this series, the writing is very good and art is way beyond the common comic.

Clone #16

May 19, 2014

Arc after arc, this title keeps getting better and better. The art and colors are amongst the best in the industry and the story/plots keep getting more intense. This series is clearly plotted for TV, so it may feel slow at times. But unlike thewalkingdead, it really pays off! Highly recommended.

Clone #17

Jun 12, 2014

Plenty of drama for the Clone crew, while our rogue clone takes the fight to the coalition!

Clone #18

Oct 2, 2014

Another excellent issue

Clone #19

Aug 21, 2014

Another badass issue! Juan Jose Ryp cannot be beat!

Clone #20

Oct 2, 2014

This final issue (of awhile, at least)is excellent, bringing us conclusions and solutions that wrap up most threads in satisfying ways. The final few pages are mind-blowing, don't peek! As always... RYP rules.Ill be reading this in TPB when it returns, and i look forward to the TV series. I highly recommend this series!

Collider #1

Aug 1, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. Too many damn ADs. Bright C grade cover. . . This first issue works well at introducing the quirks of the world as normal, where physics repair is a blue collar job. This issue moves along nicely but is fairly sedate, focusing more on character and introduction. The terminology and science sound plausible, in a loose way, but he did lose me a bit in one scene. How much high science or cartoon physics this series will use, remains to be seen. Characters and dialog are all good and engaging, and the issue serves to pull in the reader. The art is not so much my style but it is interesting with good character design, intense color and fresh playfulness. This book is very bright and panels are often sparse, but the design very good. I think ill try the next issue, could be a good one to watch out for.

Constantine (2013) #1

Mar 20, 2013

As a first take on what looks like DCs shot at getting a genie in a bottle. Dc already seems to put John in a role that might make some skin crawl. he's a hero, he's a magic balancing hero. hmm. so a nice effort on art duties all around, a bit better then standard. The writing is pretty good, and the story moves along with some new52 world building, of the mystical variety. But im not sure john has his full voice here. Worth a try for now, IMO. Still old Hellblazer fans could be let down, in character and voice. i mean, john only lit up once!

Constantine (2013) #2

Apr 12, 2013

. . $3,20pgs. Great Ryp Cover. too many ADs! . . . Superior to issue #1, and may have me in for the 1st arc. The art was good and gets even better int his issue. Im a little unsure about the representation of the Specter, compared to its appearance in Phantom Stranger. ill have to check on that...

Constantine (2013) #3

May 9, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs.+News52 Killer Ryp cover! way too many %$@#& ADs!! . . . This issue really creeped me out good, right from the splash page onward. So good for Lamire & Fawkes as they as they find thier stride with this. The characterization and dialog seem...OK, but im no Constantine expert. Guedes is also continuing to fine tune, and looks quite good here. Although i do feel that the character design for Mr.E is total crap. A good issue overal, even if the 'twist/out' is typical and a bit too easy.

Constantine (2013) #4

Jun 17, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. %$@#&! ADs!! Killer cover ruined by AD banner! . . Another good issue which may not match up to the old Hellblazer, but rises above most mainstream/ cape comics IMHO. The art really shines and the colors look great. Writing is OK, despite redundancy, even if its sliding into standard nuDC territory. I'm sure the dialog and character elements may upset old HB fans, but i find it to be fine. I don't know if I'm staying on, considering the Trinity War BS X-over, but in and of itself its a decent title that seems to be improving with each issue.

Constantine (2013) #5

Jul 27, 2013

. . $3, 20 pgs. too many %$@$^& ADs! Cluttered & drab, C- cover. . . This issue ties into the Trinity War then seems prepared to dive back into old business, if you count issue #1 as old. A sudden pick up from the end of Justice league Dark #22, seems jarring but limited to just this issue. The story is full enough to stand alone and feel satisfactory. those complaining that Constantine's "voice" has been off since the reboot to new52, will find this issue amusing as we hear it a bit more cockney coming from another mouth. Unfortunately the artwork flounders a bit in this issue, taking a step back in the progress we have seen.

Constantine (2013) #6

Aug 15, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Crowded B- cover. Too many ADs! . . Fawkes and Guedes continue to produce a decent book, which shows improvement with each issue. We dont gets what the cover promises, but its a good issue none the less. While the astral planes scenes were surprisingly weak, the rest of the issue has plenty of action, blood and creepy villains to enjoy. We are in a good ride at this point, as the plot develops and John holds onto life! A very nice job on art, colors and layout. Good writing, dialog and character use. Im on for the time being.

Constantine (2013) #7

Oct 30, 2013

a little better then the last issue but only OK. Ill be jumping off at the end of this arc (#8 or 9), before it gets sucked into an 18 part crossover (JLD, PS, etc)!!

Constantine (2013) #8

Dec 5, 2013

A semi decent issue that brings together the arc, but leaves plenty dangling. The last page is particularly jarring, as it dives into the 18 part crossover ("blight") a bit too early. Overall its disjointed and i cant tell if this is an issue of Consantine or a "tie-in" to Trinity War, Forever Evil, or Blight... im done, its dropped.

Constantine (2013): Futures End #1

Oct 2, 2014

Constantine VS FATE = Chills & Thrills! Despite not reading Constantine for awhile, AND the time-jump/FE tie-in, this issue is excellent and makes me eager to read Constantine again. Maybe after i read the BLIGHT TPB. . . . . NOTE: DC promised $3 & $4 covers. i only saw the $4 ones, over 3+ shops! SCAM?!?

Creepy Comics #12

May 9, 2013

. . $5, B+W 44pgs.+ frontispiece + back cover strip. Gruesomely great cover. 2 b+w ADs poorly placed internally. . . . Dark Horse continues to bring the chills and blood spills that give me thrills. The cover and frontispiece this issue are magnificent. Bagge's strips are great (i love PB), although they do tend to pull me out of the crypt a bit. Seriously tho... Corben, Marz & Clark, Allison, Arcudi & Tedesco... all true killer Creepy. and then we are treated to a classic Goodwin & Ditko 8 pager!! my heart for Uncle Creepy... after im done with it, of course.

Creepy Comics #13

Aug 22, 2013

. . . $5, 40b&w pgs + 4pgs of Xtras! Sick B- cover. 6pgs of ADs internal. . . I always look forward a new issue of Creepy, and this one does not disappoint! Along with the usual features of Pete Bagge's 'Creepy Family' strips, frontispiece and letters, we get 5 freakish tales and interesting back column. All the artists show how much they fear Uncle Creepy's lash, in the high quality illustrations rendered. The creators and contributors really give their best for this anthology as evidenced by the whopping 44 pustulant pages! I am a bit disappointed in Dark Horse's decision to run ADs in Creepy, which does break the feel for me. Previous issues without ADs made me feel like i was reading from the old magazines, under my sheets with a flashlight. They are all ADs for DH and mid-book, both seem unnecessary. There is no outside revenue and most publishers have moved all their ADs to the back, which really serves the product well. However their AD dept is doing them well with B&W large art that is somewhat more of a pin-up then a text heavy advertisement. Despite that one flaw, Creepy is absolutely a must for any Horror and chills fans.

Creepy Comics #14

Oct 11, 2013

Continues to be one of my favorite anthologies, now at a lower price! too bad about the internal ADs.

Creepy Comics #15

Feb 25, 2014

Another fun issue! Although the page count has been dwindling, it still matches the price and value. A great series for fans of horror anthologies.

Creepy Comics #16

Apr 14, 2014

Another agonizing issue of this classic anthology serves up terrifying and terrific tales. While the pages have been reduced, so has the price! Some ADs have infested the guts of this book, but everything is kept black and white! The frontispiece, back cover feature and classic reprint insure its value for all us freakish fright fans! Recommended!!

Creepy Comics #17

Aug 21, 2014

Another quality anthology from the Creepy family and Dark Horse! The price has dropped but the chills keep on coming, bolstered by crusty covers, fungal frontispiece, and sarcastic strips from my fave Peter Bagge!

Creepy Comics #19

Feb 19, 2015

Another crafty Creepy issue, that gives me shivers AND laughs! 3 Pete Bagge strips, 2 new tales and a repeat is pretty good for $4. Although i hope it grows to more pages, in time.

Creepy Comics #20

May 18, 2015

Another killer issue, this time with a focus on Creepy PETS! all good fun and worth the wait, and the price, featuring a GREAT classic reprint. one of the better anthologies to follow. I just hope Dark Horse get the modern ADs out of the way...

Criminal Special Edition (One-Shot) #1

Mar 20, 2015

Totally awesome in several ways, this one shot is a must-have for Brubaker and crime-noir fans. I highly recommend tracking down the special "magazine" version!

Cyber Force (2012) #5

Aug 9, 2013

. . FREE, 25pgs. Minimal ADs. Grade A cover. . . The conclusion of the first arc of Silvestri & Pham's CyberForce reboot. Kickstarter supporters should be excited after the wait, for this killer issue with extra pages. While it has plenty of action, its not non-stop ultra-violence. Instead it gives us plenty of backstory, character and plot development which really rounds out the arc and helps hook new and old readers. The art has quite a change this issue and plenty of backup was needed to finish this up, so we will have to see what the future brings there. The art is only OK but better at times, and the color is quite good. I never thought i would be so excited for a 90s reboot, but this arc did well in hooking me. Im in for the next arc!

Cyber Force (2012) #6

Oct 11, 2013

After reading the first arc for free i cant help but pack it back by following the 2nd arc. And im sure glad i did! i never expected i would enjoy CyberForce so much. Note: artist change.

Cyber Force (2012) #7

Nov 8, 2013

An entertaining read that i enjoyed more then i expected. Action and characters outside the box, written well. The art has dropped fro the 1st arc, but still worth the $ overall.

Cyber Force (2012) #8

Jan 30, 2014

This otherwise interesting and badass storyline is getting really muddled with bad artwork and dark colors. Its hard to follow the characters and action, and the gaps in issue production make it hard to follow as well. I'm on till the end of the arc, but i think Silverstri need to treat his baby to a better team. Maybe in TPB for Cyberforce fans is best.

Cyber Force (2012) #9

May 8, 2014

While this isue was very late and doesnt have very good art, its still a solid read. The characters, dialog and plot keep me going with this series and it doesnt skimp on action either. Its been awhile, so i guess they felt the need to remind us of the world premise. Thats OK considering the rest of the issue. I just hope Silvestri gets better talent on this project.

Cyber Force (2012) #10

Aug 21, 2014

Some definite improvement in the art departments here. Also the story flows better too. I was going to jump off, but now ill be on til #12, at least.

DC Universe Presents #19

Apr 17, 2013

. . $3,20pgs+2pg backup. Too Many ADs! BS & censored cover. . . . While the cover is total BS, and never occurs...its a decent one-shot that reintroduces the character. Its a good action story, along with back story making it feel pretty well rounded. Some very nice art by Pina & Wright, lights up the book a bit. i like the cover in itself, but as a WTF tease it fails.

Deadly Class #1

Jan 23, 2014

Looks like a textbook for the next Colombine or Sandy Hook, no thanks.

Death Vigil (2014) #1

Aug 21, 2014

i'm not usually one to pay $4 for a regular comic, but the work of STJEPAN SEJIC pulled me in. This was a great opening issue that makes a lot of character and plot progress while treating the eyes to delight. This should be a great series, but its selling out fast!

Detective Comics (2011) #19

Jul 27, 2013

. . $8 for 80pgs (63pgs of comics + 9pgs of pinups + 7pgs of ADs). B grade gate-fold cover, but no wrap. . . This issue serves as the anniversary 900th issue of Detective Comics. Kind of sad that they dont do more to recognize the occasion, but i guess the illusion of the new52 was more important to DC. This massive issue has plenty of value in page count, story, writing and artwork. FIVE shorts intersect around the history of the Man-Bat and how it has been entangled with bigger predators. It also features plenty of appearances from various Gotham players, but ties together nicely. Reduced ADs but too many too, rob the double page spread of the centerfold. A layout mistake which could have been avoided by putting 2 of the first half's ads into the second half of the book. Price is the only real drawback to this killer book, thankfully i got mine in the $1 bins! 8-)

Dial H #11

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. too many ADs; Stunning gatefold cover, & for realz! . . . Not having read Dial H, aside for the Zero issue, i am a bit lost and it seemed loaded with in continuity details that moved by fast. SO not the best intro issue, but a very good one. Feels like a weird comic done right, the angles are weird the characters are weird and so are the powers. Good action and the art is quite good for a lesser dark title, its unique stuff.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1

Dec 5, 2013

A bit overpriced for the page count, and featuring moderate art and writing... i'm still excited for this series. Fans of Doctor Who will probably find it worthwhile, others not so much

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #2

Mar 15, 2013

A charming second issue, which is largely a standalone aside from the cliffhanger which clearly ties into the overall series plot line. The art is clean and effective and works well enough for this trip of nostalgia. i usually do not buy IDW books between the cost and protecting Hasbro's sweatshops. Still, this series is worth the exception.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #3

Mar 20, 2013

$4, 22pgs. 4 ADs @ back ____ A well intentioned charmer for fans of Doctor Who, i was pleased but sometimes puzzled. Plenty of action in this one as we see the fantastic Brigadier at his fighting best, but alongside a high kicking, Wushu-WHo? Some psychedelic art references transport me back to 70's comics. Odd , but ill take it as good fun if a bit out of character. Still there are some other flaws, from compacting a big story in too tight. The art is quite good on this one, a few panels really striking me.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #4

Apr 17, 2013

. . $4, 22pgs + 2pg backup. all ADs@back. Bakerrific cover. . . Great opener of Leela studying higher mathematics with K-9. I am enjoying these more as the series continues, and it doesnt hurt that Tom is one of my faves. The story progression feels better this time, not rushed but full action and adventure. Leela continues to impress later as a total badass. The Topton's writing and dialog is good this issue, charming and witty. Erskine's art Kirchoff's colors are looking quite good for this installment, as well.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #5

May 29, 2013

. . $4,22pgs. ADs @ back. Decent cover A, awful cover B. . . This next installment of the year long 50th anniversary Dr.Who comic, is pretty good overall. Peter Davidson was one of my favorite 2 doctors, and seeing Adric, Nyssa and Teegan togther agin is a real treat. We also see TWO legacy aliens, including the glowing jellyfish creeps of lighthouse island! The secret kidnapper gets the opener here, as well as a bit of reveal at the end. The Tipton's are doing a decent job of moving this along. Phillip Bond brings some good art to the series, with good color support by Kirchoff.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #6

Jun 28, 2013

. . $4, 22pgs + 1 pg article. B grade cover, cover stock change? All ADs @ back. . . With the 6th doctor, i enter into strange territory with some concern, but i was surprised to be engaging and enjoyable. i have no attachment to this regeneration, but i find myself attached fairly quickly. The use of Peri and the inclusion of Frobisher is delightful. I am excited to see a bit of the ace in hole develop and a peek at a future Doctor. John Ridgeway's facial work is wonderful here, and the art is enjoyable throughout. i would warn that the panels are bit bare and the colors are simple.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #7

Jul 31, 2013

. . $4, 22pgs+1. All ADs@back! C grade cover. . . This &th doctor, is one i didnt grow up with and know little about. Still the Tipton's write an enjoyable character here. The dialog is good and we see plenty of Ace, the sidekick as well as the highlight begin an appearance of the Master! This series is always a bit campy, and i had to laugh when the Master command the Doctor to "say my name". Still its a good and fun issue. The artwork is decent, but sparse so dont expect much from back ground or layout. Nice presentation of the gulwort and Areoliths. Not a stunning issue but an enjoyable read, especially for Dr. WHO fans.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #8

Aug 31, 2013

. . . $4, 22pgs. Solid B- cover. All ADs @ back. fuck the world

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #9

Oct 11, 2013

a nice little issue that packs in a one-shot story, the favorite of the new doctors and a good chunk of overall plot progression. a good one for Dr. Who fans!

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #10

Nov 8, 2013

I enjoyed this little romp, and im sure it will sell well as it features a modern doctor and companion. However, most of it is a little blah and weak for a $4 book with only 20pages. A bit more development lifts it up overall and makes it a worthwhile read for Whovians.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #11

Nov 14, 2013

$4 for 20pages? ick! aside from that this issue is pretty good... actually its not very pretty either. However it does skip the one shot style and jumps right to the main plot line. Thrills and chills are in store for sure, from a surprise guest. Overall its a worthwhile addition to the series. the writing & dialog were very good but the art should have been better. NOTE: 2 issues in 2 weeks is a treat, & they are promising #12 for next week!

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #12

Nov 25, 2013

A worthwhile wrap-up to the maxi-series, although it favors the newer doctors over the old ones. The writing could have dug deeper but the one shots worked in and of themselves. The art is serviceable but can be ugly at times. Really i hoped for more at $4 a pop, but i enjoyed at overall as a Doctor Who fan.

Drew Hayes' Poison Elves #1

May 22, 2013

. . $3, 28pgs? B&W, NO ADs! . . . Poison Elves has returned and should make many old fans pretty happy to see its dense and flavored first issue. Fun, Fantastic Fantasy! More Poison Elves! BTW, the is the first time i have read Poison elves, i just enjoyed it as an old AD&D geek. Jennifer Chang @ CBR must be nuts.

East of West #1

Mar 28, 2013

__ $3.50, 26pgs.+ map. NO ADs! ___ A loaded start to a new indy series for Mr. Hickman Dragotta, packed with dynamite action, characters and greater mysteries. Set in the future, but working a western angle, this sci-fi action book also features the arcane and wild plot which promises mysteries to unfold and intricate working to be exposed. Draggotta brings another level to his artwork here. The stylish page breaks throw me off a bit and seem a waste of pages, but at least they aint ADs! This very well could be the next big MUST BUY series from Image. Will they keep up with all thier other books? Classy cover.

East of West #2

Apr 25, 2013

. . $3.50, 20pgs+4pgs.bare. Minimal ADs @ back. Wasted wrap cover. . . A very good issue, which moves plot and characters forward in a way that shows Hickman is not at all stingy, and perhaps this is just the small stuff. While very stylized, the near blank gap pages tend to turn me off. especially when the price is over $3, but the page count matches a $3 DC or Marvel book. Yea a page drop from #1 and a price jump is BS! Dragotta sometimes throws me off, but im liking his work here so far. Particularly in combination with the colors of Frank Martin, which i like very much on this title.

East of West #3

Jun 9, 2013

. . $3.50, 21pgs + 6 near blank pgs?. Half a decent cover, otherwise empty. 2 stealth ADs. . . OK, this book has got great feeling and an awesome premise, but the page count slippage is certainly lame and the issue itself feels a bit light. Still, i enoyed whats there and the place i am transported to. Dragotta's work has never been so graceful and clean, which might be too sterile without the Color art of Frank Martin.

East of West #4

Jul 10, 2013

. . $3.50, 20pgs + 5 near blank, preachy filler pages. All ADs @ back. Boring space wasting C- cover. This book has a lot of style. Plenty of style and very nice illustration from Nick Dragotta, topped of with fine colors from Frank Martin. Style all the way through its design and layout, and the layout is sweet. But what about the substance? This issue is loaded with action, and the series has charm and an otherworldly feel. The characters are archetypes, arcane and glorious but i feel like we are expected to just swallow the whole pill. They expect us to focus on how fancy the packaging is, but not to bother reading the warning labels. Where is the substance of the characters, what gives them the power and gravity the creators ecpect us to grant them? is jthisust pretty pictures and stylee? we shall see, but at this price per page count... i look forward to the end of the arc, so i can switch to reading it in trade paperback!

East of West #5

Aug 16, 2013

. . $3.50, 20pgs +4 bare pgs. D- bland, wasteful wrap cover. All ADs@back. . . Hickman finally gives back story and character depth that grants meaning to this series. The plot and narrative begins to show a future and purpose to the tale. A bit late in the opening arc, but welcome none-the-less. Not a lot of action but great dialog and character work this issue. Dragotta continues to bring his 'A game' and impresses in collaboration with Frank Martin's gorgeous colors. Overall this issue kicks ass and is an engaging read, but leaves us hanging for the next arc._____. That said, i am very disappointed in pricing for this book, esp. in consideration of the paltry pages. The bare pages may serve pacing, but come across almost insulting to the buyer and all three factors may serve as an indication of Hickman self-aggrandizement. The insult/injury is made worse by the TPB collection of issues 1-5 for only $10 ($9 tax free on amazon), since i paid $17.50 to support it! This may become an excellent series in the end, but the path there is too steep and too risky, considering delays between issues (in the 1st arc even!), to be worth monthly support. I will consider reading the TPBs if reviews look good.

East of West #16

Mar 6, 2015

An OK issue but light on comic and heavy on wasted space, as usual. id rather read this in TPB, but my plans got screwed by Image/creator's LIE about "The World" not being reprinted. WARNING: Vol.4 of this series will only have 4 issues and the incredibly lame and waste-of-space known as "East of West: the World". avoid it, its a scam.

East of West #17

Mar 6, 2015

Another decent issue, made less so by wasted space, not enough comic and BS price. wish i could say it would be better in TPB, but they keep all the blank pages and charge you for them. NOTE: vol.4 will only have 4 issues and "the world", which is garbage and a scam of its customers IMO.

East of West #18

Mar 20, 2015

Another good issue, despite the price/pages count and blank pages, at least its coming out on time. FYI Warning: vol.4 will only have 4 issues and the scam that is 'EoW:the world', hopefully this willl feature a reduced price.

East of West #19

May 18, 2015

Kinda short for an arc ending issue, especially with the delays between arcs we have seen so far. Its a bad prediction for the future. Only focuses on Babylon and deosnt really give much progression, but its OK. Very short on pages, for the price, at only 20 pages plus wasted ones.

East of West Vol. 2: We Are All One

Dec 3, 2014

Awesome series, which reads great in TPB! The blank pages are still annoying tho!

East of West Vol. 3: There Is No Us

Dec 3, 2014

This TPB kicks up another notch, but the blank pages are downright obnoxious!

East of West: The World One Shot #1

Dec 15, 2014

More style then substance & a bit skimpy, although the short comic is nice and some of the info is OK. They claim this will NOT be reprinted, so i'm OK with it as long as they NEVER reprint it in the TPBs, etc. Otherwise, they just scammed their readers with a cheap fill-in issue to hold them over while they wait WAY too long for real issues! The write-ups are pretty short and seem 'phoned-in' and they didnt even bother to include a full map of the world! WTF, no-brainer right?? but plenty of lame, empty (or near-empty) pages... There is a LOT missing, that should have been included. A missed opportunity from Hickman & Dragotta IMO.

Edgar Allan Poe's Morella And The Murders In The Rue Morgue #1

Jun 12, 2014

Two tweaked and twisted terror tales of the master Edgar Allen Poe, rendered and reimagined by Richard Corben! Featuring Mag the Hag!!

Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher #1

May 21, 2013

. . $3.50. 22pgs. + 4pgs. backup. Only 1 AD @ back! . . . Corben brings us nother fantastic Poe adaptation, and this time is Fantastic COLOR! A blend of the titular material and "The Oval Portrait", Corben excels and masters the page. His Art and colors are just wonderful to absorb. And jesus fuck Samantha, geta clue... its a two- parter!

Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher #2

Jun 19, 2013

. . $4, 27pgs! A+ Eerie Cover . Almost no ADs! . . . A fantastic finish from Richard Corben on all duties, aside of lettering. Ill have to go back and re-read his previous version and see which i love more. This Gloomy classic is rendered in the creepiest of COLORS, unlike some of his other recent projects. Really great art, colors, pacing and killer story to tell, even if Corben does get weird with faces at times. All this and with the Hag as well, take my money! A great 2-parter well worth the cost of admission, whether in periodical or collected form.

Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven and the Red Death #1

Nov 1, 2013

An enjoyable 26 pages of great comics from master craftsman Richard Corben. Bound to delight old fans, this may be weird for readers expecting straight adaptations of these tales. I enjoyed the art, stories and twists, even at $4!

Eerie Comics #1

Dec 5, 2013

$3, 30pgs!! . . . An excellent start to breathing life back into this classic corpse!

Eerie Comics #2

Dec 5, 2013

A worthwhile issue, still at $3. One of the better anthologies on the market, well worth it for old Eerie fans!

Eerie Comics #3

Jul 11, 2013

. . $4, 28B&W pgs + 3 bonuses. Almost no ADs (2 AD pgs mid book). . . Another exciting installment of Sci-Fi chillers fom Cousin Eerie! Two new complete stories and a color classic from Wally Wood & G. Boudreau! We also get an great Back cover piece and fronticpiece as well as the louse-ridden letters page. Another great issue overall, too bad the next installment isnt until December! chilling.

Eerie Comics #4

Dec 26, 2013

Some great anthology from Dark Horse's Eerie, yet again. Still worth the increased price of $4, it has all the pages and material to make a chilling read. No ongoing BS, just classic short stories in the classic style. Plus a stunning reprint from years gone by!

Eerie Comics #5

Aug 21, 2014

This anthology is in my top 3 for sure, and provides the right sci-fi thrills to keep me reading ongoing. The pages have slimmed out, but its still worth the $4!

Eerie Comics #6

May 18, 2015

A fine issue of Eerie, reminding us that short stories can have all the terror you need. While this ttile doesnt come out ofen enough, paired with its cousin Creepy, it keep a fiend satisfied, Just move those ADs to the BACK, Dark Horse!

Empowered Special #4

Jun 10, 2013

. . $4, 29b&w pgs + intro. All ADs @ back. Cute cover. . . SO this is my first foray into the world of Empowered. A comic known for its cheesecake and adult humor, while turning those same features back on themselves in commentary. This issue does not disappoint as it is funny, fun, action oriented and punctuated with meta commentary. Its subtle adnd not too adult, which makes it a little lukewarm but good overall.I can see how this title can fall under the radar, considering its adult leaning, but i would encourage folks to pick it up and give it a try... if you are 18+, of course.

Epic Kill #9

Mar 15, 2013

Song has gotten interested, but its that action that got me hooked. i am very glad this series got extended, and i little sad to see it end. Between the extra pages, additional artwork and back-up article this book is well worth buying monthly. The collection will be a good ride too. Now if Mr. Ienco can bring it all together in the last issue ...

Epic Kill #10

May 1, 2013

. . $3, 27pgs + back matter. NO ADs!! Killer cover + back cover pinup! . . . This series has been a hell of a fun ride, and i certainly recommend it for anyone who is a fan of a good ninja revenge story. The twist brought fully around and further then i would expect, just adds to the fun and turns action to sci-fi. Cheers Mr. Ienco, you have made quite a fine production and cemented yourself in the comics industry. I look forward to seeing what he goes to work on next.

Fatale #13

Mar 27, 2013

$3.50, 24pgs + backmatter; almost no ADs! ____ An outstanding Stand-alone chapter delving into our Josephine's past, and shedding some light. A good action issue, with quite a body count and some tentacles to boot. On this rare occasion we get some other interesting characters and creepy bits. Phillips and Breitweiser supply some fantastic art and moody colors. I am so glad Breitweiser came on this project!

Fatale #14

May 21, 2013

. . $3.50, 24pgs. 4pg of ADs @ back. Fantastic cover. . . The last in a series of one shots that show us quite a bit of history, and a series of fem fatale proceeding Jo. This is my favorite of the one shots stories, and maybe my favorite issue so far. No back up and more ads then usual are its only detraction. More Fantastic art and colors form Phillips and Beitweiser. A action and plot packed issue from Brubaker, which shares more info and creeps then usual. well done!

Fatale #15

Jun 28, 2013

. . $3.50, 24pgs + 3pgs backup. Almost NO ADs! Grade A semi-wrap cover. Nice paper, design and weight. . . A new arc begins with a very good issue. After a series of 'one-shots' showing others through time with the same Fatale affliction, we back to Lash, recent times and the regular ongoing plot. Brubaker gives us Lash piecing bits together, out of jail through action, violence and gore. Three new characters are thrust into play and a lot of intrigue is on. Sean Phillips is absolutely on his game and Bettie Breitweiser is fantastic on colors. While ive been annoyed by the delays, i am quite glad i have stayed on. This is a great time to jump into one of the best titles on the market.

Fatale #16

Aug 9, 2013

. . $3.50, 24pgs + 4pgs Prv! Classy B - cover. close enough to NO ADs! . . Fatale returns after a bit of a production lull, but they give as a great issue with a little extra for pages. Except for an occasional panel, Phillips and Breitweiser give as excellent artwork and colors that make this book special. Brubaker also continues to show his love for this project and his craft. Despite being set in the 90's and Jo's amnesia and a very bad cop and fresh storyline have me hooked! Just need to see more of limpy and creatures and ill stay on monthly for a long time to come! Highly recommended.

Fatale #17

Oct 11, 2013

a great issue, despite the grunge-Seattle setting. LOL. be seriously this series is a must for comic fans that read outside of superhero books.

Fatale #18

Nov 7, 2013

An excellent issue, part 4 of the 'grunge' arc, keeps me intrigued by the main character and glued to this series! Go get the 1st TPB for only $10, you will be hooked!

Fatale #19

Jan 9, 2014

This a beautiful, well-design book that impresses with each issue. The art may not be for some,but it is impressive, pulpy artwork for sure and the colors fit just right. While issues sometimes lag, i highly recommend this series!

Fatale #20

Feb 25, 2014

Tired of being hunted and on the run, its time for a change. And we get it big-time as our Femme Fatale turns the tables and begins bringing her history together. Final arc, sad to see it but what a great series!!

Fatale #21

Mar 28, 2014

. . . $3.50, 24pgs! A+ cover. All ADs @ back! . . . This issue blew my mind at least 2.5 times, starting at the first page! I'm surprised they didn't keep that style switch for page 2, but its used to great effect. Some might feel the issue is slow, but i greatly enjoyed spending time with an old character. The development of Librarian, plot progression and historical reveals make this issue awesome on its own. On top of that we get great art, colors and design from Phillips and Breitweiser as usual. It will eb sad to see this title go, but i'm very excited now that things have heated up and are heading for conflict and conclusion. I highly recommend this series.

Fatale #22

May 8, 2014

. . . $3.50, 24pgs. Grade A cover. All ADs @ back! . . . Fatale is running on a whole higher level, as we approach the end of the series. Brubaker is holding very little back and gives us major background to the Bishops in this issue. Phillips and Breitweiser are on top of their game. NOT TO BE MISSED!!

Fatale #23

Jun 19, 2014

The penultimate issue for FATALE explodes with cosmic awareness and secret revealed, just not to the reader. Our main man gets his third eye blown open as a result of sexual relations with Jo. Next issue wraps it up and i hope it finally brings the answers,reveals and Lovecraftian horrors that they have been teasing for over 2 years!

Fatale #24

Oct 2, 2014

AN excellent Finale for Fatale! i highly recommend this series.

FCBD 2011: Infinity #1

May 28, 2013

. . . FREE! ad/ preview snippet-fest. . . I grabbed this expecting to be a 'must read' warm up to the next upcoming marvel Xover/mega crapfest. Instead it is snippets of lame, for the most part. Regular readers may glean something, but it does nothing for the lapsed marvel reader in me.

FCBD 2014: Armor Hunters Special #1

May 5, 2014

While this is a bit of a sampler, it does a good job of it. It provides some good lead in and entices us to try Valiant or dive in deeper. you cant beat FREE!

FCBD 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy #1

May 5, 2014

While this is a glorified sampler, it does a decent job of introducing the GotG characters with a slice of Thanos.

FCBD 2014: Project Black Sky #1

May 5, 2014

I wasn't expecting much from this, but was pleasantly surprised by a 1shot short that raises my interest in PBS and the characters involved. Good job DH!

FCBD: 2000 AD Special #1

May 28, 2013

. . . FREE! 44pg. Magazine loaded with 2000AD awesomeness! Some ADs; Terrifically cool cover. . . This was one the top books of FCBD IMHO, a full mag featuring full strips of their top characters! This mag has tremendous potential to lure in new readers, and comic readers unfamiliar with 2000AD classics. These Brits may very well be showing up most of the other FCBD offerings.

FCBD: Sar Wars and Captain Midnight #1

May 28, 2013

. . FREE! double sided flipbook. some ADs. . . The Star wars side of this book is a keeper, esp. if you are reading Brian Wood's new love letter to the original trilogy. This series is exactly what an old SW fan, such as myself, has been waiting for. This standalone is a fan's dream of seeing Vader AND Fett in somewhat of a "team-up", is you will. Very nice art, writing and dialog although maybe not the perfect construction. . . Captian Midnight manages to pique my interest, even if the genre isnt my favorite. This and the additional mini cram in to make a rather nice FCBD treat.

FCBD: The Walking Dead #1

May 28, 2013

. . . FREE! Collection of tWD one shots and etc. Ok cover. . . This may be one of the top books of FCBD, considering the content and generosity of Image/Skybound. Each of these cost $3, or more for a copy of Playboy. These stories were outside the main run of tWD, and could be thorn in the side of fans and collectors. Kirkman makes it easy and smooths feathers by offering this book. Well played Robbie, you get kudos on this one! LOL

Five Ghosts #1

Apr 17, 2013

. . $3.50,32pgs! Great 2nd print cover. almost no ADs. . . . Very noir and pulpy, which sometimes makes the art a bit stiff but creates a wonderful mood, environment and mystery. Dialog and characters are written well, and Fabian's curse is fairly compelling. Plenty of development for one issue, and things move along nicely. Art of this style offen is not my style, but i found i enjoyed Mooneyham's efforts here.

Five Ghosts #2

Apr 17, 2013

. . $3,22pgs+2pg backup. Great Pulpy Cover! all ADs @back. . . . Another installment of pulpy noir mystical thriller, which does not disappoint. The Art and colors are very good for their genre, as is the book's design. An odd opener provides a lot of back story, in an imaginative and effective way. Then right into the action and adventure, which goes a bit fantasy. Drop in page count, drop in price from issue #1. A good ride!

Five Ghosts #3

May 22, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs + 2pg backup. All Ads @ back (break the style spell tho). Well done pulpy covers and design. . . At 22 pages, and for such an impressively styling book, the drop to $3 is generous and surprising. Barbiere is spinning a yarn about yarns and their power, power and curse for Fabian Grey. Mooneyham provides period illustration that transports and mystifies. What an awesome early splash page of the forbidden city, pulp comics style! And later the montage splash is sketchy and monotone, but reminds me of Gene Colan, maybe. The colors or Laura Affe are right on for the work. Background unfolds and plots thickens as enemies and curse descend upon our trio.

Five Ghosts #4

Jun 28, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs +2 pg prv. Almost NO ADs! B+ semi wrap cover. Nice pulp feel, weight and design. . . Opening with a rich and nuanced first page, the art opens up, colors become pale and are the backgrounds bare. Still, Mooneyham's art is wonderful and transports me to old comics and pulp. Lauren Affe's colors are subtle, graceful and nuanced. We get a lot of action and progress in this issue that really focuses on the ghosts, and earning their approval. Four tests are given which are not always stunning but enjoyable enough, considering the action. At $3 i hope none of you are missing out but if so, i hear the TPB will be only $10! WOW

Five Ghosts #5

Dec 5, 2013

A good issue that wraps up the first arc. Great pulp art & presentation, but the writing feels a little weak in some areas. Still a good ride and a worthwhile series. I'm glad to see its been extended to an ongoing!

Five Ghosts #6

Nov 1, 2013

As product this book rates higher for its high page count, pulp feel and done-in-one story. But the guest artist does not impress and the art can be downright ugly at times. I have high hopes for this series, but the writer needs to do a bit better at avoiding stereotypes and repetitious, weak dialog.

Five Ghosts #7

Dec 12, 2013

We get a fresh return with improved art, better writing and a new arc. The prologue looks great, but its a bit odd. i thought this issue was burdened with too much jabber, but the characters and dialog are good. This may put 5ghosts back on my pull list.

Five Ghosts #8

Jan 10, 2014

This is a good issue, which shows some improvement in art and story.But i continue to waiver as to if its worth reading this series monthly. The Colors and design are probably the greatest things about this title. The writing and dialog are OK but show problems regularly. Maybe they excuse it as being "pulp", but they are flaws IMHO.

Five Ghosts #9

Feb 7, 2014

. . . $3, 13pgs + 9pgs of sketch + 2pg title page? B grade cover, for flavor. All ADs @ back! . . . Unfortunately this is the 2nd 'critical failure' issue ive seen from 2 ghosts. Almost half the issue is 'how-to' sketching, which almost works as flashback, but since the artist left the guidelines its just crap. Plotting is absolutely awful, as the issue jumps around so much it made me sea-sick (congrats if that was the intent). Also, i feel like we skipped and issue and plenty of needed action in the middle of this one! This issue makes me regret not jumping off after issue 5, #6 was bad too.

Five Ghosts #10

Mar 25, 2014

excellent "pulp" design, great artwork and colors, but weak writing that leaves me puzzled too often. too much jumping around the timeline & characters. things happening in orders that make no sense. not enough supernatural action. hard to follow monthly, maybe its a better read in TPB?

Five Ghosts #11

Apr 24, 2014

The pulp design and feel is the best part of this title. I keep going back & forth as to if i should have dropped this title after #5. #6 was awful and each issue opens with my thinking 'WTF?!?'. It usually doesn't connect to the previous issue in a way that makes sense. So maybe this is better read it TPB. I would encourage that option. However, this issue is one of the best in the arc. The art and colors are fantastic, and i appreciate the cleanup of the flashback scenes (although there is one panel they left with some guidelines). I think a lot more can be done with these characters and premise, but i don't see it yet. Ill drop the monthly after issue #12 and switch to TPB.

Five Ghosts #12

Jun 12, 2014

A good closing issue for the arc, brings loose threads together and provides the action. Is it enough to stay on the series? you be the judge

Forever Evil #1

Sep 5, 2013

. . $4, 46 PAGES!! 3 inturrupting ADs. B- Cover. . . While i've come to loathe comic "events", and most 'cross-overs', i really enjoyed this opening issue! This is how to start off an event right... with a massive over-sized first issue, intense storyline and killer art. The 4 page fold out spread doesn't hurt either, but IMHO the 3D covers are tacky. While many 'Villian's Month' titles are getting poor scores, this book is excellent. At the very least, its worth owning the book in which supes freebases green kryptonite! The big reveal was lukewarm to me, not surprising considering my distance from DC supe-books. Also, there is no big JL fight some might expect after Trinity War, which is lame, but i didn't read TW so i'm taking this issue 'as is'. Finch , Friend and Oback all bring great work, with some weak spots, and this issue fits a lot in. Now whether Dc can keep this up and how many other titles will you need to read is ... Dangerous territory, but what an opener!

Frankenstein (2015): Underground #1

May 18, 2015

I am absolutely thrilled to see this project come together! and im even more impressed by its product. This is the mini-series to read, This is the DH character to watch! Hopefully they stay on target and we see a Frank and Hellboy Team-up soon!

Frankenstein (2015): Underground #2

May 18, 2015

Another great issue, proves this series is on point and destined for great things! Im tempted to give it a 9, but Dark Horse still needs to move those damn ADs to the BACK!!

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #13

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. too many ADs! . . While this is an abrupt start an issue, and for a new arc, It makes a great recap in Victor and a decent jump from #0. Kindt does a good job writing this quirky, funny series and in writing a "crossover" that stays its course on its own. The Rot effects the characters of SHADE via Victor being an avatar of Rot, leading Frank and crew to forge their own path before merging with AnimalMan & Swampy. Unfortunately, it leaves me wondering when and how they make the jump into rotworld,the future, or whatever. The artists do a nice job here and i especially liked the colors.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #14

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Great cover. Mucho ADs! . . This issue busts into some Killer fights with giant creatures, of which the design and use of such are awesome. Ponticelli and Faucher shine in this issue, and im still enjoying the colors. Kindt continues to bring a focused, seperate 'xover' but still jumps to use unexplained tech, etc. Still its fun read, and this issue kicks a bit of ass!

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #15

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Badass cover. too much ADs! . . . Third and Final issue of the "secrets of Rotworld" Xover. ends about as abruptly as its opening, but within itself is pretty kick ass in the action department and delivers on fun. Overall the 3-parter is good, and stays on course and enjoyable. Although i must say the overuse of the SHADEtech gimmick goes a bit too far with the soul grinder, even its parts don't add up to the final product. And how those stitches and such even happen. This would have been a great time to throw in a line that helps explain it, a 'all those who enter share thier parts' would have been a cool twist. Also, its anti-climactic, to get a decent conclusion you need to read Animal Man. Good overall.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #16

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Cool cover. Mucho ADs! . . . A decent effort here that shows the crew going out in a blaze of badass. Unfortunately it shows no reaction or fallout to the Rot storyline, and leaves the romantic connection hanging. We don't see a bridge to the future or Frank's involvement in JLD. It would have been great for Frank to come full circle by addressing Victor, as unfinished business, and snuff him before he could even meet Arcane. So, maybe wasted opportunity, for the final issue but a fun read.

Garbage Pail Kids Puke-tacular! #1

Dec 29, 2014

A good amount of fun, although 2 of the stories were very poop-heavy to the point of wondering if this was an adult-humor mag! But i guess kids love gross humor, LOL!

Godland #36

Jul 29, 2013

A great issue but wow its took a long time to get this, & its almost been a year since it came out & im still waiting for #37. A great series, seriously hampered by insane delays between issues. Get the collections.

Grimm Tales Of Terror #1

Aug 21, 2014

While this issue isn't mind blowing, considering it feature only 1 tale, the art and writing is good. There seems to be some promise in this series if Zenescope gets back to their roots and resist the urge to bring in too much GFT.

Groo vs. Conan #1

Aug 21, 2014

Ive been looking forward to this series since it was announced many moons ago. And since Sergio's Funnies has gone on hiatus i've been craving his work! This is all i expected and more, i highly recommend this series for all.

Groo vs. Conan #2

Sep 3, 2014

Mega-awesome! not to be missed by fans of any kinds of comics.

Groo vs. Conan #3

Oct 30, 2014

More laughs and fun from the Master!

Groo vs. Conan #4

Oct 30, 2014

A great mini series loaded with FUN!

Happy #4

Mar 16, 2013

The final issue of a very enjoyable short series, it finally brings on the action and brings a joy to read. No crazy twist or mind blowing revaluations here, but that wasn't the plan here anyways. We got our crazy right up front, as the kookiest sidekick ever for a buddy crime piece as this. i enjoyed myself quite a bit and loved the contrast between the real world and Happy, both visually and thematically.

Harley Quinn (2013) Annual #1

Dec 29, 2014

While this is the very definition of "gimmick comic", its still pretty good with plenty of laughs. The price of $6 is ridiculous IMO, but i suppose that could be debated. The story meanders through several shorts. Meanwhile the gimmick only shows up 8 times, and its only 4 scents that are used twice each! And the big Marijuana scent we are sold on is lacking. They skip all the gross smells, that kids love, and skip various other opportunities. In the end, they make more non-scented jokes then those with scent! Funny over all, but a let-down for the price.

Haunted Horror #1

May 22, 2014

Just about the best book you can buy for pre-code, golden-age horror! only $4 for 44+ pages of reprints expertly researched and lovingly printed. Highly recommended!!

Haunted Horror #2

May 22, 2014

Just about the best book you can buy for pre-code, golden-age horror! only $4 for 40+ pages of reprints expertly researched and lovingly printed. The only thing that holds each issue back from a "10" score is the reprint factor. Maybe that shouldn't matter... YOU decide! Highly recommended.

Haunted Horror #3

Mar 15, 2013

This whole series is great stuff! Forget the new anthologies and wannabe horror books, Creepy excluded of course, this is the real stuff. Reproduced with love and attention to detail, with all the color clarity they can muster. 42 pages of gut-wrenching for only $4, as collected by a scholar of pre-code spine tinglers! You just cant go wrong with this title. i would rate it higher, but they are reprints after all.

Haunted Horror #4

May 22, 2014

Just about the best book you can buy for pre-code, golden-age horror! only $4 for 40+ pages of reprints expertly researched and lovingly printed. The only thing that holds each issue back from a "10" score is the reprint factor. Maybe that shouldn't matter... YOU decide! Highly recommended.

Haunted Horror #5

Jun 10, 2013

. . $4, 45 pgs! All ADs @ back! Soaked Surprise cover! . . . This is clearly my favorite anthology, how can you go wrong for $4?

Haunted Horror #12

Aug 21, 2014

. . . $4, 45pgs!! . . . You simply cannot do wrong with YOE's pre-code collections, especially this one for only $4! While this could rate a "10", its only gets a half point off for the nature of reprints. Wonderfully reproduced and expertly collected, anyone who likes horror should find this a MUST BUY!

Haunted Horror #15

Mar 6, 2015

Another awesome issue of the best of golden-age, pre-code horror!

Hellboy in Hell #1

May 20, 2014


Hellboy in Hell #2

May 20, 2014

Incredible work, not to be missed!

Hellboy in Hell #3

May 20, 2014

The best ongoing book and character in the business, IMHO.

Hellboy in Hell #4

Mar 15, 2013

What an amazing issue! i expect great things from Mignola and crew, but this raised the bar on all comics IMO. How anyone could rate this below a 9or 8 is beyond me. Maybe it just is not thier style. But for fans of Mignola, and i dare say fans of the medium, this is a grand treat. The art has all the depth and heart of Mike's best work. The writing, dialog and story are just incredible. THIS is what ive been waiting for since 'ol HB left the BPRD team. This whole series has been wonderful so far. No more secrets, no more guessing games... the revelations are HERE! and only $3... XOXO!! sign me up for every damn Mignola book!

Hellboy in Hell #5

Dec 5, 2013

. . . $3, 22pages! All ADs @ back! Stark & stunning, grade A, cover! . . . Xmas is early with this incredible 'done in one" issue of HellBoy! The art is prime example of the best of Mignola's style, and is excellently supported by Dave Stewart's color craftsmanship! The character and dialog is dead on, and provides plenty of chills, action and laughs! This series is absolutely the best product you can buy in comic-dom. Adventures In Poor Taste - Sean M. Thompson is either has no taste or is personally biased, the latter of which i could understand IF he was not reviewing professionally. I highly recommend this high quality series!

Hellboy in Hell #6

May 20, 2014

My love for this title is very high, considering the wonderful art, colors, design, writing and plotting. Mignola is truly creating some of the best single issues in the industry. This issue is another standalone story, but it resonates with details that inform the overall Hell plot. Just like all Hellboy stories, Mignola offers a tale which can be enjoyed on its own but deepens the mystery for ongoing readers. every issue so far is on the cusp of getting a "10" score. So i may have to adjust after mulitpe readings. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Injustice: Gods Among Us #35

Sep 19, 2013

forget this review, im not sure how to delete it.

Jirni #1

Apr 17, 2013

. . $1,20pgs+2pg backup. Stylish Cover! some interrupting ADs. . . . A nice opener with plenty of eye candy. A decent story that sets up the characters and world a little bit, with a fair amount of killer action. The art from Pantalena and Smith is the real gem,a nd the colors in particular are LUSH and amazing. Another strong new title for Apen, for their 10th Anniversary. I only wish their books were $3!

Jupiter's Legacy #1

Apr 26, 2013

. . .$3, 20pgs. All ADs@back. Nice Noto Cover. . . . Off to a great start, this series promises a lot of depth and complex characters. Millar has risen to be one of Comic's top writers, so we should see great things here unencumbered by 'big 2' policies. However, he doesn't seem to be able to break from the 20 page issue. Quietly really shines as his art is the best part of this issue, for me. Doherty's colors compliment well, and i look forward to seeing how the artists work together.

Jupiter's Legacy #2

Jun 28, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Alot of MW+ ADs @ back. B grade, half banner/semi-wrap cover. . . After a delay we get rather thin issue two, that does move forward the plot and characters some. I hope we dont see this title become a Millar delay fest. This issue has plenty of dialog between characters we dont know too well yet, some nudity and one good kick ass scene. Frank Quietly brings excellent art, but is sometimes uncharacteristically off here and there. Peter Doherty's colors and design is quite good, and serves to elevate the issue.

Jupiter's Legacy #3

Oct 11, 2013

A very good single issue that gives promise to this series. After the delay i wondered WTF, but now im glad im onboard.

Jupiter's Legacy #4

Mar 7, 2014

This is a strong issue that shows what this series should be like. Unfortunately it jumps time and characters with no explanation but plenty of confusion. The last 3 issues were good but dragged on and some seemed like wasted time. This issue feels like the series has actually started. Downside is how incredibly unprofessional the creators are. There has been way too many months between issues, which makes me wish i never started it. Despite the excellent artwork, colors, design and even writing. I cant recommend this series, but it will probably worthwhile in TPB if the price is right. fuck millar!

Jupiter's Legacy #5

Jan 16, 2015

This is Garbage, and an excellent example of miss-treatment of comic book readers and monthly supporters. While INCREDIBLY late, the art is absolutely sub-par and rushed. The end of the arc reads more like the opening to the next, instead of any kind of satisfactory resolution. millar promised a 'double-sized issue', but instead we are served only 29 pages for FIVE DOLLARS! Please heed my warning, DO NOT BUY mark millar's work until it is 100% finished, collected and well reviewed. THIS is what comic fans should be worried about comics turning into. 2 fat bloated egos phoning in bullshit.

Justice League Dark #17

Mar 15, 2013

This title progresses a bit slow for me. Maybe if the characters came along faster i would be more pleased. Still, this arc and issue in particular has enough to keep me going. I enjoyed the last arc and was going to skip this, but im glad i stayed on. Even if its a bit of a side-track till we get back to the House of Mystery.

Justice League Dark #18

Mar 27, 2013

__$3, 20pgs + preview. 4 Ads.___ Worthwhile DC flair with a magic twist, not changing ANY status quo tho. The Art is one of the better aspects of the comic and the artists (Janin, art & Cox, colors) really shine on this arc. Fawkes & Lamire write some good dialog, i especially like Constantine asking for a cigarette mid-fall. a funny jab at the other smoke-less Constantine book maybe? The story moves quick and is acion packed, so its a good ride for many readers i think.

Justice League Dark #19

Apr 24, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Still too many ADs. Creepy cover, doesn't really occur. . . . So the art and colors stay strong on this series. Janin and Ciruentes make a good team with Cox. Lamire and Fawkes provide some good action, and decent dialog. The characters are presented well, but im in it for the House of Mystery. Im in for the arc, but worried about the Trinity War crossover that is coming.

Justice League Dark #20

May 23, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. To many $@#%& ADs! Killer cover ruined by AD banner! . . . Lamire and Fawkes continue to develop a good book, even if it has been on/off with me. This arc hooked me for the house of mystery, instead i see more cameos. They are decent cameos, with fair dialog and characterization. The team line up is a bit flux, but the hits keep coming and Doctor Destiny could be the best creepy yet! Hats off to Janin and Cifuentes on the crisp quality artwork and creature designs. Jeromy Cox's colors continue to impress. Layout and design fluctuates between standard and interesting. Im on till the Trinity War, then i drop JLD, PS, Constantine & Katanna. Bummer, i would have jumped on Pandora...but not JL & JLA @ $4 each!

Justice League Dark #21

Jun 28, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. B+ cover. Too many ADs! . . . Final issue before i break off due to Trinity War, ugh. Still this issue is a good wrap up to the arc, which focuses and informs Madame Xanadu with some Deadman on the side. Janin, Cifuentes and Cox do some of their best art and color work on the series, thus far. The Hose of Mystery is in play and the action is fierce while other scenes are just intense. A very nice job by Fawkes and Lemire, in dialog character and plot.

Justice League Dark: Futures End #1

Oct 2, 2014

A decent stand alone tale full of character. Its a bit weird, since the time-jump, but enjoyable overall. I look forward to returning to JLD via the BLIGHT TPB! . . . . NOTE: DC promised $3 & $4 covers. i only saw the $4 ones,over 3+shops! SCAM?!?

Katana #1

Dec 5, 2013

a promising first issue with good art and writing. i hope they get on their feet quick, because i'm intrigued!

Katana #2

Mar 15, 2013

This is a hopeful for me. i really want Nocenti to shine on this title, but its got some bugs to work out. The art of the first issue was nice, and at least a departure from the comic book 'norm'. Yet DC chose to hobble that art with an inker that makes those soft flowing pencils become ridged. Not really an improvement IMO. im on the fence, but i see potential.

Katana #3

May 22, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Too many @#$%& ADs!! Great RYP Gatefold Cover! . . . Nocenti is continuing to improve upon the character and move along a plot, with some good moments throughout. I love the street master. The art continues to improve, although the 1st issue was more unique. Design for the Creeper does not look too good to me, but its hard to tell since it doesn't really fully show up despite the WTF! hype. Ans hey, that sword isn't a Katana...?

Liberator #1

Jun 19, 2013

. . $3.50, 24pgs + 2pgs of text. Nice B+ cover. ALL ADs @ Back! . . From the Occupy Comics Kickstarter project comes Black Mask Publishing's first title. Liberator clearly leans into Occupy sympathies, and caters to the political and ethical action crowd.Specifically, Animal liberation supporters are the focus audience here. It may be a decent peephole into their perspective, but it may it also may end up just being vigilante fantasy. A nice opener gets me to connect with the main character, and we get a good book over all. While the the art is good overall, it does get rough at times. Colors, tones design and additional textures make for a good feel. I think its a worthwhile read for all kinds of people, but im not sure ill may it a regular purchase.

Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus #1

Jul 27, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs + 4pgs prv. Only 1 AD @ Back! Bannered B- cover. . . This opening issue of the latest Lobster Johnson 2-parter is rich with pulp noir. After a quick opener, and Nice splash page, the story and characters grow on you leading to stadding and creepy batch of creatures. A satisfying issue with a gripping cliffhanger, as LJ should be. The art serves the story and era well, with many touches and flourishes that raise the bar for pulp and retro nostalgia. As always Dave Stewart's colors and contributions are excellent. . . Andrew Lamb sez: "The brevity of this series is a direct representation of Mignola's desire to maintain the cult status without selling out to the masses. A monthly run would shatter the intrigue and inevitably churn out Lobster Johnson key chains and smart phone covers (which I would still buy, admittedly). Whether he takes back the reigns or leaves the story with Arcudi, the future of our crustaceous pulp hero is in good ha…er, claws. " AGREED

Lobster Johnson: Get The Lobster #1

Feb 7, 2014

. . . $4 for 22 pages? NO thanks! i read through this at the stores but found it to be a real let down. Some folks will probably enjoy it, but ill wait for the TPB if at all. A real slow start & a price jump, Mignola's crew needs to stop resting on their laurels. Do they think we are mindless zombies who will auto-consume anything they shovel out?? Lowest score I've given a Mignola book, aside from those awful Sledgehammer44 swastika covered issues.

Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus #2

Aug 22, 2013

. . . $3.50, 22pgs + 4pg Prv. B- cover. All ADs @ back! . . . This issue is the conclusion of the this part arc, proving that comics don't need to be decompressed or drawn-out to be amazing. While the last issue was a bit slow, this issue is loaded with action and creeps. This arc's plot doesn't crowd out the big picture either, as we see the police getting closer to LJ and pals. Truly a worthwhile series, and while part of the Mignolaverse, it stands well on its own! Highly recommended.

Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat #1

May 22, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. 4pgs of ADs, A- cover! . . . Another one shot from the Mignola.Arcudi-verse, #13 in the series! Very much enjoy Knowland's work for this compact, quality 1 shot. An fun, kooky, creepy and effective stand alone story with some very nice notes and plenty of action. I think Lobster is lucky and playing loose this time, but he comes through for justice & vagabond.

Lot 13 (2012) #1

Mar 21, 2013

___ $3, 22pgs; some ADs. ___ This issue is disturbing in the slow creepy sense until the end, when we get shock and gore thrown in our faces. A softer, slower build maybe but it serves just fine. The art is the star here, as Fabry brings all the texutres and details he is known for. i doubt anyone on the creative team will allow for any slacking off during this series. i have high expectations for this little monster of a series!

Lot 13 (2012) #4

Mar 21, 2013

___ $3, 22pgs.; some ADs. ___ How the heck anyone gives any issue of this series a "1" is just beyond me! Reviewing after the finale, i find every issue to rise above a great deal of comics available today. i dare say its one of DC's better mini-series, no surprise it being from Vertigo. The Art continues to impress, shock and sicken me in a good way. The story and writing started slow but develops well and picks up steam. Niles has done a great job in making me care about these ghouls and that clueless family. Keep it up i say! Maybe something short for Uncle Creepy?

March #1

Sep 19, 2013

why isnt this on the best series list??? its important American history, not man-child wank fantasy. in a time where out freedoms are eroding and some states are shitting on racial justice... this book is VERY important. all rest are garbage by comparison!

Mind MGMT #1

Apr 17, 2013

A very interesting read that looks like it could be a grade school primer or low grade info-comix. while it shows potential to be an interesting series, and the design is charming, te art style grates on me in a way unpleasant. certainly not something id pay $4 to subject my eyeballs to.

Minicomic: Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever #1

Jan 23, 2014

$5, 100% independent & NO ADs!! . . . Truly awesome! It only loses a half point for price, but gets major points for balls. i hope we see the original book and issues #2 & #3 up for review, at some point. If you ever liked Henry Rollins, Glenn Danzig or thier bands... this is a MUST read!....PS: there are 5 other issues! awesome!!

Mister X: Hard Candy One-Shot #1

Mar 31, 2013

--$3,24pgs.all ADs@back __ Pulpy, noir, design driven crime tale collecting the shorts from DHP. The ongoing cases of the agent, Mr.X. A near future dystopian urban populace trapped in a nightmare city of disturbing geometry. Dean Motter is craftsman of story, page and design. I am transported back, and so glad to see the return of one and only Mister X.

Morning Glories #26

Apr 26, 2013

. . $1! 21pgs+3 bare pgs. minimal ADs@back. Wonderful cover. . . MG returns, luring in new and monthly readers with a $1 opener to "season 2". Unfortunately this vague and odd issue does little to entice or hook new readers. Perhaps regular readers will find more charm in it, but dialog is sparse and most activity is unexplained. Nice work by the artists involved, and a price treat for loyal fans. . . PS: turns out one of the pages was misprinted! that certainly made it more confusing. lol

Occupy Comics #1

May 23, 2013

. . $3.50, 30pgs of art + 13 written. Nice cover & Design. 1 AD on back cover . . . 1st title of the Black Mask publishing, who seek to offer support for Occupy related work. Nice opening shot with plenty of talent, they plan to expand to 4-5 books soon. Ill try all if they stay under $4 and stay true to the movement, worth everyone giving a try with an open mind.

Occupy Comics #2

Jun 19, 2013

. . $3.50, 30pgs comics and art + 14 pgs text. Busy C- cover. NO ADs!! . . The Occupy anthology returns, and quickly, for another grand installment of politically charged brain food in 44 pages from over a dozen top creators. A bargain for the price, its worth a read and even a subscription, for this window on the Occupy culture regardless of your political leanings. Several interesting pieces of art, craftsmanship, story and soul to mull over. As with any anthology it will have highs and lows despite your tastes, and personal of boundaries, but overall i think it is a worthwhile read for anyone with an open mind.

Occupy Comics #3

Dec 5, 2013

Anther good issue to this anthology, but a bit fluffed up. Worth it for people interested in this stuff &/or the writing of Alan Moore. Maybe not so much for others...

Phantom Stranger (2012) #6

Mar 15, 2013

i continue to enjoy this series, and this issue in particular. While it doesnt jump off the page, it has nuances i can appreciate and character development. Im not a fan of the 'family man' aspect to this new stranger, but i suspect the creators could do something worthwhile with it. Im not sure if i will follow this into 'Trinity of Sin: the Phantom Stranger', but its get me intrigued. c'mon Diddio you can give us more!

Phantom Stranger (2012) #7

Apr 4, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Too many damn ADs! . . . I am enjoying this series a bit more asi go on, the dialog is fun and daring in this, odd sidetrack which could be a nice 'done in one' that encapsulates the bastard the Stranger can be. It also throws on the non-twist as shown on the cover, tho it is a charge for me to see The Questions finally arrive! Didio & J.M.Dematteis are doing good work here. Gene Ha, Pepoy & Layon put in some good art for this issues, esp. a great monster splash and crash near the end. Killer gatefold cover, scene does occur!

Phantom Stranger (2012) #8

May 2, 2013

. . $3. 20 pgs. too many ADs! corset lovin' cover. . . Phillpstark revealed and answers about the Phantom family man! Nice work by Tan,Paz ans Arreola.

Phantom Stranger (2012) #9

Jun 9, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Twisted cover, undermined by AD banner. Too many damn ADs! . . . A great slice of hell here with appearance and assistance of the Justice League Dark, although they are not in it much. Confrontation with sin eater and the Stranger's sin, leads him into hell and involved with Etrigan. Ultimately we get a bit of a Deus Ex Machina at the lend but its an interesting ride. Dematteis is raising the bar for PS, ho[efully we will see a satisfying arc wrap up before the title gets sidetracked for a couple months.

Phantom Stranger (2012) #10

Jul 3, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs + 2 pg 'news'. Too many ADs! Creepy but bland B cover. . . In this issue we see The Stranger move up the spires of heaven to escape hell and into heaven. The dynamics of these worlds are being very well written by J.M Dematteis, and make an interesting aspect to the issue. Dialog and characters are good, even if you must accept GOD as DOG. A bit of a forced save, threw me off but the rest is good. Some nice progression and development in this ish, especially with the revelation of The Stranger's angel! Blanco an Anderson do a good job on art and color, One double page splash in particular stands out. A good series and worthwhile read, which hope isn't derailed by the Trinity War Cross-over event

Phantom Stranger (2012) #11

Aug 9, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Plenty of ADs. Bannered B- cover. . . This solo tie-in issue could have lead me to drop tPS. After checking it out, i find it to begin abruptly but offer a nice crossover with good cameo character content. The art and colors of Blanco and Anderson are enjoyable, and raise the bar. While it ties to Trinity War, the activities still connect with tPS's main storyline although its hard to imagine him going back to afterlife so quickly after his recent escape. A strange mix which is a DC risk, TW readers may find it good but light (lol) & tPS readers may find it a bit disjointing. Still, its a good issue overall. A stunning ending leaves me wanting more, so i think i made it through and will continue to read this series.

Phantom Stranger (2012) #12

Oct 11, 2013

a bit awkward at times, especially with the "Forever Evil" banner, but a good issue that quickly moves forward the immediate plot. i only hope its well resolved next issue before the 18 part "blight" crossover (PS,JLD, constantine & Pandora) starts! im out before that starts...

Phantom Stranger (2012) #13

Nov 8, 2013

a decent amount of plot, action and character in this issue but it doesn't really wrap up anything at the end of this arc. Also a bit heavy on the cliffhanger for an arc ending issue. Next it joins THREE other titles (JLD, constantine & pandora) for an 18-part crossover mess, so im off this title for that reason only. Too bad, its been pretty good overall.

Phantom Stranger (2012): Futures End #1

Oct 2, 2014

A very nice issue, which jumps to the end of PS's journey for redemption. It works pretty well as a stand-alone, but needs some aspects of the series to feel the full weight. I look forward to reading the BLIGHT TPB, and if its good i may read the new "Trinity of Sin" series in TPB!. . . . NOTE: DC promised $3 AND $4 covers. i only saw the $4 ones, over 3+ shops! SCAM?!? NOTE: After re-reading this, after reading the BLIGHT event, im giving this book an extra .5 points.

Planetoid #5

Mar 27, 2013

__ $3, 32pgs! NO ADs, ALL comic! ___ Ken Garing does an excellent job of wrapping up this sci-fi space marooning min series. Not only does he knock it out of the park with 32, AD FREE pages of glorious color comics, its just a great action packed finale with a heroic twist and and very sweet epilog. My hats off to Mr.Garing, i look forward to any all work from him in the future. He has certainly proven himself a well rounded creator capable of producing his vision across the board from writing to art, colors, even lettering. And in return for a delay in the last issue, we get 32 pages for only $3, wow!

Punk Mambo #0

Dec 3, 2014

kinda OK, kinda meh...not really worth $4.

Punk Rock Jesus #6

Mar 16, 2013

This Series is my pick for best of the year. Sean Murphy puts in a stellar effort which reminds me of what one person can do with heart and DIY. i would love to know what his writing/drawing soundtracks were for this production. Make us a mixtape brother! im equally impressed that while this series features right wingers, extreme catholics, the NRA and a frakkin' Punk Rock Jesus... none of it is particularly heavy-handed or set to any agenda. Aside from a bit of cartooning and tomfoolery, of course. So in truth i wasn't hooked by this title at issue #1, i even returned it! damn. The art seemed cramped and i wasn't sure where the plot was going to go. Of course, upon second reading, i realized i was a fool. i blame it on a late night reading session, and fop addled-brain. Once i had a second look, it was clear how much effort and craftsmanship was going into this project. While i still wish for an oversize printing, the graphics were so rich and amazing. i just fell in love. Sean us

Saga #10

Mar 16, 2013

I am enjoying this series quite a bit. Even more then i would expect from the genre, which i admittedly had surprisingly little of in my regular reading until recently. But what the heck kind of sci-fi is this anyways? Well, its the kind of sci-fi that tickles the imagination bone while stimulating the smile receptors in both lobes of your brain. Simultaneously the words make you laugh while the art warms your heart. well,when they are not throwing giant's testicles at you. Wonderful, funny, brain tantalizing stuff from Vaughn and Staples!

Saga #11

Mar 20, 2013

___ $3, 22pgs. all ADs@back. ___ Joy, recovery, sacrifice, death .. this one has it all. Always a delight, Staples continues to wow me. For how long will i gaze at her splash pages, not a care in the world about decompression. No worries, they pack it in during all other 20 pages! And bonus for that cover. The story moves along quick and seems a short read, but it is full of action and adventure. Great story, dialog and writing as usual from BKV.

Saga #12

Apr 10, 2013

. . $3,22pgs. almost no ADs. drab undead? cover. . . . Another Killer opener, this time diving the digital community wild at Apple. WTF motherfuckers, it only dicks and jizz not the chemical warfare, horrific gore ,blood and violence of the 1st 4 pages. damn. Awesome fun and great dialog had me enjoying the heck out of this issue sans main cast. A great standoff of manners and wits between unknown but well crafted characters. oh and fuckign fantastic art, clors, oh my, form Ms. Staples... have my child. or at least teach them this magic stuff you do. gush.

Saga #13

Aug 16, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. B+ cover, bland wrap. Min. All ADs @ back. . . Saga returns with a good issue, although a bit light and some of it feels like recap. After waiting so long for another issue it may make sense, but it doesn't give the fans anything for bring patient. We get some good moments in this issue but it doesn't progress the plot that much. I enjoy seeing a particular character again, but its getting cheesy. Just break out the clone already! Fiona Staples artwork is beautiful as always, but she does rely on some big panels and 3 full page splashes. Colors, characters and charm are are still wonderful and the story and feel is going strong. I dropped this for a minute while waiting for this issue, now to debate if i'm back on or if ill "trade-wait".

Saga #14

Oct 11, 2013

During the delay i considered dropping off and waiting for the trades. This issue makes me glad i didnt! A great series continues...

Saga #15

Oct 31, 2013

A solid issue with good art and a few laughs, but this story has its own pace that may seem slow to some. Stunning/stupid death of my favorite character puts this title on the fence for me.

Saga #16

Dec 3, 2013

damn good stuff, excellent art.

Saga #17

Dec 26, 2013

Another great issue of Saga has progression, wonderful art, fantastic characters & snappy dialog! I am a bit worried about the pattern of BS character deaths tho. i hope BKV doesn't take much from the style of bobbie Kirkman! Excellent, highly recommended series for mature readers.

Saga #18

Jan 30, 2014

. . . $3, 22pgs. Grade A cover. All ADs @ back! . . . Another excellent issue if by Art alone. The writing brings great character, feels and action but the narrative jumps out of their predicament a bit quick and leaves my faves hanging.Meanwhile we get quite the jump forward by the end.

Saga #19

May 23, 2014

While i am very happy for the return of Saga, i am a bit disappointed in the time jump and more upset by the lack of my favorite characters (The Will & Lying Cat). This is compounded by the major cliffhanger(s) at the end of the last arc, involving said characters. Kind of a jerk move by BKV, i must say. However, the writing, characters, dialog, plotting, etc are still excellent even if the plot seems slow. Whatever gripes i have, Staple artwork does a good job of making up for it. Her work is an incredible treat for the eyes, that balances the wait between arcs. Highly recommended!

Saga #20

Oct 2, 2014

another great issue, even if just for the eye-candy ala Staples!

Saga #21

Aug 21, 2014

While i sometimes feel this series can drag a bit, this issue is damn good and Staple's art is always spectacular. BKV's characters, dialog and humor are right on and i'm always intrigued for the next issue!

Saga #22

Sep 3, 2014

Gorgeous artwork and great writing, only spoiled by the BS ending.

Saga #23

Oct 2, 2014

A rippin', sick, awesome issue... and thats just for eye-candy! great series, even when a more issue for me!

Saga #24

Oct 30, 2014

Another great issue! could be a 9, but a cliffhanger like that at the end of an arc? right before a hiatus?? a bit tacky.

Satellite Sam (2013) #1

Jul 3, 2013

. . $3.50, 24b&w pgs. Almost no ADs! Sexy B cover. . . Howard Chaykin is a real draw for me, his line work and design are incredible. I have enjoyed Matt Fraction's Marvel work, but am not sure what to expect from him here. Satellite Sam is set in 1951's early TV era, and gets the feel down immediately. While this issue doesn't present much plot or storyline, its structure and pacing are fantastic. Its an amazingly well crafted single issue. Hard to rate, not a lot of meat but so well prepared the few bites are so good.

Satellite Sam (2013) #2

Aug 9, 2013

. . $3.50, 20b&w pgs + frontispiece & character intro pg. Al ADs@back. B+ cover. . . This second issue really picks it up a notch, with more development, intrigue and character points from Fraction then the opening issue. Art is tighter, cleaner and less repetitive then some Chaykin projects and really shines here. While not a thrill ride, the plots begin to grow and pull me in and the characters are growing on me as well. A slow build, but good signs for a great series which will drag us though the sleaze of early era TV!

Satellite Sam (2013) #3

Sep 5, 2013

. . $3.50, 20 B&W pgs + recap, chapter piece & end pieces? Sexy B+ cover. All ADs@back. . . This installment moves forward the plot only just a little bit, but we get some back story on the deceased and sexy times. The plotting and pace is the biggest downside to this series so far, but pervy fun is in ample supply. Howard is on his game, albeit in his scratchier style without the benefit of color. Not as kinky as Black Kiss, but more ingrained in the world of early TV's hidden sleaze. A bit lacking in page count and content makes me wonder if i should have waited for the TPB, but the ride is enjoyable so far.

Satellite Sam (2013) #4

Oct 30, 2013

im enjoying this series overall, but it sure moves slow and the art is a sketchy, acquired taste.

Satellite Sam (2013) #5

Dec 12, 2013

$3.50, 19pgs + polaroids & chapter pg? A+ wrap cover! . . . Its sad for me too say that this arc has been slow and sketchy, and i feel there are deeper messages here but they just ain't showing through. Although the issue does pick it up a bit, its too little/too late. I'd like to give it a higher review but the price VS. page count is the final nail. A good arc in TPB maybe, so that's how ill buy the 2nd half.

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1

Jan 30, 2014

. . . $3.50, 24pgs. Grade A- cover. 4 ADs interrupting. . . This is a great start to the post-movie narrative That Browncoats and Serenity fans have been waiting for. It spends some time rehashing for new readers, but forwards the characters dramatically. Nice touches of world grounding and nods toward fallen comrades. The art is a bit rough but im sure it will tighten up, the colors are excellent. By the end i was riveted, i highly recommend this series.

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #2

Feb 27, 2014

Another great issue, loaded with character, action and development. Dark Horse has a sure winner with this series, i hope it becomes an on-going. Highly recomended.

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #3

Mar 28, 2014

. . . $3, 22pgs. A- cover. minimal ADs. . . This is another great issue, which is certain to please fans of Firefly/ Serenity. Very nice work on art, colors and design paves the way for a quality issue. Some action and character moments, which has odd bits, features a cool character beat for the mechanic. I am a bit confused by the assassin at times, and the final page leaves me wondering despite being a long time follower of the franchise.

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #4

May 2, 2014

This issue kicks ass and moves along at an excellent pace. It checks in with all the characters, keeping us connected on various levels. There is one page that is odd, but maybe it was a day-dream? We end with on our seats, and im glad im along for the ride! Highly recommended for all sci-fi and comic fans.

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #5

Jun 12, 2014

Another excellent issue, were our crew gets thier asses handed to them!

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #6

Aug 21, 2014

While not a 'complete' as previous Serenity mini-series, this opens up plenty of new territory for stoytelling and making the fans go squeeee.

Sergio Aragones Funnies #1

Jun 19, 2013

Fantastic! Welcome back Sergio!!

Sergio Aragones Funnies #8

Aug 22, 2013

. . . $3.50, 26pgs! All ADs @ back! . . . when it comes to lighthearted cartoons with depth and fun.... it just doesnt get any better then this. Highly recommended for kids of all ages.... WHERE ARE THE OTHER 10 ISSUES TO REVIEW? they are all GREAT!!

Sex #1

Mar 15, 2013

This pamphlet is garbage, and i can only hope its an intentional set-up by Casey. i like his work in general and was surprised by how boring this is. A waste of time and money that could just be a scam on the comic buying public. Frankly, that's my hope here. Between the name and the "collector's Item" on the cover, i hope Casey is trying to make a point about blind consumerism and the speculator market. If this is a serious effort, then it fell flat on its face. Although i would give the artist points for tickling my Chaykin-bone... no not that bone, dirty bastich! Get back to working on the G0dland finale Joe!

Sex #2

Apr 17, 2013

. . $3,18pgs!?! A decent cover & minimal ADs@back. . . . i dont know what Casey is trying to pull here, but this crap pulls down the otherwise good art that might shine on a project that wasn't boring drivel.

Sex Criminals #1

Oct 30, 2013

A killer starting issue with 32 uninterrupted pages of comic with all ADs at back! i am very intrigued, as the concepts for this story are pretty interesting! i think im jumping on

Sex Criminals #2

Nov 18, 2013

Another fantastic issue, this time focusing on the lead male character while current dilemmas close in on them. Alot is packed into this, and Fraction does a great job of channeling young, male, sexual discovery and angst. a bit short on pages for the price tag, but well worth it overall. Highly recommended for Adults (& near-adult) readers.

Sex Criminals #3

Nov 25, 2013

Definitely short on pages for a $3.50 book, but that is really my only gripe! Art and color are fantastic, even if it its my favorite style. Writing is organic, real, nuanced and interesting. The creators dig deep and get wild at the same time. I definitely recommend this series.

Sex Criminals #4

Jan 10, 2014

Another bang up issue, but i'm not thrilled by the jumping around the timeline. Also the price VS. page count is not cool at all, so they will lose a half point for that. However, the writing dialog, characters, art and colors are all excellent. I'm glad to see someone pushing the envelope, as this title features an 'underground' style i wouldn't expect from a mainstream publisher. I recommend this series, but maybe in collected TPB is best?

Sex Criminals #5

Mar 17, 2014

Backwards Compatible by Paul Fiander.... Please take note: This issue is not meant to be a "jumping on point", it was always meant as the last issue of the opening arc. next arc starts with #6

Sledgehammer '44 #1

Mar 15, 2013

OK, so i wasnt sure if i would pick this up but now im glad i did. i dont usually enjoy WW2 stories and Latour's art style isnt my usual choice. Yet after about 3 pages i was hooked! Latour doesnt stay in archie-ville, as he blows that away into panels that jump and shake me. i felt like i was asking for a shock, by not throwing on some rubber boots. its all love from Latour. This is also only a 2 parter, the perfect way for the creators to introduce a new character. it goes right to the point, and right into the action. no decompressed BS spread over a 6-8 part series. this crew gives the real deal, upfront, and leaves to you. and considering that in!

Sledgehammer '44 #2

Apr 10, 2013

. . $3.50,22pgs.all ADs@back. Very Nice Cover. . . Just read the 1st 3 pages, then BUY IT! GO, Jughead!! What a great opening and amazing comic overall! To think i considered skipping this Mig/Cudi joint, i am so glad i signed on! i usually don't follow WW2 era stories, but this had me hooked all the way. The Character work alone is wonderful, both in writing and imagery. Jason Latour and Dave Steward really brought the art to a special place in this 2 parter, and this issue specifically.WOW. Sign me up for future tales of this newest addition to the Mignolaverse!

Sledgehammer '44: Lightning War #1

Dec 3, 2013

swastikas glorified on the cover?? fuck this! a crying shame considering the MignolaVerse is my favorite thing in comics & i was looking forward to this despite the $3.50 overprice and retro WW2 BS. Even worse, considering the advertised cover (w/o swazis)was an excellent piece of art which seemed to make statement about how they were not needed to have the same impact. dark horse & mignola get a big "FUCK YOU" from me this month.

Sledgehammer '44: Lightning War #2

Jan 10, 2014

Another swastika on the cover, just begs for hate from me to Dark Horse. a so-so issue overall

Sledgehammer '44: Lightning War #3

May 20, 2014

A decent issue that wrap ups the arc well. unfortunately it wasnt a very good arc overall. The art was messy and without the level of pulp quality we saw in the previous arc. The writing/plotting was slow and the story overall was meaningless. This just reminded me of mindless, "big2" superhero antics and bashing. I had hoped for more insight or background into the WW2 black flame. At least Dark Horse got a clue and kept the swastika off the cover of this issue. I doubt ill be reading any more Sledgehammer44 in the future.

Star Wars (2013) #3

Mar 15, 2013

As a guy who grew up with Star Wars, and saw episode IV in the theaters over and over as a kid, i am already enamored with this title. i was seriously worried that this series would go the way of so many other SW spin-offs. This series is right on track, so far. No BS from the the other movies, series, toys, cartoons, etc. It stays true to the original material, and as an old fan i can only say... thank you! Now, this issue does get a little sappy but with a babe magnet like Luke it was bound to happen! i was very excited to see more Han & Chewbacca, maybe the only down side was that they didnt dominate the issue. The art is clear, clean and precise along bringing life and feeling to the characters. And that cover, no surprise, is just great. This is the star wars book for old fans and lapsed followers like me!

Star Wars (2013) #4

Apr 11, 2013

. . $3,22pgs.5pgs interruptive ADs! Wonderful Ross Cover! . . . Nice work form wood and crew. Things move forward with attention thrown across many characters effectively. Tne art seems to be improving even further with this issue, Notably a fantastic one page splash of the Droids. which admittedly seems abrupt but still serves the progression. This issue also maintains that oldskool charm that works for this old fan.

Star Wars (2013) #5

May 9, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs + pin-up. Dashing Duo Cover. 4pgs of ADs throughout. . . This the Star Wars comic iver been waiting for since the original Marvel. Brian Wood impresses me here more then any of his other work, in how true he is to the characters and legacy. No filler, no reton, no fan-fic just the real Rebellion age, classic Star Wars. D'Anda's artwork looks great, full of detail and action from page 1 on... and oh, the menace! Great color and sweet pin-up from Gabe Eltaeb.

Star Wars (2013) #6

Jun 17, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs? Impending doom cover. some interrupting ADs. . . Another nice little issue that doesnt rely on nostalgia, but instead builds from the era i love. Nice artwork, colors and all. It could move a little faster, but im enjoying the ride. Someone at Dark Horse needs to learn to get the @$#%&! ADs out of the story section.

Star Wars (2013) #7

Jul 10, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs + 4pg prv. Almost No ADs! B Grade Vader cover. . . While this issue covers a lot of ground there isnt a lot of action this time around. Still its pretty good stuff, especially when it comes to character and enticing with whats coming next issue. Ryan Kelly's artwork is looking quite good overall, giving as a real full book with full panels. The Dan Parsons' work is very good this issue, showing off with a final page splash after a whole issue of top notch colors.

Star Wars (2013) #8

Aug 16, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. solid B cover. 4 interrupting AD pgs. . . This series continues to improve and impress by faithfully building upon the post episode IV universe. This issue we get plenty of Solo/Fett action and spaceship battles! Luke and Wedge gamble becoming captives to infiltrate the empire! And a mystery character for Leia, that has me very intrigued! Brian Wood is serving up a dream series for Olde-Skool Star Wars kids, now in their adulthood, and SW fans in general. I am excited to see him take on the original characters and develop the universe without pollution for the decades of spin-offs and stay true to the old characters and universe of the original movies. Kelly, Parsons and Eltaeb collaborate well together to bring us an excellent effort in the artwork of this book. While there is the odd storm trooper and a pierced ear on Luke, the illustration has been excellent overall. I highly recommend this series, especially if you long to return to the Original SW!

Star Wars (2013) #9

Sep 14, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. 4pgs interrupting ADs. Great A grade cover. . . Wood and crew continue to do the original Star Wars right!, without needing any of the clutter of the franchise post episode 4, but with all the respect needed for the first trilogy. This dream project is kicking all kinds of ass and maintaining forward motion in all three of its ongoing plots. The artwork and colors continue to improve and always stay true to the classic designs and world. This issue's cover is one of the best, and comes from Hugh Fleming. i wish DH refrained from the barcode & verbage. A great series, i recommend it highly.

Star Wars (2013) #10

Oct 11, 2013

A great issue that continues to split 3 plot lines pretty effectively. each issue packs in a lot of story, plot and character.

Star Wars (2013) #11

Nov 14, 2013

a kick ass issue that really makes me love what Wood is doing for us OLD fans of the ORIGINAL Star Wars. I do wonder how pilots can talk so much during a firefight, but the dialog is like firecrackers and the art is fireworks. The best Star Wars product on the market, IMHO.

Star Wars (2013) #12

Dec 12, 2013

This is a nice little issue that brings together the characters and the series so far, especially responding to last issues awesome battle! It is a bit chat heavy and focuses on the characters more then action, but its absolutely worthwhile. Art, writing, colors all continue to improve in this excellent series. Highly recommended!

Star Wars (2013) #13

Jan 9, 2014

While this issue focuses on Darth Vader, its great one. Art, colors and writing continue to be very good. I definitely recommend this series to all who like Star Wars, Sci-Fi and comics in general.

Star Wars (2013) #14

Feb 25, 2014

Another GREAT issue!! Fans of original Star Wars, Sci-Fi and comics in general are in for a real treat.Never too late to jump on, i highly recommend this title!

Star Wars (2013) #15

Mar 13, 2014

A great single issue which delivers the characters, developments and action we expect. The art is solid quality, along with a talented colorist, making this series kind on the eyes. Im happy and excited with a plot outside of the franchise, which is rare for me. Good things are coming, even if they may be bad for the rebellion. I highly recommend this series.

Star Wars (2013) #16

Apr 14, 2014

While this issue may be a little slow for some readers. i enjoyed it and took it as a slow boil. The characters, dialog and plotting were all on point. Art, colors and design are solid and even improving. They even get a little bump for page VS. price. I think next issue is when things will get exciting again. I highly recommend this series for all Star Wars fans, especially the old school crowd.

Star Wars (2013) #17

May 20, 2014

While i am a little disappointed at hoe dumb the rebellion is being written, this is an excellent series. Now that we have suffered through watching them fall into a trap, over several issues, things start heating up! Some very good moves and action in this issue, along with quality art efforts. Their is one disconnect in how Skywalker fakes his death but suddenly the enemy is on his tail, without being spotted. Clearly a writing/ plotting problem. Still highly recommended, especially for old SW fans!

Star Wars (2013) #18

Jun 12, 2014

While this arc has been a bit of a slow build, this concluding issue kicks a lot of empire ass! good read, highly recommended.

Star Wars (2013) #19

Oct 2, 2014

I enjoyed this issue quite a bit. i didnt think i would get into IG88 so much! good writing!

Star Wars (2013) #20

Aug 21, 2014

The last issue wraps up things well enough, but i sure wish it was continuing on! Its a crying shame that Dark Horse has lost this license, especially considering how well they kept the franchise alive when their were no movies and how much they added to the universe! This series in particularly really took meback to the original films and my childhood. Thank you Wood, DH & crew, i cant give it a better review then that!

Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

May 2, 2014

Another classic Star Wars title that has me excited, even though its only a mini-series. It looks like this will focus on one of my favorite characters of all time, Han Solo! First off the Art, colors and character recognition are quite good. Design and Price VS. page count is decent, but there are some ADs interrupting the story. The writing was quite good until the last few pages when it got odd and confusing and just plain lame by the last page. But i'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and going for issue #2, which i hope will explain the turn of events.

Star Wars: Rebel Heist #2

Jun 12, 2014

A great single issue, that works somewhat as a one-shot, focusing on Princess Leia!

Star Wars: Rebel Heist #3

Oct 2, 2014

An issue featuring my favorite fuzzball?!? HELL YES

Star Wars: Rebel Heist #4

Aug 21, 2014

A nice wrap up to a good companion to their Star Wars series, even if it doesn't make direct connections. As a series of spotlights on our main 4 heroes, it performed well and this issue brings it to an enjoyable close. Too bad Dark Horse has lost the license, Disney would do well to let them keep working the franchise DH has done SO much for in the last 20+ years!

Swamp Thing (2011) #18

Mar 15, 2013

i have been pretty happy with this new52 Swamp Thing, considering its creator's love and respect for the source material and history. Paquette's art has me entranced and the other artists make a good effort as well. The layout alone give most comics out there a run for their money. The writing and dialog has been quite good. And while 'rotworld' was not as packed with action as i hoped, i was a good ride. i don't think we could have asked for a better ending, well you could but you'd be a jerk! lol. A sad but wonderful finale for our lovers, and a great twist for swampy that puts him back to familiar form. i think ill be on this title for a long time to come!

Swamp Thing (2011) #19

Apr 5, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs; Many interruptive ADs! . . . First isseu for the new creators leads to spending a good amount of time in Swampy's head. I think think could have laid it out more for the new reader/ arc but there is probably too much for the regular fan. We do get to see where Soule's head might be at as fa as Alec's mind. Some funny moments with the Scarecrow end up letting me down as plants don't have lungs!. The cover is a also a tease as Supes doesn't show till the last page. Art is quite wonderful, and layouts are interesting even if they don't maintain Paqutte's imagination. Kano's work is very good, although leaning toward regular new52 art, while maintaining the darkness, mood and some creep factor. the Greenscape is not as wild as i've seen it, but quite good indeed. Colors are pretty fantastic even in dark scenes. Nice gatefold cover, no payoff tho. A good start overall.

Swamp Thing (2011) #20

May 2, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Too many ADs! Blazing good cover. . . Swampy continues to deliver with this new team. Ill miss the wild layouts and creepy design of Yannick Paquette. the team of Kano, Lopez and Wilson seem to have it covered, even if a tad more mainstream flair. I very much enjoyed the dream/nightmare sequences, and the issue in general was quite good. I tend not to like much crossover and like dark books to stay apart from the supes, but this was well done and gets Superman right i think.

Swamp Thing (2011) #21

Jun 9, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Jock cover,crapped on by AD banner. A Very good issue from Charles Soule, which feels like its in old rich soil. His dialog is good, and he echos past writers and the character was love. Capuchine is quick to take interest in, and the elder we meet here is engaging. Jesus Saiz doe a nice job of working a balance between the readability of a general comic style and the organic, realistic and wild style we have enjoyed in Swampy over the decades. Both are well assisted by Matthew Wilson, who's colors really enliven this read. Stay tuned, this is my safe title, while gimmicks like Trinity War and Forever Evil blow over! 8-0~

Swamp Thing (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs + 2 pg 'news'. Too many damn ADs! Busy B grade cover. . . Part one of a 2 part story, starts off with mood & feels correct for the title. Dialog and characters are good and the play between Swampy and Constantine is interesting and arcane. 18 pages in it suddenly it turns ballistic and outrageous, but attention grabbing. Soule is doing a good job and has me in for his Swamp Thing with this kind of writing. Although i will say it moves more into supe comics dynamics then the alternative supernatural vibe. Kano, Lopez and Wilson are doing a good job with art, but that also seems to have moved more into standard comics style and expressions become caricature toward the end. A very worthwhile read and series in general, despite these tone and style changes.

Swamp Thing (2011) #23

Aug 9, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Cluttered B- cover. Plenty of ADs. . . Part 2 of a 2 part storyline featuring Constantine, a very busy man during this Trinity War. John goes off a bit mad and locks down Swampy in a tough spot. This is a great dark and mature issue that gives us some bloody moments and exciting turns. Quite a crew of artists turn up to turn out this issue's decent art. Overall a worthwhile series, even tho we get another break before returning to the Seeder in October. Although Arcane is one of the few villains i care about for September "Villains Month", so its not too intruded on by "Forever Evil".

Swamp Thing (2011) #23.1

Oct 11, 2013

pretty good overall, but a weird aside considering Arcane has been gone since the end of 'Kingdom of Rot'. but a good one-shot that is worth the price of the standard cover. Those 3-D covers a crappy gimmicks.

Swamp Thing (2011) #24

Oct 11, 2013

A good issue that gets a little weird in the plotting, but is enjoyable overall. A worthwhile series overall. This may be my 'last man standing' of the DC New52

Swamp Thing (2011) #25

Nov 7, 2013

A good issue that continues the 'seeder' plot, but jumps back into anther challenge way to soon IMO. The contest is a bit stunted and makes Alec look lame, but a worthwhile read overall. I miss Yanick Paquette, as the art/layout become more 'mainstream comics'. Too bad about the ending... stay tuned!

Swamp Thing (2011) #26

Dec 5, 2013

A decent issue, despite the lack of our prime protagonist... Alec Holland. Its more of a 'Villain's Month' issue, with commentary from Alec. Kind of bizarre since Swampy is apparently still Dr.Holland in the "blight" crossover "event" spread out over 18 issues of JLD, Pandora, Constantine & Phantom Stranger. very odd, but still a title worth reading. i just hope it doesn't get pulled into X-over hell!

Swamp Thing (2011) #27

Jan 9, 2014

Finally, a bad-ass issue that features Alec Holland! My hopes for this title are renewed. Art, colors and writing are all improved this issue.

Swamp Thing (2011) #28

Feb 7, 2014

. . . $3, 20pgs. B grade cover. Many ADs. . . . This issue features the fallout of Swampy's actions against the green and gives us some good back story of the mysterious Capuchine! The writing and pacing is solid and the art is quite good. This title is continuing to bring us good comics that i recommend.

Swamp Thing (2011) #29

Mar 6, 2014

Another excellent issue moves forward new characters and present dilemmas. i was missing the design work of earlier issues, but this one rewards us with a great boundary-breaking splash page! The whole team is doing a great job. This is my only DC book at the moment, and its no surprise that its survived the cuts. I recommend this series.

Swamp Thing (2011) #30

Apr 14, 2014

A solid issue that forwards the Sureen plot. Well written, plotted, drawn and colored as usual. I'm a little concerned with the inclusion of Vandal Savage, as this may be a stupid side-track, but we will see. Still my favorite DC title, which i recommend.

Swamp Thing (2011) #31

May 8, 2014

Great issue that uses real-world themes to an extent we usually dont see in superhero comics. Character developments and action are loaded up in this issue. Soule and crew are looking great and i recommend this series

Swamp Thing (2011) #32

Jun 12, 2014

A decent follow up to Aquaman #31, but it leaves me wondering if i really needed to buy the connecting issue. Its also a bit abrupt of a victory, but indicates troubles ahead for our hero!

Swamp Thing (2011) #33

Oct 2, 2014

Pretty badass issue!

Swamp Thing (2011) #34

Aug 21, 2014

Another great issue! Would keep me in DC's New52, but im pulling out of comic stores and floppies in general. Maybe ill read it is TPB. fuck avatarpress and Uber, but if the industry lets that shit slide i don't wanna support it!

Swamp Thing Vol. 4: Seeder

Jun 12, 2014

good stuff overall

Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #1

Oct 31, 2013

A key issue for the rotworld series, which is a jerk thing to do with an overpriced annual. i liked when annuals were thier own self contained one-shots. However the high page count balances the price and the story & art make it worthwhile!

Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #2

Oct 31, 2013

a nice long issue with many pages for a high price, balances things out. many ADs at first but very little in the 2nd half. A great story to round out the green, but a bit dull for swampy.

Swamp Thing (2011): Futures End #1

Oct 2, 2014

Attempting to be a stand-alone issue, this is only OK since it relies on so much (that hasn't happened yet. However it does entice me to keep reading Swampy in TPB! The return of Jesus Saiz is wonderful! . . . . NOTE: DC promised $3 & $4 covers. i only saw the $4 ones, over 3+ shops! SCAM?!?

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose #87

Oct 30, 2014

Not your standard comic book fair, and VERY adult, but i liked it!

The Deep Sea #1

May 23, 2013

. . $3, 24pgs+2Pg sketchbook. 2 pgs of ADs, in the middle!? Somewhat bland cover. . . Collected from DHP, this is a decent standalone/ oragin story and decent set-up for a series, or script. Loaded with named talet, we should expect abit more. Still a good story and ideas from Palmotti & Grey, even if there is an odd moment or two. OMG the dialog in the first splash pg! But the splash at 2/3rds is Awesome, compliment of Tony Atkins whose Art overall is good although a bit rougher in the final 3rd. Paul Mounts colors are nice to see here and in an Indy book! i could follow this for $3 a month.

The Devilers #1

Oct 2, 2014

Quick paced and full of promise. Not mind-blowing but worth a try at $3, from Dynamite's "Creators Unleashed" line.

The Devilers #2

Aug 21, 2014

Another good issue of this upcoming horror/adventure series. While not perfectly polished it does well for Dynamite's $3 "creators unleashed" line. The art could be a bit better though.

The Devilers #3

Oct 2, 2014

Good issue, a little tricky to follow at times. am i seeing some art improvement here?

The Devilers #4

Oct 30, 2014

Umm, this is only OK. the improvement of #3 didnt get its momentum utilized but its worth hanging on to the end... i think.

The Devilers #5

Dec 29, 2014

Thier best issue so far, focusing on the Tibetan powerhouse! Art, writing and pacing have all improved. Now they just need to stay on schedule!!

The Devilers #6

May 18, 2015

Devilers has hit its stride and this issue features plenty of drama. Unfortunate that they have had such problems keeing on schedule. Still, ive enjoyed watching the story, art and writing develop and hope for a quality wrap-up soon!

The Eltingville Club #1

Apr 24, 2014

. . . $4, 26pgs! C+ cover. All ADs @ Back! . . . As a fan of Dorkin & Dyer i'm very excited for this 2-parter that promises to wrap up the Club saga, as seen in issues of DORK. I hope its not the last time we see this freaks, but they have long deserved their own comic book. Evan uses these characters like a kick to the nuts of fan-dom, geeks, dorks, and collectors. He does it with a heaping pile of humor, snotty references and scathing sarcasm. Its exactly what fan-dom needs, to help us pull our collective heads from our collective asses! get ready to laugh at yourself and your scene, dont miss it. Highly recommended!

The Fade Out #1

Aug 21, 2014

. . . $3.50, 28pgs!! . . . Bear with me. I am royally %$#^$#@ PISSED at Brubaker & Phillips right now! I have enjoyed the hell out of their DareDevil, Captain America & Winter Soldier stories. SO its no surprise i have followed them to Image for Fatale & Velvet (both highly recommended). I figured i could check this out, and get the TPB later. Oh no, they get their hooks in quick! This promises to be the best crime series on the market, and i am in for another thrill ride with this incredible crew!

The Legend of Luther Strode #3

Mar 15, 2013

This series is even better then the first, and this issue does not disappoint! Tradd Moore's art is like the fist of fury themselves, fast and intense and packed with power. BAM!! Jordan is no slouch either, writing in character and story development alongside excessive action, violence and bloodshed. i am not hooked on Petra yet, but kudos for someone FINALLY getting (and keeping) a character's body art correct. It impesses me, issue after issue, how they keep every detail and body part in place instead of what most comics do. It puts Moore right up there with Juan Jose Ryp, in my book. The only downside to this series is how fast it is, but its also worth going back and studyng the details. Even moore thumbs up for the backmatter and backcover bonuses!

The Legend of Luther Strode #4

Mar 28, 2013

__ $3.50, 22pgs.+7pgs.backmatter; NO ADs! ___ I continue to be spellbound by the blood and violence as Tradd continues Luthor's bloodfest. A always a quick read, which focuses on the stars of blood, gore and action. But still so packed with details, its wortht he extra 50cents after the second viewing. Hilarious backup strip from Yale Stewart and several pin-ups, my favorite so far being MeatOvision Petra boldly on the back cover by Chris Thornly! Great creepy cover marred by too much title!

The Legend of Luther Strode #5

May 22, 2013

. . $3.50, 22pgs. + 7 pgs. bonus. NO ADs!! . . . Jordan, Moore and Sobreiro continue to bring their blitzkrieg epic of violence. The pace is simultaneously fast but dlowd down in time, wonderfully simulating the slow motion perception that these enhanced being must operate at. The story and event are tight but the world and characters expand. Ultimately the writing is light but the artwork is intense, and loaded with detail. "Race you to hell, fatass."

The Legend of Luther Strode #6

Aug 8, 2013

. . $3.50, 29pgs + 7pgs Xtras! C- cover. NO ADs!! . . ULTRAVIOLENCE! This issue concludes the second arc of the story of Luther Strode with all the bloody action we have come to expect. It also features dialog, character & developments that we usually don't see... still at a breakneck pace. The art is intense and the colors are vivid. Its clear that all the creators worked themselves to a higher standard with this issue. As usual we get more from an issue of LS then the majority of comics on the market. This issue is loaded with value, exceeding the industries page/price ratio by a wide margin and then throwing in plenty of pinups & strips. Jordan & Moore have intriguing characters and a nice little franchise on their hands. I look forward to the next arc in 2014. I encourage those who haven't read this series to pick up the two arcs in TPB.

The Multiversity #1

Aug 21, 2014

INSANE! Insanely awesome!! between the $5 price tag and each issue being a #1(ripe for spin-off), i was hesitant to pick this up. Fortunately, this book is incredible. The series will have a poster, a guide, 2 "bookend" issues,and 6 issues in between. If Morrison has pre-written the 8+ issues, i'm IN. If NOT, then i would steer-clear and get the TPB when it comes out in a year or so... Should be an awesome ride!

The Multiversity #2

May 18, 2015

Better then the last issue, but still a let down. ill re-review after i re-read the series, hoping for it to make sense. Frankly, i think i get what he's saying but its weighed down with obscurity, writing mistakes, lame mis-steps and honestly i think he should have made more sense of it for the readers. MEH overall...i wish i had NOT bought it monthly, as a collection it MIGHT be OK.

The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

Oct 2, 2014

This second issue of Multiversity (despite the one-shot style) is pretty good and reads as a self-contained issue. So far they both do this pretty well, so i will read them as 1shots and look for the connections to grow into a hell of a epic. While i am usually very wary "Crossovers" and "events", this looks to be worth following. In fact it will be the last of the monthlies i purchase. As an event it is self-contained, no tie-ins, no spin off series & no BS. I just wish the price was better! LOL

The Multiversity: The Just #1

Nov 4, 2014

At first i found this to be a soppy soap-opera, and then i realized that was the plan! This issue was also the first time in the series i've gotten genuine chills about the content. I wouldn't expect that from a soap-opera, well done Mr. Morrison! A pretty good issue, i'm looking forward to more.

The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

Dec 3, 2014

Pretty awesome, even if all the #1s make it annoying to follow. But maybe thats part of the plan?

The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

Dec 19, 2014

great piece of work, from top to bottom. Could stand-alone, but ties into the rest of the multiverse very well. charming and fun, with creepiness lurking beneath the surface. Probably the best issue in the series, so far!

The Multiversity: Guidebook #1

Feb 18, 2015

While this an over-sized and over-priced ($8!!) guidebook, it delivers a lot more comic book goodness then , i expected AND a lot more pages! I really enjoyed it very much, especially the Marvel family, and the earth guides come at a perfect time for the series. These creators are staying on point and on time, producing possibly the best crossover / event i've ever read. DC is already making and changing plans (Convergence) to mine the gold from this, so i hope this doesn't get dragged into the regular DC books in any way that undermines the ending or the stand-apart nature of this series. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

The Multiversity: Mastermen #1

Feb 19, 2015

Difficult to review, this book has some good and interesting bits and some gross bullshit as well. Even if you dismiss the pro-nazi sentiment of the world being 'better place' due to nazi victory, some aspects are just broken and kind of sloppy writing. The end is the weakest portion IMO, even if there are some interesting moments with overman/superman. I think this would be the worst issue, even if it didn't involve nazis, and frankly this idea was explored better in "Red Son". Somewhat thought provoking, but mainly shock value, the world could have done without this and something better could have been done for the Multiversity series. i still plan to finish out the series, but DC made a mistake with this that may find me refusing their products in the future.... ADDED: fuck you "gizmo"!

The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1

Apr 7, 2015

Pretty weak, especially for all the build up. This was promised to be the last issue (#8), but i guess they lied and need one more try. good luck to those of us who believed in the project and have been spending too much for it. Its been downhill since "Mastermen", even just in poor writing and amateur mistakes.

The New 52: Futures End #0

May 5, 2014

DEspite being a reader of the New2, i am completely lost in this issue. However, it does provide a good peek into an alternate future of the New52 and works as a stand alone. A must for those planning to read "Future's End", and worthwhile for the curious.

The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #1

Oct 11, 2013

Get this NOW! . . . . .if you like comics at all. Almost perfect despite its pace. SC is BACK!!

The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #2

Nov 14, 2013

$4, 33 PAGES!! NO ADS!! ... This is an incredible book that blurs the lines of comic book with artistic experiment. It would be easy to condemn a comic absolutely no dialog, text or even signs of plot but this is a piece of art. 33 pages of zombie massacre which puts BS 'zombie comics', like the walking dead, to complete shame. Clearly the art is amazing, every zombie has its own details and personality, and the endless zombie gore-fest challenges my notion of narrative. Some wont get it, others wont be able to fit it into their notions of what comics should be. The rest of us will just smile and re-read it until the pages fall apart. Brilliant i say, absolutely brilliant.

The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #3

Dec 12, 2013

. . . $4, 33 pages. NO ADs!Grade A cover! . . . Another AMAZING issue of SC! Goes great with Sepultura for soundtrack. Darrow is a powerhouse. Dave Stewart on colors is fantastic. You either get this, or you don't... best zombie book on the market. Best comic art and artistic determination in the industry. For Pete's sake reviewers, did any of you even notice the incredible pacing challenge of the turtle?? on top of everything else??? Comic Book Resources 's Greg is a moron, how did he get a pro reviewer job?? FTW!!!

The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2013) #4

Jan 9, 2014

. . . $4, 33pgs + 2 pin-ups. Grade A cover. All ADs @ back! . . . A fantastic mini series comes to an end. Not for everyone, but certainly the best zombie book on the market. Rough ending tho...

The Tick: Free Comic Book Day 2014 #1

May 5, 2014

A great, fun stand alone story that encourages new, young and lapsed readers. one of my favorites from the FCBD stack, and filled with chuckles.

The Wake #1

Jun 3, 2013

. . $3, 25pgs? Minimal ADs. murky cover with striking title color. . . So,i am drawn to this title because of Sean Murphy and his work on Punk Rock Jesus (which is not to be missed, BTW.). The art here is clearer and is opened up a lot compared to his illustration for PRJ. This is a good thing, considering this art is in color and it was a but too tight at times in PRJ. The color does not impress me, and may even drag down Murphy's work, but ill give it some time to grow on me. The Writer wastes no time and jumps right into developing the story and the characters. The plot is certainly not fully revealed at this point, but i like where its going. A very nice starting issue, at 25 pages for only $3, its certainly worth a look. I'm on for this series,even if the page count drops to a normal amount.

The Wake #2

Jun 27, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. Dark, grade C cover. !#$@%&! ADS!! Bit thin & light overall !?! . . Seriously, DC needs to do something about these fucking ADs, this is such a disgusting display i gotta take at least a half point off! Snyder and Murphy continue to slow build a creepy underwater maxi series, that shows signs of maybe surprising us with something bigger. I am more then reminded of sci-fi films like Aliens, the Deep, Leviathan and others to the extent that i wonder if its homage or copying them. The time jumps are interesting devices, the future has me intrigued and this issue opens with a look backwards. This issue is a little slow and lacking in action, why not face eating Mr. Snyder? While the characters and dialog are good, one goon is too cartoon and another is a clone of jesus' mom. Murphy has quickly impressed me, im here due to his work on Punk Rock Jesus. Some of his work here looks rough, but later he's reminding me of the best of early Frank Miller. Good stuff, even if a little slow so far.

The Wake #3

Aug 1, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. D- cover. Too many damn ADS! . . . Things take more shape in this issue, which launches into the most action and intensity we have seen so far. An excellent job by Scott Snyder who 'got me' once or twice. i wasn't too surprised by the ending, but its a great sign of things to come! Murphy is killing it with his style here and i look forward to more. Hollingsworth's colors seem quite pulpy this issue, or flat depending on your view,but it serves the feel of the book. This series is definitely getting interesting. I only hope they reduce the ADs, as that is probably what will harm my buying Vertigo in the future. A great series is brewing, and its not too late to jump in!

The Wake #4

Oct 11, 2013

Probably the best issue so far, makes me excited for the series. Too bad Verigo puts in so many #@$& ADs!

The Wake #5

Nov 25, 2013

$4! 27pgs . . . . . . An action packed issue that ties up the first half and prepares the reader for big things (i hope) in the 2nd half. Plenty of action here, but im not sure how i feel about the progression of the series so far. Murphy's arc rocks, but i'm not sure the colors help it. The biggest problem is the sudden lame price jump for this issue. Not very cool to the monthly readers, esp considering they will be reprinting the arc for $10!! ill get the 2nd half in TPB, i think.

The Wake #6

Feb 28, 2014

i figured i would give this issue a shot, to see if its worth returning to it, after dropping it due to a boring pace and screwing thier supporters with a price jump on issue #5. Not to mention how bad Murphy's art looks with color, or that colorist. This issue does nothing to make me want to return. its just as boring 200 years later. If you are really interested, get the 1st 5 issues for $10 in the cheap quality collected form. ill be waiting for the TPB, and to see if it was worthwhile after its done. im returning this issue, and cant suggest this title.

The Walking Dead #108

Mar 15, 2013

. . $3, 22b&w pgs. B cover, all ADs@back. . . While im glad that this phase is moving along, and that Rick isnt a coward, this new development leaves me wondering if Kirkman has finally resorted desperate measures. The critical crowd has chirped for awhile now that he has been repeating the same cycles and 'shock deaths' for awhile now. i was loathe to agree, but after issue #100 there is no way to deny it. so is this new character a sign of a new direction? maybe we will see ninjas next!. . . . . . . ______. . . . . Also, did Carl just age between the last issue and now? he looks to be a teen/tween in this issue, whereas he sure looked a lot younger in previous issues! Still Mr. Adlard puts in an excellent effort as usual. Nice drawing a tiger for a change, eh?

The Walking Dead #109

Apr 10, 2013

. . $3, 22b&w pgs.+ 4pg teaser. Almost no ADs! . . . My man Glenn gets a plank, but no tag. So all issue long im going hey... Kirkman is kind of writing jesus dumb a bit eh? huh rick too, but that's been imposed on him for a bit. Then yup even jesus gets it at the end, he's been stupefied to force the narrative. Damn Robbie, that's weak. Another awkward change is how Carl has grown so fast lately, and by lately i mean within issues! he's looking like an awkward teen and just recently he had a growth spurt ...right in the middle of a zombie fight. also, i've noticed how decompressed the art has become when looking back at old issue. maybe its Adlard's mastery of the form and pace, or he's been pushed by the lash a little too long. i mean the guy it coping and reusing face shots for multiple characters in the same issue. Hmmm, still love Charlie and the tWD crew tho.

The Walking Dead #110

May 9, 2013

. . $3, 22b&w pgs. weak tease cover. All ADs @ back! . . . Charlie Adlard is a machine, a machine that makes sweet sweet illustration and i appreciate his efforts. His consistent teamwork with Rathburn has really made this series for me. I have noticed some style change over the years, a little less compressed & detailed maybe. i do worry about his use lately of repeating panels, but i figure it came from doing an issue every 3 weeks! i hope they give him some breathing room to flex the artist in the man more. This issue: no zombies, more drama, more blah. WTF Kirkman? TV ruin ya?

The Walking Dead #111

Jun 17, 2013

. . $3, 22b&w pgs. Bloody douche cover. All ADs @ back! . . This series keeps slipping further into BS territory, but i guess its been a stupid soap opera for awhile. Another character death but it means nothing to me, so i guess that says something. Adlard's artwork lifts the score overall.

The Walking Dead #112

Jul 10, 2013

. . $3, 22b&w pgs. All ADs @ back. C Grade cover. . . Too much of what Kirkman has been 'learning from the TV writing room', could be what is pulling this series down. Or maybe its just lazy writing. Kirkman's typically serviceable dialog takes jumps and liberties here that are sophomoric, even the swearing is weak and tired. And i am tired of dumbed down Rick and the plot's non-twists. The minimal zombie action leaves us with the same apocalyptic suburb soap opera as usual. Unfortunately TV gimmicks, like shooting guns out of people's hands, are cheap old bullshit to me. That and more, in this issue, are just phoned in crap. i'd say that Adland and Rathburn save this issue, considering their work is excellent, but Charlie does resort to FIVE splash pages this ish! tWD has been weaker and weaker since issue 100. Which is sad to me, as a long time fan.

The Walking Dead #113

Aug 15, 2013

. . $3, 22b&w pgs. B grade cover. ALL ADs @ back! . . tWD continues to suffer Kirkman's masturbatory exercises in how to drown his popular franchise in TV writing bullshit. A once great series that stood on its own has since fallen into meaningless character deaths and blabbering boring 2-D villains. The days of character rich, zombie survival are over and i wonder if the TV show, money or whatever has lead to this phoned in garbage. I considered this title to be my absolute favorite on the market from #1, but since the craptacular sell-out that was #100 i have to agree with the critics and sigh in disbelief. Kirkman continues to write Rick as stupid, and now other characters do the same. Who the heck turns her back on a machete wielding enemy to try to line up a shot? who the heck slashes an arm (difficult to do in that position) when a head or throat attack only makes sense?? Where the fuck are the ZOMBIES?!? Not to mention how boring it is to read exposition during a stand-off! Negan is officially an idiotic creation.... Adlard & Rathburn continue to bring excellent artwork, but Charlie gets a deduction for ripping of THE ADICTS' T-shirt and making it look moronic...____...BTW Robbie: we don't die" is a moronic catchphrase that is counter to the series and everything the survivors have experienced! Way to sell crap to your fans, guess you need more T-shirts & bumper stickers? Its time to look for a good jumping off point IMHO.

The Walking Dead #114

Sep 12, 2013

. . $3, 22pgs. B+ cover. All ADs@back. . . Finally this title has some action, unfortunately its pretty forced action. Sheer luck pushed by the author to get him out of the bind he created for cheap thrills. That's what writing your main character as stupid will get you. Last issue we had magic hand shots, and Suddenly stupid Andrea. Now we get super-jesus to save the day and the tiger gets his spot of validation, all nice and tidy. Still we see the rapidly aged Carl, which may have even outpaced the TV actor! If they only waited a bit longer it could have been explained away by the upcoming additional artist. Instead, this falls squarely on Mr. Adlard who shows other signs of slippage in this issue. Dont get me wrong, Charlie is a great artist that i like a lot. I just think the pace of the title has worn him down a bit. A tight issue with no splashes, i would have expected more then the big dark Carl shot we get. As his last solo issue i kind of expected a crazy 2 page spread. Anyways, Adlard and Rathburn at least outpace the efforts of Kirkman, who us still stuck in TV land crapping out gimmicks. AND not a walker in sight!

The Walking Dead #115

Oct 11, 2013

Debated jumping off before this, but as a reader since #1 i keep hoping tWD will get better. Instead it keeps promising goodness but just serves warmed-over TV BS! What a boring start to the super action packed WAR we were promised. Again there are too many gimmick covers and this arc will be done in the marvel BS manner of double-shipping... UGH! On the up side, Adlard and crew rise up to bring us some excellent art!

The Walking Dead #116

Nov 14, 2013

This issue we get a small bit of zombie fan service to help us swallow this stale "war". Also, another awful TV writing gimmick rears its ugly head in the form of dramatic conversations in the middle of a firefight. Kirkman has sold us out folks. on the upside, the art is strong and the zombie splash reminded me of better issues. This "bi-weekly event" is already bland, badly written and behind schedule. i miss the old tWD, i really do.

The Walking Dead #117

Dec 3, 2013

more garbage from Kirkman. good art

The Walking Dead #118

Dec 12, 2013

a little bump of improvement from last issue, since we get a couple of fight scenes and even (gasp) some zombies! Unfortunately the issue goes like this: Jabber group 1, jabber group 2, some conflict lazily drawn with 3 panels of the same building, some conflicts gone to cheap character deaths, more jabber... THIS is NOT remotely close to what "All out war" means. None of this arc has been, its a miserable fail overall. i should have dropped out beforehand! Kirkman('s writing) sucks

The Walking Dead #119

Jan 9, 2014

While this issue does have a strong last page, the rest of it is the typical blabbing. Even the art has suffered, with big googly eyes at times. They need to back away from 'biweekly issues' and go back to monthly, for Adlard not to take the blame. The extra pages give it a boost. "All out War" is a good example of how bad this title has gotten.

The Walking Dead #120

Jan 23, 2014

SO we are at the half way point of "all out war" and we FINALLY get an issue that has some decent action and comes close to what a "war" might be like. At least the art seems to be getting back on track. There is actually some decent character and narrative development. Otherwise this arc has been absolute crap, keeping with the trend of the title going downhill since at least issue #100. I've been following this book since #1 and its turned to garbage as robbie K continues to poison the well with TV writing gimmicks and sell-out BS. oh, and no zombies... so i just cant suggest this title any longer. i should have dropped off before this boring "war" started.

The Walking Dead #121

Feb 25, 2014

another steaming pile. slightly improved over other issues, in the BS 'maxi-arc' call "all out war. its anything but, and makes the first 99 issues look like scriptwriting for the moronic TV masses, and an insult to loyal monthly readers. Art/greys are good, as usual,but not without flaws.

The Walking Dead #122

Feb 28, 2014

another issue of boring BS, in the form of chatter, chatter, chatter. This is mostly what "all out war" has been, lots of blabber with a little bit of action and barely any zombies. This book is a cliche soap opera at this point, and has been for quite some time. The only redeeming factor is the grey work. In 2 pages alone, Kirkman rips off "Crossed" and introduces the 'we all have it' plotline from the TV show that has no place in the comic. Clearly Kirkman is phoning this in and letting his #1 franchise run on fumes. i suggest everyone stop reading tWD and switch to TPB collections, if you must. Better yet, read it from the library for free!

The Walking Dead #123

Mar 13, 2014

. . . $3, 22pgs., C- cover, all ADs @ back. . . The first half of this issue is the same boring crap as most of this 'mega-series'. It also returns to some of the same stupid garbage that fans have been complaining about for years. Blah, blah, blah sitting around doing soap-opera drama. waxing optimistic right before the crap hits the fan. wasting their time bullshitting while they are in the middle of the war. any gains the good guys had is pissed out the window so kirkman can masturbate. However the 2nd half was pretty good, in that it FINALLY had some action. still, this series sucks and i plan to drop in when this garbage arc ends. Boooooorrriiinnnggg

The Walking Dead #124

Mar 28, 2014

. . . $3, 22pgs (5 splash), C- cover. ALL ADs @ back! . . . Im glad to finally be able to give tWD a good review, since this issue gets back to the action and feels more like the "war" we have been sold. Art, design, greytones, etc are all on point and i didnt notice any errors there. The writing is pretty good, and wastes little time on BS. This is a fine example of what this maxi-arc should have been.

The Walking Dead #125

Apr 14, 2014

Back to 'MEH-ville', as this issue only features about a page and a half of action. On the up-side, they get to fight zombies. On the down-side, there is no "war" action. Just plenty of BS babble and soap-opera. Even the 'shock' of the last page is too littlw & too late. 1 more issue before i decide if im dropping tWD after 126 issues of fan-dom. This 12 issue 'mega-arc' has been awfully stupid.

The Walking Dead #126

Apr 24, 2014

"All Out War" has been a farce of both war stories and zombie tales. This mega-arc has mostly been a waste of my time and money, as it is dragged down by lame blabber and soap-opera boredom. At the very least, i hoped for justice for Glenn and a gory death for Negan. Instead we get the BS of a guy who can fight while he has a gaping wound in his throat. There is a little action in this issue, but its WAY too little & WAY too late. Adlard, Gaudiano & Rathbrun's graphic efforts are the only redeeming factor, & even that has flaws. I was planning to drop this title after being a fan since #1, but the double-sized next issue (#127) buys them ONE last chance. Dont #@%& it up kirkman!! Save your money, buy this in TPB if you must.

The Walking Dead #127

May 20, 2014

While this issue is a great deal, having 44 pages for only $3, the content is so-so. We finally get some zombie action, but it seems like a gimmick at this point. We also spend too much time on new characters or characters we care little about. Whats really disturbing is the time-jump, considering that Kirkman once promised he would never use that 'cheap trick'. He even set it as one of his "rules" for tWD. But he has broken many rules and promises to the readers at this point. Honestly i'm on the fence, i think its a good point to break away but maybe ill switch to reading the TPBs.

The Walking Dead #128

Jun 12, 2014

i really don't know what to say about tWD at this point. Kirkman has broken another one of his "rules" for the series by jumping time. It seems like this is getting more redneck friendly each issue. i'm saddened by all the new characters i couldn't care less about. Well, that's what happens when you kill off the well developed ones for stunts.

The Walking Dead #129

Oct 2, 2014

Same Meh comic, same meh writer. still nice stuff from Adlard & Rathburn, but less then perfect.

The Walking Dead #130

Aug 21, 2014

A good issue that shows promise for the new time-jumped tWD.

The Walking Dead #131

Oct 2, 2014

Meh, with some redeeming moments.

The Walking Dead #132

Oct 2, 2014

FINALLY, a good frakkin issue from tWD for a change. Still slow and meh with a waste of space double-splash for pags 2 & 3, then ANOTHER full page of cute. fortunately we get some quality ZOMBIE action and for once in a LONG time i feel chills. somewhat. I'm dropping this, maybe ill read the TPBs.Im not supporting stores, monthlies or the comic industry anymore since nazi glorification seems just fine with folks now. fuck avatar press and uber.

Trillium #1

Aug 16, 2013

. . $3, 28pgs. Two B grade covers. Almost No Ads, tho oddly placed. . . Rising star Jeff Lamire begins an ambitious 10 (8?) issue series with two stories that come together in the middle. An interesting way to start the series and one that sets it apart from most books. Will this serve the narrative or end up being a gimmick, time will tell. My bet is that the story and adventure of this series will be worthwhile, but some aspects may be a little far out for the average reader. While many enjoy the art style of Mr. Lamire, i am not so fond of it. It is good and has heart, but it is loose, cartoonish and its just not so much for me. I do want to note that the color work is quite impressive, and is a highlight of the issue. 10 issues is a bit much for me to follow this monthly, but fans of Lamire and strange-fiction will probably love this series.

Trinity of Sin: Pandora: Futures End #1

Oct 2, 2014

An absolutely CRAZY issue that tried to be a 1shot, but probably needs to be informed by the regular series a bit. Ill give a boost for that awesome cover tho! i just got Pandora vol.1 & the BLIGHT TPB, so ill re-read this after i read them. Maybe ill read the new Trinity of Sin title in TPB, if those are good!. . . . NOTE: DC promised $3 & $4 covers. i only saw the $4 ones, over 3+ shops! SCAM?!?

Trish Out Of Water #1

Nov 13, 2013

Another title that is not for me, but has the potential to earn some readers. The pacing is slow and the art is sketchy, but they both show potential. i just wish someone would have insisted on polishing it up more before it went to print. Worth a try for $1!

Uber #0

Apr 17, 2013

what a bunch of shit, any doubt went out the window when they gave metzger a shout out character. Avatar press can deny, deny, deny thier WP/nazi love, but its still apparent."See super beings in a whole new light as Gillen presents an epic new series that not only rewrites history, it redefines the genre."....gross

Uber #1

May 10, 2013

More disgusting garbage. in this issue, we see them save shitler just before he is to blow his head off. historical revisionist, wannabe nazi & WP fantasies. Death to nazis. Lightning bolts for avatar press!

Uber #2

Jun 11, 2013

Absolute garbage and pandering to white supremacists and wannabe neo-nazis. for shame, avatar.

Uber #4

May 19, 2014

a nazi lover's delight... therefore, complete shit.

Uber #5

May 19, 2014

bound to bring happiness to white pride scum.... therefore, its shit.

Uber #6

Oct 11, 2013

Death to nazis. avatar press should burn and fry

Uber #9

May 19, 2014

sure to inspire neo-nazis all over the planet... its shit and so is avatar press and kieron gillen.

Uber #11

May 19, 2014

pure nazi-wannabe empowerment, so its total shit. anyone giving this a "10" must be a nazi-wannabe.

Uber #12

May 2, 2014

what a piece of shit. i wish i could rate this a zero

Uber #13

May 16, 2014

complete shit, anyone giving this more then a "1" score must be part of avatar press, or a nazi lover. probably both.

Uber #21

Mar 20, 2015

more garbage for wannabe-nazis to brainwash thier kids with.

Unity #0

Nov 4, 2014

While $4 is a bit much for what Valiant delivers, this is a good stand alone tale. It reveals some of team Unity's history, even though it doesnt seem to apply to the current run. I enjoyed it.

Unity #1

Nov 18, 2013

. . . $4, 30pgs + 4 pg Prvw; all ADs @ back. . . . A very good issue that isn't quite what Valiant or the reviewers claim it to be. Its not an excellent jumping on point for the Valiant Universe, but it a pretty good one. I feel that a much of the 'catching up' still relies on previous issues,but its still serviceable. We DON'T get a crossover of the valiant books, instead we get B-characters & a couple main characters. The art is Excellent but the colors could have been a little better. There is a bit too much chatter time, but we are still served a good amount of action. Maybe a must read for Valiant readers, but 50/50 for the uninitiated. Still a lot of promise for this series.

Unity #2

Jan 16, 2014

A damn good issue, loaded with action and major characters from the Valiant universe. Not all of them have their own books, and one is a side character from "Harbinger Wars", but they are prominent and well developed. Very little gaps in story make this a trustworthy event/crossover so far, but i worry about how important the XO-Manowar (limited crossover) issues will be. My only gripes are the ADs & page count VS. price. I recommend this series to Valiant readers!

Unity #3

Jan 16, 2014

i want to give this issue a higher score but the page count and missing action/story sequence cost it. Aside from a big battle being in an issue of XO, instead of in Unity where it belongs, i enjoyed this issue a lot. Plenty of great character moments, dialog, art, action, etc! The ending is most thrilling, possibly setting up an even better twist then i expected.

Unity #4

Feb 25, 2014

While this was a good opening arc, and i like the concept, this issue is a bit of a let down. Its disjointed at times and does make sense in others. Good art, colors and design; while the writing is serviceable. too little pages for the price and oddness has me dropping this title. But ill probably read the TPBs if the price is right.

Valiant Universe Handbook #1

May 5, 2014

While this is not a comic book, it is an excellent handbook for Valiant readers and those who might be interested in the Valiant universe. In this it excels and does a great job of bringing us up to date with major and minor characters alike. A few laughs in there too!

Velvet #1

Jan 21, 2014

. . . $3.50, 27pgs! B+ cover. All ADs @ back. . . . This is a great first issue of what is sure to be a great series. Velvet Templeton is the Ms.Moneypenny, who is really the best agent ever! For fans of Brubaker, Epting, Spy fiction and pulp comics this is a must buy! Tremendous art, colors and design quality lives up to character and writing quality for sure. I like this a lot, especially since i miss their work on Daredevil and Captain America so much. A lot of bang for your buck, this is Highly recommended!

Velvet #2

Jan 21, 2014

. . . $3, 21pgs. B+ cover. All ADs @ back! . . . Another excellent issue, moves forward the plot, action and character development splendidly. All aspects of writing, art, colors and design are top notch! This is Brubaker & Epting's next spy/crime epic. Highly recommended.

Velvet #3

Jan 21, 2014

. . . $3, 21pgs. B+ cover. All ADs @ back. . . . Great quality issues keep on coming, but that no surprise from Brubaker & Epting! While spy fiction and the 1970's are not usually my taste, this series is so excellent ill be eagerly following it monthly. Considering the groundbreaking contract the creators have signed with Image comics, it deserves a lot of support. Even without it, its a series best not to miss! Highly recommended.

Velvet #4

Mar 6, 2014

Plenty of action, development and ass kickery in this issue. The art and colors are beautiful. The writing & characterization is excellent. jump on in, the water is warm.

Velvet #5

May 23, 2014

This amazing flashback story expertly reveals so much in just one issue. It could be considered a 1shot, and would be excellent for hooking in new readers. I'm glad i read it in this order, as it triple the depth and paranoia brilliantly, to an already deep and paranoid story. Art, colors and design are at the top of the industry and the pulp/noir feel will transport you. This is gearing up to a spy thriller deeper then any spy movie, with characters more complex then even James Bond. This series is NOT to be missed, and you can get the first TPB for ONLY $10! Highly Recommended!

Velvet #6

Aug 21, 2014

Another great issue with writing and art you cant shake a stick at... er, i guess you could but that would be silly. An excellent series is unfolding here, the only downside being serious gaps in issues (lateness).

Velvet #7

Oct 2, 2014

While i miss Velvet in this issue, its a great move to switch to the supporting players. a great single issue!

Velvet #8

Dec 3, 2014

Sheer awesome! The only serious downside being the long delays in this series. A problem that will probably always plague Brubaker's works. Still worthwhile though!

Velvet #9

Feb 19, 2015

Incredible art and colors for a well written issue. but i'm taking off a half point for how late this issue, and the series in general, has been. These creators seriously need to consider switching thier books to bi-monthly status, to avoid the wrath of their "monthly"/floppy supporters.

Velvet #10

May 18, 2015

Another quality issue of Velvet, wraps up the arc pretty well and keeps us eager for more. Brubakers writing is soem of the best in the industry, and its great to see him turn toward spy fiction. Epting and Breitweiser make a wonderful team, bringing the perfect Art to this book! Thier only flaw is staying on schedule, so hopefully we see the next arc hit its marks or turn to bi-monthly.

Weird Love #1

Dec 29, 2014

This is some crazy, wacked-out stuff! Lovingly chosen, cleaned up and presented... its 45 pages of pre-code, golden-age love-struck madness for only $4!!

Wild Rover and The Sacrifice One-Shot #1

Mar 20, 2013

$3, 24pgs. + back cover pin up; 4 ADs @ back____Tricky to rate, being 2 separate shorts and such. Frankly, Avon's work doesn't often work for me. There were a few moments that i admire. The layout or something. The story itself is nauseating, and its principle character pathetic. It would fit better in Creepy, as a stomach turner... and i mean that in high regards. A reader who likes to gaze a little too close at the inner muck of lowlife, may find this appalling. The second story is a charmer with art i can enjoy and a great twist ending, Well dona and raises the bar for this book.

Winter Soldier (2012) #16

Mar 15, 2013

I had my concerns about this title when i heard Brubaker was taken off. Thats just BS marvel! But i have been happily surprised by the efforts of Latour and Klein. Latour shows his writing chops here, as he continues the depth and feel that Ed layed out. Clearly he respects his predecessor and the characters he is working with. Klien does a noble job of maintaining the look an ambiance of this spy-thriller. On a down-side, marvel is still loading their books with a metric ton of ADs that really detract from the reading.

Winter Soldier (2012) #17

Apr 4, 2013

. . $3,20pgs; too many ADs!. . . Another good issue for Latour and Klein, as they continue to explore old sins for James to atone. These guys are doing a decent job of maintaining what Ed built. Dialog and character are staying strong but the old spy character is a bit wacky but fun. Little things were off here and there tho. Art is wonderful, Klein is killer on colors and effects. i almost missed the subtle digitizing. a range of styles throughout the book for flashbacks, mood etc, even old school dots! One of marvels better books.

Winter Soldier (2012) #18

May 2, 2013

. . $3, 20pgs. %$#@& ADs!! Nice art, bad cover layout. . . Latour continues to impress with a good spy revenge tale turns to introduction to a villainess you didn't know you were dying to fall for. James is literally sidelines here, but instead we are treated to a tight and tidy accounting of the background of the electric ghost! i like the dialog, voice and character already; design is great, eevn if they do use a very silly 'pac man' ghost logo for her belt buckle. hah. look out for col. sanders!

Winter Soldier (2012) #19

Jun 9, 2013

FINAL ISSUE! . . $3, 20pgs. Explosive Cover! $@#%&! ADs! . . . Latour and Klien wrap up Brubaker's Fantastic character return and rise to his own title! The only got one arc, but i feel it was an excellent effort which respects Ed and James. Hopefully we wont have too long a wait for his return. While i enjoyed this issue and the title, it may be my last marvel book for awhile. Its decisions to cancel excellent titles and rip them away from writers making them so special, that is just the tip of the ice burg for why an old marvel fan will see himself with marvel books in his pull. but in case you were wondering... Too many ads, harsh prices, reduced pages, decompression, crappy paper, self-wrap covers and douchy online editors... well they dont help! So long Bucky, see you in the funny papers. ahem, i mean ..big screen. hah!

Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #4

Mar 15, 2013

This series is amongst my favorites on my pull list. A wonderful blend of action, humor and Dr. Strange. The creator's are doing a great job of digging deep and creating quality creatures and mythologies. The artist puts so much texture and detail on the page, he reminds me of the art of Bernie Wrightson! Even better then the first series, they are putting the work in in spades, don't miss this!

Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #5

Mar 27, 2013

_$3, 22pgs; all ADs @ back___ .Im still enjoying this series quite a bit, And even more then the last series. It moves on with the Dr's self-treatment into some conflict with the top creeps, moving the story forward well. Brandon Seifert brings all the witty banter and fun of previous issues, and a great astral battle. i love how WitchDoctor builds and sticks with its Mythos so well. It is really grounded and well developed, pulling me into believing and understanding the supernatural their way, even when it can be such a humorous book. Lukas Ketner's art continues to impress and i love his little details and layouts. Some very nice colors from Andy Troy, creating great mood but bight still colorful and not too dark.

Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #6

Apr 24, 2013

. . $3,22pgs. All ADs@back! Terribly Toxic Cover. . . . Mal practice comes to a close with a lot of action and even more beatings for our MD. The art continues to impress me, and i will be on the lookout for Lukas Ketner's next project. Hopefully, more WitchDoctor! Also a wonderful effort thought the series by Andy Troy on colors. Brandon Seifert has my thanks for another great WitchDoctor Mini-series, i can only hope he has another planned. Creepy, funny, twisted, goofy and crazy imaginative stuff.

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #1

Jun 19, 2014

I am very excited to that another installment of WitchFinder has begun! The previous mini-series' have been excellent, and this new creative team is right on track. If anything they bring the Lovecraft elements to the fore, which i very much enjoy. From the tone, to the players, to the garphic hints... this might be the most HP story to date, as it seems to draw directly from 'A shadow over Innsmouth'. I highly recommend this series!

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #2

Oct 2, 2014

Im rather impressed

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #3

Aug 21, 2014

While the regular crew is not writing this series, Newman McHugh & Crook are doing an excellent job. Not just in terms of mood, but also pacing dialog character and art. My only critical thoughts were the surprising lack of color on certain pages. The first time i've questioned the work of Mr. Stewart! Very good series, with no need to read the other BPRD books.

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #4

Oct 2, 2014

What a great issue! i am enthralled and cant wait for the conclusion. Great series, full of the Lovecraftian themes i crave!

Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #5

Oct 30, 2014

Pretty friggn' awesome all around! My only gripe is Sir Eddie seems to uncharacteristic in letting some creepies slide...

Wonder Woman (2011) #23  
X #0

Apr 13, 2013

. . $3,24pgs. Vicious cover. Minimal ADs@back . . . A Gritty, Bloody Crime meets vigilante comic returned for the current market via Dark Horse Presents. Collected here, it makes for a good read that fulls out the book well. Art and colors work well for this sort of story and genre, although it stretched a bit thin at times. Good writing with a charming '3 little pigs' motif. Good dialog, but there are times that dont makes sense or seem disjointed with an odd ending. A good read overall

X-O Manowar (2012) #0

Nov 4, 2014

A decent issue, even if the price should be lower. Its a good back-history tale that has some guts to show the hero in the light that it does. Humanizing and worthwhile for character development alone.

Reviews for the Week of...


