waltgator93's Profile

Joined: Oct 01, 2018

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Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #3

Oct 9, 2019

An okay issue. Wouldn’t highly recommend it but if had spare time and just want something quick to read, would recommend it. Glad Ahmed is on the book. Glad this tie in is over but at least it ended better than it started.

Action Comics (2016) #1004

Oct 23, 2018

While the story does nothing to progress the story arc, we get Clark and Lois reconnecting to only have Lois tell Clark that they need space to do their own thing but aren’t broken up. This issue feels like I missed an issue or two. Bendis still does not have the voice of Lois right.

Action Comics (2016) #1005

Nov 27, 2018

We are slowly progressing the story at a pace where book I would not pick up. Art work probably a 7/10. Although the cliffhanger could see that coming from Action Comics 1000.

Action Comics (2016) #1006

Jan 2, 2019

Solid issue! Didn’t hate it like last few ones. The art is very good. Enjoy the sticky notes page for all the Easter eggs and future projects. Still confused on how the Mayor is connecting in all of this though, hope we explore that. Dialogue for Clark was eh okay. Better than what we have been getting but still not quite right. For a split second I thought they were going with the route that Amanda Waller hired red cloud. Now the cliffhanger left me with many feelings. Curious, confused, and ready for next issue with especially with that car.

Action Comics (2016) #1007

Jan 30, 2019

Feels like we have three stories going on but in the same number pages as a regular issue which unfortunately means not enough to get me on board! But also it feels like it’s taking place during last story arc. Dialogue is okay but could better while artwork is great except for couple of panels!

Action Comics (2016) #1008

Feb 27, 2019

Actually enjoyed this issue! Great artwork and dialogue only thing have an issue with is the name Waller said at the end of the issue!

Action Comics (2016) #1009

Mar 27, 2019

Enjoying this story arc’s dialogue better than last but still not fan of how Jimmy is written. Art is really good! Solid 9/10 for art. But still not caring much about Leviathan. And we really don’t get much more than we already know.

Action Comics (2016) #1010

Apr 24, 2019

First half of the issue was a huge what the Hell is going on?! The writing is eh. Art is pretty good! Overall story arc isn't good.

Action Comics (2016) #1011

May 22, 2019

While the art wasn’t so bad, the dialogue seemed a bit funky. Not much of an expert of Jimmy but hope he always didn’t sound like this! He’s one of the annoying parts of the book. Feel like Bendis doesn’t know anything about Spyral.

Action Comics (2016) #1016

Oct 23, 2019

Once again Bendis shows us why he shouldn’t write Batman and Superman books. Batman’s dialogue felt off and very odd in many ways as well as his actions. All of the people that were questioned, could have been cut in half.

Adventures of the Super Sons #3

Oct 3, 2018

An issue for all ages! This is a story that I didn't need but each issue making me realize how much I should have wanted this. Great art and great dialogue. Only downside is the cliffhanger, should have ended page or two short.

Adventures of the Super Sons #4

Nov 6, 2018

Great issue! My biggest fear going into this issue was that the two Jon’s was going to get overplayed and I was just going to get tired of it. But I was proven wrong! They didn’t overplay it and Tomasi showed us that he still has the voice of Damian and Jon down by their dialogue! As for the Junior villains, as for now they are great at just being side pieces to the story. Really hope Joker Junior isn’t gone forever in this book. And of course Tomasi does a great job with the cliffhangers! Barberi does a great job on art!

Adventures of the Super Sons #5

Dec 5, 2018

While I am quite confused on how it all played out, I enjoyed the dialogue. Art work was nicely done! The scene with Joker jr at the beginning I felt was unnecessary and a waste. Nothing happened. The villains weren’t really that good of a villain.

Adventures of the Super Sons #6

Jan 9, 2019

While I feel like each issue is only giving us a small piece of the story at a time. Although the pieces and the artwork have been good it’s just the pace is slow. This issue could have been cut in half and added more material to progress the story. We get a character we haven’t seen in a long time and which they did something to prop him up.

Adventures of the Super Sons #7

Feb 6, 2019

Quick read! Unfortunately the issue drags on a bit and they could have added more to the story as well. The art is very good! But the time jump probably weakened the issue. The cliffhanger felt very anticlimactic. Issue had the Supersons feel but something still felt off.

Adventures of the Super Sons #8

Mar 6, 2019

Finally such an enjoyable issue! Enjoyed the dialogue although it only progress the story a little bit. Art kind of was motionless. It was good artwork but could have done better to made me feel something whether it’s funny or sad.

Adventures of the Super Sons #9

Apr 3, 2019

I’ve come to the conclusion that this will be a slow burn to the finisher. That being said, great issue. Enjoyable dialogue and great art. Could easily be a one-shot. Wish it progressed the story a bit.

Adventures of the Super Sons #10

May 1, 2019

Well this book certainly is getting more and more plot holes! It’s an ok issue with great artwork and somewhat good dialogue. Something feels off about Jon’s and Damian’s dialogue.

Adventures of the Super Sons #11

Jun 5, 2019

Very enjoyable issue! Great artwork and great dialogue. At this point just here to have fun, even though the fake future supersons can’t really have memories. Hoping Joker makes it out of this!

Age Of X-Man: NextGen #1

Feb 14, 2019

Art was great and story was solid! Just wish because these aren't very popular characters, they tell more on what they do. Unfortunately this story felt a bit predictable but still I am interested in the next issue.

Amazing Mary Jane (2019) #1

Oct 23, 2019

Surprisingly very enjoyable issue! Art was solid and Leah Williams did an alright job on the dialogue. Story is one I can get behind. Plus that cliffhanger, well done! Would easily recommend this issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #7

Oct 11, 2018

Best issue in the series so far!! Even though the art seems to be getting worse, it had me feeling! Really hope that Boomerang and Spider-Man do more team ups! Quite curious to see which Roommate is off limits tho, Randy or Pete... (score may possibly be bias due to fact I am a Spider-Man fan)

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #8

Oct 25, 2018

The art was great and for the first issue in the story, it Deff sparks my interests. We get a new villain(s) who seems like will give Petey a run for his money. Though if all the hero’s stuff is disappearing, so shouldn’t the other villains stuff be stolen as well?...

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #9

Nov 14, 2018

Very good issue! We advance the story, know about our villain, art work is gorgeous, and we get a nice sub-plot that doesn't take away or ruin the book. Wasn't on board with Nick Spencer for 4/5 of the first story arc but as of now I am full throttle with this current story arc!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #10

Nov 28, 2018

While this story arc seems like it ended shortly, this was a very quick read issue with some great dialogue. Art was ok. Cliffhanger was eh okay as well, not one that had me excited for next issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #11

Dec 12, 2018

Enjoy the art work and dialogue but the story really isn’t doing much for me. We are getting a little bit of Jonah recently and getting tired of him. He’s getting to be boring how he’s causing the battles for Spider-Man.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12

Dec 19, 2018

Art was ok but this story isn't doing much for me. Kind of boring.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #13

Jan 16, 2019

Solid issue! Enjoy the dialogue and the art! Hopefully we get more characters around besides Jonah. Too much JJJ is bad for you. The cliffhanger, possible sinister six?...

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #14

Jan 30, 2019

Issue progressed what has been going on but unfortunately that was only half the issue. Other half felt meaningless. Unfortunately as well the art was very crappy, the panels with Peter, Lizard, and Rhino were some of the worse panels I have seen in weeks maybe months! Getting tired of seeing these Kraven teases that are not leading up to anything.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #15

Feb 13, 2019

Was not fan of the artwork and the story, more interested in the side stories with Kraven and Lizard boy. So many things in this main story felt strange. Like the Ned Leeds thing, just seems out of place.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #21

May 16, 2019

Okay dialogue, nothing impressive, good artwork. Skip it and wait for next issue. Still wondering how he has his black suit still on.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #31

Oct 9, 2019

Just a wasted issue. Dialogue was eh okay but story was awful. Art couldn’t save that a story even if it was good

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #32

Oct 23, 2019

Issue cut up in two stories. Both set ups for future projects. The stuff with Peter Parker, could careless about. Nothing interesting. And unfortunately even the stuff with Miguel, not interesting enough! At this point kindred being teased too much that he is just an eye roll whenever I see him.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #33

Nov 6, 2019

Feels like the book is totally different than what it used to be few issues ago. And not for the best. Spider-Man 2099 is just being wasted away and he is doing nothing to draw my interest into getting ready for his return. The art seems to be different throughout the issue.

Aquaman (2016) #41

Oct 17, 2018

For a tie-in issue, it was a solid issue! Abnett, impressed me with his Batman's voice. This will be an issue that I can relax and read anytime just to kill time, can't say that about many books these days. However, with all the praise I give this issue, the Mera miniseries is fresh in the brain so the reveal to who will help her was not a fan of, wish they went with Aqualad instead.

Aquaman (2016) #42

Nov 20, 2018

Man did this issue feel pointless and a waste! The art was great! We did get a cute moment better Arthur and his dad unfortunately that lasted longer it should have especially at the end!

Aquaman (2016) #45

Feb 20, 2019

The art is very beautiful! The background information we got was actually quiet enjoyable. Because this is issue 3 of 5, I can let it go that the pacing was a bit slow for this issue. Although the cliffhanger didn’t do much for me.

Aquaman (2016) #46

Mar 20, 2019

While it feels like a different Aquaman than what we got in the beginning of Rebirth, loving the vibe this issue gives! Great artwork and progresses the story while I actually understand what’s happening in this issue and enjoy it!

Aquaman (2016) #48

May 15, 2019

Well it was an alright issue that had great art. Definitely not an issue I would reread. Didn’t wow or impress me.

Archie (2015) #702

Feb 6, 2019

Solid issue! Great artwork and great dialogue. Still with a plot like this story arc, it is still entertaining! Although really hope next issue at least one other person finds out who Archie is dating.

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #16

Oct 17, 2018

Art was ok. Besdies a few lines of the dialogue, most of the dialogue is meh. A story that started out great and now just waiting til next story arc

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #17

Nov 21, 2018

Great issue! Enjoyed the art and the story. Had enough for each member of the team to do. Really hope this isn't the end for the book!

Avengers (2018) #9

Oct 11, 2018

While I get that this is a comic book but it needs some realism in it. The battle took place under water so Hulk and Captain should move like really slow underwater, everyone else I can see where they can get their extra boost from that will help. But even so they should get destroyed. This doesn't seem much like the namor we have been getting in X-Men: Red. Seems like an old version of Namor. Feel like the fight between T'Challa and Namor should have took at least 2 maybe three pages.

Avengers (2018) #10

Nov 14, 2018

This issue not only progressed this story, it also progress last and future stories! It had great action and great dialogue! Have me excited for what’s to come! Only quiver was that the issue with Namor was cut shorter than I would have liked. Art was amazing!

Avengers (2018) #11

Dec 13, 2018

While we progress the story, it’s only by an inch. We get another issue that we see what the team is up to as they’re all doing their own assignment. We get that Coulson has got dark, we see Thor’s and she-hulks relationship go further, as well as Black Panther trying to make a U.N. of superheros. While get some foreshadowing with the hulk and going to/ come back from Hell. The art is very good though.

Avengers (2018) #12

Jan 10, 2019

While I’m curious to this new Agents of Wakanda team that is assembling, this book did an excellent job at setting up future storylines. We meet a very interesting bunch of new agents. Beautiful art work on this issue. Though cliffhanger didn’t really do anything for me. Overall it’s an issue I would certainly recommend.

Avengers (2018) #25

Oct 23, 2019

I dig the art and the story. But felt like Cosmic Ghost Rider was a very weak part of this story. But now I hope this is a turning point for Robbie and we can finally see him shine. Maybe they need to lose a member or two for everyone to shine.

Batgirl (2016) #28

Oct 23, 2018

While Wrym I hated in the Nightwing book, something about this feels right and natural. Scott did a great job on their research for Batgirl! We see Batgirl being Batgirl and what a badass she is!

Batgirl (2016) #29

Nov 27, 2018

Art was very beautiful but really issue felt confusing at times. Because Wrym didn’t originate in Batgirl they need to elaborate more on him. Overall issue was ok, read better but read worse.

Batgirl (2016) #30

Jan 2, 2019

Solid issue! Art and dialogue was pretty good! Something new that i am looking forward to more about! Started out strong and hoping it can maintain it.

Batgirl (2016) #31

Jan 30, 2019

Wasn't the best nor was the worse. A nice solid good issue! Story progressed and great artwork1 We really see Batgirl at her prime well at least more tan what we have seen in the past year or two.

Batgirl (2016) #32

Feb 27, 2019

Very quick read! Art was okay. Seems very basic. Nothin bad to say but wasn’t overly thrilled.

Batgirl (2016) #33

Mar 27, 2019

Well we see a ruthless Batgirl who once again has a job but clearly should be getting fired from it from lack of effort towards it. No clue what was the point of this issue, but have a feeling we will be getting something big soon. The art however did look alright. Wish we got some more background on James jr. We did get that one issue but from someone who started at start of Rebirth, would love to know more or get tad bit of a reminder and why she is going crazy over this. She is acting like he is just as bad as the Joker.

Batgirl (2016) #34

Apr 24, 2019

This feels new and love it! Makes me wish we had Birds of Prey again! Good issue. Just wish we had more from the villains, hopefully we get that next issue.

Batgirl (2016) #35

May 22, 2019

Damn she gets more and more badass! We don’t progress the Batgirl story but surely progress the Barbara story that feels like soon we will get a change up in the Barbara character that am loook forward!

Batman (2016) #56

Oct 3, 2018

A normal King issue. Here's an issue and here is characters talking and fighting but as a reader, can't feel anything while reading this issue. Only thing good this issue had was the art, the story itself was bleh. Would have been nice to actually see Nightwing or even have the reactions from the rest of the bat- oh wait nevermind just like Rebirth, the batfamily is destroyed.

Batman (2016) #57

Oct 17, 2018

Tony Daniel did a great job... unfortunately can not say same for Tom King. Seriously this is the conclusion?! We get half the issue about a folktale that doesn't connect and other half Batman and Beast grunting and fighting. Stupidity to have people charge money for this issue.

Batman (2016) #58

Nov 6, 2018

I will give King this, his stories do connect. Unfortunately now I have more questions about a previous story arc and even this current one! For starters why is there a Batman behind Bane and is that the same Batman we saw on splash page of Batman 50, if so then that’s Flashpoint Batman which what the fuck is going on?! It would be nice if Bruce talked about the whole shot in the head situation. Batman comes off as a dick in the whole issue, like he has no soul. For being the first issue in the story, it definitely caught my attention at the end. However, King has a record of losing my attention the more the story continues. All that narratives at the end was not needed. Job well done for artwork by Mikel Janin

Batman (2016) #59

Nov 20, 2018

Well once again Tom King did it! Gave me a great first issue but then by end of the story arc I start to hate it! This issue was a complete waste! If the art wasn’t so good i would rate this book lower! The momentum from last issue to this issue just stopped and made me care less about this story. So when he confronts Penguin he says he doesn’t believe him but then he does, like what?!

Batman (2016) #60

Dec 5, 2018

Feel like a bit of continuity is off with some of the characters that we’ve seen in other books. The dialogue and the art work was eh. At least only part that really got me was the cliffhanger! Feel like now we are going full throttle for Banes plans. I’m very curious to next issue on their interactions.

Batman (2016) #61

Dec 19, 2018

While the art I did enjoy, the issue has a crappy twist that doesn't really connect with the beginning part. SO many questions. If hes done this 6 other times, how is he still getting this close to the criminals, why did they not check his body more for weapons after the metal beeped, wouldn't Bruce get a notice of some sort that this is happening especially if hes using Bruce's name?

Batman (2016) #62

Jan 9, 2019

What just happened? This feels like a classic Tom King issue (which is never a good thing). Worse of all, it was majority of narration! Although I enjoyed the Batman thought process, got too much of it. Could have split this issue in half and the other half made it progress the story.

Batman (2016) #63

Jan 23, 2019

Because it’s a dream I will let something things go. But overall issue was quite boring and at least we all now know he is in a dream. Although the narration in the beginning was quite boring! Enjoyed the art but feel like even though we learned one thing, we really didn’t progress anything. As much as I enjoy Constantine and Batman working together, why him? Why did his dream make a hallucination of Constantine?

Batman (2016) #64

Feb 6, 2019

With a new writer on Batman for couple of issues, we see what Williamson is all about. And from the start, the dialogue with the rest of the league feels a bit off. The art in this issue is gorgeous! Though does Central City fully remember Kid Flash (Wally)? The cliffhanger definitely has me excited for next issue however really hope she is working with someone on this bringing her brother back. Surprised how much Bruce already knows of what she has been up to.

Batman (2016) #65

Feb 20, 2019

At this point, I have no faith this story arc is actually going somewhere except Barry to forgive Batman for sanctuary, even tho we barely seen him get mad at him for it. The chain of events happened so fast in this issue that feel like Hank just went down in where he stood in comics. Ironic even in this story, the flash still getting mad at someone then afterwards saying sorry that he is the person he should get mad at. Art was amazing! The only thing I am curious about this story is if they plan on killing Gotham Girl at the end.

Batman (2016) #66

Mar 6, 2019

Literally seems like this issue is just a waste. Doesn’t progress the story and never will! Seems like King is just wasting time til his big finale in little over a year.

Batman (2016) #67

Mar 20, 2019

What exactly happened in this issue? Don’t buy it! It’s literally a waste of an issue that doesn’t tell you anything and highly doubt it will come up later especially how this is just a nightmare.

Batman (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

All throughout the issue kept on saying wtf. And not in a good way. I get that Bruce is in a dream but we literally had a Bachelor party issue. The dialogue was awful! Only reason to get this issue was the art! And the fortress of Solitude scene and the bachelor party scene were just god awful!

Batman (2016) #69

Apr 17, 2019

We finally learned what Batman's greatest fear was and boy I am so glad this is last issue of the story arc. More interested in the Bane and Thomas Wayne stuff which still feels out of characteristic for Thomas to be doing this. It looks more like they are either equal partners or in Thomas's mind he's actually in control.

Batman (2016) #70

May 1, 2019

Issue had good art. However we’ve already seen this not too long ago where he fights everyone in Arkham about Bane. The dialogue was awful, like always. Is there a panel with Man-Bat even though he’s in JLD

Batman (2016) #71

May 15, 2019

All I’m thinking as I am reading this is what the fuck is Tom King doing. Enjoyed the artwork. I am quite curious to where the punch will lead to with the Bat-Family. I know I am not going to like it especially how my favorite scene in Rebirth Detective Comics was when Bruce and Tim got reunited.

Batman (2016) #72

Jun 5, 2019

Well guess Tom King can’t remember some of his own material, and the ending did nothing! If anything this issue should have had us knowing why Thomas is betraying his son.

Batman (2016) #81

Oct 16, 2019

So the slap was a message? Total bullshit! Last minute change due to people asking about the aftermath. Got way too much recap. Just an awful story.

Batman (2016) #82

Nov 6, 2019

Over use of panels, ridiculous! You can see that he stretched this issue out instead of adding more to story. As well as by the end, you get a sense that King is in the corner of trying to tie up everything and have a sense that next issue he will bullshit it. The fact that you see him wreck the Bat-Family is even more ridiculous. He isn’t a fighter.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #1

May 8, 2019

A first issue that I am solely behind! Great artwork and awesome dialogue that just like JLA, won’t see much of Batman but hey this small team, don’t care!

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #6

Oct 9, 2019

Art is very gorgeous but has a Year of the Villain banner but really has nothing to do with it. Very quick read. Something’s felt confusing. But if we are getting an evil Duke then I am fully on board! Plus seems like Cass is getting more panel time. If it wasn’t for the art, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Batman Beyond (2016) #25

Oct 23, 2018

For what most likely will be the last story arc, this started off from the gate on a high note! Hoping next issue we see more of Damian or Nightwing suited up.

Batman Beyond (2016) #26

Nov 27, 2018

Well after reading this issue, I have a hunch they are trying to do a Death in the Family beyond. Just a small hunch. Nothing really happened except bunch of force dialogue. Art was nicely done. But ultimately the force of Death in the Fanily was a bit too much.

Batman Beyond (2016) #27

Jan 2, 2019

Solid issue! Art was pretty good and enjoyed the dialogue, although I feel like the “throwbacks” are a bit eh. Wish we got a full closure on Dana and got more on Dick or at least his daughter to actually talk more. But overall from what we have been getting, the issue wasn’t that bad.

Batman Beyond (2016) #28

Jan 30, 2019

An okay issue with a few quirks. This issue felt very forced with the nostalgia. The dialogue itself was very pitiful! Unfortunately he does not have the voice of the joker down. How the hell does Joker not know Batman is Bruce Wayne by now?! He knows he’s taking to someone called Bruce and he knows Grayson is coming in for back up. He literally said the name Bruce Wayne and didn’t come up with a connection. The art on the other hand is glorious!

Batman Beyond (2016) #29

Feb 27, 2019

Well it’s the conclusion to The Final Joke and of course they killed off the Joker in a way that I hate! I get that Bruce will never kill him so best way for him to go his nature cause but better way would have been from his own destruction. Anyway, I get why Matt told Joker Bruce’s identity but still feel but less of him. Hoping this experience has taught him his cockiness will get him killed. Dialogue felt good and the art once again is gorgeous!

Batman Beyond (2016) #30

Mar 27, 2019

We started this comic run with the Joker, would have been nice if we ended with the Joker. And boy has DC made a flip turn on Matt! Find him very annoying now. The art is a solid 8/10. Can’t wait for the next story arc and forget this stuff behind.

Batman Beyond (2016) #31

Apr 24, 2019

Well the art really needs to step up their game! Was awful! Thought the dialogue was off on Bruce and thankfully we know the reason why! It was the last page that saved it for me for liking this issue!

Batman Beyond (2016) #32

May 22, 2019

Well the art wasn't much of an improvement unfortunately. No clue how long this story arc is but hope get more of the villain. They seem like they are going to have an interesting backstory but as of now I am not invested into them. Boy Matt seems extra dumb if it took him that long to figure out something is wrong with Bruce. Melanie's reappearance felt odd, why come at the aftermath of the Joker instead of staying there to help.

Batman Beyond (2016) #37

Oct 23, 2019

Well besides the art, book was actually quite enjoyable! Got nice introduction to the new Batwoman, and the whereabouts of Terry. Can see this book changing into Batwoman completely.

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #25

Oct 10, 2018

As much as I enjoy the the Scarlet Spider run, this issue was a complete crap issue. Art sucked! Having him attack apparently a Misty who apparently was a machine this whole time, felt a bit forced. The ending left us with Gabriel attacking Kaine and Ben Reilly becoming evil?... Really a let down considering why they didn't do a nod or tie in ending to Spider-Geddon instead of an ending where I actually want to read more but it won't happen.

Black Cat (2019) #6

Nov 6, 2019

Issue feels like it should have been an annual. Had to look at page count coupe of times. Really is a downer than past few issues. Too much narration that is not needed.

Captain Marvel (2019) #1

Jan 11, 2019

For a number one Issue it did a great job! Gave us some background knowledge on the character as well as setting up great stuff for the future! Right from the start you can feel the history between Jessica and Carol. The dialogue and art were well done. This one issue you can feel her dislike of Tony. For an issue with a lot of dialogue, it wasn’t a pain!

Captain Marvel (2019) #2

Feb 14, 2019

Great artwork but this issue fell flat compared to last week's issue. Was quite boring with the story and the cliffhanger didn't do much for me.

Catwoman (2018) #4

Oct 14, 2018

Catwoman (2018) #5

Nov 13, 2018

Issue was pretty good, a lot better than what we have been getting! Still some confusion from the first two issues that really don’t get answered but hoping it gets answers in next issue. It is a quick read that good amount of stuff happens. The cliffhanger though really didn’t impress me.

Catwoman (2018) #6

Dec 19, 2018

While the art was great, the dialogue wasn't a fan of. This was a better one of the issues in the story arc especially with the action. At least the story arc is over and a new one is on its horizon.

Catwoman (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

Quick read and shows us little glimpses of are characters. For a part one of two story arc, we literally get nothing! Should at least tell me little more about the story. The art is pretty good, issue itself awful.

Catwoman (2018) #8

Feb 20, 2019

The art and story is very good! Really hope Creel isn’t always in the book though. Catwoman needs other villains to face or to be in the book. One thing that bugged me about this issue, so this is a part 2 of 2 but why did it end with a to be continued?... curious to see if Penguin wanted this object to deliver to Bane.

Catwoman (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2019

This one shot issue is actually pretty good! Great artwork! We meet some new characters who will show up in the book more, hopefully this detective shows up to replace the previous one. Enjoyed the dialogue. Going to let it go that the Liu didn’t have any backup and could drop James from tying him up. Definitely recommend this issue!

Catwoman (2018) #10

Apr 10, 2019

I will admit, I was intrigued at first but then when I kept reading this issue fell flat. Art was great, it's mainly where it went especially the whole meeting James part. And once again we see how Creel is doing, even though her cameo was rather pointless.

Catwoman (2018) #11

May 8, 2019

A quick read with great art but in all honesty, was a crap issue in a story. Didn’t progress anything at all! Could have skipped this and not read it. Only thing it showed us was Mother Creel being a badass.

Daredevil (2019) #2

Feb 28, 2019

for a new reader, was thinking about starting to read Daredevil and great time to start! DOn't feel like I am lost. great artwork and dialogue.

Daredevil (2019) #3

Mar 27, 2019

Great issue and great artwork! Only hang up is, isn't Frank Castle the Cosmic Ghost Rider now. So who's this?

Daredevil (2019) #13

Nov 6, 2019

Boy now I have much respect for Wesley! Great issue! Chip really does a great job at making you want more when done. It doesn’t do much for the story but just what happens, is just wow! Highly recommend it.

DCeased #1

May 1, 2019

Well that was something! The art not a fan of but the dialogue was great for all but Cyborg. The story itself I can totally get behind! This is one I will be looking forward to keep on reading.

DCeased #2

Jun 5, 2019

Well Art is about a 6.5/10 but honestly the story and dialogue amazing! Tom Taylor does it again by after each issue, pause and just say omg! Highly recommend this!

Deathstroke (2016) #36

Oct 5, 2018

Deathstroke (2016) #37

Nov 6, 2018

Eh the issue left me with a lot of questions. I thought I knew what was going on until I got to the end of the issue. Although artwork was good, the story left me uncertain.

Deathstroke (2016) #38

Dec 5, 2018

By the end I am completely lost on what’s happening. Art was lovely but really the story is too much for me.

Deathstroke (2016) #39

Jan 9, 2019

While I’m now understanding a few of what’s happening, still confused on more than what I know. The alien invasion I understand and thoroughly enjoy but the Rose and the Arkham part very confusing and makes me wonder how many more issues does Priest have in him with Deathstroke. Beautiful artwork by the way.

Deathstroke (2016) #40

Feb 6, 2019

The issue started in a confusing way but then got interesting towards the tail end of the issue. The series seems to be fading a lot as each issue goes by! While the art is on point, the story seems to be missing the target. Unfortunately both the Rose and the Deathstroke stories are confusing and forced in some areas.

Deathstroke (2016) #41

Mar 6, 2019

Really enjoyed the art but this issue found confusing many times throughout the issue.

Deathstroke (2016) #42

Apr 3, 2019

It literally feels like we skipped an issue in this story arc. Great dialogue and great art, but the skip is an issue with this story arc.

Deathstroke (2016) #43

May 1, 2019

Great issue! Enjoyed the artwork and some of the reveals! Didn’t feel like a Deathstroke issue, besides the scene change panels.

Deathstroke (2016) #44

Jun 5, 2019

Great issue except confused on the whole Superman part of the story and the Jericho part. Other than that, good dialogue and art was about a 8.5/10.

Detective Comics (2016) #990

Oct 10, 2018

Art was okay and the dialogue was ok at best. Glad we are seeing more of the Signal unfortunately during half of the issue I was a bit lost. I was not too impress with the cliffhanger on the previous issue and even less with this weeks. Feel like we are missing a few pages.

Detective Comics (2016) #991

Oct 23, 2018

Unfortunately, even a great comic book can have its bad issues. Would have loved if Batman put all the pieces together. Feel like this issue could have been put down in at most 8 or 9 pages. While this issue wasn’t my favorite of the week, I dig the art! Plus the cliffhanger gets me excited for next issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #992

Nov 13, 2018

This issue felt underwhelming. Coming after the previous issue, wondering what kind of battle we will see when Two Face and Batman team up. It was mostly narratives and hyping us up for the Outsiders book. The art was pretty good. Not great but not awful. Robinson doesn’t have my vote to be on detectives.

Detective Comics (2016) #993

Nov 27, 2018

So is it a finale?! Issue felt very weak throughout. Really hope people questioned why Bruce Wayne would attend a Harvey Dent/ two-face’s funeral. I feel like this issue isn’t done yet, maybe just 2 or 3 more pages. Art was very good.

Detective Comics (2016) #994

Dec 12, 2018

Well I will give him this, this issue definitely spark my interest! Have a feeling they’re some clues in this issue and will probably read it a few more times. The art is very good god though lately in Rebirth Batman has more of an ass voice but here he seems more soft. That cliffhanger definitely has me excited for next issue!

Detective Comics (2016) #995

Jan 2, 2019

Issue started out good but went slightly downhill in a confusing way. The art was amazing! Cliffhanger definitely has me excited for new issue, shit is about to go down.

Detective Comics (2016) #996

Jan 16, 2019

While the artwork on Damian is eh ok and seeing Two-Face even tho in Detective Comics, he shouldn’t be here, issue was still amazing! Thank you Tomasi! My hopes of Bruce and Damian rekindling their relationship are going up! The mystery behind the villain is quite a mystery indeed. Although the cliffhanger really was only a cliffhanger for the scene not a cliffhanger for next issue so really didn’t feel anything for when it ended.

Detective Comics (2016) #997

Jan 30, 2019

While one of my favorite things this story arc has got to be Bruce using his wits to get out of a shark and piranha attack, the rest of the issue felt very confusing! Hoping next issue explains how he got from point A to point Strange. What exactly is the creature capable of doing!? The artwork however is very good! Cliffhanger had me with an “uh okay”

Detective Comics (2016) #998

Feb 13, 2019

This story arc is taking too long to finish that and this issue makes it very confusing at various points. Artwork is great but the writing would have been great if overall this issue made sense. Especially towards the end of the issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #999

Feb 27, 2019

Well this is the end of Tomasi’s run, and the ending of the issue made it for me! However I feel like now I need to read this story arc in one sitting to see. Feel like this story arc would have been better with only 4 maybe 5 issues. Art was okay. Damian’s dialogue didn’t really feel like Damian.

Detective Comics (2016) #1001

Apr 10, 2019

Well not 100% on the Arkham Knight story yet, that was probably the weakest part of the issue. Hopefully next issue we get more of him so I can get on board with this. Great art and good dialogue. It's great to actually see Batman be of a Detective. Something feel like we don't see too often.

Detective Comics (2016) #1002

Apr 24, 2019

Definitely didn't see this story panning out the way it is, but hey enjoying it! Great art and dialogue, plus we have Damian and Bruce working together! It's strange to see Bruce and Gordon in same page especially since Batman punched Gordon while back...

Detective Comics (2016) #1003

May 8, 2019

Solid issue with great art and dialogue that I thoroughly enjoyed as I was reading! Unfortunately my issue with this issue is I don’t think the writers talk to one and other because isn’t her base the same place where Bane’s base is?...

Detective Comics (2016) #1004

May 22, 2019

Well the art was good and most of the dialogue except for Damian, that felt odd. Her backstory was eh ok. He's truly a terrible father if he just home schooled her and let her at times go around in Arkham. Joker felt out of placed though with the other villains.

Detective Comics (2016) #1013

Oct 9, 2019

Great art. Seems in Detective, we are just getting short issue stories. Might be better if they expand the issue count on this story. Dialogue is alright but something about this issue just isn’t getting my interest.

Detective Comics (2016) #1014

Oct 23, 2019

This issue should have been two issues and go in more detail about Noras heel turn because that is completely forced and out of nowhere. Highly recommend someone to just skip this issue! The moments with Nora and Victor should make me feel something but none of them do.

Dial H For Hero (2019) #1

Mar 27, 2019

Going into this book, I know nothing about the Dials past so felt pretty conflicted on the issue. One one hand, enjoyed the beginning. But on the other after Miguel went off the jump, felt completely lost with no explanation. Though the art looked fantastic!

Dial H For Hero (2019) #2

Apr 24, 2019

Well first half of the issue was good! But once we got the first dial "hero", completely lost me and book went down hill!

Dial H For Hero (2019) #3

May 22, 2019

Well we get some nice background information on summer and felt odd to have her be only one not to be fully making no sense like everyone else. Maybe it will flow better in trade.

Doomsday Clock #8

Dec 5, 2018

The issue left me speechless, can’t say for the good or the bad. It had action and some ok dialogue. Was excited to finally see and hear from Firestorm only to find out it’s not really firestorm...? Issue still does a good job at the nine panel pages. With four issues left, and quite few story lines still happening, hope they don’t rush to close them.

Doomsday Clock #9

Mar 6, 2019

Amazing issue! Great dialogue and artwork! Johns does a great job at the 9 panel page. Think by now he is just showing off. May not be my favorite issue but surely is an issue that I thoroughly enjoyed!

Event Leviathan #5

Oct 9, 2019

This whole event feels off. Like reading it but with no emotion. Art is alright. Whole story is crap. With the beginning with Lois and her father to the end with possibly finding out who Leviathan is.

Extermination (2018) #4

Oct 31, 2018

Art is very good and this issue surely does forward the story while explaining everything that has happened.

Extermination (2018) #5

Dec 20, 2018

Thoroughly enjoyable with the art and writing! The conclusion the young x-men is finally here! They wrapped up things that I questioned weeks ago very nicely. Still feel like the way they defeat the twins was a bit of a cheat though. The cliffhanger really gets me that I want to read more asap!

Fantastic Four (2018) #3

Nov 15, 2018

Well this story came to a conclusion very quick, unfortunately quicker than wanted. The art for 90% of the issue was amazing. Feel like a lot happen in this issue that didn't grab my attention as much as I would enjoy. Though we did have some great one liner/ one page scenes.

Fantastic Four (2018) #4

Nov 28, 2018

Issue was very wordy and for me that is an issue. Although it did have some great funny moments. Art was ok. Enjoyed the dialogue but again wish it was less.

Fantastic Four (2018) #6

Jan 16, 2019

pretty Good issue. Good dialogue and not that bad artwork. Feel like there’s more to Alicia especially from that one page we got.

Flash (2016) #56

Oct 14, 2018

Besides great art, we didn't really progress the story that much. At least now the readers have a hint that Barry might go on that speed quest. But hey at least we know a bit about the Sage Force

Flash (2016) #57

Oct 23, 2018

This issue restores my faith in this series. Not only do we get Barry and Henry on the same side but Iris finally tells Barry about her flashes of her other life. And we get Barry finally coming to his senses and going on his “force quest” while Iris decides to join him. The epilogue, didn’t do anything for me.

Flash (2016) #58

Nov 13, 2018

Never quite understood why they went to Badhinisia in the first place. The run in with Gemini and Santiago seemed a bit force. Really hope this story arc doesn’t bounce around, each issue is a different city. The art was ok but pretty bad in some of the panels.

Flash (2016) #59

Nov 27, 2018

Guess we are just going city to city in this story arc, without learning anything new. On top of that we have another issue of The Flash where Barry reflects on himself and gives himself more self-pity. Can’t we get just one istory arc where no issue deals with self pity Barry?! So much force in this issue and I don’t mean force energy, mean what Iris knows and those villains from last issue who are quite annoying. Only thing that spark my interest was the villain at the end of the issue.

Flash (2016) #60

Dec 12, 2018

Was kind of annoying have text in Spanish instead of the usual words in English and editors note saying they are speaking Spanish. Art was pretty good and most of the dialogue was great. Made no sense why Harry would take off his make. Obviously he hasn’t learned his lesson from Godspeed or Meena when he told them who he really is. At least we are seeing what the trickster is up to. The ending felt forced, feel like Barry knowing it is the Sage force, is a bit of a stretch.

Flash (2016) #61

Jan 2, 2019

Well it’s a standard flash issue, and not in a good way. Confusing and forced panels. At least the art is beautiful! If Kristin doesn’t know Barry is the flash know then she is really stupid. As of this issue, Barry is really stupid for not having Cold come in for help, people will only see him as a villain and he can move along them easier.

Flash (2016) #62

Jan 16, 2019

Issue was pretty good! Glad to see Royal Flush gang again books. Although the book was majority predictable. Dialogue was pretty good but wish Barry and Iris didn’t call each other that when next to a stranger. The panels with Commander Cold are just a waste, not giving us anything. The ending definitely spark my interest for next issue!

Flash (2016) #63

Jan 30, 2019

Quick read and quicker time of events! Everything happened fast and unfortunately when a lot happens makes things seem forced. At least we know where this book takes place along with Heros. While I enjoy the idea of having four forces, doesn't seem like we are getting a four Corps type of forces. How Barry thought of Zoloman felt tad forced.

Flash (2016) #64

Feb 13, 2019

While the artwork and dialogue is pretty good this issue, for a four issue story, we really aren’t getting anything! The story is half over and feel like it just began. The mention of “venom” better trigger something in Batman to at least think of Bane as to if he has a role in this especially what’s been happening with him in his book. The issue kinda makes me think less of Claire due to she isn’t bringing her brother back but trying to make ones of him to come alive. Another thing that is off in the issue was when Barry asked how he likes being married, how the hell does Barry not know Selena left him and wedding never happened?!

Flash (2016) #65

Feb 27, 2019

Well that’s it, that’s the conclusion of the 4 issue crossover. The battle with Claire was short, maybe a bit too short. All to lead up to Iris going frantic towards Barry and Bruce. Iris hears Barry mentioning Wally when he’s trying to save Claire’s life and that must have triggered her. She goes off on Bruce but really why does he get all the blame. I get that Heros isn’t Williamson’s story but why is everyone taking their anger out on him. We see Barry and Bruce back at the Cave still hashing it out going their own way while Barry and Iris go on a break that didn’t mind it. Overall for the story, it’s eh. Curious to see what’s next for them. Art was amazing!

Flash (2016) #66

Mar 13, 2019

This issue doesn’t move along the story at all, it’s just a filler. We went a whole month without continuing our previous story and we return to a filler issue?! Easily could have cut in half. What was the angle they were going for with the background information? Because it was all a trick for the audience, he wasn’t afraid of heights, and his parents didn’t hate him as much as it seemed. So the angle of making ya feel bad for him and see where he is coming from is out the window. The art is alright.

Flash (2016) #67

Mar 27, 2019

A story that I am into! And loving the art! Something new and different. Has some minor missteps but overall enjoyed it and looking for next issue.

Flash (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

Feels great to be enjoying The Flash again! Great artwork and dialogue.

Flash (2016) #69

Apr 24, 2019

I guess it was a good issue!... I know he's a smart guy but wish he would explain somethings because boy got confused on how he reverse everyone. The ending felt eh. Felt bit forced. But had great artwork!

Flash (2016) #70

May 8, 2019

For a rehash of his origin, wasn’t that bad. Artwork was great. As of now, I’m on board to where this story arc is going. Imma let the comics slide because it was probably just a nod but seriously, why do they have Flash comics in an origin issue of the Flash.

Flash (2016) #80

Oct 9, 2019

Some of the art being alright, rest is just pretty good. Dialogue is the same, so felt odd. But other than that, from point we see Avery and Wally spying on the rogue, book is awesome! Definitely has my interest on that part and really curious on more of Hunters past.

Flash (2016) #81

Oct 23, 2019

Has quite a bit of continuity errors. Art itself about 7/10. That doom symbol is doing more harm then good by showing up in the books. But with the story we are presented by, actually exciting to see what’s to come both with the Rogues and with what went down with Eobard. The result of Hunter felt forced. With all of its faults, would recommend this book, only for what is to come.

Flash (2016) Annual #2

Jan 30, 2019

While I enjoy the art, would have preferred to know during which story arc this issue takes place. We get another issue where we have to find an excuse why Wallace has to be mad at Barry! He was working the case, it wasn't like he knew Wally died and weeks have passed. Besides from what we have seen in Rebirth, they don't have much of a connection. I am a reader who started when Rebirth started so seeing Iris break down like that probably would have meant something if we actually saw them hanging out more! Calling it now that the guy at the end is Future Barry

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

For a first issue it was pretty good! Tom Taylor shows is that he knows what’s going on in the other Spider-Man book unfortunately not fully convinced that he has Peter Parker down, well more like Spider-Man. I know that Tom can write some funny dialogue still have to see it in this book. While the funny dialogue that he did write some were more of an “eye roll” moment. Some of the funny dialogue landed and had a good chuckle. He does a good job at showing us the good heart in peter. Slightly confused on why Peteris carryingup his neighbors grocery’s though. Also confuse on the cliffhanger but hey cliffhangers can be confusing. The art amazing job by Juan.

Ghost Rider (2019) #2

Nov 6, 2019

First issue really didn't do anything for me but this issue, just wow! Kind of reminds me of R.I.P.D..

Ghost-Spider (2019) #3

Oct 23, 2019

First issue in the Spider-Gwen books that I actually like! Very enjoyable! Wish art would be tad bit more detail but other than that, dig the dialogue and the story. Has my attention.

Go Go Power Rangers #17

Feb 13, 2019

This comic series takes place prior to all of our already knowledge of the power rangers and they still keep me on the edge of my seat!Great art and dialogue!

Green Arrow (2016) #45

Oct 5, 2018

While the issue was great for us to remember Roy (R.I.P.) I cant forget how bad the art was. On some pages, it was hard to keep looking on the page. And while next issue is called Citizen Queen, I am afraid we will just brush off this issue and continue our current story arch with the Citizen out for Oliver which is a shame because would love more on Oliver's frustration with the Justice League and the Box.

Green Arrow (2016) #46

Nov 6, 2018

Issue was eh ok. Wasn’t the worse nor the best Green Arrow book I’ve read. Seems like they have all the information that they need by halfway in the issue. Which makes the last half of issue kinda boring with majority of things going their way. You can bet that the cliffhanger he isn’t in any danger, it is part of his plan, which seems very predictable. This book doesn’t excite me like it used to. The art is what saved it for me

Green Arrow (2016) #47

Dec 5, 2018

Really enjoyed the dialogue in this issue as well as the artwork! The conclusion to this story arc was better than I was expecting. Very quick read. Surprised by last issue I thought it was his plan all along to get captured, if so then why did he act surprised in a good way that Black Canary was able to find them. Although I will admit at the end I was disappointed that he didn’t propose to Dinah.

Green Arrow (2016) #48

Jan 9, 2019

While the artwork is phenomenal, the dialogue is very confusing at times. The story itself seems to be a bit wacky as well and not in a good way. The new character that we meet wish they put an editors note to tell where that character even came from.

Green Arrow (2016) #49

Feb 6, 2019

A very unsatisfying ending to go with an unsatisfying issue. Riot is really an unnecessary character and made no really important role for a guest character to be in it. The writing wasn’t that awful nor was it that good! More so in the middle. With next issue being the last issue, can tell they really wanted to wrap this story up quick. Even if it meant ruining the issue.

Green Arrow (2016) #50

Mar 6, 2019

Well this plot is nothing but forced and completely out of no where, not for the better. For a finale issue, we know that now the government knows that Oliver has the Box, without telling us how they got that vital information, it was just there. The dialogue felt forced and uncharacteristic. How it ended, we better get more on this! Besides all that, the issue had beautiful art and once you get past all the forced plot, issue is pretty good!

Green Lantern (2018) #1

Nov 6, 2018

Story started out eh but by the end it was just ok. Because this is a number one issue, really wish it would give the reader some information on Hal Jordan. Especially from where he left off with him. Although I was not as lost as I was in the beginning of the issue. So the first Lantern we saw, his finger can still fly without it being attached to him? Unfortunately even wasn’t a fan of the artwork. Feel like everything is out of order

Green Lantern (2018) #2

Dec 5, 2018

Well I am a bit less confused and lost this week than I was this week. It feels like a generic Grant Morrison story, same with the artwork. If you enjoy his style then you’ll enjoy this. The cliffhanger doesn’t really do much for me especially when Superman’s story the earth is missing

Green Lantern (2018) #3

Jan 9, 2019

Unfortunately this is another issue that you need to read multiple times to even like it! It is very confusing and and far fetched. Art work is very good

Green Lantern (2018) #4

Feb 6, 2019

While I still have hard time to read Grant Morrison language, this issue was a fun, less confusing issue that last one. The art is very good, dialogue felt bit wonky on few bubbles, mainly for Hal.

Green Lantern (2018) #5

Mar 6, 2019

We see Hal Jordan doing what he does, sweet talking and kicking ass! Now of course the reveal kind of was very predictable. Great artwork.

Green Lantern (2018) #6

Apr 3, 2019

Confused many times but somehow, enjoyed it!Hopefully next issue clears somethings up

Green Lanterns #56

Oct 3, 2018

Not only is the art awful, but the story gets worse and worse. It is already a far fetched and confusing story. It is sad that this is the last story arc in the Green Lanterns run.

Green Lanterns #57

Oct 17, 2018

For a Green Lanterns book, wasn't a fan of Hal being the main attraction basically but hey I understand why, just wish they changed it. Digging the art! Jurgens had to finish the battle with Ravengers, Cyborg Superman, aftermath, set up the Hal Jordan book, and set up Jessica going off in the Odyssey book. Unfortunately this story needs one more issue, maybe then it wouldn't have been rushed and forced in some parts, while asking self few questions. Like so how are Jessica and Simon going to recharge their rings because as far as the reader knows, they still share a battery.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #10

Oct 16, 2019

If you’re digging this comic by now then you will be digging this issue. If you haven’t then you might wanna just ditch the book. We get a nice backstory on this character that is somewhat enjoyable. Moondragon seriously is a waste to even be here at this point. Love Groot but seriously he has been a let down on majority of this run. We don’t even get much of him doing anything. Art is actually pretty awesome! Hopefully artist stays on when the book comes back.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #3

Oct 9, 2019

What the hell did I just read? This book is going all over the place and not in a good way! Was thinking about reading some of Gwenpool’s past material but maybe not anymore! Art is pretty good. Dialogue is just dreadful to read. At least it’s not the “creepy men reading and writing these young characters”

Hawkman (2018) #5

Oct 11, 2018

This series again proves to be one of my favorites that DC is coming out with. Venditti makes Ray and Carter's friendship feel so natural. The art is on point! Though curious as to why no mentions on JLA (Rebirth).

Hawkman (2018) #6

Nov 13, 2018

While I feel like it has lost its Indiana Jones vibe, I still believe the pace is great! Even if you don’t know the friendship between Ray and Carter, you can feel how natural and right this is. Although the ship part felt a bit force at the beginning. Would have been nice to see Carter at least go up against a deathbringer

Hawkman (2018) #7

Dec 12, 2018

Would have preferred if the issue was half flashbacks and half present, felt like you could have progress the story so much better that way. The artwork was eh ok, solid 6/10. His background story overall seemed very dull.

Hawkman (2018) #8

Jan 16, 2019

While the story alright, still confused on how he got to his past self this time. As well as how calm Catar-ol was. Glad they didn’t bring him back to the present otherwise story would be even more confusing. Feels like this comic is just repetitive with always meeting past self, quite annoying.

Hawkman (2018) #9

Feb 13, 2019

Good issue! Story is progressing and the battle is getting closer! A more action issue than talking issue. Alright artwork

Hawkman (2018) #10

Mar 13, 2019

The battle is upon us! Very quick read. Lots of action. Still but far fetched for him to have an army of his past lives though. Other than that, great issue! Enjoyed the writing and the artwork was alright.

Hawkman (2018) #11

Apr 10, 2019

Great issue! Great dialogue and artwork. Though hope this story arc ends soon because this Deathbringer has been going on for so long!

Hawkman (2018) #12

May 8, 2019

A quick finish for the issue but felt like a satisfying end for the first story! Enjoyed the artwork and dialogue. Now can't wait to see the aftermath of this conflict and where his next story leads...

Hawkman (2018) #17

Oct 9, 2019

Both the art and story are very solid! The cliffhanger has me excited to read more of this! Something that hasn’t happened since end of issue 12.

Heroes In Crisis #2

Oct 30, 2018

Harley best Batman? Now that’s crazy! This issue gave me bit and pieces of a lot but that’s it. Tom King extended the story to two more issues so he has more time to explain things out, so please King, give me more instead of chunks of pieces. While reading this, it feels like there is no emotion behind the characters. I’m not feeling anything from this and something this heavy should make me feel.

Heroes In Crisis #3

Nov 27, 2018

I will admit I did like part of the issue. Enjoyed the Lagoon Boy and Wally part but the Booster stuff felt weird. Would have preferred to know why he was there. The issue was definitely a quick one. There’s more to the deaths besides seeing Harley kill Wally. I will give King this, he did make me feel for Lagoon Boy and Wally.

Heroes In Crisis #4

Jan 2, 2019

This issue left me confused, not good confused either. The dialogue is so cringy. King has been writing Batman since May 2016, and even his lines were awful! When we last saw Tempest he was not that fucked up. So did Donna and Batgirl escape the murderer? Were they there when it happened? Half of this issue felt so random and doubt it will be closed when this story is done. Art was pretty good! Only thing I actually enjoyed.

Heroes In Crisis #5

Jan 30, 2019

Does this story even know the direction it’s going? Feels like it got a shift. The dialogue for majority of these characters feel off especially Booster Gold. You can tell that Booster and Beetle had history but the feel wasn’t there. Unfortunately the rumor may be true with who the killer actually is.

Heroes In Crisis #6

Feb 27, 2019

Most times than not, the characters we’ve seen at sanctuary, the emotions I should be feeling aren’t there! Literally feels like it’s just a waste of space! Not fan of the artwork and dialogue is eh okay. No clue who Gnarrk is so felt nothing for him. Story itself, kind of boring.

Heroes In Crisis #7

Mar 27, 2019

Boy does King love the nine panels, of only he was good at it. The dialogue seems off as well as the art. Still confused on what Wally is talking about for half of his dialogue.

Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

Art was good but damn how this just revealed everything seems so lazy! And the reasoning is eh! Now let’s see what bad guy Wally is all about. Plus seriously why did he go in the future instead of saving everyone!

Ice Man (2018) #2

Oct 11, 2018

The art was eh. Had some good panels and some eh panels. The story seems eh and confusing at some parts. Can't believe what I am about to say, but I miss the 2016 series. Just wish he would get the voice of Bobby Drake.

Ice Man (2018) #3

Nov 8, 2018

I remember watching Spider-Man and his Amazing friends when I was younger and boy did I get that same feeling when reading this issue! Great dialogue and great story until it progress the story. Then I was reminded how much the story sucks! The ending felt just plain weird to read!

Ice Man (2018) #4

Dec 20, 2018

Always thought that Bobby Drake isn’t a solo comic character and this proves me right! While the story progresses, overall I am quite bored with this. Bobby is a class clown. He needs people to bounce off of so his jokes can land. Wouldn’t recommend this issue to anyone!

Ice Man (2018) #5

Jan 9, 2019

The end. Or is it?! While this is the conclusion of the miniseries, this has got to be one of my favorite issues out of the five, either this or issue 2. Only quiver I can give about this issue was still have no idea on what was the point of the first couple of pages showing him with Judah. Overall great dialogue and great art! It’s a shame that the overall story was eh. Hope we see more Iceman in other books as well.

Immortal Hulk #7

Oct 10, 2018

Art was pretty good. The fight itself is an 8/10. Would have loved to actually see Ghost Rider battle Hulk instead of just seeing the Ghost Rider going through someone's house. At least I know how weak the Avengers are. We even see some tension between the Avengers for what they did, I wonder if we will get that in an upcoming Avengers issue. The ending didn't have me excited for next issue. I feel like Hulk/ Bruce needs a pal along his way, like a secondary character. Would have been better if the News lady joins Hulk on his adventure.

Immortal Hulk #8

Nov 8, 2018

Great issue and great art work! Still confuse on some of the Hulk aspects. But other than that great dialogue and great job on progressing the story.

Immortal Hulk #9

Nov 21, 2018

Enjoyed the art! Great story except for the ending, got a bit confused. Personal preference would be if in the first page Hulk was one to take down Creel.

Immortal Hulk #10

Dec 5, 2018

Good artwork and story but the dialogue really didn't do much for me.

Immortal Hulk #11

Jan 5, 2019

While I enjoyed the art work, this story is getting more and more confusing! So many questions.

Immortal Hulk #13

Feb 6, 2019

It’s an okay story issue. Great to be back on Earth and not seeing half alive monsters and making them look confusing.

Immortal Hulk #14

Mar 6, 2019

Issue had a bit too much narration. First half of the book was a bit of a bore. Once you move to second half, it gets a lot better. Great artwork.

Invaders (2019) #10

Oct 9, 2019

Wasn’t a fan of last issue but this issue has pumped me up! Great artwork and great issue! That cliffhanger has me wanting more!

Justice League (2018) #9

Oct 4, 2018

Great to see more the inside of the Hall of Justice! About 80% of the dialogue was great, only part that I could do without or change is the conversation between Batman and Superman. But the art I can't get past, still not a fan.

Justice League (2018) #10

Oct 16, 2018

What an issue that wasn't expecting! I thought the bad guys of this story would be the Legion of Doom, but the Invaders from the past, caught me by surprised in a good way. The art I really enjoyed. Did enjoy finding out that people can get turned into these fish monsters. But boy does Scott Snyder like to make Batman a dick, that's two issues in a row. Looking forward to reading whats next in this story

Justice League (2018) #11

Nov 6, 2018

Great issue! The story progresses. As you read this issue you will be on the edge of your seat. Only downfall is the time gap between certain parts. Such as where did the three headed dog come from. Other than that this issue brings my hopes up for this story.

Justice League (2018) #12

Nov 21, 2018

This artwork did not work for me! Ultimately this issue kind of bored me.

Justice League (2018) #13

Dec 5, 2018

If you enjoy turmoil in groups then you’ll like this. Artwork really fit the tone of this issue. Unfortunately one thing that rub me wrong way, not fan of how scared they are making Joker be of Batman Who Laughs. At least make him act that they are equals. I will congratulate the book on this, it always knows how to excite me for next issue with its cliffhanger.

Justice League (2018) #14

Dec 19, 2018

This issue, the art and the writing was on the same level. Both had some good moments and both had had some eh awful. The art in the beginning was pretty weak then got better. The writing was good then got confusing. They really like to pack it in for this issue!

Justice League (2018) #15

Jan 9, 2019

Wow this issue sure is wordy and not in a good way! Unfortunately even with the events that are going on, got quite bored with it. Seeing Martian Manhunter in his beast mode is a beautiful sight. Unfortunately the overall art of this comic seems to be going downhill. The story itself really feels lackluster which is a shame for what it is about.

Justice League (2018) #17

Feb 6, 2019

Great issue and we learned about Lex and J'onn. The writing was good but the art was amazing! Issue really progresses the story and excited to where it takes us in the next issue. Best part is, Jarro is still alive!

Justice League (2018) #18

Feb 20, 2019

The artwork seems to have gone downhill a bit from last. The story seems a bit confusing especially how we got from Brainiac betraying Lex to them working co-existing. We get a bit background information that is probably a bit too much background information.

Justice League (2018) #19

Mar 6, 2019

An okay issue. Some dialogue from some of the characters seems off like Flash. Issue seems off. Although I am intrigued on what’s to come even though not fan of this sixth dimension thing.

Justice League (2018) #20

Mar 20, 2019

Great issue! Digging the dialogue in this issue as well as the art. Still found it odd that Bruce couldn’t tell that Dick was under the cowl. Seems like this alt Superman could possibly be an imp.

Justice League (2018) #21

Apr 3, 2019

Enjoying the artwork and the book! This is a book that I can get back behind.

Justice League (2018) #22

Apr 17, 2019

Eh feels like this information all it did was bore me. Really put a halt in my excitement for reading this comic.

Justice League (2018) #23

May 1, 2019

After last issue had halted my excitement, this issue surely brought it back up with great artwork and keeps my interest!

Justice League (2018) #24

May 15, 2019

Well feel like the Superman part in beginning of the issue was unnecessary but other than that, thoroughly enjoyed it! And be down for more of that Legion of Doom.

Justice League (2018) #25

Jun 5, 2019

It is time for the conclusion of this story arc and bring us to the next. While this one wrapped up quite rushed, the intro to the next has me excited for what we are in store for this year. Somethings felt confused and which explained more while the Superman stuff felt like they should have explained it better, not mote just better. Overall the art is pretty good with some panels being meh alright.

Justice League (2018) Annual #1

Jan 30, 2019

Still no clue why Shayera and Kendra can exist at same time! Pretty good issue. Yes wordy but can understand why. Definitely brought the store forward by a lot! Art work was gorgeous. If you've been following along since Metal and remember it well, the book will flow nicely but long!

Justice League (2018): Drowned Earth Special #1

Oct 30, 2018

With quite so many questions unanswered, this feels like a Metal ish book. With the dialogue had to drop this issue and return to it later. Sure we got a badass Seahorse and couple of awesome fight scenes but this issue feels tad bit overwhelming. This oversized issue out of like 36 pages only gave us maybe like 4 pages of new information

Justice League Dark (2018) #4

Oct 15, 2018

Eh what is so far my favorite issue in the crossover, started out good and slowly went to just ok. Glad that we get more of Deadman and Constantine but hoping we get Ragman in the future. Kirk is still one of my favorites on this team, hes like CLayface when he was in Detectives. Could have sworn in issue 1, Swampy said he was dying, well he sure is doing a lot for a dying man. Holding the whole city together? Maybe if it turns into an animated movie that I'll enjoy it more.

Justice League Dark (2018) #5

Nov 20, 2018

Great last half of the story and amazing artwork! Could have done without so much dialogue and narration in the beginning. This issue has some for most characters in this, everyone except Kirk. Feels like we have not had much from Chimp since this comic started, feels nice to finally get one! The cliffhanger does a really nice job as I now look forward to the next issue.

Justice League Dark (2018) #6

Dec 12, 2018

Took a while but finally enjoying this comic! Great artwork and good dialogue. The cliffhanger doesn’t do anything for me unfortunately. The part of the issue with Bobo is thoroughly enjoyable. This issue is good at showing what each character’s strength at. Not perfect but better than what we have been getting.

Justice League Dark (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

Confusing! Best to describe this issue is confusing.

Justice League Dark (2018) #8

Feb 13, 2019

Solid issue! Actually had me wanting more. Great character choices to be in this issue and we expanded more in the dark characters in this issue. Made me laugh, worried, and happy all throughout the issue! After reading this issue, can still think this series would be better if Wonder Woman wasn’t in this comic.

Justice League Dark (2018) #10

Apr 24, 2019

I am totally on board with this story arc now! Great artwork and dialogue, and not a lot of narration. Didn’t think he was able to write an issue without a lot of narration.

Justice League Dark (2018): Witching Hour #1

Oct 31, 2018

Good issue to close an awful crossover. We finally get a full fledge magic team to stop a powerful villain. Unfortunately they weren’t the ones to stop her. This crossover was nothing more than a set up for the upside down man and return of circe. What may have been great on the drawing board ended up being a disappointment on paper.

Justice League: Odyssey #2

Oct 23, 2018

While still little fuzzy on the details, this first story arc seems like it will either be a one of the best or falls to its death. Starting out good is what we get in a lot of DC books, now let’s see if it can maintain that, something that most DC books don’t do. Hoping next issue answers more questions on Darkseid since last we saw him in Wonder Woman. Btw loving how much Jessica has grew since her rebirth first issue in Green Lanterns

Justice League: Odyssey #3

Nov 27, 2018

Issue was alright, some dialogue felt weird but most of it was good! Not a fan of how Jessica is being written in this issue. Art very good! Still have no idea what the plan is for Darkseid on this comic but hopefully it’s revealed soon! Is he fully with them or just pulling their strings..

Justice League: Odyssey #4

Jan 2, 2019

Finally the story gets picked up and interesting although the fight with Azrael and Cyborg got bit confused with why Azrael. Art was great. But the dialogue unfortunately seems a bit off

Justice League: Odyssey #5

Jan 30, 2019

Good issue! It progresses the current story and builds some great team moments! Though feels like this series would look no different if Jessica wasn’t in it. Feels like what we thought this series was going to be about with Darkseid being part of the team was either to fool us or was always going to be a twist. Looking forward to the next issue! The cliffhanger felt like a cliché.

Justice League: Odyssey #6

Feb 27, 2019

This feels like a bit of a fresh start. Unfortunately it had a bit too much narration. Kind of bummed that Blackfire and Darkseid aren't working together, can cause so much chaos. At least Abnett is clearing things up like with Jess's ring. The dialogue of Azrael felt more of a dick in this issue.

Justice League: Odyssey #7

Mar 27, 2019

This truly feels like a maxi series and probably wouldn’t hate it as much. The artwork does look amazing! But really nothing has me hooked on this book! Can’t wait til this Darkseid story is over with!

Justice League: Odyssey #8

Apr 10, 2019

Well this story definitely took a sharp right turn from where it all started feels like and I am ok with that! Good issue. Not great but just good. Enjoyable art and the writing is about 7.5/10. Hopefully we see Jessica charge her ring fast! Now I am all set for this book! Unfortunately it took so long to get to this point. Enjoying Blackfire!

Justice League: Odyssey #9

May 8, 2019

A book with fan favorites seems to not be quite working! Could be the dialogue or story, the art is great but something is eh! Doesn’t grab attention and get me excited for next issue.

Justice League: Odyssey #14

Oct 9, 2019

Okay issue, the art on Jessica’s face at times was kinda meh. Wish these issues had a “previously on” section. Dialogue is strange to Jessica, but she did just come back to life. Might read better in trade! Enjoying more and more of Blackfire.

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

We are just thrown into the book and acting like we know these characters. The dialogue is very awful! The book does nothing that will make me want to keep reading!

Marauders (2019) #1

Oct 23, 2019

At first, I wasn't excited for this book but wow issue one has won me over! Highly recommend! Only issue I had was when Kitty put the gun between the guys legs. Art very good! But with plot can see it going to a mini series

Martian Manhunter (2018) #1

Dec 5, 2018

Story itself is eh not that good. The art is wacky and not in the best of ways. Could have done with less of his past or at least not have so many alien type words. The human case seems boring which for a maxi series feel like it should be more interesting, otherwise fear it won’t be important in the story.

Martian Manhunter (2018) #2

Jan 9, 2019

The artwork unfortunately still looks like a kids tv show. Story seems very boring and with two issues in, I have no idea what is happening! The endgame of this maxi-series has me wondering when the story will actually begin. We got a little bit too much of the Mars flashbacks and it got kind of boring. The vocabulary of this is also dreadful with the Mars words

Martian Manhunter (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

Getting used to the art, it was good. Enjoyed majority of the issue which I was shocked by that. Enjoyed the backstory very much.

Martian Manhunter (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

Actually enjoying the artwork but still not hooked on the book. Seems kinda blah. Cliffhanger didn’t do anything for me.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #32

Oct 25, 2018

This series needs on one of the first pages, a previously section. Very confusing at times but the art is good. A monthly issue especially an issue that throws all of this stuff at you can get confusing especially if it's something brand new and not used to the information is a hard read, maybe in trade it will look better but as of now, I'd say wait til this story is over and read it all at once

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #1

Dec 13, 2018

Good dialogue and story so far is okay! The art looks eh. Really not safe to writing all Your secrets in a journal because within a few issues that thing is going to get stolen. Not a fan of how Ganke is introduced. He looks like he grew up and matured.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #2

Jan 11, 2019

Great issue! Enjoyed the art and character interactions! Dialogue was pretty good as well. Just still trying to get over this new mature Ganke. Wondering how Captain America heard the location. Can tell the Vice Principal will be a character to watch out for, there is more to come with him.

Mr. and Mrs. X #4

Oct 17, 2018

While I like the dialogue between Rogue and Gambit, the dialogue for everyone else is making this book harder and harder for me to keep reading

Mr. and Mrs. X #5

Nov 22, 2018

The illusion part didn't work due to last issue I thought they were getting teleported not shot at. Would have preferred more of an argument with Rogue and Remy about her decision.

Mr. and Mrs. X #6

Dec 13, 2018

While coming off an arc that really was painful to finish, this issue was great! Could have done without that cliffhanger, would have been a nice one shot issue and just end it on a happy note. It’s always great to see the characters interact at parties and just be themselves! Enjoyed the artwork.

Mr. and Mrs. X #7

Jan 3, 2019

The art and dialogue is great... but like most of the comic run the story always just falls flat. They do have great cliffhangers but the story just isn't where it should be. With 7 issues in, would think this isn't an issue.

Naomi #2

Feb 20, 2019

Pace for the issue was slow but other than that, alright second issue. Art phenomenal! Issue definitely has me curious about the character and what she has in store for next. Issue went from being ok to alright just by the ending.

Naomi #3

Mar 20, 2019

While we do learn about her background information, we are halfway done with this and the pace is incredibly slow. The art is a solid 7/10 the dialogue is more of a 8/10. Remember reading Ultimate Spider-Man and I could feel the emotion but with this, not feeling anything especially when Dee is talking to Naomi. Naomi should really be questioning her mother more especially after the attack.

Naomi #4

Apr 17, 2019

Well we finally learned where Naomi comes from and it's a good store but just think the mom overreacted last issue with Dee then. Good art. Very short issue, could have done more.

Naomi #5

May 15, 2019

Lots of reading, that wish they combine issue 1&2 and spread this out a bit. Only thing caring about this character is what powers she has.

Nightwing (2016) #50

Oct 6, 2018

Coming off of the big ending in Batman 55 issue, this issue feels like we flash forward quite a bit of time. I get that because he has lost his memory, he isn't the same Dick/ Ric but how he acts is to strange. If he lost his memory, how does he know his name, how does he know how to fight, and do other things very well. Seems like only thing that he forgot to do is be Nightwing even though apparently he remembers where is HQ is. Wish we got more on the after shot and people Nightwing is close to, to come and try and talk to him or reach out. The art I really enjoyed however, I am afraid this might change how he becomes Nightwing but hope I am wrong.

Nightwing (2016) #51

Oct 15, 2018

When the writing and the art makes the reader feel something, that is one of my favorite things about reading comics. And for me that happened in this issue with Alfred. When he put the money on the table and also asking if he’s doing okay. Unfortunately I saw on Page 14 the art of Ric and wow that was shit. With the issue itself, I’m trying to give it the benefit of the doubt but it was crap. Feel like at times they say he lost his memory about being Nightwing and other times we see that he still remembers. Just to remind us that Scarecrow is still part of the story he gets a useless page. Just as useless as they are reminding us that Nightwing is a cab driver. The cliffhanger didn’t grab my attention as well

Nightwing (2016) #52

Nov 6, 2018

Issue itself was pretty good, for an issue that nothing really happened which sucked for me because I was finally on the “Ric” train. You could skip this issue and know what is still going on. Feel like the cliffhanger is basically the same as last. We see the police officer is the new Nightwing and that’s it. It’s a quick read issue.

Nightwing (2016) #53

Nov 20, 2018

Does DC even care about continuity anymore?! Isn’t Vicki Vale still with Wyrm. He’s still around in Batgirl so something is still up with him. The story itself was not that bad. Besides for the Vicki Vale thing, another shocker was how well Ric and “Nightwing” worked together. Unfortunately I would have wanted all of the new Nightwings there.

Nightwing (2016) #54

Dec 5, 2018

This issue had ok art and the story, was eh ok as well. The dialogue literally put me asleep. This issue is literally so pointless! I doubt anything in this issue will have any major impact on rest of the story!

Nightwing (2016) #55

Dec 20, 2018

Finally the story progresses! Wish the art could progress with it. The art is horrendous. Still don't feel that Nightwing made Scarecrow scared of him when they were younger so the villains MO feels weird. Was hoping to get more of the new Nightwings but from the cliffhanger, one that didn't do much for me, next issue should be jammed pack with Action of new Nightwing vs Scarecrow

Nightwing (2016) #56

Jan 9, 2019

Feels so good to enjoy a Nightwing issue again! Issue wasn’t the best but it’s a lot better than what we have been getting. Are we seeing a new team of superheroes in the Blud? Artwork is ok, the dialogue is very good!

Nightwing (2016) #57

Feb 20, 2019

We definitely don’t go in the direction the last issues cliffhanger was going. Ric still wants nothing to do with The Nightwings but the head Nightwing still wants to recruit Ric. For a first issue to new story, got me little bit interested. Really enjoyed the artwork!

Nightwing (2016) #58

Mar 20, 2019

It’s a nice quick simple issue. Would have been better it extended it to three or four issues because it seems like this story arc is over. The art looks good but can easily be a forgettable issue even story arc.

Nightwing (2016) #59

Apr 17, 2019

If it wasn't for the ending which saved this issue. Artwork pretty good, and hoping the daughter of the sergeant is a red herring, otherwise the reveal will be obvious.

Nightwing (2016) #60

May 15, 2019

Nice to get some background on one of the Nightwing's. Art looks alright. The reasoning felt why she is mad, I get it is out of anger but like really? Seems a bit of a stretch for me. I will admit, enjoying seeing Bea more and more.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #311

Oct 17, 2018

20 issues later and I actually enjoy an issue in this series! But felt it needed one or two more pages more. Liked the art. For a while the whole Peter/ Jonah partnership got annoying but actually enjoyed it in this issue.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #312

Nov 14, 2018

Another solid Spectacular Spider-Man issue but not as good as the previous one! The only negative side was the narration in the middle, it really brought the momentum down. Unfortunately, the Jonah/ Peter relationship got annoying again in this issue and have a feeling it will do the same next. Though with great power comes great responsibility, does that mean blowing up a building in the zoo?

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #313

Dec 12, 2018

Really enjoyable issue! Great writing and art. Feels nice to see Peter and Jonah are working with each other than Peter always turning him down. I will admit, I will miss that costume when he gets cleaned up.

Plastic Man (2018) #5

Oct 14, 2018

Enjoyed the art, dialogue not so much. Feel like this story went all over the place. Wanted to do too much in 6 issues.

Plastic Man (2018) #6

Nov 13, 2018

So this was the ending, the ending that really makes no sense thus making it force and rushed. The bad guys all felt forced and out of place. The whole story with Granite Janet felt like it made no sense. Artwork was pretty great wish story was on par to the artwork.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27

Oct 10, 2018

Truly a great issue! With great art, great story, and great dialogue! I was curious to see what was going to happen when Bruce showed up, completely forgot that he might go there to tell Jason about Roy's death. Though wish we knew how he knew. I will admit, it did bring a smile to my face from the Jason and Bruce part of the book.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #28

Nov 13, 2018

Only a personal note, wish Lobdell put how long Jason has been living there. Seemed like a few days. Other than that, issue was good! We see Jason use his fighting skills against the whole town as well as outsmart the DC’s Hulk. I feel like by now Jason had to at least find something evil and wish we either saw him investigating or revealing something that he found. I really didn’t get “wowed” or anything like that at the cliffhanger. The art was very good even though still trying to get used to Jason’s new look because he doesn’t look anything like he used to, not the costume I’m talking about, his human body.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #29

Dec 5, 2018

This was a team up that I didn't know I wanted til I read this! Art was a solid 8/10. Although ending got a little confusing with the confrontation with the lady and Jason. They really know how to play off from each other.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #30

Jan 16, 2019

Great issue! Progressing the story while keeping it entertain. Not only are progressing our current story but also brining Jason’s dad story up as well as what’s up with Artemis and Bizarro. The art is beautifully done. Wingman still curious to what the future holds for him in the story.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #31

Feb 13, 2019

For being the last issue in the story arc, not much was explained and others was just forced. It looks like Jason might have a new squad pretty soon, though who is that guy with Jason and Miguel at the end of the issue. Can’t be Wingman, too big to be him.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #32

Mar 13, 2019

While for first issue of this new story, really enjoying it! Love the new set up he has though I would love to know where this stands in the timeline with the Batman book. Issue would have done a tad bit better if they shorten or got rid of the flashback, thought it was a bit too much of unwanted information. Love the dialogue and the writing.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #33

Apr 10, 2019

Red Hood is back to its fun self and loving it! Just the ending felt a bit unsatisfied. But hey other than that great issue!

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #34

May 8, 2019

After just reading the new52 of red hood vol 1, quite enjoyed this issue! Great artwork and good dialogue. This issue definitely has some call back moments. Still need more from Wingman.

Savage Avengers (2019) #7

Nov 6, 2019

This really should have been a mini series because after the team went their ways, the book hasn’t been the same. Art is pretty good good, the dialogue also pretty good but it’s a shame we don’t get the whole team in an issue anymore.

Scooby Apocalypse #33

Jan 16, 2019

Got a little Game Of Thrones vibe at the end of the issue, wonder if that’s what we are in for. Plus might be possibly getting a love triangle. Though the sudden change in Fred’s character definitely came out of no where and not in a good way. Art was good, better than what we’ve been getting. Cliffhanger definitely got me curious and ready for next issue!

Scooby Apocalypse #34

Feb 13, 2019

Issue was pretty solid! Though throughout the issue I could tell they wanted to wrap it up and things just happened too fast! It started out good but it went 0 to 60 before I knew it.

Shazam! (2018) #1

Dec 5, 2018

Great art work on both stories! Quick read, great dialogue, and great interactions! That cliffhanger makes me hate the 5 weeks of waiting even more! This superhero family issue will make you smile all throughout the read! The second story is a cute backstory between two of the top two side characters that was not needed but glad it was in there!

Shazam! (2018) #2

Jan 23, 2019

Good issue but makes me wonder does Freddy have an alternative motive? We get little bit more to the Bill Batsons dad returning storyline and little bit of where Dr. Shivanna been. The art is truly phenomenal. The cliffhanger is an alright one.

Shazam! (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

Truly a great issue! We may not got any new information on the parent story but we learn about King Kid(although don’t think that’s truly true). Art is gorgeous! Such a fun book to read. Wish Mary got a little more of dialogue though.

Shazam! (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

Fun issue! Great artwork and dialogue. Just wish it was a bit more pages.

Shazam! (2018) #5

May 8, 2019

Great issue and looking forward to next issue! Good artwork but could tell it was changing, which was a shame! Quiver would be, feel like the story didn’t move much since last issue. As of now, least interested in the battle between Sivanna and Adam, hopefully next issue can change that.

Shazam! (2018) #6

Jun 5, 2019

Artwork has been better but it was good! Story really progressed with few moments that makes me excited for next issue!

Sideways #9

Oct 15, 2018

While the art, like always, loved. Like seriously I want an art work of just Sideways on a t shirt. But the story itself, both A and B plot were eh. Could be last issues fault because had to stop reading this issue and reread last issue. So the team Derek came there with, does he even remember them?! And his new team could care less about them. There wasn’t any need for Superman to show up in the funeral with Lois. Just reminded me “hey the annual that is coming out in couple of weeks is featuring New 52 Superman” by doing that, the cliffhanger at the end, was predictable. Though am curious to if he’s the real deal and how he got there. Unfortunately the art can’t save this issue from what should keep me warm when the cold kicks in and I should build a fire

Sideways #10

Nov 20, 2018

Okay now DC is getting a little carried away with the Marvel like characters! So now we basically have the punisher in this issue! This issue doesn’t do anything for the story. Unfortunately the issue has a lot of explaining to do about the previous story arc and every time he tries to explain it, you are reminder of it. The part with the dad could careless about because their relationship made it obvious that was going to happen.

Sideways #11

Dec 12, 2018

Wow 2 issues in a row that I thoroughly enjoyed! This is what this comic should have been instead of that story with the seven soldiers. Enjoyed the dialogue except at the end. Art started out good but then was eh ok by the end. Cliffhanger didn’t do much for me though. Best part of the issue was Ernie calling the Hall of Justice, only thing that would have made that issue more perfect was if we saw someone answer it even if it was to tell her to hold.

Sideways #13

Feb 27, 2019

I can’t tell you a single page that I liked! Where to start? The dialogue was just godly awful! The bit about his mom was just too cringe to read. When found out who killed his mom and why felt like a fuck you to the fans. Was stupid and reason felt like it came from a five year old!

Spider-Force #1

Nov 1, 2018

Feel like this issue, I’m still missing a lot of information and the dialogue is way off. It feels like someone took a normal sized issue and cut it in pieces and that is what we got.

Spider-Force #2

Nov 22, 2018

Well the words at the end basically summoned it all up, what the hell happened? Between the bickering and how the scenes change, this issue was a chore to finish! Art was pretty good.

Spider-Geddon #1

Oct 11, 2018

Haven't read the original Spider-verse story but feel like I got a hang of what's going on. The art is great! Plus I feel like Gage has a good feel on the Spider's he has been given.

Spider-Geddon #2

Oct 25, 2018

As much as I am a big Spider-Man fan and I love the art, this issue makes me feel like I missed a lot by not reading the first spider verse event. I feel if the art wasn’t that good and Superior Spider-Man wasn’t in this issue, score would be much lower

Spider-Geddon #3

Nov 7, 2018

Feel like this issue was mainly a recap issue. We capped what each side wants and what is happening in the other books. The Battle is very nice and the dialogue I totally dig! Though with two more issues left, really hope something big happens in the next issue.

Spider-Geddon #5

Dec 19, 2018

Art was incredible! The story wrapped everything up nicely with even foreshadowing a future villain for the Superior Spider-man in his book. Feel like this story really was about a few spiders and the others were barely mention or didn't say much.

Spider-Girls (2018) #2

Nov 29, 2018

Really enjoyed the dialogue and art! Story itself was pretty good! I’d be down for a maxi series of this trio!

Spider-Girls (2018) #3

Dec 12, 2018

Artwork and dialogue are pretty good! Although parts of the issue felt forced. Even the parts at the end got a little crazy and lost.

Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #1

Oct 25, 2018

I get it that the first half was a recap for anyone not reading any spider Gwen comics but that could have all been in a two or one paragraph section in the beginning. The story didn't really wow me or had me on the edge of my seat. Although the art was on point! Still confused on the symbiote deal

Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #2

Nov 29, 2018

Good story! I can see if they have her ongoing series be on this earth. But seriously this feels like a waste to call it a tie-in to spider geddon. Art was good except many times Peters face didn’t really match the writing.

Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #4

Jan 10, 2019

As for a Spider-Gwen issue, this was eh ok. As for a Spider-Geddon issue it was pretty good. Would no recommend this issue to anyone because it does nothing for the story and the at is horrible and the dialgoue is quite boring at times.

Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #5

Feb 14, 2019

Still confused on certain aspects of the character such as, she can control spiders?! Interesting. Art was okay but story kinda sucked. If she changed her name to Ghost-Spider, why was she calling herself spider-woman throughout the issue? Unfortunately this issue doesn't do much for me to get be to keep reading.

Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #7

Apr 3, 2019

Solid issue! Still no clue why she doesn’t call herself Ghost Spider. Probably best one out of the run so far!

Spider-Man (2019) #2

Oct 16, 2019

Issue such a let down. Art is okay. Some of the dialogue seems bit forced. Nothing about this book screams out that this has to happen. Honestly story is quite boring.

Suicide Squad (2016) #47

Oct 11, 2018

Eh have mix emotions, glad we got something different, unfortunately the different didn't work for me. While I was digging the art, I was not a fan of the story itself. My only hope is that we see more of Owen. Captain Boomerang just felt out of place in all of this.

Suicide Squad (2016) #48

Nov 13, 2018

For being a last story arc, really hoping to see some deaths! The beginning intrigues me until she got message to keep on talking. Feel like really not much action happen in this and if this is a three part story, it really had a slow beginning but it was a quick read. With some moments that were very predictable

Suicide Squad (2016) #49

Dec 12, 2018

While I am still confused on why they hate Rick or the deal with. Cosmount, this issue was over good! Art not too bad and the writing is one of best we’ve seen in the run in a while! Surprised we didn’t see Croc freak out about fire.

Suicide Squad (2016) #50

Jan 16, 2019

Well last issue (for now maybe) of Suicide Squad Rebirth and what a way to end, on a shitty note! Story itself just was crap and felt like it had to be there! For a team called suicide squad, should have at least killed off someone that has been on the team since day 1. The other issues made it seem like Flag’s buddies were trying to get him to kill Waller because what she has caused his pain and theirs but apparently they want him dead. The dialogue felt awful for half maybe majority of the issue. The ending felt very wonky.

Supergirl (2016) #23

Oct 13, 2018

I will admit I wish a fellow lantern was helping her along the way. Issue itself was pretty good. Art was fair and dialogue was nicely done!

Supergirl (2016) #24

Nov 13, 2018

Very good issue but seriously Kara you don't take stowaways from people you meet at a bar. Even if they do look like Chris Pratt. It's so great to get a comic that shows you the badass Kara. You get an issue that progresses the story a bit and with some action. Do all planets have a spot to recharge your yellow sun solar powers though? Does her costume change whenever she presses something on her crest?

Supergirl (2016) #25

Dec 12, 2018

First story: eh okay dialogue, at least we are finally progressing the story I hope! Though got a bit confusing towards the end with her dad and Rogar. How exactly was she having the conversations or were they all hallucinations? If all hallucinations then hopefully she doesn’t fully trust them. Also since when does Supergirl shot lasers out of her mouth. Second story: we get a backstory on Z’ndr and was not bad, could do less narration and more dialogue and have him talk, obviously we is the Star Lord of the Indiana Jones so would have been nice to have him be slick. Third story: a cute Holiday story that when/ if DC does have a legit Holiday issue, would be perfect for it!

Supergirl (2016) #26

Jan 16, 2019

Dialogue is ok and so is the art but the pacing is the weak point of this comic series! Not much is even happening to keep me fully entertained. Hopefully next issue with the Omega Men team up, it will be more entertaining.

Supergirl (2016) #27

Feb 13, 2019

Feels like the story lately has changed direction from its course. The artwork is okay as well as the dialogue. It seems like the writer is running out of ideas and is just throwing things together even if it doesn’t make sense. Krypto and Z’ndr are the best thing that is happening in the book and are they leaving?! Why?

Supergirl (2016) #29

Apr 10, 2019

Finally enjoying this comic again, great dialogue and great artwork. As well as getting some much needed answers. Though I feel like the writers don’t talk to other writers on the book, how is Rogal watching all this?!

Supergirl (2016) #30

May 8, 2019

Artwork was eh pretty good on some panels except for Superman’s face, that was awful. With Rogal out of the phantom zone, the axe should be going back to him. The dialogue was eh ok, just feel like Kara’s emotions went full throttle too fast and thought Krypto knew about Z’nder’s past so made no sense why he was guarding him from escaping.

Supergirl (2016) #35

Oct 9, 2019

Dialogue was pretty good! But story eh not so much. To find out Eliza is still alive is a bit of a let down. Trying to do the Leviathan and Year of the Villain in the same issue is over do it! Plus next issue we might get how she gets infected, too much!

Superior Octopus #1

Oct 5, 2018

Currently reading Superior Spider-Man and the vibe feels the same which is a plus! Excellent dialogue and can not wait for more. The art was incredible. Can't tell which I liked better, Doc's scenes saving people, scenes in the college, or the scenes with Hyrda! The only downside to this issue was the epilogue. For someone who didn't read the last Spider-verse or the event that took place here, I was lost and wish it had a note saying what story/ issue this is talking about.

Superior Spider-Man (2018) #1

Dec 26, 2018

The art was pretty good but the story overall was kind of boring. Dialogue was good it was the story that was the worse of it. The cliffhanger really is meh. Really hope things get interested soon!

Superior Spider-Man (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

Great issue! Didn't drag things along, great dialgoue, great art, and totally can tell they are setting things up for the future.

Superior Spider-Man (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

Really enjoying this issue! Artwork was pretty good and great dialogue. Can see them setting up for the future with some of the issue.

Superman (2018) #4

Oct 10, 2018

Loved the art. That was the only thing I enjoyed. Bendis seems to have the voice for Clark Kent in Action Comics and at times voice for Superman is great. It's just this story is a bit non-sense (even for a comic book). Was glad to see Jon in the issue however, his dialogue was just painful! Like where the hell did that come from?! The dialogue about Batman seemed a bit too much. If he reworded it a bit I would have loved it. Besides the art, I did enjoy see Adam Strange still there, I will admit I did chuckle at it.

Superman (2018) #5

Nov 13, 2018

Decent issue! A quick read. The Zod part came out of nowhere and wished they explained on that. The art work is very beautiful! Zod’s dream is definitely making me curious if we will see Zod trying to make that dream a reality.

Superman (2018) #6

Dec 12, 2018

An issue with more narration than needed. The art was very good! Unfortunately how he got back to Earth felt forced! And not too long ago he didn’t want to keep his bad guys in the phantom zone, that’s why he let Cyborg Superman free. The whole ending seems forced. Have a feeling Adam Strange knows more than what he is letting on, and now that we have Jon back, let’s hope Bendis can show us the family Superman that we all love!

Superman (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

Some of the dialogue feels off and weird! Though damn why recently whenever Lois is in an issue, she has to be all sexy like. Kind of dumb of them to be talking out in the public for people to be watching them. Should have at least gone inside. The art is truly beautiful! The story itself is okay! Jon’s temple of doom story was okay but just to say that Jor-el is insane and that’s the end of the issue is pitiful! We already know that he’s insane and crazy from Man of Steel. From what I saw it’s more like Jon went crazy especially on those bad guys.

Superman (2018) #8

Feb 13, 2019

We are two issues down and still no signs of Jor-el going crazy. The point when Jon feels like he is going crazy, is a far fetch scene. The art is great but the dialogue was off especially towards the end. The cliffhanger definitely has me interested in next issue however, Bendis has a way recently of making my hopes go back down by the end of next issue.

Superman (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2019

This story how Grandpa is “crazy” seems to be getting out of hand. Unfortunately any respect you had for Ultraman is going out the window as you read this issue. Artwork is about 7/10.

Superman (2018) #10

Apr 10, 2019

Wow how Jon got to Earth was completely forced and if anything I feel bad for Jor-El not that he’s going crazy! Jon’s narration during his story feels strange, even for him. And like cmon how does Jon not notice Zod is working with Rogal and he could have told Clark that. And curious to why Zod, man who does anything to save his planet, is now working with the man who destroyed his planet. Other than that, Art is good! Really digging the art.

Superman (2018) #11

May 15, 2019

Well the ending seems bit off from where it is supposed to be connected. And feels like we missed an issue or two which seems to be frequent. Art is good and this new Jon, not fan of his dialogue.

Superman (2018) #16

Oct 9, 2019

Dialogue is truly pitiful! Bendis needs to read more on Damian! Art was alright in the beginning but then got so much worse! Do not read!

Teen Titans (2016) #23

Oct 15, 2018

Let’s just start off by saying that, the variant cover looks like it’s from Batman brave and the bold tv show, truly gorgeous. Roundhouse this issue was surprisingly my favorite character though I didn’t need to know about how he goes to the bathroom at times! We also learned why Kid Flash’s powers didn’t work the night that Roundhouse “died”, which the excuse was lame. We also get some drama between Djinn and Red Arrow, which makes me question why Damian likes Djinn, is it organic or magical. This comic gets better and better!

Teen Titans (2016) #24

Nov 20, 2018

Great art! Unfortunately nothing really happened in this issue except everyone knows everyone has secrets, like you know, everyone does. Unfortunately this did not progress the story. Only thing this issue did for me was good art, great crush lines, and great roundhouse moments.

Teen Titans (2016) #25

Dec 20, 2018

These three new characters really make the book awesome! Glad we get some backstory on two of them. The art was pretty good! First story had the better artwork. Dialogue was excellent and entertaining. Through the course of all these issues, makes me actually care and enjoy Roundhouse. Crush is such a badass! D'Jinn is the wiildcard.

Teen Titans (2016) #26

Jan 23, 2019

Issue felt confusing! At least we know that Red Arrow knew about Red Hood. We also get some more great banter between Alfred and Damian. Overall dialogue was ok and art was okay as well. Sure hope Batman know who was in the Batcave now especially how he got a batarang in the computer.

Teen Titans (2016) #27

Feb 20, 2019

Great issue! The Crush and Emiko panels are probably just set up. The Robin and Djinn scene was great for her background information! And definitely it was set up for a a big story. The scene with Roundhouse and Kid Flash, also called my favorite scene, was pure reason why love Roundhouse! He is a scene stealer. Art was amazing! And the cliffhanger did its job because it leads directly into what’s happening in Deathstroke.

Teen Titans (2016) #28

Mar 20, 2019

Feel like the art is not as great as it has been but it is still pretty good! This story arc is the story arc that will define the team for who they are. Dialogue was pretty great and you can get a sense tension rising with this mission. As of now the cliffhanger felt forced, hopefully next issue can clear some things up!

Teen Titans (2016) #29

Apr 17, 2019

Everything in this story arc I am enjoying except for the Deathstroke stuff. Great art though! And great scenes all throughout the issue. Can’t wait for next issue!

Teen Titans (2016) #30

May 15, 2019

Roundhouse is truly one of my favorite characters of this book! Great art and we get to see the team vent about their issues with each other. Highly recommend it to be, although wasn’t fan of that editors note in the beginning.

Teen Titans (2016) Annual #1

Jan 30, 2019

Story 1: great fight scene but can not see Damian losing a fight to Jason, at least not without some advantage to Jason. Art work is phenomenal! Great movement of the story and very curious on the box. Story 2: hoping to see more of Joystick! The Emiko and Djinn conflict have been interesting since the beginning and we only get more of it! Story had a great Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 moment with laughing at the name Joystick.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 12, 2018

Great dialogue and great artwork. A must read but I have a few issues with Continuity. Wasn't a fan of the Batman Who Laughs, now we have two of them... curious to see where the story goes though.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

Jan 16, 2019

What might be one of the most badass villains, Batman has to face! Although the bringing the dead Bruce Wayne’s over, still confusing and no clue on to why. We see Batman trying to hold in the Joker toxin in which he is losing that battle. The cliffhanger shows James Gordon Jr. at the store talking to his dad, even though shouldn’t he be in prison?...

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #3

Feb 13, 2019

This issue lost me all throughout it! The story doesn’t need to be as big as Snyder is making it. Too many things taking place in this issue and all confusing from what program is Gordon jr talking about all the wya to the end with what the hell is Bruce doing?! The art is alright. Dialogue would have been great if I wasn’t so confused so it’s just eh.

The Best Defense: Namor #1

Dec 6, 2018

Art was alright. Very confusing in the middle, the action was pretty good! With no history of Namor except his recent battle with the Avengers and his Ultimate version, wish they explained more. The cliffhanger definitely has me interested in the next Best Defense issue.

The Best Defense: Silver Surfer #1

Dec 14, 2018

The dialogue and art were eh okay! Needed more information, got lost a few times in the issue!

The Best Defense: Doctor Strange #1

Dec 14, 2018

Easy to read but art was eh ok. Enjoyed how it tied in the other issues except for Namor.

The Best Defense: Defenders #1

Dec 20, 2018

The art was eh ok. Had some awful panels but the real crime is the story. It started to fit but the it slowly went messy and things got confusing. Was Hulk even necessary? Feel like he didn’t even do anything. Overall when this comes in trade, I won’t recommend it to anyone.

The Infected: King Shazam #1

Nov 6, 2019

If this book doesn’t have any after effects than this issue was nothing but a money grab. An okay issue if it was. Enjoyed the art. Would recommend it though. Dialogue was actually pretty good!

The Terrifics #9

Oct 23, 2018

Okay Luis and Lemire need to stop watching looney tunes and fantastic four before writing their issues. Issue is ok, it’s not really making me want to read more unfortunately. The characters don’t feel the same anymore. If it wasn’t for the art, would have been a screw You two

The Terrifics #10

Nov 27, 2018

Ok story, didn’t really interest me but hey at least good dialogue, haven’t said that for this book in long time. Wondering where it’s going from here. Really hope that this shows us that Java is truly one of the best villains out now. Personally I’m more interested in the villain and could give two craps about the team/ former team. This book better shape up or wouldn’t be surprised if by April is when it gets cancelled

The Terrifics #11

Jan 2, 2019

It was an ok issue. Started out awful but by time we got to last third of the issue it got better. Mainly the dialogue with the other terrific members was eh. Felt kinda bored. Hope the creative team can find a way to make this new vullianious team last.

The Terrifics #12

Jan 30, 2019

Definitely favorite issue of the series! We get a little bit of each of the Terrifics but enough to make it he solid! The artwork and dialogue were great! Highly recommend this issue!

The Terrifics #13

Feb 27, 2019

Well seems like we have a new artist because plastic man looks different and not in a good way. Honestly nothing happens in this issue which is frustrating. Quick read though. Story itself was okay just wish it was longer and progress the overall story.

The Terrifics #14

Mar 27, 2019

Really digging this comic now! Artwork solid 7.5/10 and dialogue is 8/10. Hope the family members of the team don’t over shadow the core members.

The Terrifics #15

Apr 24, 2019

Great artwork and dialogue! But is DC really making a fantastic four book? Seems like it! And unfortunately it’s bit eye roll with how they do it.

The Terrifics #16

May 22, 2019

Seems like all we are going to be getting out of this book is a book that revolves only around the main characters. Enough with Stagg! Pretty good art and eh ok dialogue.

Titans (2016) #27

Oct 13, 2018

The art couldn't even save this issue. Should have also mention Wally as well with Roy. So much of the dialogue feels so forced and cringe-worthy. Such a depressing issue, could have been an issue to introduce Kyle to the team and be a positive issue.

Titans (2016) #28

Oct 23, 2018

I think I finally realized why the other issues of Titans sucked, Nightwing and Miss Martian was in it. This issue I didn’t mind it as much as the others! Although the issue felt force in parts of it. Wish Tenpest was actually staying for good! The ending wasn’t an ending that had me on edge of seat but hey here’s to hoping next issue we have Kyle on the team. The art was on point in this issue!

Titans (2016) #29

Nov 13, 2018

This issue had few parts that felt forced. Issue also felt pretty pointless multiple times. It really didn’t have any kind of story to it. So we are seeing them at their worse in a crappy story style, now I wonder how they will pull themselves back together from this mess and be a team that I can actually get behind.

Titans (2016) #30

Nov 27, 2018

Finally we might actually see them working together as a team. Secrets are finally out. The team knows they need to shape up and get their act together. Plus the team got some new information about Raven’s soulself. Which about damn time! She has been nothing but useless since she lost it. Since Titans has comeback this is the first cliffhanger that actually had me excited for next issue. The return of Kyle Rayner since the end of Green Lantern Corps. Hoping he is what makes the team, a team and stays with them for more than an issue. Gotta give a hand to the artist! Some pages I did nothing but admire their work.Though I really wish they also mention Wally’s death as well.

Titans (2016) #31

Dec 12, 2018

Would have enjoyed this issue if only the art was even somewhat decent. So many panels when the art is ruining the moment whether the changes in Bens face or Gerbil Beast Boy. But other than that great dialogue and finally the story is progressing more that we’ve had in last 4 issues. Though the possessed Gerbil Beast Boy felt a tad forced.

Titans (2016) #32

Jan 2, 2019

The art is very good however felt that this issue could easily been cut in half and other half give us progression in the story with the titans. The beginning of the issue was quite very boring! Quite sad that had high hopes for last issue but this issue felt like it stopped the momentum train.

Titans (2016) #33

Jan 16, 2019

Solid issue! Working as a team as well! The dialogue was very good as well as the art! Wish it explained how Prince Travesty and Ernest made it to Unearth as well as how they teamed up with Mother Blood. Definitely has me guessing about how there can be a soul self Raven and a Raven who is leading the charge against the Titans.

Titans (2016) #34

Feb 13, 2019

Artwork and dialogue are pretty bad and he story itself is dull! Highly not recommend this issue! Feels more like a chore

Titans (2016) #35

Mar 13, 2019

It’s great to see the team finally come together. And the artwork looks beautiful! Enjoyed the issue, which haven’t said that for this book in a long time!

Titans (2016) #36

Apr 10, 2019

Well this comic has come to a close, and wow they really wanted the story to end. We get half the issue taking place in the past with Dick convincing Raven to join the team, which felt unnecessary and bit forced. Other half we see Titans battle Mother Blood who the end result came out confusing.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #4

Oct 5, 2018

Good issue but very predictable. Art was on point. Hoping next issue isn't the same thing we've been getting for past few issues. Everyone is together, the enemy is a killer robot, Tony saves the day after all looks gloom, Andy and Tony's mom flirt with each other, Jocasta talks about A.I.s basically being people, and at the end we get a reminder that Bethany is helping the villain. But maybe next issue she puts the pieces together that the villain is mind controlling her.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #5

Nov 1, 2018

While the art is enjoyable and this is a good story, makes me wonder about the overall Iron Man story. Does Dan Slott even have a long game for this comic or is he just playing from issue to issue. Is the current storyl arc complete? Because this issue feels unnecessary right now. Yes it is a good story but the comic just feels like all the issues could easily be one shots

Tony Stark: Iron Man #6

Nov 22, 2018

It feels like we are finally going to get more than a one issue story and fully make the story from issue one go forward. Art was very good! The cliffhanger actually makes me look forward to the next issue which haven't felt like this since issue 1.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #7

Jan 3, 2019

Enjoying the art and writing. Plus finally progressing the story, took long time to get here. A story that surely sparks my interest.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #8

Feb 6, 2019

Good issue! Great art and good dialogue! We see some real damage from around the world dealing with kids running around in the stark VR goggles. Feel like weakest part was more should have happened. But definitely looking forward to reading more.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #4

Dec 5, 2018

Enjoyed the artwork as well as some of the dialogue. The story is progressing very nicely! The cliffhanger however didn’t get me. Never a fan of last page with 5 panels, should be 3 or more.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #5

Dec 12, 2018

This book is on issue 5 and still don’t see it going anywhere. Has quite a bit of the scenes just wasting away. The art looks great! Still have no lie what X-man’s main plain truly is. The cliffhanger really didn’t do anything for me.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #6

Dec 21, 2018

Art was good, dialogue was good, and that reveal of the old lady was pretty good! Finally enjoying this comic. Though still got confused on how Angel transformed. Wouldn’t be surprised if the cliffhanger showed up the new horsemen. If so hopefully they got 3x as much power

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #7

Dec 26, 2018

Enjoy the artwork but feel not much really happened in this issue and we got a major time skip that confused the reader

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #8

Jan 5, 2019

While the writing was alright, the artwork was off the walls with some panels great and others awful. The Uncanny return has been lackluster, X-men fans deserve better.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #9

Jan 10, 2019

Issue really only got good towards the end. For some reason Storm became a horsemen. Wish we got a reason for it. The dialogue and artwork are very good it’s just the story itself is not as a big as they planned it to be. Felt like Armor had a plan with her shield but we really didn’t see much of one. The cliffhanger felt like a basic cliffhanger, wish they showed way more X-men there. Best part of the issue was the reveal with Jamie!

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #10

Jan 16, 2019

Okay so this is the end of the big first 10 issue story?... so why no conclusion or more information on the Beast/ kid who stole the cure. Issue felt forced towards the end. With unanswered questions like why wasn’t Scott destroyed as well and why would Jean tell Nate he’s sorry her and Scott didn’t spend enough time with him because isn’t he from an alternate universe. This story doesn’t make me excited for the future of Uncanny.

Vault of Spiders #1

Nov 1, 2018

At parts this issue feels rushed with some of its stories and on some parts this issue was excellently done. The first two (Wild West Spider-Man and Japanese movie spider man) are awful in either pace and/ or dialogue while last two (Spider Byte and Tarzan like Spider-Man) was enjoyable however spider byte can’t see reading a whole series maybe a 6 issue mini but Tarzan like Spider-Man could see it to a 12 mini issue series

Vault of Spiders #2

Nov 15, 2018

The first story was eh ok, didn't mind that one as much as the next two! The second and third story were just pointless and a waste.

Venom (2018) #7

Oct 11, 2018

Great art but the only thing that impressed me in this issue was seeing the Maker. Still confuse why any other's who held the Symbiot can't help Eddie, like Marc Gargan, Lee Price, or Peter Parker.

Venom (2018) #8

Nov 15, 2018

So the story progresses a tad bit but the art! Wow Coello did a fantastic job at the artwork! We do see some cool tricks that the Maker can do and wish we can see more of him in the books. The Flash type Venom I am still confused about if its still in Eddie, really wish it is because when the Codex infused with Brock happen, Venom was such a badass! And that ending boy did it give me goosebumps for what is to occur! Because it will be... Carnage!

Venom (2018) #9

Dec 6, 2018

Usually I am not a fan of lots of narration in an issue but wow the combination between the writer and artwork made this issue beautifully done. Although still puzzled if the symbiote attached itself to a dog or it shaped into a dog. Neither less, that cliffhanger did a great job in wanting me to read more!

Venom (2018) #10

Jan 16, 2019

Issue itself was good, not as great as past ones. Digging the art and issue had me on edge of my seat, however, dialogue was okay. Interesting to see The Maker back.

Venom (2018) #11

Feb 20, 2019

I will give this to Donny Cates, his reveals are amazing! Great dialogue! Story was great and loving the artwork. Seems like Eddie and Venom have been fighting a lot recently, curious what will it will do long term wise on their relationship.

Venom (2018) Annual #1

Oct 17, 2018

Deff not the tone we have been getting in this Venom series but hey that doesn't mean it is a bad thing. This is what annuals should be, one-shot issues with mini stories. Enjoyed the art.

Wonder Twins (2019) #1

Feb 13, 2019

Issue did have a few scenes that made me chuckle but the story feels off and just put there! The dialogue was pretty bad! The art took few panels to get over how it looks after awhile it wasn’t that bad!

Wonder Twins (2019) #2

Mar 13, 2019

While the art is beautiful, the story itself is pretty lacking. Didn't take long to get that political vibe in this issue, unfortunately felt tad bit forced.

Wonder Twins (2019) #3

Apr 10, 2019

The art is beautiful yet again! But the story is eh. Looks like this miniseries is nothing but bunch of one shots and some cleaver dialogue here and there.

Wonder Twins (2019) #4

May 8, 2019

Well the art looks great, the story unfortunately falls flat. This seems to be a “whatever happens, happens because why not” type of book. Kinda wish they never brought them back if this is how they are going to be.

Wonder Woman (2016) #56

Oct 14, 2018

Wonder Woman (2016) #57

Oct 24, 2018

feels like all this crossover is, just Wonder Woman featuring Dark characters. Kirk and Bobo are basically extras in a movie. Deadman was a waste. Eh maybe I would have liked it better if this book didn’t have Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman (2016) #58

Nov 13, 2018

A story that is new and definitely intrigues me. Some of Diana’s dialogue seemed funny but other than that most of it is pretty great! Hoping that the next issue clarifies some stuff up though because for some of the issue got confused and had to just go with it.

Wonder Woman (2016) #59

Nov 27, 2018

Really feel like overall nothing happened. Dialogue wasn’t that bad and art was pretty good! But overall still not impress with GWW. Hopefully next issue is action pack and has something to make me feel besides boredom.

Wonder Woman (2016) #60

Dec 12, 2018

Not bad issue from what we have been getting! Art work was not that bad. And what a badass movie that was to wrap the lasso around lightning. Overall story doesn’t seem to be very interesting.

Wonder Woman (2016) #61

Jan 2, 2019

This issue feels nothing but forced panels and confusion. Art is okay and the dialogue is just as well.

Wonder Woman (2016) #62

Jan 16, 2019

Well the story arc has ended and we have no idea about the Greek animals we saw carrying Steve couple issues back. And something big like Aphrodite gets pushed aside. The art is lovely and dialogue eh ok. Hopefully G. Willow Wilson has her footing down after this arc

Wonder Woman (2016) #63

Jan 30, 2019

While the artwork is good, the rest of the issue is okay possibly eh! So many things just came out at you and felt strange! Wished we saw how Wonder Woman found or at least knew of the animals existence on Earth! Felt like we missed an issue or so. Plus really think it's not strange when they order food at a restaurant and everyone only reacts on why they can't bring in their animals, not about why the animals are talking or the type that they are. Plus the waitress who runs off with them felt so forced! Should have been a two issue story or even just an annual.

Wonder Woman (2016) #64

Feb 13, 2019

Well the dialogue is getting better! So is the story! The art looked amazing! Though did have a few forced panels but overall good start to a story arc. Just wish Veronica Cale wasn’t Wonder Woman first choice.

Wonder Woman (2016) #65

Feb 27, 2019

The overall on the Art was eh okay. Little of mix. The story itself, kind of boring!

Wonder Woman (2016) #66

Mar 13, 2019

Well didn't hate this issue, while I think the animals and Maggie are a strange aspect, but I will let it go if they become the comic relief every once and while. Art is good but at times but wonky.

Wonder Woman (2016) #67

Mar 27, 2019

Artwork is a 6/10. The dialogue is about the same. And the Magical creatures and Maggie is just getting weird. Don’t mind them being for comedy relief but this issue was just weird.

Wonder Woman (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

Well it says it’s the finale issue in the story arc but it doesn’t feel like it’s done. If it is done, wow so much forced. And most of the dialogue is awful.

Wonder Woman (2016) #69

Apr 24, 2019

Well the dialogue is damn weird and not liking what’s happening with Maggie when she’s near animals. Sex talk should not be near animals! Overall issue was just okay due to the artwork making up for rest of it.

X-23 (2018) #5

Oct 11, 2018

Art was again, on point! Favorites issue in the series so far! Only Quiver was, so the explosion never happened with Beast? A little part of me wishes that Esme is alive to make an arcnemesis for Laura. Though no doubt that there is a part of Sophie still in Laura's head. Tamaki deff feels like she has the dialogue for both Laura and Gabby down.

X-23 (2018) #6

Nov 8, 2018

This was a good single issue story. Unfortunately this story is quite predictable. As much as I love Gabby, its called X-23. Would love at least an issue where she goes on the mission solo. Could have been this issue.

X-23 (2018) #7

Dec 14, 2018

Good artwork but this story was interesting and was intrigued but by the end was eh

X-23 (2018) #8

Jan 10, 2019

While it feels like all we talk about in a Laura/ Gabby book are clones, this story is quite interesting with some great dialogue. Unfortunately, the bad guy is a repeat villain who didn't impress last time we saw him. Really hope the store picks up though! Art is gorgeous. Cliffhanger is eh, doesn't tell me anything.

X-23 (2018) #9

Feb 6, 2019

An okay issue! Art was great but dialogue was a bit boring. We didn't see that Laura or Gabby charm. The robot still confused on what the future holds for her. Had so much they could have played off of, but was a bit of a drag.

X-23 (2018) #10

Mar 13, 2019

Overall the story has been kind of boring, the characters don’t even sound like themselves anymore. This book needs a change up.

X-Force (2018) #1

Dec 27, 2018

The artwork is not the best, maybe at most its ok. For a team that I only know three of the characters, really enjoyed the issue! Just hope next issue we get more information on who is who on the team. Great start for a book that few days ago I could careless about!

X-Force (2018) #2

Jan 31, 2019

While the artwork is still a bit wonky, the store still has me! Enjoy how we get more of what’s been happening to Ahab. Can tell this is a team that I can get behind! May fight, may not be perfect, but that is what makes them most enjoyable.

X-Force (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

Great issue! The team is finally coming together, we get some progress in the story and I’m finally getting used to the art.plus great dialogue!

X-Men: Red (2018) #9

Oct 24, 2018

If this was a miniseries then it would be amazing but as of now it’s an on going book with same plot, getting Cassandra Nova fatigue. As much as I did love seeing gabby in this book and seeing Rachel and Jean moments (which we don’t get enough of).

X-Men: Red (2018) #10

Nov 8, 2018

For a villain we have been dealing with since issue 1, the pace to move to the next villain is going by very slowly. Too much dialogue and extra scenes that were not needed.

Young Justice (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

Is this even in continuity because I am not convinced! Well if you like Bendis style writing you will likely like this. We get the new team back with questions on each of them and doubt they will get answered this year. For some reason it feels like the heros are de aged. The story itself is pretty good! The cliffhanger on the other hand was eh okay.

Young Justice (2019) #2

Feb 6, 2019

Artwork is very good however, the dialogue is the main issue! Its terrible! Literally feels like we missed something between last issue and this. The tone of Tim and Cassie seems off. Issue felt kind of blah.

Young Justice (2019) #3

Mar 6, 2019

While we do get the background info on Connor, the issue doesn’t do anything for me to wanting to read more. Does have an artwork like form the old days. Still much to answer for with Connor though and the cliffhanger, you could have ended issue before that scene and it would have been better.

Young Justice (2019) #4

Apr 3, 2019

Eh not fan of the art. Wish DC would just announce this was either out of continuity or just say this is going to be rewrite some stuff that happened in Rebirth. Issue felt forced on some stuff. But hey other than that, ok issue and great to see the Tim, Cass, Connor, and Bart hug!

Young Justice (2019) #5

May 1, 2019

Feel like what is happening now and our flashbacks have no connection in the issue itself. And a bit forced. The art was great. And we did learn where is Stephanie, unfortunately felt unearned it a way.

Young Justice (2019) #6

Jun 5, 2019

Finally the team is here and I am ready for the stories ahead! Issue itself was one of the strongest in the run but overall the story isn’t that great. Art was alright. More things than not felt forced and just had to be, but at same time, enjoyed some of the dialogue.

Young Justice (2019) #10

Nov 6, 2019

Well we now have the backstory of Jenny and I have no clue what she can actually do. Just like Naomi who is going to be forced into the book. Speaking of forced, this is just a basic Bendis book. Good amount of forced panels. Art is very good though. But we really don’t get enough of the whole team!

Reviews for the Week of...




