Miracleman92's Profile

Joined: Sep 09, 2020

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Overall Rating
Age of Bronze Vol. 1: A Thousand Ships

Nov 14, 2024

Age of Bronze Vol. 2: Sacrifice

Nov 14, 2024

Age of Bronze Vol. 3: Betrayal, Part One

Nov 14, 2024

Alien (2021) #1

Mar 30, 2021

This is a pretty good start to Marvel's new Alien series. An interesting mystery is set up and I like the tease of future Giger creatures being thrown into the mix. I also appreciate this comic acknowledges the prequel films. I'm definitely on board and am excited for the next issue!

Alien (2021) #2

Apr 25, 2021

Another solid issue. Pretty quick read though. I do appreciate how Johnson is building up to the Xenomorph encounter instead of rushing their introduction. So far I'm still on board with this series.

Alien (2021) #3

May 26, 2021

While perhaps lacking in substance, Alien #3 still manages to make up for it with an entertaining fast-paced story that leaves me wanting to read more.

Alien (2021) #4

Jun 16, 2021

Best issue so far! Feels like the story is really picking up here. Cruz's nightmare journey through Epsilon Station continues to spiral out of control as more Xenomorph variants are introduced. I also was genuinely surprised when he found his son had already been Facehugged. It's possible this series may read better in collected format but I'm glad to see things picking up.

Autumnal #1

Nov 24, 2020

I love Folk Horror and this first issue promises the start of a classic Folk Horror narrative. This issue is all build-up and character development which is how I like any horror series to begin. Excited to see where The Autumnal goes; especially after that creepy final page reveal. I hope Vault continues putting out fantastic horror comics like this.

Autumnal #2

Nov 24, 2020

For readers who like more action and in-your-face horror, The Autumnal won't be your cup of tea. But if you appreciate a good slow burn with a chilling atmosphere and intriguing world-building, then this series is just for you!

Autumnal #3

Nov 29, 2020

Kraus is such a good writer. This is a horror comic with good characters, great pacing, a creepy atmosphere and an increasing sense of dread with each issue.

Autumnal #4

Jan 16, 2021

Another stellar installment (which is par for the course for this series). We learn more about the creepy little town's history and the tragic story of Clementine Biddle.

Autumnal #5

Mar 13, 2021

The Autumnal continues to be an amazing comic. This issue includes some twists and turns I definitely didn't see coming. Kraus and Shehan are currently putting out one of my most anticipated comics (almost) every month now!

Autumnal #6

Apr 27, 2021

Kat takes action against the town to save her daughter from a ritual sacrifice. But is she too late? The Autumnal is one of the best comics coming out right now and if you haven't started it yet, I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Autumnal #7

May 26, 2021

The whole series has been building to this moment. Kraus and Shehan manage to build up so much tension, delivering one of the most nerve-wracking comics I've read in a long time. It's especially impressive given this issue is mostly dialogue driven. Kat has fallen into the clutches of the Autumnal Society. Will she be able to save her daughter in time? Or has she already fallen under the spell of Clementine Biddle?

Autumnal #8

Jul 4, 2021

This is the best comic mini-series I've read in a long time. The Autumnal #8 pulls no punches in a brutal, emotionally devastating finale that is keeping in tone with the rest of this Folk Horror tale. I'm definitely going to be looking into whatever else Daniel Kraus has written.

Black Stars Above Vol. 1

Nov 18, 2020

Black Stars Above is a great comic! Another example of why I think indie comics are the creative future of this industry. The art is both beautiful and haunting. The story is Cosmic Horror done right. The reader sees enough of the terror to frighten but enough is still left to interpretation and imagination like all good Cosmic Horror should do.

Cable (2020) #1

Mar 22, 2021

This is a fun start to Kid Cable's solo book. I like Cable well enough but he's never been one of my favorite mutants. However, Duggan's writing for the character is fun and something different for Nathan. I'm definitely on board for this series.

Cable (2020) #2

Mar 22, 2021

Another fun issue. The Stepford Cuckoos stole the show on this one. I'm really enjoying the Summers' family dynamic and Emma is a delight to read as always. The Spaceknights are cool but I'll admit I'm more interested in the kidnapping story.

Cable (2020) #3

Mar 22, 2021

"Bable" and Deadpool's conversation was funny but I'm over the Knights of Galador story. Duggan is still doing a good job teasing the cult storyline and I am intrigued to see where it's gonna go from here.

Cable (2020) #4

Mar 22, 2021

Okay, I really enjoyed this issue! The backstory of the Knights actually made me feel for them. Nathan and Esme's relationship continues to be entertaining. Emma's death stare towards Nathan was probably the funniest moment for me. Cable #4 is a fun action-packed conclusion to an arc I believed was beginning to overstay it's welcome.

Cable (2020) #5

Oct 14, 2020

XOS Ch. 8: Creepy horror-movie kind of story with some fun family dynamics from the Summers crew. Nice to see X Of Swords bounce back after the mostly lackluster chapters from last week.

Cable (2020) #6

Nov 18, 2020

XOS Ch. 19: Cable #6 is kind of an emotional rollercoaster, though to be honest the whole thing with Bei is still kinda weird. I feel like there wasn't enough build-up with her character to explain why Cable stalled. I know she's Cypher's wife now but that whole subplot has felt forced and out of nowhere. Still though, good art and some decent fights overall.

Cable (2020) #7

Mar 24, 2021

As this series has mostly been, it's another solid issue of Cable, though not spectacular. Glad to see the Order of X storyline being picked up immediately after the crossover.

Cable (2020) #8

Mar 24, 2021

Not great, not terrible. Just another solid issue of Cable as I've come to expect from Duggan. Kid Cable's mission with Domino is a fun read and I'm interested in how old and young Cable will clash.

Cable (2020) #9

Apr 12, 2021

A very fun issue. Cable's interactions with various mutants provided both entertaining moments and enlightening insights into our young protagonist's increasingly desperate search for Stryfe. That Magik scene was definitely my favorite part.

Cable (2020) #10

Apr 28, 2021

To be honest, I thought this issue was underwhelming. The end with old man Cable was good, but I wish there was more to the Kid Cable side of the story. Feels like there's still a lot more story to cover in just two chapters. I'd probably rate this higher if the series was continuing beyond #12; but as Kid Cable's time is nearing it's end, there should've been more plot progression.

Cable (2020) #11

Jun 30, 2021

This penultimate issue is a bit quieter than I was expecting but Duggan has been consistently good at writing the Summers family and Cable #11 is no exception. I also really enjoyed Cable getting the OG X-Force back together to go up against Stryfe. Duggan's Cable series has had it's ups and downs, but this issue promises an exciting finale that I can't wait to read!

Cable (2020) #12

Jul 28, 2021

An entertaining and satisfying finale to Kid Cable's journey. I'm gonna miss this book. Gerry Duggan did a great job really making me care about a character I initially felt no investment in whatsoever.

Chris Claremont Anniversary Special (2021) #1

Jan 13, 2021

A fun but ultimately forgettable romp with some of Claremont's favorite characters. Worth checking out if you're a fan of Claremont's past work, but this issue isn't anything groundbreaking.

Coffin Bound #1

Nov 12, 2020

Weird. But a good kind of weird.

Coffin Bound #2

Nov 12, 2020

Trippy neo-noir Frank-Miller-on-acid type of story goin' on here. I'm lovin' it!

Coffin Bound #3

Nov 12, 2020

Y'know, this series almost veers into pretentiousness, but then I just can't help but love it for all its weirdness. Great comic!

Coffin Bound #4

Nov 12, 2020

Fantastic conclusion to the first arc! This series feels very underrated. Makes me want to check out this writer's other work.

Coffin Bound #5

Nov 12, 2020

A solid start to the second arc. Still liking the weird sketchy art. Taqa isn't as interesting a protagonist as Izzy though. Still, I'm interested in what'll happen to her next.

Coffin Bound #6

Nov 12, 2020

While still not as good as the first arc, I'm still really enjoying this series.

Coffin Bound #7

Nov 12, 2020

Okay...this issue was awesome! Might be the best issue of the series to date. Madame Entropy and the Black-White Yin Yang killer(s) are cool villains. Taqa is also growing on me as a protagonist with each issue. Coffin Bound continues to be a wonderful comic.

Coffin Bound #8

Nov 12, 2020

Not quite what I was expecting for the finale of this arc but it is still keeping in tone with the rest of this arc while continuing the nihilistic themes of this series. Good stuff!

Crossover (2020) #1

Nov 24, 2020

Interesting start. I liked this but it wasn't great (though I think it has the potential to be). Not quite what I thought it'd be. Which is a plus and a minus. What with copyright nightmares, I'm surprised this book didn't use more Image Comics characters in the background panels instead of referencing DC and Marvel characters. That could've both been a fun nod to other established characters and help flesh out the world of Crossover to feel even more like our real world. All in all the set-up is enough for me to keep checking out Crossover for another few issues.

Crossover (2020) #2

Dec 9, 2020

Cates continues with a compelling story. While this series so far hasn't quite lived up to the hype, I have enjoyed the first two issues and plan to keep reading through at least the first arc.

Crossover (2020) #3

Jan 25, 2021

This was alright, but I really want to like this series more than I do. I appreciate the art and I enjoy the idea of this series. But after three issues I just don't feel compelled to continue. The story just isn't grabbing me anymore.

Daredevil (2019) #1

Sep 30, 2020

A great start to a new era for Daredevil!

Daredevil (2019) #2

Sep 30, 2020

Det. Cole North is proving to be a formidable new foil for Daredevil!

Daredevil (2019) #3

Sep 30, 2020

Gritty Neo-Noir action! Just the way I like my Daredevil comics.

Daredevil (2019) #4

Sep 30, 2020

This was okay but the whole Daredevil/Punisher debate is getting a little stale at this point.

Daredevil (2019) #5

Sep 30, 2020

Giving up the red suit again? Okay then...we'll see where this goes. This issue was alright but I'm hoping this series can pick up again in the next story arc.

Daredevil (2019) #6

Sep 30, 2020

This issue was kind of dragging it's feet but I'm still interested in where the story is going. Also, the art is a big step down from previous issues.

Daredevil (2019) #7

Sep 30, 2020

The story is ok but not a lot of progression here. The art is really weighing this arc down for me.

Daredevil (2019) #8

Sep 30, 2020

Okay, art aside, this was easily my favorite issue since #1-3. The tense dinner is up there for favorite moments of this run to date. Great drama and intrigue here!

Daredevil (2019) #9

Sep 30, 2020

Onward and upward! Zdarsky continues to improve from the issue #4-7 lull.

Daredevil (2019) #10

Sep 30, 2020

Best issue of this series to date. The art, the action, the character moments, all of it was great stuff. Plus: Elektra!

Daredevil (2019) #11

Sep 30, 2020

Great start to a new story arc! Always love some Matt-Elektra drama. Her training Matt is a new and interesting dynamic between them.

Daredevil (2019) #12

Sep 30, 2020

This series has officially become my favorite monthly comic. Matt! Elektra! Mayor Kingpin! So excited to see where this is headed.

Daredevil (2019) #13

Sep 30, 2020

Old habits die hard for the Kingpin.

Daredevil (2019) #14

Sep 30, 2020

The confrontation between Matt and Cole at the diner is great. Zdarsky really excels with dialogue and making a seemingly mundane non-action event extremely tense.

Daredevil (2019) #15

Sep 30, 2020

Watch out! Daredevil & Elektra are on the hunt!

Daredevil (2019) #16

Sep 30, 2020

So many great character moments in this issue. Daredevil is the title I look forward to most from month to month.

Daredevil (2019) #17

Sep 30, 2020

The gang war between the Owl and the Libris family heats up!

Daredevil (2019) #18

Sep 30, 2020

Daredevil and Det. Cole North take on the Owl's crime syndicate!

Daredevil (2019) #19

Sep 30, 2020

This is simply a great comic. This issue is the culmination of 18 issues of political intrigue and self-discovery. Matt is officially back as Daredevil and I couldn't be more excited. Also: that Typhoid Mary reveal!

Daredevil (2019) #20

Sep 30, 2020

Awesome awesome awesome comic! What a great finale to what I consider Zdarsky's "season 1" of his Daredevil run. Everything about this comic was so good.

Daredevil (2019) #21

Sep 30, 2020

Not bad but honestly I'm not feeling this whole Daredevil on trial thing Zdarsky is building towards. The potential for Matt to go to jail just feels like been-there-done-that territory.

Daredevil (2019) #22

Sep 30, 2020

I'm still not happy about Matt going to jail again. The "Iron Devil" idea is just...no. Just no. On the positive side of things it's nice to see Typhoid Mary still hanging around and I'm still interested in seeing how Fisk handles things with the Stromwyn siblings.

Daredevil (2019) #23

Oct 21, 2020

Checchetto's art is great as usual and Matt's team-up with Spidey was cool. Despite my recent complaints about Matt going to jail again, this issue has made me excited to see where this goes. It's just frustrating how inconsistent these last few issues have been. I really hope Zdarsky can pull it together and make this run consistently great again.

Daredevil (2019) #24

Nov 25, 2020

Matt's going to jail again...which we all saw coming from a mile away. I'm still invested in Kingpin and Typhoid Mary's story; as well as Elektra's. Its just a shame the title character's own plotline has started to feel somewhat stagnant.

Daredevil (2019) #25

Dec 2, 2020

This was okay. Definitely sets up some potentially interesting plot threads. I really don't like the idea of Elektra taking on the Daredevil mantle, but I'm willing to give it a few issues to see where it goes. Zdarsky's run has been on shaky ground lately but I'll at least see this arc through. Gotta be honest though, these last few months haven't lived up to the first 20 issues of his run.

Daredevil (2019) #26

Jan 27, 2021

I enjoyed this much more than I expected to. Though I couldn't care less about King In Black, the Elektra half of the issue was actually a pretty fun read. The Daredevil half sets up some interesting conflicts within the prison too. But that cliffhanger was just dumb. DareVenom? It's like a bad idea out of 90s Marvel. At least this is only a two-issue tie-in.

Daredevil (2019) #27

Feb 10, 2021

Matt Murdock is a man of God. It's an interesting part of his character. But the way Zdarsky writes Matt's faith is becoming kinda annoying. He's not usually so in-your-face about his faith. Now it's like he's on a mission from God like one of the Blues Brothers. Anyway, that's starting to be a pet peeve of mine with Zdarsky's Matt. Otherwise, this issue is a big fat pile of meh. I really don't know what to think of Daredevil anymore. At least the King in Black nonsense is mostly over with (even if Mary is still infected).

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 10, 2021

A pretty good issue but once again I find myself more interested in Elektra and Fisk than I am in Matt's quest to do what he believes is right. I've always enjoyed Fisk and Mary's dynamic and I'm excited to see where Zdarsky is taking them. Looks like Elektra has a new apprentice too. It would've felt weird if Alice was a one-off character since last issue focused so much on her. As for Matt's story, Brubaker did Daredevil in jail so much better than this.

Daredevil (2019) #29

Apr 17, 2021

Another good issue that manages to balance several different stories without feeling too rushed. I actually didn't mind Mike Murdock's scenes this time. Looks like Fisk has something different in mind for Bullseye other than the tired back and forth of hiring Lester to kill DD and constantly fail. Elektra's scenes are great as always. And just in case Matt hadn't reminded himself enough already (or if the reader somehow didn't realize yet), we have our mandatory reminder that Matt is STILL a man of God.

Daredevil (2019) #30

May 19, 2021

To sum this chapter up: the Elektra scenes are great as always, I'm surprisingly becoming more interested in Mike Murdock, Bullseye's loose (kinda disappointing after the intriguing reveal from last issue), and Matt is still being reminded of how much of a selfish idiot he's being. Can Zdarsky just write Elektra and leave Matt alone for awhile? If he's gonna make Matt stew in prison I'd rather just focus on the other storylines. Matt has become the most boring part of this comic.

Daredevil (2019) #31

Jul 1, 2021

This issue started off poorly with Matt getting lectured at again (we get it Zdarsky), but then quickly turns itself around into the best issue of Daredevil in months. Matt confronting the warden was great, Zdarsky continues showing his love for Elektra's character, and that Bullseye cliffhanger makes me very excited to read the next issue.

Daredevil (2019) #32

Aug 4, 2021

Zdarsky is killing it these last couple of issues. Elektra's hunt for Bullseye takes some unexpected twists and turns while Matt's ongoing confrontation with the Warden is taken up a notch. I really hope Zdarsky can keep up this momentum.

Daredevil (2019) #33

Nov 24, 2021

This has been a great arc so far and this issue continues that trend. Here's hoping Elektra gets to kick Bullseye's ass soon.

Daredevil (2019) #34

Nov 24, 2021

Zdarsky has proved himself to be one of the all-time great Daredevil writers. This series has had its ups and downs but this arc makes the whole journey worth it.

Daredevil (2019) #35

Nov 24, 2021

Great conclusion to the hunt for Bullseye. All the major players were given something to do this issue; culminating in a satisfying conclusion to this arc while dropping interesting teasers for what is to come.

Daredevil (2019) Annual #1

Sep 30, 2020

Weakest Zdarsky Daredevil comic by far. Don't care much for the Mike Murdock retcon.

Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1

Dec 17, 2020

I really enjoyed this more than I expected to honestly. Great art and a fun story. Love Carrie Kelley as Batwoman. Her character progression from Robin to Catgirl to Batgirl and now Batwoman is an entertaining read. I also really like Miller's portrayal of Darkseid here; probably one of my favorite depictions of him as normally I don't care for him. I wouldn't mind Miller and Grampa doing another one-shot.

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1

Dec 17, 2020

A solid one-shot with moody art to convey this grim noir story. Miller and Azzarello tell a compelling tale of the breakdown in Batman and Robin's relationship leading up to Robin's fateful final encounter with the Joker. As much as I did ultimately enjoy this, it does feel incomplete. Still though, if you are a fan of Miller's Dark Knight universe this is definitely worth a look.

Dead Romans Collected

Nov 14, 2024

Amazing series! The writing and the art work together to tell an epic story with great characters full of moral complexities. I was sad to see this get shortened into a mini instead of remain an ongoing like it was originally supposed to be. Would love to see more Historical Epics from this creative team. Perhaps even a Dead Romans sequel mini-series based on the planned second arc.

Dragonfly & Dragonflyman Vol. 1

Nov 27, 2020

Tom Peyer continues his multiversal superhero series in this prequel to The Wrong Earth. While not as consistently great as The Wrong Earth, the Dragonfly & Dragonflyman miniseries blends humor and gritty crime-fighting drama to make this an entertaining read.

Echolands #1

Nov 1, 2021

I loved this so much! Williams and Blackman introduce us to a rich fantasy world full of beautiful visuals and a great hook to get invested in the characters. This is the best first issue of a series I've read in a long time. If you're a fan of these creators' style, then do yourself a favor and check this out ASAP!

Echolands #2

Nov 24, 2021

More greatness from Williams and Blackman! So glad these two are collaborating on a series again.

Elektra Vol. 1: Bloodlines

Dec 13, 2020

Blackman's writing combined with Del Mundo's beautiful art makes this a perfect Elektra comic. For me it almost rivals Miller's and Sienkiewicz's Elektra: Assassin. Elektra is one of my favorite Marvel characters, however, few writers have managed to get her right post-Miller. The creative team here hits the right tone for the character and I wish this series was more popular than it turned out to be.

Elektra Vol. 2: Reverence

Dec 13, 2020

Sadly Reverence is the last volume for this Elektra series. While still a good collection it doesn't match the quality of Bloodlines. The first story arc is a fairly standard rival-assassins-battling-it-out tale with ok art. The second story arc is much better with Del Mundo returning on art duties, though the plot does feel a tad rushed (probably due to the series' cancellation).

Empyre: X-Men #1

Sep 15, 2020

Crazy, fun, over-the-top mutant mayhem!

Empyre: X-Men #2

Sep 15, 2020

I'm liking Hordeculture more here than from their first appearance. The writers are clearly just having a fun time with this nonsense.

Empyre: X-Men #3

Sep 15, 2020

More zany mutant mayhem as the X-Men go up against a botanical alien species and a horde of mutant zombies!

Empyre: X-Men #4

Sep 15, 2020

Too much focus on Scarlet Witch, but otherwise this was a decent finale to a fun obligatory mini-series that was better than it had any right to be.

Excalibur (2019) #1

Sep 9, 2020

The line-up seems random but I'm willing to see where this goes as I do love the Braddock siblings.

Excalibur (2019) #2

Sep 9, 2020

A fun issue. It's cool having a sword & sorcery X-Men comic but I wish it had more of the crazy, out-there, zaniness of the original Excalibur.

Excalibur (2019) #3

Sep 9, 2020

Nice little intro to Rictor for me (a character I'm not too familiar with). I also feel like Apocalypse's presence is becoming more justified with each issue. Tini Howard is definitely getting a better grasp on his character.

Excalibur (2019) #4

Sep 9, 2020

In just two issues I'm already really liking Rictor. Thinking maybe I should look up his previous appearances.

Excalibur (2019) #5

Sep 9, 2020

Rogue! Finally!

Excalibur (2019) #6

Sep 9, 2020

This was a nice conclusion to the Morgan Le Fey sub-plot. Excited to see more of Jaime and the other Braddock siblings interact.

Excalibur (2019) #7

Sep 9, 2020

I think Tini Howard is definitely improving with each issue. This is a fun little adventure that makes this feel like the first issue to truly earn the Excalibur title.

Excalibur (2019) #8

Sep 9, 2020

Good resolution to the Warwolf hunt. I think overall this Excalibur series is getting better than it's reputation would suggest.

Excalibur (2019) #9

Sep 9, 2020

This series continues moving along in the right direction and it's great to see this Excalibur series continue to tie itself into the fantastic Claremont/Davis runs more and more.

Excalibur (2019) #10

Sep 9, 2020

Fantastic issue! The best of this series so far. Love the weirdness of it. This feels the most like a classical issue of the original Excalibur series.

Excalibur (2019) #11

Sep 9, 2020

Lacks the chaotic energy of what made #10 so great. Also felt like there were some pages missing near the beginning. Would've liked to see Jubilee and Shogo's capture. Not terrible but definitely a disappointing step down from the last few issues.

Excalibur (2019) #12

Sep 16, 2020

Good issue. I'm liking Apocalypse's story in this series. And Gambit and Rogue get some more panel time, which is nice. I'm pretty excited for X Of Swords now!

Excalibur (2019) #13

Oct 21, 2020

XOS Ch. 9: I really like the dynamic between the Braddock siblings. Its fun. I was initially confused about the mutant Captain Britain Corps. but I guess Saturnyne captured them off panel and they escaped off panel. I like the idea for that subplot but too much of it is happening off panel or on data pages. This isn't a terrible comic but I'm getting tired of not seeing plot elements in this book actually happen on the page. X Of Swords is proving to be inconsistent in terms of quality.

Excalibur (2019) #14

Nov 11, 2020

XOS Ch. 15: Uhhhhhh...what? The Betsy/Isca half of the issue was alright, but the Doug/Bei half doesn't make much sense. How does one participant lose a wedding? I guess if one of them left the other at the altar? Anyway, 'meh' issue.

Excalibur (2019) #15

Nov 25, 2020

XOS Ch. 21: This is a good issue. The action and character moments are all really well done. My problem is, as much as I liked this issue, it reinforces how pointless so many of the chapters in this event were. I know I'll sound like a broken record but X Of Swords should've been 12-13 chapters at most. If that were the case I may have rated this issue even higher.

Excalibur (2019) #16

Mar 15, 2021

This is pretty much a reset issue for Excalibur; setting up the mystery of what happened to the Betsy Braddock of Earth 616; showing the fallout of X Of Swords and how it affected the team. Hopefully Rogue and Gambit will become more prominent as the series progresses. They are still lacking in this series. But Rictor continues to be an interesting protagonist and I like how he starts taking lead of the team here.

Excalibur (2019) #17

Mar 15, 2021

Really good issue. I like that Tini is delving more into the alternate realities. This title is at it's strongest when focused on Betsy and the rest of the Braddock family. I'm also very much interested in seeing how Betsy's apology to an alternate version of Kwannon will affect her moving forward. Did it act as a sort of practice apology before she reunites with "her" Kwannon, or is she being self-centered thinking this is enough. Anyway, I overall really enjoyed this issue.

Excalibur (2019) #18

Mar 15, 2021

What is goin' on with Betsy? Tini's definitely got me hooked. Excalibur has gradually been improving post-X Of Swords. Here's hoping the writer can keep it up.

Excalibur (2019) #19

Mar 24, 2021

This is the best issue of this series to date. Kwannon is a badass (as always) and the confrontation between her and Betsy is super satisfying. Excalibur is a flawed comic. Tini Howard doesn't have the best handle on every character on her team as well as the narrative can sometimes take confusing jumps. But when she's on point like with this issue, Howard's Excalibur can prove to be a very entertaining and satisfying read.

Excalibur (2019) #20

Apr 7, 2021

Howard knocks it out of the park again. The characters she doesn't write too well are nowhere to be seen or just appear briefly and I loved Betsy and Kwannon's team-up against Malice. Speaking of Malice, I don't recall her origin ever being touched on before, so it's cool getting a bit of backstory for her. These last few issues of Excalibur have been good and I really hope Howard can keep it up with this quality.

Excalibur (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

Morgan Le Fay has escaped with the help of Coven Akkaba while the mutants party it up at the Gala. A good issue that leaves me excited for what is to come for Excalibur.

Excalibur (2019) #22

Jul 14, 2021

This issue is fun! The team goes on a mission to break into Merlin's castle while Pete Wisdom begins planning his revenge on Coven Akkaba. There's a lot going on here but Howard has improved in her abilities to juggle multiple characters and plots.

Excalibur (2019) #23

Sep 16, 2021

I'm not the biggest fan of Doom but despite my reservations Tini once again brings us another entertaining chapter in her ongoing Epic Fantasy Mutant Saga. I'm so glad she has managed to turn this title around into one of the X-books I consistently enjoy reading from month to month.

Excalibur (2019) #24

Oct 19, 2021

All-out war breaks out! Excalibur must protect Saturnyne from Merlyn and Arthur's assault on the citadel. I liked this issue a lot though it does feel a tad crammed with some pacing problems. Still, Excalibur is one of the best X-books currently being produced. I get the feeling the series is heading towards it's conclusion soon which is a shame as the second half of Howard's run has been such an improvement.

Fallen Angels (2019) #1

Apr 1, 2021

A solid start to this mini-series. I really like Kwannon and I'm glad to see her character explored further.

Fallen Angels (2019) #2

Apr 1, 2021

Psylocke's quest to hunt down Apoth continues with the help of X-23 and Cable. I still enjoyed this issue but I'd prefer if the focus was on Kwannon and Laura only. Cable feels out of place here.

Fallen Angels (2019) #3

Apr 5, 2021

A quick read and not much substance to this chapter. Mostly an action issue but the art makes it hard to understand what's happening sometimes. On the plus side I like Kwannon's mentorship role with Laura. Overall, I can see how this series is one of the poorest received from the Dawn of X line; even if I'm (mostly) liking it.

Fallen Angels (2019) #4

Apr 12, 2021

I liked learning more about Apoth and it's weird obsession with Kwannon. As per usual with Fallen Angels, Kwannon and Laura have pretty good team chemistry while I'm still not sure what Cable's doing in this series.

Fallen Angels (2019) #5

Apr 13, 2021

Psylocke charges Laura with forming a team to stop Apoth once and for all. This issue felt meandering. Hill seems to be dragging his feet here with his story.

Fallen Angels (2019) #6

Apr 13, 2021

This was...not a good conclusion. The writing is vague, the Fallen Angels 'team' felt pointless, Apoth ultimately was pretty easy to defeat, and this conclusion makes the whole mini-series into a big fat lot of nothing.

Family Tree #1

Nov 29, 2020

Interesting start and I'm always down for some good body horror.

Family Tree #2

Nov 29, 2020

A little light on story and world-building. Mostly an action issue. Still good though and I am interested in seeing where this leads.

Family Tree #3

Nov 29, 2020

Best issue yet! A successful mix of emotional family drama and full-on body horror.

Family Tree #4

Nov 29, 2020

Damn...that's one badass Grandpa. I'm really enjoying the dynamics amongst this dysfunctional family. Family Tree is getting better and better with each issue. Here's hoping it can sustain the quality.

Family Tree #5

Nov 29, 2020

This is a very heartbreaking chapter in the Family Tree saga. Lemire is great at writing families fighting through distressing, traumatic situations (as evidenced in his Animal Man run too). I'm very excited to see what'll happen next!

Family Tree #6

Nov 29, 2020

Nice to see Judd is still alive and to get some more backstory on his relationship with Darcy; though it is a little jarring to completely cut away from Meg and the rest of her immediate family for a whole issue.

Family Tree #7

Nov 29, 2020

Grown-up Josh fighting off gas-masked stalkers; Meg learning more about the mythology she finds herself tangled in; Judd still being a crazy, badass Grandpa. There's a lot going on in this issue but Lemire manages to make it all flow smoothly without feeling rushed.

Family Tree #8

Nov 29, 2020

Family Tree has grown from being a pretty good horror/drama into a thing of horrific beauty. This issue made me feel a range of emotions which is another testament to how good a writer Lemire is.

Family Tree #9

Nov 29, 2020

This is a solid issue. I knew there'd have to be a big time jump based on the teases we've had with grown-up Josh, but it feels like there's still too much story left untold and with only three issues left I'm worried the ending will feel rushed. Still, Lemire's a great writer and I remain hopeful he can stick the landing.

Family Tree #10

Dec 23, 2020

This issue reads pretty quickly as it is mostly an action issue. We see a bit more of Josh's family and how he met his wife. Overall an alright issue but I feel like this series is starting to limp it's way to the finish line.

Family Tree #11

Feb 23, 2021

An action-packed and mostly satisfying emotional penultimate issue.

Family Tree #12

Jun 9, 2021

This final arc still felt rushed and I think the delays really killed the momentum for these last couple of issues. But for the most part Family Tree #12 is a satisfying conclusion to Lemire's family drama/horror series.

Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #1

Jan 5, 2021

I really enjoyed this. Between Ram V's JLD annual and this issue, I am very excited to see what he has in store for Swampy.

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 12, 2021

This review is just for the JLD story (which was a full 22 pages on it's own meaning it should've just been a separate comic). I liked this story and I'm curious to see how the fight with Merlin will play out. Zee's rag-tag group of heroes are a nice shake-up from the main JLD cast and I love how Etrigan is stuck in Bobo now.

Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #2

Feb 2, 2021

A good conclusion to this apocalyptic story. Some things felt rushed but with this being only a two issue mini-series there wasn't a lot of room to explore everything in detail. Ram V continues to prove why he's such a good writer and I couldn't be more excited for his upcoming Swamp Thing series.

Future State (2021): Justice League #2

Feb 9, 2021

This review is just for the JLD story. So...that was anti-climactic. This was a lame ending to this two-parter. Doctor Fate pretty much just pulled a Doctor Strange move (from Infinity War), saying he has to make this sacrifice because he saw only one possible future where they win. Sad to say this about a story written by Ram V; who I believe to be a pretty great writer usually. Can't say I recommend this story at all and I have zero interest in continuing with the back-up feature in Justice League. So once again: goodbye JLD!

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Jean Grey And Emma Frost #1

Sep 9, 2020

I love Dauterman's art (wish he was doing interiors for Marauders as well as covers)! But this issue takes Hickman's clear love of Morrison's New X-Men to such an extreme that it is essentially a copy-cat of New X-Men #121. I just wish there was more to this than an homage/rip-off of a better comic.

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Magneto #1

Sep 9, 2020

Magneto is one of my favorite comic book characters and this issue is a pretty good character-focused exploration of him. The Lovecraftian deep sea adventure with Namor was a lot of fun too!

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Fantomex #1

Sep 9, 2020

Awesome book! Best of Hickman's Giant-Size issues so far. The story, the art, everything just clicked with this one.

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Nightcrawler #1

Sep 13, 2020

I liked how this was set up like an X-Men horror movie. Fun issue all around; though I feel like calling it 'Nightcrawler' is a bit of a misnomer. Could've easily been called 'Giant-Size X-Men: Cypher'. That might've fit better. Also: I always enjoy Alan Davis' art (that was a nice plus)!

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Storm #1

Sep 16, 2020

What a wonderful comic! A fun adventure, entertaining team dynamics, Emma being a brat, Storm being a badass, great art! Everything I love about the X-Men is here.

Green Lantern: Earth One #1

Mar 15, 2021

A fun and action-packed re-telling of Hal Jordan's journey to become Green Lantern. The pacing was a little off (especially the end which felt kind of rushed) but overall I'd still say this is a must-read for GL fans.

Hellions (2020) #1

Sep 9, 2020

Great start to a new series! This looks to be essentially an X-Men version of the Suicide Squad. Plus: Madelyne Pryor/Goblin Queen!

Hellions (2020) #2

Sep 9, 2020

Love how the $#!t hits the fan for this team pretty much right away. This is a great team of outcasts and it's fun seeing Madelyne being the sadistic diva she's always been so good at.

Hellions (2020) #3

Sep 9, 2020

Zeb Wells has managed to consistently deliver the goods with this series! Maddie and Havok's interactions are intriguing and Kwannon's domination over Wild Child was fun to see. Here's hoping X Of Swords doesn't derail the quality.

Hellions (2020) #4

Sep 16, 2020

A satisfying finale to the Hellions' first mission. Though I do hope this isn't the last we see of Madelyne Pryor.

Hellions (2020) #5

Oct 14, 2020

XOS Ch. 6: I love this series! Wells continues to create entertaining dynamics between the team members and it'll be interesting to see how Greycrow reacts to Empath's humiliation of him.

Hellions (2020) #6

Nov 18, 2020

XOS Ch. 18: This was a really fun issue as always with this series. Though not quite up to par with previous issues. Both this and Hellions #5 shouldn't have been labeled as chapters in X Of Swords. Maybe just a side-quest tie-in. I'm still loving the cast and the constant back-stabbing. The question now is: will Nanny, Orphan-maker and Wild Child suffer the same fate as Rockslide? Or are they gonna be okay because they died in Arakko not Otherworld?

Hellions (2020) #7

Dec 2, 2020

Zeb Wells is great at writing team dynamics. Looks like we're gonna see some follow-up on Peter's powers teased in Hellions #3, and I can't wait to see the team deal head-on with Mr. Sinister's manipulations. This was yet another great Hellions issue and I hope this title continues to live a long and healthy run.

Hellions (2020) #8

Jan 6, 2021

Zeb Wells continues to prove why Hellions is the best X-Men title right now. This issue features great moments with Empath, Havok and Nanny; proving this truly is a team book and not just a Kwannon book disguised as a team book. Marvel, please don't cancel this title!

Hellions (2020) #9

Feb 3, 2021

Hellions once again proves why it's the best X-Book on the shelves right now. The team dynamics continue to be entertaining and I enjoy this series' approach with shorter story arcs that don't drag on unnecessarily. All in all another great issue!

Hellions (2020) #10

Mar 3, 2021

Another stellar issue of Hellions! I'm glad this arc is continuing. I think it would've felt too rushed to wrap it up before the 1 month break. Arcade and Sinister's interactions are great and I'm interested in seeing more of the Hellions' individual hells (though I think Havok may actually be enjoying his).

Hellions (2020) #11

May 5, 2021

This issue definitely takes some unexpected twists and turns. A good conclusion to another good Hellions arc; even if it did feel a little rushed. Mr. Sinister is pushing Psylocke to the edge and it'll be exciting to see how/when she'll finally push back.

Hellions (2020) #12

Jun 2, 2021

A great character-focused issue! I love the team dynamics here and seeing the Hellions drunkenly wreak havoc at the Gala provides a nice change from the intensity of the last story arc.

Hellions (2020) #13

Jul 7, 2021

A really good set-up issue. Glad to see Nanny's mutant A.I. orphan back and I'm interested in seeing how this sub-plot will turn out (it's probably going to be a disaster for the Hellions, as always). And it looks like Sinister's scheming is finally blowing up in his face. So happy Hellions has made it this far and I hope to see it continue for a long time!

Hellions (2020) #14

Aug 4, 2021

Despite the downgrade in art, Hellions #14 is a great continuation in Wells ongoing X-Men drama. The team dynamics are shaken to the core as Tarn reveals Mr. Sinister's betrayal to the Hellions. But Psylocke's daughter is still being held by Essex, so it'll be interesting if she'll be able to stay in her team's good graces knowing she is compromised.

Hellions (2020) #15

Sep 16, 2021

Unexpected twists and turns abound in the closing chapter of this satisfying arc. A spy within the team is revealed, Sinister finally gets his comeuppance, Greycrow unleashes on the Locus Vile, and Psylocke may have just experienced a heartbreak she might not recover from.

Hellions (2020) #16

Oct 6, 2021

The Hellions have pretty much reached rock bottom at this point as the team seems to disband for good with many of them planning to murder each other. Zeb Wells has made me care a lot about this odd-ball group of maniacs and I'm sad to see this series ending so soon.

Hellions (2020) #17

Nov 24, 2021

The team regroups to go after Orphan-Maker and Nanny. Disaster ensues as Orphan-Maker goes on a killing spree following Nanny's death. Things are looking pretty bad for the team; especially Orphan-Maker. I'm very sad this series is ending but I trust Wells will give us a satisfying conclusion.

Hellions (2020) #18

Dec 8, 2021

A bittersweet ending to one of the best titles in the Krakoa era. I'll miss this team a lot.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 1: Or Is He Both?

Sep 30, 2020

Was never a fan of Hulk but when I heard it was turned into a cosmic horror type of comic I couldn't resist checking it out. Needless to say, Al Ewing has made me a Hulk fan; if only for as long as The Immortal Hulk is running.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 2: Green Door

Sep 30, 2020

Body horror galore! Ewing continues to knock this super-hero horror mash-up out of the park.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 3: Hulk In Hell

Sep 30, 2020

This series just keeps getting better and better! Some interesting revelations and teases of what is to come for our monstrous protagonist. Love the depiction of "hell" in Hulk's horrific gamma radiated universe.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 4: Abomination

Sep 30, 2020

Just when you think this series couldn't get any more stomach-churning! The Immortal Hulk is such a unique blend of super-hero storytelling and horror tropes. This rendition of Abomination is probably the definitive one for me.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 5: Breaker Of Worlds

Sep 30, 2020

Very satisfying wrap-up to Hulk's war against General Fortean and Shadow Base. And issue #25 is the best kind of WTF comic storytelling I like; reminiscent of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 6: We Believe In Bruce Banner

Sep 30, 2020

Much of this volume reads as either filler or set-up for volume 7. It's still a quality comic, though it doesn't live up to volumes 1-5. Dario Agger just isn't as interesting an antagonist as what has come before. Although Hulk does get some really awesome moments to shine once again.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 7: Hulk Is Hulk

Sep 30, 2020

I guess the build-up from volume 6 was worth it because Hulk Is Hulk is a return to form for this series! Xemnu is a great antagonist for Hulk and there were plenty of creepy moments with him that got under my skin. While I admire Ewing not dragging out the Dario Agger story longer than it needed, I do hope this isn't the last we see of Xemnu.

Immortal Hulk Vol. 8: Keeper Of The Door

Jun 25, 2021

The Immortal Hulk continues to easily be one of the (if not, then THE) best ongoing series Marvel is currently publishing. Ewing and Bennett are a powerhouse of a creative team. Between Ewing's enthralling scripts and Bennett's macabre twisted artwork, Immortal Hulk manages to carve a unique path of its own amongst the myriad of Marvel monthlies.

Inferno (2021) #1

Aug 12, 2023

I am unapologetically rooting for Mystique. She's had one of the most interesting subplots throughout Hickman's run.

Inferno (2021) #2

Aug 12, 2023

Hickman certainly wants to end his run with a bang. While this mini-series is probably the weakest he's written Magneto (which I'm surprised by as usually Hickman is on point with writing the character), Hickman still manages to write other characters like Emma, Mystique and Destiny in a way that makes me root for them like I never had before.

Inferno (2021) #3

Aug 12, 2023

I know Hickman needed to show how much of a threat Nimrod is but Magneto definitely got nerfed here. And I still kinda hate Moira being a Mutant. Aside from that, though, this was still a great comic with plenty of action and Krakoan political intrigue.

Inferno (2021) #4

Aug 12, 2023

Goodbye Jonathan Hickman's X-Men. There were ups and downs but overall this has been the best X-Men run in a long long time. I'm grateful Hickman ushered in the age of Krakoa. So grateful that I'm actually glad his initial plans to put the X-verse back into the Marvel sandbox were dropped. I want Krakoa to stay. And I hope it stays for many more years.

Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Dec 6, 2020

Really good first issue! I love the team line-up for this version. I always liked the premise of the first JLD series but felt like it never lived up to it with constant writer changes and team roster shakes-up every story arc. Here's hoping Tynion can turn JLD into the awesome book it has the potential to be.

Justice League Dark (2018) #2

Dec 6, 2020

Another mostly set-up issue but I'm really liking the tone of this series and the character interactions are spot-on.

Justice League Dark (2018) #3

Dec 6, 2020

JLD vs. Lovecraftian horror! Great conclusion to the first story arc. I think Upside-Down Man is going to prove to be an excellent new villain.

Justice League Dark (2018) #4

Dec 9, 2020

The Witching Hour Ch. 3: I've liked this crossover. As Hecate continues to wreak havoc, the stakes feel higher than ever for this team and there is a real sense of lasting change within DC's magical community coming out of this fight.

Justice League Dark (2018) #5

Dec 6, 2020

Another great issue! Tynion is knockin' it out of the park with this incarnation of JLD. Its cool to see Tynion acknowledge Shadowpact (which was kind of a proto-JLD) and I'm excited to see what happens next.

Justice League Dark (2018) #6

Dec 6, 2020

JLD is such a cool comic. This was a great Detective Chimp-centered issue; showing a flawed hero who feels forced to do the right thing out of obligation to his friends. I'm definitely hooked on all the various other plotlines going on here and can't wait to see where this all leads. I love having a DC team book that is basically an epic fantasy with superheroes. This is what the New 52 JLD series should've been.

Justice League Dark (2018) #7

Dec 6, 2020

Best issue yet! This story narrated by Dr. Langstrom is basically a love letter to H.P. Lovecraft. JLD is beginning to rival Immortal Hulk for best Superhero-Horror comic.

Justice League Dark (2018) #8

Dec 6, 2020

Things aren't looking too good for our heroes. The Otherkind have arrived and it looks like our heroes are going to need to take desperate measures to fight them off. Tynion is great at referencing older DC comics and I love the world-building he's doing in this series.

Justice League Dark (2018) #9

Dec 6, 2020

This is DC Comics' best ongoing series right now. Tynion continues his epic fantasy with all the quality that has been consistent throughout so far. Things are getting crazier with the fall of Etrigan and the Rise of Dr. Fate's Lords of Order.

Justice League Dark (2018) #10

Dec 6, 2020

The Lords of Order continue their quest for dominion over magic. Tynion manages to balance out a large cast of characters by making sure every core team member of JLD has a role to play while also giving the villains moments to shine too. This is my favorite monthly DC title probably since Charles Soule's Swamp Thing.

Justice League Dark (2018) #11

Dec 6, 2020

Zatanna and Wonder Woman embrace chaos to stand up against the Lords of Order. Mordru is a great villain and I loved Wondy's and Zee's confrontation with him. It's not often we see the heroes up against a villain they feel vulnerable to in such a way you genuinely fear for them. I love this series so much. Here's to Tynion keeping up the quality!

Justice League Dark (2018) #12

Dec 6, 2020

Chaos vs. Order! The JLD become the Lords of Chaos in order to put a stop to Nabu once and for all. A very satisfying conclusion to the Lords of Order story arc.

Justice League Dark (2018) #13

Dec 6, 2020

A nice epilogue to The Lords of Order. We get more backstory on Kent Nelson, and also Constantine's relation to Zatanna's father. This was a good issue but mostly rehashed origins for readers who are already familiar with these characters (with some new info sprinkled in to make it feel fresh).

Justice League Dark (2018) #14

Dec 6, 2020

I'm down for an Injustice League Dark led by Circe. This feels like set up for a Super Friends vs. Legion of Doom type of story...JLD style!

Justice League Dark (2018) #15

Dec 6, 2020

Okay...this wasn't a great issue. Swampy getting nerfed like that really left a bad taste in my mouth. If you want a better look at how Swamp Thing might lose to Woodrue, read Charles Soule's incredible Swamp Thing run. As for the rest of this issue, meh, nothing really stood out for me. Just a lot of exposition again.

Justice League Dark (2018) #16

Dec 6, 2020

A step up from #15. Circe is my favorite Wonder Woman villain and I really liked their interaction here. Last issue was a speed bump but I'm hoping Tynion can continue to elevate this story arc.

Justice League Dark (2018) #17

Dec 6, 2020

Alright, this arc is getting back on track! I'm really liking Circe's story here.

Justice League Dark (2018) #18

Dec 6, 2020

The build-up to Tynion's grand finale. This is a pretty suspenseful issue with Circe adding more to her forces and Wonder Woman striking a bargain with the Upside Down Man.

Justice League Dark (2018) #19

Dec 6, 2020

This was a good conclusion to The Witching War with a satisfying showdown between Diana and Circe. It didn't feel too rushed despite the writer leaving this title earlier than he originally intended. And while Tynion is leaving JLD with some unresolved plot threads, I am definitely interested in seeing the direction Ram V will go with them.

Justice League Dark (2018) #20

Dec 6, 2020

Animal Man! Buddy's a good fit for this team. I hope he sticks around. Ram V starts off his run with a bang. Between this issue and the annual, I have plenty of faith in him to make this comic great.

Justice League Dark (2018) #21

Dec 6, 2020

This arc is weird...and I'm all in for it! Love the body horror, love everything to do with Swamp Thing mythology, and love Wonder Woman's badass stairwell fight page. Ram V and his artists have been killin' it these last two issues.

Justice League Dark (2018) #22

Dec 6, 2020

I'm so glad the creative team have brought the Arcane family into this series. Another great instalment in this epic horror/fantasy story arc. I love everything to do with the various Parliaments and V has been doing them justice.

Justice League Dark (2018) #23

Dec 6, 2020

My man Swamp Thing is back!!!! The Parliaments of Life is easily my favorite arc in this JLD series to date. Ram V has a good handle on the various characters making up this team. I'm also loving the inclusion of more of the Swamp Thing and Animal Man mythos'. Here's to a long and healthy run on JLD for Ram V.

Justice League Dark (2018) #24

Dec 6, 2020

A set-up issue for the showdown with the Upside Down Man that is to come. It's good set-up though and V continues doing a good job with all the characters.

Justice League Dark (2018) #25

Dec 6, 2020

Nice spotlight on Zatanna. Though most of this issue was just Wondy and Zee stalling 'til the rest of the team could join in, I'm still really enjoying this arc.

Justice League Dark (2018) #26

Dec 6, 2020

Another good issue but I feel like this story is starting to tread water. Also, the ongoing lecture on belief (while in no way outright bad) did feel a little corny at times.

Justice League Dark (2018) #27

Dec 6, 2020

This was alright but I wish we were seeing more of the various Otherkind. JLD #7 is probably my favorite single issue of this series so far. It was a great introduction to those monsters and it's more than a little disappointing to see them relegated to the sidelines. I am still enjoying this series but I do feel like the Upside Down Man story line has been decompressed a tad too much if V isn't going to do anything with the other Otherkind.

Justice League Dark (2018) #28

Dec 6, 2020

Sadly, the road to get here to the "epic" showdown with Upside Down man was more than a little bumpy. I'm still disappointed the rest of the Otherkind were swept away without any fanfare but oh well. Taking this issue on it's own merits it is well written and V continues to display great dynamics amongst the team. But as a finale to the series' main villain it could've been better. But now that the Upside Down Man is finished I do hope Ram V gets to tell more of his own stories again without being too tethered to Tynion's dangling plot threads.

Justice League Dark (2018) #29

Dec 24, 2020

Looks like JLD will be retooled into a back-up feature in the main Justice League book starting in March; which is a huge bummer. Its not worth continuing if it's gonna be back-up to another comic I don't care about. I haven't been reading the Endless Winter event (thank X Of Swords for crossover fatigue) but I wanted to get JLD #29 as it is the last issue and I've been a loyal follower of this series. Surprisingly, this issue actually reads pretty well on its own for being chapter 7 of a crossover. Lanning and Marz provide a nice little epilogue to the series. I never really felt lost and am glad to have read this as a closing chapter to an overall great series. Goodbye JLD!

Justice League Dark (2018) Annual #1

Dec 6, 2020

This felt like a classic issue of Swamp Thing; a great one-n-done horror story that is reminiscent of some of my favorite Swamp Thing stories by Moore, Veitch, Millar or Dysart. JLD Annual #1 feels like a back door pilot for a new Swamp Thing solo book. Something that my favorite DC character has been sadly missing for far too long.

King In Black: Marauders #1

Feb 10, 2021

This might as well have just been a regular issue of Marauders. Doesn't have much to do with the King in Black. Which is fine by me! Captain Kate and her Marauders get caught up in a high-seas rescue mission. THIS is what the regular Marauders series has been lacking of late.

Legend of the Swamp Thing: Halloween Spectacular (2020) #1

Jan 12, 2021

Like most anthologies this one is hit-and-miss. The book-end stories from Ram V are really good, especially the first one, and I loved Tynion's short. The rest range from dull to serviceable.

Marauders (2019) #1

Sep 9, 2020

Great set-up! Love the team line-up and the pirate theme is a lot of fun. Anything to do with the (now former) Hellfire Club is a plus too.

Marauders (2019) #2

Sep 9, 2020

More fun mutant pirate adventures with Captain Kate and crew!

Marauders (2019) #3

Sep 9, 2020

A step down from previous issues. Would've liked to see more of the Marauders' exploits as opposed to the Shaw's scheming. Though it is nice to get a bit more of Shaw's perspective.

Marauders (2019) #4

Sep 9, 2020

More fun mutant pirate adventures with Captain Kate and crew!

Marauders (2019) #5

Sep 9, 2020

More fun mutant pirate adventures with Captain Kate and crew!

Marauders (2019) #6

Sep 9, 2020

Love this series! Fantastic swashbuckling action-packed issue with a surprise ending to make this X-Men series all the more unpredictable and interesting.

Marauders (2019) #7

Sep 9, 2020

A good 'quiet' issue following the explosive action of the previous two.

Marauders (2019) #8

Sep 9, 2020

Very emotional issue. It was great seeing how everyone dealt with Kate's death. Especially liked the confrontation between Ororo and Emma.

Marauders (2019) #9

Sep 9, 2020

I love the swashbuckling adventure feel of this book! The plan to extract Yellowjacket from Pyro is probably my favorite action scene from this series up to this point.

Marauders (2019) #10

Sep 9, 2020

More fun mutant pirate adventures on the high seas!

Marauders (2019) #11

Sep 9, 2020

The calm before the storm. Good to have Captain Kate back but her resurrection did feel a tad anti-climactic.

Marauders (2019) #12

Sep 9, 2020

After the build-up from the funeral issue this is a massive disappointment. It didn't push the story along enough and what we're given in terms of reunions isn't enough to warrant a full issue of Kitty meandering around Krakoa vaguely plotting revenge with Emma. Really hoping Duggan can right this ship after X Of Swords.

Marauders (2019) #13

Oct 7, 2020

XOS Ch. 5: I honestly never liked Storm being connected to Black Panther. There are some nice moments of Storm being the badass she always naturally is, but sadly this is another weak entry in the X Of Swords saga. I'm a little worried this event (which started off so strongly) is already beginning to lose steam. Here's hoping it can bounce back!

Marauders (2019) #14

Nov 4, 2020

XOS Ch. 13: This was a build-up issue done right (looking at you Hickman)! Great character moments all around.

Marauders (2019) #15

Nov 11, 2020

XOS Ch. 14: Another solid chapter! Wolverine faces the consequences of his rash actions and we get more interesting interactions between contestants.

Marauders (2019) #16

Dec 9, 2020

Average issue. Nice seeing Shaw get his comeuppance, but something about this issue felt very anti-climactic. It played out almost exactly as I thought it would: Kate and Emma humiliate and maim Shaw before allowing him to stay in the game. I wanted to see how this feud would come to a head and it certainly has now. The problem is I'm on the fence whether I want to see where it goes from here. Marauders #11-12 is where the series began to lose steam but then X Of Swords really helped derail it. I'll give it a few more issues to right itself.

Marauders (2019) #17

Feb 10, 2021

Storm and Calisto's tumultuous friendship has always been a favorite of mine. This is a really good showcase of their relationship. Marauders is in serious need of a shake-up and I'm hopeful this issue marks a new beginning for Captain Kate and crew. Let's get back to more high seas adventures!

Marauders (2019) #18

Feb 17, 2021

Bishop, Iceman and Pyro have a run-in with the new Reavers as Homines Verendi plans their next move. I was on the fence with this series for a while and almost dropped it. But I'm happy to say Marauders seems to be getting back on track!

Marauders (2019) #19

Apr 7, 2021

A very satisfying, action-packed adventure for Captain Kate and crew! I especially enjoyed seeing the Morlocks wipe the floor with Verendi's Reavers. Glad to see Marauders rising back to it's pre-Kate resurrection quality.

Marauders (2019) #20

May 5, 2021

A nice tribute to the Goddess. Marauders #20 marks the end to an era for this seafaring mutant crew as they toast to Ororo's future endeavors on the eve of the Hellfire Gala.

Marauders (2019) #21

Jun 2, 2021

Emma really does steal the show here. Duggan is so good at writing her. Some fun character moments aside (the Doom/Emma interaction is especially hilarious), this issue feels very meandering. There's an awkward cut to the end of the evening that, I assume, is meant to tease a reveal coming up in a future Gala chapter; probably in Planet-Size X-Men. This issue would've made a much bigger impact if they just showed us what everyone was shaken up about. Overall, not bad but definitely an underwhelming opening chapter to the Hellfire Gala event.

Marauders (2019) #22

Jul 21, 2021

Marauders #22 further develops Wilhelmina's background (why does every female villain have to have a traumatic or sympathetic backstory?). Emma fans will especially love this issue as we see more of her past scheming involving Shaw's former wife. I'm still enjoying Marauders overall, but I'm hoping Duggan gets back to the high seas adventures soon. Sometimes it feels like he's not as interested in the initial premise of this book.

Marauders (2019) #23

Sep 16, 2021

As a stand-alone issue, Marauders #23 is a lot of fun. Emma leads a team to help Banshee defend a storage of Krakoan medicine against the Reavers. Stories like this are what I want this comic to consistently be: a team of Mutant adventurers fighting for their nation. Duggan seems so unsure of what this book is or should be; resulting in tonal and quality whiplash.

Marauders (2019) #24

Sep 16, 2021

Another solidly entertaining little adventure with the Marauders in space. It's cool to finally learn where Emma got a flying saucer. I'm ok with these apparent filler issues if they keep providing fun stories like this and the previous issue.

Marauders (2019) #25

Nov 1, 2021

The Marauders conclude their adventure into space. I really enjoyed this issue. Duggan actually utilized every member of the team in a way that makes sense and contributes to the team's survival.

Marauders (2019) #26

Aug 12, 2023

A fun one-n-done high seas adventure that just highlights how I wish more of this series was focused on it's initial premise.

Marauders (2019) #27

Aug 12, 2023

A decent enough series finale but I still can't shake the feeling this series never consistently lived up to what it was pitched as. Which is a shame because it had the potential to be a truly awesome X-Men comic series. That being said, I still enjoyed it overall.

New Mutants By Zeb Wells Complete Collection

Dec 2, 2020

This is a great run of New Mutants. It starts off a little iffy with the Return of Legion arc and the Necrosha tie-in, but once it gets to the grown-up Inferno babies this series becomes what is probably the best New Mutants run since Claremont left the original series. This is a great book especially if you are an Illyana Rasputin fan like me! She's the break-out star here. Zeb Wells is terrific at writing team books and I wish he was more prolific.

New Mutants (2019) #1

Feb 23, 2021

Great relaunch for the New Mutants! Hickman has a good handle on the various characters and Rod Reis' art is a perfect fit for the energy of this book. It straddles the line of feeling like a tribute to Sienkiewicz and it's own unique style in a good way. I'm excited to see where Hickman takes these characters.

New Mutants (2019) #2

Feb 23, 2021

Fun! That is about the best word to describe this series: fun. Hickman continues to give each character their own voices while telling a story that is both epic and funny. I especially enjoyed Roberto and Sam's interactions. Those two have always had a great friendship and Hickman clearly loves writing them.

New Mutants (2019) #3

Feb 28, 2021

A solid story showcasing a different New Mutants team. I enjoyed the character-focused nature of this story and I tend to like X-Men stories about characters who don't typically get the spotlight. Interested in seeing where this story goes.

New Mutants (2019) #4

Feb 28, 2021

A good continuation from last issue. I love Boom-Boom! The only downside is the villains are kinda lame and the power-erasing weapons are kinda lazy writing on Brisson's part.

New Mutants (2019) #5

Feb 23, 2021

More fun space shenanigans with the New Mutants. Roberto's narration is a nice break-the-fourth-wall moment and Illyana Rasputin continues to prove why she's one of my favorite mutants. The moment she slaughtered Flaw, Hypernova and Offset was both funny and badass. Great issue all around! Oh, and of course I can't forget to praise the art again. Reis is perfect for this book. Kinda puts the issues he's not on art duty to shame.

New Mutants (2019) #6

Feb 28, 2021

Pretty crazy end to this story arc. Definitely had some twists I didn't see coming. The tragic end is fitting for this story. Brisson's issues aren't that bad. They just don't quite measure up to Hickman's.

New Mutants (2019) #7

Feb 23, 2021

A fun end (albeit a little sloppy) to a fun arc. I think Hickman might've taken the Roberto recap joke a little too far this time but I still enjoyed this issue overall.

New Mutants (2019) #8

Mar 3, 2021

A fun one-n-done story featuring Magma, Armor and Boom-Boom. Nova Roma was always one of my favorite parts of the original New Mutants by Claremont so it's cool seeing them addressed here and what their relationship to Krakoa is. Overall I think Brisson's run is underrated. I may be in a minority but I actually like how he focuses on mutants who aren't typically in the spotlight. This issue feels like a classic X-Men adventure in the best way.

New Mutants (2019) #9

Mar 3, 2021

Dani, Doug and company head off to save another mutant from another anti-mutant nation. Things go south pretty quickly in this psychedelic horror story. This title reads as one of the most traditional X-Men books of the entire line right now. Which is why I'm surprised it's not more popular.

New Mutants (2019) #10

Mar 3, 2021

The team's mission in Carnelia continues down it's disastrous path in a psychedelic adventure worthy of the New Mutants horror-tinged roots.

New Mutants (2019) #11

Mar 3, 2021

Overall I enjoyed this issue and this arc. Magik's abrupt Deus ex Machina entrance makes the resolution somewhat anti-climactic though. But aside from the quick end to the mission Brisson still gives most of the various cast members their moments to shine.

New Mutants (2019) #12

Feb 28, 2021

I really liked this issue for it's commentary on the voyeuristic nature of the internet. NM #12 is a great showcase for Magik and Glob. Glob Herman is a character I've always felt was underdeveloped so it's nice learning more about his origins here. Also: I hope Vita Ayala doesn't leave the Nova Roma plot hanging...

New Mutants (2019) #13

Oct 14, 2020

XOS Ch. 7: This is a great character-focused issue. Love the friendship between Doug, Warlock and Krakoa; its nice to see that further developed here. X Of Swords is back on track!

New Mutants (2019) #14

Dec 18, 2020

Great jumping-on issue! I like having the OG New Mutants become teachers for another generation. Ayala does a good job of juggling a large cast and I'm excited for what they have in store for their run.

New Mutants (2019) #15

Jan 27, 2021

Vita Ayala has made New Mutants a must-read title in the Reign of X era. Like in their debut issue, they manage to juggle a large group of mutants while still providing enough emotion and intrigue without feeling over-crowded.

New Mutants (2019) #16

Feb 24, 2021

I feel like I'm getting repetitive with this creative team but...Ayala and Reis are awesome together! New Mutants #16 continues the trend of great character moments and interactions as well as moving the various plot threads along; giving the main players a chance to shine in their own way. Seriously, it's pretty impressive how easy this writer makes it look to cram so much into one issue. Ayala's first three issues of NM have felt very Claremont-ian and I am all in for it. To other X-Men writers: this is how you do a team book!

New Mutants (2019) #17

Apr 28, 2021

Some awkward pacing knocks this issue down half a point, but otherwise, Ayala and Reis are still the best creative team among the many X-Books currently being published.

New Mutants (2019) #18

May 26, 2021

This issue was epic! I love love love what Vita Ayala is doing with New Mutants. Karma goes through the Crucible with Dani as Scout prepares to finally confront the Shadow King. Ayala has a great handle on her large cast of characters and continues to show what a true team book should feel like. Rod Reis' art is great as always and if this really is his last issue he will be sorely missed.

New Mutants (2019) #19

Jun 16, 2021

Ayala does it again! NM #19 is another great installment in this series. The banter and character interactions are entertaining and engaging. Ayala just gets these characters. I'm knocking it down a half point because Alex Lins cannot compare to Rod Reis' art. NM #19 provides plenty of great character moments while moving various story arcs forward.

New Mutants (2019) #20

Jul 21, 2021

A well-paced issue that once again managed to thoroughly move several different subplots forward. The rescue scene with Illyana's team had a nice twist to it where for once the humans don't reject a mutant whose powers have just manifested. Ayala continues to deliver one of the best x-books out there right now!

New Mutants (2019) #21

Sep 20, 2021

Rod Reis is back!!!!! I continue to love Ayala's run. They have proven to be good at mimicking the classic Claremont long-form style of X-Men storytelling while also leaving their own stamp on these characters. I hope this run gets to continue further into the next year.

New Mutants (2019) #22

Oct 6, 2021

This is a perfect comic. The art, the writing, everything, perfect. The debate between Shadow King and the New Mutants is so well written to the point I can actually see where Farouk is coming from (even though I still want to see the NM kick his ass). Can't wait to see how this plays out next month!

New Mutants (2019) #23

Dec 6, 2021

Thank you Vita Ayala and Rod Reis for bringing us the best New Mutants run since Zeb Wells. And I think I'm actually liking this even more than Wells' run so thank you for the best since Claremont. I hope it continues well into the new year and beyond!

New Mutants (2019) #24

Aug 12, 2023

A nice epilogue to the Shadow King story arc. As they have proved many times before in their run, Ayala is a master at writing this team of beloved mutants.

New Mutants (2019) #25

Aug 12, 2023

Illyana Rasputin vs. Madelyne Pryor? This arc is tailor made for me!

New Mutants (2019) #26

Aug 12, 2023

I've always loved Limbo-related X-Men stories. Inferno is still one of my favorite (maybe even my favorite) X-Men crossover. This story is a slam dunk for me.

New Mutants (2019) #27

Aug 12, 2023

It's a shame Ayla's run doesn't go much farther from this point. Here we may just have the definitive Magik story arc.

New Mutants (2019) #28

Aug 12, 2023

Bow down to the Queen of Limbo! It's a shame Maddie is getting swept up in Spider-Man nonsense instead of sticking with the X-verse where she belongs. And once again, thank you Vita Ayala for bringing fans such a definitive run for the New Mutants in the modern age. I have loved every single issue of this run which is very impressive as it is rare I enjoy a run on a mainstream comic this much and this consistently.

Nyx (2024) #1

Nov 14, 2024

Nyx (2024) #2

Nov 14, 2024

Nyx (2024) #3

Nov 14, 2024

Paper Girls Vol. 1

Dec 13, 2020

This is a fun sci-fi adventure comic that tends to really get to the pain of nostalgia in a way that shows like Stranger Things seem to use nostalgia on a more superficial level. The four paper girls are a likeable diverse group of characters with individual personalities and great dynamics.

Paper Girls Vol. 2

Dec 13, 2020

I'm a big fan of most of Brian K. Vaughan's work and Paper Girls is no exception. The girls continue on their strange and emotional journey through time while discovering their true selves.

Paper Girls Vol. 3

Dec 13, 2020

The paper girls' journey continues as revelations and changing relationships amongst the group begin setting in. Vaughan has been consistent with the quality of this series and shows no sign of slipping up!

Paper Girls Vol. 4

Dec 13, 2020

Paper Girls is still a great comic though the formula (travel to new era every five issues) is starting to feel a little repetitive. But Vaughn and Chiang manage to still keep the reader invested in our young protagonists' journey.

Paper Girls Vol. 5

Dec 13, 2020

Paper Girls has been an emotional rollercoaster ride and consistently one of Vaughan's best comic series to date. This penultimate volume flings the girls far into the future where they must accept the inevitable outcome of their lives.

Paper Girls Vol. 6

Dec 13, 2020

A bittersweet ending to one of Vaughan's best comics. I'm going to miss Paper Girls but it ends on a perfect note. It is rare that a comic makes me feel such a range of emotions like this one. Kudos to Vaughan and Chiang for putting together such an amazing comic book.

Penultiman #1

Nov 24, 2020

Between this and The Wrong Earth, Tom Peyer is proving AHOY is the place to look for fun, fresh and introspective superhero stories. Penultiman isn't the first indie superhero comic to tackle a superhero with mental health issues, but it is a well-written and drawn character study of a man who is out of his depth emotionally while trying to be the best kind of hero he possibly can.

Penultiman #2

Nov 28, 2020

Our hero continues on his downward existential spiral. There's not a lot of action in this series but Peyer is so good at getting into the headspace of his characters. This is a superhero deconstruction/character study done right. Penultiman is contending for it's place right alongside such superhero classics like Miracleman and The Sentry.

Penultiman #3

Dec 14, 2020

Penultiman's nervous breakdown continues as he desperately tries to latch onto positivity. Something which blows up in his face. Penultiman is consistently entertaining every month and I'm sad we only have two issues left.

Penultiman #4

Jan 25, 2021

Another great issue staring our struggling relatable hero!

Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 16, 2021

This was awesome! Love seeing the mutants expand further into space and it's cool seeing more mutants from Arakko playing larger roles in the main narrative. I thought Duggan did a great job with this one-shot. The characters' voices were on point. The stakes really feel like they've been raised. And even though this was an entire comic composed of X-Men and allies terraforming Mars, the creative team made it all exciting and engaging. I'm now more excited than ever for Duggan's X-Men run!

Steel Cage #1

Nov 24, 2020

True Identity, the best of the three stories, is about a superhero lost in time and struggling with his identity (9/10). Bright Boy is an intriguing mystery surrounding a brilliant, arrogant young man who also has a disastrous super-power (8/10). And finally Noah Zark is a sci-fi adventure about a boy who escapes from an intergalactic circus with several different alien refugees; it is easily the weakest story here (7.5/10). Overall I'd definitely recommend this entertaining little anthology.

Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Jun 29, 2021

This new Suicide Squad series is a nice return to form. Over the years the Suicide Squad brand had become synonymous with Harley Quinn, so it's nice to see the franchise breaking away from her and going back to starring C and D-list characters. There is a real sense that anyone can die and in true old school Squad fashion, this premiere issue is a bloodbath.

Suicide Squad (2021) #2

Jun 29, 2021

Thompson wraps up his first arc in a satisfying way that sets up plenty of drama for this rag-tag team of villains. I feel a little weird about Superboy being on the Squad but he has been on it before. As for the rest of the line-up: I'm excited to see more of Nocturna and Cobb, Peacemaker is delightfully unhinged, and Culebra is new to me but so far I like her. This is promising to be a great new Suicide Squad series!

Suicide Squad (2021) #3

Jun 30, 2021

Thompson continues a great run on Suicide Squad with issue #3. The crossover with Teen Titans this early in the series is kinda annoying but Thompson manages it well with fun and interesting character moments. This is turning out to be a good line-up for the Squad and while I know this team often is a revolving door, I hope it lasts for a while. I'm also enjoying the running gag of introducing new characters each issue only to kill them off right away.

Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Jul 6, 2021

Another good issue! The team gets their butts handed to them by Red X as he makes his escape. Red X might be a bit of a Gary Stu, but I did still enjoy his fight scenes against the Squad. I'm really enjoying the characters on this version of the team and find myself rooting for them against Waller.

Suicide Squad (2021) #5

Nov 24, 2021

A solid introduction for Bloodsport but I missed the main team this issue. Also kinda annoyed they're having another crossover this early in the series (sending Peacemaker over to The Swamp Thing comic). This is mostly a set-up issue for what will probably be a more interesting part two.

Suicide Squad (2021) #6

Nov 24, 2021

I really enjoyed this issue! Thompson again displays a knack for writing great characters in an entertaining way. This is easily the best Suicide Squad series in years. The team loses another member as they drag Bloodsport and Black Siren from Earth-3.

Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Nov 24, 2021

I really liked this issue but I'm getting tired of this dragged out crossover with Swamp Thing. I'd like to see Peacemaker interacting with the team again. Aside from that: Ambush Bug is a delightfully unexpected member of the team!

Suicide Squad (2021) #8

Nov 24, 2021

The characters are still well-written but this is a let-down after last issue. Having all the dead ex-Squad members brought back to Waller ruins one of the best things about the Squad: having disposable c-list villains. On the plus side, the Swamp Thing mission is finally over and it looks like Flag is trying to recruit Peacemaker. Now that is the story I'm excited to read!

Suicide Squad (2021) #9

Nov 24, 2021

Suicide Squad #9 is my favorite issue of the series to date. I love everything about it. From the characters to how they interact with each other to the truly bonkers mission they're sent on. Everything in this issue was awesome! I'm really looking forward to how this mission is gonna turn out for the Squad and I'm loving the teases with Flag's rival Squad. Very excited to see that showdown finally happen hopefully soon.

Suicide Squad (2021) #10

Jan 3, 2022

The Squad wraps up their interstellar mission with two new recruits. I think Waller having this line-up is gonna blow up in her face sooner or later. Meanwhile, Flag and his Squad prepare to finally make their move against Waller. Thompson continues to write my favorite Squad run in years! This self-proclaimed worst Squad ever is the exact kind of group of misfits and d-listers I expect from this series and I hope this run continues for much longer.

Suicide Squad (2021) Annual: 2021

Nov 24, 2021

Loved this annual! I'm not too familiar with Match but I really liked the twist that this Superboy is a Bizarro clone. Fits the theme of the Suicide Squad more than if he was the real Superboy.

Swamp Thing (2021) #1

Mar 3, 2021

This was a really good first issue. As much as I like Alec Holland, it makes sense that someone new would have to come along eventually given the nature of how Avatars of The Green operate. Levi seems like an interesting character so far and I'm excited to see where his story leads.

Swamp Thing (2021) #2

Jan 3, 2022

Ram V is probably my favorite writer currently at DC right now. Levi concludes his first trial as the new Avatar of The Green and I'm sure the journey ahead will be a tumultuous one for him. I'm really enjoying having a new Swamp Thing series and this has so far lived up to the high standards set by previous runs on this series.

Swamp Thing (2021) #3

Jan 3, 2022

Levi journeys through The Green in this beautifully written and drawn installment of a fantastic Swamp Thing series worthy of it's name.

Swamp Thing (2021) #4

Jan 3, 2022

This series gives me nostalgia for the old Swamp Thing/Hellblazer/Animal Man era of Vertigo. I am loving it and bummed that it's only a miniseries.

Swamp Thing (2021) #5

Jan 3, 2022

Levi finally crosses paths with the notorious John Constantine in a fantastic stand-alone issue that also successfully continues story threads set up in previous issues.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

Jul 6, 2021

Kind of an underwhelming chapter in this crossover. Nothing really stands out here. The Squad fails to capture Bolt again but manage to take Red X away with them. I do think Red X is kind of interesting though. I'm not really invested in the Titans characters either so as an issue of this series it didn't do anything to entice me to pick up more. The Squad scenes were okay but this crossover ultimately doesn't feel very necessary to enjoying the main Suicide Squad series.

The Black Monday Murders Vol. 1: All Hail God Mammon

Apr 13, 2021

Love this series! Hickman and Coker have created an occult world that feels like Eyes Wide Shut meets The Parallax View; then mixed in with a horror story. Great cast of characters and interesting world-building makes for a layered comic that you can really take your time with and enjoy.

The Black Monday Murders Vol. 2

Apr 13, 2021

Hickman and Coker continue their epic conspiracy horror-thriller with plenty of twists and turns. I cannot recommend this series highly enough!

The Department of Truth #1

Nov 12, 2020

Love me a good conspiracy thriller/horror story. This comic delivers that in spades. Probably the best since Hickman's (sadly) unfinished Black Monday Murders. The art fits the paranoid feel for this story and I'm excited to see where Tynion takes this.

The Department of Truth #2

Nov 12, 2020

This might just be on track to becoming one of the best monthly books currently out there. The writing, the art, it all comes together to make a frightening descent into paranoia.

The Department of Truth #3

Nov 27, 2020

Tynion and Simmonds are still killin' it! This issue deals with really heavy subject matter but in a way that is both poignant and horrifying. The Department Of Truth is one of the best new monthly comics out there right now.

The Department of Truth #4

Dec 30, 2020

Another great chapter! Department Of Truth #4 is an intense and emotional psychological thriller that tests how far Cole is willing to go to help preserve the world.

The Department of Truth #5

Jan 29, 2021

Once again, Tynion and Simmonds prove why The Department Of Truth is one of the best monthly titles right now. We finally get a look at the perspective of the Department's opposition as Cole deals with the emotional repercussions of having just killed two journalists. This is a very dialogue and exposition driven series, and while that could get tedious for most comics, Tynion manages to make it intriguing enough to keep the reader invested while providing a likeable and relatable protagonist. Simmonds art continues to shine. His style perfectly conveys the horror and paranoia of the story being told.

The Department of Truth #6

Mar 3, 2021

This issue is good but definitely a step down from previous chapters. A younger Oswald reads into the Department's history with a story about a supposed cover up surrounding the truth of Charlemagne. A nice little side story digging into the past of this war over what is "truth". But, honestly, I want this series to remain focused on Cole and his exploits. Simmonds' art is also sorely missed this issue.

The Department of Truth #7

Apr 5, 2021

Amazing issue! Big fan of UFO conspiracy movies like The X-Files or Phoenix Forgotten and this issue hits that perfect creepy atmosphere full of paranoia.

The Department of Truth #8

May 4, 2021

After his conversation with the other side from issue #5, Cole continues questioning whether he's really joined up with the good guys as he meets yet another mysterious member of the DoT. One who encourages him to question everything. Including all he has learned of the Department up to this point. Perhaps this is the kind of guidance Cole truly needs. Plus: as a resident of Denver, I love how DIA has factored into this series!

The Department of Truth #9

Jun 3, 2021

I enjoyed this issue but the action needs to pick up pretty soon. This is another dialogue and exposition-heavy issue of The Department Of Truth. And while the story is still interesting and I'm still invested in Cole's journey, I don't think we need another issue explaining another character's interpretation of how all this "truth" stuff works anytime soon. The art, however, is amazing as always.

The Department of Truth #10

Jul 21, 2021

Loved this issue. The Bigfoot focus was interesting and I have a feeling this mission is going to turn messy real quick. The letter pages were interesting and provided some nice background to the man obsessing over bigfoot, though I think I would've preferred seeing illustrated flashbacks.

The Department of Truth #11

Jul 28, 2021

I really wasn't expecting that ending. Kudos to the creators for keeping me on my toes. I was sure the Bigfoot junkie was gonna be killed. Anyway, this was a fantastic two-parter and I really want to see Cole go on more missions like this.

The Department of Truth #12

Dec 14, 2021

Yet another exposition-heavy issue but Simmonds art continues to amaze and the twist at the end was genuinely unexpected. I'm hoping next issue will make the getting through the slower parts of this arc worth it.

The Department of Truth #13

Dec 14, 2021

A very satisfying issue that ties up Cole's journey with Hawk while also planting seeds for the future of the series. Overall this arc has been more inconsistent than the first but it definitely ended with a banger of an issue.

The Nice House on the Lake #1

Jun 9, 2021

Another fantastic first issue from Tynion! Great set up to the mystery. All the major players are introduced in an organic way and the story definitely took a turn I wasn't entirely expecting. Tynion's new horror series promises to be another fresh and exciting horror comic.

The Silver Coin #1

May 26, 2021

A good start to this horror anthology. Zdarsky tells a pretty basic cursed artifact kind of story but I still enjoyed it. Walsh's art is what really elevates this comic.

The Silver Coin #2

May 26, 2021

A nice love letter to 80s slasher movies. The ending is pretty devastating and I liked the ambiguity of how the protagonist came by the coin. Overall I actually liked this more than the first issue. And, of course, Walsh's art remains a highlight.

The Wrong Earth #1

Nov 21, 2020

This is a great start for a new superhero series! Its like if Adam West's Batman collided with Frank Miller's Batman.

The Wrong Earth #2

Nov 21, 2020

Peyer continues to knock this series out of the park! I'm loving how Dragonfly and Dragonflyman are reacting to the wrong universe they find themselves in.

The Wrong Earth #3

Nov 21, 2020

Peyer does an excellent job of balancing humor and drama. The scenes with Dragonfly's methods of disposing one of Dragonflyman's villains is darkly hilarious; while Dragonflyman's dismay at this darker world he finds himself in is actually quite touching.

The Wrong Earth #4

Nov 21, 2020

Y'know, if only most mainstream superhero comics from the big two could be this consistently great. Peyer continues to expand the worlds of these parallel universes in a way that continues to be fun and exciting. The initial premise of the series is one that could go stale pretty quickly, but thankfully The Wrong Earth continues it's winning streak.

The Wrong Earth #5

Nov 21, 2020

Is it possible this series is an example of a perfect comic book? Yes, yes I think so! In just 5 issues Tom Peyer has crafted a superhero multiverse I'm finding more engaging than what Marvel and DC are doing these days.

The Wrong Earth #6

Nov 21, 2020

And so it ends for now. I look forward to the inevitable meet-up between Dragonflyman and Dragonfly.

Way of X (2021) #1

Apr 22, 2021

An interesting view from Kurt's perspective on Krakoan society and culture. Si Spurrier sets out on a story that tackles lots of questions on some of the more problematic aspects of Krakoa that many readers have had since almost the beginning of this era. I love Nightcrawler and it is great to see him in the spotlight again, however, I'll admit I wasn't as blown away by Way Of X as a lot of people seem to be. It's a good start but Kurt barely seemed like himself; which I'll concede may be the point. Magneto felt off to me with his unnecessary cruelty during the Crucible as well. That scene didn't jive with his depiction during the rest of this era so far. Pixie's willingness to die based on peer pressure was horrific and I think it's cool to see a new X-Men book really deal with the ramifications of constant death and resurrection. And finally: Legion is back! Happy to see him again. All in all this is a good start to a different perspective on Krakoa.

Wolverine (2020) #6

Oct 7, 2020

XOS Ch. 3: Ben Percy seems to be better at writing Logan as a solo character as opposed to his showing in X-Force recently. This is a good chapter that works as a solo Wolverine story and helps flesh out the Arakko mutants a bit more. X Of Swords is still keeping up the quality!

Wolverine (2020) #7

Nov 11, 2020

XOS Ch. 16: Love the artwork this issue! Especially during the Logan/Summoner fight. That was a pretty great sequence. The problem is I feel like the writers crammed too much into one issue. First we have a story stretched too thin between Wolverine #6 and X-Force #13, Now we have too much happening too quickly. Weird pacing. Also, if that truly is the end of Summoner then I gotta say it's a somewhat anti-climactic end to a villain they've built up since X-Men #2.

Wolverine (2020) #13

Jul 12, 2021

This felt like another issue of X-Force rather than a solo Wolverine issue. And that's okay with me! Wolverine #13 is an entertaining and satisfying end to this mini two-parter within the Hellfire Gala event.

Wonder Woman: Earth One #1

Oct 4, 2020

I enjoyed this! Morrison can be hit-and-miss for me, but I like how he is taking Wonder Woman back to her roots. A fun reimagining and update of Marston's Wonder Woman stories.

Wonder Woman: Earth One #2

Oct 4, 2020

A great follow-up! Really loving Morrison's Golden Age-y take on Diana and this is probably my favorite versions of both Dr. Psycho and Paula Von Gunther. My main problem would have to be how Max Lord is shoehorned into this. I'd prefer Morrison continue tackling Golden Age Wonder Woman baddies like he does in this volume with Paula and Psycho.

Wonder Woman: Earth One #3

Mar 11, 2021

Morrison and Paquette knocked it out of the park here! Best Wonder Woman comic in a long time. Morrison ends his WW trilogy on a fitting note that is a nice tribute to what Marston originally intended for his heroine to be.

X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1

Sep 23, 2020

XOS Ch. 1: Great start to the crossover! Summoner, Apocalypse's vulnerability, Saturnyne being a badass, Monet getting another chance to shine, all the various characters interactions. Everything worked for me. This was a really good comic!

X Of Swords (2020): Stasis #1

Oct 28, 2020

XOS Ch. 11: Here we are at the half-way point! It's cool seeing more of the opposition and I'm excited for the action to start. Love seeing the mutants' reaction to the tarot cards and I'm hoping there are some real consequences/deaths in this event (as much as there can be in mainstream ongoing comics). Despite liking many of the previous chapters Stasis has made me dislike even more how uneven and meandering the story has been so far. This story really doesn't need to be 22 chapters. Wolverine's sword quest could've been one issue, Storm's adventure in Wakanda feels like a diversion that was more about setting up a future story, Excalibur #13 adds nothing relevant (plus Stasis seems to gloss over it) and X-Men #13 is further bogged down with more Hickman exposition. The only must-reads in my humble opinion have been Creation, X-Factor #4, Hellions #5 (even though it really doesn't have much to do with the main plot; that series is just so good!), New Mutants #13, Cable #6 and now Stasis. Still though, I'm intrigued by how this is all gonna turn out.

X Of Swords (2020): Destruction #1

Nov 25, 2020

XOS Ch. 22: And so it ends (finally). I kinda liked this issue but this event was too long with too many unnecessary chapters that did nothing for the overall story. The contest was ultimately rendered moot when Arakko's army decided to try and take everything by force. It's almost like you could just read X Of Swords: Creation then skip straight to Excalibur #15 and X Of Swords: Destruction; thereby reading the battles in those issues as basically one long fight if you wanted to. Ultimately I cannot recommend X Of Swords to X-Men fans. There's some great stuff to be sure but in the end it is an overly long drawn out exercise in one of the comic industry's worst tendencies: line-wide crossovers. Total ratings (all 22 chapters): 165/220 Event grade: C

X-Factor (2020) #1

Sep 12, 2020

I love Rachel so mostly I wanted to check this out for her character. That and I thought the premise sounded cool. This isn't a very good premier issue for a new series. The tone of the characters comes across as slightly awkward at times; Rachel especially doesn't really sound like herself. As for positives, this issue is a solid mystery that is (to my pleasant surprise) wrapped up by the end. The art is kind of weird but it sorta fits the quirky nature of the book I guess. So while not great nor terrible, ultimately, X-Factor #1 is just average.

X-Factor (2020) #2

Apr 16, 2021

The team investigates a mutant missing in Mojoworld. Williams handles the chemistry between her characters pretty well and proves to be capable of giving each character their moment in the spotlight. Though I would have liked to see more from Rachel given she was Mojo's slave for a while back in Claremont's run. The artwork is growing on me too and overall I think this issue is an improvement over the first.

X-Factor (2020) #3

Apr 16, 2021

Mojoworld! Spiral! Gladiator slaves! This actually feels like an updated version of a Claremont X-Men comic. X-Factor #3 resolves the mystery of who died in Mojo's twisted game-show reality in a way that has clearly shaken the team. I think this series is improving bit by bit with each issue, so hopefully that trend will continue.

X-Factor (2020) #4

Sep 30, 2020

XOS Ch. 2: X Of Swords is still knocking it out of the park so far. The stakes are raised with Rockslide's death and I continue to be more and more invested in Apocalypse and Rictor's relationship. Great stuff!

X-Factor (2020) #5

Apr 21, 2021

I absolutely LOVED X-Factor #5! Felt like a classic Claremont quiet issue full of fun and interesting character interactions. Hands-down the best issue of X-Factor so far. Leah Williams' writing is definitely improving with each issue.

X-Factor (2020) #6

Apr 22, 2021

Williams sets up an interesting new mystery for X-Factor surrounding the death(s) of Siryn! The team dynamics and murder mystery feel of this book continue to make for a consistently entertaining read.

X-Factor (2020) #7

Apr 27, 2021

Another entertaining issue of X-Factor from Williams and Baldeon! As per usual, most cast members get a moment or two to shine, further proving Williams' talent for writing team books. I'm invested in this Siryn-centric story and the tease at the end promises a pretty intense showdown between X-Factor and Morrigan.

X-Factor (2020) #8

May 4, 2021

A disappointing installment of X-Factor. The first half is pretty great but then there's a jarring cut to the morning following Morrigan's massacre of most of the team. What follows is a rapidly paced and underwhelming showdown with the Goddess of death. I really really wanted to love this issue, but it's pacing problems makes this one of the weakest episodes of Williams' X-Factor so far.

X-Factor (2020) #9

May 12, 2021

X-Factor #9 is a serviceable wrap-up to the Morrigan arc despite being somewhat clumsily tied into the dangling threads from the Mojoworld arc from earlier in the series. While not a perfect series by any stretch, I am disappointed to see X-Factor end after next issue.

X-Factor (2020) #10

Jul 1, 2021

I liked this issue and I really wish I could rate it higher but it definitely had problems. The pacing felt very rushed but obviously Williams had to wrap things up quickly due to cancellation. She makes up for it with great characterization that has really defined this run. Seriously, I never thought I'd care about Eye-Boy of all mutants. I'm sad to see this series go and I wish it was allowed more time to breathe.

X-Force (2019) #1

Sep 14, 2020

Love the art, love the team line-up, love the special ops feel of this book!

X-Force (2019) #2

Sep 14, 2020

Another great issue! The art remains a highlight but the story still has plenty of intrigue.

X-Force (2019) #3

Sep 14, 2020

Wolverine and Kid Omega save Domino from the creepy cult! Xavier Returns! That art! Oh, and Black Tom continues to be a really fun character too.

X-Force (2019) #4

Sep 14, 2020

Good set-up for the carnage to come. Also liked the definition of X-Force as a "Mutant CIA".

X-Force (2019) #5

Sep 14, 2020

Great follow-up to issue #4's cliff-hanger. This is easily the most brutal of the Dawn Of X titles; which is the way it should be for X-Force.

X-Force (2019) #6

Sep 14, 2020

Well...I suppose there had to be a speed bump at some point down the line. Not a terrible issue but not up to par for this series. Beast is seeming pretty cocky and reckless here.

X-Force (2019) #7

Sep 14, 2020

A fun spy vs. spy adventure starring Domino!

X-Force (2019) #8

Sep 14, 2020

Despite the oddly abrupt resolution to Domino's hunt for her doppelganger within the first few pages, X-Force #8 continues X-Force's solid spy feel in an entertaining mission featuring Domino and Colossus.

X-Force (2019) #9

Sep 14, 2020

A solid follow-up to the Terra Verde plot from X-Force #6. Several team members get a chance to shine in this one and, as always, the art is great.

X-Force (2019) #10

Sep 14, 2020

This issue was pretty good until it just...wasn't. So I guess Beast is sliding into full-on super-villain mode (or Dark Beast I guess). And I'm not sure how I feel about Logan and Jean actually being a thing. Kind of a weird issue of X-Force.

X-Force (2019) #11

Sep 14, 2020

This is a continuation from Ben Percy's Wolverine series. I don't read that book so the intro was kinda jarring. I feel like there's been a sameness to this title from issue to issue that is starting to get a little stale at this point. How many times have invaders on Krakoa slipped under X-Force's radar now?

X-Force (2019) #12

Sep 14, 2020

What happened to this series? I really don't like what Percy is doing with Beast. His public humiliation of Colossus is a weird scene that just felt off to me. Followed by that laughable moment where Logan goes all feral and scares off a few dozen mutants (including Storm, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Cable and at least three of the Stepford Cuckoos). Percy needs to get this series back on track ASAP or else I'm not sure it's worth investing in anymore.

X-Force (2019) #13

Oct 7, 2020

XOS Ch. 4: Well, this chapter was okay. I felt like Wolvie's sword quest was stretched a little thin between this and Wolverine #6. However I do really like Solem! Hopefully he'll continue being an entertaining antagonist.

X-Force (2019) #14

Nov 18, 2020

XOS Ch. 17: With this event being so heavily tied to Excalibur its kinda cool seeing how weird and whacky the event has become. A common criticism I've had of Howard's Excalibur is that it lacks the whimsical silliness of Claremont and Davis' Excalibur run. Well, here we finally have it in spades...even though this wasn't an issue of Excalibur and not written by Howard. Too little too late I suppose (I'm probably dropping Excalibur). As much as I did enjoy this issue, I think ultimately X Of Swords just isn't living up to the hype. It seems to lack a clear direction and it clearly didn't need 22 chapters.

X-Force (2019) #15

Mar 25, 2021

Meh. Cassara's art is the best thing about this comic. It's too bad he isn't given a better story to work with. We're back to the Russia plotline, and vampires too, which will probably continue in the Wolverine solo series instead of here.

X-Force (2019) #16

Mar 25, 2021

What's this? A good issue of X-Force? Not just good, this issue is actually great! Percy and Cassara provide a horrific stand-alone deep sea adventure worthy of the X-Men. It's a shame this series doesn't provide more stories like this.

X-Force (2019) #17

Mar 27, 2021

Another great issue of X-Force! I'm really liking the focus on Quentin Quire. Him being the Krakoan Kenny has been an amusing ongoing gag but I like that Percy is actually addressing the mental repercussions of dying over and over again.

X-Force (2019) #18

Mar 27, 2021

I'm enjoying this storyline with the patchwork Kid Omega terrorizing X-Force, but I don't want it to get dragged out for too much longer. It should be wrapped up in #19. Brown's artwork is definitely a downgrade from Cassara which also knocked this issue down a peg. All in all, not bad but definitely could've used some fine tuning.

X-Force (2019) #19

Apr 21, 2021

Somehow the art seemed even worse than last issue. Overall this was an underwhelming conclusion to Kid Omega's battle against his doppelganger. The dialogue felt forced and awkward too. Also, Jean, what are you doing wearing that ridiculous skirt in the middle of a snow storm?

X-Force (2019) #20

Jul 12, 2021

A really fun issue. Nice to see the Terra Verde plot com back around to bite the Mutants. Beast continues to screw up and leave the rest of X-Force to clean up his mistakes. Honestly, I enjoyed this issue more than I thought I would. Deadpool crashing the Gala was a fun surprise subplot as well.

X-Force (2019) #21

Jul 12, 2021

I know a lot of people are tired of plant monsters invading this book but I gotta say I really liked this issue. Percy and Cassara do a great job showing these mutants working as a team; I do have to credit this team book for actually giving the spotlight to different members rather than just being another Wolverine-centric series. Excited to see more of Man-Slaughter and the return of Xeno!

X-Force (2019) #22

Sep 22, 2021

Nice wrap-up to this two-parter. Loved Man-Slaughter and I hope to see him team up with X-Force again soon. These are the kinds of adventures I want to see X-Force going on. Hopefully Percy can keep the momentum going.

X-Force (2019) #23

Sep 22, 2021

Build-up towards the next issue. It's not bad but didn't really stand out either. I'm glad to see Colossus coming back into the narrative.

X-Force (2019) #24

Oct 19, 2021

Black Tom is easily the highlight of this issue. Overall I enjoyed this installment more than the last and find myself getting more and more interested in the Colossus subplot. Hopefully Percy doesn't leave it hanging for too long.

X-Men (2019) #1

Sep 10, 2020

Mostly set-up, but overall a nice bridge from HOX/POX to the Dawn Of X titles.

X-Men (2019) #2

Sep 10, 2020

Good issue! Summoner is really interesting and I'm very intrigued by the Arakko storyline.

X-Men (2019) #3

Sep 10, 2020

A pretty funny issue, and Hordeculture feels like they could've been ripped right out of Claremont's X-Men run. But despite that X-Men #3 is really lacking in story compared to X-Men #1-2.

X-Men (2019) #4

Sep 10, 2020

The first truly great issue of Hickman's post-HOX/POX X-Men run. I loved everything about X-Men #4 from the international political intrigue to Cyclops and Gorgon taking down the would-be surprise ambush. Just a great book all in all.

X-Men (2019) #5

Sep 10, 2020

Another good issue of X-Men from Hickman! Cool to see some focus on Laura this time and I'm very curious to see where this goes with the Children of the Vault.

X-Men (2019) #6

Sep 10, 2020

Mystique! Awesome issue! My favorite of Hickman's X-Men since HOX/POX. Great to see more Mystique and I'm totally rooting for her hopeful reunion with Destiny.

X-Men (2019) #7

Sep 10, 2020

Hickman has really been killing it these last few issues! X-Men #7 is now my favorite (after I just said #6 was). More Apocalypse is always a good thing and the Crucible was really intense and emotionally draining. The X-Men comics haven't been this consistently good in a long time.

X-Men (2019) #8

Sep 10, 2020

X-Men #8 is very entertaining and a fun continuation of the story from Hickman's New Mutants issues.

X-Men (2019) #9

Sep 10, 2020

Nice conclusion to the King Egg saga. Broo is a great character too!

X-Men (2019) #10

Sep 10, 2020

It was okay but I feel like this obligatory Empyre tie-in was really unnecessary and dragged this issue down from previous ones. I do like Vulcan though.

X-Men (2019) #11

Sep 10, 2020

Now THIS is how you do a tie-in issue! I may be biased because I love Magneto, but this issue was just so cool. Erik's obliteration of the Cotati leader alone is probably one of my favorite moments from Hickman's X-Men run so far.

X-Men (2019) #12

Sep 16, 2020

A giant exposition dump. But still an interesting exposition dump! I'm really liking Summoner and I'm excited to see what Hickman has in store for him.

X-Men (2019) #13

Oct 21, 2020

XOS Ch. 10: Some interesting background on Apocalypse's family but this is now two Hickman X-Men issues back to back that are exposition heavy. I'm all for character development but despite some enlightening info this felt a little too plodding. Still, Hickman is a good writer and I credit him and Tini Howard for making me care about Apocalypse more than I ever had before.

X-Men (2019) #14

Nov 4, 2020

XOS Ch. 12: Wow! This is a really lazy comic. X-Men #12-14 tell basically the same story from 3 different viewpoints. I like Hickman usually, and gave him the benefit of the doubt with issue #13, but this is just embarrassing. Recycling art too?! What a shame. This issue screams filler and this is coming from a reader who has been enjoying Apocalypse's character development.

X-Men (2019) #15

Nov 25, 2020

XOS Ch. 20: This was really good! After reading this I feel like it really was a mistake to extend this crossover. X Of Swords has been so hit and miss it is a bummer good individual chapters like this one are dragged down by the not so good chapters. Here's hoping Hickman and Howard can stick the landing.

X-Men (2019) #16

Dec 30, 2020

This was mostly meh. Mostly acts as a X Of Swords epilogue but it does set up some interesting future storylines. I'm excited to see who will be on the new X-Men team!

X-Men (2019) #17

Jan 27, 2021

This is a really fun one-and-done issue. I always enjoy Hickman's depiction of Bobby and Sam's bromance. The Shi'ar plot felt like a nice throwback to the good old Claremont days. Hopefully this is a return to form for Hickman's run.

X-Men (2019) #18

Feb 24, 2021

It's been a long wait, but definitely worth it. The Vault team successfully infiltrate the city only to find the Children prepared for them. What follows is a brutal fight where Laura/Wolverine and Synch slaughter the Children. Seriously, it's basically a massacre. Round 1 goes to the X-Men. Can't wait for round 2 next issue!

X-Men (2019) #19

Mar 31, 2021

The wait was worth it! X-Men #19 chronicles The Vault team's adventures across decades being trapped inside The Vault. A great action-packed issue with a lot of emotion. It feels like a classic X-Men adventure. While I'm sure Hickman will be taking a break from these characters for a while, I do hope he continues Synch and Wolverine's story.

X-Men (2019) #20

May 26, 2021

It's nice getting back to this story. I find myself really rooting for Mystique here. Even though I also really like Krakoa, so I guess I have mixed feelings. Which is why this is such a well-written comic! Dr. Gregor and Mystique are both doing what they do out of love. Each of them just want their spouses back. They are so singularly focused that they will tear anyone and anything apart to get their love back. With this is mind, I even felt bad for Dr. Gregor despite not rooting for Orchis in any way shape or form. I'm even more excited for the future of Hickman's X-Men run and even more intrigued by the teaser of his upcoming series.

X-Men (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

A mixed bag. Definitely had it's moments. Namor trolling Charles and Erik was especially entertaining. X-Men #21 is pretty much about setting up the next phase of Hickman's run. Other than that I'd say this is actually a pretty underwhelming final issue. I'd rather Duggan's first be numbered as X-Men #22 instead of a new #1. Oh well. So while this wasn't bad, it just felt like another set-up issue rather than a proper send-off to the first stage of Hickman's run.

X-Men (2021) #1

Jul 11, 2021

Hickman's X-Men was hit-and-miss, though overall I enjoyed it. That being said...I had no idea how much I missed a team of X-Men going on missions like in a classic X-Men story until I read this issue. I absolutely LOVED X-Men #1 by Duggan and Larraz! A great start to a new roster. I think this will definitely be the comic for those who have really missed an actual team of X-Men. Cool action, great character moments, and interesting set-ups for future issues make for an exciting read. So excited for what Duggan and Larraz deliver next month!

X-Men (2021) #2

Sep 20, 2021

X-Men vs. Cosmic Horrors! 'Nuff said.

X-Men (2021) #3

Sep 22, 2021

"The X-Men love elephants!" I love this series! For the third consecutive issue Duggan and Larraz tell a story that feels right at home with classic X-Men adventures; giving readers great action, intrigue, and interesting character moments that makes the long-time X-Men fan in me satisfied and eagerly anticipating the next issue.

X-Men (2021) #4

Oct 19, 2021

A fun Halloween themed issue. I liked Jean's battle against Nightmare; this was a good showcase for how powerful she can be in a positive way. My biggest complaint about X-Men #4 is I would've liked to see more nightmares from the rest of the team. Otherwise, Duggan continues telling good stand-alone X-Men stories while also advancing the main narrative.

Reviews for the Week of...


