allenquanobi's Profile

Joined: Apr 19, 2019

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Green Lantern #1

Jun 23, 2020

Wow, who would have thought that Green Lantern would get the best treatment out of all these dumb celebration issues that DC has been doing. I think I liked every story in this issue. Starts off with an great story by Tynion and Gary Frank and keeps on going. The art is great, all the stories are fun to read. Definitely recommend this one if you are a fan of Green Lantern

Absolute Carnage (2019) #1

Aug 7, 2019

Cates quickly became one of my favorite writers after his Thanos run and his current Venom run. This opening to the event doesn't disappoint. It's accessible to new readers because of the refresher in the first act. The second act shows off a good relationship between Spidey and Eddie. Side note, I love Cates's writing of the symbiote and Eddie, it really gives the symbiote a character, something that's not shown a lot. The third act is spectacular, very evocative of horror books. The art by Stegman might be my favorite that he has done so far for Venom. The details are so pretty to look at, and I really liked the way he draws Spider-Man. Overall fantastic, if Marvel events in the future are gonna be like this, War of the Realms, and House of X/Powers of X; Marvel might just get me to be a regular reader again.

Absolute Carnage (2019) #2

Aug 29, 2019

This event is really cool and awesome. Stegman is one of the top artists working at Marvel today, in my opinion. His art started off really good in the Venom series and has only gotten better with this event. The details on all the symbiote characters gives that horror vibe that this event is really striving for. The story is also really good, it's reminding me of Blackest Night from DC. My only gripe with this is it feels a lot shorter than the last book, mostly because there's only one big action sequence at the end. The middle is entirely filler and contains my other gripe, showing images from the tie-ins which shouldn't be necessary to enjoy a main event. The best events should be able to be read by themselves without even mentioning tie-ins. But I digress, it wasn't too invasive to the enjoyment of the book. Highly positive recommend

Absolute Carnage (2019) #3

Sep 18, 2019

holy moly, this is just going insane in all the right ways. I absolutely love that this series can be read without any other tie ins to other series besides Venom, which is written by Cates. Once again, the relationship between Eddie and the symbiote is what really makes Cates's run on Venom and this series just amazing, it provides so much more character to Eddie that was desperately needed in the past decade. The art is as always amazing with Stegman at the helm, feels very horror like, which complements the tone of the book. also that ending, the next issue should have an amazing fight

Absolute Carnage (2019) #4

Oct 16, 2019

Action Comics (2016) #1015

Sep 27, 2019

Action Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 29, 2020

This seems to be the opposite of the Superman book right now. For me, Superman started off really bad and boring and now has become decently readable. Action Comics started off slightly readable and now has gotten really bad and boring. This is probably the worst Superman book Bendis has written. It's boring, it's confusing with continuity, makes little sense when you think about it, and overall who cares about Leviathan. The art is also pretty bad, I don't think JRJR can draw Superman stories well, I think his Marvel work is much better. There aren't a lot of redeeming qualities for this book.

Action Comics (2016) #1021

Mar 25, 2020

Get Romita off Superman. While I don't like any of Bendis Superman so far, at least the main Superman title has great art from Ivan Reis. It also doesn't help that this title has basically become Superman and other Bendis characters title, they have no reason for being in a Superman book except that Bendis is writing Young Justice, so they are here also. Int he next arc I wouldn't be surprised if the Legion comes back with his son again, like in the Superman arc he's done. It's becoming so tired, and he still thinks Leviathan is a cool villain, none of the villains that Bendis has created so far have any chance of sticking or being a cool villain.

Action Comics (2016) #1023

Jul 21, 2020

You know what I miss? Reading Superman comics. Please get Bendis off Superman and also JRJR either needs to just start doing covers or do a limited series where he can get tons of time to finish his art. This is some of the worst writing and art I've seen in a Superman book in a while. I didn't care for Bendis Superman, but now I think I'm starting to loathe it.

Age of X-Man: Omega #1

Jul 17, 2019

All the loose strings were tied to a very mediocre event. Hopefully Hickman's X-Men can excite me again after this lackluster event and a semi-entertaining but disappointing ending from uncanny

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #27

Aug 19, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #28

Aug 29, 2019

This series should be renamed to Superior Foes of Spider-Man and some Spider-Man. It focuses so much on Boomerang and the other foes, like why is Spider-Man even the main character. I know a lot of people love this run, but in my opinion the strongest thing about the run is the art. It doesn't feel like anything special to me, which sucks because Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters in Marvel. I love Ottley's art, but he isn't always the main artist, alternating between mostly Humberto Ramos and other random artists. The story arcs that I thought were good was the first one where he separated into Peter Parker and Spider-Man, that was a good character study into why Peter Parker is Spider-Man not the reverse, and the Hunted storyline, mainly because we haven't seen Kraven in a long time, and it was fun to see him back. The only thing I look forward to in this series is the potential undoing of One More Day.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #29

Sep 11, 2019

Yes, Spencer is going back to character building with MJ and Pete. Finally, its been a couple issues without them. This issue is highly hinting at what many fans want, I don't wanna spoil it but it has to do with a very unpopular decision made with Spidey around 2008 ;) if Spencer goes through with this, Im on board again, he lost me with the last couple issues, but if this is gonna be the decision, then make it so. But we all know marvel editorial has burned us before...

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #31

Oct 9, 2019

These past three issues have really gotten me back on board with this series, and surprisingly enough two of them were tie-ins which I usually hate. The thing that makes them good though is the fact they stand alone and continue the ongoing story rather than the tie-in's story. The mystery continues with Kindred, who seems pretty much confirmed by now (unless its a huge misdirection, which Spencer has done before). Art is also great, but I'm getting very excited for Patrick Gleason to come on board next issue

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #35

Dec 12, 2019

This issue is not too good, this one and the last one to be honest. The art in this doesn't even come close to Gleason, and the story has already run its course, and it's literally been only 2 issues, they're really trying to push the 2099 banner to come back, and while that would be great, I don't trust any of the creators to make good on their promise of this series. I hope Spencer can get back to the Peter Parker angle he was working with in the first 20 issues of his run because right now, for me at least, it's running into similar problems as Slott's run, where he ran out of ideas very quickly and just put Spider-Man in the midst of ungrounded and very unrealistic situations.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #36

Dec 18, 2019

I think I'm gonna drop amazing spider Man for now. This arc basically did nothing for me and I'm sure it was just marvel saying we want 2099 back let's make some pointless arc to have that, and boost up sales for about 3 months. Could have used these issues to beef up more MJ Peter stuff but instead she got sent to California and we got this. I hope Spencer makes do on his promise with undoing OMD, I'll check in that starts to pop up again

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #44

Jul 21, 2020

This book started off as one of my favorite books to pull; however, it has run in circles for the past dozen or so issues. There was a pointless 2099 arc, then some cute stories that didn't really progress the plot. And now it's addressing Peter wanting to marry MJ again, when that was teased nearly 20 issues ago. I get that modern comic storytelling has decompression, but patience wears thin really fast, and from what has been solicited and shown it will not happen for at least another year or so. Spencer is really stretching out the plot to a glacial pace, while filling it with admittedly fun dialogue and accurate characterization. That only lasts so long with me though, and the payoff better be massive in order to redeem this series for me.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #48

Sep 9, 2020

Came back for Bagley art and boy was I surprised. I still don't care about the ongoing story, but Spencer really gets the character dialogue right and knows how the interactions should be. The only thing I don't like is that Bagley isn't drawing the next issue and that this overall event isn't very interesting.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #61

Mar 10, 2021

This was a lot more light in tone and humor compared to the Kindred storyline we just got. I've been pretty meh about this run, so this was a nice little comedic issue. I am worried about hopping back in because it seems like this run is all over the place and lacks any real direction. I thought it would climax in the Kindred storyline, but that quickly wore out its welcome. Then all of a sudden, we get back tot he hijinks and humor that was part of the early issues in the run. It seems like Spencer himself is running out of ideas

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74

Sep 29, 2021

The 5 is for the art. I forced myself to catch-up on this series to get to the end, which was supposed to wrap up the story in a satisfying way. Instead, we get a half assed rushed conclusion that leads to what we already got earlier in the run, which is that Peter and MJ are together forever. Spencer is a good writer, this is shown in his previous Marvel runs. But I think it’s hard to say this was a good spider man run. It started off with such promise, but then began to become dragged along to this anti climactic conclusion where none of the characters have changed really. It’s a pretty unremarkable run from a remarkable writer. Maybe his departure to sub stack had an effect on the quality of this book. I can’t say I’m looking forwards to Beyond, but any change is welcome at this point. Hey, remember the engagement ring that Spencer teased earlier in his run? How convenient that just disappeared

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 6, 2021

this is a fine issue, which means compared to the previous 74 (plus side issues and annuals) from Nick Spencer, it's pretty damn good. It's a great introduction into this era of Spider-Man, bringing back the fun quippy dialogue, the simplicity of villains, and re-introducing Ben Reilly. It brings you up to speed on what Ben has been up to and how Peter is feeling after the Spencer drag that he's just been put through, feels kind of meta to be honest. The story is interesting, and I'm very excited to see what happens after that cliff hanger. The standout here is the art. Patrick Gleason just has that fun vibe that was missing from the majority of Spencer's run. Some of the best issues from Spencer's run were carried by Gleason art, so it's great to see it again here. I don't think he will be able to keep up with the thrice monthly release of this book, but it was a good way to start off this era with a nice art bang. Overall, it's not the greatest Spider-Man book, but after Spencer's run, I'll take what I can get.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #86

Jan 20, 2022

If Wells can keep this kind of story telling when Peter comes back, his run with JRJR should be great. This entire Beyond era has done a lot for me in wanting to read Spider-Man again after Spencer's elongated run. I think I read somewhere that Ben Reilly will have his own series in Hollywood, I'd be fascinated to read that. This is the best treatment he's gotten in his entire character history I'd say

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #91

Mar 2, 2022

the story's fun, but the art is such an issue here. Sara Pichelli is amazingly talented, her work on Miles Spider-Man is some of the best art in modern comics. She also gets the excuse of losing her main colorist Justin Ponsor, which is a tragedy. However, her art in this issue just looks insanely lazy. The art also feels so rushed, and this is where most people would say that's because of the weekly release schedule. But each issue has had different pencillers mostly. I don't know what else to say. Other than that, the story is pretty good, but I would hesitate to recommend this issue solely because the art is not good at all.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Full Circle #1

Nov 1, 2019

This book has no reason to exist. And yet it provided all the reasoning to exist and entertain. Amazingly this book isn't a mess, it has a story that is entertaining and respects the character of spider man. Such a slew of talent came together to write this love letter to Marvel's best character and it shows, especially with the ending. The art throughout is magnificent also, and the dialogue is very quippy and entertaining. My favorite parts were probably the beginning and the end, the story is still interesting in the middle but that's where it gets a little messy, but still entertaining. I just can't believe marvel put out a book like this

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 27, 2022

Pretty good start, lots of ppl r gonna be mad at the ending, but it’s an ongoing. Give it a chance. And also, the most shocking thing: JRJR’s art in this wasn’t bad. Recent JRJR art has been so bad (I’m a fan of JRJR especially his old art in Spidey and Daredevil, so don’t assume I’m a hater), if you don’t believe me, look at his action comics. But here, it’s actually good. Hopefully he can keep it up

Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1

Sep 4, 2019

The Bagley and Conway stuff was decent, but yikes Erik Larsen has lost his touch on spidey. The art in his story looks terrible compared to Bagley. The stories in this book are also pretty lackluster. Can't recommend this for a 4.99 comic

Avengers (2018) #22

Jul 31, 2019

Avengers (2018) #23

Aug 28, 2019

This issue just sums up what I feel about this entire run, which is it's alright. I with Jason Aaron told just one story, cuz this is split between two, and it suffers from that. The Ghost Rider stuff was awesome and cool, the avengers stuff in the mountain was extremely dull. The way Aaron writes some of the characters, particularly She-Hulk and Captain America, they feel like brutes rather than actual people. Which is frustrating because he took Thor, a character many thought was a dull brute, and made him into one of the most fascinating characters in his Thor story. I still will pick this book up weekly because I love team books, but those are the qualms I have. The art has been consistently good though, which is a positive for this. Justice League over at DC is doing much better as a team book.

Avengers (2018) #24

Sep 27, 2019

Lot better than the past few issues

Batman #700  
Batman (2016) #73

Jun 29, 2019

I can't say I hate this series. I can just say how painfully average it is. A comparison for me would be the Ant-Man movies in the MCU. Just filler and average but not necessarily bad, which sucks because Tom King is capable of so much better. At least the art never really disappoints

Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

Ok issue to end this arc. At this point, I'm just waiting to see how the run will end before I judge it as a whole, but at least this arc was better than Knightmares. The art as always is fantastic and is one of the main reasons I'm still reading this book.

Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

Finally, King gets his game back, just in time to finish his run on Batman. While there were many bumps, this issue was a great start to a (hopefully) satisfying conclusion on Batman that looks to be very interesting. I loved the art in this as usual, one of the consistent good parts of this entire run. The story is interesting, loved seeing Thomas and Alfred have a conversation that is sure to be surreal for the latter. Meanwhile, it sets up intrigue for Bruce in the next issue, as well as the Batman/Catwoman miniseries King is gonna write. Overall, good solid start for the end.

Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

And just like that...King lost me again. This is getting a 6 (edit 5.5) from me solely because of the art and atmosphere. With only 10 issues left on the title, King seems to be taking his sweet time because the plot with Bruce goes nowhere in this issue, it's just setting up Gotham's atmosphere, which is cool, but the last issue already did that. We already know it's a bizarro world in Gotham. Daniel's art is great as always, but unfortunately it seems to be wasted.

Batman (2016) #77

Aug 21, 2019

Actually wanted to test to see if I rated a 1 would I get an automatic like from Darkseid24 and the other ppl who auto rate Tom king Batman 3 or lower. Jokes aside, the reality is the run is fine, it's nothing special or amazing, but since Batman is so huge and ppl have put some of their personality in it, ppl tend to act irrationally. This issue is better than the last since something actually happened, however, the spoiler twist that I won't talk about feels a little sudden considering Thomas had no animosity towards this character, earlier they were talking cordially. If it's permanent then it'll definitely be divisive, but a 1? No, it's like a review above states, just somewhere in the middle, which is what this whole run feels like. Amazing art most of the time, started off with a lot of promise, but doesn't stick the landing plot wise. Still not as bad as ppl are saying, I definitely think the run reads a lot better in trades or collected editions. I hope king ends his run well with Bat/Cat since it is frustrating that he can put out amazing hits like Mister Miracle, Vision, Omega Men, but then do stuff like Heroes in Crisis and an average Batman run

Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

Wow the art is good. The story is eh... I do like the way king writes Batman and Catwoman's relationship, but couldn't they have solved their problems in Gotham while fighting criminals or doing something that progresses the plot. Why go to the beach instead lol it kinda just makes Batman seem hypocritical and lazy. I wish this entire issue had the same dialogue but in Gotham instead, or in some other setting. It is a shame that the art is always so good, I hope for the next Batman run the artists get to stay, specifically Mann and Weeks, that would be awesome

Batman (2016) #79

Sep 18, 2019

Another week and another average Batman issue. I agree with another reviewer, this could have been one issue combined with the last one since basically it has the same story. The big saving grace of these past issues has been clay Mann's art, DC has some immensely talented artists in their roster right now. Otherwise, you could watch the dark Knight returns and get the gist of the whole Batman gets broken and has to come back to Gotham plot.

Batman (2016) #80

Oct 2, 2019

Hey Alexa, define decompression. These past 5 issues could have been done in 2, maybe 3. The art is really good tho, I love Romita's Batman, and the colors by Morey are amazing.

Batman (2016) #83

Nov 20, 2019

Not bad, but decompressed as hell. This is still the decompression we've come toe xpect from this run, but this issue did hit the emotional resonance that it promised. I'm a sucker for Alfred-Bruce stories, and this did touch me a little, albeit until the end, when it goes to what we expect, another confrontation with Flashpoint Batman. Hopefully the next issue will answer how he got here or what he wants, as it promises.

Batman (2016) #84

Dec 4, 2019

I liked that we finally got some answers to flashpoint Batman, but his motivation is unconvincing. He clearly knows this is not the same universe Batman as flashpoint so he can't assume it will all turn out the same. Also the art was not good, especially with an egregious error in coloring flash's suit that caused a ton of confusion.

Batman (2016) #85

Dec 18, 2019

was just fine. overall, when this run was good, it was really good, when it was bad, it was horribly bad. Which is why it goes right in the middle for me, ending with a grade of C. I'm not sure why this entire run had to take 85 issues, when it could have easily ended in 50-60. The art was amazing throughout, I'm not too excited for Tynion's run since it'll probably be very similar to his Detective Comics, which was also just fine.

Batman (2016) #86

Jan 8, 2020

This was just fine. It's as by the numbers as you can get for a new run, and it also doesn't help that tynion is writing and we got a Batman run from him in detective that ended just a little more than a year ago. The art is fantastic, and that saves the issue for me since I was finding myself bored with the plot throughout.

Batman (2016) #87

Jan 22, 2020

Just fine again. If the rumors are true and a new creative team is taking over after 100, I would welcome that instead. Tynion's first 2 issues just feel very by the basics run of the mill Batman, which is fine, especially after the divisiveness of King's 85 issue run. The art is also just fine, which is disappointing after the incredible run of artists during King's run (hate that run all you want, the art throughout was spectacular from Mann, Gerads, Weeks, etc). Edit: I'm seeing a lot of reviews saying not a lot happened and they're ok with that. Just out of curiousity, why are you ok when Tynion does decompression but not King? So far, I think these past two issues have been on par with King's writing so far

Batman (2016) #88

Feb 5, 2020

eh again. i'm just pulling this because it's batman still and it's not terrible yet. everything just feels too normal and boring, which you don't want from your main book. Also the Designer just looks like Hush and Azrael combined if you've seen Jorge Jimenez's teased art.

Batman (2016) #90

Mar 9, 2020

This issue has finally picked up the story line for me. The past 5 issues could have been combined into one and this feels like the second issue in Tynion's run. Loved the retell from Selina, but I still don't care about the Designer villain. The main thing I loved about this book is the art, obviously, Jorge Jimenez is one of the few bright spots in DC's artists roster for me right now, and I loved seeing the detail in every character and background. Hopefully this is gonna be how this run goes on in the future.

Batman (2016) #91

Mar 18, 2020

sstep down from the last issue mainly because of the shifting art, i found myself distracted many times because the art changed between like 3 or 4 artists. Jorge Jimenez said he is gonna draw all of Joker War, but that seems a little unlikely if he couldn't get this issue out on time. Otherwise, just more of the same really, a little more revelations but nothing game changing yet

Batman (2016) #93

Jun 24, 2020

Eh, nice fun reveal I guess, but I feel like it was just a waste of a character. Maybe should have seen this coming since Designer is rarely mentioned in the solicits of future issues. I don't like Punchline so far, she doesn't seem like a likable character at all like Harley. This also seems to be undoing the Catwoman/Batman dynamic set up in King's run, which was one of the few things I really enjoyed about that run.

Batman (2016) #99

Sep 16, 2020

Bored. Love jorge jimenez art though

Batman (2016) Annual #4

Oct 30, 2019

At least the annuals are still very solid, emotional, and entertaining. Art was good, but I was sad to see Lee weeks replaced.

Batman / Superman (2019) #1

Aug 28, 2019

Ok start. The story is pretty generic and the last page/twist was already spoiled in previews, which makes it very awkward to end the story on that twist. Williamson hasn't gotten to the point to capture my interest, I'm hoping DC can bring in another writer for this series to complement the art. Marquez is great at drawing faces and his superman looks really good.

Batman / Superman (2019) #2

Sep 25, 2019

Batman / Superman (2019) #3

Oct 23, 2019

continues to be solid, but hasn't reached the level of hype that it seems to be promising. The story is pretty predictable and cliche. And all the talk of solicitations, some of these previews are in other issues, so how can we not read them? They're literally part of the physical issues sometimes, the first twist with Shazam was, and this one was all over the internet as well as in some issues. That's my main complaint is that the series is too predictable and gets spoiled on a constant basis. My other complaint is I'm growing tired of the Batman who laughs. Interesting villain sure, the mini series was great, but at this point who cares, this is starting to turn into a situation similar to the Hood during Bendis's Avengers run. Am I really supposed to believe that this character is nigh omnipotent and unstoppable that the two best heroes in the DC universe can't stop him? He was the villain in Metal, he was the villain in his miniseries, and he's shown up in Snyder's Justice League. The frequent use of this character has lessened the stakes not only for our heroes, but also for this character, because it's become too cartoony. Great solid of this issue is the art, which I still like a lot.

Batman / Superman (2019) #4

Nov 20, 2019

Eh, I guess the Batman who Laughs is still nigh unstoppable, and is more powerful and unstoppable than any villain Batman or Superman has ever faced before. Also Supergirl grabbing that batarang, and Batman and Superman not saying anything about it was really dumb. Art is still amazing though

Batman / Superman (2019) #6

Jan 22, 2020

this entire series so far just feels like a bore to me. It may have to do with the bias that I have against the Batman who Laughs, that character has been overused so much and he is so ineffective in every book he's been in that I don't believe any of the Infected will stick or have any major impact on the status quo. Guaranteed by the end of the year all of these characters will be back to their normal selves and the writers writing their series will be happier for it. Feels like this series took huge precedent over the others, and the other books have to compensate for this character change. The only one that hasn't really been affected is Shazam, and thank god, because it seems like Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison are the only two writers at DC who are getting their work kept separate from the rest of these events. It really is a shame too because the art has consistently improved since issue 1 for me, and I like it a lot. Just the writing and plot is so predictable and boring to read.

Batman / Superman (2019) #16

Mar 24, 2021

Amazing start. Yang continues to show how he is one of the best writers right now. He manages to create two mini stories into one book that intersect at the end, with both taking places in different universes. It's such a unique way to tell a story, I've never seen a book like this before. And of course, Ivan Reis is one of the best artists working at DC, and his work here is magnificent. The panel work especially is amazing, with each half telling a different story. It's just so unique, you have to read it for yourself. Great start, I'm very excited to see where this story goes

Batman's Grave #1

Oct 9, 2019

Cool start. Great detective mystery with great art as well. Only confused about if this story is in canon or not. I hope Ellis can deliver with more mystery, and not get disinterested in the book

Batman's Grave #7

Jun 10, 2020

Just an ok issue. For me, this book has been more entertaining than the main Batman book, so it's been a great pull for me. The only problem is that I think Bryan Hitch is well past his prime, so the art is a little rough and rushed in my opinion. It's still pretty good, but it did distract me at points. Surprisingly though, this issue has very little action and feels very short. The highlights were just the interactions and dialogue between Batman, Alfred, and the other supporting characters. I'll continue to pull just to finish the series, but hopefully the next issue can get back on track.

Batman's Grave #12

Dec 15, 2020

Weak ending. It wasn't as epic as it was trying to be nor did it achieve any sort of emotional impact. It was just Batman beating up the bad guy for most of the book. Also Hitch's art looks incredibly rushed and not good at all. It's hard to make out a lot of the action in some pages and panels.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #1

Jul 25, 2019

good first issue. Art is great as always, and I like the setup they're going with Joker and Azrael. My complaint about this issue is it is very short compared to the other black label titles. I was expecting around 40 pages, but this was just the normal length of a comic book

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #2

Aug 28, 2019

Awesome stuff. Murphy continues to write an excellent and compelling story. Can't rlly think of any faults in this issue story wise, I love the exploration of the past between Edmond and the old Azrael. Gives a little more depth to a 90s character who turned out to be a trope in main continuity. Of course the art is fantastic, Murphy is one of the best artists working today. Overall, just great. I wish Murphy could write and draw a main Batman book, but I don't think he would be able to keep up with a monthly title, this book had to have been planned months in advance and finalized already.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #3

Sep 26, 2019

Fantastic stuff, even better than the first series, which was already great

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #4

Oct 23, 2019

Best Batman book alongside Batman Universe right now. The two main Batman books don't even come close

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #8

Mar 25, 2020

Pretty awesome stuff, Murphy definitely saved his best for last. This series isn't as good as the original, but damn is it still fun and great to read. It really examines what Batman really is and means to people, while also taking the dumb 90s trope of Azrael seriously and making him cool, I like this version better than any version of Azrael we've seen in main continuity. The entire issue was exciting and emotional, I thought the ending was great, hopefully there's a White Knight 3 sooner rather than later. I don't know how well the concept of White Knight Line/Universe will hold up/succeed after DC and Murphy announced it. I think this entire series and the previous worked because there was one person at the helm creatively, bringing in others invites too many cooks in the kitchen. But if there's a White Knight 3, Murphy better be the writer and artist once again. Bravo Murphy, you continue to show you're one of the best creators working today

Batman: Curse of the White Knight: Von Freeze #1

Nov 20, 2019

idk why i thought this but when i heard this was coming out i thought it was murphy on art that was colored by Janson, not Janson doing all the art. Some parts the art is tough to look at, especially the end with Harley and Batman, but the rest of it is serviceable. What is great about this issue is the story, which gives Mr. Freeze an interesting backstory and motivation in this universe. Ive always liked Freeze more when hes a sympathetic character rather than a supervillain, and this was really good in showing why his tragic backstory.

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

Jul 3, 2019

Awesome, looking like an amazing way to go off Batman for Snyder and capullo. Excited to see where it goes in the next 2 issues

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Jul 31, 2019

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

Dec 18, 2019

If this is really the end of snyder and capullo on Batman, I must say bravo. I loved it, Snyder may have fallen off the wagon since metal with batman, but this series cemented at least for me, his love and great knowledge of the character. It's about Batman being human and not an automaton, cough cough Tom king. Batman is not a depressed maniac who fights an endless war on crime, he is happy, his choices in life may not be the greatest nor end in the a happy ending, but he makes the most of his situation and continues the good fight, while opening his life up to others. This book made me really emotional about that and now that Snyder is apparently ending his story on Batman with this, it makes me even more emotional. Great stuff. And this might be my favorite stuff this art team has ever done, in my opinion this is the most consistently amazing Batman art team ever, huge credits to Capullo, Glapion, and Plascencia. Just amazing visuals ever since 2011

Batman: The Adventures Continue #1

Apr 1, 2020

Great continuation of the amazing animated series. If you haven't seen that series yet, you should stop reading this review and this comic and watch the entire series first. While the art for the series is obviously dated (it is 2 decades old), the storytelling is on another level, rivaling many of the best Batman stories told in comics. What was unique about the show was its ability to separate itself from the comics universe that its based on, while being able to tell a mature story. This goes for all of the DC Animated Universe. But enough about the show, how's the book? I'm glad to report that Dini still loves the Batman universe and knows how to write a good fun mystery. This feels very rooted in the DCAU, as the art style suggests. The ending is cool, the dialogue throughout is fun, it literally feels like this was the opener to a new season of the show. If they decide to continue the show ever, Dini should be at the head again. Looking forward to the rest of this series.

Batman: The Return #1  
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 25, 2020

It's just one issue and I already love it more than doomsday clock. This feels like Johns had something to say and had a clear vision for where the story is going to go rather than just writing a watchmen sequel. It is dark, it is mysterious, it is crime noir at its best. I can't really talk about plot points a lot due to spoilers, what I will say is that this first issue doesn't go the way I expected it to and in a very good way. The art is also amazingly good. It's a welcome return from Fabok who seems to be solely working on this for the last couple years. The detail in every panel, the layouts of the panels themselves, and the coloring by Brad Anderson all deserve huge shoutouts and praise. It's an achievement, this is the best work of everyone involved. Amazing, get out and buy it now (staying safe with a mask of course) or just get it on digital, any way to read and support this book.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 29, 2020

Hmm this was just fine. I didn't like it as much as the first issue. This issue was semi-predictable. Exploring the idea of Jason becoming the next Joker was an idea that's been floated around even since before this series was a thing. The mystery surrounding the three Jokers also took a backseat, which I didn't like. I went into this series expecting some kind of explanation or what is going on, but it seems to focus more on Jason and Barbara, which is also fine, it just wasn't what I'm really interested in. It also has a weird moment, which I'm not sure how I feel about it. If you must know, you can google the big spoiler that was leaked before this issue came out. While that leak lacked a lot of context, even after reading this issue, it felt weird and came out of nowhere really. Also, not as much Batman as I was expecting, which is weird because this is a Batman title. Overall, I'd say the story is a big step down from the first issue. The art remains spectacular though, and I hope Fabok gets the recognition he deserves.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

This was a massive disappointment for me. The story itself fails to show why there was even a need for 3 jokers and it really shows how DC, more specifically Geoff Johns, never really had a plan for DC Rebirth. What was the point of the 3 Jokers? Turns out oh it doesn't really matter since only one does. Why have this mystery then? And why make Joe Chill the target to be the new joker? In my opinion, Joe Chill shouldn't matter in the Batman mythos. The only thing he represents is crime and it could have been any criminal that killed the Waynes. He serves more as a plot point than an actual character. It's cool that Bruce makes peace with his inner demons, but we've seen that so many times before, not just in comics, but in the animated series and in video games. Also I know I complained about Jason and Barbara getting a huge spotlight in the last issue, but here they're not really given much to do at all except punch bad guys. What happened to all the development from last issue? And that leads me to the ending is who cares? This book doesn't change the status quo, it doesn't really have a message, and worst of all it baits the reader into thinking that 3 Jokers would affect Bruce's character. Even at the end, Bruce says himself he doesn't care about the real Joker's name because it doesn't matter. And he's right, none of this matters, which is what I felt at the end of the book. Look I get that in comics the toys have to be put back in the toy box, but there are ways to tell an entertaining and interesting story before doing so. Look at Hickman and his Marvel work, he changed the Fantastic Four and the Avengers before Secret Wars, which was awesome. And then he put the toys back in the playbox, in a satisfying way. This just feels like ok The three jokers idea will mess too much with continuity, so let's just kill the two that we think are the least popular and keep the real one. That's not good storytelling, and it makes the book really predictable to read. The only twists the book offered in its entirety happened in the first issue. The only redeeming factor of the series is Fabok's art. Amazing details and great coloring from Brad Anderson. It's really such a shame that the story is so lackluster

Batman: Universe #1

Jul 17, 2019

HINT HINT @DC editorial and staff. HINT HINT (you should swap King and Bendis books)

Batman: Universe #3

Sep 11, 2019

Love it, this Batman is like what many others said: a pre-Crisis grim Batman. This Batman trusts his fellow leaguers, he makes jokes, and he's fully accomplished and ready for what problem comes to face him. He isn't Post-Crisis Batman who has a contingency plan for the sun exploding or for the moon to fall to Earth and is a brooding asshole. It's been a while since we got this Batman, we saw shades of this Batman in Snyder's run and Morrison's run, but it's nice too see it in this landscape of grim Batman. I also really like the art, the story is also really cool.

Batman: Universe #4

Oct 9, 2019

Please DC just let Bendis write Batman and no other books, he does much better with grounded characters

Batman: Universe #5

Nov 6, 2019

Batman: Universe #6

Dec 5, 2019

Great ending and a great series overall. The reason this works even though it was written by Bendis, is because of the original length of the Batman Giant book. Each book could only be 12 pages, so Bendis could not rely on his standard decompression seen in many of his other books. That works with this series and hopefully it teaches Bendis how to write his other books better. The art of course is amazing, Nick Derington's visuals never disappoint.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

Literally this rating is only for the Zdarsky story. It was so good, it was one of the better Red Hood stories I've read in a while. I'm one of those people who thinks Jason Todd works better as a mistake/lesson for Batman, and that was shown here as well as providing much needed characterization for Jason as well. The other stories were serviceable, which to be fair, is all you can ask for in an anthology. The strengh of the Zdarsky/Barrows story really carries this book, and I hope that Zdarsky continues his work in the next issue.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #2

Apr 28, 2021

I love this series. It's the perfect blend of humor, adventure, and epic space sci fi. It doesn't feel anything like previous Asgard stories. If anything, it feels more like Star Wars/Firefly and those kind of grand space adventures. Adding Skurge was such a welcome and organic choice for humor. And the art is so amazing. Johnson has a sense of scale that I haven't seen in recent artists and haven't seen in a while. He knows how to make space feel big. The details in each of the splash pages is also awesome, you can tell he really takes his time to flesh out the environment. I'm so excited for the rest of this series, and I wish that this could somehow lead to an ongoing for Johnson on Beta Ray Bill.

Black Widow (2020) #1

Sep 2, 2020

This cover sucks, but the book itself is good to warrant reading the next one.

Black Widow (2020) #5

Feb 17, 2021

this series is damn good

Blade Runner: 2019 #1

Aug 21, 2019

Blade Runner: 2019 #2

Aug 21, 2019

just picked up this issue and #1. Good solid series so far to complement the movies. The art is really good, it's the thing thats elevating the series if im being honest

Blue & Gold (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

This was a lot of fun. I feel like Jurgens is the only writer who can write Booster Gold correctly (not surprising since he created the character). His comedy and personality really get to shine again, and it's refreshing to read a fun buddy cop superhero book. The art is also really good from Ryan Sook. Super happy that these two heroes are back and teaming up again.

Cable (2020) #1

Mar 11, 2020

A nice addition to dawn of x. nothing groundbreaking, but it's still the fun i've come to expect from all these X-titles (except Fallen Angels). The dialogue is fun and witty, and I like how everyone's written. The art is the standout, Phil Noto on an ongoing? You got me for that alone. I'm interested in where Duggan's gonna go with older Cable showing up

Cable (2020) #2

Jul 29, 2020

Cable (2020) #3

Aug 19, 2020

Pretty good. I enjoyed the dialogue between deadpool and cable, it was fun to see his reaction to kid cable. This also was a good setup to I think X of swords at the end. The art is also amazing, phil moto doing interiors can never go wrong

Cable (2020) #5

Oct 14, 2020

Weakest issue of X of Swords so far, but still fun adventure. Hey, they can't be all home runs. It doesn't really provide any more info than what we already know. We know that Cable had the sword he is gonna use already, this kind of just had an adventure with the Summers Family on the Peak, which itself was cool, but doesn't seem to tie into the event really. Still, I'm very interested with how that ties into either this series or the new SWORD series Al Ewing is writing.

Captain America (2018) #11

Jun 20, 2019

Captain America (2018) #12

Jul 31, 2019

Liking this run a lot so far

Captain America (2018) #13

Aug 29, 2019

Solid issue. For better or worse we have the energy shield back. I also like them using the secret soldier uniform design again. The story is a nice little intro into the Cap status quo after escaping prison. Still doing what he thinks is right, even if the law thinks he's wrong. What I don't like is how idiotic Nick Fury seems. I know this is Nick Fury Jr., but do people really think this Captain America is a phony. Just seemed a little odd to me, also the main art isn't as good as Adam Kubert's was and Yu's was for the past issues.

Captain America (2018) #14

Sep 25, 2019

The art wasn't too good, but the action and plot are pretty good. The only complaint I have with the series currently is how Steve's dialogue is being written. He sounds more like Ultimate Captain America than normal Steve. Ultimate Captain America is more patriotic and gung-ho about fighting for America while normal Steve is more hesitant and very distrustful of higher up and usually fights for what's right and what the right thing to do is. The past two issues Steve has gone back and forth with his allies about the law is the law, without really questioning what's right. Granted, he does do a 180 turn by the end of the issue, but it's still jarring considering this Steve is the one who became Nomad and gave up on the US government completely many times

Captain America (2018) #18

Jan 29, 2020

On suggestion from another user, I've picked up and read the past 4 issues after dropping it. Surprisingly, I wasn't lost (probably because this book is decompressed as hell) and I also enjoyed it a little. I'll add this back to the pull list I guess. My big complaint is the art has diminished significantly in quality since the first 2 arcs. Leinil Yu and Adam Kubert were top tier artists and now the art is definitely not up to their caliber. I can't say it's bad, it's just serviceable which isn't what you want for a main character book like Captain America.

Captain America (2018) #20

Mar 18, 2020

jeez was it rlly that hard to get another artist marvel? Especially on one of ur main titles? They finally decided to change artists for the better and while it's not as good as Yu's or Kubert's earlier issues, it's still much better than Masters. This issue also brings together a lot of plot threads that are super interesting and the twist is has me very hooked into reading the next one

Captain America (2018) #22

Aug 19, 2020

Sigh, is it bad that I wish Nick Spencer was writing Captain America again? Spencer's run was divisive, but at least it was telling an interesting story throughout. This just feels so barren, and it does the one thing I'm starting to hate, which is use a line that came from the movie. It's lazy writing and only exists to please the dummies reading the book. This is a book that definitely needs a new fresh team, and I hope Marvel does reboot the series similar to what Iron Man is getting this fall with Christopher Cantwell and Cafu.

Captain America (2018) #23

Sep 16, 2020

Really bad. Some of the cringiest dialogue/inner thought bubbles I've read in modern comics. Plot is borderline nonsensical, art is middling at best. I've tried to defend this series since I love Captain America and am a fan of Coates' writing. But Marvel if this isn't a sign to relaunch the title, idk what is. Iron Man got the relaunch, please give Cap the team he deserves.

Convergence #8

Oct 29, 2019

This event is horrible, only saved by Decent art that at times is also bad

Daredevil (2019) #4

Apr 29, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #8

Jul 17, 2019

Solid issue again. A problem I'm starting to feel with this series is the pacing. Matt has not been Daredevil for a good 3 issues now, and there seems to be no end in sight, there was rarely any mention of Daredevil at all in this comic, which is odd considering the title. One can only wonder how long the not-Daredevil story can keep going before it gets tired. At least there was an interesting plot and action still, which kept me entertained. But still, a little worried about the future of this title.

Daredevil (2019) #9

Aug 7, 2019

Huge improvement over the last issue. Zdarsky writes an amazing Matt, and it falls in line with every version of the character we've seen from the TV show to comics, etc. My only complaint if there is one, is that Sharma's art isn't as good as Chechetto's in the first couple issues. Not to say it's bad, just not as good. Chechetto will be a welcome comeback in later issues. Overall, this series is shaping out to be one of the best Daredevil runs in a character who has had amazing writers: Miller, Bendis, Brubaker, Waid.

Daredevil (2019) #10

Aug 21, 2019

Awesome, Zdarsky delivers with the end of this arc once again. This series isn't about Daredevil, it's about Matt and that's great. Feels so much like an indie series than a superhero series which is what the best superhero comics are. The art is also good, it reminded me a lot of Michael Lark, but I can't wait for chechetto to come back. I also like the new characters Zdarsky sets up, especially detective north, looks like he might be a new vigilante-esque character

Daredevil (2019) #11

Sep 11, 2019

Like I said, Checchetto's return is most welcome. The art is so damn good, it just makes the issue that much better. On top of the great writing, I don't think there's been a story like this in Daredevil, making it so unique. It shows how much Daredevil means to the city when the other Daredevil pops up, but also shows why he's unique in that he is nonlethal and follows the law. Zdarsky also writes such great dialogue, it really amazes me how his Spider-Man is so light hearted and his other work is so joyful and comedic, but this series is dark and serious, almost as good as Bendis's dialogue when he wrote Daredevil. Spectacular

Daredevil (2019) #12

Oct 2, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #13

Nov 6, 2019

This run is amazing. I love that each issue takes its time because Daredevil isn't meant to be an epic adventure or tale, it's just meant to be street level vigilanteism and very grounded. Zdarsky gets that and each issue feels like it takes place over the course of a day if not even 12 hours, which is great. He fills it with great dialogue and great character moments, and its coupled with amazing art from Checchetto.

Daredevil (2019) #14

Dec 4, 2019

You know what I realized... Daredevil is the luckiest Marvel character. He's been graced with some of the most amazing creative teams in history: Miller, Bendis/Maleev, Brubaker/Lark, Waid/Samnee, Soule, and now Zdarsky. All of these runs are unique, tell a unique story, and are all entertaining well written amazingly drawn runs. I need an omnibus of this run as soon as it ends (which hopefully wont be for a long time)

Daredevil (2019) #16

Jan 2, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #19

Mar 4, 2020

AMAZING, nothing else to say about it. a damn perfect issue

Daredevil (2019) #20

Jun 10, 2020

Haven't done a review in a while b/c of circumstances, but holy mother of god. What an issue. This entire arc has just been an amazing buildup and payoff, this issue in particular is just the amazing climax that Zdarsky has been building towards since issue 1. Matt is back, and he is better than ever, and the fight scenes are all so amazing. The use of radar sense is also awesome to see again, and the inner thought bubbles are perfectly written. Might be the best way to come back to weekly comics for me :)

Daredevil (2019) #22

Sep 23, 2020

Continues to hit all the right beats. Setting up just more fun and more epic stuff to look forward to. I know there are going to be a lot of complaints about Daredevil going to jail and how we have seen that before, but to me it feels different enough to warrant a lot of interest. Art remains impeccable, still one of the strongest titles not just from Marvel, but both the big 2.

Daredevil (2019) #23

Oct 21, 2020

HE DOESN'T MISS Zdarsky continues with just another hit. Setting up so much awesome stuff for the future. Seeing Mike (at least I believe that's Mike, it's the only way that makes sense) at the end was such a cool twist. A new Kingpin and another epic story are teased as well. Despite it being a grounded book, Zdarsky manages to tell a complex and interesting narrative. Daredevil continues to be one of the best books on sale.

Daredevil (2019) #24

Nov 25, 2020

Daredevil (2019) #25

Dec 2, 2020

I really enjoyed this issue, with one slight negative. They bring in the Hand and start talking about them and how they're important. Enough of the Hand, they've plagued Daredevil long enough, why are they always in every story? I get that they are important to the mythos ever since Frank Miller introduced them, but I was so looking forward to a run that didn't have them as an antagonist. Bendis did this perfectly where the antagonist were street level thugs mostly and Matt's internal problems. Soule's run, which was the run before this, also had the hand as a major player. I just think they're overused and I hope that they don't pop up again. But besides that, I love the tone of this issue and the characterization for Elektra. They make her likable and someone you can cheer for rather than a femme fatale character. She works as that, but it is nice to see a change of pace.

Daredevil (2019) #26

Jan 27, 2021

God damn does Zdarsky always deliver. He even makes a tie in enjoyable to read. I love the use of two artists for different parts of the book. A lot of books these days use multiple artists to get the book out on time, but they draw the same story and it's very jarring to read a story and the art changes from one page to the next. It works here because it's telling two stories, so both parts feel very organic and look great. The story is also so fun and ties into Zdarsky's daredevil as well. This book is so damn good

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 10, 2021

SO GOOD. Fantastic issue dealing with mental health and self doubt. It's such strong character work for Elektra, Daredevil, and Kingpin. The ending too is just such a good cliffhanger, I just wish I can read this weekly instead of monthly

Daredevil (2019) Annual #1

Aug 28, 2020

Wow, zdarsky is amazing. What a set up for hopefully a major conflict for matt. The story itself is also pretty emotional, especially if you had a twin growing up. I've heaped so much praise on this series, I just hope everyone goes out there and buys every issue of this series because it is amazing.

Dark Ages (2021) #1

Sep 1, 2021

Enjoyed it! It's been a couple years since Tom Taylor has written for Marvel, so I was very excited to see him helm this limited series. And I can say it gets off to pretty solid start. A little too similar to DCeased for me in the way that it's a post apocalyptic story that has a lot of the action and plot explained through text boxes that lead to the speaker at the end. Idk if you can call it a cliché, but I've seen it a lot that I've grown a little tired of it. Didn't take away from my enjoyment too much though. Coello's art is really good. Liked the look of Peter and his family, especially May, who was a very cute baby :). I'm excited to keep reading

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

I think I'm at a point where DC limited series and black label stuff seems to work a lot more for me than their ongoings. The only ongoings I have right now are Superman Son of Kal El and Nightwing, both written by Taylor (hint hint to my likability towards the man's writing). For me, Tom Taylor feels like the best DC writer in ages. He understands nearly every character that he writes, so each of them feels like they say the right things and have their tone right. The story is also a fun elseworlds tale that is taking its time with the worldbuilding. Barely anything happens with plot, but that's ok since this is a #1 and it's setting up its world. The art is also great as well, Yasmine Putri captures the medieval look well. Highly recommend for both experienced readers and new ones as well. Seems like Taylor can do no wrong right now

Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Jun 16, 2020

Good start. As always, Snyder knows how to rope you in and start an event very well. He sets up the main players, the conflicts, and the story all very well. My major gripe is that this feels like it has come out of left field. When the original Dark Nights Metal happened, that had setups to it in prelude issues and other Snyder Batman stories, but this kind of feels random. It feels like it is picking up from the Justice League run, but it's very unclear where this is taking place in continuity. Did that detract from my enjoyment of the book that much? No. I love the universe that Snyder has built here, already post apocalyptic. I hope that he can expand on how it came to be or other aspects of it. I also like the story (spoilers, please for the love of god tell me he finally killed the BWL). The art is actually not on par with Capullo's best Batman work, it seems very rushed, and that makes sense given the current DC landscape and what has been going on behind the scenes at DC. I hope the quarantine has given Capullo and the art team to improve the future issues. I'll still read this series and recommend it after the first issue.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #3

Aug 11, 2020

A lot better than the last issue. The last issue felt like Snyder and capullo doing the works. It was boring, slow, and didn't really do much to advance the plot. In this issue, it picks up the pace and provides some of that action that many fans have been waiting for. It also has a lot of call backs to DC stories that was cool to see

Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Oct 13, 2020

First things first, you should most definitely read those tie-in issues that came out before this. I don't know why they didn't just call those #4-6 and make this event longer. Those issues are crucial to understand what has happened in between #3 and this one. Now that that is out of the way, this issue was alright. Nothing amazing, nothing horrible. Oddly enough it feels like Final Crisis in the way that it jumps around not just cities and locations, but universes without really warning the reader or gradually transitioning to it. The pacing of the story itself was also very strange, there's one page where it cuts from Superboy Prime punch into him just with Batman, WW, and Superman all together. It felt like a couple pages were missing in between those two pages. And this story also requires extensive knowledge of the multiverse, similar to Final Crisis as well. But luckily, this series is not as confusing or jumbled as Final Crisis was. The art is amazing, I'll miss Greg Capullo drawing Batman. I'd only recommend this to people who are already on the train. Those who are not into Snyder's Justice League or his writing would definitely not like this at all.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Sep 14, 2020

I'm of the opinion that this event isn't as good as dark knights metal. It's gotten way too bloated and has lost focus. It's perfectly adequate, it's not terrible or a bad book, but it probably is the low point in Snyder Capullo teamups. That being said, this book is a breath of fresh air in this event. I usually hate tie ins, but this was a nice little book to revisit all the crisis events and have a critique on them. The story was fun and at points pretty jaw dropping. The premise is the trinity visiting the dark multiverse earths to siphon Crisis energy (comic book shenanigans), and each of them go to different earths, crisis on infinite earths, infinite crisis, and final crisis. The small gripe I have with it is that superman and Batman should have swapped earths, Batman should have gone to final crisis since that event means more to him and superman means more to crisis on infinite earths. The art was also really good, francis manapul is amazing and a breath of fresh air from the main book art, which is still amazing but a change of pace is nice. Hopefully the events can build off of this issue's quality.

Darkhawk (2021) #1

Aug 28, 2021

Interesting start. I'm a fan of Kyle Higgins; he wrote one of the best ongoings with his Power Rangers and his current ongoing Radiant Black is a very Invincible esque feeling superhero book at Image. This feels very much in the same vein, where it's introducing a brand new young hero. Groan worthy, I know. These origin stories are usually very predictable, and that's what I was feeling for the first half of this issue. It was very by the numbers standard teenage protagonist that you've seen in movies and other comic books before. But then, halfway through the issue, it takes a twist that gives the main character a lot of sympathy. Spoilers for this issue, but he gets the Jane Foster treatment, getting a disease diagnosis that turns his life upside down from his successful basketball to basically an invalid. Higgins also knows how to write likable characters, showing Connor make the right heroic choices when he becomes Darkhawk. I look forward to reading more, and I hope it can reach new heights. The art is also very much my style. Very dynamic and really captures emotion well. A lot of art doesn't capture emotions well and has a lot of case of same-face. The design of the suit is also fucking awesome. It's a good start, which is what Marvel looks like it needs nowadays with the bulk of its star talent moving to Substack.

DCeased #5

Oct 2, 2019

So many good little moments in this issue, like Lois punching Lex, all the heroes coming together. Tom Taylor really knows how to tell an elseworlds story and build that universe up. The twist was somewhat predictable at the end, we all knew it was coming eventually. But, the rest of the story was good

DCeased #6

Oct 30, 2019

fine ending to this series. Bets are definitely on this becoming an ongoing soon, with that ending. Tom Taylor is great, love to see if DC will allow him on other books besides Suicide Squad in the future

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #1

Jul 7, 2020

DC you better come out with an omnibus of this entire series, including the digital one shots that Taylor did. This is the best Elseworlds story/alternate universe story DC has done in years. Emotional, amazing world building, amazing characters, wow this first issue is amazing.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #2

Aug 4, 2020

Still good, I liked the first issue a lot more. Setting up the story for new plot threads and new adventures for certain characters.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #3

Sep 1, 2020

This issue kind of pulls the gut punch from issue one out from under, but in the context of things it's fine. I love this world and all of these characters, and the way Taylor writes these characters is just great. There are awesome moments in this issue, but this issue is just a moving along issue, nothing really major happens.

DCeased: The Unkillables #1

Feb 20, 2020

This book is fine, but it feels like DC just wanted Taylor to stretch out the premise of the story more. Doesn't really add anything to the previous DCeased story, it just provides another perspective as to what was happening. Which for me is less creative and more profit driven (which this is don't be fooled). I'll just wait til DCeased gets collected in a larger hardcover or omnibus comprised of more spinoffs that DC will inevitably create out of it.

DCeased: The Unkillables #2

Mar 18, 2020

This series is awesome, what a great follow up to DCeased. I did get worn off DCeased by the end, but this series has reignited my appreciation for it. This book has great pacing, isn't decompressed, and has great dialogue throughout. That's like the 3 hits every writer should get down with their books, Tom Taylor really gets the voice for all these characters, it's shocking that he hasn't been chosen to write a Green Arrow book or a Red Hood book yet. The reason why this isn't a 10 for me is the art, it's perfectly fine, but does feel flat at some points, not sure if that is just the coloring/inking, but at times it feels very gray. Otherwise, amazing series, highly recommend, and I'm also very excited for DCeased 2 now.

Deadpool (2019) #6

Aug 5, 2020

I need to go back and read the rest of the issues. I read #1 and thought it was just fine, but this issue was super fun and hilarious. It has a lot of great one-liners and funny moments without the dumb cliche of him breaking the 4th wall. It also has a lot of heart, especially the ending, which could be a cool turning point and a new motivation for Wade's character. The art is also pretty good, so overall I really liked this. I'll continue reading it

Decorum #1

Mar 11, 2020

Not my favorite Hickman creator owned, but it does get off to an ok start. The entire issue is the usual hickman affair, with data graphs, info dumps, and cool visuals to go around. I didn't find myself caring about any of the characters yet, and that is hard to do in one issue, so I'll continue to read it. However, in his other series there is usually at least one character that I find cool or like, most prominently Death in East of West; he made an impression right off the bat. This issue is worth it for the art alone, Huddleston shows off his insane skill with detailed sketches and beautiful vistas in the first chapter, and the other ones don't disappoint either.

Descender #32

Nov 1, 2019

Rating for the series, this issue would probably get a 7 from me since it doesn't really end, it's a tease for what's to come. I would have preferred a solid ending, but nevertheless this is a rating for the series. Overall fantastic, fascinating plot, likable characters, beautiful art. Lemire's magnum opus in my opinion

Detective Comics (2016) #1027

Sep 15, 2020

Starts great with rlly good stories but ends really poor with teases that don't excite me. Art was really good though

Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 8, 2021

It's like Civil War, but much better.

Doomsday Clock #10

Sep 5, 2019

Doomsday Clock #11

Sep 4, 2019

Good and exciting, but at this point in DC continuity, does it matter? This series started off with such promise and delivered with each issue, but as each issue released, I found myself being less and less invested. The only reason for this were the delays. Delays destroyed all the hype for this series in my opinion, and it shows in the other DC books. Important story arcs in this series such as the Legion of Super-Heroes and the JSA are being skipped over because DC can't afford to wait for this series to finish, so Bendis and Snyder took the reins and pushed those properties forward in their books. This isn't a fault on Johns or Frank at all, their writing and art have never been better, this series has surprised me due to it even being comprehensible and fascinating as a sequel to Watchmen. But as stated earlier, this series' delays have killed all the hype for me, and the next issue will almost inevitably be delayed and disappointing due to editorial reasons and change in the overall vision for DC. The best thing I can compare this with is what Marvel is doing with House of X and Powers of X. A weekly series that changes not just the X-Men landscape, but also the Marvel landscape, and that series is weekly, with each issue being better than the last and everything is still up to amazing standards, which baffles me how this series fell to the wayside for DC. It's such a shame too because I was into what Geoff Johns had for the future of DC. Guess the only thing I can look forward to from him is the Three Jokers storyline.

Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 17, 2019

I'm just gonna throw up the spoiler tag because it is pretty hard to talk about this issue without discussing the tease at the end. **SPOILERS** Just read this issue, and it's a nice little bow to wrap things up. The art is amazing, obviously it's Frank, and Johns obviously has reverence for DC continuity past and present. Not only that, he has a good grip on every DC character, so nothing feels out of place. If you came into this comic expecting Superman to actually throw punches with Dr. Manhattan, you must not understand what you've been reading the past 30 years. I'm glad that fight didn't happen, it would have been the most creatively bankrupt DC could get. As a standalone comic, I'm giving this an 9/10. My biggest problem is the non-ending. Nothing too universe changing, except the promise of another Crisis event and other teases towards events that have a chance of not happening. And I have no faith in anyone at DC, or at Marvel, to carry this out with good promise. The reason JLA/Avengers worked so well was because Busiek had written DC and Marvel comics for so long that he knows all the characters, I don't think there's a writer at either company that can do that currently. It's such a non-tease with how that plays out, teasing out an Marvel/DC crossover, as if that is supposed to get people excited for the ending of this event, and it supposedly isn't coming for a while, if that date is supposed to literally be believed. Also the word-play suggests that this isn't even a Marvel/DC crossover being teased, just another crisis. And they don't even tease one, but two? At least let one crisis be written and end before already planning out the next. Because of the "supposed" ramifications of the ending and its kind of ridiculousness, that brings the overall score for me down to an 8. The book is fine, and fulfilled the promise of DC Rebirth by tying in with Watchmen, but to what end? Basically it ended with barely a change in status quo, and used Dr. Manhattan as an advertisement to set up future DC events. That's the most frustrating part, I thought this would end up and just be a standalone event that changed the DC universe, but the comics money wheel must keep going I suppose... EDIT: to clarify, of course I know these teases are never meant to happen. They are Johns speaking about the state of DC comics in a meta sense. I was being humorous when i stated that it felt like DC editorial prodding the marketing machine again. But to include it as part of this issue as it provides no narrative incentive or addition makes it bizarre to me and it feels like DC editorial really did tell him to put that in there to hype people for books again. Another thing I don't like about this book is the way it just resets everything back to pre new 52 status quo. It's like secret wars 2015, but at least in secret wars 2015 there were new elements sprinkles throughout the main Marvel universe still like Miles being transported, no more FF (and that definitely was a Marvel mandate), the maker being transported, etc. This has Dr manhattan become a human or create an offspring to be raised as a human, and of course, I get the message here: superman taught Dr manhattan to be human again. It just feels unearned and very rushed to get there, I would have rather DC show all the status quo revert stuff in one page and beef up the ideological battle between Superman and Manhattan much more

East of West #45

Dec 27, 2019

predictable, but a satisfying ending nonetheless. I'm gonna miss this amazing world that Hickman and Dragotta have drawn up, and the fascinating story that went along with it. Throughout the 6 years of this series, it never really let down in quality despite Hickman's work with Marvel taking a lot of precedent, and that's truly a feat in my opinion. I don't think there was a truly wasted character that didn't get a good arc, and it was just very nice to see a series end off without any other kind of tease or leadup for the next thing (cc descender). I know Hollywood has been eyeing this series for a TV show, and honestly, this would be a hit, especially with so much world building and interesting characters. This series is right up there with Hickman's Black Monday Murders and Fantastic Four for me

Empyre: Avengers #0

Jun 24, 2020

This was just fine. The art carried the issue for me, the story is very basic and doesn't really excite me. The last time the avengers fought a galactic threat was in Infinity by Hickman and that was adequately set up through his Avengers/New Avengers run and felt organic. This just feels kinda like out of left field. I know there was the marvel incoming issue that set up Hulkling ascending to the throne, but why now? What's the reasoning? Also I was confused how the fantastic four are with the Kree/Skrulls here. I'll give it a chance because of Ewing, but so far it's very meh. Larraz can draw though, I love him, RB Silva, and the marte Gracia trio. It makes for amazing art

Empyre: Fantastic Four #0

Jul 8, 2020

This story really baits the reader into thinking the Fantastic Four are going against the Avengers huh? The end of the last issue reads why are the Fantastic Four part of the Kree/Skrull Fleet? Oh, turns out they were just trying to go home. The story in this issue is admittedly cute, it's nice fun and such, but the by the end I just found myself asking myself is this must read? No, not really. I would recommend the story for people who love the Fantastic Four. The art is also a little distracting since it shifts between 2 artists, so the faces look different page to page sometimes. I guess I can wait for the X-Men event later this year to get my Marvel event fix; it's such a shame b/c last year had War of the Realms, Absolute Carnage, HoX/PoX. Such a rare year where Marvel events were consistently good to great.

Empyre #1

Jul 15, 2020

Considering that the first two set-up issues weren't that good, I surprisingly enjoyed this more than I expected. The interactions between all the heroes are great, the plot moves quickly, there isn't a lot of decompression, and overall it felt like a good start to a Marvel event. My big gripe with this story so far is that Tony is a complete idiot, he trusts some random person on the moon over his old allies and it does lead to an interesting twist, but feels a little unearned and sudden. The standout positive for this issue is the art, it is amazing. Schiti provides some of the best art I've seen in a Marvel book yet, and it really provides the book with an epic feel to it. I'll continue reading the main event, and hope that the tie-ins don't sour that experience.

Empyre #2

Jul 22, 2020

I liked the first issue better, this just felt like it could have been a TLDR update in like 5 or so pages. Most of the issue is the backstory for the Cotati and the main villain. It's not a major complaint. Some of the dialogue is kind of cringe-worthy, which is surprising. The Shakespeare pull felt a little out of place, while other text bubbles went on a little bit too long. I would have liked it more if the invasion started already and we got the effects of it on Earth, like that Fantastic Four issue that Slott just wrote where Wolverine and Spider-Man are fighting the aliens already. Will still read more though

Empyre #3

Jul 29, 2020

Another fine issue, but there is something awkward that came up in this issue, and i dont know whether to blame the editor or just Marvel in general. Thor is said to be on a mythical quest to see out new powers, which I can only assume would have been the Thor tie-in that Ram V was going to write. However, that has been removed from all solicitations, so that was a little weird to read. It kind of put a thought into me that thinks whether this event will continue to reference tie ins that are now cancelled. So that part made me feel like I missed an issue or two. And then the rest of the Fantastic Four are just in Wakanda, while Reed is with Tony. It was a small little jump in logic/time that made me feel jarred. Just a weird negative that I would probably blame the editor for, or just this pandemic I guess since it messed up the release schedule. Other than that, this issue was better than the last, it felt like stuff happened at a faster pace.

Empyre #4

Aug 5, 2020

Another solid issue. There are some cool moments but this issue has what i hate the most in comics, referencing tie-ins. This book has references to the Thor tie-in and other tie-ins, some of which have been deleted from ever coming out. It makes it so awkward when reading, especially if it now looks like the Thor tie-in is gonna be crucial or was crucial to how at least a part of the story would progress. It's the one major complaint I have: an event should be able to be read by itself, tie-ins are completely nonancillary and should not contain any plot that affects the main event. A character? Yes, but not the main event. My minor complaints about this issue are very minor. I don't like that Mantis is being drawn as some sort of geisha or modeled from kne, I know she's been drawn like that before, but it does look a little weird, at least to me. The other complaint is the twists they are setting up are either obvious or are not mind blowing, I don't want to get into spoilers here, but the setup for the next issue will have a predictable ending. Can only go one of two, maybe three ways. That's not good writing, and I honestly hope I'm wrong, but that's usually how it goes with event books. Otherwise this was a solid book, it's definitely still one of the stronger marvel events since 2010.

Empyre #5

Aug 12, 2020

Hmm I wasn't aware this series was only 6 issues long. And it still feels like theres a lot more story to go, so it will be crammed in the final issue. The twist was also very obvious after the last issues ending. It's starting to feel like a let down for me

Empyre #6

Sep 2, 2020

Eh. The event started off well enough, but it was too short and lost a lot of focus, partly due to the missing tie ins that affected the story greatly. Thor and black panther have tie ins that would have affected the story in a major way and instead they just show up at the end like a huge ex machina, it was very bizarre. As for the ending itself, nothing really major not universe changing happened, it could have been an avengers arc or fantastic four arc. The only lasting consequences that this would have an effect on would be the guardians of the galaxy, which should have tied into this event also since it was written by Ewing. All in all, it's just a strange event, and even though it's not as convoluted and stupid as civil war 2 or the glut of other events Marvel has put out since 2010, I can't recommend it. Pretty disappointed after seeing everyone hyped up for this event

Empyre: Aftermath: Avengers #1

Sep 9, 2020

Nice little wrap up and things for the future. Dumb event, but I'm excited for Ewing on an X book if that is what the tease is at the end

Empyre: Captain America #1

Jul 30, 2020

Just fine, the story is predictable, but I guess it's just a tie-in so I shouldn't expect a lot. I would have much rather wanted the Thor tie-in from Ram V, as that looked pretty awesome.

Empyre: X-Men #1

Jul 22, 2020

Holy lol. All I can say is this book went in so many unexpected directions I found myself smiling whenever that versus page came up. This is an insanely fun and original idea. It's the best issue that has Empyre on it so far, and it isn't even part of the main series. I look forward to having fun reading these issues

Empyre: X-Men #2

Aug 5, 2020

Pretty great. A tie-in that's more entertaining than the main event, now I've seen everything. Bravo X-writers. This book is just fun, it's a batshit crazy concept that the writers turn into something that works with great humor and great art. The old ladies are turning out to be hilarious characters, even though most thought their introduction was a joke in the early X-Men issue from Hickman. Honestly this is one of the big reasons I'm still reading this event

Empyre: X-Men #4

Aug 19, 2020

Awesome stuff, better than the main event by far for me. Just a nice little self contained story away from all the big nonsense that knows how to be fun.

Eternals (2021) #1

Jan 6, 2021

Enjoyed this a lot, and I don't really like the Eternals as characters. Different twist than I was expecting, and I'm excited to read the next issue. Of course, Ribic is amazing, and here it feels like he's back to Thor God of Thunder levels of epic.

Eternals (2021) #7

Nov 10, 2021

I feel like this series is underrated and not talked about enough. Gillen deserves a lot of credit and praise for what he's doing with this series. He's quietly writing one of the best ongoings at Marvel currently in my opinion. Ribic is as good as ever as well. Consistently great writing, story, art. It's really everything you want in an ongoing.

Event Leviathan #4

Sep 11, 2019

Bendis is so frustrating. We all know he can do great books; he reshaped Marvel after he started with Ultimate Spider-Man, and he's doing great with Batman Universe. But what he doesn't do well is huge company wide events, his events at Marvel were lackluster, and it continues here at DC. What is infinitely frustrating is how DC seems to have given the reins of the company to Bendis and Snyder (but at least Snyder has had experience with DC events before with Metal). In my opinion the only people who are qualified to run DC events are Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns. Doomsday Clock got sidelined for Bendis and Snyder to do their stories, and it's so frustrating to see just a good amazing story get sidelined for such bad events like this. This story literally should only be 2 issues long with maybe 3 tie ins. The art is so great too, which is so sad to see, but the state of DC right now is making me very sad compared to the stuff Marvel is doing right now.

Event Leviathan #5

Oct 9, 2019

Event Leviathan #6

Nov 13, 2019

Terrible. Who cares? What was the point of this series? This series provided nothing interesting to go off of for the DC universe except more stuff for Bendis Superman. This should have been all within those 2 books instead of its own event. The reveal is presented as some big reveal throughout the series, but it's some minor B character who I guarantee most people, especially readers today, have never even heard of. Not only that, the reveal does nothing to change the DC universe at all in any major way. The only redeeming factor of this series/event is the art, and Maleev's art here doesn't even come close to the stuff he did on Daredevil at Marvel. What a wasted event. DC events lately have been truly awful, with this and Heroes in Crisis

Excalibur (2019) #1

Oct 30, 2019

Surprisingly good solid stuff. this and fallen angels were my two skepticals in the dawn of x move by Marvel, but it seems like with Hickman at the helm, the mutants' future looks very bright. Tini Howard provides an interesting story and concept with X-Men and magic, while also providing great dialogue. The art is pretty good also, it seems very consistent across all books currently. I can't believe it but looks like I'll be on board for all the dawn of x books, hopefully fallen angels will be great also

Excalibur (2019) #10

Jun 10, 2020

Solid again. The entire series has been solid, and this series, Marauders, and the main X-Men title are the ones I see that will continue on due to their consistency. However, I don't know if this is just due to covid, but there is a huge continuity issue here that has to do with what happened way back when in Marauders. It is a little confusing, and it would be helpful if they included some kind of timeline or updated reading order. Other than that, this book is solid, new developments, great writing, great art. Recommend

Excalibur (2019) #11

Aug 19, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #13

Oct 21, 2020

Enjoyed this quite a bit. The ending did feel a little rushed though, but that's to be expected when each of these issues needs to progress so much of the story forward. I love the design of the swords, it's so awesome. Art was also great. Onwards X of Swords

Fallen Angels (2019) #1

Nov 13, 2019

a lot of cool ideas, but the weakest of the bunch so far. The plot really needs to pick up for me, especially since I don't care about Kwannon at all really. Cable does not need to be in this book, and I also don't like the way Laura is written. But the overall plot and mystery I enjoyed, and the art was pretty good. I'll read for a couple more issues to see if this will still be in my pull

Fantastic Four (2018) #12

Jul 31, 2019

Fantastic Four (2018) #14

Sep 4, 2019

Good! Feels very retro, going back to science roots of the fantastic four. The art is also really good, hope the next issue can continue this issue's excitement

Fantastic Four (2018) #15

Oct 2, 2019

Slott's really picking up the game in the past couple issues. I really liked this issue, it's what the Fantastic Four are about: adventure, science, and family. They're super-heroes on Earth, but that isn't their main job, they were scientists to start with. The art's pretty good, wouldn't say it's amazing. Hopefully Slott can continue doing well on this book, not really a fan of his Iron Man

Fantastic Four (2018) #21

Jul 16, 2020

Coming back to this series since I read the tie-ins written by the main writers for an event. Good fashioned fun issue. Love the art and story, but as with most other tie-in issues, it doesn't add a lot to the event story. Still, it is fun and that's what I want most out of my superhero comic books

Fantastic Four (2018) #22

Aug 5, 2020

I'm just gonna go out and say it, and people can blast me for it. I miss Dan Slott Spider-Man, and it's pretty clear that Slott misses writing him too. These past 2 issues have been very Spider-Man centric in terms of him having the spotlight and the best lines. It reminds me a lot of Slott's best writing on the character, and it does make me feel a little nostalgic reading it. That's it on that subject, feel free to drag me through the dirt. Otherwise this is a fun tie-in, with this and the X-Men tie in, I'm starting to like the tie-ins more than the main event. SHOCKING I KNOW. I also might continue reading fantastic four after this event because I do think Slott writes the series well even though I dropped it before empyre due to it becoming a little stale.

Fantastic Four (2018) #24

Sep 30, 2020

Cute issue, but basically filler til the new sci-fi arc that Silva has been teasing. I'm hopping back on purely for that since RB Silva is a great artist, and it looks really good

Fantastic Four (2018) #25

Oct 21, 2020

This was really good! I don't know if it was just Silva's art that elevated much of the issue, but this was a perfect Fantastic Four issue in my opinion. It has the themes of family, sci-fi adventure, and team ups that make up everything I could want in an FF issue. And it was all contained in one issue! I really love that, since it doesn't drag out storylines over multiple issues, which makes some stories a slog to read. As I mentioned earlier, the art is amazing. Silva brings the cinematic feel that this story needed. It feels grand and adventurous, the colors pop off the page, making it even more vibrant. I'm looking forward to more Fantastic Four if this is par for the course.

Fantastic Four (2018) #26

Nov 18, 2020

It'll probably be changed back, but man, the Franklin retcon might have killed this series for me. I was ok with him being depowered because Franklin is too OP and especially with his age growth, he should have the awareness of how to use his powers. And him being too aware with those powers presents a problem in storytelling. What I hate is the fact they said he's not a mutant. It changes nearly his entire history since a lot of his character revolves around the X-Men, in alternate timelines as well as in the current continuity. Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a gotcha moment or something that'll be changed back later in this run, but if that is the case, it is just lazy and predictable and seems to exist just for cheap shock value. It's a shame because last issue seemed like a huge step up in Slott's storytelling for the Fantastic Four and this seems like he's going back to what made his later parts of the Spider-Man run so bad, which is just shock value storytelling rather than crafting a complex or interesting narrative. The art is top notch still, Silva is a top artist at Marvel as far as I'm concerned.

Fantastic Four: Antithesis #2

Sep 23, 2020

It's fun. Nothing groundbreaking or amazing, but it's just Waid on FF again, so it gets a recommend from me. Neal Adams' art is serviceable, I want to be careful with my words here since Silver Age purists will blast me, but I don't think Adams' art has aged very well. Landscape shots and big battle scenes were good because of the less detail required, but the close up individual characters did not look too good, the faces specifically.

Far Sector #1

Nov 14, 2019

ill give credit to DC when it's due. Original concept, original character, handled well, and separate from the DC universe. Good start. I guess Jo might be the 5G green lantern that they're gonna try to push, and this might be the first character that I'm on board for that. The art is great, the story is interesting, the dialogue is good, keep going DC. stop with all the DC universe changing events, make it more grounded and relatable please.

Flash (2016) #762

Sep 22, 2020

Hopped back on just to catch Williamson's last issue. It's great. I jumped off around the time Flash War happened, I thought it was so dumb. But in retrospect, Williamson's run as a whole was pretty good. Introducing new characters, bringing back old ones, staying as separated from the rest of the DC universe as possible (minus the Button and Heroes in Crisis, ugh). This issue was a great little love letter to Barry, while Speed Metal was a love letter to Wally. I'll miss him writing it as Flash feels like the only book to have been consistently good since the beginning of Rebirth. Now we settle in for the fill in writers until the next reboot, supposedly in 2021.

Flash Forward (2019) #6

Feb 19, 2020

Review of the series: as a wally west fan, im glad that this series gives him some much deserved respect and not killing the character essentially unlike Heroes in Crisis. However, the ending is really dumb, and I hate that they keep milking Doctor Manhattan in order to use him and his powers as a deus ex machina for the rest of the DC universe, especially since Doomsday Clock has already ended. I also hate that this is gonna be connected to 5G, which I don't like as an idea at all. The art throughout this series was also just fine, it reminded me a lot of the 90s, but not good 90s, just the average to bad look of the 90s.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #9

Jul 31, 2019

Wow, this series just keeps getting better, I really think this is much better than amazing spider man rn

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #10

Aug 29, 2019

Can we get Tom Taylor on ASM please? This isn't a knock on Spencer's run, but this series is what Spider-Man should be. Helping the little guy, solving street level problems, not just non stop action. Taylor focuses so much on what makes Peter Parker the good guy, not Spider-Man. While Spencer did that in his first arc, ever since then it just feels like non-stop action, which is what Slott's run felt like towards the end.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #11

Aug 28, 2019

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #12

Sep 18, 2019

What a shock that the cover baited media outlets to really think that spider man would die in this issue. I remember seeing that comic article pop up on social media and immediately was like no. That said, even though spider man's "death" is extremely predictably wrong, the rest of the issue reads great with witty Peter/Spider-Man, more of the Mary Jane and Peter relationship, which is great (Marvel please please undo OMD, even though I know it'll be dragged out and not happen), and even a team up with another group that I love. The art is good, have no complaints there. Tom Taylor and chip Zdarsky are the best spider man writers at marvel right now

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Jan 5, 2021

I read all the Future State books this week, this is by far the best one. It has a perfect tone of the Wonder Woman epic adventure while also maintaining a healthy sense of humor that comes with a new character. I actually care about Yara Flor since she's a charming character and has a well defined goal and purpose. In Batman and Superman Future State Books, it just feels like more of the same, plus the anthology stories were hit or miss. I enjoyed that this was just one story throughout the entire book and was well focused. The art is spectacular, I expect nothing less from Joelle Jones. Yara also has the best character design I've seen in a while, it just looks great for a Wonder Woman revamp with a different twist. This is the Future State book to pick up this week if people need a recommendation

Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 5, 2021

For some dumb reason, I thought since Dan Didio left that Wally would start getting better treatment. Nope because guess what? Wally's evil again, wow haven't seen that before. It's such a fall from grace for a character who literally carried the name and mantle for over 2 decades with some of the best runs in comic book history to just get shafted by the company due to one writer's love for Barry Allen. Many people, myself included, grew up on Wally West Flash not only in comics, but in the animated series. That Flash was Wally West! It's just frustrating to see.

Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #1

Jan 5, 2021

My relationship with DC is starting to decay I think. Future State as a whole now seems like such a corporate push. Feels even more corporate than New 52 was. This Superman book was as generic as Superman books go. Jon doesn't feel like his own character at all in this book, you could have replaced him with Clark and it would have been the exact same book. Also, with the amount of times Braniac has attacked Metropolis, you'd think it would have been incinerated to the ground by now, but here he is again to attack Metropolis once more! And guess what, Metropolis is gonna be shrunken down, oh wow! All of these ideas are so cookie cutter and boiler plate. The only Future State book that should be taken seriously so far is Wonder Woman, which truly feels like a different direction in tone, character, and story. I hope that the upcoming future state books will change my mind, but if these were the big guns that DC decided to start Future State with, I may have to switch to Marvel full time only on my pull list.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 12, 2021

Now this is what I'm talking about. The Batman story in this is awesome, probably the best Batman I've read since Batman Universe (not that big of an achievement since the two main titles since have been boring, but still). Dan Mora continues his streak of amazing art here, I really love his art and the vibrant colors from Jordie Bellaire. It's definitely a different feel from the normal Batman book, which usually is filled with muted colors. What I really liked is the setting for Bruce Wayne. It feels very different, and it finally brings Batman back down to his low point. He gets shot and hurt multiple times, so there's tension when you're reading the book. The mystery of the Magistrate is also very cool, I want to see how it plays out. A lot of people will probably notice how this is much more well received than the New Batman Future State book. In my opinion, the Batman story in that book feels very by the numbers, like nothing's changed. This feels like a big change of pace in setting, story, character, art style, and I can't wait to read the next issue. The Grifter story is also pretty cool, I just think this entire book takes advantage of the Magistrate vs Capes environment much better than the other Batman book did, which still just seemed like Batman is some god that the government can't contain or control.

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 12, 2021

The story by Joshua Williamson is surprisingly very good! It feels like a great dynamic between the team, a lot of them dont trust each other and there's actual character building. I did find the hypocrisy hilarious with DC though. There were great character moments, and I loved the twist and callback to Morrison JLA. That's the monkey's paw though for me is that I enjoyed it because it reminded me of Morrison JLA, literally pulling a plot point from the first story arc of that run. No originality is found in terms of plot here, it feels very by the numbers plot wise. But I'm fine with it as long as the characters are enjoyable to read. The Ram V story was surprisingly very boring and not good.

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2

Jan 19, 2021

Story is boring, art is worse than the first issue by far. Time to hop off this series.

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2

Feb 3, 2021

This is the best future state book by far. These two issues have floored me and have really gotten me excited to see Jones writing and drawing the ongoing. If the quality of that ongoing is as good as these issues, I'll be excited to read it. This is the only solid Future State book that I can firmly recommend, maybe Dark Detective as well.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #1

Oct 5, 2023

This is more like it. Hickman really dropped the ball with Ultimate Invasion. Whether that was an editorial mandate to keep it to 8 issues and not go anywhere with it being an ultimate universe set up is a mystery, but here Hickman has a new playground to go off in and it's very enjoyable. While Ultimate Invasion felt like an emotionless funeral with events just happening, Wyn and the other characters in GODS feel like they have good motivation and setup and it sets up a lot more enjoyable stuff in this one issue than the entirety of ultimate invasion. The art here is a lot more kinetic as well since it's more than just a massive toy box fighting every issue. I'm on board, and I can only hope it gets better from here.

Ghost Rider (2019) #1

Oct 2, 2019

cool start. I'll b honest, I don't know much about ghost rider lore, mostly since the time when ghost rider was popular was before I was born. That being said, I did like Jason Aaron's ghost rider run in the late 2000s, but it wasn't anything too spectacular. This issue is pretty great at establishing what has been going on not only with Johnny Blaze, but with Danny Ketch as well. It's a good entry point for new readers, while also respecting what came before it, which is everything that a new reboot on a series should do. Art was also really good. I'll keep reading this one

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Jean Grey And Emma Frost #1

Feb 26, 2020

As much as I hate silent issues, this was great. Mainly because of the art which is the problem I have with most silent issues, the art usually isn't enough to carry, but dauterman and Wilson both do their best to carry and it works. The colors and the detail on the characters and the background is lovely, it's also such a unique place for the story. Speaking of which the story isn't a placeholder either, it's important to hickmans narrative, and it provides a new challenge for the mutants to go through. This is an 8.5 though for me because it does drag on a little too long for me. edit: i just went back and read hickman's fantastic four silent issue #588, dealing with the death of The Human Torch. and wow that one is much better tonally. Hickman sure knows how to scope and plot silent issues

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Nightcrawler #1

Mar 25, 2020

Good book, Hickman continues to seed mysteries and provide more developments to ones he has hinted at. Thunderbird/Sinister plot, Krakoa/Warlock plot, now a new Rachel Summers mystery. All great, and also providing some fun dialogue. The negatives I have for this issue is it is a bit stale, nothing exciting really happens, which is odd considering these Giant-Size books don't seem to have an interconnected story, at least this one from the Jean Grey/Emma Frost one. The other negative I'd have is this book should have been called Cypher, like others have said, Nightcrawler is only there as a vessel for the story to move along, while the main mystery and interesting stuff revolved around Cypher/Warlock. I'll always love Alan Davis'art, but nothing too spectacular like the visuals from the last issue.

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Magneto #1

Jul 15, 2020

I don't get what the problem is here. This issue is a fun one-shot that sets up future stories in the X-Men line, which is what Hickman promised this series would do. This story was pretty cool and has awesome moments for all the characters involved. The art is also really good. It's not amazing like the Storm issue, but it is fun and it sets up some more plot threads for future issues.

Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Tribute to Wein & Cockrum #1

Sep 30, 2020

This was nice and cute. For a lot of people this was where the X-Men began, including me and the rest of the artists on this book. That being said there were some pages that did not have amazing art, felt way too cartoony and different at times, but that's to be expected with a book like this.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #1

Feb 12, 2020

Continuing their amazing run, Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp hit it out of the park with this issue. Great starting point after the events of Blackstars, it's just great to see Hal be at the top of his game again. This again plays up the cop vibe that season one had by assigning him a partner on his next mission, which was fun and interesting. I love the low-key tone of the book, it doesn't feel as epic as previous runs on the character which is what I love. Shame on DC for cutting this series from 12 to 8 issues for stupid 5G

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #6

Aug 12, 2020

Continues to be one of DC's best ongoings (though that isn't very hard right now). The stories may sometimes be dense, but there is always some fun to be had, and the art is always spectacular. Even though it is slated to end after #12, I hope this series continues after the next inevitable reboot with the same creative team.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #7

Sep 16, 2020

I'm gonna miss this book when it ends. I'm gonna miss grant morrison writing DC. This issue was so awesome, recalling so much mythos from green lantern's lore. And as always, Liam sharps art is worth the price of admission alone

Green Lantern (2018) #10

Aug 7, 2019

Idk, I really enjoy this series. I can see why it's controversial because it seems like Grant Morrison doubled his drug consumption and is just writing the most bonkers stuff. However, it's so wildly creative that I can't fault him for it. I never expected to see stoner Green Lantern again after Multiversity, and yet here he is. I like this series also because it's so separate from the rest of the DC Universe. It's so nice to be able to read a series that doesn't feel like it needs to cross over with any other major team or superhero. Sharp's art still amazes

Green Lantern (2018) #11

Sep 4, 2019

Green Lantern (2018) #12

Oct 2, 2019

Wow, really good. This is great setup for the upcoming miniseries and the next green lantern book in 2020, presumably by Morrison as well. There's a lot going on, and if you don't know what's happening, you should read the rest of this series first. I love Sharp's art, and it really shows here with the detail during the fights and facial expressions. This book and Shazam are probably my 2 favorite books from DC right now simply because of how separated they are from the rest of the DC. It feels so quaint in comparison, and both of the books benefit from that, there isn't really a need to connect everything unless it has to do with Doomsday Clock, but we all know how that turned out...

Green Lantern (2018) Annual #1

Jul 31, 2019

This series will only entertain people who have read all of Morrison's DC work and have an understanding of silver age

Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 7, 2021

I enjoyed this for what it is. It does a good job setting up an interesting premise and story, but there's a lot of this that just doesn't make sense. There's zero chance that the UP would be willing to negotiate Oa and the GLC as a planet but at the same time have Sinestro Corps and the Red Lantern Corps as willing participants. They bring up a lot of bad the Guardians have done, but all of that is nothing in comparison to the Sinestro Corps or the Red Lantern Corps. A lot of continuity seems to be thrown out the window here as well (not surprising though since Infinite Frontier and the future of DC seems to be lax with continuity, totally not confusing at all). That was my biggest problem. Also, idk if Teen Lantern is like this in the Young Justice books, but she came off as very annoying and not a character to root or like. I wanted to see a lot more Simon and Jessica, they've gotten the short end of the stick for a while now, it would be nice to see them get the main book. I get that the writer loves John Stewart, but he's had tons of exposure both in TV media and comics. The other Lanterns need some love too. The rest of the story plays out pretty fair standard and generic sci fi. Nothing you haven't seen before if you've watched Star Trek, it feels like an episode of the Enterprise TV show but with DC aliens. The ending is also really hard to believe, but for the sake of this being a comic book, I'll let it slide. It's not as bad as people are saying it is, just not as good either.

Green Lantern: Blackstars #2

Dec 4, 2019

Morrison has no filter and no chill towards his fellow DC workers at all. This issue was a delight to read especially as someone who doesn't like the direction of any of the main books written by Tom King, Scott Snyder (to a certain extent), and mainly Bendis.

Green Lantern: Blackstars #3

Jan 29, 2020

Great stuff. As long as this book continues to be separate from the DC universe, it will continue to be amazing. The story was epic, as I've come to expect from Grant Morrison. The dialogue was fun and witty. This definitely isn't Morrison's best work, but it still is fun exciting stuff, which is rare in an age where every book seems to be aiming for depression and connecting everything together. The art is also great, though I would have loved to see Liam Sharp continue for this mini series as well. Luckily, he will be drawing Season Two, so I'm very excited, and hope all of this gets collected in an omnibus soon. My only complaint is about the entire series as well as season one is that if you have not been following along with this story/book, you will be completely lost. It's kind of the opposite of the events DC is trying to throw at us: instead of having to read all of the books to get the whole story, you only need to read this one, but read it thoroughly otherwise you'll be confused.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #6

Jul 17, 2019

Solid first act by Cates. He proves that he really gets the cosmic scene (as well as Venom). Looking forward to his next arcs

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #8

Aug 21, 2019

Nice little filler/background issue, providing a lot of needed context and background for rocket. I do have a question tho, is that a transformer hrs going towards? LOL it looks just like Optimus prime. Which leads into my small complaint, the art just isn't as good as Geoff Shaw, which is a hard comparison.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) Annual #1

Jul 17, 2019

not necessary to the current guardians story, but could be useful for future stories that it's setting up

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Jan 26, 2020

really good. i love the idea of incorporating the greek gods into the cosmic space, sincce the asgardians have occupied that role for a while. It's also nice to see them back; I don't remember the last time I've seen them in a main book. The art is also really good, this is shaping out to be a good series to pull. Highly recommend.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2

Feb 19, 2020

How great is it to read a series that doesn't feel decompressed at all. So much has happened in the past 2 issues that other writers would have taken a dozen to stretch out. The plot is also very fun and unique, I love how everyone is written and the fun action that takes place. The twist at the end is obviously bait, but I'm still intrigued to see the resolution. The art is also amazing, this is shaping up to be a great run.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6

Sep 2, 2020

I always liked these kind of issues (except when heroes in crisis does it for the entire series). A character being interviewed and replaying the events is fun. It harkens back to Abnett and Lannings early issues on their GotG run. I love that this series has brought back Nova as a leader, he seems to have taken a back seat at Marvel for a couple years now. I also like that it addresses the former romance between Nova and Gamora, which I like and buy a lot more than Star lord and Gamora, movies not withstanding. The slight problem id have with this issue is it just stays in place, nothing really happens, but it's just a slight problem since the characters are written well and the dialogue is fun.

Hawkeye: Freefall #1

Jan 2, 2020

Wow, this might be the first time I care about Hawkeye after the game changing run by Fraction and Aja. I liked everything about this issue, the writing, the dialogue, the humor, the art, the characters. A lot of writers have tried to write Hawkeye in the past couple years, but failed to capture the magic that Fraction brought by grounding the character. This seems to be on the right track, and I am hyped for the next issue.

Hawkeye: Freefall #2

Jan 29, 2020

It's only the 2nd issue and only January, and I can confidently say that this is probably one of my favorite series of the year. The dialogue is so good, it's just classic Hawkeye, a human living in a super powered world, taking on a very personal problem that doesn't need to be solved with his fellow avengers. The art is amazing, I love all the facial expressions Schmidt draws for the characters, the colors also provide a neon ish vibe which I enjoyed. I love the twist at the end, and it will only make me happier to continue reading.

Hawkeye: Freefall #3

Feb 12, 2020

Still very fun to read, strengthened by strong artwork by Otto Schmidt. I like the twists that continue from the last issue, and I love where it's going with Clint. It's so watered down and basic, which makes the character very relatable. Love what the next issue is teasing too.

Hellions (2020) #1

Mar 25, 2020

wow, I agree with the other comment, this should have been part of dawn of X wave 1. This definitely is better than Fallen Angels and I like it better than some of the current X ongoings and it's just the first issue. The problem presented is neat, the roster for this team is fun, the story is interesting, the set-up is cool. The art is great, wow I liked this comic a lot. My only small complaint is the ending which will inevitably set up the next issue to be mostly flashing back to how that ending happened, but otherwise, great!

Hellions (2020) #5

Oct 14, 2020

This series has been good even before this event. But this issue was awesome. It's a unique take on what the Hellions will do for this event. And it's just fun! the dialogue, the interactions, the premise, it's all just comic book hijinks that feels fun and doesn't distract from the overall point to the event. Love to see what happens next with the Hellions. The art is also fantastic. It feels good to have the X-Men books back on top of their game after so many years

History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #1

Jul 25, 2019

surprisingly interesting. not really telling anything new of course, this reads more like history 101 on the marvel universe. but the art is fantastic, and the dialogue flows really well. If anyone wanted a TLDR on the marvel universe, this series should be picked up; however, it might read better in trade i think

House of X #1

Jul 24, 2019

I don't know what to say that hasn't been said by anyone else. This is definitely worth the hype, one of the best x men issues in the past couple years and it's only the first one. If this is gonna be an example of what's to come, X-Men will be in amazing hands. Story and art both top notch

House of X #2

Aug 7, 2019

Holy shit. Literally that's all can be said, this is the most important x men event, not to mention just marvel events in general. Edit: just wanted to say this book deserves an "X / X" ;)

House of X #3

Aug 28, 2019

Still really good, but not as strong as the first two House of X issues. This one goes the action route, and while it is exciting and gripping, it has strange cuts to the court house scene with Sabretooth and to pages with graphs right in the middle, which is a little jarring. The first two issues really changed the game and really shaped the universe, while this one felt like it was the first 5 mins setting up the battle of the final fight scene, which might be what it's trying to do. Still recommended though, and the art is still fantastic.

House of X #4

Sep 4, 2019

what the fuck?? what an insane issue. This issue makes you question the veracity of the events that occur and if this is the current timeline or not. Could this timeline be the 6th timeline? Could Moira's 11th life be the 616 continuity? This is the strongest issue of the series, not only because of the action but because it deepens the mystery with its continuous twists. Most comics that feature a lot of death are usually bad because they just seem like they wanna shock people, but each death in this felt earned and meaningful in the long run, and each one provides the reader with more mystery. Just wow. Amazing art as always, a little saddened by the news that Marte Gracia won't be coloring HOX/POX 6 due to health reasons, but the pencillers will at least stay. This is what X-Men comics should be

House of X #5

Sep 18, 2019

Awesome reveals, great art, great story, great dialogue. Hickman really gets these characters and what their motivations really are especially with how he writes apocalypse, Xavier, and magneto. Hickman tweeted last night about how hes gonna be on X-Men for a couple years, and if that doesn't make you excited, I don't know what will.

House of X #6

Oct 2, 2019

Again just magnificent. Not much can be said about how much Jonathan Hickman has not only done for the X-Men, but Marvel in general. From Secret Warriors -> Fantastic Four -> SHIELD -> Avengers -> Secret Wars -> X-Men. This man has single-handedly changed the comics landscape at Marvel, and if that doesn't amaze you, then I don't know what will. Bravo on this issue, I hope his ongoing X-Men run will continue this excellence.

Human Target (2021) #2

Dec 5, 2021

Shaping up to be one of my favorite King miniseries. The dialogue reads like a noir movie, which is clearly the vibe from the visuals as well from Smallwood. It all really comes together perfectly as a nice set up to the characters of the story as well as setting up its mystery as well. King continues to nail his miniseries.

Human Target (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

One of the best series out right now

Incoming #1

Dec 27, 2019

This should have been marvel comics #1001 instead of what they actually released. It was much more well paced and flowed a lot better than that book and feels more like a follow up of #1000

Inferno (2021) #1

Sep 29, 2021

Hickman X-Men is the best thing to happen to the property in years. In my opinion, Marvel really dropped the ball by not letting Hickman take the X-Line digital. Could have opened up an entirely new era and transformed the landscape. But that's the What If scenario. Here is a book that is essentially the end of the Hickman X Saga. I don't believe what he's saying about the saga being continued by the other X-Writers. His vision definitely feels like it's coming to an end here. A lot of the elements come back into play, especially the Mystique mystery, which I loved. It's also beautifully drawn by Valerio Schiti. God damn it, I'm already getting sad that this era is coming to an end, feels like it's barely been discovered.

Inferno (2021) #3

Dec 8, 2021

Status: currently depressed that Hickman X-Men is almost over. This is by far the best treatment the X-Men have gotten in years. The Hickman era from HoX/PoX to X of Swords to this has been just amazing story telling on his part. It's such a shame it is coming to an end soon

Iron Man (2020) #1

Sep 16, 2020

A pleasant surprise. I don't have a lot of expectations whenever I see an iron man comic since there's never really been any good runs besides Fraction and Busiek, both of which were just fine. This was surprisingly very fun and interesting. I haven't read Doctor Doom yet but the thing that stood out to me early on in this issue was just how well written Tony is. He's not the standard MCU version which every writer writes him in modern Marvel. He's grown up and is confident in his actions and words, which was a nice change of pace. The art is awesome, Cafu really reminds me of David Marquez, and the colors and inks really make the art pop with a realistic feel. I highly recommend if you are wanting a good iron man series, this is a fantastic start

Iron Man (2020) #2

Oct 21, 2020

Liked the first issue a lot more. This one seems to not have a lot of focus, it jumps around a lot in terms of tone and plot. One part seems to be Iron Man talking about his problems, then boom, he's off to save a group of scientists, literally in the next panel without any real sort of transition. While it is cool to see Hellcat here, I'm not sure why she's here yet. It was cool to see Korvac return though, and I hope this book does something interesting with him.

Iron Man (2020) #16

Jan 27, 2022

Reed's one liner made this entire issue worth it, despite it already being good. Probably one of the better Iron Man series we've gotten since Fraction's run

Justice League (2018) #26

Jun 21, 2019

As far as filler issues go, this one was pretty good, showing off good art and the build up to the war was cool

Justice League (2018) #27

Jul 3, 2019

Honestly, this issue is filler. But it's filler in the best way where the B-stories are still interesting even if the A-story moves very little

Justice League (2018) #28

Jul 17, 2019

Good issue. Builds upon the Lex/Manhunter friendship and gives an insight into what this year of the villain is really about. My one complaint, which really extends to all comics, is how the timing of events works. In this issue, we see Batman with the team, but Luthor said he extends his offer, and we see Bane, who in King's Batman, is ruling Gotham, and Bruce is nowhere to be seen. Just curious continuity is all, but otherwise this is good filler up until Snyder can return and really kick off the event.

Justice League (2018) #29

Aug 7, 2019

Great solid issue. This Justice League run continues to be my favored compared to Marvel's team book Avengers (which is still solid, just not as good as this). Only gripe I have with this story wise is it's filler until #30, the start of the doom war. Art is pretty good, but gonna be happy when Jorge Jimenez is back. Onto Doom War!

Justice League (2018) #30

Aug 28, 2019

very good start to this event. Jorge Jimenez was greatly missed, and his art is just amazing in this issue. (DC are you listening, please bring back Super Sons in some way with Tomasi and Jimenez again). The story gets off to a fun start too, looks like it borrows from Avengers Endgame ironically with teams going to different periods in time to beat the bad guys. There is a certain spoilerish element that happens at the end that does seem exciting, and if executed correctly, would make this arc very very enjoyable and fun. The only problem that I have with this issue is how Lex is written and his motivations, he seems like a huge lackey and super willing to be a servant to Perpetua, which isn't really in line with his characterization of wanting to be the best, 12th level intellect, etc. Otherwise, I'm excited for this arc!

Justice League (2018) #31

Sep 4, 2019

Wow, this event doesn't disappoint. Snyder is just having good old fashioned fun. The ww2 stuff is a pretty insane concept while also relating to the Justice League animated episode where they went back to ww2, which was great. I liked each of the three timelines, with the plots being set up for next issues. The art is fantastic as always when jimenez is drawing. Overall just a great fun issue.

Justice League (2018) #32

Sep 18, 2019

Nice stuff! This arc continues to be great with cool little twists and action to supplement. The twist with the anti-monitor was really interesting I don't think he's been used like this before. I hope Snyder doesn't drag this event out since it's solicited until at least #38, which he hasn't done so far by providing great story as stated before. Jorge jiminez is missed here but I like porter's art. You could tell jiminez was a little rushed in the last two books but still very very good, hopefully he will come back great as usual. As stated in my doomsday clock review, my gripe with DC is how they chose to ignore that book and push this book and bendis legion forward. Unless that book takes place before current continuity? But that's weird because I remember that DC said doomsday clock takes place 2 years in the future of DC continuity? The whole timeline is a mess, but at least this story and run have been fun to read

Justice League (2018) #33

Oct 2, 2019

Awesome ending, best arc so far in Snyder's run. This book is turning more and more into the DC animated universe from the 90s and 200s and I'm all for it.

Justice League (2018) #34

Oct 16, 2019

Justice League (2018) #35

Nov 7, 2019

Justice League (2018) #36

Nov 20, 2019

Liked it! The story continues to escalate towards an exciting finale. I kind of wish the art was better though, I have no problem with Francis Manapul, but Jorge Jimenez is my preferred Justice League artist on this run. I hope this ends in a great way

Justice League (2018) #37

Dec 4, 2019

Fun stuff again, I can only write that so many times, u should pick the series up and put the justice league animated show on in the background

Justice League (2018) #38

Dec 18, 2019

Alright lets move it along please, each of the past issues have admittedly been very fun and cool to see new visuals, but they all suffer from insane decompression. This was thought to be a big week for ncbd and connecting everything going across all titles and after reading this and hell arisen, that couldn't be further from the truth. All of these titles still have their own stories and will keep going past this week. Art is really good though, love Jimenez, excited to see what he brings to batman

Justice League (2018) #39

Jan 29, 2020

What? I'm honestly not sure what happened here or what is going on. I guess they lost (which was predictable from Snyder's tweets and teases) but what is this door and lead up to another story. I'm not excited at all, especially since this was hyped up as the ending of an amazing run. Overall I did like this run, just didn't like the way it ended, which is a shame.

Justice League (2018) #40

Feb 5, 2020

Can't recommend this at all. Continuity issues all over the place. It doesn't continue any story beats from the last issue nor follow a major plot from Batman. I honestly was lost considering the last issue of justice league only came out last week. Time to drop this book until the next inevitable relaunch. EDIT: after reading this again, looks like that one Batman panel that seems to ignore continuity was a flashback. It's not made very clear, so I'm still giving it a negative for that. And apparently Snyder has tweeted that this run comes before his run, which creates even more problems as to what exactly is happening. I honestly don't know why they didn't keep the status quo from last issue, at least that was pointing to a new direction for the book.

Justice League (2018) #52

Sep 1, 2020

If DC does a reboot of continuity again, they should keep Jeff Loveness on this title. I understand that these kinds of stories tend to lean towards being pretty good, but I think Loveness has a good take on character interactions and has what it takes to write from these past two issues.

Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 16, 2021

It was just a bunch of meh. My major complaint here was the panel layouts. I read a lot of comics, but even the layouts on many of the splash pages were confusing, leading to a confused reading order. The plot is paper thin, bad alien(? demon?) guy shows up and the Justice League shows up to punch bad guy. It had less depth than a Saturday morning cartoon show. Naomi also shows up because Bendis wants to put the character on the team in hopes that she will be a major character in other media. Keep in mind, I really like Naomi as a character, but she has no place to be on the Justice League right now. If anything, she should be on the Teen Titans or in another solo series to flesh out the character more. Characters usually graduate up to the league, this felt rather rushed. The JLD backup was better than the main story, but I'm sad and disappointed in DC that they relegated what probably was one of DC's best ongoings to backups. EDIT: wow i didnt even notice this until someone pointed it out to me, but the Flash in this issue is colored wrong or there's some shenanigans going on. He's referred to as Barry but has Wally's red hair, so either the colorist messed up or Bendis didn't communicate it to them clearly.

King In Black #1

Dec 2, 2020

Fantastic. Don't really have much to see outside of that. It's just an epic event and epic start, which is what I want events to be, not a slog like Empyre. READ READ READ

King In Black #4

Feb 17, 2021

Probably the best recon I've read in Marvel in the past couple years. Everything about this issue was awesome: the action, the stakes, the twist. That twist at the end is so damn cool, Cates is ending his Venom run with a massive bang, and I'm all here for it

King Thor #1

Sep 11, 2019

Good start to this mini series. Aaron's run on Thor is one of my favorite ever, and this series is the bittersweet conclusion. The original duo of Ribic and Aaron are back and their writing and art are never better, I love the dialogue boxes that narrate the story like an old folktale. The art is so good, Ribic always amazes. The problem w/ this series is it expects you to have all of the foreknowledge of Aaron's Thor run or at least read the first volume of it, which will be off putting to people who just pick this book up hoping for something new and fun. It is fun, don't get me wrong, the action is just more of the craziness Thor stuff that Aaron's been displaying for the last 7 years, but people who haven't been caught up will be like what's a necrosword and who's Gorr, etc. Overall, I'm very bittersweet about this series; very happy that it's just amazing quality still, but sad that it means the end is coming for Aaron on Thor.

King Thor #2

Oct 23, 2019

Much stronger than the last issue. The art is much more detailed in my opinion, which leads to some beautiful action sequences. The story is also still interesting of course after the surprise return in the last issue. Love it, just wish this wouldn't be the end

King Thor #4

Dec 18, 2019

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #1

Sep 5, 2019

Not the most original idea of having a character live multiple lives (cough cough House of X), but interesting enough to keep me reading for Legion of Super Heroes. Art is great, unfortunately I wish Legion was being written by a better writer like Jeff Lemire or something. Obviously this is part of the overarching story Bendis is trying to tell with his Superman books, but I have no interest in those as soon as I saw Rogol Zaar is a mainstay villain. I'll keep reading this and the main Legion ongoing to see if I have to read Superman in order to enjoy, mostly because I like the Legion of Super-Heroes a lot.

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #2

Oct 2, 2019

i honestly don't know what the fuck is going on in this issue. It's so disjointed, feels like a billion things are happening at once. I guess each part is supposed to be setting up an arc for legion? But if that's the case, then why not just tell the story you want to tell now, don't make a miniseries to setup future arcs, then miniseries becomes pointless then. It's a shame because the artists in this issue are some of my favorites: Nicola Scott, Jim Cheung, Ryan Sook, etc. I feel like this series should have been an establishing of how the legion comes to be in this new continuity, but it just treats them like they're already established, which is jarring. Also I thought Saturn Girl died in Doomsday Clock, it's almost like no one has any idea of what's happening in other books at DC right now. Oh wait...

Lockjaw (2018) #4

Nov 8, 2019

Quick review of another series i missed. Loved this, honestly love these miniseries that Marvel puts out. Kibblesmith has done good work with this and Loki. Loved the DC Universe easter egg

Lois Lane (2019) #1

Jul 3, 2019

Good start for the series. Super excited because Rucka has always has a knack for writing good grounded characters

Lois Lane (2019) #2

Aug 7, 2019

Mystery's heating up. As stated in my last review of #1, Rucka knows how to write grounded characters, especially Montoya, given his run w/ Brubaker on Gotham Central. Who woulda guessed one of my favorite DC books right now doesn't even involve a superhero... The art is great, it reminds me of Bryan Hitch's art, which I really like also.

Loki (2019) #1  
Maestro (2020) #1

Aug 19, 2020

Oooo, definitely an interesting start. It's awesome to see Peter David go back to one of the characters he's written best. This story is an interesting premise, basically starting off as Old Man Hulk, but combined with some sci-fi. It definitely has me intrigued, and the art by Keown hasn't worn down at all. Looks great, reads great, good start

Marauders (2019) #1

Oct 23, 2019

Awesome start from this series. There's so much cool worldbuilding that takes place within this issue, and that was surprising given that Hickman isn't writing this book. Kitty works as the main character, providing a problem and flaw that she's working to solve throughout the series. The rest of the cast is also written very well, particularly Iceman and Emma Frost. Art is really good too. If each of these X-Men books seems to be a different genre (X-Men: action/adventure, Marauders: Pirate/Fantasy, Excalibur: Sci-Fi, New Mutants: Horror, X-Force: Spy, Fallen Angels: Thriller), I could definitely get into this new X-Men direction.

Marauders (2019) #2

Nov 20, 2019

Enjoyed this quite a bit. The dialogue and the characters are really what makes this series good. Kitty becoming ultra confident works and she's a great main character to follow along with this group. Her transformation into the Red Queen was pretty cool, and the outfit is also great. Love the art. keep going with this quality!

Marauders (2019) #5

Jan 2, 2020

Marauders (2019) #8

Feb 19, 2020

Out of all the Dawn of X books so far, the two series that have been consistently great for me have been Marauders and X-Men. Both feel like they are the only ones that have major consequences for characters and progress the entire plot of Dawn of X forward. X-Force, New Mutants, Excalibur are all fine, but they feel like side stories to capitalize on Dawn of X (they definitely aren't bad, don't twist my words). This issue continues revelations from Kitty's death, and it's great to see all the character moments from Iceman, Storm, Emma, and Bishop. Continues to be a great pull

Marauders (2019) #9

Mar 4, 2020

Marauders (2019) #13

Oct 7, 2020

More more more more x of swords please. Loved seeing storm take center stage. She hasn't done much really except in the Giant Size X-Men book and this one. Awesome to see her be able to hold her own and really show how powerful she is by just hammering through Wakanda. People think the Black Panther Storm relationship is weird, but I personally really like it, and I liked that Black Panther is written well here (something lacking in his own book, which is MIA). All the characters are well written as well. The art is fine, I'm not a big fan of Matteo Lolli, I feel like his faces look a little off. His art also lacks a lot of detail, it feels like the colorist and inker really carry the art. It's still fine though, and it's much better than a lot of art I've seen in mainstream books. Great week for X of Swords

Marvel Comics (2019) #1000

Aug 28, 2019

Definitely a cash grab, but it's well constructed enough and has a lot of good small tales in it. I liked every spidey story in it, Brad meltzers the most. There are some that were pretty bad like the Iron Man one, which at first I thought was an ad. Funny to also see Kareem Abdul Jabbar writing a Jessica Jones story. Also, Al Ewing is awesome, as if anyone needed that reminder. The art is great, with many A listers coming back to draw. Idk if I need to read 1001, but a good solid recommendation from me

Marvel Comics (2019) #1001

Oct 2, 2019

Feels a little unnecessary and aimless. Not sure why this comic exists other than a cash grab, but it doesn't carry the gravitas of 1000 so idk? This book has the 1 page stories again, but none of them stick or are as good as the ones in 1000. 1000 also had a theme and an interconnecting story, I might have to read this again, but this book kinda feels like they just gave the people who weren't in 1000 a shot to tell stories, as well as to make a quick buck. in 1000 there was also the theme of every year on a page, but this book was pretty aimless. Not a big fan of this book as you can see, so can't recommend. Some of the art is good in the book however, still not worth the $4.99.

Marvels (1994): Epilogue #1

Jul 24, 2019

Almost missed this because of House of X and other new issues coming out this week. The story is an 8.5 with an overall touching message, but very short. What really elevates this issue is obviously Alex Ross's art, which is still spectacular. Too bad this issue seems to not be getting as much attention as House of X or other issues.

Marvels Snapshot (2020): X-Men #1

Sep 16, 2020

this issue was awesome.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #8

Jul 10, 2019

Honestly like this book much more than ASM, along with friendly neighborhood it's the best spider book out rn

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #11

Oct 9, 2019

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #13

Dec 12, 2019

Great stuff. Still love this book much more than amazing spider-man, since it keeps that grounded tone that makes not just Peter Parker Spider-Man fun, but any Spider character really. This is all about just Miles and his uncle working their way to the hospital to see the birth of Miles's sister, and each situation they run into is fun stuff. The art is also good, I would highly recommend this series.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #16

Mar 5, 2020

recently hopped back into this series and it's still great. miles having a sister really distinguishes him and provides a different dynamic than the usual Spider-man hijinks that Peter seems to get entangled within. It's just good fun and feel good reading, what else can I ask of a spider-man comic

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #17

Jun 10, 2020

Pretty solid lead in for the Outlawed status quo for these teen heroes. This Miles book has been much more consistent in quality than most of the other Spider-Man books right now, and it continues here. Ahmed writes the character great, especially the first couple pages in the opener with him interacting with the kid. Small nit for me is the fight feels a little pointless, and Dum Dum Dugan seems particularly cruel/evil. Maybe I missed something, but he always seemed to have a positive relationship with most of the heroes. The ending is cool and a good cliffhanger.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #19

Oct 7, 2020

I saw a clone and had a nightmare flashback to the dark era of spider-man called the 90s. But luckily it isn't a big deal, they don't use him for anything, which is good. The series should be about Miles and his family, which is perfectly showcased here. Miles's dad is a badass, Uncle Aaron is awesome, and the next issue tease looks fun.

Moon Knight By Jeff Lemire & Greg Smallwood

Oct 12, 2019

Amazing. I just got around to reading this series and it's probably the best book to come out of 2016, vision maybe tied with it. I've never seen a writer tackle mental health issues so clearly and in such amazing fashion, not making it demeaning or look adverse but rather treating it as a problem and going through steps to solve it. Without giving spoilers the story revolves around Moon Knight, aka Mark Spector (? Because he's had many different identities), struggling with dissociative identity disorder in a mental hospital. Lemire really makes Spector a likable character in this series, displaying his tragic story from his youth all the way through to his origins. The art is also beautiful throughout this entire book, my recommendation would be to get his deluxe hardcover, it needs to be owned in oversized editions, because the colorist, penciller, and inker all need to be praised. The way the art changes throughout the series to show what state of mind Spector is in is just a marvel to behold. Overall I couldn't find anything really big to even complain about, the smallest complaint would be someone not familiar with Moon Knights history would be utterly confused, but a simple Wikipedia search will get them caught up. Overall just amazing stuff

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 21, 2021

Damn good start. It reintroduces the character of Moon Knight for beginners and experienced readers with a gripping motivation and mystery. Love that MacKay is continuing the explored mental health aspect of Moon Knight that was part of previous runs, it just makes the character more relatable and interesting than if he was just a perfect superhero. The art is also great. Lots of dynamic action and clever use of the logo in some sequences. Really looking forward to continuing this run

New Mutants (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

I think we can safely say that the Dawn of X initiative by Marvel was an unmitigated success. Every book has been damn entertaining while all working towards a single intertwined narrative with the new mutant status quo. Every book does this while each feeling distinctly their own. This book is no different, it captures the spirit of the original New Mutants run very well, especially with Rod Reis's art. The sword fight in particular reminded me of many bill sienkiewicz panels. The story is also very cool, a space faring adventure with corsair and the starjammers. While we've seen that kind of story before, I'm still interested in what is to come.

New Mutants (2019) #2

Nov 28, 2019

Like many others have said, this is a great improvement over the first issue. If Hickman continues to write Sunspot and Cannonball, I'll be a happy man. The comradery between these two written by Hickman is great, probably one of the best things to come out of the Avengers run that he did as well. The art continues to be great, and I love the light hearted tone of this story so far, I hope it continues, and Hickman can just have a breather between planning out world building events in X-Men and the rest of the X-Men relaunch.

New Mutants (2019) #5

Jan 8, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #7

Feb 19, 2020

My favorite issue of this series. I'll miss Hickman writing sunspot and cannonball, but he left plenty of room for Brisson to play with the rest of the new mutants, hopefully Brisson is up to the challenge

New Mutants (2019) #12

Sep 3, 2020

Hopped back on just because the cover looked cool and surprisingly enjoyed this issue. I'll continue, maybe brisson can continue the quality

New Mutants (2019) #15

Jan 27, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 16, 2021

Time to add Nightwing back to my read list. Very happy to have quality writing on this title once again

Nightwing (2016) #79

Apr 20, 2021

It’s quickly becoming my favorite thing Tom Taylor has done, and he’s done some amazing work. He just understands these characters so well and the dialogue flows perfectly. The art is also top notch here, I really enjoy the panel layouts, it’s very different compared to the standard comic book grid layout.

Nightwing (2016) #80

May 18, 2021

It's so good. It's literally the perfect balance of humor, clever dialogue, mystery, and amazing storytelling from Tom Taylor. He understands what makes a character likeable, and honestly for me, he is becoming what Bendis always claimed he was. Taylor writes dialogue that flows off the page like a movie. The art doesn't even need any more praising, but I'll mention it again. Redondo's layouts are very unique; he's going for something new every page and every issue. Even haters of his art can't deny that the covers he has put out for this series so far are amazing. This is by far the best series DC is putting out, and every single reader should grab an issue either digitally or physically as soon as possible

Nightwing (2016) #81

Jun 15, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 20, 2021

Probably the weakest issue so far in the run. It is a pretty big retcon and kind of stretching any kind of believability. For me, it's fine though, retcons are part of comics, and this isn't the worst one by far. I really liked the Titans and Batman coming to the rescue, that was very cute. But the rest of the comic is mostly just backstory explanation exposition dump, which is what I didn't like. Hope the next issue brings back the fun and energetic action/humor that the previous 4 issues had. The art is still spectacular, I don't think I've enjoyed Bruno Redondo's art as much as I do here.

Nightwing (2016) #90

Mar 15, 2022

I'm seeing a lot of reviews bash Taylor for not having an over arching story and just adding filler. It's like people have never read comics before the 2000s. If you read anything from the Silver Age, Bronze Age, or even the early Modern Age, almost every series had filler issues and one off issues. A lot of the time, these issues were among the best since they were easy to read and allowed the reader some room to breathe, as well as allowing new readers to enter a series. Even in the series by popular modern writers (Bendis, Morrison, Hickman) all have one offs and filler. Hickman's Avengers was notorious for this, and people ate it up. People seem to really not like it when Taylor does it because they are mad at him for something else. Rant done; this series is just really fun. Every issue is amazingly drawn, and the interactions between Dick and every character is just fun. Remember when comics could be fun instead of just dark and miserable? Highly recommend this entire run so far by Taylor

Once & Future #10

Aug 19, 2020

PEOPLE, please continue supporting this series. This series is one of the best indie comics out there. It has an amazing premise, and it's supplemented with some of the best looking art in any comic book.

Outlawed (2020) #1

Mar 18, 2020

Basically a rerun of civil war but for underage heroes. The benefit of this is the aftermath feels a lot more realistic and is more interesting than how civil war played out with two sides fighting another. This seems more united with all the underage heroes on the same side of it, which I enjoy. I don't want to see heroes beating up heroes I want to see them going to personal struggles and overcoming. Hopefully champions can be just as good. This is an 8 though because the tone and the art do feel a little inconsistent, it aims to maintain a serious tone in story but every character looks so hypercharged in their facial expressions it looks like they're parodying the situation

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #310

Oct 1, 2019

If you love spider-man, you'll love this issue. If you don't, you'll still love this issue and start reading spider-man. If you've never heard of spider-man you will still love this issue. I've said it on a lot of other spider-man reviews, Zdarsky is the best spider-man writer at marvel right now, who really gets what makes peter spider-man and not the other way around. It's no wonder he won an Eisner, Marvel please give Zdarsky more Spider-Man if he wants it. And not only can he write spider-man, he can draw it too. What a talent

Powers of X #1

Jul 31, 2019

Mystery deepens with this issue, Hickman once again shows how adept he is at connecting one story with two books. I like the different timelines and him taking influence from days of Future past, but with new characters and twists. RB Silva's art isn't as good as Pepe larraz's imo but it's still good, and Gracia's colors once again elevate the book greatly.

Powers of X #2

Aug 15, 2019

Apocalypse?? What a cool twist, I love the future timelines and hope they get fleshed out more. The art by Silva looks a lot better than last issue, and the colors by Gracia are still ridiculously good. Both HoX and PoX just pop with the colors and art. And of course Hickman delivers the goods with some of the most inventive stories at Marvel in years

Powers of X #3

Aug 21, 2019

Ahhhh I literally cannot get enough of this series and House of X, and it's a weekly series for both. So much to like here, Hickman ramps up the action while providing an answer to one of the mysteries that started in issue 2. The art by Silva is great, and I know I've said this for every issue released so far but the colors r just fantastic, it provides such vibrancy and life to the pages, like nothing I've seen in a while. As stated earlier, the plot was advanced, but in an immensely satisfying way while also kinda subverting expectations. Idk if these issues were created in advance, but it seems like Hickman heard the complaints about too many charts and graphs and lightened up on it a lot this issue. Overall, just spectacular and every marvel fan needs to read this series

Powers of X #4

Sep 13, 2019

Powers of X #5

Sep 25, 2019

Powers of X #6

Oct 9, 2019

Great, didn't expect that house of x would be current continuity, but it does provide hickman with a point for infinite stories now. Hickman also provided Marvel with a great reset button with Moira, I'm very interested to see if they use her as that later on. Overall, this is what great writers do, they change not only characters but the universe as a whole, this story was so good and it'll have ramifications throughout the entire marvel universe. Cheers to Hickman, and I'm infinitely excited for the coming X-Men titles

Punisher: Soviet #1

Nov 13, 2019

Awesome. Ennis is back on Punisher, what more can I say? If you've read Ennis's other punisher runs, you'll know you're in for a treat. Picks right back up like he never left with the smart witty dialogue, great action sequences, and interesting mob plot lines. But the art isn't as good as the other runs, it's still pretty good, just not as good as Steve Dillon's. Great recommend and great start to what should be a great miniseries (and hopefully return to Punisher :D )

Sea of Stars #1

Jul 17, 2019

Awesome. Aaron is back doing a creator-owned book, and he doesn't disappoint with this opening issue. While a little predictable, the characters are likable already and the art is great. Looks to be a pretty typical son lost for decades while father searches for him story, but as long as Aaron can keep surprises going, I'll keep this in my pull list

Sea of Stars #2

Aug 7, 2019

of Five?? Hope that doesn't mean this is a limited series. I would love to see Kadyn grow up or some kind of continuation of this story.

Seven to Eternity (2016) #13

Nov 1, 2019

please god let this series come back.

Shadowland #5

Mar 28, 2020

read this in quarantine... i feel like i just tested positive for covid. the only redeeming factor of this series is the art which is still not amazing but it wasnt terrible. wikipedia this story and skip to waids run

Shazam! (2018) #7

Sep 27, 2019

Love the story, and how its so separated from the rest of DC. Art feels really rushed though unfortunately, idk what happened there with that and delays

Shazam! (2018) #8

Nov 28, 2019

Probably my least favorite issue of the run so far, mostly due to the switch in art. Eaglesham is a master of the 60s 70s vibe arrt that is great to see in a fun comic like this, but Scott Kolin's art just doesn't get there for me. Not to say it's bad, it's perfectly serviceable, but Eaglesham is what really was making me love this series. The story is good though, with more revelations regarding Billy's family and dad, I don't like that the Shazam power is becoming less special, after the New 52 ending and now this, it seems like anyone and everyone can get Shazam powers, which makes Billy himself seem redundant and not as unique as he should be. Another small complaint is that the series gets delayed so much, it's hard to see how this series will be continuing after 12 issues. It seems like Geoff Johns is getting the short end of the stick at DC right now, while Scott Snyder and Brian Michael Bendis continue to push out stories like a factory line, resulting in varying degrees of quality.

Shazam! (2018) #15

Sep 22, 2020

Hey DC, give this guy more stuff to write instead of putting him on filler issues until the next reboot. His two justice league issues and this issue are better than most of the ongoing issues that have come out in the past year. He clearly has the chops to write good stories and dialogue

Silver Surfer: Black #2

Jul 17, 2019

Awesome, Cates really gets the cosmic characters and universe, and it's giving me serious vibes reminiscent of the Abnett and Lanning cosmic run. As everyone knows, the art is just amazing, throwback to some of the best silver age art. Just spectacular all around

Something is Killing the Children #1

Sep 24, 2019

Really fucking good

Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

An alright, if not predictable plot as it goes along. This could very well be a pitch by Abrams for a spider man movie he wants to do. The art is fine, which is surprising for Pichelli, who I usually love. The big downside for me is the coloring, since Pichellis art is usually supplemented by Justin Ponsor's colors but unfortunately he passed, much too soon. It results in art that feels a little anime/manga like. Not sure if I'll continue this read or not. Edit: also I don't like Peter in this at all. I get that this is an alternate reality, but the way he goes about with his life and his responsibilities? Yes they're setting up that he will either sacrifice himself by the end or do the right thing, but it's so cliché and predictable like I said earlier. Spider-man life story is an alternate reality too, but in that story Peter is written so well, by someone who gets the character. It's also so similar to a spider man story that already exists with Peter going through a similar injury and him becoming jaded because of it and a certain someone replacing his mantle, as you can see I'm trying very hard not to give spoilers, but even those who are very light in marvel mythos could probably guess where this is going.

Spider-Man: Life Story #5

Jul 17, 2019

Weakest issue of the series, but not as bad as the critic reviews would say. Art is still great by Bagley, in my opinion, some of the best art he's done in years. I love the takes Zdarsky has on Marvel events, it honestly seems pretty meta, his take on the Civil War. My only problem with this issue is the ending, which doesn't see Peter react to his son's death, which is strange considering the other issues had no problems ending on an emotional note for Peter. Small complaint, and looking forward to how Zdarsky is gonna end this series, which will go down as one of the best Spider-Man stories ever.

Spider-Man: Life Story #6

Aug 29, 2019

Nice little ending Zdarsky got. I'm not the first person to say this, but I wish this series was 12 issues instead of just 6. The ending felt very rushed in the past 2 issues, with tons of exposition bubbles and text bubbles to fill in the gaps. Also Peter's son from the last issue was implied dead, but he shows up here just fine, which was a little odd. I can't say enough about Bagley's art, which is just amazing. He's never drawn Spider-Man better than here, and you can really see his love for the character. Zdarsky also can't be ignored, he really gets the Peter character and what makes him relatable. Peter Parker is why Spider-Man is one of the greatest heroes, not the other way around; it's his relatability and his ability to overcome solvable problems that makes him so fun. His moral compass always leads him to do the right thing, despite not always getting what he wants. I feel like that spark has been missing since the JMS run on Spider-Man and Zdarsky's own run on Spectacular Spider-Man. Luckily, we have Tom Taylor's run on Friendly that has been a good solid run having these concepts also. These days it feels like Spider-Man just has to be fighting the biggest villains in the biggest events, and that's what the 90s was, just nonstop action without any real character. This series was a good reprieve in that, and I think it's my favorite Spider-Man story. Cheers Zdarsky and Bagley!

Spider-Man: Life Story Annual #1

Aug 27, 2021

This is gonna be a lengthy review about not just this comic, but Zdarsky's work on Spider-Man. Zdarsky is probably the only writer in the past decade that truly understands Spider-Man as a character. Slott had his moments, but his run went off the rails pretty quick. Spencer's run seems to be more focused on dragging itself out telling a story that could be finished in 3 arcs. Zdarsky's Spectacular Spider-Man run, Spider's Shadow, and Life Story shows that Zdarsky understands what makes Spider-Man such a great hero and character. The humor, the character moments, the story itself are all perfect. Not only does he understand Peter, he writes all of the surrounding Spider-Man characters perfectly. He writes all the villains perfectly, laying out their motivations and why they are antagonizing Spider-Man. He also provides them with some humanity so we can empathize with them as well. If Marvel had any sense, they'd put him on Amazing and be done with it for the next 5 years. The art here is also so good. Bagley's art style has aged so gracefully. I have to give a shout out to the colorist as well. The warm colors here really provide a great throwback vibe to the story. I can't recommend this issue enough, but you'd probably want to read Life Story first before reading this.

Star Wars (2020) #1

Jan 2, 2020

I feel the same way about this issue as I do the previous Star Wars run: Why should I keep reading if I know all of the main characters will end up as they do in the next movie? I feel like they missed a big opportunity by placing the series between episode 6 and 7, as there is unknown stories within that era, but by setting it after episode 5, one can already see the arcs that will be planned out, i.e. how luke builds his lightsaber, how leia becomes more edgy and dark to become a bounty hunter, how they plan to get on tatooine, etc. That being said, this issue is written well, and very nice to read, so I can't fault it on those. It's just the lingering feeling of I know how this entire series will end.

Strange Academy (2020) #2

Jul 9, 2020

Sleeper alert, this book is not on many people's radars but it should be. Fun concept and ideas and fun story to go along with it, with relatable young new characters. This book should be getting more hype.

Strange Adventures (2020) #1

Mar 4, 2020

Read it once before work this morning, and read again after lunch. It's definitely loads better than his Batman. It moves at a glacial pace, but I do like the mystery that's being presented with Batman and Mister Terrific. I also like the duality that's displayed by the art, very smart choices made by King and the artists to portray the heroic side and ptsd side by different artists, it really makes you feel that Adam Strange is going through a tough time, much more so than any character who supposedly had ptsd in heroes in crisis. I'm excited for the rest of the series

Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 16, 2020

I liked this issue a decent amount, even if it doesn't really progress the plot forward. The entire issue is basically a dual flashback for Mister Terrific and Adam Strange both, and pencilled by Gerads and Shaner respectively. And it's really cool to see the duality of both the main players in the boook, how one has had success throughout most of his career, while the other barely gets any recognition despite his many accomplishments. It provides a lot of great character depth to both of these characters who I haven't really read before. The art is amazing, Gerads and Shaner knock it out of the park, and hopefully can continue hitting. The dialogue also flows very well, it reads like a noir book, even though no mystery has happened yet or has been brought up. And there's the main gripe for me so far, is that I'm not sure what the plot is supposed to be. I know it's about the murder in issue 1, but this issue doesn't forward that plot at all, so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be important. Then there's the issue with his daughter, who may or may not be alive. I trust King enough with maxi-series to be able to finish it out satisfyingly, but patience does wear thin for most people, and I can only take the parallel dialogue and thoughtful word bubbles for so long. Recommend, but contingent on if the next few issues can continue to hook me.

Strange Adventures (2020) #4

Aug 4, 2020

Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Dec 18, 2019

Enjoyed this a lot. Never been into suicide squad a lot, but this book really earns that name right off the bat, with many deaths happening. I like the dialogue between everyone, feels very Joss Whedon esque, quippy and comedic. I like the way the new characters were introduced too, they weren't shoe horned in, they have a reason for being there.

Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Jan 29, 2020

Very good, surprisingly a DC book that I enjoy and isn't connected to any stupid events *cough Leviathan* *cough Year of the Villain*. This, Green Lantern, and Shazam are all unique for me in that they have 0 ties to any events so far, and it's worked out so well, at least in my opinion, for all of them. The story feels more focused, there's more focus on the characters, and the twists feel genuine instead of in service to a larger event. The art is also really good. Love Tom Taylor as a writer right now, will continue to read anything he writes

Suicide Squad (2019) #4

Mar 28, 2020

An origin issue for Osita, which provides much needed character for her, and gives great motivation, probably better than a lot of new characters DC has introduced. Only negative for me writing wise is there's a lot of decompression, albeit it's quite humorous and much more well done than other writers' typical decompression. The plot barely moves forward, but as stated before that's fine because it is more or less an origin issue. The art is great as always, one of the best, if not the best, ongoings right now at DC

Suicide Squad (2019) #6

Jun 23, 2020

This currently is the best DC ongoing in my opinion, and will be the only one I read every month until the inevitable reboot coming after Death Metal. Tom Taylor needs to get on other books at DC, every ongoing right now is suffering in my opinion, while all the mini/maxi series and events are what is keeping DC afloat.

Suicide Squad (2019) #7

Jul 28, 2020

Wow, I loved this issue. Tom Taylor continues to knock this series out of the park. During a time where it's hard to read any of the ongoing series at DC, who would have thought suicide squad would be the one. The story is magnificent. It provides much needed development for Deadshot, as well as giving him a very sympathetic angle. It also makes the team feel very connected now, instead of just a bunch of hired killers. The art was great also. My slight negative is that the arrival of the team felt a little Deus ex machina, but it is a comic book. People need to read this series, it's one of the best suicide squad runs ever and also one of the better runs in recent DC memory

Suicide Squad (2019) #8

Aug 25, 2020

I get why DC has to cancel some of its series, but boy am I sad that this got put on the chopping block. I hope that Taylor can finish out the series in the next 3 issues with a satisfying conclusion.

Suicide Squad (2019) #9

Sep 22, 2020


Superior Spider-Man (2018) #12

Oct 30, 2019

Look I get that there are too many spider people running around. But having octavius go through such a character arc only to revert back, and with Mephisto of all people to do it. Felt very OMD like and reeks of editorial. It's a shame too since this series was a great read. But objectively this is a fine story, and well drawn also. It's just a shame this character is ruined in my opinion

Superman (2018) #14

Aug 29, 2019

I read this because I was told by my LCS that it's important to the Legion storyline coming up. There is a small tease towards it at the end, but nothing too insane. While I'm here though I'll get my thoughts about Bendis Superman. I've read the first couple issues of both Action Comics and Superman, and it has never captured my attention. Rogol Zaar might be the worst DC character since Doomsday. At least Doomsday could kill Superman in a major book. Everyone and their mom knows who Doomsday is, even people who haven't read a comic in their life. There are some people I talk to about comics who don't know who Rogol Zaar is without having to go through effort to remember who he is. That's my main complaint about this run. Another complaint is of course Jon being aged up. DC please listen, Super Sons was the best thing about DC Rebirth, besides the Doomsday Clock series itself. The decision to replace Super Sons with this is beyond me. The story Tomasi was telling about Superman and raising his son was so unique and provided readers with a new perspective on the greatest super hero of all time. This run is just non sensical action and Lois acting out of character for so much of it. My only wish now is for another writer to take over Superman when the inevitable reboot comes up such as Geoff Johns, who wrote a much better Legion story with Superman in it than this upcoming one will be.

Superman (2018) #15

Sep 18, 2019

God fucking damn it. Bendis again ignoring continuity as he did in his marvel days. This Superman is a pre-Flashpoint, post-Crisis Superman. It's just so odd to see Superman react with a huh? to seeing the Legion when he's worked with them multiple times. He should definitely know who the Legion of Super-Heroes are, he grew up hanging out with most of them. And I don't wanna see replies saying oh it's rebirth, it's part of New 52, this Superman is literally transported from before New 52, and in the Superman Reborn arc in Tomasi's run he merged both histories so everything happened. It just continues the theory that Bendis is literally the top gun and uneditable at DC. Literally the best story DC has put out in years, Doomsday Clock, gets sidelined for this and Justice League (albeit Justice League is at a very good spot right now). And Doomsday Clock was edited to death, resulting in delays and a rushed changed issue 11. Reis is drawing his heart out but it all feels wasted. My opinion on Bendis keeps going back and forth because he's writing great stuff in Batman Universe, but that's out of continuity, and it's a limited series, while this is just really bad writing and convenience. And what the fuck is that ending? Just wasting what Jor-El meant to the Rebirth mystery by bringing him back in Man of Steel just to blow him up here. Like I'm used to continuity getting ignored in comics, it happens all the time, especially in DC, literally to the point where they have chracters such as Mister Mxyzptlk and Psycho Pirate who comment on the insanity of DC continuity. But, when you say in Doomsday Clock that it all happened and provide a good reasoning for it that everyone's on board for, and then just throw it in our faces, that's when you get upset fans, and I'm not shocked that people don't like this series and the direction DC is going in. It's no wonder Marvel is outselling DC at the moment with books such as House of X, Absolute Carnage, etc. They deserve the title House of Ideas, and to quote RedLetterMedia, DC should stand for Don't Care. EDIT: Raised a point b/c of incorrect assumption corrected by comment, but still don't like the direction this is going and the stuff with Jor-El.

Superman (2018) #16

Oct 9, 2019

Didn't really like anything about this issue. Damian is written overly sappy and out of character. The reunion was too short, and just reminded me of the decision to end super sons too much. I also didn't like the art, it looked a lot like manga/anime, which is fine for some people, but I'm not really a fan of it.

Superman (2018) #18

Dec 11, 2019

Surprisingly not terrible, given how much I hate this series and action comics. I felt genuine emotion when Clark revealed his identity, but framing it around Adam strange felt odd to me, thought it'd work better if he was speaking to a more important character. I liked the setup for the ending, but this looks like it's all going down a very generic path. I like Ivan reis a lot, I think he's a very talented artist and should be given more credit where it's due.

Superman (2018) #19

Jan 22, 2020

I actually like this a lot more than I expected, which is surprising because I generally don't like Bendis Superman. I'll start with the art because I think this is some of the best stuff Ivan Reis has done, right up there with his Green Lantern art. I love the facial expressions on everyone, the cuts from panel to panel feel organic. Onto the writing, obviously there's a lot of Bendis speak with his quippy back and forth, and I think it works better in times like this when he's just talking to his friends at the Daily Planet. It doesn't work in the first 2 arcs of the series when he is talking to alien species and other larger than life characters like the Legion, that becomes a chore to read. But when it is grounded, I think it works a lot better since it sounds better coming from humans. I like that he is doubling down on the aftermath of the identity reveal (please god let the retcon of this be something smart instead of a one more day situation). Hopefully Bendis can keep this going

Superman (2018) #25

Sep 10, 2020

Not as bad as I thought. I still don't know why I put myself through Bendis Superman, but here I am. The only highlights of the series so far are whenever Ivan Reis draws and the character interactions. Unfortunately the plot is so nonsensical and bad that each issue is a pain to read. This issue was ok to read because of the cute moments Superman had during his interview, which felt pretty in character. But the overall plot is still dumb and I hate Bendis for doing what he has done to Superman.

Superman (2018) #29

Mar 9, 2021

Huge breath of fresh air. This issue felt a lot more like the action and events took the story forward rather than just the classic Bendis decompression. It feels like big events are happening. The premise is not unique, but I like the twist that Jon seems like the focal emotional point here. As others have stated, even if it does go through with its premise, it is very likely to be temporary or a fake out. Still excited to keep reading a new voice for Superman.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

Hmm, I'm really not sure how to feel about this. I'm also confused where this takes place in continuity. I assume it's in the future, separate from the current Superman comics. I know Jon is getting a new series soon, but I feel like I'm missing something. Regardless, the premise of the book is cool: Superman is losing his powers (Grant Morrison really likes that concept), and he needs help that he knows the Justice League can't provide, but other unsavory folks can. And it's admittedly cool, Grant Morrison once again shows they can still write witty entertaining dialogue while also not decompressing any of the story. The issue feels like the first 30 minutes of a standard action superhero movie, which is great, considering this is just a limited series. The only issue I have with it is that confusion that I mentioned above: is this in continuity? When does this take place? Also didn't like that Morrison tied this to the 1960s and JFK. It really kind of took me out because I always assumed DC was just about an unspoken truth that reboots and their universe was separate from normal time, but adding a date just brings into question the rest of DC continuity, like when does any of this stuff take place. At the end of the day though, these are minor complaints. Overall, it's a good first issue, setting up a mystery that will hopefully be interesting throughout.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #1

Jul 17, 2019

Great first issue! Love the 4th wall break angle they're taking because honestly how else would you react if you were friends with Superman. The story is extremely meta, taking points from all of Superman and Jimmy's history while also telling a humorous while also entertainingly engaging story. Excited to see what happens next issue

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #5

Nov 20, 2019

can the main dc series get the talent that series like this is getting? Seriously this is fucking hilarious stuff and light hearted tone that comics should be, not the dark brooding nature that everything seems to strive for. I still don't know if this is out of continuity, I assume it is because there's so much going on that doesn't gel with what's going on, but I am all here for it. I also love the art, very simplistic, but not in a bad way. Services the light tone that the book is going for. Easy recommendation

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #12

Jul 15, 2020

Perfect series. My favorite DC series in the past year, this should be talked about when awards season comes around.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 27, 2021

I really hope this book succeeds financially and hits the numbers. I want this ongoing to go forever. This is the best Jon has been written since Super Sons, and it's a perfect introduction to a new Superman for a new generation. It's like Tom Taylor listened to what the fans wanted and also catered to new Superman fans in order to show what Superman should be. It's literally everything I want in a Superman book. The art is also beautiful from John Timms. This is a 10, and if the rest of the series can keep this up, it'll be one of the greats.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Aug 24, 2021

People will have issues with the politics of this, but for me, I love it. It's clear what Tom Taylor wants Superman to be and what he should do. It's inspiring, and really brings a lot of character and depth to a comic book character that is a legacy character. It helps to separate him from Clark, showing his thinking and his ideals. The art is also so good. I really don't know what else to say; this series should be one of the great series for a Superman character.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Sep 30, 2021

Why are people so scared of a little politics in their fiction? Is it maybe because they don't agree with it? I hate the excuse or criticism that politics don't belong in comics. Writers have been putting political messages in comics ever since they were created. I hate the fact that people are getting mad at the Jon refugee moment/quote. It literally what Superman is, an alien who adopts America as his home country (also illegally, must be hard for the naysayers to admit that he has more in common with immigrants than themselves). I love that Taylor is not backing down at all from any of the internet naysayers about his messages. Superman is a symbol and beacon for hope and unity. Taylor is writing this series beautifully, and I hope it keeps the same quality. The art is also spectacular, I love the look of Timms' pencils and the coloring. It gives a very fun look to the book. Can't recommend this enough EDIT: reading the negative reviews on this critiquing about why can't Superman just smash robots and battle aliens again. So instead of creating a new character and new stories, we should just go backwards and have him fight Braniac and Doomsday again? That's not like the other 1000+ (literally 1000+) issues of Superman that I've read in the past. People complaining about how going on a protest is not heroic. ??? Going on a protest and fighting for what you believe in is the point of this entire series so far. Jon wants to fight for what he believes in, and do so as a normal human being of this planet. It's so inspiring to see a hero act like this in a responsible way

Superman: Up In the Sky #1

Jul 3, 2019

Solid issue by Tom king. As long as this remains a limited series I'll be happy, it reminds me of the friendly neighborhood spider Man series marvel is doing where Spidey takes on much smaller ground level problems and inspires others rather than epic tales

Superman: Up In the Sky #2

Aug 7, 2019

I know a lot of people said Bendis and King should switch places after issue 1. I was one of the few who thought neither of them should be writing these characters. But after this, maybe they should switch books... King seems to really get Superman

Superman: Up In the Sky #6

Dec 7, 2019

Very good imo, and I'm not a king apologist. I don't like his Batman run, but I don't hate it either, this is much better than his Batman run but not even close to what he has written in the past. The reason this works, and this is the same reason why Batman universe works, is the format doesn't allow for any decompression at all. The narrative must keep moving forward in service of good plot and character moments when constricted to 12 pages, which was how long the original Walmart comics were. Therefore, this tells its story, and does so in a way where it's accessible and easy to follow, while also allowing the reader to understand why Superman does what he does. Good recommendation as a stand alone out of continuity story

Superman: Year One #2

Aug 21, 2019

Now this was bad. Miller has been off his game for quite some time, but this is reaching a whole other level. Superman feels so off base here, it'll be a hard stretch for his eventual redemption in the third issue. The art is also not that good, Romita Jr has also been off his game for a while (in my opinion, since his days on spider-man). Add on top of that, that this is just another Superman origin story, not like we're at an abundance of those in the past 10 years... Overall, this just feels like an unnecessary and ridiculous telling of Superman

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1

Oct 30, 2019

Like Marvel's What if, but much worse and not as interesting.

The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Jul 31, 2019

Downgraded review from 9 to 8.5. In hindsight, the ending is a little disappointing. I wish it ended with some finality to the Batman who Laughs, instead of setting up the new series. He was a great character, but the weight of the series and Snyder leaving Batman has been lost because its just setting up another series. A small shame, but overall, the series was entertaining.

The Department of Truth #1

Oct 1, 2020

Pretty awesome start. It's a great idea, asking questions of truth or beliefs, which many people have about the world. Is science truth or belief? Is the earth flat? I like the idea that is presented in this issue. That if enough people can convince someone of a belief, then that belief will become reality, as it is shown in the main character's mind. I look forward to seeing more crazy mind trips like that sequence and figuring out the rest of the series. This is a good one people, pick this up

The Last God (2019) #1

Oct 30, 2019

didnt really expect a lot going into this, but wow. Great stuff from DC. I'm of the opinion most of the books DC has been putting out lately, both their flagships and their lesser selling titles, have been mediocre to poor regarding story and art at times. It seems like Marvel's writers just are more creative and more consistent. But this book is providing me with hope for DC. It's a good start to an epic story, with amazing art, almost eerily similar to Esad Ribic, which suits the material perfectly. Obviously it's a ploy to ape off of the Conan success Marvel is having right now by creating something similar, but it could have been much worse. Overall, I'm on board DC, please keep doing more creative stuff rather than going for the big picture.

The Marvels (2021) #1

Apr 28, 2021

Good start. I really like the idea of a series that doesn't have a focus on any character, but the universe as a whole. It's like a Game of Thrones type premise where we follow different characters and different stories. Very unique concept that I haven't seen since DC did 52.

The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #1

Nov 20, 2019

YES! YES YES YES! Vic Sage is back, wow what a great first issue. Lemire's amazing writing makes this issue such a fun and interesting read. It immediately starts off with action and witty dialogue and doesn't let up from there. The art is fantastic also, with some comics industry legends behind it, I can't believe this is a thing to be honest.

The Underwater Welder #1

Nov 19, 2020

recent read for me. I really love Jeff Lemire's independent works because they feel a lot more personal than any of his main big two stuff, even his Black Hammer works to an extent. Those always feel like they service a larger narrative that has good writing, but feels controlled by editorial and other forces that come from writing within a shared universe. This story feels so personal to Lemire and provides a very human and relatable story of trauma, grief, and getting over said trauma. The story is gripping for the first half. I love the transitions that Lemire puts from past to present to past again using the recurring theme of water and drowning, since it plays such a main role in the story. The first half also has a lot of twists that I didn't expect, which kept it very interesting. However, the second half is when the story gets very predictable and starts to resolve itself rather unevenly and too quickly. It's a rather standard ending to a very unstandard story, which is disappointing because it set itself up as a unique plot. Another small gripe for me was the art, it's black and white. Black and white works in a lot of stories, mainly crime and noir books, but I don't think it works here. It doesn't really service the story in any meaningful way except to portray the dark tone the story has, which was already obvious without the lack of color. Also the art looks very rushed compared to his other books where he's pencilled such as Sweet Tooth or Essex County, a lot of panels feel unfinished. Not sure if it was intentional. I'd recommend this since it was still a lot better than any of the stuff that comes out fromt he big two these days, but compared to Lemire's other work, this is one of the weaker titles.

Thor (2018) #14

Jun 30, 2019

Thor (2018) #16

Aug 28, 2019

I'm gonna miss both creators on Thor. Of course, everyone has praised Jason Aaron for this amazing 7 year run. He turned the Thor universe from one of the most boring to one of the most entertaining comics with amazing characterization and stories, at least in my opinion. The Thor that started his run has gone through such a great character arc to where he is now, where he is a truly responsible king, working his hardest to fix every problem in the seven realms. Of course, there's a nice little teaser for the King Thor series, which will be truly epic. But as a sendoff for Aaron on the main Thor, this was a nice story to end on. Of course, Del Mundo cannot be ignored, his art here should set him up to be the artist for another book very soon, my hope is either Guardians of the Galaxy or X-Men down the line. Cheers Mr. Aaron, may your run find happiness in the halls of Valhalla.

Thor (2020) #1

Jan 2, 2020

not in love with this as others are, but it is a good start. It's almost impossible to not compare this issue with how Aaron's thor started, and it's weird to see that Cates went with Galactus as part of the story again, as we saw that in part of the Old King Thor arc in Aaron's original God of Thunder arc. I do like the herald angle that occurs, and also how that restores his arm. I guess Thor is just extremely OP now? I don't know how you can upgrade from already being so powerful, that makes me excited to keep reading. Keep it going Donny! Also, the art is really good, love the expressions that Klein details really well

Thor (2020) #2

Jan 29, 2020

Massive step up from the previous issue. You can see how this Thor has matured from Aaron's run; he's a king, so he makes the decision to save people instead of being rash about it. I loved that. I loved the action sequences, it really shows the power Thor and Galactus both have. Also love the teaser. The art is really good, it suits the epic storytelling that Thor has come to get over the past decade. Overall fantastic

Thor (2020) #3

Feb 12, 2020

Great. The visuals are all there, even if the fight is a little dumb and over the top-ish. I like this run so far, but I'm still not as hooked as most people seem to be. The fight seemed a little dragged out and served no real purpose, as the ending shows another fight between two allies for the next issue. I get that modern comics are meant to be decompressed and filling these issues with fights is sure to be exciting, but I was hoping for a little more clarity about the Black Winter and what/who it is. For now, it seems like it'll be fight after fight. The art is great though, I loved the details and that splash page of the 2 year war.

Thor (2020) #4

Mar 11, 2020

SPOILERS **** The only joy I really got out of the story is that Loki lifted Mjolnir, which was cool to see, and hopefully gets a payoff after this arc. Other than that, this felt pretty standard Thor stuff. idk I've seen most of this before in thor runs, the epicness, the planets being destroyed. Instead of spending time having a small squabble between Thor and Sif, they could have spent this issue building up Thor having a relationship with the alien world that Galactus destroys, so we feel more emotional when Galactus does destroy it, but it feels so sudden. He says like 2 sentences before the planet is destroyed, and suddenly he is crying. In Aaron's run, he dedicated an entire issue of Thor going to help every species, so we get why he cares about it. This is a continuation, but I would have liked to see more development for this random planet that gets destroyed other than a couple back and forth sentences. The art continues to be spectacular, so I can't complain there. these are minor complaints and nit pics, the issue itself is still fine to read, but I had a lot of high hopes going into this series, hopefully the next issue with black winter will pick it up.

Thor (2020) #5

Jun 24, 2020

Story is alright, the art carries once again. I don't really care about the ideas presented in this story because I've seen them before. Galactus being a herald? Happened in Hickman's run. Gorr coming back? Happened in Aaron's run multiple times. Mjolnir having problems? Happened in Aaron's run multiple times. All the plot points presented feel pretty generic, which is a shame because Cates is capable of so much more in my opinion. His Venom shows that he can create new ideas organically and very well. Besides from that the action and art was super nice to look at, if anything Thor books have always had nice artwork.

Thor (2020) #6

Aug 19, 2020

It's a fine ending to the arc. That last reveal page doesn't really have me feeling excited though. It's just more eh running through the motions again. What was up with the Black Winter? Thor just ran through him without any real qualms or problems, just stole Galactus' power and dispatched of the Black Winter pretty easily. For an arc that was supposed to be an epic start, it all feels by the numbers and pretty pedestrian, which is strange for both Cates and the Thor character in general, both of whom usually have epicness connected to their names. The redeeming quality of this series so far has been the art, Nic Klein is drawing his heart out and the pages he draws are some of the best art Thor has seen, no faint praise after artists such as Kirby, Coipel, Ribic, Del Mundo, Dauterman, and so much more. I sound super negative but this is by no means a bad series, it still is quite good, just not as good as I was hoping from Donny Cates.

Thor (2020) #7

Sep 16, 2020

Not trolling when I say this is my favorite issue of the run so far. It's fun, it has great dialogue and character moments, and has a better jaw dropping moment than any issue before it. Extremely excited to see where this goes and what is happening with Thor

Thor (2020) #8

Oct 7, 2020

provides little in the way of answers as to that moment from last issue, but it's a very cute issue. These past two issues have felt more like Thor the Mighty Avenger, which is great. More comedic and light in tone, which is a nice change of pace for a character who has gone through as much as Thor has in the past decade. Looking forward to the next issue!

Thor (2020) #9

Nov 4, 2020

Didn't like this one as much as the past 2. I don't like this direction for the Donald Blake character because in my opinion, Donald Blake should serve as a foil to Thor, not as an antagonist like the Hulk/Banner dynamic, where they hate each other or are at odds. I've always liked the idea that Donald Blake is a humble doctor who helps people and that's what grounds the Thor personality, and here he is beating up Loki. Granted, this is just the first issue of a new story arc, and it could go in a different direction, but it was still weird reading him in this way. Art remains fantastic though

Tommy Gun Wizards #1

Aug 29, 2019

GREAT STUFF. What a novel idea, and I'm sorry if this idea has been taken, but wow I've never seen the 1930s Prohibition era mixed with some magic. That's so cool, who knew Christian Ward had writing chops also (again I apologize if he has written any other comic, I mainly know him from the art he's done on Thor, Black Bolt, Invisible Kingdom, etc). This issue was such a good first issue, sets up mystery and intrigue like a classic film noir, but then turns the tables with spells and wizards and such. The art is really good too from Kivela, the artist cred on this page is wrong, I think Ward only did the cover, but Sami Kivela did the rest of the art. Can't wait for the next issue.

Ultimate Invasion (2023) #2

Jul 27, 2023

Pretty entertaining, but feels like a filler issue. Nothing happens really that pushes the plot forward. It just sets up a character that MAY be important in the upcoming issues; however, it also sets up that character for doom. Art is great tho

Ultimate Invasion (2023) #4

Oct 2, 2023

Def agree with everyone on this. Should have been a 6 or 12 issues. With the effect this is supposed to have, everything feels super rushed. All the character stuff was cool, but introducing these versions of characters needs a lot more baking in order for the story to hit. For me, Howard Stark dying really was just like ok that's something that happened rather than feeling an emotional impact for it. And Tony immediately assuming the Iron Lad mantle just feels like cool let's just start it here without any buildup. The world set up is cool, but we literally see no dynamics about it. All of the factions are just names on paper without any real follow up. In HoX/PoX and his follow up X-Men run, Hickman set up the status quo of the mutants vs the rest of the world very clearly. Here it just seems way too contained for what the story is trying to be. On top of this, each issue was $10, and knowing that this was essentially just a tease to Ultimate Universe #1. The collected trade for this will be cheaper by far than each issue and will probably read better too.

Unbelievable Gwenpool #25

Oct 31, 2019

late to the party, this might be one of my favorite sleeper series from Marvel ever. Perfect ending for what started as such a gimmick character, now became popular and deserving in her own right. This issue is everything a final issue is, emotional, wrap up, great art, and a message with something to say, all while being one of the most meta and humorous issues ive ever read.

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #21

Jul 4, 2019

Fun series and great way to introduce the new status quo, honestly much more a fan of this than No More Mutants from House of M years ago because of the potential stories that could be told

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #22

Jul 17, 2019

While I am disappointed with how this issue basically nulls the last issue's ending, it isn't a bad conclusion to this run. The series has seen criticism with the amount of deaths that have occurred, and it reaches its apex in this issue, with one death rather comical than emotional. There is a feel good moment that ties into Age of X-Man Omega, that I is a spoiler (should be obvious at this point), but otherwise an average ending to a semi fun series. Just wish it kept the status quo of the last issue for Hickman's run.

Undiscovered Country #1

Nov 6, 2019

Good start to this. Unsurprisingly, this already got picked up for a movie option by Hollywood. When I first heard this, I knew for sure this was a movie pitch or some kind of TV series pitch, which it definitely is and what Image/Snyder/Soule were aiming for. THey wanted hte next Walking Dead and they got it. Sounds cynical, but it's true. But about the comic itself, it's fine and a good solid start. I'm a fan of both writers, so this played right up my alley. What I hope for the rest of this series is each state gets their own issue to shine and build out. So a 50 issue series would be great, but what I don't want is some revolution plot or some factions plot, similar to what Fallout or East of West is. That isn't original.

Undiscovered Country #6

Jun 10, 2020

Was lukewarm entering the series, and the first couple issues were just whatever. This issue definitely gave the series some much needed wings, but it still isn't must read IMO. It feels pretty generic at points, and the plot twists are pretty predictable. It's a shame, this book has amazing talent behind it, but it still feels like something is missing.

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1

Jul 25, 2019

Liked it a lot! The setup is good, i love theyre going with the secret identity route, which is somewhat lost in modern comics for some reason (i.e. MCU-related). The art reminds me of David Marquez, who recently signed an exclusive contract with DC. Generally, Im curious how this series is gonna play out, i couldnt tell when Ewing or Aaron was writing the dialogue, and wonder which one of them is gonna be the main, if either of them.

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #2

Aug 22, 2019

Art is soooo good. And the story was pretty fun also, I'm liking Jane without the baggage of cancer and having to be Thor. I don't like the ending however, it seems to slow down the plot a lot by having Jane go off on a random space adventure when all the fun stuff was her on Earth stopping small time crimes while balancing her normal doctor life, which was fun. But it is Jason Aaron and Al Ewing, and both have written good fun space stories, so we'll see

Venom (2018) #17

Aug 29, 2019

Really good! While I hate tie-ins, I was already reading Venom because the quality was so good (except for the War of the Realms issues). This was great, I love the way Cates writes the Maker, he seems genuine in his care for Dylan and Eddie, but as we all know, that could turn on a dime real quick. Dylan also seems to be more than what meets the eye (HINT HINT HINT). But that isn't shown in this issue. This problem with this issue is it can't be read alone, you have to read the Absolute Carnage event that is going on. The last Venom issue had Eddie and Dylan walking off preparing for the event, and this issue just drops Dylan into the action with Eddie out of the picture. It would make any reader not reading the event a little confused. However, since I'm reading Absolute Carnage, it wasn't a deal breaker for me. The art is pretty good.

Venom (2018) #21

Dec 26, 2019

Continues to be Cates's best series at Marvel so far. And this is supplemented by Bagley art, which I am a sucker for. I like how Venom is seen more as a hero, especially after Absolute Carnage, it's a fun idea to play with him and the Avengers. Also like the new set-up for the status quo with Carnage still a part of him, and the new Venom Island arc which looks fun. I don't have a lot of complaints except for some of the dialogue was a little weird. Good recommmend

Venom (2018) #24

Mar 11, 2020

loved it, especially the character development at the beginning of the issue, which shows Eddie's insecurities about raising a son. Never thought I'd see that in this series, but it was great to see. The other developments that happen are also so awesome to see, and of course Bagley is drawing, so I love that. Continues to be Cates's strongest series at Marvel

Venom (2018) #26

Jul 15, 2020

Wow, that was unexpected. This is a totally different direction than what I was expecting for this book. I suppose it should have been obvious given the Maker's involvement in the overall plot, but still it is fun to see the Ultimate Universe back in a big way. My only gripe with this issue is the last 2 pages have some of the most rushed and worst art I've seen in a while. You can barely make out what the city is supposed to look like.

Venom (2018) #27

Aug 14, 2020

I liked this issue, not as much as the last one though. The art looks super rushed and it isn't as good as the other issues Gedeon has done. I'm also confused about the setting of this universe, I thought it was the Ultimate universe, but the characters look very different than the Ultimate Avengers. The ending is pretty cool set up though, and I'm still very much on board with this entire series, one of my favorite ongoings right now.

Venom (2018) #29

Oct 21, 2020

Venom (2021) #1

Nov 10, 2021

Really liked this issue. After the Cates run, I was worried that whoever was gonna take the reigns wouldn't be able to live up to the hype. Ewing and Ram V really start the series off on a high note. Love the focus on Dylan and how he is different than Eddie. I love the two stories of Eddie and Dylan about them being apart and how it affects each other. It's just a great starting point. My minor complaint about this issue is the art. Yes, yes give me all the hate since I said something bad about Bryan Hitch. I actually like Hitch quite a bit, even though he isn't anywhere close to his peak during Ultimates. His more recent work feels rushed and I find some of the details to be lacking a lot. I also don't think Alex Sinclair is the right colorist for Hitch's pencils. Sinclair is one of the best colorists out there, but his colors really work for pencils that show lots of detail and very clear action. He's trying his best to make up for some of that lost detail here, but it didn't really click for me personally. Like I said, this is a minor complaint, I didn't completely hate the art. There's one splash page that is amazing in this that probably took longer to draw than the rest of the issue. Highly recommend, and will be adding this to my pull list.

Vision Hardcover

Oct 12, 2019

So good. This is what Tom king does best, using a miniseries to give B-tier level characters some depth and humanity. He did it with this and Mr Miracle. The story is very awesome, a robot raising his own family and trying to fit in with humanity, ah I love it. Hernandez's art also great

War of the Realms #6

Jun 26, 2019

What's not to like in this issue?

Way of X (2021) #1

Apr 21, 2021

Damn good stuff. Spurrier returning to X-Men and picking up on threads that he had in his Legion run is so awesome to see. The entire concept is one that is so unique and original, but also feels very personal to Spurrier and fits Nightcrawler perfectly, who has always struggled with religion and its place in the mutant world. The art is just fine, nothing to go off about. That's probably my one major critique is that the design and layout of the book is way too traditional for the material. It doesn't bring down the reading experience. I'm very excited to continue reading this.

Wolverine (2020) #1

Feb 19, 2020

Awesome. Both stories are intersting and fitting for the Wolverine character. About him being off by himself investigating a mystery and the violence that goes along with it. The art is amazing in both, Bogdanovic and Kubert are amazing artists who really capture the gore and detail that a Wolverine book should have. Looks like another winner for Dawn of X

Wolverine (2020) #4

Aug 19, 2020

Liking this run so far. It's dirty and violent, perfect for a Wolverine series. It also is bringing something new which I was hoping for this new X-Men status quo, leaving Wolverine more and more alone away from the X-Men. Some of his best stories come from his solo series, I think he works much better as a solo character than as part of an ensemble. The art is also fantastic, Bogdanovic really mirrors Greg Capullo, and not even in a bad copy cat way, in a way that it similarly evokes the great details and action that Capullo draws with also.

Wolverine (2020) #6

Oct 7, 2020

Hard to review this as a wolverine issue, rather than what it actually is, which is part 3 of the 22 part story. But even as that and even as a solo wolverine story, it succeeds in both. It's awesome to see Wolverine embark on a journey to get a weapon. Feels very medieval and pretty metal by the time Logan gets to Hell. It has action, explanations, and most importantly keeps the event going. I can't stress it enough that an event should always keep the reader's attention, otherwise it'll feel like a slog to read (Empyre...). So far X of Swords has been a blast to read

Wonder Woman (2016) #759

Jul 28, 2020

It's been a while since I've read wonder woman as an ongoing, not since rucka left rebirth. I feel like the character hasn't had a consistent writer since rucka left, but this issue is a good start. It's fun and sweet, and also has a nice little set up for the current arc. Deals with Diana's decisions with Maxwell Lord before infinite crisis, which doesn't really get brought up that often outside of infinite crisis. Overall, a solid solid book, I'll continue reading

Wonder Woman (2016) #761

Aug 25, 2020

It's just refreshing to see Wonder Woman get a good ongoing again. Wonder Woman Dead Earth was the only release for wonder woman fans recently, it's so nice to be excited to read Wonder Woman again

Wonder Woman (2016) #770

Mar 9, 2021

Good start, even though the premise wore out its welcome. If this is just Diana going through a different sect of mythology each arc, I could get behind it. But this felt a lot more lowkey than it should have been. I was expecting more interactions with the Norse gods, but we only see Thor in one page, while Diana's main interaction is with some man(?). The art was good, I'm still interested in what is gonna happen next, hopefully more epic.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #1

Nov 30, 2021

Wow. This might be Jimenez's best art in my opinion. Every page of this book looks like art that should be hung up in a museum. You can spend hours just pouring over the detail of the art on each page. The story is very good and cool as well, an origin for the Amazons. Honestly, they should just delay the book even more if the art needs time to look like this. One of the best comics of the year, and definitely worth picking up.

X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1

Sep 23, 2020

Looks to be another epic event from Hickman. This has all the makings of an X event from the 90s with it's 20+ tie-insz and I am all for it. It's been a while since we have had an X-centric event and this looks to be fun and most importantly, separated from the rest of the Marvel Universe. No other tie ins from non X related books. That's a lot of restraint from Marvel considering the X-line is one of their top sellers right now. I can only hope that the rest of the event can build of this great start. I didn't think Larraz could get better and here I thinking my past self is a fool. Some of the most beautiful line work I've seen in years, it looks like a painting at times, with all the depictions of armies and space structures. Just get it and get on board this train

X Of Swords (2020): Destruction #1

Nov 25, 2020

Strong strong ending. This event is definitely one of the best X-Men events I've read since I started in the early 2000s. It was epic, fun, and ranged in nearly every type of story to satisfy everyone. And even though I usually hate endings that just tease the future of another story, this tease was so awesome, it has hyped me up for the next phase of X-Men (Reign of X). Loved seeing the X-Men all finally reunite as a team. I don't remember the last time I saw a splash page with all the mutants going into a fight like that. Loved the story of Apocalypse and how Howard/Hickman gave him so much likability and badass moments in this story. And the art for this event, especially by Larraz, has just been stellar. All the imaginative panels and sequences were so amazing to see. The future of X-Men is bright and the hype is still going. Ever since Hox/Pox and Dawn of X, the entire X-Line has been the only books I've consistently liked and looked forward to reading.

X-Factor (2020) #1

Jul 30, 2020

I liked it. It's definitely an interesting concept; a team to investigate if the deceased has really passed before resurrection. It's definitely a question I've had in mind since this all started given the nature of comics and that characters usually come back from the dead anyways. And I like that it continues to build the world, kind of showing the day to day of a lot of these characters. There are millions of mutants, and hundreds of mutants that we as readers are aware of. What are they all doing? The other books show off maybe a dozen of them, what are the rest of them doing? I enjoyed all of that. What I didn't enjoy was some of the dialogue. A little bit too wordy at times, some dialogue feels like a waste of a panel. Otherwise, I thought this was fun. I also enjoyed the art,

X-Factor (2020) #4

Sep 30, 2020

People r gonna hate on this issue just cuz it's part of this series but this issue was delightful. It finally touched on the aspects of resurrection on krakoa and what would happen is that stopped working. I thought the pacing was great and kept the momentum from x of swords part 1. The developments from this issue up the stakes for the entire event, which is what I wanted because the X-Men had a Deus ex machina on their hands already. Keep it going X creative team

X-Force (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

In my opinion, the weakest so far of the Dawn of X books, but still pretty good and entertaining. Percy writes Wolverine very well, and also provides a new mystery for X-Force to fix. My big problem is the ending because with what we know about the new status quo, does it even matter? Other than that, everything else was solid.

X-Force (2019) #2

Nov 28, 2019

Ben Percy and Wolverine: probably a match made in heaven at this point. Mr Snikt has not gotten a lot of love since Jason Aaron nearly a decade ago, and it's nice to see him in his element. Can't wait for Percy's Wolverine in February. However, for now, this book will have to do, and this issue was great, much better than the first. I like how they are doubling down on Xavier's death, even though we all know he's coming back. At least provide some intrigue, which they are doing. The art is also really detailed and fun, that last panel with Domino is a little frightening which was fun to see. Good book, easy recommend.

X-Force (2019) #13

Oct 7, 2020

Just more of the same from my review of Wolverine. Cool ending that leaves some ambiguity, possibly teasing something after X of Swords. Nevertheless, still so hyped to read this event

X-Men (2019) #1

Oct 16, 2019

Good start after HoX and PoX

X-Men (2019) #2

Nov 13, 2019

Great. Hickman was telling the truth when he said each issue is a one and done, and that's refreshing in the current landscape of comics imo. Everything is great here, love the art, the dialogue, the story,the world building. I've never seen someone write cyclops and his kids this way before, like an actual family. Cyclops has more or less treated these family members as usual team members since they're usually time displaced, but this was very entertaining and humorous.

X-Men (2019) #3

Dec 4, 2019

More world building. This series seems to be taking it's time like hickmans avengers when that started before that ramped up after infinity, and I have the patience for it, I know many people probably won't, but I can enjoy it for what it is, especially when it has good character moments throughout

X-Men (2019) #4

Jan 1, 2020

Love this issue, the series is still one of the strongest x series from dawn of x and marvel rn. It feels tough to read along with a book like this since it's setting up so much stuff, which in a sense is rewarding to keep reading month to month. It's just fun to see the dialogue back and forth between the mutants; Hickman writes all of these characters really well

X-Men (2019) #5

Jan 29, 2020

So glad RB Silva is back drawing the X-Men. He and Larraz need to draw more issues of any Dawn of X, especially after their amazing artwork in HOX/POX. The colors really also add to the sci fi feel of the book. The story is an intersting premise, I don't know if this is just a tease or if it will be continued down the line, but it was a cool story. The dialogue is also really good, special shoutout to Laura and Logan's interactions, much better than how Laura is written in Fallen Angels.

X-Men (2019) #6

Feb 12, 2020

Feels like the first major connection to HoX and PoX, focusing mainly on Mystique and why she is even a part of this, which I questioned from the beginning. Turns out the reasoning is obvious, but this again is just a set up issue. I just hope that Hickman gets enough time on this book or whatever the main series is to finish up and wrap all his teased storylines. The children of the vault, the Hordeculture, the politics of the other countries, the original four horsemen of apocalypse, nimrod, and now mystique's endgame are all extremely interesting plots. I'm sure there's a plan for all of this, but with Fallen Angels already getting cancelled, I'm worried about the long term sustainability of Hickmans era of X-Men, which so far has ranged from great to amazing, probably the best X-Men era since Whedons Astonishing.

X-Men (2019) #7

Feb 26, 2020

God, this series man. It hooks me in so easily with worldbuilding, Ive liked every issue so much. Hickman stays true to his word promising how each issue is a stand alone, probably until the next event. The crucible was cool to see and really bolsters the mutant nation idea to a new level that we really haven't seen when it was done before as with genosha and nation x. All the characters are written perfect as always with Hickman, Logan and Scott's dialogue being a highlight. I'm also a sucker for Yu's art, so this series has been a joy to read every month. Hopefully for years to come

X-Men (2019) #8

Mar 11, 2020

A step back from the epic world-building from the last issue to have some humor and fun action. Which isn't bad, but personally I want to see more from this world and more mystery. But I get that tension needs to be dissolved every now and then, and this issue does that in a great way. The New Mutants are back from space, and Hickman is not writing that book to basically move the new mutants that he liked to this book, which I am all for because he writes all the OG New Mutants very well and very fun. The dialogue was great throughout with them. Cyclops and his brothers have a weird relationship which I can only contribute to some mental shenanigans going on between Krakoa and the mutants. The action is also really fun and cool to see, love to see all the usual X-Men theatrics again with the Brood the Shi'ar and the Starjammers, it really feels like we are going back to the golden Claremont era of X-Men with these elements returning. Continues to be one of my favorite pulls right now

X-Men (2019) #9

Mar 25, 2020

This issue and the last have been the weakest of this series so far, but it's still fun. A lot of it will feel very happen-stance if you haven't read Hickman's issues of New Mutants, so that's a big negative I would give it. Other than that, these issues are just mainly superheroic adventures in space, similar to what the X-Men did in the 80s and 90s. This issue isn't as good as the last issue because at least in the last issue there was that tease with Vulcan and what exactly happened there, planting a new mystery, etc.

X-Men (2019) #11

Aug 26, 2020

X-Men (2019) #12

Sep 16, 2020

At this point in Hickman X-Men, you're either all in or you're off the bus. I've been all in, and just upgraded my seats to first class. I love what Hickman has been doing w the X-Men, and I'm beyond excited for X of Swords

X-Men (2019) #13

Oct 21, 2020

Solid solid. Provides a lot of backstory for Apocalypse and his motivations for this entire event. I'm liking these stories of how the characters get the swords more than looking forward to the actual fight itself. The art in this issue is also great, Asrar succeeds in the unenviable task of following up Leinil Yu.

X-Men (2019) #17

Jan 27, 2021

Still loving this era of X-Men. The art in this issue is a little rough though. The pencils are fine, but the coloring feels very flat, and I don't want to blame the colorist here because he has done great work with the rest of this series when Yu and Asrar drew. But I don't think it matches with Brett Booth's style, you'd need a colorist from the 90s to make this art work. It just feels off when I was reading it, the modern coloring on Booth's 90's style pencils. Other than that small complaint, still loving this series. I just hope all these one shots get a payoff issue later in the future or gets paid off in an event that Hickman will write

X-Men (2019) #18

Feb 24, 2021

Awesome stuff, I'm just very curious to see how much time has actually happened in the vault vs outside of the vault. I was hoping to see some of the Krakoa stuff

X-Men (2019) #19

Mar 31, 2021

Awesome. Sci-fi mixed with real character motivations and emotions perfectly. I really loved the journey that Laura and Synch go through, as well as Darwin. It also sets up the Children to be even a bigger threat then before, but the mutants are now ready to fight back with the knowldege that they got from the Vault.

X-Men (2021) #4

Oct 14, 2021

It’s a fine issue. I don’t like change in artists in a series, but this was serviceable. What I do have a problem with is I feel like Duggan is trying his damnedest to get that Hickman vibe, and it was semi successful in the first couple issues of the series. But then inferno came out, and we were all reminded how powerful Hickman as not just a writer, but world builder, really is. Once you read that and the this series, it just pales, and that’s really unfortunate. I also don’t know the hook yet for the series, there’s no big over arching plot to hook me in, so far it’s just one off fillers, which is fine, but it does get quite tiresome and boring once you get used to it. I’m hoping Duggan can pick up the pace with the following issues

X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

Jul 27, 2023

Thought I'd read this as part of the X-Men come back for me and immediately I'm like alright I'm out again. It's crazy how bad marvel fumbled the bag with this era that Hickman set up. I understand that they wanted to stay in the krakoa era longer than intended, but everything Hickman set up feels like it's completely buried or wasn't followed up in a satisfying way since he left. It feels like he gave them notes and the writers just took them way too literally or just used them as a guide instead of the natural story. Moira is out of character; this fall of X doesn't feel deserved even though the krakoa era was extended longer than intended. It just feels SO rushed. It's such a shame because if you re read all the Hickman stuff and some of the Gillen stuff, you can see grand ideas, but it feels like those are being shelved for essentially the extinction storyline again. Before people say ya but they can bring them back and itll be different, EVERYONE knows that. It's just why waste time with the extinction storyline yet AGAIN when we already know the outcome. Remember when Hickman's tagline when he came on was evolution. This book just shows how everything with the X-Men will always come back to them being put down to near extinction. Seeing Krakoa be an actual nation and powerful was the premise that should have been the status quo for at least 10 years; but here we are where the mutants are at their worst yet again. And they'll save themselves yet again, and they'll be brought down yet again. It's just exhausting to me

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #1

Feb 5, 2020

Good stuff. Zdarsky has a real appreciation for the fantastic four as seen in his marvel two in one series. He writes them really well (as he does most Marvel characters from what I've read). The story is also interesting, it has personal stakes as well as huge global ones. I like the way Reed is written in particular, although we have seen the bad father angle written so many times for him, it'd be nice to see him be a good father for once. The art is also good, Ive never liked the Dodson art style, but I like the character expressions done here. Looking like another welcome entry into dawn of x

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #2

Feb 26, 2020

Hmm, I didn't like this issue as much as the first. Mostly because of what the F4 do in response, it feels very unlike themselves despite the reasoning behind it. I thought they'd do something more logic based due to the scientific nature of the group. I do like the plot with Doom and the kids and Kitty, that seems very fun and different/interesting. The fight that happens just made my eyes glaze over a little bit. Still interested because of what the ending will be with Franklin

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #3

Mar 25, 2020

My favorite issue of this mini series so far. I love how this book is echoing the classic X-Men/Fantastic Four story by Chris Claremont, with Doom holding all the strings and offering help to a mutant, although in this case he's helping the Fantastic Four family mutant. This book also brings Doom back in a way that makes him feel like the smartest person in the room and the most powerful, I haven't read a doom like that since Hickman's Secret Wars. This book excels in the way that you get every character's motivations, so none of them feel written out of place. Very excited for the finale

X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #4

Jul 22, 2020

an ending all tied up with a classic deus ex machina bow. It was surprising to see Franklin accept both the X-Men and F4 considering I thought he would just stay with the Fantastic Four as he is in Empyre. It's a fine ending, the real ending is the threat to Reed from Professor X and Magneto. This isn't over yet

X-Men: Legends (2021) #1

Feb 17, 2021

Decent start. It drops you right into the middle of the story, so it definitely isn't new reader friendly. You have to be familiar with 90s X-Men history to understand who these characters are and what is happening. The art from Booth also works a lot better here vs his art in the ongoing Hickman book. The colors work a lot better here than in that book. I'll keep reading for the nostalgia, but nothing major or insane for those looking for that

X-O Manowar (2020) #1

Mar 26, 2020

Quite average for me, I didn't like this as much as the first issues of Vendittis run or Kindts run. This definitely is different from those stories because it grounds Aric on Earth mostly, and he acts more like a traditional superhero stopping crime rather than the epic storytelling that Kindts run was or the interesting sci fi elements of Vendittis run. While some may call it refreshing, I guess I've grown used to the epics and sci fi that I was hoping to see a step up in terms of theatrical rather than a grounded approach. This opinion may change in the future after reading more issues, but i hope this doesn't become a generic green lantern or Nova book (not to say those characters are boring, both have had stellar runs in the past and currently). The great thing about this book is the art, I love the art style, the colors especially play up the superheroic tone that the book is going for. I'll keep reading because I love XO, but I hope it will get better

X-O Manowar (2020) #2

Nov 25, 2020

It's been so long since issue #1, but I love me some X-O. as stated in my review of issue 1, this new relaunch feels much more like a traditional super hero book rather than the epic space opera that the previous Kindt run was. I wasn't fully on board before, but I really liked this issue. X-O feels a lot more in his element and used to modern day, and it's a fun welcome change of pace.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Dec 18, 2019

Just more teasing rather than doing anything noteworthy or showing anything for the upcoming event Snyder will write about the dark multiverse. I say Snyder even though he didn't write this book because tynion is Snyder's protegé and Snyder has already hinted how justice league and all the Batman who laughs stuff will be connected to an event coming up soon, probably the crisis hinted at in doomsday clock 12. But at this point I just feel tired with the idea of another dark multiverse event

Young Justice (2019) #9

Oct 2, 2019

It was fine. I wish Bendis would only write this book, since he seems to be doing it much better than Superman or Legion.

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