Kgphil01's Profile

Joined: Jan 08, 2017

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Overall Rating
A.D.: After Death Vol. 1

Jul 27, 2017

Wow what an unbelievably beautiful and moving piece of art. First off it must be said there is ALOT to read in this "comic", but if you're willing to invest the time it takes to read it its an amazing journey. The writing in both the prose and comic sections are fantastic. Really giving you a very strong connection with Jonah and his battle to overcome his anxieties and fears. The art from Lemire give this book a very dream like almost children's picture book type feel to it with very simple drawling and a phenomenal watercolor palette. Overall this is simply a stunning work from two of the best creators in comics.

Accelerators #1

Sep 25, 2017

Accelerators #2

Sep 25, 2017

Accelerators #3

Sep 25, 2017

Accelerators #4

Sep 25, 2017

Accelerators #5

Sep 25, 2017

Accelerators #6

Sep 25, 2017

Everything about this series so far is fantastic! The story the pacing the art just all extremely well done! This first arc gives you a ton of action and plenty of story to get you fully invested but is extremely smart that it only give you a sliver of what is to come to keep you thoroughly intrigued and wanting more! A phenomenal inide series anyone who likes sci-fi/time travel should be reading!

All-Star Batman #4

Jan 8, 2017

All-Star Batman #5

Jan 8, 2017

All-Star Batman #6

Jan 12, 2017

A very intersting experiment from Snyder for issue #6. I liked the concept, I loved the portrayal of Freeze. Really felt he was terrifying and truely threatening in his plan. Loved the art. Did not like the execution. I felt like it wanted to be a chapter of a novel with pictures but ended up missing a lot the mark. **Update** So after reading the next 2 issues in this arc I went back and read this issue again and my first review couldn't of been more wrong! I don't think I was in the correct mindset to really appreciate what Snyder was trying to do with this book. Now that I see what Snyder is trying to do with this book I found this issue phenomenal! Even if not all of his ideas hit, its fantastic to see creators trying such different ideas in the comic medium with such important and established characters!

All-Star Batman #7

Feb 13, 2017

It's kind of funny Freeze is one of my favorite Batman Rogues and I didn't care for his All-Star Chapter and Poison Ivy who I'm not a huge fan of chapter I loved! I fantastic look at the mindset of Ivy! Snyder may just make me an Ivy fan!

All-Star Batman #8

Mar 15, 2017

Once I settled into the artistic style Snyder was going for in this arc I really started to enjoy it. This next chapter is no exception as we see the pieces of who is truly behind this slowly come together and we see Batman fight physically and psychologically. The writing is especially strong in making not only Batman try to figure out what is read but the reader as well! Snyder has dont an amazing job picking out each artist for each chapter that really drives this story home! Overall a fantastic chapter and I can't wait to see what comes next!

All-Star Batman #9

Apr 24, 2017

An absolutely fantastic finish to one of the most memorable Batman storeis I've read in quite some time! Snyder used this finale to ramp up the tension to 11 and break it wide open with an unbelievable twist that was perfect! Jock's art work really shines here capturing the extremely volitle situations that are presented in this issue! Overall this Ends of the Earth had been not only a phenomenal Batman story but also a phenomenal piece of art! I was not ready for the bold story telling Snyder was going for when this arc started but I'm very glad I kept with it and opened my mind to this masterpiece! Bravo!

All-Star Batman #10

May 14, 2017

After the brilliance of the last arc I was very curious to see how Snyder would be able to follow it up and man did he deliver! As with all the arcs so far in All-Star we get a serious dose of intrigue and action! This time around he uses Alfred's eyes to tell this story and it works incredibly well. Giving us some emotional insite to not only how Alfred views Bruce/Batman but a little into his own brand of justice and just how far he might be willing to go! Art is a little hit or miss for me in this issue. I thought some panels especially when Batman is present that look phenomenal, but some of the Bruce redeitions are a bit rough in my opinion. Overall I'm quite excited for this arc and extremely glad I stuck with this book!

All-Star Batman #11

Jun 22, 2017

One again Snyder has really proven to be a master of writing Batman! This time giving us a fantastic Batman story while giving us a glimpse into Alfred's past! I love the parallels we see between a young Alfred and Batman and can't wait to see where this story goes next! The art is good enough nothing super jaw dropping but get the job done! The backup story is good but again pretty standard Batman. For as much as I have been disappointed in the main Batman book All-Star is more than making up for it currently!

All-Star Batman #12

Jul 30, 2017

All-Star Batman #13

Sep 2, 2017

Wow just wow!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #23

Jan 19, 2017

Marvels relentless events are really starting to take its toll...

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #24

Feb 23, 2017

This is yet another terrible event for Marvel. Just as with the last issue of the clone conspiracy the tone is all over the place. Moments that should feel like they have weight to them are ruined with awful one liners. The story had so much going on in the beginning only to have the quickest and sloppiest of endings imaginable. I'm giving this a 4 only because of the art. I unfortunately collect all the amazing spidey issues I can so I will continue to buy it. But I don't think I'll be reading them until Slott is off the book.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #25

Mar 17, 2017

The main story here is pretty decent as we see Spider-Man try to track down Norman Osborn as well as deal with some of the lingering fall out of the Clone event. Its written a bit choppy with everything Slott is trying to set up for the next arc but overall it works well. The art is fantastic as always in this issue. But the back ups are pointless (except for the last one) and not needed at all. This is one thing that is really driving me away from Marvel is the fact we just got out of an event that doubled the amount of books we had to buy (some at 4.99) and now the first issue back to the normal story lines is 9.99!? I really wish Marvel would care at least half of much about giving their readers quality stories as it did making a quick buck. That aside the main story is good enough and has me interested in where is arc goes.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #26

Apr 19, 2017

Overall a pretty good issue. The story while a bit thin and pretty straightforward was engaging enough and has my interest. The action sequences and art are the stars of this issue though. Both give this story a sense of excitement and the art is simply gorgeous! Hope things continue to build in #27!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #27

May 27, 2017

A very simple and straight forward issue where we see the set up for the massive battle between Spidey and Osborne. I really love the art in this issue. While I'm not the biggest fan of this globe trotting Spidey and the worldwide setting I think this arc has been pretty entertaining!

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #28

Jun 13, 2017

Much like the rest of the this arc of ASM this issue was good nothing groundbreaking or even new. Just a straight forward simple Spider-Man stops bad guy story we've seen 100s of times. The art though is simply gorgeous in this issue! Overall an enjoyable easy reading arc that concludes nicely in this issue! Nothing more nothing less.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #29

Jul 8, 2017

I really liked this isssue right up to the end!! Damn marvel and their damn events! The build up of Doc Ock and Spidey was great and then peter just leaves because of the events of Secret Empire!?!? Come on that's just terrible story telling just because it had to fit in Marvel's 82nd event this year! Thank God for the start of Spectacular Spider-Man but I'm sure Marvel will find a way to ruin that title as well.......

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #30

Jul 21, 2017

I have to get this off my chest!! Marvel quit with these damn events every other week! I'm not going to buy into them, they are all garbage. Quit interfering with your normal books. The first few pages of this book are abysmal. Peter leaves mid encounter with Doc only to get to DC decide Cap is to strong and then come running back to Doc? 1000% unnecessary and a awful interruption to what is a good arc. Now that's off my chest I really thought this was a good issue. The build up of the showdown between Spidey and Doc was riveting and Slott really captured the tension & feeling of just how much is at stake! The art is phenomenal! Really looking forward to the next issue! Just please stop this damn event overdose marvel! **my Review score is 100% based on the actual Doc Oc arc not the SE pages. Overall with everything I'd give this a 3/10**

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #31

Aug 14, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #32

Feb 11, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #789

Feb 11, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #790

Feb 11, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #791

Feb 11, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #792

Jul 4, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #793

Jul 4, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #794

Jul 14, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #795

Jul 14, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #796

Jul 14, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) Annual #42  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1

Dec 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #2

Dec 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #3

Dec 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #4

Dec 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #5

Dec 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #6

Jul 13, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #7

Jul 14, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #8

Jul 14, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #9

Jul 14, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #10

Jul 15, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #11

Jul 15, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12

Jul 15, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #13

Jul 15, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #14

Jul 15, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #15

Jul 15, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16.HU

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #17

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18.HU

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #19

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #19.HU

Sep 30, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20

Oct 2, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20.HU

Oct 2, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #21

Oct 2, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #22

Oct 2, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #23

Oct 4, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc.: Alpha #1

Jul 4, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc.: Omega #1

Jul 4, 2018

American Vampire Vol. 1

Jun 15, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 2

Jun 21, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 3

Jun 22, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 4

Jun 22, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 5

Aug 1, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 6

Aug 2, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 7

Aug 2, 2017

American Vampire Vol. 8

Aug 2, 2017

Batman #608

Jul 17, 2019

Batman #609

Jul 17, 2019

Batman #610

Jul 17, 2019

Batman #611

Jul 19, 2019

Batman #612

Jul 19, 2019

Batman #613

Jul 19, 2019

Batman #614

Jul 19, 2019

Batman #615

Jul 20, 2019

Batman #616

Jul 20, 2019

Batman #617

Jul 20, 2019

Batman #618

Jul 20, 2019

Batman #619

Jul 20, 2019

Batman #620

May 5, 2020

Batman #621

May 5, 2020

Batman #622

May 5, 2020

Batman #623

May 5, 2020

Batman #624

May 5, 2020

Batman #625

May 5, 2020

Batman (2011) #1

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #2

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #3

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #4

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #5

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #6

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #7

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #8

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #9

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #10

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #11

Jul 22, 2019

Batman (2011) #12

Jul 31, 2019

Batman (2011) #13

Apr 21, 2020

Batman (2011) #14

Apr 21, 2020

Batman (2011) #15

Apr 26, 2020

Batman (2011) #16

Apr 26, 2020

Batman (2011) #17

Apr 26, 2020

Batman (2016) #10

Jan 8, 2017

nothing more than a filler issue

Batman (2016) #11

Jan 8, 2017

Batman (2016) #12

Jan 8, 2017

Batman (2016) #13

Jan 8, 2017

Batman (2016) #14

Jan 8, 2017

Extremely well written! The "romantic" tension King has been building in I am suicide comes out in full force in this epilogue of sorts. You can really feel the emotion and desire in the Batman Cat woman relationship in these pages.

Batman (2016) #15

Jan 19, 2017

Batman (2016) #16

Feb 1, 2017

Overall a pretty straightforward start to this arc as Batman prepares for bane's assault on Gotham. You can really feel the tension of the oncoming storm in King's writing and it's fantastic to have Finch's artwork back. I couldn't have higher hopes for this arc and if this set up issue is any indication it will not disappoint.

Batman (2016) #17

Feb 15, 2017

As with the previous issue King's writing beautifully captures the dire tension that is the "war" to come between Batman and Bane. We see both Batman and Bane making their preparations for this battle and get that phenomenal tease of the action ahead in the final page. As always Finch's artwork amazes and really drive home what is at stake in Gotham. Much like belt buckle after thanks giving this story is about to burst open and I don't think I can wait 2 weeks... masterful stuff!

Batman (2016) #18

Mar 6, 2017

This is one of the most disappointing reads I've had in a long time. The palatable tension King was building in the first two chapters of this arc were phenomenal! Then instead of the the full fledge chaos that should of erupted between Batman & Bane we get these awkward flashbacks of Batman and Bane's mommy issues. I get what King is trying to do with this issue in exploring the similarities in Bats and Bane but it comes off as extremely cheesy. This kills the entire sense of intensity and dread King has been building the last two issues. I thought this was going to be King's defining arc in his Batman run but it seems he just can't put together a solid arc. The art is amazing though! Finch absolutely nails Batman and this has to be one of my favortie versions of Bane! But overall EXTREMELY disappointed.

Batman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

yet another boring unnecessary filler issue. 4 issues into this arc and King still is trying to build tension which was already there from the end of part 2. This entire issue was to tell us that Bane was angry because he gave up venom and was trying to live a peaceful life... yea we all have been reading this title we know what has lead up to this. No need to take an entire issue to explain something that was already clear as day. Also why does King keep having Batman come up with these elaborate plans to use all his rogues to trick the villians into what Batman wants. It was ok in I am Suicide but here he's at it again. The art is phenomenal and that's why I'm giving it a 6. Maybe I'm just not a fan of King's style of writing or his take on Batman but this is yet another disappointing read...

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

After this issue I've decided King's writing and take on Batman are just not for me. Again we get exposition flashbacks that are not needed. Batman takes a beating of a life time only to bounce back at the last second, say a cheesy one liner and the threats over... After such a strong start to this arc it completely crashed in the last few issues.

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 24, 2017

What a start to this long awaited "The Button" story arc! Not a whole lot of exposition here but we do get is some unbelievable action/fight sequences and a massive helping of intrigue! Oh and it's all set during a game of the greatest sport on the planet... hockey! This is one hell of a way to start this Batman/Flash crossover! Cannot wait to see where this goes!

Batman (2016) #22

May 14, 2017

Another great chapter in the Button arc! Without getting to much into spoilers we get some great emotional scenes and some great teases on what exactly is going on with the button and the D.C. Universe! The art is simply stunning! Overall this has been a fantastic crossover and can't wait to see how it ends!

Batman (2016) #23

May 27, 2017

While this is just a filler one shot it's a fantastic issue. It has the perfect mix of a dark murder mystery with plenty of intrigue and even a little bit of humor sprinkled in. Then it leaves you wanting so much more with its dramatic ending! It's kinda funny I'm not a big fan of King's "poetic" take on Batman but it worked really well for this issue. The art oozes gritty noir and really fits this story well. This whole Batman run has been so hit or miss for me I love certain issues and hate others hopefully we can get some consistency going forward. But really enjoyed this issue!

Batman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

I don't even know where to begin!? The Emo version of Batman King is trying to force upon us, the insane amount of pointless dialog in this issue or the ridiculous ending... if you enjoyed this issue all the more power to you but in my opinion this is filler at its absolute worst. I don't know if it's double shipping or something else but something is taking a toll on this book. Giving it a 4 only because I love Finch's art

Batman (2016) #25

Jun 22, 2017

Just more of the same brooding emo Batman king has given us for 25 issues now, nothing more nothing less.

Batman (2016) #26

Jul 8, 2017

I do really like the tension King is setting up with these build up issues! You can really feel how volatile this war is becoming from both the riddler & joker sides while Batman almost isn't involved at all. It makes it really feel like Batman can't do a thing about this confrontation between these two powerhouse rouges and I really like it! Excited to see where this goes!

Batman (2016) #27

Jul 21, 2017

As with most of King's run on Batman I've liked one issue and then be completely disappointed with the next. This nothing but pure filler! So King decided to give us an origin story of Kite Man. But of course he had to jump around timelines and cut back and forth on when things are happening. The art is good enough but this issue was boring and completely unnecessary. Im starting to wonder if double shipping is starting to take its toll and that why we're getting filler. Either way King should just try and write a solid straight forward Batman arc instead of this artsy crap he is giving us.

Batman (2016) #28

Aug 9, 2017

While the fight between Deathstroke and Deadshot was entertaining enough nothing in this issue really pushed the story forward in any meaningful ways. Still get the inner monolog of Batman brooding over the city and how he cant stop the war between the Joker & Riddler. Pretty much still setting up what has been known for the last 3 issues. The art is decent enough with some good panels depicting the five day battle between the two assassins. But nothing that really stands out or is super memorable. Overall I think King has some fantastic ideas and stories he wants to tell but his execution is really lacking.

Batman (2016) #29

Aug 19, 2017

This Batman issue is just absurd, it's boring, and it doesn't move the story along at all. I'm almost to the point where I'm going to stop reading the main Batman book. My completionist OCD won't let me quit buying them but I'll just bag and board them for my collection.

Batman (2016) #30

Sep 6, 2017

Just when I thought Batman couldn't get any worse #30 comes around.... there is nothing here even remotely redeemable. King has completely destroyed Batman... siding with a villain not to mention one who has or will kill a child and just standing there like it's no big deal? This whole issue is pointless, just a depressed kite man's inner monologue wanting to know why people think he's a joke. It doesn't move the story along it doesn't give any new insight to the war between Joker and riddler just an emo kite man sulking. Absolutely awful... **Edit** Ok I'm going to raise my score just a little. I do think a 1 was very knee jerk and unfair of me with the rating. I still do not like this book or King's take on Batman but it's definitely not a 1/10 book...

Batman (2016) #31

Feb 12, 2018

Batman (2016) #32

Feb 12, 2018

Batman (2016) #33

May 9, 2018

Batman (2016) #34

May 9, 2018

Batman (2016) #35

May 9, 2018

Batman (2016) #36

May 9, 2018

Batman (2016) #37

May 10, 2018

Batman (2016) #38

Aug 2, 2018

Batman (2016) #39

Aug 2, 2018

Batman (2016) #40

Aug 2, 2018

Batman (2016) #41

Aug 2, 2018

Batman (2016) #42

Aug 2, 2018

Batman (2016) #43

Aug 2, 2018

Batman (2016) #44

Aug 6, 2018

Batman (2016) #45

Dec 3, 2018

Batman (2016) #46

Dec 3, 2018

Batman (2016) #47

Dec 3, 2018

Batman (2016) #48

Dec 3, 2018

Batman (2016) #49

Dec 3, 2018

Batman (2016) #50

Dec 3, 2018

Batman (2016) #51

Dec 24, 2018

Batman (2016) #52

Dec 24, 2018

Batman (2016) #53

Dec 25, 2018

Batman (2016) #54

Dec 25, 2018

Batman (2016) #55

Dec 25, 2018

Batman (2016) #56

Dec 25, 2018

Batman (2016) #57

Dec 25, 2018

Batman (2016) #58

Apr 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #59

Apr 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #60

Apr 5, 2019

Batman (2016) #61

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #62

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #63

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #66

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #67

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #68

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #69

Oct 7, 2019

Batman (2016) #70

Apr 18, 2020

Batman (2016) #71

Apr 18, 2020

Batman (2016) #72

Apr 18, 2020

Batman (2016) #73

Apr 18, 2020

Batman (2016) #74

Apr 18, 2020

Batman (2016) Annual #2

May 10, 2018

Batman (2016) Annual #3

Apr 5, 2019

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #1

Aug 15, 2018

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #1

Apr 26, 2020

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #2

Aug 15, 2018

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #2

Apr 26, 2020

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #3

Aug 15, 2018

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #3

Apr 26, 2020

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #4

Aug 15, 2018

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #4

Apr 26, 2020

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #5

Aug 17, 2018

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #5

Apr 26, 2020

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #6

Aug 17, 2018

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #6

Apr 26, 2020

Batman / The Shadow #1

Apr 26, 2017

Overall an enjoyable read as we see Batman try and track down the killer of one of Arkham's staff. This issue sets up a general but straightforward murder mystery giving us a chance to see Batman's detective work something I feel is missing from newer Batman runs. It doesn't answer a whole lot and leaves it nice a wide open with several ways it could go which has me very intrigued. The art and aesthetic scream the 50s which looks fantastic. Just a very nice enjoyable crossover that I think will be a lot of fun for both Batman and Shadow fans.

Batman / The Shadow #2

May 27, 2017

This is about as good of a comic as you can find! The pacing, the action, the reveals, the set up all masterful in this issue! Snyder has come up with an amazing story that fits both Batman and the Shadow so well. Showcasing both characters in perfect unison. The art has such a gritty 50s detective pulp feel that has a little modern look to it that works so incredibly well! This is one mini series you should definitely be picking up! Espically if your a fan of either character or hell if you just love amazing comics!

Batman / The Shadow #3

Jul 8, 2017

This is such an amazing book! The writing is superb, the art captures the pulp setting perfectly! Just amazing! This issue slows down the action a little bit to explain a little bit more of what exactly is going on and man does is build in all the prefect ways! Can't wait for issue 4!!

Batman / The Shadow #4

Jul 30, 2017

Batman / The Shadow #5

Aug 30, 2017

Batman / The Shadow #6

Jul 4, 2018

Batman / TMNT Adventures #1

Feb 13, 2017

A very fun light hearted take on mashing up the Batman Animated Series and the current turtles cartoons. The art is phenomenal the way the styles of both shows mix is fantastic! The writing is light and fun with a great sense of humor! Can't wait to read the rest of the run!

Batman / TMNT Adventures #2

Feb 13, 2017

Batman / TMNT Adventures #3

Feb 13, 2017

Batman / TMNT Adventures #4

Feb 16, 2017

Overall this series has been a very fun read. The story is straight forward and simple but with it being a mash up of the Batman and TMNT cartoons that isn't a bad thing at all. This issue had a great mix of Batman & TMNT villains. The artwork is fantastic in its cartoony style and the humor is on point even laughed out loud in a few places!

Batman / TMNT Adventures #5

Apr 3, 2017

The best issue is the mini-series so far! A little bit more a twist in the story than with the previous issues in who is actually the mastermind behind the portals mixing both worlds. Great art and one sequence that had me laughing with delight on how they payed homage to the greatest cartoon intro ever!! This book is an absolute blast!

Batman / TMNT Adventures #6

May 14, 2017

This issue felt a lot like filler and not really needed (although really good filler). We see Gotham city under attack by a classic TMNT villain several months one would presume after the events of issue #5. Once the attack commences we see the Bat/TMNT families clean up the mess. This was a good one shot but didn't really add anything to the story of issues 1-5 and felt like it was only here to sell another issues. The writing was good as it has been all series long and the art fantastic! As much as I enjoyed this series I think its definitely run its course and ready to see it end!

Batman, Inc. #1

May 18, 2020

Batman, Inc. #2

May 18, 2020

Batman, Inc. #3

Jun 18, 2020

Batman, Inc. #4

Jun 18, 2020

Batman: Damned #1

Oct 7, 2019

Batman: Damned #2

Oct 7, 2019

Batman: Damned #3

Oct 7, 2019

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

Apr 17, 2020

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Apr 17, 2020

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

Apr 18, 2020

Batman: Lost #1  
Batman: The Dark Prince Charming #1  
Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1  
Batman: The Devastator #1  
Batman: The Drowned #1  
Batman: The Merciless #1  
Batman: The Murder Machine #1  
Batman: The Red Death #1  
Batman: Who Laughs #1  
Black Cloud #1

Apr 9, 2017

I don't really have a whole to say about this first issue other than I have no clue what is going on (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). What was presented was very interesting in that it could go in a million different ways. But unless your truly willing to give this book a full arc run there isn't much to really hook the reader other than possibilities of where it could be going. I have a feeling this book will read 100 times better in trade than single issues. The art is really good throughout especially in the black & white fantasy world sequences! I'm sure that once the next few issues come out everything will come together but for this issue it's extremely fragmented and I don't know if that's enough to keep readers here.

Black Cloud Vol. 1: No Exit

Jan 19, 2018

Black Hammer Vol. 1: Secret Origins

Apr 21, 2017

Black Hammer is quite the strange beast. It is essentially a family drama told with superheroes characters and a major Twilight Zone twist.... and its one of the best books I've ever read. The book centers around a team of 5 superheroes all transported in the middle of a battle for the universe to a small farming town which they cannot leave. The book picks up after 10 years of the team trying to fit into the community, while they try and find out where and when they are and a way to get home. The writing on this book is unbelievable. Right from the first page the characters are set up in the perfect way as we get each origin story told in golden era comics brilliance. The family dynamics work so well you cant help but feel for each character as each one deals with being confined to this farm for 10 years! While this is happening Lemire keeps building the mystery of where & why this has happened! The art is a perfect call back to classic superhero books simply stunning! Overall I've never read anything like this and I couldn't put it down! Such an amazing idea with perfect execution! This absolutely lives up to the hype!

Black Hammer Vol. 2: The Event

Jan 6, 2018

This series is absolutely phenomenal!! Volume 2 just pushes this series even further! We get a fantastic further glimpse into each character’s backstory as we slowly learn who they each really as the mystery of the town they are stuck in slowly unravels! Everything about this book is perfect! The pacing the writing the art are all masterpieces! Do yourself a favor a pick this book up now!!

Black Hammer Vol. 3: Age Of Doom Part I

Feb 8, 2019

Black Hammer '45 #1

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer '45 #2

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer '45 #3

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer '45 #4

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #2

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #3

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #4

Apr 19, 2020

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #5

Apr 19, 2020

Black Magick Vol. 1: Awakening Part One  
Black Road Vol. 1: The Holy North

Feb 4, 2018

Black Road Vol. 2: A Pagan Death

Feb 4, 2018

Black Science Vol. 1: How to Fall Forever  
Blackcross Vol. 1  
Cannibal Vol. 1

Jun 2, 2017

What we have with Cannibal seems to be a somewhat different take on the over saturated zombie craze. Instead of bunch of brain dead infected we get infected who are clearly of their own mind and making choices of who they eat. While this premise is interesting enough there just isn't much here to set its self apart. There is little to no backstory in this first volume so we really are not given anything to really care about with these characters. The pacing seems very disjointed jumping around to different plot points to the point where I kept rereading things to make sure I didn't miss a page. The biggest issue I have with the book though is the art. There is hardly any detail in the characters that makes it very hard to know what is happening and which characters are involved. There is a big reveal at the end of issue 3 that honestly you cant tell if the character presented is one you already know which would be a huge deal or just a generic person we have yet to meet. This really brings down what could of been a very intriguing hook. Overall this isn't a bad book by any means and I'll give it another volume to see if it's cleaned up at all!

Chew (20090 Vol. 1: Taster's Choice

Jan 29, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 2: International Flavor

Jan 29, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 3: Just Desserts

Jan 29, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 4: Flambe

Jan 29, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 5: Major League Chew

Jan 29, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 6: Space Cakes

May 31, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 7: Bad Apples

May 31, 2017

Chew (20090 Vol. 8: Family Recipes

May 31, 2017

Clean Room Vol. 1: Immaculate Conception

Feb 16, 2017

Clean Room Vol. 2: Exile

Jan 13, 2017

After almost dropping the series after not being able to understand the first volume I'm quite glad I gave vol 2 a chance.

Clean Room Vol. 3: Waiting For The Stars

Jul 26, 2017

An absolutely amazing conclusion to a fantastic series. The build up to this volume has been fantastic as Gail Simone has given us little snippets into this sinister world that threatens in the dark just beyond our reality, and with this volume she fully unleashes the demonic threat in full force. The writing is spot on really setting up the tension of the impending threat as it gives us the puzzle pieces of what exactly has been happening through out the entire series. It does wrap up a little quickly for my tastes but it does a fantastic job letting the reader know exactly what is going on. The art shines in all its gory splendor this volume as we see the demonic hordes attempt to fully break into our world. This was a series that took me two volumes to get into but I'm sure glad I gave it chance. If you're looking into a sci-fi/horror/thriller book look no further than Clean Room!

Cowboy Ninja Viking Vol. 1 Deluxe

Jul 3, 2018

Cowboy Ninja Viking Vol. 2

Jul 3, 2018

Really enjoyed this series but the ending is awful and really brought down my score of this volume....

Crosswind #1

Mar 11, 2018

Crosswind #2

Mar 11, 2018

Crosswind #3

Mar 11, 2018

Crosswind #4

Mar 11, 2018

Crosswind #5

Mar 11, 2018

Crosswind #6

Mar 11, 2018

Curse Words #1

Jan 18, 2017

Curse Words #2

Mar 7, 2017

The story is progressing nicely in issue two as we get a little bit of backstory as Wizord tries to fix a mistake he made! Some great witty humor and phenomenal neon colored art in this issue! This is one series I'm extremely excited about

Curse Words #3

Jul 26, 2017

Curse Words #4

Jul 26, 2017

Curse Words #5

Jul 26, 2017

Curse Words Vol. 1

Aug 6, 2018

Curse Words Vol. 2: Explosiontown

Jan 24, 2018

Curse Words Vol. 3: Hole Damned World

Aug 6, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #15

Jan 12, 2017

Daredevil (2015) #16

Jan 29, 2017

At a time a lot of marvel books seems to replacing or changing their hero's. Daredevil seems to be doing the opposite. Instead heading full steam into the classic Daredevil I grew up loving! Can't wait to see where this series goes now!

Daredevil (2015) #17

Feb 16, 2017

It would appear this next arc will be a flashback story to bridge the time between the Waid's run into Soule's. nothing wrong with this issue at all as we get a glimpse into Matt's lasts days in San Francisco. The art fits this book so incredibly well. Just a nice little filler issue to get the flashback arc set up. I'm curious to see where this will take us.

Daredevil (2015) #18

Mar 17, 2017

After reading #17 I really wasn't all that interested in the telling of how Matt was able to get his secret identity back but #18 has changed that. Soule was able to craft a wonderfully told chapter here with great pacing and insight into Matt's mind! I really like how he has written the purple man in this issue really making him seem as terrifying as he should be! The art works so well with this book. Cannot wait to see where this story goes!

Daredevil (2015) #19

Apr 24, 2017

Anorher great chapter to the "purple man" arc. Soule's writing is on point for his daredevil run and this issue and arc are no exception. We see Soule take Matt into his own fears and to combat Killgrave! Even though there is one more issue I think this one pretty much has given us the ending. The art was just ok in this issue. There were a couple really odd looking panels of Matt with an extremely awkward grin that just seemed really sloppy. Overall I'm really enjoying Soule's take on DD!

Daredevil (2015) #595

Aug 9, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #596

Aug 9, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #597

Aug 9, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #598

Aug 9, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #599

Aug 9, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #600

Aug 9, 2018

Daredevil (2015) #601

Jan 5, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #602

Jan 5, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #603

Jan 5, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #604

Jan 5, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #605

Jan 5, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #606

Feb 6, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #607

Feb 6, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #608

Feb 6, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #609

Feb 7, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #610

Feb 8, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #611

Feb 8, 2019

Daredevil (2015) #612

Feb 8, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #1

Sep 29, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #2

Sep 29, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #4

Sep 29, 2019

Daredevil (2019) #5

Sep 29, 2019

Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 14, 2017

Overall a good set up for the Dark Days: Metal event. A lot of the players are set up nicely in this issue as we see Batman looking for a mysterious force. While the other DC heroes start to notice something is up with Batman and start to investigate themselves. The writing in this issue is paced quite well giving us a ton of clues along the way of what's going on but also keeping a ton of mystery and intrigue intact! The art is honestly the only reservation I have with this book. With the talent they have working on it I expected something a little more stunning! Its not bad by any means just not amazing. I also think the shifting between artists is a little distracting. Overall I think this is a really good set up for what will be a great summer event for DC. Looking forward to what is on the horizon.

Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 21, 2017

Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1

Aug 8, 2018

This tie in issue is an absolute mess!! Maybe it’s because they have four writers on this issue but NOTHING in this issue makes even the slightest bit of sense! I’m beyond glad I only have one more issue to get through for this “metal” event I love Snyder but this whole event is mediocre at best.

Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 19, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal #2

Aug 6, 2018

Dark Nights: Metal #3

Aug 7, 2018

Dark Nights: Metal #4

Aug 8, 2018

Dark Nights: Metal #5

Aug 8, 2018

Dark Nights: Metal #6

Aug 8, 2018

Not a awful event but no where near good either! To be honest I found it quite boring and extremely lacking in any real plot. It felt like they just took a few ideas threw them against the wall and then tried to map around them! Really the only thing I enjoyed was the amazing evil Batmen designs! Everything else completely forgettable....

Dead of Winter #1

Aug 3, 2017

I had no idea this was based on a tabletop game and purchased it solely on the fact it was written by Kyle Starks. While the setup of the characters is decent enough the plot seems pretty paper thin. I don't know if that is because its trying to be like the game or what but its a VERY straight forward zombie story. Survivors have a little strong hold, have to go out into the infected zone to get supplies, stuff goes wrong. That's about it. The dialog is written in a way that feels very much like each character is a person sitting around the table playing a board game with their friends talking about what is going on in the game so I think it succeeded there. There is some good humor which is expected from Starks writing. The art is decent enough with some good zombie gore but nothing super special. Even though I'm a huge fan of Kyle Starks I don't think i'll continue with this book. I'm not a big zombie fan, and I have no idea what this game is. There is nothing bad about this book at all just not what I'm into reading personally. I'm sure if you're into the game or REALLY like zombie stories this will be up your alley.

Deadly Class Vol. 1: Reagan Youth

Feb 20, 2017

This has to be my #1 comic, just an absolute masterpiece!

Deadly Class Vol. 2: Kids Of The Black Hole

Feb 20, 2017

Deadly Class Vol. 3: The Snake Pit

Feb 20, 2017

Deadly Class Vol. 4: Die For Me

Feb 20, 2017

The single most shocking ending to an arc that I didn't see coming I've ever read! I still can't believe it

Deadly Class Vol. 5: Carousel

Mar 23, 2017

I don't know what I can say about this title other than if your not reading you damn well should be!! We get another masterful volume where we see a new class of freshmen come into the school and try to find their place as well as themselves. We also see the previous class back at the school jockeying for power and trying to cope with the events of their finals the previous year! The writing for this series is absolutely amazing with great character development, fantastic twists and a dash of punk rock! The art fits the book perfectly and brings it all to life!! I honestly don't know what else to say about this series other than it's a masterpiece and you should read it now!!!

Deadly Class Vol. 6: This Is Not The End

Aug 6, 2018

Deadly Class Vol. 8: Never Go Back

Aug 19, 2019

Death or Glory #1

Jan 5, 2019

Death or Glory #2

Jan 5, 2019

Death or Glory #3

Jan 5, 2019

Death or Glory #4

Jan 5, 2019

Death or Glory #5

Jan 5, 2019

Deathbed Collected  
Descender Vol. 1: Tin Stars

Jul 28, 2017

Descender Vol. 2: Machine Moon

Jul 28, 2017

Descender Vol. 3: Singularities

Aug 1, 2017

Descender Vol. 4: Orbital Mechanics

Oct 20, 2017

Descender Vol. 5: Rise Of The Robots

Feb 26, 2018

Detective Comics (2016) #944

Jan 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #945

Jan 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #946

Jan 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #947

Jan 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #948

Jan 12, 2017

After the fantastic conclusion to the victim syndicate Detective takes a step back to look at Batwomans origin, the fall out of Monster Men and the Colony's strike back against the bat family. Overall a decent setup for the next arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #949

Jan 29, 2017

Overall a decent issue. Some good action and a quick read. But this two part arc was nothing more than an advertisement for the upcoming Batwoman title. Hopefully now we can get back to the team dynamics that made this run fantastic so far!

Detective Comics (2016) #950

Feb 8, 2017

This reads almost like an annual issue. We get three stories two of which focus heavily on members of the team. More specifically Orphan and Azrael. The Orphan story while very well written had exposition narration that felt a little long in places and seemed to get a little repetitive. With Azrael we get a look into Azrael's mindset in a quick little interaction with Batwing. Finally the third story shows us interaction between Red Robin and Batman presumably before the series began. Overall some great writing & phenomenal art. But this feels like filler & double shipping is starting to takes its toll on story telling.

Detective Comics (2016) #951

Feb 23, 2017

As has been the trend so far Detective continues to be one of if not the best Rebirth title DC is putting out. This is a fantastic set up issue for the next story arc. With he colony pushed out of Gotham it's only fitting someone else takes their place and we see the bat team prepare for the up coming attack. With great writing and art this is one book I look forward to every 2 weeks.

Detective Comics (2016) #952

Mar 8, 2017

What a fantastic isssue! Tynion's writing in this issue has the perfect pacing with fantastic action a great twist and the perfect sense of dread and intensity this story should have! The art fit the tone of the book perfectly only pushing the emotion & tension that much further! This is shaping up to be one hell of an arc & may very well be the defining arc of this teams detective run! Hell it maybe the definitive arc of Rebirth!

Detective Comics (2016) #953

Apr 3, 2017

This book continues to strengthen its case for my favorite Super Hero title running. This issue we the League moving their pieces around and slowly tearing at the fragile fabric of the Bat team! With great action, tension and pacing this is another fantastic chapter to the series defining arc for me!

Detective Comics (2016) #954

Apr 18, 2017

The first misstep of this League of Shadows arc. What we get here is mainly build up for the final issue. While this isn't bad by any means it was a bit of a slower read with some below average dialog from what we are used to. But for me where this issue really suffered was the art. The use of Batmans eyes to convey extreme emotions was absolutely terrible. This isn't a deadpool or Spider-Man comic and it really took me out of the story. Overall this has been a fantasric arc and even with this little bit of a let down I expect it will finish strong!

Detective Comics (2016) #955

Apr 29, 2017

Essentially this issue is a your typical motivational pep talk for Cassandra. While well written and builds tension for what we can assume will be a massive knock down slug fest in the next issue. It doesn't really add anything new to the arc. I don't know what has happened with the art the last two books but I'm not a fan at all. Especially didn't like the two page splash that made you read the book sideways. In my opinion that just wasn't needed and took me out of the story. Also where was the epic action sequence the solicit advertised!? Overall even with my issues with the art and not really moving the arc forward and feeling like a bit of a filler issue it's written well and does end with a predictable but thrilling launching point into the next issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #956

May 14, 2017

This arc seemes to have been an issue or two too long. While the writing was ok here it just seemed to re-tell what the previous two issues had already told us and then just wrap everything up so quickly there was no weight to it. It was almost like one page a massive battle was taking place then the next it was over and they were moving on the the next arc. The art is terrible in this issue. I get it may be the artists "style" but it looked extremely simple and lazily drawn. No details on characters awkward rough lines just a total mess in my opinion. This arc started with such energy and impact only to land with a massive thud. Hopefully they can get a little more focused and the next arcs will really impress.

Detective Comics (2016) #957

May 24, 2017

Nothing more than a filler issue although a pretty good filler issue. We see Spoiler as she goes through her ideals and her new form of fighting crime since the events of the Victim Syndicate. I think this could be an extremely interesting character development for her in the inevitable fight with the bat family. Glad to see the art back on track from the last two issues that really left something to be desired. I'm looking forward to see where Tynion will take Spoiler!

Detective Comics (2016) #958

Jun 14, 2017

Honestly this was kind of a boring issue. While not bad it just sets the groundwork for the next arc focusing on Azrael but it does so in a little bit of long winded fashion. I feel like we could of been told what is going on in this issue in only a few pages and got a little bit more into the actual conflict this issue. The art is pretty good this issue and no complaints there. I feel this issue is mainly filler and hope the arc picks up next issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #959

Jul 8, 2017

I'm enjoying this arc overall but nothing is wowing me! I do find the two story lines a bit confusing and conflicting wish they would just stick to the Azrael arc and worked with the Batman/Zatanna arc next. But overall I well written and engaging enough arc.

Detective Comics (2016) #960

Jul 21, 2017

Over all a pretty weak issue IMO. This issue has all the intertwined arcs taking a bit of a breather and slow down. I'm still not really liking the multiple story lines as it's a bit confusing to try and remember everything that is going on. Also with the split arcs it takes away the great team dynamic that this book excels at! Wish they would if just stuck with the entire team facing the Azrael situation. The art is fantastic as always! Really hope this book gets back to the team stories soon!

Detective Comics (2016) #961

Jul 30, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #962

Aug 14, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #963

Aug 30, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #994

Apr 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #995

Apr 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #996

Apr 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #997

Apr 19, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #998

Apr 19, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #999

Apr 19, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1001

Apr 26, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1002

Apr 26, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1003

Apr 26, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1004

Apr 26, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1005

Apr 26, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1006

May 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1007

May 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1008

May 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1009

May 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1010

May 18, 2020

Detective Comics (2016) #1011

May 18, 2020


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019


Aug 2, 2019

East of West Vol. 1: The Promise

Aug 8, 2017

East of West Vol. 2: We Are All One

Aug 10, 2017

East of West Vol. 3: There Is No Us

Aug 10, 2017

East of West Vol. 4: Who Wants War?

Oct 20, 2017

East of West Vol. 5: All These Secrets

Oct 20, 2017

East of West Vol. 6

Oct 23, 2017

East of West Vol. 7

Oct 25, 2017

Eclipse Vol. 1

Jun 2, 2017

Overall I really enjoyed the first volume of Eclipse. While it may not be the most original sci-fi story out there it really makes up for it with a great mix of the sci-fi/horror/mystery and even a little dash of Conspiracy Theory all mixed into one. The writing while good was a little quick for my liking not really giving us a whole lot other than the basics of what is going on at any certain time. Would of liked to seen a few of the plot points fleshed out a little more. The ending of the arc was also a little quick in my opinion, it seemed it was hinting as a grand conspiracy type cover-up but the ending just quickly dismissed it. Would of liked to have a little more of a hook to really grab me for arc 2. The art is fantastic. It really gives the scorched world a desolate feeling to it. The only issue with the art I had was that when the characters are in the Iceman suits its VERY hard to tell who is who. Would of been nice for a little more individual detail in each suit to help the reader out. All my issues aside this is a great sci-fi book with a lot of promise going forward! Highly recommend it!

Ether Vol. 1: Death Of The Last Golden Blaze

Jan 6, 2018

This was an EXTREMELY enjoyable start to a series! One of the biggest keys for me in a fantasy setting like this is how the creators worldbuild and set up rules to the “magic elements”. Ether does a fantastic job in both! It’s a fun colorful world full of creative creatures and plenty of mystery to unfold over the course of the series! The pacing and reveals are spot on in this book really keeping the reader engaged! Overall this is a fantastic murder mystery tale in a fantasy world and I HIGHLY recommend it!!

Ether Vol. 2: Copper Golems

Feb 22, 2019

Extremity (2017) #1

Mar 6, 2017

A first issue masterpiece! The story and characters plunge their hooks into the reader from the first panel and don't let go! It has a fairly simple revolutionary type start to the story! But it's writing and pacing is absolutely perfect to really get the reader engaged & wanting more! The art is stunning! It has a wonderful blend of sci-fi/post apocalyptic (think mad max in space) & a dash of Medieval Knights in the wonderful world designs. It's hyper violent but it works so well with the tone of the book! This is one of the best first issues I've ever read! I'm hooked and can't wait to see where this story goes! You should do the same!

Extremity (2017) #2

Apr 5, 2017

Another extremely solid issue. We get a little bit more world building in this issue taking a slower look at how the Roto clan survives in the world and starts to set up the major conflict ahead! The art is stunning as it was in issue 1! I really think this book will be something special! Can't wait till next month!

Extremity Vol. 1: Artist

Sep 14, 2017

Farmhand Vol. 1: Reap What Was Sown  
FCBD 2017: I Hate Image #1

May 6, 2017

Lets be honest as awesome as Free Comic Book Day is most of the books are just ads for whatever event the publisher is putting out next! They are a small sample of story and then 30 ads for other books. I Hate Image is nothing of the sort. This is a fully fleshed out free one shot and a perfect example of what FCBD should be! We get a self contained story of our beloved Gert trying to find the fabled Image Land to have a little "chat" with the partners to get any info she can on how to escape Fairyland! This issue is packed with great Image Comic characters from the entire library from the early days to issues released last week! The art is phenomenal and the story is flat out perfect! I really hope this is what we start to get from FCBD issues going forward! This is exactly what the day should be all about! If you haven't made your way to your LCS do so NOW and pick this up!

FCBD 2017: Secret Empire/Spectacular Spider Man #1

May 6, 2017

Picked this up and reviewing only for the Spectacular Spider-Man story! Couldn't care less about Secret Empire. Not because of the cap hydra stuff but because of Marvel's relentless assuault of terrible events that are nothing quick cash grabs but that's another rant for another time! I'm a really big fan of Zdarsky and when he was announced on Spectacular Spidey I couldn't of been more excited! This little teaser trailer if you will gives a good idea of where this title will be heading and it looks like a fantastic trip! Spidey' voice seems to be the classic Spider-Man vibe with plenty of humor and quick whit! The art is phenomenal and some of best Spidey panels I've seen in a while! My hopes for this title were already high but this FCBD issue has made them that much higher! My only complaint is that Spidey had to share this book and I have to have a Secret Empire cover in my collection!

FCBD 2017: X-O Manowar #1

May 6, 2017

Over all a decent FCBD issue, i purchased this for the XO story which was a quick little prequel of sorts to issue #1. While good just not a whole lot offered in 5 pages they devoted to the XO portion. There are also sneak peaks into the Secret Weapons and Bloodshot: Salvation books that are starting up soon. While good they are just ads little trailers if you will. I wish valiant would of gone the image route and given us a full XO book.

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

While not as great as Batman #21 the first Flash chapter of the "Button" crossover adds some great intrigue to the story. This issue is a bit slower focusing on the mystery of the Button and where it came from as we see Flash and Bruce set out in time to try and find the origin of the Button. The writing in this issue works really well to keep the mystery unfolding while still building interest. The art while not Fabok is still fantastic especially like the bright vibrant colors of the time tunnel! Overall this arc is really picking up steam cant wait until next week for Batman #22!

Flash (2016) #22

May 27, 2017

Overall I enjoyed this issue and crossover but this was nothing like what DC teased us with. Absolutely nothing was answered here and it seems like DC just wanted to bait me into buying two issues of the Flash. The writing was great this issue and I really liked the art. Just wish this would of actually been what DC was promoting it as. The reveal of what brought upon the events of rebirth. Guess we have to wait till November, but I have a feeling we won't get any answers then either.

Gideon Falls Vol. 1: Black Barn

Nov 5, 2018

Gideon Falls Vol. 2: Original Sins

Jul 13, 2019

Glitterbomb Vol. 1: Red Carpet

Jun 15, 2017

So this book is extremely hard to review. While I enjoyed it there isn't much to it. There isn't any character development, no real plot, not much of anything other than a woman getting possessed by some demon/monster being and getting her revenge on the people who wronged her in the past. That's it. We don't even really get any info on what this creature is. The entire story is as thin as the paper its printed on. But I really liked it. It almost seems like the writers release therapy getting out all the aggression and anger they had. I found myself almost rooting for Farrah as she got her revenge in wonderfully gory action. While the story may be a bit thin the art work is quite good giving each character a solid design and the monster inside of Farrah is grotesquely perfect! If you're looking for something with a ton of plot that twists and turns you will want to stay far away from this book. If you're looking for a simple revenge story with plenty of over the top blood and gore this is the perfect quick read!

God Complex Vol. 1: Dogma  
God Country Vol. 1

Aug 14, 2017

Sheer brilliance! Comics don't get any better than this! Everything from the character development, to the struggles the characters go through, the fantasy action, the art EVERYTHING about this book is perfect!

God Hates Astronauts Vol. 2: A Star Is Born

Jan 6, 2019

God Hates Astronauts Vol. 3: Cosmic Apocalypse

Jan 7, 2019

Happy #1

Jan 4, 2018

Happy #2

Jan 4, 2018

Happy #3

Jan 4, 2018

Happy #4

Jan 4, 2018

Harleen (2019) #1

Mar 18, 2020

Harleen (2019) #2

Apr 17, 2020

Harleen (2019) #3

Apr 17, 2020

Harrow County Vol. 1

Apr 23, 2018

Harrow County Vol. 2: Twice Told

Jul 3, 2018

Hawkman: Found #1  
Huck #1

Jun 8, 2017

Huck #2

Jun 8, 2017

Huck #3

Jun 8, 2017

Huck #4

Jun 8, 2017

Huck #5

Jun 8, 2017

Huck #6

Jun 8, 2017

I Hate Fairyland #11

Mar 15, 2017

Finally Gert is back!! Skottie starts off the new arc with Gert taking in a fun weekend at fairyland Dungeon Festexpocon! This issue has a lot of fun playing with the comic con scene and meeting our heros! Art is fantastic as always and has some really great humor mixed in as well! It's great to have this book back at it!

I Hate Fairyland #12

Apr 24, 2017

I'll be honest after loving every issue of the first I Hate Fairyland arc I really started to feel the book was loosing a lot of steam. While I enjoyed the second arc it just didn't have that same pop and excitement I found in the first arc. I thought maybe it was a premise that worked wonderfully for mini-series but just didn't have enough to keep the magic the first arc brilliantly showcased alive. Issue #12 definitely changed my mind of thinking for sure! This is one of the best if not the best Fairyland Issues so far. We see Gert on her first mission to become a "good" person in fairyland which has her rescuing a newborn from a clan of Ninj... sorry Samurai Mushrooms. What follows is a action packed homage to Kung-fu and anime with plenty of bloody action, laugh out loud funny jokes that perfectly hit each beat and the most perfect Gert and Fairyland twist ending I could of ever asked for! This issue is full of what I started reading I hate Fairyland for in the beginning and this is an amazing issue! To me it seems like Skottie has gotten his excitement back for this series and is just having fun writing it again! Overall this is a brilliant tale in Fairyland.

I Hate Fairyland #13

Jun 22, 2017

Nothing more than a filler issue. We learn a little bit of Larry's back story and see what his life would of been like if he had not been assigned to be Gert's guide. Nothing that pushes the story forward and after the masterpiece that was issue #12 this felt like a little bit of a let down. Hopefully the next issue will get things back on track. Also I don't know why but this issues art really reminded me of Rocko's Modern Life!

I Hate Fairyland #14

Aug 9, 2017

What a fantastic issue I Hate Fairyland #14 is! We see Gert continuing on her quest to become good, and getting a "proposal" of sorts for a "set" of artifacts that can magically clear her rep! The issue is full of fantastic jokes, a little adult humor, great new characters and a nice twist/surprise ending! The art as it always is fantastic but one thing that really stood out for me this issue was the lettering. I don't really see any differences in this issue compared to past but they just really seemed to pop this issue for me and made it a ton of fun to read! I thoroughly enjoyed this issue and cant wait to see where this goes next! Looks like Skottie got his groove back!

I Hate Fairyland #15

Sep 6, 2017

I Hate Fairyland Vol. 1: Madly Ever After

Feb 20, 2017

I Hate Fairyland Vol. 2: Fluff My Life

Feb 20, 2017

This volume started off extremely strong but I felt it dragged a little bit once Duncan was introduced. Still amazing art work and the arcade Cabinet world was a stroke of genius!

Ice Cream Man #1

Apr 19, 2020

Ice Cream Man #2

Apr 19, 2020

Ice Cream Man #3

Apr 19, 2020

Ice Cream Man #4

Apr 19, 2020

Injection Vol. 1  
Invincible Vol. 1: Family Matters

Jun 25, 2017

Invincible Vol. 2: Eight Is Enough

Jun 25, 2017

Invincible Vol. 3: Perfect Strangers

Jun 26, 2017

Invincible Vol. 4: Head Of The Class

Jun 26, 2017

Invincible Vol. 5: The Facts Of Life

Jun 26, 2017

Invincible Vol. 6: A Different World

Jun 26, 2017

Invincible Vol. 7: Three's Company

Jun 26, 2017

Invincible Vol. 8: My Favorite Martian

Jun 27, 2017

Invincible Vol. 9: Out Of This World

Jun 27, 2017

Invincible Vol. 10: Who's the Boss?

Jun 27, 2017

Invincible Vol. 11: Happy Days

Jun 28, 2017

Invincible Vol. 12: Still Standing

Jun 28, 2017

Invincible Vol. 13: Growing Pains

Jun 28, 2017

Invincible Vol. 14: Viltrumite War

Jun 28, 2017

Invincible Vol. 15: Get Smart

Jun 29, 2017

Invincible Vol. 16: Family Ties

Jun 29, 2017

Invincible Vol. 17: What's Happening

Jun 29, 2017

Kill Or Be Killed Vol. 1

Jun 7, 2017

Kill Or Be Killed Vol. 2

Aug 25, 2017

Kill or Be Killed is a flat out brilliant series! In this Volume we see Dylan becoming more and more comfortable in his task of killing one evil person a month. Almost to the point where his mindset is changing from something he has to do to survive the demon's curse to thinking he is doing something good in world. But this confidence is leading several groups to take notice and start to hone in on our masked killer. This volume is amazing from the character development of how Dylan is changing in his mindset to the white knuckle tension that is presented as both the NYPD and Russian mob start to circle and close in on Dylan! This is a fantastic take on the vigilante genre that really explores how these circumstances would change ones mind! I cant recommend this series enough and cant wait to see where it goes from here!

Kill Or Be Killed Vol. 3

Jan 28, 2018

Kill Or Be Killed Vol. 4

Nov 5, 2018

Lazarus Vol. 1

Jun 9, 2017

Lazarus Vol. 2: Lift

Jun 9, 2017

Lazarus Vol. 3: Conclave

Jun 14, 2017

Lazarus Vol. 4: Poison

Jun 14, 2017

Lazarus Vol. 5

Oct 20, 2017

Low Vol. 1: The Delirium Of Hope

May 30, 2017

I really liked the story here especially the hope aspect of everything but the art killed a lot of enjoyment of this book for me. There are underwater splash pages that are brilliant but when the action starts up and there are a lot of characters involved everything bleeds together and is almost impossible to really see what is going on.

Low Vol. 2: Before The Dawn Burns Us

Jun 8, 2017

While I really enjoyed the first volume of Low some of the artistic choices really took me out of the story and brought down my overall opinion of the book. Volume 2 could of been drawn by a 1st grader with crayon and it still would of stuck with me like few books have! The story really finds it's legs in volume 2 as we see Stel struggling to find the hope that she had clung to her entire life through the darkness she has just faced. While those around her who she and her family have influenced help guide her back to the light! The writing is phenomenal in this volume. The dire situations that are presented are full of intensity and tension. Giving the reader a perfect sense of anxiety of what will happen. My biggest problem with volume 1 was the art. It seems to be much more structured and clean this go around which really brings the book to another level. As someone who has/does struggle with anxiety this volume really struck a major chord with me in the idea of hope and fighting through the darkness. This is one book I will continue to reread and its one that should definitely be given a chance!

Low Vol. 3: Shore Of The Dying Light

Jun 9, 2017

While nothing was going to top volume 2 volume 3 continues this fantastic series as Stel and her companions finally making their way to the surface only to find out it may not be exactly what they were expecting. This volume has plenty of fantastic twists and turns that keep the story moving along at a fantastic pace and really keeps thing extremely interesting. I love the message of hope that Remender is slathering over this series. Even in the darkest and hardest of times our characters face they keep pushing one another to find that next ray of light! The art once again has really tightened up and I think this is by far the best volume visually. There is a great difference between the water and land scenes that really drives home the world which the sun has destroyed! My only complaint about this volume is the cliffhanger that it ended on and now I have to wait months to find out what happens next! Cant wait!

Low Vol. 4: Outer Aspects Of Inner Attitudes

Oct 27, 2017

Maestros Vol. 1  
Manifest Destiny Vol. 1: Flora & Fauna

Jan 30, 2017

Manifest Destiny Vol. 2: Amphibia & Insecta

Feb 2, 2017

Manifest Destiny Vol. 3: Chiroptera & Carniformaves

Feb 8, 2019

Manifest Destiny Vol. 4: Sasquatch

Feb 8, 2019

Monstress Vol. 1

Jul 19, 2017

Monstress Vol. 2

Jul 25, 2017

Moonshine Vol. 1

Jun 2, 2017

Just had to read this book twice in a row. In all honesty I didn't care for this book my first go around. I found it extremely hard to read and follow. I felt there was way to many plot holes and unnecessary elements to the story that didn't make any sense. After the first read the only thing I really liked was the general idea of a bootlegger using a werewolf to protect his shine while a mob boss would stop at nothing to get his hand on said shine. Everything else I didn't care for. On a second reading I found I couldn't of been more wrong. I don't know if maybe I just didn't read careful enough or the Appalachian accent in the writing threw me off guard but I found this book to be fantastic the second read! This book reads like a great 20's crime movie with plenty of bullets and booze! The characters and shootouts seem to jump right out of classic mobster films! I still would of liked a little more explanation on the supernatural side of things but I'm sure that is coming in the next arc or two! The art is simply amazing and really captures the spirit of the crime noir aspects of the story! Definitely give this book a chance especially if you have any interest in mobster tales!

Murder Falcon #1

Jul 21, 2019

Murder Falcon #2

Jul 21, 2019

Murder Falcon #3

Jul 21, 2019

Murder Falcon #4

Jul 22, 2019

Murder Falcon #5

Jul 22, 2019

Murder Falcon #6

Jul 22, 2019

Murder Falcon #7

Jul 22, 2019

Murder Falcon #8

Jul 22, 2019

Nailbiter Vol. 1 The Murder Edition

Feb 20, 2017

One of my favorite comic series ever!

Nailbiter Vol. 1: There Will Be Blood

Feb 20, 2017

Nailbiter Vol. 2: Bloody Hands

Feb 20, 2017

Nailbiter Vol. 3: Blood In The Water

Feb 20, 2017

Nailbiter Vol. 4: Bloodlust

Feb 20, 2017

Nailbiter Vol. 6: The Bloody Truth

May 11, 2017

Not going to say much about the actual story other than it perfectly ends this series. Nailbiter has been by far one of the best comics on the shelves these past 3 years and this final arc more than lives up to the story that has been told! If you haven't been reading Nailbiter go out now and get the 6 volumes they are more than worth your time and money!

Nameless Vol. 1

Jun 16, 2017

This book is an incoherent mess. It jumps around timelines, plots, settings without explaining anything. Even when I feel the book is trying to explain what is going on it does it in the most confusing and vague way it can. I read this entire volume twice and don't have a clue of what exactly happened. I'm giving it a 3 just because I loved the art. The character/monster design is fantastic and there are several unsettling grisly images that I thought were extremely well done. But as far as the story this is up there with some of the worst comics I've ever read.

No. 1 With A Bullet Collected  
Oblivion Song #1

Apr 23, 2018

Oblivion Song Vol. 1

Dec 4, 2018

Oblivion Song Vol. 2

Apr 5, 2019

Old Guard #1

Mar 6, 2017

Overall a good setup issue. The concept of an immortal warrior team for hire definitely has my interest! Also really enjoyed how they set up the threat to this group. Art was decent and fit the tone well. Will be checking out #2 next month.

Old Guard Vol. 1: Opening Fire

Sep 6, 2017

The Old Guard offers us a VERY interesting and unique mix of a Black Ops type soldier group action story with a bit of fantasy lore! The result is a very gripping tale filled with action, betrayal, and love. Rucka does a fantastic job world building and how exactly these seemingly "immortal" characters have survived for thousands of years and really pulls you in with the challenges they face in a tech savvy world of today. The tension he builds as the main "villain" unfolds his plans is fantastic and keeps the reader hooked very well. Even if some of the twists and turns are a little bit cliché. The art reminds me a ton of Steve Dillon especially his work on Preacher which I absolutely love. The only gripe I have with the art is in some of the more hectic action sequences its a bit easy to get lost and not really know what is going on very clearly. If you're into a black ops military action book with a fantasy twist I can't recommend The Old Guard enough!

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 1: A Darkness Surrounds Him

Oct 26, 2017

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 2: A Vast And Unending Ruin

Oct 26, 2017

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 3: Little Light

Mar 15, 2019

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 4: Under Devil's Wing

Mar 15, 2019

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 5: The New Path

Mar 15, 2019

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta Vol. 6: Invasion

Mar 15, 2019

Paper Girls Vol. 1

Feb 20, 2017

Paper Girls Vol. 2

Feb 20, 2017

Paper Girls Vol. 3

Sep 7, 2017

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1

Jun 22, 2017

This is exactly what a Spider-Man book should be! Peter swinging around New York City stopping muggers, obnoxiously spouting one liners, and trying to juggle his super hero life with his personal life! This feels like a very modern take on classic spider man stories (much like the Spidey series). The only real difference is this one seems to take place right along Slott's current Amazing run. I was super excited when it was announced Zdarsky was taking the helm on this book. His sense of humor seems perfect for Peter and it shines in this book. There were several times I actually laughed out loud. The overall story is pretty straight forward and standard Spidey story but is well paced and written. The art really has a nice look to it. Combining the classic visuals with modern comic art. I really think this book is going to be something special and can't wait for issue 2!

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #2

Aug 1, 2017

Another extremely strong issue for this new Spider-Man series. This is pretty much a set up issue with Chip setting up the pieces for his first arc so not a whole lot of action but it does set things up quite nicely. For me the biggest strength of this book is how well Zdarsky's writing style and humor really fit with Spider-Man. This has a definite classic Spider-Man tone to it. The art is fantastic as well! Overall I'm extremely excited to get into this series. While I'm ok with the current Amazing run I find myself not all that interested in the globe trotting Iron Man clone Slott has turned Peter into. So I look to books like this and the Spidey series before it to give me a little bit more of the close to home Spider-Man I love! Cant wait for issue #3!

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #3

Sep 2, 2017

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #4

Apr 24, 2018

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #5

Apr 25, 2018

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #6

Apr 25, 2018

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #297

Apr 25, 2018

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #298

Apr 25, 2018

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #299

Apr 25, 2018

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #300

Apr 25, 2018

Plastic (2017) #1

Apr 24, 2017

Overall I liked this first issue (I'm a sucker for this extremely out there crazy books with awesome premises). But I feel like the info in this issue was extremely rushed. First the book never even mentions Edwyn is a serial killer honestly the book made him out to be a Black-Ops soldier who just has a very creepy vibe. Even the scene when Edwyn takes out a few local kids who are messing with Virginia in the car makes him out be a highly trained soldier more than a serial killer. We see Edwyn and Virginia already in their "relationship" from the get go and are given no info on how this came to be or honestly why we should care. No one who sees them seems to even look twice and the ones who do seem to just want to get with Virginia themselves. I feel the book really glosses over all this info just to get to the chance meeting between Edwyn and Thaddeus to get the story stated as soon as possible. I really want to like this book the premise is great, the art is good it has some really strong humor but I really feel the character development is extremely thin and doesn't really have anything to hook the readers into this story. Maybe I was expecting Nailbiter meets Lars and the Real Girl a little to much and what we got just wasn't what I was expecting. Hopefully the story will start to flesh out the next coming issues and this becomes the book I'm really hoping it can be.

Plastic (2017) #2

May 24, 2017

I want to like this book so badly! But much like the first there just isn't anything to really hook the reader. The plot is paper thin with absolutely no backstory on any of the characters. I don't know why we are actually supposed to care about Edwyn other than he doesn't seem "as" bad as the rest of the cast. They still haven't said he is actually a serial killer at any point (although we sort of see it this issue). There is absolutely nothing given about the relationship between him and Virginia other than he is crazy enough to think she is real. There are some good action scenes with plenty of gore but outside of that didn't find hardly anything for me. I'll give this one more issue to see if we can finally get some backstory of why we should care about these characters but right now it just seems like an extremely wasted opportunity to tell an amazingly twisted original story.

Polar: Came From the Cold #1  
Preacher Vol. 1

May 12, 2017

Preacher Vol. 2

May 15, 2017

Preacher Vol. 3

May 16, 2017

Preacher Vol. 4

May 17, 2017

Preacher Vol. 5

May 18, 2017

Rat Queens Vol. 1: Sass and Sorcery

May 23, 2017

Rat Queens Vol. 2: The Far Reaching Tentacles Of N'Rygoth

May 24, 2017

Rat Queens Vol. 3: Demons

May 25, 2017

Reborn Collected

Aug 15, 2017

What you have with Reborn is pretty much your standard Heaven vs Hell fantasy epic that has been told many times. While this isn't really a bad thing this book doesn't really grip the reader with how by the numbers it is. The world while very intriguing isn't really fleshed out at all. There are so many questions I would of loved for Millar to of explored and explained but instead we get a panel with a character saying "ehh don't worry about it, don't think to much on it." In this day and age with fantasy comics a dime a dozen there really needs to be that epic world building to really get me hooked and Reborn falls quite short. The story itself progresses nicely with classic good vs evil battles, a devilish evil overlord, and plenty of action. The last two issues really seem to ramp up on some of the ideas Millar was wanting to explore and really make the ending VERY enjoyable but its a little to late. The art is where this book does stand out just a little. Capullo's character/monster designs are amazing in this book are really gives the world a very creative look! Overall this isn't a bad book at all. It tells a coherent story and has fantastic artwork. I just really wish this world of Reborn would of had the epic feeling that I expected with the masterful creative team behind it.

Redlands #1

Aug 9, 2017

Redlands #1 may not explain or answer hardly anything that is going on but man does it hook you from the first page! Action definitely takes center stage in this debut issue giving is a insanely chaotic scene of police trying to barricade the station after a witch bruning/lynching gone extremely wrong. The pace of the book is extremely quick which really gives the reader the sense of chaos that everyone involved is feeling. While the writing doesn't really explain much on what exactly is going on or how this came to be it really sets up a ton of intrigue making you want to know what has happened and what will happen! While the writing may be a little vague the art really pushes this issue forward giving us plenty of creepy images splashed with a little gore. The art style fits the gritty feel of the story perfectly and really sets the tone! Overall I'm extremely hooked by this first issue and think this will be something really special! If you're a fan of horror comics make sure to pick up a copy today!

Redneck Vol. 1: Deep In The Heart

Nov 5, 2017

Redneck Vol. 2: Eyes Upon You

Jul 2, 2018

Redneck Vol. 3: Longhorns

Mar 15, 2019

Regression Vol. 1: Way Down Deep

Dec 6, 2017

Regression Vol. 2: Disciples

Aug 6, 2018

Revival Vol. 1: You're Among Friends

Jan 30, 2017

Normally I love stories like this, creepy premise great writing and amazing art but for some reason it didn't connect with me the way I thought it would. I enjoyed it just don't see me rushing out to get the next volumes

Rock Candy Mountain #1

Apr 3, 2017

Saw Kyle Starks at a show this past weekend and he had copies available early so had to pick up a copy! First off I'm a big fan of Kyle's books so I may be a little biased. This is a damn near perfect first issue! We get intrigue right off the bat with the literal devil looking for our hero but why!? Then we are thrown directly into the hobo lore with our two main characters Jackson a hobo searching out the fabled Rock Candy Mountain and Hollywood Slim a failed actor who is riding the rails to get back home to a Kentucky! What follows is an action packed first issue that lays the "tracks" of the story to come! As always Starks writing is full of humor and to the point! His art shines in the dreary tones the setting provides! After listening to a couple interviews and getting to speak with Kyle myself it really seems he has a true passion to tell this tale and has really found as much research on hobo culture as he could. This has the makings of something really special! Do yourself a favor and pick up this book and take this trip on the rails! Sorry I couldn't resist!

Rock Candy Mountain #2

May 10, 2017

Another phenomenal issue from what is quickly becoming one of my favorite current comics! Here we get a little more insight to what just might be going on with our main man Jackson as well as some new intrigue in the Hobo lore this story resides in. Writing is on point here with giving the reader little glimpses into the mystery of Jackson and his pursuers while keeping the mystery very much alive and intriguing! Kyle's art style fits this story so well and really drives home the dustbowl type settings. Plus it has a Hobo fight club!! If you're not reading this series I cant recommend it enough and this should be on everyone's pull list right now!!

Rock Candy Mountain #3

Jun 7, 2017

Yet again Rock Candy Mountain continues its brilliance! With this issue we start to get a little more info on Jackson's life, what exactly he is looking for and what deals he made along the way. All while the fuzz and the literal Devil inch ever closer in catching our Duo on the rails! The writing and pacing is perfect this issue giving us little snippets of info along the way while keeping the mystery of Jackson still VERY intriguing! The art fits this story so well as it has all three issues so far. The colors really stand out for me this issue. They seem a tad bit brighter with a lot of yellows & reds while it still maintains its dust bowl setting perfectly the added color makes this issue pop a little more! Overall this is a fantastic series and I cant wait to see what is coming down the tracks!

Rock Candy Mountain #4

Jul 8, 2017

NOOOOOO!!! I finally have to ruin the run of perfect scores for this amazing book! Now this issue wasn't bad at all it just the bar has been set so high this issue felt a little off. This issue doesn't really seem to move the story forward all that much except for a bit of a cliffhanger in the last few pages. It just more or less sets up a prison fight and escape without explaining what exactly is the reasoning behind Jackson's actions. We do get a nice return of some characters from the first issue which was nice and the art as always is on point. It was bound to happen I was going to ruin this series perfect score, but this is still an amazing series EVERYONE should be reading!

Rock Candy Mountain Vol. 2

Apr 19, 2018

Royal City Vol. 1: Next Of Kin

Oct 4, 2017

Royal City Vol. 2: Sonic Youth

Jul 2, 2018

Rumble Vol. 1: What Color Of Darkness?

Jan 29, 2017

Rumble Vol. 2: A Woe That Is Madness

Jan 29, 2017

Rumble Vol. 3: Immortal Coil

Jan 29, 2017

Saga Vol. 1

Feb 16, 2017

I can't believe it has taken me this long to read this book! Brilliant!

Saga Vol. 2

Feb 16, 2017

Saga Vol. 3

Feb 20, 2017

Saga Vol. 4

Feb 20, 2017

Saga Vol. 5

Feb 20, 2017

Saga Vol. 6

Feb 20, 2017

Saga Vol. 7

May 12, 2017

This may be the best arc of this book. Had me totally engrossed every issue and then that ending!! Just wow what an amazing book!

Saga Vol. 8

Jan 6, 2018

Honestly this volume was just ok.... it felt like 100% filler as we see Marko and Alana dealing with the events of the previous volume as well as fill in a little bit about what is going on in the saga universe at this time. Even the little bits of conflict the book does set up it just quickly passes over and doesn’t really give any resolutions. It then just quickly ends the arc with a very clunky quick everything is fine now with no real info on how it came to be. This is the first arc I really felt missed the mark for saga.

Saga Vol. 9

Nov 2, 2018

Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes And Nocturnes

Jun 29, 2017

Sandman Vol. 2: The Doll's House

Jun 30, 2017

Savage Things Collected

Feb 4, 2018

A fantastic twist on the conspiracy theory/Action Thiller type stories! The pacing of the book is a breakneck speed and every page turn keeps the story moving forward with fantastic twists and turns! The art keeps up with the pacing delivering some amazon panels that really give the action some fantastic excitement! It’s also deliveres on some pretty horrific sequences that would feel right at home in any horror comic that really fit the story perfectly! Overall this is one of the best action comics I’ve read and definitely recommend it!

Savior Complete Collection

May 19, 2017

What we have with Savior is a fantastic spiritual thriller/mystery story. We get the story of a horrific plane crash in the middle of rural Kansas that reveals a mystery man who has powers very much in vein with the bible stories of Jesus's miracles and how the town/nation/media all react to this mysterious figure. The book does a phenomenal job showing the state of not only the media but social media in today's context and really makes you think how we would react to something like this. The pacing is fantastic really keeping the reading intrigued the whole book right up until the fantastic ending. There are quite a few plot points I would of liked to of seen actually answered as to what exactly caused the plane crash but the overall story and ending were amazing. Art seems to fit the book quite well but nothing overly amazing just very good! Really glad I gave this book a chance!

Scalped Vol. 1: Indian Country

Jun 6, 2017

Scalped Vol. 2: Casino Boogie

Jun 6, 2017

Scalped Vol. 3: Dead Mothers

Jun 7, 2017

Seven to Eternity Vol. 1: The God of Whispers

Feb 26, 2017

I may be a little biased since I'm a massive fan of Rick Remender's writing (Deadly Class is my favorite comic). But Seven to Eternity is a fantasy masterpiece! The writing/character development/world building are all phenomenal and really make you feel the suffering and struggling in this land of Zahl. The main arc is a little formulaic in the fantasy setting but the world more than makes up for it! The art is simply astonishing. The character and creature designs are some of the best I've seen in comics and the color palate makes even this dark world beautiful! If your a fan of fantasy pick this up now!! I cannot wait for volume 2!

Seven to Eternity Vol. 2: Ballad of Betrayal

Oct 24, 2017

Another absolute masterpiece from Remender and Opena! Everything about this book is phenomenal! The character building and drama is perfect! The action is heart racing! The art is breathtaking! I cannot recommend this book enough! If you are into dark fantasy you MUST pick this book up ASAP!!

Severed Vol. 1

May 15, 2017

Another fantastic horror comic from Scott Snyder. This story is a strange mix of runaway, roadtrip, dustbowl drama and horror. We see our young protagonist runway from home on the rails to find his biological father in the 1910's. On his quest he is shown the perils of life on the road as well as the face of pure evil. The story is pretty straight forward and fairly predictable but the tension that Snyder delivers especially in the last two issues is comic horror perfection. The story does seem to drag just a little in the middle issues and seems to gloss over some of the character development that I would of really liked to of seen. But even with the few lulls there the story does capture the reader. The art really shines with this period piece and really makes you feel like you're taking a trip cross country in early 1900 America. Overall this was a great horror book set in a time you don't see many comics tackle and is definitely worth a read if you a fan of horror comics!

Sex Criminals Vol. 1: One Weird Trick

Mar 17, 2017

Sex Criminals Vol. 2: Two Worlds One Cop

Jan 13, 2019

Sex Criminals Vol. 3: Three The Hard Way

Jan 13, 2019

Sex Criminals Vol. 4: Fourgy

Jan 13, 2019

Sexcastle #1  
Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil Collected  
Shirtless Bear Fighter #1

Jun 21, 2017

So I'm going to try and stop laughing just long enough to write a review on this magnificent book! I really don't know what else to say about the book that the title hasn't already said. Its a man who is shirtless (pant less as well for most of the comic) who fights bears! What follows in this story is some of the funniest panels I've ever seen in comics. If you think the title is absurd you haven't seen anything yet. There are such great gags in this book and they all flow into one another perfectly. I was laughing so hard I started crying in my cubicle! Yes this book is that funny/good. The story is actually has some mystery in it and for the crazy premise is extremely well written. The art is colorful and vibrant reminds me of a Saturday morning cartoon and fist the story extremely well. I am a sucker for these insane comedy books (Grizzly Shark is one of my all time favorite comics) so I might be a little bias here. But this is a fantastic work that really captures how fun comics can be! Do your self a favor and pick this up as soon as you can! You wont regret it!!

Shirtless Bear Fighter #2

Jul 26, 2017

While not quite as good as the first issue. The second chapter of Shirtless Bear Fighter gives us some glimpses into what exactly is causing the bears to attack and gives us plenty more mystery to keep us intrigued. This is a very quick read with some great action sequences a few moments that had me giggling (Chicago and San Fran specifically) (no full on laughter like issue #1). The art is simple and works really well with the story being told. Super excited to see where this comic is going! If you're a fan of crazy over the top silliness and great action. Make sure to pick this comic up!

Shirtless Bear Fighter #3

Aug 30, 2017

I don't know where to begin with this amazing issue! The amazing humor (Shirtless weakness and his ability to swim) the plot with actual twists I didn't really see coming to the fantastic art that fits the book perfectly! This is just a superb comic and one that EVERY comic reader needs to find to see just how much fun comics can be!

Shirtless Bear Fighter #4

Feb 9, 2019

Shirtless Bear Fighter #5

Feb 9, 2019

Southern Bastards Vol. 1: Here Was Man

Feb 8, 2017

Southern Bastards Vol. 2: Gridiron

Feb 8, 2017

Southern Bastards Vol. 3: Homecoming

Jan 13, 2017

Southern Bastards Vol. 4: Gut Check

Jul 12, 2018

Spawn #269

Jan 12, 2017

Spawn #270

Feb 13, 2017

Spawn has always been one of my favorite comics ever since I was a kid so I still pick it up every month..... the art fantastic but the story couldn't be any slower. Every month I wait for something to happen and it just doesn't seem like it ever will...

Spawn #271

Mar 17, 2017

FINALLY!!!! Finally the pieces McFarlane and Leveen have scattering around are starting to come together and we actually get a story that is making sense! Hopefully this continues to get better and better the next few issues! Really liked this one!

Spawn #272

Apr 24, 2017

Another solid issue! The story is coming together quite nicely with Al and Cyan trying to escape their hunters! Great art as always! Hopefully spawn continues this steady rise it has been on of late!

Spawn #273

May 27, 2017

Spawn #274

Jun 13, 2017

Spawn #275

Jul 8, 2017

Spawn #276

Aug 9, 2017

Spawn #277

Sep 2, 2017

Spidey (2015) #12

Jan 8, 2017

This is by far my favorite Marvel book of 2016! Just a really fun read with a classic vibe but still felt very modern! I'm quite sad to see it end with issue 12 but it went out with probably the strongest issue of the series! Extremely well done!!

Spread Vol. 2: Children's Crusade

Feb 27, 2018

Spread Vol. 3: No Safe Place

Mar 4, 2018

Spread Vol. 4: Outside

Apr 19, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #3

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #4

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #9

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #10

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #11

Feb 13, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12

Feb 26, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #13

Feb 26, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #14

Feb 26, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #15

Feb 26, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #16

Feb 26, 2018

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17

Feb 26, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 10, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2

Jan 10, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Jan 10, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #4

Jan 10, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #5

Jan 10, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #6

Jan 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #7

Jan 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #8

Jan 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #9

Jan 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #10

Jan 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #11

Jan 13, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #12

Jan 13, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #13

Jan 13, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #14

Jan 13, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #15

Jan 13, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #16

Jan 13, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #18

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #19

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #20

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #21

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #22

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #23

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #24

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #25

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #28

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #29

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Feb 11, 2018

Superior Spider-Man (2013) #31

Feb 11, 2018

Sweet Tooth Vol. 1: Out Of The Woods

May 23, 2017

Sweet Tooth Vol. 2: In Captivity

Mar 4, 2018

Sweet Tooth Vol. 3: Animal Armies

Mar 4, 2018

Sweet Tooth Vol. 4: Endangered Species

Mar 4, 2018

Sweet Tooth Vol. 5: Unnatural Habitats

Mar 9, 2018

Sweet Tooth Vol. 6: Wild Game

Mar 9, 2018

The Black Monday Murders Vol. 1: All Hail God Mammon

May 26, 2018

The Black Monday Murders Vol. 2

May 26, 2018

The Clone Conspiracy #4

Jan 19, 2017

The Clone Conspiracy #5

Feb 16, 2017

As this "event" comes to a close this issue leaves a lot to be desired. The artwork was great as it has been the whole run but the tone of this book was all over the place. The emotional moments Slott wanted to set up for us just felt rushed and forced into this issue and were not given the proper amount of room to breathe. This event wanted to be so grand that it built its self up so high only to complete miss the landing with a huge thud. Even the solution to the threat seemed hallow. Overall this wasn't a terrible story but we could of had a much better conclusion.

The Clone Conspiracy: Omega #1

Mar 6, 2017

Better than the final issues of this typical marvel event. But this issue is unnecessary 4.99 cash grab. We see the aftermath of the New U clones and the families affected. But even the emotional toll on the families is wrapped up in the quickest way possible cheesiest way possible. Back ups were ok just setting up Ben's title and the next spidey arc but nothing super intriguing. Just happy this event is finally over!

The Dregs Vol. 1

Jan 8, 2018

While I feel this book works extremely well as a political commentary. But I feel that it misses the mark a little on the noir mystery story. The biggest thing is it tells us from page one what is happening to the homeless. I really wish the story would of built up to the reveal instead of just telling us what was going from the get go. I still really like this book just feel it could of been a bit better.

The Ghost Fleet #1

Dec 6, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #2

Dec 6, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #3

Dec 23, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #4

Dec 23, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #5

Dec 23, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #6

Dec 23, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #7

Dec 23, 2017

The Ghost Fleet #8

Dec 23, 2017

The Goddamned Vol. 1: The Flood

Jan 13, 2017

A world so evil and violent that God regrets creating man and destroys it all. That is the basic idea that Jason Aaron expands upon in a way I don't think I've ever seen done before. His take on familiar biblical characters is quite interesting and moves the story along at a break neck pace. Overall a fantastic concept of a time period that is seldom visited.

The Legacy Of Luther Strode Vol. 3  
The Legend of Luther Strode Vol. 2  
The Shadow/Batman #1

Jul 4, 2018

The Shadow/Batman #2

Jul 4, 2018

The Shadow/Batman #3

Jul 4, 2018

The Shadow/Batman #4

Jul 4, 2018

The Shadow/Batman #5

Jul 4, 2018

The Shadow/Batman #6

Jul 4, 2018

The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe  
The Sixth Gun Vol. 1: Cold Dead Fingers

Dec 26, 2018

The Sixth Gun Vol. 2: Crossroads

Dec 30, 2018

The Sixth Gun Vol. 3: Bound

Jan 1, 2019

The Sixth Gun Vol. 4: A Town Called Penance

Jan 18, 2019

The Sixth Gun Vol. 5: Winter Wolves

Feb 5, 2019

The Sixth Gun Vol. 6: Ghost Dance

Mar 15, 2019

The Sixth Gun Vol. 7: Not The Bullet, But The Fall

Aug 9, 2019

The Strange Talent of Luther Strode Vol. 1  
The Wake Collected  
Tokyo Ghost Vol. 1: Atomic Garden  
Trillium #8

Aug 1, 2017

Trillium Vol. 1

Aug 1, 2017

Unfollow Vol. 1

Jan 13, 2017

One of my favorite titles of 2016.

Unfollow Vol. 2: God Is Watching

Jan 29, 2017

With this volume we get a little more insights into Dave & Courtney's past. As the 140 start to get picked off things really start to crank up in intensity. This volume has some fantastic writing and art. This series really knows how to pace itself and creates some fantastic tension. The only thing I didn't care for in this volume was the army assault. It was an unnecessary over the top action piece. I felt it really took away from the realistic and tense tone and made a tense situation border on absurd. Other than that another fantastic volume.

Unfollow Vol. 3: Turn It Off

Aug 4, 2017

What an unbelievable ending to this amazing series. Seriously I don't think this book could of ended any better! Chaos reigns as the 140 start to fall in extremely high rates and start to fight back with whole experiment crumbling around them. The build up, the reveals everything in this final volume is perfect! The idea presented here of how our phones and technology rule our lives, how we look to lies and crooks for hope and answers are phenomenal! I cant stop thinking about this story. I couldn't put the book down, every page just made me want to read one more until it came its conclusion! The art is probably the only down side to it. While not bad by any stretch the use of several different artists and colorist give the book a bit of an uneven look. While its still a good looking book just would of liked a little more consistency that didn't take away from the story. But honestly I cant say enough about this series! Its absolutely brilliant and has left me thinking about the issues it presents long after I have turned that final page! A PERFECT way to end a series! Bravo!

Venom (2016) #159

Jul 4, 2018

Venom (2016) #160

Jul 4, 2018

A very fun action focused issue in a VERY dull and boring crossover event.... the art and action are fantastic in this issue but it doesn’t save how horrible mundane this story has been

Wytches Vol. 1

Apr 21, 2017

One of the best horror comics I've ever read. I really enjoy the genre and I can honestly say this is the first book that has ever truly creeped me out and made my skin crawl. The story is almost perfect in how Snyder slowly introduces the creators in the woods and explains the rules of these monsters world. The pacing is perfect giving us little crumbs into the lore of the story and histories of not only the monsters but of the Rook family as well. A lot of horror books seem to focus all on blood on gore but this one uses the setting and atmosphere to really drive home the terror in this book. The art has such a raw energy to it, it just pushes the book to a whole other level. Overall this is a brilliant book and if you're into horror or just great comics do yourself a favor a pick it up!

X-O Manowar (2017) #1

Apr 9, 2017

A perfect reboot issue for XO:Manowar! The issue puts us deadcenter front row as Aric has found his way onto a revolution soaked new planet only to be stripped away from his peaceful farm straight to the front lines. The art is something to marvel at as each panel is teaming with gritty detail! This is an almost perfect reboot as it is a fantastic jumping on point for new readers who have never read XO while still having the same tone and a couple nods to readers who read the last volume! Very excited to have XO back on stands!

X-O Manowar (2017) #2

May 27, 2017

Reviews for the Week of...




