SenpaifenixJäger's Profile

Joined: Aug 20, 2020

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A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #3  
Action Comics (2016) #1030

Apr 29, 2021

DC is doing is passing the post, the way Marvel did long ago by changing many heroes to quo statuses, a black captain america (flacon) Ironman (black woman) and Jane Foster being Thor, and they turned out badly . The same does DC tries to renew its heroes by passing the baton, but it is in such a desperate and bad way, a Random black Batman since he cannot pass it to Damian since he is also making the pairing with the Titans series, so he must get Damian out. On the other hand Superman is iconic, the biggest DC superhero cannot be left in the hands of a Random character, therefore it must be Jon. But if it is true that Clark or Kal-el will be killed or disappear is a bad strategy and they are falling into lazy writing, they only take shortcuts to shock the readers and forget the main thing CREATE GOOD STORIES. I am not a fan of Superman, in fact I am not very interested in the character, but disappearing it would be a mistake, but when Jon is very young, a little more than a child, even if I should be about 14-15 years old, almost at par of Damian. I agree with the idea that a Superboy suits him, mature him and not put him fully to replace his father (he is a fresh character). DC needs to attract more buyers if it does not want to disappear, all businesses are in crisis and comics are not essential products, for true readers a book is preferable to a comic if we talk about reading quality, which is now what is requested and not so much pretty drawings or sometimes not even that. Stop turning history either by copying from other sides or from old books, we are all tired of the Joker and Batman dance, as if it were the only villain in Gotham, I know that we cannot give all a bunch of happiness to the heroes because they would be boring, but giving them a little between tragedy and tragedy increases empathy and suspense. Writers can be wasted with biweekly deliveries, that without they do not suffer writer's block, monthly installments by characters and stop collecting so many bad backup stories would be the best thing they would do since they discourage people from buying an expensive comic through comic or sometimes a comic room. The letters are done, maybe when this crisis passes DC take what worked and discard what is only bringing them losses and give us a better quality and enough with their anything goes and everything is canon, because then those who totally changed their origin would be impossible to reconcile. Why not deliver good monthly stories of all the characters, why not open two lines with quality? one with its new characters and another with the classics instead of replacing, why accelerate the destruction of the classics to give them to others who only with copies or characters without a good structure, few like Jon or Damian are fond of them and Damian and throw away those comics like I'm not Starfire and other such bad things that they have done and are not sold.

Action Comics (2016) #1035

Sep 28, 2021

I'm not a great reader of Superman, but... What the??? I hated it, the subject is sad, I have no problem with that, but there is no more logic than to force an exit from the first SUPERHERO of the comics, I clarify again I AM NOT A FAN of the super, I like Damian's toxic dad much more ( like Jon says, it just changes it to creepy). This is DC's big problem, always running around like a paranoid, they don't take the time at all, everything is express and they want quick profits. Anyway, it's a shame this when they could please everyone instead of forcing characters that I really don't know who is consuming them.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54

Dec 9, 2020

OMG was exciting to the beginning and end!! Una lucha brutal realmente BRUTAL, Peter es atacado una y otra vez poniendo todo a prueba en el, fisica y mentalmente sobre todo nos deja realmente expectantes al final.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54.LR

Dec 23, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #55

Dec 30, 2020

That was really intense, I loved it.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #56

Jan 6, 2021

Yes, there is definitely no closure but I love the drama involved, there is never really a winner, betrayal, pain, misunderstandings WHAT MAKES IT GREAT.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #57

Jan 14, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #59

Feb 10, 2021

This series, although the rhyme has dropped a bit to add new dramas, is still forceful, pain, resignation and sacrifice are present. The game between the human, the flaws, is really good, I will not spoil it because it is worth every penny and read it in full.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #60

Feb 24, 2021

Emotional, I love it, MJ as always being his anchor is a couple that fascinates me, indisputably the best couple in comics.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #61

Mar 16, 2021

This was completely a twist! I did not expect. The intensity was toned down but it was extremely fun to see Spiderman in this new Show man situation. A new suit that I fell in love with, great dialogues.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #62

Mar 24, 2021

In this number it is light, fun, with a lot of action. There is a bit of intrigue on Kingping's part. It was a good break.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #63

Apr 20, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #64

Apr 21, 2021

A nimble writing book, putting the pieces together for the next hit. On the one hand Kingpin forcing Kindred in a cruel way. For another Robbie and Tombstone fighting again before Spider makes his entrance to stop the conflict. I love the new Spider suit it's totally cool. In the end he leaves us with an arch enemy of the spider is back. Great story, abundant action, great art.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #65

May 7, 2021

It was a good number, however it feels as if Spiderman has been diluted between so many themes and characters.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #66

May 19, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #67

Jun 2, 2021

It's a good story, it's just opening up too many things, which I think might be a mistake. I think it would be a good time to retreat a bit to look from afar and redirect this to what The Amazing Spiderman has been for decades and is a good series, because I think we could be losing a bit of consistency here.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #68

Jun 9, 2021

If the writer doesn't get lost along the way, I think very interesting things will come, Spencer is leaving interesting crumbs and if he leaves a bit of rambling The Amazing can get very hot and give us the quality that we are used to.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #69

Jun 24, 2021

What was this could someone explain it to me?. This number is the definition of a deed with which they were cleaned ... you know what. I don't know what the tendency is for writers to do their worst work when they leave a number.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #70

Jul 7, 2021

I hope Spencer stopped playing, this number is not the quality to which we are accustomed, the art is not that good but we no longer find a little more development and a little more decent narrative.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #72

Aug 25, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 11, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 6, 2021

I liked this, I think it can give a good boost to Spider who was declining.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #76

Oct 13, 2021

This writer is hitting hard, I don't know what he has in mind but he's being aggressive and I like it.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #82

Dec 23, 2021

After the great success of the film, it is a good time to build this story that has been like a roller coaster of ups and downs in terms of quality. Spider is the coolest superhero, he is cool, funny, with incredible acrobatics and the first hero to demonstrate his humanity, it would be a shame if they do not take advantage of the success that Sony left them. Happy Holidays, Christmas, Saturnalia or whatever you celebrate.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #83

Dec 31, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #85

Jan 12, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88

Feb 2, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #89

Feb 17, 2022

pleasantly good.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #90

Feb 26, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #93

Mar 30, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) Annual #2  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018): King's Ransom #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2

May 25, 2022

I don't understand why Marvel insists on separating this couple, a formula that has already been done and unlike many couples, this one is good and iconic. That's why one ends up leaving the comics and looking at the manga.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #4

Jun 23, 2022

Avengers (2018) #39

Dec 9, 2020

this issues was maybe a little slow, however I loved it, the art is superb and the history was not bad, if the subject of prehistory very far from the current xmen is not your thing, I really do not recommend it, well the art is magnificent. It reminded me a bit of a novel by Jean Marie Auel, I think it was the wolf or bear clan.

Avengers (2018) #40

Dec 30, 2020

Avengers (2018) #41

Jan 20, 2021

Avengers (2018) #43

Mar 3, 2021

I liked this number, the action, the dramatic Star Wars style moment, I had a lot of fun. The phoenix from its first appearance was marked as a universal force, but unstable, it has always been an enigmatic character so to speak. Good story, excellent action, good art, and great price.

Avengers (2018) #45

Apr 21, 2021

Avengers (2018) #46

Jul 7, 2021

Avengers (2018) #51

Dec 23, 2021

Basilisk #1

Jun 2, 2021

I cannot lie and say that this is a novel proposal, because we return to the same thing, Stephen King Children of the Corn, movies where a group of demonic or alien sects want to take over the land. However I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

Basilisk #2

Jul 7, 2021

Basilisk #6

Jan 5, 2022

Batgirl (2016) #48

Aug 26, 2020

nop bored

Batgirl (2016) #49

Sep 22, 2020

I confess, I am not a follower of this series, maybe that's why it seemed like a good number, the shock of finding her brother, who later committed suicide, her father Jim blaming her, everything makes Batgirl in the end devastated. It is a fact that there is a lack of suspense as well, these women are murdered very quickly, as by magic she discovers her brother and then instead of stopping him she lets him go. Giving a bit forced drama, but much more decent than the insufferable Nightwing 74 and the repetitive Teen Titans Annual I liked it even more than the Batman issues where Tynion is getting to nothing more than a replay of other stories already read. With the exception of Red Hood 48, one of the best crosses of Joker War appears to me, where it is really giving us something to read, there is little action and a lot of drama, the art is good.

Batgirl (2016) #50

Oct 28, 2020

Can someone explain to me what that was? That was like Sandra Bullock on Two Weeks Notice. I don't know why it is but there is an exaggerated presence of African-American people, I confess I am not from the USA, I do not understand if they wanted to convey a message like look at DC or Batgirl is not racist, or there is something in the background that is not a socio-political situation. Anyway, something strange and forced was seen. Well really this whole number was kind of forced. Now let's talk about the new Barbara who is not the first time that she has been made to look like a self-centered woman, judging everyone in her path. I clarify at all I love Nightwing, he is a character that is not interesting to me, but Barbara judging him that way when the poor man lost his memory and still has problems recovering, What is wrong with you Barbara? It was like an attempt not to make her look as pathetic as Barbara always is, drooling over Dick, that was fine but the way, the situation just made her look like a poisonous woman. Another thing it seems that Barbara can not stop bossing Bruce in one way or another as if she was so perfect. It is Bruce's money, not yours Barbara, it is requested not to be demanded. Thank you that this series ended, it has not been a great loss.

Batgirls (2021) #1

Dec 16, 2021

And this they are hitting the new target? art is ugly and what follows. I don't understand why putting everyone with freckles, is it to make them look more childish? well we all know that DC thinks that making all books homogenized for readers of thirteen will be bought for all. The story is very random, personally I got bored.

Batman A Death in the Family

Oct 12, 2021

a classic

Batman Hush

Oct 1, 2021

Batman '89 (2021) #4  
Batman (2016) #96

Aug 21, 2020

Sorry it's not getting anywhere, it feels like it's just filler. You can completely skip this number and nothing happens

Batman (2016) #97

Aug 20, 2020

Tyrion started very well but I feel him stuck in the recent numbers. Regardless that his character Punchline does not fit, that Joker is so boring, not concrete, this is a bad fanfic so to speak. Mediocre issues as they did with batman after proposition with selina. The only thing I'm liking is the appearance of Clownhunter

Batman (2016) #98

Sep 1, 2020

Finally something is coming, the last two books were insufferable, a lot of nonsense stuffing. In this issue the only thing rescued was the moving dialogue with Alfred to react and empower himself, only that Tynion is counting exclusively Selina, Dick and Damian, as he always puts Tim and Jason aside. I think we know why it includes Selina, since the new Catwoman and Batman series will need to be dropped later. This is the part that makes me desperate, we have gone through two completely filler books where absolutely nothing is reached, being able to summarize this whole situation in just one to take themes that various fans want to see, Tim is basically still in limbo with Young Justice And now we do not know if it will be Drake or Robin, the beating that Bruce gave Jason unjustifiably we do not know if the man even deigned to realize that the supposed "greatest detective in the world" was a blank shot. Will your family be there because you love him? Dick isn't even him; Drake or Robin was refused his help when he offered it, but it is the easiest to bring back; Damian is murdering everything that moves and Batman is not even able to put a healthy limit on him by giving him a free pass as usual. Hood has no reason to go back to Batman or Bruce or the Batfamily with the continuous rejections not only from him, but from the family in general. Unfortunately, they tend to get a lot of filler books that can be synthesized in more interesting things than looking for the sale of low-quality numbers. Another character that follows me without catching me is the copy of Harley, Punchline, who is almost the same as Harley in his evil times, I can reaffirm there are moments where Harley was darker and better than her substitute. Clownhunter on the other hand is a character that I am liking his beginnings, despite how little he has been used, he is much more interesting than Punchline. But despite all the negative points, it seems that Tynion begins to raise the story, we will see in the next issue how he develops it.

Batman (2016) #99

Sep 15, 2020

Sorry I'm not going to give a good grade to a filler number, please Batman just monologue, bored with so much me, me and he, he. Please marry the Joker. A number where nothing happens more than an insipid meeting with zero apologies, zero action. Another nefarious thing, Tim became a child again? Since the horrible Nightwing 74 apparently they insist on drawing like that, he is a young man of about 17 or 18 years? We don't even know what his alias is, Robin, Red Robin or Drake. Really?? please make up your mind. Batman as always hypocritical, when it suits him he is happy to see them, when it suits him then it is our city. Gentlemen the man sucks as a human being, but that's the charm of Batman. I'm not sorry, I'm not convinced. the only redeemable thing is art, because the story that Tynion presented I have already seen in many numbers, nothing original.

Batman (2016) #100

Oct 6, 2020

This was a set of plagiarism that Tynion does from other writers, other numbers, only changing characters and modifying scenarios in a messy way. In short, all I need is for Harley to tell Batman "it's him or me" and throw a gun at him. That and all is giving Dick almost the center of all the action excluding the others. Too bad that such a mediocre and apathetic story ruins all art, which is the only decent thing in this issue. Wouldn't it be so hard on the rating if DC didn't revolve everything around Batman, give her the best stories, the best writers etc, for this? I think they kept the wrong people to stay, they are doing a very bad job. Oh and in the end when you think something different will really be done and the clown will finally be killed, you have to put such a cheap cliche. It is clear to me that all this that Tyrion did who thinks it is novel is to want to promote the Punchline series and give the Clownhunter a leading role in the future, which is a mix between the origin of Dick Grayson and Jason Todd, despite the fact that Clownhunter is much more interesting than Harley ... or sorry Puncheline (the cheap copy of Harley Quinn) neither character is interesting. Hope you make things better with Gost-Maker

Batman (2016) #101

Oct 20, 2020

A number where NOTHING HAPPENS AGAIN. Tynion is selling us the Cat and Bat series, just that, again DC is afraid that his characters advance. When do you plan to marry Bruce when she is 80 years old? or he will definitely remain an immature bachelor who cries for attention over and over again. The attempt at status Quo is like Marvel's Civil War or the persecution of the Mutants in X-Men. This issue have a lot of inconsistency, it is sad to see how Batman listens better to HIS ENEMIES than to his allies, from UNDER THE HOOD, JASON LET HIM KNOW THAT HIS METHODS WERE A FAILURE, it is logical that everything collapses, the twist of seeing a Batman having to start from almost zero is interesting, that is the only thing but it was seen. What's ridiculous is the spikes he wears on his shoulders just like Thomas Wayne's Batman, THE MAN WHO KILLED ALFRED TOGETHER WITH BANE. I just hope Tynion doesn't surprise us that Clownhunter is his new Robin PLEASE THERE ARE ALREADY MANY COPIES OF JASON TODD Unfortunately it seems that this is what Tynion does, he starts off on the right foot and then comes to nothing. It is not known how Batman or Bruce fixed so many faults with her family, it was only to use Dick as a magic wand. We know that the altercation with Damian will come, I hope the child takes up the mantle of Robin, he is still too young for another identity and replace him with another Robin. Not so bad if she replaces her with Catwoman, but that would only make her a worse father for my liking, let's take the son out of the formula when a new partner arrives, that sucks. However I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I know they will disappoint me.

Batman (2016) #102

Nov 3, 2020

Tynion is doing exactly the same thing as Lobdell, great elements but he doesn't do anything with them and unlike Lobdel he's only compiling other writers.

Batman (2016) #103

Nov 17, 2020

We finally see a bit of agility in the story and it was refreshing, maybe, just maybe they can do something good with Ghost Maker and not the complete disaster that came from Batman in love with the cat to Joker War.

Batman (2016) #104

Dec 1, 2020

Apparently this is what we see from Tynion stagnates, advances a little, stagnates, advances a little. Not as bad as Joker War but I feel like I'm losing interest in this story.

Batman (2016) #105

Dec 18, 2020

Not bad but it does not drop into mediocrity I hope the changes that they promised are satisfactory, I am not going to be incredible as Marvel is doing with a decent I am well served but I do not predict much they will repeat the thing about Jason's dog in Nightwing and apparently the boring relationship of DickBarb again and it is not that he finds the couple, but it is very flawed, however putting in Zucco can add some interesting drama to that series. On the other hand Batman: Urban Legends seems to be going in a good direction by the writer Matthew Rosenberg (who I would like to take on Red Hood but they gave Grifter) and the not inconsiderable Chip Zdarsky who will take the part of Red Hood aims That will be 6 good numbers if DC does not put his hand. I get the impression that perhaps they are consciously restructuring the characters this time, reducing the number of comics and perhaps improving the quality.

Batman (2016) #106

Mar 2, 2021

It's good that all that Future State stuff ended. I didn't like it. Tynion since he took Batman every time he feels like he is less Batman, it was not a story that really caught me, there some intrigue but it was not interesting enough. Damian seems to be back in the game, I did not like his suit, rather he seems to have stolen it from some Aquaman character, it seems that he has gills and the cape looks as if he took it from some jester of some medieval court. Good ingredients but poorly baked. I hope this improves in the next issue.

Batman (2016) #107

Apr 6, 2021

Batman's story is slow, it's not bad at all. Batman now feels more like Detective Comics and vs. I don't understand why insistence in make to Harley a hero is an idiotic character The backup story is bad ends up ruining the number, if this number feels ambiguous and slow with this it feels like a complete filler to only to justify 5 dollars where the story gives very little. Everything feels so messed up with all this new multiverse idea, the thankless FS. Put in the numbers characters that you do not want to read WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A FUCK, just to raise prices, I think it is unfair to buy a Batman comic that in itself the quality is not the best with Tynion in command and now this. The new ideas are only receding the characters, Bruce being an x-men pursued by justice now with limited resources, Barbara without action being again in oracle's characteer (it seems as if they want to retire these two), Damian back to the league in an mortal combat style, Tim going back to being Robin (a terrible throwback for a character much more interesting than Dick), Jason again is used to be the subject of squabbles (even though Czdarsky writes brilliantly and this happens when a good writer really wants to write to a character who likes) everything for what purpose? to force their 5G characters where only Flor has really liked.

Batman (2016) #108

May 4, 2021

Very little action and slow progress, Barbara now being Oracle does not represent a character that alone justifies her own series since her action is just sitting in front of the server collecting information, however she has returned to be the Barbara of before, no the neurotic heroine who was performing long ago, that's nice. The Scarecrow according to my memory was dead or a badly done comic, stirring everything, it may be confused in time, however it seems that they want to give it greater prominence in DC and that is good, it is already boring to see the Joker as if he were the only important villain (it is a good villain but already very worn out). In this issue of the persecution of mutants, sorry Batman give some key points in the intrigue, outside of that it does not happen to majors. I think they could have summarized this, the contribution is very little. The Ghostmaker and his attempted manga don't quite convince me and I definitely didn't like him at all. Batman was previously an interesting series, with good numbers to enjoy, I have not felt that way for a long time, parts of city of Bane, then the insufferable Joker War with which they dropped many elements so good for a catharsis, the broken family with a Dick sorry Ric or Dickie Boy being controlled by the Joker would have been great to see a dramatic showdown between Batman and Dick. I just hope that DC starts doing something of quality, since the people who actually buy comics already demand that, quality in the story and art. We can overlook a lot when it comes to our favorite character, but we have a limit. And DC or should I say AT&T is reaching out to many with all its bad decisions, hell has a mine with the Snyderverse and does not want to exploit it. We know that AT&T is not interested in comics and has shown it since its purchase, I just hope this changes because I would not like to see only these great characters only in figures in stores.

Batman (2016) #109

Jun 1, 2021

Batman (2016) #110

Jul 6, 2021

It's official, this series got so bad it's ready to be toilet paper. The insistence to the bad future state, to make Batman see as if he were the center of the problem (although there is part of reason when the Peacekeeper tells him about his associations with not completely reformed criminals) I don't know if Tynion or the cartoonist has the obsession of always putting Barbara swallowing, first tacos and with her legs spread, now a hamburger at this rate will end up being a sow, because whoever eats in a situation of generalized chaos. And the backup story is even worse. I didn't like this number at all. It's like a bad novel with a bad ending that has already been told to you. In the end the sales will speak or the stupidity of the managers, something like Walter Hamada in WB.

Batman (2016) #112

Sep 7, 2021

Batman (2016) #113

Sep 23, 2021

It feels like it is progressing although in development it is still stagnant, but unlike there is more action, the characters move a little more.

Batman (2016) #114

Oct 6, 2021

This is really sad, very sad. They are tearing up their iconic characters to make way for very idiotic characters, with low-quality storylines. This year I don't think DC can increase its sales with this garbage.

Batman (2016) #117

Nov 17, 2021

And so batman dies in agony. Goodbye to the most interesting character in DC.

Batman (2016) #118

Dec 7, 2021

I had completely scrapped this series, hated it so much to the degree that I didn't even read it for free, just like most DC series. But I said why not? Let's take a look. A good start, we finally have a Batman book where the main character is Batman and not a bunch of random villains. It has been a good change of writer for the moment, we will see what he does later. And if things improve, maybe I will buy this series again.

Batman (2016) #120

Feb 1, 2022

Batman (2016) #126

Aug 2, 2022

Not bad, but to be Batman and the so-called best writer of this editorial, it just seemed to me that he lacks a lot. In the middle, neither good nor bad.

Batman (2016) Annual #5

Dec 29, 2020

Bad story, worse art, bored to death, without pain or glory.

Batman (2016): The Joker War Zone #1

Sep 29, 2020

really bad, if you don't read it you have nothing to miss, a compendium of scattered stories of nothing important, just another number for this insignificant canon of the Joker War

Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1

Aug 31, 2021

A redundant and boring read. Art is the only decent thing.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

Dec 1, 2020

No please, I thought I thought I was going to vomit because of the dizziness with all those flashbacks to the past, the future without explanation, I completely hated this number, I think this series will be put aside.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 19, 2021

I thought this number was going to improve but the abuse of flash back is too much, not concrete, we see a selfish and lying Selina and a Batman who does not happen to suspect. The subject of the relationship between the Joker and her is annoying, that codependent relationship does not really attract, first Joker with Batman and now with Selina who ends up murdering him.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

Feb 16, 2021

The only thing I appreciate about this number is that I stopped the abuse of flashbacks that made me headache. The art is flawless even though the way Helena was presented in that outfit makes her look very vulgar, please it seems the woman forgot to put her the pants along with the panties and came out half dressed, it would have been better if it was just the bat on her chest and her mask. or something worse was the rear. It reminded me of those movies where they dream that they are naked at school and everyone laughs. Nothing aesthetic. As long as the story isn't of much interest here, it felt empty. This was definitely a series that I didn't think about or read until there were two immature and intolerant little people who attacked me because I didn't like it and no one can force me to like something that is not for me, that's why I promised to give my personal and impartial criticism . In conclusion, it was a little better than the previous numbers since the abuse of the flash back and the insistence of the song was removed, but the story still does not reach me. As long as history isn't of much interest here, she felt hollow. Definitely this was a series that I did not think or read until there were two immature and intolerant little people who attacked me because I did not like myself and nobody can force me to like something that is not for me, therefore I promised to give my personal criticism and impartial. In conclusion, it was a little better than the previous numbers since the abuse of the flash back and the insistence of the song was withdrawn, but the story still does not catch up with me.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Mar 30, 2021

I think King should read some real literature where real writers show him how to really flashback, Luis Spota, William Faulkner, Juan Rulfo or John Le Carré. I don't know who told him that he knew how to write to this man. The only good thing was the art.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 1, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #6

Aug 17, 2021

No please, what about grandmother-cat-robin? This King has outdone himself, this is not an aberration, this is nonsense, completely ridiculous.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 7, 2021

I definitely agree with the comment that this has become a fanfic where we have Bruce and Selina naked during the middle of the installment.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 20, 2021

I don't think even the writer's mother liked this. Horrible.

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #1

Apr 20, 2021

I don't know what they're trying to do here, but the idea is very tired. And I think that is the problem of DC the worn out ideas, there is a desperation to sell high, the lack of creativity is being terrible in most of its numbers and this was not the exception.

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #2

May 4, 2021

In an attempt to play Nolan, he offers us a theme where the center of the story is Batman and Catwoman. Just as in the comics these two come to nothing, I do not understand why to do all this and be afraid that Bruce advances in his relationship with Selina, they are wearing this couple with a lot of bad comics from Batman / Catwoman. DC should allow this couple to move forward, it should have done after their disastrous Joker War or not even put them together.

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #3

May 18, 2021

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #4

Jun 1, 2021

Batman / Superman (2019) #12  
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #2

Apr 22, 2022

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #4

Jun 24, 2022

Batman Beyond (2016) #46

Aug 26, 2020

it was going decent and then got boring vero it hasn't deviated from development

Batman Beyond (2016) #47

Sep 22, 2020

Simplistic, nothing to say about it.

Batman Beyond (2016) #50

Dec 22, 2020

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1

Mar 29, 2022

It was good, correct to the rhythm of this series, it series is not one of my favorites but it has been interesting, and this issues in special was good

Batman: Black & White (2020) #2

Mar 18, 2021

Batman: Black & White (2020) #3

Feb 23, 2021

mmh a lot of crazy concepts, others not so many, I don't know what they intended here but I wouldn't spend my money on this. But tastes are diverse, this is not for me, neither the art nor the various stories. I like well-built characters, if they are going to do metaphors or surreal things that is something interesting not only what they imagined during the time they were flying high.

Batman: Earth One #3  
Batman: Fortress (2022) #1

May 29, 2022

Disappointing delivery, I did not like at all the way to destroy a hero. Batman being so indifferent under the pretext of going after the big shots who don't know where they are. Batman doesn't even seek to fix the root problem, Bruce Wayne's incredible tactics and logic are gone. Uff it's sad that I'm less and less interested in the new deliveries and the next numbers to come.

Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) #2  
Batman: Secret Files (2021): Clownhunter #1

Aug 17, 2021

I will be honest I did not think to touch this book, a tremendous cliche about the boy victim of bullying, however the characterization of Red Hood was more reliable than that of Zdarsky that shows that he did not take a single recent book of the canon and gave us a very bad characterization of the character. Nice to see Jay in his last uniform without the red bat on his chest.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): The Gardener #1

Nov 18, 2021

Batman: The Detective (2021) #1

Apr 13, 2021

I did not like. It's not the most horrible thing you've ever read. The demon part was very ridiculous. The story is slow. I liked the suit style Snyder cut.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #2

May 11, 2021

Batman: The Killing Joke #1  
Batman: The Knight (2022) #2  
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 26, 2020

It a nice surprise read something really well written, something it's not happen in DC for a long time, tks for that. It starts in an incredible way, while the news spreads about the Joker, it is played with the images that he has left in each one. In this number I feel that it is broken down as follows. Batman investigating. Barbara with a makeup trauma. Jason is the one who still brings the pain to the surface disguised as anger. One scene was almost painful for me, when the Joker begins to describe Jason's torture to break it. Personally, I think he is an impostor and Jason fell into the game. Fue agradable algo realmente bien escrito, ya se extrañaba que DC hiciera esto. Inicia de forma increíble, mientras la noticias corren sobre el Joker se juega con las imágenes que este ha dejado en cada uno. En este número siento que se desglosa de la siguiente forma. Batman investigando. Barbara con un trauma maquillado. Jason es el que todavía trae el dolor a flor de piel disfrazado de ira. Una escena me resultó casi dolorosa, cuando el Joker empieza a describir la tortura de Jason para romperlo. En lo personal creo que es un impostor y Jason cayo en el juego. C'était bien quelque chose de vraiment bien écrit, c'était déjà bizarre que DC ait fait ça. Cela commence de manière incroyable, alors que l'actualité se répand sur le Joker, cela se joue avec les images qu'il a laissées dans chacun. Dans ce numéro, je sens qu'il se décompose comme suit. Batman enquête. Barbara avec un traumatisme de maquillage. Jason est celui qui apporte encore la douleur à la surface déguisée en colère. Une scène a été presque douloureuse pour moi, lorsque le Joker commence à décrire la torture de Jason pour la briser. Personnellement, je pense qu'il est un imposteur et Jason est tombé dans le jeu.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 28, 2020

Almost perfect! The best DC has done in years, Fabok's work is impeccable, the art is great. Despite having read some reviews that point to the kiss between Barbara and Jason, that was not the strange thing here. Seeing a supportive Batman with Jason WAS REALLY WEIRD, Barbara making judgments, it's not. Another thing is how Barbara confuses one of the poisoned with Jason when neither the cut nor the body has anything to do with Jason, finally there is the scene where Jason wakes up and now has underwear, which makes me wonder, those boxers belong to Bruce or Barbara? Or maybe they didn't want to get the sex out of Jason like they did with Bruce to prevent people from being scared with body parts, I can't imagine the horror that must be for these people when they enter an art exhibition, look at all those painting, sculpture and photography with nudes, really traumatic for them. The scene when Jason and Barbara talk about their traumas and pain was excellent, we can appreciate that thanks to Barbara having positive parental support, she was able to get ahead (which makes Bruce see two times in this issue), on the other hand Jason has never counted on a real support network from anyone. It is completely justifiable that they get carried away, it would even have been justifiable for them to come to something more than a kiss, however Barbara retracts and like a good bat asks them to return to work. On the other hand Bruce is struggling with his own burden, between the murderer of his parents and the Joker, I think that's a lot to deal with for the man.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

Yes, we can say that Geoff Johns follows the traditional line and did not do something silly like what happened in Batman Damned. Not surprising, the end is not an end actually leaving things unfinished. It was really good that it was not about Jason to turn him into a Joker and that this last issue focused a little more on Batman, personally I would have liked a little more Jason. A painful moment was the letter, Jason needs support, Barbara (a romantic relationship is not necessary, even though Jason loves her, and it sounds reasonable, Jason from birth has never had the support or real care of anyone) could give it to him. Jason just needs a push and is willing to change, unfortunately everything indicates that the message will never be sent. . On the other hand Barbara is still broken, she is not as strong as they always appear to be, her anger is channeled into the exercise. Bruce apparently leaves everything, but in the end he concludes that everyone will follow his destiny, Bruce without freeing himself from Batman now as the Joker said is the Joker the demon who tortures Batman to continue breaking him. Jason single-handedly continues on his way as the Red Hood. Barbara pretending to be fine as pain and anger is channeled into the runner, yet she is the most balanced of the three.

Batman: Three Jokers Collected

Oct 1, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

I shouldn't rate this so high since there are two bad stories and mainly Harley's who was rubbish and I hate those fillers, however Hood's story destroys emotions from beginning to end. Chip develops an excellent story giving us a glimpse into the past, when he is that adorable Robin, and when he becomes a hood, Alfred that man and his wisdom that Batman does not know how to take advantage of, Jason needs Bruce Wayne, his father, says Alfred, without However Bruce opts for the bat, we all know how that ends, with a batarang cutting Jason's neck. Hood is struck by his past, I think it is seen in the little boy, he is reliving the pain he left behind, something that we thought was overcome but apparently Chip decides that he is not (this is the only part that I do not agree so much, he loses his temper at the guy who shot him but he keeps it long enough not to murder the Joker? come on DC) however let's take the ptsd. Jason is a range of emotions, angry, hurt, sweet, furious and sorry. This is definitely the result when you take an interesting character who has a lot to give and put a good writer to develop it. Jason has a lot of history of trauma and pain to explode, if you put him together with a good writer and cartoonist as a result he gives a much superior comic. Of course I will buy the comic as soon as it arrives ONLY BY RED HOOD, of course it is expensive and I would pay more if it was only Red Hood with Chip in charge.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

This number left me with mixed emotions, on the one hand I love him on the other I do not hate him but there are things that I hate. There is excellent drama in between, it only reminded me of RHATO V2 25 with much better writing.And Jason isn't the Jay of the comics. there is something I hate about serial or movie adaptations and more when they are as bad as Titans and that is when they influence the comics. I don't know who is deciding the pairing of the character to the story but it's wrong. That is the reason why fans get upset when Jason is not respected by the canon by changing his death or when they copy it as in the case of Snyder cut who stole Jason's death to give it to Dick. The history of Red Hood is a hurricane of emotions, the fact that I do not like that they put Jason as a murderer at a young age does not mean that it is a bad story, there is a child unable to help his mother and a dealer who is poisoning apart from physical aggression, of course children born of violence react with violence. (I did not like it but it is justifiable in the plot). There are implicit things in reality, no matter how much people want to be and tolerance and all that I am afraid to tell you that the world is another. We do not know what happens inside that department when Jason is outside, if the child realizes what is happening or not, the violence that he has already experienced with Willis and surely he has put between them being beaten (because in reality it happens ) and it is a child, I have seen children push others out of anger and it is a valid reaction. There is something that makes me doubt that it was a murder "I never had a chance. Not for a second" I doubt I would have killed him. Obviously the writer is playing with our emotions and that is the great thing about this, it makes us feel and we want even more that it makes us angry. It is not boring, it maintains the tension, it makes us suffer, sigh. The part where Jason is looking down the stairs, enjoying his work that many of us twisted our stomachs and disgusted, is a message towards the hard life of an abused child, or the guy is hurt or Jason has not realized That he is dead or not is the first time he has seen a death or murder and it has been so constant that it is part of his daily life to the point of desensitizing him and that is very strong. Jason is having a bad time, the guilt is ending him and his despair is such that he thinks of Bruce as a caretaker (when it was Bruce himself who is responsible for his death and putting child soldiers in front Jason himself recognizes him during the fight as a failed father), however completely human reactions are being described Even in the fight with Batman, Jason knows he made a mistake, he looks for anything to defend himself. Tyler's intervention makes his heart ache. It's not difficult to predict that Tyler will be adopted by someone else or returned to his mother who might survive since now they have put the forgotten Drake as Robin and Damian as ... we really don't know, if Tyler stays with Batman he would be the next Robin And it would get in the way of the lot of misfortunes that they have prepared for him in Detective comics and it does not fit in Batman either (this is an anthology). With Jason impossible, DC would not allow him as they are engrossed in marking him as broken, murderous to pair him with their bad series Titans (hopefully it improves in the next season-I hate when series or movies influence the comics by messing everything up.) The other stories were good, pretty decent.Except for Barbara's story, what the hell was that, like Harley's was a fucking pointless filler, because they screw up a number with nonsense like this. DC sucks at decisions, it's like putting a bad apple among the good ones. Grifter is a story with funny nuances, he's a troublesome punk, I like him. I do not know what the confrontation with Red Hood came to, that if it is going to go to a special point, it was funny about the Post-it, however I will wait for the development of this part since it was only used as a springboard for the character of Grifter I'm going to hate this part, however if there is a development on it, this could lead to something interesting.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

It is the first time that this issue does not put a stupid story like a in the previous issues, however this book is good because of its main story of Batman and Red Hood. In this issue we continue to fall in love with little Tyler and the ties he has formed with Hood, but now Batman is taking charge and making decisions about the next steps both with Tyler and in the investigation. Zdarsky is going down the popular path of the reckless Robin, if it is true what his lawyer Rosenberg says (who answers for Chip for everything) that neither he nor Zdarsky have read a comic in his life (something I do not believe him) then perhaps all these points to highlight are directly from the managers. In the past as well as in the present they both have different ways of investigating, Jason goes more towards direct contact with the underworld, Bruce more towards laboratory research, what I like is that in the end they both approach their own way. When Batman goes for the doctor who designed Crane's gas, Hood goes for the field research. The ending leaves us wanting to know more despite the slow pace in terms of the action and leans more towards agreements and investigation is still a good story that leaves you trapped. The other two stories are not bad but they are still not close to the first, but it is refreshing not to see stories like Pamela and Harley or Barbara. However, this whole situation has left me a bad taste in my mouth and today will be the last issue I buy from DC, I will only read it for free as a lot of you do and while I will go through some Marvel series and I will see.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #4

Jun 8, 2021

This definitely can't be considered canon, there are bigger holes in the plot, bigger than Hopkins investigated. Zdarky is a good writer, but he's so absorbed in the old times, he has not taken into account the evolution of Jason, nor in Lost Days where Jason was configured as a strategist equal or even superior to Batman, nor the formative years in the League of Shadows and let's not talk about All-Caste. And of course I agree with the comment I read about Lobdell. Yes he definitely isn't the best writer and i hates the way he constantly dropped a situations, characters potential as lazy writer or his brain did not give to do more, but at least he had a point in favor, and was gave a character advancement, every character must advance, mature not stagnate or worse, like DC is doing now and is going back the characters and retelling past stories, and forgot canon I read a comment that named RHATO 25 as a showdown we all wanted to see instead of Jason's already worn death. Or the use of both would have been great, it's something I've read and many RH fans including myself have waited Thinks Negatives for me, The insistence on making him look inept when the character has been building on his tactical skills and martial arts training for years, making this and other comics inconsistent. Refresh Jason's death with burnt oil. Points in favor. Bruce acting like real father like a should be. It was the first comic in which Bruce calls him son since his return. if i remmenber well. Although Chip touch on Jason's death again, the raw emotions of a usually stoic Batman were something wonderfully conveyed. An Auch when desperate Barbara calls him and says "Jason NEVER .... asked about you Bruce, asked about Batman" auch. That speaks volumes about the relationship between the two. Hood manages to do what Batman couldn't do in all the time he was expended in dances with subtlety and all of his prized detective mind. Hood to find the real criminals behind the street drug. The other backup stories, with the exception of Grifter, who already has numbers that the character feels a bit fake, were good, lower quality but not stupid like the ones that were included.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #5

Jul 13, 2021

I really expected something else due to the solicitations, but this was great too. Jason continues the search for Bruce, despite the fights, the tension is still there, the unbreakable bond. The quality of the other stories was not what I expected, I thought they would give Tim something better, everything felt so stagnant. Pfff not to mention the one of the girls, I did not like it at all. Grifter got off to a good start, then turns into a kind of lucky idiot, like a guy who can do anything more by luck than by skill and everyone around him turns out to be idiots.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #6

Aug 10, 2021

Not bad, removing a lot of things that don't fit, like Bruce's happiness is killing the Joker, I think Batman's happiness would actually include his living parents. It was strange to see Bruce's allergy to happiness to the point where he wanted to murder Cheer. That was strange. But I definitely think this entire book is completely out of canon. Jason and Tyler's relationship is the best, I totally love them, good ending here. The most disappointing thing about this book was seeing a bi Tim without some kind of support, he magically turned bi, no wonder that in the DC universe they warned, what a mediocre idea. What's Next? Bruce and Dick are having an affair? If I rate this entire book I would give it maybe 5.5 to 6, no more. Hood's story I'm between a 7 to 8.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #4

Jan 26, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #5

Feb 23, 2021

I'm not a big fan of this series, except when they sat on Harley, the only thing I can say is that I don't get caught. The cover is tricky they make Jason Todd fans believe that there will be a part for this character, but one they draw him as if he were older than Bruce two is stupid the way Bruce catches him to escape. And from there they focus on Harley a character I'm not a fan of, maybe I'm being tough in qualifying, but blame DC for trying to get my attention to this book with tricks.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #6

Mar 26, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1

Aug 2, 2022

It wasn't a bad read, but due to the redundancy about Jason and the Joker I think it's no surprise that the new Robin didn't make any sense to it. This all seems pretty decent to me.

Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory #4  
Black Adam (2022) #1  
Black Cat (2020) #1

Dec 18, 2020

Black Cat (2020) #2

Jan 20, 2021

Black Cat (2020) #4

Mar 31, 2021

Black Cat (2020) #7

Jun 2, 2021

I definitely loved it, but the only thing that bothered me or maybe it will be because as I have said, I've been out of the Marvel for a while. But the change to sexual preference because making changes just to increase sales that makes me uncomfortable, it doesn't feel original. If I'm in a mistake and the character was bi, before all progressive exaggeration came down on us, please illustrate me.

Black Cat (2020) Annual #1  
Black Widow (2020) #7

May 27, 2021

Great versatility in this book. Emotional tension, combat. I am new to this series, I am signing up for this series.

Black Widow (2020) #8

Jul 2, 2021

Black Widow (2020) #11

Sep 15, 2021


Mar 18, 2021

An interesting proposal and it was to the point of starting the purchase of this comic, along with my collection of Red Hood, Amazing Spiderman and King in black. It promises a lot.


Apr 29, 2021

In this number gives us the origin of BRZRKR. It's very common to use mythologies and religions to give origin to powerful characters and this is not the exception, a divine origin, such as Miriam or the thousands of women pregnant by Zeus or another divinity, this apparently divine entity creates a demigod. I like the way it addresses the issues, yes, there was a bit of cliche, however the weapon they deliver is not perfect, but is not something broken, it's something that needs to be molded . The art is not the best but it defends itself and I think this comic is doing well.


Jun 16, 2021


Oct 1, 2021

This series I really like, at first I had my doubts, but it is one of the few good comics that can be obtained, leaving behind the new children's comics of supposedly youthful or mature classification. I liked how much they treat here the pain of a broken heart, each tortuous memory. Good number, this is a series that I will continue buying.


Dec 16, 2021

It seems that this number took a little break slowing down, however it is still a good series.

Bunny Mask #2  
Cable (2020) #10

Apr 29, 2021

It is the first time I read the Cable comic, mmmh there are things that I did not like, I felt slow and Scott being a mediocre father. However, the story was not to be thrown away.

Captain Marvel (2019) #27

Mar 18, 2021

this issues make laugh

Carnage: Black, White & Blood #2

Apr 22, 2021

Carnage: Black, White & Blood #4

Jul 15, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #28

Dec 16, 2020

Catwoman (2018) #29

Mar 18, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #30

Apr 22, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #31

May 18, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #32

Jun 15, 2021

Children of the Atom (2021) #4

Jun 9, 2021

Children of the Atom (2021) #5

Jul 7, 2021

Crime Syndicate (2021) #2  
Crush & Lobo #1

Jun 1, 2021

Crush & Lobo #2

Jul 6, 2021

Curse of the Man-Thing (2021): Spider-Man #1

Apr 29, 2021

I did not like him at all, I love Spider but I am not going to overrate him just because Spiderman is an incredible character, this number was atrocious.

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 16, 2021

This was like stripping the soul, although Matt is somewhat self-flagellant, someone needs to wake him up, there are sightings that the danger to Electra or Matt is approaching, (mystery music) so it is possible that they are preparing the field for something interesting.

Daredevil (2019) #29

Apr 14, 2021

AAAAaaaaaaHhh it's a excelente issues, Matt are fighting for his live and we don't know if he make it.

Daredevil (2019) #30

May 19, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #31

Jul 2, 2021

In general, this series is usually quite good and Chip Zdarsky is usually excellent in the development of this character, but I am afraid that this number felt like a lot of violence and pointless discussions, I do not know how DD can have the mayor where he wants. Elektra somewhat uncontrolled making a tremendous tantrum because the protégé is traumatized in a totally normal way. Pfff, I hope the next issue is better and gives us a good advance with a little more logic.

Daredevil (2019) #34

Sep 11, 2021

Hell! I don't know what happened here or who thought this was a good proposition. I think Zdarsky has ideas from third world governments where getting the prisoners out is the right thing to do. Electra, it's not that bad, but aagh, I just can't handle this. The art is very good and the only thing that is worth it here.

Daredevil (2019) Annual #1  
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1

Jan 12, 2022

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2

Feb 2, 2022

Dark Ages (2021) #1

Sep 1, 2021

At the moment he is not making any character a Disney princess or taking absurd politics. Which is good, a interesting proposal, as it feels a bit lost and doesn't catch you enough, we'll see where it leads in the next issue.

Dark Ages (2021) #2

Oct 7, 2021

An apology I really thought it was the publisher, but no, it's the writer. Even though he's not doing the horrors that he usually does in DC, his writing is bad. Diablos has excellent characters that he does not know how to exploit. Frustrating is this man.

Dark Ages (2021) #3

Nov 17, 2021

Dark Ages (2021) #4

Jan 12, 2022

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

It is a delight to see the art of Yasmine Putri, simply for this reason I could acquire it at TP. As for the story, not bad, but I didn't feel so trapped. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2

Dec 7, 2021

I'm glad I didn't buy the first issue or this issue. And I had to resist for the incredible art of Putri. But the story stopped liking me, becoming completely predictable and very amateurish, for my taste. I love medieval stories, knights, wizards and maidens, even fanciful ones, but this was felt again with lots of cameo characters and little development. The intrigue could have been better. And the relationship between the half-brothers shake it in a better way. Amazing the second book and I've lost interest (not a complete disaster, maybe salvageable, but I doubt it), shame about Putri's art, I really would have liked to buy the TP

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #3

Jan 5, 2022

It's a real shame that incredible art is wasted in this way, in a story that starts off interestingly, but then goes downhill with a group of furious lesbians as if that's the best a lesbian woman could be, this is To some extent misogynist, I have good lesbian friends and they don't act like idiots always looking for a fight and look at some of them are rude when it comes to sports. It bothers me that they are caricatured in this way, angry, irrational. And as always a lot of filler characters that come to nothing. Another thing Kara according to the progressives, she must be a racist woman !!!! ah but since she's gay, it's okay for her to murder a black boy. Hypocrisy of this current double standard.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #4

Feb 1, 2022

Unreal concepts one after another regarding Bruce. Please, it's a joke to give the throne to the partner, I'll laugh a lot about it. Yasmine's art is what it's worth, but in this issue I didn't feel her presence, there were parts I didn't even like.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Sep 22, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #6

Dec 18, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 5, 2021

What can I say about this whole Death Metal event I never liked, but I can admit that the WW part and the hand of the multiverse made me laugh so much remembering the Kung-Fusion movie and the hand of Buddha. The conversion of Diana to a type of goddess like Saori from the Knights of the Zodiac makes me a bit ridiculous, it is more I think that soon we will see her with Saint Seiya-type decorations. In the end it's like Doomsday a little bit everything gets rearranged and they have a party. Definitely the only good parts were the Buddha's hand, sorry not from the Multiverse and the comments from the Robins Shorts with a bit of emotion from the Batfamily including the corpse Alfred in the matter.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Guidebook #1

Aug 20, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Sep 22, 2020

It is implausible they have the chair that practically turns you into a god and they cannot against the most boring villain who is the son of the Joker and Batman as if there were nothing else. Really the Batman that Rie is the most foolish villain that has been created, they put so many far-fetched, surrealistic things that tire. And this was definitely a plagiarism to Games of Thrones and Fast and Furious but worse, because there are no dragons, there is no action they just run, in a word boring.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1

Sep 29, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Rise of the New God #1

Oct 28, 2020

Terrible, summarizes its content.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1

Dec 8, 2020

hahaha what the hell was this number ?? Ok I agree with Barbara and Dick that they can't get over their romance. But Jason making her a SugarBaby with a grandmother for a sword ?! hahahaha. I don't know what they tried and then going with Rose, well I really like Rose, Essence and Art for Jason, it's his kind of strong women who are among the grays. All surreal stories, without consistencies and some fluffy. The story of Aquaman is pretty boring, the story of Hall and Sinister is ok but nothing exciting. A bit of super action, but mostly it's weird and fluffy moments. Nothing really relevant. I don't know what they did or tried to sell us here but the price for this is very high, although I laugh a lot at the nonsense seen in this issue.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Dec 22, 2020

Ok, it's cheesy, incoherent, in an attempt for redemption towards Superboy prime, the fact of how affect the realities between one of them the resurrection of Jason is thrown and leaves an open ending where we do not know if it is a hallucination of a dying Superboy or a change of reality. I think we've had enough of this Death Metal thing by now. If this were an unrelated story, I would say it is cute and fluffy, but if it joins this whole event, it is quite annoying because it is completely incoherent, well the whole event has been.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses #1

Dec 29, 2020

DC Horror Presents The Conjuring: The Lover #2  
DC Pride (2021): 2022 #1

Jun 14, 2022

DC celebrate diversity month? Damn they've been immersed in it for years with forced inclusion in many cases. Bah who cares when Berzerk is going to have a sequel, and I thank DC for this as I've stopped buying most of their issues and now have a little money saved up to buy something I'm really interested in.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #2

Nov 23, 2021

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #6

Mar 29, 2022

As soon as it was said that the enemy was one of them, I immediately guessed who it would be, what I liked here was the sacrifice, although this has not felt anything new if not in constant winks with Dceased, the sacrifice that Jason made to saving Damian by offering his life and preferring death before his conversion as a true hero would make this number worth it.

DC vs. Vampires (2021): Hunters #1

May 24, 2022

this is the comic blade

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #2

Aug 21, 2020

the cliffhanger are one after another love this number. Also the meeting between the vestiges that remain of the bats, the maturity of Jason and Damian was something that I did not expect, please that hug. The way Taylor gives personality to the characters.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #3

Sep 1, 2020

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #5

Nov 3, 2020

What's wrong with you DC WHY IN ALL VERSIONS DO YOU HAVE TO KILL JASON ??? !!! I hated that part, however it is good but the death of Jason seemed little original just to give more prominence to Damian, who by the way in this series is charming.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #6

Dec 1, 2020

Definitely the best thing that DC has brought out this year along with Three Jokers and both fell into cliches, one in killing Jason just because it's funny or I don't know and the other without giving an ending I will not give spoilers because it is a number to read it is worth spending a little.

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #7

Jan 19, 2021

The last two numbers loosened a lot, however it is a good conclusion but not exciting at all.

DCeased: Hope At World's End #10

Sep 22, 2020

It really is like the adventures of Damian and Jon Kent, it seems that it is focused on children. It completely lost its charm destroying the entire line of Dceased.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #1

Sep 28, 2021

I did not like this Deathstroke, something is missing. I don't know the cynicism, being a twisted bastard. Joshua isn't that bad because he tries to respect the canon, but he doesn't feel right for Slade.

Demon Days (2021): Mariko #1  
Detective Comics (2016) #1026

Aug 26, 2020

another filler issus for readers to spend, sorry it was a very weak issus

Detective Comics (2016) #1029

Oct 27, 2020

It can be an interesting story, but I feel the story again stuck in nothingness, an insistent and unnecessary role of Nightwing, I don't know the reason but it feels false.

Detective Comics (2016) #1030

Nov 16, 2020

The art is pretty bad, the story a bit lazy, let's hope they start doing this a little more agile because it's boring, the only interesting thing is that now they have to confront angry citizens for no reason.

Detective Comics (2016) #1032

Dec 8, 2020

Oh thanks ! finally something decent to read after having died laughing at the ridiculous way Hush captured everyone that was the only funny thing in that issue, now we have a little more consistency here, it's still funny that Hush continues to monologue and the bat unable to speak and forced to listen to him. Something ridiculous is that now all the villains are going to follow the example of the Joker, are they going after the bat family? well I didn't expect that from Hush. Another point is that despite the ridiculous and hypocritical way of Batman, he usually puts limits on his children, Damian being really favored, finally the bat decides to do something that only receives blows, now comes the heroic act where father and son reconcile and leave Damian as a hero. I just hope they get there in time to save Hood.

Detective Comics (2016) #1033

Dec 22, 2020

It is not a bad number, if you want to know about the Batfamily that does not happen here they are 100 focused on the drama between Bruce and Damian, it is a little too much noise, few nuts and it heads to Future State with Nakano winning as mayor. However, what I don't like is that they leave so many things in the air again, they just used the silly enough capture of the family to make them bond and then they completely forget about it. Readable, yes, extraordinary. No

Detective Comics (2016) #1034

Mar 23, 2021

In conclusion, no one gave a basis to justify the qualification and instead they flew into a rage. There are honest people who did not rate this number. And who asked me why five, the truth is that I had already read it to you, but it was an excellent opportunity to do an experiment on how many people only put the rating without actually reading it. And I'm glad they were few. In other places the answer was to base their qualification with their points of view. Thank you all for your participation this was very interesting. Now talking about this number Tamaki starts with a Nakano's gala, where a Bruce who is no longer a millionaire but he was in the place, in a moment some thugs dressed as clowns or something similar brake the party, then Bruce leaves the place, i guess as a superman he is looking for a booth Telephone to change from Bruce to Batman to go back and beat the criminals, that does not make Nakano very happy. After this everything slows down, Tamaki tries to put suspense on the number, but it felt quite lazy. Nakano continues looking for a way to stop the vigilantes, while the neighbor is kidnapped, at the end a man with white hair and with blood on his hands appears. The only thing I really liked is how Bruce starts to make his own cave, nice part but not original. but I wonder. What did he do with the cave? exploited it? did he only abandon it? because I know Bruce left the mansion, why he did not use the cave. This has no logic, it's like just getting angry with Bruce and making him suffer. Dan Mora's art is impeccable. The backup story is a little more interesting than Batman's, Damian, in short Damian finds out about some Mortal combat type tournaments, his mother diambles between being a mother and being a cold woman putting an ultimatum on him and Damian's response is jump out of the helicopter. What I liked was Williamson's agility in writing. It is not the great story but it is decent, without getting into unnecessary drama. though it was a complete cliche Melnikov's art is decent, but not flawless. I still don't like Damian's new suit. Pfff Maybe Tamaki will not drop the story with a lot of fillers, but with this number beginning I doubt it.

Detective Comics (2016) #1035

Apr 27, 2021

We finally see something concise. I liked this issue of Detective Comics, it's still very Marvel-like but it's pretty decent. I can't say the same for the backup, the Huntress was totally throwaway ruining this issue. I'd give an 8 if it was just the Batman story.

Detective Comics (2016) #1038

Jun 22, 2021

This is like the sinking of the titanic, and I just prefer to laugh than cry, we will see how much it collapses, in May it had number 41 in unit sales and 35 of the best sellers by dollar. And the backup story, someone from above helps these people, what was that? HA! Sometimes the cheap turns out to be expensive.

Detective Comics (2016) #1039

Jul 13, 2021

take away this series of Tamaki! go write the hideous "I'm not Star Fire" and stop to destroy Detective Comics. The ship has already sunk now we need someone who can rescue the shipwrecks before they die of hypothermia!

Detective Comics (2016) #1042

Aug 24, 2021

A horrible conclusion to open the Fear State and then say goodbye to Batman-Bruce. The backup story was much better than the main one but I think Rosenberg does not develop the characters, but repeats them, I see a lot of similarity between this Red Hood and his Grifter, apart from the insistence that Red Hood look like Daredevil, I imagine that it is because of his great admiration for ChinpZdarsky that he usually gets into conversations where he is not called, serving as a lawyer and praising his writing in an exaggerated way, just Zdarsky who takes things much more relaxed. The Red Hood costume is just awful, and it's because they seem to want to copy Dexter Soy's ideas a lot but not match them, I don't understand why, sometimes I think the publisher has an affinity for doing things the worst way.

Detective Comics (2016) #1043

Sep 28, 2021

This book was lifted a bit thanks to Dan's art, as always flawless. The story focused on Nakano itself did not turn out so bad but there are still many inconsistencies, leap, unfinished topics and quick results, if I had not read Tamaki's work I would say that it leads to some point, but it does not, it always dilutes things and leaves them halfway. On the other hand, Matt's writing doesn't quite convince me, he doesn't know how to shape any character, he moves them according to his personal idea, everything feels the same from Grifter, I didn't like the art of backup either, it feels so static. In short, it was not to burn the number, but it is not something in which I would invest.

Detective Comics (2016) #1052

Feb 9, 2022

Devil's Reign (2021) #2

Dec 31, 2021

What the hell is wrong with Zdarsky? in the past it was much better than this! and now he's going to be another Tom Taylor with simple handwriting. Well I think I'm exaggerating here. I don't understand how people sell their creativity to the government, because this all seems like pamphlet after political pamphlet. Iuuugh.

Draculina (2022) #1  
Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #1

Dec 2, 2020

Sorry, I was hoping for more, it's not bad but I didn't catch your story, we'll see if this improves later.

Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #2

Dec 30, 2020

Eternals (2021): Thanos Rises #1  
Everfrost #1  
Excalibur (2019) #16

Dec 23, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

sadly this number did not contribute anything.

Excalibur (2019) #23

Sep 11, 2021

Extreme Carnage (2021): Alpha #1

Jul 7, 2021

Extreme Carnage (2021): Phage #1

Jul 23, 2021

Extreme Carnage (2021): Agony #1

Sep 15, 2021

Forever Evil Vol. 1  
Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 5, 2021

The beginning of the Next Batman is like the beginnings of Batman without the death of his parents mixed a bit with the problems of the mutants in X-Men, that is, it is an exciting but trite beginning, which is good because it fulfills the function of entertain, however personally there is nothing that tells me to stay and buy me, much less when it is a jumble of stories that follow or summarize, it is a presentation book about the numbers that will come regarding what concerns Gotham. Outsiders that was decent, nothing extraordinary. A suicide squad guy with an Arkham Knight who stole Captain America's armor with everything and a ridiculous shield with an A. In short, it fulfills its function of entertaining, there is nothing new on the horizon, only old formulas that make it seem new and two somewhat boring stories. for my taste.

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1

Jan 5, 2021

The only salvageable thing is anime-like art.

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Jan 5, 2021

It was not an exciting start, BUT IF THERE WAS ORIGINALITY and that is what I like, the funny thing is that you can see that these people have not been to Brazil, if you want to make a stereotyped character of this country maybe if you leave her tanned skin but green eyes. In Brazil there are many blacks but also white people and especially dark-skinned people with green eyes. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 12, 2021

Finally Batman has something decent to read, I did not bet on this series, however it was good. NOT ORIGINAL since this has the X Men copy stamp all over the place, hunted heroes, running away is something that Marvel has seen, however it was agile, Bruce has literally lost everything, family, fortune, he is forced to lay his hands of what little he has to go on. On the other hand he presents the story of Grifter, he was good agile, I like the personality of this antihero, good job Mat.

Future State (2021): Teen Titans #1

Jan 12, 2021

It's not the worst I've read about this series, but it definitely doesn't stand up, not even with a thicker Dick that steals the style of Deathstroke, or Starfire. It was boring reading this issue.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

Jan 12, 2021

I liked having Drake back, even though being Robin again for me detracts from the character's evolution. I have passed that stage, he got his own name, why go back to the old? The action is a bit slow, however Tim is more a detective than a fighter, even though at the end of this issue he gives his all. It was nice to have him back.

Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 12, 2021

I'm not a fan of the Flash series, maybe that's why I liked it. Good drama, much much drama, I just do not understand why now Wally makes evil or rather poor is cursed since Heroes in Crisis. Little action, intense drama and the best that came out of this Future State kickoff week.

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State (2021): Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State (2021): Nightwing #1

Jan 19, 2021

Nightwing picks up the beat, which is good but that unnecessary nude of Dick that they tend to obsessively do bores already a little wth?. The only thing I hate is the meeting with the new Batman and this is only to raise the new Batman anticipating the rejection of some fans, it is a formula that DC has as he cannot place him with Bruce for logical reasons he will partner with Nightwing due to his fame .

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State (2021): Aquaman #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2

Jan 19, 2021

It is ridiculous this Batman who just for putting on his hood without training only with resources that I imagine he stole from somewhere snaps his fingers and is a fighter and detective at the height of Bruce Wayne. The only thing that raises this story is the part of Cass and Step, the art is very good but the things they take for granted spoil, there is a desperate need to make this Batman like, whoever likes them well, sorry I am not convinced by a Batman who is only good for his economic resources.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2

Jan 26, 2021

Messy I would call the story as it goes for Bruce, it is not a bad story, the best I have read in more than a year but it is not excellent it has a lot of tinge of Marvel comics, the art is very good in this story.. As for Red Hood I swear that I do not understand what they are doing or why, Jason is rebellious nor could Batman himself control him even though there was a strange relationship between contempt and affection, suddenly they characterize Jason as a beaten woman who returns with the abusive husband in Joker War and now he's a traitor ??? please. I don't like art, I've seen better drawings done by my 12-year-old cousin to be honest. There is no story of why Jason made that decision, he is simply painted as the one who betrayed the city and his family. I confess that this number made me cancel the next number I had planned to do with DC, like this series and the anthology, and I am afraid to admit that I am not the only one since a fan's claim made me reason about not continuing to buy bad stories and This is not worth 6 dollars, 2 or maximum 3 perhaps. low quality at high cost no thanks.

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #2

Feb 2, 2021

And for this they gave him a WHOLE NUMBER ??? LOL! They really are amazing! I do not understand how this character has survived, he is completely silly and unbearable, the only thing that is worth in this issue is art.

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2

Feb 2, 2021

Of the new characters Yara is the only refreshing one, I like her. The outcome I felt very quickly.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #2

Feb 9, 2021

This comic for me has been the only one that has been worth it, I really liked it, they are not a particular fan of Tim Drake and I'm not saying I don't like it, it's my second favorite robin and the third DC character that I like. Tim has to face the consequences not only of the pit that alone brings problems of anger and darkness, but of the new that still potentiates everything. Tim struggles with everything he has, the hallucinations, the confusion but he has also given him much more strength and the possibility of not dying even though we don't know how long his effects last. The big mistake here is that they leave everything empty without finishing and apparently Future State is doing this and a lot, which is horrible.

Future State (2021): Teen Titans #2

Feb 9, 2021

hahaha I really can't handle this, nor do I want to write a review on this, it felt like the mess that housewives make with the week's leftovers. And the most incredible thing that apparently this will somehow give continuity while removing the most interesting issus from the list. And then they wonder why they are with financial problems, while Marvel returns to advantage them in a crisis.

Future State (2021): Nightwing #2

Feb 16, 2021

OMG TOTALLY FORCED THIS UNION. Of course they are using the acceptance that Nightwing has so that this Batman who now we do not know if his name is Tim or Jace Fox likes his character like a new Batman, it is like wanting to force a piece that you made and drew yourself to enter the puzzle. That's how it felt, what is more, this messy event was throwing up unfinished stories to insist that only this event be bought, everything is very forced, they want to force the reader to like this new 5G project that supposedly is not. (This seems to be heading towards wanting to 5g the main land and maybe get rid of some old characters later on) I definitely liked seeing the remnants of Nightwing that we know about and leaving the disastrous Ric behind until his culmination in the Joker war (many Nightwing fans cried every time they criticized how bad there was this but now it turns out that they recognize the great disaster that was left after the shooting) In conclusion the development of the character of Nightwing as recovering the previous one but this forced union rots part of this achievement. And for me it was not the best story of this event, I liked Robin Eternal more.

Future State (2021): Catwoman #2

Feb 23, 2021

This was a pretty decent number, I liked good action slow start but this was a great conclusion. Talia was the best.

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3

Feb 2, 2021

This week has really been very boring in terms of DC's numbers. This Batman is so forced, DC's attempts to make a Ramdom character a detective, an experienced fighter, only because stealing technology and money that belongs to Bruce Wayne through surely through his makes him magically Batman ???? and a not very original Batman, Tim Fox it has nothing of its own to offer, we didn't find nothing original. The number on the part of the Next Batman is full of fighting, so little progress is made in the real subject of the investigation and in the end the guy who saves tries to hang him. On the other hand we see the Fox family, wondering who Batman is, nothing worth entertaining. The other included story is a simple filler so boring as to shoot yourself.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #3

Feb 9, 2021

Honestly this fell like a block of concrete from a tenth floor. The encounter between the Batmen was completely bland, with a Covid pandemic-like stay-at-home tip that made me laugh at the ridiculous comment between the two. It all felt so stagnant and a Bruce not being Bruce. Then we have Lucius' situation where he decides in a very macabre game to betray Grifter and Huntress is the only thing that raises this number even though it is leaving the Fox family very badly off, possible breach of trust, perhaps theft (resources, technology together with a cloak that has not shown to have actually earned it, the only thing that leaves good is that he is trying to help people but putting aside the Batclan does not look good or maybe they will fix it in Nightwing in some way) and now justified betrayal or no. The gaps in the story are not good because they allow us to say a lot about the true reasons.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4

Feb 23, 2021

This whole event starts without a solid story, with a chronological disorder, a lot of bad new characters with the exception of Yara and terrible unfinished endings. Which brings us to the story of Bruce THE REAL BATMAN. The idea was really good, a Bruce without fortune, struggling to survive, a Batman in the dark doing the impossible to end a fascist government and Dark Detective started very well, it even looked much more interesting than what it had been doing in its usual series. But then the writing becomes sluggish and like the other books it doesn't get anywhere "Much ado about nothing." In return we have the counterpart, the backup story despite a lousy art the twist was not bad, Red Hood is playing a dangerous game with a mysterious character are trying to unravel what is behind the magistrate, obviously they had to give him impetus to the FS Gotham. Still it has been a story devoid of emotion and the pretty bad art doesn't help. FS was a complete disappointment for me.

Future State: Gotham #1

May 11, 2021

The story is mildly interesting, if this had been put in a summary Dark Detective made the numbers more interesting. There are mysteries that they want to discover, apparently Jason has given everything to infiltrate, not just her family, he let Rose go to protect her only alliance. Milonogiannis' art is bad enough and in black and white it turns out to be worse.

Future State: Gotham #2

Jun 9, 2021

Definitely not disappointed, it was the mediocre writing I was expecting, if there were some nice things, but coupled with the bad black and white art is a bad job, I really only buy it because it is Red Hood, but if DC is doing the what he does with Batman, Nightwing and superman, what can you expect. So get out your crayons and draw .....

Future State: Gotham #3

Jul 13, 2021

A little action, gum like throwing the prisoners in the well to fight how many times I have seen it, it is ridiculous that the next Batman is so good, it feels so forced, but I liked the development on Hood a little. I still don't like art. All regular.

Future State: Gotham #5

Sep 15, 2021

I thought this was going to favor the pathetic impostor Batman, but it wasn't as bad as I thought

Future State: Gotham #6

Oct 12, 2021

I just found out that the backup story was already in another comic. It's a .... keep reprinting other stories already published. Red Hood was pretty decent.

Future State: Gotham #7

Nov 9, 2021

Pleasant conclusion, to an emotional point. Jason saves the day, almost at the cost of his life. It was a good dialogue between Dick and Jason, making Dick look like the old Dick, smart and kind and Jason being mature. Ouch, it hurt that it wasn't Bruce, and I think it was great for many of us. He deceived us and now breaks hearts by confronting us with Jason's need for a family. Jason undercover is great. Even the understanding between Tim Fox and Jay went well.

Future State: Gotham #9

Jan 11, 2022

A Next Joker (does everyone have to be Next?), The insistence to put Rose as a correct partner to Jason because they need to erase Artemis who was the couple that most of the fans liked (C'mon! Now result Rose hurt him more than dying, or the betrayals that he has experienced from his own family or anything). The character of Hunter Panic (from the Mother of Panic series) doesn't feel very solid, but I could see in which direction this is going to move. However, there are some things that may be interesting, Talia's calving, now with a lost Damian. The new drug and Hush. Although I feel that this series should have ended two issues ago, I will see what happens later.

Future State: Gotham #10

Feb 8, 2022

I didn't like it at all, however he had a moment when he could make me laugh, that's appreciated.

Future State: Gotham #11

Mar 8, 2022

DC still does not understand the concept of the manga. In this issues the art has a lot of quality, the story was not that attractive but it had many moments of involuntary humor like the one where a drugged Dick fills his world with colors and a transforming Jason I don't know, I just hope that the DC shutdown rumors may not be true, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Future State: Gotham #12

Apr 14, 2022

I don't know, I'm debating myself, today I went for my comics since in my country that's when they arrive, I took a look at it, as we know art is disastrous, history is not bad and we all know that this is rather a guilty taste. However, this time I will put it aside despite my knock and the fact that I am a completist, 4 dollars for bad art and a medium story with another filler that leads nowhere. Maybe it's time to leave the series or just wait for next month.

Future State: Gotham #14

Jun 15, 2022

Geiger (2021) #1

Apr 14, 2021

A good start, It is agile interesting, I think it promises

Geiger (2021) #4

Jul 7, 2021

Geiger (2021) #6

Sep 1, 2021

Generations (2021): Shattered #1  
Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance #1

Dec 30, 2020

Personally, I'm not a fan of Ghost rider, however I liked it, it was agile, good amount of action.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #15

Jun 24, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #18

Sep 23, 2021

Gunslinger Spawn #3  
Harley Quinn (2021) #1

Mar 26, 2021


Harley Quinn (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021) #4

Jun 22, 2021

Harrow County Vol. 1 Omnibus

Jan 6, 2021

The beginning is brutal, the comic does not decide at first between psychological terror and terror, little by little it brings us into terror. Despite the fact that art could be put on trial, however, this comic is going to do. The ending is a bit cliche but it works. It's good, it catches you.

Hellions (2020) #7

Dec 2, 2020

Hellions (2020) #11

May 7, 2021

Hellions (2020) #12

Jun 2, 2021

Funny, but something is missing, context, continuity. Good art, it makes you have a good time but it feels a bit stagnant.

Hellions (2020) #13

Jul 7, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #1

May 7, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #2

May 12, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #3

May 19, 2021

There are few interesting points in this issue, like the appearance of Captain America, but it feels somewhat empty.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #5

Jun 2, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #6

Jun 9, 2021

It felt somewhat lazy, I think that the lack of creativity is more infectious than the covid. Regardless that the princess power can be confused with WW now they are also doing the nonsense that DC does of putting back stories. That has harmed DC comics more than benefited them from my point of view. It is not a comic to burn, it has funny things, its plot is very stagnant.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #7

Jun 16, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Peter Parker, The Amazing Shutterbug #1

May 12, 2021

I didn't expect it, I almost fell off the seat when it turned out to be Aunt May. I liked seeing an intelligent, creative Peter and this is the part that I love about Peter Parker, it completes so well, as a human being, his sense of humor, someone who is always on his feet fighting. He is not the typical uneducated superhero or the millionaire who makes inventions or his company designs them for him. A pretty nice book.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Night-Gwen #1

Jun 9, 2021

I think that this whole idea of Reborn is an intelligent experiment, while Marvel maintains its original series experimenting with the same characters by changing them completely, in this way they are not forcing the reader to leave their favorite characters and go for the new inventions. Well thought. I liked this comic, it is not the great action, and I do not know why the insistence of pretending that they are copying DC does it or not, simply NIGHT-GWEN ???? why do they do it? well we know that both publishers do it a lot, they compose each other or they also take from other sides. The drama was decent, not incredible or original, but Marvel has always known how to handle fun and personal drama well, confront its characters with demons, mistakes.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Squadron Savage #1

Jun 9, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Weapon X & Final Flight #1

Jun 16, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Heroes Return #1

Jun 24, 2021

Visually it is beautiful, the battles incredible. But the narrative is a bit hollow, again a writer running as if a lion were after him.

House of Slaughter (2021) #3  
House of X #6  
Hulk (2021) #2  
I Am Batman (2021) #1

Sep 15, 2021

This character is still a bad impostor with a great bet to fail, no matter how much magic they want or skills that come out of nowhere, this is not a bat and much less Batman, just a crutch to satisfy a few who are not even aware of the publisher .

I Am Batman (2021) #2

Oct 13, 2021

The art is good, the story improved a bit, but to say the least I AM BATMAN, no friend, you are a temporary raider.

I Am Batman (2021) #4

Dec 16, 2021

If the rumors are not true, it is possible that in 2022 we will be singing the swallows not only to this series, but to this horrible character who only generates more expenses than profits.

Immortal Hulk #46  
Inferno (2021) #1

Oct 1, 2021

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 2, 2021

Not bad but not excellent either and if we compare it with the price it falls short. It clarifies many gaps and there is also a lot of fillers or characters that do not interest to see a particular audience, it is a way of forcing the reader to buy expensive for one or two characters that they like and have to pay for many stories or characters that do not he was interested. Now if this is to fill in the gaps he is not doing a good job, he brings Roy without any explanation, it is good to have him back but this has been the stupidest thing I have read, boom he just shows up. And Alfred? I wonder when they will bring him back. I imagine it will be when they finish with their Batman / Catwoman and they need to unite the family again except for Dick who is as always everywhere and Barbara who is always there for Gotham and Dick (the poor woman can't seem to get over it). others are missing or being enemies. The Alan Scott´s story, putting a lie as something well done is wrong and yes this is personal, I myself saw a friend go through it, the guy gave her a claim because she wanted to have a child of her own and she found out that she was devastated. Another friend of my cousin cries bitterly because as soon as they had children the guy stopped touching her, it took her years to get divorced. There is nothing cute or romantic about such a deception. In the eagerness to be so inclusive they are being so exclusive taking the pain of others out of the equation. I know I'm being personal because I hate infidelity. You can accept your father for being gay, of course, but cheating leaves a deep mark on you as a son. A hero does not cheat supposedly is beyond that, a hero is brave and admits himself as he is, he takes risks and they do not come to me because I have many homosexual friends they have done it, they have faced family rejection, they cried on my shoulder, that makes a real man, a person with empathy. And this is the bad when you put everything in a jar, you rate well what you like and you take away points for what you hate. However @Weird Science Jim was kind enough to explain this Alan character to me, I do not read it, it is the first time I know of him, therefore I will not take this part of the story.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

They only throw things this series is so messy, redundant, it is notorious that they do not have much idea what to do with the characters and the story. I was very amused to find Thomas Wayne in a capsule being found by a couple, superman type, in my head the idea that the couple adopt him for a moment. Roy, well I think he's the star of this issue.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #5

Aug 31, 2021

I like the prominence they have given Roy, the narrative is not bad, but it also feels like something very exhausting now that it seems that the canon was destroyed and at the same time not. The references to the disastrous Metal, putting together all the versions of the character when there are many disparities.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #6

Sep 7, 2021

A good closing, maybe it was not the best of the climaxes, however this was a pretty decent series, I think so far the best of this year as far as DC is concerned.

Iron Fist (2022) #1  
Iron Man (2020) #4

Dec 18, 2020

It was in an excellent number, the plot, the art, the action behind the scenes.

Iron Man (2020) #9

Jun 9, 2021

I liked this issue, it left me wanting more, this is a book that I will definitely add.

Iron Man (2020) #10

Jul 15, 2021

Iron Man (2020) #12

Sep 15, 2021

Iron Man (2020) Annual #1

Jun 2, 2021

I can say that I sincerely like it, as I have recently commented, I am taking Marvel again due to the great disappointment that DC is doing, clarifying that I do not care if it is DC, Marvel, Kamite, or whoever its publisher is, I do not care either if this or another writer as long as the work is good. This annual was exciting for me, the interaction with Miles was pleasant. Maybe the emotionality was a bit clumsy but it worked, however the action and the art is what stands out.

Jennifer Blood (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

Jennifer Blood (2021) #5

Feb 9, 2022

Jinny Hex Special (2020) #1

Dec 30, 2020

no good, not bad.

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) #1  
Jurassic League (2022) #1  
Justice League (2018) #54

Oct 6, 2020

Heavens I don't know how much drug they took to make this number. BORING.

Justice League (2018) #60

Apr 22, 2021

Justice League (2018) #61

May 18, 2021

Justice League (2018) #62

Jun 1, 2021

Justice League (2018): Road to Dark Crisis #1  
Justice League: Last Ride #1

May 11, 2021

Justice League: Last Ride #6

Oct 13, 2021

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #2  
King In Black #1

Dec 2, 2020

Energetic, dramatic, reaching strong critical points. It is a masterpiece, the best comic I have read this year.

King In Black #2

Dec 23, 2020

King In Black #3

Jan 20, 2021

Woow was exciting, when you think that all is lost the heroes start the counterattack.

King In Black #4

Feb 17, 2021

He has not lost his rhythm this series, although it is diluted a bit by the entry of new players. Our heroes will not leave without fighting the entrance of the phoenix for a moment is encouraging even if Jane is lost, but the ending leaves you wanting to read the next issue.

King In Black #5

Apr 7, 2021

OMG it was amazing, there were parts that made my skin crawl. Amazing ending, only one thing left me somewhat sad. Eddie remember your promise to Dylan I will not say more it is worth going to the store and reading it.

King In Black Collected

Jun 29, 2021

The best event of this year. Something that I will definitely add to my collection.

King In Black: Iron Man/Doom #1

Dec 30, 2020

hahaha what the hell was that, really very silly but I had fun

King In Black: Black Knight #1

Feb 3, 2021

To be honest I'm taking Marvel again and I found this proposal interesting, it's the first time I've read this character, however I liked it, the art is very good and the story has a good rhythm.

King In Black: Marauders #1

Feb 3, 2021

King In Black: Captain America #1

Mar 3, 2021

Chaotic action would define it, I liked seeing Cap together with Winter Soldier and Falcon, but at some point everything was confusing for me in the fight with Cap and King, on the other hand the action was agile, good art and with the price it is quite acceptable.

King In Black: Spider-Man #1

Mar 18, 2021

Unfortunately where I live comics lagged behind, so I bought the digital one. And I'm not going to put it online. YOU WANT TO SEE IT BUY IT. Spiderman the original, Peter Parker has been my favorite hero for many years and is doing it again now that I am resuming Marvel due to the disaster that DC is bringing (I became a fan of Jason Todd), the part that I love about Peter is that You can identify with him, Spider is not a cold hero, he feels, cries, laughs, his comments are great, the best dialogues I have seen in a comic. It hurts to see that he blames himself for the whole King Symbiote mess. A twist shakes him and he comes out in action, all the confusion was very funny. That's not all there is someone who reminds him who he is, who he fights for. The dialogue is great, it does not fall into exaggeration, the funny moments make you laugh. And that's why I love what Marvel does, its writers and artists. IF IT WAS WORTH THE DOUBLE PURCHASE. now just wait for the physical book.

King In Black: Ghost Rider #1

Mar 31, 2021

King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #1  
King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes #1  
King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #1

Mar 31, 2021

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #2

Mar 31, 2021

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #3

Mar 31, 2021

King In Black: Thunderbolts #1  
King Spawn #1

Aug 27, 2021

I'm not a huge Spawn reader, and I don't agree with a review that says this is for Spawn fans only. I am not and this is a book that I will surely buy, I may decide to buy the series if it continues with such quality.

King Spawn #2

Sep 23, 2021

King Spawn #3

Oct 28, 2021

King Spawn #4

Nov 17, 2021

Good number, lots of action, good art. This series hasn't missed a beat, that's so nice.

King Spawn #5

Dec 16, 2021

Brutality and good art are still valid in the book, if you like the series, this number is good, the quality has not dropped.

King Spawn #7

Feb 16, 2022

Great art, good plot and just the right dose of violence. Of course this book will be in my library on Thursday which is when we get the comics.

King Spawn #9

Apr 14, 2022

Magneto (2014) #21  
Man-Bat (2021) #1

Feb 2, 2021

I don't feel like he's an attractive enough character to give him a series. From my point of view (which I may or may not be right) it will fail.

Man-Bat (2021) #2

Mar 3, 2021

Man-Bat (2021) #4

May 7, 2021

Marauders (2019) #13

Oct 11, 2020

Marauders (2019) #17

Jan 14, 2021

Marauders (2019) #21

Jun 2, 2021

Marauders (2019) #22

Jul 22, 2021

I think we lost it, this number bored me. I am sorry.

Mazebook #5  
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #28  
Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 22, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #3

Sep 23, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #5

Nov 18, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #6

Dec 23, 2021

Moths #2

Jul 15, 2021

I don't have much idea about the story, I would need to go back to the other books, an art that left me speechless.

Mouse Guard: The Owlhen Caregiver #1

Jul 15, 2021

it's a cute book

New Mutants (2019) #14

Dec 18, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #19

Jun 16, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #68

Mar 18, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #69

Mar 18, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #70

Mar 18, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #71

Mar 18, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #72

Mar 18, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #73

Aug 20, 2020

I'm sorry but since Dick is not Dick he has become insufferable along with the Nightwings. But when I thought that it could not be worse, Dicky boy was born, something else I feel that the comic goes alone, is Barbara not crippled? Why does Jason have a broken mask? already had the fight with dick? really DC what are you doing I just don't get it.

Nightwing (2016) #74

Sep 8, 2020

in a desperate attempt to make Dick look superior he is a long way from making this number good. They make it seem like the only thing that matters is Batman, Batgirl and Dick, the others are disposable. It was a very weak, bad, inconsistent number, something completely throwaway.

Nightwing (2016) #75

Oct 20, 2020

repetitive, inconsistent with the suit. Dick quite a Drama Queen, everyone is glad to see it. An angry Bea for no reason just to add drama. very insignificant.

Nightwing (2016) #76

Nov 17, 2020

It was a much more decent number than what came in this Nightwing series since the bullet, it is not my series, I really do not like Nightwing because of its drama, its falls, it cries too much, unfaithful and promiscuous. However, there is something that characterizes this character apart from the insistence on his butt (which I consider somewhat gay since women do like the butt but we prefer the front part) and that is that like all bats he faces his enemy with fury and following the teachings of the bat does not allow a villain to die. For my part, I see it well that he left Bea, BUT this is still a joke, isn't DC obsessed with including African-American characters? Why ditch her so quickly when she's just being an interesting character? That is a joke, not for me, if not for all the people who somehow wanted this, to fill all the DC series with this ethnic group and now they only kick Bea's butt, it gives the impression that as I have been thinking They will only use these filler characters until the waters calm down, not out of conviction, but just to please, look politically correct, please the unwary, and then disappear them. I do not know what DC brings now breaking relationships that interest readers, maybe why he wants to focus his attention on the Batman and Catwoman couple?

Nightwing (2016) #77

Dec 18, 2020

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 16, 2021

This number is a cliche. Taylor feels the desperate need to bet on Dick's emotional and exalted values ​​(if you ask me, this doesn't flow naturally). But after reading other competing comics, this doesn't work for me. This issue opens with DC's favorite couple where in this variable story Barbara meets Dick, and Dick is a hero like he always does. It was nice to see the rescued dog (really a cliche). We have an unexpected visit from Barb, and to show that as the female of the Bats, she is the only one who can surprise Grayson in his attack on his part. Tremendous cliché. Alfred's letter extolling him and almost naming himself almost his father SEEMED VERY EXAGGERATED TO ME AND I DON'T FEEL LIKE ALFRED AT ALL. I understand that the old butler loves, that in the DC world he doesn't give Dick something that could be his first grandson, but Alfred has shown concern for everyone and it annoys me a bit, which is like Alfred is a bad grandfather, just help the prodigal son who knows he gets a good allowance from Bruce (Batgirl 50) that I doubt he gets the red sheep of the family, the boy who sat with the butler in restaurants get together, the boy who sends gifts, even though he's crazy after splashing in the well, the guy who respects him more than anyone in this family. But since it is DC and for them it is only Dick who must be helped, conceited and overwhelmed. What about Damian (but he will always receive the support of his father, has he not been tremendously lenient with the cold blooded murders of the child, love would say unconditional) Tim the loyal and caring boy, much more sincere than Dick and the rebellious young man Jason, whom everyone in the batclan needs to despise and abandon because it is a requirement for DC that it be so. In this way Alfred pulls the others away, delivering a beautiful letter and all his money from his side to the much adored and supported by all Dick Grayson. Because Taylor needs to make Dick'll be more loved than the character do, uses Alfred's love and death to make points for him.It's the same think they do it in FS forced the team Nightwing and next batman. C'mon. If we're going to justify this, REMEMBER THAT ALFRED HAS SOMEONE WHO LOVES THEM ABOVE ALL AND IT'S BRUCE WAYNE, HIS SON Alfred was the one who raised and loved him as a father figure. Which leads me to ask, what about Bruce? the money ... mmmh no Alfred does not give money to Bruce Because the philanthropist has so much money that he not only spends it on his own children, allies, technology etc, without or also HAS ALWAYS DONE IT IN SUPPORT OF THE CHARITY OF THE CITIZENS OF GOTHAM. Batman is not only a vigilante who risks his life night after night despite the fact that he is an abusive father, but also as a person who cares for the homeless. He deserves no credit, when he has done MUCH MORE THAN GRAYSON HIMSELF. With fewer smiles, of course. And then comes the really interesting part of the number: "Kingpin has come to DC and parked his limo on Blud!" (obviously I know it's not Marvel's Kinpin and we know both editors copy each other) a new villain who may or may not be interesting. We know it in the following numbers. In conclusion, it is not a book that I will buy, but I will tell you that the price is fair. The story is not bad at all if you like something emotional (a little cliché) and the fan of Ur Dick this number is for you, if you go for the action and you do not like Nightwing turn around, there is not much to see here. I will give it a 5/10 for the excesses in the cliche.and for distorting an incredible character like Alfred, that made me very angry.

Nightwing (2016) #79

Apr 20, 2021

A boring number to die for, again Dick's successes on his 20 suits, what he did etc, we went on to meditation on what a hero is and then to spend the money that Alfred inherited only to him to buy pizza. Just a little bit of action at the end to make them say it wasn't filler. If you are not a die-hard fan Nightwing fan, don't spend your money, unless you want it to build a bonfire. It's no worse than when it was Ric, but this just isn't moving forward.

Nightwing (2016) #80

May 27, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 20, 2021

After the last issue, I thought Nightwing was going to get better, but this issue has such ridiculous things from beginning to end. Nightwing has been lost for hours and what happens? Barbara mobilized the entire heroes community to find him, I understand Batman is coming, but dragging the others! and Drake just looking!! tells us that the writer is indiscriminately using characters as filler, in his insistance to said "Look, Look everybody loves and care Dick!!" The most viable option was to send Drake, Robin, Red Robin or whatever the hell it's called now, maybe on par with Batman, but dragging the others out to go against a only single woman with out metahuman powers looks bad. It's not just Dick's head problems was a constant, never-ending fight between Dick and Rick, Now the ability to fight, jump down the with logic and knowledge as well? Now is he so useless that he can't handle a little risky situation? neither does Drake, who almost knocked Ra's down from the inside, is he useless in helping Dick? Really ?? Or maybe I'm one of those who has overrated Dick as a capable vigilante and was actually just a very lucky vigilante with a lot friends who helped him out of trouble since he couldn't do it himself and I didn't realize it, I'm not a great Nightwing reader, my mistake. Anyway, so it was on Dick and Barbara's show this week.

Nightwing (2016) #85

Oct 20, 2021

Why didn't they give her the last suit? I like more when she adopts the name Oracle, come on, the woman is already too old to use the girl, as I remember she is still older than Dick I think 3 years ago. However, the number has been the best in this series, it is good to see Barbara get into action. Again we see the saturation of characters without doing anything, and many clicks around the story. Moderately interesting, a little better than what I have read in this entire series. The art is not bad, but the previous one was better.

Nightwing (2016) #86

Nov 17, 2021

I thought with the change of state this was going to improve this. I was going to improve this. I was terribly wrong.

Nightwing (2016) #87

Dec 21, 2021

A delivery that is an absolute FILLER Just take a look as they talked about the art in this series, if it's definitely good, but lacks a story. This is a comic, not an image gallery, in case I want to have that, I look at video game graphics or look for my favorite painters. This is simply not acceptable to me, it is more of a joke. Luckily I do not buy in this series. By the way Merry Christmas everyone.

Nightwing (2016) #89

Feb 17, 2022

top by the comic book store and take a look at this issue, and it's a bad issue, to be sure, one where there's a desperation to focus attention on SuperJon. I do not understand why? he already has his own series. Boring, bad jokes and no focus on character. And besides, I'm surprised he's still on the money thing, hell, I think Dick ended up mentally retarded after he was shot. It's the only explanation for him being so dumb. The art is the only good here.

Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into The Light

Dec 16, 2021

Nightwing (2016) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

A complete fanfiction of Dick Grayson's hits, it wasn't that bad in action but completely inconsistent with canon and childishly written. It's something I wouldn't buy no matter how much Red Hood comes out. There are too many cliches and nothing that can surprise, completely predictable the story at the moment that dazzles a protected witness and agents of the fbi. Taylor is so bad at making a real impact, as I said a very childish and random writing in this issue. The art is decent, the story is mediocre however notas mediocre from what I've read this year, that's why I'm being nice in rating.

Nocterra #3

May 7, 2021

Nocterra #4

Jun 2, 2021

Nocterra #5

Jul 7, 2021

Nocterra #7

Feb 2, 2022

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Mar 16, 2021

I do not know, it was a lot of action but I felt it somewhat empty of content, not to which we have been accustomed. I like myself but I don't fall in love

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #3

Jun 2, 2021

Norse Mythology: II #2  
Nubia & The Amazons #1

Oct 25, 2021

Nubia & The Amazons #3

Dec 22, 2021

Nyx (2021) #1  
Old Guard: Tales Through Time #1

Apr 22, 2021

It is not the grand entrance, but it is quite acceptable, a mid-step start combining the past ones. Light reading, nothing amazing but not a bad read either, the art is not great but it is decent.

Old Guard #1

Apr 22, 2021

It is not the grand entrance, but it is quite acceptable, a mid-step start combining the past ones. Light reading, nothing amazing but not a bad read either, the art is not great but it is decent.

Once & Future #20

Sep 28, 2021

Once & Future #22

Dec 2, 2021

Once & Future #23

Dec 31, 2021

This is a series that I am beginning to collect, even the subplots are not far from this interesting story. A good story accompanied by good art and color will always be appreciated, and this is the case.

Ordinary Gods (2021) #1  
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1  
Power Rangers (2020) #4  
Punchline (2020) #1

Nov 16, 2020

A very common, simple story that I would accept if DC weren't canceling so many numbers to give rise to unattractive themes and characters and Puncheline is a very simple character.

Punisher (2022) #1  
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #12

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #21

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #22

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #23

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #24

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25

Aug 21, 2020

It is painful, dramatic. Simply the best I have read, a sublime conclusion and unsurpassed art

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #30

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #31

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #39

Mar 18, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #40

Mar 18, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #41

Mar 18, 2021


Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #42

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #43

Jan 20, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #44

Mar 18, 2021

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #45

Aug 21, 2020

almost, patience, Lobdell usually picks up the series little by little

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #46

Aug 21, 2020

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #47

Aug 21, 2020

can i said, I love Red Hood, but Lobdell isn't do a good job.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #48

Aug 26, 2020

Oh please, it won't be the three Jokers but I lift Lobdell with this number, I loved that if it weren't for Punchline (a character that I still can't make sense of) I would have kicked the unbearable Dickie boy's ass. Damn when Jason finds Duela in his arms going through what Batman went through when he was robin it was that phenomenal, I can almost advocate for Lobdell as writer of Red Hood, if he did not drop the series without concluding things it would be phenomenal because the man arrives to have good ideas.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #49

Sep 29, 2020

Lobdell is do it again, throws key elements overboard and forces the separation. The Outlaws of the past and present meet, we were all looking forward to an emotional reunion between Jason and Roy, perhaps a warning, but nothing happened. The separation of the outlaws hurts, Biz decides to stay on the throne of Trigon whom he murdered, quite incoherent, but it was a group that we loved DC insists on taking away the things that work from Jason and now instead of retaking what Lobdell left and giving a better series will only disintegrate them and fill the series with black people just to please a few, not because we fans really want this change. (I hope they at least do a good job and in a moment we can see Artemis and Jason together) It was a disappointment from a good previous number to a completely mediocre number (it doesn't compare to Nightwing's though, that's a fact.)

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50

Oct 27, 2020

It's not the first time that it feels like someone pressured Lobdell to rush things and this was an attempt to finalize a bunch of cool ideas to leave Jason alone. The brief relationship between Artemis and Jason hurts, as Ma Gunn fires him. The final message was what was worth so much pain to say goodbye to these characters. Jason decides to seek to improve, to mature. Now we just have to hope that DC really does something with Jason, aside from using him as fuel for the conflict, either as an antihero as Judd Winick performed, directing him to All-Caste to be something else after his search in Gotham or as a hero, because the mediocrity with which they treat the character is tired, especially when he has shown the power he has in his last uses Three Jokers, Batman Death in the family movie and comic, Under the hood comic or movie, Arkham Knight

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #51

Nov 24, 2020

I'm not going to deny it, the part involving Jason was cute and cheesy, but no action. Only the person they discovered wasn't Jason. Cheesy and boring if you ask me, it doesn't match Jason's past, nor Future State and what he's planning to do with Jason. And DCcomics returns to the same thing, giving a writer who does not know the character of Jason and is not interested in knowing and only writes it at will. It was nice but impractical, I hope the next number is a little more decent than this one that they threw at us.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #52

Dec 22, 2020

Let's be honest, the character of Red Hood has always been mishandled by DC, it is his experiment towards what direction some characters will take or what formula works and even so without wanting to build a character with a lot of potential that is not taken advantage of. As for this, it is the result of giving the job to a cartoonist NOT TO A WRITER just because of his race to look good with a group of people, as a result we get something so mediocre where this individual Shawn and his assumption of creed give us this garbage which is about people we care less about Red Hood. I think I would have let Lobdell finish the series in a decent way or just stop until number 50, because this is an insult to fans of Jason Todd, to take the series from him and give the main one to other characters.

Red Hood: The Hill (2024) #0  
Red Hood: The Lost Days #1

Aug 21, 2020

Red Hood: The Lost Days #2

Aug 21, 2020

I could love this particular series, the contrast, the manipulation of Talia, how Jason evolves a type of braking bad

Red Hood: The Lost Days #3

Aug 21, 2020

Red Hood: The Lost Days #4

Mar 18, 2021

this is a piece of art.

Red Hood: The Lost Days #5

Aug 21, 2020

Red Hood: The Lost Days #6

Mar 18, 2021

Robin (2021) #1

Apr 27, 2021

At least they would have been more discreet or make a really cross over with Mortal Kombat, even Mother Soul is similar to Raiden. The whole story is one cliche after another, a copy of Mortal Kombat, it does not surprise me I had seen it coming, in a pairing that DC is doing with its comic characters with its live action from there that Nightwing keeps his series since he is the character that opens Titans, Barbara is not Batgirl is Oracle (I hope they do not want to take a leg off him in the comic) Jason again separated from the family and insisting on making him a murderer, Tim receding to being Robin (I pray you do not make a negroplasty in the comic) of course there was no place to place Damian, it is not a bad tactic to promote the upcoming premiere of Mortal Kombat. Here is the result of the marketing.(I hade when the comics are affected with movies or live action, and this is the cause why the fans insist the story of characters was respected in the movies or series).oh yes, and sure as a good toxic relationship that Dick usually has with Barbara and Kory there will also be a love triangle in the series and hallucinate in the comic. Not bad but Damian's new direction is nothing original, for my part I expected something better, like taking command of the League of Shadows, there are moments that do not feel like Damian.

Robin (2021) #3

Jun 22, 2021

If this wasn't a Mortal Kombat-style copy it would be decent, instead of devouring souls, their souls feed the island, that movie I've seen before. Damian making a friend who will be his enemy. How many times has it been seen. Maybe I'm wrong, but shouldn't Conner be much older than Damian? Damian's defeat is ridiculous, he is not the son of the bat, the killing tool of the Al-Ghul trained by the best bla bla bla and here it seems that he cannot defeat a fly without being killed or nearly killed. A little inept, right? However. The narrative raised its quality despite the indiscriminate use of DC cliches, this was decent and I could say even enjoyable. The heart to heart that Damian and Conner have is good, they both have a lot of similarities. Ra's appearance is good, but not unexpected. Maybe this series may improve in the future

Robin (2021) #5

Aug 24, 2021

Damian's characterization was good, smug and haughty. But the environment was exaggerated, but there is a sense, it is his own series. There is a whole chase on the rooftops of Corto Maltese. The art is not very good, sometimes Corto Maltese looks seems that Gotham, there are vignettes where the characters look somewhat deformed. As expected it is a somewhat pointless chase, since repeating previous comics Damian challenges them to a race, there is a tender and deceptive hug between Damian and Jason a bit inconsistent of logic since Damian is almost warning him that it is a trap and Jason falls, but we are going to accept it as good it was a nice scene simulating the dceased series and many of us said Awww. The way Damian beat Tim and Step was ridiculous and how I cut the rope of the experienced Grayson making him look ridiculous I don't believe it either, the boy is apt, but it was all too exaggerated. But it is intended for a child audience, which makes it acceptable. At the end comes something that we all expected, the dialogue between the man who has become more of Damian's father than Bruce himself. Apparently Dick loves to give away trapeze sticks, since he did the same with Barbara when the Nightwing series was good. He now he does the same with Damian, they have an emotional dialogue.

Robin (2021) #8

Nov 23, 2021

Robins (2021) #1

Nov 17, 2021

Robins (2021) #2

Dec 16, 2021

I improve a little, what makes me sick is that they want to give Dick the appearance of Eren Jaeger, please, it is not even half as interesting to Eren and those of us who like SNK are not going to buy it just because they give it the appearance and not complexity. I read number 3 of this, and it's pretty bad.

Robins (2021) #3

Jan 10, 2022

Robins (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

Robins (2021) #6

Apr 20, 2022

It has been a somewhat tired series, even though there are some things that turned out to be funny, however the characterization of the characters was weak from the beginning. I will admit that the ending was not unpleasant (guilty) but it is not something I would recommend

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1

Dec 9, 2020

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #4

Mar 18, 2021

I doubted they would make it, but they did, a good link between King in Black.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #5

Apr 21, 2021

A number full of intrigue and Cortez is not exactly a trustworthy person, his egocentricity, anger, hatred make him very dangerous. The council must be very careful with Cortez. I like the way the killings that are happening and the litigation with Cortez are interspersed, making this introduction quite interesting.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6

Jun 24, 2021

Saga #1

Nov 30, 2021

This comic was recommended to me, I'm not a fan of humanoids with mixed animals. I was hesitant to give this a try, however the first number caught me. The relationship between Marko and Alana is just great, Alana is great between rudeness and sweetness without being toxic, Marko I love the way he treats his family, the love for his wife and his new daughter. In the middle of all this is the intrigue of the fractions a type Romeo and Juliet in times of war, a forbidden love due to a kind of racism and xenophobia (this is what I call a brilliant inclusion) the story in this issue does not lose its pacing, it's well thought out, smart dialogues, nice storytelling. I love it, I hope I can buy it at the comic store tomorrow.

Savage Avengers (2019) #20

Apr 29, 2021

I liked it, it was agile, full of action, good art.

Sea of Sorrows #4  
Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #1  
Sensational Wonder Woman (2021) #1

Jan 6, 2021

Wonder Woman selfless housewife hehehe

Serial (2021) #1

Jun 2, 2021

Serial (2021) #2

Jun 2, 2021

Serial (2021) #3

Jun 2, 2021

Serial (2021) #4

Jun 2, 2021

I just discovered this comic and the story brought me, two serial killers, a mystery and many bodies. If this series had color it would be a success, but well we already know who has the comic market even though one of them is falling with cheap and poor quality writers. This comic is worth taking a few moments to read. It has a bit of influence on other seen plots, such as the macabre girl who kills predators. But in that he is incorporating other elements that are making this comic appear to be an unexpected and original path.

Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

Mar 29, 2022

For a children's delivery it's fine, however the characterization that has been made of Talia and especially Ra's does not convince me at all, I feel very out of place and there are many things I could say about this story that they would not do so predictable of what comes next, I thought it would go better since it opens a whole arc which I think I will pass since it is not bad, however it is too childish for me. Good points, Damian the non-Robin coming home. Maybe to the disaster made in Batman/Catwoman, now we will have a Batman/Talia (I'm honest I like this couple better)

Shang-Chi (2021) #2  
Silk (2021) #1  
Sinister War (2021) #1

Jul 14, 2021

I appreciate that the story did not get bogged down in inconsistencies, the scene between Mephisto and Dr Strange I don't know why a scene from The Devil's Advocate brought to mind. It seems that Peter cannot have a moment of rest with Mary Jane. It won't make me very happy if they try to separate them again. I confess, this is making me anxious.

Sinister War (2021) #3

Aug 19, 2021

Aaaah Spencer concrete! It is a book with good action but I just feel it stopped at its goal.

Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 1, 2021

Spawn #316

Mar 31, 2021

Spawn #324

Dec 2, 2021

Spawn #327

Mar 9, 2022

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 14, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

May 14, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #3

Jun 9, 2021

No happy ending for no one, was a brutal third number.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #4

Jul 14, 2021

It´s a total disaster that Spider now feels responsible for fixing, but the situation does not look good at all, the Symbiote is becoming more and more powerful with each infection and now it seems to have almost everyone in its power.

Spider-Woman (2020) #13

Jul 15, 2021

I liked the agility of this number, I am not a great reader of Spiderwoman but as far as I am concerned it was good.

Step By Bloody Step #1  
Strange Adventures (2020) #8  
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

Aug 3, 2021

A good idea flushed down the toilet. A very smoothed Black Label and I think that comes from Batman showing the dick in his series "Damned" there is never a lack of brats who read an adult book and are scared of the human body. I would not like to see them in Louvre with so much nude drawn on the canvases. DC pretends to be dark, but they don't have the courage and quality to do something like Invincible, much less talk about Shingeki no Kyojin. I hope it improves in the next numbers, the art is not bad, nor is it incredible. DC is failing miserably, I have already given up most of their comics, I have even left Batman and Detective Comics to read, it is said that the worst way to hate something is to ignore it. What a way to destroy the comic industry.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #2

Sep 7, 2021

a little better than the previous one I want to retract what I said above, I literally needed to be high to think that this was good, I mean it literally since reading this from my phone a few hours after a surgery postponed by the covid was not very bright of me. This is bad, so bad that the dialogues of how bad it is laughs, well it does not resemble King or anything, but it is silly and simple.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #3

May 10, 2022

Superman (2018) #32

Jun 24, 2021

The change was coming, I appreciate that at least there is a logic in this, the son of blood, trained and guided by the super. As it is always an attempt to attract new readers, Superman: Son of Kal-El # 1 with writer Tom Taylor in charge possibly suits him as he has a very youthful writing. Super origina fans may be disappointed about this and I don't blame them. This closure could have been better, I'm not a big fan of Boy Scout in blue, maybe that's why I don't found it an unattractive book, but is not a bad.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

It was a really strange start, the situation with Kenedy was interesting. Morrison has given good success in some of his comics and according to what I read this will be the last one before taking a break, so this must be a good series in the future, we will know as we progress.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #4

Oct 13, 2021

I expected more from this writer.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #12  
Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #1

Mar 18, 2021

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #4

Jun 15, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Aug 25, 2021

WTF? When I heard in a criticism that this series was not good at all, I thought they were exaggerating, but ... without comments, this is really arrgh.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4

Oct 20, 2021

Expect better in this issue. This is nothing interesting, boring to die for. And it is this type of writing by which one stops buying the series.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #6

Jan 5, 2022

I didn't expect this series to plummet that way in sales, from having number 6 in sales in the previous issue to ... not even being on the top 50 list. Obviously the collectors had to acquire it, but it is still a bad writing where everything revolves around a rose novel, poorly written and ridiculous instead of a good adventure. This number is a vile filler and again we see characters that are used to support DC's most random new character. And please, Damian the best detective? Taylor loves Mary Sues, he doesn't know how to give context to his characters that he wants to highlight in a mediocre way.

Swamp Thing (2021) #9

Nov 2, 2021

With many doubts I took this number, since DC has me quite disappointed with their stories. It was a very pleasant surprise, something that can really be acquired, this number excited me, good plot. I'm going to dive into this series a bit and maybe it will be the only one available in the very near future.

Swamp Thing (2021) #10

Dec 7, 2021

Swamp Thing (2021) #11

Mar 29, 2022

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush #1

Nov 3, 2020

very twisted, I liked the turn they gave with a dead Bruce and carrying the Y of the highway and a live Jason, all completely dark, they included the entire Batclan forming opposite sides and the impeccable art of Dexter is the maximum

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Dark Nights: Metal #1

Dec 30, 2020

It was a little better than normal but this event has never really convinced me.

Task Force Z (2021) #1

Oct 26, 2021

A delivery with a mediocre writing even for an Elseword, nothing exciting. The good art is Eddy always a pleasure to see him take the pencil. I agree with some of the points that two or three readers made regarding the inconsistency of Jason's scars, which looks more like a burn, although as outside of canon it is acceptable. Also this is not the worst writing.

Task Force Z (2021) #2

Nov 23, 2021

Task Force Z (2021) #3

Dec 28, 2021

To be Matt it was not so bad, it is more I would say that even decent with everything and its oddities. By the way. Happy new year.

Task Force Z (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

It was kind of a roller coaster in terms of quality, some decent stuff, some meh, like the interplay between Bruce and Jason and Jason's decision to stay in the group, I wasn't very convinced. Yes I should stop buying something from DC, more now that I'm investing in really good comics but leaving something incomplete makes me itch and well JT is my favorite character from US comics, and if the rumors are true, I think the bankruptcy of the publisher is looming (I hope it remains just a rumour) then perhaps... Anyway, I don't even care anymore.

Task Force Z (2021) #5

Feb 22, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #6

Mar 22, 2022

I have had great doubts with this series due to the writer, I doubted that it would be good, I refused to sign up for the series, much less to do the double purchase (digital and physical) that I used to do with some issues of DC, however this number I I really liked it to the degree that yep, it will be the only DC comic series I subscribe to this year, as long as the quality is maintained. The way Jason confronts Batman with hard truths and still tells him what Bruce really means to him, just ouch. This was something that I hoped Zdarsky would write that would give it depth and take canon and read it and not cleanse himself of it just to say that Jason is an indiscriminate killer and mostly out of the blue. Rosenberg and I have had a difference because of this, however the man is doing well and I give him credit.

Task Force Z (2021) #7

May 5, 2022

Task Force Z (2021) #8

May 24, 2022

I'm generous with the rating, from the previous topic Matt has decided to use the same inconsistent formula of his writing, he does not understand the characters, he is looking at what Chip wrote, who does not have great knowledge or respect for characterization either. It already makes me a little apathy to rate and review these messy fanfics, just because my punch doesn't allow me to leave something incomplete. I will finish this series, which I think is 11 or 13 issues, but after this I am very hesitant to buy anything from DC, it all depends on what gives so much freedom to the current best DC writer who is my Ram V. Although Jason is the most complex character in the Batfamily, this coming and going between them is a bit tiring, it's something of a toxic relationship that can't be stabilized or overcome (just like Dick and Barbara's relation), this fight could be directed. in a better way not something so simplistic has been placed. There are two things that I did not like, one is not like Jason to make fun of Barbara in that way, who he has respect for. Two, the unnecessary aggression towards Tim, a character that DC likes to take as a punching bag, although since the forced inclusion of him I stopped liking the character does not mean that this feels bad. Other than this, I can say that the fight between the bats had a certain logic, they all kicked each other's asses and it ended with a subdued Jason, even though his escape was completely stupid, as if he took out a magic wand and just disappeared . On the other hand, the intrigue is running out of interest, I am not surprised by the tactic of taking out the bat and distracting him, it would not be the first time that Jason turns Bruce upside down. There is good art, dialogue, funny situations but the action and intrigue feel weak.

Task Force Z (2021) #9

Jun 28, 2022

And this is when the writer begins with his exaggerations, he always does the same thing, what if I am going to recognize him is that his humor is not as watery and at least I am not reading how good the main character is as another writer. The art is good, there is a lot of action and some other interesting dialogue.

Task Force Z (2021) #10

Jul 26, 2022

I wanted to give this book a chance but if I do not remember the two or three numbers before this has had a typical decline of the writer. I appreciate that his humor is not as childish or aqueous as another writer who will not mention, but Rosenberg always lacks a good outcome, usually begins well and then loosening terribly, another thing is the lack of believet and copying other writer that in his own words he admires blindly, but now he stops knowing what to do characters without some sense. Only because I hate not to accommodate the series, but this will undoubtedly be the last thing I buy from DC unless Ram Levante Detective Comics really is the best thing DC can offer at the moment.

Task Force Z (2021) #11

Aug 23, 2022

Excellent number, that's if he wrote it with his butt, because if it was with his hands this was very bad (typical of Rosenberg, if I thought that Lobdell dropped the really interesting stories and characters, Matt can't even get the climax up or give a good proposal) the only thing worthwhile here is the art. One more issue and I'll be totally saying goodbye to DC and their garbage, because there isn't a single series that I want to read from them and Marvel, unfortunately Ram is the only thing worth reading, but I don't feel like him in the new series that is writing and that only has one answer, DC editors doing a bad job and not allowing creative freedom. Only trash.

Teen Titans (2016) #2

Aug 26, 2020

very redundant, if we already know that Damian wants to be the new Arab Under the Hood region, obviously Batman is not going to beat him to the pulp or bury a batarang and then leave him forgotten in a building that exploded for two things, first he is a teenager almost a child maybe between 14-16 years, second is his blood child unlike the others with the exception of Dick who is his favorite. But sit down and beg ??? That was too much, not even to put a limit on it in a healthy way. Anyway it was the best number of this series but it is still bad.

Teen Titans (2016) #44

Aug 20, 2020

There are rumors that DC wants to direct Damian to villainy .. Doesn't that sound like a done deal? I understand that he wants to assassinate KGBeast, I take away his brother, Damian suffered the great trauma of seeing Alfred die, he may be collapsing, I have it. But brother blood? goes berserk through life now killing people, pointing out people without seeing the facts since he accused Jason over and over without proof, betraying everyone around him? Damian is not to my favorite Robin,but he had his own thing that makes him interesting in the dynamics of bats and now I don't even know what to think about it.

Teen Titans (2016) Annual #2

Aug 26, 2020

very redundant, if we already know that Damian wants to be the new Arab Under the Hood region, obviously Batman is not going to beat him to the pulp or bury a batarang and then leave him forgotten in a building that exploded for two things, first he is a teenager almost a child maybe between 14-16 years, second is his blood child unlike the others with the exception of Dick who is his favorite. But sit down and beg ??? That was too much, not even to put a limit on it in a healthy way. Anyway it was the best number of this series but it is still bad.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1

Mar 23, 2021

For children and teenagers this comic may be attractive, but it bored me. A very slow introduction with the mystery of Red X in a bland way. As always we see Starfire and Nightwing in charge of the young recruits. A party, boring talks. The art is good.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #4

Jun 22, 2021

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #6

Aug 31, 2021

this series feels like blind sticks, completely deviating from Red X now we move on to the gorillas. I do not feel that there is much to see here, although this series has always seemed very weak to me, hitting it blindly, at least with Red X there was a bit of direction, boring but it was heading to a point.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #8

Jan 13, 2022

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #9

Jan 13, 2022

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #10

Jan 13, 2022

The Boy Wonder (2024) #1

Jun 4, 2024

The Boy Wonder (2024) #2

Jun 4, 2024

The Death of Doctor Strange #1

Sep 23, 2021

This really pleasantly surprised me, if the title said so but don't expect the hit on this issue. The combination of the cheerful colors with this event play well with the reader's emotions.

The Death of Doctor Strange #2

Oct 22, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange #4

Dec 31, 2021

The Dreaming: Waking Hours (2020) #11  
The Fourth Man #1

Feb 9, 2022

The Fourth Man #2

Feb 9, 2022

I definitely liked this delivery more, the story begins to pick up pace, the art is very good.

The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery #3  
The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

This series should be called Jim Gordon, not the Joker. This is all around Jim, that sounds great to me. I hated that Bane was killed. He is a much more interesting character than the Joker because of the character's own structure, only that DC overvalued the JOker a lot. now we know this was to replace him with a woman They are putting strong cards here with the court of owls, Bane's daughter, Jim, Oracle and Batman

The Joker (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

In the story of JIMMY GORDON, (I think they was called this series Joker to attract readers and not Gordon It's great the focus on Gordon and not the weary Joker, this time Tynion is doing a good job) the rhythm has dropped, it starts with a good introduction reminiscent of Killing Joke and the trauma that Jim experienced at the hands of the Joker, after that the speed drops notably, there are fragments that I would dare say are a bit boring . The Joker's statement confessing that Arkham never gassed gives rise to new suspects and one of them is possibly Jim's contractor. Puncheline's story didn't appeal to me in the least.

The Joker (2021) #8

Oct 13, 2021

The Joker (2021) #10

Dec 16, 2021

This beginning being a strong series, perhaps if it had only been a run of few numbers I think it would have been remarkable, despite placing Bane's daughter who felt as if it was not relevant. Gordon was being handled wonderfully and suddenly the ship sank in the insistence of prolonging something that was good has now become quite lazy.

The Next Batman: Second Son #1

Feb 23, 2021

Tim or Jace or whatever this character is called is a random guy stealing information although it is still not clear what kind of person he is, but he expresses himself as someone ambitious who works for money, is some Meh, would say up to this point it doesn't catch me, the directing him as the next Batman still doesn't deserve that title. Rather he would seem more like an ally of someone like Poison Ivy, Catwoman, a street guy, something similar, not even as a partner to Deathstroke, because Deathstroke is cool and interesting. Taking this number out of FS I would say that the story is nothing interesting very comun, maybe the next numbers will raise or not. Good Art but that all.

The Next Batman: Second Son #8

May 19, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #9

May 19, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #11

May 19, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #12

May 19, 2021

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #2  
The Scorched (2022) #1

Jan 12, 2022

The Scorched (2022) #2

Feb 9, 2022

Magnificent art, fast action, the intrigue may not be so good since the aforementioned colonel was easy to beat, but apparently this is the prelude to a greater enemy. And yeap here and in the sleeve is now what I buy.

The Sword of Hyperborea #1  
The Union (2020) #1

Dec 2, 2020

was a good star.

The Union (2020) #2

Jan 14, 2021

Thor (2020) #10

Dec 2, 2020

Thor (2020) #13

Mar 18, 2021

It's great to see Jane so empowered, she has a fairly justified part in the comic along with Stranger. Thor while in a different battle to free himself. The end was very crazy, anything can happen.

Thor (2020) #14

Apr 14, 2021

Thor (2020) #16

Aug 27, 2021

Thor (2020) #18

Oct 21, 2021

Thor (2020) Annual #1  
Titans United (2021) #1

Sep 15, 2021

I have read bad things and this, not that he tries but since the characterization of each of the characters is bad and stupid, Gar seems to be saved a bit. The fight with Cyclops is exhausting. If Scott wrote this with your butt, I congratulate him, but if you wrote it with your brain, the best writer should dedicate himself to washing dishes or something else.

Titans United (2021) #2

Oct 13, 2021

It improved, but it is still very weak in the personification of the characters.

Titans United (2021) #3

Nov 9, 2021

With Jason using weapons and art I am well served. There are good moments of action. The characters aren't that great, I'll just let it go this time.

Titans United (2021) #4

Dec 16, 2021

Titans United (2021) #6

Feb 8, 2022

Truth & Justice (2021) #10

Mar 18, 2021

Incredible but not surprised, THER WRITER Jeff Trammell did much BETER than Shawn Martinbrough (DRAWER) with Red Hood 51 and 52. Trammell is INCLUSIVE in this book intended for children and young people (I personally believe that Jason's story is not for this public, there is a lot of rawness in his story, in a Black label will be the best option), the theme of this issue is friendship, unlike Martinbrough, as someone who is dedicated to writing, Trammell doesn't lose sight of the main character and in a excellent way included a Jason's Childhood friend (African American) friend, Max touches our hearts when he helps Jason and Jason returns the favor by giving him money which Max uses to graduate. In all this time Jason is present in the shadows, watching his friend blossom. But Max is dead and hurts And it hurts because you have become attached to Max. Red Hood decides to avenge him when he confronts the Scarecrow, and then something happens that many fans in a twisted desire to know what would happen to Jason if he were gassed with the toxin of fear. And it is what happens, Red Hood is in front of Batman when he begins to feel the effects, traumas of the past are now Jason is reviving them in front of Batman. It was great issues (for children), it would have been better with a decent art, but the story is good told in a simple way and still super price.

Truth & Justice (2021) #11

Mar 26, 2021

Truth & Justice (2021) #12

Mar 26, 2021

Trammell won't have great writing, but he's good at finding points for a good story. He was fine from the point of view that it is a focused book for minors. Art is horrible and destroys these 3 numbers so much that it could be nice. I liked the ending, Jason defeating his own demons, taking down all the shit that the bats have put into him to break his self-esteem and in the end he comes out victorious. The ending was great. This was all a plan from Talia because she wants Jason to be next ... you'll have to read it. The price is very fair for the quality of the book. I will give the grade based on that it is a children's book.

Truth & Justice (2021) #16

Jun 22, 2021

This installment was good, full of childish humor and it is a kid's book, it cannot be described otherwise. I read it out of curiosity and it was cute, something I would give my 9-year-old nephew

U.S.Agent (2020) #4  
Venom (2018) #31

Dec 9, 2020

It has not lost the rhythm of the story for a moment, I am falling in love with this event, Marvel has not lowered the quality of its art, the story is good. I am really moved by this number, Bruke trying to survive, his son despairing of him seeing how his father is defeated, humanity trying to survive.

Venom (2018) #32

Jan 6, 2021

They may slow down however it feels necessary to take the next step in the war against the Symbiote King.

Venom (2018) #33

Feb 3, 2021

Each number of this arc and King in Black plays with the emotions of the reader, the beginning we gave the battle for loss, slowly in each number it gives us hope and then demolishes them and leaves us in insecurity. The Dragon please, it was just great.

Venom (2018) #34

Apr 13, 2021

Venom (2018) #35

Jun 16, 2021

uuf was really good, Brock and Dylan are a great characters. See all the symbionts in the was earth fun.

Venom (2021) #2

Dec 2, 2021

Venom (2021) #3

Dec 23, 2021

The low rhythm, I sow it keeps the interest, I think the next number will go well.

Venom (2021) #4

Jan 19, 2022

This series is one of the few that I still buy, even though in some strange way Eddie seems to be still trapped in the symbiote, that makes him much more protective of his son. Idea that I love. I feel that this number was not about big things, but it is preparing us for a bigger stage. The art is impeccable, which I love, and if you ask me, good art and color is one of the advantages that comics have over manga, however, the story is decisive, at least for me, for an issue or series to be good.

Venom (2021) #5

Feb 16, 2022

Venom (2021) #6

Mar 9, 2022

Venom (2021) #7

Apr 14, 2022

Way of X (2021) #1

Apr 21, 2021

An Eden, a refuge that promises a lot. But with great promises, great disappointments. A story that explores a socio-psychological development, religious fanaticism, manipulation are the elements of this issue, all from Krurt's point of view. Mutantkind has built a new Eden where mutants will have to find their place, a refuge on an island, Krakoa, inaccessible to the rest. A new religion, the promise of the royal resurrection, it is obvious that the residents mutants are delighted, but something is happen, something bad. It starts with Xavier waking up, something happens with Kurt.Then we see Kurt with his companions entering a building, they discover that it is a place to indoctrinate priests. Something unexpected happens, a shot, that way they realize that the people are immortal in the place. They have an encounter with Magneto. It was really funny to see the statue as a hero of the place. Magneto proceeds with his speech about hugging the place and more blah blah. None of this convinces Kurt (let's not forget his attachment to the Catholic Church of this character), Kurt Wagner is concerned for the hearts of his friends. The ending is unexpected, it leaves us wanting more comes next.

Way of X (2021) #2

May 23, 2021

Way of X (2021) #3

Jun 24, 2021

A new society that apparently does not know where it is going, something similar to let's made babies for the war, Mmh where will I have heard it. It seems that one of the few people with common sense is Stacy X, she is supplying the mutants with prophylactics. Mutants far from building a strong society are reproducing irresponsibly many of them, abandoned babies without someone to love or care for them, that will not be a good community in the future. The terrible way that Legion uses the intimacy of the girls is horrible and despicable. An excellent complicated story told through fluid narrative and exceptional art.

Way of X (2021) #4

Jul 14, 2021

I love this series for its complexity, the opening is strong, cannibalisms and all this to bring Kurt to the understanding of forgiveness. The confrontation with Cortez really pissed me off, he's a bastard, but Kurt stands his ground. This number turned out much better than the previous one.

Way of X (2021) #5

Aug 19, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #6

Oct 11, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #7

Nov 16, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #8

Dec 30, 2020

Personally, I was given a very balanced number, Logan facing his demons from the past, there is drama, action and the charming personality that characterizes him and we love for that.

Wolverine (2020) #10

Feb 24, 2021

It's hard a Wolverine's story to disappoint me. Nice this new team, Maverick is a good partner for Logan.

Wolverine (2020) #11

Apr 14, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #13

Jun 24, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #19

Dec 23, 2021

Wonder Girl (2021) #1

May 18, 2021

I like Yara's personality, however, this number was quite loose, in a superhero cliche, she rescues motorists from an accident and then the siren, what the hell. I hope the next stories are better because this character is the only one who has 5G potential.

X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #2  
X Lives Of Wolverine (2022) #3  
X-Corp (2021) #2  
X-Factor (2020) #2

Aug 26, 2020

X-Factor (2020) #6

Jan 6, 2021

X-Force (2019) #15

Dec 18, 2020

X-Force (2019) #18

Mar 18, 2021

I didn't like art very much, the story wasn't bad enough to get me.

X-Force (2019) #20

Jun 2, 2021

X-Force (2019) #21

Jul 7, 2021

X-Force (2019) #23

Sep 11, 2021

X-Force (2019) #26

Dec 16, 2021

Lets be gentiles for this time.

X-Men (2019) #11

Aug 26, 2020

X-Men (2019) #13

Oct 22, 2020

X-Men (2019) #16

Dec 30, 2020

I felt this number very weak, very little action, the art is excellent as always

X-Men (2019) #18

Feb 24, 2021

I'm taking up the Marvel comics, I liked this issue, it was agile, this will definitely be another choice to buy apart from Spiderman and King in Black.

X-Men (2019) #20

May 27, 2021

Exciting story, agile, the art is amazing. This part of Mistic did not know him.

X-Men (2021) #1

Jul 7, 2021

X-Men (2021) #3

Sep 23, 2021

It was a fast and exciting read, it was pretty decent and the panels well done.

X-Men (2021) #6

Jan 6, 2022

X-Men: Legends (2021) #1

Feb 17, 2021

This number brought me so much longing, maybe I'm overvaluing it maybe because of that trip back in time when it reminded me of the classics.

X-Men: Legends (2021) #2

Mar 31, 2021

X-Men: Legends (2021) #5

Jul 23, 2021

X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1  
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1

Aug 19, 2021

I have mixed emotions with this, this has potential, but apparently lacks the knowledge of the characters. There are things that I like but they are taken to an extreme outside the logic of the character, and even cruel. There are parts of Magneto's attitude that have logic, others seem to be someone else. In the end we know that something else is cooking. I think it would have been better if they had given the correct form to the emotions, for my taste.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #2

Sep 15, 2021

This was a little weird, many of the characters felt a little strange, the art is beautiful and Wanda's appearance played well, but the story has felt weak from the beginning.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #3

Oct 21, 2021

Uff, what about creativity? has gone out the window? I don't like me at all

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #5

Dec 23, 2021

Young Justice (2019) #20

Nov 3, 2020

I really don't know what they tried to do, a Black Justice? It is a bad job that DC has been doing with their series, instead of making a good presentation of a group or a new character they make everything so boring and really that Tim is Robin is a total throwback for the character, Tim is already beyond of that mantle, it is an insult to wear it again when it has evolved so much.

Reviews for the Week of...




