9.0 |
Overall Rating |
8.5 |
7174AD (2024) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
7174AD (2024) #1
Apr 18, 2024 |
This is best appreciated if treated as an installment of an art book with a very very thin semblance of narrative.... and in doing that it absolutely succeeds. Ashley wood is a great artist and designer. These pages are great to look at. But there's not really a ton of story here. A sort of vignette; the first of with is a cyberpunk romp with guys racing in impossible roads and underpass. The second a sort of concept for one of his toy lines that depending on how you read it can be cheeky or crude. Either way I'm glad I bought it. |
9.3 |
80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular | 2 issues |
8.5 |
80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Joker #1
Jun 10, 2020 |
Very solid. Manages to have some fun. Doesnt take itself too too seriously. Solid art all aroind. I enjoyed all the stories but the last one is very confusing. The others more than make up for it though. |
10 |
80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Green Lantern #1
Jun 24, 2020 |
This was a fantastic read. I liked all the stories and while some were definitely better than others they all brought something to the table. Alan Scotts story is probably going to be the most talked about for reasons I wont spoil but I will say read between the lines aa you go through it. Great art though. The Hal one was a great change of pace for a character weve seen a lot of lately. The Kilowog and Guy story is very heartwarming and real feel good tale. As someone with little time spent reading Kyle Rayner compared to the others I wanna folloe him more after this. I especially like his artistic constructs. Sinestro is one of my favorite DC villains of all time and this story is a perfect look into who he is. Quite brutal but thoughtful and direct. The Jessica Cruz story does a great job giving us a vision into the battles she fights within herself every day. Definitely would like to see more of her character. The Green Arrow/Green Lantern tale is a nice call back. Simon Bazs tale is a lot more timely and hard hitting than the others but I like irs art and its message is pure. The John story is probably the weakest here which is unfortunate, but its still a nice little battle. It just feels run of the mill. I probably liked the story 'Four' more than most of thw others (a bit biased for Sinestro) even if its ending is a bit predictable it is a love letter to the Green Lanterns history with really good art. And finally in the back of the book you get a read up on a ton of lanterns from throughout their history! Very nice selection though there are a few interestingly missing ones. Overall a great value for 10 bucks, especially with the character profiles in the end being like a mini encylopedia. For its value Im giving it a perfect ten I cant see anyone reasonable not enjoying this. |
10 |
A Vicious Circle (2022) | 1 issues |
10 |
A Vicious Circle (2022) #1
Dec 30, 2022 |
One of the best single issues O read all year. A masterful display of artistic genius and clever writing with a highly interesting premise makes this a must read. Not gonna waste too much of your time with this review, this book is best taken in with little to no foreknowledge. Just go read it. You will NOT regret it. |
9.0 |
A.X.E. One-Shots | 2 issues |
9.5 |
A.X.E. One-Shots: Avengers #1
Sep 30, 2022 |
Excellent work from the editors and writers. A fantastic tie in issue. Calls back to the last 20 years of IM history. They're doing good work with him right now. And for anyone else, if you didn't read the Cantwell Iron man run you're doing yourself a disservice. Im always selective with my books but this event is making it feel rewarding to have followed the main solo books, which is exactly what an event should do. Art is fast paced and chaotic which fits the issue. This is a must read issue for any Iron Man fan. |
8.5 |
A.X.E. One-Shots: Eternals #1
Oct 13, 2022 |
This event has been hitting on all cylinders and Ajax us one of the most understated characters in this thing. Her religious whims are both fascinating and well written, which these days you dont always see. This book explores pious guitar, sacrifice and zealotry in a fascinating light. Its well worth a read even if the art is kinda rushed to me |
8.0 |
A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants | 1 issues |
8.0 |
A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants #1
Aug 17, 2022 |
This one movies fast but is a pretty important read. It signifies a shift in the goals of the main eternals and what they realize must happen. And that has potential consequences for the MU. Im very interested to see how thus event plays out. |
8.5 |
A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment (2022) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment (2022) #1
Jul 13, 2022 |
As usual, Gillian is on point writing the eternals. Hes at home. This event is going to be ridiculously loaded with tie ins, and I'm certainly not going to read all of them but I will be following the main story because it is intriguing. Like all good eternals stories it asks questions pertaining to philosophy and morality. The art here is decent. I think it could use a bit of a polish but I love the expressions and the figure work. Im looking forward to this. |
9.3 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022): Omega
Nov 11, 2022 |
Pay close attention to that last page. Beautiful. You need to read Gillespie etwrnals to really get why this issue is so good. |
9.5 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #1
Aug 4, 2022 |
To anyone who read this and thought, "where has this been all my life?" Do yourself a favor and read the 14 pr so issues of eternals that preceded this series. Same writer. Same amazing storytelling. But yea, this was a bang up start for an event comic. Feels large, feels epic, has plenty of action and phenomenal art from one of Marvel's golden boys. |
8.5 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #3
Aug 26, 2022 |
This series is moving at such a deliberate and focused pace in shocked we've gotten this far into the story. Theres definitely more surprises coming and I'm here for it. |
10 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #4
Sep 18, 2022 |
This event is freaking delivering man. That single panel of daredevil alone is worth the price of the book. Edit: screw it, upped my score to a ten. No real flaws in this book. |
9.5 |
A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #6
Oct 26, 2022 |
Valerio needs to be a superstar after this. He needs a nice long vacation. This event delivered on every regard. Action, art, character work, stakes... everything. At the end is it a save the world story? Yes but the twist that it was morality, empathy and love that needed to win the battle rather than fisticuffs made it much more interesting. The new Phoenix initiative is a cool idea, executed in a way where it doesn't shake things too much but does something meaningful. Ajak becoming the eternal God and now being tasked with constantly keeping earths judgemenr at hand was a neat twist on her role in thus story. She's one of the more interesting characters to come out of this. R.i.p. Sersi. I dont see her coming back for a while. But she went out doing what she needed to do. I will day sprite and TChalla were weirdly absent during thsi thing(was that tchalla wearing a new costume at the end or someone else?) Fantastic event. Gillen outdid himself and bookended his eternals run beautifully. Id love to see the MCU find a way to do this 10 years from now. Lol |
9.3 |
Absolute Batman (2024) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #1
Oct 10, 2024 |
Excellent. A great, exhilarating, fun comic. Written by a writer whos been on thus rodeo track before. Drawn by an artist in his prime and knowing exactly what he wants and colored by a colorist in perfect unison. Everything here works. It doesnt strive to reinvent the wheel but it does strive to give you a good time and it exceeds in doing so. Im not concerned about any of the changes til I see how they affect the story. As they are they don't bother me. Bring more of this! |
8.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #3
Dec 31, 2024 |
This book remains strikingly ambitious in almost every regard... Snyder is taking on the entire philosophy of what Batman is with this story and he aims to tackle some very modern relevant ideas, I just hope he doesn't forget that the characters are still the most important thing and will drive the effectiveness of any thematic throughline. I truly cant tell where this is going to go... and these days thats a very good thing. Bruce realizing the gravity of what he's up against and realizing how little hed actually accomplishing on his own is welcome but I think Alfred is also one who is going to see some merit in Bruce's approach. I love the idea of not having to solve EVERYTHING but still being willing to do what good one can, I think that is a major aspect of a lot of superheroes that get missed on postmodern perspectives. |
10 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #4
Jan 19, 2025 |
This was the best issue yet and brings home the core concept of the series and what makes this Batman different, and why making him decidedly NOT a billionaire was done. This Batman is very not just doing this out of a hatred of evil, but a desire to help people and to curtail corruption by those who have the power to enact change but don't. Its not the first time the character has flirted with these ideas but id dare to say its never been more intertwined with the Bat mythos. Really good stuff. I think I'm in on this for the long haul now. Gabriel Walta being on art duties is a big shift from Dragotta but I've liked Waltas art for some time and I think he's particularly skilled at conveying the emotion of this issue and the gritty struggle of Bruce trying to adapt to a situation he can't possible comprehend the scale of. A great read all around. |
9.8 |
Absolute Carnage (2019) | 2 issues |
10 |
Absolute Carnage (2019) #1
Aug 7, 2019 |
Absolute Quality. |
9.5 |
Absolute Carnage (2019) #2
Aug 28, 2019 |
Over way, way too fast. I want more goshdarnit!! |
8.5 |
Absolution (2022) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Absolution (2022) #1
Jul 6, 2022 |
I picked this up the old fashioned way. No idea what it was, just liked the cover. And igs pretty interesting while feeling familiar in many ways, and it manages to make a compelling main character and have some fun and modern black humor related to social media today. As our "hero" Nina kills through enemy guards, various individuals view her perspective from live stream and comment on her performance. Its surprisingly realistic to say the least. The narrative is pretty straightforward but has some nice ideas we'll see if they explore or not. This first issue ends in an interesting if formulaic fashion but what's here is pretty good. I'll check the next issue. |
9.0 |
Action Comics (2016) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #1050
Dec 28, 2022 |
Pretty awesome start. Clever way to reintroduce the secret identity. Really fun action sequences. Im looking forward to what comes of this. |
9.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #1051
Feb 1, 2023 |
Awesome. Great art, great stories, worth every penny. Easily. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) | 9 issues |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #28
Sep 11, 2019 |
Good stuff. Can we get a Boomerang solo? |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #32
Oct 28, 2019 |
Worth it for the art alone. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #49
Oct 7, 2020 |
Awesome story, awesome action, awesome art, awesome issue. Worth every penny. Spidey and Goblin... name a better duo. |
9.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50
Oct 14, 2020 |
I called it! This is gonna be real interesting. MAN this issue! Fantastic stuff. Norman... man.. some chilling scenes here. Fantastic panels with details and even symbolism. Very well written. Nick Spencer understands Spider-Man. He shows it in his writing. Really digging the art here. Some great visuals. Almost feel bad for Stan. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54
Dec 9, 2020 |
This is incredibly bleak. Brutal. Violent. Depressing even. Its fantastic. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74
Sep 29, 2021 |
Sorry folks. I dug this. Alot. I binged most of this final arc in one or 2 sittings. Was it convoluted? Immensely. But was it good? Yes. Its hard to end a final run in a way that pays homage to the character but also concludes the story satisfactorily. I feel this achieved its goal. Its not perfect but the scenes of Mephisto describing why he recently torments his enemy was just so great. And it is written very well, managing to finish up all of its loose ends in a good way. I wasn't sure if I was going to go for Beyond. But I think I'll give thus first arc a shot. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75
Oct 7, 2021 |
Good start to a new arc. Art is fantastic. Can't wait to see where it goes. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88
Feb 13, 2022 |
The new villain has a cool design. Rhings are heating up for Veyond corporation especially with Ben's mind not what it once was. Really interesting to see what happens from here. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #93
Apr 27, 2022 |
Finally finished this run. Yea Ben stans will be upset but honestly... this was a solid arc all around. The characters were used well. The action was great. The art while inconsistently styled was consistently good. Kudos to the team for this. I'm excited to see what they do to Peter next. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) One Shot | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Full Circle #1
Oct 28, 2019 |
This has no right to be as good as it is. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Sins Rising Prelude #1
Jul 29, 2020 |
Relatively new to this character, knowing little about him before his return. This issue does a great job giving you all you need to know about him, and I say its justified considering he is from a story that is nearly 40 years old. The art is fantastic and the tone is very grim, macabre with little to lighten it. In other instances this might be overbearing but it fits perfectly for Sin-Eater. Really hoping Spencer stick the landing with this arc, I'm looking forward to it. |
8.4 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) | 31 issues |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2
May 29, 2022 |
Really liking how Tombstone is written in this. Also liking Parker having a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but the issue is paced well and has some solid moments of sequential art. JRJR is controversial in a style but in storytelling he is one of the best of the best. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #3
Jun 12, 2022 |
I really like the way Tombstone is written here. Hes one of the more underrated of spideys villains but hes one of the more intimidating. This issue has some nice setup and strong dialogue, and it leaves spider man in a losing state for the entire issue, one he doesn't have an out for just yet. Its a nice touch. 3 issues in I feel like this story has used its pages well. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #4
Jun 30, 2022 |
Phenomenal action packed issue. This is gonna be one of those ones looked back fondly upon 20 years from now. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #5
Jul 7, 2022 |
This arc ends in an unusual fashion but its great to see. Spidey essentially pulls an uno reverse card on Tombstone and despite what the cover may have you suggest, they just have a conversation in the end. Nice to see things switched up and Peter using his wits to win instead of his fists. Romita kills it on this issue. His facial expressions are very emotive and his paneling and storytelling is great as ever. Hes a living legend. Wells writes a good story here, im definitely interested to see what is next. |
9.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6
Jul 27, 2022 |
This issue is great. Anyone saying otherwise is for BS ship reasons, there's nothing wrong with this book. Always like her as a love interest anyway. Great art, great action. Splash page with him teamed up with the 6 is an all timer. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #8
Sep 10, 2022 |
This is some great action and great art by JRJR. The new suit has some cool tricks. I can dig it |
9.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #10
Oct 17, 2022 |
I dont know how any longtime Spidey fan could give this anything below a 8 |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #13
Nov 18, 2022 |
This series feels like classic Spidey. Maybe its the art, or action packed fast paced storytelling, but it reminds me of the 90s Spidey cartoon a bit and that is not a bad thing at all. Beyond qualms with Peter's relationship status that don't bother me much, I'm enjoying this series... and the Gold Goblin suit is very cool. Norman as a whole has been very interesting to read since having his sins eaten. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #16
Jan 6, 2023 |
A lot of folks really aren't paying attention or using rationality when approaching Ben's narrative here and in seeing a lot of folks here and elsewhere ask questions for which the answers should he pretty obvious if you think about it for like 30 seconds. That being said this issue isn't perfect, it's mostly just a fight scene but when your fight scene is drawn by THE ed mcguinness you're in for a heck of a time. |
![]() |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #20
Mar 8, 2023 |
Anyone saying that Peter said "MJ is like a sister" without qualifying that statement by adding that Peter was very clearly lying to himself and Felicia and trying to rationalize his feelings and that Felicia points this out explicitly, is arguing in bad faith. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #21
Mar 8, 2023 |
Nah. These ratings are absolutely ridiculous lmfao. This issue is solid in every way, and even thr reviews with words actually basically say this. There is nothing "bad" about the issue, save for the kids being drawn wierd. Rest of the art is great. Im excited to see where the story goes. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22
Mar 29, 2023 |
This was a solid issue that genuinely surprised me. This is good stuff. |
7.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24
Apr 23, 2023 |
Issue is ok. Thats it. The outrage brigade was to be expected and I forsee all issues regardless of their quality getting review bombed here. Not as good as last issue but there's still stuff to like. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #25
May 10, 2023 |
Interesting issue. A lot of theories were out to rest and a lot of new ones were raised. We were shown cherry picked scenes that sell a narrative but not the only narrative and the very presence of the kids makes it obvious this story has more reveals to it than we think.. I will confess I read the scene at the bed as him being castrated or something, but again, it is deliberately vague as to not give things away. They seem to be trying to say they have not actually consumated a relationship, but also that they have to stay together because they both know something. I understood everything Peter did here; basicslly. I liked that sur was the one to break things up. I totally get why he's so piszed off in this run now. He just got a raw deal snd its not really anyone's fault. MJ would likely not have survived that portal fall and spidey would've been lost if she'd gone instead of him and she likely wouldn't have been able to get him back. I really liked seeing MJ become a badsss post apocalyptic fighter for a bit. I feel like they are really working towards her becoming a full on hero at some point. The stuff with all the symbols was again; retry vague but explained the jackpot thing. I font hate the concept but ill need to see more. Decent issue that answered a lot of the questions we've had in a pretty roundabout way. Like I said, I totally get Peter's heads space in the earlier issues now and I also get why he'd look for comfort in Felicia. I found niether MJ nor Peter to be unlikable, just good people in a difficult situation. As others are saying. This is mostly just decent. I thought the early arcs were better than this one but this one has been necessary to get the full picture for the prior arcs. It all makes a little more sense now and I appreciate that. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26
May 31, 2023 |
I actually thought the issue was fine. The action scenes and character interactions were all great. The reception to this book seems to be largely on a metaphysical level and having more to do with people ongoing problems with editorial rather than the actual contents of the book. Even, after reading it, it makes sense why it was Kamala and why it played out that way. No other character could've made sense. This arc has been flawed and controversial but certainly memorable and has good parts to it. Kamals death ess actually done pretty well and on her terms. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #30
Aug 9, 2023 |
Ock will always be my favorite Spidey villain because of stuff he pulls like this. Hes like an anti-spider-man. Really wish he'd get longer arcs. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #31
Aug 28, 2023 |
Solid selection of issues with a lot to like. The main wedding story i very much enjoyed. The taskmaster and spider woman bit was cool. A lot of stuff was set up for future storylines. The MJ bit could've been better bur could've been worse. Really liked that Peter was going to take the blame for the guys not showing up. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #33
Sep 27, 2023 |
This issue is soooo good. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #34
Sep 27, 2023 |
This is just too good. Peter breaking bad like this.... very fun. We know it won't be forever. But to see him let loose a bit is cathartic. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #35
Oct 28, 2023 |
Solid conclusion to this arc |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #47
May 2, 2024 |
Yall just whining about anything at this point. This was a good issue. Literally nothing wrong with it. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #50
May 27, 2024 |
Ok. This was a storyline being LOATHED when it was coming up. Doing the same thing he just did again... well it turns out its more complicated than that. And this issue was awesome. I legitimately didn't see the twist coming, even knowing that goblin was going to come back, the way its done here is brilliant. And Peter was pretty darn competent in this issue as well. This could surprise us yet. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #54
Aug 14, 2024 |
The main issues with the arc are that the premise seemed redundant, and the resolution felt rushed. However, the strengths of this issue more than make up for it. Peter in this arc has been pretty dang competent. And his plan worked pretty much perfectly, and the delivering back on the anniversary issue way back when? Fantastic. That splash page is an all timer too. Ed McGinnis needs a nice long vacation. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #55
Aug 14, 2024 |
A happy moment for Peter. An interesting shift of the usual dynamic. A new love interest. Its done pretty well. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #56
Sep 2, 2024 |
As the others have said, this was really, really strong. Wells on Tombstone has been a tier spidey content snd i wish the rest of the run was on the same level even as someone who hasn't hated this run. The backups are all pretty solid as well. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #57
Sep 11, 2024 |
This issue was intense af. Turns out my prediction was the same one the characters made... and the wrong one. This is one of the strengths wells has that gets overlooked I feel. Our expectations are "Lonnie would never hurt Janice directly, hed just kill someone close" and at the beginning of this run he wouldn't have. Thats something Tombstone practically laid out himself over the course of the run, between gang war and even the planned wedding. He has for the entire run put Janice's wants over his own. Except for two times, the end of gang war and now. This calls all the way back to tombstones flashbacks early in the run, where he was powerless to protect himself. Now with that power in his sight and in his grasp, he isn't willing to let ANYONE get in the way of it. He's become just like Fisk. Its a character shift; and a subversion but one thats been baked into the writing of the character from the beginning. Hes still the kid being taken on as a child, but now he sees Janice and spider man as the ones doing the harassing, and so the lion comes out. Also the train thing was a pretty clever and cool ambush both visually and concept wise. It made it seem authentic, something extreme Lonnie would do knowing what he's up against. So it being a ruse is harder to expect. Wells is going out with maybe his strongest arc. I wish it'd been this consistently great the whole time; but if he sticks the landing ill still give him props for this. |
9.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #58
Oct 2, 2024 |
This is an absolute banger of a comic. People who still think JR JR isn't amazing have my pity. You can take out every singer word balloon of this comic and it is still perfectly readable. JR JR is not just a guy hired to draw pretty pictures, no comic artist is, and if you define then by that then you dont truly understand what cartooning is. Cartooning is storytelling, and being a sequential artist is crafting a sequence. JR JR is the cinematographer, the lighter, the rigger and the camera man every time he picks up the pencil. He and his inker did their job here and did it well. As for the script, I have little to say I didn't like here. From the moment the book opens to the very preview of the next issues cover(seriously I've never seen that done before and I have many years of comics under my belt) this is a non stop intense ride of action. Tombstone crosses the line right from the get go and the rest of the issue is about stopping this unstoppable force. The heroes goal here is simple, as is the villains, but the script makes the interaction highly suspenseful in the best way. Wells is delivering his best arc to close out with, and thats a very good thing. This is a fantastic comic. I needed to take a breather after reading. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #59
Oct 10, 2024 |
Issue promised a long and brutal fight. And thats exactly what I got. I've nothing to complain about. Its incredibly intense. |
7.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #60
Oct 30, 2024 |
Issue was enjoyable enough. I like the ending to the main story, that convo with May. Figured Tombstone was either going to get off or confess. Mays presence was i think definitely missed this run. He handled Sandman pretty handily which is good. The Jackpot story was just kinda there. But the moment between him and MJ was nice. Im not a Ben Reilly die hard so I'm not very bothered by Chasm existing. I enjoyed the short dialogue between them but felt like they trased some growth for Ben but then didn't really commit. Itd be interesting to see him actually move on from what he's lost. Maybe they see Ben is supposed to be a lot of stand ins for many spodey readers and thats the angle they are going with? Time will tell. The rek rap story was just there. Great art as usual and the editors note gag was fun. I really liked the art in the last sorry and Peter beating Overdrive in the doom bit, working out a high level machine. I'll give the story a shot. After everything I still love how Zeb writes Peter as a character. The Wolverine story was a great insight into it. I can root for Zeb wells Peter very easily. Hes a good, decent guy. Ill miss that overall, but I think a new writer is welcome too. |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #63
Jan 10, 2025 |
This arc has been creative in how Peter has to outsmart the villains rather than just punch them. I especially liked the twist with this one and Peter using her abilities against her. its an enjoyable arc so far |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #65
Jan 11, 2025 |
Its hard not to appreciate this issue on a conceptual level at the very least. It ends unresolved so we'll have to see the resolution, but as setup it is pretty solid. Having Spiderman face off against nihilism itself is an interesting premise, and the issue makes a case for it. If done right this can be a really inspiring spidey moment. I hope they stick the landing. |
8.5 |
Avengers (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Avengers (2023) #2
Jun 22, 2023 |
This is good freaking stuff. Simple and too the point. Awesome. Still think this roster could be better but they're coming close to winning me over. Loving Carol in this |
9.3 |
Avengers: Twilight (2024) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Avengers: Twilight (2024) #1
Jan 27, 2024 |
We've seen future avengers stories before but this one has a grounded and relevant backdrop. While it's conflict is not fully explored in the first issue we are given more than enough tidbits to us enticed for more. Theres a tragic undercurrent bit caps voice feels very right. I cannot wait to see what comes of this be abuse the setup is really great. I cant praise Daniel acuna enough. The man is incredible, bar none and puts out some of my favorite art in comics. Im very excited to see where this goes. |
9.0 |
Avengers: Twilight (2024) #3
Apr 29, 2024 |
This series isn't exactly reinventing the wheel in terms of the story its telling, but its telling it in a darn good way. This is a great captain americs story and a great avengers story so far. Its making great use of the team members that we have seen, and you really can't predict where its gonna go. The art is incredible. Acuna is becoming a favorite of mine. |
9.5 |
Avengers: Twilight (2024) #6
May 31, 2024 |
A great finale to a great avengers story. We need more stuff like this. I wanted to be in this world longer. These characters were handled very well. Some plot threads get a little rushed but the majority of the stuff comes together nicely. Acuna is an art god and zdarsky is as zdarsky does. Great Avengers content. Eouldve liked a different villain but maybe they can return to this world another time. |
9.0 |
Batgirls (2021) | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Batgirls (2021) #1
Jan 23, 2022 |
Really enjoyed this. Loved the art, the plot was basic setup but had a lot of fun and good interactions. Its cool to see Steph and Cassie and Babson all get to be Batgirl. I think its something that should've happened a while ago. |
8.5 |
Batgirls (2021) #2
Jan 23, 2022 |
Im still really enjoying this. It's a huge breath of fresh air from the constant pril of the mainline Batman series with all the city wide wars. While this spins out of that its got a lot more of a slice of life feel to it. Like any SOL the characters need to carry it, and for me they do. Especially Cass who is quickly becoming one of my favorite Bat family members. I love the art style here, it's kinetic and full of energy. And the story packs a lot in its pages, which I always apprecuate. It uses its time well to get us more familiar with the characters and move the story forward. The new villains were neat but im hoping we get somewhere on this Seer thing because they've been teasing em for a while. Solid issue. |
8.5 |
Batgirls (2021) #9
Oct 17, 2022 |
Sorry, but I loved this issue. A ton of fun. Love the artwork and rhe action panels. This book is the more fun light hearted side of Gotham, something that is much needed. |
10 |
Batgirls (2021) #14
Feb 1, 2023 |
This is an absolutely masterful execution of the comics medium. The only bad reviews on this issue are trolls. This is one of the best issues of the year from DC. Do NOT miss this issue |
8.8 |
Batman (2016) | 11 issues |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #94
Aug 3, 2020 |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #95
Aug 3, 2020 |
Very nice, very strong tone and good plotting. Jimenez art is phenomenal as expected. This is gonna be a wild ride. |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #96
Aug 9, 2020 |
Whats with the negative reviews? This is a strong issue. Peoples attention spans are way too short nowadays. The first half of the story gives us a look into Batmans ideal vision of Gotham, that makes the reveal of what the city actually looks like much more impactful. And the art is frickin amazing. |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #108
May 13, 2021 |
This is a rock solid issue and Miracle Molly is the most interesting new batman character in years Its sad that Batman fans have been reduced to clamoring for mindless fight scenes instead of actually world building and plot that JT3 is doing. |
10 |
Batman (2016) #109
Jun 9, 2021 |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #110
Sep 1, 2021 |
These negative reviews are so off based. This was a great batman story. "Ripped off ideas" GTFOH. Thus is an old school rough and tumble between Batman and an armored bad guy. People complain about everything these days I swear. |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #112
Sep 16, 2021 |
Really not sure what folks are asking for. This is a high stakes story with a classic Batman villain and new ones, a lot of toys to play with and storylinrs running snd it never skips a beat. Im having a good time reading this. |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #116
Dec 19, 2021 |
Issue had great fight scenes and fantastic art. Love the action packed arc. Very fun. |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #118
Jan 3, 2022 |
Rock solid issue. I wasn't sure i was gonna continue this run, not because of the last run which I actually liked, but simply because I didn't know if I needed to. But the art won me over and I'm glad that I got this. I'm interested in what the story will be, and the art again is phenomenal. Really strong looking stuff. Recommend picking this up. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #119
Jan 7, 2022 |
Solid action and a nice continuation from the last story. This is a good example of a new writer using what came beforenin an interesting way without feeling derivative. A little slow but it picks up at the end. Art is once again gorgeous. The back up story is pretty fun thought I'm not familiar with the character. |
9.0 |
Batman (2016) #125
Jul 9, 2022 |
This was a solid issue that has a really cool setup. The art is phenomenal. I wasn't going to hop on this but I think I'll at least see how this arc goes. |
9.3 |
Batman (2016) One Shot | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Batman (2016): Pennyworth R.I.P. #1
Feb 12, 2020 |
Man, whats with the harsh reviews? I thought this one was great. Easily the most emotionally resonating comic I've read from DC in a while. The characters dialogue and actions are written well, and you can feel the tension the family is growing through but also how much care is between them. Some of the 'kids' may seem a bit cold to Bruce but really can you blame them? I didnt pull Kings run on Batman but I never felt like I was missing crucial information. All you really needed to know was that Alfred died at the hands of Bane. Not to mention the art is just great all around, very heavy and moody but it captures facial expressions well which is something comics dont always do. And the flashback artists all bring good work as well, with Damian's tale being a highlight for me. The details like Babs reflection as she exits the issue at a lot more impact to what we are reading. Its also a very satisfying read, plenty to delve into and a lot of dialogue with action spersed through. It doesnt go by quick and justifies the price tag. I really don't know what else everyone wants out of this book, it's not a DC 2020 ad and it has a clear goal in mind and accomplishes it. |
9.5 |
Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1
Sep 16, 2021 |
This was a phenomenal issue any way you slice it. Cinematic, gorgeous artwork and meticulous planning by my favorite Bat villain of all time? Whats not to like? |
8.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1
Dec 2, 2020 |
I didnt follow Kings run but I know aboht the mixed reception its gotten. What I have read from King which is little, I quite enjoyed. Clay Mann whoever is one of my favorite comic artists working right now. All things considered I decided to give this a shot. Not sure what all the hating reviews are about honestly? This issue isn't gonna blow anyone away, but as set up I really, really like what they are going for here. It hops all over the place in time, with only the art to que you in. Its daring but at works, at least this issue. Its a straightforward plot thus far but you can tell its going to be very complex as it goes. Also Phantasm will be in this book but you knew that. I havent seen Mask of the Phantasm, I know thats blasphemy but you dont have to have watched that movie to know what she's about here. She doesn't do much but the book makes clear that that is going to change. The art is phenomenal and nearly worth price of admission alone. Clay Mann is fantastic, and the colors are vibrant but lifelike. The faces are very good, the panel works all very easy to follow and the costumes are awesome. Its a beautiful book. My only real flaws with this book are 1: that Batman and Catwomans dialogue is still a bit hokey but not nearly as repetitive as some of the other examples we've seen from King(and the rest of the dialogue is pretty good) and 2: Joker AGAIN. Hes handled well here but there really needs to be an editorial mandate that Joker can only be used in one Batman arc every 2 years or something. Its really so boring seeing the same characters exchange the same words with the same villain. It always feels like treaded ground these days and frankly these writers need more creativity in who they use, and thats not just a King problem either. But aside from that, very solid book. I feel like if Kings name was t on this half of these reviews would sing a very different tune. Theres really nothing awful about this book at all, but aside from the art nothing groundbreaking either. Well see what happens but they got me for issue 2. |
7.5 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4
Apr 1, 2021 |
This doesnt deserve all the 1 star reviews but this also probably the weakest issue yet. Kings writing in this is VERY slow moving, and sometimes not very clear. Dialogue from different timeliness are dispersed throughout with the art and scene not always matching the timeline. It could be done well but in this issue it just isn't. The narrative here is still intriguing though and the art remains this books strongest point. Clay Mann is absolutely god tier and the colors are fantastic too. Also I really like Helenas costume. |
8.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5
Jun 9, 2021 |
This is a solid issue with incredible artwork. Clay mann is so good. |
10 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) One Shot | 1 issues |
10 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020): Special #1
May 16, 2022 |
This book is a masterwork. The main story is great. The art tribute pinups are great. The reprinted old stories are phenomenal. I'm so glad to have this. JPL was one of my favorites of all time. And his impact on comics will forever be felt. King did a good job homaging him here. His knack for literary repetition has caused ite for some but its used wonderfully here. Great stuff. |
8.5 |
Batman Beyond (2016) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Batman Beyond (2016) #40
Jan 24, 2020 |
Good art, solid action, and some really cool character reveals make this one of the stronger issues of this series that is has been consistently decent |
9.0 |
Batman Beyond: Neo-Year | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #1
Apr 12, 2022 |
Idk about anyone else but I freaking loved this issue. It was way better than I was expecting. Art was solid and Terry's inner voice feels great. I need to go back and read urban legends #7 apparently |
9.0 |
Batman: Black & White (2020) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: Black & White (2020) #3
Feb 24, 2021 |
Clearly the first story in this book triggered exactly the people it should trigger. If you feel victimized when you see cop killers and racists getting beat up, maybe there's some internal issues you have to work out. I didnt even read the other ones yet, this first one was so good it gets this score just off of that. Art is incredible and fluid, and the fights exhilarating and justified. Quality stuff. |
9.2 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) | 6 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #1
Apr 20, 2022 |
With the ridiculous oversaturation of Bat books on the shelves right now I skipped out on this initially. Batman fighting riddler and penguin and croc. Again. And catwoman there. Again. Seemed pointless. The artwork one me over eventually. Marquez is a master of the pen. Thank goodness I did. This was a fantastic Batman issue. Idk, it really worked for me. I liked the writing. I'm fascinated to see where it goes. |
8.0 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #2
Apr 21, 2022 |
Ok. Im hooked. Riddlers riddle actually being interesting here is a nice change of pace. All the time stamps in this series are clearly leading to something. We just don't know what yet. Thankfully, this book remains pretty to look at. |
9.5 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #3
May 17, 2022 |
Im sorry, but I absolutely love this series. The presentation, the narrative style, the art, it all just hits. Its impressive that King can keep a Batman story feeling fresh and interesting after so many runs with the character. I'd like to see him do something like this with other DC characters. |
9.0 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #4
Jun 15, 2022 |
This series continues to be one of the best Bat books on the stands. You really feel you're getting your money worth when you read this. Its just packed with actual content. No filler, all story and great artwork. The characters are all rendered beautifully and consistently, the dislogue is mostly smartly written, and it's engaging even if we don't know what all these characters are after yet. Seriously this art is phenomenal. Hags off to mr. Marquez. And tom king has written many a Batman script but he proves he's still got it with this. |
10 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #5
Jul 13, 2022 |
Wtf are with these reviews? This issue was gd phenomenal. The reveal at the end makes the entire store and prose up to this point make perfect sense. This is a fantastic Batman story. |
9.5 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #6
Aug 9, 2022 |
Great end to a fantastic mini. Not as strong as it started but filled to the brim with great art and great writing. The villain of this arc doesn't get a lot of good stories so its good to add one to the list. |
10 |
Batman: One Bad Day (2022) | 1 issues |
10 |
Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1
Aug 17, 2022 |
Riddle me this. I am four numbers, yet two numbers, yet one number. I am a fraction, yet I am still a whole. I represent perfection, yet dissappintment often follows in my footsteps. I am sought by so many, yet acquired by few. Once acquired, the quest to acquire me instantly begins anew. What am I? |
8.5 |
Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) #1
Dec 29, 2021 |
Little to dislike here. The aet is fantastic and unique as Jock is known for. The plot setup thrusts you right into the midst of an important transfer, and naturally things go wrong. Theres a bigger story going on here and I'm interested to see where it leads. |
9.0 |
Batman: Secret Files (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: Secret Files (2021): Miracle Molly #1
Sep 22, 2021 |
Of all the new characters introduced by JT4 during his run, Miracle Molly has been arguably the most unique. And that's something that fits her character immensely. This book explores her origin, and while it treads on some ideas we've seen before, it's approach and execution makes it am effective and gorgeous issue to look at. JT4 has crafted a character that is reflective of many sentiments some may feel today. Feeling boxed in by opportunity and prospect, governed by how much grace and attention you are given by superiors, rather than your actual merit or potential. And overall, monotony and melancholy which can turn into dread. Gorgeously portrayed by artist Dani, whos minimalistic thick lined figures and environments evoke the late great John Paul Leon, and makes the books look at feel memorable and effective. Colored like a cyberpunk trip, its lends itself to its tonality by means of aesthetic. As for the story, its handed pretty well and has nice moments of nuance. Most of the issue is in flashback, but the backdrop on which its presented isn't nearly as interesting. However thats a small gripe. As it pertains to Molly herself, the juxtaposition of her old life to her new one is down fantastically and we can see she wasn't necessarily a traditionally downtrodden and poor or oppressed individual with nothing, but rather she was unfulfilled, and restricted from free expression. The artist uses repeated imagery brilliantly to give you the sense of repetitive monotony that the titular character is villain, and when everything reaches a head, you can feel it coming. Its very well done. Despite the characters shift being one that would normally be a dark and gloomy end, here it is presented as bright and hopeful totally while still cast in thick shadow. Really well done book. Worth a read if you've been following the arc or wanna get what this character is about. I hope we see her in multimedia appearances soon. |
9.5 |
Batman: The Knight (2022) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Batman: The Knight (2022) #1
Jan 19, 2022 |
You know those times you read an issue and just know you're in for a great series? This was one of those times. I was unsure if I was going to follow this. We've seen this concept before. Bridging the gap from young Bruce to Bat Bruce. Introducing various OCs and occasionally younger versions of people we all know already. The TV show Gotham comes to mind(which I absolutely hated and didn't bother watching much). This is a lot more like what Gotham should have been. Its focused more on telling a story focused around Bruce, but a exploring his mind rather than his actions. You'll see him do stuff too of course, but this tale is a lot more cerebral of an examination of now hor Bruce became built like a knight but how he came to think like one. At least, that's what this first issue indicates. The narrative is pretty simple, with Bruce training his mind while in school, and already in the process of meting out his own personal justice system by tormenting bullies psychologically. Interspersed with this are scenes depicting Bruce being psychologically examined by one Hugo Strange, though we later find out theres more to him being there than that as the issue ends on a cool note. At one point Bruce entertains the idea of being a cop, which thank God, he is dissuaded from, but again, it gives a hint into the narrative the story is selling. This is an examination of how his mind gets to the point where he ultimately decides to become a consumed vigilante dressed as a bat and fight a one man war on crime. So while a step to consider, we can perceive as well as he does that being a cop isn't the answer for him, and while we know where he ends up, thankfully the book doesn't use that as an excuse to eschew developing his character naturally. The art is strong with solid face and figure work and vibrant colors. Softer scenes have cool tones and blue tints. The school he attends is rendered with earth tones and some warmer highlights, but ultimately the climax of the issue sees Bruce and his enemies awash in blazing reds as police sirens wail. Its a well presented book all around. I wasn't sure exactly how much I would like this going in. There are a LOT of Batman/Batman adjacent books running right now, and while it seems most of them are pretty good(I'm reading at least 4 of them) it still does get to be a little much when DC already is known for relying far too heavily on this character. Fortunately, this one makes a real effort to justify its existence and is a solid book in its own right. As for flaws, there truly aren't many. One I will say I noticed rather quickly is that its unfortunately unclear what exact age Bruce is supposed to be here, thought given the dialogue we can assume 16-17 ish. Ergo, I'm giving it a pretty high score. Zdarskys writing chops are well established at this point, so I'm hoping he can continue to keep this energy. |
9.0 |
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2
Sep 30, 2020 |
Strong issue. A lot to talk about but at the same time a lot still left to happen. Next issue is going to be stuffed. But this one, this is good stuff. Jason getting a lot of good mileage from this series. A very controversial scene near the end between him and Barbera. But still a lot to like aside from that. Art is absolutely gorgeous. Fabok has gotten the consistency down to a science. And the there are some excerpt panels here. |
9.0 |
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3
Oct 29, 2020 |
This was solid. I guessed it would be a recontexualization of what we already knew, and it pretty much was. The main hitter was the reveal at the end of course, which people are going to be talking about for a while. It seems relatively small but the ramifications of it are widespanning. Firstly of course it confirms the origin of the Joker. Some are saying this ruins the theme of that book and the point Joker was trying to make about "one bad day" by making him a bad person from the start as opposed to a normal man that was broken. However the thing is, Joker was always wrong about that anyway and it makes more sense that he was a bad person who was pushed even further into madness. It also confirms Batman knows his true identity and has for a long time but hasn't revealed it. I REALLY like this change. First of all it never really made sense that Bruce never discovered who Joker was, it couldn't really make sense as is. Like he said, hes the BATMAN. Him not being able to find out always seemed like a cop-out. Furthermore it mskes Batman and Jokers dichotomy much more interesting. Both know who the other is, but neither will reveal it to further their own goals. I wouldve liked for Bats to reveal to Joker this but I could see there being ramifications for that. As for killing the other Jokers off, I'm neither here nor there. Its a little too convenient but they sell it well. And it makes sense. Bats was always everything to Joker. No one else ever mattered. But Joker wasn't everything to Batman... and now he will be. As for Jason and Babs.... eh. Its a little wierd to me. But I dont hate it. It just seems a little too ship baity for me. But J guess it could go somewhere if another writer decides to tackle it. Given what's happened to Babs in her own series maybe it can be pursued. Overall I enjoyed this series. It got hyped a little too much for its own good but it does a good job accomplishing what it set out to do. |
9.0 |
Birds of Prey (2023) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Birds of Prey (2023) #1
Sep 6, 2023 |
Excellent issue. Dialogue is on point. Art is phenomenal and action scenes are thrilling. I LOVE THIS ROSTER. Wierd folks are complaining about Harley being Harley lol. I forget sometimes that comic book readers, ironically tend to scoff at things like smiling, fun, or anything signifying joy in their comics. If you ask me that sentiment is a plague. You could've dropped this book in the 90s and it would probably work as well. Heck, in the 80s. Its solid. I hope we get some Hawkgirl. |
9.0 |
Birds of Prey (2023) #2
Oct 11, 2023 |
Im having a lot of fun with this book. I just love this art style and the presentation. The clever paneling, the cameos, and the consistent character work with surprisingly good humor are making this a standout. |
9.0 |
Birds of Prey (2023) #4
Dec 7, 2023 |
Friggin lived this. So much action in one issue. Art is amazing. |
8.5 |
Birds of Prey (2023) #11
Jul 9, 2024 |
Thompson continues to display her skill at including an action packed narrative that has room for quiet moments for the books characters to breathe and display their personality. It's something not a whole lot of team books will do well. May this run live long and prosper. |
9.5 |
Birds of Prey (2023) #12
Aug 13, 2024 |
Don't know why the low scores. This issue moved the story forward in a tangible way, has strong character interactions and i loved the changes in art style. This arc is turning out much better than expected and this series is one of DCs strongest currently. |
8.5 |
Black Manta (2021) | 4 issues |
10 |
Black Manta (2021) #1
Sep 8, 2021 |
So to start this off I'm dispelling some lies told about this book. Black manta is literlly still a villain in this. He isnt fighting oppression, He raids the ship because they stole an artifact from him. He leaves the hostages there to fend for themselves. The other three villains building wespons here are also black, as is the new enemy from the end of the issue. Our local misanthrope Merlyn literally just made up things to complain about in this review. Like this stuff is objectively false, but thats what happens when you skim a book and just look at the pretty without actually reading it. Its beyond obvious he has some issues when there's mostly black people in a mainline DC book which isn't connected to Milestone in any way(those books he conveniently avoids reading). Sad to see this sentiment in this day and age but no matter, we are here to stay in books and in real life. As for this book, its pretty good. The art is really nice, reminds me of David Aja. The narrative is mostly setup but we get an idea into Mantas mental state and hes concerned about his legacy and what he will be remembered by ss he faces his own mortality. Meanwhile new enemies appear with designs of their own to bring great chance and an ancient threat awakens. Mantas characterization is on point. Despite what Merlyn would have you believe, hes very much as ruthless and murderous as he should be, Klinger surrendered enemies and not open ot negotiation but willing to allow those who can benefit him to live. The story is a bit of a slow start but a good one still. Id give this an 8/10 but to counteract Merlyns fake news review I'll go ahead and give it a 10 score. |
8.5 |
Black Manta (2021) #2
Oct 28, 2021 |
Ok, now you have my attention! Very interested in seeing what happens after this villain reveal. Hes already very interesting. Mantas character continues to be on point. Art is a bit inconsistent but it still has a solid style. Theres a spread on here that is gorgeous to look at. Jury's still out on mantas sidekick. She's alright a guess, a little meh. |
7.5 |
Black Manta (2021) #3
Feb 28, 2022 |
Lots of stuff happens in this issue which is always good. Were finding out the connection between Devil Ray and Black Manta. The art leaves a bit to be desired. I like the art style quite a bit but it is less refined than I would like. |
8.0 |
Black Manta (2021) #4
Feb 28, 2022 |
The dialogue and story are still mostly on point, you can tell this is one of those slow reveal books. I just wish again that the art had more clarity and detail. Its not hard to see whats going on its just figures look stiff some times. The thick shadows and flat coloring work well and remind me of John Paul Leon but it could use some more detail in there in my opinion. |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2018) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Black Panther (2018) #17
Oct 31, 2019 |
Great art as always from Acuna, good Storm writing, awsome stuff all around. |
8.4 |
Black Panther (2021) | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2021) #2
Dec 28, 2021 |
Strong second issue. Good art and entertaining. Tchalla is written well, very cool in a way. |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2021) #5
Apr 14, 2022 |
This is a great setup. If Ridley can pull this type of arc off were in for a good one |
8.5 |
Black Panther (2021) #8
Aug 10, 2022 |
Pretty solid ending to the arc, with a very cool battle sequence. The art here is really nice and fluid, but I would've liked for more time spent on the battle. Still, its solid. |
8.0 |
Black Panther (2021) #11
Nov 3, 2022 |
Not bad. Interesting setup that needed another issue to ruminate before we got the reveal. But ill take it. |
8.9 |
Black Widow (2020) | 9 issues |
9.0 |
Black Widow (2020) #1
Sep 7, 2020 |
Strong start. My 9bly complaint was that I have to wait til next month to see more. |
9.0 |
Black Widow (2020) #4
Dec 5, 2020 |
After this issue, godspeed to Natasha's foes. They should be very afraid. |
9.5 |
Black Widow (2020) #5
Feb 18, 2021 |
This is a near perfect conclusion to the story arc and drives home just how formidable but also how vulnerable the Black Widow can be. Even when somd of the biggest emotional beats turn out to be red herrings it doesn't take away from the effect this story will have on Jay. The action sequences are fantastic once more with these artist bringing clarity, fluidity and intensity to the battle depicted. This book demands picking up if you aren't already on the train. These first 5 issues are a great read and this was a fantastic conclusion to the first arc. |
9.0 |
Black Widow (2020) #10
Aug 27, 2021 |
This is the type of creative team that puts together defining character runs, and they seem dead set on doing that for the Widow. Incredible art(theres a double page that is not to be missed here), a clear voice for the characters, strong team building and potential new heroes makes this an easy mist recommend. And get the entire rest of this series while you're at it. |
8.5 |
Black Widow (2020) #11
Sep 16, 2021 |
Another strong issue with some new new rogues for Nat. Putting Anya in this book was a great choice. |
8.0 |
Black Widow (2020) #12
Oct 28, 2021 |
For an issue that is mostly setting up a new arc, thus issue handles the task very well with well written dialogue and as always, insanely good art. I am very much looking forward to the next issue. If you aren't reading this series you are missing out on one of Marvel's best books running. |
9.0 |
Black Widow (2020) #13
Jan 6, 2022 |
This series has been among Marvel's best for some time now. This issue doesn't change that. It provides one of the best fight sequences you will find on a shelf from the last year or so. Black Widow vs a lone assassin, the Living Blade. Pulse pounding espionage and sword fighting against the backdrop of a neon city. From the top of buildings down to the back rooms of a nightclub. Its truly a sight to behold anda killer fried from start to finish. Widow as always is one of the most formidable fighters you will find at Marvel, her resolve and resourcefulness are unmatched here. We hear her strategies and we see her techniques and her priorities. The last of which may ultimately preserve her life. For a fill on flashback issue complete with her classic short hair and grey costume, this issue packs a punch not rarely seen today. Highly recommended. If you aren't following thi series you're missing out on some good stuff. |
9.5 |
Black Widow (2020) #14
Feb 23, 2022 |
How do they keep knocking it out of the park each and every month? It's starting to feel like we're entering a great age of marvel books firing on all cylinders with stuff like this. I eagerly await the next issue. |
9.0 |
Black Widow (2020) #15
Apr 6, 2022 |
Idk how. But I went into this issue not privy to the fact that it is the last issue of this run. When I got to the final page, I audibly decried the discovery. Not because this book or any of its previous issues did not satisfy me, but because that means for now I can no longer look forward to picking up this book off the shelf every month and let me tell you that SUCKS. This has been for the last 15 months one of the best books Marvel is currently publishing bar none. Its not always that every single facet of a creative team kills it in every regard but Thompson, Casagrande and grew did just that each and every time. I absolutely love what they did with Nat here, a character with surprisingly few iconic runs to her name for such a long running character. I've spoken my praises for this book on this site many a time. I've left many string reviews. So I'll be brief with this last one and say it does the rest of the series justice and keeps on point the strengths its had. However, it doesn't truly feel like an ending. That probably is just me being in denial, and expecting something grandiose, but this issue really does end in a way that reflects what it set out to do when you think about it. Nat has a close knit family now. People she can trust once again. She had an illusion of that, but she lost it, and has recovered. Much like her lost arm, I might add. The artwork was phenomenal as usual, and the fact that there are two artists on this issue astounds me because I can't determine where one ends and the other begins. The character beats are there. Theres plenty of threads left over for future stuff, but most loose ends are covered here. Was it rushed? Maybe a little? But its effective regardless. Gah, I'm just so upset. Loved this run. Until we meet again Black Widow. |
9.5 |
Blacksad | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Blacksad: They All Fall Down Part 1
Nov 15, 2023 |
Excellent. |
10 |
Captain America (2018) | 1 issues |
10 |
Captain America (2018) #750
Aug 6, 2023 |
This is a try great collection of cap stories and cap moments. Lots of focus on the characters heart and soul, villains take a backseat. Its a celebration. I enjoyed eveey story in this. |
8.7 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #0
Apr 20, 2022 |
This is exactly the kind of hokey, optimistic, bombastic and stylized story you'd expect from a book bearing Captain America's name. Its awesome. |
9.0 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #1
May 11, 2022 |
Very strong first issue with fantastic art. Its mostly setup but it has some really nice characterization for Cap. Wilson's voice is done well hear, hes "sounds" like I remember. The action scenes are glorious. Im interested to see where this goes. |
8.5 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #2
Jul 3, 2022 |
8.5 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #7
Jan 29, 2023 |
Really nice to see Nomad again and teaming up with Sam again after nearly 8 years. Action screens are solid too. |
8.5 |
Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #10
Feb 19, 2023 |
Im very much enjoying where this series has gone. Its exciting, feels fresh, relevant but also action packed and with great art and good Sam Wilson content. Feels right. Hoping Joaquin can be saved. |
8.5 |
Checkmate (2021) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Checkmate (2021) #1
Jun 27, 2021 |
Well this issue has proven controversial hasn't it? Seems its mostly about personal issues with the writer rather than the content of the book; which is pretty good overall. Its a slow burn but did anyone expect otherwise? As a detective story it has a good amount of mystery and intrigued to keep me interested. Solid first. |
9.0 |
Children of the Atom (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Children of the Atom (2021) #1
Mar 10, 2021 |
This was a strong first issue. Plenty to enjoy here. Fun action, good dialogue especially for the kids and a strong narrative. I like what I see. |
9.0 |
Clear (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Clear (2021) #1
Oct 13, 2021 |
Excellent first issue with unique ideas and excellent arc framing a classic neo noir backdrop. Thsres a lot to like here and I think its only going to get better |
9.0 |
Conan The Barbarian (2023) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Conan The Barbarian (2023) #4
Nov 25, 2023 |
Im pretty fresh on conan, I read a few of his adventures with tie ins to the marvel stuff but this is my first real venture into his solo stories and this arc was pretty great to me. Classic style, filled with epic prose and absolutely gorgeous brushwork from Rob de la Torre. Zub has proven himself to be a passionate writer of Conan, and he does research on the character to draw stories from. This plays put like an old fable which is very cool. |
8.5 |
Crossover (2020) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Crossover (2020) #1
Nov 4, 2020 |
A solid start with a lot of promise. We'll see where it goes. |
8.5 |
Crossover (2020) #3
Jan 6, 2021 |
After this issue, I can safely say that Donny Cates is a madman. And thats a good thing. |
8.5 |
Cyborg (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Cyborg (2023) #2
Jun 22, 2023 |
2 issues in, this book is already underrated. Theres some solid stuff here and the writer does a good job covering multiple bases in his narrative. The realistic livestream chat is pretty entertaining. The art is really good. Theres a lot of introspection from Cy, and it feels fresh. What they've done with his father is interesting. I wanna see where this one goes. |
9.8 |
Daredevil (2019) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Daredevil (2019) #10
Nov 14, 2021 |
Im late af but catching up. This run and this issue are amazing |
10 |
Daredevil (2019) #20
Feb 11, 2022 |
Im late af reading the trades for this. Good lord man. The Devil roams the streets once more. |
9.3 |
Daredevil (2022) | 11 issues |
9.5 |
Daredevil (2022) #1
Jul 13, 2022 |
Its good to be back. Chip and Chechetto didn't miss a beat. The Elektra artist killed it too. I love every page of it. |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2022) #2
Aug 19, 2022 |
Some absolutely gorgeous large scale art, and a new threat that is unlike what we've seen Daredevil face in a long time makes this well worth the buy. As usual, a lot of people are jumping the gun on a certain revelation in this issue, without much rational thinking or balance. This is the beginning of a story, and Zdarsky has more than proven himself able to tell good ones. |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2022) #4
Oct 13, 2022 |
This series is still in its setup phase for the new arc but what we are getting si some awesome setup with fantastic art. Theres a fill in for this issue, and he works spectacularly. The script is ever on point with Matt Murdocks conflicted love and daunting stakes ahead. I just hope the actual threat looming towards them is worth all this. |
9.5 |
Daredevil (2022) #5
Dec 5, 2022 |
Pure Daredevil bad@$$ery. |
8.5 |
Daredevil (2022) #6
Dec 8, 2022 |
This issue begins with a dialogue about the morality of the prison system and how matt arrogantly is trying to prove he knows better than it. It ends with Elektra discovering that Joe Biden is a clone created by the hand that then suicides out of the white house and disintegrates into dust. If that isn't enough to make you want to buy this series then I dont know what is. |
9.5 |
Daredevil (2022) #7
Jan 14, 2023 |
We get a cape book that actually has a hero trying to make a real tangible difference instead of putting people in jail over and over complete with page time exploring the nuances of the situation and displaying the impossible choices that have to be made as well as his inner conflict, and people give this a low score? They are LITERALLY displaying how Matt is working to change one of the biggest arguments that Frank has against him. Which is leading into their clash. Open your eyes folks! The books incredible. The wait is agonizing for the next issue. |
8.5 |
Daredevil (2022) #8
Feb 13, 2023 |
This issue has a LOT of action. Jrs pretty much all action. Thankfully, that action is good. This is nothing like a traditional Daredevil story but the dialogue of keeps it grounded in familiarity. Not as strong as the last couple of issues. But still rock solid. |
10 |
Daredevil (2022) #9
Mar 30, 2023 |
Friggin ten out of ten. They manage to up the stakes and ante every time. I dont know how Matt makes it out of this. |
10 |
Daredevil (2022) #12
Jun 15, 2023 |
Perfection in comic book form. This is why we read. This is what I'm here for and why I'll never leave. I really wish I could say more to explain this feeling but I can't. This is cinema. This is art. Its beautiful. You see all those tens? They're legit. They are real. When I started reading Zdarsky daredevil it was my first real run on the character. And yet.... I feel like I've been here for ages. Everything, his past present and future all comes to this. If you've ever been a daredevil fan... even if you've not even started this run. Do it. From the beginning. Its worth it. And see me back here. |
8.5 |
Daredevil (2022) #13
Jul 6, 2023 |
Series continues to be excellent. The art is flawless. Just insane. The narrative is quite fantastical for this character but its also stuff he's done before. I'm really not sure where it goes from here; but im along for the ride. |
10 |
Daredevil (2022) #14
Aug 17, 2023 |
To be completely up front this is the first DD run I've truly followed. And now having finished the final issue, it wont be my last. Not even close. In fact, I'm probably in for the foreseeable future on this character. I love him more now, who he is and what he represents. And he's had no shortage of brilliant stories, acclaimed works. But honestly if you made this the final appearance of DD, or decided that this would be the end of Matt Murdocks story, I wouldn't even hate it. Its a substantiative, herculean task to end a story, let alone do it with a character you know will return again, and let alone to do it with a chapter that doesnt even feature the main character in costume. To do something like that you have to have a depthful understanding not only of what you've put the character through, but how hes affected all the other characters he has come across. This issue proves that Zdarsky does, and that we never had anything to worry about. In some ways hes known exactly where this was going to go. And he couldn't have had better copilots on this thing. Marco chechetto.. is an absolute beast. I cant put into words how unique of a mark hes left on this world and this character is but when I think of DD now, I'm thinking of his work. When I think of Elektra, I'm thinking of Chechettos depiction, flowing with luscious black curled hair. When I think of Hells kitchen I'm thinking of how it's drawn in this book. It is a flawless marriage of artistic style and character theme. This issue closes out on this story in a beautiful, epic way. Its quiet, but im many ways profound. It approaches the heroes faith with respect, and empathy and understanding. It refrains from declarations on the validity of Catholicism, and yet... not being a Catholic myself, it brings one to understanding of what it means in a sort of way. It depicts a character thinking on their own faith, without having them convert in specific. It ends with, maybe a quintessential sequence for this character, one you could show anyone and they'd unxeratsnd them a bit more. I really cant give any flaws for this book. Maybe they could've shown Spidey one more time. Thats it. The ending is slightly ambiguous but a part of me feels like this is the perfect way to end it. Like.. the answers have already been given. The story has been told. Onto the next life, indeed. Thank you, Mr. ZDARSKY, Mr. CHECHETTO, and all other collaborators. Wilson, Tedesco, Hawthorne... You're all legends and you've written for Daredevil quite a biblical tale. |
9.3 |
Daredevil (2023) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Daredevil (2023) #1
Sep 15, 2023 |
This is a solid start with great art and an intriguing premise. Im not one for theories so I won't say much more. But this is looking good. |
9.5 |
Daredevil (2023) #2
Oct 29, 2023 |
"Someone is trying to destroy the godly work we do here. It makes me angry. And when I get angry.... I let out the devil." |
10 |
Dark Ages (2021) | 1 issues |
10 |
Dark Ages (2021) #1
Sep 1, 2021 |
THATS how you kick off a new story. This was pure awesomeness and it shows how even the most die hard Tom Taylor haters can't rag on this too much. Its just straight up an awesome epic scaled introduction to a new type of MU. If the writing quality stays like this, we could be seeing our next House of M or Age of Apocalypse type story in the making! |
8.5 |
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #3
Aug 14, 2022 |
While this event hasn't been as good as AXE, there's still a ton of potential and I'm really liking the consistency. It moves st a brisk pace but still feels genuine. The characters all sound right. The artwork is gorgeous. The final splash of this bodes for some exciting things. I'm looking forward to the next issue. |
8.0 |
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #6
Nov 12, 2022 |
Its got really great moments. The final splash page is pretty lame though. |
8.5 |
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #7
Dec 22, 2022 |
Its good, unfortunately not as great as I'd like. I dont know... something feels missing about this event. I definitely liked it, the artwork was absolutely phoenomenal. Maybe its because I didnt get into too many of the tie ins. I cant complain much because theres a lot to like here. The character moments are great. Black Adams growth as a character actually feels earned. Pariah being tossed aside for Deathstroke makes me wonder why he wasnt the big bad the whole time. Hes way better, and gets some cool moments. The issue has so much going on that nothing is really able to be focused on for two long which is unfortunate. I wouldve liked a longer fight between him and Grayson for example. Grayson gets a lot of good, and we are able to see what truly makes him a great hero which is going to please many fans. IDK. I almost wish we got another issue or so to really make that final fight ore impactful but that mightve been too much. Still worth picking up though. Art alone achieves that. |
9.0 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal #1
Jun 17, 2020 |
Rock solid beginning. Lots of questions but what we have here is great stuff. Characterization is good. Some great moments. Awesome artwork. I cant wait to see where this goes. |
9.0 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
Jan 6, 2021 |
It was a very interesting ending. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And the art was gorgeous. So I guess throwing continuity out of the window now opens a lot more possibilities. Interested to see if they make good use of that creative freedom |
9.3 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal One Shot | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1
Sep 24, 2020 |
Im not as bug a Wally fan as some others.... Ive always liked Barry and Wally in mostly equal measure. Mostly. But this?? How can you not b a Wally fan after this! Absolutely awesome issue here. Pure comic goodness. Highly recommended |
9.0 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1
Oct 2, 2020 |
Absolutely awesome. Issues like this really make the case for event comics. Even with dire stakes and wanton death and destruction, a comic can still be an absolute blast to read. Tynion 4 does a great job connecting the dots on all of this and explaining whats actually happening in a way that ties in every corner the DC Multiverse history. I love our prime guys but its so great to see some of the other heroes all come together to save many worlds, not just one. The issue never stops to rest, ever, its constantly moving and hopping our perspective to other worlds and fights. Handed the gargantuan task of rendering all the insanity is Juan Gedeon, whose art grabbed by attention the moment i first encountered his work in Venom. He and colorist Mike Spicer absolutely kill it here, rendering superheroes that feel at one's hypermasculine and also real. Notice how he renders wrinkles on suits while still popping veins out and widening eyes when the scene calls for extra intensity. They really keep your attention locked at all times in this manner. This issue features a lot of alt universe characters we rarely see but should see more. Captain Carrot, an obscure but beloved hero from Earth 26, makes quite a mark here and probably should get his own book after this. Green Lanterns make a strong showing in this tie in as well, you'll get to see all your favorites. Seeing as they are all fighting different variations of Batman you could read this issue has the rest of the DC characters fighting for their place among the pantheon amidst the deluge of Batman heroes and villains, and the issue works in a very meta fashion in this way. Honestly its not perfect but most of its flaws relate to the event itself, not this tie in. This is an epic comic book battle spanning time and space, just like the good old days, and it should be appreciated as such. Just make sure to not take it too seriously and have fun. |
9.5 |
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1
Dec 9, 2020 |
Wow. That was something. If we get stuff like this DC needs to end their Multiverse ever year lol Everyone's gonna have a favorite moment from this. For me, its the hat tip. You'll know it when you see it. Stop reading this and buy this book. |
8.4 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) | 7 issues |
9.0 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #1
Jan 28, 2023 |
Im giving it a really high score because this is pretty much everything you could ask for in a DW comic. Having seen most of the original series later on in life than childhood, I still am a big fan of the character and his world. The cover was pretty awesome but I wasnt sure how the very 90s series would fit into the modern world, and I wasn't sure if the art would match the zany style of the original while feeling fresh. Thankfully my concerns were alayed within the first few pages. Basically what you are getting here is a new season of Darkwing Duck, the first new epsioxe of rhe original series in quite some time with the small caveat that there are some modern references... being that characters have cell phones now. Lol. The script does a great job keeping the characters voices consistent. You can hear Jim Cummings and Christine Cavanaugh reading these lines in their roles no problem. Thats no small feat and credit to the writer for achieving this. The art is pretty awesome, it matches the style of the original series quite well both in linear and colors, the Gothic blues and purples of St. Canard are all still here. The background characters are drawn more deliberately than you'd see in the original and mimick human clothes and hairstyles a bit more. Its different for sure but you'll get used to it. Theres a few nice nods to DWs continued canon including more modern stuff without giving anything away. Oh, and there's some solid laughs too especially if you are familiar with these characters. Good read. Buy a copy. Buy your kid a copy. Tell your kid to tell his kid friends to get one. I want more Darkwing. |
8.5 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #2
Feb 28, 2023 |
Another solid issue. This one confirms were in a different continuity, but that continuity is pretty much identical to the original. The art style matches really well with the aesthetic of the show and all the characters voices are on point. Keep this up |
8.5 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #3
Mar 22, 2023 |
Quite enjoyed this one, setting up a continuation in the next issue which is a first for this series. Art remains on point, Lauro is VERY good at evoking the look of the original series and staying on model whilst pulling off fun poses and great expressions for Darkw-- uh, Drake. This issue is mostly setup(think of it as the first half of an episode of the show) but its still got plenty of fun character moments. Drakes main squeeze Morg returns here, and its pretty much like she never left. This writer really has these characters voices down, you can read them in their voices from the show and it sounds and feels right. The villain being setup is Bushroot here, one of the more infamous of his villains, but he doesn't *actually* appear in the issue. Normally ths would bother me but since there's a continuation of that story arc I'll allow it. I've been keeping up with the IG series references and tidbits, and while last issue basically confirmed this is a virtually identical universe to the original except it takes place in modern times, this issue makes specific reference to a few notable episodes of the original including Drake owning a painted portrait of his own authoritarian alt universe counterpart... which has humorous implications of you actually think about that. This issue also does something rare for any cartoon character and "ages" DW with an actual number, with him stating that he's 35... ish. I always figured he was a bit older than most superhero main chapters with his attire and general mannerisms, so that about lines up. Just an interesting choice to give an actual number. Oh and one more thing... this series actually features a character from the 2017 reboot tv show of Ducktales, Mayor Owlson, whos been transplanted into the world of classic DW. Pretty interesting right? That character didn't exist in the original of either series but she fits in here, there a very enjoyable reference to another famous caped crusader in this issue involving her. I always enjoy this series, it's very fun and plays close homage to the original series, give it a go if you liked the cartoon. |
8.0 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #4
Apr 23, 2023 |
Fun finish to this first "arc". Its got some clever action bits as DW fights Bushroot. Their battle is a little brief but it makes for a pretty neat display of DWs more intelligent side. This run seems to really be emphasizing his skills as an inventor and machinist which is something not even the old cartoon would always highlight, I think thats neat. As the issue starts hes still "retired" and he does pretty quickly come around to decided he should probably stay DW, its a bit rushed but I forgive it because (a) it has a very funny classic Drake ego moment and (b) the splash page of him donning the suit again is A W E S O M E. Carlo Lauro really is killing it on the art on this book, he frames panels well and he draws all the characters exceedingly close to joe they should look. His more toony expressions are also brilliant. Amanda Diebert continues to keep thinks brisk and fresh here, there's more emphasis on character interactions than an ongoing narrative, but iteorks because she writes these characters well, Morgana especially. She seems to really enjoy Morg and her dynamic with DW, you can literally hear Morgan's voice from the original saying these lines and it doesn't skip a beat. Its a shame shell be taking a break from the main cast but I get it. Not a ton of lore or toon references I picked up here, besides more mentions of Morgs extended family and Bushroot very nearly mentioning F.O.W.L. (or at least I think thats where they were going with that). However there is some great batman references to be found here. I continue to enjoy thus series and hope for its success. Its very charming and has some surprisingly good laughs, much like the original. |
8.5 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #5
Jun 29, 2023 |
Really cool stuff here. I'll be rhe first to say I'm not that familiar with Norwood, given his origin in the Ducktales series as opposed to the Darkwing show, but his plot is pretty clever here and I loved seeing Liquidator again. A wholesome ending sets it up for the next issue as well. |
8.0 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #6
Jun 29, 2023 |
Holy fanservice Batm-- I mean DW! This issue rounds out the first 6 issues of this series and it at least, from my uninformed eyes seems to be growing strong with more issues slated to release and a Negaduck solo spinoff(WHA???) So with that being said, this is the issue that rounds out the "collection" for trade, and as such it kinda needed a definitive ending. Well, the writer Amanda Diebert decided to give us that and a whole lot more. What starts off as a simple continuation from the last issue turns into a team up battle vs good and evil, which will bring much joy to any longtime fan of the franchise. Not gonna spoil it but if you've seen the B cover you kinda get an idea what your getting into. So yea this issue is PACKED with action and dialogue, probably the most content we've gotten from an issue yet... and yet, maybe it's a little... too packed? There's legitimately some great surprise moments here, but I have to thing the format and the forced ending of this "arc" at issue 6 caused this to be a but stuffed. It feels like the final act of a superhero movie, in a good way, but also in a not as good way. That said going through the past issues and realizing DW has already faced most of his main villains leading up to this, it makes sense where they went here. And in addition, the art remains incredibly great, and I also wanna note that artist Carlo Lauro is getting into his groove and feeling more confident to put his own stylistic spins on the characters. No longer just aping cartoon models, we have him truly making the characters his own and in a good way, it feels fluid, it has personality and its great to look at. Hes also playing with panels in fun and subtle ways. Some purists may not like this artistic direction but I think there's still plenty to love about this artwork and I hope it continues. Overall, it's not the strongest issue of this run, but its consistent and there is a LOT to like here snd based on solicits werr going to be in for more fun in the next few issues. |
8.5 |
Darkwing Duck (2023) #7
Aug 5, 2023 |
With this second arc we have what seems to be story centered around the Justice Ducks, the infamous "team" that had one memorable double episode in the original cartoon... and then wasn't seen again together in that show. The potential was always there, and it seems that these next few issues will focus more intricately on their makeup and status as a team, while introducing a shadowy new figure with some conmrction to launchpad. All of this is welcome, and the first half of this issue is a rather humorous humiliation of Drakes ego, but its capped off with him clashing yet again with Neptunia. She's an underrated character from the original series, and I appreciate that the writer understood her dynamic with Drake, being almost like a female counterpart with her own self righteous ego and need to do everything by herself causing obvious conflict with Drakes equal disposition. This is very much what happened when they first met, and that play is still fun to watch. I noted in the last issue how the art has become much more fluid, and your mileage will very, but I can appreciate that Lauro is no longer simply trying to slavishly copy the original show models. Looking forward to seeing Drake matched against Gizmoduck yet again. |
8.2 |
Dead Romans (2023) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Dead Romans (2023) #1
Mar 23, 2023 |
Interesting script but a short read. A little too short. However the art alone makes this worth a buy. Its absolutely brilliant. |
8.0 |
Dead Romans (2023) #2
Apr 30, 2023 |
I enjoyed this. The writer is taking an approach where you are funneled into the story with little prep and have to figure your way around things. Demands multiple reads and close examination of the amazing art. Which does a lot to carry the book ill admit. Still, this is worth picking up. |
8.0 |
Dead Romans (2023) #3
Jul 19, 2023 |
Disagree with the negative reviews tho I understand them. I find this series quite unique and mysterious... its lack of explicit exposition leaves us to derive the story from the dialogue. The art is gorgeous. |
9.0 |
Deep Cuts (2023) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Deep Cuts (2023) #1
Jun 2, 2023 |
This book is a depthful read, that aims to tell a relatable coming of age story in a by gone era... a genre everyone knows and revers today, but from the perspective of the smaller eras of the past and the people who helped define it and make it what it is today. It rains the name Deep Cuts. And it also earns the praise it has recieved. Just read it. And the next issue. You won't regret it. If you want something different than cape books, this is right up your alley. |
9.0 |
Deep Cuts (2023) #2
Jun 2, 2023 |
This story felt so grounded. Painterly in style but also cinematic. Musicians will absolutely love this. I'm not one but I wish I was. I'll have to try and listen to the sheet music given at the end. The ending is kinds brutal but frank. A kind of twisting of fates but a harrowing reminder of what so often happens to artists. Theres a silver lining, but it has to be imagined more than seen. You won't get a comic that looks like this. Its a very unique style brought by the combined efforts of artist Helena Masellis, making a rare but welcomed appearance on interiors, and the colorist Igor Monti. Their two artistic choices combine to make a truly unique looking book that is both bursting with life but restrained and vignette like. This and the prior issue are well worth a read. |
9.0 |
Demon Days (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Demon Days (2021): Rising Storm #1
Jan 30, 2022 |
Peach Momoko continues her stint on easily the most inventive unique and inspired book coming out of the big two right now. The manga influence snd reference to Asian folklore and religion are unlike anything else from Marvel, and it astounds me with joy they gave something like this the time of day. Im really hoping we can see more things like this, this feels like an indie take on Marvel. The usage of "Thor" and "Storm" are fitting for their roles in the story, but the real selling point is the art. Momoko is an absolute master at her manga influence watercolor painted pages, and it is clear with this series she can sell an action scene like the best of them but with a nice twist of style no other comic artist this side of the states is putting out. Excellent work, pick it up and enjoy the ride. |
9.3 |
Detective Comics (2016) | 16 issues |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1062
Jul 27, 2022 |
This issue is very, very strong. I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. Ram V is a great writer and Rafael Alberquerque is an excellent artist it just looked like one of those great. I've never actually followed the Detective Comics side of things, so this was a first foray into it, as opposed to the main Bat book. While the issue is a lot of setup, thankfully, it's presented beautifully and well told and lived up to my expectations. The presentation and cover alone is worth a high score but the actual book is solid too. The issue begins with a scene from a theatrical play, almost as if it's setting the stage. Rafael renders the gloomy streets of Gotham with expertise at crafting Gothic visuals, and all the figure work and action panels are great. The story is interesting as well, with Bruce finding himself slipping in his precision skill while facing an unknown enemy and encountering an old flame. It seems like Bruce is going to have a hard battle before him. He sounds good in this issue, I mean he should at this point, they are running like 6 books with him. Theres some nice dialogue between him and one of his wards. The new villains seem very different than what were used to, not the usual Asylum regular or insane Gothamite, we have an ancient cult like family that seeks to transform the city in some way. While its early to tell exactly what their plan is, what we do see of them is pretty interesting, visually at the least. In the final parts of the issue, we see what is haunting Bruce, and its a name I've not heard in a while, but anyone who read Death Metal will know it. I'm interesting to see where they go with this. But thats not all! There's a backup story, and it's an aging Jim Gordon in a noir murder mystery, classic style. This was almost as good as the main story, the dialogue and prose was fantastic and reminded me of Blacksad. Aka right up my alley. Im also happy to see they are actually aging these characters and we may finally, finally be able to move toward a permanent replacement one day. At least, if DC has the balls to do it. But the art here is done by Dani, and she's become one of my favorites, especially rendering the world of Gotham. Her colorist here does some very interesting things with her usual suggestive and minimal linework and thick shadows, but it works man. The scenes look dimly lit, eerie. Im very interested to see how this wraps up over the next couple issues. Overall, I'm gonna go ahead and give this a perfect score. The issue makes a big splash and in a time where there are way too many Bat books, manages to stand out. I am Batman may have some real competition now. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1063
Aug 30, 2022 |
I absolutely love the atmosphere of this story. This is a Gothic, slightly supernatural noir tale which is something we've seen Batman in but no nearly as often. The shadows are think, dialogue borders on theatrical, and the people are viscerally depicted, either frail, spindly or with mounds of muscle and flesh wanting to burst out of the clothes. The artist, a known legend, makes Gotham feel not like a city in New Jersey but a pocket dimension, a dark nightmare world with no equivalent anywhere else. To me, thats how Gotham should look. The story is macabre and mysterious, we still only have inkling of what's going on but with the presentation you csnt help but be captivated anyway. Excellent stuff overall. The backup is also great, Dani brings her unique style which fights very well with the presentation of Gotham this book is offering, and we see into Gordon's psyche as he invedtigsted yet another case of corruption. Fantastic read, fantastic buy. 9.5/10 |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1067
Jan 26, 2023 |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1068
Jan 26, 2023 |
Yea this is fantastic. Amazing two face stuff, great art, a brutal and fantastic looking battle... this whole story is so inventive and the mood and tone is just.. perfect Gotham nocturne. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1075
Oct 29, 2023 |
What are these critics smoking? This run has been phenomenal and this issue sets the stage in an entirely unexpected way. Making the cop the point of view character, and how it turns out for him is a shocking twist. The backup issue is beautifully made. This series takes its time but if you look closely at what's going on theres something magical here. |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1076
Nov 2, 2023 |
This issue was a masterpiece. For 7 bucks you get FOUR stories and all of them are great. Jason Shawn Alexander art is incredible. Let's hope he sticks around for a bit. The Question being back is always a joy. Love the arc that Renee has had over multiple books the last couple of years. The Liam sharp story is a brilliant tribute to Sienkewicz moon knight and teases some very very cool things to come. And yet another return of a long not seen character I was NOT expecting. I didnt want this to end. Truly. |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1077
Nov 15, 2023 |
This issue is simultaneously setting up a big finale and also building on plot threads that have been laid out for the last year or so. Its really cool stuff, and I'm enjoying the character interactions.. Selena is getting a strong showing here getting to be the protagonist of the book, while Bruce's presence looms over. The back up story in this one is pretty nice, and delves into Chesires complicated history with her daughter. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1078
Dec 6, 2023 |
This series has become unmissable with the addition of Alexander's artwork. The brilliance of the Gothic tone is fully realized, and the script supports it in full. This is an action oriented issue and JSA proves he can do that just as well as he can paint moody shadows and mysterious buildings. The backup story features a character i dont know well because I dont read catwoman, but its a pretty neat story with an interesting moral declaration for its protagonist. A bang for your buck each issue. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1079
Dec 16, 2023 |
The way everything comes together here is a real treat. You can see all the story threads being built even from the side stories all come together. This is why I tell people to let Ram V cook and be patient with it. He knows exactly what he is doing. And thats writing a good comic. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1080
Jan 9, 2024 |
This ends Jason Shawn Alexander's tenure on the book, and sets us on a new path for the dark knight. Well over a year and a half into this story ram V can still pull out stops and surprise you. This run is fantastic and has been the best book DC is putting out consistently since human target ended. This Gotham nocturne arc is going to be legendary in the discussion of the best batman stories ever told if it continues on this path. And I mean that truthfully. This is as much a conclusion to the "intermission" as it is the setup for whats to come. And it seems this book is going to live up to its name in spades. Even the backup is excellent. Probably one of the better Damian stories I've read in years. For a character who hasn't been a big presence in this run, barely a presence at all, its very welcome and I have to presume we will see the Robin meeting his mother once again. |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1081
Jan 30, 2024 |
These reviews are baffling. This book, this series, this story... its excellent. It has everything, and it delivers every issue. This long, ling arc has taken us from the underbelly of Gotham now to a mystical desert where batman must free his mind. Its epic cinematic stuff, and firs so perfectly either the character even still. We are still getting story beats from the very first issues of this run. This story is going to go down as one of the best batman stories ever when its done. The omnibus collection will be magnificent. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1082
Feb 27, 2024 |
Running out of praises for this run, but Ram V adding some amazing Cass writing is just another notch on his belt. Also, this current backup story is maybe my favorite they've done so far. you can go in not knowing anything about Dr. Hurt and come out realizing just how diabolical he is. The framing of it and the execution is all on point. This run is immaculate. |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1083
Mar 27, 2024 |
"I am BATMAN. I will stand again". The chills. This run is everything a modern batman story should be. Detailed. Depthful. Dark. Ambitious, defiant. But understanding and intelligent. This is going to be a legendary run for the character. I mean that. This is a classic in the making and you need to be there to see the last ride and the curtains close on this Gotham Nocturne play. Even the backups are phenomenal. The Question side story being the best pitch for a new question book in ages. So so good. |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1087
Aug 13, 2024 |
We see all the cards Ram V has spend 2 years setting up beginning to fall into place. This is a transitional issue but it does so well. I really enjoyed the backup as well. A strong take and development on Azrael. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1088
Aug 29, 2024 |
We reach the penultimate issue of this 2 year long, sprawling story arc. This issue aims to set up the finale and resolve what can be resolved. Ram V has managed to use over a dozen players over the course of thus story from across Batamns gallery of rogues and allies and has managed to do so effectively for all of them(and he used Joker very, very sparingly too!) Which is no small feat. As an issue, it boasts phenomenal art by Gulliem March which is no surprise. I cannot get over how epic he makes Batman look, but he had a lot to do here and a lot of characters to render and nailed it. Batmans voice sounds great here, as he is reknewed with the shadows of Gotham by his side as he faces the evil hiding in the light. All I can hope is that the finale lives up to the story that has been excellent since day 1. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1089
Sep 26, 2024 |
This finale puts to go for a poetic and artistic one rather than one of bombastic action sequence. This decision proves to be the right one. Ram V and Dan Watters manage to close out every relevant plot thread(although one does get left hanging its handled well enough) and end on a note that provides a final word to the thesis presented at the outside. That alone is worthy of praise. Further praise should go to the fact that, this story provides what feels like real character development for Bruce, an acceptance of something that has been a part of him from the beginning, and a willingness to utilize it to his advantage if he has to. His relationship and his love for the character and soul of Gotham defines why he does what he does. And it garners both respect and fear in equal measure. His protégés appear in sight 8nly but their presence is felt. Mr Freeze gets a very interesting development that hints towards a shift toward the good. All of it is steung together artfully well. In this sprawling narrative that has lasted the better part of two years, we've seen batman pushed to his very limits of his psyche and come back stronger. Its been a pleasure reading. Also, this needs no declaration but the art by Guillem March is beautiful and he continues to stake his claim as one of the best to ever draw the Bat. 9.5 for this issue and the entire gotham nocturne. This is a modern classic Batman story. This can be someone's first Batman story or someone's last, and that makes it a winner. |
9.5 |
Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon (2025) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon (2025) #1
Jan 22, 2025 |
Obviously as a humongous Rocket fan I was gonna get this anyway, but I wasn't expected such an issue of epic cosmic scale. It manages to blend humor, pathos and adventure and to be incredibly engaging without even containing much of a fight scene. It builds upon an unlikely formation of Kindred spirits.. from when Rocket and Doom switched bodies, and gained understanding of each other that may be singular. Their dynamic here is surprisingly lively and given the comic book level abstractness of their shared goal here it would be easy for this issue to narratively implode in itself. But it doesn't. Id say the way it ends is pretty interesting, with room for some interpretations, but it speaks to why Doom is one of the very best of Marvels characters... and why Rocket is the perfect companion for this journey into his own soul. Its a little indulgent and typically praiseworthy of Doom, but I think it earns it. JMS killed it basically. High marks. And Will Robson had a gargantuan task with this issue and delivered too. Not everyone will appreciate his style, but I do. Hes able to capture expressive essentials and tone in ways that make the script sing. Pick this one up. We meed more Rocket books. |
10 |
Duke (2023) | 1 issues |
10 |
Duke (2023) #1
Jan 9, 2024 |
This book had high expectations. It met them. Yo Joe. |
8.0 |
Duo (2022) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Duo (2022) #1
May 19, 2022 |
Pretty cool premise. Interested to see how this turns out. I really dig the art |
9.3 |
Eternals (2021) | 10 issues |
9.0 |
Eternals (2021) #1
Jan 6, 2021 |
This is a strong first issue. I'm somebody not very familiar with these guys at all, but you dont have to be to appreciate this. They do a good job setting up the basics of this concept snd how it works for these beings. One thing they do very well is establish personality and character. Ikaris is written in a way where is personal is well defined, as is Sprite. The art is absolutely gorgeous. Ive been a fan of Ribics for a while and he does a great job here. A lot of people feel like his faces are off but I like the way he does them, it adds a lot of verisimilitude to the works and is something many veteran artists struggle with. Theres a big stinger at the end of the issue, but thanks to COVID-19 delays this was spoiled by solicits. I won't list it here but its an interesting reveal and I'm excited to see where it goes. Strong recommend on this one. |
9.5 |
Eternals (2021) #2
Feb 10, 2021 |
Wow, this was a great read. Gillen is really showing his writing prowess here as he does unconventional things and still weaves a strong narrative. Not every writer can pause the main story, tell a smaller story about one of the characters and return to the main story without missing a beat and still keep both stories interesting and compelling. In fact this mini tale inside of the book is probably its strongest portion, if not the excellent action scene at the beginning. As for the art, I mean I can't really praise Ribic more than everyone else already has. The guy is brilliant and the look and style he employeees works wonders in this series. This is an easy recommend, I'm feeling good about it so it gets a 9.5 from me. |
9.0 |
Eternals (2021) #3
Mar 11, 2021 |
This series is only 3 issues in snd is some of the best stuff Marvel is putting out right now. The character writing AND story writing is on point every page, Gillen is showing em how its done. Suprr consistent, no filler. We've managed to establish clearly, several characters, their relationships and their personal dispositions and expertly weave it into an ongoing narrative while including secondary stories that add palpable depth to each one. This issue focuses on Thena and keep in mind I dont have some vast Eternals knowledge but I can confidently say I know her character well after reading this. Its great and perfect for reestablishing a brand often overlooked, but even beyond that it's just good storytelling. I could sing Esad Ribics praises for a long, long time but I'll grace this page as he does by just saying he continues to be on a league entirely his own with the sequential art. The faces full of expression, the realistic lighting, even the natural posing of figures, its all there. The book is gorgeous to look at, plain and simple. If you aren't reading Eternals right now you are doing yourself a great disservice. |
9.5 |
Eternals (2021) #5
Jun 30, 2021 |
Eternals remains one of the best books marvel is putting out. When people say modern comics are bad, ask them if they've read this. Then tell them to read this and come back to you. Once again, gorgeous art, brilliant writing(even the expository narrator comes as his own witty character), inventive humor and an epic sense to every panel in the best way. Pick this up. If you haven't read the previous issues, pick those up too. |
9.5 |
Eternals (2021) #6
Aug 5, 2021 |
A d we have the ending of our first arc, with a dastardly reveal about our heros and how exactly, "Eternal", they are. This means big things for the team and how they will operate moving forward. And with Thanos now back, this revelation could not have come at a worse time. This series continues to gave brilliant writing, character work and absolutely astounding art. Esad Ribic is in a class all his own, few artists caoture the same essence or feel he does in the modern age. |
9.5 |
Eternals (2021) #7
Nov 11, 2021 |
This is STILL the best series Marvel is putting out right now. Maybe some things happening outside the comics industry can help more people to realize that? I dunno, maybe a movie or something? |
9.0 |
Eternals (2021) #8
Dec 16, 2021 |
This new arc continues and this remains the best book marvel is putting out. Gillian has this world and these characters down to a science. Hes don't a great job of introducing characters, concepts and motivations in expedience and without bogging down the actual content. The book is very loaded with story on multiple fronts and manages to take all of its cast in smart directions while still carrying the looming threat. Thanos as a character is interesting because for some he will never be as good as he was when he debuted, and he truly is for all intents and purposes a pretty straightforward character, so its easy to both not to his threat justice and also to overcomplicate him to where he loses what made him iconic in the first place. This is especially a risk when he is a pretty consistent presence in your book. Gillen manages to balance this well, where Thanos achieves almost comical levels of villainy and wanton violence but still is taken seriously by both the story and characters. Hes also given a concrete goal, rather than just "kill things". Can't say anything more about ribics art, praise wise. There will be some who don't like his detailed, organic looking faces that don't always look like supermodels, but I appreciate it. It adds a lot to the feel of the book and the figure work with it is of course inimitable. Yet another issue well worth your money and time. |
9.5 |
Eternals (2021) #9
Jan 19, 2022 |
This issue has love, war, philosophy, emotion, hope, despair, and comedy within 22 pages. It explains to you, the reader, why the art style changes, by means of its narrator attempting to soften the visual impact of the horrific occurence within. Masterwork, as this entire series has been. |
8.5 |
Eternals (2021) #10
Mar 23, 2022 |
This is a series that understands all of its characters extremely well. This one's a little heavy on the narration but it sells it. Seeing Esad Ribic draw a Winnie the Pooh knockoff is worth the price of admission alone |
9.5 |
Eternals (2021) #12
May 18, 2022 |
I really wish this series could go on normally. Its the best series marvel has out out in some time. |
8.0 |
Eternals (2021) One Shot | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Eternals (2021): Celestia #1
Nov 8, 2021 |
Very intriguing start with a great artist |
8.5 |
Event Leviathan | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Event Leviathan #4
Sep 11, 2019 |
I liked it. Its an interesting book. This reminds me a lot of the infamous Iron Man run where its slow but intriguing. He said we could figure out the culprit, and honestly my guess is Roy Harper. But we'll see. |
8.5 |
Extreme Carnage (2021) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Extreme Carnage (2021): Omega #1
Mar 17, 2022 |
I finished this late but I thought it was a much better story than I expected it to be overall. I enjoyed seeing all the symbiote dish out some carnage throughout the event and set up future storylines. |
10 |
Fairlady | 1 issues |
10 |
Fairlady #5
Aug 21, 2019 |
Solid issue. This isnt the last one, the writers said theyd be back next year |
9.0 |
Feral (2024) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Feral (2024) #1
Nov 12, 2024 |
Im very very late. But this is great. I will be looking to get the entire series |
8.8 |
Future State (2021) | 6 issues |
9.0 |
Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1
Jan 7, 2021 |
As expected this will see some backlash by people who have a "particular" issue about who's wearing the cowl this time around. The less said about that the better. As an actual Batman comic though this has a lot to offer. The initial story is setup/a quick and easy crime story but its good one. The scenario is a good one and I think we are going to see how about how things came to be this way over the next 3 issues. The art is very strong and the action is fun and cool. Nothing groundbreaking by any means but a solid story. The Outsiders story surprised me. A Katana showcase for the most part, it has some absolutely killer action sequences with fantastic art. The style reminds me heavily of Sean Gordon Murphy, in a good way. Very much like what was done here. Seriously, there a spread in here that is almost worth the price of admission alone. The last story is... interesting, but definitely the weakest. Its a decent enough premise but if you didn't read the Detective Comics arc about Arkham Knight(I didn't) its hard to get invested in that character or this story. The art is mostly solid but not as good as the others in my opinion and the way the main character speaks is unnatural, but I am not certain if that is intentional or not. This is overall well worth the money. It has a surprising amount of content and you get 3 decent-really good stories for the price of a little less than 3 issues. I reccomend. |
9.0 |
Future State (2021): Justice League #1
Jan 16, 2021 |
This is a good book. Sometimes comic readers really annoyed me with their lack of imagination and rejection of anything different. This is legitimate good stuff with solid characterization and excellent art. I wish more people would be willing to give something new a chance ge instead of harping on every single sentence and phrase they don't like. Not to mention the JL dark story is very strong as well. The scores you are seeing are more critiques of the concept of changing the faces behind the masks than it is criticizing the actual book on its merits, which is sad to see. |
9.0 |
Future State (2021): Catwoman #1
Jan 20, 2021 |
Future State is killing it so far. This might be one of the best books too. I have virtually no gripes with this. Great, cinematic action, simple but strong plot and Otto Schmidt on art makes this a knockout issue. And I dont even read Catwoman most times. |
9.5 |
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1
Jan 20, 2021 |
I gotta say this was way better than I thought it would be. Its incredibly easy to get into redundancy when writing Bruce. We've seen what he does. We've seen how he acts. We've seen him in the future, and pretty much any other setting you can possibly think of. And yet rhus book still managed to engage me from start to finish. Dan Mora is a fantastic artist and if he keeps this up his Batman will be as iconic as Jim Lees. But wanna know the real kicker? I liked the Grifter story way more. I have very little prior knowledge of Grifter. In fact as of writing this I belive I own exactly two comics he appears in, and this is one of them. But now? I'm going to have to change that. I'm a fan. And the backup story kills it on every level. The banter is great, the action is great and the story never let's up. Were seeing this Magistrate takeover from a lot of angles with this Future State line, but this one is one of the more interesting of them. Keep it coming! |
7.5 |
Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2
Feb 25, 2021 |
I enjoyed the main story a lot more than the backup. But they are both solid. The Suicide Squad story is exactly as intense and exhilarating as you'd expect from this team, with violence, doublecrosses and revelations and in the end, a hero is born anew. The art is fantastic and its am interesting setup for Conner Kent. The backup story is better than its first portion, and the art is ok, but it ends on a rather dark note and ultimately got swallowed up by its massive scale and scope. I didnt hate it though. Overall a 7.5 for this one. The first story again was rock solid, the second one a little less so. |
8.5 |
Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3
Feb 6, 2021 |
Good story and art. Too many people looking for things to dislike instead of just taking in the story being told. Shame. |
8.5 |
Future State: Gotham | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Future State: Gotham #2
Jun 9, 2021 |
Very interesting premise and world building for Future Gotham. This new Batman doesn't have the reputation of the old one... and now he's got a huge target on his back. But the real focus is how Jason is handling his mission and his interactions with the family. This is going places, I'm intrigued to see where. Also the back up issue is from the B&W series and it was one of the best stories from that. The art by Olivier Coipel is absolutely stunning and seeing a new dynamic duo take out some thugs is entertaining. |
9.0 |
Gold Goblin (2022) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Gold Goblin (2022) #1
Nov 19, 2022 |
Well dang. This was WAY better than it had any right to be. I was expecting a throwaway series to siphoned extra dollars out of the coming event, nothing more. I wasn't even sure o was gonna give this a go til I read Spideys 13th issue. This issue was better. The script is rock solid. Cantwell is great at writing built written figures, but for someone like Norman, just discovering guilt that he's ignored for decades and countless atrocities, they would've had to go a lot farther than simply showing him sulk. And they did, boy they did. The artwork is absolutely phenomenal. I dont know if I've encountered Medinas work but he just shot up on my list. Faces, figures, backgrounds, textures, its all there. The color work compliments it to give the whole book an eerie vibe, and that accentuates the story in ways I am not going to spoil here. The fight at the end is rather short but its hardly a flaw to take away from what this was. If you're on the fence, give this a go. I think you'll be as surprised as I was. |
9.5 |
Gold Goblin (2022) #2
Jan 6, 2023 |
This art is so haunting, so gorgeous. Just masterful stuff man. The dislogue and monologue matches the bar. This series is better than it has any right to be. Its justified this entire experiment they've been doing with Norman. |
8.5 |
Gold Goblin (2022) #3
Jan 6, 2023 |
The pro reviewers are just completely wrong on this one. This is better than the main event which I'm not even hating. This issue isn't as good as the first two, the art takes a dip due to the multiple finishers of Medinas pencils but its still a solid issue and feels relentless as Osborne sins are. |
10 |
Green Arrow (2016) One Shot | 1 issues |
10 |
Green Arrow (2016): 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1
Jul 15, 2021 |
This was freaking phenomenal. Green Arrow is my favorite DC character. His stories, his charm and his skill have always appealed to me. Im getting this later than some others but I can thankfully say they mostly agreed. I enjoyed every story here but there are a few standouts. Connor Hawkes solo story was incredibly cool and bad@$$ with him taking down many enemies with just one arrow and a lot of skill. The Last Green Arrow Story was a short, mysterious, and somber tale. I havent read Lemire and Sorrentinos run yet so maybe I won't understand all of this. But it still had gorgeous artwork and theme. The Ben Percy and Otto Schmidt reunion was gold, and a clear sign they need to be running this character again. The final story, a tribute one, is a beautifully simple recounting of the life of a great creator who contributed much to comics. Overall this is probably my favorite of all of the 80ths we've gotten. But maybe I'm a bit biased. |
9.0 |
Green Arrow (2023) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Green Arrow (2023) #1
Apr 30, 2023 |
A proper return for the best hero in DC. His last run was great but its been too long. Time for Ollie to come home. The gangs all here too. The artwork is great, emotive and well structured. The dialogue is on point for Oliver, and the story is framed in a way that makes this a great first green arrow issue for anyone. Im very much looking forward to seeing where this goes and hearing it got confirmed for 12 issues is equally awesome. |
9.0 |
Green Arrow (2023) #5
Nov 6, 2023 |
Every issue of this series has been great. Hoping this becomes a sleeper hit like poison ivy. This writer understands Ollie very well and manages to make all of his character moments genuine and heartfelt. The twist can be seen coming in the issue but the way itd revealed is still pretty great . Izaaske is killing it on the art; form and backgrounds are all on point. Feels classic. |
8.5 |
Green Arrow (2023) #9
Mar 18, 2024 |
Gotta say, I did NOT expect that at the end. This series is one of Josh Williamsons best. He has a good feel for Ollie's core cast of characters. |
9.0 |
Green Arrow (2023) #17
Oct 25, 2024 |
A fresh start after finishing the previous story with grace. Joshua Williamson did his thing but im very interested to see what Condon brings. The art by Montos already looks pretty great. I swear, DC is not messing around this season. My pull list and my wallet are trembling. Not just believe characters getting some attention... but these are some darn good books by all accounts. Well done on this all in initiative. |
9.5 |
Green Arrow (2023) #20
Feb 27, 2025 |
The best thing about this is not the narrative or the art, tho both of those are excellent; especially the latter. The best thing is that writer Chris Condon understands Green Arrow. You can have a good run on Green arrow without understanding or showing everything about him, but when you get past his MO and left wing politics, Oliver Queen is ultimately someone driven by empathy, and filled with rage. When you showcase those aspects of his character, he really sings. This issue shows that in a great way, especially in his moments alone toward the end. This is a great example of a greta Green Arrow comic |
9.3 |
Green Lantern (2023) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Green Lantern (2023) #1
May 15, 2023 |
This was a brisk, but very solid and very enjoyable read. The art is fantastic and thrilling. The co I ordered are good. The action looks epic. Not too much in the way of a story line yet but this alright. |
9.5 |
Green Lantern (2023) #5
Nov 22, 2023 |
Brilliant, classic superhero goodness. Hal vs Sinestro, will vs fear. A great showing from their creative team. |
10 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) | 1 issues |
10 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #8
Aug 21, 2019 |
Picked up this book with yhe last issue. Rocket is one of my all time favorite superheroes so an arc called 'The Death of Rocket' was a must buy. Last issue was build up. This one hits hard. Theres a plash page that is a love letter to his character no matter how long you've been reading him. Heartbreaking dialogue too. Worth a read even if you're just a Rocket fan. |
9.3 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) | 8 issues |
10 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1
Feb 8, 2020 |
Good stuff. Really good stuff. Al Ewing has worked on some of these characters before*AHEM*ROCKET*AHEM* and it seems like some of those story beats may pay off again in this team book. But outside of that its just really solid. Great to see the team having some fun, Rocket and Quill being bros and the action was solid. Interesting new enemy that seems to spin out of No Surrender which is very cool. Cant wait to read more, with Ewing you can never go wrong. |
9.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2
Feb 19, 2020 |
Excellent, excellent! The issue never lets up and is full of good action, good art and good character beats. The ending is a shocker so early on for the series but bodes very well for what comes. Great read! |
10 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #3
Mar 18, 2020 |
I couldnt be happier after reading this issue. If you read Al Ewings Rocket series from 208 or even Skottie Youngs Rocket series from 6 years ago, you'll be grinning ear to esr by the end of this issue. Sure... One of those things is spoiled on the cover, but no less this is an absolute treat! Its also a solid book by its own standards, theres a lot of artists but they make it work. Good character moments. But Im giving it a 10 because as a Rocket fanboy this is exactly what I hoped for from this series. |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #4
Jul 18, 2020 |
This is a solid enough issue plot wise and moves the story along nicely but the real treat is the art and action. THIS is how to utilize the comic medium to its fullest potential. Noh-Varr gets a nice showcase here and his power set is depicted brilliantly. The panel layout, transitions(an early planet zoom in is particularly subtle and creative) and the actual fighting is fantastic. Very easy to follow and thrilling. Worth the price for the art alone. |
8.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5
Aug 9, 2020 |
Man the art in this book continues to be excellent, not just on a technical but a compositional level. The layouts are some of the best I've seen in a long time, very cinematic. Aside from a slightly bizarre yet experimental kiss depicted, I have no issues with this issue. The bad guy may have been offend a bit too quick but I feel like there's much more to come. |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #7
Oct 22, 2020 |
why is no one talking about this series? It's so good. Very consistent and easy to follow, the art is rock solid. Loving it. And next issue, Detective Rocket?? Cmon man. Sign me up |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #12
Mar 26, 2021 |
Absolutely gorgeous art. Extrmy creative action that can only he done in a comic. This is high quality |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #13
Apr 14, 2021 |
Great issue! Art is FANTASTIC and the ending is surely a thrilling one. |
9.1 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) | 6 issues |
9.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #1
Apr 12, 2023 |
Often when a creative team takes a radical new direction with an established team it can feel forced. Doing so around when a movie that features a pretty vastly different take on characters is about to come out can go either way. Im gonna call this one a big success. I was engaged throughout the reading, the new designs almost all look really cool and the voices feel right. We start on a desert planet and the heroes are all dressed like mad max characters. The art is really slick and well detailed, the colors vibrant and correct. They throw you right into the middle of a tense situation with the Guardians trying to stop something we don't exactly know the details of but know it's going to be catastrophic. Lesser writers would've stretched this out to multiple issues but here, the ball does drop and we see whats going on, and its a pretty cool and memorable visual surrounding a well known character. The event takes its toll, and we're left observing the ashes of the catalysm wondering how this happened as the issue closes. Its a pretty nice setup and it's executed very well. Everyone on board killed it here and I had a great time reading. Love the new looks. Only flaw is that there's no Rocket in sight and as hes the best guardian and I'm totally not biased, I have to point that out. But this. This was really good. |
8.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #3
Jun 22, 2023 |
We haven't seen Star-Lord pull out his true power in a while. Nice to be reminded why he's got that name. Art is still on point. The books a clow burn but you stay for the art and dialogue. |
9.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #4
Jul 19, 2023 |
This book is supremely underrated, and I don't know why. Its super consistent, yet versatile, and great. As this sites resident Rocket Raccoon stan I eagerly awaited his arrival, and it did not dissappoint. Him sherriffing a lost colony of stragglers is exactly what he'd do in this situation, and yet beneath the surface you can see the veneer of sadness that always follows. This entire run has had a foreboding dread to it, and that we've seen so many die to an unexplained plague sets this apart thematically and visually from all prior Guardians runs. Its great stuff. Please give this book a go. Its great. |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #5
Aug 9, 2023 |
This series continues to be a slower burn, but everything reaches a head in a great way here. Some great character moments, as they seemingly face inevitability itself. I like some of the more subtle nods to the philosophical ramifications of that but unfortunately they aren't given a ton of space. The characters mostly all regroup for the first time in this run, with rocket rejoining, and as is usually the case everyone its fighting on how to handle this. Kevin walker has done a great job on art, and they are doing that flashback thing except they arent waiting as long as zeb wells did, so next issue we get some answers. I'll be there. |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #6
Sep 21, 2023 |
As far as flashback issues go they can be hit or miss. This one takes a really cool approach that incorporates the nature of these team and its members. Its really good. A very emotional issue that doesn't immediately undo the ending of the last, it ends rather ambiguiously but the content demands you be ready when the next issue drops. Incorporating elements of the previous run seamlessly is much appreciated as well. This is a really underrated but strong run on this team so far. |
9.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #8
Nov 23, 2023 |
This book is returning the saga of the guardians to their zany, wacky, nigh experimental whims in a really unique way bordering on the abstract. Killing off your entire team in the first few issues only to reintroduce them as zealots of an ancient tree people sworn only bring about the rebirth of the universal order is certainly bold and not something every writer could pull off. But this one does it. The guardians feel both familiar and alien as they run in guns blazing go uncharted territory under this new mission. Im really hoping people are sticking along for the ride because kind of cosmic fantastical storytelling is some of the best marvel can offer. |
9.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) Annual | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) Annual #1
Mar 4, 2024 |
What an excellent sleeper hit of a run this was. Ambitious, slightly abstract, well told, heartfelt and genuine are words I'd use to describe it. Its genuinely one of the more unique team book runs I've ever read and a high mark on the Guardians mythos if I say so myself. It sends home the entire point of this team, that stays together snd fights for one another through thick and thin, willing to die a thousand deaths for each other because they're all they've got. Every character got a moment to shine here, every single one... snd one character gets a surprising sendoff. R.I.P. The final note left bu the writers proces that this wasa passion project and it shows. Collin Kelly and Jackkson Lanzing outdid themselves. Kev Walker delivered some amazing art. Deceptively detailed and thorough, hes well regarded for a reason. This run IMO exceeded even the prior, and its hard to beat Al Ewing. If you're looking for a solid, gorgeously done arc that will reinciforaye your love for these characters, then its this. Until we meet again Guardians. |
9.0 |
Hardware (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Hardware (2021): Season One #1
Aug 12, 2021 |
These new Milestone books are already proving to be some of the most promising stuff DC is putting on the shelf. I was only originally going to go for Static but now its clear I'll need to consider following that, Icon and Rocket, and this. This starts from very much the same place Static did, the big band which erupted out of a civil rights protest. The book wastes no time getting us to the action. Curtis Metcalf has been framed, betrayed by the man who was once his mentor.... and now with nothing left ot lose he operates as a wanted man, endlessly pursued by the feds. The action sequences are hard hitting and the story is very easy to follow. The characters abilities are well displayed. The narrative is deceptively simply, making sure to explore the dynamics of his betrayal by a powerful white man and his choices as he has to navigate being labeled a criminal, even a terrorist by the public. The artwork alone is worth the price of admission. Penciller Denys Cowan is a living legend, and inker Bill Sienkewicz is one of the best to ever do it and one of my personal favs. This pair was fantastic on the Question black label book about a year ago, and they haven't lost a beat. Sienkewicz' extensively textured and deliberate inks lain over Cowan's impactful, detailed figure work and faces give this book a gritty, intense aesthetic perfect for the character. Sotomayor on colors brings great vibrance to the work with heavy use of warm oranges, vibrant reds and yellows for the character and his backdrops, as well as the many explosions we see. Overall there's a lot to like about this opener. It sets up a personal in a compelling way and looks good doing it. Do yourself a favor and get a copy. I want this Milestone thing around for the long haul. |
9.3 |
Hawkeye: Freefall | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Hawkeye: Freefall #2
Jan 29, 2020 |
Fast paced, funny and full of life. Schmidts art is fantastic, he does fast motion and his pages flow like no other. Get this book! |
9.0 |
Hawkeye: Freefall #3
Feb 16, 2020 |
3 issues in and it is solid across the board. Otto Schmidt is so good, he needs to be getting exclusivity offers yesterday. The story is really cool and fast paced, and the cameos are awesome. Definitely worth your time. |
8.0 |
Hawkgirl (2023) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Hawkgirl (2023) #1
Jul 19, 2023 |
When i saw this books score after reading it I knew something was off. Sure enough, some genius hear basically spelled out that he was sent here by some Twitter right winger named Gabe Hernandez so this book is being review bombed. Why you ask? Same old. It has a scene from a BLM protest and a gay character. These guys must never tire of taking so many Ls, bur they seem generally unintelligent so maybe they don't even realize how silly they look. Regardless, this book does a lot of character exploration for its main, who is feeling without purpose, and for those whove followed her the last few years particularly in Snyder JL run, that's a welcomed angle. The art is solid, and there's an interesting new villain that is conspicuously not mentioned in any of these reviews... probably because they didn't read the full issue lol. Its not perfect though. Theres a scene with Kendra meeting an old friend that seems kinda tacked on I guess? But maybe it will become relevant later. I'm eager to see where it goes. |
7.5 |
Hawkgirl (2023) #2
Aug 19, 2023 |
I liked this issue better than the first one, I like how much focus is being put on Kendras internal feelings and thoughts... but I'd like for more answers with the next issue, but lot is happening but the direction isn't clear yet. |
10 |
House of X | 4 issues |
10 |
House of X #2
Aug 7, 2019 |
Holy crap you guys. |
10 |
House of X #4
Sep 4, 2019 |
Good lord, man. This is just fantastic stuff, comic book greatness at its peak. Must read. Asbolute must read. |
10 |
House of X #5
Sep 18, 2019 |
Johnathan Hickman is a genius. That is all. |
10 |
House of X #6
Oct 2, 2019 |
Amazing setup. Brilliant writing. Consistent characters. Nightcrawler. Tons of potential. Tons of stories to be told. Ten out of ten, guys. |
8.8 |
Hulk (2021) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Hulk (2021) #1
Nov 24, 2021 |
For starters I didnt read the last run. I know I'm crazy, I know. But I love Ottleys work and Cates did some great stuff with Venom so I hopped on. This was AWESOME. I've often thought Bruce was the most interesting aspect of the Hulk and this issue indicates to me that the writers think the same. The direction they go with him is unexpected, and too good to miss. The art is phenomenal. Ottley continues have some of the most kinetic , exhilarating and expressive work in the biz. Hes in top form here and the script guarantees he has cool stuff to draw. Some beats of this will feel similar to things before but with a new interesting twist. I'm excited to see where it goes. |
8.0 |
Hulk (2021) #2
Dec 15, 2021 |
This book definitely delivers on the action and scale you'd expect from Hulk. It's a pretty quick read but the art makes it worth the price of admission. This concept is still very interesting to me, and aim hoping with the next issue we'll see the story progress further |
9.0 |
Hulk (2021) #3
Jan 25, 2022 |
I am LOVING what this series is doing. The premise is extremely fascinating, the art is phenomenal, and the various references to sci fi tropes and rral world references(Bruce quoting Oppenheimer is just the coolest thing to me)from various points in time makes evident that there's a skilled writer at the helm. Much like Bruce in his "starship" Donny Cates is navigating us through a pretty unique take on the Hulk mythos, and as a fairly new Hulk reader I am digging it. |
8.5 |
Hulk (2021) #5
Mar 30, 2022 |
Really not seeing what people aren't liking about this. This run has been insanely awesome visually and its very ambitious storytelling wise. This is a great sci fi epic in the making, and sure it may not be as deep as the previous run but there's plenty of good characterization for Bruce here. I'm enjoying jt. |
9.5 |
Hulk (2021) #6
May 8, 2022 |
This was an awesome arc. I love the concepts and ideas here. I love everything about what they are doing. This next crossover should be fun too. |
9.6 |
Human Target (2021) | 10 issues |
10 |
Human Target (2021) #1
Nov 8, 2021 |
Really can't fault this for anything. I start plenty of series and give them 1 2 or even 3 issues and see how it goes before dropping. But this? I'm in. This issue 1 was good enough to justify it. This is gonna be a winner me thinks. At least this first issue is. |
10 |
Human Target (2021) #2
Jan 27, 2022 |
I gave the first issue a perfect ten. Im giving this one a perfect ten. No flaws. None big enough to hurt the score. Expertly written, moving and yet Stark. The art is gorgeous. Perfect ten. |
10 |
Human Target (2021) #3
Jan 27, 2022 |
I gave the previous issue a ten. I also gave the first issue a ten. Im giving this one a 9.7 but that rounds up to a ten. The only flaw with this issue is that the ending is a little silly compared to the rest of the books grounded tone but at the same time I can't even really fault that because this is the DV Universe and they spent this issue talking to Booster Gold, the goofiest superhero of all. Everything else is flawless. Ice is warm. Guy is a jackass. The story here is phenomenal. The mystery is there, and Chance is a nice private eye, but you almost get lost in the great character interactions and dialogue to even care about the mystery. This is pitch perfect noir storytelling in comic format, in lieu of Blacksad. (I'd love to see King do s Blacksad story, but that's a pipe dream). King has his Kingisms, but when he's on point he is one of the best writers working in the big two. Yes. Really. This is one of the best books DC is running right now. 9.7 rounds up to a ten. Ill stop giving tens when these issues stop being freaking amazing. |
9.5 |
Human Target (2021) #4
Feb 10, 2022 |
This is the first time I haven't given a ten on an issue, but thats a factor of how fantastic the other issues are, not how bad this one is. Because this one is so fantastic. It meanders a small bit. But its still got amazing dialogue and gorgeous art. Everything is impeccable here. Ted Kord is an enigma, and he knows he is. He has to be. Most billionaires are. But he saves people and his heart is in the right place. Mostly. This issue is mostly observational deduction from Chance, and most of it is directed at Ice. It all comes down to the brilliant ending. So yea. 9.5 for this. Just a little bit monotonous at the early parts. Still incredible. One of the Best series DC is putting out, easily. |
10 |
Human Target (2021) #5
Feb 24, 2022 |
Another nearly perfect issue gets yet another 10. It will have you questioning yourself and in a state of confusion up until the very end. When you get there it all comes together beautifully. Smallwoods are plays both a narrative and visual role in this aspect of the story, in the best way. This series has no right being as good as it is. This has continued to exceed my expectations even for Tom King. |
9.5 |
Human Target (2021) #6
Mar 23, 2022 |
Holy crap. This is the kind of bold storytelling that got Tom King his fame in the first place. Despite the nature of comic books, especially superhero ones, its not often where you have a moment that completely takes you by surprise. One that no one could have seen coming. This book is one of the rare exceptions. If you dont feel your heart race at the implications of this issue, then I feel you are dead inside. This book makes it very clear that it is firmly outside of known continuity at this point, and thats ok. Theres no going back now. This will be a controversial issue for some, but for me, I will say that at the very least you cannot accuse Tom King of being too safe a writer. Wow. Art is phenomenal as usual. I cannot wait for the next issue. |
9.0 |
Human Target (2021) #7
Sep 30, 2022 |
One of the best DC books is back. And it hasn't lost its touch. The art does HEAVY lifting here but the writing is no slouch either. Not much to say, you need to be reading this series. |
9.0 |
Human Target (2021) #10
Jan 19, 2023 |
All those folks crying 5 issues ago look pretty silly now. |
9.0 |
Human Target (2021) #11
Jan 28, 2023 |
Greg Smallwood deserves an Eisner for this series. He deserves several Eisners. |
10 |
Human Target (2021) #12
Mar 1, 2023 |
Tom King has done it yet again. Must read series. Not even gonna spoil anything about this issue just read it. |
8.7 |
I Am Batman (2021) | 14 issues |
9.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #1
Sep 14, 2021 |
If you like hard hitting action, neon lit gritty futurescapes, inner monologs with clear motivations, and gorgeous artwork to give life to it all, then there's very little not to like about this first issue. Batman is dead. Missing for years. The uniforms tasked with keeping the peace have become a hunting party out for vigilantes. Gotham remains as crime ridden as ever. So Jace Fox uses his tech, his skills and his motorcycle to take the fight to the streets. Like I said the art is flawless. Olivier Coipel is one of the best working right now and personally one of my favorites and hes in top form here. His understanding of what details to include and what to forgo and leave to the imagination is unmatched. Hos figures and faces are expressive and not as polished as others. The colors done by Sinclair compliment his art beautifully, giving the lineart and the city it depicts life. If you ever grew up in an urban setting, where the buildings are lit orange by the streetlights at night, you can really appreciate how good it is. He also handles the action exceptionally well, with a mix of great motion and strong money shots. The story it compliments is also rock solid, very simple and to the point but a great depiction of a vigilante getting his start and having one of his first nights out. The stinger at the end is interesting but not as good as the story that precedes it. Overall, there's little not to like about the book from a standpoint of actual storytelling. If you have an issue with this particular character taking over the mantle, I suggest you check out his origins before this, and if have the issue because you think "only Bruce Wayne can be Batman", well, Dick Grayson, Jean-Paul Valley, Terry McGinnis, and Jim Gordon would like a word. Give it a chance. Hes not the first and won't be the last. One flaw I'll give is that there's a lot of characterization for the protagonist that was done in other books so it may make it a bit harder to get with in this issue. This issue does a good job of filling in those blanks but its still to be noted. As an issue though? This is a great first. I really hope Coipel can get on board for more issues. His art is worth price of admission alone. |
9.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #2
Oct 14, 2021 |
This issue is likely to piss some people off for all the right reasons. Me, I'm just here for a good time. And the book provides it. The story picks up right where the last left off, with a familiar "mask" being gunned down. The perp? A young teenager who joined an domestic militia to fight against the governments "hidden agenda". Sad thing when such a thing doesn't sound so comic booky anymore but that's the world we live in. Some want to see the kid locked out out of spite and a little bit of resentment but the bigger heads know that just like in real life, hes a symptom and not the disease. Taking matters into his own hands, Batman declares war on the militia while Renee Montoya seeks to navigate the issue of the shooter by going to someone very familiar to our titular hero. This issue is very well paced and in true Ridley fashion has some relevant themes while keeping true to the setting and the characters who live in it. He gets a little preachy at times I'll admit, but I for one appreciate writers like him, with balls to actually say something and mean it, without watering down or sanitizing their message to appease the fringes. Ridley isn't perfect but he knows how to tell a good story, and he tells it with focus and purpose. Segovia takes over art duties and while I'm biased toward Coipel(who still brings us a glorious cover) he takes the baton and runs with it with some fantastic action panels and strong angles. 2 issues in and this is already standing up to JT4s current run, and dare I say one of the more interesting Gotham books going right now. Give it and the first issue a shot. Leave your feelings at the door and try to take in the story as it is, and judge it on those merits. |
9.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #3
Nov 11, 2021 |
This book has exceeded my expectations. Its way better than it has any right to be. This is an action packed issue that feels like its out of an action flick. A wanted criminal, a disease franchised youth and a militia out to free him from a juvie precinct... and Batman caught in the middle with both sides aiming targets down his back. Just plain comic goodness. This one eschews a lot of the politics for good old fashioned gritty Street fighting but that doesn't make it less good. It seems Ridley is hitting his stride with this am I'm excited to see where it goes. |
8.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #4
Dec 21, 2021 |
Great action and solid art from a series that is between than it has any right to be. While I didn't hate fear state in fact I quite enjoyed it, this book has handled the new players of the Magistrate arguably better than that arc did. Lots of intrigue, double crossing... reminds me of misson impossible, James bond type of stuff bt on a street level in one crime ridden city. Im excited to see where they go with this as the story continues. Also this is my 200th review! Pretty cool. |
7.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #5
Jan 23, 2022 |
This issue isn't perfect, but what strengths it has make it worthwhile to read. Its paced a little fast for my liking, I'd have split the story here into issues 5 and 6 to add more tension but as for the plot itself it continues to be interesting and fifteenth enough from the other bat books to justify its existence. Jace had been out through the ringer but with this issue theres finally a solid reaffirmation of what hrs trying to do here. Lucius fox has not been the most likeable character in this book but he made some good decisions here and he's going to be taking a break from the main cast apparently. I was hoping we could see Jace cross paths with Bruce but its pretty clear they are building to that later. Moving to NY is an interesting story beat, I'm excited to see how that plays out. |
9.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #6
Feb 9, 2022 |
New arc means a new status quo and a new status quo means a like of exposition and set up. Thankfully, this book has some great art and strong dialogue to boot. Theres a Batman in New York, and the mayor of NYC wants to handle this very differently than Gotham does(and who could blame him?) His approach to this is going to lead to some very interesting and cool developments. Jace us taking a hands on approach to his mission and hes already got the good will of the lower level cops of the city. Making Batman a cop was an inspired choice of the writer and I'm hoping it leads to some nice commentary and moments about the lines vigilantes cross in their duty. Its also a nice change of pace from the familiar look and feel of the GCPD that Bruce deals with on a regular basis. This series is coming into its own in strong ways, and while the hook to end the issue isn't the best thing ever I'm hoping that this book continues with the strengths it has had from the beginning, good action, strong art and political intrigue. Ken Lashley is a tried and true master of making conic books look awesome and hes not out of place here. His think, dark shadows match perfectly with the under elly of New York and his faces further push the factor of a bunch of powerful people with a knife to each others backs. In the midst of it is Batman, forgoing the face mask and making it clear where hes coming from. He evokes Bruce in many ways but he also feels different, the way he takes down crooks feels more efficient and final, but he always gives them a choice to stand down. Good stuff. Excited to see where this goes. |
9.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #7
Mar 23, 2022 |
This issue felt like a great episode of crime tv. Character development, a loaded story that moves the plot forward organically, some solid action and intrigued and a stinger at the end. Strong issue all around. |
8.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #8
Apr 14, 2022 |
Batman faces a trial he isn't ready for as the enemy makes his next move. Jace is forced to confront his true motives for taking up the suit and what his endgame is, but hes already folded. The arts not as good as the last few issues but it gets the job done. The various players are still fun to read and follow; between Jace, his crew and the NYPD im interested to see where this leads. |
9.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #9
May 12, 2022 |
People are still review bombing this book but its actualy probably the best batman book they have on the shelves lol. It feels far more fresh than anything Bruce is doing write now. I like the supporting cast and the main, and the story is interesting to unfold at all points. Hopefully the other bat series pick up the slack |
8.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #11
Jul 16, 2022 |
11 issues in and this series is still one of the better Batman books on the shelves. Started out fairly decent, but now it feels fresh, episodic, and it keeps moving. Ridley is a TV writer and he incorporates his talents well to this format given time. All the politics and cloak and dagger keep you guessing, and Jace's supporting cast gets some time to shine. Were finally seeing things lead up to the scene we saw in Batman Black and White... with Jace having a Robin of his own down the line. Detectives Chubbs and Whitaker are interesting characters, especially Chubbs. And the introduction of Renee Montoya to NYC brings more "questions", which I always appreciate. Strong issue, solid series. Had a bad rap but I think if you look at it from the whole its been good. P.S. rating an entire issue a 1/10 becsuse of a SINGLE WORD you dont like despite the fact thus character would absolutely use that word is some weak s***. |
8.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #12
Aug 30, 2022 |
12 issues in... a year of this story, and it remains fresh, engaging and unexpected in its direction. I am pleased. Bringing the Question into the foray was a brilliant idea, and the approach she takes to solving cases, and how it differs from Batman’s, is one of the better moments of the issue. We also get Jace's sister on her path to becoming his partner in crime, as we saw in the "flash forward" black and white story. First she needs to learn how to make a difference in a real way and not to simple exert her will upon others. The art isn't perfect but it gets the job done. I narrative remains the strong point and I hope to see it continue to evolve. |
8.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #16
Dec 28, 2022 |
Not often these days that an issues ending completely shocks you. But here we are. Well done. |
9.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #17
Jan 14, 2023 |
This book is so freaking good. Hate to say it but Ridleys BP falters compared to this. This has been remarkably consistent and the drama and storytelling is now at a point where its on point every month. Keep it coming. |
8.5 |
I Am Batman (2021) #18
Feb 28, 2023 |
For a final issue, it resolved its story line well. The action was pretty good and the art was solid. Its a little quick on the resolution but I like where it leaves off. This was overall a great run. Not perfect but once it got going it stayed consistent and it featured solid art throughout. Looking forward to seeing Jace again. |
9.4 |
Icon & Rocket (2021) | 4 issues |
10 |
Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #2
Aug 27, 2021 |
Wow. |
9.5 |
Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #3
Sep 30, 2021 |
Hooooly cow. This series is so. Darn. Good. Imagine if all DC books had this much consistency and relevancy. We'd be in a new golden age. I implore you all to give this series a try. Its cinematic, raw, well drawn, and features a duo that shouldn't work but works incredibly well. I give it a nearly perfect score because there's really nothing I dislike about it. The voices are clear, the narrative is realistic and the message while heavy isn't preachy. Great stuff. |
9.0 |
Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #4
Nov 8, 2021 |
Another great issue. Art is great. Characters remain on point and the world they are in is portayed very well. There are inner city representations that are accurate without being pedantic, condescending. This series continues to be one of DCs strongest titles but I hope the tease at the end indicates it continues to move its story along. |
9.0 |
Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #5
Jan 19, 2022 |
This isnt just one of the best drawn and engaging books in DCs roster right now, its also one of the smartest. Judkins has his pulse on the issues of today and he tells stories about them without being preachy or espousing platitudes. Sometimes the issues don't have clear answers and sometimes they do, out no one wants to work towards them. Theres a short scene where a character talks about just how difficult the drug epidemic in this country is to solve. You can't simply apprehend thr sellers. You csnt simply cut the stem without dealing with the root. All of this against a backdrop of an actual superhero story, with earths mightiest man being hunted by an equal powerful assassin. Its an issue pwcked with content and great character beats and some good old fashioned humor. As given away by the cover, Virgil Hawkins shows up here, but because of the delayed schedule and his seeming lack of impact on the actual story its a little jarring. Im hopping he gets to do more in further issues. All in all this is one of my favorite books at DC right now and one everyone should be reading. Its diverse, yes, but its also well made and intelligently written. Highly recommend you give it a chance. |
9.0 |
Indigo Children (2023) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Indigo Children (2023) #1
Mar 30, 2023 |
As far as compelling first issues go this was pretty well done. It doesn't give away too much but it gives away enough to keep you hooked. The art is decievingly gritty. The dialogue is pretty good. But the overall atmosphere and concept scratches the itch. Picked this up totally off of impulse and I am glad I did. |
9.5 |
Inferno (2021) | 2 issues |
10 |
Inferno (2021) #3
Dec 9, 2021 |
Hickman does it yet again. |
9.0 |
Inferno (2021) #4
Jan 5, 2022 |
A few minor issues with power scaling and such is not nearly enough to sour the fantastic writing here. This basically resolves a lot of ongoing plot threads for the time but I have to say that its done well. In true Hickman fashion things feel epic and the decisions matter. Agaun there's some conveniences here and there. But conveniences can never be completely avoided, only well hidden in a story. Such is the nature of storytelling. And these ones are hidden well enough. The character work is on point, Charles and Mags are written very well. Every other character behaves as you'd expect them to. Mystique cares for nothing but herself and her loved ones. Emma Frost is vindictive and arrogant. Destiny is Destiny. Her powers work when they need to and don't when they don't. Agaun; all in the service of storytelling so its alright. But Cypher has a great showing here, as he is one of Hickman favorites itd no surprise he's done well. All in all this is a strong read. Lots of cloak and dagger and grand statements on fate and the future, but what are the X men if not grandiose? |
8.5 |
Infinite Frontier (2021) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Infinite Frontier (2021) #0
Mar 3, 2021 |
Lots of stuff to look forward to. Solid art and dialogue in all segments. Thoroughly enjoyed this. |
8.8 |
Iron Fist (2022) | 3 issues |
10 |
Iron Fist (2022) #1
Feb 16, 2022 |
Be honest. Is ANYONE surprised by the usuals giving this a 1 star without even reading it? Iron Fist has been a mantle since day one. Rand wasn't even the first and he wasn't ever going to be the only one, but he was evidently the first white one. The irony is he WAS the diversity hire. But that's lost on the usuals. Of course Kun Lun doesn't have politically inclined clowns like our Divided States of America does, so it probably wasn't a problem for them. That'd actually be a nice story beat, Ken Lun comicsgaters. They should do that. Giving this a 10 cuz im petty like that. Also this new guys costume is awesome. And Danny is VERY prominent in this book and its clear hes going to be in this series quite a bit, likely to train this guy. The art is decent, not perfect, but I like the concept. Just figured I'd add in some more detail. Its a quick and easy read. Pretty fun stuff. |
8.5 |
Iron Fist (2022) #2
Apr 20, 2022 |
This exceeded my expectations. A very solid "training montage" style issue with some nice art and solid dialogue. The words about the traditional way of things not being the only way ring true especially for this character. Even still, we do see him training to live up to the title of the Iron Fist. Irs pretty good stuff all around |
8.0 |
Iron Fist (2022) #3
May 25, 2022 |
Was very cool to see the Immortal Weapons show up. Nice action scenes but this was a more transitional issue leading to the next. Still not bad. |
8.5 |
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #6
Jun 12, 2021 |
Perfectly fine finale issue. He'll get it back guys. Jesus. |
9.0 |
Iron Man (2020) | 10 issues |
8.5 |
Iron Man (2020) #1
Sep 16, 2020 |
This was a strong start. Ive been on and off reading IM books for the last couple of years but to say hes been through a lot is putting it lightly. This new story gives us a much more Street level approach than what we are used to seeing and it works well. Iron Mans got a new suit and a new outlook on life, wanting to distance himself from the tech mogul persona he's built. It's a nice change of pace and while the action scenes are short and sweet, there is a lot of promise here In how its portrayed. Alongside him is Hellcat, a character who's never been able to break out of of the B list but is used wonderfully here. She should be a great tour guide for Tony as he ventures into a new venue. The art is phenomenal. Looks fantastic, not much to say here. The faces are rendered well and the colors are muted but still pop when needed. Only issues I had was the extremely rushed convo that Tomy has with his latest ex, the Wasp. It almost seems like an afterthought but maybe another book provided a little more closure? It was just very jarring and isn't brought up again after it happens. Other than that there's a lot to like here. Looking forward to where this goes. Also the new suit is awesome. |
8.5 |
Iron Man (2020) #6
Feb 18, 2021 |
So... why the hate for this issue? This is a very strong issue.... the art is great and I liked Tony's characterization better here than I did in most of the previous issues. Unapologetic, efficient and hard headed(pun intended). Hes going to need to be to face the threat he faces. The art is gorgeous. This is a good issue folks. |
9.0 |
Iron Man (2020) #7
Mar 17, 2021 |
Best issue yet. Has everything you could want. Touches on philosophy and science. Korvac's goal seems fresh even thought we've heard similar ultimatums before. The B team is surprisingly great, would read a whole book of these guys working together. The scene with Ben Reilly stating his observation of the purely scientific, algorithmic nature of our existence and Frog Man clapping back by pointing out that he's a clone from a test tube was brilliant. Tony sounds right here and Patsy and he are a surprisingly strong couple. The art is absolutely gorgeous, all I would request is that CAFU used more chroma in his coloration and this book would truly pop. But man, hes good. Issue had a lot of good stuff, high recommendation from me. |
8.5 |
Iron Man (2020) #9
Jun 9, 2021 |
This series is fantastic. We get a visit centric issue here and the return of an old hero. Incredible art as usual and the narrative being weaved is captivating. If they can finish out this arc with a bang well have an Iron Man tale for the ages |
9.5 |
Iron Man (2020) #15
Jan 5, 2022 |
Man this series has exceeded all expectations. This is an Iron Man story I want to read and to see. Epic, beyond any sense of scale and still human at its core. |
8.5 |
Iron Man (2020) #16
Jan 26, 2022 |
Not as strong as the previous issue but still quite good. Stark has been gifted God like power and of course, mishandled it. So only one man can save him from certain doom.... |
9.0 |
Iron Man (2020) #17
Feb 23, 2022 |
Its amazing to me how fresh and gripping this is for a character that has been around for so long and toed this line so many times. Cantwell is writing a seminal Iron Man run here and if you are remotely interested in the character I beg you to try it. This book and series has been phenomenal. |
10 |
Iron Man (2020) #18
Mar 29, 2022 |
Yet another issue of an amazingly good run. Full of heartrenching moments and gorgeous emotive art. This series demands to be read. |
9.5 |
Iron Man (2020) #19
Jun 1, 2022 |
This is probably the best comic I've read in a long time. Nearly flawless ending to this sobering and quiet, almost intimate Iron Man story. This is Tony... a man given the powers of a God, vs Korvac... a man given the powers of a God. Both are in street clothes. In an empty street in the middle of the night. Its genius. Ill remember this one for a long time. You must read this series if you've ever been any sort of Iron Man fan. |
9.0 |
Iron Man (2020) #25
Dec 5, 2022 |
This was a solid finale on what has been an amazingly ambitious and cerebral run on the character. The next guy has his work cut out. |
9.1 |
Justice League (2018) | 7 issues |
9.0 |
Justice League (2018) #33
Oct 3, 2019 |
That last page will put a smile on anyone born before the turn of the century. |
10 |
Justice League (2018) #37
Dec 19, 2019 |
Final pages alone make it worth cover price. |
8.5 |
Justice League (2018) #46
Jul 1, 2020 |
Good action and great art. Im enjoying these tales, they are fun and have fantastic visuals and action |
9.0 |
Justice League (2018) #50
Aug 26, 2020 |
This arc started out spotty but this ending is FANTASTIC. I really really enjoyed what they did here. It felt like watching an episode of the JL cartoon from the DCAU. That alone should be high marks. |
9.5 |
Justice League (2018) #52
Sep 7, 2020 |
EXCELLENT arc. Very short and to the point but it packs the emotional punch and the art is phenomenal. |
9.0 |
Justice League (2018) #56
Nov 5, 2020 |
Awesome stuff. Robson Rocha and Xermanico have been killing it with this arc. |
8.5 |
Justice League (2018) #75
May 12, 2022 |
Solid art and nice action. |
9.0 |
King In Black | 2 issues |
9.0 |
King In Black #4
Feb 20, 2021 |
This event has everything you could possibly want in a marvel event comic. I was not expecting to like this story as much as I have.... it is just awesome. Knull is a palpable threat and we are seeing some of of our favorite heroes do everything they can to stop it. The twist at the end is genius and epic in scope. Cannot wait to see where this goes. |
9.0 |
King In Black #5
Apr 7, 2021 |
Im gonna keep this short and sweet. This was awesome. |
9.0 |
King In Black One Shot | 2 issues |
8.5 |
King In Black: Black Panther #1
Feb 10, 2021 |
A quick, excellent issue that highlights the strengths of the Black Panther and the nation he leads against insurmountable odds. Geoffrey Thorne has TChallas voice down pat and displays excellently his many strengths while showcasing what makes Wakanda such a force to be reckoned with. A ton of fun too, with strong art. Pick it up! |
9.5 |
King In Black: Spider-Man #1
Apr 29, 2021 |
Im a little late but this book was phenomenal. Good old fashioned suprrheroing featuring a guy im not even familiar with, Reptil! He's a very cool hero and I hope he goes far. |
9.3 |
Legion of X (2022) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Legion of X (2022) #6
Oct 13, 2022 |
There are times when comic books prove how unique of a medium they are. You can truly do things you simply can't replicate in any other form. In live action, in animation, in written word or otherwise. Only comics. This is one of thoset8mrs. In a world where we are seeing live action characters walk through the forth wall, I still can't imagine anything capturing the awesomely absurd scale of an issue like this. Thats worth something. And besides, it's a really good look into the mind of Legion as well. |
9.0 |
Legion of X (2022) #9
Mar 15, 2023 |
This arc has been so loaded and orange in its structure and execution I cannot give it anything less than a 9. Si Spurrier writing has a ton of depth to it and layers a la John Hickman but he managed to fit it into a form that is consumable and understandable to follow. Eager to see how the arc wraps up. |
8.5 |
Marauders (2019) #3 |
9.0 |
Marvel Age (2023) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Marvel Age (2023) #1000
Jul 6, 2024 |
This is well, well worth a look. Especially that last story. What a heartwarmer. |
10 |
Marvels Snapshot (2020) | 1 issues |
10 |
Marvels Snapshot (2020): X-Men #1
Sep 17, 2020 |
Holy cow. I did not expext this to be this good. This is one of the best one shots I've read in a long time. If you are a Cyke fan this is just pure gold. If you aren't, this will make you understand why so msny of us are. |
8.0 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #39
Jul 3, 2022 |
Its solid. I just wish we'd see more of the villain sooner. The ending stinger is very interesting tho |
8.9 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) | 5 issues |
8.5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #4
Mar 19, 2023 |
This comic remains highly enjoyable. The art is super exhilarating and in your face. I think it's some of Vincentis best work. The villain wouldn't work under a less competent writer, but Cody Zigler shows he knows what he's doing. Misty Knight is a fun addition. Keep it coming. |
8.5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #5
Apr 12, 2023 |
Dug this and dug the villain. Great artowork and visual style. Miles is still on his feet and is still getting good comics. How it should be. |
8.5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #8
Sep 19, 2023 |
Don't know who these supporting dues are but they seem decent. Everything else here is great, miles and Tiana are really good together. She supports him in a strong way. The art is phenomenal. I live for this guys art, the energy is insane. Super cool stuff |
10 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #18
Mar 31, 2024 |
This series has not stopped for a break since it began, and its only gotten better and better. A lot if us were unsure about Rabble but this issue solidifies her as one of Miles true enemies, and every artist here just absolutely kills it on their job. Even the villains get a cool showing snd this run has had some of the best Scorpion characterization in ages. This run isn't to be missed, its going to be a classic Spidey run someday. |
9.0 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #19
Apr 18, 2024 |
This is the finale of a long running narrative thread that's been going since issue one, and it understands the assignment. Its an all out comic book brawl and its intense from start to finish. The pacing is great, the art is energetic, the dialogue is fantastic. It all comes together to make a memorable, hard hitting issue. The ending hints at some new status quo changes. We'll see how that goes. But this should be celebrated. Rabble has been a very effective original miles villain if you ask me. |
8.0 |
Minor Threats (2022) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Minor Threats (2022): The Fastest Way Down #1
Apr 22, 2024 |
A solid entry into the next story arc. Its very different tone wise from the previous, as the profagonist is now a crime boss trying to protect her territory. Still, there's plenty of surprises and thrills to be had, and the art by Scott Hepburn is always awesome. |
9.0 |
Moon Knight (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Moon Knight (2021) #1
Jul 24, 2021 |
Really strong intro. Solid art. Great dialogue. This is my first moon knight issue and I enjoyed it |
8.0 |
Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) #1
May 14, 2022 |
I quite enjoyed this. Story 3 was the best |
8.5 |
Mosely (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Mosely (2023) #1
Jan 7, 2023 |
Great art. A premise that takes some familiar things and puts an interesting characters in the midst. It's got a chatacter who hates tech as its lead but it doesn't come off like boomer whining, it comes off as something a lot of middle aged people may feel or face. At the end of the issue were set up for an interesting take with some interesting interactions. I'm hoping that they don't fall into the obvious narrative cliches but make this story sing on its own. We'll see. |
8.5 |
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) #1
Aug 31, 2023 |
Solid start off. My first ms marvel solo series. I enjoyed how they explored her history and her confusion about belonging in a creative way |
8.5 |
Negaduck (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Negaduck (2023) #1
Sep 13, 2023 |
I was skeptical about the notion of a spin off book in the world of Darkwing, but if you're gonna do it, go for the equal and opposite of the original. Negaduck features Drake Mallards archnemesis as he tries to restake his claim to #1 villain. The setup is pretty simple and lends itself to some solid gags and cameos, although shockingly DW himself doesn't appear. However the ending teases that Negaduck will be going for people very close to him. Pretty entertaining read. And the art is really great too. We need a chainsaw! |
8.5 |
New Mutants (2019) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
New Mutants (2019) #27
Jul 18, 2022 |
Honestly this Magik arc started uneven but im really digging what vita is doing. They've crafted an interesting narrative and managed to harken back to some older canon. The old stories still matter when given a good writer. Id like to see more of the like other roster though. I miss chamber and mondo. |
9.1 |
No / One (2023) | 6 issues |
9.0 |
No / One (2023) #1
Mar 17, 2023 |
A very well done introduction to this crime superhero story set in my hometown no less! Artwork is solid and captures the gray and blue and orange tones of nighttime Pittsburgh, and sets off several storylines weaving in and out of this narrative about a masked vigilante taking matters into his own hands. Theres also a tie in podcast which is a very cool and unique way of connecting dots within a story, but I haven't listened to it yet. The comic is good on its own but im guessing the podcast will help readers connect the dots. Looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. |
8.5 |
No / One (2023) #4
Jul 19, 2023 |
Still need to listen to the podcast episode. As an issue, this ones an 8.5 art remains in point, the dialogue is natural and the setting is well represented, as someone with 2 decades of experience living there! This is a unique book for sure. |
9.5 |
No / One (2023) #5
Aug 24, 2023 |
Good God, not enough people are talking about this amazing series. No/One #5 continues the story as its been going, both the comic and the podcast. Last months podcast dropped a HUGE bombshell and this issue throws all presumptions into doubt in interesting and engaging ways. I got to talk to the writer Kyle Higgins before this issue released, and I asked him if the identify of No/One was able to be unearthed by readers or if it was a complete fakeout. He told me it's possible this issue may send you down the right path. Well; this issue opened up a lot of potential paths, and no definitive answers, but its darn good. It also features one of the best action sequences in any comic I've read this year. Art and dialogue are too notch and Pittsburgh is well realized. You need to be reading this book. |
9.0 |
No / One (2023) #6
Dec 12, 2023 |
Book continues to be excellent and deserves far more buzz than its getting. |
9.5 |
No / One (2023) #8
Mar 20, 2024 |
Everything kicks into high gear for the cast and we get shocking new revelations about characters we thought we could trust. This is the most underrated book of the last year and it and its supporting podcast are so well developed as to astound me. This feels ready made for a television mini. But please if you're reading this go back and read the whole thing and listen to the podcast. It is essential to get the full story. |
9.0 |
No / One (2023) #9
Jun 27, 2024 |
No/One #9 after many delays is finally coming out and the next issue is the last. This one introduces a big status quo shift, one so big i dont know how they are gonna resolve this in a single issue but im very eager to see it finish. The accompanying podcast is very well voice acted and comes off like a real deal situation. |
8.5 |
Nocterra | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Nocterra #7
Feb 4, 2022 |
Like the way this new arc is headed. Art is still strong. Theres a good feel on these characters and the stakes. Hoping we get to see more of what Blacktop Bills whole deal is soon. |
8.0 |
Nubia & The Amazons | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Nubia & The Amazons #1
Oct 28, 2021 |
Decent beginning with some nice art and writing. Nothing crazy good yet but its solid. Art is very nice. Wouldve liked an action sequence of some kind but I get it. |
7.8 |
Planet of the Apes (2023) | 3 issues |
8.0 |
Planet of the Apes (2023) #3
Dec 26, 2023 |
This series does a good job of keeping the similar tone and environment to the movies its based around. Theres not a whole lot of time to breathe, however and the inclusion of two stories in each issue makes it even harder to flesh out the narrative. That being said the backup is pretty interesting; but I'd rather the issues be oversized and include a fuller main story than cutting away from the main story. |
8.5 |
Planet of the Apes (2023) #4
Dec 26, 2023 |
This is much better than the last issue. Fantastic art by Dave Wachter. |
7.0 |
Planet of the Apes (2023) #5
Dec 26, 2023 |
Rating is more for the overall series. It had really great concepts and great art but needed to be like twice as long as it was to fulfill those concepts. It's not a bad comic at all, its just... not as good as it could have been. Unfortunate. |
9.0 |
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1
Jun 16, 2021 |
Art alone makes this worth the price of admission. Combined with this landmark story? Its not perfect but its close enough. |
9.5 |
Powers of X | 4 issues |
9.5 |
Powers of X #3
Aug 21, 2019 |
If this is what we got in store for the X-Men going forward, count me in for the long haul. |
8.5 |
Powers of X #4
Sep 11, 2019 |
Solid issue with great art but it is almost entirely exposition and setup for the Dawn of X books so it will seem a little underwhelming. Theres no payoff to any of this exposition and there wont be for a while but again this is a necessary evil for the coming X books to have something to go off of. |
10 |
Powers of X #5
Sep 25, 2019 |
Running out of positives to say. Stuff is fantastic. Great character writing and storytelling. Great art. Big plans for the franchise. Im in for the long haul. |
10 |
Powers of X #6
Oct 9, 2019 |
And so it ends. And so it begins. Bravo, Hickman. Bravo. |
8.8 |
Rise of the Powers of X (2024) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Rise of the Powers of X (2024) #2
Mar 16, 2024 |
Let's get this out the way. This is convoluted af. That is absolutely true. BUT if you read house of x and powers of x; it is incredibly hard not to appreciate this in some way. Its epic in a way that toes the line between ludicrous and awesome and that is a feat. RB silva needs and award for thus art. Its simply like nothing else on the stands, and marvel was genius for locking this guy down. I dont know where this is going but I sure as heck am enjoying the ride. |
8.5 |
Rise of the Powers of X (2024) #5
Jun 13, 2024 |
This is a very abstract issue, and its not as good as the previous, but it 8s much much more epic. And its hard to not appreciate that. Some serious Phoenix power glazing here but thats nothing new. Onto 35. |
9.8 |
Rocket | 6 issues |
10 |
Rocket #1
Aug 7, 2019 |
A fantastic noir tale begins |
9.0 |
Rocket #2
Aug 7, 2019 |
10 |
Rocket #3
Aug 7, 2019 |
10 |
Rocket #4
Aug 7, 2019 |
This is the first time Ive read Deadpool that I actually liked him |
10 |
Rocket #5
Aug 7, 2019 |
10 |
Rocket #6
Aug 7, 2019 |
Excellent end to an excellent series |
9.3 |
Rogue Sun (2022) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Rogue Sun (2022) #1
Apr 30, 2022 |
This is a strong first issue. I dig the art and the premise is perty interest and gets moving quickly. Its interesting that they started this characters intro off in supermassive with the predecessor instead of this version. I wanna see what they do with the both of them. |
10 |
Rogue Sun (2022) #7
May 28, 2023 |
Straight up genius issue and genius usage of the medium. This series isn't talked about enough. Rarely do you read a comic like this. |
9.5 |
Rogue Sun (2022) #12
Oct 3, 2023 |
This was about an intense a finale to this arc as could be imagined. This is a crucial moment in any superhero comic, when the characters morality must align with those of a hero... and its usually begotten by great loss. Looking forward to seeing how this affects Dylan. |
9.8 |
Rook Exodus (2024) | 3 issues |
10 |
Rook Exodus (2024) #1
Apr 3, 2024 |
This is a FRIGGIM GRAND SLAM. Wow. I've seen a lot of rumbling about ghost machihe but haven't read much into it. I knew they had some well respected creators on board but I didnt pick up the Ghost Machine big first issue. I did, however pick up this. Id pretty much already decided by the look of the main character Id at least give it a shot. What I didnt expect to have one of my favorite issue 1 in the last year. This book is pretty much without flaw as far as great comics go. Well crafted, well written, well set, and in CREDIBLY well drawn. Jason fabok is no stranger to accolade and acclaim but dear God this book is beautiful to look at. And the writing is no slouch either. I always say you know a book is good when you feel like you didn't pay ENOUGH for it. The Ghost Machine dudes just made their opening statement, and the entire industry needs to be listening. |
10 |
Rook Exodus (2024) #3
Jun 30, 2024 |
This is everything I could want out of a new comic book universe. They are building out the world and introducing characters who could carry years if story if not decades. The creative team is on top of their game in every aspect. Jason Fabok is delivering maybe some of his best work in this series. Its clean, detailed, visually distinct, and a joy to look at. When I read a comic and finish it wanting at least 5 action figures from that comic you know you are doing something right. The story is developing at a steady but deliberate pace knowing when to imply and when to show. Its not reinventing the wheel of plot but it doesn't have to. 10/10 for this one. Keep it coming. |
9.5 |
Rook Exodus (2024) #6
Oct 25, 2024 |
The story ends its first arc very strongly. A full character arc for Rook that feels like the climax to the first "film". This is exactly the type of book I want to read. Im hoping the gap provides no drop in intensity and great quality that has been delivered. |
9.3 |
S.W.O.R.D. (2020) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1
Dec 10, 2020 |
This is basically like Star Trek, but with X-Men. As someone who isn't familiar with at least half of these characters, it introduces and sets them up quite nicely. Nice to see Manifold getting more leave since Wakanda. Lots of interesting faces to see here, can't was sit to get to know them. For our first mission we quite literally have a journey into mystery, like I said, very final frontier, good science fiction stuff. The art is great, and the characters are all written well. Mags seems a bit cheerful, but who wouldn't be with such promise. Theres a lot of X books now, and at this point each one needs to justify its existence. This is a great example of how to still feel fresh and interesting snd make use of the large cast of mutants available to choose from. Down for more. |
9.5 |
S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6
Jun 27, 2021 |
This took what happened in Planet Size and made it MATTER This issue establishes solidly that the mutants quite frankly are not screwing around anymore. They are taking what's theirs and with a vengeance You can deny their methods but what you cannot deny is that Hickman Ewing and everyone else is writing a DARN good story here and putting respect on the characters names. And thats ultimately what the Gala was about. Mutant kind is making its play on the GALACTIC stage. And they've got the ingenuity, the planning, and the POWER to do it. If you aren't following the X Men right now, what are you even doing? This is a run for the AGES and will change the MU forever. Thats no longer an understatement. |
8.5 |
Samurai Doggy | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Samurai Doggy #1
Aug 16, 2022 |
I shouldn't like this but I do. The premise is nothing we haven't seen. The character designs are ok, also nothing we haven't seen. But the presentation and the execution is really, really cool. This art evokes webcomics and manga, and its fight scenes are unlike anything you'll see elsewhere IMO. There's tons of flow and motion to it, book almost looks like its moving. The world that is hinted at is very lived in, it feels like a million stories could be told here. Hoping for this books success. |
9.0 |
Savage Avengers (2022) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Savage Avengers (2022) #1
May 18, 2022 |
For starters I didnt read the previous run of this. I hopped on this because of the roster. A lot of characters we don't get too often, ornament seen in a while, plus Daredevil This was a really strong start to the series. While Conans future with marvel is unclear its good to see they still have a solid voice for him and the accompanying narration always works. Setting a Deathlok as an enemy was an inspired choice though which one I'm following exactly is unclear to me... theres still multiple right? The art is really, really good. Very methodically inked and paneled well. I'm gonna keep an eye out for this artists. He renders each character who are all pretty vastly different stylistically and makes them all "fit" as it were. The action sequence is pretty top notch in my book and the issue ends in an interesting place. Looking forward to number 2 |
9.5 |
Savage Avengers (2022) #2
Jul 13, 2022 |
Ok, yea this series is awesome. Not stop action, solid chatacter work, absolutely phenomenal art backed by epic ancient prose befitting of the Barbarian? I have almost no complaints. This is one of those issues you really feel you get your money worth out of. Theres a lot of content in these pages, and they manage to craft some phenomenal action with it. Highly recommended, and I didnt even read the last run. |
8.5 |
Savage Avengers (2022) #7
Dec 5, 2022 |
This series is way better than it has any right to be. Wall to Wall action, epic grandiose script and hyper detailed amazing art. Its a treat to read every month. |
7.5 |
Savage Spider-Man (2022) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Savage Spider-Man (2022) #1
Feb 2, 2022 |
If you didn't read non stop spiderman, you're going to be completely lost here. If you did read it, you'll still be a little lost, but you'll be expecting that. This story like its predecessor is playing very fast and loose which is the intent. It's very simple, so as long as its fun im Good with it. Thankfully this book has some fun moments but again its not gonna be for everyone. I'm hoping for more plot focus in the next issue and I don't know why they felt the need to start a new seperate series but thats the way these things go. |
8.5 |
Shang-Chi (2021) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Shang-Chi (2021) #2
Jun 30, 2021 |
Dike Ryan's art is dynamite. It raises this already solid book up wonders. |
9.3 |
Silk (2021) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Silk (2021) #1
Mar 31, 2021 |
This was a nearly perfect debut issue. I liked almost everything about this. I havent followed Silk TOO closely over the years since her debut but I'm well aware if her abilities and role in the grander Spider-Verse. Here she has a very clear and most importantly likeable voice and personality. The opening fight had dialogue that caused me to audibly laugh(something that doesnt happen often at all) and the subsequent events are expository without being boring or too cliche. Shes got a new job and is living with her younger brother, life is good. But when her job leads her to a mysterious case it affects both her civilian and superhero life as Silk. The ending sets her up with a new role in costume that is sure to cause her trouble as Cindy. Much like the OG Peter, we get to read her inner dialogue and thankfully she has a voice of her own distinct from his. Also, the att is great. Fluid but with thick likes and well defined figures. The fights are a pleasure to look at. My only small nitpick would be the ending is kind of... not as much of a stinger as other first issues would have. But it still sets up an interesting premise and villain. Im hooked, pick this one up folks. |
9.0 |
Silk (2021) #4
Jun 27, 2021 |
8.5 |
Silk (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Silk (2023) #1
Aug 1, 2023 |
Really, really great artwork here and a neat premise. Pretty straightforward but solid. |
9.5 |
Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #75
Dec 19, 2024 |
This resolved the ongoing story in a REALLY strong fashion I feel and is a solid anniversary issue. Lots of characters and lots of moving parts, they managed to pull it all off swimmingly. A few surprises narrative wise too as well as set up for what's to come. Great resolution to the story arc. |
8.9 |
Space Ghost (2024) | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Space Ghost (2024) #1
May 2, 2024 |
This was better than it had any right to be. Really liked the art, the action and the paneling here. Feels very old school but also modern, which is exactly what this book should go for. The art looks drawn traditionally and they update some of the designs to fit a more "realistic" and serious approach to the character but again it feels recognizable. The story is simple and straightforward but sets up room for expansion and many adventures. Wish this was longer. |
8.5 |
Space Ghost (2024) #2
Jun 12, 2024 |
Series continues to be way better than it deserves to be. Quite solid work, great art and inks, and a story that runs at a brisk pace but makes sure you are following exactly what's happening and why. I can see what Pepose is cooking at its solid. |
9.0 |
Space Ghost (2024) #4
Aug 10, 2024 |
We finally meet Zorak in this issue and ww are quickly shown why he's most prominent among Space Ghosts foes This rendition of Zorak is terrifying and sinister in the best way. Revamped as the leader of a sadistic alien death cult his introduction and presence carries a lot of weight, but hes shown to be calculating and cunning in addition to his might. His design here is awesome and easily recognizable while fitting with the environment the art style has carried so far. Space Ghost himself gets a pretty epic showing, and Jan and Jace continue to have agency in the story as sidekicks although their B plot is weaker than the main. This series remains better than anyone was expecting it to be. |
9.5 |
Space Ghost (2024) #5
Sep 11, 2024 |
They stuck the landing on thus arc. This series is becoming a modern classic. Theres nothing particularly deep or existential here. The comic is just awesome lol. The book manages to make the narrative engaging; the action is exhilarating and the artwork is full for life. The ending is very interesting and takes on a challenge i hope they can deliver. The bad guys feel old school, they arent complex with sympathetic backstorties, they are just bad, and must be stopped. But they still don't feel antiquated; or non threatening, they feel relevant and exciting to read. This version of Zorak is the best villain they've introduced yet, and I hope this isn't the last we've seen of him. He's dangerous, dedicated, and surprisingly not completely delusional. Pepose is becoming one of my favorite writers, his team stuff just works and feels dynamic to keep you coming back. I just had a blast reading the book. Im really glad I stuck around for the series and im in for however long its granted to run. I recommend more people go for it, so that we can continue to get this type of stuff. It stands out among the comic shelves, there's nothing you gotta follow to read; the arcs aren't too long, and the format of an old cartoon is retrofitted well. It's good comics. |
8.5 |
Spider-Man (2019) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Spider-Man (2019) #1
Sep 18, 2019 |
It was good you guys. What on Earth is with the hate this book is getting? Its an original story, its something different gor Spidey, and it gives us a promising new character. I just dont get the negativity surrounding this book, because it isnt perfect but its by no means a bad issue. |
8.0 |
Spider-Man (2019) #2
Oct 16, 2019 |
Moves pretty fast but it has some interesting takes and great artwork.. I wanna see where it goes. |
9.0 |
Spider-Woman (2020) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Spider-Woman (2020) #1
Mar 18, 2020 |
Im new to the Spider Woman fanclub. Always knew she was there but Ive never followed any books. That changes today and boy am I glad I made the leap. Action was fantastic and I do quite dig the costume. Good stuff. |
9.0 |
Star Wars (2020) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Star Wars (2020) #6
May 13, 2021 |
"There are things more frightening... than death..." |
9.5 |
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #11
Apr 14, 2021 |
This issue is largely a standalone and primer for the war of the bounty hunters even coming. And as you can tell by the cover it features bossk heavily. Now Bossk is one of my favorite SW character of all time despite having less than two hours of actual screen time in any Star Wars media. This is also arguably the most page time hes gotten since the comics relaunch. All of this to say I absolutely loved this issue. Hes portrayed exactly as he should be, cold and shrewd but incredibly competent at what he does. Its a basic "the greatest game of all" type of story but it works wonders. The art and colors are all on point. I was smiling ear to ear reading it. Great read! |
8.8 |
Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #7
Jul 28, 2021 |
This series continues to be consistently strong, with our first red saber in the series providing some striking imagery. Always an enjoyable read and Keeve Trennis is a solid main Jedi character. |
9.0 |
Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #13
Feb 11, 2022 |
This is a darn good issue of a darn good series. Avar Kriss was kinds boring me at first and now she's on eof the best characters in the book. The action scenes are awesome here. All around great stuff. Id love to see some of these guys in live action or elsewhere. |
8.9 |
Static (2021) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Static (2021): Season One #1
Jun 16, 2021 |
Not many comics come out swining right out the gate like this. Virgil and his family are well humanized and we get a good feel of his inner voice. But it doesn't take long for Virgils past actions to come back it him, leading to a PHENOMENAL fight scene. Artist Nikolas Draper Ivey really brings the manga influence but renders electricity and flames with such intensity you can almost feel the heat coming off the page. I've been a Static fan my whole life and have waited anxiously for his return. This didn't disappoint at all. Hes in good hands. |
9.0 |
Static (2021): Season One #2
Jul 28, 2021 |
This story is developing at a strong pace. It's fantastic. Very easy read. The dialogue feels real. The art is phenomenal once more. The usage of Virgils powers is clever, something you really don't see often. Virgils going places. Folks.... read this book. We need this to get big. Its so good. |
9.0 |
Static (2021): Season One #4
Nov 10, 2021 |
Theres a lot to like here as usual from this series. The dialogue remains a lot more realistic than most comics have the balls to go for, especially depicting inner city areas. Its a nice and refreshing touch that adds a lot. The characters are all written on point, where we see Virgil and his "squad" for the first time. I appreciate this series taking some characters from the original series and making them work in a new context. This series packs plenty of story in its issues, which is MUCH Appreciated. In a time when a lot of comics stretch out otherwise simple plots to take up full issues and quick reads, this one makes you feel like you're getting your moneys worth out the price. It does this while remaining pretty well paced. The art is awesome as usual. Its something you have to get used to because its very different than what most comics will feature. Nikolas Draper Ivy is a big manga and anime fan and it shows in every single page, nut especially shines in the action sequences near the end of the issue. The last page is simply gorgeous to look at and very exciting if you're into manga as well. He wears his influence on his sleeve but this book is purely him, and it is a unique look. The story remains unpredictable and I'm excited to see where it goes next. This is a rock solid series you should be reading. 9/10 |
8.5 |
Static (2021): Season One #5
Jan 26, 2022 |
Draper-Ivy was born to draw this. And Ayalas writing feels modern without being ill fitting. It all gloes really well. The opening fight is great, I actually wish it went longer. It's a little slow in the middle but the finale is worth. Msin issue here is I found 2 printing errors in the dialogue, which aren't s big deal but I gotta dock it a bit for that. Rest of the work is great stuff as expected. Cant wait to see how this finishes. |
9.0 |
Static (2021): Season One #6
Mar 6, 2022 |
Strong finish for this first story arc. Incredible visuals as always. Can't wait for the return |
9.0 |
Stealth | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Stealth #1
Mar 15, 2020 |
I basically picked this up on a whim after seeing reviews here. I knew nothing sbout this character or his planned film adaptation, but man this comix was good. Very different look and feel from a lot of other heroes and it already sets up a lot of good stuff for going forward. Hopefully the movie gets off the ground and we can have a big new superhero on our hands. |
9.5 |
Step By Bloody Step | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Step By Bloody Step #1
Feb 23, 2022 |
This book has received high praise. It warrants it. What they are able to accomplish with nothing but masterful art is impressive for anyone. But for the issue to be so expressive and carry so much emotional weight just by using things we are all familiar with is what truly sells it. Well worth picking up. |
9.5 |
Step By Bloody Step #3
Jun 1, 2022 |
I really can't fault this for much. This comic shirks the fislogue but still manages to tell a nuanced and interpretive story if hope, war, loss, sacrifice, trust and betrayal that is quite clear to follow. It is remarkable. |
9.3 |
Stray Dogs (2021) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Stray Dogs (2021) #3
Jul 17, 2021 |
This series gets better and better with each issue |
9.0 |
Stray Dogs (2021) #5
Aug 4, 2021 |
Yea im with everyone else. This is great. Very simple sorry but haunting. Not for the faint of heart especially animal lovers with pets of their own |
8.5 |
Suicide Squad (2021) | 4 issues |
8.0 |
Suicide Squad (2021) #3
May 19, 2021 |
I can dig this. Good team dynamic, absolutely fantastic art and some genuine fun to be had. Again I'm really digging this bolt character and we know thanks to the future state where she will end up, but regardless its fun to see a little tie in with the Titans book. |
8.0 |
Suicide Squad (2021) #6
Aug 5, 2021 |
Why the crappy reviews? I've tried dropping this book 3 times but they keep hooking me. Arts great and the story is interesting enough to keep you going. The team dynamic is fun and there's some cool characters that show up. I dont see the problem. I give an 8 only because there's a printing error and because they don't really explain how Bloodsport is still alive but I can forgive that easily |
9.0 |
Suicide Squad (2021) #7
Sep 16, 2021 |
Ambush Bug told me he'd kill me if I didn't give this at least a 9 |
9.0 |
Suicide Squad (2021) #8
Nov 1, 2021 |
Im sorry but this series is awesome. It is absolutely Bat$#!+ insane and I love every second of it. The obscure characters, the snappy and quick pacing, the lively dialogue, and the awesome art. This is great SS storytelling here. I'm not gonna tell you a whole lot about the issue other than the Suicide Squad goes to Hell. Yes, that Hell. Ambush Bug is here to lead the narration through and makes a strong case for being the REAL Deadpool of the DCU. This book never stops to take a breather , and so is never boring, but it handles itself well enough to not overload you. Rock solid series. |
8.7 |
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1
Aug 4, 2021 |
Strong opener. We all know Jason by now. Hes Jason in this book as well. Same goes for Harley and Waller. Its the other guys that keep thus fresh. True to tradition the Suicide Squad has a who's who of super obscure characters and a few new faces here and there. Snd they are all a hoot. Wild Dog especially gets to have his spotlight, and if you've kept up with American politics of late they've taken a very humorous and grounded approach to him. But its not done to preach to you about some ideology, its quite literally a part of his character. The artwork is phenomenal from Maleev as always and the stinger while leaving a lot of questions especially considering who ends up getting whacked, is interesting enough to justify coming back for round 2 and sets up an awesome situation. Definitely recommend |
9.0 |
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #2
Sep 8, 2021 |
I enjoyed this. A lot of people don't seem to get what they were going for here. But I did and it was pretty good. As the second of a three part story it moves the characters well and gets you to see some of them in their natural state which a lot of books don't let you do, especially Suicide Squad books. These characters are all different ranges of douchebag, especially Wild Dog who is a Q Anon nut job who is written to be about as passively offensive as that one guy you know who always walks around wearing Confederate memorabilia, but even hes entertaining in a hate to watch sort of way. The test of the cast is pretty good too, with clear voices and different dispositions and goals. Putting them in a position where they are all essentially waiting to die is an inspired one. We get to see some of their mindsets, a little bit of their history. Meow Meow was a stand out for me. The narrative is a little more symbolic than literal in the beginning and not entirely clear but it gets moving quickly enough and the second half is great. Joker is ebsolutrly despicable here, as he should be, and thought some will argue the writer went a bit too far, honestly it fits the tone of the book and artistically its not something you have to avert your eyes from or anything. Jason Todd as our leading man does a great job narrating the story and getting us into his heads pace. The final stinger is pretty awesome and I'm excited to see how this raps up. Honestly wishing we had more than 3 issues. This book is gritty, unapologetic, profane and blunt... perfect for this team. |
8.0 |
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #3
May 11, 2022 |
This finale... and this entire series, reminded me of one of those 80s hard R action flicks that feature a ton of memorable characters but at their center is about one guy. Theres some hint at deeper ideas but jts mostly driven by the main character and what his history is. Things are played fast and loose and yet... theres a sort of novelty to it. A charm. This is kinda like what that was. Even down to the ambiguous ending. I liked it. The art is phenomenal Maleev work. The script has a lot going on at the same time. Maybe too much. But ultimately it all comes down to those last couple of pages. Its very grim and gritty, sometimes gratuitously violent, but it has a sort of nonchalant aspect to its depiction which I can appreciate. Does the ending pay off on what's been built up? That's gonna be up to the individual. But I did enjoy this as a Jason Todd story. He works pretty well in the SS. |
9.5 |
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2
Aug 25, 2021 |
Great issue. You can tell by how its upsetting folks who don't understand Superman or what he stands for. Very simple and straightforward issue with some excellent character moments. Im surprised how much I dig Jon in this. Hell be a solid Superman if he keeps this up. |
8.3 |
Teen Titans Academy (2021) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1
Mar 26, 2021 |
Decent first issue. I like the character designs and the art is fantastic. The narrative could be better but im exitee to see what we get from red X |
8.5 |
Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2
May 19, 2021 |
Not sure whats with the hate for this issue, i thought it was great. I'm really liking this "Bolt" chrcater and I'm intrigued with how this ties into some of the other books and even Future State |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) | 7 issues |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #113
Jan 20, 2021 |
Wow. A lot of ground covered in one issue. As someone who picked up this series with issue 100 after only kinda following some of the side stuff, its still fairly easy to follow whats going on and I appreciate that. I think the voice of all the characters shown here. Including the side characters. This issue has quite a lot of shipping teases for fans who are into that. Im neither here for there but it doesn't feel TOO forced, its mostly in good fun. Time will tell if these get expanded upon. Which leads me to... Jennika. She is the subject of what such moment and I can't tell if it was a tease, a hint or what, but its kinda dropped and given the revelations about her character it seems like an afterthought? That said she is still a strong part of this series and I'm eager to see how this all plays out. I WILL add that she seems to be a little too distinct from her characterization in her solo series(which I enjoy a LOT). Id like the writers to come together and work this out a bit more but im here for the ride. A future version of a character kinda just walks into the plot here and upend literally everything. In some occasions I would have major issues with this but here it works surprisingly well. Well see how it plays out. Was that Tokka and Rahzar? That had to be Tokka and Rahazar right? Maybe I'm out of the loop. Strong issue with a lot of content! Recommend you read the last 4 or 5 if you are hopping on. 9/10. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #117
Jun 12, 2021 |
Another strong issue. This is one of the most consistently great comics you can find on shelves. Always a good time |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #127
Mar 30, 2022 |
Very strong issue with a MAJOR return not just for this comic but for the franchise. But while that was already spoiled long ago, this book provides plenty of good stuff leading up to the reveal. Very cool action and expressive art. At 127 issues in its a great feat to still be so consistently good. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #129
May 29, 2022 |
Decent issue. Moves the plot along. Some wierd panels. Would like to see if more refined in the art. |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #130
Jul 3, 2022 |
Its great that they are still setting up future storylines and new characters. This was a strong finale to the arc. Theres a lot to like here and the art feels unique and fluid. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #139
Apr 26, 2023 |
The penultimate issue of this epic and long running arc goes for a quiet, introspective approach that highlights the bonds formed between these brothers, their new sister and many others over the course of this 140+ issue run. And its phenomenal. Espeicslly the artistic representation. I dont wanna give anything any but this was just a sublime read and proves this creative team still have a *ton* in the tank to go. I've not read the entire run or anything. But I felt something reading this. |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #150
Apr 24, 2024 |
This issue has a lot of strengths. The callback is great, the emotional resonance is there. Its absolutely not a start point however and requires a lot of foreknowledge of what's come before. For some that will be good for others bad. For me who primarily stated the main series at issue 101, i followed it just fine. A lot of sci fi and mystical stuff but the strengths here cannot be overlooked. Its a good end point for the run overall. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual: 2022
Jan 22, 2023 |
Excellent. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual: 2023
Aug 5, 2023 |
Yea, this is a friggin great issue. Very simple story, using maybe ideas we've seen before, maybe a little bit of Last Ronin vibes, but the execution is so, so good. I already wanna see more of this new future guy, he seems like he's been through a lot. Using Santos as the artists means you're getting some of the slickest anime esque action around and it works well for this book. Only thing keeping this from being a 10 is that some of the premise is a little too similar to Last Ronin. |
9.2 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) | 5 issues |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #1
Jul 24, 2024 |
It's a cold open for sure, starting us smack dab in the middle of a new ard with Raphael in the one place he'd fit right in: prison. Because of this some of the background elements of the plot go unrevealed but what is here is pretty strong. Raphs voice sounds absolutely perfect here. Over the years he became my second favorite after Donnie because he is not the angriest, but the most emotional of the turtles Brothers. But hes also really good at what he does. This book has him in a very dour and serious state of mind, with little room for humor or any lightheartedness. While there are some whod argue that some humor should be present in TMNT, this story is clearly evoking the old mirage days and that carries onto the great presentation by Joelle Jones and the fantastic action sequences she draws. I dont wanna give too much else away but im really interested in seeing how some of the other characters mentioned play into this. A strong start for anyone wanting to hop in. |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #2
Sep 22, 2024 |
A really, really strong second issue. Michaelangelo is full of depth here but he still feels familiar. The art is the real star of the show. everything Alberquerque touches turns to gold for me. Some have some qualms with how he renders the turtles but I love it. I love all of it. It has a gritty griey realism to it but he knows how to do excellent flashes of light and kinetic action scenes. Let's hope this next issue keeps on this trend. |
10 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #3
Oct 25, 2024 |
First off, Leonardo is my least favorite Turtle. Now that doesn't mean I dont like him. I love him, as I love all of these characters and always have. I, however, like all the others more in general, with Donnie taking the top spot. So it means something when I say that this issue is my favorite so far. Jason Aarons script serves Leonardo maybe more than any of the others. It just works. There's soliloquy, there's peotry, and there's also bad@$$ery. Its a quiet, thoughtful issue that says a lot without saying much. Chris chiangs art is deceptively simple. He focuses on what's needed and showing exactly what needs to be shown. His staccato rendering and deliberate, thick linework cut like the katana blades that this books protagonist wields. The words and the art come together to make for a very satisfying reading experience. More of this please. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #6
Feb 2, 2025 |
Jason Aaron is 6/6 so far and this might be the strongest issue. Its dark, emotional, and this art is just immaculate. Juan Ferreyra needs to be 10x more popular than he is. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #7
Feb 28, 2025 |
7 issues in and this series has hit a great stride. Its been building up so much tension, inner conflict and outer; and moving many pieces between this book and the other runs happening simultaneously. This issue kicks the entire thing into high gear, with some of the best dialoguw and narration I've seen in a while. Jason Aaron is outdoing himself, and if Juan Ferreyra isn't already on your radar as a top notch comic book cartoonist hed better be now. These panels and pages are filled with emotion; the hits on the page feel impactful, and the lighting is Gothic while maintaining the highlights of greens, reds and blues that TMNT is known for. This feels in the vein of the original Mirage series, with the action on screen complimenting the character dynamics. This relaunch has been a resounding success. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika: II #1
Nov 4, 2020 |
Really enjoy Jennika as a character, and I enjoyed the first run, so this was right up my alley. Right off the bat Revel looks to be doing a much more interesting story this time around. His art hasn't skipped a beat either, he continues to draw some of the best action panels and kinetic figure work out of any TMNT books. And his rendition of Jenny is probably my favorite, built but not quite as bulky as the others. Good stuff. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation (2024) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation (2024) #1
Sep 22, 2024 |
This issue builds upon the (really good) untold destiny of the foot clan book and has an intriguing raph side arc. Raph is written very well here but the Casey story is phenomenal and has huge implications for its developments. This issue is going to be a must read for future events. |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game #4
Jan 22, 2023 |
This is epic. And the art is really, really phenomenal. |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game - The Alliance | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game - The Alliance #1
Nov 11, 2022 |
This issue is most a big action sequence with some character backdrop for Karai but even still, its really good. Im loving the artwork here and the msyeryy and design of these doppelganger turtles is cool. This run still feels like it has life 130 odd issues in; and thats a beautiful thing. |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game - The Alliance #3
Jan 22, 2023 |
This event has been such a great opportunity to explore all of these characters in a high octane race. But this issue as most of the alliance ones has offered a bit of respite from the cosmic spanning adventures over on the other two books... and this one has Alopex letting off some steam after much contention with her bf and his brothers working with the Shredder. And its drawn by June Ba. Who brings such a unique and graphically designed energy to his work. Hes in his element hero as Alopex cutting though enemies is rendered with the sleek style of a fox. Its fantastically depicted visually and even as its light on actually story beats it does set up whatever Kara has planned.... im looking very much forward to what comes next. |
9.1 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #1
Nov 7, 2020 |
Fantastic first issue. Phenomenal action pages, strong art, exquisite setting and plenty of nice references and nods. Cant wait for next issue |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin: II - Re-Evolution #1
Mar 7, 2024 |
A strong first outing that provides the necessary info for new readers and delivers upon the premise while setting up an interesting and surprisingly multilayered story. The new turtles all have a fresh dynamic and feel authentic as teens, and I'm eager to see where this journey takes them. Casey Marie is a surprisingly thoughtful leader and April is used well here. This a lot of "meat" to the story with real world allegories of corruption and jncertsin status quos about heroism present. The art is phenomenal throughout, the Escorza Brothers bring art that feels both retro styled and harken to the 80s and 90s but also feels modern. Its well detailed sjd the colors compliment the line work. This book makes heavy use of double page layouts even with panels and it makes for an epic feeling experience. Highly recommended work here. |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #4
Sep 22, 2021 |
This seriescintknues to be gripping, exciting, and overall an awesome take on the TMNT. If you haven't been following this, strong recommend. This issue has a lot of great moments and pulse pending action. Rock solid art as well even with multiple artists handling. |
10 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #5
May 6, 2022 |
Incredible action sequence and a bittersweet finale to one of the best TMNT stories ever told. This is an absolute must read for any fan. Period. |
9.0 |
The Bat-Man: First Knight (2024) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
The Bat-Man: First Knight (2024) #1
Mar 7, 2024 |
This book had already caught my attention with its cover and premise and the fact Mike Perkins was drawing it. But it ended up being surprisingly great all the same living up to these high review scores. It doesn't rely on memberberries or winks and nudges to have appeal, its pure old fashioned noir storytelling with characters skme unfamiliar some not in a setting based on the world Batman was originally born in. This is far from the first noir Bat story and God willing it won't be the last but it feels fresh because of the presentation and setting, juxtaposed to the high tech modern Bruce Wayne we obviously see a lot today. This Bruce is young, scrappy, not entirely put together, but determined to do the right thing. Theres some backdrop elements focusing on surprisingly relevant topics as facism was on the rise in the thirties too. The art is just incredible, Mike perkins is who you go to when you want insanely depthful, detailed, human depictions of these characters. The characters feel grounded and vulnerable, the environments grimy, dark and mysterious. His figure work shines brilliantly as does his inking techniques on things like the wrinkles in Bruces cape. It all comes together to make a sequence that feels grandiose and high art, no less so with the premium large size of the black label line. We get too many bat books, but this one has earned its keep as a mini. |
9.1 |
The Blue Flame | 7 issues |
9.0 |
The Blue Flame #3
Jul 28, 2021 |
Excellent art and some solid character dialogue are making this book an indie superhero title for the ages. It's going interesting places. The conversation between the characters is very real and doesn't shy away from gut punches. Meanwhile the soliloquy present on our heros other life continues to be interesting. Im looking forward to seeing what continuous questions this book makes us ask about ourselves. |
9.5 |
The Blue Flame #5
Feb 4, 2022 |
Loved almost everything about this. The tension is real and the pressure Sam is under is palpable. Theres some beautiful pages done here and the dislogue to match. The ending portion where both corners of Sams plight are interspersed is phenomenal. |
9.0 |
The Blue Flame #6
Feb 4, 2022 |
This is a fantastically written issue where things begin to come to a head both in the courtroom and in Sam's personal life. This series is extremely compelling and acts almost as a referendum on superheroes in general, but its well drawn and has strong messages about humanity too. We've seen appeals for humanity before in storytelling but this feels different. The stakes feel real and the characters actions all fit within those stakes. |
9.0 |
The Blue Flame #7
Mar 9, 2022 |
Another excellent issue with a divide happening on two fronts. As we learn more about Yarix and his pass we learn that maybe his world wasn't so different from ours, and his presence reflects that of many today. Sam is being pushed to the brink and is going to do anything, even trying to meet God to save his world. The art remains slick and fantastic. The facial expressions hit. The colors are vibrant. |
9.0 |
The Blue Flame #8
May 25, 2022 |
This continues to he a bold and extrmrme compelling story. Yarux us a great character and his plight with San is fascinating to each unfold. I truly have no clue how this series will wrap up but its been a wild ride. |
9.0 |
The Blue Flame #9
Sep 10, 2022 |
This has taken a very different path than I expected it would in some ways, but the destination seems to be the same. Regardless, this is a strong issue, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this all concludes. This is a greta indie book and its touching on a lot of sentiments people are feeling, but it looks at it through a fascinating lens. This is mostly s transitional issue but the dialogue and art is still great and you can feel the weight if the situation on Sam. |
9.5 |
The Blue Flame #10
Jan 23, 2023 |
Beautiful and moving issue. The script for this is just phenomenal. This is a super underrated series that is not to be missed. It will stay with you long after you've read it. The art is great and translated the script onto stoic but heroic imagery. The writing is Cantwell at some of his most introspective and philosophical. Its earnest and genuine without being pretentious. Its honest. And the ending may at first feel upsetting, but when you think about it it makes perfect sense. Please give this a read. |
9.0 |
The End (2020) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
The End (2020): Venom #1
Jan 15, 2020 |
Honestly not sure how to review this, it is so indescribably insane in its narrative that its hard to out into words what I just read but it sure was a heck of a time reading it. It doesnt take itself tok seriously at all even though its telling an incredibly bleak story but it works. Gotta read it to belive it. |
8.5 |
The Next Batman: Second Son | 1 issues |
8.5 |
The Next Batman: Second Son #8
Jun 2, 2021 |
Now this is an intriguing origin |
8.9 |
The Nice House on the Lake | 4 issues |
8.5 |
The Nice House on the Lake #1
Jun 2, 2021 |
Excellent first issue. Art is incredible. Story is already haunting and terrifying in its nature. Theres a lot of places to go from here but I am interested to see what direction this gets taken. |
9.0 |
The Nice House on the Lake #4
Sep 16, 2021 |
This series is top notch every issue. Its really, really freaking good |
9.0 |
The Nice House on the Lake #11
Nov 11, 2022 |
I genuinely don't know how this next issue will go and that excites me. This issue is a lead up to that but like the rest of this series its really good. Bueno deserves more awards for this art. |
9.0 |
The Nice House on the Lake #12
Dec 28, 2022 |
The only negative about this is the wait for the next cycle is going to be agonizing. What a bold, ambitious, well done series. |
9.5 |
The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) | 2 issues |
10 |
The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #1
Nov 25, 2020 |
Holy cow. Wow. Not sure how to write this but here goes. So right off the bat this thing is fricken fantastic and you should absolutely, 100% buy and read this unless you just really hate superheroes. That's just about the only valid reason I can give for not wanting this book. I've always liked Black Lightning, but in a more casual sort of way. A black guy myself I always enjoy representation, not just for being black, but actual, fully realized characters with flaws and personalities who happen to BE black. Jefferson Pierce, aka Black Lightning is one of the best and earliest examples of that in comic books. Which is to say he's the perfect charcater for a series like this. Focused character studies of characters you dont see every day, and their stories and the people behind them. This book is that... a character study... very different from your average comic. Indeed, this takes about an hour to read from cover to cover, and for the price I feel like I got a steal. This is more like a short story length book, and it fully explores a character in a way most comics never have the opportunity to do in this day and age, especially for tertiary characters. Sure this guy managed to get a TV show which I admittedly haven't watched more than a few episodes of, but hes always felt like he was in the background of the DC universe. This book explores all of that, and much more. You can pick up and read this without ever having read a single Black Lightning story, and come back with a strong appreciation for this character and what he represents. I dont wanna get into much because you should just read it, but Jefferson is a very old fashioned kinda guy in many ways... He's a strict but mostly fair, world weary and opinionated. Reminds me of how my dad was in some ways, but even older. Sometimes in this story you will disagree with him, sometimes you wont even like him, but at the end of the day you'll likely respect him, and why he does what he does. You'll see many iconic eras of the DC universe, iconic depictions of its pantheon,through this jaded, tired but still fighting lens. The art is all gorgoeus.... thick lined, scratchy and detailed... reminding me strongly of work done by Bill Sienkewicz and Denys Cowan. Still it has its own burst of vibrance and life, even when recreating iconic covers and images from history. Pierce's bolts of lightning blaze off of the page in particularly memorable fasion. My one and only cricism here is that it frankly despite being so long, its too short and I was left wanted more. Which in and of itself is hsrdly a criticism so much as a praise. It ends at a particular time in the heroes life, not with an epic realization or bold statement, but simply a new chapter beginning, a quieter one. Theres only so much that can be done within the pages here but I still felt like I wanted to see more of... this. This stuff here is very good. If they decided to continue the story focusing on Black Lightning I'd pick it up without hesitation. Not sure yet about the upcoming issues. This being an anthology it will focus on various characters in a one and done fashion, but Im not sure yet if the others will be nearly as interesting as this. But with what this writer pulled off, there's no reason to be wary of what's coming. I for one will be watching closely to decide if I will continue with the series or not. As for this issue though, I cant recommend it enough. I would read a hundred books like this, focussed on one character for an extended time, really getting into their psyche and mindset. 10 out of 10 from me. |
9.0 |
The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #3
Apr 1, 2021 |
This was, like the first in this series, excellent. (I didnt read the second one but might come back around) Katana is the focus here, and Ridley proves himself highly capability of writing "real" characters. His voice for Katana just like it was for Black Lightning is crisp, concise, realistic, flawed even. You'll disagree with Katanas views in this book sometimes. But that's ok because Katan is telling HER story. Because of this nature, this book serves as an EXCELLENT primer on who this character is. You can go in never having even heard of Katana and by the end of the book, you'd know her well enough to call yourself a fan. This aspect is by far the strongest point of the book. As for the actual narrative. It isnt quite as cohesive as Black Lightning was, but the is still a very fascinating character study that takes you from Katanas origin up til the modern day. Interspersed with this, as Katana learns about the American culture she was not born into, we are recounted stories of haye and racism that defiend her worldview. The thing about these stories is they ARENT fiction. All of these actually happened. Showing a fictional characters interact with real world acts works absolute wonders in this series. I had never even heard of Vincent Chin before this. His story is one I won't soon forget though. Shuddered me to the core. And its that visceral reaction, that real reaction to something that actually happened in our world devoid of superheroes, that provides the best foundation for the recounting of Katanas life. The art is gorgeous. Full stop. Gritty, detailed, vibrantly colored, with a format like this not every artists could make it work. The finished inks by Andrea Cucchi homage iconic images of the past with a skill of imitation but a life of its own, as if we were seeing things from Katanas own eyes. One complaint with the book is one of uncertainty. Katana here implies that her soultaker sword is not a soul taker at all, but that she has allowed legend to replace the real thing for rhe sake of striking fear into her enemies. My main concern is wondering if this impedes on established canon or not, and admittedly removes some cool factor from the character, but regardless this story is more canon-adjacent anyways so I cannot fault them much. Like I said, this one is slightly less cohesive, it jumps around them periods several times. Could be a result of the character simply having less exposure than Black Lightning. Could be that Ridely really wanted to include the real life stories he included and couldn't devote any more page time to filling in the blanks. Its my biggest complaint but its a minor one. This is a thorough read, mostly prose like before, which feels like a short story. It took me about 44 minutes to finish and I'll definitely be revisiting. Well worth the money. Dont miss this one |
9.5 |
The Plot Holes (2023) | 2 issues |
10 |
The Plot Holes (2023) #1
Aug 30, 2023 |
This is a comic that everyone whos ever loved comics needs to read. I can't understate how cool this is. Im not going to give anything away but it's a fairly meta comic with an amazingly inventive premise. This is exactly the sort of stuff we need. The art is incredible, and the story is intriguing. The cast of characters introduced is phenomenal. Go read this, please. |
9.0 |
The Plot Holes (2023) #2
Oct 10, 2023 |
Turns out these characters have a lot more going into them than we thought. Some of these were hinted at in the notes in the previous issue. Its very cool to see the team get fleshed out, and this premise is still very exciting and fresh and allows for a lot of storytelling opportunities. The art is amazing of course, no surprise there. |
9.0 |
The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage | 1 issues |
9.0 |
The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #4
Sep 9, 2020 |
A faacinating conclusion to this story that leads you not to a simple answer, but to a newfound drive and a will to face the Question we all encounter in ourselves. Art is excellent. Writing is strong, dialogue is natural. Some bits are mysterious and ambiguous but that is in the nature of this character. |
9.3 |
The Sacrificers (2023) | 8 issues |
9.0 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #2
Sep 27, 2023 |
The world building is fantastic in this. A testament to the storytelling ability of Mr Remender. 2 issues in and we know so much about how this world operates and what these select few Sacrificers experience dependant on their culture. We still don't have full answers but it is clear this story is going to pose interesting questions about the nature of faith duty and... sacrifice. |
9.0 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #3
Oct 6, 2023 |
Three issues in and this is one of my favorite books on the stands. The effort put into worldbuolding is palpable. They arent making us wait long for the story to get moving. |
9.5 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #5
Dec 5, 2023 |
A masterclass of characterization, art and plot development. The art and colors by Max Fiumara and Dave McCaig is mind blowing. Thrres a brief action sequence here that rivals some of the best you'll see from any comic in its readability. The writing is engaging and intense. This book legitimately surprises me at least 3 times in the issue, my well read mind making assumptions and predictions of where the story will go, that are proven dead wrong upon the page turn. Classic. If you aren't reading this series, you should be. A comic in the classic form... this feels like this generations Sandman, a whole new method of fresh characters that could, given the chance, become iconic. Be here to witness it. |
9.0 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #7
Apr 3, 2024 |
After the shocking end to last issue we see Soluna living her first moments as a mortal, and it doesn't go well. Meanwhile; the events of last issue are starting to have massive ramifications. This book is almost entirely driven by Soluna and her memories and her plight, it is an artifully done treatise on the nature of aging, fighting time and nature itself and literally clawing through the mud to survive The best thing I can say about this book is I have no idea what will happen next, its already shocked me many times. Also, they published my fan letter, AND my fan art in the book, which is amazing. |
9.0 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #8
May 14, 2024 |
The final page nearly bumps this up to a 9.5 Its pretty clear that this second arc of the story is traversing between the journeys of Soluna and Pigeon as one loses Godhood and the other obtains it. Its also very clear that their journeys will see them transform into very different characters than we saw at the beginning of this story. But what that means in actuality is very clearly not what anyone is going to expect. Pigeon is beginning to act very much like the gods of this world and so soon. Every single issue manages to be a surprising, interesting or brilliant twist and thats impressive 8 issues in. The wait for the next issue becomes agonizing. High marks for this one. |
10 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #9
Jun 27, 2024 |
We don't often see a character shift this dire, but my is it compelling to watch. Pigeon seems to have taken more than just a gods powers, but also a gods wrath. Everything here is brilliant. The art, he story, the prose, it feels like high fantasy. We explore via the prose what has led Pigeon to this moment while we watch how he acts in his new position already his hands awash with blood so soon, i can't help but be fascinated by what his story will become. |
10 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #12
Nov 9, 2024 |
Everything we've seen up til this point has reached its zenith in this issue. The main players of the story come together and the issue delivers on the impact that should have after so much boiling tension. The script is stark and blunt and doesn't overexert itself, it lets the artist work. And my do they work. Action sequences like this arent always present in indie books, but Sacrificers remains a book unlike any other. Rick Remender is the master of endings that keep you on your toes, hotly anticipating what may come next with a shocking reveal, or an unexpected event. This issue is no exception. You simply never know where this series will go, but you always can be certain it will he an enthralling, moving read, and with Max Fiumaras visuals it will be gorgeous to look at. 10/10 for this fantastic issue |
9.0 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #13
Dec 19, 2024 |
This issue finally sees another angle to this killing spree that Pigeon has been on. While I'm missing the levity from the previous issue, the nuances of the conflict introduced here display some pretty interesting potential stories. This series has remarkable consistency and remains string finishing as one of my top series of the year. |
8.8 |
The United States of Captain America | 5 issues |
8.5 |
The United States of Captain America #1
Jun 30, 2021 |
Solid issue and a very neat concept. We can all be Captain America... fight for the true American dream and dispel the lies that corrupt it. This book has some solid action and a strong intro with some great dislogue. If you're afraid of political ideas... why the heck did you pick up a Captain America book? But if you want the start to an interesting look at how one man can change so many then look no further. Unfortunately the back up story is a bit on the week side. Its not bad, its just nothing mind blowing. Hopefully some of the others coming up can do the concept more justice. |
9.0 |
The United States of Captain America #2
Jul 28, 2021 |
Now this is what I'm talking about. A big improvement on the already solid issue one. This tells a very straightforward tale but sets up our villain definitively. Some folks had a lot of ideas who it would be but the reveal is fitting here. We are introduced to another new Cap, this one being Nichelle Wright. An athlete from Harrisburg does dedicated to lookin out for her small town community through action and activism..... whether they like it or not. By means of this she builds a small network of support, and although she has enemies she's determined to make this right and represent the America she sees, while leaving the big stuff, the gods and monsters to the big men, Steve and Sam. I very much liked this character, found her a lot more compelling than Aaron thus far and I'm looking forward to the next. |
9.0 |
The United States of Captain America #3
Aug 25, 2021 |
Another solid issue with maybe our best new Cap yet?? Idk, but Joe Gomez was great as was this story. Seeing Bucky show up just in the nick of time was great too. This book is brining a lo of fans together as it should. |
8.5 |
The United States of Captain America #4
Oct 13, 2021 |
Solid entry in this series that is shaping up to be a legendary Cap story. All four caps united... and fighting against a neo nazi regime with the help of fellow Americans along the way. This is exactly what Cap should be. |
9.0 |
The United States of Captain America #5
Oct 20, 2021 |
Strong finale to a very interesting series. Not every character csn get a series like this and have it make sense. But Cap being one of them fits. Sure the bad guy is a little bit hokey, but hes a known marvel character and seeing him defeated by the sentinels of liberty - all of them - is great. A lot of people decried this book when it started and spread falsehoods about it. This issue is a good reminder that Cap hasn't changed, and he still supports AND believes in the country he represents, but he also supports and believes in all the people within it and he wants them to take up his fight with them. Theres something to be said about this book providing a story in which all different Americans, some different colors, different backgrounds, different ideals, some even different ways of doing things, and having them all unite under a common cause to defeat facism and hate. Because ultimately unity is the theme of this story, what its all about, and why the series is titled what it was. Captain America is one of Marvel's best heroes because he extols the virtues of an idea that is bigger than just one man. He fights a battle bigger than him, and he does it with Valor and with respect. Captain America has hate, but his hate is towards hatred, and he doesn't let it define him. He let's what he loves define him. This was a nice tribute series to a character who's had some of the longest and most storied histories of any superhero. The art is solid here, and I liked pretty much all the Caps we were introduced to. The most recent one Captain Merrick even highlighted an issue many will ignore in a comic book that affects military personal, very cool to include something like that to show that sometimes even defenders need defending. They could have just made him a stereotype, but they gave him a real motivation and voice. Here's to many more years. And P.S. Bucky still rocks the suit. |
9.0 |
Thunderbolts (2022) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Thunderbolts (2022) #1
Sep 10, 2022 |
That out with Persuasion and Abomination is one if the best laughs I've had from a comic in ages. Rest of the issue has solid art and a fun narrative too. This one looks like a winner. |
9.8 |
Timeless (2021) | 2 issues |
10 |
Timeless (2021): 2021
Jan 5, 2022 |
Im giving this one a perfect 10. What minor flaws are present is eschewed by the story being told here being a not only a great examination of a long running villain but is a strong story in its own right. It didn't even need the tease at the end. Id like to see this done with other characters because honestly if you've never read a book with Kang in it your whole life; you'll know all the essentials after this. The small character moments hit well, one im not going to spoil nesr the end is great. Even this random narrator character introduced is retry compelling. Art is strong and consistent as well. Yeah, 10 out of 10 for this. Do more of this marvel. |
9.5 |
Timeless (2021): 2022
Feb 13, 2023 |
Can we do these Timeless books once a year for the rest of Marvel's existence please? Kang is just such an awesome villain and these two timeless books have truly understood why. If MCU Kang is even half this good we are in for a treat. |
9.7 |
Transformers (2023) | 10 issues |
9.5 |
Transformers (2023) #1
Oct 5, 2023 |
Yea I mean this is awesome. One of the most hyped series of the year and DWJ delivers. Alresdy heart and amazing art presents the fight moves are super cool. Excited to see where this goes. |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #3
Dec 16, 2023 |
Perfect score, zero notes. This is amazing. |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #4
Jan 24, 2024 |
Jazz? Yeah 10/10 This book is firing on all cylinders. Its not super deep, doesn't have to be. Its exactly what transformers needs. |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #6
Mar 16, 2024 |
Yes nothing to hate here. Perfect scores. Literally just perfect scores all around. This is everything I could've wanted. |
9.0 |
Transformers (2023) #7
Apr 14, 2024 |
It may look like everyone is just glazing this series. Well we are. It deserves glazing. Soundwave fans are gonna love this one. More of a Shockwave guy myself. But he'll be around. |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #8
May 8, 2024 |
This is a big issue with a lot happening and developing story beats that will affect these characters going forward. And its all incredibly well done. DWJ is very good at what he does. We all know that by now. But man Jorge Corona is killing it. I couldn't have asked for another artist to take over the reigns and I csn see exactly why he was picked. He has the same sense if living vibe in his pages that Dan does.... he csn do epic action, intense burning rage, or even somber, dark sadness. And he can do it all with a cast made up of variously sized boxes. A... logical decision... indeed. |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #9
Jun 22, 2024 |
This is the best issue of the series yet. Feels exactly like a G1 episode. Intense, emotional, and you can't look away while reading it. Its just brilliant |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #11
Aug 16, 2024 |
This series manages to be an engaging read, keep these 40 year old characters feeling fresh and dynamic, harken back to nostalgiac appeal whisky being quite bold in its endeavors, and completely unpredictable down to the very last page. The art is great. The dialogue is on point. The story is easy to follow. Rhis is like reading a Saturday morning cartoon, in the best way. Its exactly what a comic book should be. |
8.5 |
Transformers (2023) #17
Feb 14, 2025 |
Another great issue. So much stuff going on, but they keep it grounded. The new introduction to the series looks great. This series is pure joy, the art is amazing, the stakes feel relevant and the characters feel right. |
10 |
Transformers (2023) #18
Mar 15, 2025 |
DWJ is on a generational streak with this series. I've not seen a book this consistently good in a long long time and I can't believe we're already 18 months into this. The epic visuals; the pitch perfect characterization and the ambitious storytelling do not tke breaks. There are no filler issues, no padding. All of it is in your face and relevant to the ongoing story and this issue culminates everything that has happened so far into the return of a character just as iconic to this brand and to pop culture as Optimus himself. Its been building for a while but the moments of gravitas interspersed throughout the chaotic action still feel fresh and poignant. My anticipation for what's to come cannot be higher. |
8.3 |
U.S.Agent (2020) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
U.S.Agent (2020) #1
Nov 4, 2020 |
I like what they are doing here. A little faT and loose but a lot of fun. |
8.0 |
U.S.Agent (2020) #2
Dec 26, 2020 |
Yiked these reviews are harsh? I'm enjoying the book. And I like the art style too. Not sure what why the lower reviews |
8.5 |
U.S.Agent (2020) #3
Mar 6, 2021 |
Good ideas at play here. Some good scenes. Nuanced characters. John Walker isn't perfect... he's a slightly old fashioned American, he isnt Steve Rogers and has more skeletons in his closet than most. But he's still a good man. What he's being thrown into here is a good scenario Priest has set up, where he is up against people with way more bureaucratic power than him and less empathy for the people he's trying to protect. In this issue his old partner Lemar Hoskins is sent into the hot zone looking for Walker but finds himself in the crosshairs of the new U.S.Agent, a black man who sees the world very differently than Hoskins does. There ideological battle naturally becomes a physical one, which is the highlight of the issue. To frame this we get an insight into the lover of Walkers sister Kate, also a black man with a unique perspective on self respect and African American culture. The three different viewpoints are depicted here as the focus of the issue and they end with a very intriguing cliffhanger that could be controversial if more people were reading this series. Priest is playing with interesting concepts here and I'm impressed to see him actually showcasing different black perspectives on similar issues and giving them all a healthy amount of nuance and complexity. A lot of writers would shy away from this type of subject matter but as a black guy myself I appreciate it, even if it isn't perfect. I just hope he can stick the landing. This issue was solid and had a lot of content, I'd say it stands out among the books Marvel is running right now, fitting for the character. I recommend you consider picking this up. It isnt perfect but its a good, fun read with solid art. |
9.0 |
Ultimate Invasion (2023) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Ultimate Invasion (2023) #1
Jul 6, 2023 |
To preface, I never read into much of or followed the Ultimate Universe. Thankfully, you dont have to here. I've read a little bit of the Illuminati stuff but only the first few issues. I have however seen much of the Maker, as he has crossed paths with the likes of Venom in recent history. Anyways, all that being said, this issue is a pretty epic setup snd I'm not sure where it's going to go but I'm excited to see it. I've always been a fan of Hitches artwork, and hes on top form here, I particularly like how he renders Black Panther here. The story makes quickly but also takes irs time on important details. Its essentially a game of chess beginning between two of the greatest minds in the universe. Given who's writing this, that probably means we're going to get into some crazy stuff down the line but this issue let's you in easy with minimal use of graphs and Diagrams and spreadsheets. The ending is by far the most intriguing bit, and hints at what's to come in very exciting ways. My only flaw with this issue is its price is quit ridiculous, but it IS kinda an event so.... I'll allow it. |
8.5 |
Ultimate Invasion (2023) #2
Aug 5, 2023 |
Still not entirely clear what Makers plan is, but we can see its diabolical... and entertaining. Howard Stark is portrayed in an interesting way here, and as a bonus I've always liked the ultimate iron man suit. Its clear they arent just redoing the last ultimate universe but trying some new things and I welcome that. This series isnt nearly as convoluted as other hickman works, but his strengths are still present. And also, the art is, as usual fantastic. Looking forward to next issue. |
9.5 |
Ultimate Invasion (2023) #4
Feb 7, 2024 |
Sorry but I loved this story. Its all setup, but it still has a core story within it, an ideal and a theme that defines how its central characters guide it. It feels and looks epic in scale but is not overwhelming. It plays out like a cinematic superhero movie but a good one. The art is brilliant and gorgeous. The colorist really did great work here with the lightning in the epic clashes of the gods of time. Im surprised at the middling reception here. This is exactly what I want out of superhero comics of this scale and its a neat setup for this ultimate universe. |
8.7 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1
Feb 14, 2024 |
Read issue 1. Second printing was out; that's the one I got. Its a lot if setup... but man its great. Peter is actually imo the weakest part of the book tho but I feel thats by design. Uncle Ben and jonah... I almost want them to get a book. Almost wish this ben became the spider, as a younger man. Wouldve been an interesting angle to have a vengeful but righteous spider going after the wrong guy. But... I get it. Thus is Peter's story. And I can't wait to see where it goes. |
9.5 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #2
Feb 21, 2024 |
A strong second issue that sees Peter learning how to be a hero. And he's pretty bad at this right now. But hes learning. The JJ and Ben stuff didn't really go anywhere this issue. The Kingpin stuff was cool. But the main drive of this issue is Peter's story, and how he's doing something he should've done ages ago but now late. Hes a little too self aware of that, and he was also a little too trusting of Tony's message, but I get it. Hes kinda a dolt; bumbling through life and now will have to learn everything... hoe to use this power and how to be responsible with it. That final line was also hilarious. These folks at marvel know EXACTLY what they're doing and I love it. |
8.5 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #3
Mar 27, 2024 |
Solid issue once again, gorgeous art but I was hoping for a more unpredictable reveal. Was pretty obvious who goblin was. Hoping we can really get things moving next issue. |
7.5 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #6
Aug 1, 2024 |
Its good. But this dude brings nothing new to the table. At all. The action scene is great. The family seen is... fine. But i was expecting them finding out to be a bigger deal. They don't really do anything with it. Hickman set up the mayday as knowing and I thought that was gonna be an interesting dynamic but a couple issues later she just reveals it anyway and MJ is immediately OK. Its just like... kinds predictable? Kinda redundant? I want meat, character drama. For decisions to matter. Peter's choice to hide it didn't matter. He might as well have just told them all a couple issues ago. Meh. Still good. |
9.0 |
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #7
Aug 1, 2024 |
A strong issue, and better than the last. But this story is moving too slow for me. Time to consolidate some "moments" and have stuff happen. A lot of conversations and set up. When the action does happen, it is great. Chechetto is amazing. That is all. |
8.5 |
Ultimate Universe: One Year In (2024) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Ultimate Universe: One Year In (2024) #1
Dec 11, 2024 |
Straightforward but very well done. Not much in the way of revelations but very well written |
8.7 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) | 5 issues |
8.5 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) #1
Mar 19, 2024 |
The art and presentation is gorgeous and unique, much more akin to manga influence than traditional comics. Peach Momoko is a very unique new talent in the industry and she's determined to make her mark and im glad marvel is supporting her in big projects like this. This first issue provides both cultural notes for non Japanese audiences but also a horror like introduction to this world and the enticement the main character exists in. It deals with serious topics and seems to be surrounding themes of suppressed feelings being forced out. Using this as a catalyst to feature the usual themes of the X men is a brilliant idea if executed well. I dont wanna give away much of the story but definitely check this out for one of marvels most unique books. |
9.0 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) #4
Jun 19, 2024 |
I am loving this series more than any of the other ultimate books. There i said it. This is the one that actually does skintight completely new and unexpected with the general premise. Its like if the new mutants was a Shonen manga. The character designs and art are top notch. The mystery is intriguing enough to keep you engaged. It just works. Sometimes I can't explain it acutely. |
8.0 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) #6
Aug 29, 2024 |
For the end of a story arc this issue doesn't have a ton of finality but it does have a lot of promise and exposes more light on a few mysteries. This is a slow burn series, so it is a good thing the art and characters are entertaining to read. |
9.0 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) #7
Sep 22, 2024 |
This was much better than last issue. A lot of new story developments and the introduction of interesting characters and a new villain organization. This gives our heroes an obstacle to overcome but first they'll have to discover the true nature of it. Art is as always fantastic and the character interactions are highly enjoyable |
9.0 |
Ultimate X-Men (2024) #10
Dec 11, 2024 |
Things kick into high gear rather abruptly in this issue. The scrutiny on the Children of the Atom pushes the teens to their limits. Its a transitional issue but it does its job well. Some very great physiological horror stuff here, both thematically and visually. As usual this book isn't heavy of fight sequences, but if you're invested in these characters it is very engaging to read. |
8.5 |
Uncanny Avengers (2023) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Uncanny Avengers (2023) #5
Dec 20, 2023 |
I really dig this team and it sucks this book isn't going to be longer. But this was a cool story. I enjoyed Stevils return to villainy, and that thing with the nuke was super cool. The ending is a bit rushed however. |
9.0 |
Uncanny Valley (2024) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Uncanny Valley (2024) #1
Apr 10, 2024 |
This was really creative in pretty much every aspect. The premise itself is an interesting twist on an old formula, and the presentation makes it where you're seeing something that would normally be reserved for a live action/animation hybrid but instead its just Dave Wachter doing a very cool blend of different art styles, and also delivering some gorgeous colors here. The book takes a surprisingly serious approach to its inherently wacky premise, but there's an undercurrent of good humor to the everything. It manages to feel grounded but also fantastical given what happens in the issue. I've been looking forward to this one for a while and it didn't disappoint. This is a comic worth picking up. |
8.9 |
Venom (2018) | 5 issues |
8.5 |
Venom (2018) #17
Aug 28, 2019 |
Tie in issue but easy to follow. Great art as always from Iban Cohello. Very fast of a read but exciting the whole way through. Final page is exciting and leaves me wanting more. |
9.5 |
Venom (2018) #21
Dec 29, 2019 |
One of the most consistently excellent books Marvel has on the shelves right now starts off a brand new arc, and this is looking to be a fun one. |
9.0 |
Venom (2018) #23
Feb 12, 2020 |
Its painful waiting for new issues of this series, it's just so good. |
8.5 |
Venom (2018) #27
Aug 14, 2020 |
This series continues to be one of Marvels best |
9.0 |
Venom (2018) #35
Jun 21, 2021 |
Not much to say. This is exactly what we've come to expect of this run. And it ends in a brilliant way, potentially taking a page from offbeat of Venoms greatest rivals. |
9.3 |
Venom (2021) | 6 issues |
8.5 |
Venom (2021) #1
Nov 11, 2021 |
A strong debut issue wrh a lot of moving parts and plenty of setup and plenty of gorgeously rendered action. I dig layered stories and thus is looking like its going ot be a great one. In recent years Venom has struck me as a character that consistently gets thrown into the most epic most insane, large scale situations and stories despite coming from such humble beginnings. This new story looks like its gonna keep that energy. I just hope Ewing doesn't get too big for his britches, but given his track record I have nothing to worry about. Go buy this issue, I wanna see this story through! |
8.5 |
Venom (2021) #9
Nov 3, 2022 |
Its very hard to make issues like this work well without seeming redundant. Ewing, as expected, understands the assignment, recontextualizing the story we already know. Im eager to see how thus plays out. |
10 |
Venom (2021) #12
Dec 22, 2022 |
This issue is pure comic book goodness from cover to cover. Epic, bizarre, bold, artistic, awesome. |
10 |
Venom (2021) #18
May 17, 2023 |
This issue is high science fiction at its very best. If you'd have told me such a descriptor would apply to a book starring the epitome of the 90s Venom, id say it was unlikely. Until you told me Al Ewing was writing it. |
10 |
Venom (2021) #25
Dec 12, 2023 |
This issue was effing amazing. Just oure marvel comics goodness. References, call backs, doom, Kang, time travel, just .... so good. |
9.0 |
Venom (2021) #34
Oct 13, 2024 |
Im late af but I gotta sing the praises on this for a sec. This was a tie in arc which I fully expected to be a forgettable side quest. And while it is a side quest it has some phenomenal characterization for venom, absolutely INCREDIBLE art by juan Ferreyra, and awesome callbacks for long time venom fans. This issue and the previous one sees the series once again acknowledge Lee price, whos short stint as venom kickd off my tenure with the characters comics that has remained since 2016. But even beyond that, this series brings back side character from venom 150, which was a landmark issue from around 2018 that saw Eddie brock in a particularly low point in life meet a lonesome priest; in an encounter that the priest winds up becoming yet another casuality to venoms effect..this ties in greatly with the internal conflict that venom himself is having right at the same time and shows that no onenis a better continuity nut than al ewing. Juan even draws a couple of panels directly based off of that issue, which was done by tradd more. My only complaint with this issue is the appearance of meridians in the end is a bit confusing. But seriously... great tie in |
9.3 |
Void Rivals (2023) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Void Rivals (2023) #1
Jun 14, 2023 |
A new world dawns and with it a new universe. Even though spoilers are everywhere this review will be spoiler free. Even without the big twist ending this book is solid. The art is great, the paneling is great and the storytelling is strong. Theres a feeling of isolation and hopelessness that permeates. The designs are straightforward but harken to some classic stuff, which evidentally is very much intentional. When you get to THAT page your hype gradually builds until you realize this book is has a lot more to it than meets the eye. Its well wroth reading and if you can, read it blind. |
10 |
Void Rivals (2023) #4
Sep 27, 2023 |
The inclusion of a certain character makes this an automatic 10 for me. The only... logical score. Rest of the issue is phenomenal too. |
8.5 |
Void Rivals (2023) #5
Nov 15, 2023 |
This series continues to do exciting things with its premise and expand this world. Darak and Solila are captivating main characters and the art is brilliant. Sleeper hit of the year. |
9.3 |
Way of X (2021) | 4 issues |
9.5 |
Way of X (2021) #1
Apr 21, 2021 |
Holy crap. Lemme preface by saying I'm a religious person and a HUGE Nightcrawler fan since childhood so maybe im biased. This issue is nearly flawless and a must read, especially for many who have been detractors of this whole Krakoa story. Nightcrawler has discovered that with the mutants conquering death, they have begun to devalue their life. He seems no moral objectivity but something feels wrong. All this is played against a backdrop of several events we see influence the narrative. I won't spoil anything but its very captivating. I cannot wait to see where this goes. It feels very grounded despite the faith based nature of its main character and it is tied strongly to X men lore without requiring backlogs. Nightcrawler has many criticisms f Krakoa and they are coming to a head. My only complaint would be Magnetos excessively douchey portrayal, but even then it works here. 9.5 out of 10, if not higher. Definitely worth a read. |
9.5 |
Way of X (2021) #2
May 19, 2021 |
I feel like we've gotten more "content" in two issues thus far of this series than 6 issues of some of the other Xbooks. This is absolutely phenomenal stuff. And there's not a better character to lead it than Nightcrawler. Legion is great and kinda takes the role of the audience here in some ways, in the way he views Krakoa.... and its leaders. Nightcrawler seems set on making sure this nation is safe from itself, and its clear the places he may go will lead him to answers he might not be ready for. |
8.5 |
Way of X (2021) #3
Jun 27, 2021 |
This series continues to show the ugly side of Krakoa all the shiny new planet bringer won't tell you about. And its really good. Lots of things to discuss about this issue and a lot of topics many writers shy away from. When the dust settled on this era things like this are going to be what makes or breaks it. The X Men are doing things beyond ambitious and I havent seen it from any other corner of this universe let alone the Distinguished Competition. |
9.5 |
Way of X (2021) #5
Aug 20, 2021 |
And to wrap up this arc, all of Kurt's inner conflict comes to a boiling head,quite literally. Beautifully written issue throughout. Spurrier has a great feel of this character and what makes him tick and what makes him break, but also what he's willing to do when that happens. The final pages of this book are powerful, as are Kurt's words speeded throughout the act. Proabbly one of the best moments we've gotten out of an X book this year. Its stuff like this that makes me love this character even more. The conflict isn't completely resolved, as there are still other issues to deal with after this, but where it leaves these characters is at a great point. Cortez gets his due in a unique and fitting fashion. Legion takes a supporting role here but an important one. Kurt is the star of the show here. I dont want to spoil too much. Just read this issue and this series. Its truly phenomenal. |
8.8 |
WildC.A.T.S. (2022) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #7
May 10, 2023 |
This series is WILDLY entertaining. A lot of that is due to Rosenbergs slick writing and realistic dislogue. This tram is more like coworkers who only kinds like each other and sometimes hate each other. That makes the banter very frequent and very funny. Especially Ladytron. Shes got banger one liners here. As for the actual narrative its pretty solid two as the team realized they've been duped into working for the bad guys and are trying to fix it. Meanwhile Grifter after his last stunt has found himself in many worlds of hurts. Where he finally lands though is pretty interesting. I dont wan a give away two much, this series started out ok but its got a real flow to it now and is a lot of fun to read. Pick this up. |
8.5 |
WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #9
Jul 24, 2023 |
This series has become one of my favorites in DCs lineup. Not a wildcats vet at all but this run has made me a fan of them. I think that's the highest honor I can award rosenberg. Art is a little inconsistent this time around, but the story remains exciting and I'm intrigued to see where it goes. I thought alt Z was a little bit tropey but she's used well here. Voodoo has been on the sidelines this entire run and finally gets to do some cool stuff, I think this is setting her up to join the team proper. |
9.0 |
WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #10
Aug 9, 2023 |
This issue is action packed, and fortunately, that action is great action. Not much in the way of plot development, but things seem to be coming to a head. The ending is a little wierd and abrupt unfortunately; but I had a great tim with this. Most every character on the team got a moment to shine. |
9.5 |
Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special (2022) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special (2022) #1
Dec 28, 2022 |
This was well worth the money and then some. Im nor a longtime Wildstorm reader in fact im pretty new to a lot of these guys. But we get some really nice stories, almost everyone delivers and there are a few that are worth the price of admission alone. The Michael Cray story with Jim Lee on rare interiors is so good it blew me away. The Jenny Sparks one is pretty fun, as is the Grifter short. The art ranges from ok to phenomenal, with Lee and Jonboy Meyers and Bryan Hitch providing usual highlights. The weakest story is the Midnighter and Apollo one, it needed about another 2 pages but its not bad. I really enjoyed this collection. |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2023) | 8 issues |
9.5 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #1
Sep 24, 2023 |
This is how you start a run. This is a dense, eventful read that feels like a movie. The situation is dire, and the pacing is friggin brilliant. If tom king keeps this up were in for a good time. My one gripe is Dianas dialogue could be a little less stiff but I get what he was goin for. Whats to say about the art? Sampiere is insanely, wickedly skilled. Its near flawless. Fantastic pick up. This issue is, of course, being review bombed by insecure men who cannot handle when our government is not simply fellated for 20 pages and it still has a pretty strong score. Make of that what you will. |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #2
Oct 28, 2023 |
Idgaf what anyone says. This issue was spectacular. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #4
Dec 22, 2023 |
Hard not to appreciate this story. It, and this run have not been subtle in its messaging, but King knows very well what the core of this character is about, love and compassion.... above ANYTHING else. |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #5
Jan 18, 2024 |
There are some who would suggest little happens in thsi issue but its a brilliant example of character work done right. It doesn't matter that Cassie Sandsmark; Donna Troy and Yara Florbhave already been well established. This issue, like this series, treats us the reader as if we are fairly new to this Wonder Woman character and establishes the characters personalities and their roles very well, and why they are going to be siding with Diana in this battle, and what they are going to offer. Its kinda brilliant. It also reflects Diana's character and her relationship with each of them. She views Yara as an equal. She views Cassie as a niece. She views Donna as a sister. And she doesn't want to see them get hurt, to the point she's willing to hurt them so they don't get hurt. Excellent. It also establishes many of her most notable villains, ot at least gives you a cliff ones version of who they are and what they do. This crew is missing a certain speedy feline but I have a feeling she'll be turning up again. My only issue with this is a common one with king. His dialogue is crafted deftly and thoroughly. The words said are thought out and detailed. The drawback is, it comes off as stiff sometimes. I appreciate his usage of repeat phrases in his work, but every character begins to sound.. Almost like the same person. Or; for some characters he just makes you swear a lot. Thats a small ding on an otherwise great issue.. probably my favorite of the run so far. |
10 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #6
Feb 23, 2024 |
Im sorry. But its really hard for me not to love an issue like this. Theres very little in the way of plot here. Its just a long, extended fight scene, with hefty narration by the villain of the story. But man. Sometimes you just want to see stuff like this in a superhero comics. Bare knuckled, no holding back; fighting. When they spent an entire issue building up the threat of some of Diana's most iconic villains(save for one feline archnemesis) I expected an entire years worth of storytelling with each hero going after her in a way one by one. But King had other plans. Instead, and probably logically, the story details to us how all of these folks were needed AT ONCE just to get a CHANCE to take Wondy down. It was a concerted effort, basicslly a hail Mary, a combination effort that would've been almost any other heroes worst day. The issue is brilliantly paced, and it feels like reading 3 issues, because the bad guys just keep coming. But for the final part of this trial, King gets rid of all spectacle... the final part of this fight is just that... a fight. No people to save, no plot to stop, literally just "who can beat the other into submission". And its so, so good. The narration substitutes the minimal dialogue we get from diana, but it never fails to highlight what she's up against and why her triumphing over earns her her name. Again, im a sucker for issues like this. Superhero comics aren't that complicated. Sometimes, you just want to see an exceptional individual be tested to their limits... and win. Oh,and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the art, although it almost seems redundant. But sampiere is one of the best working right now just plan and simple. Theres really not much I can say. I have no notes. Its meticulously crafted, gorgeous linework and figure work. No notes. |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #9
May 27, 2024 |
This is a good issue on its own. The main issue with it is that it is too drawn out for what its achieving and probably should have been pieced up into another side arc maybe with the other wonder girls for 2 issues or so. The art as always is flawless. Theres a lot to like here but the pacing is slow. |
8.5 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #10
Jun 19, 2024 |
After reading this issue, I can say confidentially that tom king understands the almost inexplicable unique relationship wonder woman has shared with her archenemy. The metatextual analysis of it here is quite acute, in how it doesn't match up with superman or batman in their simplicity. That being said, I'd like for him to use other comparisons than superman or batman sometimes. Also, the stuff with the wonder girls and the plane was pretty forgettable. Would've gladly sacrificed it for more of Diana and barbera brawling. |
10 |
Wonder Woman (2023) #14
Feb 18, 2025 |
Beautiful, emotional issue. No notes on thus one |
10 |
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) | 1 issues |
10 |
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #1
Dec 1, 2021 |
Wow. That would be a sufficient response to reading a book like this as I have just done. But it certainly isn't sufficient to my tastes. Im quite certain if you're reading this you have either already read the book, or you already plan to. But in case those don't apply, I'll be the one of untold many to tell you do stop what you are doing and read this book. This is one of the best issues of a comic I have read all year, if not the best. And even if you dont agree with that assessment, after having read this you'll see that its creators have made quite a hearty stake for that claim. The sheer amount of plain effort to be seen within the pages of this book is alone a worthy mark of high regard, but it also shines in its execution. I saw snippets of Phil Jimenez art for this before the issue even released. I've not been too privy to his works thus far other than knowing he has an inimitable style and startlingly strong line work. So I had my expectations. But I can happily say that those were exceeded and shattered. To say this is one of the most visually stunning comics I've held in my hands in some time would be an understatement. To put it succinctly, you feel like you are watching a movie as you read thus. And you almost wish you were, if only to see these pictures move as a living thing would, and not a drawing. Every aspect of the artistic direction in this is inspired, refined, executed near flawlessly. Every goddess design, is something inventive, creative, unique.... this is almost a character design class in and of itself. Even simplistic designs like Aphrodite bear clearly untold hours of intent and though put into it. And as an aside, yes, she is portrayed as rather "plump" here. Some may complain about that. But keep in mind... a goddess has no need for human nutritional health. Much like I wouldn't scoff at Thor being shown as a potbelly viking of immense strength(which we have also seen multiple times) I would not expect any gods to kowtow, to be restricted or burdened to human standards of beauty, form, health or anything else. Personally though, I'd say my favorite design of this is Athena. Its truly an inventive look to see in both concept and execution. Its phenomenal work. The panel work and storytelling is no less impressive. Theres little I wish to say here for fear of spoiling the wonder of looking upon these pages but its all there. Its on point. As an aspiring comic artist it truly is an intimidating thought to be tasked with creating something like this. Jimenez killed it. As for the story, well, its deceptively simple. But for a book so visually dense, it was the right decision. For beneath its rather simplistic narrative is tons of ideal, and tons of ideas. Kelly Sue Deconick has been known for her depthful exploration of such ideas.. Ideas about what it means to he a woman in this world, or even in this universe. What it means to be a mother. To be a daughter. To be burdened by choices, rules that even the gods simply cannot break. Even if you are to disagree with some of these ideas, or find them futile, or reduce them down to base emotional responses to otherwise unimportant things.... you have to appreciate the presentation. I sure do. This story works. It works very well. I really could go on about this for a while. Its that good. But I think I'll end it here. This book could've been a one shot and it'd still be fantastic. But I am very much looking to part to. The creators have their work cut out for then to compete with this. I almost feel like I didnt pay enough for this. Easiest 10 in a while. |
7.8 |
Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) | 3 issues |
8.0 |
Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #1
Nov 17, 2021 |
Decent intro issue. Interested to see where this goes. Not a ton to it thus far, but i love the way Mike Hawthorne draws Diana and the dialogue from the boy in blue was good too. I'll pick up the next issue |
8.0 |
Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #2
Dec 28, 2021 |
This was a solid second issue with a roj of good art and some intrigue to keep in engaging. I LOVE how Diana is drawn here and her first "test" is a fun action sequences that ties into her history. Good stuff. |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #3
Jan 23, 2022 |
I generally enjoyed the issue. Its not entirely clear whats going on but thats kinda the point. What DOES happen is pretty nice to look at though. I love Hawthornes art style and how he draws Diana. Very heroic, classic feeling but also modern. The ending scene is actually pretty interesting of a morality play. Im excited to see where they go with this. Its a simple issue but it does its job. |
9.0 |
X Of Swords (2020) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
X Of Swords (2020): Destruction #1
Nov 25, 2020 |
This event dragged on for a while and was very expensive, but this issue made it all worth it. Theres a splash page here that will make any X man fan absolutely giddy in the vein of Endgame's finale. As for the event as a whole, very bloated, with a TON of unimportant info sprinkled about(very little of the texts blurbs we've gotten over the issues end up actually mattering) but hey, for lore nuts its gold. Pepe Larraz is seriously unreal, hes not just great at drawing.... his eye for composition and paneling shoes incredible skill and talent, and his rendering can make virtually any scene feel incredible even if it actually isn't. Ive seen his work since he did that Kanan mini, and he has improved so much since then and could seriously be legend status one day. Overall, no regrets following this event. Felt like a movie, and in some ways it kind of was. |
9.4 |
X-Men (2019) | 8 issues |
9.0 |
X-Men (2019) #3
Dec 4, 2019 |
Solid issue. Whats with the haters? At was great and the story was interesting and something different. |
10 |
X-Men (2019) #6
Feb 12, 2020 |
This book delivers every time. Never heard of this artist but he did fantastic work and I want to swe more from him. You can never see into the mind of Mystique! |
10 |
X-Men (2019) #7
Feb 27, 2020 |
Some of the best comic dialogue Ive read in the last year, spoken by my favorite X-Man Nightcrawler? Easy 10. |
9.5 |
X-Men (2019) #8
Mar 14, 2020 |
Awesome cinematic action and great characters. Cool moments all the time. The only thing bad about these X books lately is that they are sucking my wallet dry. |
9.5 |
X-Men (2019) #15
Nov 25, 2020 |
Hickman really likes Cyclops and it shows. Thankfully, so do I. |
9.0 |
X-Men (2019) #19
Apr 8, 2021 |
Went from barely knowing Synch to him being a top 15 X men for me just like that |
10 |
X-Men (2019) #20
May 26, 2021 |
"I am Nimrod... the hunter. You were here at my beginning. I swear... I'll see you to your end." Can't give this anything other than a 10. Wow. |
8.0 |
X-Men (2019) #21
Jun 9, 2021 |
Decent issued. Just wish we got some actual payoff without more teases. But this is a long game I know. |
9.1 |
X-Men (2021) | 9 issues |
10 |
X-Men (2021) #1
Jul 10, 2021 |
A lot of people have lamented that many of the main books in this new era of mutantkind have been washed out with krakoan political discourse and intrigue and feature far less superhero-ing. And those complaints aren't unfounded either. This book is for them. A fun, action packed issue with gorgeous art brought to you by the one and only Pepe Larraz who crafts his legend bit by bit, page by page, cemented a legacy that will be remembered for a long time. Duggan story sets up some fun stuff to come. Im here for it. Play the theme song in your head as you read. |
8.5 |
X-Men (2021) #4
Oct 14, 2021 |
I enjoyed this issue for the one off it was. The art was great and its a good showcase of jean and a peak into the emotional struggles some of the team members have. |
7.5 |
X-Men (2021) #6
Jan 7, 2022 |
This gets a few points docked just because its a little confusing if you aren't reading every other X title, as apparently Cyclops has died in the interim. If this hasn't happened in other comics yet and is explained in the next issue; ill bump this up to an 8 for my presumptiveness. Aside from that its well done. They've managed to make this knew villain Feilong pretty interesting and he stands out from the other human adversaries the X men have faced if late. His stuff with Sunfire was a great read and his display of power shocking. The art by Pepe Larraz is, again, insanely good and he puts his a game on every panel. The colorist did a wonderful job rendering vibrant greens blues and purples but keeping things monochrome when needed. Its a great looking issue. Looking forward to the next. |
9.0 |
X-Men (2021) #7
Jan 27, 2022 |
The Cyclops moment justifies this score alone. "I AM the X-men." |
9.0 |
X-Men (2021) #10
Jul 26, 2022 |
This was already a great issue, and it features a guest appearance from my favorite marvel character, so it gets extra points. |
9.0 |
X-Men (2021) #12
Jul 30, 2022 |
"Cyclops was right." |
9.5 |
X-Men (2021) #18
Jul 26, 2023 |
This issue was awesome as heck. Im way late but man. Just pure Laura goodness. |
9.5 |
X-Men (2021) #25
Dec 20, 2023 |
Daaaaaaaaaaaang. I like this Shadowcat. |
10 |
X-Men (2021) #35
Jun 13, 2024 |
What. An ending. Its and to put into words how much the krakoan age means to me as an x men fan. Its the first full "era" I followed form beginning to end and introduced me to many characters i now love. I've been an x fan my entire life but this was something special. Its hard to encapsulate all possible thoughts on this era, and it certainly had its uos and downs but i can say for a certainty that given the circumstances this was a great way to go out. The dream didn't die. It mattered. We just aren't ready for it yet. This issue is graphic novel length, features many stories; of the past present and future and managed to get it right. Theres action, there's drama, there's love... theres even Chris Claremont. And I'm still green on his works being a 90s kid, but he hasn't missed a beat. But while I feel mixed about the re retcon, I liked his way of interpreting it through the characters. Nightcrawler remains the best x man, but a lot of others are given great statuses and reminders that these heroes will not forget what was done to them but they also won't forget what they have done. The art is great, it changes many times but everyone brings their a game, and it works in tandem with the script, to make this story sing. That sequence "zooming" in on Scotts visored eyes is a masterpiece, but I have to say jerome opena did the best of them all I think. The dialogue is overall great. So very clever wordings, it feels cinematic, it feels right. Charles is done extremely well here i feel. Im going to miss krakoa, but we knew this day would come. Now to welcome in the new age... Radiant and with open arms. |
9.5 |
X-Men (2021) One Shot | 1 issues |
9.5 |
X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala 2023 #1
Jul 30, 2023 |
Dang. I didnt see that coming. Orchis... you got whats coming for you. Remember this day. |
7.5 |
X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) #1
Nov 30, 2023 |
Its actually a pretty decent issue. Overpriced but a well told issue.nut I have some complaints. Nightcrawler remains the absolute best and mystique is still kinda the worst. Destiny doesn't play any part in this reveal and it seems she actually doesn't even know the truth as she willingly had Xavier wipe it from their minds. She's obviously present in the flashbacks. However, the retcon is still messy. Destiny should definitely gave been an old lady by the events depicted, the scene with kid rogue is wonky, and its unclear why Xavier acquiescences to the request of destiny and mystique, when it happens, etc... thats entirely glossed over. They basically go to him and say "hey man take this off of our minds" and hes like "lol ok" The moment mystique finds she's talking to Kurt and immediately goes back to her cold emotionless mask is brilliant tho, as is their final embrace. She literally cannot view current nighrcrawler in a motherly way, she talks about her son like he isn't still there becayse its too much for her and she doesn't really know how to love. Even her scenes with destiny, she's viscous. She points a gun at her head, strangles her.... good old raven lol. Its a decent issue, I just question why this was needed. It doesn't fundamentally do anything but retcon out an old story arc, and add to mystique some powers that push the limits of her inconsistency. It makes destiny darn near incorrigible, and changes little about Kurt except that fundamentally he has 2 moms and 4 parents total... or something. The little speech raven gives about the only binary between sexes and sexuality rings hollow coming from someone who's done more evil than most, and feels like the writer is getting a little too preachy. But that's si Spurrier so you should've expected that. The biggest crime tho is that its too obvious. Pretty much everyone foresaw this coming when this was announced, and it was exactly what we were thinking. Its a good read, but not my preferred sort of retcon. Thankfully the nightcrawler bits make it great becayse njghtcrawler is great. |
9.0 |
X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1
Oct 13, 2021 |
Very abstract, very metaphysical, and very, very good. Im looking forward to Legionares. Nightcrawler remains the best X man. |
10 |
Year of the Villain | 1 issues |
10 |
Year of the Villain: Sinestro #1
Aug 8, 2019 |
Sinestro is one of my favorite villains. This issue illustrates perfectly why. Commentary on religious zealotry that even I a religipus person can appreciate. But in the end Sinestro's true nature proves even more powerful than his philosophy. Well done. |