Jawnyblaze's Profile

Joined: May 09, 2024

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Animal Pound (2023) #5

Sep 9, 2024

It started out really good, but the past couple issues devolved into a blatant copying of drumpf. I'm all for dragging that person through the mud, but this was neither harsh enough nor well written enough at the end to be entertaining. All the effort was put into making the comparison crystal clear and not enough effort was put into making the story remain interesting. There was no subtlety, no real plot, just the fat pos dancing and making a fool of himself all the way back into human control while the two heroes lose their mind/health, one getting euthanized and the other just wasting away. Complete downer of an ending that strikes too close to reality to be entertaining.

Edge Of Spider-Verse (2024) #4

Jun 4, 2024

The first story was pointless, the second story was dumb, only the third story was worthwhile (even though it was poorly written). The art was really good overall, so that's something. 1/3 stories was worth reading, so I give it a 3.33, rounding up to 4.

Harley Quinn (2021) #40

Jun 3, 2024

Meh writing, bad art, they're just not really trying right now. I've hated this art style they've had on Harley for a long time now and it will never work for me. I love the character and I've liked some aspects of the plotting and stories but it hasn't been nearly strong enough to make up for the eye-bleed-inducing cartoon network style art. Having Harley get duped by Mr. Freeze is an embarrassment for the character. I think it's time I finally give up on Harley until they start making it for grownups again.

X-O Manowar: Invictus (2024) #2

Jun 17, 2024

My eyes were glazing over trying to read this. It bored me. The art was really good, but I couldn't get into it at all. Won't be picking up any more of theses.

Bear Pirate Viking Queen (2024) #2

Jun 11, 2024

I still can barely tell wtf is going on in this book, it's so messy looking visually that I think it interferes with my understanding of the story. That, or the writing is equally messy. After hating issue one I decided to give it one more issue to grab me. This issue was better than #1 but it definitely didn't grab me. The last page said "to be concluded" so I might as well ride this to the end since there's only one more issue.

Bear Pirate Viking Queen (2024) #3

Jul 8, 2024

Uh, what...I had high hopes for this book just based on the title and what, at a glance, looked like cool art. But once I started reading it I realized it just didn't have the chops to meet its potential. The art is actually really messy and ugly. The story is messy and hard to follow. It just doesn't make a lot of sense and doesn't really go anywhere. I was going to drop it after issue 2, but noticed there was only one more book so I figured I'd just finish it off. This issue didn't salvage anything from the previous two train wrecks.

Chasm: Curse of Kaine (2024) #1

Aug 30, 2024

I'll start with the good. The art is nice. That's about all I got. The writing is dreary, the story is dumb so far, and they're not doing a good job of making me care about the characters. Ben and Eve are in the sewers hustling people for money? Wut? Kaine is just swinging around soliloquizing about his history with Ben? Corny. Everything about this book except the art screams low effort. The art is solid, but not top tier or anything. I won't be picking up #2.

Free Agents (2024) #2

Aug 13, 2024

I really wanted to like this book, and there are some decent things going on. The stuff with the girl just wanting to go to school but the commander getting on her about her priorities was good. I'm not sure if I'm missing something that came out in the past or if this book just hasn't established the characters well enough but I'm not connecting with anything really, despite some effort to paint the background minimal though it might be. It's a shame, the writing team of Busiek and Nicieza should be a guaranteed win but it just isn't hitting with me yet. And the art is really bad. This will probably be the last issue I get.

High on Life (2024) #1

Jun 17, 2024

I had no idea this was based on a video game before glancing at the critic review on the first tab here. I thought the art was solid, and when I flipped through at the comic shop I thought the talking gun idea had potential, but I didn't enjoy the comic at all. Won't be picking up any more. Wasn't the worst thing I've ever read, but not good enough to keep me spending time and money on it.

The Holy Roller (2023) #7

Jul 9, 2024

This book really is tiresome. There are some moments of chuckle worthy comedy, but as a whole it's just not that good. I wanted to like it, but now I'm just riding it out because I hate quitting something before it's done.

Birds of Prey (2023) #9

May 10, 2024

I'm enjoying the story for the most part, I like all the characters, but jfc this book is so ugly. The art is SO bad it really detracts from the experience. I've read that some others like the art, I've read other reviews that specifically say the art is the main strong point of the book right now. I don't get it. To each their own, but it's just messy and looks like a bad attempt at old 3-D. That's been my take on this whole series so far, I've enjoyed the writing and the characters but aside from that one really nice looking issue from someone else (I forget), the art has been distractingly atrocious.

Birds of Prey (2023) #10

Jun 6, 2024

The story is mildly interesting, but the art just makes me want to vomit. This faux dot printer look is just revolting. Even without that effect it would still be subpar, if not nauseating. I've hated the art this whole series minus the one issue that didn't look like it was printed on a bubblegum wrapper, but the story for the most part has kept me reading. The first arc was especially good, but I'm still along for the ride for now. Dunno how much more of this art I can tolerate though.

Birds of Prey (2023) #11

Jul 8, 2024

The Good: the writing. The story is fun and the banter is amusing. No complaints about the writing. The Bad: everything in front of my eyes except the words. I absolutely hate this art, the style, the colors, everything is just repulsive. It's obviously intentionally mimicking old 20s pulpy comics, even making the colors faded and drab to give the impression of being old, but that doesn't make it any more appealing. I hate hate hate the art, and I've been contemplating dropping this book since it started solely due to the art. But I enjoy the characters and have enjoyed the writing, so I'm sticking it out hoping they get someone better starting with the next arc. There was the one issue with a guest artist after the first arc that looked decent, please put that person back on the book.

Annihilation 2099 (2024) #1

Jul 8, 2024

I'm not a huge fan of cosmic stuff in general. I enjoy Guardians for the characters themselves, but not much else in this type of book. I decided to give this a shot on a whim. The Nova story was actually quite interesting. I enjoyed it and the twist was cool. I just skimmed the Dracula story after the first page or two though, it couldn't hold my attention. Hope more comes of this Nova though.

Annihilation 2099 (2024) #2

Jul 16, 2024

Honestly my eyes started glazing over reading this one. I'm already not the biggest fan of the cosmic stuff but I wanted to give this a shot because the first book looked interesting when I flipped through it at the comic shop and I did enjoy it once I read it. Not this one though, eventually I just started skimming to power through it as quick as I could. I probably won't buy #3.

Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024) #1

Sep 9, 2024

This was just about the most cookie cutter zombie story I've ever read. Can't say I enjoyed it and won't be picking up the subsequent issues.

Underheist (2023) #4

Jun 10, 2024

Yea I'm not sure what the hell is going on here, but I'm still moderately interested. The art is nothing special, but the characters are interesting (as far as I can tell...) The plot is intentionally unclear but knowing that it's intentional doesn't make it more enjoyable. With a satisfying conclusion in the next issue it can redeem the three issues and this might be better in a trade where you can read the whole story at once. We'll see.

Underheist (2023) #5

Jul 25, 2024

It eventually got to where it was going, but it wasn't exactly efficient. I liked the writing more than the art, it was quite ugly. But it did a good job keeping you mostly guessing about what exactly was going on (in a good way, not an unclear way). I wasn't dissatisfied with it as a whole, but I am glad it's over. Much more of "is he crazy? is he in hell? wtf is going on?" and I would have lost interest quick.

Vampirella (2019) #669

Jun 17, 2024

Weird. I'm not that knowledgeable about Vampirella, I've never read the book regularly but as a 90s kid I was always aware of her. I decided to give the book a shot since I've picked up a few here and there because of the covers, I started reading at #666 and also read Dead Flowers. Maybe this all makes perfect sense to someone who's been following along for a while, and the captions do an ok job of filling in the blanks, but I'm not sure I'm going to stick with this. We'll see.

Witchblade (2024) #1

Jul 22, 2024

I was pretty hyped about this book, but it was rather disappointing. The art was really bad, and that was always one of the main appeals. Rebooting the origin is..a choice. I won't pass judgement on that yet, it could end up really well done but it's going to be difficult to accept the ugly art.

Witchblade (2024) #2

Aug 26, 2024

I really want to like this book, but the plethora of annoying details just makes it so hard. The overall plot is solid, but there are a lot of little things in the writing that just makes me scrunch my face up. The stuff about 10 year olds and 13 year olds? The writer makes it sound like that's commonplace, but uh nah that's too much. The whole "I need to find the killer but...ME SO HORNY!" was really dumb. But what really took the cake was a guy getting pissed off and accusing Sarah of being a showoff because she "enjoyed" it too much? What guy would get pissed off and storm out because he pleased a woman too much? That's just beyond ludicrous. The art seemed like a slight step up from last issue. It's still not great, but a little better than #1. Overall this has been really disappointing so far. One of the standouts of the second wave of Image books deserves better.

Witchblade (2024) #3

Sep 19, 2024

I'm enjoying the general premise of the book, and this might have been the strongest issue so far. Unfortunately the art is a big handicap, and the writing is way too heavy handed. It comes across as preachy. I'm all for positive messaging and illuminating problems in society, but it just isn't done well here. I'm sticking with the book because I'm hoping once the plot fully kicks in it'll focus more on that. I don't foresee the art getting any better, but hopefully the writing will.

Kid Venom (2024) #2

Sep 9, 2024

Well the art is quite appealing. The story continues to be kinda muddy and not overly interesting though. It's a quick and easy read, but the comic is more just for following the action visually. Without some better direction next issue, I'll probably drop this.

Orcs (2021): The Gift #4

Jul 25, 2024

I really wanted to like this more than I did. This issue wrapped everything up well enough, but suffered the same thing as the series as a whole. It just seemed to meander too much. I liked the art a lot, gave me Groo vibes especially the speech balloons. But it just didn't hold my attention. Halfway through I started just skimming so I could get the gist and get it done.

Phoenix (2024) #1

Jul 19, 2024

I really wanted this to be a good book. I'm a huge X-Men fan and Jean is one of the most important characters in X-history. However, I didn't have high hopes. These kinds of mini series are often passed off to B-teams or young writers/artists, and that's what this book felt like as well. The art was ok. The writing was ok. Nothing stood out much, nothing really grabbed my attention. Jean showing off new power levels is cool and all, the intimate moments between Jean and Cyclops were nice, but otherwise it just wasn't very interesting. Hopefully these was just a scene setting issue and it'll start getting better soon.

Deadpool (2024) #2

May 10, 2024

While I enjoy the general idea of the story, the writing is AWFUL. The dialog and vibe in the writing makes me want to drop the book even though I usually enjoy Deadpool stories, even the bad ones. The art is ok, but nowhere near good enough to make up for the putrid writing.

Deadpool (2024) #3

Jun 17, 2024

Highlight of the run so far. The plot is really cool, but I REALLY hate Ziglar's voice in the dialog. It wasn't as bad this issue, but still not good. Love what they're doing with his daughter, and the final page was expected but still enjoyable. Looking forward to that dynamic, and hoping they stick with this. Make Taskmaster her mentor and teach her his ways since she seems to have at least a similar capability for mimetics. Make her a permanent part of the Deadpool story. Deadpool and Daughters, Mercs for Hire has a ring to it lol.

Deadpool (2024) #4

Jul 8, 2024

I'm really enjoying the story of Deadpool. Bringing his daughter into his life and having Taskmaster train her and everything is fun. The art was ok. The dialog wasn't as bad as it sometimes is, but still the weak point of the book. Ziglar continues to be by far my least favorite writer of any book that I read. I dropped Miles Morales because I just couldn't take it any more. Deadpool hasn't lost me yet though, I'm still enjoying it for the most part.

Deadpool (2024) #6

Sep 20, 2024

I love the plot and the daughters of Deadpool, Taskmaster is a lot of fun, the art is fine, but I HATE the writing. The humor falls flat on its face, the usually endearing (or at least moderately funny) fourth wall breaking is forced, corny and annoying here, Deadpool doesn't really sound like Deadpool. He sounds like a hacky actor putting on a bad impression of Deadpool. Sounds like what a Deadpool movie would be if we got Carrot Top instead of Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool. I really hope they get a new writer for Deadpool soon or I might end up dropping the book. I'm just sticking around for the daughters at this point.

Action Comics (2016) #1067

Jul 18, 2024

Solid book for what it was, but what it was wasn't something I enjoy. I had been picking up Superman books for the Braniac story, mostly because of the inclusion of Lobo and the Czarnians, but it looks like I'll be dropping them back off my pull list now.

Blood Hunters (2024) #1

May 10, 2024

I liked two of the three stories, so rounding up that's a 7. The Hawkeye story was lame and boring to me, the JJJ and son story was the best and very enjoyable (the scene where JJJ blames Spidey for his son getting turned, and then shifts the blame on Spidey to another reason when John is ok was classic), and the Dagger story was very good too. Cloak and Dagger are characters I've always liked and thought never got enough use or quality talent on books they were in.

Blood Hunters (2024) #2

Jun 7, 2024

Not as good as the first issue. The Hulk story was good and my favorite of the three, but I thought the flashback stuff was ham fisted. The Hulk part was interesting though, and fit well with the overall event. The Hawkeye story again is the weak point of the trio. Seriously, she's stuck on this "gotta kill him because he's a vampire" even though he was helping her and explained how he doesn't kill people and does good? Pretty dumb, as if there haven't been numerous examples of good vampires in the Marvel universe. The third story had enjoyable bits, Dagger is always a delight and seeing her try to appeal to Yelena was nice, but Elsa was boorish and boring. The writer was trying too hard with the Britishisms. Great looking art though.

Blood Hunters (2024): Vol. 2 #2

Sep 17, 2024

A kind of paint-by-numbers team up book in the wake of Blood Hunt, but it was well done for what it was. Art was solid, writing was solid. Any book with Dagger and/or White Widow automatically has my attention and this was enjoyable enough.

Blood Hunters (2024) #4

Jul 19, 2024

I enjoyed 2 out of 3 stories. The Silver Surfer story was a complete waste of time. The Satana story was fun, and the final story was quite interesting. A temporary super team coming together, and I'll never not like Dagger so it was a big win.

Doctor Strange (2023) #15

May 9, 2024

I thought the story was good, but the art kinda killed it for me. I only picked up this issue because of the Blood Hunt tie in, so it was cool to see the immediate followup to BH1 and it was an interesting story in its own right, but the art was just out of place and out of tone. It wasn't ugly or anything, it was competent. I just think it belongs in a book like Strange Academy or Power Pack or something.

Doctor Strange (2023) #17

Jul 9, 2024

Really fun issue with decent art and solid writing. I've never been a reader of Dr. Strange, but I've picked up the Blood Hunt issues and have found them enjoyable.

Missionary (2024) #1

Sep 27, 2024

Well it certainly wasn't boring. The writing is decent and the art is ok (I can't be the only person who saw Stegman's name and was disappointed he didn't do the art). The story seems a little ham fisted, there were moments of humor and attempted shock but they didn't always land well with me. The protagonist also isn't very sympathetic, he seems to be written in a way that wants the reader to sympathize but I can't even muster pity for him.

Moon Man (2024) #4

Sep 27, 2024

I want to like this book a lot more than I do. The story and plot are interesting, the writing is solid, but the art is so messy and hard to follow it detracts from my enjoyment significantly. If they could get a cleaner, better artist it would help immensely.

Spider-Society (2024) #1

Aug 16, 2024

This whole concept that's been running through the Spider-verse books and everything isn't my favorite thing ever. I do like "lots of versions of the same character" ideas, but the interversal spider agency thing is kinda meh. I enjoyed the animated movies as their own thing, but don't need a whole "thing" made of it in the comics. I picked the book up simply because of the nice Artgerm cover, and since I bought it anyway decided to read it. I did enjoy it, mostly just for the character beats and interactions. A lot of the writing was hammy and the plot is meh, but the art was solid and it was enjoyable enough for me to probably pick up #2.

Vampirella: Dark Reflections (2024) #1

Jun 11, 2024

I'm no Vampirella buff, I've read a bit here and there. This seems like standard quality fare with a new coat of paint. The "TVA"-like setting is about as good as one could expect. Writing isn't exceptional, but it's par for the course. The art is fine (I ran out of ways to say the same thing heh). I'll keep reading and see where it goes if for no other reason than they tend to commission some really beautiful covers for these Vampi books these days.

Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt (2024) #2

Jun 17, 2024

Solid tie-in issue. Fun dynamic among Spidey, Misty and Lizard. The make or break moment in the issue comes early, and I couldn't help but crack a smile at "It's Morbin' time!" Corny? Yes. But also amusing.

Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt (2024) #3

Jul 22, 2024

Not one of the best Blood Hunt tie-ins, but not the worst either. I'm always down for some Morbin time. Kind of a cookie cutter mini series though, standard drama between Misty and Colleen, simple conclusion and stakes for how it all played out. You could certainly skip this and miss nothing, but if all you're looking for is a side story about some Spider-adjacent characters during the current event then it serves your purposes well enough.

Blood Squad Seven (2024) #1

May 23, 2024

Whether you like this book or not will probably boil down to whether you were reading and enjoying comics in the 90s. I was, and I did like this book. Joe Casey is a very good writer and the art was solid. The concept of "government sponsored super team" isn't new, and neither is the aspect of it that is revealed on the last page (I won't spoil it), but it's executed well here and it should be a fun read.

Blood Squad Seven (2024) #3

Jul 30, 2024

This isn't the most original story, but it's not one that's played out or over done. This has been good so far. Not great, but good. The art is kinda meh, but the story is keeping my attention and that's good enough for me. I'm liking these books that are looking at Image comics through the lens of a vet company now, this one and Local Man for example. I was a kid, just a few years into collecting comics when Image first came out and set the comics world on fire so it's cool to see it being treated as a company with a deep history now. If course, "history" can just be written however they want in a backstory no matter the age of the company, but it's extra special when they can actually refer back to stuff from the 90s and the stuff that was going on in the books back then.

Cyber Force (2024): Shootout #1

Aug 13, 2024

This is at its core, a rather pointless and unoriginal book. But as a one-off story that's basically just an action scene with bare minimum dressing before and after, it's solid. The writing is meh, but the art is solid. New Cyberforce stories always get me excited, but this one was barebones. Still, something is better than nothing. I wish this artist had been assigned to Witchblade instead of the one that was since that book is an ongoing series and this art was way better than Witchblade's.

Gumaa: The Beginning of Her (2023) #7

Jun 10, 2024

Cool book, I appreciate the vibe. Kind of a Dark Angel meets the Crow with some Charmed mixed in but darker. The art was ok, would have obviously preferred if Lee did the artwork alone, but it was fine. The story was a little clunky but I'll keep reading to see where it goes from here. If I have one big gripe, it's the lettering and speech balloons or whatever you wanna call those. It was really distracting and I didn't like it at all. But as an introductory series, it was solid and got me interested in what's to come. If nothing comes after, I'll appreciate this series a lot less though.

Gun Honey: Collision Course #3

Jul 16, 2024

Solid story, fun reading. Art is kinda poor but it doesn't detract much. Not a super deep series but it accomplishes what it sets out to, and that's to entertain.

Misery (2024) #1

Jun 24, 2024

A series centered around Cyan certainly has its appeal. The art was solid. The two main scenes, the fight with her dad and the attempted assault are both very overused plot devices and weren't great, but I'm definitely still interested in where this goes.

Project: Cryptid (2023) #9

Jun 3, 2024

In short, I didn't enjoy the Yeti story but did enjoy the Puca story. Neither the art nor the Desperate Housewives vibe of the Yeti story appealed to me at all but it wasn't poorly done or anything. Just not for me. The Puca story was much more interesting and had an interesting twist. It was also a cryptid I was unfamiliar with, so that's a bonus. I kinda want a full on Hellboy style series about the people in the story.

The Whisper Queen (2024): A Blacksand Tale #2

Jun 17, 2024

I thought this issue stalled a bit, wasn't as engrossing as issue 1 or the previous series The White Tree. Wasn't bad by any means, but I barely remember what happened. Won't hit the score too much because I'm sure it'll lead somewhere.

The Whisper Queen (2024) #3

Jul 18, 2024

This series seems to be slowing down a bit too much for my tastes. It's still a well made book and I don't regret buying it, but #1 was a lot better than 2 or 3 to me. Hopefully it refocuses soon, because the last two issues have been a bit muddled.

Catwoman (2018) #66

Jun 21, 2024

Solid plot with the heist theme, writing was good enough. But for the love of all that is holy can they stop with the terrible Saturday morning cartoon style art??? The first half of the book was unbearably ugly, the second half was decent. That style of art has already caused me to drop Harley Quinn. I hope the same doesn't happen with Catwoman.

Catwoman (2018) #67

Jul 19, 2024

Good issue. Plenty of action, nice character moments between Catwoman and Nightwing. You could definitely feel her desperation and stubbornness. Interesting reveal at the end, look forward to seeing how it wraps up.

Catwoman (2018) #68

Sep 20, 2024

Good story, nice character moments with Selina in her version of death's door and Batman's role. Wrapped up this arc nicely. Solid art, good writing, the plot had an action movie vibe and tension with the crew fighting outside while Selina fought for her life on the operating table and Batman helped how he thought best, staying out of it physically but being with her "spiritually". Fun issue.

Aint No Grave (2024) #1

May 10, 2024

Westerns aren't my genre, but this looks really interesting. The reveal in the last couple pages wasn't what I was expecting. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Aint No Grave (2024) #2

Jun 18, 2024

It was certainly not lacking in action, that's for sure. The writing was fine, the art was pretty good, the action was really good. Seemed like a montage in a movie where they show how someone traveled a long distance without taking a lot of time to do it. Wasn't the most entertaining issue, but it got from point A to point B.

Aint No Grave (2024) #4

Aug 13, 2024

In case the excerpts from the critic reviews weren't clear, there are only two words in the entire book, on the last page. It was a lot of nice art, and I'm not saying the book was confusing at all or anything, but I do wish it had been a more traditional issue...with, you know..words. That was probably the fastest I've ever "read" a comic, heh.

Fantastic Four (2022) #21

Jun 17, 2024

I'm not a fan of the Fantastic Four, never have been. I picked this issue up because of the Blood Hunt connection, and I don't regret it. Solid issue. A little ham fisted with the "Reed thinks like a scientist, not an artist" bit, but there were enough enjoyable aspects to the issue that it was still enjoyable.

Fantastic Four (2022) #22

Aug 5, 2024

I'm no fan of the Fantastic Four, I only picked this up because it's a Blood Hunt tie-in, but I'm glad I did. It was interesting and a good tie-in. I dunno if it'll make me want to pick up F4 books moving forward, but I'll at least give them a look and consider it.

Batman: Dark Age (2024) #5

Sep 3, 2024

Really enjoying this. My only complaint is Allred's art. I've never been a fan. His faces and figures are alright, the scenery is solid. But he draws people like bad action figure poses, action figures without enough points of articulation. It detracts from the reading experience for me. But nevertheless, it's a really good book. Enjoying the story.

Crocodile Black (2024) #1

May 13, 2024

Very good overall writing, my only complaint is that I wasn't 100% clear what was going on at the end but I'm confident that will be clarified in subsequent issues. The art was nice and the characters were very well defined. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Crocodile Black (2024) #2

Jun 18, 2024

Yea, I had the same experience most are mentioning. Slight confusion, but it's engrossing regardless. Seems like it might be another one of those books that's better in trade form where you can get through the whole story at once, getting clarification immediately rather than having to wait.

Crocodile Black (2024) #3

Jul 18, 2024

I'm sure it's a failing on my own part, but I can't really follow this book. I do appreciate that it is a well made book, so I'm going to keep trudging through, but I hope it gets a little more clear soon. I do like the parts I understand though.

Crocodile Black (2024) #4

Aug 26, 2024

It's still pretty difficult to follow for me, I get the overall gist of what's going on but I often flip back a couple pages looking for whether I missed something or not. Regardless, it's a good book and I am enjoying it. Really interesting stuff, if I wasn't so interested and enjoying it I wouldn't bother flipping back to make sure I catch everything.

Daredevil (2023) #12

Aug 9, 2024

Continues the streak of very good issues for this run of Daredevil. It is a LITTLE corny, sure, with its overly religious themes. A little too preachy, using the word of God to win in the end and Kingpin's reaction after the fight. But still, very well written and gorgeously drawn. Every fight panel with Greedpin is poster worthy, with the demonic arms and fire and everything around him. Just gorgeous looking. I am about ready for this arc to wrap up and move on to something different though.

Daredevil (2023) #13

Sep 6, 2024

This issue was a low point in the run, to me. I didn't like the art at all, and some of the choices didn't make sense. Daredevil running away after Kingpin was groveling for forgiveness? Was a wtf moment. A lot of this issue just seemed off. Hopefully it gets back on track next month.

Dracula: Blood Hunt (2024) #2

Jun 21, 2024

Enjoyable issue. Good writing and very good art. The whole pep talk by Daredevil was a little cheesy, but not in a distracting way. This issue should have been called Bloodline: Blood Hunt though, heh. The tie-ins for this event have been quite good overall and this is no exception.

Fall of the House of X (2024) #5

May 24, 2024

This hasn't been the best event in X-history, but it's been ok. This issue was a highlight of the run though, being simpler and more clear in what's happening and why. There were some gorgeous pages, especially when Storm enters the picture, as well as some cool ideas like Magneto and Polaris working together. Enjoyable conclusion. Not deep, but enjoyable.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #8

Jun 17, 2024

The vast majority of this series went right over my head, I got the main idea but the details escaped me. That's true for this issue too. I get that he was told by the love of his life that if she could do it again she'd go with him instead of her organization. Then he does some time tripping and ends up back on their wedding day and (as I'm translating the final page) decides to take the happy road. I suppose that's all that's important, and I did enjoy this series for sure. Especially the art, it was magnificent. Especially the depictions of Wyn's master and especially especially the big red robes and multiple white glowing arms. Those panels were jaw dropping. Hickman is a writer that even when I don't really understand everything that's going on, I still enjoy it. I probably won't remember much about this series other than the fact that I mostly enjoyed it heh.

Hellverine (2024) #3

Aug 6, 2024

Good stuff. I'm enjoying the ride but that last page was kinda heartbreaking. Hope it isn't permanent.

Hulk: Blood Hunt (2024) #1

Jul 18, 2024

The story was far from unique and a bit shallow and the twist was very obvious, but it was a well done version of this standard story. As a side story to the Blood Hunt event it was solid enough, but if I'm being honest I expected a bit more than an "8" from a Hulk tie-in with how good Hulk has been lately.

I Heart Skull Crusher (2024) #4

Jun 24, 2024

Another very good issue, good action, solid art that is appropriate for the story, just good overall story telling. The romance angle is a little cliche, but it works. Same goes for the "don't meet your heroes" trope that seems to be in play. It was a fun read.

Immortal Thor (2023) #14

Aug 20, 2024

This continues to be a really interesting story with Zeus vs Thor as the centerpiece of this issue. Hercules serving as the voice of reason is an interesting twist, and Nyx is cool too. The art is solid and the writing is really good. Looking forward to seeing where this goes from here.

Immortal Thor (2023) #15

Sep 9, 2024

Started out a little slow but once they got past Thor's decision with Loki it got more interesting. The art was ok, the writing was good. Not the best issue of the run so far but still solid.

Mugshots (2024) #1

May 10, 2024

Noir-ish crime stories like this aren't exactly my bag, but something about this made me want to give it a shot. Even the art isn't the type I usually appreciate, but it worked for this book and I enjoyed the story. Has a slight "Sin City" meets Guy Ritchie vibe, and those are two things I can definitely appreciate.

Outsiders (2023) #8

Jun 17, 2024

Very fun little one-off story. I know nothing about Jonah Hex and even less about Ginny Hex (I'm no narc) but this issue filled me in plenty and was a good detour for Batwoman to set up where the Outsiders go next. Very interested in how the gun affects Batwoman. This has been one of, if not the best book in DC for the past eight months.

Outsiders (2023) #9

Jul 18, 2024

Something about this issue didn't entertain me as much as the previous eight. I can't put my finger on it, but I just wasn't feeling it. I've loved the run so far, this one had me ready to be over long before the final page. I'm just going to take it as an anomaly though, maybe I was distracted or something.

Red Light (2023) #4

Aug 23, 2024

Reasonably good ending. It was a little anti-climactic for the villain to just give up and have a change of heart, but otherwise I enjoyed it. A cool little story that I could definitely see being from the Blade Runner world or something similar.

Rise of the Powers of X (2024) #5

Jun 3, 2024

I won't say this event as a whole has been great, but I've enjoyed it. It wasn't going to be easy to reset the X-Men to the underdog status in the first place, so I won't complain about some messiness in the execution of Fall/Rise. This issue was fun and satisfactorily wrapped everything up, even if it was a little rushed feeling. The art was great and the contrast between the two wars going on, Phoenix vs Enigma and Xavier's plea with Moira, was good story telling. I enjoyed this event for the most part, but I'm glad it's over and we can move forward. I'm incredibly excited about the new batch of books starting up.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider (2024) #3

Aug 2, 2024

Good issue. A little frustrating to see Gwen recognizing that EVERYONE is telling her not to do what she's doing, even an agent in charge of her exact situation who knows the consequences is ignored, and she does it anyway. I'm not saying it's unrealistic for a kid to think they know it all and put their own impulses over common sense, but it doesn't make it less annoying. Interesting direction they're going with Chameleon, a historically weak villain. Not a book I push to the front of the pile in the week it comes out, but a good book nonetheless.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider (2024) #5

Sep 17, 2024

I liked this one a little more than the previous ones. Gwen went from being a mopey rebellious teen to actually trying to do the right thing, regardless of legality. I appreciated the characterization more and everything about the way it played out worked for me. Art was solid, writing was good. Hopefully it continues this trajectory going forward.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White & Green (2024) #3

Aug 5, 2024

I loved two of the stories, and the other two were decent. The second story had a strong Frank Miller vibe, the art definitely but also the story. A short story with a damsel in distress, a loner, betrayal, very hard boiled style story. It was great. The third story was the opposite, very light and fun. The art wasn't a style I can appreciate, but it worked for this story. It wasn't deep, but it was enjoyable. The first story was just ugly, but there was some action and interesting stuff happening. The fourth story felt like just filler. It was the opposite of the first story, good art but pointless story. Overall a good collection of stories, if they had just swapped artists for the first and fourth stories I could say it was had three legit great sections but it was still really good overall.

The Spectacular Spider-Men (2024) #6

Aug 9, 2024

Solid book with good art, good writing and decent plot. The most interesting parts are the AI conversations in the dark. The rest is pretty derivative of Westworld (they even literally called it out early in the book) and Arcade's usual hijinks. It's hard to come up with a fresh idea that hasn't been done, but this one doesn't add much new to the formula other than those AI conversations. Still, it's a fun book and worth my time and money.

The Spectacular Spider-Men (2024) #7

Sep 10, 2024

I liked the way they wrapped it up. This series has been up and down to me, mostly up but some down. I genuinely laughed when KNAIVE said the K is silent. Great art as usual from Ramos. I'll be keeping this on my pull list for now.

Venom War: Deadpool (2024) #1

Sep 20, 2024

Solid book and tie-in. Well drawn, well written (MUCH better than the main Deadpool book). Only slightly feels shoehorned into the Venom War event, but you know we had to have a Deadpool tie-in so it was done about as well as you could hope. I wish this creative team would take over the main book.

Venom War: Lethal Protectors (2024) #1

Sep 20, 2024

Good tie-in. Feels more organically related than some others. The symbiote mods for the Wild Pack members was kind of a wtf moment, but it works. Art and writing were both solid, this is definitely a worthwhile event tie-in.

Wolverine (2020) #49

May 10, 2024

I enjoyed the Sabretooth parts, the concept of therapy by reliving some of his deeds through the perspective of his victims was interesting. The rest was ok. I don't care for the art at all, but it doesn't detract from the story to me. Honestly, the whole event has been a slight let down. I expected it to be a bit more. Not that it's been bad, just not quite as grand or epic as I was hoping based on the first couple issues, especially that shocking scene with the message made of Daken's body parts.

Wolverine (2020) #50

Jun 4, 2024

My only gripe is that the final showdown felt a little rushed. I probably would have preferred that it happen over two issues, but it's not a huge gripe. Even though it was rushed, it was brutal and satisfying. The final double spread before the reveal of the outcome was simple and great. The art was also quite good. As a bonus, the backup stories were also pretty good. I almost never read backup stories, I'll skim them to see if they're worth my time and 90% of them aren't. These were.

Wolverine: Deep Cut (2024) #2

Aug 12, 2024

Solid story, Claremont is the goat and the art was good as well but there's something I can't put my finger on that prevented me from really loving it. Might be that it's a pocket story from a long ago era so the stakes are pretty low, but I'm not sure that's it. The opening training montage was quite good, if nothing else.

X-Men: Blood Hunt (2024): Jubilee #1

Jun 14, 2024

I love Jubilee as a character but this was just kinda meh overall. Art was very meh, the story was cool but the dialog was meh. Blood Hunt has been very good so far and even most of the tie-ins have been at least good, I'd have to say this is the weakest one so far but still not bad. Just meh.

X-Men: Blood Hunt (2024): Psylocke #1

Jul 8, 2024

Another good one shot Blood Hunt tie in. I'm a big fan of the characters and the budding relationship is enjoyable to watch. Nothing deep or heavy here, just a solid little add-on to the main story.

X-Men: Blood Hunt (2024): Laura Kinney the Wolverine #1

Jul 19, 2024

Perfect example of an event tie-in done well. Relevant to the event but self-contained, interesting, well drawn and written. Probably the best Blood Hunt tie-in so far.

Grendel (1993): Devil's Crucible - Defiance #1

Jul 9, 2024

Grendel is one of those very 90s characters that leans hard into the rule of cool and hasn't really progressed much since then, but as a once-in-a-while thing I enjoy it. The art in this book was quite good, the story interesting but not deep or overly original. Still, it's a good book with solid world building, Beyond Thunderdome vibes. That'll always appeal to me.

Grendel (1993): Devil's Crucible - Defiance #2

Aug 13, 2024

Still enjoying this book a lot. The art is gritty and good in a nostalgic way, the story is interesting and the writing is pretty good. I'll say the uh... sexual scenes, the one just before the big fight and then the last page, weren't something that I'm looking for in a comic...but I can look past them for how enjoyable the rest of the book was. More post apocalyptic dystopian Grendel stuff please!

Grendel (1993): Devil's Crucible - Defiance #3

Sep 9, 2024

Some good action, good plot progression, good character interactions among the grendels, can't say I appreciated the uh extra details on the two vampires but I suppose there's some comedic value to that. Otherwise, the art is very good and I'm enjoying the writing and story. Very interested to see where this goes next issue now that they're at the base.

X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse (2024) #1

Jun 14, 2024

Apocalypse is one of my favorite comics villains so a book like this is going to automatically pique my interest. Most of the candidates are characters I like as well, only a couple I wasn't familiar with (Armageddon Girl? I don't recall ever seeing her before). Cable would be my personal choice, but I can see it being either Exodus or Rictor as well. GREAT art. Was very happy to see good ol' fashioned solid art in this book. OVerall I don't think it'll be quite as earth-shattering of a series or outcome as someone of Apocalypse's stature might imply, but I do think it will be a fun read.

X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse (2024) #3

Jul 18, 2024

As others have said in reviews, it spins its wheels a bit but it's still interesting. The art is really good and the character beats are entertaining. Sinister does sinister things, Gorgon does badass things, heroes do hero things. Not the best comic I read this week but still pretty good. Looking good so far for my prediction of Cable being the winner heh.

X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse (2024) #4

Aug 6, 2024

I really enjoyed this mini series. Apocalypse is my second favorite villain behind Magneto and while I enjoyed his semi-face turn during the Krakoa era, it's good to see him back to his villainous ways. His choice is surprising from a logical standpoint, but it will be very interesting to see where they go with this. I like how they teased the obvious choices, dropped some out while leaving less obvious choices that made me go "huh, they'd be a good option too actually!" and then went with the LEAST obvious choice of all. Good stuff, good writing, great art. Loved it.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #49

May 13, 2024

Really good small scope zoomed in perspective on the big catastrophic event going on right now. Great writing, and somehow great art. I've never been a fan of JRJR at all but I'm actually really enjoying his run on ASM right now. Quality stuff.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #55

Aug 16, 2024

A nice "catch your breath" issue. It was quite frustrating, seeing Peter attempting to have his cake and eat it too. Shay pours her heart out and Peter understands everything but just can't help himself. Honestly, it's this stuff that keeps me from really connecting with the character because to me it seems so obvious that he should know he can't save everyone all the time. Even Superman understands this, usually. Every point she made was 100% accurate and he just can't do the right thing. Still, it was a good issue. If the drama actually makes you feel something like that, then it's doing its job. The Rhino conflict and resolution at the end was very enjoyable too, but I felt that having Shay be happy that Peter came back was kinda dumb. He proved once again that she isn't a priority to him just by leaving, she should have still been annoyed even though he came back. That seemed to be enough for her, when I thought she should have been annoyed but willing to keep talking. The art was surprisingly good, when I saw McGuinness wasn't on the book I was ready to be disappointed. And it was clearly a step down, but not a huge one. Overall a good issue, but one I had minor quibbles with. Hopefully this Shay relationship actually leads to some personal growth, and Peter evolves past the usual "I have to sacrifice everything or I'm not suffering enough to satisfy my sense of responsibility."

Nyx (2024) #1

Jul 26, 2024

This was decent. I'd prefer less focus on Kamala but hopefully that'll come in future issues. Needed more Laura. The art was pretty poor, but the writing was good. MCU Kamala has always been a lot more charming and endearing to me than comics Kamala and I'm usually very much the opposite, preferring comics versions to live action versions. The rest of the characters are cool though, and the villains are a nice choice too. Will definitely stay in my pullbox. Hopefully Mortarino is a temporary artist.

Nyx (2024) #2

Aug 29, 2024

I liked this one a lot more than #1, which I also liked well enough. Issue 2 was great though, meh art notwithstanding. Laura's hard ass attitude, solo mission, everything worked really well for me. I enjoyed it a lot.

Spider-Woman (2023) #8

Jun 20, 2024

Good issue, well written and well drawn. Thunderbolts-lite are interesting, if unoriginal. Not a whole lot to say about it really, I'll be sticking with this book. Would be cool if they up the scale a bit for the next issue. I love Spiderwoman (I'm a bigger fan of Jessica than Peter or Miles...), I'd love it if she got the A-list hero treatment she dabbled in back in the Disassembled days.

Spider-Woman (2023) #9

Jul 22, 2024

Solid book, if I had to pick a weakness it would be that I don't care for the art. It's not my preferred style, Guara has never been an artist I care for. It's a fun book though, Spider-Woman is one of my favorite Spider-characters, the setup and setting is solid. These "Young Thunderbolts" are pretty interesting. The story isn't particularly deep or outstanding but it's good solid entertainment.

Spider-Woman (2023) #10

Aug 22, 2024

Jessica Drew is one of my favorite non-X-Men characters, so I'm always down for some solo adventures. The art was pretty meh and the writing was ok. The plot surrounding her son was an interesting starting point, but didn't really go much of anywhere. Turning her into the savior and temporary mentor for some misguided hero kids in a story that kicked off with her searching for her son was decent symbolism but not overly deep. The ending was cookie cutter, but that's really how a story like this should end. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I would have liked something with a little more substance. More please! With more of an A-team of creatives on it!

Ultimates (2024) #1

Jun 10, 2024

I thought it was good, but the first part with Iron Lad and Doom was a little on the boring side. Loved the scenes with Hank and Jan. The socially reflective themes demonstrated with the Moloid hatred and with the media twisting the truth was well done. Looking forward to seeing this story progress.

Ultimates (2024) #2

Jul 18, 2024

I thought it was solid overall. Solid art, solid story. I thought repeating "America" over and over was pretty cringy, and the "twist" that the whole thing was not only about saving America the country but America the Chavez as well was less of a shock than I think they might have been going for. Still, very good issue overall and I enjoyed it.

Ultimates (2024) #4

Sep 6, 2024

Excellent storytelling, good art, this was an epic issue. Very cinematic. Can't wait to see where it goes.

Venom: Separation Anxiety (2024) #1

May 17, 2024

Solid story, nothing too fancy. Really good art and the plot was just interesting enough to keep me turning the page without thinking about how much I had left to go. Will definitely pick up the rest of the series.

Venom: Separation Anxiety (2024) #2

Jun 20, 2024

This book is definitely pushing the 90s Venom mini-series nostalgia hard. And that's a good thing! Slap the symbiote on a random c-list villain, conjure up a reason to clash with Venom, sprinkle in some guest heroes, draw it well and profit. Winning formula. And boy is this drawn well! The art is great, as well as the colors and everything. Great book all around.

Absolute Power: Origins (2024) #3

Sep 27, 2024

The wrap up to this mini series was the best part of it by far. I hadn't been enjoying it a lot, but this issue had some really good stuff. The falling out with her children parts were very well done and impactful. Batman breaking in just to show he could and her reaction to it was fun as well.

Babs (2024) #1

Aug 16, 2024

This book was a lot of fun, classic Ennis work. The art was surprisingly good. My only criticism is the politics were a little heavy handed, I prefer a little more subtlety, but it didn't stop me from really enjoying it. Went right onto my pull list after finishing the issue.

Batman (2016) #150

Jul 9, 2024

Really good side story about a nobody of Gotham. Very well written and plotted, but the art was just horrendous. Knocking a full point for that, but otherwise I really enjoyed it.

Batman (2016) #151

Aug 12, 2024

Good issue and solid as a tie-in. The Bizarro interaction was especially entertaining. Nothing groundbreaking in this issue, but it didn't drag and fit the overall main story going on. I liked it.

Black Panther: Blood Hunt (2024) #1

Jun 3, 2024

One of the more interesting subplots of this event is Black Panther's struggle as a vampire. Good writing and good art, I'm absolutely invested in this mini series. The conflict of begging for Bast's help, with the weakness it displays, is a great angle. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Black Panther: Blood Hunt (2024) #2

Jun 21, 2024

Really good issue chock full of mythology and spectacle. Maybe I'm just slow or missed stuff in the past, but this issue clarified the relationship of Khonshu and Bast and the rest of the pantheon of gods and made what's going on in Ultimate Black Panther a bit clearer to me. I knew they were the same kind of gods and everything, but specifying that Khonshu was the god of East Africa and it would be taboo to dabble in West Africa affairs without permission was interesting god-politics. Anyway, great art and great writing. Great cover too, would love that in a virgin.

Cyberpunk 2077: Kickdown #1

Jul 18, 2024

Good issue, well done twist at the end. You knew it had to be one of two things, but I wasn't sure which would be true until the last page. I definitely enjoyed this more than XOXO, I hope Cyberpunk comics continue to be a regular thing because it's one of my favorite recent settings/franchises.

Cyberpunk 2077: Kickdown #2

Aug 13, 2024

I love the game, love the setting and I'm really enjoying this book. Two really good issues so far. A noir-ish car culture cyberpunk mashup wasn't on my bingo card but I'm down for it!

Dark Knights of Steel (2021): Allwinter #1

Jul 19, 2024

I honestly didn't think I'd really like this, but I wanted to give it a shot. Glad I did, despite being a little slow and involving characters I don't really care about much it built an interesting world and got me interested in the characters. The art was pretty, but [intentionally] drab. I'll be sticking with this one for now.

Falling in Love On the Path to Hell (2024) #1

Jun 10, 2024

Very cool first issue. As others have said, mixing so many genres is difficult to pull off (first thing that comes to mind is Wild Wild West with Will Smith bleh) but so far so good. The art is really meh in my opinion, but it gets the job done. The writing is superb so far and really hooks you and leaves you wanting more. Slightly reminds me of an anime I watched last year, Hell's Paradise. Definitely going on my pull list.

Falling in Love On the Path to Hell (2024) #2

Jul 18, 2024

Good issue, not as epic as issue #1 but it was still very good. I like the characters each in their own way, good writing, decent art. It has a very "Hell's Paradise" vibe to it, and that's a good thing.

Green Lantern (2023) #14

Aug 16, 2024

Good stuff, tying what's going on in the GL books in with the Absolute Power event in with an "out of the frying pan into the fire" situation with Hal accidentally delivering a bunch of weapons to the resistance to use. Hal desperately fighting back with all the villains' weapons was a fun gimmick, and written well to show Hal's bravado and confidence but also knowing he's out-match and screwed without a huge stroke of luck to save him. Really good issue.

Green Lantern (2023) #15

Sep 12, 2024

Excellent issue with a lot of heart and good action. Good strong tie-in with the Absolute Power event, too. The art was pretty good and the writing was great. I'm not a regular Green Lantern reader, but if this is an indication of the quality of the book outside of the event, I may stick around.

I Hate Fairyland (2022) #15

Jun 11, 2024

I Hate Fairyland (or in the case of the versions I always pick up, F@$% Fairyland) is always a delight. High in sugar, low in protein fun. The art is always on point and the writing is always at least mildly humorous. Very few tropes tickle my fancy as much as the irascible crude protagonist and the suffering side-kick barely tolerating each other's company, and this book goes all in on that trope. Gert's transformation wasn't surprising but very well executed and the only gripe I could think of is that it might have been fun to devote more pages to her destruction of the Gertlings, possibly stretching this issue into two issues. A lot of fun though, and I could see this being turned into an old MTV cartoon style show. HBO has the best comic cartoon ever in Harley Quinn, if this got the same treatment it would be spectacular.

Scarlet Witch (2024) #1

Jun 17, 2024

That's one way to restart a series. Two pretty shocking moments (though the second one obviously won't stick) and keeping Quicksilver involved are sure fire ways to maintain my interest. I really like where they are with Scarlet Witch right now, and Darcy mostly makes an enjoyable presence in the sidekick role. My only real quibble is a detail about the art. Why does she have a mole by her eye all of a sudden in this series? Ew. It's just a personal taste thing though, no big deal. Great book, lotta fun. Definitely staying on my pull list.

Scarlet Witch (2024) #4

Sep 6, 2024

Loved the story, didn't care for the art. Always fun to see Wanda and Pietro interacting, and adding Lorna to the mix makes it even more interesting. I'd love a book that focused on the three of them fulltime, but it looks like at least Lorna has said goodbye for now. Hopefully at least Quicksilver sticks around for a while.

Superman (2023) #16

Jul 22, 2024

Really well done "catch your breath" issue. Watching them try to handle Superman's situation while struggling to save as many heroes as possible makes for a tense issue where not much action actually happens. And it as really well drawn too. Very good issue.

Superman (2023) #17

Aug 22, 2024

Good tie-in to Absolute Power. Vulnerable Superman is always the most interesting Superman, and having to deal with magic is one of the few (two?) ways that he can be made vulnerable. The scene where he let out his anger at being forced to fight his son was a good moment. Well done overall.

The Infernals (2024) #4

Jun 6, 2024

Really interesting story, interesting twist on the whole apocalypse and anti-Christ thing. The three children are probably the least interesting thing about this series to me, and focusing on the emo girl didn't help that in this issue, but everything else is pretty enthralling. The art is hit or miss with me, some panels I really like and almost reminds me of Linsner interior art, and some of them just looked crude and ugly. None of it was bad enough to impact my enjoyment of the book though. Good stuff.

The Infernals (2024) #5

Sep 9, 2024

Very good finale, loved the final page. The chess game and reveal of plans inter-cut with the plans being executed was a classic storytelling device that was done well here. I could definitely see this as an HBO series. Fun story from start to finish.

Venom War (2024) #1

Aug 12, 2024

I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. I haven't been loving the past year or so of Venom stories, but this issue kept the core of what's been going on with Venom and added some levity. I LOVED the wrestling stuff, and the Peter stuff was good too. Hope they keep up this tone.

Venom War: Spider-Man (2024) #1

Aug 16, 2024

Really good tie-in, the highlight was all the dialog between Peter and the symbiote. The antagonist situation was meh, but it was just dressing to give the internal interactions a reason to happen. The symbiote's observations about Peter's happiness and MJ and everything were well done, as well as the symbiote's uncertain intentions. It mostly seemed harmless, but the ending left open the possibility that the symbiote was manipulating the situation all along in order to force a bond, or at least playing nice while waiting for the opportunity to pounce and force a bond. The art was typical Greg Land very good quality as well, especially Hobgoblin and MJ. This book might be the most interesting aspect of Venom War for me, it would actually be really interesting if the original symbiote stay with Peter for a while, but it doesn't seem like this event will be impacting the main Spiderman continuity so I doubt that happens.

Venom War: Spider-Man (2024) #2

Sep 9, 2024

Good writing and good art, good drama, interesting plot. Didn't expect this tie-in to be as good as it is. This has been much less about the Venom War than it is about the current state of Peter's relationship with MJ and how he feels about it with the symbiote throwing his inner thoughts in his face. Really good stuff.

X-Factor (2024) #1

Aug 15, 2024

The run of great relaunches of the X-titles continues. X-Factor was slightly less great than X-Men and Uncanny, but only slightly. I like the cast of characters they chose, the story is good, the bits of humor are good, the art is good. I enjoyed it cover to cover.

X-Factor (2024) #2

Sep 23, 2024

Very well drawn and written. The plot is mostly unique in the X-Men world, but still leads to some annoying situations. I'm assuming Havok either didn't realize his jacket also had a camera or forgot because I don't think he'd intentionally spy on Polaris, but that's a bit dumb and annoying. The dude had JUST SHOWED him the jacket cam. Minor quibbles like that aside, I'm enjoying the book. Anything with a bit of the Peter David X-Factor vibe is going to be a hit with me.

Kaya (2022) #19

Jun 10, 2024

Very fun issue, love Kaya as a pirate/revolutionary. Great art as always by Wes Craig, writing is top notch. Clean narrative and action. Backup story was really good too. I'm kinda more interested in the Pirate Kaya story than I am the main story of the series heh.

Kaya (2022) #20

Aug 13, 2024

Action packed issue, great art as always by Wes Craig. The story is still a little obtuse, but very good stuff overall.

Kaya (2022) #21

Sep 27, 2024

A standard, excellent issue of Kaya with beautiful art and solid writing. The character moments and Jin's "he's like me" interactions all landed well with me and keeps me invested in this story. Jin's transformation and the following situation was really cool too. Would love this to be turned into an animated tv series.

Lawful (2024) #3

Aug 23, 2024

Good art and great world building and writing. The drama is really well done, and Sung's gambit stealing the drug was an interesting twist. Sure, it made half his body turn but then he can just take the drug and be clear again. I'm really enjoying this series and the interesting world it's describing. Ready for the pace to pick up a little, though.

Lawful (2024) #4

Sep 20, 2024

Very interesting concept and story, the writing works very well too. The art is fine, but the story is the real selling point here. This issue was kind of a rush to get to the final setting but hopefully it can really get into the plot moving forward. This issue was more of a bridge from their starting environment and situation to their current one.

Namor (2024) #1

Jul 19, 2024

Namor is a character that I've always liked more than I thought I would. Probably because he was mostly present in books I didn't care about (never cared for FF at all, didn't bother with Avengers much before Disassembled) but I did like him on the rare occasion he popped up in X-Men comics. With that said, I'm not overly familiar with most of his history or the politics around Atlantis, so most of the backstory this book relied on is lost on me. It was very interesting to see him wallowing in misery and the situation built around him being needed back in Atlantis sounds very appealing. Almost reminds me of the Warring States Period of China (or plenty of other points in history of other countries). Hopefully this series will run for a while and I'll be able to learn a lot more about Namor through it. Excellent start.

Namor (2024) #2

Aug 22, 2024

Another great issue, the two reveals toward the end of the book were pretty obvious but really well done. I really like the new character, Kailani. I hope she's a permanent character. Good art and writing and a really interesting world being built upon, as someone who's not extremely familiar with Namor but I've always like the idea of the character, I'm enjoying the history being built here and hope it doesn't stop any time soon.

Titans (2023) #12

Jun 21, 2024

I love this story and this issue was great as usual. The art was above average but nothing to write home about. What really has hooked me is Vanadia and her story. I REALLY hope the find a way to bring her back and give her a spot on the team. New team members are so rare, this would be a great opportunity to shake things up a bit. There's room for two orange ladies on the team!

Titans (2023) #13

Jul 23, 2024

Good issue. I liked Beast Boy's continuing self doubt, it's a good drama thread in the story, which progressed at a good pace. I'm very ready for this bad Raven angle to be done, but it's being handled well. The art was kinda meh, but not distractingly so. Solid all around issue.

Titans (2023) #14

Aug 22, 2024

We're finally getting somewhere with dark Raven, with the team getting caught up to speed on what's going on with her. Very enjoyable issue but I can't wait to get past this arc.

Venom (2021) #33

May 9, 2024

Enjoyed the story and the art was incredible. I don't remember anything about Lee Price or the character revealed at the end, but I don't really care. The meat of the story was Venom's relationship with Dylan and everything happening around that. And the art was some of the best Venom art I've seen in a long time. Reminded me of Erik Larsen mixed with Ed McGuinness. Just fantastic.

Venom (2021) #34

Jun 6, 2024

I want to give it a 10 for the art alone, this has been some of the best I've seen in a long time. Marvel should just throw all the moneys at Juan Ferreyra to draw anything he wants. I'd love to see him on Ghost Rider. The story was good, a little boring at times. The Lee Price stuff was meh but the Dylan stuff was solid. Sometimes I was too distracted by how pretty the art was to pay attention to the word balloons...

Venom (2021) #36

Aug 16, 2024

Surely making Old Man Dylan the spitting image of Cable - in looks, attitude, mission, everything - has to be intentional, right? This was a good book, with very good art, but I can't help but feel like I've read this already. Even so, that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. I haven't loved everything Venom leading up to this, but this issue was a solid well made issue and we'll see where it goes from here.

Venom (2021) #37

Sep 12, 2024

I enjoyed this issue a bit more than the previous ones. The Venom War still doesn't grab me as much as it should, but this issue in particular was fun with Future Dylan's interactions with Dr. Strange. The art was also amazing.

X-Men: Forever (2024) #3

May 13, 2024

Really interesting book, loved the Nightcrawler-Mystique-Destiny drama. A little confusing but not overly so if you're paying attention. Overall Rise/Fall hasn't been quite as good as HOX/POX but it's still been good, and this book has been one of the highlights.

X-Men: Forever (2024) #4

May 17, 2024

Exceptional book, giving us a glimpse into Hope's origins. I loved almost everything about this issue, especially the small part about Destiny and the adult Hope + Legion team-up.

Aliens: What If...? (2024) #4

Jun 7, 2024

Great issue, very well written and solid art. As to be expected, the Reisers are perfectly capturing Burke's sliminess and I love it. I kinda really wish this would be made into an actual movie...

Aliens: What If...? (2024) #5

Jul 22, 2024

I enjoyed this whole series and the conclusion was up to expectations. If I had a complaint, it's that Reiser's voice is maybe a bit too apparent in the dialog. What I mean is that it doesn't read like it was written by a professional writer as much as an actor writing a comic for the first time. It's not jarring or overbearing though. Reiser's involvement was a net positive in my opinion, because despite that minor complaint I think the character felt more true to the source than it might have without him. The overall story was a great peek at an alternative future in one of the more popular film franchises of all time, or at least within the horror genre. Maybe a bit of wish fulfillment by the actor playing a character who in the movies was an irredeemable scumbag, but in the comic is at least given a relatively noble motivation behind his scumbaggery.

Black Widow: Venomous (2024) #1

Aug 5, 2024

Really fun issue. The concept of putting a symbiote through a truncated Red Room training in order to better synch with Natasha's skillset is a really interesting one, and it was executed well in this issue. The art was fantastic, the writing and story were both very well done. Great issue all around, this has got me much more interested in a Black Widow series than I would have been otherwise. (Hopefully they keep the same creative team, I haven't looked it up but I would put this in my pullbox for sure if Schultz and Vecchio are on the upcoming series as well)

DC vs Vampires: World War V (2024) #1

Aug 16, 2024

I missed out on the previous DC vs Vampires stuff, so I'm missing some backstory but this issue brought me up to speed well enough. This isn't exactly the most original setup ever, but I definitely enjoyed it. Good enough that I'll probably go back and read the other books that came out, hopefully before #2 so I can catch up.

DC vs Vampires: World War V (2024) #2

Sep 12, 2024

Another great issue. Great action, writing, art, everything just worked together very well to make an entertaining book.

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear (2024) #1

Jul 18, 2024

Really good issue, the art was solid and Elektra as Daredevil is still a really interesting hook. Good subway fight scene and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Exceptional X-Men (2024) #1

Sep 5, 2024

Excellent world building and writing, it did a good job describing and showing Kitty's state of mind given the things she had to do fighting Orchis while trying to function in normal society. The new character seems interesting as well, not entirely unique in powers or personality but an interesting combination of the two. The art was also pretty good. Very good, grounded first issue and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Feral (2024) #5

Jul 26, 2024

Really good book. Has a "Rats of Nimh" vibe, or maybe "All Dogs Go to Heaven". The Disney style art is really good, the writing is solid, the plot isn't overly complicated but it succeeds in being an effective horror/cute clash. The page with the batnado was really cool. Hope it doesn't take long for the next arc to start up.

Fire and Ice (2023) #3

Sep 20, 2024

Stunningly gorgeous art, that's the first thing that leaps out at you in this comic. The plot and writing is standard dark fantasy fare, and it's well done so if that's your thing you'll love this. Or if you just like looking at pretty pictures, because this book is by far the most well illustrated book I've seen in a long time. The style is a mix of Frazetta and Linsner, which is appropriate given the subject and cover artist. Many books have a really pretty cover drawn or painted by a top tier artist like Linsner, Frazetta, Parrillo, etc, but none have interiors to match the cover like this book does. Any page could be a cover or a poster. I'm sure I'll flip through a few more times just to admire the art, now that I've read the comic.

Get Fury (2024) #5

Sep 9, 2024

Very interesting, visceral, grisly war book. The art is pretty good, but the story is even more interesting. It's not entirely different from a standard Vietnam war movie plot, but the presence of Fury and Punisher definitely makes it interesting, and the side characters also really improve the story. Well crafted story all around.

Hello Darkness (2024) #2

Aug 30, 2024

This was a really good mix of stories. My favorite was probably the least deep and lightest of the bunch, Stargazers. It was just good fun, I could see it as an episode of X-Files or something like that. The first "twist" was very obvious, the second "twist" was less obvious but very entertaining. The War is a slow burn and I can't say I'm enthralled by it, but Ennis is a great writer and I'm sure it's going somewhere. Craig's story was probably the low point for me because of the way it wrapped up, but Craig is an outstanding storyteller so it's easy to give him a pass. The Clown was pretty straight forward, but it was excellently drawn and written well as a standard horror story. Seemed to have a Japanese horror vibe with a dash of It thrown in.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #13

Jun 17, 2024

Great issue. Interesting art, well told story, my only grip being that the setting and Sumungaru aren't that interesting to me, but they got through this pit stop quick enough. On to Vegas!

Incredible Hulk (2023) #15

Aug 13, 2024

I don't really understand everything that's going on but I'm having a fun time with the book. If I did understand everything, it'd probably get a 10 from me.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #17

Sep 20, 2024

This book continues to be interesting in a way I don't fully understand, heh. The art is great, so that much is clear. The plot and writing is very good, can't say I'm tracking everything 100% but I definitely got the gist of this issue. Good stuff.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #19

Jun 20, 2024

Loved this issue. War Machine takes the initiative to recruit some help, is kinda bitter at Tony for getting him locked in jail but not "hold a grudge" bitter. Sock him in the jaw and move past it heh. Bit of advice for Tony, anytime someone says "where do you want it?" you don't say the face, they'll always hit you where you say you don't want it... I love they're continuing the Tony-Emma relationship. I hope it becomes semi permanent. They're such a better match than Emma-Cyclops. Loved the cheeky way to finish the issue too, heh. Good art as well, just a very enjoyable issue from cover to cover.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #20

Jul 23, 2024

Really good end to a really good run. I'm sad the marriage didn't last (or did it? the annulment was postponed and Emma just said she needs time...) I was really rooting for those two kids. It's such an odd couple that actually works, I could see it lasting for years. But back to the issue, art was solid, writing was solid. Everything got wrapped up pretty conveniently but nothing was unbelievable or too big of a stretch. Leading into a WCA book is an interesting direction. I'll probably follow that too.

Jenny Sparks (2024) #1

Aug 23, 2024

Excellent art and good writing, very interesting story. Jenny Sparks is always an interesting and fun character, too. This issue was a good starting point for wherever this is going and I'm looking forward to the ride.

Killadelphia #35

Aug 30, 2024

This has been one of my favorite newer series and nothing changes with this issue. Great story, good art, highly entertaining and often emotional. I could definitely see this story being adapted to an HBO show itself, hopefully Barnes has some contacts that can make it happen heh. Winning Time was great.

Local Man (2023) #12

Jul 25, 2024

Another great issue for this great series. Not much more to be said than that. The flipside story was also a fun one off.

Local Man (2023) #13

Aug 22, 2024

This continues to be one of the best books currently running, despite some really bad art. The story is just too enjoyable to let the art be a detriment, though. Love it.

Napalm Lullaby (2024) #4

Jun 17, 2024

Exciting issue, a lotta action. This continues to be a very well written, very well drawn book. It's probably just the timing since The Boys just started back up, but the Power Girl looking supe (I forget her name) is giving me some Homelander vibes heh. Can't wait to see where this goes. Good stuff.

Napalm Lullaby (2024) #5

Jul 22, 2024

I really enjoyed this, providing backstory for all the major characters and bringing into focus the entire story. The art was really good overall, simple but pretty. Almost the entire issue being flashback was slightly tedious, but it didn't really drag it down much (about a half a point I'd say, heh.) I had already been enjoying this book despite the point of everything being pretty muddied, but now that it's much clearer I'm looking forward to the next issue even more.

Napalm Lullaby (2024) #6

Aug 16, 2024

This has been a great series so far. Great world building, really interesting characters and setting, very good writing and great art. This was an exciting issue with huge action scenes, power displays and big stakes. My only complaint is at the end it started getting kinda confusing, I didn't 100% understand what was going on but I'm sure it'll be made clear within the next issue or two. Can't wait.

Power Girl (2023) #13

Sep 27, 2024

A great issue with some really good comedic beats. I loved the writing and the art was solid. The characters speak like real people would speak, which is always a breath of fresh air when reading comics. This issue was a lot of fun, in both the silly interactions among the characters and the action moments in the later part of the issue. Great stuff.

Precious Metal (2024) #1

Jun 11, 2024

I missed out on Little Bird, seeing the mention in this issue was the first I'd heard of it. I'll definitely be going back and looking for it now though. This style of art usually isn't my cup of tea but I couldn't tear my eyes away from most of the pages. Reminded me a little of Akira, tonally. Maybe just because of all the "wtf" imagery. Story seems interesting too, I dunno if I need to read Little Bird to better understand what's going on or just wait for following issues to clarify but I'm on board either way. This combines many of my favorite themes and genres. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Redcoat (2024) #5

Aug 22, 2024

Pretty predictable twist, but predictability isn't always bad. It means that it makes sense. All of the Ghost Machine books have been extremely good and Redcoat is no exception. Great writing, very good art and the plot is very cinematic. I can't wait to read the next issue.

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) #4

Jun 3, 2024

Loved this issue and I've loved this series. Quicksilver is a criminally underutilized hero and it's always fun to see the twins together. This series dives into the actual dynamics and personality of their relationship and I enjoyed it a lot. Wanda showed again just how powerful she is, which wasn't really necessary but still fun. The final scene with Magneto was good, but since Magneto is my favorite villain of all time I'm sure I'm a little biased heh. It was definitely in character for him to say he regrets the effect his words had without regretting the words themselves because he meant what he said. Hopefully we can get more Pietro time in the new Scarlet Witch series because I'll definitely be reading it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024): Alpha

Jun 10, 2024

Great issue. The first story was great and I can't wait to see where that story goes. The art was great, very reminiscent of the Eastman and Laird days. The "trapped in a fight club and has to help fellow fighters escape" trope isn't new territory, but I love it in this setting. The second story was also really good, with the horror movie vibes. Anthology-like issues like this rarely hit for me, but this one definitely did.

The Crew: Immortal Thor #1

Jul 18, 2024

Very fun book. I didn't expect to like it, I don't usually like annuals, but I liked it a lot. Powerstone was very humorously written without being annoying. Thor's wrist snapping wasn't something I expected to see and his no-selling the injury was pretty comical itself. I wish all annuals were done as well as this.

The Hunger and the Dusk (2023): Book Two #1

Jul 18, 2024

Another excellent issue of this incredible story. This would make a great Netflix adult cartoon. Great action, good drama, well defined characters. I like the new healer too, definitely a unique personality for the group, can't wait to see whats next.

The Six Fingers (2024) #5

Jul 25, 2024

Great finale. Very well done reveals, shocking moments, character work, everything. It's a little abstruse, but not too bad.

Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #7

Aug 9, 2024

With this issue the series seems to have started spinning its wheels slightly. Not going to knock it too much, it's still very interesting and well written and well drawn, but a little too much of this issue was T'Challa whining about having to fight Wakandans and not wanting to hurt them while his enemy has no such standards. Welcome to superhero life buddy. Still, really good issue and I'm loving Storm here. I expect #8 will be much better and more action packed, looking forward to it.

Uncanny Valley (2024) #5

Sep 9, 2024

These Roger Rabbit (or Cool World, if you will) style mashups always grab my interest. This is a very interesting story, with the "real" characters not being the "heroes that save the day" per se, but the key to the villain's plans who must be saved. Of course, I can't wait to see how this wraps up but I'd love for this to continue after the next issue. A movie adaptation would also be really cool, if done right with hand drawn toons.

Venom War: Venomous (2024) #1

Aug 22, 2024

I loved the recent Black Widow book where she trained Sliver and this is a good continuation of that plot. The art is top tier and the writing is great. The plot isn't overly deep, but it totally works here. I need a regular ongoing series by Schultz/Vecchio about Black Widow and Sliver. So good.

White Boat (2024) #1

May 24, 2024

Very interesting so far. I don't like this style of art at all, but the writing and story is more than enough to keep my attention. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Wolverine: Blood Hunt (2024) #1

Jun 6, 2024

Classic Wolverine setup, great art, good action, interesting callback. I really liked this issue, even though it appears to be setting up a pretty cookie-cutter Wolverine adventure. That's ok, I like cookies.

Wolverine: Blood Hunt (2024) #3

Jul 16, 2024

Good issue in a solid side story of Blood Hunt. Good interactions between Wolverine and Nightguard when they were on camera, and then Wolverine later utilizing that advantage himself by having Nightguard turn him. Great art too. Enjoying this mini series a lot.

X-Force (2024) #1

Aug 2, 2024

Very good first issue. Establishes the stakes, gives a reason for the formation of the team, good roster, great art, interesting preliminary mission. A pessimist will say they just included Deadpool temporarily to profit off the movie, but he has a long history with the team and I thought it was a good way to include some history on the team with a realistic reaction from other members. Betsy's (I think it was Betsy, maybe Rachel, I don't remember) "fine as long as Deadpool isn't on the team" and then he shows up on the first mission was pretty funny, but Forge wasn't being dishonest since it was a one time hire, and clever way to make Deadpool specifically necessary for that mission. Overall it was great and this will be an early read every month as soon as it comes out. Great stuff.

X-Force (2024) #2

Aug 29, 2024

I'm really liking the "monster of the week" format so far. Makes it unique among the more interconnected other X-books in this reset, which fits the vibe of what X-Force is about. Drop in, solve a problem, get out. The art was solid, but I'm mostly enjoying the cast and structure so far. Good stuff.

Absolute Power (2024) #1

Jul 12, 2024

Great start to the event. Art is impeccable and the writing of course is great, Mark Waid is one of the greatest to ever do it. There seems to be more than a little Civil War influence here, but instead of the superhero community being divided, it's regular folk vs superheroes. Basically just the fear mongering of superheroes being able to go unchecked, but it definitely has plenty of its own flavor and nuances. Using altered media to influence the ignorant masses is very relevant to the current state of the world as well. Overall it was an incredible start with only very minor quibbles, primarily the kinda surprise hero Waller has on her side. Even if he's a mole as some have speculated, it just goes against his character so much that the writers should know that we (and Waller) would pick up on that immediately. The character himself should know that it is so against his established personality that he wouldn't make a good mole (if that's the case). The only way to really salvage that decision is if it's mind control or something silly like that, but that isn't great either just because it's so trite and silly. Minor quibble though, it was a great book and I'm looking forward to the rest of the event.

Absolute Power (2024) #2

Aug 13, 2024

Great art and really cool story. The highlight of the issue was Nightwing taking charge and Batman's proud dad moment. It was all chaotic, frantic, and seemed a bit rushed but that was obviously by design. I wish I had read this before Batman #151, AP #2 set the events of that book into motion heh. Good stuff.

Absolute Power (2024) #3

Sep 10, 2024

Another fantastic installment of this event. My favorite DC event by far in a long time. The art is amazing, especially that panel with the Flash bike. There's a lot going on, but it all makes sense and adds to the feeling of urgency and desperation the heroes must be feeling. Loving it, almost don't want to see it end.

Gotham City Sirens (2024) #2

Aug 15, 2024

Hilarious book. Loving the plot and writing. The art is kinda poor, but I enjoyed the writing well enough that it didn't matter much. It would be nice if they got a better artist, but I'm loving the silly story.

Gotham City Sirens (2024) #3

Aug 22, 2024

This continues to be a great book. Good art and great writing, I'm loving the Westworld-Gotham style plot. Is it original or deep? No, of course not. But it is fun and well made. This is a series I could easily see as a mini-arc on the HBO Harley Quinn show. I wish it was more than just one more issue.

Gotham City Sirens (2024) #4

Sep 3, 2024

Spider-Man: Reign (2006): 2 #1

Jul 5, 2024

Loved this book. Reminds me of Dark Knight Returns crossed with 12 Monkeys. The art is spectacular, 10/10 and the writing is great too. I think I read the original but honestly don't remember for sure. This grabbed me from the start, though. Kaare Andrews is probably the most underrated artist today.

Spider-Man: Reign (2006): 2 #2

Aug 9, 2024

Another incredible issue. The premise is interesting, the writing is really good, and the art is sublime. One minor complaint about one page of the art, and maybe I'm just misunderstanding the sequence of events, but it seemed to be showing that Venom, the very large and very male shaped Venom, that appeared the previous page was actually MJ. If so, that's just weird. The symbiote wasn't just covering her but tripling her mass and giving her man pecs and everything? Weird. Otherwise, the art is very kinetic throughout the issue, extremely well done. The writing is also great, you can really sense Spiderman's urgency and the instability of his mind. Just a great issue all around.

Spider-Man: Reign (2006): Reign II #3

Sep 16, 2024

The art is still incredible. The story is still good, but maybe a dip this month compared to the previous ones. MJ's revelations were cool, but something about this issue just felt a bit off. I still very much enjoyed it though. Loving this series.

Spider-Man: Reign (2006): 2 #3

Sep 17, 2024

I'm still really enjoying this series a lot, but this issue was a little more confusing. It was still good, the art was sublime and the writing was really good, but I have to say it was a slight step back after the first two issues. Just a tiny step though.

The Sacrificers (2023) #8

May 10, 2024

Gorgeous art, gripping story. Well defined characterization of Pigeon as someone who was never afforded an identity because they were temporary. The rage of the villagers was expected and executed well. Pigeon's initial giving up, then deciding "no, f this and f you guys" was a thoroughly enjoyable development. Can't wait for the next issue.

The Sacrificers (2023) #10

Jul 25, 2024

A bit of a detour from the usual perspective but it was very interesting. The art seemed a little less than usual but maybe because it didn't have the fantastical subjects that are usually present in the book, this issue had to focus on more mundane scenes. Pretty sad watching the princess getting crapped on at every turn. Good issue.

Ultimate X-Men (2024) #3

May 20, 2024

It's taking its sweet time getting there, but I'm confident that as long as they give this book enough room to grow then it'll be amazing. If the plan was for just 12 issues or something like that, then this is too slow. The art was beautiful of course, the flashback for Mei (Storm) is sad but believable and well executed. I can't say I'm thrilled that the next mutant revealed is Nico, she's not one I have any interest in, but maybe this version will be more interesting. Overall it's a very interesting book that's over all too quickly.

Ultimate X-Men (2024) #4

Jun 14, 2024

While this still isn't an X-Men book beyond one character's name and another's similarity to an X-Man, it still IS an exceptional book. The X-Men purist in me wants to be annoyed that it has the word in the title, but I just can't. It's so beautiful to look at and interesting to read. A bit more action in this issue was nice too. The scene where Sto...I mean Mei fries the phones was great. Can't wait for the next issue.

Ultimate X-Men (2024) #5

Jul 19, 2024

This continues to be a slow burn series, but this issue had a little more movement than most. The art goes without saying, it was beautiful. Some interesting developments and cool character moments. This was probably my favorite issue yet. I am a bit impatient for it to really kick into gear, but I don't want to take away from what it was: a great comic.

Ultimate X-Men (2024) #7

Sep 20, 2024

Loving this run, even if it's an X-Men book in name only. It goes without saying the art is beautiful but the writing is very fun as well. The book is capturing the school-age slice of life vibe well while still incorporating a hint of subtle horror and mutant related themes with the Children of the Atom cult and experimenting on mutants. Love the introduction of Kanon (Kwannon), this seem to be building toward a MUCH larger story and longer series than I was originally thinking. I hope so, because this has been a lot of fun. I hope Peach has time in her schedule to keep making this book for years to come.

Avengers (2023) #17

Aug 13, 2024

Great issue with good art and a nice breather for self reflection after Blood Hunt. Storm is one of my favorite characters in comics, so adding her is a great idea. The recruitment, and the way Sam flips the debrief about Blood Hunt into an apology for failing mutants during the Fall was really well done. T'Challa's discussion with the City was interesting as well. Very very good issue and quite the cliffhanger ending. Looks like it's only getting better from here, and it was already really good.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #27

May 24, 2024

I am thoroughly enjoying this story. I'm much less a DC guy than a Marvel guy, but all the mites are really fun. The art is fantastic and Waid's writing is excellent as always. When Batman said "I must have been daydreaming" a legit smile cracked my face. Loving it.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #29

Jul 18, 2024

I've enjoyed this run a lot. It's silly but not too silly. The art has been really good, the writing has been exceptional and it made me actually care about the mites. The ending was kinda sappy, but appropriately so and I can't remember the last time I saw Batman actually laugh so that was a nice moment. And "no drunks" to Constantine lol.

Doom (2024) #1

May 16, 2024

I say this as someone who isn't a big fanboy of Doom. I think he's a great villain but not "the greatest" like many think. I'm sure this is influenced by the fact I don't like FF and I grew up much more of an X-Men fan. With that said, this is an AMAZING one-shot. Well told, if simplistic, story. The art was incredible. I've never heard of this Sanford Greene person, but they need more work pronto. The whole book was just beautiful. I enjoyed the personality displayed by Valeria and the last thing she said was touching. I only took half a point off because as a one-shot it really didn't go anywhere and Doom's entire role was basically just rehabbing while Valeria gave a narrated flashback to catch him up to speed. But regardless, it was a great book, a lot of fun, and one of the best looking single issues I've seen in a while.

Geiger (2024) #4

Jul 16, 2024

I'll start with my one negative take away, the book seemed over way too soon. Felt like half as long as the pages were. Great art as always, I enjoyed all the character touches and details. The story is continuing to be very interesting and now the stakes are increased a lot. But it still feels like there should have been more to the issue.

Geiger (2024) #5

Aug 16, 2024

Great action, amazing art, very good writing, my only complaint is that each issue seems over way too quickly. Five issues in and it all seems so cinematic and epic that it would make a great movie, but it doesn't seem like much more than a 60 minute episode worth of content has happened yet. But still it's so well made, interesting, and exciting that it leaves you wanting more and that's a good thing. Can't wait for the next issue, this will be a helluva binge read for people that aren't keep up with it on release.

Geiger (2024) #6

Sep 16, 2024

Excellent side quest for Barney. I love how they're giving Barney some real characterization moments. He's not just a dog or a pet, he's a full member of the group and here he got an opportunity to have an adventure of his own. The four armed gorilla was really cool too, and I like how they finished the book with the zoo becoming mythologized with the gorilla as the protector. Great story all around.

Kill All Immortals (2024) #1

Jul 18, 2024

Good art, great style, I enjoyed the tone and world building. Reminds me a lot of Ragnarok on Netflix which was a really good show for the most part. Will definitely be keeping up with this one.

Kill All Immortals (2024) #2

Aug 16, 2024

Succession meets John Wick... with immortal Vikings is a very appropriate tagline, heh. Even more accurate, I'd say it's Succession meets Ragnarok (the excellent Netflix show), but that show is a bit less well known. This is a great series so far, the art is good, the writing is good and the plot is a lot of fun. It's funny, I can still see a bit of Chris Hemsworth in this Thor even though they're obviously not related at all. I think that just speaks to how great the casting was, that he matches the look of the character so well even when this version of the character has nothing to do with his Thor. One of my favorite new titles, if I have a single complaint it would be that I'd love to see a bunch of really cool variant covers heh. This book just oozes so much style I could see a lot of really cool possibilities from the popular cover artists. I'd even love just a virgin of the cover A, that's a great image of Thor I'd probably hang up as a poster if instead he had an axe or something in his hand. Something to contrast the modern design of his clothes with the ancient savage nature of his family and history.

Night Club 2 (2024) #1

Aug 23, 2024

I loved this issue, probably even more than the first series. It flowed really well, looked really good, and had good drama. The humor bits landed well and the kids are all believable. I can definitely believe a kid would blow a bunch of his new found money on a Kill Bill sword. I can definitely believe a kid with a crush would hold a grudge against his friend for dating his crush. I can definitely believe a kid that had bee bullied and unathletic would use his new powers to excel at sports, bully his bullies and "date" the mean girl cheerleader. Can't wait for more of this.

Paranoid Gardens (2024) #1

Jul 23, 2024

I picked this up on a whim at the comic shop because the die cut cover caught my attention and when I flipped through the art was really pretty. Glad I did! Very very interesting premise, well written and fantastically drawn. Hope they keep up the quality level, this has a lot of potential.

Paranoid Gardens (2024) #3

Sep 20, 2024

Exceptionally weird book, but in a good way. The art is very good, the writing is very good and the plot is tbd. I haven't read much of Doom Patrol, but this kinda reminds me of what I have read and watched. It definitely has my attention.

Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #9

Jun 24, 2024

This book has been great from the start. Fun, not too heavy, just a nice slice-of-life story for the Marvel universe. The art is ok, but the writing really takes the cake. I too will be sad to see this end, but hopefully there will be another immediate follow-up book that will follow She-Hulk in her new adventures as an Avenger. Or better yet, keep it a slice-of-life book that just shows her during Avengers down-time. The main book will have all the heroics and exploits, the Avenging She-Hulk (heh) can just be hanging with Jack up in the city, picking out new decorations for her room, awkward encounters with Tony and other Avengers, things like that.

Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #10

Aug 15, 2024

Amazingly fun, the writing and characterizations are perfect. The art is so-so, but I was too busy enjoying the story to be distracted by the art. Perfect slice-of-life story from a likeable point of view. I've thoroughly enjoyed this run.

The Boy Wonder (2024) #2

Jun 7, 2024

This series has somewhat surprised me. I don't really care at all about any of the Robins and simplistic, goofy art doesn't usually appeal to me but these past two issues have been so well written and the art is much better than it appears at first glance. I really like the "fairy tale" style the writer is using to tell the story. The Bat Family fits that structure well. Very sympathetic issue too, real emotions being shown and not just leaning on the edgy nature of the two characters to draw drama from. Great stuff.

The Boy Wonder (2024) #3

Jul 8, 2024

This has been a really good series so far. Interesting framing device with the fairytale storytelling, good writing, interesting art. Very fun, lightweight story that hasn't disappointed yet.

The Boy Wonder (2024) #4

Aug 12, 2024

Every issue in this series has been really good so far, but this one was by far my favorite. The fable-style story telling device still works really well, and it was especially fitting for this story. The art is nice but the writing and story are by far the strong points. Loved it.

The Boy Wonder (2024) #5

Sep 12, 2024

Great ending. I loved the entire run, but the ending was probably the best single issue of them all. The art isn't a style I usually appreciate, but it was very well done here. The writing was impeccable. Everything about the book was amazing and it will go down as an instant classic.

The Moon Is Following Us (2024) #1

Sep 23, 2024

Great art and writing. Conceptually pretty similar to Cemetery Kids Don't Die from last year. Very well done, great characters, good environments. Daniel Warren Johnson just doesn't miss, this is no exception.

The Power Fantasy (2024) #2

Sep 23, 2024

This basically makes me think of what the result would be if Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith made a superhero comic together. I'm really enjoying it so far. Great writing, good art, very interesting concept. Very curious how this ends up playing out.

Wolverine (2024) #1

Sep 12, 2024

Great kick off issue. Starting out with the ol' "Logan goes feral for a bit" trope and bringing in Cyber to disrupt that was a good choice, he's an underused villain these days. Nightcrawler coming to convince Logan to come back makes sense, and I'm always down for including Nightcrawler in any story. It left me very curious about where it goes from here. Loved it.

Batman and Robin (2023) #11

Jul 16, 2024

This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Dinosaurs and Bane, count me in! Also the art was amazing. Absolutely impeccable.

Batman and Robin (2023) #12

Aug 16, 2024

First and foremost, Juan Ferreyra might be my favorite regularly active artist today. His art is never anything short of spectacular. The story was really good too, a solid side quest for B&R to bond and grow from which is the point of this series. Damian definitely looked like he was ready to slip back into his old self and I thought daddy was going to have to stop him but the build and climax of his actions worked and paid off really well. Bane and his daughter were interesting too, the whole setting for the arc was solid. Kinda shallow and basic, but it wasn't meant to be a heavy, complex arc. It was enjoyable.

Batman and Robin (2023) #13

Sep 12, 2024

This mini story arc might not be the most original concept ever, but with dinosaurs and Bane it's incredibly fun. I love the parallel being drawn between Bruce and Damian with Bane and Vengeance. Bane's decisions are kinda tropey, but make sense and I like this characterization of Bane. Framing the story within a meeting between Damian and his new school counselor was a nice way to illustrate Damian's emotional growth. The absolute best thing, however, is Juan Ferreyra's art. He is my favorite regularly active artist today. Just beautiful art with no flaws, great action scenes, everything is just a delight for the eyes. Sounds like he won't be with the book going forward, but I'll be buying whatever he moves to for sure.

Dawnrunner (2024) #3

May 30, 2024

This series really feels like the best parts of anime/manga combined with western comics, and not just because of the presence of mecha and kaiju. The concepts and tropes have a Japanese feel as well. In fact, the first anime that came to mind when thinking about how to illustrate the similarity is Ghost in the Shell. The moments of conversation between Anita and Ichiro have a similar aura of calm and introspection like when Major Kusanagi is ruminating on what makes a person a person, or when she is talking to the Puppet Master. Really interesting and enjoyable stuff. The art is incredible, loving every panel of every page. Just beautiful stuff. The action and politics are good too, well written and interesting. Loving this book

Dawnrunner (2024) #4

Jul 18, 2024

One of my favorite new titles in quite some time. Part Ghost in the Shell and part Pacific Rim, I'm enjoying it a lot. Great art, great story, I hope this isn't just a miniseries and done. Always one of the first books I read the weeks it comes out.

Dawnrunner (2024) #5

Sep 9, 2024

Great ending to a great comic. While I'd love this to keep going indefinitely, wrapping up the story and leaving it at that will give it a greater impact. The whole story was an amazing mix of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell and original ideas. And like the first two, the ending wasn't exactly clear but that's just part of their charm. The art was incredible, the writing and story were flawless, just an incredible series.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2024) #7

Jul 25, 2024

Briskly paced heist issue with interesting setup and execution. I loved it, the leadup, breaking Khonshu out of jail, Tigra's interaction with him, Khonshu's attitude and interactions with Hunter's Moon and [spoiler] Moon Knight! It was all so great. None better than Tigra and Moon Knight's reunion. Can't wait to see Moon Knight get biblical on the vampires in the next issue and finale of Blood Hunt.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2024) #9

Sep 17, 2024

Great all around. I was truly not sure how it was going to play out. Good art, great writing, great way to wrap up this part of the Moon Knight story.

Zatanna: Bring Down The House (2024) #2

Jul 30, 2024

Excellent book! This is the sort of comic that is very much not for me, I'm not really a fan of Zatanna (I don't dislike her, but she's just never appealed to me), the art is a style I really dislike usually, and it's DC which means I don't usually give the stuff I don't already know I'll like a chance. I'm glad I did this time though (probably thanks to the really nice foil cover for #1). Really interesting lore being explored here, and I actually really do like the art in this case. I'm not sure if this part of her history has been explored before, but it's really cool to see the ups and downs of her struggles with her "destiny". Very very cool book, just might inspire more interest in the character for me even beyond this series.

Zatanna: Bring Down The House (2024) #3

Aug 30, 2024

This series has been the surprise comic of the year for me. I'm not a fan of Zatanna, I know barely anything about the character other than she says spells backwards to cast magic, and I'm even much more of a Marvel person than DC. But I've been loving this book. The tone, the art (which also isn't my typical preference of style, but is very well done), the writing, everything is just incredibly entertaining. Love it.

Aliens vs. Avengers (2024) #1

Aug 30, 2024

Fantastic start. Of course, it's Hickman and Ribic so there was very little chance it wouldn't be great. Hickman did a great job painting the world and everything that led to the current situation and Ribic is an outstanding artist. Everything looks incredible and his style works really well for this sort of story. Making this an "Old Man Avengers" type story instead of just throwing some aliens at the current avengers was a great choice. It seems like these Fox acquisition crossovers are getting better and better with each one. Wolverine vs Predator was great, Black Panther vs Predator is looking like it'll be even better than WvP and AvA could be an all-time classic.

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #6

May 13, 2024

Mostly predictable in the general way it ended, but it was fantastically executed. The art style isn't my typical preference but it was just so clean and well done (and contrasting with the subject material) so I really enjoyed it. The series reminded me a little of Berenstain Bears meets Dexter, a mix so odd but pulled off so well here. Very cool series with a perfect ending.

Blood Hunt (2024) #5

Aug 5, 2024

Excellent conclusion to a very good event. The art was absolutely gorgeous, the writing and story were really good. The players all performed their roles very well and if I had a gripe (I don't) it would be that Strange should have seen that betrayal coming a mile away. Great stuff though, will have a lasting impact too.

Deathstalker (2024) #1

Jun 11, 2024

This 10 isn't to say it's a perfect comic. The art is only meh and the subject matter and content will definitely not be for everyone. BUT IT IS FOR ME! This comic 10 out of 10 achieves its goal. It was absolutely hilarious while being a good sword and sorcery yarn at the same time. Conan meets Cerebus meets Ash from the Evil Dead. I laughed out loud numerous times reading this. If you like 70s/80s trashy exploitation movies, especially of the sword and sorcery variety, this book is 100% for you.

Deathstalker (2024) #2

Jun 11, 2024

Same thing I said for #1 applies to #2. This book perfectly captures the essence of what it's going for. It's hilarious, and if you're into trashy 80s/90s movies you'll enjoy it. I hope this series never ends.

Predator Vs. Black Panther (2024) #1

Aug 22, 2024

This would make an AMAZING What If? episode, or even mini series. This was excellently written and drawn, and the pairing makes complete sense especially with the vibranium spear plot device. I'd love an entire season of What If? devoted to vs. Predator and/or Aliens episodes, cuz the Wolverine series was great as well.

Rook Exodus (2024) #4

Jul 30, 2024

This continues to be one of my favorite books on the shelf each month. The art needs no more said, it's amazing. The story continues to really grab my attention. I'm already a sucker for things animal related, animal familiars and things like that. Dystopian futures is also one of my favorite genres, so this one has a lot going on that's squarely in my lane. Geoff Johns is doing a really great job making the various wardens unique and interesting, as well as building the world around them. I loved the way Rook had more sympathy and connection with the pig than he does his own birds heh.

Rook Exodus (2024) #5

Sep 9, 2024

One of my favorite books currently running. This was a great issue about self discovery. Rook finally realizes that he needs to stop being an asshole to the birds and work with them rather than trying to control them. The art is some of the best today and the writing was great. Exceptional stuff.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #2

Sep 17, 2024

Incredible, just absolutely amazing. This relaunch has been brilliant. The art was very good and the writing was impeccable. I love the set up that's being built here, showing the turtles alone and struggling. This issue and last both had me on the edge of my seat reading them, just great great stuff.

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #8

Aug 22, 2024

I'm not even a big Spiderman fan, but this Ultimate run has been one of if not THE best thing in comics for eight months running now. The writing is sharp and natural, the art is impeccable, and the plot is fresh despite being a retelling. Extremely enjoyable book, and the most I've enjoyed a Spiderman book in longer than I can remember.

Uncanny X-Men (2024) #1

Aug 8, 2024

This issue was another huge win for the rebooting X-Men franchise. X-Men #1 was fantastic and this one was probably even better. The art was absolutely amazing, they knocked it out of the park with the creative teams they chose to handle the recovering mutants. I love the lineup, the chemistry is off the charts among them. The only mutants that I could among my favorites that were missing were Colossus and Storm. The display of Rogue's state of mind after all the trauma and loss was really well done, as well as Gambit's support of her (since really the only thing Gambit cares for a great deal is Rogue) and Wolverine's kinda being done with it all and Nightcrawler's eternal optimism and strength of character. Loved the side adventure, love the interpersonal encounters and humanizing of them, everything about this book was amazing. If I could give it 100 out 10 I would.

Uncanny X-Men (2024) #2

Sep 13, 2024

I absolutely loved this issue. Felt like classic old school X-Men. Misunderstanding happens, fight ensues, Wolverine grunts, new mutants are revealed, a fan favorite makes a splashy entrance, some sexual innuendo is tossed around between Rogue and Gambit, conflict is resolved revealing a larger sinister threat, it was just a wonderful throwback to the storytelling style of old. The art was incredibly good, as well. The writing was great, the plot is interesting. *SPOILER* I like the way "Sarah" was introduced with the flashback sequence and then revealed at the end (I'm assuming it's the same Sarah, I know they want us to assume that anyway). All of the new characters seem really interesting and have good defining characteristics and personalities of their own. Can't wait to learn more about them.

Uncanny X-Men (2024) #3

Sep 27, 2024

Every issue of the X-reboot continues to be a hit for me. Fantastic art, great writing and an interesting story. There were multiple nice character beats, like Rogue and Wolverine's breakfast chat, Nightcrawler's quipping during the danger room session, and the old man's laying out the rules of the house. I really like the new young characters and this issue gave us a welcome brief description of their pasts. They give somewhat of a "Giant Size X-Men #1" vibe of a group of new blood with varying backgrounds, not to mention they're just interesting on their own as well. Wolverine's current mood is understandable, and I appreciate how he's self-aware enough to put some distance between himself and the kids and I also appreciate Rogue's understanding but insistence that he come back when he's got his mind right. The Sarah villain is also intriguing. I'm loving every aspect of this book and it has no flaws in my opinion. Good old fashioned X-Men stories.

X-Men (2021) #35

Jun 7, 2024

I can't remember the last finale/send-off that I liked as much as this one. I give this a 10 not to mean it was flawless in every way, but to say that after reading it I'm left with nothing but good feels and no critiques. I loved every part of it, especially the Apocalypse fight and the Darkholme-Adler family picnic. Some of my favorite individual moments were Nightcrawler tele-plucking Apocalypse's eyeballs out, Magneto yeeting Wolverine away to prevent him from ending the Xavier problem once and for all, Irene getting concerned when Nightcrawler was dueling Mystique only to realize she had been had, all the "to me, my X-Men" team teasers (Kate had the best one), and Xavier checking in on everyone before...self-inducing coma? I thought he had committed suicide at first until the last page he was on. Great stuff. I'm very much looking forward to all the coming books, they all look like top notch creative teams and rosters.

X-Men (2024) #1

Jul 18, 2024

Amazing, absolutely brilliant. I loved everything about this, but maybe Juggernaut and Magick's game of rock, paper, scissors the most. The art was incredible, the writing was sharp and very fun, and the plot is looking to be very interesting. Cyclops' "let them percolate on the big ass Sentinel hovering over their town a bit longer" made me grin, and I don't even usually like Cyke. Magneto was also perfect. Can't say too many good things about this issue, and I'm loving how the reboot is being handled so far.

X-Men (2024) #2

Aug 15, 2024

Another great issue. Standard "rescue the new mutant" plot, but that new mutant is quite interesting. The art is absolutely fantastic. The writing is also great. As in the first issue, there are moments of comedy that are legitimately hilarious (for example, Juggernaut being so excited to be a living bullet [again].) This whole relaunch of the X-universe after Krakoa is firing on all cylinders in my opinion, I'm loving it.

X-Men (2024) #3

Aug 29, 2024

I loved everything about this. The writing was great (Cyclops' comments about the other team were hilarious), the art was exceptional and the direction of the story is really interesting. I'm loving all of the X-books in this reset.

Reviews for the Week of...



