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Joined: May 20, 2020

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Another entertaining installment to what has been the best Superman or Batman story this year. The wimpy Bruce was amusing comic relief. It's hard to tell what will happen next, but it looks interesting. I'm not usually a multiverse fan, so this has to be doing something right if I'm so pleased. It is always interesting to see a reference to Superman and Batman in times long past.Gene Luen Yang has done a story inspired by the Superman radio show, now one from the old serials. Maybe next he can make one based on the Fleischer cartoons.

So far I'm impressed. But I've seen interesting Minis go downhill quick, and Geoff Johns has written a fair share of them. But this is the best story I've seen by him in years. Jason Fabok provides some of the best work I've seen on a Batman book in many moons. They should try and get him to do a regular Batbook. From what I've seen this has promise to be a fitting conclusion to a trilogy began 30 years ago and will be considered one of Batman's most legendary adventures, along with "The Killing Joke" and "A death in the family." for years to come, as long as Johns keeps the story going in the direction of entertaining storytelling instead of another of those "After this nothing will be the same again" stories he's so known for writing. Frankly, I've had my fill of that. I want a good story over another "New direction." Apparently this happens prior to "the Joker War" since Alfred is here (Killing him was just another gimmick Tom King cooked up in hopes of becoming a legendary writer). I applaud Fabok's decision to give Batman and Batgirl classic looks in this series. I've missed the Bat signal-looking symbol (They only got rid of it 20 years ago because they were trying to make the Batman and Superman books more like their animated series-And all of Batman's last season's changes sucked). It's also good to see the Joker look like he should. I hate the bad haircuts and Heath Ledger looks they've been giving him on occasion over the last decade or so. I also liked the return of the deadly flower and razor edged cards and the other classic Joker gimmicks. The "Laughing fish" and other classic Joker plot references were also a great touch. If this series continues to entertain the way this issue does, it may be the first Mini-series I could give all 10s to in a very long time. I'm assuming issue #2 will deal with Batgirl's score to be settled. It's too early to assume, but the Joker's plan may be to see if he can drive all of them to kill him in the end. If so, these other 2 Jokers are just very talented actors, and the final ultimate test will be for Batman. All-in-all, This has become the Great Batman story of the year, blowing the Joker war out of the water (And I'm actually enjoying that).

Now this is a comic I know I can get into. Over the years I've collected a lot of old comics reprinting old strips and have seen a lot of the old Ralph Byrd movies as well as the legendary 1990 film. And like it I can see it was made by a true fan wanting to bring Dick Tracy back in a new way while staying true to what he was meant to be from the start nearly a century ago. This comic is a crime drama. Something comics like Batman have strayed away from being, mainly because DC's leftist staff believes Crime isn't so bad after all and that law and order are the real bad guys. That's why Batman fights maniacs whose only motive anymore is personal vendettas against him. I've never read anything by Segura before, so this is a splendid introduction to his work. Making a Dick Tracy comic can assure something great if it's done right. And he's done just that. Tracy is, like Batman known for his large and very unique rogues gallery. Featuring them at their baddest is a great way to add to the intrigue. Segura also chose a great starting villain with Flattop, who is probably Tracy's most legendary foe. I already hope to see him menacing Tracy more in the future. It's also a great start by following the original plot, which is trying to solve the murder of Tess Trueheart's father. Tess is also a fine example of the woman of that time trying to make it in what was still a man's world. I know a comic with potential when I see one, and this is definitely one. It features a classic crime fighting icon at his finest and still determined to prove crime doesn't pay. The theme Chester Gould himself wanted to make very clear in his original strip 9 decades ago. Any fan of Dick Tracy or exciting crime fighting comics shouldn't miss this.

Few comics are worth $4.99 these days, but this on is truly an exception. This issue was every bit as thrilling as the last. It was an interesting point to pick for this series to take place, as post-war America was an exciting time. It also adds to Tracy's intrigue as he's still haunted by memories of the war. It should provide much insight for some time to come. It's also good to see Pat Patton as well. The original comic strip featured a vast assortment of unique characters. I'm looking forward to seeing more like Junior, Sam Catchem and the amusing comic relief of B.O. Plenty and Gravel Gertie. Plus many more classic foes like Influence, the Blank, Littleface and many more. I'm truly excited about this series. The action, adventure and even mystery don't dwindle one bit. It truly is a great story any Dick Tracy fan would enjoy.

After 2 spectacular issues that keep you on the edge of your seat you've probably seen everything by now, right? Wrong. This issue lives up to the thrilling ride the previous two gave. Tess and Pat are proving truly interesting characters who will become invaluable allies to Tracy. We also see what a devoted officer he truly is. He strongly believes in what he does and the thought that some of those he trusts implicitly could be corrupt is something he can hardly bear. He strongly believes in law and order and his promise to always uphold them. In just a few issues we've gotten a number of Tracy's most legendary foes, Flattop definitely earning his place as the most menacing of all. A true villain who takes a sadistic joy in the cruel things he does. Gang violence and turf wars have been a frequent problem for ages now, and this is what they were like then. Grown men with a lust for power willing to destroy anyone that gets in their way. Tracy really has his work cut out for him and he knows it. It's going to be a long 2 issues ahead for him, but a lot of fun for us. This series delivers in every way just as the crime fighting comics of old did. I'm truly glad to see something like this on the comic shelves in this day and age.

4 issues in and the excitement hasn't weakened one bit. There's action and suspense at every corner. In stories this long I usually lose interest, but here I'm still in total suspense to see what happens next. And with a cliffhanger like this issue leaves us with I'm sure the upcoming conclusion will be as thrilling as the 4 issues leading up to it. I seldom give anything a 10 for 4 issues in a row, but this series actually earned it. It's quickly become one of my top new titles of 2024. If you're tired of the flimsy hodgepodge that Marvel and DC have become reduced to and are looking for comics with true blue classic heroes as you remember, devoted to truth and justice, than stop wasting $5 on them and check out this. I truly believe Chester Gould would be proud.

I'll never forget buying that milestone edition 27 years ago. The Summer was ending and I'd be resuming my 13 year prison sentence, better known as school. This was my first Fantastic Four by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. And it was spectacular. It took my mind off the unpleasant fact in a week and a half I'd be in the last place on Earth I wanted to be. In addition to being Dr. Doom's first appearance, it gave me an insight into what comics were like 30 years prior. It had the old ads, letter page, and ads for new things at the time like The Incredible Hulk #1 that were by then worth a fortune. I must've read it a dozen times. To this day it's still my favorite issue of Fantastic Four. I remember asking myself then, why did they change a thing over the course of 30 years? That book was better when it started than it was then (Or ever again). My favorite part is at the start Johnny Storm is reading a copy of Incredible Hulk #1. And he burns it. I bet he feels like a dunce now. I guess then Stan and Jack didn't give any thought yet to the concept of their characters ever actually meeting.

Originally I wasn't sure if I was going to get this, but I enjoyed the FCBD issue #0 special and it left off with quite a cliffhanger. And I'm glad I chose to get it. I'm on the hunt for good Independent stuff because DC and Marvel are both pretty much dead to me now. Flash Gordon has been a legend for almost a century now. It never published in my area so I never saw the strip. I remember him from Defenders of the Earth and I saw some of the old '50s show, but that's pretty much it, except the short lived Sci-Fi channel series, but I never ould get into that. This seems to be one of the better new series out there. I find myself in anticipation for the next issue, which is something few comics leave me feeling anymore. In an era where Political ideology has corrupted and ruined the mainstream publications this is one of those books that show there are still some decent publishers out there who still believe in making comics for more than just Investors and completionists. The story and art are top notch and this is a great starting issue, though I'd highly recommend you see #0 from FCBD first. That way you'll understand the premise better. Otherwise this is probably the best new series launch I've seen since Space Ghost. , I'm really hoping this series sticks around a good long while. In the age of terrible comics we need ones like this, especially of classic heroes that are still true to their roots, which too many have strayed away from of late. Flash Gordon #1 is a definite recommendation for fans of sci-fi action and adventure comics. It's a lot of fun. And there aren't many comics I can use that word to define anymore.

So far I've been very impressed by this new series. It only seems to get better as it progresses with every issue. Here we have Flash having to rely on his worst enemy to escape this prison world. Anyone who knows the least bit about Flash Gordon should know there's no one you can trust less than Ming the Merciless. After all, he wasn't just given that name by the press. He earned it by his cruelty. There's no one a guy like that wouldn't turn on to benefit himself. And if he hates them he'll enjoy it too. And he hates NO ONE as much as Flash Gordon. Adams does so well delivering on action and excitement. And this issue proves he knows how to bring out the villainy in Ming, proving why he's been known as one of Science Fiction's greatest villains for nearly 90 years. I really look forward to each new issue.

As a fan of the action adventure filled brand of comics I can say Flash Gordon hasn't disappointed at all. This issue alone is a great way of showing why Flash knows he can never trust Ming, who was ready to abandon him without hesitation. As all the issues before, this issue ended off only leaving us waiting for more. Adams has definitely made a name for himself in the comic world of late with his work. He proves he really wants to see we get our money's worth with exciting stories rather than peddling personal beliefs. He also shows he knows sci-fi as he's done so well with this and Green Lantern. Even if you haven't really followed Flash Gordon's amazing adventures this is a great way to get introduced to his world and understand why it's been so entertaining to Science fiction fans for nearly a century now. As always in this series I await the next issue with great anticipation.

This is what a Batman story should be. No half-ass new characters, no major life impacting plot twists. Just good action and the return to the high flying heroics that remind us why we got into Batman in the first place. The story was great and the art just spectacular. This is reminiscent of the original Legends of the Dark Knight series. It's also good to have a break from the modern insanity in regular continuity in a book with nothing to do with the year's "Big event" for a change. I suppose since I'm reviewing the print issue I'm reviewing what Comic Book Round up considers both issues # 1 and 2. I liked seeing the old style Penguin again and the Joker portrayal by Robertson was great. It's always a relief to see Batman fighting the guy like old times without a single "Why doesn't he just kill him?" asked. And quite a cliffhanger too. I don't know whether to cheat and look the rest of this up digitally or wait for the next 2 print issues which I've got ordered. It is nice to have a Batman book I really am into again. Now that I know it was originally digital I know why. DC seems to make all the good stuff digital these days while the Ghost Maker crap comes in print.

This debut issue alone proves Groom has the talent Parrot and Higgins had before. What better way to pick up after the Eltarian war than with a new threat to face that may be even deadlier? That was one of the old show's biggest problems. The same enemy every episode till the title changed. A new threat can be a relaxing change of pace. It's also interesting that the Automaton Empire is appearing before the Machine Empire, especially when King Aradon was only mentioned. I always wondered what he was like. Now we can. And we see he was Mondo's greatest enemy with good reason. This issue also gives us interesting insight into Rocky as a person. It's been a while since the replacement Rangers were introduced, but Parrot never really explored them as the original team. So this is a great way to get to know more about him. It makes him easier to accept as a replacement than how the show did by just bringing him and the others in. I'm looking forward to seeing this new writer continue making the comic way better than the show ever was.

Drakkon, the new Green Ranger? Please say it won't happen. I know of the new series and the new green Ranger,but COME ON. Though I'm not the slightest iota surprised. As for the issue, I found the Rita duplicate way more likeable than the real thing ever was. Can we keep her and forget the whole marriage, home invasion from her Ludicrous family members and especially the (Shudder) Alien Rangers? Since we never got to see the power of the Dark Rangers in action it's interesting to see a story where those powers are used, and in 4 characters who seldom even faced the Rangers in person. The others in space will probably be the focus of the next issue, so it'll likely be the next one before we see where this heads.

The Eltarian War is without a doubt the most exciting story since "Shattered grid." In some ways it's even better. The highlight of the issue was seeing Zordon actually leading the Rangers into battle. And the end of this issue only leaves me expecting the excitement to escalate in the next chapter. The Power Rangers comics have more heart put into them than most comics now, especially anything by the big publishers. If ever you watched and enjoyed just some point on the show then you should definitely check this comic out.

Now this is what a comic should be. Good old fashioned action and adventure with high stakes and interesting characters, hero and villain. This is easily the best new comic I've gotten this year. I remember seeing old Space Ghost cartoons as a kid and enjoying them and shuddering at the disgrace they made of him in the '90s on the coast to coast show. A comic like this will help shed that dim-witted image that series gave him. So will the return of his old cartoons on the upcoming MeTV Toons channel. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to seeing how this promising series develops. Dynamite has a habit of ending series at 12 or less issues though so maybe I'd better not get too hyped. But in a time when Marvel and DC are both all but dead to me and I need something to fill that void. And this series seems to have what I'm looking for. It's easily the best comic I've seen outside the Skybound Energon Universe. I really hope it lasts so we can still have some good comics when they're needed most.

One of the best parts of this series is it helps Space ghost escape the pea-brained nincompoop image Coast to Coast gave him. This issue also helps give a new take on Zorak, hose image was also greatly tarnished in that show. Pepose did a splendid job giving him this image as an actual badass villain. One Space Ghost insisted the kids not confront. It's like how Batman didn't want Tim Drake taking on the Joker in his rookie days. I also enjoyed the battle with Titanor. Space Ghost's rogues gallery has also been portrayed splendidly so far. I'm already in anticipation for Moltar, who is still 2 issues away. I truly get the feeling here that I used to get when I'd look to see what adventure and foe awaited Batman in the next issue when I'd read about him growing up. The best part is Pepose can wrap these stories up in 2-3 parts rather than take up most of the year with a 6-8 part story like Marvel and DC like to do now. This issue delivers on everything I could ask for in a good comic. Something less and less comics seem to do anymore. I'm looking forward to the conclusion next issue. Space Ghost is a series that just seems to only get better with every issue.

Finally, a Superman series worth reading in this day and age. I'd expect nothing less from Robert Venditti though. I guess DC wanted a real writer for this series, as his digital Man of tomorrow stories were the only sense of decency in the era of Bendis. I don't really know if I can say it gives me the feel of the original movies, but it's a good take on introducing Brainiac into that continuity. Sadly we never would've gotten this in those days because the special effects necessary for a Brainiac robot like that were very expensive and just not too likely in those days. But this helps make it as if it were possible. All-in-all, this story is a much needed breath of fresh air from the disastrous regular Superman books they put out these days. Whether or not you get that feeling you got from seeing the old movies, this is still the best Superman you can find being put out now. If you feel the need to read any new Superman, this is what you should go with.

I enjoyed seeing some work by writers and artists who have a half-assed idea of what they're doing again. The Doombreaker story was a fine modern take on the ramifications that Superman's death had 30 years ago. It was like the Triangle era was still going on today. I always wondered what Jon thought about his father's death. Little did I know he never knew about it. If Damian were to learn about his father getting his back broken he'd just smugly say "(Ttt) It never would have happened if I were Batman." It was great seeing the many talents who brought that legendary story to us returned. And they haven't lost their touch either. Too bad DC prefers bringing in Marvel writers rather than rehiring their old legends. This was a truly special book and it would make perfect sense if it dwarfed the sales of every Superman comic since Bendis took over, not to mention serve DC right. Though even if it did I doubt it would really teach them anything. But I am hoping they may also do something this year to commemorate his return or maybe something for Knightfall's anniversary. It was a great anniversary special and another rarity is that it was a special that was actually worth the high price for a change.

Amazing from the reviews I've read how Johnson has managed to impress so many non-fans. But he's apparently also impressing a lot of long-time fans, including myself. This is my first experience with his work, and so far it's very good. That's super rare these days from a comic writer. But johnson is a true fan too from what I hear and he puts that into how he writes these characters. He gives Optimus Prime the compassion I remember, but also the strength to be a real badass when taking down Decepticons. Starscream is the power mad villain I remember, always ready to destroy anything to get that power he so craves/ I can't wait for the others to get online so we can see what he does with them. I'm also looking forward to seeing what he does with Megatron when he finally shows up. All I ask is he spare us any of the monotonous Shockwave overthrowing Megatron and taking over stuff that's been done to death since Marvel and was lame even then. I've heard more praise for this book since its release as anticipation was pretty silent since it was announced where the series was going next. So far this single issue is the best Transformer issue I've seen since the Dreamwave days. It's vastly better than ANYTHING IDW ever did, that's for sure. That's why this book gets a rare and well-earned perfect 10.

If IDW is reading THIS is how you do the Transformers. 2 factions of big robots at war and nothing is safe. Starscream shows his disregard for any life here by tearing Skywarp apart for spare parts, showing he cares for robot life no more than humans. Optimus Prime meanwhile shows he's the complete opposite, concerned for his fellow Autobots, but also willing to risk himself to get the power the hospital needed to save his new friend Spike. Every issue of this series delivers, and these days you can probably say that about fewer comics than ever. I have no difficulty whatsoever believing the talk that this series is crushing the competition. As long as comics like this are still being made then good comics are still possible, even today.

How does Johnson do it? Search me. I'm just glad he does. He's proving to be the best TF writer since Simon Furman himself. Transformers comics haven't been this good since the Dreamwave days. I'm not the least bit surprised to hear how this book is trampling the competition from Marvel and DC. But that's because Skybound cares about entertaining the fans. Something they stopped doing years ago. Poor Reflector didn't last long did he? This issue featured the Autobots' first real victory, but it was short lived, seeing as they rushed into a challenge way more dangerous. I doubt even Megatron's fusion cannon will be enough to stand against Devastator. Like issues #1-4, this one just left me calling for more. It truly doesn't get any better than this.

This was a welcome story, dealing with Clark Kent's disappearance since Doomsday's rampage. Luthor even shows his joy to have Superman back-So he can kill him one day himself. Dr. Occult gives a little closure by explaining how Superman returned and made for an interesting mysterious new character. The end of the issue is still one of the best endings to a comic I've ever seen, when Clark and Lois are swept just outside the old farm. You can only imagine the joy Ma and Pa Kent felt to see their son back in person. It was a very satisfying conclusion to the huge Supermen saga's aftermath.

There have been a lot of takes on Bizarro over the years, but this is my favorite version. There's a backward innocence to him that this issue explores. He has no evil intent but is unaware how dangerous he can be. His Bizarro Metropolis is an amusing setting. And his "Lookat Loiz. Always in trubble. (resumes drinking his drink) LOIZ!" is comic relief genius. Like the rest of the issues in this crossover, I've never found any Bizarro story before or after that can hold a candle to this one. Another piece of gold in this issue was the subplot where after months of waving off her boss's pathetic pervy advances, Cat Grant gave Vinnie Edge a taste of his own medicine by exposing him on a live newscast. Good for her. If Geoff Johns wants to ever write a story featuring Cat again, I suggest this issue as part of his character research instead of the way she was pitifully portrayed in Lois & Clark (Still a great show though).

I remember how I anticipated this issue for many moons. It didn't fail to deliver the excitement I hoped for. It had everything. Batman tried to appeal to Azrael, but he was too arrogant and full of himself to listen, forcing an evenly matched battle. And a gangster shooting at them from a helicopter above didn't help matters much. And present was Catwoman, Nightwing and Robin. Like I said this one has it all. This issue is exciting from its first page to its last. I remember how good it was to see the real Batman in action again and the "Fraud" as I dubbed him at the time finally getting his. If you haven't read the Knightsend saga you're missing a lot, especially since this issue alone is just one of 10 exciting chapters.

This is certainly storytelling more worthy of Reis's talent than when he was on Superman. It's also better than anything happening in either character's regular books. Maybe DC should get Gene Luen Yang to do a Superman and/or Batman series set in the Golden age like this and Superman smashes the Klan. It would likely outsell anything in modern continuity, that's for sure. Ah, but then since when does DC do anything the readers would like over what they think we should like? One of my favorite things is the references to the serials, as I'm a big fan of all 4 (If you get TCM they'll be airing the first Batman one from 1944 weekly soon. Don't miss it). is an interesting adversary, albeit a real odd one. I'd love to see what else he has in his film archives in the future.

Surprisingly this has been the best issue yet. King is proving he can write good when he's not occupying himself with trying to write a key part of Batman history. The Help is the first new villain that is actually pretty cool in a long time. He seems to be skilled at everything. The mystery of this strange object everyone's after is developing, but I don't expect any real answers till the last issue. If King will stick to originality more than trying to be "The writer who..." he's proven he can still write a decent Batman mystery. I'm actually looking forward to the next issue.

This issue follows the events of Duke as we flash forward to see the union of the two most dangerous men on Earth and the birth of the most deadly force since the Third Reich. Williamson really has given us a great start to the latest incarnation of G.I. Joe and is so far winning fans in a way IDW failed miserably at. Orders for these books are through the roof, trampling even Batman. And that's saying something. Best of all, though he's going on hiatus for a bit, word is Williamson will be back writing a new regular G.I. Joe title. If you're not reading this yet, what's wrong with you? You're missing out on something good. This series proves there still are comics still actually worth getting today. Anyone looking for a good comic should really forget Marvel or DC and try this. It succeeds where they both fail.

This is a fitting conclusion to this adventure. As The feud between Batman and Joker was already long lived in those days it wasn't too surprising The Joker came to realize this wasn't the one he's always known and been beaten the crap out of by for all those years. After that he really loses it. He doesn't seem to care how it's done, just that he kills the imposter. One irony is Joker's Siskel and Ebert impersonators finally agree on something and he blows them away for it (In #671 he asks if it would kill them to agree on something). Azrael proves he's too unstable once more when he prepares to execute Joker just before the police show up to stop him. Meanwhile Bullock, who knows the Joker too well orders him cuffed, no matter if he is unconscious (Bullock: "I don't care if he's wearing a toe tag. CUFF HIM!" Great line). And what more exciting way to end it than Joker still getting away?

After a 2 year absence The Penguin returned to Batman in this issue. It was also my first issue with Batman's No. 2 enemy. The Actuary was an interesting character with lots of insightful ideas-for the bad guys. I have to say though that if I was this issue's villain I'd feel like a total dumbass for never thinking of his idea of a daylight heist to avoid Batman interference. Why did no other foe Batman's taken on not think of that before? It was a nice change of pace after almost 2 years of Knightfall, Knightquest, Knightsend, Zero Hour, Prodigal and Troika crossover issues to have a simple start to a simple 2 part story. I always liked this issue. The cover is the only thing to feature Penguin's lethal ladies, who may have been a clever idea. 4 armed vixens most men would underestimate as bodyguards. Still, This was a good issue, where the only thing really missing was Penguin's tophat.

The cover of this issue alone guarantees an exciting story. Batman and Robin battle river pirates who have been plundering the riverfront, and it looks like things will be wrapped up quick-Until Robin falls into a motorboat and is knocked out. Meanwhile Batman trips and they dogpile on him and leave him tied to a buoy in the harbor, leaving us in suspense for the next few weeks. In retrospect I'd say this was my favorite Batman story of 1995. Hard to believe how long ago that was.I still hold this issue in regard as I'm a big fan of the Dixon/Nolan era. I reccomend it to any old school batman fan.

It's issues like this that make me miss the days of Dixon and Nolan most. They put Batman in the most exciting situations and made us see how Tim Drake's Robin was more than capable of handling the world of crime fighting. Especially since he had no idea where Batman was in this issue. The end is also interesting. The bad guy seems to have fallen to his end, and none of his gang can identify him if they wanted to. None of them ever saw him without his mask. Though he appeared again briefly in a Blackgate one-shot a couple of years later, we don't know if it was the same guy or someone else. He's made no other appearances I'm aware of since. You can usually find this for $2-4 in comic shop back issue bins. It's definitely worth it.

Another collection of tales from when Detective Comics lived up to its name. It contains some of Batman's great mysteries from the post-crisis era. It includes Issue #643's "Library of Souls" story, which is one of my earliest stories. It also has the 3 part "Destroyer" that crossed over with the Batman and Legends of the Dark Knight titles. And those are just a couple of the must-reads for any fan of Batman from this time. It's written and drawn by some of the greatest Batman talents of all time. If you have yet to read these classic issues you should check this collection out.

Another satisfying action filled issue. I think it may have wrapped up a bit quick and left a couple of loose ends, but it definitely leaves me waiting for what's next with high anticipation. I can't say I liked the bad guy not getting his due, but he knows Dick Tracy will be on the lookout. I just hope Big Boy doesn't remain such a constant factor as Tracy has tons of other villains out there to confront as well. And was that Junior at the end? Maybe we;ll see a bit more of him soon? Who knows, but this series is definitely delivering in action and thrills with great storytelling. And best of all, no agenda. It really takes one back to when comics were fun and not commercialization like today.

This series shows much promise. After Duke's cameo in Transformers I had to see what becomes of him. This gives us a bold new start for G.I. Joe that still remains pretty faithful to its roots, just as Transformers is doing. I expected good things from this book and it did not disappoint. So that gives me high expectations for the rest. I'm real excited because this is the first I've been into G.I. Joe comics since last time Image had the rights 20 years ago. I only hope they don't blow it.

This was my first Flash issue during the Geoff Johns era. It became an instant classic. It was the first time I got to see what insight Johns gave to The Flash's enemies, who were always one of the more underrated Rogues galleries for a long time. This issue explores one of The Flash's biggest foes, Captain Cold, and shows he's not just chosen for the legion of doom just so there will be a Flash foe in the group, but why he's respected by the rest of the supervillain community. It really boosted him in supervillain status in my book. It was here I think he became the badass Rogue leader figure he's been ever since.

Another amazing issue. Adams has definitely reinvented Flash Gordon for the 21st century. Every issue is full of great action and storytelling and Conrad's art is just spectacular. This issue succeeds once more at leaving us on the edge of our seats and in anticipation for the next. This series has quickly become one of the comics I look most forward to getting today. As said before, I can't wait for the next issue. This is the kind of series that makes you sure that whatever happens next will be truly exciting.

While Quiz isn't the most creative new character I've seen she's more original and interesting than anything Tynion's cooked up over the last year. It's also good to see Riddler done in his original style, and no sideburns or any of that New 52 crappy look. Though I don't get the ? sweater. It did kind of remind me of Frank Gorshin's Riddler though. I enjoy this series because it reminds me a lot of the original LOTDK series. It was also nice to be spared any puking characters for a change. If you want the down to Earth Batman we remember, with Alfred and Commissioner Gordon still there to help him out then this is a book you shouldn't miss. It really helps escape the flimsy hodgepodge Tynion's unleashed and proves there are some creative teams out there who still know how to tell a Batman story without all the constant "bold new direction" crap. And the story gets resolved before we lose interest for a change too. Been a long time since I read a Batman book like that.

This was a fine example of how some of the greatest Mickey Mouse adventures ever were in comics. This is a mystery that's worthy of the classics. As usual, Pete is the culprit, but this is one of the best plots I've seen him come up with in a long time. This is probably my favorite Mickey adventure from IDW.

A very impressive beginning to a new series. It's good to see the original Rangers still in action in their own unique setting. Their departure was the start of the show's decline. I remember how disappointing it was to see 3 of the first 5 go, especially since Jason was my favorite and I had a crush on Trini. But I digress. The Drakkon plot has finally made his return worthwhile. I have a feeling he's going to remain a major thorn in both teams' sides. He's too evil to change, at least for good. Plus the fact he's become the most beloved villain in The world of the Rangers. In the mean time, this uneasy alliance against the Imperyals and the mysterious mastermind behind them should be interesting. It's always interesting to see new foes for the rangers who never were in any of the shows. This series already shows great promise and it's only the first issue. I'm eager to see how the world of the Omega Rangers will develop and what challenges await them.

A great conclusion to a great story. And I don't say that every day. The war is one I'll be remembering for years as a great one. This chapter gave us a very appropriate finale. The Eltarians may yet return one day as allies. That would be exciting. Letting Drakkon get away as well promises us he'll continue to be a force to be reckoned with. I wonder where Zedd plans to relocate to, but it's obvious he'll be watching and plans to strike once more when the time's right. He's a bit more patient in these comics than he was on the show. It makes him even more dangerous. I don't know what's ahead for the Rangers, but I'm sure the excitement will continue.

This was the one we all looked forward to for 8 long months. When Bruce Wayne returned to see what a mistake putting Azrael in charge was. He'd have to undergo intense training to get back in shape, but one thing was clear though thanks to this issue-The real Batman was finally coming back and that abomination we had to endure since the previous Fall was on his way out.

It's off to a pretty good start. Especially when compared to King's ransom and the Chameleon conspiracy stories. An action fan wouldn't be able to ask for more. And they couldn't ask for a bigger assortment of villains either. Sinister Six stories usually are pretty good, but this is the Sinister Six plus many more. But this issue alone proves Spencer hasn't lost his touch after all, which I was hoping it would prove. I have a feeling this may be the greatest Spidey adventure of '21. It's certainly the best since The Sin Eater's return. In fact it's so good it makes me a bit sadder that Spencer is about to leave the series.

A fitting conclusion. With the help of the Sol Emeralds, Blaze restores Sonic's memory and sends him home, and in a nick of time too, because Eggman is attacking with an Omega and Gemerl-powered machine. I love the look on Eggman's face when Sonic shows up. It's reminiscent of the old Archie series when Sonic showed up to foil him. The only thing missing was him shouting, "I hate that Hedgehog!" I was growing weary of the Metal virus saga, and am glad it's over and it was good to see a nice 2-part story. Kind of like the old days.

This was a battle Royale issue. Soniic vs. Surge, Tails vs. Kit and Dr. Eggman vs. Dr. Starline. Tails seemed to gain ground appealing to his opponent, but he had a few moments where sayiong the wrong thing got Kit pretty vamped up. The bad Doctors was a showdown we've been expecting for the last couple of years. I doubt we've seen the last of Dr. Starline, though I doubt he'll be back very soon. Surge is a lot like Knuckles and Shadow. Manipulated by a madman to think Sonic is the enemy. I'd say we're going to see her character develop more in time. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns from enemy to rival or Frenemy in time. Should be interesting though. As for the end of the issue, it only leaves us on the edge of our seats to see what happens next. Now that the big 3 sided showdown is over, how are Sonic and company going to get out of this? Can't wait till #51 to see.

Usually when I get my monthly set of books I go through the ones I anticipate least so I can get them out of the way, but this time I had to start with this one. The anticipation for the next issue is something I've experienced less and less with modern comics. It feels like how I anticipated the next Batman every month as a kid. This issue gave some great insight into Space Ghost's past. I wonder how open he's going to be about it. Pepose is doing great at making him a badass like Batman, but a bit less a jerk. It really helps shed that moronic image Coast to coast gave him. I always considered that series an insult to what was a real good superhero. This series has me always eager for more. With today's monotonously high comic pric4es there are very few I can say are worth $4.99. But Space Ghost is definitely one of them. It's a sci-fi superhero series that sticks to its roots. Something today's comic superheroes have neglected lately. I'm always looking forward to the next issue.

Another great issue. It's small wonder everyone I hear from is praising this series. As DC and Marvel are continuing their decline I'm glad to still have a superhero comic I can truly enjoy in Space Ghost. The development of the characters is interesting. Space Ghost is portrayed here as a bit rougher than in the old cartoons but with good reason. It's never easy battling the fores of evil while dealing with a pair of eager kid sidekicks and their intelligent pet monkey. But he keeps his cool much better than today's Batman would. He's more like Batman as he once was in that manner, which may be a reason why I enjoy it so much. One of the best things is this book sticks to the action and adventure theme like a comic should. There's none of that slice of life, boring conversations about the characters' personal lives or peddling of personal beliefs that Marvel and DC do in everything they make anymore. It makes this truly a comic worthy of real comic readers. And as always I finished this issue with full anticipation for the next.

THIS is what you get when a writer is allowed to make up stories themselves rather than write plots revolving around the editorial staff's bad ideas. It also shows what happens when they focus more on good storytelling instead of ways to ensure each issue will become a key issue. Who'd think you could fill such action, adventure and great storytelling into a simple 2 part story anymore? This really takes me back to the days of the true blue high flying heroics that made us love superheroes in the first place. Kudos to Pepose on another fantastic issue of the best superhero comic out there anymore by far. Even when Loeb and Lee return to Batman I know anticipation each month will take a back seat in priority o Space Ghost. That's how much I'm enjoying this series. The ending also left me eager to see what will happen next. Pepose is doing these stories well by making sure most plots don't drag on or write himself into corners like too many writers now do too often. But he makes sure we'll want to come back next issue to see how things go. Issue #6 can't come soon enough for me.

This story is a great example of how comics can be useful in the classroom. It shows a fine example of how cruel the Klan was. In those days they were falsely glorified. I know the story of a reporter who risked his life to reveal the real Klan with the help of the radio show's producers. I'd love to hear the original broadcasts. Are they available anywhere or on CD perhaps? This was cleverly written to be taking place at that time and features a great cast. Roberta's a brave girl who will likely have a career in reporting. And the legendary supporting character, Inspector Henderson returns, portrayed as an African American, who also stands up to the Klan's hate. It's got some Sci-Fi twists reminiscent of comics in the '50s, but the main focus is Superman fighting bigotry at its ugliest. It's also age appropriate, so it can be useful in teaching younger readers about history. Gene Luen Yang also wrote a story in each issue of the mini-series about how The example Superman set impacted his life and how he dealt with prejudice growing up. I hope this collection includes them in it. Those were tough times for someone different, but it reflects how even then Superman was a beacon of hope and tolerance for all. It's one of the main reasons he's been a famous part of American pop culture for 82 years now.

Johnson's nailed it once again. 2 great thrill-filled issues. This is what Transformers should be. The flimsy hodgepodge of the IDW's Transformers became so tiring and utterly disappointing I could hardly stand it. It's so good to see the Transformers as I remember. Autobots waging their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. This series is a bit more a bloodbath than most series though, but way more thrilling. Starscream is shown at his worst here. A true madman, showing just why Megatron would never allow him to usurp him. I also enjoyed Duke's cameo. After seeing this and hearing of his upcoming mini-series I decided I'm in. Hard to believe. We have a Transformer comic this thrilling, and Megatron is still yet to even appear.

You really can't get a new series off to a better start than these first couple of issues. Only 2 in and this is one of the hottest books around. I feared the slow dull slice of life Transformers IDW gave us killed Transformers in comics for good. But the action and excitement I remember from Marvel, Dreamwave and those weekday afternoons in the 1980s are here again. Thank you Daniel Warren Johnson. Keep up the good work, please. Every issue of this series leaves me eager for the next.

Is it any wonder this and the G.I. Joe books are killing Marvel and DC? Of course not. IDW losing the license for both is the best thing that could have happened. Gone hopefully forever is the slice of life Transformers where they sit in bars and fall in love. Back is the intense action that got us into the franchise in the first place. As our first arc concludes we prepare for what should be an even more thrilling one. This story has been almost perfect. All it lacked was the yet-to-return Megatron, but I can already tell when he does escape from Cobra-La that no one will be safe. Can't wait for that. But in the mean time I'm sure Johnson has a lot more excitement for us. We're already 6 issues in and this is still the hottest thing around. Its readers are salivating for more while DC and Marvel lose more each month. These truly are good times for Transformer comic readers. Like the previous 5 issues, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Another thumbs up issue. This series is off to such an entertaining start. It's interesting to see the first in Peter's family to learn his identity is his daughter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this will probably only help them grow closer. I'd like them to keep it a secret to themselves for the time being. I'd say little May is already developing into a promising original character. Hopefully in time Richard may too. I think it will also be interesting as well seeing father and daughter keep this secret from their own family for now. One thing though, if little May was afraid of Spider-Man in black now, just wait till this reality's Venom shows up (And that's inevitable, just a question of when). I enjoyed the Shocker's debut as Spidey's first supervillain and it was a hilarious first two encounters. Let's see how encounter 3 goes. Many notice his lack of Spidey sense, which should have been triggered several times this issue alone. There are 2 possibilities. One, He has yet to develop some of his abilities, or 2, The spider wasn't 100% perfect and some of the powers he was supposed to develop are missing (and if that's the case he may over time discover a couple of new original ones no other Spidey before has had; And I admit that would be pretty cool). It seems Wilson Fisk is the villain he always is at heart, but here he is still having to answer to others. Something our Kingpin never does. But like him odds are that won't last. I look forward to seeing him climb in status to becoming the Kingpin (yet another inevitable thing). Then there's Jameson and Uncle Ben. I never gave much thought to what they'd be like if they met. A relationship I'm sure very few have thought of. That's why Hickman was so clever at thinking it up. It seems meeting and actually becoming friends with a guy like Ben Parker actually mellowed an old hardnose like Jonah out. I look forward to their take on Spider-Man as he grows in popularity. Will they agree he's a hero or a menace? Or will they disagree? So much to look forward to. One final thing I'd like to know is what happened when that burglar showed up 20 years ago in this reality? There was no Spider-Man to allow him to escape at the arena, nor capture him later. But Apparently Uncle Ben didn't surprise him this time either. I'm really hoping to know what happened there. Did he get anything or search, give up and leave before anyone saw him? This series holds so much promise for interesting and exciting things ahead. Let's hope rather than screwing it up, as Marvel tends to do anymore, that this exciting trend will continue.

Though Bizarro is held in most regards as a villain, this incarnation was an exception. He really does believe he's Superman, then an exact double shows up and it seems the world is against the poor guy. This Bizarro was actually quite lovable and innocent. You can imagine his confusion and frustration, especially when Lana, the person he felt he could always trust was startled by him. It was real unfortunate this version of the character couldn't have been allowed to develop.This is a true classic and one of the best Bizarro adventures ever. If you're looking for a few back issues featuring him The ones making up this story are ones I'd highly recommend.

These days if a comic makes it to #700 it's following volume 6, #43 and though it resumes its original numbering for that landmark, the next issue is volume 7, #1. Sadly, publishers nowadays put more into starting over at #1 than a rare landmark number. But this issue was from a time when the thought of a decades-long running title like Action Comics starting over at #1 was still laughable. Being the first American comic since Dell Four color to reach its 700th issue, this was a big accomplishment at the time. And Roger Stern provided a great setting. A showdown with Lex Luthor, who'd been assumed dead a long time and posed as his own heir for years, fooling even Superman. And back in Smallville, the Kents host the wedding of Clark's best friends Pete Ross and Lana Lang (And it did last about a decade), And part of Metropolis is leveled by Luthor's missiles. Action Comics lives up to its name in this issue. I remember seeing the ad for this issue a few weeks before buying it. It looked like a movie poster, with the cast on the bottom, including the now-forgotten Bibbo, who also wasn't present in the actual issue. Even though now Action has reached over 1,000 issues, They haven't made a landmark issue this good since.

The Trial was instantly one of my favorite stories. It reaches its conclusion here and When it becomes apparent the head of the Tribunal has lost any rationality (Possibly power drunk, it's never really explained), the other judges must do what they feel is right, and that's to have him arrested. The Cyborg also ends up getting his, by being pulled into a black hole. I knew even then even that wouldn't stop him forever though. The story came to a decent ending and once the heroes were back on Earth you knew things were going to be back to normal. It's too bad no comic story nowadays has a real ending. These days "nothing is the same after..." etc. etc. If you haven't read the trial yet you should check it out. It's still held in high regard by Superman fans 25 years later.

"Sins rising" is off to a pretty exciting start. Any story involving the Sin-Eater is guaranteed to be a thriller though.His two stories from the '80s are both among the greatest Spidey adventures of all time. I'm sure this will be among them too if it keeps up at this pace. Overdrive sure is becoming interesting. I hope to see him develop further as a character in time. As for the never-ending mystery of Kindred, let's just get to it so "Nothing will ever be the same for Spidey again, etc., etc., etc." Geeze, I remember when mystery villains were interesting. Over the last 18 or so years the mystery to them drags on forever, until I just want them to unmask him so we can go on with the series. And 2 years of this mystery is long enough. I still say he's someone from the past, long believed dead. Could be anyone from Uncle Ben to Ned Leeds to the original Kangaroo (He is still dead, isn't he?). Anyhow, I enjoyed Spencer and Bagley's work on the first chapter of the return of one of Spider-Man's most interesting enemies ever. I look forward to the rest. Any fan of the classic stories from the '80s should check this out.

Not many $10 issues are worth it these days, but this is in the minority. I really would prefer this title, as well as most of the originals would only go by their original numbering. But that's the way Marvel's done it for the past 22 years. Start at #1 again, make money, return it to normal when it approaches a landmark in legacy numbering, then 2 months later start at #1 again for $7 or more. As for the issue itself, I can't complain. The Sin-Eater goes Juggernaut, forcing Spidey and the Green Goblin to team up. Working together is probably way harder for the 2 of them than anything the new Sin-eater throws at them. I doubt we've seen the last of him either. As for the Goblin, I still can't figure why Spidey let him go. He'll likely have a role to play in the fight with Kindred too. Can't wait to see how that goes, because it'll be hard for Spencer to top this.

I never was partial to "Brand new day" (In fact I sold all the issues I had of that several years back). Maybe because I used that as a jumping back on point, which made it a bit distasteful for me. I don't know much about those days, but know they have a lot to do with the last few issues, and I still find them very entertaining. Somehow finding Harry under that decomposed face wasn't too surprising. I've read enough of these "mystery villain who knows the hero's identity" stories to know he was someone close to Peter, and I noticed Harry hadn't been seen much since this all began. But I'm not disappointed. In fact I look forward to learning what drove him back to insanity this time. Kudos to Nick Spencer and Mark Bagley for their work on one that will be a Spidey classic for years to come.

Batman has beaten the crap out of the Joker so many times I don't know how he can even have any teeth left. But this issue the Clown prince of crime has to receive his most well-deserved beating. Scarecrow gets a big surprise when his gas causes Batman to see something that only gets him madder. And Joker gets the worst of it. The only down side is the bad guys get away. I find it fitting that Jim Aparo got to do this one as he also drew the story where poor Jason died. Who better to draw Batman avenging him than the same artist? This is my favorite chapter in the Knightfall saga. I remember reading it over and over when I first bought it way back when.

Quite a start. The Joker gets caught quickly-by Batgirl. It's not long till Batman and Robin show up. They both realize something's wrong since Batman knows Barbara Gordon can't even stand and this Robin has never even seen her as Batgirl. That guarantees a good story seeing as it's only a few pages into it so far. This was a good start to the "Zero Hour" saga and continued into a great Superman issue as well. It also has a brief cameo with the original Robin that developed in that month's issue of Robin. The only down side is even though he's on the cover, Nightwing doesn't appear in the story. He'd have added intrigue. I'd have loved to see how he and Batgirl reacted to each other. Other than that this was a great book and gave a great indication that things were on the way to being back to normal after nearly a year of the "Knight" sagas.

One chapter of "Joker war" is already better than all 11 of "City of Bane." But I really hope after this is over there won't be another Villains-take-over-the-city story for a long time. Still, it is an interesting concept, The Joker stealing everything at Batman's disposal and using it against him. Meanwhile none of his allies are able to help, and Catwoman is only able to watch from Penguin's place with a ton of others just waiting for the right time to take advantage of the situation. Odds are wherever he is, Ra's Al Ghul is also watching with interest, knowing the Detective will triumph, but waiting to see how. So far "The Joker war" is off to a good start. All I ask of Tynion is not to try and make a name for himself by making Batman finally kill the Joker. Readers have known for decades it could happen, but there's something about this story I have a feeling could be leading up to just that. Though he would return one day, DC knows that would make money, and that's the #1 priority on their minds since Dan DiDio's time: Making money.

The Monarch theatre thing sorta reminds me of the Arkham City climax. I really would've figured it would wait until the climax of this story, but I guess it will be in the Batcave instead. So far the "Joker war" is a satisfying compensation for "City of Bane." The future fantasy sequence is reminiscent of Silver age fantasy stories. A safer Gotham where Batman still fights crime by daylight. I hope he overcomes this crap soon though. I think I've read enough Hallucination stories, especially in Batman. Still, I've been pleased with this story. It and "Dark Designs" have both been better than anything I read during Tom King's run. And kudos to Jorge Jimenez on his artwork. Don't you dare go until the story's finished (And maybe longer).

Well, I can safely say Williamson's off to a good start. I just hope he prefers to stick with stories like this and not one long story that only continues into another long story, which seems to be a fad in modern comics. This story got off to an amusing start with the Billionaires' club and their easy target party. Those idiots were lucky the only real villain to show up was the Firefly (In a way better costume than what I've seen him in over the last several years). Williamson also put in some remarks for fans to recognize, like Joker's reference to "those wonderful toys" and Batman disguised as Croc. It shows he's an actual fan. I hope he remembers to keep giving us good stuff to read and always puts that before making a name for himself as "The writer who..." that's what really got to King and Tynion's heads. I also want to thank Williamson for getting Ghost Maker and Clownhunter out of Gotham. No all we have to do is make sure they stay out.... Molina's terrific art also contributed to the high score this book has earned. If this keeps up I'd say we have a great writer/art team to look forward to. But they're off to a great start. This is the best this book has been in a while, so let's keep it going smoothly and give us a break from all the longer than they had to be stories of King and Tynion and I'm sure these guys will go far.

Another well done issue from the so far satisfying talents of Williamson and Molina. As Superman books seem to be spiraling out of control into becoming 100% excrement it is nice to see the Batman books heading back to a more enjoyable level. Even the Tower saga in Detective is proving to be decent. Williamson also deserves a hearty pat on the back for presenting Luthor as he should be. The evil billionaire with his own obvious, yet secret agenda. So much better than when he's a mad scientist or trying to be a supervillain. Maybe they should consider this guy for a Superman run (providing there'll be anything left worth writing within the next year). It's been a long time since he's been up against a Luthor this crafty. One thing I must have missed is how'd he learn Batman's identity? We also finally got to meet Abyss. Looks like Batman's up against a new enemy who may be too much for him. I just hope this guy doesn't keep coming back over and over for the entirety of Williamson's run. Today's writers have a bad habit of doing things like that and a new character with promise quickly outwears his welcome (Yes, I speak of Tynion's spotlight stealers throughout 2021). Still, this issue, like the last was a good one and I'm looking forward to what's up next. It's been a while since I could say that in Batman.

I'd say Zdarsky's off to a pretty decent start. I just hope he doesn't choose to make his entire run into one big saga. That's what I always dread with a new writer. The plot grows tiresome and I stop caring before everything is resolved. But from what I saw in this issue, he's doing well enough. Better than any other writer since Tomasi was on Detective. It's a lot easier to read if you try and avoid the idea there are any messages to the story, like resentment toward the wealthy. I have to give Zdarsky credit for avoiding any sharp turns with how DC's embrace of Woke culture has changed Tim Drake personally and he pretty much focused on his being Robin than discussing his personal life. They can save that for his own upcoming book. I am so weary of controversy in comics today. I hope Zdarsky continues to avoid it so well. It's also good to see Tim Drake back in action as Robin and partnered with Batman. I don't remember the last time it was just Batman and Robin. In the '90s Tim proved himself a fully qualified Robin and appealed to the high teen demographic at the time. I never liked Damian and thought he was a terrible replacement. It seems Zdarsky was a fan of Tim's Robin and is trying to give him the comeback he deserves. The best part is unlike his last attempted comeback in Rebirth that he's working with Batman as a partner again instead of just another member of a team. Zdarsky also chose an interesting villain to start with. I can't say I care for Jimenez's choosing to make him look just like Danny DeVito's portrayal, but it is preferable to that joke on the recent film. And knowing Penguin as I do there's no way we've seen the last of him. He'd want to see a frame-up like this develop. So odds are he's faked his death-again in some bigger plot. Finally, the ending ensures more excitement ahead. What is Failsafe? And what does its activation mean for Batman and Gotham? I'd say we're in for some exciting and interesting times ahead. I'm looking forward to seeing Zdarsky's new run develop.

I've never been a fan of the multiverse because I find it to be confusing and annoying, but this was a pretty good story. Here we have 2 tales from the late '40s or early '50s. I figured at first they were connected, but when I saw Martha Wayne still alive in the Superman continuity I knew they were different universes, which by issue's end would collide, and I was right (Quite amusingly). I'm not really surprised since The writer of Superman smashes the Klan was at the helm. He's apparently also a big fan of the Superman of those days. Frankly if these were the same continuity though they'd have provided an interesting story without meshing with any other ones. It's nice to see a modern take on the golden age. My only complaint is "Truth, Tolerance and Justice." While it's true Superman has always been a defender tolerance, it's just wrong to so many to see "The American way" removed because today's culture claims America was created in the name of bigotry, which is untrue. If he wanted to add tolerance that would make sense, but by removing "The American way" it just sparks the ever tiring pro and anti-P.C. debates we're all sick and tired of. Let's keep the P.C. out of comics, eh? Otherwise this was a good issue. I don't usually get this book but as long as it's this good I plan to. Frankly this issue alone is better than every issue on Tynion's Batman run has been or Bendis' entire Superman run was combined (Though that's still not saying much). But if Gene Luen Yang follows in the tradition of Superman smashes the Klan then we're in for a real good story.

Today's writers could learn from this. You can still tell a great story in a single issue. You don't have to make the story drag on and on for over a year. This one had it all, action, humor and best of all, a great story. The only downside is this is the last issue. All because of DC's cockamamie plan to replace Superman with a younger more modern version. An idea we all know will not work. But to do that everything that features Superman must get rid of him. And this series wouldn't sell anymore if Superson replaced Superman here as well, so it's "Just end it." Pity. It's been the best book to feature either hero this year. This series will be missed.

This conclusion was the best chapter of the story. It took me back to the old Detective Comics stories of the Bronze age with a little time travel twist. Dick trying to solve murders at a circus in the 19th century was a clever plot. The only downside is they don't seem to realize female lions don't have a mane. We don't get enough mysteries for Batman to get caught up in anymore, so it was refreshing to see it here. the first Story in this series was a success, now we wait patiently as we can for story 2.

Better than the usual penultimate issue of a story. It looks like this story will end on as exciting a note as it began and has developed these past few months. This was King's best work in several years, that I must say. The Clock King appearing should be an interesting twist. King may have a chance to make what has always been a lesser villain into a more serious threat here. Another character of interest is The Help. I have a feeling King has plans to explore this character more. I just hope he doesn't make it take years. When that happens I lose interest before the character's secret is revealed. Usually a story this long loses my interest halfway through, but I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this to see what happens more than to just see it end for a change.

So far these One Bad Day specials have been bland and not worth their costly price. But surprisingly this one is an exception. It's definitely the best story featuring Penguin I've read in some time, that's for sure. I also liked seeing the character more as he should be and not based on Danny DeVito's portrayal. This wasn't the first time, nor will it be the last that Penguin has had to rebuild his empire, but it was still very well told, with fine art as well. Though I doubt unless it's written by Ridley that we likely won't be seeing this new inner circle he's built for his newly refurbished empire. Batman had little to do with the story, but it's obvious he let Penguin go in the middle of the story because even though if he succeeded in reclaiming his organization, at least Batman would be up against an enemy he was more familiar with, making it easier to prevent his crimes. I'm still skeptical about the rest of these specials, especially since modern one-shot specials don't amount to much anymore outside costing more than they're worth, but this was a rare exception. A very fine story.

For the most part this is a fitting finale for this series. It saved the best one for last. This is not only the first decent Ra's Al Ghul story I've read in a long time, but it's also one of Damian's better stories, as I've never been a fan of that character. This issue seems to follow in that tradition of Batman losing his shirt when he engages Ra's in a sword fight showdown. It's like a law or something. While I'm not one for how Taylor regularly tries to fit his leftist views into his work, Ra's has always had concerns for whatever environmental issue is currently the big talk at the time, so if any villain would address an issue like Climate change, it would be up Ra's Al Ghul's alley. Whatever the next environmental issue you hear about at every turn, he will also be concerned about it. It's what his character is. He will be concerned about ANY environmental issue, regardless of how controversial it may be. So this would be a more fitting setting to use that issue and still get a good story. Most of the One Bad Day specials were overpriced and only so-so. But this is one of the few exceptions. If you only read one, this would be the one I'd recommend.

Pretty interesting. I didn't think it could all wrap up here. After all, the mysterious mastermind Lord August still hasn't even revealed himself or shown what he truly has planned. Then there's the situation back at the castle. It shows more excitement is ahead. I just hope Madureira goes through with what he's promising this time and doesn't leave us in suspense for another 22 years. It is a good idea to work on a few issues a year giving us a 3 or 4 part arc, and I just hope it happens. but he did promise to work more on this stuff in 2002 but didn't. But I'm also hoping he can do it now with an artist for the book as well, lightening the load. Battle Chasers is a good comic. And with the continuing decline of Marvel and DC, which shows no sign of stopping any time soon, we need good comics now more than ever. And a few issues a year is better than none for 20.

Williamson seems to be combining the origins of Cobra Commander here. By making him start out in Cobra-La, but keeping him a human from the outer world as well. That promises an interesting character already. This book also answers one question many of us have been asking, where is Magatron? The next question is how he was found. This introduction should also pave the way for an interesting relationship between these 2 villains for years to come, whether they be allies, enemies or both. Most of all Kudos to Williamson for coming up with a way to introduce Cobra-La into a comic, something never done successfully before as it's so controversial for many fans. I look forward to seeing the Commander's quest to build his empire. This should be good. The Energon universe is on a roll. Let's just hope it stays on the glorious path its on and avoid the mistakes of IDW.

This book shows just how violent and sadistic the Dreadnoks can be. Quite a start to the issue alone. Meanwhile we get some insight to Cobra Commander and his hate of the world he turned his back on. It looks like he and his future allies will have to clash before forming their alliance. Their mutual interest in Energon will probably be what seals the deal. But we'll have to wait till next issue to find out, won't we? I've got to say I haven't been so into G.I. Joe in comics in 20 years. It's good to have it and Transformers back on top again.

Cobra Commander (2024) #3 Jun 20, 2024

Williamson is really getting the Eneron Universe's G.I. Joe off to a good start. We're getting a series on one side showing the story of The leader of the heroes, and on this side the story of the Mastermind behind the villains. You really can't get a series off to a better start than that way. Usually a G.I. Joe series starts with them and Cobra having been battling for some time. This time we see their origins from the start. It's a bold new way to kick it off. The fact it and Transformers are interconnected also adds to the appeal. As I tell people, it's small wonder this stuff is kicking the ass of EVERYTHING by Marvel and DC. And best of all word is Williamson is set to return for a regular Energon Universe G.I. Joe series in the future.Transformers and G.I. Joe are now hotter than they've been in over 20 years. It's a good time for fans of these series.

Another great issue that makes one glad to see Darkwing back in comics. This issue features a humorous plot in Drake Mallard's attempts to live a peaceful suburban life with a family. It's great to see Morgana back and a humorous clash with her disapproving father. The lead up to Bushroot's being the source of our hero's latest problems was also cleverly done, especially as this is merely the first part of this arc. We'll see what he's up to next issue and how long Drake can hold out before admitting only Darkwing can save the day. That ensures that we'll be in anticipation for the next issue. I'm looking forward to what happens next and even further beyond that. This is definitely one of the best books around today, and best of all, it's all ages friendly. Any classic Darkwing fan or even those unfamiliar with him should check this book out if they're looking for a return to a simpler comic that's actually fun. That's something many comics today severely lack.

A truly enjoyable issue. It was full of laughs and excitement. That's how you make Darkwing Duck work. I think his battle with Bushroot was a bit more brief than I'd have liked, but it was still a fun issue, and besides, aside from coming out of retirement there were several other things to be resolved, like getting Launchpad back on the team. I do wonder how Bushroot heard Darkwing had "retired" though. Not many knew. Morgana's dad perhaps? Or Morgana herself in hopes of getting him back where she knew he'd belong (and be happiest)? Not really her style, so it's hard to say. I'm sure we'll learn soon enough though. I'm looking forward to the next adventure. With Dr. NoGood back in charge, what will have happened to FOWL High command now that the big boss is back? Were they forced to retire too? that should be an interesting revelation. I'm so glad to have Darkwing back in comics. It's true to the original series with simple stories and is appropriate for all ages. It's truly one of the best books available and is a worthy successor to its Boom and Joe Books predecessors. I hope it lasts far longer than they both did together.

I never could get the cover. It looks like some Symbiote-Batman in flames. Otherwise, this was a pretty good issue. Half focuses on Batman struggling to finally bring down the Firefly after 2 escapes. The other part is about Robin having to deal with The Riddler taking a TV studio hostage after his gang turns on him when they get tired of him sending his riddles, with no responses, due to all the craziness spread throughout the city. Among his hostages is the amusingly named Dr. Simpson Flanders. This was one of my first issues, so it's a classic to me. I love the storytelling and art, as I usually do with the work of the Dixon-Nolan team. It's also one of my favorite chapters of the Knightfall saga.

This was my favorite story in Knightquest. I miss the days when Joker's capers had gimmicks. It was a way to give the character creativity. I remember laughing at the story as well, like the midget playing Batman at the start and among Joker's gang is a pair mocking the late famous movie critic duo of Siskel and Ebert. Like the real things they tended to disagree on how Joker's movie was progressing. The cliffhanger where it looks like Robin is thrown out of the window is also exciting. I remember the month of waiting to see what happened next. How time went so much slower in those days.

Dealing with Azrael as Batman wasn't always easy. But the combined talent of Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan sure helped. As the story continues, Joker plans to offer a big reward to whoever finishes Batman off, and meanwhile sets a trap for the cops. Meanwhile Azrael/Batman finds himself facing one cinematic threat after another from a trap door with prop aligators below to a '20s comedy pie fight. This proves to the temporary Batman that the Joker is no ordinary opponent. This was the best storyline in Knightquest and is still one of my favorite works by Dixon and Nolan. Geeze, I sure miss their Batman work.

One of the ways that Chuck Dixon's writing impressed me so much is that he was able to get away with making Robin face the bigger challenge. This issue is a fine example. While Batman ends up going after a group of former KGB thugs trying to extort Wayne Enterprises, poor Robin is trapped, surrounded by fire, pursued by a one-man army carrying a miniature nuclear bomb and Bullock is badly injured. Needless to say this is quite an action-filled issue, and you can find the special edition cover or regular newsstand edition for a very decent price, and I assure you it's worth every cent.

A fitting conclusion to the main plot. I wouldn't be surprised if we haven't seen the last of the Mirror. A villain I wouldn't mind seeing the last of returned here. Hush, the most annoyingly overused enemy Batman has ever encountered. He and Bane are the 2 villains i never look forward to seeing another appearance by. The main plot though was what I enjoyed. The Mirror's identity was never revealed, but may not have been important anyway. I do get tired of a villain appearing almost every issue for 2 years until his identity is finally revealed, so let's not have any of that if he returns. Otherwise the issue was pretty good. Did Batman convince Mirror's followers to back down, or will they keep it up with a new leader? Could be interesting. And if so, what about the pro-vigilante movement? This book is somewhat reflective of the violence and riots of today minus the politics (Thank you). As for the Damian/Hush plot, we'll see what happens next issue, which I am looking forward to. I have to give Tomasi this: I usually anticipate his next issues more than I have in any Bat book in a long time. Can he write Superman and Batman both, because I miss him there, but if he were to leave Batman, I'd miss his work here too. And I don't give many of today's writers that much praise, so he should be flattered.

Since Peter Tomasi took the helm as writer Detective Comics have been better than in years. For the first time in a long time I've found myself eagerly anticipating the next issue of a Batman title. This volume contains 3 adventures, 2 of which became instant favorites for me. First is a story featuring the Spectre and a cult who stole his image. It's alright, but alone I'd rate it a 6.5 at most. Then the single part "Greetings from Gotham" which gave me kind of the Joker story I've missed. It's also full of humor. The Joker offers a kid a cookie; Batman crumbles it. Batman is forced to ride the bumper cars and ferris wheel with the Joker, and something you never expected to see-Batman and the Joker going into the tunnel of love together. It reminds me of the Joker stories from the '70s and '80s that show how one of the Joker's best choices for a battlefield is an amusement park, crowded or abandoned (How many amusement parks does Gotham have anyway?). Finally a 3-parter that pits Batman against Deadshot in the jungle with Lucius Fox and a group of execs held captive. The stranded soldiers who learned to put their differences aside and survive for 3/4 of a century were also an interesting twist. Tomasi gives Lucius Fox a lot of the personality that makes it easy to understand why Bruce trusts him so much. He also shows that ability to wrap up a story and not make it lead to the next bigger one, then the next even bigger one after that. Like how the Mr. Freeze appearances were just a side story having nothing to do with the main ones. All-in-all, This collection alone has some of the best issues in Tomasi's run yet. I hope he stays in Batman books for a long time.

This was a very intriguing start to a prequel that may actually work. It's nice to see a new Lion King story centered around an original movie character besides Timon and Pumbaa. It should be interesting to see how Scar began his alliance with the hyenas and his plans to overthrow Mufasa and Simba. This is one of the best new books I've seen in a while. Dynamite's new Disney line is one of the best I've seen in a long time for Disney properties. It's definitely worth checking out for any who are fans of the legendary animation classic.

This is a lot different from the Duke I grew up with who always commanded respect. But I'm really enjoying it nonetheless. It also gave a great introduction to just a few of the many Joes to yet be introduced in this universe. And just as before this issue ends with the promise of more excitement in #3. Looking forward to it.

I'm pretty impressed with this so far. It's pretty much what I'd expect from DeMatteis. I'm also mostly impressed by the art, with the exception of the Joker. This doesn't resemble him as he was then, but more how they draw him now with messy hair and a painted on grin rather than an actual one (I hate when they do that almost as much as when they base it off the Ledger grin). Back then Batman more likely would've forbidden Jason to stay Robin if this actually happened, but aside from that it's still a pretty good story. The Joker in his boat was very reminiscent of Legends of The Dark Knight #68, also be DeMatteis concluding his "Going Sane" arc, one of my favorite of his works. I'm glad they got an actual writing legend for this and not one of the cheap hacks they usually use these days as well as the fact that he's limiting this to just 4 issues rather than 8 or even more as they would do. It will help make sure the story doesn't lose flavor before it can reach its climax (usually 4 parts is enough for me). I'm no fan of the regular Bat books, nor much of anything by DC now, but I'm glad they're putting out something new I can enjoy. I'm hopeful Loeb's last Halloween will also be so good, as Batman deserves so much better than what DC has reduced him and his once great comic to in the main continuity over the last 5 or so years.

This issue certainly takes us in a direction Saban could never have even dreamed of considering for the old show. Zordon is finally about to go into battle himself, something we never even expected to see. Should be good.

Great showdown. The action was intense. It's stories like the Eltarian War that show why the Power Ranger books are some of the best comics on the market today.

After the last couple of issues only gave us brief viewings of this new villain, it's good to see King Aradon in action at last. He's an enemy that doesn't seem to mind fighting his battles himself. Though you see it more in these comics that is actually rare for a Ranger mastermind. They usually prefer to send monsters on their behalf. This only adds to the intrigue of this new foe who for 25 years has only been a mentioned character. As usual, this comic continues to be way better than the show ever was.

Alpha to the rescue. Is there a reason the alien king had the same hairstyle as Vegeta from Dragonball? It was also a pretty exciting conclusion to the first battle with King Aradon. A guy like that may have withdrawn, but he'll doubtlessly be back as soon as he sees the perfect chance to strike again. It seems like things are building up as #100 approaches. It should be a lot of fun.

So far it's off to a good start. I have to admit I'd have preferred if Krang teamed up with Lord Zedd, because that would be an impressive evil team up. But otherwise it seems promising. Now Casey Jones has the powers of a Ranger. I'm looking forward to see what happens next.

Not bad for A new team's start. In fact, it's off to a good start like Higgins and Parrott's were. The story seems to return us to the regular team, but we know the Omega team will be back. In the mean time there's a lot to keep the Rangers busy. I doubt this is the regular Rita Repulsa back (In a better fashion than the show did), but it's more likely that copy that Zedd made into a Dark Ranger before the title split in two. Flores also captures Goldar's character better than any story I've seen since the '16 annual. He actually was concerned for his master. It was a bit of a turn since for some odd reason Parrott seemed to make him not have any true loyalty to Zedd, though in the original series, that was where his true allegiance lied all along. It's also interesting to see how Matt's status as a Ranger has changed since he became the new green Ranger. He's actually become more likable like when he first appeared. It looks like Flores is also going to continue giving some depth to Bulk and Skull like Parrott and Higgins did, rather than make them the doofy comic relief they originally were. Here you see how Bulk really values their friendship and Skull is more than the dim-witted sidekick he originally was. When a new team takes over a comic these days you never know if it's going to be a good thing or bad, because so many get so caught up in trying to make a name for themselves that they pull some cockamamie stunt not even caring what the readers think. Fortunately that's not the case here, and as long as the stories remain fresh and still made to please the readers instead of win the writer praise for being the first to etc, etc, etc, then I'll continue to enjoy this series. I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming up next.

The further this develops the more I wonder about things like who this Vessel character is and still whether this is the real Rita Repulsa or that copy we haven't seen since Necessary Evil. Either way I'm sure her father has something to do with what's happening. After all Master Vile's ultimate goal was to acquire the Zeo crystal, so this plot would be a very clever way to get it without risking himself. And he's low enough to do so even at the cost of his daughter's life. It's so interesting how the Rangers have doubts and struggle in their work to stay a team when issues like concern about Matt and guilt over what happened to him are impacting them. It's a distant turn from the way everything was resolved by the episode's end in the old show, that's for sure. It adds to the intrigue this series has, but many of today's other comics lack in abundance anymore. That's what keeps us coming back for more every issue too.

This issue answers a few questions for me, like whether this was indeed Rita and if so how she became what she now is and how her father fits into it all. It's a pretty informative issue for this arc. I was also impressed to see an appearance by the inept villains of the Turbo series (The absolute worst of all Power Rangers series) and they were actually interesting, not pointless and stupid. I don't know much about the villains of the Space series that followed either, but do know the Dark Specter that leads them is the source for much of the evil in the Universe at that point. It explains how Rita's power increased as it did (But there's no explanation to how she got her staff back though as I remember Zedd destroyed it before banishing her; I didn't think she got it back till they married). The next answer I'd like is to who the mysterious Vessel is. That will have to wait for another issue though. As for this one, it's another fine example of why this is currently one of the best comics out there.

It's amazing how this series seems to know what the old series needed to be great. This story is the comeback Rita should have made, rather than that ridiculous marriage plot that more or less killed the original show. I liked the flashback showing how Zedd was impressed by her ability and offered her a position in his empire, pointing out that she needed to move out of her father's shadow. The most interesting part though is how the issue ends. So spoiler alert if you haven't read it yet. Zedd using his dark Ranger tech to turn himself into a new Dark ranger was totally unexpected. I'm guessing he'll be joining forces with Drakkon soon. This should be interesting. From what I've researched we never got to really see Dark Specter's true power in the original series, because instead of an ultimate showdown the idiot writers chose to kill him off before the Rangers could even confront him. What a gyp. Glad I wasn't watching anymore by then. I'd have really been disappointed. But here it looks like we may get to see a big battle, not only between he and the Rangers, but the actual original Rangers at that. I wonder how long till Rita realizes what a mistake she's making. She may even be forced eventually to help fight against him in the end (that may also convince Zedd to eventually be more lenient with her and just rebanish her afterward, but why he'll keep Squatt and especially Finster without punishment I still can't guess). All I can say is this continues to get more exciting. It seems to be leading to the rise of the Dark Specter, which may be the most exciting story since the Eltarian war. At least I'm hoping so. But so far Flores has proven worthy to follow Higgins and Parrott. As usual with this series I can't wait for what happens next.

This issue was truly exciting. It gave us the showdown we wanted rather than the cheesy one Space gave us. Kimberly's move killing Rita was the book's highlight. She was left with no choice if she was to save Tommy. It's also obvious Rita was tending to what I'm sure is her and Zedd's infant daughter when the fight broke out. This leads to an interesting question. If that is their daughter how did she get where she now is? I wonder if Zedd escaped with her, since we didn't see for sure if he was finished in the final attack. Then he spent these years preparing her for their revenge? This only makes one more curious and eager to see how this further develops. I look forward to the next chapter.

This was a good conclusion to this stop for the team. The end is also worth noting as we finally learn who is responsible for the Emperyals. This is all obviously leading to a big crossover showdown, and the big question is how the Rangers will be able to stop such a huge challenge. I'm not giving any spoilers here so you'll have to read the book yourself to see who the mastermind is behind the Emperyal menace, but the last page is quite a shocker.

It looks bad for the Rangers, but good for us as the excitement continues to unfold. I doubt Grace and Promethea are totally gone (though I can hope). And I know for a fact Zedd isn't gone. This is just a part of his own plan, whatever it is. One of the best parts is seeing the Rangers reunited. The Emperyals' arrival is also what the last dozen issues have been leading up toward. This is the most thrilling story since Shattered Grid and a must-read for any fan of the original series as well.

Fusing 2 Zords together that had never been fused before, The final battle with the Empyreals and a showdown between 3 former friends, all now enemies on the moon. All this in one issue. The Eltarian war is going to go down in Ranger history as a classic.

It looks like the Omega Rangers are on the road to a new beginning now that the Empyreal threat has passed. It looks like a new character is going to be further explored and XI is back-sort of. Meanwhile Drakkon is still on the loose, but biding his time to strike again. I can't say their announcement was altogether a great idea, as they'll soon see. But it looks like the excitement is far from over.

This story seems to finish what some of the Flashbacks in Go Go Power Rangers told us. It offers a lot more interesting insight into the history of the rangers' oldest foe. It's similar to Astronema in ways, but also different. Master Vile hasn't been seen much in this continuity yet, but like Rita, he's portrayed as a lot less goofy and more sinister. He also seems to have an interesting origin. I'd like to see more about it. I'd also like to see what it was like for Rita as she grew up under Master Vile's influence and why she left him to join Zedd. I don't know much about the Phantom Ranger, but it looks like he may be playing a role in the upcoming showdown with the Emperyals. All-in-all this was a real good read. It's always interesting to learn more about the history of important characters in this series.

There's a lot of humor to this book. You'd think a character like the General would be from a low-class family living in Gotham's more run down slums, but instead he comes from an average suburban family. They add that humorous element to the story. He has his mother completely brainwashed, believing him to be a perfect angel, while his father tries, but is obviously uncomfortable around the kid. Then his brother and sister were obviously happier with him in jail. And the dog obviously doesn't seem to like him at all, but seeing as he and his friends almost killed him it's understandable. Caeser is as pathetic a villain as Maxie Zeus himself. His only purpose is to bring in the Greek theme to the story. Otherwise he's totally useless. Other than that this was a great first half to a very amusing story.

AN enjoyable second issue. I think this has the potential to develop into quite an exciting series. It's already been off to an incredible start. Johns gives us hints of Rook and Dire Wolf's past without focusing on it entirely the whole issue as most writers today would do. He remembers how to keep the action and adventure ahead of the protagonists' personal lives. Otherwise they'd have sat and talked the whole issue (if he were still at DC they'd probably have forced him to write it that way). Ursaw still wasn't very explored here but he's a pretty badass villain to start off with. And a good villain is essential to a good comic too. According to Dire Wolf he isn't one of them. I'm hoping to learn his origin soon. This series is one of the finer comics on the shelves today and I'm looking forward to #3.

As a big epic storyline the Metal Virus saga has been pretty exciting, but as with most stories that drag on for almost a year I'll be glad when it's finally over. Still, it's offered a lot of exciting twists. You never know who will end up contaminated by this, or make it through safely, as poor Cream ended up infected as well. It was inevitable that Dr. Eggman would have to swallow his pride and work with his enemies to undo his own damage. Wherever he ended up, I doubt we've heard the last of Dr. Starline. I wonder if he'll seek revenge on Dr. Eggman or redemption. While I do miss the Archieverse Sonic, Ian Flynn has done a good job rebuilding Sonic's world with what he had left to work with. I just can't help but wonder how the Freedom Fighters would've fared against this situation. Sonic's popularity in the comic world has only grown and shows no sign of stopping. I consider it the best all-ages title available and it will continue to be a great read as long as it continues to turn out such exciting stories.

It's good to have things back to normal and the metal virus gone for good. As we could only expect, Dr. Eggman is wasting no time trying to cause trouble. Meanwhile Dr. Starline is proving himself even bigger a nut than his idol. Things look like they're about to get interesting. And It's lucky Sonic landed on Blaze's world, because now he can't remember anything. And back home his friends are celebrating the end of a pandemic that makes Covid-19 look like a school storm drill. But the festivities are about to be cut short when Dr.Eggman turns up-and uninvited (Some people can be so inconsiderate).

This story is off to a promising start. It's a little reminiscent of the Casino nights zone stories from Archie. There's something about this Clutch character that shows Rouge may be getting in over her head. But I'm also interested in who else is in that eggbase with Sonic and Tails. Most likely a new character. The cast of the IDW Sonic universe is growing, and while I miss many of the Archie cast, these new additions have the same appeal as those ones did. Sonic is always one of the comics today I'm most eager to see what will happen next.

This was a high flying thrill ride of an issue in more ways than one. The new character of belle is an interesting one. I hope we can learn more about her and the disappearance of her creator. The story had a lot of excitement and leaves me ready for the next issue. I'm mostly glad to see the Metal virus hasn't had a lasting impact and that the residents of Sonic's world have already moved on with their lives instead of fearing it will return or something. Sonic is still the best all ages book I know of. It has been for a very long time, whether it's been by Archie or IDW.

Poor Belle. She's never spoken to Eggman in person, so it was hard for her to cope with the fact Mr. tinker is indeed gone. And she also has to come to terms with seeing her creator is as evil as she's always heard. I'd say Evan Stanley has proven these issues that he's a qualified Sonic writer. And Ian Flynn and Ken Penders' huge lists of accomplishments are nothing easy to keep up with.

The Deadly Six's return has been pretty good. It's also nice to have Ian back. This issue is likely a prelude to the big #50 story with the subplot featuring Belle and Dr. Starline. Belle is one of the most interesting original characters in this version. The poor kid's had it hard enough with having to come to terms with the kindly inventor she knew now being a total madman. Now another Madman has taken her and has something in mind for her she most likely won't like. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. I'm also looking forward to seeing how the main story turns out. Sonic's in for one big fight facing the Deadly six alone. Not to mention the fact these guys are totally ruthless. They have no regard for those they hurt. Even less than Eggman. At least he wants to turn them to robots. Haven't the poor little critters suffered enough from the metal virus? Zavok sure doesn't think so. Can't wait for the next issue.

This was a pretty exciting issue. Sonic did well taking on the Deadly Six, but knew he could count on his friends when the stakes got too high. It was good to see Tails in action again as well. Just like the old days watching he and Sonic kicking butt together. And the end shows Sonic can't rest yet. There's still Belle to save. Can't wait till #44.

This issue was a good return to Sonic in the spotlight. Something the books have majorly lacked lately. It offered a great prelude to what's up ahead in #50. It should be good.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #52 Jan 16, 2023

I enjoyed this issue pretty well. So far this race arc has been one of Stanley's best stories. It looks like Surge is seeing the benefits of being a hero. Hopefully this will help her choose the right side when it's time to deal with Clutch and Mimic. Amy and Tails now know who the enemy is, but how will they inform Sonic? Since he's personally never encountered Mimic it will be tough for him to find out he's the enemy. This is building up to what should be an interesting race. And as I'm anticipating a high priced #75 it just may actually be worth it as long as this story stays on the same exciting path it's currently on.

Sonic had a lot of interesting foes in the Archie series I sure miss, like Scourge, Mammoth Mogul, Ixis Naugus, Dr. Finitevus and the Dark Legion, who menaced Knuckles just to name a few. But he's made some new ones lately. Dr. Starline is probably the most interesting IDW-introduced villain yet, so I expect this to be an interesting Mini-Series as he's the starring baddie. I was impressed with this first issue and with things back to normal with the Metal Virus saga behind us, I have high hopes of seeing Ian Flynn come up with some exciting new stuff like what he did that made Sonic the best comic I was collecting 2012-16 (I keep track of my favorites).

Since this series has been released bi-monthly, I'm rather weary of it. It's good that it's finally finished and we can finally get to #50. It was a pretty good issue. Surge and Kit are interesting enough new characters, but like most of the IDW additions, seem to lack something the Archie characters had. I expect Sonic #50 to be an exciting issue. This has all been leading up to it after all.

This was another great issue giving us a stand alone adventure while also continuing with where last issue left off. Like Zorak, Brak and the Widow, Pepose gave us a great intro to this new take on Moltar. Jace's self conflict was also a great plot for the issue. I'm glad to see he was able to deal with it in a single issue rather than a multiple chapter subplot arc like most of today's comics would do. That's really one of my favorite things about this series. It really takes me back to those Sci-fi superhero comics of the '70s and '80s. It also ended showing us more of Space Ghost's humane side at the end. Throughout this series he's been a determined sometimes hard crime fighter, but he also shows a side of compassion. Something writers seem to forget in characters like Batman anymore. Space Ghost seems to be paving the way for a Hanna-Barbera classic heroes comeback as we also have Jonny Quest and it's just been announced the Herculoids are also coming soon. It's a good time to be a fan of that stuff thanks to Dynamite. I've written Pepose himself about how much I enjoy this series and he seems to be very focused on it and intent on giving us as much of these great stories as he can for as long as we can. I'm very glad to hear that, because in this age of such flimsy DC and Marvel books it's good to have somewhere we can find good superhero comics.

Once more Pepose has given us another amazing tale featuring the most unlikely of heroes to save the day. This story gives us more insight into Bli and reminds us he's an important part of the team. The book really reminds me of those classic sci-fi comics of the Silver and Bronze ages. It really shows how Pepose is an actual fan of what he's writing here. Most comics aren't written by real fans of the characters they write and it seems to impact the stories and rob that character of the personality we've come to know from other writers who were actual fans themselves. This is why I'm confident that as long as Pepose is working on this series it will continue to amaze. 2024 is almost up and I can say Space Ghost has been the best new series of this year in my book. And this year has introduced some real good indie titles.The Herculoids are coming soon and I'm looking forward to it as well. I'm hoping this will pave the way for a classic Hanna-Barbera hero comeback explosion. If you're disappointed with the injustice Marvel and DC are doing to most of their books and want a good superhero comic than Space ghost is my top recommendation.

Venditti is giving us the story we couldn't get back then because it wold have cost too much to make, among other things. He does a good job capturing Gene Hackman's portrayal of Lex Luthor as well. This series is better than anything Dc has put out in the way of solo Superman since the Man of Tomorrow digital comic, which Venditti also did. He was my choice to replace Bendis, but I guess DC wanted someone who would go in the atrocious direction they've chosen to pursue. Hence why this is the preferred Superman book today by fans. I at least hope DC has sense to allow this series to go on in a series of sequels. At least that way there will still be at least one book that gives the hero the respect he deserves.

I'm not sure what to make of this Jor El and Lara in Kandor idea, but it would have been pretty interesting in a movie, so I can't complain. It's not really a smart move by Superman to allow himself to be taken, but he would do it for the safety of innocent lives. The only thing I think this series needs that's not here is Luthor's bumbling sidekick Otis. Especially since the passing of Ned Beatty who portrayed the character so amusingly in the original films. I'm glad we have this series out there right now. It gives us at least one decent Superman comic. I only wish Batman '89 could be half as good as this.

A great penultimate chapter to the trial saga. By this point the character of Mope had really grown on me. It was sad to see the little guy's story come to an end, even though it was a very noble sacrifice. As with the previous chapter this further proves the Tribunal Prime has lost his sense of rationality, as he's desperate to execute Superman at all costs, even if it's by questionable methods. Even the other Judges are unsure what they're doing is right. With only one chapter to the story there's a lot to be resolved in the don't-miss conclusion.

This is a timeless issue to me. It shows what other characters would do if they had Superman's power. Luthor would be Superior Man, and destroy those meddling heroes, topping it all off with the enslaving of mankind. Prof. Hamilton would be Science Man, able to achieve feats beyond anything modern science. Jimmy would use them to be a star and impress women, making him Selfish Man (He was in TV news and it was going to his head at the time). Cat Grant would have been able to save her son from the Toyman. And Perry White would have been the ultimate reporter. Superman even learns how a kid would use them to stand up to bullies and defend his friends. It's a simple stand alone story and gives us some interesting insight into the characters of Superman comics.

Williamson has gotten this series off to a pretty entertaining start. I hoped for this since his work on Batman impressed me pretty well. He proved then he knows how to make Luthor a menacing villain without having to be in green armor or being a mad scientist. Something few writers have known how to do with him since his time in the Oval office. He really proves here he still knows how to press the right buttons with Superman. It's a bit reminiscent of the post-Crisis era when he first became an untouchable superbillionaire. We keep hearing how they're going to have to work together soon. That's nothing new though. They did that through most of Rebirth and numerous other times in the past. But I do expect it to still be interesting, because he obviously is up to something that will eventually benefit himself. That only adds to the intrigue I think. I'm looking forward to getting to know the SCU's new leader. I hope he'll be a valuable ally for the man of steel as his character develops. It's always nice to get to know new ally characters for the hero. I can't say I was thrilled to see Livewire, as I always really hated her. She's so annoying she's like Harley on steroids But then I never liked Mercy either, but this book actually made her far more interesting than she's ever been before. I like her much better as she is now than the pathetic character she was on the lame '90s cartoon where she and Livewire both originated from, as well as that blood curdling nickname "Smallville" that I wish to God Lois would finally stop calling Clark. It was made up to be an insult, not a pet name. Speaking of Lois, I'm not too crazy about the idea of her being editor. I've been gone a while so I don't know what happened to Perry, but I hope he'll be back soon. In the mean time if Williamson is creative enough seeing Lois in the position may develop into an interesting subplot, like it taking a toll on their relationship. But I do still hope to see Perry back in that office soon.That will make the cover seem more truthful. That's one of the first things that drew me to this new series. It reminded me of the older times with some new elements. It's also good to see the old L shaped Lexcorp building back. The original look was always the best and the most creative for it. This is the most recommendable new Superman since Rebirth. Even Mike Carlin, the editor from the triangle era himself has recommended it. Even if you're not impressed with Action, you may still consider checking this one out. It seems to be composed of the back to Earth basics for Superman that many of us prefer over the into space, reminiscent of the Silver Age hodgepodge that we've grown more used to from the majority of the last 23 years. I know things still aren't perfect to many as they were before Bendis twisted it into the flimsy disaster the books have been over the last 5 years, but this is the best it's been since. As long as Williamson sticks to this basic Superman we know and love I plan to continue enjoying this series. Since I'm giving up on Batman it's nice to at least still be reading at least one half of the World's finest. 10 seems a bit too good to be true, but it definitely deserves a 9. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the same satisfaction from future issues so I can continue giving this book such high ratings.

Another impressive issue. Though not as much as the last it is worthy of a good review. I just wish Williamson would spare us having to see Lois call Clark "Smallville." I loathe that. It was made to be an insult, not a pet name. The plot is pretty basic. Parasite clones are contaminating everything and Luthor is eating this up because he knows Superman's options art growing slimmer and he will soon have no choice but to turn to him. I have to give Williamson credit for doing a good job at making him such a scoundrel again. I haven't seen Luthor so interesting since before his election. And Superman's mysterious visitor seems to be an interesting mystery. It's been a while since he was in a battle and someone popped up to make their presence known, but will save any real confrontation for another day. Let's just hope Williamson doesn't make her do this over and over for a long time making it the traditional mystery of his run. Otherwise we'll grow sick of her before we really learn anything. All-in-all Superman's new series has been one of the best I've seen since Rebirth ended. And it's only 2 issues in. If you've been passing on Superman since Bendis, as many of us understandably have, this is a great jumping back on point. Finally I have to end this review by discussing a less pleasant matter. While I can't say $5 is a good price, this issue proves I was right all along that after they felt it was long enough the books would return to 22 pages but also remain at $5 each. Superman is but the first. Expect the others to eventually follow in the resuming of single stories, but will all remain at $5. In fact knowing DC as I do they will raise the prices of ALL their titles to $5 each, probably by the year's end. This is the real Dawn of DC. The first publisher to charge $5 an issue on everything.

Most issues of this series have been pretty stale. But this one was pretty fun. It's the only story I've ever seen to bridge the gap between regular Scooby and A pup named Scooby-Doo. I really figured they were likely different continuities since Scooby was in the '70s and Pup was the later '80s. It wouldn't be the first time Hanna-Barbera did it (The Flintstone kids never happened in the same reality as the original series, because Fred and Barney didn't meet Wilma and Betty till they were in their late teens or early 20s). This issue was the best one in the whole series. I was thinking of stopping after this one, but this one was so good I'm actually now reconsidering.

I'm glad this series is back as an ongoing. It's better so far than the mini was too. They picked a unique way to start with a Rat King adventure where he loses his ability to control rats, but becomes able to control the Turtles instead. It leaves off on a pretty exciting cliffhanger, leaving me eager for the next part. Few comics do that for me anymore. I hope this series sticks around for a good while as it's the best Turtle series I've read since the old Archie one that started out based on the cartoon, but later went in its own unique direction, but stayed true to this part of the franchise. I'm rapidly losing interest in DC and totally gave up on Marvel over a year ago. So it's good to have some comics free of the woke and political hodgepodge that's ruining the big two. As long as this series stays true to the series it's based on it should continue to be a fun ride.

Another great issue. As I always say it's small wonder it's kicking both DC and Marvel's butts. I'm not sure I like this version of Elita-1 though. I also hope the turnout of this battle doesn't result in a resentment of Optimus Prime by Cliffjumper. That and I hope Ratchet makes it. Johnson gave us a pretty badass version of Shockwave, and while his take on Megatron's leadership have yet to be revealed, I do hope he doesn't turn out to be the same self absorbed holier than thou pain in the ass all previous publishers made him into. Astrotrain's new attitude is interesting. He came off as a loose cannon last issue, but here he seems to wish Spike nor the Earth any harm, but he seems to see it as a necessary evil in the greater scheme of things. Amazingly Soundwave came off the same at the start of last issue. It seems Starscream's sadistic attitude was actually quite rare among the Decepticons. I can't wait to learn more of what Energon Megatron is like. We've had 9 issues so far and are fast approaching a complete first year, and I say Transformers comics are better than since they were made by Dreamwave. It's truly the best comic on the market today. I'm always awaiting the next issue with anticipation. Something I never thought I'd feel again for a TF comic int the IDW era. I really hope Johnson has reconsidered his original plan and will stay where he's needed. That way I'll know for sure I can keep enjoying the Transformers.

This issue was a bit slower than most as it lacks the die-hard action and suspense we've grown to expect from it, but at least what's happening is relevant to the storyline rather than the boring slice of life crap Marvel and DC like to use for filler when they run out of ideas and the characters just sit and eat (for some reason they're very big on making scenes where their characters are pigging out these days, especially Spider-Man) and talk. I'm real glad Johnson is staying for another year longer than originally planned and sure hope he'll change his mind and stay longer after #24, where he plans to depart. Few writers can keep us satisfied this long without an Optimus Prime/Megatron smashout yet. Though I have a funny feeling he's planning on building up to that soon enough. Recently this series was revealed to top even Batman on the sales charts. And if that's not proof this is a great series I don't know what would. The real Transformers are back.

This book is a regular reminder that good comics are still possible even in times like these where the world of P.C. corruption has even contaminated an industry you used to think was safe from such things. As long as the book is written with imagination and no personal views are implemented you can still make a book worth getting, and Transformers is proof. This issue certainly leaves off with a wild cliffhanger. It definitely leaves me in anticipation for the conclusion. I must say so far I find Elita-1 about as likable as IDW's version. Hopefully a little time on Earth can mellow her out some and she'll become a bit more reminiscent of the more kindly one I remember. Ultra Magnus on the other hand is still regarded as a great Autobot warrior as in all other versions, but he's been through an ordeal that may take a while for him to overcome.That should make an interesting plot in his development. I really hope to see him face his fears and take on Shockwave as he should be the one to defeat his tormentor. This series never fails to please. I hope you'll all join me in trying to convince Johnson to reconsider and stick around beyond #24.

Alright. It looks like after 2 rather drab issues we're back in business here. Little was resolved as far as fighting the bad guy here, but it was a great conclusion to our introductory story. It was also a clever way to bring the secret out. How often does a superhero have a family that shares his secret? Frankly it's a fresh twist that actually works. It should be interesting seeing how this impacts the Parker family. I wonder if Uncle Ben will learn it too? The possibilities are vast and quite exciting to consider. As for the big battle against the Kingpin, hopefully Spider-Man learned something. Rushing in recklessly is never a good idea. That's one reason I doubt this apparent partnership with Harry will work. Harry is reckless here and I doubt he learned that. I expect an eventual clash over that between the two. I'd say they also learned dealing with Fisk will not be as easy as they expected. The Kingpin never has been an easy challenge, but in previous Spidey incarnations he never rushed into their first confrontations so recklessly. When you confront the rampaging bull you need a plan. It's issues like this that make it a small wonder why this is outselling Amazing by far. Ultimate Spider-Man definitely earns that title.

This is the issue that reveals the true mastermind. After weeks of suspicion and a great deal of stress, Superman seems to be losing it. So much so that the S.C.U. is called in to confront him. Convinced it's all one of Mr. Mxyzptlk's games, Superman begins to cross the line he's always feared he may be forced to cross. Meanwhile Brainiac is back in action and escapes New Genesis, reveling in the success of his plan. "Dead again" is a thrilling saga. It leaves you eager with each chapter you read to see what will happen next. And it only gets more exciting as it develops.

With Lois and Clark's heartbreaking breakup it was only fitting we get a few laughs with this story. Strange things are happening everywhere and there's a huge outbreak of lottery fever. It seems everyone is getting their wishes granted, despite the danger to others. Note the scene when Jimmy is surrounded by groupies. A brunette resembling a certain Mary Jane Watson also uses her famous "You've just hit the jackpot" line. The ending alone provides enough laughs if not the cover's image of Superman using Homer Simpson's trademark catchphrase "D'oh." The final page features one of Mr. Mxyzptlk's most amusing entrances ever. Superman catches him in his shower and he replies "Well it ain't Bobby Ewing, Buster."

This is an interesting issue, because it's one I remember most for its side plot. While Superman battles thieves who have stolen the SCU's robotic battle suits, a simple man tries to get through the crisis of unending night. After managing to get some food he hopes to find shelter underground. Unfortunately some hoods had the same plan and are harassing innocents already there. He runs away and gets ahold of one of the thugs' guns. He conquers his fears and goes back firing the gun and scaring the hoods off and saving the innocents. This man shows to be a hero you don't have to have special powers, just bravery. He became one of my all-time favorite one-time appearing characters. This issue doesn't contribute anything major to the "Final Night" crossover, but is a great stand-alone tie-in issue.

So far things seem to be picking up in the 2 stories that matter. I'm not even bothering with the third, as I'm sure many of the rest of us aren't either. The first story was pretty good for Johnson. I'm still not too keen on this Super family, but it's just one of those flimsy concepts that will run its course in time. Otherwise it's pretty solid. I can't tell if someone ids framing Luthor or if he's playing brain checkers with everyone. If someone is I'd like to know who. Metallo's also stepping up his plan of attack. That should be promising. The second story is slowly developing. It should be even more interesting next issue. One question though. Why is Superman back in the black suit suddenly? Oh, well.... While it's been through much better times, the Super books have also been through much worse. But for a mediocre period in their long history it's worth checking out. Yes, like many of you I'm still P.O.ed at the STUPID aging of Jon, but the books are still decent enough to finally get rid of most of that vomity taste Bendis' run left in our mouthes. For the first time since before he completely ruined the books 5 years ago I'm actually looking forward to the next issue of Action.

This issue centers around its villain. This Bloodsport looks more like a Batman foe, but Superman is the perfect hero to tackle him as Superman has been an enemy of intolerance for many years. Bloodsport is probably still the most vile excuse for a bigoted supervillain I've ever seen. His hate is an issue that would make quite an origin story perhaps, but his behavior is inexcusable. He seems to even think people who associate with African Americans must die. His hate seems to have no limit, nor does his thirst for innocent blood. He even tries to kill a child, but luckily Superman saves her. I'll never forget the cliffhanger ending. Only a sick mind like his could fire 2 missiles at 2 of Superman's friends, both of different race just to make him choose. There were several realistic racial matters in Superman in those days, like when Perry and Alice White took in and adopted Superman's orphaned friend Keith. That was a very emotional story. But this issue was a story showing intolerance at its worst. It was brilliantly written and drawn. It became an instant classic at the time, and now still holds a great deal of sentimental value.

I remember what I enjoyed about this issue at the time was it featured Luthor back where he belonged. At the heart of the trouble in Metropolis. After nearly one year on the run, and one before out of action, it was good to see him back at Lexcorp, even though it was a secret. But Luthor was the last thing on Superman's mind. He went to see his parents after Lois called off their engagement. That led to a longtime favorite cliffhanger for me, as a person who grew up in the midwest, seeing a Tornado on its way. I remember eagerly waiting to see Superman fight something in the next issue that seemed so unstoppable in real life. This was a good issue featuring Luthor at his lowest and Superman dealing with a problem his amazing powers can't do anything against.

This issue had an intriguing end, but I was disappointed the plot would be one of those that developed a few pages per issue. I remember wanting to see Superman battle the new Intergang before his upcoming metamorphosis, which I boycotted (I was a teenage fanboy still getting over the 2-year-long Spider-Man clone saga, and had enough of heroes becoming "Extreme '90s style," God, did that decade suck...). I have since filled those gaps in my collection, but do remember the disappointment of missing out on the development of this new Intergang. Way preferable to the lousy Invisible mafia Menacing Superman these days.

The cover says "Power grab" but the real grab is between the bad guys. This shows why Luthor is best as the super billionaire. Poor Boss Moxie bites off more than he can chew. He thinks things are going to be like 60 years ago. Nope. The big boss man is Lex now, and he proves he's the most dangerous criminal ever in Metropolis, and he won't have any has-been take his empire. It's a great moment in Luthor's post-crisis story, proving just how seriously he take his power. It's bad enough Superman is in his way, but he'll be damned if anyone else will steal any more of his thunder, even if it's as a criminal. I was never big on the electric powers era, but the creative teams proved they still hadn't lost their ability to make good stories, despite a bad idea (Ah, the "Extreme" '90s).

I found this at a garage sale 12 years after its release, and it gave interesting insight into the history of the Black Cat's character, not to mention Spidey's relationship with her. The poor gal just can't resist stealing and Spidey must choose, love or responsibility. This was an interesting tale from the past when I first read it, and I still remember how it made me want to learn more about his adventures in those days, not to mention what happened between him and the Black cat.

Kraven's last hunt became an instant hit and is still a fan favorite over 30 years later. This is the most important chapter as it's Kraven's death. One so well done I always thought resurrecting him was an injustice to such a well-made death sequence. This issue alone is what makes this saga so legendary (And the other 5 issues were amazingly spectacular too). This is also one of my top 10 most recommended Spider-Man issues of all time.

Is it just me or does Boomerang work better as an ally than he did as an enemy? Better not get used to it. I got used to Sandman as a good guy for nearly a decade and look how that turned out. Still, this was a good issue. I usually enjoy stories involving that menacing tablet. It also features the Kingpin as we love to hate him-at his meanest. I've been into and out of the Spidey books a lot over the last 20 years. They're good, then they do something I don't like and I leave. They show promise again, they do something to blow it. But I have to say I've been enjoying them more the last few years than I have in a very long time. And this issue is a fine example of why.

This issue offered real insight to Gog. I'll never be able to look at him as a villain now, that's for sure. Another thing about this story I enjoy is that it's taking a break from the NEVER-ending mystery of Kindred. The longer that drags on, the less I care. I just wish they'd unmask him so we could get on with it. But this issue itself has everything, from an easily-forgotten character, to his sad origin story.

This is one of those "funny" Spider-Man issues. I laughed at Spidey webbing The Kingpin's mouth shut, The game of fetch that stopped Gog's rampage and I was glad to see he's found a new home. I think he shows potential as part of Peter's and Spider-Man's lives. And he has a chance to develop as a real character and not just an occasional menace. I also enjoyed getting a break from the overly long-lived mystery of Kindred. Just reveal who he is, how Peter's life "will never be the same" and wrap it up, will you? At least in the 5-year-long Hobgoblin mystery of the '80s he menaced Spidey in person, not just from the shadows. All-in-all this was a pretty good issue and "True Companions" was a good story. Impeach Fisk!

It's not looking good for Spidey in this one. This issue focuses on a very real problem facing our society today-The way it embraces violence. It seems people today want to hurt or even kill someone that offends them. It makes sense the Sin-Eater is hailed as a hero, even if his victims still stayed dead. This is one of the darker, but more realistic Spidey tales, especially after the laughs we got with Gog and Boomerang just a few issues ago. And if Norman is Sin-Eater's next target, he may be eating more sin than he can handle. Compared to him the Villains he's went after so far are jaywalkers. He could give Sin-Eater indigestion, and Spider-Man, one of the worst days he's had in a long, long time.

The saga of the Sin-Eater is among Spidey's greatest lore, and "Sins Rising" is earning it's place alongside both his '80s appearances among The greatest Spider-Man stories ever. Alas, Spider-Man is all I read by Marvel these days, but as long as Spencer comes up with stuff like this I won't be giving it up any time soon. If things are this exciting and it's only the beginning of what's yet to come, I expect more excitement ahead for the webhead.

This issue sure didn't take me long to read, but was still a pretty exciting one. I'd grown weary of the 2 year mystery of Kindred, but the battle with him has renewed interest in the character. He's sunk pretty low as well. One thing though, Isn't it a little soon for Flash's remains to actually be reduced to bones? The way time seems to go in comics I'd figured he's only been gone a few months. This is a good continuation of the previous Sin-Eater story and shows it was indeed leading to something big. Every issue proves that this is the best Spider-Man has been in many years.

I loved that cover. Very Spidey. It's one of the best I've seen in a while. As for the story, I'm still kind of lost with Harry. Did I miss something? He was still fine last I saw him. What turned him into this monstrosity he is now? Has he been like this all along? Is he still dead and never was alive? In spite of those questions, this was another fine issue and installment in the friend/enemy world of Peter Parker and Harry Osborn. Spencer and Bagley make one of the best teams I've seen on Spider-Man in years. As long as we have them, I know we can count on more exciting stories ahead.

Alright. We're back in business. After the "Ho-Hum" fest of the Chameleon conspiracy and disappointing revelation of King's Ransom I'm looking forward to an all-out Supervillain war with Spidey caught in the middle, all while Kindred is laughing and preparing for the endgame. It's good to see the return of some classic villains, like the real Electro and it should be good to see Doc Ock back in action as the supervillain he was meant to be and not the umpteenth person with a Spider themed identity. Sinister war seems to be one the readers are counting on to be a good one and a fitting penultimate story in Spencer's run. Let's hope it turns out to be just what we're expecting.

This is probably the biggest reveal that will define Spencer's run for years to come. I remember reading Sins past in '04 and couldn't believe they expected that to fly. I knew it would one day be revealed as a hoax and that somehow those twins would be revealed to be clones. I know Spider-Man. Clones are their No. 1 answer to mistakes, just like reality-altering crisis crossovers are for DC. The penultimate issue of Spencer's run was a decent one. It will be praised as the issue that ended 16 years of one of the most cockamamie excuses for a scandal in comic history.

I'm surprised by the amount of negative reviews this book has gotten. I agree it could have been better, but it was good enough for the end of Spencer's run. It was more satisfactory than the Chameleon conspiracy or King's ransom were. I'm really not too surprised Kindred was the villain running around causing all the trouble, but not the mastermind. It seems appropriate that Norman finally be the one to get the "Gotcha" for a change. Clearing up "Sins past" was likely Spencer's plan, not since the start, but for a while now. I have to give him credit for choosing to make that the feather in his hat. The twins being a hoax was something I've been waiting 17 years to hear. It's one of the most welcome revelations since we learned Ben Reilly really was the clone. This is my final new Spider-Man book for the time being, and I have to say it is an appropriate way to say goodbye to this book for a while again.

This book offers some interesting insight into the psyche of one of the most impacting foes Spider-Man has ever went up against. In truth, I grew to accept Sin-Eater as a character lost with the ages. It's real interesting to see him back after so long, and this prelude alone ensures a real exciting story ahead. I'm looking forward to see how "Sins Rising" turns out.

This one seems to be a collectors' favorite. I can't find it for less than $20 these days. I can understand why as well. It has an interesting insight as to how Gotham cops see Batman. The last, as usual, is best. Batman does shed tears on occasion, but it is rare. The sad story of two children on the streets could drive anyone to cry. But that officer also saw there was more to Batman than a guy who scares the piss out of lowlives and beats hoodlums senseless. He helped 2 children in need. Even if the other officers didn't believe it, he knows what he saw. This is a highly recommended read for anyone looking for a good old school Batman adventure.

This issue offers interesting insight into the life of Commissioner Gordon. He won't let a vengeful gangster keep him from doing his job, nor the fears of his new wife. Batman is in the beginning phase of his descent into his exhaustion point that allowed Bane to defeat him later the following year. Sarah's distrust of Batman doesn't stop her from turning to him when her husband's life is in danger. I've considered this to be the start of the very slow development of their relationship. Headhunter is an interesting character. Who's his dentist? I don't think he appeared again until the rebirth era where he was killed. This is a good stand-alone story I remember finding in a 25 cent box at my comic shop. It was rare to find Batman books there. It's been a classic ever since for me.

Several months ago DC released a Dollar Comic reprint of this classic issue. I remember reading it when I bought the original, unable to believe every page as I read it. It was well written and drawn, as anything by Doug Moench or Jim Aparo is. I love the way it was put together. It's no wonder this issue still impacts Batman today. But what I never hear is what a coward Bane truly is. He was too afraid to face Batman at his fullest because he knew he'd loose. He had to wait till he was at his weakest, worn to exhaustion, then face him, bragging to hide his denial the whole time. "You are nothing..." and crap like that. If he was nothing, why'd the musclebound hairball not take him on on fairer terms? Because he was afraid to. And because of his cowardice the loser still brags about it, still in denial that he really just got lucky because he was too scared to take him on at any peak beyond pure exhaustion. Most look at this issue as Batman's greatest defeat. I'll always see it as that made so by the fact his opponent was a feckless coward. That's why I hate Bane and will never consider him to be anything more than a boastful coward who uses physical strength to compensate for what a wimp he really is. I bet you expect a low review for that, but in truth I still have to say it's an interesting and exciting chapter to a story I still consider one of the greatest in Bat-history. And I still remember, though it took a while for the one true Batman to return to action, he only got stronger through this experience. And though he may still be physically threatening, otherwise Bane is just a boastful weakling otherwise. And that's all he ever will be.

I remember when I found this at my local Wal-Mart many a year ago. I'd never seen Croc in the comics before and didn't yet realize that wasn't the regular Batman either. When I read it though I was surprised to see Dick Grayson was going to prove himself worthy of the cowl. Which he did far better than Jean Paul Valley. As for Croc, I deduced it was him on the cover sooner. And I thought he was a lot cooler looking in the comic than on the Cartoon. "Prodigal" quickly became, and is still one of my all-time favorite Batman stoylines. This issue set it off to a real good start.

Like the rest of "Prodigal" this was a good issue. It was a more stand alone chapter to the arc, but very enjoyable. While Two-Face may now be dealt with, some of the dangerous convicts he freed are still at large. Here Dick tracks 3 of the worst to an area of Gotham dubbed "the war zone." It's only too bad this section of town wasn't further explored like Crime Alley. This is still the only issue I know of to refer to it. A pity. Because it was an interesting place. "Prodigal" was a great story and worth reading to any Batman reader.

One of the things I liked about this issue was that it wasted no time getting the regular Batman back into action. It also gets this story off to an interesting start. Kelly Jones' work had it's own dark style compared to most Batman art in the '90s. He also introduced his own mysterious character, the shady puppetman. Whatever it was to him was, unfortunately never revealed. He'd just pop up once in several issues of Jones' run from '95 to '98. Troika was a good story and you could tell by the end of it that the real Batman was back for good. A welcome thing after all we'd been through over the last year and a half.

This issue was an instant hit. So popular its second edition was an even faster sellout. I wasn't too keen on Jeph Loeb's Superman work over the previous 3 years, but was quite pleased with his writing of this story. Later I'd read "the Long Halloween" and "Dark Victory" and see how he built up a reputation as a good Batman writer. As for Jim Lee, I remember reading that he had a bet on whether he could keep up on a monthly title and meet his deadlines. Apparently he proved he could. Too bad he couldn't do it again with the never-finished "All-Star Batman & Robin" series. "Hush" is a classic story today as it instantly was almost 20 years ago. It brought in the most annoyingly overused enemy Batman has ever faced. But it was also a refreshing new turn in the post No Man's Land era. The other Batman titles tried to keep up with their own unique stories throughout the following year, making Batman better than it had been for several years. This book is, if anything a milestone for that.

This story is washing out the bad taste in my mouth left by "City of Bane." The mystery of the Designer extends beyond "Who is he?" It also makes us wonder what his plans were for 4 of Batman's oldest foes and what really happened in his meeting with the Joker. It's good to see Tynion do a story with him. I felt deprived of that when he left Detective Comics. And while we are all saddened by the death of Alfred and anticipate the next "Big event" that will bring him back, as long as we're getting good stories with as little of Damian as possible (I Loathe that brat) I think the Bat-books will be continue doing fine.

I've enjoyed this story. Tynion's outdone himself with it. It's even better than anything he wrote during his Detective Comics run a couple of years back. I see this as a future collector's gem, as it features the debut of the new Joker groupie Punchline. What is that clown's appeal to sexy psychotic women? Seriously though, I feel this is a great beginning to a new run for Tynion. Especially since he didn't get to show much talent for stories with many classic villains before. It's good to see the Riddler in a question mark-covered costume reminiscent of his much-missed classic costume. I've never been a fan of his new 52 look (Especially those God-Awful sideburns). When he gets back in shape maybe he'll consider keeping this new look, but bring back the mask. The true irony is having problems like this right and left, we don't really see how much impact Alfred's loss has on Bruce Wayne, as he hasn't had much time out of the cape and kowl lately. In truth, it's what I expected. This kind of trauma occasionally causes a superhero to withdraw from his personal life and become consumed by his costumed one. Are we seeing that with Batman? It sure is interesting. That I do know for sure.

It looks like my theory about the Designer was head on. The poor guy got in over his head with the Joker, never got his career off the ground and would never have been heard of by Batman had he not provided such an excellent distraction from Joker's real plan. Joker is obsessed with his own perverted amusement through suffering most of the time, but this time it seems his goal is to outwit Batman. Sometimes I think we forget he's a lot more clever than he shows. And that's how he likes it. He finds it funny proving he was underestimated, so this caper must tickle his funnybone harder than anything since killing Jason Todd. In regards to Punchline, she seems to be receiving mixed reactions. If I can say anything about what I've seen so far, Her future will mostly be as an adversary for Harley, because no matter what side she claims to be on, she'll always be obsessed with her precious "Mr. J." Probably her main use to the Joker, making her "Dim-witted groupie unaware she's just a pawn he cares nothing about #2." I order all my books on a monthly basis, and I only just received this issue a few days ago. And it looks like I'll have to wait another full month to see the conclusion. Maybe longer considering how slow the postal service is these days. Poor me, huh?

"Dark Designs" was pretty good. It started out as one case for Batman, but turned out to be nothing more than a distraction for something way worse. It was a good starting point for Tynion's new run. While there's controversy regarding the newest Joker groupie, Punchline, I'm sure we'd better just get used to her. They seem to be clinging on to the idea of the new Harley. Why else is she so annoying? the Joker War has already begun, and it looks like he's winning. Not good for Batman, but it should keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Pretty good. I'm not as blown away as a lot of my fellow reviewers, but I'm impressed enough to say it's worth the $5. Failsafe should be a pretty tough challenge for Batman. I'm not looking forward to him being driven out of Gotham-AGAIN, but do look forward to learning a little more about this bad idea of Batman's and why Brother Eye didn't teach him enough not to mess with such things. Zdarsky's gotten off to a good start in what's just his second issue. This one wasn't as good as the last, but was still plenty satisfactory. I'm enjoying it enough I don't plan to be going anytime soon. But it's still a bit early. Tynion's run started out good too, but quickly declined. I hope not to see that happen again. I wish Zdarsky luck with this and hope he has as good a run here as he did on Spectacular Spider-Man a few years back.

A fitting ending to what has been the best story for Batman and Superman this past year. It's a shame we couldn't see moue from the team of Yang and Reis. Hopefully they'll team up for a sequel featuring these 2 alternates from simpler times one day. This will be a classic for a long time to come in my book.

The Joker stories over the last decade or so remind me too much of the Heath Ledger portrayal instead of the one who always has a wacky gimmick for his capers. This "Attorney at ha" is a gimmick worthy of Batman's arch foe. This, along with last Summer's Detective #1008 have given me 2 of the best Joker stories I've read in ages.

Usually by the 4th issue a story reaches its peak of interest. This one looks like it's still going to be pretty exciting to the finish. The best part is King shows he does still have the ability to put out a good Batman story. I don't like this Espinoza character though. Please tell me she gets killed off by the end. I hate people who curse every other word they say just to feel big. It's so juvenile. One big shock to this is seeing Batnman actually teaming up with The Help. How long will this last? It looks like more excitement ahead, making this a book worth checking out.

I have to say I enjoyed this one pretty well. It's probably the best Bane story I've read since "I am Bane." This isn't the first time Bane has attempted to renounce venom or a life of crime and it won't be the last. In fact I wouldn't be a bit surprised if in his next appearance it will be as though this never happened, knowing today's comics as I do. So I'm not going to get my hopes up for any kind of follow up where we'll learn what becomes of him and his young new companion (who we'll probably never see or hear from again either) next. "Venom" has always been one of the great post-Crisis classics. It's interesting to see Bane finally come face to face with the inventor of the drug that made him into a madman and almost destroyed him. The "One Bad day" series has been mostly so-so, but I'd say this is one of the better ones. And that's saying something since I haven't been much of a fan of most modern Bane stories. But I would recommend it to any readers who are fans of the character.

A pretty good stand-alone story. It's good to have somewhere where they're still available, as I tend to tire of the average 5-8 (if not meven more) part stories of today halfway through. The art wasn't very reminiscent of the show, and it certainly doesn't limit itself for a younger audience like the old series did, but I guess it doesn't matter since all its old fans are now grown up anyhow. kind of like if the series returned for Adult Swim (Now there's an idea). So far Season 3 delivers the same intrigue as the previous two. It's one of the best Batman books out there, along with the Audio adventures. Too bad they're both limited series, because the two regulars aren't really too good now.

Once again this title is Bat book of the month. It's really too bad it's not an ongoing. I enjoyed the return of Hugo Strange, who has always been one of Batman's most menacing foes. True he didn't do much, but he still had a good role. I also enjoyed Joker's dialogue reminiscing the classic series episode where they met. This series paints an accurate picture of that big fat bitchy human blimp Waller in the animated continuity. A character I never have or never will like. If some genius ever writes a book where some villain kidnaps and tortures her I do not want to miss it. That's what I think of her. As for Harley, I can't tell if they want to keep her going solo like in the regular Universe or may send this version back to the Joker now that he's losing her pitiful replacement. But in some ways I have to admit Joker was also right when he said he does best solo. At least maybe we can be spared the existence of Punchline in this continuity.But with Harley's loyalties it's hard to tell in the reality where her roots began. Still, this book has been the best Bat book on the shelves of late, and judging by the look of the regular ones, it's going to stay that way a while. So if you want to check out something Batman this is the best one they have. And in addition to being better than the regulars it's still only $3.99

This is without a doubt the best Batman story currently out there. It's got something to it that most modern Batman comics severely lack. Mayfield reminds me of the Hamilton Hill in regular continuity back in the early '80s. The corrupt unscrupulous mayor who is nothing but trouble. I wonder whatever happened to him after he was forced to resign? One of Mayfield's biggest mysteries is his mysterious charm. He even put it on Batman. There's something to that I'm looking forward to discovering what it's about in the upcoming conclusion. If you're looking for a Batman story worth reading now this is it. And it's still $3.99 too.

Not a bad issue. Still better than most other Batman titles out there now. I'm not really into this Croc thing, but I can tell the writer is. I'd really prefer learn more about this search for Scimitar's sword and Robin's own plotline. It's always good to read a story set in Batman's earlier days, especially if they feature Dick Grayson as Robin. It just takes one back.

Robin has to be nuts to eat anything the Penguin offers. Batman would've glared at him and knock it on the floor-and I mean on the '60s show. Seriously, this issue offered a great double plot to it. It seems though both things are coming together in a way as well. And the search for the sword is also taking a thrilling turn. The only complaint I have is how all this is usually being overshadowed by focus on Croc. I guess it's because I'm tired of sewer stories. Batman spends so much time down there these days in comics that he should wear a colored bandanna and call people "Dude." I'd really have to say though that this is the best Batman book out right now. I really would loke a regular series of it so I can at least keep getting one Batman title every month. With the tiring direction full of unending hodgepodge and cliche in Batman and Detective, it's nice to at least have one Batman book that gets to the point of things at least. I'm looking forward to #5.

I was a bit skeptical to get this, but then most Bat Mini-series and specials have been major let-downs of late. But I think one thing that appeals about this is that it's a break from the umpteenth "Bold new direction" DC has taken Batman in over the last 2 decades. Not to mention a good trip from Gotham is just what he and we all could use. It's also the start of a pretty interesting mystery. Who or what is Equilibrium? And who is behind it all? And most importantly, what is their grudge with Batman rooted in? It should be interesting to see it develop. All I ask is it stay on schedule. I've seen too many mini-series get thrown off schedule over the last few years and that causes a major decline in interest. By the time it resumes we don't care as much. I don't want to see that happen with this one. I expect to be reading its conclusion in September 2021, not April 2022.

A pretty good start. The only downside is that cumbersome title. But it's a good start to the usual kind of mystery we'd expect from Loeb. It's too soon to tell if it can live up to its predecessors in this trilogy, but I'm hoping it will. If you plan to only read one current Batman book like I am this is the one I'd recommend.

Another satisfactory issue. Not as thrilling as most of Loeb's other Batman works, but I expect a boost in momentum in time. After all we're just 2 issues in. Plus I really doubt he was as prepared for this as he was the rest. I have a feeling it was rushed as part of DC's desperation to save itself and win back the old fans they've taken for granted for so long. Still Loeb proves he still has the talent for making an interesting batman mystery. And they've picked some pretty good art talent to fill in for the late Tim Sale. I'd recommend this book to any Long Halloween fan for sure.

Not surprising this issue wasn't as interesting as the last, or what I expect in the next, being the middle of a trilogy, but still keeping the story going strong. As long as this doesn't do like the Joker War and end up another "Why doesn't he kill him?" story I should be satisfied. I still can't say this was a perfect story. I didn't approve of that obvious moment of passion. I doubt a romance will develop, even if it hinted one, I doubt anything would take off. As for the Joker mystery, it's still what's keeping me reading. There are still 2 out there and I'm eager to learn the true story to them.

Not a bad conclusion to this epic mystery. Could've been better, but still wasn't bad. It's a confrontation between Batman and the man who created him we'll never forget, regardless of what we thought of it. But this Mini-series more than made up for the disappointing turn the Joker War storyline took halfway through. Above all, I'm glad this didn't end up another story revlolving around the question of why Batman doesn't simply kill The Joker. I've grown so weary of stories where that's the focus over the last 2 decades that I can't stand it. I'm still a bit confused about the 3 Jokers idea and wonder if I missed something, but all the same, it was an enjoyable mystery and one of the better Joker tales I've read in years. This is the first solo Batman story I've read by Geoff Johns, and it was pretty good. I can't tell how or if this will impact future stories with he Joker, but it was worth what I paid, and that's not something I can regularly say these days.

This comic keeps the wit and amusement of the original cartoon alive and well. The story was full of excitement and laughs. As I'd hoped Darkwing is once again one of the most amusing comics around today. They did a great job showing us how overprotective a parent Drake Mallard is. But it is understandable since not every father is a superhero, and not every child is as energetic and fearless as Gosalyn either. This issue left off with a great prelude to our next adventure. We've already seen Darkwing hang up his costume for Civilian life before in the Boom series (though that was under completely different circumstances), but I look forward to seeing how he deals with it this time. This issue brings up the interesting question few fans brought up in the '90s because they were too young to even consider it, but Gosalyn finally asked how drake supported them without a real job. He gave a humorous reply, but I read a while back that his main means of support was that he was actually paid by SHUSH for his services. As always with a Darkwing book I can't wait for the next issue. Not only is Drake going to have to fight the temptation to return to crime fighting, but Bushroot's going to return. Stories with him are usually fun, so I expect it to be, just like this issue was.

Batman was a bit different then. The bad guy falls to his death in a chemical vat and Batman comments "A fitting end for his kind." Whoah. That's not the anti-killing Batman we know today. All-in-all, it was still pretty good. Can you imagine kids reading that back in 1939 just thinking this would be another masked good guy that time would forget? I'm sure very few, if any expected this to be the start of a Pop culture Empire or that this 10 cent book would be one of the most sought after magazine issues of all time.

This issue is packed with villains. You have the Joker and Scarecrow torturing the Mayor, The Riddler preparing for a big heist, The Cavalier getting his butt kicked and The Firefly, who was a lesser, hardly seen foe until this point. This is when he's proven to be quite dangerous and works his way up to being a better-known Bat-villain. He loves his work and is definitely suited for residence in Arkham. Robin also gets to show his detective skills here as he gets the goods on The Firefly and figures a list of targets he's likely to strike, making it easier for Batman to figure where he's bound to strike next. A well-written issue, with a great creative team. I do miss a lot of the crew who worked on Batman books at this time. They put together such fine issues.

A real exciting conclusion to this story. It's ironic Penguin never thought before of a daylight robbery to avoid Batman's interference. I mean, the only villain to have battled him more is the Joker, and he has craziness as an excuse. The real surprise to me back in the day was Penguin didn't go to jail. The Actuary knew it was take the fall or die. This issue also has a unique insight as to how Batman interrogates crooks. To get info in this one he seals Penguin's goon in an abandoned morgue for a day. This is a fairly priced back issue that's well worth buying.

Batman, Nightwing and Robin battle Ra's Al Ghul in the desert in one of Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan's best issues of their mid-'90s Detective Comics run. This also happens to be Tim Drake's first face-to-face encounter with the demon's head, proving he's every bit as evil and dangerous as Bruce, Dick and Alfred have told him. I found Batman's remark "He makes the Joker seem like a minor annoyance" real amusing. I think this is Dick's first battle with him as Nightwing as well. This also features one of the last times Talia is likeable in my book. Over the last 20 or so years she's been too bitchy for me to like anymore. Bane was an unwanted return, but I knew he'd loose in his impending rematch with Batman though. Few titles have ever made it to #700, and 24 years later, this is still one of the best #700s I've seen to date.

Pretty good for a tie-in issue. It was good to see Batwoman and Batman in action together again. Bullock sure takes being Commissioner seriously. He's come a long way since the crooked Detective he first appeared as. I doubt then any reader would believe in 37 years he'd be the No-nonsense Commissioner. Lucius Fox has really had some interesting parts since Tomasi started writing this book. He's become an invaluable ally and was able to fight the toxin's influence better than most. And he's a helpful behind-the-scenes guy like Alfred. With him free, it will make controlling all those wonderful toys a little harder for Joker, So this issue really is the first victory for the good guys in this war so far.

A pretty good issue. So far I'm impressed with Tamaki's work. I was a little disappointed that there was no encounter yet between Batman and Mr. Worth, like the well done cover, but it was still all-in-all, a good issue. He seems to be a man not used to getting things a way other than his own. which will make him all the more dangerous. I still don't know whether to consider him a villain or not, but he has an interesting persona I look forward to exploring. It looks like Detective is going to remain the better of the 2 main Batman books. I'm glad it's the one to soon go back to being Bi-weekly. I'm looking forward to seeing this storyline develop.

A pretty well done issue. Good storytelling and art. This is the first time I've seen Lady Clayface in ages, so that was interesting. Though like everything in DC this series must also be tied in to the latest "Big event," but it's doing well trying to tell its own story too. A murder mystery is a fitting plot since this is Detective Comics. But I remember when Batman solved the plot and caught the bad guy in a single issue. These days it takes 6 or more. Mr. Worth is slowly developing as an unlikable character reminiscent of the Kingpin. He obviously uses his power to intimidate and get what he wants. It is unfortunate his daughter died and one can understand his grief, but he seems to care nothing about who gets hurt in his quest for vengeance.So he shows promise as a villain. It's been a while since we've seen a mustachioed bad guy who's so dangerous and powerful physically and financially. Kinda gives that classic villain feel. I'm looking forward to the series going bi-weekly again so I can see this story develop quicker. Though the atrocious price does put a bigger gap in my wallet. I must be enjoying it though or I wouldn't pay for it (And I'm still complaining even though my supplier gives me a 35% discount).

Batman's biggest obstacle in getting this one solved quickly is a really big man with a really short temper (And a fashion sense about 110 years behind the times). Worth just can't seem to think before he acts. He's definitely a case fit for Arkham. The backup stories were slow and meaningless, but better than any of the other pointless supporting stories in this blatantly obvious scheme to rise ALL DC books to $5 apiece soon so far. I didn't care much for the story from the past because it's just plain confusing to me, because I'm used to Licius Fox not knowing Batman's secret back in those days, but considering the way DC history has been twisted like a 50-mile-long Pretzel over the last 15 years I'm not the least bit surprised either. Bottom line, Forget the backup stories. NO ONE thinks they're worth the extra buck.

A pretty decent issue, but I think it's about time we wrapped this one up, don't you think? In the old days Batman usually solved a murder case in a single issue, but then again he didn't always have an 8-foot-tall Mustachioed killing machine on a warpath to contend with along the way either. Mr. Worth is an interesting new foe and he shows promise as an even tougher enemy in the future. In fact the characters introduced in this book each show more promise than all the lameoids Tynion has cooked up put together. Vile is still mostly a mystery. He likely has a part in the conspiracy leading to "Fear State" I'm betting. Penguin's backup story is more important than the basic backup stories that are all an obvious excuse to raise prices. Particularly because it's connected to the main story. It's not surprising he's chummy with Worth seeing as they likely go to the same tailor. I'd really prefer no backup story and save a full dollar (Who wouldn't?) but I will say the last couple of issues prove Detective has the backup stories most worth the extra buck.

Another satisfactory chapter to the Tower saga. But to be honest the real attraction seems to be the backup story. The main story was a rather so-so chapter to the story with not much to it, but still good enough. But the "House of Wayne" story is getting more exciting with each chapter. Finally, a backup story worth the extra dollar. This is how the Scarecrow should be. While I'm looking forward to seeing more of the tower story develop, I'm really eager to see what the backup story has coming up next.

So far the Tower saga is keeping my interest. It would be more fun if Batman were here, but Batman comics these days are like Anime shows. The others do all the work till all seems lost, then the main hero shows up to save the day. Still, I'd give the story 7 so far. It's holding together better than the usual extra long saga. Then again being weekly helps too. If this was monthly we'd have enough halfway through, no matter what. Writers really need to get that and shorten their stories some. The Backup story on the other hand seems to be the most exciting part, and it seems the other reviewers tend to agree. It reminds me of the mini-series "Turning points" that highlighted certain times in Batman's relationship with Jim Gordon. Here we have an innocent boy thrown into Gotham's insane dark world. And time flies by between chapters placing him in encounters with Batman in certain points throughout his history. Batman knows who he is and feels he needs to watch over him, but it hasn't went well. What becomes of him is hard to say. Will he continue seeing Batman as a threat, or will he learn why he's always getting caught up in his life? Stay tuned...

Poor Dr. Wear. When everyone wants a piece of the action your own sneaky plans just don't go as planned. Psycho Pirate isn't exactly the most reliable or competent of mind manipulators. He's always been more second rate among DC's supervillain population. So it's no surprise he can't keep things under control, and Dr. Wear only brought it on himself for relying on him. The "House of Gotham" saga is also progressing well. Bane sees something in this youth as well. He may believe he could one day be the one to destroy Batman if he can't.

This was pretty much a flash forward to the aftermath than a conclusion. As I'm not much of a Psycho pirate fan and hope his next appearance will be in a book I don't get, that means I'm also not too interested in what became of the mask. Keeping Arkham tower going is another of Nakano's bad decisions that will likely come back to bite him in the bum eventually. But at least we can trust Dr. Meridian better than we could Dr. Wear. I only hope she continue to be a mature sensible Doctor and not resort to the shameless flirtation her character is so well known for in a certain movie. A romance between her and Batman is not really something I'm hoping to see. As for "House of Gotham" I have to say I was reminded a little too much of the conclusion of the Red Hood saga. A beaten Joker and a vengeful captor demanding to know the same old thing we have to hear 9/10 Joker appearances, "Why do you let him live?" The sad part is otherwise it turned out okay. Not as good as it could, but good enough. Then came a disappointing (Though not unexpected) ending. Despite that "House of Gotham" turned out to, for the most part, be a pretty exciting epic. Altogether I'd Give the Tower/Shadows epic 7/10. And House would get 9/10.

WHY must every artist portray the Riddler in a different manner? The beard is just (RETCH). His radio broadcasting is nothing out of the ordinary, but I have to say nonetheless, this has been a good start to this new story. Some have complained about Tamaki's run, which is almost finished, but I've found it worthy of continuing in the tradition of Detective actually being better than the regular Batman. A concept I've seen happen numerous times over the years. The Gotham Girl story was as poor as every appearance she's ever made. I've never cared for her. I think I'll just pass on the rest of it. I had a feeling the trend of the backup story being better that "House of Gotham" started wouldn't last.

An exciting second issue. Though The rehabilitated Two-Face thing is getting very old, the rest was pretty good. It looks like the Arkham connection is going to be a mystery for a while, but Batman has a lot to keep him occupied. Now Two-face is on his way back once again. that's why the rehabilitation thing gets tiresome. It never lasts, and no one expects it to. As for Gordon, we don't need him in a side story just to add a dollar to the cost of the book. We need him back in the Commissioner's office and the rooftop giving Batman the news on what's shaking up Gotham. So far Ram V is doing well and Albuquerque is giving great art that goes with the setting. I'm looking forward to seeing what's yet to come.

Duke (2023) #4 Jun 20, 2024

This was a pretty satisfactory conclusion. I have a feeling either before or after the regular G.I. Joe book for this universe launches that a brawl/team up with the Transformers is inevitable. The joes still consider all Transformers a threat (hopefully they'll learn and accept that that isn't the case) and The Decepticon and Cobra leaders don't have a pretty history either. I'm guessing this year is the warm up phase and 2025 will be the big one where G.I. Joe is ready to go, Cobra's ready to make their move and Megatron reunites with his troops. At least that's how you set up a perfect G.I. Joe/Transformer crossover. So far the starting origin mini-series have been great. And while Williamson will be taking a break leaving the reins for the next pair of minis to someone else, rejoice. Because word is he will be back and doing a regular G.I. Joe series for the Energon universe. While DC and Marvel's futures aren't too positive, This one's looks like more great stuff ahead. It's little wonder this stuff is trampling the big two so easily.

Considering the disappointing direction DC's two main heroes' books are going, I felt reading about another hero would be a nice change of pace, and as usual the Flash is one of the best. This is an interesting jumping on point, but seems fun too. Constant "Bold new directions" aren't usually the Flash's thing, so I'm sure I can count on this to be a good story. I need to get the first chapter to catch up, but this was a good, easy to pick up on issue. Gold Beetle needs to remember to take her meds. She's a bit on the hyper and a lot on the annoying side. I also enjoyed Mr. Terrific, Barry and Green Arrow's time in the Flash museum. The last page shows that the next issue will be an exciting one too. Can't wait to see the return of the Golden Age Flash, and in his prime too. Thank you Flash for showing me that DC hasn't gone totally insane with all their titles.

This series continues where the last one left off. Since I missed it, as I'm sure many of us did I found the way it introduced the characters and brought us up to speed useful. It looks like big stuff is ahead for the Gargoyles as the gang wars are shaking up the city and Thailog has a plan of his own for Talon and Maggie's soon-to-be-born child. It looks like the series will be quite interesting as it develops as we hoped.

Pretty good. The Dino Dracon thing has been slowly building since issue #1. It looks like his plan to start a war between the other cartels is underway. He's a pretty crafty villain. No wonder his relatives fear him so much. But it looks like the main plot for the next few issues is going to be a reboot of sorts of a Season 3 episode, which was one of its better ones as well. It seems this series is doing well. It's definitely worth getting. In this age of monotonous comics that only repeat themselves or try to act like anime it's good to have a series based on a classic series that stays true to its roots, but offers some new twists as well. I look forward to the next chapter.

Pretty good. It's leading up to what I'm hoping will be a good climax. My only complaint is the constant delays in release like with the Darkwing Duck books. Otherwise I'm pretty impressed so far. It's really sad though that it seems Dynamite has decided to stop here with the Gargoyles. One impressive twist is the revelation that Puck was the Pied Piper. It's like how they used Shakespeare and other classic literature was used in reference on the original show. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Thailog and the Illuminati are planning for the keys themselves. We only have 2 issues left and I'm looking forward to them. It looks very promising.

If you saw any of the old Godzilla movies before the original series I'm sure you were reminded of them back in those days. I was. It was a little bit before I learned much of Power rangers was originally Japanese, though I suspected a lot of those Megazord/monster battles were at least filmed overseas. Seeing them clash is an event almost 30 years in coming for me. It's off to a good start, and I expect it to be pretty good as it develops.

An event 29 years in the making. If you, like me saw those battles on the original series and was reminded of Godzilla, you may have also wondered what it would be like if they met. Now we know. Now how long till they finally meet Voltron....?

It's off to a pretty good start. The new green Ranger is quite a mystery, as he's clearly fighting on the Rangers' side, but the real question is is he devoted to the cause? And as for who he is, I do have my suspicions. Drakkon would be too obvious. And I know the comic writers are smarter than the old show writers, so they won't do like they did with the Gold Zeo Ranger, making us wonder a while, then it be no one we ever heard of. I still remember that disappointment. It looks like the comic is taking a totally different direction than the show did at this point, and I must say this is way better. It's as if the series is avoiding the mistakes the old show started making at this point. Usually after 3 or 4 years, I lose interest in most books from the lesser publications if they make it this long, but these books still hold a great deal of intrigue. I've been reading the Rangers books since the start and I've followed them with interest even longer than I did the show. So that has to mean they're good.

Too bad the show was never this good. The main appeal of this comic is how it gives us insight into the characters, showing them as everyday young people than the goody-goody only image they had on the show. It's also so different to see Zordon upset. He was always so patient and gentle. As for the action, it was also good. It's exciting to see the Rangers battling more than silly animal monsters or inanimate objects brought to life. The Green Ranger had little role here and was of less help. This new series continues from where the old one left off pretty well. It always leaves you eager to see what will happen next. It's also interesting to see the series take a whole new direction from what happened on the show, especially since this was the point the show went downhill.

I like the way the comic adds depth to the situations. In the old show any disputes were easily settled by the end of the episode. But here we see tension like that between Billy and the others now that the truth is out. And between Matt and Tommy. Though we've seen additional Rangers work separate from the traditional team in a few series, this is the first time in Mighty Morphin. That adds some intrigue. Matt also seems to relish in the positive attention revealing his identity has gotten him. I don't really care for him as a character so it will be a welcome sight when karma bites him in the backside. Zedd seems to know the Eltarians aren't the noble beings with the preservation of the universe they're seen to be. Could he know about the Emperyals? Interesting stuff ahead.

If someone recommends these books to you but you remember how cheesy and silly the show was (Especially Season 3), don't let that cloud your judgement. This has everything the show lacked when it came to intrigue. Zordon confronts Lord Zedd after learning his worst enemy was actually an old friend. He also learns any remnants of that friend perished long ago. The end of this issue was one of the most thrilling cliffhangers in the series yet. Zartus has finally revealed his hand, and Zordon was forced to pay. I look forward to the big war. It's shaping up to be the biggest challenge for the Rangers since shattered grid.

Pretty exciting stuff. Zedd has his own plans here, that's obvious, but are they going to come to light before or after the Eltarian war is over? The downside is at the end the Rangers have to turn to Grace, a character who is rapidly becoming less and less likable. i suppose it's too much to ask if she won't survive this war? I'm especially looking forward to seeing Zordon's fate. This is way beyond anything you could have even hoped to see on the old show.

We never got to see this on the show. One thing though that bothers me is now that we know Zedd's origin it's a bit reminiscent of Professor X and Magneto. I hope Zordon doesn't persist in the belief that within this monster he's been battling the forces of for 10 millennia is still his old friend and can become so again. I hope not. That would be too much like X-Men. Still, the war storyline is probably the most exciting adventure since "Shattered Grid." every chapter leaves you eager to see what happens next.

Things are a bit slower in this issue, but full of humanity too. It shows there may be hope for Zordon and Grace to work out a few of the kinks in their relationship. The Rangers in space were able to resolve a misunderstanding without much incident as well. But the most interesting part is the issue's ending with the arrival of King Aradon and his Automaton Empire. It looks like Rocky, Matt and their allies are going to have to deal with this new enemy alone for a while. That should provide an exciting next few issues. Looking forward to it.

This issue discusses what we know to come, but the characters don't. Kimberly gives thought to when her time as a Ranger will end, and isn't sure she's looking forward to it. I can understand, because the series was heading downhill by then. I dread if the comic will get to that bad point. This interdimensional battle should be something. I recognize Ransik from Time force on the last page, and a couple of the other enemies look familiar, but I'm no expert on the series beyond Zeo. But it is a promising thought to see some original Rangers clashing with enemies they never get the chance to take on. The way things are developing #100 should be big.

It's interesting how the series is taking a unique direction. It should be promising as I wasn't very fond of the way the show went around this point. The mystery of the new green Ranger looks to be interesting, and I expect the big reveal will be less disappointing than the mystery of the Gold Zeo Ranger, who turned out to be a total stranger. Remember that? I still think "Ho-Hum" when I think of it. All I ask is it's not Drakkon. I usually tire of a title from one of the lesser publishers after this long, but Boom! has kept a Power Rangers series interesting for way longer than the original show was.

A pretty decent conclusion and 100th issue (Here's hoping Boom doesn't get like Marvel or DC and think that makes it old and decides to start over at #1 with 7 thousand variants). It's a big change from the old show's give a ranger a personal situation, bad guys send a monster, Rangers fight monster, monster grows, they unite the Zords, defeat the monster, Episode's spotlighted Ranger resolves their situation, the end. The Death Ranger was far from a real interesting enemy like Drakkon or the Empyreals and this story wasn't exactly as thrilling as Shattered Grid or the Eltarian war, Parrott did a decent sign off. Maybe we'll see his writing return one day. As for Jason, we know he'll be back, just hopefully before his Gold Zeo ranger time, because that's still a bit of time away. Here's to another 100 issues of one of the best comics currently out there.

Another exciting issue and it leaves one eager to see what will happen next. The old show was never this epic, and that's too bad. From what I hear Matt's story as the new Green Ranger is about to take another turn and should be quite interesting. This issue provided the second chapter of a story that seems to only now just be beginning.

Interesting issue. Zedd has shown himself to be more powerful with his own Morphin energy. I can't really say I have much concern for what becomes of Grace because I never really liked her. Frankly I'd say letting Rita kill her may be for the better. Alpha-1 seems to enjoy taunting the Rangers by telling them what's going to happen because he knows they have little hope to beat the true threat they're up against. Matt's return is accompanied by a new sword of darkness, and odds are it has the same control on him the original one had on Tommy. It looks like the Rangers have an even more deadly even more evil Green Ranger to tackle than before. And it looks like things are going to get more complicated now that Drakkon has resurfaced and is about to get involved. This is truly an exciting story in this exciting series. It's the Ranger adventures you always hoped for, but never expected to see. And it looks like the real challenge is yet to come.

Pretty interesting twist. I always figured Zordon's body was swept into the void as well, not just his subconscious. Now that he seems to be self aware the big question is will he help the Rangers or continue to battle them? Once more this series gives us more excitement than the average modern comic. One of the most recommendable monthly titles out today.

Interesting issue. I'd say it's going to be a while though until we see what Zedd's true Ranger powers are going to be, but we may as the upcoming Darkest Hour arc unfolds. I also wonder what this holds in store for Matt. Even if he survives this ordeal he's done a lot of damage. Tommy was one thing, but this? The biggest mystery of all is what fate is in store for Vessel? It's still unclear whether he'll end up friend or foe. This is interesting stuff that promises for more intriguing developments ahead.

This definitely ain't your mommy and daddy's "Ai-yah" rangers, that's for sure. This issue continues to prove why this is one of the best comics around today. It's focusing on the challenges, not half the issue the Rangers discussing their personal lives while pigging out on fast food like most modern superheroes and the other half, them debating how to approach the challenge they're facing. Instead we have a book that gets straight to the point and we get a lot more epic storytelling than anything Saban has done over the last 3 decades. We've been reading what has been merely a prelude over this past year to another big arc where the real challenge awaits. I'm looking forward to see how it starts.

The latest big Ranger arc is here after almost a year long prelude, we're up for a full year long story, in short your average length modern comic story. It seems promising already and looks like in Shattered Grid that everyone is going to get caught up in it, and since the rangers' comic universe has since expanded, it's going to have a pretty big cast. From my research it seems even though Dark Specter was the big mastermind in the Space series he actually appeared very little, leaving his underlings to do most of the work, so this story may give the character his first real chance to shine as a real villain and let us see just why everyone seems to fear him so. I don't really feel the anticipation I did when Shatered Grid began or even feel that I'll find this one to be as exciting as the Eltarian war was, but I still figure it will be pretty exciting.

This issue takes an interesting turn as we see a prelude to what becomes an evil union. Zedd actually rescued Rita and instead of destroying her he shows that he's actually impressed with how wicked she's proven herself to be. This may be where she gets the idea to convince him to marry her later on. I only just learned the news though that in July when Darkest Hour concludes, so too will this series. I'm not pleased in the least to hear that as this is one of the few good comics left on the shelves anymore. A small number that only continues to shrink these days. When the Rangers' darkest hour concludes it will unfortunately not end what seems to be the darkest hour for good comics. I've been here since the start and will stick with it till the end, but once this great comic concludes I'll definitely miss it.

Only the world of Darkwing Duck could deliver such an amusing finale. Negaduck has the midas glove and is so pleased he shows mercy to his cohorts by not just leaving them after they served their purpose to him. The revelation that it didn't create solid or even real gold, but thin layers of fool's gold was very clever. This was a fitting conclusion to the first arc. Sometimes a series spotlighting the bad guy can be as good as the hero's title, and this series is one of them.

This new series takes the Rangers to levels the show would never think of, even today. With the Omega team on the run and having to work with an enemy they know they can't trust, plus the new threat of the Horrid, things keep looking more grim for this trio. This series shows the first 3 Rangers to leave having way more excitement after their departure than we figured 26 years ago. Drakkon proves in this issue why the Rangers can never trust him and how there's no limit to how low he'll go to benefit himself. The issue ended with an exciting turn of events, and I already know the next issue won't disappoint either.

The excitement continues to escalate. It probably surprised very few of us to see Drakkon show his true colors. But odds are the Rangers will have to deal with him after the Eltarians and the Emperyals. Frankly I'd like to see what happens if Drakkon comes face-to-face with Zedd, who it's obvious he also defeated in his own reality (Though never confirmed). The Eltarian war is off to a great start and this is still one of the few comics put out today where I'm actually eager to see what happens next.

I'm not sure just how much I should recognize from Power Rangers in Space here, but I know there are several references, though I'm not really familiar with it. Otherwise it was an interesting issue. It looks like the Omega team has already found a lot to keep themselves occupied. The road to #100 should be a fun ride.

A story that adds depth to the characters far beyond anything the show would have done. It's difficult to cope with the loss of a parent when you're a teenager. It looks like things are going to be hard for poor Jason as well. It may make it hard for him to perform as a Ranger or his life as a Ranger may become all he feels he has. The possibilities are numerous and intriguing. I expect things to continue to be as exciting as we continue on the road to the big #100.

Crisis on Infinite Earths gave us a less-pleasant goodbye between Batman and the original Robin. This issue seemed to repair that rift that was torn with Dick's departure. He gives Bruce an overdue piece of his mind and tells him how disappointed he was not to turn to him in the first place, and instead put his trust in an unstable born and bred assassin. Bruce also gets to say what he's had so much trouble saying in all that time. The end is amusing. Poor Robin's so worn from fighting a high flying monstrosity it takes a moment to realize Dick is even in his Nightwing costume again.

I'm amazed so many readers are complaining. While it's true this was more filler than Sinister war, it does explain why everyone's out to get him. Who or whatever Kindred is, he certainly wants to see Spider-Man suffer. Almost as much as Norman. And I'm not convinced for sure he's Harry. Not entirely that is. Could he have been split into 2 halves, good and evil? Hmmm. Despite the disappointment most feel, I'm still pretty impressed and enjoying this more than any story since the Sin Eater story. My only complaint is having to pay extra for these issues when they could just as easily sell for regular price as just another story arc in the regular series. But considering how every story in it lately has a special expensive conclusion special, why not make every part into a mini-series and charge us more and just use the regular book for filler material. But then should we be surprised? By this time next year I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if all regular comics were $4.99 and 48 page specials will be even more constant at $6.99 each. And they wonder why the industry is on such shaky ground lately. Still, a pretty good issue.

This whole series was mostly just filler. While we saw most of what Kindred was up to in Amazing, these 4 issues covered Spidey fighting a horde of rampaging supervillains. It would have been better if there was more motivation to this than just being a means of stalling Spider-Man while Kindred plots his final move. One of the highlighted moments is how Doc Ock gets the better of Kindred. He has stated on more than one occasion over the last 6 decades that he's not one to be manipulated, and that's still the case with him to this day. I'm sorry to see nothing was resolved with the real and fake Electro. Now that the real one's back we can ditch the female wannabe (That or she could make up a new name and be his partner in crime). Now that this is over the final showdown awaits. Hmm. This plot would make a keen video game.

I'm glad the Metal Virus saga is finally over. I hope they don't make a story that long again for a very long time. When Sonic returns, let's just get back to the basics, Sonic and company fighting the Eggman Empire and protecting the friendly populace of Mobius (Providing that's even their world's name anymore-Eh, screw it. I still call it that). Sonic's example has shown his friends to stand up against tyrrany, even without him. The heroes made sure the Deadly six knew they weren't welcome. Let's keep them divided for a while. And to NO ONE'S surprise, Dr. Eggman wastes no time escaping to be bad another day. All-in-all, a pretty good issue. The kind of storytelling I've come to expect from Ian Flynn. As always I look forward to the next issue.

Seeing Shadow come to the rescue is pretty exciting. He's an interesting character. Sort of the Vegeta of the Sonic universe. He's tough as they get, but he's not too friendly, yet has good in him for such a bad boy. As for the rest of the story, it looks like a promising newcomer has been added in Belle. It should be interesting to learn more about her in time. As always, Sonic proves itself to be the best age-appropriate comic of today. IDW's series has proven as well that it stays true to the quality that the Archie series is still remembered for.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #36 Feb 11, 2021

This was a pretty good issue. It reminds me of some of the missions Sonic and his friends went on in the Archie days. It's also nice to see Dr.Eggman menacing our favorite hedgehog hero again. He's been a bit quiet since Sonic's return. It should be interesting to see how they get out of this crazy place. And it looks like a lot of action ahead in #39. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #44 Apr 28, 2022
Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #45 Apr 28, 2022

Well, after over a year I can't lie. I sure hope we've seen the last of Surge and kit for a while. Otherwise it was a pretty entertaining conclusion. As much as I miss the Archie series, this one has done a pretty good job in it's attempts to expand it's universe through a unique colorful cast. It's just tough dealing with the fact the only truly familiar faces are the ones owned by Sega. The difference that makes makes comparing this and the Archie series kind of like the old Saturday Morning Sonic and Sonic Underground cartoons. So different since most of the cast is different. And while Eggman and Sonic kept their agreement and went their separate ways at the end of this it won't be long till they meet in battle again. that's really what makes the series thrilling though. you know there's more and bigger things to come. As Sonic's 5th anniversary with IDW approaches the future for it still looks like fun. And that's the most important thing.

Pretty exciting issue. After being so quiet the last couple of chapters it's about time Dr. Eggman got into the fray. It looks like Shadow can only keep Chaos control under control with a genuine source. It gets out of control (no pun intended) with a synthetic one. The Shadow androids are an impressive addition to the Badnik horde. This battle looks like it's not going to be easy to win for Sonic and company. It doesn't look Good for the rest of Sonic's allies inside either as they've found themselves face-to-face with the anything-but-good Doctor. This one ends on a pretty thrilling cliffhanger. This issue is pretty typical action and adventure for the IDW series. Like usual it lacks some of the imagination the Archie series was better at, but was still a pretty satisfactory issue, especially for one running late.

A pretty good start to a new arc. One of the last things you'd expect is for Sonic to accept favors from Dr. Eggman. This race will be full of traps and lots of cheating competitors, I can already tell. So it should be fun.

Pretty good issue. I've seen better, but also a lot worse. Sonic seems to be heckling other racers though than anything else so far. He did help when there was danger though, which is what he does. I think he mostly just wanted to settle a score with Jet for last issue. Surge being seen as a hero is new for her and she seems to like it. That may be essential in her development as a character. And of course the end of this issue leaves you with a reason to await thwe next issue. This arc has been pretty fun for the first couple of chapters, so I look forward to seeing how it develops. It's fun, as Sonic comics usually tend to be.

This has been an exciting arc. Probably one of my favorite since IDW took over the Sonic brand. I'm finding Surge's development as a character one of the more interesting subplots of this story. It seems she enjoys being seen as a hero, but still has a violent temper. She and Kit are understandably tired of evil people like Clutch controlling and using them. I'm interested in seeing what Kit's plan to deal with this is. He's proven to be quite resourceful beneath his quiet and timid surface personality. It was also an interesting first meeting for Sonic and Nite. It seems most who discover Sonic is the Phantom racer are willing to keep quiet about it. Lucky for him. Nite and Don are some of the more promising characters introduced into the IDW Sonic Universe and I look forward tio seeing more of them and the development of their hunt for the missing Chaotix. This all seems to be leading up to a big climax in #75, which I also look forward to. IDW puts way too much into Star Trek and the Turtles, leaving Sonic a rather neglected brand, but that may be for the better. The less the editorial staff meddles into a book, the more likely it is to stay good.

It looks like Dr. Starline's gotten in over his head. But what he really needs to worry about is what will happen when Dr.Eggman shows up. He ain't goona be happy, and I'm sure he's not fooled by the claim that Sonic is responsible for these attacks. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.

This is more than a "What if Peter kept the Symbiote?" story. It's also a "What if Spider-Man crossed the line?" story. Throughout the history of Superheroes the oldest mystery is what would happen if they were driven to their breaking point and killed their enemies. Aside from Batman the hero that's asked most often about is Spider-Man. This story is telling us what would happen then too.

The original sequel trilogy. The novels are what brought Star Wars back in the early '90s. If those Disney Dumbasses had one iota of brains instead of big dollar signs in their eyes, they'd have made movie versions of this trilogy instead of the pile of horse shit they made instead. Then we'd have got our money worth instead of flushing it down the toilet with the entire franchise's integrity. I sure miss the days when Dark Horse made Star Wars comics.

Halfway in and still pretty good. As usual I'm not surprised to find Lois's father is a jerk in this continuity too. The end also showed I was right to expect Lex to get involved eventually. It looks like it's only going to be uphill in this ride. I like these stories because they not only follow the classic movies, but they seem to have that feel I get when I read an old Pre-Crisis Superman comic from those days. Venditti is one of those very few writers left that know how to make comics fun. Something that was a top goal for every writer and cartoonist in those days. Small wonder this is getting such praise. I think this is a story Reeve himself would have been proud to have been in.

This is the best issue yet. It has a real patriotic Superman feel to it. One that shows why it's important he fight for the American way. Back in those days it would be what you'd expect in a Superman story. Him fighting a Soviet agent who hates America right in front of the White House with the security of the nation at stake. All the while Superman shows he bears no malice toward Metallo or his nation. All what you'd expect from Superman in those days. It shows that even when he fights for the American way he has no hate for another nation, which today's too easily offended claim and some even convince themselves is what the term "the American way" represents. Enough about the cold war and old world issues though. The issue was well made and Lex's intervening made a great twist. And we all know he only did it to get something for himself. Looking forward to the meeting in #5 and to see how Metallo plans to make his ultimate move. This story has only improved as it's been told, and that's an extreme rarity in this day and age.

A great penultimate chapter to this great story. It really captures the spirit of those times. Venditti has proven once more trough this series that he is one of the best Superman writers of modern times. I look forward to the conclusion.

This might be the saddest comic ever made. At the time it was feared it was for good too. As Superman's ultimate struggle reaches its climax he is forced to give his all to stop a relentless killing machine with no remorse or reason to its madness. As the killing blows literally shake up Metropolis the people Superman has devoted his life to defending can only watch in horror as their beloved hero makes the ultimate sacrifice to save them from this unrelenting monster. You can feel the sadness and sorrow as his parents can only watch from their TV miles away, or Jimmy standing there beside his dying friend unable to do anything for he who's done so much for him, and Lois as she holds the man she loves in her arms as he breathes his final breath. At the time this issue was extremely emotional and controversial. Almost 30 years later it is one of the most well-known and widely read comic books of all time.

This issue has two important highlights. First, it's Superman's first full issue back from the dead. And second, it reveals the origin of the rogue Cyborg Superman, not to mention how he actually has control over Mongul, who's not one for being ruled instead of being the ruler. Poor Lois has been through a lot lately so you can't blame her for her doubts, but this new guy is awful convincing. This is an important turning point in the Reign story, and one of its most important chapters as well.

This issue determines the fate of this Bizarro, and reveals who the true villains here are. Lois has come to see him as an innocent being just looking for understanding and acceptance, meanwhile she also discovers Luthor's greatest secret. Meanwhile Superman's escalating powers are about to become more than even he can handle. Though this issue does conclude "Bizarro's world," but it also serves as prelude to something even bigger ahead (And I mean that literally).

It's rare for Superman to solve a challenge in just 3 issues anymore. That's actually refreshing. I'd say Williamson has more in mind than to spend 6-8 issues on just an army of parasites. but that's good, because shorter stories don't wear out in interest like the typical half-a=year long ones we usually get anymore. And though the Parasite problem was resolved rather suddenly, the only downside to the whole issue was having to endure Lois calling Clark "Smallville" not once, but twice. Why do writers think a nickname meant only to be a smug insult makes a cute pet name? Because it doesn't. Oh, well, on to the main point. The signal watch. Now either Superman has a) Totally lost his mind, because his own previous experience has proven that no one but no one alive on Earth is less trustworthy than Alexander Joseph Luthor, or b) He's also trying to keep a stronger eye on him. This means Luthor either has Superman playing right into his hands or Superman is letting him think he does. This whole Parasite thing was instrumental in improving his image. He's won the public back by being a hero in times of Crises before. And he'll do it again. Whatever he's up to is likely part of a plan to get out of Jail without escaping. This secret group of evil Scientists seem to be interesting enough. I just hope Williamson doesn't overuse them for too long like Bendis' Invisible Mafia or the Orghams, currently the monotonous menace over in Detective Comics. It seems if anything though that Wiliamson has a lot of surprises up his sleeve for Superman. And so far this series has been the better of the two Superman books by far. In fact it's the best since rebirth. I'm hoping it stays that way. I've just bid Batman adieu, so it's nice to have at least still be getting Superman.

This was a pretty good issue as far as modern comics go, and that's saying something. Just a note to Williamson, The "Metropolis" nickname? Never again, huh? In addition to being unfunny it made Superman look like a Lamebrain. It's bad enough you make us endure that atrocious "Smallville" one a couple of times every issue (I loathe when Lois calls him that). Anyhoo, the Chained is a clever concept. I'll give 'em that. I look forward to seeing why he hates Lex so much and what deadly powers he has. I'm with most of my fellow reviewers that he could look a little more menacing, but Superman has taken on a lot of tough ones before who didn't look so at first. It was also a little nice to get some time off from Pharm and Graft. Let's not have to have these guys in EVERY issue, huh? They'd wear out their welcome before the big showdown that way (Remember Ruin? I was sick to death of him over a year before he was finally unmasked). I'm hoping for a good oversized (and overpriced) #850.

I never was too big on the multi color Kryptonites as they always seemed mostly like one of the cheesy concepts of the Silver age that I felt they were right to get rid of post-crisis, but this issue actually made it work. The bad guys knew the only way they could win Superman to their cause was to send him into an enraged frenzy. While it's nice to have Lena here Luthor's mother has already worn out her welcome. The biggest "Boo" in this issue was to her claim that she created Lexcorp. But today no straight white man is allowed to accomplish anything like that. It has to be a gay or black one or a woman. I always preferred the story of his parents being drunks he arranged a fatal accident for. All in all it was still a pretty satisfactory issue though. I really have to say though I hope all this stuff with Pharm, Graft, whichever is which (has anyone else noticed how Williamson switched them around a couple of issues ago?) and especially Luthor's mother gets resolved by next issue. Frankly as villains this pair is growing stale. I think they reached the peak of their villainous worth in this story. Finally there's Lena. I have a funny feeling she's going to be this Brainiac Queen I've been hearing about. I'm not really looking forward to that so I hope it doesn't drag on.

A pretty fun story. It drags on a little and would've been more fitting as a story in the regular series, but I guess IDW does need to keep putting out these $6 specials due to all the revenue it's losing. Anyhoo, it was a great way to provide closure to Usagi's story fro the show. I was always disappointed he never returned anymore after his 2 S3 appearances. It's nice to see he could return home and at the end it shows they'll keep in touch, so it doesn't mean they have to say goodbye for good. I'd really love to one day see Usagi included in a big heroes vs. villains brawl like I used to make up playing with all my old figures as a kid. The SMA series is all I really follow in regards to the Turtles, and it's the best I've seen since Archie's series. It never disappoints, especially if you're a longtime fan of the "80s and '90s series.

Thundercats (2024) #2 Jun 14, 2024

This was a pretty good issue. It looks like they want to place each member of the team in a solo story before the next arc. This issue featured Panthro and gave us an interesting introduction of Vultureman, the most cunning of the Mutants. It's also pretty cool top see a clan of them as in the original cartoon there never were any more Vulture mutants like the Reptilians, Monkians and Jackals. It was also an interesting twist that Third Earth was originally a place Mutant war criminals were exiled to. So far the series is progressing well enough. It seems to be losing some steam with some readers but I still find it fun in comparison to most modern comics. It's been a pretty good modern take on the classic series.

A pretty decent start to a new battle. I was really growing tired of the spotlight issues too. I really wish they'd just hurry and get the sword back as well. And I'm not really feeling this Apex thing either. But in regards to the action and regular elements of Thundercat lore we've known for years it's pretty enjoyable. I really think Shalvey needs to get to the point a bit more sometimes, but all in all the series has been holding pretty well. I really don't look forward to yet another character spotlight issue next and would prefer to continue the Thundercat vs. Mutant action we're so used to. Otherwise it's still pretty wort h getting. But I see this as one of those time will tell things though.

A pretty good conclusion to our kick-off arc. It looks like a side plot for the time being will be Shredder's own plan as the Turtles continue their adventures. I don't follow the regular series, so with this one it's good to have a Turtles book I can read again. It provides a great sense of nostalgia and kind of reminds me of the Archie series I used to read but with more of a feeling of the original cartoon too.

I liked this one pretty well. I have to say this series is quickly becoming one of the best comics on the market today. It's already replaced Sonic as the IDW book I look most forward to each month.

This was a pretty amusing issue. Raphael maintains his usual original series wit and talks as though they're still on TV. And it seems to reflect the views toward politics of the time. Kudos for that as most modern writers would try and put their personal modern right or left opinions. The Turtles were like the average youths of the '90s and Splinter the more experienced adult who didn't express any personal bias when they discussed it. You never hear anyone sound that neutral anymore. Chromedome expresses more personality here than his original series appearances, as in those he was just a means of carrying out Shredder's plans. I hope they'll use him again since he has now proven he can be a crafty opponent as well.

This was a pretty fun issue. We've seen the Turtles of this series team up with the '03 and '12 versions and even met the original Mirage ones. I guess this happens before all that or they just didn't remember. Oh, well. It was a great reference to the numerous portrayals of the Turtles over the ages. That alone makes this a must-read for longtime Turtle fans.

I enjoyed the conclusion of the Ogglympics. It was exciting seeing the Turtles fighting all their deadliest foes at once. Mr. Ogg is a bit reminiscent of Mr. Mxyzptlk. He even did that confronting the comic staff thing Mxy's done a couple of times. But after 2 stories with him so close to one another I really won't be calling for an immediate return. The only villains I'm used to seeing regularly is Shredder and Krang. This issue also leaves off with a prelude to what should be an interesting new arc ahead. I'm always ready for a new issue of this series. The storytelling and art are always terrific tributes to the original series. It's a don't miss for any fan of the old series.

This was a pretty fun issue. It introduces us to a new group of enemies and introduces a few familiar faces we may remember from other continuities. It's also interesting how Hob underestimates Michelangelo due to his at times immature behavior. Despite being a goof he's really more capable than bad guys may think. I'm satisfied once again with this series as it stays true to the series I grew up with and recommend it for any fan of this version. IMHO it's the best Turtle comic since the Archie series.

Another great issue. It's doubtful the Turtles have seen the last of the Pantheon. That's especially obvious for Hob, since he escaped to Earth too. The only downside is we didn't learn much about Scratch, who is a popular attraction for collectors of the original toy line. By the way, they seemed to forget while designing cover B that Splinter is supposed to dislike Pizza. I remember when the animators occasionally forgot that on the old show and made him eat it anyway. LOL. This series is true to the original series and definitely something I'd recommend to any '87 Turtles fan. We're approaching 20 issues and it only seems t get better. And I can't say that about many new comics anymore.

I really enjoyed this special. Ace only briefly appeared on the original show so it's nice to finally see him in an adventure. I enjoyed his Indiana Jones adventurer portrayal here more than the Dimension X wrestler in the Archie series, which was his biggest role until now. I only wish at least one of the Turtles accompanied April. Now I only hope for Ace to return more so he can finally meet them as well. The backup story was pretty good too and was also tied in tied the regular story. The return of Mona Lisa was a welcome addition to this special. I usually find these overpriced specials rather disappointing, but this one truly captured the essence of the Turtles as I remember. I've never been able to follow the regular series, so I'm glad this retro series is around giving us old school turtle fans some new adventures in the more familiar setting.

I haven't read Spider-Man (or a single thing Marvel) since Spencer's run ended,, so I was a bit unsure about this one when announced. After its release I heard a lot of interesting things and decided to give it a shot. It's worth the try. I'm not as hyped as some, but I find this to be off to a good start. Like the original Ultimate series we're starting off in his pre-wallcrawling days just before getting his powers. It's like an ongoing "What if...?" series. There's a lot of refreshing new elements I'm looking forward to exploring like Peter being a family man (Just so long as Marvel doesn't fuck it up like DC did with Superman's son), Uncle Ben being alive, Peter starting as an adult and so much more. I look forward to seeing what surprises this reality has to give us like what became of Gwen, her father, Eddie Brock, Ned Leeds, Miles Warren and so many other characters whose lives were to be impacted so much by Spider-man. I also look forward to knowing this easier going Jonah. I also look forward to seeing more of his and Ben's crusade for truth in journalism (Something rarer now than ever before). I also hope to hear the story of how this crotchety editor and jolly retired man became best buds. I know they'll give us years of excitement and humor. I'm not sure what to think of the new Wilson Fisk. He still gives off bad vibes. I don't know if he became the Kingpin or if he has yet to. He will be interesting to observe as well. I fully understand and respect the praise this series gives. After the flimsy hodgepodge of political views put into comics over the last 5 or so years this series begins with a new take on things and we have high hopes it stays the same, focusing on the heroics of Spider-Man and the impact it has on those close to him, not on everyone's personal lives, what their gender, racial and sexual preferences are and not having a writer who puts his personal beliefs into the character. I don't know much about Hickman's beliefs and don't want to. I don't want him putting any into his work. I want him to just focus on a hero being heroic and that be it. This issue gets this series off to a good start and as long as it continues on its current path it will stay good. Marvel should follow this example and not abide by Disney's progressive agenda and they'll see what their books really need to sell. It's nice to have a Spider-man worth getting again. I can't wait to see #2. At the rate things are going this may become the Spider-Man people think of first and top Amazing as Marvel's flagship. In ways that's sad, but also a triumph that will be well earned.

Another entertaining issue in the only Spider-Man series that fans actually enjoy today. It mixes action, adventure, humor, mystery and other elements so well. And as with the previous two issues, this one leaves us eager for more. A rarity these days when we usually have that "When is this going to finally end?" feeling instead. Juggling his secret between family who know and still don't is a very exciting thing. It leaves you wondering how the rest will act when they find out, and who he will choose to reveal it to. One I wonder about is Uncle Ben, who we finally get to know in a world where he survived and we all hope to see more of how he and Jonah build the first honest news outlet in decades. I see how many share my skepticism of whether this great ride can last or whether Hickman will choose a path he'd prefer not caring how we feel. That's become all too common a thing in modern comics as Zeb Wells has shown since he took the reigns from Nick Spencer in Amazing. But until then I say we keep enjoying it as long as it lasts. Hopefully that will be a long time. As always I'm looking forward to the next issue in this thrilling series.

Another enjoyable issue. But I am a bit miffed at the lack of Spidey action I remember getting in every issue I used to buy of the old series. I mean we are 8 issues in and he's still accomplished pretty much nothing as a crime fighter. Has he even caught so much as a litterbug yet? By Amazing #8 he'd taken down a ton of crooks, not to mention he beat the Vulture TWICE. So far in his most major battle here he got his ass kicked. I can understand Hickman's desire to show a Spider-Man whose start is even shakier than the original's was, not to mention much more difficult to adapt to, but come on. We're nearly a year in and not much has been accomplished but him getting a costume and name. Let's pick up the pace a bit here, huh? On the upside this issue did give us a little more insight into young Richard. It seems he's got some of the same social insecurities his father had. It's also interesting seeing his relationship with Jonah, who seems to see promise in the lad. He may eventually become a mentor to the kid. That would be an interesting way to show his development. It's also interesting seeing how much more mellow Jonah is here. I guess having Ben for a best friend has had quite an impact. A clever new concept when you consider neither of them ever got to even meet in the regular Universe. Though he's been overdoing it on the slice of life stuff I will give Hickman credit for at least giving the readers what they want, which is why this book is killing Amazing, which, thanks to Wells is now selling primarily to completionist collectors. It's also why it hasn't lost steam like Ultimate Black Panther, which is rapidly declining and Ultimate X-Men, which is really just a girls' fantasy manga. I'm also expecting this book to outlive any of DC's Absolute copycat books. They're reshaping their heroes into what they want, not the readers. The polar opposite of Ultimate Spider-Man. That's why they'll likely fail while this will continue to succeed. I also expect the action to build up a bit soon with Kingpin's new team of villains gunning for Spider-Man. It is tough to fit Uncle Ben and Jonah's business venture, the Parkers and web swinging into 22 pages, but if Hickman can find a way he's got the book that will define his career pinned down. #9 should be good, providing Hickman doesn't give us another 90% slice of life story and the bad guys not striking till the last 2 or 3 pages. Ultimate Spider-Man is all I get by Marvel anymore. I think they're making a mistake by expanding this universe too fast, but aside from this Iron Man's appearances, which I hope remain limited, it doesn't impact this book too much. It's still worth getting, especially if you only get one Marvel book.

This issue gives us more action than usual. But as usual the Bad guy gets away. We're in the penultimate chapter in our second arc and all 6 of these new foes are still at large and 4 have yet to even be encountered yet. This is why so many critics complain about how slow the series is. I think one of my favorite things is how it mostly reminds me of more classic Spidey issues. You have Spider-Man solo as he should be battling villains and returning from a tough battle to have a heart to heart with MJ and some of the original element that makes this series so unique with Uncle Ben and Peter's own heart to heart. It's exactly what a fan wants in a Spider-Man comic. No slice of life, no messages from the writer's personal opinions. Just good witty Spidey action and support from his loving wife. Amazing's pig headed editor could learn from this book. As for the new Black Cat, her cover appearance was her biggest part. She made a very unimpressive debut. It's hard to judge her when so little was revealed so far. And while I'm no fan of swapping of any kind I think that's an absurd reason for some fans to already decide what to think of the character. I'd like to see how much or little her personality reflects the one we all know. Though to be honest I really don't think the regular version is anything like what I knew for years either. If Hickman manages to give an enjoyable personality to this version I'll probably like her better than what modern Marvel has transformed the original into. I guess when it comes to the new Black cat all I can say is "To be continued."

Conduit chooses a rather unique way to exact his final revenge. A simulation of Smallville with a big game between them and Metropolis as the theme. He fills the bleachers with robotic versions of his father. His way of finally winning his praise over the perfect Clark Kent by besting him in battle. This results in the villain's demise at the end. Fitting in ways since he was created to be Superman's nemesis while Luthor was out of commission. But since Luthor was soon to return I guess the writers decided Conduit served his purpose. Too bad, because he had potential as an occasional enemy.

This was an interesting encounter with the Joker, and not even a mention of Batman. It's a fool's move to think you can capitalize on the image of the Joker. It reminds me a little of the "Joker's wild" episode of Batman, which is generally the same plot. I also find it funny what a punch Jimmy packs. Very few teenagers would have the nerve to sucker punch the most deranged killer alive like that, except maybe Robin. This also has a humorous reference to the Power Rangers, who were at the height of their popularity at the time, "The Mighty Martian Powee Rangers." Plus Supermaqn's reaction, "Oh, give me a break." How I figured all real Superheroes felt about something so cheesy. This also set the grounds for a story that woulod be several months away with Joker's little "gift" to Lois.

This was an interesting story. Growing up in the midwest I grew up with my share of Tornado threats. This shows something I'd have loved to see, A match for those terrible storms' fury. Superman seems at the start to be about to do something he always wanted to do: Stand against the storms that used to scare him and his family so during his childhood. It's kind of like standing up to an old bully. This was widely believed to have also been inspired by the Twister movie, that was one of the biggest movies in theatres at that time.

I must say Johnson has suddenly put a adrenaline rush into Action Comics. He may be able to write an interesting Action adventure once in a while after all. Maybe some of us are being too hard on this title because we're still not over all the damage Bendis did and that his legacy is still doing, like what's happening back on Earth. But I have to give this issue credit for helping me forget that for a change. I was about to drop Action but may stick with it a couple more issues, maybe even stick out the rest of this Warworld saga (which will probably take all year). While I can't give a 10 or even a 9 to this issue, it deserves an honest review. While I'm not on the edge of my seat like the death or Return almost 30 years ago, and I'm still not considering this story even in the same league as them, I have to say this issue was Johnson's best issue yet.

I have to say this is a story that has improved as it's developed. We all know by now thanks to all the talk about Absolute Power, DC's 256,923rd "Ultimate Big event" just what Brainiac is forcing Luthor to help him build. One thing I don't understand is why Superman feels the need for that ridiculous space suit. We've seen him go into space countless times without the need for one. Is he so weak now he actually needs his own space suit? A concept I saw back in the '90s on the cartoon show I didn't understand or like even then. But I will say the House of Brainiac arc is improving as we reach its halfway point. I only hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger where you're forced to read Absolute Power to see what happens next because I have absolutely no intention of wasting money on it. I don't follow Big events anymore. Haven't since Blackest Night and never will again.

I have to give Williamson credit. This is the best Brainiac story I've read in over 20 years. I can't say I'm much for this queen, as it seems to be more an Aliens rip-off than anything meant to store knowledge, but all-in-all, this was a very decent penultimate chapter for this arc. The Luthor side story was also quite entertaining. It explains Lena's story more. I lost track of her after Our worlds at war. In fact I don't think she appeared much after. It's truly amazing how Luthor's daughter aged into a teen works so well where Superman's son doing the same failed so miserably. It seems fans are really enjoying this story. I have no doubt House of Brainiac will go down as one of Williamson's most memorable stories from his Superman run.

Another of many Lee/Ditko masterworks. This issue is a fine example of why Spider-Man has made it through the test of time so well. Not even at 10 issues yet and he already had one of the coolest rogues galleries in all Super Herodom. Electro has always been one of the coolest. A guy who can manipulate something as powerful as electricity. There have been tons of Supervillains with that kind of power since, but this guy's the original. I always liked this cover. What kid in 1964 could resist putting down 12 cents on the Drug store counter to see how the webslinger gets out of this one? I wish I was a kid then so I could experience the thrill of picking up a new comic like this and how I'd never forgive my mom for throwing away after learning 25 years later how much it would be worth.

If I were a kid checking this out at the drug store I knew I'd have to choose this book to spend my hard saved $0.12 over a soda at the fountain. With Spider-Man still in his early phase of creation, and the key demographic for comics were still kids, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko sure knew how to make an eye-catching cover alone. Dr.Octopus unmasks our hero. What now? Is this the last issue? If I were a kid then I'd fear that and sigh with relief at the end knowing next month he'd be back with another thrilling adventure. Spidey's been unmasked lots of times since, but at that time this was still uncharted territory.

This is a beloved tale in Spider-Man noir, and with good reason. Here Spider-Man meets Timmy, his #1 fan and makes his day (Or night) by paying him a visit and showing him first hand how his powers work. It's the greatest experience the boy can ask for and the adventure of a lifetime, which turns out to sadly be a short one as poor Timmy is terminally ill. After you've read this be sure to find a copy of the Marvel 1991 Holiday special where Timmy's brother gets a chance to thank Spidey for making his brother a little happier before he died. This is one of the most emotional Spider-Man comic stories I've ever read. If you can find it, check it out.

This is one of the best Spider-Man stories I've read in a while. But like his 2 classic tales, a story featuring the Sin-Eater is sure to be exciting. I see he really is living up to his name. I doubt the effects will last after he's beaten. And you can tell things are going to only go from worse to unbearable with Norman back in action. I'm really enjoying "Sins Rising" and can't wait to see how it continues to develop.

I see a lot of complaints that this story's conclusion ended with another "to be continued." But should we really be surprised? I don't remember more than a mere handful of comics I've read in the last 10+ years that say "The end" on the final page anymore. Like everything else in pop culture, Comics are serialized nowadays, so nothing is ever over, because when it is, something else takes immediate priority. There's also the fact this story has an aftermath installment ahead. Usually when there's an aftermath ahead it does end with a "To be continued." Nonetheless, I enjoyed these last 2 connecting stories. Spencer shows he has plenty of ideas ahead, so we should expect more exciting things ahead for the web swinger. 2020 may be remembered as a bad year, but I'll remember the Spider-Man books were pretty good. I think I can say in the years to come we'll look back at this as one of the best eras for Spidey in the 21st century.

Another splendid cover. You'd think for a moment it really was the team-up of 2 of Marvel's ultimate bad guy businessmen. Norman does pretty well acting as his old self, who will without a doubt return sooner or later. But that's a story for another time. My only disappointment is we never learned the story behind what turned harry into Kindred. Then again, Spencer is probably saving that for another day. I never read The "Brand new day" and stuff like that, so I don't know much about it. I really haven't read Spider-Man books this long without having to stop in over 15 years in fact. I don't know much about Harry's resurrection, but I have a feeling it has a lot to do with his becoming Kindred. Still, it was another good issue that was put together by a great creative team. With the disappointment Superman and Batman's stories have become the past couple of years, I think 2020 is the first year since the late '90s where I can say Spider-man topped them both. I look forward to what Spencer has coming up in '21.

The intrigue certainly keeps you on the edge of your seat for the next issue in this series. I don't remember being so into the Spider books in over 20 years. It will likely be a while till we see the big showdown (#900 & #100?) I know we can count on Nick Spencer to give us some exciting tales in the mean time. I sure hope Mark Bagley stays along as well. They've made a team that will likely go down among the legends of Marvel. I'm not convinced Kindred is as captured as he seems. He'll likely escape quite easily at the moment he feels is right. And he plans on pulling his father and the Kingpin (Plus no telling how many other villains) in on the big showdown. What he has planned only he knows. That's how it stays so exciting. It's as though he knows he has all us readers in suspense. This issue also covers one of Spider-Man's biggest weaknesses, his temper. When dealing with Norman, the man who's caused him more despair than most others combined, it's understandable how he can lose control. But has he forgotten what happened when he lost it and clobbered Norman like this in Spectacular #250? He ended up looking like the bad guy. You can never be too sure about what Norman is up to. Even if his new attitude is genuine, and if I were in Peter's shoes, I'd doubt it too, but I'd also remember to be careful. Because with Norman things are seldom what they appear to be. These are good times to be reading Spider-Man books (Though things aren't going too pretty for him). And Nick Spencer must be doing something right because I never follow any of these other Spider-powered heroes who've been helping out the last few issues, but I still don't mind having them drop in. Odds are they each have a role in Kindred's ultimate plan as well. I expect lots more excitement in the months ahead. I can't wait to see what Spencer has up his sleeve next.

Things don't look like they'll be back to normal for Spidey for a while. He's going to be reeling from his recent battle for a while. I expect when his life will start getting back on track that's when Kindred will strike again. In the mean time he has a lot to keep him busy. Aunt May hasn't been seen in a bit so it's interesting to see her caught in the action again. I don't know much about Mr. Negative, so this story will give me a chance to familiarize myself with him. The big mystery is the Goblin suit. What would that be for if he was walking about as some Zombie-like monstrosity? Interesting stuff. If you're reading these reviews to see if now is a good time to jump back in on Spider-Man's world, I haven't seen a time I could recommend more in ages. With today's comic prices I have to be particular about whether a book is worth it. And Since this volume started just about every issue has been.

This issue was interesting enough but a little weak. The last page shows that Nick Spencer may be trying to undo the damage One More Day seemed to do over a decade ago. Personally I never did read it so I don't know much about it. But from what I do know I'd say it has a major part in Kindred's origin. I'm wondering if he's even Harry at all. This could have been part of what Mephisto's planned all along. Harry did return from the dead around that point, but was it ever really Harry? Perhaps he's still as dead and has been since Spectacular #200. It's only a theory though. I hope we see more of this confrontation between Dr. Strange and Mephisto in the next issue and not have to wait a dozen or more issues to learn what happened. I hate when they do that to us. I had a feeling Kindred wasn't anywhere near through messing with Spidey's life. He has yet to begin in fact. When we do get our answers and the big showdown is imminent we'll also learn where Mysterio fits in and what he knows. I also wonder if Kindred has any interest in the tablets and is waiting for the Kingpin to nearly claim victory, then he pounces. All I know is a lot of what's happened lately is going to all tie into something big. Spider-Man is more exciting than it has been in many moons, and I hope it keeps on going this well. In this age of "Money is EVERYTHING" comics it's good to have a title that fans can enjoy as well as reviewers.

Is it time for another "New costume?" Ah, me. Well, while we count down the issues till Norah goes too far and he goes back to the trusty ol' red and blue look I may as well look at the plus side. It was good to get a break from the stuff with Kindred, and back to the web-swinging heroics that won Spidey our hearts. Kingpin is getting desperate in his quest to obtain the tablet and has a herd of Supervillain crime bosses out to bring him Boomerang. I can say things are looking like they're goona get crazier before some sense of sanity returns to the wallcrawler's life.

Nick Spencer knows his Spidey history, that's for sure. Robbie and Tombstone's rivalry was one of my favorite situations in the old days and it looks like the thought of their kids in item is about to trigger that old feud back into their lives. Most Tombstone stories are pretty good, so I expect this one to deliver too. As for Kingpin's offer, it brings in even more danger straight into Peter's apartment where Randy and Janice are caught right in the middle. What a cliffhanger. This issue proves Nick Spencer is capable of moving beyond something like Kindred and shift the focus to something else, then later at the right time, go back to it. I look forward to see King's Ransom and the resuming feud between the fathers develop.

Not a bad tie-in. I'm not too crazy about the second rate art, but the story was pretty good filler between Sinister war #s 1 and 2. It looks like long past events are tying into what's happening now. While Spider-Man's caught between a ton of supervillains we see what's happening with MJ and Mysterio. While not too thrilling as the mini-series it's tied in to, this issue was still a pretty good one.

I've read several spoilers, so I know what to expect. It won't keep me from reading it though. One big issue to this issue is if Norman would go so low as to sell his own son's soul to Mephisto. With him you never can tell. So I look forward to seeing what happens there. Especially since I'm beginning to increasingly believe Harry never really came back and the real one is dead or if One more Day is undone he will be again, not to mention things like Teresa may cease to exist,or Jonah may forget Peter is Spider-Man and go back to hating him. Who knows how it will turn out? I haven't read spoiler on everything after all. Spencer's run is coming to an end soon and since I've been through the whole thing since the start, I plan to stick around and see what happens.

This is just a one-shot that was approved so Marvel could charge us another dollar rather than be vol. 6 #49, concluding in #50. No. If it was that way they couldn't charge us about $15 for the next 2 issues in a row. Oh, well, Marvel always did put Profit first. I think it's ran by Ferengi or something. Anyway, This is really nothing special. Just a one-shot to fill in a gap. Though this story is getting a little stale it is still pretty exciting. Spider-Man knows the Sin-Eater will be more dangerous than Norman with his power and likely insanity, forcing him to have to protect the guy he hates most. Sucks to be him. Too bad such misery for him makes for such interesting storytelling.

This was a pretty exciting tie-in to the Joker war. My only real thing is I hate his hair. Who's his barber? Matt Murdock? He looks like some '90s hoodlum. Otherwise it's a good issue for such a terrible visit. It's amazing how the Joker seems to think he's funny, but on the rare occasion someone laughs at him, like Barbara does in here, he gets all pissy. What a hypocrite.

I remember how I anticipated this issue almost 3 decades ago. I wasn't a fan of the "New" Batman, but I'd have settled for anyone to end Bane's reign of Pompousness. I even wished he'd have went ahead and killed Bane just so he'd never darken the pages of another Batman issue again. Not really surprised he didn't. This issue began an era many readers were skeptical of, and with good reason. At that time it seemed all publications were changing their heroes. Still, It was a fitting conclusion. I enjoyed every page as Bane got the ass-kicking the real Batman could've also given him if he wasn't worn beyond his mere mortal endurance when the big cowardly oaf finally decided to confront him. It still delivered a good story and conclusion to a classic Batman adventure.

This is a pretty interesting story. I have to give credit to Kelley Jones for how creepy his art can make things look. Especially on this cover.

I remember this issue. I spent weeks wondering how Batman would solve this one. I was surprised Remy was the mastermind behind Sleeper. I knew before it was over that Batman would have to take on this big guy, but I was still surprised he orchestrated the whole thing. Too bad a hitman took him down before Batman could. I don't think Sleeper has ever returned. Shame too, because I always figured without Remy to control her anymore it would only make her more dangerous. This issue also began the year-and-a-half story of Madolyn Corbett, who at that time showed promise as a flirtatious supporting character, but by the end of the year turned out to just be an unbalanced stalker. This was a good issue concluding an entertaining story. I do miss the days of simple 2 part stories.

Almost 10 years after his debut Black Mask returns. And so does Black Spider, sort of. It's a new guy in a new costume, but he still makes for a deadly duo. I also liked when Black Mask looked like an old fashioned gangster. That skull look from War Games onward sucks.

There's a message in this issue's subplot. Don't you underestimate Jim Gordon. He's one tough Hombre. As his career, his marriage and faith in Batman come falling down, he still gets the better of a pretty big guy with little trouble. It's pretty impressive. This issue started the era of glossy paged comics, and when you add that up it sure added weight to our collections. It also brought in the final era of comic prices being under $2 apiece. The issue is pretty good. The Mayor assigning Gordon's wife to Commissioner just to rile him up was a clever turn. The new Black Spider is a big change from the last, who at least felt he was a crusader for justice. This one's just a hit man. And the irony is Batman ended up having to save an old enemy who was his target. This was a pretty good story. I never awas the biggest fan of Jones' work, but he did some good and eerie work in this one.

For an Underworld Unleashed tie-in this issue had very little to do with that crossover. In fact the only thing that seems to tie in at all is the mention of Neron by Freeze's henchman. No telling what his deal was with Freeze. These days it would be about his wife. But this was from when the comics were purely original and didn't draw their inspiration from outside sources. This was a pretty entertaining stand-alone adventure from the days when Mr. Freeze wasn't as regular as he is now, and a bit more evil instead of being some guy you're supposed to feel sorry for.

This issue ended on an obvious note. They're in the desert, fighting a bunch of sword-wielding assassins. Who else is the mystery villain arriving on the scene? No surprise when revealed in Detective #700. Still, I enjoyed this issue. While Batman, Robin and Nightwing are all searching for a cure to a deadly virus, Huntress is holding down the fort in Gotham keeping The Penguin and the corrupt D.A. in line. This was a good lead-up to the big 700th issue of DC's longest-running title, as well as an exciting crossover.

Not bad. I've seen better, but I've also seen a lot worse. Just so long as we can avoid the "Why don't you kill him" matter we may be able to get somewhere with this. I just pray that's not what things are going to lead up to when it's time for them to face our mystery friend responsible for all this mess. If it is I'll set fire to the books. That's how tired I truly am of how of that issue has been brought up in almost every Joker story over the last 20+ years. Otherwise I'm pleased with how it's gone so far. This isn't Batman's first time he's had to work with the joker, but it may be the toughest one. I really don't know how Joker has managed to recover from all those beatings he's taken from Batman over the years. I'm surprised the Doctors at Arkham haven't claimed his further decent into his maddened state is because of brain damage sustained by all those head bashings he's taken from him over the years. Because let's face it, Batman does have a habit beating the crap out of him -A LOT. A whole lot. Not to mention he beats him up as hard as he can as well, which is pretty damned hard since he is Batman (Even though the guy does deserve it). More than he has any other foe he's fought. He's probably hit the guy more than any punching bag he's trained with over the years. That's some pretty rough abuse to take, even for a total nutcase like the Joker. But that's a story for another time I suppose. As long as this doesn't turn out to be another challenge to drive Batman to kill the Joker this story just may work out though. But we're only on part 2. there's still a bit to go.

I wish I could say this is the Batman 3 I was originally hoping for, but I can't. Aside from being based on that continuity I really didn't get the feeling of the original movies continuing. They should've included a Robin Williams Riddler like we expected back then, but it looks like that's going to have to wait for vol. 2. It's really just more of an Early years Batman story where the characters are based on the old movie versions. I really don't see why they felt it necessary to give Micheal Gough's Alfred a mustache. They also decided to totally replace Pat Hingle with a Gordon more resembling his regular portrayal. Harvey's Batman attitude is the biggest change to note. It's taken a major shift from the end of the first movie. But that's the attitude more to be expected for the guy when he's about to become Two-Face. And did anyone else notice Large Marge in the corner during Halloween? It's not a bad start for this series, but I'm still unsure if the story's really going to go anywhere. I guess this is one to keep following till we can be for sure what to really think.

Could've been better, but could've been way worse. It seems the Joker War is making up for how crappy "City of Bane" was. But this is probably the dull part of the story. IThis issue was just missing something the others have had. Still, It is a pretty good issue. Worth the $3.99, and you sure as Hell can't say that about too many comics nowadays.

I'm real tired of these stories where Batman is out of commission for 2-4 issues and recovers when all seems lost. It's like an Anime series or something. And it seems Punchline isn't living up to DC's expectations as a second Harley. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for her to get her own ongoing. And now that she's out, let's keep her out of the rest of the story. As for Clown Hunter, well, I still don't know enough to figure him out. the Joker war has been pretty satisfactory so far, but when it's over I won't be asking for another big Bad guys take over the city mega story for a long time. All-in-all, the last 2 issues have been the dull stretch of this story. Let's have some more excitement and Batman in action for the remainder.

The best part about this issue is Batman's numbering is in 3 digits again. Shouldn't it be reaching Legacy number 900 soon? Howbout restoring the numbering? As for the story, it gave a poor ending to what started out as a promising story. It was just another challenge to see if Batman could be driven to finally kill the Joker. I am so tired of that being the issue. Joker outdoes himself, someone challenges Batman's no killing rule, Joker gets caught, Batman is tempted to kill him, he rants on trying to drive him to, he doesn't. It's getting older and older. Joker stories always go the same. It seems writers want to outdo each other by taking Batman into directios he's never went before. God, I miss the days of 1-4 part stories where things were back to normal after Batman caught the bad guy. Maybe I've been spoiled by the intrigue of "the 3 Jokers" story, which dwarfs this story in intrigue. But I just think Tynion went in the same old direction all writers go with the Joker, which ended this story as a yawn fest. And I'm not in the mood to follow Punchline through a lot of $6 one-shots and eventual ongoing series. The same goes for Clown Hunter.

Another "New direction" for Batman? it may be a thing of anticipation if it weren't so typical. How long till the next time alteration brings Alfred back and we can get back to normal? Dc is becoming extremely repetitive over the past 15 years and it's rather tiring. I guess we'll just have to see how this "new direction" goes until the next "New direction." It could be worse, but it seems every time a new writer comes along they want to make a name for themselves by taking the series in a "new direction" and it looks like that's Tynion's intention.

Not bad, but my real question is that other than the boost in Anti-vigilante attitude, how exactly has Gotham changed? Batman's life is what's changing. And a big part of it is that every other new enemy he makes seems to know who he is. Ghost Maker shows potential, but let's not make another overused foe in him like Bane and Hush. Tynion seems more focused now on making his mark in Batman history above anything else. And while his Batman run is more interesting than his Detective run was, I think the Joker War was enough in the way of "big stuff" for a while. Slow down a little and give us that Dark Knight detective we know and love. Not try to find new ways to keep impacting his life with every issue.

Not a bad read. Tynion's most major flaw is he can't seem to write a Batman story without bringing in the Bat family to back him up. He made it for almost 50 years with just Robin and Batgirl or another ally on occasion. I remember in the '80s and '90s he had a lot of success on missions solo, but these days he just can't battle anything without needing backup. have to say, I hope after this story, not to see any, Ghost Maker, Clownhunter, or even Harley for a while. Let's get to some new adventures and not spend a year coping with the Joker war in every issue. Altogether though the issue was pretty good and I hope the next will be decent enough too. So far this has been a mediocre story, but a decent enough one.

Not a bad second chapter. I'm not really surprised Deathstroke was framed. I suspect it may have been part of some plan Ra's had all along. It's better than believing that jellyfish in Alpha was what he's genuinely been reduced to. Batman is really just wasting time going after Talia. I remember a time when he'd never be able to suspect her of having her own father killed. But that just proves how she's changed. I also remember when Batman would turn away from such a bloodthirsty woman as she's become with disgust. He's become a lot weaker at resisting his own lust over the years. When will he wake up and learn there's no hope for her? Not anymore anyway. This is only the second chapter, so there's still a bit to go. And frankly I think Batman should handle this one solo. No need for any Batgirls, Woman, or Nightwing. Damian is bad enough, but he's a major player in this though. I don't really like having to buy extra books I don't usually read, but I guess this story is good enough so it's worth it.

Not too bad, especially for a sign-off issue. It's rare for a writer to end their time with a simple stand-alone story these days, especially on Batman. And I say kudos to Williamson for it. I grow weary of how writers like King and Tynion trying to make a name for themselves by doing something never attempted before. I also have to say I hope this is the last we hear of Batman Inc. for a long time to come. I never was a fan of that concept, and I'm no fan of Captain Dick envy, aka Ghost Maker either. I sure hope Zdarsky takes us back to Bat basics like he did with Spidey basics in Spider-Man. If I ever see any of Tynion's 29th rate characters again it will be too soon for me. I was surprised Williamson signed off in a stand-alone story. Those are rare these days. But it was an interesting single issue story. Plus you never know when the real Abyss may be back. Altogether it was a satisfying, yet brief run. I'm looking forward to what's ahead.

Wow. Where to begin with this one? It has so many ups and downs. It wasn't much of a landmark for the 900th issue, but I guess that;s okay because naturally DC wants to stick with the current numbering instead, so next issue will be #136. It could be worse though. If this were by Marvel it would be starting over at Volume 7 #1 next instead. The story was about as average as most chapters. But the trip through dimensions gave most of us amusement it seems. Especially in his meeting Keaton's and West's Batmen and two of his most well known future portrayals from Batman Beyond and the dark Knight Returns. Several of them even gave him a little help along the way. And who can review this issue without mentioning the shark scene. Joker's famous shark from Batman #251 and Batman finding West's utility belt carrying a can of his legendary shark repellent. That plus his statement that he met a Batman even more prepared than himself will live on in infamy. So far it's my favorite moment by Zdarsky. We also have the emotional goodbye with Alfred. I only hope he did find Leslie okay. Maybe we'll see them all again one day. I will admit Zdarsky writes Batman a little less ashamed to show some emotion toward his "family" than most modern writers who usually keep giving him the brooding loner image. Still, the plot was still rather boring and this was in no way a great story. In fact It wasn't really an enjoyable one either. But it was a satisfying conclusion. I'll give it that. It looks like after 6 1/2 years since Rebirth brought me back that I'll be departing from reading the regular Bat-books. Maybe in time I'll return to catch up on what's still yet to happen, but I think this issue also provided me with an excellent jumping off point with its end. Batman and Robin reunite and head home to return to their never ending war on crime. It seems pretty appropriate.

Better than the last issue, but I think it's about gotten to that point now where the story's slowing down and should finish soon. As usual this book is better than any of their solo titles, so it will be sad to see it go. I've never seen Yang do a solo Batman adventure, but since Tynion's leaving maybe DC should consider him as as the next writer in Batman if he's game. The same for Reis if they'll need another artist. Just a thought.

This was a fun follow-up to the regular story, proving there's more adventures ahead for these versions of the world's finest. Gene Luen Yang has given us another great for the shelves fit to be sat beside Superman Smashes the Klan. I'm not a very big fan of the multiverse. Frankly I liked it better when it was wiped out. But this story has provided me with a rare exception. I hope to see further follow ups featuring this version of Batman and Superman. Maybe a mini-series? It's hard to tell though when DC will come to their senses and realize no one wants Batman or Superman replaced and fix the damage they're doing to themselves.

Not bad. Issue #1 was a little more exciting but this provided a good time for us. It seems to take place in Dick Grayson's later days as Robin. Pretty close to where the original World's finest ended, with the many numerous reality alterations between still made. All-in-all I was pretty pleased. We need more comics like this in this unstable age we live in. I expect the next several issues to also be as entertaining as these first couple have been. This series is only 2 issues in and shows more promise than any team-up series in years.

This issue was a little slower than the last, but still a pretty satisfactory one. It's good to see Tom King didn't totally lose his touch as I thought he did with the wedding saga. This is definitely the best story he's written since before than. I just hope he keeps on schedule better than he did with Batman/Catwoman. That way it can conclude before I lose interest. But then this story is a lot more interesting to begin with.

Surprisingly entertaining for a modern Catwoman story. It wasn't great, but better than your average expensive special. Fans of Catwoman should check it out for sure. It's one of the better stories in the One Bad Day series. I'd say it was worth getting.

So far this is one of the better Batman mysteries of late. It's also a good escape from Tynion's flimsy growing cast of pointless characters and all the Future State B.S. This mystery monstrosity isn't Croc, so it continues to puzzle Batman and us. It probably won't appear for a few more chapters, but judging by its actions it's something merciless and deadly. All I ask is it not be another reptilian underground monstrosity feeling its unhatched children are in danger. That's been done to death, and this series deserves better than to be compared to a Sy-Fy channel original movie..

They started this story interestingly, with the killing of a regular from the series. The animated continuity Mayor Hill certainly was different than the original one in the early '80s (though when you look at his anti-Batman attitude at the series' start he was probably originally planned to have been). They did a good job expanding his world through the wife and son who never appeared before, though they also seem to have forgotten several years had passed between the Fox and WB eras as Jordan was hardly aged. By this point he should be in his teens. The Court of Owls are villains from long after the show ended so it's interesting to see them in animated continuity. This must happen before Justice League though since Batman and Deadman don't know each other yet. I'd prefer if these stories were from the Fox era more though since those episodes were so much better. But it's still pretty good. It should be interesting seeing Batman and Deadman taking on the Court next issue.

Interesting twist Hill being alive and joining the court. I wonder if his son will be playing a role in future issues. The only downside is no Nightwing/talon clash like on the cover, but I'm sure we'll see them again soon enough. It's good to come back to a familiar continuity spared the disasters of the regular series, but I'd really prefer the Fox version over the WB one.

As usual, one of the month's better Batman stories. I'm not much of a fan of the Straightman character, but his origin is somewhat interesting. At least for such a second rate character. Otherwise it was a rather slow story, but as I said, still better than most Batman these days. It's one of the few Batman books left I'd really recommend.

Batman has taken on his share of crooked politicians, but this was his first. I have a feeling his decision to make a comeback is connected to the murder he had Muscle make last issue. This is one of the best issues yet in the "Adventures continue" series so far, and I look forward to seeing how Batman deals with this corrupt official.

This was a pretty fitting conclusion to this trilogy. It had an appropriate ending by just stating that the adventures continue even beyond this, proving the Batman so many of us grew up enjoying will always be there. And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised whether it shows in this continuity or not, if Ra's Al Ghul does eventually return. Hopefully the Animated Universe Batman will return again one day, because good comics are a rarity nowadays. But this was a very fitting finale for this series and apparently my collecting of new Batman comics. Because for now it looks like except the Facsimilie books I'm out on new Batman books for now. If you've missed any of the previous issues of these 3 seasons then I'd fully recommend them. This was a real fun trilogy. And much better than most Batman books of the past 5+ years.

I haven't heard the podcast yet, but I liked last year's special pretty good, so I felt this was worth a look at. It is better than the regular Batman books, so that's saying something. It's set in an earlier time in Batman's career so that makes it a bit more interesting too. This was an average start, but I think I'll stick with it. And I don't do that with most of the usual 735 thousand Batman books per month DC puts out nowadays.

A decent issue with good art. I'm not real keen on the idea of the bad guys being a bunch of nutcases in Batsuits (Been there, done that-several times), but the story is basically a pretty good read. I still expect this series to get more interesting in time. As for Squire, I suppose this is the latest of the rapidly growing list of additions to the Batman universe. Why do I have a feeling 2021 will be looked at as the year constant new characters were introduced? I hope this series runs smoothly without going on 2 or 3 month hiatus between issues as Batman mini-series tend to do these days. When that happens the story gets forgotten and when it resumes it's hard to stay interested. Usually 6 months is all I can stand of sitting through a single story (Ah, for the days of simple 2 and 3 part stories....). I do have to add as well I will be waiting to see how Ducard survives (I've read the Previews, so it's obvious he does).

Pretty good for an issue that's mostly flashbacks. I also enjoyed the flashback showing Batman as I remember. I guess in his time it's been 10 years since those days. Ducard is interesting enough, but I really just look at him as yet another killer young Bruce needed to train under to master becoming what he is. Equilibrium wasn't really missed because all these characters seem to be is the Victim syndicate in white Batman costumes. Maybe these enemies will get to prove more intriguing as their characters develop and their motives are revealed. As with the previous 2 issues, the storytelling and art here are good, and I still feel interested, even though usually in a 6 part story I tend to lose interest halfway through. But I do admit I expect the next issue to be interesting as well.

Not too shabby for a quarter century later made follow-up. AM I the only one to notice the Gordon House's interior resembling that of the Bunkers' house from All in the Family? Great Easter egg Tim Sale. It fits in pretty well with the Long Halloween and Dark Victory better than most follow-ups made 20 years later. Usually they just ruin the quality of the original saga. But this one works pretty well. While I don't see it as anything really great, it is preferable to the extremely poor quality of today's books. But I have a feeling this will be a welcome addition to future collected editions of The classic story in the future.

Pretty good. I'm glad to finally see this series resume. It could've been a bit better, but after a 2 decade hiatus should one really expect perfection? Lullabi's art is a decent enough replacement. And let's face it, if we waited for Madureira to do the art we'd likely be waiting another 20+ years for #11. I'm sure most will agree that it's a welcome thing to see this unfinished series continue. The plot is simple enough, but over the years I really hoped for better should it have resumed. It's good enough, but it's pretty evident that Madureira's heart wasn't as in this as he more likely did this out of a sense of obligation. This series was the blast off hit of 1998 and had the potential to become big for years. It was truly ahead of its time. but Madureira actually spent more time in his office playing video games than working on it, resulting in his constant setbacks and late releases of new issues. I remember only stumbling on issues #7-9 by chance because I didn't expect anything new even then. It's really too bad because he missed out on something that may have been a real gold mine. Well, at least he found a career in designing games, which was obviously his true love even then, so good for him. And I am truly grateful he was willing to finally offer some closure for the fans who still enjoy this series even all these years. It's doubtful this story will end with any real closure. If I know Madureira he'll more likely end #12 as a prelude to the game he made a few years ago. All-in-all this was worth getting. Most fans who've been waiting for this may not find it as intense as they were originally hoping as well, but I'm sure most will still be satisfied enough and some just glad it's resumed after all this time.

This is why Jon Kent should never have been aged, why he should be turned back and why DC's editors are idiots. Though the plot's a bit obtuse this was still a funny issue that shows Damian at his most tolerable: When teamed up with a young Jon. I've read better, but am fully willing to get this series and support it to prove to DC they're wrong. We don't want a younger Superman. We want the regular one and his young son.

It's good to see Darkwing back in comics after a 6 year hiatus. I enjoyed the Boom and Joe Books series very much so I was looking forward to another run, and this debut issue didn't disappoint. It does a good job showing Darkwing still works well 30 years after his original adventures televised. He's a true Disney icon like many of the classic characters who have passed the test of time for nearly a century now. It was generally an average plot and story, but really ideal for the first issue of a new run. They chose a good way to kick things off with a stand alone adventure and featuring Megavolt, one of his most classic foes. It really does remind me of the other Disney comics over the years. They remain age friendly and give good stories without having to resort to the tactics of most modern comics (Though there is an army of variants). That's the best part. In this age of constant big event crossovers, never-ending stories and "nothing will ever be the same" every issue comics it's good to have some that we can turn to with that old classic appeal where we don't have to worry about those constant money grubbing gimmicks.

While lacking in that special something Williamson's books had this was still pretty good. Like always Destro and Cobra Commander obviously don't like or trust one another, but need each other if their plans are to succeed. It's what always made them such an impressive pair of villains. An interesting thing to note is the presence of Astoria Carlton Ritz, an easily forgotten character from the Transformers cartoon. I'd have expected that Bree character from G.I. Joe's "The million dollar medic" episode more. She was pretty much the same as Astoria. Spoiled and annoying to her rescuer whom she became infatuated with. It's interesting how they're bringing in characters from those series with a new twist in these series. That helps bring in the old school cartoon fans. Xamot and Tomax are obviously going to be Destro's new special friends in this series, but we know they'll end up having to put their differences aside when Cobra Commander decides he needs Extensive Enterprises' help building his master organization too. This is paving the way to what I know will be a big start for this Fall's new G.I. Joe series. It's something I'm looking forward to, I can tell you that. And judging by the hype I've heard lately it's going to be the big blowout hit this Fall that will likely blow DC's Ultimate Marvel ripoff, Absolute DC out of the water. I'm looking forward to it and know I'm going to enjoy following the road to it in this series.

While this seems to lack something Cobra Commander and Duke had it's still pretty good. I've given up on Scarlett completely, but that I'd say we can afford to pass on as it's the weakest G.I. Joe series in a long time (But then what would one expect from a series written by Kelly Thompson?). But unlike it Destro's story is an essential part in this series of preludes to the upcoming G.I. Joe which I can say judging by the hype I hear, will be a big deal. It's also something I'm looking forward to. It's the first series outside the original continuity I've enjoyed in 20 years now. As you read this and see Destro and The Crimson Twins preparing to go to war with each other, you can just tell that Cobra Commander is watching every second of it with great interest and a smile behind his mask. We all know how it will end, but we're still enjoying the ride. If you get only one of the preludes to the upcoming new series be sure it's this.

While it seems to lack a little of that knack Duke and Cobra Commander had, this is still pretty good. It certainly delivers in the action and intrigue department, and the end of this issue also makes one more eager to learn more about what the Energon Universe G.I. Joe world will be like. I'm truly looking forward to the new ongoing G.I. Joe. I've heard more hype for it than any of DC's Absolute crap. I expect from what I've seen in 3 out of the 4 prelude series that it's shaping up to be quite a thrill ride.

This is a good stand-alone issue. It reminds us why this book is called "Detective comics." As usual Batman is up against a mentally unbalanced serial killer and must figure the means he uses so he can stop him from claiming any more victims. The Librarian is an interesting character. He was obviously bullied by his father, but his mother would defend him. He cared for her in her old age and was devastated when she died. He began placing corpses in arranged places in hopes of silencing the voices in his head, but them went on to kill random victims and continue hes bizarre organization. I actually feel sorry for the poor guy.

I truly hate Bane. He brags in this issue about his victory like he defeated Batman on fair terms, instead of waiting till he was worn beyond endurance then going after him like the pathetic coward he really is. I'm surprised this issue hasn't been addressed much over the past 25+years. This is a tragic issue for sure. Batman's allies rush to save him and the city plunges into chaos. The story is well done by a great creative team, though it is one of the most tragic points in Batman history.

It takes no time at all in this issue to show us that Bruce's back injury was the least of his problems, and he must've hurt his head too hard at some point in the fight with Bane. How else can one explain why he allowed a ticking time bomb like Jean-Paul Valley to take over as Batman. He does show one thing though at the start of the issue, and that's that he knows how to scare the piss out of thugs, as he does with the last one standing. Though he's the wrong guy for the job, Mr. Valley does prove to keep things interesting. This issue also paves the way for Knightquest: The Search, as Bruce is powerless to save Dr. Kinsolving and Mr.Drake. As with the rest of Knightfall, I remember how this issue ended with me eager to see how the next chapter of the saga would turn out. That guarantees it was indeed a good issue.

Harley may be the most famous character to originate from the '90s animated series, but Lock-up is the first to ever make the transition into regular continuity. And Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan did a terrific job bringing him into it. He did a few cameos, but this finally sheds light on the newcomer we already knew. After the rather gruesome "Contagion" crossover, this was a nice return to normal in Batman books. They did a good job keeping the character true to his animated portrayal as someone who thinks he's a hero. This story is one of my favorites from the much missed Dixon/Nolan era.

I always enjoyed stories where it was Batman, Nightwing and Tim Drake's Robin teaming up together. I sure miss seeing them as a trio. They kicked bad guy ass then. And this issue proves that. As usual in those days, Robin ended up the one facing the bad guy. This was a great story bringing in a character from the '90s cartoon into the comics. Harley may be the famous one, but Lock-up will always be the first Animated series character to be brought into regular continuity.

Robin was spotlighted in a lot of Chuck Dixon's work in those days as he was also writing about him in his own series. In this issue Robin is undercover as a gang member caught by Lock-up, who originally was also after the gang leader who killed Tim's classmate. Thanks to Oracle Lock-up gets an impressive rap sheet so he puts Robin in his little jail. When Nightwing shows up he gets trapped with Two-Face, Killer Moth and a bunch of other killers as Lock-up floods the place. Thrilling stuff packed into one issue. They don't do 'em this way anymore. My only complaint is you don't really see Batman beat up the bad guy. He turns and sees Batman and next time you see him he's tied up with his former prisoners. I always felt like I was robbed of an exciting showdown. Otherwise I really enjoyed this one.

This issue features a crook you end up rooting for. The start is funny as the poor guy's life of crime spans less than a week in total, but almost 20 years in altogether Jail time. The sad part is he's duped by the real bad guys of this story. Like me, you'll be glad he got away and returned to his civilian life, and we all wish him well. This is a good stand-alone story and a favorite of mine from the Dixon/Nolan era in Detective Comics.

It's nice to have a stand-alone story after several months of Joker war tie-ins. This story reminds us why it's called "Detective Comics" as it's a story where batman must use his detective skills to solve this case. It's also why Detective is the preferable of the 2 Batman regulars. That one has stories that last usually 6 or more issues, and by then the story gets stale. That's why I enjoy these single chapter stories. 2 to 3 parts are acceptable too, but I do enjoy seeing a story where things aren't changed and we have to go in a whole new direction again. A mayoral candidate against vigilantes who will likely be the next mayor will probably be the biggest thorn in Batman's side in that office in quite a while. That promises for an interesting development. If you're a classic fan and consider reading only one of the Batman titles in print, you may be more satisfied with this one.

An interesting enough issue with a rather questionable new villain. The Mirror looks like a guy wrapped in aluminum foil. I understand why it was hard for Bruce to put away Alfred's things, as it always is when someone close to you is gone. I don't know what it's going to be like yet, so I have to reserve judgement in how things will go in his life as Bruce Wayne and how it impacts his life of crime fighting, because so far little has changed. Last time Batman left the mansion he moved to a penthouse in the city, and it wasn't bad. But then he still had Alfred with him, and I sure hope it's not for a decade this time. But we'll just have to see how it develops before I can say whether I can even tolerate it or not.

Mariko Tamaki's off to a decent start I'd say. The art is good as well. This story helps us see how Bruce is adjusting to this new lifestyle. Basically the story is starting out simple, but promises to escalate. There are some new supporting characters who may turn out interesting. Already it looks like Detective will remain the better of the 2 regular titles (Though I do look forward to the upcoming new Legends of the Dark Knight series, which shows promise). In regards to reaction to Bruce losing most of his fortune, I hope those who complain don't actually expect it to last. Experience shows we have no need to expect this to be a permanent change for him. DC's just trying for the umpteenth time to put him in a scenario that has never happened to him before. Like a few years ago when Marvel turned Peter Parker into a wealthy developer. Did anyone really expect that to last? Today no one remembers it. The downside is we don't know how long it will last though. Could be a year or two, could be five. But we know the return to Wayne manor is inevitable, as is the fact Alfred will live again. It's just a question of when. As for Damian's story, I knew it was all a poor attempt to lure us into buying his new book. i hate him and wish he'd stayed dead. So as long as he's not in Gotham, there's a plus side in all this craziness. And what happened to Talia? Remember when she was kind and likeable? She didn't want to harm innocents, but loyalty to her father kept her from doing anything about it? Now she's a selfish heartless woman with a lust for blood and power. She's totally different from what she used to be. Too bad. Like I said, she was a likeable person then. I hate when characters I like turn to ones I hate. Back to the main story, I look forward to Batman's meeting with Mr. Worth in the next issue. I expect a decent run for our new writer so long as it continues at this pace its began on, and wish her luck. Just don't let the fact you're writing Batman get to your head like it has Tynion. He was doing fine till halfway through the Joker war. Now he hopes he can create more characters than Stan Lee.

A better aftermath than the conclusion. This is the umpteenth time Bruce has been accused of murder. Doesn't the police find that odd that he's constantly framed but ALWAYS cleared? Nope. They always think he's guilty. It was nice to see the Batman of my youth in a flashback sequence again. Hard to believe there was a time he wore a blue cape and cowl. The destroying of the townhouse is no big loss. But this shows Mr. Worth doesn't even care if Bruce is guilty or not. He just wants someone to blame. The sooner he's locked away in Arkham the better off Gotham will be. As for the Man-Bat story I highly doubt this is going to be the end of him for long. When a character is killed in a comic all it is these days is just "their turn." All we do then is wait for their resurrection. It's a constant cycle that's grown tiring over the years. No comic death surprises me anymore, nor do any resurrections. So let's just get on with it so Alfred can come back already.

I hope this is the end of the Vile parasites. I'm so tired of parasite monsters used in everything these days. If I wanted stuff like that I'd watch Dr. Who. The end does add a little intrigue. Is Batman willing to work closer to Nakano to show him he isn't the enemy? It may be an interesting development if explored right in the future. I do look forward somewhat to the Tower saga. All I ask is the new so-called Batman keep out of it and not be the one to butt in and save the day in the end. Regardless of what DC or his title says, he is NOT Batman and never will be. Don't try to put him in this series' spotlight to sell it to us. This saga will determine for me if I want to keep reading Detective beyond that point, as "Abyss" will do the same with Batman. DC is at a very controversial point in its history, and some readers are keeping an eye out for the right jump off point before things get too intense.

Maybe it's the optimism I've had from the fact Batman is doing better since Tynion left or maybe that the whole fear State thing is over (I'd say both), but I'd say this was pretty good for a prelude. While I'm not thrilled about Batman being gone through most of this, I guess it makes sense to show what's happening back in Gotham while he's out of town. It's amazing how Gotham learns so little from its mistakes. But without some kind of Arkham, what will it do? Letting the Justice League take matters into their own hands proved to be a disaster as proven in Salvation Run many years ago. So I guess their options are limited. Sucks to be that city. I am truly glad Fear State is over, so now maybe we can see this series pursue its own stories without having to always follow what's happening in Batman all the time like over the last couple of years. I'd say Tamaki does better writing when allowed to stay original and not have to follow the other title. The art was also very good. All-in-all, this has been one of the better Detective issues I've read in a while. If the upcoming Tower saga is decent enough as well I may stick with Batman a while longer.

So far so good really. This tower story is off to an interesting start. This Dr. Wear guy is up to something big and no good. I know mad Doctors, especially since Arkham has had its share over the past 4+ decades. It also seems things aren't all what they seem. It's going to be quite a mystery, and we have 11 issues ahead to see it unfold. I'm glad to see Reis doing art in a book I'm still getting, as I've had to dump all Superman except '78 (I don't know yet if I'll get the new World's finest series yet). The problem with it now is that DC thinks Superman needs to be "Modernized." you don't update a pop culture Icon that's been pretty much the same for nearly a century, but apparently their editors are too thick-headed to learn that. The backup story was better than the usual one, but still mostly a blatantly obvious attempt to add a full dollar to the cost. It's the main plot that most of us are reading about though, and I want to pay strong attention to this, because it will determine whether I stick with or leave Detective after #1058. But so far it looks good, but so did the Joker war until halfway....

Not too bad. I have to admit this story is off to an interesting start. Here we learn a little more about Dr. Wear and how dangerous he may end up being after all. The most impressive thing is that it's turning out so well for a story where the others have to handle matters without Batman. I hope it stays on this intriguing path. Usually stories to be so long grow very monotonous even before being half finished. But so far it's going well. And Reis' art is a welcome addition to this series. The backup story is also surprisingly interesting. What kind of unbalanced system would send any innocent kid who'd been through such a trauma to Arkham? This can only be some sick joke only the Joker could play on a child for simply surviving. So my guess is that's what's gong on. He's manipulating things for his own perverted amusement. I'm also looking forward to seeing where this goes.

This is a rarity. 3 stories ALL good. I'm lucky if one even rates a thumbs up these days. The main story started out with a nice tribute to No Man's Land's climax (Though they accidentally drew the Bat symbol without the yellow circle: those were the last days before he removed it again). Psycho Pirate returns, eh? While not a very impressive villain, I do expect him to play a big role in the rest of this story. The House of Wayne saga just gets more and more thrilling. Scarecrow bringing a horde of maddened kids to ransack Wayne manor and the original Robin comes to the rescue. Pretty clever plot. The preview for the new World's finest shows we may have some good Superman and Batman adventures ahead. At this rate DC's present will be shunned by the readers in favor of tales from the better times.

Another satisfactory chapter to this saga. It would be more interesting if Batman were there, but since DC follows the way of Anime and Manga now, it's likely he'll return in time to handle the mess the others got into. The House of Wayne story is still taking this unfortunate youth on a path of nothing but trouble. Now Penguin is recruiting him. Wonder what will happen next?

...And this is where we came in. Dr. Wear reduced to street pizza, chaos in Arkham tower, and raving lunatics everywhere. Pretty much what everyone expected from Day one. Another brilliant move by Mayor Nakano. Makes one miss the days of Hamilton Hill. He was a dick, but he'd never have done anything this dumb. As always the backup story was the bigger thing. Last week it was the start of Knightfall, now it's the start of Knioghtquest our starring character is caught up in. Azrael was an even bigger jerk in this part of our story than he was in the original saga. Naturally he felt he did the right thing More a villain than a hero. This poor kid just can't catch a break. I have a feeling his story will end with him confronting Joker during the Joker war, but what will happen, I can't predict. But I'm sure it will be interesting to see.

Well, like your average anime, things have become too much for the others, so cue Batman to come in and save their asses. I get kind of tired of this always happening, but still, it was a pretty good issue. It's a bit soon for the Scarecrow, since we had to deal with him all last year. Arkham has a ton of other looneys we haven't seen in a while, but no. It's the same bad guy we've seen enough of for a while. Couldn't they have at least ditched the stupid gas mask? As for our backup story, we now enter the No Man's land point in the saga of the least lucky boy who ever lived. This story continues to be the more interesting of the two. Though it's rare these days for both to be entertaining. That makes Detective the only $5 book worth paying that price for.

As the climax draws closer things seem to be getting to be more than the heroes can handle, so naturally at the last minute Batman shows up to handle the rest. Just like an anime. As usual "House of Gotham" was the better of 2 tales. Our unfortunate star character is finally reunited with Batman in No Man's Land. It looks like he could go either way. Will he continue looking out for the forgotten souls of Gotham or will he be driven to become another enemy Batman failed to save from the void of insanity so many he knows have fallen into? I certainly hope this will get its own collection as well. It's certainly earned a place on the shelves as an instant classic.

Well, Batman is once more earning his place on the title. I think we've had enough of the Scarecrow for a while though. And next time how about he look more like he does in the House of Gotham backup stories huh? I hate the look he's had over the past year. Otherwise it was a pretty decent issue. the tower saga was in all pretty decent. I've read a lot better, but also a lot worse. But it's the "House of Gotham" saga I really was looking forward to more of. It looks like things are about to wrap up in a final confrontation between Batman and the unnamed star of this epic. It looks like a promising conclusion ahead.

It's kind of nice to have a regular down to Earth Batman story again that doesn't have the characters going on and on about the impact the last big event had on them and that isn't 8 or even more parts long. Tamaki's run is nearing its end, and it wasn't so bad. It was better most of the time than the regular Batman series. It's nice to see for her last story she's not going for some big thing in the end like most writers do when their time as writer of a title is up. Reis is a good artist, and it's nice to see him on a Batman book, but his Riddler is absolutely hideous. What is the deal with that atrocious facial hair? As if the sideburns they damned him with in the New 52 onward wasn't bad enough. That and Talia's completely pointless cameo were my only complaint. Otherwise it was a pretty good issue. I passed on the backup story, as I usually do. I can't stand Gotham Girl. What is it with new Batman allies nowadays? It seems ever since Damian they're always terrible? Ghost Maker, Gotham Girl, Clown Hunter. Blah. The only thing worse than Batman teaming up with them is them having their own story.

Duke (2023) #3 Jun 20, 2024

This issue delivered the promise that things were only going to get even more exciting. I don't know what part most enjoy most, but I liked when Captain Cold met up with his friends in the middle of nowhere telling them they need a real leader, referring to himself. This made the Rogues a prominent presence for a long time in The Flash in some pretty interesting side stories for the rest of Geoff Johns' time as its writer.

The issue's start alone is enough to prove it was worth its cost (Which would be a bargain today). Captain Cold certainly gets his point through. He doesn't need his comrades messing themselves up, so he refuses to let them do any drugs. It also shows him as quite the badass Johns made him out to be.

DeMatteis delivers once more with a very satisfying second chapter to what may have been. Jason was already a handful and troubled enough before this. At the time comics were still simpler, so I doubt Jason would've been this shaken up. In fact if he survived they'd have probably still gotten the message and made him actually learn and improve from it. But this shows more of what one would expect in the darker tales of today, but it's still being done in an exciting way, which DeMatteis has usually done with Batman stories. It's really too bad talent like his is reduced to the occasional mini-series while no-talent hacks like Tom Taylor are given the regular books to ruin with their demented ideology. I've had enough of the regular continuity and only restrict myself to things written outside of it by writers I know to be competent. Aside from this The Last Halloween is all I get by DC anymore (Those and Facsimiles). That way I can at least buy new books by DC worthy of the classic DC logo they'll soon be returning to.

A good enough start to this arc, though not as exciting as the regular series was. For one thing you'd think Coldstone would know Demona can't be trusted. He may be leading her on and trying to see what she's up to though. His involvement will be an interesting part of the story. I'm hoping in the climax we can get a confrontation between Angela and Demona again as we haven't yet so far. She may be the only one who can stop her mother from going through with her mad plan. Should be an interesting story. I just hope it's not the last as I haven't heard of anything new beyond this series.

Pretty good. I still don't know what to think of Coldstone but this story gave us a nice reunion of old friends and the return of some old foes too. Thailog made his move while Sevarius was pretty silent. Never a good thing when it comes to him. I wonder what these artifacts Demona seeks will do when united. Should be interesting. And while this seems to lack a little of thee flair the previous book had it still promises not to disappoint. Altogether it's been worth it so far.

I think I've been enjoying this series' take on "Necessary Evil" than MMPR's. It offers insight as to why Jason, Zack and Trini vanished except for battle sequences at that point in the series (When in actuality their actors left). The Hodgepodge hedgehog is a name so cheesy it's worthy of the original show, but the monster is worthy of comics as a badass. The attack on Promethea is also exciting. It could prove to be one of the Ranger's biggest battles yet. It's too bad Zedd isn't the kind to lead his troops into battle in person. That would be an exciting twist. I hear this series is due to end in a couple of issues, around when the original team is cut in half. Appropriate in ways, because I've always felt that was the point the original show began its long decline.

This title's take on "Necessary Evil" was better than MMPR's was. This comic gives more heart and soul to the Rangers. On the show it was the usual cheesy stuff Power Rangers is so legendary for. "Yeah. You're leaving. We envy you. Bye now, We're over them already. Yipee. Our new team is born. I'm so excited I think I just wet myself." Not here though. The Rangers who are staying don't want to break up the team. And once it is, they aren't as thrilled to move on either. That's why these comics are better than the original show. Of course, it's aimed at an older audience than 4-10-year-olds too. The series' cancellation is saddening, but not unexpected. They'll be launching 2 new titles this Fall. Hopefully they'll be as good.

Not bad. As a kid the Megazord battling the monster of the day always reminded me of Godzilla against whoever it was him vs., so it's interesting seeing them battling each other, and eventually side-by-side against each other's monster foes. And we all know before this will be over they'll definitely have to tackle King Ghidorah. Can't wait till he joins in.

Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5 Oct 30, 2022

This has been the best issue so far. An adventure tale full of laughs as Darkwing was legendary for. The rest of the team is shrunken while D.W. is left pretty much clueless about their plight. I found Stegmut's love of clowns amusing too (Clowns need all the love they can get these days). The Police clowns from space reminded me of the cows from the classic "Twin Beaks" episode. So I liked this issue. It contains the humor and adventure I remember. Sadly it looks like Darkwing may be going on hiatus for a while after this series wraps up as I've seen nothing new in the previews beyond the next issue (Though collections are on the way). I sure hope it's temporary and that he'll be back soon. Fun comics like this are much needed in a time when most comics on the shelf are anything but.

This was a pretty fun issue. It provided adventure along with laughs and a happy ending. I think it's been the best issue of this series yet. It's saddening to know after one more issue of this and the rest of Negaduck that there seems to be no more new Darkwing books in the works. That's a shame, especially when good superhero comics are becoming so rare.

Since I'm reviewing the print version this covers Issues 3 and 4. This story was off to a good start but this chapter was less satisfying. they sure seem to like making characters throw up here as there's been 3 graphic incidents in 2 issues alone. For the good ol' days of code approval when stuff like that wasn't allowed. They couldn't go without that question again. "Why not kill the Joker?' I can't even begin to tell you how tiresome that is. As for Quiz, move over Punchline, make way for the latest Harley knock-off. She's not even the first henchwoman Riddler's had with that name. This story is still better than your regular modern storyline. Fortunately it concludes next issue. I miss the days of 2 and 3 part stories. Now it seems everything is 0ne 8 patter continuing in another 8 parter and so on. Anyhoo, I'm hoping the final chapter of this will be more like the first.

Pretty good for a simple Penguin story. It's an interesting mystery and features an interesting character. A shame this series is limited. It's by far the best Batman book available these days.

This issue shows Billy knows a bit more about the new green Ranger than the others and that he believes whoever it is is an ally. The real question is if he knows who's under that helmet. It won't be long until Zordon learns Billy's role in the taking of the green coin and how he'll react should be interesting, as 3 of the original 5 he chose have already betrayed his trust. This is stuff you'd never have seen on the show, that's for sure. And it looks like Zedd's new putties are about to strike in an even more deadly manner next issue. One thing I'm hoping to be seeing soon is the new green Ranger bringing the Dragonzord back into action.

As I stated in my review of the last issue, the new Green Ranger's identity was no surprise. This guy's been destined for this since his creation. But this issue gives us the story behind him and his short career so far. Sometimes I don't like Grace much. She's quite resentful and seems to think she knows everything that's best for everyone. Though, like Matt, she is an interesting expansion for the Rangers' growing world in comics. I wonder how long till Billy's role in this comes to light and what will happen then. That's the appeal of this series. Everyone was a 100% team player on the old show. Here there's more realism to the characters. I contibute that to its success.

Now this is just sad. Is Grace so bitter toward Zordon and gullible that she's willing to turn him over to Zedd? Does she actually think he'd keep his word? The instant the guy gets what he wants he'll launch an all-out attack, starting with her little utopia. Maybe this story should end with her death. I never really liked her anyhow. If Matt continues as a Green Ranger he's going to have a hard time winning the others' trust after this one. The Emperyal threat seems to be coming to the pages of this series as well. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not sensing an upcoming crossover. Should be good.

Things aren't looking good. While Zedd may have been driven back again he now has Candice. Grace and Matt are still difficult to trust, especially after this. Billy has to deal with his secret actions over the months now being revealed. And to top it all off there's a race of seemingly unstoppable beings intent on cleansing the Universe drawing closer. Bad time to be a Ranger, but a good time to be a reader. Things just seem to be getting more interesting as these stories develop.

As the Eltarian war approaches I suppose we need to know a little more about its big players, The Eltarians themselves. Though the Rangers themselves weren't present this was still a pretty exciting issue. There's no limit to how this comic moves beyond the original show's campy plotlines and adds more character and intrigue. I think that's why these books have lasted as they have. I look forward to more from the historical and modern perspective. The Eltarian war should be pretty exciting.

The Eltarians' true colors are coming to light and it's not pretty. The real question is how many in their hierarchy are in on the Supreme guardian's plans and are there any Zordon can still trust? The origin of Zedd does contradict MMPR Annual 2016's story featuring him though. According to it he'd been warring with Eltar for some time before touching the Zeo crystal. Silverback and Goldar were surprised to see what had become of him. How do they explain that? Otherwise it's a good issue and this prelude to the war is pretty exciting.

Interesting issue, but a bit average. It's more aimed at the longtime fans. But I only recognized a few of those villains and pink Rangers. Hard to believe #100 is so close.

I can't say this story is as good as the original, but it's well enough. It is developing interestingly. I don't really follow the IDW Turtle Universe so I don't know as much about it as most readers probably do. Still, it's pretty fun and worth checking out if you're a fan of either or both of these series.

Not a bad conclusion. Could've been better, but could've also been worse. What I like about these comics are that they're so much more well-written than the show ever was. That's why I have hope they'll still be good, despite the fact we're approaching the point where the series went downhill. Like I said, at least these comics tell more exciting stories than stuff like half of the Rangers getting trapped in a storybook (One of the Dumbest episodes in the entire MMPR series). I hope we see Dayne try to get revenge for his defeat one day. He shows promise as an enemy, and I doubt we've seen all he's capable of. As for that "Big spoiler alert" ending, was ANYONE out there really surprised who "(Spoiler)" was? That's as surprising as Dr. Doom returning to battle the Fantastic Four. As long as the comics stay 500 times better than the show was at this point, I plan to keep reading it.

It amazes me how much better this comic is than the show was, especially at this point. It seems we're about to enter a new chapter in their history we never saw coming. The end really left me curious. Is Rita Repulsa back in a different (Not to mention Better) manner than on the show? Is that really her or some copy Finster made? I wouldn't complain if we went on in a totally unique direction from here on, avoiding a Rita/Zedd marriage, Kat the cat, Rito Revolto, Officers Bulk and Skull, Alien Rangers, Tengas and above all, that stupid Ninja crap. Boy, did that show go downhill so fast... As for Drakkon's return, he certainly has suffered a fall from grace. But I'm sure he's still a threat to whatever reality he's in. It's doubtful they can contain him for long. It looks like a lot more excitement ahead.

I hate when a book shifts from one place during a cliffhanger to another in the next issue, making you have to wait another month. And that's what this title has been doing the last few issues. But they are pretty thrilling adventures on both sides. The Omega Rangers have been forced to retreat from a foe so deadly it can destroy entire worlds. Can you imagine anything so exciting happen on a show so cheesy as what this is based off of? That's what the old show needed. A break from the same old foes and introducing powerful new ones. I wish this issue covered a little of the Dark Ranger battle. It's a shame this series is coming to an end. It would've proven itself worthy of being a title that made up to 100 issues in a few years. One issue to go and it's proven to be better than anything the show ever put out.

So far Darkest Hour has been pretty exciting. It's not as thrilling as Shattered Grid or the Eltarian war, but it promises to develop into something even bigger ahead. I have to say I'm impressed with how the comic is portraying the character of Dark Specter as more of an actual evil force to be reckoned with, especially when compared to the bulky very unrealistic creature he was on the old show that never really got to shine as the mastermind he is here. The Rangers are going to have to actually fight him here. It should make an interesting battle. Another interesting question is who Rita will side with. Sooner or later she'll realize what a mistake freeing him was and have to help stop him. I also can't shake the feeling this may be it for Matt. If he sacrifices himself to stop Dark Specter I wouldn't be too surprised. I also wonder what will become of Zordon's body he now possesses. This arc certainly has you asking a lot of questions and gives you expectations for big things to come, that's for sure. It should just get more interesting as it develops.

So it looks like another era has reached its end. It's hard to believe. I remember stumbling on a copy of the first issue at my now closed comic shop and flipping through it. I've been with this series from the start and it's rare for me to stick with a comic that long without at least a few years break, so it means they must've been doing something right. Though this arc has one chapter to go this is the final issue after 8 years of excitement. Things really aren't going well for the Ranger franchise now and the comic was one of the best things they had going. And though there is new stuff ahead after all I doubt it will do as well or as many readers will stick around for it. But I'm glad I stuck with this series through its run. It was a great installment of the Ranger legend I won't forget.

I liked this better than the 25th anniversary one. Most of the stories were pretty interesting. The Ranger Academy one was dull though, and it leaves me with even less faith than I already had that the series will be any good. I'll probably check out the first few issues and pass on it unless it gets caught up in some crossover with the regular series.

Kudos to The original pink ranger on the first chapter to an intriguing adventure. What seems so interesting here is how the original Rangers never left their roles (Come on, Who can honestly say they never once wished that they hadn't?). It leads to a unique but not so happy fate for the team. I'm looking forward to seeing this develop and learn how things turned out resulting in their world today. I heard some negative talk about this which left me skeptical at first, but I'm glad I didn't listen and got it. It proves to be an exciting ride ahead.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Return (2024) #3 Jun 14, 2024

Pretty interesting twist issue. At first I heard complaints this series would be woke but I haven't seen a sign of that in all 4 issues. Johnson has so far given a pretty good story. It may not be in league with Shattered grid or the Eltarian war but it's still been a good read. Selena seems to be a redeemable character more than a true villain. I expect her to somehow see how wrong she is and won't need to be destroyed in the end. I also wonder who the white Ranger at the end is. It should be an interesting conclusion next issue.

Kind of unfair when a small band of refugees are held accountable for the actions of those from their race in power, when they had nothing to do with what they did. That's the plot of this issue. The Hartunian refugees are going to have a tough time dealing with other refugees who do just that. Drakkon also posed an interesting question. What will happen with him once the Emperyals are dealt with? Jason says he'll be taken back to Zordon, but I doubt he'll let that happen. First chance he gets he'll likely flee during the battle to menace the Rangers another day. Should be interesting.

This was another reference to the Space series, which IDW's writers are big fans of, but I am not. So most of this was an average issue. The most impacting part was the end. You never got stuff like that on the old show, that's for sure. It definitely promises an emotional next issue.

Power Rangers (2020) #21 Aug 17, 2022

Poor Tim has to deal with something no crime fighter wants to deal with-A fight while on a date. He's forced to let two loudmouth hoodlums, whom he could clobber in no time beat him up in front of his girl. Their problems aren't over either. His girlfriend's family business is threatened by a protection racket ran by former KGB operatives, including the KGBeast himself. At least we get to see Tim have a run-in with those 2 punks again, and with no witnesses he gets his revenge in a very entertaining, yet short rematch. This is why I loved Chuck Dixon's work. He really gave insight into this Robin's life, putting him on equal grounds as the original as a great partner to Batman, and proved his worth solo as well.

I have to give Williamson credit on portraying the more human sides of Slade, Batman and Damian. this issue's reunion between the brothers who never knew one another was interesting. Damian actually seemed enthusiastic about learning of a half brother, even if he is an enemy. Batman is meanwhile trying to mend things with his son, something he's never been good at. Remember his and Dick's post-Crisis fallout? It took years to get closure there. I'm not much of a fan of Damian's adventures, but this rare purchase of this issue from a series I usually pass on was worth it.

Another excellent issue in one of the most promising series of this fragile era. It's looking more like as older comics are out (and that's by their own doing, not because we actually wanted to leave them), newer stuff like Ghost machine and Skybound seem to be on the rise. Johns and Fabok do so well on this series. The writing and art are both so great it keeps both in an even balance we seldom see in comics anymore. I truly hope they stick with this for a long time to come. This issue introduced us to a lot more of the Wardens of Exodus. If this series continues to prosper into the longtime classic we all seem to hope it will I'd say this will make quite a future key issue. I'm looking forward to seeing what other kinds of wardens there are as welll as the impending showdown against Ursaw, who is one of the best new villains I've seen in a very long time. This issue was a little slow but I was still greatly satisfied. When it came to Johns' work it was a tossup in his DC days (I loved his Flash and Green Lantern, but never liked his Superman much), but I never doubted that he cared about giving fans a good story. And he never seemed to really let success go to his head so bad he'd forget that. His Ghost Machine work alone has proven that. It seems today writers seem to care most about making a name for themselves and making every issue they write a key issue. 3 issues in and we already have something worthy of the praise it gets and definitely one of the best new comics out there. And still only $3.99. Not only do you pay less than those money vacuums at Marvel and DC charge for the 8th rate trash they put out you actually get your money's worth with it. Looking forward to #4 with great anticipation.

After Zeo ended I seldom found a Ranger series I could stand more than 2 episodes of, but Time Force was one of the few exceptions. I saw the guest shots they did in Wild force, but they didn't explain much of what I wondered. This Graphic novel though gives us some answers we've been looking for for a long time now. The main question was, what would happen with Jen and Wes's relationship after the Time Force's mission was completed. Now we see and hopefully we may also see a future follow-up. This was a good update story to one of the best Ranger series ever.

I haven't really been anticipating this story with much excitement, but it is off to a pretty good start. Williamson is still proving to be a better writer than the series has had in a good long while. Too bad it's going to be so brief. I do question a couple of things here though. First, since When did Ra's ever speak in public? He was always one to keep to the shadows. It's what made him so dangerous. Even Batman couldn't keep track of everything he was up to. And second, Why waste time on another death for him? We know he'll be back. But till then it's going to be Talia going on and on with her vain, "I am the great blah blah blah." And to think I used to like her. As for Ra's I don't think for sure he's dead now. He probably faked it for some reason. He's sneaky that way. By the way Bruce, great remark. Care to hurt your own son any more? Maybe a kick to the groin? Hm? I may despise Damian, but the kid is actually still only human. He's never been able to forgive himself for what happened to Alfred. And his dad just says "I could have saved him." Brilliant parenting Bruce. Why didn't you also say "It was all your fault"? Don't be surprised when you don't even receive a nomination for "Father of the Year" this year. It looks like a promising crossover ahead.

Not bad. It would probably be better if Kindred played a smaller role. They should have let Amazing focus on him and let this mini focus more on Spidey and an army of supervillains out to kill him and claim the "Prize." Sinister War has been better than the last several stories of late, but we all know it's mostly just a prelude to the big showdown in #73-74. Spencer better not let us down on this one. I've read some spoilers but it's hard to say.

The best part about this issue is that the metal virus saga is finally over. The end however, is reminiscent of Vol.1 #125, where Sonic appeared to have perished saving everyone. But let's not have a year-long "Journey home" saga. One year-long saga is enough. Let's bring the blue blur back quickly and resume the war with the Eggman empire like normal.

This story is pretty interesting. The use of Virtual reality by Eggman to control his machines really takes me back. In the '90s bad guys controlled robots that way a lot. Tangle and Belle make a good team. One of the things great about this series is like the Archie one it expands with a growing cast. It's only too bad they can't allow the old and new to interact. But otherwise it's just great. It proves why Sonic is the best All-ages comic available today.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #46 Apr 28, 2022
Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #54 Jan 16, 2023
Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #60 Aug 9, 2023

An okay conclusion. This was a rather average story, but worth reading. It looks like the good Doctor will be too busy dealing with his own problems to cause any for a while. So the heroes better enjoy some R&R while they can, because we know he will be back and on a warpath when he does. The part when Tails is whipping Eggman in the face with his tails is particularly funny. (Eggman: "Stop That!" Tails: "NO!") Once in a while a Sonic book has something that makes me laugh out loud like that. Few comics are actually funny too anymore sadly. Luckily humor has always been something Sonic books keeps in its stories.

This book offers some interesting insight on how numerous characters, old, plus a couple of new ones, deal with the crisis engulfing their world. It's a good collection of short stories that are all part of one great big story.

Sonic's absence makes it a little odd, but it's still pretty good. Dr. Starline should listen to Zavok. He's got potential to develop mad plots to rival even Dr. Eggman's. This story kind of takes me back to the days of Sonic Universe, which I bet is one of Ian Flynn's intentions with this mini-series. I'm looking forward to see what happens as it develops and what Dr. Eggman will think when he sees how Dr. Starline intends to get back in his bad graces.

It's no surprise this alliance wouldn't work out too well. But the end guarantees some interesting stuff for the future. Now Dr. Starline's going into business for himself and plans to prove he's Dr. Eggman's better. Ian Flynn knows how to make interesting turns in the development of characters, good and bad. I'm also eager to see what Mimic has planned in his revenge against Tangle and Whisper. One thing's for sure, Sonic has a lot of interesting things ahead in his comic adventures.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome #1 Apr 28, 2022
Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome #2 Apr 28, 2022
Sonic The Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island (2022) #3 Jan 16, 2023

It's off to a good start. It's a better approach to the Symbiote costume era than the last couple of Symbiote mini-series have been. It shows what would have happened if he chose to keep the new costume. It was sad to see him make peace with May, but only to be followed by tragedy. This is obviously the latest attempt to revive the Marvel "What if..." franchise, but as i said, it is off to a good start. I.m eager to see what happens with Spider-Man as the Lethal Protector.

Zdarsky's work got me back into Spider-Man. It reminds me of the time travel story he wrote. It's got Spidey in a familiar time but events not as we recall. Like then he has J. Jonah Jameson of all people in his corner. It's a real good story that I'm sure will be a "What if" fan favorite for a long time to come. The Symbiote era has been a familiar point the last few years with the Symbiote Spider-Man series. But they were getting a bit stale. This was a refreshing new take on that point. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.

This is the first new Star Trek comic I've read in a while. It's pretty good too. It strikes me as the start of a pretty thrilling story full of action. I don't yet know the full story behind the series this crossover is made of, but if I like it enough I may stick with them and pick up their older issues too.

This was a fun return to the classic DC days when the series was still new and we weren't yet familiar with the story of Captain Picard's disapproving father or rough relationship with his brother. This was a great example of the time traveler's biggest quagmire. Could saving an innocent change the course of history so much you realize it was a mistake? All-in-all John DeLancie did well making an adventure featuring his beloved mischief maker character. I do miss the days of DC's comic, and since this is one I missed it was a great return to old nostalgia. I don't get many Star Trek comics anymore, but this was a good one. I'm glad I picked it up. If you enjoyed DC's classic run on the series you should check this one out.

One of the things I've missed from the Dark Horse days were the stories that explored Star Wars beyond the movies. Since Marvel acquired the license they've limited themselves to those eras. This one seems to happen several centuries before. Star Wars has a rich history, and though Disney seems to have wiped most of it all away, it is nice to finally see something original again. I preferred Dark Horse's version over Marvel's vastly and that still hasn't changed, but this new era is a bit reminiscent of the Dark Horse days. This is the first Star Wars comic I've bought in a year and a half now. It's one of the best I've read in even longer. I hope to see Marvel explore more points in the series than just the movie times. After all, Star Wars' history spans over 30 millennia. With promising new characters and an original story the writers can make up on their own, this proves a promising new series for Star Wars that I look forward to reading as it develops.

This one definitely has more action, that's for sure. And Metallo makes a more entertaining foe than Nuclear Man did. Like last issue, this one has a tough act to follow when compared to the original '78 mini, but it's a pretty promising sequel (and Batman '89 was so awful I'm done with it. I won't even touch its sequel). This series captures that later cold war element pretty well. You can actually believe this could be a part of the original movie universe canon.

This continues to be the best (And unfortunately only worthwhile) Superman book available today. It has a feeling reminiscent of the Bronze Age when the Superman movies were made. It's good to see that in a Superman comic again. Venditti has proven with this series there still are some competant writers out there who can write Superman stories as we like them. Now if only DC would realize that...

An okay finale. It was a bit weak, but altogether this mini-series was worth it. It's nice to have something Superman worth reading out there. With Luthor still at large it leaves things open for a sequel, which I'm very open to the idea of. Especially if Venditti stays with it. This issue was a little less thrilling than most, but it made a good enough conclusion for one of the best Superman stories in a few years.

This is the issue where the Super Cyborg's true colors are revealed. I remember not being real surprised. Maybe it was his resemblance to the Terminator, but I just wasn't surprised at the time that of all the Superman that he turned out to be evil. This one also shows that it's unlikely his victim is the real thing either. The story takes its crucial turn in this issue. And Mongul kissing the bad guy's hand? How did this guy bring one of Superman's toughest foes to his knees? And did any of Green Lantern's loved ones survive the attack on Coast City? Those are questions this issue raises that ensure you'll want to read what happens next.

Massacre was one of Superman's most promising new foes after his return. He encountered Superman in space a few months back, and now arrives on Earth for a rematch. An interesting thing to note is his search landed him in Metropolis Illinois, home of the Superman museum and annual Superman celebration. I also enjoyed the 2 covers for this story. First you have Massacre attacking Superman, then the next week Superman returns the blow straight to Massacre's face.

Once more, a pretty entertaining issue. It looks to me like the subject Williamson is making his run focus on is Luthor's past crimes coming back to haunt him. It's an interesting turn having Lena return, but I think we could do without her grandmother. I also have a feeling we'll be seeing more of the Chained in time as well. I'm not sure what to think of the revelation that the Chained is where Superboy's telekenetic abilities came from. I figured by now no one even cared who else he was made of. But now I think the real question is who he wasn't made of. The Chained arc was pretty good, especially for a modern comic story. It looks like we may have to wait for a bit to see more of what Brainiac is up to. But this is still the best book DC has going, if not the only decent one anymore. If there's one single DC title worth recommending today it's definitely this one.

A pretty fun issue. I must confess I'm glad it only took a single issue for Superman and Marilyn to get home, as most modern writers would make them trapped for a year or longer. It was cool seeing the classic Terra Man again. And the issue left off with a prelude to more excitement ahead. Pharm and Graft...Or Graft and Pharm, whichever is which now, I have no idea (and as of last issue I'm not sure Williamson does either) seeking to recruit Superman for their Luthor revenge squad. Should be interesting. I really hope Superman doesn't take till Williamson's final issue to beat these guys. I';d like to see them get beaten, most likely with Lex's help so he'd get paroled early (which may have been his big plan all along, a plan even Pharm and Graft were unwitting pawns in) and for him to return to his chair and desk in the Lexcorp CEO's office and resume his place as the primary menace in Superman's life. From what I've seen so far that would make for some good stuff too that I'd really like to see Williamson tackle. Whatever happens, I just hope it stays this good.

A pretty exciting issue. If action like this were the main focus of more books and less about the starring character's sex life new comics sales today may not be so weak. Speaking of which, has anyone noticed or even cared that Jon has been totally missing from this story? ....Yeah. Me neither. That's how obsolete he's become.And if those twins don't survive this I really don't think anyone would care either. Just easy disposal of 2 completely pointless unnecessary characters. If I were Williamson I'd take full advantage of it. Anyhoo, The betrayal of Lobo should surprise NO ONE. The guy's always been a selfish jerk and always will be. He'd take advantage of any situation to get into a fight with Superman, no matter what's at stake. As for the Brainiac queen, I find her to be very unimpressive. A combination of Bay's Transformers and Aliens. THAT is Brainiac's masterpiece? Living proof he really has lost it. And another non-surprise is the betrayal and massacring of the Czarnians. A race that favors brawn over brain so heavily is easily manipulated and disposed of once they've served their usefulness. The queen's online and we have 2 chapters left. Odds are she'll turn on her maker, as most creations like that do, then we'll have a big anime style showdown in the conclusion (I've been reading comics a long time; I know how these stories usually turn out). I'm not looking forward to Absolute Power since I'm not getting it, forcing me to pass on the issues of this book that will tie in to it. But hopefully when it's over some sense of normality will return to DC (as if) and I can resume reading Superman. DC claims it has "big plans" for this Fall and history shows that's usually bad news. I CAN wait.

A pretty satisfactory conclusion to a pretty satisfactory story. Like the rest of Williamson's run this has been worth the ride. He did well for his first major arc. I wish the final page left me with enthusiasm, but hasn't Doomsday been done to death by now? Like Bane he's looking more and more like an enemy who just got lucky once. I'm sure Williamson can do a decent story since he just gave the best Brainiac one in over 2 decades, but Doomsday is really now just a monotonously overused enemy who should really have never returned after a single rematch. The more often he returns the more unimpressive he gets and it's harder to believe he once succeeded at killing Superman. I'm not bothering with Absolute power, as I washed my hands of "Big event" crossovers years ago (Something I really think DC's editors should consider themselves), so it looks like I'll be passing on the next few issues. But it looks like Williamson already has more planned for this book that will take it into 2025, so I look forward to returning after the waste of time and money called Absolute Power is finally behind us.

What appeals most to me is how this book reminds me of the Superman stories I grew up reading. Back when he could save the day in a single issue and how it runs apart from the regular continuity. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy those too, but here his identity is not public knowledge, Lex Luthor is an evil billionaire industrialist, which I've always preferred over a mad scientist or super-powered villain. And best of all, Lois doesn't call Clark "Smallville." I HATE THAT. Have since the '90s cartoon. But complaining aside, I'm sure other fans of the post-Crisis Superman will also find it reminiscent of those times. And if you want it in print you can find it in the Superman giant issues. I hope to see this creative team at the helm of this series for a long time to come. I's well worth 99 cents.

Another adventure for the man of tomorrow that takes me back to the stories of Yesterday. The Gambler is your average crafty old school Superman villain. Robert Venditti and Paul Pelletier are one of the best teams to work on a Superman book in many a year. Can't they find a way to put this in print faster than in the bi-monthly Superman Giants? Still, a 99 cent digital copy can help me hold on. I just feel these are the kind of Superman tales that deserve printing so I can keep them with the great stories of yesteryear they so remind me of. I only have one complaint: What about Luthor and the revenge he vowed at the end of last issue? Don't leave us in suspense too long guys.

This issue was surprisingly satisfactory compared to the rest of this series. The first story makes me wonder, just how old is Krypto now? God, I hate when they put Jor-El in a Superman costume, cape and all. Otherwise it was a nice story. The second was an example of how as Clark he still keeps a cool head in times of trouble. Even if he was stuck as Bruce Wayne, Batman would've found a way to beat the guy up and send him off to jail. But Superman reminded us that's not his style. The third story was a little less interesting, but decent enough. Who'd have thought Jimmy's favorite Superman photo would have been taken by accident? The fourth is one we've all heard before, but it proves that no matter what continuity, the last moments on Krypton are usually relatively the same. Pa Kent's story may not have had the best artwork, but he was drawn more as I remember him. A very welcome sight compared to how he's been done the last 15 or so years based on movies and Smallville. It also has a touching end. I think what makes this issue stand out is the depth it gives and spotlights familiar characters. Most of what you see here has been from the P.O.V. of someone we never heard of recalling their meeting with Superman. that's a bit monotonous and just not as interesting as something featuring those we already know.

Poor Bizarro. It seems everything he does ends in disaster. And there's this other Superman trying to capture him. This issue explores what a well-meaning character he really is. He shares the regular Superman's feelings for Lois, who sees this and reluctantly helps trap him. Enter the real bad guy, Luthor, who has legal claim to Bizarro, whom his company created, and whom he plans to use to cure the ailment consuming his cloned body, regardless of what becomes of poor Bizarro. This story features my favorite version of Bizarro. It's a less-corny version with a more plausible backstory. I wish he stuck around. This version was more good than others. You just can't help but feel sympathy for him in this issue.

The cover reminds me of a Duck Tales episode. The plot is more comical than usual, but still works. Mr. Mxyzptlk makes a pest of himself, even when he's trying to help. Usually he'd wreck things to get a rise out of Superman, but here he portrays thousands of shocked fanboys at the time, unable to accept Lois and Clark have broken up. He tries everything to pull them back together while granting every person in town a wish (Lucky Luthor was out of town at this point). In a time where fans were in shock by the breakup and a lot of suspense lately this issue provided some much-needed laughs. Superman cleverly got rid of Mxyzptlk in an amusing way as well. When you check out the first page alone, you can tell you're in for a crazier-than-usual Superman story.

When you grow up in the midwest Tornadoes are a scary, but regular thing. I never saw an actual one and hope never to, but remember a lot of scary near misses. This issue concludes a story where Superman battles Tornadoes all over Kansas. Unlike supervillains he's up against something Natural here. I can imagine his determination because he grew up fearing these storms like I did, but now he can do something to stop them. There's also a scene where he saves a pair of kids caught in one and talks to them about keeping safe afterward, reminiscent of the Superman of old who you'd see helping kids out. The original Flash also makes a guest appearance helping out. This issue is full of action and was something I enjoyed reading while waiting out a Tornado warning at times.

This issue gives a more accurate view of Nazi cruelty than was allowed in the golden age, but then comics were generally aimed at and read by kids then. As you read this issue you find yourself wishing there really was a Superman then, and cheer as he overpowers the Nazis and everything they can throw at him. The golden age Story in this title was my favorite in this crossover, which spanned a different era in each Superman title.

It's a great way to return to a more patriotic time with a hero made for such times. This first issue is a great introduction to this story. I'm already hoping for more Rocketeer adventures as well.

So far this has been the weakest issue but was still pretty good. I'm not big on the whole challenge thing but at least like in the original series the Thundercats don't hold bitter grudges like you often see in other superhero teams like the X-Men. You can't really blame Lion-O for trusting Calica more than he normally would as he's attracted to her. This is a whole new thing for him. We never saw an interesting plot like that in the old show because being aimed at kids 12 and under they knew romance wasn't something they'd care for. That's why it was such a minor thing in older cartoons. And whatever she really is, Mumm-Ra made her as she is because he knew she'd be able to fool him easily. So far so good here. I never was a fan of the 2011 series because it seemed so unlike what I knew. If you want to make a reboot that original fans will like this is how to do it.

Not much of a conclusion as nothing was resolved. But it does leave one wanting more and keeping us curious about Calica as well. Is she a creation of Mumm-Ra or is there more to her? Will she redeem herself or stay as she is? One disappointing part was Mumm-Ra didn't even bother to transform. In the original series Lion-O's first battle with him was in his powerful form. It does offer more of a challenge for him. Oh well, I guess it will make it all the more surprising when he finally does do it. Otherwise it was pretty good. It seems this series is losing a little steam on the hot lists, but it's still worth getting. You truly can't find many comics of this quality anymore. Image and Dynamite have both come a long way and are both proving to be worthy successors to the slowly dying Marvel and DC.

This issue left a little bit to be desired, but all-in-all it was still a pretty decent read. In this series when you really think of it, the writers can do most anything with certain familiar characters like Baxter or the frogs or others as well since these stories take place after their final original series appearances. In time this series could take some interesting turns, but on the other hand it may be best if it stays true to the old show's back to normal at the end dynamic, which hardly any kind of comic or show does anymore. Still, this is the best Turtle book, Idw book and one of the best of all books out there today. It should also really appeal to classic Turtle fans.

TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures (2023) #9 Apr 24, 2024
TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures (2023) #10 Apr 24, 2024
TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures (2023) #11 Apr 24, 2024

They're off to a decent start with this new arc. This issue makes me curious as to what the Sinister six will be like here. How similar yet different will they be? Otto Octavius not only wound up more successful in this reality but he also took better care of himself too. I'm also quite curious what fate awaits him here. Plus there's the mystery of what info Robbie has given Jonah and uncle Ben. Also is it just me or are they a bit too fond of making Spider-man eat in costume in their stories nowadays? It seems more often than not anymore I see him eating burgers, sandwiches or pizza in some part of an issue. I think he does that more in half a year's worth of books they put out now than he ever did that in the whole 20th century. I'm not following the new Ultimates so as little as they have to do with this story the better. They're expanding this new Universe too rapidly, which I felt is what weakened the original Ultimate Universe. Personally I think it would've been a better idea if each of these new Ultimate series took place each in their own Universe, that way it could develop as the writer feels it should. Aside from Facsimile books this is the only book I get from Marvel anymore. I've heard of the new Black cat to be introduced later, and while I'm no fan of the swapping they like to do in modern books I also feel it's nothing to drop the book over either. Especially since the upsides of this book still outweigh the downs by a pretty good margin. Ul6timate is definitely a fresh and superior take on Spider-Man. Still definitely worth getting if you're a fan.

A sad ending for an issue. A the time DC was apparently afraid marrying would change Superman too much. So they planned to tear him and Lois apart and replace her with Lori Lemaris. The readers said "Uh-uh" and by year's end they caved in and married them. Nearly 25 years later they're still married and the fans are glad. They must've made the right choice after all. Though it was a quarter century ago, these are still some of the best days in Superman's history. If you haven't read about how tough Lois and Clark's trip to the alter was you should check it out, starting here when Lois ends 5 years of engagement. I still remember wondering how long it would be till they'd reconcile. A real interesting point in Superman's long history.

The honeymoon was a real good story. This issue mainly focuses on a flashback though. When a lifetime loser tries to make a name for himself he lures Superman to the crime scene, and forces him to bring him Kryptonite he will use to kill him. With no choice, Superman complies, and it looks like the end. But when the bad guy's guard is down Superman easily busts him with no innocent life lost. This is a great example of how Superman values his own wits as much as his incredible power.

I'm not a fan of Geoff Johns' Superman work (I Do love his Flash and Green Lantern work though), however I do like this issue. After nearly 15 years the Toyman we knew is back, Even though he has a few more screws loose than before. I still don't know if that robot fill-in child killer excuse is true, he obviously has himself convinced, though I still think its a side effect of Zatanna's attempt to make him see what he'd become a while before. I especially found it funny that he had no idea how old Jimmy really was.

This is the 4th issue into Johnson's run, and so far it's the best (Though that's not saying much). The art is a major step up from last issue's poor crap. I guess this is the start of the "end" for Superman. That is until DC realizes no one will like what they have planned and bring him back. Superman comics are headed into very dangerous territory. And even when the damage DC is preparing to inflict is finally ended, it may take several years to undo it. I remember Spider-Man's clone saga well. Marvel's editors got too big for their britches and thought they knew best and what the readers wanted better than they did themselves, and just knew the readers would warm up to it and love what they were doing. Didn't happen. And that's just exactly what DC is doing today with Superman. History is repeating itself Whatever damage this awful idea of theirs does to him will be on their heads. Sometimes I ask, will DC get over this "Bold new direction" craze it has before it's too late, or will they finally do more damage to themselves with their greed and egos than can be undone? With the upcoming demise of the regular Superman title this Summer (Dead at 81), I'll be down to only this title in regards to Superman (And to think, when I started he had 4 different titles a month). I'll try to stay with it as long as I can bear it, but I fear by the start of 2022 I won't be reading anything Superman related anymore.

They really knew how to give Spider-Man covers detail back then. Stan was on to something there too. I always wish he'd explored the concept of Spidey seeing a psychiatrist. I can imagine how the Doctor would've served as an interesting supporting character for years to come, becoming one of Spidey's most trusted friends, all the while not knowing his true identity. I first read this tale in the form of a reprint. It was also the first Mysterio story I read. Since he's been a favorite of mine in Spider-Man's rogues gallery. I can't figure why Jameson supported the guy when he appeared to be a costumed "Vigilante" as well. It was a funny end seeing Spidey web him up. Was this the first time of many to come?

I've always liked the cover to this one. Spidey beaten and Hobgoblin triumphant? Nah... I first read this story in a Marvel Tales reprint. It was the first reference to the Green Goblin and introduced me to the Osborn family. I didn't know at the time what big roles they had in Spider-Man's life. It also offered interesting insight in the connection between the Green Goblin and the Hobgoblin.

A bit boring an issue actually. But That doesn't change the fact Spider-Man is currently one of the best comics out there at present. It's all I really read by Marvel, but DC is quickly going downhill with everything they have, so there goes a major chunk of the competition right there. I don't know much about Mr. Negative, so that may be part of why this story was weaker than most. still, it looks like interesting stuff on the way. The final page proves that. I read that Tombstone's going to be coming up soon. Most stories with him are pretty good. So I can say I'm looking forward to what's coming up.

I like seeing what became of Gog. I'd wondered over the months since the focus was on Kindred, The Green Goblin and Sin Eater. I'm also glad to finally be back to the basics for Spidey. It's good to get a break from Kindred, even though we know this stuff with him is far from over. I'm also glad to see the Tombstone/Robbie feud being explored once more. Tombstone 's first story and when Robbie was stuck in prison with him are two of my old favorites. I thought Tombstone said they were even though when he gained his new powers, which he loved. But seeing their kids together looks like just what it will take to reignite the old feud. Romeo & Juliet this is not.

Stories featuring the rivalry between Robbie and Tombstone are always exciting. Though Nick Spencer was a little off. In their last tussle was Web of Spider-Man #68, where Tombstone was accidentally given new powers, and out of gratitude for his role he told Robbie it settled their debts. It's a good enough issue. I see I was right about Dr.Strange and Mephisto's encounter a few issues ago not being explained for the time being. But Kingpin and Mordo are determined to get into Kindred's head to find what they want. Even in his evil days Norman wouldn't have stood for this. One of the most exciting parts was the Sinister War epilogue at the end. I missed the Superior Spider-man stuff, so I was wondering what Doc Ock has been up to. It's been much too long since he and Spidey last tangled. He is after all the only villain with a grudge against the web swinger rooted anywhere as as deep as The Goblin's. It is good to see him back as I remember. Sun glasses and a pot belly in green and yellow. I can't wait for Sinister War. Should be good. Especially since it looks like the real Electro may be back for it too.

I had a feeling Kindred would escape soon and yes he has. It should be interesting what he has in mind for two sinister six groups. It was a sight to see Robbie and Tombstone agree to a truce. As for Boomerang, it's doubtful we've heard the last of him for long. But what about Gog? What's going to happen to him now? Who's going to take care of him? An interesting thing to note is that it's obvious most of the heroes feel the Kingpin's time as mayor must come to an end. I have a feeling some likely crossover is coming up. May I suggest the title "Impeach Fisk?" As for Betty....Well, I'm not sure what to think about that.

I wish I could say Ned's excuse was believable, but I foresee more to be revealed, which may translate as "The Truth." I'm not even convinced it even is the real Ned and not another piece in Kindred's Endgame. long dead character returns , especially in Spider-Man. The Chameleon stuff is a bit dull honestly. I never have believed all the Teresa claim either, and still believe she was cooked up to hurt Peter by someone, even if she doesn't know. I think the best part of the last couple of issues has been the Sinister War preludes. I have higher expectations for it than these last couple of stories, Spencer. Don't let me down.

I didn't even know Richard Fisk was dead. Though he should have returned in the form of the Schemer. That would have been a little more interesting since that was his first disguise. Though I'm a little disappointed this is all Kingpin wanted the tablet for, especially when i figured it was in some plan to obtain immortality. King's ransom was okay. I've read better, but also way worse. I have to give this book credit for realism. If people were really allowed to control machines like that they would indeed turn on each other forgetting this was no online game. As for Boomerang, I'm sure we'll see more of him over time. Spencer has given more character to him than I've ever seen before.

If the 3 stooges were psycho punks in the '90s that would be Azrael's opponents in this issue. Still trying to make the new "Bloodlines" characters popular, this issue features Ballistic, a heavily armed mercenary, who appeared the previous year. He, like everyone is trying to find the insane killer Abattoir when his target's father puts out a contract on him. But the end of the issue leaves the reader wondering if he and Azrael will be working as allies or enemies. All-in-all, not a bad issue, but I've seen better. the real question is if those 3 thugs really are as stupid as they act, or if they're just drugged-up out-of-their-mind 3 Stooges fans. It adds an element of humor to the story.

Swamp Thing tries to convince Batman that Croc can live a peaceful life in the swamp. It's a fitting place for a crocodile man after all? What can go wrong? Ol' Swampy soon learns a very short time later in his own book where he has to banish Croc. And of course not long after Croc jumped a train and was back in Gotham in The Batman Chronicles #3. Maybe next time Swamp Thing will listen to Batman. This was a pretty good issue. It was a pretty average one during the Moench/Jones days, but that's good. Average stories from then are a thousand times better than all those "Big event" issues of today.

I always enjoyed this story. It was the first Deadman story I ever read. I laughed at how angry Bullock made him, but he was invisible to anyone around him so no one knew what he was trying to tell them. This was another story that was going to take Batman out of Gotham. And this time he had some interesting company. This was a pretty good start to an interesting adventure.

So here we are at the start of the closing of this series and I'd have to say I'm glad. It's still exciting enough, but usually by this point a story has lasted long enough. It's been a satisfying story though, and best of all, we've only one issue left and throughout this whole series no one has bitched about why Batman doesn't kill the Joker. That's been very rare in a Joker story over the last 20 years. The turnout was less than I'd hoped for, but I can say this series hasn't worn out and is continuing beyond its prime as many modern comic stories tend to do. This penultimate issue is pretty average though in my book. And while I've considered this to be a decent enough story, I hardly consider it a masterpiece like a lot of the reviewers seem to either. If you've been sitting through this ride it's worth having sat through and it will be worth getting the upcoming conclusion.

Not bad, but not great either. It's good to see Nightwing back, but the problem is this is just turning into another "Why doesnt he Just kill the Joker?" story. It seems since "No man's Land" that almost every story the Joker appears in asks that tired old question, and I'm sick of it. I now realize that James Tynion's stand-alone Joker story in Detective #1008 was so good because it didn't raise that tiring old issue most of his stories over the last 2 decades have. "The Joker War" started out good enough, but it's second half is a little stale. And another thing: Batman beat Punchline in the last issue, so why is she still out there and not locked up?

As a longtime Batman reader I can say I've read a lot of worse ones, but several better too. Clownhunter is growing stale already. And if he's 17 he sure is scrawny for his age. I'd figure he was 14 at most. As for ghost Maker, he has promise as a rival, but also has the makings of another character who could end up overused and wear out his welcome if writers aren't careful. So far it's working well as a story, but like most stories by Tynion, has its ups and downs. Harley and Clownhunter's presence only prolongs the story, while, as mentioned before, Clownhunter is wearing himself out as one of those overused characters, which I hope they don't also do with Ghost Maker. Still, the story is holding together better than the Joker war did. I grew weary of it halfway through as it became another villain takeover of the city meshed with the same "Why not kill him?" element that's been used constantly for 20 years now. At least this is a breath of fresh air from that tiring stuff of the past year with it and city of Bane. As for this story itself, I still need to see how it develops to come to a full conclusion.

This is probably the dullest issue of this arc. I'm hoping the conclusion is better, and that it doesn't leave nothing resolved so we'll have to deal with more as comic arcs tend to do these days. There just wasn't much to the main story except the revelation at the end. As for the backup story I'm getting tired of Batman mysteries that are better suited for Dr. Who. Batman's supposed to fight criminals, not unnatural creatures. And let's face it, he's been doing a lot of that lately.

Not a bad conclusion to what was a pretty satisfactory story. I wish I could say I was anticipating the Shadow war story, but I don't expect it to be as good as this was. I have to get 2 titles I don't read to see it all. I'm not a real fan of that. But this issue finished the story on time before it grew stale. Usually 4 chapters is how long it goes before it begins to grow old. Since Abyss got away I have a feeling he'll pop up during the next story. The backup story was rather poor, but it did feature the Batman costume of old that I miss. If Zdarsky is coming to Batman it may be a good idea. But he's known to write extra long stories. that I'm not too thrilled for. But he still did good on Spectacular Spider-Man, so I'm sure he'll at least live up to Williamson here. That means better than King or Tynion.

Not too bad. This is a rather average crossover. If Respawn is indeed dead, he'll probably be back by the end of this story, courtesy of the Lazarus pit. I don't really care because I don't regularly get Deathstroke or Robin. I doubt I'll even know who this imposter is when his identity is revealed either. I'm still also unconvinced Ra's is really dead. For all we know this was a plot to get his hands on Damian and Respawn. Conspiracty theories aside, I think it's for the better Williamson's run won't be a prolonged one. Otherwise it would be a run full of Batman Inc. which I am no fan of. Especially with Ghost Maker, a character I am even less fond of in charge. My biggest hope is that this is the last Batman story to cross over with other unrelated titles for a long time. Especially having to start and end with a big expensive Alpha and Omega issue.

In truth this story's not off to a bad start, though it's mostly just stuff we've seen before. Not to mention I'm not very fond of the Multiverse, so I'm not very thrilled that Batman has somehow been knocked into it. But this is really just reminiscent of R.I.P. and all the hodgepodge that followed. This time he's just been sent to another reality rather than through time. As for Tim in the backup story you'd think he's seen this happen enough, especially over the last few years that he'd have that feeling that Batman will be back. After all he's died or vanished yet returned to save everyone's ass at the last minute how many times over the last 15 or so years now? It's a monotonous loop anyone would notice, even if it were really happening. It also looks like Zdarsky's going to continue his regular tradition of ending one story immediately continuing into another and another. This will probably continue throughout his run. But I still have to say this story is off to a reasonable start. Now let's see if he can face this challenge without having to look up this world's Justice league members for backup (probably not). This may be the story that determines whether I stay with Batman or leave, as Legacy #900 is only now a few issues away.In a so-so era like this I can't say for sure. But this was a better issue than the last 3 or 4.

First of all, who wrote that Summary above? Jon Kent is NOT Superman. He never was, nor will he ever be. The only ones who ever considered him to be was DC themselves. The public never considered him Superman, except the woke crowd who only did because of his sexuality. But The world generally did NOT accept him as Superman nor did they ever even refer to him as Superman. And they never will accept him as Superman because there has only been one true Superman over the last 80 years and he's the only one who ever truly will be Superman. DC needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize no one went for it, move on and stop calling him by a name that is not his. He can be Superboy, but Superman, no. Superman is too much of an icon to ever actually truly be replaced or even share the name. Jon Kent is no more Superman than what's-his-face Fox is also Batman. Anyway, that was my 2 cents on an annoying issue. Now for this issue-of Batman. While this story is more interesting than Failsafe was, it still naturally has to involve this alternate world's versions of the Justice League. Frankly all it is is Flashpoint all over and I could've done without it. The plot is easy enough to follow, but it really is a bit dull. I'll give points to them for the best Riddler look since before the New 52 and those hideous sideburns they gave him. Not that I found it cool, mind you, but it's better than most times I've seen him over the last decade and a half (I sure miss the days of the green question mark-covered jumpsuit). As for the Selina thing I've really totally lost any interest in their relationship, regardless of whet reality it's in. So as far as that goes, with me it's just "Whatever." Alfred had a little more of a part, but not much. I guess it will be the conclusion when he really gets to shine (if even then). Lately Batman and Detective are even on the scale of interest. One month this one's the better, the next it's the other. But that's not a matter of which is better, so much as which is worse. While the last few issues have made this the better of the two regulars, I'm afraid it's not enough to pay $10 a month on. Neither is worth the $5 I have to now pay. SO When this story is over I'm out. When I return depends on whether the quality improves and how much the books will cost by then (and if I know DC, and I DO, The price will likely be $5.99 by 2025....if not even higher!!!!).

What started out as a terrific tribute to classic matinee serials has turned into something out of the cheesy old sci-fi stories about time travel and the multiverse. I sure hope this isn't a decline that falls further downhill, but frankly since I've never been a fan of Etrigan I'm not expecting next issue to be much of a boost from where we are now. I'd rate the story a 6.5, but I'll give it an extra point for the great artwork alone.

Pretty good for a showdown. I'd personally have had enough of Nezha for a while, but modern DC immediately will be bringing him back, but I'll be passing on that. Naturally Damian continues to unleash more disaster than he has ever prevented. I wonder when if ever if that little bastard will learn how much better the world would be if he was never born and take his own pointless life. Oh, well. As for the story it was interesting enough, but like the final showdown against the villain tends to be these days, it was a bit duller than any previous issue. That's not to say it was bad. There's good reason this series has earned its good reputation. I look forward to seeing what else Waid has ahead for the World's finest.

Lately Batman related Anthologies have been poor, but like the original mini-series that will celebrate its 25th anniversary this Summer, this has some good stuff and some lesser ones. It all depends whether the writer is any good or not. As usual, some are worth it, some, not so much. I figure to review this book I should review each story. The Demon's fist: 7 Unnamed J.H. Williams story: 5 First flight: 6 Sisyphus: 2 Metamorphosis: 8

Maybe there's some hope left for King after all. This was his best book since all that wedding crap began. I really didn't think he had it in him anymore. I only hope this one stays on schedule better than his last one did. Otherwise at 6 issues it may be June of 2024 by the time it finishes. Try to stay on schedule this time fellas.

I guess it was a satisfactory ending. It's a good thing comics aren't aimed at kids anymore because all that back and forth would totally confuse even the smartest of them. My favorite part was Riddler shooting Pottymouth Espinoza. My least favorite part was she had to survive. Thanks for letting us down Riddler. I'll have to deduct a whole point for that. I sure hope King has enough sense NEVER to bring that character back. King has done a good job with this mini making up for most of the bad work he's done over the last 4+ years. Though I think he should take a little time before trying to make another. I also feel this is a good enough place to end this mystery and King should not bother with 20+ issues of follow up stories. This issue was a bit duller than the rest, not to mention a little hard to keep up with with all that flashing back and forth. But still a decent enough ending. Next time I read it I'll skip the page with Pottymouth living and maybe I'll enjoy it a little more.

Not bad. I can't say I'm fond of the artwork, but the story is pretty entertaining. It's also nice to see how it's set in the earlier days of Batman's career and features Dick Grayson's Robin. I have to admit I've grown weary of how almost every Mr. Freeze story has to revolve around his obsession with his wife anymore, but it was interesting to see Batman and Robin hoping to rehabilitate him. And for the first time in a long time he also acts more human than like some robot. This was one of the better One Bad day specials as far as plots go. I have to deduct a little bit for the poor art though. Otherwise though it was pretty satisfactory.

Pretty decent issue. I'd say Jock is a better writer than an artist. I don't know why DC felt it was necessary to make the book a different size than usual though. The story is good enough. It's the best Black Label Batman adventure since Reptilian. I have to admit I am looking forward to the conclusion.

Pretty good for a start. I've seen tons of Batman stories where he has to take on someone or something going to lengths against criminals beyond anything he'd cross, so it's no new concept to me. Still, it's a promising start. I haven't read a lot of Black Label books but most I have seen are pretty good. Particularly last years three Jokers Mini. That's why I have high expectations for this. It's also nice to see Alfred in an old time story before King and Tynion turned Gotham to the insane miserable place it is today.

A bit dull compared to what's happened here but still one of the better Batman stories of late. This is a Batman horror tale without a doubt. It's also good to see Alfred again. Somehow I'm not surprised this issue had to mention an issue I'm sick to death of, why doesn't Batman kill the Joker or let him die? I'm already dreading the day some writer decides to do that just to make a name for themself. But for 20 years now that seems to be asked in just about every Joker story. This mystery monster probably won't be seen till around the end of #5. But for a mystery story this one is still doing well enough. And though it's no Long Haloween or Dark Knight Returns I am still looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Pretty good issue. The cover sure gives a different impression though. But the story is very good. It's interesting to see a new foe. It's also nice to see Detective Montoya in a major appearance again. However Burnett doesn't know her so well. She was always one of the most pro-Batman officers on the force. She had more respect on the show and in older comics, like in the episode P.O.V. when she actually saved him. In comparison to the regular Batman books of late, this was one of the more fine issues released lately. The start of this story with the former mayor also covers something interesting to develop as well.

Another sewer story? Those are getting monotonous. Batman spends more time in the sewers than 4 certain Turtles these days. And as always Croc has to be involved. His story is getting a bit more interesting, but seems to be rapidly overshadowing the main plot. Still, this is better than anything else Batman on the shelves now.

While still better than most Batman stuff on the shelf these days this issue was a little stale. The whole thing with Croc seems mostly pointless and the story would be better told if it focused more on Batman's search tor the demon's brood and Robin's deal with the Penguin. Otherwise it's still, as I said, better than anything else Batman out there now (except maybe the Adventures continue).

The fact this series is getting a habit of running late is impacting the interest factor it has. While I find it more entertaining than the regular Bat titles it's delays only add to the time it takes to see this story resolved. That makes it hard to stay into it. The longer you wait, the more you lose interest. It's a shame to see what was a great series go into decline mainly due to schedule conflicts, but this series actually should've wrapped up by now. As for the issue itself, it has given a few interesting twists. Scarecrow has finally revealed himself and Robin has learned what he's up to, and Batman has destroyed the sword. I have a feeling more on that matter is on the podcast. But I assume next Batman has to go after Croc while robin must save Penguin. I only hope the next issue isn't subject to more delaying. It may be a bit more interesting if I can read the conclusion sooner rather than later.

Though this was the first fight I doubt Father Valley and Catwoman are anywhere near done. I figure by their big showdown Azrael will likely get involved. I haven't heard from him in a while so I'd like to see what he's been up to. This waas also the first I've seen of Clayface since his fall from grace. It looks like he still wants to prove he's a changed thing, so he's recruited some other familiar rogues to help fight back against the growing Magistrate problem. I don't regularly read Catwoman. I just check in now and then. But this was a pretty good story to do that.

I had a feeling the name Valley was not just coincidential. It adds to the intrigue of this character though seeing how he is connected to the Order of St Dumas. It's been too long since they had a big role. I lost track of Azrael after the team breakup in Detective a while back, so I'm not sure what happened to him. I'm hoping he may have a confrontation with this new foe as well in the future, if not in the pages of this series soon. I hope the showdown with Father Valley is as interesting as this issue was.

As I don't follow this series regularly, a lot of it is alien to me. I doubt Ra's is really even dead. He may have even masterminded this whole thing. As I read this issue I ask what Batman even sees in Talia anymore. She's so unpleasant anymore. We'd be better off if she was killed. I can see Respawn is still new, but is obviously determined to impress Slade, who he sees as someone he wants to be. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I actually like him better than Damian (Though it's no secret I've always hated him anyway). I can't say this crossover will keep me in this series, because I know it won't. So I hope it doesn't leave a lot of lose ends untied when it's over, as modern comics stories tend to do.

I remember how I had to read this one immediately. It was the big rematch between Batman and Bane. And even though Bane no longer had the venom advantage, he still gave Batman quite a fight. But it was good to see him get the ass-kicking he'd have likely gotten before if he wasn't so cowardly as to take on Batman while worn to exhaustion. Bane has always been an overrated villain and it's good to see him get what he deserves at the hands of the one true Batman at last.

Not the best story of Tomasi's run, not the worst. Still, I wish Detective was still twice a month, as it's so much better than Batman. It doesn't have to be the one cleaning up the mess "City of Bane" made. May that be the very LAST story where that cowardly excuse for a villain take over Gotham City. As for Two-Face, Knowing Batman's identity makes him a deadlier threat, but I grow rather weary of villains learning it too. Who next? Penguin? Croc? Kite Man? All-in-all though, This was a pretty decent issue.

The Church of Two-Face Isn't the worst of Tomasi's run so far, but by far, not the best either. I am hopeful for a good Joker War tie-in from him, considering what a great job he did with the character in issue #1008. Still, Tomasi does better on this title than any writer in a long time. I do look forward to see his work on the Joker War. As for this issue, Two-Face shows how little he cares for his loyal followers compared to saving his own selfish ass. He didn't even flip for it. I'm not familiar with the flashback sequences because I passed on the New 52 era,because I saw it as nothing other than a money-making gimmick. And though I have eventually read "Death of the family" and "Endgame" most of the rest of that time is still unfamiliar to me. But it does add intrigue to the upcoming Bat-crossover.

My favorite part is the cover. It's pure Batman vs. Croc. The story on the other hand was a little stale. Still, it was pretty decent for a stand-alone story tied in to a seperate bigger story. The end shows a little more humanity to Croc as well, a thing rarely shown in this character, so Kudos to Peter Tomasi for that. I will be glad though after the EXPENSIVE issue #1027 and the Joker War is over to let Tomasi get back to his regular 1-4 part stories.

If DC still cared more about a good story they could easily have made this eventful issue a real milestone. Instead they chose an anthology of short stories. Some okay, some poor, a few good. I think when the upcoming Black and White mini is up I'm through with anthology Batman books. Over the last few years they've been rather poor. Here's my take: Blowback: Understandable why this was the first one, as it was one of the best. 8/10 The Master Class: Considering the poor job he's done on Superman, this is a reminder that Bendis can write some good stuff. Good art too. 8/10 Many Happy Returns: It's nice to see a story focusing on the never-ending conflict between Batman and the Joker instead of the usual "Why not kill him?" crap I'm so weary of. Still, the plot was rather poor. 7/10 Rookie: An interesting insight into life as a new Gotham officer. Unfortunately it was quite boring with second-rate art. 4/10 Ghost Story: This was the worst story with the worst art. Everything wrong with modern anthology Batman books. 1/10 Fore: I've read a ton of tales like this, where a bad guy tries to blackmail Bruce Wayne. Still, it was rather good. Has Romita ever considered less marks on people's faces? It may improve his work a little. 8/10 Odyssey: Marv Wolfman needs to do his research. I thought Thomas Wayne's father was named Jack Wayne. Otherwise, this story was one of the more interesting. It's kind of like salvaging the Titanic. 7/10 Detective #26: This one has a rather amusing end, showing who may have been Gotham's defender if he hadn't been beaten to capturing the Chemical syndicate. I figured this issue would have been wasted if not for a reference to 1000 issues ago. 7/10 Legacy: I've seen several versions of how batman will die. I'm sure there will be a lot more. Still, the basic story with Dr. Phosphorus is pretty interesting. 6/10 As Always. This reminded me of the "Final night" crossover 24 years ago. Less interesting though. 4/10 Generations: Fractured: It's good to see Dan Jurgens write and draw a story again. Alas, I'd prefer it be a Superman story, but It was also good to see batman in his original portrayal. Purple gloves just weren't him. 6/10 A Gift: A less interesting tale from the legendary Black case book. 4/10

It's too bad this is Tomasi's last issue. He wrote way better than Tynion does or most Batman writers over the past 12 or so years. I hope he'll be back here or on Superman again one day soon. This was a little boring an issue for his departure, but it does leave one wondering what's coming next. I guess we'll have to put up with that ass Nakano for a couple of years until the writers decide to kill him off and start a year long mystery of who did do it while the public will blame Batman (Do I know Batman comics or what?). As for Damian, I never liked him. He could get his head chopped off by some axe carrying weirdo and I wouldn't care. So what becomes of him, I couldn't care less. Tomasi's run was still a good one. I doubt it'll be anytime soon they have a writer like that again. Odds are he'll be replaced by another of those guys who tries to make a name for himself by taking us in more unneeded "New directions" in 8 or more part stories.

A pretty average issue. This Vile parasite thing is getting a bit old though. Especially since I'm not much of a fan of this Dr. Who stuff anyway. The Jury was far less impressive than they could have been. There was no real trial anyway. It was just an excuse to make Mr. Worth feel he was getting his precious "Justice." Seeing Batman getting infected by this thing was no real shocking cliffhanger. It's becoming an old as the hills concept, heroes being victim to a parasite that makes them rampaging monsters. I don't know how many superheroes can honestly say that's never happened to them, but I'm sure there aren't many.

Batman having to save Nakano from a bunch of crazed assassins was a good plot, but why do we have to deal with more of those Vile parasites. I've had enough Dr. Who stuff for a while. I'd rather see Batman take on this Nero and his group of nutcases in part 2, but I guess it's more of the parasites again. Let's let the next issue be the last one with them. Sadly it looks like Detective is on shaky ground now. It sounds like Batman's leaving Gotham so I am NOT Batman can take over. If this series starts spotlighting him and more of this Future Stare crap I'm out of here. The backup story was a bit dull. I can also say I won't be getting Taskforce Z. All it looks like is Suicide squad with Zombies.

Pretty good for a starter. I guess it's going to be Batman against the strange and supernatural and other such things as that's what Ram V has a reputation for writing, and that's what this issue already proves. I don't know what to make of this Orgham family, but I guess we'll learn more in time. The art is good, and the story interesting enough. It's the best I've seen both books at once in a while. I have seen them both better, but I've also seen them much worse. And this is pretty good for modern comics. My only complaint is the logo. I've never seen a more obvious attempt to mimic the Stranger Things logo. Let's not keep it like that. Not everyone wants everything to draw inspiration from that show.

I have to admit this was a better issue than most in Ram V's run. And while I'm not super impressed I have to say the action was very good and there's finally some real meaning to Two-Face's presence in this story. If there's anything I'm hoping for it's for them to get on with it and bring Ra's Al Ghul back again so we can learn how he fits in to all this, because it seems pretty obvious he'd know something. I don't have real high hopes for finding this to be a great story I will say it has gotten a little more interesting. But will it last or go back downhill? That's hard to say, but if you felt like me and thought this story was going nowhere this issue may give you a second thought too.

I'm reminded of the Joker war. Tynion is repeating himself with the Batman overcome with toxins and being out of commission for a certain amount of time stuff. It was pretty average. I didn't even bother to Read "I am the latest Batman wannabe" since like with DC's attempt to change Superman to keep up with their stupid Future State crap, I'm also going to pass on their Batman attempt as well. I'm not really enthusiastic for Fear State because I'm already tired of the story that was a prelude to it. I won't miss Tynion when he's gone. Hopefully when he leaves at the end of the year he'll take all his lame new characters with him.

This issue reminds me of something I'd have expected out of an old X-Men comic. I'd really rather have a story focusing on the clan dealing with a real threat like Dino Dracon's gang war or even the Quarrymen. This is mostly a modernization of an episode of the Goliath Chronicles, but told in a different way. Margo is an even bigger shrew here than she was on the show. She's a bit too smug for a D.A. to behave. One thing That this issue brought up is interesting though, and that's what Reynard's reason truly was to fund the Gargoyle task force. Like I said, this issue is more reminiscent of old X-Men than the action of Gargoyles, but was still pretty interesting nonetheless.

With one issue to go, I can say this series will be missed. This title's coverage of "Necessary Evil" is better than MMPR's. This was the jumping off point in the original series for me. The replacement Rangers did well the first 6 or 7 episodes, then came the Wedding story, and it was downhill from then on. But the comics add more to the characters than just being good-intentioned teenagers who study Karate like they were on the show. Like the unease between Jason and his father, and how the changes in their lives will truly impact each Ranger. On the show it was "It's been fun, Bye, the end". This issue also gave Squatt the ability to shine instead of being a dim-witted minion, in his determination to prove his worth to Zedd. This was an average issue in this series, but that's good news. I will miss this series after the next final issue.

This was a satisfying conclusion to this series. While it lacked the adventure sense I so miss from the show it was still a fun issue and a great tribute to Golden and Silver Age comics. It was also a great way to wrap up all the mysterious alien encounters the group has had. It ties all 5 of these stand alone stories together and gives us some closure. I really hate seeing no new DW announcements beyond this except for collections. I really hope Dynamite just makes this a hiatus for the masked mallard and we'll be seeing more of him in 2025.

CAUTION: This Review contains a spoiler alert, so you've been warned if you haven't read it yet. The issue was pretty good all-in-all. But if you've been reading these books long enough to remember Go Go Power Rangers' earlier issues it's really no surprise who the new Green Ranger was. Since Drakkon is in space that scratched off most likely suspect #1. But Matt was #2. Especially since his recent sudden return. I didn't know what color he'd be, what power he'd get, or even where his allegiance would be, but I had a feeling he'd eventually become a Ranger at some point, even back in GGPR's early days. Despite this obvious revelation I expect interesting things ahead. Even though the bad guys know their identities, the Rangers have never really had to worry about them being revealed to the public. This may lead people to suspect the other Rangers are students at Angel Grove High as well. Matt made the Superheroes' #1 dumb move, and it could be a big problem for the regular Rangers. That's one of the best parts in this comic series. The Rangers have to deal with problems the show never had them deal with since it would be too complicated for its then grade schooler key demographic.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #4 Apr 14, 2023

It looks like the Omega Rangers are back to work in space while the others are dealing with defending Earth. Drakkon has proven himself to be truly insane. Things are truly dramatic in this epic comic based off of a cornball kids' show. The best part is that the Omega Rangers seem to be going on as part of the series. Not just a "Thanks for your help. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime." and they're gone thing. It was a poor excuse for half the team to give up such important positions as defenders of the whole planet just to attend a peace conference, but the writers did have to make an excuse quick after the actors left. The Omega Rangers thing is a far better excuse for them to have left. But it looks like they're up against some pretty big challenges ahead. Should be pretty interesting.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2022) #105 Mar 13, 2023

A definite improvement over last issue, that's for sure. This story is getting much too complex and is dragging on much longer than it needs to and it's all in hopes of making another Shattered Grid. Comic writers today really need to stop trying to make modern sequels to classic stories and be more original. I really have to admit I'm glad this story is almost over, but I'm sad to see an era of an actual good book in a time where good comics are a rarity come to an end. Still, though this isn't Shattered grid or the Eltarian war it's still a decent ride and worth sticking with to the end.

This ends Darkest hour and an era as well. I have a feeling from what I've heard that a lot of readers are making this their jumping off point, so I doubt whatever Boom has in store that the Ranger books will be as successful as this run. All in all it was a satisfactory end but feels a bit rushed. There seem to be a lot of loose ends here. Like whether Jason will regain his connection to the grid, What will happen to Rita, as it seems she's in a state far from plotting to marry Zedd to regain power and what of Zedd's own Ranger power just to name a few. I'm not too happy with how Boom led us on with their big "This is the end of it all" then suddenly "Fooled you. We're rebooting this Fall." I hate when comic publishers do that. It's a marketing gimmick I won't be pulled into though. I think even though despite all the unresolved things that this is where I'll depart. After 8 years of this being one of the finer comic series around it's how I prefer to remember it. I'd recommend this most as a jumping off point. It really is the closest thing to satisfactory closure we'll probably get

I haven't been following this whole "Ric Grayson" thing, and only looked into this issue because it's a "Joker war" tie-in. But as usual in a comic written by Dan Jurgens, I was pretty impressed. Forcing him out so Bendis could take over both Superman books was a stupid mistake on DC's part and the reader reviews on this very site prove it. Barbara is getting the worst of it in these tie-ins. Joker doesn't seem to like having his work undone, and crippling Barbara was one of his crowning jewels. Now he hopes in his big strike against Batman to use his first partner as a weapon.

A decent issue for a stand alone story and a nice Christmas story too. The only problem is Dick needs to stop feeling sorry for himself and realize he's better off. Considering the reaction this whole "Ric" crap got, how can he not be? I don't read Nightwing regularly, but this was a good "check in" issue.

When I read this series I find it so hard to believe it has any connection to the cheesy campy '90s TV series. BOOM has taken the Rangers in a lot of bold new directions over the last 5 years, but this is probably the darkest and most original one yet. Seeing as the Omega Rangers are an original creation we have no idea what lies ahead for them. And what will happen in the inevitable confrontation with their former teammates. The Horrid were but the first of the threats that lie ahead for the Omega team. But they also had a lesson to learn from this encounter: Drakkon will stab them or whatever enemy they're up against right in the back (sometimes literally) if it will benefit him. A lot of excitement lies ahead and I look forward to seeing what happens.

Power Rangers (2020) #7 Jun 13, 2021

This issue focuses away from the main plot, but still keeps interest. It was more average in plot and didn't have the thrill most have. But I was still pleased enough with it.

This is certainly darker than anything you'd see on the corny original show aimed at kids. While it's not as thrilling as the Eltarian war it has its interest factor. As usual this series ties in a lot with the Power Rangers in Space series, which I didn't watch, so it makes it a little confusing in its references. Otherwise it's good enough. Mighty Morphin is usually the more exciting of these two series, but it looks like they'll be remerging back into one soon, so I guess that won't matter much before long. I'm still expecting #100 to be a good one.

Not bad as an origin issue. At least it helps us know a little more about the Death Ranger. It's got some dull stretches, but it helps explain some important things happening in the regular series, and it should be checked out for that, if anything else.

It's too bad this has to be the last issue. The way things move it'll be another 7 years until the show makes as many episodes as this series made issues. I guess their contract ran up, because this is still Oni's top seller. Odds are the owners are hoping another publisher will settle for a lower percentage of the profits. I don't expect it to be more than a year until volume 2 starts under a new publication. It seems getting Rick to admit he cares is the ultimate challenge. If he does, Bam. It's over. The end was disappointing, but we have to remember, Comic book Rick & Morty are most likely different ones than on the show, a pair in the infinite realm of Rick & Mortys. If you were into this book, then check the upcoming Mini-Series, Rick & Morty go to Hell. I wonder if it continues where this issue leaves off...?

Rick is a fine one to deny the existence of Hell, when he and Summer beat it out of the Devil himself once. I hope this story won't just be a long quest for Rick and Morty where they end up eluding an angry mob led by Jerry, as they try to find a way out. This shows promise to be an amusing story if it stays on the right track. Actually an angry mob led by Jerry would actually be pretty amusing, All the while, Beth trying to calm him down.

In the '90s if you were above the age of 6, there was nothing more annoying than Barney. Crocky, was DC's answer to him, and this issue left us all wishing copyright laws didn't exist so we could see Robin kick the ass of a robber in a Barney costume instead. A very funny issue.

This story focuses on how unfair it is to be a teen in an irresponsible generation. Poor Tim isn't even given a chance to try and explain his predicament. Instead his dad makes a jerk of himself by jumping to conclusions and being too short-fused and hotheaded to think clearly. In ways you can understand, but knowing what he doesn't, you know how unfair he's being and think "What an ass..." This issue is more focused on Robin's personal life, but the crook disguised as a pregnant woman is also an amusing addition to this entertaining story.

This was a bit of a hit and miss compared to Duke and Cobra Commander, but I never was much of a fan of the Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Ninja highlighting of the '90s in the original series either. Too much focus went to them. I sure hope that won't be the case here too. But despite some poor reactions, which left me questioning whether this series would be worth it, I must confess it is off to a pretty satisfactory start. And while not as thrilling as the previous 2 minis, it does show promise and I have a feeling it will do well enough.

Another thrilling issue, but I'm just glad to hear the "Metal Virus" saga is about to finally end. I can't stay into a story that drags on for over a year very easy. If I did I'd watch a Soap opera. A word of advice to Ian Flynn, 4 parts are usually as far as you should go. I wish Dc and Marvel would get that message too. I would have preferred a showdown with Dr. Starline, but I guess we'll have to wait for the upcoming "Bad guys" mini-series to see what happens to him. Sonic remains the best all-ages comic out there, and though I, like many more do miss the Archie Sonic cast and adventures, This is the best we have now, and it's still very exciting.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #47 Apr 28, 2022

Lately the stories in this series are getting a bit slow and stale. They lack the struggle to protect the innocent Mobians from Eggman's evil. This issue was a nice spotlight adventure for the Chaotix, but Sonic's silence and Eggman's not causing trouble are making this series seem to be taking a totally different direction than the Sonic comics we know so well. I'm hoping after the upcoming #50 that will change.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #55 Jan 16, 2023
Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #62 Sep 26, 2023

It looks like this is what we'd better expect for a while since Eggman's dealing with another setback. He sure lets those get to him here, when in Archie's version he'd get over it by the next issue. Now it'll probably be a year until we get any real action remotely resembling what the Archie days gave us every issue. Sonic on a vacation? Come on...

SO nothing was resolved in the last arc and it's on to this? Well, okay. At least we get to see Knuckles and the Chaotix working together again. Kind of like old times. The story's pretty average, but still pretty decent, especially for an issue without Sonic. The main thing to note is old fans of the old Knuckles/Chaotix team ups should enjoy this and feel a little nostalgia with it.

Sonic The Hedgehog: Fang The Hunter (2024) #1 Apr 24, 2024
Sonic The Hedgehog: Fang The Hunter (2024) #2 Apr 24, 2024
Sonic The Hedgehog: Fang The Hunter (2024) #3 Apr 24, 2024

I wish I could say I'm anticipating issue #50, but this story just isn't making that so. Surge and Kit aren't really that interesting to me now. Maybe if they come to their senses they'll make helpful new allies to Sonic, but it's hard to say now. Frankly the countdown to #50 has become the most tiring situation in Sonic since the Metal virus saga. It makes me miss the days of the Archie series only more.

Sonic The Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island (2022) #2 Jan 16, 2023

The '90s gave us an interesting tradition for Superman and Lois. That was reading letters to Superman on Christmas. A letter from an abused wife turns out to be connected to Superman's adversary this issue, a former Team Luthor member who in desperation to sell his memoirs to a sleazy publisher plans to kill Superman as the final chapter. His wife helps save the day when she makes him realize she was right about what Luthor made of him. It's a rare ending for the bad guy, as he's given another chance and is able to reunite with his family as well.

Lois and Clark were split up, but Wedding bells were ringing for Luthor and the Contessa Del Portenza. This issue was a bit of a prelude to an upcoming story with its S.T.A.R. Labs plot. Meanwhile Lois discovers Luthor is the Contessa's mystery groom. Too bad Jimmy finds and takes her note revealing the secret before Clark can see it.

I don't know about "Oversized" but it certainly is "overpriced." But what comic isn't anymore? This was an alright issue. It would've been better if there was no "family" interference. I also hate how literally Superman and Batman seem to take that term lately. They're mostly allies or teammates, but hardly family. At least they're not all calling Superman "Dad." Not yet anyway. Supergirl came off as totally unlikable in this book. I've never resented her presence more. At least the "Let's try and compensate for aging Jon" twins and Krypto weren't there. But one thing I've found most enjoyable about this book when compared to Action is its lack of the "Family" on a regular basis. Hopefully they won't be back for a long time. These days Conner's a bore, Supergirl is a letdown and Jon has become a totally pointless character altogether and may as well just be dead. The Chained is an interesting enemy. I can't really say I see him as a villain, but I can see him as a pretty well-deceived pawn by real villains like Pharm and Graft. As for Lex, I really have had enough over the past decade of him trying to be what he isn't, and that's a hero. I doubt I'm going to like his mother much and hope she won't become a major factor (I hate mama's boy villains whose mothers walk all over them as she seems to think she can do). The return of Lena is an interesting twist though, and it looks like it was timed pretty well. I doubt it's a coincidence that Brainiac is back at the same time. I hear that Williamson will be doing a crossover soon with Action featuring more of him, so that should be interesting. I expect Lena will have a pretty major role in that too. I'm also glad to see the original numbering being acknowledged in some way, as this and Batman never should have even relaunched at #1 in the first place (Thank you very much Dan "The moneygrubber" DiDio). Altogether, this was a satisfactory issue. Not the best yet by far, but keeping up with Williamson's record of decent issues so far. It also leaves us interested in what's going to happen next rather than the usual "When is all this going to end?" feeling that most books nowadays tend to give us.

Pretty good issue. The end was a bit too Back to the Future. Like dying, I'm not sure why characters react like the hero will never return though he has countless times before. Another thing, I thought that was Pharm that attacked them and Graft was the silent one yet to do anything (anime experience shows he'll likely wait till the end to do anything) was Graft. Either Williamson has forgotten who among his own characters is who, which is kind of pathetic, or I got confused along the way. All-in-all a decent issue. Not worth $5, but since I get it at a 30% discount it's worth getting for me. You have to be the judge in that category by what you pay. But still, this remains the only book by DC I find worth getting.

I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. I'm also glad to see Pharm, Graft and the Chained being put away before they got too monotonously overused. I really hope we don't see them again for a while. Especially Luthor's mother, who added nothing but a lame unwanted new character. I must confess I'm not really looking forward to the Brainaiac arc much because Williamson is likely going to try and leave it off where he'll expect us to get his next event, which I will not do. I washed my hands of events long ago and still have no desire to ever waste money on one again. Plus the fact that Brainiac isn't really interesting as a villain anymore. He's too much a machine now. He's like a Star Trek borg, monotonously overused characters I also grew weary of long ago. Anyhoo, I'd say for the most part the book earns a decent ranking. I really have to say though I'm hoping Lex will get it through his hairless head after this umpteenth time trying to reform that he just can't. Even though he's a lot softer than he used to be we all know it won't last. Nor will Supercorp, which I'm no fan of either. I'd really prefer if it was some attempt of his to get under Superman's skin like he originally thought. And though I'm not looking toward the Brainiac story with anticipation who knows? It just may surprise me. But I really wish Williamson would focus more on stuff like this and less on making another event.

Another issue proving Robert Venditti is a WAY BETTER Superman writer than Bendis ever will be. Like #1 it gives us the Lex Luthor of the '80s and '90s. Another thing I enjoy about this series is that it allows Clark to be a reporter through part of the story and we get to see him puzzle Perry with his sudden disappearances. It's a lot like old times. The only things I can complain about are the Toyman wearing that Stupid-ass costume from the animated series and Lois referring to Clark as "Smallville" on page 5 (I loathe when she calls him that). I never liked the '90s cartoon much. I still say its inspiration caused Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness to ruin the comics 20 years ago and its influence still ruins them in ways today (Luckily not as bad now as it did then). Still, the great storytelling and artwork provide a good comic worthy of print. It's age-friendly as well, so younger readers can see Superman at his finest. What I like best is it gives us a simple adventure for Superman, still full of action and adventure, but it doesn't drag on and on and on and on like Bendis' work. He's been writing both of the printed titles for 2 years now and I don't think one issue he's written contains the words "The end." I can't give this issue alone as high a review as I'd give to the series all together, but I still highly recommend it. Especially to longtime fans.

The "Reign of the Supermen" saga reaches its ultimate turning point in this issue where Steel and Superboy fight to defend Metropolis together with help from Luthor and Supergirl. Now that the Cyborg's true colors have shown they'll need all the help they can get, and at last at the end of this issue the real Superman has returned. This issue ends with the first actual shot of the real Superman back from the dead. That makes it quite a landmark. And though the reign had a few chapters to go, this is where its final phase begins. 2 movies based on the death and return and neither has held the candle to the original story.

Lois gets a chance to shine as the one to save the day in this story. It's so unusual to see poor Clark being tortured by his captors with no powers to stop them. This would've made a great episode of Lois & Clark. This was a thrilling conclusion to the wildest Honeymoon ever.

This was an interesting stand alone story. I was surprised to see the return of Rajiv Naga so soon. Here he hijacks a satellite and uses it as a weapon. Superman really should be careful. As Clark he did admit his identity under truth syrum (Rajiv didn't believe it though). But this was supposed to be their "first encounter" with one another, yet He seems to know the bad guy as though they met. I love Rajiv using a big gun and Superman asking if he plans to throw the gun at him when it's out of ammo, like the bad guys on the classic '50s show. A subplot really impacted me then. Perry White had been enduring months of chemotherapy and while in a fallout shelter from the Satellite attack, his wife and their new addopted son worry for him. I could sympathize, because a few months before my grandfather lost the same battle he was fighting then. It reminded me of the weak state he was in. In these days the writers knew how to give life to supporting characters, making for some interesting subplots.

I liked this issue pretty well. I'm not following any of the rest of the King in Black business, but this is still pretty good. It is far better than the last Symbiote Spider-man story, that's for sure. My favorite part was the Neil Degrase Tyson reference. I laughed like when I learned he was Mike's brother (If you don't get that, forget it). This issue makes an amusing point about the old Jonah's habit of blaming Spider-Man for everything. He was so obsessed with the man he probably blamed him when he couldn't find a pair of matching socks. I don't follow a lot of the characters here so I know little about them or how this ties into what's happening in modern day Marvel, but nonetheless, I'm still enjoying this story enough to maybe keep following this series into the next story.

This is the ONLY installment to the King in Black crossover I've bothered to read. And let's not tie the next Symbiote series into a crossover, huh? I liked this one better than the last, but I'd really like another that I can easily accept happened during the original clone saga like the first one.

Not too much action, but a pretty good issue. It's fun to return to a time long past to see the adventures of a hero from that time. I look forward to seeing how the race progresses.

The Rocketeer: The Great Race #3 Aug 17, 2022

This was my first Thor issue. Appropriate seeing as it also included a bonus reprint of his first adventure. I found the 2 stories very different, as I had a lot of catching up between them. This book also has a lot of sentimentality to me as it was my first Marvel book as well. And we all know our first Marvel is regarded in high esteem in our books.

Thundercats (2024) #7 Sep 25, 2024

After 2 Atlantis stories on the old show that made 2 entirely different views of it I'm not sure another beneath-the-sea civilization is a very welcome idea. But it was still kind of fun to see Slash again as he's an old favorite. It was okay for a stand alone story, but it really seemed average. Still, it's great for that nostalgic feeling so few comics anymore provide.

A pretty good issue with some good action. We haven't really seen much since #6. I still enjoy the Jameson and Uncle Ben subplots. Those headlines of theirs shows more of what I'd like to see. Spider-Man in action and actually beating the bad guy like he used to. Jonah's feelings on Spider-Man still aren't clear so I still wonder if he'll consider him a menace or something else. It's amazing how Uncle Ben of all people became such a kindred spirit and gave old JJJ a more mellow attitude. I do question Harry's actions and so would the Spider-Man I knew. This one smiled and accepted his reason for what he did while the original would've still not liked and protested it. It shows he still doesn't have the morals of the original. I know, it sets them apart, but still.... We have one bad guy down and 3 to go. I hope Hickman doesn't spend so much time tying into Marvels crap that this ends up another totally unresolved arc with 4 still to go or something like that. This series is all I get from Marvel anymore. It definitely lives up to its reputation and has earned its place topping Amazing. It certainly leaves you already ready to see what's next.

We all remember our first issue of Superman. This was mine. An average story and issue. It introduced us to the secret Checkmate organization. The only time it was on the hot list was around 15 years ago when it played such a large roll in the Final Crisis countdown. Since then, it's just one of those issues, its only real value is sentimentally. But who can say they were disappointed in the issue that began decades of fandom? Like I said, it was average, but to me, a classic as well. And though there's no atomic explosion in the story like the cover, and it's your average late '80s Superman story I'll always remember it as my first of now over 1,000 Superman books.

Whoever wrote that better not get himself all excited yet. this will NEVER be anything like the death and return. If anything it's a poorly conceived rip-off by another loser writer who's out to make a name for himself. Something the comics industry today has in a surprising abundance. While it's better than anything else Johnson's put out yet it's still not saying much. It's certainly nothing like what he wants it to be compared to. It's Superman and a team of seventh rate characters, most of which I doubt many of us even heard of before this, against what seems to be a Darkseid wannabe. I'll give it points for sticking to the theme of Action, but it still severely lacks heart. Johnson just can't provide that in his stories. The art was good and made it look better than the story actually was.

This issue proves, if anything that Johnson watches way too much anime. It's been obvious for years that DC thinks Superman would be a bigger hit if he were like an anime hero. So they must LOVE this. Frankly though I had more than enough with how anime has interfered with the way western comics are made long ago. If I wanted to see charged up heroes lighting up and suddenly boosting in strength I'd watch an anime. There are thousands out there anymore to find at the touch of a few buttons. That's not what Superman was created for. At least the Super Cyborg's back. Hopefully Johnson can make him continue as a worthy menace on his 30th anniversary. I'm still unimpressed with the twins and frankly still see them only around as a weak excuse to compensate for aging Jon. As for him, I hate to say, but his side story in "Lois & Clark II" is growing rather dull as well. I really hate to say that for Jurgens' work, but then it was actually Tomassi who made Jon so interesting during Rebirth, while Jurgens took care of the Superman and Lois in Metropolis front. I do still mainly get this book for that story, as I'm sure many others do. I was glad though to see Jurgens do some art again though. I just hope that story gets a bit more interesting soon. As for the Steel story, it was rather dull, but better than the Power Girl ones over the last few issues. I'd say though to just ditch the third story and stick to the main one and the regular single backup.

Not too bad for the starting chapter. The start reminded me a little of the average classic story where it's an average day in Metropolis, but danger arrives soon enough. Otherwise it was okay. Not bad, but not really thrilling either. In truth I wasn't even very excited for this story though. I've never liked Lobo and a story featuring a bunch of his people isn't something I'm rushing to the shop to get. And usually Brainiac stories like this are my jump off point. In 2008 after Johns' Brainiac story I knew I'd had enough and wouldn't buy another new Superman book for 8 years. And I have no intention to even check out Absolute power, so I'll be passing on Williamson's books that tie in to it, and won't be wasting $5 on Action issues by Gail Simone and a romance novelist. And word is after Absolute power aside from their attempt to suckle off Marvel's current Ultimate line's success (which as experience has shown, will not last) that DC has "big new things" ahead. And experience with those kind of announcements show it's nothing that will help save them. So I'll probably be out, and I really hate that since Superman is all I get by DC anymore. One thing about this issue is that the Super family all gets caught in this, except Jon. And note no one even cares. I haven't heard one single reader ask where he was (Probably texting the pink haired nerd while he's in the tub again). And that's because NO ONE cares about him anymore. Way to ruin your first truly promising new character in years DC. No one cares that he's not evenm mentioned in this issue and they won't care if he never appears again. Kind of sad fate when you look back at how intriguing a character he was only 8 years ago. As for this story, I already plan to read it as I've preordered all the issues. Sadly though as to whether I'll continue to read any Superman books after it's over is completely unknown at the moment.

As I've stated in past reviews, I've grown weary of Kindred after contant pop-ups over he last couple of years. It's obvious it could be anyone dead in Spidey's life, from Uncle Ben to George Stacy to God only knows. I am interested in the return of the Sin Eater, as I'm a fan of both his sagas from the '80s. The question is, will he stay around or die in the end again? But having him back should be interesting.

A decent issue. I've read better, but also read worse. So far King's ransom earns a 3.5 out of 5 stars. I hope we get to the bottom of this tablet stuff soon. If Boomerang is done as Peter's roommate maybe he should keep Gog, since the little guy is so fond of him. They'd make quite a team. I guess Robbie and Tombstone will have to learn to live with their kids in item. It was a little funny in ways. My only complaint is this crappy cyber suit. HOW MANY lame changes have been attempted to Spider-Man's wardrobe over the years, always destined to return to the original red and blue? Let's face it. OF ALL Marvel's heroes from the "Marvel Age" in the early '60s, The one we know will never have a new look that tops what he was given then is Spider-Man. That look will still be what he's sporting when he celebrates his 100th anniversary in 41 years. I am in anticipation for "Sinister war." We just have to wait for the rest of the Ransom and a Chameleon appearance. Should be exciting months ahead for old Spidey. I just hope it will be in the traditional threads.

I like the way the references to previous issues uses the rightful legacy numbering in this issue instead of Volume....Whatever it is. 19? Anyway, The way long dead characters are always popping back up it makes no real surprise to see another Ned Leeds clone (or something more, courtesy of Kindred?). The only thing that could make this latest resurrection really worth it is if he finally confirms my longtime theory that he and Rodrick Kingsley were both the original Hobgoblin. The Chameleon plot was a little drab in interest so far, but I expect it to develop over the next couple of issues (and the next $4.99 special). I have to say though I am looking forward to Sinister war. It looks like the real Electro will finally be coming back (Good. I've always hated when classic villains are killed off and replaced with a cheap female wannabe since Lady Octopus, another Clone saga creation that never should have been). From what I've seen it looks like Mysterio is the only living veteran member of the Sinister six who won't be in on this. Probably because he knows Kindred is involved and wants no part of it. But I do have one important question: When are we going to find out happened between Dr. Strange and Mephisto all those issues ago?

Usually Chameleon stories rate 3 1/2-4 stars with me, but this one is really just about the dullest story in Spencer's whole run I'm sad to say. It's packed with an overcrowded cast, but so little is done. All I really look forward to in the conclusion is just that. For it to be finished.

This was probably the best chapter of this story, but that being said, it was also incredibly dull like the rest too. I just can't get into the concept of Teresa, because I've seen things like this too often for Spider-Man. Sooner or later she'll likely be revealed as a pawn in some villain's game to drive Spidey over the edge. Even if she has no idea. This was really a slow rather uninteresting story like King's ransom, showing Spencer may be cutting out at the right time. Let's hope sinister War turns out better like we're hoping.

This issue was a bit disappointing. You'd expect Batman to deal with Black Mask, who got away last issue, but instead he's gone into hiding and Batman gives up hunting for him. The side story featuring Bullock was entertaining, but had such a sad ending.

A decent issue. The only real important thing was Alfred's return after a year of absence. Otherwise it was a slow story, but still preferable to anything they put out today. If you see it for a couple of bucks in the back issue bin it's worth that.

Not too bad, but not as good as I'd hoped for either. While this is still worth it, I am looking forward to its end already. I also must thank Silvestri for not making Barbara start in with the same old "How can you let him live?" crap I'm so sick of hearing characters repeatedly ask in almost every Joker story. So far in fact we've been spared that. Thank you for that too Silvestri. Please continue to refrain from it. That issue kills a Joker story as quickly for me as Lois calling Clark "Smallville" in a Superman issue. This was a bit average an issue. The corpses dug up in a Joker story seems a bit too reminiscent of The Joker war though. Still, this is one of the better Joker stories I've seen in a while. It's worth getting, especially if you've been following this story already. I can't give this issue a real good review, but I definitely can't give it a low mark either.

Better than last issue, I'll give it that. It should be interesting to see where Scarecrow's connection to Saint goes. I smell conspiracy of vast proportions. Someone's playing this unstable city like a game of chess (and this time let's NOT have it end up being the Joker). The question is whether Tynion will make this develop into an intriguing mystery or if he'll continue to focus on his creating of a new cockamamie seventh-rate character every other issue. Sadly, I have a feeling I already know. I didn't even bother to read the Ghost Maker story. That's how tired of and uninteresting I find him. I won't expect his eventually inevitable regular ongoing series (Which will be written by.....His creator James Tynion IV, well who'd have guessed?) will last more than 15 issues. If you look at it that's the man's intention, plain as day. He's already given him a (rather pathetic) rogues gallery. He really wants to be the modern day Stan Lee. Oh, well. Back to the book in general. So far this is a reflection of the Covid paranoia and political strife of the last year in a different manner. Fear of deadly gas replaces the virus. A controversial mayor like never before instead of a president, and a gas mask buying frenzy instead of masks. If you want a Batman story about a pandemic try '96's Contagion. Otherwise, can we stop having comics reminding us of current events? They were created to help us escape reality, not read a poor copy in a different manner. Like everyone else, my main concern is the rising price. Sure Tynion wants to peddle his poor new characters, but this is History repeating itself. Adding extra pages to and raising the price on the bigger seller books, then gradually raise the price on everything and by year's end 99% (Looney Tunes and Scooby-Doo being possible exceptions) of DC's titles will be $5 or higher.

This issue has its ups and downs. The downs are like always, Tynion adds another lame new character who will go nowhere. Sorry to tell him, but I doubt anyone but him rushed to have Miracle Molly's debut graded believing it will be of value in a year. The whole unsanity collective side plot is a total bore and completely unnecessary. It's like they were added just so Tynion could keep the story dragging for longer. It would have been more interesting if it was the real Jim Gordon that approached them. I'd say whatever new Tynion character who makes their "big debut" next issue can't be crappier than Miracle Molly, but then again, I'd better not hold my breath. Then there's the pointless totally unnecessary backup story that is only there so DC can raise their prices. Like last issue, I didn't even read it. I'm not a fan of Ghost Maker. He wore out his welcome by the end of his first story, and I think in 20 years when his debut issue in NM condition will be valued at $15 at most is better than he deserves. Does anyone even read these wastes of paper? The editors don't care how many poor innocent trees died for something so pointless, just so long as it gives them an excuse to raise prices. Way to kill the industry fellas. When Superman's 100th anniversary issue is only available digitally we can say we owe that all to you and your greed. The upside is NO Ghost Maker in the main plot. This Peacekeeper project could pick up a little faster without the pointless unsanity Collective. The most intriguing part is what the Scarecrow has to do with it. One request: Let's end the involved villainy with him, shall we? I'm still burned out on multiple villain conspiracies thanks to City of Bane. And let's not end it with the Joker returning for another 8-part showdown. Tynion's latest run has been a controversial one, but if I know DC, this crappy new direction would have still happened under any other writer. DC worships the "Bold new direction" concept. They have since 2005 and it only looks like it's going to get worse. So if you can't handle it as it escalates, be ready to pick the right point to jump ship. From the way fans seem to be reacting, it looks like it's only a matter of time until that happens or they do their umpteenth "crisis" and start over at a point we're comfortable with (Then "F" it all up a couple of years later-AGAIN).

I'd have to say if it wasn't for the pointless Ghost Maker sub plot the story would have been way better. Who was he trying to impress with his copycat Batcave. Oooo. He has a bigger Dinosaur. Meet the Webster to Batman's Arnold. Is Tynion trying to impress us? If so it's not working. As if his pointless backup story I don't even want to read isn't enough. I haven't hated a new character this much since Damian with his "Mother, I want my own Batmobile." or "I'd make a better Batman than you." I hate to be the one to break it to Tynion, but even a perfect 10 graded comic of Ghost Maker's first appearance won't be fetching a lot in 10 years. He WILL NOT work. Heroes never succeed when their creator is their own Number 1 fan. Put him aside and move on to more important things, like ANYTHING ELSE!!! As for the rest of the story, I'd say it was well done. If Tynion would focus more on the plot than peddling his own lame ideas we may get a half-ass decent story out of him again.

Once more Tynion impresses himself most with another flimsy addition to his growing cast of pathetic characters. Now we have Batman against a guy who thinks he's Robocop or something. It's hard to like where Batman is headed. Once more, I passed on the Ghost Maker backup story because I've had more than enough of this pathetic excuse for dick envy in the main ones lately. Nakano is now officially Gotham's worst mayor since Hill. He's so consumed by his own resentment that he's willing to hand the city to an obvious madman. When it's too late to do anything he'll have no one to blame but himself, providing he'll even still be alive. This wasn't the worst issue of this monotonously long story, but it's definitely not the best either. It's likely "Fear state" will also be a long one though, so we'd better get ready for what may end up being the longest thing in Batman since No Man's land.

So here we have Batman with The Joker's equally out of her head groupie and the poorest Deadpool Rip-off of all time against A mentally unhinged Robocop wannabe with a pointless group of freaks that bring nothing but filler material. I'm not holding much hope for Fear state, but at least Tynion will be gone when it ends. So goodbye, good luck and take your poor characters with you. I swear everything's been downhill since Future State and its $7 each issues. As always I didn't even browse at the Ghost Maker story. I don't know how Tynion isn't facing a multi million dollar lawsuit from Marvel over ripping Deadpool off-badly. But he's going to learn when he sets out to make up his own stuff he's going to need to do a lot better at making up characters than he has been over the last year.

Not a bad issue. Not really a good one either, but not bad. It's decent for Tynion, but that's not altogether good. The best thing about this story seems to be it's coming to an end. When it does I want a sworn affidavit signed in blood that Tynion will never write for Batman again outside a mini-series. Future State is still DC's main focus. They literally want to change everything and seem so stupid as to believe it will gain them readers. Not goona happen. I'm not following I Am Not Batman and I will not be ever, no more than P.C.-approved Superman. Batman is at a crucial crossroads now. It can either get better with #118-121 or I'm out. I have better things to spend $5 on than a boring yawn fest, which almost everything DC is being reduced to lately. Whatever happens, they're bringing it on themselves. At this rate they'll kill themselves and maybe someone will buy the rights to their characters and have the sense to restore them to something half-ass decent. As for Fear State, I's been just a 25th rate Joker War or City of Bane. A prelude to worse things ahead, with tie-ins in every other title. I think I prefer the multi-title crossovers like Cataclysm and War Games instead. I'm sure the majority of readers are with me as we count down the time till this sorry saga is finally concluded in higher anticipation for it to be over rather than to see what happens.

And so yet another monotonous overly long story comes to a so-so end as comics today tend to do. I doubt Fear State will be ever looked back at like Year One, The Long Halloween or The Dark Knight Returns. It seems most people, like myself are just glad to see it finally ending, as it should have about 8 months ago, when we had enough of it. The worst part of this issue is that Batman once more revealed himself to yet another person that cannot fully be trusted. He didn't even need to remove his mask. Molly could have been appealed to without doing that. And Tynion could have redeemed himself some by a sudden cave-in happening and killing her instead, but no. He hopes she'll be seen as the great idea only he thinks she and the rest of his useless characters were. I personally hope never to see her again and let her drop into history as one of many forgotten characters. It's such a pity Tynion's run started out so impressively, but turned into another writer's attempt to immortalize himself as the person who did something no other writer did before, just like King. The Poison Ivy plot was totally pointless to me. It should have just been confined to the pages of Catwoman. I never was a fan of her in the first place, but the last 20 years she's gone so downhill I can't even stand when she appears anymore. And if the backup story is supposed to get me to buy the new Batgirls series, Mission failed. I find it harder to say what was worse. The story or the art. All-in-all, the best part about this issue is that it's Tynion's last. The Batman books are at the most crucial crossroads since I last dropped them altogether in "Batman R.I.P." I'm going to see what I think of the Upcoming story, but if I'm unimpressed it'll be time to drop Batman again. All I have to say is may our new writer be one who focuses on the story instead of his own legacy. After 117 issues it's about time this series had a writer like that again.

3 more issues. I sure hope Zdarsky isn't planning to send Batman on an Earth-after-Earth tour of the multiverse in a bunch of4-8 part storylines per world. This issue was pretty average. It could've been better, but also could've been worse. And though this seeing alternate versions of people you know and being surprised has been done to death, at least it's not totally boring. But I swear I'll rip up issue #135/900 if I learn the Red Mask is the Bruce Wayne of this world. What I really wonder is whether the Gordon Skeleton is a figment of Batman's imagination or it's just that no one else can see or hear him? I'd probably go with a figment. And if that is the case I have a feeling he's going to be a regular thing throughout this multiverse thing, if not Zdarsky's whole run. This wasn't a bad issue, but not a good one either. And though I'm no fan of the Multiverse I must say this story is still more original than Failsafe was.

Not Tynion's poor man's Deadpool again. And here he seems like a love child between his regular self and Bane. But when will DC come to their senses and realize he does not work? That no one but them thinks captain Dick envy is great? Oh, sorry. I forgot. This is DC we're talking about after all. This is Legacy #899. Fitting the next issue will be the conclusion. It will also be my last issue of this series. I came back at #1 for this volume and sat through much. And while Zdarsky hasn't done anything half as bad as King and Tynion did I think I'd prefer not sit around and wait. Amazingly it seems many are more into the backup story than the main one here. That's rare. I haven't seen that since Detective's "House of Gotham." These days Batman is the book all writers seem to want, whether they're into it or not. It's today what The Uncanny X-Men was in the '90s. Since it's the hottest single title on the market they know it's their big chance to be real big and they let it go to their heads, which is exactly what happened with Tynion. It may likely happen to Zdarsky too. And while his run hasn't been bad, it's been far from good either. At least unlike Ram V, he's already about to finish his second arc, while V's still on his first-with no end in sight. But I'd say Legacy #900 is a good idea for a jumping off point if you're tired of paying $5 for mediochre issues of what was once a great series that seems today to have forgotten what it should be.

I've read worse, I've definitely read better. After reading it though I know all I'm going to follow in this story is the main plot in Batman. It only has a couple of months ahead of it, so that's good, because after over 6 months, I've really grown weary of Tynion's bland storytelling and constant uninteresting characters. The main plot really was the only one that was worth reading. I couldn't really care less about this Ivy/Harley thing or any of the other stuff. I'm not filled with much enthusiasm that what's to come will be any better than what's happened so far, but time will tell I guess.

This is mostly the Aftermath of Fear State. It focuses on where Tynion's useless characters go from here (Which I hope no writer even bothers to follow up on) and Batman having a boring conversation with the Scarecrow as he transports him personally to his destination. The art was pretty good, but most of this issue was just Tynion's farewell letter to himself, patting himself on the back and telling himself how brilliant he feels his new characters are. Let's hope this is finally the last of these year long stories by a writer whose primary goal is just to make a name for himself.

This issue was a bit flat compared to the last two. I have a feeling this is just another tie-in to Dark Crisis. Especially with the last few "Shadow War" chapters I've read. I know DC has big plans for Nezha. He's likely the villain of their latest in an endless line of crises (Don't really know for sure, I'm not following it). This is the first encounter with him, and there's no telling what happens with him between then and now. Still, this is an intriguing arc. It's worth getting and despite this chapter being a bit slow, it promises to gain steam again pretty soon.

Not bad. It's a little less interesting than the last few issues, but this seems to be becoming another story with the whole Justice League getting caught up into it. It hardly seems like a Batman and Superman highlighted story right now. That's really my only complaint. The upsides still outweigh the downs by a pretty good margin. This still has the feel of the later post-crisis days. This issue is good enough, but the story is starting to slow down some. I just hope they don't overdo it with Nezha. Especially since I already know the instant this story is over they have another one ahead with him. I sure hope he doesn't turn out to be another of those overused enemies. Still, this is more fun than anything else with Superman now, and most of the numerous Batman things. And it's one of the better books still priced at $3.99.

I've always felt so-so toward Batman Beyond, so this is my first issue. I decided to check it out because it's his first encounter with the original in regular continuity. I'm not much of a Booster Gold fan, because all the stories I read with him are usually bland and repetitive. And it looks like this isn't going to be much different. Still, I do look forward to seeing if they meet face-to-face or if Booster can prevent it. But I still doubt I'll stick with this one after the conclusion.

This one was pretty average. It was better than the Two-Face, Mr. Freeze and especially the Riddler one (But then ANYTHING is better than that), but not the Bane, Catwoman or Penguin ones. As my departure from Batman approaches I'm glad these overpriced under-quality (Well, mostly) specials are almost over. The story was an average Clayface tale. He never has been one of my favorite villains and most of his stories are usually average at best (with the exception of the classic Mudpack story. That was great). This story does deserve a well enough review to be recommended though. If you're into the "One Bad Day" series then this is one of the decent ones. Though I'd recommend waiting till you can find it for lower than the ludicrous cover price. Maybe then you'll feel more like you're getting your money's worth.

Frankly I don't know what to think of this anymore. It's been getting a bit too weird. Though it's more interesting by far than Fear State (The only real fear there is that it will never end). It is more worth getting than any other Batman book now (Except the Adventures continue). I hope though the conclusion will be more interesting than this issue was.

Not bad, but not really good either. As usual the story is growing stale. I should have known it would come down to Equilibrium just being another totally insane person willing to kill countless innocents out of a ridiculous excuse for revenge on someone totally innocent. The conclusion should have been released this month, but at least this series only missed one month's release. Not bad considering how Batman/Catwoman's missed 4 or 5. I do look forward to the conclusion, though in ways it's more so this story will wrap up than because of suspense. But it's usually the case with stories that last more than 3 or 4 months. I just get tired of them. I think one problem I have is all this Batman Inc. crap which I hated coming back. And it looks like it's making a comeback in the regular series too. It may be the reason for a Batman departure next year. Too soon to tell. I will give the Detective credit though as it's probably still one of the better stories of 2021.

As much as I despise Damian and would love more than anything to see him die a slow painful death so violent it makes "A death in the family" look like a Disney princess movie, It was still worth it to see the Jon Kent we ALL want back for a change. What does that tell you? This issue proves what DC overlooks. If they want to bring in a younger demographic, a comic like this is a good way to do it. Kids could relate to them. All DC would need to do was promote them. A cartoon would get kids wanting to also read the adventures of their favorite superheroes' sons. It would have worked for me as a kid. Batman's success in movies and TV 30 years ago is what got me into his comics. Above all this shows DC would have been WAY better off if they'd gotten Tomasi to write a Superboy series after leaving Superman, leaving Jon's fate in his hands instead. That way Bendis couldn't have ruined him and put us in the dilemma we're headed for. Now that this series is in print I hope it outsells "Son of Kal-El" by far. Buying it and not that cheap money-making excuse (that's also killing Superman's regular title after 81 years) is the best way to show your support of how you prefer Superman's son. Let them see the superior sales this has and send "Son of Kal-El" to the $1 bins, where crap like it belongs.

This issue was okay. It had its moments of amusement, but was rather slow with hardly any action to it. Darkwing's biggest battle was an argument with Neptunia. When I heard this arc was going to feature the Justice ducks I was hoping for something a bit better, as the original Justice Ducks story was my favorite episode of the old show. Despite being a rather dull issue, Darkwing remains one of the best books out there today. And good comics are so rare nowadays we need all we can get.

A pretty good issue and storyline, though Riddler's heist was actually a bit cheesy. All he was after was a valuable baseball card. That's right out of the '60s show. That and his old fashioned baseball player costume. He was also willing to blow Cluemaster to bits for all this. And they say the Joker is crazy. A bit of a corny concept, but still an enjoyable story.

The Joker war may only be shifting into high gear, but I must say I'm glad this tie-in is finally over. I know The "In" thing today is "Make the story as long and complex as possible so it will sell bigger, more expensive collected editions." That's been the gimmick since "Hush," but a shorter story now and then can be a little more refreshing. Tomasi proved last year he can write a great Joker story in one single issue. I do miss the days when your average Batman story was 1-3 parts. But this is the age of "Money, Money, Money," thank you Dan "The moneygrubber" DiDio. My point is this story was much longer than it needed to be. Overall, the issue wasn't bad. Not great either though. It also amazes me how graphic comics have become as the demographic aged. Can you imagine Batman performing brain surgery in the '60s? "Robin, fetch me the Bat-scalpel...."

This is a hard issue to review. I didn't think much of the art, but the main story is pretty entertaining. I can't say I care much for the Damian subplot. I never liked him anyway, and thought he was a shitty Robin. And thanks to Bendis fucking up the character of Jon Kent Damian has lost the only thing that ever brought out the better in him. Perhaps his real problem is he feels unworthy because his actions resulted in Alfred's demise, but naturally he's too proud and stubborn to admit it. Perhaps as a way better Superman writer, Tomasi can one day (Hopefully soon) come up with a way to restore Jon to his better youth so the Super sons can reunite. Otherwise they may as well kill the brat off for good. Then we wouldn't have to endure his annoying smartass "Tts" Anymore. As for the rest of the issue, it wasn't Tomasi's best, but not his worst either. It looks like we have yet another person blaming Batman for his unfortunate accident. As for the Anti-mask mob, I hope they don't become a constant factor. This is Batman, not X-men.

Hush is the most overused villain I've ever seen in Batman, even more than Bane. So I'm never thrilled for a story with him. His plot was pointless and it would be better off if he never showed up last issue and bored us with his lame plan in this one. As for Damian, I don't care what becomes of him as he's the worst Robin ever and I've always hated him. He deserves the guilt for what happened to Alfred, because he let his gargantuan ego convince him he could save everything. I already hate Nakano and know he'll be nothing but a problem until he's killed and Batman probably gets the blame. So I can't say I care for where Batman books are headed. It may soon be time I hop off for a few years again.

Not much of a conclusion. Vile was a pretty disappointing character. Just the umpteenth character overcome by some freaky parasite thing straight out of Dr. Who. So I wasn't very impressed by his backup story. The disappointment of this conclusion makes it the worst issue in this arc, which the concluding chapter rarely is. And while this is still preferable to the regular Batman title it was still a pretty poor issue compared to the last few.

The death of Vile was probably for the better. He was getting old and so is this Dr. Who reject parasite. I know we have a few more issues of it ahead, but at least Fear State will only last a couple of months, not another year. It's nice to see some of the old threads lately. I hear the yellow circle is returning, so it was a good start for its return. Some blue in the outfit is also another good feel of nostalgia. Detective is alas getting the short end because in reality it's simply the better of the 2 regulars, which has been the case numerous times over the years. Especially now when the regular Batman is full of poor characters, flimsy cliche and forced to carry backup stories featuring the lamest Deadpool rip-off of all time.t least Detective's backup story has some relevance. Though i have no intention of following Task Force Z, it's still more worth reading than the exploits of a loser whose biggest fan will always be his own creator. This was really just your basic modern day Batman book. Nothing real special, but probably more worth the money than the general series.

While it's good to see Jay Garrick in a story set during the war, the plot was just ludicrous. It's right out of the crystal skull. I kind of prefer a little more realism in World War II stories. Still, the art is good and I can tell the next issue will be an interesting one. Is Wally being swept through different periods of the multiverse as well? This was mostly an average chapter in what's so far been an interesting story.

This issue reminds me just why I never really cared for Rita Repulsa as an enemy. She yaks too much. It also reminded me of how much I enjoyed that part in the '95 movie when Ivan Ooze threw glop at her covering her mouth giving us some much welcome silence from her. This series has been interesting enough, but I have to say I'm glad it's winding up. It's just starting to fade in interest. I've never been a fan of numerous issues covering one big battle.

I seldom buy anthology comics anymore, but this wasn't a total disappointment as they tend to be. Danny DeVito wrote an interesting enough fantasy story. Though it didn't really make too much sense. How could Catwoman and Penguin ever become in item? The thought alone makes one dizzy. The Scarecrow story was average, but gives him a decent story after "Fear State" had us all begging for less. The Mad Hatter story featured my least favorite Batman character ever, Damian, so he pretty much killed it. The Poison Ivy one was as dull as any Ivy story nowadays can be. Her new lesbian persona kind of makes her more interesting older capers where she seduced men seem a bit obsolete now. But in plain truth, the story was just plain BOR-RING. It was undoubtably the worst and most pointless story in the whole book. The Red Hood is hard to figure out thanks to Snyder's alteration of the character. I remember when it was a disguise by the Joker before he even became the clown prince of crime. But now there were a ton of them and he was just one of many. It kind of kills the character's intrigue, but I must admit the story was still a decent one. Killer Moth's story was one of a guy who knows he's a lesser foe, but doesn't care. Personally I prefer when he tried to improve his image with more daring heists, but still was doomed to failure. Because let's face it, this guy has managed to continue menacing Batman for over 60 years. He deserves a little respect for that at least. The Ra's Al Ghul story was kind of slow, but the Talia one made up for that. I don't like Talia anymore as I used to, but hers was one of the book's better stories as well. Anthology comics are death traps for our wallets most of the time, but I guess this one was worth getting, especially when compared to most others I've read the last couple of years.

The big climax has been delayed thanks to Covid-19 lockdown, but should be out soon hopefully. I suppose after "Necessary Evil" is over we'll be flashing forward to the days when Zedd & Rita married. I'm not looking forward to that because that was when the series went downhill. It just became poorlier written and cheesier than ever. Still, As the comic's proven, it can improve things from what they were. One of its appeals is how it gave more insight into the Rangers' personalities. I'm sur it'll still be good beyond #50. This issue featured a great cover. It shows alone the odds are greatly stacked against the Rangers. The overall plot left something to be desired, but still leaves you anticipating the big finale. Especially after a month's delay.

This issue was a bit slow when compared to the regular issue. It shifted focus from the last issue's cliffhanger, forcing us to wait another issue to see what happens there. I hate when a book does that. But there was a little interest in this issue. Matt will have to deal with something no other Ranger who's been controlled by the enemy has before. He took a life while it happened. This will be an interesting development for the character over time. It also leaves a shroud of questions over what will become of Promethea without Grace. Will it be abandoned or will someone else take charge? I never cared for Grace as a character, but her loss leaves a lot of interesting things ahead in this series I'm looking forward to seeing unfold. SO far Darkest Hour is quite epic and thrilling. It's not as exciting so far as Shattered Grid or the Eltarian war, but it's still pretty intense. I have a feeling it will get more exciting as it develops.

I passed on most of the "Ric" stuff, so a lot of this book left me confused, but I'm just glad to see Nightwing's back in action after nearly 2 years. His attitude toward Barbara in here was a lot more pleasant in this issue than in Batgirl #50, where he was just plain bitter. Usually stories with the KGBeast are pretty interesting ("10 nights of the Beast" and "Troika") but he just doesn't seem as much a badass as he used to be. Maybe he needs back that cybernetic eyepiece that it looks like he still has on the cover. Still, I look forward to seeing Nightwing deal with the guy who nearly killed him.

Joe Kelly is much better at Spider-Man than he ever was with Superman, but this is not one of his better works. This isn't the thrill fest they'd have you believe, but there is a lot of action. This is reminiscent of the 2000s Spider-Man stories that could never get me to stay regularly. Like the last Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man series, I think I'll pass on this as a regular and only pick up an occasional issue. If you like it, by all means keep getting it. As for me, I'm just goona stick with good ol' Amazing.

I remember this issue. What was so special about it? Hurrah. After 2 excruciating years the clone saga was finally coming to an end. The last of what would be regarded by many as the worst idea in the history of comics was finally coming to it's close starting with this issue. What more could one have asked for? I obviously was no fan of the clone saga, as it would be several years until I decided to even bother with collecting back issues from it. So this issue was a very welcome one for me and when I look at it I always remember how glad I was to see the end was there at last starting with this issue.

This is what Drakkon got after "Shattered Grid?" Frankly it was too good for him. This issue was good enough, but a little weak. I'm glad they weren't stuck here for the next 7 issues, that's for sure.

This issue is heavy in references to future series including Space and SPD. It is interesting to see the exploits of the 3 lost rangers after they left the team. I mean here they are up against a seemingly unstoppable enemy and the only way to beat them will be alongside the deadliest enemy they have. Not to mention they're fugitives. This has all the intrigue I wished for 25 years ago instead of the cheesiness that was season 3. It's also an interesting revelation that the Emperyals are connected to their own origins. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in their next meeting with them. In the mean time it's also a clever idea to treat more die hard fans to seeing things from future titles. Something I'd like to see one of the teams meet the original team from Himitsu Sentai Gorenger (The original Japanese series that started it all). I just think that would be cool to finally see the original '70s Rangers in America at last. The end of this issue is also intriguing. Are they going to have to ally with another enemy? Looks like more excitement ahead.

This story is apparently aimed at the longtime fans. I am a little familiar with the Space and SPD series, but not very much. I threw in the towel after Zeo. Turbo stunk too much to follow and afterward was no more interesting to me (Though I did like Time Force and Dino Thunder). All-in-all, the story was okay. It is interesting to see the original Rangers encounter characters who were years from appearing on the show. It looks like Drakkon's still got his own agenda that will likely come to light after the Emperyals are dealt with. While this series isn't as intriguing as the regular at the moment, it is still a pretty good change of pace from the direction we remember.

I'm starting to think Lord Drakkon is past his prime. This wasn't really too interesting a story, but except for his debut saga most stories set in his world aren't really that interesting. It may have a bit more appeal when in a few months we get to see his new Coinless team in action though. We'll just have to wait and see.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #37 Mar 19, 2021

Okay. This thing with Surge was interesting enough the first 4 or so months, but has quickly gotten tiresome. I mean first it was the Metal Virus saga now this. I really grow weary of these unending threats. Isn't that supposed to be what Eggman is for? Whatever fate they have in store for Surge, after this is over let's give her a rest, huh guys? These long never ending longer than a year sagas are more like a tiring anime story and less like the Sonic I miss so much from Archie. It's a lot to live up to, I know, but being that great series' legacy I think it can do better than this.

Sonic The Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island (2022) #1 Jan 16, 2023
Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #4 Apr 15, 2021

This issue was a little better than the last couple, but frankly the plot is hard to stay interested in.Mostly because it uses the same old stuff I see everywhere else in sci-fi nowadays. The fact that parasitic aliens using bodies for hosts has become a majorly overused concept in modern Science fiction for one. It grows tiresome. That's one of the reasons I quit watching Dr. Who. I guess High republic is missing that something Dark Horse's Old Republic era books had. While this is currently the only Star Wars title I'm currently reading, I don't know if I'll be sticking with it. This is a book that's real hard to get a grip on when it comes to how well I enjoy it. And with the obvious upcoming rise in comic prices it looks like we'll have to tighten our belts again and choose what we're more into and what it looks like we'll have to let go of. But I'd probably recommend this book to die hard Star Wars fans or those who are into stories about its historical era.

Not bad. It's not as exciting yet as the last, but I'm sure Venditti will improve things. I'm not too crazy about Metallo being a Soviet agent, but I guess one would have expected it more in the days this takes place. This is off to one of those "wait and see" starts, but I have to give it credit for being off to a good enough start.

This is a tragic issue with an equally tragic end. I still don't know if Geoff Johns' story from years later is the truth or if the Toyman convinced himself of his explanation because he couldn't accept his actions in this story. A far darker Toyman than anything before makes his debut in this issue, and though like before, he thinks he's helping unfortunate children, he's really only doing harm. Especially when his latest capture fights back. Things had been rather peaceful since Superman's return, so this one ends with a cruel reminder that it wouldn't last.

Mongul's become more brutish a foe than he used to be. I miss the despot he was in the '80s and '90s. But what really bothers me is how this United planets plot keeps Superman off Earth where the actions of the lame idea of his revealing his identity to the public is about to blow up in his face. Lois' career has orbited around Superman. The rest of the press naturally feels she had an unfair advantage. This could cost her everything. Good move Clark. And his powers did the same for him. I don't know if Zatanna's going to have to wipe the whole world's memory of this bad idea or however it'll be undone (Probably DC's umpteenth reality-altering crisis), but before it's done they may end up making Peter Parker look like the luckiest guy on Earth.

Batman and I were the only ones to realize from the start that Superman going public with his identity was a bad idea. How long till the state department comes after him for not being born on American soil? While the art is as good as I'd expect from Ivan Reis, the plot is rather dull. I'm already bored with this United Planets crap. Let Mongul's attack kill the idea so we can keep Superman on Earth so he can see how dumb a thing it was he did. Lois is already paying and others will as well soon enough. There are a ton of super foes out there wetting themselves at the thought of getting to him through those he cares about. And even he can't stop them all. I think it's high time DC should tell Bendis it's been fun, but it's also done.

This is surprisingly a more bearable issue than most by Bendis. Maybe because Ivan Reis is finally back. He does such good work. I liked that view from the Daily Star where you could see the Daily Planet and the Lexcorp building. It reminded me of the '80s and '90s where you'd see them both all the time while Superman was in the sky fighting or just flying. Superman's history has been so twisted over and over since "Infinite Crisis" that I don't know what I knew about is still part of it and what's been forgotten. So this issue's trip through history was all new to me. I see Bendis is a big fan of the first movie, making Clark less than I remember him being in his youth. I guess that completely erases the existence of the Supervillain Conduit, who resented Clark's success in their youth. As for the Synmar, it looks like Superman's up against an adversary who blames him for something that's not his fault. It's hard to tell how good or bad this could get.

Pretty average issue really. What Williamson was thinking wasting about 4 perfectly good pages with a boring unnecessary talk between Superman and Lobo is beyond me though. The boredom factor of that alone has to cost my review of this issue a full point at least. Why weren't they pigging out on fast food while talking like most Superheroes seem to do while having these dull conversations about the direction their lives are heading. I'm not sure whether or not I really care for this story. Right now my main concern is that it may end up becoming my jump off point, not only from Superman, but all of DC. At least there's still plenty of adventure otherwise in this issue. Not exactly worth $5, but still a decent enough read.

I don't really understand this "King in black" stuff since I'm not following any other part of it. The story's not bad though. I doubt It will be as good as the first Symbiote Spider-Man mini, but it does seem better than the last one. Smythe is a villain I forget easily, but wouldn't mind seeing again in modern Spidey, as Spider slayer stories are usually pretty interesting. Too bad there weren't any in this issue or his appearance would've had more meaning. After the disappointment of the last Symbiote mini-series I don't know if I'll follow any more after this one. We have 4 issues to go, so we'll see what happens and if I'll consider any more Symbiote era mini-series or just quit after this one.

The Rocketeer: The Great Race #4 Aug 17, 2022
TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures (2023) #8 Apr 24, 2024

A promising story to a new arc, but I really felt Mr. Ogg was returning a bit soon as he was last seen only a few issues ago. So I hope this will be the last of him for a while. It was generally an average issue for this series but ended with a pretty promising cliffhanger.

Transformers/Back to the Future #2 Jan 16, 2021

I guess it was a decent enough issue. Very little to do with Spider-Man at all. Hickman definitely likes to build stuff up slowly, that's for sure. The honest truth is if the original Spider-Man comic started this slow it never would've lasted though. And while I liked seeing how things are developing for the team of Ben and Jonah I have to say the lack of Spidey action is making my interest weaken. While this outdoes anything else Marvel is currently putting out by far it's still not saying much since it's also all I get by Marvel anymore. I'd say my recommendation is that this is a book I'd suggest I'm not sure it's worth $5 a month for 6 issue arcs that never resolve anything. My suggestion is if you don't feel that way either but still want to see what develops than you may do as I plan to as of #12 and rather than get the monthly issues wait for the collections every 6 or so months. I still find this a series worth reading, but my waning interest tells me my new approach will leave me more satisfied and not have to give up on the whole thing.

Once more the Critics kiss up to Bendis while the readers call for his departure from this book. Reminds me of Politics. But as usual I'm inclined to agree once again with my fellow readers. Romita Jr. just doesn't have that touch he did about 20 years ago in Spider-Man, and Bendis REALLY has lost the touch he had with Ultimate Spider-Man. This same crap has dragged on and on and on over the last 2 years like a soap opera plot, and it doesn't seem anyone cares what happens and just wants it over and Bendis OUT. I say Piss on any big Anime-style 6-issue long showdown he wants to do. Just end this crap already. 2 years with some of the crappiest villains in all comic history and plots with no end in sight are not what we want. The reviews I've read tell that. And I thought the days when they tried to make the comics more like the horrible '90s cartoon 20 years ago were bad... The impact of "The Big reveal" has sucked beyond anything I'd even imagined. This issue is proof of that. The cover is 100% off-throwing. Clark isn't the new boss. Hell, he doesn't even turn to Clark in this issue. A piece of advice to Bendis: Kill off Red cloud in the end. I NEVER want to see her or the Invisible Mafia again once this is over (Providing it ever will be). I'm not Psychic, but you don't have to be either to predict that one day when people look at the career as a writer Bendis has made that his time on Superman will be a very popular part of it. And a word of advice to DC: Don't any of you even Dream of considering thinking of letting Bendis EVER try to write Batman.

I'd have to say this has been Johnson's best issue yet, but it doesn't mean it was great. I despise Aquaman's current look. It's even worse than the one he had in the '90s. One question, when Superman left the meeting why did he float out of the room. He seldom does that. Is he too good to walk on his own 2 feet now? A minor matter, but worth noting. The art seems to be improving. I can't say I'm fond of this new possible Kryptonian, because I'm not. There's just something unlikable about her. Maybe it's the attitude. But I am also sick of new Kryptonians popping up. It's been done to death over the last 12 or so years. How long has it been since Superman was actually Krypton's soul survivor? Sadly as usual this issue just offers the same stale storytelling Johnson has given since he replaced Bendis. And that's just too little to keep my interest. I'll give them till the upcoming Warworld saga then if I see no improvement I'm done with Superman books (Or should I say "Book since he now only has one regular title?).

I've seen a lot better, but I've also seen a lot worse. I'm not keen on what I've seen so far of this Superman family thing. It's worthy of the Silver age, which I'm not too keen on either, at least as far as Superman went back then. I doubt it will last, but it's probably going to be here for a while. These twins are obviously just an excuse hoping to butter up fans of the younger Jon. The inept powers that be at DC seem to think replacing him will make up for aging him, and even more, that it will help people accept him as he now is and most of all, get the majority of fans off their backs. DC is teen hero-crazy. They'd sooner castrate themselves then eat their former manhood than give up even one of their precious teen heroes. They'd kill any character who isn't age 13-19 without a second thought, sure. But they'll never give up a single teen character. Never. As for the commercialism that is Dawn of DC, it's an obvious attempt to mislead us into thinking things are about to get better and keep buying their already more than they're worth books. That Rebirth will be nothing compared to this, and how we're goona love it. Yeah, right. They're still going to keep hiring Marvel writers and tell us what we should want instead of hearing what we actually want. It's mostly just an excuse to release a bunch of new #1s and take the other stuff in new directions they think are cool and they'll keep using Marvel's tactics, all the while claiming they don't wish to. In short, nothing will be different than it has been. Just new #1s and "bold new directions" all while, like with Marvel, their books' main reason to exist will be to promote their movies and streaming programs. Basically just another "brilliant" move by DC's editors. It's worthy of DiDio himself. Well, enough of the stuff we all already knew. On to the review. The first story, as I said wasn't the worst I've seen, but by far not the best either. Kudos to its artist for restoring the old Lexcorp building. It reminds me of the old landscape of Metropolis. But the Irons' new building sticks out, big time. It looks like something out of the Brainiac 13 tech era from 20 years ago. Having a classic foe like Metallo back is also something good to see. And it looks like I was right in my prediction that Prison won't keep Luthor from causing trouble. We all know his lawyers will somehow get him out eventually, but in the mean time he's not letting stone walls or iron bars keep him from his evildoing. The general story is better than most of what I've seen by Johnson. I haven't been a fan of his work, and would shed no tears if he were to depart this book (Well, maybe if because Bendis was coming back). But he is better at down-to-Earth stories than the Science fictional stuff like he has done over the last couple of years. The second story is rather slow, but that's to be expected at the start of a new story. I think the Doombreaker thing should've been limited to the anniversary special, but maybe Jurgens can make it work out. Like the majority, I'm glad to see Jon as we prefer. The return to the farm is also a nice touch. I'm hoping in time to see the return of his friend Kathy. She was a very likable interesting character (Especially when she kicked Damian's ass). And though I'm as glad as the rest to see a return of sorts to better times, I'd advise others not to get their hopes up. Even if this causes a sales boost and 100.000% of everyone who buys an issue publicly states that this story is why they did it still won't be enough to change DC's minds. As for the third story, I didn't even bother. It's just filler material to keep the book at $5. Plus I'm just not interested. All in all this book wasn't a must-read, but it wasn't a total waste either. It's the start of a new direction I'm not very impressed by, but it's better than anything I've seen in the Superman books in the last 4 years. But then that's not saying much ether. I won't recommend against getting it, but I can't recommend it to non-regular readers either. It's my first experience with Dawn of Dc, and so far I'm not impressed. If they expect reactions to it to be of a Rebirth proportion I have a feeling they'll be sorely disappointed. Because when comparing the quality of this to Rebirth, It's only tepid. Lukewarm at best. I only just returned to Superman and still haven't seen enough to make up my mind whether I want to stay or not. Time will tell. But I can only give this start up issue an average review.

Not bad for a book that made little sense. What was this? When? I don't follow this House of El stuff nor do I follow the multiverse. Frankly Superman's world is becoming even more confusing than in the silver age. The end was pretty poor. Johnson is apparently a strong believer in Superheroes being replaced at a young age. This Brandon Kent looks like he must've been in his lower teens when his daughter was born. I thought at first it was a story from Jon's time as Superman. Heaven forbid it be that simple though. They're going to have to undo a lot of crazy stuff to get me back into Superman after I'm out in the near future.

I remember this issue. Concluding a saga that spanned the Spring and Summer of '02. Come on. Who actually believed Bruce Wayne would kill? Even to protect his secret? Did the writers actually believe any reader had doubts? Nah. If he keeps himself from killing the Joker why would a 5th rate love interest drive him to it? I have to say , I suspected Hugo Strange of framing him. What other foe would be that smart? Especially when only a handful know his identity? Bane? Don't make me laugh. Ra's Al Ghul? Smart enough, but not his style. But this would be right up Hugo's alley. But, no. It turns out to be some guy I never heard of. I never paid attention to the Batgirl of that time or her history, and I missed on most of the No man's land days, so the guy was nobody to me. I was disappointed it wasn't Hugo, but I was happy that pointless mystery came to an end. Not my favorite plot, but it was still put together pretty well.

This has been the best issue yet, but unfortunately that's not saying much. The most I've gotten from reading this story is a better appreciation for Batman Forever. I've found myself already with crossed fingers for more Superman'78, while hoping though that this series will just fade into the realm of forgotten comics.

Here we go again. All Tynion seems to be doing is making a name for himself by introducing lame new characters in each of his stories. I thought he was doing well until halfway through the Joker War, but now all he seems to want to do is build a new cast. I knew all along Ghost maker was going to stay after this. If they want a sword swinging assassin to work with Batman then bring back Azrael. If they want a teenage vigilante who goes too far, bring back Anarky. And if they want Joker to have a pain-in-the-ass groupie, turn Harley bad again. This was another bad conclusion to what seemed to start as a decent story. There was no showdown. Just "Join me." "Okay." and that's it, with some stupid dialogue, the end. That was the worst ending to a comic in the past year, second only to Superman #28. What pointless unlikable character are you introducing next, Tynion? And how long till you realize Ghost Maker is a lame sidekick and you get rid of him? I don't look forward to finding out. Either I see some improvement in Batman after "Future state" or I guess It'll be time to drop it again for the first time since Rebirth began. Frankly these stories aren't worth $4 an issue lately.

I will admit that while this issue is a bit better than the last three, it does have its share of dull stretches. The first story is a reminder to us all how much better we are without Damian and how much I loathe him. The second story was well drawn but not much to the plot. Who was that old guy? And why was Gordon so determined to get him? The third story was a reminder of Gilda's secret role in the Long Halloween. Not too interesting, but it had its intrigue. The fourth story was confusing as well, but did have good art, and portrayed the pre-52 era Riddler without the stupid sideburns and question mark scar. The art in the Nightwing story was good, but the plot, a traditional bore. The best I can say about this issue is it features some of the best art yet in this pointless anthology series. The downside is it's just not worth the money like the original mini-series was. That's why this is my last Batman anthology series.

At least this one was readable when compared to King's crapola fest Riddler special. Though this is just something we've seen done to death now. Two-Face tries to go straight, but as ALWAYS reverts back to his regular self in the end. And what's with his father? The man seems to be in better shape than your average 80 Year old. He sure could run better than any I've seen, that's for sure. This was an average Two-Face story with little to offer and will be easily forgotten in a short time. Just check out Detective #1066, only released a couple of months later. While trying to go straight for the umpteenth time in that issue Two-Face recalls an abusive father nothing like the guy in here. That's a major problem with today's comics. The writers don't work in sync with one another. So their stories often contradict each other, making it hard to believe if anything is even in the same continuity anymore. It's okay for a simple Two-Face story with no real impact, but mostly just a typical and rather predictable one as well.

I don't really know what to make of this issue. It's like something out of '90s Swamp Thing. I was kind of hoping whatever this thing was, it wouldn't be connected to Croc. That would have been too obvious.....But connected in this way? Gotta give Garth Ennis credit for creativity. This issue was a little less thrilling than the others, but I do want to see how Croc and Batman deal with "Junior."

It is nice to see a new adventure based on the classic cartoon. The down side is it was just another dull-as-a-cucumber-sandwich Superman team-up. I loved the animated series until it left FOX and became "The new Adventures" on the WB. It grew dull and the change in animation style sucked. And I always considered the Superman series of the time a bore that killed the quality of the comics when they started using it for their inspiration 20 years ago. I also hate the red sky. Come on. How lazy can the artists get when they won't make a real Gotham sky with clouds and instead just colors it all red? It really would benefit if they followed the earlier style episodes (The FOX ones), which EVERYONE I've asked agrees, were the better ones. I guess I'll get the next issue to see if it improves. One thing I liked was how easily Bane was beaten at the start. It's how he'd have had his cowardly ass handed to him in Batman #497 if he wasn't too afraid to take Batman on at any point besides his weakest. But I am fed up with the "I will break you!" B.S. It's reason #6 (of 7,963) why I despise Bane so much. Aside from the red sky, the art was good. It followed the show (Even though it has to be the WB era), and the characters look as I remember. I still have hopes this series will work out and other issues will earn better reviews.

For a so-so issue it offers promise for something good as the imminent showdown with Father Valley draws close. Let's hope it does and they don't blow it.

The Church of Two story has taken a huge shift from where it began. I knew it was a matter of time until the Joker would use the Court of Owls' weapons to his own advantage. At first I rated this an average story, and though it's gained little more interest since, it's certainly full of graphic action. But I will be glad when it's over.

I wish I could find something to praise about this issue, but only one word sums it up. and that's BOR-RING! At least the Justice League hasn't had to do their usual thing and butt in (Yet anyway). But this was a dull issue featuring Talia, a character who wore out her welcome so long ago I can't even remember when it was I was glad to see her. I really just don't have any interest in this Orgham family, and I have a feeling they're going to be around for as long as Ram V. This guy obviously likes the Supernatural and if the new logo was his idea, an obvious Stranger Things fanatic. So from what I've drawn from the 2 regular series' current writers' first few issues so far it looks like Batman will be facing challenges that send him into hiding while the bad guy takes over the city, as usual in Batman. And here he'll face out of the ordinary things, most likely with a supernatural twist, while a bunch of new loser villains manipulate his old ones. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this guy supposed to be a crime fighter? I don't think I can remember the last time he actually solved a crime in the last 2 years. I know fans are in love now, and I'll admit V and Zdarsky are an improvement after the age of King and Tynion, but it wears off and you see it's still just not that good (especially when you're having to pay $5 an issue) and realize the Batman you used to know and love is just gone and is not likely to come back any time soon. This must have been how some fans felt in the '50s when he traded crime fighting for corny Sci-Fi adventures. I've been back with Batman since rebirth 6 years ago, but it looks like I'll be jumping off soon. I hope those who stay find it worth $5 an issue. That's the only reason anyone today should still be collecting, if it's worth it. As for this issue itself, I'll admit that though incredibly dull, it still had its charm, so I'll be fair and give it a 6.5.

I hate to say but as this plot develops, the less I get into it. Ram V is too much of a scribe of the supernatural genre and I've never been too big a fan of Batman stories with a supernatual plotline. And there have been enough over the last few years for me. Batman Legacy #900 is coming up. After that I'll be more clear if I want to stick with Batman any longer, but it's not looking good. I will say at least in Detective Batman doesn't have to be ran out of town after a defeat leaving his allies to deal with the bad guy taking over the city like he constantly has in Batman over the last several years. Unfortunately it's not enough to make this rapidly declining story any better. Reis' art and the return of Gordon and Bullock are probably the best thing about the last couple of issues.

Well, here we are, 6 issues and one annual into this already long enough saga and nothing has been resolved and the Orgham family is getting less and lesser interesting than any prolonged villains since Bendis' Invisible Mafia. The worst part is we're not even really started on anything either. The last 6 issues have just seemed a prelude to a much longer and tiring ordeal to come. Unless you're a fan of serialized prolonged stories that will probably not end until the writer leaves the book, this probably isn't for you either. Save yourself an additional $5 a month, as I'm likely to start doing soon. I'll grant there are some interesting things here it's just not enough for me and is taking way too long to keep my interest.

For the most part this was an enjoyable story. Unfortunately this conclusion left much to be desired. It really was just a copy of the Return of the Joker movie. Only here we got the fate they had to pass on because it was too violent at the time. The end looked like t may work out for Jason, but they chose something much more disappointing. One of the other problems with this book didn't even involve the story itself. The narration dialogue was written with a dark purple background, making it near impossible to read. What were they thinking? You don't write the dialogue on a dark color background. That's almost like writing on pitch black paper with black ink. If you want to judge the story as a whole it was pretty good. But the concluding chapter was quite a letdown. I'd really expect better of DeMatteis.

It's pretty good for a comic made in the 2020s but like other issues so far, a bit slow and weak on the action and drama the classic show was so well known for. I really hope things will improve or this may turn out to become yet another short-lived Disney comic.

I'm not sure what to make of this Dr.Who spoof in a time when that legendary series is dying a slow torturous death. Well, it does remind us of the series in better times. It's a bit reminiscent of when the Doctor constantly tangled with the Master in the original series. The plot was simple, though like the last issue a bit bland. They really need to tone down on the spoofing and stick to good adventure filled storytelling like Boom and Joe Books did. After all, these are the Justice Ducks. The team that first assembled in my favorite episode of the old show. I always wished they'd reunited, but feel they deserve better than silver age-style sci-fi spoofs.

Parrott is beginning to repeat himself. How many times now has the Command Center been infiltrated by an enemy attack now? Otherwise this issue was unfortunately a bit dull and predictable. I really hope the next couple will improve. But so far this series hasn't been as satisfying as the last one. But there's always the possibility things will pick up.

This mini-series started out pretty promising, but grew stale halfway through. It was WAAAAAY better than that God-Awful team up they did on Power Rangers in Space, I'll give it that. Each of the Rangers found a member of the Turtle team they had things in common with, that was amusing. Rita Repulsa's presence was really unnecessary, because Shredder was already more than enough trouble for both teams. And a team-up with Lord Zedd would've been more interesting. I guess I lost focus and interest since it took almost 3 months in standby due to Covid-19 quarantine. It happened with a lot of stories I'd been reading. But like I said, the start was more promising than the end. I can only give this issue a 6.5, but altogether the storyline at least rates a 7.5. And I would definitely read a sequel. Look how well a trilogy worked for the Turtles and Batman.

Is this the same villain who eluded batman and killed over 100 people in a week in the classic "10 Nights of the Beast?" Looks like the once mighty KGBeast has been reduced to second rate supervillain. But it was an interesting rematch. That's all I was in it for. I didn't read any of the "Ric" crap so the rest was pretty meaningless to me.

Not bad. I never was a fan of the Power Rangers in Space or Turbo series, but it was an interesting origin story for a popular character. Truth be told though, I'd have passed on this if it wasn't connected to the regular series.

This issue is better than #1, but I'm still not too impressed. It makes too many references to the "In Space" series, which I'm not really a fan of. If they continue following the Drakkon dimension after this, I doubt I'll stick along for the ride.

Rick is being a dick, Morty is putting up with it like usual Summer is getting in over her head again, Beth and Jerry can't quit arguing. Yep. Your typical Rick & Morty adventure. This journey Rick and Morty are on is kinda dull though. So far this mini hasn't been to impressive. I miss the single issue stories from the regular series.

Slade fought rather clumsily to be so easily outmatched by Talia. This guy is supposed to be DC's toughest mercenary. Maybe the loss of Respawn got to him. Either way this was an action packed issue with little else to offer. I'll be glad when this 3 star crossover is over.

Geo-Force? I can honestly say I'd never have guessed because my interest in this character could fit into a thimble and you could still fit in a herd of elephants with it. So here we have a 2nd rate conclusion to a 3rd rate crossover to see a showdown with a 4th rate superhero in the fallout of a 5th rate Bendis-made disaster. And all for $6. Save your money. Wish I had.... It actually has some promise, but the conclusion was pretty disappointing. Outside Batman's world, I knew nothing about most of this crossover's characters. Maybe Geo-Force will redeem himself. We all know Ra's won't stay dead this time either. Nor will he next time, or the time after that, or the time after..... Geeze, no wonder South Park stopped killing Kenny all the time. Fictional characters dying then returning has been done to death for years. I wish comic writers would get the message like those on South Park did and stop it already. My only real thought I'd like to share on Shadow War with DC's editors is that if they plan to make a sequel, don't.

The main story is the more interesting, as it has a little adventure to it, but not really too much. The second was rather pointless, as it was dull as a modern DC or Marvel comic. The only point to it was that it had Sonic in it. Without Eggman constantly causing trouble like he did in the Archie days Sonic has too much free time on his hands. The only thing that story needed to make it like any DC or Marvel comic was for Sonic and Blaze to be eating fast food. Just how much of these comics does Flynn write anymore anyhow? Not much I'm guessing. Because I find it hard to believe the guy who gave us the fall of Knothole, Enerjak reborn, Genesis, 55 superb issues of a way too short-lived Mega Man series and 2 great crossovers between him and Sonic has been reduced to coming up with the weak stories we've been getting of late.

I wish I could say I find this as thrilling as when it started, but this Drengir thing has gotten old and stale very fast. I'll likely stay till they finish off this business with the Great Progenitor, but then I'll probably be out.

Do the professional reviewers just love anything Bendis? or do they love to just suck up to the guy? Or are they just in denial that his run on Superman sucks? I'd say all of the above, because the readers' reviews are the total complete opposite. All I can say positively is, Thank God this story was a short one. Xanadoth was a she? My bad. I had no idea until they referred to it by gender. Reminds me of when I first saw Freeza on Dragon Ball Z. That's a guy? Are you sure? And I really doubt any other writer would make Superman so dense he'd open up to a kid he just met telling him all that's on his mind like this new Dr. Strange. I think he was looking for a different kind of Doctor. I, like all other readers have grown weary of Bendis' boring and shallow storytelling with its endlessness and unnecessary twists. I doubt we'll miss his run like the critics are whining that they will.

As usual, this is the better of both titles in print, but it's still a letdown, as only Bendis can make. The best thing is the art, as usual. It doesn't seem to make much sense, because Jimmy is still at the fortress and they talk about the FBI at the planet in a past tense like Jimmy wasn't there, even though he was. Otherwise this issue's just the same old stuff other writers have done before all meshed into one issue. All that was original was a scene at the planet that should've happened almost a year ago. For doing something as big and stupid as making Superman reveal his identity, Bendis sure hasn't done much with it. And none of his enemies have done anything. Any real writer would have Superman's foes coming in all the time from all directions intent on destroying him, but Bendis only wants to focus on the pathetic villains he's came up with instead, and none of them could care less who Superman is. The big reveal could have developed into something interesting if it were written by someone who knew how to write a half-ass Superman story. Then there's Synmar. An alien intent to destroy Superman, but he has no idea why. Been there, done that-over and over, too many times to count over the last 50 years. Thanks for another letdown issue Bendis. Defenseless innocent trees died to make this, you know. I suggest to my fellow readers we force DC's editors to sign a sworn legal Affidavit indicating that after his run is over that Bendis will NEVER be allowed to write another Superman book or even do one with a guest appearance by him, or even be allowed to write a book mentioning him ever again.

I didn't expect anything vastly better than Bendis, especially when I learned his replacement was someone I'd never heard of. Looks like it was a good idea not to have high expectations. So far I'm no more impressed than I was with Bendis. This is only paving the way for what only DC wants. A new teenage Superman. If I've learned anything since the '90s it's that comic editors are hopelessly in love with the old "kill off the hero and replace him with a teenager" concept. The art was equally poor. It looks straight out of the early 2000s Superman comics, which I never liked. And I'm not thrilled about the unwanted return of that bitchy balloon Amanda Waller either. God, I wish they'd kill her off. The backup story had much better art and featured the welcome return of Bibbo. Sadly that was all I can say positively. It was a dull story and my eagerness for it's continuation is practically nonexistent. All-in-all, I'm not pleased so far. I feel this new writer deserves a chance so I reserve final judgement. But if things continue to go downhill like they are I'll reluctantly be dropping Superman again.

While this is a refreshing brief deviation from the "My dad's goona die soon" B.S. that NOBODY cares about, that's all I can give in the way of praise to this otherwise incredibly dull issue. That and it's the best book Johnson has done so far (Though that's not saying much). This is a rather pointless story, following in Bendis' tradition of making this series focus on off Earth adventures. Frankly I like it when Superman leaves the planet on occasion, not constantly. At least there's none of that league of worlds B.S. that Bendis came up with. The Shadowbreed is not very interesting, nor are any of the other characters introduced in this story. If Superman's last visit here is a story in print I don't really think I'll go hunting it anytime soon. If it's not, we're better off. It probably would've been just as poor as this. I doubt it's going to go anywhere, but we may as well stick with it as this 81 year old series is condemned to end all to promote the umpteenth superhero teen replacement attempt. The backup story was no more interesting than last month. Though It is odd to see characters like Loose Cannon, who I'd totally forgotten about. But whatever happened to the real Gangbuster---? No, No. No need to tell me. He was "Too old." He was over 20, right. Sorry. I forgot a minute... Frankly if you don't order your comics at a 35% discount like I do, I'd say to save the $5.

Each story in this issue should be read in reverse. That way each will improve over the last. The Mxyzptlk story was pretty amusing and clever that no matter how often he'd say Superman backward it did no good, but just whispering Clark backward and poof, he was gone. the second story was decent, but a bit less interesting. The third was average, and the last 2 were the usual disappointing crap I've come to expect from this series, which I'm sad to say is the best Superman book out right now.

After so long on hiatus I was just glad to finally get this issue and story wrapped up. I didn't enjoy this Symbiote Spider-Man Mini-series as much as the last one, though it has its charm. I'm hoping for better in the next one.

Since I'm reading these in print this is a review of issue #2. A little better than the last issue but only slightly. i don't know about the rest of you but I kind of yearn for the Batman of yesteryear when Scooby meets him. I'm just nostalgic that way I guess. Younger readers will likely enjoy this book better than older ones who remember Scooby and the gang helping Batman and Robin in foiling the Joker and Penguin on the old cartoons. So That's the demographic I'd recommend this series to most.

This issue was a bit on the dull side. It was handled better than your average modern day book where the heroes discuss recent events in their lives but was still a bit of a bore when compared to what one expects from a Thundercats series. I really hope we don't have to deal with this after every big battle they have. I really hope the Cheetara mini-series will be better. For some reason I'm not really very excited for it. Anyway it sounds like more action next issue, which is good. I think the writers will find they'll attract more readers with that in a Thundercat book than characters sitting and discussing their feelings.

Not bad, but nothing too great either. Tghis series is really something Dynamite has chosen to do that really isn't necessary. They seem to be subscribers to the belief that Cheetara is the heart of the Thundercats. I really hope they don't plan to spotlight every team member in their own mini-series because they're really not worth getting, but I hate missing out on a series I've had complete for so long. One of the curses of collecting. The end at least promises a bit more interesting stuff ahead at least, because frankly if it was just a series focusing on Cheetara's sixth sense it would really be quite dull and drab. I guess since I'm already along for the ride I'll go through with it. But judging from what I've seen so far, I'd really just recommend this if you're a die-hard Thundercat fan or want a complete Thundercats comic collection.

This story started out interesting but has declined vastly. I'll be glad when It's finished. If there's a sequel I'll probably pass.

I'll grant that this issue was an improvement over the snoozefest that was the last issue, but unfortunately not by much. I've never cared for long arcs where they take a break from everything for an issue that's entirely flashbacks. AT least this wasn't following a cliffhanger forcing us to a=wait a full month more. I really hate when they do that. We're 5 issues into this series' first arc and the pages actually containing Spider-Man can still be counted by hand. Not to mention he hasn't even appeared in costume since issue #3. Books like this wouldn't have lasted in another time. Luckily we're in a time when readers are used to this sort of thing. Not all of us like it, but we are used to it. If history has taught us anything it's that Norman somehow survived that explosion and will eventually surface, though it may not be for some time. But if he's anything like all the others that will be the case. He already proved here he was a dick as a father, so that's already check one. We do see Harry's story, so that's good. It wastes a full issue with flashback content that could have moved a little faster so we could have seen some Spidey action, but chose not to. That's bad. So this was basically a so-so issue. I really hope Hickman plans to finally return to the basics next issue and stay there. Another complaint this issue is total lack of Uncle Ben, Jonah and the Parker family. Let's face it, they're supporting characters of more interest than your usual supporting cast and we want to see more of them and how they develop. So far here Spider-Man has done well as a father superhero and I'd like to see his kids succeed where Superman's didn't. May is a bit more interesting so far, but that's probably because she knows her father's secret already. It kind of reminds me of Darkwing duck having a daughter who his secret. In those days it was a new and very amusing concept. One thing about this series that has succeeded is the Parker family. They seem to appeal to fans. As long as Marvel doesn't mess it up like DC did for Superman they have a lot of potential to grow as characters and find their way into the fans' hearts. I still don't really trust Harry. He seems to mean well, but really is more devoted to his own cause than making a difference. Like how he saw the Shocker as no threat and let him go as well as keep the money he stole. All he cared for was something for his personal gain. Sooner or later either Peter will help him see the error of his ways or they'll have a big brawl showdown. Possibly both. This opening arc is set to finish next issue, but it's obvious already that absolutely NOTHING will be resolved, as usual in a comic today. I hear the Sinister Six are going to debut in the next, and they're usually pretty fun. One thing to note is I look forward to seeing this continuity's Doc Ock. Usually he's a dumpy older looking figure, but this Otto has obviously taken better care of himself, which may make him a bigger menace than most others. Well, here's hoping for a good #6.

WHEN is this invisible Mafia thing going to end? WHEN is Leviathan going to be defeated at last? I miss the Superman stories that didn't drag on for 2 years. While it's good to have Lex back at least, let's have him as an evil billionaire executive and ditch that Marvel-reject look. Bendis needs to let Superman catch the bad guys for a change. I'm tired of how they always get away and stay and stay and stay, never to be jailed. Remember when he'd beat the bad guy in a single issue all the time? Not to mention the Invisible Mafia SUCKS. And Leviathan has become less and less interesting. Superheroes need new challenges to stay fresh, not the same ones over and over with more added on that do the same. I'm reminded of the never-ending menace of Ruin 15 years ago. While stuff like this may work for Marvel, I can't stand when a comic becomes an unending serialized bunch of unending cliche like a soap opera.

Another poor issue, I'm sorry to say, because Superman deserves so much better than this. It's probably the best chapter to 'House of Kent," but that's not saying much. I thought reality had been twisted so much by now no one remembered what happened to the Lois and Superman of the new 52 era. I mean, it's been twisted like a pretzel since "Infinite Crisis" I don't know what parts of Superman's history are still valid and what's been erased. Damned Dan DiDio and his money making gimmicks... I can only say, the next writers are going to likely have a hell of a mess to clean up in these books that Bendis will leave behind.

Like everyone else, I'm glad Bendis and Romita Jr. are finally OUT. Now if they'll both do us all a huge favor and go back to Marvel where they belong forever and ever... The issue was a poor conclusion. Jimmy related to Luthor is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of, and the crap with Conner was as boring as could get. Jon just gets less interesting every time he comes back. No one likes him as a teenager and prefer him as he was before Bendis (Censored)ed everything up. I also see Clark's stupid choice to reveal his identity was unresolved, as was the Invisible Mafia crap. Let's hope Bendis doesn't plan to come back to spend another 2 1/2 years explaining that because though unresolved, I also don't care. And the worst part was what a pointless pain Supergirl was. She never shut up but never said anything worth a crap either. Now that Bendis' time is over, we can breathe a collective heavy sigh of relief. I don't subscribe to the "2021 will be a better year than 2020" crap for a second. It's going to suck as bad if not more. But one thing I'm sure we can count on to improve is Superman comics.

It's been 3 years, and I was looking through this issue recently. I'm not much of a Bane fan (My Batman #497 review makes that very clear), but I was excited to see one of my favorite '90s Batman Writer/Artist teams, Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan reunited, But that wasn't enough to save make it worth what I had to pay. This book sadly left much to be desired. Especially after Tom King's "I am Bane" story (His best during his Batman run). That and giving Bane that stupid visible nose and mouth mask look from the old cartoon, which I hated (The look, not the show) didn't help either. Sadly this issue was the best in the whole series, because each issue got gradually less and less interesting. I want to state I haven't lost my faith in the Dixon-Nolan team though. Everyone has their poorer works. I'd be the first to welcome them back on a Batman book, any time, any place.

I wish I could say this book is living up to the expectations I had when I heard about it, but that would be a major lie. So far it's making Batman Forever look better each issue. I feel especially disappointed since it's written by Sam Hamm who wrote the originals and Detective #598-600's "Blind Justice," which has been an old favorite of mine for years. This series is focusing on an issue that should be avoided to prevent fuming tempers. Race, Sexuality and politics should be avoided in anything fictional these days because they only cause trouble when brought up. Unfortunately I have to say if this was what Hamm had in mind for Batman 3, odds are there never would have been a Batman 4. A totally original identity for Robin is bad enough. Not to mention the total absence of the Riddler, who was the most anticipated villain for Batman 3 before any version came out. I wasn't too crazy about Catwoman's portrayal either. I think the best part of this issue is the part with the Giant penny. Otherwise this was a slower than average issue. Billy Dee Williams would deserve a better story than this though.

This is the best issue so far, but that's not saying much. The story is probably at its biggest here. Hard to believe it's written by the same guy who made such a clever showdown at the parade and church building in the original movie. There's only one issue to go and I'll mostly be glad when it's out just so I can say this mini is over. This movie continuity comic thing has reminded me of the All-Star comics. Batman was more anticipated, but Superman stayed on schedule and finished first, and is still a fan favorite today. Meanwhile Batman was slow and lost interest and was forgotten soon after. History is repeating itself.

Like Punchline, Clownhunter is becoming a monotonously overused character with a crappy back story. It seems like all Tynion is trying to do is outdo himself with new characters. The art was poor, especially in the flashback sequences. That had to be one of the worst portrayals of the Joker I've ever seen. I'm starting to lose confidence in this writer. I never liked Clownhunter, and I'm rapidly getting sick of him fast. And if he's 17, Damian is ready to drive. Speaking of which, he's probably the worst character since Damian as well. If Tynion doesn't start turning to better storytelling instead of trying to come up with more crappy characters, I don't see any reason to keep on reading during his run.

Not bad, not great. This was an average tie-in that was only made to pull another 5 bucks from our pockets. I miss when Marvel was the bigger money grubber. DC's been running even with them for almost 16 years now. The first story was the only one worth buying the book. I considered the rest just filler so they could charge us more. In short, that's all this was. A tie-in that didn't even need to be made, but an excuse to make money.

This was a pretty decent story, but with a rather disappointing conclusion. I just feel it could have been better. So much was unanswered and the origins of this thing were never really clear either. But if they're planning a sequel I don't know if I'll bother. Best to just leave it as is and move on. Though I will give this series credit for being one of '21's more interesting Batman stories and a mini-series that actually never suffered delays. Though this issue alone isn't too great, the entire story altogether is pretty exciting.

The best part of this issue is that it's finally over. If it stayed on schedule I may not have lost interest as I did, but there were at least 3 months of delays through this series. Plus the fact the story really just got less interesting as it went on. Plus this was really a way less interesting plotline than I expected at the start. Though I find it not unnatural these days, because Batman stories nowadays tend to grow less interesting as they develop. Maybe they should be shorter, like they used to be.

This is a pretty average book. It could be better, it could also be worse. But from what I've read in this issue I'd say it's worth 2 more issues (How I miss when your average comic story was that long, not 18 parts). The art is a bit sloppy and I can't say any of the characters are very likable in this story, but as I said, it's sill decent enough to follow for 2 more issues.

Mostly another average issue. I really don't think this is part of regular continuity though. For one thing Alfred never left in those days. I never heard of Bruce behaving so destructively in his youth either. Is this a prelude to the new movie perhaps? Who knows? I've read better, but I've read way worse, especially over the past few years. I have to say as well that I'm looking forward to the conclusion and showdown with the Imposter.

As expected, this story is reaching its climax, but the most anticipated part is that it will soon be over. If this didn't tie in with Batman I'd not even be reading it at all. Unfortunately I feel this story has given the best it has to offer already. Next time Batman crosses over with a handful of books I don't read I'll wait for the collected edition.

Loved "Shattered Grid." Loved the first storyline that featured Lord Drakkon. But this was a rather slow story for me. There are way worse things to spend 8 bucks on, but I just wasn't too imprssed. Things have come a long way since Tommy and Billy found themselves stranded on this alternate version of their world, and yes it's still quite interesting. But it lacks that spark of excitement the other stories about it had. I still recommend it for readers who are fans of Drakkon's universe.

The main impression I'm getting is that DC has big plans for another thing I'll likely pass on in 2021. Punchline is already wearing out her welcome by becoming yet another overused character that only will get less interesting as time passes. The end says "Continued in 2021." Well, not here, I doubt. They'll probably make a long slow maxi-series continuing this. I know little about Bluebird or her brother and what I do has led me to find them quite uninteresting and not worth following. This wasn't a bad book, but it paves the way for something I doubt I'll be following.

It's rare for Flynn to write such a ho-hum issue. This has probably been the weakest issue since the halfway point through the metal virus saga. Aside from the usual "I know I can rely on my friends" stuff all it was was the usual heroes vs. Badniks stuff, minus Dr. Eggman. Where is he in all this anyway? Usually he gets involved by now. That's one of his better qualities as a villain. He's usually more willing to be on the front line instead of watch from his base and complaining when he's defeated like some weak do-nothing anime villain. If Flynn can't come up with better stuff maybe he'd better completely turn the reins over to Stanley. I know it's harder to find stuff to work with here than it was on the Archie series, but come on Ian. You can definitely do much better than this. Though it got monotonous and tiring the Metal virus saga was even more exciting than this. Let's just hope this arc picks up. This is definitely not the Archie series. That's for sure, but Sonic comics should be far more exciting than this. I've seen one too many once great comics go into decline because of lack of that oomph they once had in recent years. I pray that fate doesn't befall Sonic as well.

Like all issues since Bendis started writing, this issue has its ups and downs. The showdown battle between Superman and Mongul wasn't too bad. The Lois/Agent Chase subplot was a snoozer that proves the obvious-Superman going public with his identity was a STUPID idea. The fate of the United planets seems rather uncertain, but do any of us honestly care? That idea became a yawner within 5 minutes. The art wasn't great, but acceptable. I think the best part of this issue was that this story finally ended. Let's face it, a single battle that lasts 3 or more issues is WAAAAY too long. This ain't a manga, you know? But like I said, the fight was Okay, so I'll give it a 6 out of 10. Bendis plans to leave soon. Let's hope he finds a reasonable way to undo the disaster he's unleashed the last 2 years. May I suggest Lois wake up, find Clark in the shower and realize everything since Man of Steel #6 was a BAD dream (and Jon pop back in as a kid)?

A nice cover for the final issue, but as with most of this series , it was a pretty bland issue. As of this, I am finished with anthology comics. The second and third were the best stories. The second is a bit nostalgic, as it's set in the early days of Superman and acknowledges some of the Fleischer cartoons too. The third is another that shows how Clark is seen by the rest of Smallville's residents. The others were the same typical short stories I've come to expect from this series. Personally, I'm just glad it's finally over, because reading most of these issues seemed more of a chore than anything else.

A pretty lame mystery. There wasn't even any bad guy to unmask. I do however like the references to the original Golden Age Batman portrayal. Too bad they didn't portray Alfred in his original chubbier dumpier self with no mustache and the obsession with becoming a detective. Aside from the corniness of it all it wasn't so bad. Not very good either but I'm sure younger readers will like it and will also be surprised when they learn Batman did in fact start out like in here, and did wear purple gloves.

From what I've seen of readers' reactions I can't figure why Bendis is writing both Superman titles. I also can't see why after almost 2 decades an old favorite Dan Jurgens was back at writing a Superman title, with Peter Tomasi, another great writer on the other one, but in 2 years both were pushed out for a Marvel writer with no Superman expertise. Now we've spent 2 years subjected to a Superman gone Marvel, using plot-twisting gimmicks to sell issues and worse, with stories that drag on and on like a Soap Opera. Hey Bendis, Ever think of submitting a script for one of those? You'd be a great writer for it.

Another issue proving what's been obvious since DC handed BOTH titles to Bendis: DC hates Superman. He's too old. Think about it. When was the last new Superhero created who's age didn't have 1 as the first digit? DC LOVES teen heroes. If they could they'd kill EVERY hero and replace them with teenagers. If I wanted teen Superheroes at every turn I'd watch Power Rangers, BUT I DON"T!!!!! I want the same Superman that was saving the world 40+ years before I was born. Not his son just because DC's stupid-ass editors think he'll bring in teen readers (Which he won't). Well, moving on, the issue itself was mostly a recap of the last issue of Superman. Couldn't Johnson have come up with enough material to fill 2 issues? The Legion never was my cup of tea, but apparently they're not that smart either, allowing Jon access to personal things that would cause him anguish like knowing when his father's next death will be? Did they think he'd go back and consider it unimportant. A fine example of why kids are unfit to be superheroes, no matter when. So far Johnson isn't impressing me. The upside is Hester's awful work doesn't return next issue. Seriously, Where does DC find these artists?

This book sure is getting some good reviews. They must see something I can't. All I see is how devoted Johnson is to the idea of Superman being replaced by his son. At times I think it's why they gave him the job. Since Bendis left I've seen little if any improvement. The only positive thing I can say is it's better than this month's regular Superman issue.

It seems the longer this drags on, the less interested I get. Once things with Warworld are finished I'm done with Superman altogether until DC gets it together and realizes what a stupid mistake they're making, provided they ever even will. Thao-La is such an uninteresting character, I just don't care about what happens with her. I know they think she's going to be the next big superstar, but strongly disagree. I have no intention of following whatever happens to her beyond this point. that's how boring she is. Unless you're a die-hard fan who can't miss an issue for the sake of a complete collection then you're better off saving $4. When I read this stuff I know I wish I had.

The backup story was actually better than the main one. It was good to see Guardian again. I've noticed how they're trying in these backup stories to bring back old school characters, but I just don't think they're given the potential they deserve. There used to be more to a lot of them. Now they're minor supporting characters. As for the main story, I'll say it was better than most issues on Johnson's so far disappointing run. But it was far from good. All he's reduced one of the longest lasting comics ever into is an excuse to push the hero everyone reads these books to see in favor of his son. And what's worse is when people state they don't like that the P.C. Police come along and claim it's because you're not onboard with their forcing Jon to be gay. That may be the reason with a small few, but we know people have been disappointed with this character since Bendis aged him over 2 years ago. I have no doubt if P.C. wasn't so forceful odds are he would be totally straight, but that's beside the point. People are giving up the Superman books because they're badly written and badly managed by an editorial staff that's sold out to secular leftism. If they're willing to endanger their own sales then be it on their heads. Right now the decline is still slow because longtime fans feel they owe it to the series they've enjoyed for 80 years to improve, but it won't last. It will likely only grow as time passes at a more rapid rate. If DC thinks this will bring in enough new fans to replace the long time ones they've been shunning they're in for disappointment. There's still time. Superman comics have went through slumps before, but this is the largest cry of outrage ever. But if DC wants to avoid more sales drops and reader decline, forcing them to raise their prices more (When at present they're already outrageously too high) they'd better climb back to Earth and figure something out. And a Reality-altering "Big event" Crisis will only bail them out so many times.

Sorry, but the only thing I can say that sounds positive in any way is Thank God this Overly-long, completely pointless poor man's Knightfall rip-off is over. If I never see another story where Bane takes over the city again in my lifetime, it'll be too soon. Why was it called "City of Bane" anyway? It was the overly used Flashpoint Batman responsible for everything. Bane was just a lowly flunky, even if he didn't know it. Alfred's death was just King's "So everyone'll remember me" card to us. Now we likely have to wait for the next "big event" crossover where "Nothing will be the same again" to get him back. please tell me we've seen the last of Bane and Flashpoint Batman for a LONG time. After nearly 30 issues They've grown tiresome and overused. I know I could use a long break from either of them.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm already sick of Ghost Maker. These stupid bets he and Batman make are major yawners for what's supposed to pass as comic relief. It's amazed me how Tynion was off to a good start until halfway through the Joker War. He was doing better than he was in his Detective run. Too bad it's no longer the case. And to make matters worse DC is pulling the old "Add another 10 pages with a pointless backup story so we can raise the price a full dollar" trick. The main story was bland at best. The character of Simon Saint is a little interesting, but I have a feeling he'll also grow stale before his real purpose is fully revealed. I can't say i care for Scarecrow's newest look, but all comic artists have done over the last 15 years is (CENSORED) him up trying to follow his poor look in the Dark Knight movie Trilogy. And the gas mask....Why? He never needed one before over the last 7 decades. As for the Damian backup story, it was a fine reason to remind me why I WILL NOT be reading the new Robin book. Ever since the rotten snot-nosed little Antichrist was allowed to take that name he's done NOTHING but disgrace Robin's good name. Even the post Crisis Jason Todd was more likable. I thought Batman and Talia's love child was adopted by normal people. I still don't know if that was ever explained (I lost track between R.I.P. and Rebirth). But it was horrendously uninteresting and I'm sure part 2 won't improve it any. And upcoming issues will be highlighting Tynion's "great invention," Ghost Maker in their backup stories. I doubt I'll even read those as I previously mentioned, He's already worn out his welcome. But as long as Tynion is writing I'm sure we'll be seeing him constantly. I hate to say it but Tynion's Batman run is rapidly becoming what Bensis' one on Superman was. A total waste of our time and money.

This was more or less the same thing we've come to expect from Tynion's current run. Another new character, Batman returning after spending several days held by an enemy. If you feel as I do you're counting down the remaining issues not for the story's climax, but the fact it will finally be over. I was looking through some old issues remembering how I'd anticipate each new Batman issue in the old days, but these days I'm just not as enthusiastic.I'm just hoping things will improve a little after this story finally ends.

Can't say I'll Miss Peacekeeper X. Then again I can;t say I'll miss PK-01 either. Or any of the entire magistrate. The best part is that these poor man's robocops will be on the way out. That's all I really see to this issue. We're halfway through Fear state but half of nothing is still nothing. And that seems to be all that's been accomplished since #106. I suppose all the real stuff will be reserved for the upcoming conclusion. These 6 issues seem to simply be just filler material.

This is mostly just a filler issue with nothing real to add to an already bland story. If you miss it you don't miss much. I figure I could read #114 then #116 and not wonder what happened between at all. And all it cost was $5. I'm not really in suspense to see what happens next. I remember when I would be back when Part 1 ended in a cliffhanger. Then part 2 wrapped it up nicely. These days it's part 27, not much. That'll be $5. Part 28, nothing interesting, $5 please. I'm not following Batgirls so the backup story was of little interest. The only plus side is no Tynion original character in the spotlight. Save your money. If #118-121 don't improve things, I'll be doing exactly that.

This story got off to a good start, but quickly became just another of those ones that went on for too long and I'm just glad that it's finally over. I understand why some readers disliked the descent through the atmosphere, as it is kind of corny like something from the '60s TV series. But I'd say it was the best thing about the whole book. I did like seeing Tim back as Robin and helping him out as well, though it's still not too reminiscent of old times. I would like to see more stories with just Batman and Robin again. Particularly this Robin. Otherwise this is pretty much another one of those downhill in quality stories I've become so accustomed to in Batman over the last 4 or so years. Legacy Issue #900 is just around the corner. Once it's come and gone I'll decide whether I want to continue reading Batman. But if this is the kind of stuff Zdarsky has in mind, I'd say he was better off at Marvel.

A pretty slow stand alone story. The art was the best part. It was good to see characters look like their classic portrayals like the Riddler with his classic Question mark jumpsuit and original hairstyle. I don't follow Faze Clan in any way so they're total strangers to me. It's not a total waste, but nothing you'd kick yourself for missing either.

Another bland take it or leave it issue. 4 issues down, but will the remaining 8 fare any better? Frankly I highly doubt it. Though this has been the best issue yet, that's still not saying much. Bringing in the Phantasm was a mistake I think. It could have been any of the numerous women from Bruce's past we do know of or even someone King just created that we never heard of, and she could be spared the poor role of vengeful vigilante and this whole thing would be 98% the same. I think the ONLY reason they used her is because King just hoped an Animated series character would bring in fans more than an original creation. Believe me, If you are a fan of the '93 animated movie but not checking this out, you're not really missing anything. As for Selina's attitude toward Batman's non-lethal tactics, that's just guaranteeing us an end to this like 95% of all other Joker appearances over the last 20 years, where he has the joker beaten, but still laughing like the maniac he is and either her or Phantasm or both trying to convince him to kill him, which he will not do after a truly boring argument we've all heard before. It's ALWAYS how it goes. "Why don't you just kill him?" every time. It was the same old thing in the Joker war. It's really become such a monotonous thing that I've grown to dread Joker appearances. It was done enough after No Man's land, Hush and The Red Hood saga. Enough of the "Why don't you kill him?" crap already. Every reader understood why and accepted it years ago. So DC can stop making every story he appears in always having that same question being raised. I really wish this was a 6 issue series, because usually my interest wanes by that far into a story. And frankly I've considered this one of the most pointless stories in a long time since it began. Well, at least the art is decent. May this be Tom King's FINAL Batman story ever, because it's the last one I plan to ever get.

this is the first time I've seen Duke in a while. And while it's an okay story, it offers little insight into him as a character. The Signal is one of the better modern day allies, but this book really just doesn't really offer much. And it doesn't really leave you begging for more. It's a decent read, but hardly worth what you're asked to pay.

This will be my last Detective issue, at least for now. I see I'm not the only one getting tired of this story being serialized for much longer than was necessary. One day I may get the next 30 or so chapters V has planned, but odds are that will be some time after this monotonously long story will be long forgotten and back issues will be in dollar comic bins. While it seems Batman is FINALLY starting to realize who his enemies are here and what connection Ra's Al Ghul has to them I still doubt things are anywhere near finished. Odds are Batman will have to take these characters down one at a time leading to the final confrontation, just like in some never ending anime story. And what's worse, all of his classic foes to appear in this have been at their most boring in ages. Two-Face, Mr. Freeze and Solomon Grundy have so much more potential than what they've been given of late. Sadly I'm not on the edge of my seat, I'm not anticipating what will happen next (Probably because nothing is what we usually get next) and I don't consider this boring supernatural CW series-worthy plot the least bit intriguing. It's lasted so long all I want is for it to FINALLY end. But since it obviously won't any time soon I'm going to start saving my 4$.99 every month. The only thing I can say I liked was the variant I chose. To sign off from this series with an issue with a cover by Kelly Jones, who was doing them when I started collecting 30 years ago is a pretty unique way. Worth an extra dollar to have a nice cover for my farewell issue. So long Detective Comics. Maybe I'll see you again after this story is finally over in 3 or 4 more years....

I wish I could give this a higher mark, but it failed to gain my interest. Maybe because DC has done a global winter story before. The upside is it's nice to finally read a Superman story not by Bendis again. It's nice to see Superman visit the farm. Kinda like the old days (but I prefer when Pa Kent had a thinner hairline and wore glasses and overalls). This is the only chapter of Endless Winter I have and will read until i find the other issues in the $1 box.

Another poor issue as only Bendis can write. But as usual, it's better than the crap he writes in Action Comics. Synmar is somewhat interesting, but not enough to make me a fan. Thank God Bendis is going or he'd likely turn this into another overused outdone opponent like he did with Rogol Zor. As usual, Ivan Reis' great artwork is one of the only things that make these issues worth getting.

I can say this was better than the last few Batman Black & White issues, but that's not much. The first story was okay, but I can't say anything more praising than that. The second was a bit dull. The third had more heart to it but still was rather slow. The fourth was plain ridiculous. The fifth made a nice use of colorization, but failed to entertain much. If this is what to expect from this series those who missed it don't have to worry. They didn't miss much.

While this issue was better than #1, I can only give it a lukewarm review. Since when was Clark adopted to the public again? I liked the idea that a huge snowstorm came shortly after his arrival and provided a cover story for his birth. I'm no fan of SuperObama so I passed on his story. (And I'd have felt the same if he was inspired by any other president...well, maybe not Taft) The Luthor story was mediocre. I never liked the idea of red or blue and especially gold Kryptonite. Green alone is good enough. The story about the little girl no one believed was nice, but that was an awful portrayal of Superman. This was clearly a story aimed at younger audiences. The last one was just confusing. Where does DC find these artists? Superman looked like some second-rate anime character. And the long hair look? That went out when he finally cut it 25 years ago. As I said, it is better than the last issue, but like all anthology comics, it's not worth the expensive price. If I knew it weren't futile I'd demand a refund.

Better than issue #1, but since #1 wasn't very impressive that isn't saying much. Mann's art is well done enough but the story really just doesn't have too much to offer. I've always enjoyed the animated "Mask of the Phantasm" movie, but never felt it should have any part with comic continuity since it was really just "Year 2" told in a different manner (Like Andrea being the Phantasm instead of her father or Joker being involved as Beaumont's killer instead of Joe Chill, the man who killed the Waynes). There's no detail to the version of the story in this continuity, adding to the confusion (Like a character that was never part of anything but animated continuity till now). I'm also confused as to when the present installment of this story happens. Was it before the let-down wedding then? I guess it must be.... Tom King should stick to shorter stories, like his story in Black & White #2. There's 10 issues left and I don't know if King will add anything to this beyond what we've already seen.

I was hoping for more of the original mini-series and early issue Gotham Knights stuff in this series, but it's turned out to be the same poor run-of-the-mill stuff all other modern anthology Batman tales are. The art in the first story was so awful I'd prefer a 2nd grader's skilled talents over that crap. All 5 stories were dull and left me uninterested. I doubt these stories will be held in the regard the originals are when they turn 25 years old.

I have to confess that I'm rather glad this mini is over. It just wasn't as good as the first. Though the end of this issue shows promise for an interesting continuation. But it also seems to indicate this may not be in the same continuity as the regular Power Ranger series. The Turtles on the other hand have developed so many continuities over the years that you never know what's canon to their current regular IDW continuity. I know most really got a kick out of this crossover, but I really can't say I feel the same. In fact I'd say I only consider it around average. I do though look more forward to the next installment. It seems to show more promise. Possibly the conclusion in a trilogy Like the Turtles' crossovers with Batman? I guess we'll see soon.

I will admit this is the most interesting issue so far. The story is getting a bit more exciting, but is still pretty weak when compared to other Ranger comic stories. After this issue I am a little more optimistic the big showdown will be decent enough.

I have to say I'm glad this series is almost up. It's gotten a little more interesting as it's developed, but it refers to the expanded Ranger Universe, which I just never could get into. I doubt it will answer much with relevance to the regular series. if they make a sequel I'll probably pass.

This issue was a bit bland compared to the last. Honestly it's more what I was expecting in a book by Kelly Thompson. The start wasn't so bad, but after Storm Shadow showed up the rest was pretty dull. I really don't know what to make of the Energon Universe Scarlett. She's not really very likable and it's looking more and more like Thompson wants to make her as different from the classic one as she can. I won't get started on the controversial issue of her likely bisexuality, but that is pretty much obvious as Thompson is a BIG believer in making her characters that way. In truth I always thought even in the '90s that She, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow were given too much spotlight over the other characters and it's been the case ever since. But then as far as Ninjas go I usually got all I needed of them as Turtles. I don't really think I'm going to get the rest of this till after it's complete and I know for sure it's something I'd want to read all of. If so I'll hunt down the next 3 issues later, otherwise I'll pass. It's worth getting if you're a G.I. Joe completionist, I'll give it that, or unless you're a fan of G.I. Joe ninjas. But if you prefer the old fashioned Joes vs. Cobra with all those awesome weapons and fancy vehicles like you saw and read about in the '80s, you may want to save your money.

While this is the better of the Superman titles in print, that's still not saying much. Why is Superman confiding so much in a guy he just met? And now he's questioning why he exposed himself to the world? And While I will give the artist credit for some of his work, how he draws Superman definitely isn't one of them. This issue has some of the stupidest facial expressions I've ever seen on Superman. And I remember how he was drawn in 2000-04. I am glad to have a story back home, away from that corn league of worlds or whatever you call it. So there's a positive thing I can say. But like the rest of Bendis' work, it's stale and dull. When he leaves for something else I won't miss him here.

This is far better than the story in Superman, but alas, that's not saying much. Johnson isn't much of an improvement over Bendis. I hate to say, but it looks like by year's end I'll be out as far as Superman books are concerned. I loathe that '90s look for Aquaman returning, so he brought nothing to this issue. I suppose this new character will be a new regular for a while. Too bad I'm not impressed with her. All in all I consider this another utter disappointment in the long line of disappointing Superman issues since Bendis took the reigns of both titles.

I really wish the cover spoke for the story. Gunhawk was one of my more favorite Dixon-Nolan villains. I remember he practically defeated Azrael's Batman in their first encounter. He hadn't appeared in almost 20 years and it would've been a better challenge for Bane than that stupid plan of his for Kobra. Dixon and Nolan wrote several great tales featuring Bane, but compared to all the others Conquest just got weaker and went on too long. They really should've limited it to 6 issues.

A fitting poor end to such a poor story. If I gained anything from this it's a new appreciation for Batman Forever. It wasn't what we hoped for, but it could have been worse. It could have been THIS. If you were holding out for the collected edition you may rather check out the $1 comic bins at your shop for the unsold issues and save money. Just because it's connected to the original Burton movies doesn't mean it will be a timeless classic like them. The best part about this mini-series is that it's finally over. If there's ever a sequel in the works I think I'll pass.

Fear state is living up to my expectations. Too bad what I expected wasn't much. Tynion certainly loves putting Ghost maker in the spotlight, as he had to be the one who learned of the Fear state from Crane. Too bad he's his creation's number 1 fan. I'm hoping after this is over not to see Ghost Maker again for a looooong time. Fear State is better than City of Bane, but not as good as the Joker war. May it be the final Gotham under siege crossover for many years to come.

Is it just me or have Batman books becoming monotonously repetetive over these last few years? Once more the villain has taken over the city declaring martial law and ran Batman off. And of course we can't have a story unless the justice League joins in as well because NO DC hero has enough balls to stand up to any challenge on their own anymore. It's gotten to where every time they get involved in another hero's battles (Which these days is ALL THE TIME) all I feel they're doing is butting in, not helping. This story started out good enough, but this issue was a major 180 degree turn for it. Now I just want it to end, but odds are Zdarsky will just give us a 19 part follow-up, as is the modern tradition. And this entire Zur-ren-arrh or whatever thing sucks big time. I didn't like it in Batman R.I.P. and don't like it here. It seems comics are trying to mix their modern day hodgepodge with the corny unrealism of the Silver age, and this multi-colored loser with a stupid name is the result. I had high hopes for Zdarsky's run, even after it started, but this issue has pretty much ruined this story for me, and like City of Bane, The Joker war and Fear State it will only improve when it's finally over. I'll give him another chance because all writers these days screw up, and I remember how well he did on Spider-Man (But then so did Bendis, but he was one of the worst Superman writers of all time). But if this is what we have to look forward to in his run is a bunch of the same old crap where Gotham is taken over by the bad guy and Batman ran off to lick his wounds, the "Family" having to hold out till he's ready to show up at the last minute and save everyone's ass (Geeze, is this a comic book or an anime series?) then I'm out. $4.99 is not worth such disappointment

I wish this story could have come to a more interesting conclusion. But over the last several years Batman's gotten to spend more time in the sewers than the Ninja Turtles. And like most times, surprise, surprise. He runs into Croc, resorting to cannibalism. The stuff beyond wasn't very interesting either. The only part I can say was good was seeing Alfred and Gordon as Commissioner again. Other than that this was a rather dull issue as amusing as the 5th rate art it contains.

If what's coming to Netflix is anything like this I am very unimpressed. The art is decent, but the plot is dull and very slow. He-Man's trip through time was dreadfully uninteresting and King Grayskull and the young He-Ro's new looks are almost as terrible as the one Teela's going to undergo later. And speaking of bad looks what's with those freaky eyes on Orko? Yeesh. He looks creepy. Stop changing the characters from what we know fellas. If they want to be unique with their designing then they need to make new characters (Then we can collect the figures of those new characters). With this I was reminded of a 2002 series story blended the lame DC version than anything I grew up with. In fact I felt 0.0000% nostalgia from this. I remember I felt more from the '02 series based comics. But then I liked those. But this is bad on the same level as the DC series. So much for hoping the company that made the best Star Wars comics might do the same with He-Man. If you enjoyed this then you'll probably want to check out the new Netflix series. If not you may consider passing. Yes, I'm still going to give it a try. I feel I owe it that much. But if the show's as poor as this book was I'm out.

Like the Ranger Slayer special, this was a stale letdown. Am I supposed to know this prisoner? My knowledge beyond Zeo's end is practically nil. And beyond that, except for Time Force, the "Forever Red" episode of Wild force and Dino Thunder, I never paid much attention to much of the other titles. Those other series sucked too much. I doubt I'll be following the development of this reality if the other 2 issues are as poor as this one was.

This was a rather poor series. Maybe because it refers so much to the Power Rangers in Space series, which I never liked. I'm still not sure if I'll keep on reading stories about this reality, even though it will likely play a big part in some upcoming crossover. I just didn't find this story worth what I paid.

Power Rangers: Universe #6 Jun 15, 2022

While better than the last issue, the series still offers little unless you're more into the modern slice of life comics and mysteries with a sci-fi twist. Otherwise it likely won't appeal to all Ranger comic readers. I may read another issue or two, but after this story is through I doubt I'll return for any future ones.

From what I've read, critics and viewers certainly have a different opinion on this one. And I'm afraid I'll have to side with my fellow viewers. This was a slow and boring issue. I'm so sick of the Invisible mafia, especially Red Cloud I just don't care anymore. And Connor meeting Jon was dry and Bor-ring. While I'm glad Conner is back to his original look (I really hated the black shirt, jeans and awful haircut he had in the '00s) and the Kents are back I'm afraid that's all I can acknowledge positively. The rest is as stale as we all seem to be finding Bendis' tenure writing Superman books anymore. I read on the Superman Homepage that Bendis is leaving the Superman titles soon. I personally think it's for the best. If he doesn't undo this identity revelation B.S. he's dumped on us I sure hope the next writers do, and fast. If it were up to me I'd get Tomasi and Jurgens back, or Robert Venditti, who, in my book has proven himself to be a great Superman writer through the "Man of Tomorrow" online series. But they really should let a different writer tackle each title. It gives them a different element than one another. Another thing I'd like to see (But likely won't) is Jon restored to his youth. He was the only one who could bring out the better in Damian. And I actually liked seeing Clark and Lois juggle parenthood with the rest of their crazy lives. As for Bendis and Romita, I think this run proves they're both better suited for Marvel than DC. Finally, this poorly made waste of 4 bucks' biggest disappointment is it's an issue of Action comics with no real action.

This issue was actually better than the last few, but that's not saying much. Here's a message for Bendis regarding Red Cloud and the Invisible Mafia-When you finish this story KILL THEM ALL OFF! I was sick of them by issue #1003, and now I never want to see these pathetic excuses for enemies again. And a tip: Stick to Marvel books with the Marvel-style gimmicks. Bendis plans to leave Superman soon. I don't know How soon, but just bear with a few more issues....And hope we get better writers next....

The best part of this issue meant this overlived story was over. I hate to speak so negatively about a story by Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan, since I'm a huge fan of their work. In the '90s I remember eagerly anticipating their next Batman story arriving on the shelf )If I only found one Batman book that month, Let it be theirs). Unfortunately Batman's presence didn't add much, nor did Bane resuming his much-preferred full masked look instead of the lame animated series-inspired one he had most of this series. 12 Issues was just too long for this story. Most readers were bored with it by #4. It really should've ended there, or maybe at #6. Id have to say if I ever see another Bane series, regardless of what classic team does it, I'll remember this one and probably decide to wait a year for the collected edition.

I've read comics with disappointing endings before, but this is likely the biggest of the decade. Sure, I knew it wouldn't go through. Batman's one of the only major superheroes neither to marry or go public with their identity. Not to mention Marvel pulled the same stunt at the same time with their own "Wedding of the year," but at least they had a surprise unexpected couple to marry in the end. I'll admit the end sequence with Bane and a horde of other villains seemed interesting, it turned out over time to be the big boring letdown that would be called "City of Bane." But let's face it. All this really was was one of Dan DiDio's half baked schemes to print up a ton of variants, sell them at a ludicrous cost, make money, then let everyone down with a boring issue that, regardless of which of the 7,392 different variants they bought, won't go for more than they paid for it on the collector's market ever. Tom King really should've ended his run with this issue. It had already been a while since he'd put out the last of his good work.

What the H was this? It made so little sense, provided so little amusement. What's with all the animated series characters who were never part of the regular continuity before? Does Tom King even know the difference? The man lost his touch with the pitiful wedding story and has gone downhill since. This shows he hasn't gotten it back either. Why not try another hero? From what I see DC themselves are his biggest fans. I already ordered the next 2 issues, but doubt I'll get any more if it stays this poor. I don't know how they expect to keep this boring plot going for 12 whole issues. But if things don't improve I doubt I'll even bother to finish it. Definitely NOT worth $5 an issue, that's for dang sure. May this be Tom King's final Batman work.

The Decent art and the fact this is only 2/3 as bad as City of Bane are the only positive things I can give this series. If King would get to the point and spare us the pointless 3 different points in time B.S. he could've got this series wrapped up by issue #3. What is he trying to prove? That he can write a 12 issue series that's 92% pointless and confusing hodgepodge? I guess what keeps me going is that I dislike getting half a story and passing on the rest, no matter how poorly made. I should learn to be patient as I'm sure in coming years issues of this series will more likely be in the $1 bins of comic stores than with the more sought after stuff.

While it's good to have Neal Adams doing another Batman adventure I can't really praise more than his classic artwork. The story has been slow and doesn't make much sense to me. I can only recommend it to fans of Adams' work. Otherwise I'm afraid it's too stale to be on the same level of story as his legendary Odyssey saga.

As a reader who knows Neal Adams is one of not just Batman's but all comics' greatest it's very hard to give a bad review to his work, but I wasn't very upsettened by the long hiatus this story went on nor was I giddy for its return. Frankly I'll just be happy when it's over. Like the rest of this story, this issue has been more confusing and dull than anything else. While I do enjoy seeing Adams' style in a new comic I just haven't been impressed with this story. And he really needs to lower Ra's's facial hair lining back to its original level. I just don't like the long mustache look. I like it where he has 2 little twin beards at each side of his chin (Whatever you call that style). I've been with this story since the start and will be here for the conclusion, but sadly, I doubt it will offer much more than the rest of the story has.

What better way to conclude the most confusing Batman story I've ever read than in a totally confusing way. Was the real Ra's Al Ghul even involved in this? Or was it all some corny robot? This story ended with more questions than answered. With all due respect to Neal Adams, I'm sorry to say this will not likely be looked at as one of his best works. The only real praise I can give is that his art is still great. It's a style widely missed by a lot of us.

Oh, boy. Where to begin with this one? It's proof of how IDW is desperate to boost sales through specials tied in to their better remaining sellers, that's for sure. But this book is also symbolic of 2 other facts. The first is that it proves why IDW Sonic will NEVER hope to hold a candle to the Archie series, and second, it symbolizes what's wrong with comics today. A book like this never would have flown in the Archie days. There Sonic and his friends were fighting to protect innocents from Eggman, who was constantly on the move and posed a much more serious threat than he does in IDW. The freedom Fighters never would've had time for a Beach party or competed with the Babylon Rogues for the right to party on a beach. It's a lot like how in Superhero comics now how they pig out on fast food and talk with each other about either their personal lives or absolutely nothing relevant. I don't want to see peter and Miles eating junkfood on a rooftop and having boring meaningless talks for 8 pages (if not more). This is not what I'm looking for in a Sonic book It's a total waste of $5 that could have been better spent on most anything else and the worst Sonic story IDW has ever put out. And unfortunately the regular book is getting about as weak of late. It seems NO comic is safe from the boredom and pointless hodgepodge consuming pop culture today. I can give it a point for decent art, but that's about as high as I can get.

Power Rangers: Universe #3 Apr 19, 2022

I wish I could share most everyone else's enthusiasm for this series, but I don't think this one's for me. I found this issue rather dull and more out of some kind of Anime I wouldn't be able to get into than the epic regular Ranger comic. I failed to find much intrigue to the story and the characters were rather stale and uninteresting. I can see the potential this series would have with full series Ranger fans or people majorly into Anime and Manga, but it may not be for everyone who's into the regular Ranger title. If you're looking for epic action, stick with that. This one doesn't look like it will have much of that. This seems to be more one of those "Slice of Life" comics when compared to the regular Ranger action. I'll give this series a few issues to see if anything truly interesting develops, but so far it looks like one I'll likely pass on regularly.

December 2019: It's a BAD Idea and nothing good will come of it. June 2020: 6 Months have passed and It was a STUPID idea and nothing good ever came of it. Leave the Marvel crap where it belongs Bendis. With them. The problem is how to undo this lame concept. Most likely another reality-altering crisis where "Nothing will ever be the same again" is on the horizon again, and likely EVERY DC title will start over at #1 again, right? Don't waste time or money on spare copies for future profit. In 10 years this issue will more likely be found in $1 comic bins rather than displayed between Amazing Spider-Man #3oo and An Autographed second edition Batman #608 at conventions. Still, I'll give deserved credit to Ivan Reis, whose Superman work I've always enjoyed.

I was hoping for something more exciting in way of the return of Jean Paul Valley, but I guess none knew him like his creator, the late Denny O'Neil, because they can't write him like he did, that's for sure. This was pretty much a poor start to what will likely be a continuously poor mini-series. Is this Vengeance character supposed to be impressive, because she's not. I am so sick of cheap female knockoff villains. Isn't it bad enough they're doing that with the Penguin in Batman? I doubt she'll add much to this. Personally I'd have liked to see more about the connection between him and Father Valley from Catwoman. But I doubt we can expect that. They already have enough uninteresting things for him to deal with. I already have the next few issues ordered and can't unorder them, or I probably would. That's how worth it I find this. Not very. So we'll just have to see how it develops and hope things improve, but I have to confess my hopes aren't too high.

Just when you thought Bendis' storytelling couldn't get duller, you get this issue. This Parasite from another reality could've been more interesting, but nah. Then it's more of the same crap at the planet that's been going on the last few issues and even less resolved than before. I don't think Bendis knows what he's going to write in these issues till he writes it. I hope, but highly doubt DC has learned from this, that a big name at Marvel doesn't mean he'll be the same with them.

The only good thing I can say is Thank God this waste of money anthology is over. 25 years ago the original mini-series became an instant classic that had fans clamoring for more. Today we got your usual anthology comic. 30 stories, over 20 not even worth the time we wasted reading them. There is one very major difference between the original Black and White series and this one. The original was made to tell good stories by real writers. This one was written mostly by talentless hacks so DC could make more money. If you haven't seen this yet don't bother. Save your money, like I wish I had. Because as of this I am permanently off Anthology Batman books.

This is connected to the series beyond my understanding. If I hadn't read a misleading claim it was tied to the Eltarian war storyline I would have passed altogether. I don't recognize anyone and the references are to the titles I never saw. Altogether a pretty bland book. I only recommend it to fans of the whole franchise, not to strictly old school ones.

This story makes little sense to me. It's aimed at fans of the Space series, which I wasn't one of. It's not really connected to the regular comics so unless you're not a follower of the series beyond that point it's probably not really for you.

Better than Action, the only regular Superman title left. And way better than Son of Kal-El. But that's not saying much these days. The best part about this issue was that it finally brought this 5th rate story to an end. I never was a Lobo or Wildstorm fan, so this issue offered little to interest or impress me. When did DC give up on Superman? Seigel and Shuster would be tossing in their graves if they saw what passes for Superman comics these days.

Geoff Johns' work on the Flash and Green Lantern was real good. In fact his Flash work was some of the best in all of Flash history. Unfortunately his Superman work left much to be desired. He obviously used TV and movies for his research of the series. I particularly hated his portrayal of Cat Grant, a supporting character I found very admirable in the '90s. But Johns portrayed her as a trampy flirtatious slut like she was on Lois & Clark (Still a great series). I also hated seeing Jonathan Kent's fate at the end of this saga. This issue started the storyline that when over would be my last Superman story for 8 years.

This is far from your average "Ai-yah" Power Rangers. And that's not all good. The art is quite poor and the story just doesn't really keep my interest. I really just haven't found much to interest me as this is more like some kooky manga or anime than the usual action and adventure I've grown used to in the original series.

This was a poor Mini-series that started out poor and only grew moreso with every passing issue. I didn't even care when issues ran late. The Spider-Girl series from the late '90s was way better. If this was to be Spider-Man's final fate it was certainly a waste. I don't know how the sales were for this, but I can see the reviews aren't that good. A sequel would only be a further waste I'd have no interest in. I suddenly find myself yearning for the days of the Clone saga 25 years ago...

Usually a Superman in distant space story is exciting, but this was a bore from the first page to the last. The only thing that makes the sacrifice some poor tree made so this would see print is Reis's work. Other than that this was the poorest conclusion to a story I've read in many a year. Bendis' last issue of Action was better, and that's saying something since this was always the preferable series during his run. This will never be looked at by fans as a favorite point in Superman history. I doubt they'll have much success with collectors short of the $1 bins for years to come. Go back to Marvel Bendis. Go to Archie if you want. And good luck to you. Just don't ever expect a warm welcome if you ever try to come back to Superman.

Another letdown of an issue. As was the case with the previous 2 issues, the art was the only good part. I think King jumped the shark by the wedding. He should look into writing something else since he's way past his prime on Batman. This series is proof. I always loved the '94 Mask of the Phantasm movie. But I always felt it was best it and the Character of the Phantasm were better off having NOTHING to do with DC continuity, and this series is proof of why. It proves a lot of things, too bad none of them are positive. As I said, the only thing I can say I approve of is the art.

How many innocent trees died to print this...mishmosh? As usual Bendis doesn't seem to know what to write until he writes it. How else can one explain this poorly made book? One of DC's longest-running series and it's been reduced to this? As over the last few issues the subplot about Lois resolves nothing and leaves us dreadfully uninterested. And the end of the issue...Are they making another attempt to take us back to the cheesy unrealistic Jimmy stories of the '60s and '70s? If this crap continues after Bendis goes, it's goodbye again to Superman for me. Finally, the ones I'm as glad to see go as much as Bendis are his crappy characters Red Cloud and the rest of the invisible mafia. Let neither him or them them ever return and you'll have satisfied Superman fans worldwide.

This is probably the poorest issue yet, and #1-6 were pretty damned poor. Who has intercourse while listening to "O Come all ye faithful," really? But this issue was incredibly dull and incredibly confusing. Shifting from one time to a point makes it real hard to follow. "Okay, is this the present, or a flashback Or forward...?" I swear this should be King's last Batman story ever. Not only was it put on hiatus for a year, it's constantly late. We'll be lucky if it's concluded by 2023. That is if any of us are even still bothering to read it. I'm not ordering new issues anymore. I may one day buy the remaining 5 from 50 cent or dollar bins to complete the story, (providing I don't sell what I've got so far soon along with every Superman issue beyond Action #1000). Mr. King, a word of advice, next time you want to write a story, make it no longer than 4 parts.

The theme of this issue was mainly the future. It seemed they all took place in a near future scenario. A concept I'm not a fan of in any comic series. The only one not took place in the past. But all 5 had one important thing in common: They were all absolutely terrible. So far this has been one of the better Anthology Batman series in a long time, but this issue is a fine example of everything that makes them usually bad. After this series and Superman:Red & Blue are over I am finished with the wastes of money known as anthologies. It may only be March, but So far this issue wins a No-Prize for "Biggest comic letdown issue of 2021."

This seems to be an uphill, downhill ride. Last issue was the best yet of this run, but this one was so boring I wished every page I'd turn to would be the last. This has to be the worst issue from this run so far. But if you disagree with me you'll be glad to know next issue will be my last for now (I already have a copy ordered or I'd stop with this one). I'll be leaving Detective until either this tiring story is finally over or Ram V's run ends. Whichever comes first. Anyhoo, I have to give Reis credit. His work's as good as always. I just wish we had a little more action and a bit less of the same endless boring stuff most issues of this run have been filled with. It is good to see Gordon helping Batman again. I wonder if Ram V is trying to build up to his being reinstated as Commissioner once more. I've seen him lose his job for extended periods several times and it gets tiring. As for the Ten-Eyed man, I expected better when I saw him at the end of last issue. And Arzen needs to ditch the spit curl. The only person I ever see that work for is Superman, and he ain't no Superman. I've come to think of V's run on Detective as if Batman was a show on the CW. Like with those shows I grow weary of this unending story full of uninteresting new characters and little Detective work in any of the plots. Oh, well. Maybe one day I'll check out the remaining 28 or so issues of this saga, long after it's over of course. But for now I think I'll take a break and save some money.

Incredibly Boring and makes as much sense as it is interesting. It was like a bland Elseworlds tale tied in to what's happening in the regular title now. I miss having a comic shop so I could flip through the book and decide to pass. I certainly would have on this bore of a book, I can tell you that.A moment of silence please for all the unfortunate trees that were pointlessly sacrificed to make this waste of their remains possible.

Less entertaining, less interesting and less worth the money. That's how this issue is compared to the last. This is the worst story I've seen since Bendis left. The sad part is THIS is how Superman's regular title is to finally go out after 81 years. Not with a bang. Not with a big showdown with Luthor, Brainiac or even Bizarro. But with an incredibly boring prelude to what no fan asked for: Jon replacing his dad. Superman's answer to the Spider-Man clone saga is coming. Let me know when it's over and safe to come back.

So this is how it ends? As of now for the first time since 1940 (With the exception of a 3 month hiatus in 1993) there will be NO regular Superman book available. And how do they end 82 years of adventures? Not with a big battle against Luthor or Brainiac or even Bizarro or Mxyzptlk, but simply concluding an incredibly boring story where all that happens is Johnson trying to convince us Jon will be spectacular as the next Superman. Give yourselves a pat on the back fellas, because I doubt many readers would be willing. I'd have preferred it end with a cheesy Silver age-style Imaginary story over this pitiful tripe. DC is hoping to bring in younger readers with a younger Superman. Not goona happen. Comic editors need to open their eyes and close their mouths for a moment and realize the teenager of today is vastly different than they were 30 years ago. A comic book is not worth blowing $5 on to them. The internet was in its infancy in the '90s, but it has so much more to interest them now. They'd rather read it online than pay $5 for it. And while teen heroes were relatable to the teen demographic then it simply won't work now. As a '90s teen I remember comics were a means of finding what was hard to come by then. These days you can simply stream anything you want. Teens don't need comics for an action and adventure fix now. And seeing as the majority of comic reading teens then were social outcasts the young heroes of them gave them someone they could relate to because they were the same age and dealt with the same issues as them. Today you can find things like that on Netflix. And another factor was sex. Today's teens can easily access porn. Back then we were lucky if we could snatch a copy of playboy, and the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue was only once a year. They had comics filled with fanboys' dream women in almost nothing (Especially Image). They put out comic swimsuit editions that brought in teens like crazy then. But teens today can find ANYTHING to satisfy their interests in the palm of their hand literally. They are not going to buy $5 comic books like teens 30 years ago spent $3. The sooner editors learn their key demographic is not going to be teens again the longer they are to keep in the printed comic business. Because once the majority of readers around now starts to dwindle it will be all downhill for the industry. And at the rate things are going comics may cost $10 by some time from 2035-2040. The real Superman will assuredly be back by then, but my worry is he won't see his 100th anniversary celebrated any way but digitally. Oh, he will still be around then, but possibly not in print. There will probably still be a heap of superhero movies every year, but print comics where they started may be a thing of the past. Editors need to think about that. If they anger and run off readers it won't end well. Losing the current key demographic is far easier than bringing in a new one. As for this issue, even if it were a regular issue with many more to follow it would still be awful. I never thought I'd say it, but the backup story was better. And It was poor as well. A sad end for Superman's regular title. After 82 years it deserved so much better.

Another poor issue in a poor anthology series. It seems since Bendis the writers of anything Superman write only pure crap. Most of this issue was straight out of the silver age. Red Kryptonite, Gold Kryptonite. What's next? The return of the Super horse? This series is just an excuse to make money off gullible buyers. I would've passed on every issue after the disappointment of #1 but I already had them preordered. I can't see how the next issue can be worse than this one was but I won't be surprised if it is. But so far this wins my nomination for Year's worst read.

When you read the title you expect something good, like if reality had never altered after the big battle with the Anti Monitor, but no. Instead we got this poor story which grew more boring with every page and had the biggest Silver Surfer rip-off of an ending I've ever seen.

I paid $4.99 for THIS????? I know Marvel is big into the slice of life stuff, but this is overdoing it big time. All it was was a BORING chat over dinner. I'd get better excitement from a soap opera. This is the problem with modern comics. All the characters do is sit, eat and talk. You could skip this issue completely and all you'd miss is Peter and Mary Jane meeting a quite unlikable Gwen. So far this year Ultimate Spider-Man #4 wins "Most boring comic of 2024." It's issues like this that are why the industry is in such a sorry state. WTF actually wants to pay $5 to see people in a restaurant and having an ass boring conversation? On the up side so far this issue is outnumbered 3 to 1 in quality issues at least. I have a feeling though after this first arc ends I won't continue to get this book. If I want I'll probably just get the collected editions. It will probably save me money in a long run, especially when it comes to issues like this one. I know this is a new series and all and it still deserves a chance, especially since issues #1-3 were as good as this issue was bad, but a reader wants their money's worth and this issue was only worth 75 cents at best. A friendly word of advice to Hickman, Don't let success go to your head and think you can get away with making more issues like this. If you do this series will become just the latest in a long line of success to failure stories that were made possible because of stories that added absolutely nothing like this one. I didn't like this issue, but I won't let it keep me from trying to enjoy what else is to come. But I never want to see that I completely wasted $5 on such a boring book again. Another issue like this one and I'm out.

This has to be the weakest, lamest Ranger comic I've ever spent money on. I don't even understand much of it as I'm no fan of the extended ranger continuity. I know hardly anything beyond SPD, so I have no idea who most of these characters are or what's going on except it's somehow tied to the events happening in the regular series. If not for that I'd have felt 100% cheated out of the overly high price I paid for it. Unless you're a die Hard fan of the whole series up till present, this will probably go over your head too. It's best to just get it if you want to get everything tying in with the regular series' current arc or just to complete your collection of ranger books.

This was my last issue of X-Men. No comic book goes through more new "eras" than X-Men. Some good, some bad. Sadly I find this one to be even worse than the "Utopia" era. If you like it, enjoy it, I say, but as for me, I'll be finding a book I feel to be more worth $3.99.

Way to ruin a classic character just to make a name for yourself King. That seems to be all today's comic writers care about. I'm frankly surprised how many 10s this pile of crap got. I figured most old fans would be mad at King for trying to ruin a 34 year old classic, and so badly as well. All so this would be a modern day killing Joke. 30 years from now no one will remember this, except those of us it makes sick. The whole story just kills almost 75 years of great villainy, not to mention one of Batman's biggest foes. This is not the same guy I used to read about. And I mean he's literally NOTHING like the Riddler was created to be. This book is just an insult by a glory-hungry usually poor comic writer who doesn't deserve the acclaim he already has as it is. Not to mention King obviously hasn't done his homework. Hey Tommy boy, Riddler learned Batman's secret in Hush, but eventually forgot it. He was just taking another writer's idea and reshaping it into total crap. The worst part of all is all King wanted out of this were 2 things, 1) To make a name for himself as the guy who "revealed the truth" about the Killing Joke and 2) to transform the Riddler into what HE thinks he should be. It's only too bad Covid hysteria and lockdown are over, because the pages of this book could have be used as a substitute for toilet paper and actually had a real meaning to its otherwise pointless existence. The review you see next to this review may be a 1, but that's only because it's the lowest mark they let us give. But my real review is actually a big fat well-deserved ZERO!!!! One Bad Day? One Bad Book is more like it.

What the Hell was this?

Reviews for the Week of...


