6.5 |
Overall Rating |
7.5 |
80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular | 1 issues |
7.5 |
80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Robin #1
Mar 18, 2020 |
some good stories, some not so good. did not feel this was worth the $10 plus tax i spent on it. it still was much better than Detective Comics 1000. Chuck Dixon and Marv Wolfman were the highlights of the book. |
2.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) | 1 issues |
2.5 |
Absolute Batman (2024) #1
Oct 10, 2024 |
***Cons*** -Goofy Anime-looking art (Batman looks ridiculous) -Too Subversive (This was built for the first time read. i doubt the twists will hold up upon re-reads) -Too Deconstructive (There is only so much you can bend and deconstruct characters before they are NO LONGER the same character. I'll avoid going into spoilers, but you'll know who I'm referring to right from the start of the comic) -Yet another Brutal Batman that kills (At least this killer-Batman is different in that he stabs and hacks his enemies to bloody bits) -SOOOO EDGY!!! (I am sick and tired of grimdark edgelord comics) ***Pros*** -At least its not by Tom King -Thankfully not by Chip Zdarsky either -At least this Batman doesn't weigh a buck and change, and have to wear armor to compensate. -Thankfully Scott Snyder refrained from making this as overly-wordy as his prior Batman writing. -At least this Batman hasn't killed anyone with a gun (At least not yet) -There might have been another positive? I just can't think of it right now. I'm going to try re-reading this at some point and see if i feel differently about it later. |
4.5 |
Absolute Power (2024) One Shot | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Absolute Power (2024): Ground Zero #1
Jun 30, 2024 |
I'm no fan of cross-over/tie-in events. But the premise of this did pique my curiosity. Unfortunately I didn't find anything in this comic to convince me to invest is the large list of multiple titles spanning several issue across the next few months. The only portion that I'm planning to read are the Superman tie-ins by Joshua Williamson. Other than that I'll more than likely skip the rest of this event. |
7.8 |
Action Comics (2016) | 14 issues |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #957
Jun 8, 2016 |
Dan Jurgens may have let the conclusion of his Lois and Clark series fall flat, but his first issue back on Action Comics COMPLETELY made up for it!!! . . . . . . . . an explosive issue that has me completely excited for the next issue!!! |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #958
Jun 22, 2016 |
fun action packed issue, but it felt really short. |
8.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #959
Jul 20, 2016 |
sadly didn't carry the momentum of the first 2 issues. . . . . . . . . there's still room for hope. . . . . . . this story will probably read better as a trade? . . . . . . . probably??? |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #960
Jul 27, 2016 |
i think some of the reviewers are being needlessly harsh on this series. this is definitely an enjoyable read. i likw where the story is going and am excited for more! |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #961
Aug 10, 2016 |
overall this story started pretty decent but now it's really starting to get pretty laughable. . . . . . some really silly dialog. . . . . i don't mind some cartoony writing once in a while, but don't get ridiculous now!!!!! . . . . . . . . this issue is also suffering from some rushed art. . . . . . . and as great as the new 'Superwoman' series is, please don't force it into 'Action Comics'! every comic title should be able to stand on it's own merit. . . . . . . last thing i'll say is, if you want a REALLY good laugh?? then look at how Superman's face is drawn in the panel where he says- "--CAN'T-- R--RUN--!" . . . . . . what the HECK is that THING??? . . . . . . . i know these folks are rushed for time with the bi-weekly deadline, i'm sorry! i truly am! but THIS is just horrendous!!!! . . . . . . . the story did pick up towards the end, but the whole thing just felt WAY too rushed!!!! . . . . . . i said it before and i'll say it again . . . . . this bi-weekly schedule is just a REALLY BAD idea!!!! . . . . . you get everyone hooked into a quick release schedule, but then the quality really starts to suffer . . . . . . BADLY! . . . . . . . comic writers/artists/etc... are human beings. . . . . they aren't meant to be run like machines!! . . . . even machines when pushed to the limit eventually break down! |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #962
Aug 24, 2016 |
i don't know what happened? . . . . . . . . . . Dan Jurgens was really hitting it out of the park, but now this series is REALLY dragging, with no satisfying pay-off. . . . . . . . i have hope that he'll get the series back on track. . . . . . . . . . . it's just not happening yet. . . . . . . . . . this story raised too many questions, and didn't answer any of them. |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #963
Sep 14, 2016 |
finally is starting to get interesting again. . . . . . . . . nothing amazing. . . . . . . . but was fun. . . . . . . . . still didn't answer any questions about the new 'Clark Kent'. |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #964
Sep 28, 2016 |
finally a very enjoyable issue in this series. . . . . . . probably one of the best so far since it's started. . . . . . . . . i had to lower my score a bit since this issue STILL DID NOT answer ANY of the questions that it has raised about this "New Clark Kent"!!!!! . . . . . . . nor did it REALLY explain his relationship to the New52 Superman!!!! . . . . . i've read the entire run of (New52) Superman as well as the entire (New52) Action Comics!!! and i can tell you that this explanation is BALONEY!!!!!! . . . . . . . . there's ABSOLUTELY NO WAY this "New" Clark's story is actually true!!!! (unless the New52 Superman's history is being retconned?) . . . . . . . i did like Jurgens few pokes at the New52 Superman's expense and raising up the Pre-flashpoint Superman. . . . . . . . . . i don't have to say just how cheap it was that (pre-flashpoint) Superman just so happens to have a McGuffin 'Orb of Truth' or whatever it's called, stored in the Fortress of Solitude. . . . . . . very very convenient!! |
8.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #966
Oct 26, 2016 |
this one issue probably did more Justice for New 52 Lois Lane that any issue of Superman, or Action Comics, Superman Unchained, etc... during the entire New 52 & DC You era. |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #967
Nov 9, 2016 |
alright enough issue. . . . . . some decent dialog between Superman and Son. . . . . i particularly liked when Jonathan was asking his father about why he didn't go back to one of his former suits, and why the one had red undies on the outside. Superman's explanaition was actually quite cool. . . . . so far Godslayer isn't doing much for me. . . . . . . at least we finally see what the outcome would turn into from Lex Luthor using the Mother Box that he had taken from Apocalypse back in Johns run of Justice League. hopefully something actually comes of it and it doesn't just get disregarded. |
9.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #968
Dec 1, 2016 |
firstly i'd like to say just how MUCH i really enjoy Tyler Kirkham's art!!! |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #969
Dec 16, 2016 |
we know how this is going to end up play out, but this has been a pretty intriguing direction Dan Jurgens has chosen to go in. |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #975
Mar 8, 2017 |
it’s good to finally have the Mystery of the ‘Clark Kent’ Doppleganger solved!! |
8.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #1000
Apr 18, 2018 |
the writing was alright, the art ... pretty damn phenomenal!!! price tag might seem steep, but this book is really packed full! absolutely worth it for what you get!! |
3.5 |
All-Star Batman | 1 issues |
3.5 |
All-Star Batman #1
Aug 10, 2016 |
aye yai yai!!! . . . . . typical Snyder Cider drivel!!! he must really HATE Alfred Pennyworth??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thankfully once this run is over Snyder will leave Batman for good so he can move over and ruin another character! . . . . . . . . . . . . many people don't like John Romita Jr's art, but i for one really enjoy it. i will say thou that his art that he did for this issue does look like a step backward from the art he had done for the Kick-Ass and Hit Girl series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anyway, once Romita is done then i'll thankfully not have to drink down another bitter cup of nasty (and overpriced) Snyder Cider ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snyder, please stop re-using that damn 'Mirror' analogy! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . between use stories as well as in interviews, that guy has beaten the 'Dark Reflection' analogy TO DEATH long ago! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and why would Commissioner Gordon be foolish enough to almost stick his hand in Acid? |
9.5 |
All-Star Superman | 1 issues |
9.5 |
All-Star Superman Vol. 1
Jun 24, 2018 |
One of Morrison & Quitely's best collaborations. this is probably one of my favorite superman stories i've ever read. the portrayal of Clark Kent/Superman is absolutely perfect! there's also a very nice set-up for DC One Million if you've ever read it. it's not necessary that you do, but it does add a nice layer if you get the reference. |
1.0 |
Animal Pound (2023) | 2 issues |
1.0 |
Animal Pound (2023) #4
Jun 30, 2024 |
This series is the discount version of George Orwell's ANIMAL FARM. But whereas Orwell's story was a timeless and brilliant work of art, tom king's poor attempt is nothing more utter rubbish! The real crime here is they wasted paper and ink on this. |
1.0 |
Animal Pound (2023) #5
Sep 5, 2024 |
This is utter dog sh*t!!! (pun intended) Stay away from this Poor Wannabe Animal Farm. Orwell was a master. King is just a booger eater. |
7.5 |
Batgirls (2021) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Batgirls (2021) #14
Jan 24, 2023 |
This has been on of the (VERY) few monthly titles by DC that's actually been enjoyable. |
8.6 |
Batman | 34 issues |
9.5 |
Batman #655
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #656
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #657
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #658
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Batman #663
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman #664
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Batman #665
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #666
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman #667
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman #668
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman #669
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Batman #670
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Batman #671
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Batman #672
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Batman #673
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman #674
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman #675
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman #676
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman #677
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #678
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #679
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman #680
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #681
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #682
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman #683
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman #700
Feb 11, 2016 |
Batman #700 (giant sized anniversary edition) is a magnificent comic. it spans many eras of Batman's history, past present and future. it even has nods to Batman One Million from Morrison's JLA run. a copy of Batman #700 could cost as much or more than what the TPB 'Time & the Batman' costs, so it might be more economical to buy the collected edition. with beautiful art by Tony Daniel, Frank Quitely, Andy Kubert, and David Finch it's definitely worth a read. |
9.5 |
Batman #701
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman #702
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman R.I.P.
Oct 16, 2018 |
i find this story is absolutely addicting!!! never once have i read this book without having finished it, then having to start it all over from the beginning at least one or two more times. usually i read this story cover to cover in a series of three. don't know? ....maybe i have Batman RIP OCD? the story follows the club of villains as they plot to sabotage Batman and pervert all that he holds sacred. Grant has brilliantly written the villain Simon Hurt into Batman's 75 year history, as well as pull references from almost every era and event of Batman's comic publication. this is Batman written at his finest! others have often tried to imitated this, but have never even come close to replicating it. in Grant's own words- "i wanted to create the ultimate Batman." me personally, i say he truly did! Tony Daniel does his best to keep up with Grant. his art was still a bit rough back then, but he does a serviceable job of it. |
8.5 |
Batman Time and the Batman
Oct 16, 2018 |
Batman #700 (giant sized anniversary edition) is a magnificent comic. it spans many eras of Batman's history, past present and future. it even has nods to Batman One Million from Morrison's JLA run. a copy of Batman #700 could cost as much or more that what this trade costs, so it's definitely worth the money. plus with beautiful art by Tony Daniel, Frank Quitely, Andy Kubert, and David Finch it's definitely worth it. Batman issues #701 & #702 contain the Lost Chapters of Batman RIP. these are definitely worth the purchase and read, as they clear up some of the confusion for what happens in-between Batman RIP and Final Crisis. there are wonderful character moments between Bruce & Alfred, and Tony Daniel's art is Top notch here. i'd love to give this collection a "9.5" or a "9". but the inclusion of Batman issue #703 being clumsily tossed in here brings the score down. whenever i read this volume i never bother to read #703. reading the single issue when it was in my pull-list was more than enough. and all that issue is, is a set up for 'Batman The Road Home' which in itself was a superfluous unnecessary cash-grab by DC just tacking on as many add-ons to 'The Return of Bruce Wayne' event. if something in the even wasn't written by Morrison then don't bother. |
9.0 |
Batman Year One
Sep 16, 2020 |
one Batman story i can never get tired of re-reading. very well written (though not entirely perfect) there's a few glaring things i wasn't thrilled about. this is still a fantastic story, and worthy of being called essential reading. all the scenes with Gordon facing the corruption withing the GCPD are very well written. Det. Flass is probably one of the best antagonist characters that Miller has ever come up with. there aren't nearly enough scenes with Bruce Wayne/Batman to be honest. though when he finally does appear he's great! though Miller's Batman takes himself a little too seriously. Miller did his best to try to kill of the last remaining remnants of fun of the Bronze age Batman to usher in the Modern age version of the character. not a good choice, if you ask me. Miller also really doesn't utilize Alfred or his charms. this is a shame, because there lies a great dynamic, and character for Bruce to play off of. Miller going too heavy with his grimdark version of Batman. "CAN'T HAVE NO FUN! THAT WOULDN'T BE EDGY!" i also really wish that Frank Miller hadn't turned Selina into a dominatrix. it's very degrading to her character. other than those points, the art is absolutely magnificent! it has a pulpy gritty Noir feel, that's the right blend of realism and cartoonish. the colors are also spectacular. if you can, get the old Deluxe Edition. the fairly recent release had the colors muddied. |
9.5 |
Batman Vol. 1: By Grant Morrison Omnibus
Nov 11, 2018 |
Grant Morrison’s Batman is one of the best Batman runs i’ve ever read. this deluxe sized omnibus is the best possible format to read it in. the book is nicely constructed with stitched binding and thick quality pages. the paper is a very heavy stock that is slightly glossy but not too overly glossy. the color printing is also more vibrant than previous editions of Batman&Son and BatmanRIP. It has no new bonus content other than an introduction by Mike Marts. Tony Daniel’s variant covers for Batman #676-#683 are now at the back of the book along with Adam Kubert’s variant cover for Batman #655. the omnibus collects all the issues from ‘Batman & Son’, ‘The Black Glove’ and ‘Batman RIP’ as well as an abridged version of issues #30 & #47 from the ’52’ series, scenes of Bruce Wayne undergoing the Thögal ritual in the caves of Nanda Parbat. exclusive to this omnibus are two brand new pages written and drawn by Chris Burnham. these new pages fill in events for ‘The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul’ and save you from having to read a drawn out cross-over event where only two of the issues were actually written by Morrison. there are two pages of excerpts from ‘Final Crises’ bracketing Batman issues #682 & #683 ‘Final Crisis: Last Rites’. these excerpts set up the events of ‘Final Crisis: Last Rites’ and give actual context as to what’s going on. aside from the lack of new bonus content, this is still one of my most favorite omnibuses i own both in content and in presentation. this is the first of 3 volumes that will collect all of Grant Morrison’s entire Batman run. if you are already a fan of this run, it is absolutely worth the money of the double dip. if you have never read the run before but are a fan of Batman, then you’ll definitely want to check this book out. it’s the definitive way to read Grant Morrison’s Batman. |
9.5 |
Batman Vol. 2: By Grant Morrison Omnibus
Jun 26, 2019 |
Grant Morrison’s Batman is one of the best Batman runs i’ve ever read. this deluxe sized omnibus finally gives us the Definitive reading order for Grant Morrison’s Batman. Batman & Robin 1-16, The Return of Bruce 1-6, and Batman 700-702 have been printed in chronological reading order for the first time ever! the Bonus Content from the original collected editions has all been reprinted within this Omnibus. The main & variant covers are printed just before each chapter. definitely check out Batman by Grant Morrison Omnibus Vol. 1 if you haven’t already. This book picks up where that one left off. The story begins with Dick Grayson (the very first, and original Robin) has taken up the mantle of Batman. Bruce Wayne has been missing and is presumed dead. Bruce’s Son, Damian who was introduced in Omnibus Vol. 1 takes up the mantle of Robin. This presents a very unique dynamic between Batman & Robin, as now we have a lighthearted, optimistic Batman clashing with a grim and brooding Robin. There are a lot of growing pains along the way. Alfred Pennyworth really shines in this series, as he adds some much needed guidance for our two heroes. Within these stories you really come to love Alfred, as he is the very heart and soul of the Bat-Family. The Dynamic between Batman & Robin isn’t the only thing that has changed. Commissioner Gordon can tell that there’s something different about Batman & Robin, and is uncertain if he can trust them or not. We are introduced to an all-new Bat-mobile that we saw early in development in the first Morrison Batman Omnibus. Grant has also penned some new villains for our heroes to face, as well as some classic Rogues Gallery. the reading sequence is as follows- Batman & Robin #1 Batman & Robin #2 Batman & Robin #3 Batman & Robin #4 Batman & Robin #5 Batman & Robin #6 Batman & Robin #7 Batman & Robin #8 Batman & Robin #9 Batman #700 Batman & Robin #10 Return of Bruce Wayne #1 Batman & Robin #11 Return of Bruce Wayne #2 Batman & Robin #12 Return of Bruce Wayne #3 Batman #701 Batman #702 Batman & Robin #13 Return of Bruce Wayne #4 Batman & Robin #14 Return of Bruce Wayne #5 Batman & Robin #15 Return of Bruce Wayne #6 Batman & Robin #16 |
9.5 |
Batman Vol. 3: By Grant Morrison Omnibus
Aug 26, 2020 |
This Omnibus is better than the Absolute edition, in both content and quality. The stitching seems more secure in this Omnibus than it does in my copy of the Absolute edition. The pages of my Absolute edition are starting to come loose. Whereas my GM Batman Omni Vol. 1 (Sept 2018) and Omni vol. 2 (June 2019) are still holding up strong. And this GM Batman Omni Vol. 3 looks like the same great sturdy quality of the previous two Omnis. Thankfully (unlike the Absolute Batman Incorporated) this book actually has bonus material. Not just bonus material from Batman Inc Deluxe Edition, but they added bonus material for the New 52 portion of the run. The original New 52 releases in HC & TPB had only included a variant cover gallery. Now we have NEW extra content by Chris Burnham as well as Grant Morrison. This Omnibus also includes Batman The Return (One-Shot) that was illustrated by David Finch. If you haven’t already, you’re definitely going to want to pick up Batman by Grant Morrison volumes 1 & 2. I try my best to not go into heavy spoiler territory in my reviews, as I know there are folks new to this run. I will say that since Grant Morrison’s Batman run began, he has built up events that have come full circle in this final volume. Batman is investigating a Global Terrorist organization called Leviathan. They have been showing up just about everywhere, and infesting everything. Batman enlists the help of the Batmen of All Nations, and starts recruiting his own Army of Batmen around the world to combat Leviathan. If you’ve read Batman Incorporated in single issue form and collected trade as I have, you will have seen that towards the New52 portion of the run that there are pages that used fill-in artists. It was a bit jarring to be enjoying Chris Burnham’s unique style, then suddenly be reading pages illustrated by other artists. We were treated to Chris Burnham going back to draw all the pages, that he previously was unable to for the Absolute Edition. Thankfully this book includes all the redrawn Burham pages that were done for the Absolute. Chris Burham also redrew into the flashback scenes that referenced the 70’s Batman stories. When Batman Inc was published during the New 52, events from classic 70s Batman comics were made to show Batman wearing his New52 costume. Now they are redrawn with Batman as intended with the 70s Blue Cape and Cowl, and classic Yellow Oval as intended. Many fans were unsure if this Omnibus would also include Batman Inc issue #11 written by Chris Burham, as well as the Batman Incorporated Special written by guest writers. Rest assured they both are included within this book. This Omnibus has been printed in a beautiful Deluxe size. The binding, stitching and page quality all look solid and secure. The page color actually looks more vibrant than previous releases. The paper is a nice semi-gloss stock. Nice and easy on the eyes. Grant Morrison’s Batman run is my all-time favorite Batman story ever. This spanning saga has so many layers. It gets better with every re-read. I discover some hidden detail that I’d not noticed before. Revelations within this book actually change the way certain events from earlier portions of Morrison's Batman run are perceived. All I can say is, if you’re willing to invest the time in Grant Morrison’s Batman run, there’s a good chance that you’ll fall in love with it just as I have. You will find that you want to return and begin again, and enjoy many re-reads. |
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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo | 1 issues |
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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #1
Feb 10, 2023 |
I've been buying these and holding them to the side so that i can binge read them in one sitting. God, how i hope that the years long wait was worth it!!! |
4.0 |
Batman '89 (2021) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Batman '89 (2021) #1
Aug 13, 2021 |
this did NOT feel like what we'd seen in these movies. it feels like they are trying to take the world of the Michael Keaton Batman movies and make it feel more typical of Batman of the comics. then what was the point of revisiting this universe in the first place? did not care for the art at all. something very awkward about it. |
6.2 |
Batman (2011) | 31 issues |
6.5 |
Batman (2011) #0
Feb 11, 2016 |
a missed opportunity to tell a good origin story for the New 52 Batman. this issue was just a teaser for the upcoming and long-winded 'Batman: Zero Year' arc. nice art, but very forgettable issue. |
9.5 |
Batman (2011) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
i've been reading and collecting this series since the very beginning of the New 52, and wanted to now take a look back at it and see what made me fall in love with it in the first place. this issue starts off with Scott Snyder's usual run-on exposition ... that can either captivate you into a dark world of intrigue ... or sometimes just bore you to tears. the very first time i read it, i was among the highly captivated. we are immediately placed inside Arkham Asylum in what looks like Batman about to face off a great number of the most notorious inmates ...and then the melee begins!!! Greg Capullo shows off his beautiful sense of action and eye for drama in this scene. had this been story-board for and action based anime or even movie, it'd be one of the most amazing things any Batman fan has ever seen!!! i will give Scott Snyder Credit, the plot twist during the Arkham brawl was very clever and really fun to revisit during many many re-reads!!! i WANT to give this a perfect 10. but truthfully i know i can't, as in my many re-reads i just find too many parts needlessly TOO wordy for no reason at all! that whole 'Gotham's Tomorrow is just a Dream away' or what ever mumbo jumbo Bruce Wayne is spouting at the fund-raiser scene is just PAINFUL! still the personalities of the members of the Bat-family scenes are spot on! even though Snyder's voice for Batman can at times make Bruce come off as a snotty little brat. still though, it's a very good issue overall. and is worth checking out for Greg Capullo's visual story-telling alone. what's always struck me as funny about this series as a whole, is both reviewers and users love to throw 'PERFECT TENS' at this series! and they probably have NO idea why? i used to be one of them till after reading a few of issues that Greg Capullo didn't provide the art for, that Snyder's writing wasn't as good as i once thought it was? |
8.5 |
Batman (2011) #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
another great issue but here's where the story really begins to get muddled with TOO MUCH exposition!!!! we start off the story with Bruce Wayne thrown out a window and headed for what looks like certain death. but before we get to the 'BIG SPLAT' the story jumps to earlier when Batman is in the midst of pursuit on the Bat-cycle chasing a Helicopter. Batman is driving on elevated train tracks to catch them, but i'm really not sure why the pilot doesn't just take the Helicopter straight up to escape? anyway, Batman (on his cycle) and the Helicopter pilot get into a game of 'chicken' and there's a very cool splash page of crashing through the windshield of the Helicopter. as the story continues the reader must endure pages filled with tons of Scott Snyder 'run-on' exposition, until we are brought back up to speed with Bruce Wayne plunging to his death. it seems like things are over the the Dark Knight? ...BUT WAIT!!! ...there's a hidden gargoyle constructed on the building that NO ONE knew about!!! this seems very impressive and clever the first time you read it, but how is it that out of the 360 degrees that Bruce was thrown out of the top of the sky scraper that he just happened to falling RIGHT towards that hidden gargoyle??? ok! so it's only a dumb comic book! ... FINE! i can give you that! ... but DON'T go throwing glowing scores of 'TEN' at it!!! still, the artwork is the real attraction here. and as long as Greg Capullo is drawing it, then there's something for me to enjoy here! |
7.5 |
Batman (2011) #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
Scott Snyder starts the issue with a flashback of Gotham City in the year of 1922 with a character we don't really know being chased, but boy does he look terrified! ... poor guy! ...OK! where were we again?? ... jump Forward to Batman down in the subways fighting the Whisper Gang (a gang we'll probably never hear from again?) the Whisper Gang wear these metal face masks. probably for no other reason but to have Batman throw a high powered magnet at the passing train just so all of Whisper Gang's masks can get magnetized and stick them all to the train? still though Greg Capullo's visual compositions of the fight sequence were absolutely beautiful! and Jonathan Glapion's heavy use of bold shadows really adds a beautiful feeling of mirth and grit to the mood! after two very dialog heavy scenes, Batman is in pursuit of his suspect 'The Court of Owls' a criminal organization that has been operating out of Gotham since before Batman was EVEN born. but Batman had absolutely NO idea they really existed!!! (World's Greatest Detective, my foot!) even worse is while investigating one of the Court of Owls "Secret Lairs" that's been hiding the WHOLE time in "Our VERY Homes", Batman stumbles over a trip wire like a rank armature and sets off a booby-trap causing the building to blow up! ... The End. |
7.0 |
Batman (2011) #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
last issue we saw Batman clumsily stepping on a tripwire booby-trap, causing the building he was in to blow up. but he we find that Batman is STILL alive, and STILL intact! ....in FACT, Scott Snyder goes on this WHOLE inner monologue from Batman about how the danger of a tripwire is NOT in the blast, but in the feeling of helplessness it instills in it's victim! ...REALLY??? tell that to all the poor souls who lost their legs (or lives) stepping on tripwires in all the wars over the years!!!! and this whole mumbo jumbo monologue is going on while Batman is trying to escape a fiery death!!! ((and_i_quote))-->> "Most people assume the danger of a tripwire lies in the blast. Not so. The real threat from a tripwire comes later ... in the aftermath. The truth is, a tripwire is a greater instrument of FEAR than of violence. It demoralizes everyone in range, suggesting that the enemy knows the terrain better than you do, that this is their home, and they're everywhere at once ... ready to bear down at any moment. In Gotham, there is an old nursery rhyme about the Court of Owls. A group of men who, the rhyme goes, rule the city from the shadows and enforce their will by means of an assassin named the TALON ... a highly trained killer the Court keeps hidden in bases around the city. Tonight, I discovered a series of bases, seeming to date back to the 19thth century--bases hidden in buildings constructed by my own family, the WAYNES. I was inspecting this, one the most recent, when the tripwire went off. Lucky for me ... I don't scare easily." <<--((end_quote)) ... REALLY SNYDER??? a deadly trap isn't really dangerous?? sure! ..the issue ends with Batman trapped in the Court of Owls underground labyrinth. |
7.0 |
Batman (2011) #5
Feb 11, 2016 |
continuing in Scott Snyder's story of a Bungling Batman who tramples over tripwires and STILL manages to come out of it ON TOP because of no other reason but because he's BATMAN. we pick up with Batman trapped in the Court of Owl's labyrinth. he's been drugged, starved and is starting to crack. (this reminds me an AWFUL LOT of Batman: The Cult) ....the scenes are Beautifully penciled by Greg Capullo, and inked fantastically by Jonathan Glapion. but for what ever reason Snyder and Capullo chose to throw in the novelty of having to rotate the pages so you have to turn the comic upside-down are beyond me?? sure it was a neat trick on the first read? but on re-reads it's honestly pretty annoying!!! so Batman continues to aimlessly wanted the maze completely LOST, until he finally starts screaming like a little child- "I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU!" ...and at that point an assassin sneaks up behind him and stabs a long dagger through Batman's lower back, that comes RIGHT out of his guts! ... but don't worry folks, i'm sure Scott Snyder will pull some sort of baloney out of his butt to make everything turn out ok for Batman next issue? ......(p.s. ...he does!) |
7.0 |
Batman (2011) #6
Feb 11, 2016 |
in Scott Snyder's last Batman issue we saw Batman receive what should be a fatal stab-wound from a deadly assassin, and now is mercilessly getting his butt kicked by 'said assassin'. it's a very very VERY drawn out scene of Batman getting pummeled, all the while he should be bleeding to death from his stab wound. but LOOK! just when thing look completely hopeless ... when by all right this should be the Death of Batman!!! ... all of the sudden Batman gets a jolt of confidence that hurls him to victory, when just moments before he was at the brink of death!!! ok! Snyder, now you're just being completely silly!!!! i give Greg Capullo credit! the scene of Batman getting his second wind is drawn in an excellent stylized way to symbolized Batman's hallucination of becoming 'beast-like' in the heat of battle. it's completely ridiculous to the point of decimating suspension of belief to a bloody pulp, but it's drawn really really cool! Batman pulls yet another unbelievable escape out of his rear-end, but land himself submerges under freezing cold waters with no air! how will he escape this time? Scott Snyder's over-use of deadly cliff hanger endings are starting to become VERY VERY tiresome! |
6.5 |
Batman (2011) #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
in the last issue Scott Snyder had Batman drowning in freezing cold waters, only to have him hallucinating as his heart is jump-started by a trendy Emo-chick named Harper Row using a car battery. Batman somehow knows this person? did i miss something? who is she? i've never heard of her before! not a very good introduction. Batman makes his way back home in shambles, Alfred probably mends all Bruce's mortal wounds to the point of "he's gonna be A-OK" and we then get a visit from Nightwing who starts yelling at Batman for no other reason so that we can have Batman backfist Nightwing in the mouth!!! ... but Batman had a reason for punching Nightwing in the face! he just so happened to punch out the EXACT tooth in Nightwing's mouth that was hiding a small coin-like conductor that the Court of Owls secretly placed inside Nightwing's tooth when he was a small child! ok! this is too much!!! .... i can't stand to re-read this nonsense any more!!! ... from here on out, i'm just going to flip though and enjoy Greg Capullo's beautiful artwork! the story is laughable! |
5.0 |
Batman (2011) #8
Feb 11, 2016 |
at this point the comic series gets thinned out with less actual story and a back-up story as filler. probably just so they could spread out this already overdrawn arc? ...and look! ...now we have a set up for a cross-over event and tie-ins!!!! don't miss a single issue of this cash grab cross-over event kids! the stories won't be completely superfluous and unnecessary to the main series! |
9.5 |
Batman (2011) #9
Feb 11, 2016 |
some very cool action sequences from Batman in his (Capullo designed) Bat-mech versus the Court of Owl's assassins. this series needs to just let Greg Capullo continue go to town with his awesome art, and not be so bogged down with all the mumbo jumbo baloney that Scott Snyder writes. |
8.5 |
Batman (2011) #10
Feb 11, 2016 |
these are some of my ALL time favorite panels of Greg Capullo's artwork!!! great action! great composition! ... they just look FRIKKEN COOOOOOL!!!!!! ...annnnd then we get to all the dialog heavy pages of mumbo jumbo that Scott Snyder is famous for! ...Blah! Blah Blah!!!! .... at least the issue ends with a very awesome looking splash page!!! |
7.5 |
Batman (2011) #11
Feb 11, 2016 |
this is IT!!! the final confrontation between Batman and the secret foe he has been searching for since the beginning of this overly drawn out story arc!!! this fight should be awesome!!! ... but what's this??? TONS of talking and dialog during a heated death match??? Snyder, just shush your mouth so we can enjoy Greg Capullo's art in peace already!!! honestly, i have never seen so many over-inflated word bubbled in ALL MY LIFE!!!! and yet another thin issue that needed to be padded out with a back-up story to fill up the comic! there were a few cool moments that let Capullo's art really shine! .... but at least this exhausting overdrawn arc is finally over with!!! |
1.0 |
Batman (2011) #12
Feb 11, 2016 |
oh boy!!! a WHOLE Batman story without any Batman in it! just doofy ol' Harper Row and her derpy brother Cullen! ....Yayyyyyyyyy! and even MORE painful is that it's NOT draw by Greg Capullo! this is the first i've ever seen the art of Becky Cloonan, but it really doesn't impress me at all! in fact thanks to this issue lacking the delicious sugar coating of Capullo's art was the very first time i realized that this Scott Snyder guy ain't the genius writer everyone claims him to be! when Batman finally shows up it's the worst looking Batman art i've seen in any comic! towards the end of the comic the art duties switch to a different artist. judging by the art-style it looks like Gary Frank? he's definitely a step up in art chops, but his trying to emulate a Capullo-type look into his own style looks a bit off to me. after i read this comic when it first came out i wanted to cry! |
5.5 |
Batman (2011) #13
Feb 11, 2016 |
i've been ecitedly waiting for the Joker's return to the New 52 since Tony Daniel's cliffhanger ending of Detective Comics #1 !! ....and i honestly don't know how to feel about this? for one the art though still beautiful looks to be a bit rushed? and the story is maybe even MORE wordy than it's EVER been!!! and can the Joker really just walk through a darkened police station and just kill all the trained police officers inside with his bare hands???? and this issue is also padded with back-up story filler. |
7.0 |
Batman (2011) #14
Feb 11, 2016 |
at least there is slightly better art in this issue, but there is WAY too much dialog!!! we get to see Nightwing in the issue so that is always adds a point to the score! this issue is padded out by a back-up story to fill up space at the end. |
5.5 |
Batman (2011) #15
Feb 11, 2016 |
so Batman has suspected that Joker may know the location of the Bat-cave this WHOLE time? and in turn Joker could also know Batman is really Bruce Wayne? and this whole time Batman has done absolutely nothing about it? ...Batman ...are you a complete idiot? |
6.5 |
Batman (2011) #16
Feb 11, 2016 |
despite some very beautiful art panels by Greg Capullo this story is not grabbing me the way that i'd hoped it would! Joker has been reduced to a second-rate version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. and Batman is just a complete bungling idiot!!! these two characters, Batman and the Joker are both my ALL-TIME favorite comic characters!!! they are both facing off in what is being touted as the MUST READ COMIC OF THE YEAR!!! ... i SHOULD be loving this??? ... but i am not ..... it's just .......Meh. ....AND ... yet again DC uses this opportunity to cash grab it's readers into buying into another cross-over event hosted by their star writer Scott Snyder. ...get out your nickels and dimes everyone!!! |
4.5 |
Batman (2011) #17
Feb 11, 2016 |
wow! ... look! .... all of the members of the Bat-family have bloody bandages over their faces and are sitting in front of their severed faces on ice. ... did anyone else see right through the fact that all the faces on ice were fake? .....the story goes out with a whimper. and is thankfully is over! unfortunately we will be plagued for years to come by fan art images and cos-play of Joker as this second-rate Texas Chainsaw Massacre rip off! |
5.5 |
Batman (2011) #18
Feb 11, 2016 |
great! so Damian Wayne/Robin is dead and now Harper Row is trying to step up as Batman's faithful sidekick? ........no! ........just NO!!!! at least Andy Kubert's art candy-coats this awful bitter pill! GET LOST, Harper!!!! ...YOU STINK!!!! ...at least it was worth it to see Batman tell off Harper, and in so many words let her know "it ain't gonna happen!" |
7.0 |
Batman (2011) #19
Feb 11, 2016 |
a goofy little two-issue arc staring Clayface. i think Snyder wrote himself into a corner by making Clayface WAY too powerful and dangerous in this. Clayface gets an ability in this story that quickly gets forgotten about throughout all of the other Batman titles across The New 52. |
5.5 |
Batman (2011) #20
Feb 11, 2016 |
so batman defeats Clayface's new ability to read a person's DNA from touch by wearing a clear coat of plastic over his face. but why does Clayface know to freak out Batman by transforming into the likeness of Damian Wayne? and why does no-one witnessing Batman's freak-out question why Batman would be so upset by this? GO AHEAD PEOPLE!!! .... continue throwing heaps of praise at this series!!! ....suck up all that hype! |
6.0 |
Batman (2011) #21
Feb 11, 2016 |
Zero Year is off to a very slow and unexciting start! many of my friends that were also reading this series started dropping the Snyder/Capullo Batman title. .... at the time i have NO idea why? i was SO blinded by all the hype. but re-reading this stuff, i just can't get myself to care about any of it. |
6.0 |
Batman (2011) #22
Feb 11, 2016 |
Zero Year continues to sputter along. and while it's cool to finally see Bruce doing some vigilante action, the issue is still WAY too over-burdened with wordy dialog. the argument between Bruce and Alfred is just WAY too over the top! Bruce acts like a complete and utter jerk to Alfred just so we'd have a reason for Alfred to slap Bruce's face. ....yawn. |
5.5 |
Batman (2011) #23
Feb 11, 2016 |
the story jumps around and then we finally get to see a swiped scene from Frank Miller's Batman Year One re-hashed, and re-told not nearly as well. to say that this issue was very disappointing is an understatement! |
9.5 |
Batman (2011) #24
Feb 11, 2016 |
FINALLY we get to see Bruce Wayne don the cape and cowl and become The Batman!!!! i really enjoyed the homage that this bat-suit payed to the Golden-age first appearance of Batman under the script of Bill Finger and drawn by Bob Kane (or what ever secret artists that Kane might have had helping him at the time?) ... THIS is the issue out of the WHOLE overblown, drawn-out, overstayed_it's_welcome Zero Year that i have read over and over and over!!! and while there was a LOT of pay-off in this issue, there was also a LOT of typical over-wordy dialog that has pained me in this series from the beginning!!!! ....please just SHUT UP Snyder!!!! let Greg Capullo's art have the spot-light!!! there are some absolutely beautiful action sequences at the end of the issue, but not enough for my taste! and during the action Red Hood's goons just can't shut up!! .....Scott Snyder must be thinking to himself - "Gee these action sequences don't have enough word balloons on them? here! let me just FIX that!" (BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!) |
2.5 |
Batman (2011) #40
Sep 23, 2015 |
this story was a HOT MESS!!! i was thrilled that the Joker was back and we were promised the Batman/Joker story to END all stories!!! this arc was AWFUL! it was all over the place, Snyder wasted so many pages of useless info dumping, and the finale was just ...... empty! this used to be my favorite DC title, but Snyder's stories are getting worse and worse. another thing- Scott Snyder, why don't you just let Capullo's art tell the story JUST once in a while??? are you such an ego maniac that you need to jam fill every single panel with as many run on paragraphs as you possibly can? some times you just need to shut your big mouth and let the artist do his thing!!! i DO NOT RECOMMEND! |
1.0 |
Batman (2011) #44
Sep 23, 2015 |
muddling tripe! not the Mr Bloom origin we were promised! a big sob story about a poor boy who gets killed, and Batman runs around like a blind idiot trying to solve the case! i haven't seen such red herring bad detective work from Batman since 'Batman Eternal' definitely NOT worth the $4.99 cover price! just awful! |
5.0 |
Batman (2011) #48
Jan 23, 2016 |
without a proper origin or explanation of Mr Bloom's powers it's very difficult to suspend disbelief! and as Bloom even kills his own henchmen at the bat of an eye with great ease, it makes no sense why he just hasn't killed (or maimed) Gordon yet? Capullo's art as always is the highlight of the book. |
7.5 |
Batman (2011) #49
Feb 10, 2016 |
a pretty solid issue. i enjoyed some of the themes they were playing with, it had a but of a surreal psychedelic feel going on at parts. i admire what they were trying to get across, but something was losing impact in the translation. but still the overall emotion that they were hinting at came across, even if it wasn't perfect. very interested to seeing where this all goes next month! |
5.0 |
Batman (2011) #50
Mar 23, 2016 |
as much as i absolutely LOVE Batman, i'm just happy that this is finally over with!!!! ...there was a time when i wanted Snyder and Capullo stay of this series forever! now i really think it's more than time that they had a break! Capullo's art looks cool, but it just looks like he's burned out from the whole thing? ..... as for the writing??? .... the writing just reads like some teenage fan-fiction written by a kid who's seen Nolan's 'Dark Knight' one TOO many times!!! ....typical overly verbose comic for no real reason at all! .... i am NOT going to miss Snyder's rambling writing style!!! ................. ......thanks guys! ....it's definitely had it's moments!!! ........... ............... ........ ........ ......... ....... .........OH! BTW ..... the new Bat-suit ......HOLY POLYESTER SUIT BATMAN!! ... it looks frikken TERRIBLE!!!!! |
6.0 |
Batman (2011) #51
Apr 27, 2016 |
after re-reading the issue a couple of times i feel i have to drop the score a bit. it's a pretty lukewarm issue, where nothing really happens. sure it's supposed to be a quiet night in Gotham, but i really felt the character interaction and dialog were pretty weak. . . . . . i still will never understand why so many fans of this series let themselves get SO blinded by hype, that they throw perfect scores of 'TEN' at this book? . . . . the art is nice, but the writing is far from great. . . . . one of the biggest wastes of page-space is the "Gotham Is..." dialog. that whole intro is utter nonsense!!! it means absolutely nothing other than Snyder making an acknowledgement that THIS is the final issue in his and Greg Capullo's Batman run. . . . . and in a way i'm extremely Grateful to Greg Capullo for finally leaving the book, because it make's it easier for me to finally drop the title from my pull-list and pretty much abandon buying DC monthly titles. . . there was a time i'd buy everything 'Batman' and now i see it for the cash-grab low end product that it is. . . . this issue just makes me a bit angry when i see so many concepts that were never touched upon due to wasting too much time dragging out 'Zero-Year' and don't even get me started on 'Super Heavy'!!! . . . more like - 'Super Waste of everyone's time'!!! . . . . now Scott Snyder is going to have to find another talented artist to sugar coat his mediocre writing with. |
7.5 |
Batman (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Batman (2011) Annual #4
Sep 30, 2015 |
this is the single best issue of Batman i have read in a quite a while since Death of the Family and some of the early issues of Zero Year. i've loved this series since the very beginning but i just haven't been as into it for the last year or more. this issue gets right into the story and the characters without overburdening the reader with excessive narration and history lessons that kill the pace. my only gripe was with the art. in some panels Alfred is missing his hand while in other panels he has both his hands. surprised that made it past editorial. |
8.0 |
Batman (2011): Futures End #1 |
3.7 |
Batman (2016) | 108 issues |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #1
Jun 15, 2016 |
David Finch provides beautiful art, but Tom King's writing was just miserably BAD!!! . . . . . . . . . . . reading Tom King regurgitating lines about "The Hero This City Deserves" and "is this a Good Death?" makes his story feel like fan-fiction. . . . . . . . . . and if Batman can pull off an impossible stunt like fly an ejector seat out of his car and miraculously CATCH onto a crashing airplane, mount rocket thrusters underneath it, climb back on top and impossibly ride the plane like it was a sled . . . . . . then there's NO WAY i can believe he'd be remotely worried about dying on impact when it landed!!!! . . . . . if you're going to write Batman as a Big Bat-God Mcguffin then don't have him all weepy and ready to die at the first sign of danger! . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Batman i know and love is STUBBORN!!! . . . . . and wouldn't be so quick to accept his own death. . . . . . . . . . he always has a back-up plan!!! |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #2
Jul 6, 2016 |
i absolutely LOVE David Finch's art and will buy anything if he's drawing it! . . . . . ESPECIALLY if it's Batman!!!! . . . . . . . . . i just don't know if Tom King is worthy fit for Batman. King has some cool ideas but they feel under-cooked. plus his characterization of Batman feels off. . . . . . . it was cool seeing Finch get to draw Grundy. |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #3
Jul 20, 2016 |
really enjoying David Finch's BE-A-U-TIFUL art!!! . . . . . . . Tom King yammers on and on about "Piss" and "Smoke". . . . way too much meaningless monologue about absolutely nothing filling up page space. . . . . . . a few nice moments between Gotham Boy and Gotham Girl. . . . . . other than that the writing is pretty bad. . . . . . Tom King sure does love to overuse the dreaded McGuffin!!! |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #4
Aug 3, 2016 |
i'm really conflicted! i keep coming back for David Finch's amazing art. his Batman drawing skills are especially Kick-Ass!!!! . . . . . . . . . but this writing is just weak sauce. . . . . . . . i get a sense for the story that Tom King is trying to get across . . . . . but the execution feels way too underdeveloped. . . . . . . the detective clues and solutions were just silly boarding on ridiculous! . . . . . mcguffin, mcguffin, MCGUFFIN!!! |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #5
Aug 17, 2016 |
comics were meant to be fun . . . . . . . . . . but you DO need some level of Suspension of Disbelief! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this series from the VERY first issue has thrown that Suspension of Disbelief right in the garbage!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Batman riding an ejector seat up to an airplane, or Gotham Boy & Gotham Girl running off and magically buying themselves Super Powers, or Batman being omniscient to figure out Gotham Boy had an itch took off his mask and a soldier saw his identity and killed his parents, these are just so silly they take anyone with a grain of common sense right out of the story!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . now we have Gotham Boy (still with no real explanation of how he's become empowered) take down the ENTIRE Justice League!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, the WHOLE gang!!!! . . . . . . . . . . but somehow Batman is STILL standing!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this IS NOT good comic writing!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . NOT . . . AT . . . ALL ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i will say at least there was a funny moment with Alfred, but it just isn't enough to outweigh the cons of the story!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Finch draws his usual beautiful artwork! . . . it's always great to see him draw the members of the Justice League. . . . it's just too bad the JLA got taken out in this story like a bunch of punks for a BAD punch-line!!! |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #6
Sep 7, 2016 |
i just wasn’t buying the crazy Gotham Girl was selling. . . . . that awful joke She kept telling did nothing for the story . . . . . . . . everything has just been so rushed and forced on us. . . . . . . . . . . . . underdeveloped characters that i could care less about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and not just the new set of characters!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Batman doesn’t feel like Batman . . . . . . . . . . . . . he feels more like a plank of wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . it was EXTREMELY cringe-worthy when he opened up to Gotham Girl!!!!! . . . . . . OY VEY!!!! here we go AGAIN!!!! 9_9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . at least the art was very polished. . . . . . . . . . . . . . this comic is sugary icing with NO cake. just a bunch of empty calories. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #7
Sep 21, 2016 |
so this is what it's all been building towards? . . . . . . . . . . i'm sorely disappointed! . . . especially after being treated to an excellent story within Detective Comics. what truly makes me sad is that now Detective Comics is going to join in on this mess. . . . . . . . a pretty big fail in setting up a crossover arc. . . . . . . . . . gone are the days of exciting and compelling stories like 'Knightfall' or 'No Man's Land'. . . . . . . . . . references made about 'Zero Year' and Tim Drake's "death" in Detective Comics #940 really feel FORCED!!! there is also reference to John Henry Steel for absolutely NO reason at all! . . . . . . . . . . . . the art was nice at some points, but messy and wonky in others. . . . . . . wasn't crazy about how Batman's cowl was drawn, or how short the ears were. . . . . . . the line "the monster men are coming, aren't they strange?" i just find absolutely CORNY! |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #8
Oct 5, 2016 |
DC, please stop with this bi-weekly nonsense!!!! . . . . . the quality will only continue to suffer if you keep this up. . . . . i didn't expect great things from this cross-over, but so far for me it's been a tedious read. . . . . . . i find absolutely nothing i care about withing these pages, other than the 'Batman' brand slapped on it. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #9
Oct 19, 2016 |
why does Bane need Psycho Pirate to manipulate his mind to tell him he’s Happy and Brave?
if Psycho Pirate is so powerful to be able to alter Bane’s perceptions, then why doesn’t he just manipulate Bane and psychologically overpower and take control of him?
for someone with such powerful mind control, you’d figure he wouldn’t be SUCH a wimp.
first Hugo Strange used him, now Bane is Using him, and i’m sure Batman will use him just as easy.
Psycho Pirate is nothing more than a tool.
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #10
Nov 2, 2016 |
"Bane. I've come for Psycho-Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over, I go away. Refuse to turn him over, and I will break your damn back.” i can't believe this is supposed to pass as a Batman comic!!!! . . . . . this is frigging TERRIBLE!!!! . . . . . as much as i love the character of Batman i keep enting this comic in hopes to finding something to enjoy with this, but this is just not mediocre!!! . . . . this is REALLY REALLY bad!!! . . . . . . . and can we tell a Bane story without having to resort to the already beaten to death 'Broken Back' trope??? . . . . . . . . . . yeah!!! . . . 'Knightfall' . . . we get it!!! . . . it was a HUGE best seller, and STILL is!!!! . . . . this will just be another forgettable footnote in the long list of Batman missed opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . also - - - - - how dull was it for Batman to keep repeating himself like a drone through the entire comic? "Bane. I've come for Psycho-Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over, I go away. Refuse to turn him over, and I will break your damn back.” "Bane. I've come for Psycho-Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over, I go away. Refuse to turn him over, and I will break your damn back.” "Bane. I've come for Psycho-Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over, I go away. Refuse to turn him over, and I will break your damn back.” "Bane. I've come for Psycho-Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over, I go away. Refuse to turn him over, and I will break your damn back.” "Bane. I've come for Psycho-Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over, I go away. Refuse to turn him over, and I will break your damn back.” |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #11
Nov 16, 2016 |
while the art in the series has been consistently good, i absolutely can't stand the writing. . . . it just doesn't feel like Batman to me in any way shape or form. . . . any nods to classic comic moments King might put in just end up feeling forced and insincere to me, like he never really was a fan of Batman to begin with. . . . and while this new direction of Catwoman might just be a typical comic fake-out? but seeing her slash people's throats, it's just not right. it's NOT the character. . . . but i really just don't care anymore. . . . . . i'm done. . . . . . . and for the record, you tear your ACL, you're not going to be hopping and climbing around rooftops. you're going to be incapacitated, no matter how much shock you are in. . . . . and this issue much like the last one is TOO bright! . . . i thought Batman only operated at night? |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #12
Dec 8, 2016 |
Batman punches his way through an army of faceless dummies |
4.5 |
Batman (2016) #13
Dec 24, 2016 |
Tom King’s writing is confused whether it want’s to be serious/grim-dark or a silly cartoony comic. |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #36
Dec 6, 2017 |
a nice easy breezy fluff of a story. |
7.5 |
Batman (2016) #37
Dec 20, 2017 |
ok! i'll admit while this was yet another easy breezy piece of fan service fluff, |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #38
Jan 4, 2018 |
an "OK" issue, far from excellent. felt like a retread of previous stories past, like this was a re-hash of Thomas Elliot. some of the ideas didn't really feel like they were fully developed. hints and clues were pretty weak and/or misleading. motivations and actions felt a bit forced just for the plot. to me it felt like Zsasz cutting himself was done for no other reason but to throw off the reader from the actual culprit. Batman has some $#!††y reflexes!!! he just lets a little kid bitch slap him across the face. . . . . . . REALLY??? when did Batman become such a Goober? can we just skip all this malarkey and get to the Batman/Catwoman wedding already? |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #39
Jan 18, 2018 |
the whole premise of this comic was just ridiculous. this whole ‘Gentle Man’ thing . . . just stupid! even more stupid is Bruce and Dianna having to go in there together, right before Bruce is supposedly getting married. it felt like a case of- "we need to do this just because". Wonder Woman acts like a total bimbo in this issue. there’s even a panel where Wonder Woman’s butt looks awkwardly smushed into frame, just so we can get a close-up of her ass. but she still manages to throw out some dialog about the inferiority of man, so she's STILL an inspiration to women everywhere! Go E.R.A.!!! there was a double page splash that looked VERY lacking in detail and form for what i’d expect from a double page splash. it looks more like a regular old run-of-the-mill panel blown up to eat up a full two pages. Tom King, the master of decompression. i thought the first installment of Super Friends with Superman was fun, but this chapter with Wonder Woman is just cheesy schlock. everything just felt like an excuse to get to the last panel, for our melodramatic cheesy cliffhanger. the next story arc, Bruce, Selina and Diana will all appear on the Jerry Springer Show. |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #40
Feb 7, 2018 |
the entire premise of the 'Gentle Man' and Everlasting Hoard is just dumb. i hope we never see or hear of this idea again. the whole thing felt like just a cheap excuse to get Bruce and Dianna alone together for years on end. i have other gripes with this story, but my head hurts too much from reading this comic to even get into it right now. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #41
Feb 22, 2018 |
a while ago i quit this series before when it was getting too painfully terrible to read. the announcement of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle possibly getting married lured me back in. unfortunately this title is REALLY testing the grounds of just how $#!††¥ it can get!!! this comic is SO bad that it practically reads like comedy now! but that’s NOT what i want in a Batman book! very padded. lots of filler, thin plot. dull repeating dialog. a WHOLE double page spread FILLED with "I LOVE YOU". an ineffectual, incompetent boob of a Batman. there are more than a dozen ways Bruce could have incapacitated Alfred without having to just punch him in the face like an oaf. and really? Flash comes running out of nowhere just to take a punch in the face? sorry Flash fans! this is a slap happy joke of a comic book. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #42
Mar 7, 2018 |
i didn’t find this comic interesting or very fun to read. -bland dialog -decompressed/padded story-telling -extremely overpowered two-dimensional Poison Ivy -Flash family treated like a bunch of punching bags to top it all off Ivy makes Superman kill Batman, then somehow Batman is alive again. this is just dumb. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #43
Mar 21, 2018 |
absolutely awful!!! this was a real chore to read. even the art looked really sloppy and rushed. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #44
Apr 9, 2018 |
WHY would Selina Kyle, a master thief need to use explosives to infiltrate a frigging store??? shoehorned flashbacks with very out of place costumes from past eras. if Selina is wearing her classic Golden Age Catwoman costume then shouldn't Dick Grayson have been wearing the Pixie boots? this series is really dragging it's feet to get to the wedding already. |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #45
Apr 18, 2018 |
some people say that Tom King likes to deconstruct established characters. i say "ruins and dishonors" is more like it. it's painfully obvious what demographic he's aiming for. |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #46
May 2, 2018 |
UHG!!!! just . . . . UHHHG!!!! i can see this is an alternate reality. so that is why this version of Dick Grayson and Selina Kyle are SO painful to read! but why . . . WHY did he have to turn Booster Gold into such an incompetent and annoying idiot??? |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #47
May 16, 2018 |
i'm not sure who this comic makes look like a bigger idiot, Booster Gold or Tom King? |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #48
Jun 6, 2018 |
wow was this BAD!!! very predictable comic. it tried to be shocking, but just wasn't. so much useless 'ramble-on' dialog that went nowhere and amounted to nothing. i thought Tom King didn't write a very good Batman, well his Joker isn't any better. and the jokes were clunky and flopped hard. some of the art was ok. looks a bit too traced though. (EDIT) i love when elitist fanbois get all triggered when they see critical reviews. they need to lash out and condescend anyone with a different opinion than theirs. bunch of fascists that they are. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #49
Jun 20, 2018 |
that was just AWFUL! Tom King not only does not understand these characters, but he wastes an entire issue showing that he has no idea what to do with them either. just pointless filler before the wedding issue. i'm not a fan of this traced art. looks like screenshots from the Telltales Batman game. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #50
Jul 3, 2018 |
i should have known to stay away the first time i left this series. but i allowed myself to be lured back with false hope. what's worse is so many stories leading up to this issue have been nothing more than useless filler!! there is a poor excuse of a twist at the end that’s supposed to set up what’s to come. but WHO CARES??? they think after this gargantuan betrayal, we’re just supposed to trust them again???? F@&% THAT!!! F@&% YOU DC !!! and F@&% YOU Tom King !!! you just DO NOT understand the character!!! take this pathetic Emo excuse for Batman and stick it right up your greedy cash grabbing @&$ !!! and no amount of bonus pin-up art can possibly make up for this GIANT cluster F@&% either!!!! also.... in the last issue Catwoman was shot point blank in the gut. how is she walking around just fine in this issue? |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #51
Jul 18, 2018 |
to quote Heath Ledger’s Joker… “what happened? did your balls drop off?” a comic about a court drama with Bruce being just as big a cuck as ever. this comic was so decompressed, and spread thin beyond belief. not that the story that we do have was all that compelling to begin with. throw in some stupidity like Dick Grayson announcing his actual name while jumping out at Killer Croc, and the comic descends from just mediocre to just cringeworthy. this comic not only fails to offer anything worthwhile with Mr Freeze, but it’s just another issue of emasculating Bruce and making him seem ineffectual as Batman. Bruce getting frustrated and ripping the urinal off the wall only seems like a kid’s temper tantrum. and of course the damage never gets brought up in the comic again. "Gee! how did this urinal get ripped off the wall? last one in there was Bruce Wayne. i think he needs to be fined for damages and removed from this jury." this deconstructing of Batman and his war on crime just a drag. there’s no way this needs to go on for as long as it is. …and that ending! for the love of PETE! Bruce’s action at the end of the comic...what a total CUCK!!! without the crutch of building Batman & Catwoman’s relationship to keep people’s interest, i don’t believe Tom King has anything else worthwhile to offer the character. the art was alright. not stupendous, but ok. i probably would have enjoyed the art more had it been attached to a story where Batman wasn’t such a pathetic little needle nuts. i was originally going to score this issue as a '4' but i needed to remove a score point for each one of Bruce's testicles that were missing from this issue. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #52
Aug 1, 2018 |
if Victor had gone right to the police this would never have happened. Bruce isn’t presenting a valid argument. even IF Freeze happens to be innocent, he was still in violation of his parole. whatever BS reasons Freeze had for suiting up and leaving his house arrest, if he was truly afraid that Batman was coming for him then he should have called the police. how did he think this would turn out for him? and if Freeze refuses to name his ‘underground associate’ then he’s pretty much framing himself. but if Victor Freeze was truly innocent, then he should have JUST called the police the moment he heard Batman was coming for him. Bruce is wasting everyone's time by trying to sway the jury. if he knows Freeze is innocent then he should use his resources as Batman to prove it, instead of this drawn out court drama. we get to hear Bruce go on about his man-pain yet again about the death of his parents. after all, it’s been long overdue that we’ve gotten to hear Bruce crying over Mommy and Daddy. Tom King probably thinks he’s being profound with Bruce questioning Batman’s actions, and Freeze’s fear of Batman being comparable to his own grief as a child. but the while thing is just laughably ridiculous and very very asinine. and of course the comic wouldn’t be complete without the obligatory cliffhanger leading us to believe that Bruce might actually reveal his secret identity to the members of the Jury. i absolutely hope that he does! i’d like to see Tom King write his way out of THAT one! this isn’t good comic writing. this is just Tom King cashing paychecks on the climb to issue 100. in all of this Lee Weeks dos his best to try to ape David Mazzucchelli's art style. some of the 'sparse' splash pages were nice, but they could have used a bit more fluidity. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #53
Aug 15, 2018 |
this is fan-fiction level writing just to get Bruce back into the ‘Year One’ Bat-suit. more time wasted with Bruce trying to sway the jury, instead of just exonerating Freeze as Batman. now we get a theological analogy of Bruce comparing Batman to God that will make your eyes roll so hard, they just might pop out of your skull. at any point as Bruce rambles on you’d think ANY of the Jurors who are already fed up of this whole thing already, would tell Bruce to shut the hell up and get to his point. i was not convinced that Bruce's argument actually changed the minds of the jury. it just felt like these events happened and were not earned. and i still say that Batman should have just proven Freeze’s innocence AS Batman, and not wasted everyone’s time. also, we could not get past another issue without Bruce mentioning how sad he was when his parents were killed. Tom King just loves flashing that 'pity' card. it's obvious that Tom King just wants to forgo all the emotional breakthroughs and progress Bruce has made over the years, and revert him to Frank Miller's Batman Year One. at least we hopefully won't have to see that awful purple caped, yellow-trimmed 'Rebirth' Bat-suit any more. |
4.5 |
Batman (2016) #54
Sep 5, 2018 |
do yourself a favor... just read 'Robin Year One'. i really had high hopes for this Bruce/Dick team-up. it started like it was going to be interesting, but nosedived quick. that's not to say that this issue didn't have a it's moments, but all of this has already been done (MUCH BETTER) in other stories by more capable writers. and i was expecting a lot more from Tom King with his use of Dick Grayson as well. the art.... normally i really enjoy Matt Wagner's art, but this looked very rushed. i might blame this on hastened bi-weekly release schedules, but that's just my guess. this issue almost won me over for nostalgia points alone, but then again i'd much rather just re-read 'Detective Comics #38', 'Robin Year One', 'Dark Victory' or 'Legends of the Dark Knight #100' rather than this story. this issue even makes 'All-Star Batman & Robin' look good by comparison. btw... if you have not yet read 'Robin Year One' you really owe it to yourself to do so. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #55
Sep 19, 2018 |
UHG! i thought this was the same Tom King that wrote the hit series 'Grayson'. what happened??? did he completely forget how to write the character? Nightwing's jokes were SO bad in this! such painful dialog!!! i was actually almost happy when he got *SPOILER WITHHELD* ! ...also, Nightwing getting *SPOILER WITHHELD* in the *SPOILER WITHHELD* was very predictable. not much comic here. textbook decompression. |
4.5 |
Batman (2016) #56
Oct 3, 2018 |
it's too bad the rest of the issue didn't match up with the first few pages. aside from a very cool opening... the rest of this comic was a who lot of nothing. just random scenes of Batman looking for KG Beast questioning random characters, spread throughout random scenarios... ...Batman & Bronze Tiger somewhere in Asia, fighting random ninjas... ...Batman somehow bound, hanging upside-down by Kanto from the Fourth World... how and why would Kanto have anything to even do with the KG Beast or his father? and how would Bronze Tiger even lead Batman to Kanto? then there is a whole page of exposition thrown over a double page splash of Batman talking in Russian to (who knows?) as to the whereabouts of KG Beasts father. i get that this issue was trying to build tension for the confrontation in the next issue. but i found this issue to be more tedious, then suspenseful. |
1.5 |
Batman (2016) #57
Oct 17, 2018 |
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!!! X'D this is a joke, right? this was supposed to be a joke? why is DC trying to force Tom King on the Batman series for 100 issues? the man didn’t even have 50 good issues in him, let alone 100. DC really needs to find someone who actually understands Batman, and knows how to tell a good Batman story. otherwise we can all sit back and continue to watch King embarrass himself. .5 is added for the good laugh. X'D |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #58
Nov 7, 2018 |
right from the beginning there was no hook. dull panels filled with dull uninteresting dialog. i'm told Penny's throat was cut. who's Penny? why should i care? but, i did get to see Penguin get punched in the face, then get naked and take a shower. so at least there's that. i've seen very few modern writers actually tell interesting Penguin stories. this was not one of them. there are slight hints to the Bane story, but no real advancement made. now Tom King it threatening the welfare of Alfred Pennyworth. he must have mistaken himself for Scott Snyder? nothing redeeming here. this comic is trash. |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #59
Nov 21, 2018 |
this is a synthetic imitation of a Batman comic. *****SPOILERS AHEAD***** it was laugh-out-load hysterical seeing Batman beating up that inflatable Bane doll. and Batman socking Gordon in the mouth (though predictable) was also really funny. this story fails as a Batman comic, but totally wins as a parody. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #60
Dec 5, 2018 |
WOW was this BAD!! i’m unconvinced of any of this. it all just feels so forced and very very silly. (((((spoilers))))) Gordon talks like an idiot. “Pat, can you get Harvey in here? i want to talk the Freeze case. recent one please. the one where Batman just kept hitting him.” who talks like this? meanwhile on a rooftop, Batman idiotically yells questions at Maxie Zeus while repeatedly punching him in the face. what was Maxie Zeus doing on that rooftop anyway? that’s not his usual M.O. 2 issues ago Penguin’s men were about to shoot Alfred. wouldn’t Penguin wonder why this would somehow affect Batman? Penguin is blindfolded and caged with Alfred. he can’t just put two and two together? he can’t just lift his blindfold? and why is Alfred sitting conversing poetry with him? and Batman is such an idiot. he was one step behind the Feds. the Feds had tracked down KGBeast long before Batman even showed up. but instead of acting, the Feds set up surveillance as KGBeast killed his Father, and continued to do nothing as Batman and Beast fought to the death. they didn't even doing anything as Beast was about to kill Batman, nor after Batman broke KGBeast’s neck and left him for dead. this whole damned scenario is just so idiotic! Batman continues to torture & terrorize… (i mean) continues to interrogate as he throws Firefly out a window without his jet pack. then a whole 9 grid page is wasted on Batman catching Firefly with his grapple-gun and pulling him back up. Batman then continues to terrorize Firefly. meanwhile Alfred enjoys some tea with Penguin. elsewhere, Gordon gets reports of Batman punching his way through all of Gotham. Batman just continues on his merry way, randomly beating the hell out of Gotham’s kooky criminals. they're all just waiting on the rooftops for Batman to come along and beat the crap out of them. now i’m sure Commissioner has a whole array of blunt objects at his disposal. why would he need a Baseball bat to smash the Bat-signal? and WHY would he use someone’s souvenir baseball bat that was autographed by the WHOLE team?? - - SO ridiculous!!! Flashpoint Batman finally shows up, Penguin is out of his cage, Alfred’s beat up, and Bruce lets Flashpoint Batman sneak up behind him. THE END. if Tom King’s sole purpose is to turn Batman into an idiotic and unlikable jerk then he’s really doing a FANTASTIC job of it! |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #61
Dec 19, 2018 |
i'm sorry, but i found the concept of Tom King's Batman #38 to be just awful. i have no idea what the purpose of going back to this story is at this point, other than just fill up issues to meet his hundred issue quota. i was also confused at the narrative. i thought this kid was already outed as having his parents murdered? i thought we already found out that the Butler did it? why have this story of Batman tracking down the bald guy? that guy had awful impulse reflexes to let that kid slash his wrist and then his neck, and through prison bars no less. instead of trying to pull away, he conveniently falls down right next to the bars so the kid can keep cutting him. i'm also very confused at the purpose of returning to this plot after last issue ended, with Batman punching Gordon then Gordon smashing the bat-signal. i really don't see a point to this issue. the only thing i genuinely liked about this issue, was the variant cover looked to be a homage to the first deluxe Hardcover edition of Batman Year One. ...possibly? |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #62
Jan 9, 2019 |
well that was a complete waste of an issue. just a whole lot of pointless nothing. this series is all over the place, yet goes nowhere. |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #63
Jan 23, 2019 |
what the hell? this series is all over the place, with no rhyme or reason. there were no real clues in the last two issues to even tie all this together. it’s just feels like a series of non related one-shots. another pointless issue that ultimately went nowhere. get Tom King off this book. he has absolutely no clue what to do with Batman. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #64
Feb 6, 2019 |
what the hell is going on? this has absolutely nothing to do with where the last issue left off. Guillem March's art is always nice, but this series has zero consistency as far as story. ***EDIT*** points had to be subtracted after finding out this was going to be a cross-over. |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #65
Feb 20, 2019 |
reading Gotham Girl's dialog gave me a headache |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #66
Mar 6, 2019 |
i can barely even remember what was happening in this stupid and pointless story before it was interrupted with that stupid and pointless flash cross-over. who even does that? interrupts one stupid and pointless story with another. this issue continues the tradition of being stupid and pointless. it might even be stupider and even more pointless than before? hard to tell. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #67
Mar 20, 2019 |
decompressed pointless filler "beep" "beep" |
3.5 |
Batman (2016) #68
Apr 10, 2019 |
again this plot goes nowhere. bunch of jumbled conflicting tones thoghout this series. so inconsistent. no focus. just a mixed up hodgepodge. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #69
Apr 17, 2019 |
there’s no reason for this to plot to get dragged out so much. aside from each issue being inconsistent from one another, what Batman run in history has ever needed this many issue to tell it’s story before? at the conclusion 'Knightmares' the meandering plot has barely even progressed. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #70
May 1, 2019 |
SPOILERS!! SPOILERS!! and MORE SPOILERS!! at long last, Batman FINALLY pulls his way out of the Nightmare machine. well it’s about damn time! then Tom King the master of decompression wastes as many pages as he can having Batman march from dummy to dummy, effortlessly punching them out as he goes, and spouting every cliche in the book. even Grundy and Amygdala were knocked out with little to no effort. then there’s a painfully mismatched shift in the art style. did not fit AT ALL !!!! in the end we get some swiped dialog from Dante’s The Divine Comedy. it wouldn’t be a Tom King comic without padding it with as much filler and as little effort as possible. at least we are more than halfway through this garbage. Bane won’t be the one to finally break the Bat, Tom King will! |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #71
May 15, 2019 |
aside from these plot points being left to hang for months on end, King kicks batman through the dirt a little more. and he's not done making Batman an unlikable idiotic jerk, now he’s going for broke. OMG is this bad!!! SO freaking bad!!! this comic reaches a whole new level of stupidity! ...and Tom King still hasn’t explained WHY Flashpoint Batman is helping Bane!! the lousy frigging hack that he is!! |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #72
Jun 5, 2019 |
oh god is this ever awful! so many plot holes. so many contrivances. so much ridiculousness. the whole story is just so stupid. just stop it already. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #73
Jun 19, 2019 |
ok. this was absolutely terrible! Tom King is an awful no-talent Hack. still we get no real answers as to- -how did Flashpoint Batman survive in the first place? -how did Flashpoint Batman get to Bruce's dimension? -why did Flashpoint Batman help Bane against Bruce? -why is Bane dumb enough to trust Flashpoint Batman? -how is Bruce not a cripple, with all the times his back has been broken? -how is Bane not a cripple? wasn't his back broken by Catwoman? all King has done is just brought up even more unresolved questions. now he wants to Bring Flashpoint Martha Wayne back to life. JUST AWFUL. we get some of the usual Tom King'iest of Tom King'y tropes- -SLOWWWWWWWW pacing -heavy decompression -issue padded with something that wasn't really written by King (this time a song) -spinal damage fixed easy peasy -Bruce made to look like a weak idiot -obligatory comical punch to the face of a Bat-family member -3D computer models being traced and passed off as art this is just a nasty hot diarrhea explosion of a mess. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #74
Jul 13, 2019 |
another complete waste of an issue. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #75
Jul 17, 2019 |
more random, all-over-the-place, decompressed, pseudo intellectual gibberish. nothing was properly set up. we are just thrust into Gotham being run by villains with Flashpoint Batman in charge of Wayne Manor and the Bat-cave. meanwhile Bruce is marching out in a snow blizzard in some undefined mountains. where? why? who knows? Bruce is asking for someone called 'The Memory of the Mountain', but gets his throat slashed and his head bashed with a crowbar by two nobody punks. then all the sudden Catwoman is there, just because. Bane gives a speech about how the Justice League won't come in and stop his havoc on Gotham because he'll threaten innocents. yeah. i totally buy that . . . . NOT! and the reason Bane even wants Gotham? who knows? this is just beyond pretentious and dumb. at least the Tony Daniel portion of art was nice, and we no longer have to worry about this going on till issue 100. hopefully DC will renumber this series after #85. just start fresh. |
1.5 |
Batman (2016) #76
Aug 7, 2019 |
Tom King just has no idea how to tell a story. his "plots" are all over the place and incoherent. Tom King also does not understand nor does he respect any of the characters within the DCU. him being one of the main writers is a major reason why DC Comics is in so much trouble right now.. DC should just change the companies name to 'The Titanic'. that would make Tom King an iceberg. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #77
Aug 21, 2019 |
just call this arc- 'Knightfall for Dummies' more ridiculous, random, nonsensical gibberish. -more Bruce acting like a pathetic boob. -more comical punches to the face. -more regurgitation lines from Frank Miller out of context. -more pathetic edge lord cheap shocks. unadulterated TRASH! |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #78
Sep 11, 2019 |
an absolutely pathetic excuse for a Batman comic!! the only thing this comic was missing was Catwoman tying Batman up in bondage with a gag-ball in his mouth, then spanking his fanny with a paddle until he said "Thank you Mistress Catwoman. May i have another?" this has nothing to do with the issues before it. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #79
Sep 18, 2019 |
just another day at the beach featuring Bat and Cat beat some people up on a boat. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #80
Oct 2, 2019 |
oh dear LORD what an absolute mess!!! this was so very painful to get through. when we don't have the luxury of pretty art to mask the terrible writing, this janky art really shows how bad the writing really is. awful AWFUL dialogue! disjointed scenes. story barely progresses. bunch of empty nothing. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #81
Oct 16, 2019 |
oh for pete's sake!!! the painfully obvious back-peddaling that this issue starts with just proves that Tom King had NO plan of what the heck he's doing. King never bothered to read Flashpoint to learn that Thomas Wayne uses his guns to make up for the fact that he lacks the years of training that Bruce had. Tim Drake's lack of reflex skills was just LAUGHABLE!!! King made Batman & the Bat-family into just as big a dope that he himself is! this is seriously EMBARRASSING!!!! Tom King, have you NO shame?? beyond pathetic. along with awful writing, even the art was phoned in. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #82
Nov 6, 2019 |
TRASH! EXTREMELY decompressed typical Tom King Garbage dialog. still ridiculous how Tom King thinks that Flashpoint Batman is well enough trained to take down the entire Bat-family by himself. Tom King also is under the misconception that Bane is nothing more than a muscle-headed oaf. the explanation for why Bane has it in for Batman is weak at best. barely even a reason. i did fid it extremely comical how Bane just left the Bat-a-Rang stuck hanging out of his cheek the entire time. the way the fight ended between Batman and Bane was a bad parody. so damn stupidly ridiculous! this will go down in history as one of the worst Batman runs in existence, because Tom King can’t write a Batman story worth a crap. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #83
Nov 20, 2019 |
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Tom King has Batman crying YET again! maybe Alfred wouldn't have died if Bruce didn't leave him in danger in the first place. this really makes Bruce look like a complete failure. how is it that Alfred was even a prisoner of Bane's in the first place? Tom King is just NOT a good writer. he has no idea how to create, innovate or inspire. all he knows how to do is destroy. King is leaving a nasty smelly mess that other writers will have to clean up after him. this issue is decompressed filler, with further insight to how or why Flashpoint Batman is even there. Tim Drake shows no sign of damage from being stabbed in his chest. absolute TRASH! |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #84
Dec 4, 2019 |
Tom King HAS to be making this S**T up as he goes!!! the bozo probably had NO idea what he wanted to to for this run, NO PLAN... just a lot of pretentious hot air!!! F**K YOU, Tom King!!! take this miserable pathetic excuse of a Batman run, and stick it right up your A**!!!!! |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #85
Dec 17, 2019 |
thank god this pathetic P.O.S. Batman run is finally over!! leave it to Tom King to riddle his "grand" finale with a juxtaposition of something totally non-consequential to the climax. this comic is ALL over the place! does he think he's being clever? i can't believe he re-used the Catwoman gag from ‘I am Suicide’. it was dumb the first time, and even more cringe-worthy now that he's forced it in here. Tom King, take your S***ty Cucumber sandwich eating Batman and Gotham Girl and GTFO you awful HACK!!! |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #86
Jan 8, 2020 |
It's a hell of a lot better than Tom King's trash run. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #87
Jan 22, 2020 |
It's a hell of a lot better than Tom King's trash run. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #88
Feb 5, 2020 |
It's a hell of a lot better than Tom King's trash run. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #89
Feb 19, 2020 |
It's a hell of a lot better than Tom King's trash run. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #90
Mar 4, 2020 |
It's a hell of a lot better than Tom King's trash run. |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #91
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #92
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #93
Jun 19, 2021 |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #94
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #95
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Batman (2016) #96
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Batman (2016) #97
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Batman (2016) #98
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Batman (2016) #99
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Batman (2016) #100
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #101
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #102
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Batman (2016) #103
Jun 19, 2021 |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #104
Jun 19, 2021 |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #105
Jun 19, 2021 |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #106
Jun 19, 2021 |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #107
Jun 19, 2021 |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #108
Jun 19, 2021 |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #109
Jun 19, 2021 |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #110
Aug 10, 2021 |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #111
Aug 10, 2021 |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #112
Sep 8, 2021 |
5.5 |
Batman (2016) #118
Dec 8, 2021 |
I'm very torn on this comic. I love the idea that Joshua Williamson is trying to dust off ideas from Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated. I just wish that Williamson had actually read Morrison's Batman run beforehand. This story feels as though he'd just glossed over a Wikipedia page, and it's kind of insulting. Heading into HEAVY spoilers back from Grant Morrison's Batman run! This story mentions that the members of Batman Incorporated had formerly been members of the Club of Heroes. But only two of the five Batman Inc members within this story were actually in John Mayhew's Club of Heroes. El Gaucho and Man-Of-Bats. And how can you have Man-Of-Bats in any story without any mention at all of his son/sidekick 'Raven Red'? The Dark Ranger that was in the Club of Heroes died on John Mayhew's Island. His former sidekick scout took on the mantle as Dark Ranger. I seem to remember at some point that the original Dark Ranger not inviting his sidekick to the Club of Heroes meeting, as he was afraid his sidekick was going to steal his thunder. Hood didn't show up into Batman Incorporated until issue #5. He was sent in by Spyral to infiltrate Batman's team as a double agent. Now one of my biggest issues. The Batman of China. There was no Batman of China. It was Jiro Osamu, the Batman of Japan. The name Jiro paying tribute to Jiro Kuwata, who had wrote and illustrated the BatManga. And Jiro didn't join the team the team until Batman Inc either. Mixing up China for Japan (especially when it's a homage to the Manga), I'm honestly at a loss for words. So this story definitely has some glaring flaws with it's use for Batman Incorporated. Aside from that, the story itself is ok. I wasn't exactly blown away by the intro before we'd gotten into Grant Morrison territory. There was a party where everyone was dressed up as Gotham's villains. Some criminals decide to crash the party also dressed as Batman rogues. Batman shows up to stop their plans, and the party guests all thin it's part of a performance. Neat idea. Some of the dialogue is a bit childish. "WE DON'T WANT NO BATMAN BEAT-UP, PLEASE!" I dunno. maybe that's the tone that Williamson is going for? The art is really nice. better than your typical comic these days. The color also compliments the art very well. This is a very pretty comic. The story is just ok. But if this wasn't reprising ideas from Grant Morrison's Batman run, I doubt I'd even be giving this a second glance. |
5.0 |
Batman (2016) #119
Feb 10, 2022 |
story is kinda ok. sort of. just a bit on the generic side. not a lot happens in this issue, except Lex wastes some expensive wine. the cliffhanger ending is absolutely cringe. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #120
Feb 10, 2022 |
this comic has degraded from mediocre to just plain terrible. this is an absolutely awful depiction of Batman, as well as Batman Incorporated. Batman comes off as a screaming moron in this. |
3.0 |
Batman (2016) #121
Mar 5, 2022 |
Wow! What a THUD!!! The use of Batman Incorporated was pointless. The characterizations of the Club of Heroes was cookie-cutter generic. Just an empty promise. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #125
Jul 6, 2022 |
Zdarsky continuing the tradition of a sad mopey Batman. But this time Batman is an idiot that walks right into letting himself get framed for murder. ..... whoopsie-poo! |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #126
Aug 3, 2022 |
Sorry but this writing is very pedestrian and very decompressed. More whiney-crybaby Batman, and now Tim Drake is a cranky amateur that gets defensive when he's called out for being sloppy in the field. Zdarsky’s version of Bruce is very tiresome with all his pissing and moaning about how he couldn't marry Selina. Feels like we’re revisiting Tom King’s run all over again. This version of Bruce is also a poor fighter. He gets beaten like a cheap drum. As for the Morrison Batman pandering at the end... PUH-LEEEEZE!!! What the hell is this? a discount version of Batman RIP? |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #127
Sep 8, 2022 |
Zdarsky clumsily over-explains what Zur En Arrh is, and my eyes couldn't roll any harder. Jorge Jimenez's art no longer looks like Jorge Jimenez. It appears that he's trying to become Dan Mora, but not successfully. This is such a poor quality fan fiction of Tower of Babel, Batman RIP, and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, it's not even funny. I'll laugh next month if Failsafe is equipped with Kryptonite on the change that if Superman ever tried to stop him. |
1.5 |
Batman (2016) #128
Oct 7, 2022 |
OH FOR F@$% SAKE!!!! didn't i predict at the end of the last issue, that Failsafe would be equipped with Kryptonite for Superman?? this story is So F@$%ing Stupid!! this seriously feels like it had been written by a 14 year old that had just finished watching BvS then read Tower of Babel, Batman RIP, and decided to do their own little mash-up story. this is not a story that will be remembered years from now. this is just a poor imitation of Batman stories that had come before, mixed with some Zack Snyder for good measure. Not a good way to start a Batman run. |
1.0 |
Batman (2016) #130
Dec 19, 2022 |
It's hard to care about current comics, when the writers obviously do not. |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #131
Jan 3, 2023 |
It feels like we've already done this. This issue felt like some half-assed mashup of Batman R.I.P./Final Crisis/Return of Bruce Wayne and JLA: Earth 2. But instead of Bruce getting sent back in time by Darkseid, he gets sent to some twisted alternate earth waking up all trashed in a dirty alleyway. As far as i can tell, Jim Gordon in this story is acting as the knockoff version of (Batman RIP's) Bat-Mite. It seems that "Jimbo" is just a figment of Bruce's imagination following him in this journey. This story also kind of smacks of the "Future State" Detective story we'd just gotten about a year ago by Mariko Tamaki. So far Zdarsky's Batman just feels like a mish-mosh of ideas we've seen from other writers. Just not done nearly as well as what had come before. |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) #132
Feb 9, 2023 |
The writing is clichéd. The art is lackluster. |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #133
Mar 7, 2023 |
Zdarsky continues to pass off fan-fiction level wring as professional work. This art is absolultey unacceptable quality for the flagship "Batman" title. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #134
Apr 7, 2023 |
So absolutely boring and uninteresting. The art is extremely lackluster. If this is the best that DC has to offer then they should start saying their prayers. |
2.0 |
Batman (2016) #135
May 2, 2023 |
Wow! This is some god awful fan-fiction crappery. Zdarsky writes Bruce like a completely weak spined dullard. His last moments with this alternate universe Selina make him look like a complete putz, right up to when she literally kicks his ass right out of her dimension. The dialogue when Bruce meets all his alternate counterparts was written as if by a 12-year old. "I'm Batman and it appears so are you." FFS!!! |
3.5 |
Batman (2016) #145
Mar 9, 2024 |
I'm no fan of reboots, but DC seriously needs one! Especially for Batman!! Zdarsky has no place writing Batman. His run has been one poorly recycled idea after another. I'd call it fan fiction, but at least fan fiction has some passion to it. Zdarsky is just phoning this crap in. The art is okay, but I really dislike that Jorge Jimenez has simply become a poor imitation of Dan Mora. Only less dynamic, and much less fun to look at. Batman comics need some serious help! They'd needed it for a very long time now! |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) #146
Apr 17, 2024 |
I will say it again... I hate reboots, but... DC PLEASE REBOOT BATMAN!!! ....and keep these hack writers far the HELL away from the character!! |
5.5 |
Batman The Button
Dec 5, 2017 |
even though this was a lot of fluff it was a fairly decent Batman/Flash story, |
4.0 |
Batman Vol. 6: Abyss
Aug 7, 2022 |
some alright art, but i cannot say i'm a fan of the writing one bit. if you enjoy seeing an emotionally fragile Batman that starts screaming irrationally as soon as he gets frustrated, then this book is for you. |
3.3 |
Batman (2016) Annual | 2 issues |
4.0 |
Batman (2016) Annual: 2022
Jun 10, 2022 |
It seems that Ed Brisson has done a bit more research to the Club of Heroes/Batman Incorporated characters than Joshua Williamson had. But Batman putting Ghost Maker in charge of Batman Inc just feels wrong. It's extremely contrived, and heavy-handed writing. I'm not sure who at DC felt this was a good idea? but it just doesn't work. John Timms art is great. Some great action drawn. This story however, just did not grab me. |
2.5 |
Batman (2016) Annual #4
Oct 30, 2019 |
it's sad to see what passes for a Batman comics these days. for a comic that was twice the length, it sure was a whole lot of nothing. this comic tried to be trippy, adventurous, and i'm guessing poignant, but it just came off as - "who gives a crap?" Tom King feebly trudges his way to the finish line. even the art was nothing i enjoyed looking at. a waste of paper and printer ink. Tynion may not be my favorite writer, but i sure as hell can't wait for him to save this series from a dullard that has absolutely no clue how to write a proper Batman story. |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) | 7 issues |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7
Sep 8, 2021 |
Tom King once again proves that his comics are worth their weight in turds. actually, turds are more valuable than this crap. |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8
Dec 8, 2021 |
This comic reads like it was written by a Six-Year-Old with ADHD, that had gotten hold of and eaten an entire box of crayons. Why this idiot is allowed to continue to write Batman stories is beyond me. |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #9
Feb 10, 2022 |
at least someone over at DC had the good sense to fire this moron off the main Batman title. it's a mystery why they are still wasting paper printing this dreck. |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #10
Feb 10, 2022 |
the only difference between this comic and used toilet paper, is the used toilet paper isn't as shitty. |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #11
Apr 25, 2022 |
tom king must've taken a dump into a bag, then submitted it as his script. |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #12
Jun 28, 2022 |
UHG!!! Who let's this idiot write Batman??? Such painfully pretentious melodramatic garbage!! Art-wise- Flat, underdeveloped, rushed. But why bother wasting time fine-tuning art for a story this bad. This is NOT Batman or Catwoman! I absolute hate the dialogue that King writes for these two. I'm not even sure who these imposters are, but i don't like them. Keep Tom King AWAY from Batman!! |
1.0 |
Batman / Catwoman Collected
Dec 19, 2022 |
1.5 |
Batman / Spawn (2022) | 1 issues |
1.5 |
Batman / Spawn (2022) #1
Dec 19, 2022 |
This garbage story evaporated the few remaining brain cells I had left. This actually makes Scott Snyder's writing look brilliant by comparison. Compared to Capullo's earlier work on Spawn and on Batman, this looks like something is amiss. Not sure what it is, but this art isn't as inspired as Capullo's usual fare. This comic was a huge miss! |
7.5 |
Batman / Superman (2013) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Batman / Superman (2013) #29
Feb 11, 2016 |
Banana Muffin. |
7.0 |
Batman / Superman (2013) #30
Mar 9, 2016 |
this issue (and arc in general) was ok. nothing you need to run out an buy. still it was better than the recent Batman/Superman stories with T-Shirt Superman and Robo-Bat Jim Gordon. there were some predictable moments, and gags that have been used many times before in Batman/Superman stories of the past. the failed New 52 Lobo will not be missed! hopefully after DC Rebirth we'll actually get The Main Man back? DC what were you thinking? |
7.6 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) | 6 issues |
8.0 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1
Apr 25, 2022 |
a big dumb fun comic with pretty art. not really much else to say. |
6.5 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #2
Apr 25, 2022 |
a bit exposition heavy. not as enjoyable as the first issue. |
8.0 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #3
Jun 25, 2022 |
A vast improvement over the previous issue. Dan Mora's art continues to be magnificent. |
8.0 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #4
Jun 25, 2022 |
Only 4 issues in, I cannot recommend this book enough. Hopefully it stays running this strong throughout. |
8.0 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #5
Aug 19, 2022 |
While i can't this is anywhere near the best comic i've ever read, it is definitely the only current Batman (or Superman) comic worth giving a damn about. |
7.0 |
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #6
Aug 19, 2022 |
no hate towards Travis Moore, but this title really needs Dan Mora's art in order to work. |
7.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 7 issues |
8.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1
Dec 9, 2015 |
this is a terrific set up for the cross-over event of the century! the art is absolutely beautiful and the personification of the characters is spot on!!!! hopefully the series continues strong!!! |
8.0 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2
Jan 23, 2016 |
the quality of the series continues strong, and the the characters are just as compelling! the issue starts off with plenty of action but also plenty of humor. this is such a fun series, and it's written very accessible for people who might not be familiar to either franchise. but both parties are represented equally as well. |
8.0 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
Feb 10, 2016 |
it's not easy telling you why i love this comics series so much without giving away spoilers galore! but what i can tell you is just about everything that you'd hope for, or expect to see in this series is here (or on the horizon). this is honestly my favorite comic right now! it's 2 of my absolute favorite sets of heroes, with a fantastic representation of what i love about both franchises. James Tynion IV has an excellent voice for the characters, and Freddie Williams II is delivering the goods in the art department!!! the surprise at the end made my jaw drop! can't wait for the next issue!! |
8.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4
Mar 9, 2016 |
one of my favorite issues yet!!! ...the series i finally in full swing and now that all the players are established we can get to some good old fashioned story telling. with the shredder having destroyed the Turtles only way back to their own dimension it's only a matter of time till the mutagen becomes rendered inert. but not all of the Turtles are convinced of Batman's true intention as a crime fighter. Raphael believes Batman to be nothing more than a rick thrill seeker and storms out of the Bat-cave. Batman finds Raphael and asks him to join him in a tour of Park Row. Batman brings him to Crime Alley and explains to him what happened to his parents and why he now feels the need for his war on crime. ...now some may argue that well established characters like Batman and the Ninja Turtles do not need to have their origins retold again and again. in a series where characters have never met before and are meeting for the very first time, YES they do need to make their proper introductions! ...and with the fact that an event this HUGE, this may very well be a new readers first comic book who knows absoluletly nothing about these characters? so to assume everyone has read as many comics as you have is absolutely selfish. ...ok! back to the rest of the Turtles, a hit on the Bat-computer shows a rift opening up from the Turtles home dimension that someone or SOMETHING has come to Gotham that will greatly change the series of events! and we are set up with a cliff-hanger leading to the next issue. ...... i must add that the sparring session between Batman and Leonardo was seriously a DREAM COME TRUE for me!!! seeing two of my favorite comic heroes spar was probably one of my ALL time favorite moments in comics! ^__^ |
8.0 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5
Apr 13, 2016 |
such an awesome read!!! . . . . . it went by TOO fast for me, i wanted it to keep on going!!! seriously at 20 pages they could have squeezed in just 2 more pages at least? especially since we've only got just ONE issue left!!! . . . . . but i can’t complain too much. the pace moved really well, and we did get some good action in. . . . . . it was very heartbreaking to see the effects of being trapped in a universe without Mutagen was having on the Turtles. but this did lead to some wonderful character moments! . . . . . one really terrific scene was Donatello and Michelangelo hooking up Video Games to the Bat-computer!!! . . . . . now this brings me to one one of things i absolutely LOVED about the issue . . . . . we FINALLY get to see a character that i’ve been longing to see in this mini-series since the very beginning!!! . . . . . . and as it turns out . . . . . it was this character (whom i won’t mention names) was the owner of the video game console that Mikey and Donnie were playing! . . . such a FUN comic!!! |
7.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6
May 11, 2016 |
everything building up to this issue all tied up nice and neat. . . . . . i still wish we had more pages dedicated to the Battle Royal (the fight felt really condensed) i would have loved to actually see Damian Wayne (Robin) take out that army of League of Assassins, or see Splinter vs. all the mutated inmates of Arkham and not just hear about it afterward! . . . . . the fight between Batman and Shredder was done in the most disappointing way!!! we see a big splash of Batman & Shredder facing off with little tiny panels of them fighting crammed in the background!!! NO FAIR! quit hiding the good stuff! . . . . . but it still was a fun issue. . . . . . every character is given their time to shine, even though a lot of significant events happen behind the scenes. . . . . . all in all a fantastic issue! a lot of fun!!! . . . . . i don't want to give anything away about the ending, but i will say it was very satisfying, and very emotional!!! the parting moments between Batman and the Turtles was handled PERFECTLY! Raph bears his heart to Batman and it'll get you RIGHT in the feels!!! . . . . . there's also a moment between Batman and his son Damian and Alfred at the end that i just LOVED!!! . . . . art by Freddie Williams on this series has been amazing!!! . i will DEFINITELY also be picking this one up once it comes out in a collected edition! . . . . . for someone like me who has loved both Batman and Ninja Turtles comics for years, this has been an absolute DREAM come TRUE!!! . . . . . if you are a fan of either Batman or Ninja Turtles and haven't read this series yet, then you really owe it to yourself to check it out! . . . . . and if you are a fan of BOTH then you NEED to read this!!!! not even an option!!! |
4.0 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 2
Aug 19, 2018 |
nice art, abysmal story. the plot is just idiotic, and the "characters" are two-dimensional cartoons. the first one was really good, this one is just a low effort cash grab. if i could go back in time i'd have skipped the garbage. i truly regret wasting my money on it. |
7.6 |
Batman / TMNT Adventures | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Batman / TMNT Adventures #1
Nov 9, 2016 |
this first issue of the Batman / Tmnt Adventures cross-over was a LOT of fun!!! . . . . . . . first off i want to say just how ABSOLUTELY BE-YOO-TIFUL the art is!!! . . . . . Jon Sommariva has done plenty of great looking covers for the recent cartoon-based Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics by IDW. . . . . he might have done a back-up story here of there? . . . but this is the first time i've ever seen him draw an entire story, and it looks fantastic!! . . . the guy really has some amazing compositions and visual story-telling ability! . . . . the events of the story are a lot of fun as well. . . . . banter between Batman and Alfred was very amusing. . . . some of the banter between the Ninja Turtle brother's was a little hit or miss. . . . but there were still some moments that that put a smile on my fave like when Michelangelo came up with a new nickname for one of Batman's rouge gallery. . . . . . the name Mikey picked, and just how annoyed (spoiler_reveal_withheld) was getting every time Mikey kept calling him it was actually REALLY funny!!! ^__^ . . . . . there were more Rogues from Batman TaS that had me absolutely GIDDY for the upcoming issues of this series!!! . . . . even though it's kiddy-cartoon-based i still highly recommend checking it out!! . . . . there were some beautiful variant covers made for this series as well! |
8.0 |
Batman / TMNT Adventures #2
Dec 14, 2016 |
ok! so this is a Goofy and Silly comic ( VERY SILLY ) but it's also a lot of fun as well. |
6.5 |
Batman / TMNT Adventures #3
Jan 25, 2017 |
this comic series is goofy and silly, and definitely screams 'Kiddie Cartoon'. |
7.5 |
Batman / TMNT Adventures #4
Feb 15, 2017 |
next to issue #1 this has to have been my favorite issue of the mini-series yet!!! |
9.0 |
Batman and Robin (2009) | 16 issues |
9.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #5
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #6
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #8
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #9
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #10
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #11
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #12
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #13
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #14
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #15
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman and Robin (2009) #16
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.8 |
Batman and Robin (2011) | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Batman and Robin (2011) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
this was a big set up issue to the series, but it was very well done! Peter J. Tomasi has an excellent voice for the characters, and Patrick Gleason delivers some of the most beautiful artwork this side of Gotham! it's a shame this series had to get treated the way it did (killing off one of the main characters halfway through the run) and then having the series get cancelled right after he was brought back! i had the pleasure of meeting Peter J. Tomasi, and i thanked him for bringing us back Damian Wayne. and he admitted that he was responsible for pushing for that. and as i was telling him how much i was enjoying Patrick Gleason's run of the new 'Robin: Son of Batman' series, he said that he pushed Gleason to go for that series! thank you again Peter for all that you have brought to the Bat-verse! |
8.5 |
Batman and Robin Vol. 7: Robin Rises
May 4, 2016 |
out of any comic series of DC's New 52 Peter Tomasi and Pat Gleason's Batman & Robin has to be my absolute favorite! . . . . . even though my most loved DC series was Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated, that didn't really feel like it truly fell into that category of 'New 52' criteria. Batman Inc. was a continuation of what Grant had already started with his arc beginning with Batman Issue #655 in 2006. . . . . . Tomasi's Batman & Robin series truly felt like it was a proper batman reboot, even though it did have nod's to all the story arcs that preceded it. . . . . . another reason why i love this collection so much is we see the return of Damian Wayne who was killed in Batman Incorporated issue #8. . . . . . i'm not sure why Batman Inc. was forced into the New 52? it didn't feel like it fit with any of the DC re-boot. and forcing it into the New 52 also meant that the Death of Damian Wayne had to be reflected in all the other Batman books as well. nice going DC editorial! bunch of idiots! . . . . . thank you Peter Tomasi! you are responsible for bringing back one of my favorite DC characters! and the scene of Damian and Alfred's proper hello is priceless! . . . . . thank you for that! :D |
2.5 |
Batman And Robin Eternal | 1 issues |
2.5 |
Batman And Robin Eternal #26
Mar 30, 2016 |
i really wanted this issue to make up for the several last few weeks of complete disappointment to make me feel like i didn’t just waste my time and money! . . . . . well, unfortunately i’ve wasted BOTH!!! . . . . . there were so many plot holes in this poorly constructed story! and obvious cases were the characters just come off as complete idiots! . . . . . the biggest bunch of baloney is the heroes didn’t even really defeat the main villain. she was about to escape when ‘Orphan’ who had his throat slit a few issues back, comes out of nowhere and stabs ‘Mother’ in the back (and out her chest) and plunges them both into molten Lava. i love a book when the Heroes just have to sit back while the villains just kill each other off! . . . . VERY LAZY WRITING!!!!! . . . . . some of the art was serviceable? . . . . . some of the art was plain hideous!!!! . . . . . there were a few panels that looked pretty cool, but nothing that blew me away. . . . . . the sad thing this series has left me with is that DC has screwed the pooch with all their weekly comics within the last year or two! ALL of them were a complete waste!!! . . . . . now do i want to keep giving them my money now that most of their books are going bi-weekly? i've seen their attention to quality . . . . . or LACK there of !!!!! . . . . . . . . . . this was a total waste of $78.74 ! ! ! ! . . . i demand a REFUND!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . it's a sad day to be a DC fan! :( |
8.8 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) | 13 issues |
5.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #0
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #5
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #6
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #8
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #9
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #10
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #12
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #13
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman R.I.P.: The Deluxe Edition | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Batman R.I.P.: The Deluxe Edition #1
Jun 24, 2018 |
i find this story is absolutely addicting!!! never once have i read this book without having finished it, then having to start it all over from the beginning at least one or two more times. usually i read this story cover to cover in a series of three. don't know? ....maybe i have Batman RIP OCD? the story follows the club of villains as they plot to sabotage Batman and pervert all that he holds sacred. Grant has brilliantly written the villain Simon Hurt into Batman's 75 year history, as well as pull references from almost every era and event of Batman's comic publication. this is Batman written at his finest! others have often tried to imitated this, but have never even come close to replicating it. in Grant's own words- "i wanted to create the ultimate Batman." me personally, i say he truly did! Tony Daniel does his best to keep up with Grant. his art was still a bit rough back then, but he does a serviceable job of it. |
8.6 |
Batman, Inc. | 8 issues |
9.5 |
Batman, Inc. #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman, Inc. #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman, Inc. #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Batman, Inc. #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Batman, Inc. #5
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman, Inc. #6
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Batman, Inc. #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Batman, Inc. #8
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman, Inc.: Leviathan Strikes! #1 |
7.5 |
Batman: Arkham Asylum OGN |
2.0 |
Batman: Dark Age (2024) | 1 issues |
2.0 |
Batman: Dark Age (2024) #1
Apr 17, 2024 |
while i normally quite enjoy Mike Allred's art, this was just an insufferable story to slog through. Bring back BATMAN '66, but PLEASE do not make Allred have to draw garbage like this. You can even see how much he was not enjoying having to draw this within each panel. Poor guy was probably gritting his teeth the entire time. |
8.0 |
Batman: Dark Patterns (2024) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Batman: Dark Patterns (2024) #1
Dec 11, 2024 |
While the writing is just okay, the art of this series are what won me over. It is nice to have a no-nonsense/non-deconstructive Batman story, even if is is a bit too grimdark for my taste. The pacing and art sequencing are excellent. Look forward to seeing where this story goes with cautious optimism. |
1.0 |
Batman: Earth One | 1 issues |
1.0 |
Batman: Earth One #3
May 12, 2022 |
Geoff Johns should be banned from ever writing Batman. I'd give Gary Frank some points for his beautiful artwork, BUT his complicity in bringing this turd of a story to life earns him penalty points! |
4.0 |
Batman: Eternal | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Batman: Eternal #52
Feb 11, 2016 |
utter garbage ending for an utter garbage series!!! DC Comics and everyone involved in the rotten series should be ashamed of themselves! it was full of plot holes, loose ends, and terrible characterizations! and the worse part was is was 52 issues! FIFTY TWO FREAKING ISSUES!!!! ... and more than 9/10 of them were frikken TERRIBLE!!!!! .......so .....Riddle me THIS, Batman ....how do you spread 6 or 7 issues worth of story across 52 issues worth of comic books? the answer's simple! ... ask the geniuses who put together this awful series? .... Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins and Tim Seeley should ALL be ashamed to put their names on this garbage! . . . . . this was a complete waste of $156.48 |
1.1 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) | 9 issues |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #1
Jun 7, 2022 |
There was so much wrong with this story, I don't even know where to begin! This story is very pedestrian. There is nothing especially enjoyable about it, that warrants yet another Batman book on the market. The art looks rushed. The characters of Batman and villains feel off. Gary Whitta did little to no research before slopping out this story. This version of Penguin is especially trash. This writer really does not get Batman at all, nor does he deserve to write him! ***EDIT*** It seems that this comic has attracted a very unstable reader with multiple accounts. This person is hounding me under their various CBRU profiles. Seeing people behave like this over a cartoon book is absolutely pathetic. |
2.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #2
Jun 28, 2022 |
This writer really does not understand The Flash, both personality nor powers. Superman is still being missing for "reasons" just seems like a lazy cop-out. Cyborg dies from having his cybernetic body cut in half? This writer really didn't do any research before writing these characters. The family at the end being completely cool with a bunch of strange extraterrestrials just waltzing into their home was extremely contrived. The multitude of so many Batman books out there, this one really does nothing to justify it's existence. |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #3
Jul 30, 2022 |
UHG! this was so painfully bad! >SPOILER WARNING< A whole lot of nothing happens, except this hack unceremoniously kills off Perry White. Oh! and Batman drinks coffee now, where-as many writers over the years stress that Bruce strictly stays away from any stimulants. Even WORSE! Batman not only tell Lex Luthor about Superman's secret hideout, but asking him to help him raid it was a complete LOAD!!! calling Gary Whitta a "HACK" is an insult to hacks! >END SPOILERS< The art was very messy and inconstant. Bruce looks emaciated in some panels, then has a bloated face in others. but seriously, not much really happened to advance this "plot", and we're now 3 issues in. Out of all the Batman comics on the shelves, there was absolutely no need for this one existing. |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #4
Jan 23, 2023 |
This comic kills brain cells, as well as sperm count. |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #5
Jan 23, 2023 |
"Gary Whitta is tha BESTEST EVARRRR! The people that hate this comic are just (insert pretentious self righteous bullshit here) Now let me tell you just how virtuous I am. I'm so virtuous, that I shit lollypops 24/7!" |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #6
Jan 23, 2023 |
🤡 💩 |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #7
Nov 23, 2022 |
Most current modern comics leave me feeling mostly indifferent. They're so unenjoyable these days, that I don't even bother talking about them online. I'd rather spend any spare time I have enjoying back-issues. This series seemed like it might be intriguing at first, but it quickly soured. It's been a chore reading it the first time. We finally get to TWO big reveals in this issue, and all i can say is - •W• •T• •F• ??? (((SPOILERS for this absolute garbage))) So Superman's family from Krypton were corrupt and power-hungry war-mongers who invaded countless worlds. They made so many enemies who finally retaliated by weaponizing the Kryptonian sun to destroy the planet Krypton. This is the cheapest, laziest, most pretentious character deconstruction I have ever read. OH! and Superman has been asleep in the Fortress of Solitude this entire time. I guess when Batman scanned the entire world to try finding Superman, at no point did he scan the Fortress of Solitude. What a joke this tediously little series has been! Gary Whitta, you should have your crayons taken away! |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress (2022) #8
Jan 17, 2023 |
🤡 💩 |
1.0 |
Batman: Fortress Collected
Jul 30, 2023 |
CaCa Poo Poo |
1.0 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) | 1 issues |
1.0 |
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #1
Mar 24, 2022 |
absolute pretentious dog§#!†!!! can't say i was surprised. |
7.6 |
Batman: Kings of Fear | 6 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: Kings of Fear #1
Aug 22, 2018 |
ok! first off, Kelley Jones’s art- WOW!!! The Joker's voice in this story is pitch perfect! the banter and antics between Batman & Joker was Gold! and i love that Scott Peterson writes a really bad-ass Batman of action! in this story, Batman is confident, competent, Man of few words, and he don't take NO guff from NOBODY! This Batman get's it DONE!! this is some of the BEST story sequencing i've ever seen Kelley Jones illustrate thus far! Batman comes off as menacing and someone you would not want to mess with. and the Rogues of Arkham look GREAT! Kelley Jones's Scarecrow also looks especially horrifying! this comic for me is actually be more of a 9.1 or 9.2 in score. Fast paced! Action packed! Terrific art! i really enjoyed this comic SO much! looks like it's going to be a fun ride!! |
8.0 |
Batman: Kings of Fear #2
Sep 26, 2018 |
i really enjoyed this comic a lot. Writer Scott Peterson has Batman trapped in a surreal nightmarish world. Kelley Jones crafts hauntingly beautiful art. the environments were both horrifying yet had a dreamlike enchantment. it looks like stage lighting from some ghostly opera. i really liked the presentation of the shifts in reality. it's clear that Batman is undergoing the effects of Scarecrow's fear-toxin, and is doing his best to fight through it. i also really appreciated the acknowledgement from the previous issue, that Batman actually saved the man's life that had his throat slashed by the Joker. |
7.5 |
Batman: Kings of Fear #3
Oct 24, 2018 |
the beginning of this issue feels a bit disconnected from where we left off from the previous issue. i wasn’t 100% sure as to what was going on right away, though i was still able to enjoy the visual storytelling. if what i interpreted from previous issues is true, some of this could be that Batman is still hallucination from Scarecrow’s fear toxin. Scarecrow has a hostage and is threatening them if Batman doesn't do his bidding. i’ll admit this isn’t the greatest story ever told, but i’m still enjoying it for it’s creepiness. i do really like Scott Peterson’s depiction of Batman. he has a very good voice for the character. this is the confident, no-nonsense Batman that i've been missing! this series will probably read much better in one sitting, rather than month to month. but for now the art is really doing all the heavy lifting. and the art is absolutely gorgeous! Kelley Jones’s pencils and inks meld so well with the colors. a quality about the art that i am really enjoying is how animated it feels. it almost looks as though the figures are about to leap right off the page. plus the use of light and shadow is very dramatic and sculptural. this comic is worth my $3.99 just for Kelley Jones's art alone! |
7.5 |
Batman: Kings of Fear #4
Nov 28, 2018 |
this issue was alright. it tried a bit too hard to be profound. not sure how much fun it'll be upon re-reads though. the art was still nice as ever. Kelley Jones art alone is worth the price tag. |
7.0 |
Batman: Kings of Fear #5
Dec 19, 2018 |
the art is still as beautiful as ever. i really enjoy the surreal dreamlike/nightmarish style of the narrative. ((((Spoilers)))) it was very interesting to see where the Scarecrow speculated that he and the other rogues of Gotham would be without Batman. though i still can't imagine how he'd actually be able to know all this. it was pretty funny seeing Batman flop around like a rag doll, and Scarecrow easily pushing him over. ((((end spoilers)))) i'm just not sure that we really needed 6 issues to tell this story. though for more of Kelley Jones's art, i'm not going to complain. |
6.5 |
Batman: Kings of Fear #6
Jan 9, 2019 |
out of all of the stories written for Kelley Jones to illustrate, i've enjoyed 'Batman Red Rain' (and the Vampire Trilogy) the most. 'Gotham After Midnight' is probably a close 2nd, and 'Batman Kings of Fear' follows somewhere behind that one. the series was thankfully short. it probably could have been even shorter? this issue was ok. but the never ending moments of catharsis (one after another) got to be a bit much. i enjoyed this series mainly for the art. besides that there's not much else i can recommend about this series. |
1.0 |
Batman: One Bad Day (2022) | 1 issues |
1.0 |
Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1
Aug 19, 2022 |
More suicide fetish trash from Tom King. ....and he humps Alan Moore's leg on this one. HARD! |
8.5 |
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1
May 30, 2018 |
this comic was very run by the numbers and pedestrian, but i still found it very entertaining. the highlights of this issue comic for me were- -Damian’s fascination with a Cheese themed videogame -the reference to Batman 666 -the reference and handling of Dick Grayson -the way Selina Kyle was portrayed i think my absolute favorite part of the story was seeing Selina and Damian finally have a heart to heart conversation. i really do not know what this sort of thing wasn’t addressed within the main Batman book long ago? or why it needs to be put off into a supplementary title by another writer? but seeing how things have been going in the main Batman book lately, maybe this is for the best? the art was weird for me. there were things i liked very much about the art, but a few of the drawings were off. there were several distracting flaws within this comic that took me out of the story, but overall i found it to be a very fun read. this comic definitely isn't for everyone. but if you enjoy Damian Wayne as a character, then you may want to check it out. i am definitely along for the ride. . . . . for now. |
8.5 |
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush #1
Jun 6, 2018 |
this was an alright issue with some nice moments. i'm still very perplexed as to why the public is being made aware to Batman marrying Catwoman instead of Bruce Wayne marrying Selina Kyle. they could say it's because everyone knows Selina is a notorious thief, but Dick Grayson was recently outed as Nightwing and the entire world's mind was wiped of this info via a Super McGuffin mind-erasing Satellite. an idea created in a series by Tom King and Tim Seeley. so why not apply this to Selina as well. the alternate universe Nightwing and Hush went to was creepy. there was some great moments between Batman, Supes, and Nightwing. even a nice heartfelt conversation between Bruce and Dick at the end. i'm enjoying this series a lot more than the main Batman book. |
2.0 |
Batman: Rebirth | 1 issues |
2.0 |
Batman: Rebirth #1
Jun 1, 2016 |
i guess Batman has abandoned the using of Code-names in the field? characters call each other by their first and last names. . . . . Jim Gordon is useless in this issue, Alfred is also just THERE, no witty banter, no personality, no purpose other than to pick avocados. Bruce and Duke's interactions with one another just feels stiff and forced. . . . . and speaking of stiff . . . . the art . . . . although it's rendered in a life-like style, it's not dynamic at all. not very exciting to look at. . . . . there's an entire page wasted on Batman jumping into freezing cold water searching for a weather machine which he finds immediately. so Batman can't use an oxygen tank because it will freeze, but how is his body not going into shock from the freezing cold? why isn't he killed from the blast of the explosive? . . . . . . . . . Calendar man now shed's his old body with a new one every year. ok. . . . Bruce still trains by destroying trees? . . . . i get you want a 'year one' reference, but trying to kick down a tree?! i thought Batman was past this sort of thing? ... THE WORST PART was Bruce publicly hanging off a building doing one-armed pull-ups with sweaty palms just to SHOW OFF!!!! SO DUMB! . . . . . had this been my introduction to Batman years ago, i don't think i'd have become a Batman fan! . . . . skip it. |
1.5 |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) | 3 issues |
2.0 |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #1
May 22, 2023 |
Batman- More decompressed garbage from Tom King. Terrible visual storytelling. Dull repeating art. Edgy trash Tom King ending. Keep these idiots away from Batman. Stormwatch- More shoving Ghost-maker down our throats. Hate the panel layouts. Art is too zoomed in. Superman- Does no one understand visual storytelling anymore? Why must the art be so zoomed in close? Heroes of Tomorrow- Not up to Dan Mora's usual standard of storytelling. He needs the guidance of working with a writer. I don't see this series lasting very long. |
1.0 |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #2
Jun 29, 2023 |
DC must love failure that they keep having tom king write "Batman" stories. horrifically bad storytelling and art. |
1.5 |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vol. 1: The Winning Card
May 3, 2024 |
Yet another pretentious load of crap from tom king. He's honestly the absolute worst Batman writer of all time. Why DC continues to allow him to sully their most popular character is beyond me?! All the typical tropes are on display. 9 panel grids, meaningless time-skips, terrible dialogue, entire pages checkered with artless panels of text, senseless violence/gore, terrible dialogue, Bat-family punching each other in the face, terrible dialogue, Batman humiliated and shamed, terrible dialogue, nihilism, more terrible dialogue... Do yourself a HUGE favor .... AVOID!!! |
8.5 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
of all the many Batman books that were out at the launch of The New 52, this was the "Odd-ball". this series (Pre-New 52) was basically created for the sole purpose of artist David Finch. David had Just signed exclusivity with DC Comics, and when asked what he wanted to draw replied Batman. Due to the time it usually takes David to both write and draw a comic, he wasn't always able to meet the monthly deadlines. for this reason the regular Batman series and Detective comics were not on the table, so now he had his very own Batman comic to do as he pleased. the original run had only gotten about 5 issues completed before the relaunch happened. now post re-launch, just where does this series fit in? ...well, it's not exactly the most amazing comic series ever written, but DAMN is the art beautiful!!! if your looking for beautiful art, check it out! but if you're looking for a deep story, then look elsewhere. |
2.5 |
Batman: The Knight (2022) | 1 issues |
2.5 |
Batman: The Knight (2022) #1
May 12, 2022 |
There were some bits in here that worked, but a LOT that just didn’t. Bruce being so closely tied to Hugo strange way before he’d even became Batman? Way too orchestrated! Bruce having the ability to torment a bully without getting caught as a child is just poor writing. It undermines all the years that Bruce Wayne had to train to be Batman, because Zdarsky would like you to think that Bruce was inherently Batman already. Plus the overused “darkness”. Bruce is such a dark and brooding kid. Ooooh he’s out for vengeance, and he’s taking it to the bullies. Gee! Would anyone really not think that this kid would NOT grow up to be Batman??? Especially now giving Bruce Wayne a history of being caught in underground fighting, FFS!!! Zdarsky has basically made Bruce Wayne the most likely candidate in a list of suspects of WHO would be Batman!! Zdarsky also relies on the crutch of giving us yet another insert disposable love interest. How many of these disposable early love interests has Bruce now had? Still, i cannot get passed Bruce seeing Hugo Strange of all people for treatment. Especially this early on in his life. Zdarsky has made Bruce smart enough to be able to torment bullies undetected, yet he makes it painfully obvious to everyone around him that he has anger issues and is vindictive. This version of Bruce just is not very smart at all. In fact, he’s an angry lunk head. The art was ok, but was not enough to to make up for this cliched, predictable and pretentious story. |
9.0 |
Batman: The Return #1 |
7.8 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne | 6 issues |
9.5 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.0 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
5.0 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6
Feb 11, 2016 |
6.0 |
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1
Aug 10, 2021 |
not worth eight bucks!!! nice art throughout, but only one good story out of the whole bunch. and i'm not even 100% sure about how i felt about that one. will try re-reading it to see if i feel compelled to read on. but for eight funky @$% dollars, i'm not so sure about that. |
8.0 |
Catwoman (2011) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Catwoman (2011) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
the best thing that ever happened to this series was Writer Judd Winick and Artist Guillem March. the first 6 issues were fantastic! unfortunately this comic was heavily scrutinized by uptight prudes. so their next arc felt like it was taking the "safe route" and suffered because of it. Winick left and the series, and it has meandered ever since. |
7.9 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) | 14 issues |
8.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #1
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #2
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #3
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #4
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #5
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #6
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #7
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #8
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #9
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #10
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #11
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #12
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #13
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #14
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Creepshow (2022) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Creepshow (2022) #1
Jan 23, 2023 |
Really nice art in the Burnham story, but the writing was pretty bad. Did not enjoy the 2nd story at all. I honestly don't see this series lasting very long. |
4.0 |
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #1
Jun 7, 2022 |
Williamson is such a mediocre writer. This was a real nothing burger. Absolutely no interest in reading the next issue. |
9.5 |
DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead | 1 issues |
9.5 |
DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1
Jan 25, 2023 |
I'm not sure how I'd slept on this mini-series? The was AWESOME!!! Need to catch up on this!! |
7.5 |
DC Universe #0 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2011) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2011) #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
this issue was so exciting when i first read it! this was the grand re-launching of DC's Flagship series Detective Comics for The New 52. when i found out is was featuring Batman versus his arch-nemesis The Joker i was ecstatic! Tony Daniel's art was beautiful eye-candy to behold. and the story was entertaining enough. i loved every thing about this issue up until the very end. the whole face-skinning never sat quite right with me. sadly editorial disrupted the original direction Tony Daniel had planned for this story, and made the face-skinning not just a hoax played by the Joker. eventually Tony Daniel left the series and it as been passed along by various creative teams to Mixed results. it's been an ok to decent series, but it's not something i'd stand by as a "must read". |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) | 58 issues |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #934
Jun 8, 2016 |
FINALLY!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........a Batman comic that ACTUALLY feels like a Batman comic!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . welcome BACK Batman!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it's been FAR too long!!! |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #935
Jun 22, 2016 |
Rebirth Detective Comics really feels like we've finally gotten back to classic Batman stories as we've known them. . . . . . . . . the characters feel natural in how they interact with one another. . . . . no one is acting out of character, and it doesn't feel cheap and gimmicky for mere shock value. . . . . . one of the best things in this i really like is the depiction of Cassandra Cain. . . . . . . if you're looking at one or the other for a quality Batman story, i highly recommend this title over the other. |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #936
Jul 20, 2016 |
pretty mediocre issue. . . . . . . hope it gets back on track. . . . . . . . James Tynion IV most of the time is serviceable, but he's hit of miss. . . . . . . this issue was sadly a miss. |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #937
Jul 27, 2016 |
out of the 2 Rebirth Batman comics out now, i still feel this is the better written of the two. definitely picking up the slack from last issue. will read better as a trade. the art is really really great! |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #938
Aug 10, 2016 |
things are really getting tense now as the story builds to it's climax. . . . . . we get a backstory of Batwoman and her father that explain their motivations, and show that they are both pursuing the same goal if not by different means. but it adds a lot of depth the his motivations. . . . . . . . . . some nice moments showcasing each member of the Bat-family, each one gets their own moment to shine. . . . . . . . . this is without a doubt the strongest Batman title since the start of rebirth. and after reading 'All-Star Batman' i can easily say that 'Detective Comics' is by far the best of the current Batman titles on the shelf!!! . . . . . . . this issue only loses a few points due to a few bits were the art gets a bit sloppy, and loses it's structure. . . . . . . but with a rushed bi-weekly schedule that's unavoidable. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #939
Aug 24, 2016 |
another solid issue in a run that is easily becoming one of my favorite Batman stories in years!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i won't spoil what exactly what it was, but 'The Black-line' bit of the story was pretty frikken DOPE!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . also, VERY awesome scene with Clayface!!! . . . but the way the issue ended . . . . . all i can say is - . . . . . Damn Tim Drake, . . . . you crazy, selfless, SON OF A B@%$#!!!!!!! |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #940
Sep 14, 2016 |
HOLY F$%#&$G S%$#!!!!!! ........ THAT WAS SO F%&$#@G AWESOME!!!!!!! ............ i can't ...... i can't put it into words!!!!!!!! ........... just SO F%&$#@G INTENSE!!!!!! ............. READ THIS COMIC!!!! .......... it's truly the BEST F@$%G Batman comic on the F&%#@%G market right now!!!! . . . . i don't want to give any spoilers, so please just trust me and read this comic! |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #941
Sep 28, 2016 |
if you've only been reading 'Detective Comics' and neither of 'Batman' or 'Nightwing', you can safely skip this issue!!! . . . . . . things were going so well for this run up until NOW ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this may be the most comprehensible issue from the 'Night of the Monster Men' thus far?? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but it still suffers from the shortcomings of the first two issues of the cross-over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i really wish they would have just left this series out of this mess ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detective Comics was going so good up until now! . . . . . . . . . the final page did give me a good laugh!!! . . . . .. . . . . though i don't think they were trying to be funny???? . . . . . at least i don't think they were??? |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #943
Oct 26, 2016 |
finally back on track! . . . . . . . not the best issue in the run, but FAR from the worst!!!! . . . . that award goes to issues #941 & #942 ! ! ! . . . . . . . it's good to have a decent current Batman comic on the shelves. . . . . . . lord knows the other two Batman titles aren't worth a hill of beans. |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #944
Nov 9, 2016 |
a decent enough comic. Tim Drake’s presence is sorely missed in this series. now that Tim is out of the picture though i really thought there’d be more focus on Clayface and Casandra Cain? . . . . . . Batwing is an ok addition to the line-up. he does remind me a bit of Iron-Man/Tony Stark for some reason? . . . . . . the new villains are cool looking, but they feel a bit over-powered for characters that we’ve never heard of before. Mr. Noxious can poison people to death with zero contact, the mute can stop Batman from talking in mid-sentence. i can see giving your characters a challenge, but let’s at least try to suspend disbelief. . . . . . this issue had some decent moments, but i found it very difficult to keep up with the plethora of characters crammed into this story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i say DITCH Harper Row and give Casandra more to do in this comic. . . . . the pacing of the story hits a lull about 3/4 in. . . . . . i'm not sure whether to laugh or or consider Luke Fox a jerk for sitting in Red Robin's seat? |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #945
Dec 1, 2016 |
the villains being extremely and completely over-powered has taken me out of the story. |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #946
Dec 14, 2016 |
this issue made me realize something that's been SORELY missing from this series!!! TIM DRAKE ! ! ! ! |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #994
Dec 12, 2018 |
A VERY EXCELLENT START! i held my expectations going into this one, but i was very pleasantly surprised. Detective Comics was really dragging through the mud for a while there, and now Peter Tomasi has come with a mop and a bucket to do some much needed course correcting. thankfully so! it's about time we finally had a decent Batman title out there. this was a fully charged strong issue to start off Tomasi's run. characters act the way they should act, talk the way they should talk. the story had my full interest, took a few surprising turns, and the art was really great as well. the cliffhanger was a real shocker! a really great start and i can't wait to see where the story goes from here. Doug Mahnke's art was in top form. Jaime Mendoza's ink complimented the pencils very well. the colors were really great as well. pound for pound, this was a really awesome comic! |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #995
Jan 2, 2019 |
....and with this issue, now there really IS no hope in Crime Alley. it's GREAT to have Tomasi writing a Batman comic again. the plot(so far) might be a bit thin, but it really is INTENSE!! overall this comic shows that Tomasi is still one of the best Batman writers in recent years. this issue was a real page turner. and just as all hoe seems to be lost, we are given a slight bit before having it ripped away. ...and then another sucker punch to the gut. i really love Tomasi's voice for Bruce as well as Alfred. they feel completely in character. i like how Bruce seems mostly in control, even in the most dire situations. then when push comes to shove, Bruce rolls up his sleeves, puts on his ass kicking boots and gets to it. the 'Year One' nod with the bell was well done. i really liked the casual mention of Damian, but i could have totally done without the mention of Owls. Batman's demeanor throughout the issue . . . SPOT ON!!! the art looked a little bit rushed, but still very solid and very enjoyable. for all the minor hiccups, this is comic is easily a definite recommend. |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #996
Jan 16, 2019 |
an alright issue. Tomasi’s first two issues of this run came out of the gate really strong, this one started a lot slower. it needed to make up for the lack of story from the more action and suspense based storytelling from the previous issues. it’s still a good issue though. still was cool seeing Batman actually being a detective. even though i understand why it needed to be there, wasn’t crazy about the reminder of the current relationship issues between Bruce and Damian, though i did like that Damian dropped everything and came to Alfred’s aid. i also enjoyed Tomasi’s callback to his first arc on New52 Batman & Robin. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #997
Jan 30, 2019 |
i swear this Tomasi Detective run keeps getting better and BETTER!!! this is the BAD-ASS Batman that i’ve been missing! no nonsense, logical, a great detective, a great escape artist, a great fighter. ALL the things Batman SHOULD be! Tomasi’s dialog is excellent! it’s natural and engaging, and there’s even subtle bits of humor. the zany deathtrap right out of a 70’s Batman comic was a really nice touch. even the way Batman handles himself calm and cool, this really feels like a classic story by Denny O’Neil & Neal Adams taken to the next level! as for the art… the art is terrific!!! i like the way the inking compliments Doug Mahnke’s pencils. the best thing about this run so far... it's FUN!!!!! finally having a good new Batman comic i that i can look forward to enjoying… suddenly the world seems a brighter place. |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #998
Feb 13, 2019 |
this series continues to be very enjoyable. but i do have a few gripes with this issue. if we are talking about people that helped make Batman, WHERE is Lucius Fox???! i renjoy Tomasi’s version of Batman. he gives a great voice for Batman and continues to make him a bad-ass. Mahnke’s art continues to shine. his Batman, Hellbat and Etrigan all looked great. even though the fights ended quickly and the plot is moving a bit fast, the action was still fun. i really felt Silias Stone was out of place here. the story SHOULD HAVE used Lucius Fox! Lucius has a long standing history of developing Batman's tech. choosing to go with Silias stone made absolutely no sense. it felt very forced and took me out of the story. i was also confused at the ending. is that supposed to be... ((((((SPOILERS))))))((((((SPOILERS)))))) ((((((SPOILERS))))))((((((SPOILERS)))))) ((((((SPOILERS))))))((((((SPOILERS)))))) ((((((SPOILERS))))))((((((SPOILERS)))))) ...some kind of manifestation of young Bruce Wayne? it was really weird. and doesn't have me all that excited. ((((((END SPOILERS))))))((((((END SPOILERS)))))) ((((((END SPOILERS))))))((((((END SPOILERS)))))) ((((((END SPOILERS))))))((((((END SPOILERS)))))) ((((((END SPOILERS))))))((((((END SPOILERS)))))) |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #999
Feb 27, 2019 |
after last issue i really didn’t know what to expect, but this was an absolute pleasant surprise. this arc by Tomasi kept feeling reminiscent of Len Wein's story ‘The Untold Legend of the Batman’, and even more-so in this conclusion issue. the beginning of this issue was only ok, but as it went on it got really really good. the moment after the conflict ended was especially touching. i really loved the message this arc presented. it gave a positive light to Bruce Wayne and his mission as Batman. yes, his life was destroyed by tragedy, but it's not all just grim misery and despair. Bruce ultimately became Batman because he wants to save people from the fate suffered by him and his parents. the epilogue (especially in light of Detective Comics #995) was absolutely fantastic!! these are the moments that i love when Tomasi writes. overall i really enjoyed the hell out of this arc. looking forward to seeing where Tomasi goes with his Detective run. |
3.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1000
Mar 27, 2019 |
THIS WAS NOT WORTH the $9.99!!! all that hype for nothing! i had such high hopes for this landmark issue, but it was truly disappointing. nice art, but the writing was either Bad or just 'Meh'. very standard and uninspired. New52's Detective comics #27 was much better than this. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1001
Apr 10, 2019 |
really enjoyed this issue. great dialog, fast paced story, plenty of action, and an intriguing mystery. Tomasi really gets Bruce. his voice, his mannerisms, his ethics, how he handles himself in situations. the interactions between Bruce and Gordon were short but effective. you could feel the weight between these two as brothers at arms. the interactions between Bruce and Alfred were strong as well. two people faced with a conflict, handling themselves the best they can under the given situation. the Arkham knight had a very strong entrance. not much yet revealed, but very compelled to see where this goes. one thing i was thrilled at was the removal of the new52's handling of the Man-Bat family. this feels more true to the characters as first introduced. the art was a real delight as well. very animated cartoonish style, with just the right amount of detail. good start to the second arc. |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1002
Apr 24, 2019 |
WOW!!! this comic drew me RIGHT in!! the comic started really action packed and adrenaline fueled. the art is incredibly dynamic, the panels are nicely paced, and the story INTENSE!! most importantly i am enjoying the HELL out of this version of Batman! if ever there were a crisis, THIS is the guy i'd want watching my back! not a lot of info is given able the Arkham Knight, but he made a great entrance and i am intrigued! an absolutely WONDERFUL moment between Batman and Jim Gordon. THIS is the relationship between these two that i want to see. i absolutely LOVE Tomasi's version of Alfred! his sarcastic wit is spot on! loved his response to Commissioner Gordon through the Batmobile! VERY happy to see Damian in action! Tomasi writes one of the best versions of Damian Wayne, right next to Grant Morrison. it's been far too long since we've seen Damian's dog Titus. very welcome indeed! the cliffhanger has me on pins and needles for the next issue! i have a feeling i know who the Arkham Knight is, but really i hope i'm wrong! |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1003
May 8, 2019 |
this run continues to be very enjoyable and fun. i cannot praise it enough. i am really glad the Arkham Knight wasn’t who i thought it was. (((SPOILER)))and no, i didn’t think that it was Jason Todd.(((END SPOILER))) i really loved Damian’s response to learning who the Arkham Knight’s identity was, as well as his taunts to the Arkham Knight’s zealots. i really enjoy how Peter Tomasi write’s Batman dialog as he deduces and detects. his dialog for Bruce & Damian continues to be pitch perfect. i really like how both characters are written to be very cerebral, logical, and of high intelligence. as they should be. it was excellent to see Tomasi show how gifted and artist Damian Wayne is, as he had previously established in his New52 Batman&Robin run. this definitely feels like a nice continuation of that run. definitely points to Tomasi for keeping continuity and consistency from what he’s written before. i even enjoyed the casual nod to Damian's formal introduction in Grant Morrison's Batman run, to which Tomasi was the editor of. another thing thing i’m also absolutely loving in this story-arc is the art. it’s cartoonish, but has a nice rendering and high detail. it also continues to be very dynamic and action packed. one thing i will say about the Arkham Knight and Zealots, is they are truly NUTS! i appreciated the reveal to who the Knight's identity is. ((((MINOR SPOILER))))((((MINOR SPOILER))))((((MINOR SPOILER)))) ((((MINOR SPOILER))))if you've read Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum, you get the significance of the Arkham Knight's heritage.((((END MINOR SPOILER))))((((END MINOR SPOILER))))((((END MINOR SPOILER)))) if you haven’t checked out this run yet, you really should. |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1004
May 22, 2019 |
there were things i did enjoy about this issue, mostly the art. the art was excellent. but the big shocking reveal for the motivation behind the Arkham Knight was extremely forced and very poorly handled. like i said there were good things about the issue, but i'm honestly very disappointed. will go into more detail later after i've had a chance to re-read this. |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1005
Jun 12, 2019 |
before i start pulling this apart, i'd like to say there were things i absolutely enjoyed about this comic. unfortunately the Arkham Knight, her motivations, as well as her master plan were just DUMB!!! ABSOLUTELY dumb!!!! -i loved the action -the art was extremely beautiful at parts -it was awesome to FINALLY see Batman & Robin working as a team again. ...probably the first time since Tomasi's (New52 Batman & Robin) series ended. -i particularly loved seeing Bruce and Damian working together like a well oiled machine. it was an absolute pleasure to behold. pity we had to wait so many years to see this while DC forced Scott Snyder's dull Duke Thomas on us. he's almost as bad a character as that horrible Harper Row. now my gripes with this comic. Arkham Knight sucks! she's a lame two dimensional villain with a weak origin, and an even weaker purpose. she wants to blind the city to get back at Batman, because she thinks Batman murdered her mother? you'd think one of the Arkham inmates who was there when her mom was killed (whom she was supposedly SO close with) would have told her the truth. i mean how many years ago was this? plus i still don't buy into Batman not knowing about any of this. the art was good, the action was fun, plus i LOVE Tomasi's voices for Batman, Robin and Alfred. so for those nice pluses i bump my score a bit from being only a 5 or 6. hope we never see this Akham Knight ever again!!! and if we do see her, hopefully she shows up just to be immediately killed off. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1006
Jun 26, 2019 |
i . . really . . L O V E D . . this . . issue ! ! ! i am absolutely nuts for this Gothic style of Batman story! it felt like some of the spooky Batman stories from the late 70’s. the art by Kyle Hotz was really amazing, and added to the tone as well. Great action and Great art combined with Tomasi’s usual Bad-ass version of Batman in a Noir story, and i could not be happier!!! i love these short and sweet 2 issue arcs as well. they are usually some of the most fun! really feels like this story came out of the early bronze age. The Spectre is a great character when done right, and that’s what we got here! this story was haunting, eerie and had just the right amount of gore without being gratuitous. really looking forward to the second installment of this arc. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1007
Jul 13, 2019 |
this was such an enjoyable story arc!! it could have easily went on for another issue or two, but i’m glad it didn’t overstay it’s welcome. short and sweet. this is the type of Batman story i truly enjoy reading. a detective story with a gothic fantasy-like overtone. Batman & the Spectre make a great pairing. it was awesome to see Batman as grim and brutal as he is actually have to play the “Good Cop”. it lead to a very interesting dynamic between the two. the story was very dark, shrouded with lots of shadows. there was a decent amount of gore, but not too much. Kyle Hotz artwork was right at home for Batman and Gotham City. the art reminded me a tiny bit of Simon Bisley and James O’Barr. i like the tall athletic build that Hotz illustrates for Batman. a good heroic body-type with strong chiseled facial features. there were a few areas where i thought the structure of the figures could have been developed a bit more, but it wasn’t too overly distracting. it was still had a nice dynamic gothic style which was very enjoyable to look at. one thing that really makes me happy is just how well Peter Tomasi gets Batman. i cannot express that enough!!! this is Batman The Dark Detective that i always enjoy reading. the Holo-Gen scene in the Bat-cave was really cool!! i also love how Tomasi made it a point to show Batman firmly enforcing his ‘NO KILL’ rule to the Spectre. Batman would help him to find and save Jim Corrigan, but Spectre wasn’t allowed to kill while he was in Gotham. i was great how Tomasi was able to bring the story back to the criminals Batman faced in the beginning of issue #1006. reading back into 1006 i was reminded of just how together and in-control Tomasi writes Batman. this has definitely been my favorite version of Batman in many many years. this issue ended a bit abruptly, but it still was very enjoyable. i really look forward to reading this one again really soon! |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1008
Jul 24, 2019 |
this was an ok issue. i was honestly expecting more. there were some funny and amusing moments. but it was all a bit predictable, except for the resolution. that caught me off guard, and was pretty damn funny! overall a fun comic. the art was really quite beautiful. as well as his Batman, i just love how Doug Mahnke draws The Joker. i really wish the Variant cover would have featured the Joker. that is truly a missed opportunity there. having the variant be Mr. Freeze over JOKER??? what were they thinking? the nods to Brian Bolland, as well as Flex Mentallo were a little distracting, but still really cool! |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1009
Aug 14, 2019 |
this was a really solid Batman story with a nice classic feel and very extraordinary art! Bruce and Alfred's banter is as wonderful as ever. i absolutely loved Alfred's retort what Bruce jest that he was going to kill him. even Deadshot has some playful dialog in this. a lot of fun, as a comic should be. once the action hits, this comic becomes an adrenaline rush thrill ride. very cinematic and intense! it's awesome seeing Batman take charge of a hopeless situation and still able to save lives. to me this comic has a classic feel of the Batman comics of the late 70's and i just love that. it's issues like this that make me so happy that i'm reading this run. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1010
Aug 28, 2019 |
i've really been enjoying the Bronze-age feel that Tomasi has been going for. even the nod to The Brave and the Bold, as well as the one fellow referring to Bruce Wayne as Cary Grant, who i've often felt Jim Aparo was modeling his Batman after. the issue was a bit exposition heavy. many won't care foe this. but so far i've been invested in the story and want to see where it goes. this comic has a very late 70's early 80's feel, and that's something i enjoy very much. i also liked the message about compassion that Tomasi conveyed in this issue. there were two instances that come to mind within. far too many comics. movies and video games like to promote negativity towards man and animal, but this issue showed heart. i know i'm going on a tangent here, but not too many writers are brave enough to attempt to spread this sort of message. most just like to go for cheap shock value. the slapdash thrown together Bat-suit was really cool. it showed how resourceful Batman truly is. i also loved the way the pages and panels were laid out. this comic would have been much better suited with art more akin to Jim Aparo or Neal Adams. but the art was serviceable. still, it would have been pretty amazing to see this comic drawn in an Aparo or Adams style. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1011
Sep 11, 2019 |
Tomasi is great at storytelling. good set-up with starting this issue before where the last issue left off. it made the pay-off all the more satisfying. plus the visual storytelling was very nicely done. there's something particularly awesome about seeing Bruce getting all Primal in the jungle. the scenes of him submerging himself in the mud or appearing from the jungle thick were totally BAD-ASS!! the hand to hand fight scene was exhilarating!! very animated!! and i still really love Bruce's cobbled together Bat-suit. it really makes the action of this comic stand out. i'm still very much enamored with how Tomasi is able to successfully capture that classic Silver-Age/Bronze-Age feel! these short arcs are just a whole lot of fun! they have a nice stand-alone adventure feel to them. really looking forward to re-reading this story over in it's entirety. i very much enjoyed the Epilogue with Clarence and Hiroshi. Tomasi always does sentimental in his stories very well. it's good to read Batman stories with some heart. |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1012
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1013
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1014
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1015
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1016
Jun 19, 2021 |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1017
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1018
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1019
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1020
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1021
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1022
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1023
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1024
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1025
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1026
Jun 19, 2021 |
6.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1027
Sep 16, 2020 |
a real mixed bag. on one hand we have fun and entertaining stories like Morrison's Detective 26, which was a fun dark humored parody of Batman's origin. then we have Tom King trying to pretend he's clever, while at the same time taking his usual steaming $#!% on Batman. not worth the $10 price tag. also not a worthy enough tribute to Batman. just another DC cash grab. |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1028
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1029
Jun 19, 2021 |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1030
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1031
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1032
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1033
Jun 19, 2021 |
4.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1034
Mar 26, 2021 |
This was probably one of the most boring Batman comics i've read in a long time. It starts with a Mayor's speech (i'm bored already). Then the speech is broken up by an attack by Party Crashers. The the Party Crashers get taken down by Batman in the most uninteresting "Over-Before-You-Know-It" ways possible. Bruce is in a DIY cave, He hurts his back, He's living in some apartment, His neighbor Lydia flirts with him, she invites him to a party, The mayor has a meeting about the Party Crashers, Batman finds the Party Crashers and beats them up, Bruce's Neighbor Sarah gets attacked, Yadda-Yadda-Yadda.... Aside from decent art, this comic kinda stinks. As for the backup story. Damian is interacting with Talia? the same Talia who had him killed in Batman Inc? No thanks! |
4.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1035
Apr 27, 2021 |
Dan Mora's absolutely beautiful art is wasted on this garbage story. |
4.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1036
Jun 11, 2021 |
4.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1037
Jun 11, 2021 |
4.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1041
Aug 10, 2021 |
the art is spectacular, but the writing just does not interest me at all. no matter how i try, this story really bores the ever-loving hell out of me. i'm sure someone out there enjoys this. it's just not grabbing me. pity, because the art is really phenomenal. |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1090
Oct 23, 2024 |
While there were some things story-wise that I honestly wasn't a fan of, I must admit this really had me engaged. The mood and the pacing had me hooked. And the idea of challenging Batman's moral code is done pretty well here. I just hope the writer sticks the landing. But I really don't like when writers take an ageist approach with ongoing Batman stories. We already covered that in The Dark Knight Returns, and that was an Elseworlds tale. Hearing about Batman having had knee surgeries has no place in monthly comics. And please don't site Dark Knight Rises as a counter point. If Bruce had as many Knee problems as he did at the end of Chris Nolan's trilogy, the reality would have been him sitting out the rest of the film with his affected leg elevated while taking Vicodin. Also, I am absolutely no fan of Mikel Janin's "ART". Dude! Just draw it on your own! Stop tracing over 3D/CG character models. It just looks stiff and emotionless. Whenever Janin "draws" a character with their mouth open they just end up looking like a ventriloquist dummy. My biggest gripe was the very last panel. If this was actually a thing with Thomas Wayne, then WHY is this the first time we are ever hearing of this? I really don't like when writers play loose and fast with continuity. It really just takes one out of the story. I'll check out the next issue, but I'm not really going to go in with much expectations. |
7.8 |
Detective Comics (2016) Annual | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) Annual #2
May 29, 2019 |
this really felt like some classic Dark Detective Batman comics of the late Silver/early Bronze age. like something Denny O'Neil might have written in his heyday. i really enjoy how Tomasi portrays Batman as the calm cool and competent Caped Crusader. it’s a pleasure to read when someone understands and respects the characters. the banter written between Batman & Gordon as well as Batman & Alfred is a pleasure to read. there is respect between characters, and an air of sentimentally and humor that is just a delight. i especially loved the nods to Grant Morrison’s Batman. callbacks to The Black Casebook, Batman RIP and even Batman Incorporated. very interesting choice to even mine Mike W. Barr’s run using The Reaper and the Caspian family. in Tomasi’s hands it was very well executed and entertaining. the art was suitable and servicable for the story. it was jarring seeing flashbacks from Batman Year Two, with Batman donning his New52 costume. but it's not the first time we've seen DC do this. as far as one-shots go i have to be honest, i enjoyed this comic so much more than any of the stories done for Detective Comics 1000. |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) Annual #3
Jan 29, 2020 |
the first story was entertaining. had decent (dynamic, action-packed) art. the second story was a bit of a slog, and Eduardo Risso's art usually looks much better than this. it's good to see DC doubling down of the crappy decision of letting a worthless hack writer kill-off Alfred. one of the best characters in the entire Batman history, next to Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. they are shooting themselves in the foot. may their drop in sale numbers serve them well. |
1.8 |
Flashpoint: Beyond | 2 issues |
1.0 |
Flashpoint: Beyond #1
May 8, 2022 |
This was in no way shape or form a good comic! the front was heavily stuffed with exposition. the idea itself never should have been brought back. it never needed to be anything other than it's original mini-series. the issue's climax was lackluster. the whole thing just feels forced and uninspired. even the art is very stiff and dull. i feel absolutely no desire to read the next issue. Reading this again, it's even worse than i had remembered. I'm lowering my score to a "1". I'd rate it a Zero of i could. |
2.5 |
Flashpoint: Beyond #2
Jun 7, 2022 |
There is no reason for this comic to exist. Sorry I wasted my time. |
4.5 |
From the DC Vault: Death in the Family: Robin Lives! (2024) | 2 issues |
5.0 |
From the DC Vault: Death in the Family: Robin Lives! (2024) #1
Jul 12, 2024 |
While it's an interesting premise, this is ultimately a shameless cash-grab by DC. Hardly worth paying Five dollars for Four issues. If this is something you're interested in, probably better to just trade wait. Parts of the story did throw me through a loop and had me guessing. But again, better to just wait for the collected book. |
4.0 |
From the DC Vault: Death in the Family: Robin Lives! (2024) #4
Oct 23, 2024 |
This probably should have never happened. Sure, Robin lives, but it's just more nihilistic crap! Nothing I'd ever want to read again. |
4.5 |
Future State (2021) | 3 issues |
5.0 |
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1
Jan 12, 2021 |
very decompressed. no actual information is given. there's no stakes to invest in. nice art though. |
4.5 |
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2
Feb 6, 2021 |
this is not a comic i would recommend. present and past tense jump back and forth for no reason. it tries to be noir, but ends up feeling random and jarring. the plot is contrived, the story is very decompressed. much of this should have been in the first issue. this is a lot of nothing just spread thin. not entertaining in the least. even the art seems to have taken a step down. |
4.0 |
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4
Jun 17, 2021 |
Definitely not what i was hoping for. Dan Mora's art deserves a much better story than this. definitely skip this. |
7.1 |
Grayson | 7 issues |
8.5 |
Grayson #12
Sep 23, 2015 |
this series has been one of DC Comics BEST offerings! this story finally ties up so many loose ends lingering since Forever Evil and Batman Incorporated. the reunion between Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne alone was well worth it! |
8.0 |
Grayson #15
Dec 9, 2015 |
sorry but Duke whateverhisnameis standing toe to toe with (the first Robin, former nightwing, one-time batman, agent of spiral) Dick Grayson really knocked quite a few points off this issue for me. otherwise the continuation of the Robin War was enjoyable. Damian Wayne is the best part of this series! |
8.5 |
Grayson #16
Jan 27, 2016 |
this has been one of the most fun issues in a while, Dick Grayson is absolutely hysterical in it!! really getting into the whole 'super-spy' thing Dick sings a mock version of 'Goldfinger' throughout the issue! ....it is TOO funny beyond words!!!! "BA BOW BOW!" ^__^ |
6.0 |
Grayson #17
Feb 24, 2016 |
there were a few things i enjoyed about this issue (like Carmine Di Giandomenico's beautiful art style) but something felt really off about his issue! the dialog seemed to not flow very well and it was difficult to keep up with all these new characters that i had no idea who they were, or what their motivations were. had to read it a second time, and even then is still didn't quite jive. even Dick's wise cracking felt a bit forced, and not very funny. ...... oh well! they tried! .... at least .... i THINK they tried??? |
7.5 |
Grayson #18
Mar 23, 2016 |
it's really a shame how this series s going!!! but it's still a LOT better than many of the other comics that DC is currently putting out. still, i did enjoy some of this comic even though it was far from perfect. at least this issue finally gets the whimsical humor right again, so that bumps the score up a little. ^__^ .........ok, the spy thing is getting played out! i'll be MORE than happy when Dick finally becomes Nightwing again!! |
5.0 |
Grayson #19
Apr 27, 2016 |
this series started so good but now it just kinda sucks! . . . it just goes to show what you get for being a loyal fan of any DC series. . . . they make promises of giving you quality stories, and then they kick you right in the ass!!! . . . this isn't a bad issue, but it's far from great. . . . . . another reason i am greatly disappointed is the pointless 'ROBIN WAR'!!! it served NO purpose but to sell more issues! ... at the very end of Robin War it specifically said "continued in the pages of 'Grayson'. . . . . WHERE??? there's been NO mention of the Robin War OR the court of owls! not that i really mind as Robin War was garbage and the court of owls is overrated. (see how the Owls are treated in Batman #51 or Endgame) . . . but why waste everyone's time with the cross-over? . . . . . . thus adding yet another strike against DC! . . . . and seeing Dick ride up to an isolated fortress in the middle of the arctic snow just brought back horrific memories to the finale of that miserable Batman & Robin Eternal! >.< |
6.5 |
Grayson #20
May 25, 2016 |
finally getting to see all the various incarnations of Dick Grayson (Flying Grayson, Robin, Nightwing, Batman, Talon) vs. Dr Daedalus was definitely the high point of the issue. . . . . . . it was a satisfying end, and made the whole journey feel worthwhile. . . . . . . much of the comic felt rushed, predictable and resolved all to easily. . . . . . but at least this series finally set right what was bungled up by DC Editorial back in 'Forever Evil'. . . . . . . and while i can say that without a doubt that i absolutely LOVE the character of Dick Grayson, i just can't waste anymore time and money on DC's sub-par product. . . . . . . . if anything i'll just continue to get the re-releases of Classic Nightwing collected editions so long as DC continues to publish them. . . . . . . can't say i'm excited in the least for DC Rebirth. |
8.7 |
Green Lantern (2018) | 6 issues |
9.0 |
Green Lantern (2018) #1
Nov 7, 2018 |
Grant Morrison comics always read better upon re-reads, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth! if you’re a fan of his writing you are in for a real treat. if you’re not a fan, best stay away. there’s a lot to keep up with. and you’d better read it slow and carefully. Grant’s stories always hit the ground running. any info you need to know, you find out along the way. one of the things i love about Grant’s writing is there is SO much going on in just one issue. he really knows how to tell as vast story and move a plot. NO DECOMPRESSION HERE! so creative and imaginative! this comic is just bursting with concepts and ideas. plenty of action as well! ((((spoilers ahead)))) we’re introduced to some Green Lanterns trying to take down some Space Pirates. they are up against some pretty formidable odds, but end up victorious. …or so it would seem. enter Hal Jordon. he seems to be down on his luck. lost his job on Earth. fired from the Green Lanterns. well, not all of Hal’s luck is bad. He spends his evening with the company of a beautiful Lady. the next morning as he goes about his way he is confronted by a derelict. the derelict is talking non-comprehensible. Hal immediately concludes the man is actually a space alien. a Colony Creature. being good at what he does, Hal defeats the alien. shortly after Hal finds one the Lanterns, Chriselon that was trying to bring in the space pirates. he is hurt really bad. Hal wants to help, but explains that while he still has his Green Lantern ring the Guardians took away his power battery. Chriselon gives Hal his power battery. Hal powers up and goes after the escaped Space fugitives. so much more happens, but i don’t want to spoil anymore than i already have. ((((end spoilers)))) if you are a fan of Grant Morrison, you will definitely want to check this out. even if you are not a Morrison fan, but are a fan of Green Lantern this may still be worth your time. just read carefully, and pay attention to the many details and ideas presented. once again…. Grant Morrison comics always read better upon re-reads, so try to keep that in mind, and you will definitely get your money’s worth! my only wish is that someone like Frank Quitely would have drawn this first issue and opening arc. Liam Sharp's are is really good, but it just doesn't get the feel of depth or perspective that an artist like Quitely does. that being said, Liam Sharp's faces he draws are quite excellent. his Hal Jordan really has that classic Bronze age look that i really enjoy. |
8.0 |
Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #1
Feb 12, 2020 |
8.5 |
Green Lantern (2018) #2
Dec 5, 2018 |
i think i'm going to have to re-read this one again. i'm not 100% familiar with Green Lantern lore, and all the obscure corners of the DCU. while reading this comic i was too busy trying to gather who everyone was, that i missed out on a lot of the story. now, i love Grant Morrison. he's one of my favorite comic writers. but i can't just blindly heap praise on every single thing he does. some of his stories i absolutely LOVE, others i like a lot, others that are just ok, others are kind of 'Eh', and then there are stories that are . . .well . . see my 'Wonder Woman Earth One' review. like i said, there are some things i just can't heap praise upon, just because my favorite writer wrote it. but one of the reasons why i love Grant Morrison's writing so much is, it usually has many layers. i'll find things within it upon re-reads. i wasn't 100% thrilled with his some parts of his JLA run the first time i'd read it. but after some re-reads, i'd found things i hadn't noticed before. understood the story much better. now it's among some of my all-time favorite comic runs. so that being said i DEFINITELY am going to have to read this one again! perhaps, maybe a few more times. but even though i was confused on a lot of what was going on, i did see some cool scenarios and characters that piqued my interest, to make me want to delve into this comic again. i may change my score after i've given this issue another go. but NOT right now! i've got too much of a headache. 😛 |
9.0 |
Green Lantern (2018) #3
Jan 9, 2019 |
this is definitely a comic (and series) that HAS to be read at least twice the get the big overall picture of what Grant is building towards. Seeing the scope of what Grant is doing... this is one AMAZING comic! Love Grant's commentaries within this issue!! FUCKING BRILLIANT!! also the very last page was PERFECT! |
8.5 |
Green Lantern (2018) #4
Feb 6, 2019 |
9.0 |
Green Lantern (2018) #5
Mar 6, 2019 |
9.0 |
Green Lantern: Blackstars | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Green Lantern: Blackstars #1
Nov 6, 2019 |
9.5 |
Green Lantern: Blackstars #2
Aug 15, 2020 |
8.4 |
Happy | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Happy #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Happy #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Happy #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
9.5 |
Happy #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Happy Deluxe
Jan 5, 2018 |
this is a great story to check out if you have not read it yet. |
2.3 |
Heroes In Crisis | 9 issues |
4.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #1
Sep 26, 2018 |
this was an absolutely empty nothing of a story spread across an entire issue. characters killed for no good reason other than cheap shock value. |
2.5 |
Heroes In Crisis #2
Oct 31, 2018 |
it seems Harley Quinn is now the most powerful character in the entire DCU. this time she completely outfoxes the entire DC trinity. characters act like complete idiots. dull robotic dialog. poor attempts at humor. (why is everyone including Batman all of the sudden calling Batman’s utility belt his “Bat-Belt”?) Batman carries Kryptonite in his *UTILITY BELT* he always has. everyone knows this. so why does everyone act shocked at this reveal? Tom King loves showing characters having emotional breakdowns. another beloved character added to the list of the dead just for the sake of it. trashy hack writing. added points only for the art. |
2.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #3
Nov 28, 2018 |
((((((spoilers)))))) ((((((spoilers)))))) ((((((spoilers)))))) ((((((spoilers)))))) ((((((spoilers)))))) ((((((spoilers)))))) ((((((spoilers)))))) Harley Quinn snuck up behind Wally West and killed him with her little mallet? now i KNOW y'all are trippin! |
2.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #4
Jan 2, 2019 |
there's nothing i can say that other reviewers have already said more eloquently than i ever could. this event is pure garbage. absolute total garbage. |
4.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #5
Jan 30, 2019 |
the biggest shame of this comic.... is that such beautiful art is wasted on the garbage writing, as Tom King mocks the mentally ill. |
2.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #6
Feb 27, 2019 |
the only plus i can see is that this garbage event is almost over. Eisner awards must be pretty worthless if they just hand them to any clown. |
2.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #7
Mar 27, 2019 |
(((((((SPOILER ALERT))))))) (((((((SPOILER ALERT))))))) (((((((SPOILER ALERT))))))) (((((((SPOILER ALERT))))))) i know who the killer is!! it's Tom King. he's killed this series, and he wants to kill the DCU. the art was really nice, but what's the point if it's for trash writing? |
1.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #8
Apr 24, 2019 |
Tom King doesn't know how to create. he has no idea how to inspire. all he knows how to do is to destroy. |
1.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #9
May 29, 2019 |
in the words of Jim Corrigan, The Spectre. according to Tom King . . . “i asked the lord our god why we suffer. he didn’t answer. he couldn’t speak through the tears.” 😆😆😆BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! 😆😆😆😆 is he joking with this crap????! 😆 anyway.... i just hope this garbage gets swept under the rug. especially all the crap they did to Wally. an utter disgrace of a comic. |
1.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) | 1 issues |
1.0 |
I Am Batman (2021) #0
Aug 12, 2021 |
oh my god, was this ever BAD!!!!! this is not anything even close to a good representation of Batman. i don't know what this is supposed to be? but it's not Batman. more like a really bad Iron-man knock off. and the character Tim is just not interesting at all, nor are any of the supporting characters. as for the art, YIKES!!! this just doe not look good at all. very amateurish looking, and YUCK!! DC has a LOT of nerve selling this for five bucks, those bunch of &%$#ng a-holes!!!!! a score of "1" is TOO HIGH!!! there should be a zero score for crap like this. i should have just went with my gut instinct and read Batman '89 first. gonna wait till the headache i got from reading this poor excuse for a batman comic subsides. |
5.0 |
IDW 20/20 | 1 issues |
5.0 |
IDW 20/20: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1
Jan 16, 2019 |
i enjoyed the art but the story really didn’t grab me. not sure IF and when i’ll ever feel like reading this one again. |
8.2 |
JLA | 41 issues |
8.5 |
JLA #1
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #2
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #3
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #4
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #5
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.5 |
JLA #6
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #7
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #8
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #9
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.5 |
JLA #10
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #11
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #12
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #13
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.5 |
JLA #14
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #15
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #16
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #17
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.0 |
JLA #18
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.5 |
JLA #19
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.5 |
JLA #20
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #21
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #22
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #23
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #24
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #25
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #26
Jun 24, 2018 |
6.5 |
JLA #27
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.5 |
JLA #28
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #29
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #30
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.5 |
JLA #31
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.5 |
JLA #32
Jun 24, 2018 |
7.5 |
JLA #33
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #34
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #35
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #36
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #37
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #38
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #39
Jun 24, 2018 |
8.0 |
JLA #40
Jun 24, 2018 |
9.0 |
JLA #41
Jun 24, 2018 |
5.0 |
Jurassic League (2022) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Jurassic League (2022) #1
May 12, 2022 |
What should have been a fun idea, just wasn't. An idea so ridiculous SHOULD have had some parody or humor in it. The Art was really nice, but the story is just WAY too contrived. Especially when we see the Jurassic version of Aquaman controlling sea-creatures that do not look prehistoric. The whole thing is just contrived and really falls flat on it's face. Again, the art is really nice. But this story just is not worth reading. |
7.8 |
Klaus | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Klaus #3
Feb 3, 2016 |
8.0 |
Klaus #4
Mar 23, 2016 |
the character's are well written, the story really drew me in. that art is absolutely gorgeous! i just LOVE the enchanting fantastic world that Grant has created here, it's a true work of wonder. anyway! i'm really happy i took a chance on this series. |
7.0 |
Klaus #5
May 4, 2016 |
i nice action packed issue. . . . . . some of the dialog in parts didn't seem to jive though. . . . . . beautiful art! really gorgeous and dynamic!! . . . . . will have to re-read this one again to see if there's anything i missed in my first reading. . . . . . really looking forward to the next issue! |
7.5 |
Klaus #6
Jun 15, 2016 |
things really ramp up and we get to see what Horror's have been waiting for the townsfolk of Grimsvig. . . . . . . really wish we could have seen some of this evil demonic stuff a lot sooner! |
8.5 |
Klaus #7
Aug 17, 2016 |
i REALLY hope to see Grant Morrison and Dan Mora team-up again in the future!!! . . . . . the two together is truly magical! . . . . . . . . . . this is one of my favorite comics Grant Morrison has put out in a long while! . . . . . . . and this issue had almost slipped by me, but thankfully i caught on just in time to ride out this adventure from the very beginning. . . . . the series started out really strong and thankfully ended strong. . . . . . . the story was a lot of fun, and the art was wicked cool!!! . . . . . . . i can really see thing being made into one HELL of an awesome animated movie!!!! . . . . . it'd also make for a cool live action flick, but the art stylings of Dan Mora already look very animated. . . . . . . . even though i already bought this series in single issues, i'll definitely made the upgrade to getting the collected Hardcover when that comes out!! i'll absolutely want to see the concept art and notes behind this one! . . . . . . . . . i really recommend checking out this series!!! |
8.3 |
Klaus One Shot | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Klaus: The Witch Of Winter #1
Dec 21, 2016 |
i really hope Grant Morrison keeps doing more of these ‘Klaus’ stories! |
7.5 |
Klaus: The Crisis in Xmasville #1
Dec 6, 2017 |
this story was really a nice surprise! |
9.5 |
Klaus: Klaus and the Crying Snowman #1
Dec 19, 2018 |
now THIS is the Grant Morrison that i know and love! -great one-shot spinning off from Morrison's Klaus series. -excellent action -lore/occult references and use of mysticism. -fantastic mythological characters, creatures and world -i absolutely LOVE Lilli -this comic is TONS of FUN!!! |
8.5 |
Klaus: The Life and Times of Joe Christmas #1
Dec 18, 2019 |
it's absolutely amazing the level of emotion that Grant Morrison is able to achieve with a series of splash pages, chronicling in reverse, the life of one of Klaus' mortal allies, with absolutely no dialogue. you get a real feeling of the good times as well as the sorrow and the loss of this Joe Christmas, there were a few times when i felt myself getting emotional seeing some of the loss this Joe Christmas has gone through. a charming yet powerful read. Dan Mora's art really soars in this. very beautiful. |
7.5 |
Legends of the Dark Knight | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Legends of the Dark Knight #8
Jan 5, 2018 |
this series used to be in my pull-list once upon a time when i was subscribed to everything and anything 'Batman'. |
6.8 |
Nameless | 6 issues |
7.5 |
Nameless #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
an interesting introduction to the series, even if it is WAY too abstract to tell what in the hell is exactly going on??? ....... i get that Grant is trying to introduce an unsettling dream-like quality, but you have to give the reader more to sink their teeth into to want to come back for more. .... the art is beautiful! .... there are some wonderfully haunting moments, as well as some absolutely gorgeous panels illustrated by Chris Burnham. ........ one thing i must say is this issue really is a testament to just how much Chris Burnham has progressed as an artist!!! ..... some of the panels within are absolutely gorgeous!!!! |
6.0 |
Nameless #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
so far none of the characters make me want to care about them. there is far too much obscure terms and references being thrown around that it really distracts from getting into the story. and when you have an issue that is 90% exposition (set-up) that is NOT a good thing!!!! .... we get a bit more gore, and a shocking twist at the end. but still, it's hard to care about the characters, or what happens to them. |
7.0 |
Nameless #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
it just seems like Grant is having too much fun amusing himself by writing over everyone's heads? obscure references galore! ... it's not exactly clear who is who in the story. ...... many of the characters look similar and weren't given a proper introduction in the first place. .... there's some nice gore, but without any personal investment to the characters it comes off as shallow. |
7.5 |
Nameless #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
more of the same incoherent writing with some playful dark humor thrown in. ... i did enjoy Grant's underlying message about how screwed up humanity is, calling it a "murderous %&$#@ cannibal virus. nameless seems to be a commentary on our over-populated self destructive existence on the planet (which is cool) but it's execution is a bit wanting? ....i enjoyed some of the themes, the art was nice to look at with some haunting and unsettling images. |
7.0 |
Nameless #5
Feb 11, 2016 |
we are given more of the "humanity is a blight on the planet" message. .....yeah, i'll give you that! people SUCK!!!! ....extremely abstract storytelling that is difficult to digest and not very enjoyable when you're just NOT in the mood to interrupt your reading of the comic, to look up one obscure reference after another!!! .....more nicely illustrated gore, some cool concepts are presented, but the over abundance of esoteric terms thrown around make it too difficult to fully enjoy. for those unfamiliar with the meaning of "esoteric" ........ es·o·ter·ic ˌesəˈterik/ ........ ........adjective: esoteric ........ intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. ........ "esoteric philosophical debates" ........ synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane, recherché, rarefied, recondite, abstract |
6.0 |
Nameless #6
Feb 11, 2016 |
sorry Grant! i usually LOVE your writing, but this one just didn't grab me like i'd hoped it would. ........still, it had some absolutely beautiful art, and fantastic scenes. ... but that's just not enough. .............. since there were months at a time in between issues, i'll have to give this series another solid read-through again from the beginning! .... hopefully i just missed some important detail that will better explain just what in the hell you were trying to get at??? because at the end of the series i was absolutely clueless as to what was going on!!! ....... sometimes a comic that makes you have to think is nice, but not every single story needs to be some sort of multi-layered, overly-abstract, obscure-referenced conundrum! ....it really felt like you were going out of your way to write over people's heads? ......... ...... .... ..... ..... ....BUT ...... it's Grant's defense .... i will re-read this a few more times, because i really want to find out what the heck is going on??? ... thankfully there were enough beautiful Art by Chris Burnham to hold my interest. |
6.4 |
Nightwing (2016) | 11 issues |
7.0 |
Nightwing (2016) #1
Jul 31, 2016 |
the Nightwing Rebirth (one-shot) was done really well, but the actual series issue #1 was a bit lukewarm for me. . . . . . . . . hopefully this picks up? . . . . . Dick Grayson is an awesome character, and deserves a solid series. |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #2
Aug 3, 2016 |
definitely an improvement from last issue. . . . . . . but it felt like it was over before it even began. . . . . . . . i'm not 100% sure? but i MAY have actually enjoyed Kyle Higgins New 52 Nightwing series just a bit more? . . . . . this series does show promise. so there's hope yet! |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #3
Aug 17, 2016 |
i DO love me a Dick Grayson / Barbara Gordon team-up!!! . . . . . . . . especially when it's done right! . . . . . . . . i really enjoyed Barbara's reaction to Dick for standing her up in the previous issue! . . . . . . . . the characterizations were written very well, and had very natural flowing dialog. . . . . . . . . the adventure in a maze house full of labyrinth walls and death traps was very fun and enjoyable! though i do feel Barbara over-reacted a bit much at the end. . . . . . . . . some of the structuring in the faces was off, which was a little distracting at times. . . . . . . . . but nothing too unforgiving. . . . . . . . . the art still had a nice look to it over-all. and the color was just beautiful! |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #4
Sep 7, 2016 |
the first few pages had me almost bored to tears!!! . . . . . . . but it eventually picked up. . . . . . . . i did enjoy the parts with Dick and Damian. . . . . . wish Nightwing would just have a team-up with Robin already! |
2.0 |
Nightwing (2016) #5
Sep 21, 2016 |
the 'monster men' mess continues into nightwing . . . . . . seriously this was SOOOO bad!!! . . . i had to FORCE myself to finish reading it!!! . . . . SO FRIGGING AWFUL!!!! . . . . . . . . can't recommend this to anyone!!! |
2.0 |
Nightwing (2016) #6
Oct 5, 2016 |
this series so far has only just been ok at best. . . . . . . putting it mixed with this cross-over has done noting but hurt it as a whole. |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #7
Oct 19, 2016 |
Raptor is an excellent foil for Nightwing! . . . . . . . . . Tim Seeley has an excellent voice for the characters. . . . . . . . . . i'm happy this series is back on track after that Cross-Over fiasco. |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #8
Nov 2, 2016 |
while it's interesting that they are giving more history of Dick Grayson's backstory with the circus . . . . i really feel this book would greatly benefit from being released monthly rather than bi-monthly. . . . . . . it just feels like there are kinks and wrinkles in the story that need to be smoothed out. and under the rushed release schedule it just doesn't have the quality control it needs! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this being said i really loved the set-up in last issue of Raptor capturing Batman publicly while he was in his secret identity of Bruce Wayne. . . . . the dialog between Bruce and Raptor was really well done. and Raptor's death-trap for Bruce was not only ironic, but it was PURE CRAZY ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Seely's handling of dialog taken from 'Batman Year-One' and flipping it was PERFECT!!!! . . . . . there was also a LOT of great action in Nightwing's rescue of Bruce. . . . . . Bruce gets an awesome 'James Bond' moment, proving that he is a true escape artist. . . . . . . and the issue ends on a very satisfying moment between Bruce and Nightwing. . . . . . . . . i want to rate the issue even higher, but there were a few momenst in the action that were a bit difficult to fully tell what was going on. . . . . but still a GREAT issue! |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #9
Nov 16, 2016 |
i really don't know anything about the character Dr. Destiny, so much of this story i felt lost on. . . . . . i always enjoy seeing a Superman / Dick Grayson team-up. . . . . though the whole pre-flashpoint Superman meeting New52 Nightwing felt a little odd. . . . it didn't make a whole lot of sense taking Nightwing to Bludhaven, since New52 Nightwing never went there before. . . . . that felt more like it was done for the audience than anything. . . . . . still a fun issue overall and i really liked the new direction of art. . . . . hopefully Marcio Takara will get to draw more issues of this in the future? |
7.5 |
Nightwing (2016) #10
Dec 7, 2016 |
ok enough issue. it didn't really blow me away.
7.0 |
Nightwing (2016) #11
Dec 24, 2016 |
this doesn't feel like the same Bludhaven that Chuck Dixon wrote about. |
7.9 |
Proctor Valley Road | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Proctor Valley Road #1
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Proctor Valley Road #2
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Proctor Valley Road #3
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.0 |
Proctor Valley Road #4
Jun 19, 2021 |
8.2 |
Robin & Batman (2021) | 3 issues |
8.0 |
Robin & Batman (2021) #1
Dec 10, 2021 |
this is honestly one of the best new Batman comics i've read in a very long time. engaging story, great art. not sure i'm 100% thrilled with this take on Dick Grayson, but it's still a very entertaining story. really glad i added this to my pull-list. |
8.5 |
Robin & Batman (2021) #2
Feb 10, 2022 |
one of the best new Batman comics i've read in a long time. this is finally starting to actually feel like Dick Grayson, and not just Jason Todd labeled as "Grayson". the plot with the JLA watchtower and the teen titans was a lot of fun. |
8.0 |
Robin & Batman (2021) #3
Feb 10, 2022 |
overall i'm glad for this story coming out. not sure if i'll actually double dip and buy the collected edition once it comes out or not? i more than likely will out of pure boredom with the piss-poor state of current comics. while this story was definitely entertaining, there were quite a number of things that i wish could have been done better. as decent as this story was, ROBIN: YEAR ONE did it a LOT better!! and many years earlier. |
4.8 |
Robin (2021) | 2 issues |
5.5 |
Robin (2021) #1
Apr 27, 2021 |
there were some "ok" moments in this. Damian talking to an imaginary Alfred ghost was cool, but so much of this just felt off. Damian telling everyone that he was Batman's son, and Ra's Al Ghul's grandson was so unnatural. it sounded like dialogue written into a fictional character's mouth. just a very cartoony book. by the time i'd reached the cliffhanger ending, i just wasn't believing any of it. |
4.0 |
Robin (2021) #12
Mar 24, 2022 |
Joshua Williamson ranges from "mediocre" to "hack". nothing he writes has similar characterizations to what had come before. he takes characters and just does whatever. he doesn't care, so why should i? |
3.5 |
Robin War | 1 issues |
3.5 |
Robin War #2
Feb 21, 2016 |
had some decent moments, but overall was pointless and necessary! i hate cross over events that lead up to nothing! "Continued in the pages of Grayson" ... NO it wasn't!!!! and even still, what a middle finger at the loyal fans who invested in this crap! "Continued in the pages of.." GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! |
7.1 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) | 8 issues |
7.5 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #4
Sep 23, 2015 |
8.0 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #6
Dec 9, 2015 |
6.0 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #8
Jan 23, 2016 |
it's always great to see Damian interacting with Alfred Pennyworth! i really liked the overall premise of this issue, but it felt very rough and didn't read very smoothly. but as much as i enjoy the characters it was worth it for me to read through it a second time to be able to better make out all the elements trying to flesh themselves out. i just hope Pat Gleason is able to return strong when he returns to the book. |
7.5 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #9
Feb 17, 2016 |
it’s great to see Patrick Gleason back in his groove after having his run been interrupted by a crossover. now the book is back on track and we see Damian back in Gotham and checking up on his father (Bruce Wayne). it was welcome seeing Gleason’s handling of the emotional moment of Damian what’s become of his father, as well as several other moments later on when you truly feel Damian’s isolation and abandonment. Pat Gleason has a witty sense of humor that shows though, and there a wonderful pivotal moment when Damian get a visit from and old friend. the splash page at the very end left me absolutely excited for the next issue! the last page gave a good chuckle when seeing what Damian’s pet cat was doing! xD |
7.0 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #10
Mar 16, 2016 |
not the smooth read i have come to expect when Pat Gleason is writing, but the story still translates well, and the characters shine through. some of the dialog feels a little stiff, and the art was decent but not as dynamic when Gleason is doing the pencils. the book ended with me really looking forward to what’s coming up next. and i’m sure going to miss this title once ‘DC: Rebirth’ launches. no Robin solo book? or even a new Batman & Robin title??? finally a decent title i can get behind, and they kill it off!!! ... that really sucks DC!!! |
7.0 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #11
Apr 20, 2016 |
while the dialog at the beginning of the issue felt a bit forced and stiff, it thankfully picked up as the issue went along. i’m glad this book FINALLY has reunited Batman and Robin after the whole entire ‘Endgame’ fiasco. but we’ve only got just one issue left of this title before it gets cancelled. this comic was satisfying enough to have me excited for the next and final issue. but with the coming solicits of DC Rebirth i can’t say i’m overly excited by what i’m seeing. i’ll finish this series and the last few other titles i’m reading before they get canceled. i just can’t guarantee i’ll be sticking with DC after ‘Rebirth’. |
6.0 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #12
May 18, 2016 |
i feel very conflicted with this issue! . . . . . . . . . . . . on one hand i really enjoyed the story elements, all the pieces were there for a pretty exciting conclusion to a ride i've been having an absolute BLAST with. . . . . . . . . . . . . but i honestly feel it could have been handled a LOT better! . . . . . . first off - (and most importantly) - the handling of Batman!!!! - Batman as a character commands a certain INTENSITY, a feeling of gravitas, Batman is LEGENDARY. . . . . . . but in this issue he just felt like a 2 dimensional character that didn't really even express any sort of emotion towards his own son. VERY disappointing. . . . . . . . . . . . . as for the dialog as a whole, it just felt like characters were all just reading a script. none of the words the characters said flowed very naturally. . . . . . . the plot seems to have become very convoluted over time. i think one of the biggest problems this series had was it's interruption by the (completely pointless) 'ROBIN WAR'! after that the series never felt like it regained it's once great emotional depth and fast paced story-telling. . . . . . . still, aside from the lack of any real feeling of captivation from the characters, i still want to see where the story goes? . . . . . . thankfully, there is one more issue coming up to see if this series actually gets wrapped up with a proper conclusion. . . . . . . DC killing this series off after ending 'Batman & Robin' is a tremendous disappointment! let's just hope 'Super Sons' can fill the void? |
7.5 |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #13
Jun 22, 2016 |
WOW!!!! . . . . . . . . this issue was SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!! . . . . right from the intro and on! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it just makes me sad knowing that this is the very last issue! . . . . . . . . . . . . . hopefully Super Sons will be able to continue the same energy as we've had here when this Robin series was in it's stride? |
7.8 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms | 6 issues |
8.0 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms #1
Sep 14, 2016 |
this was an excellent start to the next installment of the Samurai saga. . . . . if you at all enjoy a good tale of a wandering swordsman, definitely give it a try! . . . . you won't be disappointed. . . . . . the art feels like it's making nice progress since the very start of the series. . . . . . and it was very beautiful to begin with!!! . . . . . the next issue can't come soon enough!!! . . . . . it makes me want to go back and re-read the earlier installments of the saga just to hold me over. |
8.0 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms #2
Oct 19, 2016 |
this series is truly brilliant!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it's everything a comic SHOULD be!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it has well developed characters, intense action and drama, and very very VERY beautiful art!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'm very tempted to give this issue a 10 ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but i'll reserve that for after i find out where the story is headed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . there were some very emotional scenes that were almost too difficult to read! . . . . . i'm highly anticipating to see where that particular development goes!!! |
7.5 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms #3
Nov 16, 2016 |
i can honestly say this is one of my favorite comics series that i've EVER read ! ! ! . . . . . . everything about it is good. the art, the characters, the action, and the feeling of being immersed in this world. . . . . . . . some of the perils that were let off from the last issue are now being dealt with while new ones arise. . . . . . . . this issue is definitely not a jumping on point, so anyone tuning in right now will be rather baffled as to what's going on. . . . . . but anyone who has been reading, the main character Takeo has really been dragged into a mess by his Brother. and now he has to face a pursuing army with orders to bring him in dead or alive. . . . . . . there were a few mysteries introduced, that i'm sure will be addressed in future issues. . . . . . the issue ends abruptly with a criffhanger. which will probably read much better as a trade? but right now i'm biting my nails with anticipation as to what will come next. |
8.0 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms #4
Dec 21, 2016 |
the lead character Takeo is such a bad-ass swordsman! every time he goes into battle is a treat! |
7.5 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms #5
Jan 11, 2017 |
this issue was very exposition heavy, but a necessary one. |
7.5 |
Samurai: Brothers In Arms #6
Feb 8, 2017 |
Ogomo having captured Takeo and Akio’s is planning to hand them over to the Shogun.
in doing so they would be executed under false pretenses.
Takeo and Akio’s friend The Monk has turned to their former caretaker Master Kaze for help. |
7.9 |
Samurai: The Isle With No Name | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Samurai: The Isle With No Name #1
Mar 16, 2016 |
i didn't know anything about this comic series going in. ... absolutely loving a good Samurai tale i took a chance and bought this comic. ... i am very VERY happy that i did!!!! ... ... the feel of the comic art style has a beautiful charm of Ancient Japan.
the story is very reminiscent of Akira Kurosawa's Samurai films staring Toshiro Mifune, and even a bit of the Anime 'Ninja Scroll'. ................
the only real problem i have with this #1 is it isn't really a TRUE jumping on point! ...... i felt very clueless as to who any of the characters were or what was going on? .... still though the beautiful art style and excellent sword action was captivating enough for me to keep me entertained!! ... i added this series to my pull list, as i want to find out more of who these characters are and what will come in the future?
8.0 |
Samurai: The Isle With No Name #2
Apr 17, 2016 |
so episodic! so brilliant! it really feels like you are watching a cinematic samurai adventure. it really is one on the nicest surprises i’ve come to enjoy in a LONG time!!! i love stories of swordplay and ancient japan, and these series really pleases in all the best ways possible! . . . . the characters are very believable, and the scenes that deliver action are really satisfying. . . . . . the story also delivers the right amount of humanity as well as humor. . . . . . the build up and suspense leading up to the next issue was incredible! . . . really looking forward to the continuing of this saga! |
8.0 |
Samurai: The Isle With No Name #3
May 11, 2016 |
i love the opening overhead view of the tournament! if this series is anything it’s cinematic!! the moments leading up to the duel were intense! once the action began i absolutely loved the dramatic camera angles and use of forced perspective. afterwards you truly felt a sense of honor and respect between the warriors. the main character Takeo is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in any mini-series i've read in comics! the art is a joy to look at! the character expressions really convey the emotion in the way they're drawn and the dialog that's written for them. and the action is top notch as well! i really hope that once this mini-series is done that somehow the creators will come back together and make more! |
8.0 |
Samurai: The Isle With No Name #4
Jun 15, 2016 |
one of the most beautiful comic series i've ever had the pleasure of reading! . . . . . emotionally powerful and resonating story! . . . . . very much looking forward to the next arc in the series. |
6.5 |
Super Sons (2017) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Super Sons (2017) #1
Feb 15, 2017 |
Peter Tomasi doesn't disappoint at all with this series!!!!!
7.0 |
Super Sons (2017) #10
Nov 26, 2017 |
this series has been enjoyable, though not too memorable. |
3.5 |
Super Sons (2017) #11
Dec 20, 2017 |
coming into this comic i feel as though i missed something vital to the story as it focuses on the teen titans (which i am currently not reading) and an alternate version of a well known DC character that i’d not seen this version of before). |
7.5 |
Super Sons (2017) Annual | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Super Sons (2017) Annual #1
Nov 29, 2017 |
a cute and silly story that you can tell Peter Tomasi was really having fun with. |
6.0 |
Super Sons (2017) One Shot | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Super Sons (2017): Superman & Robin Special #1
Feb 10, 2022 |
some nice moments in this, but ultimately pointless. i feel really bad for Peter Tomasi being done so dirty, time and time again. why he puts up with DC's BS is beyond me. |
5.2 |
Superman (2011) | 3 issues |
3.0 |
Superman (2011) #48
Jan 28, 2016 |
yet ANOTHER lack-luster Superman cross-over event!!! and i'm really getting SICK of it!!! they just finished one cross-over, have started this one, and i hear they are planning yet another one right after this? enough is ENOUGH!!!! Superman, Action Comics, Batman/Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman ... dropping ALL of these awful comics! ... I'M DONE!!! |
7.5 |
Superman (2011) #49
Feb 24, 2016 |
even though i have had it with New 52 Superman and it's relentless cross-overs and decided to finally drop this title, i had to see how this Kryptonite chemotherapy turned out??? and i have to admit this was a fun issue!!! while it was far from perfect there were still things about it i did enjoy. a few predictable cliches aside, i'm glad i read it! |
5.0 |
Superman (2011) #50
Mar 16, 2016 |
i don't know what happened? the beginning of the comic really seemed like it was going somewhere! but this certainly is pretty lackluster for such the milestone issue that we've all been waiting for!!!! feels like DC has just given up on trying to tell really good stories? and for $4.99 this is just pathetic! some of the art is ok to decent, but far from anything amazing. can't say i'm surprised. .... oh well! i wanted to see how all this mumbo jumbo finally wrapped up! and it ended on a whimper! .... ... if you want to read a good superman story read 'All-Star Superman'instead! this was disappointing in many ways! ... ... at least it had an almost semi-satisfying ending. ...almost? |
8.2 |
Superman (2016) | 18 issues |
9.5 |
Superman (2016) #1
Jun 15, 2016 |
WOW!!!!! . . . . . now THIS was some seriously GOOD storytelling!! . . . . . compelling, emotional, POWERFUL!!! . . . . . . Tomasi is definitely one of the modern greats!!! . . . . the biggest issue i'm having with these Rebirth comics is it really feels like you are only getting half of one comic's worth of story per comic. . . . . i don't know? . . . . . maybe it's just me? |
9.5 |
Superman (2016) #2
Jul 6, 2016 |
some of the BEST Superman writing we've had in YEARS!!!! |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #3
Jul 20, 2016 |
this issue felt a bit short. . . . . . but is was still very good. . . . . . . the Eradicator's origin did bore me a bit into a coma. . . . . . but once that was done it was right back on track. Peter Tomasi is a master at pulling the heart-strings!!! . . . . . he is easily becoming one of my favorite writers at DC. . . . . . his Batman and Robin series was top notch. . . . . . and his Superman so far is showing a lot of the same promise! |
9.0 |
Superman (2016) #4
Aug 3, 2016 |
this is without a doubt my FAVORITE of all the DC Rebirth titles!!! . . . . . . when Peter Tomasi is on, he is really ON!!!! . . . . . he characters are very believable and have LOTS of heart! . . . . . and Patrick Gleason really delivers the goods as far as action goes!! . . . . . last issue was a real heart-wrencher when we saw the Eradicator devour poor Krypto, as the faithful dog tried to protect Jonathan. . . . . . i was very relieved that Tomasi has planted the seed of hope that Krypto might just be able to fight his way out of the Eradicator? . . . . . . . this was a bit of an in-between story, just bridging the gap in-between issues. . . . . . but next issue promises to be a BIG Showdown!!!! . . . . . . i HIGHLY recommend this series!!! |
9.5 |
Superman (2016) #5
Aug 17, 2016 |
for me personally i've always been more of a Batman fan. but so far with the DC Rebirth Superman has been really the series i've enjoyed the MOST!!!! . . . . . . Tomasi is just a great writer!! his stories have fun dialog and a LOT of heart! mix that with Great action and i can honestly say this is my MOST favorite of all the Rebirth series!!! . . . . . . . seeing Jonathan in action here is getting me really psyched for when he eventually teams up with Damian Wayne in Super Sons!!! . . . . . and all i can say about Lois in this issue is - HOLY HELL-BAT!!!!!! A + + + + |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #6
Sep 7, 2016 |
hands down my FAVORITE comic from DC right now!!!!!!! . . . . . . . some of the dialog got a bit cheesy. . . . but at least the story got me invested in the characters early on. . . . . . . the action was just AWESOME!!!!!! . . . and Tomasi is a great writer!! he truly understands how to properly make nods to the Legacy of a classic character. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . disclaimer: no Kryptonian Dogs were harmed in the making of this comic. |
9.5 |
Superman (2016) #7
Sep 21, 2016 |
this issue was ALLLLLLLLLL kinds of fun!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . read this comic!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . it will make your day!!! . . . it will make you smile!!! . . . it will make you gladly kiss $2.99 goodbye!!! |
7.0 |
Superman (2016) #8
Oct 5, 2016 |
fun enough issue. . . . . . . . . . while i did enjoy parts, the over-all didn't quite grab me like previous issues did. . . . . . . still was fairly enjoyable though. . . . . . . Tamasi has a great sense of the characters and their personalities. |
7.5 |
Superman (2016) #9
Oct 19, 2016 |
better than the previous issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but still a little enjoyed the first arc more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . some very nice moments between father and son. |
9.0 |
Superman (2016) #10
Nov 2, 2016 |
Tomasi hits it out of the park with this issue!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for fans of Tomasi and Gleason's 'Batman & Robin' run and Pat Gleason's 'Robin: Son of Batman' this issue was a breath of fresh air!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . this issue really represents the fun and humor that comics NEED! ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . along with being really funny it also has great action and LOTS of heart as well! . . . . the moments with Alfred and Damian's pets were a Joy to read!!! i'm also really happy to see Maya (AKA: Nobody) return, and even MORE happy to see the return of Damian's Bat-Dragon, Goliath!!!! ((SNORF!)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this story sets the stage wonderfully for the upcoming Super Sons series! we see why Damian doesn't trust Jonathan. his pun about Jonathan frying his family cat was a low blow, but did give me a chuckle! even more cute was when the boys started fighting Damian's pet cat 'Alfred' jumps in to defend his owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ever since Super Sons was announced i was wondering why DC didn't originally have Tomasi writing it? his whole run of New52 B&R was one of my most favorite comic runs in years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'm REALLY happy they waited for Tomasi to write Super Sons! . . . . . . . . . . . . KUDOS DC ! ! ! ! ! |
9.0 |
Superman (2016) #11
Nov 16, 2016 |
this issue really felt like the earlier issues of Patrick Gleason's 'Robin: Son of Batman'. . . . . . while when i first started reading Gleason's writing it didn't quite gel with me, i have since grown to enjoy it. . . . . . but you can definitely tell the difference to when Tomasi is writing. . . . . still was a good read. . . . . . . one thing Pat Gleason is really good at is his action sequences. . . . . they feel very animated and JUMP right off the page. . . . . . there were a few parts where the story felt rushed, and resolved a bit too easily and predictably. . . . . . . . . . . . but the turn around gag at the very end made it all worth the while. . . . . . . from the title of the next issue i don't think 'Superman' will be continuing the 'Super Sons' prequel. . . . . . it's a real shame because this story had some great potential, and felt like it could have benefited from having just one more issue to flesh out the story. . . . . . . i'm going to venture the guess that this was a decision by editorial to wedge this story into the series, just to bring readers on board with the upcoming 'Super Sons'? |
7.5 |
Superman (2016) #12
Dec 7, 2016 |
i just find it hard to believe that Superman's x-ray vision couldn't spot that reveal at the very end of the issue.
7.5 |
Superman (2016) #13
Dec 24, 2016 |
i enjoyed this issue a little more than the previous. |
7.0 |
Superman (2016) #14
Mar 3, 2017 |
oh how i hate to hear myself say this... i usually love Tomasi's writing. |
7.0 |
Superman (2016) #15
Mar 3, 2017 |
this arc had lots of promise, but feels like its just being rushed along. |
6.5 |
Superman (2016) #16
Mar 3, 2017 |
oh well! a cheap and easy ending with zero impact! |
8.0 |
Superman (2016) #17
Feb 15, 2017 |
fun little one-shot with a horror story vibe. |
7.5 |
Superman (2016) #18
Mar 3, 2017 |
i liked this issue quite a bit . . . . . . but i didn't love it. |
9.0 |
Superman (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Superman (2016) Annual #1
Dec 1, 2016 |
i absolutely loved Jorge Jimenez's art for this issue! |
7.5 |
Superman (2016) One Shot | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Superman (2016): Special #1
May 17, 2018 |
i am absolutely thrilled to see Peter Tomasi get to wrap up this loose end from his Dinosaur Island story from his 2016 Superman run. while this story might not do a lot for new readers, it is a must for anyone who has been reading Superman since Rebirth. it's a warm feel-good story, that while a bit predictable was still a satisfying read. i can't say much for the other story collected in this special as when i saw Bryan Hitch's art i just couldn't get myself to read it. nothing against Bryan Hitch as an artist, it's just not for me. the art in the Tomasi story was alright. not stunning or jaw-dropping gorgeous, but serviceable. and that's just fine by me. |
7.8 |
Superman (2023) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Superman (2023) #1
Feb 22, 2023 |
Superman seems to be a much better fit for Joshua Williamson than Batman was. If you enjoy some classic Supes mixed with some nice moments with Lois and Jimmy at the Daily Planet, give this one a try. |
7.5 |
Superman (2023) #15
Jun 30, 2024 |
Overall this was an alright read with pretty ok art. And while I won't be in a rust to read this again any time too soon, Williamson surprised me with this one. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. . . . . . . (minor spoiler) (minor spoiler) (minor spoiler) (minor spoiler) (VERY very minor) I'm really not sure how I feel about that last page cliffhanger. while the intrigue may be tantalizing, i honestly would have preferred this reveal show up later closer to when this upcoming plot point will start. I just really dislike when stories never have just a nice solid conclusion. |
9.0 |
Superman and the Authority (2021) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Superman and the Authority (2021) #1
Dec 10, 2021 |
this was the surprise gift that i didn't realize that i needed in my life!!! just wish that it had had a different artist. i'm just not a fan of traced 3D poser figures. |
8.0 |
Superman: Lois and Clark | 4 issues |
9.5 |
Superman: Lois and Clark #1
Feb 29, 2016 |
i dismissed this series as "just another Superman comic in an already over-saturated market". well i was wrong! i decided to give this comic a go, and i'm glad i did! the story is captivating, the dialog is excellent and flows really well, and most importantly - you feel a connection to the characters. they feel like real people! and what's more, i find myself really rooting for them and hoping for them to come out alive. this is a post-convergence event. we have pre-flashpoint Lois & Clark living in the post-flashpoint universe. they were teleported into the New-52 universe, and have remained in hiding. like i said- i really feel for these characters, and want to find out how things turn out for them. |
9.0 |
Superman: Lois and Clark #6
Mar 24, 2016 |
excellent issue in a GREAT series!!! i really don't know why this title isn't getting more attention! it's so much better that what we've been getting in the flagship Superman title and Action comics! ….some of the events were a little bit predictable? ….but it's what needed to happen in the story to get things moving. i also really like the way the characters reacted in this issue to the 'Truth' cross-over that's been going on. a very satisfying (and MORE importantly) FUN read!!!!! |
8.5 |
Superman: Lois and Clark #7
Apr 20, 2016 |
last issue left off with Lois and Johnathan trapped about to be Murdered by agents of Intergang. this issue opens up as Johnathan finally discovers the truth about his heritage of being the Son of Superman, and it is AWESOME!!!! really wonderful story-telling! there is a flashback in the beginning of the comic where Jonathan is asking his Mother "who is faster? The Flash or Superman?" and he's even playing with a couple of action figures of Flash and Supes as well! it was SO adorable!!! there are also powerful scenes of emotion. once he discovered his powers, and the secret identity of his father, Jonathan was understandably upset at both his parents. as for Lois and Clark, just try to explain to your child that your family has been transported to a parallel dimension! the art in the comic is really wonderful! this series is beautiful on all fronts! it’s fantastic that Dan Jurgens has stuck with this series all the way to the end and not passed it off so he can focus on his ‘Rebirth’ Action Comics Series. i have a strong feeling the events of this book will have some sort of an easter-egg that will have a profound effect on the events of DC Rebirth. too bad the quality of DC’s writing in the current line of comics hasn’t been this good all along! |
5.0 |
Superman: Lois and Clark #8
May 25, 2016 |
for such an amazing series this issue was a HUGE let down!!! . . . . . i had such high hopes for this issue, but the ending just went 'Ker-Plunk!' . . . . . . even the art felt kind'a rushed . . . . . . at least everything else was great up until this last issue . . . . . . . oh well? @<@ |
7.8 |
Swamp Thing (2016) | 6 issues |
8.0 |
Swamp Thing (2016) #1
Jan 6, 2016 |
it is SOOOOO good to finally have Len Wein (the original creator) back writing Swamp thing! if you've never read the original Swamp thing, you really need to! issue # 1 i available to read for free on comixology >>> https://www.comixology.com/Swamp-Thing-1972-1976-1/digital-comic/24391 <<< definitely check it out!!! over the years many writers have tried to continue the saga of Swamp Thing, but none of them really captured the classic Horror feel of the original. Kelley Jones handles the art duties in a way that truly does justice to the original artist Bernie Wrightson. over the years i have always seen a similar vibe to Kelley Jones art, that i could see he was greatly influenced by Wrightson. ans now seeing Kelley Jones drawing Swamp thing with creator Len Wein he has truly come full circle! if you enjoy a good horror story definitely pick this issue up!!! |
8.0 |
Swamp Thing (2016) #2
Feb 3, 2016 |
absolutely beautiful art, and writing that really makes you care about the character. many of the loose ends from issue one tied up nicely and sets the story up beautifully for the next issue! definitely recommended reading! |
8.0 |
Swamp Thing (2016) #3
Mar 2, 2016 |
one thing i can really say about Len Wein's writing is he has an excellent rhythm to his character's dialog! -- they speak in a very natural manner that's easy to follow and grasp what they are saying! ...SO very rare in a DC comic these days!!! ... there were a few forced name drops of character's from the DC Universe that didn't serve any other purpose other than to probably meet some sort of quota from Editorial? ... that took me out of the story a bit -- and HENCE lowered my score a notch!! ... this was a mostly exposition filled issue leading up to bigger things. but, OH MAN!!!! what a reveal at the end!!!! ... how in the HECK are they going to recover from THIS??? ... my interest is VERY piqued to find out where this all goes?? and i find myself very excited for next moth's issue! ...Kelley Jone's art is as beautiful as ever! his ability to convey shapes and form with his use of solid blacks are some of the best in the business! ... this does feel like an in-between issue, but so far from what i've read i have faith that it will serve a greater whole! ... if you've not read Swamp Thing #1 & #2 yet, i highly recommend that you do!! ...this is one of the most fun comic series DC has given us in a LONG time!!! |
8.0 |
Swamp Thing (2016) #4
Apr 6, 2016 |
after last issue's major cliffhanger i was really uncertain were this series was headed? as you can see from the cover art Alec Holland is no longer the Swamp Thing! they've really presented one heck of a dilemma to be resolved with just 2 issues left, so i'm hoping we don't get a rushed ending! regardless, this issue was well paced and had plenty of fantastic action! another thing this series has is plenty of gore! but it's not just needlessly thrown in just for the sake of shock, it actually serves the story and character motivations really well! if you're a fan of the swamp thing or horror in general i highly recommend this series! |
7.5 |
Swamp Thing (2016) #5
May 11, 2016 |
this issue started out SO good, but as it went DCU cameos started popping up EVERYWHERE!!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i love that Matt Cable as Swamp Thing isn't just some two-dimensional villain. he actually seems like he believes his cause to be altruistic, though his methods are very much insane. . . . . . some of the narration in the beginning was a bit much, but things got back on track once Matt Cable began his villain's speech. really cool dialog as he made his demands and what consequences the world would face otherwise. the world has gone to hell in a handbag, and Alec Holland really has his work cut out for him! Kelley Jones provides some really cool looking art!!! very powerful and Malevolent looking!!! . . . . . though i wasn't all too keen on the HEAP-LOADS of DCU Cameos!!!! . . . . . it felt really forced and took me out of the story. . . . . . some felt pretty natural, but most of them were distracting. . . . . . still, i'm really quite satisfied i decided to give this mini series a chance, even though DC editorial is using this Mini-series to pimp out their other characters. . . . . . i miss Len Wein's original run on Swamp Thing when he was about to just create his own cast of supporting characters. |
7.5 |
Swamp Thing (2016) #6
Jun 15, 2016 |
resolve was a little too easy, but the art was pretty cool in parts. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) | 62 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #1
Oct 7, 2015 |
4.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #23
Jan 11, 2016 |
as much as i love this series, this issue never quite sat right with me. i felt Leo's (for lack of a better term) 'journey towards the Dark Side' just seemed WAY too easy, and very out of character!!! there was little to NO resistance! and he seemed to just be acting out a script to serve the plot, rather than a believable character acting out of emotion and having his will bent. the art was nice. it was a pleasant surprise to see all the artists from various story arcs return to illustrate warped versions of the stories they drew. but aside from beautiful art the writing for this issue (sorry to say) kinda sucked. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #29
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #30
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #31
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #32
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #50
Oct 7, 2015 |
plot lines and character developments that have been 4 years in the making have all converged in one powerful finale! this issue is well written, action packed, and honestly the best single issue comic i've read in a long long time. everyone should be reading this series! |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #51
Oct 28, 2015 |
it's a brand new beginning for Splinter and the Turtles. Splinter has taken over as the head of The Foot Clan, ironically Leonardo is once again the Foot Clan Chunin, and he along with Donatello and Raphael are on a mission leading an group of Foot Soldiers. Michelangelo is on his own after leaving his family at the end of the last issue. there is a lot crammed into this issue. you get only a brief catch-up with each group of characters before the story moves onto the next. the art is serviceable, but nothing i'd have hanging on my wall. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #52
Feb 11, 2016 |
it was pretty awesome seeing Leonardo and Alopex working side by side to train the fledgling Foot Soldiers. i also liked seeing Casey Jones a lot closer to his Mirage Comics roots, as a crazy Gung-Ho Street Vigilante. the art is a bit to underdeveloped for my tastes, but it gets the point across. i wonder what this issue could have been if the art had been done by the likes of Dan Duncan, or Mateus Santolouco or Sophie Campbell? |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #53
Feb 11, 2016 |
definitely a step up in the art department from last issue. it's been a rough emotional ride for Michelangelo ever since leaving his family at the end of issue #50. he's pretty much been on his own up until now. i have to say it was great to see Michelangelo smile again, but him joining up with the Mutanimals, you just know that Old Hob has something nefarious up his sleeve. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #54
Jan 27, 2016 |
i have to admit this issue caught me completely off guard! i didn't expect any of the events or character reactions to go the way they did. but it was a very believable turn out, and a very satisfying read. the characters are written so well! it leaves me very excited to read the next issue to find out what's next in store. sorry to be very cryptic, but i don't want to give any spoilers. this was definitely a fantastic issue that ends on a very heartfelt note. if you love TMNT definitely check out issue #53 as well as it's conclusion here in #54. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #55
Feb 24, 2016 |
there was some very good points in this issue, Michelangelo's memories of his family were bittersweet and moving. there was a fantastic fight scene between a mentally preoccupied Alopex vs. the Street Phantoms. and it was great to see Alopex able to resist Kitsune's mind control. it showed real strength in her character. but there were also a lot of painful pages of exposition dumping! especially in the scenes between April and Casey. the final few panels with the couple were emotionally driven, but went on WAY too long! i just wish we could have gotten there sooner! their lover's spat didn't need to eat up as many pages as it did! it was a real chore to get through! sure we've all been there before, but do we need that sort of thing to eat up 1/4 of an issue in our monthly IDW Tmnt fix? the art provided by Michael Dialynas was a real treat! i'm really hoping to see him draw more TMNT in the near future! ....OH! and next month ........ LEATHERHEAD!!!!! ^__^ |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #56
Mar 23, 2016 |
BEST issue in a LONG time!!!! ....aside from having the treat of Mateus Santolouco's amazing art, the introduction of Leather head was excellently handed. (even bringing up the little easter-egg from 'Turtles in Time') ....... the new developments lead to some really exciting possibilities for the future, and this arc promises to be intense!!! .....i won't spoil the ending. ..... but it was pretty shocking!!! ..... after having finished reading this issue i can't wait to read it again!!!! |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #57
Apr 26, 2016 |
the character depictions are spot on! and their and interactions with one another feel so natural. it plays out so cinematicly. it'd make for an amazing feature film or even animation. the intense cliffhanger from last issue leads to a really intense murder mystery, as tensions run high between the groups. . . . . the art is magnificent!!! it really pulls you into the story. and the dialog is TOP NOTCH as well! the characters are so believably real! this has the makings of another amazing story arc to look forward to! i can't say enough good things about this series! |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #58
May 11, 2016 |
definitely an exciting conclusion for the Leatherhead story. i don't know why, but i was expecting this to spend more time on Burnow Island? but i guess once all the cards were put on the table last issue there really wasn't much reason to stay there? very satisfying read! the art was beautiful, even though Mateus Santolouco didn't get to finish the last few pages of the issue. it looked like it was done by the artist that illustrated the previous arc (which i don't mind at all) . . . . . awesome action, great dialog! . . . . . there are some really tense moments in this issue, and we get to see Leatherhead's actual origin (which is not as pleasant as the one he gave earlier) . . . . . the issue ends on an intense moment that'll have you on the edge of your seat till next month. looking forward to it! |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #59
Jun 15, 2016 |
gets us caught up to speed of what has been happening with Master Splinter while the Turtles were away with Leatherhead at Burnow Island . . . . . but it takes up into one HELL of a cliffhanger!!! D: |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #60
Jul 27, 2016 |
i'm not sure what comic the "professional" reviews read? but i absolutely LOVED Tmnt issue #60. i've never been one the edge of my seat before like the way they had me for the cliffhanger that issue #58 all the way up to #60 did! . . . . . . . #58 ended with us seeing a main character in peril only to spend issue #59 leaving us in suspense as we see the events leading us back to that point. . . . . THEN leaving us on an even MORE intense cliffhanger. . . . . #60 starts off the same way where we don't immediately see the cliffhanger's resolution, but instead get more backstory. . . . . . but then we FINALLY get the resolution, but with a nice surprise twist!!! . . . . . . extremely satisfying!!!! . . . . . . it was also great to see how Leonardo has built up an immunity to Kitsune's mind control since being brainwashed back in the 'City Fall' arc. it really adds som layers to his character. . . . . . . . i did feel like we could have used maybe a bit more action in the battle between Spinter & Leonardo versus the mind controlled other Ninja Turtles? . . . . . . but seeing just bow much was jam packed into this issue i can't complain at all!! . . . . . i really loved it a LOT!!!! . . . . also the reveal in the epilogue was FANTASTIC!!! . . . i absolutely LOVED the powerful image in the final panel, and what it means for the story to come. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #61
Aug 24, 2016 |
definitely a very exposition heavy issue. this is a very rich layered story than anyone wanting to ‘jump on’ to this series will HAVE to read the back issues!!! . . . . . . . . that being said, Fans who have truly invested in this series will greatly appreciate the depth placed within this issue. . . . . . . . . we get some banter between the Street Phantoms, Jammer and Maze in the beginning of the issue. ( i’m taking it that Turk is the strong silent type?) . . . . . . . . there was a nice showcase of one of the Turtles using some new Tech equipment to battle against the Street Phantoms. . . . . . . . . long time readers will appreciate the callback to IDW TMNT issue #22 with the fighting technique of ‘Debana Waza’ against ‘Katsugi Men’. . . . . . . . . there are some nice bonding moments between Leonardo and Jennika, as they train in the dojo. i really am enjoying seeing her growth as a character. she’s come a long was from being the young blood thirsty assassin, as we see her guilt and remorse for her past deeds. . . . . Leonardo tries his best to lift her spirits from her defeat from last issue, but Jennika is still very much beside herself. . . . . . . . . the bulk of the issue is spent going over plot points that have built up over the entire series, especially within the last few issues since #50. the quiet before the storm. i am eager to see this launch into the next big arc. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #62
Sep 21, 2016 |
as of late, so many sub-plots have been set up in this series ((a bit TOO many if you ask me)) that we haven't really been able to spend enough quality time with our main characters. . . . . . the Ninja Turtles were beginning to feel like guest stars in their OWN book. . . . this issue added the much needed 'PUNCH' back into the comic!!! . . . . . LITERALLY!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . the issue starts with something i've been wanting from the IDW Tmnt comic series since the VERY beginning . . . a total BAD-ASS F$%# S#%@ Up Casey Jones!!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if that weren't enough there was a TRULY excellent scene between Raphael and Michelangelo that really got to the heart of the characters, the reason for me even getting into the series in the first place! . . . . but the hits don't stop there, we finally get to meet 'The Inventor', and she has just as much Sass as Harold himself! . . . . . . i'm just imagining the two of them going back and forth with one another! . . . . . . . . . . . . last but not least the Scene between Donatello and Leonardo with a HUGE reveal from Master Splinter. . . . . . . . . . . the look of shock on Leonardo's face was priceless!!!! |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #63
Oct 12, 2016 |
this issue had some truly great moments. . . . . . . . the depth portrayed by Splinter in his leadership of Foot clan was nice and meaty, as was his speech to Leonardo explaining his actions. . . . . . . . . we get a wonderful dose of Harold in ALL his feistiness telling his kidnappers EXACTLY what he thinks of them RIGHT to their faces! . . . (the reactions of the Street Phantoms were perfect!) . . . . . . . a street battle breaks out as Splinter as the Turtles and Splinter prepare to rescue Harold when another team shows up to the party. . . . . . . it's one of the moments you GOTTA see for yourself! . . . . . . Harold is confronted by his former partner in his escape. we find out a MASSIVE reveal about their past, as well as see that she has quite a few tricks up her sleeve of her own! . . . . . . . we end with ONE HELL of a set-up leading to the next issue. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #64
Nov 23, 2016 |
HOLY CRAP!!! was this issue emotionally POWERFUL!!!! . . . . . . Kudos to the writers and team for a VERY satisfying conclusion to this story-arc!!! . . . . . . . . now it feels like we will be TRULY seeing the effects of Splinter and the Turtles taking over the Foot Clan back in IDW Tmnt issue #50. . . . . . what i love about the way this story is being told (as well as how the characters are portrayed) is NOTHING is spelled out perfectly in Good or Evil. . . . there are SO many different perspectives and varying shades of gray. . . . . . . . the cover really sums it up perfectly as Leo is the one to shoulder the burden of understanding why the Turtles father has pushed them away. . . . . . but hearing Splinter remind Leonardo of what happened to the Hamato family back in IDW Tmnt issue #5, you can see why he is taking the actions that he is. Splinter loves his sons, and will do WHATEVER it is that he has to to protect them. . . . even if that means that he must drive them all away!! . . . . . . . now i'm really excited and eager to see where the story goes from here!!! . . . . . there were so many emotional conclusions in this issue as well!!! . . . . . it's hard to really describe without giving spoilers. . . . but if you've been following this series since the beginning this issue will leave you very VERY satisfied!!!! |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #65
Dec 14, 2016 |
truthfully i wasn't expecting a whole lot from this issue. i just figured i't be just a silly/fun throwaway issue! |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #66
Jan 25, 2017 |
Raphael and Angel have tracked Alopex to Alaska, and have set out on a mission to bring her back home.
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #67
Feb 15, 2017 |
the intro to this issue with Slash was incredibly touching. the monstrous mutant is enjoying himself reading a book. he stops to answer a rooftop pigeon as to what he's doing doing, then asks the pigeon if he'd like him to read the story to him. such an endearing moment.
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #68
Nov 26, 2017 |
the Ninja Turtles were pretty useless in this issue. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #69
Nov 26, 2017 |
time to just start calling this comic series...
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #70
Nov 26, 2017 |
finally the Turtles start to actually serve a purpose in their own comic. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #71
Nov 26, 2017 |
lots of exposition to finally introduce all the members of the Pantheon. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #72
Nov 26, 2017 |
this issue takes quite a while to get moving. Tom Waltz's dialog written for some the characters is pretty painful to read. Waltz really has no idea how to voice Michelangelo. he just comes off sounding forced and cheesy. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #73
Nov 26, 2017 |
a big set-up issue filled with LOTS of exposition, and not much happening till the end of the issue. |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #74
Nov 26, 2017 |
yet another very exposition-heavy issue, as well as felling like yet another issue that the Tmnt just feel like bystanders in their own story. |
3.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #75
Nov 26, 2017 |
the art in this issue is a disjointed mess!!!!
the first eight pages of art are dull and flat. not very exciting to look at!!
then we go to Mateus Santolouco's art which is very dynamic and very well drawn.
then we jump back to art that looks like the artist was given an extremely short deadline to finish.
the coloring doesn't do the art any favors. it's too light and pastel. very very lifeless color.
there is so much useless dialog in this issue.
i understand this is supposed to be a courtroom drama, but this really does NOT make for a fun comic to read!
the whole thing felt like a big dragged out diversion to catch readers off guard for the ending. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #76
Nov 26, 2017 |
this arc shows great promise of things to come, though i am a bit disappointed that the Ninja Turtles are only in 3 pages of the ENTIRE comic!!! |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #77
Dec 6, 2017 |
very happy to see an issue of the IDW Tmnt that actually has some dang Ninja Turtles in it!!! |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #78
Jan 10, 2018 |
so far the invasion of the Triceratons is a bit underwhelming. we're three issues in and not much happened in this issue. the first half of the comic is a LOT of exposition and melodrama. things don’t actually start happening until late in the second half. i wasn't really expecting utter chaos and a complete bloodbath, (ok maybe i was) but i would have hoped for more action than THIS! There's freaking Dinosaur Aliens invading Earth for crying out load! LESS talk! MORE "pow"!!! the idea of IDW April O’Neil’s mother being a former news reporter felt really forced! sometimes this series puts far too much effort into just pandering to Tmnt nostalgia. …introducing obscure characters from the 80’s cartoon, archie comics and 2k3 cartoon, instead of focusing on the the Ninja Turtles themselves. when the Turtles and Splinter finally show up in this issue was nice and all, but not enough to really save this issue from being mediocre. the art was a bit unfinished for my taste. the coloring a bit too bright. doesn’t match the mood/tone of the story. the best part of this issue was Casey Jones, the Purple Dragons and the surprise reunion. |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #79
Mar 2, 2018 |
disappointment continues. slightly better than last month's entry, but not by much. this arc has been one of the biggest let-downs for me in the entire series. i never liked what IDW had turned the Triceratons into since the 'Utrom Empire' mini-series, and they only gets let desirable for me within this arc. the issue starts with more uninteresting focus on April O'Neil's parents and their point of view of what's happening around them. but the "epic" battle for NY feels less like an actual danger, and more like a scripted obstacle for the characters to point their finger at. the art style was a bit too rough and under-developed for a battle of this scale. for some of the dramatic scenes were fine. but for a story that's focused on an invasion i'd prefer there be more battle and less drama anyway. the Ninja Turtles finally get to see some action. but most of it is them avoiding gunfire. when they do get into heavy action, most of it happens off-panel. a bit frustrating. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #80
Mar 28, 2018 |
this series has really gotten lukewarm and stale. while this conclusion was ok, i'm not all that thrilled with the anti-climatic ending. there were cool moments in this issue, but the ending felt rushed and really left me wanting more. i think if this arc didn't take 4 issues of dragging it's feet through build-up it wouldn't have been so disappointing. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #81
Apr 11, 2018 |
definitely an improvement for the series. a step in the right direction at least! a good issue, cant say it was a great issue though. it really started losing me towards the middle. i think Tom Waltz needs to ease back on the set-ups and focus more on moving his plot. the story has been dragging for WAY too long and needs to get going. there were some cool moments like the Leo/Splinter meditation juxtaposition. i'm not a fan when the Ninja Turtles are written so goody goody and sanctimoniously. like they are the moral beacon of goodness for the entire universe or something. they come off as very two dimensional when they are written like that. hope the improvements continue, and it's good to see the Ninja Turtles getting some focus in the story again. comicbook round up credits Brahm Revel for the art, but it's actually Dave Wachter. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #82
May 16, 2018 |
this series is finally starting to pick up, and i hope it continues to improve. while this issue is far from stellar, it was a mildly amusing read. the Turtles are getting more focus, it's finally starting to feel like an actual Ninja Turtles book again. though this written for trade style is a bit of a let-down as not too much happens in this issue. it's a slow crawl to the finish. there were some very amusing parts, the Turtle's humor was a delight. just hope the series will continue it's focus on the 4 Turtle brothers and let them shine. i'll really be happy once the Pantheon story is concluded. same goes for Bishop and the EPF. i just find them boring and not all that interesting. (((((minor spoiler))))) seeing Leonardo perform the nerve-pinch maneuver on the Toad Baron's frogs was pretty dang funny! the comedy delivered in that scene was the highlight of the issue for me. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #83
Jun 6, 2018 |
i read it, found it mildly entertaining. didn't love it. the story arc with the Pantheon isn't really all that interesting that it can be dragged out and spread thin like this. The Rat King is leading a bunch of generic no-name children to their doom. not very compelling. at least we actually get to spend time with the Ninja Turtles, so it's much better than the 'Trial of Krang' and 'Invasion of the Triceratons'. but that's not really that impressive a boast. Michelangelo shines in this issue and gets some really funny lines. there was also a dialog between April O'Neil and Baxter Stockman with a very promising set-up. hopefully the plot starts moving. this series track record of slow burn story leading to a lukewarm resolution is only going to make more readers continue to tune out. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #84
Jul 25, 2018 |
entertaining though anti-climatic. i'm not saying this was a bad issue, it's just that this series never really gets my blood going. there are never really and "WOW" or 'HELL YEAH" moments. the story just trudges along slow and steady like a little turtle. i am happy that the main focus is on the ninja turtles finally. the turtles do have some cool moments and and decent dialog. i was also happy to see Leonardo actually get to use his spiritual Astral Plane abilities. that was actually very cool now that i think about it. Leonardo in the Astral plane with glowing eyes and glowing swords. pretty cool. i just think the art could have been a bit more dynamic to sell it better. plus the fight was too short. the pacing of this series dose drag! this arc is very unbalanced. the first 3 issues dragged and then the conclusion is crammed into this one little issue. things are definitely improving for this series. but it still is a far cry from excellent. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #85
Aug 22, 2018 |
the things i enjoy about this series- i really like how Waltz is finally focusing more on the Turtles. there are finally fun moments again, Michelangelo is getting to be light-hearted and fun loving. humor is steadily coming back to this series, and that's a very good thing. the Turtles are also finally getting to see some action, though not enough for my taste. the pacing on the other hand is slowwwww. Donatello said in issue 70 that was thinking of turning their old van into a battle vehicle. we finally catch back up with that concept in issue 85 and he’s not even made any real progress with that. this is very slow burn storytelling, with a series of lukewarm anti-climaxes sprinkled here and there. and the melodrama- the series focuses less on exciting action and adventure, and more towards soap opera. like the budding relationship of Vigilante Casey Jones and Ninja Clan Chunin Jennnika. not what i really want to spend time on in a Tmnt comic. “hope you like vanilla, Jennika.” in that line of dialog, it had finally occurred to me what this IDW series is. Vanilla Tmnt. the confrontation with the Turtles and Leatherhead was fascinating. too bad more time wasn’t spent there. Leatherhead is still haunted by his demons and his actions from issue 75. but here we are 10 issues later and we’re finally getting back to that. and who knows how long it’ll be before we see Leatherhead again? Brahm Revel's art is progressing mildly. it's not my all-time favorite art, but it is serviceable. i'll put it this way, it's not art i'd want to frame and hang on my wall, but it tells the story it needs to tell. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #86
Sep 19, 2018 |
verrrry decompressed storytelling. very dragged out story-lines. ....and Bickering Mutant Ninja Turtles, in the midst of it all. the sad thing is there is a full-on battle going on, as Agent Bishop is attacking the Utroms and Triceratons, but we barely get to see any real action. most of the time we see the Turtles they are having a hard time getting rounded up. and when the Turtles actually are all together they mostly just bicker with one another. this felt like only half of a comic issue's worth of story, spread across a full issue. -the cameo of Irma from the 1987 cartoon series was distracting. it took me out of the story. -the build up to the Mutanimals intro was unnecessary. i saw it coming a mile away. we don't need build-ups and plot recaps. we need plot advancement! -a character that was introduced WAYYYYY back in issue #56 is finally going to get used!! 30 issues later?? talk about a plot that really drags it's feet. that's almost 3 years that's gone by. can't say it's had the impact that i would have liked it to. i've heard of writers that write for the trade, but i think Tom Waltz is writing for the OMNIBUS!!!! |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #87
Oct 17, 2018 |
so far this story is far too bogged down with pacing issues for me to really be able to tell that there’s been a full on battle going on since last issue. i’m just not feeling the intensity of sense of urgency. now even though this issue really took it’s time to get started, eventually it began to actually feel some sense of adventure… …then the story stopped dead in it’s tracks to give us a backstory we probably should have gotten immediately after issue 70. back in issue 70, Bishop was revealed to the Ninja Turtles as not being fully human. there was a very cool splash page with half of Bishop's face ripped off, and a T-800 looking endo-skeleton underneath. Leonardo even chopped off Bishop's hands in that issue. then the next time we saw Bishop, his hands had been replaced. but NOW 17 issues later everyone is all acting surprised, like this is somehow a new revelation. Ch’Rell gets another big entrance cliff-hanger at the end. hope we get some real action in the next issue. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #88
Nov 28, 2018 |
there were some good points to this issue. there were also some good moments though this arc as well. but overall i can't help but feel disappointed. so much set-up and back story, and not enough action or excitement. the first 2 issues in this arc dragged with lots of set-up, and left everything to happen in this 3rd issue. just as this issues started to get exciting, it stopped dead in it’s tracks for more back-story on Bishop. i don’t really care about Bishop. i actually find him more dull than Darius Dun and the Street Phantoms. and they were barely interesting. (((((spoiler))))) so a character that i really don’t care for escapes to fight another day, while a character i do like dies a wasteful death. and it'd been SO long ago that Slash had been abducted and turned into a killing machine for Bishop, that i'd forgotten why i even really liked Slash in the first place. i'm also not thrilled with the Ninja Turtles being so sanctimonious about not killing Bishop. if they still try to handle Bishop with kid gloves after what he just did to Slash, then i'm probably going to seriously consider to stop buying this comic. (((((end spoiler))))) i’ll try re-reading this whole arc through from the beginning. but as of right now, i’m not really looking forward to it. |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #89
Dec 19, 2018 |
this was a really fun issue. wish the rest of the series could be like this. -IDW TMNT is always strongest when it brings focus to it's unique contribution to the series, references to the past lives of Hamato Yoshi, his sons, and most importantly Tang Shen. -the Christmas carol theme was really nice. Oroko Saki's ghost was eerily chilling! -GREAT use of the members of the Pantheon. -excellent writing for Splinter and the Turtles. -the ending felt a bit rushed. i wouldn't mind paying an extra dollar or two for an extended few more pages to solidify the final vision as well as the resolution at the end. -i guess April as well as Harold and his wife weren't invited to the party? |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #90
Jan 23, 2019 |
there were definitely very good moments in this issue, but the series really needs to streamline. too many characters and subplots going on at once, the story was all over the place. that’s a big problem. when a series has been built around also selling tie-in series. things become too convoluted. the most frustrating part is that the Turtles mostly just bickered among each other. there were parts that i really DID enjoy in this issue. it’s just not something i could confidently recommend to a friend. part of me really wishes the series would just wrap up. try to at least end it on a high note. end it before the continually dropping sales numbers lead to an eventual cancellation. |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #91
Feb 13, 2019 |
this issue was alright. i found it mildly entertaining. all of the plots with Karai, The Foot Clan, The Pantheon and The Dragon Lord have gone on for so long i vaguely even remember them. i can’t even recall what issues those plot were brought up to go back and refresh. guess i'm just losing my investment in the story the longer it drags on. deep down i keep hoping for this series to end at 100, and try to go out on a high note. |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #92
Mar 20, 2019 |
years of too many slow moving plot threads have painted this series into a corner. this all should have been set in motion long ago. very interesting topics within the negotiations, but this comic was mostly all talk. new readers will not understand any of this. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #93
Apr 24, 2019 |
an alright issue. things are finally starting to move. a few of the altercations and interactions felt overly forced, but it was still effective to the story. i like that more focus is finally being directed to the title characters. i'd like to see them become more of the driving force to the plot, rather than just being reactionary. unfortunately the preview of this year's IDW TMNT Free Comic Book Day issue gave away what would have been a nice surprise ending. but at least i know to be on the lookout for that comic so i don't miss anything for my set of single issues. Dave Wachter's art is probably some of my favorite from this series stable of artists. he has a great sense of drama, and really adds mood. i have just a few minor gripes. though the biggest is i could have really done without that page of Planet Neutrino. lets tie up some of the overabundance of plot threads, before dumping even more on the pile. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #94
May 29, 2019 |
this was an ok’ish issue. some cool stuff finally started to happen. great action. the extendedly drawn out plot threads are really taking their toll. too many characters introduced, some long forgotten. all fighting for screen-time. still felt like more setting things up for what’s to come, than significantly moving the plot. even though it felt like a sharp turn, at least Raph is actually acting like himself, as well as finally paling around with Casey. it’s been too long since IDW really built upon their friendship. |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #95
Jul 3, 2019 |
i'm not really sure how to feel about this one. -i really liked the characterizations. -i liked the balance of different plot threads. -i like the intense sense of urgency throughout the issue. HOWEVER... -the overall plot is still taking too long to move. -too much melodrama. -not enough action. -i DID NOT like the ending. the ending felt like nostalgia pandering, and it took me right out of the story. |
1.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #96
Jul 31, 2019 |
i'm sorry but the idea of a human mutating into a ninja turtle because of a blood transfusion is just STUPID beyond belief!! it's forced, contrived, and just plain LAZY!!! the worst part is it absolutley ruins everything you built over 200 + issue between ongoing series, side-series, mini-series, one-shots and and any other issues in-between. FOR WHAT? just so you can pander to nostalgia for the people that actually liked TMNT Next Mutation? this cheap SLEAZY publicity stunt has really soured my interest in this series!! it's bad enough that the series has been plagued with TONS of unresolved plot threads for YEARS! so what now? are we going to have Tons of people mutating now because of mutant blood transfusion? they pretty much just broke ALL their sense of suspension of disbelief! TERRIBLE STORYTELLING! there were many other distracting problems that took me right out of this story. but whatever... i just don't care anymore! as a loyal long time money spending customer, i cannot say that i am very happy right now. thanks a lot for wasting my goddam time and money! |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #97
Aug 28, 2019 |
a pretty ok issue. the pacing of this series is way off. so many issues where nothing really happened. now it feels rushed with too many loose ends needing to be tied up far too quickly. many of these plot points should have been dealt with so sooner instead of cramming them all in before issue #100. some of the character interactions felt a bit forced and contrived. they feel too all-of-the-sudden rather than built up organically. |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #98
Sep 25, 2019 |
for a series that's supposed to be building towards a monumental Hundredth issue there was an awful LOT of talking in this comic! this issue was very unbalanced. mostly all talk no action, just like the rest of this arc. a lot of that talking was recaps of what we just read a few issues prior. more dialog was wasted on useless bickering. things didn't start getting interesting until the very end. but by then the comic was already over. this is going to be a real slog when it comes to trade. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #99
Oct 30, 2019 |
i was honestly very upset when i'd found out this issue was double priced. this probably would not have happened had the series' plot not been so stagnant. the story really needs to start moving faster on a regular basis. at least with this double sized issue we were finally able to get a decent set-up for issue #100. as the front end of this City_At_War arc was dragging sluggishly. this issue starts with more backstory that we really should have gotten back in the story arc from issues 67-70. and some of the unexpected partnerships set-up in the beginning of this arc (that felt very forced to begin with) are already starting to dissolve. overall this issue was enjoyable. many cool things happened. still feels like wayyyyyy too many characters crammed here fighting for screen time. it is honestly very difficult for me to recommend this to someone not already years invested into this story. i've been reading this series since the beginning, and i even have a hard time remembering who some of these characters are, or what their real motivation are. |
1.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #100
Dec 11, 2019 |
i wish i could hop on the hype train. a few critics have given this comic a perfect 10. it IS NOT a perfect 10!! jumping back and forth through various artists was jarring. a lot of the art looked very rushed and it really took me out of the story. i guess my frustration really comes with just how much time & money this series takes to go nowhere. they force readers (customers) to have to buy supplement mini-series and one-shots to get the full story, yet so many stories get dragged out endlessly and never really go anywhere, or have a satisfying conclusion. plus what’s the point of buying a Ninja Turtle comic if the Ninja Turtles never really get to shine in their own series? the plot has been meandering for such a long time (since #50) that within the last year or more the writers needed to sell us FOUR (double priced) Marco-series One-shots to catch up with all the plot threads that were dragging for so long. even then there have been too many loose threads to keep track of. i cannot even remember what happened to Metal-Head in this story-arc, nor do i even remember what Leatherhead was doing in the beginning of this arc. many of the resolutions and conclusions within this story were very anti-climatic and unsatisfying! there are just TOO damn many characters kicking around that the focus barely lands on the title characters. the Turtles barely felt like they even really affected the overall plot of the story. so many characters and plot points (that have been clogging up this series) went absolutely nowhere. ((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS)))))))))) ((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS)))))))))) ((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS)))))))))) ((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS)))))))))) ((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS))))))))))((((((((((SPOILERS)))))))))) -Splinter’s death was so forced and predictable in this. i felt absolutely nothing when he died. -what was the point of bringing back Oroku Saki? if he’s no longer evil then what purpose could he possibly serve? -what was the point in wasting time on The Pantheon? they were USELESS. -the Turtles themselves were useless. none of them even got to kill Bishop. -Hun (Arnold Jones) did a 180 in character a while back, just so he can do another one in sacrifice himself for his son. it felt very forced and anti-climatic. -the call-back to Splinter’s opening dialog from issue #1 was nice, but honestly felt very forced in. -what was the point of bringing Krang back? we’ve already told that story, and it wasn’t even that good. ((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS)))))))))))) ((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS)))))))))))) ((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS)))))))))))) ((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS)))))))))))) ((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS))))))))))))((((((((((((END SPOILERS)))))))))))) i’ve been more than a loyal customer to this series from the beginning. i buy every issue (with variants) all the mini-series & one-shots, the trade paperbacks of the ongoing as well as the collections of the mini-series, and also buy the IDW collection hardcovers. i am really starting to see this as throwing my money away, just so that i can have clutter in my house. i’ve been really thinking about jumping off this series for a while now, but had to see it through till issue 100. ...issue 100 was terribly disappointing. IF i actually continue reading this series, it might just continue buying the digital version on Comixology. but as it stands i seriously doubt that i can continue to invest as much as i have into something so fruitless. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #101
Jan 8, 2020 |
the good -Sophie Campbell’s art is beautiful as always. -Sophie is a much better storyteller than Tom Waltz -better action that the typical IDW TMNT comic. (usually there's none) -Better character development and characterizations. -Sophie understands the Turtles and writes them better than Tom Waltz. -this pleasantly felt more like a Mirage TMNT story (always a good thing) -i liked how the 4 Turtle brothers were portrayed. -Michelangelo FINALLY was given his kitty named Klunk (from Mirage). -i don’t really mind that Klunk is now a white cat instead of an orange tabby. -Raph the vigilante was cool. -Leonardo’s horticulture was a nice touch. -i did like the awareness message about people abandoning pets and loved ones. -it’s always good to see Pepperoni the dinosaur. the bad -the 4 TMNT brothers (as usual) didn’t hold the focus of the comic or story -still the four Turtle Brothers must take the backseat to “the supporting characters”. -i always find it distracting when fan-service characters like Mona Lisa get shoved in. -Mona Lisa is very annoying. her announcing “I’M A GOOD PERSON” was extremely cringe. -Casey dumping Jenny felt off. especially given the events of the arc that just ended. -having Casey and Jenny’s breakup told as throwaway exposition was pretty cheap. hopefully one day IDW's TMNT will actually put it’s main focus on Leo, Mike, Donnie & Raph. just a thought. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #102
Jan 29, 2020 |
better than the usual IDW Tmnt comic, but typical issues that usually plague this series. what good is it to deconstruct the Ninja Turtles, when this series honestly never bothered to really construct them in the first place. this series has always been more about supporting cast than the actual title characters. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #103
Feb 19, 2020 |
very slow and not very exciting comic. had some ok moments, but nothing that is going to draw in new readers. nothing i could honestly recommend. |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #104
Mar 25, 2020 |
the Turtles finally pull their $#&% together and stop moping around. there's a lot of talking in this issue. i mean a LOT of it!! if you like melodrama, this is the comic for you. not much else happens, except Mikey finally finds his lost cat. so i guess that was nice. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1: Shell Unleashed
Apr 19, 2016 |
an excellent start for a new generation of Ninja Turtle comic fans! a bit reminiscent of the Urban Grit of the original Mirage series, the New IDW Tmnt adds a brilliant twist and deeper backstory of Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki spanning all the way back to ancient Japan. this is a great jumping on point for anyone looking to get into this series. my only wish is that they'd include the short story "a lot to learn" from the IDW Tmnt 30th anniversary special to fit in-between issues #4 and #5. but the anniversary special is still able to be found online, and is very much worth picking up! |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) Annual: 2022
Apr 3, 2022 |
Juni Ba is a great writer! this is the single best TMNT comic that IDW has put out in years!!! .... *YEARS!!!!* it has done something that none of the past entries had been able to do, keep me entertained, as well as make me actually care about the 4 turtle brothers. this is the level story-telling that the Ninja Turtles deserve. just a pity that we won't see more of this. |
4.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2024) #1
Jul 25, 2024 |
This is NO "jumping on" point! This is a continuation of the 150 issue run (plus countless other tie-in issues/mini-series) that had just concluded. Someone coming into this fresh will have no idea what they are in for. This is a terrible idea for a relaunch of TMNT comics! While the art is great, I really dislike that this is not a fresh restart, nor a direction that I particularly care for. The Issue starts with Raphael in prison and his brothers no where to be found. The other Ninja Turtles only appear within a very brief two panels worth of flashback. About 95% or more of the issue takes place with Raph in prison. I cannot even begin to express just how disappointed I am with this re-launch. |
7.3 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters | 4 issues |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II | 5 issues |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II #1
Nov 26, 2017 |
very exposition-heavy first issue. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II #2
Nov 26, 2017 |
much better second issue!!! |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II #3
Nov 26, 2017 |
thought the last issue was excellent, but might have enjoyed this issue even more!! |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II #4
Nov 26, 2017 |
one event towards the beginning of this issue made absolutely no sense to me. aside from that, this was still a very good issue. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters II #5
Nov 29, 2017 |
while i absolutely loved the beginning of this issue, the end fight with Darius Dun/The Collectors was a bit of a thud. |
9.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics #1 |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 2 #5 |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 3 | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 3 #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Vol. 3 #8
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.6 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
introduces Harold (Kirbyfan) to the IDW Universe. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
Leo's first brawl with the Footclan. some emotionally charged moments in the issue, and an ominous conclusion. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #24
Feb 11, 2016 |
a fun little throw-away story. good for a cute little laugh. a lot of fun while i was reading it but not sure if i'd ever read it again? |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 30th Anniversary Special (2014) #1 |
7.4 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
while i can't say this is my favorite comic series ever, it's still a lot of fun! |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures #10
May 25, 2016 |
a little wordy for a comic geared towards little kids. . . . . . (but i suppose that's a good thing to encourage young readers?) . . . . . . the story was very silly, but a lot of fun. . . . . . . what i really found amusing about this comic was the playful sense of humor. . . . . . many of the comics geared towards adults seem to forget about how to have fun. . . . . . Donatello's deduction of what happened to Napoleon Bonafrog's brothers was a little too detailed and unrealistic. but it is a children's comic after all. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures #11
Jun 29, 2016 |
this was one of the better issues we've had in a while. . . . . . . . . . (pretty sure this is the first time we've seen Muck-Man in this series?) . . . . . . . . . some of the jokes and gags in the comic did make he chuckle quite a few times. . . . . . . the back-up story was really amusing. . . . . . . . pretty fun silly comic. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Amazing Adventures #13
Aug 3, 2016 |
typical silly writing that you'd expect from a Kiddie comic. . . . . . . . so fun and silly dialog to chuckle at. . . . . . . . . but this issue's 'Back-up' story had ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ART!!!!! . . . . . . i need to find out who that artist is, and find more of their stuff!!! . . . . . . BE-A-U-TIFUL!!! . . . . . . . . there were some funny moments in the back-up story, as well as some pretty corny moments too! |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Casey & April #4
Sep 23, 2015 |
the writing for IDW's TMNT has been some of the most real dialog i've read between characters in any comic series. the relations are perfectly depicted, and you really care about the characters. this arc is building towards something big in the ongoing series, i wish things weren't so cryptic. but i am very interested to see how things unfold in the future with the main series. |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Deviations (One Shot) | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Deviations (One Shot) #1
Mar 30, 2016 |
i'm really not sure HOW some of these BOZO-reviewers can justify giving this book such lackluster rating scores??? . . . . . FIRST OFF . . . . . the art is GORGEOUS!!!!! absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! . . . . . some of the BEST IDW Tmnt art i've seen since Mateus Santolouco!!! . . . . . and secondly the level of intensity of that intro???? . . . . . the level of emotion of what was going on . . . . . these reviewers MUST be dead inside???? or just have NO souls to speak of!!! . . . . . . . . . . i was thinking if i should have bothered with this one-shot? i never liked the premise of Dark-Leo to begin with!!! . . . . . truthfully i HATED the whole Dark-Leo idea with a passion!!! . . . . . but seeing this story with ALL four brothers turned evil by Kitsune . . . . . especially Michelangelo!!! . . . . . . . . . . it was enough to bring tears to my eyes!!! . . . . . now if THAT isn't powerful story-telling, then i don't know WHAT is? . . . . . this is an amazing one-shot that i plan to read and enjoy again and again! |
6.1 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Macroseries | 4 issues |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Macroseries #1
Oct 3, 2018 |
Paul Allor does more in this one-shot, than Tom Waltz has done in his last 20 issues of the regular ongoing IDW Tmnt series. as a long-time reader of IDW's Tmnt since the very beginning i found this to be a great read. especially since it ties up so many loose ends. plot threads left hanging with Harold Lilja and with Metal-Head. it's just a pity this hadn't happened a lot sooner. the dialog in this issue was great. it felt natural, full of emotion, and made me believe these were real people. Paul Allor is an excellent writer. i've been hoping for him to take over the main IDW Tmnt for a while now. the art... Brahm Revel is not my favorite artist, but this art was serviceable to the story. the main writers for IDW Tmnt ongoing series had some good ideas. though i feel they just throw everything in at once. there's too many plot threads and characters to keep up with for me to be able to recommend this series to anyone who has never read this series before. and it's a shame because this one-shot is very good. they need to cut down on all these various threads and focus on a stronger more cohesive story, so the good stories like this one can shine. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Macroseries #2
Oct 24, 2018 |
so far these ew Macro-series have been exactly what the IDW Tmnt has desperately needed for a very long time now. the quality of storytelling is fast-paced and excellent, unchecked plot lines are now finally being addressed, and we’re getting much needed time spent with the main characters. i only hope that the overall story in the main Tmnt series becomes more streamlined and focused as these Macro-series have been with just two issues in. the set up is a bit convoluted, as plot-lines have been developing over many years in the making. but i will try to summarize this as simply as i possibly can… New York City was the site of a large scale battle. an Alien species called the Triceratons that was formed from mutated dinosaurs had searched the Galaxy for a home. Eventually they were directed to return to the planet Earth from which they originated. A government agency known as the EPF had been tracking the Triceratons as they landed on the planet. The Triceratons wanted peace, but the EPF only sought to destroy the Aliens fearing they would eventually become a threat. The battle left the city in chaos, and many children were left as orphans, and facilities to house them were destroyed. The Ninja Turtles would eventually save these children. Having no other refuge the children were brought to Master Splinter, who is now head of the Foot Clan. Splinter saw his taking in the orphans and caring for them as inducting new recruits into the Foot Clan. Michelangelo has a problem with this, and tensions finally come to a head within this special over-sized one-shot. the character writing was a real delight. this story gave all four of the Turtles and Splinter moments to shine. even Splinter’s Chunin, Jenika had her moments. of course most of the focus went to Michelangelo and Splinter, and the conflict between them. it was really wonderful to see flashbacks to Michelangelo’s past life in feudal Japan as he was training with his father. Splinter (back then was Hamato Yoshi) was a stern teacher, but also a nurturing father. the words he passed onto his son as he trained him were a pure pleasure to read. the concept of the Turtles being reincarnated was introduced in the ongoing IDW Tmnt issue #5. it’s probably one of my favorite issues from that entire run, and is terrific when ever we see callbacks to the Turtles past life. the art was really nice as well. i have a few minor gripes with it, but nothing worth mentioning to detract from the overall story. would i recommend this story? sure! just so long as you can try to keep up with all the plot development that’d been built up over the last several years. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Macroseries #3
Nov 28, 2018 |
i nice refreshing issue. wasn't quite what i was expecting or hoping for, but it was still really good, and well done. Sophie Campbell once again shows she's as talented a writer as she is an artist. it was nice to get this Northampton II. plots that developed in Tmnt #29-32, and new plots from #50 and TMNT Universe #12-15 finally come to a head. the story was not fully concluded, though it does present some interesting possibilities for future stories. i'm now curious as to what we'll see happen with Karai, Splinter and the Foot Clan. but overall, not a lot happened in this issue. the art was really gorgeous. the panels depicting the astral plane were really well done. it was nice to see the quiet peaceful moments as well. pretty sure Sophie may have even been channeling some Mirage? |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Macroseries #4
Dec 12, 2018 |
some things i enjoyed, mostly the concepts. Eastman kind of turned Raphael into Weapon X. i also liked the backstory that Raphael was given from when he was separated from his brothers (pre-IDW Tmnt #1) pity we only see this seven years later into the run. i still don't care for Agent Bishop & the EPF as ongoing characters. they just doesn't hold my interest, and that story has been dragging out way too long now. i did really love the comradery between Raph and Casey in the beginning of the issue. no one writes the hijinks of Raph and Casey as well as Eastman does! NO ONE! the art was a bit underwhelming. i really wish Kevin Eastman could have done the finished pencils and inks. overall this was a decent issue, but it felt like too much story for a single one-shot. i would have preferred if this had been a story arc within the ongoing series. |
7.6 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals | 4 issues |
9.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.1 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret History of the Foot Clan #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.1 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #1
Jan 16, 2019 |
it is stories like THIS that make me happy that i’ve been reading IDW’s TMNT since the very beginning! this is everything i enjoy about IDW’s TMNT. their past lives from Feudal Japan the relationship between Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi, Brothers of the same Ninja Clan. Mateus Santolouco is a phenomenal artist. this series shows this in spades. he is also a very gifted writer. he co-wrote Secret History of the Foot Clan and now he’s fully in charge of writing this series. the character voices are spot on! this picks up right where we left Oroku Saki from IDW TMNT #50, and has great callbacks to that issue as well. the world and scenarios Santolouco has created are really beautiful. his portrayal of Hell is totally bad-ass! and the cliff hanger….. HOLY S%$&!!! cannot wait for the next issue!! the way IDW TMNT has been going the last few years i REALLY wish we’d gotten this story a LOT sooner! but atleast better late than never! it's hard to recommend this to someone who isn't completely caught up with this series. to anyone who is this is a definite recommend. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #2
Mar 13, 2019 |
there is a lot of awesome in this comic. this is a terrific follow up to Secret History of the Foot Clan -fantastic art -amazing action -great callbacks to previous events/characters -ninjas vs zombies vs demons -nightmarish landscape this will be a bit difficult for newcomers not familiar with the last 8 or so years worth of IDW Tmnt continuity. i'm all read up and even i can't even remember who some of these characters are. still, this is probably the best thing to happen to IDW Tmnt in a DAMN long time!! just really wish it would have happened a LOT sooner! |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #3
May 15, 2019 |
aside from truly gorgeous art, (and the art IS amazing) Mateus Santolouco is doing a wonderful job of humanizing Oroku Saki (The Shredder). this is a story that needed to be told MUCH sooner than it is. as grateful as i am to finally be getting this story now, i can’t help be distracted by my anger that so many plots have bogged down and dragged out the pacing of the main IDW Tmnt series over the last few years. but i digress… Mateus is really making me care about Oroku Saki, and is doing great at showing the brotherhood between him and Hamako Yoshi as clan brothers. i honestly never got the feeling for them having as strong a bond within the main series or any of the accompanying mini or micro-series. they both really feel like Brothers who would selflessly fight for one another in this comic. and their interactions here actually justify their final moments together at the end of IDW Tmnt #50. geez!! issue 50!!! how long ago was that? why wasn’t the story in this comic allowed to happen so much sooner? i digress YET AGAIN…. Mateus Santolouco paints such a beautiful nightmarish landscape. THIS is definitely going to be a story i’ll look forward to re-reading soon after it concludes, as well as dig out my issues from Secret History of the Foot clan. i can only honestly recommend this comic if you are fully caught up with the multitude of nearly almost 200 comics worth of main series, mini-series, micro-series, macro-series and one-shots in the over-bloated drawn out saga that is IDW’s Tmnt. again.... WHY DIDN'T THIS STORY HAPPEN SOONER???! |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #4
Aug 28, 2019 |
excellent comic. this Shredder mini-series is the best thing to come out of IDW in ages. Mateus Santolouco's art is amazing! and the story truly feel like Purgatory. like a Hellish nightmare. the design of the Dragon and Demons is just beautiful. the characterizations of Hammato Yoshi and Oroku Saki are perfect. *******Spoiler******* it's always a welcome sight to see Tang Shen. i'm glad we finally see some closure for her and Yoshi. |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #5
Dec 4, 2019 |
if this issue wasn't so delayed, i'd have been more enthusiastic. yes. i know that this series was going to be a big set-up for IDW TMNT #100, but i would have hoped for more resolution for this mini. i would have liked more questions answered, rather than just asking more. the art was beautiful, but some of the pages and panels were much too busy. it was distracting and hard to read. IDW has never been very clear as to the distinction of Oroku Saki, Takeshi Tatsuo and The Dragon Lord. they are one in th same spirit, yet have their own unique identities, that have conflict with one another. But back when Hamato Yoshi and his sons were reincarnated, they are just the same identities and personalities that they were in their previous life. i'd like to say that i'm more pumped for TMNT issue 100, but i'm just not. |
![]() |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin | 1 issues |
![]() |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin: The Lost Years #1
Jan 23, 2023 |
IDW sure knows how to milk it, don't they? |
7.6 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time | 4 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
an emotionally powerful ending. it sets up events to come for future issues of the ongoing series. the twist of the story will really leave you thinking. |
6.1 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe | 25 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #1
Aug 31, 2016 |
fantastic fist issue loaded with plenty of action, suspense, and great dialog. . . . . . . . feels right at home with the IDW TMNT ongoing series. along with some really excellent action sequences, is the attention paid to getting the voices and personalities for the characters right! these definitely feel like the characters that we've been reading since 2011. there's some very humorous roof-top banter between the brothers near the beginning of the issue, and it continues throughout the issue. . . . . . . . definitely worth any IDW TMNT fan adding this to their pull-list. . . . . . there's also a really fun back-up story with page lay-outs by Kevin Eastman as well. . . . . . this story was a lot of fun! . . . . . . had a bit of the classic Mirage era flavor to it, especially the enemies! . . . . they really made the look of some of the martial arts/ninja inspired monsters seen in some of the early Mirage TMNT stories. . . . . there was also something about Leonardo's dialog in the back-up story that really reminded me of the classic Mirage era as well. and that was a VERY good thing!!!! . . . . . . . for any true TMNT fan this comic is absolutely worth a look! |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #2
Oct 5, 2016 |
fast paced action packed story full of twists and turns!!! . . . . . . . i'm really LOVING this new series!!!! . . . . . . . . in what seemed like the Turtles darkest hour i DID NOT see the twist coming!!! . . . . . . Bishop is turning into a formidable threat to mutant-kind, can't wait to see where this all goes!! . . . . . and our new Scorpion Mutant is quite the character! (double entendre intended) . . . . . for a sharp tongued murderess, she's actually very charming! . . . . . . . i'm really glad we have a back-up story focusing on Leonardo. . . . . . . . his presence feels almost absent from the main story. at least this gives him some much needed spot-light. . . . . . . i very much welcome hearing Leonardo giving internal monologue, like the days of the classic Mirage Comics. . . . . . . . seeing Leo fly solo 'Commando-style' in a surreal environment was pretty dang awesome!!! . . . . . . . so much happened in this issue . . . and the follow up just can't come out soon enough!!! |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #3
Oct 26, 2016 |
continues to be amazing! . . . . . . the dialog is a joy to read, and the peril is intense! . . . . . . we get some wonderful character moments, especially with the villains of the story. . . . . . there are nice mentions to Raphael's isolation from his family from the first arc of the IDW Tmnt series, and how it has affected Raph emotionally. . . . what i love most is the layers written into the characters. . . . . my biggest gripe with the main story is that Leonardo has absolutely ZERO presence in it! he feels like he's just there taking up page space and not doing much of anything. . . . . . Agent Bishop is turning out to be a REAL NASTY S.O.B.!!!!! . . . . can't wait to find out how the main story concludes next month! . . . . . . the Back-up story is SO much fun!!! . . . . . . there was a return of 3 characters from the Mirage era that had me absolutely ecstatic!!! . . . . that story is getting really intense as well. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #4
Nov 30, 2016 |
(Zodi)- “Madame Null, these are the karate turtles. Michael, Donald, Leopold, and - “ |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #5
Dec 21, 2016 |
over all i very much enjoyed this issue. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #6
Jan 18, 2017 |
the main story revolving around Wyrm was pretty terrifying. it probably had a better feeling of horror and isolation than most actual horror comics i’ve read. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #7
Feb 22, 2017 |
one of the first things that jumped out at me about this comic was how beautiful Adam Gorman's art. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #8
Mar 8, 2017 |
overall 'Metalhead 2.0' has been a very satisfying story arc. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #9
Nov 26, 2017 |
nice fantasy elements, with really beautiful art (aside from a few wonky looking faces) |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #10
Nov 26, 2017 |
the story ended with promise but felt a but kinda rushed. |
2.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #11
Nov 26, 2017 |
complete waste of an issue!!! |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #12
Nov 26, 2017 |
great action packed issue! |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #13
Nov 26, 2017 |
a lot of exposition in this story, but it was necessary to plot. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #14
Nov 26, 2017 |
the visuals were great, but i can't help but feel let down by the Undead that guard the passage leading to the legendary sword. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #15
Nov 26, 2017 |
resolution in this issue comes fairly easy. |
4.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #16
Nov 26, 2017 |
the cover really was very misleading!!!!! |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #17
Dec 20, 2017 |
this was kind of an interesting story about the Triceratons. |
4.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #18
Jan 4, 2018 |
The Good-
-FINALLY Ninja Turtle focused issue
-at long last the title characters get to star in their OWN book!!
-mildly amusing silly humor (almost a little too silly though)
-Paul Allor writes pretty good banter for the Turtle brothers (especially Michelangelo) |
5.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #19
Feb 7, 2018 |
the main story in this issue was definitely a vast improvement over Tmnt: Universe issues #16, #17 & #18, but i can't say it was some awesome story that i'd highly recommend. it was only ok. i do like the antagonist in this story Zodi the scorpion mutant, but i wasn't very impressed with the new (spoiler withheld) introduced. i really loved the art of the back-up story. i just don't know what the point of it was. the Rat King was introduced into the IDW Tmnt issue #36 way back in mid 2014. what has he really done so far or amounted to? it's a sad waste of a good character because the writers are too busy trying to cram in as many nostalgia characters and Easter eggs from past Tmnt lore as they possibly can. at least one Ninja Turtle actually shows up for this issue, but he's kind of ineffectual. this felt more like the Alopex and Zodi show. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #20
Mar 21, 2018 |
this issue is a very welcome improvement over previous issues. there are some nice character moments in the main story, though most of them are for the supporting cast and not the title characters. this has been a complaint of mine for quite some time now. still, this issue was an alright read. not an amazing read, but alright. the back-up story was good. finally family interactions between the Turtles brothers. this is something i'd really like to see more of in the main stories, as well as the ongoing series. i'm really hoping the IDW Tmnt franchise picks up. it's been on a downward spiral as of late. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #21
Apr 18, 2018 |
Paul Allor is a competent TMNT writer, Mark Torres provides solid art. i really liked that the story got moving without wasting too much time on set-up. Donatello got a decent intro, and had some ok moments. even the back-up story was fun. the biggest problem with this issue is what came before it. the Triceratons were crammed into this series at the 11th hour. they have a big invasion story that ended on a fizzle. now they are pretty much shelved characters. did we really even need the Triceratons in the IDW universe to begin with? |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #22
May 16, 2018 |
this story was a nice surprise. it had me in suspense till the end, and really utilized Donatello as a character very nicely. there was even a pretty shocking twist towards the end and set-up a nice ambiguous conclusion between the Tricertons and Utroms. Paul Allor did more with this 2 issue arc than Tom Waltz does within a 4 to 5 issue arc of the main series. interesting Back-up with Leatherhead. it was pretty much just to catch us up with where he's at both physically and emotionally. |
5.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #23
Jun 20, 2018 |
this was an alright issue. Michelangelo is only a supporting character. (no surprise there) i'm really happy this series will be ending soon. the art is a bit of a mix for me. while i love the way Pablo Tunica draws hands and the figures some of the faces he draws are very ugly. there were some nice moments in this comic overall it just wasn't a very fun read. |
4.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #24
Jul 18, 2018 |
thank goodness this series is ending! the outcome of this issue was so terribly predictable. never at any point did i feel Michelangelo and Mondo Gecko would be captured or killed, or that they wouldn't be able to steal the equipment they need to save Seymour (The Mutagen Man) from dying. the tone was also a mixed mess. Seymour is in a coma and dying, the EPF is trying to kill Michelangelo & Mondo, yet they both act like a couple of goofs in this issue. there were a few nice action panels, but the way Pablo Tunica draws faces is very unappealing. i like more other aspects of his art, but he just has this thing with faces. the back-up story had really nice art, but was absolutely useless! (side note) i am really looking forward to the next and final issue of this series. not just because it will be the end of this series which has long overstayed it's welcome, but it's actually a story that's been long overdue! i'm just hoping the entire issue is a complete full story without the inclusion of any back-up, like they did with TMNT:Universe issue #11. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Universe #25
Aug 1, 2018 |
now THIS was an AWESOME comic!!! had this 'side' series been consistently this good, i'd be more upset to see it end. but as it stands with this series overall infrequency in quality, i'm just happy to see the series end on a high note. it's a nice bonus that this series should wrap up with a story focused on Leonardo. he's been feeling a bit sidelined in the IDW Tmnt universe, so it's good to see him getting some love. the art was really enjoyable. Nelson Daniel was one of the main reasons i'd kept the first run of IDW Judge Dredd in my pull-list all the way to it's conclusion. hopefully he'll get to provide more art for the TMNT. this story, as well as some of the art had a very 'Mirage Comics' feel to it. that is definitely a good thing. this story had a very surreal quality, reminiscent of 'Alice in Wonderland'. we are introduced to a charming character named 'Dan', and i really enjoyed all of his appearances in this story. his philosophies and explanations of the Astral Plane were a delight. one of the main things i enjoyed about this issue was it actually felt like an adventure. Leonardo actually got some time to shine as a seasoned swordsman, and we were treated to some very cool action as well. there was also a nice reference to his former self from his previous life, which is something i feel IDW neglects to showcase. the shame of IDW's Tmnt, is that they tend to ignore their unique contribution of reincarnation in favor of fan-service from 1987 and 2003 cartoons. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends | 22 issues |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #1
May 24, 2018 |
this is a little known comic series from the 90's originally published by Image Comics, that i am glad to see finally get reprinted. although i wish it had been kept in it's original B&W form, the 90's style inking lends itself nicely to being colorized. i am also glad IDW did not use the same colorist that had previously done the TMNT Color Classics a few years back. this colorist actually adds tones, volume and saturation of hues to their coloring. this comic provides a few things i've been sorely missing from IDW's current ongoing series. the story itself is action packed and moves very quickly. the story of this series focuses directly on the Turtles, and that's the way i like it!!! due to 90's extremes the series does go overboard with the visceral carnage, and a few shocking things do happen to the Turtles themselves. i'd take off points for that alone, but it's written in such a way that it really creates tension and suspense that really drives the story. this series is definitely a page turner that really keeps you on the edge of your seat. there is one female character introduced in this issue that is dressed pretty ridiculous. her outfit is the typical 'female warrior fighting in S&M garb with her butt-cheeks out'. if this sort of thing upsets you, you may want to stay away. but i on the other hand can look past it... or rather... directly at it. honestly... it's like a magnet!! you can't pull your eyes away!!! ANYWAY!!! ... what was i saying? OH! yes. this is a fun romp with the Ninja Turtles! it's very exciting, very action packed. and i'd definitely recommend at least checking out the first Five-Issue story arc of this series. things get pretty crazy! |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #2
Jun 20, 2018 |
out of all of the Ninja Turtle comics currently on the market this is the one i most look forward to. it focuses on the title characters, the writer has a good voice for them, and delivers a very action packed intense story. this is easily a comic i'd highly recommend! !!!!!!!!!! SPOILER !!!!!!!!!!!! a spoiler but no really. it's more of a fake out cameo by a knock-off version of Wolverine. he has the hairdo, the sideburns, the claws, and it is HILARIOUS!!! |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #3
Jul 11, 2018 |
this was probably one of the best issues in the series so far. the Turtles are where we left them from last issue still under attack at the hands of Pimiko and her kunoichi. Leonardo is still having an out of body experience as he astral projects his spirit in search of Master Splinter and Donatello. there is a really powerful moment when Leo's spirit finds Donatello in a darkened ally. at first they are able to see and here one another, but then Donnie comes to and figures that he must've only imagined seeing Leonardo in some sort of fever dream as he lay dying. Raph shows his brashness and impulsiveness in battle, leaving Michelangelo to fend for himself as well as defend Leonardo who is still entranced. Master Splinter is still captive of Lord Komodo. Splinter has to prove himself by defending against two armed Samurai guards. Splinter gets to show how much of a badass he is. there is a recap of the TMNT origin as told in Mirage Tmnt #1 (1984) the Turtles also make reference to Zog the Triceraton. the ending cliffhanger is INSANE!!! having the good fortune of reading the origin run of this series, i am lucky enough to know how this all pans out. but it is a very gnarly set-up for the next issue non the less. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #4
Aug 15, 2018 |
this issue starts with an excellent resolution to last month's cliff hanger. we find out the fate and who the corpse is that was discovered in the previous issue. entertaining story, some of the action sequence panels could have been developed a bit more. also, Raph seems a bit too dismissive over his brother's supposed "death". Michelangelo is the only one to really seem affected by this. i like how the conclusion of this issue was handled. very effective and dramatic reveal. the splash page at the end was excellent! over all this comic was very good, but it feels like it was mostly just set up for the next issue's conclusion. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #5
Sep 5, 2018 |
excellent wrap up to this five-issue opening arc. -nice pacing -good action -enjoyable humor -fascinating character development -good re-telling of events from the previous issues things did boil and then settle very quickly, but something happens that will spin you on your ear. all in all, i have to say i'm really enjoying this iteration of TMNT much more than i am the main IDW ongoing Tmnt series. this is a good time for anyone looking to see what gritty 90's TMNT are all about. the first arc has now been published, so one can just binge read issues 1 through 5. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #6
Oct 24, 2018 |
this was one of the best written issues of the series thus-far. the characterizations for all for the Turtle brothers as PITCH PERFECT! just the banter between brothers in this issue was worth the price tag alone. it was funny as hell! with all the action from the events of the first story arc this issue steps back and give everyone a much needed breather. The Turtles are worried about Donatello now that he’s become a cyborg, and decide to check in on him. Donatello is worried that the A.I. of his new cybernetics, at times they take over him and he is unable to stop it. Leo, Mike and Raph try to convince Donnie to spar with them, to see what his new enhancements are capable of. Raph mostly goads, calling him “chicken”. hesitant at first Donatello finally gives concedes. now with his enhanced strength and reflexes takes on his brothers with ease. Casey Jones visits the lair and hearing the commotion, thinks the Turtles are under attack. not knowing is Donatello, Casey steps in and starts assaulting Donnie with a baseball bat over the head. the cybernetic A.I. distracts Donatello while he’s fighting, and eventually takes full control over him. it tries to terminate Casey, but is stopped once Donatello is finally able to regain control over his body. once very nice characteristic of this series is it plays up Michelangelo wanting to be a writer. this was brought up in Mirage TMNT #17, but had never been really explored other than this series. Michelangelo goes back with Casey to his & April O’Neil’s apartment. they are going out for the evening and need Mikey to babysit their adopted daughter, Shadow. Shadow and Mikey play video games till her bed time. then she asks Mikey to read her a story. it’s really cute to see Shadow knows this story makes Mikey fall asleep. after he nods off she goes right back to playing video games. the front door opens. Shadow thinking her mother and father have returned home, goes to the door. someone we cannot see who it is, abducts Shadow. the new colorizing of this series is terrific! as much as i enjoyed these comics in their original B&W, i'm actually enjoying them much more in color. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #7
Nov 21, 2018 |
a very solid issue. even though i'd read this issues years ago in it's initial run, it was nice to get to experience it in all-new color. -great characterizations of the Turtles & co. -reference to the 'City at War' story-arc (Tmnt Mirage) -compelling debate among the brothers -Raph's new relationship with the Foot Clan -hell of a twist upon Raph's Mission for the Foot even though these are just color reprints, this is probably one of my favorite series right now. |
8.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #8
Dec 19, 2018 |
good old 90's comics... lots of action, excitement, humor and fun! IMO the 90's Image run is still one of the best Ninja Turtles series right behind the original B&W Mirage run from the 80's. it really cracks me up that the mobster seeing Raph wearing Casey's Hockey mask doesn't realize that Freddy Krueger doesn't wear a mask like Jason Voorhees. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #9
Jan 30, 2019 |
this was always one of my favorite issues of the entire Image run of Tmnt. Leo has to travel to Midway City home of the Knight Watchman, who is basically a homage of Batman. originally the character was published by Big Bang Comics, and eventually found he way over to Image. at this point of his career the original Knight Watchman has retired from crimefighting, and his former junior sidekick Galahad has taken on the mantle of Knight Watchman. Leo is in pursuit of Master Splinter, who in the first arc was transformed into a humanoid Bat. Splinter’s second mutation has lead to an epidemic of infecting people transforming them into anthropomorphic Bats. even though KW is not officially Batman, this has actually felt closer to a Batman/Tmnt cross-over that the actual licensed ones a few years back. i also liked that this was done as a single issue story without a ton of needless buildup and overdone exposition. another thing i’ll add is you can really tell Frank Fosco was enjoying illustrating the Knight Watchman. he has a very cool Frank Miller Dark Knight look to him. a short and sweet one and done, this is definitely one i’ll be re-reading again soon. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #10
Feb 20, 2019 |
the turtles were good in this issue, but i really have no interest in savage dragon |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #11
Mar 27, 2019 |
an alright issue. still really not thrilled with the forced crossover with Savage Dragon, as well as other 90’s Image Comics characters. the end of the issue was cool. shocking cliffhanger. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #12
May 1, 2019 |
this issue was a bit better than the previous two there still was an unfortunate amount of forced exposition for characters from the cross-over. characters i’m not really interested in, who’s comics are probably long since canceled. the Lurch bit with Michelangelo was pretty hysterical. i really like the voices Gary Carson puts to the turtles and other characters from the TMNT Universe. probably also some of the best dialog i’ve read for April and Casey, outside of Eastman & Laird as well as Jim Lawson. the issue ended pretty intently, so i’ll either have to wait for next month, or just dig through my collection to find my original printing of this run. though i do have to admit i really am enjoying reading the series in full color. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #13
May 29, 2019 |
really fun issue! probably the best of the Image cross-over issues. seeing a whole town full of dead husks was really freaky! i really liked the Horror nods. the play on Hitchcock’s Psycho was great! the dialog between Leo and Mike as they delt with the Cyborg inhabiting Donatello’s body was great. i really love the voices the writer gives to each of the Turtles. Raphael . . . . TOTALLY badass in this issue! he was backed against the wall and completely outnumbered. i loved seeing him leave lots of hats laying on the ground. i love the arc the Image comics takes him on here. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #14
Jun 19, 2019 |
a major plot point in this issue is where the series really starts to stand out from all other TMNT runs before it and after. in last issue Raphael was being hunted by a mob hit squad. he stumbled into The Shredder’s secret lair, and donned Shedder’s armor. thinking it was the real Shredder spooked the mobsters and allowed Raph to turn the tables and hunt them down, one by one. after Raph found out from the last man standing who it was that ordered the hit. the surviving members of the Foot Clan emerged, challenging Raph for wearing Shredder’s armor. Raphael killed the foot soldier and the rest pledged their fealty to him, and swore to follow him as their new Leader. Vanguard has long since worn out his welcome. the Donatello plot with the Armor taking over has been dragging on too long as well. and the scene with the dog was completely unnecessary. |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #15
Jul 31, 2019 |
the plot didn't really move all that much here. too much time was wasted with mind/body swapping. the gag got old pretty quick. at least the focus of the story was actually on the Turtles, and Gary Carlson actually understands the Turtles and gets their characters well. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #16
Aug 28, 2019 |
this issue is where the series finally gets fully back on track. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #17
Oct 9, 2019 |
it's good to actually have a solid TMNT comic to enjoy. even if it is decades old. |
8.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #18
Nov 6, 2019 |
one of the better issues of this run. no point going into too many details, as no one else will bother reading this comic nor this review. i can't say that i was thrilled with the disfigurement done to my favorite Turtle. but at least it was done in an engaging way, and was well written. it's just a pity that Leatherhead's appearance wasn't as well written. |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #19
Nov 20, 2019 |
the beginning of a decent story arc, worthy of the Mirage TMNT legacy. i just really wish that characters like Badrock, and all the other Image cross-over characters were left out of it. |
6.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #20
Jan 1, 2020 |
there were some cool moments, but this series is definitely running it's course. i ask myself WHY was Sara so prominent in this? she's beyond annoying. |
6.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #21
Jan 22, 2020 |
eh. (shrugs) |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #22
Mar 4, 2020 |
the intro with Leonardo was really well done. i'd forgotten the direction they'd too with that story. seeing this story reprinted in color, really makes me realize how utterly ridiculous Pimiko's costume truly is. it looks like something Julie Strain would have worn back in the F.A.K.K.2 days. |
7.2 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire | 3 issues |
7.5 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
3.2 |
The Bat-Man: First Knight (2024) | 3 issues |
3.0 |
The Bat-Man: First Knight (2024) #1
Mar 9, 2024 |
There is NO WAY this comic was worth the $7 price tag! I honestly cannot remember the last time I was this bored reading a Batman comic. The beginning starts with a ton of exposition, by the time the headless victim shows up I had already checked out. The story meanders a bit more until Batman finally shows up in one of the most wonky, awkward, unsatisfying splash pages I've ever seen. Not helped by the fact that Batman's cowl is drawn overly bulky. The cowl is also inconsistently drawn from panel to panel, making for a very jarring reading experience. If there is no clear distinct vision of the story's main character, then please don't bother trying to tell a story about them. The art, while polished is quite dull. Characters look very posed and stiff. Much of the backgrounds look like traced photos, and at times looked rushed and very sloppy. The color is really nice at parts, but they cannot seem to make up their mind to go all dull and gritty, or overly vibrant. But most important is the fact that this comic is just not worth the price of admission. It's a rip off. After this dull first issue, I'm not even sure this comic will even be worth trade waiting. |
3.0 |
The Bat-Man: First Knight (2024) #2
Apr 17, 2024 |
Dan Jurgens may have been a decent writer once upon a time? But those days are long gone. The art while nice in parts is very messy and inconsistent. The color is also inconsistent as well. Some pages are dour while others look like fruity pebbles. |
3.5 |
The Bat-Man: First Knight (2024) #3
Jun 30, 2024 |
I really had very high hopes for this series. Unfortunately it failed to deliver in both story and art. Within time this story is going to fade into obscurity, just like so many other mediocre offerings before it. |
5.5 |
The Filth #13 |
8.0 |
The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 |
1.0 |
The Penguin (2023) | 1 issues |
1.0 |
The Penguin (2023) #11
Jun 30, 2024 |
DC has no sense of shame to keep letting this poor excuse for a writer ruin Batman and his supporting cast. Send tom king back to Marvel where he belongs!! |
1.0 |
The Sheriff Of Babylon | 1 issues |
1.0 |
The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe
Aug 10, 2021 |
absolute SHYTE!!! terrible art for an even MORE terrible story! not even good enough to wipe your butt with if you run out of toilet paper. |
7.5 |
TMNT / Usagi Yojimbo | 1 issues |
7.5 |
TMNT / Usagi Yojimbo #1
Nov 26, 2017 |
i really like that Stan Sakai still draws the Turtles the same way he did when he drew the Usagi cross-overs with the Mirage Tmnt. |
9.0 |
TMNT Color Classics: Leonardo #1 |
7.3 |
TMNT Villain Microseries | 4 issues |
8.0 |
TMNT Villain Microseries #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
6.5 |
TMNT Villain Microseries #4
Feb 11, 2016 |
7.0 |
TMNT Villain Microseries #7
Feb 11, 2016 |
destructive fun with Bebop and Rocksteady! ....nuff said! |
7.5 |
TMNT Villain Microseries #8
Feb 11, 2016 |
6.9 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything | 5 issues |
6.0 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #1
Jun 1, 2016 |
absolutely beautiful art. dynamic and kinetic. . . . . but the dialog for the Turtles feels forced, and the writing feels like it's cramming in too much exposition. . . . . i didn't find the "humor" of the Turtles or Bebop & Rocksteady all that humorous!!! get some new jokes guys! . . . . really hoping that this will pick up, i have high expectations for this. . . . . . some of the time paradoxes were cool! and the fact that this crosses over the IDW Tmnt universe with the early Mirage Tales of the Tmnt Universe bumps it up a little. . . . . . but only VERY little. |
6.5 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #2
Jun 8, 2016 |
definitely had a lot more fun with this issue over the last one. the story is really starting to pick up with plenty of action. ant the humor feels more natural this time. . . . . . . we also get to see Raphael reunited with Pepperoni, which was a really nice touch! . . . . . some of the dialog was a bit clunky, but and i had to crack up when the Turtles tried to come up with a catch phrase to sum up the moment. . . . . the time paradox elements were kind of dark and get pretty convoluted, but that's unavoidable in a time traveling story like this. . . . . the series is definitely headed in the right direction but it's a lot more morbid than i expected. . . . . not that i mind morbid. |
6.5 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #3
Jun 15, 2016 |
those expecting a light-hearted fun tale of Bebop and Rocksteady getting into mischief will get a sucker-punch to the gut!! . . . . . this is a very dark and twisted tale of Bebop and Rocksteady threatening to cause the end of all existence! . . . . . an entertaining in not morbid tale . . . . . just be prepared for some darkness. |
8.0 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #4
Jun 22, 2016 |
this issue was a whole heck of a lot of fun! . . . . . so much craziness ensues it's hard to keep track of . . . . . . but thankfully there isn't a bunch of exposition, we are instead treated to seeing all the chaos created from the many alternate realities form Bebob and Rocksteady's abuse of time travel. . . . . . . . . the shifts in different artists was well handled. and the art itself was pretty fantastic!! |
7.5 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5
Jun 29, 2016 |
didn't have the insane explosive end that i was expecting (the last 2 issues were utterly insane!) but it still managed to wrap thing up nicely. . . . . . . . . . . there were some really funny moments that i really did enjoy a lot! . . . . . . . . (like, bag yer face!) . . . . . . . . over-all this series was definitely a fun read that i'd recommend to fans of the Ninja Turtles, and especially to fans of Bebop and Rocksteady. |
6.5 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road | 1 issues |
6.5 |
TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #1
Aug 1, 2018 |
hopefully this picks up. can't say i'm exactly thrilled. |
7.3 |
TMNT: Dimension X | 5 issues |
8.0 |
TMNT: Dimension X #1
Nov 26, 2017 |
This has been the best Tmnt issue in a while!!! |
7.5 |
TMNT: Dimension X #2
Nov 26, 2017 |
this issue was also a lot of fun! |
7.5 |
TMNT: Dimension X #3
Nov 26, 2017 |
crazy issue with plenty of humor and LOTS of fun!!! |
7.5 |
TMNT: Dimension X #4
Nov 26, 2017 |
this issue really had me tickled pink! |
6.0 |
TMNT: Dimension X #5
Nov 26, 2017 |
a very fun issue, though i really do wish the art had been more developed. |
9.2 |
Uzumaki | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Uzumaki #1
Aug 15, 2020 |
9.0 |
Uzumaki #2
Aug 15, 2020 |
9.0 |
Uzumaki #3
Aug 15, 2020 |
5.0 |
Vampirella vs. Purgatori | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Vampirella vs. Purgatori #5
Aug 10, 2021 |
it's alright. could have and SHOULD have been a LOT better!!! |
9.5 |
WE3 | 4 issues |
9.5 |
WE3 #1
Feb 11, 2016 |
the visual story-telling in this opening issue is amazing. . . . . . one of the best stories by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely nest to All-Star Superman. . . . . . "lost" pets end up in the hands of the military for experiment. they are turned into mentally enhanced living weapons. . . . . . . . but some of the animals personalities are still intact. . . . . the project is to be terminated as well as the animals. . . . . so one of the scientists from the project that has grown close to the animals, sets them free. |
9.5 |
WE3 #2
Feb 11, 2016 |
the escaped animals from the first issue are now in pursuit from the government who was experimenting on them. . . . . the animals fight to protect themselves and the pursuing soldiers are slaughtered. . . . . the leader of the animals (a dog named number One) tries to rescue a bystander that is caught in the cross-fire, but it was already too late. a very sad and touching moment. . . . . . this series really tugs at the heart strings. there's also a moment when the animals come across a hunter and his young son. . . . . i don't want to spoil. . . . but i'll just say READ IT!!! . . . . . this story is GREAT!!! |
9.5 |
WE3 #3
Feb 11, 2016 |
the animals in pursuit are now suffering from effects from drugs they were given, that they are now in withdrawal from. . . . . . now the government sends an even bigger and BADDER animal experiment after our protagonists. . . . . . the government also sends the scientist who aided in their escape to lure them into a trap. . . . . . . this series in one of my ALL-TIME favorites!!!! . . . . . i'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind a story with blood and gore. |
9.5 |
WE3 Vol. 1
Jun 24, 2018 |
the visual story-telling in this series is amazing. this is one of the best stories by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely next to All-Star Superman. !!!!!! spoilers from here on out !!!!!! "lost" pets end up in the hands of the military for a bio-weapon experiment. with the animals final mission a success the project is to be terminated as well as the animals. the doctor who was put in charge of caring for the experimented animals has grown too fond of the animals to see them put down, sets them free. the escaped animals are now on the run from government. they have to fight pursuing soldiers as well as other experimented animals in the form of mind controlled weaponized rats. a bloody slaughter ensues. the leader of the We3 animal team (a dog called number One) tries to rescue a bystander that was caught in the collateral damage, but it was already too late. a very sad and touching moment that really tugs at the heart strings. this series is just full of moments like these. towards the final act the We3 animals start suffering from the effects of a drug withdrawal contingency that the government had put in place, in case the animals ever escaped. they grow ever sicker from the effects, while the next model of bio-weaponized animal is sent after them. it is bigger, badder, more aggressive, and heartless. this series is very brutal and gory, but it has a LOT of heart. i'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind the graphic violence. |