7.3 |
Overall Rating |
6.5 |
A Walk Through Hell | 1 issues |
6.5 |
A Walk Through Hell #1
May 17, 2018 |
I didn't like at all the construction of this comics. But because for now I have a hard time to make a link between all that I read inside. And I'm not a fan of Horror story. So I will not be a very good reviewer for this one. Sorry ! Cover - I like it, and this is in link. 2/2 Writing - Like I said, I don't like it. But that was construct with intellect. 2/3 Arts - The art is not my cup of tea easer. Does a better art would have helped. I think not, because he do a great job in there. 2.5/3 Feeling - Sorry but not for me. 0/2 |
6.5 |
Action Comics (2016) | 14 issues |
4.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #986
Aug 25, 2017 |
Really don't like the art. And This time I didn't like the story. I find dumb that Luthor has to use New Gods power while that can turn him Darkseid. I like the end with Mr Oz, with some clue & many many question. |
8.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #987
Sep 14, 2017 |
A good comics. The intensity raising well. Sadly the end was spoiled by Facebook, but I find this reading very good. I don't like who's Oz but I'm curious to see what will follow. The art was a less strong than previously. |
6.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #988
Sep 28, 2017 |
I really dig the lenticular cover. For the story ... Not so much. I find it brought well, but after I find it to heavy. The story told by Jor El is to dark for my taste. I find hard to believe he wasn't found by any super heroes before. And he didn't told what he does after he was free from the chair. The ending is a surprise. For now not a nefarious plan, that make a change. The art isn't my taste, it's good, but not very good. To much ink in the part where Jor El is hidden by the black family. |
7.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #989
Oct 12, 2017 |
I like the art, he lighter the atmosphere. For the story, i like more Lois one than Clark et Jon's one. I didn't understand Jon at all in this issue. For new I didn't see him as someone tired of hiding who he is. The fact they cut off the rest of the justice league make no sense too. With all that happen they would have bee easy too put them on some mission but explaining they aren't enough too be all around the world. The story left me with doubt. For now I will leave the title at the end of this arc-story. |
7.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #990
Oct 27, 2017 |
I'm not a fan of this arc-story. For now we have Jor El a little stuck in his grand scheam. And like for last issue I'm not that confident that Jon want to be more free of his secret identity. I like what superman tried to do with the rebel leader & the president, but that a little naive even for the big blue. And a little hypocritical too. The part with some of Oz follower wasn't that great too. I'm tired of this arc. Cover 2/2 - Love the lenticular one. Writing 2/3 - Some good, but not enough. Drawing 3/3 - I like the art that looked like capullo ones. Sentiment 0/2 - Very tired. |
4.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #991
Nov 9, 2017 |
This arc wasn't good for me, and this end isn't too. Too much things are unclear. Oz tell that what happen isn't is work. But at the same time tell he show people a choice. I didn't like the fact that the spear altering is mind, and that he can fire Cryptonite with is eye. I find the end too light, Oz disappearing and Clark can't help him. We didn't see if he lie to Jon. We didn't have a clue of what will happen ... And I have a problem with Oz using Dr Fate house, now that Fate is back in Metal. We see Doomsday, but not if Oz have other prisoner. Cover - 1/2 - The lenticular are less effective on this one. I have trouble to see both picture. Writing - 1/3 - Not interesting. The end of Oz too easy. At least the end with Superman earring trouble all around the world is very good. Arts - It's like Capullo, but less good. At least that make some fun in all this dark arc. 2/3 Sentiment - Very disappointed and not interested by the mystery threat. 0/2 4/10 |
7.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #992
Nov 23, 2017 |
A transition's issue ... Clark still have a hard time to believe Mr Oz is his father and that will lead him to the next arc. I like to see clark reaching for the GLC for answer. I learn that Salaak is the Green Lantern of Krypton sector, I would love to see why the GLC let the destruction of Krypton happen. But like all transition's Issue it's very slow, but i find it too focus on Clark having a problem about his dad. I was happy to see him helping some humain, but that was short cut. Cover - I take the variant. Stong but not very close of the story inside 1/2 Writing - 2/3 Arts - Not that the art isn't good, but that is something that buzzing me. I don't know if it's the inking or the original art through. 2/3 Feelings - The crossover is nice, I'm happy to see him back. 2/2 7/10 |
5.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #993
Dec 14, 2017 |
Well, this the first time I not sure of what I will tell. I doing french review for a while now, and english one here for two month. So you didn't know me well enough for a review with bad notation but with optimisum. And If I give a good notation but that didn't feel like justified I lied to myself & more importantly to you. So I will what did I read. I read a story where Booster Gold have a huge part on the positive side of the balance. But I didn't like the fight with The Flash. Ok that's logic Flash taking some disposition to know when someone use his treadmill. But like Booster he's very late and (worse for a science investigator) have a wrong idea of the situation. Then we have superman close to krypton & pushed away, then having two diverging story. If it's presence give the opportunity to do that, I think it's not well explained. The part about Jon & Lombard seems forced, and that Lombard is a Booster Gold Fan too. But that lead to Perry & Lois conversation. That's a Ok situation, but in the same time I don't care about General Lane (I preferred when Lois try to avoid the Other Lois family), but in the same time missed her family. Their I didn't like the false remote relationship between them. All that about a Story Lois right ... Well in truth didn't because at the time their was 2 Lois et nor of them write that. Hell, the autor X book on Intercrime didn't exist anymore ? That suck ! Then we are back on Krypton. A different one where Jor El et Zod team-up. And frankly I don't really care. And oh Shocking Superman have no power anymore (He can really be dum sometime). So I wished a good story about Booster & Superman Teaming-up, and for now it's not what I read. We don't have clue about if he have find rip or what he was doing this whole time. I even wonder if the other booster still exist now that the New52 seem forgotten. Cover - 1/2 ... Nice but could have been more Nicer. Not really in relation with this reading even if that's a little in rel |
6.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #994
Dec 29, 2017 |
This Booster Gold new issues was very nice ^^ Jurgens was the previous Booster Gold Writer, so when he use is voice as the narrator, that work well. But as a superman issue, I'm a little disappointed. Sure the man of steel smart enough to use one of Booster's gloves. But I have trouble see him levitated in the stair when Booster Facts that he as "No Power". Like seen him stuborn enough to want to stay when is presence may break is timeline. I also hard time understanding is feeling when he look as the other timeline. Like he miss something. Like Lois & Jon are a distante feeling. If he haven't them I would have understanding, but not with his actual statu. I find the excape a little easy, but I rather prefere closing this part of the story. I'm not fond of the fact a Eradicator sucess to follow them without Booster been Alerted. Cover - I take the variant. Very nice & with link to the story inside. 2/2 Writing - A mixed feeling. A very good story if it was a Booster one, a poor one for the Big Blue. 1.5/3 Arts - A very strong & impeccable art. 3/3 Feeling - I will not following this book after the last story with Booster. I was pretty much dissappointed with each arc story. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #995
Jan 11, 2018 |
Like the last issue a good Booster Gold Story but no so much for Superman. I liked that superman cool down & see good in Booster. Like reading him tell he would be mad to lose Jon. But I fill like a transition's issue more than a real story than I will remember deeply. For now superman didn't success to do so. Cover - Nice & well connected to what I read inside 2/2 Writing - Well I'm a little disappointed 2.5/3 Arts - I like Booth & he do very good. 3/3 Feelings - I'm a little tired, and seen Zod once more at the end didn't cheer me up. 0/2 |
9.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #996
Jan 25, 2018 |
I start this reading with some fear. I'm not a Zod story-arcs' fan. And for now Booster Shot story-arc was not really strong as Superman one. Good as Booster one, but we aren't in a Booster ongoing are we ... The story once more do a coming & going between Lois/Jon & Superman/Booster Story. Lois & clark both narrator to the part of what they experience. Even if I didn't care for Lois Father, the story got better. For one Lois prove another time the competent woman she is. Courageous, brave and with connection. That make stronger her journalist carrer. And it's nice to see jon ready to do backup without his mother knowing it. For superman, I liked to see him tear by the fact he can change was is the present he live. A future for him & Booster make pretty clear the rule. If clark want to change thing it's before in the past, not now. And skeet speak of a Earth/Krypton war. I also like the fact clark didn't encounter Zod once more, but his son. Cover - Nice (Even if their is a lack of background), and well related to the end. And that hide the partner of Lor-Zod. 1.5/2 Writing - One of the best story in this arc for now. 3/3 Arts - Wonderfull, but for now Action comics have one of the best artistic crew, so no surprise there. 3/3 Feelings - Well I'm hook by this Lor-Zod, I wonder how booster & Sup will do to return to the right era. And will follow Lois with pleasure too. 2/2 |
5.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #997
Feb 15, 2018 |
This will be hard to come back to that... Sup & Lois both are in deep trouble and I don't see what will be doing for saving seem without destroying all the work in the book for now. So much for two undercover missions. The lost of Skeets didn't affect me much. Cover - I take the variant. Not link at all to the story inside. But very wonderfull. 1/2 Writing - A superman issue, Booster downgrade too support character, and not a bright one. Jon come out of the shadow take a full part in his mother story. 1.5/3 Arts - Booth is good. I really like his older Zod. 3/3 Felling - I was a little disappointed by this story & fear a easy answer with a Deux ex Machina. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Action Comics (2016) #998
Mar 1, 2018 |
That story is a disappointment but I end it with a smile. I find the writer a little quick to free his character from a certain death. And I wonder Why Ursa cease to target their prisoner. Skeet only succeed to target Zod Father & Son & the Eradicator(S). But Ursa may have been enough to kill the heroes. The end of this story was not bad with some rebellion coursing in the people's spirit. We also (Thanks to Booster) have the assurance Mr Oz didn't lie. But this part is awful for Sup mother. Then the fact Booster go in time saving Lois & her father (And maybe Jon) didn't convince me. Just after he explain what happen are not to be change. I would prefer than Jon shield Lois & his grandfather. After all he would have superman durability. The end with flash is funny. Cover - The variant is nice but not link to the story. 1/2 Writing - Not bad, but I come only for Booster & didn't have enough ^^ 2/3 Arts - I like the art even if I have a issue with the face of some character sometime. But maybe that maybe because of the coloring. 2/3 Feeling - Not a unforgettable story. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Action Comics (2016) #1000
Apr 19, 2018 |
There is some good story, some weird story, some I don't fully understand and then the bendis one. For a superman anniversary at this price I'm a little disappointed. Cover - I took the Allred one. Nice and a little related. 1.5/2 Writing - I don't like than all story didn't give the sentiment of something bigger & more link. I'm not fond of Superman in the hand of Bendis easer ! But some story are still great 2/3 Arts - All the arts are perfect. 3/3 Feeling - I would have liked a only story bigger & more connected for a real anniversary. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Action Comics (2016) One Shot | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Action Comics (2016): Special #1
May 3, 2018 |
I really liked the Lois & Clark run and less the Action comics one. But their was some good part in it, so I wanted to say goodbye to Dan Jurgens. One of the thing I like was Luthor being more good than bad. So I really didn't like this book where Luthor come back to his old selve (For one of them, the other help a little Lois). I rather liked seen Ultrahumanite doing this & not a old Luthor. The second story about Luthor wansn't good easer. The last story was good & beautiful. Cover - 2/2 - At least it's related to the inside & rally nice. 2/2 Story - I only really like one story. 1/3 Arts - The art of the first & last story was really good. But not so much for the second story. 2/3 Feeling - For a goodbye, I find a very disappointing. 0/2 |
7.9 |
Adventures of the Super Sons | 4 issues |
7.0 |
Adventures of the Super Sons #1
Aug 3, 2018 |
I left super sons disappointed to didn't find the promise I trusted to see in it with issue 9. I wasn't sure to trie this one because I didn't really like the Pitch. But my curiosity push me to take it. And this issue wasn't bad. Festival Tomasi play with our mind when Jon said he's back. If you think he talk to his travel with his grand-father, you will be disappointed, their will be no lead on that part. The first part of the story is not really what I waited for. Damian using the puppeteer device to hit Superboy wasn't very nice or funny. The little part at the School wasn't my cup of tea easer. But that turn better with the teen version of the bad guys' gallery of their father. Not very original for those who read X-Men Baby, Young Justice sin of Youth or the earth42 version of the JLA. But this part was more funny (Cliffhanger not included). So that give me a little push to see more of this ongoing. Cover - The variant. Nice but not rally related 1/2 Writing - Not bad, Damian as always is the character we like to despite. If I was Jon I would have jumped on the 8 million offer. ^^ 2/3 Arts - The best part of the book for shure. There is a lot of panel with background. And I like how they drawn the teen bad guys version. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed, but tempted to try more 1/2 |
9.5 |
Adventures of the Super Sons #2
Sep 6, 2018 |
This was fun & with a good writing. I would have licked seen Joker Jr. stay. I'm really hooked by the clliffangher. Cover - Good cover, not a fan but really good & with link. 2/2 Writing - A really good surprise with a real work on the young gang. 3/3 Arts - The arts is wonderfull love it. 3/3 Feeling - Still a little mixed about following it, but a gain me more & more at each issue. 1.5/2 |
7.5 |
Adventures of the Super Sons #3
Oct 4, 2018 |
A nice reading, funny but not perfect. I didn't enjoy the Jon VS Jon times. Cover - I like the cover but not in link 1/2 Writing - It was nice, but there is some part I didn't like. 2.5/3 Arts - Love barber panel & layout ! 3/3 Feeling - I'm not very sure this will last long. I'm a little bowered in this issue. They have to do bigger thing. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Adventures of the Super Sons #4
Nov 9, 2018 |
At first with the sneak pick I wonder why this cover, that will not having a doing. But that happen more lately in the book, and I find this interlude a good idea because I'm a little tired by Rex Luthor and his gang. Ok, is plan to made Lex a Sidekick is hilarious. I even like the space-cabby, but I can't put my finger on JokerJr. who once more let the kid down in once more a awefull timing. I love the idea of the ice/fire vomit, but maybe this is too much used in the story. The ending make me mixed. Cover - In link (yeah I assure ya !), and well made (Even if I don't like this's a swipe). 1.5/2 Writing - It was fun but I steal have a doubt this can be the only story for a 12 part. I hope this will finish soon & have another story after. 2/3 Arts - Barbery is great and fun, and dynamic. Way to go ! 3/3 Feeling - With Champions in the same stock it's hard to not comparing. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Age Of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Age Of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #1
Mar 15, 2019 |
I was more pleased than I fear. But it was a little weird too. I think I'm not intersted in this story. But not because of his quality, just because I don't like this uchrony. Cover - So 70's ^^ But the art party gallery was too. So related. And not bad. 1.5/2 Writing - Well made. I love the start so much like Star Trek ^^ 2/3 Arts - Espin isn't my taste of art. Through I like the first pages. But once with Alison he lost me. 2/3 Feeling - I will left this story there. 0/2 |
8.3 |
Age Of X-Man: NextGen | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Age Of X-Man: NextGen #1
Feb 16, 2019 |
I feared a little this short story. But I'm happy that gob have finally his time to shine. I also love Armor so I'm very interested in this story. Cover - Bachalo rule ! 2/2 Writing - Brisson take the time to present this new versions of the scholl in the Age of X-man reality. I love the idea of the four principals carrer path. 3/3 Arts - Il love Marcu To even if many panel don't have Background. I also find that some inking are to dark and didn't give Marcus art a favor. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will follow this with interest. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Age Of X-Man: NextGen #2
Mar 22, 2019 |
Cover - I love Bachalo, but it's not is best work. I understand the link with the story. 1/2 Story - It's interesting. I had trouble recognizing Armor once she cut her hair. I put that on the writer because I had to wait for Glob to tell her name. Before that I had no clue who she was. So I read again all the canteen moment. I also was disturbe by the way Paige Speak. She didn't have this south accent before ??? And for now there is no impact to the teachers asking for missing students. 2/3 Arts - Love it. That do the job. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. It's interesting, and it's nice to see Maggott once again. I would have appreciated to know the name of the previous kids that was taken from the school. I wonder if Gabby isn't one of them ^^ 1/2 |
5.5 |
Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X #1
Mar 8, 2019 |
It was dark. Yeah, it's a prison so I cannot expected less than those. But it was weird too. Not only because character are change. Or that Moonstone was there and on uncanny. Not enven the vision of the past or of shard (Nice to see her, I was so sure every writer forgot about her). No it's something else in the writing. The time between Gabby speaking to Bishop and beast's reaction. The way Polaris look. By the end of the book I see who can be responsable and that logic. Still it was weird. Cover - The variant. Nice but not relly related. 1/2 Writing - It was not bad. They present well the prison and go step by step with us. But some part seem not right. 2/3 Arts - That do the job, but it's not perfect. 2.5/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
7.6 |
All-New Wolverine | 12 issues |
7.0 |
All-New Wolverine #24
Sep 14, 2017 |
Ok that was way to quick, way to easy & not with the best art in this ongoing. I like Kirk, but I don't know if he strain or have some issue with this part, but that wasn't has good as the too previous issues. ... But Jonathan speak ... So yeah ! We are Groot ! |
9.0 |
All-New Wolverine #25
Oct 12, 2017 |
Another one very good reading on my pill. The art is simple but effective. The moment in the facility with all X-23 memory is just perfect, the best moment of my reading on my Pill. I'm not that fond of the children of the X, I find easy how Dakken is submitted. Do isn't a bad guy no more ? I trust the old him will have put them in many peace. I wait to see what link that to the sword of Wolverine (The one I believe with Ogun in it) ... And I want to see the shied now ^^ I'm little sad that Gabby is put behind, & I don't like Young Warren. But this was a very fun time reading it. |
6.0 |
All-New Wolverine #26
Oct 30, 2017 |
I really like ANW & what Taylor does. But this time I wasn't in the good mood. And I have trouble to enter in the comics. Festival I'm not a fan of Daken, so I didn't care. Secondly it wasn't what I expect ... I expected Laura going for her brother. But hey that good too to be surprised. And this book have other surprise. Like how the Orphan keep tabes on Laura. Or that they are more close that we trusted. So that may give some tension in the next book. Gabby is perfect as ever. Cover - 0/2 ... I'm not a fan of this cover & that's even close to what we read inside. Writing - 2/3 Arts - 2/3 - I'm not a fan of Cabal. To much empty background. And the characters are too static. Sentiment - 2/2 I'm a fan of Wolverine and trust that my mood affect my notation. And expect this title to do bette next time. Also they was to Issue this month, that may explain the art was less good. |
5.0 |
All-New Wolverine #27
Nov 23, 2017 |
Ok that was weird ... I kind of feel like that was a little unnecessary. Too slow, too heavy, too fighting for what ? That's the first Taylor's Arc I didn't like on Wolverine ... And I really liked the one with the Gardians (I despise this version of the Guardians. Not mine, and though I liked the first movie. Like what ! ^^ ) It's feel weird to see the leader of the orphan with a kind of Cerebro, and to see Captain Marvel have her as kick that fast. Cover - I will be honest. I not like it at all. 0/2 Writing - First time for everything, sorry Mr Tyler because I trust you do what you can & believe to be your best for us. But this one wasn't for me 1/3 (Thanks to gabby tea proposition). Arts - And for add to the thing I don't like Cabal. That without any soul at all. Too freezed. 1/3 Feelings - I kind of having shame of my notation because I really love what Tyler does until there. So for All the fun I read before and because All New Wolverine is a title you have to read (Maybe not this arc, but all the rest. Plus I shure other like this one two). 2/2 I give a 1 point in more ... Just Because this title did not deserve having less than 5/10 |
7.0 |
All-New Wolverine #28
Dec 14, 2017 |
Surprisingly a good story. For now that's the only arc I didn't like & I started this story with some prejudices. At first that was a little bowering, even if taylor make some work for having some good talk. Then the story take a acting rhythm and goes better & better. I loved their disguise (Even for Jonathan), and I loved where the story lead (Or where I hope this lead). But the end ... Does this was really necessary ? Because I don't buy it a minute. Cover - Not great but that some time now that the cover aren't good. And not really related to the story 0/2 Writing - 2/3 Not bad. Arts - I really don't like Cabal. But their is some good part 2/3 Feeling - I hope for a good ending that will make this a story I like too. And I hope Cabal will left soon ^^ 2/2 I do a +1 point because that really pump up my emotional state. |
3.5 |
All-New Wolverine #29
Jan 18, 2018 |
Who abduct Tom Taylor. No way that this story was created by the man who until this arc made only good stuff (Even with the gardian of the galaxy that I dislike). This issue wasn't bad, but I didn't enjoy it. The armure is ridiculous & Laura will not wear it at the end of the issue (That's a very dumb move when his enemy still have murakami bullets). I find weird that she even go in her mission at the end with gaby ... Cover - Not really related to what I read. And I didn't like it much. 0.5/2 Writing - I'm bored can we move to something else ? 1/3 Arts - Still with cabal. Not the worse & not the better artist. 2/3 Feeling - He have to have a bad arc to show that all the other past & futur are very good. But that bad ? 0/2 |
8.5 |
All-New Wolverine #30
Feb 1, 2018 |
How turning my feeling about this arc with one single issue ? I believe most writer can't do that. But Taylor do it perfectly. A very very very good issue. With some best momentum for Laura. And not even with a fight. Because fighting is for dummies & Talking is way better (The doctor will be pride of her ^^) Gabby is nice too. Cover - Well the sentiment of been trap is nice. But even with the number on the Orphan of X side. That's not what I read. And in a way that's good. 1/2 Writing - Deserve a best writer prize somewhere. 3/3 Arts - I find cabal better on this one. Or I accustom myself to his art. 2.5/3 Feelings - Damn man I have my doubt. But what a end. 2/2 |
8.0 |
All-New Wolverine #31
Mar 1, 2018 |
Warning ... You will enter in a funny zone ... All grippy scrooge aren't welcome ^^ Yes this is a transitional issue ... BUT it's a Gabby / Deadpool crossover (And Jonathan !). So now Jonathan can Talk ... I'm so jealous I want one for any pet on earth ! And there is fluffy funny bunny ... Did I warn that a crazy issue. Too late You will want to the see all the heroes living like Badass but knowing looking is more badass than ever. Cover - Not great ... I would have put Gabby at the place of Laura. Laura isn't the star there. Gabby & Jonathan are (And Deadpool !) 1/2 Writing - THANK You ... I miss a funny story with all the Orphan of X arc. You are so great at funny story. 3/3 Arts - Not perfect, but good. And that going well with the story I read. 2/3 Feeling - Love this kind of All New Wolverine Issue. 2/2 |
8.0 |
All-New Wolverine #32
Mar 15, 2018 |
What a awful cover for such a good story. It's a very silly idea to valid this cover ... So the Story is really really great. I liked the start with the flashback for both character. I loved how the adventure progress. I finish it with a big smile ... Do I have to see a Shrink smiling at this end ^^ ... Nooooo ! I miss Gabby & Jonathan because since the announcement of the new X23 creative team, I'm very downsided ! Cover - Awefull & not link to the story 0/2 Writing - Read this story, Taylor rule. 3/3 Arts - Such a pleasure to read Morissette-Phan after Cabal (Saddly the new title will have Cabal for the arts ... Sigh !). 3/3 Feeling - I will enjoy each issue until the end. 2/2 |
10 |
All-New Wolverine #33
Apr 5, 2018 |
I feared I would dislike it. But I loved it a lot. After Kitty (In X-men the end), it's now Kamala who take the lead as president of USA. Nice. I really like Gabby as wolverine. The story about been literally squash by thanos make me fear for her now. And I hope we will never have this dumb Doom War in a marvel futur event. That said. I loved it very much & was really touch about Laura condition. Cover - 2/2 Nice & well link to the story. Story - Damn I will miss my All New Wolverine shoot each month. No way I will follow the X23 with the creative team implicated ! 3/3 Arts - Damn that was good. Thanks to letting us have a nice goodby without Cabal (Working on X23 sadly). 3/3 Feeling - I wonder what the cliffhanger is all about. See you next week ... 2/2 |
9.0 |
All-New Wolverine #34
Apr 26, 2018 |
Damn ... When I think Tyler can't do better & more surprising he do just so. It's a tearing issue ... I feel for Hill & Laura, and he succeed to make me worried about Gabby too (I loved her before, but their I'm really worried). I liked the surprising help, and I wonder if under Doom Armor Tyler not keep us from another surprise (Like for the bullet. Nice move). I will miss Tyler a lot ! Cover - Not my taste for the art. Not really related. But strong. 1/2 Writing - Damn that was a hell of a issue. 3/3 Arts - Like Rosanas work. I like the outfit for the character in this book. Laura is so beautiful with the salt & pepper hair. 3/3 Feeling - I love so much the character than I will try X-23, but that will not be the same anymore. 2/2 |
10 |
All-New Wolverine #35
May 17, 2018 |
A very strong ending ... For one I would have loved a more dramatic final with Laura dead too. I hoped that would not be victor the Doom, but that was still a great story. I'm not that fond of Bell ... But it's normal we didn't know here before. I was very impressed by future thor. It was the last Tyler issue. Thank you very much for all the work Mr Tyler. I take issue 1 just for trying and in part for the variant with Laura sketch. Since this issue I was hook. So I will regret you. Thanks giving me Gabby & Jonathan in a part of my life who was hard to leave. Cover - I didn't like it a lot, and this is related in a way but not really. 1/2 Writing - A fun story to read. A good use of the character. Love you Laura, your gabby specially. But You make Carol was good to read there too. Or Hill. 3/3 Arts - Perfect. You make Hawkeye/Kate shine. She don't appear much but when she is there, we see her like never before. 3/3 Feeling - Sad to leave the perfect run ... 2/2 For all the work +1 |
5.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1
Jul 12, 2018 |
The only good stuff is Peter back with MJ. All the rest make me the need to yell & tear it appart. Cover - Warparound. Love it. Not related even if Mystery is in the cover. 1/2 Writing - Why ? Between secret empire & that I will avoid spencer now. And I will not understand those who didn't like Slott. Because that would have been Slott work, we would have this comics burned right now ! 1/3 Arts - Ottley is good, but Ramos was way better (Why is-he not credited ?) 3/3 Feeling - Way not my spider-man. 0/2 |
7.1 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) | 13 issues |
5.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #10
Aug 25, 2017 |
I was a little disappointed by Normie going on the same road than is Father & Grand Father. I prefer the part about Lezard, even if I find Normie Badass with the Bomb's belt. |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #11
Sep 21, 2017 |
Hey ... I was ready to not like it. I was used by the previous issue. But this one have some very good stuff & make a great job to keep my interest at boat. For one the Rhino deception. That was fun, I didn't see it coming. Like even if I don't like the Venom/MJ, I find the part with Liz Allen logic & good. Annie prove to be again a great character, the way she speak to Normie ... Their's some great part. And I the art is damn good. I'm not happy with venom but this suit is better on MJ that the last costume. I was a little surprise by the violence in some panel because I see this comic as a family one. I will take the next even if I didn't sollicite it. Great Job. |
9.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #12
Oct 12, 2017 |
Well that was very good. I expected a bad reading so I'm very please. There is many surprise, there is some awesome moment. The art is very strong & there is some stupide Green Goblin Giant Robot, so trust me, that was hard to sell. I loved to see the X-men going for help (And losing ^^) ... Maybe the part about the Symbiot suit is a little easy. I'm not chocked by the eight year gap. I will have pleasure to follow this ongoing once more (I have to put it back on my sollicitation list). Maybe now she is more grown up there will be some difficulty to make thing different that with Spider-Girl. But I have hope. I would love to see a crossover between May & Annie ! ^^ This spider-man is the one I love ! Fuck "One more day" |
7.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #13
Nov 23, 2017 |
Ok the art isn't good ... Ok ... But the story still is. Marvel give trust on this one & keep a good artist please. That even already a hard title to sell (Totally disconnected to all other Marvel one), and Annie didn't deserve to fall in disgrace. She's a very strong character. Houser take the writing and do something good & fun. I loved this story maybe more simpler that the previous one, but good for that we take time to adapt on the change. But seriously we need & deserve a better art. Cover - 2/2 Love it and stick to the change inside, so good job. Writing - A little more and that will be a very good now beginning for the spider family 2/3 Arts - 1/3, sorry but for this title I will be mine and be harder on my notation. Peter & MJ seems even not older. Feeling - Marvel don't screw us on Annie adventure please. 1/2 6/10 Ok stop their. Like for Void Trip their is no way that was under Turok notation. So I uprade it to 7.5/10 too. |
7.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #14
Dec 29, 2017 |
That's nice. But that is the issue with this ongoing. That just nice. It's a read & forgotten story. And it's a shame because Annie worth better than that. If the good not make better story, the sale will fall & sometime soon this title will exist no more/ I was hoped that this ongoing show marvel they made a mistake with One more Day. But they will not listen if the sale is too low. At least the cliffanger make us interested to follow the next one. Cover - Nice ... But not good. 2/2 because the art is strong & it's link to the story. Writing - A little more please 2.5/3 Arts - Not bad ... But not good easer. 2/3 Felling - I want for more. Unleash the possiblity of the title. He isn't related to the 616 so it'ssad to not take some risk. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #15
Feb 1, 2018 |
Well when you think you will read a story without any surprise. The fact that Lezard ask for help wasn't with the cliffhanger. And what they find was link to the cover, so no surprise here. And the villain ... Well another Doctor somebody/nobody ... Weeeellll ! So a pretty good read about what it is to be a heroes. Yeah we follow enemies sometime even if it's a trap at the end because maybe like in here some innocent are in jeopardy. I really liked that part. Cover - Link to the issue and nice (But please change MJ costume) 2/2 Writing - A fun reading. 3/3 Arts - I'm not a fan of Roche art. He do what he can and that ok with some fun, but this ongoing deserve a better artist. The only really really good stuff was the cliffhanger. But maybe more fore the surprise than the art. 1.5/3 Feelings - When I think we will not have something more. Now the following issue have to not been disappointing. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #16
Feb 15, 2018 |
After seen Mr S. at the end of the last issue I hoped to see this ongoing doing more interesting story. That's is not what I read. The part about Parker loosing his job & becoming teacher is nice but nor original or great. And the part about the exploding is disappointing. So the Parker family keep going with a nice but not great issue. They have to do more for letting a real chance for this ongoing but this is maybe too late. Shame because I like them. Cover - I like the cover, with some link for the story with the title in the marble. 1.5/2 Writing - Houser don't give a very good face of Peter & May. But she mock the MJ outfit ... So I will give her that ^^ 2/3 Arts - Ok Can we have a better artist, because some of the panel seem like the artist don't care much. 1.5/3 Feeling - I wait for Marvel announcing the end of this title soon ! 0/2 |
8.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #17
Mar 22, 2018 |
I liked seen Annie taking the wrong step & I was waiting to see where that will go really wrong. Look like I will have to wait next week for that. But this was a fun comics about Teenager, Teenage parents & Kid who want to be hero but without really knowing what it is. Cover - Not really what was inside, but that kind of related. And I like the art 1.5/2 Writing - Maybe a little to contemplative. But I like what I read. 2.5/3 Arts - The art is not perfect, but did a really good job. And I like this outfit more for Annie ^^ 2/3 Feeling - A little ongoing I like to read without care for been put in jeopardy by what happen in the Marvel Univers. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #18
Apr 19, 2018 |
A very intelligent & fun reading moment. I really like how annie react and try to protect her friend of herself. And their is some Mr.Sinister moment once more ... I'm eager to see him try to screw the parker life. Cover - Not related but nice. 1/2 Writing - I really liked this part. 3/3 Arts - The art is good & do the job. Even if it's not perfect. 2.5/3 Feeling - Finally the story is more & more interesting. 2/2 |
6.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #19
May 31, 2018 |
Well I'm disappointed ... Just a transitional issue. Nice but not great. And houser kinda save another hero from the original Secret War related story. Cover - Nice & in a way related 2/2 Writing - That wasn't bad. Their is even a great moment between Peter & MJ. Love this two together. But that wasn't good. 1.5/2 Arts - The art didn't help. Not bad not good there too. 2/3 Feeling - I try to save you buddy. Don't make my job harder. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #20
Jun 22, 2018 |
I expected a lot for this one. I was really patient but until now except the first appearance of Mr.Sinister some issue before the story wasn't as good as I hoped. I love the Parker Family. I want the real peter married once more with MJ and once more with a baby. So with this cover I hoped it was the starting point for more fun ... And now. Festival the art wasn't good. I respect artist, and yeah the man can drawn. But this is not what I expect for & 4 dollar marvel issue ! Not close. Some panel are too big and highlights the lack of story. And however in that part there is some good possibility. But he miss all shoot. So now I didn't enjoy it and I'm ready to let sink this title without me after August ! Cover - At least nice & related 2/2 Writing - Too much talking, no really good momentum. 1/3 Arts - Don't like it. And I will even not raise the doppelgunger look. 1/3 Feeling - I suffer enough I think 0/2 |
7.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #21
Jul 12, 2018 |
A little better than the last issue. I'm just sad to not see the clone we have one the cover (Must better). I find the family bond deeper, I was torn by what MJ revealed, and I loved the relation between Spiderling & Normy. Cover - Love it. In part related. 1.5/2 Writing - I begun with a low expectation but I enjoyed it. Not perfect but better. 2/3 Arts - The art isn't bad, but to much backward without anything. Too much character seem not well draw, sometime freezed. This title can have better than this. 2/3 Feeling - I liked it. I have stop my solicitation for this title for september, but if the next is that entertaining I can change my mind & Support it a little more. 2/2 |
6.5 |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #22
Aug 9, 2018 |
From some time now, this title play with me, letting me with a feeling serrated. One issue is good, the next is bad. When I trust he will improve it's badder & when I ready to leave it's improve (But never better than the level where it's started). I think I let the time to the writers, and this title never was what I feel he can be. So this is my last issue. A last issue who is better than the previous one. But I will be honest even the cliffhanger didn't give me the need to come back. Shame because their is a lot that could have been. And I really hoped Sinister would be the challenge who can make this title what he has to be. No I wait for the encounter of Annie & Maydee in the Spidergadon tie in. And I will let the character fight alone. Cover - Not really great. not bad. Not really related. But I can see some relation too. 1/2 Writing - When I'm ready to leave, he do a good issue. Fun, with good action, very nice moments. Some surprise too. 2.5/3 Arts - Not the best artist on this issue, like if Marvel didn't trust in this ongoing too. Kobblish made the job to make me read to one point to another. He as a lot of panel without background. And I didn't really like the layout for the battle. 2/3 Feeling - This ongoing could have be so more. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Angelic | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Angelic #1
Sep 21, 2017 |
Ok, I didn't understand to many thing for liking it. That prove my english has always some flaws. I find refreshing that their is no human in play for once. I like some of the idea (The feral) But that's to strange for my test, and the art is not that good. Not bad at all. Just that is to strange for me. I hate the fact I think I pass before something. |
9.0 |
Armstrong and the Vault of Spirits | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Armstrong and the Vault of Spirits #1
Feb 8, 2018 |
I really liked this issue. A very nice Archer & Armstrong story with another part of Armstrong past. And stupid villain ^^ Cover - Nice & with a smell of the story inside 2/2 Writing - Loved the real Noah & Armstrong as alway never taking responsibility & waking away because this is more easy. 3/3 Arts - It's maybe not perfect, but this is strong and funny. 2/3 Feeling - I would buy other issues of this quality. 2/2 |
8.3 |
Artifact One | 4 issues |
8.0 |
Artifact One #1
Oct 12, 2018 |
So yes the story isn't really orignal. How much of this kind I have read in french Comics, see in TV show or Movies, read in Heroic Fantasy Novel ? Too many. But this one succeed to cultivate his difference. I really liked Remy & her father, thanks to they way this race is designed. I trust in all the scene, the writer put us & fear for them. I was really sad for Dawah. And the cliffhanger without been surprising make me a little surprised. Cover - I take the variant with Remy seat alone. Great but not really related. 1/2 Writing - Effectif I hope for more originality after this first issue. (I didn't find the 0) 2/3 Arts - I really like it. Poetic & soft. It's create a word different & beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - I really like it. 2/2 |
10 |
Artifact One #2
Nov 16, 2018 |
Will I be the only one to read and defend this amazing title ? I hope not. I'm only a french man with a poor english vocabulary. So the pitch tell "some time has passed" and yes I sens that in my reading even if I would have liked to have a temporal marker. It's nice to see how Remy has adapt herself to a new village. And I like her intelligence. Also she tell us that she has find a metal unknown to her people. And we see how she can test it without raising suspicion. We see her saving a man who talk to much and attract retrisals. And the two of them lead us to a cave with painting. Cover - I love the cover A, in link to what I read and beautiful 2/2 Writing - It was very nice. The writer take the time to show us Remy in her new environment and I really like her. I don't see the "tgay also will stop at nothing to hunt her down and kill her" for now. I believe the cliffhanger as another explanation. But I'm not disappointed at all by my reading. 3/3 Arts - Maybe you will not like how Remy's race is draw, but I really like Remy so I take time to see if I will familiarize myself with the other characters. 3/3 Feeling - I'm in love with this story. A strong and intelligent woman is very appreciated. I come with some fear, because for me Aspen seem shallow, so think to set thing right ! 2/2 |
9.5 |
Artifact One #3
Dec 21, 2018 |
I love the way we enter in this issue. I love the fact than once Elgrove think Remi dead we focus on him. And what a surprising cliffhanger. Cover - I love it and find it in link 2/2 Writing - What a beautiful writing. I'm in Remi spell. 3/3 Arts - Still not my kind of art. But Still good to describe a non-human society and with some poetic moment. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm really surprised to like it more and more issue after issue. Thank you to the creative team ! 2/2 |
5.5 |
Artifact One #4
Mar 22, 2019 |
I love Remi. But this issue was disappointing. Festival it's the last one. Seriously ? Then there is the Ending ... I don't even understand what he try to say with the earth behind the moon. Are we in another planet ? And I don't like that her friend will never been avenge. Cover - Not related because they aren't the bad guys. It's a missleading clue this cover. A Nice ONE at least. 1/2 Writing - The story work for a time. Then it don't anymore. Like if the writer rush thing to a closing. 2/3 Arts - Still strange, but the good kind. That do the job. 2.5/3 Feeling - I don't like the ending. I don't like endings ^^ 0/2 |
6.5 |
Arya | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Arya #1
Oct 6, 2017 |
At least I tried. For one, the interior his Black & White. I have nothing against it, just that not what we expect with a cover so colorful. In it we have two story. The first his about two girl playing RPG on something like a DS. That's not a very good story. The end his funny through. The second was on a woman that will go by some stuff, but is eaten & send in a pocket univers where the list she have will be her quest. I prefer this one, even this is a a part one story. The art is close to some Manga like drawing. I like more the second story than the first... I see too much of this "Trying to do manga too" (But I love the Smash page illustration in start & end of the issue) ... And I loved the Second story have something more ... Personal ... I like that. So this is a mixed Review. Sorry for that ! |
7.2 |
Avengers (2016) | 21 issues |
9.5 |
Avengers (2016) #9
Aug 19, 2017 |
A beautiful story about friendship. Del Mundo is never better than with strange territory and some monster. In this story he can let is art astonishing us. I love the part where Hecla make a hammer for Jane. A very strong one shot ! ... Read it ! |
9.0 |
Avengers (2016) #11
Sep 21, 2017 |
I take it for a say goodbye. But Mark Waid make a strong Issue. A transitional one, but a very good one. So I don't care about the Parker Industries Schysm, and I find a little to heavy the Avengers complaining about him. But I find the three split story very nice. The one about Sam & Jane make a lot of sense. It make me smile, It make me sad, I inspired me too. The one about Viz & Herc at first surprised me in the wrong way. I didn't see what they can talk together. And it was logical & a great speech there too. I was a little sad for Herc. The last one between Spider-Man & Wasp was the only who didn't convinced me before the part where they bond. Never lost hope in good character, if the writer have something to tell, they will astonish you. And the art is great ... Del Mundo has no monster to put in but make some great panel. I didn't was a fan of the panel with jane not visible. |
8.0 |
Avengers (2016) #672
Oct 6, 2017 |
Well I was afraid of a silly battle between team. But I find the story pretty good. They use the Counter Earth once More & I love that. We follow both team & for new they try to work together. That's a pretty good story in my opinion. The art is not my cup of tea but that may have been way worse. I also appreciate the recap about the avengers, even if a little surprise they don't place Voyager in it (For now). I wait for the Champion with some hope, and I thanks Mark Waid for that ! |
9.0 |
Avengers (2016) #673
Nov 2, 2017 |
One more Waid make a wonderfull job. I love the art, even if it's not perfect. And I like the story and how Waid use each character. Cover - 2/2 Arts - 2/3 Writing - 3/3 Sentiment - 2/2 |
8.5 |
Avengers (2016) #674
Dec 8, 2017 |
A heartbroken ending. Maybe a little quick & easy ont the end, but I'm heartbroken. Not surprise because Facebook spoiled me (No thanks for that to those who put that as a news thursday night). I would have like a joke on Miles & Miles with Miles Morales, but no ... Shame ^^ I will wait for the next Champion issue. At first I didn't like this caracter & I lean to like her thanks to Waid, no that she's dead I love her. So unfaire. See you soon, dead aren't dead in marvel univers sometime. Cover - Nice cover 1/2 Writing - Heartbroken, well drafted 2,5/3 Arts - I like Saiz. 3/3 Feelings - I'm sad but at least she will not died stupidly in Avengers Surrender. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Avengers (2016) #675
Jan 11, 2018 |
So I come with a open but critical mind. And I loved it. Ok that is another cataclysmic event not much time after another. And we didn't seen all previous avengers for now. But I find very interesting the part of the stolen earth (Dr who feeling) and the frozen heroes. Why them and not the other ? But Why not. Voyager come like a fly in the soup. Why now and not in time of need before ... Well because she wasn't created but the question still remain. I feel like they need a quota of Gay people - Living Lightning or Lightning join the club. I really understand that is important their are some gay heroes. But like for Iceman I discover him way before and that didn't transpire at the time. I have the feeling in west coast that he was interested by Julia Carpenter. So that feel like coming out from nowhere. That a little sad. I believe a real heroes construct for the purpose to be one and be gay is more important (Like Tony Ho). Cover - I take the lenticular. Nice & well connected even if the lenticular part isn't really interesting. 1.5/2 Writing - A really good start. I come with a mixed feeling and I they succeed to take me a really interesting reading in contrary of Marvel Legacy 1. 3/3 Arts - I really liked the arts. 3/3 Feeling - I'm torn between waiting for the TPB or taking all futur issues. But I want to follow it. That's a win for marvel because I didn't solicited the following issues. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Avengers (2016) #676
Jan 18, 2018 |
Ok that was weird. Nice but very off in the same time. I still don't like Voyager despite all the effort of the writers. Still don't trust her. At least we have a explanation for why she do not help the avengers before (I want to argue that they forgot the Heroes Reborn counter earth time, or the Age of Apocalypse/House of M change of timeline which should have had the same effect). But they succeed to make her a leader even if she doesn't want the position. I'm a little disappointed about Rogue & Roberto quarrel. I'm happy to see that the Black order presence did not involve obligatory Thanos (I bet on the grandmaster now ^^). I wonder if this new lethal legion appear somewhere else before. The Captain glory outfit is too much like the Captain Marvel one. Bad choice I feel. I'm surprise to see Corvus well (I remember is last breath on Lemire's Thanos). I was between laugh & stuck with a whyyyyy ! When at the end the Mansion was destroyed again. Well Worth rebuilding it. Cover - I choose the variant ... 2/2 Writing - Not bad, but a little slow for now. 2/3 Arts - Really nice 3/3 Feeling - And I doubt again !... 1/2 |
10 |
Avengers (2016) #677
Jan 25, 2018 |
Part three of no surrender. Their is some surprise & very good work on the character, and something I feared but not in this form. For those who doesn't want to be spoiled, I give my grade before what I think of the story. Cover - A nice cover, well link to what I read inside 2/2 Writing - A good story. I was right about who is behind this story but cannot identify the other party. I liked the fact the writer crews do their homework & use actuel part of the original Avengers ongoing. 3/3 Arts - I liked the art the only panel I wasn't fond of was the cliffhanger. 3/3 Feeling - After a disappointing issue, No Surrender succeed to do really good story. I look forward to be next week. 2/2 Spoil - So Voyager teleport all the team before the mansion explode (Ok I wondered what was her power and they are logic with her name) I didn't recognize write away the grandmaster, but thank to his mysterious rival he is named. I liked how the team was formed & utilized ... But I hope they will sone have renforcement. I didn't understand to show Lightning doubt or been sick ... After all he was already a avengers and that don't give him credit to be their. I was surprised than in de-freezing Vision that Freeze Quicksilver instead. |
6.5 |
Avengers (2016) #678
Feb 1, 2018 |
A new issue of no surrender and I think I waiting to much. That was fine, really. But I wanted something more than that. We still don't have any idea about the power of some of the vilain. Or not all their possibility. Black Swan can thank every writer who use her because nobody know her power. So she gain now possibility & no explanation about her possiblilty too. If we know the Grandmaster, we still don't know who oppose him (Please not Thanos). At least we know now that the Lethal Legion are his champion. The Black order are the champion of his mysterious rival. It's not clear if he definitely lost quicksilver or not. And I was wrong. The writer can use johnny storm in a way we didn't expect with is statue in Marvel Two in One. Maybe that will explain his flaming issue ^^ Cover - I find the cover with Rogue at a really low price ... Yeah ! 1/3 Writing - Ok I find it a little too boring & already read. Even if the end was a little unexpected, well we expect it in reading the issue. 1.5/3 Arts - Still crazy about the art. 3/3 Feeling - One issue good. another not so much, the following really better, this one not really. I hope they will succeed to make this reading more balanced in the good way. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Avengers (2016) #679
Feb 8, 2018 |
The Challenger ... Really ! So this issue was about who is this new character. And I didn't like it very much. I find very easy that the black order (Corvus) decide to leave without eliminating the avengers. Like a didn't try at the start in exploding the mansion. And now they didn't deserve the try ? The Avengers lost isn't completely lost (No surprise their). And Rogue admit that they are lost. Not a great time for the avengers. If that wasn't bad enough we learn in his many year of service make Jarvis sick (A take radiation & other disease the avengers brought back with them at low rate, but enough to change his biology. That wasn't like Black Widow, Hawkeye, Black Knight was only human too. Cover - Ok a cover link to the end of the previous issue & the start of this on. But not with all the story. 1/2 Writing - Using the Challenger voice may give change (Not great in my point of view). But more importantly give background (But with some part still unanswered. And the end give a link with Marvel Legacy 1 (Oh no please I had forgotten it. This is a little late I think). 1.5/3 Arts - If I find it good, that not really great. Not much background beside color effect. I didn't really like this new look for the Gamemaster & find his challenger not really impressive (His look is between Apoclaypse, Thanos, the Accuser & even Darkseid New52). 2/3 Feelings - Another disappointment there. Big Warning because that can unravel what marvel try to do. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Avengers (2016) #680
Feb 15, 2018 |
A better issue. This time with the voice of Rogue. We don't see both players & that left some place for the fallout of the 678. I find the part with Simon going to see Beast nice. Even if I don't follow the writer with the radiation sickness who isn't one. I have a hard time to read some part of the story ... Like who was the shade hurt after the "Damn asgardian witch" ... And who is the asgardian witch by the way ? Cover - I really like the cover even if that didn't give too much of the story except a little Spoiler. 1.5/2 Writing - I think I make peace with the story. Or this part was better. 2.5/3 Arts - There is some wonderfull panel & other not so much. And to much empty background. 2.5/3 Feelings - I wait for the next issue. 1/2 |
6.5 |
Avengers (2016) #681
Feb 23, 2018 |
New issue of No Surrender. Sadly I have been spoiled on one part of the end on Facebook. I find this issue not quit what I expected. The battle seem too calm been interrupted by Tony in the HQ or Rogue team. And both don't give something very important. Ok there is a new part of Voyager & that just surprising but too late. We already have a part of his story with the avengers & that part was more interesting than her origin story. The only fact who matter was the fact the lethal legion take one point & that the Avengers as to defend the last artefact at all cost. I like the Captain Glory story & the fact the Grand Master use some kind of the same technique than the Timebroker in Exiles. Both team are dead or dead to become & have to win to escape their fate. And we know thanks to the Annual than one Grand Master use the same technique than the Timebroker before & have had a Exile Team. Thanks to the real Exiles, they are free. Cover - Love it & in relation to what I read. 2/2 Writing - I mixed about it. Not what I wanted to read, but the cliffhanger can make thing more interesting. 1.5/3 Dessins - Love it. 3/3 Felling - I think the sollicitation for the next avengers title may have shut down the interest of this weekly. 0/2 |
6.5 |
Avengers (2016) #682
Mar 1, 2018 |
This time we follow the story with Red Wolf voice ... Who Care ? And we know what will happen ... Who Still care ? But, BUT ... It was doing in the write way. I have more respect for Red Wolf now. And that did a good badass moment for Clint ... "It's not my friend. It's my brother" ... Man I feel the positive vibe of that ... And even if the writer lost some time with Rogue team (Did they forgot M'jolnir can open a portal for teleport ? REALLY ? Even in Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 they use that !). They also talk about Jarvis health issue. This time a germe. I think other human Avenger (Clint in line) would have to be examined. And they close with the voice of the Challenger ... Well that disturbing. With the Grand master laughing ghost in the Hospital ... I facepalm myself !. And we know the Hulk is very angry ... But F.... ! And I will not even talk about Roberto ... Champagne ! REALLY ! Cover - I tried to find another cover ... I wasn't a fan of Red Wolf. But after my reading it's a 2/2 Writing - Still not perfect ... Still asking myself if the 3 of them really work on that ... Because I trust alone each one of them can do better than that. 1.5/2 Arts - Happily the art is still great ! 3/3 Feeling - They need to really do more than that. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Avengers (2016) #683
Mar 8, 2018 |
I was wrong & I was right ... I was wrong about what Beast would do in this issue (I fear another time travel). I was right about Voyager. But the fact I'm right didn't make me happy at all. Gladly for them, all the story of Beast & Nadia Pym was very nice & moving. And for once in this title they are the star of the story. So I don't want to spoil and I will not tell what for me is link to a story the Writters wanted to see as the parents of their story. Like I think hulk wasn't shown in this story. So he take is time for exit the cavern (maybe the sunlight made him stand back ^^ ) Cover - The regular is very nice ... And it's in link to what I read. 2/2 Writing - Little better thank to Nadia & Hank humanity. But we aren't there yet for a good story involving three writers ! 2.5/3 Arts - I like Medina & he do a great job for the old picture of the avengers. 3/3 Feeling - He guys your are three & I see your hand since Issue One. Very bad Poker Face ... 0/2 |
6.0 |
Avengers (2016) #684
Mar 15, 2018 |
Hulk story ... I feared a Transitional issue all about that with Hulk showing at the end. But fortunately they didn't just talk about it. So what we have with the Hulk background ? The real identity of Voyager & her capacity. And am I the only one to find it dumb ? We also have a head-up about Falcon & Rogue team ... Beast & Nadia very disturb by the last revelation & where Voyager take the Pyramidion. And the team in the HQ who must face the Hulk wrath ... Poor Enigma ! If you hoped for the U.S.Avengers to finally do something ... Well not really ... Oh yes you have a Iron Hulk ... But do they really think we don't see hulk smash it too. Cover - for that matter so have fun. I take the variant. Fun, & related to the story ^^ 2/2 Writing - Three writer for that ... Ewing, Waid & Zub really disappointed me. 1/3 Arts - Medina do what he can ... And he did great. 3/3 Feeling - I really expected more. And they give "Disassembled" as exemple, damn I'm not a bendis fan but that was a good story. They are really far of it. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Avengers (2016) #685
Mar 22, 2018 |
So I find it silly to keep going with the Nobody die. The character are badly hurt and I feel like this alone will explain we will never see them (Enigma/Red Hulk). But in fact they was badly hurt before & has find their way back (Because writer use them). It's a little sad to see it. At least a honourable death would have give some tiering moment & a nice way out. Cannonball persist to be badly used. What happen to vision isn't a surprise when you remember the writer have written it to be a kind of Disassembled storyline. He will be put back once more, that give no emotional moment. It's hard to know what Valeria want to do (OK she don't want her father to win, but she also didn't give the Pyramadion to one of the Challenger pawn. Cover - I take the Variant with sweet Magma. Not related. 1/2 Writing - The team of writer seems to wake up. A little late. They remember that their is not much issue left for closing the story. 2/3 Arts - At least the art is really good. 3/3 Feeling - I'm a little sad about how some of the character are used. (In the same time black swan gain another mysterious power : Using the magnetic earth rotation for speeding up ... Really ^^ ) 0/2 |
5.5 |
Avengers (2016) #686
Mar 29, 2018 |
Dumb ... I'm very mad about it. If Hulk plan to destroy the pyramidion Why Rogue didn't perceive it (And not Banner tell them to run away). Like I suspected Voyager decide to stick with the Avengers ... Bowering ... And Challenger (Who try to cheat) reproche the game-master of cheating ... But he the US-Avengers did succeed to stop the two Black Order character ... Well at lest one of them. Cover - 1.5/2 Related, but not that great. Writing - 3 writer for that seriously ? 1/3 Arts - The arts is still good. 3/3 Feeling - To be played. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Avengers (2016) #687
Apr 5, 2018 |
Did they f....g Joke. What was that ? A issue about poor Voyager telling once more her bowering story. At least we have a good conversation between Banner & Alfred (Their is just me surprised to see him so well so quickly ?) The lighting Wonder Man one just prove how wrong their are to put Miguel in all that just for what he did until now. This story is the worst exit for three ongoing I licked really much. I really offended. I'm piss off ! Cover - Yeah at lest I understand what the artist want to tell. And even if that can be related to Wasp story. I will not grant it the fact that is link to what I read inside. 1/2 Story - Three Writer for that ? I don't want trust that fact. 1/3 Arts - At lest the art are great. 3/3 Feeling - I just wait the end without pleasure at all. No thanks for that. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Avengers (2016) #688
Apr 12, 2018 |
Another disappointing issue, with quicksilver talking this time. And he will ask the help of Synapse & his sister to go faster ... I smelling some flash speed force effect at the end ^^ And did Namor (X-Men & Avengers) was free of the stasis but didn't go to help ... That really a dumb move ! All the rest is not better ... Banner go smack Challenger & been send in space ... Damn (Why Challenger have trouble with Simon after that ! Who care the team assembled at the end with that level of power). A part of the team try to undo the end of the world (Thor & Lightning have to be both for giving the sufficient Gigawat ... What the fuck ! One didn't enough ? And Sunspot let his power free to be as strong as a hulk ... What and he didn't do that before). At least the fact Quicksilver succeed let me hope Shocker will go to help (After all the villain will be free too). Cover - Nice & but not really related 1.5/2 Writing - They jocking right ... Another transitional issue with not much in it. Well the assemble at the end but the rest dissapoint me. 1.5/3 Arts - At least the art is really really good. But to much panel without background. 2.5/3 Feeling - 2 or 3 issue left. I will regret to try it. That kill all the good work on Avengers, Uncanny Avengers & U.S.Avengers that Waid, Zub & Ewing did ! 0/2 |
6.5 |
Avengers (2016) #689
Apr 19, 2018 |
At least ... It's Finish ... Well, not quite ... But it seem like it. That part was as disappointing as all the rest of the story. So Miguel was there just to bluff in a Poker hold hem. I'm bumped ! Cover - Nice & related to the story 2/2 Writing - I didn't enjoyed it much. 1.5/3 Arts - The arts is still really good. 3/3 Feeling - I just wait for the end now ! 0/2 |
5.0 |
Avengers (2016) #690
Apr 26, 2018 |
I didn't like it much. Like all the rest of this story. That was really dumb end. How Bruce is there is a mystery to me and no one dies even the Challenger (Who want to come back, but I just hope marvel will forget him). Rogue even not give a kiss to Johnny ... The difference of his spirit with Marvel Two in one is chocking when he speak of Ben their. I didn't like how they deal with Roberto ending nor the AIM. For red hulk the let a total plot hole about him. At least Wanda, Jericho & Emily search for pietro have some link to the Quicksilver : No surrender I trust. I will not talk about jarvis or the two good lending a party with only Simon. Or the new statu. Cover - Nice one, but not really related 1/2 Writing - That wasn't a good ride at all. 1/3 Arts - At least the art is really really good, and like for the rest of this story that save a huge part of the notation. 3/3 Feeling - Happy to be free of it. 0/2 |
5.3 |
Avengers (2018) | 5 issues |
4.0 |
Avengers (2018) #1
May 3, 2018 |
That was really bad. We didn't know why their is no Avengers no more (Even in the end of No Surrender that wasn't clear if Uncany & Avengers step down). The duo between Dr Strange & Black Panther was Good. Robbie didn't serve really in it. And Thor, Iron Man & Thor was really boring. It's the worst first issue I ever read !. Cover - Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - Where is Aaron and what Marvel did to him ? 1/3 Arts - The art was ... Well not bad, because even if I love McGuiness even him cannot make this Ghost Rider good. 2/3 Feeling - Very sad to read this. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Avengers (2018) #2
May 17, 2018 |
I hated issue 1 ... Issue 2 is better ! Sadly the Dr Who/Black Panther team-up was not in there (Well 1 panel, yeah). But at least Jennifer was send to her destination. This was her part with the celest who moved me the more. The rest was ... Straw all badass attitude & fighting we can for blind the reader and that he trust this is a awesome reading. No Mr Aaron that not working on me. Cover - Well a little link & nice. 1.5/2 Writing - Maybe this Ghost (No I will not call him like that) The Firerunner is a little better than before (Still not like him, Danny would fit better in a avengers time that the rookie). Still don't believe Carol & Tony can work this fine after all that happen between them. At least I would expect mistrust & a little talking before been best pall again. I don't like thor ... Seems so futile after Jane (She shined in his spot).No, definitely not the best avengers reboot i read. Bendis was doing better with Breakout and I hate Bendis' Avengers run ! 1/3 Arts - Between fine & ridiculous. It would be perfect for a lesser team. Spirit of vengeance team-up, or Challenger (No forgot I tell their name because I don't want the art on them too). But it's not a Avengers art by a huge step. 1.5/3 Feeling - One to go and I done with this nonsense ! 0/2 |
8.5 |
Avengers (2018) #3
Jun 22, 2018 |
Yeah ... Not bad after two awful issue. Aaron Is not easy to follow between the loki, thor, asguard status between their & The thor book. From two different Writer and with a lack of editor that could be explained ... But their ... This his a total mystery & f... up ! So at least their is finally a arguing between Tony & Carol, but for what two second ? Thanks to thor so that good. Even if it's weird to see thor in this role. I don't like Jaime but I was bad for him. The poor guy is left behind. I still love the Strange/Panther duo, the best part of this avengers team. Will see for Hulk/Thor one. I still don't care about all the first celestial & the progenitor. Still think it wasn't the very good move for a starting point. Cover - In link and not bad 1.5/2 Writing - A lot better. I liked Cap accepting Loki surrender ^^ 3/3 Arts - I find it more likable too. Even if I'm still not a fan of this she Hulk & Ghost Rider. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
4.5 |
Avengers (2018) #10
Nov 16, 2018 |
Been a fan of the avengers I wanted to pay tribut to Stan by taking this 700s issue. To be fair Aaron neal the winter Guard return at first. And by splitting avengers in duo (Ghost Rider/Tony, T'challa/Jennifer, Thor/Captain Marvel) a give some good storyline. I particulary liked T'challa test for Hulk ^^. And we have Captain America facing alone Thunderbolt Ross. A strong moment where cap is true to himself and the cap from both Civil war comics et MCU movie. But then he have some stupid moment. So Namor & his defenders attack a submarine base. I don't like to see Namor as a bad guy. I rather would have accepted to see that Namor is the good side (With plastic/gasoline polition by humans to say the least). And for a moment I was happy to see a understanding between Namor & the Avengers. But then the script was send to hell or something. Namor's Piranhas didn't stand down as asked, so Steve have to do something. I believe Namor would accept that or put them down himself, like he did when he flee. And I certainly don't understand that the Avengers have a hard time against this team. Ok Namor his powerfull and his team larger. The avengers aren't well prepared (Sight ! Like if when they face other opponent they were). Namor Defender's feel like a Joke so I'm piss that they nead the Winter Guard to win. But let thay that at least that lead to a team up. There's just a problem with that, they will fight too for a silly excuse. Perun & Chernobog start to argue togehter. Once more the leader (Crimson Dinamo even if more latter we see that he's not their leader) ask for stopping them. And Hulk did that without arming them. But Hulk action lead the Winter Guard to turn against the avengers letting Namor runing away. It's not what I wanted to see for my team. And I will not talk about the boring Ghost Rider/Odin encounter. Or the Loki/Phoenix one (I rolled my eyes many time). Or the too short wasp's mission. Cover - The Skottie young one. Not related. 1/2 Writing - Poor writing. The avengers are better than this. Both Namor & the winter guard aren't that dumb ! 1/3 Arts - At least their is the panel & layout. Except the Ghost Rider/Odin Story. But love Sorrentino's work on janet. 2.5/3 Feeling - Very disappointed. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Avengers (2018) #12
Jan 12, 2019 |
The review of a friend make my interest growing for this issue. I'm a huge Broo fan so I wanted to read this issue as soon as possible. I have to tell that I was a bit disappointed. He don't really join a team, he is more here for the technical support stuff. But I like when he help wasp ^^ It's more a transitional issue and like I don't like Odin, I find much of the story a little boring. I would rather liked read Kazar mission,or see more of Wasp & Man-Wolf interactions. If I like to see america eagle in there, I don't like the new character "Fat Cobra" (I'm with Okoye on this, it's a dumb name). Cover - As I'm not a Odin fan and that Broo isn't on the cover, I'm not fond of it. But It's realted. 1.5/2 Writing - I really don't like how Aaron write avengers. It's astunishing as writer I really like (specially in wolverine & the X-men) can be disappointing on a title I'm fond off (Avengers forever). It's as when you miss something where you are normally great. 1.5/2 Arts - I can tell witch of Mcguinness or Smith I like more. Both have issue in this story. Mcguinness start is a little off, but he improve quickly. For smith it's the inking that I find disturbing, but it's more on the inker than on him. 2.5/3 Feeling - Still not my Avengers. Give me more Broo ^^ 0/2 |
9.0 |
Avengers (2023) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Avengers (2023) #2
Jul 2, 2023 |
I wasn’t hook by the first issue. But I let a chance to this new ongoing because I want to love the avengers again. So how I fell about this second issue is in-between in a hand release and hope and in another some question. I really liked the story, with some kind of smart teaser, even if having Kang again bother me. In the bright side Black panther is less a Uber-bat, and make me smile with his competition concept, and I love Sam talking to the driver. As thor stopping the train. For the question : why iron man and viz for saving a plane when only viz would have been enough ? And how Sam a social worker can let the drug been throw like this ? He could have ask for it and destroy it himself. everyone can take the drug, and for me it’s a error. I don’t care for carol or kang and Wanda did nothing beside using her power as doorway. I’m still amazed how this three can work together after disassembled. The cliffhanger was a meeeh for my part. |
6.3 |
Avengers: No Road Home | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Avengers: No Road Home #1
Feb 16, 2019 |
I didn't want it. No surrender was catastorphic. I didn't understand Why marvel want a sequel. But I see a preview with Tony Ho in the roaster. I was happy that she wasn't completly forgotten, so for her I take this. And understand me well. I didn't want a team with Rocket in the Avengers, it's as stupid as Conan in a Avengers team (Oh wait ...). That said I take it with a open mind, but the start was a little weird. What started Like that ? I told to myself. But at the end, that make sense. How the team is assembled is not bad. Not good or original, but at least with good work on the characters past (Even if I find Clint/Wanda friendship a little weird considering he dies because of her). Rocket is well introdust, Clint will have to watch is back, but for now nor Tony or Blue Marvel seems to be really on the time. In one hand I'm happy the team have less avengers in. In no surrender it's feel like Zub & Waid wanted to make their avengers shining. Ewing seems to don't care about the US anymore. In another I would like to have Jericho with Wanda (But he's taken for Savage Avengers so...) I would like to see Enigma too. After all, Tony and her have a relationship. But once again this story wasn't as dumb as No surrender was. I have a hard time to trust it's the same team of writer on it. Cover - Don't like it, but it's the only one I find. And it's related. 1.5/2 Writing - This time I don't feel like it's a contest of writer about witch team is the best and witch will write the dumber idea ever. 2.5/3 Arts - The panel are very beautifull. All layout make sense. It's the strenght of this short story. 3/3 Feeling - I'm ready to give them another chance. But they have to don't blow it. At the first sign of bad writing, I'm out. 1.5/2 |
4.0 |
Avengers: No Road Home #2
Feb 22, 2019 |
And we go again for a stupid stories. I hoped so much after the first issue. So they keept the voice off ... Both Tony & Black adam are already out. The flashback is too long in one hand but at the same time the fight is too easy for the Queen of Night and her childrens. Voyager is as dumb as in No surrender (Yeah sure Challenger will not try to excape). And what with this fucking end for clint. I really hope it's a illusion. I'm pissed. Cover - Not good but because the design for the children are not very good. Related. 1/2 Writing - Like I said for No surrender. Three writer for that. I think Marvel is fooled, and us too. I don't understand how three good writer can write this shitty story. 1/3 Arts - I like Medina, but there it's wrong man. Not much background. The layout make no sense. 2/3 Feeling - I stay until the end and really suffer for No Surrender. This time I'm out ! 0/2 |
5.0 |
Backways | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Backways #1
Dec 21, 2017 |
Well very strange and too easy for the character. Like that she can open a portal ? I didn't find it interesting for me. Cover - 2/2 the univers is shown in one picture Writing - 1/3 Didn't like it. Arts - Not bad, not wonderfull easer 2/3 Feelings - I will not take the next issue 0/2 |
3.0 |
Barbarella (2017) | 1 issues |
3.0 |
Barbarella (2017) #1
Dec 8, 2017 |
What was that ... Too strange for my taste, that's sure. I didn't find it interesting. The only fun time was when Barbarella & a fellow prisoner make love and that give the other woman envy to taste that. And not because of the sexe part, but because that's entirely out of story. For one, the priest explain than without her woumb, woman doesn't have desire anymore. So her fellow prisoner would don't know desire. And I think the other would not have been turn on (Or curious) so quickly too. Even in a normal prison I don't think all woman would make love if they watch a couple do it. Not in the same time at least. The ending is not interresting too. Cover - I take the C variant, maybe less artistic than the regular, but nice too. 1/2 Writing - Don't like it. 1/3 Arts - That's not the kind of work I like, To that there's no working. But to strenght & rough for my taste. 1/3 Feelings - I will not take issue 2, sorry but not for me. 0/2 |
9.3 |
Barbarella/Dejah Thoris | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #1
Jan 14, 2019 |
Better than I expected. For now it's difficult to see where all this will lead. But I like the murder case & love how both characters interact together. Cover - Not really related but Good 1.5/2 Writing - I reading it with a smile all the way around. 3/3 Arts - Very nice, something kinda comic but sexy. I'm surprise that Barbarella in suit is more sexy than Dejah ^^ 2.5/3 Feeling - I will have to go hunting the following issues ! 2/2 |
9.5 |
Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #2
Feb 22, 2019 |
At first I find how each now event happen a little easy, but once we know that's a plan in motion that make more sense. I really enjoy Dejah & Barbarella relatioship. I understand that the king had to have a different form of language. But he talk so much that at one point I was a little tired of him. Fortunatly, Barbarella is funny. Cover - I love it, but not really related. 1.5/2 Writing - It was well made. The cliffanger is a little original. 3/3 Arts - Not perfect but close. I really enjoy the layout & characters. 3/3 Feeling - I really enjoy this crossover. 2/2 |
9.4 |
Barrier (2018) | 5 issues |
10 |
Barrier (2018) #1
May 17, 2018 |
One story about Liddy all in english. One story about oscar all in Mexican. And then more & more quickly both are made to encounter each other. A marvelous comics about two humans but also about Barriers. The distance, the language, the sexe, the past experience, and the present they live now. All that make a fabulous ending about Barriers & with a surprise I didn't waiting for. Cover - I love the cover all about Barrier yes, but also the fact that we wan open it or not. 2/2 Writing - I loved how both lives are been put in motion. There is a particular attention to secondary character than we don't see after. 3/3 Arts - "A l'italienne" I love that. I love all the art. I find it very well done. The parallelism between the live of Oscar & Liddy separated by the desert, but quickly closing in one to the other. Well done. 3/3 Felling - I'm very happy to have take the risk to take all five issue in my solicitation. 2/2 |
10 |
Barrier (2018) #2
May 17, 2018 |
The following event. We jump in the story with another secondary characters. But that very smart to do so like this. And I liked than Oscar will rush once more in the path of Liddy. The Barrier of the language is always there but we sense that Liddy Try harder to understand Oscar. I like the fact that even nude, she is a badass. And Oscar is a gentleman showing her his kind soul. Cover - Link to the story ... Where did you think Liddy find the Bones ? And I love it. 2/2 Writing - Still with many surprise & like the first very well written ! 3/3 Arts - The art are very beautiful. Love the space. Love the imaginary mind for the ship background even if the alien remind me for the wells one ! 3/3 Sentiment - Damn I love this comics ! 2/2 |
10 |
Barrier (2018) #3
May 17, 2018 |
Part three ... Liddy & Oscar are separated once more & both will face some unimaginable things. I like that once more they take the tim for a flashback. This time for Liddy. And now another Barrier is down. Yeah they can speak forcing them to communicate in another way. Very smart. Cover - Like this cover very in link to my reading. And that didn't give away the story. Very smart ! 2/2 Writing - It's a pleasure to follow them. They kind of start to care one for another now. The barrier will be no more soon. 3/3 Arts - Still a major part of the huge smile when I close the book. It's another marvelous reading time thanks to every panel. 3/3 Feeling - If you haven't try it, give it away and shut down all Barrier keeping you to read it. It will be worth it ! 2/2 |
9.5 |
Barrier (2018) #4
May 24, 2018 |
Once more a very good story ... The barrier goes up once more but they are down in another part (The mouth to mouth). I wonder what is the alien plan in all that. I fear for both character but I want to read the end of this book. Cover - Like it ... And with a little link. 1.5/2 Writing - I liked it very much even if I would have loved some translation for the spanish part ^^ 3/3 Arts - Really really good. Man love the artwork at the end. 3/3 Feeling - Very lucky to read this. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Barrier (2018) #5
May 31, 2018 |
The end isn't bad but let be honest, it's not what I expected & I wonder if that was a end ... Cover - Ok I see what they did there. Related & nice. 1.5/2 Writing - It was not bad, but that was really weird & I didn't like what was showed like the end. 2/3 Arts - Arts is still good 3/3 Feeling - Damn I didn't enjoyed it as much as the 4 other. 1/2 |
6.5 |
Batman (2016) | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Batman (2016) #36
Dec 20, 2017 |
At first I didn't want doing it. Then I see Batman 37 sneak peek and I tell myself that I can try it at lest. So I take this one & the next issue. So what I have read. Something nice with good part about both character. In trust I would I see this type of story in a Superman Batman title or a Batman Superman one. But in truth that wasn't the only one (I think to you super sons of tomorrow). I will not tell that the part about the bad guys is a little empty. Because that's not the point of this issue. I'm more surprised than Superman didn't have spotted bruce. If both elevator are distinct, I think they didn't have any wall between the two entrance. Even Batman could have ear superman & lois talking before appearing at the same floor. I find catwoman charming (And very intelligent) Cover- I only find the regular. 1/2 Writing - I waited for a little more 2/3 Arts - Wonderfull. I like it 3/3 Feeling - That's a good Batman/Superman relationship. I only have a hard time to see why both begin to talk of the other at this time of the story (Well for the parallel. But they both are for another mission with their girls & without her asking anything (For once), they start this long comparison. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Batman (2016) #37
Dec 20, 2017 |
Second part of this story. And the reason I'm here (The page with lois changing cloth). This story begun on a fun idea (The heroes as not welcome at a fair because aren't dress as super-heroes). So despite Batman, all will weir the other uniform (Clark with batman outfit & glass, Bruce in superman one, Lois as Catwoman & Selena with lois dress). The story will show Bruce & clark talking together, and Lois & Selena doing the same. With sometime a discussion between Clark & Lois for one side, and Bruce & Selena for the other. So their is not much of a story. Some good part. Selena been nasty with lois dress ^^ ... And a frendship between the two woman. Why not. But at the end, that a little empty. Cover - I love the variant cover 1/2 Writing - A little empty 1/3 Arts - Wonderfull. But a wonderfull art can't hide a hole in a story. 3/3 Feelings - Well a little disappointed. 1/2 |
8.3 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 6 issues |
10 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #1
Dec 8, 2017 |
I didn't even have a doubt to take it, I really enjoyed the first volume of the ongoing. I enter this story with no doubt and maybe that hide me a rough start (To the first page to the middle of the book, but then that's just fun and fun). I find interesting to focus on donatello even if for my part I never find it a less good fighter than is brothers (But in truth I just know of the 90's animated version of him, and what I read in Batman TMNT volume 1). I am impatient to see Batman in the TMNT world, having him encountering April (And maybe tell her she remember him a little of Lois ^^ ) I didn't know of Shredder Daughter & the differents gang, but I'm sure thanks to Bane I will enkoy them been brought together by him. Cover - I take the regular & love it 2/2 Writing - I enjoyed it 3/ Arts - Like the last time, just perfect. I love William III. 3/3 Feelings - This volume will be awesome. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #2
Dec 20, 2017 |
Second part of the story. Batman goes to Ras and he's happy to help (Weird ...). A team-up between Donny et Damian (Love hating damian). Then we see what happen with bane. Nice, I would have loved seen him fight but nice. The part with mickey is a not really great, but the rest is very good. Shame Batman didn't tell april she do a really good job & remember her from Lois. But I have hope with 4 issues to go ^^ I really liked my reading. I want more. Cover - The regular perfect 2/2 Writing - Really good stuff 2.5/3 Arts - Love the arts 3/3 Feelings - I can't wait but I will have to ^^ 2/2 |
7.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #3
Jan 18, 2018 |
This one smell like a transitional issue. Nothing really happen. The Fight between Rafael & Robin was not interesting. In my mind Robin was working with them with more respect in the first arc. So that seem very off. No surprise for what do bane (Is just dumb enough to give Venom drug to all his men. I'm surprise they don't already turn against him). Ok a little surprise for the scientist turning into a flies. I expected better from Tynion IV. Cover - A good cover, with a nice link to the end of the book. 2/2 Writing - I didn't enjoy it as much I expected. 1.5/3 Arts - The arts is still very good. The fight between Raphael & Robin was nicely done. 3/3 Feeling - I'm a little disappointed. I hope the following will be better. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #4
Feb 22, 2018 |
For now this sequel didn't give me the same pleasure than with the first. I close this issue with a sentiment of a transitional issue, but that would not recognize the fight in the first part & the loose the turtle suffer. I find Batman surprisingly freeze like if he didn't car for Master Splinter. Even Damian go to help the turtle. I tired to wait for Batman to make a comparison between Lois & April. And Tired to see donny Brooding about been a bad warrior (That Not how I see him) and make another mistake. I will go to the end (Because I solicited them), but I will not keep this story in contrary to the first one. I even hope the don't do a third one. If they do, I will not take it. Cover - A cover who spoil a important part of the story. I didn't like the art this time 1/2 Writing - I have to say that I'm a little disappointed. Very very dark. 2/3 Arts - The art is pretty good. The new Bane HQ was a Jaw dropping moment. 3/3 Feeling - Emotionally lost. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #5
Mar 22, 2018 |
Since last issue I a little disappointed by this arc. Ok what happen is logic for donnie with the new venom. And that wasn't easy to make him listen (Even a little long). But in a way I find it a little easy. Like for Splinter. So yeah we are at 1 floppy of the end, but I would have liked more about Splinter in Lazarus Rage. I also find a little short the encounter between April & Babs. For me they have so many connection. Leo liking the Nightwing's outfit was funny. Cover - Nice cover & close to what I read inside. 1.5/2 Writing - Tynion IV maybe a little tired between that & Detective Comics. It's less fun than the first volume. 2/3 Arts - The arts is still amazing. I loved every bit of every panel. 3/3 Feeling - The next will be the end. And I will not come back for a III part. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #6
Apr 19, 2018 |
The end is the better part of this volume. It's maybe rushing out at the end, but I liked reading it. I still made that Tynion IV didn't use the time to talk of the similarity between April & Lois. The end battle wasn't that good & enjoying while we have Batman, Splinter & Shreder in the same team. Cover - 2/2 nice & related. Writing - I liked better this part of the story full of action. 3/3 Arts - Still great. 3/3 Feelings - I find Tynion IV better on the first part or in detective comics. 1/2 |
6.8 |
Batman and the Signal | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Batman and the Signal #1
Jan 5, 2018 |
I will be totally honest. I didn't plan to take it. In fact I wanted to avoid it at all cost. But I had to take another unexpected comics I didn't sollicited, so I tell myself Why not. Why did I didn't want it you will ask me. Well in "Were are Robins" Duke was my least favorite character and frankly I didn't like the "Signal" codename. And one more batpeople, please ... Ironically the writers choose to begin this story with the codename & the to many bat-people. And even if it's a dream, it make us take side for duke. At least give him a chance. The mystery about the dead kid is brig by Gordon to a new officer that I liked instantly. I less liked the fight with the null. The cliffanger is interesting. That's not a "no no" but not a "hell yes" ether. Cover - Nice cover, I would have prefered that Batman wasn't on the cover, that give the wrong signal (No pun intended). This isn't a team-up book, but a Duke one. We can also appreciate that that didn't spoil Metal even if it's related to it. But the cover didn't really give what I read inside. 1/2 Story - I feared something less pleasing. This is a good hook and first story. I smiled at some part of it, so nicely done. That said I'm not completely under the spell. 2/3 Arts - Why hamner try to approach it as a Romita Jr art. I really don't know. He give me some good panel, but I'm not fan of it. 2.5/3 Feelings - Mixed. I'm ready to give this a second shot, because even if I was surprised to see already the Null coming back, the cliffanger is nice. And I want to know more the female character who's in the Null team. 1.5/2 |
5.5 |
Batman and the Signal #2
Feb 22, 2018 |
After the one who was surprisingly good, I decide to take this issue for decide either or not if I would follow this title. They start just little further after last number. Duke is in trouble but both his aid at his HQ are ready to help him through. And that went well until the Null come in once more. Luckily for Duke the GCPD came to the rescue. The writer try to teas us with the mysterious Center. And Duke will discover form where the power is emitted. And he will ask Batman for Answers. But that's not Batman but the Center who's behind it. Cover - Their is some link to what I read. And She is not that Bad. 1.5/2 Writing- I was less carried than with the 1. I'm little disappointed to not the more of Null partners possibility. And I don't find the end very untertaining. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is still good. Even if I'm not fund of the Cliffanger. 2.5/3 Feeling - Their some part I like, but more that I don't give a damn about. And I sense the writer push more in that way. So I will stop there. 0/2 |
9.7 |
Batman: Creature of the Night | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Batman: Creature of the Night #1
Nov 30, 2017 |
Damn ... What a story. I love how Busiek told this story. A fantastic one, with some things not answered, but perfect for now. I like this little Bruce who hoped maybe to much to be like Bruce Wayne. Well now he feel like him. Maybe I was astonished that Busiek didn't give him a little gilt's part. I'm fund of Leon art. I was like "whaoou" all the time. It's perfect for this story. Dark but not too much. Another way to lock at the Caped crusader, but without the real Batman ... But a scarer one. Cover - Nice & perfectly in symbiosis with this first part 2/2 Writing - Busiek make a wonder on this alternative story 3/3 Arts - 3/3 and those who didn't like his art, I even didn't understand you ^^ Feeling - Well Dark, but it's ok. I'm a little scared for the following, because if we make care to what tell his Uncle, that will not end well. 1/2 |
10 |
Batman: Creature of the Night #2
Dec 29, 2017 |
Part two of this wonderfull story. Not a real batman one, but Batman are pressent in a way. We follow Bruce Wainwright as a young harvard student but who can also use is knack in business. This time when has is trough with some of his oncle (Who seems as piece of a letter). Busiek & Leon continue to make a fantastic work on this. Maybe a little dark but for now not too dark. And the darkness is put steap by steap. Cover - Very beautiful & related to what I read inside 2/2 Writing - Busiek's one of the best ! 3/3 Arts - John Paul Leon make wonderfull panel. I like each one. And the choice for the color is perfect for a story in the past. 3/3 Feelings - Ok it's dark. But it's so good too ! ^^ 2/2 |
10 |
Batman: Creature of the Night #3
Apr 19, 2018 |
A very good issu. I didn't see the revelation coming and I appreciate Busiek link this one of my favorite Stephen King book. The end is very sad & strange. I will wait eager for the end. Cover - Really nice & realated. 2/2 Writing - It's one of the best story I read. Busiek play with the character & make us care for him. 3/3 Arts - A huge artistic work. A pleasure to read. 3/3 Feeling - Dark but great story. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Batman: Lost | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Batman: Lost #1
Nov 9, 2017 |
Well I didn't remember pulling it in my sollicitation. But I have it, so I read it. It wasn't as bad as I feared. But this isn't a essential reading and I will forget very fast. Like in Metal 2 with Superman, Bruce have is nightmare & let it eat him. I like some of the story but not all. Cover - Very classy metallic one. Love it 3/3 Writing - 2/3 Not bad, but too dark for me. Arts - Too much artist. Too much different style. That doesn't deserve the story, well to be fear maybe the original case. 2/3 Sentiments - I'm tired of Metal. 0/2 7/10 |
7.5 |
Batman: Secret Files (2018) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #1
Nov 1, 2018 |
I didn't plan to take this issue. This is thanks to the sneak Peek that I was interested on this. True Stenght show a Bruce with some pain in his wrists. I didn't like it, and don't know what King try to tell there. Janin is a strange choice, more cold that I remember. The Nature of choice - If the art isn't my style, I find this story really good. And the art made a good job specially on the hallucination part. O'ne - Could have been more clear. I cannot tell if lucius is implicated or not. If he is I find Batman very calm in front of this treason. And at the end I don't know if we see the drone chase in real time or the replay. Enough - Is enough. I really hate this one. I didn't recognize Thompson at all. The Greatest Detective & Batman - Is a worth Buying itself. It's fun, intelligent, very good. Tom Taylor is a hell of a Writer as always. And the art is easily the better. Notation : Cover - I like the mix between floppy & metal (But just the bats). Really good art even if not in link. 1/2 Writings - Some good, some bad, and a really good. 2/3 Arts - Some good, some not very god and a magnificent part. 2.5/3 Feeling - I don't regret taking this. I'm just surprise to not find any heroes or villain files for a title like this one. 2/2 |
6.0 |
Batman: The Dark Prince Charming | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Batman: The Dark Prince Charming #1
Nov 6, 2017 |
So I take the English & the French version. If both book have a hard cover, the size are different. The English have a Comics' Size (28 X 18?5), the french have a European Size (32 X 21,4). So Marini art have more detail in the European version. I know that for most panel this isn't matter, but for some this's better. The French have in supplement some Marini sketch at the end that the English didn't have. That said, what's worth ? The art is beautiful. I love is Gotham. I love Is Batman & Catwoman. I does a very good job with almost every character (Specially Alina, Gordon & Alfred). So what I didn't like. Well is Joker & specially is Harley Quinn (just after Murphy, that's a shame to see her like that). The writing is not bad. You have to like when a story is tell not is the right order. Present, some past, then a month earlier, then present/past & present. The story is a little simple, but not bad. And a take some risk to tell a story darker than in most Batman Comics (If you don't count Elseword stories). We will have to wait for November market sales, to see if DC will continue is Partnership with Delcourt. For Delcourt Marini is a Big Name in France & Batman Too. They will sell it like hot cakes. Cover - 1/2 - Good but to simple. Writing 2/3 - Good but to simple. Art 2/3 - Very good except Joker & Harley Feeling - 1/2 Mixed for now. I will wait for part two with hope to be more astonished |
8.0 |
Batman: The Dawnbreaker | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1
Oct 6, 2017 |
Even if it's dark, for new it's the better Batman Metal Tie In I read. The art is awesome, Van Sciver on this one make sense. The only thing that make no sense was the change of identity at the end. Why suddenly becoming Batman. I like the end, where we take some answers & where Hal was saved by Fate ! |
6.0 |
Batman: The Devastator | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Batman: The Devastator #1
Nov 2, 2017 |
Nice cover like always. A better story, even if I didn't like the darkness in it, and that the Bad Batman are such powerfull. There is always flaws about at witch point in time each action is. It seems to me that before Superman escape his first prison, but Lois tell he's missing but fighting. And in Metal both Lois & Jon are turn as doomsday. Tony Daniel is a little disappointing. I expected better. Cover - 2/2 Writing - 2/3 Draw - 2/3 Feelings - 0/2 |
6.0 |
Batman: The Drowned | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Batman: The Drowned #1
Oct 19, 2017 |
Yes the Artwork is great. But I didn't understand how that is a enjoyable comic ... Not that once again the dark turn of event, with all "reality" bullshit & TVserie show turning dark. The story isn't that good. I don't find it smart to make so much time to explain how this Bat person exist. So this isn't a Batman ... More a Batwoman & her name isn't Bruce but Bryce. But the change about Selina becoming Sylvester is bad too. At least we bond with the other Bad Batman each loose someone (Alfred, all the BatFamilly, or just his parent before having a ring). This one we don't see the moment she lose Sylvester. We even't don't see her taking revenge. But only see her becoming suspicious about Aquawoman & going at war with her. At least the other dark version are a version of a JLA member close to a bit. This one as so much more power (Invoking the water or the drowned). Once more I afraid that the evil Bats are too much power and that snyder will do a little magic trick or Deus Ex Machina ... Seems as bowering as the Secret Empire things !.. I have one Metal to go & the other 3 one shot before been free of that stuff. Shame that the Terrific & Immortal Men will be link to all that The Cover 2/2 Love metallic cover. The writing 1/3 The Art 3/3. My Feeling about it 0/2 |
5.0 |
Batman: The Merciless | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Batman: The Merciless #1
Oct 27, 2017 |
When you think they can go weirder et worser ... Well they find a way. Met the one Bruce Wayne who loved Wonder Woman. And met him now as the Batman of War. A man broken ? No a man who mad his choice & go all the way in killing those in his way (Except those he encounter because Now leaving them alive his worse than death ... D'oh !) Once again we navigate between past & present. And once again I don't see the flashback well drafted. I find the batman more & more ridiculous (As their "Choice" than their power level). And for a man without any remorse or fear, I find it troubling he fear the one who smile. Cover - Like the metallic effect once more 2/2 Writing - 1/3, they are joking write ? Arts - Love manapul when he do some artwork, but he is a artist for heroes with some light (Like flash). Not for something dark. It's good, but their is some flaws. In his defense he isn't helped by the field he as to draw too. 2/3 Sentiment - Get lost you fail Batmen (The real one will come too correct each one of you I think ^^ ) 0/2 5/10 |
4.0 |
Batman: The Murder Machine | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Batman: The Murder Machine #1
Sep 28, 2017 |
I didn't like it at all. The metal cover is nice, but this didn't help. I don't like how the story is told. We pass from present to past to present ... And so one, and this is bowering. The importante part where Bruce let the Alfred virus is only told but now show. We didn't fully understand why. Like we didn't fully understand what is this new batman ? The art is maybe to real for been good. It's like a painting with this color, but a bad one. |
7.0 |
Batman: The Red Death | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Batman: The Red Death #1
Sep 21, 2017 |
The Metal cover is nice ... They make some progress since the 90's. I'm not convinced by this alternative story. To easy, to dark. At first I believed the Central city where he attack Iris was in their home. The chaos univers where all earth is doom is a very bad idea in my opinion. The art have some flaw in the construction of the story. Some panel are hard to read. For now I'm not convinced for now by Metal. |
9.4 |
Batman: White Knight | 8 issues |
8.0 |
Batman: White Knight #1
Oct 6, 2017 |
Murphy is a illustrator I love to see. And I find his batman, Batgirl, Nightwing beautifull. I not fond of his joker except when he's in Nappier state of mind. The story his good and make some echo too what Snyder wrote. I will follow this story with pleasure. |
10 |
Batman: White Knight #2
Nov 2, 2017 |
Murphy does a perfect job as Writer & Artist. And I love how he criticizes the DC New Harley Quinn. With him Bruce Timm Harley is smart & sexy, and I hope DC will bring back this one. I also like the idea that Rich people improve their wells thanks to Batman War. |
9.5 |
Batman: White Knight #3
Dec 8, 2017 |
Ok I didn't expected it. Murphy succeed to make me like the other (Not true) Harley. F...k that's one hell of trick up sleeves, man. So I keep going to like this Joker story. The bruce story is nice too, but more dark & close too the Murder Machine storyline (I don't like metal). I didn't find usefull to change the order of robin. First Jason, then Dick, but Dick tell Batman asn't any knowledge to raise teenager. A darker dick too. I like the end of the book & understand more why Joker will have to go for batman to help him. ^^ Cover - The variant with the two Harley, love it. 2/2 Writing - Damn good 2.5/3 Arts - Murphy rule, each panel is a real pleasure. 3/3 Feelings - I want more, I wait for the next issue with envy. 2/2 |
10 |
Batman: White Knight #4
Jan 5, 2018 |
With each issues I find that murphy do better & better on the story. I have to tell that I didn't was ready for much of it and very surprise. Now I like both harley (I will not thanking him for loving the false one^^ ) I like this version of Duke Thomas (Maybe more than the real one) That said at halfway we didn't have much. Batman is still outside & we are not really sure of waht will brig Joker to Arkham to see Batman. I'm eager to have more. Cover - I take the variant cover; Very nice & related to the story. 2/2 Writing - Like I said Murphy improve with each issue. 3/3 Arts - Beautifull, I love it. Not tired to see his art. 3/3 Feelings - I love it, if you didn't take it already you have to. Or wait for the TPB you will not regret it 2/2 |
9.0 |
Batman: White Knight #5
Feb 8, 2018 |
A new issue of Batman White knight ... The last comics of the thirteen I read this week (Without counting 3 tpbs). We have some moment between Harley & Jack. Between Batman & Nightwing. Between Batman & Harley. And in the center the other harley who call herself Neo Joker. I loved the Bruce impression of he rich & scared golden boy (Even Neo joker find it weird). This is a very great story. I liked that Freeze know well who is Bruce & how they Murphy explain that Batman is now wanted. I will miss this univers at the end of Murphy run. Cover - A very nice cover, but i feel like that should have been one for the previous issue. 1/2 Writing - Murphy keep up with this amazing story. And I like how he use each characters. 3/3 Arts - Love murphy his Harley is so great. The neo joker is nice. All other character is pretty well drawn too. The part with the bat mobile coming from nowhere is awesome. 3/3 Feelings - I will enjoy the 3 last issue. And I advise to take the TPB at the end for those who didn't try it already. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Batman: White Knight #6
Mar 8, 2018 |
The perfect run of Murphy keep going ... And that didn't slow down. No that take more creative surprising moments. It you want a good Batman Joker story, you have to read this one. It's easily my favorite. Some moment can have a "no he will not go there" or "Maybe there he fulsome". But man what a story. Cover - The variant with Babs. Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - Love Murphy 3/3 Arts - Love Murphy too. His Nightwing with some beard is so nice. 3/3 Feeling - Batman is down ... Hail to Batman ! 2/2 |
10 |
Batman: White Knight #7
Apr 5, 2018 |
Damn Murphy did again a marvelous job. And at last we know why joker go to find bruce. It's dark, but with some good moment. I like the fact Murphy change Jason destiny. That put more regret in batman like that. I still love this Barbara & the real harley. And I have to tell I miss the real joker, and each time he pop up, It was really fun. I love to see all gordon's men point nervously their gun at him ^^ I will regret leaving this univers in one issue. Cover - I choose the variant. Nice & related to the story. 2/2 Story - Still strong. Murphy know exactly what he wanted to do & when do the surprising parts. 3/3 Arts - Damn he is good ! 3/3 Feeling - Dark but sooooo good. My favorite Batman story easy. 2/2 |
10 |
Batman: White Knight #8
May 17, 2018 |
The end of the road & the alliance between Batman & Joker/Napier continue. I had a very good time reading it. And I find very interesting to put (Once more) Harley against Harley/Neo Joker. I like the fact Freeze was a huge part of the success for the mission. The end is very sad but in the same time seems to be "the end" ... Maybe we will be put again in this amazing univers. I'm eager to see a Cassandra Caine or Stephany Brown in there. I want to read once more the real Harley, the only I like & respect (With the Bruce Timm one). Cover - I take the variant giving up a dramatic alternative ending. 2/2 Writing - It was well down ... All the story was very well written and I liked every version of the Batman univers put in here. Like Duke for exemple. 3/3 Arts - Murphy is magnificent ! 3/3 Feeling - It was a very fun & beautiful reading. Thanks mister Murphy ! 2/2 |
4.0 |
Batman: Who Laughs | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Batman: Who Laughs #1
Nov 18, 2017 |
Blah blah blah ... I'm the big bad wolf. The one who cannot be beaten because I have already a plan. A genius you are the bad guy you will lost ! A very dark & dirty issue ... Does some sticky parts really had to be shown ? And who's the mysterious prisoner ? Cover : 1/2. I love the Metal but I didn't like this cover. Story : 2/3 ... The only good part is the one about cards ... But he forgot to speak of Aces ^^ Arts : I didn't like his style when he draw the Bat family or Superman's one. More effectif on batman good or bad & the carnage (Too gore for my taste). 1/3 Feelings : Really tired. Does the mysterious prisoner will be the deus ex machina ? I will never know I will leave with Metal issue 4. 0/2 |
7.6 |
Batwoman (2017) | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Batwoman (2017) #7
Nov 18, 2017 |
When I see the preview of issue 9, I tell me I had to read Blanco issues. So I take this one. First of ... Unless in Tynion's Detective Comics I never like Batwoman. I tried the Rebirth of Bennett & himself, but didn't like it. I have some base to not be lost thanks to my readings. I have some gaps too. But in if I was a little lost with Kate sister, Bennett do a fine job between this nombre & the two next to clarify the situation. And in the middle of a trip that very good. Plus, I wasn't as lost as Batwoman in this issue. A very fine one. Bennett alone & I like it, it's a first. Cover - 2/2 effective, beautiful & in the spirit of the end of the issue. Well Done. Story - 3/3 I find the story a nice reading. Arts - I'm her because of it, Really nice and very effective on the trip part. 3/3 Feelings - I'm not interested on the whereabout of Batwoman, but It was a good reading. So thanks. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Batwoman (2017) #8
Nov 18, 2017 |
Second part of Blanco run. The story use the Colony Prime & become more clear about the mission. That show some past of Batwoman but deviated by the drogs. That show also a fight with a giant dog that I didn't care because it's not real & she didn't fight in the reality. It's more a dream. Cover : I didn't find the variant, and this cover was a little lying about what is under the book. 1/2 Story : I find it a little disappointing. Too slow like a transition issue. The part with the lightning is very nice tho ! 2/3 Arts : Still pretty nice & effective, but sometime a little to frozen on the character body. The part about the trip is wonderfull. 2/3 Feeling : I care even less about Colony Prime. In fact if someone can kill him ^^ 1/2 |
8.5 |
Batwoman (2017) #9
Nov 18, 2017 |
The third part, and the one I fell in love in watching the previous peak. Batwoman & colony prime have to team up to escape & both are under the effect of Crane's chimicals. This issue begin with a promess ... Seen Batwoman becoming something else & succeed to lead us her, even if that not what we expected. & Bennett do a find job to make us care for Colony prime. Cover : I take the variant. 2/2 Story : Nice, I like the part Batwoman keep is intellect & use her mask to see what is really around her. Nice. 3/3 Arts : All the trip page (Special the splash page on two page with scarecrow) is fantastic. Less when he work in the reality. 2.5/3 Feelings : I'm not disappointed by my try. I find Blanco art rewarding & very interesting. I will keep him in sight. I'm not persuaded to be their for the conclusion through. Like I tell I'm not that interested in Batwoman well being ^^ 1/2 |
7.0 |
Batwoman (2017) #10
Dec 20, 2017 |
I take the end of this run. For recall I'm in this story thanks to Blanco arts. The story take a strange but interesting turn. Batwoman give Scarecrow a taste of his own medicine. I like the part where illusion & reality start to collide. But then inexplicably Kate as another vision of Safiyah. For this one we can make a assumption than this because Scarecrow drugs. She isn't clear yet. Then we have a part with the collective. I didn't like seen Batwoman this good close to them. At least that give her a good talk with Prime. But then another strange vision (unexplained this one). She decide to run after some illusion (Once more), memory & reality colliding. That's for me the weaker part of the story. Cover - I had the choice but take the regular. 2/2 Writing - A little disappointed 2/3 Arts - Blanco wasn't alone & less good outside the illusion. And Laming make a great (Even beautifull) Safiyah appearance. Hard for blanco to be compared. 2/3 Feelings - I will not regret try it, nor will keep buying it. 1/2 |
7.3 |
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider | 4 issues |
7.0 |
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #14
Mar 15, 2018 |
I take this issue because its a a story in one issue. And that I wanted to go in the Issue link to damnation with some knowledge of the Scarlet Spider new title. So I was very surprised to follow Caine, not Ben. But the fact they are together in the title seem right. And Ben have a little part too, and somewhat related to damnation. So that was cool. Cover - Ok the cover is nice, but not link to the story. 1/2 Writing - Peter David is a hell of writer. I think he can make me read even a character I despite. 3/3 Arts - Not really great. Not too bad. That's seem a long time for Peter he didn't have a really good artist with him. Remember Gary Frank on Hulk & Supergirl. Or a shinning one as Chriscross on Captain Marvel or Todd Nauck on Young Justice that I really loved. 2/3 Feeling - It was fun to see Caine since the New Warriors last Title, sad that Peter didn't take a place to Humingbird. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #15
Mar 15, 2018 |
Oh hey guys ... 4/10, 5.5/10, 6/10. Are you serious ? That's a Peter David ongoing we talk. The only writer who when he add to make a issue about a tie in of a event can make a better issue that the event himself in the past. And he each time put something in the mix for advancing is own scheme. So I did not follow BRTSP. But I trust he do his work. Ok this time the Event is really good, so Peter is in the same level. And he have the downside to go second. We already have seen Ben in Damnation 2. But I find really funny the part in the ammo shop or how he take the concret mixer. I wonder why Jezebel (Link to Blue Marvel) abduct someone to assure the help of Ben, but I think Peter will explain that. I have faith in the man. Cover - Fun & link to damnation in a way. 2/2 Writing - I find it ok. For now Peter installs the character in this narrative. 2/3 Arts - Like for the previous issue, I am not found of the art. But that do the work. 2/3 Feeling - I'm less harsh than you. I have faith in Peter David. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #16
Mar 29, 2018 |
The story as great question & moment but I didn't like the end at all. Cover - 1/2 .. Very Nice Writing - It's was good for some time. And then the end ruin all ! 2/3 Arts : - didn't like it for the back front. 2/3 Feeling - A little disappointed 1/2 |
8.0 |
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #17
Apr 12, 2018 |
Once again I will have to defend peter david. And he make things way easer with this very good issue. A issue about hero ... What is the good move for a hero ? Betray the Midnight son & save Abigail & is soul or Betray Mephisto and let a little girl really sick ? It's a fair question. And at one Point I wonder if Ben like Strange didn't have a false look of what happen he that was him & not Kaine who was Damned. I like the use of the Holy water use. And I find it nice how Peter david live Ben join once more the midnight son for the end of Damnation. Cover - 2/2 related to my reading & very nice. Writing - Peter david give another kind of doubt to ben. I regret he wasn't the hero I know (For that I would never forgive Slott). But I find is use very interesting. And that make a very good brave & courage's moment ! 2.5/3 Arts - The art is not perfect, but do well the job. 2.5/3 Sentiment - A good add to Damnation. Not a "you have to read it now", but a "That give another useful information". And I see what Peter david do teasing a mysterious help for Aunt June. He harden the subplot for his next issues. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Big Game (2023) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Big Game (2023) #1
Aug 5, 2023 |
I never read Nemesis. I'm not fond of a dark univers. So this comics wasn't for me at all. |
7.5 |
Black Cloud | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Black Cloud Vol. 1: No Exit
Nov 18, 2017 |
Their is the kind of stories that will stick to you in the blink of the eyes. This is this kind of stories. I feel on it with issue 3 and make a note to wait the TPB. I do good. I will not be honest if I didn't tale that at first I was a little worried, the Cover's art isn't my kind, and other independent Fantasy/Magic comics disappointed me. But if Zelda is full of disappointment that make her a hell of character. Even if the story is a little unbalanced, and sometime I had hard time to understood it. It's he story who reward the tries. I always have some unanswered question (Like who is the mysterious figure she was scared et use freezing techniques). But I'm ok with how the stories is told. Like their isn't the same time pass in the reality & the other world, and this time this is our reality who is slower. I really like how this amazing word is drawn (The art in one page each chapter make me like ... Wahooo). To paraphrasing the doctor. We all are stories at the end, and even if Zelda think nobody want listen to her own, you deserve to read it, because it's a very good one. Cover - Not perfect but all cover are in the book, so that ok. 1/2 Storie - 2.5/3 Arts - 3/3 Feelings - I want more of Zelda story & world ... Like those at who she show her world, I'm addicted to it ^^ 2/2 |
6.8 |
Black Panther (2018) | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Black Panther (2018) #1
May 24, 2018 |
At first I was very upset that we didn't see how tchalla was taken, but at the end I understood that is not the King Tchalla we know. And in a way that was very daring to do this story. Sure I didn't like some part, but at the end I loved the team-up for this black panther incarnation. That may be a new way to make old friend & foes in another shape ... And that will surely entirely free of the Marvel univers. Coates can address slavery & revolt in a all new way. I wasn't very convinced by this Black Panther in space before reading it, but at the end, I love it. Cover - A cover in link with the first one of the previous volume. Not related but nice. 1/2 Writing - I have some issue with how coates plan his story. But at the end he convinced me. 2.5/3 Arts - Acuna isn't easy to read. And he play with the character we know & the one we see her (I see Storm in the woman the man dream) 2.5/3 Feeling - I will try issue 2 and maybe issue after issue I will find myself hook in it. 1/2 |
6.5 |
Black Panther (2018) #2
Jun 28, 2018 |
At least Coates keep up with what he have show us in the first part. But maybe the surprised have past. I wasn't totally in. I find some part hard to follow and I didn't enjoy the spacecraft chase. So unlike Dr Strange he didn't succeed to confirm the feeling of the first Issue. In a way I'm relief because I have to cut in my list. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - There is some good construction in this one. Even if it's wasn't for me. I recognize there is many thing interesting in it. 2/3 Arts - Maybe the art is in question. Acuna is too frozen for a chase between spacecraft. All the rest is stronger even if I didn't like the symbiot like scene. 1.5/3 Feeling - Not for me, but Worth the risk. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Black Panther: The Sound And The Fury | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Black Panther: The Sound And The Fury #1
Feb 8, 2018 |
Well I find it interesting. Hard to put its in the univers of the Black Panther movie with the 616 Klaw Look. The panther is a impressive detective & fighter. That is pleasant to have a comics reminding that. The FF53 is interesting for having klaw origin. But issue of the 60's is really hard to read in the present. They don't make comics the same way & the bubble are very charged & in number. I will judge the present issue not the FF53 one. Cover - Nice cover but didn't give anything of the plot inside. 1/2 Writing - A great story. 3/3 Arts - Very effective even if sometime not perfect 2.5/3 Feeling - I enjoyed this reading. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Black Widow (2019) | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Black Widow (2019) #1
Jan 18, 2019 |
So the first part of the story isn't making sense. Nat was already compromise in Infinity Countdown. And in this issue she goes in Majipoor at the end (So much of the bad guys will know she is alive). So why do she want to hide their face. Also their is a fall of the number of Mercenary between when she enter and when she use her stinger. I'm more interested by the part where she fear the monster in her but frankly Hulk use this kind of plot already and with more success. Cover - Not related. Oh wait their is a Happy new year logo in the background. But no. 1/2 Writing - Captain America & Widow team up is goood but this wasn't what I wanted for a black widow issue. 2/3 Arts - Not really good, sometime really ugly. That a shame because some layout are very interesting. They should have been better. 1.5/3 Feeling - They fail to their job who as to hook me to this first issue. If the first is not good, it's a damn death warrant. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Blackwood | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Blackwood #1
May 31, 2018 |
So for this one you have to know that I didn't choose freely to take it. On a french forum I made a vote on some indy comics & they choose me this one. I was a little worried, but that wasn't bad. I liked some of the story, but that was too dark for me. Cover - It related and nice. 2/2 Writing - I find it very nice even if some characters aren't really original enough. 2/3 Arts - The art is good, but Its not the kind of art I like. So the reading wasn't totally easy. 2.5/3 Feeling - To dark for me 0.5/2 |
1.0 |
Blood Bowl: More Guts, More Glory! | 1 issues |
1.0 |
Blood Bowl: More Guts, More Glory! #4
Sep 14, 2017 |
I will be fair, I didn't try to read that last part. They lost me way before. At least I take the variant cover, way better that this one. My first & last try with blood bowl in comics. |
9.4 |
Bone Parish | 7 issues |
10 |
Bone Parish #1
Aug 3, 2018 |
At first I trust it was a new version of "the Treasure Island". So I don't wanted to try it. But I let my curiosity have the better of me and I don't regret that. This story is original and talk about drugs. Bunn succeed in surprising me totally with why the mother use the drug too. I would never have guessed that. I mixed about the fact to follow the side of a criminal organisation. I would rather have to see more about the user and what they experience, and the consequences. But I kind of like the scientist girl & the mother. I'm not found of the brother. Cover - Nice & related. 2/2 Writing - Bunn succeed to make me enter easily in his story & once that made he didn't let me leave and I stay hooked. 3/3 Arts - Maybe the art aren't perfect. But that do the work, and some of the panel are very beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - I'm addicted to it. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Bone Parish #2
Aug 30, 2018 |
Another great issue where we lear another peace of the secret behind the ash. We also see that all the member of the family have trouble with another member. We also see that the cops are in the business too. Great stuff. Couver - Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - I love what I read. 3/3 Arts - Still great 3/3 Feeling - Love it 2/2 |
8.5 |
Bone Parish #3
Sep 27, 2018 |
The story turn more darker with this issue. In a way it's logical but maybe a little too dark for me this time. And strangely with all the violence and the drugs, the sexe is just implied. Cover - Not in link but beautiful 2/2 Writing - Well made & logical. 3/3 Arts - The layout are great even if some panel have no background. 2.5/3 Feeling - Just when I decide to put it in my sollicitation, this one is way to dark for me. 1/2 |
9.5 |
Bone Parish #4
Nov 1, 2018 |
I left the third issue with a doubt. Will I keep going to brought this title or not ? Because last issue was not what I liked & too dark for me. We enter in this issue with the repercussions of the last one. Rafael is thrilled with is last action. The winter Mother take the last piece of her husband. It's hard to tale if it's really him talking or her own remorses. "But Ash don't lie", right ! Cover - Nice and a little in link. 1.5/2 Writing - I liked it. Yeah it's way darker than the last time. But I see some justice there (As a reader I'm more close to the winters). I also like the question this comics raise on the Ash. Did this is some kind of metaphysic Trip with only the brain of the junkie making all the talking. Or is this more. We already know that taking ash can grant people with skill they don't have. This is demonstrated once more in this issue. And does she use her son Ashes to know "the truth" ? I also like her relation to the New York emissary. 3/3 Arts - The panel & Layout are really strong like always. I have just a little note on the passage in the crypt in the dark. But that's because I can be pernickety. 3/3 Feelings - I really like what I read, and I'm curious for more. Damn I'm addict to Ashes ! ^^ 2/2 |
9.0 |
Bone Parish #5
Dec 26, 2018 |
Yes its dark. It's even darker and darker with each issue. I will not hide that I hoped the issue with the other gang ended after the last issue. But no ... That even promise worse. I was very teased by the new figure who appear in the wedding and with the new way this stories goes. At first I put it in Fantastic Thriller. Maybe SF anticipation. But the end put more fantastic in the story. I also like all the mystery about the mysterious boss (Maybe the one who lead the New york branch). Cover - Very nice, I really love it. But not link to the reading. 1/2 Writing - Still very surprising & very strong. Each time I read it I have to check it was not a Image title, but a Boom Studio one ! 3/3 Arts - Not perfect but close enough. Yes, the flashback in gray isn't original. But it's so close to ash color than this is perfect for this book. 3/3 Feeling - The TPBs is on the rack this week too. If you didn't read the first issue, I strongly advise that you brought the TPB. It's a wonderful reading. 2/2 |
10 |
Bone Parish #6
Feb 1, 2019 |
Still surprised to see it in Boom and not Image. What a fantastic ongoing so far. Once more we have a chocking surprise. Once More the Winters familly have to find their ways to not letting other smother them. We see the man behind the New york branch and what his plans are. But we have also a cop investigating the desapearance of two fellows officers. Corrupted ones, but still. Cover - Well done. It's very nice & in link to my reading in a subtile way. 2/2 Writing - The story his still interesting and was perfectly done. This time the Mexican gang wasn't in the story to let more place to the New York Branch. And also to give space to each side of the winters familly. 3/3 Arts - Damn, I love the art. The fact sometime there's no background is well used to the story. 3/3 Feeling - Darker. A little to dark for me. But still hooked to it. 3/3 |
10 |
Bone Parish #7
Mar 2, 2019 |
I really appreciated the way this issue move forward in each front. Not only Brae do a alliance and find the truce about the experment the new york branch do, but we have also troubling fact happenning to the cop in charge of the investigation. And the mexican cartel do her move too. Cover - Yeah I understand the cover, even if we are not there yet. 1/2 Writing - Very strong and well made. No character seems to be without a shadowing part. 3/3 Arts - Maybe on some page the inking isn't perfect. But man I really like the layout and the panels. 3/3 Felling - We are in the second and last part of thus twelve issue stories. I look forward to read the ending. But I can say that will not be a happy one. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Bug: The Adventures of Forager | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Bug: The Adventures of Forager #4
Sep 21, 2017 |
I didn't like much the two last issue. So I was prompt to think I will leave this story. But there I was devouring this one. I like the story & wasn't as lost as for the previous (Except the one). So I loving each minute of this reading. I will give another chance to make me sense this kind of happy reading another time at this ongoing Normally I'm don't find Allread great on human. Or I get used to it, or a hit another level in this story. I like every one of the panel he draw. I was eager for more. Sadly I choose the variant cover. The regular is better for once. |
5.7 |
Cable (2017) | 3 issues |
7.0 |
Cable (2017) #150
Oct 19, 2017 |
I brought it for Blink and guess what .. We not see here at all. Well, it wasn't bad. In fact it was good. Not what I expect at all (In good & bad version of what I expected at first & with the last sollicitations). I more confident about choosing to do issue 151, and I expect it to make me rethink the fact to don't do the following issues. But Marvel have a real problem with how each of their writer see the continuity (13 years ago ... Really, for us shure, for the character I think they are like in a Dog/Cat year for years now ! (Wolverine even rejuvenate with time ^^) So except that ... A great story even if I waiting more about Shatterstar & Longshot ... Do they parents or not ? Hard to tell in that comics. Cover - Well I'm her thanks to it, but half of them are nowhere to be seen for now. 1/2 Writing - A little to detached, and the Punisher approach isn't good for cable 2/3 Art - Well not that bad after all 2/3 Feeling - So I may forget the wrong about the Blink outfit I see in Marvel's January Sollicitation ... For the sake of a good story. 2/2 7/10 |
7.0 |
Cable (2017) #151
Nov 23, 2017 |
Well I cannot tell that's some surprise in it. I'm a little not convinced by armor been at the school 13 year before (With the Shatterstar 90's look), but we will pass that. If I wanted to see some Exiles spirit with Blink, that's now shure she isn't the Exiles one (That will be a little complicated for explain how they will keep Marvel timeline right - She reappear in New Mutants - But I think Marvel Staff didn't give a crap to that. Prof is the fact that the original X-men are still there - Maybe for another timeline now). I liked that Brisson misleading us on what Longshot seen. But I have a question. Where the hell's the badass character who entwine Selene on the cover ? Cover - Very nice but not close to what I read inside 1/2 Writing - Funny, cunning ... But I miss something for been hooked 2/3 Arts - Malin isn't my cup of tea, but that wasn't the worse I seen this week. 2/3 Feelings - Still mixed. I will see if I will take the next one or not. 1/2 6/10 Do I have over-rated Turok ? I have to upgrade it to 7/10 for at lest been at the same level. |
3.0 |
Cable (2017) #152
Dec 14, 2017 |
And their I leave ... So now anyone but us can understand Doop ? Ok that's not what cross me. That the stupidity to have Cable & Selene team search separately for the answers. To have Longshot talking of Blink (From the Exiles) when her haircut make certain that's the 616 version. Not cool because I love the Exiles. For having all this dumb, weird & awful part with Gideon (The monster only make me doubt about brought this issue). I'm done for good with cable. And 13 year ago for good sakes X23 didn't exist. Cover - Fun but awful in the same time. And not very related to the story. 0/2 Writing - That was good at the starting of this issue. But after that ... 1/3 Arts - Strangely Cabal wasn't the worst part of the book. I know some didn't like him, but that was not that bad 2/3 Feeling - I will not take the following issue. "Au revoir ... / Bye bye" 0/2 |
6.0 |
Captain America (2017) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Captain America (2017) #697
Jan 18, 2018 |
A good review & the attraction for the cover make me trie this story. It's not a bad one, but not a very good one easer. I expected that the civilian cap wanted to help was a decoy. And in fact Cap & Kraven disappointed me a little on this story. The end was better. But I see no real reason to keep trying it. Cover - 2/2 a good cover connected to the inside. She succeed to have me teased. 2/2 Writing - Not a bad writing, but I yawn many times. And the end with the presence of Logan at the end didn't make me happy easer. Do he lost all his sense for accept the fact steve wasn't at there "rendez-vous" ? 1/3 Arts - The arts is really good, and with funny part. 3/3 Feeling - I don't care what happen to steve. A side effect of Secret Empire. 0/2 6/10 |
4.5 |
Captain America (2018) | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Captain America (2018) #1
Jul 5, 2018 |
I see the sneak peek with Selene & that give me the need to try it. But Selene is for another issues. And we have a bunch of Nitro on our back. And even if Steve talking was not totally dumb, that make him way too complaining. And I was shook by the weigh on the shoulder he give to the young boy. Even Bucky seem of. So that wasn't a good reading for me. Cover - I take the the Zeck version. I already knowed the White & Black version very well. But I'm happy to see her in color. Not related. 1/2 Writing - Winnie the Captain didn't convince me at all. Shame because all the part in Russia seems interesting. 1/3 Arts - Love Yu even if I'm not a fan of the eyes he give to Cap or Bucky in this book. It too close to the hydra cap look. And he put more Background in this book that I remember seen him draw before. 2.5/3 Feeling - Sorry Sir, but I pass. You don't make me dream or hope. 0/2 |
9.8 |
Captain Marvel (2019) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Captain Marvel (2019) #1
Jan 12, 2019 |
I was eager to discover this new ongoing. I have some issue with Carol since she screw Julia Carpenter in Civil wars. But thanks to Andrade I return on the caracter. Since then many reboot was tryed. I wasn't totaly convinced by Life of Captain Marvel but ready for a new start, and then I see the sketch for the uchronic timeline. That put me down right away. So I fear a lot this issue and what I will read. But like for Mr & Mrs X or West Coast Avengers, Thompson did great. I really like that she seem to respect Slott work or Rhodey. I love the Tank boy thing ^^ I also like she take care of Hazmat (Hoping this will not turn as for Aranä) I finish with a smile & she succeed to make me wanting to read the next issue. Way to go. Cover - A little related. And kind of nice. 1.5/2 Writing - Thompson is definitly a writer to recoon with in marvel right now. 3/3 Arts - Love the art. Their is something of Coipel in the drawing. The layout are really good. Nice catch marvel. I hope he will stay on this title. 3/3 Feeling - Well I'm hook. So this's a success ! 2/2 |
10 |
Captain Marvel (2019) #2
Feb 16, 2019 |
I feared this story. In fact I didn't order it because of the fact this look like another parallel earth story. Too closely from the first issue. But the first issue was so good that I had to let Thompson a chance (That and the fact she was good on Mr & Mrs X, and very good on West Coast Avengers). I didn't regreat my choice because this story isn't another reality change story. It's not a futur that will not ever see it again too. It's more smart than that, and have sense. Ok weird that Hazmat was trap too but why not after all. Once we accept that we can enjoy the story. And what a cliffanger. Cover - I like it and it's in link. 2/2 Writing - Thompson construct a very smart space buble and I'm very interested about what will happen next. 3/3 Arts - The arts is pretty good. I like the new look of Captain Marvel's friend. It's not perfect but close. 3/3 Feeling - Once again Thompson succeed to make me buy a ongoing I was so shure wasn't for me. 2/2 |
10 |
Captain Marvel (2019) #3
Mar 22, 2019 |
I love this story. Thompson prove once again she can write interesting characters and situation. Cover - Nice and related. At first I see a DC bombshell kind of work ^^ 2/2 Story - Well done. I love all the character utilisation. Hazmat make me smile about the fact there will be one and only Jen ^^ I even't care for Echo that I was never interested in. I wonder if the fact both Hazmat and She Hulk don't have a power is because Nuclear Man supress Radiation ??? 3/ Arts - Very nice layout and panels. It's another strength of this ongoing. I hope Carnero will stay around more than Caseli on WCA. 3/3 Feeling - Love it. Finally I think someone find a interesting way to use Carol. But I'm afraid that like WCA, the reader won't follow. Please try it. Because I don't want to see another title I love been stop. Thanks ! 2/2 |
5.0 |
Catwoman (2018) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Catwoman (2018) #1
Jul 5, 2018 |
So thank to Lady Killer I decide to try this Catwoman story. A strong good story but he wasn't a story for me. In the "I have a hard time trust that" for the billion time, yes we are in a super-heroes book. And yeah maybe batman can skip night off because he push the limit of human morphology (That who he is). But I have trouble when they put this on Catwoman who seem fresh & even will succeed to do some running time. And I don't understand why she is that upset on her own decision. Don't seems logic. That said. I like that some bad people use the fact that all know Selina is Catwoman to do job put on her back. But even if we have to hate Raina they go too far with her "Real" look. In a way I was sad for her and wanted to throw up. Cover - Nice cover ruined by the ballon. This spoil nothing. And the Time did spoil the batman already. Not related but sweet 1/2 Writing - I have some trouble at first with the triple story showed at the same time. And I was made to see Selina with the gun. Yeah I know that wasn't her, but at the time I think it was. Yeah sue me I didn't read the pitch. Like I said I like some of the idea but Raina "evil" look is way too much. 2/3 Arts - I'm not a fan of the layout. Too much panel in one page, Some seems put in god fortune, some are hard to read. The close up for Raina take of her nose, teeth, hair, lens was very chocking. I would have put "Mature Reader" on this book and like that we maybe would have see more that Selina Shadow when she change ! She did make Background, but with that much panel it weighed the reading eye. 2/3 Feeling - I'm not satisfied. Like I said it's not a story for me. So I'm out of here. 0/2 |
5.3 |
Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye | 2 issues |
4.5 |
Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #1
Mar 22, 2018 |
I wasn't in. In fact I find he make a pretty job at kick me out. The story is strange, but strange didn't scare me. And for a first issue, I find he make a poor job to make us home. It was to quick in this weird part with the giant with glowing cloth & I was out. I tried to come back, but each page didn't invite me in. Cover - The variant is fun & in link. 2/2 Writing - It was not my kind of story. 1/3 Arts - The art didn't help. I like Oeming, but in black & white. There it's to ... Weird. 1.5/3 Feeling - I have already solicited issue 2. After that I will not go further. A real disappointment. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #2
Apr 19, 2018 |
A better story than of the first issue, but not enough for make me stay in. Shame because I really like Carson daughter's. Cover - Nice cover but not related. 1/2 Writing - It was a nice try to make me back in, really. That was close to working. 2/3 Arts - The art is special but good. 2/3 Feeling - I left there ! 1/2 |
8.3 |
Champions (2016) | 16 issues |
9.0 |
Champions (2016) #12
Sep 7, 2017 |
A great story about Cyclops. It's funny and intelligent. The only thing is that a story I will more see in a X book. I never read that with the original one when he debut. And I regret the Blue Team wasn't there. That said. I find very wrong the fact we come from Secret Empire like nothing happen. The team is there like nothing happen and Ironheart, Patriot and Wasp aren't there anymore. That's very very weird. Love the art. Ramos make the best of the character he draw. Still better than Super Sons for me. Still in progress & close up with the feeling I had reading Peter David & Todd Nauck's Young Justice. |
9.0 |
Champions (2016) #13
Oct 19, 2017 |
Another very good issue. Not a war against each other like I feared at First in the sollicitation. I like each team Waid propose here & how each of them resolve the problem they have in hand. The same one but in different part of the globe, & with different approach. I find it smart to separate both Spider Men. And I find very nice the touch about Viv & Vision relationship. All teammate have something to bring, and that what I expect for both team. Champion stay the best Teenage Ongoing Issues I read for now. Cover - Well that a little lie, but for the sake of the surprise we read inside 1/2 Writing - 3/3 Art - Love Ramos 3/3 Feeling - This kind of reading heal my heart wound ! 2/2 9/10 |
7.0 |
Champions (2016) #14
Nov 18, 2017 |
A little quick on the end. Both time came at the same time in the fortress while one was in this world much longer. Ok maybe Hulk calculation was that precise. I love the new Viv, even if she will lost all her power, and that we will see her less or no more. That make a very good drama moment, Falcon are more chance than Viv. I wonder who this time the High evolutionary fear. The last time (In new warriors that was the celestials who didn't came at all ^^) I believe his ending wasn't really one (Like Missy in Dr who season 8, I believe it's a teleporter) ^^ Cover : 1/2 Good but not that good. Even if that in relation with the new statu of Viv, in the cover she's still a android (If not the Preview will have spoiled us ... But that would be not the first time Marvel spoil too soon). Story : 2/3 I find it good, but with a little something that would be more good. Arts : Ramos does the kind of art I love. 3/3 Feeling : So two story for the conclusion ? That would be one too many ! 1/2 |
6.0 |
Champions (2016) #15
Dec 20, 2017 |
Ok I have to tell that's weird. I love Viv, but I find the previous part of collide a beautiful way to tell her goodbye (Before seen I have missed one page ^^ ). So this story isn't totally strange (In between I have read the last page), and I fully understand vision. But that wasn't great at all. All the part with the Hight Evolutionner is strange (I believed he fled ?) & creepy. Viv having some power like that was totally unrealistic, but I accept that her father working on her have somehow attract her. All the fight between the Champions & the Avengers is really really weird. Nova want to leave, then leave ... Only the end make me with a question what next with both viv in ? Cover - A good cover but not really related 1/2 Writing - Waid lost me their. 1/3 Arts - Love Ramos. 3/3 Feeling - Not a great issue, but I hope the next will be better. If they kill Viv while Surrender I will not forgive them. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Champions (2016) #16
Jan 18, 2018 |
A good issue ... Even without a real fight. But with a search for now allies. And both viv vision issues. I didn't like when they laugh of Miles story about his girlfriend, and been disappointed to not seen Gwen to shut their mouth. Those who fill that Champion bring nothing will not like this story. But I find the Father/Daughters story very sweet. I wonder why Vision sneeze ? And I fear once again vision have a murderer in his family. Cover - Nice ... A little link to the inside 1.5/2 Writing - I liked it. 3/3 Arts - Ramos rule 3/3 Feeling - I want a little more 1/2 |
5.5 |
Champions (2016) #17
Mar 1, 2018 |
I find it very disturbing ... With all Vision Power the Viv Android didn't succeed to arm Human Viv. Fuck that's a bad call ... Yeah I understand the importance of the lamp. And I'm happy viv is alive. But It's not very realistic. I like the team going saving the metroline. Ironhearth & Hulk mathematic use the most ! Cover - Very nice but not related to my reading 1/2 Writing - Mixed feeling 1.5/2 Arts - Still love Ramos, but this time I find it less enjoyable 2/3 Feeling - Well I didn't expect that. So on that part It's a win, but I didn't enjoy it like I would expect. 1/2 |
9.5 |
Champions (2016) #18
Mar 29, 2018 |
A very good (And fun sometime) disturbing story. The end make thing very weird ... "Hey Mr the officer that the body of my daughter ... But she isn't dead ... She's in her sisters ... Who was brain dead at the time of Viv sacrifice to return in her body. And hey both named Viv. But I'm not a bad dad at all ! Sight ! " And Nadia ... I will not even try to explain her action. Cover - Nice & little related. 2/2 Writing - Weird, but nicely done 2.5/3 Arts - Great, I love Ramos. 3/3 Feeling - I love this Ongoing 2/2 |
8.5 |
Champions (2016) #19
Apr 12, 2018 |
I loved the Uncanny Avengers by Zub & Izaakse, but the No surrender slump make me going with some doubt. And the duo remove my doubt from the first page. There is a lot of Champions (But I see that Patriot, Locus or Moon Girl aren't there for now). I'm very happy to see Iron-heart in such good hand, and even Wasp/Nadia was good; I wonder where the mystery of the pole lead, but I'm in with them. A very nice transitional issue, with a chocking cliffhanger. Cover - 1/2 there is some progress to do for the cover Writing - I find the mystery at the start very good, Zub as quickly made all Champions is own & that wasn't easy with their number. 2.5/3 Arts - Ok I love Ramos, but I really love Isaakse too. It's a good remplacement ! 3/3 Feeling - I will have more than one issue to tell if the transition is good, but this is really promising ! 2/2 |
9.5 |
Champions (2016) #20
May 24, 2018 |
I really liked this story. It was surprising, chocking & logic in the same time. I love how Zub take the member quickly (Maybe is viv is a little off, but that's not even sure). I hope this will not turn again in a Ms.Marvel against Captain Marvel. Cover - I lie it & in some way related 1.5/2 Writing - A put the team in the right path. I like how he use each one of them. 2/2 Arts - Love isaakse. I enjoy every panel. 3/3 Feeling - Still one of my favorite reading. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Champions (2016) #21
Jun 22, 2018 |
Oh damn once more a fight between Ms.Mavel & Captain Marvel. What a new kind of stuff. At least at the end in no time they will team-up, and all wrong filling is once more under the carpet. And I really didn't like who Alpha Flight are written. That said there is some good. Wasp/Nadia was well used. And I like this new character. Viv & Nova was well used too. And I really laugh when Sasquatch & Snowbird (In bear form) try to arm hulk. And all the Miles part was really good. Cover - In link sadly ... And not bad 1.5/2 Writing - Yeah I will skip to the next one. Oh wait I have another champion story & little better. 2/3 Arts - Isaakse was less good than on is Uncanny avenger. Maybe he is already tired ? Still this is good. But not many background ! 3/3 Feeling - Really mixed but in the wrong way. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Champions (2016) #22
Jul 12, 2018 |
Seems like a transitional issue, but in the good way. Zub seems to care about what was done in Avengers No Surrender (Frankly he's the only one) and give us a explanation for Vision appearance in Amazing Spider-Man (Even if he seems in better shape in Amazing). He add the dog to the party and I kind of love that. I would a comics with this dog & Dr strange dog (And Maybe Jonathan the wolverine ^^ ). I love the Kamala/Sam talk & the new mission. The end was very sweet, Zub to care about each character & want Viv to find again the road of Emotional state. Cover - I don't like it, but this in link. 1/2 Writing - We are so lucky to have Zub in charge. 3/3 Arts - Libranda replace Isaakse & I love each panel. The riri now armor is much nice by him than by Silva. 3/3 Feeling - I loved it. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Champions (2016) #23
Aug 9, 2018 |
Champions was my last hope for a good reading this week. And if some part are really interesting or fun, I find it hard to understand. So he wasn't the kind of reading I waited. But if sometime have to read something unexpected is good, this time that let me with some aftertaste. To be honest, I don't know if in a week or two I will remember any of it, and it's a recurrent issue with this ongoing. I want to trust Zub. So I will let him a fair chance with the arc in Westworld. But after that if that didn't improve I will have to let go. Cover - Really nice & Related (Cheer). 2/2 Writing - Some part are clear enough for me so I cannot give it the maximum. 2/3 Arts - Libranda replace Isaakse. Some part are really good, other fill not enough (All the part where Viv encountering the other Viv). There is a balance between panel with real background & those with just color. But I seen Libranda do more than this. So this is not enough for me. 2/3 Feeling - Mixed. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Champions (2016) #24
Sep 13, 2018 |
A nice issue really. It's weird to have this after the previous one, but I think it's important & serve well what the Champion his. Cover - Nice & related. 1/2 Writing - Really heartbreaking. 3/3 Arts - Nice, not perfect but really nice 2.5/3 Feeling - Love this ongoing 2/2 |
9.5 |
Champions (2016) #25
Oct 4, 2018 |
I love RPG (Books one with the strange dices ^^ ) so this issue was a pleasure for some part. I find the start long. OK they have to recap what happen two month ago for those who jump in or forget it. Ok that make some connection with and consequences. But I find it a little bowering. I enjoy all part in weird world. Cover - Very nice & related 2/2 Writing - Smart. Zub really care for the character he write. I will enjoy this arc for sure. 2.5/3 Arts - A pleasure to see Isaakse back. With Dunbar. The panel are very beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - I love it. 2/2 |
10 |
Champions (2016) #26
Nov 9, 2018 |
What a beautiful issue. Zub show once more he care about the characters, heroes & foes. Festival I was sure to have a story where the Master rule Weirdworld before the champions interference. But their we see that this Nova & Wasp disappearance who lead him on weirdworld. I really like all the champions stories that use well the rpg scenarii. I also like the answer to why riri is the only one not affected. The champions band together once more but in a different fashion way (All but riri playing the role they have in this fantasy world). Cover - Beautiful, in link and will give a marvelous poster at the end. 2/2 Writing - For is last story before the relaunch Zub did a great job. I love it. 3/3 Arts - Dunbar in very beautiful too. I just don't really like the version of this Viv, but otherness, it's close to perfect. Their is some panel without background, but it's as a dramatic gesture (Viv Appearance or when she see what happen in weirdworld on multiple monitor). 3/3 Feeling - Damn I love this team, and as a Role playing gamer & gamemaster, I enjoy this story. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Champions (2016) #27
Dec 12, 2018 |
Is this the end, Beautiful Friend (The doors !) But sometime a end is essential for a new beginning. And on this matter Zub plant some new lead. This comics is about a loss & accept it. Their it's for a power lost, but that can be about a friend, a family, a lover too. So yeah maybe it's a little to quick, maybe some thing could have been better. But I find this story nicely done. And this is about friendship too. In moment of loss don't turn back on friend, they are here for you (For the much part, the better one). It's a nice goodbye to Sam Alexander. Zub have make care to put in his little Sister too (And I almost forgotten here myself). The fusion is maybe easy, but that give a nice ending between Riri & Viv. And they finish with a nice cliffhanger too with the spider/ultron thingy. Cover - I should have taken the Regular to have the Poster completed. But I had the variant in my reservation, I didn't thinked this trough and take it. It's a really Nice Ronan picture, but not related. 1/2 Writer - So in one hand I find this a little rushed & really easy (With the master feeing once more) We also not have a ending for Mordred, and that suck too. But in the other hand I really like who they talk about loss ! 2.5/3 Arts - Really love Dunbar work, maybe to much background without anything but color. But is layout & panel are strong. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's not the end, it's a new adventure awaiting ! 2/2 |
6.0 |
Champions (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Champions (2016) Annual #1
Dec 21, 2018 |
A story on Amka. We sens that Zub want to work her, and he take Nyla Innuksu to help him write on Amka people. It's poetic with a good message but ... But it's not very interesting. Both time the Bad guys isn't a Bad guys and the repetition make it difficult to digest. Cover - I take the variant. Awful she squint. I don't like it. But more in link than the regular. 1/2 Writing - The story is too long and not that interesting 1.5/3 Arts - The art is good, love it even if not always perfect. 2.5/3 Feeling - I think it's a pass. 1/2 |
7.7 |
Champions (2019) | 3 issues |
8.0 |
Champions (2019) #1
Jan 4, 2019 |
I really like that locus as a place in the team but their is maybe to more characters now. But in the same time when they talk about the reservist I want to see Gabby in the team now ^^ This issue is a little weird after Sam/Miles and Sam/Amadeus panels. I wondered if the red fog change the team but Ms.Marvel seem to look ok. The end seem to add some kind of possible explanation for Miles, but not for Amadeus behavior. Cover - I take the Inviders team. So not related but really beautiful. 1/2 Writing - I like who Zub succeed to write three team in their. But in the same time, I wonder about some of the choice he made. Will see. 2.5/3 Arts - I fear a lot with the new artist but Cumming really did great. Is choice for the layout was very good. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed for now but I trust in Zub ! 1.5/2 |
8.0 |
Champions (2019) #2
Feb 8, 2019 |
We go back in time to see what really happen with Zzzax. And Why both Miles & Amadeus acted as they did after this fight. Cover - Ok I see a link, and it's good. 1.5/2 Writing - Well written & interesting. 3/3 Arts - The art isn't perfect but do the job. Their is even very strong panel. 2.5/3 Feeling - A little too dark for me. Mixed. It's surprising to reboot with this kind of story. It's make me relly uncomfortable. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Champions (2019) #3
Mar 8, 2019 |
Transitional issue ? Really ? That fast ? Ok we see a training with the newbies. We see that sam don't fit weel (Damn we know that, that move forward about it. It's boring me). We see a strange mephisto who seem to care about miles (Damn that weird). I like Amadeus trying to cheer up Miles and then Miles discovering the death of the girl he saved (Before the retcon). Oh and Dust make anti-mutant even more angry that they was endangering the team. Don't care about Kaldera. Don't know her. Cover - The kraven variant. Not related but really nice. 1/2 Writing - The story is well told, Zub try to put gravitas. But don't think that was what this team need. 2.5/3 Arts - Some panel without background, but not much. Cumming do the work even if I don't find the character as perfect than in his previous issues. The layout was nice. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. Nothing really hook me. In the same time I want to give Zub a fighting chance because until now he do a good job. I really think it was the right arc for a reboot. 1/2 |
2.0 |
Cloudia & Rex | 2 issues |
2.0 |
Cloudia & Rex #2
Aug 18, 2017 |
I'm very disappointed by this one. The story is very hard to follow. The art is not easy too. |
2.0 |
Cloudia & Rex #3
Sep 7, 2017 |
The end is as bad as issue 2. Even worse maybe. I don't know what the writer wanted to bring to us. But for me this was a bad story. I'm sad because even if issue 1 have some bad part, some other was good and lot of promise. The art don't make it easy to like too. |
5.5 |
Conan The Barbarian (2023) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Conan The Barbarian (2023) #1
Aug 5, 2023 |
I didn't know why I bothered to try. Not for me. The art seem old (But very respectful) Too much bubbles ... |
4.5 |
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) | 2 issues |
4.0 |
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #1
Jul 5, 2018 |
Maybe I expected to much of this. Or maybe it was just the kind of comics not for me. But I love Cates Dr Strange, so I give him the benefice of the doubt. And I was not in a reading I like. Oh, I give him the fact he warned before about his Castle Rider. And their was some part I licked. But not much, and I find all it uninteresting. For me he didn't succeed exceed the concept. And that will be all I will retain of this, just a concept, not much more ! Cover - I should have stick with the regular, because I don't like the style of the variant. But I had solicited the variant. Not really in link, just the character driving & laughing. 1/2 Writing - That wasn't bad. But like for cap I don't see why caste complain that much. Oh I heard him, but what a pussy (No not repeat to him that ^^ ). That seem a little empty. Even with this fucking psycho baby thanos. 1/3 Arts - I like the art, that put some fun in the character. I like this kind of cartoon face. It's not perfect but that do the job. For me the layout are too sober. I would have liked more madness in that part. 2/3 Feeling - I choose to not sollicites the third after this reading. But Cates will have the second for turning me. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #2
Aug 3, 2018 |
If I had a doubt that this Punisher/Ghost Rider was or wasn't stupid, this issue prove he his. Ok Frank is kind of lost in a time where allies don't run the street. It's not like a younger Odin can help. But no he goes to the eater of planet with a baby thanos in care. For a guys who try to give another path to Thanos he kind of succeed showing the mad titans what violence or death is. Stupid frank. The only good part was this Guardian of the galaxy team-up. Cover - I take the Variant on the throne. Very nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Not very bright or funny. Cates disappoint me. I feel that himself didn't know what to do with this character. I will not lying I would be totally lost too. 1.5/2 Arts - Not fond of that part too, but at least that do the job with some fun that make the story less painful to read. And most of the panel have background. 2.5/3 Feeling - My last one. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Damage (2018) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Damage (2018) #1
Jan 18, 2018 |
So what we have. Well for now we know not much and I wanted to smash the Ligget. He was really dumb to mock Ethan, then beg him to let him leave, for mock him once more. Very dumb. I don't see how it's related to metal for now. But I not like this Damage. Some sort of Abomination created by the army & who want to be free ... Smell hulk ! The fact that the suicide squad appear at the end not make me happy too. I don't like them. Cover - Well I didn't understand why we have some part of the immortal men cover inside. That said not bad & well related to what I read 2/2 Writing - Tony Daniel loose his the Pitt touch. Doomed was more interesting after his first issue. Not a good sign. 1/3 Arts - Yeah he can draw scary monster & damaged city ... 3/3 Feeling - I want the real Damage/Grant Emerson ... Not this I will try to piss marvel ! 0/2 |
6.4 |
Dark Nights: Metal | 4 issues |
6.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #1
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - I like the cover even if this isn't related to the story 1/2 Writing - I didn't like the start. Why the Justice League is in Mongul's hand. For me it's a easy way to make them far away to Gotham, but wasn't very interesting. The part in Gotham is a little more interesting, but to much talk and the sensation to be in a transition's issue. And again a New Secret organisation. Common that smell like a bad running gag. Their is to much of those, and not one was very interesting or in capacity to do their agenda. It's true I like the part of "Batman have always a plan", that was funny. I'm not a fan of the cliffhanger. 1/3 Arts - A pleasure to see Capullo, once more drawing Batman. I see he have in hand all the characters. It was for me the best part of all of this. 3/3 Feelings - I'm not happy. That wasn't a fantastic start, and Snyder never convinced me on his arc's finals ... So my trust isn't at the top of what I expect for such a spent (With all the next one shot that will follow). 1/2 |
7.5 |
Dark Nights: Metal #2
Sep 14, 2017 |
Not a bad reading. But I didn't like it much. Their was fun part (The family as Batman). The end make is bad because we know that's too easy & that bruce will come back. I'm recognize some of the Immortal, but not all, and don't like the fact that Kendra was with them at all. Capullo make one more time a beautiful work. My rating is that I for a huge part thanks to him. Don't like the army of bad Bruce ! Smell like old "Fear Itself" & that's not a good thing. |
7.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #3
Oct 12, 2017 |
First off Capullo & Glapion art are very good. They do their best to make this story clear, and Snyder didn't give them a easy work. So thanks to them. For the story that was dark, but with some good moment (The Bar & love to see dick in the big league once more). I don't like the evil batman, but I find funny their time in the bar too. And I'm little surprise to see deathtroke in. I rather seen him with another teammate through. Aquaman have already some problems with the mission, so been with deathstroke make things harder for him. The end let me disappointed, after a issue I liked more than the 2 previous one. For now I will stop with issue 4. |
5.0 |
Dark Nights: Metal #4
Dec 20, 2017 |
For a minute I wondered If I did a mistake to have this issue like my last. Then their was Starro and I wasn't anymore. If you think this issue is the balance point where good guys begun to win, YOU ARE WRONG. This issue keep going to be dark. The part with Dream (FAN FICTION) is only for saving magically Bruce & Clark from their current situation. I didn't like Aquaman/Deathstroke part (Bowering). I liked Jordan/Mr Terrific one before Starro (The editor note Joke is even't not funny). And I liked Dr Fate/Wonder woman before snyder make some big Sh.t ... And I will even not talking about the cliffhanger. i wanted to throw up. Cover - I take the kubert. Beautifull, but not related. 1/2 Writing - Seriously you do what you want, inventing some fact that didn't happen only because you are the writer. Yes this a part of writing about fictional character. But their it was like you make fun of me. So f..k off. 1/3 Arts - Well Capullo is good man. What did he follow this awful story will be a mystery. I wanted to see once more Black Adam, but not like that. 3/3 Feelings - I stop with no regrets, the end will be rubbish (Easily he will win at the last second, oh joy !) 0/2 |
7.0 |
Darkseid Special | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Darkseid Special #1
Aug 31, 2017 |
I like the art. The story was too dark and in the same time I find it not very good for Darkseid. How can he have so easily left someone escape his grasp. With no power ... I didn't like much the Omac story & art. I like the Kirby one, but after two present art, his own make a strange feeling. The cover is very great and in a very good material. |
4.0 |
Dazzler: X-Song | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Dazzler: X-Song #1
Jun 7, 2018 |
I find that too long and with any taste. The only thing that can be use is seen Piotr going see her. And the real interesting thing is to see that she still have the Dazzler/Thor's Mjolnir. Cover - Love the variant & related in a way. 1.5/2 Writing - There is some interesting part. But it's too long and not that great. 1/3 Arts - The art do the job without been very good. 1.5/3 Feeling - Will be forgotten soon enough 0/2 |
8.5 |
DC / Looney Tunes | 1 issues |
8.5 |
DC / Looney Tunes: Catwoman/Tweety and Sylvester #1
Aug 30, 2018 |
The frist story are really good stuff, maybe the fight between the heroes keep up too longer. I'm also surprised to see Clarion as the one with the answer. The Second story is really funny, but much for kiddo ! Cover - The variant. I find it in link & nice. 2/2 Writing - Both are strong & less stronger part. 2/3 Arts - The first story are great art even if their is some issue with Black Canary Face. The second is perfect. 2.5/3 Feeling - It was nice. 2/2 |
6.5 |
DC Nation (2018) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
DC Nation (2018) #0
May 3, 2018 |
I will take No Justice so I didn't wanted miss some huge part of the story. So I take this comics. A story About a mad Joker, really weird, really discomforting, but my favorite. Then a story about Superman. Not bad, but a little boring. And I didn't understand. Lois have disappear ? The last is the weird encounter between Batman & the Colu. I wasn't teased at all. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - The first story is the better, the two following wasn't really good. 1.5/3 Arts - All panel was really good. 3/3 Feeling - I wonder if No Justice will not boring m. 0/2 |
9.0 |
DC's Nuclear Winter Special | 1 issues |
9.0 |
DC's Nuclear Winter Special #1
Nov 30, 2018 |
A very fun story with rip hunter between "The time machine" and "Arabian's night" it make me smile a lot. And the art is very good. A nice story with a very good Batman 666, even if I'm not a big fan of Ra's. And the art is very nice. A touching story with Superman one million & Martian manhunter. The way to tell it is a little bumpy, but the ending have a huge emotional impact on me. And I really liked the arts. A weird flash story, not my favorite but the ending is nice. I'm not a huge fan of the art easer but that do the job. A fantastic Aquaman first part (I want to follow him). Maybe not a huge deal with what we expected after Arthur tell that they ask him a lot. But maybe the fact to see Atlantis ruin is what Arthur fear most than the shark monster. I'm in love with the story with Supergirl, even if I would have finish this one with kara letting the kid go alone. The art is so beautiful, a little lookalike of Kingdom Come. A first I was sure to don't care for Firestorm but this story is great too. With a huge emotional impact at the end. I would have made a tear on one android, because Android can cry too ^^ The art is perfect for the story, I liked it very much. The story with kamandi is not bad, even if I didn't find link to the electrics warriors. The art is just good. I dind't like nor the story, nor the art of the Catwoman story. And I was sure to don't like Green arrow's one but both the writer make a hell of a job to make me like it. Cover - Really nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I liked a big part of the book, and I'm in love with two story (Superman, supergirl) and I'm hooked and want the next part of th Aquaman's story. 3/3 Arts - Most of them are really great. Doing nice layout and panel. 3/3 Feeling - I'm recommend it. And yet, I didn't want it at first (Harley in the cover as a effect to repulse me but she isn't inside). 2/2 |
6.5 |
Dead Man Logan | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Dead Man Logan #1
Nov 30, 2018 |
I tried it. It's better than Death of Wolverine or Return of Wolverine (But it not hard to do better than both). It's not a great story. Like that he have 12 month of life for 12 issue ... Not good. I didn't like Ms Sinister but I find her interesting. I we have the nurse who know stingray but not hawkeye (That make me smile ^^ ) And we have more with Forge (So maybe the death will not come for him). And I didn't think that even if he succeed to kill Mystery, Red Skull of Banner that they will not be back soon. Their name are too important to stay dead. Cover - I like it, it's related to his flashback but not all the book. 1.5/2 Writing - There is some good in it, it's what make me sad about this. 2/3 Arts - I really appreciate the art, good layout and panels. 3/3 Feeling - Not for me, sorry but that didn't succeed to hook me 0/2 |
5.3 |
Death or Glory | 2 issues |
5.5 |
Death or Glory #1
May 3, 2018 |
No what I wanted to find in it. And for a time I even wonder if he know where he was going with it. I wasn't more in it at the end. But that I a little disappointed about this. Cover - I like the cover but not really related 1/2 Writing - It's was a little slow to start. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is really beautiful 3/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Death or Glory #2
Jun 7, 2018 |
To dark for me ... I was out once I see the mechanical saw. Cover - Very beautiful, but not related. 1/2 Writing - Maybe it's well contruct. Maybe not. But it's not for me for sure. 1/3 Arts - Awesome. 3/3 Feeling - Don't like it. 0/2 |
6.5 |
Deep Roots | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Deep Roots #1
Apr 26, 2018 |
I wasn't really under the spell of this complicated story. I understood the old guardian waking-up. I liked the story about the veteran saving lives. But I stop following with the secret organisation, the woman in her dream, the other monster awaken ! Same the idea of a old guardian thing who would be lost after era asleep in a world he will not recognize & a world who will not recognize him could have bee something more. Cover - I took the variant. I see a link & she is better than the regular for my taste. 2/2 Writing - He lost me in the dream ... Damn I hate when I find myself not ready for a story, because I feel that more my fault than his maybe. 2/3 Arts - Not totally my taste. But that do a good job. And the dream was very inventive. 2.5/3 Feelings - Not for me. But I feel like, that could be for another than me. Their is a very inventive part & a story well conceived ! 0/2 |
6.5 |
Dejah Thoris (2018) | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Dejah Thoris (2018) #0
Jan 11, 2018 |
I didn't know much about Dejah Thoris. Each time I tried to read a story about her or Carter I wasn't convinced. This time this a prequel story. I liked the way the story was told, but I find Dejah extremely naĂŻve, she is young so that may be easily explained. For a issue 0 that give me the desire to try a little more. That may be my entry point for mars. Cover - A good cover nice, but not related to the story. 1/2 Writing - A good starting point 2/3 Arts - I liked Qualano art. Very sweet. Despite her lack of cloth, she didn't appear sexualized. 3/3 Feelings - Amy Chu convinced me for a time on Red Sonja. Did the lightning will strike a second time and for more time ? 2/2 |
5.0 |
Dejah Thoris (2018) #1
Feb 8, 2018 |
I find it less interesting that the issue 0. I find Dejah a little too stubborn & ready to endanger now friend. I didn't like the Student & find some not well designed. When one die I see why the artist didn't spend more effort of him. At least Dejah is outside the palace on mars desert. Cover - Franck Cho Variant (love it) 1/2 Writing - The start was a little slow with some repetition. But I imagine that was for those who didn't take issue 0. 2/3 Arts - That do the job, but sometime a little lazy on character or settings. 2/3 Feelings - I didn't know if I will take the following issue. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Demi-God | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Demi-God #1
Apr 5, 2018 |
I didn't like it. Maybe the overfull assurance of the characters. Maybe some too common part with the sad nerd not good for girl nor for fighting. And the fact the right bat was in the store, too cheap. Cover - I chose the cover with the car & the chick. 1/2 Story - Marz disappointed me. After all he was the writer on my favorite green Lantern. 1/3 Arts - That do the job and more, but that seem to show all the error in the writing. 2/3 Feeling - I will not go further. 0/2 |
8.2 |
Detective Comics (2016) | 28 issues |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #963
Aug 25, 2017 |
A very nice story for Steph this time. I hope their will be a big one for Clayface too. I'm tired to see him used as the third wheel. I would love see him evolve. I was surprised and impressed by Anarky. Even if I don't see any difference between their method & Batman (Except the end). The art is not my kind of stuff. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #964
Sep 14, 2017 |
Ok this story was all about Clayface for once ... Finally ... Well Steph steal a little spot too. I like the link between Cass & Basil, but more I read they are similar, more I fear both will lead different path, and that Basil will become a bad guys again. This comics make a move in this direction. But that make me feat Tynion IV is more cunning & at the end Cass will turn bad (I really hope not). The part with Anarky & Spoiler was great. I was please to see Harper & Dr Thompkins. I even for a moment believe Anarky make some good. But Batman come to end that feeling. I didn't like where it's lead with the First Victime again present. The art is very good. I just have a problem with one part. Before batman appear between Steph & Anarky when we see what I think is Anarky & Steph from above. |
9.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #965
Sep 28, 2017 |
I have the variant cover, but both are nice. I love the art in this one, but sometime the ink is to much or the color to shiny. I know both time it's for a dramatic effect, but for me that wasn't necessary. I have a trouble at first understanding Mr Oz talking in Action comics of the Human thinking only of them, and talk there of Tim generous heart. But that's become logic once Oz explain himself. I love how the origin of Tim is presented, and prefers this one closer to the original than the New52 one. I don't understand why the other Batman are in this outfit and not the proper one he should wear. And so now we know that's not him or Doomsday who surprised Tim the first time he escape. I will wait for the next issue. |
9.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #966
Oct 12, 2017 |
Once more one of the best reading of my pill. Tynion IV is on fire on Detective comics, he love dick, know well the bat univers & show us how well but without showing-off. The art is nice too, I have some trouble with Dick/Red Robin face sometime, but that's nothing. Tynion IV use well Doomsday & the 2 Tim intelligence. I like also of how the Batman Tim speak of his future & his past. As a Dr who follower, I like using the term Fixed point. And I love the face of Red Robin genuinely with no clue of who is this Connor the Batman Tim Speak off. I really like that for many reason. One I find troubling that Batman Tim put a batman costume and not a Batman Beyond one. Two the Tim who become Batman Beyond one (And disappear in the same time than Red Robin) was put in the futur in the New52 continuity. So this one his a different one. A one who have lived on the original univers (Well the one created after Crisis on Infinite Earth). I leave with some question ... We don't see who surprise Tim ? Does the Batman Beyond tim is also prisoner of Oz. Did he put this batman Tim for troubling Red Robin. He kind of like will have been with the Metal Bad Bruce. Maybe he come from a dark universe too ! |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #967
Oct 27, 2017 |
You want a good comics ... Well that's it. Pick this fantastic ongoing. Tynion IV once again do a marvelous job. Not only we have the team Batman & Batwoman lead. But Also all robins et another tim. And Tynion IV succeed to make us love the Team as the Future Tim. He's intelligent enough to add some surprise in the cliffhanger & add something to the old DCU to the now. Cover - I choose the variant 2/2 Writing - Perfect 3/3 Arts - Barrows & Ferreira does a fantastic job, & some unforgettable moments. 3/3 Sentiment - Why all the Rebirth Title isn't at this level of writing ??? 2/2 10/10 |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #968
Nov 9, 2017 |
Not bad. Not as good as the other story Tynion IV said but I liked what he does. Maybe a little too dark, maybe a little to easy too. Cover - I have the variant 1/2 Writings - 2/3 Arts - I didn't like this one. I'm astonished that was the same artistic team, because I find it not as strong as the previous issue. 2/3 Sentiment - A easy end to a very beautiful arc. I would have loved a little more. But easily the best Rebirth Title. 1/2 6/10 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #969
Nov 23, 2017 |
Tynion IV keep on going to astonish me. The only thing that I find weird was to see Basil as a inmate .... But as clayface he is still undercover for the team. I love to see Steph & Tim together, I hope Batwoman is wrong about their relationship. It's a pleasure to read each number of this title. Really, if you didn't try it already, do it. Cover : A beautiful Variant in link with what is inside 2/2 Writing : 3/3 Arts : Beautiful 3/3 Feelings : Feel great reading it. 2/2 10 |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #970
Dec 14, 2017 |
Sometime you expect a title to be always as good. And when he's not as you expected you are disappointed. But does it be less go however ? This story was that kind of feeling. I read it but with no real pleasure. For one, Red Robin seem like a megalomanic and if I understand is fear. I didn't like what he try to do ... Hell a make me pass in the camp of Batwoman's dad. I also tired of claycface fear even if he as a nice talking with orphan (Who do nothing for some month now ... Give me the Cassandra I like). Then we have Batwoman & batgirl against some robot with their body's move. Batwoman & her father with who I cannot been in disagreement anymore. Spoiler storming out isn't surprising nor what I want to read. The cliffhanger about Clayface is really mean & sad. So I'm break at the end of my reading, but maybe that what Tynion IV search for. Cover - A nice variant with some link to a part of the story. But I choose poorly. The regular's better. 1/2 Writing - 2/3 His writing's good. But I needed something less darker. Arts - Not perfect, but do well the job. 2/3 Feelings - First time, I'm not sure to keep detective comics in my list of comics. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #971
Dec 29, 2017 |
So what to do to this arc of batman, one of my least favorite one ! To be honest this issue was better that my feeling on the last one. I have only a question about the young reporter that we don't see after. If Tim keep up to dissapointing me, Spoiler make a progress. But I'm more related to cassie. She don't do much, but when she do, each time it's really helpfull. And her relation to Clayface is hearthbreaking. And the people of gotham manifesting agains bat happen at the right timing for Doomsday clock. Enven if it's not the same thing. Cover - I take the variant. Not related to the story but much better than the regular 1/2 Writing - Tynion IV do the trick again ! Well done ! 2.5/3 Arts - I liked the art even if it was not the best. 2.5/3 Feeling - Last issue I have doubt to follow this ongoing, but this one make it clear, that this is still the better Rebirth & worth it ! 2/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #972
Jan 11, 2018 |
This ongoing is the best there is for the rebirth era. I feared this issue, but liked it very much. And I think Clayface is right with Tim when he tell that is paranoia will make us despite him. I find very nice both time Batman face him. And I like seen cassie succeed where the other fail without arming him. But there is the end with a uncontrolled claycface. I'm torn about that ending. Cover - I take the variant cover. Love it & well connected to part of the story. 2/2 Writing - The best writing. With a good use of the cast. A very interesting development each issue. What more do you want ? 3/3 Arts - The art is really good. Maybe the coloring make some panel a little off. 3/3 Feelings - I would not understand that you didn't even try it ? 2/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #973
Jan 25, 2018 |
Again a fantastic story. Tynion IV use all the character very well. The story going worse for Tim's ally. The giant Clayface go right in the place the First Victim sympathizer protest. Azrael play some Tony Stark using all batwing armor. I hope the fact they all was destroyed in a blink will not disrupt his mind. Cover - I take the variant. A little related to the end. 1.5/2 Writing - The best ongoing their is ! 3/3 Arts - I liked the amazing arts, like for action comics a strong crew. I particularly loved Cassandra. 3/3 Feelings - I will keep going to solicited without any doubt this ongoing as long as Tynion IV are in command. |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #974
Feb 15, 2018 |
Sad & a little not what I wanted to read. I didn't like the future version of Batwoman in the start of his own ongoing. So see that happen didn't please me. And I don't like Ulysse so the end don't make me the need to see the next issue. But I will be there. Because Tynion IV use well the cast & even the evil/support characters. The only good thing was that with the chock maybe Red Robin will become likable again. Cover - There too I take the variant. Good but not related to the story 1/2 Writing - Tynion IV do a impressive job. This isn't because I don't like what I read that I can't see the work on the characters. I'm one that will regret him onboard of Detective Comics. 2/3 Arts - This's good. Very very good. 3/3 Feeling - Dark but Logical ... No easy end/easy win for the Batfamilly.1/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #975
Mar 1, 2018 |
Damn Jason Tynion IV is the write writer for the bat family & we will loose that. I'm sad. In a page a write Babs & Dick like I didn't read them for age. He did a great Cassandra move with Damian, & write a Damian than (Once more) I like to dislike ^^ This story is a great transitional issue. It's like that writer have to do these kind of issue. I'm sad about Kate Kane joining her father (Or maybe it's a batman plan all along ^^ ) Cover - A beautiful variant ... And even if it's not link to what I read, the blood trail is in some way. 2/2 Writing - I love Jason Tynion IV work, and I'm sad he sell less than he deserve to keep this title. 3/3 Arts - Just Beautiful. This ongoing has the chance to have only the best onboard ! 3/3 Feeling - Sad, but I want to thanks Tynion IV for his work. 2/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #976
Mar 15, 2018 |
I will again tell the pleasure it's to read Tynion IV & that I will miss him. I'm more & more convinced it's a batman scheme all along to put Batwoman, Azrael & Batwing in the Colony to overthrow them. I'm deeply touch by Cassandra missfortune & I don't know what to think of Timothy. The reference about "Wendy the werewolf stalker" is really nice for such a Peter David/Todd Nauck Young Justice's fan as me (YJ Issue 33-34). I will never understand why this title didn't sell more. Cover - The variant ... Nice & somewhat related. 2/2 Writing - I love how Tynion IV use each character. 3/3 Arts - Beautiful panel like always. There is only a Splash Page that was hard to read (The one where Azrael & Batwing want to apply to the Colony). 3/3 Feeling - I enjoy each issue. And It's growing with all issue separating me from the last Tynion IV issue. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #977
Mar 29, 2018 |
I don't know if this is about Tynion IV leaving. About the world of batman turning darker (With Batwoman, Azrael & Batwing in the Colony). About the dark future we see. About Tim & Ulyse. About Brother Eyes. But I didn't enjoy it less than usually. Cover - I take the variant 2/2 Story - I tired to see traitors in comics book maybe. 1.5/3 Arts - Still great 3/3 Feeling - Mixed ... And I don't know why. And that Bother me. 1/2 But this Issue didn't deserve been under 8.5 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #978
Apr 12, 2018 |
Once more a amazing issue from Tynion IV. That may be close to a transitional issue, it's a very intelligent one. I like Batman confronting this soon with Kate & his father but not for a fight. I always happy to see Cassy in there, but I hope she recover soon, because a sad Cassie isn't one I like. Azrael & Batwing are so screwed (Good for them, traitor ! ^^ ) And I didn't see Ulysse taking this name - The general (Ring a bell as a Superman Foes in the 90's) I surely will miss Tynion IV team management ! Cover - I take the variant. Not related but very nice ! 1/2 Writing - I would love to see him more on the title, but this is a hell of goodbye ! 3/3 Arts - As always the arts is really strong ... Some minor hiccup but I forgive him easily. 3/3 Sentiments - The strong title of Rebirth and DC change the team. A real mystery to me ! 2/2 |
8.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #979
Apr 26, 2018 |
The sad part of all of this is that Tim is only struck by what he tried to do himself. I was worried for Cassandra, and I didn't like the new "Quentin quire" look for Ulysse Armstrong. I find a litte easy that batman, batwoman & the general have this soon the help of batwing & azrael. I wondered if Spoiler was drunk ? Cover - I take the variant. Beautiful & more in link. 2/2 Writing - Tynion IV keep going is amazing job of writing all these character. 3/3 Arts - Maybe the character is not perfectly draw. His style is more Brute than what we was accustomed with Detective Comics. But I liked the panel he imagined. The strength in some part of the intelligent splash page but you have to turn the comics a little to see it (Loosing ground in the same time than Tim). 2.5/3 Feeling - It's the kind of dark I tear between like & dislike to succeed judging it. 1/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #980
May 17, 2018 |
We are close to the end. Kate will fight Tim. Batman, Spoiler & Cassi try to stop Brother Eyes. Batwing & Azrael will turn out as Omac. Damn what a firework for a ending. The only thing I was very surprised is that Kate seem to know that Ulysse Armstrong as a part in all this mess. But I loved this ... And the Omac showing Steph & Cassi the Batgirl they where or could have been. I love it ! Cover - The variant very strong beautiful & in link. 2/2 Writing - I will miss Tynion IV. He really succeed to put all characters in our heart ! 3/3 Arts - Since the start Detective Comics have a huge artist. Each Panel is a pleasure ! 3/3 Feeling - It was the better Rebirth Title. I don't want to leave (it) ^^ 2/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #981
May 24, 2018 |
It's the end ... And what beautiful ending ... I knowed that Clayface was alive (Even if we only see a glimpse of him). I like the Tynion IV run & this is a perfect ending. A pull away the toy and let other free to use them. But he also give Cassy, Tim & Steph a new road, that I hope will be used. One hell of a run finish here, and I have to thanks Tynion IV for showing that a Batman book can be a book after those he have close to him (Well He is present most of the time, but Cassie, Tim, Azrael, Kate & Batwing have a very good spot in there). Cover - I take the variant ... Beautiful, with the presence of Batman under gotham. And we see some of that in this story. 2/2 Writing - Just very very good. Not perfect because the goodbye are to short for some (Batwing even't draw, Azrael & Clayface letting us with questions). 3/3 Arts - Damn we have been so lucky to read a run with wonderful artist on it. Damn good book. The next creative team will have a hard time showing them in the same work. 3/3 Feeling - Sad to let Tynion IV leave. But he was a very good time. Thanks to Tynion IV. 2/2 |
10 |
Detective Comics (2016) #982
Jun 14, 2018 |
Her we are with a new run in Detective comics ... Will miss you Tynion IV. But if you want to know what is made of the new writer, you will have to wait another issue. So we have a transitional creative team for a one shot issue. And what a shot. At first I was a little lost & I didn't liked what I read. But more and More Moreci succeed where Blackfire fait. Forget the Pitch under, this is not what you will read. You will read one of the best Batman Story I never read. I place it in the same level as Percy/Leon's Terminal Story. Cover - The variant ... Kind of Related in a way. 1.5/2 Writing - Well done because at first I didn't like what I read. But showing Bruce fear & strength make this story one hell of story. 2.5/3 Arts - Like for the story, at first I didn't like it. But at the end, it was the perfect art for this story. 3/3 Feeling - One of the best Batman story I have read. Well done. 2/2 9/10 |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #983
Jun 28, 2018 |
My first impression was that I already read something like that with the first victim. But Hill isn't Tynion IV. If he give Batman & Alfred body, it's was too short too juge for Duck. But both Black Lightning & Cassandra fell of. And I expected some link to the end of Justice League - No Justice. But no. I'm bother because I sollicites his arc. But for now this a mistake making me rethink if I choose to trust Robinson or not. And Wonder Woman didn't him. So I will take this title out for September. But if the first robinson issue Convince me. I can pull it once more in. Cover - The variant, nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - For now it's disappointing. 1.5/3 Arts - This was strong panel. Not perfect. Sometime close to perfect with alfred working on duke. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will miss Tynion IV for sure. Very Mixed for now 1/2 |
6.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #984
Jul 12, 2018 |
Ok this part was better than the previous one, but it's because Cassandra have the spot on her. So Hill make her once more the daughter of Shiva too. Since her return we know for her father but her mother stay a mystery. The New52 Shiva was younger at her first apparence in Nightwing. Later they give her more & more her old appearance in Red Hood & the Outlaws. But she wasn't as good as before in my mind. So I'm happy to see that they once more try to make Shiva been what what I read & loved in the DCU before New52. I was also surprised to see Black Lightning surprise by Batman/Bruce connection. I understand in The Forge that Batman as Outsiders before, so I expected him to in. I think Hill give too much power to his lame vilain. I would rather loved to see once more the First Victim. Cover - Variant. Very nice but not connected to the story. 1/2 Writing - I find it a little slow sometime. I was disappointed by the cliffhanger. But I will read each part of this arc decide if I stay or not on Detective Comics. 2/3 Arts - I like the layout even if too much panel have no background. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. Still not convinced. I think DC made a mistake by moving Tynion IV. There is a chance I will leave before the 1000. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #985
Jul 26, 2018 |
This issue have some good thing : - Alfred trying to help Lightning - The fact they will tell Karma identity. - The Karma actions. But there is some disappointing thing too : - For one this issue seem a transitional one & not action one. - Karma identity Cover - The variant nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I didn't like how this story was tell. 2/3 Arts - The art is really good. 3/3 Feeling - I don't like this story for now. And I still think DC do a mistake replacing Tynion IV. Them too it seem because they will put gleason on the title until the 1000. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #986
Aug 9, 2018 |
From the start of the new arc Detective comics disappoint me more & more & the time to chose to end my sollicitation is now. Tynion IV made a very good job and I hope that now reader rethink is working. Yeah I'm not very nice with Bryan Hill because he trie. But even DC seems to have other writer for Detective Comics. So themselves see that they made a mistake. For those like me how hope to see a new Outsiders team form a rank they will be disappointed. The story is more focus on Bruce, even if Lightning as a role to play & even with the cliffhanger. I'm happy to see cassandra well used. But Barbara & Signal aren't at all. Duck is even absent for this issue. I don't like the identity for Karma, the fact he's blind was too much. Blind but he can read the mind ... Well if it was some sort of Daredevil link, it's not good at all. No the First Victime is more a match and interesting, than this copycat. He also have innocent in his grasp if Batman don't do what he demand. Before Tynion IV leaves, Detective comics was the last of my pile, the better for the end. The last good taste. Now he is in the third reading part. And the following will close to first one I read with the title I end before my last Detective comics. Cover - I hate DC make us choose without seen the variant cover. What a joke this Batmobile toy cover. Not related. But he was well draw 1/2 Writing - I find all that easy & some part stupid. Karma isn't a challenge. And I don't sir a real Outsider link. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is good, but less good than in the Tynion IV run. We see to quickly the limit of Briones work. At less his style give some fun too. He really try to put some background & not let fall in the facility of using color instead. 2.5/3 Feeling - Disappointed. DC screw a lot. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #987
Aug 23, 2018 |
The final battle against Karma. Another attempt to make something with this bad idea. Even the moment where bruce let is mind flow isn't good (He wasn't there to see Jason hurt, the time where Baine break is back, where scarecrow put fear in him or Joker, or Hugo Strange, or the court of owld would have given stronger panel. I will not take the new outsider ongoing for sure. Cover - Variant nice but not related 1/2 Writing - the worse arc since the beginning of this volume. Well not easy to pass after Tynon IV. 1/3 Arts - The art make the work. 3/3 Feelings - That not good for Batman & Outsiders ongoing. Even with Cassie & Katana that I love he succeed to not hocking me ! 0/2 |
7.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #988
Sep 13, 2018 |
Robinson did a nice job with this story. He work on bruce still hurt by Catwoman's decision. He plant a very nice seed for old & now enemy (The fireflies) and putt a ending that was very interesting. But the end don't succeed to hide the fact this story wasn't enough after the last run to make me hocked again. Cover - Nice & in link 2/2 Writing - I think it's something missing to be perfect. I don't know why. Maybe I'm botherhed by the presence of the Fireflies or that we don't know who shot the man for now. 2/3 Arts - The art is impressive except for the fighting part. Like if he follow a guide like a good student but not take risk. The flame, the smoke or the Sky remplace background, eating it like gangrene. That sad because some panel are wonderfull. 2.5/3 Feeling - I don't think I will come back. 1/2 |
6.5 |
Detective Comics (2016) #994
Jan 4, 2019 |
I left Detective comics some time after Tynion IV left, I tried Robinson without success but wanted to leave a chance to Tomasi. This issues isn't bad but seems to put some element I already seen in another Bats story. Ok not entirely identical but the murder of two people who look alike the wayne remember me the time Ra's stole their coffin for exemple. The way bruce is targeted that place Ra's or hush in my first suspects. Joker too now that one of them know bruce identity. Cover - Nice and related 1/2 Writing - Not bad but not really original 1.5/3 Arts - Gleason did good. I tend to not be fond of the face of the woman he draw, but I can pass that easily with all he give. 3/3 Feeling - Not sure with this one. So mixed ! 1/2 |
7.0 |
Detective Comics (2016) #995
Jan 4, 2019 |
The drama continue. In one hand Bat didn't save Leslie, in another Alfred seem to have lost is military training. The attacks puts Batman in a angry mind and we finish with a cliffhanger where he quotes Rorschach. So I'm not fond of the darkness in this story but maybe because a personal issue with my mother health darken my mind. Cover -I take the variant so related and beautiful. 2/2 writing - It's not what I look for, but Tomasi does a good job. 2/3 Arts - Gleason make awesome layout and panel. It's a pleasure to follow his story. 3/3 Feeling - Don't like it. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #1
Mar 8, 2018 |
I didn't read Lemire Black Hammer ... Yeah bwooo to me ! Bwoo ! You are ok new ? I did like his work on Thanos & specially Moon knight (There, you are better new). I have take this one only by curiosity & because I really like the cover. And I discover not a heroes but a moving human being. With is flaw in his past. A man that have regrets & miss the good all time. But today he didn't have any shadowing figure to take out, but be there for his son. And I find this story very nicely bring to us. For some part, I trust I did see where the story lead a little to easily, and lack of originality. But that's ok but that's not the important part of the story, Lemire mislead me there. The more important part is the heartbreaking cliffhanger. Well done Mr Lemire. Cover - Marvelous & with link to the story inside 2/2 Writing - Very nicely done sir ! 3/3 Arts - One of the best art I seen form some time, now. A really pleasant & careful work. The Hero is less beautiful now than in the old time, but that's for making the flown of time more important. 3/3 Feeling - So the good part is that you can read it without reading Black Hammer. This is a nice story. But I'm not quite sure I want to pay for 3 other parts. Could he not have made a One shot. Yeah more bigger = more expensive. But not sure that 4 part for this kind of story would worth it. But even if I didn't sollicite them, if I see the second issue, I will pick it. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #2
Apr 5, 2018 |
Issue two of this personal & dramatic story. I find it hard for the character. It's a very good story about relationship between a hero & his fox. Something comics didn't really scratch. After all not many hero have a child. Their is also question about the consequence of a power near a normal human. And It's interesting. But I will not lie. Issue 1 was fine but I didn't want to come back. But I already have solicited this one. But I will not go further. Cover - Nice & related to my reading 2/2 Story - Very dramatic the clash between Doctor Star and his son's wife was brutal but realistic. 3/3 Arts - The art is good for this kind of story. Not perfect, but he do a very pleasant job. 3/3 Feeling - The catch is that not the kind of story I want to read. It's too dramatic for me. I like more optimistic comics. 0/2 |
8.6 |
Doctor Strange (2015) | 10 issues |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #381
Dec 20, 2017 |
Well never it's never too late for repair a wrong. At first I didn't like the art I see in the sneek pick. And in trust a loki pitch didn't interest me much. So I pass. Then I see the Seek Pick for the 383 and I tell me that could interest me after all. So their I am (Sadly I find issue 381 & 383, but I miss for now the 383. So I will wait for reading & reviewing the following issues). A first I find it a little to quiet, to taking is time. And in trust I see the tour that Zelma give a little too close of the one she had a the start of Aaron run. Their their is the part in the bar. I was in Scarlet witch side ^^ ... And I begin to start understanding Loki when he encounter Thor/Foster. A the end of my reading I wanted more. I see some one Dr Who reference (The house floating & Zelma with the stair in her bag remember me of The Snowmen ^^) and a Beetlejuice one (With the huge snake in the house ... I believe it's a snake too). Oh and I find Wanda very kind to going to Stephan (Dissassembled/House of M) Cover - So at least been late have some good. I have the lenticular. A little expensive, but so good. 2/2 Writing - I'm under is spell 2/3 Arts - So I have to talk of good art & bad art. Well each of us have their vision of art. And I prefer a art I have some trouble with but who will give me a story to read, than a hell of art but without any story. And their is part of his art I really Like (Zelma & Dr strange). I believe Loki is draw like that because he is a twisted character, and I find it very strong that at the end he succeed have me worried for him. 2.5/3 Feeling - I wish that next week I will have the 382 for keep going my reading. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #382
Dec 29, 2017 |
This second part was fun. Well not very fun at the end. But it was very good. I knowed how Strange will go to, so it wasn't a total surprise, but It was well lead. I also liked the part about loki & Zelma ... Very surprised, but not in the wrong way. Not much of action, but a really nice & dramatic story. Cover - Love Del Mundo 2/2 Writing - Very good just after Aaron ... "Bravo !" 2.5/3 Arts - Still like this kind of art for this kind of book. That not art I'm used too, but It's really good to give the character (Particulary Loki) a stature. 2.5/3 Feeling - I didn't regreat trying it. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #383
Dec 29, 2017 |
Strange and is dumbest plan ever ... And for what ... Been jealous. Ok at first it was (Again) a issue without action. But damn when action come, that hit hard. The only issue is to rembering me about Siege. It's logic for this moment and I understand perfectly. But, very bad idea ... That part of the story seem less good instantaneously. Cover - Like it a lot & in relation to a part of my reading. He even succeed to not spoil it. 2/2 Writing - Good ... But please let Siege die forgotten. 2.5/3 Arts - Still the same kind of art I'm not used but like for have a fantastic original reading. But the Battle part was less good. 2/3 Feeling - Ok I'm hook now 2/2 |
7.0 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #384
Jan 18, 2018 |
I didn't like it. Not because it bad. No this his a good story. But very dark at the end. Too dark for me. I tired with marvel making his heroes been some real jerk sometime. How do they expect we like them after ? And Doctor Strange make a very good case at been a real jerk. Poor sentry (Yep the writer succeed to make me complain him). Poor Loky (I liked him right away in the starting of this arc, and now It's bigger than never. He didn't deserve that. I will only brought the next issue to see how he will deal with this ... Hoping he will not loose the sorcerer supreme title. Cover - Well done I trusted that was a symbiote (Like Venom) ... But it's worse and happen at the end 2/2 Writing - A very good one. It's really surprising ... Too dark but surprising 3/3 Arts - Still like this art for this story 2/3 Feeling - Why but Why do they destroy the character we should like ? 0/2 |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #385
Feb 15, 2018 |
A very nice ending. Logical with loki been the trickster. Their is some sad part but making Strange story better. And there also some part a little to easy (The return of the magic) I still think loki deserve Strange role as new sorcerer supreme. I will miss him. Cover - I like Del Mondo, but this one is not great. And give not a full trusty part of the story. 1/2 Writing - Impressive. Sad that the Damned crossover scares me (Like hell ! ^^) 3/3 Arts - Not great, but very nice for this story. And love the ghost dog. 2.5/3 Feeling - I didn't regret trying this arc even if I was a little deceived too ! ^^ 2/2 |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #386
Mar 1, 2018 |
I'm shocked ... Ok the start was a simple repetition of Damnation. With a difference Stephen talk about been captured. I'm sad they play a game without explain that to us. And Stephen did (Again) a big mistake. And Mephisto don't like to be foul ! ... I wonder how that will end for Dr Strange. And the Hamer time hurt me a lot ! Man that was violent ! Cover - Nice & in link to the story 2/2 Writing - Dark but nice ... Well a little to violent at the end. 2/3 Arts - His art grow on me. Hit me ! ^^ 3/3 Feeling - Damn man you are violent ! 1/2 |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #387
Mar 15, 2018 |
This story was very good, than very heartbreaking, then very surprising. I don't understand why marvel will reboot Strange & without Cates & Henrichon. They do a awesome work. Coeur - Nice & in a way link to casino so that's 1.5/2 Writing - I loved it ... Nicely done. 3/3 Arts - Henrichon arts grow on me. They give together a personality for their run. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm not regretting doing this ongoing. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #388
Apr 12, 2018 |
Damn I love it ... Why Marvel choose to let Dr Strange to Waid is a real mystery. Because Waid Avengers was good but not great & No surrender is a dIsaster (Yeah I'm sure Waid take the lead of this one). Cates had big shoe to fill replacing Aaron, and for me he did a really awesome Job. I had left Strange's Aaron one year of now, and Cates succeed to make me read is first run & take Damnation that I didn't intent to take at first. In this one he use perfectly Bats (I hope seen him again once Cates replaced). And he show a strange making mistake on mistake. It's really great. And I loved the part with both Thor & Jane foster helping. Cover - 2/2 I love it & link to casino & the Necrotic Sub-Realm. Writing - Love it and what a cliffhanger ! 3/3 Arts - I love it more and more with each now issue 2.5/3 Feeling - Damn you have to read this. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #389
Apr 26, 2018 |
A very good issue to read after Damnation 4. I like the fact they let us in the dark & with a doubt about with who Stephen take a break. The story was a little less enjoyable, but only because I knowed things wasn't dealing the way they tell that will. I love bat & Dormamuu talking. I will miss cates who do a awesome job taking the mantle of strange & levitating all his way. Cover - Nice, funny & a little related to the story 1.5/2 Writing - A make the impression writing strange is so easy. Great job man ! 3/3 Arts - Love Henrichon arts ... 3/3 Feeling - One to go & then he will see if Waid do fine or not. I still believe Marvel make a mistake their ! 2/2 |
7.5 |
Doctor Strange (2015) #390
May 24, 2018 |
A nice dream. A weird story. So a little disappointing for a goodbye. Even if that put Zelma in Marvel Limbo, there is still bats. So I will hope seen him in the new Doctor Strange ongoing. Cates make 2 very nice arc & don't have to be shameful because he did really good. Cover - I love the cover in some way related. 1.5/2 Writing - It was sad & weird, and it was not the ending I wanted. 2/3 Arts - Irving did some nice & less nice panel. It wasn't the art I would have wanted for a ending. 2/3 Feeling - Sad and disappointed. 0/2 +1 for Cates work who was to short in one way and fantastic after Aaron run. |
8.6 |
Doctor Strange (2018) | 11 issues |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #1
Jun 7, 2018 |
I was ready to make a killing about this review. I rub my hands in a evil laugh ... No nothing like that, but I was so sure that I will not like Dr Strange in Space that I wasn't ready for this reading. So the bad thing first. Ok Strange once more have no more power ... Did Waid read Aaron run ? And Bats is not in there to be seen ... Damn I love Bats. But ! And it's a huge BUT ! The fact that Strange turn blind to magic is very interesting and sad (And however the fact using this type of narrative buble was not for easy for make thing this enjoyable to read), and that explain why we didn't see Bats. Cover - I like it, but for now it the link is weak. 1.5/2 Writing - Waid tell his story and dit this with a very nice manner & with originality. 3/3 Arts - I'm not fan of all of it. But it's a very nice work. 2.5/3 Feeling - A huge surprise. Go see & judge by yourself ! 2/2 |
10 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #2
Jun 22, 2018 |
Does the magic of the first issue hit again. This's a Hell Yes ! Maybe the start on this one is a little long to come. But with this new character (Like strange I will just call her Kanna) this is a new fresh air that come in. I love the idea of this Rogue like maybe stealer but maybe "Archeologist" character. I find their duo very effective & credible. I so loved it ... Where did this Waid was when he have the Avengers charge ? Or in the Really bad No surrender (Yeah I still think he was the lead & that Zub & Ewing where just there to follow order). So all his forgiven with this awesome now Strange ongoing. Cover - Well I find it in link. And I don't dislike it ^^ 2/2 Writing - Damn that was a good story. 3/3 Arts - I have some issue with the photographic kind of work & the coloring. But I would be happy to have their talent ! 3/3 Feeling - I'm hook man ! So don't f... of ! 2/2 |
10 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #3
Jul 5, 2018 |
Mark Waid did it again. A great issue, great fantasy story. I was worried for Strange. I hate his last action against Kanna. They even succeed humanizing the skull. Good stuff in this. I wonder who the stone will fall in the wrong hand ^^ I would have like more creativity for the mystic art they find on another planets, but I'm very picky there. Love how Strange use the time stone to his advantage. And so happy to see Bats ! Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - I like the time Waid take to tell this story. Putting some drama in it. Even if the "you sleep with" a skrull part was too long. 3/3 Arts - Said did awesome job inventing the skull homeworld. Maybe sometime the background was a little light, but I picky there too. 3/3 Feeling - I was a little worried after the two excellent first issue I will not like this story. Or that the Infinity Countdown link will fuck the story. But no this was a very fun reading. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #4
Aug 16, 2018 |
Once again, that's a very good issue. I love how Waid tell us this story. It was bold to mix past & present but that work greatly. That chance of the cliffhanger at the start and then going back to tell us how that happen. The cloak of levitation was a very good surprise. And I'm a little worried for Kanna. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - A very good issue with good surprise & a great ending. 3/3 Arts - Ok maybe the art is to freeze. But damn I would love have is level. 2.5/3 Feeling - A great arc to read. I'm more worried to see Strange going back on earth. He work so well in space ! 2/2 |
8.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #5
Sep 20, 2018 |
I was worried that Strange take so much time, too much I thought. But that was for the better, because after that he make wonder. All the story in space is nice, love Kanna very much & I'm happy to see her have a part. Sure it's weird having Strange worried for earth, I believe the Alpha fight station or Captain marvel could have taken down the warhead. I also like how strange deal with his enemy or who is telling his story. I looking forward for next issue. Cover - The variant. Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - Well done even if the start make me scared for a moment. 2.5/3 Arts - Stille great love Strange outfit. Maybe a little to much panel without background. But in the same time much happen in space or in a spaceship. 2.5/3 Feeling - Successful, love these strange stories ^^ 2/2 |
7.5 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #6
Oct 4, 2018 |
First Issue I wasn't fund off. Maybe because I didn't know who his the character Strange fight. Maybe because it's hard to follow witch strange we follow (Even if there outfit help) Maybe because I didn't care & would love more Space adventures ! Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - Logic, nicely done. A pleasure to see Bats the ghost dog. 2/3 Arts - I like it even if there is some panel without background. 2.5/3 Feeling - A little disappointed. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #7
Nov 9, 2018 |
Waid have a good use of every character in it. He once more show the importance of Kanna & even tell us about her origin story. I love how she work with Baz. A great duo. I'm a little concerned by the start that I trusted to be underwater (So a fire in the bottom of the ocean seem pointless). I like who hold Cassie Leash. Cover - I take the variant. If the regular is related to the story this one is a Uncanny X-men version. Not a great one. 0.5/2 Writing - Apart from the start, I really like this story. I was very surprised by Strange's trap or the cliffhanger. 3/3 Arts - The layout are good, some panel not that good (In particularly a close-up on strange). 2.5/3 Feeling - I was worried to liking less the story now that we aren't in space anymore, Waid succeed to let me hooked. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #8
Nov 24, 2018 |
We have Doctor Strange against Mordru & Casey. It's a nice story when he see a much powerfull Strange even if he need Kanna. I really love when Bat talk about the Infinity gem. It was nicely done & that show that waid have a real plan and deal with the consequence. It's even true what she told to Strange. But I'm a little sad to let her leaving. Cover - I take the Uncanny X-men. Not related but one of the Best Uncanny Cover of the month. 1/2 Writing - Very subtile. I really like Casey their. And I looking forward to see her or Kanna again. And I really wonder who's behind Mordru. 3/3 Arts - The layout and Panel are very good. It's not perfect but very close. 3/3 Feeling - Love this ongoing. Maybe even better that Aaron's arc. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #9
Dec 7, 2018 |
Ok this was a interesting story, but I have a hard time trust Strange care this much for those he have as neighbor. I succeed to make Kanna go away (Miss her already) A nice transitional story, but that all. Cover - I choose the vilain variant. I love it, but not in link to what I read. 1/2 Writing - Good, but I don't really care. The end is a good surprise through ! And the epilog show promises. 2.5/3 Arts - I love the arts. 3/3 Feeling - Still one of the best ongoing I read with strange. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #10
Feb 1, 2019 |
We have four story in this anniversary issue. The first keep gowing Waid plans for steve. And I like what he show us her. I'm happy to see Kanna I missed her. And even if I had doubte in reading this story the cliffanger made clear this will be a amazing arc. The second is more classic but was well done. About boys finding a artefact and one trap itside. It's a good story of a rescue mission on another plan. I like that. The thrid is a rewriting of Stephen origin. I skip it. The fourth is a story about Nightmare and Why he don't want sleep. I really dig it. Cover - I take the guardian of the galaxy variant. Not perfect and not related. 1/2 Writing - All the story I read was well made even if the two first have some part I'm not totally fond with. 2.5/3 Arts - All the art are good, but Acuna is just marvelous. I think he will do a perfect artist for Strange. 3/3 Feeling - A nice anniversary issue and I really love the last story. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Doctor Strange (2018) #11
Feb 22, 2019 |
This story is good and make sense. Even If I find too easy that the man behind Strange Trouble wasn't anymore in his office. I really love Kanna. And I was a little disappointed that suddently Strange was tired. I wanted a powerfull strange against Dormamuu. We have a boring "I will stall & talk to him" Cover - Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Could have been better, but that wasn't the worst story I read this week. 2/3 Arts - Love the art and the layout. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. A little disapointed by the end of this arc. I hope the next will be better. 1/2 |
8.3 |
Doctor Strange: Damnation | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange: Damnation #1
Feb 22, 2018 |
Damn Donny Cates ... Is arc with Loki was a pleasure & even if I didn't want to read Damnation & succeed to make me take it. So Nick Spencer & Him talk about Secret Empire, At least they don't do like that didn't happen like in to much of Marvel title. And even if Spencer is to blame for Secret Empire, I have to tell that with Cates he do a good job in damnation. At first I wasn't well in it. And they gain me peace by peace. And Like strange I surrender to the game at the end. But that's the part with Wang & the ghost dog that gain me. Well done. Cover - I take the variant with Scarlet Spider & Iron Fist behind strange. I love it. And for this one I will pass about the fact this isn't well related to what I read. 2/2 Story - Mixed between darkness, evil plan (Literally) and some retconning for strange error. I licked it. 2.5/3 Arts - I more fund of the art in black & white than in color. To much remembrance about Secret Empire art. 2/3 Feellings - Damn I have to take the other title about Damnation now. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Doctor Strange: Damnation #2
Mar 10, 2018 |
Part two is a little slow like a transitional issue. Weird on the main title of the event. But when the action begin that provide a good fight. I didn't understand the part about the fact people with a shadow part have more chance to go fight against the Mephisto Avengers. I like all Moon knight speechs. I would like to see the bottom about scarlet spider. Cover - Nice but no true about what is inside. 1.5/2 Writing - I like it, but their was missing a little something. 2.5/3 Arts - The art goes nicely with the story, even if it's not my kind of art. 2.5/3 Feeling - Always all in ^^ 2/2 |
7.0 |
Doctor Strange: Damnation #3
Mar 29, 2018 |
I looked forward to read this story. And in a way he didn't disappoint me & even surprised me. Cates & Spencer succeeded to give some fun time in this dark story. But It's as the taste of a transitional issue more in spit of all actions scenes. Cover - 1.5/2 nice & in link to what I read. Story - 2.5/3 I enjoy it a little less than the two first part. Arts - I'm not fond of the art. It's good, but not what I like to read. 2/3 Feeling - I waited for more. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
Apr 26, 2018 |
Damnation end was surprising. I was waiting on Dormamuu to show up. And he wasn't their. And I definitely didn't wait for this ending. It's was well played. I particularly enjoyed Mephisto send back like a package. ^^ And I will watch for a Midnight sun comics if Marvel doing one. I'm a little sad both Scarlet Spider didn't have a better exposition in this. At least Ben. Cover - Nice & somewhat related in a way. 1.5/2 Writing - I liked this surprising ending 3/3 Arts - Not super fan of the art ... But their is some pretty good stuff like the splash page I had to turn with a Damn powerful Avengered Doctor Strange. 2.5/3 Feeling - A pretty good story. I like the fact reading the Ghost Rider book wasn't essential even if it's better. But you can go for this one without it ! 2/2 |
5.2 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor | 6 issues |
4.0 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #0
Sep 27, 2018 |
I feel like I was fooled. Ok I understand we can't have a adventure with the new doctor before the show. But I didn't enjoy much of this story ... That serve nothing and made me hurt (Miss River & Rose). Cover - Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - Nothing very important for following the new ongoing. Disappointing. 1.5/3 Arts - Much of the layout are very uneven at best. 1.5/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1
Nov 9, 2018 |
The story start with a good idea. Showing to time-robbers stealing a painting but not in the good year. Then we follow them and see for whom they steal and understand that this mystery foes want something else. Something the time-robbers aren't ready to give. Then we follow the doctor showing a cosmic show to her new companions. Graham spot something weird, and they have to chase a anomaly through space and time to save a mystery time-jumper. Cover - I take the variant cover E. Just beautiful and showing the world's of the doctor. So not really in link, but not far. 1.5/2 Writing - I like it for a first part. This strong. I like to see how the Vortex Manipulator was before been bracelets. And Houston succeed to make me care about what will happen next. Even with a classic cliffhanger. 3/3 Arts - Nor good or bad. But sometime wanting to stick to the real actor is a bad idea. That tend to make the doctor ugly when she use funny facies. Also not a fan of this many big panel in the layout, like if their is nothing to tell. The story seem a little empty because of that, but isn't. I didn't like the interior of the tardis, even more in art and that's sad to tell. 2/3 Feeling - A good job for a first issue even if Titans really have to find more capable artist. Sorry it's hard, I will surely can do less than this, but that could be so much more than that. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #2
Dec 7, 2018 |
The doctor & the team tardis have to talk to "The just" who want to arrest them & save the time-traveller who seem to go back in loop. If the second part is a success, the first is a failing & they are incarcerated, but the doctor plant the sonic on Graham and free them. After that it's a Stargate story where their is no enemy in the facility or not much. I find to easy that the doctor can call the tardis like this, but Why not. She let enter another foe in it. Cover - The regular. Nice & all, but not related. 1/2 Writing - I like it even it's it's not perfect. To more character, only Yaz is well used. And I'm not a fan of how they show us the story of the traveler. Also I would have loved to see what are the enemy of the Just. 2/3 Arts - The choice to make the character lookalike the real actor seems weird sometime. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's a mixed feeling. I enjoyed much of it, but not all. 1.5/2 |
3.0 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #3
Jan 12, 2019 |
This issue was a little boring. It's kind of a transitional issue. I find it not really great. The ending look like a trap you have in all RPG fantasy game without orginality. Cover - Not great (Jodie look petite & fat). Not related 0.5/2 Writing - This wasn't a very good story. The part made to be funny are more stupid than anything else. 1/3 Arts - Much of the background are really great, but when you look at the character it's another story. Much of the mimic they give to Jodie made her hidous. They have too do better. 1.5/2 Feeling - It was disappointing. I will leave this title after the March issue if they didn't do better. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #4
Feb 8, 2019 |
This issue show the doctor and her compagnons finding the second time travelers. After a long talking about what happen to her, they will face their blackmailer. Cover - The variant with the heart radioscopie. Not related. 1/2 Writing - The three compagnon don't have much place in this issue. We have a too long talking and a dumb ending (Why bringing the time agent with this ending ?). Too messy. 1/3 Arts - The arts aren't that good but do the job. It's better on the locations than on the characters. 2/3 Felling - I will stop this title it's not what I was looking for. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #5
Mar 8, 2019 |
At first I find it more like what I expect from a Doctor who story. Love the sheep runing gag or the moment Thirteen talk about Donna (Without telling her name sadly). But then it was not very interesting and the ending was a little dumb, and expected. Cover - The variant with all four characters faces. So beautifull but not related. 1/2 Writing - Love to see the doctor jalous of a podcast. Shame they don't find better stories with her. 1.5/3 Arts - Less mimicry, so less unpleasant. The actor are recognizable. I even enjoy more than with the previous issue the layout. 3/3 Feeling - My last one, and nothing give me the envy to stick more longer. 0/2 |
7.3 |
Domino (2018) | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Domino (2018) #1
Apr 12, 2018 |
I'm not a good Domino fan. In fact the Domino I encounter first and love was never her (That was Copycat). And I never licked the real Domino who showed after X-Cutionner Song. I even't didn't like the X-Force where she have some hard time encounter with logan (Who is showed in this book). So I take the shot not knowing if I will like it or not. And I first I have some trouble reading it. Then with a second reading of the start, that was better. I like Diamonback a lot and was happy to see her. I was even more happy to see the heroes at the birthday but find it too easy to make her closer to Diamonback. And Thanks to Gail I learn that Jubilee is no longer a mutant. But Gail is for me the writer of Birds of prey (With two then three woman in some investigation adventures). But Gail choose to mock Domino power where she bright back Canary one. The end cliffhanger is really good & I wonder if topaz have a link with the Malibu character (But the look don't fit, I would have love it that Gail remember using her through !). Cover - Not giving much, but funny. 1/2 Writing - Not bad (I love the Dog talk). But I would have see more that that. 2/3 Arts - I really like Baldeon & is woman are very beautiful (Neena in underwear is really classy & beautiful). 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. I don't know If I want to follow some loser's story. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Domino (2018) #2
May 17, 2018 |
Not a bas story. Simone try to make us care for domino. She show her torn with doubt about who could have betray her. I read it with a smile when she fight alone the bad guy in the part, amadeus didn't even have to turn Hulk. Or when deadpool wait with the poppy. I really enjoyed the end. But and this is a huge one. I'm not in. Cover - Nice but not connected. 1/2 Writing - She make a very touching moment with Spidey & then when she tell she is still scared. And the character as well used. But I didn't find it enough. 2.5/3 Arts - I like it. That put some fun time in it. And domino is very beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - This was my last issue (Yeah even with the cliffanger) 1/2 |
8.8 |
Doom Patrol (2016) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Doom Patrol (2016) #8
Sep 7, 2017 |
A Bwahahaha title. This's a very strange title, have some very strange moment, a little too weird sometime, but that make me laugh & I find it good nevertheless. Casey have some good time and I find nice to see the Alien in Larry bounding with Kay. Even if he did hurt the woman without realising it. The art is perfect for this title, but the cliffhanger is very weird. |
10 |
Doom Patrol (2016) #9
Nov 23, 2017 |
When I was ready to let it go because I'm not fond of February Crossover who will force to brought all titles (I expected some disconnect crossover between some title), the team does another wonderful issue (Late, but man that feel so good to read). I all stuff they put in it. I want more. Damn I hate you Way & Derington ^^ Cover - Sublime 2/2 Writing - I wasn't fond of the black magic part in the other issue, and there the damn artistic team make me love it. I missed the crazy roommate of Casey, and we see her (And casey kiss her, I didn't expect that. But it was cool). 3/3 Arts - Perfect, love it, the bastard made me sad for those inside the armor, well done 3/3 Feelings - Man it's the best young animal book and you have to read it. 2/2 10/10 and more ^^ Note to French editor : Please don't be scared about the delay & the crossover. I have to have it in my library for make my reader discover it. Please. |
9.0 |
Doom Patrol (2016) #10
Jan 25, 2018 |
Like always a awesome crazy story. I like how each part of the story progress rapidly. It's a very silly story. But I love to follow it. One issue before the crossover. If the Crossover not begin before the 11 come out. Cover - I take the variant. Very beautiful. But as the regular not link to the story. 1/2 Writing - I'm fond of this team. 3/3 Arts - Fun & nice like always. I love all character thanks to the artist. 3/3 Feeling - My Doom Patrol for ever 2/2 |
7.0 |
Doom Patrol (2016) #11
Apr 26, 2018 |
The problem of this issue is to come that late after the end of Milk War. I didn't enjoy one bit of it while I loved the run until then. I find it hard to link to what happen in Milk War. In fact their was more logic to see the end of issue 10 & then the start of Milk War part 1. Shame. I wonder what would have been the story with a issue 12, because seem seems too rushed in this one. Cover - 2/2 nice & related. Writing - Nice but too late and some part I didn't like some of the part. Like the fact that Terry as to go. 2/3 Arts - The arts still great. I liked Jane trip in the subway. 3/3 Feeling - Too damn late 0/3. |
9.0 |
Doom Patrol (2016) #12
Nov 3, 2018 |
I didn't expect to have the Twelve one Day. I was more expecting to follow the team but I can tell how I imagined the next step. So we have a story who both preceding & following Milk Wars (Ok, that just nine month ago). The story is very fast (More than the Champions one) but really really good. I have to tell I forget all the thing about the renolds but In reading this way succeed making me care. I'm not sure I would have 9 month ago. Cover - Nice & in link. And this give a AD&D box fill. 2/2 Writing - I like it. And I enjoy seen the file & map at the end. They just forget rule & bad guys ^^ 2/3 Arts - Very strong. I enjoy each panel. The layout make me progress in the reading easily. Nicely done. 3/3 Feeling - My Role playing interest is very lucky between that & Champions. 2/2 |
7.8 |
Doomsday Clock | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Doomsday Clock #1
Nov 23, 2017 |
Well ... For a surprise, I sure didn't expect that. It's a bold move. That's slow, but no too slow, but I expect those loving Watchmen hating it. I don't want to spoil so ... I love the mystery. I like who's Rorschach's partner and the deal about Rorschach himself. For now that not to dark. I don't know if the end is link to the new origin of superman, of it's a new change. Time they are a changing' ... But for good. Cover - The lenticular. Less disappointing that I fear when she was revealed. 1/2 Writing - Moore will be mad, but I don't care I like it. 3/3 Arts - I love Gary Frank from way back ... I love him much more than Gibbons (Sorry guys) ... So a big Hell Yes ! 3/3 Feeling - After Metal I'm careful because I fear something dark ... For now I love what I have Read 9/2 9/10 |
6.5 |
Doomsday Clock #2
Dec 29, 2017 |
And so the watchmen isn't the one after the change of the continuity after all. This story show how two wathmen & two criminal travel together in the DCU. I don't really know what to think of it. In one hand the story wasn't bad, even if It's really dumb to come with two criminal & let them alone with only a handcuff. In the other, I really piss of and I event not a Watchmen's fan. The encounter between Rorschach & Batman even make me shiver, because "It's not the real Rorscharch" And I when to see Silk Spector & Nite Owl. Cover - The variant with Luthor. I wonder why it's not a lenticular. I was sure to sollicited a lenticular. 2/2 Writing - A really mixed felling. God story if this wasn't related to Watchmen & the one making all the mistake wasn't a genius. ... Luthor is right about encounter a dumb one. 1.5/3 Arts - Man this is sooo good ! 2/2 Feeling - Dark and taking is time 12 issue in 14 month will be very long. I hope the end will be good, because for now I disappointed by the journey. 1/3 |
8.0 |
Doomsday Clock #3
Jan 25, 2018 |
Some part are nice (The Comedian/Oxymandias rematch). Some part seems hard to get what they do in (The Nathaniel Dusk show). And I feel like Johns make pleasure to tease us (Johnny thunder). I enjoy more Marionette/Mim browl than the end of the book. Cover - I take the variant ... So yes in link to what I read. And wonderful art 2/2 Writing - In a way this fell right, if I didn't count the end, and the darkness earth where the DC heroes lives. 2/3 Artist - I love Frank art. Even if the waffle iron panel is rapidelly bowering. 3/3 Feelings - Again I'm not convinced by the book but I didn't hate it as much as issue 2. So I'm between a hard choice. Will I sollicites the 5 or not. The fact that become a Bi-monthy doesn't help at all. I don't want have this story goes this long. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Doomsday Clock #4
Mar 29, 2018 |
Ok ... A issue about the story of Rorschach. Why not. A story or past & present & sanity is too put in question. Logical. A issue where they link Saturne Girl by her name (Jane Doe) to Rorschach (John Doe) ... But to dark for my taste. And they did great on the mad part but that disturb me. Cover - I take the variant nice & related 2/2 Writing - It's well righten but not for my taste. 2.5/3 Arts - Gary frank did a awesome job like always. 3/3 Feeling - I stop there. It's not for me 0/2 |
4.0 |
Edge of Spider-Geddon | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Edge of Spider-Geddon #3
Sep 20, 2018 |
Been attracted by the cover, I'm very disappointed by this one. The story is hard to follow. And it's less funny than the cover seem to promise. Kraven last hunt is one of my favorite spider story, so I believe these version of Peter & Ben deserve much more than what I read. Seems like their is something missing. A soul ! Cover - Very fun & that the characters, but outside this, not related. 1/2 Writing - That could have been worse, the story isn't that bad, just disappointing for me. And really hard to follow. That could have been better (After all The Aaron Aikman Edge of Spider-verse story was a one part & was really amazing). 1.5/3 Arts - The art don't help. No difference between present & the story form the past Ben tell. So I don't know if at the end ben will go see pete or if it's another past flashback. The art is too realistic for these character, a Skootie young lookalike would have been so better. And we see to much of the artist limits. Putting color in dramatic moment can work (Francavilla do that perfectly) but not there (Because Zonijc isn't francavilla. He even't in the same galaxy that francavilla). 1.5/3 Feeling - You guess it. I didn't enjoy this story. 0/2 |
6.8 |
Electric Warriors | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Electric Warriors #1
Nov 16, 2018 |
At first I wasn't interested by the name and the look of the heroes. Then come the pitch and I tell myself that I could like it. And I decide to try the first issue. So when I come her and see the first review not positive I was worried. But I still take it. And I'm happy to have doing so. The story may look complicated, but if I understand it, I think for you it's not that complicated. Yeah there is a lot of now thing, now character. But aren't all story didn't start with new stuff ? I like how they split the story like chapter in a book, and I really like how they construct Ian. And I'm really curious about Kana. Cover - I take the variant that i prefer to the regular. But not really in link and man they should have work more on the outfit. 1/2 Writing - It was very well written. I understand Ian goal. I was one step ahead to what he will do, but that not a problem, it's nice to see we know where the story lead for now. And then there is the cliffhanger, not a fan of this one. 2.5/3 Arts - I like it even if I have doubt about the car been so close to regular actual cars. Ok I'm not familiarized to the outfit, but for now it's not very important. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's a good starting point, and I want to know more about this now future. 2/2 |
5.5 |
Electric Warriors #2
Dec 12, 2018 |
So I was mixed after the first issue. The second isn't much a help to determine if I like it or not. In one hand that remember me a lot Deathmatch. But if in deathmatch we discovered a mysterious battle between heroes & friends, the mystery was a part of what was hidden. There some of the fight are difficult to apprehend. And their is no mystery, they know for what they fight. Also I'm not a fan of Ian, and he disappoint me in his fight. Ok that give a nice cliffangrer, but I'm more interested in Kana. Cover - Weird and not related to what I read. 0.5/2 Writing - I find it hard to understand, but some part are interesting too. And I understand what they want to tell. Is just ... I'm not shure it's a DC univers. I'm not shure I want this to be the future of the DCUnivers. 2/3 Arts - The art is still not my stile, but I give him to try a lot to give a nice reading. I cannot tell if the part I don't understand is the fault of the writing or the art. Maybe both. But when it's matter, he can give so wonderfull panel. Sadly too much background are just color effect. 2/3 Feeling - I will not try a third time. I will stop here because I think it's not for me. But I have to point your attention on it, because their is maybe some of you who will like it. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Encounter | 2 issues |
6.0 |
Encounter #1
Mar 15, 2018 |
I seen this one in the Preview and I tell myself "why not" ... I was prepared for the fact it's a child comics but the smile of the character give me a good feeling. So I add to try. And so her I am. Ok the start with the egg & the giraffe was weird. Do the bag the gadget man take was full of other egg (And so possibly the rest of the character people ?) ... So their is things that are not explain, but maybe a child will not see this with the same eyes. I find nice the undercover identity the hero take when not being heroic. The second story is nice with the antenna giving life to a chewie toy, silly but hey I ask for a child story. ^^ Cover - Nice, but not link to all the stories I read. 1/2 Writing - It's ok ... Not great, but fun. 2/3 Arts - I love the art. 3/3 Feeling - I give a try. I will take another 1. But after that I will not follow it. I'm too grown up for that ... No surprise there you will tell me. But I'm disappointed by myself to cannot enjoy something more simple & happy. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Encounter #2
Apr 19, 2018 |
A comic for the younger one. With two story inside. If the first made sense, I have a hard time with the end of the second one. At least each time he link both story. I'm no more kid, so I'm out of it. Cover - That don't give the badguy but is link to the story. Nicely done, & fun. 2/2 Writing - Still very simple, may be for the younger 6 year old I think. 2/3 Arts - I like the cartoony still of the first part than the second part. 2/3 Feeling - Not for me, sadly. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Errand Boys | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Errand Boys #2
Nov 9, 2018 |
Ok for this one I was attracted by the art and didn't see that a second issue. So it's normal that I was a little lost in it. But I find the story too quick to jump to one to another situation like if the duo is less active than be carried away by events. I'm not a fan of both and frankly didn't care. It's sad because for once the storyteller is the alien, not the human. I was torn by the little story about the dragon. Sooo sad ! cover - Nice and in link 2/2 Writing - Too quick, not letting me take a break and without letting me thinking that the characters have a say in what happen. And sometime to easy (Like when they loose the cop looking like a female savage dragon). 2/3 Arts - Still love the art, very funny & very adaptive giving the sensation of rapidity to the story. 3/3 Feeling - Not hooked to take the 1 or follow it. Sorry 0/2 |
9.1 |
Eternity | 4 issues |
10 |
Eternity #1
Oct 27, 2017 |
I'm not a fan of Divinity. Beautifull but too slow for my taste. But I really liked this book. Even if I had to catching up as I was able. I like the other univers. I liked the strange & funny sect. I even liked how the baby is connected to the rest. I'm eager to lear more about this univers. Cover ... Very nice 2/2 Writing ... Man that's good ... 3/3 Arts ... I'm astonished 3/3 Sentiment ... I was a little afraid that I didn't like it (As I already solicited until the Fourth). But I was wrap in this univers & want more. 2/2 10 |
10 |
Eternity #2
Nov 30, 2017 |
So for a recall, I didn't like Divinity, but Liked a lot the first Issue of Eternity. I was a little afraid to not like this one because the Character of Divinity will have more part in this one. But I loved it. The mystery about the observer's killer is more deeper than I though. The part about the Sky Bolt is also more deeper & interesting. It's not just the bad guys, and so I have to read another time issue one with another look now. Well Done, Mr Kindt. Plus, I like the character of Ragad (I want to see him more, a ongoing around him would make my day). I'm surprise to see more character looking humain, but it's ok, even if I would have prefereed that all character looked different. I wonder if the Sky Bolt will seems good because they look humain, and hope that Kindt will not fall in such a easy trap. Cover - 2/2 even if that not telling something on what it's inside. It's just a marvelous cover. Writing - Very interesting. 3/3 Arts - And the art is marvelous too. 3/3 Feeling - I didn't regret taking the risk to following this story. I love it. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Eternity #3
Dec 29, 2017 |
If I have to tell what is my best reading of this week, I will choose Eternity without a doubt. I really like this book even if I don't like the two divinity character. Like what, a good writer may make you read a very good story you will enjoy, with character you don't like at all. I have always some trouble with part of the story to understand (But I think that is what the writer want, or that is part of the fact I'm not english). The only part I have to suffer is the one about Abrams past. Cover - I take the regular. A very nice flower, but I don't see what it's link to in the book. 1/2 Writing - A original & fantastic reading. I would have prefered without Abrams past. 2.5/3 Arts - The best of the week easy (And it's against Gary Frank one) 3/3 Feeling - I didn't regret a bit to have choose to take this story. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Eternity #4
Feb 1, 2018 |
Ok that was unexpected & a little hard to follow. I have many question about what happen at the end. For sure that wasn't what I waited for. And in a way that's very good. I'm a little surprise that the two nation was at peace (It seems). And a little sad that we didn't see much of them. That the alien that hook me in this book. I understand why both divinity have such a place in the book. And that's fine. But I would have loved to see more of this other realm. Cover - A big yeah to the covers. Each of them was really beautiful. We didn't know for much what to expect inside. And in a way that is alright. I give it a 1 point extra bonus because they earn it. 2/2 Writing - A really good & logic writing, but I was a little disappointed. And if sometime I didn't follow as quickly as I must have the story, I think I understand many part of this story. Ok I didn't for the character who open the vessel. 2/3 Arts - That's a big reason to my reading. Thank for this fantastic work 3/3 Feeling - A nice story, but that's all and I fell like that can have been more. 1/2 |
7.8 |
Ether | 3 issues |
7.5 |
Ether: Copper Golems #1
May 17, 2018 |
Festival I didn't read Ether. But I asked to my comics shop when I was informed that was a tie-in & he tell me that this issue is a new start, so I won't be bothered by what I didn't know. And yes this is for a part a now story. But that not entirely true. I felt sometime a little out ... So I was in for some part & not really for other. Cover - I take the variant. It was a good cover but not really related. 1/2 Writing - It was well done with some surprising drama part, but I didn't like the Pixy he ask for help. And I didn't understand why going backward in time at the end of the book ? 2/3 Arts - Ok it's not the kind of art I'm fond of. But he do a great job. 2.5/3 Feeling - I solicited 3 issue after that I'm not sure be still here. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Ether: Copper Golems #2
Jun 22, 2018 |
In truth I didn't like the first one, but I have sollicited it. So I take responsibility & brought it then read it. And whaaa ... I find myself immersed in this univers in no time. But Grandor help a lot. It's the kind of character Parent will dislike. And they will freak out to see their kid reading this character. But Wahoo ... He make me laughing a lot and in truth I want him to stay or have is own title. Grandor is the kind of crazy I love. I'm fond of the enigma trick too. I don't understand a thing about how answer it, but I love this part. I'm not even shure it's possible to answer this enigma. Cover - I take the variant ... Really nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I take a great pleasure reading it. Maybe I sell the fact I will not take another shot after the third to soon. 3/3 Arts - Still not fond of it. But the man did great in his layout. 3/3 Feeling - Damn I was so sure I didn't like the first issue ^^ 2/2 |
7.0 |
Ether: Copper Golems #3
Jul 19, 2018 |
Another funny adventure where the character succeed closing a doorway, and find another one. But not without risk. Cover - I take the variant Love it. And I find it in link. 2/2 Writing - Sometime a little too strange to succeed follow. But that was fine. 2.5/3 Arts - I like the art even if it's not my kind of art. 2.5/3 Felling - Mixed. I will not take the 2 ending issues. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 5 | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 5 #1
May 24, 2018 |
My first aspen comics ... Even if it's a issue 1, I see that Iris as another volume before this one. I fear that I will be a little lost in this one. And frankly the Art I see on the 25 cents issue didn't give me the need to take it. But There I am with a issue I didn't solicited. And frankly I loved reading it. That was smart & sexy (But not in the easy way & rough sexy part). I like the fact that I enter the story with a character who fill be less effective than before). And for a story about a fighting character with only one easy fight I enjoy reading it a lot. I love Black Widow but didn't like any book with her alone. I liked Danger girls art, but the story was not very strong. So Iris in one little book beat the crap of both licences. Way to go. Cover - The A one just beautiful, and like Iris is the story, this is connected to what I read 2/2 Writing - That was a good book even if the beginning make me wonder if I choose well. 2.5/3 Arts - The art is good. Ok there the face he draw aren't perfect. But sometime it's just great. And he did a really nice job with the tour. 3/3 Feeling - I kinda may take the 2 (If I find it). 1/2 |
3.5 |
Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 5 #2
Jun 22, 2018 |
Oh damn I'm the only one to brought it. I really liked the first issue. Saddly I will not in the capacity to give a good view on this one. I unhook pretty fast. The art make it really hard to stay involved & I wasn't really curious when I turn the page. I know this is horrible to tell because their is people writing, drawing & trying to do their best. But ... Sorry It wasn't for me. Cover - I'm not shure but I think this is in link. I'm not fond of the art. 1.5/2 Writing - I don't think this was what make me jump off. It wasn't my cup of tea & they didn't succeed to give me the need to try making a efforts. 1/3 Arts - Ok the character have many issue. And the picture was more instant moment like photographic picture than natural & dynamic one. 1/3 Feeling - Disappointed 0/2 Once more the rating is about my perception only. I think their is important to have other view and rating. |
5.7 |
Exiles (2018) | 12 issues |
6.0 |
Exiles (2018) #1
Apr 12, 2018 |
The Exiles are Back ... Yeah ... But the team are not complet at the end of issue 1. Ooooh ! I also regret all the "Multiple earth are destroyed by a Time-eater (Crisis of infinity earth) so lately after Secret Wars. We have Blink in a earth like if Secret Wars didn't destroy here and her previous teammates. And I didn't like the part about the aunt (That not very clear and weighing the story). And weigh he already have with all the Unseen storyline. And so we leave issue 1 with the team not fully formed and already loosing 2 univers, but encountering the bad guy ... And their I was a little disappointed by the lack of originality (Logic it was him, but I would have preferred something else). For now I don't like Khan or the new Iron Lad (Because it's stated it a different one that the Young Avengers one). Cover - The team fully completed ... So wrong for this issue. I would have prefered the variant only with blink face, but My dealer couldn't have it. 1/2 Writing - For now I don't see more originality than that. For Now the Parker's run should have been more supported, so Ahmed would have a great luck make more than 6 issues. 2/3 Arts - That's not bad, but not my kind of art (Even if he try some daring composition). 2/3 Feeling - I will support it because I love the Exiles, but this title have to give something more than that (Web Warriors end with issue 11, and X-treme X-men with issue 13. So This volume as to do better than that). 1/2 |
5.5 |
Exiles (2018) #2
Apr 26, 2018 |
The following part of the Exiles where Blink had a very to happy & too screamy Valkerie. Very far of the thor movie version (Even if she as the look) & from the original character. And then a dumb Wolvy baby... Damn I preferred Spider-Ham in Web-Warriors. The end was not really good easer with the watchers ... But at least that left us with a interesting cliffhanger. And did Khan have no more power. The fact she use her gun so regulary (And her grumpy mood) make her more like Cable. For now I only like Blink, all the other can die suffering. Cover - Related sadly & not bad. 1.5/2 Writing - That wasn't really good. I'm already tired of the time eater ! 1/3 Arts - Arts is weird. That do the job, and trie some interesting point of vue ... But that wasn't great. And I didn't like the cartoony part at all. 2/3 Feeling - Not the return I expected. But I will support it the time that will be publish (Not for long if that keeps up like that). 0/2 |
8.5 |
Exiles (2018) #3
May 17, 2018 |
This story start badly. Once more a univers I didn't enjoy. Once more the Time Eater. But the fact the talus don't work put some good in it. Then there is the huge surprise to see Morph (What a pleasure) ... And then he die (Finally ^^ ), and the Time Eater again ... Bouh ... But the last part was the strongest, with nice surprise and a lots of fun. And I liked the dance part, then was the end. Shocking a perfect cliffhanger. Well done ! Cover - In link & nice. 2/2 Writing - Like I said this was a bumpy ride, but at the end it was very good. Ahmed cut all link to the old exiles scheme. Now he can do is exiles, and if that's like the end. It will be great 2.5/3 Arts - Strange but not bad. I liked the layout. 3/3 Feeling - I still don't like Wolvy even if he is used in a way totally in opposite at what I expected ! 1/2 |
6.0 |
Exiles (2018) #4
Jun 14, 2018 |
When you think the story can go further more quickly the writer make a lot a work to weighing the story. So yeah that wasn't a bad story. And a story about slavery have to be explained in the good way. And with the end in the last issue we cannot see the character don't talk about that. But Why do he have to put away the talus ? Why add Falcon, A female bucky & Misty knight. Ok it's fun but the story become way too complicated, and Valkiry explaining to iron lad how to speak to woman wasn't funny. There is some work to make Khan more likable, but not much. And when she tell to wolvy that her daughter would have liked him I throw up in my mind, because he as to be the first to die (In very very much pain ^^ ) Cover- Nice, funny & related. 2/2 Writing - It's sad to see it shrink ... Glouglouglou (Sound of something sinking in french. Or sound for when someone drink a lot too ^^ ) 2/3 Arts - The art don't help. It's nice but too much specific. That made the story hard to read. 2/3 Feeling - I will be there when Marvel will stop the bloodshed 0/2 |
8.0 |
Exiles (2018) #5
Jul 12, 2018 |
I'm not a big fan of this arc, and at least we can move one. Plus we lost a exiles. That seem the right choice because from the start she didn't add anything. I like to see Creed there even he isn't one of my favorite Exiled, & loved the Blink alternative version of herself band together wither her. Wolvy annoy me big time but for once he seems useful. I will wait for the next issues. Cover - Related & nice. 2/2 Writing - I liked how he write this peace of the story. There is some facility & I have question about Creed mystery disappearance. I have trouble understanding why the loop is the solution. But I move on. The end was nice at least Clarice is more human there. 2.5/3 Arts - I'm not a fan of the choice for some of the inking part. Rodriguez isn't perfect but succeed to lead us until the end, and with this one that wasn't easy. 2.5/3 Feeling - Maybe we can hope for better. 1/2 |
4.5 |
Exiles (2018) #6
Aug 9, 2018 |
Gladly I don't have any expectation for this title anymore. I just brought it for letting marvel know that I care for Blink & the Exiles (Not this one). With hope I will see a better writer or title soon. I feel like Ahmed is really lucky, with a better arc Parker have less luck. Both volume are in the same number of issue, and yet this one will keep going. It's a mystery for me. So this issue start not so bad with the exiles in holidays. But then they succeed (How ?) to make the talus work & start a search for the previous Clarisse crew. But they find themselves in some sort of Western parody against Magneto & his brotherhood. Cover - Not bad & related even if I didn't recognize magneto there. Less than in the book itself. 1.5/2 Writing - Still not convinced. They need to loose Iron lad & Wolvy & remplace them with better idea than that (I fear) this Black panther version. 1.5/3 Arts - I really hate the coloring without any inking. So that didn't help my feeling. That said Clarisse is beautiful. 1.5/3 Feeling - Can Marvel put a end to our misery ? A relaunch this title with other creator ? Please ! 0/2 |
5.0 |
Exiles (2018) #7
Aug 30, 2018 |
If I don't like a lot of the story, I appreciate all references to the first volume, and there is some good too in this story with a major surprise. Will see where the cliffhanger send us next. Cover - Related in a way, not so good. 1/2 Writing - I still have a issue with Ahmed work. He clearly seem to respect the original stuff & try something different. But at the same time what he do is not really good. 1.5/3 Arts - Not my kind of art. But there is really nice panel & that give the surprising character a great mad look. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will keep it in my pull list, but I'm less & less convinced. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Exiles (2018) #8
Sep 13, 2018 |
When you miss the opportunity to doing a great issue presenting the new character. But as a fan of TJ I'm pissed about the fact they ahmed didn't even take a time to show her story. And the watcher look as dumb as the guardian of DC comics in their. Damn they seem too like them. Skip this issue if you don't want regret riding it (At least Betty is in Valkyrie life once more). Please ditch wolvie he is unbearable Cover - Really nice & related 2/2 Writer - I'm suffering enough, just made a good story. Is that too much to ask, you deed with the story with Carter/Captain america. 1/3 Arts - Don't like the art. 1/3 Feeling - Damn what a mess ! 0/2 |
4.0 |
Exiles (2018) #9
Oct 12, 2018 |
Did Ahmed pulling my leg or what ... It was awful & money. A lost of time. That was a bad reshape of the arabian nights really badly done. Their is facilities for putting back the team together. This is worst than a New Exiles issues. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - Marvel have to kill this version of the exiles or put someone else fast on the writing. I'm bleeding ! 0/3 Arts - I'm not a fan of all the page but it's strong. I stay more longer focused thanks to it. 2/3 Feeling - I didn't like it one bit ! 0/2 |
5.0 |
Exiles (2018) #10
Nov 16, 2018 |
No I didn't want to review this. Oh wait if I don't their is a chance you take it. O.K ! So the exiles are is this One thousand and one night universe and find TJ. They have to flee from kang. Then they are lead to the character who look like DrStranger and Black Cats who now want be their allies. Caliph Doom find the salomon ring and have the Genius Mephisto and so go to seem for ... Revenge ? Well to kill them. But Clarisse succeed to free Mephisto who take down Doom and lead him to hell. Not before he give his reign to TJ ... End ! .... Ha no we have the exiles appearing in the 616 univers and facing Khan's Exiles... Sight ! Cover - At least she is really beautiful and in link 2/2 Writing - Just Kill the title. I can endure this anymore. 0/3 Art - The style isn't what I like, but a do very great all thing considerate. 3/3 Feeling - I suffer with each issue now. I hope January will be the last. Or that Marvel give Exiles to someone else. Once more I surprised to see how many issue Ahmed could do, when parker was shorted to 6 issues with a better run. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Exiles (2018) #11
Dec 21, 2018 |
One issue to fall and it's done. This exiles ongoing was awful. In this issue their is a little nice work. Like Captain Carter & Bucky facing a Steve Rogers more close to Hulk. But their is a lot of facility, bad writing. Damn we are a long way from the time the Exiles face the Weapon X team. Or the annual of the last team of exiles encounter the originals one manipulated by the Gamemaster. Cover - Nice & related. I give you that much. 2/2 Writing - Shame the team will be put in limbo for years after that. I don't understand Marvel truth to Ahmed when Parker with a Six part story more strong than this was cut off. 1/3 Arts - Don't like it, that don't help. And frankly their is a bunch of mistake or facility. The layout are not very good. 1/3 Feeling - As a Exiles fan, I'm so sad to have to endure this. 0/2 |
8.0 |
Exiles (2018) #12
Feb 1, 2019 |
And done. Well the story show that both author really liked the characters. Who they can like this annoying wolvy is behind my understanding. It's not a perfect ending. But at least that keep a possible return of the team. Cover - Ok I see the "b"link here. ^^ 2/2 Writing - Maybe a easy ending but a good one. I like each alternative nightmare story Ahmed give to his characters. But the ghost Khan. Common ! 2.5/3 Arts - The layout for the alternative story are very stong. Not mutch case for so much to show. And in the shadowing figure of each characters. Nice idea. Maybe to more panel in the page where Iron Lad explain his plan to Blink. Not my favorite page. 2.5/3 Feeling - I was never convinced by this version. I rather like the Parker's run. But this one isn't bad. 1/2 |
6.6 |
Exorsisters | 5 issues |
8.5 |
Exorsisters #1
Oct 19, 2018 |
When I don't spot a book, thank you Comics Review to be there and make me the need to try. This is from the bottom of my heart, because this was the best reading (With another one) of this week. I enjoyed the personality of Cate & kate & there investigation. That was fun (I loved the demon possessed by a 8 year old girl ^^) Cover - I find the variant where both make a stand in front of demons. Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - Kate & cate are well written, with good idea. Even the bride was nicely written. I loved the solution of the investigation. And I was hooked some more with the cliffhanger. 2.5/3 Arts - Not perfect. I see why the review I read speak of a taste of Amanda conner. But I like that Legace don't try to copy her & develop her own style & univers. 3/3 Felling - I have to solicit the two & three right now if I want a chance to have it. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Exorsisters #2
Nov 24, 2018 |
We begin the story with a good idea. We focus on the little girl because of Amityville. It's nice to see the surprising turn of event and how easily kate & cate deal with it. Then we have their mother and their origine story. It's not that I don't like the fact to have it. It's how the story was told I didn't like much. That made no sense. Like Kate or Cate point, they know well the story. And we didn't even have how Kate retrieve Cate (Or the other way around, because frankly I have a hard time knowing how is how). The end of the story is very good, through. Cover - I take the variant. Love it but not in link. 1/2 Writing - Not very interesting, and I'm not sure it was the good way to do it. 2/3 Arts - Love the art even if this is not perfect. Their is less Amanda Conner in it, this time. But sadly that show much more the limitation of Lagacé. 2/3 Feeling - Mixed this time. But the ending show promise so I raise the rating a little 2/2 |
7.0 |
Exorsisters #3
Dec 21, 2018 |
I like the start and the ending. But the flashback (Again ?) in the middle is not very original after the last issue. Cover - I take the variant. Wonderfull but not related. 1/2 Writing - It's funny, but I really don't like the way the use and tell their flashback. I kind of think they abuse of this. And damn Kate had a real bad luck for a time (Her mother and then her boyfriend try to sell her soul). 2.5/3 Arts - I like the art. It's not perfect, but the style lighter the story. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. I let them until issue 5 to hook me more. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Exorsisters #4
Jan 25, 2019 |
Exorsisters turn weirdly this time. But not a good weird. For one the fact that the angel fall some minute ago and that the angel wearing the devil outfit at time for con the human. And that the human have time to attempt some robbery. And I find weird that a Angel can't fight against shadow figure. I'm not fond of all the Kate mother vengeance thing. Cover - I take the variant. Nice but not in link 1/2 Writing - I have to say this issue is a little boring. And the Angel in a devil outfit isn't that funny. 1.5/2 Arts - Always love the Archie or Amanda Connor Style. But I find the layout and pics too static. Where is all the energy I see in the first issue ? 2.5/3 Feeling - A disappointement. I will take the next issue because I ordered it. But After that I will probably be gone. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Exorsisters #5
Feb 22, 2019 |
This part of the story is a little better than the last one even if I find it less good than the first issue. I trusted that their mother want a revenge, but their it's pretty clear I was wrong about that. So I find it a little weird. Like for the angel still in play after last issue. Cover - I take the wonderfull variant cover, not related to the story. 1/2 Writing - It was not bad, We learn more about cate & Kate. Still not fond of the bad guys. 2/3 Arts - The art is good, but not perfect. Their even strange panel. 2.5/3 Feeling - I would have prefered a mission in each book. I'm not fond of this First Shadow. I'm out next issue. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Extermination (2018) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Extermination (2018) #1
Aug 16, 2018 |
I have to confess I had some concern about Extermination. Infinity Countdown was not that great, and X-men Blue had a bad arc with Jimmy with a symbiot. So I stop my sollicitation with issue 2 and feared a lot about this reading. But seen the other review there put some hope even if sometime we can have different taste. So I read it torn by fear & hope & loved what I read. So yeah I was worried to see Bloodstorm & Cyclops together. And I find the first killing very dramatic & maybe to easy. I was surprised by the second one, and I love who the X-men unite at last. I would have imagined another version of this character for the ending so that a good add to my surprise. Cover - I have the one with Angel. I will don't lie, I not like it. But it's not a bad draw and in part in link. 1/2 Writing - The way the story is told was really good, even if as a french the "French like France" was maybe to much. When I see a American, I don't tell my friend "He speak American. Like the US". I wonder if we will see their powers. French Mutant for once I'm happy, I hope this will not be a trap. 3/3 Arts - Larraz did great. Nice Panel, nice Layout, nice character. I loved reading it. 3/3 Feeling - I'm thrilled and I hope the next one will not disappoint me. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Extermination (2018) #2
Aug 30, 2018 |
Part two is surprising. Because I didn't see Cable reveling this soon. I wonder why he capture Mimic for. The ending is maybe a little too much, but interesting. Cover - The connecting variant. Not really my taste, nor really related. 1/2 Writing - I find it really good. Much that I feared. But their is a lot of X-men in one place to have two surprise attack right away. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the art, greet panel & layout. 3/3 Feeling - It's convince me to keep up buying it. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Extermination (2018) #3
Sep 27, 2018 |
I loved this story. Even if I find it laughable the ex/future X-force telling they do thing more brutally & will kill Cable ... How did we pass form that too ... "Join us " ^^ I also have a trouble with Tabitha telling Domino & Cable had a thing. Because in X-force that wasn't Domino but Catseye taking her place. And when they find the true domino the team have to split from Cable just before X-cutionner song. But that tell I liked how ahab control X-man (I wonder what will be the fallout for them). Cover - The connecting variant. Not very good & a little related because young jean as a huge part in this issue. 1/2 Writing - Love how that was made. 3/3 Arts - Love the layout & the panel even if some don't have background. 2.5/3 Feeling - I eager for more. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Extermination (2018) #4
Nov 3, 2018 |
A good & logical Story. No I'm not finding it to easy or fast. I very liked reading this even if I'm piss to see young X-men like Hellion be once more a canon folder. I'm satisfied & more in peace with the young cable. At first we see him like a menace, cutting Mimic wing like a bad guy would have. But there we see he give him choice. Cover - I take the Variant. Nor great or in link. But I want the poster ^^ 1/2 Writing - I enjoyed reading this issue, and I was very surprised by the cliffhanger. I want to see how that will end. 3/3 Arts - Larraz is really interesting even if sometime he don't draw background. I love his style. 3/3 Feeling - One of favorite my X-Men story easily. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Extermination (2018) #5
Dec 21, 2018 |
Somewhere between a good ending and a what the f... happen one. I understand the choice of the young x-men. I just have trouble with the fact the twin was at the mansion before and that nobody know them. I'm so sad for poor Mimic. Or poor Rachel ! Cover - I take the connecting variant. Not a fan of the style, but at least With Iceman in cover and with a tearful goodbye to his namesake, it's Related. 1.5/2 Writing - Maybe too much thing in this last issue. A deux ex machina who didn't convince me. Why not protect the twin from Ahaab claws ? And the ending make me sick with you know who. 2/3 Arts - Arts is very strong. The part where the original return to their time was so close to what I read as art in their first appearance. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
4.0 |
Extermination (2018) One Shot | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Extermination (2018): X-Men #1
Dec 7, 2018 |
If that don't spoil the end of Extermination, that wasn't really good. I don't like hope and don't care for her grieving. Not when their is a young version of her dad, or that the old one will come back (I'm shure it's the younger version don't work, marvel will bring back the real Cable). And I want to smash her for who she talk to bishop (For one he was right. And second that not like Cable didn't try to murder the avengers once). Cover - The variant monster version. Love it but not in link. 1/2 Writing - Not very interesting. 0/3 Arts - The only thing to save for this book. 3/3 Feeling - Very disappointed. 0/2 |
2.0 |
Faith and the Future Force | 1 issues |
2.0 |
Faith and the Future Force #2
Aug 31, 2017 |
For a short story that become redondant and bowering. The bad Guy is too powerful and I sense that the heroes will once more fail in the part 3/4 and win in the last issue. The art is very good and I'm sad that Faith didn't succeed to have a beautiful title. I choose the wraparound cover who is just perfect. |
6.2 |
Falcon (2017) | 5 issues |
5.0 |
Falcon (2017) #1
Mar 1, 2018 |
I trust it was some link with Damnation so I take the 1 to the 5 this week. I liked most of this first story. But I think that If I had try it at the time he hit the store, I would not have continued it. I find disturbing the fact for Falcon Steve lied since 10 years. We will know in another issue that he have a bad perception of this part of Steve story. But even that didn't quietly explain the 10 years mostly in Comics book or they never really age. So ten year before it like when he encounter steve. I don't really like the fact than like that Sam is friend with the new patriot. Do this story cannot really exist with the previous Patriot (A better character in my opinion) ? Cover - I find the Lenticular with iron man. Made me the need to search for this issue of Iron Man ^^ 1/2 Writing - That's ok, but very dark in my point of vue. 2/3 Arts - Very good. That going well with the story. I have just a problem with the end. 2/3 Feeling - Very Dark. If I didn't brought the 5 issue. I wouldn't go further. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Falcon (2017) #2
Mar 1, 2018 |
Issue two was better thank to Jericho Drum part. I also like the part Blackheart leave with Dray in astral form. I really like the idea of a meeting of big bad cosmic entity talking about how little humans slap their a... ^^ Patriot was like he want quit the game now that's harder. I really don't like him. Cover : Not beautiful but in link to the story 1.5/2 Writing : I like how he write Jericho ... I would prefer a ongoing about him ^^ 2/3 Arts : Still good 2/3 Feeling : Too dark, but better 1.5/2 |
6.0 |
Falcon (2017) #3
Mar 1, 2018 |
This issue is surprising .. I give it that. But like for the two before their is time in the story that seem have ellipse or plot hole. Still don't like Patriot. Cover - Not great but that in link 1/2 Writing - The end is violent ! 2/3 Arts - Still good 2/3 Feeling - I liked the cell part ... But I was surprised Blackheart show is true form. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Falcon (2017) #4
Mar 1, 2018 |
Now that was a very good issue. I liked it very much. It's nice to see Hellstorm just after the end of Spirit of vengeance. He did have issue with his father in the same time between Sam Soul & Necrodamous plan ^^ I was a little sad for Two Gun Kid. I prefer the other Falcon than Patriot. And he has to have his mother to go on with the mission. Man the other patriot would have jump in the action right away Cover : One I like & in link 2/2 Writing : I really love the father son talk 3/3 Arts : Still good & gooder in hell 2/3 Feeling : Some like in the Dark 1/2 |
5.0 |
Falcon (2017) #5
Mar 1, 2018 |
End of a arc who isn't link at all to Damnation. Sadly. Well not true with mephisto keeping a grudge against Sam. The end is a little to easy & manichean. I also have a issue with Patriot. I prefer the other Falcon or Dr Voodoo. I love to see Hellstorm even if he seem less powerfull than in Spirit of Vengeance. Cover - A nice cover with a link to the story 1.5/2 Writing - I find this part a little disappointing. 1.5/3 Arts - All the panel are still good. 2/3 Feeling - I don't like this arc, but that not surprising with Mephisto & Blackheart involved. The fact the story is dark is logical with this two involved. But It's not what I looked for. Blackheart for me his a character too much powerfull for a vigilant without any other power than fly. Even with Hellstorm & Dr Voodoo at his side. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Fantastic Four (2018) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Fantastic Four (2018) #1
Aug 9, 2018 |
I had the need to laugh. All that for this. So not enough that this spit on Marvel Two in one (Who will read the title now they know this will lead nowhere ?) but that play with the fan too. Gladly I start it with no expectation. I even take it more for feed my curiosity than because I missed the team. For me the only time this team was good was with Robinson. So I don't have the expectation other reader have about it. I start it in the same feeling than Ben, where most of you start it as Johnny. I don't really care of how the family will come back, but I'm a little mad that Ben have a "Last Story" in memory. This feel wrong. And I see the link to how slott will make the family come back, but in a way that feel wrong. What feel wrong too, is Doom once more with some horrible face. He have to have a little push to take back is mantle through ! The only real good laugh I have was with Impy. Cover - The variant with Black Panther & Storm. One of my favorite variant for this 1. I would have preferred the one with Namorita & Ant-Man (But I could not have it. The Art Adams was really good too, but I feel like it was a old draw, their was some characters missing). Not related. 1/2 Writing - A transitional issue for a one. Bold move. I hope Marvel will let Thing & Alicia be married & not screw that. The cat part make my heart melting. On the other hand I find dumb the fact that Johnny Flame on in the bench. I kind of think bench are in wood, but I can be wrong. 2/3 Arts - Pichelli & Bianchi did their best. For me she has to work a little more on Thing. And there is a lot of background empty sadly. I have some reserve about Bianchi too. It's really good, but feel too overload. Maybe the coloring, too much brown. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will not take the next part. That don't interest me. Sorry marvel. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Farmhand | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Farmhand #1
Jul 12, 2018 |
I don't know what I expected to see. I liked some of the art I see in the last Image+. So I take it in spit of the cover. The story is weard. And at some point the writer succeed to make us believe in this business. But I didn't like the tone of this book. Cover - Don't like it, but in link. 1/2 Writing - There is too part for me. The nightmare very creepy & a little "déjà vu" and after the family reach the farm. There is some fun part (The smallword ripoff) and he give credibility. 2/3 Arts - Still loved the art. 3/3 Feeling - It's not Chu. It's way darker than that. So not for me. 0/2 |
7.9 |
Fighting American: The Ties That Bind | 4 issues |
9.5 |
Fighting American: The Ties That Bind #1
Mar 8, 2018 |
So I will have alone to defend this title ? Hey weak up, you will let some Frenchy defending a flag for America for Crying sake. How did critic have going that cynical. 4/10 for can be at best explain by the fact the person have to much reading in a row. So, be Warned, I never had read a Fighting America Title. So I'm totally new to it. And when I just take a look, I was so disappointed at First that I put me Up to my Comics Week Pill. And that was one of my best reeding of this week. And I will try to explain why. So Gordon Rennie, didn't try to put the action back in the day. In a way I assumed that he would but he is more cunning than that. Fighting America & Speedboy are in our era after a time displaced teleport things (We didn't see that happen so deal with it, At first that made me unhappy). But then Gordon place some cool trick, like the fact Speedboy as already take some of the teen language of this era (And watch TV show is partner didn't approuve). There also some cool parallel with Captain America. Not just the man displaced in another era, or the obvious lookalike. But the fact Fighting state he didn't need a Shield. I liked how Gordon play with the fact Fighting didn't ask to care or remember the real name of his partner. Or the FBI receiving complain for Endangering Teenager. So yes the bad-guys are cheesy, but that strenghtens the legacy of Fighting America old story. And they can use a old foes in a new position of power. That seem forced but that for the good of a comedy action comics. If you are to grown up to read only just a funny story with some good in it ... Return to your darkness, your need of more realistic & dramatic event in a line of heroes ... Go back to Image, Dark Horse ... Go hell to Avatar even. But I think your need for more (Because you are grow up) have break something in the super-heroes comics. So be Brave, Be bold, be Curiose & Make a stand. Take a look & come back talk together. |
9.0 |
Fighting American: The Ties That Bind #2
Apr 5, 2018 |
A frenchy against Comicbook.com part 2 : You wonder for how this comics is ? Don't scratch to hard. It's for me. Yes there is no nostalgic part in that comics. And frankly I happy about that. This is a fun comics about a time displaced hero and some consequence for him. At first I have my doubt about his great grand son ... But I find this part more enjoyable that I expected with some revelation I didn't know & really surprised me (The origin of the character). I like also that the writer take time to see the poor librarian woman (And what mistake send her in the closet she is now). I also find really nice the young lad discovering VR game & the journalist ready to have some juicy information. But I think some don't want a fun comics anymore and Comibook.Com are in this case. They have read so much comics they must be more interested by depressing & dark story (Read Doctor Star or Batman White then). It's ok, I understand that. What I don't take well is that they take the right to asking the question about for who is the comics. What made you a expert on comics ? Like me you have read some. Like me you have loved some. Like me you have don't like other. But I will never tell what I feel as the only truth. I know that I have different taste. It's just review I made, not a critic. Because who I am for criticize, nobody ! Cover - The variant by mistake 1/2. Story : Funny & well lead 3/3. Arts : I like it a lote 3/3. Feeling : Keep going the good story. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Fighting American: The Ties That Bind #3
May 3, 2018 |
This story keep going to make good moment. But this time I had some moment I wasn't fully fan of. So what I loved - All the Fighting america fighting moment. And the one about the library girl. What I didn't like - To much about the young lad been used in media. That wasn't really funny. Cover - I liked it, but not related 1/2 Writing - It was enjoyable. Even if the media part was really too much. 2/3 Arts - I loved every panel. 3/3 Feeling - I like this story even if this not perfect. It's different & interesting, even if this one wasn't as good as the previous issues. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Fighting American: The Ties That Bind #4
Jun 7, 2018 |
I have side by this book in the previous review. But I cannot tell this one wasn't disappointing. Things get quickly in hand, and Speedboy doing peace like that make me facepalm. Shame because the first as some good idea. Cover - Related & nice 2/2 Writing - There is some fun, but in the same time too many thing turn write just because the writer have to close the book. 1/3 Arts - The art is steel good. 3/3 Feeling - Damn. In a hand I'm happy to try this character. In another that didn't give me the need for more. 0/2 |
7.4 |
Flash (2016) | 7 issues |
6.5 |
Flash (2016) #36
Jan 11, 2018 |
I like the part about de renamed Sherlock Holmes stories. I find weird that with all the guard in the stair leading to the prison nobody asking who Barry arrive and discover his true identity. That said I didn't really like this story. Cover - A good cover well connected to what I read. 2/2 Writing - Like always with Flash's ongoing I find my reading a little slow. A for him that ironical ! 2/3 Arts - I like porter but I feel like his character are a little freeze (No pun intended). 2.5/3 Feelings - No a story that willl make me come back more frequently. 0/2 |
6.5 |
Flash (2016) #37
Jan 11, 2018 |
The following part is a little better. I liked the bank job turning bad and seen Freeze cut a deal. I like him been clever. I'm not a fan of the fact he is younger than the version I like (Rogues Revenge era). But I didn't care for the rest of the characters. Cover - I really like it, and nicely connected to the end. 2/2 Writing - A little better but I'm feel a little distant of it, strangely. 2/3 Arts - Mcdaniel is good, but just after Porter and even if his character are less freeze, he suffer of the comparison. 2.5/3 Feelings - I will forgot it very quickly. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Flash (2016) #38
Jan 11, 2018 |
Finale issue for this story. A little quick but why not. I didn't care who is really in charge in the prison or all the betrayal. I find the end too easy. I'm a little disappointed that Cold fall that fast. In a other hand having him in the suicide squad may make me try it. Cover - I take the variant cover ... Sadly well connected to the story ^^ 2/2 Writing - Where was the era of subplot. Not subplot about betrayal, but with the rogue in charge of the prison. Construct more about it with time, with flash occupied otherwise. And a final story in the end of the road. 1.5/3 Arts - Potter is back. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will not following flash. He didn't succeed to keep me very interested. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Flash (2016) #46
May 17, 2018 |
A very good story about Wally ... Well so why Barry take all the spot in there. Yes it's his title. But I find it a little sad. Even Zoom take more place than Wally in all this. I would have loved seen more than one version of Cyborg old shape. Cover - I like it, it's in link. 2/2 Writing - It was very quick for the "Remember who Hunter is" but that work fine. The wally havoc was hard to follow (But maybe I just jump in). 2/3 Arts - I like Kollins (I would really love have is level), but I find it to distant ... His style didn't succeed to make me care. 2.5/3 Feeling - It give me the need to find more about the Flash War. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Flash (2016) #47
May 24, 2018 |
Ok for now I don't like the start of the story when Wally & Barry seem to have (One more) a argument. I like the story about iris, even if I wonder why she's suspected for Eobard death (Barry can tell that she isn't in cause he die in the button). I'm not found of the renegade, even if at my surprise one of them is a sinister corps member (Good Surprise). But at the end, I dig a lot the museum with all the heroes of post flashpoint story. Damn Flashpoint (Hate it). Cover - Yeah a battle between Flashs we got that in the bad ForPlay. But this is a good one 2/2 Writing - A story in tree time ... One in the past, one in the present with the heroes, and all of them in the future but Appart. 2.5/3 Arts - Love Porter since Morrison's JLA. 3/3 Feeling - I don't know what I do here, but I will try to enjoy the ride ^^ 1/2 |
10 |
Flash (2016) #48
Jun 14, 2018 |
A very good issue. I'm all way in Wally side on this one. I want to see Max, the real Bart, Jessy, Jay Garrick & even his twin child back. It's interesting to see Hunter without power. I have trusted he in same way regain it in the last issue, but I'm reassured. I will not make a scene if the other wally disappear ^^ Cover - I find it in link & nice 2/2 Writing - At least somebody care about the old univers (Who was less dark than the DCU we see currently) 3/3 Arts - Love Porter. Maybe, he isn't perfect, but he did a hell of a job. 3/3 Feeling - I will be made if Barry stop Wally. 2/2 |
5.5 |
Flash (2016) #49
Jun 28, 2018 |
Booooring ! ... They only run with their arguments & they kind of don't care of the consequence. It's not the wally I like to read. For Barry ... Well he's a jerk in my point of view since Flashpoint so that was just another story where he prove it. I really didn't like the ending ... And ooooh like in Wonder Woman the JLA is wipe away pretty quickly. But this time, some Titans too. Really a bad move. Cover - I like the regular. In some way in link. 2/2 Writing - They kind of make a lot a time arguing for speedsters ! ... That a shame proving Waller's right ! Not the kind of super-héros comics I like to read. And with all the time Wally foes try to use the speed force for their interest, they never make a scratch on it. But both flashs succeed to break it. Damn that very bad idea. 1.5/3 Arts - The panels are good even if I find the end not very clear. We see wally close to pass in the speed force then with Barry stopped in the middle of the heroes. 2/3 Feeling - I will not come for the last part ... That for sure, because like always they will win. But Williamson cannot make believe they will turn this around in one or even two part. 0/2 |
9.8 |
Freedom Fighters (2018) | 2 issues |
10 |
Freedom Fighters (2018) #1
Dec 21, 2018 |
Damn that was good. No that was a awesome reading. At first I was a little lost, and I was not shure I will like this dark story. But in fact I was easily transported in it. It's a good reminder of what we escape. The Jessy Owen character is a very nice touch. Cover - Not just the cover. The starting point of the story. 2/2 Writing - I loved all of it. 3/3 Arts - Their is some part I didn't find very clear at first (Like what happen with the flag) but it's a awesome work. 3/3 Feeling - I want more of it. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Freedom Fighters (2018) #2
Jan 25, 2019 |
What a fantastic reading. Yes it's just a Clobberin' time. But it's a astonishing one. And even if I was a little disappointed by the fact the Plastic man stay hidden (But man I didn't expect him, and I love them more & more). I love all the part on the plane of idea (But does the Eagle don't have to be bigger & brightest? Cover - Love it even if this isn't really in link. That could have been if the Plastic Man didn't stay on spy mode ^^ 1.5/2 Writing - It was a very strong reading. 3/3 Arts - Damn the art and layout are awesome 3/3 Feeling - I want the next issue fast ^^ 2/2 |
5.0 |
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019) #1
Jan 14, 2019 |
Yes it's fun but nothing really original. The save is even hard to believe. All the rest have a deja vu taste. I kind of expect something more. And Comon they put MJ/Peter Back just yet & Bam May have another health issue ... Sure ! Cover - More a IDW kid comics cover, or a Ultimate one. Not in link. 1/2 Writing - Both story aren't bad but I think there is something missing. 2/3 Arts - Both have good & less good part. There too it's lacking of something. 2/3 Feeling - Not what I wanted to read. 0/2 |
7.1 |
Generations (2017) | 5 issues |
5.0 |
Generations (2017): Wolverine & All-New Wolverine #1
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - Why do I'm dumb enough to take the variant. For once the usual is Better 1/2 Writing - So ... Why, How, Laura can appear in this story ... We (And Laura) will never know. That's a good way to piss me off. And I tell that while I love Taylor run on All-Now Wolverine. But for the good part I like Taylor choose Japan. The best story I ever read in the 90's on Wolverine ongoing was in Japan. And he make some fun joke (Like the dress part ^^). But I'm stuck with one problem. Why the mysterious bad guy being Akiko kidnapping never try to take revenge on Laura when she appear in the Marvel U. Not a single time. So ok now he is a Good guy. Or not really a bad one. But before that, I'm astonished he never try to take some revenge. 1/3 Arts - I like the art. I think Rosanas' Style is close to Lopez one. A good match. 3/3 Feelings - Well I didn't see what the point of the story. I'm even more concern by the fact I find Logan a little to ok with this kind of situation. But after Taylor is smart enough to make us understand why he go with it. But That will bring nothing to nether of them. And if that was to make some base for the Legacy, it's a complet failure. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Generations (2017): Iron Man & Ironheart #1
Sep 7, 2017 |
Not bad. Not great. The cover is lying with his teeth ... And I don't see the interest in encounter this old Tony. This's another alternative future ... I will even't start to count those. Bendis do what he like and screw the other like always. But he do some good in this encounter. But to much talking & the only foes turn away ... That make me sad. The art is good for a show a possible future. The painting like art wasn't my kind of taste, but that not bad. For what I read of two Generation title we can skip it easy, we will miss nothing. |
10 |
Generations (2017): Captain Marvel & Ms. Marvel #1
Sep 21, 2017 |
I read only three of them, but this is the best I read. Yes the Shiar foes isn't that great (At first I believe it was Deathbird, That would have been a logic choice). I have some question about the payment she does, tho ! ... I remembering Doc Brown with a case full of cash from different time period. Does a 2017 Dollar will not been seen as a false one ? The part where JJJameson mistake her for the new intern is very light, but for the purpose of a good story. This comic make me realize I like more this Carol Danvers. So It make me smile & that all I ask. Plus, the art make wonder with both character. Well played ! |
8.5 |
Generations (2017): Sam Wilson Captain America & Steve Rogers Captain America #1
Sep 28, 2017 |
I choose the variant cover for this one. The art is very very good. I like it in the preview and this's why I take this issue I didn't solicited. The story is more different than the other generation. Sam will stay more around. So yes the timeline is a little wrong (Like have Selfie & iPhone when steve was found). And I find it weird he age not more in all those year. But with the part where Cap tell Sam he was the one who inspired him, I have the chill & some tear too. So the end was a total disaster when Sam search for the one who would have lived this live. That make all they experience more like the dream, and I find this fact a pity. |
6.0 |
Generations (2017): Miles Morales Spider-Man & Peter Parker Spider-Man #1
Sep 28, 2017 |
Ok this isn't bad. But that soooo Empty. It's funny to see Miles talking to himself (And even told himself that's not normal) for been more in the kind of spirit of the first spider man adventures. But that's said I don't that he magically happen to be in Peter Past as a child ... Fuck, they didn't calculated the age he would have had today. And there is not that much time between the two time Miles crash into Peter. And the end is very ... Bizarre ! I like the art even if I would have preferred more color. But that too is for making a point that we are in the past. |
8.0 |
Gideon Falls | 3 issues |
10 |
Gideon Falls #1
May 17, 2018 |
A weird but good story about two characters far away one to another but maybe link to something dark. Cover - I Love it 2/2 Writing - Good, that was well construct & give me the need for more. And I'm not dark nor horror stories. 3/3 Arts - Sorrentino do a fine job there. I like the coloring giving some part of the story a ambience. 3/3 Feeling - I like this one. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Gideon Falls #2
May 17, 2018 |
The second part was more difficult for me. That's start to be weirder and the vibes are more heavy on the dark part. I still cared for the character so I don't like the Inequity Father Fred lived. Cover - Still great 2/2 Writing - Still great in the construct. But more darker & sometime unfair. 2/3 Arts - Still love the art. 3/3 Feeling - Sorry but not really for me 0/2 |
7.0 |
Gideon Falls #3
May 17, 2018 |
And there i was completely out because of the final of issue 2. I even't try. So I will not be a perfect Reviewer for this one. Cover - Still love it. 2/2 Writing - That's seem always well written but I could really tell. 2/3 Arts - The art is too great the face in the barn give me some nightmares. 3/3 Feeling - Not my kind of comics, so sorry about that. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Goddess Mode | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Goddess Mode #1
Dec 12, 2018 |
Yeah but no. I understand what they did. I understand why they did it like this. But that didn't work well. Festival it's not original at all. Maybe you can tell it's because I don't care about Cassandra. But's it's not true, I liked much of the story in the real word even if I kind of have a "deja vu" vibe. It was the end I don't like one bit. The patch mean girl who let her rot, and the other mocking her. Cover - Nice but just present Cassandra, and not really in link to what I read. 1/2 Writing - It's don't like the beginning (The two first page), not all the end. I didn't succeed to make me care for Cassandra. 1.5/2 Arts - I like the art. I find something like Capullo or Murphy in the characters. He don't choose the easy way to do his panel. Their is color effect to make real background but it's logical with a virtual world. And it's not just empty, it make sense. 3/3 Feeling - I don't like it. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Gotham City Garage | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Gotham City Garage #1
Oct 12, 2017 |
Well making a story around figurine is not a very great Idea. I didn't like the Bombshell one, I didn't like this one too. That's not that bad, the writer try to tell a story pretty decent, but not my kind of story. The art is better than on Bombshell's one. I will have to pick Issue 2 because I solicited It, but without a big surprise, I will not stick after that. |
8.4 |
Green Hornet (2018) | 5 issues |
7.0 |
Green Hornet (2018) #1
Mar 8, 2018 |
Another character I didn't read before this issue 1. And I liked the way the story goes. Oh some part have the TV show Arrow Flavor, some have Batman flavor (Even Batman Dark Knight Movie flavor). But did the book have a Green Hornet Flavor ? Hard to tell when the only reference you have is the movie (And I didn't like it). - It was a fine introducing story. I was scared they misled us on the cover & that Kano take the Green Hornet costume. The fact they pass the all book around him make me believe that. And I trust that's a mistake because for now we didn't have much of his daughter to know if she is worthy or not. Yeah she take down the old man (Personally I was chocked even if that was on his request. Cover - I take the cover B, a nice one but now I think I would have prefered McKone. 1/2 Writing - A nice story, interesting. Even if that miss a little something. 2/3 Arts - That was a pleasure to turn the page. Maybe too many panel at one point, but If they have cut it in two part I would have tell that was too unravel 3/3 Felling - I will follow the you woman with interest. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Green Hornet (2018) #2
Apr 5, 2018 |
I take a great time to read this surprising issue. I didn't expect what I read but this was very nice to follow. I'm in love with Mulan now. The cliffhanger make me reread the part after they landed. Very nice. Even if for now I didn't understand what Mulan implied in talking to christopher. After that the fact he tell "they are deadly" was sadly true, but it was like the writer keep precious information form us. Cover - I take the variant with the vue behind. I like it. But like the regular. That is not link to what I read. 1/2 Story - It was a really strong story, with some mysterious plot hole, I would like the writer enlighten us. 2.5/3 Arts - I find the art strong. Maybe some minor part hard to read. I feared Kato was shot by the cops, but it's seem he was only have a Arthritic pain. 2.5/3 Feeling - For now I like to read this story. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Green Hornet (2018) #3
May 17, 2018 |
Amy Chu make a very nice & smart story. She give us more detail and even with britt return she succeed to let Mulan been Green Hornet. I love that. I like the bad/good guy too (Oko) ^^ A nice car chase story. Cover - I take the variant. I love the mirroring part even if this not in like to the story. 1.5/2 Writing - Very well done. 3/3 Arts - Maybe their is not much background, but the panel are effective. It was a very good job. 2.5/3 Feeling - I love to follow this ungoing ... Love Mulan. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Green Hornet (2018) #4
Jun 22, 2018 |
Once more a very good story from Amy Chu. Love is Japan ! Love the Mulan/Brit team-up but with Mulan as the hornet & brit as kato. Yeah I planed that the heroes will be on the stage with Oko. But I was thinking that would be for screw or fight him, not be his prisoner. And I didn't know much about the Hornet univers but he seems darker. So I'm really piss & worried for Clutch write now. The art his good even if Mulan is less sexy in her civil's clothing. I loved every panel ... It was a very fun time to read it. Thanks a lot ! Cover - The falling hornet variant. Love it and in a way related ^^ 1.5/2 Writing - Damn I love more and more the characters with each issue. 3/3 Arts - It was close to perfection. 3/3 Feeling - I want more right now ! 2/2 |
8.5 |
Green Hornet (2018) #5
Jul 26, 2018 |
A very good story where both Hornet count of the help of the supporting cast to help them out. The Oko identity is logic and surprising even if that tend to follow the same pattern that Batman Hush or Night of the owl. I hope that with britt back Mulan will stay the hornet. I wonder where the title will go next. Cover - I love the cover. Not related but very nice. 1/2 Writing - Still convinced by the story. Maybe the fact of Clutch live is a little easy through. 3/3 Arts - I like the art, not always perfect but very nice. If he don't made alway a background sometime he that to give a impression of movement. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm still very interested by this ongoing. That could have been a short story, but by luck I will see another story with Mulan and I happy of it. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Green Lantern (2018) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Green Lantern (2018) #1
Nov 9, 2018 |
Hey once more Hal Jordan is a jerk I don't like at all ... Yeah ! So in one hand I really love the starting point. Not starting with Hal is brillant and I really like lantern 2018.2 and his partner Flooze Flem. IF 2018.2 is dead I hope that not the case for Flooze. I start to see once again Spider-Pirates, with a fine team (love the size-shifter). I think both Chriselion & her partner is form the same sector but not shure. In the other hand I don't like Hal in this state of mind ... wandering like if he don't have anything to hang on. Until he beat the creep of the alien (Not my favorite part) and accept to borrow Chryselion lantern (Not is brightest moment even if this is for saving live, I was more in front of a addict). I really like the gardians explaining the role they have (Even if we know that I could see some variation). But I'm really not a fan of the ending ! Cover - The regular, nice but a little static. Not giving a thing about what inside. 1/2 Writing - There is good and bad stuff. I wonder if the sexe scene & the gore one are really needed. 2.5/3 Arts - Very Nice, maybe too nice because the end is too violent with this realistic style. I want to read DC comics not Avatar one. 2.5/3 Feeling - Not hooked, even more repulsed by the ending. Mixed, will see if I take issue two or not 1/2 |
10 |
Green Lantern: Earth One | 1 issues |
10 |
Green Lantern: Earth One #1
Mar 15, 2018 |
They take there time, but at the end, I was right there with the new Lantern team. I loved this Hall Jordan with many heavy misjudging action to overcome. I love many Lantern stories, but this on as a special place. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - I really loved what they did there. 3/3 Arts - Love the art that I know from Invincible Republic. 3/3 Feeling - I will wait for a 2 ... The only Earth One title with Batman to convincing me. 2/2 |
7.7 |
Green Lanterns | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Green Lanterns #40
Feb 8, 2018 |
I didn't go near Green Lanterns since the first issues. I find this issue well written and easy to enter for those like me who didn't follow. I was a little surprise to see Powergirl. The first part of the story his nice & speak to me with the recent flood water of the Seine. The second part about the meeting app speak also to me, I'm a single man & use some in the past with disappointment. The last part was more a surprise to see a omega men (Well women), & I loved the end. Cover - Loved the idea of the cover even if well related (For now none of both lantern are captives). But that give a idea of the plot 1.5/2 Writing - I find it well written & funny. But with some seriousness too. And they use previous story well. 3/3 Arts - I find it really strong & I enjoyed many pages. 3/3 Feeling - I sense that I will enjoy this arc. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Green Lanterns #41
Feb 22, 2018 |
I really like the previous issue & this one have the same effect. I laugh seen Baz as a macho man with moustache ^^ I trust their was a GL after Jack T. Chance in this world (In threshold), but i remember that didn't go well for him. I smiled when the too woman ask for a fake victory with pictures ... I want to read the next issue right now. Cover - I take the variant. So not related to my reading. 1/2 Writing - Very good. I love all my reading. 3/3 Arts - Very very good too. 3/3 Feeling - One of the best arc for a while on a green lantern title. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Green Lanterns #42
Mar 8, 2018 |
I don't know why I wasn't that involved in this story. Maybe it as a hole WHAT THE FUCK kind of feeling. And some part was too long & some part aren't even shown, or at less too quick. And the Omega damsel ... She kill like that in a GL title & suddenly it's ok. Yeah she is alone, but that isn't ok, period ! The part between Simon & Jess talking about her doubt seem right, the part about religion seem very wrong. Cover - I take the variant. So no link but at least it's more beautiful than the regular. 1/2 Writing - he lost me somewhere in there. 1.5/3 Arts - The arts is ok. Not great, not bad. Just Ok. 2/3 Feeling - How a arc I liked so far can have a aftertaste like that ? I wonder ! 0/2 |
6.0 |
Green Lanterns Annual | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Green Lanterns Annual #1
May 31, 2018 |
Nor a bad or a strong reading. The part about all can have a second chance is nice even if I doubt that. And I wonder why they made this old ring that powerful. Cover - Nice, not related. 1/2 Writing - Inappropriate ! ^^ ... Poor jess. I wonder why the writer like make her this wretched. And I didn't know her ring call her J-Bird. So weird. 2/3 Arts - This was good. I dind't know what seem off to me. The ink ? the coloring ? 2/3 Feeling - This wasn't a story made to make me interesting in the ongoing. So on that they fail. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) | 2 issues |
9.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1
Jan 25, 2019 |
I wasn't supposed to take it. I didn't like the gardians since they reappear after Annihilation. I was more a fan of the old 90's team. But I have to say this issue is very strong. I turn each page with a eager I didn't have for some time. The joke about Richard Ryder is funny. And for now all thing make sense. I'm sure the cast we lost there will reappear shortly but this was very surprising. Love how the Black Order was use. They are Brightest than on No surrender or even their own title. Cover - I take the variant poster. Very beautiful & related in some way. 2/2 Writing - The fact is I didn't like Starlord or Cosmic Ghost Ryder, but damn for now I can tollerate them. Maybe Cates will finally succeed to make me like them both. 2.5/3 Arts - What a level of art. It was perfect. Even if their is panel without a real background, but ut only on the space part, so it's safe to say it's normal. 3/3 Feeling - They perfectly turn my mind and now I ready for next issue. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #2
Feb 22, 2019 |
Starlord speek to Kitty ... Why not ... But why ? And this long ... Then a give some cover to boring Phyla & Heather. Then try to stop a fight (Already) between Groot and the more stupide idea ever (Cosmic ghost rider). Then we have Tivan in trouble agains Hela (The only good time but it seem cast forgot the powerfull Collector in Harras' avengers). Then like that another heroes have survived but with no clue how. And Starfox is not only badly hurt at his face he also have Professor xavier 90's chair. And like Nebula take a lead in the movies, she make her way to the other team. How originals ! Cover - I see what they do here, nice ^^. 1.5/2 Writing - And they lost me. This was boring and not very well told. 1/3 Arts - I didn't like much the style. That do the work but it's to well behaving. And not much background too. 2/3 Feeling - I'm already out 0/2 |
6.3 |
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps | 2 issues |
5.5 |
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #27
Aug 25, 2017 |
This part has some good. Orion is very very mad. I was a little disappointed by Kyle but that's not his title. I didn't like how he's draw too. So I tried to going back on this ongoing, but with two issue Venditti don't convinced me. I was hopping for something more, something different. But I'm still a Lantern. |
7.0 |
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #30
Oct 12, 2017 |
So I tried again Hal Jordan & the GLC. This's the Third time. But you know the proverb ... Never Two without Three. So this time it's thanks to Superman 29-30 ... I was hooked to see what happen to parallax. So we have Hal coming on earth & after a flashback at how he was chosen for this mission, and then he encounter Superman who has the ring. I don't know if venditti didn't like Tomasi/Gleason work or if wanted to show off, but he kind of destroyed the Superman arc. That mean not much sense, and we have a fight with a parallax superman who he just a dream. Lame. The art is great as the variant cover I choose. I'm not sure to peak issue 31 if there's no Parallax to see. |
8.0 |
Hawkgirl (2023) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Hawkgirl (2023) #1
Jul 22, 2023 |
Festival, thanks for all your review, I read them all. I open this book with some bad feeling but I close it with a more mitigated mind. Yes there is mistake. Yes Vulpecula is a ridiculous name. Her plan (On the long term) is clanky and difficult to understand. I was sorry for the poor Maureen, but I understand the meaning. It's a warning for child about abuser. But It was throw away the minute Maureen became something else and under Vulpecula influence ... Yes the friend (Married, divorced, now new gay, possibly in gender transition) was too much, and I'm amazed that bring it on. But a man who write the scene where the friend try to hit on Kendra, was misplaced. At least that give Kendra the moment to tell that she don't feel any interest in relationship anymore (I totally understand her been in the same mindset.) And yes add another gay character/couple with Galaxy make all of it a little obligatory. Her girlfriend joking (I hope) about the fact Kendra will not fly for a sleepover was a little weird too. But I like this Kendra, yes she have depression. But it's normal after what she lived. And I'm with her when she tell dinah "You wouldn't ask that to batman". Because In my reading (Essentially Goyer/Johns JSA, she was as strong-willed and stubborn than Bruce. I will follow with hope she will be better (And help me to be better). I respect you Kendra and thanks for been my heroes when I need one. |
7.0 |
Hawkman (2018) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Hawkman (2018) #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
If you want to know how he is back, this is not where to look at. And if you think that the Hawkman story was hard to follow before this isn't the perfect story for you either. Vendetti show well the adventurer/Archeologue even if I have trouble to see him use the wing under water. I find some of the vision very interesting. Linking him to heroes from Kypton or Rahnn. But I don't like the end of the vision. Cover - The variant. Nice but not related 1/2 Writing - Vendetti did better than with his Green Lantern run for me, but I think that he gain from Hitch art. 2/3 Arts - Damn panel man. And a lovely Xanadu. But I'm not a fan of the ink in the regular cover. Shame because cover are her to sell the comics. 3/3 Feeling - I'm not sure to care about Hawkman in the point to take the next issue. That wasn't a bad story (Easily better than the last Liefield Run or Metal Hawkman Found) 1/2 |
7.5 |
Hawkman: Found | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Hawkman: Found #1
Dec 29, 2017 |
Ok I was free of Metal, but ... But I wanted to see the return of Hawkman. And ... And like in Batman Lost I'm good for a nightmare story. Thank you very much. Not a bright one. And one where Carter will before losing without any explaination. I like the look of the hawk people. I even like the version of him he fight. But I not like at all the version of him at the end (Related to Metal 4) The story was least dark (At least) even if their is no hope. I really wonder how snyder will turn the road, because He make a very good point at showing the heros losing baddly & blodly ! Cover - A metal one like it. The cover make sense with what we know & the end 2/2 Writing - Not the worst of all metal tie-in I have read 2.5/3 Arts - I liked the art. Even if Nowlan was a little less good than Hitch 3/3 Feeling - This time I'm done with metal.0/2 |
10 |
Heathen | 2 issues |
10 |
Heathen #5
Aug 25, 2017 |
Once again a perfect cover. The art is nice, the softness is sweet, and I love Warparound. The story was a little slow, but very poetic & funny ... And that have been easily dark but no. I learn something about Odin I didn't know. And I really fund of the art. I'm in love with this ongoing. |
10 |
Heathen #6
Feb 22, 2018 |
I don't had enough ... But because it's a awesome title. Not the contrary. I loved all part of My reading. I had a smile all along ... Damn I will have to wait for the next one. This's a great book, a book about love. A book about accepting difference. A book doing a better job to that than a X-men reading now ... And I'm a little sad to tell that. Cover - Very nice & related to the reading 2/2 Writing - Poetic, fresh, beautiful ... Just read it dammit ! 3/3 Arts - It's so clean (Even refine). I under her spell ! 3/3 Feeling - The only downside his the waiting part ! 2/2 |
5.5 |
Her Infernal Descent | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Her Infernal Descent #1
Apr 19, 2018 |
It's a shame that Agatha Christie wasn't more recognizable. That could have been any other old woman than her. It's too clam & take too many steps to be interesting enough. I prefer the Robin Williams movie "What Dreams May Come". Cover - The charon ride ! Noce & related. 2/2 Writing - I don't recognize Agatha. And It was a little boring. 1/3 Arts - The arts is good even if it's not the kind I like. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm not convinced. 0/2 |
8.3 |
Heroes In Crisis | 6 issues |
8.5 |
Heroes In Crisis #1
Dec 12, 2018 |
Festival sorry to be this late for a review. But I waited for the jones cover that I solicited and that my dealer didn't receive before today. I have to confess that I wasn't thrill about this story. I solicited only this issue. brought the other two just in case I like this one and I was pretty sure to don't. And I also spoil myself reading review who convince me of that. And Maybe if I have read it in time I would have been lost, and disappointed. But with the knowing of what happen, I was taken in the story and read the two other issue with the same pleasure. Cover - I waited for Harley ridding booster. It's a pleasure to se, and link to what I read. 2/2 Writing - Ok it's slow, and I will recommend reading this in TPB. But also It's really interesting. 2.5/3 Arts - Just magnificent ! 3/3 Feeling - Hey, I like it. What a surprise. But reading this alone would be so slow. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Heroes In Crisis #2
Dec 12, 2018 |
The second part don't give much more than the first one. King take is time but I love the version of Harley he write. I love the harley Mann draw (With the Bruce Timm outfit I love so much). But reading it just after the one & before the third give another feeling. One I really love ! Cover - I take the Sook Variant and love it, but isn't in link. 1/2 Writing - I find it well construct even if it's not give much, and is very slow. 2.5/3 Arts - Love Clay Mann arts ... Poison Ivy & harley are such a wonder together ! 3/3 Feeling - There some part who really echoing in me. 2/2 |
10 |
Heroes In Crisis #3
Dec 12, 2018 |
This start finally to give more of what happen in the Sanctuary. At first I hate the panel with Lagoon boy been fired on. But in the story it make sense. I have a doubt about what he stat. For me Power Boy is from the old DCU. Like for the fact lagoon boy was on the teen titans. That said, I really feel for Wally (I hope the spoilers are wrong about him). Cover - Regular cover. Love it and somewhat related. 2/2 Writing - It was a wonderful issue, well written. Even if I fear for the ending ! 3/3 Arts - Lee wicks is marvelous too ! 3/3 Feeling - It was the better issue so far 2/2 |
8.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #4
Jan 4, 2019 |
This part of the story is kind of weird. I have trouble imagine Batgirl helping Harley. After all Joker is the one who hurt Babs the most. And then we have Blue beetle ... Like that ! No explanation for is return. Don't seems to be a hallucination, maybe a illusion but does Booster wouldn't see the thruth ? I don't know something is off like if we are not in earth prime since the beginning. Will see about that. Cover - Ok related in some way, and nicely made. 1/2 Writing - Steel interesting. I love the thing with the coin and the dinosaure ^^ ... 2.5/3 Arts - Love it, Lois is hooooot but am-I the only one wondering if Babs & Harley have some kind of lesbians relationship ? 3/3 Feeling - Really really good. But I want answer ^^ 1.5/2 |
7.0 |
Heroes In Crisis #5
Feb 1, 2019 |
Not bad but seem as a transitional issue when we are in the middle of the story. There is a link to who really did it. There is a good superman speach (Even if he can take less panel). I really don't know what to think. Love the Booster dumb idéa. Cover - The jason variant. Not link but damn good. 1/2 Writing - The construction seem good. But I think I expecting a little more than what I find. If I wasn't spoiled about the skeet spoiler I think I would have take a grudge at Batgirl. 2/3 Arts - Just magnificent. Even if one Sup speach it would feel more as arts book that comics strip. Very nice pics but seem too disconnecting or like a DCU album illustration. 3/3 Feeling - Very mixed. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Heroes In Crisis #6
Mar 2, 2019 |
I don't know about this one. He stale too much. Grarrk was a little boring. Even Wally is a little annoying. But I really dig the relationship between harley & Pamela (Does that mean Poison Ivy is dead too ?) Cover - I take the variant. Not related but so nice. 1/2 Writing - Maybe King could have give a little something more. 2/3 Arts - I really dig the arts. So beautifull. 3/3 Feeling - I wait for the last issue. That will be there that we could really judge this book. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Hex Wives | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Hex Wives #1
Nov 1, 2018 |
The story is hard to follow and make not enough sense. I'm totally disinterested ! Cover - Good but not really in relation. 1.5/2 Writing - I don't like it at all. 1/3 Arts - I find he copy Joelle Jones but not as good as her. Her & the editor know well the ressemblance with her doing the cover. 2/3 Feeling - I try it, but they fail hooking me. 0/2 |
6.8 |
Hi-Fi Fight Club | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Hi-Fi Fight Club #1
Aug 25, 2017 |
At first I like the art, but even if the univers was nice, I was a little bowered. And then they talk of a missing Singer and I find it a little more good. I have to stop reading, and the end of the night was not good with our cat hit by a car. But the end was very good and even succeed to give me a little smile. |
6.5 |
Hi-Fi Fight Club #2
Sep 28, 2017 |
I really like this cover. She's full of light & smile. The interior wasn't to bad. Less than issue 1 who make a time for starting. But that's not great for all that. The art is good, not great but strong & funny. The writing he's a little bit to slow for me. Chris & Maggie relationship isn't bad, but I think Maggie try only to be a good friend. At the same point in the story I preferred Slam ! & I give it quickly. So ... |
7.3 |
High Level | 2 issues |
8.0 |
High Level #1
Feb 22, 2019 |
I don't know what to think of this. The first part is original, I feared a battle in the bar. Second part is nicely done with her fellow cleaner and the woman giving her the next gig. Or how she send the drone in a opposite area (but I wonder how the group of cyborg succeed to pass them). It's the following part I not understand correctly. So it was a trap, but Why. And she didn't even try to fight her way out want she's alone against only one man. And then suddently rescue coming for her, how convinient. Cover - I take the beautyful variant. A little in link to one scene. 1.5/2 Writing - Not bad. The univers is interesting, but the end is not as good as the first and second part of this story. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the art. That remembering me of thos in New52 Captain K'rot story or in Justice League 3000. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. They have to convince me with the following issue, or I'm leaving. 1/2 |
6.5 |
High Level #2
Mar 22, 2019 |
Cover - They change the cover because I have Thirteen more close of the girl. Protecting her from guns. And I find that related to the situation, and very nicely done. 2/2 Writing - I try to stay focus but this story wasn't that much original. Thirteen accept the kid then try to give it to someone else. The kid run away, Thirteen catch her and that help them to stay hidden when the bad guys detain. 1.5/2 Arts - There is a interesting contrast between the luminous and beautifull panels and the darker story. 3/3 Feeling - One to go and I stop. 0/2 |
6.5 |
Incursion | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Incursion #1
Feb 22, 2019 |
So we have a imperatrice feading off planet's energy (Ok that remembering me of someone) And after that we have a long talk between the eternal warrior and his geomancer. Why not. And just after a battle with the loss of geomancer (Another one already down ???) So it was a too dark first part. Interesting but not for my taste Cover - Not bad, but that could have been a cover for many Eternal warriors' story. Or even for Connan ^^ It's not give me anything of the story inside. 1/2 Writing - It was well done, but I search for something else. Something more. 2.5/3 Arts - Love Braithwaite. His layout and panel are so strong. 3/3 Feeling - Not for me. 0/2 |
8.0 |
Infinity Countdown | 5 issues |
8.5 |
Infinity Countdown #1
Mar 15, 2018 |
One week after all of you I finally have my Variant Connecting cover. And I was happy & surprised to see deodato in the start of the story. But their is so much I didn't know (I don't follow guardian of the galaxy & even with the Infinity countdown Prime information didn't suffise to help me. It's also true that I'm not a fan of this GoG (For me the 90's team with Hollywood is the real deal ; Plus I will never forgive them the death of Deathcry). That's said that wasn't a bad reading, with some serious surprise (Groot Talk & a certain spy). Cover - Really nice. I am eager to see how that connect. 2/2 Writing - That was good. Yeah that was good. 2/3 Arts - I'm not found of all Kuder panel. But that was nice & Deodato is a real pleasure to see even so shortly. 2.5/3 Feeling - For now not sure, but I will give it a more positive feeling than I was ready to give at first. Because it was better than two of my other reading I had this week. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Infinity Countdown #2
Apr 19, 2018 |
A very good second part. Always with the Gardians as the lead of the story. I didn't recover form the cliffhanger. I was really touch by Gamora et the nova mother moment. And I was really surprised by Richard Brother presence. I was smiling with the false Galactus used like a trojan horse. It was a very funny moment. Cover - I take the second part of the connecting variant. Nice & a little related to the story. 2/2 Writing - I really enjoyed this part. And I'm not a fan of this version of the Gardians. 3/3 Arts - Deodato is so good. I love his art with only one panel he make me my day. Kuder & Hawthorne aren't bad too. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm more in it than after the first issue. 2/2 |
10 |
Infinity Countdown #3
May 3, 2018 |
I liked it really much. Smart & great. A little what the f... with Drax Sax. I was really surprised about what happen with the Surfer. It's easily my beast reading of this week. Cover - I take the connecting variant. Really nice & a little related 2/2 Writing - At least I had something good to read. 3/3 Arts - I enjoy every panel 3/3 Feeling - I really love it. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Infinity Countdown #4
Jun 7, 2018 |
I was very down after this reading. It's not what I waited & I was very disappointed. But I didn't like issue but liked the 2 & 3 issue. So I hope the last issue will be great ! Cover - I take the connected variant. And it's fine & connected ^^ 2/2 Writing - I find it weird. The only part I like was Ryder call up for a there future going right next to this instant for going smack the Raptor with the infinity stone ^^ 1/3 Arts - The art isn't perfect and raise many question (Like what happen at the end with Galactus). 2/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Infinity Countdown #5
Jul 19, 2018 |
This closing let a strange feeling. It's not a bad book. But much thing wasn't very logic. Strange ask for the Mind stone but deny the time one, and then gather all stone bearers. Why not send the message with Natacha close to him. I didn't like what happen to Pym. And I didn't like much the fight between Gamora & Warlock too. Cover - The connecting variant. Not un link for this one, but a little for the five part story. 1.5/2 Writing - I find it very strange. Each piece are in play. I will wait for Infinity wars. 2/3 Arts - I like the art, it's not perfect but do the work. And Deodato rule like always 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. 1/2 |
6.3 |
Infinity Countdown One Shot | 5 issues |
5.0 |
Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock #1
Feb 8, 2018 |
Well that was weird. That give us pretty nothing. Another big warning on a futur the heroes will succeed to change. The fact to send it far away in the past to put him in the tomb make it a little funny. But in the same time use a idea of the John's JSA run. For those who really don't know who is warlock that may have some interest. Cover - Nice but not really giving something of the plot. Kang isn't even on the cover. 1/2 Writing - Yawn ! 1/3 Arts - At least Allred is a little more good on using human character than the usual. 2/3 Feeling - That didn't give me the need to take Infinity countdown. But Warlock is very interesting by Allred 1/2 |
7.0 |
Infinity Countdown: Prime #1
Feb 22, 2018 |
This is a implementation issue. I truth with error that Loki's word we follow. But no, and that was surprising. A asked myself what Ultron do to all that and we have a answer at the end. And that's surprising too. I didn't understand the presence of a old Gamora in the soul gem when we saw her with Quill. Do he take ages or is that me ? We understand a little more Wolverine action. Even if I'm not fan of his return & Action (And poor Loki). I smiled to see a start of the costume of the DC captain Marvel (I still hope a agreement for using him in the title where she will encounter Mar-Vel & Monica/Captain Marvel. This will be a huge good surprise. Cover - The art can be dumb with only hand to show you will tell. Don't true. I take Drawing class back in my day. Hand is the hard thing to draw well. That's a very good cover ... And somewhat related to my reading. 2/2 Writing - Not bad & surprising. But to much with a taste of a transitional issue. Even if I understand that some Event have to have a Implementation moment. 2/3 Arts - Deodato make me read the awful Original Sin all by himself. So with a good scenario, it's a good moment. With a great scenario that will be a awesome time to read Marvel. Stay tun ! 3/3 Feeling - Marvel didn't keep his word of 18 month without a event. It could be the better event never made. I will be made at them. This Story should have a 2/2 because succeed to give me the need for more. But I will punish marvel for taking us for Pigeon. So for my feeling, I give them 0/2 |
7.0 |
Infinity Countdown: Daredevil #1
May 17, 2018 |
I wasn't sure to take this one. But the sneak peak push me to try. And that wasn't a bad reading. Poor Matthew between this or Superior Iron-Man have a hard time keeping his mind for himself. Cover - Nice cover & somewhat related 1.5/2 Writing - Not bad. Not good too, but that was enjoyable. I was very sad for Grotto. I hate daredevil for leaving him behind like that ! 2/3 Arts - Not the strongest art there is. But he do the job. And I like when who he used Matthew super-sens with the gem. 2.5/3 Feeling - It was not a "you need to read it" story. But that wasn't a bad one too. 1/2 |
4.5 |
Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel #1
May 31, 2018 |
For those who like Carol maybe that was great. For me that give me nothing. They couldn't even find a way to make a deal with DC for have billy in this. And that didn't achieve anything for Infinity countdown. Cover - The variant - Not very nice, not really related. I would have taken the regular. 0.5/2 Writing - Not bad at first ... But I didn't care. Maybe if Genis Vell would have a bigger part. 1/3 Arts - The arts is good. He save the book by himself literally. 3/3 Feeling - I don't care about it. They didn't succeed to making me care. 0/2 |
8.0 |
Infinity Countdown: Black Widow #1
Jun 22, 2018 |
For now I cannot tell that the I.C. Ties-in was as good than the original short-story/Event (But hush because Marvel promised 8 month without one after secret Empire). And I was curious of this one. And I find it good. I liked the Jimmy Braddock I see their, even if he seems a little less powerful that I remember. I also loved Merlin involvement. But I'm not a fan of the art. Cover - I take the Sienkiewicz variant - Not related 1/2 Writing - That was hard to follow but enjoyable. 3/3 Arts - I don't have is talent. That not the kind of Art I like, but this not bad at all. 3/3 Feeling - Well Mixed. But better than the Daredevil or the captain Marvel. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Infinity Countdown: Champions | 2 issues |
10 |
Infinity Countdown: Champions #1
Jun 22, 2018 |
So I was between Curious & worried about this one. Like I tell with I.C. - Black Widow for now the Tie in wasn't that good. But like for all the rule you have a exception & their it is. Once more Zub show he have a easy & closed hand on the character. He make the team-up in no time with humour & use nicely each character. And even if I don't like the Warbringer I not dislike their first or second encounter there. I also like how he use Ultron with the spider. And their is the end. Original & fun. I'm all in with the champions. The art isn't by Isaakse & was better than on the champions Ongoing of this week, easy ! Cover - I take the Variant, a little related. 1.5/2 Writing - I think Champions are lucky to have Zub as their writer. 3/3 Arts - I loved it 3/3 Feeling - I will be waiting for the second part. 2/2 So yes this book seem to have poor or no real link to Infinity Countdown even using some of the character we have seen form the start of the event. But Damn it was better than the other Tie in hand down ! |
5.0 |
Infinity Countdown: Champions #2
Jul 5, 2018 |
Part one was so good. So why screw part two. Don't wrong me I'm a huge fan of the end. Good surprise. But I didn't enjoy the rest. And I don't see Riri like a dumb hotshot. It's the first time Zub make me thing he have a character completely wrong. And It was a dick move to do that to her. I understand that this is war and we have to care for the well being of the teen be confronted at Thanos. But that was you who choose to confront them to thanos. They could have leave freely (They still do). That make me made ! Cover - Only one choice (Sad), & I don't like it. Oh it's a good art, but I don't like it. And it's a little linked to what I read but not really. This may be for giving some surprise, but I fill wronged. 1/2 Writing - The first part was so lightweight and luminous. This part seems darker. I didn't like it a bit. That's not what I want in a teen team ever ! 2/3 Arts - It was nor bad or good. That make the job, but that didn't convince me. Worse that make the part I don't like more prominent. Yeah we are in space but no Background. Weird because the first part show so much promise. 2/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
5.1 |
Infinity Wars (2018) | 6 issues |
7.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018) #1
Aug 3, 2018 |
I left Countdown with a mixed felling, and the Infinity Wars Prime didn't help at all with a issue I didn't like much. So I expected a lot of this issue. The starting point is very good. I really like Turk entourage. And even if I'm not fond of it, they give right away the identity of requiem. I find that very logic. But their is something, I don't know what, let me a bad taste about this reading. Yet, the fact that turn in a fist fight wasn't very surprising. Not original for sure, but not surprising. Cover - I take the connecting version. Love it even if for now I didn't see the link. 1/2 Writing - Duggan start very nicely but at the end I let the story not really reassure. 2/3 Ars - Deodato rule. The kiss between Starlord & Gamora is wonderful. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed, but with a bad taste. Duggan as to give more. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018) #2
Aug 16, 2018 |
I don't know if Duggan know what he do. Because I certainly not understand a bunch of what I read. Like what happen with Turk. That seems cruel. I have the same feeling with Gamora than with Psyloke in Claremont hand. To damn powerfull. I understand that he want her to have each stone. I understand that she is the best killer in the univers. And she prove it by killing Thanos. But there, I don't see Gamora. Or even a Gamora controlled by Thanos. I see a bunch of crap ... Because the fighting beyond the one lead by Gamora made no sense. The one dying wasn't tragic, he even correct the only tragic death sadly. Cover - The connecting variant. I feel like this will be one of the only pleasure I have with this title. Nice but not related to what I read 1/2 Writing - What a mess. Maybe 6 part will be to much. 1.5/3 Arts - Love Deaodato ... But for one his layout don't help understanding what happen. True that his character feel powerfull when they are together in the same picture. But for a fight he wasn't the good chose. 2.5/3 Feeling - My good I feel like the same taste than with Original Sin. A great art for a really dumb story. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018) #3
Sep 13, 2018 |
Too talkative & not very good. I find Gamora boring. Cover - The connecting - Nice not related. 1/2 Writing - Worse & worse with each issue. 1/3 Arts - Love the art. Next time I see deodato on a crossover I will have to resist because I didn't like this story or Original sin. 3/3 Feeling - I was wrong to trust marvel on this ! 0/2 |
5.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018) #4
Oct 12, 2018 |
In a way I was very surprised to see some of the mixing already ending. The story made some sense, but I'm really not a fan of this. I liked emma. Hulk give speech make me smile. But's that it. it's very tin. And Kamala is out of character totally ! Cover - I follow the connecting variant ... Nice but not connected to what I read. Even if thanos is still not very far. 1/2 Writing - It's a little better than the previous, but far from good ! 1/3 Arts - Deodato rule. 3/3 Feeling - Why did I trust marvel on this one. No, why do I event sollicite the Infinity : Infinity 1 ... Am I mad ? 0/2 |
5.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018) #5
Nov 9, 2018 |
Hello ... Marvel ... We have a big problem. A empty story with some minor good idea, a display of violence, some really bad entrance (Moondragon & Phyla have the worst there is). The explaining is confuse and we have a hard time too follow what loki did. And for what, go to a place where the stones are useless ... Damn what a joke. Even if the Flying hulk make me smile ! Cover - I follow the connecting variant. This time the character on the cover are important in the story, so I let a pass for the link to what I read. 2/2 Writing - I think we lost a writer there ! 1/3 Arts - Even deodato disappoint me. Oh yeah it's fantastic, I will never master is art. But damn for this part is very hard to follow and understand sometime. Sorry Mr Deodato but it's only a 2/3 for me. Feeling - Marvel screw me. And I'm dumb enough to take the rest of this story. What a dissapointement. 0/2 |
3.5 |
Infinity Wars (2018) #6
Dec 21, 2018 |
No that wasn't good. What a joke. That was the worst reading since Secret Wars : Ultimate End ... Cover - I take the Connecting variant. Not very nice but a little connected. 1.5/2 Writing - A good exemple to what writer have to avoid to write. 0/3 Arts - Even Deodato disappoint me. Sometime he even make thing more difficult to understand or appreciate. Damn. 2/3 Feeling - I will try to forget this. Damn I sollicites the Infinity - Infinity. I'm so stupid ! 0/2 |
6.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018) One Shot | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Infinity Wars (2018): Prime #1
Jul 26, 2018 |
I didn't understand why Warlock seem to ignore that strange have the gem after the call he made at the end of the Infinity Countdown. Cover - I take the variant cover ... Love loki in the library. Related. 1/2 Writing - There is some surprise but I wait for more than this. 2/3 Arts - Love the layout & each panel. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 0/2 |
7.5 |
Infinity Wars: Arachknight | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Infinity Wars: Arachknight #1
Oct 26, 2018 |
Seriously what a bless it was. Hopeless understand perfectly what I wanted. Not just a recitation good (Iron Hammer) or less good (Supreme soldier) or very bad (Weapon Hex) of one of the character origine with a little spice of the other. But the character own origine. It was intelligent & fun. And sooo dramatic. I don't understand those who didn't enjoy this as much as me. Cover - I choose the variant in color. Not really related but nice. 1/2 Writing - That was a f...ing good first issue. Peter & Harry are so great together fighting crime. Marley Jane is so beautiful. And I like who the multiple personality work. Hopeless did great ! 3/3 Arts - I loved the layout. Even if some panel seems easy to do, other are really beautiful & complicated. I believe on the univers of this hero maybe more than the Iron Hammer & Supreme soldier ones. 3/3 Feeling - I was prudent on this title and solicited only this one. But you can be sure I will be there for the second issue. 2/2 |
6.0 |
Infinity Wars: Arachknight #2
Nov 30, 2018 |
Less good than the first issue. There aren't much place for all what hopeless tell. The four personality are a good idea but that didn't take much place. The issue with parker work take to much place in contrary. I understand that passing the curse to Harry is logical in a way, but why him ? Why the Parker didn't have the curses ? It a opened ending but I'm not sure me or marvel will want to explore more this character. Cover - Related to the ending in a way, but not a fan of it. 1/2 Writing - I find this less good that the first part who was so interesting. 2/2 Arts - I really love the art who did the job, but some layout seems rookie. 2/3 Feeling - Disappointed 1/2 |
8.8 |
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #1
Nov 24, 2018 |
The story is original. I like how they mixe Tchalla & Johnny Blaze in this. It's Nice to see Tchalla refusing Zarathos' proposition, first. Or Zarathos offer some lesser power to tempt him. I even find it logic that Tchalla ask for it and then refuse it once more. But I'm not fan at all of the name they give to some character. Shuriri (Really ?!) Cover - Not related because showing the character and his panther (For now no panther in the book). I find it less good than the regular. 0.5/2 Writing - I was fascinated by how easily they mix both story in one who make sense. Maybe a little too fast sometime, but really good. 3/3 Arts - This is not the kind I like, and I wonder if the inking didn't show the limit of his style. But in the same time that give a personality and original univers to this book and their characters. Maybe to much panel without background but in the same time a attention to things. 2.5/3 Feeling - I like it. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #2
Dec 12, 2018 |
Until now the other second part of the warps story I liked disappoint me a little. So I was ready to be disappoint by this one too. But not only they give more interesting part of this univers, they also give something I didn't wait. At first I was disappointed to see the Ghost Panther on a Bike and If I guessed that the one spiking to Zarathos will be the panther for a time I was really not shure of is identity. T'chaka seems the write answer but his adoptive father could have been the logical one. Cover - A nice cover. In link. 2/2 Writing - Very poetic, and nicely done ... I never see a Ryder that much die hard ^^ 2.5/3 Arts - The art power up the poetic effect and give wonderful panel, not perfect ... But close 3/3 Feeling - Even if you don't read Infinity Wars (And you are so right), you have to read this two part story. 2/2 |
3.5 |
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps | 1 issues |
3.5 |
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #2
Dec 7, 2018 |
A very dumb story with kamala khan about time travel. And without any end. A better but too dark story with the punisher pack. And Diamond patch very hard to read, and who don't seems as the one encounter in Infinity Wars. Cover - I like it, it's present the characters, but not in link. 1/2 Writing - Bad. 0/3 Arts - All have some interesting layout. I'm less found of the one with Patch. 2.5/3 Feeling - It was a mistake to take this. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #1
Sep 27, 2018 |
If Soldier Supreme Disappoint me, this one surprising me. At first I even didn't sollicite it. It's with the sneak peek that I decide to let him is chance. And what a wonderfull reading. A very nice work melting Iron-Man & Thor comics & bending is new univers. I really like it from the first panel to the last. Cover - I took the regular Nice but not really related. Just the character in a pose. 1.5/2 Writing - I would brought a ongoing with this character without thinking twice. Ewing did a great job. 3/3 Arts - I didn't recognize ramos. It's amazing how he draw this issue. Maybe some case are a little just. But I really enjoy this. I will keep it in fact. 2.5/3 Feelings - I will take issue 2 with great pleasure. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #2
Nov 1, 2018 |
I left the first part with a good feeling. If the first use Tony Stark origin, this one use Thor's origin. I don't like some of the mixing Warrior Machine Three ? Really ? I find Stane too in the role expected. And Madame Death too in setback (Gladly there is the ending catching up with this). Malekith/Mandarin mixing of Howard Odin are really good choice. Cover - I'm not a big fan, but she work well. She lie but she's not bad. 1/2 Writing - I liked some part of it. This time the second Origine story is too quick letting the place for the final confrontation. And I really like the ending. 2.5/3 Arts - I enjoyed a little less than the last time the layout & panel. I don't see a magnificent Asgard like I waited for. Maybe two part was too short for that in truth. 2.5/3 Feeling - I wouldn't say no to a bit more with him. 2/2 I'm more hard on the notation after Arach-Knight (That will be very bad for Weapon Hex if the second is as bad as the first one !) |
8.8 |
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #1
Oct 4, 2018 |
Loved this reading. A true care for C-list heroes & New Warriors (If Marvel give them the Warriors, I take it without a doubt) Love the way the story was told. I was a little afraid because I didn't know well this character. But I really enjoy it. And the Little Monster is a nice surprise. Cover - Not in link, a little scary, but god. 1/2 Writing - I find it easy to read, funny, intelligent with a orignal world for this character. Love It. 3/3 Arts - I'm a fan of Nauck since Young Justice. That said there is panel without background. And if some like the splash page is really good, other seems rushed (The page from Infinity Wars). 2.5/3 Feeling - A possible Sleepers ! Watch it ! It's a really good stuff. 2/2 |
10 |
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #2
Oct 26, 2018 |
Loved the first issue and was so sure to read a story with Sleepwalker on it. I was a little shock to see the Little Monster this fast out of the picture and having his own story. But I enjoy it. Why because that was written smartly. Not only we have the origine of little monster (A good & fun mixe of Scott Lang/Ant MAN & Hulk/Bruce Banner one) but we have the had of some of Little Monster cast. Janice Jones was not Only a Rick Jones & Janet Van Dyne amalgam. They tag her as Beetle (Hello the T-bolts) and with a outfit looking like the Diamonback one. I like when they mix so much you have to put your brain in motion. Ok the Electra/Bullseye amalgam was less good. And I still have trouble to tell with who Songbird is mixed. And if the story of Little Monster fighting abomination in a mix between the Leader and I don't know who, I enjoy to see sleepwalker cornered. He succeed to show us he deserve his title of hero deffiting Dynamus (I don't know who they use this time). Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - It was fun & very good. 3/3 Arts - Love Todd Nauck. 3/3 Feeling - I look forward for issue 3 and 4. |
8.0 |
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #3
Nov 24, 2018 |
At least the story make a acceleration. And we see rick even if at the beginning we don't suspect it. But I was not found of this part of the story the same way I was with the first two issues. At least that show promisse for the last part. Cover - Nice and related 2/2 Writing - Maybe not as much interesting that for the two first issue. Maybe they coud have done much. All the thing about the nightmare seem to be let appart. It's not a good choice I think. 2/3 Arts - Love Todd Nauck. So the art is a real pleasure. But the layout for the page with Sleepwalker feeling he have lived it already could have been made a little more thoroughly to the last panel of the page send back to the first panel of the page. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed for this issue. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #4
Dec 12, 2018 |
After a issue 3 a little disappointing I feared about this one. But not only the writer put the story rapidly on track (At least on soul world and with Rick Fury close to the Sleepwalker (Realizing who it's). But they also bring back the nightmares & Sleepwalker people (I feared that will be forgotten). Ok it's not perfect (Like the gaze Sleepwalker give on Rick Fury. Is that what separated both character or like we see right after because the earth is already returned to his place), but it was enjoyable. Cover - Not a cover I like but that give a lot of what sleepwalker try to do. 1.5/2 Writing - Love than is dreamworld Sleepwalker realize he could use any power he want. That made him a hell of potential ... In dream ! ^^ 2.5/3 Arts - I'm a todd nauck fan. So I enjoyed this book very much. 3/3 Feeling - A good ending and a nice cliffhanger fo more ... Maybe. 1.5/2 |
5.5 |
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme #1
Sep 20, 2018 |
Yes ... But No. Yes to much of the fun idea in there. Sorcery replacing science. But no to this Wong/Bucky already with a biconical arm (With a red star on it, common !). No to some facility. I even don't understand what happen with SolSup & Bucky. We see a tank didn't do a thing to Stephen, so what was it & Why his enemy didn't did that again (& aigain & again). The Dormamu Red is so dumb ... A dum(b) dum(b) Fury too. I was hurt in my love for the real fury. At the end of this first part nothing hooked me to see more of this funny character. Shame because he add some promise. Cover - The variant with the magical shields. Nice & In relation 1.5/2 Writing - Some part seems nice & logical. Other wasn't. 1.5/2 Arts - I really liked the art. Even if wong seem more Caucasian that asian (It could have been a mix with Professor X too ^^ ) 2.5/3 Feeling - That didn't succeed as planned. 0/2 |
3.8 |
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex | 2 issues |
4.0 |
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex #1
Oct 19, 2018 |
I think someone didn't understand the concept at all ! I waited for this one particularly. I love Scarlet witch & like a lot All new wolverine. But there you have just X-23 origin in a mystical way. Ok Bova with a new name are there, that's all for Wanda (With the cliffhanger). Ok this happen in Wundagor but frankly that could have been anywhere else. Ok there is magical atmosphere but not many Wanda cast. Agatha Darkness a mix between Cloak & Agatha Harkness, but I don't think Cloak is from X-23 cast. A mutant yeah but still. Elsa Bladstone is Elsa Bloodstorm & witch character ? Same for Hellhound maybe punisher + Johnny Blaze. But each aren't from both character cast easer. For the rest of the convenant or the Midnight Gun is even hard to tell. Worse Laura Parent aren't even mix to anyone & Magda Maximoff is lost somewhere. Hellhound is Magik and seem not amalgamed to. This was the worst of Warps I read so far for all this reason and more ! Cover - The regular. Nice, not really related. 1/2 WritIng - Not bad at all. But a carbon copy of x-23 Origin without anything from wanda. Ok the Hex magic but this was so few. Why the claws. Does she have adamantium. All connection to logan are lost to for now ! 1/3 Arts - Nor good or bad. I like some layout and don't like some panel. That do the work but could have been so much more. 2/3 Feeling - I solicited the 2/2 and regret it for now. I hope this will make me lie ! 0/2 |
3.5 |
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex #2
Nov 30, 2018 |
You too think the first part was bad, welcome for round two of really not inspired story. Cover - Not great, but link to what I was forced to read. 1.5/2 Writing - Not good at all. Even the false Gabby (Gavril) didn't succeed to make me enjoy the story. 1/3 Arts - Sandoval in his worst work. 1/3 Feeling - Just stay away of this S.... ! 0/2 |
5.5 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #10
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - Not a good Cover. Just a OK one ... And no link to this issue but a clue for the next ones. Why ? 1/2 Writing - Well that was fun. Ok their was no action. Only a transition issue. But that was really really fun. In fact now I have a new character I love with the General. 3/3 Arts - Casselli like Riri & make us like each character he put in is comics. If the story was so fun it's also thanks to him 3/3 Sentiment - I will forget than Bendis screw Secret Empire ... I'm not fond of SE, so that's ok. Tony will turn Bad, the shield can come to talk of moral ... Ok. But why Doom is absent ? Both ongoing are in his hand. And I don't see Victor ok with what happen. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #11
Sep 21, 2017 |
Ok ... A transition issue. I buy it for Riri & I have to many page on a flashback about Tony hitting MJ. That make me feel bad. The Riri flashback is not that great to. The end was ... Ok ... The art have some flaw and without a good fight we saw that more. So not the Bendis i like to read ... At all ! |
5.0 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #593
Oct 19, 2017 |
That was a little disappointing for me. I expected more (I see a review of a french friend & have much more expectation). I find this overrated. The part about Superior Iron Man make no sense here. And I come to read Riri, not doom, not Ben Grimm & even less Tony Stark. So ... I'm not fond of it. Cover - 1/2 Writing - 2/3 Arts - Well a little Shallow ... 2/3 Feelings - Waiting for more now. And It's give the feeling Bendis pack Away Riri 0/2 5/10 |
3.0 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #594
Nov 23, 2017 |
And bendis lost me with this arc. Festival I really didn't care about Tony return (Already, seriously ?) I love Iron Heart. And we have to more of Doom presence. Sorry but that not what I sign for so I will leave in January. Cover - Awful, not related to what i Read. Really You didn't draw at lest a old Iron man suit. The White Shadow for a previous is ok, for a cover this is cheap guys. 0/2 Writing - 1/3 ... Sorry but not even close to the fun I read when Bendis start this volume. Arts - Caselli was a little better, but still not Pichelli or Marquez. 2/3 3/10 |
4.5 |
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #595
Dec 29, 2017 |
So it's my last issue of Invincible Iron Man. I don't care about the return of tony stark. Like the issue before we have some part with Doom that for me had nothing to do her. I was more than surprised to see Tony's mother Carry him while he is in a armor. But the fact that's a dream explain a lot. The only part I like is about Riri but she didn't have much place and that was very interesting. Cover - Seems in link to the intérior, but not fund of the art. 1.5/2 Writing - Bendis doing "Empty Bendis" work ... Not interesting at all 1/3 Arts - Caselli & Maleev do the trick. 2/3 Feeling - Shame that Riri have not the right of a title for her without doom or the real tony. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Invisible Kingdom | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Invisible Kingdom #1
Mar 22, 2019 |
Ok maybe it's because I'm french, but I don't understand much of it. We have not much clues about this new univers and so the cliffhanger don't work at all on me. I even don't find this book interesting enough to try to make more effort. Cover - Nice and related. 2/2 Story - Well, it's a very bumpy ride that kick me out. In case it's only me I will not be mean about that. 1.5/2 Arts - For sure that don't help. In one hand, for another univers it's logic to have a weird art, In another I didn't like it when it come to characters. But I can't tell if that do the job or not. 2/3 Feeling - Deffinitly not for me. And I will have to take issue 2 that I sollicited. But I'm not thrilled about that. 0/1 |
6.5 |
Ironheart | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Ironheart #1
Nov 30, 2018 |
At first I wonder where the writer want to take us. But their was some good even if Amanda, MJ & Friday aren't in this story. I enjoyed the encounter with clash. I'm super hooked by the fact he is part of the ten ring and give Riri their sign. I was annoyed by the toooooooo long phone call, but the ending is interesting. Cover - I the the variant with the planes. Not related but really great. 1/2 Writing - I have some question, but for now I'm interested by much of this. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the arts. 3/3 Feeling - I will let her a chance to prove herself. 2/2 |
6.0 |
Ironheart #2
Jan 18, 2019 |
A bit disapointed. Yes there is much subplot there, but none are very interresting. And much of riri action don't make sense. If you have someone you care for you don't go home to play. The story with the kid as thieves isn't original and frankly I prefere the one with Miles right now. Cover - Very nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - That wasn't not what I come for. Less good than the first issue. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is very good on the other hand. But saddly their is panel without background. 2.5/3 Felling - Mixed. They have to do better next issue. If not this ongoing will not have long to live and will be quickly forgotten. 1/2 6/10 |
5.0 |
Ironheart #3
Feb 16, 2019 |
Man I was bored. And all the Champions thing make me sad (Even if it's realated to their title). Cover - Not related but Nice 1/2 Writing - As much Riri start to investigate her friend come back. All the part about the visit at the hospital make sense, the rest is too. But I'm not interest. It's not what I expect for a Ironheart story. 1.5/2 Arts - The layout and panels are good. But not very good. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will leave this title at the next issue. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Isola | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Isola #1
Apr 5, 2018 |
What was that. I didn't understand a thing. Nicely done to put me in the dark and even plunge my head in the water for drown me. Seriously. I know at the start that have to be a dream (But not shure) but after that, one of the character disappear and the end with the wolf (I only see now it was for next issue). Cover - Nice but not related to what I read. 1/2 Story - It would be nice to have the character tell us what it was all about. 1/3 Arts - Very nice, but that will not make me less frustrated to not understand a thing. But more ! 3/3 Feeling - Not friendly to make me believe I want to stay around more. 0/2 |
6.0 |
James Bond: Moneypenny (One Shot) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
James Bond: Moneypenny (One Shot) #1
Aug 31, 2017 |
Not bad, but not very good. That's true for the art & the story. A little easy. And we didn't see what that bring to moneypenny. I find the end very easy but it's true this is a one shot. If it was a test to see if she can support a ongoing, I will advise Dynamite to not do one. Moneypenny isn't that interesting sadly without Bond. |
7.5 |
Jasmine: Crown of Kings | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Jasmine: Crown of Kings #1
May 24, 2018 |
By two time, I walk through it, but this time I let my hand fall on it & picking up. This is my first Zenescope Comics. I'm little surprise by the story quality. Better than what I had eared. So yes that may be a little sloppy & easy on some part, and I have the buzzing filling that I had to read another issue before read this. I'm a little happy than Ali isn't the bad guy after all (Even if it's not a good guy). It's a very nice surprise after the "Jasmine have a history with Ali" thingy. I don't like the fact all Ali's crew are dump except him (And maybe the one who stool from him) For a 1 not a bad issue and at the end I wouldn't say no to a little more. Cover - Well Jasmine remembering me of Huntress. a very neat cover. 2/2 Writing - For a four mind idea it was maybe a little low. But Mackie do a fine job to make the story is own at one point. 2/3 Arts - Like for the story, it's not perfect. I find the expression on the face too rough. But he did the job and make me stay until the end. 2.5/3 Feeling - Well, not fond of it. Maybe for now the character haven't enough spirit to hook me up. But there some good in the mystery that can be enough to make me take issue 2. Will see. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Jazz Legend | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Jazz Legend #1
May 31, 2018 |
One story I was really curious about. And It was a little weird. I didn't like some choice in the story, and the dark part. Cover - Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Some part are really good, other wasn't. The link between the music & the power was good, but too dark. 2/3 Arts - The art have too many big pict in the layout. 2/3 Feeling - Didn't like it. 0/2 |
9.0 |
Judge Dredd: Under Siege | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Judge Dredd: Under Siege #1
May 31, 2018 |
This was my first Dredd reading and I enjoyed what I read. It was a little hard to follow sometime for a newbie in this universe. But the end make me the need for coming back. Cover - 2/2 related & very very beautiful. Writing - It was a nice start even if there was part I didn't fully understand. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the art 3/3 Feeling - Liked it, but they will have to put a little more in for being a very good run. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Judge Dredd: Under Siege #2
Jul 5, 2018 |
Part two of the first Judge dredd story I ever read. And I first I was worried. I didn't like the scene in the chapel. I have a huge trouble explaining who they made it so easily. Why the mutant didn't attack on two front. And then we have the past of Gilberto. And I like what I read on that. Yes it's dark. But that's seems not a impossibility in the world we leave, and in a way make a stand for that we will be careful to not let something like that happen legally at least. I hope we will never see such a inhuman corporation. Even the defense position part was better after that. Cover - I take the variant with Dredd hiding a ready to blow some Mutants. So nice & in link to what I read. 2/2 Writing - Nice save because at the Start I was one foot out. But they catch me with the old mole level and this awful story of corporation taking lung & lever so easilly. And with the law in their side ... Damn ! I hope Dredd will recognize that is unjust to make Mayor a bad guy. But I think he as to be dumb & right in his boots. I see him box Mayor at the end of all this sadly ! 2.5/3 Arts - So yes not perfect. He puts background rarely, sometime not complet like he is a little scrimpy. But I find the still cool & nice. He have a cartoon style for the face. In a way that remember me of Todd Nauck. And it's important to not push this comic in a darker spot that he is already to me. So thanks for the art. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm surprise but I like a Dredd Story. That a huge win for the creative team. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Judge Dredd: Under Siege #3
Jul 26, 2018 |
This issue of Dredd is very good. Festival I really like seen the two Judge & the Patrick Swayes' peoples face the Mutants together. But the writer give some tension with the leader of the Mutant. At first he try to pull both partie once against the other showing they are not to be allies. He after this fail, he threaten to kill their family. Cover - I choose the variant. I like it even if it's less related to my reading than the regular cover. 1/2 Writing - I really like who the Mayor is written. I wonder how it's will end. 3/3 Arts - I find the Layout not always good. For exemple the mutant asking to surrender & who seem to flee & then will die ... How it's happen can be guess but is hard to understand. 2.5/3 Feeling - If russell do another Dredd story after this one, I will not hesitated to follow it. 2/2 |
10 |
Judge Dredd: Under Siege #4
Sep 13, 2018 |
I'm late for the party sorry, but what a nice book. After putting so much in introducing the mayor we see him trying to save both Judge & facing too other once again. And russell succeed in making a perfect logical motive for the leader of the Mutants, I understood what he want, and in a way I was sad for him. The ending is maybe a little easy but I really appreciate all issue. Nice work. Cover - 2/2 Nice & Related in a way. Writing - The end was very funny with the Mayor & Dredd still very thick headed. 3/3 Art - I like the art, fun & effective with many panel with real Background. 3/3 Feeling - I hope to see Russell on another Dredd story soon. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Jupiter Jet | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Jupiter Jet Vol. 1
May 31, 2018 |
I didn't enjoy the story. I think it was for younger reader. It was like I already read this kind of story but in better shape. The art is good and go well with the story. |
7.9 |
Justice League (2016) | 5 issues |
9.0 |
Justice League (2016) #27
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - I have take the Variant version and love it 2/2 Writing - Ok we have a story really really slow. But even if the presentation between the two generation of hero take a huge place, that was for having a beautiful work on the relation of each heroes. I like how Superman and Wonder Woman's Son connect. How Diana sulking. How Barry & Jessica take with humour the fact they will one day have kids together. I like Dori et Mera relation too. And the ending with Batman VS Cury is the best part of this comics. 2/3 Arts - Well I like the art a lot. I find it perfect. All their look. Their body language. It's a strong art 3/3 Feelings - Part2 and I want more of it. It's a cool story, with some mystery. The kids didn't tell everything. I want to know what they hide. And I find pretty cool that Hitch support Aquaman's statu in his own title. That explain that Mera was in. And that respect the work of Aquaman Writer. Very cool. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Justice League (2016) #28
Sep 7, 2017 |
Ok this cover didn't reflect at all of the interior and at first I was disappointed. But I have the variant cover, and the story is wonderful. I like each moment with each heroes. Jon & Harper is great together. Mera & Dori have a very beautiful moment & some for Flash, Jessica & Cruser. I don't want see them leaving, in fact. They are great characters ! The art very nice. Finally the JL have a strong story, a story where I cannot remplace them by some Authority character. And they deserve that. |
8.5 |
Justice League (2016) #29
Sep 21, 2017 |
A great cover. A good story inside. I don't see why Curry left Batman Behind. I like seen Lois angry against Bruce. Wonder woman prouve once more what warrior she is. I'm a little sad that Baz will be the doorway to all the bad thing that will come. The art is strong, I like how the story is built. |
7.0 |
Justice League (2016) #30
Oct 6, 2017 |
I find the story hard too follow. I was trusting the Seed had taken Baz, and there he try to take Wonder Woman. I was very surprise to see Sovereign not try to kill Mera & Dori. I was very surprised by her real identity. But I don't like much what I read. Not really understand it & love it. That's trouble me. The art his good, but there was some part I'm not fond of. And seriously we spend the time with batman on his plane doing nothing ? I really like the variant Cover. Beautiful Wonder Woman illustration. |
6.0 |
Justice League (2016) #31
Oct 19, 2017 |
I was a little worried when I see the page in some First Peek. 1 because it's the last issue for this arc, & this looking like their is a big fight. So I worried about some Deux Ex Machina & a easy quick end. Well yes and no. Their is a big fig & a easy win, but all making sense ... But their is some stuff I have a hard time to understand. In the start, Sovereign & Cury look really like they want to kill the child. Her they seem like good guys trying to stopping what is happening. So what the point of them be evil at start ? The force taking Diana is vanquish in the present, but do she have to come as the first time in the past, but in the futur, when the child will not exist of been missing. I happy to watch the Harper/Diana crisis explained even if this was a little too "déjà vu". And the writer choose to not show us how is the futur of the kid now the kind of change the past. At least that give each of us a way to imagining it. And for other writer a door to go. I'm a little sad that the Future Titans will have nothing to do with them ... So much possible futur, that make my head hurt, and we sure know that we will see in the futur none of them (I see enough 2015 version of many team in my day, & well we are stuck with pretty much the same character as before, but we didn't see what was meant to happen, happening). If DC decide to make a comics about the JL child I will brought it. But their are more chance they will be in limbo for good now. So the "You will not disappear, you are real, you are here now" of flash seem very pointless ! Cover - I take the variant 1/2 Writing - 2/3 Art - 2/3 Felling - Not a awful ending, but not the arc I kind of hopping it was at first 1/2 6/10 |
7.3 |
Justice League (2018) | 2 issues |
5.0 |
Justice League (2018) #1
Jun 7, 2018 |
Snyder try to give a nice first issue. But he didn't make a good job. The source is break & something emerge of it. Do the league as to stop it or to let it hit earth. Don't care about the signal but why not. All the Savage's plan & the telepathic discussion of the league was good. But then Luthor turn bloodly ... Very Bloodly. And between that & Jon's flashback (Who seem totally happening just because) ... I was out. Event the justice League meeting wasn't enough for make me interested. And I didn't understood why at the end Jon's feel sad & alone. It's not like he cannot link in once more ! That seem stupid. Like for the end ... Oh the signal was doom ... What a shock ! Cover - The league ... Nice but not very related. It's just a flagship cover. 1.5/2 Writing - Snyder do what Snyder do best ... Breaking down all what he touch. Shame I liked him at first. New I just want run away. 1.5/3 Arts - Cheung is good, but this seems off. Like painting, freezed, without any movement. And some can find nice too see the old Doom HQ (Now in mars). But In a way I would rather have liked see something else. But I would sell my kidney for have is level of art. 2/3 Feeling - Not convinced ... 0/2 |
9.5 |
Justice League (2018) #2
Jun 22, 2018 |
Maybe I was to harsh with the first issue, despite a bad start in this second part, I really enjoy reading it. So festival yeah I have a issue with the fact Lionel have a secret door with the martian symbol on it. And That in a total accident, Lex find it. But I really like all the part about Batman (Thanks to swamp Thing) try to convince John to join the team. I also like more what happen with the doom Legion (Love the Cheetah touch ^^ ) ... I was laughing when suddenly Flash choose that he will let this mission pass ^^ And I was convinced by Hawkgirl (I was very hard on Snyder with her because I loved the JSA incarnation). The fact that luthor use himself a decoy (Doom Style) was nice ... But that don't explain how he succeed to be in sup's body. And this his a major plot hole. Cover - I like it. And I find Batman, Flash, John & the presence of Hawkgirl in the middle in link. 1.5/2 Writing - That wasn't perfect, but that was way better than the first issue. 3/3 Arts - Love Jimenez,he is talented. He had some fun in the characters expression. And is layout is well chosen even if their isn't always a background ... But sometime it's better to focus on the characters. 3/3 Feeling - Damn I will have to buy the third one. I didn't anticipated that ! 2/2 |
7.8 |
Justice League Dark (2018) | 2 issues |
7.5 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #1
Jul 26, 2018 |
For now I'm not convinced by this title. Not that their isn't good part on it. I really like how Tynion IV add Detective Chimp or Kurt Langstrom to the story. But it's less effective for Zatanna who don't want to be in. Even if her encounter with Swamp thing help a little. I will wait for issue 2 to convince me or not. Cover - The variant beautiful & related. 2/2 Writing - A bumpy ride with good part & part less good. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is good, but the character seem a little empty when we look at there eyes. It seem easy to do, but this kind of layout & panel wasn't at all. 3/3 Feeling - mixed 1/2 |
8.0 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #2
Aug 23, 2018 |
Better than the first part even if Constantine/Swamp thing conversation wasn't clear at all. I read a Nabu closer to the last time I liked him in JSA. And nice to see Kalhid even with what happen to him. I didn't like this new retcon. Between this & the Story of Darkseid Daughter, paradise Island seem less & less as a paradise. Cover - In link & nice 2/2 Story - Stronger, made sense ! 3/3 Arts - The better part of this issue. 3/3 Feeling - Not for me. 0/2 |
8.9 |
Justice League: No Justice | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Justice League: No Justice #1
May 17, 2018 |
A really good start even if I would have loved seen the bad guys been also beat by Brainiac for see how he persuade them to follow him. And that even not really bad guys anymore (Sinistro have save many since blackest night, Luthor & Lobo was in the league before, Deathstroke was part of Batman Metal team). The story is maybe close to Avengers 1 ... So is this really hazard, or DC & Marvel (Snyder & Aaron) who have a purpose : A new crossover ? Cover - Very nice, without it I wouldn't be there. 2/2 Story - Their is some part that are too quick, but that was far better than Avengers 1. 2.5/3 Arts - I love the art, it was perfect. 3/3 Feeling - The issue is that I hate Waller and that will not easily make me change that ! 1/2 |
10 |
Justice League: No Justice #2
May 17, 2018 |
If you can trust, the second part was better than the first. It was a good time see the teams to form. And even Waller was nice to follow. I don't care about the end through ! Cover - Still perfect 2/2 Writing - It was a very nice story, well put in motion. 3/3 Arts - Still awesome 3/3 Feeling - I start to believe in it. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Justice League: No Justice #3
May 24, 2018 |
Well a very good but strange reading. I short the Brainiac 2, tell that without Brainiac the team as already lost. But the team are not ready to give up. Amanda made the same conclusion & don't trust the heroes and want bomb the place (In short she turn dumb once more). And then the team slowly make real progress, but when we trust they will win, they loose. And we see a very sad death. Cover - love the cover ... Deal with it 2/2 Writing - Not bad at all. Some part are a little too quick but there is very good moment (Like John spirit up Starro, or Starro call him Marty, or the fact that he didn't want to pass for a liar ^^ He wanted conquer the universe by psychic power but don't lie trying saving people ^^ and his sad death ... Well done because before I never cared about him). 3/3 Arts - Love Marcus To & have some reserve about Rossmo. 2/3 Feeling - I real love the story. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Justice League: No Justice #4
May 31, 2018 |
Maybe too easy, too quick, with some major question that are left in the air. But question I would prefer seen closed their than be put in other comics. So not only the 3 JL team are link to this, but Detective comics story-arc too. Surprise, surprise ! Cover - Still love it & in link 2/2 Writing - In a way that was really well done. But in another there is some huge deus-ex in this story for make me snap ! 2/3 Arts - Love the arts. For sure they can thank him, without it I could have stop my reading. 3/3 Feeling - I didn't expect much. In truth I even fear a bad story after DC Nation 0. So well Done catching me on this story. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Justice League: Odyssey | 3 issues |
7.5 |
Justice League: Odyssey #1
Sep 27, 2018 |
I was more convinced by this issue than the 1 for JL & JLD. Sure it's not perfect, but that wasn't bad & seems legit. Cover - I really don't like the regular. So I take the dodson. Nice but not really related. 1.5/2 Writing - Interesting, well made. I was surprised to see a link between Starfire & Cyborg (Like in the pre-flaspoint). That's just not right for the new52 or rebirth version of these character. But I was thrilled by this titans link. 2/3 Arts - The art was very nice and did a good job taking my hand form the start until the end. 3/3 Feeling - I wasn't just hooked. Sorry. But way better than JL & JLD 1/2 |
7.5 |
Justice League: Odyssey #2
Oct 26, 2018 |
I didn't plan to take this issue. The one for me was way better than Justice League & Justice League Dark, but i wasn't that interested. Thanks to my curiosity I open it and the art made me try it. So yeah there is some issue like how Azrael is written. But I will fiercely defend the choice for Jessica. I think the gardian think it was a simple job (After all nothing can exit the zone & they make this a No Go Zone. So what can turn wrong right ?). And jessica access very fast that they aren't in force to do something there, so she try to send a message to the corps. I also like how Starfire is written. Cyborg is a little less annoying than in JL and even have a good line when darkseid can't take him out. And yeah Darkseid isn't the one who know. Less impressive & no omega beam. But I like what I read & the cliffanger was good. Cover - I wanted badly a metal cover but I choose the variant. Why ? Because Jessica by Dodson is so beautiful. And with was she send at Darkseid I find this a little in link. 1.5/2 Writing - Some of the idea is interesting, shame some of the characters seem a little out of characters. 2/3 Arts - The arts are magnificent. Very inventive for giving me a spice of Alien word & race. 3/3 Feeling - Can be shure to be there next month, but did a great job not chasing me far away like JL & JLD did. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Justice League: Odyssey #3
Nov 30, 2018 |
I find you a lot harsh with this book. I enjoyed it very much. I love the connection between Cyborg & Starfire. Jessica make me smile when she don't want to be teamed with Azrael. At first I find the arrival of the medic alien a little sloppy & easy, but there is a good surprise (yeah I didn't see that coming). And I'm more and more hooked by the univers we see. I love so much Raptor Armor more close to the outfit I like for Azrael. Cover - It's really a good work, and I find it a little related to what I read. 1.5/2 Writing - For me no issue with the story. It's clear and nicely narrate. 3/3 Arts - Not perfect, but I really liked the art and the coloring on the story. The layout are good. 2.5/3 Feeling - I think I will let the ongoing down and wait for the TPBs (if my curiosity didn't take the better of me). 2/2 |
7.0 |
Justice Society of America (2022) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Justice Society of America (2022) #1
Dec 14, 2022 |
I'm less fond off this story. I start the Johns run of the JSA with the story of Degaton trying to kill them, and them been displaced in times and encountering the Original JSA. So this story feel like a ship copy. For one the JSA members aren't likable at all. Most of them are Vilains or related to a vilain. The red Lantern seem very eager to use force and has her fellow teammate have to little place to shine and be liked. So their death was with no impact. I event fell more the death of the Future JSA (Atom and Green Lantern) in the New Golden age. Some review I read point that the timeline was a way to link all JSA to the new one. But I didn't see any Goyer/Johns version of the JSA. Hell I'm not event capable to tell for whom was the grieving scene. With the W I was thinking Wonder woman but she was on the crowd. For now, I'm more interested in the Stargirl title than this one. |
7.0 |
Klaus | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Dec 21, 2018 |
I read it for work, but I didn't like it at all. It wasn't for me that all. |
10 |
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) | 1 issues |
10 |
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #1
Nov 7, 2019 |
I find you harsh. I was expecting something aweful béa que of the user notation. But in truth this wasn’t bad. I really love the Gotham world. I really love mordru been a strong foes as in JSA (I never licked the fool version). Ok the jon/Saturn girl part is long as for the metropolis part. And rose is a joke. But once in the space with the view of the world I really like it. I want to know more about earth doom. The end is a classic but funny cliffhanger, the epilogue is the part the less string. Bendis succeed for me more with this than with young justice. And I will take the secon issue without a doubt. I also plan to take the third to see Damian in the legion. |
7.0 |
Lost City Explorers | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Lost City Explorers #1
Jun 22, 2018 |
So festival I was a little worried for this one. I tried Aftershock title before but that was never for me. Even Animosity turn to be to dark for me. And the sneaks peaks made me fear that I would not love the art. But I have sollicited it, so I brought it & read it. The story was interesting. Not something entirely new, we see some of the part of the story in other comics, TV show or movies before. But I liked that Kaplan choose to turn the spot on the daughter. After all that could have been the story of the blonde coworker (That could have totally be his wife too). But now, this part is new. And I like that fact. I also love story about Atlantis so the end tease me greatly. And for the art ? Yes it's not perfect, the character are too frozen and their is much work to do in that part. But that did the job with a lot of background & no easy way. I like who the panel send us to the start to the ending. Cover - The regular not really in link for now. 1/2 Writing - Well the story is interesting and well narrate. 3/3 despite some "DĂ©jĂ vu". 3/3 Arts - I sure the art will improve. And for a start it's a good one. 3/3 Feeling - I'm reassured after my reading. I was ready to stop after the one in August. But I will stick more than that. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Lost City Explorers #2
Jul 19, 2018 |
Not convinced with this issue. I have trouble that this society wasn't enough secured to letting kids that free in it. I even have a problem with the fact the kids just leave the office when the bad guys is warned of their doing and don't go after them. Or than his security didn't succeed corned them before both sibling was outside the building. Cover - I like it & related. 2/2 Writing - Not bad, but there is two much easy part hard to believe. 2/3 Arts - The art isn't bad. But can be better in my opinion. 2/3 Feeling - Will stop there. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Magnificent Ms. Marvel | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #1
Mar 15, 2019 |
This one I read it with apprehension. I wasn't convinced by Ahmed work on the Exiles to say the lest. And if the two first Miles Morales : Spider-Man issues was better, I was disappointed by the end of his first arc. And to be fair Wilson was big shoes to fill even if her last issues wasn't that great. So I was pretty impressed by the respect Ahmed show in the first part of his story. This is a perfect enty point for new reader with a reminder of Kamala's origines. And they even mention the time before Secret Wars (Should have they forget about that ?) The story is good. I even like how the father speak of Kamala in front of the reality of her life. I also totally understand why her mom tell her secret to her father. But then their was the ending. I expected something like it (Not entirelly but close to this). I'm not happy with this ending. In one hand that can be a mislead, with her true parents somewhere else. Or a error. Because for one we know the story of her grand-mother. So I would have tolerated one of them been a alien. But not both, especially her mother. Cover - Great, but not rellated. 1/2 Writing - That was good. Nicely made. I think Ahmed succeed to have Kamala, Bruno & Nakia's Spirit. I hope to see Zoe and Mike again too. But it seem Ahmed has other plan. I will wait to see where the ending lead. For now I let him the benefit of the doubt. 3/3 Arts - Jung and Vlasco did great. Not in all page, but most of them. Kamala & Nakia's face in closer look are very beautifull.3/3 Feeling - It's a Mixed one, but in the good area. 1.5/2 |
7.5 |
Man and Superman | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Man and Superman #1
Feb 8, 2019 |
Another origin story focussing on the first step of Clark as superman and as journalist. It was not bad, but not what I looked for. With the Superman Earth One in the catalog, I even not understand why doing this version. Cover - Could have be better than this, but I understand what they mean by doing this and the link. 1.5/2 Writing - It's really classic story. Appart the fact Clark screw up a lot at first nothing is new. 2/3 Arts - The arts is really good, but I find Lois not beautifull. In fact their is other femal character way more sexy than her in this. 3/3 Feeling - Not very interesting. 1/2 |
4.0 |
Martian Manhunter (2018) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Martian Manhunter (2018) #1
Dec 7, 2018 |
And F... ! I hoped we turn the page of the not heroic and a little bad New52 martian manhunter. But no. The only part I like it John in his family, and the sexe scene ^^ Cover - I take the variant a little better than the regular but not giving a clue about what I read inside. 1/2 Writing - I didn't care about the mystery. I don't want a J'onn as a bad cop before. And it's way to slow. I think less than 12 part would have shaking up the story. 1/3 Arts - Not a fan of the art easer. Better on the part on mars than on the part on earth. But behind the style I don't like, I have to approuve his layout and the way he make is panel alive. 2/3 Feeling - I will not go further. Sorry. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Marvel 2099 (2019) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Marvel 2099 (2019): Punisher #1
Nov 28, 2019 |
There is good thing with this issue and some less good ... Maybe a little rushed. Festival the good things. Firstly the fact that Jack Gallows was in the book but isn’t the punisher. I didn’t mind because I didn’t read the previous punisher 2099, and I when I read his backstory I find it to easy to have one copied on Frank Castle’s one. So I sens early in the book that he wasn’t the hero, but I keep my mind ready for a surprise. After all we could have follow the one responsible for Gallows’ new identity, at the start impossible to tell. I really licked the time the book spend on giving a taste of this future. The use of social media as a way of class the people (possible look what happen on China for exemple) is a new good addition too this imperfect futur. But the police been dépendant of Multinational isn’t new (cyberpunk or the previous 2099) nor the fact that the policemen can be corrupt by them, or the use of drugs to put convict to work. i like that hector search for answers. But they made it easy on him. The previous alchemax was very nasty. They would never let someone that close to a reality they don’t want to be reveled. I also surprise that Gallows didn’t take him out. In fact I think a little background from Ravage could have be good. Because there Hector just change suddenly as the punisher. With no real motivation other than sentencing himself. And why the punisher, he didn’t see any feed about him. this Gallows was never the punisher. But I also like the ending and will be interested to read more about him. The art isn’t my kind of art. But that do a wonderful work on this story. Maybe the layout could have been better and more vivid. Some panel really look like freeze. The battle seem like pics you see the next morning on a newspaper not like you live them. The only thing bothering me it’s they don’t speak anymore of the man they found hanging with a hammer in the 2099 alpha. I was counting of a story about that. cover 1.5/2 really nice but give nothing else than the punisher. Arts 2/3 Story 2/3 Feeling 2/2 |
4.0 |
Marvel Action: Spider-Man | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Marvel Action: Spider-Man #1
Nov 30, 2018 |
So, here we go again with a teenage Peter already late for his intership in the bugle.But he encounter a Miles (Already with power without using it, beside to flee) and a Gwen (Surely with power to, because she take a lot of risk). But only Peter is spider-man for now (Right because it will be stealing is thunder and not following is legacy right now). And they will have a pack of Dog-rat to take care of. Cover - Nice but not really related, only peter have a costume. 1/2 Writing - Didn't like it. I know someone telling that in the future marvel will only manage is character as licence for other editor. This show that would be a bad things. 1/3 Arts - The art is nor good or bad. That do the job, but I'm not a fan of the huge head for skin body thing. 2/3 Feeling - That didn't amuse me ! That even didn't succeed to hook me. 0/2 |
6.1 |
Marvel Knights: 20th | 6 issues |
9.0 |
Marvel Knights: 20th #1
Nov 9, 2018 |
If you want a good Event, forget Spider-Geddon & Infinity Wars. And take this. Ok maybe their is a huge House of M vibe. But man that was so damn good. I love every idea from this stuff. Cover - The connecting variant. Nice and with both characters central in this first issue, in link. 2/2 Writing - Damn that was well done, i didn't suspect who was behind all of this. Majestic ! 3/3 Arts - I have some reserves with the art. Sometime really good, sometime less good (The splash page with wilson facing Bullseye show the limit of what he's capable). 2/3 Feeling - Very interested, not disappointed. For someone like me not a fan of the previous Marvel Knights title. It's a success. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Marvel Knights: 20th #2
Nov 24, 2018 |
A second part that could have been more enjoyable without another bowering fight who make no much sense and seem to wasting time. At least we see how Castle was approached by Banner. I really like how Castle seem worrisome. More than Banner. And Karen seem to have more importance that we could think. Cover - I take the connecting variant. I find it a little in link because Castle have a huge part in this story. 1.5/2 Writing - I don't like the fact the battle continues too long. 2/3 Arts - Herrichon is more enjoyable that on Dr Strange. I really love each panel & layout. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed feeling. 1/2 |
3.5 |
Marvel Knights: 20th #3
Dec 7, 2018 |
Another bowering issue about Castle. I'm seriously think they made a mistake about how writing this story. And another bowering but more short fight. I like the ida of a incarcerated Tony Stark ^^ ... But damn we are at the middle of the story and I expected something more. Some acceleration. Cover - The connecting variant. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Not mutch to save. 1/3 Arts - Even the arts turn to be a disappointment with a change. He try to do what he can and with a better story I would have been more open to his work. I think it would be not fair to give him less than. 1.5/3 Feeling - I fear I made another mistake trusting marvel. 0/2 |
8.0 |
Marvel Knights: 20th #4
Dec 21, 2018 |
Better than the previous issue (that's not difficult to do) and with a new point of vue with T'challa. I liked this story. I even think they should have start with him (Even if the cliffhanger would have to be different in a first issue). It's a good reading even if I wonder why we leave Daredevil & the other without any link to what we read there. At least we know about the technology used to make people forget. I find something of Mr Reese (Person of Interest) in this T'challa (Who forget who he is and use the name John). Cover - The connecting variant Nice and related thanks to black panther & doom on the cover. 2/2 Writing - I liked it a lot. 2.5/3 Arts - The art is way better too in this story. The layout are great. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's a mixed feeling because I have trouble with who the story is written when you take all four issue. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Marvel Knights: 20th #5
Jan 4, 2019 |
Ok a little easy and he didn't take care-fullness in what he write. Once more their is a stupide fight against heroes I tell myself. And then their was the surprising ending. Whaaat ? Cover - Still the connecting one. Not related this time. 1/2 Writing - I'm not fond of what I read. I wonder how marvel accept this script ? 1/3 Arts - Henrichon give some good panel and other less good. 2/3 Feeling - Very disappointed for now 0/2 |
3.5 |
Marvel Knights: 20th #6
Feb 1, 2019 |
And this is done. But what a huge waste of time and money. So it's a kind of Doctor Who: The beast Bellow script. But not good at all. One we don't care that is the fourth time they go to the building to shut down the gear. Second I have a hard time to believe they chose Sentry as a guard. The guy can turn made. Third Kingpin survive wit minor injury a Doctor doom Blast, but was defited in hand to hand combat by dardevil ? And who Doom seem to not be changed by the gear effect ? Cover - Not good even for a connecting who until then was very nice. And not related. 0.5/2 Writing - One of the worst story I ever read. It's feel like Cates as nothing to say. It's not good nor original. 1/3 Arts - We have to artist with to different style. And if I like the first part, there is some flows in it. The second is not my cup of tea at all but do the work. 2/3 Feeling - A huge disappointement. 0/2 |
4.5 |
Marvel Legacy | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Marvel Legacy #1
Sep 28, 2017 |
The wraparound cover is very beautiful. I love it. And that's all. Ok Ribic art is great. But I'm not fond of it. I prefer Del Mundo ^^ The story is really dumb. Once more marvel who didn't know how use a to powerful character turn it as a killer. Dumb idea ... I don't like the new Ghost rider so I hopped he will be killed ^^ The story with the avengers is a little more interesting, but hard to understand. I'm not found of the return of the one with claws. I like more the part about the first family. There is to much story who disturbs the story Aaron try to tell (Deadpool, Steve bowering Rogers, odinson ...) For something that talk about legacy that a shame not seen any New Warriors, New Mutant, Generation X, New X-Men academy, Avengers Academy or Young Avengers members (Not even a Champions). And the wraparound is lying to his teas about what I read in the interior. Thanks marvel to remembering me to not have any hope you can make a great story again ! |
7.0 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) | 4 issues |
6.5 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #1
Dec 20, 2017 |
Marvel two in one ... Does that was two stories in one book at the origin ? This's more a Marvel Team-up ^^ So I liked it thank to Cheung art. Because for the story their is not much to follow. Johnny does silly thing. Thing hosting a prize. Spidey go to the prize & encounter only one member of the wreaking crew but have hard time fighting him (Dho !). Dr Doom goes to Thing brooding. I believe their last encounter in Superior didn't go well, so what the f... That do not good easer at least. Then Grimm goes to johnny doing even dumb thing. And so he is depress & have some lose of power (Well Uncanny X-men writer didn't know that). And like Snyder in metal Zdarsky inventing some stuff who DIDN'T HAPPENED ... Nice that make very sweet moment. But I didn't care because that didn't really happened. If marvel tried to tease the return of the FF like that, well done you fail ! A pretty empty story for now. Cover - 1/2 Love it but not close to what I read. Writing - 2/3 A little more stuff that brooding moment will be good, thanks. Arts - Cheung is do great (Even if his doom isn't and that he do to many panel without any background. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will wait more issue, but they have to make more spirit in this stuff. 1/2 |
6.5 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #2
Jan 25, 2018 |
Raise your hand if like me you facepalm when thing confess to forget the fact that Alycia is Blind. Raise your hand if like me you facepalm when thing (Again) attack Doom who was there to help. By the way love his now title ^^ Raise your hand if like me you didn't find funny the Ben/Reed prank. Even if Doom was a jerk. Raise your hand if you was with Johnny when he state that is not respectful to have a fantastic four comics, when susan & Reed aren't around anymore. Another empty story pack with wonderfull art. Like for the 1. Like Doom I want to leave. I have one issue left before sadly. Cover - Well related to the first issue of the FF and part of the story. Very nicely done. And love Doom demanding for more (I'm with him at hundred %) 2/2 Writing - Boooowering ! The only good part was alycia (Love her), Zdarslky have see Zub work and use the fact Johnny is the heir of Reed legacy. The fight have some fun part. 1.5/3 Arts - Awesome. Without it I doubt I will be their. 3/3 Feeling - One issue and I'm out. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #3
Feb 15, 2018 |
Is there to late for Zfarsky to turn the table ? I have to tell that a lot of this issue was better than the two previous one. I even asking myself if the "Terrific" joke was a blink to the Distinguish Competition title ^^ I like hercule a lot and didn't know he lost his power for a time. I even find the fact that without read Johnny & Ben power deplete. But and this is a huge one. I didn't like the thinker part (Playing Rip Hunter with his board), or the fact the woman doctor have some power close to reed. Or that Doom is so dumb. There is also the problem to have schiti taking Chung place. And that is a huge place to fill. Chiti isn't bad, but that's not chung. Cover - Related to the inside (Hydro-man that I usually don't like make a great appearance) 2/2 Writing - Better but not a reason to follow them. And Didn't like the last part with someone else appearance (Who do also a jump is the Avengers No surrender end). 2/3 Arts - Schitti is not that good sorry. 2/3 Feelings - I will not follow it further. 0/2 |
9.0 |
Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #4
Mar 15, 2018 |
Yes me too I trusted I was out of this. But when I didn't expect it anymore, I have the kind of story I waited from MTIO from issue 1. And with a little something of the exiles taste ^^ ... Welcome to a parallel dimension where I liked the title. At least we have some fun, some adventure & yes some tearful moments. Cover - 2/2 They cannot do a better cover for this one. Writing - At last some FF adventure, Zdarsky take is damn time. 3/3 Arts - After a second month without Chung, I'm more in Schiti art than for the previous issue. 3/3 Feeling - Did they keep me unboard. At least I will try issue 5. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Meet The Skrulls | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Meet The Skrulls #1
Mar 8, 2019 |
I wanted to give it a try. It wasn't bad, but a lot of "déjà vu". I like Alice more than the rest of her "familly". I find interesting that the skrull want to screw up a earth plan to expose them even if I though their was already in motion just after Secret invasion. Cover - Nice and related. 2/2 Writing - We know a few thing, not much, but it's interesting even not really original. 2.5/3 Arts - I love Henrichon Style on Doctor strange. I think this title is the perfect spot for him. A great mastering of the layout. And love all the work on the characters and backgrounds. There is just some panel who don't work well. All those with the Skrull hunter, but I think it's more the ink and color who spoil the art. 2.5/3 Feeling - They don't succeed to make me hook. I will not follow this. 0/2 |
4.5 |
Mera: Queen of Atlantis | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Mera: Queen of Atlantis #1
Mar 1, 2018 |
I did like the Orm part of the story. Less the Mera part. Why would they need to diminish her capacity when she as her own title. It's a really bad move ... A little Machist too. Because Batman, Aquaman or Superman never begin a ongoing with the fact their power diminish ... And she is with Wonder Woman a strong woman & a exemple. So I'm piss off about that. Even if in some way that prove all her capacity to fight. And the fact Orm take more importance in this story ... Like if Aquaman isn't important in his story & another character take the spot !. Cover - I tante the variant ... I like it but like the regular that didn't give anything of the story. 1/2 Writing - Dan you disappointed me on that one. I don't want Orm living the family he made for himself that's so stupide. 1.5/3 Arts - I kind of liked it. Some time I see some Pelletier in his work. But sometime I see the flaw in it. 2/3 Feeling - That didn't give me the need to take issue 2. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Middlewest | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Middlewest #1
Nov 24, 2018 |
I didn't really like the story. I have a hard time to know if we see magic where their is real violence. And so, I feel for the kid, even if I didn't like him much. Their is to much unexplaining thing, like does the fox is real ? And why he talk ? Do he talk to every human or just to special ones. Or do he just appear to Abel. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - I find it empty. And if that talk of violence against childs, that didn't did it well. 1/3 Arts - Corona art is very good and close to Young. I could have tell that the art's was from Young without the credit. The layout are very good. 3/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Mike Hammer | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Mike Hammer #1
Jun 28, 2018 |
For Me Mike Hammer is Stacy Keach. It's a criminal story, sometime dark but with some sort of Humor in balance. So I was very disappointed by this story. I didn't like seen Hammer kill this easily without hesitating. And I understand this was for avenging a friend, but I think it would have be great seen Hammer & his friend before he die. And what happen at the memorial service. I find that too quick to be convinced. And the second part of the story isn't good too. Cover - It's a very nice picture & well in link to what i expect in a Hammer story. 2/2 Writing - It wasn't enjoyable. It was even hard to follow not because it's not clear enough. But because it's boring ! 1/3 Arts - The arts isn't very good too. Too photographic. And the color don't help 1/3 Feeling - Just a try but I'm out. 0/2 |
7.6 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #1
Dec 12, 2018 |
I have to say Marvel choose poorly the regular cover artist. Festival that didn't me at all the need to take it, and this is not the kind of art we have inside. I left miles in the middle on is fight with is uncle (Once more). And I was ready to not give a crap about this reboot. But I have too say, he tell a interesting story and choose a original angle. It's good because I feared that with bendis gone in the Distinguished Concurrences, marvel will lose interest in Miles. More Surprised after the awful job Ahmed do on Exiles. Cover - I took the variant with the controller. Beautiful but not related 1/2 Writing - Interesting with some trump politic critic, a good mystery. Ok the fight with rhino is a little bumpy but why not. 2.5/3 Arts - Garron is nice to read. Is layout are good. Is panel can have background much of the time (But he use color too for gaining time). 3/3 Feeling - Hey I like it. What a surprise. I didn't enjoy miles alone since the All New Ultimate Spider-Man. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #2
Jan 12, 2019 |
The Miles/Rhino duo work well. So well that I find bowering the part where Miles are in Class. I don't like than like Peter his time of heroes affect is private life (It seem than only otto succeed to do both ! Maybe for underlining that he's truly superior). I'm not fond of the badguy but I want to see the trio with cap. Cover - I see what they mine. That he have to jongle with many thing. It's kinda related to what I read. But I not like it much. 1/2 Writing - Their is good in the story. Miles in school aren't in it. It slowing down the story too much. 2.5/3 Arts - I like what Garron do. But in this issue he use to much big panel without anything than the character & one color. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed, but I expect better for the next one 1/2 |
6.5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #3
Feb 22, 2019 |
Well Ahmad don't convince me with this part of the story. I think a have trouble with this ending. For one I expected more fun with the trio (Myle, Cap, Rhino). It was boring and a little dark too. And what with this bad guys. What is link to Tombstone ? In one hand he seems too powerfull and at the same time he lose pretty stupidly. Cover - I'm not fond of this cover, but related. 1/2 Writing - I expected more than this. 2/3 Arts - He make the job done but that could have been better. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. Ahmad have to do more or I'm out. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #4
Mar 22, 2019 |
After the third issue I expected to see a new arc beggin in this issue. One that will help me decide if I like or not Ahmad. But this is a transitional issue. A very good one. Cover - When I see the solicitation I trust it was a goon. Not a vice Principal ^^ I continue to don't like the cover artist. Seriously why Garron don't do it ? Related ! 1/2 Story - It was fun. Not really important. Not really interesting. But fresh. And he make me smile. But seriously he cannot give us better that Frost Pharao ? 2.5/3 Arts - Love the layout and panel. But what make my heart explode was the splash page's map with the character draw super-deformed. 3/3 Feeling - When he want Ahmed can win me. 2/2 |
7.2 |
Milk Wars | 5 issues |
9.5 |
Milk Wars: JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1
Feb 1, 2018 |
Doom Patrol 11 isn't publish than Milky War part 1 is. At least there is a sentiment of continuity between issue 10 & JLA/Doom Patrol. Like always the story is completely lunatic but fun to read. Their is some part I have trouble with, but I hope issue 10 will explain that. Love the Milkyman Man idea & his true legacy. Love the lobo of neighborhood watch ^^ ... A nice parallel between Casey & killer Frost. I will watch my milk with more suspicion now ^^ Cover - The Milkyman man himself. 1.5/2 Story - Love dumbs idea when that give great stuff like that. 3/3 Arts - Sweet, the multiple double page for the fight his really inventive (Even if that unravel the story a little).3/3 Feelings - Well I will follow this with interest. 2/2 |
5.5 |
Milk Wars: Mother Panic/Batman Special #1
Feb 8, 2018 |
I followed Mother panic with some mixed feeling. I enjoyed the Doom Patrol/JLA. But I have to confess I wasn't in this one. I lose tract pretty quickly & even in trying to keep up my reading I never was totally inside. The idea of Father Bruce isn't totally stupid, but I didn't like that the event happen in the same institue than where Violet was raised & not in the Wayne Mansion. The milk sister make it too much like the Ice Governess in Dr Who. And I find to easy that in wrecking her that release Bruce. Cover - Nice cover 1/2 Writing - Still not convinced 1.5/3 Arts - Really good & with some fun (Thanks for that, that make the reading a little more easy). 3/3 Feeling - Without the end that could have been not really related to the first part. In truth, I think I will not keep it, even if I will keep the Doom Patrol part one. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Milk Wars: Shade The Changing Girl/Wonder Woman #1
Feb 15, 2018 |
Ok that was definitely a weird one ... And I'm a little disappointed by the end, even more that the Batman/Mother Panic issue. I find it too easy. This time no milk is spilled ... Well not true their is a bath and a very disturbing statue. Am I the only one to see some lesbian implied moment ? Cover - Well to much laugh with this one, definitely love it. 1/2 Writting - I didn't understand all the part about the babies ??? 2/3 Arts - Well I have a mixed feeling - The Shade counterparts are great, but I prefer each time Diana as wonder woman than Wonder Wife. But I love the painting arm crossed with the kitchen gloves ^^ 2/3 Feelings - Like for Mother Panic, you can only read the doom patrol parts. The rest are not that interesting. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Milk Wars: Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye/Swamp Thing Special #1
Feb 22, 2018 |
Surprisingly better than the Mother Panic / Batman & the Shade / Wonder Woman. Maybe because this time both heroes work together & not one against the other. I really like this story. I wondered if Cave have lactose intolerance ^^ but no. He had a plan. And a very good one. I little worried for him with the end. I didn't regret choosing ordering his next ongoing. That even make me the need to take the TPB of his previous ongoing ^^ . I laugh at the Smoke part ^^ ... Cover - I love this Map, Hope to see a Multiverstiy II soon. But not related to what I read sadly. 1/2 Writing - Fun, surprising, well lead. I loved it. 3/3 Arts - It's weird but fun & go well with this story. 2.5/3 Feelings - I loved it. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Milk Wars: Doom Patrol/JLA Special #1
Mar 1, 2018 |
A good issue & a good ending. I don't understand why Terry disappear ... And I love the ending for Robotman ! That a weird story ... But a good one ... I see some critic about writing comic for the industry & that's nice they succeed to publish it. Like the nail with DC logo on it. Cover - Funny ... But not what I read ... though ! 1.5/2 Writing - A little strange, but nice. I wonder why I didn't see Mother Panic in the final fight ? 2/3 Arts - Very good. Elastic girl & eternity girl come back in the reality are both great ! But I not fond of all the part where rita is captive. 2/3 Feeling - I will wait for a New Doom patrol ongoing ... And the Eleven if DC didn't forgot to publish it. They didn't succeed to make me love Cave Carson. ^^ 2/2 |
4.3 |
Minky Woodcock | 3 issues |
5.0 |
Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1
Nov 18, 2017 |
I loved the variant cover in the Previous catalogue. Yes I'm naughty deal with it ^^ So I take this ongoing one the behalf of the cover. And ... I'm a little punished for it. Festival I have some trouble with the art inside ... A little difficult for my taste (Even with a nude woman in it - Mature Reading ^^) But I loved the fact she write a letter to Agatha Christie & meet Conan Doyle. I was a little lost with Conan Doyle speaking to her like she was her brother. At first I believe it was a magical tric, but in fact it seem that was a joke in view of the fact after he was concern for her (And not him). But that wasn't easy to tell. I become disinterested with the many (Too many) speech bubble, and the false spirit theatric. More interesting when the fraud turn to have a real spirit in her. Cover : I'm in love with the cover, but not even close to what I read inside 1/2 Story : Well a little bowering 2/3 Arts : I really don't like how he draw their faces & eyes. But a sense of the "Année folle" 2/3 Feelings : I will have to read 3 other ongoing (Each one for the same kind of cover ...). Once more the looking aren't the liking ^^ 0/2 |
4.0 |
Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #2
Jan 5, 2018 |
So I will be honest, I didn't succeed to go to the end of this reading. Between the art & the story, it was to hard for me to go throug it. So I can give a very good Review for this one sorry. Cover - Like the cover but not related to the inside at all. 1/2 Writing - It was to weird, to talkative, and not very interesting. 1/3 Arts - That's not the kind of art I like. But I feel that was weighing by the story 2/3 Feelings - One more to go and I stop. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #3
Feb 15, 2018 |
I just take it because I had solicited the Variant cover (Yeah I naughty ^^) The story inside didn't succeed to gripping me back into it. Their is adult part that disappointed me more than interest me. I don't want to make a bad notation because I think this ongoing deserve one. Cover - 1/2 Really really nice, but sadly not link to the inside 1/2 Writing - I never was really interested by what Von Bulher propose there. 1/3 Arts - Not my kind of art. Even when she try some new way to telling story in her panel. But I like the Goat part ^^ 1/3 Feelings - The variant didn't sell me the real story. And I sorry for misunderstood. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Mister Miracle (2017) | 2 issues |
5.0 |
Mister Miracle (2017) #2
Sep 14, 2017 |
The art is strong. Very. But I'm not like it. The story is ... Heavy ... I think they lost me somewhere ... Maybe when Barda go to the sower ^^ If the story wasn't for me, I recognize the fact that the creators take risk to do something different. But this is way to dark ... Darkseid is ! |
7.0 |
Mister Miracle (2017) #3
Oct 12, 2017 |
So I liked the 1 even if it was dark. I didn't enjoy issue too. For making my mind I brought issue 3. And there I'm ... There is some good stuff, and stuff I really didn't like. For the part I love ... The art, even if sometime I have trouble to see if I read correctly the double page in waffle. I like to see Forager even if that make my head hurt. I have to remember this is a story not in the continuity, so this Forager isn't the one dead in Cosmic Odysey. And he isn't the one in "Bug ! Adventure of Forager" (Who is also out of continuity, like I tell my head hurt). I cope with Scott felling, and I love to see him with Barda (Damn I need something like that too !). But I don't like the part when Lighray kill or capture (Hard to tell) Forager, and how Orion treat Scott. I'm tired to him be a jerk. So I don't put my mind on if I will take issue 4. Will see ! |
5.3 |
Moon Knight (2017) | 2 issues |
5.5 |
Moon Knight (2017) #188
Nov 9, 2017 |
I love the Lemire Run. So I tried this new one. I was at first disappointed to see the start once more in a Asylum. But I find it nice to see that is a completely different character and not Moon Knight at all. In the same time it's weird too read a moon Knight title & don't have him in it. Well he was there by tells or flashback, but that wasn't enough. And in the same time, I don't know if the title succeed to hooked me. Cover - Love this cover (And now this is not a lenticular, not in France). 1/2 Writing - Mixed Filling 1.5/3 Arts - A good job, but a little to frozen. And that lack of madness. 2/3 Feelings - Not sure that the kind of title I will follow. But for being fear, I wasn't sure at the start of Lemire Run too. 1/2 5.5/10 |
5.0 |
Moon Knight (2017) #189
Nov 30, 2017 |
Ok, that was very weird. The fact that Marc can dial from one personality to the next is interesting and in the same time maybe way unbelievable. I didn't like both bad guys. It's isn't as good as in the Lemire Parts. Sorry, but I don't like it very much. Cover - Ok it's close to what I read, and that not the worst I see. 2/2 Writing - Not my cup of tea. 1/3 Arts - Not bad, not very good, but ok. And put some comic situation in all this. 2/3 Feeling - I really don't know if I solicited the January Issue. So if not it's my last issue. 0/2 |
5.3 |
Mother Panic | 3 issues |
4.0 |
Mother Panic #10
Aug 25, 2017 |
I love the variant cover. I didn't like the art in the comics. And the story his not very strong. The last arc was better. A little disappointed but I will go to the end. |
7.0 |
Mother Panic #11
Sep 28, 2017 |
The art is good, I like that it light the atmosphère. The story was strange, not in the good way ... I find it less interesting & even a little heavy. I'm more enthousiaste with the end. I will be there for what me be the last issue. After that two month without Mother Panic waiting for January crossovers. |
5.0 |
Mother Panic #12
Oct 27, 2017 |
Ok It's wrong when we didn't care anymore for the character. Fuck because I like the art, & their is some good idea about Violet's mother. Too late. Cover 2/2 Writing 1/3 - Don't care. Arts - Love it 2/3 Sentiment - A waste 0/2 5/10 |
3.0 |
Motherlands | 1 issues |
3.0 |
Motherlands #1
Feb 22, 2018 |
I read many praise for this title. And I liked the art I seen. So I decide to take it. I have to tell I didn't understand much of it. I fact without having reading other review I trust I would have finish with a sour taste. That's not a bad book. But damn that wasn't easy to follow. I don't think my english is in question for this one. I just don't see the writer explain clearly what the heroin purchase. Cover - Sadly they can only have the variant & I didn't like the variant. Not really related to what I read. 0/2 Writing - Does will be harder to make thing more clear ? 1.5/2 Arts - The art is nice. But not always good. 1.5/2 Feeling - I will not take issue 2. 0/2 |
7.8 |
Mr. and Mrs. X | 8 issues |
9.0 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #1
Jul 26, 2018 |
Better than I feared even if they do to much page around the wedding. Cover - I like the cover related. 2/2 Writing - I really like how the story is tell. And they use Cerise so I'm in love. 3/3 Arts - The layout is really good. 3/3 Feeling - I wait for the next issue to confirme the fact it's good. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #2
Aug 23, 2018 |
Another good surprise even if Thompson make disappear Cerise too soon. I like she use the Tekneck. If she isn't make a sign at Marvel for leading a new Excalibur Title with that, I don't know what this was ^^ A real funny story, all the suggesting part was so funny. Thanks for this smiling reading time. But I was very reaming silent with the cliffhanger. ^^ Cover - I find it in link & nice 2/2 Writing - I loved this ! 3/3 Arts - Not perfect, with many background only made with coloring technic. 2/3 Feeling - Great ! 2/2 |
8.5 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #3
Sep 20, 2018 |
That was a good issue. But I read WCA just before. So I find it less fun & even with a gap in the story. I had to reread to see that Nightside wasn't Xandra disguised. And maybe Deadpool take too much space in this Gambit/Malicia story. But to be fair a lot of character take more space than Gambit (Maybe because I have still a grunge against him ... It's possible I may be not totally honest about that) I love the idea but I fear than once this story done Xandra will be lost in Marvel's limbo. Cover - Love it & in a way in relation 1.5/2 Writing - Funny & with a plan. I follow her with truth, because I sens she know where she goes. Just maybe something bigger could give this nice ongoing another importance/impact. Will see. 2.5/3 Arts - Funny ... The splash page of Gambit & Deadpool lead on Deathbird ship is funny but maybe too linear. Also I will make a complain to my Union Background art. Even ship have some sometime ! 2.5/3 Feeling - I bellyaching but I really like this Ongoing. Maybe that's why I'm so demanding. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #4
Oct 19, 2018 |
The other best reading of this week is this wonderfull, smart & funny title. I love the utilisation of so many cherished & lost characters. And this without crush Remy & Rogue importance. It was so damn great. Cover - Love it & a little related 1.5/2 Writing - I laugh a lot, that's a good sign. 2.5/3 Arts - I love the layout. Nice, fresh, soft. I love this Rogue (I really think its the more beautiful version of her I seen so far. And I was reading Jim Lee back in the 90's. Not so many background. 2.5/3 Feeling - A beautiful ongoing. I will go back in time & kick myself to be so hard on this ongoing when they tell what this will be. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #5
Nov 24, 2018 |
I like some part of the story, but many part seem to not have a real sense. Where the hell is Deathbird and her men ? Why Cerise thanks Oracle & Gladiator ? Why let Cerise & Xandra leave alone ? I trusted they was supposed to keep them safe on earth. I like all the thing about Remy & Rogue through. Even if I'm not a fan of the now way rogue's powers work. Love the last page with the idea of a party. Cover - Nice but not related because the starjammer have not a huge role in there. 1/2 Writing - It was weird to follow the fallout of the last cliffhanger and then have a flashback. And this give something not very original. 2/3 Arts - Really like the art. The fact there is no much background is easily explain by the fact they are on some sort of moon. 2.5/3 Feeling - I really like it until now. With this ending I wonder if this story will be remembered or easily forgotten. Damn because I really like Xandra (And hope she will not finish in marvel limbo) or Cerise (That I want to see again soon). Even the Imperal guard or the starjammers are well used. So I raise it at 2/2 |
8.5 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #6
Dec 12, 2018 |
The last part of the previous arc was a little disappointing, and I trusted that this party will be no fun. And I was wrong. Ok like for the previous arc maybe this will not stick in memory, but it was a nice transitional issue and I ready for more. Plus, I was one to point out the fact they forget about Belladona. So no ! They don't, they just divorce in a point (I don't know when). And that's nice to see here again. For Jean Luc (Gambit Father) I find too easy the lookalike with Jack Sparrow ... Come on ! Cover - Really nice, funny & related. 2/2 Writing - At first when she welcome Boby I trust it was Sunspot (After all both Avengers). But no it's Iceman playing the host when both host are in a fight on the rouf. I also love the short encounter with Magneto, even if it's hard to know when that happen in the evening. I guess after she send the thiefs in the lake but before the party. 2.5/3 Arts - I liked Lopez on All new Wolverine but sometime in this I kind off have some reserve about his layout. And once more come one with the jack sparrow lookalike ! 2.5/3 Feeling - It was enjoyable, but I'm more mixed with the first arc. 1.5/2 |
5.0 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #7
Jan 4, 2019 |
Ok at the end of the last Issue I didn't expected Mojo. It was not a bad issue. But that was not a good one easer for me. I know story with Mojo have to be a little weird. But festival for me Mojo was still on earth (X-men Black Mojo). And I kind of hate who spiral is used in this. Once more a slave. I'm so disappointed about how this character is maltreated. Cover - In link. But not that good. 1.5/2 Writing - I read it a first time and wasn't in at all. I try again later, I succeed to read it but without pleasure. 1.5/2 Arts - I still like the art even if their is a lot of panel without background. And that Rogue face look really weird sometime. 2/3 Feeling - I think I will stop this title soon. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Mr. and Mrs. X #8
Feb 16, 2019 |
I didn't enjoy the mojo arc so far. But this issue was good. Not enough to make me stay longer. But enough to show me that Thompson really care about both characters. Cover - Related and good, but maybe a little simple. 1.5/2 Writing - I like the recurence of the search for a jewel and gambit's death. A good plan from Spiral. I just have a hard time to trust that Mojo didn't watch how the story lead once Spiral is in it. 2.5/3 Arts - Bazaldua make a better work than this before. What happen ? Their is a issue in a lot of the panel with the characters. 2/3 Feeling - I will stop right now. 0/2 |
8.1 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) | 14 issues |
9.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #25
Jan 11, 2018 |
I leave Ms.Marvel for some time now. But I see the sneak peek for issue 26 and I was like "Ok it's shambolic but that transpire the feeling of the first volume. I so want it !" And I'm not disappointed by my reading. I really love how Wilson use her supporting cast and make them progress. And that was so bright more than my last Ms.Marvel reading. It's fun & interesting & original. Well Done. And like that Wilson make me brought this ongoing again. Cover - A nice cover but not really related to the story. 1/2 Writing - I forgotten how Wilson can be good. She gain a second wind. But she have to stay on this path if she don't want loosing me again. 3/3 Arts - I liked the art ... Not perfect, but that do the work and keep the fun. 3/3 Feeling - I love loving Ms.Marvel again. Welcome back in my favorite reading. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #26
Jan 11, 2018 |
Second part of a very fun but silly story. Incredible Story I have to say, Nonsense but in the fun way. I want more of this kind of story. That genius, really. I'm in love again with Ms.Marvel, it's a perfect birthday gift. Cover - Fun, nice & well related to the inside. 2/2 Writing - I love Wilson when she do this kind of story 3/3 Arts - The arts is good & fun. The part in the dark is really nice. But I want more backward than that now ^^ 2.5/3 Feelings - I will take the following issue without doubt. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #27
Mar 8, 2018 |
I'm very late on this one, but I only have it this week. But what a pleasure to meet again with this ongoing. I was with a smile all along ... G Willow Wilson prove that Support Character are important. they are a important part of the life in the book, they even can remplace a missing principal character. At one point I wonder if she didn't lie to us & that Kamala was in fact in the outfit of the inventor ??? Zoe is so lovable right now ... Cover - Nicely in link with the story & great 2/2 Writing - I so missed a good story by G Willow Wilson. 3/3 Arts - Ok that not the perfect kind of work. But's it's funny & that have a excess of soul. 2/3 Feeling - It's nice to have a very good Ms.Marvel story. And she isn't even in there. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #28
Apr 12, 2018 |
With two weeks late, I have the pleasure to finish Teenage Wasteland arc. That a awesome Wislow's arc where the support Character take the spot. So maybe this end is a little to quick, and Maybe the answer behind Kamala absence was too simple. Maybe Kamala & Carole make up was easy (At least Wislow didn't forget Civil War II & there consequences). This was a good issue closing a awesome arc (Yeah I already tell this). That bring me back to Ms.Marvel & I miss her so much. Cover - 2/2 I find it very tied up to what I read. Writing - 2.5/3 Not perfect, but very fun. Arts - 3/3 Nico make all character pretty sweet (Even Carol). In fact I would have read a title with Carol by those two ^^ Sentiment - Happy to be back ... 2/2 |
10 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #29
Apr 19, 2018 |
I just love it. Perfect and so funny. And so wonderfull. I would like having someone to share my mistake, my feelings, my fear so open & funny to it than her spiritual guide ! I so loved read this issue that hell up a little my heart. I'm in love with Ms.Marvel once more, and men that's good ! Cover - Nicely done (Archie spirit) & related. 2/2 Writing - Nobody like Willow Wilson know how to use the support characters. 3/3 Arts - Still love Leon work. 3/3 Feeling - It's a real pleasure to read. I'm so lucky to have the privilege to read this ongoing. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #30
May 31, 2018 |
Oh no ! Not Doc.X again. I left Kamala because of him. There last encounter was the worst arc I read. So I'm not fond of the idea ... But I forced myself in (hey I know, gross) and in the middle that turn in something quite enjoyable. Once Moore Zoé is one of my favorite Character. And I laughed when kamala fall of Doc.X showing the real treat to the crowd. The end was beautiful. Cove - Nice & in a way related 2/2 Writing - Very good save, because I was already one feat outside with the Doc.X revelation. 2/3 Arts - Maybe not the best, but this going so well with Kamala stories. And Nico make sure to made the female cast very sweat. 3/3 Feeling - Well I will see what's next ! 1/2 |
7.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #31
Jun 28, 2018 |
At first the story was good. I loved what wilson proposed. And I even enjoyed the Lockjaw part. But then more problems give Kamala a hard time on her sleepover. I didn't like the Pizza delivery part one bit, and I find it too long. I wanted kamala back with her friend. And then we have Miles ... I was like "Hell No" I jump all this part of the story until Kamala return. I see why she do all this. For that kamala speak about her duality identities. But for me that was not the best way to do it. The Sleepover could have been so better. Cover - I have the variant Love it even if not in link. 1/2 Writing - I cannot be harsh. It was one of my best reading of this week. 2.5/3 Arts - So much good artist for make this story happening. It was thank to them I forgive this story. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
10 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #32
Jul 12, 2018 |
A damn good issue. Well I cannot said I'm disappointed to see Shocker as a vilain (After what Zub tried to do with him in Uncanny Avengers). But That was a hell of good issue. That start as a transitional one, but in the middle give the action we needed. And that come slowly with Kamala & Bruno far away of there surrounding. Cover - Nice & in link 2/2 Writing - I love when Wilow Wilson is that good. 3/3 Arts - Nico Leon is always the perfect fit for the task. Nice layout. Yes she sometime give no background, but she give so much more. And when she draw background, it's perfect. 3/3 Feeling - I'm in love once more with this ongoing. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #33
Aug 30, 2018 |
Beside be sad to see Shocker as a bad guy again (So soon after Rogue helping him at court), I love what Wilson do. I love his fort ^^ I'm a little less interested by bruno & the professor X gadget. I wonder where Wilson want to go. Cover - Love it, but not related. 1/2 Writing - That wasn't bad but some part made me bored. 2.5/3 Arts - Love Nico Leon work. 3/3 Feeling - Still fun 2/2 |
8.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #34
Sep 13, 2018 |
I find it hard to believe. Really she steal mass form time ... How even this work. Nice to see the Ahmad version of Kamala for one possible futur. Shocker is funny. But I find it a little boring. Cover - 2/2 Nice & in link Writing - 2/3 Maybe too complexe or maybe not funny enough. Nice to see someone remember Singularity. I miss the rest of the support cast ! Arts - Love nico Leon art. 3/3 Feeling - A little disappointed. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #35
Oct 12, 2018 |
Not a good Arc. Yeah there is some fun moment. Like Bruno telling about their future to Kamala in the best Bad Timing I never seen ! Respect ! Or Kamala & Shocker Arguing with Singularity not really usefull. Or Kamala falling on Bruno (Weird best position ever ^^ ). But I didn't like all the science part. Shocker make me the need to scream ! I was so with hope for him after Rogue siding him in his trial. Damn ! I will forget this arc forever ! Cover - Good & related 2/2 Writing - Not the better MsMarvel I read. I don't like the idea about how Kamala powers work. I miss all the awesome supporting cast. But it wasn't bad easer ! 2/3 Arts - Love Nico even if She show some of her limit. But I'm happy to see her to swallow this issue thanks to her awesome art. 2.5/3 Feeling - I hope next issue will be soooo better than that ! 1/2 |
6.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #36
Nov 16, 2018 |
I really hoped to see a good issue of Ms.Marvel. I didn't really like the previous arc. And for the start and the end their is some good. I really like Kamala & Bruno relation, but I miss all the rest of the supporting cast. It's sad to say but they tend to make Ms.Marvel more interesting. Between the start and the end we have a boring story in the past. Or in Bruno or Kamala imagination. The fact they use Bruno, Kamala & Zoe aren't even funny (They even't change Zoe name ... That's bad !) But at least the skull was funny .. For two second. So this issue could have been a one shot, but it's a transitional one. And not a very good one. That didn't give me the need for more. I know that Wilson have to work on wonder woman now, but it's not a reason for laxness. Cover - Really beautiful but not in link. 1/2 Writing - Damn ... That wasn't very fun or good, or smart or interesting ... Damn ! 1/3 Arts - Thing you Nico leon to be the only shining part to this reading. 3/3 Feeling - I can really love Ms.Marvel sometime, but I can have urge rejection too. And that what I feel now. But I will tell Mixed, can I know that Wilson can do better, and I want to trust in her. Is that silly ? 1/2 |
7.5 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #37
Feb 1, 2019 |
Not the last one. Feel a little empty at first. But it's a love letter to the wonderfull supporting cast. Cover - The variant. Not related, but I like it. 1/2 Writing - Very strange. Seems like Wilson follow Kamalla without really knowing where that will lead but really wanted to put quality time scene to the supporting cast. I really love her work with the Imam. A very good touch to try to build a bridge to a religion we mixed too often with terrosism. There is good human in muslam rank too. 2.5/3 Arts - Nico isn't perfect. Maybe she's a little tired without a remplacement to have her energy back. It's not bad. That do the work. But that underline the strange feeling of emptyness sometime (Like I will trust the baby journey that much distance to not have Kamala close to both her friend craft). But I really love the panel with the Imam laughing. That warming up my heart. And She do the job. 3/3 Feeling - Not what I expecting. Mixed 1/2 |
4.0 |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #38
Feb 16, 2019 |
Well it was awful. The story is ... Well their is no story. It's not make sense. At least the last issue show wislon's love for the supporting cast. Their it was like she don't care anymore. But she wasn't alone in this last issue and that maybe explain the pain they have to make a good story. Cover - Good but not related 1/2 Writing - I already state that a ongoing as to stop when it's good than going to far. Well this will make my point. 1/3 Arts - So many style. I have trouble to stick in the story (Well the lack of story). Nico was the best like every time. 2/3 Feeling - It's not a "au revoir" I leave with a bitter tast. Sad to leave Wilson on that. 0/2 |
6.5 |
Multiple Man (2018) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Multiple Man (2018) #1
Jun 28, 2018 |
This was my first reading of this week. And I finish it with a grim face. But retrospectively it wasn't the worst issue of my week. I enjoy all the part about when the team find him. I was very interested with what happen with Maddrox hear the bad news from Beast. I enven laugh a little when he knock out Bishop. But then that turn completely hard to follow, and finish in a weird and what the F... way. Cover - I like it ... It's link to the character at least. 1.5/2 Writing - A very good starting point and a very weird finish line. 1.5/3 Arts - The art aren't perfect but do the trick and succeed to lead us until the end. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
9.3 |
Murder Falcon | 6 issues |
9.5 |
Murder Falcon #1
Oct 12, 2018 |
If you search for a positive awesome story, don't search anymore, it's this one; I really love the characterization of Jake. Yeah maybe Murf (like Jake name him) arrival is easy & very right timed. But that make some mystery (How talk of Jake to him ... The old guitare fixer, the old waitress ?) This reading make me smile & was awesome ! Cover - Nice & related to the ambiance. 2/2 Writing - Well done 3/3 Arts - Maybe a little rushed, but I like the positivity I see in the layout ! 2.5/3 Feeling - I will enjoy following this ! You have to pick it if you didn't already. 2/2 |
10 |
Murder Falcon #2
Nov 16, 2018 |
This was really fun. I really like how we are sweep in this story between happiness & deep sadness. I really love the effort of construction of the characters. And I love when they play & when Murder Falcon fight. And I think behind the dump "fighting monsters" part they give some advice on grieving, reconstruction and depression. Cover - Nice and totally in link to what I read 2/2 Writing - If you want some fun time, with respect for people liking metal. If you want to see a secret passage behind a wall in a music shop. If you like to see how life can part friends, but also connect them once more. Read this book. 3/3 Arts - The panel and layout are awesome. If you don't like it that's your problem, but for having learned to draw, I can tell ya that he don't back down. He give everything. 3/3 Feeling - One of my favorite ongoing. Thank you to the author to help me with this positive book. 2/2 |
10 |
Murder Falcon #3
Dec 12, 2018 |
What a amazing reading. It was funny & powerful. That cheer up my heart a lot, and I have a need for this kind of reading. Thanks a lot. I will not talk more about it because you have to read this ! Cover - Nice & related to my reading 2/2 Writing - Serious work, he really love his character and the story he have in mind. That transpire of this comics. 3/3 Arts - The art is just perfect. Using well layout, inking and storytelling. A hell of a job. 3/3 Feeling - I don't like it, I love it ! 2/2 |
9.5 |
Murder Falcon #4
Jan 12, 2019 |
Another fantastic issue where I see that I was fooled. Or I fool myself. What a fantastic writing about that. The fact that the monster can be controlled and so more dangerous is interesting as well. Cover - I'm not fond of it I prefered the variant but cannot have it. It's link to what I read. 1.5/2 Writing - It's a wonderfull writing. I was very surprised in the good way. 3/3 Arts - Not perfect but close. 3/3 Feelings - I really love this ongoing 2/2 |
8.0 |
Murder Falcon #5
Feb 16, 2019 |
I'm mixed about this one. We start on a battle with another metal band but with no clue about where or when this happen (How wait, thank to you I learn it's in iceland). But I really like all the part about Jake & his ex. Cover - I take the variant, not related but very nice. 1/2 Writing - I think their is a lot that the writer could have tell us about what the rest of the band search, or what with the other band. But I also love all the work about Jake & his ex relationship. 2.5/3 Arts - Still not perfect, but very good even if I kind of wonder if the artist didn't have to take a pose. 2.5/3 Feeling - A wonderfull ongoing but maybe they have to do a pose with another artist and the storyy of the other band. And I accept more the fact their is no issue in April. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Murder Falcon #6
Mar 15, 2019 |
Damn that was another great issue. A powerfull storytelling with strong character. Cover - The variant. Nice but not link to what I read. 1/2 Writing - This is a great story. There was so emotionnal panel. Thank you to sheer this with us. 3/3 Arts - The arts was so perfect. It's better and better with each issue 3/3 Feeling - I love this ongoing. And if you don't read it, you miss something. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Murderworld (2022) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Murderworld (2022): Wolverine #1
Feb 22, 2023 |
I take it for the promise to see two Laura and gabby. So I begun trusting the voice was a Logan like character. No it’s leap-frog. O.K. ! So I had a hard time and find the start a little bumpy and not reader friendly. It’s because it’s not a 1 at all but a part 3. Now I will have to check for * even in my comics, like in a damn tv commercial ? Seriously ? That said the tension and the voice of leap frog help me advance even if I’m not fan of a sadistic assassination game comics. The wolverines arrive and are stupid … They only said bub. It’s even nit funny. And they let survivor. It’s not clear if the survival rate are just a tab or a control made by arcades’ tech team. The end fell a little like « Deus ex machina » because like Arcade I don’t know how leap frog have made this observation. The death also feel chitter and this is too obvious ZUB save the character he need/decide to keep. The art aren’t beautiful, but not the worst easer. and ZUB succeed ti invest le in what will happen if the remaining cast. Drawing 6/10 Writing 7/10 Feeling 8/10 Total : 7/10 |
6.5 |
My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries | 1 issues |
6.5 |
My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries #1
May 31, 2018 |
- hey me, why didn't you never try a My Little Poney Comics book ? - Well, me for one I'm not a Girl. I'm not teen since a hell of time. And I don't want a read some stupid ... - Stop just there. You are ready to push My little Poney comics under a bus without even trying it. - Well Kinda ! And there are in what there forties issue or like ? - Look a issue 1. And a Mystery one. I dare you to try. - Ok ! So I tried and at first that was awful (Thanks a lot to me for that). But their was some silly fun part too. I think the end is good for teen growing-up giving some morality. Cover - I take the variant ... And I would have stick to the regular 1/2 Writing - A silly comics who could give some smile to grumpy old people like me. And that would be a wonderfull reading for kid. 2/3 Arts - Not too "Oh my good I loose my sight with all this flashy color" ... There are very expressive, I liked that. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will not be enough made for take another one ^^ Better than Encounter that I tried too. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Mystery Science Theater 3000 | 4 issues |
8.5 |
Mystery Science Theater 3000 #1
Sep 13, 2018 |
I love Nauck since Young Justice, I really like is way of drawing character. And there he show a marvelous panel of his talent. The story is funny even if for now I don't follow where all this will lead. What the end game ? I smiled a lot when they use Marvel references ^^ Cover - Nice & related to the story 2/2 Writing - I like some of the story even if we don't have the motive of their boss. Maybe the teen detective story is a little too long. 2.5/3 Arts - I'm fund of his arts. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
4.5 |
Mystery Science Theater 3000 #2
Oct 26, 2018 |
If I liked the first issue, I was wondering where this will go and what road the writer will choose to make us follow. And I have to tell with some regret that this comics seem to have no proper story to tell. There is one in the reality with the woman giggling about making comics, and others (Maybe too much & not related) in the old comics themselves. It was hard to read & I lose track somewhere sadly. Cover - In part in link & nice. 1.5/2 Writing - I didn't like how this is told, but I laugh when they speak of the DC/Marvel crossover. 1/3 Arts - Really love Nauck, not a fan of the old version of comics by Jack Pollock. 2/3 Feelings - Two more to go and I stop (Sorry Todd Love you, but I can't follow this. O/2 |
3.5 |
Mystery Science Theater 3000 #3
Dec 12, 2018 |
So sorry but I'm out of it. I don't find it fun. I don't understand the point about all this. Cover - I take the variant. Nice but don't seem related to what is inside. 1/2 Writing - Too weird for me I guess. 1/3 Arts - Love Nauck, but not much page with him, the other respect the vibe of old comics, but aren't my taste. 1.5/3 Feeling - My last issue. Sorry to cannot give you a better review than this fox. 0/2 |
3.5 |
Mystery Science Theater 3000 #4
Feb 8, 2019 |
Sorry but I can't relly talk about it. I was lost in the second issue. I just try a little more for Todd Nauck. But now I stop it. Cover - The variant. A little in link, but not good. 0.5/2 Writing - I cannot really say. I don't understand what the writer attempt here. 1/3 Arts - I really like Nauck. For the rest I don't like the style but they respect the style of old's comics. 2/3 Feeling - It's my last one. At last ! 0/2 |
7.3 |
Mystik U (2017) | 3 issues |
10 |
Mystik U (2017) #1
Nov 30, 2017 |
Well I read a review their that make a link between that and a mixe between Harry Potter & Gotham Academy. That's perfectly what I read, and I will be honest I wasn't their for this kind of stuff. I trusted it to be a JLD kind of like thing. But after reading it, I have to tell that I enjoy it. Not very original, but nice enough. Maybe a little expensive, but their was more page. I think we have to read it outside the New52 or the Rebirth univers. For me it's feel like another earth/univers. I like the cast around Zatanna (Except Enchantress because Forever Evil & JLD destroyed her in my heart. I feel like she was their for misleading us. And if not that will not be original at all to have her as the bad guy) and so I'm a little worried about who's the bad guy. Cover : Very beautiful & presenting the possible suspects 2/2 Writing : Weird, funny, very cool & effective 3/3 Arts : Well I love it 3/3 Feeling : For now it's a win 2/2 |
7.0 |
Mystik U (2017) #2
Feb 1, 2018 |
The first one look like a little book or little Graphic novel. This one at my surprise look like a usual comics. Even if the one was publish in December, we go back in the story pretty easily. Zatana give us a pretty help to have the need to go further. For now Malevolence is here but we still have doubt on is real identity. Plop is too obvious & will not have the emotional effect the writer want to give us, I think. Zee does mistake on mistake & even his a little mean sometime. I wonder how all of this will finish. Cover - Nicely done & related to the story inside 2/2 Writing - It's well done, but I have always a sentiment that leave me with a bitter taste. I sense the Bee sisterhood to be a lost of time, and don't like that is use as a Deus Ex Machina for invoke Malevolence.2/3 Arts - I liked the art. It's good, but as for the writing, their is something a little off. 2/3 Feeling - A weird reading. I like it, but not fondly. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Mystik U (2017) #3
Mar 29, 2018 |
The end of the road & the revelation about Mavelence. And I didn't enjoy it ... Well not quite true I like some part like the kids relationship. But I didn't like all the rest. And the end is too easy. Cover - Related in some way. Well drawn, but not my taste. 1.5/2 Story - I didn't like it much. I like some minor part through. 1.5/3 Arts - It's not always strong, but it's a good job. 2/3 Feelings - I waited another story form Zatanna & C°. 0/2 |
5.8 |
Nancy Drew (2018) | 2 issues |
6.5 |
Nancy Drew (2018) #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
So I didn't expected much about it and find it pleasant. But I'm not very interested. Maybe to much character about Nancy. And the fact that one was gay seems like a minority thing more that a real interesting thing for the character. I have solicited the 3 first issue. So I will try it, then stop it. Cover - I didn't take any variant ... Lotay is so the main man ! 2/2 Writing - Not bad, but a feeling of "DĂ©jĂ vu". I believed reading a Veronica Mars story, not a Nancy Drew one ! 1.5/3 Arts - Nice & funny. But maybe too cartoony. 2/3 Feeling - Well that was a little disappointing 1/2 |
5.0 |
Nancy Drew (2018) #2
Jul 12, 2018 |
I find it bowering. Cover - The variant. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - This is a story for kids. And I too grown-up to be interested. Shame because she tend to give a real personality to the supporting cast. 1.5/3 Arts - Love the art, simple & funny. I like the layout even if their is a lack of background. In the cave I understand, but come one not in the library. 2.5/3 Feeling - Not interested. 0/2 |
5.8 |
Naomi | 3 issues |
7.5 |
Naomi #1
Jan 25, 2019 |
Damn that was chatty. And not that interesting. For now we don't learn much. I know Bendis like that but not me. And for now Naomi didn't seem to have any power, so her focus on superman look weird. Cover - I take the variant which shows her obsession for Superman. 2/2 Writing - For now it's too slow. It wasn't bad, but bendis is a little miser. 2/3 Arts - Some are awesome and even daring and other aren't that good and feel very empty. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. I have until the third to chose if I keep it or not. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Naomi #2
Feb 22, 2019 |
Another boring issue with not much effort to do a story. Both issue 1 & 2 could have been in only one issue. Who really care about this ? I wonder. Cover - Very beautifull but not related. 1/2 Writing - If it's a joke, it's not funny. The story hold in three phrase not more. 1/2 Arts - The panel are good enough but at first I mistaken the splash page for another DC publicity.3/3 Felling - I'm out next issue 0/2 |
5.0 |
Naomi #3
Mar 22, 2019 |
Bendis are still in Talking boring mode. I don't care about all this at all. Cover - Related in some way. Not bad 1.5/2 Story - Damn that was a lot of talking. And damn I was chocked when the adoptive mother hit the motor guy. 1/3 Arts - The art do the job. Even if there is some panel without Background. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's my last one. Yeah ... 0/2 |
7.3 |
New Challengers (2018) | 6 issues |
8.5 |
New Challengers (2018) #1
May 17, 2018 |
Ok it wasn't bad. I didn't expected the Exiles kind of scheme in there, but Why not. I don't ask anything else to know more this team & been fan of them. It was really intriguing. Cover - Well sort of in link & really nice. 2/2 Writing - It was really nicely done. Not perfect, some "deja vu" in there. But really not bad. 2.5/3 Arts - All panel are very nice. 3/3 Feeling - I'm not sure about it, but I will let this title convince me. 1/2 |
10 |
New Challengers (2018) #2
Jun 22, 2018 |
When you think you have understand it, then they put you before the fact you didn't understand a thing. And that totally a awesome job for a Challengers book (Because us reader are in front of a challenge). I really enjoy Moses story, and that this in link with the story. I was happy to see Aquaman but a little disappointed to not see the end with the justice league intervention. And finally I was stuck in chock with this cliffhanger. In fact for a short series, I think this title as to change in ongoing because it's one of the best for the new DC line. Yeah Mr Terrific isn't Bad & Unexpected show promise. But this New Challengers are very interesting ! Cover - Only one option. She is really nice & in link 2/2 Writing - That was a hell of road to follow. Thank you very much to not think we are dumb reader and can handle challenges ! 3/3 Arts - Kubert Rule. Love the dark look of aquaman. That make him dangerous & more respected than he is right now. 3/3 Feeling - If you didn't take this story, you made a big mistake. 2/2 |
6.5 |
New Challengers (2018) #3
Jul 19, 2018 |
I find it less and less clear. This one seems to spend a lot of time in talking, with many question not answered. Cover - In link and nice. 2/2 Writing - This was very dusk. Why the "original" (but not first) challenger seems to know there time running out suddenly ? Why the professor leaves them & trigger the defense mechanism ? 1.5/2 Arts - I prefer Kubert to Marion. 2/3 Feeling - I will go through it, but I'm happy this is a short story. I would have not follow it more if that will be a ongoing. 1/2 |
9.0 |
New Challengers (2018) #4
Sep 6, 2018 |
Festival sorry for the delay but I just have this issue today. I find it interesting even if I wonder from where Krunch super-strength was from ? I like Bethany story but I would have prefer to see more about what happen in the challenger mountain. And who's this mystery character. The cliffanger is surprising enough for make me really hooked. Cover - Nice & related. 2/2 Writing - I find it well written even if that wasn't what I expect. 2/3 Arts - I love the art, Kubert is only on the cover, but the inside is really strong. Great layout. 3/3 Feeling - I still believe this short story deserve a ongoing. 2/2 |
6.5 |
New Challengers (2018) #5
Sep 20, 2018 |
Hello ? Is there someone at scripture ? Hello ? You lost me ? Prof isn't the prof of the challengers univers ? Ok so where he is. Because If I understand correctly the other version of Prof (The mummy ones) aren't too. And why did we jump in another challenger team (The one of this Prof form the dark multiverse). And Why I think Moses was wrong ? It seem even this prof know for the original challenger chained in the boon giant "god ?" and didn't care. When we go back to our team in Planet Olikron I even thinked it was another team, and I was ready to drop this story. Shame because so far it was good. So I believe Snyder was more the voice in this one than the another, I didn't like anymore is work since some time. Cover - Nice. Should have been in relation. But even the writers forget about this, it seem ! 1.5/2 Writing - Lost in space ... Very very lost ! 1.5/2 Arts - The art aren't bad all seems considered. It could have been worse & they try to stay on Kubert road. But he is missed. 2.5/3 Feeling - First disappointing taste. At one step to the end. Don't be fool & fail with the ending gang. Or That will be the only thing we will remember for this story. He that would be a shame because, I believe this story deserve more. 1/2 |
3.0 |
New Challengers (2018) #6
Oct 19, 2018 |
I'm so sorry to have to write this. Really. But this was a disaster. This new challengers adventure beginning was so god, it turn bad at the middle of the story. The previews issue didn't let many hope for a good ending but ... He, I wanted to trust in Snyder & Gillespie. Mad right ? This issue give all the bad move you have to avoid when writing a story ... Well not all but many of them. Festival the deus ex machina totally what the fuck. Strangled in another univers the challengers find a boxe (Seem as they use before). That's here just because. That can send them in any another Challenger mount or any dimension, but "hey" they finish on the right place at the right time or close. Then you have the not so bad (but a little bit, yeah) prof. Spending time convincing Mose he did great & then suddenly knock off by original challenger. But not the one of Moses dimensions, but the prof one. And what seem a prof in there rank. How you can do more hard to read & understand than that. I will skip the part where Mose do finally the right thing & save is team sending the other back where they come from. No question asked on where is the alternative(s) prof. Or that the original Challengers who seem killed come back to life and suddenly pass the torch to the new challengers ... Argh just kill me that make no sense. Cover - 1/2 Beautiful but not what I read. Writing - Help ! Somebody help we lost Snyder in Metal or before. Send him far away from DC title thanks. 0/3 Arts - Ok not bad at all, but not close to Kubert and I sign for him. What a joke this promise. 2/3 Feeling - I was F.... ! That was bad. Don't even think to by this ending a minute. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Nightwing (2016) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Nightwing (2016) #44
May 3, 2018 |
I liked the start of the story & in mid comics I was a lost, and I wasn't really interested. I think Percy made things to complicated. But I liked the blink at Nightwing real age ^^ Cover - The variant, I liked it vent if that isn't my still of art. And not related to the story. 1/2 Writing - I didn't like it. 1/3 Arts - I liked it. 3/3 Feeling - Not I want to read for Nightwing. 0/2 |
8.0 |
Nuclear Winter | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Nuclear Winter #1
May 17, 2018 |
A post nuclear incident univers where the snow not stop falling. A univers where some have mutated. And we follow Flavie in her life as a courier. I had a hard time understanding why she was so attracted to another man with one at home. But that may be her brother or a Room-mate. Still like that she feel for a beautiful guys with a success ... And a very bad girl friend. But Flavie have a secret of her own. Cover - I like it, and it's in link. 2/2 Writing - Another love story in a nuclear word in one hand. But with some good surprise & fun time too. 2/3 Arts - I liked all panel, it's a younger style, but of quality. 3/3 Feeling - I will not take the following, but It wasn't a bad reading at all. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Oblivion Song | 2 issues |
5.5 |
Oblivion Song #1
Mar 8, 2018 |
At first I didn't understand what happen. I have to moving forward & back in my reading in both moment for fully understand it. So Walking dead is done, but Kirkman have another apocalyptic story with screwed human to narrate. I like what a character said & that will in my mind be the picture of this book. "If he wasn't lost ... If you didn't feel so guilty about how you left things between you ... you wouldn't give a DAMN about those people". And there will be no story to tell. So do Kirkham have a unfinish business with Walking dead ? Maybe that would relate to people didn't see homeless people or refugee, but I doubt it. It would be a great message. But not the one I see there. Cover - The regular is fine. 1.5/2 Writing - Not perfect. Not bad. Mixed feeling about the character. I care much for those of the Realm in one Issue for comparison. 2/3 Arts - That's not perfect easer, but really nice. It goes well with the story. 2/3 Feeling - The french editor Delcourt have the chance to have already 5 Floppy in 1 book. How did succeed to do that. But did French reader will have more waiting ? That said I'm not that interested in this post apocalyptic depressing story. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Oblivion Song #2
Apr 12, 2018 |
I completely forget have solicited it. I read the french Book with all 6 issue already translated & I find it better than month to month reading. It's not the first Image ongoing who give me this impression. Cover - 2/2 related to this part of the story. Writing - 2.5/3 better, but I appreciate is less when in month to month reading. Arts - 3/3 Still perfect for this univers Feeling - I will wait for the next TPBs. 1/2 |
10 |
Petals | 1 issues |
10 |
Petals #1
Sep 27, 2018 |
Damn, what a beautiful book. Very sad but very beautiful. I was surprised by the format more European than american. Love it. The best kid book I read so far. Cover - In link & beautiful 2/2 Writing - Nicely done. All a story without any word. Well done. Sad but well done. 3/3 Arts - Just magnificent ! 3/3 Feeling - I'm in love with this book. 2/2 |
7.3 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) | 2 issues |
10 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #308
Aug 16, 2018 |
Thanks to you (Comics Reviewer) I take this one in supplement of the one in my sollicitation. I love Bachalo so didn't had to push me to much. I find this story very beautiful. Sad but great. For me Sandman is a Avengers just as much as a Sinister Six' member. So this story was hard to read because, I see the innocent, the heroes. And fortunately Zdarsky put some hope for the futur ... Ok a end of time story, but with some hope for the character. I'm eager to read more about this new Sandman hoping he will not fall in the dumb bad guy of the week part ! Without you I would have not try this. So thanks a lot ! Cover - Really beautiful & related in a way. 2/2 Writing - Damn that was a beautiful transitional issue. 3/3 Arts - Love Bachelo & I believe they really peek some Ditko panel. A great way to honor him. 3/3 Feeling - In love with this issue. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #309
Sep 13, 2018 |
I was really hocked by the previous issue. This one was too weird & disappointing. Cover - 1/2 In link, not that great. Writing - I was lost in the silicon tsunami ! ^^ 1.5/3 Arts - Not is strongest work. 2/3 Feeling - I not liked it. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey | 2 issues |
3.5 |
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1
Dec 29, 2017 |
I must be very dumb because I tried it. It's very very empty. I have a huge laugh about Beast explaining about Cerebro to other X-men. Ok it's for potential new reader nevertheless, you will tell me. But Kitty just Explained it to a officer and this at least had more sense. I didn't like much of it. The Jean "Dream ?" remember me of Prysm in Jurgens/Perez Teen Titans, or worse of Batman Lost & Hawkman Found (Not liked Metal). And the false Wolverine/Logan take easily all the team of Old Man (But not him). Thanks to show how you care about Wolverine/Laura. And what with Creed ? Is-he Bad or Good those day. I can't tell. Cover - Lenticular. But no use, the picture stay the same ... What's the point ? And for now no relation to what I read inside. But I will give the fact the art is good 1/2 Writing - So 5 dollars for this is a felony Marvel. But we buy it, so you can do even worth & some people will take it. That's so sad ! 1/3 Arts - At least there is the art. But that's without soul. And I like Yu but he is stuck with all nomber of bad Event of the 2000's era. And finally, colossus look grind. What did you think Yu. 1,5/3 Feeling - That's my fault I wanted to judge on paper. But sometime with marvel, is better to try to didn't care about and wait for something worthing to paid for. 0/2 |
4.5 |
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #2
Jan 5, 2018 |
Yawning ! Sorry ! I'm just wake up from this one. Did a writer really do some work ? Where are the editor when Hellion have both is arms back ? The part with the dead in Jean consciousness is nice, but what Eric do her ? In fact, I don't care. That's so empty ... Will go to sleep once more. Wake me if something really interesting begun. Cover - Bawahaha ... Not close to what I read inside. 1/2 Writing - I think I can do better without even trying. I think Liefeld can do better ^^ 1/3 Arts - Well at least the art isn't bad. 2.5/3 Feeling - I wanted to give this a second shot, I'm really to kind ^^ 0/2 |
5.0 |
Plastic Man (2018) | 3 issues |
6.0 |
Plastic Man (2018) #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
Well ... Too many part of the story was too much strange too succeed to understand it. That was fun yes, but not very much what I expected. I have a mixed feeling about the surprising part of the story. Cover - I take the variant. Funny but not related. 1/2 Writing - She didn't make a very good work to make a easy reading. And for a first issue I find it not that good. 2/3 Arts - The art is a mixed feeling too. She make the job, but with strange part in panel where that push this too far. 2/3 Feeling - Well mixed but I solicited the 3 first issue. So they will have to do better, or I will stop after that. 1/2 |
4.5 |
Plastic Man (2018) #2
Jul 12, 2018 |
It was hard to follow, I take no pleasure reading it. I find it even a little dumb when Eel assume it's Batman when this is clearly Man-Bat. Cover - Only one cover. I don't like it even if this wasn't a bad art. It's not connected to what I read. 0.5/2 Writing - Too confuse. Not enough laugh. Too easy sometime. A bunch of mistake in this story. 1.5/2 Arts - A good art, but sometime we see the limits of the drawer, and not at the good moment. He take any layout as a chance to dynamize the story. But that we stay bogged down by the story itself. Shame because he do is best. Yes their is panel without background but to try to lighten the story. 2.5/3 Feeling - I take the third that I have solicited & then I stop. 0/2 |
4.5 |
Plastic Man (2018) #3
Aug 9, 2018 |
I didn't like the story since day one. So I let the issue fall in my pile & read the 2 & 3 without any hope. If this issue seems better, it's too late to catch me with so little. Cover - More a Kingdom come cover ? Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I don't understand where Simone want to go. I will not be there to see it. She was better in the old Birds of Prey run. 1.5/2 Arts - Not my kind of art, but he do the work. I was just sad about the Harley queen joke. Not funny, I doubt this will attract Harley fan at all. 2/3 Feeling - My last one. Very disappointing. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Portal Bound | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Portal Bound #0
Feb 8, 2018 |
Not really original until the end. I would have appreciated to know what change the king. Cover - I take the variant. 2/2 Writing - That do the job & the end is surprising 2/3 Arts - I liked some part, but not the look of the bad guy. 2/3 Feeling - That didn't give me the need to take the next issue. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Power Pack (2017) | 1 issues |
6.0 |
Power Pack (2017) #63
Nov 2, 2017 |
Disappointing. |
7.5 |
Prodigy (2018) | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Prodigy (2018) #1
Dec 7, 2018 |
I'm not a big fan of hight level narcissistic genius. But the story was not only about him, but also about a intriguing invasion. Cover - I choose one of the three connecting variant. The one with the two girl. Love it even if not in link. 1/2 Writing - Well done because they succeed to make me like Edison Crane, care for his assistant & for the mystery he face. 3/3 Arts - Albuquerque is very enjoyable. Love is layout & panel. 3/3 Feeling - Well done because I pick it at the last moment, and now I want to take the next issue. 2/2 |
6.0 |
Prodigy (2018) #2
Jan 12, 2019 |
I find this issue interesting when I look at the case part. But I didn't like the hunting part. I also was less impressed than with the first issue, even if I like dr crane mind palace. Cover - I take the variant not related but nice 1/2 Writing - I like how much of the story was written. 2.5/3 Arts - The arts is good, sometime a little weird but good. And even their is much panel without background the coloring suceed to put a atmosphere. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed about this issue. 1/2 |
6.5 |
Prodigy (2018) #3
Feb 8, 2019 |
And they lost me with this treasure hunt. Cover - I take the variant. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Not bad, but they lost me in their, I cannot say when or why. 1.5/3 Arts - The arts is very good. Even if I have some doubt in the way Cross hang up after the train accident. Is that even possible with the weight he hold with another hand to have his arm in this position ? 3/3 Feeling - I think they lost me here. I will try to read it again. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Prodigy (2018) #4
Mar 15, 2019 |
After a issue I didn't like at all, the story succeed to take me back on the road. Cover - The variant. Not related. And a little off. 0.5/ Writing - So good, because he have to catch up for the previous issue and give me the need to take the last. 3/3 Arts - So much fantastic panel. It's a true blockboster with action in each turning page. So good. 3/3 Feeling - Great now I have to order the last issue. 2/2 |
6.0 |
Project: Superpowers (2018) | 2 issues |
7.0 |
Project: Superpowers (2018) #0
Jul 5, 2018 |
I was teased by the first Project Superpowers. But for some reasons I never tried it. This time I see the opportunity & take my Chance. I'm totally new in this univers & I had to ask for some answer to friend before tried it. Like why they use the name Death defying Devil & not Daredevil. So I enter this univers with some limited knowledge & in a way I'm happy to have some other put in it. For now I don't know how they are been released from the Pandora Box, but It's not a trouble. What trouble me was the fact that the outfit of the devil come to show Green Lama that one day he will become the treat. And that like he don't see the spirit of the flag he think all we be lost. And Kind of seems to accept & anticipated his fate. And I have trouble with the futur lama seen the present one in his temporality but not remembering been their. I don't like when a time loop is not well used. For now all the other character are not enough present to put me in a mood for accepting them. For a 10 cents comics it was not bad. But they have to do better on the first Issue, if they want my money. I wonder if the Flag & the Lama are one & the same ???? Cover - I like it. But even if the devil is the center of this story, I don't find a good link to what I read. 1/2 Writing - A little weird. We dont know who "They" are. And If I enjoy most of it, the end was very darker & seems a little off. 2/3 Arts - For me the art was solid. I like how the character are drawed & the layout made sense. Plus, I sense a effort for have background even if they use the facility of having just coloring. The rain scene was very nice. And I think no background made the appearance of the flag more powerfull. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. I wait for the I decide to follow it or not. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Project: Superpowers (2018) #1
Aug 3, 2018 |
I find it hard to read like if their leave the brake on. And very hard to follow. All that to have a new Flag host. I wasn't found to what happen to black terror. I find to easy the fact that Masquerade has a power she didn't have before awaking in the present. Cover - Masquerade variant. Love it, and with a issue almost around I find it almost in link. 1.5/2 Writing - It's not like that they will give me in. Shame because I sense some possibility with these character. 1.5/3 Arts - Davila do the trick & transport us to one point to another. But sometime he let his guard down and a face is less good. 2/3 Feeling - I trust it's the last Issue I solicited. So I will not try more. 0/2 |
8.1 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) | 7 issues |
6.5 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #1
Dec 21, 2017 |
A new quantum & woody ongoing. It's time to try again. I didn't like the previous volume, but who know. This time they take me be the feels with a Role playing game in a flashback. I even enjoyed the car chase & the following développement. Then that become a little weird & too calm. But I like what I read. I didn't like seen the two of them fighting but that seems part of the character DNA. Cover - Well far away of my reading. I have tried nevertheless the cover. 1/2 Writing - That was good. Hey that even close to the filling of the Archer & Armstrong by Van Lente. 2.5/3 Arts - I like it even if Eric look really old. 2/3 Feelings - I will try the second issues. 1/2 |
10 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #2
Feb 1, 2018 |
I loved this story. And if juggle with past & present wasn't enough they give us the childhood of the character. If like me you didn't like Q&W before, tries that. This is a really good story, very very fun. And if you loved them I trust this story will make you love them more. Cover - I find a variant with gold letter. Nice one. 2/2 Writing - That is how you do a story with unusual character for that reader will love them. 3/3 Arts - Ok nice & fun ... Blah blah ... Shut up ! I'm in love with the fight in the warehouse. 3/3 Feelings - I will have to officially put this ongoing in my sollicitation listing for my supplier. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #3
Feb 22, 2018 |
What was that. The last time I left Q&W they was in the flight for Australia ... What was that. Yes that was good. Yes that was funny. Yes that was touching. Yes that was weird (But very very funny). But I didn't have a clue were to put this story. Cover - I wanted the variant & find it. But I have to tell that the regular is beautiful & well in the spirit of my reading. The variant have a minor link. 1.5/2 Writing - That was weird but beautiful. 3/3 Arts - I liked the art even if after the previous issue, that was more ... Ordinary. 2/3 Feelings - So I don't know if I want to continue this title or not. Because I can even talk about a transitional issue. That's another thing entirely. Heartbreaking ... But Not what I expected. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #4
Mar 29, 2018 |
So we have some explanation about why the previous issue was pretty far of the actual arc. And it's a pleasure to follow both losers in this story. I left the issue with one great smile. I'm fan of the Hench Man under the cab. Cover - 1/2 ... Not related but fine. Story - I like it ... It was funny & smart. 3/3 Arts - Arts is strong even if then & here, I would like to see the same level of art on the long way. Sometime the characters fill off ! 2.5/3 Feeling - I don't regret give this Ongoing a try. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #5
Apr 19, 2018 |
A very fun & very surprising issue. I definitely like to follow the too brother & now I'm desperate to see more about Negative One and her sisters. I would love a Negative One & Mary-Maria team up (Dreaming). Cover - Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Really dumb, but really fun. I love Henchman ! 3/3 Arts - I really like Kano arts. The double page is a awesome reading moment. 3/3 Feeling - I'm all in ! 2/2 |
10 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #6
May 31, 2018 |
At first I was a little disappointed by this story. A transitional issue not in link with the last arc. But I really enjoyed it. And the ending was very surprising. Cover - Related & nice 2/2 Writing - Well that was a hell of transitional issue. 3/3 Arts - Love the art the splash with quantum & woody separated is just marvelous. 3/3 Feeling - Disappointed at first, but so much love when closing the issue. 2/2 |
5.5 |
Quantum and Woody (2017) #7
Jun 28, 2018 |
It's the first Quantum + Woody story I didn't enjoy. Yeah I see all the ... Oh look we will use Superman Story & Power for Quantum. But I was out pretty quickly because that wasn't what I wanted to read. I tried to come back in, but that never worked. Cover - The variant I like it but not related. 1/2 Writing - Maybe it's done in good faith & with a nice manner. But I could not know because I jump out of the train. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is way better than the one in the fifth man of steel for sure. But that's not perfect. 3/3 Feeling - So their is the end of our romance ^^ 0/2 |
7.5 |
Quicksilver: No Surrender | 1 issues |
7.5 |
Quicksilver: No Surrender #1
May 17, 2018 |
At first I didn't want it. The sneak pick didn't convince me either. So why suddenly I take it ... Some need to have because I read all no surrender ... Don't know. I was so sure this would not be a great reading that I open it first. And that wasn't bad at all. Cover - Nice & related ! (Go figure). 2/2 Writing - That was well done even if they don't make quicksilver easy too like in there. And At first a little empty on the purpose of the story. But they find one. And why not. 2.5/3 Arts - Not my kind of arts. But at least that make the spot on Pietro & the Energize doppelgänger. 2/3 Feeling - That not give me the need to read the following, but that didn't make me sure to don't brought it easer. Will see. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Realm | 5 issues |
7.5 |
Realm #1
Sep 14, 2017 |
Thanks to the preview, I brought it. I'm not a Walking Dead reader. I have read the first TPB, but that's too dark for me. ... So that's a dark place to live too. I will give you that. And we never see what happen & how. I like the part when they hide from a shadowing form (A treat in the sky that even us don't see). I don't like the fact that human are still human, and do bad stuff. But I'm intrigued by see Ork, Goblin & other kind of fantasy creature. For now not much sadly. The art was interesting. Their is room for improvement, but still a great job. I will wait for the next issue. Well done to the creative team. |
7.0 |
Realm #2
Oct 19, 2017 |
Well that was one of the best read of my week pill. For now I'm a little a need of more information about what happen et the character. Some scene make for me little sense for now, and like we didn't have been presented with the characters, their death don't make a shock. I happy too see more Goblin & Orcs this time. And I prefer this type of enemy (I really don't like brainless walking dead without plan). I will try the next issue, but for now I will not add it to my solicitation list !. Cover - The variant with the Bad Guys 1/2 Writing - Not bad at all, but I expect more now ^^ 2/3 Arts - I find it well for this ongoing even if their too their is space for improvement 2/3 Feeling - Well I don't like walking Dead & it was sell as a "Walking dead with Orc" so good job for now 2/2 7/10 |
7.0 |
Realm #3
Nov 18, 2017 |
Hard to tell if I love it or not. That keep some interesting part. I always want to see more of some character. Redjaw & his bride are a nice add. He make me thing of Panthro ^^ ... But we are too much detach of some part (The one with the bearded one). And the hero is to more untrusting that make me yawn !. Cover : Nice one ... But we didn't see him in it. 1/2 Story : 2/3 a little spark & that would be perfect. Arts : The strong part of the book. 3/3 Feelings : Mixed 1/2 |
8.0 |
Realm #4
Dec 21, 2017 |
It's hard to tell if I like or not. I buy it for some time now. I have some interest but with some point I didn't understand fully. I want to know more about rock & in the same time all character don't seem very useful for now. What did I read ? I would have love to see more about the goblin who like man-crafted things. But their is some part to strange/easy. The fact that some character sense the coming of the enemies. The cliffhanger is a little what the fuck on a character we didn't care (Even if his style is good). Cover - 2/2 well done with the start of the story in one image Writing - Mixed felling 2/3 Arts - Still very strong & interesting 3/3 Feeling - For now not in my pull list, but will take the next one. I have to read something I really dislike for stopping it. In the same time this is not unforgettable 1/2 |
8.0 |
Realm #5
Feb 1, 2018 |
Like for the rest of this ungoqing I fill like the writer leave us Outside. I miss a Key to enter it entirely. This a good story. Not a easy win. But now question I even't don't know if I want myself to ask. I find a little Easy that the beard guy rally the heroes now. I not understood the end with the woman at all. Who was she. I would love a issue we explain each character because been lost make the fact to love this book harder. Cover - Nice & link to the story 2/2 Writing - I like how some part are writen, but another disturb me 2/3 Arts - A very nice art. Not the best. But a do a perfect job. I want more Rok ! 3/3 Feelings I did come back every issue. I don't know if when the following will be, but I will look for it. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Rebel Grrrls (2023) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Rebel Grrrls (2023) #1
Aug 5, 2023 |
The art was not my cup of tea. I tried to get in, but fail. So sorry, not very helpful. |
7.5 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) | 10 issues |
8.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #14
Sep 14, 2017 |
Not bad. The story is a little light. The foes aren't that interesting. But all the part about Bizarro is great. A little Sad to see that will not last. But all good thing don't. It's true that by now I was hoping for more, and if lobdell will keep up like that this will be a little disappointing. The art was interesting but have some flow too. I like this team by still wait for something more. |
8.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #15
Oct 12, 2017 |
You aren't happy to have the crew of Detective Comics in Detective Comics ? no suit ! They are here. And Lobdell make a pretty job with the too team at each other throat. Ok, their is some easy ellipse. They kind of capture Bizarro pretty easily & quickly. And retrieve it right under the nose of the outlaw & their I.A. But I was a good story. I like the fight, and that was a pleasant surprise to see the team of the book loosing. Generally that the team who come fighting who loose. Dexter Soy art make marvelous panel. I have some issue with Orphan (But I really don't like this outfit too ^^) I choose the Variant cover who is just beautiful. |
9.5 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #16
Nov 9, 2017 |
Well I feared for the worst, and Lobdell make a good job for surprising me. I don't find the idea to use Harvest & Nowhere once more very good. But I will follow the next issue with interest. Cover : A fun Cover well connected to the reading 2/2 Writing : 2.5/3... I really don't like Harvest ^^ Arts : Love Soy, he do a good job. 3/3 Feelings : Good Job Lobdell 2/2 9.5/10 |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #17
Dec 14, 2017 |
I was ready to didn't like it. The presence of the suicide squad or harvest alone was bad news. And Lobdell surprised me doing one of his best story so far. For one he use with cleverness the cast he have in hand. He also use a new52 story without been to heavy about it. I feared a confrontation with harvest, but when they find it that make it impossible. And I see the writer mourning his story & character but in the good way to overcome it. He even (At my surprise) make a time in Killer Croc & Red hood part to talk about Roy situation. For now he presented Jason as without emotion that made the fact he didn't miss Kory or Roy logic. Their we see that's not that simple & that Lobdell miss them too. But Roy is in the titans now even if it's not "healthy for him" ^^ The end show that Jason didn't like change ... And it seem he would have to face another with Bizarro. I really hope Wealler will never have her hand of the three of them. Cover - A beautifull variant with Artemis & Harley. Shame it's not related more to this story. 1/2 Writing - A good reading really 3/3 Arts - I like dexter soy art ... But for this much of inking he isn't deodato 2/2 Feeling - I wonder what will Lobdell will do of this team next. I hope for more action than that we have seen for the moment. Because if not this ongoing will not stay in our memory. Shame because the character as more & more interesting. 1/2 |
7.5 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #18
Jan 11, 2018 |
Ok I'm very surprise that the H.I.V.E plot was ending this quickly, but Why not. I don't like the Creeper, so I didn't like him interacting with Artemis. All the part about Bizarro in a other hand is very interesting. I didn't care for Ma Gun through and even at the end I didn't. Cover - I feel the cover lie a little. 1.5/2 Writing - Like I tell each issue, their need a little more than that. 2.5/3 Arts - I liked the art. That wasn't a perfect one, but a very good one. 2.5/3 Feeling - I keep a trust in Lobdell, but we need more than nice story but forgettable. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #19
Feb 15, 2018 |
Ok I do the same face than Bizarro. I was waiting for that crossing in second gear for some time now. But this one is another issue tasting as a transitional one. And from the beginning we have a lot of those now. Shame because their is a lot of potential. Cover - Love it even if not really what i read. but close. 1.5/2 Writing - Ok we have interesting part about bizarro (But that feel like a repetition), and his teammate are award off his trouble. I Didn't like the turn that take, but understand them easily. Poor Jason ... 1.5/3 Arts - At least Takara is just wonderfull. Never see Artemis that beautiful ! 3/3 Feelings - I dont know for how long I will stay on this ongoing. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #20
Mar 15, 2018 |
Ok, it's not a bad issue. Some part are really interesting, but Lobdell didn't succeed to improve his writing. I'm a little tired about all the "Do we kill or not our best friend Bizarro ?" .... I hopped for something else, but that never come. I'not sure to take the May issue. Cover - The variant. Like it & surprisingly related ^^ 2/2 Writing - It's ok ... But I feel like this team could have been more. 2/3 Arts - I really Like Dexter Soy arts. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed as always since the too long first arc. But I realize that if I give more than 0/2 I would be under my Vampironica Review & this title is less good. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #21
Apr 12, 2018 |
My last issue. I support Lobdell until now. But the title have trouble offering more and I believe this Trinity can do more. Again a transitional issue in this run, and even if Lobdell seem to have some idea, that didn't enough to make me stay. I will regret Dexter Soy Artemis, through ! A lesser good run I check & stay until the 36 for Red Hood & the outlaws volume 1. Cover - I take the beautiful variant, but not related to the story. 1/2 Writing - It's nice as always, but not good or really good. 2/3 Arts - Love Soy art ! 3/3 Feeling - 1/2 It's a goodbye see you for Red Hood & the outlaw volume 3. |
9.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26
Sep 13, 2018 |
Jason take a new leaf & I wanted to see what this was. I'm not found of darker story but Lobdell make a impressive work on this story. I waited for the title to take the next level & that it. Sadly he have to ditch Bizarro & Artemis. I hope this isn't just a illusion. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - Very nicely done. No need of a super-vilain, this gang made a good foes for Jason. 3/3 Arts - Not perfect, we already see a lot of Words' limit. The fighting seem phony, but sometime he surprise me. 2/3 Feeling - Will take next issue to see if it's just a impression or if Lobdell have finally found the right path for the red hood. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27
Oct 12, 2018 |
What a joke. The previous one was so good, that make me more disappointed. The right stuff is Bruce going to telling Jason what happen to Roy. But Bruce is without is sweet. So why Jason think right away of a fight. Does Bruce even care someone will see him in there ? Yeah It's a nice talk but not really what I expect of Jason. Is best friend is murdered & he accept to been on the bench ? Ok I understand is way of accepting Roy death... In his point of view it's a Step. Like Bruce, Damian, him & many more he will come back from that hopefully. But I don't want a writer telling "He it's alright he is going to pop up again at one point". I want emotive moment about the lost. Like when Widow go to the bugle writing some wrong about bucky. I want them to make us believe he can't stay dead and that's sad. In fact I'm mad that in comics Dead can stay dead long anymore. Some come back too quickly, the next death is even't not strong because we tell ourself "It's all right he will be back quickly". Damn writer & fan fuck up the comics in supporting that. Cover - I chose the variant. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - It was not good. 1.5/2 Arts - The layout & panels was good. A little just maybe. 2/3 Feeling - I will not take the next issue. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #1
Aug 31, 2017 |
I was pretty disappointed. The story was a little foggy. I like the interaction between Bizarro & Angelique, Dick & Artemis, Jason & Dick. But I don't like the bad guy. The cover is not great too. I would have preferred seen the four of them in circus costumes. |
7.3 |
Red Sonja (2017) | 4 issues |
6.5 |
Red Sonja (2017) #8
Aug 25, 2017 |
I'm in love with this cover. The story was not bad, but seem to lack of some spirit. Too bad because I really like Sonja in the present. And the part in the prison was fun. Not fond of the part about Max, for me he still to many Redhead's page. |
6.5 |
Red Sonja (2017) #9
Sep 28, 2017 |
One part about Red Sonja trying to find the meathlab. I don't like it. One part about Max crossing with a Troll. That was fun. One part about Kulan Gath coming back form the dead ... My good, why ? And one part about a mysterious man. And I forgot the Feed ... Because they have there story too. But was too late each time ^^ Red sonja become a little confusing & bowering. I'm sorry that with this kind of character in the present. But fortunately the Gomez art is fun & good. I trust without him, I would already have stop this ongoing. I will with December Issue & Red Sonja back in her time. That's make me sad to think of all the story not told in the present. |
6.0 |
Red Sonja (2017) #10
Nov 2, 2017 |
Cover - I take the Variant. 1/2 Writing - A better issue that the previous story. 3/3 Arts - Gomez arts is wonderfull 3/3 Feelings - Too late I will not follow when Sonja will come back to his time 1/2 |
10 |
Red Sonja (2017) #11
Dec 8, 2017 |
I was already a little away when I started this book. In reading the Previews sollicitation I know that Sonja will be coming back to her era and that didn't interest me a lot. This issue is good, maybe a little slow but good for making this transition. But the most surprising is the end of this book. I have to tell that I was very surprised. But this ongoing was just a little good, not good enough for me staying. Cover - I take a variant (The C I believe). She's nice. 1/2 Writing - Well that was very surprising 2/3 Arts - I love Gomez. He make each panel a pleasure. 3/3 Sentiments - I will not keep it, but I have to tell, I'm a little curious of the following. 1/2 7/10 |
6.5 |
Red Sonja (2023) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Red Sonja (2023) #1
Jul 22, 2023 |
The art have some good point (Huge background can be magnificent) and more problematics one (Sometime the characters' body can have mistake, and many panel have no background at all to gain time). The story have 3 lead. 1) A priest who sacrifies a baby born just after the king death. Just because he feel his good leave them. And his soldiers his ok with that (Jerks). 2) Red Sonja who flee after been accused of murder. For someone who will kill a man in this books, I find funny that she's choke about been suspected (After all she was found with the body in her arms and Flee ... I miss issue 0) 3) Red Sonja is also spied on by a mysterious force ... Not one who seem to like her as he send the soldiers agains her, and with the end where suddenly all the man in the tavern seem to have a grudge against her. I will also talk of the Naughty Bishop that RS go to see. She ask him to send a later to tell she was innocent. Well too many things without any right lead. The choice RS did was weird for me. As if the writer didn't know what to do at this point (I doubt a letter will be enough. It was like a choice a newly role-player would do, as going to the tavern next. |
5.0 |
Red Sonja/Tarzan | 2 issues |
6.0 |
Red Sonja/Tarzan #1
May 3, 2018 |
I didn't like the bad guys. But A bad guys isn't her to be liked. But he's so much discomforting that I had trouble going through the story. I have a hard time to see Tarzan & Red Sonja in the same time. I loved the look of Sonja at the end. I have a hard time to trust that was really her. Cover - I take Jae Lee variant ... Just beautiful, but not really link to the story 1.5/2 Writing - Something buzzing me all along. At the end I was happy to close it. 2/3 Arts - The art was really good. 2.5/3 Feeling - Trouble is that I didn't enjoy it. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Red Sonja/Tarzan #2
Jun 7, 2018 |
I didn't like it at all ... And why taken Wells & is time-machine in this sh... ! Cover - The Davila's variant, very nice & in a way related ! 2/2 Writing - I didn't like it at all. 0/3 Arts - The art do the job but not much more. 2/3 Feeling - I din't like it at all 0/2 |
8.8 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) | 3 issues |
9.5 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #1
Jan 5, 2018 |
I didn't plan to take it. But I was curious. And that was a very pleasant reading. I liked the narrative point of view. I liked almost every part of what I read. I'm surprised to see the Baron Von Stucker that early on the story. And I'm not fund of the change for claw origin story. If that was to be more close to the movie that didn't even work. But I'm ready to forgive them and try to following it. Cover - A really beautiful one, and well in realation with what I read. 2/2 Writing - I liked it a lot, and I was not sure to like it at all before taking it. 2.5/3 Arts - Wonderfull I was like I inside with them 3/3 Feelings - A good surprise. I will take the following. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #2
Feb 8, 2018 |
Ok that was nice, then I find it bowering and thank to Namor that was good again. But not as much as the first issue. That's even weird to see Namor & Black Panther already fighting each other. When we remember Namor destroying Wakanda. Cover - Nice cover & who give some taste of what I have read inside. 2/2 Writting - I wonder it the team have many thing to tell for keep going with other issue. 2/3 Arts - At least the art is strong 3/3 Feeling - I doubt to take the next issue. 0/2 |
10 |
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #3
Mar 8, 2018 |
I was very disappointed by issue 2. That much that I was ready to didn't take this third issue. That would have be so dumb. I'm so happy to have listen to my inner voice. This isn't a good story. It's a F... great story. Festival, we have the REAL NICK FURY (THANK YOU for that). We have interesting & intelligent retcon of the wakanda history in the marvel Univers. With good question. The only part that did bother me was Winter Soldier involvement (And it's important to highlighting the fact Bucky didn't Talk, but that Tchalla assign him is code name right). I would loved that the Writing pool have name the flight a Quinjet already. I think they miss something there. It's a very thick (In the good way) story. Thank you for that. Cover - As every time, I loved it & it's link to the story 2/2 Writing - That was well written, Nice & Smart. I like written who know that we can understand & overcome smart story. 3/3 Arts - Man I like the arts. Maybe too much panel but without that the story would have been cut, and that would be bad. 3/3 Feeling - If you didn't take it already wait for the TPB. 2/2 |
3.0 |
Rogue & Gambit (2018) | 1 issues |
3.0 |
Rogue & Gambit (2018) #1
Jan 18, 2018 |
I take it because I read a good review about it. But I didn't know what I have in mind. That all I despite about this couple. Seriously why rogue is attracted to this jerk. A try really too hard to sleep with her. If I was in the mansion & they have HR department I call them right away. And Kitty force Rogue to a couple mission with him. That's sick me. In a time with affair like the Westein one, I sense this like a abuse of rogue. Seriously she as to be under some Stockholm syndrome to fall for this creep. Do she forgotten he was a Marauder & betray her & the X-men ? Nice exemple for young man ... Oh try harder to seducing her because in fact she is under your spell but say now because she have to even she want only something ... That's not charming at all. It's creepy, perverted & totally shift ! Cover - I don't like it, rogue is poorly draw & this as not link to what I read inside 0/2 Writing - I like the mystery about what happen on the island, and the battle with the sentinel (But not Gambit meddling) 1/3 Arts - Not good but not bad. That do the job. 2/3 Feeling - I will not hurting myself like that again. 0/2 |
8.0 |
Ruinworld | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Ruinworld #1
Jul 12, 2018 |
When I see him in the preview, I wanted to try it and didn't expect much, I fear a junior book, but the role-player in me had to try it. So we jump in the story with Rex complaining about the fact he's always the one taking risk. It is a fun way to begin with. Then Pogo is forced to go in alone & after some stairs find himself in front of a treasure. I understand he take this opportunity & that he screw big time. But I find the monster too easily beat down. And I find the rest of the story a little off. I would have loved both of them let behind by the monster & recruiting other to face the monster. But the writer made another choice, not a bad one. I was a little sad for Barri. But I wasn't hook. Cover - The variant. No title. Fun. Not in link as the regular one is, but I find it in link nevertheless. 2/2 Writing - The starting point is good & funny. I like Pogo asking for advice with Rex trying to laying down. I like the poor Barry story. But there is something messing & for me the Writer made a promise he break. 2/3 Arts - Very nice & fun. I like the layout. Not too much of panel without background. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. Not completely hook about it. Will do wonder for kids reader I think. 1/2 |
2.0 |
Runaways (2017) | 1 issues |
2.0 |
Runaways (2017) #1
Sep 14, 2017 |
Totally empty & bowering ! The art isn't great too. Damn ! |
9.5 |
Section Zero (2019) | 1 issues |
9.5 |
Section Zero (2019) #1
Apr 9, 2019 |
I was a fan of the first attempt of the writer as a Gorilla Comics issue. I'm so happy that Image edit it again. So not much change between both issue 1 (Yeah I still have the old ones. The panel are still the same but still really strong work. The only change is the colloring part. But both are god. What happen don't change too. So this is pretty much the same comics. But the position of the Buble changes. And I seen one who was lighten. I look forward to re-read the second et third issue especially that I have progress in my understanding of english. And I look even more curious to brought issue after the third one, to see where all this going one. Cover - Three version but I take the one close to the original (Witout the "section zero don't exist") 1.5/2 Arts - Love it. The male character make me think of Dane Whiteman a lot. But that was why I wanted this title at the time. 3/3 Writing - I love the introducing part. Really cool. Feeling - I love it and I hope for those who didn't know it, you will make a try. And for those who already know it, that you will support this book. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Sentry (2018) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Sentry (2018) #1
Jun 28, 2018 |
For sure I didn't expected this. It was not bad, nor it was good.It was very weird. But in a way I wasn't interested about the other world. I was very surprised to see Misty here ! I didn't enjoy see her playing good cop bad cop with Sentry. In truth I'm not sure about what I just read there. Cover - 1/2 nice & related Writing - It's not because I didn't enjoy it, that I didn't recognize the work behind it. 2/3 Arts - There too, I'm not a fan but the layout have some great panel 2/3 Feeling - Not for me. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Shadow Roads | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Shadow Roads #1
Jun 28, 2018 |
I didn't like it. Too dark for my taste. Cover - The variant Nice & Related 2/2 Writing - I can tell, the story didn't interest me at first & then turn too dark. 1.5/3 Arts - The art isn't bad and put a little fun in all this. But I know French-Belgian Comics better than this. 2/3 Feeling - Disappointed. I'm out. 0/2 |
9.0 |
Shadowman (2018) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Shadowman (2018) #1
Mar 29, 2018 |
A very good job for a first issue about a character I didn't know off. But their is too detail I miss to enjoy it like I would have. And this once more about a dark hero & a very dark story. And that's not what I wait of a heroes story. Cover - I choose cover B. 2/2 Story - Nicely done 3/3 Arts - Very Strong 3/3 Feeling - Mixed, and I think I will not take it further. 1/2 Hey I know give a 9/10 & didn't want to follow it may look like a very dumb. But I just have to point out the fact this is a great work, but not for me. It's happen. |
7.7 |
Shazam! (2018) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Shazam! (2018) #1
Dec 7, 2018 |
It seems to follow the New52 reboot, but I think they attempt to rewrite once more Black Adam (Even if we don't see him) Billy this time seems less rebellious and I like him better than in the previous story. But I can't suffer Freddy. The story isn't very good on the first part but turn very interesting really quickly. It's a pleasure to read once more Mr Johns & it's clear he did this with with pleasure too. Even the second story on Mary interested me. Even if I'm not sure it was good to make her runaway. Ok that turn right for her, but It could have been worse. If you are a beaten kid call the autorités or a association or a parental figure (A teacher) ... Don't go on the street alone that can be dangerous. Cover - I choose the variant. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I really love all about the eternity rock and I wonder who's behind Billy's father identity. 3/3 Arts - Eaglesham is as enjoyable than Gary Frank. And I liked Naito who remend me a little of the mangaka Golo Zhao. 3/3 Feeling - I see more light in this comics than much of the DCU for now. And I really hoped with Rebirth that they understand we want some hope, legacy and light but only Johns seem to care about that ! 2/2 |
8.0 |
Shazam! (2018) #2
Jan 25, 2019 |
I didn't like it. I was too weird. Like if the darkness is there but we don't see him. Well with Sivana we see that quite right. I was with Mary on many choices. Cover - Not related but very good. 2/2 Writing - I liked the part with the book, I want to see more of it. I find interesting the feel for the adoptive parent to host someone who tell he is Billy father. I would have prefered go one on that. 2/3 Arts - Damn the art was awesome. 3/3 Feeling - Disappointed, Mixed. I don't know. It wasn't what I expect. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Shazam! (2018) #3
Mar 2, 2019 |
Were is Shazam. I tired of this nonsens with the kid. And I didn't feel I could trust King Kid, I was with Mary on that. Funworld was a little creepy. Something was off all along and that make me ill at ease. Cover - The variant. Not that great and non related. 0.5/2 Writing - I feel like I have the knowledge of what will happen all along. 2.5 Arts - Well the strength of this comics. Each panel have so much details. 3/3 Feeling - i will stop because it's not what I looked for. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) | 3 issues |
6.0 |
Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) #0
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - If I was in position to choose, I will have choose another cover. But my comic shop can only have this one. So this will do. 1/2 Writing - Ok the story is not very strong, or very original. But I find it good. I love the secret temple with all the trap. I like the conundrum that will push her to go in the forbidden temple to retrieve the drone. And I find it cunning to make sheena pushing us to make falls assumption. That make a fun and surprising cliffhanger. 2/3 Arts - Well that's not bad, but the outfit change too many time. And at the beginning I mistaken the drone for a Ufo. So I was very surprised that the arrow hurt it. Then I see the Arrow's size and understand that was a drone. 2/3 Sentiment - Fun but a little light. But the price make that pass for now. I hope the next one will have more in hand or I will stop this ongoing very shortly 1/2 |
5.0 |
Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) #1
Sep 14, 2017 |
This one disappointed me. The start was too long & repetitive. The part with the "not bad" people threatening Sheena Village wasn't good at all. I they lost me there. The art is surprisingly better than in the 0 for me but, not that good for saving this title in my pulling list. |
4.0 |
Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) #2
Oct 12, 2017 |
Ok this will be the last one for me. That's just bowering. The only good stuff is to see Shana using some mind power this animal. But that come way too late. The art is not bad, but not that good. I don't like the variant I choose. I would have stick with the regular one or the one against the gorilla. |
6.5 |
Shuri (2018) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
Shuri (2018) #1
Oct 19, 2018 |
I didn't attend to take it. When I see the sneak peek, I was a little harsh with the layout & arts. But I wanted to give it a try. This wasn't bad for me that have not much knowledge of the previous version of Shuri. I see all what they take to the one of the movie. It wasn't bad, even if this one don't give much (No action at all). There was even some poetic moments & I like the humor. But I wanted a little more than that. Cover - The skotty young one. Fun & related 1.5/2 Writing - Maybe too canny. 1.5/3 Arts - Not what I like. But I think he do a great job on his layout & panel with many background. I like the way flashback are more simple with only one color. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. I will take the second issue to make my mind. 1/2 |
4.0 |
Sideways | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Sideways #1
Feb 15, 2018 |
That was ok. Not great but some part are very nice (Not the one were Sideway appear in the bathroom of a girl friend (Not girlfriend). Nor the end with the stupide (But I think realistic) idea to film himself for social networks ... Or the bad guy. Yeah that didn't save a lot. Cover - Not really great or really giving something off the story. 0/2 Writing - They succeed to tie it on metal & giving some flashback without spoiling Metal. Nice Work. 2/3 Arts - I love Rocafort but a lot of his character seem depressed or really tired ^^ 2/3 Feelings - I will not try it further. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Silver Sable and The Wild Pack (2017) | 1 issues |
7.0 |
Silver Sable and The Wild Pack (2017) #36
Nov 23, 2017 |
What's Symkarian ? Wasn't that related to conan ? Well that's said, I find it good. Not great, but good. Festival I find it to quick at the end. I think the writer can have made this one in two part, and that made a disappointing end. Shame because I really liked it until Silver Sable run to free the prisoners drawing. The Shark as a bit to more and very useless for my point of view. I would like to see more, a real chance to make a story properly. Cover - Very nice, I didn't find the lenticular though. But why the "And the wild pack". She's alone in there. 1/2 Writing - 2/3 Arts - Well their is some issue. The blooded leg at first with a costume perfect, then rip off. The woman of the sisterhood who will take the hostage for elimination sometime very fine, sometime too muscular. But a nice try. 2/3 Feelings - I will put some money for trying this character more. So Marvel, take the risk on this one. 2/2 |
9.2 |
Skyward (2018) | 10 issues |
9.0 |
Skyward (2018) #1
Apr 19, 2018 |
Ok I like the spirit for Willa. I would like to see more to make my mind about this one. Cover - 2/2 Nice & related. Story - I like what I read. 3/3 Arts - I find Willa or her mother very beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - I just have a issue about Image title capable to be interesting in month to month reading. So I will wait for the TPB. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Skyward (2018) #2
May 24, 2018 |
I loved issue 1 and I planned to take the TPB. But issue 1 was that good that splurge. So here I am with this fantastic happy book at reviewing. And in a way it was very fantastic. But in another there some darker path that I'm not fund off. I hope this will be resolve with the same smile than when the bouncer bouncing in the sky. Cover - Very beautiful & a little related because the story is all around Willa. 1.5/2 Writing - What a very nice way to make a story, shame the end is too much dark for me. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the art, so sweet, really in harmony with the story. 3/3 Feeling - I like it for now. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Skyward (2018) #3
Jun 22, 2018 |
I was really worried that this ongoing turn darker. And even if Willa take a beating henderson & Garbett succeed to stay fun. I'm a little surprised she stay sharp after the beating she had. I understand she was up thank to the 0 gravity part, but I wasn't ready to see her counter-attack. I really loved all the runaway part in the laundry trolley. And It was suit to had a little something about emerson secret too. I love the art. Still a really enjoyable flying experiment. Cover - A little disappointed by this one. Not my favorite. And not related. 0/2 Writing - Damn I love this ongoing. It's smart & fun and lightweight at the same time. But with a sens of gravity too (Yeah I do pun, now !) 3/3 Arts - I would love to have a small part of his tallent. 3/3 Feeling - I will be their for the next one. Be sure of that ! 2/2 |
9.0 |
Skyward (2018) #4
Jul 19, 2018 |
This was a great reading. I feared that this will turn very darker, but even with one kidnapping this was a beautiful luminous story. Cover - Very beautiful even if not related. 1/2 Writing - This was a interesting smart read. I love this story. 3/3 Arts - Perfect, even if sometime there is no background. 3/3 Feeling - I love this ongoing. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Skyward (2018) #5
Aug 16, 2018 |
I really like this univers. So much more to discover with the brave Willa. Sure their is many question like "How do they succeed to send the water cloud in the write area?" "How suddenly the cloud become water ?". And I'm really piss about the ending. But that was well made. I will be there next month even with this ending ! Cover - Perfect. Nice & related 2/2 Writing - Even if I'm cross with the ending, it was a really brillant story. I wonder what he will discover next. 3/3 Arts - Love the art. But this time I find some Layout hard to understand. 2.5/3 Felling - A wonderfull outgoing. 2/2 |
10 |
Skyward (2018) #6
Sep 20, 2018 |
What a story. A new amazing issue. A very nice & construct univers that we discover a little more. I'm even't not sorry for the journalist ^^ I want to read the following issue right now ... Damn ! Once more I would be crazy about this univers in a RPG (Paper & Dice) game ! Cover - 2/2 The danger is right there. Love It. Writing - Smart, effective, well played. 3/3 Arts - Love it, so beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - If you don't read this. You really have too. 2/2 |
10 |
Skyward (2018) #7
Oct 19, 2018 |
What a intelligent & beautiful book. Nothing his easy on skyward. We see Willa try to survive by her own before spending all resource she had. And then the mysterious farmers came one. And they seems nice but two things suggest they aren't. I also like how Emerson try to help but was shut off by the other passengers, then how they are ready to spend him (Humans ! Right ?) Henderson & Gabett add new insects to the bestiary : Giants Butterfly & Mosquito. Love that. Once again I would kill to play a RPG in this univers. Cover - Beautiful & related. Well done. 2/2 Writing - Seriously I love reading it. 3/3 Arts - And the layout & panel are beautiful. What do you want from more ? 3/3 Feeling - Just perfection. I forward to read ya next week 2/2 |
9.5 |
Skyward (2018) #8
Nov 16, 2018 |
I hope that despite the sells Image will stick a little longer with this title. It was another fantastic reading. You thanked you know what will happen, they will show you how you are wrong. Festival we learn rapidly that the human eat bugs without knowing it. This is smart because that explain a lot of thing that could have been problematic without this. And This is smart to see how human can be resourceful and without mercy. I feel for Emerson when Willa and him argue. I understand both character, but I'm a little sad for Emerson. In the same time, I didn't approve that he sneak on Willa paper. And this seen as another not very surprising effect make willa more close to the farmer leader. And I was so sure to what will happen next. But I cannot anticipe this fantastic cliffhanger. Cover - Not really related, even wit Barrow agriculture and the farm in the background. But really beautiful. 1.5/2 Writing - Intelligent and very interesting. I don't want to see this finish too soon. I really like this univers. 3/3 Arts - Damn each panel & layout are such a pleasure to read. They succeed passing emotional state. 3/3 Feeling - I don't even know why you didn't try it already. It's just a perfect story. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Skyward (2018) #9
Dec 12, 2018 |
A surprising issue ... I'm rattle. It's interesting and always a wonderful word to discover. I was so sure of some things that it was so surprising to read a comics going in a different direction. Cover - Love the cover but not related. 1/2 Writing - It's a very good book, because he take you at reverse. 3/3 Arts - So wonderfull. A discovery for me. I will follow Lee Garbett after the end of Skyward. 3/3 Feeling - Strangely Mixed but good 1.5/2 |
10 |
Skyward (2018) #10
Feb 1, 2019 |
I love this issue. The story is very good. With many thing in little space. It's give well the urge feeling. I really like this univers and not ready to let it go. Cover - In link and nice 2/2 Writing - Each characters is well written. There is some fun part in a story who could have seems so much darker in another hand. 3/3 Arts - Each panel & layout serve the story. I really love each page of this issue. 3/3 Feeling - I will regret this ongoing. But its beast to stop at the peak than to late. 2/2 |
8.0 |
Sleepless (2017) | 1 issues |
8.0 |
Sleepless (2017) #1
Dec 8, 2017 |
Ok this one wasn't on my list. I just take it to have enough to pay on credit card for another comics I didn't have in my list and take in another shop than the regular one. Well I find it poetic. Maybe a little slow, but with nice idea. The probleme's that once I see thatis oncle take the place of the king, I think she will be in danger (Or that he will want married her). I also don't understand what happen after Cyrenic push her. Does she's wounded ? I trust he was like a Undead caracter, and will make her a undead too. So I have to know more about how Sleepless works. That's a good thing, that I can do that only if I brought the next issues. Cover : Nice, that 50% Why I take it without any knowledge about it (Yep I didn't read the vaughn name on the cover, same on me) 2/2 Writing - Well I want a little more originality. 2/3 Arts - Very good, she sell me this new univers right away. 3/3 Feelings - Have to read more to make my stand ! 1/2 |
6.5 |
Spider-Force | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Spider-Force #1
Nov 3, 2018 |
At first I didn't want to read this, but a french review change my mind. So I let a chance to this issue. It wasn't bad. There is even many interesting part. I have many question (Why Ashley call Kid Spider grandpa or why caine choose Jessica where all the rest want to bench her ? Who is the white Scarlet), but I expect other issue to answer. I'm not a big fan of the fact that Caine strand all of them on this earth, but his choice is logic. Cover - I don't like it a lot. It's the heroes yes, but that didn't give me anything on what I read inside. 0.5/2 Writing - It was interested and well written. I'm not a fan of the construction of the story, but that was not as bad than it could have been 3/3 Arts - are really solid, I enjoyed reading the layout. He succeed in take me on multiple travel. 3/3 Feeling - I will read the next Issue. So it's a huge win. 2/2 |
4.5 |
Spider-Force #2
Nov 24, 2018 |
This second story make no much sense. How Verna survive the explosion and appear on a satellite. Why the new Spider-man of the radioactive world think the spider team are foes ? It's sad because the first part or the origin of this new spider or his power are good. Cover - Not really related or good. 1/2 Writing - Their is not much thing I like in this issue. 1/3 Arts - Sad because the layout and panel make the job even if I'm not fan of some of them. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's a pass, and Spider-geddon 4 already spoil the end. 0/2 |
6.9 |
Spider-Geddon | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Spider-Geddon #1
Oct 12, 2018 |
I didn't read Spider-Verse yet. I followed Web Warriors on the other hand. I find this issue logical, simple, effective & clear. Ho and very sad too. I like when miles explain why petter is left behind of this, or when Gwen do the same for Jessica. I missed the Indian Spider-Man & May (Spider-Woman ... But I count to follow Spider Girls !). So otto is good or try to be but stay in Hydra outfit. It's hard to trust, so I understand Spider-Britain. I like octavia so it's a pleasure to see her. But I don't understand why the Inheritor clone didn't kill right away all the team. It's not like they don't have the occasion. I'm sad for both dead (Maybe too quick) Cover - I take the punk Spider rocker version. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - For a first issue, that's a good start. I want to follow it ! 2.5/3 Arts - Molina have a style close to Baldeon I like that. It's fun & energetic. But I don't like the bad guys look ! 2.5/3 Feeling - I didn't planted to take it, and now I'm hocked. Nicely done ! 2/2 |
7.0 |
Spider-Geddon #2
Oct 26, 2018 |
If issue 1 was logical & good, I have more doubt about this issue. Why because the heroes retreat letting only Gwen deal with the Inheritor (Ok just one fight her, but that could have been lethal). I don't like otto option & I would loved to see Octavia have a different opinion. This issue isn't bad but like fore Spider-verse the moment where the heroes have to back down just because, and where their enemy not push their avantage is obvious. Too obvious. Cover - I really not like it, but didn't find another at the same price. This is well made & a little in link. 1/2 Writting - I wonder how Peter will be let outside now that Morbius attacked him. I don't understand how the inheritor can be cloned. I believe it's when they die only (But they don't die, they are just prisoner in the apocalyptic word & shelter where Silk find Ben). 2/3 Arts - Very strong layout & panel with a minimal amount of no backward but just color behind the characters. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed but I will let a chance to convince me to issue 3. 1/2 |
4.0 |
Spider-Geddon #3
Nov 9, 2018 |
I feared worse. I feared a fight between the two team. But to be clair, it's not the brightest event I read. We have Miles in one hand growing his rank. With a Silk falling from nowhere (Kind of disrespectful for the fan of this character). In the other Otto did the same and add very screwed spiders (That will backfire to him). And with Ben/Scarlet Spider only thanks to Octavia (Damn that's hard to not be wanted like this ... And Octavius surely didn't screw anything like Ben in his past ... Nooooo !) Miles (Naive) ask otto for help. Otto didn't (Even't if in the end he did because that's part of his plan ... Bwahahaha !) And we have the two team retreating together ... Yeah ... But oh no Spider-Osborn want to screw the 616 univers (Like this will happen). Cover - Don't like it, don't like the idea of this. But at least it's not in link. 0/2 Writing - I think we lose another writer there. And a good one normally. I have seen Gage giving life to characters wonderfully. He's sometime kind of a Marvel Bible. But not there. 1/3 Arts - I like Barbery & Nauck. It's the only good in this stuff, thanks to both to try. 3/3 Feeling - Oh my good. I will forget reading this. 0/2 |
8.5 |
Spider-Geddon #4
Nov 24, 2018 |
I find this issu better than the previous ones. Ok the fact that Jessica fall right in the inheritor hand is really dumb. I think they was already very powerfull without their father. I like the fact that Otto accept to recognize his mistake and fire the Norman Spider-man. I even like the fact he use the non longer protected web of reality to explose it. And what a end. I didn't see this coming. Cover - Nice & related. 2/2 Writing - Better, even if their is some easiness. I really like how they make each character true to what I read or play (For PS4 spider-man, Miles, or the Parker from renew your vows). 2/3 Arts - Damn that was good. 3/3 Feeling - A little better. 1.5/2 |
7.0 |
Spider-Geddon #5
Dec 21, 2018 |
A better ending than Spider-Verse or Infinity Wars for my part. Ok their is a lot of thing happening at the same time. But I really love Annie & May. The solution is not original but why not. I really liked the effort to keep the PS4 SM with Superior and giving them some ground to work on. I think the Japanese Spider Man should have died, and their is more surviver than I anticipated. Cover - I choose the variant with multiple spider with Spider-Woman. Not related. 1/2 Writing - Their is some easy parts and maybe it's not perfect. But they can been less shameful than with Infinity Wars. 2/3 Arts - The arts is super strong. Love it. 3/3 Feeling - Not that bad ! 1/2 |
8.0 |
Spider-Girls (2018) | 3 issues |
9.0 |
Spider-Girls (2018) #1
Oct 26, 2018 |
I wanted this encounter to happen, so I loved this issue. Festival thank to Houser to do such a good job with all the characters. And I love the add of the Vulure gang. I just want to see Normie too ^^ ... My heart was crush when MJ go crying and Annie comfort her. But also to see may have trouble with this family remembering her own in one way (And Houser didn't forget about her brother). It was very good damn. I laugh when May wonder why this earth wasn't find by the inheritor in Spider-verse "But Dummy this earth exist after Secret Wars. How wait you didn't know about that. Or that your earth and many other should have been destroyed ^^" Cover - In relation (Yeah i think that, deal with it), and good. 2/2 Writing - The kind of writing I waited for on Amazing Spider-Man Renew your Vows since the middle of the ongoing. That respect May, Arana & Annie. 3/3 Arts - Not perfect, but did a nice job with the heroes. It could have been better. 2/3 Feeling - Will will so love to read each issue of this. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Spider-Girls (2018) #2
Nov 30, 2018 |
There is still good thing. I really like to have Annie with Mayday. But I didn't a fan of the inheritor twins (How they can be here will make my head hurt to try to see where this story is told). I think houser should have stayed with the Vulture gangs. Cover - Nice and in a way related. 1.5/2 Writing - I like how she write annie, may or normie. But the thing's with the spiders is a dumb idea even if that follow the end of Renew your Vows. 2/3 Arts - The art is not perfect but I see some softness and nice moment. I love how the girls are draw in action. 2.5/3 Feeling - Disappointed a little. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Spider-Girls (2018) #3
Dec 12, 2018 |
After a disappointing second issue this one is much better. Not perfect but It give what a want. More interaction with feeling between Annie & May. I hope for more because both deserve it. Cover - Nice cover but not related. 1/2 Writing - It's a little easy. Sad we don't see at all the vulture gang anymore. 3/3 Arts - Love it, poetic like if each character is designed differently. When whe have both annie & May in the same panel it's blatant. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed. 1/2 |
4.0 |
Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #1
Oct 26, 2018 |
The first part on Gwen earth was interesting & I wanted more of this. Mostly thank to her diner with Harry. It was a nice scene. Then enter Spider-Pig & the Inheritor danger. Less fun, and less nicely done. Maybe too fast. And then the boring ... I'm stranded in a world I don't know anything about. Not what I wanted to read, even if Gwen encountering Peter was nice ... Don't tell me the goblin was MJ, please ! Cover - I not like it, but that was the only one I found at this price. Not bad, but not related. 1/2 Writting - Bumpy, like if Mcguire didn't know what to do with this character. Shame because the start was so good. 1.5/3 Arts - The layout & panel have some good moment but much more of bad moments. And there is too much panel without background. 1.5/3 Feeling - I'm sure this wasn't for me. And I will not take the next issue. 0/2 |
6.9 |
Spider-Man (2016) | 4 issues |
7.0 |
Spider-Man (2016) #234
Nov 18, 2017 |
I find a lenticular so I take it. Not a bad issue. Well a good sinister six one I have to credit Bendis for it. I'm less interested about the drama around Miles, Godball & Laura. But that kind of have the spirit of the original Miles run. Cover : I live the lenticular ... 2/2 Story : 2/3 ... A good one. Arts : The art isn't the strong part of the book. Too much blank background. Too much trying to be Pichelli or Marquez, but clearly aren't. 2/3 Feelings : That may be a good time to jump in. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Spider-Man (2016) #235
Dec 8, 2017 |
Well that was more enjoyable than I feared. This's a Bendis book, so that much of talking didn't disturbing me anymore. Even it's a pretty much too much ^^ I'm very teased by the cliffanger. Well done. the only flaws is the cover, one book too early. Their is also the sandman case ... One moment in, one moment out, but not entirely out. I perfectly Bombshell one that point ^^ But I like the fact he can travel like he's shown in this book. I didn't like the other foes, the one who look like Rhino. And the Rhino flashback was when ? He look like the 616 Rhino but like I didn't read much this ongoing, I would love to have some information. Cover : Nice but, not what I read inside, even if that lead it too it. 1/2 Writing : Nice Bendis work, with all his flaws, but for once for the better. 3/3 Arts : That's ok ... I would love a better art. 2/3 Feelings : Seems like I will be there next issue. Good Work. 2/2 |
7.5 |
Spider-Man (2016) #236
Jan 5, 2018 |
A nice Spider man story. Not really surprising but nicely done. But I didn't like the end. And so Miles have Julia Carpenter Psychic Web now ? The part with the girl Electo and Sandman was great. I even laugh with the mini groot of sand ^^ Cover - Not really what I read inside 1/2 Writing - Bendis do the job. A very good Miles story, that a long time I didn't have one. 2.5/ Arts - I liked the arts. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will take the next one with pleasure. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Spider-Man (2016) #237
Feb 8, 2018 |
Ok a weird issue with only talking. To many talking. Cover - Nice but a lie. 1/2 Writing - Really when I find bendis interesting he do that. And I think he laugh of trolling us. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is good. At least their is some action (Not many) with red hulk. 2.5/3 Feeling - Disappointed by all the talking, and I will even not talking of the cliffhanger. 0/2 |
9.1 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) | 5 issues |
8.0 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) #1
Oct 6, 2017 |
Well ... That was something. I'm not fond of Johnny Blaze. I encounter Hellstrom maybe once or twice. The last time I see Blaze was in Ewing's Mighty Avengers. And I never cross path with Satana for now (Including this issue, She is only on the cover and with a one illustration for a synthetise origine). I was very worried about the Bad Guy (Well Woman) after I see the cover for Issue 3. but, for once she's is not the one in charge, and I liked what I read. Baldeon do a good issue. Not great, but good. I think he's more comfortable with heroes than Demons but he make some very good panel. He demonstrated the power of Ghost Rider in 3 panel... Great work, for that. I think this one can be a very pleasant & surprising short story. |
9.0 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) #2
Nov 9, 2017 |
I like it. Yes, really ! It's fun, not too dark neither are too complex. That does a good job and with Razen & Necrodamus as opposition(I find them very ridiculous), it's a marvelous job too do a good story. each time Ghost Rider act, I'm like "Wooooo" and I don't like Johnny Blaze. I want to see more of Blade, and I liked how Satanna enter the story ^^ Cover - Nice one 2/2 Writing - 3/3 Arts - I like every character except Razen & Necrodamus. 2/3 Feelings - For now I love it, and will take Issue 3 (That I didn't Solicited the fault to Razen in the cover ... A awful one) 2/2 9/10 |
10 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) #3
Dec 8, 2017 |
This issue was a very good one. And Frankly I wish more & more that this will turn as a ongoing. Because that so good. The part about daimon, Blaze & the scared demon is too fun, and even if I didn't like Razor look, I have to tell she's smart & rule ! The part about Necrodamus is interesting for having more clew about the Juda's silver. And the Part with Satanna & Blaze is funny & good too. Man I love this team. Cover - I didn't like the regular with Razor. But luckily I find the variant with ghost rider. So I didn't care that didn't represent what I read inside 2/2 Writing - Very fun. For those who didn't try, wait for the TPB you will not regret it. 3/3 Arts - Baldeon is good (Well except Razor et Necrodamus), and his Ghost rider is each time more & more awesome each time & draw it. 3/3 Feelings - I want more 2/2 |
9.5 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) #4
Jan 18, 2018 |
A title who doesn't make some sound ... But is very good. In fact my best reeding of this week. The story is consistent, strong, funny and even if we may bet the heroes will win, he have some doubt. And this title could have been very dark. But they succeed to make it accessible for all ... I would have stayed if Marvel would have choose to make other issue. Cover - Stuck between demon & Angel ... Well not for now, but I find it a little related. 1.5/2 Writing - Gischler start to place the last piece for the final fight. It's a real pleasure to read. 3/3 Arts - I like how baldeon draw the character funny sometime, powerfull when they have to be. That make me want to try Domino. 3/3 Feeling - I came in the 1 thinking I will not like it. I'm still there disappointed that the next one will be the last. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Spirits of Vengeance (2017) #5
Feb 8, 2018 |
I liked the end. Maybe a little easy, but well played. I even look forward to see again Razan. Like always since the start of this story, the Ghost Rider rule. I liked all the implication for the human. And I will miss this team. If you find the tpb jump on it, this is a great story. Cover - 1.5/2. Nice and a little related to what I read. Writing - A great use of each characters, and a end very interesting. 3/3 Arts - I loved the art (Even if I still don't like Necrodamus & Razan Look) 2.5/3 Feeling - I didn't regret to take each issue. I will miss them. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Stranger Worlds
Sep 28, 2017 |
I love reading it. Ok that was little weird & easy to have the guardian in the Star Trek univers too. To much question, but for the sake of the story, I forgot this big problem. And the story was good. In one part we follow the enterprise (with Hal & Carol) in another (Guy, John & Killowog). We even follow SInestro & Atrocitus. I love what they made has a adventure even if the Carol/Mr Scott couple is very very strange. I love to see a star trek foes been as dreadful than Sinestro. The story make sense all the way (Well when we forgot to wonder to many question). The ending leave a door open to more DC new version of characters. I will wait for a next TPB ... For new I didn't see the start of a third series sadly. The art me be not the best. When the mysterious Star Trek Foes appear, I find he as the same look as Kirk. And at first I think it was a mirror version. But there is some great panel too. Maybe Hal take to more space for the other. We event don't see Salaak this time. |
8.5 |
Stargirl: The Lost Children | 2 issues |
9.0 |
Stargirl: The Lost Children #1
Nov 18, 2022 |
That my first floppy in two years after I had to separate myself from my collection. I can follow marvel title with their app but it's not the same. It's a good feeling to have a floppy in hand with a artist who put me on my first comics' title in English (Young Justice). - After a quick very luminous retcon golden age advenure of TNT and Dan where the curent Dan explain what was sidekick for him, we have Courtney grounded by her mother. Courtney don't take her Study. But with Emiko she will once more disobey. And Dan reach a mysterious island where he run aground and discover been younger. - Johns love the Golden Age and make them shine. It's not only works, it's pure love for the characters of this era. I only know about Dan and Air Wave. But he make them interesting. Yes their is not much in the investigation part, but that was well made. And we have Sins of Youth reference.There is also reference about Jakem Thunder and Cyclone who are for the moment no used. Personnaly I love Nauck. He have the pleasure to not only draw again the old justice, and trhow a "Young just us" title on the back on a Theater's display. And as Peter david/Taud Nauck reader knows, it was Impulse answer to the reporter who don't understand properly and give them the "Young Justice" name. Love it, it was a bliss, in a moment of my life with many issues. |
8.0 |
Stargirl: The Lost Children #3
Feb 22, 2023 |
I find it a little too long on the presentation. A full splash page would have suffise. The story was still interesting for both court part and Emiko part. I was looking for secret so the Garrick girl was a half surprise (I did have spoiled myself). I wonder if childminder will be secret because for now no sign of her and we are at the half of this title. SpBut she is on the cover and I can’t believe it was a mistake. |
4.5 |
Stellar | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Stellar #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
The Art give me the need to try it. But I didn't like the way this comic is written. Cover - Wel i don't see the relation. But very nice 1/2 Writing - I don't like the multiple flashback in the story, and I don't understand the end at all. 1.5/2 Arts - The art was interesting to see, but in the reading I find it too heavy. Some panel slow the story & myself instead of pushing me head. 2/3 Feeling - Will not come for more. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Super Sons (2017) | 4 issues |
7.0 |
Super Sons (2017) #7
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - The N'guyen one. Nice but with no link to the story 1/2 Writing - A story with some moments fun & another very dark. I don't like the bad guys. He isn't convincing at all. I prefer the creation he use. But it's sad to know not much of how he does that. 2/3 Arts - The best part of this ongoing. Thanks to his way to draw the character that soothe the atmosphere. And damn Starfire is beautiful. I also love Robin as very old person ... It was fun. 3/3 Feelings - I have to confess i didn't like the first part. And I fear for this one. Ok I finished with some peace but this ongoing didn't convince me for now. And that's a problem. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Super Sons (2017) #8
Sep 21, 2017 |
Not bad, not good, but they lost me in the middle. That's not what I wanted for the team-up, and frankly I'm tired to let them a chance. There is some nice Idea, but the end make clearly the point ... Cliché, overcompensating, and Whatever. The art is very good. I will not have stick this long without it. But not even a good artist can save a bad story. Sorry, but no thank, I will stop there. |
5.0 |
Super Sons (2017) #9
Oct 19, 2017 |
Sorry I wasn't there anymore. I tried hard, but no ... That was my list issue. This ongoing wasn't what I expected at all ! Cover - Take the Variant 1/2 Writing - 1/3 Drawing - 2/3 Feelings - 1/2 5/10 |
5.0 |
Super Sons (2017) #11
Dec 20, 2017 |
So the second part of the story with Future Tim agains this time the titans. I have stop the teen titans at the start. But like I tell I leave Super Sons at issue 9. So I see them in it. There character didn't evaluated much. The part about Superboy falling on Starfire his way easy (Oh a fall one a beautiful alien, poor him). I didn't understand the titans was reluctant to have him in, the last time that's them who ask Damian to having him in. And I didn't understand the new future of Tim. Last time Batwoman was the enemy & that stick with the before Flashpoint era. This time the bad seed is Jon ... But Jon appear in Convergence. So outside time. I don't like the new future with jon in it, that didn't make sense with the future bad titans. And the ending with them didn't do a favor, because I want the real konor, not the future bad one. Cover - The regular sweet 2/2 Writing - Didn't like it (Even if Tim is always one step ahead.) 1/3 Arts - I didn't like the titans. But the rest is good. 2/3 Feeling - I want more of the superman part in this story. 0/2 |
3.5 |
Supergirl (2016) | 1 issues |
3.5 |
Supergirl (2016) #13
Sep 14, 2017 |
I didn't like this arc at all. The ending was way to easy. This cover spoil a lot, but a least I have the variant with the cat. I did like the intervention of Kara's father, and the fact that the Director of the DEO change (For a face I know). I was surprised by was Mr Oz did. The art was not my kind of art, but wasn't bad. Just this story wasn't what I expect at all. |
3.0 |
Supergirl (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
3.0 |
Supergirl (2016) Annual #1
Aug 31, 2017 |
A very dumb story. Why the hell the Fatal five didn't stick together ? At lest Magog who was nowhere to be found before Selene teleport herself & him in close range to Dr Veritas base. I didn't understand this new Indigo. She turn against Grundy but seems to be against Supergirl too. I find dumb that Emerald empress didn't kill Chase. And I was not interested by Selene attacking Kat Grant. And Saturne Girl is not in this story & I brought it hoping to see her. The art is not bad, but not very good, but I like the fact that their find have something of a little comic. The cover is nice even if that wasn't the encounter promised that we see inside. |
9.2 |
Superior Spider-Man (2018) | 3 issues |
8.5 |
Superior Spider-Man (2018) #1
Dec 26, 2018 |
I didn't have any expectation, but this title show my promise right ahead. Festival I liked that Superior have a team of it's own. Once again he paid for it, but this time not goons but former C rated super-vilains. I also like that Anna-Maria is smart enough to see through otto new identity. And I'm hyped about is futur fight with Terrax. I never imagined a fight alone between Parker & Terrax (To be fair he did have a adventure against Firelord, but If I remember correctly he was overtake). Cover - I take the vilain variant, not related but so beautiful ! 1/2 Writing - I enjoy this issue a lot. It's different of Spider-Man, happily. 3/3 Arts - I'm not a fan of the faces but it's alright. I have a issue with the way Still man is drawn like if it's feat are blocked at the top of the building but the web didn't go there. So I'm not convinced by the fact he look captive. And their is too much panel without any background. 2.5/3 Feeling - I want the next issue soon. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Superior Spider-Man (2018) #2
Jan 25, 2019 |
Well that was very good. Otto take a beating down there, but it's Normal. I fearead that he will have a easy match with Terrax, but no the tamer seem quite powerfull. Cover - I take the variant, so not linked. 1/2 Writing - I liked how this was right. I smiled when otto's mercenary run away ^^ ... I love Ana Maria. And Terrax feel right. Sure it's weird that parker don't respond and that the avengers are in off planet. Like if there wasn't another heroes on earth looking the news. But for the sake of the story I roll with it. 3/ Arts - Love the grey atmosphere in much of the story. But after this, I hope the town will not turn shiny by magic. ^^ 3/3 Feeling - Love this title. 2/2 |
10 |
Superior Spider-Man (2018) #3
Mar 2, 2019 |
What a very fun comics to read. It wasn't easy for otto but he manage well and I respect it more as a spider people. Terrax is a foe to recon with and the book show well his full strength. Cover - In link & nice(Not perfect but I feel the power in this cover) 2/2 Writing - All the character is well used. I really like Anna Maria. 3/3 Arts - All layout and panel is great. I like the fact they use grey color in the fight. We sense more the debris's atmosphere. But maybe the city should have some refugees or Rescue in sight. And the real faces aren't that good. But I nitpick 3/3 Feeling - I wonder were gage want to go with this title. But I full trust in his capacity after this first arc. 2/2 |
8.3 |
Superman (2016) | 8 issues |
10 |
Superman (2016) #29
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - I love this cover. For once I choose to not take the variant ... 2/2 Writing - A little Dark. But a great story about fear. A story on who we can overpower fear sometime, and other time never hesitate to sacrifice ourself for other. I'm just a little surprise that was jimmy who connect the dots. I have to confess a little fear to see Paralax taking Jon. Another possessing for Superboy. But no, the Writters are more cunning than that. 2/3 Arts - Their was no flows on the art. I liked every minute of this story. And what a cliffhanger. I want the next one now ^^ 3/3 Feeling - A great superman story. A great Parallax story. For now I just regret to not knowing how Parralax have come to Earth. But maybe later. Or maybe it's not important. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Superman (2016) #30
Sep 7, 2017 |
Whow ... A beautiful Story. Since Johns leave & Sinestro title end I forget why I like sinestro. The creative team remembering it why. A very good story about fear, about parallax, about superman & about Sinestro. And the writer put the Qward Weaponners in this in the best way I never read (The part with the weaponners in GLC included). The art was not my the kind I like so much, but it's very strong and do the job. I still wonder at what superman was unchained ^^ The end is perfect with a Superman Pitch & a family time ... I didn't plan to take Hal Jordan 30-31 but Now I have to. Great work ^^ |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #31
Sep 21, 2017 |
I will be honest, I believed I will be bowered by this story. I'm not a Terminator fan since the New52 (I know many praise the new ongoing, but this not my kind of character, even if I know him from day 1 in the Perez/Wolfman's Teen Titan). I find the story very good & Tomasi/Gleason add some good stuff in Slade personality. They hook me up and I even like the classic cliffanger. (I don't like Deadpool easer, but I imagine the same story with Wade ; That keep my mind in some comic state. Maybe this why I like it). I find the art a little less good that what I'm used with Mahnke. So or mendoza was the cause, or Mahnke wasn't well rest. I choose the variant for this one. |
10 |
Superman (2016) #32
Oct 6, 2017 |
Ok, the story his not as dumb I trusted it will be. I like that Bonny chose to let us hear the voice of Lois, Superman & Deathstroke. I don't see what that give too the person who have hire Slade, but I hope there will be some surprise soon. Kirkham art do the trick, I really like his art once more. Maybe sometime it's to static. But I trust it's for the story. So I'm roll with it. I love they keep writing the Lois Jurgens write in Action Comics (A woman why know the danger but face it). |
7.0 |
Superman (2016) #33
Oct 19, 2017 |
So this one at First I didn't wanted to doing it. But the name Imperius Lex make me rethink it ... And I was like "Well I will try this one, not solicited the next, and will see. If it's good I take the rest, if not I stop Superman. But the Cover with lois for next month make me soft, and I take all the issue for this last arc. And well I regret it. The start was not that bad, but after, that become darker & a little weird too. So I'm not fond of this arc for now. I will wait for the next issue because I have sollicitante it. But I regret not have stick with my first plan. Cover - The variant have no relation to what I read inside 1/2 Writing - 1/3 Art - Like Always love Mahnke 3/3 Feeling - Very tired of all this S... 0/2 7/10 |
8.0 |
Superman (2016) #34
Nov 2, 2017 |
A better Superman than the previous one. I love this Lois. We have to count with her, she aren't the damsel in distress anymore. Jon have not much place for now. Like his father. But Luthor does have a huge place, and I love is body language close to darkseid. Cover - I have the Variant 1/2 Writing - 3/3 Arts - 3/3 Sentiment 1/2 |
8.5 |
Superman (2016) #37
Dec 20, 2017 |
At first I didn't want to do it. I was doing superman but stop with issue 34. I was doing Super sons but stop issue 9. Then I see the sneak peek with Future Tim (Damn Detective Comics). I loved the last time he show up. And I become curious. So I take it. And damn this story is good. The fight between Bruce & Tim as only one flaw (The part where Bruce stand with the television & Tim will launch the clock, the tv disappear & the clock appear from nowhere). The part with Tim agains Clark is even better (Ok their is some batman vs superman reference with Tim having is trap ready outside the fortress where he land ^^ ). But very strong story. Well done. Cover - I find only the regular. Not really related for the story for now. Nor very good. 0.5/2 Writing - Damn that was good. 3/3 Arts - Damn that was awesome 3/3 Feeling - Not regretting having a turn of mind. 2/2 |
5.0 |
Superman (2016) #38
Jan 5, 2018 |
Bwahahahahahahaa ! No seriously they cannot be serious with this story. I want to facepalm at the end. So the bad Teen titans of the futur didn't want to see a kid dying. And Savior want sacrifice himself ... WHAAAAT ! Dumbest story ever. I believe the futur titans will come back to there time & nobody will ask Konor who he is ... I want to throw up Cover - I take the variant 1/2 Writing - Worst story of the Rebirth so far 1/3 Arts - I like Davila arts 3/3 Feelings - I regreat been so curious 0/2 |
7.3 |
Superman (2018) | 2 issues |
8.5 |
Superman (2018) #1
Jul 12, 2018 |
I will give to Bendis that he use superman like I like to see using. Making jump here & there to help & fight but quickly. I also like the mood he is in missing is family. And the last part was very surprising. But I'm not a fan of what Manhunter suggest. Cover - I take a David Mack Variant. Beautiful & in a way related to what I read. The shape of a hero in rebuilding. 2/2 Writing - There is a lot of god & Manhunter apart Bendis convince me a lot there. Once more I hope this will not finish with Manhunter & her niece to become the enemies (Yeah I read Titans too this week). 2.5/3 Arts - Damn I love Reis. It's just perfect from the first panel to the last one. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed, but well done. I will try the second part of this story. 1/2 |
6.0 |
Superman (2018) #2
Aug 9, 2018 |
Superman 1 was a good surprise. This issue two give too much challenge for that I would be interested to see where it will go. The earth in the Negative zone & Rogol Zaar as a foe would be largely sufficient. But no Bendis make the stake bigger & the possible help vanishing quickly. Cover - I take the variant. Not in link but nice 1/2 Writing - Bendis do a pretty decent job. His superman feel right. But I'm not fond of too many problems who feel as if Bendis have already a Deus Ex ready to solve all this. But I want Superman, not some magical/science/other stuff trick to solve things. And I don't like have superman fearing to have more than he can chew. 2/3 Arts - Reis & Prado make a hell of job. Love it. 3/3 Feeling - Not what I want to read right now. 0/2 |
6.5 |
SuperMansion | 1 issues |
6.5 |
SuperMansion #1
Apr 12, 2018 |
Ok that was weird. Fact 1 I don't like the character presented as bad 3D one, They are more good in comic art inside. Fact 2 ... So much sexual interpretation. That could have been fun going through it all the way (Like the Pro). But they never step the joke part. Both adventure have some good and not so good parts. But I didn't hate what I read. In fact I left it with a huge smile. Cover - I take the variant with the team. So a little related to what I read. 1.5/2 Writing - Not very subtile but the action are fun. I wonder if they will have Jew complaint ! 2/3 Arts - I like the funny way they look and that do the job. 2/3 Sentiment - I wonder I take issue 2 ? Well I will recover easily if not ! 1/2 |
3.8 |
Swashbucklers: The Saga Continues | 2 issues |
3.5 |
Swashbucklers: The Saga Continues #1
Apr 5, 2018 |
I didn't know the characters. But they didn't make a easy job to like them. Apart from been nude for much of the comics (But without showing anything). In fact I didn't like the character forcing their savior to do what they wanted. Cover - Very nice (That give me the need to try). But not really link to my reading. 1/2 Story - Not quite what I expected, and I didn't like the event I followed inside. 1/3 Arts - The arts is not bad, but not that good easer. 1.5/3 Feeling - I will have to take issue 2 that I have already Solicited. But not After that. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Swashbucklers: The Saga Continues #2
May 3, 2018 |
I didn't like the first issue. So no surprise I didn't like it too, and even had a hard time to go through it. Cover - I take the variant. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I wasn't in it. 1/3 Arts - I find the panel not good, but not bad too. 2/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
7.3 |
Sword of Ages | 2 issues |
8.0 |
Sword of Ages #1
Nov 30, 2017 |
Ok it's very beautiful and very dense. But maybe a little too dense. I have trouble to know if Avalon is link to Lothmarr or not. They're's more human than to what I expected. Does the old man's Lothmarr, it's seems not. That go to one character who seem not be related to another. It's very hard (For a non English person with maybe not the kind of level in english that is requisite). Cover : I take the Variant 2/2 Writing : Maybe too delve. 2/3 Arts : Well the art is just perfect. 3/3 Feelings : I think I'm hook. Will see 1/2 |
6.5 |
Sword of Ages #2
Jan 11, 2018 |
I wanted a second issue to make my mind. And I'm always mixed about this ongoing. Like the last time, their's much to read. But I'm not totally convinced by all of it. Or not at the same level. I find some part too predictable, and some very surprising & interesting but hard to link to the big picture. I'm not very fond of the characters easer and that didn't help. Cover - Very nice even if we didn't see the dark figure behind Morgan. 1/2 Writing - the adaptation of the Camelot story is between interesting & little bowering. 2.5/3 Arts - I love the art - The part with the flute is wonderfull. 3/3 Feeling - I will not try a third issue. 0/2 |
4.5 |
Teen Titans (2016) | 3 issues |
3.5 |
Teen Titans (2016) #15
Dec 29, 2017 |
So part one was good, part two was not. What's part three. Well something in between. I like all about Damian & Jon part. I'm ok with the now look for Savior (Damn the name is dumb). I'm surprised about the futur Titans (Actually disappointed to see them seat still). And I really really don't like all about the other Titans. Garth & Raven specially. That's not like Raven never turn evil. That's not like Garth didn't miss Terra who was evil too. At lest Kori is still one of my favorite characters. Cover - I feel like they lying with this one. 1/2 Writing - Just stop & reboot with other creative team, that's not my titans. 1/3 Arts - Normally I like Benes & Jimenez. But man they didn't draw garth or raven very well in this book. At least Cassie wasn't that bad. 1.5/3 Feeling - I was curious, sometime curiosity is very wrong. It's feel like for Super Sons of Tomorrow my first instinct of not sollicited it was right. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Teen Titans (2016) #20
Jul 26, 2018 |
I didn't like this story. Their is another story of Damian thinking he is better than Batman of any Titans leader. I'm a little disappointed by Emiko. I din't like crush as I liked Slobo. And all of the other member seem pulled on this. This isn't very good. Cover - The variant. Better than the regular. But both aren't related to my reading. 1/2 Writing - He tries to do good, but wasn't. The cliffanger was to dark. D'jinn seem too close of Raven. 1/3 Arts - The art tend to try to be funny but wasn't made for this story. 2/3 Feeling - I don't like it. 0/2 |
6.0 |
Teen Titans (2016) #25
Dec 21, 2018 |
I have a arguing with someone liking Crush, because I'm a Slobo fan and in the story I read I didn't like her or find her interesting. But I think that I can't criticize her on only one reading. So I take this issue to learn more about her. It's not a bad story. Well made. I laugh her origine story so much close to superman. I didn't really like the story about the Chain (St Sera Andromeda feel ^^ ) but why not. The story is classic. But I close it with the same feeling than when I take it. Not a Crush fan, Slobo is way better ^^ Cover - In link, kinda. but I don't like it. 1/2 Writing - It was not great but honestly not as bad than I feared. 2/3 Arts - He did a nice work. Not perfect, a lot of panel without background, through. 2/3 Feeling - I'm not really like it. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Thanos (2016) One Shot | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Thanos (2016): Legacy #1
Sep 6, 2018 |
I expected nothing for this. Just something interesting. And in a way I have something interesting. But maybe too much reminder from recent books. I find a little easy that cates pull Castle/Rider in this. I prefer the link to Damnation. Cover - In a way thanos in front of is enormous statu is a reflect of the writer in front of a fantastic roster of writer that give life to thanos before. Really Nice. 1.5/2 Writing - I'm a little bothered to read a title with the name of a character but not with him. Just that what the character left. Not what I come for. I find the gamora story better, even if once more it wasn't what I expect to find in this title 2/2 Arts - The first story Isn't great. Beyond Ghost rider, all the other character aren't really good. The moment when Gamora stab thanos should have been better. The story with gamora is way better, showing the weackness of the first part. 2/3 Feeling - Don't like it. 0/2 |
7.5 |
The Black Order | 1 issues |
7.5 |
The Black Order #1
Nov 16, 2018 |
Ok their is no other famous character than the Black order. But in a way this is a good choice. We focus on the previous bad guy and can letting them try to reinvent themselves. They are a role of heroes in a way (Even if we didn't know the grand master real design). But why giving Corvus the need to be comic ? And I see that Lady like me (Or corvus) can tell Black Swan powerset. It's even a joke or a critic. He just state that he can't give her power. Ok ... Not a problem at all ! And we have proxima a little sad to not have the fight she want. But if they really want a bigger fight, instead of killing some king who swear a oath to their target. Why don't target their real enemy ... Yeah I know, they would win and that would have been a one shot. I wonder if this wouldn't be better for launching a title with a now road for these characters ??? But no they just wait for the fake hulk. Oh common, I can't be the only one see the relation between Big Angry and Hulk ! I will hope that in a way their ennemies will be some inverted mirror of the avengers. Cover - I take the variant with corvus. Like he tell the story in a way this is related. And not bad at all. 2/2 Writing - I'm mixed about it. I liked some part, and didn't like other. 1.5/3 Arts - Marcus To is just sublime. Love is work 3/3 Feeling - I'm not sure I will take the second issue. But maybe that could be a surprising reading. 1/2 |
7.5 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman | 4 issues |
10 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #1
Feb 22, 2018 |
In Rucka's run the only thing I loved was Sharp's art. So even if I feared some link to Rucka's Run, I take it. And I swallow this story surprisingly well. Their is some part I don't fully understand yet. But I like what I read for Diana. For Bruce part, it's more a mixed felling. Cover - Nice & I give it a pass for the link now, because even if Batman haven't joingned Wonder woman yet. I trust this will be for next issue. 2/2 Writing - Sharp did Well. He did very well even. You can read this stuff without have follow Rucka's run or those after him. In fact I can read it and imagining the Azzarello Wonder Woman without any problem. Ok that not entirely true because he speak of the statue of the Amazon since Rucka take the title. But I don't care ^^ 3/3 Arts - Sharp is so good Drawing Diana. She's so beautiful. 3/3 Feelings - Great Promises. 2/2 |
8.0 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #2
Mar 22, 2018 |
The story is a little difficult to follow. It's maybe too talkative. Bruce give one more a proof that he's more capable than simple human, with a little help form Alfred. I don't dig all the story about the homeless guy. For now I don't see how that will fit in the story. But Diana is right in the place she has to stand, and I love seen her as peacekeeper in this awkward situation. Cocer - Nice ... And related for batman. But not for Diana. 1.5/2 Writing - It's a little hard with all the difference of english language used. That slow my reading. 2/3 Arts - Man that awesome. Diana is so beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - A little less enthusiastic than after the first issue. But I will finish this short story. 1.5/2 |
7.0 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #3
Apr 19, 2018 |
This part begin well, then go south again. It's too damn slow & it like a transitional issue. In a 6 part short story that make the price a little hard to swallow. Cover - Related of some part of the story. And great 2/2 Writing - I expecting more. And the start of this book was promising. 1.5/3 Arts - If not for the art I would have stop after issue 2. But arts will not save my felling about this reading. 3/3 Feeling - I'm disappointed, and I fear the last 3 parties remaining. 0.5/2 |
5.0 |
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #4
May 17, 2018 |
I'm out. I was bothered since the start & now I didn't even try to stick in the story. So I will not be a great reviewer there. Cover - Nice & seem linked 2/2 Story - Bowering. I don't like it a bit sorry. 0/3 Arts - Marvelous, and that make me more angry against myself 3/3 Feeling - None because I try but then I was to bowered to make a effort reading the bubble & just turn the page. 0/2 |
6.0 |
The Forgotten Queen | 1 issues |
6.0 |
The Forgotten Queen #1
Mar 2, 2019 |
It was special to say the least. I was a little lost sometime. And I was pretty bored with this reading. Cover - Yeah I know what they do this cover. It's a little in link but also lie about the style of the story I find in the book. But very nicely done. 1.5/2 Writing - I don't liked how the story is told. Sometime I was confuse about if the scientist was or not the queen. 1.5/2 Arts - At least the panels & layouts are very beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - The fact the art is good can't hide the emptyness I feel about this reading. 0/2 |
10 |
The Hunger and the Dusk (2023) | 1 issues |
10 |
The Hunger and the Dusk (2023) #1
Jul 15, 2023 |
Why choose to take a heroic fantasy comics when I have read so much ? Maybe because I miss one. Why follow Willow Wilson after a disappointing run in Wonder Woman? Maybe for the art. Well, after a star who could be not original, a surprise happen with the quick death of the orcs. And the art his very nice even if sometime case with numeric effect. And he miss the fear face on the farmers. I didn’t understand they was truly in danger before the burning town was show. The next part was made quite nicely. Both autorise take the time to presenting both characters. And r they succeed to put more information but make all character likable. The fighting scene was good too even if I’m not found of the red groundlike background. But that is for showing the moment is dire. They even pass on a easy win. Arming Callum was a nice idea and a good moment to show Tara ability. The end was funny and I wait for the next issue with envy, |
7.3 |
The Immortal Men | 2 issues |
7.0 |
The Immortal Men #1
Apr 12, 2018 |
Ok that was weird, I didn't like it. And however Tynion IV make something interesting. Maybe too complicated, with something of "DĂ©jĂ Vu". And I didn't succeed to see Vandal in other way than a Vilains. And I really really don't like the Bat-Joker. So I have another issue to read (Because of the cover with Bat-Joker I didn't solicited issue 3), but I'm not very confident to stay. The character are even not properly presented (Only Caden is but I don't care a lot about him. He's to marked as the providential hero. I would have loved see him die at the end of Issue 1 to let us with a real chock). Cover - Very nice, but not completely related, they sadly aren't the heroes, but some support characters ! 1/2 Writing - Not convinced. Maybe a little to complicated to really enjoy the ride ! 2/3 Arts - I like the art ... Well Jim Lee for once... And I have to confess, I didn't see where Benjamin take the place of Lee. 3/3 Sentiment - I didn't enjoy it. 1/2 |
7.5 |
The Immortal Men #2
May 17, 2018 |
Ok the story was better than in the first issue. But I still don't care for Caden. At least the other character are properly presented. I liked more the ex-Argus agent than any other character. Cover - Jim Lee but not alone (If I trust Comics vine). Nice & in link 2/2 Writing - Not bad. I still have a hard time to see Savage as one of the good guys. Tynion IV don't hesitate to give harm to his characters. 2/3 Arts - I like it. That keep the Jim Lee style. Maybe with some panel less good (But I would kill for have this level). 2.5/3 Feeling - I don't enjoy it already. And the Bat-Joker form metal will be in issue 3 and I don't like him. So it's my last issue. 1/2 |
6.3 |
The Last Space Race | 2 issues |
5.0 |
The Last Space Race #1
Oct 12, 2018 |
I expected a race in space not a race for going in space. So that points disappoint me a little. The story isn't bad but wasn't very original. I see this kind of story in movie, comics (US, French & Manga), SF novel ... It's hard for the story to be very different, but at least the character should be. And for what I see until now, they are not. That's said the story is good & well written. Cover - I choose the réguler, not really related. 1/2 Writing - It's not bad. Maybe not very hopeful (At the beginning have 1 hour to live, and later we see it's a suicide mission). 2/3 Arts - The arts made the job but without shining. I almost mix some of the characters. Shame because some panel are really good. 2/3 Feeling - I didn't enjoy it. I will take the one I already put in my sollicitation list. But I will not put the January issue in it. 0/2 |
7.5 |
The Last Space Race #2
Nov 24, 2018 |
I find this second issue better than the first one. Surely because their is less negativity in the story. The first one start with a character assured to die and then focus on a suicide mission. This one let a little hope; And I like the new character. Roger is smart and very funny. Ok that's focus maybe to more on him. But it's nice to see how he discover the secret project and after all the story is about the last space race. The finality of it for now is less important. Cover - I really like the cover even if it's not related to what I read. 1/2 Writing - I really like this part of the story more than the last one. The writer take our hand to lead us to the last panel. It's well done. 3/3 Arts - Even if it not perfect (Some face are a little just) that lead us from the start to the end. Maybe the layout are too much classic or sober, but that do the job. 2.5/3 Feeling - I was more interested this time. So I will give 1/2 |
6.6 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel | 5 issues |
5.0 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #1
Jul 19, 2018 |
Not a great story where the writer forgot that Tony & Carol have unfinished business, & than carol too was a alcoholic. I was not even sure why stark didn't come with better tech for support Carol after her brother crash. And the fact her father may have a affair with a kree make things dumb. Cover - The quesada variant I think. Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - Well construct if there was too much gap in the research on both character. On thing making me made was carol telling that she let her brother win since the 15 last year, and that her brother blaming her to have let them and didn't show up again. 1.5/3 Arts - The art is nice, even if their is too much background without anything but coloring. 2.5/3 Feeling - If not for the third issue with a Quesada cover, I wouldn't have try it. I'm not sure about taking it now. 0/2 |
5.5 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #2
Aug 23, 2018 |
I didn't like the first part. I wanted to give it another chance. But no, that's not for me. The woman vilain make me think to much to Terminator. Cover - 1/2 Writing - 1.5/2 Arts - Nice & funny 3/3 Feeling 0/2 |
8.0 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #3
Sep 20, 2018 |
Marvel can Thanks Quesada (Or quesada can thanks himself ^^) After issue 2 I was done with this story. I was so sure the quesada Variant would be too expensive. But no. So I take it even if so far I didn't like this story. And to be fair, all this issue confirm that. I even turn the page without reading at one point. And then bam ... Crazy Cliffhanger ! I was like "Whaaaat" ... So I go back & read. So yeah in one way I'm "No way they can't do this that will destroy the only humain becoming a hero after been captured by a nemesis of the original captain marvel". And in another I'm "Why not ! What will they do with this ?". Cover - Quesada rule ! 2/2 even if not in link to what I read inside. Writing - Still not great but what a end. 2/3 Arts - Pacheco do a fine job (Except the bad alien). Sauvage do better if possible. 3/3 Felling - Ok guy. I give you another shoot ! 1/2 |
8.0 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #4
Oct 19, 2018 |
So for a story where I didn't like the first issue that make a good job keeping me on reading it. I like this issue more focused on Car-Ell (To a l it would be a Trial with the Concurrence ^^ ) I find all about Carol mother interesting. I'm less interested in Carol story in the present, because I still don't like the vilain. Cover - At first three month ago I thought it was Singularity behind Carol. But no. Logic, in relation to what I read, and Nice even If I'm not love it 1.5/2 Writing - Well done making Carol origin more easy to be close to the movie ^^ 2/3 Arts - I like the art, even if Pacheco his not as his best self. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will finish this story, now I'm there. Well done ! 2/2 |
6.5 |
The Life Of Captain Marvel #5
Dec 21, 2018 |
I'm not a fan of this ending. I fully understand that Captain Marvel's mother can survive. But I'm not fond of the fact her enemy teleport herself like this. I even find it weird to not see what Carol do of her brother. Cover - Very Nice & somewhat related. 2/2 Writing - I'm full of question about this issue. I think their is a lot a thing to improve. 1.5/3 Arts - I'm more fund of the art for the flashback than the present day. I still hate the look of the alien woman. 2/3 Feeling - Like for the first two issue Mixed 1/2 |
5.5 |
The Lost Fleet: Corsair | 1 issues |
5.5 |
The Lost Fleet: Corsair #4
Oct 12, 2017 |
I was so sure this was the last, than I was surprised where the story lead & my mind dropped. Sad because the art is still pretty nice & I like the character. But Also I'm pretty sure to not seen a Issue 5 solicited. I may be wrong. Well for me this was the last one (I think !) ... I choose once more the Wraparound cover ... So nice. |
7.5 |
The Man of Steel (2018) | 4 issues |
7.0 |
The Man of Steel (2018) #1
May 31, 2018 |
So I don't like criticize a book without reading it. Bendis and me we have some story. I didn't like is Avengers era at all. I despite the awful Secret War - Ultimate End. A number of his story wasn't made for me. But I also find good in his Uncanny X-men, All New X-men, and Invincible Iron Man (The one with Riri) stories before he made some weird sh... And I love I loved is Ultimate Comics All New Spider man. Less his Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-man & Lesser the Spider-Man title with Miles). So Superman ... I what Jurgens did in Superman : Lois & Clark story. Love Jon. So I was a little worried. Much more since the Action Comics 1000 & the DC Nation 0. But I kind understand why some find good stuff in it. But that was a regular issue without really something really shiny. Ok there is the joke with the firewoman. But that is just bendis screwing with our mind (With the weird absence of lois). And then he did a really good page with superman family that make me smile, and then the cliffhanger. Well done. Cover - Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - That was a transitional issue. Not much more 2/3 Arts - The art is just magnificent ! 3/3 Feeling - Ok I will have to look at what happen in the next one. 1/2 |
7.0 |
The Man of Steel (2018) #2
Jun 7, 2018 |
If you hoped to know what happen to lois, this his not where you will lean it. This is a five part story so Bendis keep some secret. And I find Lord Gandelo confronting the guardian interesting. I also keep Goode in sight because some point her resemblance to Telsa. But I wasn't very fond of this story. Between Toyman or White breakdown that make me down ! Cover - Not related at all, but very nice. 2/2 Story - There is some good and other thing I didn't like. 2/3 Arts - Two different art, that wasn't what DC promising. And Rude fade away before Shaner 2/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
9.5 |
The Man of Steel (2018) #3
Jun 14, 2018 |
The story make another turn & some part of the mystery about lois is revelated, not much but a good lead. I liked to see bruce in this one & Supergirl too. Very pleasant. Cover - Well in a way related ... 2/2 Writing - Bendis take is time and try to set up superman in a very nice way. There is still mystery and maybe 5 issue will be to much at the end. But he did better than I credited him at the ad. 3/3 Arts - Love sook ... Maybe not perfect (The panel with superman & Supergirl crying in the forteresse is too much). 2.5/3 Feeling - When someone will ask for a jumping point on superman, I will point him on this. 3/3 |
6.5 |
The Man of Steel (2018) #4
Jun 22, 2018 |
So yes we kind of already had read this story. For those who take the Action comics 1000 at least. But that wasn't a bad repetition. I find interesting to see Clark strategy & make sure he don't fall in his adversary trap. I also love Hal been this dumb (But I'm not a fan of Hal jordan). I'm less worried about Supergirl. I'm don't find the logic (If we skip the fact this is a superman title) that Rogol seem to focus more on Clark than his cousin. And I really really dislike the end ... The kind of Bendis move I was worried from the beginning. So bad he did that. That was even not really well construct & hard to understand. At first I jump to the conclusion their was some kind of truth between them and clark will betray some of his friends. I'm also not fond of Jor El return. I would have preferred a future superman. I would have loved Bendis forget this Jor El exist ! Cover - Well this is more a passion kissing than a last one. So nice but not in link. 1/2 Writing - Bendis did great before doing well what he always do ... Screw us. 2/3 Arts - The choice of artist wasn't the good one. The battle was bad. Supergirl at the end seems more stone than sad. 2/3 Feeling - Disappointed but just by the end. Before that was not bad at all 1.5/2 |
7.8 |
The Mighty Crusaders (2017) | 4 issues |
6.0 |
The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #1
Dec 8, 2017 |
I really like the "Daughter of revolution" storyline, so I didn't hesitated to take this one. At first I didn't like it, because that's too close (And less effective) than other Super-heroes' team from other independant editor. And I find it weird & too quick, the fact than Victoria was already both in the team & the team leaders. Like seen her relationship with Jospeh (Who's like a manager) & the existence of the team don't match with the "daughter of the revolution" storyline. But I like how their discution turn, and the end of the book. Outside Victoria, I like Darkling very much, the rest aren't enought original to be interesting for now. I also don't see the interest in having Steel Sterling in when his power are close to Shield's one. I understand that is for some sort of legacy (We seen him as in the original team). And I like the fact they give some history to this team (I never read the previous version & the succeed to give me motivation to find it). So it's a glass half empty for now. I hope to see more than a Guarding the globe, Invincible, Secret Identity, Halcyon look alike story. Cover - i take te variant, less good but ripping of the Giant Size X-Men 1 cover. 1/2 Writing - I end it with a smile, that's a good sign 2/3 Arts - I like it, not perfect, but that do the job. 2/3 Feeling - I will give it more try, hoping for more. But they have to convince me quick to stay on board. 1/2 |
7.5 |
The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #2
Jan 11, 2018 |
Ok second issue of this team. And that begun with a issue about leadership. A risked move but in fact a good one. The part about the team going in front of the camera I have a more mixed feeling. But I find interesting to see the bad guy growing on the dark. I laugh by finding some ressemblance between the doctor & Mario ^^ ... And at the end one of the Eliminators remembering me of Jade (Damn I mise her in DC comics). The pressure cooker is a kind of danger room ... But why not. I'm more convinced by this second issues. Well done. Cover - I take the variant with the team possing Shield in front with crossed arms. 1/2 Writing - A little better. I like the idea about the god taking the place of Jaguar. But they lack of a little magic to be perfect. 2.5/3 Arts - Very fun, not perfect but do a really good job. I would love having this level of drawing. 2.5/3 Feelings - I want more of Darkling (My favorite character so far after Shied/Victoria). But more convincing than the 1. 2/2 |
8.5 |
The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #3
Feb 15, 2018 |
This story bring starling in the spot. And that is a great move because I didn't know it at all. The first part of the battle was good & was in the favor of the heroes. So I find it surprising to see the tide turn in favor of their foes. I'm just disappointed to didn't see darkling acting or that Dream deamon action look like Scarlet witch power in the Age of Utlron movie. I didn't know the new foes growing in power in the pyramid so I don't care for now. I find weird to see the headquarter in the dark too. cover - A good cover with link to what I read. 1.5/2 Writing - That was a good issue, not great but good. 2.5/3 Arts - I still like the art, simple but funny. 2.5/3 Feelings - For now a pleasure to following them. 2/2 |
9.0 |
The Mighty Crusaders (2017) #4
Mar 22, 2018 |
The fourth part of the Mighty Crusaders is a battle well managed. I liked to see Darkling action. I was pretty impressed by the old Shield beating the Dino Rex. I'm more & more tangled in the character past & present statu. Like for Steel Sterling that I first seen as a duplicate of Shield, and now I'm worried about what happen to him. It's sad that I don't know enough about the crusader for appreciate the cliffhanger like those who know them would have. Cover - I like this cover, well in link. 2/2 Writing - I'm more & more fond of these character. At first that was only shield & Darkling, but now I kind of like pretty much all of them. 3/3 Arts - Ok that's not the best art you will find. But he do a pretty good job. And I like how he handle each fight. 2/3 Feeling - I will be sad at the end of this short story, because I would want much of them. 2/2 |
![]() |
The New Golden Age (2022) | 1 issues |
![]() |
The New Golden Age (2022) #1
Dec 14, 2022 |
I take the new JSA titles, so I had to find this one too. Luckily I did. Johns plan a good story with maybe too much pathways for mystery (The lost children, the Dr Fate Legacy, the death of Catwoman daughter, Rip Hunter and the time masters. If I haven't read some review first and even with my knowledge of Johns/Goyer's JSA, Johns' second and All Stars volumes I would not have recognized Per Degaton. I kind of think we are in another earth or at least the future is only a probable one (Like in Days of futur past). After All Kent nelson point out that all he see is only possible (Until things happen). But a far futur is more easy to re-right than a present story. And Helena story seem into the future (Things seem to have gone sideways for all robins). As for Bruce Death. I don't see Allan and the JSA who come to Selena, Clark and the JLA would have made more sens in the earth we know off. I was very surprised to read the file on Aquaman. First I was thinking why a files for him. I was ready to read a origin for Arthur but that what not what I read. So I did some Wikipedia search and was surprise that Arthur appeared only in the silver age and that Dc had a Aquaman before. Interesting. As I wonder if all titles for the "New characters" was fake one (Only one had a datation). But no and once more Johns prove his knowledge of the DC comics univers Golden/Silver/Modern age. I'm amazed that DC boss have preferred Snyder (And is dumb Metal) to Johns (And his formidable DC Rebirth ideas). Johns should have the keys (Yes I know he was on the TV adaptation division, but still I think it was a mistake). |
7.5 |
The Sacrificers (2023) | 1 issues |
7.5 |
The Sacrificers (2023) #1
Aug 5, 2023 |
Interresting But the father of the young human-bird seem to have is own agenda or I didn't understand him. He don't hesitate to hurt his son (I trust it was because he know he will be sacrificed). But then lie about his demise, ask to keep him around. |
6.5 |
The Shadow (2017) | 1 issues |
6.5 |
The Shadow (2017) #2
Sep 21, 2017 |
Ok the Flashpoint thing begin to become a little boring. I like the art. I don't see where the writer want to lead us. For now I don't have the part of mystery & shadowing power I hoped for. The part with the ring was very good through. I will not take the 3... Sorry. |
6.5 |
The Shadow/Batman | 1 issues |
6.5 |
The Shadow/Batman #1
Oct 6, 2017 |
The art is very good. But I'm not a Shadow reader (Well I tried the New version). So sometime I feel like I miss something (The one behind the Dollotron upgrade). I'm not fond of Dr Pig ... So that's not a story for me. And do I have understrand rightly that Damian never come to his father ? Or was that a trick for the pretender ? |
7.5 |
The Silencer | 1 issues |
7.5 |
The Silencer Vol. 1: Code Of Silence
Dec 21, 2018 |
Festival I have to confess not been a fan of Romita Jr art. I love Romita Senior, but was never attracted by Junior. Even if my taste have a little changed with time, I still have some issue with him. I recognize is work & it's just a matter of taste, so it's not fair at all, but that keep me to buy this comics. That and the sentiment that will be a female Punisher and nothing more. But I see good french review and this title is one of the new age to survive the cut. So I decide to try it in TPB. I find it interesting but close to what I read with Lady Killer. I even find some of the last Deathlok ongoing material for the writing. For DC I would tell she is close to what I read with Manhunter (Kate Spencer) ongoing. That fine but in the same time she kind of miss something. A signature. And that not the Metal name on the cover who will put that. For now I don't see what's the link (Maybe as Duck her power, or maybe her nanotech outfit ?). In truth I think this story could have been written in any New52 waves without a problem. That said Abnett do good stuff, not really original but he write it very well. I prefer her story to what I read with Domino lately. For the art Romita Jr make sure to put strong layout & panel. He have more facility for action than Bogdanovic. Bogdanovic did what he can, but he didn't play in the same area than Romita. It's nice, I read it with pleasure, but even if his style is close to Capullo, he is not Capullo. I don't know if I will take the next TPB yet. Will see. |
6.0 |
The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers | 1 issues |
6.0 |
The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #4
Sep 14, 2017 |
My comics shop & myself mistaken Spirit 4 & Shadow 2 ... So when I arrived home, I read it wondering how we pass from the hospital at this situation. I was even ready to accept that the nurse was replaced buy a detective. It's only at the end that's hit me. I love Francavilla, so the road wasn't unpleasant. Only I jump in the train & didn't understand all of it. But that's seem a very good & strong Spirit Story. |
8.6 |
The Terrifics | 13 issues |
9.5 |
The Terrifics #1
Mar 1, 2018 |
Marvel Two in One was a dissapointement & DC had this in motion since some time (They add to postpon it !) And I liked since the start to the end. A very good & nice ongoing. Their is some plot hole like what do the girl in the anti-univers. But I will follow it with pleasure. Cover - J'aime beaucoup even if it's not quite in link to what I read. 1.5/2 Writing - A very good start for the comeback of the Fantastic Four ! ^^ 3/3 Arts - Awesome ! 3/3 Feeling - I want this as a bimonthly for having the next one more quickly. 2/2 |
10 |
The Terrifics #2
Mar 29, 2018 |
A very good story. I liked it and was very angry at Mr Terrific at the end. But Lemire did succeed to keep them together in stealing once more the FF spirit. I look forward to read the next issue. For now a win for DC. Cover - Nice & Related in some way. 2/2 Writing - It was a pleasure to read. 3/3 Arts - Damn that was awesome. The fill when Metamorpho trie to hold Dream Girl and past through her. Or the laughs when he ask is they can let Plastic Man behind ^^ ... 3/3 Feeling - It's just Fantastic ! 2/2 10/10+ |
10 |
The Terrifics #3
Apr 26, 2018 |
A good & strong story. Sad to see Michael still a douchebag. I'm teased about the other metamorpho more than about who send the wheel agains the new heroes HQ. Plastic man was my favorite with Phantom Girl all along. The Hardball special was not surprising and a little a jerk move. I don't like this Sapphire character much, and that bad with such a important relation to Rex. And poor Java ! Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - A really good writing ... I love that Lemire want to go for Tom Strong & not just let him report dead. 3/3 Arts - Love the art. 3/3 Feeling - Their was some moment when I had hard time to like some of the character. Shame ! 1/2 |
8.0 |
The Terrifics #4
May 24, 2018 |
It was a very fun and good book even if once more the story seems to not have a real importance. So at the end what will be retained of the terrific. For this one the teamwork & the story about Linnya. At least she didn't lie about her story (Yeah I consider it). Cover - A nice cover with a link to what I read even if not really the same thing. 1.5/2 Writing - Very good for the four character ... A very nice touch about Linnya who until now was a let a little outside. Not great on the trouble they encounter & the real importance of it. 2/3 Arts - Shanner did good. Not very good, but not bad easer. It did some sweat panel for Linnya story. 2.5/3 Feeling - I enjoy it. 2/2 |
5.5 |
The Terrifics #5
Jun 28, 2018 |
I didn't enjoy this one at all. This was a little long a first and hard to follow when this important that we can. I wasn't interested by Plastic Man phone call or the new Metamorpho/Sapphyr clash. And to we are returned on earth like that without even a little reminder. Cover - Nice, but not like it. But this is in link. 2/2 Writing - That wasn't very good. This kind of look like DC even really care about this brand ! The dog is like this without any explanation and follow the heroes. Don't seems forced at all. 1.5/3 Arts - I didn't like the too much larger panel used for the layout. I understand what they tried to do, but that don't work. But the splash page is really nice. 2/3 Feeling - It wasn't what I expected. And not in a good way. 0/2 |
9.0 |
The Terrifics #6
Jul 26, 2018 |
I like better this part than the previous one. I find it very good when they use the wife of Mr Terrific. With the end I hope the next issue will answer the questions I have. Cover - A very good cover & related. 2/2 Writing - I'm convinced by this story. Even if the end is a little to quick. 3/3 Arts - I love the art. 3/3 Feeling - I will wait more to be convinced once more. 1/2 |
8.0 |
The Terrifics #7
Aug 23, 2018 |
At first I was surprised that the Terrific wasn't in Tom Strong Earth already like the last cliffhanger suggested. I like some part of the story other seem slowing down what I read, and not for good. Cover - 1.5/2 a little in link & nice. Writing - That was nice with some bumpy ride 1.5/2 Arts - Perfect love Eaglesham 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
9.5 |
The Terrifics #8
Sep 27, 2018 |
Again a great issue. I really love the ties between Tom & Michael. Maybe Lemire settle the Terrifics major problems too easily. I'm still sure the female reporter in the daily planet is related to Tom. Maybe his wife. Cover - Very nice & related 2/2 Writing - I really like this issue. It's the FF title I love to read right now. The only FF title I love to read in fact. 3/3 Arts - Wonderfull even if the cartoony part wasn't his strong suit. 2.5/3 Feeling - I want to read the next issue for sure. 2/2 |
9.5 |
The Terrifics #9
Oct 26, 2018 |
Dc didn't push this far enough. A little "The doom of the heroes" in the cover and that will make this a all different level. Right ? Ok I find to easy that Dalhua save herself alone, succeed in going back to Tom Strong Lab & take a machine to saving every one (Her man included). No I'm not a Macho who can't see a woman do herself the job. I piss about having wrong with the new bendis character in the Daily Planet (I was so sure it was Tesla or Dalhua). That said the best FF story against some dumb doombot that I ever read ... Sorry Dreadbot. I'm so thrilled to have right on one thing : Dread identity (A.K.A spoiler/cliffhanger) It was nice to se Michael & Tom doing a team-up so great. I love how that work to have both together without having one taking all the spot. Cover - At least a Metal (Yeah). Nice & related in some way. 1.5/2 Writing - It was very good. My Favorite FF title right now (Yeah I know the other one coming back, but I don't like it that much). 3/3 Arts - The layout & panel was strong (Forgive me the pun). It was a pleasure to read. 3/3 Feeling - I look forward to read next month issue. 2/2 |
9.0 |
The Terrifics #10
Nov 30, 2018 |
What a perfect ending - But wait ! This isn't the end ! Yeah. I loved this story. It was powerful and funny. It's make Mr Terrific shine. I'm waiting for the next step forward. Cover - Nice I see the link now ^^ 1.5/2 Writing - Really like what lemire show us. Still the best FF story ! 3/3 Arts - I liked the art, even if sometime it's not perfect on the face of the characters. 2.5/3 Feeling - A great book. 2/2 |
6.5 |
The Terrifics #11
Jan 4, 2019 |
I don't like this issue at all. It's stupid for a man as intelligent as Michael to go alone. For what prove himself ? I'm kind of sad that we don't see the Strong's familly anymore. This a harsh manner to tidy them in limbo. Cover - Something of the old time. But I'm not fond of it. At least their is a link to what I read inside 1.5/2 Writing - This transitional issue wasn't a very good one. The part about Rex isn't original. Only Michael & Plastic man piqued my curiosity. 2/2 Arts - The art is not bad, nor that good. Their is funny or nice picture yes. But a look of pics without background. I don't believe in Phantom girl passage at all. Seem to weird. And didn't succeed to show another world like the last time we see her planet. 2/3 Feeling - Disappointed. It could have been a wonderful hunt and many encounter with Michael alternative version. 1/2 |
8.0 |
The Terrifics #12
Feb 1, 2019 |
Since the beginning I'm mixed about lemire terrifics story. Some are great but some like this arc aren't what I looking for. It's not very original. Well made, but too "déjà vu" I really like his dreadfull charcters. But I think he loose to many panel on Phantom girl or Rex stories. This time the Plastic man part was better through. Cover - Related and Nice 2/2 Writing - That was nicely done, but not enough originality or the spirit I wait from it. Better than the Fantastic four for sure. 2.5/3 Arts - Still beautiful even there is some panel with any background. 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed. I wait the new writer to see if a new energy will make it the perfect FF title. 1/2 |
9.0 |
The Terrifics #13
Mar 2, 2019 |
Ok this issue stale a little. But what a very pleasant reading. I love Michael & Paula relationship. I really like how the team reform. I find offspring a very good addition to the team. I'm in love at the cliffhanger with Tesla present too. I laugh at the little glimps to the Extremist (Hello Marvel again^^ ). And even if offspring as his original outfit that give me the felling of the one the FF had when johnny was "dead". Cover - Well more or less in link. Very good. 1.5/2 Writing - Not original but well made 2.5/3 Arts - I was very please with the quality of the panels & layout. It was a real pleasure. 3/3 Feeling - I will enjoy lemire's last issue. Thanks to him we have a fantastic team to follow each month. 2/2 |
10 |
The Terrifics Annual | 1 issues |
10 |
The Terrifics Annual #1
Nov 3, 2018 |
Masquerad start not really good but finish with a huge amont of drama. I loved reading this, and my earth echoing what the character fill. Much of the art are good, but with three inker you can have one less good, it's not that bad. Origine of the Specious is really great. Not only we have Java Origine but that give him more charisma for the next step in the ongoing. And man I fill for him too. Doc Shanner is just beautiful. Tom Strong - The signal is surprising and good. I had to confess I thinked that we never will see the encounter between Tom & the Giant. It's a strong (No pun intended) story, the art is just marvelous. Cover - Like it & in link with the first story 2/2 Writing - Man two very good story & one only good. It's a win. 3/3 Arts - There is no problem in this part two. The arts are very satisfying. 3/3 Feeling - Thanks to this we have not only a story with the team. Not only the origine of the bad guy. Not only the story all of us had question with when we see the message in the cliffhanger of the first issue. We have all that. A majestic Annual linked to the ongoing, not just a issue disconnected of the rest. I want more annual to be this respectful of us, readers ! 2/2 |
7.0 |
The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion | 1 issues |
7.0 |
The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion #1
Oct 4, 2018 |
I jump in with this issue. So I miss a lot of thing to fully understand what I read. And some part are obscure, like what happen between his arrival in the hotel & his attempt for a escape. But I find this univers have some charm. Cover - I take the variant. Like it & in relation. 1.5/2 Writing - That was good even if I didn't fully understand all of it. 2/3 Arts - Love the arts. It's Why I pull this one in the last moment in the bookstore. Not my kind of art usually. But it's fresh & put the action the write way. 2.5/3 Feeling - Not disappointed nor hocked 1/2 |
5.5 |
The Unexpected (2018) | 2 issues |
7.5 |
The Unexpected (2018) #1
Jun 7, 2018 |
So I try unexpected even if some tied it to the defenders (I never find a story I like for the marvel team). And I find it original. The story of Janet is sad (With easy gaps but in the sake of the story). For now I have a hard time make my finger on Neon (What is power and make him distinct of his ally ? And is-he blind ? I like the Axe that show other realm. I didn't find her name or Ascendant name very great. But I was surprised at the end. Cover - Like for Justice League the cove is more a flagship cover that show some link to the story. 1.5/2 Writing - There is some very good part, and some really weird. I don't like the link to metal. And for now I wonder where this three as been before. I will like if they explained been from another dimension. 2/3 Arts - I like the art. 3/3 Feeling - Mixed 1/2 |
3.5 |
The Unexpected (2018) #2
Jul 5, 2018 |
I was worried they will put back both character who died in the first issue. They wasn't that interesting, so I'm release to let them behind. And I was happy to know more about Neon. But I didn't enjoy this reading. They make to much time to left the hospital arguing. And I don't find interesting all the rest of the story. The first was a unexpected surprise, this one is a unexpected disappointment. Cover - Not related ... What the heck this is. If it's well draw, I don't like this cover. And I can finally said how piss I'm that the "New Age of heroes" all as only one cover each issue. 0.5/2 Writing - They lost me somewhere after Neon origin, maybe because the way the panel was drawn I would have sworn that Ascendant was alive. 1/3 Arts - I like the first part of the book. But I don't like the part where Neon & Firebrand are attacked in Neon's home. And the ending with black panel ... Do you fu...g me ? 2/3 Feeling - I stop right their ! 0/2 |
5.5 |
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) #1
Oct 19, 2018 |
I wanted to try this. It's look for kid, and my reading convince me it's for kid. But kids aren't dumb. So maybe this story is too simple & not well drawn. I think that a little more would be possible. I find it a little shallow. The GIRL is a idea but not original (Captain Marvel try something like teen group & science groupe). And a groupe of genius girl without Tony Ho or Ironheart/Riri is so dumb ! One of the character make me think of Cassandra Cain (With chemistry). The only thing good is that Seeker (Really ?) seem shure to have right on her Hank Pym treat talk. Cover - Nice & related. 2/2 Writing - At least kid will know what to use in face of a tank ^^ 1.5/3 Arts - Manga way ... But not perfect. I think they should have ask to Nico Leon to do the art. 2/3 Feeling - No thank you ! 0/2 |
7.5 |
The Weatherman | 3 issues |
8.0 |
The Weatherman #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
Think to the variant I change my mind & try it. It was a weird story to read and I really like it ... Until the end. Then I was "Whhhaaaaat" ... And so sad for the dog. And "Whhhaaat". And oh they push the button to far ... I'm out ! But maybe I will going back to see what next in fact ! So well done. Cover - I really like the variant with the umbrella even if not related. 1/2 Writing - All is said in time, in the right way, very nice. But why did you have to kill the dog ... I'm so upset by that. 3/3 Arts - Very nice & funny, cartoony but not to much. It's lighten the story. Well Done 3/3 Feeling - I will have to come back, because it was surprisingly awesome. But I'm too mad for the dog so 1/2. |
9.0 |
The Weatherman #2
Jul 19, 2018 |
I was amazed by the ease the writer make things progress & give us some of the fact. He even succeed making Fitch pleasing. So we care when we see him die. I want to know more about Amanda. Cover - I didn't like it at first. But I find it in link. And there is some interesting choice in the color. 1.5/2 Writing - This was a very good book. I loved it. 3/3 Arts - The art is nice & funny. But there is too much background without anything. 2.5/3 Feeling - A surprising title. love it. 2/2 |
5.5 |
The Weatherman #3
Aug 16, 2018 |
I wondered where this issue will send me. I loved the issue 1 & some part of issue 2. Issue 3 focus of the evil guy. I don't like him. Yeah I understand that is what the writer want. But I find maybe he push to much the parodic evil mind of this character and his entourage. Worst I didn't like the part in the planet with both heroes. I fell like I unhook right here. Not what I have come reading. Cover - Not my favorite one, but the one I found. Th art is not bad even if I din't understand what the character do. And it's even not the bad guy but one of is agent. So not really in link. 1/2 Writing - I understand where the writer want to go, and he do it well (Even if maybe push to more some part). Not for me 2/3 Arts - The arts is interesting but had to my discomfort. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will stop with this issue. 0/2 |
9.4 |
The Wrong Earth | 6 issues |
9.5 |
The Wrong Earth #1
Sep 27, 2018 |
I finally have the chance to read it. And it was very nice. There is maybe too much Batman link but I hope that will be only for this first issue. I'm hooked by the end and it's what is important. It's cool too have a stinger solo story too, but I didn't like it. I looking forward for next issue. Cover - In link & Nice 2/2 Writing - Well made. I find licked it (But too much Batman showing up in my mind). 2.5/3 Arts - That was great. The prime story or the short stinger one. 3/3 Feeling - Don't miss it. It's a very good comics ! 2/2 |
8.5 |
The Wrong Earth #2
Oct 12, 2018 |
I liked the first issue even if I find it too close of Batman. This second issue succeed to starting taking his own way. I really like Dragonfly starting to wonder if Stinger is really Stinger. Even if it's not is own. I like him in front of the Trophies. I like him shocked to see the Mayor & City Banker who was perverted & arrested in his earth. For dragonflyman the situation is fun too. He kidnap the two cops without blinking. I wonder if each will world will rub on them or if the two heroes will rub on the reality they are trapped. That said I wasn't interested to read the old Dragonfly man & Stinger adventures. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - I like how this one is written, I wouldn't say no to a little more of it by books. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the art of the main story, less the one of the old one. 2.5/3 Feeling - In love with the main story, less for the old one. 1.5/2 |
10 |
The Wrong Earth #3
Nov 9, 2018 |
This time the story can be really put as two different ones. We have in one hand the world of Dragonfly-man with the trial of Deuce. A parody of justice where the woman show how much she can manipule the nice judge (But in a way a against-diving show that maybe a the man are in lust and not only idiots). This part show how this world can be annoying for the heroes with judge ready to forget this easily. And deuce show she as other plan and his the only one understanding what happen with Dragonfly/Dragonfly-man & One. But this is also the story of Dragonfly-man still astonished to be loved there and searching for one. But with Triviac one the loose too, the Mayor ask the hero for help. I love how fast Dragonfly deal with him & use the media to warn the people about One. Not sure this kind of people will really understood what they up against. One the other hand Dragonfly-man just learn for the other Stinger and start to be annoyed by the regular people living on this earth. He even stats that his One on this earth is less a foe than a regular owner of a coffee shop. He hope to find him and that both can be back on his world, but we saw that this will be ... Complicated, to say the less ! Cover - Love it, in link 2/2 Writing - I even love the story with Stinger. If I want to argue I will tell that they could remplace Triviac/Shinx for another DC villain (Not a batman foes) or even a Marvel's one. 3/3 Arts - Both story have great layout & panel. I want more. 3/3 Feeling - A great pleasure to read this. 2/2 |
10 |
The Wrong Earth #4
Dec 7, 2018 |
In one part of the story we follow Stinger who trust that was he watch at the TV "Dragonfly-man murderer" is a fake. We also have a interesting encounter between Deuce and the other One. This time poor One see that their is not greater foes that a wronged woman (And a intelligente one). We also have Dragonfly who accuse The Mayor & the Banker, and find himself against a unexpected foes. And finally Dragonfly-man taking a false bad guy persona to learn where is One's HQ. Also with a story where Dragonfly confront Mama Cyber. Cover - I love it & it's in link to what I read. 2/2 Writing - Nicely done. I like each of the plot. Particularly the one with Deuce leading to a funny cliffhanger. 3/3 Arts - I love the arts of both story. 3/3 Feeling - I really hope there will be a season2. 2/2 |
9.5 |
The Wrong Earth #5
Jan 12, 2019 |
As always a very strong & good issue where both character have to accept the fact they stay on the wrong earth. It's nice too say who each adapt to the situation and what is their next move. Cover - I'm not fond of it but it's link to what I read. 1.5/2 Writing - Both story are really good. 3/3 Arts - The art is really strong. Not much panel without background. I think some Big two titles could envy this artist. 3/3 Feeling - I looking forward to read the next part of the story. 2/2 |
9.0 |
The Wrong Earth #6
Feb 8, 2019 |
The first season of Wrong earth end there. This book show the two heroes facing some consequences of their actions and how they adapt to their world. It's a little funny to see them having the same strategie for keeping their secret safe. We see that both earth have their flaws, and none of both heroes is better than the other. This book succeed to pass the simple Adam's West Batman/Batman Dark Knight mixup. And we even have a look to another earth and a mystery about both earth's water. As a back-up we have the end of the story between Dragonfly & Cracker. Cover - I like it and it's a little related. 1.5/2 Writing - I really like Deuce. And I really like how the story are construct. 3/3 Arts - Love the arts. 3/3 Feeling - Their is something making me uncomfortable, but I can't say what. 1.5/2 |
3.8 |
Thor (2018) | 2 issues |
3.5 |
Thor (2018) #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
I will quote a greatest mind of the 2000 era Phoebe Buffay "My god, my eyes, my eyes, my eyes !". I love Del Mundo but for one will not be able to defend is art. But the story was bad too. So it's maybe not is fault (Love his Secret War - Weirdworld, his Electra & even some of his run on Waid's avengers) Cover - it take the variant with the thor study ... Very nice. bUT Not related. 1/2 Writing - I want to scream "Why" ... But it will not be enough. At least the part about futur granddad thor was better. 1.5/3 Arts - No that wasn't good. Not good at all. I didn't have a chill when Thor use all the hammer. And it should have been a chilling panel. But like for the story, the part about Futur thor was really sweet. 1/3 Feeling - My god ! It was stupid & uninteresting. Did Aaron (Thor writer) read Aaron (Avengers Writer ?) Because Loki is in there too dummy. And Thor didn't look at him with the same spirit. Yeah we take that you are (Like us) sad too live Foster/Thor (Juggernaut is a nice way showing that. And I find more awful living her in life but without her power than with a glorified death (And her reborn someday). And why she cannot ask for Mjolnir to go back from the sun is under my head ... I'm so piss at you write now. Fuck because you did a very good job before Avengers & thor. Wake up man ! 0/2 |
4.0 |
Thor (2018) #2
Jun 28, 2018 |
Part two of thor and I didn't even care about one thing. I didn't understand why the hammer hit Thory & the goat but was for Thor. I was out with the fire monster thing. And the cliffhanger didn't give me the need for the next issue. Worth I didn't find the only part I loved in the first issue. The story about the future thor & his granddaughters. Cover - I like it and maybe in link 2/2 Writing - It's nether the thor or the aaron I like to read. 1/3 Arts - For once I with those who find Del Mundo hard to read & follow. Shame because I loved him on Westworld, Elektra or Waid's Avengers. 1/3 Feeling - It's not why I do usually, both for once I will try to pull back my sollicitation about issue 3. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Tinseltown | 2 issues |
5.5 |
Tinseltown #1
Apr 5, 2018 |
So we are welcomed by a note of Lucarelli about his mother. I find that very touching. Then we have the story of Abigail. Her born, the lost of her dad (A officer) and how she tried to join the cops. And then the story goes a little weird with the cast for a role of police woman in the studio. I also have a hard time with how many men behave around her. It's a shy start close to a transitional issue. But do I want to follow it more than this one ? Did this one give me what the need to come back for another shot ? And their is also the two month delay for each issue. Cover - Nice one, I like Abigail on this one. But their is not much of what I read inside. 1/2 Story - Nice but I find it very slow. Too slow. 2/3 Arts - The art as some issue too on the face sometime. And there is too many empty backward. 1.5/3 Feeling - A nice trie. I will be there for issue 2 but not after that. Sorry. 1/2 |
4.5 |
Tinseltown #2
Jun 7, 2018 |
The starting point of this story begging very well & then all thing turn very bad. I didn't understand the western scene. Cover - Related to the start at least. 2/2 Writing - He succeed to make me care at the start, and then I was out. I find it not easy to follow & wasn't that interested to try. 1/3 Arts - Arts isn't bad, nor very great. But I didn't like the old color effect. 1.5/3 Feeling - I didn't like it. 0/2 |
7.8 |
Titans (2016) | 9 issues |
7.5 |
Titans (2016) #19
Jan 11, 2018 |
I take it for the "Who is Troia" part. Because I liked the previous "Who is Donna Troy" story arc. But I feel a little betrayed. I liked seen Arsenal doing is job alone, but less seen the Justice league asking the titans to disband. The story is well balance between this two part of story. And I'm a little worried for Donna. I didn't read the previous book, so I didn't know what happen the "Troia" thing. He fell like a Dark phoenix storyline. And I'm not happy with that. Cover - I take the variant less oppressing that the regular one. But less connected. 1.5/2 Writing - It was like a Outsider reading with Arsenal doing solo work like that ^^ ... I miss Jade by the way ... 2/3 Arts - Damn pelletier is good. Less bright than in Aquaman. But I love is Donna & Diana. 3/3 Feeling - I'm tired of this feeling to having a close Titans team, but not really the titans with all there year forgotten. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Titans (2016) #23
Jul 12, 2018 |
That was better than I feared with the sneak peek. For now I find Natacha a little too stedback. I have trouble with this Donna Troy (Not mine) since her first appearance in the new univers. Surprisingly I like this Raven. But I have the need to slap Nightwing a lot. He isn't Batman, so why using him like he was Batman for damn sake. Even as Batman he never was Bruce. I'm worried about too thing a romance between Raven & Garfield once more. And that Ms.Marvel will be a traitor (See Superman 1). That said I'm not that teased by the end & will not take the next issue. Sorry ! Cover - The variant (Like it even if Raven is not really nicely draw). Not related, for that I should have take the Regular. 1/2 Writing - I don't like the two story in one. That was a lot to process & I understand that fact only at the end. I believe that was what Peterson wanted, but that was hard to follow. 2.5/3 Arts - Peterson is one of the good drawer, but I think he should let a inker in. I believe do the writing & all the art alone was too much. So sometime the panel are not as good as that can be. Oh I would kill for drawing like him. Just that wasn't as perfect as if someone ease his job. Also there is a lot of panel where he cheat with color for giving background. I understand that he can do more, but that was disappointing. 2/3 Feeling - I'm not hook. I would have loved recognize the Titans I loved. But that wasn't close at all. 0/2 |
7.0 |
Titans (2016) #29
Jan 4, 2019 |
I'm a little late for this one. But the new way the titans was written didn't interest me. This is Kyle who make me look in the sneak peek and your reviews. So thanks to you I brought what I find (29, 30 & 32. I ordered a 31 for in two weeks). I have to tell that I was very surprised by this issue in a good way. I don't like that Garth Hulk out now but that kind of make things more complicated. I would have really loved a story looking alike Star Trek Voyager or lost in space with them after this marvelous issue. Cover - Not really related. It's well done, but I am not fond of it. 1/2 Writing - Very nice. 2/3 Arts - It's the art who definitely convinced me. This is a really good issue. 3/3 Feeling - Well no that could be my titans for this era. 1/2 |
8.0 |
Titans (2016) #30
Jan 4, 2019 |
The second part of this story is even stronger. We have a solution for Garth behavior even if the fairies seem forgotten. I love that Donna link the time by deciding to bring all secrets on the table. It's what a family do ! Cover - I love this picture showing that this's the time to turn the page of the original Titans for new ones could rises ! 1/2 Writing - Intelligent writing who seem to respect all the character. I love that. 3/3 Arts - Like for the previous issue the art make a really strong impression. This was good even if we have some panel without background 3/3 Feeling - I could love this team. Will see. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Titans (2016) #31
Jan 12, 2019 |
A very nice transitional issue. I would have liked that with the rebirth we lost the Red & the Green, but Abnett use it very well. Maybe the fact that Kyle change this quickly is mind about returning to the corps is easy. I like their fight and like in the 90's I fond of them as a couple (Even if I'm a Jade/Kyle fan). The fact that both their mission & raven's soul are in the same place is interesting too. I'm looking forward to read this arc. Cover - Not related even if their is a fight at the end (But not with the Blood's goon).1/2 Writing - Nice issue well writen. 3/3 Arts - I'm really like Henry that I discover on both Exiles & X-men at the same time. I cannot tell what Peeples do, but I kind of like all layout & panel. That said their is too much panel without background. 2.5/3 Feelings - I really like this issue. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Titans (2016) #32
Jan 12, 2019 |
I was a little worried by this issue. I'm not a blood fan. I didn't like any brother blood version even if I kind of respect Wolfman/Perez one. And this issue beggin strangely by recap Garth's vision. But I have to say the Power Rising was very nicely done. I really like Mother Blood scheme. It can be seen as another transitional issue, but I think this origin is essential to be more attach to Mother Blood. Cover - Not really link because the titans don't face Mother yet. But that may be to implied the fact that Mother manipulate them. 1.5/2 Writing - Maybe a little slow, I prefere the story once Mother is herself than before with brother blood. 2.5/3 Art - I'm love Henry but I have too say the beginning with blood is less stong that the end. And their is way too much panel without background. 2.5/3 Feeling - Ok I worring for nothing. It was a very nice issue who hook me ... Thanks again for your review guys It's thanks to you that I return on the Titans. 2/2 |
8.5 |
Titans (2016) #33
Jan 18, 2019 |
I was very surprised by the quality of this issue. I find it very interesting & surprising. The characters are well used and I want the following issue right now. The bad guys are really good for once. I laught at all the private Roleplaying & tolkien's jokes. Cover - Not really related. And don't like it 0.5/2 Writing - Very nicely done. 3/3 Arts - The art isn't perfect but do the job and most of the layout made sense. 3/3 Felling - Finally that my titans 2/2 |
7.5 |
Titans (2016) #34
Feb 16, 2019 |
I very sad that DC don't live more time to Abnett, he finally get it. This issue is fantastic. We have both Kyle & Steel captured and the rest of the time seems overtaken. We also learn that the creator of Unearth can be invisible to Mother Blood. We also learn more about the two unearth versions of Raven's soul. Cover - I didn't have a choose on the mater. I don't like it even if that not a bad art. But it's not related. 0.5/2 Writing - I really liked this part of the story. 3/3 Arts - The arts isn't perfect and sadly too much panel didn't have background. 2/3 Feeling - I want more of this team. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Titans (2016) #35
Mar 15, 2019 |
I really like this arc, and I'm sad it's the last one. For me the team finally made sense in this arc. Abnett use well the red, and I like how he treak us. ^^ Cover - The variant. Not related. But awesome. 1/2 Writing - It's a logic closure of the arc. I will wait for the last issue with envy. 3/3 Arts - Not always perfect. But he do the job. 3/3 Feeling - My titans forever. 2/2 |
8.7 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man | 9 issues |
9.5 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #1
Jun 22, 2018 |
My last reading & reviewing for this week. At first I have the need to run very far away from it. I have enough of Tony stark. But I had to try. So their I am. My reading was very chaotic. I didn't like the starting point retconning once again tony past. And I didn't like the Tony we see going in Andrew home. Once more too narcissistic ! But I think a take me in when I see Bethany Cabe (Once again) as chief security. And with all Jocasta panel. And yeah also that this d... of Tony send a hologram ! But in a way this book, and I understand it at the end, wasn't about Tony. It's not him the heroes, it's Andy. And I kind of like Andy. So yeah Slott don't hesitated to go all the way with the Meca-Iron-Man (I will not call him foombuster ^^ ). Or in other part of the story. But that was always a good laugh not a "Oh no" or "What the hell" situation. And ... Oh Rhodey is once more their too, nice to see him. Even if he don't look urge to become War Machine once again. And the Controller is one of my favorite iron-man foe. So well done ! Cover - I took the cover with the Silver Centurion Armor ! I find it a little related 1.5/2 Writing - Well played because I was ready to be harsh, and to dislike it. 3/3 Arts - That was fun & nice and with some good laughs thinks to his layout & the characters. 3/3 Feeling - Like what ? Sometime you don't wait for a good ongoing and the ongoing find you. The new Dr Strange & Black Panther already did that. This Tony Stark did too. Nice to see I can be Amazed again ! 2/2 |
9.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #2
Jul 19, 2018 |
This is a very strong story. I loved the start with the morning of four of the supporting cast. I really love more & more Jocasta. I'm not fond of the idea that Friday have a body too now. I think is very cool to give Rodhes a fear to be once more in the armor. I want more of this title. Cover - Love this cover, not related. 1/2 Writing - Well written. Love the book even if that look like a minor story. Slott seem to construct step by step his story. And I prefer that to a grandstanding scene like in both the Avengers 1 & JL 1. 3/3 Arts - Love the art even if there is some panel without any background. 3/3 Feeling - I love this ongoing so far. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #3
Aug 16, 2018 |
Another good story. It's great to hide to Tony the true ennemi behind. It was a great issue to deepen this new Tony. Cover - I take the FF version because I didn't like the regular. Now I understand the link so I regret. So nice but not related by my fault only. For Once I will put 2/2 but for the regular. Writing - It was a very fun story to read. A good use of the cast. I love Andy & Amanda relationship. There is some part I didn't understand, but I think it's me. 3/3 Arts - I'm not a fan of the effect for the virtual world. But I understand why this is like this. I love the character in the reality. I'm in love with Jocasta image inducing persona. A technology Mutant don't use anymore sadly. 2.5/3 Feeling - I wonder if there is a link between the Great Escape & the virtual world we see in Sentry 1 ? It's good. Maybe it will not be remember like a chocking better fighting story. Maybe it's a little slow. But I find it profoundly moving ! 2/2 |
9.5 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #4
Oct 4, 2018 |
I LOVE IT ! Very funny & smart. I like that we don't know who is behind the app. I was laughing with some panel. I trusted I would hate that when I see the previous. I was wrong. It's the better iron Man run I read so far. Cover - I take the variant (Not the one with the cosmic Ghost Rider). Like it, but not really in relation. Maybe a little if I push it a little ^^ 2/2 Writing - That was so possitive. Love this book. 3/3 Arts - Maybe some part wasn't perfect. The fight was to confus. But the rest is so luminous. Love that. 2.5/3 Feeling - Stop been grumpy, it will maybe not be a run we will remember but who care. It's fun ! 2/2 |
4.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #5
Nov 3, 2018 |
Not what I expected at all ... Where is team Tony. I didn't even know arno beside the Iron Man 2020 story with Spider-man. And if this wasn't a bad writing, the story is really dark. I close the book disliking Arno. Cover - At first I see Doom with a Symbiot armor (Because this armor isn't the 2020), but now I understand this is Arno. No really related because we never see a armor in this issue. But very beautiful. 1/2 Writing - If I don't like Arno, I find this a interesting construction of a deranged character. And I understand some of his choice, but man he's cold. 2/3 Arts - The art have some Medina look, some Nauck look too. But in less good. 2/3 Feeling - The first Issue I didn't like. 0/2 |
9.0 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #6
Nov 30, 2018 |
Sorry to the delay. My dealer had some delay with it. But after the issue 5 (That I didn't like) I passed a wonderful moment with this issue. Andy and Amanda are a thing now. I laugh at poor Jocasta in low battery and with her ex-boyfriend trying the 90's way for recover his girl. I laugh with Wasp disappointed by the heist she and Tony try to stop. Or how Bethany is on the good track. I really love the way bad player are exit of the escape. And the no relation between Tony & Amanda is interesting. Cover - I see what they mean, not really great or in link. 1/2 Writing - Very well done, the supporting cast improve their personals stories. And Tony stay tony. I like him thanks to them. 3/3 Arts - It was a very good book, thanks to the artist, who didn't have a easy job. 3/3 Feeling - I loved all of it. 2/2 |
9.5 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #7
Jan 4, 2019 |
That who you do it. It's fun but in the same time dramatic. Tony is steal a douch but we love to follow him. Love all the part with Amanda and Tony adoptive parents. Love the controller scheme. It's really interesting. Beast Iron Man story ! Cover - I take the Uncanny variant. Really awesome but fairly not in link. 1/2 Writing - What a very good story. Thank you Mr Slott ! 3/3 Arts - Love the art. Maybe not always perfect but close. Maybe a lot of panel without background, but so much more in the layout. 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm in love with this ongoing. 2/2 +1 for all the respect Slott have for his reader ! |
8.5 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #8
Feb 8, 2019 |
Tony, Wasp & Roddy goes to the Controler. But he is not the only foes in this story. Amanda facing Maria Stark. Andy have a glimps of idea about what to do before been attacked. And Jocasta wake up in Aaron appartement while he's the escape. And we learn about a death. Cover - Very good, but not related. Even with the cliffanger. 1/2 Writing - Strong and well written. It's interesting. 3/3 Arts - Love the arts. 3/3 Feeling - I find it a little to dark for my taste. In one hand I'm sad about this death. In another I don't feel much because it's kind of offpanel. 1.5/2 |
9.5 |
Tony Stark: Iron Man #9
Mar 15, 2019 |
The perfect run continue. Slott give us so much in there. We have not only the controller fighting in the real world, or andy facing a threatening Betahny. we also have the Excape with Martha Stark I.A. turning rogue. And some glimpse of the excape player in the real world making chaos. I didn't enjoy iron man this much since ... Well never. (I really never give a try to Armor Wars, maybe it's the only things who can contest.) Cover - Beautifull and in a way related. 1.5/2 Writing - Damn slott is a great writer on this ongoing. I know Zub is credited too, and even if I like him too, for me it's more Slott word I see. And to be totally fair. I hate Slott on FF ^^ 3/3 Arts - Schitti & Rivera did beautifull stuff. 3/3 Feeling - It was another marvelous reading. 2/2 |
9.0 |
Transformers (2019) | 1 issues |
9.0 |
Transformers (2019) #1
Mar 15, 2019 |
I don't know much about the transformers. I see the old animated serie when I was young. I tried the Bay two first movies. And one comics so far - Transformers : Lost Light. But without knowing well the comics, I didn't enjoy it. This new ongoing was the occasion to try aggain. It seems to be free of the rest. A reboot or something alike. But it's not. It's in the Transformers past. And it's seems it's related to other comics. For one the grudge that Megatron have against Orion Pax don't seem to be new. And even if I don't understand all the Transformer mythos. I find weird that Optimus Prime wasn't Optimus Prime at this time. I find the Orion Pax thing confusing. Like I'm not fond of the fact that Windblade look alike a Americain plane already. I was thinked they adapt to earth tech letter. She could have been a plane but more Alien like. That said, the story was more interesting that I feared. Cover - I take the variant with Rubble on the cover. So related (More than the regular) and not so bad. A little to freezed. 1.5/2 Writing - In following the rookie steeps with Rubble I find myself welcomed in this univers more than I expected. It was a good story with a very interesting ending. I would have loved seen a story where Optimus (Well Orion) and Megatron was Buddy. But that wasn't bad. I would have loved to know more what really bother Megatron through. He rebell but I don't see the point. Their society seem so open. Open to change, Open to possibility, Open to wonder. But I quibble 3/3 Arts - The first page don't convice me. But then their is this fantastic splash page. Yeah maybe a little to geometrical. To clean. But then their is the monkey (Well the Voin scavengers). This page show that the Hernandez can do better. It's just he treat Robots like machine. So they seem flawless. Whitman is more interesting in is approach, or maybe have more experience with Transformers. They seem more credible. Not like if a cube was one another cube, but You can move it like magic cabin. With whitman its more a body with their own logic and more nested. But their is less backgound with whitman than Hernadez. So they are square to me ^^ 2.5/3 Feeling - This was more intersting that than I anticipated. I will tell the thruth I only risk the two first issue. But if the second is as good than this one. I will catch back my sollicitation for the following issues. 2/2 |
7.4 |
Turok (2017) | 4 issues |
9.0 |
Turok (2017) #1
Aug 18, 2017 |
Cover - I take a variant where turok jump on a saurian squad ... Very nice & fun 2/2 Writing - I think it's a good way to enter in this now world. It's not very original the fact to make himself prisoner to go on prison. But the fact that wasn't for free someone is a good idea. I like also the fact he isn't really a hero, and I really like the Duo who will help him. 2/3 Arts - Well, that was perfect. I didn't find a flaw anywhere. All characters is interesting and be love or hated right away. I think the arts have a part in that. And the dinosaure at the cliffhanger. That was very nice. 3/3 Feelings - I'm not disappointed but for telling the truth I never read Turok before. So this reboot his for me a fresh start, and I find it very cool 2/2 Some words about the back up. Unlike Turok I have read a story with Doctor Spektor before. I find this one very disappointing. But the writer isn't help by the fact I didn't read the first part of the story. And that I didn't like the arts. |
7.5 |
Turok (2017) #2
Sep 28, 2017 |
I finish this reading with a mitigated felling. I like the art, but don't see why showing this dream/flashback at this time of the story. I'm more surprised with the goal of Turok. In issue one he tell that he don't come for rescue someone, and there we are. The two character who help him was quickly remove. Too Quickly for my taste. I liked them. The battle with the dinosaur was a little disappointing too. But that wasn't a bad read for all that. The art of dr spector was completely mad. The good mad. The story was better than is the one, thank to the art ^^ |
6.0 |
Turok (2017) #3
Oct 27, 2017 |
I find it fun. But this ongoing isn't that interesting. I'm happy to see the two thiefs with Turok, but like I thought they was dead, I don't care that much for them. And this super weird storm seem like a screenplay ease. Cover - I'm not really like it, and their is no link to what we read inside 0/2 Writing - 2/3 not bad, but not good enough. Arts - Man this art sell me what I read more than the writing himself. Sarreseca & Burnett do great stuff. 3/3 Sentiment - Wait for the fourth issue & I will stop it. I'm not that convinced. Shame because the heist thing make me think of Doctor Who - Time Heist ^^ 1/2 6/10 |
7.0 |
Turok (2017) #4
Nov 23, 2017 |
So this issue was more enjoying that what I feared. It's not perfect, but I like what they do. I really like that Turok name is the name the daugther's father take because she read Turok's Comics. I like the fact that their is some sort of rebels & they will help Turok. After I don't like much all that's link to the daughter (The child sacrifice ... That's a little to much. We already know they are bad guys, so ...) Cover - I take a variant. Very sweet but not link to what I read. 1/2 Writing - 2/3 Arts - A very good job doing something fun ... That may have been way darker or to hard (For me to read). 3/3 Feeling - I'm not that hooked ... And I was totally no more interested about the Doctor Spectrum Back Up, So I leave there. 1/2 7/10 |
7.0 |
U.S.Avengers | 2 issues |
6.0 |
U.S.Avengers #11
Oct 27, 2017 |
I'm not care for this ongoing. I'm just cheak it before Surrender Beggin ^^ Cover - 1/2 Writing - 2/3 - A little to heavy on the Archie parodie & the rich prick. The end is a good idea but coming way to late. The pirate as not fun, the old mafia look is ridiculous. And their test make seem harder to understand for someone like me not that good in english (I know I'm not in the editor mind when he think to who will buy their books). 1/3 Arts - I really love it & that save the day. 3/3 Sentiment - 0/2 6/10 |
8.0 |
U.S.Avengers #12
Nov 30, 2017 |
Well the end wasn't bad. Not too rushed. I fear that will be settle with some Hulk Smash but Ewing at the good idea to depowered the Rulk. I liked that cannonball use some teaching in the X academy (Very nice story. And a class of Snatching make me smile). But I'm not fund of the cliffhanger. Cover - Well seems like a little to soon for leaving, Robberto didn't say so ^^ 2/2 Writing - I enjoy it more that the two previous one. 3/3 Arts - Diaz do the trick. Not perfect and I have better arts this week, so it's fade to comparing it to my other reading. So I won't 2/3 Feeling - A good ending. Not perfect, but good. 1/2 |
9.2 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) | 6 issues |
10 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #24
Aug 19, 2017 |
I don't like Secret Empire ... Too dark for my taste. But there is some good story that cannot exist without Secret Empire. This comics is one of those story. I really like how Jacinto drew the story. His style have something comic but realist. And Sub make a intelligent story in splitting the team. Ok I'm not really a fan of how suddenly Rogue doubt of herself. But he do a great story with this. The part I love more was Rogue been forced to do a team up with Scorpia et Schocker. I also like that Jericho was possessed. I didn't see it coming. |
10 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #25
Aug 19, 2017 |
The second part of this very strong story. The Team is spelt with Doctor Voodoo possessed. And even if Rogue have some has a team up with Scorpia & Schocker, her team didn't know if she will come back for helping them. I like this tension. And frankly I would love to see Schoker become a probatory Avengers after that. If scorpia wanted to leave at some point, Schocker wasn't. And even if they add the Rogue Speech for motivated them, I think he would have stay. I like the part where he ask if he's a X-men now ^^ The art was once more very good. I finish this book with a smile and that's all I ask. |
8.0 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #27
Sep 14, 2017 |
A very nice surprise. It was not great, maybe a little to kick. We event not see the start of Graviton attack. But Zub made a good story, using each character well. And I really like this art, comic but with some momentum ! And the Cliffhanger let me hanging. |
9.5 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #28
Oct 12, 2017 |
Well Thank You Jim Zub once more. In not much page he pinpoint all the mistake writer does on Beast. He does some good point of Simon too, but forget the Avenger/New Avengers annual where he finished prisoner ^^ ... So Simon are in a new way of acting as a super-héros, without fighting (But more hugging ^^). I also like Janet/Rogue conversation, or Pietro & Emily once (Once more Pietro kind of fall for a Inhuman ^^). But I was a little bowered about the one around Johny & Reed's legacy. The art is perfect, funny & all. I love it. |
7.5 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #29
Nov 9, 2017 |
Well I didn't like much this one. But maybe the art, and the fact that is some Drama in a title I didn't expect. I a way that was a surprising issue, a good use of Juggy and each avengers. Even if I was a little sad too see Marko once more as a Bad Guy (I loved him as a X-Man & a Thunderbolt, and I hopped that he stick with the good guys. Cover - Very good & perfectly in symbiosis with the inside 2/2 Writing - I tired to see Pietro as a dumb guy. But all the rest is good. 2/3 Arts - This time Izaake disappointed me. I see some Calafiore work in the Eyes, and didn't like that. I prefer when he draw the character more cartoony. 2/3 Feeling - Not what I expect as a reading 1/2 7/10 |
10 |
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #30
Dec 20, 2017 |
I wonder how much off those who have follow this title will take this last issue ? After all we have a drama moment between Simon & Wanda (I like the fact she move on for Dr Druid, but I was sad for Simon). I love that Zub make a move for Shooker (That's not a invitation as a probationary Avengers, but close) I liked the Rogue/Johnny moment (A johnny nor depress or with a lost of power Zdarsky). But their couple didn't will stand. I doubt that will even begin. It's a little weird to see cap. But Rogue make the past the past, and make a deference between him & the other him. A very sweet ending, nice done Mr Zub. Cover - 2/2 in relation & beautiful. Writing - I wonder what was Zub idea before Marvel decide to put all Avengers title into one monthly ongoing. At least he will be there until the end of Surrender. 3/3 Arts - Love Isaakse art. Sweet. I hope he will be in the artiste for surrender, or in a interesting title. 3/3 Feeling - I love your Run Mr Zubs & Isaakse ... Your Uncanny avengers is My avengers forever ! 2/2 |
4.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) | 3 issues |
4.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1
Nov 16, 2018 |
And the last but ... the worst ... Uncanny disassembled with no surrender but completely boring ! Yeah jean as a vision of the future but don't understand it and try to find kitty only for a few second before losing interest in finding her. The young X-men are with Kitty (Who disappear, don't ask ... just because). If one second before they was not happy to only face Fourarm, they didn't succeed to stand against the mutant front liberation ... Can someone can remember to the writer that Armor was a X-men for a time and did a awesome team-up with wolverine ? Or that Pixie or Idie can be more dangerous ? But now they need Nightcrawler, X-23 and polaris. And later will complain that they come too late ... Argh ! Just kill me now ! I will pass the mystery of the boring lake, or the boring new anti-mutant but charming senator (How original). And then the madrox stuff. What a mess. So no this cliffhanger not hooking me up. The story with bishop facing the candy man is a little better, not really good thought. Then we have a boring Jean discussing with a civilian (Yeah ! Sure ! And I'm king of New England). Little depressing this part. Another story about Anole & Armor complaining about been left aside. But frankly they didn't even succeed to stop Dark Beast, even if I'm with the writer because I like a lot of young X-men and think they are poorly use. This story included ! And then jean ask them for help (Just because, don't ask) when thing got weird at the restaurant. Not one bite original. Cover - The wraparound variant with the fist and second version of the X-men. Really beautiful but not related. 1/2 Writing - A huge fail ... Like No surrender. So well done screw us with a 8 dollar comics ! 0/3 Arts - At least all the layout & panel are really good. 3/3 Feeling - He marvel If you paid for bad stuff maybe I can be paid for a try out. Who know ? Oh no that can be so good that nobody would want to take it. So stay with the crappy stuff at full prize. We are so dumb that we will paid for them ... Damn ! 0/2 |
4.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #2
Nov 24, 2018 |
The story is dumb ... The character are dumb and not respected. What a fail. Cover - The nice variant cover a little in link. 1.5/2 Writing - No that was not good at all. Many thing already read in the past. To many dumb writing choice. It's not the X-men I love. 0/3 Arts - At least the panel and layout are good. But sometime it's hard to tell who is who. Like Psylock (No more asian). At first I trust it was Laura when her team attack. And in another panel her pose transpire the asian psylock more than the english one. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will stop right now. Marvel succeed to do worse than Avengers No Surrender. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #3
Nov 30, 2018 |
Ok at least I know the truth about Madrox. But what the hell happen to Magneto and Angel ... Worst concept art ever ! Cover - I take the toy variant. Related in a way (I really like the mad jacket possibility ^^ ) 1.5/2 Writing - Three writer for this ... Well they succeed to do worse than Avengers No surrenders ! 1/3 Arts - The art do what he can but seem not very exited. I did see Cinar doing way better than this on Legion of the super-heroes. 1.5/3 Feeling - At least the last I suffer to read. I'm out of this s.... ! 0/2 |
8.5 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) Annual | 1 issues |
8.5 |
Uncanny X-Men (2018) Annual #1
Jan 25, 2019 |
I stop the monthly very fast. It wasn't good for my point of view. It was very very bad in fact. But. But I read a good review about this story and I decide to take it. I wanted to give it his chance. And I was surprised in the good way. It's not perfect, but Brisson use the timeline smartly and damn I liked his cyclop. I'm not a fan of Boyscout Cyclop. I liked him when he stood for what was right to stand (But didn't like that marvel make him a terrorist). And I'm ok with what I read there. Cover - Not really in link but nice. 1/2 Writing - It's simple, that use well many X-men story (Who was bad for most) and that pose a brand new good cyclop. Yes the solution is a deus ex machina, but at least Brisson didn't try to sell a brand new complicated idea. Or a bas one (I look at ya Phoenix Ressurection). And it was fast, not too fast, in fact it's feel good. There is just a thing that Brisson miss. A explanation at why Kid Cable & Cyclop didn't disapear too. I hope the "it's the beach" thing will not explain it, because I'm not sure all the X-men that disapear was one the beach. 2.5/3 Arts - The panel was good. I like the work done to make the story in the past with a style close to old books. 3/3 Feeling - Hey they even succeed to make me interested to take the monthly back. Bravo ! 2/2 |
8.3 |
Vampironica | 2 issues |
7.5 |
Vampironica #1
Mar 15, 2018 |
I just come for Smallwood (Miss him since he leave Moon Knight with Lemire). And that's funny that Francavilla do the cover I take (He was in Lemire's Moon Knight too). That said, I have to tell I didn't know the Archieverse well. I know some things but at very far distance. So it's a first for me. Festival I find this book nicely written. Maybe a little formulaic about the vampire parts & the transformation part. For Now Vampironica will have to do better than this under Buffy show for keeping me onboard. Cover - Francavilla rule 2/2 Story - Nice but I would have loved some unexpected ! 2/3 Arts - I really like smallwood, but sometime the color make thing awkward. 2.5/3 Felling - I will give two other issues to make me believe in this title. 1/2 |
9.0 |
Vampironica #2
May 31, 2018 |
A little late but I find it better than the first one & enjoyed it very much. I was very surprised because the first one didn't let a huge impact on me. But this one, damn, I just loved it. Cover - Variant - Not related but nice 1/2 Writing - Very fun I liked this unexpected team-up. 3/3 Arts - It was very nicely done. 3/3 Felling - I love it. 2/2 |
7.0 |
Void Trip | 2 issues |
7.5 |
Void Trip #1
Nov 23, 2017 |
I was totally unexpected, but I buy it. I open, the art was fun, so I tried. And that wasn't bad at all. Maybe a little too mad, like the writing was mad under illegal substance. But the two characters are lovables even with their flaws. I would have liked to know why their was some cop after them. And when at the end when he stat that because, free spirit are dangerous, I find it a little dump & low. Cover - Funny. Not very good because that wasn't what would make me buy the book. That's the "1" who make me open it and the art who do the charm. And that don't tell anything about what inside outside a little of both character. But I find them repulsive in my first looking. That was after reading it, that I see the cover otherwise. 0/2 Writing - Good. Strange, but good. I had a hard try to enter in it. I was tired, that was my first reading and I read the first ballon 4 time alone et 3 more time with the two other for apprehend it well enough. 2/3 Arts - The cover sell the univers to me. 3/3 Feeling. I really don't know if I will take the 2. Or even the TPB. For now it's a mixed felling. I kind of needed a little something more. Maybe because I wasn't high ^^ 1/2 6/10 Once more My notation didn't good enough for what I feel reading. Because She is under Turok one, and somewhere in my heart I know that this trip was a better reading. So I upgrade it to 7.5 ... Like that ... Yeah ... Sorry ! |
6.5 |
Void Trip #2
Dec 29, 2017 |
So the first issue wasn't bad. I didn't understand all of it but I decided to give it a second Shot. This time the story at some part make no sense. I didn't even know with the carnivor if I was in a trip or not. The character are hard to like & If I don't, why would I read story with them. I like the Froot (God/Vision/Something). I would follow him without hesitated. Like what ! Cover - Yeah the bad cop thingi ... 1/2 Writing - Some good, but shame that this hard to follow (But to be fair the fact I'm not english may explain taht too) 1.5/3 Arts - Like the arts. 3/3 Feeling - I will not take the following issues. 0/2 |
7.1 |
VS | 5 issues |
7.0 |
VS #1
Mar 15, 2018 |
I take Issue 1 & 2 the same day. And frankly gladly for this title. I was way lost in the first issue. I didn't know if the recovering was after or before the game. I didn't understand some part of the game (Like Why "mama" martinez as to leave the field). I trust that If I have brought this one month early I will not have the need to follow it. Cover - Nice ... But not really in link with what I read inside. 1/2 Writing - I would have appreciated a little more information. 2/3 Arts - A killing 3/3 Feeling - Mixed at the time I close this issue. 1/2 |
9.0 |
VS #2
Mar 15, 2018 |
So now just after reading issue 1, I take issue 2 ... I was scared to be lost again & at first that was the case. But they succeed to bringing us to speed on what happen. I like this ex-Veteran heroes of a game come back when nobody really waiting for him. And I like to see him made mistake with a ally more capable than him. I didn't understand how is rating take such progress but I trust we will see. Cover - The variant. 1/2 Writing - Better. And it's hit me than Image titles are more suitable for TPBs than floppy. I take more pleasure read it following each other quickly than waiting for each month. 3/3 Arts - A instant kill. Love it. 3/3 Feeling - Would love to see a RPG book for this univers. I want to see more of it. I'm not sure if I will take the following in floppy or wait for the TPB. 2/2 |
7.5 |
VS #3
Apr 12, 2018 |
And as for other Image Issue, the writer story (Even if he rerun what we miss) and add another part to his univers that complicate the story & curb it. It's sad and I wonder if that will do the same in TPB. So I'm in a choice. Waiting for it, or taking all the first arc in floppy & then maybe wait for the TPB. Cover - Very beautiful but not really link to what I read. But a little thank to the ascendant tubes ! 1.5/2 Writing - I like this univers, even more complicated than at first. But I wonder if the rhythm is good ? 2/3 Arts - Still awesome. The woman are so beautiful. 3/3 Sentiment - Mixed in fact. I completely lost in the game part. But behind that I little lost ! 1/2 |
7.0 |
VS #4
May 31, 2018 |
Another game-show but this one seems to slowly turn ugly for Flynn. His arms hurt a ally. And it's seems like they lost all contact for being extracted. But another ally will sacrifice herself for Flynn. Cover - Very nice cover 1/2 Writing - I find the writing interesting & in the same time they always a little something hindering me to letting me in. 2.5/3 Arts - Steel great. Even if the surprised look on flynn was awefull (Why choosing that as the variant seriously ?) 2.5/3 Feeling - Mixed feeling. I still not sure to keep up reading the next one. 1/2 |
5.0 |
VS #5
Jul 19, 2018 |
I didn't understand a thing. What's really happen. Why was the plan of the one in charge ? Why they want Finn dead but not really. And why is return was so troubling for them, but not really. Shame because their was good thing until now. Cover - I take the variant. Not related. And not really nice. 0.5/2 Writing - Some part as well written (All the story where we follow Finn). But all the rest is very hard to understand. 1.5/2 Arts - The art is very good. 3/3 Feeling - I didn't like this ending. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Wakanda Forever | 3 issues |
5.5 |
Wakanda Forever: Amazing Spider-Man #1
Jun 28, 2018 |
I had so much hope. That was awful. I hurt myself trying to go through this. And I solicited all third issue. It was ship and not even funny. Cover - The variant. It's not seem that connect to anything at all. Does the regular are the connecting one ? Nice & related 2/2 Writing - I find it dumb ! 1/3 Arts - I like the art even if I don't like this Nakia (But I pretty shure that was deliberated). 2.5/3 Feeling - I didn't like it a bit. 0/2 |
5.5 |
Wakanda Forever: X-Men #1
Jul 26, 2018 |
The story is a little better than the first issue with Spider-man but it's not really good. Cover - The connecting variant. Nice & Related. 2/2 Writing - I didn't like it. 1/3 Arts - The arts is good even if I don't like Nakia look. 2.5/3 Feeling - Not like it at all. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Wakanda Forever: Avengers #1
Aug 23, 2018 |
The last part was maybe better, it's not really good. I wonder if marvel use this to make a nakia more close of the movie character in some month. For me that would have be better to do this right away even it that scratch some of his past. Cover - Variant not related 1/2 Writing - 1/2 Arts - Make this a little better even if not perfect & with to much coloring for the background. 2/3 Feeling - 0/2 |
9.6 |
War Mother | 4 issues |
10 |
War Mother #1
Aug 25, 2017 |
I didn't read the 4001 AD War Mother. But I loved right away this univers. I like the art. It's a really strong art maybe a little confused at the start when She discovers the Traders in the end of the Urbanites. But this is minor. I wonder at first for the end why the traders didn't fight back, or why War Mother did save them for that end. And then she was attacked too. So nice, I the end, I wanted for more. I didn't solicited the next issue because I wasn't sure to like it. Now I hesitate between trying to catch my delay, or to wait for the TPB. |
8.5 |
War Mother #2
Sep 28, 2017 |
The cover is beautiful ... I love this painting style. The story is really good too. But I don't fond of seen one of the teen acting like a sociopath. I was sad for the gun, and I was very enthousiaste with the cliffhanger. The art is perfect. Great work ... Very effective. I will be there for the two remaining issues. |
10 |
War Mother #3
Oct 19, 2017 |
Well I really like when I expect something, but the writer do anything else in better. And this War Mother Issue was that. I really like what I read & how surprisingly what I trust will happen, didn't. But other thing, did. That's a really good righting, and I'm more & more sad to left War mother with the next Issue. So I hope many of you will try & appreciate it, and maybe Valiant will bring her back for more. Cover - How to not like it. 2/2 Writing - Very smart 3/3 Arts - Well a very good work, dynamic & class. Love each panel ... 3/3 Feeling - Damn good 2/2 10 |
10 |
War Mother #4
Nov 30, 2017 |
The last War mother issue. I will cry & hope that she will be back for more. So this end maybe a little to quickly & easily. But in the same time it's a perfect ending if Valiant don't publish another story. The ending is open to our imagination, and I like that. War Mother is worthy of her name. Made for War, but also a mother. It's the second time she take a young spread as her own. I will miss her ... And will search each month in fever in valiant news for another story. Thank you Mr Van Lente for such a character & univers. Thank you Mr Segovia for making beautiful page. See you soon I hope. Cover : 2/2 I don't care if it's not related to what I read inside. I f....g love the watercolor cover. Writing : Maybe a little too quick, but Maybe because I wanted more of it. 3/3 Arts : Just perfect 3/3 Feeling : I will not hesitated a second if I see an ongoing be solicited to take it. 2/2 |
8.8 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) | 9 issues |
9.5 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #1
Aug 23, 2018 |
I feared the worse & this was a wonderful reading. Thompson succeed again with some absurd humor. I really liked what I read. Cover - 2/2 - I see the image of all in the same boat (Well on a little scooter ^^) Writing - That was a fun reading even if I have my doubt with the cliffhanger. Will see. 3/3 Arts - Not my taste, but did a great job. Even if their is too much Background only made of color. 2.5/3 Feeling - I will take issue 2 and possibly add it to my pull list. So good work. 2/2 |
10 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #2
Sep 20, 2018 |
If you want to know how is the best reading on the week. Don't go further. There he is. A perfect fun book, and I had my doubt with the roster. But Thompson do great. Her joke hit right (Aim right ^^ ) I love the Quentin/Pool situation. I enjoy this reading so much it's not possible telling you without spoiling. Go bought it right now, you will not regret that. Cover - Three month ago I was "My oh my ! What do they do ... This will suck so bad". But this is a fine art & in relation 2/2 Writing - 6 Month ago I was "No way I will read this cast, they suck !" ... But damn they are looser & the right kind of looser & heroes. Love it. So fun, so well righten ... LOOOVVE IT ! (Is that clear enough ?) 3/3 Arts - Ok the art sometime could be better. Some panel have a lake of background. But it's nice & funny, and really good. The layout made sens & I don't have anything to report against them ! 3/3 Feeling - Did I tell you I enjoy it ? Did I tell you to go brought it if you didn't already do it ? So what do you do still there reading me ??? This issue is a must read, not my poor review ! 2/2 |
9.0 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #3
Nov 3, 2018 |
What a awesome reading. This was really fun & entertaining. I love how most of the cast is written. Even Fuse who's smart enough to wear Vibranium earrings. I was touch by Quentin caring for Gwen (Who lost her special power, that's a good choice). And I laugh when Tigra grunt "assemble" or do some catch move when she recover her mind (Even if I doubt this will help protecting Los Angeles). And I laugh with the ending. I want more. Cover - Not very good, but related to what I read. 1/2 Writing - Damn I love this ongoing. I hope US reader will support it. 3/3 Arts - I love the art too. There is some minor issue if I scratch a little, like some panel without background. But nothing serious. 3/3 Felling - A damn good ongoing. I want more like this (Oh yeah I follow Mr & Mrs X too !) 2/2 |
9.5 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #4
Nov 24, 2018 |
A fantastic ending arc for this issue. I loved every part of this story. Love the cliffangher. Cover - Good even if not really in link (Appart for the kiss ^^ ) 1.5/2 Writing - Funny, interesting. Very respectful of character even if Tigra is a little harsh. 3/3 Arts - I'm in love with the art, even if there is some panel without any background. 3/3 Feeling - I'm in love with this ongoing. I'm sad there is not much reader taking this. 2/2 |
10 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #5
Dec 7, 2018 |
I really in love with this team. It's fun, smart and enjoyable. The interaction between characters are really good, even if Gwen & quentin start to annoy me with their "love/hate" relation. Cover - I love it and this is in link. 2/2 Writing - It was very well written. 3/3 Arts - The art are as fun & the layout is good. 3/3 Feeling - My favorite avengers ongoing. 2/2 |
9.5 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #6
Dec 21, 2018 |
A awesome reading. Love the Quire/Gwen moment in this issue. I also was fond of Kate or Chavez. The bad guys are very fun too. Cover - Not fully strong or fully related but close enough. 1.5/2 Writing - The best avengers ongoing, seriously Aaron can learn a lot from this. 3/3 Arts - The arts are perfect. The layout are dynamic and fun. 3/3 Feeling - What a bliss ! 2/2 |
6.5 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #7
Feb 1, 2019 |
It was fun, but weirdly I wasn't totally in it. All the character are well writed. But I had some discomfort in reading it. I find the gwen meta buble about relationship very fun. And I'm not a fan of the ending with the father of kate in link to the master of evil. Like if all the thing with here mother wasn't enough. Cover - Like it but not relly in link. 1/2 Writing - The story made sense. I like the part where Kate free her friends. I like the baby shark with leg (Even if he make me think of Jonathan the Wolverine ^^ ) 2.5/3 Arts - Not bad, but deffinetly less good than the previous issues. It's like if Marvel want to kill this ongoing pushing aside Casseli.2/3 Feeling - Very mixed for a ongoing I really love until now. That make me woring. 1/2 |
7.0 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #8
Mar 2, 2019 |
Well this issue was weird. Not perfect, but funny. Really love Quentin/Gwen couple. I like when Kate make joke of clint. Or how all are boredom with Noh-varr ^^ Cover - Not perfect or even in link to what I read. 0.5/2 Writing - Thompson seems to have lost all her energy or she maybe lost herself somewhere at first. The start is long, yes. But what follow is really good. And this title may be more in link to the Aaron's Avengers one right now. 2.5/3 Arts - There is some part good and other not that good in this issue. I'm sad to say marvel didn't help much this title by not keeping their promise to have Caselli back. 2/3 Feeling - I will defend this title until the end. That will not be long. April will be is last month. Damn I prefered this issue better than Mr & Mrs X. 2/2 |
8.5 |
West Coast Avengers (2018) #9
Mar 22, 2019 |
Ha ha ... Ok at first I was piss about all the Ramone origin story. Mainly when I see Dora Milaje. But it was good. Cover - Not the better cover there is. And not in link to the story. 0.5/2 Story - I love the interaction in this team. I will miss them. 2.5/3 Arts - Not perfect. A lack of background. But that do the job. And man I want the "Ready for the reboot" Tee shirt ! 2.5/3 Feeling : One to go before the end Saddly. 2/2 +1 Because it was so good. Thank you Ms.Thompson. |
7.8 |
What If? (2018) | 2 issues |
6.5 |
What If? (2018): Thor #1
Oct 26, 2018 |
The story was good at first. And then Thor lose his first goal of sight for a stupid hammer. The story is sad for his mother. And I liked this Loki. The interesting part is that this isn't the watcher or the unseen who tell this story. This was a nice ending adding. Cover - Not really the character I find inside. So I was a little disappointed. Very good 1/2 Writing - There is two time in this comics. Before & after the Hammer. I love all that come before, less what come after. 2/3 Arts - This was good & do a great job for making us read it to one point to the other. 2.5/3 Feeling - Just not a little disappointed. So mixed. 1/2 |
9.0 |
What If? (2018): Magik #1
Nov 1, 2018 |
Festival sorry to the fan of Illyana, but I really hate this character. The first time I encounter her she was a little girl dying of Legacy virus. I read some New mutant with her but without liking her. I don't like much her return in New X-men Academy X, and what follow (My eyes rolled when she was a Phoenix five). Even my who like much of the exiles didn't like the Illyana in the Exiles. So I chose to not take this issue. But I was in the shop with only 3 comics (The rest will by disponible only tomorrow in my other shop), so I take it. And I really love what I read. The title is badly chosen because even at the end she isn't a Sorcerer Supreme, but in the road to be. I love that much of the book & the ending was positive for once (I read a lot of What if where in the story or the ending that turn badly for showing us the character is good like he is). Cover - Nice & in relation (Even it's with the end, sort of). But lying with there teeth. 1.5/2 Writing - I will not the writer because he did a hell of a job. 3/3 Arts - True that Andrade (That I loved on Captain Marvel - Another character I didn't like at the time) help a lot. Even if I find him less good & luminous than of Captain Marvel. 2.5/3 Feeling - I warmly recommend it 2/2 |
8.3 |
Wonder Woman (2016) | 11 issues |
9.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #46
May 17, 2018 |
I wanted to try some Robinson arc on wonder woman & this one seem better that the last. So where I am. And I'm not disappointed at all. Ok it's again around Cheetah but with a very great & intriguing story. Maybe Diana appear too quickly. But Robinson choose to go quickly in this story & that give a very strong one. Cover - I take the variant. Nice but we will see later if this is related or not 1.5/2 Writing - I like how Robinson construct his story. Even if the only time (Long ago) I seen Veronica Cale, she seem not to be a awful woman. 3/3 Arts - Very nice even if that's not the cheetah I would like to see. My favorite was the one before the New52 looking more like Tigra ^^ 3/3 Feeling - Robinson is one hell of writer in one issue he stick me in his story with a sad feeling because he would soon be replaced & giving me the need to catch up is previous arc. Well done man ! 2/2 |
7.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #47
May 24, 2018 |
The story wasn't bad, but was less good than the previous one. But the end was very surprising for sure. I did like the encounter between jason & the fates. Cover - I really like the beautiful variant even if not with a real link 1.5/2 Writing - I will put the fact I have some trouble with it because I didn't expect some of much part of the story. But that was nicely made. 2.5/3 Arts - Love the art, very beautiful. 3/3 Feeling - A little bumpy, I didn't enjoy it like I expected ! 0/2 |
9.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #48
Jun 14, 2018 |
Surprisingly it was better than the last part & the awful annual. I was surprised to see Kara in Jason's side. And I laugh internally after the first time he present himself as Wonder Woman Brother ... He give me the need to siding with him for been more than that. The JLA eliminated so easily was fun but make me very worried about the next issue. Because it will be the last part. Cover - The variant with the JLA so related in a way 1.5/2 Writing - A very good story. 3/3 Arts - Merino panel is a wonder to read and make the reading more easy. Well Done. 3/3 Feeling - One more I see the robinson I like. 2/2 |
4.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #49
Jun 28, 2018 |
Is just me or that become another time bowering & hard to follow ? I'm still have my doubt about that much foes against only one character (Well two, but one will turn evil). And find myself more forced to brought it because I solicited it, than because it's good. Or just Enjoyable. Cover - The variant. Not in link, and not so great. I should have take the regular. 0.5/2 Writing - That was very hard to stay in the story. And for been totally fair, I was out pretty quickly. So I can't really give a fair notation. 1.5/3 Arts - The art was good. But there too I wasn't fond of the part where he cut scenes form different part of the globe at different moment of the story. 2/3 Feeling - I just hope I didn't sollicites more of this story. 0/2 |
10 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #52
Sep 27, 2018 |
A very good start. I want to know more about this new Aztek. And I love to see Artemis again. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - I loved who this story was made. 3/3 Arts - Love the art even if Wonder woman lookalike the Movie version sometime. Shame she is so better than that ! 3/3 Feeling - I love this issu. 2/2 |
10 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #53
Sep 27, 2018 |
After reading the arc with the robinson new gods I was a little afraid to see another gods story. But this was very well made. I laugh at some Artemis interaction with Diana. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - In two part and the god is down. Way to go wonder woman. Just sad to see Aztek put back in DC Limbo. 3/3 Arts - I really like the art. 3/3 Feeling - A remarkable story 2/2 |
10 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #54
Sep 27, 2018 |
This part have link with JL/Suicide Squad Crossover ... Nice too see someone remember that. I really was thrilled to read this issue. Cover - Nice & in a way related 2/2 Writing - Love it. Love the way Orlando use the magic lasso moment. It's so nice, like a friend touch. 3/3 Arts - Very well put in picture. A layout is nice. At first I was destabilized by the artist change. But it's very nice. Maybe Atlantea is a little younger on some panel. But it's not a huge mistake. That a beautiful moment with her people recognizing her. It's feel good to have that for other character than Diana, specially with Diana around. 3/3 Feeling - Still hooked 2/2 |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #55
Sep 27, 2018 |
Last part of a fantastic story. I love how Orlando did it. Cover - Not related but really nice 1/2 Writing - Nicely done. The moment with Rustam was beautiful. I was moved. 3/3 Arts - Love the art, once more a beautiful book. 3/3 Feeling - So sad to have the JLD crossover next. I love Orlando work. I will wait to return after the crossover ! 2/2 The first Rebirth arc I really enjoy ! Well done Orlando ! |
6.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #58
Nov 16, 2018 |
I was curious to see what Wilson can do with Diana. And I'm a bit disappointed. I don't like Ares & Grail. I don't care about Steve Trevor. So apart from Diana, I don't care that much for what was told. Ok this was interesting to see that even America Soldier can do a dirty war, and that Diana isn't always to there side. But frankly she isn't against them too and that have not the same impact that Captain America in Civil War. And there is the stuff with the magical beasts. What the heck with them ? She didn't succeed to awaken my interest. Wonder Woman miss What Ms.Marvel have ... Strong supporting characters. Cover - I take the Variant, very beautiful, but not related to what I read. 1/2 Writing - It's not bad, the premonitory dream is amazing. I was smiling seen Candy asking Diana to stay put and see she wasn't in her appartement anymore. But it's not for me. I have the impression to have read this kind of story multiple times. 2/3 Arts - Really like the art, even Grail (Who look like Diana) was beautiful. I like how the panel & layout are made. 3/3 Feeling - Not interested one bite ! 0/2 |
7.5 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #65
Mar 15, 2019 |
So I trust that this was the part one and 66 was a part two. But no it's a part two. No sweet. I understand it anyway. It was not very good, but not bad easer. Better than the first issue of Wilson. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Writing - It was interesting even if I don't like that both olympus & thermiscara was lost again. It's a runing joke. 2.5/3 Arts - Merino do good, even if the part with darker inking isn't that good (He isn't deodato ^^ ) 3/3 Feeling - If I had to choose to follow or not wonder woman with this one. This one not a good issue for convincing me. 0/2 |
9.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) #66
Mar 15, 2019 |
So with this issue I more kean to let another shoot at Wilson. She use well the supporting characters. It's not a very good issue, but not a bad one. Cover - The regullar. Nice and somewhat related. 2/2 Writing - I like how Wislon write this story. She use well each character. 3/3 Arts - Nord is just perfect. I love his Giganta by the way. 3/3 Feeling - I will take this arc to see if Wilson will gain my support or not. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) Annual | 1 issues |
5.0 |
Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #2
Jun 7, 2018 |
In one hand I like this story, in another I really didn't find it original. Cover - A little related & nice. 1.5/2 Writing - I find some easy part. I didn't like the end at all. 1.5/2 Arts - Arts is nice, but I liked less the part where they use splash page as painting art ! To freeze. 2/3 Feeling - The only thing that give is the fact there is five gods to fight ! 0/2 |
8.9 |
X-23 (2018) | 10 issues |
8.5 |
X-23 (2018) #1
Jul 12, 2018 |
I loved All New Wolverine but Cabal wasn't a good fit in it. So I decide to try this story with some huge brakes. But I find Cabal more interesting there. The expression he give Gabby made my heart melting. I was also interested by Tamaki approach. This true their is some major link between Laura & the Cuckoos. And it's nice to underline this. I'm not a fan of Sophie & Esme return even if that give motive & something interesting. I hope all the Cuckoos will not turn chased at the end. Only Esme (Like always) seem the dark one. Cover - Not a bad cover, not a very good too. Too random & not in link. 1/2 Writing - Well done because going after Tyler wasn't easy (Even Tyler didn't convince me with his use of both character in X-Men red). I'm very hooked. 3/3 Arts - Like I said Cabal was better. Not perfect. Or in fact not sometime the kind of art I like (More close to Cassaday or Quitely). 2.5/3 Feeling - I will follow it with interest. 2/2 |
9.0 |
X-23 (2018) #2
Jul 26, 2018 |
Another really strong story. I really like all of it even if I'm sad to see the cuckoos as the enemies. But at least one of them seem to don't be sure of what they do. Cover - A really good cover. Related. 2/2 Writing - Excellent story. Love the humor. 3/3 Arts - Sometime sublime, sometime too freeze. 2/3 Feeling - I love it. 2/2 |
10 |
X-23 (2018) #3
Aug 30, 2018 |
A great story. I love it all the way. I love gabby so I'm really worried for her. Cover - The FF variant. Love namorita, she hulk & Scott so Great cover. But not related. 1/2 Writing - I love what Tamaki doing so far. Great use of Laura & her Friend (This have to happen before Extermination 2). 3/3 Arts - Cabal made one of the better transitional panel I ever seen with Gabby's eye becoming the bridge where Laura chase down the Cuckos. 3/3 Feeling - Love it. A really strong story. 2/2 I credit this issue with a +1 point for Gabby voice, for the van splash page/Panel. For give me one of my better reading as a comics reader. |
8.5 |
X-23 (2018) #4
Sep 13, 2018 |
A really nice issue even if I'm a little lost & wonder how Sophie jump in Laura mind. I'm really worried for Gabby. Cover - The variant not related but better than the regulars. 1/2 Writer - Still good. 2.5/3 Arts - Really nice. 3/3 Feeling - I love this ongoing. 2/2 |
8.0 |
X-23 (2018) #5
Oct 12, 2018 |
I like some of the part of this ending. And in the same time I'm a little disappointed about it. I cannot tell what bother me. It's good & this was very logical. Maybe too fast. But I really like that Tamaki take the time for a lay down moment before closing the book. Maybe it's because I like all the previous issue so much & wanted liked even more the ending. But really I don't know what I want to be in this to do more. Cover - Nice & related. The trouble is that I don't like it a lot ! 1.5/2 Writing - Very nicely done, but maybe too quick, short & quiet ! 2/3 Arts - Cabal show us some of is limits too. Some panel are without backrgound. The double splash page is maybe to simple, strong but It's like a gain time with this. But I love Gaby/Esme badass look. So funny ! 2.5/3 Feeling - I'm sorry but it's a mixed filling. 1/2 +1 for a awesome First Arc, I feared so much a bad book after Taylor have to left Laura ! |
9.0 |
X-23 (2018) #6
Nov 9, 2018 |
Not a arc, but just a story. Very funny thanks to gabby. Not importante but welcomed after the last arc and before the next. It's fun so why not enjoy the ride ? Cover - I take the Uncanny X-men variant. Not related but Beautiful. And in fact even the regular isn't related. 1/2 Writing - I had my doubt after Hulk but Tamaki is a good choice for Gabby & Laura. 3/3 Arts - Not the kind I like. But a did a good job. 3/3 Feeling - One of my favorite ongoing right now. I look forward to read next issue. 2/2 |
10 |
X-23 (2018) #7
Dec 12, 2018 |
I really love who Tamaki right his stories. You can shoot a "Oh again ?" but I find this interesting. I love that Laura talk about the fact their new enemies as killed three people, and Gabby recall she killed more than three people (And Laura too by extending). That question what is a heroes or the chance to be one. Cover - The first regular on this ongoing I really love. Not related to what I read. 1/2 Writing - The story was really good. Gabby his awesome. 3/3 Arts - Love the art too. A little of Romita Jr sometime. 3/3 Feeling - Love this ongoing ! Seriously you have to give them (Laura & Gabby) a chance. 2/2 |
8.0 |
X-23 (2018) #8
Jan 12, 2019 |
As always a very strong reading. I really love Gaby. I have only a part I don't fully understand. The part who seem to be a flashfoward. Maybe link to what Old Man Logan tell to Laura. I find it originality in this story with a lot of thing already seen in a Laura Story. But cloning and Laura are tied up and work well. I wonder how of Peter & Wolvy have more clone now ^^ Cover - I take the Imperal guard variant. Not related and maybe not as good as it could have been. Something is off. 1/2 Writing - It was a very good writing even if the flashforward is weird. 2.5/3 Arts - I really love how he draw Gabby and the background. The rest I'm more mixed about it. Sometime the character look like frozen and too rigid. 2.5/3 Feeling - Still my favorite ongoing. 2/2 |
8.5 |
X-23 (2018) #9
Feb 8, 2019 |
A very good another issue. If laura isn't ready to let the new clone in, she's ready to go all into her investigation. Gabby on the other hand is maybe to open at the idea of a new sister and take a lot of risk. Cover - Nice but not really related. 1/2 Writing - I really like how each character are well writen. 3/3 Arts - The arts isn't bad, but not that good. Their is a little something of Lopez. 2.5/3 Feeling - I liked it. Laura should have stay the All new Wolverine. 2/2 |
9.5 |
X-23 (2018) #10
Mar 15, 2019 |
End of the second arc. So sad, so beautifull. I really love Tamaki writing on X-23 Love her gabby, love scout, love laura. See you next month with pleasure and a huge smile. Cover - The Spider-villains variant. So not related, but damn good. 1/2 Writing - Well a perfect ending for this arc, one again. What to add ? 3/3 Arts -Yeah maybe olortegui isn't the best choice. But look at gabby smile. It's perfect. A very good job. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's a damn good Ongoing. Thanks leving a smile after all that sadness in my face. Your are very tallented. 2/2 +1 for a perfect run so far and after Taylor, I think it wasn't easy to take this job. So well done. |
4.8 |
X-Force (2018) | 2 issues |
5.0 |
X-Force (2018) #1
Dec 26, 2018 |
Did the writer know that Cannonball was in the Avengers. Or that he have a wife & a child in Chandilar awaiting for him. Does he even care ? And what with the new look. It lookalike Sammy in Scooby Apocalypse, awful. Like the Warpach look. And with is machette (With the size I will not call that a knife) when he stab someone that should do blood (And that should kill). I didn't like the idea too close to God Likes, Man Kill. Nor convinced by Domino as leader, nor by Cable/Deathlock team-up. Only Tabitha was fun. Cover - Very excited to see the X-force I love not the following volumes. Not a team already so 1.5/2 Writing - It wasn't bad, but definitely not good. 1.5/3 Arts - I didn't like Burnett, and Ramirez didn't do much Better. 2/3 Feeling - Not hook to read more than this one. 0/2 |
4.5 |
X-Force (2018) #2
Feb 1, 2019 |
Well that was someting. But not what I want. Really Ahab is in the hand of some military men and his hound too ? Poor rachel, we didn't even see the wound. They almost kill the X-men for christ's sake. Really Stryffe want a paradise for mutantkind ? Really again with the killing ? At least Sam try to be the voice of reasons Really Stryfe emissary is that easy to kill ? Damn ... Cover - The guardians of the galaxy variant. Very nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - The tenseness between X-force & Cable is nice. But I don't feel like they love old cable that much. The Story isn't badly writen. I'm just disapproving somes of the choices. 1.5/2 Arts - I'm mixed about it. There is nice panel (Like the splash), but their is also some I not fond with. And damn I hate who he draw Sam. 2/3 Feeling - Still not convinced. 0/2 |
6.4 |
X-Men: Black (2018) | 5 issues |
6.0 |
X-Men: Black (2018): Magneto #1
Oct 4, 2018 |
The magneto story was nice. I didn't care for Apocalypse one ! Cover - The variant. I should have stick to the regular, a little better even if both aren't related. 1/2 Writing - There was some part where I question the writing. It's nice to see a Magneto more brainy & peaceful. He remember me for the one I read in God Loves, Man Kills. I Wasn't interested by Apocalypse. 2/3 Arts - All the panel in texas are good. But the one in the flashback aren't. I even trust this was a complete different story in the past. Then just a different story when I see raleigh. It's when we jump back to texas that I understand the story wasn't finish. The apocalypse panel are good. But sorry. That not enough to make me read it. 2/3 Feeling - I'm wonder why doing this & where Marvel hope to send us next. Will see I took each Black issues. 1/2 |
8.0 |
X-Men: Black (2018): Mojo #1
Oct 12, 2018 |
I will not speak about the Apocalypse Story. Ok a little to tell the art isn't bad, but I'm not interested. So I will make a rating only for the mojo part. Thanks for your understanding. I loved what I read, it's fun, with some drama, a very good reading moment & I expect nothing less than that for this book. Mojo torn about a love interest & his hunger for audimat is very fun. I like the way they mock old Fan base "Oh the young mutants spoil the spot for the X-men I know, they have to die" I laughed hard ! Cover - The variant very good, we have a glimpse of mojo madness. I choose to see it related to my reading. 2/2 Writing - They put piece by piece the grand design of this story very smartly ! I was hooked to it. Gob Herman & Mojo are a incredible duo on so many levels ! 3/3 Arts - Have Bradshaw on this give some good Wolverine & the X-men fibs ! 3/3 Feeling - Loved this mojo story ! 2/2 10/10 - That said I have to put a rating with Apocalypse. Cover 2/2, Writing 2/3, Arts 2.5/3, Feeling 1.5/2 |
7.0 |
X-Men: Black (2018): Mystique #1
Oct 19, 2018 |
First thing - I give up on Apocalypse story. So my review is for Raven only. A Rebeca Romijin Stamos Mystic. Dangerous, without mercy. Not the dumb Jenifer Laurence version fortunately. Ok it's dark and sometime I was a little lost. But's Its raven plan (To lost those who would have wanted to follow her !) Cover - I change the Variant I reserved for the Regular. More enjoyable. And giving a little of the raven inside. 1.5/2 Writing - Ok I don't like "noir" stories. But this was well made ! 2.5/3 Arts - Nor good or great, that do the job & give a nice dangerous Mystique. 2/3 Feeling - Ok I not like it but it's a good Mystique story for those who want to know this one more. 1/2 |
3.5 |
X-Men: Black (2018): Juggernaut #1
Oct 26, 2018 |
I find it bumpy. Not uninteresting but I feel like they try to make Juggernaut what he is not. A kind of Bane lookalike. And you have all this Rage things more true for banner than for Caine. Cyttorak choose so badly his champion ^^ Cyttorak look like Atrocitus & so the Rage feel like Red Lantern's vibe. And if they fly over the multiple role Caine have in the marvel U, they don't take a moment to talk about the Thunderbolt story. The Apocalypse story don't interest me at all. Cover - I take the variant, not in link but funny & nice. 1/2 Writing - That wasn't what I was waited at all. And I don't read the apocalypse story 1/3 Arts - I don't like this kind of art. I know this was to show the rage more. But I'm not entirely sure it was a good choice. The one for Apocalypse was a little better. 1.5/2 Feeling - For Now only Mojo give something worthy of the price I paid ! 0/2 |
7.5 |
X-Men: Black (2018): Emma Frost #1
Nov 3, 2018 |
Like for the other I didn't like the apocalypse story. But this team I really enjoy the story of the character on the cover. Yeah I did like Mojo, but Emma play at another level. It was intelligent and well written. Ok there is only one thing missing where the hell is Wade's Hellfire club ? Cover - The variant not bad for once. A little related to what we learn about Emma origines 1.5/2 Writing - Emma is fun, smart & well written. It's a pleasure to see her like this. But I didn't care for Apocalypse 2/3 Arts - Il love Bachelo, I can't tell that the Apocalypse art isn't good. But I find many flaws in some panel, sometime the character, sometime the inking, and not much of background. 2/3 Feeling - If Apocalypse had no part the feeling would be 2/2 because I really enjoy my feeling. But the price is too expensive for only reading one story. 1/2 |
8.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) | 19 issues |
10 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #1
Mar 22, 2018 |
10 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #2
Mar 22, 2018 |
10 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #22
Mar 22, 2018 |
Well it's hard to read it without the annual. I was a little lost in there. And I didn't like it much. Cover - Ok but not really related, venom is a ally. 1/2 Writing - Didn't give me the need to see more of this part (Even if I want to understand what happen to the original X-men). 1/3 Arts - The arts is good. I was back in the 90's with the Symbiot team ... Did you remember them too ^^ 2/3 Feeling - Disappointed. |
7.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #23
Mar 15, 2018 |
I didn't follow Blue team & I'm a little lost. Where are we. When are we. Don't care. I like what I read. I'm not fond of the fact to see Ultimate Character like MachII as opposition. But at lest they aren't forgotten. I didn't have liked Mutant X but for Now I liked the Vampiric version of Storm. Did Mr Sinister become a Miss ... That's weird (Like when loki was a woman too). At least they give Emma her usual outfit & not the new one with the helmet on. Cover - 1/2 ... Yes they are in it, but they aren't the one most in spot in this story. Writing - I liked it. Poor Lorna through ! 2/3 Arts - I liked the arts ! 3/3 Feeling - I will give a try to this roster. 1/2 |
9.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #24
Mar 29, 2018 |
A very good issue. I loved the story. I was surprised by the downside of the second mutation (I'm worried for rahn if they stick on it). But I wonder how Magneto be sure it will happen for Shaw. I was sad for the your team of mutant against Malice & I find it very nice that Polaris can break free. Cover - Nice & related 2/2 Story - Very strong. I wonder what will keep Magneto from joining Havoc & his team. 2/3 Arts - I like it very much. 3/3 Feeling - I happy to jump in ! 2/2 |
7.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #25
Apr 12, 2018 |
Another very good issue, but I wasn't fully ready to see the Original X-men once more in it. And in so much page. I really liked Magneto part (Even if I think it was dumb of him to use motherverine formula). I really like all the part about Polaris & doctor Raleig is really weird. Also I'm a little sad for Danger. Cover - Really nice but not really in link. Ok this team is show, but they are not in mission yet. 1/2 Writing - All the part with magneto & the all new blue x-men is very good. I don't care about the original anymore ! 2/3 Arts - The art is awesome ... I love the new outfit of Magneto ! 3/3 Feeling - I want more of the team in the cover and less of the original ! 1/2 |
7.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #26
Apr 26, 2018 |
I liked this issue even if I was really surprised to see Magneto free at the end of the book (But agains the marauders). I like the new enemy the X-men have against them (At least Wildcard wasn't totally forgotten ^^ ). I wonder where all of this would lead. I was less interested by the space trip issue. Cover - Not related but not bad. 1/2 Writing - I really like this new team of X-men and how they was used. 3/3 Arts - The art was good even if I would have liked a name for some of the characters. I wonder is this his frenzy in Wildcard team ?) 2/3 Feeling - I liked it ... Maybe not all, but pretty much all ^^ 1/2 |
9.5 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #27
May 17, 2018 |
Damn that was good. I loved the part where the polaris team fight wildcard one, like Magneto showing MachIII she isn't a match for him. Without her teammate she would have fall ! I love much more Alex & Polaris face to face. I'm a little less in the original X-men & Venom story, but I liked the possible futur part. I'm very intrigued by how cullen bunn will finish his story. Where damn is magneto have fled ? Cover - In link even if the encounter between Polaris Team & Alex one never turn in her favor. 2/2 Writing - Cullen bunn make a lot of a job. At least I see Bloodstorm using her vampiric power. I love this darker team, I'm not eager to see the Original taking back the title ^^ 3/3 Arts - The art is very light sometime. Shame because other time he have a Coipel like feeling (Magneto for the most part). Good work. 2.5/3 Feeling - I want the following issue quickly (And I will) 2/2 |
8.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #28
May 31, 2018 |
I really enjoyed reading it. But I find it quite too quick. It let some unattended question (Like where did Magneto was going, or Why Emma betray her team in that moment). Cover - Not related but good. 1/2 Writing - I find that disappointing in a way. 2/3 Arts - Love it. 3/3 Feeling - So Alex is himself once more. 2/2 |
5.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #29
Jun 14, 2018 |
So I didn't see Jean dying in the X-men blue/Venom crossover but see Cyclop mourn. So I was very surprised to see her here. And I didn't read Venomized (That I trust in another univers than the Marvel current univers) and so was very disappointed to see Jimmy with a symbot. Some time ago with the Weapon H some friend joke about a wolverine/venom character ... Well Bunn was listening it's seems. And didn't recognize a joke & a dumb idea. Well done to make me the need to close the book & run far away the next issus I have solicited by the way. And so now the young Iceman can do what the old made a lot of time & suffering to learn (The multiplication of himself) Cover - 2/2 Sadly related & nice. Writing - More dumber was possible ? No don't try that Mr Bunn it's a sarcasm ! 0/3 Arts - Sadly or luckily Stockman do wonder with this sh... Story ! 3/3 Feeling - I wasn't even sorry for Bloodstorm 0/2 |
5.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #30
Jun 28, 2018 |
I didn't enjoy this story. I find it boring and a lost of my and their time. We didn't learn nothing and that don't give anything to Jimmy character. And that true for all character in this thing. I don't understand de parenthesis when Iceman speak about Beast. Yeah that was mean, but normally this kind of thing is for foreign language. But there is nothing indicating Iceman wasn't speaking in english. Weird. Cover - Not bad but didn't like it even if in ling. 1.5/2 Writing - Why ? I don't understand what give this story to the title or any character. 1.5/2 Arts - The art wasn't good, but wasn't too bad. There is a lack of background but that isn"t a exception in the big two currently. 2/3 Feeling - That keep me from sollicitations the two last issue in September. But I also rethinking my Extermination one ! 0/2 |
9.5 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #31
Jul 12, 2018 |
Maybe too slow, but way better than the last arc. And I find it interesting the story become more & more significant like the Ravel's bolero (And I love the Bolero). Cover - Related & Nice 2/2 Writing - I find interesting to see the young X-men in the middle of two ennemies. Both seems to don't give a sh... about them, now. Both seems to have become once more the evil they were. 2.5/3 Arts - Molina do wonders. 3/3 Feeling - If this arc is that good, there is a chance for Extermination. 2/2 |
6.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #32
Jul 26, 2018 |
What a lost of time. All this for that. I hope the following story will be better. Cover - Nice & related. 2/2 Writing - That was well made, but not what I wanted. 2/3 Arts - The art is good but sometime seems not finished. 2/3 Feeling - I don't like it. 0/2 |
9.5 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #33
Aug 9, 2018 |
I didn't expected a thing about this story & Bunn surprise me pleasantly. Ok another possible futur. One who seem different form the Futur Brotherhood one. But I like the way Bunn work with Magneto. In a way trusting he come back as the evil he once was before learning he was the hope the mutant waited for. I also like the parallel between the slaughter he was to do to survive against the Mutant plagued by the mothervine & the Reavers. I wonder what will be the role of the young X-men in this future ? Cover - Nice & Related. 2/2 Writing - Bunn give me another good issue after the awful two part story with Jimmy. 3/3 Arts - I love Marcus work even if there is too much panel without background. 2.5/3 Feeling - Thank for my best reading of this week. 2/2 |
7.5 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #34
Aug 30, 2018 |
There I was lost. I wonder what this all was about. It's not really clear beside the fact than for Magneto too the kids have to go back in time. Cover - Nice & related. 2/2 Writing - This wasn't bad, but I don't understand the purpose of this. Magneto seem to know more than me at the end. That bothering me to not see what I miss. 1.5/3 Arts - The arts was great 3/3 Feeling - I'm not convinced to finish Bunn work. I'm disappointed by his story lately. 1/2 |
5.0 |
X-Men: Blue (2017) #35
Sep 13, 2018 |
Too late for this. We didn't care about this future we know will not happen. Cover - In link, not bad 1/2 Writing - There was some part interesting but much of this is feel just like filling. 1/3 Arts - Marcus To did great. 3/3 Feeling - 0/2 This time I will not come for the next, finger crossed ^^ |
9.5 |
X-Men: Blue Vol. 1: Strangest
Mar 22, 2018 |
Issue 23 give me the need to go back to track what happen before, & there I was. I find this book more enjoyable than I thinked it will be. I like what Bunn did & use the team. I like the fact him too seem to find the young Jean a jerk. I have question about this Miss Sinistro. But that was a nice reading. Cover - The team ... A good cover. 1.5/2 Writing - He trie to surprise us, and some of it work nicely. 3/3 Arts - I find it weird on the face sometime. But the panel are serious. 2.5/3 Feeling - I wasn't disappointed 2/2 |
8.5 |
X-Men: Blue Vol. 2: Toil And Trouble
Mar 22, 2018 |
After two story in the dumb Secret Empire Tian (Seriously I don't swallow seen Beast with Emma. Seen Firestar & Wolfsbane hurt too. And I was surprise to see Mordo back to life), the book take a interesting road with Goblin Queen. I will confess with the shadow at first I trust it was Loki. I appreciated the story about Pixie, Colossus & Storm, but the Nightcrawler one give me some difficulties. I was happy too see Polaris & surprise by who is the blackbird (The only good time in the secret empire tie in). The part about Howlett Jr et Angel finding Blob was sick but give a good warning about what I read in the 23. Cover - Not related but nice. 1/2 Writing - He keep a good job surprising me. 3/3 Arts - Like for the one. Strong, but sometime Jean head seem rushed. 2.5/3 Feeling - I liked it. 2/2 |
9.5 |
X-Men: Blue Vol. 3: Cross Time Capers
Mar 22, 2018 |
I really liked this one. And I'm not fond of the future version of the brotherhood of evil mutant. I was surprised to see the original return to the futur. But like they said that repair what happen. I loved to see the X-Men 2099 & the original Generation X teams ! Cover - Nice & well in link. 2/2 Writing - Nicely done. 3/3 Arts - I have more trouble with the art. One picture seem to show Marvel Girl & Iceman attacked by the magneto from this era, while they are in league together. 2.5/3 Feeling - My favorite book for any X-men Team since a while. 2/2 |
5.5 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) | 1 issues |
5.5 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) #25
Apr 5, 2018 |
I wanted to see the new team of X-men promised in the cover. I didn't like the beginning of Gold and leave after issue 2. I was surprised to see the X-men in prison. That remembering me of the Jurgens/Perez story. But there was some stupide moment. Storm in some sort of catatonia ... Didn't she have deal with her claustrophobia before ? ... Then with no explanation turning so powerfull that she can use her power with a dampener (Even if that remember the time Doom transform her as statue, that didn't seem right). I liked poor Megan & captain britain moment even if they are much more powerfull that seen there. And did the writer mock Rogue leadership. For good sake she was a leader before in the x-men & in avengers. That make me angry. And I didn't even talk about her been KO like that ... It's just stupid ! And poor pyro. Why letting him in the team just for doing nothing. And what hammer is that. I believed in the one of Brutal Thor/Ultimate Thor but it seem not. How many hammer exist seriously ? It's become a joke ! Cover - Nice & this his one of the character of the story. But not really the character with more showtime. 1.5/2 Story - Some part is good, and some not so much. It's even sometime catastrophically laughing ! 2/3 Arts - At least their is the arts. But as a fellow "Parisien" I don't recognize Paris. That would be nice the artist take time with internet to see real street in paris. And some real view of it and not putting some monument where they don't have to be ! 2/3 Feeling - If blue succeeded to give me the need to follow & catch up, gold give me the need to run far away. And a bubble with only "Courir" is laughable. A little effort on the french would be appreciated ... 0/2 |
8.0 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) Annual | 1 issues |
8.0 |
X-Men: Gold (2017) Annual #1
Jan 11, 2018 |
Damn I mise Excalibur ... Where is Cerise, Feron & Kylun ? ... Why Colossus who was in the team for a time isn't invited with kitty ? I was very surprise by Magie, but I really like her. I hope marvel will not dare erasing .. Because she rule. A very nice story for that part but less interested by the Stormhammer part. The other story about storm fan is nice ... But forgettable. That make me remember Tom Strong 1 ^^ Cover - Love excalibur 2/2 Writing - A really good story about friend, less good for the bad guy and the story not that interesting. 2/3 Arts - The art is great for both story. I just have a question about Brian. Did he not loose a eyes at one point. I remember him in US.Avengers looking like he does lose one. 3/3 Feelings - Damn I want more about the Braddock ... 1/2 |
5.0 |
X-Men: Red (2018) | 1 issues |
5.0 |
X-Men: Red (2018) #1
Feb 12, 2018 |
I didn't see the political standing for oppressed minority than some see. I read that some regret their is no action but I think they miss the moment the X-men save the girl or the Baby. Like the end when the ambassador turn rogue. I didn't like what I read. Jean seem like criticize what was tempted before her (Utopia for exemple). But She wasn't there & the she come with a boring Xavier speech (And she is not Xavier). Cover - The Skottie Young Variant. Not related to the reading but that is also true for the awful Charest regular cover. At lest this one is nice & fun. 1/2 Writing - So Jean invite many leader & thinker to just take part of their view & construct her new vision. And they don't sense to be violated. She is lucky there. And I hate Cassandra Nova so this is a really bad move to bring her in this. 2/3 Arts - I seen better Asrar arts (Supergirl, ultimate X-men). I don't know what happen, I hope he will do better. 2/3 Feelings - Didn't like it. 0/2 |
8.5 |
X-Men: The Wedding Special | 1 issues |
8.5 |
X-Men: The Wedding Special #1
May 17, 2018 |
Ok I'm a masochist now ??? Why did I take this ? Hoooo I know Todd Nauck (Petter David/Todd Nauck's Young Justice Forever) And for once since a while Claremont story was decent (while that begin with the stupid space suppository). The second story wasn't bad at all too. I enjoy it a lot actually (Nice to using the Damnation ending by the way). And the last .. Well not bad. A little creepy to see Calisto having feeling for Piotr (Doesn't she die with Mikhail in the 90's). Cover - Weird to see kitty gone through colossus leg. But not bad & somewhat related. 1/2 Writting - Good, Great & Good writing give me a good time about something that could have been far worse. 2.5/3 Arts - Love Todd Nauck (Just Deal with it) Both other story was very good too. 3/3 Feeling - Way better than Action Comics 1000 ou Action Comics Special 1. So it's a win for them in my mind. 2/2 |
4.0 |
Xena: Warrior Princess (2018) | 1 issues |
4.0 |
Xena: Warrior Princess (2018) #1
Feb 15, 2018 |
Well that wasn't very original or bright ... I yawn a lot. Cover - Nice face, but some issue with the pose. That didn't give much off the story. 1/2 Writing - Just Ok. But I would have wanted more than that. 1/3 Arts - At least their is something to save even if isn't perfect. 2/3 Feelings - I didn't take the following fortunately 0/2 |
9.1 |
You Are Deadpool | 5 issues |
9.0 |
You Are Deadpool #1
May 3, 2018 |
A book whose you are the heroes with deadpool as heroes. I loved making him take the path he didn't want and been beaten, but I least I choose the right ending. I will wait for the other issue. Cover - I choose the variant but I mistaken with the one where he play roleplaying game. So a little disappointed about this one. Nice & related 2/2 Writing - It wasn't easy but they doing it very nicely. 3/3 Arts - The arts was really good and funny. 3/3 Feeling - I enjoy it. 1/2 |
10 |
You Are Deadpool #2
May 17, 2018 |
A very funny story in the 60's. I follow the path of art more than the Gamma or cosmic radiation possibility. But I watch each possibility after and I love all the work they did for such a very funny book. Cover - I take the variant old RPG cover. Nice one Even if not really related this is related 2/2 Writing - A very nice issue well construct. And that would be not that easy to do. So great work. 3/3 Arts - Like for the writing not easy to do a page with no real interaction sometime between all the panel. And it's one of the better art I see on a despool issue. 3/3 Feeling - I don't regret following this. 2/2 |
10 |
You Are Deadpool #3
May 17, 2018 |
This time we are in the 70's. Maybe the story is less strong but man in fact it was made with some hell of smart move. In fact you can take a very lot of time rereading possible issu. There is even no forbidding for replaying a part where we badly loose & do better. And I read all possibility after finish my path, and frankly there is a lot of fun. Cover - One more the variant ... Related & fun. 2/2 Writing - Once more a good use of deadpool with very fun moment awaiting (That you will live them or not ^^ ) 3/3 Arts - Still a huge part of the fact I like this comics. The spash page for the map is so great ... But in fact all panel & layout are great. 3/3 Feeling - I think this is how a deadpool have to be. I will not read another regular issue (Now bowering) of deadpool ! 2/2 |
9.0 |
You Are Deadpool #4
May 24, 2018 |
Another one good reading. This run is just the better reading I have on dead pool. I think marvel have to do more run like it with him. This was the first issue where I lost ... But damn it was good. Cover - I'm not found of the cover who have a shred of link. 1/2 Writing - Very good writing, and this should not be easy to write this kind of story. 2/2 Art - The art are good, I love it and this should not be easy easer ! 2/2 Feeling - I really enjoy reading & playing it. 3/3 |
7.5 |
You Are Deadpool #5
May 31, 2018 |
I didn't like this ending. this was too weird. Shame because I liked since then. I expected a 90's parody. Cover - Love the variant, related. 2/2 Writing - The problem with this kind of stuff & deadpool, his to make a good ending. Leaving with the false ending was better that going through it. 1.5/3 Arts - Still a very nice job on this part. 3/3 Feeling - I didn't have regret trying this mini. I still think, if a deadpool story as to be, it in this kind of way. 1/2 |
6.3 |
Young Justice (2019) | 3 issues |
6.5 |
Young Justice (2019) #1
Jan 12, 2019 |
I had solicited a issue but I didn't like the cover, so I take another one too. And I'm bothered because it's a mixed feeling. I'm a Peter David/Todd Nauck Young Justice Fan. It was thank to seem (And then the Exiles) that I stick on comic in a time of doubt about it. There was the first english issue I take and I progress thank to them. So I was eager to see the YJ return, but I was worried that it's bendis who did it. In one hand he respect the fun of the original volume (And It's big coming from him) And I think it's nice too try to correct Gemworld after all the change he had (I didn't like the New52 amethyst version). But in the same time something is off. If they want to speak to superman, why all the fighting ? Also the appearance of Connor is a little too easy like this. Cover - so one is too easy (The regular without color) and not really in link. The other is better and in link (Teen Lantern, Wonder Girl & Robin) 1.5/2 Writing - If I compare to Justice League world without growing up it's less good. If I compare to Young Justice 1 I have too say they are even. 2/3 Arts - The art is good but not perfect. And maybe he draw them too young. At the cops place I would have arrested Joanna because she kinda look like she hasn't the age for driving. I more fan of the last page once on gemworld than those on metropolis. 2/2 Feeling - Mixed their is much to learn what about Teen Lantern, Connor & Casy. 1/2 |
5.0 |
Young Justice (2019) #2
Feb 8, 2019 |
Why ? Why bendis always want to f... my favorite title. This issue made little sense. We don't see how Robin & Amethyst become friend, and no sooner had they beggin a fight than we skip to another thing. And it's a flashback than made a little sense too. The wonder Girl we see in this flashback look different than the one we see in the first issue. Then we have Jinny who want shot the green lantern construct (Dumb). And then Robin & Amethyst crash on Wonder Girl, Teen Lantern & Jinny. Cover - Good but not related. 1/2 Writing - It was messy and too talkative. And not very interesting. 1/3 Arts - I liked the arts. 3/3 Feeling - I will stop it very fast. I don't want to suffer on this. I already did on Ahmad's Exiles, and this is worst than that. 0/2 |
7.5 |
Young Justice (2019) #3
Mar 8, 2019 |
In one hand I'm very happy to have again this alchemy between Impulse & Superboy. Man I miss those character. I another this story don't tell much. Ok we have how Connor find himself on gemworld. And we have in addition a new developpement about him. But like for Cassie, it's weird to see him give up that easily. And the rest of the team are in prison but we don't really see how they finish there. It's like bendis put a rond object in a square space by forcing it into. For now even if I know DC confirm it's on the same univers, that could be the old one. Or another one entirely. Cover - I take the marvelous variant. Not more related to the story than the regular. 1/2 Writing - Bendis did good. It's better than the previous issue, if you don't try to make it fit the actual DCU. Like Always Bendis seems to don't care and do what he want ! 2.5/3 Arts - I love Gleason. Is character are so fresh and wonderfull. Man I miss connor & the real bart so much. 3/3 Feeling - Well mixed. 1/2 |
8.5 |
Zero Jumper | 3 issues |
10 |
Zero Jumper #1
Apr 5, 2018 |
So we jump in this one without much of explanation. At least we have some in way and many at the end. I have some trouble with what happen between her first appearance & the second. But I liked much of it. We see a possible bad guy with a badass technology. And I like the end. Cover - Nicely done & related to my reading 2/2 Story - Maybe a little more clarification about temporality will help. 2/3 Arts - Ok there is not much backward, but that logic with the planet or the drawing point the artist choose. And he use Juno's personal assistant as way to make some acting panel leading one to another. I have my doubt about if the character was a young lad or a girl, even if many picture made me think, she was a girl. And her name make this clear. 3/3 Feeling - I more in this comics than in Tinseltown. But their is some work to do to have me going through the four parts. 1/2 8/10 |
8.5 |
Zero Jumper #2
Jun 7, 2018 |
The issue 2 have good stuff in it. But I didn't like the ending. I would rather see Elara in the same team than Juno. Maybe she will turn to help in issue 3/4. I like the way Juno move. Cover - Related & nice 2/2 Writing - I find it more clear than the first. So it's a win. 3/3 Arts - Like the art, even if the future society isn't very original. 2.5/3 Feeling - It's not bad, It's not very good easer. But It's a nice comics. 1/2 |
7.0 |
Zero Jumper #4
Oct 26, 2018 |
Sorry to be late, he hit europa only this week fox ! So what we have here. The last fight between Juno & bad guy. With one lost who did no sense (Elara was winning) and a beautiful sacrifice. Cover - Nice but not related. 1/2 Writing - I find that good even if some part made no sense. Only there to let Juno be the one kicking the but of her foe with some sort of timey wimey Kamehaméa ! 2/3 Arts - Love the art. Beautiful & very dynamic. 3/3 Feeling - Even if it was sometime a little bit just, I don't regret try this. 1/2 |
5.5 |
Ziggy Pig - Silly Seal Comics | 1 issues |
5.5 |
Ziggy Pig - Silly Seal Comics #1
Mar 8, 2019 |
I didn't even know why I take this ... Oh wait the cover ^^ Cover - The FF variant. Love it ^^ But not in link 1/2 Writing - A little to talkative, and weird too. More adulte than we can expect with those Cartoon caratere. 2/3 Art - The cartoon part are great, love the con with all those forgotten characters ^^ At least we now know what does the characters once in Marvel catalogue Limbo. ^^ The panel and layout show perfectly the excessive energy thos cartoon charaters have. 2.5/3 Feeling - I don't like it a lot. At first I through it was a Marvel response to the Warner/Dc crossover. But it way too weird for that. 0/2 |
4.5 |
Zinnober | 1 issues |
4.5 |
Zinnober #1
Jun 14, 2018 |
Hard to put this kind of story after the Image Comics : The Realm. So I had to make a effort not to compare it. The story didn't make much sens at first. Yeah She will go save a Dog and I read Weatherman after, so now I understand, but at first I find it dumb. The fact that the awful group show up outside for a woman make a little sens too. The dog bark for a time now and they could have suspect the Dragon to appear. So there, this is not about a friendly dragon. And there is a not as bad as his associate man in the group. And he's a scientist ... Ok ... Then their is the cult in the subway. And I was ... Ok you lost me. But the Detective Comics issue show a light on that too. And finally the weird creepy white maybe Dragon dud. And the bad ending. So I'm very very lost on this one, because I didn't like it, but another story I like made me reconsider my feeling about it. Cover - The variant with the read dragon . Very beautiful & in a way related 1.5/2 Writing - Not very good, because I have to read another comics for this story to make sens. Without them I would have despite it. 1.5/2 Arts - Not bad but not very good. It make a decent job. 1.5/3 Feeling - I will not buy the next issue for sure. 0/2 |
5.0 |
Zojaqan | 2 issues |
6.0 |
Zojaqan #2
Nov 18, 2017 |
I didn't like issue 1, and completely forget solicited this one. So I take it, but I not read it. I fly over, but detached to it. Sorry because that's not helping (For you) & respectful for the artistic team. Cover - 2/2 Story - I cannot tell ... 1/3 Arts - Very nice 3/3 Feeling - I hope I didn't sollicites the third too. 0/2 |
4.0 |
Zojaqan #3
Feb 8, 2018 |
That really behindhand. And I even didn't like the first issue & didn't succeed to be in the second issue. So this third issue wasn't really enjoyable. I did succeed to going in on the end, but didn't like the end at all. Cover - Nice & in relation to the story 2/2 Writing - I find it not interesting. 0/3 Arts - The art is very good. 2/3 Feeling - This time this is my last issue ^^ 0/2 |