Jawsh's Profile

Joined: Dec 09, 2021

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Overall Rating
I Heart Skull Crusher (2024) #1 May 2, 2024
Helen of Wyndhorn (2024) #2 Apr 25, 2024

Incredible as always. Cathartic in the darkest ways.


Superman (2023) #11 Apr 24, 2024
Superman (2023) #12 Apr 24, 2024
Superman (2023) #9 Apr 18, 2024
Superman (2023) #10 Apr 18, 2024
Superman (2023) #1 Apr 12, 2024
Superman (2023) #2 Apr 12, 2024
Superman (2023) #3 Apr 12, 2024
Superman (2023) #4 Apr 12, 2024
Superman (2023) #5 Apr 12, 2024
Superman (2023) #6 Apr 12, 2024
Superman (2023) #7 Apr 12, 2024

There's just something classic about this series that I love so much.

Damn Them All (2022) #12 Apr 9, 2024
Immortal Thor (2023) #8 Apr 9, 2024
Immortal Thor (2023) #9 Apr 9, 2024
Nightwing (2016) #111 Apr 9, 2024
Nightwing (2016) #112 Apr 9, 2024

I get a good mystery required patience, but this feels like theyre drawing a lot of this out. Not saying it's bad, it's just starting to get kinda boring and expected.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #5 Apr 8, 2024
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #2 Apr 8, 2024
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #3 Apr 8, 2024
Blue Beetle (2023) #8 Apr 8, 2024
Poison Ivy (2022) #21 Apr 8, 2024
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) #2 Apr 8, 2024
Wonder Woman (2023) #6 Apr 8, 2024
Wonder Woman (2023) #7 Apr 8, 2024



The Deviant (2023) #4 Apr 5, 2024

the best issue of this series so far feels like its from another series !

Absolutely loved this issue.

Helen of Wyndhorn (2024) #1 Apr 1, 2024
Man's Best (2024) #1 Apr 1, 2024
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1 Apr 1, 2024
Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #2 Apr 1, 2024


A ton of fun and interesting, surprising direction to take! Though all the different skin tones on Jamie depending on the artist was distracting lol


This book is FANTASTIC

need more!

Incredible. Devoured every single panel.

A step up the last few issues!

W. Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo really delivered with this one.

Started off interesting, the art is still great. I am not feeling any particular way to where this story went. It lost some of its spark.

Immortal Thor (2023) #7 Mar 7, 2024


This was a great issue, and if Rowell continues this trend, the start of another fun arc for our jade goddess.

Tis decent, I miss the artist from the last run but Ziglar has got a better handle on his storytelling strengths. Hope the book continues on an upward trajectory!

Loved this issue !

Fantastic arc. High stakes both physical and emotional. Plenty of action mixed in with great character moments. Built up to this climax and a cliffhanger?! Blue Beetle is is a fantastic BOOK.

Loving this quite a bit

G. Willow Wilson is killing it with this book. So happy to be able to read this month to month.

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) #1 Feb 28, 2024
Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #5 Feb 28, 2024

For all the crazy shenanigans happening here, this really should be much more interesting than it's coming across.



Oh no, the art changed... but this is still a pretty good issue that's a blast!

I don't get the haters. This series is so much fun, and I'm going to miss it ;___;

Loving this book!

Nightwing (2016) #109 Jan 30, 2024

I don't like BEAST WORLD.


Wonder Woman (2023) #4 Jan 25, 2024

Loved this issue. Damn.

One of Duggan's most inspired moments lacks the punch it could have had. Still, had me reeling for what happens next.

Fall of the House of X (2024) #1 Jan 22, 2024

What's the phrase... We are so back

Poison Ivy (2022) #17 Jan 22, 2024
Poison Ivy (2022) #18 Jan 22, 2024
Rise of the Powers of X (2024) #1 Jan 22, 2024

Love to read it

Shazam! (2023) #6 Jan 22, 2024
Shazam! (2023) #7 Jan 22, 2024
The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #5 Jan 22, 2024

A stronger ending to a muddling series with GREAT ideas and GREATER artwork. Glad it's going to continue, but the series needs to do more to stand out and have clearer storylines.

Feels rushed. Has an ending been ordered? A lot happens in this issue and I like the majority of it but some of the movements here dont pack the punch they should.

Titans (2023) #6 Jan 22, 2024
Titans (2023) #7 Jan 22, 2024
Rare Flavours (2023) #1 Jan 16, 2024
Rare Flavours (2023) #2 Jan 16, 2024

A strong start with great artwork and an intriguing hook. Finally getting around to read this BIG STACK OF COMICS I PILED UP OVER THE HOLIDAYS


Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #3 Jan 8, 2024

Is this going where I think it's going? Because if so this is some of the most messed up shiz Tynion has written so far.

Intriguing, but this is getting messy.

wop wop wop

Immortal X-Men (2022) #17 Dec 28, 2023

OK, Gillen. This was the most WICKED and the DIVINE issue of the X MEN ever.

Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) #4 Dec 28, 2023
Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) #5 Dec 28, 2023

An solid, fantastic first arc comes to a close with a series worthy of it's title.

Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #2 Dec 27, 2023
Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #3 Dec 27, 2023
X-Men (2021) #28 Dec 27, 2023
X-Men (2021) #29 Dec 27, 2023

This series has been so strange and so dense but a part of me has been enjoying, this issue kinda knocked it out of the park.

Immortal Thor (2023) #3 Dec 15, 2023
Immortal Thor (2023) #4 Dec 15, 2023
Scarlet Witch (2023) #9 Dec 15, 2023
Scarlet Witch (2023) #10 Dec 15, 2023
Starsigns (2023) #6 Dec 15, 2023
The Cull (2023) #3 Dec 15, 2023
The Cull (2023) #4 Dec 15, 2023
Birds of Prey (2023) #3 Dec 14, 2023
Birds of Prey (2023) #4 Dec 14, 2023
Blue Beetle (2023) #2 Dec 14, 2023
Blue Beetle (2023) #3 Dec 14, 2023

Oh boy, I am loving this.

City Boy (2023) #5 Dec 14, 2023
City Boy (2023) #6 Dec 14, 2023
Green Arrow (2023) #5 Dec 5, 2023
Green Arrow (2023) #6 Dec 5, 2023
Damn Them All (2022) #9 Dec 4, 2023

Ah, this one was excellent.

Green Arrow (2023) #4 Dec 4, 2023
Swan Songs (2023) #4 Dec 2, 2023
Swan Songs (2023) #5 Dec 2, 2023
The Deviant (2023) #1 Dec 2, 2023

Interesting stuff, if a little meandering ..

Astonishing Iceman (2023) #4 Nov 16, 2023
Dark X-Men (2023) #4 Nov 16, 2023
Jean Grey (2023) #4 Nov 16, 2023

This issue hit me like a ton of bricks. Beautiful, horrifying, dark, and intense.

Shazam! (2023) #4 Nov 16, 2023
Shazam! (2023) #5 Nov 16, 2023
World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #5 Nov 16, 2023

There's something very 2000s about this series lol

Dark X-Men (2023) #3 Nov 15, 2023
Immortal X-Men (2022) #16 Nov 15, 2023
Jean Grey (2023) #3 Nov 15, 2023

Undine is so pretty. Issue kinda just ends.

Same, Sable, Same.

Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) #3 Nov 15, 2023
X-Force (2019) #45 Nov 15, 2023
X-Force (2019) #46 Nov 15, 2023
X-Men (2021) #27 Nov 15, 2023
X-Men: Red (2022) #16 Nov 15, 2023


Had a great time with this one, picks up the pace, makes better use of the space. In Rowell, I trust!

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #1 Nov 6, 2023

Surprised this was released after the drama that's unfolded online. But public domain does include DC afterall. Things ramp up like crazy and Fables gears for a showdown. L O L at Cinderella.

Starsigns (2023) #4 Nov 6, 2023
Starsigns (2023) #5 Nov 6, 2023

Love this boook!

Martin Simmonds's artwork is incredible!

What's The Furthest Place From Here? #14 Nov 6, 2023


Chilling Adventures (2022): Pop's Choc'lit Shoppe of Horrors Nov 2, 2023
Chilling Adventures (2022): The Cult of that Wilkin Boy #1 Nov 2, 2023
Chilling Adventures (2022): Jinx: A Cursed Life #1 Nov 1, 2023
Chilling Adventures (2022): Camp Pickens #1 Nov 1, 2023
Chilling Adventures (2022): Strange Science #1 Nov 1, 2023


Chilling Adventures (2022): Welcome To Riverdale #1 Nov 1, 2023
Chilling Adventures (2022): Madame Satan - Hell On Earth #1 Nov 1, 2023

Wish Ryan Jampole drew the whole thing.

Simon S being Simon! Existentialism, religion, faith, fundamentals. Unsure where it's all going but this is more WAY OF X / CODA than it is HELLBLAZER / DAMN THEM ALL. Art is fantastic.

LOVED THIS. THE ARTWORK. OMG THE ARTWORK. I have so much hope for this series.

Birds of Prey (2023) #2 Oct 13, 2023


Danger Street (2022) #9 Oct 13, 2023
Danger Street (2022) #10 Oct 13, 2023
Nightwing (2016) #106 Oct 13, 2023
Saga #66 Oct 13, 2023


Fantastic first issue

World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #3 Oct 13, 2023
World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #4 Oct 13, 2023

Inspector Insector is the best.

Great, fun ideas, being rushed through without being able to connect to any of these characters on a level that isn't just the tropes and archetypes they're based off of.

It is neat

A strong entry with some great character moments and intriguing plot intros.

So happy this series got another volume.

Enjoying this one quite a bit

What a fun book. I'm gonna miss it.


Lots of gay, silly fun.

Swan Songs (2023) #3 Oct 10, 2023

A little predictable and repetitive

Really vibed with this one

VERY intriguing.

This issue was so much fun, art was great, some FANTASTIC moments across the board with all the characters. Gerry Duggan knocked this out of the park, I hope the rest of the series continues with this energy.

Love what's happening! No idea where it's going, I hope it pays off! Alt timelines being explored ala Moira... but to what end? Hope it's not just because it's cool...

The series comes more alive than it's ever been here.

Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) #2 Oct 3, 2023
Astonishing Iceman (2023) #2 Sep 24, 2023
Blue Beetle (2023) #1 Sep 24, 2023
Children of the Vault (2023) #2 Sep 24, 2023

LOL I really enjoyed this

The Cull (2023) #2 Sep 24, 2023
X-Force (2019) #44 Sep 24, 2023
X-Men: Red (2022) #15 Sep 24, 2023

It's giving THE CITY WE BECAME a bit Which I love but this isn't AS good yet


Another fantastic issue!

Feels like a sister series to NICE HOUSE ON THE LAKE

Not the finish one would hope for when the series began. It feels unfinished. Love the artwork as always and some versions of these characters work really well. Just hope the next arc (cuz it is coming...) is plotted more effectively.

Interesting start, with a good tone. Not sure I understand the premise but Im sure its just what the rest of the series will be for. Let's see where it goes.

An exposition filled issue. Unfortunately, not really that interesting.

And so the arc closes. Some fun ideas half baked into a disappointing adventure. Silk honestly deserves better storyarcs. This coulda been an email.

Another fantastic issue. God I love the Doom Patrol.

OUCH, this issue's greatest strength is it's greatest weakness. It is touching on storylines that are occurring in tandem across a variety of books, so if you're following those books, a lot of this feels very familiar and if you're NOT following those books, this is going to feel INCOMPLETE. But setting that ASIDE, there's still some problems, for example Shadowkat and Firestar. That plot line had so much potential and drama that the way its handled here feels like an afterthought. Also an afterthought... the cover of this issue and the stunt behind one of Fall of X's biggest plot threads... this was not a satisfying way to get to a wedding... I love a lot of what's happening with FALL OF X, but X-MEN 26 as an issue feels like it's rushing through everything.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #15 Sep 12, 2023


Invincible Iron Man (2022) #9 Sep 12, 2023

Something REALLY interesting happening in this book with the metaphor for Kamala's idenity now being portrayed as a MUTANT. A connection I somehow missed with all the HELLFIRE GALA surprises. (I did not know about Ms Marvel being a mutant until I read the Gala). But like... weird that Bruno would be OK going to a program like that while being so openly anti-mutant and how Kamala is now openly in such a hostile environment... I wonder how they're going to handle all of that, if at all... But Im intrigued!

World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #2 Sep 12, 2023

There's a LOT I love about this, the artwork, the colors, the b-horror movie magic. Queer horror is like my favorite of the newer genres exploding right now. But this issue felt like a kid getting super excited to play with all his toys they through everything in. It's a LOT and it's messy and while I get what it's going for, the pace is just NOT IT and it's unsatisfying. Maybe because not every issue is guaranteed and to have the space to tell a story you're clearly passionate about is a super, huge gift but let the tale breath. It's good enough on it's own, you don't need to convince me. Now make me fall in love with it.

A very strong, and successful relaunch for Thor. Al Ewing is aiming for skies with this one.

We lost steam


There were things I enjoyed, but Im glad this event is over because at this point, it got super repetitive.

Not my favorite so far for sure... Ill give it a chance

Excellent addition to this current HELLFIRE GALA saga, where are they going from here?!

Off to a very strong start!

This has the potential to be so much fun and interesting, I hope they can keep this energy up!

Fantastic art, fantastic story. loved it

Art and dialogue off the chain. Immediately wanted to read the next issue. Very strong debut issue from Kelly Thompson.

Got stuck with the DISGUSTING Greg Land cover... WHACK. But omg this was another good debut. FALL OF X so far is off with a BANG.

War is here, things are happening fast, not gonna lie, some of this feels like what do we do with Mars while FALL OF X is happening? Its not as interesting as I think it could be.

First book from Deniz Camp that I read and it was really engaging. Gotta set aside the EARTH-SHATTERING stuff that MAY or may NOT be referenced in other titles alongside... idk... the death of all mutants... It's a LOT, it's a LOT all at once and my suspension of disbelief can only go so far. But the core main characters of Cable and Bishop are a brilliant care and Camp and Maresca do their best to make these big-ass pills easy to swallow.

A seemingly stand-alone, back to basics, type of crossover event that matches the tone and aesthetic of its characters with a strong central core. I may pick up the rest of this as well for the spooky elements and the artwork!

This book is fucked up LOL

Fizzles out. The miniseries introduced some very interesting, complex, scary questions on authority, grief, and why good people do bad things. But it's nowhere near equipped nor has the space to explore any of these themes in any meaningful ways.

This event lost steam fast.

Still better than some of the others but ultimately kinda just there.

Classic Orlando writing here. As in to say, there's something missing to make this click which is disappointing. Will try a few more issues but BOBBY DESERVES A GREAT SERIES.

BONUS PAGES?! It's like 2009 again! A decent issue with lots of story

PERFECT. I loved this issue. It was ripped straight out of the SANDMAN UNIVERSE. Writing is fantastic, it's just emotional and cryptic enough to give me chills. I hope the rest of this saga is just as good as this. I love me some bad bitches.

Hellfire Gala Part 2! Enjoyed the hell out of it and I wanted the next issue immediately after finishing this! Excited!

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #2 Aug 3, 2023
Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #3 Aug 3, 2023
Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #4 Aug 3, 2023
Starsigns (2023) #3 Aug 3, 2023
W0rldtr33 #4 Aug 3, 2023
Knight Terrors (2023) #2 Jul 27, 2023
Knight Terrors: Titans (2023) #1 Jul 27, 2023

Really enjoyed this, hope the next launch keeps up with THIS pace. THOSE LAST PAGES <3 <3 <3

This arc is not it.

Off with another BANG

Lot of standing around and talking but there are some great moments between some of these characters. The trope Damian's role is in this is one of my least favorites, I find it boring. There's an interesting pattern emerging in how Taylor writes Harley. Will Jon be successful in changing hearts? Somehow don't see this being satisfying resolved in one more issue.

Love the design of this new villain. Let's see where this goes!

Danger Street (2022) #6 Jul 21, 2023
Danger Street (2022) #7 Jul 21, 2023

OMG, this isn't good. Boring, derivative, uninteresting, obvious. Not even those reading the main title may enjoy this so who's it for?

The first tale is fantastic! I WANT MORE OF THAT PLEASE. Give Josie Campbell and Juan E. Ferreyra a Justice League Dark book please. The second tale was boring so the rating is really for the first.

Love Everlasting #9 Jul 21, 2023

Very tropey and predictable! But the art is really nice and the characters are likable. Gonna check out a few more issues and see where it goes. Though I think I know where it's going, there's one path I hope it goes but I doubt it'll go there. lol

I don't want this book to END.

Matthew Rosenberg continues to knock it out of the park.

World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #1 Jul 21, 2023

X-Force continues to read like pulpy b-sci-fi magazine tales. And tbh, I've always loved it for that.

And we're back.

Fantastic, creepy, and effective. Hairball is gonna be a top series this year.

I wanna see a horror movie made from this so BADLY. Fantastic series.

Thrilling from beginning to end.

Knight Terrors (2023) #1 Jul 18, 2023

I enjoyed this start quite a bit, almost wish it was its own epic miniseries in the style of DC vs Vampires, not sure how the rest will go but I will proceed with caution!

Kind of predictable, but still effective. These cliffhangers are gonna be a problem.

Enjoyed this a lot as a Poison Ivy fan, the art was CREEPING me out for sure. As part of Knight Terrors it is inconsequential.

OK, so many of these are so similar.

Waid embraces classic dream logic to send Mary down a road to her worse nightmares. Hints at a tie to the main Knight Terror plot-line, but... it probably doesn't mean anything.

Similar to a few of these tie-ins, inconsequential to Knight Terrors. Fans of the flash series will get a hoot out of this one.

Sirens of the City (2023) #1 Jul 18, 2023

Love a lot what it's doing. Wish the story had a TON more room to breath but with comics... sometimes you don't get all the space you desire. At the very least, there's a ton of interesting, engaging plot.

Green Arrow (2023) #3 Jul 5, 2023
W0rldtr33 #3 Jul 5, 2023

Damn, kinda sad to see this one go. Def feels there was way more gas in this tank. And NO R. B. Silva on the art? Kind of insulting... But that's the business I guess...

Now to wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

OMG, I really loved this issue. Damn SCOUNDREL is so annoyingly charming but JACK OF HEARTS is just sooooooooo heartachingly emotional. Though, it's clear who of the two is the better choice.

The ISSUE with this ISSUE is that there's some trouble balancing the plot that matters with the movie-plot inside the plot that doesn't matter. Maybe if the issue would have OPENED inside the fake film going on in Silk's head first and then go outside to the plot that directly affects her, but even so, without being able to thematically or satisfyingly tie the two threads together what we are left with is a story where SILK is actually just ASLEEP inside her own book and everyone else around has the action.

Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Quiet enjoyed the start of this. Made me realize how much I miss classic Buffy and Brielle so far is a worthy companion.

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #2 Jun 27, 2023
Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #3 Jun 27, 2023

First issue where the constraints of the limited series feel, we are rushing through story like crazy.

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #5 Jun 27, 2023

MacKay is just a really good, fun writer that's here to give us some classics. Let's see how long before it gets overly complicated as most Avengers tales tend to go.

Never expected to love this book as much as I have. It is one I look forward to monthly. It tickles my queer-horror-loving-self in all the best ways.

Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo are going for that second Eisner, I see.

They still got it.

Excellent. Really excellent.

UGH so good

Really enjoying this arc

I am really enjoying this arc, it's The Boys but in DC with Taylor's philosophies. I am finding it all very engaging. Taylor likes to take large swings with established characters and his schtick has become to make these swings using the cheat of multiverses and elseworlds. Use the established character tropes to then build upon them using his own style and plotlines. The moments here between Jon and Jay have been the best the couple has ever appeared in the comic. Super excited to see where this goes.

This series gets better and better.

Enjoyed this more than the first! Now I wanna meet the rest!

Gosh, I loved this issue, some of the artstyles was so CLASSIC VERTIGO, wish some of these peeps drew entire arcs, so good.


Immortal X-Men (2022) #12 Jun 14, 2023

I quite enjoyed this is a basics/classics kinda way. Hard not to compare to the incredible visuals and character we saw on the big screen just last week, but Nikesh Shukla and Abhishek Malsuni imbued the book with enough charm that I am hopeful to see where it goes. But Marvel, now would be the time to start planning a serious re-vamp if we want this character to succeed beyond a miniseries...

Great art, plots racing forward, all these separate strands starting to thread together. It took 8 issues but Tynion is finding the gold ever so present in Sandman stories.

Sometimes I'm like I read too many comics, Im still reading comics, I should stop or slow down cuz im getting older and everything. Then I read something like this issue and I'm like, yeah, this is why I buy and read comics!

A story is fun! B story Im kinda done with.

Nightwing (2016) #104 Jun 12, 2023

A solid start to another promising series from Taylor, but is he being spread too thin and what will set this apart from NIGHTWING? Time will tell.

Omg, those final pages. Why are the panels SO wide. Love Clayton Henry's work though.

R. B. Silva's art continues to be the best thing about this series. Absolutely GORGEOUS. The plot is a bit... ho hum.

Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad

Danger Street (2022) #5 Jun 2, 2023
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #10 Jun 2, 2023


Great little series. A ton of fun. LMAO at what happens with MJ after this takes place.

Complete missed opportunity.

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023) #2 Jun 2, 2023

I love Thessaly as a character but it's becoming clear that she should have had her own series or something.

This book is consistent, unafraid to try new things, shake things up, but it always feels like itself, like Percy and X-FORCE. And, in this day and age, 40 issues in. That is RARE.

X-Force (2019) #40 Jun 2, 2023
Avengers (2023) #1 May 31, 2023
City Boy (2023) #1 May 31, 2023

Kelsey Ramsay's art is so good. Wondering where this will go!

Green Arrow (2023) #2 May 31, 2023
Little Monsters (2022) #12 May 31, 2023
Little Monsters (2022) #13 May 31, 2023

They always bring it

Very fun idea for Silk and a good way to set her apart from the ever gigantic growing world of Spider-people. But this book got one thing I dislike about comics, ALL THOSE BIG VAST PANELS. Makes it a quick 3 minute read. Hope Kim and Guara are able to utilize their space a little better. I really like the plot and characterization.

Lots of fun stuff going on, just weird plotwise considering there's only 3 issues left.

Vigil (2023) #1 May 31, 2023
Lovesick (2022) #6 May 22, 2023
Lovesick (2022) #7 May 22, 2023
Saga #64 May 22, 2023

Really am loving this pace the series has found. IDK WHO JEN SHOULD PUSH

The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House #2 May 22, 2023


Decent finale, feels a little rushed, and I wish some elements from it were introduced earlier.

Hairball (2023) #2 May 17, 2023
Poison Ivy (2022) #11 May 17, 2023
Poison Ivy (2022) #12 May 17, 2023
Demon Wars (2022): Scarlet Sin #1 May 8, 2023

Gotta admit, I didn't know what to think of last month's twist. But this issue was SO MUCH FUN, I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #11 May 8, 2023


Let's see where this goes

The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #4 May 8, 2023
The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #5 May 8, 2023

Si Spurrier really went OFF.

WHAT'S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? #12 continues to provide the atmosphere and craziness that I've come to love the book for. 12 retreads some material from the past and it feels maybe a little too familiar, but a few reveals keep the book moving forward.


Bang for your buck with a robust story and premise. There's a plot here that makes a comicbook trope into something quite literal and tbh I'm amazed it hasn't been done before. BUT... let's see if they stick the landing. So far, this arrow's been shot out FAR.

Is James Tynion IV OK? The mysterious femme killer in this looks a lot like Bimini Bon Boulash.

Eight Billion Genies #7 Apr 26, 2023

Damn, I CRIED.


Ugh this was so GOOD. Picks up the last NIGHTMARE COUNTRY series in interesting ways that improve upon those 6 issues and get me excited for what comes next.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2 Apr 10, 2023

I'm intrigued.

I Hate This Place #7 Apr 10, 2023
Scarlet Witch (2023) #4 Apr 10, 2023
Danger Street (2022) #4 Apr 5, 2023

Twisted and demented.

A ton of fun, but this was a story that clearly needed more than four issues. It feels like a treatment for a much longer series.

Oh, I loved it.

This title is scratching an EPISODIC itch I desperately needed scratched. I love how each issue tells its own story with an overarching one. I love how we get to see these amazing female characters interact with Wanda and even have stories with characters that have a relationship with Wanda. It feels big, it feels grand, it feels emotional, and a lot of fun. Great book so far, and it has the potential to be even better. Hope they continue.

Specs (2022) #2 Apr 5, 2023
Specs (2022) #3 Apr 5, 2023
Specs (2022) #4 Apr 5, 2023

This was so much fun, can't wait to be on the rest of this ride. Wish it was a full ongoing, hopefully it sells well enough to warrant a good number of issues. DP IS BACK and in capable hands!

Quite enjoyable start so far, lots of great characters, high stakes, and its a tale brimming with potential!

R. B. Silva is SO good. Action, emotions, a satisfying climatic conclusion to this arc!

Tom King's cooking.

What can happen when you aren't tied to the constraints of continuity. Fantastic!

Little Monsters (2022) #11 Mar 29, 2023

I am intrigUED.

Love Everlasting #4 Mar 29, 2023

LMAO this issue was SO funny. My favorite one so far. God, I hope this series becomes an FX series or something, I'm getting into it's groove.

Nightwing (2016) #101 Mar 29, 2023
Nightwing (2016) #102 Mar 29, 2023

This is a really great comic, Zdarsky's brand of humor is soooo much fun.

Public Domain (2022) #3 Mar 29, 2023
Public Domain (2022) #4 Mar 29, 2023

This issue was perfect.

Saga #62 Mar 27, 2023
She-Hulk (2022) #10 Mar 27, 2023
She-Hulk (2022) #11 Mar 27, 2023
What's The Furthest Place From Here? #11 Mar 27, 2023


Damn Them All (2022) #5 Mar 23, 2023

When Al Ewing gives it his all, he knocks it out of the park. I didn't get everything here, mostly cuz I'm skipping the other sinister books, but this was still quite enjoyable.

Great ideas, wish the build up was better but we're in it now and i hope this next arc finds solid ground next issue.

Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) #3 Mar 17, 2023
Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) #4 Mar 17, 2023
Poison Ivy (2022) #10 Mar 17, 2023
The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #3 Mar 17, 2023
Wasp (2023) #2 Mar 17, 2023
X-Force (2019) #38 Mar 17, 2023

Artwork is cool! And the premise is interesting enough, they're just not that strong to justify a series like this. At least so far... not sure I'll continue with this one, and likely get the digital volume when its out.

Twisted in ways I didn't think possible, Hopeless is really capturing an intense emotion here that makes me excited for the upcoming conclusion.

Absolutely deranged. Artwork continues to be fantastic. The series aims to shock but it also successfully engages in surprising, satisfying turns.

Lots of great stuff here. Little room to breath, its clear Spurrier was against the clock with all the events and everything and his story wasnt allowed the room to breath. I love comics, but sometimes the industry gets in the way in really unsatisfying ways.

Oh, we're running to the finish line I see.

I love everything that's happening, but it's happening way TOO fast. These last three issues could have easily been 6. With this quick pacing, it's hard to really grasp onto the setting, concepts, characters, and emotional beats. It ends up feeling a bit like a treatment for some TV Show not in production.

Little Monsters (2022) #10 Feb 16, 2023

The artwork continues to pull me through. Story is starting to feel a bit all over the place.

Lots of potential here. Similar to another big concept tale focusing on the younger folk (Teenage Wasteland) the characterization and drama are a bigger draw than the "comic-booky apocalypse" thing happening.

This was so much fun! Let's get Al Ewing to write She-Hulk?! eh? eh?

There's no way this is a miniseries... this has so MUCH potential

It felt like a dream, which is kinda great because that's probably how it felt for Ivy. Amazing issue.


A new intriguing character introduced!

Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #9 Feb 8, 2023

ACTION packed, but somehow, not as engaging...


I need this series to last a long time.

King just knows how to tell a story.

This is so old school VERTIGO I'm so happy this exists !

Little Monsters (2022) #9 Feb 8, 2023

It's fun! If a little messy.

Excited for the TEEN TITANS. Taylor's billionaire heart of gold vs a villain that crushes hearts is the type of hopeful wish fulfillment that tickles me. A prison turned into a symbol of hope and justice. If only.

Simon Spurrier you amazing BLOT.

Steve Orlando's best work by far with Marvel. This hit all the right spots. Writing is great and the ARTWORK IS AMAZING, OMG. Glad I gave this a chance because this has the potential to be a very great run. Premise is so good Marvel and Disney+ foaming at the mouth.

Hitomi (2022) #4 Feb 1, 2023

The DRAMA. Also this cover has to be my favorite, it is GORGEOUS.

This shit is so twisted!

Saga #61 Jan 27, 2023
The Bone Orchard Mythos: Ten Thousand Black Feathers #5 Jan 27, 2023

Pornsak Pichetshote is giving us a tale of horrors, mystery, grief, and identity while also being super character driven. And I love it!

This is gonna be fun, could have been a whole event onto itself but Marvel is showing some restraint.

Oh boy, two more issues after this!

Holy crappers everything's collapsing at once!

The adventures continue and more, more, more of these kids are deciding to grow up.

Poetic, powerful, emotional, this one's going into the best of comics list.

The writing's just as strong as the first issue (which I loved). It's clear, though, that IOTW is more metaphor than literal plot with Issue 2 jumping to some crazy events that use more tropes than plot-driven material. Still, the artwork is great and the central characters are fantastic. Part of me wishes this was a simple ol HS drama though, not everything needs to be the end of the world.

Something's off, the art is great and the character beats are still very cool. But I'll be honest folks, I have lost the PLOT. Few more issues to go!

This has been the best issue of X-FORCE in about half a year, tbh! When Percy hits, he hits! They're being a bit too friendly with BEAST though...

Love this so much, the ARTSTYLE.

What a book. Holy crap.

LOL I loved this

Getting to think on some tough stuff.

X-Men: Red (2022) #10 Jan 13, 2023

Si Spurrier is one of my faves because he is filled with so MANY IDEAS and interesting PHILOSOPHIES that his work is a joy to read, unpack, and experience. Legion of X #8 is perhaps maybe overstuffed with these ideas. I love what I'm reading but in this issue in particular it becomes messy, hard to follow, and overly complex. I hope he is able to reign it in to give his characters a chance to breath. The cast here is HUGE and they all get such great moments to shine but they get also lost in the shuffle of monsters, spells, gods, and genes.

This issue felt more like they were trying to do MORE set up while dealing with something rather quickly. It was alright, I felt it should have required more of a punch! Still! While not as good as some of the stuff I've read before in this series, this was still an enjoyable plotted issue with some good development for some of the newer characters of the series.

A shucks! This drama is engaging!

Artwork is so good. Things are heating up almost casually so.

Appreciate what it's trying to do, but this very talky issue could have worked better if we actually SAW everything they were talking about. Which all sounded super interesting.

Tournament arc over and it's fun! Gene Luen Yang's Shang-Chi is getting yet another reboot (but not really) for the third time. It is tough out here for comics huh? But if that's what it takes then that is what it takes. 23 issues is very good in today's standards for series with a sole creative team. Let's see if they can get another 10.

A creative, powerful moment doesn't quite stick the landing considering the previous 8 issues we've gotten and the themes (lack of?) explored. Rowell's Shulkie run needs a bit of an overhaul even though I'm still really liking a lot of what she's doing and the artwork. This tale isn't as strong as it should be.

Above Snakes #4 Jan 3, 2023
Above Snakes #5 Jan 3, 2023


Pornsak Pichetshote would make an excellent serial television writer. The Dead Boy Detectives are back and they come back with a lot of promise! Now this book almost never sells well so I don't expect it to stick around more than 12 issues (if I am lucky) and Pichetshote has started off this latest adventure with a bang. I already need to know more, story heavy, character heavy, with fantastic art reminiscent of Vertigo's hayday... this series is going to be a TREAT.

This is my current favorite ongoing. Sweeney Boo is serviceable and the writing is still top notch. I miss Tyler Boss though. This series continues to feel like a dream, love it so much.

This was excellent. One of the best issues I've read all year.

Above Snakes #2 Dec 28, 2022

Is Above Snakes the best comic of the year? And the best western in a while? Quite possibly, yes.

Oh, there's gonna be more huh? And so the surprising blockbuster of the year comes to a close... What an insane series.

Heart Eyes #1 Dec 28, 2022

A unique and compelling take on a character trope that I never I'd see portrayed this way. Kinda incredible so far if only the story is moving a little too fast. The concept is leading the story here, not the characters or even what's actually happening on the page. This has the potential to be really fleshed out.


This was a lot of fun! Did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did and now I need to know what happens to these two.

Excellent, what a gift of a series.

OMG, this one propelled forward! Action-packed superhero comic!

The paneling in this series is becoming so OPEN with a lot of empty SPACE. Story still chugging along though and we got a new castmember added. Next issue is gonna be wild (probably).

Vibed with this one much better!

I am losing interest in this tale, lots happening but it's all falling kinda mute for me now.

Best issue of this series so far, great stuff!

Blood Stained Teeth #7 Dec 16, 2022
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #8 Dec 16, 2022

We're back to another very strong issue! ARE WE AT THE END?!

A much more robust issue than normal, this one took a while to read because there was a lot more happening and the paneling was much tighter. Splendid!

More words on the page again! Fantastic! More backgrounds, some action, the series is propelling forward!

Nightwing (2016) #98 Dec 16, 2022
Nightwing (2016) Annual: 2022 Dec 16, 2022
Stuff of Nightmares (2022) #2 Dec 16, 2022
Stuff of Nightmares (2022) #3 Dec 16, 2022
The Bone Orchard Mythos: Ten Thousand Black Feathers #3 Dec 16, 2022

The colors of this series I am going to miss. I love ICE! And clever use of the caped crusader. Makes this world feel really alive and moving.

CASPAR WIJNGAARD's art is amazing as always. And the worldbuilding and premise is interesting enough. We're off to a good start, curious to see where it goes.

A bit meandering compared to the rest of the series so far. It's got the charm and fantastic artwork expected and King gets to mess about with another JLI character, crazy.

An interesting setting with a main character with a strong voice, the writing here is great and i feel like its a well paced issue that's worth the price tag. It's nothing fancy in terms of execution but it's solid and confident. No idea where this is gonna go but I'm game.

Read the first half of this issue listening to INDUSTRIAL HOUSE music. It rocked.

Shock Shop (2022) #4 Dec 14, 2022

I loved this to bits. Super excited for the rest of the series but I love the dialogue, I love how easy it flowed, and the art by Salcedo is fantastic. More, please.

If the first arc felt like something out of THE SANDMAN, this new arc gave me heavy early 2000s Vertigo charm. I'm excited for this arc and this new villain shows promise!

Gets messy towards the end but it's still a lot of fun with amazing artwork. Black Flamingo is the gay-camp-comic with it's own unique voice on the stands. Hope the upcoming second arc improves on the groundwork laid.

Immortal X-Men (2022) #8 Dec 12, 2022

This was so entertaining lol

Kinda GOOPED that it took this long to get to these connections, while I've been enjoying the series, the planned out arcs have become questionable.

Worth that one-page of Hot Roberto, alone.

I'm going to miss this series when it's over.

Ridiculous fun. You know imma be buying and reading Black Cat & Mary Jane, there's no way I'm missing out on that!

CUTE! Would like to see an animated film of this or something!

Yah know, this could have been bloated to some event but lookie here, it's part of the main storyline, just like that. Fun, simple, comicbooky~

The girls are fighting!

Josh Hixson is sorely missed here but this issue continues what's so amazing about this series. This may just be my favorite book that's come out this year.

I love what they're doing with Sage. I really do! But omg, I do not CARE for Sevyr or Maverick or these Mercs at all. It's all just noise. On top of that, the art is kinda weak. ;/

Sage and Beast elevate the issue, but everything else is putting me to sleep.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #10 Nov 16, 2022
Shock Shop (2022) #3 Nov 16, 2022
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #16 Nov 16, 2022
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #17 Nov 16, 2022

It was great to have Carmine Di Giandomenico's artwork the past ten months and this was a solid take on a old tale.

Si Spurrier's mind is just crazy, where is all this coming from and I just I sure as hell don't know where it'll end up. So many threads, so many arcs, Legion of X is a bang for it's buck. Also Netho Diaz's artwork and how wordy Spurriet's scripts are make this book feel right out of the 90s. It's very FUN.

I love this comic, like every time I just get suuuuuucked in.

The 80s retro cannon has expanded to FINALLY include QUEER HORROR. Specs is the comic I've been waiting for a LONG time and this first issue did not disappoint. The art is fantastic and the layers it's working off of are working for me, for those living outside a community's margins, even a blessing can be a curse. Specs understands this and has the potential to be a truly horrific, little comic.

Very satisfying conclusion to what I can happily call a first arc. The art is great, the writing is so strong, and I'm excited for what may come next.

What a fun, fantastic issue. Love to see Victor, Andy, and Doombot once more and omg I have a crush on Jack of Hearts ;___; This is the Rowell I know and love.

This is why I love comics

A satisfying, even emotional end to a crazy arc. Gillen and team made this a worthy event, let's see what happens next.

OK, that's all very good. But to what end? lol

This shiz is bonkers!

An odd and thematically anti-climatic end to the Judgement Day tie in as well as the story arc as a whole. The carnage and action feels mostly empty and we end where we began.

Rafael Pimentel joins to the creative team for one of the better AXE tie-ins. Spurrier takes the opportunity to define how David has changed, how he feels, and what may come after. It's a fantastic read specially if youve been following the duo throughout the years now.

As an AXE tale, it's got nothing to do with it really. As an Iron Fist tale, it was fun! Enjoyed the relationship between Loki and Lin and omg I want them to be together :O Fun issue with some fun character work and fantastic, classic-style art.

Fab issue.

Solid, spooky fun with our favorite cursed feline.

More of a preview of maybe some upcoming storylines than a collection of satisfying short stories. This could have been a ton better. And a lot more fun. The artwork throughout, though, is fantastic!

Willingham couldn't help himself, Fables 156 is a weird turn for what so far has been a really, solid series. The heavy-handed reactionary writing feels way too overt and in your face it's distracting. Buckingham's art continues to be amazing, wonder where the hell this is going as the tale remains to be unpredictable, and that's still a good thing.

I loved this to bits and the series was spectacular. This final issues feels a little rushed but if only because I know I'm going to miss this series.

Very enjoyable, the artwork is STELLAR. We get to know more of our duo.

Jeff Lemire is such a great human writer. The interactions between his character feel so real. The artwork here of course is off the charts but like his latest books, the story is high on visuals and little on dialogue, making these for what feel like quick reads. I wish Lemire would have the opportunity to pen a screenplay and get into films and TV. It's clear he's got a command for visuals and emotions coming through those visuals that his strengths would transfer over quite spectacularly to the screen.

A tribute and a re-introduction to a very complex character and story. I am a huge fan of Mark Buckingham so Im super excited that he's the artist on the upcoming series and the work here did not disappoint. 0 is a good indication that the series will remain as experimental and odd and challenging as ever.

Solid, tie in focusing on TONY. A real catch up for anyone who hasn't read his series in a few years. Gillen keeps his strokes broad and dramatic. But... I am sensing and theorizing that all this is just another test, the world hasnt ended, they have another chance. Guess that's better than time travel.

Hell hath no fury like a disappointed Jean.

The most interesting Starfox has ever been. Great issue!

I love the costume design and more than this Spidey, I love his version of SILK. I WANT MORE OF THAT. The other two are also just as fun and insane. IDK where this is going and it'll likely be like a year before I read any of it. Picked this up just for Kris Anka's cover lol

Artwork is off the charts. Ivy faces her nightmares.

Shock Shop (2022) #2 Oct 5, 2022

oh BOY

X-Men (2021) #15 Oct 5, 2022

HA! This issue was perfect.

Eight Billion Genies #5 Oct 4, 2022

My favorite issue of this series. It felt completely like classic Vertigo and the writing and art were both off the charts. Oh please, give me MORE.

Conflicted because this was such an effective, engrossing, macabre story of crime, trauma, and senseless violence. The artwork is stellar, the writing is fantastic, the tone is consistent and engaging. There are moments here that are so horrifying it's essentially a horror book. It just doesn't feel like Batman, Riddler, or Gordon. It would be perfect if it wasn't Batman and I wish this would have been reworked as a separate crime thriller or something. Just the rules of a comicbook universe don't allow this to work as well. What came before it and what comes after it, this book won't matter. So I'll take it as a stand-alone elsewhere story, and like that this is one mighty, fine thriller.

Big consequences come out of this arc but they feel so sudden. Consequences who's implications are complex, troubling, and important. But the book works in broad strokes and doesn't really attempt to dig any deeper to what it is trying to say and do. It's just a super hero comic. And it's a fine and fun one.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #9 Sep 29, 2022

I am enjoying the tone and writing on this a lot. I really love Ram V and Spurrier's styles and both their tales have their strengths. Sometimes though, I wish they got to write their own thing, in the sea of BATMAN tales I am currently reading, this just feels like "another one"

Fire and Ice.

ALIENS AND RINGS. OK, they're ancient creature monster. OK OK OK

Travis Moore's artwork is as gorgeous as ever. The Black Flamingo, though, has become the least interesting character in a cast of completely interesting characters. I wish the series focused more on the others a little more as the shtick for me with Harlow is growing stale.

Fantastic finish. Spurrier continues to be a master of folk-horror and folk-tales as he combines them with his comic-book writing. In THE RUSH, while it takes a conclusion I could gather earlier in the series (and in now how other works of his turn out) it was still a satisfying and emotionally draining conclusion to a creepy, western horror tale. Nathan Gooden's artwork is also top tier, like what a gift to have gotten this mini from the two of them. And while I'll miss Nettie's character, likely my favorite character from any indie comic this year, I look forward to re-visiting this story in the future.

DC Editorial needed to knock this one out of park, considering the natural hate it would get from babies on the internet. All that nonsense whining aside, I shall proceed with my own: MEGHAN FITZMARTIN has her heart in the right place, but a strong heart a good writer does not make. The book feels so Batman-lite that Drake and his supporting cast may as well be empty shells without personality. Everything that happens here is like "yeah, I guess" which is disappointing considering what she's working with. Drake is somewhere new, he has a new relationship, and is trying to uncover new things about himself but none of that is explored effectively here and it's a huge missed opportunity. As a queer person, I am completely underwhelmed with how it handles the topic of Drake's sexuality. There's almost nothing apart from a few Hallmark Card musings. This is a similar problem Son of Kal-El has but at least there the characterization is stronger to make up for it. Mainstream comics do not know how to handle queer characters who've come out of the closet. The best ones thus far have been Ice Man and Harley Quinn. Which speaking of... I really loved Riley Rossmo's artwork in Harley Quinn, but there it made sense with the chaotic, fun, crazy atmosphere and tone the book was going for. It is completely misplaced here. I love Rossmo's work but it is not for this book. It's distracting and makes me read what's happening completely wrong. Tim Drake is a misfire on a book that needed to be excellent. I do not expect this book to continue for long and the return of this character to his own title lands with a disappointing thud.

Art is so good and tone is fantastic. The paneling continues to be a little messy and confusing but nothing a re-read didn't fix.

The variant cover with the cat is so cute.

Still can't say I understand what's happening. Comic shenanigans. It's enjoyable and I love how straight forward it is with the cheesy romance even when the rug is pulled out from under us, it leaves us scratching our heads.

I really hope this isn't the end, it feels like it's JUST beginning. What a great emotional pay off too.

Stuff of Nightmares (2022) #1 Sep 27, 2022

The book is getting back on track. An important character is finally getting development and the stakes have sky-rocketed!

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #15 Sep 27, 2022

The art is fantastic and a lot of familiar story beats that Cates loves to touch on are here, but omg the exposition dump in this as well as how over-complicated it feels. I mean, look at that summary. This is one superhero tale that feels too borrowed at the moment without much new to add other than putting several elements in one basket. I'll read this one when the trade's out.

VERY DRAMATIC. Eros, looking good.

MARVELous. So much happening and so much revealed. The action is nonstop the character work is intense. This event is still going strong.

Love the artwork so much. One arc ends, an event is about to plow through, and another arc reveals itself. Hope the next arc can be a little more focused but this was really fun.


A fantastic, banging conclusion to a crazy, quirky series with fun characters and even better art. Story could have used more polish and balance, but when it vibed, it was a really joyful blast. Unsure if we will ever get more, but I am happy with these five issues.

Fantastic issue that uses the event to it's fullest potential and gives us an entire planet to root for.

It's fine, wish the pacing was better. The premise is strong, but the execution is clunky.

Some twists here I'm not sure entirely work, but the artwork and this deconstruction of Batman's origin myth still has it's strengths. We are about to head into more familiar ground.

Ah, it's all been leading to this, BATMAN'S big philosophy. (Also I couldn't help but see the two having to lip sync for their life)

It's great but so short, the panels are so wide and i feel two issues could be 1. Get your coin Jeff and Nguyen, the story is still good.

This series has been a treat. We are spearing forward towards the end.

I really like both stories here, but I wish theyd be told in their own arcs. Split like this, it splits my focus and I can't fully appreciate both. Maybe I'm getting old, LOL. The second half story with Gordon is the better of the two, feels like old school Vertigo. The art is amazing.

Suspiciously more overt than Fables tends to be, with the arc reaching a more traditional "lessons" theme this issue. But where is it all leading to?

Best issue of the series so far. It feels like it's finally found a voice, using it's setting and cast of characters to give us something that's been missing from Marvel for a while now. Down to earth drama! She-Hulk #6's got heartfelt moments, funny moments, relatable moments, and some really silly moments that make it enjoyable. It's got an entirely different feel to any of the series that came before it but I really loved this issue. I hope it keeps this momentum up. Also, I NEED that heart sweater.


Series has lost tremendous momentum. Which is a shame because I love the presentation, layout designs, and how the space is used throughout the book to make each issue feel really worth it. Just wish the story and dialogue wasn't such a chore to get through. Likely going to drop this by the time the next issue comes out. This wasn't even a true BAT GIRL SUMMER issue, it's not FUN at all.

Loving the art, mystery deepens, some politicking that isn't as clever or interesting as its presented at but overall entertaining.

Some weird questions with this one, like... why is Crossbones even there? Again, the art is my favorite thing about this book. I like the Wakandan red tape presented but I wish there was more. Like another reviewer said, it feels like this should be more exciting. Book started off strong, I hope it finds it's footing!

Another fantastic issue. The art on this series I've come to really love! And the stakes are getting higher and wilder. Just what the hell is going on in this ranch?

THE DRAMA! SMH Shang Chi, your heart is too good. And apparently also your skillset, I gotta admit, those last pages were a ton of fun. I am also appreciating Marcus To's artwork more, can't wait for issue 4!

This series is so much fun, things are starting to get even MORE creepy.

I am once again saddened that this is only a story that's 8 issues.

Tom King is just full of surprises isn't he?!

Fantastic first issue that introduces characters, a world, and a vibe that feels like itll make a promising series. Thankfully, in a world of alt-hero world tales like Black Hammer, The Boys, Astro City... Minor Threats has an identity all of its own that I can't wait to get to know better.

Did not see that coming! And a lot of set up things are paying off

JUDGEMENT DAY in full swing here, I have never felt I've KNOWN Sebastian Shaw, but after this issue, I'm curious to what his character is going to plot next. I hope Gillen writes this book for a while.

A fun issue where a plot point is spoiled by the damn cover. Can't say I'm fully engaged with what's happening here but I adore the artwork.

Fantastic issue, now we have context and it all falls into place. Super excited to see where this goes!

Ben Percy keeps it character focused and ridiculous. Just show us KRAVEN's C#*K you cowards. The pace is the only really thing I have an issue with, while not impossible to discern what's happening when and where, I wish it was smoother. The character choices also continue to be surprising. Can't say X-FORCE isn't having fun with their experiments.

Very enjoyable, blockbuster of an issue. Once it gets going it's crazy good. Though o m g another extinction level event. It's hard to care for stuff when stuff like this happens every issue. At least they made it flashy. Can't say I get the ending with Cyclops, but gets by the rule of cool. I don't know enough of our new God for it to make a true impression.

I feel as though this issue is being propelled by the stories of others. It's entertaining enough and feels like progression. But if the first issues felt THE BATMAN inspired, this one feels like such a tonal shift to a more weirder era of Batman, that I wish the transitions were a little better. I have faith this will all lead to something Zdarsky and team can call their own, as it is now, it's a reference fest. A very good-looking one.

Another strong issue! Some good ideas here I feel aren't as well explored as they could be. The workplace and its workers feel like caricature as opposed to real people but the spirit of what Wilson is trying to do comes through just fine.

Lots of fun, gimmicky, and filled with potential. For fans of Tales from the Crypt and Goosebumps, ghoulish tales to entertain. The first one has a very strong Tynion vibe and it's got classic monsters in the woods, and the second sees a different take on the old moved into a haunted house tale. Silly, great art, and fun writing. Perfect book for the upcoming spooky season.

Jed MacKay you sure know how to have fun with this world and character. So grateful to have more of it!

Things are getting BIG! I am living for this drama!

EXPLOSIVE issue with some bonkers ideas! This event is really quite huge in scope but the X-Team feels confident they can lead all this.

This issue is going to read so much better in a trade, but boy oh boy if I'm not loving the webs its spinning.

I am loving this book so much, the artwork is great, the writing is engaging, and I'm connecting with Poison Ivy in ways I never thought I would. There's a strong sense of creation through destruction, and it's toxic for the lack of a better word. The book is tapping into manic, colorful sense of doom.

This book is so much fun and bonkers and the art is A M A Z I N G. It's also one of the gayest comics I've had the pleasure to read. Hope this isn't just five issues.

I adore the artwork of this book and it's juvenile sincerity is warming up my heart. Spider-Punk has been an enjoyable, messy, and fun series.

Tynion is brilliant. But DAMMIT I WANT MORE. This cannot be the end. And if it is, damn you Tynion, this shit is fucked!

Giant-Size Gwen Stacy (2022) #1 Aug 22, 2022

The art is alright. And pacing wise, this one is all over the place. Considering how good the main event is, I wish some of the important material here was just added in extra pages to Judgement Day #2 and have that issue be bigger and more expensive. The narration in this one just isn't as good but this is the most interesting The Eternals have been in a while, so that's a plus.

A fantastic read that propels the event up even further in interesting ways, its crazy to think that this event is just starting. But it's clear that the X-Men writing team at Marvel have some big plans and they want to play with big ideas. The pace of this thing is X-CELLENT. Particularly love the inclusion of everyday humans. Though, I'm still missing character development for The Five...

Zdarsky is clearly having a blast writing this blockbuster of a book. Jimenez also gave us that c***y as hell panel with Nightwing. And the Catwoman back up is actually really interesting. This era of Batman is shaping up to be a crazy, wild ride that I have no idea where it's going.

The art is soooo fantastic. Peach Momoko, I never want this to end. A ton more characters and myths are introduced, as a result the issue is super expository, but the plots been set up and I'm excited to see where this goes. Again, the artwork in this is stupendous.

LOL IDK, this book is a lot for me. The pacing for this one is really off though, I get what's happening but it would be more satisfying if the events were set up better and clearer. Love, love the artwork but Percy needs to organize his stories better.

An action packed issue where a lot of mutants get to shine and use their powers to fight fight fight. It ties up events from Judgement Day 2 and Death to Mutants 1 pretty nicely. In all the chaos, characterization is so/so. Magick feels a little different here and speaks more like Wolverine (Laura) and Havoc's characterization is also off making him out to be a frat buffoon. Duggan's easily best written character has some great moments as Synch is clearly the strongest part of this series (and this may be because he doesn't have a lot of history and Duggan has essentially been the only one writing him). Everyone else is fine. After this week I'm ready for this event to hit the next part of it's plot. The action is fun but I feel this team could have been utilized a little bit better.

An interesting thing about Krakoa and nature is how mutants are just stronger than humans. And a common saying for people who don't respect nature or don't care is a survival of the fittest mentality. Well if a mutant is stronger than a human, then it's survival of the fittest. Unsure if Duggan is capable of hitting the nuances of such a tale. And over at DC we got Poison Ivy going on a similar journey with better writing. And Lin Li is a character with so much potential, she needs to be explored better. There's a lot to like here and an animal 'ZOO' type apocalypse is interesting, just don't think X-MEN is the best avenue to do a premise like this justice. But I appreciate the body count. It's funny how obvious this issue was delayed too with these ads but that's beside the point.

Hell of a cliffhanger.

While all that is happening on Mars, Exodus faces his demons, past, and dragons over at Kroaka. The quiet council takes active action in an exciting yet retrospective issue.

Spurrier continues his exploration of faith in Kraoka, and leads to some surprising conclusions. One this is certain, he writes one hell of a Kurt!

We're off with a bang. X-MEN RED raises the stakes astronomically for this event in a way that I'm not sure if the rest of the series will keep up. It was a quick read, but one I ended up doing three times to take in all the details. A LOT happens in this issue.

Very strong set ups, even the back up is haunting. Can't say I understand what's happening 100% but that's the thing with mysteries. Really looking forward for the rest of this series.

A decent conclusion to an arc that started very strong. Harley Quinn's journey feels to have moved, it just took 17 issues to get here. I love that Phillips uses the comicbook page to its fullest filling it up with gags and writing, however, sometimes, it's so wordy without saying much or adding to the action. If it were me, this would be the series finale and have the book rebooted with a different creative team. 17 issues is long enough to find one's footing.

Best issue of this series so far, the story is ramping up, the dialogue is fantastic, and there's some really eerie moments in this! I want to read the next issue now!

Much enjoyed this issue over the rest, with the groundwork laid out, Frank now appears to find himself a little more. Punisher #4 also continues a trend with Jason Aaron, as in to say, "F$#! the gods". And PUNISHER will be no God by the series's end.

I really want these characters to pop, but in issues like this, where they all sound the same, it's hard to connect with in a deep way. There are some characters here, specially the new ones, I wish were developed better but Batgirls doesn't look like it'll be improving any time soon.

What a fun issue. Zatana is different but it's an interesting take on her character and the mythos. And Wayne as a sorcerer is something that works a lot better than I thought. If anything, I just wish this in particular had a little more to breath but it's still a strong issue in an already strong series.

The book still struggles with exposition. Characterization is strong though and the artwork is fantastic. Lot's of interesting developments happening, just wish they were executed in a way that was more engaging.

Third year in a row, and a third #1. Gene Luen Yang spends time catching new readers up, once the plot kicks into high-gear it really starts to shine. Though, I am really missing Dike Ruan's artwork. I hope this series reaches the same heights as its predecessor.

Justin Mason's artwork is so cool, I really love it. His panels are clean and his characters are interesting to look at. Cody Ziglar is leaning now exclusively on punk jokes, references, and the aesthetics with little to no substance. It was cute the first two issues, but now deep into this limited series, Ziglar isn't making the case to have these characters explored further than this. The plot is getting muddy, the issues are too preoccupied introducing different versions of characters and it is becoming too much for the series to balance. I am normally a huge fan of 'POP' media, but somehow Spider-Punk is wasting its poppy, punk premise.

First, I'm a he/they latine nerd who loves comics too much. This issue should have knocked it out of the park. Dreamer's short during 2021's PRIDE issue was exceptional and much better than this. First, the artwork is kinda meh, the colors are flat and the action is flat, panels are so wide and we spend so much page on empty spaces. The best part of the issue is the character of Dreamer, as she has an interesting powerset and a very likable look and personality. She can move through dreams and to me that sounds like something that has the potential to be so visually interesting and creative, but they don't do anything with her powerset other than the cover. The plot also takes some sharp turns and developments making me feel like I missed a few issues on a series that's already taking its sweet time developing Bendix as a villain. Son of Kal-El #13 should build up on what it's done so far, and the debut of a character like Dreamer really had the chance to be something special. Here's to hoping the rest of the arc utilizes her better.

I want this book to go on forever.

A strong issue with impressive visuals and one that moves the story to interesting places, this book is turning out to be quite fun.

The art started off so good, the moment action starts though and it got really muddy it was difficult to tell who was who and what was what for some moments. Storywise it is alright, the back half I felt was more interesting. For the lore some interesting points are brought up but I am unsure what they're gonna plan to do from here. Don't know if I'll continue this one.

Come on, Melinda! You're better than that! The series is ramping up once more.

Chip Zdarsky knocked it out of the park. Public Domain is off to a really impressive start. This is such a fantastic first issue.

The series is losing its pace. Slow doesn't mean bad, but the structure of this issue feels like a waste.

Hell of a cliffhanger, Slumber aint scared to go to some dark places.

This issue was perfect. The art, the writing, the lore, the emotion. What's the Furthest Place From Here hands down one of the best comics I've ever read, I hope this one goes on for a while.

We are off with a BANG! Love the balance between the three groups and each character is so strong even with a few panels. The schism between the three groups is also so strong there's so much potential here for some rewarding drama. My only complaint is that two years in and THE FIVE have not been as developed as they should. Always side characters even when they're directly involved. I feel moments here would have hit harder if that work would have been done. The best thing about this is how the issue makes what's occurred in X-MEN, Eternals, and Aaron's Avengers feel completely planned, it's the best things about comics. three years in the making, Judgement Day has the potential to be another War of the Realms event... but... even bigger.

GOD, how I wish these issues were longer. Charles Soule has put so much potential with this amazing premise. The dialogue and the writing are so strong I just want more, I want more characters, I want to see more of this world. While EIGHT BILLION GENIES leaves a TON to the imagination (often to weird, horrifying, hilarious results...) what we do get is still so strong and entertaining. Can't wait for next issue.

Mark Buckingham makes this series. As four young cubs go through adventures, we see old and new faces alike face all too new fates. Fables is bringing the humor, adventure, magic, and horror in a revival that fits right next the best of the series that came before it.

If ya'll know me, you know Kieran Gillen is my all time favorite comic book writer. He's just so amazing and passionate and creative in what he does. And his strengths are what I love about stories: myth, archetype, pop, and larger than life emotion. But I ain't been a fan of his Eternals work. Frankly put: I find it quite boring. A.X.E.: EVE OF JUDGMENT #1 is no different. It is quite the dry book. Interesting stuff is happening on the page, and the art is pretty decent, but I just don't care about these characters, I don't care about the Eternals. And so far, Gillen hasn't been able to make me successfully care about them. (And I am someone who more or less enjoyed the movie but I realize that the CAST had a lot to do with my connection there) Anyway, I'm still excited for this event because a lot of strong creatives are behind it. And as I mentioned in my Hellfire Gala review, I expect nothing but the best from this team. As a prelude issue, it's filled with a ton of exposition BUT with very little emotional characterization to make me care about the Eternals. Their passive way of deciding (and failing) to commit genocide just... isn't engaging and already puts The Eternals in the antagonist camp of things. I just wish they made better villains but let's see how this event goes.

Loved this. Emma Frost has been a huge side character in all of these books, it is so due time for us to get into her head. The ramifications and drama of recent revelations fuel the plot forward and the incoming conflict ahead. At the moment, I am completely rooting for the mutants. Long may they reign.

I wish the artwork would have been more consistent and they stuck with 1 strong artist - Russel would have been the best choice.. They had a year to prepare kinda weird it's so split. This year's Gala, though, was an enjoyable experience. Can't imagine reading this without reading literally the last two years of X-Men comics and they set up a lot for the upcoming months. The plotline with Moira still doesn't sit well with me and feels completely unearned, but they're leaning into hard so I best just move on. Seriously, they could have gone with a better artist for the bulk of the issue as a lot of the glamour and opulence that made last year's gala so much fun is sorely lacking in this one. Best part of the issue is Emma Frost, who is the perfect character to be our POV for this event and Duggan writes her really well. Here's to a promising segway into the big MARVEL event of 2022, they got some of their best creators working on it. I have and deserve to have high hopes.

Mysteries deepen and a few villains introduced ??? F GRIM is a fun comic so far but it suffers from what a lot of indie books of it's type end up lacking, and that's clunky world building and wasted exposition. It's reminding me a lot of another indie grim reaper story: DEATH VIGIL by Stjepan Sejic, but there the characters were memorable, the story super engaging, and the art unmatched. Grim just has a lot to live up to if it wants to stand out.

The world building is clunky. But this #1 has a lot of promise and the art is fantastic. When I read the words "Occult Noir" it fills me with excitement, can't exactly say that the issue lives up to that promise but let's see how this goes.

Shang-Chi (2021) #5 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #6 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #7 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #8 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #9 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #10 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #11 Jul 8, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #12 Jul 8, 2022
Strange Academy (2020) #9 Jul 8, 2022

On par with THE RUNAWAYS and YOUNG AVENGERS when they debuted, this series is GOLD.

Strange Academy (2020) #11 Jul 8, 2022
Strange Academy (2020) #12 Jul 8, 2022

Cliff Chiang, please continue to write comics. This series is heartbreaking.

Now that is more like it! Strong character work, huge plot developments without feeling rushed or skipped over, instead every panel carries with it a strong sense of paranoiac urgency. It's great stuff. VAMPIRE world is scary as hell, how is anyone going to get out of this one?

Artwork is fantastic and world building and character work is great as is standard for Lemire. The paneling is very simple with large blocks of space taking up the page, Little Monster is a very quick read as a result, it's a style Lemire continues to do in works like Black Hammer Reborn and Mazebook. If it wasnt as good as it is, it be quite the empty experience.

The story continues on, alliances change, stories are re-written, and Christmas is here. Once & Future is just fantastic and everyone should read it.

A darkly resonating piece with existential dread. Poison Ivy explores the path of rage in a world where very little is changing. Talked to a vegan friend who's a huge animal rights activist that the entire food industrial complex needs an overhaul (along with everything else), and switching meat for plants won't be enough to save anyone without alternate systems and lifestyles. Just a few months ago strawberries were being thrown away in droves because they had hepatitis. Wilson continues to add 'Sandman' energy to Ivy; a tale of frustration, rage, and exhaustion.

Friends, Vaughan and Staples are incredible and I feel SO lucky to be able to read and consume their wonderful work. Absolutely grateful.

Shang-Chi (2021) #1 Jul 7, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #2 Jul 7, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #3 Jul 7, 2022
Shang-Chi (2021) #4 Jul 7, 2022

This book strikes hard at anxieties I didn't even know I had. Dialogue is fantastic, art is fantastic, this cant just be 3 issues!!

COMIXS thing where the new direction feels a lot like that one big movie that came out earlier this year. A LOT happens in this issue that it's almost whiplash. I feel I should care more about what happened so I really hope the next issues unpack all the 'Action-Packed' of this one. Jorge Jimenez has got the style for this, but overall an entertaining start to a promising new era. P.S. Read this while listening to THE BATMAN musical score, its basically more THE BATMAN.

God, I love Si Spurrier. And with Jugger now having them call him CAIN and a fantasy/dream/ethereal plane. The Beach has become essentially the mutant equivalent of the dream verse for the MCU. Legion makes quite the Sandman. LEGION OF X is a doozy of a title that's oozing with color, character, emotion, and psychedelic fever.

The book has improved, but the title still feels like it has VERY little room to breath.

Fun to see the GALA suits show up. Duggan's X-MEN has been all GO BIG GO BIG GO BIG and 11 is no exception. While the series has been largely enjoyable, nearing close to some sort of end, the title still hasn't found its footing or identity among it's newer, more capable sister series.

A strong end to this era, and the potential for some truly remarkable stories lie ahead. The competition for best X-Book is currently extremely fierce, and with that, we all fans get to win.

Really strong issue, the art is fantastic, and the writing is fast paced and exciting. Excited to see where this goes!

Thankfully, this is basically the next arc in Jed MacKay's BLACK CAT series. Sooooo grateful we are getting more stories and if this is what it takes to get more of MacKay's Black Cat, so be it, this series rocks.

Rainbow Rowell bringing slice-of-life and romance into comics, something I havent seen in a Marvel or DC book since... well probably her excellent RUNAWAYS run and DAN SLOTT'S SHE-HULK. The artwork is great, the tone is soooooo relaxing and charming; this She-Hulk has a soft humanity to it that Rowell is so good at. Love the radiation conversation. Love what's happening with Jack of Hearts. I really wish we could have all the issues at once though, as I do feel this would read so much better in one sitting as opposed to month-to-month episodic installments. Rowell is a novelist and while Runaways had enough characters to explore from issue to issue, She-Hulk has a novel structure to it that four issues in we are technically still in ACT 1. It's a structure that's very uncommon for comics. I also wish, with all the dialogue, character work, and set ups, that she used her panel space more. Like just fill the issue to the brim with dialogue and panels. She's harkening back to old school Marvel, she might as well structure her issues like old school Marvel.

I'm totally loving X-MEN meets MONSTERS which is what this series has been from the start. An emotionally engaging yet grotesque ride into the anxieties of a promised utopia.

Another excellent issue. Guess I gotta catch up on Dugan's X-MEN series !!!

Instantly a favorite. Can't believe this will only a limited run.

KEVIN NO!! Loved these developments, the series has been leading to this and I must say, it is quite satisfying. Let's hope they can stick the landing.

What a rushed ending. It feels like at least six issues condensed into one. Which is disappointing considering the 17 that came before it. Seven Secrets has been a favorite of mine for months now, sad to see it go, sad to see it go like this. Guess Taylor has been spreading himself thin.

All those words and still feels like such an empty gesture. The world is underdeveloped. I don’t care about any of these characters. And the one character I kept complaining about (Joker) is sorely missed as it’s clear that version of the character is the only true compelling thing Murphy did with The White Knight. Terry, Hood, Quinn, Bruce, Barbara, and Gotham are left as lifeless husks as far as elsewhere stories go. Least the art is still pleasant to look at.

Knights of X (2022) #2 Jun 30, 2022

All of this is happening but it's not as clean or engaging as I know it could be.

Lot of funky stuff going on, things that don't quite feel like The Punisher. On the fence about Frank being destined since he was a child, I am currently not convinced about these added on legacies so quickly and ungracefully.

Art is fantastic, writing is alright

Not as fun as last issue, some guest stars and a villain getting development are good steps forward.

I mean this in the best way possible, this is Saturday Morning Cartoons energy mixed in with MANGA shonen tropes. Mark Waid is just having fun here. This is fUNtastic.

Another solid issue of this pretty great series. The heel-turn present here feels a little forced, Zdarsky continues to explore Bruce's philosophies and where they come from, how they've shaped.

Best issue of this series so far. The artwork is fantastic and the paneling is a ton better with the story having a better flow between flashbacks, ghosts, and present day. Characterization is also a lot better, but this artwork, this artwork is fantastic!

I am really going to miss this series and it's energy. Really hope we get to see an animation for it at some point, I feel it would look amazing.

Good action, fun character moments, this is an issue that never slows down!

Little Monsters (2022) #4 Jun 23, 2022

A strong start to a new arc brimming with so much potential!

Bruno Redondo's artwork is simply amazing. Another extremely satisfying issue of Nightwing with hints of the troubles coming ahead.

Best issue of the series so far. The plot is running forward, some fun twists, and fantastic characterization. Slumber is COOL.

A very solid issue, Taylor's tackling large systemic threats, while it's not as strong as the sibling title: Nightwing, there's at least several moments with the little doggo. This is also the strongest issue of this series in a few months. What felt out of focus and all over the place is beginning to lock into place. There are also some loving responses to THE BOYS here. Been binging the series finally and the nods to it here are quite a bit of fun. Can't wait to see what happens next!

The artwork is the strongest aspects, this series has me a little lost though, more so than usual, but I'm hoping it'll all become clearer as it goes on. Tynion is best when doing dialogue between his characters as the plot goes into some unpredictable sections. I wish more of this has been set up but I'll take it.

Mark Buckingham's artwork, how I missed it so. And Willingham is leaning into the best things he did for Fables. The voice he gives his characters and the larger-than-life plays that take hundreds if not thousands of years to unfold. A frightening, wondrous world continues to unfold.

Gillen makes Destiny a writer. This era of X-MEN is turning out to be everything I hoped after House/Powers of X, after two years of ho-hum series; this was worth the wait.


Continues the momentum, world building, and characterization of the first issue very well. WHAT'S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE?'s greatest strengths lie in it's ability to use shorthand for it's world's social contract. It doesn't bug us with useless exposition or unnecessary details we've heard a million times before at this point. Almost like a video game, Rosenberg and team tell their story through character moments, artwork, and dialogue. The whole thing is a vibe.

They ain't stopping. This series continues to explore themes of factions, family, culture, and societal norms using extremes and punk/folk storytelling and the results are really engaging. A character in particular here makes several mistakes and we as readers can identify them and even feel frustration over this character's choices without knowing all of the world's rules and themes. We just understand that what he's doing is wrong and making everyone else uncomfortable. It is great storytelling that allows the reader to disarm and become fully engrossed in this strange, new world. Who are the strangers? What do family's really mean? What's outside of this town? Where did Sid go? I don't know if I'll ever find out but I am sure as hell enjoying this journey.

I LOVE carnivals!

This is one of my favorite comic book covers ever. The story in it is as strong as the cover. The art is as strong on the story. The cover is as strong as the art.

I am so happy this is coming back. Rosenberg and Boss killed it with these six issues.

The Kevin Conroy story is a 10/10. There a couple of great little stories here too, particular loved Phillips' Batwoman-themed tell, and the dreamlike Fernandez story with Harley and Ivy. But most of them left me feeling a little underwhelmed. It's alright and it is nice to see DC utilize some characters that def deserve more screentime. Mullein, for example, with Evan Gagle in art duties, is exceptional (but maybe we can replace Tini Howard...). It's an alright collection with a few gems sprinkled throughout.

Si Spurrier and Jan Bazaldua firing off all cylinders. What an exciting time to read these X-Books. X-MEN RED IMMORTAL X-MEN LEGION OF X All in league to be the best X-Books we've gotten since House/Powers of X. I love it.

There's a lot of potential here.

Wish I could read about all those misadventures. But it somehow feels like this series is storming towards a finale. I hope not! This series is a blast.

Lots of parts moving forward. The art is stellar, I just at this point in the series I knew the entire cast well as opposed to just a few characters here and there. I feel revelations, twists, and craziness are imminent.

I'll keep saying it until it happens. I want MARK WAID and DAN MORA on a DOOM PATROL book ASAP. PLEASE LORD, GIVE US THIS. Anyway, this book is a blast. Consistent, fun, and it feels LARGE in scope with so many characters and yet all tied to one BIG BAD in a way that feels organic and unique. This is gonna be a blockbuster book that people are gonna read for years to come.

G. Willow Wilson didn't come to mess around. And Marcio Takara's artwork is splendid. I can see that Wilson's time writing for the SANDMAN UNIVERSE has rubbed off on her because this would fit SO NICELY into that corner of the DCU that I almost wish it did. It's setting up a story that feels large, large not just for Ivy as a character but for the world she inhabits as well. Great themes, great connection to the rest of the DCU, and entirely focused on an Ivy that feels like a natural progression for her character. My only sadness being that this being a legit DC book, I know whatever happens in this issue will be contained to this series, but hey, whatever... I'll enjoy the ride while it lasts. So far, this is fantastic stuff.

So this is officially the golden age of James Tynion IV. I love how personal he spins his tales of horror. And as more original work comes out, mixed in with his big two projects, his style gets sharper and better. His characters are lost and misplaced, regardless if they're facing matters overwhelming beyond their control from external forces (like in Nice House on the Lake) or against nightmares from realms that exist deep within our psych (like in Nightmare Country). Another similarity is what makes these characters tick and how personal he gets with the relationships between them and other characters or the relationships they have with themselves. On the page, the horror unfolds from the disconnect between those relationships. The horror that comes from a book like DC vs Vampires, no matter how fun, comes from the betrayal that comes between the superheroes there. And then there's the complex relationships of those in Something is Killing the Children. And how all these relationships form systems that are difficult to escape from, like in Department of Truth. So, it is no surprise, that the complex relationship of the trio at the center of The Closet fits into those molds, this time in a much more down-to-earth scenario. "He's going to internalize all of that!" the wife yells in anger out of fear of being made out the villain. "We'll leave all this behind tomorrow" the husband whispers to his son almost wishing in vein that all HIS problems would disappears. "It's more about taking the fear seriously" says the bartender. Tynion's philosophy of horror displayed out in the open. These people feel relatable, their situation feels resonating, the premise is one of the most familiar; it is the everyday and we feel at home, even during these character's flawed moments. As familiar as those early memories of being in bed, in the dark, scared shitless of the things hiding in the corners... or the closet... And so Tynion just simply asks, what if it was real?

The POP ART style is so good. The story isn't as strong with the panel layout even being a little confusing in regards to space. Will continue to give this a shot. But it's alright.

Oh dear, so it's kinda clear just how much of Tynion's magic is keeping the bar for the series high. Why does this one-shot feel like an elsewhere from an elsewhere. Seemingly connected to the main story yet feeling entirely DISCONNECTED. It is jarring that this is the follow up to the mid-series surprises from the main series. And there's even less rhyme or reason to what's going on in this world and the characterizations feel off yet-obvious in the least interesting ways. Kinda hope the main series ignores this when it returns.

CALLED IT! (Not that it was hard) I dig the art, I dig the writing. There's still so much more room to grow but Harley Quinn is a SNAZZY of a series and Batwoman is like in my top 5 characters so it is always nice to see her. Now I really want a fried quesadilla.

Amazing first issue. Loved it, hope the rest of the series is as good because omg.

I love this idea soooo much! And I continue to love the bold character work for this cast of characters where it actually feels like progress and plot and development is happening. My only complaint would be that it all feels a little too casual when this is an idea that should be HUGE. Makes it feel like this is actually low stakes and won't really be a threat and instead it's just another excuse to kill off characters on a whim. But let's see how it goes.

I have come to really fall in love with Si Spurrier's work. WAY OF X and elements from X-MEN RED and the series from long ago LEGACY: LEGION would be needed to get everything this issue has to offer. I would argue that Spurrier's work in SANDMAN'S THE DREAMING and his recent run on HELLBLAZER may even help boost it more as I see many themes and ideas that were explored in those titles run heavy in LEGION OF X. There's a lot of fantastic ideas coming through in this issue as two different cultures collide to explore themes on religion, justice, community, culture, and history all through the lens of MUTANTS and X-MEN. Ambitious? Absolutely. Loved this issue and am super excited to see where this series is going to go.

Strong character work and another shake up in the status quo. SAGA never stops shifting and propelling forward. Fiona Staple's artwork continues to be some of the best in the industry.

Underwhelming, specially compared to previous arcs, the best part of the book continues to be the one thing that made this series special: it's depiction of the Joker. It is no wonder then that the title can't let him go. The other alts of the series feel like shadows of their archetypes, it's not that they're different or written incorrectly; it's that it just isn't as interesting. With secret villains, familial villains, misunderstood villains, and mind villains Beyond the White Knight is throwing the kitchen sink to an already over-complicated story that's jumped ahead in it's timeline in messy ways.

Art, art, art, art still was amazing. Paneling was EXPERT. This series finale lands a bit low though. While the themes are mostly on point and I get why Silk does it, why on EARTH did she not seek help for this "battle". It's an anticlimactic resolution to a promising new villain. Good bye mysterious, Korean witch lady. You left like you arrived: a stranger. Something, something girl power in the past. IDK Until next time, Silk.

Be it as she might try, Tini Howard just isn't very good with these sort of grandiose stories of myths and legends. Knights of X starts well but there are more moments in this issue that feel that they should carry more of a punch but instead feel too casual and as a result dull. The art is fine but there's not enough unique character work or story here to set this apart. I can see why this has become a 5 issue miniseries. This quest just doesn't feel as important as it should.

Very solid issue. Character revelations, more whacky dream scenarios and some heavy ones. Slumber continues to be a fun, creative comic with psychedelic explorations.

This book continues to be so much fun and it does feel so very BATMAN, but more over, it's a BRUCE WAYNE book.

Feel weird rating this "ending" considering that it is not the end. I can't even really say that this series has taken advantage of the roster of characters it's spent a lot of time and energy developing the last seven years. The status quo shifts, choices are made, and the worlds are ending... just another day in SPIRAL CITY.

Lot of cool drama going on, though the art can get a little muddy. I can't really say that I'm following what's happening 100% other than it sounds cool "my family's master sword!". The series is brimming with potential and I hope it finds it's footing soon, though if all we get are these five issues, that's a lot for two issues to fix. I wish the current cast had more development and by the end, I see we're throwing more characters into the kitchen sink.

Redondo's art is getting better and better. And the story is heading towards an impact! Nightwing's best achievement all these past months: it's sincere optimism. It's the heart of this title and an aspect and theme of the series that isn't discussed much.

Like where the plot is heading, but there's some tumbling on our way there. No idea why Taskmaster was even in this, he had no presence other than in the artwork to really make sure he's there. The best part of the book is it's characters and the artwork. I must point out, the cover of this issue is kinda hilarious. He got web coming out of his butt lol

This has been one of the more fun, more engaging, and dramatic issues of X-MEN in general in a long while. The action is used to bring forward and characterize several of our X-Men cast. All balanced in 1 issue, this series is going to be stellar. What's my favorite moment? I can't even express. The bar cannot be anywhere but high.

Al Ewing is also putting in the WORK. Abigail Brand is easily becoming one of my favorite characters in the entire X-MEN mythos, and Ewing is having so much fun writing her. And the best part is? Everyone else is getting equal treatment with some character moments that feel like big stuff is happening. Hope this momentum continues.

Who is the new Jack in the Green? FABLES 151 comes back as if its never left; the structure and tone fits perfectly with the last arc of the series. Now, may not be a popular opinion, but I absolutely loved the final arc of FABLES for reasons I won't get into now. My favorite element of the series, Mark Buckingham's artwork (something I love more than the writing) is just perfect here. I adore his pencils and the way he brings these characters identity. Now, for new readers, this won't be as enjoyable, I think. There's so much being picked up exactly from issue 150 and before that one could easily get lost. But those are the woods for yeah, aren't they? If you're not careful, you're bound to lose your way. Let's hope Willingham has a bountiful tale for the next 12 issues.

This is how these two meet up, huh. Bookworm is an interesting idea for sure, but the execution lacks that interest. Batman vs Bigby is an oddball little crossover that's turning out to be much more casual and dull than it should be.

The closest this feels to a FABLES volume and a Batman story. Too bad this is a mess.

Revelations that don't make sense. Fails as a bat story and a fables story. This doesn't bode well for the upcoming return of FABLES. The best part of this series was the artwork which matched the FABLES sensibilities perfectly with interesting paneling and some fantastic spreads.

Halfway point and so much is happening so fast. I really like it, so much so that I wish all these moments had time to breath and be expanded upon. I wish this was a novel instead of a comic which is something I don't really wish for often. But the drama, the characters, the complicated plot developments, Dark Knights of Steel makes for a fun, interesting comic book; but it's genre and tropes may lend themselves better in a novel format. Still, so much to like!

This is the first issue of this series that is firing off all cylinders. Artwork, I love. Kevin & Batwoman storyarc, just pure love. Harley's characterization and arc are paying off here wonderfully. Stephanie Phillips and Riley Rossmo have found their footing, and while they've always been strong, this arc is reaching their potential in colorful strides! Can't wait for next issue!

Some great character moments sprinkled throughout. The plot's moving forward. A little messy towards the end but the stage's been set for a confrontation. The mixed artwork on this series has been too inconsistent for my liking, but it gets the job done enough. Let's see what happens next issue.

A bit confusing, the bat characters are written rather brash here but it's a different world, I suppose. It's mostly bat-heavy and since it's not an entirely engaging way to experience these character, the issue suffers for it.

This one feels a little more like Fables, the bats are a much more aggressive breed here as well, just not sure to what ends. Geeked a little at a few revelations IF any of this canon, but I'm not sure because it's not clear where any of this is taking place other than some version of Gotham.

The problem with this mini that 3 issues in it is difficult to know what the point is.

Best issue of this series so far! The villains are more interesting, the stakes are high, and there's some fun moments between all the girls, the pace is also much much better and the artwork is stronger, fuller, and easier to follow. I hope they keep this momentum going and that this next arc doesn't disappoint, Seer has been built up for more than half year, she better deliver.

My first book from writer Tochi Onyebuchi and love seeing artist R. B. Silva; I gotta say I adored this first issue. The characterization is strong, the artwork is amazing, it's classic comicbook stuff with an edge. I loved the pace of the action sequences and those wonderful scenes between Falcon and Knight. The plot, while on the surface feels pretty typical, has enough unique beats sprinkled throughout to make it feel fresh. Excited to read the next issue.

LOVED THIS. This is why comics exist. I need the next issue ASAP. I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE MONTH WHYYYYYY

Off to a strong start. While the story and execution (lol) are pretty standard for these sort of tales, GRIM has enough spunk, energy, and identity to keep me interested. With a group of characters and world and lore brimming with potential, Stephanie Phillips and Flaviano have what they need to make an interesting new series.

The fates are at it again, this month will see the return of Bill Willingham's FABLES (next week!) and from the previews/covers it is clear that Willingham is going to tackle a character he's long wish to write about: ROBIN HOOD. It's going to be interesting to see what he does considering his conservative values. Which leads me to this title's introduction of the Merry Crusader of the wood. Kieran Gillen continues to kill it with this series, re-inventing, deconstructing, and completely honoring the source material he's taking from. The ending of this issue completely also just sent me over the moon. I really hope this series doesn't end any time soon.

SAGA'S BACK, BABY! First issue since it's return to hit all those sweet spots I loved about this series. It feels so alive, the one-off memorable characters, the drama underneath all the craziness, the actually craziness. The opening made me laugh so much and the ending made me audibly gasp. Ugggghhhh now I have to wait till next month. I'm going to re-read this series.


Much better than issue 1. Mysteries abound, creepy imagery, and Tynion's fun dialogue. Can't say I'm fully on board with following Nightmare in this manner, but let's see where this goes.

One of them blockbuster comics. The writing is not that great though. It feels... bulky. An issue where a lot of revealed, characters interact in interesting ways, multiple settings, and a deepening mystery... it should all be more exciting than it actually feels. And while the story does carry quite a bit of emotional weight between the interactions, the issue finds it hard to find steady waters to swim in.

Lots of fun moments, though I'm turning a blind eye on this Joker thing because as it stands, it doesn't make too much sense and this is a series about Batman Beyond I don't feel we have time to explore this, nor do I think I really care. Murphy went from Point A to Point X so fast, there's not much time to develop what feels like an entirely new else-world. While grounding this new setting within the spaces of characters already established in this world makes a lot of sense; it oddly makes the new territory feel same old, same old. Old grounds being retread. At the same time, the book knows it doesn't have a lot of room so it uses a lot of shorthands and tropes of recent DC plotlines (Future State for one) to color the space around it quickly and as effective as possible. It's entertaining enough.

Really loving the art here. Reminds me of Vertigo's good old days. The story here is promising. The pop art aesthetics bodes well for a pop story like this. Even the title of the book sounds like album name. Can't say I have a full feel for the world and the rich vampire folk being hateful towards another of their kind is an interesting take on the mythos, though it does remind me of the vampire races from American Vampire. Let's see where this goes.

Atmosphere is top notch. Here's a vampire tale I have no idea where is going. Jeff Lemire is tapping into some dark stuff and presenting to us with sincere, childlike wonder.

My favorite about this book is the artwork and the framing. A great use of space and the panels are so satisfying put together, the book really fills full and lively. The story is a bit on the nose but it's doing something with the anxieties of getting older and running out of time to find yourself. A late adult-Insecure-type of tale we don't get often in comics. Even if the liberties taken on how people behave and coincidences might be taken a little loosely. The villain exposition info-dump I also feel could have been handled smoother. Still, this was a fun, decent issue!

OK, I loved this. Our elders rarely get to show up like this in our funny books. And yeah, Silk isn't an elder, but there were so many great moments that Emily Kim took advantage of by mining her premise. The art continues to be my favorite thing about this and the interactions between Silk and JJ are fantastic. The villain is the weakest element by this point, with the arc coming to a close, I hope they find a way to make her interesting. Which is a shame cuz her power set is really interesting already!

My favorite thing about this run so far is so Zdarsky introduces all these new personas into the Batman mythos, it honestly does a LOT to make all of this feel fresh and new. Really enjoying this.

The art still feels so empty for me, compared to the use of space from the original series. Lot's of surprises this issue. Lemire continues to unravel these characters and reshape them throughout Black Hammer.

A cathartic end to a wild series!

Caspar Wijngaard is a legend, lot's of answers come through in simple but effective ways. I'm going to miss Home Sick Pilots.

This run is just so satisfying. The covers, the artwork, the writing, the plotlines, the aesthetics, and the themes. It's a series filled with hope and heroes and great characters. Super excited for what comes next.

THESE CLIFFHANGERS. I wish some of the more fairy-fable characters had gotten more development to make some of these battles carry a bit more weight. The all fluff is showing strong here and we get another crazy cliff-hanger. The blockbuster takes over the book and I miss the more character focused bit. Welp! Let's see what comes next!

Fun, visually creative premise with a solid mystery and some strong twists and turns for a #1; sets the groundwork up for what could be a very fun series and if they're lucky, a TV SERIES within the next 1 - 5 years or so on some streaming service, somewhere.

A bit tropey, but plays the cards well. Best part is the characterization, with some really strong dialogue. Love the use of banter between the narration and character bubbles. Vanessa Cardinali's artwork is honestly really great as well. The concept is still rather coasting by through genre conventions, its only issue 2 though; more definitions could be arriving later in the series.

Continues to be as enjoyable as ever. And a Tom Taylor classic hell-of-a-cliffhanger. SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL is the sort of series I would have loved to see animated as a kid growing up. Great moments between characters and ugh really wanna punch Lex in the face right now.

Si Spurrier just knows how to write myths and monsters. Amazing stuff.

Artwork is just so good and the writing is great. I'm going to miss this series.

Enjoyed this quite a bit, the conversations and the conflict arising, I'm getting into a real groove with this team and Beast continues to be a fascinating character. Can't wait for 28.

A blockbuster comic through and through. Mark Waid's been waiting for him and I desperately want him to do a run on DOOM PATROL.

The mood and atmosphere of this is just soooooo good. I can't wait to read it all in a row once the final issue comes out. IDK why I am liking Walter so much as a person. I know he doesn't deserve it. Personhood.

A bit disjointed for a Sandman title, and to get people caught up on the concept of the Corinthian there's a bulky, clunky exposition dump in the middle of the issue that breaks the tension. Hell, the description for this issue on this website is even doing the most. Almost like this issue isn't as confident in the story it's telling. In trying to introduce everything, I feel like I'm missing half of it. Curious to see where it will go for sure, art is great, and I love Tynion's ideas. Just hope the series finds its footing soon. It doesn't quite capture the elegant way Sandman titles dig into mystery and myth and feelings. (Odd cuz Nice House on the Lake is so good at that?) GOD I MISS HOUSE OF WHISPERS. That book was SO underrated.

A nostalgia throw back, the artwork didn't really vibe with me with what they were going for. Less 90s and more "For Younger Readers" which made the simplified Krakoa storyline feel more like it's for a younger/wide audience. A few surprises here and there but generally, it's alright.

Batman: The Knight (2022) #3 Apr 8, 2022
Home Sick Pilots #13 Apr 8, 2022

This one's delicious, I just know this is going to hurt down the line.

Emma talking the talk but is she walking the walk?! Frank vs Emma plz

Sorry ya'll, I feel all of this should be more interesting. It is starting to feel like The Becoming again, which is a shame considering the promise of Issue 1. Jackson's story feels like it's heading somewhere interesting and I loved his reaction, but as soon as the opening act ends the issue gets pretty boring.

Clunky way to get Harley into the next phase, unfortunately my least favorite issue so far, specially after following the previous arc which was pretty great. Hope the next issue makes all this worth it, really hope its not just her doing shenanigans with crazy prison villains for 22 pages.

Damn, I did not like this. I don't like the art, the writing isn't good with a lot of exposition being spat out through clunky dialogue and the pacing is also off. I like all these characters so I don't know how I couldn't care about a single one. This may not be for me.

AWESOME ANDY IS BACK!!!! Issue 3 of Rowell's run is still a lot of fun, and it is nice to see these characters chilling around. Her novelistic style bleeds through this one a lot and in odd ways, I really don't mind the chit-chat but we don't learn anything new this issue other than having Jack have a reset, which was established in #2, so not sure why we're doing it again in #3; the seeds for a romance are being planter but I feel there are better ways. I trust Rowell will pay all this off, but I've seen her harken back to previous runs of a series and bring them into something new brilliantly before in ways that aren't so small.

Had a ton of fun with this, love the art, love the designs. Cody Ziglar has got a fun voice for these characters and I'm curious to see where it goes. Aint nothing subtle about punk and with the current wave of queer punk, it is something I am fully embracing. Them LA show's are so much fun. I def wanna make a playlist for this series, I'm inspired!

A typical end to what I feel was probably an abrupt finale. Did not like how they handled Nick in the series, in retrospect the clone plot wasn't that great either and we spent a ton of time on that. Not as good as Dennis Hopeless's run which felt more complete plot wise and thematically. An OK Spider-Woman run, now to wait till the next one.

Had trouble engaging with this. The concept is cool, cover art gorgeous, and the artwork pretty cool. There's just too much that I know I can get better elsewhere. American Vampire (check), even RUSH which is still running right now feels fresher. West of Sundown has got the aesthetics down, but I couldn't come to care for this vampy lady and her nerve-struck sidekick. Has a big change to improve, the issue has a lot of one-line zingers that I really like. A case where the sum of the parts are greater than the whole.

This entire issue read like MASS EFFECT with MUTANTS. And boy oh boy did I love it. The drama, the dialogue, the discussions, that feeling of endless potential. Al Ewing is taking a concept born about a year ago and finally doing something interesting with it. A new planet, old ideas, conflicting philosophies, and a desire to build something new. X-MEN RED taps into that feeling of opportunity. A planet anew, what can come next. Can't wait to read more.

A lot of set up and intros as this title gears up for Jason Todd, Powers, and Terry. Timeline wise, it isn't too beyond what we've seen the last few miniseries other than a few fancy buildings in the background, a high-tech suit (from the past), and Batcops! Let's see where this goes.

An unsurprising cliffhanger but an emotional throughline that works for most of the issue. Multi-verses are all the rage and Reborn is an excellent addition into the concept.

Still so so so entertaining. James Tynion IV really knows how to end the world.

Kieron Gillen knows his stuff, this series shows so much promise. ALL OF IT WAS SO ENTERTAINING. The story moves forward in intense ways that both upend the previous era but completely respects. Gillen knows how to play with myth and THE IMMORTAL X-MEN could be the WIC DIV of the X-MEN. Can't wait to see what comes next.

A blockbuster comic! Waid doesn't disappoint throwing us right into the action. We can follow the story because he writes these characters in the broad strokes we are used to, the characterization is on point. Also, lovely seeing DOOM PATROL, it makes me really happy.

Can't believe it's going on hiatus for so long. This issue has me itching for more! It's also the most I've ever been invested in a JLI story, these versions of these characters I am really, really enjoying and it is likely that this is where they're only ever going to exist. I'm totally fine with that, the ride's been great.

Bruno's artwork is sorely missed but Burges does a fine job and the story is really ramping up! Not a panel wasted, Nightwing isn't just one of my favorite DC titles, it's just one of the best comic runs I've had the pleasure to follow monthly. Love it. Love it. Love it.

I love this alt-u for Marvel. It's just so much fun and dramatic. I love the artwork I love the re-imagining. It's what fans would create if MARVEL weren't under copyright. At least it's officially commissioned; DEMON DAYS is an example if the Marvel Mythos could grow outside of copyright, all that imagining. Glad it is going to continue!

Fun, action-packed, all the characters collide and plot basts forward. Grrl Scounts continues to be a punk-themed sci-fi adventure that's here to have fun, laugh, and occasionally make you feel stuff. It's great!

Characterization is off the charts, the flashbacks to what happened right after the hiatus began are also really amazing. There's so much emotion packed behind all the interactions, nothing is left as filler. Every panel counts. Incredible.

I love the art, I like the attitude, the book has a fantastic format that allows for a lot of story to be told in one issue making a bulky, satisfying read. But the writing itself is starting to fall apart at the seams. The bookstore scene for example was better than all the superhero stuff in it. The reveal didn't really work for me because as a payoff there was nothing much building up to it for it to pay off in a full, satisfying manner. I am starting to not care about the conflict while I do enjoy hanging out with these characters. Hoping the series gets its footing better before the arc closes.

I loved this, out of the two titles, NIGHTWING is the much stronger one, and that energy bleeds into this issue. Best issue of this series so far.

The oversized magazines are quickly becoming the startling blockbusters of the comic book world, exciting, new, risky, and bold. Jeff Lemire returns to horror in Green Hell and its a story perfect for our times.

Jeff Lemire has gotten so casual in characterization, but it's really good. The book is brimming with so much potential and Dustin Nguyen's work, while not my fave of his, is still really strong. Strong start to Little Monsters.

MY EMOTIONS. Oh my god what is going to happen! I desperately want this title to be an animated series, it would be amazing!

20 Issues is nothing to scoff at in this day and age of modern comics - Karla Pacheco is still in a place where it feels like she's finding her footing and every time she finds new floors to stand on she gets better! SPIDER-WOMAN #20 is an issue I wish the entire series would have been like, an ACTION-COMEDY?! Yes please, she has fun with everything she has done the entire series and strikes a tonal balance that was missing from earlier issues. I really hope we aren't near the end for Pacheco and Drew because every time she finds new ground she uncovers new potential as a writer. I feel is just about to reach her potential in this title and with Jessica! Pere Perez also gets to shine and he's knocking it out of the park here! PLEASE BRING BACK ROGER! ;___;

The Black Cat segments are the best, though theyre disjointed throughout the anthology in a way that I don't worked as well as they thought it was going to. Some interesting moments scattered throughout focusing on characters that currently don't have ongoings. Marvel Woman are really top notch aren't they, Strange, Silk, She-Hulk, Spider-Woman, Ms Marvel are all having strong runs right now and Black Cat's fantastic run just came to a close. Not to mention all the female characters in other titles like Avengers, Black Panther, the X-Men titles etc etc etc The voices presented here need more time to grow and develop, the short stories hold a big task of (re)introducing these character, providing and original story, and often times placing a philosophy down. So it's all broad strokes that isn't super satisfying. Just give me the Spirit of Vengeance title I desperately want, Marvel. You introduced her but haven't done anything worthy of such a character. She deserves better. I also realized I miss the Silver Sable, bring her back too.

Thing's are crazy bananas! I gotta say that this artstyle is just not working for me, it feels too empty and not in a good clean-pop-up sort of way. Lemire though continues to play into the meta aspects of this title, maybe a little harder than usual, while it's big and bombastic in story, he never loses sight of the emotional cores. Reborn feels like a silver age title more than ever.


I'm just glad Kevin's OK, ya'll! Really glad the Fear crap is over, the direction we are heading in looks mighty fun.

The kid's first battle and of course, it's more difficult than they thought.

The amount of enjoyment I am getting out of this series is currently unmatched.

Skottie Young is writing series that'll go down in history alongside the runs of Brian K Vaughan's Runaways and Kieran Gillen's Young Avengers.

Strong, promising start. Colorful setting, colorful characters, and a premise that feels both classic yet new. Can't wait to read more.

This comic is filling the void left by the X-MEN, the creativity is rewarding and all the new characters are strong with unique and easily recognizable personalities. Win win so far.

Love seeing NOLA like this, although it's a very touristy side, but still all these characters are NEW to NOLA so it makes sense, I hope the setting continues to be taken advantaged of like this because it's such a great, underrated setting. Character work continues to be amazing! Loving this title so far.

oh boy HERE WE GO! Love to see the continued presentation of setting. It was REALLY NICE to see Weirdworld again.

Had to read twice because the twist completely disoriented me. Taylor has been this DC Universe entirely his own.

SO MANY QUESTIONS. I can see if readers who don't know JACK OF HEARTS or his history will find this issue lacking a lot of emotional weight and a lot of information to be engaged. Comics are weird like that, as I am familiar with this little character's history throughout the damned decades; this was a lot of fun. Rowell continues to shine by giving a voice to characters that feel so natural and true to their character and advancing them in emotionally engaging ways. This is something she did beautifully in Runaways. I have no idea where this is going but Rowell at least appeared to have the grace (so far) to not mine Jack of Heart's personal traumatic and exploitative stunt during Disassembled opting out instead to focus by giving the characters pleasures of the living world. Radiated heroes unite, in this way, the two find themselves in similar spots. After a long string of destructive events both Jack and Jennifer (JJ!) now find themselves in a prime spot to begin anew.

Holy crap, this is horrifying.

It's just so good, the artwork, the pace, the reveals. I never thought I'd care about these characters in this way, it is fantastic.

The art is muddy and moody in a fantastic way, survival and terror pack the issue and the tunes are mighty fine.

Enjoyed this issue in a very BUFFY sort of way, this would make a fun TV series I am seeing. No idea who Luna Snow is but she's cool, hope to see more of her. I am liking how adult Silk looks, her trying to find herself in NYC, it resonates in a similar way early Peter Parker did. Sticking around to read more for sure.

So much fun and engaging with good characterization. This Batman remix is the most interested I've been in the character in what feels like a really long time.


Timely, engaging, and anxiety-inducing; Saga continues to keep us on our toes only showing parts of the story worth telling. Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples are in their highest of grooves. The series still feels like it never left.

Incredible. Myth and legend combine and this is easily my favorite Supergirl story. Absolutely incredible.

And thus ends the prelude to Aquamen, though it did not start off that way. It's fine, the timeline break is a choice but it is more dramatic to begin in the middle of the action. The art here is great too and I feel like I do know Jackson a little bit more. From the rest of the cast, Mera faired the best, but Jackson's family still feel underdeveloped and their drama here left me feeling not much... I'll try out Aquamen in hopes of finding out more but I wouldn't call the miniseries, sadly, a knock out of the park.

MYSTERIES AFOOT, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. POOR JACKSON CAN'T GET A BREAK FROM HIS FAMILY TROUBLES. THOSE FISH THINGS ARE SCARY, WTF. TEEEERRRROOORISM. I gotta read BLACK MANTA (2021) now but I don't feel like I missed too much. Why couldn't both The Becoming and Black Manta just been an ongoing under this title? COMICS!!!

Artwork is crazy good as always. Dan Watters is letting his imagination go crazy and somehow it all still sort of fits together. Home Sick Pilots continues to be a series you feel as opposed to strictly follow through it's words.

SO I DIDN'T KNOW WHO SWORDMASTER WAS CUZ I DIDN'T READ THAT SERIES. I was very lost feeling I missed an issue or something while reading this and a quick search showed me why. Hindsight is 20/20 so I feel having this character debut more cleanly as The Iron Fist would have been better. The issue wants to respect this character's past but it doesn't do a great job of introducing him. I loved the artwork and I loved the banter between Danny and Lin. I'm very curious to know more so I'll stick around for the miniseries hoping it gets better once it finds its footing and maybe get a legit ongoing if it sells well enough later in the year. There's some great stuff in here!


Secrets and lies. I like the sleeper agents, and I want them more fleshed out. But I know that'll probably not happen if the next issue's premise and cover are any indication. Storm's cool tho.

God, thank LAWD that the clone stuff is gone. JESSICA, DO NOT TAKE YOUR MAN FOR GRANTED ;__;

I HAD ONE REQUEST. I would also take that steak too... they're delicious and SO EXPENSIVE.

NOT THE CLONES. NOT THE CLOONES!!!! Lady Bullseye is so cool.

*Le sigh* No Roger Gocking. It's this brother again. It's fine.

Spider-Woman (2020) #15 Feb 11, 2022

LOL at the baby kicking ass

MOVIE MAGIC. But the series continues to get messy.

I'm OK if we drop the brother plotline and just keep going in this direction.

That's more likely, wish more real estate was placed for this as supposed to just a few page set ups last issue. All that happened here is more interesting than the horse/twins/brother plots.

Brutal as always

Loved this !


The art is my favorite thing about this book. The story so far isn't as gracefully messy. The villains have big potential to be really interesting, but the interactions between them and the girls are surface level and starting to lose some steam.

Yo, this was perfect. I almost cried, wtf.

In my top comics I've read the last few years. Cliff Chiang is such a talent. Incredible.

Great stuff happens in this issue, I wish it was its own story as supposed to a flash back but we only got 12 issues so best to leave it in one.

Can't wait for Season 3 !!!!

UGH this went by so quick! I NEED ANSWERS NOW.

The Bendix plan is revealed and I admire how Jon is presented to do whatever it takes to protect those who need it. The manipulation and gaslighting from Bendix makes for quite the easy-to-hate villain, I'm looking forward to seeing him fall.

This book is becoming a favorite.

Close to perfect. I hope MacKay gets to write Felicia more. What a joyful read.

I have noticed that this REBORN series has a lot of empty space. Story is still very entertaining but I feel these issues go by super quick.

This book is a blast.

Did not find this one to be as strong as some of the previous ones, but hell it was still so good. Mystery thickens, so many theories, the art continues to be soooooo gorgeous. Who would have thought that a HUMAN TARGET book would have been one of the best ones on the stands.

Was wary about this because Steve Orlando has mostly been a miss for me. But this was pretty decent, with a great cast, love to see these character and GOD I HOPE IT GETS BETTER OR STAYS THE SAME. This is your last chance ORLANDOOOOOOOOOOO. You've been set up to SUCCEED.

This book is just delicious.

YO! It's like the book never went away. This was nostalgic and also exciting in that new type of way. Can't believe it's going to be decade and this series feels like it could go on for another decade. Incredible.

OK, so the good news is that YARA FLOR's launch is a success and we are for sure going to keep getting stories with her. The bad news is that it's a big shame her first story arc was dealt with like this. I can't say I know who Yara is, her tribe, or what she's about because stuff I thought was going to be explored in future issues is just not happening here. Thing is... I have no interest in reading Trial of the Amazons, maybe I will... idk, but this character deserved something much stronger.

I wasn't going to read this because I couldn't bare another psych take on Batman's origins. At this point I'm getting PTSD watching his parents get shot over and over and over and over again. Chip Zdarsky finds new, interesting angels to tackle Bruce at his youth. And the art of Giandomenico is fantastic. Let's see where this road goes.


Loved this!

KEVIN, NO! I loved this issue, and it makes total sense for these characters. I just hope we really do get to see Ivy go on a path like this. But that's the thing with UNIVERSES, we many never get to. But for this arc, this version, this title, it's honestly the emotionally strong thing to do.

KEVIIIIIIN, NO!!!!!! 11 issues in and Harley's really come a long way. This book has quite grown on me.

Um... Tom Taylor on a Titans book? Too much? Would it make DC explode? This was stupid enjoyable, Nightwing continues to be such a consistently entertaining, pleasing book.

Fantastic, the art is so good, and the writing top notch.

This was amazing.

It's like Brubaker meets The Incredibles.

No more kings. There ain't no preventing a war, it's already here. The artwork continues to be my favorite thing about this. And I'm in love with John C. I miss him having a series. This epic is only just beginning.

This was so much fun. Give me MORE.

If Warner, Discovery, and DC Animation don't adapt this into one of their films I am going to RIOT.

The paranoia hits hard. I can't believe how emotionally invested I am in this. It's Secret Invasion meets Body Snatchers meets The DCU. No Constantine yet, but I'm dying for him to show up...

Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #1 Jan 25, 2022
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour #2 Jan 25, 2022

Reminds me when me and the bf went for a fancy dinner.


This one made me laugh, and it's the issue that closest resembles the show. Sad to see its almost over when it just hit the right energy.

Greg Smallwood really nails it. And how does King come up with these scenarios. Tick tock. We've got quite the mystery in our hands.

Beautiful prose, beautiful/incredible artwork and a mythos in Supergirl that feels larger than life. I do wonder how it'll all end, if I was in Ruthye's shoes, I am not sure if I'd be able to keep my word to Kara either. Not after everything she witnessed.

That's more like it, But JON, that pizza is gonna be damn COLD. I was loving the covers of this book a lot more earlier on, I don't understand the covers that are out with these current issues, they don't feel like theyre a part of this story... Anyway, WOO HEE things are about explode. The little moment between Robin and Jon made my heart skip.

This is the issue that's felt the closest to SEVEN SECRETS. Undercover organizations, complex scenarios ripe with misunderstanding (on purpose and not on purpose). I feel bad for Jon, how's he gonna get out of this one. Also Aquaman's in this one and he's fun.

Ha! This was much more fun than I expected. Love the banter and the girls have their work cut out for them, I'm really loving the artwork and I would like to read the next issue like right now...

After a strong start, some middling issues, and then a really bad one, The Becoming finally finds its footing again. With engaging character work between characters we’re finally getting to know and some really beautiful artwork. This is what this character deserves and much more.

This was just lovely. The art with color is the best!!

Dan and Caspar have really created a Kaiju battle made purely out of haunted houses, traumatized ghosts, and punk music.

Aaaaaand I cried.

I love this series so much.

Now that’s how you do a reveal kiss.

Love this series

Excellent issue, excellent characters, this would make a fantastic tv series.

Love the way Rowell can play with Marvel History of niche series and propel them forward. Like in her Runaways run! In this way she reminds me a lot of early Dan Slott. Specially Slott’s She-Hulk’s. Super back to basics reset tale with standard self-discovery plots, occasionally doing something modern and interesting (like the resolution with Titania who I hope becomes a series regular). All I know is this gave just enough to have me wanting more.

Publishing mess to not have this be #6… And this is coming from someone who’s never read a Silk comic!! Better late than never again, now I gotta read all the previous stories, this was fun!

A MUST to have read and enjoyed the main story. These shorts are merely add-ons to add more to the world created in the original miniseries. Would they have worked if they were placed in a longer series? Maybe......... STRAY DOGS: DOG DAYS feels like a tie-in almost. Still enjoyed it for what it was within the context of the series. As a standalone it is not good.

Wonder Girl (2021) #1 Jan 19, 2022
Wonder Girl (2021) #2 Jan 19, 2022
Wonder Girl (2021) #4 Jan 19, 2022
Wonder Girl (2021) #5 Jan 19, 2022

Elements are there but Jones unfortunately is having lots of trouble balancing it all. For a book about Yara and the Brazilian Amazons, we are getting an awfully lot of outsider perspectives into them. Lines like "the chance to learn more about them was an unexpected surprise" can read too othering towards this new, mysterious tribe of women, six issues in, we know very little about. So how about we stop messing around in Olympus and stop saying how great it is to learn about them and just actually develop Yara and where she comes from...

Really wish I liked this more. The story, on paper, is compelling but the execution, the inconsistent artwork, and pace make this an unfortunate dud.

Fantastic artwork here as always. And there are some cool characters moments too. Just wish that it did not feel like the major players here were put on hold for two years for this to happen. It all feels inconsequential and too quickly paced. This issue alone could have been an entire arc in one series. Hickman wrote "heavy is the head. now wear your crown" I supposed this is him putting it down.

Ouch! I feel like this is an issues from another series I missed the first 6 from.

What sounds like it could have been an interesting, great story is muddled by a run that had no consistent tone/characters/focus. This needed more space, needed more focus. Trial of Magneto was not IT.

A very strong start that plants the seeds of what could be a very exciting story. Also interesting criticisms of democracy in my MARVEL comic, the set up is so strong I worry they won't follow through with what they're saying ala Falcon and the Winter Soldier. My best guess is it'll be ignored and forgotten as the series gets into the BLACK PANTHER vs the Marvel U aspects. But let's see, JOHN RIDLEY stuck to his guns mostly in I AM BATMAN and AMERICAN WAY.

Loved this! The type of book I did not know I wanted!

Love the twists and turns Mariko is doing with the Marvel mythology, it feels new, it's my favorite type of adaptations.

I understand why these have to be sold as ONE SHOTS, and I am sure it doesnt take a quick time to make these, still, I'm enjoying the ride quite a bit. While I love the creative re-invention of characters like SILK, STORM doesn't look as promising, the shading is rubbing me the wrong way. Still, let's see what happens.

So, I love Chibi Ororo. "We aren't yokai, we are GODS". The marriage of Japanese style storytelling and the Marvel U has got me smitten. Beautiful artwork and a legend for a story, I really hope next issue isn't truly the last one. Excited to see what the HARDCOVER for this one will look like.

Hellions (2020) #10 Dec 29, 2021
Hellions (2020) #11 Dec 29, 2021

My favorite issue of Hellions and the Gala and this entire X-MEN line of comics. Fun, absurd, with awesome character moments.

Hellions (2020) #13 Dec 29, 2021
Hellions (2020) #14 Dec 29, 2021
Hellions (2020) #15 Dec 29, 2021

Zeb Wells made the best title of the X-Men by being consistent, character focused, and keeping his eye on the theme. This issue tore me apart in ways I never imagined it would.

"Mutant scum!" Hellions delivers in what a lot of comics that label themselves "gritty" and "dark" wish they could do. Genuinely shocking, funny, memorable, and thematic.

I am so sad to see the best X-MEN title go, seriously, this run was amazing. The moment for Nanny being one of the MOST satisfying things I've read this year. Zeb Wells knows how to use the KRAOKAN storyline set up in a way that I feel is very honest and thematically resonate, tapping into character individuality vs collectivism in a way that hits close to home. By having us empathize and connect with a group of likeable psychos who may or may not deserve a second chance, Hellions truly balances the dark tone, comedic aspects, and moral grey area better than most books. I'm going to miss this title and I hope wherever they are, Nanny and Peter find a way to get out and bring some hell.

Diego Olortegui is awesome and it's a pretty standard introduction issue. Curious to see where this goes.

I didn't know this was called Aquaman: The Meraing Jokes aside, all of that was fun. I gotta admit I've been out of the loop on Aquaman stories since the end of Geoff John's run so I have no idea what the hell is going on but I am using comic logic to fill in the gaps and context clues, it isn't hard to grasp the metaphors going on here. Give Jackson's mom a book, I want to see how she's extracting refugees onto land.

Oh dear, did not like the art here. Apart from not understanding some things last issue, this one hits me over the head with a reveal that has little significance for me and a pretty awful tagline on the cover. Also the PRELUDE TO AQUAMEN banner here tells me this book isn't selling well and the entire execution of whatever it is they're trying isn't going well either. We are halfway through a miniseries - and I still don't get what the main story here is. This feels like Issue 17 from a series I have not been reading at all.

Enjoyed this quite a bit, and it was sooooo much better than the Fear State/Nightwing stories, maybe because finally they get to exist in their own space as opposed to taking over another title's. Jorge Corona gives the book a fun animated look that comes alive combined with Conrad and Cloonan's writing. (I haven't read anything with Becky Cloonan since AMERICAN VIRGIN way back in the late 2000s, its kinda crazy to see her writing stuff now - I do wanna read The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys). On the comic, it's fun and I'm interested to see where this goes. Welcome to The Hill, girls!

A very promising start to a new series close to my heart.

The plot thickens. I love how normal Lemire writes Lucy, here. The mundanity of it all.

Jeff Lemire continues to keep the focus on human characters and motivations, no matter how crazy things get, hearts come out on top.

Deus Ex Colonel.

I know part of Black Hammer's charm is how theyre building a brand new superhero universe in a very Gaiman-Willingham-Cary sort of way, bringing a multiverse like this makes me nervous. Lots a space in this issue too. Let's see where this goes. The little story at the end is cool.

This one is a ton of fun if you read both their miniseries.

Another Weird issue gliding to the Black Hammer-Verse. Something's up and if Weird don't know, I definitely don't.

This is amazing.

Mamo #2 Dec 28, 2021
Mamo #3 Dec 28, 2021

Sas Milledge better come back with a volume 2. Thematically rich, wonderful artwork, and two fantastic characters. Mamo is a fantastic story filled with magic.

Became a fan of Si Spurrier after his Hellblazer and Dreaming runs, now I'll just follow where he goes and this is quite the adventure.

Nettie Bridger is such a great character as is M.P. Nathan Gooden's artwork is just soooo good, I love it! The mysteries deepen and the monsters are plenty, but the writing on Bridger is most excellent, maybe she can survive these creatures that hunt in the cold, snow.

Art is amazing as always, story ends on quite a muted note.

Lemire just has that TOUCH.

I think about this issue often.

This book is a dream.

Moody and atmospheric, Mazebook continues to play out like a dream of broken, heartwrenching memories. The things we wish to forget, cannot, and want to desperately go back to.

Nightwing (2016) #81 Dec 22, 2021
Nightwing (2016) #82 Dec 22, 2021

I haven't enjoyed Nightwing in like ever, and I've tried picking up the book for over a decade. This run has become one of my favorites.

Event tie-in to suck the air out of the storyline, least there's some cool action here.

Much better than the first issue to the tie-in, loved the flashback between Batgirl and Nightwing. The cover to this issue is great.

See you in Batgirls, realize this arc would have been cool to see animated.

Creative, fun, engaging, and absolutely gorgeous. I see they're going for the Eisner and they'd deserve one, this issue didnt even have ad space. Knocked it out of the damn park. Worth the small tie-in break.

Um, oh my god, I loved this. I want more.

King continues to play with mythos here, and with all the bombastic visuals and framing, Supergirl still comes across as human, resilient, and strong. Easily one of my favorite books of the year.

Fantastic artwork! Have a feeling this experience will read better as a trade!

The visuals in this are stunning. Light on text-writing but Maria Llovet world building and ability to tell a story through artwork is fantastic. Time spent reading is time spent looking at all the details. It's a vibe.

Maria Llovet's Procelain #4 Dec 21, 2021
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4 Dec 21, 2021

Absolutely loved this. Bilquis Evely's art is breathtaking and gives this the proper myth/fable quality it needs. King's focus on pain goes from emotional/mental to physical, taking from the superman mythos further to propel our heroin's journeys. Another fantastic issue.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1 Dec 17, 2021
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 Dec 17, 2021

Loved this.

Crazy kids

This feels classic.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2 Dec 16, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3 Dec 16, 2021

Pace is off on this one, feeling clunky. Tie it up together Taylor! John Timm's art is also sorely missed.

And we're back! Absolutely adore John Timm's work. Taylor's Saturday Morning Cartoons energy is paced stronger here with some fine characterization and the pace is better with the issue ramping up and slowing down when it needs to. Jon is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in comics, can't wait to see where this goes next.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1 Dec 13, 2021
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2 Dec 13, 2021

Fun start, I love the artwork.

Killer Queens #2 Dec 13, 2021
Killer Queens #3 Dec 13, 2021
Killer Queens #4 Dec 13, 2021

Art, story, character work, emotional beats. This is top tier superhero comics.

Nightwing (2016) #79 Dec 13, 2021
Nightwing (2016) #80 Dec 13, 2021

Phenomenal start.

Another strong start for a BLACK HAMMER expansion!

The Unbelievable Unteens: From the World of Black Hammer #2 Dec 13, 2021
The Unbelievable Unteens: From the World of Black Hammer #3 Dec 13, 2021

I cried.

My first foray into this creator’s world and I had a great time. The emotional beat of this issue got to me and I’m excited to see where it goes next!

Inferno (2021) #1 Dec 11, 2021
Inferno (2021) #2 Dec 11, 2021

Big ideas presented page by page, wish this would have come sooner or at a better pace.

Marvel's Voices #1 Dec 11, 2021

Stephen Graham Jones baby! Also huge fan of Dani, wish we'd gotten a Spirit of Vengeance story!

There's so much about food here but that's because we're always so hungry and the food is so good. Looking forward for more Robbie as I love him. And excited to check out Strange Academy. Hope White Tiger some day gets a chance to shine, she has so much potential but no one seems to be able to find the right VOICE for her, I am hoping someone tackle's her soon and succeeds. America also appears to be stuck in limbo in how to write her. Curious to see what the MARVEL films do with her. It was nice to see Anya again but I wish her featured story was stronger, specially since she was sharing panels with Miles.

Marvel's Voices: Identity #1 Dec 11, 2021

I gotta SAY, DC's PRIDE issue was better this year haha

Fun beats, action packed start to this thing.

Kinda over this event and how its getting in the way of the Guardians.

The character work continues to move me. It's the action-packed nonsense plot that lost me.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6 Dec 10, 2021

SWORD just keeps getting brought down by events. Still Ewing makes it as entertaining as possible.

Black Cat (2020) #1 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #2 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #3 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #4 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #5 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #6 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #7 Dec 9, 2021

Didn't read that "event", love the concept, was lost with some of the characters.

Black Cat (2020) #9 Dec 9, 2021
Black Cat (2020) #10 Dec 9, 2021

Really hope this isnt the end of Jed MacKay or C.F. Villa

Had me watching Ghost World

Black Hammer: Visions #2 Dec 9, 2021

This series is proving that the Black Hammer universe is ripe for stories.

Wild and free

One of my favorite issues of the year!


Ugh, I loved this so much. I miss Cecil Castellucci's writing.


The artwork is fun and the premise is thankfully played straight which adds to the book's charm. GOOD BOY is a story that can really only be born in the comics medium! Will definitely check out Issue 2.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #3 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #4 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #7 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #8 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #9 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #11 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #12 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #13 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #14 Dec 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #15 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #1 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #2 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #3 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #4 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #5 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #6 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #7 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #8 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #9 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #10 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #11 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #12 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #13 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #14 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #15 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #16 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #17 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #18 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #19 Dec 9, 2021
Once & Future #20 Dec 9, 2021

Surprisingly emotional, still action packed!

It's all here. The battles, the emotional beats, the stories. Kieron Gillen is such a master.

Ah, this is what classics are made from.

Continues to be engaging and mysterious. Artwork is stellar.

Can we just agree that is some of the best cover work for a series since Wicked + Divine.

The Nice House on the Lake #4 Dec 9, 2021

We're starting to get answers.

Incredible work here. This series just crawls under my skin.

Reviews for the Week of...




