Dustin Cabeal's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards, Comic Crusaders, Entertainment Fuse Reviews: 1862
7.6Avg. Review Rating

With Blackwood's first chapter coming to a close this is a fantastic replacement. It'll fill the void quite nicely and really it would be great to get at least one comic a month from Evan Dorkin as he is a talented storyteller with a unique voice. This newest chapter of Beasts of Burden delivers the good stuff so be sure to grab it when it releases.

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I've said this a few times, but there hasn't been a lot of Image titles that I've been excited for lately. Crowded is interesting, not just the concept, but with its execution. The first issue comes out strong, but not so strong that it feels like the story can never top what it accomplishes here. Rather, I'm looking forward to more from this series and seeing how the thirty days pan out. To put it another way, Crowded may be the next big thing from Image.

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Thank you, readers, and thank you, Tony Cliff, please keep Delilah and Selim's adventures going as long as you have a story to tell.

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While I have no idea how long it'll take for more issues of Sink, I'm already waiting for more. Especially with what's teased at the end of this issue. That and the issue of the Clowns is largely unresolved, and I need some goddamn resolution for those freaky fuckers. Anyway, if you're not reading Sink, you're just cheating yourself out of one of the best comics published this year and last.

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Speak is masterful in its story making it an important work. I'm sure that a lot of reviews and readers will say its powerful because of #MeToo, but it feels so much more powerful than that. This story would be important if Me Too didn't happen but shines brighter because of it perhaps.

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I wanted to read this story again after finishing it. It was that enjoyable, and while I didn't particularly have the time, I did enjoy chapters here and there while I read this review, which only makes me want to read it again when I've cleared off my desk. For sure though, Animus is one of the best books of 2018, and I hope that you'll check it out.

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The Nameless City is a great series for young readers. It doesn't have a bullshit Disney ending which is rewarding. The characters are memorable, well-developed and there's someone for everyone to relate to, even if it's not the main characters. For adults, it's probably not going to be the deepest of reads, but still one that's entertaining and rewarding in its way. For me, it's been fun, and I was happy to review the entire series.

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Some are likely to read All Summer Long and find no problems or faults with it. This might touch on a personal experience that they've similarly had, and so it'll pass with flying colors. I think that most of those people will be from the school grades I listed above. It's not a bad story, but it's mediocre in its offers of a slice of life coming of age story.

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I would recommend The City on the Other Side to readers looking to get into fantasy stories. Younger tweens and teens will definitely have a different and likely better experience with this story, but older readers will find it lacking in depth.

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The Unsound does have a wonderful premise and sets up future stories to be told in this world. While I'm a bit curious about those other stories, this first volume could have been stronger in setting up that world. Too many pages were spent trying to be eerie or set up maddening moments only to have it sputter out in the end. The idea is interesting, but the execution could use some more work. Hopefully, we'll see some growth from the creators on the next volume, if there is a next volume.

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I may be foolishly frustrated that Blackwood only has one more issue, but its hard not to want a lot more of this series. It's my hope that the sales are backing this title that readers are supporting it and enjoying it as much as I am. To have a book that's entertaining, horrific and enticing makes Blackwood a comic no one should miss.

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As I said with the first issue, it's been a while since I read something from Image that I was truly excited for. Granted, this has turned into an "escort the witness" style of story, but the handling of it has been captivating from beginning to end. In just two short issues it's created a world that ripe for the imagination and entertaining to take part in, best not to miss it.

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I was hoping to come back to this series and find it chugging along strong as ever. Instead, there was perhaps too much focus on reaching issue 50 by the anniversary and not enough attention paid to the details, particularly in the artwork. If you're a long time reader, you probably won't be phased by this issue in the least bit. If you're a new reader that's finally looking to take the plunge on Zombie Tramp, maybe wait until the next issue. It's my sincere hope that they'll find another talented artist in the vain of Mendoza's style to take over this series because it still seems to stop-gap with its art team and it's killing interest in the series.

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The only disappointing thing about this issue is that it means the story is half over, which is a damn shame. Not that I expected Dorkin to write an ongoing, I don't know if that's his particular style and Fish is in high demand for reasons that you'll see in this issue. But, part of me hoped that this would be a longer narrative because it's already screaming to be one. I'm sure it could be revisited after the initial mini like a lot of Dark Horse titles, but this could have been a hell of a replacement for Harrow County. It's been pretty rare that a second issue has surpassed the first issue, but that's exactly what Blackwood #2 has done, so be sure to check it out if you enjoyed the first issue.

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Modern Fantasy starts quite well. Granted, I'm not a fan of the catalyst, but I also know that most readers aren't likely to be bothered by it or even dwell on it. It's just the thing that gets the adventure going, and we're all here for Sage's adventure. We know what type of character she is, and we understand her supporting cast which will be the reason to follow this story, not the catalyst. Adventure awaits in the next issue, and I for one will be there for it.

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While I will personally be back for the second issue of The Unexpected, I can easily see why some readers wouldn't be back. It's not very catchy or impressive. The threat is generic and has been done a hundred times before. Only one character has been developed, and there's nothing about her that is likely to hook you and say, "Yeah, more Firebrand please!" Also, I would have spelled that Fyre Brand TM, but that's just me. Overall, it's okay. I'm curious to get through the first adventure to see what can come from this, but I have a feeling we'll see Firebrand used in Suicide Squad in five years and that'll be it.

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The story has become predictable at this point. Our main character will continue to follow the trail of his son's death, and along the way, he'll get his ass kicked and beaten. He'll be in the dark the entire time, and I'm sure there will be a bunch of unpredictable twists because this type of story can't hint at them without giving them away completely.

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The boil down the audience for Gideon Falls there are three types of readers for it. The ones that are enjoying it, the ones that aren't and the ones that will read it in trade. All three will have very different experiences which is one of the great and interesting things about comics. I wish I were in that third category because I have a feeling it would be better to digest as much as possible in one sitting. Instead, I find myself in that second group.

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When a movie comic book adaptation decides to pull lines from the original movie for cheap pops, that's usually when I call it good on the series. Mostly because it just shows that there's nothing original left for the story. Movies used to be wonderful at pulling throwback lines, but anymore it's just an eye-rolling moment in any story. This issue ends on one such line, and it's just stupid sounding. The context is different, it's being used as a rebuttal but it doesn't quite work, and it's just not even the best RoboCop line. Which strangely sums up this entire issue and series. Not the best.

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Sideways is just about the only DC comic I'm keeping up with. Mostly because of the bizarre makeup of the creative team. It's an experiment that can only happen in comics, and while it's not nailing everything, it's not doing anything so wrong that I would say it's failed. Instead, I'm very curious to see where it's going to go next and hope that there's a lot more story to come.

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It's been a long time since a Dark Horse title got me excited to read more. Like I mentioned in the beginning, it seems like they've been searching for an identity and while they've expanded what they publish, not all of it has been a good fit. Blackwood feels like a Dark Horse title from beginning to end and has me wanting to read more of it. With titles like B.P.R.D. being scarcer and scarcer and Harrow County ending, Blackwood is a great replacement for anyone's reading list.

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With so much sci-fi out there, it's hard to set yourself apart. While the idea of western in space isn't new, there's always room for it to work again and find a different story route. Unfortunately, this first issue of Stellar doesn't seem to present much that hasn't been done before. Now, that'll depend on how much you read or view things, but there's enough not working together in this story that it's likely to turn more than a few people off. If you dig it though, keep on digging it. And if you don't, well then don't go for the low hanging fruit and attack the name.

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It's a strong first issue. The setting is interesting and the seemingly random clues that we're given makes it seem as if The Last Siege is set in an alternate timeline of history. Further reading is needed in order to figure out everything presented in the first issue.

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With Remender's work, it's best to give it at least six issues. He's one of the few creators I will say that about, and it's because his style isn't meant for single issues. He always manages to have a hook or a cliffhanger that makes the single issues worthwhile, but the overall storytelling is only revealed after six issues. This first issue is saved by Bengal's artwork. I won't sugarcoat that because without the dynamic action panels and the detailed cars, over the top characters and beautiful coloring, the story would be generic" unless you're a Remender fan. Because I understand liking the way, a creator presents their stories and their flair that makes you come back for more, which is how Bengal's artwork got me to read this first issue and likely the next five.

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Now, if you read the first volume, you obviously will have a better understanding of this world going into Copper Golems. That doesn't mean that you need to have read the first volume to understand and enjoy this series. Kindt and Rubin go old school and make sure to re-explain the world to welcome new readers. It reminded me of what Magnolia has always done with Hellboy, in that you can pick up and read the series with any first issue or series and understand the world and characters. There's just a bigger reward for those that read everything. Ether is back in an emotionally devastating way, but I was happy to get wrecked by it.

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This is a quick fun read, and I dare say you might even want to give it to your teenage daughter to read. Maybe talk to them about the drug and alcohol use at some point" and the violence, but I'm sure it'll blow their fucking mind. Hell, it'll blow most people's minds which is why I'm so happy its back with another story. Here's to many more.

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Skip to the End is interesting. Fans of the band the story inspired are sure to like it, but then others that enjoy time traveling stories will likely dig it as well. By the end though, it's the overall execution of the ending which plays into the rest of the story that doesn't quite land. It's a good idea, but it's forced to work and could have used another spin before completion. If you're going to do it, I would actually recommend that you read the title and follow its advice. It might change how you read the book, but you might also find some plot holes along the way.

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The art doesn't hide the stories weakness and vice versa. It's a solid first issue that lays the groundwork for a story of revenge. Depending on what Orlando does with the plot there could be a deeper story of a father finally learning and connecting with his son, but we'll have to wait and see. At least for another issue.

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The first issue was consistent but fairly safe in everything it did. It had that one killer scene which made it seem like American Gothic or some dramatic TV show with a grounded supernatural feel to it. The second issue doesn't have that one killer scene though and is a bit duller because of it. It's all consistent and safe, but nothing is so thrilling or interested that someone would need to keep reading. There's not dying need to know what the Black Barn is because so far, it's just there. Sure, there's a small element added, but it was expected, much like the rest of the plot. If you enjoyed the first issue, you're sure to enjoy the second, but if you didn't, there's nothing here that's going to change your mind. I'll likely stick with it for review sake, but my excitement has diminished a lot from the first issue.

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Robocop fans have been buying any comic with the title, so I doubt my review is going to change anything and frankly I'm not looking for it to. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, but if you're looking for something groundbreaking, save your breath. This is a soft reboot that uses the same character in the way that Star Wars 7 used the same characters. It's decently entertaining, but that's about all you should expect from it.

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Hopefully, people see what a wonderfully creative book this is, not for its story or plot, but for how it's being created. There are so many old-school elements that have been dusted off and polished that it's extremely interesting and creative. That alone isn't a reason to read it though, but the fact that all of those elements come together and produce a superhero comic that's not dark and gritty and full of death, but instead is fun with a little bit of gore, well that's the reason to read it.

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If Scarlett Hart was someone's first book, I'm sure they'd enjoy it well enough. It's hard to say if they'd fall in love with it or the monster hunting genre, but it might prove to be a gateway into the genre. For an experienced reader though, you're unlikely to find anything new here. Unfortunately, it just comes across as a generic monster hunter story and one that's been done better by the same publisher.

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I'm sure there's an adult reading audience for Star Scouts out there, but it's not me. The character development feels forced, underdeveloped and though it's attempting to layer and develop multiple characters, it doesn't. The story paints a picture that is simply telling someone not to be mad is enough to make them happy, but that's inaccurate. The story just doesn't provide the tools for kids and the YA audience to learn anything from this story that seems desperate to convey a moral. It's unfortunate because it could be a lot of fun but ends up feeling generic and one-dimensional.

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It's not a bad read and its worth it just for the artwork. Gowdy is amazing in how each character is easily recognized even with all the shifting changes. The characters could have easily been lost in the artwork. The concept of the world is interesting, but the depth of the story is shallow and nothing new. If it was brilliantly told that wouldn't matter, but it feels rushed. It also feels as if the art was more important than getting any depth out of the world, which is just a shame.

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While I enjoyed the first issue, it's what happens in the second issue that will make or break this series. It's a better than average first issue for sure. It's full of intrigue, strong narration and a plotline that's different than most American comics. On the downside, it could have spent more time with the characters in the beginning and had a stronger introduction to the two societies that are fighting to their extinction. If it switches to only the fantasy side of the story, it'll have its work cut out for it. This first issue of Betrothed is going to score high, but there's the potential to be a one-hit wonder. I'll be back for more though, and in the coming monthsd, I'll hope for the best.

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Deathbed is very different from what people expect or think of when they pick up a Vertigo book. It might be a new direction and the current editor leaving their mark on the beloved imprint. I'm not opposed to that in the least bit. Much like something else I reviewed recently, this series will be made or broken with the second issue. This is a strong, unique first issue for sure, but the follow up will determine if it's worth adding to your collection. It might just give you a couple of creators to resume the chase with though, and maybe that's enough.

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Damage isn't a bad comic book by any means. It's safe though, it's playing to its strengths and hell, maybe more comics should do that. But with so many superhero comics and new comics out each week, playing it safe doesn't mean it's innovating or intriguing. I worry that with so many other amazing comics to pick from, that Damage might end up feeling too familiar and become something easily passed on. Which is a shame, the gimmick has legs, it just needs some more time to stretch them.

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It would be easy to either love or hate this comic book. Some will find it not "punk enough" or they'll love it a bit too much thinking it's an amazing tribute to punk. Even others will delve into a dialogue about whether or not Punk really is or isn't dead. It's a comic that's sure to have a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons, so hopefully, you came to this review to cut through all that. Plain and simple, it's a hell of a comic. It's not perfect, but it sharply written, beautifully drawn and colored and full of potential.

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Only on Comic Bastards will you find a review like this. I love to jump in on series. The more I review, the less that happens, but occasionally something like this will come along via my inbox and I'll just take a chance on it. It's what makes comic books fun. Now, I'm off to go find issues one through six because I need to read more of Ghost Money.

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There's still something intriguing here and I'll be back to read more of Oblivion Song. The new trend in comics seems to be safe first issues that excite the reader just enough to bring them back and then to wow them with the second issue. We'll see if that's true here. If you're a fan of Kirkman's this is an easy sell. It's vintage Kirkman and he's found a balance between the Apocalypse and the modern world. His writing is comfortable here and he has a talented artist guiding the story. The flip side of this is that if you're tired of Kirkman's writing, this isn't likely to bring you back to his books.

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Again, this review is of the comic and not the man. Personally, I don't think Cho has done anything that crazy or controversial. I think it all came at a time in which drama was selling clicks and comics wanted/needed the same drama other industries had. Now, we seem to have had enough drama. Things aren't perfect, people aren't perfect, and this comic book isn't perfect.

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Giants have become a must-read for me, and if you give it a chance, it will for you too. You'll see what I mean when I say it's very different from other comics being published right now. The story and artwork being produced will make you crave other collaborations similar to the Valderrama Bros, but that's perhaps what makes them so incredible. They're doing it all, the writing, the artwork, the coloring, the lettering. All the parts you're absorbing each issue is all them. And they're doing an amazing job.

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Usually, I say a lot more in my reviews. I hate short reviews, but with Judas, there's hardly anything to talk about. I'm surprised when I reach the ending of an issue because I usually spend the entire time wondering when something is going to happen instead of a visual Bible retelling, but with Lucifer's added commentary. It's a four-issue series, so I'll finish it at this point, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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What's great about this new series is that if you're just coming into the Ninjak world, it's intriguing, full of mystery, spies, and action. It's enjoyable just for what is happening without knowing all that came before. If you did read all the previous Ninjak stories, then there are extra layers of story that are paying off. It's the type of pay off that most companies reserve for big events, but with Valiant, it seems to be for the betterment of the character and stories to come. It's a vision of the future that I'm sure more fans would appreciate in their superhero comics.

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I'm sold on Bonehead. It's not perfect, I'm sure a lot of people will have problems with the lack of plot at the moment, but there is enough cool stuff happening that it feels like enough. Sometimes it's enough to just be a cool looking comic. There is a story here, and it's brewing, and I'm fine with that. Hopefully, others are fine with it as well because I just want to see future parkour people in awesome helmets running around a future city showing off their moves. Let me have that dammit!

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Gideon Falls is off to a wonderful start, but that doesn't mean much in comics anymore. Over the past few years, more and more comics have failed or bombed on the second issue making it extremely difficult to buy into a story with only one sampling available. Especially with what's being built up in this story, we're going to need more issues to read. But hey, at least there's a strong desire to read more. It's unlikely that anyone that picks up Gideon Falls is going to be disappointed by it, in fact, it'll probably start a lot of conversations when it hits shelves in March.

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Infidel has a lot going for it with its supernatural element. The characters are in need of some major developing, but we'll see if the writer finds the balance between developing them and keeping things creepy as hell. It might not even matter after this issue, but we'll see. There's a lot of other elements to the comic that are there, but not playing a substantial role in the plot just yet. They feel like they're just there to help ground the story in our world, but if they develop into something else, that will definitely help the plot. It's an entertaining issue, but I'm far from sold on it at the moment. Creepiness aside, there are concerns that need to be addressed.

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I'm sure there's an audience out there that will enjoy this book, some might even inflate their thoughts about it due to the parties involved, but at the end of the day, this comic misses all the marks. Our protagonist is underdeveloped, her timeline a confusing mess and instead of being something entertaining and enjoyable, Mata Hari is a boring chore to read. Again, it's not fun to say all this, but it wasn't fun to read it either.

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Support it, give it a shot. Comics like this are few and far between. It's not groundbreaking, but it's a damn good comic and some of that comes from the fact that the publisher isn't so big that one hand doesn't know what the other is doing.

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If you've been following this series, this is the big middle reveal issue. It's very enjoyable as it has a good share of action, awesome tech/gadgets and a slew of backstory that changes the landscape of the story going forward. If you're a long-time reader of Ninjak, you're sure to enjoy it more, but that's not to say that a new reader will be left in the dark. If anything, you're getting out of the dark sooner than the rest of us that had the shade pulled over our eyes.

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Sink continues to be the best comic being published. It's a long year, and there are titles nippy at its feet, but so far Sink hasn't missed a beat, this issue included. If you haven't read the rest of the issues, then fear not, they are all technically stand-alone issues. Yes, they're better read together, but what isn't? My point is, you can start with this issue and go back and get the rest after getting hooked.

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Over the past few years, there have been a few trends in comics. First, it was the lame duck first issue followed by a magical series, and then there were the first issue wonders that instantly dipped and failed on the second issue. Right now, it seems like we're getting solid first issues that aren't looking to be over the top and thrilling, but instead lay down a foundation that helps the rest of the series. That's what we have here with Belle. It's not that thrilling, it's interesting and leaves you wanting to read the rest of the story. Hopefully, the second issue can build upon the setup here and deliver a remarkable series.

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Damage isn't going to change your comic book world. The character is going to feel familiar for all the reasons I've already listed, but the character has a lot of potentials. Both creators are talented writers and so working together they may just create something that can make a mark on the DC Universe.

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Yes, for the most part, this is just a typical revenge story of a man seeking vengeance for his family, but there are a few elements that set it apart. It's a quick read with skilled artwork. Perhaps the next issues will have more western elements, but there are a few classic western scenes in this first issue to enjoy. It's not revolutionizing the genre, but for under two dollars its an entertaining read worth picking up.

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When I read the preview of this issue, I wasn't expecting much. If anything, I thought it would end up trying a bit too hard to be weird, which is a huge turn off for me as a reader. Instead, what I found was the first book from Image that I've enjoyed in a long while. Over the last two years there's been a familiar theme to all their titles, but nothing that's grabbed me and excited me as a reader. Most of it's been average, which is okay because if you're honest with yourself, most comics are average just like most TV shows. Ice Cream Man has left an impression. I'm not going to say it's the best book so far of the year or anything outrageous, but if it manages to deliver a few more issues like this one, we could be on to something. I'll be looking forward to the next issue for sure.

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By far the best book DC is publishing, and if Busiek decides to tackle another DC character, in the same way, I'll be the first to put my pre-order money on the counter. Plain and simple, you should be reading this story, regardless of whether you read DC Comics or superhero books.

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Bonehead will leave you with more than a few questions. It's not perfect, but unlike other first issues I've read recently, it accomplishes the task of entertaining you enough to come back for more. I'm looking forward to seeing what else this series has to offer and what other video game elements the creators can sneak into the world. While it's unlikely to bridge the world of video games and comics, it is enjoyable for someone who likes both forms of entertainment.

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I was in no rush to read this issue or review it. If it hadn't been for the "Pancake scene" I don't even know if I would have bothered reviewing it. It was dull. It was the exact opposite of the one-shot rebirth issue that started this all. Hell, even the pointless "Button" storyline was more entertaining than this story has been. I suppose I'll see what comes next" probably something with the two Joker's meeting and the Mime being one of the three Jokers or some shit. I'm hoping for some ridiculous comic book stuff in this series rather than Johns trying to elevate his writing to a more mature status. Batman and pancakes aren't going to cut it though.

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I'm beginning to see Giants influences more, but that's not a bad thing. It's a fresh story that's pairing a lot of other concepts into one world. The blending and meshing is interesting, but without a strong story and fantastic artwork, it wouldn't be worth getting invested. I'm vested. I'm very vested and can't wait to see what the Valderrama Bros. have in store next.

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I didn't think I'd be back to review this series again. It's honestly just so dull that I wasn't sure I'd have anything to say about it, positive or negative. Since we're at the end of the review, it's safe to say I found something to say, but admittedly it wasn't nice and pretty harsh. Probably because it's weak sauce. If you want an "in your face" book about religion, check out BOOM!'s very own Next Testament. Unfortunately for Judas, this book is going to be forgotten as quickly as he is in the Bible if the next two issues don't knock it out of the park. Based on the pacing, I don't see how they can, but maybe there will be a "water into wine" moment in the next issue.

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There's hope that the remaining five issues will be better than this first issue. Hell, anymore I'll take a weaker first issue to have a better overall series. Sadly though, it felt like a tired story that Mignola finally got around to telling, rather than something any fan needed to read. We'll see on the next one, but for now, it's all a bit dull.

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Again, I get the idea behind this, and it's something any publisher would do, but I think the execution is lacking. If this were an actual event or mini-even that used the idea of the video series but changed it to match what's currently happening in Valiant, that would have been smart and incredible. It would appease both interested parties. Instead, it's as if Valiant wants to create a mess for themselves the way that Marvel did with the Ultimate line and have two worlds running at the same time, splitting their audience and their interest. We'll see, it could just be this and then done, but that's rarely how it works in comics. If something sells, publisher tends to keep doing it. Which is a shame because Valiant has one of the most interesting, tightest ran shared universes in all of comics. At the end of the day, it's an okay comic that you can tell has outside influences at play.

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I will gladly check out more of Stabbity Bunny. It was different and entertaining which is more than I can say for a lot of the books I've reviewed this week. It's not perfect, but it's nice to see a new creator exploring and creating before our eyes. What will Stabbity Bunny become? Will this series grow and change or just be about a protective stuffed toy able to commit murder? And if it's the latter, that's good enough for me to keep reading.

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Horror franchise are defined by their look and style as much as they are their story, and so it's strange that this new 30 Days would abandon the look its known for, but also the look that it introduced to the world of comics. It's competent artwork for sure, and in another book, it might even be great, but here, it's a poor fit that deflates any interest in the story.

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It's likely that I'll be back for more Aquaman. I don't know if I'll always review it, but this issue warranted a review. Without even knowing the landscape of the story arc, I was able to jump into it and thoroughly enjoy it. There's some dialogue that was meh, and some of the action is stiff, but damn, this was a good read and beautiful to look at. As strange as it is to say, give Aquaman a shot. Put the movie version and the all the other nonsense out of your head first and just enjoy it for what the political sea-opera that it is.

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This is a good start to the next Empowered mini-series. At this point, you're either a fan of Empowered or about to pick up your first issue and be a little confused. Trust me, the brilliant thing about Empowered is that you're never lost for long. Warren does an excellent job of making sure you know a little extra about the world, without it becoming some daunting task. There isn't much else to say about this issue without just providing you spoilers, so just give it a shot.

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Buy this damn comic already. What more do you want to hear? Sure, you might be like, "I've never read Hellboy, so it isn't for me." Wrong, this book doesn't require you to know anything about the character and actually teaches you about him as you read. There's no excuse not to pick up this comic because it's quite purely a masterful piece of work.

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If you picked up the first issue and it didn't quite click with you, give it another shot. You may have already made the James Bond connection on your own, but how does that not excite you as a reader? I've read those James Bond comics, and they're boring as shit, this has tech, ninjas, supernatural elements and the rest of the Valiant Universe attached, it's worth the read especially if you're into superhero comic books.

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Its been a while since I can remember getting excited for a Dark Horse title. Hopefully, Giants is a look at the direction the publisher is heading because this is an absolute delight. It's a polished product with masterful artwork and a skilled storytelling. If you're looking for something new to read this week, give Giants a shot.

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If this is just four issues as the cover alludes, I'll likely finish reading it. I didn't particularly expect much from it, and I got about what I expected. It's a character and story that people want to add to, but so much has already been done with it that finding a new path can be extremely hard to do. If you can put aside your religious beliefs, you might get some entertainment from the story, but for the most part, it feels like a cliff notes version of the story of Jesus, starring Judas, with some dope artwork.

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Sadly, the story has become very campy. Pun intended. It was a cool idea having Cassie go to a camp, but then it turned into a zombie love story thing and so the threat of something at the camp is non-existent. Resurrection is a great title for this series because instead of being a fresh start for the series, it's just digging up all the convoluted stories from the past that turned me away from the series.

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It's not a bad comic; it's not. You'll probably hear and read the spectrum on this one of people praising or hating it. I go back to that bible reference that I've been milking in this review; you're either old or new. Myself, I find Doomsday Clock to be rather dull so far. Maybe that'll change. Maybe they'll be something later on that will make reading this first issue exciting for different reasons, but for now, all I have is this first issue. All I can review is this first issue, and it's pretty average and honestly forgettable.

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As a fan of horror, I can appreciate this comic and everything it was attempting. Hell, I'm happy DC made it, but there are so many missteps, and worse missed opportunities. This could have launched a horror line at DC, but when you just use the same idea over and over and switch out characters and twist endings, then it's hard to get anything new going. Maybe next year they'll try again and actually let the pool of talent they wrangled tell stories with variety.

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There's no reason to bail on this series if you enjoyed the first two issues, but lower your standards for this third issue. It's still important as it adds to the universe and moves the story along, but it's hard to find it as spectacular as the first two. It's an average issue, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you're reading the series, then keep at it.

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Hack/Slash: Resurrection is off to an okay start. It's a conundrum though, does it want to just continue where it left off and if so then it needs to make the tie and emotions to previous series deeper and more defined. If not, then it needs to develop Cassie's character more for new readers to understand her better. Right now, it's trying to do both and not being truly successful at either. It's an okay issue, but it had the potential of a truly fresh start and seems to have missed the opportunity.

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This is an entertaining first issue that has a lot of promise to it. The only thing that can possibly sink it is an erratic release schedule which has been the downfall to all of the other Archie horror themed comics, though this one does have a different imprint banner. Time will tell, but I'm definitely curious about this series and will be looking forward to reading more.

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The premise and idea behind Ragman isn't a bad one. It has legs, but the problem is the name, the design and the fact that this character was created at a different point in the world. Not every character or creation is going to be timeless like Batman or Superman, and even they have had their fair share of tune-ups over the years. There were so many small things that could have been changed and cleaned up with this concept to make it fresh and exciting in 2017. Instead, it's just a modern setting for the same old shit which ends up being done deaf.

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It's a crossover book; the villain is going to be easily defeated, everyone is going to get their shit in, and that's all this is about. It's just a reminder that these two franchises exist while catering to fans of both properties.

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I don't know if there's much more to say about this crossover. It was pretty boring to read, and that's probably the worst thing it has going for it. It should be goofy, funny or at least just so ridiculous that I can stop reading and instead I was just like, wow" dull. I'm not joking when I was surprised that this is a six-issue series instead of two and done. I don't know if I'm curious enough to see what they do for five more issues, but hey someone else reading let me know.

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If I were breaking this down issue by issue, my reviews would be much longer, as my review of the first issue. When it comes to trade, it's better just to tease it a little and get out. Hopefully, I've done just that because this is one of the most entertaining stories I've read all year. It has plenty of surprises and again, was a homage story that didn't get lost in the homage. Agent Sweets and John the Bastard are the stars, and they shine brightly.

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Usually, I ramble on and one about Godshaper, but it's over. There's nothing else I need to say. If you're waiting for the trade, that's fine at this point, but you better support the hell out of it. You better encourage other trade waiters to pick it up because when they do, it's going to blow their minds. This is above and beyond one of it not the best book of the year. Some stories leave you feeling sad that they're over, you're going to miss the characters and the world so much you could cry. Usually, that's the sign of a terrific story, but with Spurrier and Goonface have done here is found a way to leave the reader happy. I was so amazingly happy when I read the end of this that I could think of nothing else to say, but thank you.

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There's no point in stressing the second issue; as long as it's entertaining just keep reading and see what it has in the tank. We'll all know more about the strengths and weaknesses of this series in a few issues, and then people can decide if it's worth staying or going. Yes, that was a weak attempt at a Clash reference.

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If you buy one superhero book this week, make it Nightwing: The New Order #2. I would argue there's one better comic out this week, but it has the advantage in that it's the last issue of a series. If you don't read superhero comics, give this one a shot, it's a good story that uses DC elements, but is strong enough to stand apart from the pack. It's a hell of a read.

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I'm probably not going to review the rest of the series. I'll read it, but it's doubtful that there's going to be any big changes in the next two issues. If there are, I'll be back to cover it, but if not then you can assume my scores for the last two will be the same as this review. It's an average comic, but more than just being average it reveals a growing problem at Valiant, too many of their mini-series and limited series are forgettable. I hope they'll get back to the time a few years ago when they released nine solid titles each month, and you wanted to read all nine.

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This is it, folks. I will never read another Big Trouble in Little China comic. It made me regret my movie purchase that's how awful this comic is to read. None of the charms is there, none of the personality and none of the entertainment. If you want a bunch of dad jokes, then go for it, pick up Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack. If you don't pick it up and read it then good for you, I wish I could be you.

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I wanted to like this book more, just like the first one. I love the setting, the plot and the concept of the characters, but I don't like the characters. I don't like their interactions or when any of them open their mouths. I'll likely finish the series with a review here and there, but personally, I'll enjoy it more the first time through just looking at the artwork.

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There's not much else I can say about this comic. The lettering was swell. If you're a fan of old Jack or new you'll likely like this first issue. It's a fast read which is nice because it plays into the action quite well. I'm curious to read more, but doubt I'll review more. There's a formula being laid down in this first issue, and while that's fine to read, I doubt anyone wants to read a review that says the same thing over and over.

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Zero issues are usually bullshit. It's just the facts, but this one is a great endcap to a magnificent run and manages to set up the next chapter in the story. If you read Kindt's run you'll be left with the familiar feels that he injected into all of his issues, but if you haven't like I said, this is a condensed version of his run giving you everything you need to know in twenty or so pages. That alone is a talented feat worth checking out.

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Sink, if you still care, is the love child of House of a 1,000 Corpses and The Warriors. There you go, there are your two movies, but this is a comic that a hundred percent stands on its own and by far the best comic I've read from an indie publisher since Lees' And Then Emily Was Gone. I don't know if Sink is titled as such because the creators are going to throw everything at you, but it sure fucking feels that way.

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I would never have paid for this comic, and I recommend everyone else do the same. We don't need Wolfenstein anymore, sure it's a cool sounding name, but it's past its point of relevancy. No one's remaking E.T., so just let go of Wolfenstein already" please.

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While the elements being laid out are familiar, I've found that it's what comes next that usually defines the series. That said, I'm ready to read more and look forward to Sable's adventures. If this series is handled well, it could very well launch an entire space line at Zenescope which would be interesting to see and experience.

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The thing is, I just don't know if I care about the story. I got the gist; I just have no idea where it's going to go. I'll likely read the next issue and maybe even finish the mini-series, but it's not great. It's just okay. It could be a lot better or at the very least more entertaining. The jokes are low hanging fruit, hell; some have fallen off the tree. It depends on what the next issue does, but this first issue will leave you feeling confused before and after you read it.

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I read this out of curiosity. Again, it seemed like it could be mindlessly entertaining and even had a couple of glimmers of fun, but ultimately there isn't enough content to warrant reading this or to continue to read it. If you read it and enjoy it, then I'm happy for you, but most readers are probably going to want to pass on this one.

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If you're big on this series, then chances are you're going to love this volume and eat it up. You won't care about a review. That's fine, but if you've ever struggled with this title the way I have, then you won't find anything here to hook you and bring you into the fold. I get that it's taking a piss most of the time and just Millar's version of Bond, but infused with real world gags, but at the end of the day that makes it feel more like Austin Powers than James Bond. Sadly though, for my money, it doesn't beat either.

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Four-sixths of this issue is incredible. Those last two-sixths dip pretty hard though. They feel out of place with the rest of it, but also seem to be the norm for what's to come. I'll be back for the next issue because what's here in this first issue was good. It's not perfect, but it's a solid first issue for sure. That said, damn does that second issue have its work cut out for it.

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I knew from the cover that I would like this title. The art reminded me of Spera, and that's a good thing to remind me of in general. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the story was built and developed in this first issue. Hopefully, the journey that Luvander is going to embark on is short because it seems as if the charm of her adventures will be that she can always go on a new one. We'll see, but if you're looking for a different fantasy comic this week, check out Scales & Scoundrels. It's unlike a lot of Image's titles but in a great and refreshing way. Not every fantasy comic needs to be about the end of the world or fighting some great evil, it can just be about treasure hunting and living as a dragon.

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It's a shame that the art is the best part of this book. I loved looking at the story but didn't particularly care to read it. Maybe it's just a first issue thing, but something tells me that it's just how this series is going to go and that it won't end up being something I enjoy reading. Time will tell, but what's here in this first issue isn't particularly fresh, exciting or interesting. The artwork, on the other hand, is all those things and more. If you want to hear more about this issue check out this week's Comic Bastards Podcast!

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If this one-shot is to test the waters, then I hope that they'll do another test with a different writer. Keep the artist, but try someone else. When a story states that the assignment will be dull at times and that ends up being the best description for the comic, then you have a problem with your comic. If you want to hear, me rant about this more check out the Comic Bastards Podcast this week.

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You can pay what you want for Black Hand, Iron Head because it's on the Panel Syndicate platform. It took a bit for the second issue to release so consider throwing in a few bucks for a superhero story with some familiarity to it, but with a world of personality that's rarely seen in the genre. That and the art is just delicious eye candy that will give you an amazing tooth ache.

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I like this series, but at the end of the day what kept me from reviewing it right away was the fact that I didn't like this issue. I liked the concept more than the execution, and so it makes it hard to recommend to people. I guess I just didn't want to rain on its parade early and so here we are right now. Maybe the next issue will be better in terms of the story and character development, but it's unlikely the rest of the problems will change.

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The story and art are on this cusp of being something really special, but they continue to be held back for whatever reason. Until then it'll remain a safe and sound story, but not one that's particularly fun to read. It has everything in place to make it exciting and adventurous, but instead, it's just boring and dull" Which seems the opposite of Bettie Page.

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There are empowering messages for teen girls that now live in 2017 and regard Clueless as a classic. They're living in a different world and will likely have a different response to this material. The book and styles are intentionally dated meaning it's for a nostalgic generation that would love to revisit the past, but the story doesn't capture that past or add anything of particular value to it. It seems like it's just for fans of the film, but I have to wonder, being a fan myself, if anyone will get anything of value from reading this story. I know I didn't.

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Some of you are probably going to read this and still wonder what the book is about, after all, I did intentionally pass all that up in my review because I want you to wonder that as you pick up the book. Sure, some people won't like it, some will think it's okay, and others will love it. That's the fun of comic books; we don't all like the same things to the same degree. But if you get off your superhero chair for a moment you might find that Hi-Fi Fight Club is a wonderfully crafted comic book, emphasis on comic book. That's the biggest compliment I can give; it's a damn good comic book.

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Listen, I didn't expect anything from this story. I half read it just to fuck with a friend that love Nightwing. I ended up liking this book and will be back for the rest of the series. As good as this first issue is, I have a feeling it's only going to get better with the events revealed and laid out here. If you like Nightwing, you're already read the issue, but if you're like, "meh, to that character," then give this a chance. The creative team knocks it out of the park, and I hope that we see more chances like this taken by DC.

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Well, having given this series two issues to impress it is unlikely that I'll bother reviewing the rest of it. I'll still read it so that I can accurately label it on my "Worst of 2017" list at the end of the year; it's already got a cozy spot on the list. Just have to figure out if I'm going to put it under comics or TV.

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Overall, there's a lot to like about this first issue, but the ending does raise some concerns. I have more comments with spoilers on this week's Comic Bastards Podcast if you want to hear more. Unfortunately, my problems with this issue mostly reside with the ending, which I don't particularly want to spoil in a written review. I'll be back for the second issue, but we'll have to wait and see if this ends up being the typical ex-con back in the life or something else.

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Here's the thing though, while War-Mother is a solid first issue, it's nothing spectacular. It's solid, it's consistent and leaves you on the hook wanting more. For sure, I'll be back to read more, but I'm not blown away by this issue. It's good, but it's not a game changer or even particularly fresh. That doesn't mean it's not entertaining or that the series won't have these moments later one, just that it's not present in this first issue. There's nothing wrong with that either.

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For some, there will be a lot of things that they enjoy about this book. For others like myself, it was a challenge to make it through because of the overall structure of the book. The stories are on the weaker side, but then the reading experience is broken up by walls of text that only appeal to people specifically interested in this era of history. I enjoy reading about history, but historical comics continue to fall flat in my opinion. By having the real history follow the fictional story, it invalidated the story, which was the entire reason to read the book.

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With this being my second review for the series I'll be quick to point out that this review is short. There's not a lot left to say about this series. I have the gist of what the rest of the series will be like, but without a long story to break up all the short stories, there isn't going to be much to talk about. It's entertaining and a quick read, but it's yet to sink its hooks into me.

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I'm curious to see what happens with the story. I'm not in love with it quite yet, but there's enough here that's caught my attention. There's a lot of familiarity with the story, but time will tell if the creative team can add something new and stand on its own. If you like lone wolf cop stories set in the future, check out Midnight Task Force.

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There's some very point commentary in this book that feels at home in our society right now but also manages to be timeless at the same time. It hits that perfect mark of always being relevant which is amazingly hard to hit. Goonface is making a huge splash in the world of comics after already doing some incredible creator-owned work. You will see his name again and again and hopefully only attached to amazing work like Godshaper. These two creators and three because Colin Bell's lettering is personally my favorite in the business, are delivering career work here. If you haven't been reading Godshaper, then damn" I feel sorry for you. This is the best monthly comic there is right now. Stop missing it.

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At one point I forgot that I was committed to reviewing this and stopped reading the book, there's so much exposition, and none of it was funny or in the tone of either show. It would be one thing if one property were outshining the other, but neither is shining here. It's not fun to read, it does the same old thing that every hero vs. hero story has done (hell, think Avengers vs. X-Men, did anything come from that?) and it's only the first issue. It's a hard pass for me and also something I doubt that Cartoon Network would make themselves.

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Again, I don't know who the fuck this book is for; nor do I think you should read it. It's one of the worst books I've ever read, I struggled to finish it for this review, and I will likely never think of it again" Until the worst of list at the end of the year. Sadly, I'm not sure it's the worst crossover book I've read this week, but it's definitely terrible and a complete and total cash grab. Once it figures out who's money, it's trying to grab. Don't let it be yours.

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There's nothing to be excited about here. If you are, go ahead and tone that down, by a lot. Instead of a fun visit to childhood memories of watching Fox in the afternoons and then later WB Kids, but instead, it was like someone's bad fan fiction turned into an actual fucking comic book. That only thing I can imagine is worse, is that this is a prequel to the upcoming animated movie of the same name" let's be clear, my expectations for that film are now considerably lower.

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Mighty Jack and the Goblin King is very likely to end up on my best of list this year as well. Time will tell, and I rarely like to give that much away so early, but this is an entertaining story that continues the success and groundwork of the first volume by adding to it. We'll see what Hatke adds to it next and if that's successful or not. Given his track record, I won't be betting against him.

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Cast No Shadow ends up being a quirky coming of age story that takes on the changes in life that happen at our most delicate. The story and art stumble in places, but ultimately find its way and presents a story that I enjoyed reading as an adult, but one I would have loved to have read as a child.

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At first, you'll be intimidated by that. You'll think, I don't have the time for that today. Maybe you won't, but when you do have the time, you'll notice that young girl with glasses on the cover that looks lost. You'll remember that feeling and crack open the first page. Two and half hours later you'll be done reading the book, but Spinning won't have left you. It'll resonate with you the way your memories of childhood often do, and that's exactly what any great book should.

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It's not a bad comic book, but it's not good either. If the art were by anyone else, you wouldn't be reading issue three. It's that dull. It's that boring. It's painfully similar to everything Alien out there, even the new film. Also, the main dude is probably just a droid since that's the only element we seem to be missing, but I'm hard pressed to keep going on this series regardless of how many issues are left.

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I'm sure that there's going to be some returning readers to this series, which hey, that's cool and a good thing. I'm not one of them. The drama feels superficial, and while I appreciate this rebooted Archie, it's still not for me.

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It certainly wasn't as bad as I could imagine and hell, it's worth a read if you have any curiosity at all about it. Long term, it's hard to say it has legs. It would be interesting to see if it does, but I can see this series quickly dissolving into a set formula in which Bettie is put into unbelievable situations only to be saved like a damsel as she is in this issue. Not that I'm reviewing this issue based on that, but those are my thoughts and mind set going forward with this series. None the less, it was an entertaining read and fans of Bettie Page are likely to be pleased with how she's handled" minus the ending.

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I was a little on the fence about checking out this series. It was the first time Valiant was bringing in a big writer outside the world of comics, but it worked out. The team has put together yet another strong team of pisots to follow, but with this group, I'm vested more in them due to how they were labeled to be rejects. I would love to see them do more and be a bigger part of the Valiant U. I'm invested and completely sold on Secret Weapons.

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There is a slim chance that I will read the next issue. It's very slim though. Having read Sutter's other BOOM! title and absolutely hating it, I don't have any hope for this getting better. The character's aren't following any logic, but mostly because none has been introduced to them. It was a painful reading experience because it was the most forced comic book I've ever read. I'm sure some will enjoy this issue and comic, but I'll be hard pressed to believe them. Hell, I hope it's only four issues, but I really don't know.

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If you're just into superhero books or the hot genre of the year, then you might look right past Time & Vine. Which is unfortunate because it's the best IDW title I've read in a long time, but also the best time traveling story I've read in a long time. At least so far. Take a chance and give it a read, you might just find something new to enjoy from a creator that continues to get sharper and sharper each series.

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That's it from me. The Wild Storm is amazing. It's intelligent both in the story and how it's written. It doesn't talk down to its audience or come across pompous, but rather enjoyable and welcoming. The art is brilliant and at this point essential to the world. This has felt like diving back into WildStorm the universe, but with a complete and mapped out course. It's one of the best comics being published, and that's not easy for me to say about a big two title, but it's fucking true. Read this shit; it's good shit!

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Even though I hate stories about monkeys, I still give them a chance. Over and over and over, I still do. Because at the end of the day, you never know when you're going to stumble across something like Angelic that ends up being incredible, different and gorgeous to look at. That goes for the other two books that I mentioned in the beginning, I may not love the genres or the setting, but I'll still give them a try because you don't know until you read it yourself.

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If you can't tell, I'm not hot on the South, but I'm hot on this book. It's honestly been some time since there was a new Image title that I was looking forward to reading more, but Redlands broke that drought. If you're into horror, witches or even the goddamn South, then definitely check out Redlands.

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I'll give the first issue of Metal a, go, but there's so much retcon being poured into the DCU that it's more concerning than exciting. I'm not reviewing the effects of this will have on the DCU though, that will remain to be seen. As for this issue, yeah, it's important to read if you're going to read Metal, make no mistake about that. That doesn't mean it was enjoyable or something I would ever pick up and read again.

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Usually, the book people run to and read first any given week is some epic story with a sweeping narrative or the freshest and biggest take on a superhero. For me, it's Godshaper, with its deep character development, a world with many layers and art that screams "look at me!' in the best possible way. Godshaper is hands down one of the best titles of 2017.

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This review is on the shorter side because this issue is on the shorter side. There's not a lot to say here, but overall the issue is one of the best I've read this week and accomplishes everything it could and in my humble opinion, should. Having read this, I want to read more Mage and will be checking out the first volume that's out this week as a reprint. See you in August Mage.

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While it's not a perfect issue, it is one of the best first issues I've read in many months. It's very successful in setting up the world and establishing the potential for future mini-series with different mysteries. A lot of stories try to do that, but rarely maintain the focus of what they're doing to ensure that a reader wants to come back for more. I will be looking forward to more Blood Brothers.

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I will likely try out the next issue of Kull Eternal. It's not a bad first issue, but it's by no means great. It's average, and sometimes that's okay. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try it for yourself and since it hits so perfectly in the middle of the scale, some readers are bound to enjoy it more than others. That's why comics are fun, but from what I read and say and digested, it's just okay. We'll see what the second issue has to offer.

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If you're reading Archie, then keep reading Archie. If you were curious about this storyline the way I was, then I hate to say it, but it's not particularly worth the time. Maybe what comes after this arc will be worth it, but this is just shock and awe that rely on cliffhangers. It's easy to see what the creators were going for, but ultimately it didn't work out in the end.

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At this point, if you haven't checked out The Wild Storm you're only cheating yourself out of a great comic book. Month in and month out this remains one of the top DC titles and one of the top titles in comics. I say that as someone that only has one other "big two" title on his list, and that's Deathstroke. You might want to just wait for the trade of the first volume if you're not willing to track down or digitally buy the series thus far. I would recommend getting it sooner than later, but no one listens to me so whatever. The point is, but the fucking book already.

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This has been one of BOOM!'s best books, and I truly hope to see more titles like this with writers that are sharpening their skills and flexing their muscles. This isn't asking to be animated or turned into a game, this is a comic book in its purest form, and that is why it continues to be so damn good. True comics will always shine brighter than adaptations, events or backdoor scripts into Hollywood. If you love comics as much as you say you do, I hope to hell you're reading Godshaper.

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I do wish that I could go into more about this issue, but it would be unfair to you since it's not out and I really don't want to fully reveal the hook of the series. If you like James Bond stories, but hate all the excess bullshit, then you'd do well to pick up Jimmy's Bastards.

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Little Guardian is close to being something great, but for now, it's just good. I'll give it a few more issues for sure, but my hope is that they reveal some of what we already know to the characters so that the story can start progressing. That way the drama can stop feeling forced, which is unfortunately how this issue comes across. Even still, it's an enjoyable series for people that like fantasy stories without the intense adult themes.

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Unless something happens that's worth talking about in the next issue; I'm likely to be done with reviewing this series. It's had my curiosity, and I've given it a fair chance, but this issue has destroyed any faith I had in it continuing to be interesting and finishing decently. I'll still read the next issue, but from a review perspective, I've said all I have to say and will move on to something that deserves a review. This will likely sell because Sonja has a dedicated fanbase. They'll either leave here in the modern era or ship her back to her time, and either one will be shitty because the story isn't strong enough to make either good or worth reading. If you're getting some kind of enjoyment out of this series, please let me a comment and tell me what I'm missing because I don't see it.

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The issue is decent. It's one of the few DC titles I find myself wanting to read, but that doesn't change the fact that it's pretty average. It's easy to read and enjoy, and at the end of the day, that's probably all it's going for in the end. It would have been great if it was more like the first issue which is still one of the best first issues of the year. If you're enjoying the series, there's no reason to stop reading, but for me, as a reviewer, there's not much left to say about it in its current form.

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I am at the point in which I might need some things defined clearly for me in the near future, but for now, I'm enjoying the slow burn that the creators are working on and I'm happy that there's more to come according to Ellis himself. By my estimate, it would be twenty more at least, plus the spinoff that I'm anxious to see. By far, The Wild Storm is one of DC's top comics and with a few more issues under its belt it may even take the top spot. For now, though, it's one of the comics you should be reading.

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The only thing that worries me is that Image's audience doesn't seem to gravitate towards comics of the comedy genre. Which is a shame because it seems like a great fit for the publisher that publishes everything. Personally, I would love to see more genuinely funny comic books. They're so rare that I could write you a list of the other titles I've read this year and it wouldn't be worth posting. If like me you enjoy a funny story and sure it's not one that will make you gut laugh, but instead, put you in a great mood and leave a smile on your face, then you should give Shirtless Bear-Fighter a chance.

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If you like Eternal Warrior and more so, if you like Venditti's Eternal Warrior then you should check out Awakening. It's a solid first issue and sets up a new time in Gilad's life to explore that's very different from the previous series. As I said in the beginning, there's a lot of first issues weekly, but if you want one that reads as if the creators, publishers care and that the world matters, then you can't go wrong with Eternal Warrior: Awakening.

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I have always found BOOM! Studios to be an interesting publisher. Sure they have their bread and butter licensed books, but unlike other publishers that use that same formula to pump out licensed crap (cough, think Hasbro, cough) BOOM! still, manages to publish gems like Godshaper consistently. I just more people would find and appreciate titles like Godshaper because it sometimes feels as if BOOM! can only have one book like this at a time. The point being, check out this series and tell others about it. Don't, and I repeat don't, go download it off some "help us pay for our server" site and try it out first before you support it. Take a chance, support it and try it at the same time because damn that's the charm of comics sometimes. Buy it in print, buy it digitally, but buy it. It's worth the money, but at the very least it's worth your paid curiosity.

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Brave Chef Brianna is close to being something entertaining, but it's just missing the mark. At this point, I don't know if can be saved, but more than likely there will be a set up for a second volume. It's not that anything here is vastly different in comics, but it has a lot of potential, but potential does not make a great or even a good comic. Average though, that's about right.

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For my money, I'm hard-pressed to name a better comic being published right now. The simple fact that it's pumping out two issues a month and maintaining this level of quality is mind blowing. It's so good that I forget other comics that I've read and I weep for anything else released the same week. Deathstroke will likely be remembered as one of Priest and company's crowning achievements and rightfully so.

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I will be back for the second issue for the very reason that everything has been painstakingly set up in this issue. With that out of the way, there's some real potential for entertainment in the next issue. Let's just hope the comedy rings through more.

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Savage Things is lacking. This issue feels incomplete, and so does the overall storyline. The first issue was great, but it's quickly settled into average, and that's just not enough to keep me coming back. I highly doubt I'll even review the next issue, but we'll see. It's not my place in a review to say what I want from the series, that's irrelevant, but that is the feeling I'm left with after reading Savage Things. I want more from it; I feel there's potential for more, and it's bugging me that it's not there.

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I will read the second issue, but I won't review it. I don't see how it can get any better having already been completed and sitting, waiting to be printed. Once again, a Tekken comic has failed to do anything worthwhile with their abundance of characters.

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There will be more Spill Zone I'm sure, and I for one will be waiting to read more. This strange world only looks to get stranger and perhaps more dangerous. While the final act of this first book misses the mark some it's otherwise, a great first installment to what I hope is an amazing and interesting new series.

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More than likely you'll buy this if you're a fan of either character, either writer or the artist. I'm not trying to stop you either. It's a safe, entertaining story, but it's not groundbreaking, and I'm not going to over hype it. It is what it is, and much like the crossovers from the 90s, in twenty years it will be forgotten or looked back upon in a list and nothing more. It also doesn't need to do anything more than that and hit its sales target.

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I've been slow to adopt the new Panel Syndicate titles, but I think I'm all in on Blackhand Ironhead. That alone blows my mind since I'm completely against indie superhero titles. It's one of my least favorite subgenres so to find one that I enjoy and want to keep reading is beyond rare. While you can technically pay nothing for this book, consider giving it something. It's worth it, and if it means it supports Lpez as he finishes this series, then that's a great thing. All comic titles need support, don't forget that, but in the meantime see what you can muster for Blackhand Ironhead, Panel Syndicates newest hit.

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Other than that though, it's an average conclusion which isn't a bad thing. It goes the way it should, and it's entertaining while getting there. Mendoza's artwork is still top notch and accompanied by great coloring making this book beautiful to look at. If you've followed the series thus far, then keep on reading and see how the first arc closes out. I'll be interested to see when the series returns and what it's next arc will be. Hopefully, Mendoza will be back on art or at the very least one of the talented cover artists will take over.

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Overall, it's an okay story. It didn't blow me away, but it was an entertaining read for the most part. If the characters were well-rounded, it might have helped distract from the predictable ending. The journey is okay, but when you have a well-worn formula, you need the journey to be the important part, not the twist that you can figure out from the cover and first five pages.

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This book isn't perfect. Hell, I don't even know if we need a shared universe for Aspen, but we're getting one. I just hope that they have the writers, the artists and the scheduled lined up to sport this event. If not, it'll make me wonder what it was all for in the end. It would be nice to see Aspen selling comics again and not just Michael Turner variants for DC and Marvel.

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X-O Manowar might just be the book to beat at Valiant. It's one of the best superhero comics I've been reading, but more than that it's one of the best space adventure stories as well. We'll see how long that holds up, but this second issue doesn't miss a beat compared to the first issue or the first series.

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Real Friends is a book all kids should read, but even more so a story that all parents should read with their kids. Which isn't to say that no one else will enjoy Real Friends, quite the opposite. If you were a child once, which were you, then you'll find that this is universally relatable and an entertaining story for all.

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Black Hammer is Dark Horse's best title to date. It's everything you want from this style of story in that it's taking the golden age and adding modern darkness to it. It works incredibly well, especially when paired with the mystery of why these people are trapped and if they'll ever get back home. I know I'll be here to find out.

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For my money, I don't think there's a better DC Comic being released. I say that with one more review to write for DC and it's arguably their second best title at the moment. There are so many reasons to enjoy this series, and I will continue reviewing it, pointing out anything new that I see. My hope is that this becomes the number one comic on the market because so many people are buying and reading it if that happens, I won't need to review it because we'll all just know, this is magic run happening, and I hope it never ends. Just in case you forgot though, read the first line of this review again.

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When I read an issue of Ninjak that is this good I end up going back and reading what I missed. Even knowing where it ends up, it's always worth the journey. I may not always review the series, but I would be lying that it doesn't still register as one of my favorites, even when I fall behind. If you too have fallen behind on Ninjak, don't let the number on the cover scare you, give it another shot right here with this issue. You won't regret it and its way better than the stuff the corporate heroes are doing.

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This issue is by far the best issue in the series, but it still has a long way to go in order to be great or game changing. As it is, this series could easily be forgotten next year or with the next reboot that Dynamite does, and that's unfortunate. It just has quite found that staying power and is currently just getting by on the fact that its Sonja in the present. That novelty can only last for so long, and hopefully, when it wears off, there will still be a reason to read Red Sonja.

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As much as I liked this issue, it has settled. It's a good issue, but a far cry from anything brilliant outside of the artwork. While it's one of the stronger DC titles at the moment, it's been exposed for having slow character development and a painfully slow plotline that's yet to be concluded. Maybe the next issue will be striking, but more than likely it's settled into its comfort zone and will remain there.

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It's quite possible that I won't review the next issue. I feel as if I'm struggling to say any more about this series and it probably doesn't need my praise. It deserves it for sure as it is, as I said in my Deathstroke review, an extremely close second for being the best DC title published at the moment. I haven't looked at the sales, but if it's not one of their top titles then there's something very wrong with the readers of comics because this shit is golden and only getting better" which I think is platinum. The Wild Storm is platinum.

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There is one undeniable truth about Zombie Tramp, whether the series is for you or not, it is one of the most consistent comics being published today. It's never late, always filled with great talent, and often new talent. This series puts a lot of other titles to shame and has only gotten better with more issues. Janey's adventure still seems fresh and new, and I for one am looking forward to what comes next.

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The story for Bullwhip is simple, well-plotted and above all else very entertaining. I know that doesn't seem like much coming from me, but I am not someone that can read Golden Age books. I completely shy away from retro storytelling like All Time Comics because it's a hard pill to swallow. The fact that I liked this, but actually kind of loved this, speaks to how great Josh Bayer's creation is. Having read this and Crime Destroyer #1, I'm all in on All Time Comics and will be back for more.

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At some point, the Archer and Armstrong side of the Valiant U. became more meta and internet jokes, which is a damn shame since these characters are full of stories to be told. This issue is a solid issue, the story is well-plotted, the dialogue is sharp and fits the characters that Fred Van Lente helped relaunch, but the biggest knock against it is that it couldn't resist calling out what it was doing. Ven Lente didn't need to do that, and it would have been fine without it.

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It's tough to say if I'll be back more for this series. Perhaps I'll read it and not review it, or maybe it'll inspire another review. As it is though, it's average, boarding on forgettable and that's unfortunate for a series that was once so incredible. It's one of comic's tragedies that we'll all read about on a list in the future.

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I'm sure for some this story is amazing, and I'm not taking anything away from anyone's individual experience, but given the caliber of talent on this title, the story should be epic. The art should be the biggest buzz of the industry, and yet it's not. Because at its core, it's just The Lord of the Rings: Starring The X-Men. At the very least, I didn't hate it while reading it, but I wasn't entertained either.

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Usually, I don't go in for "they've cut the power" future stories, but the way this one is being presented is just different enough that I'm going to stick with it. I'm curious how the main character will continue on his path or if he'll be more humanized as the story goes on. Time will tell, but at the very least Scout Comics has managed to grab my attention yet again.

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Spurrier has a dedicated fanbase, but even they might be surprised by Godshaper. The story is very different and yet put together incredibly. What might also surprise readers of Godshaper is that they'll come away a big fan of the artist than the writer.

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With this being a mini-series, this is the point of deciding if you're going to get off or keep going. It's not a terrible series by any means, but it's weaknesses are glaring, while its strengths continue to be a bit hidden. If you weren't enjoying the series, to begin with, you'd likely continue to feel the same about this issue, but vice versa if you were enjoying it. The next issue needs to deliver something either to the main plot or the subplot because there are not enough issues to make everyone friends in the end.

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There's a lot coming down the pipeline for this series in the next issue. It's hard to doubt this series as it's stuck the landing on several storylines already and continues to be the most consistent DC title the publisher is currently releasing. To put it plainly, Deathstroke is not to be missed, but also, not to be fucked with either.

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This series is consistent. I want a bit more from it, but it does seem to be slowly developing and if anything, after the back stories are done, it'll open this series up to explore new stories with the Infinite 7.

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The story is still developing in this series. Much like Abel, we're still in the dark, but hopefully, we've gotten enough of the backstory out of the way to move on and dedicate more pages to plot. Though I think everyone reading this series would agree that just reading the story from the kid's timeline would be very enjoyable and interesting. While this is still a good issue, it's just not quite as good as the first issue.

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Sun Bakery is extremely entertaining, but it's also really well put together. For one creator to not only tell three stories and some change, but then to also illustrate all the stories for a monthly anthology is just crazy, but it works. Maybe one day we'll get individual collections of each story which would be pretty cool, but in the meantime, I'll just continue to enjoy the hell out of this amazing anthology.

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This isn't a terrible idea or even a bad setting, but it also nothing new. It's a very safe comic. If you like dystopian courier stories, then you're going to like this, but if you've had your fill of them, then you're going to be left wanting more. Zenescope's close to breaking away from their previous image, but they need the writing to improve and soon.

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For my money, this is a great one-shot to read. If you're not into holiday specials then no, you're not going to like this issue. If you do have an open mind, then this is definitely worth the money, and those covers are too great to skip entirely. If you've never read Zombie Tramp, you'll be in the dark about the overall story, but this is a great taste of what the series is like as an ongoing.

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For me, I would rather not read indie superheroes. There's just too many superhero books in general and even one like The Gamma Gals with positive female leads, with realistic body shapes, ends up feeling tired. If you can't get enough superhero comics, then definitely check out The Gamma Gals, but if you're burnt out, then there's very little here to reinvigorate your interest in the genre, but rather reinforce your exhaustion.

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I don't hate this idea. I like that it's not just a rehash of Action Lab's Princeless, but it's lacking in a lot of ways. The biggest thing is that it's not providing enough entertainment to make all the other problems fade into the background. Even with two issues left, I don't see myself coming back for another chapter of Lady Castle. It's just okay, but when has "okay" been enough to keep trying something? No one wants an okay burger, or decent ice cream, we want great or damn good. Well, I want the same from my comics, and right now Lady Castle is just alright.

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The best way to celebrate Alien's Day is to pick this comic up. It's a great bit of throwback for old-school fans, but it's also warm and welcoming to anyone that's looking to dive into the Xenomorph pool for the first time. While this first issue was missing something that I couldn't put my finger on, I'm still very excited for the rest of Aliens: Dead Orbit. I have zero doubts that this is the start of something great and one of the best of 2017.

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At this point, I don't know when or if I'll stop reviewing Deathstroke. At times I just want to enjoy it and don't always have something new to write about, but then other times it's all I want to talk about, and so these reviews are an outlet for that. Deathstroke is still DC's best title, and it's a damn shame if you're a comic fan and you're not reading it.

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While I'm running out of things to say in reviews for DollFace, I'll at least cover the next few to get a sense of the ending of the first arc and the start of the second arc. Then, much like I've done with Zombie Tramp, I'll jump on and off the reviews. Otherwise, it'll just end up being blah, blah, love the art, blah, blah, that joke worked, blah, blah more action or some such nonsense. In the meantime, if you've been reading the series, then don't stop now. If you haven't, well it's my opinion that you should give anything not from the corporate side of comics a chance because that's the only way the industry can grow and strive. DollFace is worth trying so give it a shot and pick up a copy.

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While I would wholeheartedly recommend this series to young readers, it's difficult to also extend that same recommendation to adults. Perhaps if you find coding super fascinating, then you'll likely love the book, but if you only have a moderate interest in it, then the same will be true for Secret Coders.

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It's fairly obvious that this is just the start of a series. It would be fun to read more and see what else can be done with the world. That and there are some secrets that are kept in this volume that has yet to play out in the world. It would be nice to see what happens and for that reason, I would be back for more Star Scouts.

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While this is a good issue, for the most part, it still must prove itself all over again. That's the only real problem with an epilogue; it doesn't give you the best idea of what the next issue will be like regarding the story and narration. This review won't judge it on that, but it's something to think about when the first issue releases. Hopefully, Little Guardians will live up to its own expectations, the expectations set in this issue.

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There's a chance that this series will do something different in the next issue instead of having Sonja run around the city with an off-duty police officer that only likes to talk about the laws and not enforce them. For example, "Don't speed Sonja" but it's cool if you don't have a driver's license." Perhaps the teeter totter will shift more to one side next month, let's hope it ends up being the side with Sonja wearing a leather jacket and holding a Katana, than Michael fighting with a bag of trash.

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This issue isn't perfect, but it is by far one of the most entertaining series that DC is publishing. It's also a book that only works at DC. If Thor and Iron Man's kids were running amok together, they wouldn't come across nearly as parental or iconic. Robin and Superboy are iconic on their own, and these new versions of them prove just that.

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There's sadly, nothing new about this story. The twists have all been done before; the narrative is following a more than familiar path leaving a desire for something fresh. Even if this was someone's first comic, it's not doing the tropes well enough or polished enough to be entertaining. Ultimately, for a horror/thriller story, it's pretty dull.

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The only thing that concerns me about this series is how busy Warren Ellis is, hopefully, DC is patient and lets him take his time and create something worth reading rather than chasing quick sales based on the name and nostalgia because the creators aren't going for nostalgia. Again, they're not changing stuff just to change it, but rather creating something that is almost like a Wild Storm Rebirth. All I know is that I'm enjoying the hell out of this series and can't wait to read and see more.

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Deathstroke #14 is the best comic I've read this week, hell in the last two weeks. It's the best comic I've read since reading the last issue of Deathstroke. Even if I don't come back to review it next time, I'll be reading it. I'll be lying in wait for it because as I've stated numerous times, this is the best title that DC is publishing.

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Overall, if you enjoyed the first issue then keep reading. It's consistent with that reading experience at the very least. If you struggled with the first issue, then there's nothing here that's going to change your mind or win you over, but the series does still have some potential. It just needs to stick to a tone.

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All this said, and it's still not a bad comic book. It works as a comic, but it misses on two important aspects. It didn't feel or remind me of either book series, nor did it entertain me enough to make me want to come for more. Maybe if the approach had been more like Archie Horror or even Scooby Apocalypse and less creepy alien eyes Nancy Drew and the Boring Boys.

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Since this is a mini-series, I'll likely continue to check it out and review it, but I have to say I didn't like the fact that this issue felt like a transition between the opening and the rest of the story. There was nothing that grabbed me or interested me while reading it and considering how good the first issue was, that's surprising and not in a good way. We'll see what the rest of Praxis has for us, but let's hope it's more in line with the first issue.

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Comics seem to be as divided as our country and political system, which is too bad since it's just a form of entertainment and not something that will change the policies of the country tomorrow. For me, I can understand why some wouldn't enjoy Dollface, either because of the sexuality or the title (which is dumb because that's instantly judging a book by its cover). At the end of the day though you have to understand the humor and the satire that goes into Mendoza's work. It can be interrupted on two fronts, those that take it too seriously and those that can appreciate what it's doing.

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I'm very curious to read more, but I'm afraid that the coloring is going to be a continued issue that I deal with while reading the series. I hope not, but comics are completed months in advance, and I'm already a month behind on my review. We'll see, at the very least I'm intrigued enough to keep reading and see what other nostalgia Dwonch can work into Infinite 7.

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I will say that you have to read all the way until the end of the issue to be interested in reading the next. While the "almost gotchas" are entertaining, there's not a deep fear of Jen getting caught because it's the first issue. I'll be back for more, but it needs to rely on the art more or provide more insight with the narration to truly hook me on this series.

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With this only being an eight-issue mini-series I would give it another shot. I don't know if I would just keep throwing chances at it, but it didn't put me off enough to skip it. So far there's only been one true scene of horror so it would need to step up that element to keep me. The biggest obstacle though is that it feels too familiar and is playing it too safe. If The House wants to hook readers, it needs to be just like the House itself, strange and inviting but filled with horrors and right now it's not.

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While the story wasn't weird enough to chase me away, I never really understood Rick's character. He was funny sure, but even in this zany world, he felt out of place. Otherwise, it's an entertaining story that's filled with movie references from anyone in their thirties childhood and for that reason alone worth you spending a few bucks for a laugh.

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While there's some room for improvement, this first issue of Brave Chef Brianna is very entertaining. It wears its influences on its sleeve which is fine, but the execution is fairly unique. While I'm not scoring it very high, again, it is worth reading and likely to find a very dedicated fan base that is willing to root for Brianna to take over her father's food empire" which I'm sure she'll inevitably turn down in order to find her own way or some such thing.

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Listen, if this comic is for you, if it rubs your nubs in the right direction then that's cool. For me, the characters are too unlikable, constantly forcing jokes that don't fit and everyone is standing around waiting for them to succeed, and I don't particularly find that funny or entertaining. Paired with artwork that was more eyesore than awe-inspiring and you have a comic that comes across unfinished, unpolished and in need of another draft.

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The really difficult question that you're asked at the end of this issue is, did it do enough to bring you back to the series? Have you grown as a reader or changed in your tastes in your time away from Rat Queens or does it still have enough of that spark to keep you for another issue, another arc, another series? You'll likely figure out my answer to that question next month in the form of a review or the lack of one.

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Jordan seems to click with artists, and this is a clear sign of that as he and Mostafa are firing on all cylinders. They make wonderful collaborators and have delivered a damn near flawless first issue. I'll be looking forward to more from this series and hope that the tone and pacing established here is maintained with a steady hand from the creators.

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Stained is close to being a perfect score for me, but that one troublesome detail keeps it from getting there. It's still a hell of an issue and surprisingly refreshing considering how overdone the sci-fi, dystopian bounty hunter genre is currently in comics. Think about that, not only is that a genre, but it's one that's been done to death in the past two years and yet here's Stained making me want to read more like it already. It just goes to show, that a great comic will rise to the top no matter how saturated the market.

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The big question is if you've never read X-O Manowar can you truly pick this up and start the series? Absolutely, it tips its hat to what has come before this series, but in the end, it's blazing its own trail. That and Kindt is probably the best storyteller in comics currently, so I highly doubt he's not going to address things brought up in this issue. When this issue hits stands, it's going to be Valiant biggest and best title instantly knocking out Ninjak and the Eternal Warrior. Give a fuck and pick this book up.

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Paul Tobin is apparently the guy you get to write these things. Much like PVZ over at Dark Horse, he breaks up the issue in three smaller stories. None of them were interesting, and I had a hard time pegging who he was writing for, it wasn't kids, and it didn't seem like it was for adults" teens? Teens don't read four-dollar comic books based on a movie that is based on a video game.

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Again, it's not a bad issue or comic, but it does little to capture the magic of the films, and at the end of the day it's just a licensed property selling nostalgia which is why I've avoided it up until now.

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I'll likely give this series one more issue. It was a decent read. I was entertained, but not enough to look past its flaws which is a shame considering how close to great it is. If a couple of changes were made to this issue I might be writing an entirely different review, but what's there is what's there, and this is where my review stands.

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I was very surprised by this title and look forward to reading more.

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This series is extremely entertaining and one that I rush to read upon its release. With a lot of great series I tend to think about and wonder when the other shoe will drop, and I'll be left disappointed, but not with Deathstroke, I'm just here for the ride and happy with anywhere it's taking me.

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Dirk Gently wasn't unbearable to read, but it wasn't fun. The dialogue drags and is abundant, and the idea of everything being connected is great, but poorly executed to where it doesn't seem like it is. The writing makes it seem like convenient storytelling, not a cosmic idea being played out before us. I have no doubt that I'll never read this story again.

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The issue does keep the feel of the franchise in which it would bounce to the past to show how to immortals meet previously, only to not kill each other. The problem in this comic is that it felt more like the TV show and less like the movie. That is to say, filler over substance. It's okay, and after a shaky start it comes out okay, but it could have been smoother.

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If you want a big pile of generic, then go for it, but if you have any inkling of how good kids books can be and read this, you'll be disappointed.

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It did seem like a relatively safe and timid version of the horror series he's done before, but then also strangely tied or similar to things like Criminal Macabre and 30 Days of Night.

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As for the story, it's overloaded with shared universe material that I have to wonder why they even bothered calling it Optimus Prime. The pacing was choppy, exposition ran rampant from beginning to end, and even though this series is four issues new, it felt like an issue of a series two years in its story. All this and the coloring still was the worst thing about the issue.

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It says something when Action Man is the best character, and he's still annoying.

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I'm going to read the first volume of this series and at least another couple of issues from this arc. I'm curious if it can rise above the rest. It's off to a good start considering that I finished it and was entertained, but we'll see in the end.

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I can see why some people think this is cool, but for me, it's just bad fanfiction without any real story or consequences.

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It did have a bit of a Heavy Metal feel to it, but ultimately it wasn't interesting enough to make me want to read more, nor was it classic enough for me to suffer through either.

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There's an interesting idea here, but the story is stretched out to the point of pointless filler and longwinded conversations. This could have been a solid issue, but it ended up being dull.

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Here's the thing about Transformers" it's probably one of IDW's best series pre-Revolution. The people that have worked on this franchise cared, and it shows even in this series. That said, if you haven't been reading it like I haven't, you'll be so lost that you won't have a god damn clue what's going on.

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I highly doubt I'll check out more of this series, but I'm glad that I at least gave it a chance and enjoyed this issue.

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The art was also not as good. The perspectives were iffy. The Kongs look wonky at times, and the baby Kong looked liked something out of a Saturday morning cartoon

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I just don't personally care for the characters, they all sound a bit too much like each other and rely on their "gimmick" a bit too much. I know others enjoy it and that's cool. I'm glad it gets supported, but at the end of the day, I feel like it's writing down to kids rather than challenging them to read higher.

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Higgins is clearly trying to mimic the show, and he should just abandon that and make it more mature. The audience reading this book is in their twenties to thirties so don't pretend it's for little kids anymore and make them talk like the adults they look like in the story. Otherwise, I have to admit this was a really good issue and considering I haven't read the series since issue 2, that's saying something.

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There are only four issues in this mini-series, so we'll have to see how the subsequent issues fair, but this first issue is a hell of a start. I would encourage anyone that's been looking for a small press/indie book to sink their teeth into to check out Street Tiger. Street Tiger is different, adventurous in its storytelling and art style and let's not forget weird. Street Tiger is a weird book, and I've been dying to read a weird book for a while.

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I will surprisingly be back for more of this series which surprises me more than anyone else. The jaded comic reader in me wants me to think that I just happened to read it in the right mood, but I was smiling after finishing this issue. It was a great reminder of what some comics should be, and that's fun. Not all of them, but some comics should just be fun as hell to read, and that's Super Sons #1

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The rest of Deep #2 was great. I loved, loved, the artwork and the character designs. I'll admit that the minute they got on a submarine I was bored instantly, but they made up for that quickly. I just couldn't stand reading the dialogue. I suffered through it for this review, but if I was reading it just because, I would have stopped after the opening and just looked at the pictures" which did a great job of telling the story on its own.

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I'll be back for the final chapter, but it's clear to me at this point that I'm just here to be lightly entertained. This isn't going to go down as a classic for me, nor is it going to change comics in the way that Avatar did. It's wearing its influences on its sleeve, and that's okay, but that keeps it from being great.

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I will have to give this a few more issues before I can say for sure that it's taking Deathstroke's belt for the best comic DC is publishing, but it's not one that you should miss. Buy this book. Enjoy this book because my God did it remind me of why I read comics when I so desperately needed that reminder. The Wild Storm #1 may just be the first perfect comic of 2017, and I'm already looking forward to more.

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Handling the behind the scenes of an expired storyline is just incredibly dull because we already know where it's going and the in-between stuff is the worst part of the story.

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All that said, I'm going to give this book a fair score. It's earned it because it reinvents the series, but personally, I don't know if there's enough there to keep the interest. If you're a longtime fan of the series, then perhaps your excited, but the realization I had was that I no longer get excited for Fathom.

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I'm not ready to rule this one out. Usually, when a story leaves me feeling as conflicted like this, I wonder if it worth reading more of, but in the case of Blood Blister, I'm going to need a few issues to decide. If you saw something I missed, let me know. Hell, if you were on the fence, off it on either side, let me know that as well.

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What blows me away about this series is that other than Deathstroke it's using D to Z list characters and still better than all the other books in DC's lineup (I would even argue better than Marvel's line up). It's all about the storytelling and the collaboration and maybe the fact that Priest has tapped into the bloodstream of comics that's been missed for so long or covered in gimmicks. Every time I pick up Deathstroke, it feels like the first time I picked up a comic as a kid, as a teen, and as an adult. It hits the nostalgia of all three moments in life, and that's just remarkable for someone that's more than likely defined as "jaded" in other people's opinions. What's even crazier" I'm not even a past fan of Priest's work" this series is the first time I'm reading something he's written, and he and the art team are killing it.

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I was entertained by this issue which isn't something I saw happening. I disliked the first issue of Red Sonja and almost skipped this issue. As it is, I'll give it one more and see what can happen, but there are some bad missteps with this story. I hope Chu and Dynamite begin thinking a bit more long-term and less "we'll reboot it again."

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As Garing said in our interview, there's been a lot of stories similar to Planetoid. Just at Image, I can name more than a few series that are similar to the first volume. What makes Planetoid and Planetoid: Praxis stand out from the crowd is its unique voice and masterful storytelling. While I can think of a lot of titles that are like Planetoid I can't think of one that's better than it or better than Praxis which is a triumphant return to the world and very likely the best book of the week.

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Snow Day is a quick read, but one that is very enjoyable. It wasn't the most original story, but it's so well-crafted that it shines above that. If you're looking for a beautiful story that's well told, then look no further than Snow Day.

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If you read my "Best of 2016" list Deathstroke was on it. This issue further assures me that I made a good pick and that there's a strong potential that the series will end up on this year's list. The best part is that you don't need to have read any other issues of Deathstroke to pick up this issue. You can jump on here and join the conversation.

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I gave it a shot, though, some of you will just write me off as jaded, but there are fundamental problems with the franchise. Not all of it is on the creators, but sure at the end of the day the art should fit and help the book, and the writing should still be enjoyable, and it's not.

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If you've never read Princeless, then you'll likely re-enjoy this anti-princess story. If you have, you're probably going to pick it apart of similarities, and I can't fault you on that. There's a lot of similarities that just don't have a place in a review. All that aside, though, it's not without its flaws, but neither is it without its charms. Unfortunately, the flaws outweighed the charms.

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Skybourne is a romp, plain and simple. It's just out to have a good time. Sure there's a sense of a deeper story around Thomas and his dead wife and murdered sister, but in the end, it's just action adventure fun in a way that only Cho can do.

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Again, I regret sitting on this one for so long. I enjoyed it. I would love to read more stories set in the same world because McDonald does a fine job creating a living world to explore. Hopefully, that will happen, but in the meantime, you should just start by checking out SP4RX.

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There's not much else to say about the story. It's funny; it's not a gut-buster at the moment, and while this is a strong first issue, it's not fantastic. I'll be back for future issues for sure, but I'm not chomping at the bit as I was from the previous two series from these creators. I liked it, but I didn't love it. Maybe I'm just burnt out on superhero homage.

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I didn't hate Decelerate Blue, but it was very disappointing. The premise offered a lot of potential, but the end product feels rushed and underdeveloped. The art saves it a bit, but there's only so much the art can do in the end. I don't know if I would recommend it as a purchase unless you're curious about the inspiration cocktail I outlined in the beginning. If you're not, then maybe hit the library for this one.

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I would give this book a hard pass if I were you. It's a formula that should have produced interesting and fun results, but it's anything but that. It has made me incredibly leery of the other one-shots and lessened my interest in Divinity III. Bottom-line, the worst case scenario happened for me.

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Covers and artwork aside, I like what Mendoza and Seaton are attempting here. I've had a monster hunter story sized hole in my reading list for some time and so if they're able to develop the cast and keep the story related to Zombie Tramp without relying heavily upon ZT, then there's some real potential for this series. I'll likely be reading either way.

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Just for the walk down memory lane alone I liked this issue a lot. It reminded me of all those great books from the 80's and 90's that I loved so much that looked and felt just like this.

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I skipped the backup story because I didn't find it to be that funny the first time. It's a squandered potential and frankly a page filler. I won't be back to check out future issues. This concept doesn't interest me, and if it does for some reason interest others, then it's likely that they're blind loyalists to the WWE brand and that the content inside never mattered, to begin with. For me, I love comics; I enjoy wrestling, but I will always need a story to care about inside my comics, not just branding and a pretty cover.

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The biggest disappointment of Felix Leiter is that it doesn't stand alone. It needs James Bond to show up and remind you of the universe it's in. There's zero character development, just check boxes and too much backstory. If you're just in love with Dynamite's Bond Universe, then go for it, but if you do not then skip it.

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Oh, but the art is good. Like really, really, really good. If anything just pick it up and look at it, then put it back down. It's not that the story is bad, but it's average. That and the translation feels stuck trying to be authentic to the original wording, but then trying to make sense of it all at the same time. Or it could just be a poorly written story with an okay translation. Whatever your preference, you won't get much out of this book other than great art.

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I would say that this is the worst thing I read this week, but I also read Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and so I'll say that this was the second worst thing I read this week. The art shows promise. It's not perfect, but it's very consistent and better than the majority of other Dynamite titles, but the story is trying hard to be clever, but using convenient, but unbelievable twists to get there making it a chore to read. Someone tell me how this turns out because this is as far as my curiosity will take me.

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On the cover and at the back of the issue Sitterson explains why G.I. Joe is the "Crown Jewel of the Hasbro Universe." I don't buy the hype. I would argue that people have been less and less interested in G.I. Joe at IDW and that's why they've relaunched the series more than any other title. Let's be honest, thanks to the movies, Transformers is the "Crown Jewel" and G.I. Joe is a concept that's looking for a way to fit in with a world consumed by realistic war video games. Do you want a laser gun that lets everyone walk away to fight another day or an MP40 and the final kill cam? It's not that G.I. Joe's doesn't work anymore; it's that it needs to pick a path and stay on it. Be over the top stupid action like the movies or be ultra-realistic like video games? Right now, it seems like an action comedy without a plot, and that doesn't make me want to pick up the next issue.

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If you're into war stories because that's your thing or maybe you've gone to war and can find some enjoyment in a tale like this, then go for it. It's not likely to ring a new bell for you even if it's your bag. If you've read war comics and they weren't your thing, this one isn't going to win you over. Likely it will push you away.

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If you're just into Zenescope's style, then go for it and grab this new series. If like me, you were hoping they'd grow and turn a new corner" keep hoping, but this ain't it. Grimm Fairy Tales #1 is just more of the mundane, with average writing, lackluster characters and better than average art. If that excites you, then I envy you, because it doesn't excite me.

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I hope you didn't give up on this series. Sure, it's not as flashy as Doom Patrol, but it is a gem in the DC line of books. If it continues at this pace, it might just end up being one of their best period. For now, this is an issue worth reading if only to see the destruction in the next issue.

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Really you can count me out now. I gave it one. It's IDW, it's rare that they meet my expectations of storytelling and I don't know if that's because of the creators, the editors, the Hasbro overlords or the simple fact that their audience gobbles this shit up, and so they have no reason to appeal to me when the money is, in fact, rolling in. Just imagine if it did appeal to readers like me, though? How much more money would roll in? How much untapped money is out there, that's kept away by the average art and aimless storytelling? Who knows, but it's safe to assume that I'll be adding MASK to my list of Hasbro/IDW titles that I don't read.

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I was extremely disappointed by this title. Yes, I was leery of it, but I still like to give Black Mask a chance. Lately, they haven't produced much for me to enjoy. If others are enjoying it, then good for them, but I'm starting to study the solicits more and decide if it's worth the time and effort to read some of these books. No Angel certainly wasn't and I won't be back for more angel half-sister bonding time/Hollywood audition. Coming soon to a theater near you, based on the comic book from Black Mask Studios, it's this thing.

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I love the art. I could stare at the art all day, but this story offered nothing and I mean absolutely nothing new. It was the safest premise and the safest first issue that I've read all year, and if I didn't know it was Valiant, I would be shocked to discover it was. I mean, the fucking cliffhanger is the dude coming face to face with a dinosaur after we already fucking know there are dinosaurs and this dude doesn't make it" shocking. I would like to pretend that I'll give this a few more issues, but more than likely it'll continue to be much of the same, and it's likely that my opinion isn't going to sway the sales, so this will be it for me. They can't all be winners, and I'm sure that I'll end up in the minority on this one, but this wasn't a strong showing.

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That's another one in the bag people. If you're not reading Snotgirl, then you're probably not reading this review. Which is a shame because it is seriously the best title that Image is publishing. You can throw anything else they're printing at me, and I will still take Snotgirl over it. Fashion blogging" who knew that it would be my favorite comic subject in 2016. It's so fucking good.

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This is by no means a bad issue, but it was missing the special something I needed to grab me. Sure the WTF ending will bring me back for another issue, but I will fully admit that it's out of morbid curiosity and nothing more. For me, morbid curiosity dries up the quickest, so I hope that the next issue has something to hook me. Outside of the ending, this issue played it too safe and ultimately a little boring.

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My rule of thumb lately is that I don't read what I'm not reviewing because I review a lot. That means I've missed a lot of Valiant's titles over the past year. With their new books releasing, though, I'm taking this chance to get caught back up and while they're not all winners in my book, it's good to see that the vast majority of their publishing line is good to great. I still have a hard time thinking of another publisher I can say that about which is a credit to Valiant. Lastly, I'm just really glad to have a Harbinger title to read again and will be looking forward to more Renegades as we approach Harbinger Wars 2.

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I'm not quite having flashbacks of Chrononauts, but this is a far cry away from Huck. I'll continue to check out Millar's work, but I don't know if I'll ever be head over heels in love with his stuff again. It's a lot of high concept ideas, paired with top artistic talent, but there's always something missing. Wish I knew what it was so I could add it to my review, but for now Reborn has me as a reader. For how long is up to the creative team.

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If the goal of this issue was to be inventive and highlight the fun parts of roller derby, then it failed. I can see the effort. I can see it trying, but in the end, it didn't work. I wasn't left wanting more or understanding what more of this story would look like. Two cats fight and it's left for us to assume that these two friends will also fight. The story isn't subtle and really I still have a hard time calling it a story because it was too focused on the derby element rather than the characters and their journey. If I want derby, I'll go watch derby. I don't need to read a comic about it.

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If it weren't for the second story, this book would get the lowest score possible. It doesn't make me happy to say that. In fact, I was hoping the opposite. I came in energetic and enthusiastic about this issue much like I did on the first issue. Unfortunately, the shift from issue one to issue two is too great. I will likely give this series one more issue, but my enthusiasm is greatly diminished.

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I wish I had more to say about this issue. The story is pretty straightforward, but it's the narration that makes it so enjoyable. Otherwise, it's a well-handled adaptation that I'm happy to read more of. Hopefully, the second issue will be just as strong and continue the balance between D and our narrator. If so, then this story has a lot of potential.

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The story so far hasn't done much. I don't want to write it off completely, but given the fact that "Demons" and "Yakuza" are in the title, it's hard to believe that this book is going to do anything original based on what I've already read. It's competent, it's decently put-together, but the characters are unlikable, and there should be a better understanding of the story after this first issue, and there isn't one. If it's your cup of tea or you just like IDW, then dig in. If you're looking for something new and original, this ain't it.

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Review wise, the second issue would have to do something worth talking about. More than likely I won't be back to review the final three issues. On the level as a reader, I would give this series one more issue. I know it's only four and most readers would say that's enough of a reason to continue, but this first issue is weak and doesn't give me a lot of confidence in the remaining three. I'll read another, but it has some work cut out for it. It's a shame; I was hoping this one would hit the ground running; instead, it's a stumble and trip.

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I'm no longer interested in Hawkman's death. This book has made it clear from this issue that it has no interest in highlighting what's interesting about these two characters so that one is deeply affected by the other's demise. Instead, it wants to shit all over them, and it's doing that quite well. Death of Hawkman won't just kill Hawkman, but it'll kill any readers interest in the character for years to come. I'd say the same for Adam Strange, but I'm pretty sure no one cared, to begin with. I wish I knew the answer to the question I asked at the start, but I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

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The first issue is definitely reader friendly, and it's an entertaining read. I'll be back for more and I wasn't expecting that. This is the new face of Zenescope, and it's good. They're making sure the interior content is worth the cover price. I wish more publishers would do that. If you're looking for some horror or just a woman that's part vampire, part god, then try out Hellchild: The Unholy.

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I forgot this was a Dynamite title by the time I was done. Then I remembered that it was an indie Kickstarter book first that they picked up to publish. Which hey, good for the creative team, but damn is this way better than anything Dynamite is doing in house. If you like sci-fi, but you're tired of Phillip K Dick's future, then check out Myopia this week.

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I enjoyed the first issue. I liked what it was setting up and I was glad to see it was a part of Young Animal. Shade: The Changing Girl #2 is better. It beats the second issue slump over the head and manages to add more intrigue to this already strange and fascinating world. I will be back for more and hope that DC continues to give this series and the Young Animal line of books the time it needs to develop and grow into a powerhouse division for the publisher. Really, I just want more weird ass books that have excellent writing and art.

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The journey of this book is what makes it an entertaining read. Yeah, parts are predictable making it a standard feeling time travel story. The setting and the characters make it far from typical. The writing is sharp; the art is detailed and impressive making Echoes a stand-out book from Dark Horse.

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Motro is by far one of Oni Press' best titles being released, and I'm excited to read more. In fact, I'm just happy there is more because with as busy as Farias is, I feared this might just be another one-shot. Thankfully, there's more to the story of Motro, a lonely boy with the strength of ten men.

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I doubt I'll be back for the next issue. I don't care for the subject matter, and I have a feeling that the book's characters are either going to live up to the title or fail it miserably and I don't particularly find that interesting. It's different from the rest of the comics out this week so that might be enough reason for someone else to pick it up, but for me, it wasn't entertaining enough to carry on with it.

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Vigilante: Southland is the best book I've read all week. I haven't read everything on my list yet, and there's a ton that I will skip due to personal taste, but of all the small press and large press titles I've read, this one was the most entertaining. Kudos to the creators for not only making a great comic to read but unlike other DC titles I'll be back for more.

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If you loved the film, grab the comic. I'm sure you'll love it. It's not a bad premise to bring to comics, but then it also doesn't effectively use the medium to tell a story. That's the number one problem with adaptations like this; they try to be the medium they're coming from, rather than respecting and using the medium they're being presented in now. Simply put, if I wanted more of the movie, I would re-watch/finish the movie. However, I wouldn't pay four bucks to read the sequel.

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The only problem I see with this book is that most of the time Doctor Crowe wins. Even when he loses he still basically wins. It's a fine line to tow with a character like this that stars in shorter stories with quick build-ups and fast payoffs. While the first issue was enjoyable, it's difficult to say whether I would read more. Because in the end, the stories end up having the same pacing and that formula wears on a reader over time making it less exciting and interesting as the issues go on. As for how it starts, it's entertaining and creates a character and world that feel at home in the world of comics.

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Does this story need the Cthulhu element? No. It could have made up its cult and monster figure and it would have read about the same. It's just a popular literary figure to use right now but it doesn't add anything to this issue or the story so far. I would possibly read the next issue, but based on where it ended, I'm not like excited for it. I'm not chomping at the bit for it, but rather if I came across it, I would flip through it and see if it could hook me. It's much better than your typical indie comic, though, and that's enough to recommend it to others that might enjoy the subject matter more than I did.

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Even though I could care less about KISS' music, I still think that their brand could be interesting in comics. Dynamite's first stab at it is just a generic cash grab for aging fans that also read comics. I imagine this is a dwindling market of comic readers, but I could be wrong. It just seems like if it was doing well that IDW would never have let it go, like Transformers, G.I. Joe and a hundred other franchises that they run into the ground but make a ton of money off of. Whatever the cause, whoever the fan base, this comic doesn't do enough to hook a new generation of comic readers that don't listen to KISS and expect more from their comics. The only part of this book I liked is when KISS showed up like Zordon in Power Rangers. Actually, if it was that in the next issue I might be able to forgive this issue, but I kind of doubt they'll be given KISS mechs to fight evil.

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I'm enjoying the hell out of Doom Patrol. I have no clue if the vast majority of comic readers are and based on our group review, it's a mixed bag. Frankly, I don't care so long as this continues to be released. This is exactly the type of book that DC should be dedicating some retail space to, and I hope that the rest of the line continues to do well. Things like Young Animal fit right at home at DC and used to be why the publisher was once dominate in the industry. It's weird, it's experimental, and for a guy that doesn't read superhero books (if I can help it), this is one damn fine exception.

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This is still the first issue, and it sets up a world that we've yet to fully explore so while I think this issue is a solid opening, I'll still be cautious on the next issue. That aside, though, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this issue. It's been a while since a new Image title grabbed me and made me want to read more. Whether Reborn keeps me for more than two remains to be seen, but you could do a lot worse by not picking this up this week.

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We can all just wait until a news site confirms Hawkman's death in issue six. It won't be spectacular. It won't have consequences on the universe, and since there's been zero work put into Hawkman's character or relationships since the DC reboot, no one will even be at the funeral. Unless it's to spit on his worthless grave. Maybe they'll reincarnate him into a character worth reading" too bad Adam Strange will still be boring and suck.

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This issue definitely didn't grab me as much as Doom Patrol did, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I had never read anything with the character Shade, but I was also given the impression that it wasn't worth my time either. With this new version, I'm curious. I want to read more. Also, this is still exactly what I want to see from this line. Sure this one didn't knock my socks off, but it's the best thing I've read this week. I hope that the rest of the line continues to be strong and that DC and the creators promote their work so that these stories can thrive in single issue sales and the stories can continue to develop and mature. This title already has a special feel to it, but I worry that DC will get nervous and pull the plug too soon and it'll never fully realize it's potential. Here's to the continued madness.

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I'll give it a second chance and maybe one more after that. I didn't hate it. I'm not excited for it, and it's pretty clear that it doesn't sync up with my reading habits, and that's fine. I don't think it's so safe that it's going to pool into the rest of comics either (hear this week's CBMFP). I just wanted to like it a lot more. I want to like a lot of the new Archie stuff, but I'm just not sure who the hell they're written for. Teens buy video games, adults by comics. Adults of varying ages buy comics I might add. Write for them, not for the demographic that doesn't give two shits about storytelling outside of holding a gun and shooting. I just don't think that the new Archie has found its demographic just yet and if it has" I wonder how long they'll stick around.

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Snotgirl gets perfect marks from me because it doesn't feel like it's being written for the trade or the story arc. It feels like the first honest to god ongoing story that I've read since the 90s. It feels like the comics so many of us grew up reading, before the TV formula and the books sales dictated how a comic was created. Back when you had to guess when a story would end rather than look at the issue number. And yet, it feels like one of the most modern comics to happen to the industry in years. I went from reading a lot of Image titles to pretty much just this, and I'm so grateful for this.

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While these two stories both are deep and emotional at times, they're the perfect contrast to each other as well. One is gritty and in the future. It feels like so much has already happened and sets the stage for even more to come. While the other is bright and beautiful, giving hope for the future. Both filled me with joy, even if that wasn't the particular message of their stories. Frankly put, these are the two best Star Trek stories I have read in comics. Period. Pray for issue two. It's already finished and just a month away from getting to my hands and it already has an uphill battle thanks to just how damn good this issue is.

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This is a tough issue to review and score because while it's a step down from the series norm, it's still a lot better than so many other series out there. Especially issues that are at or past the eighth issue mark. If this was one of those series, I would likely score it lower, but since it's been consistent and is still a solid issue in the series, it gets what it gets.

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The biggest question I struggle with is who this comic is for? Is it for fans of the books? Because wouldn't you want Dan Abnett, an experienced comic writer, to adapt them instead? And if they're for fans of the game, aren't you instead more interested in playing the game since you get to play this character? This is the big question because as a comic reader I wasn't exactly interested in this title. I gave it a chance because sometimes video game adaptations in comics are a fun read. This wasn't and so as a comic reader, it doesn't appeal to me to read more. I don't know the characters; I don't understand the world and I don't care about their mission. That said, I don't care to come back for more either. But hey, I'm just the reviewer for this comic book, and my name is Dustin. But then, you probably didn't forget that, did you?

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Nightlights came at a time when I was really down on the comic industry. I had gone weeks and weeks without reading anything that was any good. At least good and new. I hope that Alvarez has something else in the works because I fell in love with Nightlights. I would highly recommend it to anyone that loves the comic medium or if you're interested in the complex relationship between the creator and the fan.

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The art is interesting, to say the least. It's very different, but it fits the story. Each panel is water colored which gives it a nice look. The line work/brush work is simple and yet maintains a level of detailed. It's deceiving in that way to the untrained eye. There's visual humor and gags as well that go along with what I previously mentioned about the story. Overall it's a style that would need to accompany a particular story type, but then that's the charm of Novgorodoff's style. If like me, you haven't checked out The Undertaking of Lily Chen, then give it a chance. It's one of the most unique graphic novel's I've ever read and a standout title from First Second.

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While they've managed to do some interesting things with Transformers, the rest of the properties they touch feel more like a slap in the face for anyone expecting more than just nostalgia to be dulled out to them.

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Third issues suck to review. You'll see a lot of sites drop them because of all the reasons I listed. I bother with them because that's how a series is forgotten. We have so many comics competing for our attention now and whether the industry wants to admit it, a limited number of people buying them, meaning a limited budget to be spent. Every bit of exposure helps, even if it's just an average scoring review for an average issue for one of the boldest comics DC's publishing.

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For all my critiques, I still enjoy the story that's going on. There's some predictable elements, and even some that don't make sense, but overall it's entertaining. I think it would have benefitted from having an extra issue or two to flesh the story out more, but for what's presented here and in the first issue, it's a decent series to read if you like Peter Pan, L.A., or music. If you like all three, that would be preferable.

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This series is off to a strong start, but time will tell if it's about Harry's latest mystery or about the government closing in on him. It should be good either way. If you haven't checked out this series yet, this isn't a great spot to start. Yes, there's a recap page, but Hogan didn't feed all that info into the story like he's done previously. That and the first three volumes are worth reading.

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This review is probably one of my shortest reviews ever because while I enjoyed the book, there's not a lot to say about it without invalidating your reason to read it. It's a great conversation piece so don't be surprised if it ends up on the podcast at some point with spoilers. While I still have some hang-ups on the format, at least it attempts something different.

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I knew that I was going to read this issue no matter what, but I did not think there would be anything worth saying on another review. Thankfully the creative team surprised me. This crossover is a throwback to the early days of franchise crossovers in which they were cool and enjoyable. Thank god someone figured it out.

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Comics should be this good and no I do not actually want Goodwin and Wong to "stop it." If anything I want them to never stop because I have adored this book so much. As a reader, as a reviewer and as someone that just enjoys the hell out of a great story. Tomboy and others of its ilk are the reason I will never give up on comic books because, outside of novels, you will never get this pure storytelling. At the end of the day, that is why I read comics, for the stories. To see what someone else created and to enjoy it, to love it, to wish I had done it first, but knowing it had to come from someone else to enjoy it. It is inspiring; it is the reason we all read comics.

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It's a comic. That much is for sure. There's a slight chance that I'll read the remaining two issues, but unless it finds something original to do, I won't be reviewing them. As it is right now, this series is utterly forgettable, and that's a damn shame. It had the potential, but the execution is severely lacking. When you shoot for inoffensive and average, that's exactly what you'll get.

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Snotgirl isn't likely to win over superhero readers the way Scott Pilgrim once did, but for those of us reading it, it is a unique comic experience. Never before have I read a comic about fashion, blogging, with a mix of murder and sordid love affair. If you read comics because of stories and for stories that you'd never see anywhere else, then Snotgirl is absolutely a comic book you should check out. It could surprise you; it could also hurt your eyes with just how damn good it looks.

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This was a series that I wanted to enjoyed, but didn't. I stuck with it though because all of the books in the shared universe pose some intrigue to me. It's an experiment in a way and I just find myself really drawn to it. I want to see what happens, how long it can be maintained and I hope that other comic readers are having fun and being entertained. Because Soul is now a very entertaining title that has risen on my Double Take pecking order.

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I had my share of problems with this issue, but I don't think it's indicative of the series thus far. It feels more like growing pains as it moves out of its comfort zone and that's actually a good thing. It can't be stale and familiar or it won't be around for long. It still worth picking up and provides some great entertainment, but just know that it's not perfect, but working on it.

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The issue isn't perfect, but it's really good. It's above average, making mom and dad proud because it's getting into a good school, great. I never review this one last because I'm scared to tackle it, but rather because I always enjoy it and want to save one of the best Double Take books for last.

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I've got one more in me for this series, but I'm really hoping it finds its focus. It has an interesting cast, some of which isn't even mentioned here, but that's not enough to keep my interest when the rest of the imprint's books are hitting their stride. I said in other reviews that these fifth issues from Double Take feel like first issues. That's previously been a compliment, but here it's unfortunately not. This issue takes a huge step back from the progress it made in the past four and that's a damn shame.

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Remote always had my eye, but I think it's safe to say that thanks to Samantha Stanton that this is my favorite title in the Double Take line of books. She, as a character, continues to grow (another pun, really?) with each issue and it's been great to see. Maybe too quickly at times, but I can't wait to see where this story goes. What happens to Samantha and who will the shared universe respond? It's going to be good.

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How does that first line fit in with the rest of the story? You'll see. It's pretty much the line of the book, but while it's important to the character development, the real reason to show up is for Dr. Kifo's discovery. That alone is enough reason to read this issue, but the rest is no slouch and makes this one hell of an issue.

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Dedication is definitely one of the stronger series, but this issue is a little strange. It moves the story forward, but in a lot of ways stumbles to get new readers caught up. It's not perfect. The story shifts ever so slightly forward, but there's a lot of fun character moments with George and his Gammas.

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I have enjoyed Home since the first issue. It's been a favorite even with it being different from the other titles. It's a strange little story, but I dig it. I like that it exists and now more than ever, I'm looking forward to reading more.

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Overall this is a good issue but there's still problems. Not a lot happens in this issue. We spend far too much time looking at dying people getting patched up. The aliens could have used some more backstory and Dr. Kifo and Dr. Grimes definitely could have used more pages as well. Their inclusion in this series is starting to feel pointless and I don't particularly like that. Slab seems to be their main book so why bother with Medic? As I said, though, there's always nuggets of info in this book. There definitely needs to be richer characters going forward or at the very least just make it so that Dr. Kifo is the star of one title and Dr. Grimes the star of the other because right now I tend to get Medic and Slab confused. We'll see, though, but the art saves this issue from a lower score.

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Rise continues to be one of the most important books in the shared universe because of the info it subtly gives you as a reader. There's a handful of books that give you info on the aliens, on the zombies from the human's perspective and then a handful like Rise that present it from the zombie's side of things. It keeps it from all being redundant, but then also a very creative way to piece together all of the information. I for one will be back to read more about our trio, you know" if they survive the day and all.

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What continues to be interesting to me is Kong. In some ways he reminds me of Booster Gold, but with this really dark element to him that we haven't seen fully exposed yet. He doesn't seem like the type of person that you would feel safe with having Superman's powers which is still an incredible feeling to have. Why? Because I'm sure that's exactly how Lex Luther feels about Superman" makes you wonder what Yang is going for or just how good of a writer he is. It's messy, but it's still one of the best DC books to be buying.

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The likelihood of me reviewing the next issue is pretty slim. I'll likely read it as a fan. Having read the previous 17 issues of Kindt's run and figuring out that the first issue in the arc always sets the style and experience for the complete arc" well, I kind of know what to expect. Since I'm not loving this issue, I can expect the same for the next few and that's okay. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, but you also probably don't want to read the same review over and over either. Because of Kindt's fantastic writing style you can't just skip this arc if you don't enjoy the issue, you'll need the details here and for that reason it's enough to keep buying and reading.

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It's hard for me to say this, but I'm torn. I'm torn because I thought I had my graphic novel of the year in the bag with Paul Dini's Dark Knight: A True Batman Story, but then Tetris came around. This book is incredible. The story is so fantastic that it's hard to believe that it all happened, but it did. Because Brown clearly researched the hell out if it and as much as I love Tetris, because of this book I know that there are others that love it more. If you're still not convinced because I didn't sum up the entire graphic novel for you, then the easiest way is to see for yourself, but prepare yourself for that time warp before you start reading.

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Again, I can't wait to share this book with my son one day. It was touching, full of adventure, and just heartwarming. Whether this is the one story we'll get out of Bera, it will be memorable for me due to the amazing story and incredible artwork.

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There's just enough here to keep me reading and that's saying something. Of course, a statement like that needs context. If you don't know, a comic book site such as this gets these books for review for free. Meaning all the books you see and more are supplied to us each week in the hope that we'll give it praise or just attention. Meaning I have more books than I know what to do with. That's not to exclude the indie titles and graphic novels from book publishers that we're also sent. All in all, to get me to come back for another issue is a task. So if I read it twice or come back even more" it's worth it. Even if it's average.

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If you're not reading it, I don't know what the hell else to say to make you pick this book up. Pass on another issue of Spider-Man or Batman or Star Wars and give this series a shot. And if you do, I hope you pick up on how deep the sequential art is for this series. It's quite possibly the best the industry has seen in years.

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I told you some key things about I am Legion, but I left a lot out. Because this book is a snowball rolling down a hill. Once it starts going it just keeps building and building until it all comes apart as a beautiful mess at the end. And by the time you see what the book is really about, it'll be too late. You'll have to finish reading and maybe you'll even curse my name for not telling you, but that's the joy of reading comics.

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New Super-Man is one of, if not the best DC Rebirth title I've read. As I said on this week's podcast, I want to support the hell out of this book so that I can continue reading it for years to come. Yang and the rest of the creative team have delivered the first truly different first issue from "Rebirth" and that alone had me excited. This issue gave me hope that with Rebirth, DC can go back to being DC and not worry so much what the rest of the industry is doing. Be DC, just like Kenan is going to be Super-Man.

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I hate reviewing the end of an arc. I never know whether or not to spoil the shit out of it or just hold back like I've done here. It's why I skip them. It's not to hold back attention from the issue, but as a courtesy I chose not to spoil it for readers. At the end of the day, my goal with any review is to give you info on why you should or shouldn't read it and you decide from there. If I spoil it all you don't have much of a reason to check it out. Hopefully this review still convinced you to check it out and really the entire "Siege on King's Castle" storyline.

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We never know what's going to happen until next issue, but with some strong writing and a lot of breadcrumbs we can get a glimpse. This issue sets the stage for a very interesting tenth issue which may or may not wrap the arc. Whatever happens though, Venditti will likely continue showcasing why the Eternal Warrior is one of Valiant's most beloved characters.

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The twists of the story really grabbed my attention and made me want to read more. Like I said, it's an interesting twist on the genre, but really it's an interesting twist on a few genres. The story isn't perfect, there's some exposition that could be better, the art struggles at times and doesn't make full use of the black and white medium, but none of that stopped me from really enjoying this book. The premise really got it's hooks into me and made me put everything I've listed with this review to the corner and I was able to enjoy what I was reading. And I will enjoy reading the next issue as well.

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Depending on what Mickey Lam wants to do with the story I don't see much reason for me to continue checking the franchise out. This first book is a roadmap of what to expect, adventure, some danger, everything turns out well in the end. That might catch a few bright young eyes, but for a jaded comic reviewer like myself, I need a bit more to continue reading. For what it is and for what it's trying to accomplish it manages to do be successful.

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This is a very important issue to the series and for the reader in general. I actually didn't tell you everything that happens, but it's pretty damn good. It made me want the next issue right away, but really at this point I just want to read the next four issues. If you haven't check it out yet and you're looking for something to break from the corporate heroes that clutter the shelves at every LCS, then give The Immortal a chance.

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The other day I was having a hard time figuring out what books from Image I was even reading anymore. The answer was actually kind of startling because I couldn't come up with one consistent series that I follow. Thankfully with titles like Snotgirl and Kill or be Killed coming out, I will once again be diving into the Image pool. I just hope that more titles of this quality are on the way.

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This is one of those books in which you know if you're going to read it or not. If you're against purchasing licensed crossovers then this isn't even on your radar, which is a shame because it's actually one of the best licensed books being published, even if it is just a mini-series. If you're planning on getting it then you won't be disappointed and if you never were going to get it then keep on, keep it on.

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Whenever this can release, I'll be there to check it out. The story is still just getting going, but already there's a sense that Switch could continue as long as the original Witchblade series ran for. That alone shows the strength in the material that Sejic is creating.

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I know that I haven't told you shit about this book, but I really do hope you'll check it out. There's some stumbles for sure, not everything is perfect, but it's probably the best version of itself it can be. That said, I had a lot of fun reading this first issue and can't wait to read the rest of the series and that's exactly what a first issue should do.

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If you enjoy seeing a creator develop and improve on a body of work then this is definitely a story for you. From the early pages you can see Tamaki building her style, trying different things and finding her style. It has a webcomic vibe and I say that with utter ignorance of its origin. It was likely a webcomic beforehand, but to me that's inconsequential since I experienced it as a graphic novel and I'm just illustrating a point about how the art developed and improved.

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I am already patiently, or not so patiently, waiting for the next chapter of Geis. It's a clear vision of one storyteller that captures your attention as much as it captures your imagination. The cherry on the top is that I would recommend this to the young and the old or new and established readers. It's a story that can reach a wide audience.

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This issue gives you every reason to come back for the next issue, but not in a good way. It does it in the way that it sets up numerous story-lines, numerous characters, and presents a lot of questions, but answers very little. I'll be back for the second issue because I don't feel like I learned anything about this storyline other than "somebody wants to capture this dude and kill that lady." At the end of the day that's all I got from this first issue.

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The strange thing is that I didn't hate this book. I didn't love it, but I've read much worse. There was something that was entertaining about it, perhaps in a "B" movie way. I don't know if I'll pick up the next issue though. This wasn't a smooth ride by any means and in a lot of ways comes off like someone's first draft making it all the way to the printer. It could use some more polish, but it's not terrible.

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The end of the issue was a bit flat, but I was already hooked on reading more. It was just a clumsy set up for the second issue and a bit of convenient writing to prolong one character's life over another. I'll be back for more and if you're interested in a Battle Royale situation happening in the streets of modern L.A., then you should check out Killbox.

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If you like time travel stories then you might dig this one. I didn't. Maybe I've seen and read too many lately to get interested in this one or maybe it just didn't have anything interesting about it. I can see others really liking this book though, I don't know why they would, but that's not for me to decide. It's pretty average in every column and that's what I'll pass along to you before you pick it up for a read.

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This first issue was refreshing. It gave me hope that I might enjoy more of Lemire's superhero work and it's a step in the right direction for Dark Horse. Frankly, both the creator and publisher needed this book and after some unfortunate delays, it's here and it delivers on all fronts.

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Put aside for a moment that this is about Paul Dini. Also put aside the fact that it's about a time in his life working on a cartoon that is beloved by millions. At its core, this story is about a man who has everything he wants, but nothing that he needs. Without spoiling too much I will just say that there's probably not a single comic book reader out there that can't relate to some aspect of Dini's story. It is the epitome of the emotional journey that practically all comic book readers face. It captures the reason why we read comics about superheroes that can do more, that can be better, that are strong in the ways that we are weak. Simply put, Dark Night not only captures the reason we read comics, but in the very same way is the reason we read comics.

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The main thing I appreciate about this book is that it steps away from the norm of Zenescope. I don't know if Brusha would have written, yet alone published, something like this five years ago and so it's nice to see them take some chances. It's not perfect, but it's definitely one of the better books from the publisher. That and it's fun. Sometimes fun wins over everything else.

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Just as a reminder: DC doesn't need this review. The fans that have already decided don't need this review. If you follow the site, though, you need my review. You need more score. That's why you're here and so when you see the score" well just know that this creative team got me to continue reading one superhero book. One book from an entire publisher that I haven't consistently read it three years. I'm still not reading the other guys so if anything, that's an amazing feat in and of itself.

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I haven't actually read 4001 A.D. yet. I keep meaning to, but I haven't. That said, I can tell you honestly that you don't need to be reading it to understand this story arc of Rai. Instead this continues on its own and gives us an interesting back story of sorts, for Father. Though it does accomplish its mission in making me want to read 40001 A.D.

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If this first issue is any indication of what to expect from this series, then I will be back for more. I enjoyed the presentation and the storytelling. It felt like a camp fire ghost story and that's no easy task to recreate in a comic book. The only thing I hope that will improve is the lettering because it was quite difficult to read at times, but otherwise a solid first outing for this series.

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Usually I skip arc conclusions because you can't ever really say that much about them, but in this case I at least wanted to say that the series is heading in the right direction. If you fell off the series because it was too much of the same each issue, well then you need to jump back on. If only for the fact that we're yet to see what other transformations Janey and Xula can make or just more Kaiju Queen because that's awesome as well.

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I'm planning on reading more of Conan: The Slayer. I liked it enough to be back for more. I just don't know if it's really going to break out from the rest of Dark Horse's Conan books. At least with Wood's run they brought in artists that wouldn't normally be on the series. Slayer has potential, but there's only a glimmer of it here. At the very least, its starting better than Avenger did.

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There's not much else to say about this issue. The creative team closes it out wonderfully. I've always preferred the way that Bunn writes on this series and this ending reiterates that. Even if you dropped off the series, you should still grab this issue to see how it all ends. You won't be disappointed.

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This is an issue with great moments that tie in to each other to make an even better issue. It's a comic that gets you excited to read more of it. To see more of it. I don't know where Venditti and company will go after this story, but it can wait because I just want to finish this story arc. Probably more than I did with the first story arc.

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Sun Bakery is extremely entertaining, but it's also really well put together. For one creator to not only tell three stories and some change, but then to also illustrate all the stories for a monthly anthology is just crazy, but it works. Maybe one day we'll get individual collections of each story which would be pretty cool, but in the meantime I'll just continue to enjoy the hell out of this amazing anthology.

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The reason I told you that I was afraid of this book was so that when you read my glowing review, you'd have some context to where I was emotionally and mentally when I started to read it. I was prepared to be let down. I was prepared to be destroyed and yet I came out extremely excited about this series. I came out wanting more Snotgirl and that would have been weird to say, but I have a feeling the nickname thing is going to catch on like wildfire with readers. Bottom line, if I need one, is that Snotgirl is not to be missed because there's like snot everywhere, it's hard to miss, but read it too.

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Goldie Vance came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. I think it's been buried a bit by all the other titles coming out from BOOM! and other publishers, but hopefully it's getting some attention. It should be on everyone's must read list and if it's not, that's not much of a list. If you haven't already picked it up, then grab all three issues so that we might get a follow-up to this wonderful mini-series that's one issue away from conclusion. See you next month, Goldie.

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If you've never read this series, then you really should check it out. I know that's like the thing to say for every comic book ever, especially ones that people like, but there's nothing like this in comics. NOTHING! I mean a serious look at prison/parole life told through the perspective of Kaiju that still manages to stay true to and use all of the Kaiju genre's tropes and, AND, use prison tropes as well!?! Its fucking brilliant is what it is, so check it out.

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I don't particularly like reviewing the end of an arc because the only purpose is the spoilers, so I'll likely skip the next issue for review. I would already recommend it based off of this issue of Ninjak,so keep that in mind as you read this week's issue. This is a good palate cleanser after reading so much from Marvel and DC lately; it's a nice reminder that there's a publisher that truly wants to deliver the best superhero comics they can and they are.

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I'm being hard on this issue because I think it was a huge misstep. It's really hard to image that new readers will understand what's going on and pick up the second issue which is a shame because this is a solid series. That's been proven with two graphic novels" that new readers are likely to be completely unaware of. Because of that and the fact that this is a really complex first issue, I'm scoring it what I'm scoring it.

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Is this necessary? Absolutely not. There is no reason to have a manga version of the TV show when you have the TV show doing the exact same thing. If this was an unaired script or something like the Marvel adaptations where it's placed in Japan and it's a new continuity, then it would be amazing. It's good and I'll score it appropriately. The bottom line is that it doesn't need to exist, but I'm certainly glad it does because it's one of those things that we only get in comics and I appreciate that.

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The story has taken a break from the humor just due to where it is within the timeline, but my hope is that Clancy and Teddy will be given more opportunities to amuse us next time. They're toned down a bit in this issue and it works, but I miss their shenanigans. Otherwise, a very entertaining and solid issue that presents some a situation that could have a ripple on the rest of the universe.

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This is still bottom five book for me. I have a personal ranking of all ten books and in order in which I'll read them in. Then when I review them I tend to just go alphabetical or whatever I feel I have the most to write about first. That's to keep you guessing on my order by the way. It's not a bad book because I don't think any of the Double Take books are bad. It's just not their best book. There's cool stuff that happens and reveals that are playing a role in the overall universe, it's just missing that personal touch that the other books have. Still worth a read, even if it's not the first one to go to.

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This has been a really good series and it finished strong. It didn't just deliver the ending you thought it would, but set up more to come. It feels like the first chapter in a bigger story and hopefully we'll get to see more of that story and sooner rather than later. Now, if you haven't read Interceptor then do us all a favor and go get all five issues so that the sales will spike and we'll get a second volume Interceptor: Metal, that's not what it's really called, but it should be.

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There's not much else to say. There's a big universe reveal, a couple of series elements, but we spend a lot of time seeing the medical staff respond to the outbreak and that's okay. I liked reading it and didn't need more reveals or character moments. Just seeing the world responding to the madness was enough for me.

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As I said, Rise is really important this week. I do feel there's some pages with the President that aren't as helpful to the story as the rest, but I do love the way it ends. You could say that Rise is on the rise! I couldn't resist.

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Slab definitely delivers a lot of information that's important to the overall universe so give it a read. Even though I was critical of it, it's still a hell of an issue, I just think it needed a few things to be great.

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That's it folks. I don't need to say more because unlike Soul, this issue would be worthless if I gave you the spoilers. It's the journey to the reveals that make it worthwhile. Spring has always been a weird book, but not it makes sense and that's pretty cool. It's made the journey worth it and I'll be looking forward to the next issue.

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My only gripe with this series is that Lisa came on strong in the first issue and I'm sure most people hated that. A foul-mouthed little girl not be acknowledged by the people around her is something we have strangely seen a lot of in our media over the years, but dammit" I liked it. I thought it was funny as hell and she stole the show. I get the need to tone her down some, but now it feels like she's barely in the comic. Here's to hoping that issue five sees her triumphant return to the forefront of the story or at the very least throat chops her brother. Lastly, don't let the score fool you, this is still a very strong issue worth picking up.

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I hadn't given up on this book, but with the twist that it offered it made it extremely different from the rest of the Double Take books. In some ways Remote and now Soul have pushed the universe forward a huge step. Soul will never be the same after this issue and frankly if you didn't like the first three then give it another shot. If you don't, you'll be missing out on a huge piece of the puzzle that is the Double Take shared universe.

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Not having read too many of the fourth issues yet, I don't know what other surprises there are. Usually when I write these reviews I've already read all ten issues, but this time I'm spreading them out due to the time I have available to write them. I'm telling you that because something could change between now and when I do another review, but more than likely this will be the first series I read when the fifth issues hit. It's been the first series I've read for the last two outings and with the way it ends" well I did try to clap while holding a comic so I'm more than a little excited.

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This is going to be a hard issue to top. Which is a good thing. I thought that I would be reading this series just to read the entire line of books, but now it's one of my favorites. Which is seriously crazy to me looking back at my review for the first issue. I'm glad though because if I had stopped reading it I never would have seen George put that guy in a sleeper hold.

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The art is good minus the fact that every hipster has been in the gym for their entire life. The story sucks a lot and there's nothing believable about the dialogue. If someone talked for five minutes straight telling you the craziest shit you've ever heard in your life and you didn't stop them and tell them to shut the fuck up, you'd probably find yourself at a comic panel for this very comic and that's the only reasonable excuse for letting ever character rant and not have the other characters interject in a believable way.

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That's it. This is my last review for this series. If for some reason the team dusts it off later on in life I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't know if I'd be back either. It's over and it's ended on Jordan's terms and I can respect that. I respect the hell out of this creative team and thank them for an incredible journey.

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This was a happy return for me this week. There was some good comics I read this week and some bad, but thankfully this was on the former's list. Tomboy is currently one of my top books closely tied with Henchgirl. They're very different comics, but they're both a single vision from a creator at the top of their storytelling. If you're curious about this series, grab the first trade and get caught up.

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I'm pumped by this issue. It does sadly end just as it's getting good, but that means the conclusion should be pretty damn good. Which is strange to think about, this storyline is concluding. It's been a quick ride, but hopefully it continues this pace of pumping out the hits. This series has had a problem in the past of not keeping Janey moving and working towards anything new, but now that problem seems to be solved. That and I'll say that it's kind of better with Janey having other people to talk to so if she picks up to regular cast members it's for the best.

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This is it for me. I gave this series three honest chances and while there was a glimmer of hope with the second issue, all of that has been flushed away in the third issue. The tone is the major thing that's killing it as it will never decide if it's serious or wacky and over the top. The plot points and lack of character development is hindering the rest of the story making it unenjoyable. There might only be one more issue left of this series, but I'm so uninterested that I'm not even going to bother finishing it.

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I can't wait to read more and I liked that it was a serious, but fun and entertaining take on the properties. Frankly this is the best thing to happen to them since Adult Swim.

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Instead of playing to the standard of the comic franchise it would have been nice for the creative team to play to their own strengths. Vaughan has some dialogue, but it was missing his trademark narration that he loves or even his off-topic banter. Martin delivers on the art in skill, but misses completely when it comes to the basics of black and white only art. Both men deliver work that would be considered good if they were anyone other than themselves which ultimately leaves this feeling like a one-shot that just wants to deliver that twist ending and nothing more. Back it if you want, but really unless you're either a blind loyalist to either The Walking Dead or Panel Syndicate, you can skip this one. Regardless of the price.

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The art stands on its own and is a credit to visual storytelling. At the end of the day though, for me personally, I didn't love the story or world. It was good. It was way better than most, but it just never roped me in like her previous work had done. I can see the passion, the effort, the building blocks of a franchise, but at the end of the day I don't know if I really would have missed anything by not reading this volume.

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This is an independent superhero comic book. Which there are plenty of. You'll basically be able to decide if you want to read more superhero books or not. If you are, then this one has a maturity to it that a lot of other superhero books don't. That's not to say that it's maturity is just violence, because it's not. It's the narration and the overall presentation of the world that makes it mature in addition to the artwork. If you're reading superhero comics then check this one out, if you're not then you weren't going to read this one anyway.

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I know that I continue to gush about this series as I catch up on reviews for it. Here's the thing though" I don't catch up on reviews. If I miss a review, I rarely and I mean rarely go back and do a review. I have only done that with Henchgirl and two Heavy Metal titles that I felt deserved the coverage. I'm reviewing this book because I want to talk about it, not out of some obligation to promote it or because I'm an annoying fan of the series. My truest feelings about this series is that if you're going to read superhero comics, you should be reading Henchgirl. If not, then you shouldn't be reading the genre if you're not going to first start with the best it has to offer.

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That's it. That's all I have to say about this comic. It's been great from the jump and it continues to be great with each issue. Hopefully after this arc we'll see more from this series since it's clearly an idea that's rich enough to keep going, but we'll see. Support this title, it's absolutely worth all your monies and continues to be a personal favorite of mine. It has a strong lead for best mini-series of the year, that much is for sure.

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I give superhero comics a hard time in general. Frankly, I've outgrown the corporate ones because their stories are wash and repeat. If they were more like Henchgirl then I would be reading the hell out of them. They're not and so I'll just continue to read the hell out of one of the best comics on the market, Henchgirl.

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Overall, you'll know if this comic is for you based on the title alone. If you chuckle, then it's for you. If you read this review hoping that someone took the concept and made something hilarious and great, this isn't it. It's a basic comic. It's not all bad, but it's not all good either.

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You can have a good comic that has a weak character or even a weak narrative; it can have weak art or even awkward pacing and still manage to be good. But when you have a comic that does all of that and more perfectly, that's just so in sync with itself that everything about it works wonderfully" well that's Henchgirl #2, my do-over book of the year for 2015.

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I really can't wait to see what happens next in this story. Gudsnuk has chosen a path that's very risky and yet very fitting for the series. It's bold in a way that no other superhero titles are and so I'm chomping at the bit to get more. Lately I've been reading a lot of indie superhero books and a lot of them have been bad. They've reminded me why I try not to read the genre outside of submissions sent to the site. With Henchgirl, I'm reminded why this genre can be so much damn fun to read. I wish there were more series like Henchgirl and if you're not reading it then please don't preach how good this or that is from this or that company because you have no idea how good it can be. Henchgirl is the best book you're not reading and it has everything you want from the genre you are reading.

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Do you read Ninjak? If yes then hey you're in for a really, really good issue. If you don't, this is actually a hell of an issue to start with and if you're like, "superheroes, mine have to be starring in a major summer blockbuster or I don't care" then hey why are you reading this review? But hey when it does become a Sony movie you'll wish you had started here.

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If you're really into Vlad the Impaler aka the real Dracula, then you'll likely enjoy the story. If you like strong narratives which fully developed characters that do more than talk about what they're going to do, then you're better off passing on this one. It's an okay story, but it has so many problems that it ends up feeling like chore to read.

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Again, you're not going to bust out laughing on this book, actually you might. My experience isn't yours so it's quite possible that you'll laugh at Doorman which is the point of the series, to make you laugh. Even if you don't laugh out loud you'll still find a well-plotted and different sci-fi story waiting for your eyes to take a gander.

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The shit has hit the fan. This is the grimmest it's every looked for Janey and it's only the first issue in the arc. Usually that's how the story goes for her, but there's something different about this issue. It's darker and clearly Mendoza has been building towards this event with his one-shots and co-written issues on the series. Though I still read Zombie Tramp each month, it's been a while since I was looking forward to an issue, see you next month.

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Overall, this is an okay issue. If you've been reading from the beginning you won't be disappointed, but you're not going to be pooping your pants with excitement either. It's a solid issue that sets the stage for the finale, but it's also an issue that will read better with the entire series than it does on its own.

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You have a lot of details on what this book is. It's a little like Green Lantern and Bravestar. It reads and looks like a kids cartoon and makes no effort to appeal to adults. At this point you have to decide if these are good things to you or if they're bad. For me, they're pretty damn good. It doesn't make the issue amazing, but it did make it entertaining and that definitely surprised me.

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When I look at this book it's exactly what I want from an indie comic. It's professional work, but it's doing what it wants and doing it well. That's the key difference, breaking the storytelling and "comic rules" is only good when you're good or better. Lewis bends the medium to his will and it's pretty damn great to read because of it. Books like Sun Bakery is why I read indie comics and I wish more comics were to this level of talent.

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It's hard to say if every comic book reader will enjoy this book, but if you're more interested in the art, the impressive nature of this visual medium and you enjoy stories outside of capes and tights; then more than likely you've been looking for a story like The Ark to experience. It has a European flair to it, but it's the perfect example of how powerful this medium is with its visuals. In a way this book is going to ask a lot of you while reading it and that's pretty great, actually.

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Part of me really wants to score this book higher. It's not perfect, but when I finally realized that it wasn't meant to be taken serious I really fell in love with it. Ultimately thought it's still a very flawed book. For all its action and character moments there are just an excess of pages and scenes that don't serve the story or the characters. While some of them are cheeky and fun, others leave you scratching your head. If you're looking for a romp and you can forgive all the stumbles the story makes, then you can find some fun with Clandestino. If you can't overlook its faults though, you're better off dating another comic.

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That seems to be Echo Gear's biggest problem. Effort. There's a lot of effort on the art, on being different on breaking the storytelling mold, but none of it is particularly successful, especially those last two. If you want something different in comics, there's plenty out there and even more if you want comics that are breaking the storytelling mold. This isn't it. I don't know what Echo Gear's goal is, but it was the least inviting comic I've read in a long while and I won't be back for more.

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This is the book to beat. There's only one other title out there that I can think of that could potentially beat it and that's Tomboy. Otherwise, there's nothing else by Image that can beat Huck. There's not a damn thing that's even close to being better than Huck at the big two either. If creators aren't paying attention to this book, then I hope readers are. I hope that future generations of comic book creators are being inspired by it so we can see an era in comics that don't always need to be gritty and dark, but rather just wonderfully human, but with a super twist.

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Even though I recognized the creators right away, I still went into this issue with zero expectations. You never know how two creators will work together and even more uncertain is how a four issue mini-series will turn out. Given how much I enjoyed this first issue I'll be sticking around for the next three.

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This series started off interesting but its developed in to a really solid, well put together mini-series that has something new to offer the giant monster genre. That's really saying something considering that's not a whole hell of a lot to do with the genre that hasn't been done in countless movies and then ruined in countless other movies. If you like the kaiju genre, then you should already be reading Project Nemesis.

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One issue left in what's been one of the most ground breaking comics in the last decade. I am looking forward to it and if you're still all "what's a Luther Strode" then you need to get caught up on a comic that not only changed comics, but launched three creator's careers in one swoop.

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Overall, I think this is an issue that each reader will make their own choice about. Some will be more than happy to read another tale from Gilad's long life while others might be put off by the fact that we've been teased and then forced to wait for the next chapter of the story. For me, I enjoyed the story and it's just unfortunate that it's cut so close down the middle, but ultimately I'm bumping it up just a touch because that art is always incredible.

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Frankly I'm loving what Heavy Metal is doing. They're publishing creator owned books that other publishers probably passed on and shouldn't have. Interceptor may be a dystopian future, but I'll tell you right now it's the only comic of said genre that I'm reading. All those other books can go screw is what I'm getting at because I want more of Interceptor. Maybe skip a few DC books this week since they're all rebooting anyway and pick up this entire series and actually enjoy something you're reading for once.

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If the ending falls flat, then people will forget about your series. Thankfully, Just Another Sheep delivers on the ending and closes out what's been an enjoyable and entertaining series. The writing and art were in perfect sync from the first issue on making this one of the top mini-series from this year and last.

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The bottom line is that this book is too fucking good to not be reading. If you're not reading by now you're just mistreating yourself. If you love the comic book medium, then there's no reason you shouldn't check out Tomboy.

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I won't be back for more of this series. I personally don't think there's much to do with Vampirella anymore. She reminds me of the pulp characters that Dynamite also has in their library. They've had their time and they should be left to rest so that new characters and stories can fill our comic shops rather than people chasing nostalgia or in this case rebooting a property that no one asked for.

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This issue is for long time readers and that's really it. It ties up loose ends before going into what looks to be one of the biggest storylines of the series and that's it. That works. Every issue isn't going to be amazing and really this reminds me of how a lot of comic series used to be before they were just constantly rebooted. This is one of the quirks of long term storytelling and I like that.

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With us being three issues in it's clear to me that as long as Knickrehm sticks the landing, this is going to be a series worth reading until the end. It's not too late to check out The Immortal and if you're a fan of sci-fi or pseudo immortality stories then this is definitely for you.

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The collaboration on Interceptor is perfectly in sync. I can't remember the last time I read a first issue in which the writer and artist were working this tightly together and weren't the same person. Here's the thing, this book is for people who enjoy comics. Not superhero comics. Not big two only comic readers, but people who have grown up with the medium and figured out, "hey this shit is like tv, movies and video games all rolled into one." With comics you get stories that are amazing and would never exist anywhere else. This is one of those stories.

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I was really surprised by this issue. I enjoyed it from beginning to end and while I don't quite see how it fits in to the overall universe, it's very entertaining. There's a lot of dark humor which I personally like. That and George is condescending to everyone; you shouldn't like him because of that, but you end up liking him because of the shit he says. If like me, you were kind of on the fence with this series then stick around and enjoy the humor.

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This is definitely the book I want to talk about more. There is a slow part in the middle of the book that hangs out too much, but overall this is a great issue of Slab. It reveals a much bigger part of the plot and that's welcomed considering how many moving parts there are in this series and the other titles. If for some crazy reason you're only going to read one Double Take title this week, make it Slab.

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This is a much better issue than the last, but it still has some room for improvement. Maybe now that the story is finally moving away from the farmhouse it will have a chance to expand and really let Ben grow as a character like Barbara and Johnny have. For now, this issue works, but if it doesn't keep up the effort I could see this one being easy to skip.

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I know that I gave Slab a lot of praising, but to be honest, I forgot about Spring when I was writing that review. This is definitely the best book of the Double Take releases this week and not only important to the series, but the universe it's taking place in. I don't recommend reading just one Double Take tile. I think they're better read together and so if you can only afford to take a look at a few, make sure that Slab and more importantly Spring makes that list.

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Overall this is a good issue. It's been enjoyable from the beginning and while this issue doesn't drive the story it gives a solid action moment and throws this series into the heart of the outbreak. Lastly, I still want to mention how damn beautiful the Double Take books are. The glossy covers and pages are a real treat to hold and frankly the best way to read the books.

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Overall, Home felt a little too comfortable, but if you're reading the other titles then you know what's going on with the invisible people and it's a big deal. With them making an appearance here that means there's likely something big on the horizon for this series. We'll just have to wait and see and be entertained by a little girl who swears like a sailor.

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We're still learning how to read Double Take books. That's something I mentioned in my previous reviews because the editorial team and the creative team are not trying to pump out what's become the norm for comics. They really are experimenting with new storytelling techniques and I welcome it because it shows how amazing this medium is. What helps it though is that you have ten issues supporting one another. I really don't see how anyone could be satisfied just following one series and while it seems crazy to read all ten, I find it incredibly enjoyable to do so. Imagine reading an entire comic universe step by step all in one week? Well you can and it's a formula that I support. That isn't to say you couldn't just read each series on it's own, but its so much better with the other nine.

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I really enjoyed this issue. I didn't think it would end up being so high on my list, but with the reveals and the twists that it added to the universe, it's hard not to like it. That and I really want to see how long the guy with his toes can go before he loses them. If you were on the fence about this series, you should rest assured. Clearly Double Take is carefully planning each series to have its own ups and downs and by doing so each series shines brighter at different moments.

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If you're looking for a laugh and a bit of fun this week, check out Remote. The jokes alone are worth it, but it's definitely a series that continues to come together in both the story and the art and might just end up being a break out series from this otherwise very consistent line of titles from Double Take.

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Like I said, it's not a bad issue, but it seems like it's starting over in a few places. It feels more like the first issue than the third. Whereas the other Double Take titles where already constructed in a way to ensure their growth, Rise feels as if it took a step back to regroup and now it's trying to play catch up. Again, I'm not worried, but it is a shame to see it dip. Hopefully the fourth issue will bring it back to the top of my list.

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Huck is a comic like no other. Frankly I don't know or care if anyone else likes it because it's their loss if they don't. For me, this is the comic I run to read. This is the comic that reminds me why I love this medium and it's the first book in the longest time to give me those butterflies in my stomach when I pick up the issue. Simply put, it's the best goddamn comic out there.

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Just Another Sheep has been a strong mini-series. One of the strongest I've read in ages. If you're looking for something new and interesting to read, then this is it. If you've been reading the series then like me, you have no idea how this story is going to end and that's thrilling. That's how it should be when reading a good story.

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This book maintains it's great quality in both the story and the art. So much so that I almost didn't review it because what was there left to say? Then that ending hit and I knew I had to say something. This is Valiant's strongest series at the moment and if it continues like this it's going to be hard for other superhero titles to catch it.

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This issue injected some heart and personality back into the world. It was a rewarding conclusion, but in the end it felt a bit rushed. Like this was all just a side note and a way to introduce the digital version of Janey's book. Overall though, it was entertaining and built Janey's character which is all I ever really want from this series. The next issue is all Mendoza again so I'll be there with bells on.

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This seems like a book that a lot of people are missing out on. I know I missed posting this review in time for the first issues release and now the second issue is out. Really it comes down to two things about this series, if you like time travel then you already know if you're going to read it. If you don't" then you already know if you're going to read it. For me, I'll continue reading it and finding out what crazy time sequence Ben has found himself in.

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This story is just a one-shot attempting to set up a larger story. I would like to see where it goes from here, but that would depend on the creative team staying together. If a different artist jumps on the book I would lose interest instantly because there's nothing that unique about the story. It's homages a lot of famous comic properties, but that doesn't make it good per say. This prelude does its job and hooks the reader for more issues and that's exactly what you want to do as a comic creator. We'll see how it turns out from here.

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I'm gald to see that this series will continue. It's going to be a while, but that's fine. I would much rather have a sequel that's as strong as this first volume. Whatever is in store for Cyrus Perkins next, I want to be a part of it. If you missed the single issues, then it's worth checking out the trade and enjoying the story in one sitting" you lucky bastards.

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Interceptor is a goddamn romp. It's entertaining and just two issues in and I'm really hooked. The story is all Cates, you can tell even if you didn't know he was writing it and the art team is a break out hit already. Now I will say that if Heavy Metal continues producing comics like this and Narcopolis, then they just might leave in impression on the industry in a way they haven't done since the 80s.

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Issues like this make you wonder why people aren't reading this series. I get it. There's so much out there and if we're honest, reading comics is an expensive habit. So put down that book you've followed fifty plus issues and through two relaunches and try something else. Try a world and a story that's fresh and different and stop wondering if hero “A” can stop villain “A” and “B” and still balance their made-up life that's void of change and consequences. Comics are expensive. So instead of complaining about that, buy better comics. It makes that dent in the pocket-book not hurt so much when you get your money's worth and you stop following comic characters, but rather series and stories worth reading.

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Maybe I'm a sucker for a good space story or space smugglers story, but Meteora managed to grab my full attention. You might be reading some of that Marvel space stuff right now and if you are, try this out. This is better unless you're a blind loyalist in which case you shouldn't even bother reading this review. If like me you just love a good space story and rich characters to journey with, then Meteora is definitely the book for you.

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Orcs #1 is clever. It's fun and lighthearted, but overall it's a quality comic book. Everything about this books screams professional and that's one of the biggest compliments I can give an indie comic. If you're looking for a romp this week, then check out Orcs for sure.

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The series still needs to spend more time with the characters already introduced. Hell it needs to spend more time with the villains as well, but overall it's a great read. As long as it keeps up the quality, I'm not worried about this book. If the writing or art dips, it could be the end of it. But right now it's the only book about powered people hitting puberty that you should be reading about.

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At the end of it all, the story needed to be stronger. It was too shallow with its story and characters and that really hurt it. There was a sense of danger for one issue, but after that" well it really seemed like no matter what they'd win in the end and everyone would make it out alive and that's exactly what happened. The art saved this book. Hell, the art made this book worth reading and buying. Imagine if the story was better? It could have been a mega hit, rather than just a great success.

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I love holiday specials. They're always some of my favorites to collect, but there's a real lack of them lately. The ones that do release are sadly not worth the paper they're printed on, but these Zombie Tramp specials have been spot on and entertaining. This isn't just a holiday story that Mendoza has phoned in, he's actually crafted a story that has a lot of meaning to the character's journey. I don't know of any other holiday special that actually manages to do that, which is a high mark in my book.

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You can probably decide for yourself if this is a book for you. It's not really a genre specific book nor does it have something that I can equate it to. It is in a lot of ways a family drama with some very dark elements. I'm glad to have read it and that Humanoids published it because it's not a story most American publishers would take a chance on and that's a shame because it really is story worth reading and sharing.

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If you're looking for an entertaining story about heists and saving the world, then check out Red Fury. It's an entertaining comic book and while there's not deep thought needed to read it, that doesn't stop it from being fun and frankly, I needed a fun comic to read.

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This is a solid issue. It was personally worth the wait, even if it wasn't as strong as some of the previous issues. There's some great reveals though and we're down to the last two characters and the last two issues. It should be a good one and this stumble is no reason to stop reading the series. If you've been reading The Red Ten, then keep reading. If you're new and this premise has caught your attention, then check out the first volume trade and get caught up.

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There's too much to say about this issue, but that would steal the joy of reading it. I'm dying to talk to anyone about this so if you're reading it let me know in the comments. If you skipped it because I used the term "magic girl genre" too many times previously, then have no fear. There's a twist in this issue and while I still think it fits the genre, you don't have to be put off by that. It's a hell of a drama, thriller and overall a really fucked up story. Sometimes, fucked up stories are the best and Tomboy is proving to be such a tale.

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It's an okay issue. It's not great. It's not a great follow up to the previous arc, but if you're reading and liking X-O, then it's worth keeping with it. Like I said, it's a transition arc and so once we're out of fog we'll have a showdown and major consequences for the X-O side of the Valiant Universe. Until then, I'll keep reading and enjoying Ninjak.

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This book is beyond fast paced. The issue is over before it really gets going and I like that. It keeps the danger real and the story moving along. I actually really like this book and if it can somehow top its cliffhanger from this issue" well, it might just move into the top spot on my mini-series list. It's only four issues and so far two of them have been pretty damn great so give it a read. Let it surprise you.

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There's plenty more I want to say about this issue, but that would spoil the hell out of it for you. If you've been following the series, then you'll be very pleased with this issue. If you haven't yet checked out one of the best things to come out of the conclusion of last year, then check out Just Another Sheep. It's full of heart, humor, conspiracies, secret societies and shows that more than one story about powers could have come from the 60's.

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Like I said, this comic isn't perfect, but there is just something about it that I really enjoyed. I was glad to be able to read two issues back-to-back and would definitely encourage others to do the same. I'm in it for the long run as I'd really like to see which other tropes will be used and how everything will play out in the end.

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This series is nearly over and that's bittersweet. I want to see it end, but then of course it means that we're done with this world. Sure, there's plenty of history tied into the story, but it won't quite be the same if Luther and Petra aren't at the center of it all. For now, let's all just enjoy the return of what's still a groundbreaking series.

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Welcome to Showside continues to be an entertaining series that definitely fits the true "all-ages" mold. Again, I don't know if I personally need to review it each time, but it's definitely a book I want to read each time. Check it out if you haven't already and you're enjoying some of the titles that KaBoom puts out. Though I don't enjoy those titles and I still enjoy Welcome to Showside.

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It's a slow-moving story for sure, but it reads incredibly fast. If you can be patient with it, you'll see just how tight the narrative is. How detailed and resourceful the art is. You'll see just how great it is to read a superhero story that isn't lost to the "real world" or the film medium. Wrath of the Eternal Warrior is exactly what you should want from the superhero genre. I'm not saying all superhero stories should be exactly like this, but a lot of them doing similar things should certainly strive to be a bit more like Wrath of the Eternal Warrior.

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There's not a lot left to say about Broken Moon. You'll either like the ending or be disappointed in the abrupt conclusion. It's not bad, but it feels rushed and that's a damn shame because there really is a special and interesting work being created in this series. Even still, I would recommend that if you dig horror, check out the entire series.

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I'm giving this issue a perfect score because I think even with the one bump in the road it's better than 99% of all comics out there. Chris Hunt is showing master level abilities with his writing and artwork to the point that I would gladly place him up there with other such masters in the industry. You don't have to take my word for it, you can check it out yourself. Or not. I get that there are a ton of comics out now. More and more every year it seems and the industry and fanbase as a whole are stuck solidly on superheroes. So if you manage to drop one superhero title this week in favor of something new, something different, then pick up Carver. Because it's something great just waiting for you to discover it.

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I loved the first two issues of Huck for very different reasons and I love the third for a different reason as well. Huck didn't start off as some perfect being, but rather someone with a big heart that could do a lot to help others. Once the world got their hooks into him, it was easily to see how he could stumble and predictable that he would. It's where he goes after this that's important and that's what I'm looking forward to reading next. For all the emotions this issue made me feel, I can't help but acknowledge just how incredible of an issue it is. No hype, this issue is just that fucking good.

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I'm not giving up on this series, if anything I find it more interesting now because it comes across less and less like a formula book. So many creators have a "formula" to their stories, often times taught to them by their editor at the "big two" that the stories become dull to read. Though I have problems with this issue, it presents an interesting look at honest comic crafting and that definitely helps to bring me back for more. For you, you'll just have to decide if there's enough in the issue to hook you for another.

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The question becomes, do I skip the rest of the arc knowing that it's already done and written and the likelihood that it will change slim to none? I could just struggle through and hope for the best, but I tried that on Unity when I didn't care for the arc and it bit me in the ass. I might check in at the end of the arc, but I think this storyline of Ninjak is unfortunately trying to build the Valiant Universe more than it's trying to build Ninjak's character and so I'm not very interested. Shadowman and his nook of the universe continue to be the only failure of the new Valiant Universe and not even Ninjak can save it.

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This issue proves that the first issue wasn't a fluke. I know I used the word "consistency" a lot in this review and it was intentional. Comics last year suffered from inconsistency and so it's actually a huge compliment for me to use it so many times about this issue. After reading two issues, I'm definitely onboard for the next few.

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Thankfully this second issue is right in line with the first issue. The first issue hit hard and this second issue keeps up with its pace. Though I do wonder if there will be an issue in the future that slows down and lets the reader catch their breath. If not then gasp for air and keep up with The Troop, because for now it's not slowing down.

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There are some pacing elements and story points that aren't as strong as the last two issues, but otherwise this continues to be a very strong mini-series. If comics are like resumes, then Dwonch and Lencioni are handing in a hell of a resume that should be catching the attention of the industry and readers alike.

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The scale really tips back and forth for me on this issue. I liked it, but it definitely has some problems. They're small, but they add up. Pacing here, weird story elements there. In the end it's an enjoyable issue if you've been reading the series, but really it's almost to issue 50 so if you're reading it you'll likely to continue reading it no matter what. Don't worry, it's worth reading. There could be some interesting things to come from this and at the very least it tells me that our heroes are a bit more "anti" than I gave them credit for. If you're just starting X-O Manowar with this issue, it's going to be a little rough, but not impossible to follow. Otherwise, keep reading.

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Huck #2 didn't disappoint. It takes a very slight dip for me from the first issue, but this second issue pleases in many ways. It has been one of the biggest surprises of the year and it's a great reminder of what makes comics great. What potential that comics have to tell meaningful and creative stories. Huck is sure to go on to inspire a new generation of comic book readers to become comic book creators and that's a hell of a thing to do.

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I really was surprised by just how much I enjoyed this issue. When I got to the end I was stunned to find it was over already. Just like the first issue it's over just as you're settling in for it to hit that next spectacle, but that will be what brings me back for the next issue. If you enjoyed the first issue, then know that Venditti and company stay the course and that course is really fucking good.

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By far, Different Ugliness, Different Maddness has been one of the best graphic novels I've read in a long while. It's one that you want to put on your books shelf and recommend to others to check out. It also shows you just how incredible the comic medium is as this story isn't about superpowers or heroes, but rather two people dealing with their personal problems together.

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Overall, I was more impressed with the second issue of Just Another Sheep. It was actually better than the first issue and in a lot of ways felt like a first issue. You really could start reading with this issue and not be lost on the previous issues events. I'd still recommend reading the first issue at some point, but I can wholeheartedly recommend this issue to people that are just looking to start here. Just Another Sheep is off to a great start and with only three issues left, I have high hopes that it'll deliver a great rest of the story.

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This second issue definitely stacks up to the first issue which is a good thing. I'll save my usual rant about second issues, but I will say that Limbo's sophomore issue has been enjoyable and set the stage for me to return for the next issue. Which is basically all you can really ask for from readers.

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Overall, this just wasn't the best Ninjak issue I've read. It wasn't bad, but it has a long way to go to catch up to the previous issues. I'll definitely keep reading it, but I'm really hoping for something better from the next issue.

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I can't express how much I enjoyed this issue. This is one of the best series I've read all year and it sucks that it's shipping right at the end of the year. It'll show up on my end of the year list in some way, shape or form, but I got a feeling a lot of people are missing it already. If you missed the first issue" go back and get it. Get both issues and check out what's quickly become one of the best series of the year.

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Overall, Allen: Son of Hellcock is a welcomed series. I wish there were more series that were comedic each month. There's so much drama and angst in comics that just getting a good funny book is a challenge. It feels like they're so few and far between when comedy overflows other mediums. Let's hope Allen and other funny books are the rise of comedic comic books. If you want a laugh or just want to see a "what if" about Conan, then check out Allen: Son of Hellcock.

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Basically, it's an okay story with great art and a cliffhanger that will bring you back for more. And you can pay what you want for it so it's hard to argue with that.

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I'm honestly sad to see this series go. It's been one of the best all year and even though another Oxymoron series is teased in the back, it's not this one. This one has won me over in a big way and will be something that I recommend to any fan of superhero comics.

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The final issue of Where Is Jake Ellis? is pretty basic. Unlike the first series there's really no cliffhanger to bring you back for more. It doesn't even give you the impression that the creators want to come back for more. It's an ending. It's not disappointing, but it's not exciting either. It's so ho-hum that that becomes the main complaint of the issue. Who can something that has been so steady and good for nine issues suddenly completely fizzle out at the end? Was it the delay or was it just the way it was always going to be, we don't know. If you've been following the series then you'll likely get this issue without reading this reviews, but if you do read this first" don't bother. Picture an average ending that pretty much puts the series back to where it started and call it a day. Better yet, just re-read the fourth issue and soak in how great that issue was because this doesn't hold a torch to it.

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I was really reluctant to check out this issue, but I figured it was worth at least one more read. There really is just more of the same here and that's not a compliment. The differences between issues one and two are meniscal and so all the problems I had with one are present here in the second issue as well. Maybe the third issue will be different, but I kind of doubt it and likely won't be around to find out.

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It's rare to have the second issue be better or in this case just shine a bit brighter than the first issue, but it does happen. This is the first example I can think of this year, but it happens. If you missed the first issue, then you should go back and grab it. This is actually a standout series this year and though it's a mini-series I'm enjoying it and I'm glad that such a unique comic is being published. I'll be back for more and in the meantime you should get caught up on what's proving to be one of the best breakouts of 2015.

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Like most comics, Death Rattler isn't for everyone. Let's not pretend that there's a comic out there that is for everyone because that's just the nature of the beast. But if you're looking for an entertaining story with a sexy anti-hero that is in control of her life and story, then check out Death Rattler. It may just surprise you.

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There may not be an ongoing or a slow ongoing series for Empowered, but I will say that these one-shots are new reader friendly. They give you a solid introduction to the world each time, but without it being an overkill like comics from the 70s. If you love the superhero genre, but you've never read anything outside of the big two, give this a chance. See what the world of comics has to offer because it will surprise you in the best of ways.

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There's been a lot of space exploration stories this year both from large publishers, small publisher and independent creators. Some have stood out, while others have been forgotten. So far, Venus looks to be a keeper. It would be really difficult for the second issue to be bad given where this issue ends, but we'll see for sure. If anything, this was an enjoyable first issue that has caught my attention and kept me entertained.

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If you missed the first issue and you're looking for wholesome, yet fun and video game inspired entertainment, then check out Welcome to Showside. I know it won't be for everyone. Maybe you looked at this and thought, "oh this is just like that one book and the other." Well, it is a little, but in the best possible way.

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This arc has been a rollercoaster. Things have popped off, but been reigned back. It's very much like the real world in that sense. Venditti and company capture that perfectly making for an intense and enjoyable superhero comic unlike any other out there. If you're not reading X-O Manowar, find something to skip this week so you can give this book a chance. You might just find yourself dropping those safe and boring reads in favor of something with some teeth.

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This is a solid issue. It's a bit on the average side of the series which is where a lot of the latest issues are falling for me. I still enjoying reading the series, but as a reviewer I've basically run out of things to say about it. That is unless the scale tips more one way than the other. Really at this point you probably already know if this book is for you. Yes, it has a lot of fan service, but what's always set it aside is Janey's rich personality and her inability to take shit from others.

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With this being an eight issue series I would definitely check out the rest. This first issue was good enough to warrant some good will towards the rest and as long as the story or art didn't drop off, I would finish it. That's saying a lot since I've dropped a lot of mini-series this year after just one issue. The Immortal manages to create an interesting world and give us well-written character to lead us through it.

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I loved this first issue. It's been one of my favorites all year and I've been dying for others to read it so I could talk about it in full detail. This is an issue you don't want to miss and yeah I know that it won't be for everyone, but I think if you give it a chance you'll either be surprised or really surprised.

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There's a lot about this story that's niche, but I think if you just like character stories then this one is worth checking out. I mean, I don't live in New York, I'm not a firefighter or related to one and yet I was able to enjoy the book so give it a shot yourself.

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I'm on board with checking out more Dedication. It improved and I'm hopeful that it will do so again. I want to know how these characters fit into the bigger picture. I'll be back to figure that out and to see what comes of the zombie reveal in this issue.

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This story is slow moving, probably the slowest compared to the rest of the Double Take titles, but it works. There's only a couple of major things in this issue, but that's all it needs. The rest is filled with humor and a never ending possible sexual encounter that always seems to be interrupted. It's not perfect, but I'm enjoying it a lot.

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It's a decent issue. Again, the reveals and action keep it from being below average, but it still seems like it's struggling with its identity in this universe. The Chief is in so many titles that his own title ends up feeling a bit hollow and his deputy is a hollow character that really should have some personality by now with as many crossovers as she's had. I'll stick with the book for another issue, but this series continues to lag behind the rest of the line.

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This is an interesting first issue for sure. I don't know where the story is going to end up. Hell, I don't know what the second issue has in store, but I'm curious. I'm curious to see if our "sheep" can be something more. Can he change and grow while controlling his powers? If you like books with superpowers like the X-Men, then check this one out.

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This was one of the first Humanoids titles that I've read and while it's a translated reprint, it was still a treat to find and read. I'm checking out more of their books so I'll have more reviews from the publisher, but this was definitely a great place to start. If you like period pieces, but with a supernatural element then I would really encourage you to check out Mandalay. It's a delightful graphic novel.

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I think this series improved from the first issue for sure. I'm not really sure who the main characters are supposed to be and it would be nice if this series caught up to Rise since it feels behind. I do like that it ties into Honor so much though. It makes them feel like companion series and that's actually okay in my book. They stand on their own, but your reading experience is enriched by reading both. I'll give it another issue for sure, but I hope that weaker aspects are addressed and adjustments made. I know it won't happen overnight in one issue, but some change is needed to make this a stronger title overall.

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I read this issue twice. There's so much that happens that you might find yourself doing the same. I'm really impressed by just how much they've been able to cram into each issue without it being noticeable. I don't know what the finale can possible hold for us. I haven't been able to guess this series for shit and that's been a part of the fun. Whatever the creative team has in store for us, I have a feeling it's going to be great.

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I'll be back for more of Remote. This book had one of the biggest jumps in quality and I no longer doubt it's potential to do interesting things and develop this character trapped in one location. If anything, I respect that they're able to do so much with those limitations. Check it out if you haven't already.

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At this point I'm sure some people are going to start picking favorites and dropping books. I still think that's too soon for this universe because you don't know what you'll miss out on, but if you are going to do that, then hold on to Rise. In my opinion there's just a lot of talent and effort going into this series which is what makes it their best book currently.

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Slab is good, but it wasn't as strong as the first issue. I'm not worried about it at all and like I said, Dr. Grimes shows up in a lot of books this time so there's plenty of exposure to the character. I'm curious to see what will be the real focus of this series as it shifted to the daughters this time around. We'll see next time, because I'll definitely be back for more of Slab.

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While Soul takes a dip this issue, I still think it's an important issue to the series and the shared universe. It adds some canon for everything to play off of and that's important. I do hope they get the art sorted out soon, because it breaks from the reading experience to see the art shift to a different style. Otherwise, Soul continues to offer a very different perspective in the Double Take universe and I'm glad it exists.

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I really like this book. I think it's creative as hell and can't wait to read the next issue. I'm curious if anyone else likes it for the same reason or if others are put off by how intentionally vague it is. I can see that being annoying, but for me personally its very interesting. We'll see what the third issue has in store, maybe it'll have answers, maybe it'll just continue to be vague and leave you guessing.

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If you had some doubts about the last issue, maybe you felt like it was a hollow story or something, then I would encourage you take off your hater-blockers and give this second issue a try. It has humor, action and two characters that are kind of bumbling idiots as the leads. What's not to like about that? If that's not enough, then at least enjoy the shotguns at point blank to zombie heads.

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I will be back for the second issue. It's my hope that it will be as good if not better than this first issue. I'm just going to hope for that rather than be negative or look at the track record for second issues this year. If you read comic books and your serious about it. Meaning you read them for the art form and not just for superheroes, then check out Huck. I know, it's superheroy, but Millar and Albuquerque are doing something incredibly different compared to the rest of the genre. It's worth reading. It's worth reading twice.

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As I said, there's been a lot of P.I. stories lately. Mostly redundant stories that stick so close to the "winning formula" that it feels like a waste of time. Where Limbo succeeds is in taking that formula, but adding 80s analog technology and giving us a character that has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Usually I would say, "if you can stomach one more P.I. story" or something like that, but I really think that Limbo transcends the genre in a lot of ways and that helps make it a comic worth reading.

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That's all you really need to know about this issue. I could rant and rant about the artwork because it is simply great. Allen looks athome on this series. Venditti has made this a series and character that you don't want to miss. If you're enjoying X-O Manowar or Ninjak, then go ahead and add Wrath of the Eternal Warrior to your reading list.

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Overall, this is a solid ending to the story arc. The handful of reveals are very interesting and I can't wait to see where the story goes from here and what else we'll learn about Ninjak and his jacked up family. If you've been holding out on this series, but were a fan of Kindt's Mind MGMT, then check out Ninjak. I'm not lying when I say that he's structuring this story a lot like MM.

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While Dedication wasn't my favorite first issue, I do like what it's done for the universe. I'm hopeful that something better will happen in the next issue and that the creators will focus on developing these characters into characters we'll actually care about. The key to any good zombie death is either gore or just heartbreak from watching a character you thought would make it, die. We'll see what happens with this series in the next issue.

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Honor has my attention because it's a strange combination of humor, dark comedy and drama. I don't know what to expect in the next issue, but I'm definitely curious. I just hope that the characters will be fleshed out more and not so awkward. Check out the issue, but don't be surprised if you're a little confused by it.

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I hope that Medic improves and that we're not left with the rambling doctor telling us his life story every issue. Though in saying that I think I would find that hilarious and read it, but really this series can do a lot more. I'll be back to see what the second issue has to offer, but this is definitely one of if not the weakest in the Double Take line up.

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Overall, I think Remote is a different type of comic in general. I'm very curious to see where it's going and I liked that the location and danger was centralized, I just think that it could have done better with the story's cliffhanger and the art. Still, I liked it and can see the potential for something different from the series. I also enjoy how much of this comic is used in the rest of the shared universe so it gets kudos for that.

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Soul has potential, but I think it's saving it for the upcoming issues which is okay, it just leaves this first issue a little weak. At the end of the day though, I'm glad to see a Ben angle being worked into the universe and I can't wait to see if they can capture his character. That will be the deciding factor for this series if he continues to be the main character. We'll see.

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Spring is probably not for everyone. Again, I can see a lot of people disliking it or not getting it, but I got it. I got that you just needed to hear a human element to relate to while we waited for the shit to hit the fan. I can't wait to see what the mystery is for the next issue and while I'm scoring this one lower than my previous reviews for Double Take it's because I understand the issues with it, but can also see it's potential.

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I will be back for more of Home. I thought it was hilarious and it quickly became a go to comic. Funny comics have been few and far between this year so this was a welcomed addition. I can't wait to see what happens next to our perfect family and their sailor mouthed daughter.

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Overall I would return for more of Rise. Like I said, I don't know where it's going. This is the very start and because of that we need to read more. For me, I want to read more. I will also say that reading all ten issues together gives a great sense of this shared universe. Every comic has something to tie it to another comic and at the very least the unifying event. If you were curious to see how Double Take would handle The Night of the Living Dead as a shared comic universe, you'll be pleased.

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My initial impression of Slab is that it's a series with a lot to offer. The other first issues mostly have this, wait and see, vibe to them. With Slab you really know a lot of what to expect with this issue. There's something happening on the Zombie side, there's something happening on the daughter's side and everything ties back into Grimes. This one beats out Rise as my top book so far, but just barely.

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I honestly didn't think I would like Z-Men when I started reading it. It was one of the first I checked out of the ten first issues from Double Take and so I was still getting my barring on what to expect from this universe. After the first crack about sideburns though, I was pretty much sold on the balance of drama and humor. Just like life, you need that balance and for me Z-Men found it.

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All in all, this is just an okay issue which is kind of disappointing because there are monthly issues from Valiant that are way better than anything this series has provided.

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I, like many of the other Kickstarter funders, really liked the concept of this comic the minute I heard about it. This first issue turned out great and sets the stage for a very interesting rest of the series. Stories like this are prime for comic books. They're why we read comic books because their stories that complement the medium. If you're down with reading something that's different and new, then check out Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab.

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I've never been so unsatisfied after a review. Usually after a review I feel good, like I let the world know about a comic and now they're going to go check it out. But there's so much I just can't bring myself to say about the book and yet I really want to. I want to discuss it with others that have read it and get their thoughts and opinion on it. So do me a favor, go check it out and come back here and talk about it. Spoilers in the comments are welcomed and so I'll be waiting, but in the meantime read what may be the best book of 2015, if it's not then it's damn close to being the best.

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If you were a fan of the first volume and had to know Jiro's backstory, then you'll love this volume a lot more than I did. If like me, you just liked and enjoyed the first volume, then you'll probably feel about the same with this prequel. Hopefully the next volume will dive into Jiro's future which would be far more interesting and we can just let his past be just that.

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This could be the next big book for Image. It has the cross-genre appeal for comic and wrestling fans. It could also fall flat depending on how both fan bases react to it. If it gets the right rub it will definitely take off, but if it picks up some "go away heat" then you won't see much of this story. At the end of the day it's an average story set in a world that's pretty damn interesting. It has the potential to be bigger and better than it is if it can find it's fanbase. But it needs to remember one thing, wrestling is all about the big finish and every issue should feel like the conclusion of a match and have that big finish. This first issue didn't have that and if the next issue doesn't then it will be missing a big component. You can bill this as a crime story with a wrestling backdrop, but at the end of the day any wrestling fan is going to expect the flair and presentation of wrestling to seep in.

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If you're not reading Ninjak, then I doubt I'll have convinced you at this point to check it out. Which is a shame since I don't read too many superhero books and this is one of the best out there, period. But if you're looking for a fresh superhero book that puts all other "spy books" to shame then you need look no further than Valiant's Ninjak.

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New readers should not start here, but if you've been reading the series then get ready for some serious reveals and consequences coming up. The stage is set for something dramatic to happen in the next issue which I will be looking forward to.

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It's a decent start, but there are some pretty obvious problems to this first issue. You never want to spend more time setting up the world than you do developing the main character, but that's what happens here. Maybe Clandestino is the strong and silent type, but we'd need more time with him to figure that out. My hope is that this series is hiding it's potential and that we'll get there in the next issue. At the very least if it continues this path it'll still be a competent series that's entertaining to read.

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Unless something review worthy happens in the next issue this will be my last review for this series. I'll finish reading it out of morbid curiosity, but I won't talk about it anymore. I'll suffer in silence and really if you force yourself to read this then you should do the same. We're to blame when we intentionally continue to read bad comics. If you waited on this series, good for you. Go ahead and give the entire thing a big ole skip.

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Grab the first issue and get ready for the second issue. It somehow managed to impress me more than the first which was no easy feat.

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If you're into horror or maybe you just like stories about the insane, then you'll definitely want to check out Straitjacket. I've already checked out a few terrible Halloween specials this year and this is leaps and bounds ahead of them. This is the start of a solid mini-series so check it out.

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There are a lot of new comics out there this week, but if you're even remotely a fan of Witchblade you should check Switch out. Now the big question is, "what if you're not a fan of Witchblade?" That's easy, you should definitely check it out. Sure you won't know all the characters from before, but it doesn't matter. Like I said, Sejic is crafting something new and honestly something much better than what came before. Not to downplay what came before because without we wouldn't have Switch, but because of it we have something new and old readers alike can enjoy.

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Since we already know how the series finally is going to go down, it's safe to assume this story will wrap up with the next issue and that's okay. It's a nice quick story and I kind of wish that there had been more like this over the course of the series. It brought a different perspective to the team, but then also made me want to see what series writer Matt Kindt would answer with. We'll never know since the series is sadly ending, but maybe it'll return in some form. In the meantime, this is a great issue to pick up if you've been following either Unity or the Valiant U.

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Obviously if you're a fan or like me were a fan of X-Men then you should check out The Troop. If you've never checked out a "born with special abilities" book before then I would encourage you to check this one out. It's gritty, it's dark and kind of fucked up, but it's an entertaining read. That and a dude pleasures the ladies with his heated cock" hard to argue against that.

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The question becomes, "if I've never read The Goon, is this the place to start?" Probably. I mean if you want a deep backstory for the characters and to know why their altogether then you won't get that here. What you will get is a story that feels inclusive. You don't have to have read every issue of The Goon to read Theatre Bizarre. You just need to understand what the story is doing and get that there's going to be a mixture of comedy and drama when the story calls for it. Or if you're just a fan of Halloween one-shots, then check this baby out.

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What I really loved was how many comic book elements this story used. The narration, the lack of narration, going for the tropes, but then calling out how ridiculous the tropes are. It's a book that battles itself to perfection and that's exactly what you want from a comic. Though the framework of this story is a bit familiar, the execution is what's incredible and different. If you love reading comics, then you definitely need to read Carver.

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You could really enjoy this. Like I said, it's fun to tell others about or if you just get what it's doing then it's not so bad. I think the ending really kills it for me and so for that reason I'm giving it the score I'm giving it. And I say that understanding that it's a first volume, but the end of any volume should make you want to come back and it doesn't do that.

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I would 100% recommend this to people to check out. Sure it's short. Sure the story is simple and crazy, but I had a lot of fun reading it. It was a book I wanted to read again and would definitely join the adventure to see what the 114th meeting has in-store.

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I really wanted to like this issue. I liked the concept and the of course the art, but the narration and dialogue make it pretty damn impossible to enjoy. It's getting a mid-range score from me, but that's all because of the art. Hell on its own I give the art a perfect score, but that's not how we review around here so it gets what it gets. It's only a five issue mini-series so I'll continue to check it out, but I have a feeling not much is going to change with the narration in the next four issues.

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If you're not reading Imperium or you didn't read Harbinger, then you're probably thinking, "I should skip this issue." Well here's the strange thing. Dysart actually treats this issue as more of a recap to everything he's done with the franchise from day one. He still manages to craft a rewarding story, but he also gives new readers the Cliffsnotes of everything they've missed. If you've been curious about this franchise, don't be afraid of this issue.

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I would pick up the second volume. Sure there's a lot of unanswered questions from this first volume, but I liked the world enough that I would return to discover them. If you're looking for something very unique and extremely different, then check out Mutafukaz this week. It's pretty good.

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There's definitely a dip with this issue. Seems to be happening a lot at Dark Horse and other companies so I can't say that I'm too terribly surprised. The big difference is that I'm going to actually return to this series whereas other new series lost me after the second issue. Time will tell if this is a keeper though.

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There could be something interesting about this story in the future. This first issue focuses too heavily on setting up the world and hinting at the conflict instead of finding something truly interesting to hook us outside of the story influences. Also, usually when a series finds a way to use its title within the story I give it bonus points, but here it was overkill. They say "blood feud" too many times for it to be a cool treat. If you're into Bunn's horror/terror stories then you may enjoy this, but I found it to be one of his weaker stories.

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It's a solid issue, but not very interesting and definitely didn't feel like the last issue before the ending. I hope that Venditti, Gill and Braithwaite stick the landing, but all in all this event is shaping up to be pretty average for me. If anything it feels as if the consequences from this series are more important than the series itself which is a damn shame.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #1 isn't bad by any means. It's just that it's pretty basic if you're familiar with the storyline. Sure Nimble Jack is great and his return is interesting, but there wasn't an "oh shit" moment in this issue to really hook you. If you're a fan of the series though then definitely pick it up, it's a solid continuation to one of the more interesting horror series out there.

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You may be on the fence on this book. It may look like something "old" and so not for you and all your iconic cover desires, but if you're a true comic book fan then check it out. If you like seeing comics be comics and really use the medium to transport you to another time and era, then Dead Vengeance is that book for you. It's a smart blend of new and old, but every bit of it is entertaining. If all of this isn't enough to get you to read it, then I'll say that I got a Darkman vibe from it.

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The concept of this story instantly hooked me, but the execution and maturity of the story is what made me dig in. Don't take "maturity" the wrong way because the story has plenty of funny moments, but the fact that it could hide the maturity and still have it ring true shows how talented these storytellers are. Heart in a Box is 100% a story I would recommend to new readers, especially women. It's a story and presentation that only works as a comic which only shows how amazing this medium can be. If you like complex and yet entertaining stories about relationships, then check out Heart in a Box.

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Again, I like the concept of this series, but I don't particularly like this series. It's way below average and it gives you the impression that no one really cared about the story. They just piecemealed a story together and got an artist that could make Lara look hot and hoped that that was enough. The problem is this isn't a video game and having a mediocre story with good art isn't worth the effort or time. With a video game you get to at least move the character around and shoot shit, but here" Lara doesn't even shoot shit. If you like really safe and watered-down stories then you may like this one, but if you're here for some old Lara kicking butt and going on adventures… then lower that expectation and broaden your definition of "adventure."

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I wish there was more to say about this final issue. I wish it was better, but rather than thread the story for another volume they chose to wrap everything up in a bow this time around. It leaves this issue feeling rushed which is a shame since it deserved better. If you've been following the book it's worth a read.

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I never thought that Welcome to Showside would be for me. Hell, I didn't even think it would end up being that good, but after reading it" it is. The story is well put together and enjoyable for a wide range of readers both in maturity and age. If you follow my reviews hopefully it will mean something to you when I say that I found this book to not only be enjoyable, but actually pretty damn good.

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Maybe I'm blaming the editing too much, but since I find IDW's editing to be mostly terrible and then one of the best books of last year lands there and releases a new volume that's also now mostly terrible" well I find it hard not to believe that someone fucked with a working formula. And if it wasn't the editor than Ryan Ferrier couldn't tap into the same magic that made the first volume special and I honestly don't know which is worse.

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If you haven't read Death Vigil, then frankly you need to. This volume met with some delays due to health reasons, but it's been an amazing journey and story. It also proves what I've long said, that the Japanese style of storytelling can work in American comics if blended together and that's part of what Sejic does here. As much as I'm looking forward to Sejic's next series Switch, I'm going to be patiently waiting for the next volume of Death Vigil, because this has become one of my favorite series.

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There's absolutely no point in reading this issue. The overall plot to the series has yet to be revealed after two issues and we're spending a lot of time with characters that are clearly just here for the series and soon to be gone. I love the artwork. I love the world from the first volume, but this second volume feels like a cash grab based on the first volume's success. I just wish I knew what the point of this series was. The first volume was about freeing Ara's mother, getting revenge and figuring out how to deal with being a genie. The second volume seems to be about Ara on a boat fighting off sexual advances and killing monsters when they conveniently show up" I can't imagine that the next two issues are going to turn this ship around so I'll leave it dead in the water. Wait, here's another boat pun, abandon ship.

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I like that this story has slowed down some. The first two arcs moved swiftly and never really took a break. Now we're starting to get more development out of the characters and seeing what this world is all about. If you've been reading the series there's no reason to stop now.

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I know I seem like I'm being hard on this series/issue, but I did really like it. I just wonder where exactly it's all going and if there's an overall point to what I'm seeing other than just exploring this new world. Hopefully that's ironed out in the coming issues, but even if it isn't" I'll probably stick around. I'm digging the world that Archon has created and I'm willing to stick it out to see Gareth's in action.

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It's not a terrible issue, it's just pretty average. With it only being four issues there's a strong chance I'll check out the entire series. I just hope that it's not one of those stories that's written for the trade because then there won't be much point in checking out the single issues. At least the art is really good and hopefully the story will get there as well.

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I know that TET isn't for me. I knew after a few pages that it wasn't going to be a series that I follow. I can still see the craft at work here. The art is pretty damn great and it does a lot of heavy lifting for the series. Like I said, the books personality comes from the art. As for the story, it's good, but it's not to that level that it can suck anyone into it. It's trying and I'll even say that it's pretty close, but it was just missing that special something to make me want to keep reading. Maybe this war story is for you. Maybe it's your first in which I would say keep with it, you never know. For me though, it's was a solid first issue, but not much else.

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Anytime a comic that's based on a video game makes you want to play the game, I say that it was successful in what it set out to do. I seriously want to re-play the first game after this issue and will be desperately waiting for the new game. In the meantime, Mirror's Edge: Exordium is actually a good adapationof the game and expands on the world that very few video game comics have before. It's why I generally trust Dark Horse's video game adaptations, because they're usually very successful at figuring out what the fans actually want to read. If you enjoyed Mirror's Edge, the game then you'll enjoy this prequel to the world that might help tide you over until February.

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While this issue has a pretty straight forward formula that was basically introduced in the last issue, it's still an incredible read. It's taking a formula and keeping it interesting that's truly impressive in comics, because otherwise it would be dull and you could just read the first and last issue of an arc and know how the rest turned out. With Ninjak, you don't want to miss an issue because of all the extra tidbits that make the formula great.

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I'm pleased with the way this story ended. It at least did that well, but I'm very happy to have this story line closed out so that a new chapter of Unity can begin. Hopefully we'll our team all in one issue at the same time after having two stories line break them apart and only one of those storylines doing it successfully (see the arc before War Monger). Not the best arc for the series, but at least something good came from it" no more War Monger" at least for now.

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There's definitely a lot of world building done in this issue. There's some info-dump moments, but I don't think it breaks the overall story. With it only being a four issue mini I'm glad to have it out-of-the-way so we can just enjoy the rest of the series and discover the answers to the mysteries placed before us in this first issue. If you like sci-fi, you might want to check out Bornhome.

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Overall I wanted to like the story more than I did. I found it to be pretty average and maybe even a little below that. While the art was a bright part of the comic, the story had too many obvious references and annoyances to really enjoy and get into. I would be curious about the second issue, but I would have very low expectations for it. If you want to support a new comic series, I can't really recommend this one.

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Really this is a story that can only exist and be successful as a comic book. It makes me happy that it exists because I love animals and this filled me with a childlike joy. If you love touching stories and wonderful art, then please check out Love: The Fox. I know I can't wait to share it with my son.

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I'll be back for Kiem. Once again Brandon Graham has hooked me, but I wonder if the second chapter will do a better job of hooking me than Arclight's did. I also have to wonder if people will really be able to invest in this series with it changing every few issues. Time will tell, but for now you should check out this issue, even if it's your first on the series.

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If you love dinosaurs, great art and even better storytelling then Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians is for you.

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If you were looking forward to this series, then you have no one to blame but yourself. All we can do is hope that Dark Horse does their own version of this series and actually nails it (unlike their Conan/Red Sonja series which Dynamite manage to fail at as well with Red Sonja/Conan). This is one of those stories that can only exist as a comic and possibility is what makes comics fun. It's sad to see it fail so miserably to do anything entertaining and just follow the basic Aliens outline.

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Again, the story is nothing that original. You can see the influences and frankly if you've watched a lot of movies this may even feel really familiar and that's okay, because it works. It actually works for this world. Somehow, moving away from the James Bond formula, really works. Maybe they've just tapped that well too many times or maybe this was the more natural fit for the universe all this time. Either way, I was very happy with this first issue of Danger Girl: Renegade and I have a feeling the rest of the mini-series may actually follow suit. At least that's what I'm hoping.

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If you missed out on Aero-Girl I would definitely recommend it. I would even recommend it if it's your kids first superhero book because it's sure to get them into comics. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Aero-Girl because I think this world is rich with content and I would love to see her character journey further down the road.

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I said in my last review that X-O is one of those series that you can kind of jump on and off of. I'm just beginning again with "Exodus", but I don't feel lost. I don't feel confused. Even if you missed the last issue, there's enough of the story recapped through realistic dialogue that you'd be able to catch up with the story. If you want to see a successfully executed space story taking place on earth then check out X-O Manowar, it's the space book other series are trying to be.

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Obviously if you're a video game fan you'll like this story a little more than others, but I was pleasantly surprised by the story. Like I said, not every artist is a storyteller, but Davis proves he has what it takes. I'll be following this series from here on out and looking forward to see what he has to offer with the second issue of Axcend.

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You may have passed on this tie-in because you don't want to see some "The End" type story for your favorite character. You don't want to see their death knowing that the way comics work, the character will never really get to that point. But then again, they did get there. We just get to enjoy them for as long as possible, but make no mistake" this is the death of Ninjak" and it's fantastic. But maybe only if you're a Valiant/Ninjak fan. But then if you aren't, then why would you start reading here?

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While I don't think this story is perfect, I do think it's one that parents can try out. After all your kid's response will be governed by how you raise them. From my point of view this is a book you'll always want to read to your kid rather than letting them go it alone and possibly get confused on the message. Which you should probably do anyway.

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If you haven't read Mind MGMT, then do yourself a favor a check it out. I have yet to have someone I recommended it to come back to me and say, "it's not for me." Every single person, regardless of their reading habits have been hooked on this series from the moment they started reading it. Since this is the end, I think we can all safely call it a classic and leave it at that, but damn" next month is going to feel empty without another issue of Mind MGMT.

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If you haven't tried Ninjak then you should. Maybe I've sold you on it with this review and maybe I haven't. Maybe I need to go to social media and explain in 600 words why I like the book and what makes it so good, but maybe you'll pick it up for yourself and see that the story is wonderfully written and plotted by Matt Kindt and that he works seamlessly with any art team assigned the book to make it a well put together package. It's a comic that feels a bit like a creator owned series and that's a damn good thing if you ask me.

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I'll keep on going with Zombie Tramp because I do enjoy reading it, but I have to admit that I'm getting a little bored. Sex appeal will only keep you interested in a comic for so long and sadly this comic has a lot more than that to offer. I'd just like to see it offered up more often because then people could really see it shine.

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Overall, it was still an enjoyable issue and far better than any other event book I've read this summer from any other publisher (big or small).

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With this being the last issue in the arc there's not a lot to say. It's a solid issue and this series has been a treat from the beginning. I'll be looking forward to the second arc and seeing what it has in store with all the new information we've learned over the course of this first arc. If you haven't checked out the book and dig the supernatural then now's a good time to pick up back issues and catch up on the first arc.

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Though I will miss reading Hexed every month, I'm glad that it's come to a rewarding and satisfying conclusion. I wish more series would follow its example. If you missed out on Hexed, then do yourself a favor and pick it up. Back issues, digital, trade, whatever the case check out one of the best books of last year and this year.

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There are a lot of great little moments, but overall this issue was missing the big hook. I mean Father as the new Rai is sweet and all, but we still want to see the main guy and he's barely in the issue. Then just when his part is getting good" we're out! This has been typical of this series so I wasn't surprised, but yeah I wanted more. I'm glad the book is back and I think this is a great refresher issue for new readers and current readers that may have forgotten where we left off, but now that it's out of the way, let's kick it into high gear again.

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The chances of me reviewing the next issue of Wolf or Wolfe are very slim. I didn't enjoy this issue at all and it basically ruins anything I might have liked from the first issue. I'll still check out the issue just on the off chance that it does something, but now I'm seeing how predictable and researched this entire story is and it's not interesting. The main character has his head way up his ass proving he's cool rather than doing anything and the plot is just hanging back letting him do his thing. With this issue it's the equivalent of four issues doing nothing so if the next one can move the plot forward, so be it, but if not then I'm not a glutton for punishment and will gladly dump this title.

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I applaud the creative team for wanting this issue to move and develop at its own pace. That's why the issue is so big and that's why it's very comic booky. Does it work? Not fully, but at least there's a publisher willing to take a chance on trying something new. Maybe they're work the kinks out and this will become a successful formula for other creators.

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This is a rather short review because there's not much to say and what does happen shouldn't be spoiled. Telling you wouldn't really be interesting either, but just picture a happy ending here and you'll basically be right. I was left curious about the next issue though so we'll see what Bunn and Crook have in store for future issues of Harrow County and hopefully they can stick the landing with the next arc.

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This is a series that always challenges me as a reviewer. The story is complex and so it feels a bit pointless reviewing it without going over spoilers and hard details, but I think this issue is the easiest to not do that too because of the payoff it delivers. With every issue, I have no idea where Zander Cannon will take this very mature look at the Kaiju in prison, but I'm always on board. Which is strange because I usually hate mature prison stories because they're mostly a terrible look at something that's actually happening right now. I guess telling the story with giant monsters softens the blow and holds my interest. With that said I'm really looking forward to reading the next issue and seeing some of these story treads come to a conclusion.

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Personally I enjoyed the book, but I can laugh at myself. I hope that Dorkin keeps that mirror polished and does some weight training so he can keep holding that mirror up when needed.

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If you haven't kept up with this storyline, then I would just wait another issue for a fresh start. Frankly, I was riding high on this series, but this storyline has knocked me back down to earth and made me (to borrow a line from Steve) cautiously optimistic.

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In my personal opinion, if you know anything about X-O Manowar, it's enough to be able to jump on the series at the start of a storyline. It's not going to perfectly recap the series for you because no comic really is. Even a numbering reboot doesn't ensure that you'll know what's going on in story, but with the start of "Exodus" it's a nice place to jump on and get back in the mix of things with X-O.

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I'll probably check out the next issue, but frankly I didn't enjoy this issue enough to put in the time effort to read it with there being so many other titles published currently. I mean there's a ton out and more coming so why stick with something I'm so wishy washy about?

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Overall I enjoyed this book, mostly for the art and for the possibilities the character holds. I wish the story was more interesting and that it didn't waste an issue establishing nothing. Will we ever go back to this location? No. Will we deal with these creatures again? No. Is the cargo the important part of the story? Yes, but that's not something I care about. Maybe the next chapter has something new to offer, but this is feeling like a forced sequel to a story that had a natural conclusion. Why else would you spend an entire issue giving shallow character development and establishing a setting that will never be used again and wasn't cool to begin with?

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I'm very curious about this series. I don't quite know where the series is going to go, but I'm curious to find out. It's hooked me with its strong references to LoTR and DnD. I'll be curious to see how Gareth fits into the story and if the Regan era references will play out in the larger story. Overall though it's a fun issue to check out.

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I really enjoyed this one-shot. Sure it's leading into a bigger story, but I'm really curious about that bigger story. Hopefully there's enough interest for the creative team to continue Gregory's story because this concept is worth exploring more. Look for it next week on Comixology's Submit platform.

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I wish I had more to say about this issue, but it's pretty straight forward like the entire series has managed to be. So much of what makes this story wonderful is the experience of reading it. There's only so much a review can capture without kind of losing the magic in the process. Basically this is a series worth waiting for. If you've started the journey then continue it and if you haven't, then this is as good of a place as any join in.

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If you had asked me before this series released if I was going to really enjoy it and follow it to the end I probably would have said, maybe, maybe not. Instead I've managed to enjoy it all and while I don't think the story will completely wrap by the next issue and instead bleed into the next volume, I'm still looking forward to finishing it. It's been a fun ride so far and frankly more comics should be fun to read.

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This review ended up being short and sweet because what's left to say about this mini-series? It's been a fantastic read and I really enjoyed how the creative team switched up their usual murder mystery and really just how different each mystery is. What's very impressive is how human all of these stories are and when you consider the lead is an alien, well it's even more impressive that they manage to keep that feel why still making him a stranger in a strange land. Yet another impressive story from the creative team.

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If you haven't checked out this series or perhaps you've given up on it due to its bi-monthly nature, then I would encourage you to stick around. I can't think of one other horror title out there that can compare or beat this series so it's worth the extra effort to follow it. Who would have thought that Sabrina would be the best horror series on the market? But it is.

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Frankly I don't know if any of those other publishers really need a magic girl comic after reading Zodiac Starforce. This book is pretty damn perfect and the perfect pallet cleanser after reading other attempts at the genre. More than likely I'll still check out any other magic girl book because I'm a huge mark for Sailor Moon, but Zodiac Starforce has set the bar extremely high.

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If you enjoyed the first three issues you'll likely enjoy the final issue, but don't be surprised if you're a little underwhelmed. I know I was. And if you don't get your fill of Archie versusing things, you can always pick up Archie vs. Sharknado which is also out this week.

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At the end of the day I think this comic frustrated and annoyed me more than it entertained. I don't know about you, but I don't tend to stick around on stories that don't first entertain me. If you are a Kot fan then you'll probably like this story, it's very much in tune with everything else he writes and frankly that's becoming annoying in and of itself. If you're not a Kot fan or you've gone sour on him like I have, then this won't bring you back around. But hey, it's creator-owned so if you want to chance it at least you'll be supporting the creators and not a corporation.

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New sci-fi properties are tough. They can fail instantly if they don't find their fanbase or they can live forever if they find the right fanbase. Hopefully Gunsuits finds it's fanbase because I'm really enjoying it. With it only being four issues I wonder what's going to happen to resolve this storyline because a rather large plotline has been established in this first issue. Time will tell and I for one will definitely be there to find out.

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I wish there was more to say about this issue, but again it's all set up for the next issue/arc. This issue is solid, but it's not the fantastic return I was hoping for. But let me be clear, this is still worth reading if you've been following the series and though it dips on the story, it's still worth a purchase.

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While Freelance Blues isn't the strongest or most original story I've read, I did find myself liking it quite a bit. To the point that I stopped watching a TV show midway through to finish the story. It may not captivate you, but it'll definitely entertain you so if you're looking for a family story in the midst of a monster hunting story, then check out Freelance Blues.

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Now I know that this review was a bit recappy, but I have the feeling that a lot of people either passed on this book thinking it was a joke or maybe they got scared off. This book is hard and I don't mean to read. If you haven't given it a shot, then do. It's surprising just how good it is.

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I've been looking forward to talking about this story for a while. I enjoyed the hell out of it as it was a simple concept, but very clever at the same time. If you like stories like Doomboy or I Kill Giants then you're bound to like Long Walk to Valhalla.

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Really this is a series you need to read from start to finish. It would probably just come off as a nice art book otherwise. The downside for a reviewer is that you're really not left with much to say about it since the quality is so high. On that note, it's really freaking good and you should check it out.

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The more I read and looked at this issue the more I liked it. The first time I read it I was a bit tired and missed some nuances of the story. After a second read I have to say that it's really, really good. If you like superhero titles then you really should check out Henchgirl because it takes a different take on the genre, a take I have seen since Faith Erin Hicks' Superhero Girl.

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The series is heading to the South in the next story arc so we'll see if it's more of the same Janey gets into trouble, Janey uses the same five tricks to get out of trouble; type of story. Maybe this issue has given everyone enough of a break to come back with something fresh or at the very least set up a new journey for Janey with the ending of this issue. It's been a good year of Zombie Tramp and I'm looking forward to the next year as well.

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Eccentrix is sadly only a one-shot. Surprisingly I would read this if it wasn't a comedy because Maddox does an incredible job of building the world and characters all in one issue, but good comedy in comics is hard to find so I'm cool either way. The forward by James Asmus isn't bullshit in case you're wondering. I read it after the issue and was like, "this dude nails it." Which also made my review difficult because I didn't want to copy any of his points. My point though, is that this is actually a really fun and well-plotted superhero comic book. The kind that reminds you why every once in a while it's good to dabble in the genre and that more of it should be funny.

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The Divine is different from a lot of other First Second titles, but then that's the bases of their entire line to present new and interesting stories which this does. The Divine might be better for an older audience, but if you like stories with realistic characters, deeper context and some of the best looking art being published today" then check out The Divine.

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This issue slumps a little bit, but I needed to in order to progress the story. I'm still digging it and I think that anyone that checked out the first issue will enjoy it as well. The mystery with Fuel is what's driving this story right now so hopefully there's something cool planned like a dead half-brother or something less strange. Either way I'll check it out.

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This issue is fantastic and that's no bullshit. I'm really looking forward to the conclusion because I honestly don't know how it's going to play out. Will it be calm and peaceful or will there be a twist that elevates this story to a new level? Honestly either ending would be enjoyable and wonderful, but I'm sure the creators will curve ball me which is another reason I continue to read Resident Alien.

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One day I'll go back through this series and break it down page by page, panel by panel and dissect why it's so fucking good, but for now you'll just have to deal with this gushing review about three creators and their support team that have managed to produce not one, but three series that are instant classics. I'm not being cheeky or just throwing that around casually, I would at gun point tell you that the Luther Strode series is an instant classic because it proves it with each and every issue.

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At the end of the day The Fiction isn't the worst comic I've read. It's not even that bad, but it's frustrating because it could have and maybe should have been really good. There's just no harmony between the story and artwork and in comics you need that. Otherwise you end up with a frustrating mess of" fiction. The only upside to this series is that it will introduce readers to David Rubin and that's a very good thing.

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If you don't get it, then I really despise this issue and series. Because the ending makes everything else worth it in the end. I can't just read the first issue over and over and be happy because it's not the complete story and the complete story is just a poorly written movie script in which our characters have no conscious and zero consequences. For the cost of this series you could go see an actual movie so I would recommend that instead. Also it may be a double-sized issue hence the price of six bucks, but it still reads like a twenty-two page issue.

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Obviously you need to like horror and not slasher horror, but creepy, scary horror. Harrow County is that type of horror. It rattles you to your core and makes you cautious the next time something hits your window in the middle of the night. That kind of horror is great because it messes with your mind more than anything and once you can do that the series can really start messing with you. If this sounds like something you'd like to check out then grab the first issue and get caught up.

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For me I'm out after this issue. It's not terrible, but it's predictable and I personally have no interest in reading a story that's entire plotline is based on luck and coincidence because that's the very definition of convenient storytelling. Sander should have been discovered in the first five minutes of his mission and if the story wanted to be impressive it would have found a better way to overthrow the antagonist. As it stands it's creating a series of difficult situations just to thrill the reader with the question of "will he be discovered?" and the answer is of course going to be "No" because otherwise the story would be over. Again, definition of convenient writing.

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I hit that wall with this issue. I don't have any interesting in going forward with this series because it's now shown me what it can be when it's not presenting big action or historical moments and it's pretty dull. From the beginning this series has had to fight to keep my attention because of the genre it's in and while the first two issues managed to bring me back, this third missed the mark in keeping me. That and we kind of already know how it turns out. If I was invested in Seth and Mercy's relationship more I might want to see how it turns out in the end, but given what we learn in this issue" I don't really care.

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Because it is all set up and character introduction (and a lot of that is trying to be cute), and because the artwork is difficult to look at and actually detracts from the story; I only partially recommend this title. I would get it off of Image's site so you can get the digital price rather than putting down nearly four bucks for the issue, but that's me. It's rare that I would say this because I think you should support the print first and foremost, but if I take that approach with this issue then it would be a pass. Use this info to decide for yourself. As for me, I'll give the next issue a shot and go from there.

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I'll be honest and say that the superhero genre disappoints me as a whole. It's why I don't read it as much anymore, but then things like The Adventures of Aero-Girl come along and remind me why it's such a great genre. Maybe if it wasn't the dominate genre things like this would shine a bit brighter. Bottom line though, this is a good series worth your time and money.

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I will probably thumb through the next issue and see if it's about the same as this issue. If it is, then I'll just wait until the next story arc which is one of the good things about the structure of this series. Each arc is in a way its own series; the numbering just continues. This issue was all over the place and while I'm giving it a pretty low score, just know that I would still rate this book and series higher than anything I've read from Marvel or DC recently, just so you have some context and comparison. Maybe next month will be better, maybe others will enjoy War-Monger, but I highly doubt either of those two things given what this issue had to offer.

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If you're the average comic reader, meaning you grab for a superhero title before anything else, then you'll probably dislike Arclight. I'd love to say that it could instantly penetrate any reader, but there are very few titles that can actually do that. If you're the average Image reader and you're always looking to check out more of their titles, then you'll definitely dig this. It's different from anything else they're publishing at the moment and a welcomed addition to the world of comics. Look for it on June 24th when it releases.

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I've equated Empty Zone to a lot of movies because I really think that's the closest thing to compare it to. I can't think of another comic other than maybe Sinister Dexter or Judge Dredd, but in setting alone. Otherwise Empty Zone is nothing like the aforementioned titles, but if you like any of those movies then I really think you'll dig Empty Zone. I'm curious to see what others think of it and if the Image crowd will welcome this title that really has no comic comparison. Time will tell, but you can check out Empty Zone on June 17th.

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If like me, you like dinosaurs and have never checked out an Age of Reptiles before then I would definitely recommend it. Hell if you have kids that can handle nature programs then they can handle this and it might be a good gateway title for them to experience comics. It's good stuff so check it out.

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I'm really looking forward to the next issue. It should be the big showdown or at the very least the beginning of the big showdown. I don't know if all the characters are going to make it out of here alive, but we'll see. I have my thoughts and bets on it. Otherwise if you haven't checked out Death Vigil, give it a shot. It's a rich world populated by realistic and deep characters.

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This is a short review. It's the end of a series that should have kept going because it just got really fucking good. If it was the stock market each issue would have seen an increase on the charts and now we're just cut off like the Feds found some wrong doing, but there's no wrong doing. Just another comic book causality of a medium that for some damn reason only wants capes and tights. Me, I'd rather read Ghost Fleet then to see if Spider-Man is going to run out of webs or if Superman will yet again punch his way out of a problem" but I guess that's just me.

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The bottom line is that liked this issue, but too much of the drama of getting the issue has interfered with the experience of reading it and that's the worst part of all this.

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All in all, it's not bad. It's just not good either. It falls into that pit of average and is dangerously close to sinking into below average territory. And it's all over in the next issue" which at this point I'll read it, but my expectations from the first issue to the last have fallen so steeply that there's really nothing that this story can do that will save the series; in fact, it'll probably go the opposite way.

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Harrow County #1 is an interesting set up. It seems fairly obvious where the story is going, but then things that seem obvious rarely turn out that way in good comics. Also with this first issue Bunn and Crook show yet again that they work quite well together with how in tune the writing and art is and as most comic readers know, that makes for a great reading experience.

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I'll definitely be back for the next issue and I'll have to clear my mind of expectations and try not to anticipate what it's going to do next. It's a curious tale so far, but we'll have to see if it has the legs to keep going or if it's just an interesting world that would work better in a different medium.

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This is actually a hard series to review. Really it's going to be a new conflict each issue until we reach some inevitable outcome. That said I don't know if I'll review the entire thing, but I'm going to give these first six a read for sure. It's interesting to see this extra drama added to the founding of the country and Seth and Mercy's relationship is one that I now care about. If you like period pieces then you're probably already checking this one out, but if not then give it a shot. It might just surprise you.

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This One Summer is great for young adults since it's very much for them and the main characters are young adults. But I would also recommend it to anyone that reads, whether they read comics or not, because there's no chance that someone picks this up and doesn't get swept away by the story. There's no way they don't start seeing a little of themselves in these pages or a little of their family and friends. It's not just a graphic novel, it's an experience and one that I would highly recommend you jump into much like the characters on the front cover.

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Out of all the Unity storylines thus far, this one has been my favorite. It's interesting the team that Kindt is putting together and it just makes me wonder what conflict is coming that these people will all be needed? One thing is for sure though, I'm enjoying Unity more than I ever have before and we're half way through the second year. That's just one of the many charms of the Valiant Universe, its ability to feel fresh all the time. It's like their superpower or something.

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The biggest reason I have to come back for the next issue is the fact that I have no idea what's going to happen. Really this feels like a zero issue because the true story is going to begin next issue. There are a lot of comics with stories about the future out right now, but if you want one that's not trying to be cool and instead tell a story with many layers while being relatable, then check out Broken World.

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I think Psycho Bonkers would be a great first comic for kids. The world is interesting and has plenty of elements for kids to get into: racing, futuristic cars, robots and talking A.I. Honestly I worry that the backstory might get in the way of just a fun story about racing, but it could add to it as well. I don't know if I'll review every issue going forward, but I was definitely charmed by this series enough to continue checking it out. Frankly, I wish more publishers would put together comics like Psycho Bonkers because it really is a great place for kids to start reading and enjoying comics and guess what? No super heroes which is important to show kids as well. Check it out for you or your kids.

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I'll definitely read the next issue, but I don't know if I'm going to review the series any more. There's not enough to talk about and really ever since the first issue this series has had me riding the fence trying to decide if I even wanted to continue reading it or not. If something happens in the next issue you'll see a review otherwise I'm going to give this series one more issue as a reader before I call it quits.

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I really don't know at this point if I'll be back for more of The Fox. It's not a bad comic, but it's not good either. It's in that average zone and I think it would have really helped if they had treated this like a fresh series that happened to have a past rather than feeling like issue seven or eight in an ongoing which is exactly what it comes across as.

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I feel like an asshole saying this, but this is the best issue in the series thus far and I feel that way because I'm pretty sure I continue to say that with each issue. But it's so true. Even if you're still somehow not reading digital comics you should check this series out. If it continues past Mind MGMT's conclusion it will become the best book at Dark Horse, until then it's doing alright in second and that's no small feat.

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I do feel the need to point out that it's not for you average comic reader. I would love to think that it was, but the average comic reader only reads superhero titles and that is not what this is. But if you really have an appreciation for the comic/graphic novel medium then definitely check out Exquisite Corpse and let it put a smile on your face.

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I don't know if I'll review every issue of Hellbreak, but I'm definitely on board as a reader. With this second issue Hellbreak proves that it's one of the best new series on the monthly market. Again, I've read a lot of second issue flops lately so it really is an impressive to see just how damn good this issue turned out. If you missed the first issue then catch up, it's worth the time.

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There's not much I can say about this issue because again you need to be paying attention. It's a really good issue though and it has me looking forward to the conclusion of the series. The book definitely draws a lot of comparison to The Thing, but it's still a rewarding read so don't write it off just because of that. If you like horror or just terror, then Plunder is worth checking out.

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The Sam Hain Mystery might be bringing the series to a wrap or at the very least changing the dynamic of the series; I don't know which one, but I can't wait to read this series over the course of the next several months.

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There's been quite a few mini-series this year, but not a lot of them have stood out or finished strong. Rocket Salvage is a series that has left an impression and I wouldn't be surprised if it made an appearance on my picks for the end of the year. I mean after all I can't even think of another comic in recent years that left me genuinely happy. If you need a pick me up check out Rocket Salvage, a series all "all-ages" comics should strive to be like.

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If you like the art on the cover you'll love the art on the inside, but don't expect a deep reimagining of the spy genre.

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I wasn't exactly surprised by this series. I knew what I was getting, but I would love to see the look on other people's faces when they crack this open and hear Paul Revere complain about his Dickhead boss. Some people may not like this story and that's their loss since this story is clearly just trying to entertain. It's not trying to bring about some deep patriotism from within or the other extreme of "Murica Fuck Yeah", but maybe it's just looking for a "George Washington Fuck Yeah!" And that's something I can get on board with.

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It's easy to say that I'm giving this a high score because it's Mignola. He's an ironic creator and I'm sure there are reviewers out there just floating him a score because they don't want to go against his fan base. Well that's not the case here. This work deserves the score it's gotten because Mignola and Stenbeck are every bit as passionate about it as their first collaboration years ago. This is a great follow-up issue and after reading several disappointing follow-up issues lately it just serves as a reminder to how Mignola became an iconic creator" he doesn't phone shit in. To have a creator owned universe as big and in-depth as Mignola's and still care about it, that's just pure passion and frankly we need more of that in the comic industry.

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We're nearly to the end of the series and if I'm honest I kind of didn't want to review the end of Mind MGMT. Sure it's nice to have others read my thoughts on the issue, but more than anything I'm just enjoying this series as a fan. I'm just so used to talking about it in review format that I couldn't help but jump back on. If you haven't been reading Mind MGMT at this point I just feel sorry for you. This is the book to beat each month and so far no one's come close. Even though it's not done yet I'm already missing it.

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It's not too late to jump on The Black Hood. I know some are like isn't that the Archie book on that one imprint and yes, yes it is. And you know what? It's one of the best damn superhero books I've read in a long time. Not since Warren Ellis' run on Moon Knight have I wanted to read a series more than I do The Black Hood right now.

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I definitely wanted more from this issue, but it did a lot of stuff right. It's very much a series that's still growing and finding its voice and style at times. It's entertaining though and I can see the growth that the series is going through. Hopefully the next issue will offer some better dialogue and a longer interaction between Janey and Vampblade.

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I can't gush enough about this issue and this series. I know that I'm a man of weird tastes and if you look at my history of reviews you'll see that; I know I'm all over the place, but some books are good whether I like them or not and this is one of them. I'm not blinded by my own tastes, this is just straight up fantastic storytelling on all fronts. Why you're not reading it is beyond me because things like Hexed are the exact reason I read comics.

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It's a short review because it's the end of a series and I hate spoiling anything. By now this book has found its readers, but if you haven't checked it out then get the trade when it hits or just buy the back issues. Hell your comic shop should still be able to order the series for you so check it out. No excuses as this is one of the funniest books to hit stands this year.

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Obviously with this being the second issue you can easily catch up on this series. If you're a horror fan I would definitely recommend it. It's not "boo" scary, nor is it a thriller trying to be a horror, it's just a terrifying world that has layer upon layers.

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I wish I had more to say about this issue, but the gist is that if you've enjoyed the first three issues you'll enjoy the fourth issue. Nuff said.

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If you're not reading Unity any of the last three issues have been a great place to start, but this is definitely one of the better ones to jump on to.

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The biggest complement that I can pay this book is that I wanted to read the next issue right away. The world, the characters and the creative team won me over quickly which isn't always easy. The thing is this isn't one of those standout first issues that you can see fading quickly with the second issue (I read a few of those this week), but rather the start of a solid series. It didn't just convince me that it was a good first issue, but rather convinced me that it's going to be a good series from this point forward. And just remember it's only a dollar so there's no reason you shouldn't instantly check this out.

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I had fun reading Pisces #1 and it excited me. It made me curious and when I got to the end I kept swiping my finger hoping for another page to read. This is an all-star creative team that's come together to produce and all-star comic so check it out.

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The art tries to carry this series to the finish line, but really the story feels abandoned which is strange since it just came back. Why bring it back then? Everything is out of sync. The pacing is choppy and the art doesn't tell the story, but rather it's just there to look good. This ending was not what this series deserved and it left a bad taste in my mouth, so bad that I won't even recommend you reading this in trade. If you are going to read it, just stop at the sixth issue and just imagine a happy ending that you want and that will be better than what happened here. It's getting two points, but only because the art has been consistent throughout the series even if it doesn't manage to get the story across in this issue.

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I almost feel like I'm cheating this series by having such a short review, but I don't want to tell you anything else about it. I mean I do. I want to tell you all about what Big Man does with that hammer. Oh man, do I ever. I want to tell you about what happens to him the next time he goes to use it. I want to tell you about every damn page of this comic, but more than anything I want you to read it and enjoy it for yourself. I want you to tell your friends and have them look at you like you're a crazy asshole and then read it for themselves and suddenly you start the "Holy Shit Book Club" and your first book is Big Man Plans" because gah! It's so fucking great. Give it a shot, if you don't like it then take a hammer to your head and read it again.

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If you like Godzilla or any other Kaiju stories then this is a no-brainer to pick up. It's honestly better than 90% of the stuff IDW has done with the official Godzilla license and with just one issue has already restored my faith in the genre working as a comic. It's really freaking good and Cannon clearly has an understanding and appreciation for Kaiju even if he's not telling a traditional Kaiju story. Also don't let the prison part scare you way from sharing this with kids, it's actually surprisingly PG in the way it's handled and better for it. The bottom line is that you should check out Kaijumax #1.

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This is the second review this week that I had to cut short. There's nothing I can say that isn't a spoiler for this issue and that should tell you how much happens on every page of Rai #8. Because of that it makes for a short review. Bottom line, if you're reading Rai then keep reading it. If you're not then this is a good taste of the variety that Valiant has to offer and you should check out the first volume and this second arc when it's collected before its August return.

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If you haven't read the first two volumes you can actually start here. You'll be a little lost sure, but the story and art should suck you right in so that you don't care. You'll just want, more that is. Then you should go and track down the other two volumes and read them and love them and appreciate that a comic that comes around once a generation has just appeared and it's so damn wonderful that buzzwords are used to describe it because you finally understand why buzzwords exist and it's for something incredible like The Legacy of Luther Strode.

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I may not run to read Epic, but whenever it comes out I can't help but check it out. I enjoy the hell out of this series. Its greatest strength is that it's not trying to be dark and brooding. In fact it's not trying to do anything like the big two. It's not homaging them, it's not stealing a beat from their current lineup. If anything it's doing something that both companies have forgotten how to do" tell carefree stories about teen superheroes.

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I'm definitely taking a break from reviewing The Woods for a bit because I want to just enjoy the series. I do now, but there's just something nice about not analyzing a book after reading it. To want to talk about it on a casual level. I won't stop reading it though and I won't let you forget about it when it returns in June. In the meantime, you should get caught up because this is still one of if not the best monthly series from BOOM!

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Strangely enough there doesn't feel like a lot to say about this issue. A lot is revealed, but me giving exposition of the issues exposition isn't interesting in the least. I'm still hopeful for this series, but this issue is a definite drop from the last.

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I'm going to end the same way I began because it's really the only thing I needed to say about The Ghost Fleet #6" WHY AREN'T YOU PEOPLE READING THIS SERIES!!!!

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I actually already have the second issue to check out which I'm looking forward to doing so. That's a good thing for two reasons: it shows that I want to keep reading and it shows that the creators are already ahead of the curb. With the high quality of the art and the in-depth story you want this series to be ahead. If you enjoyed the first series pick it up for sure and if you didn't check it out, then do so and join us in a more mature X-Men style of comic.

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Drifter is an instant classic in my opinion. It's the new safe answer. It's the book you'll see on new series when they say, "If you liked Drifter, you'll like"" That's how good this series is.

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If you enjoyed the first issue of Joe Frankenstein then you should enjoy this issue just as much. It's a romp and delivers a wholesome vibe while still entertaining. If that sounds like something you can enjoy then check it out.

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Is this review to convince you to read Mister X? No. At this point you are or you aren't. I'm just glad that there are enough of us reading it that Dark Horse and Motter continue to publish it. I'd love for new readers to join the experience, but frankly comics are still dominated by the capes and tights crowd and they can't even get along in a genre that punches problems away. But if you are looking for a world that is creative, imaginative and populated by real characters then please do check out Mister X.

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Should you buy this issue and series? Absolutely. Tell your friends, buy one for a random stranger. Give a copy to your kids and prepare for the questions. This issue was everything it should have been and everything I wanted. Will it beat any of Archie's other random ass meet ups? I don't know, but there's a strong possibility and even if it doesn't it's still incredible. Lastly we owe everyone involved a debt of graduated as this series gives new meaning to AVP.

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You should absolutely buy We Can Never Go Home Again #1 and pre-order the second issue. Hopefully your shop is getting this series because it's something special for sure. This is going to be that issue that people talk about all year and make comparisons to other properties. Hell I've already done that and I was wrong. This isn't Love and Rockets, this isn't Stray Bullets, this is the series that will be the next comparison.

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Again I can see how this story might be off putting for some people. The ending of this issue stumbles and overall its characters and setting are very different from all other comics that you're looking for anything at all to latch on to. That's why the familiar element of The Thing is partially there so you can attach to it. While this issue isn't as strong as the last I enjoyed the psychology of it and the art. Give the series a try, it's more than a Captain Phillips meets The Thing horror story that's for sure.

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I hope that people are buying this for their little girls and boys. Obviously I think little girls will benefit a bit more from the story, but boys too will benefit from it. It will show them strong leading ladies and help erase the lines of gender roles in our society and I think that's just as important as showing young girls they can be warrior princesses. Bottomline...read Princess Ugg.

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I actually got excited for this issue thinking it was the finale because I'm dying to read the entire series. I'm glad that there's one more issue and while I don't know exactly what it has in store, I'm looking forward to seeing it all play out. If you missed out on the series you can be a trade waiter. After all I told you in the beginning that Archaia produces wonderful trades and hardcovers or you could support the series. It's too late to effect the print run, but you can still help move issue from the warehouse and trust me, this is a series worth owning.

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I dug this new arc. Zombie Tramp #9 has introduced new story elements and not just the crossover with Vampblade. It's been a bit of a slow build getting here, but now the series is taking off I'm interested in seeing where it's going to go. The good thing about every new arc of Zombie Tramp is that it doesn't require you to have read anything before it. Honestly you can just start here and be fine so why not check it out.

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All in all this was a solid first issue. It didn't knock my socks off, but I'm willing to come back for the second issue. I really don't know if it'll hold my attention for the entire series, but that's just my personal taste. If you enjoy historical dramas then you're probably foaming at the mouth for Rebels #1, but if you've never read one in comic book form then why not give this one a shot.

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I hope Kurt Russell never reads this series because he'd probably hate it more than the rebooted film they're planning on making.

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If you're not reading Hexed then shame on you. Don't start here because you'll ruin seven issues of incredible build up, but go back and start at the beginning of this volume. For an industry that wants diversity and not to see capes or cheesecake as the focus of the story it amazes me how many people are completely missing Hexed. Don't be one of those people. Check it out. Pass it along and hey if it really isn't for you that's cool, but read a few issues before you decide that. For me, it's probably my favorite monthly title right now and that's saying a lot if you follow even half of my reviews on the site.

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If you liked the second issue, if you liked the first issue, then this issue is a must buy. If you missed those issues and you're easily offended then yeah just keep on walking. For me it's good to have a humorous title releasing that has great art and a follow-up announced already.

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I could honestly rant about this book more, but I think it's better if you just read it. On the podcast this week we talked about it and Kevin asked if it's Valiant's best title and I said, "Yes." I mean that. With one issue it's become my favorite series from the publisher and I have to say that Matt Kindt was right" Ninjak is awesome.

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This is proving to be a great story arc and it's not building towards anything. There's no world threating danger. It's just an opportunity to build the characters and while some might yell "filler, filler" they're missing out on what's proving to be the best arc of Unity so far. There's plenty more to say about this issue, but you're better off reading it for yourself and leaving a comment below.

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I'll be back for the next issue, but this series is starting to wear thin on me and that sucks because I want to like it. I like the Eleventh Doctor and the potential for stories and different companions is greater than the other Doctors, but not if it continues as it is. It needs to grow just like Alice.

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I wish there was more to say, but at this point you're either reading or you're not. If you're a sci-fi fan you could still come around on this series, but if you're not and you're not a Doctor Who fan then there's very little here from you to grab on to. If you are a Doctor Who fan I'll say one more time that this is way better than anything that IDW did with the license.

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This is definitely a book you want to talk about. It makes the enjoyment all the more and even just writing about it I'm reminded of things that have me laughing again. Is it a powerhouse like the first issue? No, but it's a good follow-up and it will definitely have me back for the rest of the series.

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Now this issue picks up right after the last one, but there's enough of a recap for you to get the idea of what's happened in the story so if you don't want to pick up the other five issues for only five bucks then you can start here. I wouldn't recommend it because while you're getting the best issue thus far in the series you're just cheating yourself out of a great experience. Check the series out and stop waiting for it to be picked up for print already.

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If you're not reading The Woods then I have to question your love for the medium because this title is way better than the vast majority of comics out there and definitely better than a lot of Image titles that get a free pass because of their creators or title. Yeah that's a dig, but one that should be thrown out there because this book is just too damn good to be ignored and too many of you are doing just that.

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I think I can spot what's going to be an obvious complaint about this book and it's going to be that not much happens. Which is halftrue as we really spend a lot of time getting to know our main character. But when the issue pops off, it really pops off and it's only because of the way it's structured that these big payoffs matter. That and if it all seems to work too easily it's just because that's how well constructed the story and world are. Simon does a tremendous job of world building for a first issue and I will be back for more.

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Where will this series go next? I don't know. What will Reece and Declan's relationship be like? I don't know, but I imagine there will be difficult conversations in the future and then there's the other issue of" well you'll just have to read this issue won't you. I don't know what will happen is the point, but I want to be here to find out.

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Come back for more, I'll be here patiently waiting for what's next.

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Should you check out this series? For sure. It's fun, it has heart and it's entertaining. It has a strong lead character on a noble hero's journey and while it's not breaking the mold of that journey it is adding its own spin. Check out the back issues or pre-order the trade.

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Anyone that's read and enjoyed a superhero comic at one point in their life should check out Henchmen Inc. as it takes a comedic and dramatic look at a side of the genre rarely looked at. Hell a lot of comics don't even have henchmen anymore" but maybe they should.

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You're not going to read this story and come away with an understanding of the overall story of Radiant City and Mister X. You won't know the characters histories or understand why they're doing what they do, but you will understand the surface level story. You can enjoy the world and the story without knowing anything else about the world. Hell the first time I read a Mister X story I didn't know anything. After one issue though I was hooked and had to have more. Now I can't get enough.

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Pick this book up its pure joy.

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I've been looking forward to checking out the Dark Circle line of books and after this issue I will definitely be back for more of The Black Hood and the rest of the line. If you're looking for a truly realistic, dark and gritty superhero title that doesn't play to the clichs then check out The Black Hood #1.

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This is definitely a step in the right direction and I will be back next month as this issue washed a lot of the doubt out of me that I was having about the series.

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If you didn't check out this series then it's worth trade waiting for it at this point, but I will say that if you're not a Twilight Zone fan then you may not get a lot out of this final story arc.

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This issue is Tony the Tiger so buy it.

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After talking about this series on our comic book podcast the CBMFP, people have told me that they went out and bought the series. I hope that more people will discover and buy the series because it is already one of my top picks of the year. I thought Kevin was crazy for picking it as his issue of the year last year, but with three more added to the pile since then" well maybe I was crazy for not picking it as well. Buy this damn issue because I need more people to talk to about it.

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The third issue is good. Hopefully the story will reveal if I'm correct or not soon because the mystery has gone on long enough without a major hint. There's a solid balance between the story and the art and I'm looking forward to finishing this series. Also, I still love that title: Fight Like A Girl.

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The short and skinny is that you should pre-order the hell out of Giant Days (last day to do so is February 23rd!). It's so damn good and BOOM! continues to impress me with their lineup of titles.

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If you don't remember what happened in the first two issues of The October Girl then check your purchase history or if you've never checked out the series then why not get caught up. In fact starting now puts you at the advantage. The bottom-line is that this series has maintained its quality.

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There are some factors that go into you buying this issue. I'd love to believe that everyone should pick upFrankenstein Undergroundbecause it really is approachable for all types of readers, especially those looking for a foot into the Mignolaverse. The first question is, are you at a point that you can venture away from superhero comics? Are you at a point that a good story is a good story no matter the genre? Because here's the sad part, there will be some people that read this book and just decide it's not for them because it's this or that or the other. They won't see the beauty in the art of the meticulous pacing of the story and that's their loss. For those of you that read comics for the storytelling and not the genre then rejoice because this is a good damn issue coming your way.

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This issue is really good. I wish that it hadn't focused as much on the past, but really that's a minor issue. The story has severe consequences for the series and there are elements added here that are not only interesting, but have me on the edge of my seat. I want to see how this plays out. I want to see what the mindset for our two protagonists will be after this issue. How will they change? What will they do next? Will they still be recognizable to us in the coming issues? I have no answers for these questions and that's why I'll be back for more.

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I really liked the emotional journey of this issue. I don't really know what to expect from the next issue, maybe I'll review it, maybe I'll skip it. Either way though" I'll be reading it. If you're a Doctor Who fan then this issue is not to be missed. If you're just a sci-fi person then it might not be for you unless you find a character you like to latch on to. One thing is for sure Al Ewing is catching his stride.

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Ah man is it good, but with every issue of Hexed I'm always looking forward to the next issue more. If you haven't been reading Hexed then don't start here, but do start. My goodness while other companies are rebooting entire aspects of their publishing line here's this very serious, heart-felt, well-written series that stars only female leads. Female leads that aren't cookie cutter versions of each other. Praise those superhero books for finally catching up, but how about some acknowledgment for the series that did it right from the beginning?

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Overall though, this was one of the weaker issues in the series. It struggles with its identity as it tries to flesh out the world, but in doing so it forgets what came before. What of Adrienne's father and family? What of the bounty hunters still chasing Adrienne, one of which is Bedelia's own father? Granted for new readers this would confuse them to a degree" but that feeds back into my first question of why this side mission? I'll stick around for sure, but I hope the series finds its identity again. Right now it feels like this story is being told because it can be, not because it should be.

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This is definitely an issue to digest. Readers from the beginning of the series will be delighted and definitely start chanting "Holy Shit" when the story pops. If you haven't read Rai, then you should check it out. Knowing the rest of the Valiant U. is just a bonus, but not necessary to enjoy what's happening here.

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Anyway, this issue is a romp. It's entertaining and you have enough fun with it that you don't even care if the band finds the witch that cursed them. That and I love that they only sing one song over and over throughout the series… and that it's the title of the band/comic.

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You may be wondering why I started off telling you how much I haven't liked Millar's other titles, but when you see my score for this issue you'll understand that I'm not giving him a free pass. The creative team has rightfully earned that score and I can't wait to read more.

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This was a fun short story that was well executed and easy to follow. At first I wasn't sold on the story, but by the end I was totally into the story. The art is solid and well put together by a talented up and coming artist. If you missed this one, then track it down. It really is worth checking out.

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Hellbreak is a little transparent in what it's going to do, but it's so well executed that I want to stick around and read more. In fact I wanted more the minute I was done reading and that's saying a lot considering how many other books dip into hell for story angles. This story was refreshing and honestly reminded me of why I read comics" they're fucking fantastic.

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Surface Tension is another creator owned series coming from Titan Comics this year, the other that I'm aware of is Scarlett Couture. I for one am interested to see where this series goes and hope that others will as well so that we can continue to see more creator owned series from Titan. More creator owned is a good thing, so if you're interested in this series then make sure you pre-order it before it releases in May.

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In modern comics it's rare to find a story that's not trying to be another medium or get into another medium. Simply put it's hard to find a comic that just wants to be a comic. If you're looking for that then you "must read" Big Man Plans.

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But that's not what Escape From New York does" it makes me want to curl in a ball and watch the movie and pretend this series never happened.

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I may be a few reviews behind, but there's no way I'm checking out on this issue any time soon. The story is a hell of a rollercoaster and couldn't keep you guessing more. The art is wonderful and crafts a believable world for our story to take place in. It's the real deal and very different from anything else Dark Horse publishes so don't let your predetermination of what you think Dark Horse publishes fool you.

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You really should be reading this series already. Now that several of BOOM!'s other titles have wrapped up, it's safe to say that this is their best ongoing series. You can argue it, but you'll be wrong. This series has more character development, story development and better visual storytelling than the vast majority of comics on the market. Catch up on The Woods, this is a ride you'll want to be a part of in the coming years.

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Right now she's not and it makes for a boring read. What's worse is that it teeters this series into a cover book, which means you buy it for the covers" not the story inside. I wish there was more to say, but this issue really bummed me out as it was one of my favorite properties just three issues ago.

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There are a ton of comics out this week, but don't miss this one. It continues to be really good and is very unique, especially in the world of horror. I'm just glad that there's more to come for it after this story arc.

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I don't know when the next issue of Danger Club will come out and there's currently nothing on Image's site to suggest that it will be next month or even the one after. While I wish that wasn't the case, this issue definitely proved that this is a title worth waiting for. The creative team treats each issue like the most important issue in the series and that makes for one hell of a read.

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It's clear that this is not a series meant to go on forever and that's okay. I come from a school of thought in which stories should end. In fact it's a growing trend in comics and one that I wholly support. This first volume has two more issues left and we'll just have to see if Sam really is 100% dead or not, but it would be kind of bullshit if he wasn't. Either way though I will be back for more of Death Vigil. If you haven't checked it out then do so. Be sure to recommend it to anime lovers as well since they're sure to see how great this series is.

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The next issue can't come soon enough. Hell the next two issues can't come soon enough, but I'll patiently wait for them because I want to see what comes next. Nothing turns out to be that obvious in this series that much has been clear since the second issue. Whatever Naifeh has in store, I will be there for it and if you're looking for a positive female character then look no further than Princess Ugg.

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I don't know if this is Image's best title, but it's definitely one of their best. We're just three issues in and I'm already clamoring for more. What's impressive as hell is the fact that again, nothing really happens in this issue compared to the last. Sure there's some story elements introduced and a bit of a cliffhanger, but compared to issue two" it's simple. Yet it's also my favorite issue in the series now.

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If you're a fan of the series then there's no reason you won't like this issue, but if you're waiting for something new to happen" well keep waiting. If this is your first experience with the series, it's going to be a bit hollow. Hopefully the next issue will really get into the story and not just have Janey driving from town to town on a hog reanimating all the people she's killed.

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Overall this was a solid read and a great return for the weeping angels. I'm really curious to see how many issues come from this and what the creative team has up their sleeve to keep it different from what's come before.

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The reason I like Rai, is the same reason I like Unity. It gives you a little taste of everything from the Valiant Universe. Sure Rai's name is on the cover, but the cast of characters is rich and they all play their role in the story. If you want a taste of the future of the Valiant U, then check out the series.

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At the end of the issue a new artist is revealed for the main series, but you'll have to check the site for that bit of news. It's interesting, but also a bit sad that Upchurch won't be returning. As for this issue though, it really goes to show that the world is solid enough not to rely on one artist which is the true test for any property.

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If you missed this series last year then you should seriously pick it up from the beginning. Better than the ending was the news that the character would be continuing in a new series. I sincerely hope that it's the same creative team, but we'll see. In the meantime pick up this series, it was a strong contender for my best mini-series and was my winner for "Best Revival" which should tell you how much I enjoyed it.

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The point is that you should read this series. You should buy the back issues or at this point wait for the collected edition and buy the hell out of that. If you're really cool you'll do both because then we'll for sure get more of Thomas and his journey as the Hand of the Island.

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I can't recommend this book, hell I could barely finish reading it myself.

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Overall this issue is really good. It's solid and lays the foundation for the next arc just like it's done before. The landscape has changed for sure, but in a way the story takes too large of a step forward without the reader. Maybe if there were Saga like gaps in the release schedule, then it would work, but this team is cranking it out. It's good, but not perfect" but the art is. I could stare at the art all damn day and so I'll definitely not be quitting this series any time soon.

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After reading this issue, my Christmas came a little bit early. I am about as big of a Judge Dredd fan as I can be and I look forward to this title with great enthusiasm month after month. But more often than not in recent months, I have felt a little bit let down with the stories. Not here though. I saw the elements there in the first part of this story last month, but it had not quite gotten there yet. It is now here and I am really stoked for the next issue. "Drokken A" I must say. "Drokken A". . .

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For me personally I'm very happy with how this series turned out. I think it's been one of the strongest of the series yet and it leaves the series in an interesting location. This might not be the best introduction of the world, but I have a feeling Niles will be giving new and lapsed readers a great spot next time as a result of this issue.

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I read a lot of good books this week, but Drifter surprised me the most. I was ready to write it off, but I'm glad I didn't. I hope that others don't make the mistake I nearly did because this is definitely on my must read monthly list.

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Overall this issue is really good, faults aside and really those faults only stand out because of the shipping schedule. It's a bit pricey, but for the page count it's worth it for long time readers of the series. New readers should probably start with the next issue or just back at the beginning. Also kudos to Edmondson for working in the tagline for the series into the issues dialogue.

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I know this is just a mini-series, but I would love to see it continue. I know that Doc Mirage won't be gone forever, but I do hope that she'll return sooner rather than later. She has been a bright light in the Valiant Universe and shows how progressive and different the VU is. If you missed the earlier issues they are definitely worth check out in order to read this one.

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There was some "pazazz" missing in this issue, but it's still a hell of an issue. I'm already dying for the next issue and I can see some great things on the horizon for it. If you missed the first arc, I kid you not, this is a great place to jump on" or just read all of them it's really good.

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Overall I don't know if this issue is going to win you over on the Chaos! line, but it's a decent read with just enough cheesecake and just enough over the top violence to entertain. If you can dig that then you should check the issue out.

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I'll tell you right now that Thomas Alsop is on my list. It's been an incredible story that only manages to get bigger and better with each issue. If BOOM! doesn't pick it up for another series then it's their loss because once this hits trade I can see it really taking off. And if you missed it" well we can't all be cool.

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It's a solid first issue in the arc, but the series needs a better formula for the openings. While I enjoyed the hell out of the fight, I'm still not sure why it happened, I do know that the next issue is going to continue on this path and we'll just have to trust that it pans out like the last arc.

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If you're not reading Chew" then what the hell are you doing with your life?

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A better direction with the art would have saved this issue. As it stands the story and dialogue are really good and capture the vibe of the world, but don't try to mimic it in a way that's annoying. The art, while decent, sinks the book. The strange gaps in action and the overall awkwardness of the panels chosen really leave a lot to be desired. Hopefully that art improves because otherwise this is going to be one difficult series to enjoy.

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The issue is definitely just a stepping stone to a larger chapter of the story, but it's entertaining and definitely worth checking out even if you're new to the series. The creative team seems to be on track so I doubt we'll be waiting long for the next few issues.

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I never would have imagined liking this series so much or being moved by it at the end. It proved to be a wonderful mini-series and definitely one of the highlights of the year. With this be the last issue you could wait for the trade, but that's a lot of entertainment to wait on. If you haven't already pick up the single issues, it's worth it.

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There's still plenty of twists and turns for the story to take. I learned that with the first arc; where you think Naifeh is taking the story is often times not the case. Hell sometimes he screws with the readers and takes them where they expect, but then he'll flip everything on its head in the process. The point I'm getting at is that I'm already waiting for the next issues release and if you haven't been reading Princess Ugg this is a great place to start.

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Overall it's hard not to be underwhelmed by this issue. I'm glad I read it because at least I know how it ends, but I suspect that reading this as one complete story is a better experience. And guess what? They've got the trade/collected edition already planned. If you haven't read it I would wait for that, if you were waiting to buy this final issue just picture the perfect storybook ending and that's basically what they do.

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If you missed this first story arc I would say that it's worth finding the back issues for and catching up or at least picking up the trade that's been announced. The story will definitely read well as a trade, but if you can't wait for it" single issues!

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I was really impressed with this issue; impressed, but not surprised. Having read The Red Ten and several stories from the anthology, I already knew what to expect. The creative team delivers a wonderful story, staring a character that started off as homage and has now surpassed its inspiration.

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I wasn't the biggest fan of the short story from the 25th, but I really dug this full issue. It should be interesting to see what happens, but more so how it will affect our duo of Archer and Armstrong. If anything you'll enjoy the quick wit and sharp dialogue.

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I'm already counting the days until the next issue. It's going to be a big issue and it might just conclude the arc. I don't know what the series is looking to run, but I'm hoping that Death Vigil will be on my pull list for a long time to come.

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As much as I liked this issue I'm looking forward to the next one more. I don't know if all the story lines will be four issues, but it's clear that Nelson is playing for the long con and that each issue and arc will feed into the overall story that's running throughout the series. Now if you haven't jumped on yet then pick up the trade when it hits or just track down the back issues because this series is so damn good.

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In the beginning I compared the journey of this series to that of climbing a mountain and that remains true. The other hard truth is that my reviews continue to get shorter and shorter as there's less that I can talk about as the story draws to a close, which sucks because I want to talk about this issue more and more! So leave a comment and let's chat, but if you haven't read the series than fucking hell check it out already.

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Overall this is just a great point for new readers of Unity and Valiant to start with. It's not bad for the rest of us either as it begins to build new plot line and dramatically change the makeup of this series and in a lot of ways the Valiant U. Check it out either way!

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I really went into this issue expecting nothing and came out with a new series to follow. Honestly having that bit of Planetoid vibe, but with a different character journey really helped. At the end of the day though the creators sucked me into their world and made me want to stay and so that's why I'll be back for the second issue.

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I want to say more about this issue, I really do. It's by far the best issue of Chew I've ever read, but the catch is that you need to have read the majority of the previous 43 plus issues for it to be as great as it is. It's why long form storytelling is so amazing because you can deliver issues like this. If this team doesn't get another Eisner nod for this issue then something is seriously jacked up. Fucking incredible. BUY IT!!!!! OTHER THINGS TO BE SHOUTED IN CONVICTION!

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This is a satisfying conclusion to a crossover for sure, but it's also just a satisfying comic to read. I rushed to read it this week because it was so entertaining, but also because I never knew what Wagner really intended to do with the story and characters. I'm kind of wishing there was more or a second volume already in the works because I think these two worlds work incredibly well, but time will tell and really only The Shadow knows.

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Since the very first issue I've wanted nothing more than to read more of Doctor Mirage. I don't want the series to end at all, but it only has two issues left. I'll be looking forward to those two issues, but I'll also be a little sad. I guess that's what a great mini-series is supposed to do though right? Yeah, it is.

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Overall it's still an entertaining issue, but it struggles a lot. Granted there was no way the second issue could be the first because the story must continue, but it stumbles to figure out what it is. An extension of the game? Scenes pulled from the game? A character driven story? It could be all that, but it really needs to lock it down and deliver on one or all of them. For now it's still a fun read.

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I don't know if they'll be able to keep the action up in this series, but it's off to a wonderful start. It was entertaining because of its action, but interesting because of the mystery and the character moments. Like Buzzkill, I won't be surprised when this series picks up in popularity and even quality.

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Granted there wasn't a lot to say about this new issue and arc of The Mercenary Sea, but that's because it (and forgive the pun) maintains a consistent course. Some of the best comic books require little to say about them, but one thing is for certain I'll be back for the next issue.

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Who will be the focus of the next issue? I'm sure I could look at the solicits and find out, but I really like being surprised. I was surprised by this issue for sure. As I said, Ben was severely underdeveloped, but now he's a contender and definitely a character I want to see more of. That's fantastic storytelling to turn a character like that around in just one issue. If you still haven't checked out The Woods, then you're only hurting yourself.

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When I made it to the last page though, I just lost all interest. It really bothered me how Crowlita's mental problems were played up for a cliffhanger that was in no way foreseeable, and also I just thought the choice to reuse the narration that appeared earlier on in the issue a tad too on-the-nose as if reminding us that we had been fooled earlier on. Maybe ditching Sundowners will be the end of me, but I hope whoever picks it up here next enjoys it in my stead.

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I feel bad that I took so long to review this issue but if the sales are any indication then this review isn't really needed. Still I wanted to talk about it and hopefully you'll want to leave a comment talking about it as well. Not having read the fourth issue I have to hope that it can find a way to beat this issue because each chapter continues to be more amazing than the last. Last week I think I named something my mini-series of the year, but honestly it just got bumped.

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This book might be too in your face and I get that; some people want fantasy and good times in their comics, but I think that Critical Hit tackles some important subjects and reminds me a lot of punk music. Sure there are songs that are fun and you can skank to, but then there's songs that make you think and craft a picture of the world that you're not seeing all the time. But just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean that it's not a solid debut for a new series.

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Overall it's a solid issue, even if the story is what saves it this time around. It's hard not to miss the Eleventh Doctor with series floating around, but I suppose it's better than not having it at all. If you're still not reading Titan's Doctor Who titles then I don't know what to tell you. You must dislike good storytelling and interesting sci-fi inspired worlds.

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If you missed out on Omegas then you really should do yourself a favor and pick it up, especially if you haven't read Harbinger yet. Dysart and company make sure that this world is approachable and understandable to new readers so take advantage of that. For the rest of us that have been reading the series since it's return, well we won't have to wait long to get our next installment though this time it'll be known as Imperium. To put it plainly, this is still the best Valiant title out there.

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Is this the best issue to begin with? No, but even if it is your first issue of Lenore it is one hell of an issue. I laughed a lot, not bullshit "lol'ing" but actual laughter that makes people ask you, "What are you laughing at?" It's a great issue and wraps up a long running story line so just buy it. Buy one for a friend so they can enjoy the madness as well.

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We're in the home stretch with just nine issues to go. I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know that if it continues this pace it's going to be spectacular. Mind MGMT is still one of the best series on the stands and by the time it's done it'll be on every comic fans, "must read" list right next to Watchmen, Saga and Fables all those other "classics" that people love to list. It's just that damn classic already.

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I don't know if a lot of adult readers will enjoy this story, but if you enjoy books that are simpler in construction and overall very wholesome then you'll enjoy Planet Gigantic.

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I really don't see myself coming back for a third issue. There's nothing going on and the outcome of the storyline is pretty obvious after just two issues. I might check in on it down the road, but considering the same basic formula was used for this issue as the last; well I'm not expecting much to change in the next few issues is what I'm saying. If you're enjoying it cool, but for everyone else this is a pretty average comic book.

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When you have this creative combination it's hard to produce a bad issue. I mean Ryp alone is worth a five, but the fact that the story is entertaining and well-plotted and the coloring adds to Ryp's artwork makes this one of the best titles out this week. The great part is, you don't need to have read any of the other Rogues! volumes to enjoy it.

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A lot happens in this issue so if you've been looking forward to it, you won't be disappointed. I don't know if the team is going to stick the landing or not, but I do know that for four issues they've delivered a funny and entertaining story. If you missed out on the series in the beginning like I did then do yourself a favor and get the back issues.

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I'm not saying they got me for the long haul, but they definitely got me for this issue and the next. That and it's better than the last two Marvel events I read even if the ending is predictable.

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It's not a perfect first issue, but it's a hell of a return to a series that caught me by surprise last year. It's definitely a welcomed debut for Halloween and hands down the creepiest things I've read in a while. If it wasn't for those down moments with Declan and Reece I might have needed a shower after reading this issue.

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While this may not be my favorite issue in the series, there's still plenty to like about it. Don't get me wrong there. The creative team has done a phenomenal job on this title and so while I have minor hang-ups about this issue it's actually still good and I'm sure the rest of the series will be just as good if not better.

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Overall it sounds like I'm being really hard on this series, but it's only because I like it. I like the fact that it's dealing with racism and while I don't really get the need for the werewolf, I'm in it to find out. Comic books are the perfect medium to tackle all varieties of subjects and in creative ways. So while I think there were some missteps in this issue it's still purchase worthy and definitely one that I'll continue to follow.

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I might review the next issue, but I'll definitely be back to review the conclusion. The story isn't bad enough to stop reading, but it's definitely not the grand finale that anyone was expecting after the first two arcs. Time will tell though.

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While this issue is a bad place for new readers to start, long time readers are likely shitting their pants. This issue was over far too quickly for my liking and I only wanted to read more because of it. Even a casual Cal McDonald fan will love every page of this issue.

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While this wasn't my favorite Doctor Who comic, neither is the new season of the show. Both need time to grow and mature so I'm by no means writing this one off. In fact I think the creative team had a bigger challenge than the other Doctor Who comic creators and an even bigger challenge than the show runners because they had even less to work with and just as many people to impress. That's something I think everyone should keep in mind while reading the story.

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The story is all-ages for sure, but there's a lot for adult readers to enjoy. The story may be straight forward, but the talent behind the art is not. That's where the layers of complexity come in and it's a wonderful piece of artwork and storytelling because of it.

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The absolute best thing about this comic is that it puts you in the Halloween spirit. It tickles that slasher itch and is a welcomed addition to the horror genre. Even if you don't plan on playing the video game you should check this comic out. If you do plan on playing the game this will likely get you hyped for it in the best way possible.

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I'm in it till the end and not just because I started the series and need to finish. I enjoyed this issue a lot and I'm dying to find out what the ending will hold for the story. Hopefully it delivers on the buildup that's been happening over the past six issues, but really I don't see how it couldn't at this point.

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There aren't many Image titles out this week, but damn if they're not all pretty damn great. You really should check out Mice Templar especially if you're liking Game of Thrones in any capacity. It's a series that continues to surprise. Oh and if the price has you worried" well don't. You're getting plenty of great pages at that price making it a great value.

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Look at this point you've probably made up your mind on this series. That's how comic fans are. I don't know if my words will reach any lapsed readers or snag any news ones and honestly that's not my job as a reviewer. I'd love to think that I help in some small way with the sales of this series, but I don't think this team needs me in the least bit. That's okay too, but I am going to continue the conversation about this series. It's been an incredible ride so far and with two more issue in this first story arc left I'm really looking forward to continuing the story and the discussion.

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This really doesn't feel like a zero issue. I don't know if it's exactly building a bigger story that's coming, but more than likely it is. It does successfully build the history of the team and tells a complete and interesting story. Hell I would love to read more one-shot stories like this taking chunks out of the team's past because it's just interesting to see the Valiant Universe line up with our own history. If anything this issue should be commended for not taking place during WWII.

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I can't wait for the next issue. I don't know how long this story is going to run for, but I love it. It's quickly become one of my favorite series and it amazes me how easily Sejic was able to adapt the manga/anime formula for Western comic books and make it work! Take note industry, this is exactly how you do it.

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There's no question that any fan of Doctor Who should be checking this story out, but if we remove that fact and just view it as a sci-fi story it actually stands on its own in that regard too. That's why I'm scoring this issue and this series so high, it's fantastic sci-fi, not just fantastic Doctor Who.

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This is the best "versus" storyline I have ever read. I have no idea how it's going to end and even if it ends with a "happy ending"; I think I'll be alright with that. Matt Wagner has put a lot of thought and time into this story and that has made it far better than any of its predecessors. Take note comic industry because I'm going to say it again, this is the blueprint on how to create a "versus" between two different companies characters. It's a very impressive story paired with fantastic art.

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It's really not too late to jump on this new series and if you're a trade waiter, well I hope that BOOM! does an introductory price on it so that more people are drawn to it. They have a handful of titles that have become amust read for me and I'm happy to say that. For a while I wasn't really enjoying a lot of BOOM!'s titles, but now I can't find enough good things to say. Give Hexed a chance if you like supernatural stories with deep characters and well-developed worlds.

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I hate to go back to it, but man I wish that this issue didn't have that one line of narration in it. That's all that would need to be dropped to make this issue perfect; I'm torn giving it the score I am giving it, but the rest of the issue is stunning. Up until that scene I was ready to dub this the best book of the week and if you look at my other reviews you'll see that I read some fantastic issues this week. Even still it manages to be really good and hopefully the next issue can recover from this stumble and just be incredible.

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You should be excited for the next issue of this series. I know that I can't wait as Archie has another hit on its hands. It just goes to show that there's always something interesting to do with characters if you're willing to put in the work to make the story worth the reader's time. This is definitely worth the time; in fact you might end up owing it some.

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If you missed the first issue then you're in luck because the second printing of that issue is out today as well. If you liked any of the other Valiant titles then you'll like this one as well. If you've never read a Valiant book then this is a great place to start.

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I don't know what I have to do other than buy you a copy of the book to get you to read this series. It's incredible storytelling from both the writer and the artist and by far one of the best things being published by any company at the moment. Do yourself a favor and check out Thomas Alsop, the only thing you'll regret is that it took you this long to read it.

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I'm really looking forward to next month's issue. After three issues this series has already floated back to the top of my must read list and I can't wait to see the battle between Janey and Elvis go down. I can't wait to see Elvis get his ass handed to him and I hope it's more than metaphorically.

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Fight Like A Girl doesn't release until November which gives you time to pre-order it. Trust me this is going to be one of the best series Action Lab Entertainment has published this year and they have produced some great books already. This series is hip, cool, and full of action and fun. Frankly it's everything you want from a comic book when you pick it up.

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It's a quick read, but you'll likely find yourself reading it a couple of times. At this point I'm on read through four and it's just worth the time. I'm not usually one for Biblical satire because a lot of it falls flat or just gets too preachy, but with Holy F*ck it's looking to tell an interesting story that doesn't take itself seriously, but doesn't get lost in trying to bash the Bible in every possible way. Truly this is one of the funniest stories of the year and you still have ample time to pre-order it. Do that now!

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This series is back with a vengeance and a new name. I think the new name is appropriate as Miner and company take on other subject maters. It clearly lets the reader know that things are different and growing. For new readers it's catchy and sounds interesting, but more importantly its accessible to them. If you enjoyed Liberator you're going to enjoy Critical Hit.

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I can't say enough about this series. It not only continues to surprise me with each issue, but it maintains the same level of storytelling as the first issue. It doesn't have peaks and valleys of improvement, it's just slowly rising to the top; and that's where it will stay" at the top of my list.

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This ending is very pleasing and has restored my faith in the concept of an event book taking place in comics. There are real consequences to this story and our characters grow and change from the events. There isn't a huge status quo shake up, just good ole character development. Hopefully the rest of the industry takes note and learns from this because if they did the event cycle wouldn't be the murdering of storytelling that it is at other companies. Kudos to Venditti, Braithwaite and the team at Valiant for delivering the best summer event book in years!

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This story really is the perfect example of what a comic book staring a gay character should be like. It's not a gimmick and it's handled with respect. More so it's interesting for anyone to read. Really this story is trying to appeal to fans of the P.I. genre that are looking for a new angle on the well-worn formula. Well look no further than Dash.

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We want over the top good guys fighting over the top bad guys and no one really dies, but occasionally you kill a great character and make it count towards the bigger story. There's fucking future tech that we'll never see in real life and both sides fight in areas that aren't populated. Hell, throw in some new characters, but remember that they need to be as cool as The Baroness, Lady Jaye, Snake Eyes or Destro. I know it seems like a dumb formula, but it works and the saying goes, "if it ain't broke" don't fix it." If like me you were looking forward to another chance to jump on G.I. Joe" don't bother.

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This issue is pretty damn close to perfect. My one and only gripe was the demon babies as I feel like they didn't do enough to make their presence felt as a threat. There are some brutal scenes around them, but they themselves didn't feel threatening to Cal's story. Time will tell though.

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I would love to go on and on about this issue because it ended up being my favorite of the series. That's incredibly rare to like the last issue over the first, but that's how it is. I do hope that there will be more stories set in this world or at the very least new stories from Hague of this caliber. He's a talented storyteller and Eye of Newt has been a great introduction to his work.

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The chances of me being back for another issue of Purgatori is slim and none which is a really big disappointment considering how much I like the character; the problem being" this isn't a good depiction of the character. Don't waste your time or money on this one folks.

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This story is going to make for a great re-read now that it's complete. It's definitely been one of my favorite mini-series of the year and if you haven't checked it out, don't "trade wait." Grab the DRM-Free issues from Image or better yet grab the back issues.

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I'm glad that the story is getting back to the crazy magic again. It took a bit of a break, but now it looks like the last two issues will have decent amounts of it. If you've been on the fence about this series I would say you should give it until the ending. I'm enjoying the mystery of the story and I'm really looking forward to how the story will all tie together and trust me, if this issue shows us anything it's that it's all connected.

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What I don't get is that the recap in the beginning of the issue makes this story sound a lot better than it is. There's interesting aspects of the story, but it's inconsistent with its pacing and characters. Sometimes it drags, other times it speeds forward and frankly all that's doing is making me question why I'm putting myself though the experience. What's worse is that the series seems to falling into "average" territory at an alarming rate which is really boring to read. But hey, maybe I'm just not a "here's my take on heaven and hell" type of guy.

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In my opinion this is an important piece of comic literature. I think what the team is doing is incredible and groundbreaking. I know, I know, "groundbreaking" is a buzz word or so commonly used that it's lost all meaning, but it's not a word that I use lightly in reviews" in fact this might be the first time. Catch up on this series if you're not following it already.

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If you haven't checked out the best team book in comics, now is a good time to start.

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This is an experimental first issue for sure. Some are bound to love it and others will likely walk away. I fall in the former of the two groups. What will the second issue hold for us? It's tough to say because there isn't an inkling of an idea as to what will happen, but I'm curious. Curiosity combined with solid execution will entice any reader back in my opinion.

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This is a great outline to how an event book tie-in should work. It added to the overall story that's taking place in Armor Hunters, but more importantly it set the stage for the characters to continue after the event. There are so many comics that have failed to do that just this year alone, so when one gets it right" it's refreshing.

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It's a good collection and a lot of fun if you're into the bizarre and offensive humor that it has to offer.

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This is Top Cow's best series at the moment and it continues to hit on one of my favorite weeks of the month. There are so many great books this week and Death Vigil is definitely included in that statement. If you haven't checked this series out yet then grab the back issues or purchase the digital issues because you're missing out.

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I may end up liking one of these Doctor Who series more than the other, but for now they're on par with each other in the best of ways. It's been a long time since I read a licensed property as a comic and actually enjoyed it, yet alone two of them based on the same property. Whatever Titan and the creative team are doing to produce this I hope they keep doing it.

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I might have some strong criticisms, but it's only because this series is very good. It has the potential to be great and it's on the cusp for sure. Even with its misses this is still one of the best issues I read this week and I can't wait for next month to get my hands on more.

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Yet again I find myself writing a shorter review for this book. It's a hard one to talk about without spoiling so don't mistake my briefness for lack of interesting as it's quite the opposite. I can't get enough of this story and it's become one of the first titles I read upon its release. The only thing that bothers me about it is the "of 8" on the cover because eight just isn't enough. I hope the creators are already planning a second volume because I'm going to need it. The series might be half over, but it's still worth the time it would take to get caught up.

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Is this issue perfect? No quite, but it's a marked improvement over the first issue. There's some character development brewing and overall we learn a lot about how Janey exists and what makes her different from other zombies. We also get her to the point of facing the villain head on. The series is heading in the right direction as long as they keep the development up and expand the supernatural aspect of the series.

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I'm glad to see this series is back and I'm definitely looking forward to getting bigger chunks of the story at once. Hopefully this first issue gets the kinks out of the system because I know that once this series gets its rhythm there's no stopping. We've already seen as much with the previous chapter of the story.

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It's an average issue. It's not unreadable, but there isn't a lot to bring you back for the second issue. I doubt I'll review the second issue unless something spectacular happens, but really this entire first issue has set the series up to be a paint-by-numbers con-man story even though we have no proof that he's a good con-man" the story just tells us he's one, but never displays it. It's an interesting idea, but it's average execution has revealed all of its holes.

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This is also a really long issue. It's more than a double-sized issue, but don't worry you'll be glad you have so much to read. It's an immersive read and you'll quickly forget about page length and anything else because the story will hook you. The pages are definitely worth the price so don't miss out on this issue even if it's your first story with either of these great characters.

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Frankly if you're not reading The Woods then you need to drop a title and pick it up. The first volume trade is out at the same time so you can catch up this week and it's worth it. This is in the top three of titles that BOOM! Is publishing so don't let it pass you by, you'll only regret it when its two years into the story and everyone won't stop talking about it.

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This is definitely a series to stick with for at least another arc. I haven't seen anything to suggest that Straczynski is doing more issues after his initial twelve and Dynamite hasn't revealed who might be taking over after. They'll have large shoes to fill for sure.

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If you're looking for a story that you can just enjoy and not have to think about then check out this issue. It's a gateway to a time when comics where simpler and laid everything on the table for the readers to see.

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I'm dying for the next issue. This series caught me off guard and has kept me there, but I've enjoyed every page of it. I also wouldn't be surprised if it finds its way onto one of my end of the year lists, it's that fucking good. Also I still can't get over how awesome the title is. Okay, go buy it now.

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There's room to improve on this series, but this first issue makes a strong debut. With it being a mini-series I'm curious to see where it goes and if you like sci-fi stories with a mix of military involvement then you'll want to check this one out too.

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When you review a book there's a tendency to read it because you're reviewing it. If you stop reviewing it then you also stop reading it and that says a lot about a story. You continued with it because you were reviewing it not because you felt the need to. With Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, if I were to stop reviewing it I would continue reading it. It's a book I want to read more of and I enjoy continuing my attachment of the Tenth Doctor through reading this series. One thing is for sure, I'm enjoying this series more than I am the new season of the show.

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Mini-series can be tricky because the endings are difficult to stick, but after the first volumes ending I have a lot of faith in the creative team to deliver a rewarding and intense ending. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to get the next installment either, because I'm hooked on this story and can't wait to see where it goes.

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This issue may not be as thrilling or in your face as the last issue, but it does set up the story to head in an interesting direction and as always Kindt sprinkles in little details that you either catch or you don't. As always this is not a series to miss.

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It's a gamble to put this book on hold until December, but this ending is strong enough to bring me back so I imagine others will be inclined as well. It's a story that's just getting started and with the hefty goal of the next arc we have plenty of miles to travel with Rai.

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It's an entertaining book full of gun play and over the top personalities. It's not a story that you go in expecting deep character development, but our characters do grow ever so slightly. The bulk of the story is based around the action which is something it does very well.

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On our review scale a "3" is average. It means that it's a comic book with competent writing and art and a vast majority of what's published falls into this category. So does Dark Ages. It's not a bad comic, but its average" painfully average.

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If I'm not mistaken we're approaching the home stretch on this series. It's not meant to go on forever and that's another of its charms. That said if you're just now checking it out then you're a bit late. Here's the thing though when people ask me about this title and if it's worth catching up on my answer is always yes. Absolutely yes. In fact I would be envious of anyone that had the joy of reading twenty issues straight of this series because that would be a hell of a read.

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I really don't see myself coming back to finish this series. It's not terrible, but it's in love with its concept more than it's concerned about telling an interesting story. If you're really obsessed with biker gangs or Robin Hood inspired stories then you'll likely continue to enjoy this series.

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I have no idea if the last issue in this series is on track to finish next month and really I don't care. The ending of this issue is so big that I might need time to wrap my head around it. Honestly I almost thought that this was the final issue which would have been bloody brilliant, but I'll take one more for sure.

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There you have it. I didn't expect to break down the entire issue, but I also didn't want to leave anyone out. Overall it was an entertaining read and filled with creators that I wanted to see more of. I liked the mix and hopefully with the shorter format Dark Horse can keep each issue this tight and fantastic.

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If you missed this issue last week then do yourself a favor and go back and get it. I'm glad that I picked it up and I can't wait to read the next issue and even check out the first volume as well. If you like magic and dark fantasy with sharp dialogue then it's a series for you.

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I don't know what this iteration of Supreme is going for or if it even has a clearly defined agenda. In a lot of ways it feels like Ellis just doing what he does and writing what interests him, but playing with someone else's world to do so. I do know that it has my full and undivided attention because these issues aren't long enough to sedate my appetite.

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For a tie-in series it's pretty good. I don't think it holds a torch to the regular Harbinger series, but Dysart manages to tie this story in the plot threads that he already had going and that's very cool as a read to see. When it comes down to it this issue is for Harbinger fans or fans of Armor Hunters. Either way you're in for an entertaining read.

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There's a good handful of mini-series being published right now, but not many are as entertaining, well-plotted or just plain interesting as Eye of Newt. If you love fantasy adventures and amazing artwork then this series is worth catching up on.

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I'm definitely in it for the long haul on this story. There's three issues left and while I'm not sure what else I can say about the quality of this story, I'll keep with it just to give other readers a place to talk and share about this series. Hopefully we'll see more like this from Archaia because these are the type of interesting comic books that I want to read and I'm sure others are in the same boat.

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I might be back for the next issue, but the ending "cliffhanger" was much like the Ernest Hemingway reveal in the first issue and I wasn't impressed or thrilled by that either. Maybe you'll like it. I tend to find that Joshua Hale Fialkov's writing doesn't resonate with me as much as it does others so it could just be my personal taste that prevents me from enjoying this series, but it could also be the fact that it's trying really hard to be weird and different and I don't find it to be either.

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I could be wrong and even if I am it's not going to change how damn good this story is. It might end up being a story that you love or hate, but I think with some time people might see what it's doing and come around on it. I would also recommend that you take all four issues and read them back to back. I read issue two through four for this review and it wasn't like reading single issues but rather a fluid narrative. That's not to say that it's writing for the trade either, just that this story is fluid and will keep going regardless of page count. If you've lapsed on Trees give it another shot and if you're still sticking with it then hopefully my review has shed some light for you. And if you're just enjoying it as much as I am" then need I say more?

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If you haven't checked out this series then you should catch up. It's very different from the other Mignolaverse titles, but it still feels at home in the universe. It's worth checking out even if you only like the mystery or the supernatural. Either way, it's worth a read.

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Like all of the issues prior, some big bombs are occurring that leaves the reader guessing. I think the one in this particular issue might just be the best and biggest to date that may just change the whole direction of the story. Whatever is about to occur, I know that am ready to get back in line and ride it again.

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It was kind of cool to see old Abe again, but it made me realize how much I liked the new one. It may not have a "starting point" on the cover, but if you're new to Abe Sapien then don't miss this issue.

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There seems like a lot of ground left to cover for this series, but I have no doubt that the creative team will pull off the big finish. The thing is you shouldn't expect a finish that ties everything in a bow. That's why I keep mentioning that there will be lasting effects from Armor Hunters on the Valiant U. We're going to deal with this fallout for a while I'd imagine.

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The story takes a break from the danger this issue and I was okay with that. The first issue was pretty intense and so just settling into the world here was enjoyable and entertaining. Reading this issue of Death Vigil, put a big goofy grin on my face and hopefully it'll do the same for you.

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What's also notable about this issue and series is that it's kid friendly. Granted I wouldn't hand it to a little kid, but middle school and up is definitely a great fit. It really reminds me of the comics I read in high school and those are still some of my favorite issues to re-read and think about today. Hopefully Midnight Tiger will be that type of issue for a younger generation.

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This continues to be quite the series and definitely one that you should check out. I mean the premise along is still enough to warrant a look; a barbarian princess attending a school for royal princesses? Come on, what's not to be interested in. Then when you add in the fact that the story and art are both pretty fantastic, it makes it a no duh.

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I'll admit that I was expecting the kickoff of the next storyline, but given the fact that it looks to be the last for Skullkickers I'll take this break in the story and enjoy one of the staples of the series" its humor. It's a damn shame that we'll soon be losing a funny book since there are so few on the market, but we have some time and I can only hope that Zub and company are going to deliver in a big way.

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The market is always changing. Sometimes I'll say, "This is one of the best books being published" which is a bold statement when you look at the sales numbers and the sheer amount of titles out there. Well sales figures in my opinion do not equal quality and so while this isn't Batman or an X-Men title, it is the best issue of the month and that impresses even me with the amount of books I've reviewed. Just buy it and if you already are buying it then give it to a friend to read because I guarantee they'll start buying it too.

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This week both Armor Hunters and Unity surprised me by being different. They weren't the stock standard event books and they were even different from their own previous issues. That's actually pretty impressive that both managed to do that and still deliver. If you're just reading Unity then fear not you're still in for one hell of story this month.

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As far as first issues go, it's okay. It introduces the world and does a solid job of getting its hooks into you for the next issue. Frankly though the next issue is going to be key to the success since this is just the introduction to the world and we haven't seen the norm yet which is a father's mind in a robot protecting his daughter.

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To be honest I can't follow this series as a web-comic. The story makes me too impatient and then I just get frustrated with my own impatience" that and I just want to read more now! The digital comics though are a great way to digest the material and the creative team collects the perfect amount of chapters. The problem is now I'm caught up and really want to read more of this world. Why someone like Image, IDW or Dark Horse hasn't picked this series up is beyond me. Its leaps and bounds better than 90% of the comics published monthly. Again, three bucks catches you up on the entire story and trust me, you'll be pissed that you couldn't give it a fourth dollar.

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If you're interested in this title then you should check it out on Comixology's Submit program. It's often forgotten because they release as many books a week as a larger print publisher does, with no signs of slowing down. Don't miss this one, it's worth the time and money.

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There are a lot of great books out right now, but for my money Dry Spell is the best. Sure that could change next month, but it's impressed me not once, but twice with this fantastic story that pushes the boundaries of sequential storytelling. The hardest part of this review is not telling you more because all I want to do is talk about it and examine every detail. Pick the issue up and leave me a comment so we can do just that.

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If you're more into the serious corporate produced superhero comics you may not like this series, but if you're looking to be entertaining and just have some pure superhero storytelling then definitely check out Epic. This issue has a recap at the beginning so even if you missed the first issue you can still jump on here with issue two. I like entertaining superhero stories and this year has provided a great edition of humorous stories and Epic can definitely count itself among the mix.

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Overall it was entertaining. I think it would have been nice to re-release the Pilot Season issue as a zero issue leading into this issue, but hey it's too late for that now. I'm curious to see where it goes from here, but I don't know if I need to know where it goes from here. Unfortunately I don't think I'm as interested in this series as I was six years ago and it's honestly because the market has changed, the storytelling has changed and as a reader my personal tastes have changed. But maybe I'll give the second issue a shot. Maybe.

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Since some of this issue was a recap of sorts for consistent readers of Harbinger it's hard to say that it's perfect, but it's pretty damn close. The next issue is the one to look out for, but if you haven't been reading Harbinger at all then this is a great place to start. You'll finally see what the rest of us already know" this is hands down Valiant's best series/corner of the Valiant Universe.

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If you've been digging this series then there's no reason not to finish it. If you didn't then you can also check out the trade that IDW released a few weeks ago collecting all eight issues of the MonkeyBrain Comics run. I would recommend that you pace yourself so that the story isn't too in your face. It was written for small doses and not the trade so keep that in mind. Otherwise, for those of us that have followed this little series from the beginning it's a bummer to see it end for now, but I'll be eagerly waiting for its return.

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I'm not sure why this book is called Terminal "Hero" either. Rory is clearly not a hero and if somehow turns into one" well I still wouldn't buy that. He's anything but heroic from beginning to end. Perhaps "Terminal Villain" would have been a better choice and not mislead the audience. Pick this up at your own risk. As for me I'll be wary the next time I see Milligan's name on a cover because this is just too many duds in a row to continue giving chances to him.

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The Woods I believe is half-way done, which is good and bad. Good because it means we're half way to the end and bad for the exact same reason. If for some reason you haven't checked out one of the best titles that BOOM! Is publishing (Thomas Alsop being the other) then you are missing out on a series that embodies the reason to read comic books; great stories and fantastic art that you won't see anywhere else.

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This comic wasn't what I was expecting at all. I'm very curious to see how it proceeds especially with the ending. If there's one thing that Southern Dog proves, it's that comic books are a versatile medium open for any subject matter. Be bold and pick up this issue, you won't be disappointed.

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I have to admit that I was honestly surprised by the quality of this issue; the quality of the writing, the art and just the end product in general. This book is at home next to any monthly comic out on the shelves of your local shop and I will never doubt it again. They made a reader out of me that's for sure and now I'm going to have to go back and read the first two issues as well.

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I was a little gun-shy going into this story since I hadn't read the first two volumes, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I wouldn't be left out in the dark. Let me tell you that's something that big name publishers and creators can't do and yet Ben Hatke executes it flawlessly here. I'm telling you that man's dangerous, but also one to keep an eye on. If you have kids that you're trying to get into comics or even just to read I would definitely put this in front of them, but be prepared to pick up the other volumes as well. I know I will be.

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It's even harder for anyone not to compare it to his previous work because it just seeps in. Very few creators can follow-up a success like that with something that's received as being good. Not just good, but received as good. There have been plenty of follow ups that people didn't appreciate at the time of the release because their own expectations sunk them. Don't let that happen here because you'll cheat yourself out of an incredible graphic novel. Whatever O'Malley works on next I hope he knows he's raised the bar for himself yet again.

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I know I kind of beat up on this issue, but considering how fantastic the Armor Hunters storyline has been so far it's hard not to be disappointed. Again though, it's not bad, it's just not great and that's what I've come to expect from Valiant's Harbinger line of books. It has potential and because of that I'll be back to read the next two issues for sure.

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I wasn't expecting the world from this issue, but I wasn't hoping to be entertained. I honestly hoped that it would be another surprise hit like Dark Matter which was also a spacey sci-fi story from Dark Horse. I'll check out the second issue, but honestly there wasn't anything special about the debut issue of Deep Gravity.

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Dark Horse has this marked as a "Starting Point" which is accurate. It does recap the series to an extent, but in a way that only Kindt can. There are some very key parts to this issue that I'm leaving out because they do change how you've been viewing Lyme and adds two important elements to his backstory. There's one year left of Mind MGMT and let me tell you there's no better place to jump on then right here.

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The first arc has come to a close and it's still every bit as enjoyable as the previous issues. It's a book that I enjoy reading and take my time to get to because I know I'm in for a consistent product from both the art and writing. There's going to be a gap in the schedule as the trade is released and the team gears up for the next story line, but it's a series that you don't want to miss. It has a classic Hollywood feel to it in general and there's nothing else like it on the market.

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For a Doctor Who fan I would definitely recommend checking this issue out. I'm looking forward to this series even more now and can't wait to see what happens to Alice next on her journey with the Doctor. If you're not a Doctor Who fan I don't know if it will resonate with you the same way, but it's still a well-written/plotted issue with great art and it might just make a fan out of you.

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I will quickly say that unlike with The Eleventh Doctor I do outright think that this series is perfect for non-Doctor Who fans as well as Doctor Who fans alike. It doesn't rush into making the world feel exactly like the TV show and so if you are completely unaware of the TV show then you can actually start to get an idea with this issue. Two Doctor Who series and two worth buying.

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Is this a good place for you to start reading Lenore? I don't see why not. I mean if not you have a lot of reading to catch up on. Which is great and all and you should totally do that, but right now you can just enjoy an issue and learn about the characters and just understand the type of humor to expect. For me the wait for the next issue is unbearable (still funny), but I'll be eagerly awaiting it regardless.

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Over the past two months I have either read mini-series that missed the mark and had terrible endings or I have read mini-series that captured everything a mini-series is meant to be; Ordinary definitely falls into the latter of the two. You can trade wait on this one if you want to, but hopefully you've been following this powerful mini-series each month because it's worth your time and money.

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When a story line wraps up with giants fighting it's hard not to like it. I've read issue of Godzilla that didn't have this much action and so it's sometimes nice just to see a conflict come to a close with fisticuffs when fisticuffs are the only answers. Well done team, looking forward to next month.

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This book isn't out until September, but I'll tell you right now that you shouldn't miss it. The one and only downside is that it's a mini-series. Hopefully it does well and we'll see an ongoing or at the very least future mini's because I'm loving this character and her dark and scary world. This is one hell of a debut from Valiant and the creative team. Don't miss out on it.

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This really has been a surprisingly good series, one that I never expected to like this much or passionately follow. It's been a while that I've gotten excited for a series and really rooted for it, but here I am shouting from the rooftops about Undertow. At this point if you haven't checked it out you might want to wait for the trade or you could be a sport and support the creators by buying their comic either in print or digitally. It's been a hell of a series and hopefully I won't be left waiting for more of this fantastic series.

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There is one issue left of Wild Blue Yonder and it's going to be a good one. There's also the strong possibility that it's going to be a sad one as well. If you've missed this series or if you dropped off, well you shouldn't have. Pick up the digital issues, find the back issue, but give this book a read. There are a lot of post-apocalyptic stories on comic shelves, but I guarantee you won't find another one like Wild Blue Yonder.

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I'll have to see how the second issue turns out, but given how this issue ends it's pretty predictable. Hopefully there's a switch up somewhere because otherwise I'll just be reading this series for the art.

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Having read this and having played the game I don't see myself coming back to find out how the mission to kill Nine Toes turned out. In my game it was a successful mission. I have to wonder though, who the hell is this comic for? Is it for fans of the game which is what anyone would assume or it is for people who didn't play the game? If it's for fans then why give them a story that they already know, but now have to experience without any control? If it's for people completely unfamiliar with the franchise" well I don't see that really being the case, do you?

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Since you have the option to read this story in digital or print, there's no reason not to read it. It's going to factor into my end of the year list for sure because it's that good. I really hope that there are more adventures in store for our Green Turtle because this creative team has just created a legacy character and made it look easy.

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The thing that's wonderful about Unity is that it gives the reader an overall look at the Valiant Universe. From here the story touches on practically everything and if it hasn't yet, I get the impression that it will soon enough. If you're digging Armor Hunters then don't miss out on Unity because they really are bouncing the story back and forth, but remaining on their own at the same time. It's writing the handbook on how to handle event book tie-ins.

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Yet another entertaining and great issue from the creative team. I'm definitely hooked on the series until the end of the storyline and look forward to seeing the mystery play out on the page. If you like the Mignolaverse then you'll like this series, its right a home with the rest of the wonderful characters Mignola has created.

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It's still earlier in this eight issue series to jump on. It's definitely one of the best things that Archaia/Boom is publishing at the moment. The magical element remains there along with the larger mystery that continues to unfold before our eyes.

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To be honest there isn't a lot of information from the first issue that's required of you to be able to read this issue. There are two things that will certainly play into the overall story, but this issue does a decent job of standing on its own. Granted it's a much richer reading experience if you've read both issue. Once again if you like magic and Arthurian Legends then you definitely want to join in on this tale.

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I was actually impressed by this issue. I expected it to just hang out and take it easy until the next issue, but instead it added several important chapters to the Harbinger storyline. It also made me want to go back and check out the other two twenty-fifth anniversary issues from Valiant as well. Don't skip this issue like I almost did, you'd definitely regret it if you do.

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Rat Queens is something special and unique happening right before our eyes. There is nothing out there that can compare to this series and personally I rate it higher than other Image series. Why Saga sells more than this series is beyond me because they're neck and neck with each other in my opinion and both have a lot of the same strengths going for them. Rat Queens should be on everyone's reading list. It's hands down one of the best books being published. It's better than Saga, there is said it.

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I was looking forward to this one because I didn't really like the story for 90s Chastity. Now I think I'd rather just have that version back because this new one is dreadful. I shouldn't be happy that her and her entire family is dead, but I am. I am.

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The issue is also quite long. I don't know if this is just going to be two issues and done, but I really hope not. Sejic has created a rich world and sucked me in. I'd really like to read more stories and explore this idea more. We'll see in August, but in the meantime if you missed this issue then you should go back to your comic shop and get it now.

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By Bertozzi's own admission he doesn't cover the entire story of the Shackleton Expedition because then the story would be massive. And really I only mention that for those that might expect 100% historical accuracy. He does however tell a complete and rewarding version of the story that is heavy on the facts and very entertaining.

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I've played practically all of the Splinter Cell games and the one two back wasn't half bad, but I never play for the story. The story is shit and it continues to be shit here. What's worse is that they're holding it to the standard of other Tom Clancy franchises when this one wasn't created by Clancy, but rather the writer of the original game. Why it's still being held to that standard and now just being allowed to run on its own is beyond me. It might do it some good to become its own franchise, especially when it's viewed that way by everyone else.

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I read a ton of Dark Horse titles each month and really each week, but for my money Abe Sapien really is one of the best they publish. It rises above their licensed material which I rate very high (especially compared to other publishers), it rises above their foray into the superhero genre (for the most part) and it sits at the top of the Mignolaverse in my opinion. The last issue may have been labeled as a "starting point", but trust me" you can start this journey any time and it's always going to be one worth taking.

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Armor Hunters is why people like event books. They're supposed to be this entertaining, well-plotted, illustrated wonderfully and have a story that has meaning and legs to stand on after the series has concluded. Usually when you have a smaller company with a shared universe they have a harder time of making the effects of an event felt across the entire line, but Valiant makes it look easy. They put the big two to shame and I can't wait to finish this series and see who survives this mess and where the world will go from here.

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I'm looking forward to the next issue. I want to see what's going to happen because it's going to make or break the series, but I doubt it'll break. All of the characters are rushing to one location and the intensity of the writing has me on the edge of my seat. At this point I'm basically just looking at the captions and dialogue because the artwork washes out so much of the emotion for me, but if you're digging it then you'll probably love this issue even more.

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It's rare that a second issue is better than the first and rarer that you'll bite your nails off waiting for the third, but that's the case here. I'm far more impressed with this second outing than the first and I was smitten with the debut for sure. This year has produced some incredible mini-series and I've been fortunate enough to jump on a lot of them. Lucky for me I grabbed this book because I think I would have missed it with how under the radar it appears to be. Buy the first issue and buy this issue and join me biting my nails for the third.

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By no means am I done with this series. I'm going to keep with it because it has potential and with it being an ongoing there's plenty of time for it to work out the kinks as it goes. That's the great thing about an ongoing series, there's room for improvement and plenty of time for it as well. If you dug the second volume of Zombie Tramp you shouldn't have too rough of a transition to this volume. If this is your first time reading it, well I don't know what to tell you what to expect. It's new ground for me to, but I'm sticking around and if you like the twist to the story then I imagine you'll be sticking around as well.

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If you haven't checked this series out then I don't know what I can do to convince you that's worth your time and money. It has comedy, friendship, believable dialogue; interesting characters, action and gross-out humor" don't tell me this book isn't for you because it has something for everyone.

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It's seems as if there's only one way for the story to end which I love. The reason being that I have no idea if that's actually going to be the direction Brisson takes the story. He could zig instead of zag and frankly that's thrilling as a reader. I don't know the outcome of the story, but I do know that there isn't a chance that I'll miss it. Simply put you should be reading The Field.

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The ending was definitely the worst thing about the entire issue and story in general. It was a Mario Brothers Movie ending and in my opinion completely invalidated the story I just finished reading. The character's journeys are undone for a cheap setup for a sequel. The real shame is that after reading this issue I don't particularly have interest in a sequel.

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I'm excited for the next issue and if these first three have shown us anything, it's that we're in store for even better issues as it goes on. I don't know how this story will end, but I don't see a super happy ending in store for it which only makes me more curious. We'll have to see what the creative team has in store for us next time. In the meantime this has jump to the top of my read list.

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This series isn't just for Twilight Zone fans; it's for fans of great stories. It may be set in the TW universe, but the true tell of the stories are if they can standalone without the name. You could call this the Straczynski Sci-Fi Thriller Hour and these stories would still be just as entertaining and of great quality.

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The cliffhanger at the end left me wanting more, but I want to point out that the series does their cliffhangers differently as they actually give you a preview of the next issue after the cliffhanger. This is very rewarding as it serves to wet ones whistle. This is shaping up to be a great series. It's perfect for fans of the superhero genre, but it offers them something completely different from what they're used to. Give it a shot if you haven't already, the balance of story and humor, paired with great art is worth the purchase.

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I know a lot of this review has come across as my preference for how Skullkickers should be, but that stems from what the creators delivered in previous arcs and so this arc forced a lot of comparisons. Even with all the stumbles, it's been a great arc. Any other series would have sent me packing, but with Skullkickers an average issue is better than most and a great issue, like this one, is way fucking better than the rest.

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Really this issue is worth it just for the action scene it opens with. I'm still scoring it pretty high because man oh man is the art good. If you're following the series then keep plugging along, with the way this issue ends there's only going to be more action and adventure ahead for the series so don't miss out.

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I'm looking forward to the next issue even if it's the last in the arc/volume. I've been looking forward to how this series ends and I'm expecting it to be good. Landings are tough to stick, but so far the creative team has been amazing. Let's just hope we don't have to wait too long for the next volume.

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Chew is one of those books that you expect to be good and frankly that's probably why so few people bother to review it or even talk about it. They just expect that they'll enjoy the story and laugh and that John Layman will introduce some new food related power and they'll feel justified spending their three bucks. But do you know how much harder it is for creators to consistently deliver issues of this caliber, especially with that expectation? I don't know how this creative team has done it, buy Layman and Rob Guillory are one of the best creative duos in the history of comics. How can you even question that at this point? This is two guys that make a comic book that beats the vast majority of all other comics being published and they do it themselves" amazing. If you're not reading it, you're likely wasting your money on something else.

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Again don't get me wrong this is a good issue, even slightly better than good with the art and story pacing, but I have to wonder how it will affect the overall progress of the series? Just because something is good doesn't mean it's necessary and with the high level of storytelling this series has had it really comes off as taking the easy road. Thinking about it some more, it seems like something a TV show would do in order to fill episodes.

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This series is really good. I wasn't expecting this exact direction so soon in the series, but Naifeh is full of surprises. With just two issues this series has jumped way up on my list and I will be paying close attention to it in future issues. I'm not going to be as bold to say if you're looking for a book for your daughter to read or anything like that because again this book is relatable for anyone that's really ever felt alone at some point in their life. More than worth the money so check it out.

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I know it sounds crazy to say that with four issue left that this issue is a good place to jump on board, but again James has put a lot of effort into making it that way. This is the kick off to the second story arc and the decent down the mountain. If you're still not convinced you can pick up the trade for the first volume which is also out now, but either way you need to be reading this series.

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The impression I have is that this is going to be a great little mini-series. It's clear that Hague has a finite story to tell with the mini, but he's putting in the work to make sure that its worth being invested in. Currently, I'm invested and can't wait to check out the next issue and peel back the veil a little more. If you like fantasy stories then this is a must read.

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MPH is boring. It's a boring fucking book and if you think I didn't tell you anything about the issue I've actually told you everything. Roscoe's revenge, his girlfriend's revenge, the trio running, stupid ass cliffhanger" that's the entire issue; that and more of Millar thinking that he's writing unique and interesting dialogue, when it's actually trite. Pure fucking trite and that's why there's four covers, to squeeze as much money from fans as possible before they figure it out for themselves.

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The mystery of this series is what will keep most people coming back and that's certainly the most interesting aspect of the story. I have high hopes that it'll finish strong, but if you haven't even begun reading then get on it. It's not sold out so you should be able to request it from your comic shop at the very least or you can always go the digital option. For me it's becoming one of my favorite books to follow and it's a pleasant reminder of the quality of titles that Archaia has been known for. I'm not seeing a lot new Archaia books coming down the pipeline, but there is a vibe and quality to them that is solely their own. Hopefully this gives the imprint a much-needed boost.

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I was surprised by this issue. I didn't know what to expect, but the concept quickly won me over and the rest managed to build past my initial interest. For a first issue it stumbles some, but overall it introduces the reader to the world that isn't forced or annoying and leaves the reader wanting more. I have a feeling this first issue only skims the surface of the story and that the next issue will dive in deeper. I'll be back to find out and hopefully you will be too.

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I know a lot of people wonder why Armor Hunters and Unity exist at the same time, but they're covering different aspects of the universe. AH is the traditional big event book delivering intense scenes and universe changing situations, while Unity is the personal touches that strengthens those changes and will continue to build the unity (pun not intended but appreciated) of the Valiant Universe. Don't write this series off, it's still a dynamite aspect of the Valiant Universe.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this issue and will be finishing the mini for sure. It's at home with the rest of the Hellboy gang, but it's different enough that it doesn't come across as more B.P.R.D. Even if you're not a Mignolaverse reader and you just like creepy mysteries that involve the supernatural, I would highly recommend this issue. To answer my question about this series being a dark horse, the answers is neigh (another pun, I know its nay).

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The issue deals with Piggy's anger and how he overcomes this hatred for Magee. Again, the comic has some great lessons for kids that I would encourage anyone to read. Pet lovers will jump right into the story and kids can read it on their own. It has a good balance. Tod Emko and Ethan Young have given us a great comic about friendship and heroes. Take the time to get into the mix with A Piggy's Tale and you will love every second of it.

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I've already read through this issue twice which is a rarity for me, but it was so freaking good that I see myself reading it again before the next issue. Speaking of the next issue, it can't come soon enough. I'm seriously anxious to read it and see where this series is going because of the literal hand grenade the Dysart had go off in this issue. I say this a lot, but this is the best book that Valiant is publishing and this is the best issue in the series as it brings together the entire journey of the twenty-three issues that led up to it. Phenomenal work.

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There isn't much that MonkeyBrain puts out that I don't enjoy, but this book is the first to surprise me in a while and I think it has to do with my preconceived notations about it. Granted what I thought it would be and what it is are in the same ballpark, but it's a big park. Henchmen, Inc was the surprise of the week for me and I'll definitely be back for more. The best part? You can get it now for a buck so if you already bought your comics for the week" well you've got one more to get.

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To answer the question I posed in the beginning" it doesn't finish strong. It's back to the awkwardness of the first issue and that's the real shame. If this story ends up in Hollywood, which I wouldn't be surprised by at all, you can count on a rather larger rewrite of the weakest points of the story.

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We'll have to wait and see how this mini-series finishes, but for now it's starting strong and that's always a good sign. To use a very obvious statement, Ordinary is anything but.

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For all the praise that this series gets it really does earn it, but I just don't know if I have anything left in the tank to say about it. It's wonderful and at this point it's finding non-comic readers to buy it and that's great because the normal comic readers have already decided one way or another about it.

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This may not have turned out to be an ongoing series, but you can beat that it's going to be one hell of a mini-series. I have to say that I'm really impressed with the story. I never saw myself liking a book about an underwater society, but here it is on my "must read" list every month. If you haven't checked it out then it's definitely worth it. It has a wonderful blend of fantasy and sci-fi that any comic fan can enjoy.

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Granted there is still going to be naysayers of this series, but it's their loss. I think Mendoza has created a character that has a tragic background and has had to rise to empowerment. It's a realistic journey even if she's a zombie. As a fan of the first two volumes I'd be lying if I didn't have my doubts about the third volume, but this last issue has given me some faith in checking it out so I'll be back for more and hopefully people will give the next volume a fair shake as well.

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Is this issue truly a great spot to jump on? Yes it is, but more importantly it's one of the best issues of the week period. Hell I'm going to go ahead and say that it's the best issue in the series thus far and I can't wait to see what the next issue will bring.

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The great thing about this issue is that when you read it everything fades into the background. Not once did I make a comparison to another story while reading it, but when you finish it that's when the thoughts creep in. I don't think it'll be for everyone since there is a lot of genre meshing, but it could surprise some people. Myself, I'll be back for the next issue and hope that it can throw a few surprises my way.

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I almost thought this was a one shot, but thankfully it's not. I had a lot of fun with this carefree story that's not quite all ages, but pretty close. I mean you might have to explain a lot of dead ninjas, but isn't that something we've all wanted to have to explain at one point in our life? "Honey, what's with all the dead ninja's? Funny you should ask." Comic book problems I suppose. Seriously though, check this book out. You'll be surprised by how good it is, but even more surprised that two dudes were able to make a believable teenage girl character" and a total bad ass one at that.

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This is a decent outing. I don't know if it's required reading, but if you're looking for the stereotypical "twist ending" Twilight Zone, then you may be entertained. For me it was more of a window into the world after JMS leaves the series. I'm sure that Dynamite will continue it because they'll already have a built-in readership, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll be successful. If I were them, I would start fielding people now so that we're not getting a series that's only focus is the shock value of its endings.

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Sadly this is another average comic book. I'll likely check out the next issue, but I'm not expecting anything from it. I want to be wow'd, I want to be blown away and hey maybe some people are, but for me this is just so-so. It's not risky and frankly if I was bringing back a defunct comic company in the form of one shared mini-series" well I would be risky, bold and maybe a little crazy in order to win readers over.

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Clone is just a must read at this point. It's crazy at times, but the drama and the action make it one of the best comics on the market. It has reached that pinnacle in which nothing more than "read it" needs to be said about it.

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This creative team gives me hope for the comic industry in general. D4VE has been the perfect balance of writing and art and goes to show that if you're unwilling to sacrifice one for the other, then you'll produce something fantastic. My goal as a comic reader is to only read things that are of D4VE caliber, but then I don't think I'd be reading too many comics. But D4VE gives me the hope that one day I will.

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I know that Deadskins is a series that people will either love or hate and that's okay. It's better to have people all in or all out in my opinion because the people who do enjoy it will be rabid for it. I'm rabid and can't wait to see what happens next. If you haven't checked this series out yet then grab the back issues which are only available in digital format on FriedComics.com. For four bucks you can catch up on the entire series and you should.

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I can't recommend this book enough. I checked out the print version, but also the guided view version on Comixology. Both were great and while they gave different reading experiences I actually liked that. At this point in the year I'm already making mental check lists for our end of the year list. Right now, I can't think of a better single issue than this debut issue of Dry Spell. I am counting down the days for the next issue and have a good feeling that this series is going to surprise a lot of people. Check it out because it's not to be missed.

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If you can't tell I was disappointed by this ending. It didn't deliver and relied too heavily on what worked in the beginning of the series which only served to spoil that charm. I know this wasn't supposed to be the Dredd, but it's the first time since IDW has had the license that I became worried that they were losing focus on what is Dredd.

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Even with my problems with the art I'm still scoring this issue high. The reason being that the story has only gotten better since the first issue and I suspect it'll continue to do so. In the meantime if you're enjoying the Valiant Universe then you do not want to miss out on Rai.

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The first issue of The Woods sold out, but you should be able to grab a second print with this issue. I would recommend you do that because this series is already proving to be one of the best of the year. As long as it finishes strong there's no doubt in my mind that it'll be appearing on my end of the year list in a least a few categories. Basically what I'm saying is buy this issue and keep buying.

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It's hard not to be disappointed by this arc as it hasn't lived up to the expectation of the series. That doesn't mean I'm abandoning it because every series has its highs and lows and sometimes interesting things can come from a low. Who knows, maybe with the results of this issue the next one will turn everything around and leave yoke on my face, but not just yet.

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If you for some reason didn't pick up Furious then you should do yourself a favor and read the best superhero title to be published this year. It didn't come from a company that only produces superhero titles or a rebooted property, but rather a publisher that believed in the product and let the creators create. Amazing what can happen when you let that happen.

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I wish I could say more, but that would be cruel. With so much hype around this issue, so much build up, I was afraid it wouldn't deliver" but it did. That's actually a lot harder to do than you'd think. What has a greater difficulty is exceeding expectations" and it did that as well. Every issue is someone's first so why not start here? It's one of the best issues of the series so far.

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Now here's where you dear reader come into play. If you liked how any of this sounded then you need to go buy the series. If you still have some Comixology freebie money burning a hole in your digital wallet then slap it down plus a dollar more for this entire series. I want, nay I need more of this series and frankly you do too. Do not miss out on one of the funniest series being published today.

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I think this was a solid first issue and I think either way you want to check it out; either by single issues or the graphic novel, it will be a great read. I was definitely impressed and can't wait to get my hands on more of this story and tremendous art.

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Again, hands down this is the best issue of the series and really a great standalone issue to enjoy. Even if you didn't come back for the next issue I would still recommend reading this issue just for it's incredible storytelling, both writing and art.

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This story is only getting crazier, but I can't help but love it because of that. Brisson clarifies some aspects of the story with this issue, but the meat of mystery is left and that isn't stopping the story from introducing more hijinks. If you love a good mind-fuck, time travel story then you shouldn't miss out on what's sure to be one of the best mini-series of the year.

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Again it's interesting. I would love to see a real crack at the romance genre attempted again since the last time was Mark Millar's Trouble and that just made Peter Parker's family a bunch of swingers. As for this reprint, I was intrigued by it more than anything. I don't know if I would pick up other issues, but this one was entertaining-ish.

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With this being the sixteenth issue of Clone, you may be wondering if this is the right time to jump on the series. Well it definitely is as enough of the previous events are recapped here and the pacing is methodical in that it wants to trudge slowly so that it doesn't lose anyone in the process. If you've been meaning to check out Clone this is a great issue to do so.

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This issue is a satisfying conclusion to the series and anyone that enjoyed the first issue is sure to enjoy this one as well. It does leave me curious about this franchise because I don't know where it can go from here and if there is anything that different it can offer in a new volume. The thing is though, I'm pretty sure that whatever Matt Miner comes up with will be just as good as these last two volumes of Liberator have been. Whatever it is, I'll be checking it out for sure.

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I don't know if I can continue reviewing this series. Not because I think it's going to get bad or that I didn't like it; it's actually the opposite, I liked it too much. It's a series that I want to enjoy more than analyze and I'm sure that most people can understand that. It's like when a friend asks you why you buy a particular title but never talk about it, sometimes it's better to just enjoy a story than to talk about it and I have a feeling The Woods is going to be that way for me. That said you should pick it up. It's already moved up on my list of mini-series to pay attention to and I'm sure it has more to give us with the next issue.

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Is this the triumphant return of Chaos? Not really. It's good to have the characters back even if it's just a mini-series. The problem with Chaos has always been that they have great characters, but no villains and no stories for them to go through. You could look at it like a universe full of villains and anti-heroes walking the thinnest of lines between hero and villain, but it's just a strange mix of character that never really had a story to tell. There is a story here, but we'll have to see if it can bust out of the event book mold that it's started off in.

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There's an obvious demographic that Naifeh and Oni are going for with this series. That said, I think it would be foolish for anyone to think that they're not the target demographic. Do you like bad ass characters that make others look foolish because they look down on people? Do you like Norse mythology, especially when there's something new added to it? Do you love Wooly Mammoth's? Of course you do. Seriously though, this series/issue is going to surprise a lot of people so pick it up at a con or pre-order for its widespread release in June.

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That doesn't mean that it's not for you, so if the concepts I've listed intrigued you or you just want to know the elements I'm leaving out then check it out for yourself by picking it up at a convention or pre-ordering it for its release in July.

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This was a surprisingly good issue. I really didn't expect anything other than a half-baked attempt at capturing the gimmick from the show. Maybe that's how it will come off to some, but being that I didn't follow the show I found this issue to be well-plotted and entertaining. If like me the show wasn't for you, but you love action and drama then you should definitely check this issue out.

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This was a good week for comics, at least for me, and Letter 44 was one of the reasons for it. This is the best series Oni is publishing right now and it has fierce in-house competition. The Sixth Gun alone is enough to give it a run for its money, but then there's The Auteur as well. I'm pointing both of these out because I still think that Letter 44 is the best comic Oni is publishing. Check it out, even if you're jumping on with this issue. It's worth it.

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Psycho Gran is a lot of fun. It reminded me of the first time I read MAD and how much fun that was. Again this series isn't going to be for everyone, but if you're down with the humor that I've described then you're going to enjoy reading Psycho Gran for sure.

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I've been pleasantly surprised with this series from the beginning and I for one will be sticking it out until the end. Hopefully the team has a decent ending to the arc already plotted, but from what I've seen I'm not too worried that they won't work something out. If you blew this series off thinking it was just another underwater society doing underwater stuff, well you were wrong. You were very wrong.

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You might wonder why I'm even bothering with a review for this issue considering its sales success and the long running nature of the story. Well in comic books there's this assumption that everyone reading a book will continue to read it, but as I've already proven that's not the case. Sometimes people need a reminder that they just because they fell behind on a volume that they can just jump back in and catch up later. Others may feel like they'll never be able to jump on and this is for them as well. Jump on here. It'll give you a great idea of what you can expect the series and it's an entertaining read at that.

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Furious continues to be a delight month in and month out. I'm looking forward to the next issue a lot and if you haven't checked out this series you really should. It's not just a great superhero comic book, but a great comic book in general.

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Will I be back for the final issue? You bet I will and I'll even be a bit sad to see this series go, but that's what makes it a good mini-series. While this wasn't the strongest issue in the series, it was still an entertaining read for the most part and worth continuing with if you've been here since the beginning.

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Much like the last issue we're left with an idea of what will happen in the next issue. Who we'll follow remains unknown, but as long as the issues remain consistently good I'll be back to check them out. This issue might not be the best to jump on with, but I have a feeling the next issue won't have time to reference the past. If anything you should catch up on the first two issues before reading this one.

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If you've missed out on this series you're a bit late to the game. There are the usual ways of catching up either back issues or digital of course. You could wait for the trade, but there is something thrilling about following this issue monthly.

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This series instantly shot back up to my top five. It's going to be very hard for other series to top this because of how well constructed the story is and how fantastic the art is executed. In comics a company has a title that they measure the success of all their other comics to; for DC its Batman, for Marvel it's either X-Men or the Avengers. Sure it's a bar set by sales, but for me that bar is Harbinger at Valiant. This is their best series and I will continue to say that for as long as it remains true. If you haven't read it, there's no better time than now to begin.

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Hopefully you've been reading Shotgun Wedding from the beginning, if not I'm pretty sure you'll be able to pick up the entire series now. I'm curious what the sales will be like and if the weekly release ended up helping it or not. It definitely makes for a good all-in-one read so if you've been saving them, now is the time to pull the trigger and catch up on one of the best action titles that Image/Top Cow/Minotaur Press has ever published.

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While this is a great issue I don't know if I would every read it again. It's definitely worth reading and I would actually encourage people to read it bearing in mind that it's satire and not meant to be taken seriously. Sadly the people who should read it the most" probably won't and if they do the point will likely be missed on them. One thing is clear though, Evan Dorkin is bold.

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I like action based stories in my comics. It's part of the reason I enjoyed what 12 Gauge Comics was doing with their all action titles so Shotgun Wedding is a welcomed surprised; especially being that it's from Top Cow's Minotaur Press imprint. At this point if you missed out on the series you have some catching up to do, but I would say that it's worth the time, effort and money to invest. Sure you may want to wait until next week to snatch up all four issues or give yourself a heads start and build that excitement some. Either way, check this series out if you love pure action stories playing out on your comic pages.

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It sucks that this is the last issue. I didn't expect it to go on forever, but it would have been nice to have a few more issues or at least twelve issues. Maybe it'll return for a second volume, but the story would have its work cut out for it to deliver an interesting story. This issue on the other hand" is an ending. It does what it needs to in order to close the series, but it buckles under its own buildup.

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As always I will point out that for four fucking dollars you can catch up on D4VE and not regret it. Each issue is actually longer than the average MonkeyBrain title so really you're getting a full comic for a buck. Meaning for the price of an average comic with a twenty-two page count you can get four" how the hell are you reading this review still? Go buy the comic.

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Part of me didn't want to keep reading the individual chapters like this, but I couldn't resist. How could I stop reading a book that I already know is so incredible when presented with more to read? If you're waiting on the graphic novel I can't say I blame you because once The Shadow Hero has its hooks in you, you won't be able to stop reading.

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If you did like this series I would suggest checking out the other Vader titles and seeing the character development that Dark Horse has put into Darth Vader. They have in fact picked him up after his creation and prepared him to be the character we find in the original trilogy. I'm not going to argue if licensed comics are good or bad for the industry, but I will say that the entire industry should be founded on the notation of storytelling and Dark Horse's Vader run has told an incredible story with real development for the character and nowhere is that illustrated more than with this series.

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This continues to be a series that you shouldn't miss. The charm of Image Comics is that everyone has their top books at the company. Frankly I'm kind of tired of them always hogging the spotlight so I hope that people pay attention to The Mercenary Sea, because it deserves the attention.

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What's annoying and also great about this series is that you never have a favorite issue for too long. When I used to read X-Men I would enjoy the series always, but a favorite issue would rarely pop up. With Peter Panzerfaust it always seems like the newest issue is my favorite because it comes along and somehow manages to shine above all that came before it. If you're a fan of storytelling then check it out regardless of what issue it's on.

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I definitely enjoyed this first issue; enough that I decided to review it before reading the second issue so that I could give it its fair shake on its own. Perhaps the second issue will reveal why it's a weekly book, but really this issue sets up a mini-series that has plenty to offer in the terms of story, action and mystery. If you missed it last week you should check it out and maybe even grab the second issue as well.

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This issue was probably my favorite in the series thus far and I really enjoyed the set up for the next story line that not only was sprinkled in throughout the issue, but especially at the end. JMS and the creative team paid this franchise a respect. They didn't just come in and try to copy the original nor did they try to stray far from it. Instead they delivered a story worthy of the name for the modern era.

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I actually ended up liking this issue a lot due to the final act. At first it plays possum and just loads you up on back story for the villain. That's great and all, but it didn't feel like a Valiant book until that third act when it pulled the rug out from underneath you. If you were going flat on this series, give it another shot. Just don't miss this issue as it affects a lot of the Valiant U.

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Chances are you didn't miss out on this series considering how well it sold, but if for some reason you jumped off after the first couple of issues you should give it another shot and finish it out. That and you're going to need to know what happens here if you're going to read the second volume" and you want to read the second volume. At least I do.

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While this wasn't the most imaginative story, it was still entertaining and with Lau on the artwork it's hard to pass this issue up. Overall it accomplishes its task of telling a self-contained story that is entertaining and true the main character and that's all you can really ask for from a good one-shot.

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Of course I'm glad that this issue was good. It's not as if I wanted it to be bad and it even managed to get another review out of me. The question is" what's the next issue going to be like? There are only two issues left and I sincerely hope that they resemble this issue in terms of story and art. In the meantime, this issue was a good return to form for the collected series.

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This series is getting really good. It started off good, but it's managed to grow and develop into a must read series. If you haven't checked it out it's definitely worth catching up on and you can do so for just four bucks as of this issue. If you like anamorphic creatures and the good guys taking the fight to Nazi's then there is literally one series in which you'll find both" The Army of Dr. Moreau.

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I'm not one to throw out hyperbole like "best issue of the week" or "a mini-series everyone should read" because it's just overused buzz words. It's a shame to because both apply to this comic. Maybe it's the fact that we're in April and I can only think of one or two mini-series that have been good this year, but I have a feeling that from here on out The Field is the bar to beat. This book definitely has my attention and it's the first mini-series in a while that I can remember being really excited for. If you want a good mind fuck this week, this is it.

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If you missed out on this series then do yourself a favor and either track down the single issues or buy them digitally. At the very least you should pick up the trade when it releases, but don't miss out on a great zombie-esque tale. We all know that the genre is thick, THICK, with stories; so when one stands out it should be celebrated and enjoyed.

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Needless to say I won't be back for the next issue. I'd love to make some pun involving the title, but really I'd just like to forget about this series all together.

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While I enjoyed this issue, it made it clear that this series isn't a must read. It's something that I may come and go on, but it hasn't won me over as a steady reader. Maybe that will happen with the next issue, but that will depend on which character we're following then. That in fact might be its greatest strength and weakness; by not having a steady narration from any one character for a duration of time, it might in fact make it harder for readers to latch on to it. At the same time it might be what keeps the narration fresh.

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Is there more to say about this issue? Tons, in fact there's so much I want to pick apart and talk about and just comment on in general, but then what reason would you have to read the comic? I don't want to spoil it so I will end it here saying the very thing I said in the beginning" you should buy this issue.

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There's still so much I want to say about this series. I want to talk about the crazed version of Cady Lark running around, the troubling accident that took Cady's sisters and just the mysteries that surround this series, but that would make for a long and boring review. Instead I will just say that this series continues to get better and better with each issue and no" there isn't another title out there that's anything like it.

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As it stands, it's an okay spoof. I don't know who's going to buy it. Lapsed My Little Pony fans? Current My Little Pony fans? People that dislike My Little Pony fans? You see" it's a strange demographic that they're chasing with this book. I hope they find their audience or upset the audience that they're hoping for, but really it wasn't for me. I figured I've reviewed an issue of My Little Pony, why not review a spoof" I've done that. I will say this, I love crazy little one shots like this. In five years this will be one of those things that you stumble upon and are amazed by.

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By no means am I giving this book a free pass in the future, but it sure as hell impressed me with these two issues. If you like the original one-shot then you're definitely going to like this new series and if you didn't" well I was there with you. In fact I might just have to go back and re-read the first volume because of this new series. We'll see, but for now you should check it out. It's also worth noting that the first issue is something like forty-four pages for $3.99 which is well worth the price.

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Lastly here's something to think about. Superheroes started off representing the repressed, the little guy that dreamed of the power to stand up for themselves. The represented the people there were defending. I can't say that's true anymore with modern superheroes, but with The Shadow Hero I see it" and it's really good.

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There are plenty of other stories in this issue. Some worth reading and some I wouldn't recommend bothering with. It does look like with the next issue we'll see some new stories or at the very least some conclusions to other stories and that's a good thing. I haven't read the last two or three issues and yet I still feel like I picked up almost the same issue as before. Time for some fresh blood I say.

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This is a tough call because it is a really good issue, but a fifth issue in a five-issue series should also be judge on that merit. I'm all fine with a set up for the next issue, but that's all this issue is. They might have wanted to visit it on the next series or even as a zero issue one-shot just before it's launch.

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At this point this series is what it is. It's not going to change course and suddenly get better; all we can hope for is that the twist ending will be worth it. I enjoyed the hell out of the first issue and with a little luck maybe the series can close out on that same high note, but if not" I won't be surprised.

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There's still a lot of fun and entertainment to be had with this issue; sure there are a few problems, but nothing that makes the book un-readable. This take on the underwater society is interesting because it mirrors the struggles of our own society and how we're endangering our own future with how we treat the planet. In a lot of ways the water represents our society and the land represents other planets. It's a fantastic blend of sci-fi and with Redum Anshargal as our guide; it's going to be a great trip and I for one will be there for it.

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It's not often that you fall behind on a series because it's consistently great, but if you were like me then catch up. In a lot of ways X-O is the Valiant Universe. They built their world on his shoulders and he's more than capable of handling the load.

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I didn't run to read this issue this week and I kind of wish I had. I won't be making that mistake again and if you're in the same boat as me then you should do the same. If you're not reading this book then you really should check it out. It has a dash of some many genres that it's bound to hit something you're interested in.

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This series is very entertaining and accomplishes something that a lot of superhero titles currently published doesn't offer" wholesome fun. Ew, I know some of you just shied away from the word "wholesome" but that doesn't mean that it's geared towards kids or imposes some kind of religious belief on you. It just means that it isn't dark and brooding, it doesn't try swearing just to swear and more importantly anyone can jump on and enjoy it. Hulk isn't for everyone; Batman isn't for everyone, but The Double Life of Miranda Turner has the potential to be for anyone. Anyone that's willing to check it out that is.

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By now Bad Ass has found its reader base and while there are no more talking Dragons, the series is still plenty nuts. But it's a good kind of nuts. The issue ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but it's more in the dialogue than the actions or a cheap reveal. Instead we've been reading an issue about a character that's gotten their life together all along wondering how they became a criminal, only to be given a huge clue at the end. If you bailed on this series you may want to give it another shot as the creative team has found a unique and interesting way to present an origin story.

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I love and hate zero issues. When they're done cheaply they come off as a gimmick just to pick up a few extra bucks from the publisher, but when they're done like this; with quality and care they can be every bit as important as the main series. From reading this you won't know what's happing in the main series, but you should be curious and more importantly you now have a ton of information about the history of the series. Whether you're a first time reader to Harbinger or you have been here from the beginning, this is a great issue to read and enjoy. So do just that.

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I'm going to have to go with my gut for the rating on this one. Granted I have high expectations for Sidell and Vader, but with a month in-between issues my expectations reset just in time for a new issue. While I enjoyed this issue and found it entertaining, I know that the next is going to be far better because of the work done in this issue.

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Alien Legion fans definitely shouldn't miss this series. In regards to new readers I can see some of them being frustrated with the issue, but if you give it a shot you will come to understand what the series and plot is all about. As for the characters and such, that's going to have to be a slow burn and something better explored in future issues. By no means does that mean you should skip this issue and if you're a fan of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy then you should give this a look as well.

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Some might say that you need to be bold to read this comic or that if you're easily offended that you shouldn't read it. I say screw that. You're always going to be easily offended if you don't venture out of your bubble and this is as far out of the comfort zone as you can get. If you like books from Avatar Press, but you want to laugh, then here you go" Pregnant Bitches of War from Fried Comics.

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I'll be looking forward to the next month and I'm willing to bet that anyone reading this series is as well. It's not always a series that you can talk about, but it's one that people shouldn't stop trying to talk about. If you're behind on the title, jump on with the next issue as it will start the next chapter of Abe's journey.

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This series is only for one group of people: fans of the original Six Million Dollar Man. It offers nothing for people freshly exposed to the franchise and when you consider how much content is similar or better than this that's been made since the show went off the air" well it doesn't look like Steve Austin has much of a chance to win over new fans with his form-fitting long-sleeved tees and tight jeans. The bottom-line is this issue tried really hard to pick up right after the end of the fifth season and it succeeded" but that's not a compliment.

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If you're a fan of Lapham's work at Avatar Press you should check this book out. If you're a fan of Lapham's work at Marvel" you should check this book out. If you loved Lapham's Vertigo titles, then definitely check this book out. More so, if you're a fan of comics; of the comic medium, then you should check out Stray Bullets because it's something that will only exist in its purest form as a comic book. And what a comic book it is.

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How did The Crow: Pestilence fair compared to its IDW counterparts? Average. It's not the worst Crow story I've read, but it certainly didn't grab my attention or even attempt to break the mold (at least not with this issue). It may be worth checking out the second issue, but if it continues on this path I don't seem much reason to come back to a story we all know the outcome too due to the pre-established formula of the series.

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This is a fantastic one-shot and moves the story along just enough to bide the reader's interest until the next chapter of the series releases. Don't feel as if you can't jump on with this story if you've never read a Beasts of Burden tale before, there's a recap of sorts at the beginning and through the characters natural conversation you'll catch up with the story while reading this one-shot making it a great starting point with the series. There are a ton of reasons why you should be reading Beasts of Burden, but the main reason is that it's a fantastic comic book with an original story that makes it stand out in the world of comics for all the right reasons.

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If like me you were underwhelmed with the first issue of the series then do not give up. I probably got ahead of myself based on the concept, but then this issue delivered so thankfully everything worked out. City is a risky book to pull off as a comic, but the creative team just proved that it could be done and done well!

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This issue is a little strange when you think about it. Sure we know now that it's going to continue, but it's clear that Nero wrote the series unsure if he'd be able to continue it. Thankfully he is, but when you read this issue you can see that there is a clear ending to the story and it's very rewarding. It also makes you want to read more so I'm not surprised that we'll be back and I can't wait to see what the team comes up with next.

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I can't recommend this book enough. Granted there is a message and its present and clear throughout the issue, but Miner gets it right by not being preachy or shoving it down the readers throat. He doesn't forget that there's a story to be told and he makes the story enjoyable (if not also heavy) to read. Even sad stories should be enjoyable to read and in fact the best ones are. If you missed the first volume you should definitely give this volume a chance. It's an incredible comic book that's perfect for the medium.

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I'm impressed with this series. It's quickly become one of my favorites and one of the first that I read upon its release. I don't know what it is exactly about the story, but I'm definitely enjoying it and can't wait for more adventures with Jack and the crew. The next chapter looks to be very different from this issue which is great since the first two are very different from each other in terms of set up and pacing. It makes for a great read and itches that need for classic action adventure stories.

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This is a great issue to jump on if you couldn't tell from the cover. The impressive thing about this issue is that it really is a great starting point for anyone interested in the Valiant Universe; it's packed full of information, but never is it overwhelming. If you're looking for a team book that has a very different makeup compared to other titles on the market, then definitely check out Unity because it's breaking that mold with each new issue.

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Sure this book may not be for everyone, but again if you take it at face value and don't add our own opinion to what's happening I think you'll enjoy it. It's entertaining and Mendoza is doing a hell of a job adding depth to the world.

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If you haven't started reading Clone then don't start with this issue since the story arc is nearly over, but do start the series. The first two volumes are out so you can start there and should. This issue in particular showed that this series still has plenty of tricks and surprises in store for us, so check it out.

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It could be that this comic just isn't for me. I was not a fan of Bemis' first foray into comics, but I know that most people gobbled up Polarity as if it were the most original thing to hit the comic industry in a decade. I'm sure there will be a similar response for this as well, but ultimately I found it to be preachy (just like Polarity), heavily reliant upon narration that doesn't actually further the narrative (just like Polarity) and basically dull (you know where I'm going with this). It's unfortunate, but even the shocking, completely out of place twist ending isn't enough to bring me back for more. Sorry morbid curiosity, you lose this round; but so did I with this comic.

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The brilliant thing about this issue is that you don't need to know anything about The Darkness. It doesn't rely upon you having an extensive background with the character and while it's clear this isn't going to be an ongoing or a reboot of the franchise, it is a solid miniseries that may just introduce the character to people who have never read an issue before. Top Cow's one-off mini's are always some of my favorite because their character's unique pasts have a rich and extensive history to play with. This issue does just that and in doing so is entertaining and well worth the purchase.

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If you're behind on this series you'll have some extra time to catch up, but I wouldn't recommend starting on this issue. While it's a great issue, you need the buildup and the character development to truly appreciate the entirety of the issue. Otherwise, it's a damn fine issue.

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There is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be reading D4VE. For ninety-nine cents you get eighteen pages of story. If ever there was a word for "value" it's D4VE.

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I'm definitely curious for more of this series. I have plenty of time to check out the first volume in the meantime, but I really hope that the series manages to present a new character for me to like. Herman may not have been an outgoing, outspoken character, but his narration was honest and relatable. If you're looking for a teen drama that's not quite the X-Men, but has strong elements inspired by it, then look no further than Pariah.

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In comics, fans love their powerhouse partnerships. The combination of a writer and artist producing a lengthy body of work that is consistently great is somewhat the foundation of the industry; while I don't know if Wiebe and Jenkins will go down as one of those duos, they did make this reviewer a fan of their work. I was a harsh critic in the beginning of this series and while I still stand by those criticisms, it's amazing to see where this series has gone. And it couldn't have gotten there without time and support; the support being very important because without it, this series wouldn't have had the time it needed to grow and become what it is today. It makes you wonder what other comic book series could be like if they were just given the same.

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I understand why this book isn't for everyone, but those same reasons are why I like it and continue to like it even more. As I said in my chunk of the group review, I don't read the quote-unquote "funny" superhero titles that the "big two" have to offer so maybe I'm not as burnt out on this genre as others or maybe my tastes just tend to be weird and dark" I'm okay either way and will be back for the next issue of Bad Ass for sure.

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I'm almost running out of things to say about this series what with it being so consistently great, but I'll continuing talking about it for those that may forget why they should be reading it. I've said previously that this is the only Star Wars title I'm currently reading and that's because I don't think any of the others could hold a torch to what the creative team is accomplishing here. If you love Star Wars because of the strong characters, look no further than this series for enjoyment.

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If you're interested in the Valiant Universe, but don't know where to start Unity is a great place to pick up. I would argue that each series has had more than one great jumping on point, but with Unity you get a snapshot of everything and that's a wonderful thing to have from a comic book company.

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I would say this is a mood book and though I hate to compare or mention the Mignolaverse over and over, Merrick perfectly fits in with that world and genre. That being said if you're in the mood for a series like that then Merrick is a great choice. If that's never been your cup of tea, then I don't see Merrick winning you over.

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This story arc has been very impressive, but the fact that this issue takes a moment and touches base with our characters and peels back more layers of their psyche is one of the many reasons this is Valiant's best series. This is the blue print to a great character based team book, which makes it required reading in my opinion.

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If you've been missing out on this book you should do what I did and back track to the beginning and catch up. It's a high concept idea that really works best in the comic medium because it doesn't have to worry about a production budget. If you want a thriller that's equal parts political and sci-fi or never thought such a thing could exist" then check out Letter 44.

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The sad fact is you're probably either reading this series or you're not, which is shame. It's a series that should be picking up more and more people with each new story arc so don't be afraid to jump on. The clever thing about this series is that for as fast as it moves the plot take baby steps forward. Don't wait for a TV show to check this book out, especially considering it's already like a TV show.

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There's a reason that in 2012 I gave this series my book of the year award and its shown why with this issue. I wouldn't be surprised if this series finds its way on my list again. If you had asked me if I thought the team could ever surpass what they accomplished in the first volume my answer would have been "no." The best I hoped for was just that they would maintain what they started and finish strong. With this issue it's clear that they're not looking to just finish, but they want to win the damn race. You'll only be doing yourself a favor by checking this issue out and when you do" know that this is one of those rare comic books that remind the reader of why it is they read comic books. They read them for incredible experiences like one found in Deadhorse.

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Really the only dip for me was the art. I hope that it finds its consistency again because it is the aspect of this comic that sucked me in the most. I laugh at the story and all of its ridiculousness, but the art is what brings that comedy to life. It's still a good issue and worth the price (actually worth more), but I hope that it'll reach the bar it set with the first two issues.

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Knuckleheads is a "must read" for me. I've been on a kick lately in which I only want to read comics that can actually make me laugh and while there's a good handful out there, their releases are few and sometimes far between. That said, when a new issue of Knuckleheads is out, I'm on top of it. It's a book that is as much fun to read as I'm sure it is to create; that's a fantastic gift to pass on to your readers. If you're looking for a laugh this week, then you just found it.

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I'll definitely be back for the next issue of Sinister Dexter, but hopefully this isn't a sign of what's to come. The appeal of this series is the characters and their actions, but if they become predictable then the stories also become predictable and that would be a real shame.

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The problem with this series is that it's either trying to be a clich parody or it is a clich parody. Now if it was a clich parody they could still have fun with it like the first issue did. If it's trying to be a clich parody (which is what I suspect) then it's stopped being a parody with this effort and is just a clich. It's a great premise, but again the central theme is the weakest and really the worst part of the entire story.

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To really do this book justice I would need to spoil the hell out of it, but I won't be doing that. If you just started with The Occultist on this series then you'll definitely be happy with the outcome, but if you've been following it from the beginning then the reward will be even greater. I hope we don't have to wait long to see the Occultist again and if the teaser in this issue is any indication" we won't.

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I saw online that a lot of people enjoyed the first issue and I'm definitely right there with them. I was very cautious going into this series and now I can't get enough. I really do wish that they had finished the entire story and released it weekly to give it a TV feeling, but I'll take what I can get at this point. If you like the original show or even just great story telling then definitely check out this series from the beginning and do not miss this issue.

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As I said, I'm interested in this series. I like the concept and I'm intrigued by the ending. It's definitely gotten its hooks into me and so I want to come back for more. This isn't the strongest first issue I've ever read though. Without the concept it would be a very average story of a hit man and while that's not terrible, it definitely has the potential to be more. Let me know what you think in the comments, but in the meantime I'm looking forward to the second issue for sure.

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If you missed out on the first series and passed on this volume then you really should go back and pick this volume up from the beginning. Not only does the first issue recap the previous two chapters, but it sets up this new character in the Mignolaverse for one hell of a ride. Again, this was the most satisfying comic I read this week and one that any comic fan should check out.

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I almost wish there was more to say about this series and issue in particular, but it's just solid from beginning to end. I've very exciting to read the ending and I don't see how it could be a letdown considering each issue has been better than the last. I dabble in and out of zombie titles, but this is the one I make sure I get. That should tell you something considering how many z-books are shipping just this month and week alone.

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I really want to give this book a scale breaking score like 20/5 because it's worth the value of four other 5/5 issues, but I'm serious when I say that this is one of the most important comic books that have been created in all of comics history. It's an incredible issue for many reasons and so I want people who only look at the score not to see it breaking the scale and think that I'm fanboying about this series. In the meantime I can't stress enough how much you should spend a dollar on this issue. A dollar. You're ripping the creators off, but hey they set the price so get the issue; no excuses.

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This was an entertaining issue and sets up a lot of questions for the series which is great. A lot of the mystery for this series has come and gone so it's nice to see some life injected into it. Hopefully Marz has some big plans for this series so that it has a reason to stick around.

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I really enjoyed this issue. I guess you could call it double-sized, but by today's standards it's a bit bigger than that. It was a rewarding read that kept a steady pace. It also shows the creative teams talents that I was able to pick up the last issue and get the lay of the land and understand what was happening. That wasn't just the writing either since the visuals play a huge part in the success of this issue. Now, you may not want to take a chance on this issue if it's your first. I get that, but the team actually puts together a story that is worth reading until the very end. I dug it and hopefully they'll be back with more or at least another project and when it's collected you should definitely check it out.

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Now this issue didn't knock my socks off, but that's probably my fault. I've been dreaming of this book for a while now and I'm already looking forward to several issues in the future because of the potential. That's not to say that this issue didn't live up to expectations because it did, but I almost wanted it to be a little longer or to have trimmed certain scenes down so that more of Ben with the computer eyeballs could have been shown. Even still I'll definite be back for the next issue and ones after that.

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This is a really good first issue and I hope that people pay attention to it because it has the potential to be a great series. Sure the creators are some of the more established comic industry names working at Image, but that's what's made Image great" up and coming creators. With as many big titles coming down the pipeline they're going to be hard pressed to beat The Mercenary Sea in my opinion. Do not miss out on this issue, my gut and experience tell me that's it geared towards a second print already.

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Will I be back for the third arc? Probably not. I think I'm going to hang up my hat with this issue. I actually feel bad that I encouraged people to jump on with this story arc. If I had known that it was going to go down in flames after the second chapter, I never would have. I still don't understand how the first arc can be so damn good, but this second arc falls hard.

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I did worry about this issue because a great start usually means that there's only one place left to go, down. Sure this issue didn't impact as much as the first issue, but I knew the lay of the land. The differences are slight though making it very difficult to score. In the end I had to decide if it was entertaining, did it move the story along or just get side tracked by the action? Well it entertained the shit out of me and definitely moved the story along so I would say that it was a great success. If you missed the first issue then pick up both issue because it's another Justin Jordan hit.

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I wish there was a bit more to say about this issue. I don't know if I really need to review each issue, but I'll definitely read it until the end. I just don't see a lot happening that will bring about something new to say each time. Of course the cliffhanger could change that, but again I'm not a fan of what happened so the change could be worse. If you really liked the first issue then check this issue out, but if you were kind of on the fence with it then you'll come to a decision with this issue for sure.

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If you've been following the series and really want to see the Kracken battle then I guess you should pick up this issue, but if it's cheaper digitally I would go with that option. Hopefully the series returns with a bit more substance and a normal price tag because it is one of IDW's best titles, but come on it's not five dollars an issue great.

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The last story arc set the bar very high for this series so even though this was one of the better comics to release this week, it still fell a bit short for me. I'm not worried though because it won me over a long time ago, but if you're new to the series this is actually a great place to jump on. You get just enough of the back story to get the general idea of the premise and you're along for the "Hunt." This is still one of the best comics Image is publishing so check it out.

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This issue is really good and while I don't particularly trust @X, I'm very curious to see what happens with his story and the Renegades. Also I fucking love that they're still calling them the Renegades! Stuff like that is just awesome, but also works in the context of the story. Again, if you're not reading Harbinger this is the issue to start with. I still think it's the best thing Valiant is publishing and it continues to prove me right month after month.

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I feel like I talked about this book a lot last year, but after reading the last two issues I think I'll be talking about it even more this year. If you haven't checked it out just jump in, there isn't a bad place to begin and you'll enjoy it even if you don't have all the details. How else are you going to learn who Gary is and why he should shut the fuck up?

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Should you buy this comic? That's what this all boils down to and usually I wouldn't actually say "yes" or "no." What is amaze-balls for one person can suck balls for another, but in this case it's a yes. Even if you never realized it, you read comics for the story and this is an incredible story that's being told with the writing and the artwork. It's something that even non-Star Wars fans can enjoy because that's how fantastic the storytelling is. This here people is what we call on the site "the reason you read comic books." It's also one of the reasons I'll miss Star Wars under Dark Horse's supervision.

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The series may be on the third issue, but the other brilliant thing about Monkey Brain's platform is that you can catch up at any time and for a fraction of the cost of a print comic. For three bucks you're getting twice the content of a single issue and trust me, this story is worth it. I might be a weirdo for really like The Island of Dr. Moreau stuff, but even if you just like good stories it's worth the purchase.

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There really wasn't a lot to enjoy or like in this issue. It just sets up the plot for the characters and since we as the reader were already aware of the plot" it's dull. There's no spy jokes or over the top moments. No heads exploding or anything really. If this was a movie, this would be when you went to the bathroom because you know that nothing is happening that you can't miss or be caught up on with a quick sentence. It's a shame, but hopefully it'll return to being fun in the next issue; if not then I don't see myself sticking around for much more.

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I'm not coming back for the second issue. I'm surprised that it's gotten ongoing status and that people enjoyed it enough for that to happen. This formula is beyond tired and Robison and Bone don't bring anything to the table to make it fresh and it almost feels as if they're relying on their names to do the heavy lifting. This book didn't anger me; it actually offended me as a comic book reader because that last thing I want to read is bad, recycled movie plotlines.

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I wish I had found a spot for Death Sentence on our "Best of" list but there were too many choices last year, but it was a strong contender in my book and that doesn't mean that this isn't one of the best damn titles currently being published. If this was a monthly book I don't think I'd ever need to read the X-Men again.

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You shouldn't just buy this issue, telling you to buy it cheapens it. You should experience this issue because it's one of the greatest single issues in all of comic's history. I don't throw that around lightly either, but yes there are a few other ongoing series that I would place on the same shelf. This shelf is very high and incredibly difficult to reach, but D4VE has managed to get there in just two issues. Right now you can experience it in digital, but if and hopefully when it makes it to print I will be the first in any line to purchase it; to loan it to others and to cherish it.

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I know there's going to be a gap in time while the creative team gets setup for the second season so I don't know if DiBari is going to be the ongoing artist, but hopefully they're given more time with the next issue. Overall a strong performance on the artwork and an interesting ending to the first season of the series.

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If you're a Lapham fan this issue and series are a no-brainer to pick up, but if you've never had the chance to read his work this is a great place to start. I had high hopes for this series after its DHP premiere and this first issue didn't disappoint. Pick it up!

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I was pleased with this issue and glad that it didn't suffer from the second issue let-down that so many other series suffer from. To be honest when I hear reprint or "first time released in North America" I get nervous because usually it's just an easy way to fill a spot on a publisher's schedule, but I'm actually glad that IDW picked up Sinister Dexter and how they've handled it so far. Though I could really go for an advanced look at the next issue"

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I really want to drone on and one about this issue. It's the best issue of the series and really left me with a ton of excitement. I'll be sad to read the last issue next month, but at the same time I've never been more excited to read the conclusion. This was the story that the series needed and hopefully the next mini-series isn't too far behind. If this was the only volume you've read then I would definitely recommend buying the other issues on Dark Horse's digital store just to see how great the build has been to this issue. Damn, this issue was good!

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If you enjoyed or even just stuck around through the first three issues then you'll definitely want to see how it ends. I can't say that you'll be pleased with every outcome, but for the most part it's a rewarding conclusion that sets the stage for future stories. I don't know if Mulvey is going to jump right back in the fray with a follow up, but when the time is right I'm sure we'll see more of Scam.

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The only people I've meet that didn't like a Mignola book were people who focused too much on what they didn't know about the universe rather than the bounty of information each issue provides you. I've watched as several writers on the site have become more and more invested in the Mignolaverse and they're not the first nor will they be the last. This shared universe is incredible and only grows with time. This issue is no better or worse than all the other Mignola titles, but each Mignola title is so incredible that it's in a league above most other comic books.

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I'm hopeful for the next issue, but I'm not expecting anything from it. Everything points to it being a very different issue and really more of the first issue of the story line than this issue is. If it can succeed in making me laugh then that's all that matters because that's where this issue succeeded. It's a big week for comics so I don't know if I would tell you to pass on some of the other great books reviewed on the site, but if you really want to see a James Bond type character clip his head on an over pass while standing on top of a moving train like the asshole that he is" then this is your book.

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Well the first issue of the series was pretty damn popular and I can't see people walking away from it after reading the second issue because it was just as good. It's rare that I don't want to review a book because I just want to enjoy it, but that was the case here. If you liked the first issue you'll definitely dig this issue and then like me you'll be looking forward to next month.

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You should be very excited for this new Vader series because it's actually the best Star Wars series that Dark Horse is publishing currently. That's right, the regular series or the George Lucas spec script can't touch this series. Come for Vader, but stay for the scarred Clone Tropper, trust me it's well worth it.

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I'm going to try to ride out this first story arc, but I'm hoping for something interesting. I don't really care that Sara tried to get rid of the Witchblade nor do I believe that she succeeded. That would be like Spawn without the Hellspawn suit, it wouldn't be interesting for very long and in a way would just be a gimmick like a character death; we all know they return in the end. Again though, if you've never read Witchblade you're not going to be bothered by most of the stuff I listed. You'll probably still find the supporting cast to be useless and boring, but the other plot devices should be interesting so check it out.

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I'm not to the point yet where I can justify a perfect score for this book, but it's so damn close to perfect at this point that I know that it's coming. There is a lot of potential here. I love how we get to see David do a lot of simple hand-to-hand combat. There isn't enough of that right now. I love that his weapon is a cane. "A symbol of weakness can ultimately be your strength" and all that. I think that there are a few things about this book that could use the slightest tweak and then it would be there. I love how ultimately these "50 families" are pretty much a form of eternal organized crime and are destined to fight for power for all eternity. As you can see, the possibility of this book just taking off and being far superior to everything else isn't that far off. All that aside, though, this month's issue has made David Reid one of my new favorite characters to read.

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I'm glad I stuck with this series though I doubt I would have dropped it due to its star. It's been an interesting story and the concept has only gotten cooler with this issue. If you haven't read the series yet then I would actually encourage you to go back to the beginning and read it from the start; it's a great experiment in the world of comics and its one experiment that has paid off.

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This is still one of my favorite series to premiere this year. As we get near the end of 2013 you start to think about all the issues you read and overall I don't think 2013 has been as strong as 2012, but Death Sentence has been a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dull year. This is a series you don't want to miss out on.

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Really if you dig fantasy stories you should check this one out. This series has been running for a while now and has even wrapped a major story line, but it's still going and still entertaining. I don't know anything about Magic The Gathering in case you thought you needed that knowledge to enjoy this story. It's just great fantasy writing and art and a damn good comic book.

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I didn't really know what to expect with this series and when I realized it was a reprint it lowered my expectations. Again, I haven't had a good track record with them, but this was a great trip to the past for comics that aren't made anymore. But really other than a few lines of dialog this story didn't feel aged in the least bit. Instead it was actually very refreshing. I haven't read a story like this before and I doubt I will after which has me looking forward to as many issues of this series as I can get. Check it out for yourself.

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For ninety-nine cents you can go wrong on this series. I was very glad to have two issues to read back to back so pick up both issues. This may seem like The Island of Dr. Moreau plus Nazi's, but trust me there's more meat on the bone than that. I really enjoyed this series and if I had to rank all of Monkey Brain's titles on a scale, this one would score high.

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This is a fun series and this issue is at least a two-parter which is nice. One and done stories like the first issue are a great mix-up to the storytelling, but it's nice to spend more time with the main character in a consistent setting. I'm looking forward to the next issue for sure and will be following this series for sure.

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The consequences of this issue are not over. Who knows what else Harada's brain was working on when his squall hit or how long he'll be kept under. Usually he sleeps for twenty-four hours, but now he has Bridget running a VR on his brain. That leaves the question of whether it's really sleeping or not? Its nuts, but I can't wait until the next issue. This is hands down one of the best monthly comics in the history of comics. I haven't read X-Men in a few years and yet when I pick this series up" it fills that void and then some.

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It's been a while since I read a good holiday book, in fact whenever the last issue of Paul Dini's Jingle Belle released" that's when. This was a fun story and I'm very excited to see that it's continuing. There is at least two more issues of this series that I'll be looking forward to for sure, so if you dig holiday themed books or just Christmas in general then you should check out Krampus!

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It's not a bad ending, but it wasn't as strong as the first arcs ending. It had its moments, but overall the story is spread out too much. I'll probably be back for at least the next issue of the third arc, but I would be lying if I didn't say that my faith in this series is rattled. At one point it was a sure bet and a must purchase; I hope that it can get back there again.

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I for one am really looking forward to the next issue of this series. This has already been the best in the franchise and appears to be getting better and better with each issue. If you missed out on the first issue then you'll definitely need to go back in order for this issue to have any meaning for you, but it's worth it. It's one of if not the best book I've read this week.

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I hope that the next issue is the end of the arc because that's all I have left in me to give this series. If there are two more issues than I might just check out here and save myself the effort. I don't know what happened to this series, but this second arc is just coming across as a watered-down repeat of the first and really who the hell wants to read that? I'm afraid the charm of this series has worn off so if you didn't like the last issue don't bother with this one. If you're in the same boat as me then you might also want to finish this review and check to see how many more issues are left in the arc before giving any more money to it.

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Overall this was a rewarding ending to the series. It's a bit on the happy side as far as endings go, but there are some real emotional moments in the issue and final pages in particular. Though it was a solid ending the pacing could have been better. The ending, ending itself wasn't particularly necessary and could have been dropped in favor of more action, but it is what it is at this point. If you've been following the series it's definitely worth finishing the journey.

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Like I said, this is a different beast than the first two issues, but it's great because of it. There isn't a gang of action or non-stop jokes, but there is a heavy connection built between the creators and the readers. This has easily become one of my favorite series in the back half of 2013 and I'm hoping that it has a long run into 2014 and beyond. If you missed the first two issues, you're in luck; they're recapped via the dialogue in this issue which means that you can actually start the series here and catch up. It's very much like a TV show in that regards so check it out because this is a series everyone should be reading.

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You don't need to have read the first Sledgehammer 44 series to enjoy this one; in fact I think they're counting on most people having missed that series. There is a great recap to that series within the dialogue of this issue, but even still there is something fresh and new about the issue. Check it out if you're a Mignola fan or you're looking for a WWII story fix.

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I'll be upfront when I say that usually when a story has anything to do with drinking or drugs I tune out quickly. There are very few stories about addiction that I find interesting since they only end one of two ways. This story surprised me and kept my attention while still making me care about "Ruben's" addiction problems. I mean would you break your drinking or drug habit if it gave you super powers?

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B.P.R.D. continues to offer something I don't get in other comics; it always feels epic and big and like all of these individual pieces play parts. At the end of the day though, it's the care put into the book. The story of man vs. monsters is a simple one and one that could so easily fall into lazy territory and still be fairly well done. But the integrity of B.P.R.D.'s team assures us that yes, there will be monsters, and they will be done well. But so will the environments, so will the character moments, big and small, so will new character development, so will art, and so on and so forth. And that care about making a good product is what makes these stories ones I can't miss.

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You may not know how rare this comic book is and don't mean print count or anything like that. I mean how rare it is to get a story like this in the world of comics. It's bold; it's different and basically goes against everything that comic readers buy in bulk. This series isn't playing it safe, but it is playing it smart. The writing is top-notch and while I'm sure there will be people put off by the art, there will be more people like me that love it. If you start reading this series you're going to have to pay very close attention to everything" EVERYTHING. I found a pleasant Easter egg in the legal mumbo-jumbo and that kicked off a second reading of the issue to find other things I may have missed. I've never read a comic like this and I doubt I'll read many more after it which is exactly why it's rare. It's a comic experience that you do not want to miss out on.

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This was another story building issue, but even with that it's still hitting you with heavy body blows to the kidneys. It may not be the action that's constantly in your face this time around, but the story and plot are filling in and doing a better job of it. If you're not reading this series I have to wonder why. It's the best monthly title from Skybound by far and that's saying a lot considering their publishing line-up.

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Well some stories wrap in this issue which means new stories will take their place in the next issue, but the new editions to this issue did a great job of shaking off the apathy I was beginning to feel towards the anthology. If you were in the same boat as me last month the give it another shot it's well worth it.

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Instead of ripping into this series each issue I'm going to call it good here. The premise is interesting and the art is great, but there's no narrative journey to get attached to. It's so ripe with history that everyone comes across as murdering assholes and frankly that's not a fun story to read. Maybe it's for you, but it's definitely not for me.

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I know that Unity hits this week and it's a great first issue. I know that Archer & Armstrong continues this week and I'm sure it's entertaining. Shadowman is about to launch its new creative team while X-O Manowar continues to be consistent with its plot and creative team. There is something great and entertaining about each and every Valiant series, but for my money I run to Harbinger first each and every time. This series is incredible and Dysart is producing the story of his career. If you're not reading Harbinger then stop making excuses and check it out already.

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I have to say that this is becoming one of my favorite comics; if you can make me laugh that's always a plus in my book. This was the first thing I read this week and Harbinger came out as well. If you follow the site you know how much I love that series. If you're looking to laugh this is a great series and this issue is actually a great jumping on point for the series since it sums up the past three issues and really introduces everyone to the reader. For a buck you can't go wrong so check it out.

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What I enjoyed the most about this series is that you could really see that the world is growing from the last series to this one. The idea is blossoming, but so too is the craft of both creators. It's a series that is only getting stronger and better with each installment. I can't wait for the next series and if you missed out on "Suicide Blonde" then make sure to pick it up in trade when it becomes available. It's definitely something worth reading in one sitting which I will likely go back and do now that the single issues have finished shipping.

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I haven't laughed at a comic so hard since Buddy Cops and that was a great one-shot. I'm definitely looking forward to more of D4VE and will be picking up a digital copy upon its release later this month. The creative team has done a fantastic job creating a world that is funny and yet realistic and yes that's weird to say when it's all about androids. That's why it's brilliant. D4ve comes across as a real dude and the world he lives in is a shadow of our own. Don't miss out on this series you're only hurting yourself if you do.

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You can't get this book yet which I know you're probably hating me for right now, but hopefully you're interested. Hell I'm interested in reading it again just from talking about it. There's only one other thing that Dead Body Road has in common with the Luther Strode series (other than the writer/creator) and that's its impact. There is no doubt in my mind that this series/issue is going to hit people like a ton of bricks. If you have friends that refuse to read comics, convince them to buy this issue and they'll see why the medium is so entertaining and full of endless possibilities.

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It's not that I went into this issue expecting to dislike it, rather I went in expecting I'd like it alright. Instead I fell for it and hard. I can't wait until the next issue. I can't wait to see how screwed over Rascal is and none of it from her own doing. The plot is big; the main character is bold, but the imagination and setting are even bigger and bolder. Don't miss this book, especially if you like magic and adventure.

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I'm really looking forward to the next issue, but I have the strong sense that I'm going to be heartbroken by some of the events that will take place and that's okay. The Occultist has never really been a "happily ever after" story and that's definitely part of the charm. Maybe Rob will have something turn out alright for him, but he's being tooled so hard by outside forces that it's hard to believe he'll come out unscathed from all this. That's what makes storytelling so much fun; following the journey.

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Definitely pick up this comic and enjoy the adventure.

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This series actually continues to surprise me with each new issue. I've become invested in the characters, but more than anything I know that I'll have a good time reading it no matter what. If you happen to be at Comikaze this weekend then you should definitely stop by their booth and check out the series or get this issue if you're caught up on the series.

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Overall it's a good issue, but it wasn't as great as the last two. A lot of it felt as if it was just there for the shock at the end. I like this story so I'll definitely continue with the series, but I need more of the overall plot revealed and that wasn't the case in this issue. If you're following the series then try not to be caught off guard by the final page since there are visual cues along the way and of course remember how crazy the world this all takes place in really is.

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If you have a kid that's a fan of the series then go ahead and give them this issue as they probably won't notice or care about my criticisms, much like a die-hard of the show won't either. For me though this series misses the mark when it comes to capturing the magic of the cartoon and frankly that's important. It's not bad by any means, but it's clearly not made to capture a wide demographic either.

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I really didn't need to review this issue, but I couldn't just let it pass by. It's a great one-shot that I would highly recommend to any fan of the superhero genre that doesn't take it so seriously. Hell I would also recommend it if you just need a laugh this week because it's not going to disappoint you. If you like it then give it some love and tell Dark Horse you'd like more because I know there's the potential for new characters and stories.

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Overall this was fun and didn't fall into the usual traps of a new indie superhero title. I didn't get a "dc or marvel" inspired vibe from the plot, characters or setting and that's a good thing. This issue is short as is the standard with Monkey Brain titles, but it's well worth the buck to pick it up. If you're just looking for a fun superhero title this week then you should definitely check out The Double Life of Miranda Turner.

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This is the only zombie series I've continued to read past the first issue. It's a tired genre, but this creative team reminds me why I like zombies so damn much. If you've missed this series then it's definitely one that's worth going back and picking up.

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Overall this is a good issue, but it puts a lot of pressure on the next issue to deliver. I hope that it can and I will definitely be back to check it out. I believe this series is on bi-monthly schedule, but it's definitely worth the wait.

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I wouldn't say that this issue is a soft reboot like the start of Seeley's run was, but it is a great spot for new readers to jump on. You really don't need to know anything about the series previously and while I couldn't tell you how Sarah got where she is, it didn't distract or harm the story at all. If you've never checked out Witchblade, I can recommend this issue for sure. If you've never really had an interest in the world or character then I doubt you're going to be won over here.

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When I finished reading this issue my initial impression was that it was pretty average, but then I thought about how great it is that the creative team was able to find a new starting point for readers within this complex story. This is factually the first issue that a new reader has been able to jump on to the series and not been forced to go back and read the previous issues. You can actually start here and that's great. I'm not joking when I say that this series is complex; there are so many characters (and half of them look the same) and several storylines happening all at once that every issue was like walking in on a movie half over. Don't miss out on this series because who knows when you'll get another opportunity like this.

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Overall this issue is good, but far from great. This series should be the next big thing from Dark Horse and instead this issue was filled with older comics and creators looking to revive their franchises. It's not that those franchises are bad, but when they're lumped together they're not as special. I'm hoping the next issue will do a fly by that's so awesome it causes me to spill coffee on my shirt, but in the meantime this issue is just decent.

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I almost didn't review this issue because it was so stale, but I figured I would get my thoughts out so I could read the next issue with a clear head. Hopefully it wows me, but I'm beginning to think that it's going to be very similar to the sixth issue just with something different standing in for the giant purple octopus. I know they can't all be winners, but we can still hope can't we? If you're following the series you'll probably want to finish the story arc and if you're not then you might want to wait to see how this arc turns out.

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There was something special and fun with the first issue. The clever way that the two worlds connected was believable and made you crave for a larger connected pulp world much like the one Dynamite has created, but without them involved. This issue delivers a well-worn crossover formula that in my opinion talks down to its audience assuming that it couldn't handle anything that wasn't a tongue-in-cheek meeting of these two characters and that's the real shame here.

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I wish I had more to say about this issue, but it was gift wrapped so much that it was just like, "yup that happened." It's also obvious that it's set up for a sequel, but I'm not really sure what a sequel could do that would be different from what's accomplished with this story. If you've been following the series then it's worth a read, but I would have a hard time recommending the overall series for anyone to check out.

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I wish that I had the third issue to read this very moment. In fact I wish I could just read the entire series right now it's that addicting of a story. The reveals in this issue are great and only leave you wanting more questions answered. If you missed the first issue then you should kick yourself because it's one of the best series of the year.

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This is a strange issue because I can and can't really recommend it to new readers because it requires you knowing so much about the past story arcs, but in a weird way it also catches you up on the events. I still think you'd benefit from going back and reading from Harbinger Wars, but if you're new to the series then don't be afraid to jump on here as the newest arc is beginning. As good as the last few issues have been, this issue really gets back up to the standard and pacing the series has become known for. I'm pretty sure you'll see this series on my Top Ten list again next month.

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I wasn't blown away by this story, but it was entertaining. It was never quite what I thought it would be and usually that's a good thing. It's a solid mini-series which really leaves the ending up to you to interrupt and leaves one lingering question about the significance of Zane's badge number "494." If you missed out on the series it's worth a read and if you can't find the back issues the digital issues are always available for purchase.

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I'm very happy that these two creators came together for this series. They're a great partnership and continue to produce entertaining and high quality issues. If this keeps up it may just work its way onto my top five list. In the mean time you should definitely check out this issue and series. If you missed out on the first issue you should be able to get a second print copy with this issue as well and trust me, you want to do that. This series is proving to be a humorous monthly experience that is also well-written and beautifully illustrated.

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Overall this was a decent ending to the story. I think overall the series is really good and will be the only time that this version of the Crow works so effectively. It's bold and mature and never backs down from the subject matter, but I wish that it had constructed an ending that wasn't so easy to piece together. By far it's the best Crow series that IDW's produced since obtaining the license.

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Overall I'm still really enjoying this series. I enjoyed it enough that I wrote a review a week after its release which is something I rarely do. At this point you might be a little lost within if you picked up this issue, but you can get single chapters of each story digitally which is a great way to catch up or just follow your favorite series. Personally though, I'm going to continue with the full issue so that I can see where all three tales are heading.

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I'm definitely going to continue reading Brain Boy. I don't always know if it's going to be great or even good, but it's interesting. I'm waiting for the bigger story about his parents to be revealed more and hope that it will be worth sticking it out. I can't tell you if you should stay or go, but if you liked the first issue then you'll dig this issue as well and vice-versa if you didn't like it.

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I really dug this series and if there was a follow-up I would definitely check it out. If this is the first you've heard of it then you're actually kind of lucky because you can track down the back issues and read the series from beginning to end or hopefully they'll be producing a trade paperback for the series that people can pick up. Overall I think that this was a comic with a message, but also a story to tell and it was told very well.

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Well it's going to be a while before we see this series again (January), but it looks like its adding Emi Lenox to the series. We'll have to see if the two styles match up, but at least it looks like their taking steps to produce issues faster, which is really the only problem with this series. This issue closes out the first arc and it's great, but damn I wish it came out closer to the fifth issues release. There's a trade planned for November so if you fell off of this series you'll at least be able to check out the story as a whole. If you've kept up with series regardless like I have, then do not miss this issue.

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If you've been missing out on this series then you could actually start with this issue. You'll be a bit lost on whom the characters are and what their jobs are exactly, but the big story line hasn't kicked off yet. If you miss this chance you'll have a lot of catch up to do since the series looks to be heading towards a pretty damn big event.

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This was another great issue and a damn fine way to close out Felix's segment of the interview. I'm looking forward to the next Lost Boy and if you've been missing out on the series then you'll have an opportunity to jump on with the next issue for sure. Do yourself one favor though and when the trade to this volume releases, pick it up. This is one hell of a read and I can't wait to go back through the story arc from beginning to end.

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If you read this you probably already bought or freely download the issue, but if you haven't then head over to Panel Syndicate's website. This issue may not have been as spectacular as the last, but it's still a hell of an issue. The experiment rolls on, but I think it's safe to say that this series has solidified its self as something amazing in the world of comics. After the series is over I hope they work on some official merchandise because I don't want to make my own Ghost Jacket and I really want posters of all the covers. Just saying.

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It's easy to recommend this series to new readers since it basically starts over with this issue and manages to recap the previous events at the same time. It's kind of difficult for me to recommend this to anyone that just finished the previous series because it's so similar. I didn't dislike this issue, but the dj vu was a bit much. I couldn't place it at first, but when I sat down to write the review it hit me that I had basically written this already which changed how I wrote about the issue. It's not bad, but it's old hat at this point.

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The jumps in the story really bother me. The dude in the dungeon seemingly gives our group the next piece of the puzzle, but we're not there for it so it's hard for me to believe it actually happened. Then with this ending I really don't believe that our heroes have any idea what to do on their own which has me disinterested in the series. Frankly there wasn't enough here to bring me back again. It started off interesting, but it quickly turned into Lingerie in Oz. That would be fine, but there's nothing sexy about the story to go along with that making it look more like a fan went in and photoshopped all the characters in to sexier clothing. Also where the hell is Toto?

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Again, this was a good ending, but there was a noticeable dip in quality for both the story and art. Hopefully with the ongoing this won't be an issue, but I really hope that the art has a major jump in the quality. While I didn't mind it on this series it was as spectacular as the franchise deserved. If you're a Halo fan though then you definitely don't want to miss the story elements added to the universe here.

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The thing I liked about this story is that you don't need to have read the previous series or even know anything about it to enjoy the issue. Sure it makes one-off references useful, but I've probably missed one or two minis starring Fayden and I was able to jump right back in. It's a great way to continue the universe, but without alienating the audience. If you're looking for a solid fantasy series to enjoy this week then check this issue out.

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This is one of the best ongoing mini-series in comics right now. I'm very much looking forward to the ending in the next issue, but I know I'm going to be bummed out when I'm forced to wait for the next installment. In that way it's like a good mystery novel always leaving you wanting more even after giving you so much already. If you missed out on the start of this volume or series then I would highly recommend you track down all the previous issues for purchase. If you enjoy mysteries and a bit of sci-fi then you'll love this genre defying series that nails both.

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I may come across harsh on this series, but it's only because it's brought together so many talented people in the comic industry. When that happens, most readers expect something magical to happen, but it misses the mark here. It's still a good issue that presents an interesting story, but as I said it's a very incomplete story in this issue. I feel that I have to read the next issue to figure out the rest of the story, rather than wanting to read it to see what happens next. If you dig Spartans and just that era of time in the world, then definitely check the book out.

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I don't know what the future holds for this series. There was one big reveal for the issue that ended falling a bit flat and then a cliffhanger that wasn't as impactful because you don't know when the follow-up will come. Hopefully the charm of Fillmore and Madder Red is recaptured in the next issue because there was none here. It felt like a hollow version and I'm not down with following the series if that's the new norm.

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For an issue that's supposed to be a bump and a skip before the next creative team takes over, it did its job. It also toned down the drama and intensity of the series which is something I think it needed after the last eleven issues (I'm counting the zero issue). If you're a fan of the series than it's worth checking out and sticking with until the next issue, but if you are a new reader I don't think this represents what Shadowman is all about at its core, this was more surface level. I would check back on the next issue since it's going to be very different in style and theme.

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Overall I think this issue was pretty consistent with the first issue in most areas. I do think that people will have a better understanding of the story if they read both issues back to back, but even still this issue does a good job of standing on its own and filling in a lot of the questions from the first issue. For a series that's dealing with vampires it didn't focus solely on them and that's a good thing.

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If this was your first issue with the series then you were probably feeling a bit lost, but trust me this was a great issue to start on as you were given a ton of information about the characters personalities. I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue and more importantly to how the relationships continue to develop or in some cases unravel.

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Some people might be a little lost on this series if they're just starting here, but I think the book does a good job of catching you up as a reader. For those of you that enjoyed the previous Occultist series you will definitely enjoy this issue as well.

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Sadly I see a lot of people shying away from this issue or just being confused. Personally I enjoyed the mind fuck and the challenge to put all the pieces together. I'm pretty sure that I don't have them all together yet, but that's thrilling to me. I can't wait to see what the next issue holds, but I know that it will probably be just as amazing.

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Any new series is bound to have its hiccups and for me there might be one or two for this book, but not enough that I would walk away from it. For me I'd rather get to know the characters through their actions on their adventures rather than their strange Indiana Jones moments after the action is done. It could just be me of course, but overall I'm still really enjoying the title and will continue to do so.

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Don't get me wrong the issue is still purchase worthy, but it's nothing compared to the previous four issues. The story is average in every sense of the word, while the art is striving to be anything but. If you were on the fence with the last issue then you might want to just call it there since this issue doesn't offer anything other than a set up for the next series (which is sure to have a recap anyways), but if like me you were really looking forward to this issue and plan on getting it anyways" then brace yourself.

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One thing that these specials always manage to do is make me want more of this series. I still have plenty to catch up on, but I would love to have more of this series each month and I know I'm not alone. If you've never read it before or even heard of it before then check it out. It's a great series and this issue definitely gives you a place to start.

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I really wasn't surprised that I liked this. It's a solid issue and offers a nostalgic taste for any fan of the show, but also opens the world up for new fans to discover. It is basically geared towards children so I don't see a lot of reviews coming for it after this initial issue, but it's good to see IDW taking the time to develop series for kids to get into comics. Just do everyone a favor and don't buy any of the variant covers. That is out of control and a terrible thing to introduce to a child.

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I'm glad that I finally got to read the first issue and now I'm pumped for the second. There's been enough promotional material for the series that anyone paying attention should know what to expect from the characters, but even then you'll get a feel once you dive in. I really do see this as being a great way to get new readers into comics and not just women, though it should definitely appeal to them, but TV fans as well. TV and comics share so many similarities that books like this that find a way to bridge the gap are the perfect entry for a new reader. If you check out this series consider passing it along to a friend, you might be surprised by how quickly they take to it. As for me I'm waiting for next fix of Rat Queens already.

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I don't read a lot of superhero books anymore so when I can find an indie one I like I tend to stick with it. I'll be waiting for the second issue of the series to check out and as long as it can keep up the quality on the art and the style of the story this will definitely be one to look forward to. It's available in print and digitally so check it out.

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I don't feel like there's a lot to say about this issue. If you've been reading the series I think you'll dig this issue as well and will be left looking forward to the conclusion. It's an interesting series that manages to be entertaining so check it out.

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If you haven't been following the series then this isn't a great issue to jump on board with, but I'm sure the next one will offer a place to start. Otherwise you could hit up a digital storefront and buy the back issues or wait for the trade. Whatever you do, you should definitely check this series out as it combines Sci-fi and Assassins" kind of a no-brainer to like it when I put it that way.

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I'm looking forward to the next issue for sure as this one set the stage for something big to happen. It should be interesting, but I know that Chas will come out on top like he always does. It's just interesting to see how he will. If you're thinking of picking up the series you might not want to start on this issue, but rather at the beginning of "Nation Building" three issues ago or with the first volume trade. This is still one of the most unique comics on the market so check it out if you're tired of the capes and tights genre.

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With only one issue left I'll definitely be back for it. If you missed out on this series, which is possible because I haven't seen a lot of marketing for it since its release, then check it out. Sure you might have to wait for a trade at this point, but if you can get back issues then go for it. If you want instant gratification then check it out in a digital storefront as well. I really dug this series and regret not talking about it each month, but I'm also glad that I stuck with it.

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The argument could be made that every series that Valiant produces is their best and if that was the case with every comic company then the industry would look very different than it does. If you missed the last issue find it and buy this one while you're at it, you won't regret it.

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I can't wait to see the fan response to this issue. I can't wait to have someone else to talk to it about because it's driving me mad not having that. It's an incredible issue that I would recommend to any comic reader. The set up and reveal of this issue are so powerful that anyone can just appreciate the sheer brilliance and complexity of the issue. Now if you excuse me I need to go read it a third time.

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If you liked the first issue then I have no doubt that you'll like this issue, but for me it didn't offer anything new or challenging for the superhero genre. It may turn out that I'm wrong and that there is something incredible brewing with this series, but as of right now I'm not seeing it. I'm seeing an overly mature superhero story that's being hammered by realism just for the sake of shock.

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As I said, I enjoy all three of these stories and the fact that they all share one home. This anthology is very diverse and no two stories are even remotely similar. Because of that you have a solid reading experience that delivers a little bit of everything from action to comedy or just the strange. If you enjoy anthologies this is a no-brainer to pick up, but if you're just looking for a something different to read then pick it up as well.

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If you're looking at checking out this series I would give it an issue and then jump on. For me this is one of the best things Image is publishing and certainly the best thing that Skybound is publishing. How it manages to keep the same intensity month after month is beyond me, but there is something very special about this series. If you're missing out then damn" you are really missing out.

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I know a lot of people are quick to write this series off for anyone that's not already a Halo fan, but I took the approach of this being well-developed sci-fi. It's inviting enough for any fan of the genre, but of course caters to the Halo fan-base a lot more. It definitely has me excited for the next series and for the next game which is foolish considering it's not going to be out anytime soon. Don't let this video game tie-in scare you off because it's worth the read.

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I like this series and you can pretty much count on it being a fun read each month. It's one of those series that could only exist as a comic and so they experiment with it and are pushing the boundaries of the medium which is a good thing. If you missed out on the first two issues you're definitely going to be lost on the overall narratives, but you could still read this issue and understand everything that's happening. Check it out if you want to read a music infused comic that doesn't hold back.

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Overall it's a decent issue. It's improved in some areas to the last issue, but it still bogs the reader down with narration rather than fully utilizing the artistic team. All three artists are incredibly talented and have fantastic styles, but they're chomping at the bit for something to really get at with their visuals. At this point I think you're either reading the series or you're not. I don't see it picking up any new readers which is a shame, but this is Joe Casey and Dark Horse's experiment and at the end of the day they'll decide if it was successful for them or not. For me it's just a decent read that I'll stick with for a bit longer.

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Another great issue from the Hoax Hunters creative team as this first issue is off to a great start and has changed the dynamic of the series by revealing a characters origin to us. It also leaves the reality TV format behind for the most part so we're just given a straight shot at the horror and supernatural. You don't want to miss this issue so check it out.

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I'm digging this series and I think it's a smart move to have this arc end with the next issue. It's been interesting, but with the easy comparison to Captain America it's better to move forward and start building original stories for readers to get interested in. I'll be sticking around enjoying the punchy adventure of Captain Midnight, that's for damn sure.

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I've enjoyed this series and was very happy to see that it was returning. If you missed out on any of the issues then pick them all up for just a buck each. For three bucks you'll get a hell of a lot more content to the average print comic, which seems to be Monkey Brain's winning formula. Hilarious stuff that I'm sure we'll be talking about on the podcast in the near future, but in the meantime check it out.

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Again for a buck you can't argue with it and other than the hair, I really liked the art. It was some of the best that Aspen has produced in recent memory, but it wasn't strong enough to make up for the flaws in the story. I'm not thrilled about the second issue basically being the true first issue and honestly if you skipped this issue I don't think you'd be lost by starting on the next.

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Honestly I could recommend this to anyone because it felt like a brand new series to me. I almost went back and re-read the first two issues, but after I actually enjoyed this issue I decided not to bother. Why go back and confuse or remind myself that I was planning on giving up on this series after seeing what this issue was going to do. In a strange way I think the long delay may work in their favor so if you missed the first two go ahead and jump on.

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It's also a great issue if you're a new reader or just confused by the fact that the original number returned to the series. Even though Zub makes some great commentary about zero/prequel issues, he makes sure that this issue is successful in fulfilling the original intent of these types of issues. New or old readers are left feeling very welcomed on this series so check it out.

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I like this issue and series, but it's missing that special something. It's just a cool series right now, but I don't know if it has what it takes to be a treasured jewel in comic's history. It's an interesting experiment that may pave the way for other series, but I'd really like to see it stand on its own as something creative and different for the world of comics.

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The book releases next week, but if I were you I would I would pre-order it so that it just ships to you upon release. It's definitely one of the best books of the year and will be fighting for a top position on my end of the year list. If you do buy it, then tell Tony Cliff how much you love it so that maybe he'll quit animation and work on graphic novels full-time.

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I was surprised by this issue and I'll definitely be checking out the rest of the mini-series. Frankly I think it's getting to the point that this is what Zenescope needs to freshen up their universe. I think it would be very interesting to see more of these minis pop up when danger approaches so hopefully it does well for the company so that they'll revisit it. Now if you're just into superhero titles you may not like this book still, it is after all a Grimm Fairy Tales story meaning it's not about fighting crime or super villains. But still give it a chance you might end up liking it more because of it.

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With this being the second part of the series you're better off going back and grabbing the first issue, but don't be afraid to jump on to the series. Sure I have a bit of a history with the series at this point, but I wouldn't if I hadn't taken that initial leap on the series I thought had a funny name. Boy am I glad that it didn't turn out to be a comedy.

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I like Top Cow's new formula of producing quality titles consistently. It's something they've been struggling to do, but with titles like this and their other core series, they're coming around quickly. If you haven't checked out this series it really is worth the time. It's beautiful to look at and entertaining from start to finish. It also has real heart to its story and that's a huge change from previous installments of this franchise.

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There's a handful of other stories that I've either ran out of things to say about them or I skipped myself. Not every issue of this anthology is going to be filled with "must reads", but as I said in the beginning it's always worth checking out. There are always surprises to discover like Mr. Unpopularity or Mr. Monster which probably wouldn't have a home otherwise. Overall you should buy it and decide if you like the stories I skipped for yourself and enjoy the ones I did at the same time.

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It's an average issue and just barely, which is a shame. It had potential to be more or at the very least just be sex in Oz without showing it. It's a simple formula and it works for Manga so what's so difficult to figure out. I doubt I'll be back for the next issue since I know the interior is never going to come close to the covers. I would rather have one sexy cover with sexy interior art to match, than the six covers that this issue has.

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At the very least you should get this issue because Doom Tree is in it. What's crazier is that Doom Tree has come up on my shuffle twice since I started writing this review. That's beyond awesome in my book. Seriously though, if you've been missing out on this series then you need to pick it up. For my money it's the best thing that Image is publishing. That's right I would put it up against any other series, new or old and I think it would come out on top (at least in my book). This is a great issue to begin with if you haven't check it out yet. Sure you're going to miss a bit of the history, but like I said each story arc only covers a few days at a time meaning we're all in this for the long haul. There's plenty of mystery left in this series as it continues to find new ways to improve and amaze.

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Part of me wants to continue on and on about this issue and this series in general, but I really think that you should just read it. It's the best Star Wars comic I've ever read and I'm not exaggerating that point. Hopefully Sidell and crew will be back for more Vader "the early years" because they've reignited a passion for this character that I thought was dead. If you missed out on this series then do yourself a favor and grab the issues from Dark Horse's digital story or hit the back issue bins at your local shop. This series deserves your support so check it out.

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I'm not actually worried about this series, but the pacing of this issue slowed down a lot compared to the other two issues in the arc. I still have good feelings about where the story is going and as long as Harris answers some questions presented in this issue then we'll be good. Don't lead me on for too long though. If you're having doubts about the series I would ask that you hold on until the end of the arc. This world is getting big and I can only see bigger and better storylines coming from that.

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There is sadly so much I still want to say about the story and the art, especially the art, but I can't. I can't because it would ruin a huge chunk of the story for you and that would be horrible of me. If you enjoyed the last story arc and thought, "how can it get any better?" Well" just wait until you read this issue. Also I'm totally going to bust Dysart for his flub on local landmarks since he has the gang start in Venice and end up in Santa Monica with seemingly no travel time in-between and with the character mentioning that they can't fly during the day, just saying!

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Again, this issue isn't full of intense action or witty dialogue. In fact everything is pretty calm for the most part" it's the eye of the storm though. Everything is only going to get bigger and scarier in the next issue and I can't wait to read it.

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I'm pumped for this series and I like the fact that the creators have kept it to just three issues again. This zero issue is very successful in catching you up in time for the second volume, but also getting you excited for the series as well. I think it's going to be as good as or better than the last series and that's saying a lot. Even if you read the DHP issues you should check it out as a complete read, it's definitely worth it.

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The art shines in this series. For me personally it does all of the heavy lifting because if even one of the artists were to leave the book I doubt I would continue. Their different styles add a ton to the tone and feel of the world and yet they still come across as connected. The actual narration is what actually gives this series an anthology feel, but not in a good way. If you dug the first issue and can put up with an excess of reading that doesn't contribute to anything else in the story, then pick up the issue. If you just want to see some great art then ignore the caption boxes and stick to the dialog and you'll enjoy it a lot more.

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If you've been reading the series then definitely grab this issue since it holds all the resolution you've been reading towards, but overall it's pretty average. I think the next issue might end up being a lot better because it will have some real consequences to deal with from this issue, but we'll have to wait and see. If you're a new reader I would go back to the beginning of the arc at the very least because the story will develop quite differently for you, but do not start here. I'm not ruling this series out, but I do think it needs to slow down in general and build Shadowman's world more before throwing him at another big bad guy; right now he has nothing to lose and nothing to fight for.

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This is a great issue overall and if you've been reading the series then there's a big payoff for reading this issue. I don't know how the team manages to mix things up from issue to issue, but it's made for a successful and entertaining comic to read. It's definitely the best military based comic book I've ever read and I would definitely say it's the most realistic as well.

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This is part two of the story arc, but really there aren't a lot of details from the first issue that you need to know to read this issue and the characters recap the events all on their own as well. Also, like I said before, this is going to be a collector's item for any Mignolaverse fan. Don't miss it and hit yourself later when its importance becomes apparent to everyone else making it hard to find.

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I'm hooked on this series and the fact that Action Lab made it its first ongoing title tells me that others are just as interested in it. I hope that it inspires other creators to dabble in the action-adventure genre because Dale has done a fantastic job of breathing new life into it. If you missed the first issue I would definitely say that you should get it, but don't feel that you need to read it first. Again, that's what's unique about this issue is that it reads like a first issue so it's an easy place to start.

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If you had a good time with the first series then feel free to check this series out and if anything I said sounds interesting and you didn't read the first series then also feel free to check it out. If like me you remember how much of a letdown the last series story turned out to be, then go ahead and pass on this book. It's not bad per say, but it's so average it hurts.

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Again, if you've been following the series you should definitely buy this issue. I could go back and forth on which of the four are my favorite, but I continue to lean towards this issue probably because it's the freshest in my mind. You will not be disappointed. If you missed it all together I'm going to say something I've never said before and that is don't buy the single issues. Pre-order the trade which I know will look great and it will help everyone get more Amala's Blade and that's what's important. You hear me Dark Horse!? More. Amala's. Blade.

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The last issue was really the best spot to jump on the series because the entire issue was built like a first issue or a new series, but Spencer has made sure to make this issue accessible to new readers as well. If you are curious about this series I would still go back and grab issue seven, but if you really only want to make a one issue commitment then go ahead and start here. Spencer does a fine job of recapping the events of the previous issue so it's not like you're going to struggle to figure out what's happening in the issue. I can't wait for the next issue it's going to be good!

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I'm very interested in this series. There are some indicators of where the story is going, but the biggest thing that has me interested is Captain Midnight's limited role in the story thus far. I don't know what he's thinking or planning, just that he's a super fucking genius and stubborn as hell. I mean he had a day and he improved upon a modern jet that he's never seen before. That's cool. I think this story is awesome and I'm looking forward to more for sure. It's easy to compare it to Captain America, but there's something new and exciting about this. I would recommend it to someone that likes Captain America and I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up liking it more.

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The thing about this series is that it basically doesn't try to get new readers. It's made for fans that Zenescope already has and I guess that works for them. If it keeps the power on and everyone gets paid then who can tell them to change their formula. It just doesn't create interesting stories or progress the medium at all. In a way it points out a problem with the entire industry. If like me you read the first two issues and there was something about them you liked then go ahead and grab this issue, but if you haven't read it then I would just give it a pass.

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Well it's over" I'm bummed, but it was a hell of a ride. Their second volume trade will be coming out soon so if you missed this second half of the series you should definitely check it out. If you missed the entire series then I blame you for its cancellation and you must go out and buy the first trade and the second when it releases and follow all of the creators on Twitter. Good job team, you will be missed.

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Hopefully you're checking this series out because it's a very unique comic book. I'm so glad that it is a comic book because I think it shows how wonderful the medium can be. It also helps show that comic books don't just need to be superheroes or crime fiction. I mean this series is about kick-ass animal rights activists that dress like ninjas and do some major property damage in the name of animals. Where else would you find this story? Give it a shot because it's pretty damn cool, but also well written with great art accompanying it too.

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You still have plenty of options on how to buy this series: back issues, digitally or you could at this point wait for the trade. If you're been following the series then please continue to buy the book since it would be foolish to miss out on the stunning conclusion. It's been a fun ride and I will definitely miss reading this series each month now that it's over.

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At this point in the series if you haven't been reading it than you're screwed. I don't know if there will ever be a point that someone could just jump on the series and understand everything that is going on, but that's also the reason why I love it. The overall story is so complex and only getting more and more complex by the issue. If you want to see what it's like, go ahead and start with this issue and then pick up the trade or something to start from the beginning. It's so close to perfection, but for now it's just a fantastic monthly series.

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Well there you have it. It's another solid month for the Eisner winning anthology and while there are still a few series that I'm just completely skipping, for the most part this issue is really good. There are several new stories starting so if you want to jump on the book then now's the best time to do so. If anything you should get is just for David Lapham" I'm not joking.

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This was a great issue and I can't wait to see what next month has in store. After I finished this issue I realized that I really have no clue what's coming next. Sure there is the solicits for the series, but the rest of the Valiant titles have been teased or blatantly effected because of HW. Harbinger has kind of gone under the radar, but I'm thinking there is something big right around the corner. If this sounds like a series you want to read then you should definitely pick up the next issue and I would recommend picking up the trades to get caught up as they release. This is still my pick for the best Valiant series to date so you're only doing yourself a favor by checking it out.

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This is writing and art in perfect balance. The pacing is very different compared to other comics, but because the art supports the story and vice versa they can afford to be different. It works. It makes the entire issue powerful and moving. How can you not feel for Carrie and to an extent Salk as he pours himself into the case and comes away with nothing? No killer, no family and not even his job. This is probably the best thing that IDW is publishing right now and if it continues like this it is certain to make our end of the year list. It you missed out on the first issue I beg of you to find it and read both. This really is sequential storytelling at its best.

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This is one of the best character crossover books I've read all year. It's not the best crossover, but it's pretty damn good. Waid is at home in the Rocketeer universe and The Spirit fits into that world perfectly! Seriously, the two were made for each other and if someone had a lot of money and was smart they'd pull a Dynamite Comics style of pulp characters grab and create a fictional world with them. It's like the DC Universe with each character having their own city, but instead it's pulply classic characters with similar plot constructions. Great stuff even if you're only a fan of one character or the other.

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I really think that a lot of people are missing out on this series due to how quite the coverage has been on it. I think it's one of the top books that IDW is publishing and frankly a very different take on the apocalyptic genre. There may not have been any dogfights in this issue, but they're coming; they're coming in a big way. Don't miss out on this series.

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This is the issue in which everyone looks up and sees the shit heading towards the fan. There's nothing you can do about it since it's events that are already in play, but that doesn't make you anticipate it any less. I have no idea how long this series can go on for with its current heading, but I'll be there for it. If you're not checking out this series then you should, it's one of Top Cow's best titles.

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If you've been following the series then this is yet another strong issue. If you're new to it then you may want to grab the last two issues (one of those being the zero issue) either in the back issue bin or digitally. It's a fun series and as I said before this is a great return to form. This is the type of issue I expect from Archer & Armstrong, but that doesn't mean that it's the only issue I want to read. Where's the fun in reading that over and over again, but this is another Valiant series knocking it out of the park.

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It's over and while I think that's a good thing, part of me will actually miss this series. I hope that their paths will cross again, but perhaps for happier reasons or at the very least not pit the Renegades against Bloodshot. I will say that I'm disappointed that Harada didn't kill those damn twins I hate, but hey" maybe that's coming soon? If you've been following the series there is no reason to stop now.

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I'm really not lying when I say that this is a great jumping on point for new readers. It's not even being "billed" that way which is even cooler I think. If you've yet to jump on board one of Image's best ongoing series which is also one of the best monthly comic being published, then you have the perfect opportunity to do so with this issue. The second volume trade is also releasing soon so you can always catch up afterwards as well.

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I'm not joking when I say that this series ups the ante every issue. Usually when that occurs, the series stumbles and who knows that could happen in the next issue, but for now it manages to impress me each and every month. How many other comics make a reader that excited? Hell, I haven't enjoyed a Star Wars comic this much in years! Do yourself a favor and pick this series up because it's not receiving nearly enough praise for how good it is and it's well worth it.

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All this series had to do was show up and tell me whether Mulder had found out about his sister or not (since I don't know) and then gotten the band back together again to investigate weird shit. Instead the weird shit came to them and strangely forced the band back together that way and for me it just doesn't work. I'm going to stick with the first story line in the hope that it will place the series in a better place than it began, but I hope that it gets through this story arc quickly. It's a very rough start that is quick to turn fans off as was apparent in our group review for the first issue. It's a shame because the creative team (minus Carter because I'm referring solely to the comic industry) is incredible, but they feel held back and that's not fun for a reader.

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I think the pluses outweigh the minuses in this issue and at the end of the day it was enjoyable, that's something that's very important to any comic book. You can be well crafted with the writing and art, but if it's not entertaining and enjoyable on some level than it's a fail. I'm hoping that the third volume is quick to follow this series because it's a hell of a cliffhanger. If you missed the series you can probably grab back issues or digital copies or wait for the trade, but I don't recall seeing it solicited anytime soon. Grab the back issues and check it out.

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I'm still very impressed with this book and I fail to compare it to anything else on the market. That's the wonderful thing about Valiant's entire line, there's nothing else like it. I have to say that their return to comics has been one of the best things I've witnessed in comics and with the quality of series like this, I think they'll be around for a very long time.

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Yet another great issue in this series, but then that would imply that there's been a bad issue" and there hasn't been! If you're not reading this issue it's pretty easy to catch up with Image's new DRM free issues. Head over to their website and you can download all eight issues in one convenient place and get caught up in a day. It's a great series and definitely worth it.

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This is not the best issue to jump in on since you'll have no damn idea what is happening, but even still everyone needs somewhere to start. If you are new to the series then you're in for a treat and if those last five pages don't sell you on the series then nothing will. If this was my first time reading it, you can bet your ass I'd go back and get the other eleven issues because of it and I wouldn't be disappointed either. It's going to be a long damn month, but issues like this are what make comics worth waiting for.

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If you're a Princeless fan then you definitely don't want to miss out on this one-shot, but if you're new to the franchise you can actually jump on here and get a great introduction to the world. This is a series that any fan of fantasy should check out and if you have kids then you should definitely get the series for them to enjoy.

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If you love comic books and I mean love the medium not just superheroes, then there is no reason you shouldn't be reading this series. The creative team is perfectly balanced and show why comic books are an amazing medium. Sure a story like this could easily be adapted, but then you would lose Martin's art which is the breath of life into the entire story. I'm very impressed how quickly these issues are coming out and that they're basically released when they're ready meaning that they can hit at any time, as was the case with this issue. Do yourself a big favor and head over to PanelSyndicate.com and buy all three or at the very least download them for a price of nothing and see what you're missing out on and then consider supporting the creators. The better the support the better this model will do and I think it's proven to be successful when your product is worth the purchase.

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I said last time that when Shadowman began it was just good; meaning that while the art was fantastic to look at the story just never made it over that cusp of greatness. I think it's there now, it's a great series, but I doubt everyone will be able to see that until this arc is done. If you missed the beginning of this story arc then I would definitely say that it's worth going back and picking up either in back issues or digitally.

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I’m kind of bummed that there is only one more issue after this one, but hopefully with the positive response and sales we can count on at least another series. Horton and Dialynas make a wonderful team and I stand by their ability of being able to create and populate amazing worlds that belong among the top ranks of creators in the comic and animation industry. When I read this story I feel like I’m reading something special that is on the cusp of breaking through to all comic book readers. Dark Horse is a triple threat this week and Amala’s Blade is one of its best books period.

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There’s only one issue left so if you missed this series you’re kind of screwed unless you buy it digitally, what with the first issue selling so well. I would definitely recommend it even if you have played the game already since it takes place beforehand. You could wait for the trade which I think will make for a great read, but really you should just get the digital floppies. Now I’m off to rework the budget or at least distract myself from not owning the game already until I can finish reading this series.

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Due to the flaws listed above, I would not endorse this comic for purchase since it falls short of expectation.

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If you've been reading the series it's definitely worth finishing. As I said in the beginning this is the best issue of the three. If you're new to the series then I would wait for a trade or a digital sale to pick them up since you're going to be reading them back to back. If you only have interest in the main "Unleashed" storyline then I would say you can skip this book unless you end up wanting to know more background info on Samira.

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I've been patiently waiting for this issue and I can't even say that the hype let me down because there was none. Some people may have enjoyed this issue because of Hob's tragic background being revealed, but that doesn't make the rest of the story good or forgivable. Maybe Hob will show some potential in the next issue of TMNT, but otherwise I think he's as good as dead in terms of character development. Retire him next to animated Bebop and Rocksteady because he's not much better.

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The strange thing about this issue is that it reads like a one-shot. It’s not be any means as a huge plot point pays off in this issue, but even if it was your first time reading it you wouldn’t be lost in the story. Much of the previous eleven issues are masterfully recapped throughout the story so that it’s like you’ve reading it without even being there. That’s some real skill. Check the series out and look for the amazing conclusion of Harbinger Wars next month as well.

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Well for the most part that’s everything. If I didn’t talk about a story it’s probably because it wasn’t very good with the exception of Emma T Capps story which is just one page. The Buffy tale was not enjoyable and reminded me why I don’t read that series. I’m going to score this issue decently high because I don’t think it’s fair to punish the seven great stories that it contained. The others though, were a difficult pill to swallow and will hopefully pick up in the next issue. Except for Buffy, I expect that to be about the same, not that it’s bad just not for me.

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As much as I’ve enjoyed the Harbinger Wars, I’m glad to see it come to a close. At this point I’m just dying to know the outcome and how it’s going to shape the future of the Valiant Universe. Its storytelling like this that has landed the series in my top five comics being published. Great stuff and definitely the best series Valiant is publishing, there is no doubt about that in my mind.

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I feel that aspects of this story line ended prematurely in this issue, but it’s expected with its looming end. It’s a damn shame too, like I said I think that it’s hitting that sweet spot in which issues are easy to dive into and enjoy. You stop thinking about what’s right and wrong with it and just enjoy the experience. If you’ve been following the series, just know that it’s finishing strong so stick with it until the end.

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I don’t think I’ve ever read a comic like this before. It was interesting and definitely worth a read. I hate to say something as cliché as it’s not for everyone, but it’s really true. The fact is that most comic book buyers are going to skip right over this, but maybe a few will check it out. Maybe they’ll be moved by the message and look at what they can do in their community and at the end of the day that makes this a pretty important issue.

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You have no idea how much it’s killing me not to spoil every little detail of this story for you. It might actually be my favorite issue thus far in the series, but I know that the next issue will be just as good or better. Also the other series on my list should watch out, this issue may have firmly moved forward. If you’re not reading this series I ask that you skip one of your “big two” books that will surely be available next week and try this series. Once Revival has its hooks in you, you’ll never want to leave.

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I don’t even care if you read the first two issues or not, you should buy this issue. You should probably buy them all, but if you have to pick, start somewhere. If you’ve ever remotely liked or enjoyed Star Wars you should check this series out. I’ve been burnt out on this franchise for a long time now, but a series like this is quick to remind me why I liked it in the first place. And if that’s not enough of a reason for you to buy it, then get it because Vader is a bad ass!

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If this is the first you’ve heard of Princeless then do yourself a favor and track down the first volume and the back issues for this one (or wait until this volume is traded next month). It’s a great series and this second volume only confirmed what I felt about the first book… this is going to be a great story once it’s done. It really is an instant classic in my opinion.

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If this is the quality that Dark Horse is going to publish with its digital only imprint then I’m all for it. I will definitely be buying this book in print, but until then I’ll enjoy every digital issue of the series. If you’re looking for something fun, different and entertaining then this is it. In a lot of ways it reminds me of Monkey Brain Comics releases, but with a more consistent release schedule.

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I dug the issue and I’m definitely enjoying the new series. Top Cow has slowly but surely begun to show that they are no longer the company they were a few years back. They’re shipping books on time and consistently and taking chances on new directions like this. Aphrodite may work in the Witchblade and Darkness universe, but she’s always worked better outside of it. This is a great return for her and I can’t wait to see what twists and turns the series has in store for us.

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This was a very enjoyable first issue. It sets the stage for more murder and mystery as Shane sets off to get his lady love back, but who knows what he’ll encounter or find along the way. Really I just like the quirkiness of this tale and the setting as both captured my imagination. The writing and art, work hand in hand to deliver a great product. Frankly, I’m surprised that it’s only a dollar. Check it out if you like horror that makes you think and is full of dark comedy moments.

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I'd say that if you picked up the first issue that you should give this issue a shot. I know I ripped on it, but I was still entertained while reading it. It just could have been better in my opinion. If you missed the first issue then you shouldn't start here. Even though there is a recap at the beginning, you're likely to be lost all the way to the end.

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This is a very mature story and frankly I’m kind of surprised to see it come from IDW. In their early days I would never have second guessed it, but their brand and titles have swung in a different direction in recent years. This is definitely the best thing they’ve published all year. O’Barr’s story is handled with maturity and a master understanding of the world he’s created. It’s fantastic and it’s also set the bar very high for future issues of The Crow.

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If you missed this series it’s a real shame because it’s not set up for new readers to just jump on the title. I would recommend that you pick up the back issues and jump into the series that way. I can only imagine what the experience would be like to read three of these back-to-back, in fact you’d probably be pissed off that you didn’t have more to read. This is a great series regardless of whether you’re a D&D fan or not and a must read for any fantasy fan.

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I thought I knew what to expect from this issue, but it through me for a loop like it always does. That’s probably the thing I like the most about this series is that I couldn’t even begin to guess at where it’s going to go or end up. I couldn’t stop reading this series if I wanted to, but I definitely don’t want to. I’m going to stress it again, if you’re new to the series you can start here and you’re in for a treat.

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I really hope that people don’t forget about this series yet again, I’m a huge supporter of the month off routine for independent series because it ensures a level of quality stays with the book. Retailers may argue that it’s long enough for anyone to forget about a series, but if you’ve been following this journey you’re definitely not going to want to miss out on this issue. It’s only getting better and better with each new story arc.

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For only a dollar you should already own this issue. It’s definitely one of the best purchases I’ve made this week. Usually I’d be like, “this book probably isn’t for everyone” or blah, blah, blah. It’s a funny book that makes fun of basically everything. What’s not to love and enjoy about it? If you need another reason to buy it then just re-read the title until your head finds its way out of your ass.

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I’m becoming a big fan of this book and I say that after giving up on the entire Bat line of books after the first six issues. Layman’s Batman reads like a new version that actually fits with the rebooted world, rather than a Batman that brought all his baggage with him just because the sales were good enough to support it. It was the biggest disappointment of the new 52 in my opinion, but now this series has returned the character to form. Too bad Layman isn’t writing or in charge of the other Bat titles.

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I still don’t even know if this is an ongoing or not, but it doesn’t matter since I won’t be returning to the title. Everyone that’s buying it now is sure to see the holes forming in the predictable plot the minute Bianchi needs a break from the art duties. When that happens, look for a quick creator shake up before the series is cancelled.

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I thought that talking about the issue would somehow help me decide if I liked it or not, but for once I’m still on the fence. It was actually pretty average and definitely overhyped for what was delivered. It’s not bad, but it’s far from great that’s for sure. The art might be enough to bring me back for at least another issue, but the story would have to deliver something other than dry conversations and dolphins in matching suits.

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I’m really looking forward to the next issue because I was blown away by this first issue. It’s an incredible and refreshing read. I enjoyed it so much that I might actually pick up the book series as well. How this franchise has flown under the radar is beyond me, but I’m glad it found a home at Blind Ferret Entertainment. For only a dollar you can own this book digitally so check it out and remember, “There is no up or down in Virga, unless someone has created it.”

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If this is your first issue, then come back next month. Usually I find that the Mignolaverse titles manage to have continuously great jumping on points for new readers, but that didn’t happen here. It’s a good issue, but you’ll be lost for sure if this is your first. I’m glad that this arc of the series has ended and I’m looking forward to Abe’s self-discovery beginning. It’s interesting because Hellboy is discovering this about himself on his own as well making the two journeys interesting. I wonder if they’ll share any parallel’s in the future.

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Bedlam to me is a “what if” style of story. What if the Joker was rehabilitated and became the next Sherlock Holmes and at any moment could become Moriarty instead. That’s what this story is and it’s fantastic because of it. If you’re not reading it then you definitely need to start with this issue at least and then back track through the previous story arc as well. Spencer and company make a triumphant return and have grabbed my attention once more with this series putting it near the top of my list.

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Literally the first half of this issue is silent and yet it’s brilliant because of it. I was blown away by how great the story was and the quality of the art. I didn’t doubt that the story and art would be high from Dark Horse, but I’ve been burned by “digital only” titles before, so a level of caution is always exercised before going into to a title. There’s a tremendous amount of effort, skill and dedication put into this issue and it’s sold me on checking out the rest of the series. If you like action, adventure, humor, underdog stories and Sabertooth tigers… then this story is for you. If you don’t like any of those things (how could you not!?!) then it also has bullies… you’re probably a bully if you don’t like all those other things.

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I feel like an asshole for missing the previous issue, but there was nothing that was going to keep me away from this series. All of Valiant’s titles have been good and most of them great. Even a good issue is usually better than a great issue from the “big two”, but now the entire line is approaching greatness. Soon Valiant is going to be quite the force to reckon with and with titles like Shadowman improving as they go, it’s no wonder.

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How can anyone not be reading this series? It’s one of the most entertaining comics on the market and month after month Van Lente finds something crazy and new to inject into the already over the top story. It’s so crazy at times it makes me laugh. If an alien receiving a head shot doesn’t make you laugh then you need a hug or a shrink. This is a brand new story arc and while the ending ties in with the zero issue, this issue doesn’t rely on you having read that issue. It’s a great time to jump on board so no excuses pick it up.

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If you dug the first issues then definitely check this issue out, but if you missed out you may want to start at the beginning before diving in. It’s a pretty fun issue, but it really is just a continuation of the first issue. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s not very exciting either. Hopefully the next issue hits the story hard instead of checking in with everyone.

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There is something about this series that sets your imagination on fire. It reminds you of why comics exist and the simpler times of animation; animation that focused on story and style rather than action figures and time slots. Hopefully Herobear has found a lasting new home at Boom! And Kunkel will produce more one-shots or approve others to help on the franchise. At the very least he could produce one new issue a year and I would be there for it. If you’ve never had the pleasure of checking out this amazing all-ages series then definitely grab this issue. I’m betting Boom will reprint the first volume as well so that even more people have expose to this great series, but we’ll have to see.

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I don’t know how to sell you on this book because again, it’s my book. It’s for me, it appeals to me and no one reading this is exactly like me. I do think that a large portion of the comic book reading market would actually love this series if they gave it a chance and so that’s what I’m recommending. Give it a shot, but know that no matter what… I’ll be reading this series for as long as it exists.

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This is definitely one of if not the best all-ages titles currently published. If you have a child old enough to enjoy it then I wouldn’t hesitate to get it for them. For me, I just really enjoy this series and the reveal/plot point in this issue is pretty big. I’m looking forward to the conclusion to this arc and hope that the next one is right behind it.

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We might have missed a review for the first issue, but I’m glad that I was able to tackle this issue at least. This is quite the gem and it only sinks its hooks into you more and more with each issue. Now it’s back to waiting for the next issue in what’s shaping up to be one of the best mini-series of 2013.

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Sadly, this series has been pretty basic. I’m glad to see Robinson venturing into new territories and I still really like the concept, but it’s missing that special something to take it to the next level. Yes the next issue “How will Tyler survive” reveals are clever, but because we as the audience don’t have enough clues to guess it for ourselves it’s not as much fun. With one more issue left, I’ll be back to finish this puppy off, but if you’ve yet to start it then you might want to wait until it’s finished at this point. If you’re more into the concept than anything else then you’ll find some enjoyment, but it’s not going to blow your mind.

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I’m definitely on board for another issue, but I hope something other than taking about the missing sister happens. I have a good feel for Mave’s character now, but she’s far too angry and needs to be upfront about her relationship with Onyx to the entire crew. Also she should stop telling everyone about her plans for murder or at the very least they should respond to her. It’s an okay series, but if the pace doesn’t pick up it could lose me.

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Is it a book about time traveling or just the supernatural or likely both. I’ve missed a lot and if this issue accomplished one thing, it was to convince me to go back and get caught up. I’m glad to see that Spencer has a long term goal for the series, but with this issue marking the “second season” I’m curious as to just how big this story is going to get. If I get caught up in time for the next issue I may check it out, otherwise I might end up a trader waiter until that day comes. If you’ve never tried Morning Glories before, then I guess this as good of a place to begin as any to start. If you don’t want to track down trades or back issues then a least hit up a wiki as it’s sure to answer a few of your questions.

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I’m pretty sure something massive is going to go down in the next issue and the anticipation is only amplified with this seemingly basic issue. What this issue truly does, is give you a baseline of what passes as normal in this world so that when it destroys it… you’ll fully appreciate what once was. This is definitely one of, if not the best video game adaptations ever told in comics… and the game isn’t even out yet. It’s got me hyped for two things: the next issue and the game, bring them both on I say.

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I really don’t know why you read this review; you should have just gone over to Comixiology and bought it from the Monkey Brain Comics section. If you’ve yet to check it out then buy all three. This issue is sixteen pages long (not including bonus material) and I believe that’s about the same as the others as well; meaning for the price of a normal print issue you’re getting a ton of content. It’s well worth it and you definitely don’t want to be the last person to check this book out. I wish the story could go on forever, but I know that it has to end… doesn’t mean that I don’t still wish it though.

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If you like fantasy adventure then this story is definitely for you. Quinn has a long way to go before he's an interesting character, but I have the feeling that once he's mixed with our FCBD characters he'll get there sooner rather than later. Now, I had an advanced look at this issue which is not out yet. If you're interested then I encourage you to download the FCBD edition (here) and then be sure to pre-order the book. Action Lab has announced a price drop meaning all of their titles are going to be at the competitive price of $2.99, but what helps keep the price there is the pre-orders. The more they know to print the better the price (there are other factors as well of course). This first issue is $3.99 to begin with, but after that it drops to $2.99, so do not miss out on what has started off as an entertaining fantasy story about a boy and his dog.

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This issue had cool moments for sure, but there reveals and events in the past two issues might have spoiled me coming into this issue. I will definitely be paying attention to the next issue though and can’t wait to start seeing the characters interact with the world more.

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I’ve been waiting for this issue and usually when that happens you can be left with a bittersweet feeling, but that’s not the case here. This was a rewarding read and it was worth the time invested in the series. I’m looking forward, as always, to next month’s issue which is sure to be a great jumping on point for new readers. If you’ve been missing out, take that as an opportunity to jump on board.

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There you have it. All of the stories covered so you shouldn’t have any questions about what to read and enjoy when you pick up the anthology. Also, for as much as I’ve said, I’ve left plenty out of each story for you to read and enjoy.

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If you can't tell, I still have mixed feelings about this book. I really wanted to follow Roman in his I Am Legend isolation for the entire issue as it was the best part. Everything afterwards came across as a strange experiment in storytelling that didn't blend with the opening. The art on the other hand held my attention and made me crave more. I'll definitely keep an eye on this series, but it's not as strong as it could have been which is starting to become a trend with the tie-in series.

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It’s not a perfect issue, but it has a ton of good going for it. I continue to love the world that it’s set in and crave more time getting to know Ara and her companion. The next issue seems like a battle is coming and I can’t wait to see what Ara can do against the giant city destroying genie that Graim has control of. This is a gorgeous series and the best part is that the story is just as good making them the perfect fit. If you missed the first issue, then what the hell is wrong with you? It was only a dollar. Pick it up on a digital storefront or in a back issue bin and get caught up on what’s currently Aspen’s best monthly title.

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I said on my review for Revival, that I save this series for last. It's because of issue like this were the excitement is too much; it's too much to read and be forced to wait another month. I'll tell you right now when the completed series is collected into an omnibus; I will be the first in line to buy it. If you're still not reading this series then that's fine" you're only missing out on comic history in the making. I guarantee that by the end of this series it will be on everyone's must read list.

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I hope the creators aren’t sick of my raving reviews because I don’t see them stopping anytime soon. This is definitely one of if not tied for the best comic being published monthly. It’s definitely Image’s top book in my mind and seriously… I think it’s giving me an ulcer. The next issue is going to be amazing. There’s no way it can’t be and the consequences are going to be jaw dropping. Buy this book. Now.

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Considering how many people were involved in the story or script, I’m actually impressed with how this issue turned out. Will that become a problem in the future? Possibly, but for now it’s working. I was definitely eager to check this series out and I’m glad that I did. I was also glad to discover that this wasn’t twenty plus pages of GhostFace’s ego being stroked (though it was a little), and an actual quality story was being told. If Black Mask’s other titles turn out half as good, we’re in for some great comics to come. In the meantime, 12 Reasons to Die is off to a great start.

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I don't know if it was the art that just didn't capture the script or if the script didn't maximize the potential of the art (likely the latter), but this book was just average. It didn't have the usual charm of a B.P.R.D. issue and at times failed to even remind me of what I was reading. If the next issue doesn't pick up, I'll probably wait for a new story arc before coming back to the series.

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With only one issue left I'll ride it out, but this issue was not exciting and brought nothing new or to the Vampire genre nor do I feel it adds to the Unleashed series. It was just a mediocre vampire book at best and comes across as more of homage to Anne Rice's style of vampires.

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This was a highly entertaining issue and it's kind of a shame that it's only a one-shot. I would definitely check out the adventures of Travis and Death again and hope that there will be more stories to follow. This issue may not have the deep thinking of other comic books, but it has an entertaining and fun story along with an amazing art style that when combined produces a fun comic.

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With Upchurch working on Rat Queens (which I’m looking forward to), I’m not sure who will be the artist on the graphic novel, but I’m looking forward to it either way. This book keeps you coming back for more and leaves you curious as to how the plot will develop. The world is complex, but it’s so interesting that it’s worth being lost in sometimes. A good double sized issue is hard to come by, so even if this is your first experience with Vescell it’s well worth it.

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At this point if you’ve missed the series you might be better off picking it up when it becomes a trade, but if you’re able to grab all the issues I would do it (you can get all of them on 12-Gauge’s website). I read the third and fourth issue back to back and it made for a stronger read. Not only does this issue have great writing and art, but the actual plot has a huge payoff and that’s was definitely something that’s been up in the air since the first issue. It didn’t disappoint and I would definitely pick up a second volume if they made one.

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Overall this was a very strong issue for the series and managed to build the Bloodshot storyline, while still tying in and developing the Harbinger Wars story at the same time. I’m still finding this crossover to be incredibly well handled as even the overlapping scenes end up being so different that becomes a fresh read again. This issue really paves the way for new and great things for Bloodshot. Swierczynski might be leaving the book, but he’s left this series in a great spot for the Valiant Universe.

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If this is the beginning of the end then, it’s a great way to go out. I’ve been impressed with this series and the bevy of talent that’s been drawn to it; while it’s a shame that it’s coming to an end I’m sure that it has left its mark on the superhero genre for yet another generation to enjoy. I’ve said this before, but if you’re not reading this series then this is a great issue (as strange as that sounds) to jump on with. You can always go back and get the trade or back issues, but there’s no reason you can’t begin here either.

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The last issue was really good and a great start to the series and while this issue didn’t exactly feel like a continuation of that issue, it was still incredibly good. The last third of the book connects the two issues, but I have a feeling that it will overlap more in the next issue. Usually I would say that it’s okay to jump on with this issue (it still is), but I really think that both the first issue and this one are worth buying. It’s very likely that this is the definitive Darth Vader story and it’s pretty damn amazing.

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It’s been a while since I was excited about an all-ages title. I’m genuinely looking forward to the next issue and that’s something I haven’t felt since reading Rust or Mouse Guard. The concept seems obvious and almost too simple, but it’s actually quite the opposite. I think there’s going to be a lot of moral lessons to be learned and family connections in this series. Don’t be surprised if this hooks you in the same way it did me and for only a buck you really can’t go wrong.

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The thing about this book is that it’s setting up a lot for the next chapter and so the focus is divided between now and what’s to come. It does a great job of plot building, but there are really only two awesome scenes for the reader to enjoy. I would definitely stop back by for more of this world though and if you like time travel it’s definitely worth picking up.

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I enjoyed this book and that it’s not quite a zombie story or at least if it is, it’s very different. It’s more of a cocaine cannibal’s story than anything else. As a child of the 80’s raised in the 90’s I get the jokes and it plays on my nostalgia quite well, for others it might just be a funny story with coke zombies and that’s alright as well. If you’re interested and really everyone should be reading “coke zombie”, then you’ll need to pre-order it from your local comic shop. The book releases towards the end of June so you have some time, but it really helps the publishers if you pre-order so that they don’t under or over print. I have a feeling that the catchy title and the nostalgia factor will make this book sought after so don’t miss out.

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As with the first issue, it’s pay what you want and from what the creators say in the back… it was successful. I donated yet again with this issue making sure that each creator got buck from me and while it’s not much… it adds up. I’m glad to see that the experiment was successful and I hope that it continues to do well. I personally think that everyone should pick up both issues and support the releases because I already want the next issue. Also I’m pretty sure I saw Spider-Man, Mysterio and Woody Wood Pecker, so that’s worth it right there.

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This was a great read and entertained the hell out of me. While Archer’s past is the big mystery at the moment, it’s just as interesting to find out more about Armstrong and his involvement in history. Knowing that he’s part of Epic of Gilgamesh, I can’t wait to see what other historical figures he ends up being. If you’re not reading this series, first of all what’s wrong with? Second of all, you should be and this is a great jumping on point. You can literally read this issue and pick up with issue ten or go back to the beginning. Either way it’s worth it as I’m sure any regular reader could tell you.

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Not a strong ending, but at least it had a few surprises. I’m very curious to see what happens in the next story arc and if the book is going to take a break from the main plot or keep building. We’ll see. If you’ve been a fan of the series then for sure you should pick this issue up and see how it ends, but if this was your first issue it would probably scare you away. Let’s hope the next EA crossover is bigger and better and the villain more than just a dick head no one can relate to.

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I’m personally, really enjoying the 1969 story line and hope that there will be more like it in the future or even just another storyline that takes place around the same time. It just goes to show the endless potential that this series has. If you’re just jumping on to the series you might be a little confused by the events, but it still manages to do a great job of recapping things. I would still recommend picking up the previous issues and definitely Harbinger Wars as it amplifies this series.

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Overall this isn’t a bad issue, but it just happens too late in the story. While I know that this series isn’t for me I’ll at least check out the sixth issue which I’m assuming will wrap up the first story arc, but I don’t know what to really expect from it since this issue didn’t set up the next issue like the previous issues have done with a cliffhanger. That could just mean that this is the end of the first arc, but it could also mean that there are surprises in store for us in the next issue.

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I think this was a great license for Archaia and it’s sure to catch fans of the series attention, while bringing in new fans like myself. Action, Robots, Fighting and a mystery; all rolled up into one kick ass looking package. For only a dollar you can’t go wrong with this issue, that’s for damn sure.

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Initially I was beyond excited for this book and definitely over-hyped the first issue for myself, but I learned from that and came into this issue with lower expectations. For the third issue, I don't know how much lower my expectations can go. You've probably already blindly bought this comic and if you didn't and were thinking about it, I have a logic chart that we can follow. Do you like Say Anything/Max Bemis? If yes then go ahead and buy since you probably already did. If you've never heard of him or the band, then give it a pass. Also billing this as a new take on the superhero genre is like billing Archie as a fresh take on the life of a teenager.

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The writing and art are once again perfectly balanced and feed off of each other. Richardson’s writing is improved via Sakai’s art and vice versa. Frankly if you’re not reading this story then you’re missing out on one of the best series of Dark Horse’s publishing career.

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I actually like this series more than the first volume so far, but that will ultimately be decided by where the story goes from here. It looks like it’s attempting to be bigger and bolder so we’ll definitely have to wait and see. For me it was a good read and definitely worth picking up if you either: A) enjoyed the first series or B) enjoy a modern day adventure story riddled with magic… and a sassy cat that throws down any chance it gets. And if my review didn’t sell you on it, then it’s only a dollar… just buy it already.

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Since the New 52, I've yet to read or look at a Batman title and say, "that's my Batman" but Layman and Fabok have changed that. I gave up on this franchise the same way I gave up on Spider-Man years ago, but I'm happy that I tried this issue and found it to be everything that I know and enjoy about Batman and part of it felt like an honest reboot. What was even better was that I got the impression that Layman doesn't have long drawn out storylines which reminded me more of how comics used to be before they became obsessed with the trade. Great job all around from the creative team and I cannot wait to see what happens next month.

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You shouldn’t be surprised by how good this issue is, especially not after the first one. I’m looking forward to seeing it continue as I was very pleased with the developing plots within this issue. Again, you can see all the cogs in play, but the larger machine has yet to be revealed. You can bet that I’ll be here to check it out when it is and in the meantime pick up this issue and the first if you missed it.

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I loved the art. How can you not? Simone Bianchi is at the top of his game and his Thanos design is fantastic. The classic Thanos garbs are iconic for sure, but seeing a younger developing T-man in his newish uniform is geekily cool. His art does what it can to save the story, but at the end of the day it’s just a bad serial killer remix with a sage like love interest that awkwardly pushes the plot forward. I don’t recall who the original creative team was supposed to be on this series, but I wish Marvel had kept the writer at least. Maybe then I would have enjoyed this series rather than watch it pretend to bring something to one of Marvel’s few iconic space villains and fail.

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I’ve said this damn near every review, but you really should check this series out. I know how many copies of CoD sells and I think if those same people gave this issue a chance then they’d become monthly readers in a heartbeat. And if FPS’ aren’t your thing you still can’t play the, “I don’t like war” card, because the story and art are well beyond being a simple war story. It’s an incredible series and I’m looking forward to seeing it continue.

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This issue is great, don’t get me wrong, but it could have been as strong if not stronger than the last issue and its pacing kept it from getting there. I’ll be looking forward to the next issue and now that I know that the artist is the real deal, I will be following their career as much as I possibly can. This series has really changed the way I look at Dungeons & Dragons titles and I’ll be sure to give them a shot in the future, but especially if anyone from this creative team is attached to it.

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I wasn’t surprised by the quality of this issue in the least bit, I was surprised by how quickly it followed the one-shot collecting the Mister X story though. It was the best kind of surprise though and I’ll be looking forward to its continuation next month. If you’ve never read Mister X, then this is a great opportunity to jump on. Sure it has a pretty big history, but each new chapter does a fantastic job of standing on its own. If you enjoyed something like The Black Beetle and need a bit of pulp to get you by, I would definitely check out Mister X: Eviction if I were you.

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This zero issue might be a bit of a lie and really could have easily been the next issue in the ongoing numbering, but it works either way. I thought it kicked a lot of ass and showed off the range Justin Jordan has as a writer. Now that he’s solo on the series, I’m actually looking forward to seeing what he can do that’s outside of his norm and I think this is a prime example of it. If you’re new to Shadowman then this is a great issue to jump on board with.

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We’ve kind of been off the review train for this series as it was relaunched through Diamond, but we’re back and looking forward to supplying you monthly reviews of the series. If you want to hear more about The Red Ten, then check out our special episode of the podcast where Kevin and I talk to creator and writer Tyler James. Also we’ll have a review for the #0 issue this Friday just in time for Free Comic Book Day where you’ll be able to grab your copy from participating retailers. If you missed out on this series then definitely go back and pick up the first two issues as it is much, much more than a simple homage to the JL. The fact is, JL wishes it was this good… or maybe I wish that it was, either way this is a great series.

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I like the idea of a revenge story mixed with vampires. For now, both subgenres are playing it close to the chest and not venturing away from the tried and true formulas, but I’d be curious to see where the story goes from here. It would be nice to have some of Noctua’s backstory sprinkled in each issue to make him more likeable to the reader, but maybe that will be covered in the second issue. Overall, I liked it.

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I’m curious about this series. I have no idea what’s happening and that bothers me so I’m probably going to check out back issues and future issues as they’re released. I hope that they’re all at least as enjoyable as this issue was, but I wouldn’t recommend starting here unless you were feeling adventurous or missed key details like numbering as I did.

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At this point I think everyone reading Dark Horse Presents knows that it’s a great series that DH puts a lot of time and effort into. I’ve yet to read an issue and thought, “Oh that was terrible.” I can’t be alone when I say that I find the sheer amount of talent that Dark Horse continues to find and poor into this anthology is staggering. For eight bucks you’re getting a ton to read so don’t let the price scare, it’s worth it.

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If like me you read the first three issues then you may as well finish it, but don’t expect anything too spectacular as nothing has really changed. Even though the ending was left with a bit of a question mark, I still don’t see this continuing past this point. There’s nothing that would draw me back and while I respect the experiment and chances it took, I don’t think I would gamble on it again.

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I’m going to stick with this title because frankly it’s almost done so why not. Am I 90% sure of how it’s going to end? Yes, but I hope that there will be something redeeming along the way that will make it worthwhile. I’m not looking forward to the beginning of the next issue since it will have the resolution to this issue making it the same as two and three, but I’m hopeful the rest will add something to the plot as the series winds down. While I can’t stop reading this series I continue to find that I dislike all of the characters and that’s unfortunate since they’re the driving force behind the entire story.

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I think this is a successful tie-in. Mostly because it didn't come across as a cheap tie-in and had a full and rich reading experience. The backup story on the other hand did feel forced, but it was more bonus than anything else. I'm still feeling out which tie-in series will be for me, but if there all as strong as this issue then it's probably a safe bet that I'll check them all out. If you picked up Unleashed then I would say there's no harm in grabbing this one either.

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I'm very excited about the next issue, but I need time. If you were to tease me with the outcome today I would mentally shut down from over excitement. This is by far one of the best single issues of the entire series and I will not soon forget it. Kindt has raised the bar for himself and the next issue looks to be even better. If you've missed out on this series then start with the trade or better yet the hardcover and get caught up. Trust me when I say this, this is one of the best comics on the market" and no I'm not brainwashed" yet.

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I really have a strong new appreciation for this series and absolutely love the continuing usage of brand new #1 issues for each chapter. In case you’re tired of it, it’s continuing after this arc for at least another issue so get used to it. I would like some assurance that the series is continuing and it doesn’t need to be numbering, but currently the series doesn’t solicit past June and I’m really anxious to continue with what’s become one of my favorite series of the year. In order to do that though, everyone else has to buy two copies each… GET ON IT!

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If you can't tell, I enjoy the H&A genre. Ever since I watched Leon the Professional as a kid when I was definitely not old enough to be watching it (thanks Papa!), I have had an obsession of sorts for it. Since then I've enjoyed seeing what creators and writers can bring to the genre that is new and fresh and I'm constantly surprised by what they achieve. I enjoyed this book so much that I will likely read it again after marathoning through several films.

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I hate to continue bringing up the delay, but it stands out to readers. That didn’t change the fact that this issue is worth the purchase and if you’ve enjoyed the series you’re sure to like the final chapter of this season. If the book returns for a second season it will be drastically different and I would like to see that happen. If you missed the series then you might be better off waiting for the trade or hardcover at this point or you can grab it digitally and enjoy the entire series start to finish.

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I’ve really enjoyed revisiting these characters as they were short lived in the ongoing series. It’s also served as giving insight into the guns themselves and that’s definitely going to be useful as new readers jump onto the series. This is a very ambitious mini-series and I’m impressed that it continues to come out monthly side by side with the ongoing. If you missed the first two issues fear not you can actually just pick this issue up to see if it’s for you and then back track from there.

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I had a lot of fun reading this issue due to the crossover and I was even more delighted that it continued to build the plot of the series as well. If you’ve never tried Bloodshot, but you’ve enjoyed Harbinger or Harbinger Wars then now is a great time to jump on the series.

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I’ve been looking forward to this series since the covers were revealed and I’m glad that it didn’t disappoint. I’m very curious to see how Ara’s Jirni plays out and the scope of the overall plot. Depending on the villains’ endgame this series could go on for quite a while as Ara explores the world and as long as it’s interesting I wouldn’t mind that at all… just don’t change the art.

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I don’t really chase the Star Wars franchise anymore; it’s been dead to me for quite some time, but I’m still really enjoying this Vader series of books. I can’t wait until the next issue and I’m hoping that there is another series planned to follow this one because I’m enjoy the early days of Vader. He may not be my favorite SW character, but he’s the star of my favorite SW series for sure.

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I really hope that people don’t miss out on this series. It’s a shame that it’s been delayed, but that doesn’t mean that it’s diminished in quality or value. I’m not sure if this delay had anything to do with the previous delay involving the colorist’s family, but hopefully it was just a matter of getting back on Image’s schedule. I’ll be looking forward to what I can only assume is the sixth and final issue of the series and would highly recommend that you get caught up on this beautiful title.

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I’m not going to focus on the downside of what this issues means, rather I will stay positive and hope that my encouraging reviews will guide people to picking up the series. There are so many great issues and two great artists have already contributed to the series with a third joining for the next issues. A quick check online shows that the back issues are available, but if not then check the book out digitally. They’re a quick read, but you’ll be left with a very rewarding feeling at the end and I’m not just saying that because I’m quoted on the cover (though I stand by that statement still).

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As excited as I am about the upcoming Revival TV show, I almost don’t need it at this point. This comic already acts and is structured like a TV show and it only gets better and better. I’ve lost track of how many characters and plot elements have been introduced in just the last two issues, but it’s literally my favorite TV show to read. I’m looking forward to the growing events surrounding Dana’s mother’s death and if you haven’t picked up on the cues from the past two issues then you should do yourself a favor and re-read them. This issue is fantastic as usual and no this is not a freebie score that I’m handing out, this series has earned its high marks month after month with no signs of slowing.

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Really no one is winning this war and that’s true for all wars so why should a fictional one between Penguins and Possums be any different? I really liked where the story left off with this issue as it sets the story up to tread ground that it’s never gone down before and should be very interesting. If you’re not checking this series out and you enjoy hardcore action, violence and crazy deaths… at the hands of animals, then you should definitely check this series out.

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I know that the cliché for every great book is that the reader is unable to put it down once they begin. I’ve actually rarely found this to be true because there is always something to pull you away from a book; it’s just how life works. I will say that I continued to read this book while my wife watched TV, while we ate dinner and while I walked back and forth between rooms while performing a variety of tasks. I did everything I could to make sure that I wouldn’t be away from the book and while I soaked up every page I feel deeper and deeper into the fictional world that Kindt was creating and it was fantastic. This is definitely a book to keep your eye on and you can bet that I won’t be quick to forget its impact.

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If this is your first issue of Archer & Armstrong then the payoff isn't as big for you as someone else that's read the entire series or arc, but that doesn't change the fact that it does a fine job of recapping everything for a new reader. The next issue is going to be another great opportunity to jump on the series, so if you've been curious you have time to catch up or just jump on. This is a fun series and I bet that it and Quantum and Woody will butt heads for Valiant's funniest title.

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This book is very different from a lot of Monkey Brain's titles, but it's good because it diversifies the titles they're offering. Granted this is more of an action title than anything else, but if you're looking for a realistic set story with some plot exaggerations then it's definitely worth checking out. I know I'll be back for more as I hope that they continue to sprinkle Frost's past into each issue.

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This was an extremely entertaining story and I will definitely be sticking around to see the larger story unfold. There is an extensive letter of sorts from the creator Curt Pires at the end of the issue and if you couldn’t tell already, he put an extensive amount of time in to researching Theremin’s life in order to create this comic. Over and over Monkey Brain delivers some great self-published material and Theremin can definitely be added to that list. This is a must read for sci-fi and espionage fans, that’s for damn sure.

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I’ve dabbled with the Dungeons & Dragons comics before, but this is definitely the most interesting one I’ve read thus far. I hope that it continues with this same quality, pacing and art design as this issue, because it will definitely make or break the rest of the series. Right now I want to say that I’ll finish it no matter what, but with the open ended ending that this issue has makes it hard to blindly support the entire release; for sure though I will be back for the second issue and highly recommend fantasy lovers to check it out as well.

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This issue is kicking off a new story arc, but in general this series continues to have a much larger feel. I don’t get the impression that I do from other series that come from the “big two” where they really only have six months at the most planed. With Harbinger I literally get the impression that there are years of stories mapped out and planned and even if there are not, it’s very convincing. If you’ve yet to jump on this series you’re in luck as this is another perfect place to start. There’s a great recap at the beginning of the issue in case you want the backstory, but really you’d be fine either way. A great series and a great issue that does a whole hell of a lot more than simply tie into a crossover.

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With so much going on this issue it was hard to stick to one emotion for very long, but there is a bit of a sad moment in this issue. We’ll have to see how it turns out, but I’m sure I’ll mention in it in my next review of the series. I’ve was already on board with this series for the long haul after the last issue, but now I’m hooked on it until the bitter end. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this series and if you’ve been missing out on it, then now is the time to jump on.

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I’m assuming this is a mini-series, but if it’s not then I would only recommend it to fans of Marvel’s defunct Cosmic line. This book would have been terrific a few years back when the line was huge and not just being produced for the sake of the movies. Thanos is an interesting character, but I think the world that he comes from is actually more interesting. Too bad we’re not likely to see if for very long. The story is pretty “meh”, but the art should be the main factor for you in deciding to purchase it or not.

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I actually enjoyed this issue. Sure it reminded me a lot of things like Buffy and Supernatural, but I think Jane is in interesting character. The fact that she’s basically alone is a different touch on the genre as well. If you’re a fan of demon fighting stories or the two TV shows I mentioned previously, then I would definitely recommend checking this series out. I enjoyed this third issue so much that I want to go back and check out the first two because of it.

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What scares me about this issue is that the story could easily end here. I hope it doesn’t because I feel as if there is so much more to be told and done with this universe (It’s solicited for issue #7 at least). Red has quickly become one of my favorite characters and I, much like the Priest, “I need more.” Hopefully, you’ve been following along with this series and we can all expect the next issue the following month. If not, then I would highly recommend that you get caught up on what’s been one of the best new series from Image Comics.

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If you missed this series then you really missed out on something cool. This was a fantastic mini-series that was well-plotted and while it had its lulls, overall it was a great and entertaining ride. I don’t know if Ringuet has more planned for this world or not; if he does then I’ll be there to check it out, but if not I’ll be there to check out his next project regardless. Check this series out if your shop didn’t carry it then they should still be able to order it.

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This was the issue with the last series that I dropped off the title, but this time around I'm way too interested to miss this book. The ending was very cool and I'm hoping that it pays off in a big way. Really, as long as this world continues to develop, I'll be interested in it. If you missed out on the first issue or even the first series then you can still jump on with this series; there's a great recap at the beginning that gives you all of the important details that you need so don't be detracted.

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I’m glad that this book shipped early. I’ve been dying to read it and now that excitement has begun again for the next issue. I don’t know what to expect from the next issue and I don’t care. I’m along for the ride and enjoying the journey. This comic has not only successfully wet my appetite for the game, but it manages to show that strong female characters can exist without compromising themselves or running around in their underwear. If you missed this book go to your comic shop right now and buy it. NOW!

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I’ll be perfectly honest; I don’t read zombie stories anymore. They bore me and the genre as a whole tries too hard to copy everything that has come before it. Ever since the world caught up with what horror buffs and geeks already knew, the zombie genre has been played out. This story though, is so damn good. It’s easy to say that it’s not just a zombie story since no zombie story is actually about the creature. We’ll see what this story is about, but right now it’s hitting on all of the major influences of the genre and still managing to tell its own unique tale and I love that. Pre-order this book right now or go to Action Lab’s Kickstarter page and support the release that way and be sure to pick it as one of your rewards because it’s that damn good.

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I liked it, but I didn’t love it and I really thought after the last issue there was going to be something special about the ending. Instead it was pretty much what I expected. Even the winners are losers and while it was a better crossover than most, it still didn’t pass that bar of excellence in the end. If you’ve been reading the series all along then finish it off for sure, but if you missed out on it then pick it up in trade at this point. I’m sure we’ll see Cal again, but I’d really like to see him actually beat some vampire ass next time.

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If you’re digging this series then continue buying it as the formula and pacing don’t appear to be changing any time soon. If you’re just jumping onto the series then you may want to grab back issues first or wait until the next issue. This is definitely the best new title from Skybound in a while.

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I had high hopes for this series and it did not disappoint. What’s even crazier is that it’s being sold at the usual Monkey Brain price of just ninety-nine cents. I’ve bought numerous full length issues from the “Big Two” at the same page count and didn’t enjoying them nearly as much. If you’re a fan of Westerns or Deadwood then you’ll definitely want to check it out. Seriously this is some of the most impressive narrative and dialog that I’ve read all year.

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This isn’t the best issue of DHP I’ve read and it doesn’t compare well to the last issue, but it’s still very good. Any anthology is sure to have its ups and downs based on when the stories are hitting, but it’s important to ride out the middle of the story to get to the fulfilling endings. If you’re a fan of the series then get this issue, but if you’re looking for a jumping on point I would give it a month or start with the last issue.

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It’s not that It Girl and the Atomics can’t have a story sustained over a long period of time, but rather that the quality of the stories and the uniqueness of the world allow for the creators to produce stories of any length. There’s a lot to be said about the talent on this series to be able to explore so many unique styling’s of stories each month and remain very consistent. If you’ve missed out on the series I suggest you grab the last issue that begins the story line concluded in this issue, but even still this is as good of a place as any to jump on to the series.

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I'm happy to say that I supported the project with what I could afford at the time. I hope that you'll visit their site and support them as well and maybe if it's successful we'll see more creators join the site and maybe the landscape of the entire comic industry will change and for the better.

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I don’t know if this issue is going to win me back over to the comic books, but if it has Barber’s name on it I’m likely to give it a try. He doesn’t try to deliver fan service or even an attempt at capturing the magic of the old cartoons, but rather he uses everything as an example and creates something new that is familiar. If you missed the digital series then I would highly recommend this giant sized one-shot.

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Part of me is scared and yet excited about the looming crossover. I like the way the book is now, but that’s always the biggest downfall of a comic: playing it safe. After spending almost a year with Dysart and company on Harbinger I will gladly say that I’m down with this series until the end. I just hope that Dysart is there with it. Lastly, the crazy thing about this issue is that it actually recaps the entire series perfectly; so if you were thinking about jumping onto the title you should probably do so now.

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I wasn’t kidding when I said this is one of the top five comics currently being published. It has fierce competition, but it’s constantly amazing month after month. Kindt is a fantastic writer, but there is something about the combination of his story and art that is truly an experience like no other. If you’re not reading this book, you should be.

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With this week’s reviews I’ve been talking a lot about the “top five books currently being published” and it should not come as a surprise that this title is one of those books. Hell I have to force myself to stop recapping the issue because otherwise I would just drone on and on; the worst part is that I barely made it to the half-way point and forced myself to leave out a slew of details in order to get there. This issue in a way marks the next story arc and with that you should do yourself a favor and get this issue and then buy the trade or digital copies of the series in order to catch up. Seriously, I wish I had just five more pages each time or a bunch of money to give you a copy.

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I’m finding more and more people that enjoy this series and that is why I continue to review it. I don’t want to miss that one person that I may reach and convince that this is definitely one of the top five monthly comic books currently being released (I’ll be reviewing three more of the top five this week as well). Chapters like this show that the series isn’t being written for trades and that it isn’t going anywhere any time soon. This is an epic journey we’re on and I love continuing it each and every month. I’m guess there might be a gap in the next month for the possibility of another trade and if that’s the case make sure that you’re ready for it when it returns; it’s only going to get better from here on out.

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I honestly wish that I could talk more about this issue, but it would be a damn shame to steal the twists and ending from you. If you're a fan of horror then you should definitely pick this one-shot up. It's ruined me on all other horror comics as I'll forever be chasing this Dragon as the kids say, but it was worth it. It's currently available free online from the creators so no excuses in not reading it. If you're going to Lexington Comic Con this weekend then you'll be able to pick it up in print from Broken Icon and I would highly encourage you to do so. You should probably buy two copies because you'll want a friend to read it and you're not going to want to give up your copy.

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This was a very enjoyable special and while it didn’t convince me to read the main series, I did enjoy the tales. If there was an ongoing done in this style I would probably be more willing to read it because it captures that 80’s horror style very well and that’s something that horror comics could use more of. If you like horror stories that aren’t full of gore and full of twists, then definitely check this issue out. You’ll probably be surprised by how much you like it.

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The next chapter of American Nature also hits in the back of this issue and it was hysterical. It’s all about the hipsters that were dubbed onto the same train that was then zoomed into another dimension. There are a ton of hipster jokes that were very awesome so be sure to check it out. Also, the art was perfect for the story yet again and some of the character designs are funny enough on their own.

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I don’t think anyone that’s going to read this issue is going to know what to expect from it until after reading it. I do wish the story was better constructed for this first issue since it leaves off in an awkward spot, but I’m still very curious to see how we get from shy and hidden Diamond to next to nothing crime-fighter Diamond. Also the mystery behind Onyx and the company’s existence in general has kept me interested in the series for sure. If you’re looking for something different this week, this is it. There’s nothing else like it in the world of comics.

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This is the end of Julien’s narration so we’ll move on to another new character in the next arc, but Julien’s character has done this series a great service. This arc took this series from interesting and good… to great. I hope that people will continue to support it because I need to see how this series ends. It’s clear that the plans for Peter are much larger than what we can see right now and we’re all dying to get more. I can understand falling behind on a series, but this is one that you shouldn’t miss and I say that from experience unfortunately.

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I really hope that Barlow and Parker team up on another R.I.P.D. series and if not then something else at the very least. They work very well together and both of them improve each other’s role in making the comic. Barlow’s writing gives Parker plenty to work with and Parker’s art makes Barlow’s story look great. I wasn’t actually worried about the ending of this series after both creators told me via Twitter to wait for the ending and I’ll be damned if they weren’t right.

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I find it hard to believe that anyone’s not reading this series. It’s literally one of the best things to ever come from Image Comics and as much as I want all the answers in this volume, I also kind of want a trilogy. There is still time to jump on to this series; get it digitally, look for back issues, order it offline. Whichever of the three options you pick are fine as long as you catch up and see why this is one of my all-time favorite comic book series.

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Frankly I found this story to be fantastic. It’s the perfect length and has a great pacing to it. What’s even better is that there is absolutely no reason to continue the story. Sure the world is interesting, but I get the impression that Cloonan has told the story that she wanted to tell and that’s what made this one-shot a rich read. This story is one of those prime examples of what makes the medium so great and in a way proves why Submit is important to the comic industry. Cloonan already has another standalone story on Comixology entitled Wolves that I’ll be reviewing later, but I really hope to see more work like this from her on the platform.

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I’m very impressed with this issue and although it had zombies and heaven, two of the most played out story types in comics, it was really good. I can’t remember the last time I laughed this much reading a comic. The issue is scheduled for release at the end of May, but I’m definitely picking up a copy when it hits. Again, you need to pre-order this one and not assume that your local shop is going to magical know that it’s a hilarious book with tons of easy going gore; and if you’re a shop owner then yeah order a copy for anyone that like zombies, little people and taking animals that act like your oldest friend in the world.

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I still want to like this book, but it’s making it incredibly difficult to do so. We’ll see if there is any improvement in the next issue or at the very least more of the real plot revealed to us, but if not it might be my last issue and then I’m going to the cops.

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I’ll probably bring this issue up on the podcast this week because there is so much I want to say about it. The other reveals and the ending are so exciting to talk about that I can’t wait to tell someone else about it. This is one of those series that you hand a friend to read just you can talk about it and then when you bring them the next issue they’ve already read it because they loved it so much. The very last thing I have to say is that I don't like Frasier Irving's covers... don't fit the series so please stop it.

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I don’t think this is a bad issue or ending by any means. I bet that when this series is read together it’s marvelous and the ending is fitting and killer. On its own though, the ending is just okay and not great, but not bad and has a satisfying resolution for sure. I’m going to miss this series and especially Nimble Jack since he brightened my week each issue, but it has been a fun ride.

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I don’t know if this series is going to have its down issues or filler issues, but I do know that it surprises me month after month. I have no idea what Chas is going to do in the next issue, but I bet that it’s something pretty spectacular. Part of me hopes that he aims the hero device at the new threat he’s facing and we all get to see what happens, but I think the real outcome will be far better. Again, any doubt I had about this comic are gone. I’m in love with this story and this series.

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This issue is bad-fucking-ass. Buy it now.

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I don’t even think I should have to review these issues anymore and that everyone should be buying the series already, but comic fans tend to forget about series that fall out of everyone’s conversation and I can’t let that happen here. If you’ve never read Hellboy then now is as good of a time as any to begin. This series is consistently great and hands down one of the best that Dark Horse is releasing monthly and it only looks to get better from here.

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I wish I could talk more about this issue, but it might have to wait until a podcast because there is too much that can be easily spoiled and I don’t want to do that. It was a great issue that has me anxious for the conclusion. If you’ve missed out on the series it’s not too late to get caught up as the digital option is just a click away or check some online stores. It’s well worth it and again this issue erased all my doubts and hang ups from the last issue.

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I regret not reviewing this series sooner so that people could have been prepared for the second issue like I was, but here we are now. You can check out both issues for just two bucks and I can say that this one is well worth it. I’ll be getting to my review of the second issue much sooner, but I’m pretty sure that Monkey Brain has another hit on their hands.

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I would wholeheartedly recommend this book if you have kids. It’s probably too much to read to your four year old, but if your child is at the point where they can begin reading normal comics this would be a good start for them. There are a lot of jokes that I take for granted due having heard them so many times before, but if this was my first exposure to them I would absolutely love it. On the flip side if you’re an adult that enjoys high quality all-ages material I would try it before I buy it. Personally I don’t think I would sit through another reading, but someone else out there might really enjoy it.

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For most stories there really are only three different types of endings: Mind blowing, average and underwhelming. And as lame as it seems the ending really is mind blowing. I’ve never read a series that demolishes its own status quo as much as this series. With some endings they just end the way you think they will which isn’t bad, but it’s not exciting. Courtney Crumrin does sort of end the way you’d expect, but the presentation and extra elements are what really blow you away. If you missed this volume of the franchise then I would encourage you to track down the issues in print or digital and if you’re a trade waiter then you’re going to be pleased when this hits your hands.

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Even with my gripes about the art the story is amazing and I even wonder how it would read as a novel. This issue scores high because there is a ton of plot points and twists to be enjoyed. I’m looking forward to the final chapter of “Final Night” and will be looking forward to discovering the new status quo for both series after the ending as I’m sure both will be very interesting.

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The best way to describe this issue is by calling it a scene skipper, it spends all of its time on things that have nothing to do with the plot and then when something comes up that wasn't covered the characters recap everything that we as the reader "missed." Well, we didn't miss it; it just wasn't given to us when it needed to be. The worst part of this is that reading it a second time only confuses you more. I'm done with this series and if it makes it to another issue I won't be there for it. We won't even post a preview for it because it's not worth even reminding people of its existence.

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I think this series is great for many reasons: It has strong female role models, it’s great for youths and adults alike and it creates an amazing fantasy world and populates it with tons of stories. I love the short stories now because it shows the endless creative possibilities this series has. If you enjoyed the first volume you should definitely check the second out, but even if you missed it the story doesn’t leave you out in the dark. I would recommend grabbing this volume even if you missed the first because it’s still a great jumping on point for the franchise.

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This series definitely stands out to me from other Zenescope series. I think that because it's so different from their other titles is what makes it interesting and enjoyable. I do wish that Miller was put in charge of the story more as there are times his true writing voice doesn't come out. Things like the underwater choking scene are something I expect from a Zenescope title, but this series doesn't feel like a Zenescope title and shouldn't be forced to be. Growth is important and I think if Zenescope is going to improve on franchise like this one, the writers need to be allowed to cut out things the company is "known for" or they risk changing for the better. There are plenty of other publishers that were at one time known for a particular style or franchise that had to change in order to move the company forward and this series shows that Zenescope is on the cusp of change.

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The great thing about comics is that their always there to go back and rediscover and with trades and digital versions it’s even easy to get caught up on a great series. I hope that this issue and the next three gimmicky named issues revitalize the fan base for this series because I would like to enjoy endless possibilities of stories told in this world. I don’t mean to further the jab thrown at the “big two” or as I like to call them the “grandparents of the industry”, but this is the best fake first issue I’ve read in the past two years.

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If you’re a fan of the series you’ll definitely want to grab the issue. I know it’s just a one-shot, but it’s an incredible addition to the franchise. I want another mini-series as much as the next fan, but as long as quality one-shots like this are produced I’ll manage just fine. If for some reason you’ve never read Baltimore, then this is a great issue to jump on to as it actually does a good job of recapping his journey so stop missing out.

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I could go on and on about this issue; after all there were great stories like Finder, Tiger Lung and Cat’s in the Cradle that reminded me a lot of what Nix Comics Quarterly does with its anthology, but you need something to read right? There isn’t a bad story in this issue so if you pick it up expect a great read. For me, this was probably one of the best issues in the anthology since it’s relaunch.

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It’s an ending as they say. It’s not terrible, but it’s very forgettable and honestly no one will remember this book by the end of the year. There really was one goal in mind for this story when it was made, let’s get it to Hollywood. It takes no risks and honestly was the most un-Grant Morrison thing he’s ever written and sadly the entire project is a bit amateurish. If you’ve stuck with it this long then you’ll probably want to finish it, but just know that whatever your guess for the ending… you’re probably right, so right that you could save yourself the money.

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This continues to be my absolute favorite title from Valiant and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon. It has fantastic characters, plot and writing each and every month and always manages to find an artist to bring Dysart’s phenomenal pages to life. If you’re new to the series there is a great recap at the beginning of the book, but by jumping on now you will be getting to know one of the best characters in the series. I’m looking forward to the next issue for sure and my money is on Peter taking center stage once again.

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The last issue of this series was a great break between stories lines and with that came two opportunities to jump on the series. Obviously the last issue was one of those chances and so is this issue. Sure there isn’t a lot of backstory, but the world is pretty easy to figure out if you read the dialog and pay attention. If you’ve been wondering about the awesomeness of It Girl then wonder no more and pick up this great issue.

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I never pick up this series and think that Kindt is going to “phone in” an issue. I’m always excited to see what amazing journey he’s going to take us on and I find myself captivated more each time I read an issue. However long of a run Mind MGMT ends up being, I will be there for it. This is an amazing series and definitely one of the best things to come from Dark Horse Comics, ever.

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Honestly, I don’t feel like I should even have to review this book anymore. To me, it’s on the same level as Saga in terms of quality and I think it should be there already with sales too. If you’re not reading this book I highly encourage you to buy an issue, any issue and begin. The brilliant thing about this series is that it subtly treats each issue as someone’s first experience with it, making it very easy to jump on board. If you’re buying it, show some commitment and pre-order it or add it to your pull-list.

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After ten issues I’m still reviewing this series and it’s kind of nuts that I’m doing it to give the series better exposure, but I’ll keep reviewing it and telling you to pre-order or sign up for it on your pull-list until everyone on the retail side of things can figure out what type of sales juggernaut this book is. To put it in perspective for you the current best-selling Image title is The Walking Dead and it wasn’t selling as many issues as this series was until it was hitting landmark issue numbers. I can’t even begin to image how many issues Saga will be selling by #50, but as long as it continues to be this good or even half this good I’ll be there to find out.

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I’m scoring this issue pretty high because I think it’s improved a lot since the second issue. It’s not perfect and there are some definite pacing issues that need to be worked out, but I’m hoping to see more improvement in the next issue. I will say that even though the issue is jammed packed with plot elements it’s actually very easy for new readers to jump on board and not be lost in the story. If it sounds interesting then you should ask your shop for it and I’m sure that they can order if for you if they didn’t already.

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I really like this story and I’m hoping that it doesn’t end the way I think it’s going to, because I want to read more of this concept; even if it does I’m sure it’ll still be good. Nate is the most likeable jerk P.I. I’ve read in a while and I like that about his character. If you’ve missed out on the first two issues do yourself a favor and pick them up before this issues release. The first issue is still free so you have no excuses there and the second issue is just $1.99. Check it out on the iVerse Comics+ app.

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I’m honestly looking forward to the conclusion to this story arc a lot. It’s not that I haven’t liked it, but it hasn’t been as exciting as the first arc. I do wonder where this series is going considering they’ve already had two “end of the world” type events happen, but that’s the charm of comics… we’ll see. If you’ve been reading the series and enjoying it then there’s no reason to stop now; if like me you’ve been a little unimpressed with this story arc, fear not I’m sure that Valiant and Van Lente have something cool planned in the near future.

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If you’ve followed my reviews for this series then you know that I’ve pretty much loved it from the first page of the first issue. It’s such a unique comic and even though it’s technically considered a “cape” book, it shows that you don’t need to continue the same damn formula that the “big two” have been pumping out for decades. Spencer and company have created something that is infinitely more interesting than any other superhero comic book out there and because of that I long for it each and every month. You never really know what’s going to happen in the next issue of a comic which is why we continue to come back month after month, to find out, but with this series I really can’t even come up with a guess and that’s fucking awesome.

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I was more surprised by this issue than I was the last one and while I’m not running out to get Hoax Hunters tattooed on small of my back, I’m glad that I gave this series a second chance. I still think that it has a ways to go to live up to its potential, but it’s heading in the right direction. If you jumped on the series with the last issue like I did, then be glad that you did. If you missed the issue then you should get caught up so you’re not missing out. Also the American Nature story at the end is quite hilarious so be sure you read that as well. For more on American Nature you check out our review of their free issue.

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Granted I didn’t have much to say about this series, but that’s a good thing. That means that it’s continuing on the same path and since it started on the right path, that’s great. I’m enjoying the hell out of this story and I will be here until the finish of the series which I can’t guarantee with other series dealing with a similar subject matter. The story continues to be enthralling and entertaining and that’s why I’ll be back for more next month.

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Part of me knows that this issue was fucking crazy and in some ways a really bad issue, but the other part of me that I’m choosing to listen to knows that it’s an amazing action sci-fi story and that it’s allowed to be nuts. I know that it’s not an emotionally moving comic and it’s not going to be looked at in years to come as something that advanced the medium, but it will probably be on a lot of people’s lists for how you tell an action/sci-fi story in a comic book. I loved this issue and cannot wait to see where the madness leads in the next issue.

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If you’ve been following the series then you’re for sure going to pick up this issue, how could you not? I was very impressed with just how good the ending of this series was even with the delays. If you’re a trade waiter then you’re also pretty excited because that means a hardcover printing of this volume is on its way. Whatever your preference for reading, just make sure you don’t miss this series.

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I can see why the delay for this book probably rubbed some fans the wrong way. After all, I read it and was more than blown away by it and it was my first experience with the franchise. The printers had a bit of a fire which delayed the book so before you take it out on the publisher" don't. This book is more than worth the wait of a few extra weeks and trust me you're going to love it. It was amazingly good and I cannot wait to read the first volume and hope that the third is quick to follow. The world of comics is so much bigger than the superhero genre and I'm so happy to find well-crafted and exciting stories like Last Call out on the market. This series has stolen my heart and I will not forget about it when the end of the year rolls around. Buy it now.

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If you’re a fan of the series then this is a no-brainer for you to pick up; if you’re new to the series and just picked the book up, you may be a little lost. Fear not though, I’m sure things will all click into place by the end of the series. If you dig magic and action-adventure then definitely check this book out.

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After eight issues it’s safe to say that I’m not going anywhere with this series, but I do worry that the pacing for the “Extinction Event” is moving a bit too slow. Our main villain really hasn’t done much since it started either, I mean other than bringing back the worse EA character ever… I guess he is pretty bad after all. At any rate, I would like to see more conflict between the two sides of the story and some vision of where the series is heading afterwards. Hopefully, they’ll go back to simple conflicts against other assassins or maybe even a terrorist group. Ideally, I would like the series to just got back to being about bad-ass hot assassin women, but we need to take care of this “Extinction” business first.

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I don’t think this issue knocked it out of the park as much as the previous, but I do think it sets up the series for a strong ending and that’s very important. Whatever hiccups this issue may have had, I’m sure they were in favor of something awesome in the final issue. If you’ve been reading the series there is no reason to stop and if you’ve missed out on this book then get caught up! It’s really good and I cannot wait to see where the ending goes, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I already had a guess.

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It’s very rare that I’ll review a series twice. After all, what more could I possibly have to say about it? The thing is, I’m dying to talk about this series. I loved the story and I’m eagerly waiting for more and I’m hoping that these single issues will be the key to making that happen. Also, I just love talking about this book and so a second opportunity is actually pretty awesome.

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I went back and forth on what to score this issue, but after flipping through it again I settled on a higher score. It’s an interesting series and I worry that at any moment it could become utterly ridiculous and loose me as a reader, but then it could also take a turn for the amazing and for lack of better words… blow me out of the water. Right now though, this is a strong monthly title that I will continue to read and enjoy as long as this level of quality is maintained.

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This issue is good for many reasons. It’s a good month off from the main series that left us with a pretty good cliffhanger and gives the readers a chance to catch their breath from all the action. The other reason this series is good, is because it gives new readers the perfect spot to jump on to the series. If you’ve never read Harbinger and you’re tired of me telling you how good it is, then start with this issue. It’s not going to recap you on everything happening in the series, but it’s going to give you a great place to start now that we’re out of the first story arc and almost finished with the second. Check it out and get ready for this series to come back even stronger I guarantee.

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We’re on issue three which means if you’re not reading this series then you’re missing out. Now the first two issues have sold out so you have a partial excuse, but they’re coming back in print so you better get them. If you’re one that enjoys the ease and convenience of digital then hit up Dark Horse’s store front and get caught up this week. You won’t regret it.

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It’s been a while since I’ve read a good ninja book and I’m glad to see that this one turned out as well as it did. To be honest, ninja stories are hard. There’s a very real history that they have and so you either have to be historically accurate or create your own fiction. The important part is to keep it serious though and that’s something Legend of the Shadow Clan does very well. Sure there are light moments and jokes, but the plot and world stays away from being goofy. This is a return to the serious ninja story and I appreciate that.

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I’m definitely sticking with this series until the end and I’m looking forward to the next issue for sure. I suspect that there is stuff happening on our “good guys” side of things that have yet to be revealed and I’m looking forward to finding out what it is. With the shakeup in this issue I’m hoping for a bit of variety in the battles as well and that definitely has my attention for the next issue. If you missed the first issue you should definitely pick it up in either digital or print if you can still find it, which ever works for you because it’s a hot title that you don’t want to miss.

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I still like this character, I just wonder if she really had to fit in with the rest of the Grimm universe. I think she could have easily existed outside of that world and maybe even created a new one. Instead, it feels as if a lot of the plot points where forced upon the story in order to get the character to the next series and tie-in to the universe. I’m curious about the next series against Red Riding Hood, but now that we know what to expect it’s hard not to expect more and better.

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Part of me really enjoyed the ending and the other part was a bit disappointed. I wasn’t left wanting more of this character or the next chapter of his journey, but rather I was just glad it concluded the way it did. I still like this series more than IDW’s first, but I’m looking forward to a new Crow that has something new to offer the revenge genre. If you bought the first two there’s no reason to stop on this issue.

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There is no Sparky in this issue which is sad, but hopefully there is something special planned for her in the next issue. I like the slow progression of the series and I’m sure that this overall volume is going to be as good as the first. I may be late to the Princeless band wagon, but if you’re reading this review you’re probably still on the fence about the series. Well, you need to read it. Young, old, man, woman, alien posing as any of the previous four categories I mentioned… check it out. You’d be surprised how much fun a story about a Princess that doesn’t want a Prince to save her can be.

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This is one of if not the greatest one-shot stories I have ever read. It’s sad, it’s romantic, but most off all it’s tremendously good. I’m not afraid to say that it made me cry and even though it did, I gladly read it a second time and cried again. This comic book managed not only to give me a great tale to enjoy for years to come, but also reminded me of everything that is truly great and magical about the medium. It’s going to be hard for anything else this year to top this incredible story that’s for sure.

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I’m not sure if this is Naifeh’s “swan song” or not, but I’m curious to see where the story goes after this major story arc concludes. It’s hard for me to imagine that this intensity with the plot can continue forever, but if it did that would certainly be great for the readers. If you decide to pick this issue up as your first then you may end up a little lost, but it’s more than worth checking out. You better believe that we’ll have a review for the next issue because it’s going to be even better than this one.

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Crossovers are hard. They have a lot to do in a short amount of time and there’s always that issue that spends more time building the plot than doing anything particularly interesting and I think that this issue is that issue. It’s not bad and you definitely need to read it if you’re going to finish the series because as I said, the opening and then closing of the issue are very important to the overall plot.

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If you really need to see how the last issue turned out then go for it, but just know that this issue isn’t very strong. In fact I wonder if the series has been taking its vitamins because this is a shadow of its former self. I really don’t like handing out a bad review like this, but I cannot recommend for new readers and unless your a diehard or a glutton for punishment it's a tough purchase.

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Well if you’ve missed out on this series then you really should do yourself a favor and go back and find the first two issues or pick them up digitally. I’m sure the first issue is cheaper now so waiting may have paid off for you. I really enjoyed this issue and the series as a whole has been fantastic. With all the action, an intelligent and interesting storyline and fantastic art, it’s hard not to appreciate how great this series.

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There is so much I want to say about this issue. I want to gush about how fantastic it is and with all my excitement talk about every amazing scene that happens in the story. It’s like watching an amazing TV show and then talking to a friend the next day about every aspect of it. That’s what I want to do, but I won’t spoil it for you. As I say with every issue of The Activity, anyone can begin the series with this issue or any issue. Sure the subplot won’t have as much impact for you as it does for someone like me, but you’ll still understand what’s happening and that some shit major shit is about to go down. This is a great series that more people should check out and share with their friends and this issue in particular is the best in the series thus far.

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The last great thing that I will point out about this issue is the fact that the creative team is very in tuned with each other. This is a true collaboration and it shows in the story and the art. Both parties trust the other to get them to where they need to be by the end of the issue and it’s great. I love comic collaborations like this because it’s what used to draw people to comics in the first place. This comic is actually very, very good. It’s something that the industry has needed for a while and I don’t even think they knew it. Pre-order, order it online or hope you’re shop gets it, but you need to read this book. Lastly, you can also check out the preview for the book here!

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I really like this book and the ending has left me very impatient as I wait for the third issue. You can still pick up the first issue for free on Comics+ and the second issue is only 2 bucks. I’m not sure if you can get it in print yet, but it’s definitely worth the money in print. This is a very good PI story and I’m craving more interaction from the past-life selves of Nate. With two issues left I’m counting on this getting even better.

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After the way this issue ends there’s no way I won’t be back for the next issue. I’m dying to read it and absolutely can’t wait to continue the thrilling and dark ride that this book is. Bedlam, in my opinion is under-rated due to the fact that people can’t seem to understand the book. Sure there is extreme violence, but it’s a book about mental health above everything else and that’s interesting. At the very least everyone has some fascination with serial killers these days so that should be enough for you to take the jump and read the series. This series is a comic junkies dream and I’m jonesing for my next fix.

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Every month this series manages to surprise me and battle for position of my current favorite ongoing series. Literally, two other titles that I enjoy and admire as much as this issue released this week making it the best week in comics. This is hands down the best series that Valiant is producing and that’s not a slam against the other titles; they’re entire line up is strong and full of amazing talent and fantastic stories, but something about Harbinger always stands out. If you’re not reading this series then get caught up, you don’t want to be the last one reading this fantastic series.

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So here's the deal" if you're not reading this series you need to leave a comment on why you can't enjoy one of the best things to happen to comics ever. I'm serious; this book is so fantastically good and only continues to get better and better. If you missed the first series then once again I will point out that you can still jump on the series right here with this issue; do yourself a favor and do that.

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My only concern about this story is how long it continues the current plot line and remains interesting. It has to end at some point and it’s already barreling towards a conclusion of sorts, but we’re not being given a tease of what’s after this. In order to maintain its success it may need to let the reader in on the future, of course having said that I remember how many times this series has told me nothing and still delivered an entertaining and surprising story. Time will tell, but I’ll continue reading it as long as it’s this good.

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What a great issue to come back to and start the New Year with! I know that this series has been selling like hot-cakes so it doesn’t need a lot of help from me, but again if you haven’t read the series or somehow forgot about it then hopefully this review reminded you of why you should be buying it. Everything you loved about the last story arc has been improved in this issue and with all the different elements gearing up in this issue it’s going to be very exciting to see where it goes from here and hopefully you’ll be along for it as well. If you find any other Easter eggs, be sure to leave them in the comments and if no one finds the movie reference I’ll post it myself.

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I’m going to miss this book as it’s brightened my month with each release. It chooses a great week to go out on and I will begin anxiously waiting for the next volume of Dex’s life… so crack the whip Oni. If you’re afraid that this issue couldn’t possible surpass the last fear not, for they are very different issues but equally good.

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I really dig this series and I love all the lore that’s been created for it. I’m interested to see how long it runs for since the threat of danger seems very close right now and that tension can’t be held forever. Also I would love an issue showing how the rest of the world functions and what it’s like for an "Average Joe". It’s a rich world and the potential of a long an interesting story is there, but our reluctant hero needs to embrace her destiny and gain some allies that will give the story hope. If you’ve been reading the series then continue to do so and if you’re thinking about picking it up then this is a good place to start.

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I really enjoy this series and it’s a prime example of the amazing things that you can only do in comics. This is never going to be made into a big budget movie or even a TV show. Sure you can probably make some terrible cell phone game tie-in for it, but who the hell wants to see that? ...Okay I kind of do want to see that now that I mention it, but the point is that the integrity of this story is something that could only possibly exist in comic book form. It’s what makes it so damn special and if you’ve been taking it for granted then you need to take a moment and realize what it is you’re holding in your hands. A story that can only exist as it is.

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If you’ve been reading Archer & Armstrong, then you know how good this series is. It’s not changing anytime soon and I’m pretty sure the creative teams are being paid enough to want to stick around and see their stories play out. If you haven’t checked this series out yet then there is good news; this issue may not be the beginning of the story arc, but it does a great job of recapping the events leading up to it. I can honestly recommend this issue in particular to new readers as you will journey with Kay as she receives her first exposure to everything happening in the story as well. So dive in, this book good!

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Wood used to be one of my favorite writers; one that could do no wrong and seemingly everything he touched turned to gold. I didn’t like his Star Wars (I’m also royally done with the franchise though). I felt that Mara was lackluster and that the narrative was all over the place. The Massive is good, but it’s not the type of story that I want to read. But his Conan… captivates me month after month. I know this book isn’t for everyone and it seems that the die-hard fans are officially done with it, but they’re also probably the hardest to appease to begin with. This is a good damn series and I’m going to enjoy it until it stops being good. Maybe one day I’ll go back and read the novels and then become offended by the adaptation, but this series is far too entertaining for me to be upset with.

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It’s not a bad issue, but there are definitely a few question marks that keep it from being better. I’m sure I’ll stick through the cross over to the end in order to see the conclusions, but I really hope the series finds another bad guy to keep the story interesting. The current pairing of Rose and Mazutsu is more annoying than evil, but we’ll see what they have up their selves. If you enjoyed the first two chapters of “Executive Extinction” then pick this issue up and get familiarized with the major EA players.

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I listed a few things that I liked about the ending, but there was far more about it that was average more than anything else. Hell, I even thought that there was supposed to be a ninth issue and if there is I won’t be very interested in it. If you’ve been following the series from the beginning it’s worth checking out and even if you only read a few issues you could tune back in and fill in the blanks and still have a decent resolution. It wasn’t a bad series, but honestly it could have done a lot more with the ending rather than just get there.

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In general, this is a pretty good spot for new readers to jump on to the book. I do think that it should have mentioned somewhere in the story that they do in fact cover up what they investigate in case the readers skip the recap at the beginning. If you were put off by the last story arc this one is off to a better start, but we’ll have to see where it goes from here for sure.

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The thing that baffles me about Saga is why the sales haven't gone up with each issue. The beauty of the writing is that you can jump on with any issue and it will recap you with some aspect of the storyline; then all you have to do is continue reading from there to be further recapped in the next issue. It's quite brilliant as it makes every issue a good jumping on point for new readers and I'm not bullshitting. In this issue we're recapped about the main plot of the story, the death of a character, our other antagonist and even how Marco's rings work. All the while, the story moved forward, developed and so did our characters. So, I'll continue reviewing this series because it continues to be great and until everyone is posting comments saying, "I'm a reader and told my comic shop to pre-order it for me every month" I'll be here telling you about everything you're missing out on.

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I liked the issue, but the writing far exceeds the art. It’s not that the art is bad, but it suffers from the classic comic fault of a great story becoming mediocre due to the art. If you dug the story in the first issue then you’ll still really enjoy this issue and just because it’s average doesn’t make it bad by any means, it just could have been better is all.

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I dig this story and I’m looking forward to where the plot goes. There are twists and turns waiting to happen and still a lot of info about the two past life identities that Nate can see. My guess is that he’s still very close to dying and that’s why they’re there, but I could be very wrong. This story is definitely for anyone that is a fan of the P.I. genre and has been waiting for a new twist. You can pick the book up for free on the Comic+ app, or look for it in print.

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If you’re looking for a wholesome, funny and classic superhero story then this is it. Though the story is a few decades old it has a timeless quality to it. Sure I’ve pointed out things that remind me of the era it was created in, but that all disappears by midway through the story. It’s an engaging tale about someone who is truly the most unlikely of superheroes. This is a wonderful collection of a complete series that’s suitable for new and old comic book readers.

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I can’t hide my disappointment; while it’s generally not a bad issue I was expecting it to continue on the same path the second issue had started as far as quality and storytelling. This issue felt like a step back rather than forward. I’m still interested in the series and will return for the fourth issue for sure as I still have high hopes for the series as it continues, but the next issue needs to spend more time developing the characters and less time with the plot. If you've been enjoying the series though you should check it out and decide for yourself about it.

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If you missed out on this series you can do one of two things: Get the back issues digitally/print or wait for the trade. Either way you’ll have the advantage of reading the story beginning to end. For those of us that checked it out month after month, I can’t say I’m disappointed with the ending. I liked it and the fact that it was bittersweet. This was a great mini-series and though it closes I hope to see the creative team with a new story in the future.

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Todd’s life is shit. There’s no doubting that and it only gets worse as the story continues. It’s funny though and you’re curiosity is sure to be piqued by reading it. I’ll be sticking around to see what happens to Todd and enjoy all of the demented humor along the way. The title of the series alone is probably enough to draw some people in, but let me tell you that this book is not going to disappoint you.

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This series definitely has its cheesy moments, but for the most part I really enjoy it. The events of this issue have put things in to effect that we might not see the outcome to for a while. Characters that I thought were stupid and unimportant actually played an interesting role and now I’m looking forward to the next issue. If you’ve been enjoying the series then you’ll continue with this issue, but if you didn’t like the first two then now’s the time to jump off because it’s not changing its colors anytime soon.

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Should you have had to wait this long for the issue? Definitely not, but that doesn’t change the fact that the book is great. You’ll have to decide for yourself if you want to buy it, but I would say that if you stuck with the series this far that you may as well pick up the best issue of the volume. It’s also a double sized issue if that helps at all. If this is your first time with the story then you’ll probably better off waiting for the trade. Sigh… I can’t believe I got suckered into this series as badly as I did. Oh well, it was worth it in the end.

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I really tend to pass on the demon, angel, end of the world type stories because they just don’t fascinate me the way other stories can. This one managed to creep through my defenses though and was very entertaining. I love the mystery of the plot and the art has my full attention. Don’t miss out on this issue and join me in patiently waiting for the second.

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I really liked this issue, it was entertaining and I was treated to information about a fantasy organization that I have a long history with. It did get me thinking about the Foot Clan and why they eventually fail as characters and this series reaffirmed it. The Foot Clan as a whole is a character with the leader being the only standout member/character from the group. In order for the Foot Clan to remain relevant and even interesting they need to have more than one stand out character.

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I could really care less about the religious aspect of this story. I just want to read the jokes and see what happens to Ben. I know I should probably care about Bram, but he’s only going to react to the story that Ben leads him through and that’s okay. I think this comic might offend a lot of people which is another reason why I liked it so much. It doesn’t take itself serious at all, but manages to tell a strong narrative while being extremely entertaining. Not for the weak of heart, but check it out if you have the courage to be entertained.

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I might be a sucker for a good Native American tale, but I think that this story is fantastic and very entertaining. It has mystery, supernatural elements, family and so much more going on that it’s amazing that it can all exist within the same story. I’m glad it’s a comic book because I don’t think any other medium or genre would present the story in the same way. If you missed the first issue because there were a ton of other books out at the same time, then I hope you’ll track it down and check out the entire series. I’m in it until the end and I know that it’s going to be enjoyable ride.

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One shots like this I think are always great for an ongoing series. Not only does it keep the book on a monthly schedule, but it gives the series a chance to explore other elements of the universe. The other plus is that it gives new readers a perfect spot to jump on. Maybe after the next story arc we’ll have another one shot and touch base with Mr. Gum or another Atomic character (preferably Mr. Gum though) as this was a very successful one-shot.

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I’m really glad that I dove right in with this series and had the chance to read three issues in one sitting, but now I have the problem of really wanting more to read and having to wait. This is a high concept story with very simple elements attached to it that make for an exciting read. I can’t wait to see what crazy crap Declan will have to go through to save the girl, but really I just want to see what else Nimble Jack can come up with to haunt this comic.

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There’s no excuse not to check this series out. If you’re familiar with the story then you’re still sure to be amazed by the amount of detail the writing and art both have; if you love samurai stories then you’re probably already reading the series as I am and good for you. This is a fantastic series and it looks to only be getting better with each new issue. Since the first issue is sold out I would encourage you to buy it digitally or wait for the second printing that is scheduled to release the same day as the third issue on 1/30.

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For me this series has a lot of problems; problems that I can’t overlook as they have me constantly questioning the story. I’ll check out the preview for the next issue before deciding to read it, but it’s pretty sad that it’s gotten to that point after only two issues. If you’ve been enjoying the series then props to you for being able to care about all of the nameless characters we’ve been introduced that have managed to occupy several panels without doing anything in them.

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I really think that Boom should have released this issue at full price because it’s well worth it. Sometimes the dollar entry price is great for something like a zero issue which has a shortened page count and is just a teaser to the series, but this was a lengthy issue. It’s great for comic readers, but I hope that the full priced second issue doesn’t scare people away. This is definitely going to be a book to watch for in 2012 and I personally cannot wait for the second issue.

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This was a very good issue and it gives me hope that the series will continue to be this strong. The next issue is an important one, but this issue has left off in the perfect place for it to start so hopefully it’ll be a home run. I’m glad a series like this exists and it’s definitely something that can only exist in the world of comics. The story and art is a perfect match for each other and if you’re looking for something very different to read this week then this is it.

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I have to say that this is one of my favorite series to read each month and I’m actually glad to see that it’s continuing. I hope that it’s not dragged out indefinitely, but if it continues to find a way to be interesting and thrilling each month then I’m all for it. Hell, I’ll even be happy if Dane and Mariko make it out alive and head down to a third world country fixing kids cleft lips or something. This is a very good series that you should be checking out and if you thought it was a simple black market organ stealing book then boy are you ever wrong.

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This really is a great issue. If you’ve ever followed Hellboy then you should be reading it and if you’ve been curious about the character then now’s as good of a time to start reading. The last five pages of this issue are jaw-dropping-good and will leaving you pining for the end of the month to approach to get the next chapter of the story. I have no idea how long the story Mignola has planned, but I will be here for the journey as long as it continues this same level of quality.

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If you really liked the first issue then you’re going to get this one as well and probably like it just as much. For me I think that it has a lot of faults and needs to have the story reined in more or it will suffocate under its own aspirations. I have high hopes that this may happen in the next issue due to the fact that the story likes to lead itself in only one possible direction, but that will really be the deal breaker. If you were on the fence with this series then I would say skip this issue and come back for number three.

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This was a fun two and done style of story and it honestly had a lot more to it than I was expecting. There are some pretty obvious historical comparisons to the Nazis in the story which gave it an eerie realism, but over all this is one of the best Star Wars comics I’ve read. All the business of the franchise’s future aside, I’m glad that Dark Horse is turning out books like this as it shows their love and dedication to the franchise, even if others like me have moved on.

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I really enjoyed this issue if you couldn’t tell from my raving review. This series has developed amazingly and it’s almost a shame that the writer’s aren’t given more creative freedom on their other series. Abnett and Lanning have an amazing career in comics, but this is definitely the book I will remember them for the most as long as it continues this level of quality and consistency.

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This was a good start to the series and I’m curious to see the connections between the two books as the "Executive Extinction" event rolls on. I like the added level of character development for Iris, but her over-narration needs to be toned down so that the art and visual storytelling can be enjoyed more.

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If this issue had tanked, I don’t know if I would have bothered with the conclusion. Stories like this only end is so many ways: A) Everyone dies, B) Nick dies, flip of the coin if the little girl lives or not or C) Nick lives and gets his life back, but still has to deal with Happy. It’s obvious, but the journey to get there will hopefully be rewarding. I don’t know if Morrison has anymore tricks up his sleeves, but this issue convinced me to come back and find out.

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It’s very possible that our space explorers are going to come to earth and infect everyone on the planet giving everyone powers in the process. I’m actually hoping that’s where it goes because that would be an interesting world to see. Instead of being feared it would be the end of mankind in one fail swoop. This is another good issue for the series and I think it’s actually better than the first in a lot of ways. I’ll be sticking around with the series for sure and hope the artist is as well.

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I’m not afraid to call you an idiot if you didn’t buy this issue. I read more comics this week than I have in the past three weeks due to the heavy release schedule and this was by far one of the best. I would hang it up there with Harbinger in terms of greatness and if you didn’t pick it up that’s on you. If you liked the book add it to your pull list so that Image and the creators can spend more time creating and less time figuring out how many to print!

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I find this series to be really incredible actually. I said in my first review that I’m not a stickler for time travel “rules” and just find interesting stories wrapped around them to be fun and entertaining. I love the layer of mystery that continues to unraveling in this story and I’m looking forward to finishing the series when it wraps. This series is just another example of how amazing of a year Image Comics is having and enriches the Shadowline brand with its high quality storytelling.

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The thing I love about Empowered is that it comes along when there’s a story to tell. It’s never forced into coming back for more, but it finds a way to find the right time. This was a great one shot that was full of humor and actually some classic super hero battles that you really can’t see any more in today’s modern comics. What’s even better is that this is one one-shot that you don’t need to know anything about before picking up and you’ll be happy that you did just that.

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I didn’t really like Lily’s storyline at first; it wasn’t very enjoyable and the characters seemed to ramble on and on about her drug problem and how bad the bad guy is. This issue was very different and I enjoyed the pacing and the surprises at the end of each scene. It was a great start to the crossover and actually has me looking forward to the next issue of the series.

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Am I harsh on this book? Yes I am very harsh. Do I make some assumptions that may or may not be true? Yes I do and I'm okay with that because I'm sure I'm not the only one that is reading this book wondering what the fuck is going on with it and the book makes several assumptions as well.

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This is actually a really great issue to jump on to the series with. If for some reason you didn’t check it out before and missed out on the last issue, then you have yet another opportunity here. There’s a lot of background story that’s eased into the dialog of this issue that acts as a catch up for readers. If you’ve been reading the series then you need to recommend it to friends because this title only gets better as it goes along. Sigh, okay so how many days until the next issue?

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The series is drawing to a close, but the questions remains if Joule will actually get a chance at the revenge she’s seeking or if she’ll get her head on straight and start being the hero she’s pretended to be from the beginning. Hell, I think her acting like a cold mother fucker is cool as shit and if she started acting that way on the team they might take her a bit more seriously. We’ll see how it ends though, but really it’s going to be an issue for people that have read the series from the beginning so if you haven’t now is that time to start tracking down issues.

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It was an okay issue, but I really thought the plot was going to go off and we’d see these three characters team up and start killing zombies in some awesomely violent ways. Instead it’s more of an experiment of telling the main story in one location, but it’s hampered by the excessive dialog. I’ll be back for the final issue, but I’m not sure what the payoff of the series is going to be. Hopefully, it still has some tricks left.

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This was a very cool issue that enjoyed a lot. It makes a solid debut and has definitely captured my attention. I’ll be checking out the next issue for sure as more of the mystery around the story unwraps and a conflict looms in the horizon. If you’re fearing the end of the world this week then you should buy this issue for a glimpse of what we all might go through or just buy it because it’s really good and entertaining.

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Did you miss the first issue of this series? You shouldn’t have, it was great on its own accord and now this issue is even better. There are so many books out this week, but this one of the great ones. Pick it up and find the first issue as well. The story and art are perfectly balanced to give one of the most enjoyable reading experiences any comic fan can have.

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Like I said I will be back for the final chapter, I’m far too curious to see how it ends not to be back. I’m just not too sure that everything in this issue was necessary to drive the plot forward or if it’s all set up for the final issue. I’d be curious to hear what others thought of this issue, but for me it wasn’t as strong as the rest of the series has been.

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If this series wasn’t so new I would probably have to battle it out on paper for best mini-series of 2012, but as it stands now it’s already a strong contender for 2013. If you’re not reading this series then you’re only hurting yourself. Where Is Jake Ellis is the reason I read comic books; anything can happen and no story is too expensive or vast to tell as long as you have a talented artist to back you up.

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Obviously if you haven’t been reading the series then you’re not going to want to start on the last issue. If you missed out on the series though I would definitely say that it’s worth picking up in back issues or one day when it makes it to trade. It has a very rewarding plot and is accompanied by two very talented artists that bring this Frankenstein-esc story to life.

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I liked this book because it was fun. It tried like a mother fucker to make me dislike it and if it continues with the same faults I can't say I’ll stick with it for long. It’s pretty clear that Hopeless has an end game in mind which leaves me wondering what the next big plot line will be after this? Eventually, X-Force will clear their name like they always do and go back to being just a normal team. Hopefully this isn’t just a short sighted re-launch because the combination of characters is very interesting, but to continue to be interesting they need to be solving larger problems not just reacting to situations.

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This was probably the Marvel Now book I was the most curious about, but it solidified one thing for me while completely disappointing me; this is not a reboot at all. This is literally just a marketing ploy and creative shakeup. Nothing is cleaned up and frankly it's getting messier with each new issue I read. Marvel NOW is just an overhyped sales gimmick used to knock DC out of first place, well it worked, but frankly they're running out of steam as well so don't pat yourselves too hard on the back.

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This was a good issue and I’m sure that it’s only going to get better in the next issue. I just wish that the focus wasn’t on introducing the Eternal Warrior and rather continued with A&A. Especially now that Archer is alone and we have no idea where his “sister” with the glowing eyes ran off to. I enjoyed what little development happened between their characters in this issue, but would really if the issue had spent the entire time on the running developing them and then EW arrived at the end, I think it would have been more impactful. I’m still looking forward to the next issue and the possibilities of a spin off from this storyline.

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I don’t know how much longer the story can hold my interest and since I already know that Ryp is not staying on the book permanently I really wonder if the story is enought. I’m willing to give it a few more issues, but this one might end up fading fast. Lastly, the Facebook thing was ridiculous and made me roll my eyes so bad.

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This might not be the best issue to jump on to the series, but if you’ve been reading it then you’ll enjoy it. It’s nothing spectacular, but it’s a good continuation of the story with strong character development. Its main purpose was to set the series up for the next issue and for that I will definitely be back.

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If you’ve been reading the series you’re going to be pleased as punch with this issue and left looking forward to the next even more. If this is your first adventure with it then fear not the story has this great way of cleverly explaining past events as it moves forward so that all can enjoy. I really liked this issue and once again find it amazing that one person produces so much of the content.

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This is actually a really surprising crossover that works incredibly well. I always felt that the two stories were grounded in different worlds; CM being a dark comedy at times, while 30 Days was always very serious and dark. Yet here they are perfectly meshing together to form one of the coolest comic book crossovers in history. I’m sure Steve Niles is very happy to have this series published and longtime readers of both franchises like me are equally as happy.

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I really hope that the conclusion knocks my socks off. I don’t see how it couldn’t, considering how solid the series has been, but you never know. This issue is placing the series in a fantastic spot to wrap and proves yet again that you can tell great stories in black and white as long as you have great art and a great story. Again, if you missed this series do yourself a favor and pick up the first two issues either digitally or in the back issue bin at your comic shop.

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One of my favorite things about this series is that it’s so easy for new readers to jump on to. Sure you may not know all about the mole that may or may not be on the team, but then not every issue deals with that or even mentions it. I get that military/modern warfare style of stories are not for everyone, but if you enjoy something like the Call of Duty franchise then you should definitely be reading this series. This is yet another great issue in an already impressive run of the series and I’m looking forward to more.

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I’ll probably keep reading this mini until it finishes because it does a lot right and I find it’s setting to be very interesting. For once the WWII angle isn’t completely played out and works with the story. It’s hard to imagine that this is coming from the same company as the ongoing (I believe it’s an ongoing), granted it does have the return of the creator to the property he made popular; but this is leaps and bounds better. If you gave up on the Crow like I did, give this another shot.

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I was very impressed by this story and found it to be very different. It really falls into a genre of its own and that’s probably one of the things I like about it the most. As a movie, who knows if it would be made, but as a comic it’s not a problem. This is why I love Dark Horse’s library, because they take chances on titles like this that wouldn’t normally find a home with the super hero books. If you’re tired of awkward female anatomy and reboots then I highly encourage you to pick this book up this week.

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This series has a ton of potential with Hickman on board, but honestly I was worried about this book from the start. Sure it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it was not a hit in my opinion. This is a refreshing change to the series and is actually pretty perfect for fans of the movie since it will have the characters they’re familiar with, at least in this issue. For me though, I wanted something magical. Something like The Nightly News or even FF. Instead I felt like I was reading Thor again, but with better writing. Hickman's first issues usually amaze, but this one had me wondering what else I had to read this week.

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I really enjoyed the last series of Thunderbolts, even throughout its ups and downs it was a consistently good series that was very different from the previous incarnations that came before it. This series is different from its processor, but really it’s just a return to what it was before. I hope that you haven’t read a team book before, because if so you’re likely to hate it. Maybe the next issue will be good as we’ll see all of these different personalities mingling together, but I have the strong feeling that it will just end up as a bunch of talking heads that all sound the same. This was the first twenty-two page issue that I was glad didn't exceed that number count because I couldn’t take it anymore.

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The only thing I’m not crazy about on this issue is that it ties into the Freedom Force and Uncle Sam. Every time DC tries to use those characters they mess it up because then never intergraded them into the universe properly. Hopefully, they’ll learn from the success of Storm Watch and fuse DC characters on the team rather than just vague mentions. Otherwise, I really liked this issue and will stick around to finish the mini-series. If it does well, I’d love to see another mini or the character added to another series.

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This book was just okay. It could have been better had the opening actually tried to be serious and contribute to setting the tone of the series rather than going over in painstaking detail about how the planet got so bad and why Blackacre was created. I’ll give it another issue and hope that it was just a case of the first issue jitters, but if it falls into any of the usual post-apocalyptic pitfalls then I’ll probably call it good.

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I wish I could say that this book was a knock out hit, but I don’t think it’s quite there yet. It was definitely a great issue and the start of something very special for the character though. I know that this series is ongoing, but who knows for how long. I’m sure that there is some conclusion that it will reach and I’ve very excited to be along for the ride. It’s Hellboy in Hell, how fucking cool is that?

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This is a fun one shot full of humor, over the top violence and even some social commentary… okay a lot of commentary, but it’s funny. If you’re looking for some laughs this week then you should definitely pick the book up. If you’ve never experienced Dorkin’s work or his classic characters like Milk & Cheese then do yourself a favor and grab a copy.

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It’s not a bad comic, but it’s really rough. It’s one of the roughest Image series I’ve read in a long time; so much so that I forgot that it was Image. I’m curious to read the second issue, but if there isn’t some improvement in the pacing at the very least then I doubt I’ll make it much further. I’m sure that some will really enjoy this book, but for me it was really hard to ignore the blatant details missing to the overall story and showed that the writer was more in love with the concept than the plot.

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I know that I’ve brought up the first issue a lot, but really this issue is leaps and bounds better that it shocked me. I knew it was only a matter of time before this series picked up, but I didn’t expect it to knock it out of the park on the very next issue. If you liked the first issue you’ll love this one a whole lot more. I’m very confident when I say I’ll be sticking with this series for a long while now.

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I know that a lot of people are just tired of hearing about Star Wars in general and Lord knows I’m with them, but something told me to check this book out and I’m really glad I did. It gave me a glimmer of what I liked about the franchise and in a way taught me a lesson. Just enjoy it for what it is for as long as you can. Sure things are going to get scary and different, but as long as Dark Horse has the license I’m confident that they’ll treat it with care. Buy the book and enjoy it before the character’s death is retconned for the new movie.

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If you don’t buy this comic then you are pretty much saying that you hate comics and should quit the medium altogether. Seriously, this book is the reason the medium is so great. Comics can do things that no other form of entertainment can and that includes video games; sure they’re interactive, but the best parts of the story are always the part we’re not really experiencing but watching. This comic had me experiencing and taking part in a car chase and that blew my mind.

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This issue has a “killer cliffhanger” that will leave readers very pleased. I’m personally very excited to see where the series goes from here, but I hope they take a month off for the trade so that the art can make some adjustments and improve. Otherwise, it was a great issue from a series I’ve come to expect nothing less of.

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Second issues are notoriously overlooked and I can think of at least three comic series that pull in high back issue prices that have low second issue print runs. The thing about this issue is that it may be a very different issue when compared to the first, but it is still a fantastic issue that sets a trap for the reader. By the last pages that trap has gone off and caught you in its snare. Some people may not like this series or even this issue as much, but that’s their loss because it is one of the best new series from Image Comics and if Revival doesn’t watch out it could just over take it as the best Image book currently being released.

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So far the Marvel Now line has been kind of whatever for the most part. I’m slowly checking the books out, but there’s yet to be one that’s slapped me in the face and caught my attention. This is the first book to do that and I cannot wait to read Fantastic Four #1 and see the connections between the two series. Whatever your feelings toward Marvel, their reboot, or just superhero comics in general; please check this book out it’s absolutely amazing.

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Do I think it's a great book for its intended audience? Yes, very much so. I can see several little girls and parents being excited about this book and I hope that they find the enjoyment their looking for.

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As far as first issues go it didn’t blow me away, but that may play to its favor in the next issue. It did however catch my attention enough to be return to the series to find out the answers to numerous mysteries presented throughout the issue. It has a huge amount of potential and if even a fraction of that pays off it will be decent to great series.

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The thing about this issue is that it really seems that the story is drawing to a close. There is only so many routes it can go from here and if it doesn’t pan out in our survivors favor it won’t be nearly as interesting to see them start over again. The great thing is that the series could flash-forward fifty years in the future and begin again and it would work just fine with the story. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next issue and that’s why I love Planetoid, it’s unpredictable for the most part and always interesting.

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There was a lot going against this series if we look at all the elements involved: second volume, over a decade for the fan base to forget about it, a movie currently filming and a complete change in the creative team. Yet, none of those things affect the story or the quality and maybe even helped in the end. I mentioned that I just began reading the first series and that’s because I enjoyed this issue so much. The thing I like is that you don’t need to have read the first volume at all to understand and appreciate this series. It gives you all the story elements you need and really introduces the readers to it as if it was a completely new I.P. This is a great first issue and I don’t see how the quality could possibly dip, so pick it up and give it a read.

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This issue is pretty good, but it doesn’t shine quite as much as the first two. It’s a solid transition issue that has set up the series to end and really takes care of the less appealing plot issues in order to get there. If you’ve been reading the series then it’s enjoyable and definitely something you’ll want to continue to pick up. The ending places the series in a great spot to begin to wind down, but I’m sure there will be plenty of great story until the last page.

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I wouldn’t say this issue knocked it out of the park, but it’s a solid start. The fact that Iron Man is instantly jumping on to the series next issue is bothersome, but that’s an issue for another month I suppose. Waid has fixed a lot of broken elements about the Hulk and Banner, but he may have added new problems yet to be scene. The story was fun, but when you starter to look at the different plot elements you can see what a Band-Aid this issue is. Let’s hope it doesn’t lose its adhesiveness in the shower huh?

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I like that this book is very separated from the rest of the Marvel NOW Universe for now, but it’s not the best Thor has ever been. In fact Thor really doesn’t do much in this issue rather than drink and narrate. I’m still baffled by the short-sided nature of the storytelling by jumping to what essentially is the last Thor story… in the first issue! This is just another fresh start ruined by gimmick storytelling to build a villain that’s so far a no show and has no possibility of winning.

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I was very surprised by how much I liked this issue. I’m very happy that it’s a clone story and not a bait and switch parallel earth story since there has been too many of those recently. This was the book I’ve been waiting for from Skybound and I’m glad that it’s here. I’ll be looking forward to the next issue and in the meantime check it out for yourself. Even if you don’t fall in love with the story you’ll still be blown away by the art.

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I was very happy with this issue as it didn’t disappoint. Anytime you read the preview for something there is a chance that it won’t turn out to be as cool as you’re hoping, but Comeback lives up to its own hype and that’s great. I’m hooked on the mystery of the story and can’t wait to see how the next chapter plays out and what new elements will be explained or revealed. One thing is very clear though, the creative team has an end game in mind that we’re all along for the ride.

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This series started off pretty strong and at least had an interesting premise. In the end though it never really went anywhere and definitely didn’t make itself clear about when this was taking place in the Fathom timeline. For a final battle it failed which is a shame since it had the potential to be quite epic. If you’ve been reading the series, then as I said you’ll want to finish it for nothing other than the twist ending.

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This is probably the best issue of the series to date, or at least tied with the second issue it’s hard to say. I absolutely loved the story and the fact that its main character was not the focus of the issue and was only in the book for a small percentage of the time. It was a great change up that showed how rich the world is with content and story. I’ll be honest the “Renegades” storyline has been hyped for a couple of months now; to the point that I was no longer excited about it, but after this issue I’m very excited and can understand why Valiant wants everyone to know about it. If you haven’t been reading Harbinger then this is the perfect issue to jump on to; you can always get caught up after reading it and you may even love the issue more because of it.

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This is probably one of the strangest reads I’ve ever experienced. It’s full of emotions, but while reading it you can be nothing but calm. It’s a strange experience, but one that I would highly recommend to others. I found the story to be very enjoyable, the subject matter to be mature and thought provoking and really… unlike anything else on the market. This book isn’t even in the same world as other graphic novels and that’s truly remarkable. If you’re looking for something new and different to read then I highly recommend this book.

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At first I thought this issue was just going to be a reprint of the one digital issue that Dark Horse had released, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a ton of additional content. This is a great read and will give you your Mind MGMT fix until the story continues. This series is a piece of comic history happening before our eyes and that’s something special to witness, don’t miss out on it.

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If you’ve already this story in DHP then yeah you might want to skip this issue. If you’d like a complete reading experience for the story and a refresher before the first issue hits then this is a great book to grab. This story had completely slipped underneath my radar and so the zero issue did a great job of introducing me to the world and making me aware of the series to follow, which I am now looking forward to.

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I go back and forth a lot on what is the best Image series out right now, but I lean more and more towards Revival each month. When I have my pile of comics I like to save one or two of the best series for last that way I end my reading experience on a high note; so when I throw caution into the wind and read your book first then there is definitely something special about it. Is it Image’s best ongoing series? In my personal opinion… Yes.

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Not much action, but that’s what Spawn has devolved into over the past few years. If you are so inclined you can buy the two alternative books, one with the Obama win and one with the Romney win… I guess Todd has to buy another baseball.

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If you have a child that’s old enough to read to, then you might actually want to pick this book up for them. It’s a risk free make-believe world and is very easy for them to follow; and you can spend hours upon hours figuring out the art together. For adults that will be the primary market for this book, they’ll probably find it pretty boring and average, which is a very good description for it.

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I like this issue for sure, but I wonder how preachy it’s going to get. I love comics with messages and personally find environmental awareness in a comic book to be a great idea. I’m concerned that this story is a little too far-fetched when it comes to solving the problem, but I’m curious enough to stick around and find out where it’s going. If you’re expecting your average comic though, this is not it and that’s a good thing.

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It’s a good issue and some of the character moments are great in fact, but the charm of the series has become the norm. It’s still a very good, but I’d hate for it to become stale as it goes on. If it eases back on the cliffhangers then moments leading into the off month will leave a far greater impact; after all how many times can you end a story arc with the in-laws popping in?

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The third issue was good, but didn’t really do anything for me personally. This issue though was very strong and I liked it. I found it to be enjoyable and the character development for our main characters was substantial enough to keep me interested in the next story arc. The Eternal Warrior sounded like a good idea before, but now that I have more puzzle pieces I’m withholding my excitement until reading it. For now though, pick up this issue it’s good!

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What’s odd about this book is I find myself on the side of the opposite side of the rope I’m usually on. Usually I’m the longtime fan that finds all the changes done on the character/franchise to be terrible and wondering why people can’t see that. The thing is I don’t find this comic to be terrible even if I don’t have a long history with the character. Wood’s is a talent writer and the artist pool that Dark Horse is pulling from is refreshing and new. I can understand this not being some people’s view of Conan, but it’s a far cry from being a bad comic.

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This is a very good series and I’m glad to see it in single issue format. I missed a few issues personally, but after reading this issue I’m going to go back and pick them up just to read any other juicy plot details that I missed. I know that some people are tired of kids and magic, but there is a much bigger story at work here and Courtney is just the catalyst for everything that’s happened.

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If this is your first issue on the series then you picked an awkward time to join since it’s the ending of the second story arc. If you enjoyed the last issue then the conclusion is rewarding and worth the purchase. For me personally I found this story arc to be far better than the first story and I’m hoping that the series will only get improve from here.

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This issue is just a speed bump as we approach what I believe is the last three issues of the series. It’s clear that it wanted to convey a message, but it didn’t fall into the right part of the story making this issue a strange mix of ideals. If you’ve enjoyed the series then it’s definitely worth buying and reading, but if you’re thinking of jumping on the series then don’t start here. You’ll just be left wondering why you’re wasting time humanizing characters only to see them die within seconds.

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I’m enjoying this book, but I’m starting to get a growing amount of questions that need to be answered. Granted the series isn’t very long, but good mysteries don’t just dump all the information at the very end of the story when broken up like this. I’ll definitely be back for the next issue, but I hope that it’s coming with a few answers and some good character development.

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I guess I can understand why some people don’t like this series, but for me I think it’s brilliant. Oeming continues to surprise me with each issue, even after stating exactly where the series was going in the first issue. Literally, when you get to the end of the issue you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Buy it in digital; buy it in print, whichever as long as you support it.

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Edmondson pretty much owns the spy/military genre in comics and this series is back with vengeace. It’s a pretty spectacular issue that reads very quickly due to the high intensity that’s there from beginning to end. If you missed out on the first series, no harm, no foul; even if you skip the recap the storytelling is still strong enough to cue you in to everything that’s happening so there is no excuse not to pick this issue up.

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This book is fun and as crazy as the concept is, it really does have a deeper story that’s being told. If you don’t care about digging deeper though you can still be entertained with the idea of Penguins and Possums fighting to the death with swords and guns. I’m actually really glad a book like this exists on the market and highly encourage fans of the anamorphic genre to check it out.

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Honestly I’m no longer surprised by the quality of this series as it’s become one that I look forward to each month. With only three issues left I’m just hoping that there is enough to completely tell the story. If this series is the new direction for Zenescope then I welcome it with open arms because these are the types of stories that I want to read.

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This may not be Valiant’s strongest first issue, but it’s still better than half of the other company’s first issues. Maybe the Summer of Valiant left us all a little to hyped and that’s why this issue didn’t knock my socks off, but it’s still a good first issue that has me excited to read the rest of the series. Shadowman’s reveal may have happened sooner than anticipated, but that can only mean something awesome is in stored for the next issue.

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I don’t know if the average superhero fan is going to pick this book up and like it, but for someone like myself and several of my friends this is a great samurai book to read. It has a ton of traditional story elements, but remains interesting enough due to the presentation that it’s hard not to like. If you’re a fan of the samurai genre then this is a no-brainer to pick up this week, but if you’ve never given it a chance then this is the perfect gateway book to the genre.

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Personally, I had a lot of problems with this issue and if it was just based off of my own opinion of how it left me feeling I would rate it pretty low. Again though, that would be unfair to this book which actually isn’t that bad. It has a very complete story; be it not the most original, but it does introduce the setting, the conflict and the main characters. The art is detailed and creates a full and lush world for the story to take place in. For a dollar, that’s actually better than expected. Some comics are going to strike a chord with readers from the very first issue, while others take a while to warm up. I’m interested enough in this series to buy the next issue at full price, but I’ll beg Boom to cut back on the variant covers… most of them are pretty terrible. If you want to hear Kevin’s opinion on this issue then check out this week’s podcast where we chatted about it.

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This issue is a no-brainer to pick up if you’ve been following the series. If you haven’t though I recommend tracking down the back issues or just biting the bullet and going digital for the series; it’s very different and highly enjoyable. If you’re a fan of the “fuck you” ending then you’re not going to be disappointed because there is no way that everyone is riding off into the sunset holding hands and smiling.

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You know what the worst part of all this is? I don’t even know the character’s names. I think a few of them were said during the really terrible goodbye scene, but I couldn’t care less to remember them. I’m not really sure what the intention of this series is, but it comes across as a random collection of thoughts in a below average Sci-Fi story.

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This series is never dull and never lets up. Even when it’s easy, it’s still very hard to figure out. If you’re reading the series then you’re in for a treat as this issue manages to top the last issue just barely. It’s full of great character moments and ends in the perfect place because Dex could be screwed in the very next panel. If you haven’t read the series yet, but have enjoyed anything Rucka has written ever then do yourself a favor and buy the issue. Take a chance on the series and see if it’s worth tracking down the rest of it (it is) for yourself. You can also check out our preview of this issue as well.

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There is so much I want to say and rant about when it comes to this book, but you really need to read it for yourself. One juicy tidbit that I will tell you is that Lex Luthor makes an appearance in this volume and it’s unlike anything you’ve seen before. JMS’ twist on this classic character just goes to show you how rich his take on Superman is, and I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. If you want to hear me rant about this book some more then check out this episode of our podcast and you can hear more juicy details about the story, but do yourself a favor and buy the book.

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This is a great series and honestly I tend to forget about it each month. It’s strange, but because of that I’m more excited about it when it releases. If you like sci-fi, adventure and science then this book is a must read and you can get I’m sure in print if that’s your preference. Otherwise there are a ton of digital storefronts that have the series and you can catch up that way as well. Whatever you’re preferences just pick it up.

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I really liked this book and the ending. I almost find it bizarre that the main character is returning in the second issue, but I’m willing to check it out. If you like crime comics and haven’t gotten your fill from the departure of Criminal, then check this book out. It’s a fast paced read, but hits all the right beats for the genre.

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I like this book, but I worry that it’s trying to do too much when it doesn’t need to. It already has a great premise and interesting characters, but it’s all becoming a bit convoluted. The best con stories are ones with many layers, but those layers need to be transparent and that’s not the case here. You can see every layer of the story and we’re literally just playing the wait game to get to the ending. It’s a good series, but it needs to be careful not to put off the readers enjoying it.

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I can’t compare this issue to the last as they are very different issues. All I can say is that the ending to “Dead Birds” is fitting for the series and doesn’t disappoint. We’ve gotten down the mountain only to find another to climb, but because the first was so rewarding we’re willing to climb again. The sixth issue does exactly what it should and that’s to entice you to come back for the next and even if we have to wait patiently I think it will be worth it.

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If you liked the first issue there is no reason not to finish the series and we can all basically expect it to be about the same from the beginning to end. More than likely our main character will die saving the little girl and if he doesn’t it might actually be surprising. Otherwise it’s an average book with top tier talent working on it. On the plus side the word “Fuck” is only used thirty-nine times in this issue.

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I was disappointed by the cancellation of this series, but after reading this issue I don’t even know if I will bother with the rest of the series. Everything seems like it was just phoned in and dumped on someone else’s lap to finish. The writer didn’t want to finish it, the editors couldn’t figure out what they were looking at, the artist was too in love with their own style to improve and the colorist just used the paint bucket to color the page. I really have to wonder what the hell happened with this series that was so promising from the beginning and then really hooked me in with the fourth issue? Where the hell is that series because I would like to finish reading it; this series on the other hand couldn’t end fast enough.

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2012 has been a fantastic year for comics and I can’t even imagine how I will ever be able to pick a best series or issue at the end of the year, but I do know that this book will be up for consideration. It was a fantastic read that has captured my attention as I wait to see the many layers of story unfold. The character design for Madder Red is iconic and will no doubt inspire many a Cosplayer and has the potential to become a character that influences writers, artists and fans for years to come. What a great fucking book to have.

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I always find demented stories with a Christmas setting interesting. Not because I don’t believe that bad shit stops happening during this time of year, but because I’m more fascinated by people that want there to be bad shit happening. The back drop of this story could be any time, but Morrison has chosen Christmas day. The story is an interesting return to independent comics for Morrison, but hopefully he’ll get all the needless swearing out of his system and focus on good story telling. Also I'm pretty sure that Santa Claus in the beginning has the little girl that Happy wants Nick to find... just guessing here.

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This is definitely one of my favorite series each month. This issue is a breath of fresh air for the series and adds more layers of interest to the main plot, but more importantly continues to develop the relationship of the main two characters. Their relationship is so strange and yet great at the same time that I sometimes just want to read their conversation and become slightly annoyed when they need to participate in the plot… damn plot getting in the way.

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The real question that everyone should ask themselves is: “Is this gimmick strong enough to bring me back?” My answer is yes. I really liked it and even though it’s a zombie story and I’m still a bit warn out on those; I liked the approach. It was less about the monsters or how normal people change in that situation and more about how stone cold killers would react put in the same place. That’s a pretty damn cool concept and will definitely have me back for the rest of the series.

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The book was enjoyable and very entertaining. I like the villain is the hero formula and actually want to read the first series all the way to see the pieces of this series fit together. It could be improved upon for sure and the artist needs to be trusted to tell a lot of the story visually rather than with dialog. If you enjoyed the first book though then this Conan-esc world will definitely appeal to you.

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This was a great ending and I hope that there is more to come and soon. If there’s not then at least some one-shots expanding the world more in the meantime would be great. Matt Kindt’s career in comics is just getting started really, but Mind MGMT will forever be a series tied to his name no matter what he works on. Nerds and comic readers will bring him up and someone will say, “Did you read Mind MGMT? It’s amazing” and you know what… they’ll be absolutely correct in that statement.

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If you’re not enjoying this book or have yet to check it out then you need to do so. It’s by far the best Godzilla comic book I’ve ever read and I’ve yet to find anyone that dislikes it. Sure the battles are on the light side in this issue, but its story and plot accomplishments are worth the sacrifice.

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All of the new Valiant books are good if not great, but this series stands out the most for me. It consistently has your heart pumping as you read it and as I said before the characters stubbornness keeps it very interesting. It’s great to see human nature truly captured in a comic book about extraordinary powers.

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You might not be into really fucked up superhero stories and prefer yours to be safer. Well this book is for people that love the super hero genre, but need a break from kid friendly stories or the inevitable merry-go round storytelling that the genre usually suffers from. This is Oeming at his best and if you’re not reading it then really it’s your loss.

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I liked the issues, but again I think it was longer than it needed to be and that hurt it. What I loved about it was that it’s open to more versions of the same story just with different characters in the lead roles. That simple start could spin it off into a world encompassing story would be the ultimate pay off for the idea. It’s a good solid start, but it would be a shame to leave the story here.

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I was interested in this series from the name alone, then the cover and lastly the creative team. It’s a triple threat that pays off big time. There’s a lot of announcements and excitement about comics that are coming this week and that’s great, but this is a comic you can buy today, right now. It’s a great first issue for a series that can only get better.

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I liked the first issue for sure. There was a lot to latch onto, but this issue takes everything to a new level and really changes the quality of the series. If it continues at this rate it could very well become a successful and long lasting series. I once again encourage you to check out this series even if you’re on the fence. If you like Rucka’s Punisher, then this will blow you away.

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This issue is a vast improvement over the last issue. I had to struggle through issue three and it wasn’t worth it. This issue started off great, but ends in a questionable place. Depending on how the plot progresses in the next issue it could be a deal breaker. I like that the series is building towards another crossover, but the world may be getting bigger than it needs to be and too soon in the series development. Iris’ character development in the last crossover was non-existent and I’d hate to see more of the same for these new characters.

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Both issues are free so you can’t argue with that price. I encourage you to check them out for yourself and give the creators some feedback. I personally think that the structure of the first issue was better suited for the story, but understand moving the comic from the web to a digital issue format can be a different challenge. I’m curious to check out the third issue and see if there is some balance found after these two issues, but for the most part I enjoyed the series.

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This issue covers a lot of ground in terms of the plot. It’s a very good issue and there is a ton of character development just waiting for a big payoff. The series concludes in the next issue and it almost seems too quick, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to seeing how this heartbreaking tragedy is going to end. I want to believe that it will all come to a conclusion with a happy ending, but I have a feeling that like the rest of the story… it will be pretty messed up emotionally.

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If you want to see a She-Male get her butt cherry popped by a guy wearing a horse head costume, then this is the book for you. If you want to know what makes the man in the horse head costume tick or how a She-Male that goes around blowing groups of dudes hasn't been found out yet until this point in their life" then you're thinking much harder about the story than Chaykin did.

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Issue four has some surprises, it’s has lots of violence and most of all it has a little of everything we’ve come to expect from the series. If you’ve enjoyed the book from the beginning then don’t let this delay scare you away; and honestly the delay wasn’t even that long. I’ve waited far longer for books that turned out to be total crap, but Danger Club has a real reason to be late and still deserves you money.

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We’re still at a very good point with this series as just enough has been revealed to keep everyone’s interest, but the story feels as if it’s building towards a big battle. The group needs to be developed more for sure, but again I get the impression that it’s coming. Overall, a fun story that’s very entertaining and great art that makes it all worthwhile. This issue has me looking forward to the next already.

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Going into this book it was a bit nerve racking. When you’ve talked to a creator about a series before its release it can be scary when the book arrives. No matter how cool someone is if the book is bad, it’s bad and no one wants to tell that to someone else. This book though, was very good which made it more enjoyable for me having talked to the writer. I don’t care which cover you pick and either should you; just make sure you grab this issue because it is very different and enjoyable.

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I liked this issue and I’ve really enjoyed this series. I’m surprised by how quickly it’s releasing, but this issue raises some concerns that it may be too quick. I can only speak for myself, but when it comes to black and white issues its very important for consistency in the look. That way when the series is collected it’s a smooth look and great overall read. If this is the new direction that’s cool, but make sure that you make the reader forget that it changed.

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This is the strongest this series has ever been and has erased all doubt in my mind about where this series could possibly be going. There is just enough of the overall mystery revealed to keep the reader interested, while at the same time establishing new mysteries to be discovered later in the series. The writing and art find a perfect balance and hopefully they stay in sync for future issues; if so then this book is going to be stand out series in the comic industry.

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There’s no doubt that this is a good issue, but it doesn’t compare to the last issue and really doesn’t feel like the right time for the amount of information that’s revealed. If this story had hit on issue seven it could easily have kicked off another story arc, but instead feels like a one shot story that was added so that the art team could get ahead on the book. Hopefully they do just that and get ahead so that way the next time Eisma jumps on the book it’s a bit more thrilling.

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Even at the price tag of free this is a tough sell to anyone other than diehards, but Rolland was my boy in the first game so I'm hard pressed to check out the rest of the origins after this let down.

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I like Witchblade; it’s an interesting series that continues to be impressive. I just wish that more people on both sides of the comic industry would pay attention to it and not miss out on one of the best ongoing series in comics. Its hands down Top Cow’s best book, with The Darkness a close second. If you’re not reading it, then please don’t be scared of this book or by the fact that it has a large number on the cover, as its very new reader friendly.

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I enjoyed this issue a lot and it was a solid return that kept the feeling and the pacing of the previous issues. I wouldn’t say that it was perfect due to how much content is tackled within the issue though. It’s so much that it becomes a bit overwhelming and we’re just not given enough time with these characters to digest everythinng. Even so it was an entertaining read and several of the story elements have set the series up for some difficult choices down the road which will make for a great read.

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This is issue solidified this series as my favorite ongoing from Boom. There is just something interesting about the characters and the setting that makes me look forward to the series each month. My only grip is that the art needs to improve or take a month off to catch up when the trade paperback is released. If you’ve missed out on this series then you should check it out for sure, but definitely start at the beginning. If you’re curious as to what Spurriers writing style is like because you’re interested in his upcoming “Big Two” work, then this would definitely be the title to give you a taste as well. Just don't expect anything else to come close to the quality of Extermination.

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Although I’m not a huge fan of the monster that was picked for this issue; if you know your Godzilla history you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the level of fore thought put into this series. If you’ve liked any of the Godzilla comics by IDW it’s damn near impossible not to like this series/issue. The art alone is worth checking out, but the fact that the story is just as strong it another plus.

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Let’s be honest, there are rave reviews for this series. So many that perhaps this one will fall on deaf ears that are already sold on the product and no longer need a review to convince them to read a series. Maybe though there are some hold outs that still need a reason on why this series is worth picking up. I’ll go back to the “game changer” statement from the beginning of the review; are there any comics that can truly change comics as a whole? I hope so actually. I hope that someone reading this is going to try and create their own story with multiple layers and parallel plot lines; with its mystery to rival Twin Peaks, but with the end game of Lost. Maybe someone will read this review and have their eyes opened to all of the other elements in play that were sitting below the surface of the story staring them in the face. Either way, I hope that you buy the book and enjoy it as much as I do.

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There are a few more stories, but obviously I’m not going to rant about them all and leave something for you all to enjoy. The thing that this anthology does very well is tell space stories. I can’t speak for everyone, but I love random ideas and situations set in space. It’s why people have latched on to Star Wars and cling to it even still as it rapidly declines in quality. I’m most thankful for this series because it brings life back to a genre that has been neglected by the industry.

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The thing that’s hurting this book is the inconsistency with the artist. Other than fulfilling her contract on the book there was absolutely no reason that Cloonan needed to draw the last issue. I’m not saying that the art can never change, but the series would be a lot stronger if it stuck to one artist per story arc at least. Otherwise, it was very enjoyable and had some moving character moments that you’ll not want to miss. Lastly, if you haven't watched the new Conan movie... then don't, it was pretty terrible.

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Each Valiant title seems to have its own charm, its own reason to read the series and fall in love with it. Additionally, each one has its own reason for why it’s incredibly good and worth reading. I can tell you all the reasons I have for loving and reading this book, but if you’re not reading it for some reason then you need to give it a shot. There is no possible way you’ll be disappointed unless you hate great stories.

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Rucka structures this series in a way that does not require you to have read the first series although there is a tip of the hat to that series. This first issue stands on its own and definitely has sparked the creative flame that the first series was known for. If you like crime mysteries then you’ll love this series as it’s one of the best in comics today.

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This is by far the best issue of The Activity. I said in the beginning that there was a balance between realism and fiction, but there is also a balance between creators. This series is a collaboration with both writer and artist producing fantastic work that is completely reliant upon the other. Edmondson’s story needs the strength of the art to capture the audience’s attention, but the art needs to the strength and trust in the story to be as good as it is. There is no reason not to be reading this series and if it continues to be this good and strong I think it has the potential to be one of Image’s next break out hits.

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I know that to some people reading this comic feel as though Oeming has put in a lot of effort to be “edgy” and push what he can get away with in the superhero genre. To me this book is angry. Oeming’s story is written as if he has grown tired of this genre that is slowly regressing back to being for “children” or worse yet the casual reader that cares not for story, but for explosions and character “hook ups.” If you’re not into this series that’s really your loss because this is Oeming at his best both as a writer and an artist.

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It’s an average comic, but there are a lot of simple things that the series can do to improve. Not much of the overall plot was revealed in this issue so if more of the proverbial beans are spilled in the next issue that would be a big improvement. Also the pacing needs to calm down and find the right balance when it transitions between characters. Otherwise, it had strong dialog and interesting concept with great art to boot.

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For only a dollar you can grab this book digitally and I have to say it’s more than worth it. The issue is only twelve pages long minus the cover and extras, but it gets in and out and remains entertaining for the entire issue. It’s an interesting formula and I’m curious to see how it pans out when it comes to the trade paper back. One thing is for sure that it may be ten pages shorter than the typical DC or Marvel book, but it’s also a third of the cost… makes you think doesn’t it. Check it out and for less than the price of a “Big Two” digital book you can buy both issues of this series.

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There are parts that I loved about the story, but there were others that I hated. I don’t care for this version of Clint because he comes across as being bipolar. I don’t need him to be witty (even though he’s known for it), but I do need him to act like he’s been in public before. Don’t get me wrong I love the bone breaking destructible Hawkeye, but I wish he was an adult more than a kid ramped up on sugar waiting to crash for nap time.

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This book was pretty average. It has this very cool concept to play with, but the dialog and narration kills it. I got to the point where I had to ask myself if I wanted to just skip the dialog and look at the pictures and the answer was yes. If it wasn't for the Hatters I don't know how the issue would have turned out. If things go the way we're lead to believe in the next issue I'll be back, but if I catch one whiff of it going south it'll be a hard sell to get me back.

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When this book is good it’s great, but when it’s bad it’s very bad. If you enjoyed the first series then you’ll probably really like this issue, but if you were like me and disliked the first series you may not want to pass on this series as it’s a big improvement on the franchise. The fact that this is an improvement compared to volume one and I still don’t know if I like it or not should tell you just how bad the first series was though.

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Boom has a bunch of great monthly titles and this one is no exception. I love the world and the feel that The Hypernaturals has and can’t wait to finish the story, but more importantly I can’t wait to see what comes after this story. That’s when it will be really impressive and that’s when Marvel will realize what they threw away due someone’s dislike of “space” books. Good catch Boom, keep it up.

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The synergy between these two creative talents is one of the most impressive elements of this book. The chemistry and the balance between story and art is what makes this book one of the best comics on the market and quite possibly the best comic from Valiant. There is absolutely no reason not to read this comic book.

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If you want erotica and I mean good erotica not this tasteless shit that I read; then read Manara Vol. 1 as that actually has a story and is erotic at the same time. This is just a dirty fantasy that takes place in a bygone era. Also this issues cover is practically the same as the last issue… change that shit up at least.

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Personally, I really enjoyed this book and find the story to be very interesting. I can’t wait to see what the next issue holds and that’s really the goal of any comic, to get you to buy the next one. There’s a bit of mystery, sci-fi and science all rolled up in one, but paired with fantastic art as well. If you’re looking for a book to scratch that creepy and twisted area of your brain then this is the book.

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Avoid this month's issue and read the recap in the next issue. You won't miss a thing.

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We had a great start with the first issue, but now the book has fallen flat. I’ll give it the next issue for sure, but the setup from this issues cliffhanger only gives it one place to go… a six page action sequence. Hopefully this Water World on land story picks up the pace and gives the reader a reason to remember Maya’s name in the next issue.

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The payoff was okay and really the story ends the only way it can, but that doesn’t mean that the journey there couldn’t have been better. It took the obvious choice which was something I commented on in an earlier review of the series as being mediocre storytelling. There were a few issues back to back from this series that were fantastic, but this finale falls a bit short I’m afraid. It’s worth reading if you’ve been keeping up on the series, but if you missed a few or are just curious then don’t bother. Also I just have to say that the last page is ridiculous, but you'll have to figure it out for yourself or ask in the comments.

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I enjoyed the issue, but I was really hoping for something that would blow my mind. It’s called “Return of the Master” for fuck’s sake, how heavy metal of a title is that? Instead of coming out and the bass being so loud that my heart’s rhythm changed, it was like hearing Metallica on the radio and not finding anything better to change it to. I could continue with the heavy metal references, but I doubt it would contribute to the review. If you’ve been reading B.P.R.D. then unfortunately you need to read this issue as it connects a lot of dots from previous stories, but other than that it’s not very amazing but could have been.

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I’m not only curious to see what Humphries does with the story in the next issue, but how the characters develop as well. With this issue the story no longer needs to be explained to us, although I’m sure there will be an issue that covers Rex’s plan to stop the parallel earth exploitation system. Additionally, Humphries either needs new Sci-Fi references or to create ones of his own. Either way, the next issue has had a great set up so let’s hope it pans out.

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This has been a great series to read month to month and I bet that it’s even better collected. IDW has become known for its licensed products, but for me its series like Smoke and Mirrors that I think of and wish I saw more of. Quality creator owned stories that breaks into new boundaries of the comic book medium and at the same time remind us that magic is always amazing no matter how old you are.

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I can’t stress enough how this comic needs to be read. This is one of the few books worth more than the cover price.

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There is a lot to like and love about this book and honestly I cannot find a negative thing to say about it other than it not being available for purchase yet. You can however pre-order it so that’s another plus. I was caught off guard by this story and ended up falling in love with it. In particular I loved the little homages/references to other stories sprinkled throughout the book. If you crave something other than superhero books or stories that pretend to be for children and are not, then you should definitely check out August Moon upon its release. This is the type of graphic novel/comic book that will get kids into comics and also adults that consider the medium only good for movie adaptations.

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I like this series I just hope that the conflict of the story picks up in the next issue. Right now it’s definitely an enjoyable horror story and a fresher take on both the vampire and werewolf genre. If you’re looking for a good horror story with great art and tasty bits of gore then look no further than Ursa Minor.

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Overall this is a pretty good book and in my personal opinion does the Oz franchise justice. It’s a fun story for sure and I think that this issue is going to be a great launching point for series to go monthly. Even if you haven’t read the series don’t be afraid to pick it up from this issue. The series moves at an intentionally slow pace so as not to leave new readers behind and maximize the beauty of the art. A really fun romp for sure.

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The book definitely has a few gems and overall is very good. There were really only two stories that did nothing for me personally, but they could very well be someone else’s style. If you enjoy anthology books then you definitely don’t want to miss out on this one and hopefully a few of these stories that could be expanded on will be; it would be a shame to see the ground work of this issue go to waste.

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This has become one of those books that its harder and harder to review due to the simple fact that it is so consistently good. How many ways can I say this is one of the best books of the year and will probably be nominated for an Eisner and other industry awards as well because it’s that good. It’s been a great year for comics and an even better year to be a comic reader thanks to books like Mind MGMT.

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This book has really had a Cinderella journey and it deserves every bit of praise that it receives. We’ve been following it from the beginning and let me just say that I’m not the only one that feels this title is great. Don’t let the fact that it’s a sci-fi title scare you away; as the plot progress that becomes more of a set piece then a driving force. What can I say, this yet another great creator owned book from Image Comics and I wouldn’t be too surprised if Hollywood comes knocking.

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I liked the book a lot, but I don’t know if it’s something that I would say is way above average. It’s a very strong independently produced book that has great potential and is off to a strong start. I definitely prefer it to the other con man books such as Thief of Thieves and others out there, but I don’t know if it has the formula locked down. Mulvey really needs to rein in the dialog and I think once that happens this book will really take off. I still highly encourage you to support the book and check it out for yourself especially if you’ve been disappointed by other matchstick men books of recent memory.

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This was a fun story, but even then it’s not without its faults. The opening is a bit awkward since we’re thrust into the air and left to figure out our characters until after the plane lands, but their interaction is so great that the two balance each other out. The art tries really hard to capture the feel of the series that people are familiar with, but doesn’t quite make it to the finish line. All in all though this was a very good book that has me looking forward to the next issue; if you’re a Rocketeer fan or ever wanted to check the character out, this is your golden opportunity.

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I don’t know if this book is an instant classic or will revolutionize comics in the years to come, but I do know that its popularity will continue to grow by word of mouth. I know that I will continue to highly recommend people read it and perhaps this review will convince several of you to check out one of the best graphic novels of the year.

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I feel like I’ve handed out a ton of perfect scores this week, but all of the books really deserved it. This book does as well, but it needs to be careful in the art department going forward. Right now though it’s a fantastic book that continues to interest me every issue; it’s easy to see why it continues to sell out. If you missed out on this book then you’re only robbing yourself of one of the best superhero books being published.

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This book isn’t perfect, but I surprised me with how entertaining it was. The dialog is one of its strengths for sure and Hunter and Celeste become very likeable characters by the end of it. In a way this book blew me away; mostly because I wasn’t sure what I was going to get and secondly because it was a damn good read. Check it out and don’t let the randomness of the front cover fool you any.

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I think Big Dog Ink did a good job of choosing the creative team for this book. Both the writing and the art were spot on and fit the tone and style that Critter has become known for. The best part is that now they have another strong female character that is very different from Critter that they can expand on. If you’re looking for a fun superhero comic that hasn’t lost sight of what the genre should be like, then look no further than Cricket.

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I wasn’t kidding when I said that this was going to be short. The book is good. The writing and the art is what we’ve all come to expect and the best part is that it ships on time. If you’re not reading Image Comics’ second highest selling comic book then really you should be. I like talking about this book, but really this is the last time it needs to be reviewed unless there is a major change in the title. I will say that I’m getting a little tired of the cliffhanger ending for each issue. Sure they’re mostly enjoyable, but the trick only works so many times before the effects become ineffective.

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I'm just really unimpressed and disappointed by this series. I was looking forward to it and now I can't stand to read it. I wish I could say that it was due to over hype, but there is a difference between that and what this book is. Over hyping an average book still results in reading an average book, but when you overhype a bad book the results are like getting a kiss from an ugly man dressed as a woman" who the hell wants that?

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My hope is that is series did well enough to have another following Dancy, as her journey just became incredibly interesting. If you missed out on it all together I encourage you to hit the back issue pins or the Dark Horse digital store front check it out. It’s a series with a strong mix of character development, action and incredible art.

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If you write this off as childhood nostalgia then you’re flat out wrong. This is a great book from a writer that’s at the top of his craft, accompanied by an artist coming into their prime. The mixing of both creators has produced a book that is beyond being a simple children’s story and has become a force to be reckon with. With this series you can forget everything you know about how a licensed series is handled because this book is amazing.

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The art, the story, everything is working in perfect harmony with this series and frankly it will keep you on the edge of your seat when reading it. I couldn’t even throw out a guess as to where it’s going next because there are too many “X” factors still in play. I read the other Valiant titles because they’re great stories that entertain me; I read Harbinger because I have to. I have to know where the story is going and what’s going to happen to Peter and Harada or eventually I won’t sleep at night wondering. It makes me scared of how good this book really is.

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This is going to sound weird, but if DC Comics doesn’t approach this creative team to do a Batman book then they’re fucking nuts. That’s my two cents and I’ll move on now. Revival is one of the most well-constructed comic book stories released this year and by the time it’s finished I’m sure it will go through hardcover printing after hardcover printing. It’s not a book you’ll want to miss as this creative team has come together to create comic magic which is a rarity.

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A lot of readers probably think of Oeming as an artist first, writer second which is inaccurate. He’s what I call a “creator” the perfect balance between writer and artist that produces amazing comics that stand the test of time and that people latch on to. The Victories is very different from your typical superhero book and more than likely when it finishes its story it will be something that no one else will be able to replicate. It falls into that great creator owned realm of books that everyone loves/talks about, but that no one else can touch. The Victories is in its own class and you’re not likely to see repeats any time soon.

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This was a great issue and damn near warrants a perfect score. I just don’t think it’s as much of a game changer as it could be, but I’m sure that issue is coming very soon. If you liked the first story arc then keep reading it only gets better. If you missed out on the book the first time I’m deadly serious about this issue being a great place for new readers to jump on, it recaps the previous events in the story while progressing into the new arc seamlessly leaving no one behind.

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This book really caught me off guard as it presented a great story with art that matched the tone needed. Some might be put off by the art and for sure the style is quirky indeed, but it’s great composition that makes it wonderful to look at. This story spans many years of both the character and creators life, but it’s a marvelous piece that while career defining is worthy of such. Books like this are the reason I read comics, but more importantly why I love independent comics.

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Maybe it was the amazing ending or the art or even the setting, but this is hands down one of my favorite books from Monkey Brain’s new series. It’s a great book with a story that is made for comics. Add the fact that the pacing and story reveals where consistent to television shows more than say a movie and this series has the makings of something very good.

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Perhaps this book caught me at the wrong time or maybe it was just the fact that it was more of a novel than a comic, but I really didn’t care for it. If you enjoyed the first issue you’ll probably enjoy the second issue as well, but for me it was just more of the same and I wanted it to develop and continue rather than it be more of another person’s account of what happened in the comics. That’s what the review is for after all.

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I may pop in on the next issue of this series due to the ending of this book, but I don’t have high hopes for it. The jokes are stale and its attempts at coolness come across as a question rather than a statement. “Do you find this cool comic reader?” it harkens to me with each one-liner or exchange of dialog and I whisper back, “No.”

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Hands down this is the best Godzilla comic I’ve ever read. It’s not just because it actually has Godzilla in it rather than pretending that Godzilla is the title of the universe in which the stories take place like the ongoing. No, this book is great on many levels. The story is well crafted and interesting with art that is incredibly beautiful and captures the essence of the world perfectly.

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The Mad Man universe is a quirky place that has a great mix of seriousness and comedy. For the most part it’s just crazy adventures and good times which is where It Girl finds itself, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the book gets deep later on once the seeds planted in this issue grow. This is a really fun book that is easy for long time readers and new readers a like to pick up and enjoy.

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The pace in which Mouse Guard releases has staggered for sure, but it's always worth the wait. The artwork and story are incredible and far exceed the majority of titles out there. I hope that Petersen has a pool of ideas to continue telling in the world of Mouse Guard, because I don't see people's interest in the title going anywhere any time soon.

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With any series it’s bound to have growing pains and with all of the changes Deadhorse has undergone it’s no surprise that not everything in the issue worked out. The thing is, if you were to start the series by reading this issue not a lot of what I’m saying would have any effect on your reading enjoyment. If you haven’t been reading the book then I hope that you will pick it up from here as the recap is extensive and this issue very welcoming to new readers.

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Eazy is a great character and I'm surprised that he hasn't turned up in the modern era. At the very least his influence can be seen in other characters since his days in comics. Not having an exposure to the character I found the collection to be very interesting and a good read in general. To hear me talk more about the book check out episode 40 of the podcast.

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Seriously fantastic art to accompany an incredible story; typically the first issue is just a set up issue and sure this issue does that as well. The thing that makes it great is that it doesn't feel or read like it's simply setting up plot points. Already there is a strong connection to the characters and with the ground work done in this issue you can bet that the next issue will only be better.

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I cannot say that this book is for everyone; in fact the niche is so slight that I think it’s counting on Chaykin’s name and the maturity of the content to sell it. If this was your first comic that you ever read (because the reality is that every comic is potentially someone’s first), then I’m sorry. If you contact us I will personally recommend at least twenty things that you should read instead of ever picking this up again. As for me, I’ll be back for the next issue because I need to see if there is anything that resembles a plot… and to see what that Succubus is going to rape next.

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I dug this issue because of the Dinosaurs and the fact that it finally got to the jumping off point of what the real plot is; we’re still not fully there, but hopefully by the next issue some jackass will be forced to say it or allude to it at the very least. It’s not as good as the second issue which played a lot of tricks with the art and had a great pacing, but it was okay and solid issue in general.

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After the first issue I was honestly expecting this book to let me down or force me out due to my lack of knowledge of the series. It was quite the opposite as it gave me a great understanding of the events that occurred before this tale and developed the main character. I never thought I would get into a MTG book and yet here I am looking forward to the next issue.

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I’ve been waiting a while for this book and I was happy to see it turn out so well. The shocking thing is that I completely forgot it was a dollar. Usually the dollar issues end up being pretty short, but this issue is full sized. Usually when a book is only a dollar jackasses like myself say, “For only a dollar how can you go wrong?” But this book really is a steal and if you don’t pick it up then you’re robbing yourself of a great comic.

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Even though I was disappointed that this was just a collection of chapters from DHCP, I couldn’t help but get sucked into them again. To point where I read the issue twice just out of sheer enjoyment and then remembered that I had to write a review. So often as a reviewer we get stuck reading so many books that at times a comic is more work than leisure; the fact that this book made me forget that it was work just tells me that reprint or not… it’s something very special.

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I was looking forward to this issue after Image began showing a preview of it in the back of their other books and I'm happy that it was so good. There are really several simple storylines at play in the issue/series, but the fact that they're stacked on top of each other makes them exciting to read about. It's going to take a lot for this series not to hold my attention for the remaining four, but let's just hope it continues being this good or better.

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I honestly didn't know that this was a mini-series. It doesn't change the scores or change my opinion on the first and second issues, but it did lock me in for the fourth and final issue. I find that Wiebe's pacing for storytelling is very different and several of his series that put me off at first end up sucking me in towards the end. Originally I wasn't going to bother with this issue, but ended up giving it a shot and I'm glad I did. If you were going to pass on it this week I'd recommend you give it one more shot, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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If you missed this series then you really need to check it out from the beginning because it’s very different and interesting. It focused on one element of a Sci-Fi world, but in doing so it created a larger much more rewarding world in its wake. I was happy with this series and it’s ending and if it ended here that would be okay, but thankfully it continues on.

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How anyone could not like this book is beyond me and frankly I hope that people check it out. Is it a comic in the truest form? No, but it is a graphic novel for sure. This is a onetime story that will never be duplicated or copied. It’s a story that needed to be told and I’m very grateful it was. If you need further convincing read the beginning of the story on our First Look of the book, but if I recommend one graphic novel to you this year… it’s this one for sure.

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Even with its awkward ending this is a great issue. I really have to reiterate that if you’re a new reader this series is a great start to the world and honestly does a dandy job of telling you what exactly is going on the Hellboyverse as Hell opens up and begins to seep into the world. If you missed the first issue then pick it up in the back issue bins of your shop or grab it from Dark Horse’s digital store where you can also pick up this issue as well.

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I hope that you didn’t miss out on this first story arc, but if you did then you’ll be able to jump on for the next issue for sure. The story is heading into new and uncharted territories so even long time readers are in for surprises. Usually the last issue in an arc has the most pay off, the most reward for reading all the way to the end and this issue doesn’t disappoint.

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There are a ton of familiar elements to this story and world, but complied into one place/situation they become very different and interesting. I personally love to see new sci-fi worlds and this one has me hooked. I don't' care about its past or any of that crap, I just want to see Maya fuck up big metal monsters and save her people. Hopefully that's where this story is going, but as I said I'll be there any way to find out.

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I seriously got chills when I looked at the cover of this issue and it only got better inside. The side stories are still a fantastic read that add to the depth of the story and I could honestly read an entire issue of just those stories. Perhaps they'll make a one-shot issue collecting them so readers can see just how much of the world they already know about. I don't know if there are any better books shipping this week because this one stole my heart instantly. If you're not reading this book you need to be, it will be talked about for years to come and is sure to win all kinds of awards at the end of the year. Personally, I just want a poster of the cover to stare at all day for inspiration and beauty.

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The book is not perfect and really any time that the Maul brothers aren’t on the page you’ll probably get bored and wonder why you have to follow these unremarkable Jedi, but it was a fun read with great action. I’m definitely interested in seeing Darth fuck some more people up and really that would be the only reason I stopped back by… not for some bounty/mining bullshit. If you’re like me and have a hard time finding Star Wars comics that you enjoy then check this book out, it’s pretty good.

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It’s a decent read for sure and it breaks from the monotony of the usual comic/graphic novel, but I think it could have gone bigger and bolder. Having Jesus as a character in this day and age is almost common place and frankly that was about as risky as this book got. Although, I am very interested in this fish cult that allows one to dress as a fish day in and day out… yes, very interested.

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Even with a dip in the art quality I still enjoyed this book due to the third act. It surprised the shit out of me and it had to be one of the most realistic moments in a superhero post-apocalyptic world. When we’re handing out our awards for comics at the end of the year this will definitely make it into a category for something. I’m very interested in this title and the story saves the issue from falling into average territory. If you missed this issue you’ll kick yourself when you hear about the WTF scene from someone else; don’t be that guy and buy the book.

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If you’re still not reading this book… then what the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, this is one of the best comics out there and I can’t think of one thing that can touch it. I’ll save you all the “instant classic” bullshit you’ll find on other sites since I don’t know how this book is going to end. I don’t even know when it will end since it has such great potential to run for as long as it needs to. I’ll take a story with endless potential over an instant classic any day and if they end up being one and the same… even better.

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This is a shorter review due to the fact that it’s the conclusion. If you missed the series I’m sure that you can track it down or wait for it to be loaded with extras and collected in hardcover or trade. I’m glad I was along for the ride and even though I’m sorry to see the creative and interesting world go away, it was a fun journey with a solid story about one of the craziest moments in U.S. history.

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This series is one that I will not soon forget and will feel the pain of its absence next month. As strange as this comes across I don’t want the story to continue, it has the possibility if the creative team decided to. Personally though, it’s perfect ending right where it is. It leaves you longing for more, but knowing exactly where the story is going and that is so incredibly rare in not just modern comics but the industry as a whole. If you missed this series I encourage you to pass on “Something vs Something” or “Reboot #10” and grab the first two issues from the back issue bin or digitally. These three issues are perhaps three of the best single issue comics I have ever read in my life; and when you put them together the sum is greater than the parts.

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Ultimately it was the pacing of the overall story that has hurt this issue. In reality this series could have benefited from being shortened to three issues making the story shorter and tighter. Instead it’s loose and free flowing, which is an interesting experiment that just doesn’t pan out. I applaud the fact this fiction character is realistic from beginning to end and that his emotions and character changes are relatable and genuine, but it was not enough to save the plot and it’s short sighted outcome that seemed to outweigh the character.

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Image has a lot of great books out right now and some of them have had their ups and downs, while others have remained consistently good. It’s those consistently good ones that we’ll all be talking about next year and the years after; you can place The Activity in this category as it is one of the best monthly books released by any company.

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Critter is a staple in the Big Dog Ink line up and outside of Pinpoint is one I always look forward to the most. I really like the character of Cassia and that her roots remain important to her as she transplants herself to the big city. It’s a book that in a way is very relatable to experiences in my own life. I hope that her character doesn’t get sucked into fame and fortune, but at the same time that’s how I know this is a good issue… I actually care about the character.

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If you’re not careful this issue could make you cry. It pulls on the heartstrings every chance that it gets and doesn’t let up. Even the last page reads almost as a sendoff to the series in case it wasn’t picked up for another arc (thankfully it was). If you missed out on the series then jump on with the next story arc; the story is simple enough to catch up on and the real treat is the characters and the drama.

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I think I’m the only Bastard still reading this book, but that’s okay. Magic books are a tough sell for some comic readers, but it’s a genre that cannot be ignored as it continues to grow. This series has been a real treat for me and is definitely a book I look forward to each month. I know that the conclusion is drawing nearer now, but the world is so rich that it’s hard not to get lost inside while reading. When this story ends the world it will leave behind will continue to be rich and ready for new tales and that's a talented feat.

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I’m getting the feeling that unless you’re really enjoying this series already, that you will have to wait out this first story arc as Wood gets his barrings on where the plot is going. I enjoy the fact that everything doesn’t feel set in stone with the story, but right now the series is all over the place and it’s making it difficult to get invested in all of the different elements. A different Brian Wood would have told his first arc and then had one issue showing the devastation that fell upon the world and it would have been impactful. Instead you get it all at once.

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I’m worried that a lot of people have forgotten this book due to the delay of the art change (most likely the art change). It’s a shame if you don’t pick this book up because it answers several questions from the beginning issues of the series and sets up a few new questions to be answered. If you were reading the book then don’t be afraid to dive right back into the book.

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This issue is good on many levels: It’s fun to read and has great action, it’s intelligent in its story build up and character development and it’s even emotionally moving at its beginning and ending. There is no one scene that you could point to and say, “That’s why it’s great”, but rather the complete package from beginning to end is the reason for its greatness. With Valiant’s return I’m sure some are just not buying the hype and that’s fine if you don’t want to believe. Frankly, I don’t need hype or anyone else’s opinion to tell me that this book was beyond great. It does it all on its own and that’s what every comic should do.

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I actually read this comic and then forgot about it, but I knew that I wanted to review it and talk about it. Then when I sat down with it again I remembered how thrilling this comic was. I’ve been excited by a lot of the new Image releases and have even anxiously awaited the second issues, but I would read the second issue of this book before any other title on the market right now. There are a ton of books out this week but I have the feeling that this one is going to be one of the few to sell out and not because of hype, but because of quality.

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It wasn't great and I don't think it was from over hype. Like I said this was my first Crow comic, so I went in with fresh eyes and not knowing what to expect. What was delivered was an issue that attempts to set the stage for title character to show up, but didn't have the pacing or execution to do so. This first issue feels very rushed and because of that its average at best. It would have benefitted to a much slower build up like several of their other titles did.

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I was very surprised by the story. I knew that it was going for more of an old school horror approach, but I really assumed that it would be more about the Night Projectionist terrorizing the town and it was anything but. I didn’t even mind the sequel set up ending. The pacing and gore played a lot into why I like this book and allowed me to be taken completely by surprise by the story. It was fun and horror filled and accomplished every goal it set out to do when the project was announced. If you like horror check it; if you love horror then you’ll gravitate towards this book and probably love every page of it.

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Out of the five books released from MonkeyBrain I score this one pretty high. It also has the biggest challenge ahead of it as it will need to find a way to keep the book interesting without following the exact formula from this issue. Even if the story dips in quality the art is great enough to lift it up on its own. If you’re looking to spend a dollar on a new comic then you should definitely check this book out. Also it was a nice touch naming the lion Aesop as it fits the origin of the name quite well.

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This issue was a great tease, but honestly I'm more interested in the next issue. This, to me felt like a zero issue and it did what most zero issues do and that's entice you to come back the next month. I enjoyed Amelia's character because she wasn't perfect and was even a bit selfish at times. I was tiring of the magic genre, but I think this book has roped me back in.

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I wasn’t crazy about the story and I’ve actually read other things from this creator before. I hope that this book doesn’t turn out to be Catwoman in a cape with far less beatings and actually does something interesting other than homage The Spirit which is basically where the rest of the story is going (I was going to let you figure that one out for yourself, but screw it). The second issue has a lot of work to do with the story otherwise this comic may end up being a picture book.

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It's not the most original storyline, but the actual quality of the series is very impressive and some of the writer’s best work to date. This is another launch title from MonkeyBrain and is definitely worth the .99 cents you’ll have to put down to get it. If you’re more of a print person then you’ll have to wait longer for the book, but its still worth it. All in all I have to say that this is another impressive outing for the publisher.

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As a trade this book reads very well and honestly the chapter breaks showing the issue covers isn’t even needed; it’s that tight of a story. I personally enjoyed the book a lot and reading the first volume from start to finish was a great complete read. You can of course buy the book from the36.net or from online retailers like Amazon, or if you “Like” The Thirty Six on Facebook you’ll be able to follow the updates of the comic shops now carrying the trade so check it out.

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Like I said I only really showed up for the comics this time. I love Paul Pope, but I'd rather read his stories and see his art more than anything else; that being said I didn't really check out the articles in the back. It's nice to know they're there to read later, but I didn't drop everything to check them out. As far as the comics go they were both really good and controlled their pacing and layouts very well. When two issues share a book it can be tricky to give enough space and pages to each story to make them work, but both teams managed to do just that.

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This series is definitely picking up the pace, but I don’t know how long it can run for. Hopefully the creators play it smart and write the story for as long as it needs to run rather than stretching it out for popularity. At it concludes I think that it will make a great entry into the super hero genre and does a great job of commenting on the genre in a way the industry needs to be commented on. If you enjoyed the first two issues you’re sure to enjoy this issue as well.

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For a first issue this book is very average which is disappointing for someone that’s been waiting for it patiently to premiere. It had a good pacing, but introduced far too many characters for me to care about and deal with for a first issue. It would have been much better to follow Lily in the beginning and then see her attacked and end the issue revealing the bad guy. You could even keep the introduction of the school and little girls as long as you didn’t go back to it until the second issue. It would have drawn out the interested and added more investment into Lily as a character; as it is she’s just some junkie that no one’s allowed to talk about, but is one hell of a killer.

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I was hoping to love this issue as much if not more than the last issue, but it fell a bit short. I still enjoyed the book, but I have to wonder why Vlad’s cure was never shown and half assed mentioned? At any rate, I will be checking out next month’s issue and hope to see the same team minus the colorist.

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Looking inside the book jacket I can see four other books that Russell has adapted from Wilde’s work and I’m very curious to see how they match up. “The Happy Prince” was a great story with wonderful art that while simple contained the magic that is great storytelling. This is one master complimenting another and it’s worth having in any collection and spans all age gaps.

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Battle Beasts is a property that I honestly never thought I'd see again. Sure I loved them as a child and would proudly display them on my desk if I were to find them again, but when childhood toys come up they're rarely mentioned. Although I'm sure now everyone will proclaim that the pink and white Shark was their favorite or that they had the really rare Giraffe. Frankly, I'm just glad that this book exists and that it's so good. Good enough that I read it twice and treated it like a birthday present that was just for me. It's hitting stores the week before Comic Con and I cannot encourage you enough to pick it up even if you have no idea what line of toys I'm talking about. A good comic is a good comic regardless of whether or not it's a licensed property.

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This book does an upstanding job of addressing the gay lifestyle and stereotypes. There’s the relapsed gay storyline, the transgender and even the self-loathing storyline. It really covers everything that Hollywood attempts to cover and fails out. Does this book push the envelope of gays in comics? Not to me, to me it was a just a superhero story that had its good and bad elements and really if there were future books I would check it out to see what happens to the team. Yes there is a lot of sexuality to it and at times its focus is too narrow, but if the storyline were to develop more this franchise would be heads and shoulders above anything the “big two” are attempting with their characters and handled far more tastefully.

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I was very excited to see this book out this week; Hernandez is one of those creators that create when they have something they want to share not because they were offered a job. If you’ve never checked out his work before then I think this series is definitely one of his more accessible series to date. Dark Horse has yet another great series added to its already impressive “Originals” line of books.

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I really don’t see a lot of people grabbing this book that don’t fall in to the following categories: Read the previous series, like Magic The Gathering, like LOTR inspired tales, think anything with “thief” in the title is cool or just buy first issues. It was an average comic when I was expecting below average at best and if you fall in to one of the above categories then pick it up.

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If it wasn't for the art I would go very low for the rating of this book; as it is though it hits about average, not good and plenty of room for improvement. Since I'm sure that the book is already completed I'm not very hopeful for changes in the characterizations and the story so I'll skip that part where I give feedback on how to make this crossover less boring and terrible. Frankly, it's just like every other licensed crossover" meh.

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I’ll definitely be checking out the next chapter of the story for sure and I’m curious to see where the series goes after this point. Sure Sara just got to Chicago, but if she took an off world journey for a year I wouldn’t mind. I think that’s the next frontier for this series and if not, I’m still very interested due to Seeley’s tweaking on the series. Seven issues in and this creative team is having one of the best runs on the series to date. If you faded out after Seeley’s takeover I encourage you to check out this issue and get back on track, I know I’ll be staying for a while.

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If you’re one of these people that absolutely need to know everything that’s happening with the “Hell on Earth” storyline then you’ll probably be lost in this issue some. Personally though, I think that as a standalone story it’s a great read that doesn’t require a lot of knowledge other than: Hellboy’s dead, Hell’s coming to the surface, the B.P.R.D. is trying to stop it. You can get wrapped up in stories for days, but those three facts are all you need to know for this issue. If you’re looking for a two part story that deals with demons then check it out, it’s one of the best B.P.R.D. stories this year by far.

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This book is not so far along that you couldn’t jump in and start reading. Sure you’ll be missing a few details from the first two issues, but the true story has only just begun. There is an extensive history for Courtney Crumrin already that I haven’t read, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying this series. If you enjoy dark magic stories that don’t paint perfect pictures then you’ll enjoy this, it’s kid friendly so don’t expect anyone’s head to be ripped off though.

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Right now I feel a bit like Meru in the sense that I don’t know what’s going on in the story 100%, but the journey is very rewarding and keeps me hooked in. I’ve found with each issue of this series so far that I become so emerged in the story that I get frustrated when it ends and even the amazing cover stories can’t settle my mood. Nope there is only one cure and that’s reading more Mind MGMT.

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This second issue left me sitting on the edge of seat until next month so I can close out the story. I hope that people are checking it out so that it can possibly go on; the premise and the world built are massive. The alien craze of the 90’s may be over, but books like this can easily rejuvenate people’s interest. I can’t wait to see how it turns out and hopefully it leaves our character in a position to continue his story.

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I read this book digitally, but you can bet that at the next convention I’ll be stopping by Archaia’s booth and picking this book up so that I can bask in its beauty. If you’re hell bent on digital then that works as well since it still manages to do the art justice. Whatever you’re preference just check this book out, if you need a sampling then check out our First Look or part one on Comixology just give it a chance regardless.

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This book is definitely an indie comic, as it really only has an appeal to a niche area of the market. I would love to say that it is something that everyone should check out, but I don’t think everyone would really be taken by the story. If you enjoy two-in-one type of books and are looking for a fast read that requires zero investment in the characters then you might like this book. I wouldn’t mind seeing more from the creators to see what else they have in the way of short stories, but this was an average start with plenty of room to grow.

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There was so much potential for this series that was just flushed away. The half ass government angle and the full ass scorned lover aspects of the story left this final issue very unsatisfying. If you bought the first issue you’re better off reading it a second time and then just selling it to someone that’s trying to collect it for its first print value, but it’s not worth keeping in your collection a minute more. If I see this creative team on another project I will not give it a chance, I’ll just pass or let someone else test the waters first.

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This was a solid issue and frankly I can see why Oni launched the series since it’s a strong edition to their limited monthly titles published. There are several things in this issue that I didn’t bring up because they run the risk of spoiling the entire issue, but they made for a very good read and probably the best issue since the series premiered and introduced this all new origin and history for D.B Cooper. Fun stuff and worth checking out if you missed.

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The overall story has me interested for at least another issue, but it has a lot of work to do if I'm going to make it to four. This issue is an improvement over the first, but it didn't have me raise the Grim Leaper flag or add it to my pull box subscription.

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This is a great book and a great part to jump into and one of the best comics I have read in awhile. With only reading a few issues I fell in love with this book. Take a chance and read a western that’s easy to read, easy to follow and makes you realize why why you love comics.

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I think that I’m in love with this book. I enjoyed it from start to finish and for once I wasn’t worried that the second issues was going to let me down the way so many corporate entities do, because the creators know what they’re doing. This book is definitely a labor of love from a group of creators that know comic books and know what they want to see in a comic book. If you weren’t convinced by the first issue you need to be now.

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I think that I’m in love with this book. I enjoyed it from start to finish and for once I wasn’t worried that the second issues was going to let me down the way so many corporate entities do, because the creators know what they’re doing. This book is definitely a labor of love from a group of creators that know comic books and know what they want to see in a comic book. If you weren’t convinced by the first issue you need to be now.

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I'm not big on historical war books; they're just not my genre. The thing is that this book is quite good even if it wasn't something I would usually seek out. At times the pacing can drag and it suffers from what any story trying to be historically accurate suffers from in that it can't follow the three act story structure. Additionally some of the battles became kind of stale and could have been easily romanticized just a touch. Even still it was a solid read and held my interest from beginning to end.

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Unfortunately, this book suffered the classic sophomore slump, but managed to at least maintain the interest in the mystery surrounding the events that kicked off the series. McCann even says in the back of the book that this issue has the beginnings of what’s to come, but that didn’t get me super psyched on going back through and read the issue again. Loved the art and the story was okay; hopefully the next issue hits it out of the park and for the record if you don’t like McCann’s “Filling in the Gap” at the end you’re foolish.

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This issue isn’t bad by any means, but it’s a very slow start to the series. Also it was off putting to have read stories involving the other ship, only to be put with a new batch of characters on another ship. Maybe I need to re-read the zero issue, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss that detail and even if I did I don’t think it would change the experience. I’m looking forward to checking out the next issue since this one leaves off in a decent spot, but I expect much more in the near future in order to hold my attention. Lastly, I think this may be one series that doesn’t benefit from the DHP formula of building interest and then launching an ongoing since the interest level was so high to begin with… we’ll see though.

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I tend to drool over Oni Press books a lot because they produce titles I’m interested in. What was very different about the book was the story structure and genre. This book is essentially a “monster of the week” type book that’s usually done on TV and quite successfully, but I cannot think of one success in comic format. Bad Medicine is very different from the typical Oni Press title and a great edition to the world of comics. It shows that you can capture the style of X-Files and other TV series in the sequential art form.

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I wasn't surprised that I liked this book in the slightest. Creators that are looking to tweak the story of Dracula and tackle the Vampire hunter storyline will meet with success as long as they know what they want to do with the story. Brill knows exactly what he wants to do and he's built a massive world/playground to tell his story within. Now, this is a very indie title and has kind of exploded onto the scene. You can buy it digitally from comixology and I would encourage you to check it out there if you live overseas. Or if you want it in print check out the site and you can find a store that is selling it local or online. You have options and if you want your retailer to get it then tell them to go to the site and get in contact with Brill, I'm sure he'll get them copies.

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I expect more from Aspen, but lately they’ve been going to the same stable of writers over and over and each of them has a similar formula that is just not that interesting. The stories really need to fleshed out more and perhaps a new editor to help keep storylines from ballooning out of control or even shorter series from being rushed and dumped. Honestly, I’ve read books that are far worse but this book has better potential than that and the company has been around long enough to deliver a great product at this point.

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I wasn’t surprised that I liked this issue, but I was surprised that I liked it more than the first. It had some great scenes as well, but this second issue gave me the middle finger at the end and told me I was a piece of shit if I didn’t come back to finish the series. Print, digital; it doesn’t matter which way you buy this book just make sure you buy it. I’m already having bittersweet feelings about the ending since that will mean nothing to look forward to the next month. Lastly, I just have to say that this book is going to be one of my top books of the year for sure.

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This book has everything going for it, great story, great art and really it’s just a cool concept that’s executed at the highest level. People love to call things, “classics” and “instant hit” or clever stuff like that. Too me this book was one that I would highly recommend to others that enjoy the comic medium or are looking to understand what the true charm of comics are… it’s books like Dark Country.

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I wish I could stay positive about this book, but it hugs me then slaps me in the face while grabbing for my wallet. I’m sure some people are dying for this series, but I’m just finding it to be so-so. I’m hoping after the initial story arc that we’ll see some improvement, but I know that these scripts are said and done and that what I dislike about it now is here to stay for the meantime.

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I really liked this issue though, it didn’t surprise me as much as the first issue but that’s a difficult feat for any second issue. I really enjoyed the opening and the back and forth battle of words between Grant and James and I’m very curious to see more of the plot revealed. Hickman has had this tendency to build his stories very slowly, but the problem with doing that on a new series is that you can bore the audience. For now I’m very interested, but I don’t think I’m alone when I say I’ll need more with the next issue.

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I really want to finish reading this book and that’s saying something. I honestly get a lot of graphic novel’s thrown my way and as good as some of them turn out, the really good ones keep me from putting the book down and staying up really late at night to finish reading it. I think that this will be one of those books when I get a hold of the entire thing. From what I’ve read of the first chapter (which would basically be considered the first issue), this book is going to be damn good.

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Overall this is a great product, but I hope that they can continue the same level of content each month. I would hate to see fans bail on the book because it didn't have an interview with so and so or cosplay pictures. Seriously people can be just that fickle. This first issue is really cool and something special to the world of comics that exists outside of the "Big Two." I hope that a lot of people check it out so that it catches fire. With so many top tier talents on the book I think that a lot of people will check it out and if they do they won't be disappointed, count yourself amongst them and pick it up.

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Originally I didn’t really care about this book since it looked like an Irredeemable fill in, but its entirely different. It may have familiar character types in the story, but honestly it’s taken to the next level. The pacing really made this book good because it gave you a bit of a mystery and a lot of reality to deal with. There is no simple solution for these characters to work out and it’s going to get very interesting when they start to rub off on each other. For only a dollar I don’t see how you can’t check this book out, but when the next issue is at normal price I’ll be back for sure.

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I’m a long time Hack/Slash reader and I’m constantly jumping on and off of the series. When the cast exploded it became too much to read since I didn’t care about everyone’s stories. Then the mini-series at Image hit and it renewed my interest only to have the ongoing tear it away again. Lately though, I’ve found myself checking it out more and more and liking it for the same reasons I use to: Cassie and Vlad. Jordon and company have done a good job of climbing back to that point with the characters to make it just about them, but not ignore their history. This issue is pretty damn good with just the right amount of violence, gore, horror and short skirts… don’t judge me.

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I couldn’t really find anything I didn’t like about this book. I don’t relate to Peter’s drug problem or his runaway lifestyle, but it was the charm of his character and the situation he was in that I enjoyed. As much as I liked X-O Manowar, I actually grabbed for this title first this week and I’m glad that I did. From start to finish I was hooked on the book and can’t wait till next month when it’s a three way dance with Bloodshot.

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This is definitely and interesting book that Com.X has picked up. I feel like I’ve used the sentence, “I’ve never read a book like this before” a lot this year already, but this book truly is unlike any comic I or you have ever read. The book has a ton of social commentary that is very relevant to current events such as the Occupy Movement. The art is definitely the best part and honestly worth the price of admission alone. Is this book going to be a crazy break out hit, probably not, but I think that it has the possibility to go outside of the comic shop and be something that non-comic readers latch on to. It’s definitely interesting and worth checking out.

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The cartoon look makes it deceptively welcoming to the all age's crowd. Granted, it is an all age's book, but the deeper story is one that only an older audience will get and appreciate. For kids this will just simply be a kid bounty hunter gathering his family for a reward, while others will see it's about doing the right thing in the face of family responsibilities. At first glance I never thought that this comic would have moved me as much as it did or get me so interested in the series that I'm frustrated by the fact that I must now wait for the next volume. Ride on Cow Boy, I'll be here waiting for next adventure.

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I don't know why I read this book, I was just so damn curious as to why Top Cow would confuse their market by slapping Witchblade on the cover when the series is not as recognizable as it once was. Sure Tim Seeley is doing a great job on that book, but that doesn't mean that slapping the character on another title will sell both series. Imagine someone who started reading Witchblade with Seeley's run and then picking up this? They would be confused and wondering what the fuck was going on only to never receive an answer because this title is too far behind. Don't waste your time or money unless you're a diehard or wondered if they were going to strap a saddle on the dragon and save the day.

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I was surprised by how much I liked elements of the story, but if you were to remove the Peter Pan story board this book would still be good. The art is my biggest hang up; if it was stronger or at least a fuller visual it would do wonders to support the book, but it doesn't. I'm interested in reading the next issue though and I can't say that's been the case before this issue.

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I’m sure that long time readers of Hellboy and B.P.R.D. will enjoy this one-shot, but I really think that anyone can pick up this issue and find something to enjoy. I won’t pretend to know a lot about the universe’s history, but I was able to follow along just fine with the story and past characters mentioned. That’s the charm of this franchise is that you can always jump on at any given moment and as long as you don’t focus on it like it’s #93 in a series (which it is) you’ll be fine.

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This book is pretty generic. There are a ton of stories sourced for inspiration for it and the mystery surrounding the curse was talked about, but not established as an actual mystery. Right now there really is no mystery other than why these two people are killed so suddenly after taking over someone’s body, but it’s not very interesting. In fact the book just wasn’t interesting to me. I think a lot of people will still enjoy it though, but I wonder if the pacing continues as it did in this first issue just how long the series will last for.

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This was better than I expected, but I still had to wonder how matching up old Star Trek (obviously not the oldest) and new Doctor Who is really going to work. Additionally if the second issue takes the usual stance of "you're the bad guy, no you're the bad guy" I will call it good instantly with this series. Hopefully The Next Generation crew gets some shine in the next issue, but this first issue wasn't a disappointment in the least.

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There are other great stories including one from the world of Mister X, The Black Beetle, The Finder, Nexus and two appearances from the Sabertooth Vampire. Each one is worthy of me talking about it, but I have to leave something for you to read on your own. I also recommend that if you missed the previous issue to go back and grab it in print or digital since a few of the stories started there. Each month DHP surprises me and reminds me why it’s worth picking up and always leaves me waiting for the next edition.

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I still think that the zero issue nailed the pacing for this series and unfortunately the rest of the series has missed the mark since. This issue takes a step in the right direction, but it’s not perfect. If the art wasn’t as good as it is the book would struggle to hold people’s interest while it chatted away. The only big complaints I have are the covers that are trying way too hard to be sexy. They’re not… and they shouldn't be. Kiani is wearing a bone swimsuit and isn’t sexy to begin with so stop that.

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As far as endings go this book was pretty weak. The last three pages feel like they’re there to save the limp story that Waid and Boom have been milking for nearly twenty issues. If the story had been in three solid acts then I think this ending would have been very powerful, but just randomly ending on issue thirty-seven shows that it was planned when Waid introduced his easy out. I’m sure long time readers will enjoy it and others that lapsed will praise the ending, but I call bull shit. The ending doesn’t match up to the natural progression of the series and really discredits everything that it accomplished by being an unnecessary homage to a character that’s had plenty.

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I hope there’s a good payoff in the concluding issue. It’s been an interesting ride so far.

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Resident Alien has shown that it’s definitely capable of making the shift from DHP to its own series. It’s good to see the creative team have enough room to stretch their legs and compile an entire issue rather than focusing on a third and trying to create interesting story beats for readers. This book is definitely a strange one, but it’s strange in all the right ways.

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This is an average book which acts as a good restart to the series. Unfortunately there isn’t much to hold onto for a story and push you to read the next issue. If you enjoy team up books and are looking for something other than the obvious, take a chance but don’t expect a lot form this book.

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This book is something special. The story has so much potential and longevity that I see it going on for years. Add the fact that Kindt is writing the story's history on the front and back cover and you're getting a heck of a package. Do not miss out on this book! I know I praise everything "Indie", but this book is going to be one of those titles that breaks that labeling and will be enjoyed by all comic readers as long as they're willing to give it one issue to hook them. Let this be that issue.

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I'm going to hold out for the fourth issue because I really need to see what happens with Chuck and his wife. The cover to the next issue alludes to him finally finding her so there is something to look forward to. This issue isn't terrible, but if you didn't read the first two books you'll be completely lost. Also this series in general isn't for newcomers of comics. Frankly, if this was your first book you'd probably give up on the medium. For me, it was fun but not great. It's still a disappointment considering how good the first issue was, but much better than the second. We'll see how it goes.

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The shit is going to hit the fan in the next issue and its getting very interesting to see where the story is going to go. There is a basic idea of where it’s heading, but I have the feeling that there are of course going to be twists and turns that no one will see coming. I can’t score this book any higher than the last two, but I can say that it’s the best of the three thus far. If you missed out on the first issue for some reason I can’t say that this is a bad issue to come in on. It doesn’t deal with the main story very much and when it does it should intrigue you in to finding out more, if it doesn’t then you did the trick wrong and need to start over.

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Usually I don’t go for indie superhero books, the big guys usually do that enough that it’s not very interesting. This book has a nice twist to it and although it’s familiar to me I don’t think that it will be to others. Add the fact that the art is pretty damn good and I think this book has a real chance of breaking through the indie superhero stigma that people like myself are weary of. See for yourself though and pick the book up from Arena Comics.

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I don’t know if everyone will latch on to this tile the way I did. As someone that has lived with a regret or two I enjoyed it as it reminded me to let the past be the past and I think we all need that reminder from time to time. It’s a fun comic with human moments that has the potential to appeal to everyone if they can find something in the material that reminds them of themselves. You can buy the book in print or in digital from Graphicly (click on the link just to the right) so consider checking it out.

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I thought that this was a great one-shot filled with content. You may not be given a lot of insight into Dawn’s past, but you definitely get a good idea of the character and the tone of the stories. I personally really enjoyed this book and was happy to see more Fearless Dawn. You can find it in print either on the net or comic shops and you can even pick it up digitally through your favorite digital app.

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This comic could have been as amazing as the first two, but it ended up average. It stopped pushing that envelope that the first issue practically shoved off the table and has become content at letting dust gather where it is. Hopefully the story does something other than a history lesson with fictional versions of historical characters because otherwise I don’t know how this can become a successful ongoing series. Show me something special in the next issue or at least piss me off enough to not care about it.

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Putting the art aside, I really enjoyed this book and was glad to see it came out this week. Two issues in a row have put me in a good mood and renewed my interest in the series. Hopefully that’s a trend that continues into the next month. Boom put out a few books this week, but this one is by far the best they have to offer. If you’ve been missing out, don’t worry the story recaps the previous events making it easy for any new reader to jump on.

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This was a hard book to review for the reason that I didn’t want to analyze it. This is one of those rare books that when I read it I don’t feel the need to write about it, I just want to experience it. I choose to review it because I don’t want people missing out on it though. I almost gave it a five again, but something about it just didn’t hit the exact same spot as the first issue. Instead it scratched my comic itch and is now forcing me to wait until next month for more.

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Miss the first five issue of the book? Well the good thing is that each issue resolves its storyline while giving a small detail that plays into the larger story building as the book goes on. Meaning each issue is easy to jump into. To give a terrible example that may clarify, it’s like Smallville. Each episode stands on its own, but the overall story runs through the season/series. That makes the book more enjoyable because you know each issue is going to be a little different, but still give you that larger story that’s building. Keep building and I’ll keep reading.

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If you don’t like Crime-Fiction, the Wild West or history in general then you’re probably not going to like this book. Personally, I found it to be very amazing as it surprised the hell out of me with each turn. The story starts off slow, but by doing so it has time to get its hooks into you for when it takes off running. I can see this book getting a lot of attention later in the year, so don’t be that person and check it out when it hits stands.

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The story is still fantastic and the quality and hasn’t dipped from the first issue at all. I love and fear this book at the same time; I’m worried that one day it will just piss me off by doing the same thing every issue, but for now I don’t care because it’s so damn good. The best aspect of this book is still the family’s relationship, without that it would just be book with a crazy setting. It’s strange how such a familiar concept has been so completely overlooked in modern comics (The FF don't count in my book).

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My point with all that is this, it’s been a long time since I actually enjoyed a Manga and this was the series that brought me back. Since reading this I’ve gone on to read Sekirei, Maken-Ki Battling and KenIchi: Histories Mightiest Disciple. I used to really enjoy Manga, but it became so difficult to keep up with that I stopped trying. The risk of getting something bad or mediocre was too high and the flood of titles made it difficult for anyone to review them or pick out the next great book to read. Now its different and I can say that this book is definitely worth checking out either digitally or in print. Frankly I find Manga easier to read in print since the American format for digital isn’t designed as intuitively. If you’re looking for a new Manga that’s different from the recycled storylines that you’ve been feed over and over than check this book out; but also check it out if you’re looking to get back into Manga.

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I honestly think that if you read comics then you should check this book out, no excuses. Granted if you’re newer to comics you may want to check out a broader range of titles before diving right into this one, but if you’ve been in the game for a while then you need to read this book. Regardless of content, this book shows that good writing and talented art stand the test of time. I almost feel stupid for even giving this book a score, because how can you really rate a classic? Lastly, if we’re going to call this collection of stories erotica then let’s be clear that this is the standard to which all others erotica stories should be held to.

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This book is a sleeper hit with me. I doubt too many people picked it up or even realized that it was IDW doing what Kevin and I refer to as old school IDW horror. This is the type of story that put the company on the map and I long for more books like this. As good as the other books that came out this week are, this one will be one that stays with me until next month. Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit.

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This issue did not disappoint and even though I was expecting something completely different, it surprised me and has shown me what to expect from this point forward. This is yet another strong adaptation from Dark Horse who has shown this year that they are the to go to publisher for novel adaptations. If you missed the first issue then you can grab it digitally and why you’re there you can pick up the second issue as well. If you like your books in print like me, then I would see if you’re retailer can order you the first issue (chances are they can) and just buy and hold the second issue for the time being.

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If you enjoyed the first issue I would say that you’ll definitely like the second issue. The mystery continues, but hopefully we’ll have some sort of reveal by the end of the next issue. The art continues to be great and eye catching, but also compliments the story as well. I was honestly on the fence after the first issue, but this bad boy sucked me in and has me coming back. Yet another great book to be released from Image this year.

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I’m interested in this series for sure. I’m curious as to what it’s going to do differently from the “Big Two” outline that it’s based off of. Also I get the impression that it will have a lot of tributes to other Sci-Fi stories along the way which could be good or bad. As for the page count, it looks like twenty-two is the new standard even for the smaller press. I hope that it works out for this stories benefit because I can see the shortened page count hurting the pacing of the plot. Hopefully the second issue comes out swinging because it still has a lot of work to do to make this a monthly buy.

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As far as “zero” issues goes, this is definitely one of the best I’ve read. It gave me teases of the main story without spelling it out for me. Probably the best thing it did was give me a mystery to solve. I want to know about this Mind MGMT that is the focus of the story. What will stay with me is that this story had a real sense of humanity to it no matter how fantastic the world it happens to be set in is. The emotion is this book can fuck you up if you’re not careful. If you need more convincing then download this book for free from Dark Horse Digital and get ready to have to wait for the main series like the rest of us.

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I’m a bit late with the reviews on this book since the third issue’s release is approaching, but you should be able to find these issues either digitally or in the back issues of your comic retailer. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were able to order both from Diamond still if you ask and that would be the easiest way to get them. I’m actually enjoying this series and looking forward to the next issue. If Zenescope could find more “fairy tales” of sorts to re-imagine at the same level as this book then I would check out lots more of their titles.

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This book is fun and not to be taken too serious, even if the story is trying to maintain a very serious tone. It just doesn’t work out that way when you have a Gorilla swinging a baseball bat at everything. If anything I would much rather it embrace that fact and keep the goal of the story serious, but then make all of the action and dialog silly as shit. I think that there is a balance that can be worked out between the two that is not there at the moment. Right now it’s a serious story with goofy elements that are added, but not addressed. Great amount of story for the price and page count though so check it out and see if you like it for yourself.

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This is a solid first issue; it’s not great by any means which was a bummer. I was bored by the story and just the weird details that were covered with Richard aka The Spider’s life and past. I honestly wanted to see him spend more time stopping crime than talking, but that didn’t happen. Also the variety of the crimes seemed very limited and with so many of the same crimes shown over and over it started to lose its meaning. It was better than I expected, but there is this nagging feeling that it could have been and should have been a lot better. At least Dynamite didn’t give him a gritty voice and have him whisper in some guy’s ear, “I’m the Spider.” I guess that could have infringed on two different copy rights, but Dynamite is good at “working” around copy rights so maybe it will still happen.

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I know this is weird to say, but I honestly don’t like giving out perfect scores. No one actually cares when you give a book a perfect score unless there is some hubbub about the book to begin with. That’s not to say that Mind The Gap doesn’t deserve the score I’m going to give it (which is a five out of five), but I think that less people will pay attention to this book because of it. If you miss this book because it received a high score then I feel sorry for you because this is one of the best books I’ve read in 2012 thus far. Granted, I know I’ve given out a lot of fives this year, but I will gladly add Mind The Gap to the list.

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This book delivered the goods and thankfully was not all hype. The story is very solid and the art work stunning. X-O Manowar has set the bar for the rest of Valiant’s return to comics and hopefully the rest of the books will be as good as this one. I never read a lot of the older X-O stuff so my attachment to this franchise is limited, but this new series definitely has me hooked and looking forward to the next issue. This week marks the beginning of the Summer of Valiant, so definitely check this book out.

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I liked this issue, it didn’t surprise me as much as the first issue but that’s okay. Like I said this issue works perfectly with the first issue and thus doesn’t need to add more twists and turns for the story. Trust me, after reading the third issue (review forthcoming) there are plenty of twists coming. If you checked out the first issue then this is a must buy since it plays off the first so well. If you haven’t checked out either, but liked books like Rising Stars about a group of chosen people to change/protect the world then you should give it a shot… just know that it's not trying to be Rising Stars in the least bit, it just falls in the same category. No murder and molestation driven plots here.

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If you’ve been following the series then know that this is definitely worth picking it up and finishing the series off. It’s not mind-blowing, but it’s a solid ending with a great heart-felt moment to close the book out. The series has potential for sequels and hopefully we’ll get to see these characters again, it would be a shame to lose all the work that’s gone into making us care about them. Lastly, a lot of bad guys get shot the fuck up in this book which is reason enough to buy it.

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This book is decent, it didn’t blow me away but it surprised me with its look and feel. It wasn’t just some crappy remake that does nothing but regurgitate the creators vision and plot lines back onto the page (cough Peanuts), but it also didn’t capture me as a regular reader. Every indication is that this is an ongoing series, but I can’t say that I’ll be a diehard follower of it. If you just need a good wholesome throw back from your youth then this is the perfect book, but if you were looking for a reason to give a damn about Popeye again then this isn’t it.

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Minor was a fun read and actually renewed my faith in horror comics. Frankly there are only a few a month that come out and with the exception of Hack/Slash they tend to be pretty weak. The world and back story that Minor has built is interesting and really dug its hooks in me. If you’re interested in this book check it out on Big Dog’s site and they can steer you towards a purchase.

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If I hadn’t read the zero issue I would say that this book did an okay job of setting of the story and the return of Kiani. I don’t know what the conflict is or what Kiani is going to do next because it’s not established in this issue. Frankly I think the zero issue was better, but I have to assume that a percentage of people skipped it and thus the repeating of the information in this issue. I just wish that Aspen would abandon the zero issue concept and fit the story and ideas into the first issue. It would have made this book much more enjoyable. If I ignore the zero issue this book is average, but a lot of that score goes to the art which is better than average for sure.

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I was really blown away by just how good this book was. It’s too soon to call it Peter Bagge’s masterpiece, but let’s just say I’m penciling it in until I’ve finished the series. I have a feeling that longtime fans of the creator already know what to expect, but for those unfamiliar with him I encourage you to buy the damn book. I really hope that it doesn’t get overlooked because it’s one of the best comic books I’ve read all year. Its raised the bar so high that I don’t think you’ll see another perfect score to come from the site in long time.

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What was really missing from this issue compared to the first, were the parts in which Hickman really experimented with the storytelling process. This issue is by the books, no shock and no awe. It’s still a good issue, but as I said the bar was set high by the first issue and this one didn’t make it. Honestly the best line of the issue was the quotes that break up the plot points of the issue. The art is still very good and the coloring plays a huge role in the storytelling still, but again it all becomes very basic without the push of the envelope we experienced in the first issue. Hopefully the third will do something amazing to reinvigorate my interest in the book, but this issue was just okay which doesn’t mean it’s bad but it’s very disappointing.

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Like I said my anticipation for this series was really high and because of that it fell short for me, but it was still a good book. I still picked it up this week and was glad to read it and add it to my collection. Dark Horse continues to show how you do a proper novel adaptation and hopefully we’ll see more of this quality in the future.

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I seriously doubt that my review is even needed since I’m betting the second issue sells as much if not more than the first issue of the series. If you didn’t check it out because it sold out then fear not the second print of the first issue should be on sale today as well and I bet that it sells out again. This is a great start for the series and if it keeps up as the same quality it won’t even be worth my time to score it. Pick this book up and be there from the beginning before everyone calls it an “instant classic” and you kick yourself for missing a phenomenal comic. If you need another reason to buy just know that this book was one of two reasons I even went to get comics this week.

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If you’re missing out on all of these new Image books and you’re tired of hearing about all of them selling out then you need to smack yourself and realize that the next wave of big titles from the company is coming. Are they going to be able to hold on to this momentum? If history teaches us anything, no they won’t. Not without the same amount of hard work going into it right now. All I know is that this book has already sold out and for good reason… it’s fantastic. I said on my Saga review that it was one of two reasons I went to the comic shop today and this is the second (that and a few Dark Horse titles, just being honest). I’m not joking that when I say that two five out of five books from the same publisher in one week is rare so be sure to fight the crowd and pick this one up today.

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I liked this issue but it wasn’t as strong as the first. That’s a common problem when a book has such an important concept for the story to follow. It’s still a very good book and honestly I hope that it does well so that IDW doesn’t have to do as many licensed books as they’ve been doing. Original ideas like this were how IDW got its start and I’d like to see that continue and grow at the company.

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There is a reason I’ve reviewed every issue of this series and that’s because its fucking good and I really think that it’s being over looked. If this were a TV show people would be yelling from the rafters about how it’s the new Firefly, but instead it seems to be overlooked for the most part and that’s a damn shame. The series ends with the perfect set up for the next chapter and hopefully people will go back and check out the series so we get that next chunk of the story. Like I’ve said from the beginning it’s worth checking out.

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This series is still very enjoyable and definitely one of the best from Big Dog Ink. Since it’s independently produced it doesn’t have a set shipping time that I know of, but when it does come out I’m always excited to read it. Really the only thing this series needs to do is kick the spurs and speed up the story some. There will be plenty of character building opportunities for the story later, but right now it needs to hook me on it’s original story rather than the concept twist.

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At this point you either like Mouse Guard or you don’t. This series has found its niche and will continue to grow slowly, but it’s not going to have a flood of fans like it did when it started. If you’ve never read Mouse Guard then give it a shot. Pick a series and start there since each book stands alone and doesn’t rely on you to have read the other stories. I will say that the other stories will give the series a richer background to enjoy, but again it’s not necessary. There are very few series and books that you can continue to have new readers jump on board with each new series, but Mouse Guard manages to do it each time.

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This book came out a few weeks ago, maybe even longer so if you’re interested you may have a harder time finding it. I know that not everyone is into all-ages titles, but I tend to enjoy them because they're more challenging to create. Think of any good all-ages movie that you’ve watched and you’ll realize that it not only has to entertain children, but also adults. This is very important, whether creators want to admit it or not. If you just write for kids then the work you've produced will always fall short, thankfully The Intrepid Escapegoat writes to both audiences and does it well.

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This was a decent book and if I was able to live, eat, breath and actually get paid for running the site I would have encouraged you to pick it up from your comic shop yesterday rather than today. I tried to find it in mine, but I couldn’t and hope that it just sold out before I got there. If you’re shop has it and you don’t mind reading the last chapter of the story then pick it up. See why I actually want to talk about Moonstone more and wish that I knew their release schedule better so that I could actually promote their books.

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I know I’ve been overloading the site with “indie” books, but I can’t stop reading them. I actually found more entertainment and joy reading Man of God then I did for any other comic Wednesday released comic this week. It was intelligent and well produced and most of all it kept me wanting more. So often big comic companies forget that they need to have a reason to come back the next month and I’m talking about something more than a cliffhanger that’s deflated in the very next issue. Man of God left me with so many questions that I wanted answered that I know I’ll be back for more.

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Either this story is really obvious or it’s got me completely fooled. If I am a fool, it’s got a lot of work to show me that I am. I’m sure this will be the next sell out title from Image and that it’ll be a critical darling, but I’m telling you right now that it’s just okay; decent story with pretty art that’s above average when compared to other superhero books, but that’s about it.

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In general I liked the book. I’m not in love with it, but I’ll definitely buy it. The sad thing about this series is that it does relate directly to nerds and comic readers, but just a few years too late. Find me one comic geek that isn’t sick to death of Zombies? You can’t! We all are sick of Zombies. I wonder if this book had just been based at Comic Con without Zombies if it wouldn’t have been better. I think I honestly would have bought that and liked it more. As good as this issue is it has a lot of flaws which prevent it from being better than average. If you’re dying to read it then go in with low impressions, better to be impressed after that than to be let down.

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I have to say I really enjoyed the issue. It was fun, the story ideas weren’t half bad and I almost think that Zenescope could release their regular issues twice. One month with serious dialog and the next with mocking self-aware dialog like in this special. Honestly the only thing disappointing was the covers. Pigs at a strip club with women wearing skin colored granny panties was just weird… nothing sexy about it. The variant cover is better, but I was genuinely surprised that the covers were as weak as they were. Still a fun issue if you’re looking for some humor this week.

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The art is still as good as it ever was so the real reason to check out this book is the story. If like me you kind of said, “screw it” and stopped reading the series then I encourage you to give this issue another shot. Even if the next issue fails to be as good, this particular issue was noteworthy and worth experiencing.

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I enjoyed the two issues I picked up. Usually I don’t grab two issues of anything, but since one was a zero issue I didn’t want to take it home and find out that I bought half of a comic, thankfully that wasn’t the case though. I wanted to like the book more since it’s so different and full of eccentric characters, but there wasn’t much of a story to attach to. The series really needs one ongoing story that is touched upon at least twice in an issue to give some consistency to the book. Otherwise I’m just reading one shot stories that I may or may not find humorous based on which random character I’m reading about. As it stands right now I was drawn more to the art which was pretty damn good.

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I initially read the fifteen page preview of this book and it left me wanting more. The same thing happened after I read the entire first issue (twice I might add). I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series and think that a lot of people that play MMO's and video games in general will like this book. The comedy is far better than that of something like Code Monkey's and the rest of the story is put together at the highest quality. This is a great book and proves yet again how diverse Action Lab's line up is.

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People often times talk about the great partnerships in comics and it’s become a rarity in the industry now a days. There aren’t too many Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s or Chris Claremont and John Byrne’s anymore. Personally I think that the partnership between Richard Starkings and Axel Medellin is quickly becoming one that has the potential to make the list.

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Is this a good issue? I don't know, I've read it so many times before that I can't honestly say it was even good the first time around. I think that the idea of a monthly zombie book is the only reason this title even exists and frankly it's not going anywhere any time soon. When people ask me what's the five pound brain that killed the zombie genre the way Twilight killed the vampire genre, I'll say The Walking Dead.

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Man From Space is available from Graphicly and if you want it in print then you need to pre-order it so Marc can get to the presses! The second issue is extremely funny and now that you know what to expect from the book, or rather what not to expect, it makes for a fun fast paced read. Last time I compared this book to Axe Cop, but with the second issue its begun carving its own comic genre.

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Now it’s rare that I buy two issues of an indie book at the same time and that’s usually so that I have a reason to go back and find them at the next con. I will definitely be tracking down the second issue of this nine issue series (there’s an obvious reason for that number). Sure it wasn’t perfect and one scene in particular stands out as being pretty bad, but I really enjoyed the rest of the issue. This book did a good job of standing out from the rest of the superhero clones out there and shows that if you’re going to do an indie superhero book, you shouldn’t try to do it the way the “Big Two” won't do it.

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After chatting with the creators I’m actually going to be able to check out the next two chapters of the story as well and I’m looking forward to reading it. This was a very different and intriguing story with a concept that like I said before, sparked my imagination. You can buy the book for yourself in print at the36.net or you can actually pick it up from Graphicly digitally. This is where my starting paragraph comes back into play as I really enjoyed the printed version of this book; great paper stock and it had that quality ink smell to it. If you don’t know what I mean by that then you should buy it in print. Either way the book is worth checking out; I will have more reviews in the future for you to check out as well so stop back by.

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There ended up being a ton of books out this week so hopefully you didn’t miss this one. I wish that I could have gotten this review up sooner to encourage others to take a look at it, but you may have noticed we’ve been busy around here. If you haven’t picked up books yet or just buy all yours digitally then check Smoke and Mirrors out and no I’m not going to end on some pun about magic.

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I guess this book really isn't for me. I continue to read praise after praise for the book and yet no one can really pinpoint why it's so good for me. Someone tell me what I'm missing? I really enjoyed the one touching scene in the issue and if the rest of the issues had half the heart that that scene had, this book could have been spectacular. Then again, some of the dialog seems lifted straight out of a movie... maybe The Family Man? Again Nick Spencer has disappointed me and left me feeling like the only guy not falling for his obvious structured, surface level writing.

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The writing and art on this book are solid. I'm sure that a lot of people are going to have a hard time following along with the story, but with this type of book you need to ride it out to the end to find out if it truly does or does not make sense. Right now, I have a good idea of what's going on in the story and plot and I'm interested to see how it develops further.

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That's another thing I don't understand, why the hell arethey still trying to free Simon's friend? They hate Simon and they already havethe General's mask" why do they need this guy that no one has met? There weresome definite road bumps in this issue which keeps it from hitting a four, but itsdamn close. If we did half points this book would get one. As it is though, thestory has returned to its proper form and if the kinks get worked out it willbe even better than the start of the series. The art is still top notch and theaction scenes are clear and concise which is important with action scenes on the printed page.I'm digging this series again and strangely looking forward to the next issueafter the crazy cliff hanger in this issue.

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Overall I would say run and get a copy of this issue of Conan. Wood and his team do a great job of showing why Conan is the biggest and baddest dude in the land or at sea in the case of this issue. The art just speaks for itself in this book and you pair that with great art with some good writing and you have yourself a very fun book that keeps you coming back for more month after month

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If you've been digging the series thus far then you will continue to do so with this issue. If you're still not into Sci-fi then really it's your loss, the rest of us will continue to enjoy these memorable characters with bad ass skills and one-liners.

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The art continues to be fantastic on the series and Parkerknocks it out of the park with the action and fighting in the issue. I can'tsay that this is another five out of five because I think the amount ofinformation presented in the issue slowed the pacing down, but it's still areally good issue. If you enjoyed the first issue and you should have, thenpick this puppy up and get ready for some holy shit moments leading right up tothe third issue.

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If you're a DA fan I do believe that the story will resonate a little deeper with you due to your investment that you already have with the characters (love'em or hate 'em). If you're new to the DA world and just like a decent action story with some great charters, Silent Grove has that too.

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I'm glad this is a story that fits in with the previous miniseries but stands on it own. I would say its needs a little polishing in the art work. It feels rushed so they could capture the success from the last book. But it's worth picking up for new readers to Planet of the Apes and I can't wait to see where the next issue leads us.

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The issue is straight forward going from the present to the past and complimented by wonderful art. Oliver Nome seriously makes this book look gorgeous and John Starr is a wonderful colorist that brings the ocean to life in this issue. It really is a beautiful book from beginning to end. There isn't much else to say the creative team does a good job and there is no bigger compliment that I can give other than that this book really read like the first chapter in the story. It gets everything out of the way that it needs to and hopefully the first issue doesn't go back over everything that was covered in this issue. Hopefully with all of the details and care that were in this issue we can jump right into Kiani's return.

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You don't have any excuses for missing this series since it's been available digitally since the first issue. If you like Mike Mignola's work and the Hellboy-verse then check out this series either in print or digital. It's definitely one of my favorites to read monthly and I enjoy reviewing it even if there isn't new things I can say about it other than, "I like it, you should read it too!" So do that, read it too and let me know what you think.

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This book is hard not to gush over, but I will say that take every review for it with a grain of salt. I have already seen countless comments and reviews about this series so much so that it made me skeptical about it. With so much hype behind it it's almost set up for failure if it doesn't continue on the same path it's starting on. As much as I like this book there were still problems with both the story and art, but overall it was fantastic. I don'tknow if you'll like it the same way I did and maybe me listing everything included in this book will scare you away. Hopefully though, you'll check it out and see for yourself why I'm giving it such high praise.

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There's also information in the backof the book about how you can play Modern Warfare 3 with the creators, youshould do that" I may just try as well. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to goplay MW3 with Eric.

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I'm assuming that this book has been slated for a while inorder to get ahead of the monthly release schedule since one man is doing all the work. Oni ships books on timethat's their goal, so I'll imagine that this too will ship on time with breaksonly for the trade paper backs. There are a lot of great books out this week somake sure that you don't miss this one.

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There is no longer an excuse not to buy this book. It's available in print and shouldn't be too hard to find since there have been multiple printings of the first three issues, but also the book is now available digitally on Comixology. If you're just looking to read the book then pick it up digitally, but I encourage you to get it in print. Moore's Abstract Stuidos publishes some of the best looking books. There's a smell and feel to the paper used that hits you as you flip through the pages and that's obviously something that you won't get digitally. Personally I love the paper stock of the cover and smell associated with Rachel Rising when I read it and will always buy it in print.

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I enjoyed this book a lot. It's not perfect, but the flawsthat it has come across intentional in order to tell the type of story thatRandolph wants to tell and that works for me. As long as they stay consistentwith the story and setting I think that this will be a very different take onsuperheroes and their loved ones for sure. There is a lot more to this bookthan "Lois Lane hanging out with the Justice League's partners" so don'tdisregard it base on that. Boom really surprised me with this title and I likedthat, it's been a while since they really knocked one out of the park with me.

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I'm sure that some will argue with me that this book is notas good as I think it is, that it has a lot of potential but only sets thestage with this issue. They're not wrong, but those are the same points I wouldmake for its brilliance. The world of TheManhattan Projects comes across much bigger than this first issue and that'sno easy feat, yet the creative team has done it in one issue. The potential ofstories is limitless from this point and we didn't hang out and explain theorigin of all of the characters or the series of coincidences that placed ourteam together. Instead we were giving a mystery with loose answers alreadyexplained. If that's not a book you want to read then that's on you, the restof us that want the envelope of comic book storytelling pushed... will happily enjoythis comic.

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The art and writing are still very strong and frankly there isn't much you can say after reviewing two other issues. Again, because it was originally one volume, the art doesn't change or vary the way it typically would in a monthly series. Rather it's a very consistent product that's easy on the eyes and full of rich detail. If you missed the start of the series just buy them digitally or track them down in the back issue bin, it's worth it.

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The Red Ten number 2 does everything it needs to do to keep the entertainment train chugging right along. It also makes strides to get better. So do yourself a favor and check this book out and tell all your friends that can read to pick it up. Hell, tell your friends that can't read to pick it up.

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Overall, the story moves along and grabs enough of your attention to keep reading. The detail in the Transformers is amazing and portrays them realistic. This is a good read for a Transformer fan and the story is still building here. Just a reminder you won't find this book it your LCS it's a digital only and priced to move!

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Overall, Usagi Yomibo was fun. The story was simple, charming and fast. It sets the reader up for another new adventure after this issue and the art was good and tight as well.

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It might be the sixth issue, but if you're like me and new to the series this isn't a bad place to start. Like I said you really get to know the cast of characters and they're settled in to their roles in the story. Sure you may be in the dark on a few details like me, but unless you're going to track down all of the other issues and fall behind even further" you've got to start somewhere. A good read with a dose of maturity that is simply fun.

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All and all this book is great and I can't wait to share it with my son when he gets older. You just can't find many books like that out there. This is a perfect book for all ages. Pick this book up if you can, but it most likely won't be in your local shop. Not to worry though, you can find it online at Indyplanet.com.

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Danger Girl: Revolver is a really odd book for me. Normally I would never give a book like this a look at my LCS. But now that I have, I've come to the conclusion that it's okay to have a comic that's campy cute and tad bit silly. Regardless there is something pretty damn fun with this Danger Girl book.

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Are you kidding me? $.99!! That rips! Check out my interview with David on the site as well.

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If you haven't picked up this series this is a great place to jump on even if you missed last issue. I enjoyed every minute of it and was sad it was over when I finished. I know I say I might be a fanboy of TMNT but this is a really good read and haven't regretted getting the series since #1.

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The average Transformer fan might enjoy this book, but the hardcore fan of Transformer might have a problem with the issue.

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This was one of the stronger volumes of Dark Horse Presents, but it could have been pieced together better. I found it funny that Alabaster was the second to last story when typically it would have been first or second. Granted Mike Mignola isn't going to take second billing, not after everything he's done for Dark Horse and them for him. But I would say that Alabaster is much like Burden of Beasts and should have been at the beginning. There's also a lot of black comedy or attempts at it that just didn't fit in between the more serious stories here. In general this was a good collection, but didn't have the feel that a normal issue of Dark Horse Presents usually has.

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There were a lot of elements of the original story introduced in this issue and it's good to get those done and out of the way. There are a lot of good moments in this issue that will make you smile or chuckle while reading the book, I just wish the story had progressed more. The art and dialog are still as strong as the first issue and I can't wait to see what the third issue has in store. This series was Big Dog Ink's first book to crack the Diamond Comics Top 300, so a big congrats to them and hopefully they'll repeat the success with the second issue.

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This is by far not the best Transformer story out there but at least the art in the book is looking better and now we have Skids to keep my attention. If anything, I might give the third one a shot to see where Skids is going in the story, but all in all this really is a sub-par effort to keep Transformers going without Optimus.

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I don't know if anyone needs a review for B.P.R.D., but I sure enjoy talking aboutthe book. I try to keep the spoilers lite so that the book is still enjoyable,but it's becoming increasingly difficult with this series as "Hell on Earth"continues and we approach "Hellboy in Hell." I can't say that this book is thebest to start on for new readers since I've been reading it for a year now, butI can say that it recaps the last series very well and hints about everythingelse happening in the world. If you still haven't checked out anything from theHellboy-verse I encourage you to give this book a shot. It's some of the bestserial storytelling in comics today.

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I can't say that I was wowed by this book like I was by Prophet, but I did enjoy it a lot. I'lldefinitely be picking up the second issue and will throw a guess out there thatthis is Image's next book to sell out. If you were a fan of the series beforeyou'll definitely dig this next installment of Glory, but if you are like me and this is your first experiencejust know that it's as welcoming to new readers as it is to the old.

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I’m sure everyone will be crapping their pants for this booktoday, but it didn’t grab me. It’s a well-constructed comic for sure. TedMcKeever knows storytelling and how to construct a page that tells a narrativewith the pictures as much as it does with words, but it’s not for me. There isnothing here that I haven’t seen in some form or another somewhere else.Granted this may be your first time reading a book that’s basically the Hulkand not from Marvel; and more power to you if you like it, but I didn’t. Youcan have a fanboy freak out on me if you want, but the fact is I understandeverything this book is trying to do, but that doesn’t make it any good. The art was however... incredible... seriously it was and pun intended.

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I enjoyed this book, I wish that I had caught up soonerwhile reading it so that I could have talked about it more, but that's the wayit is sometimes. If this is your first time reading the series then I would sayyou've made a terrible choice and to go back and read the other eight issuesinstead. Then you can truly enjoy the first great story featuring ProfessorMoriarty solo. Too bad that the book is taking a break, it's understandable afterfinding out how much research and time went into the first two story arcs, butthe industry needs more stories with this much thought and design in order togrow.

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I can see fans of Fablesprobably enjoying this book. Like I said the concept is great and nearly worththe price of the comic alone. It has a lot of work to do in the second issue ifit's going to show its staying power and really hook the readers on the series.

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Overall, Soulfire was okay; nothing too boring, a lot of action and the art was pretty standard. If you follow the series the issue will be a continuation of were you left off otherwise not much else happened in this issue.

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For the fans of the Star Wars franchise, this book is an additional wrinkle in the huge Star Wars lore. The fans will enjoy the book for sure, but for people who just are sticking to the nostalgia of the old series; this book might have some explanation that may not be to your liking.

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I'm not going to go into the art too much. Cloonan's art isperfect for Wood's story and you're either going to hate it or love it. I'm inthe latter. My guess is that the press is going to love this book and others willnot know what the hell to expect. I would just say go in with an open mind andnot let everything you think you know about Conan ruin the experience for you.They're not trying to deliver what you're expecting; they're telling you how itis from this point forward.

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In my review of the first book I went into the story and theart a lot, but I'm not going to here. It's the same product only the story hasprogressed even more. It's a great book and I can't wait to see how the nextissue will unfold. The first issue came off with a touch of Alien and Supernova, while this issue is more like Serenity. Regardless of its influences, this is a good book. If youlike Sci-Fi, you'll like Dark Matter.

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I didn't attend to rant so much about this issue, but I couldn't help it. How can I not talk about something that is so good and gives me so much excitement to talk about? I've enjoyed the B.P.R.D. books leading up to Hellboy in Hell, but Lobster Johnson is by far the best thing to spin out of Hellboy. For my money it may even be better than the original. Lobster Johnson is like Frank Castle with a bigger bank account and more rage and I love that. It's not often that someone makes the Punisher look meh, but this book does it. Pick it up in print or digitally from Dark Horse this week and trust me, this book is damn good.

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Overall this is worth reading. It has a good story that's worth telling and is different from other comics on the market. Personally I'm picking up #2 to see where this leads.

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If you're not reading this book then you are really missingout. I jump for joy when this series releases and before I pick up anythingelse at the comic shop I have this in my hand. I buy a lot of $2.99, $3.50 and$3.99 books and a lot of the time I feel ripped off on the price. This book isworth every penny and is jammed packed with pages. Do yourself a favor and buythis book.

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The story is good and worth the read; you are just going to have to get over the art that goes with it. I know the cover was a different artist and if the art in the book was consistent with the cover it would have worked. I'm hoping Marvel can put a different artist, or at least a more consistent one, to keep this story going. I hate to say it, but you can have a good story in comic but it won't do well if the art doesn't fit. This is definitely one of the better stories put out by Marvel and yes, I'll still be picking up #2.

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There are of course several other stories in the issue andfrankly I skipped the two that I mentioned last time, yet again. I'm reallydigging this compilation of short stories from Dark Horse and hope that the fansare supporting it with sales. I've already read a few stories from future upand comers and would like to see more. This issue has all the hits for sure, but I don't want to seethis book become the zero issue for everything else the company has going. Evenstill this is a very good issue and the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

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This book is definitely my pick of the week. I enjoyed theissue from beginning to end and this series is quickly becoming oneof my all-time favorite comic books. Now that doesn't mean that Deadhorse gets a free pass as I expectthe story to continue to amp up everything that I'm enjoying about it to thenext level. I would hate to see this product plateau and never reach its fullpotential. As usual you will not find Deadhorsein print (not yet anyways), but you can find this 100% indie title on Deadhorse.com or Graphiclyand even DriveThru Comics so check it out this week.

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Phillips' art is still good, but it's the same deal he's nota rookie. This just feels like a safe book. Like neither creator really wantedto put themselves out there with it, but rather see if it took off. Well ithas, which is a shame because I would much rather them create something they'repassionate about and there is no passion in this series. Although I'm sureseveral people will talk about it as if it were amazing and changed comics, ithasn't" and won't. If for some reason you loved the first issue than you'll digthis one, it's more of the exact same. Personally, I'm not interested orimpressed.

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That's about all you can really say about this issue due to the fact that is so action orientated. It's not a secret but I'm going to say it again, I have enjoyed the hell out of this series and from some of the responses on the site a lot of you guys have too. Simply put Luther is a ton of fun to read. A few things that help it reach such a plateau is that the series has had some of the best pacing that I've read in a while, match that with Tradd Moore's kick-ass art, Justin Jordan's cool story and The Strange Talent of Luther Strode is the reason you read comics. Now all they have to do is not fuck up the last issue/the ending and you'll have a comic classic. Believe!

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The bottom line is that The Red Ten is a superhero retelling of Agatha Christie's classic novel "And Then There Were None" and that's pretty cool.

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The story is stimulating and perfect. The art is gorgeousand perfect. If ever an issue deserved a perfect score, it's this one. Buy thisbook, tell your friends and enjoy a comic book that should be studied andbroken down page by page.

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If I had to be nit picky, it was a tad too chatty at times and I wasn't crazy about her narration. Due to the fact she'd pretty much say what the narration box just stated. The art was pretty consistent and I won't mention the covers because they all kick ass! Man, did they make Alice hot. Did I mention that Alice was a babe? No, really.

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The writing and art are still very solid, but I have to downgrade them both this issue. The past five issues have been either fives or foursand this issue just isn't up to par which is a bummer. Even still the book isbetter than a lot of other titles out there and worth picking up. I'm not surethat this issue is the start of new storyline as it feels as if we're justgoing to keep going with each new chapter. I like that a lot, it breaks fromthat feeling of the six issue story arc that has taken over the storytellingart form of comics. For that it gets kudos, but I really hope the next issue isbetter.

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There's not much to say about this issue other than the factthat it was very good, very enjoyable and has gotten its hooks even deeper intome. I truly enjoy the setting and the plot device driving the story. The nextissue especially looks promising as the stage is set for even more tragedy. Alsoit's worth noting that each chapter seems to take on a different genre, whichmakes the next issue even more interesting. If you enjoyed the first issue thenyou'll like this one just as much, but if you missed it you'll need to pick itup digitally to know what you're missing.

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Seeley and Bernard have succeeded yet again in creating aninteresting story with acute details that rejuvenate a franchise that was suffocatingwith the same story sequence month end and month out. This also shows that youdon't need to restart a book in order to give it a fresh start (talking to youMarvel, DC needed that shit). Instead with intelligent writing and a strongartistic partnership you can transform a book that most had written off as a "saferead", to a fantastic monthly comic.

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I'm not going to lie and say that this was the best book Iever read, but it was very entertaining. It's an interesting experiment in theworld of comics and I'm curious to see how it turns out. The cover price is abit pricey, but when you look at the amount of A-List talent associated withthe book it's not too much of a surprise. If you missed this book you should still be able topick it up at a local comic shop since it wasn't available from Imagedigitally. If you're curious or a fan of Manga then check it out.

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I have to say I was really surprised by this book and I'mlooking forward to the next issue. This is in fact the first Marvel title thatI've been excited for in a year and hopefully they don't screw it up. If it stays in thisbubble away from the rest of the Marvel Universe and especially the Avengersand Spider-man then it has the potential to be really, really good. It's sogood and I really enjoyed reading a Spider-Man-esc book again and actuallyliking it. They may have changed the Scarlet Spider and totally fucked up PeterParker, but I'm really like this new take on what's become a throwawaycharacter.

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Ferals wasn't a hit out of the park for me, I had to re-read it and sit on it before I really could decide if I liked it or not. Ultimately though, I liked it and I'm looking forward more to the next issue. There's definitely a lot of typical horror story setup in the issue, but I'm hoping that it pays off in a way only Lapham can deliver.

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Thisbook may not be a game changer but it's refreshing to what's out there. A definiterecommendation if you enjoy these types of stories. I enjoyed see that its magic set againstmagic with humans in the middle and not magic against humans. If anything if you enjoy comic art take alook it pretty darn good.

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The book looks good for the most part; there are a fewhiccups in art department but nothing major. There is something actuallyentertaining about this book. It's mindless and full of one-liners andexplosions, but is still pretty good. At the very least it's better than thatshitty trailer for the second movie coming out this year. Lastly, you don'treally need to have read the first two parts to know what's going on, but it wouldprobably help in the long run of the story line.

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Like I said, I missed the Danger Girl extravaganza back in the day and this is my first time really digging in with the book and you know what? It wasn't too bad and it looks like I'm ready to check out issue two, three and four. But that's it, because it's only going to four. Unless this sells like a mofo!

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The art is as good as I remember it and really this bookseems to be hitting a new stride that's refreshing. If like me you gave up onthis series or just fell out of love with it, then I recommend giving thisissue a shot. The concept of the monsters alone is worth the price of thepurchase. I for one will be back next month to continue the adventure andlooking forward to what awaits.

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I'm sure that there are a lot of comic readers today likemyself that never got into the Extreme line of books and only remember CaptainAmerican Fighting American. Though I hate Liefeld's art if he really played ahand in creating this world then hey" good for us right? Good in the way thatsomeone else saw its potential and delivered a fantastic story which isprobably one of the best of the week. So give Liefeld some money because thisis actually worth it.

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This isthe story that has so much potential to bring back the old fans that have disappeared. It doesn't feel watered down. The art goeswell and sets up mood, grittiness and power. This is a good start in the rightdirection after Hollywood took over. It'seven better because it doesn't take place with the other two booksreleasing. I would definitely read thefirst issue but its digital so you won't find it at your local shop. Let's hope this stays strong and finishes aswell as it starts.

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I pretty much gave you my conclusionin the intro but I'll try to be different. Its both the writing andthe art that really sets this comic apart. Lemire will certainly haveyou enthralled with this story that he has brewing and Foreman's artbrings it to life. I truly recommend this and if you have not yet gotit, then please do so. You are doing yourself a favour and you willnot regret it.

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It may sound strange to recommend the end of a story arc,but that's what I'm going to do. I really can't say that it's important to readevery issue since you can more than likely read just the first issue and last.I didn't get the impression that a lot happened in-between. The next story arcis "Beauty and the Beast" whichlooked more like a follow up to Red Riding Hood than anything else. At the veryleast I'll check it out on good faith from this issue though.

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I'm not going to make you read another long paragraph abouthow well the story and art is, you should know that by now if you've beenreading the reviews. I will continue to say that this is a great series and eventhough it's following an obvious formula, it's more about the journey than itis the execution. I get the strong feeling that a lot of people aren't readingthis series and they need to pull their head out of their asses and check itout already. I promise you there's no glitter inside.

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I know that I gush about the Hellboyverse a lot, but thereis a reason that this franchise has lasted this long" it's that damn good. Whatother franchise has lasted this long while existing as mini-series and oneshots? I doubt you could come up with another title. If you like Hellboy, crimefighting, pulp or sassy reporters that actually talk like reporters than givethis book a shot. If you don't like things that are good then pull your headout of your ass and give this book a shot any ways. If anything you should checkit out for the amazing last panel of the book.

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I cannot give this book a good score which is a shame sinceit started off with high marks. I personally bought the first two issues, but Iwill not be picking up the last issue. If you're a completionist or really needto finish the series than go for it; for everyone else I would again justrecommend the trade which will give you a much fuller reading experience, butas a standalone issue though it's not very good and in general the ending brings down the quality of the series.

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Overallit's a good book to read and if you're looking for a new Star Wars series trythis one. Me I may pick up the secondbook to see how it progresses. It wasjust a very average book for me. I'mwaiting for a Star Wars bounty hunter series out there which I hear there is onecoming out.

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This is a great week for comics and this book is definitely ahighlight within that week. It has story, action and intensity while stayingtrue to the spy genre. In my last review I implied that this book reinvents thegenre, but now I would have to say that it doesn't. It just does it right forthe first time since coming to comics. Make a note everyone, if you want tomake a spy comic" this series is your bible.

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This is part two of "Total Darkness" which I'm guess willtake the series up to 100. That said this is where I've started with the bookcompletely missing the previous issue and frankly it sounds like it was mostlyfighting and brawling. I'd recommend starting on this book if you want to be onboard for the landmark issue. If you've stopped reading the series because youfelt it was stale then I encourage you to give it another shot. Hester is doingsome great things with this character that will change the course of the bookfor years to come.

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If you like Sci-Fi, but like me avoid Sci-Fi comics like the plaguethen don't avoid this book. This is probably one of the most interesting Sci-Fipremises to hit comics in years and I can't wait to see how it concludes in thefourth issue. Even if you're not a Sci-Fi fan I would still recommend this booksince it's so well put together.

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I wish Ihad more to tell but there isn't it took five issues to set up backgroundstories. Which can be interesting on their own, but it just wasn't always easyto follow. I wish I could say this willbring you back to the Red Lanterns if you left but it won't. This issue justsums up previous issues and maybe now we can finally get to a real story ofinterest.

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I could continue to gush about this book, but I won't. Iwill demand that you either pull up Graphicly on your tablet or smart phone andplop down the dollar it costs for the issue, or head over to Eric and Phil'ssite Deadhorse.com and purchase it directly from them. Whichever way you choosejust do it. The third issue isn't out yet, but when it is you can bet your assI'll be there to read it and every issue after.

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When it all comes down to it this issue of The Theater: The Hole is in good company when it comes to an awesome story. Most of all, this is the kind of books I want Zenescope to do all of the time!

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I'm enjoying this book and I'm still looking forward to thenext issues. My hope is that Nelson has some surprises in store for the readerdown the road. In these early issues its okay to set the stage and have some ofthe "usual", but that's not going to cut it with future issues. If you'relooking for a good hack and slash sword book though this is the one grab.

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The thing about MudMan is that it isn't perfect, it has room to grow and really it's still somethingvery special. It's a comic that I want to see mature from issue to issue. Iwant to find out where it will be in twenty plus issues because it's strangelyunique. This issue may not have grabbed me as much as the first did, but it wasstill a heck of a read. Again, this is something special in the comic industrytoday and you want to get in on it before its everywhere and you're left in the mud.

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This book is a little disappointing since it's important tothe genre as I started off saying; I don't think that it will turn a lot ofheads or really hook new readers onto pulp the way that Criminal did, but fans of the genre will still get new entry intheir library. In all honestly this book will probably just sell based onthe names of the creators alone (we all know how I feel about that), butthankfully it's at least worthy of your money for other reasons this time.

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This is was a good issue andexactly what I've come to expect from LDP.I may not have loved the interaction with Jazz, but that's the sign of a greatbook; when it takes the path of most resistance rather than giving you theending that you want. This might not be the best jumping on point for newreaders, but even if you start here you'll get enough recap of the previousevents through the dialog and honestly you should still feel the emotion of theending. If you chose to wait then you'll be able to jump on with the nextissue.

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This book surprised me a lot with a good story, the rightamount of sex and stunning art. The best part is that it's actually a standaloneissue and though you don't get a great recap of the world and charactersrelationships, it's enough to get you to the next issue. Personally I'll bechecking out the previous issues as well to see if I've been missing somethinggood and actually look forward to the next month's issue was well.

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I've collected Witchbladeoff and on since Marz took over on the series, but I could never get back intoit the way I had before his start. With Seeley and Bernard though, I'm actuallyexcited to read Witchblade again forthe first time in years. This book is the top notch quality it should be andthough some long time readers may be turned off at first, I think the largerappeal for the series is there as long as the book ships on time.

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Again I ask "why haven't you picked this book up yet?" I say it's a must have and a great point to pick up because the new story line is about to start.

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The third issue has a guest appearance that leaves you wondering about the series, I'll see how it pans out but I'm on the fence with this one so far. The comic is different from other new 52 titles with art that has just enough push to keep me interested. I'll say it's not the strongest first issue I've read, though more could have been done to set up the overall story they're aiming for. The little that's given should be enough to keep the reader's attention.

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I almost feel guilty telling you that this book is onlyavailable digitally right now" and that it's free! Head over tothe Deadhorse site to get the full scoop, but you can pick it up pretty quickfrom Graphicly. The second issue is also available there for just a dollar; Istrongly suggest you check it out considering I'll be reviewing it later thisweek as well. Overall this book is pretty damn good and I'm looking forward tofuture issues already.

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I didn't go into this book expecting much to be honest. Thecover really put me off as it looked like a bad scene from a horror movie.Instead I found a book that has its faults, but was actually very enjoyable.Lobdell may not be perfect, but this is leaps and bounds better than Superboy. Long time Fathom fans will be happy with this issue, but new readers shouldn't be afraid to check it out either.

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There is no love lost between the between the Turtles and the Bastards, so it shouldcome as no surprise that this book was very good. It was simple, but at thesame time very deep with character development. If you've enjoyed IDW's Turtles so far, then this is anotherworthy addition to the team.

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I liked this issue; it was fun and had some cool moments. Iwish the B.P.R.D. liaison didn't act like a child and throw their gun on theground (which would have fired a round), but hey" that's what they chose to do.Again this issue felt stretched out and I didn't get that typical feelassociated with Hellboy or B.P.R.D. It was bright and not very uglyand frankly those are two things that usually aren't apart of these series. Ifyou've been reading since the beginning then you've already got the book anddon't care about a damn thing I'm saying, if not then maybe wait until it'sfinished to dive in to get your Hellboyverse fix.

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That’s all the run down I’ll be giving, but I also enjoyed Dog Mendonca and Pizza Boy and the latest chapter of Finder as well. This was a very good issue and I’m glad that Dark Horse has continued to put new talent and established talent in the series. I may not personally dig each story, but the quality and care of each story tells me that it’s not just filler. I missed Sour Apples and hope to see its return or for it to get its own series, but hey that’s way off subject. If you want a good mixture of stories that will keepyou entertained and give you the most story for your money then this is the series. Pick it up in print or in digital format this week.

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I had no idea this book existed until today and frankly I'mglad that I gave it a shot. If you're into mysteries and love series like Fables or House of Mystery then this is definitely a bookworth checking out. I also have to give kudos to IDW for putting this book outand hope to see similar efforts like this in the future.

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If you missed Who IsJake Ellis then do not miss TheActivity, not only does this book have the same level of excitement, butEdmondson has already hinted that this series has legs meaning it's not goinganywhere. If you've been reading any of the New 52 books dealing withclandestine groups and spies, then do yourself a favor and pick up a true "spy"book and see what the world outside of spandex is really like.

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Thankfully Dark Horse adapted this from the novel Ura-Enma by Fumi Nakamura and did afantastic job of making it work in the US format. The translation is smooth andmakes sense from beginning to end. Really at the end of the day its Highlander set in Japan with aBatman/Joker (you created me, I created you) element to it that makes itinteresting and a fun read.

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Straightand to the point this book is about the Doctor saving Christmas. The styling of the art is very Saturdaymorning cartoon-ish, but it works for this one shot. I like this book because there is no dialogand it flows from frame to frame, making for a fun quick read that's enjoyable for theholidays.

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To sum it up the story is a good starting point forthe book and I hope it gets faster moving. It's a simple enough book and far enough side story you really don'tneed to be involved with other Star War books, but I'm sure it will add to other storylines down the road. If you enjoy Star Warsside stories then pick this up. If you prefer the regular Star Wars then judgefor yourself. Me on the other hand I'llpick up the next issusse to see how the story progresses and see if it willcapture even more of my attention.

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If you're a fan of Godzilla or more importantly, Rodan then you'll probably enjoy the book. The art is good, but wespend too much time with the humans and not enough seeing Rodan jacking shitup. Also the variant cover is terrible and if you actually buy it I feel sorryfor you. It's not a great issue, but it's entertaining and sometimes that's allyou need from a comic. Hopefully the next issue with Titanosaurus is betterthan the first two, but more than likely it will be along the same lines.

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This continues to be a good book, but I feel like each issuespends a lot of time explain the world they live in rather than showing me howthe world is. I still really like it and enjoy the story and art, but I'mhoping that with the fourth issue we'll kick off something new and stop livingin the past that created the world. All-in-all though, this is a good damn bookthat you should check out. Again this book is available in print and digitaltoday as Dark Horse goes "day and date" with all of their releases. If youmissed the first two they're worth

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For only a dollar how can you not pick this book up thisweek? Sure if you buy it digitally you'll have to pay full price, but still it'sworth it (although if you buy it digitally you could win the entire series). This book has a very strange team working on it; on paper it seemslike they shouldn't mesh, but they in fact work very well together. I'm lookingforward to seeing the second issues progression and even checking out the novelas well. That's been one thing about Dark Horse's latest novel adaptations;they make you want to read the book and the comic and its usually one or the other.

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There's not much new that I can say about this issue in wayof the writing from Charles Soule (Strongman)or the art from Renzo Podesta. Everything continues to be just as good as theissue before and really the entire series has been consistent and spectacular.Upon finishing this book I was left with goose bumps it was that good. Now I'mstuck waiting for the third series which better happen or I'll be crushed. Ifyou missed this series then really you need to find it and check it out as itis one of the best Shadowline books out there. I wish there was more I couldsay about it without spoiling everything that makes it special so just check itout already.

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If you missed the first issue I have to ask why, because itwas only a dollar? If you can still find it then pick it up, but otherwise DarkHorse is officially "day and date" digital today so you'll be able to get thefirst and second issue on their app store (which is very improved). If you like print like me then pickit up as well, the story is progressing at a slow rate and the subtle recapwithin the narration will get you up to speed on everything from the firstissue issue.

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This isstill some of Francis Manapul's (TheFlash) best work. He seriously needs to track down Christelle Moulart andask her to color all of his books. Her colors bring his artwork to life and make itlook better than his first run on Flashbefore the reboot. Really this is an art book since the story is just okay, butthe art brings you back for more. If you dug the first issue or just want tosee how it ends then pick up this ported adaptation from Boom! Studios.

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To sum up Aquaman so far an enjoyable read and worth a shot. My only worry... what will happen if Johns drops from this one like he did on The Flash. Grab a copy on enjoy or let the hazing begin because well it's Aquman.

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Overallthe book adds to the existing and progresses the story very well. I still recommend it to those who want amini-series to read. I you can find #1pick it up set up this book perfectly and #2 feed off #1 perfectly. I can'twait to see how it ends and so far doesn't disappoint.

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Honestly if you're going to pick up a book about fightingthis week pick up The Strange Talent ofLuther Strode. It's also from Image and it's a far better story thatactually understands the art of storytelling. All that this bookproves is that just because you can talk intelligently about comic books doesnot mean you understand the craft of storytelling which is very apparently missing from thisbook. This is the second issue and I have no idea what the point of this seriesis. Does Oren's brother die or something? Does he have a fall from grace? Really I have noidea why I would check issue three out unless I want to continue seeingeverything go this guy's way.

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In an old school comic book kind of way it handles the subject of being a victimized; be it bullying or domestic the book handles it in way that keeps a relatable anchor even though it's just a comic book. When you're being pushed around in any facet of their life, who doesn't think of want to punch a head or two off?

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For a dollar you can't go wrong with this issue, but Ireally think that the ground work to something cool has been planted in thisfirst issue and that the second will be worth the full cover price. All thename drama aside this is a great book for Boom! to end the year on. It's anoriginal IP, it's only a dollar and it uses its stable of talent to keepeverything in company. Plus if you're a cover whore you've got plenty to pickfrom, so grab yourself a copy already.

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Now tothe heart of issue four is the art. Theart is great and captures all the action and the story. The art portrays the action and flow frompanel to panel. The layout of all the art just helps the flow of the story. There is a few panels I wouldn't mind having as a poster. Taking a look back you could get most of thisbook without the dialog which to me is awesome. The coloring fits well to set mood and time of days in the back groundscene. And yes I still love the gritty art style. It all fit together. Overallissue four fit perfectly with the first three and can't wait for the rest. It finishes off the small story of Raphaeland set the tone for the bigger picture. I look forward to reading more andhope it doesn't fall off like some of the other reboot cartoons. I recommend it to new readers of TMNT and oldfans.

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I honestly cannot find anything wrong with this series. If you have not yet picked it up, then do so coz you're missing out on what could be one of the best series from DC (let's hope I don't get proved wrong and it fails). You will enjoy it if you're a fan of Lemire's or Animal Man. Even if you are normally a dedicated Marvel fan, seriously check this out.

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I didn’t fall in love with the book initially; it was good but obviously had some roughness to it. The comedy hits too quickly barely leaving you the chance to forget the last joke and in general I wasn’t too surewhere the story was going. But for an indie self-published book you could have fooled me due to its production value. I would definitely pick up the next issue, but I don’t know if the series would be for everyone. I think it will find its niche in comics, but it’s hard to see it being widely accessible for everyone. If you’re curious and hopefully you are, then you can buy the issue at Marc’s site www.manfromspace.co.uk and yes he does ship to the states from the UK so check it out in print. But soon enough you’ll also be able to get the book digitally on DriveThru Comics and on Graphicly (Probably the better of the two), so keep an eye out!

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Petersen's style is still impeccable. His amount of detailis amazing and always impresses me how much the art plays into the tone of theseries. I like Mouse Guard because asall ages friendly the book is, it has a very dark undertone to it. The only wayI can describe the feeling of the book is to compare it to Dark Crystal, very creepy but yet so hopefully. Petersen'sstorytelling and art may not have made leaps and bounds since the last issue,but it continues to pave the way for MouseGuard to become a classic. If you've been following the series then keepreading it's worth it and if you haven't then you're in luck because each issueof Mouse Guard is very accessible.

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I've been interested in Rust since Archaia announced it at Wonder Con this year and I have to say I'm more interested in the next volumethan I ever was in this one. That is to say that this first volume was so goodthat I'm hooked on the series and will be waiting with baited breath for itsreturn. This is a solid all-ages book that is simple enough for children andyet if you dig deeper you'll find its very complex for adults as well. Don'tlet the "source material" fool you; this book is far more complex.

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The creative teams of writer Brian Lynch and artist FrancoUrru do a great job of continue the success from the ongoing. Urru's art styleis very different from Duncan's, but it works in a positive way and plays toLynch's story the way it needs to. I would have to say that as good as thestory is there was a lot of art and very little story or dialog, when there wassome it was quite good but there needed to be a better balance between thedialog and the captions. Otherwise Lynch and Urru have added a noteworthychapter to the Turtles story. This week doesn't have a lot of stuff coming out,but I recommend picking up both issues of Turtles and stop back for Eric'sreview of the fourth issue with his fresh prospective.

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I skipped reviewing the last issue because sometimes you don'twant to share your favorite book with everyone. This book sits very near thetop of my list of favorite series and it has a certain effect on me that Ihaven't had since Blue Monday, inwhich I want everyone to read and enjoy the series but wish I could keep it allto myself. With this third issue I just couldn't see myself not sharing howgood the book is with everyone. Lastly this issue should give away the theme tothe covers for the second series (not that it's really been a secret), so lookback at the first two issues and figure it out. In the meantime, it should be ano-brainer that you need to pick this book up this week and frankly if it wasn'treleasing tomorrow I wouldn't even bother going to the comic shop.

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All flattery aside this is one of my favorite comics on themarket and no that's not just because it's published by Oni Press. I feelbehind on the story as you can probably imagine, but now that I'm caught upagain this book has found its way to the top of monthly pile. This is a weirdweek for comics as a whole, but it has several great indie books releasing sotake this opportunity to jump on one of the few monthly independently producedcomics on the market.

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Ienjoyed the book and look forward to more. I enjoyed how it flows even though it jumps around. I also don't feel lostbecause I'm picking it up now and not when it started. The one down fall is it didn't capture me ina way where I couldn't put the book down. The title "The Day Before Yesterday" and the time made it feel like Law & Order I was waiting for the sound effects afterward It a great book and for new comers and I assumethe long time readers already know.

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I would recommend a read on thisbook because it shows a turning point and bring in the flow of the story to theconflict and the climax. It's a good issue and worth read if you haven't readthe first two. I started out thinking I'mnot too sure how this is going to turn out to lets read more.

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I don't say this often, but if you're going to buy one comicthis week it should be Mud Man. Thisbook is not to be missed and if you don't grab this first issue I guarantee you'llbe kicking yourself when everyone is talking about it six months down the road and other newspublications are shouting that they knew about it first. This is your chance,right here, don't miss this book. It's one of my favorite things as a reviewerto finish a book and know exactly what score to give a book which was the case with Mud Man because it was that damn good.

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If you're a Godzilla fan then go ahead and buy this issue. It has great art and few panels of monster fights are definitely worth the price of admission and let's be honest; you're going to buy it any ways. Personally though I was hoping for it to be more entertaining then it was. I think that the ongoing really nailed what a Godzilla comic should be and that this book fell really short of that mark. In the end the cover should have probably said, "Featuring A Whinny Scientist" rather than Anguirus.

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I absolutely do not like it when a the smartest character inthe book that's kept others from making mistakes, makes the biggest mistake ofthem all. What's worse is that in this issue it's just to prove themselvesright since they were already free of the situation they felt stuck in before.I can't say that I'll be back for the next issue, I think that my journey endsright here. The writers of the book said from the beginning that they wanted asense of dread and suspense to flow throughout the book and to be honestthey were doing a fantastic job until this issue. The sense of dread, thedanger is gone and regardless if the story ends with a happy ending it will nothave the same meaning as it once did. Others may read this book and think thatit's great and if you want more details from me after reading it for yourself,head back here and I'll tell you why this issue broke the "rules" of its own storyand thus left me the reader alienated.

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I loved this book, it's a great read and if you can find it pick it. It brought back me back tothe times of watching the Planet of The Ape marathons with my dad. I look forward toreading more and how this story progresses in the second issue.

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So fans of Stan Lee, its a yes. Fans of X Japan and Yoshiki in particular its a yes. A fan of Todd McFarlane? Well its a yes for them as well. I can see potential cliches happening with this mini-series but it was still a good read.

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This issue of LooseEnds didn't appeal to me as much as the last issue, but it's still a greatbook which you'll find for yourself when you pick it up. The simple fact thatthe art tells you the story gives the book almost an adult cartoon feel to it(minus the gratuitous sex) proves how good it is. There is just something about this comic that keepsme thinking about it and recommending it as it really transcends any othercomic out there. I truly believe that LooseEnds will be a book that the industry looks back at years later as anexample of when the medium changed.

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I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. It definitely has themes geared towards a younger audience, but the addition of historical events gives the teen vampire take something new and different. Frankly I kind of forgot that it was a vampire book until someone within the story brought it up. Also I think this was a great book to adapt in comic form as it has the potential to bring new readers to comics, particularly women and show them that comics are not all spandex, bondage and reboots.

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I wish that there was more character development since rightnow I could go either way on caring about the death of one of the characters,and trust me one of them is dying soon. I am enthralled in the world that'sbeen created and the ideas of the new technology and the wilderness. But inorder to continue being a good comic the plot will have to catch up with theworld or readers will start to focus on everything but the charactersstruggles.

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If you're looking for a superhero book that just focuses onbeing a hero, beating the bad guys and doesn't worry about collateral damage,police interference and most of all mega-super crossover events then pick upCritter asap. It's a fun book that still takes the world and the danger veryseriously, but it captures a different experience when compared to othersuperhero books today. I wouldn't call it old-fashion as some might say, but itjust doesn't focus on cramming the real world into the book but rather lets itbe a good work of fiction.

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The writing and art is still very good and you can check outthe review for the third issue if you want to read me gushing over it again.Otherwise it's still very good and frankly it has a really high productionvalue for an indie book. I think that's something that has always set Big DogInk and Critter apart from othercompanies and books trying to do the same thing, is the production value. If you've been reading Critter then you'rein store for some changes, but not every change is bad and Hutchison has a goodtrack record thus far. The book is going to continue as an ongoing and Ibelieve will return in 2012 with the fifth issue so expect more Critter in the future.

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I'm gonna collect the rest of the series and I'm interested on seeing how the events play out. And I wanna know what this "Key of Z" might be, if its anything at all. I think I know what it might be but I may be proved wrong. I do recommend this series to any fan of zombies. Get them before someone does a "Twilight" to them.

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Rachel Rising isoff to a very interesting start and frankly if you haven't heard about it untilnow then you're even further behind then I am. After finishing the first issueI'm going to be tracking down the next two issues that are already out and frankly youshould join me in picking them up.

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When I started reading I felt great, a comic about MMA trying reach a fan base that usually dogs on us comic kids. I was starting to expect a character of a total tool and "broseph" mentality, but later as I read I was wondering was this going to be just an MMA story? The story is rather a story about Oren trying to find himself and not feel empty. The black and white gritty art goes very well with the story. It captures the emotion of the characters and the feel of the scenes of the arena, office and gym. There is one thing I question is "Rooster's" fangs and why they might be highlighted in the beginning? I guess we'll have to wait till the second issue to find out.

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I'm glad I read this book and even gladder that I reviewed it. I think talking about it allowed me a great chance at digesting it and really deciding if I like it. The over all plot may not be the most original story, but the execution and characters made it a great read. I hope that future issues have more character moments that break from the story like this issue did and I'm looking forward to having that mysterious night explained as well... if the characters don't all die in the process. If Flash and 7 Warriors were both out this week I would tell you only to buy 7 Warriors, but since you only have one choice pick the book up.

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I did enjoy looking at the art in the book though the drawings are amazing and add a lot of features and depth to the characters. The color are full on vibrant that just sets the scene and mood in the story. The color set is used to place which side of the magic each character is on. I also enjoyed how some of the characters are drawn and the life behind them. The best in my opinion is the dark creatures with no face, just power. Overall I would rate 2.5 out 5 with the art saving it from going lower

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The first issue was very popular in shops which gave it asecond print that I believe is coming out at the same time as the second issue.Frankly I really like the book, it's not perfect, but it's pretty close. It hasa strong narration; interesting characters and frankly it cool idea and awesomepresentation. In a way this is a superhero book without a superhero, sure the glimpseinto the future shows that the story settles on to the anti-hero path but forright now it's this weird genre defying book that is really cool. If you canfind a first print get it, but even if you can only wrestle up a second print Iwould take it just to read this book.

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I'm sold on this book and I can't wait to read the next issue. I wonder with the series popularity if an ongoing will spring out of this mini or if the story is self-contained so much that it can't be expanded on. I would almost prefer for it to end when it's supposed to, but money and success has ways of changing stories. One thing for sure is that this is one of the best books of 2011 and you don't want to miss out on it any more than you have already.

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In general this book wasn't the exciting first issue it should have been. This book is kicking off new uncharted waters for the X-Men and really it felt like a return to the same old, same old. Even the art was flat and uninspired and very reminiscent of Bachalo's first run on Uncanny X-Men. I don't know what's wrong with the X-Men, but they seem very broken and this new direction of "Blue and Gold" 90's throw back isn't fixing anything. If Marvel really wants this to succeed they should probably have ended all of the other X-Men books such as: X-Men, X-Men: Legacy and Astonishing X-Men. These titles alone weaken the infrastructure that they're trying to rebuild and leaves the whole "Blue and Gold" concept just as out of touch as this book is. Also, can someone tell me which team this is? Blue or Gold?

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This review is going to be short and sweet and let me justsay it's worth picking up for the last two pages alone. It's just a reallygreat character moment between two of the BPRD's best. Again, there isn't muchto say about the creative team, they deliver a great product that is wellpolished and a joy to read. If you're into the Hellboy-verse then pick it upand if you're not then go pick up another issue telling some superheroes originfor the fourth time. Like I said, short and sweet.

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If you missed this series then at least pick it updigitally. The first issue is available through Graphicly and I'm sure thesecond issue will hit once the third releases, as is the norm. It's seriouslyone of the best action comics you'll read and puts that other book that hogsthe entire genre's name to shame. No one is putting out books like this except12 Gauge and I hope that they keep on pumping them out!

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You have to give IDW credit for really putting out a greatproduct that continues to please and excite the way Turtles has for threemonths now. Already people are tired of talking about DC and yet the Turtlesbuzz continues each month. If you're buying the book then this is definitely apayoff issue that sets the stage for the fourth issue to be even bigger andmore action packed. What are you waiting for already, buy the damn book!

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This is a good book and my only grip is that it may overshadow the first issue. It's short, interesting and beautifully drawn. There isan underlining sense that this comic is being used as a jumping off point for amovie and even if that's all it is, this is still a great product with a greatteam assembled. The first issue has its work cut out for it, but you can beatyour ass I'll be there for it.

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This title just premiered at New York Comic Con over the weekend and I have to say I wish I picked up my copy there. Instead I will track it down via the internet or more than likely bugging my local comic shop to order it for it's official release and so should you! This was a great book, not surprisingly great as Big Dog Ink has frankly never let me down. They really have a great balance of characters, story, art and sex appeal that a lot of other companies just can't seem to do. If you're not a fan of Oz adaptions (probably due to that Syfy crap mini-series) then I'm with you, but this book is taking only a dash of that and creating something fun and interesting with gun-play and action. What's not to love about that?

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Theater number one is a great comic book. It felt like it hit a spot that horror comics books sorely needed again. What spot is that you ask? If you're a true horror fan or just a real comic book fan you'll know that spot when you read it.

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I'm sure that others will say that this book is in fact brilliant while others will make the easy joke saying that it is anything but. I'll take a different route and say I understand why the name was picked, but if you're going to be cocky enough to title it that you should make sure you deliver a product that changes the course of comics. Instead Bendis is taking an old concept of science creating super powers and putting it in a modern setting.

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This is a pretty entertaining book and I'm looking forwardto the next chapter. It may not strike me on every chord, but it does a lotright and I think that makes it worth picking up. After reading fifty-two firstissues from the "Big Two", I found it very refreshing to pick up somethingsomewhat familiar and have it surprise me by how good it was. If you findyourself in the same boat then check out Kult#3.

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Did you miss the first two issues of this series? Well you'rein luck because they're both available digitally on Graphicly and Comixology,where" this issue is also available today. That's right Severed is one of the newest titles added to Image's Day-and-Dateinitiative and frankly it's a worthy addition. So, if you missed it you now haveno excuse as to why you're still missing one of the best books of 2011.

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I've always said that I never read too much B.P.R.D. and what little I did, Iquickly discovered that I wasn't a big fan of Abe's. I just never got into hischaracter and so I wasn't expecting much from this issue. Fortunately, Abe andcompany didn't care about me liking them and delivered a great story thatheavily connects to the bigger stories happening throughout the Hellboy-verse.If you've been digging Hellboy and B.P.R.D. then picking up this book is ano brainer.

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In general this issue was a good experiment, but the groundwork needed to be laid sooner in the series. Having Iris take over on thenarration was a strong shift and it almost made me forget what book I wasreading. This issue plus the next come across more like their own two issuemini that wraps up the three issue crossovers and frankly if that had done thatit would have worked better. Part of me really liked this book, but I was leftwith too many questions. How long was Iris under control for? Why should I carethat she's being betrayed? How the hell do they know that she's swaying fromthe programing when she is still treading alone as if everything was normal?Just too many plot holes in this issue that I think could have been handledbetter. Still as far as crossovers go I'm really interested in seeing how thisbad boy ends and hopefully it won't disappoint.

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If you like Ghostbusters and can overlook the art then pickthis puppy up. If you're kind of tired of 80's adaptations regardless of who'sdoing them, the feel free to pass. The story is decent, but so far it hasn'tshown that it's going to revolutionize the Ghostbustersand frankly anything that it does will just be erased by the next company totake a stab at the series. The books getting a pretty low score, but that's notjust due to the issues I took with the book its because this isn't a very strongadaptation it's hard to say that it's for everyone. Ghostbusters is already a niche series; add the fact that it's incomic form with cartoon images and it's difficult to say that this is foreveryone.

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This book is going to be Dark Horse's first day and datedigital book, but interesting enough they're offering an incentive to people tobuy the book in print for $1 if they pre-order. I don't know if you actuallyhave to pre-order, but I would say it's worth looking into. The book, eventhough devoid of hope, has a lot of interesting aspects to it that if playedright could make it one of the stronger series to premier this year in comics.Whether you buy it in print or digital, just know that it's worth the money either way.

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This series may already be on the fourth issue, but I don't seethe point of reading anymore. I already know what happens and Marvel'smarketing machine wouldn't let you not know, even if I wanted. The biggestproblem I had with this book was that Cyclops and Wolverine got along reallywell. It's completely against their characters since they've always butted heads;it's what kept each character in line. But here" they're friends and I findthat less believable than the entire world armed with Sentinels. I do stillagree with everything Aaron said about Alan Moore though, even if I don't likehis writing he's still right in that regard.

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Are you reading B.P.R.D.?Then keep reading it. If you're not, but you're interested then really you canjump on with the start of every new series. There is always a recap of eventsat the beginning of the book and usually the characters dialog will fill in anyother blanks that you need in a very seamless way. Frankly, I'm suffering from"reboot fatigue" and have been enjoying books that aren't about superheroes. Ifyou're fatigued as well, but have stumbled back into comics recently then takea look at the Hellboy-verse.

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The writing and stories for this issue were all top of theline and made for a great read. I liked the small collection of stories that ithad as it made it easy to digest and not so dependent upon stretching a story for issue sake.The smaller chunks of storytelling really seemed to focus the creators so thatthey would put their best work into each story. Even though it's already onissue 4 this is a great place to jump on the series as several new tales arebeginning that you won't want to miss out on.

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This series has felt more like a series of one shots thatjust happen to fit together, which is kind of cool. It makes it easy to jump onand off the series and not feel like you've missed anything vital as was thecase with me and this issue. Sure it's issue two, but I was still able tofollow along with the story and enjoy it. I actually enjoyed it a lot andthat's saying a lot for not having read the previous issue. Lobdell may havejumped ship to more corporate seas, but his work at Aspen has been top-notchand well worth reading.

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This is a very solid issue and really shows the bookspotential to be a long running series, but it will always need top tier writingand art talent to keep going. That's not a bad thing, but it's something toworry about as we kick off the next year of the series. If you've read the bookfrom the start then this issue is very rewarding as far as the plot isconcerned even if the action is a bit lack-luster.

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Can I whole heartily recommend this book? No. It's veryniche and the appeal is to a small portion of the comic community, but its existenceis important for that reason. If all comic books were able to hit a wide appealthen they would be boring. As it stands Spontaneousis a book that has very average elements mixed with above average elements aswell.

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Do you like the Turtles?Well then there is no reason not to be reading this series. I don't knowwhat other recommendation to give since that's really what it boils down to,people who read Turtles and those whodon't. Often times we don't want to share our cherished childhood memories with theyouth of today, but I have to say that I hope that this book finds a youngreader and gives them the same excitement that the Turtles did for me. You knowhow you top the first issue? You don't stop producing the same level ofmaterial in the next issue, which is what our creative team has done here.

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I was really put off by the zero issue of this series, but Iwas curious enough to give it another shot and I'm glad I did. You can tell theinfluences in the story, but it's a good thing as it gives you somethingfamiliar to associate it with rather than just borrowing heavily as other booksdo. So far the story is good and developing into something very interesting andthe art, oh the art is fantastic and pushes everything to the next level.

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If you're looking for more crime noir, which seems to havesettled down as of late, then check out NearDeath this week. It's a solid entry into the genre and this first issue isinteresting enough that it marks the start of a good series. I doubt there willbe another huge resurgence from this books launch, but it's good to see otherscontinue to work in the genre comics.

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Again, I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did and would completely understand if readers weren't initially awed by this issue. But trust me, sit on the book for a while and maul it over and you'll really find that it got under your skin in a very good way. If you missed the first series pick up the trade that's out now in stores and don't miss this next batch of comic/music goodness.

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This is a heavy week for Dark Horse, but for sure this issueis worth picking up. It's recaps enough that new readers can still approachthis issue and series with the second issue which isn't true with a lot ofstorylines and series. So don't miss this great series just because it doesn'thave a shiny #1 on the cover, because it shines much brighter.

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This year has had a lot of surprises in comics across theboard and Dark Horse has had some major shake ups to a lot of their mainstayseries which is great. It keeps the books fresh and interesting and shows thateven though these titles aren't monthly; they still develop and progress aswell, if not better than a monthly series. There are a lot of titles out thisweek, but this one is not one you should miss.

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This issue kicks off the next storyline for Hellraiser and it's not to be missed,especially since there has been a slowing in horror comic books thanks tosuperhero re-launches and the books that are out there are really lacking inquality. Though there are three good choices this week, but Hellraiser has been consistently good from the beginning and is definitely one of the bestcomics on the market and definitely one of Boom! Studios' best books of 2011.

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If you missed out on the first issue then do yourself afavor and pick it up and grab the second one while you're at it. Snyder may be anup and coming comic talent over at DC now, but his work here with Tuft remindsme of early Steve Niles. Fresh new horror/thriller ideas just waiting to be putdown on the page and hopefully they continue to find strong artistic talent tobring their ideas to life as they have with Severed.

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Critter may not be reinventing the wheel, but it's addingfour doors and an engine to it which is more than a lot of other indiesuperhero books can say. The take on it is fresh and yet familiar which reallyworks and just something that I can describe has me hooked on this book.Reading it felt like reading a comic for the first time, no pretenses of storyor characters which forces you to accept everything there at face value and notjudge it so harshly which makes for a really good book.

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Even with the story hang ups and the art switch I stillreally liked that third act of the comic. It pulls it's punches a bit whichmakes me suspect the outcome turning out to be different in the next issue, butit still got my attention and made reading the rest of the issue worthwhile.Hopefully the artists that started the series will return with issue four orOdagawa will make some attempt at studying the earlier material to give theseries a consistent look. One thing is for sure, after this issue I'll be backfor more.

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This book may not be for everyone, but everyone should give it shot. That is if you canappreciate just how different this book is and how it achieves something incomics that others struggle with constantly, then it's not for you. That's notthe only thing that makes the book good though. It has a tight story withunique and interesting art that's all packaged into one very good comic.

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I actually like this book a lot and that surprised me. I wasexpecting it to be full of ugly ass demons and it wasn't, but that steered itinto a different direction than I was expecting which was a good thing. If thestory continues this fine balance of humans and demons without treading toodeep in one or the other it could turn out to be another decent mini-seriesthat 2011 and Dark Horse has produced.

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I'm not really sure if this is the last issue of Mindfield as Krul thanks the reader at the end, but it's definitely set up to continue going. I would be interested in checking the series out again in hopes the Connor can grow more as a character and that the supporting cast can develop on the mental playing field as well so that there isn't as heavy alliance on Connor to drive the story. Overall thought it was a decent read and since you're going to have a huge hole in your reading schedule this week check it out and get use to Krul's writing style as he's working on several upcoming series.

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The story is hilarious and not to be taken serious at all. It cross every line it can and never once tries to be politically correct which is what's so great about the issue. Because it's a self-contained issue you don't have to have read the other 34 issues, just this one and you can enjoy it from beginning to end. The Goon may only be a series of one-shots, but they're some of the best one-shots comics have to offer. Now if you want to see the Goon beat up Midgets buy the issue!

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Overall Damged #2 is okay, but just okay. It lays down some interesting ground work but nothing you can't see coming. It all really depends on what they end up doing with it.

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In general the writing and art are still very good and very consistent; there are no major grips or issues and the book leaves on another successful cliffhanger that will have me and other readers waiting for the next chapter of the story. Until then remember to bring the box.

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The most amazing thing about this book is that the team functions like a well-oiled machine. They're so in sync with each other that you'd think they had been a team for decades. I have been waiting for Loose Ends for months after seeing the first solicits of the series and it has not disappointed since. If you missed the first issue pick it up digitally and then do yourself a favor and instead of taking part in the reboot madness/crossover burnout pick up a comic unlike any before, because Loose Ends just became a strong contender for book of the year.

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The art is actually the most striking part of the issue as it didn't initially look like a Fathom title. There's a ton of detail on the pencils and it really gives the characters lifelike qualities. Alex Sanchez is the lead artist with finishes from Peter Steigerwald and John Starr. The three artists work really well together and I couldn't even tell there were three artists on the title until turning back to the front page.In general if you're a Fathom fan then this issue is actually a pretty big deal as it reveals a big chunk of history in Aspen's life. As a newcomer to the series and being vaguely familiar with the title, I still really enjoyed it. I couldn't recommend it to new readers, but I would definitely say to try the series from the beginning as it lays out a lot of the overall plot to the title and ties up some loose ends.

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There are a lot of different books and titles to choose from every week. Some people take the safe and boring routes and stick to what they know. That's all well and good but the draw back to that is you'll miss a fun title like Fly. This book is only on issue three and that is more than enough time to catch up and be a part of a very entertaining story.

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This is a no-brainer if you picked up the first issue, you won't be disappointed and frankly the reveals that this issue contains for the Hellboy-verse are shocking and nothing that's even been hinted at in the first issue. The only thing I would say is that it comes across a bit like a tie-in to Hellboy: The Fury which is great for those reading that series as well, but not perfect for people that may only be reading B.P.R.D.

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In general this series in one of the best from Dark Horse Comics and if you missed out on Plague Ships then do yourself a favor and don't miss out on The Curse Bells. With a strong narrative that recaps the origin of Lord Baltimore I guarantee you won't be lost in the story, then if you like what you read you can always pick up the first series on Dark Horse's digital app.

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If you're dying for more Avengelyne then you were probably pretty excited about this story, but even then you'll probably be disappointed by the major plot twist and the fact that this is a reintroduction of the character for everyone else that isn't familiar with her. If you were always curious about the character then sure, give it a shot" but don't expect too much other than some beautiful art. I'm thankful I read it, if only to have discovered Owen Gieni.

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Zenescope's Fly #2 does what it needs to do to keep the thing interesting. From art to storytelling, it builds on a foundation that has the potential for limitless possibilities. Simply put, Fly is easily becoming my favorite Zenescope title.

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There is going to be people out there that enjoy this comic hailing it as a "B-Movie" of comics and they're wrong. In fact they're stupid if they think that. This comic is just bad and the story is so transparent that I'm going to spoil it for you. The good guys are wrong and the bad guys are right and more than likely Imperius is future, future Bo because this whole storyline reeks of recycled X-Force storylines. I wish I could say one positive thing about this project that has so many excited, but all I can muster is at least I don't have to read it ever again.

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Issue #1 and preview

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Overall it's an interesting story and not bad at all for atwo issue series. It really comes across as filler before the next big B.P.R.D. storyline hits, but unlikeother series this filler is worth the read. Also it's a good chance for Crookto adjust to the art duties and try to find a balance between his style and thefamiliar look and feel of the book. The atmosphere is half of what makes theHellboy-verse interesting and the art for this book isn't there quite yet.

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Fans of the show should just pick up the book; in factthey'll probably skip the reviews and just purchase the comic any ways. Butcomic readers like me that didn't watch the show, but are always interested innew comics should give this book a try. It may not grab you initially, butafter going back to it and flipping through it again it actually got its hooksinto me. If you need a break from the summer cross over madness happening frompractically every company this summer than give this issue a shot.

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This issue at its core is just a speed bump until the finaland may not be as good as the first, but it's still excellent on its own meritsand a great read. If you've been waiting for Hellboy to hit something this isthe issue and the next promises to be bigger and better.

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You may not be a horror fan or maybe you wrote off Hellraiser after the umpteenth sequel,but this is series is the triumphant return of the series and creator CliveBarker. This book is so good it's as ifHellraiser: Hellworld never happened. The first two issues are availabledigitally so if you missed out on the series pick them up and catch up with therest of us it's worth it.

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There's probably going to be a small percentage of peoplethat actually enjoy the story and good for them, personally I'd get this bookjust for the art. Benitez's style and character designs are a thing of beautyand if he's careful he could become one of the industry's top art talents likeAspen founder Michael Turner.

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Publisher: Keven Gardner

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The concept and underlining mystery to the book is enough toget me checking out the third issue for sure, but after that the story isreally going to have to pull its weight if it's going to hook me for a fourth.If you pick up both issues you may have a better reading experience than I didsince you'll have the benefit of reading both issues back to back with a freshprospective. It's a decent series thus far, but it has a long way to go if it'sgoing to stand out as indie darling.

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I was definitely under impressed by this book, but I stillenjoyed it enough to pick it up and continue with the series. It may not beHickman's best work, but it's good to see him spanning out and getting backinto creator owned books again. Hopefully that keeps his tools sharp for thecorporate gig and he doesn't end up like Bendis a one-trick multiple book pony.If you missed Hickman's premier at Image then do yourself a favor and don't miss TheRed Wing.

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Today BOOM! Studios launches their latest epic series ELRIC: THE BALANCE LOST #1 with a historic day-and-date release of print and digital, making this new series available through your local comic shop and online exclusively through the BOOM! Studios Comics App and the Comics by comiXology App at the same time! Paired with this epic promotion, BOOM! also gives comic fans a chance to try out ELRIC absolutely free through their web browser with the ELRIC FREE ONLINE PRELUDE available atwww.elriccomic.com. That's right! Three ways to try the all-new epic series ELRIC: THE BALANCE LOST written byNew York Timesbestselling author Chris Roberson (iZOMBIE, SUPERMAN) and drawn by white-hot artist Francesco Biagini (DINGO) based on Michael Moorcock's seminal fantasy creation. Pick up or download your copy today!

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Overall Score "7.0/10

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Overall Score " 10/10

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Reviews for the Week of...



