Merlyn's Profile

Joined: Nov 25, 2020

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Captain America (2018) #30

Jul 7, 2021

Finally this nightmare run is over. Maybe now Coates can go cry somewhere else that Peterson is more appreciated than him, not in our comics. If there was one guy I never would've put on Captain America, it was this guy. He hates everything about America and his entire run might as well have been called Daughters of Liberty, he never gave a damn about Steve Rogers. Good riddance!

Crossover (2020) #3

Jan 6, 2021

Cates needs to stop smelling his own farts so much, he really thinks he's smarter than he actually is.

Crush & Lobo #1  
Eat The Rich #1

Aug 18, 2021

Eat The Rich #2

Oct 26, 2021

Eat The Rich #3

Oct 26, 2021

Eat The Rich #4

Nov 17, 2021

Eat The Rich #5

Jan 4, 2022

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) Annual #1

Aug 4, 2021

See, I read Immortal Hulk and I'm in awe of Ewing. I read this and I'm ashamed for him. That's the problem with Ewing, he can write some great stories and he can indulge himself in some pretty weird and stupid stories. This is the latter. Just atrocious.

I Am Not Starfire OGN  
Iron Fist (2022) #1

Feb 16, 2022

Yeah, this is awful. Not just that the story is bad but the reason Marvel came up with this is awful. It all began when those idiots online started screeching that Finn Jones should be replaced with an Asian actor because in their tiny minds only Asians can learn martial arts. Imagine being this deluded. So Marvel broke the no.1 rule on the internet: don't cave in to online morons. And ever since they've tried to steer away from Iron Fist because he is pRoBlEmAtIc. Here's the thing: Danny Rand IS Iron Fist. Just as Tony Stark is Iron Man, just as Bruce Wayne is Batman, Clark Kent is Superman and so on. There isn't anything racist about this, not even a tiny bit. If anything Marvel is the one being racist by believing that only an Asian character can learn martial arts and only an Asian writer should write a book like this. Identity politics kills the joy out of our comics. Lin Lie is Sword Master, develop his own identity instead of pushing him into a role that isn't his. The concept for the character is interesting, unfortunately writers haven't been able to develop his story, mostly because they were focused on other issues other than those that would have helped the character evolve. P.S.: Notice how some people who don't review ANY OTHER BOOKS specifically come here to inflate the rating of this issue. I can be damn sure those people didn't even read the book. I won't name names. Just check their profiles and how many other books they're rating. You'll notice some just don't review other books at all so they're just inflating the score here artificially. That doesn't seem right. P.P.S.: There is a review here that literally states that all Eastern European people are Nazis "by birthright" and that British people are "deviants". These are the same people that always, always scream "racist" whenever someone dislikes a book they like. Normally, this would be laughed at and not encouraged, but we're not living normal times, are we?

Savage Avengers (2019) #18  
Savage Spider-Man (2022) #1

Feb 2, 2022

No. Just no. No to anymore Joe Kelly ramblings, this is atrocious, I didn't know it was a continuation of the Non-Stop Spider-Man but I'm done with this.

Sensational Wonder Woman (2021) #1  
Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1

Dec 28, 2021

More climate alarmism from Jeff Lemire this time, I hardly feel like this is the same guy who's writing Robin&Batman. The dialogue is just bad, it's like he's not even trying. I honestly expected better from him, even if he isn't one of my favorite writers at all. But this is just stupid, lazy and self-indulgent, nothing to see here. P.S.: For those who don't understand what other people are talking about: yes, I believe the climate is changing, no I don't believe we're all going to die as much as some lefties would really want to see that just to be proven right, they are THAT petty.

The Union (2020) #2

Jan 13, 2021

You can tell that the writer is just a sad remainer who can't get over Brexit and has come to hate his own country with passion, the title for the book is uninspired to say the least.

Black Cat (2020) Annual #1  
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #6

Jun 2, 2021

Sneaking an Okoye book in one called "Iron Fist" is just bait and disrespectful to Iron Fist fans.

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #1

Jan 11, 2022

I have given up on Bendis' JL and I can't wait for him to leave the book (JL #74 is his last issue) but I was interested in the concept of the JL vs. Legion. Yeah, it's still bad. Nothing else to add here, all the heroes have the same Bendis voice and I won't read any more of this crap.

Marvels Snapshot (2020): Civil War #1

Dec 2, 2020

Marvels Snapshot (2020): Captain Marvel #1

Feb 24, 2021

This is why I'm glad Waid's not getting much work these days, he's gone full lunatic.

Phoenix Song: Echo #1

Oct 20, 2021

Complete and utter garbage, stop giving books to shitty writers just because they have the same ethnicity as the character, that doesn't make them good writers.

The Department of Truth #4

Dec 23, 2020

Tynion is much too stupid to be able to pull off such a story so it ends up a ridiculous one.

X-Cellent (2022) #1

Feb 2, 2022

Never was a fan of Milligan, guess some things never change. If you're a fan of Doom Patrol and that sort of weirdness, you'll like this. I think it's dumb and it's weird for the sake of being weird. This isn't for me.

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1

Mar 21, 2021

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #2

Apr 21, 2021

There are some good ideas here but they all pale in the face of all the cringey dialogue from Spurrier, I want to like this book but to me it seems too much like a parody.

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #3

May 19, 2021

Spurrier took a big shit on every single element of the Black Knight's history, such disrespect for the work of the writers before him, if I could rate this under 1, I would.

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #4

Jun 30, 2021

"oH sO vEry mAlE" lol, Spurries has some issues. And Black Knight was a Nazi, too? Come on, how does Marvel let this go on? Especially now that the character is up for an appearance in MCU, he deserves far better than this crap.

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #5

Jul 28, 2021

I hope whoever takes the reigns after this just forgets all this mess and pretends this abomination didn't happen. Spurrier's hate for Brexit and the crown shouldn't have to ruin a character with such a rich history, shame on you Marvel. All this was very stupid, from a character in a world of magic and history Spurrier made it about technology, that was so boring and predictable. Also, his daughter's personality is annoying but I guess that's how modern female characters have to be written to be considered "strong".

Strange Adventures (2020) #7

Dec 1, 2020

Strange Adventures (2020) #8

Jan 26, 2021

Strange Adventures (2020) #9

Mar 30, 2021

I'm really tired of this COVID mask motif we see in a lot of comics today. Don't get me wrong, wear a mask, it's good for you, I just see enough of that in the real world, could I please escape from this nightmare at least in my comics or do I have to get tortured there too? King continues with his classic boring deconstruction: the pykkts are actually not that bad, they supposedly fought with honor even though we haven't seen a shred of honor from them so far but we have to take King's word for it. That's just bad writing. Alanna continues to play Adam like a fool and he's not the hero we all thought he was. Cool, we get that, but can we progress a little and get some answers? For 9 issues we got teases that the girl's not actually dead, how much more decompression do we need?

Strange Adventures (2020) #10

May 25, 2021

Complete and utter bullshit, even King fanboys MUST see this, he just ripped you off of nine issues' worth of money for a farce! And he turned Adam Strange into a villain after he did the same to Wally West! Why does DC lets this guy get away with this kind of stuff? He's not Alan Moore and HE NEVER WILL BE BECAUSE HE SIMPLY LACKS THE TALENT AND SKILL.

Strange Adventures (2020) #11

Jul 27, 2021

How can anyone genuinely like this horror show where a hero is turned straight into a villain? Brainwashing is the only possible answer, I posit that if this was written by Bendis, the rating would be under 5. But since it's King, let's all throw 10s and 9s because he'll get an Eisner for this lol. If I could rate this under 1, I definitely would.

Strange Adventures (2020) #12

Oct 12, 2021

Finally, this piece of garbage and character assassination is over! Anyone who really thinks this is some masterpiece either didn't really read it and just rates it with big ratings because it's Tom King or is really just a sadist who enjoys seeing heroes thrashed. So, if this is to become canon, Adam Strange will be replaced by his wife as the hero of two worlds AND replaced as a father by Mr. Terrific. It looks like Tom King really likes to destroy heroes, he did the same to Wally West, almost did the same to Batman and Nightwing, wrote Booster Gold as a maniac, this guy has a terrible record when it comes to beloved DC characters. I'm almost sure no sane DC fan really believes this is actually a good book but I guess if it's King's name on the cover people immediately pretend this is "groundbreaking". That's how much he's dumbed down his audience. I'm sure he'll get an Eisner for this too lol. The saddest thing about this is that this book only exists because Tom King hates himself, or at least pretends to, for his involvement in the Iraq War. There's a solution for that: therapy. But instead he chooses to "take his revenge" on us by getting his hands on every hero he can and staining them in all the worst possible ways as a kind of "self-torture" through comics, but he's too cowardly to face his issues, so instead he does this.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 27, 2021

If there was no name on the cover I still would have known who wrote this. All the cliches are there, there is not an original bone in Tom Taylor's body. The refuse to use the classic catchphrase "Truth, Justice and the American Way" because in his leftist mind America sucks, the tireless complaining about climate change (that's not why those fires are happening in California btw, you have to be very stupid to believe that), inequality and demagogues (by demagogues he means the politicians he doesn't like even though he's a Green and the Greens are the kings of demagogy). Also, this is fan-fic, Jonathan wasn't born like this, wasn't he born in another universe? I like Jonathan but as long as he is going to be a speaking-tube for Taylor's stupid ideas, this is going to suck. P.S.: I love it when retards give their reviews in comparison to mine, it just shows how obsessed they are with me and how little they think about themselves. I absolutely LOVE IT! :)

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Aug 24, 2021

Really, bullets with "thoughts and prayers"? I mean, I know it's Tom Taylor, stupidity is par for the course but come on, can it get more cringey? Nothing here seems all right, the way Jon scolds Clark, the way Clark accepts said scolding, the way Jon drops the refugees and he decides he's above all of it. The sanctimony of it, the complaining about "sTuPiD bOrDeRs", all of it it's just Tom Taylor's cringeness times ten. Though I'm sure it'll get a lot of big ratings, if anything Taylor sure knows what his audience wants from him.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Sep 28, 2021

I really hope Tom Taylor gets some money from NGOs after this blatant piece of propaganda on their behalf, I really do. You know, the people who are paid to put refugees in danger on "rescue boats". There's this scene where Taylor explains how "no one puts their children in danger unless it's more dangerous to stay behind." That, my friends, is a big and very fat LIE. Yes, there are people who are running from dangerous regimes, like what's happening right now in Afghanistan. We should try to help those people escape from that hell, with the big mention that they should also put in the effort to try to integrate and not try to change the place they've come into to their liking. BUT there are a lot of economic migrants who literally are coming to other countries just to get more money. And you can tell that because they're not stopping in the first country that is safe for them, no, they try to go in more distant countries where the financial benefits are much better. No country has any moral, legal or economic obligation to receive those people when they aren't even taking care of their own. This is what people like Tom Taylor lie about. It's a lie of omission but it's still a lie. Superman flew here from Krypton after his planet literally blew up. So the analogy that Taylor and his followers try to come up with doesn't work for economic migrants. I also have to laugh at Taylor's complete lack of originality with the Faultline (get it?) character, he literally just copied Thao-La from PKJ. Really, dude? Try to put some effort here. She even has the same haircut ffs. I also feel more and more like the rumors about Jonathan being made gay by Taylor will come true, I definitely get those vibes here and a moron like Taylor would just loooove that, it doesn't matter that up until now Jon has only been attracted to girls, his ideology demands he does it and he probably will. Also, the whole scene involving the police and Jon's commentary about why he gets out of jail are ridiculous. P.S.: I love how in their desperation to increase the rating for this book people here are actually rating it with 10s before they even read it. Oh well. I also know a lot of people will hate me for what I've said here but someone has to tell the truth even if it's ideologically incovenient, I'm willing to "take the hits" because truth matters more than ideology. P.P.S: Called it about Jon being turned gay by Taylor, it was inevitable for ideological reasons.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4

Oct 19, 2021

Another boring issue with awful art in which Taylor decides to insert his annoying creations from his Suicide Squad. And I love how after the copied Faultline from PKJ's Tao-La, now he's copied Hickman with "post-humans". This guy doesn't have one inch of an original bone in his body, he just copies what other writers are doing and just panders to his twitter crowd, that's his whole career right there after Injustice. Oh, and don't think that the fact that his LGBT creations are "post-humans" is just a tiny bit of innocent coincidence. If you know anything about Tom Taylor and his ideological leanings, that is decidedly NOT a coincidence, he really thinks that the future is a green utopia (we'll see more of that later in his run where Jon is turned into Greta Thunberg), where LGBT people are the future and straight people are just a thing of the past and where capitalism will hopefully be abolished (I'm making a safe bet that sooner or later Jon will fight capitalism, too, because that's another of Tom Taylor's ideological obsessions). And you can be blind and still see that Bendix is just a parallel for Trump because, again, that's another of Taylor's obsessions and the fact that Trump lost the election hasn't cured his last stage TDS. This book is awful and is only going to get worse and worse.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #5

Nov 16, 2021

So we all knew this was coming and we all knew Tom Taylor is as stupid as they come but we didn't know it was going to be this stupid. I mean, I expected some explanation as to why a character who has NEVER shown any attraction to boys and has been attracted to several girls his age would all of a sudden swing that way. Nope, he just kisses the pink-haired guy and that's it, we're supposed to buy it like we don't even try to think it through. Sorry, that's not how it works, Tom. I get that he wanted to pander to his LGBT twitter crowd but we're not supposed to buy stupid shit like his. If you can justify after this that Jon is bi, you can justify Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent being bi too, it would make as much sense as it did here. Might as well go all the way if we're going to be stupid enough to pretend this is fine. Oh, and of course Jon wears a mask, too, never mind that he's floating in the air and he's nowhere near the people on the ground, we don't need logic, just to virtue signal. I have absolutely no doubt a lot of the people rating this over 7.5 are doing it just to show how "open-minded" they are or because they genuinely endorse changing the sexuality of characters to pander to the LGBT community. Some of them even openly acknowledge this. This isn't about comics anymore nor is it about acceptance and tolerance, it's about propaganda and "turning" people. Which is, ironically, exactly what happened to Jon in this issue. Social modelling at its best. P.S.: Called it, the tumblr crowd is here. P.P.S.: Btw, I just realized, Tom Taylor has zero knowledge of comics. Jon isn't the first of its kind, half-kryptonian, half-human, Conner Kent was. But who cares about comic characters when propaganda is all that matters, right?

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #6

Jan 4, 2022

We continue pretending like everyone in the DCU already knew for a long time Jon was into boys even though there wasn't even the slightest hint for 6 and a half years now. Turns out Damian Wayne also knew this. You have to be the most idiotic moron in the world to buy into this. Other than that, there really isn't much else to see here, very generic story with classic cringey Tom Taylor dialogue. Can't wait to see the next issue when Jon Kent is officially turned into Greta Thunberg, we'll have some fun there. Also it's hilarious how after he copied PKJ with Faultline basically being Thao-La's copy, we get another dose of Taylor's originality by reusing his origin story of the Aerie for Jay Nakamura, I swear, this guy just can't come up with anything new these days, he's just copying others or rehashing his own previous stories.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #7

Jan 18, 2022

I think someone should let in Jon on the fact that he joined a cult. Yeah, "the Truth" is a cult, even though Taylor tries to sell it as something else, a "rEvOlUtIoN". And the art is bad, I wasn't a fan of Timms' art but this is much, much worse. I swear there's a panel where Jon looks like a girl, I've seen this in the annual too but ignored it, when it's repeated though I can't ignore it. There's also another panel where Jon and Jackson are drawn in a very intimate position and I'm sure that was also done on purpose for the tumblr crowd. Honestly though, I expected much, much worse from this given the cringey cover but Taylor went pretty easy with the climate change issue here and I enjoyed the plot. I think this may be the best issue of this series yet, though it's still mediocre at best.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #8

Feb 8, 2022

The only thing I liked here is that we FINALLY get an idea about Bendix's plan, that's the only good thing here. Everything else is just stupid and propagandistic beyond belief. The good news is this book isn't selling and I think it's going to get cancelled pretty soon. If Wonder Girl got cancelled, which wasn't a great book but it was definitely better than this crap, I think this will get cancelled soon, too. This summer we're probably going to have Williamson's big event and if this book goes on after that, then DC really is begging for bankruptcy because you can't keep putting out books like these and expect people to support you.

Children of the Atom (2021) #6  
DC Pride (2021) #1

Jun 8, 2021

Other than Batwoman's story which was pretty good and Dreamer's which was just okay, all the others were atrociously bad with a special mention for Sina Grace who shouldn't EVER write a comic book. The art wasn't very good either. I do have a question: why does the DC logo on this book have all those extra-colors? The LGBT flag is obvious, the trans flag I can get too (even though the "T" in LGBT already covers that), but what are the black and brown for? Wasn't this about sexuality, it's also about race too? If so, intersectionality is a dangerous type of thinking and DC does no one good with supporting this ideological stance. P.S.: It's kind of ridiculous how in a week with good DC comics the best user reviews are for this book, I guess the content of the book doesn't matter anymore as long as we're woke enough. Too bad the stories are weak. Oh, and I can already see the usual actors throwing insults at me and spewing their hate. Couldn't care less.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Magneto & The Mutant Force #1

May 26, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Siege Society #1

May 27, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Young Squadron #1

May 27, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): American Knights #1

Jun 2, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Night-Gwen #1

Jun 9, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021): Heroes Return #1

Jun 23, 2021

Just pure anti-American crap from Aaron who probably needs medical help at this point. Or some way to deal with his hate. Or just move to another country, it's not like anyone is holding him in America by force. Just move away, dude, if you hate it that badly.

Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 16, 2021

Cringe, or in other words, classic Bendis by now.

Justice League (2018) #60

Apr 20, 2021

Better than the first one, though by that cliffhanger I'm expecting the third one to come back to the initial form.

Justice League (2018) #61

May 18, 2021

As I predicted, after one decent issue Bendis returned to his cringey dialogue and awful storytelling.

Justice League (2018) #62

Jun 1, 2021

Someone stated here that it can't get worse than this. I beg to differ, if there's one thing I know, it can ALWAYS get worse with Bendis. Take this very issue, the last one was crap, but this one managed to get even worse. The backup was awful, too, there's absolutely nothing redeeming JL. It makes me miss the Hitch and Snyder runs and those weren't good either but in comparison to this, they're like Hamlet.

Justice League (2018) #63

Jun 22, 2021

I have gone through Hitch's run. I thought it was bad but I endured it because it was the Justice League. I have gone through Priest's run. I found it weird but I read it. I have gone through Snyder's run. I found it overly ridiculous, with zero substance, all flashy, classic Scott-I--want-to-copy-other-writers'-work-and-do-it-better-but-I-can't-Snyder. I pulled through. Bendis, though, is making me drop the JL book. It's just too much and there's not a sliver of hope that it will get better. The second story is the only reason I haven't rated this with the 1 it deserved.

Justice League (2018) #64

Jul 6, 2021

Justice League (2018) #65

Jul 20, 2021

Justice League is the perfect example of the chaos at DC Comics. Now I'm not a big Didio fan but at least when he saw the Batman ship sinking with Tom King, he pulled the plug on it(not that Tynion is any better). But here Bendis is let loose to pull down the JL into the abyss of his career. Sure, Didio has a good amount of blame for this too since he thought it would be a great idea to bring Bendis at DC and put him on Superman when Jurgen and Tomasi were doing just fine. Spoiler: it wasn't.

Justice League (2018) #66

Aug 3, 2021

I absolutely love this website. At the time I review this, the rating is 1.0 with 4 out of 4 reviews. And it's well deserved! This was such a mockery from Bendis, he doesn't even try, the dialogue is just awfully bad, he only cares about Naomi and he jumps from panel to panel like a disoriented old man suffering from some mental illness. The second story is just as bad. I urge people to keep rating this as it deserves, I for one am done with Bendis' JL, I've said that before but this time is for good, I'll read just his last issue when that will appear so I can have an idea where the next writer has to take the story from.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 19, 2021

My main issue is that this is not a book about Batman at all, DC just inserted him in the title for sales, it's a Catwoman book. And Catwoman just owns the Bat, King continues the trope of the submissive man and the dominating woman, I guess he really is into that. The art is splendid, Mann is just great. It would also be really great if King would stop inserting songs into every single comic he writes, I know he thinks it's clever but it's really not.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

Feb 16, 2021

I give it a 3 solely for Mann's art which is as great as ever, but the story was pure horseshit. Yes, the usual King fanboys will rate it with 10, 9.5 or 9 but don't believe that, they would rate it the same way if King would fill the book with "Bat", "Cat" and "Mreeeow", they're just brainwashed and want so badly to feel smart. And I've said this before, the title of the book is pure bait, Batman is barely in the book, this is not about him at all. Also while reading it I was wondering if King suffered an aneurysm or something because for several pages he kept having Selina just "mrrow"-ing. But like I said, for some people, that's just great writing lol. :))

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Mar 30, 2021

I rate this so high (lol) for two reasons: Clay Mann's art which is as gorgeous as ever and the fact that for all his MANY faults, King did try to pay homage to Mask of the Phantasm and I enjoyed that. Now the bad stuff...oh boy, there's a lot to unpack there. Up until the last 6-7 pages the book was bearable, not good, just bearable. And then he went full Tom King. Those last pages were sooo dumb, The Room-level-dumb. But I'm sure King fanboys will extract something "deep" even from those retarded pages. :)) And of course he continues with the already classic King tropes, Batman being submissive and weak, the female is the strong character, "gOtHaM wAs aLwAyS hErS". Also the "relationship" between Catwoman and Joker is gross, it was never there to begin with and it makes Selina look really bad.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 1, 2021

I congratulate DC for cancelling King's run, even knowing Tynion's mediocrity came after him, this is the cringest of the cringe.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #6

Aug 17, 2021

People who like King (and hate that I don't) always ask me why do I keep reading his books. It's simple: I don't know how but he always manages to convince the best artists to work with him. Case in point: Clay Mann. Guy is a great artist but both of his books with King are just atrocious: HiC and this one. Again, Batman is just really pathetic here, it's like King revels in constantly humiliating him and Selina's dialogue is ten levels of cringe. Also, her fighting at an old age in a costume is just ridiculous. I want to rate this higher for Mann but I just can't.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 7, 2021

"The Joker is sent by the Lord to punish us for our sins" Man, that doesn't sound like Gordon at all and it comes in a stark contrast with Gordon from The Joker series, this sounds more like the wimp Gordon from Batman/Superman series from the World of Tomorrow.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 19, 2021

Yet another issue where Catwoman bitchslaps Batman and treats him like he's an idiot, where King fills half the issue with Christmas songs and just with awkward nonsense.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #9

Dec 21, 2021

You could tell King was losing it big time when he wrote this, this is giving Bendis a run for his money at writing incoherent bullshit. Honestly, as a parody, this works. It's like a superhero porn parody and there is a scene where if you read it, you certainly can't contradict me. Unfortunately, that's not at all what this book wants to be, this actually takes itself very seriously, so the end result is a nightmare. Oh, and inside the book King refers twice to the couple as Cat/Bat, because like I already said so many times, this isn't actually a Batman book, he's just in the title for helping sales. And in case anyone was hoping that after his awful second half of the run and this disaster, DC learned anything and will stop giving Tom King Batman books, well, you'd be wrong. DC just gave him another Batman mini. Let's just hope that when he writes that, his therapist will be in the best possible shape.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #10

Feb 8, 2022

I've kind of run out of metaphors to say how bad this is. Just stupid ramblings on and on, Catwoman's voice is still just awful, nothing here works. There's the beginning of a revelation here, like that's all that matters, but I just cringe at everything else.

Black Cat (2020) #7

Jun 2, 2021

Black Cat (2020) #8

Jul 28, 2021

So all the annuals so far were leading up to this? I guess Marvel is pretty desperate to get people to buy this book, I remember also having a preview of Black Cat in a Spider-Man book not so long ago, for all their efforts it doesn't seem to work. I feel like the Infinity Gauntlet is a bit too much for a character like Black Cat, she's more street level. The dialogue was a bit over the top.

I Am Batman (2021) #0

Aug 10, 2021

I guess the short review for this should be "No, you're NOT Batman". Anyway, I really, really hope that DC doesn't plan to give this guy the Batman book now that Tynion is finally leaving it. Because this was bad, as was Future State The Next Batman and the digital series. Honestly, no one in their right mind wants to read about pRiViLeGe and trolls online in a Batman book, Ridley is focusing on all the wrong things.

I Am Batman (2021) #1

Sep 14, 2021

Wow, this one was bad. I mean, I expected that but I thought since they brought Coipel, Ridley would try something better but nope. Let's just see some lines here. "He can't see behind my mask. Or that I've appropriated a mask he helped create" YES, Ridley, thank you. This coming just after talking about sincerity is incredibly ironic but I loved it. At least deep down he knows he's doing it, he finally he admits this guy is a usurper and he's appropriating the Batman role that isn't his. I loved this. "And I'm planning to be around for a while" This one was for all the people who think the real Batman will come back soon, he won't and Ridley is making fun of all the fans that love Bruce. "Batman's dead it's like he never really existed" "Batman wasn't real" "Batman wasn't there for the people" These are just several of his shitty takes on Batman. He also claims the police is no better than an occupying force. I mean, I can do this all day, to quote Cap. Honestly, Coipel deserves better but the writing was just too abysmal. I just can't understand why DC would take such a huge dump on their best character.

I Am Batman (2021) #2

Oct 12, 2021

I'm really tired of Ridley's constant obvious breaking of the 4th wall to shout at us that Jace is Batman. No he's not and he never will be. It's like Ridley is trying to force us to like his character, which won't happen. And at times it actually seems like he is trying to convince himself of it. Also, we continue Ridley's stupid war on wHiTe PrIvIlEgE because we all know that's what always attracted people in a Batman book. "It's easy to have a belief. It's another thing to make those beliefs function in the real world". This is a line that I really, really liked because it's true. Unfortunately it's ironic that Ridley can't listen to himself because all of his wild ideas about defunding the police and all his race theories suffer exactly of this, they don't work in real life. I really liked Montoya here, I liked her voice, her actions, and even though Segovia replaced Coipel, the art was still pretty good. I actually think it helped that Fear State interfered with Ridley's run, this issue was less bad, I'm sure when this is over Ridley will continue with his miserable ideas.

I Am Batman (2021) #3

Nov 10, 2021

Segovia is great on art and Fear State gets in the way of Ridley's stupid usual messages but it's still a pretty dull story overall.

I Am Batman (2021) #4

Dec 14, 2021

Yeah, you have to be extremely dumb to buy the bullshit Ridley's selling here. Never mind the constant race-baiting and laughable attempts at hyping the faux Batman. To think that after FS and the Magistrate, the same strategy would work, just on a bigger level is downright retarded. This book is garbage.

Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #1

May 25, 2021

I enjoyed the Mr. Miracle from FS so I was looking forward to this. I couldn't be more disappointed. Another race-baiting comic that at times was actually pretty racist. And after the cliffhanger, I'm sure it will get even worse.

Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #2

Jun 22, 2021

Guess we're still focusing on race with this one.

Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #3

Jul 27, 2021

Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #4

Aug 24, 2021

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 13, 2021

Didn't care about these characters the first time around, don't care this time either, there's nothing interesting about them and if Pyrrhos is who I think it is, it's pretty shitty, too.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) Annual #2

Jul 7, 2021

Just absolutely awful, Star wasn't this way until Karla Pacheco came along. The second story is okay, though.

Batgirls (2021) #1

Dec 14, 2021

Utter crap but it's to be expected from Cloonan and Conrad.

Batman (2016) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

With Tynion as a writer, Ghost-Maker can beat Thanos, Darkseid, Darth Vader and The Beyonder all at once without even breaking a sweat.

Batman / Catwoman (2020): Special #1

Jan 25, 2022

Tom King seems like the type of man unable to admit his mistakes. He screwed up the wedding between Batman and Catwoman, he continues to screw it up in the Batman/Catwoman book but somehow he still seems to insist "I got this, guys, I know how to write these two characters as a couple". We should all tell him "No, dude, you absolutely don't, let it fucking go!". And the saddest thing is he really has the most terrible voice for Catwoman. I'm sure in his head he thinks he is eMpOwErInG her but all he makes her is an imbecile character. And it seems like he has a weird fetish with old superheroes, I really don't get that. Honestly I would've rated this lower if not for the fact that this was the last DC work of John Paul Leon, God bless his soul.

Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1

Aug 4, 2021

Two very boring stories from Taylor and Brisson that tried to be fun but were actually very dull, a third one that was ridiculously dumb but actually pretty fun.

Detective Comics (2016) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

Another dumb book where we have the same faux narrative that Arkham punished the poor mass-murderers who actually don't need punishing because they're innocent victims of the system, they just need help. It's a concerning thread through DC writers minds' where villains are being portrayed as victims of the system and it's a trend we see in real life, too, unfortunately. Nightwing is such an idiot here and someone like him, someone whose girlfriend paid the price for what these crazies do, someone who tried at some point to kill the Joker, wouldn't say stupid shit like this. Enough with the ideological bullshit, mass murderers aren't victims who deserve a pillow under their heads or to roam free. Also, is there a single DC comic where cops aren't absolute assholes? And wtf was that? A bunch of hobos who take in a murderer so he can keep killing because he needs to "show the world who he is"? And I'm supposed to care for them, to feel sorry for them? Does Mariko Tamaki forgot to take her pills or something?

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #1

Jan 12, 2022

Classic Zac Thompson, as in random, pretentious yet with no substance, nonsense.

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #2

Feb 16, 2022

Far Sector #12  
Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #2

Jan 27, 2021

Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #3

Feb 2, 2021

Iron Man (2020) Annual #1

Jun 2, 2021

I really love how Iron Man is telling us what a great hero Miles Morales is just a few pages after Miles, a superhero, tells him he wouldn't snitch his uncle, a supervillain, to the "rich man", that's a great heroic mentality in Jed Mackay's dumb mind. P.S.: Psycamorean is, of course, again obsessed with me because he has a sad, sad life.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1

Mar 30, 2021

There's nothing "problematic" about J.K.Rowling unless you're pretty demented, Tim, and your writing sucks.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2021

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

May 25, 2021

"I'm three steps ahead". No. When you're a bad writer and you just make up the moves of your characters from your head without any previous clues you're not three steps ahead, you just don't know how to write. It's that simple.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #4

Jun 22, 2021

Tim Sheridan really knows how to kill a mystery but I did have some laughs with this one.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #5

Jul 30, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 16, 2021

I know Tom Taylor fans will be in awe of this but I find his writing more and more juvenile as years pass by. Plus some decisions and lines here are completely wrong. "Bruce may feel you should only be a hero when wearing a costume". Really? Dude has pomped a whole lot of money into Gotham, he's no.1 philanthropist, he's helped people by playing stupid in his Bruce Wayne identity whenever it was an incident near him. From where did Taylor come with this stupid notion that Bruce only helps as the Bat? And Alfred leaving his whole fortune ONLY TO GRAYSON? What about Jason, Tim or Damian? One thing I always loved about Alfred is that he didn't play favorites with the Robins, he cared about them all in a unique way. Doesn't really sound like him to give his fortune only to one of them and leave the rest in the wind. But hey, it's Tom Taylor, he doesn't think about these things very much. Redondo's art is very dynamic, it's a shame that the writing does him no favors.

Nightwing (2016) #79

Apr 20, 2021

Another bore from Taylor's Nightwing, it had all the tropes of his writing. I swear I've seen this comic written by him ten times over by now, he just changes the names of the characters. And his humor continues to be as cringey as it can get. That said, the art was fabulous, this, just like Cantwell's Iron Man, seems to be a way better comic if you just let the art tell the story without the writer adding nothing, he just makes it much worse. And again, for someone who is currently writing a Batman book and has a pretty nutty fanbase who insists that he should get the main Batman book (let's hope it never comes to that) he seems pretty oblivious to the fact that Batman has helped Gotham again and again as Bruce Wayne, I know this type of thinking is classic Taylor with his hate and obsession with billionaires but as a fictional character Bruce Wayne has poured his heart and wallet out for Gotham over and over. P.S.: I think that there are two people with reviews here who have some mental health problems because they're really losing it just because some of us are not in awe of Taylor's childish writing.

Nightwing (2016) #80

May 18, 2021

I'm sorry but this is the second issue where things move at a slow pace, add to that Taylor's classic bad dialogue and I can't rate it any higher. I love the art but that alone can't save this book.

Nightwing (2016) #81

Jun 15, 2021

I actually wanted to give this a 5 because I liked the fights but it deserves a lot less for "reveals" pulled out of Taylor's ass that probably won't even turn out to be true.

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 20, 2021

One of life's great mysteries is how a hack like Tom Taylor keeps managing to trick people into believing he's actually a good writer, I can't understand it really. Yes, he's written Injustice but everything after that was mediocre in the best case. Here we have an unnecessary retcon that no one asked for, yet another boring story and somehow he still tricks some people into thinking this is good. I get it, Nightwing's been tortured so badly these last few years that people are just happy he's back but we should want much, much better stories for one of DC's most popular characters. P.S.: It is nice to see though that more and more people are opening their eyes and realizing this is a travesty of a comic, I'm really glad about that.

Nightwing (2016) #83

Aug 17, 2021

This is such a low-effort, silly, childish comic! It's one of the reasons Taylor is probably the most overrated writer in the industry at this point. He tries to tackle very complex issues by coming up with the most juvenile answers. Yes, a lot of the issues Nightwing (or should I say, Tom Taylor, because Dick here is just a mouthpiece for him) brought up are serious and some of them are really ignored by authorities (like homelessness for example, which is ironic because that's a big issue especially in big cities in America that vote left-wing but don't tell Taylor that, the lefty in him would go nuts). But throwing money at problems rarely, if ever, solves anything. And especially the way this is done is ridiculous. It would have made A LOT more sense for Nightwing to not throw all his money in a "program" that he doesn't know if it will work or not and do it more judiciously. But then again, that wasn't really the point of this, the point of it was for Tom Taylor to vent a little more with his hate for billionaires that make a lot more money than him. They'll still be doing more than you even after this, Tom, deal with it like the rest of us non-billionaires do. The people who rate this with 10 are either very childish or they do it for ideological reasons. Some of them do it because they don't like their comics to have too much thought put in it but some I know for sure are doing it for the second reason. And it's the reason Taylor comes up with issue too. Overall I rate this higher than usual because of the action and because the character shows heart. He doesn't show a lot of mind unfortunately.

Nightwing (2016) #84

Sep 21, 2021

Wow, the art was so, so ugly that it distracted me from Taylor's juvenile writing, honestly the transition from Redondo to this is just awful. And I just love the part where Nightwing thinks it's a great idea to endanger people IN THEIR OWN HOMES by putting them in the Magistrate goons' line of fire, great heroism there, Tom Taylor, you utter idiot.

Nightwing (2016) #85

Oct 19, 2021

The art is still atrocious but, as was the case with "I am Batman" by Ridley, the Fear State event actually helps this book because all of Taylor's previous nonsense is put on hold. And that's a very good thing.

Nightwing (2016) #86

Nov 16, 2021

Utterly boring and truly atrocious art.

Nightwing (2016) #87

Dec 21, 2021

"I was always going to annoy some angry, stunted men who don't know how to use their words". If only Tom Taylor would take a close look at himself in the mirror, the shock and horror that would await him when he hits the realization that he's actually the guy he presumably hates. But never mind that, let's talk about the comic. Yes, it looks quite good, nobody questioned Redondo's talent for action. But other than that? Cheap story that doesn't add anything at all to the character, just continues to copy Fraction's Hawkeye and John Wick with the dog thing. If this is what people want for Nightwing further on, I feel sorry for them. And of course that we get a dose of cringy Taylor jokes that seem funny only in his tiny mind. Also, notice how DC wishes all of us "Happy Holidays". God forbid they should use the phrase "Merry Christmas", we all know how evil and outdated Christmas is, right? It's downright offensive.

Nightwing (2016) #88

Jan 18, 2022

I know a lot of people are losing their minds over the "new" suit and the Titans making an appearance but I just can't get over all the cringey dialogue. I'm sure Taylor thinks he's funny but the "jokes" just aren't landing and the "quippy" dialogue is not that quippy. Heartless is pretty annoying, I hope Blockbuster kills him because he's not a good addition to the Nightwing mythos. I also cringed at the "unhoused" term, a few years back "homeless" was the usual term but I guess it's not good enough for the left now.

Nightwing (2016) #89

Feb 15, 2022

So Dick funds a cult now? He's even more idiotic than just throwing his money away? He may just be the dumbest DC character at this moment. Also, is anyone REALLY laughing at this cringey humor? I genuinely don't think anyone with a decent sense of humor finds the "jokes" here funny. And I'm really tired of Taylor's pet creations peppered everywhere, the rEvOlUtIoNaRiEs were cringe, they made the Suicide Squad book unreadable and the fact that that run ended and we have Thompson's Suicide Squad book is the best decision DC made these last few years. And why did he bring back Risk only to kill him? He always does this and it got boring a loong time ago, killing known characters in a few panels isn't proof of good writing.

Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into The Light

Dec 14, 2021

A bad first arc that just makes Nightwing a propaganda tool for Taylor, like most of his characters these days, if you're a fan of Chuck Dixon's or Marv Wolfman's Nightwing (you know, the best writers for Dick Grayson), this will feel like a totally different character and not for the better.

Silk (2021) #1

Apr 28, 2021

Silk (2021) #2

Apr 28, 2021

Silk (2021) #3

May 12, 2021

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #5

Jan 13, 2021

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #6

Jan 13, 2021

DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #7

Jan 19, 2021

Ugh...glad that this is finally over, the most overrated series ever, I just don't get why people like so much Taylor's juvenile writing.

Excalibur (2019) #16

Dec 23, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #17

Feb 5, 2021

Excalibur (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

Every time Tini Howard writes Gambit she diminishes him a little bit more with every word he says, let the dude get away from this torture.

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #1

Jan 6, 2021

King In Black: Return Of The Valkyries #2

Feb 3, 2021

X-Factor (2020) #6

Jan 6, 2021

I've really, really tried to like the book given that I love other iterations of X-Factor but Leah Williams just can't write.

X-Factor (2020) #7

Feb 3, 2021

X-Factor (2020) #9

May 12, 2021

X-Factor (2020) #10

Jun 30, 2021

Well, we can be thankful this awful run is finally over and hopefully Marvel will do something more interesting next with X-Factor without Leah Williams on board. Tons and tons of cringy meaningless dialogue don't make up for a good book, sorry. And that convoluted Prodigy mystery murder... yeah, totally unnecessary. I do find it weird though that they chose to add those last two pages in such a bad book, weird choice from Marvel.

Harley Quinn (2021) #1

Mar 23, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2021

Harley Quinn complaining about people getting second chances when she's the champion of people closing their eyes at her history is pretty stupid on the writer's part and just ignores years of storytelling so yeah, it's a 1.

Harley Quinn (2021) #3

May 25, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021) #5

Jul 30, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021) #7

Oct 26, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021) #8

Oct 26, 2021

Yeah, sure, if you're fat and can't deal with it just join a Joker gang and start killing people, it's perfectly reasonable and totally understandable. Also, a civilian single-handedly beats magistrate goons like they're nothing even though the whole Bat-family is having trouble with them because if we're not going to make sense, why the hell not?

Harley Quinn (2021) #9

Nov 23, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #1

Feb 23, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #2

Mar 2, 2021

Unfortunately after a first decent issue it went back to classic Ridley territory.

The Next Batman: Second Son #3

Mar 9, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #4

Mar 16, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #5

Mar 30, 2021

"You're cancelled" - that's actually not very cool, if anything it's pretty lame and Ridley should be ashamed of stooping that low.

The Next Batman: Second Son #9

Apr 28, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #10

May 4, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #11

May 11, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #12

May 25, 2021

Checkmate (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

DC really had a chance to let this one go with the pandemic but nope, they still chose to indulge Bendis.

DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1

May 11, 2021

Tamaki's Cassandra Cain story and Pak's Green Arrow story were both pretty good. Yang's Monkey Prince tale tried too much for my taste, it wasn't bad or anything but it didn't convince me that this is a character I want to see more of. The other stories ranged from bad to atrocious, regardless of the generous reviews they will surely get. I'm sorry but if DC is going to try to celebrate Asian characters, it really needs to do better than just a lazy attempt for a pat on the shoulder.

Marvel's Voices: Pride #1

Jun 24, 2021

This one was slightly better than DC's effort but still not good enough. I enjoyed Allan Heinberg's story (as in, one page, but it was actually very good), the Titania and "She-Hulk" story, partially Iceman's story and Somnus'. Still, a lot more misses than hits and the misses were big ones. Sorry, I know we're all supposed to pretend these types of books are awesome but I'm not playing that game. Do better, Marvel!

Marvel's Voices: Identity #1

Aug 25, 2021

I wanted to like this and at the beginning I really thought I would but after Yang and Strain's stories (Jubilee's was especially good) it just kept getting worse and worse all culminating in that cringey story at the end.

Marvel's Voices: Comunidades #1

Dec 8, 2021

Yet another dumb Marvel initiative that doesn't look to bring unity, just more divisiveness. Oh well, I've grown used to this stupid kind of stuff, though I shouldn't be. I can say that I really enjoyed the first story. The rest of them range from cringey bad to mediocre. Let's laugh at the most cringey ones. The first White Tiger story is just far-left propaganda, Marvel should be ashamed of publishing this. The Miles Morales story and Spider-Girl presents exactly what's wrong with the left today, their constant need to control people's language is totalitarian and again, Marvel shouldn't publish this. The Brazilian Sorcerer Supreme story is yet another alarmist climate change issue that we didn't need. And I have to say I burst in laughter at the Ghost Rider story. "You know ALL this was Mexico first, right?" AHAHAHAHA Someone failed geography big time. And I just loved how he explicitly wanted to hear "gracias" instead of "thank you", makes you realize the demented state in which these writers are today.

Marvel's Voices: Heritage #1

Feb 5, 2022

Yet more divisive rhetoric from Marvel, I'm honestly worried of the way some people are starting to think, it's so sad seeing people divided on such stupid grounds as ethnic background or race, it's just awful.

Marvel's Voices: 2022 #1

Feb 16, 2022

Reptil (2021) #1  
The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #1

Jan 26, 2021

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #2

Jan 26, 2021

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #3

May 25, 2021

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #4

May 25, 2021

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #5

Jul 27, 2021

Tis The Season To Be Freezin' (2021) #1

Dec 14, 2021

A collection of very boring and bad stories, the only good ones were the first one with Robin and the one with Flash and Captain Cold. On the cringy side, we get another dose of climate alarmism in the Bizarro story, proof that you shouldn't give writing jobs to mentally-ill people and the JLQ story that truly baffled me. JLQ, really? What's next, JL black, JL latino, JL straight? How much pandering can one company do? I would note though that in a Christmas comic with 8 stories, only one story uses the phrase "Merry Christmas", most of them talk about "the holidays" or "solstice". If you think that's just a weird coincidence, you haven't been paying attention at the craziness out there lately.

King In Black: Iron Man/Doom #1

Dec 30, 2020

King In Black: Black Knight #1

Feb 3, 2021

Spurrier basically took a big shit on the whole history of the Black Knight, why Marvel would do this to a character they try to prop up I can't understand. Too bad, because the art was good.

King In Black: Marauders #1

Feb 3, 2021

Oh no, living in America, the horror, what could be worse, gtfo, Duggan!

King In Black: Captain America #1

Mar 3, 2021

Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Jan 10, 2021

Dark Nights: Death Metal #6

Dec 15, 2020

Yeah, I think by now we've had enough of Snyder's lunacy, we've indulged him for far too long.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 5, 2021

I'm being very generous and that's only because this is FINALLY over and I'm just real glad that this whole mess is behind us now.

Darkhold (2021): Blade #1

Oct 27, 2021

Darkhold (2021): Iron Man #1

Oct 27, 2021

Darkhold (2021): Wasp #1

Nov 17, 2021

This is what I like to call "utter shit". It played into all of Hank's worst traits while adding the classic feminist male-hating. But of course it's all ok when it's being done against men. We've stopped "fridging" female characters (and rightly so) because it was a shitty thing but we don't apply the same standards to shitty stuff writers did to male characters. No, instead we double-down on them so that crazies like Jordie Bellaire who get jobs they don't deserve can complain how they're being "oppressed". Yeah, if getting to write comics when you're a shitty writer means you're oppressed, sure, that tracks.

Darkhold (2021): Black Bolt #1

Dec 1, 2021

Rubbish, as most Mark Russell comics are.

Darkhold (2021): Spider-Man #1

Dec 22, 2021

I just felt so bad seeing Peter literally trying to hold people together with his webbing, that was so him.

Darkhold (2021): Omega #1

Jan 5, 2022

Horrible, as in classic Orlando.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

Jun 15, 2021

Wow! This was atrocious even by Tom King standards. It sounded like something Bendis would write, but I'm sure Tom thought he sounded highly intelligent, just as his fans love to think about themselves. Poor Supergirl, after the cringey tv show and the bad comics from the last years, now she has to go through this torture too. I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a villain after this, it's King's shtick to stain all superheroes that he gets to write.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2

Jul 20, 2021

Better than the first one but that's not saying much. Supergirl is still acting like every other feminine character King writes, his stand-in for his wife probably, annoying and bitchy but at least we do see some traits of old Supergirl. The narration is so boring and cringe, though. Art was better.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #3

Aug 17, 2021

I did enjoy this one more than the others but a liiiitle subtlety from King would have done wonders, I do think he actually believes he was subtle with it but he wasn't at all.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4

Sep 21, 2021

Best issue yet, nothing great but very good art and some decent storytelling.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5

Nov 16, 2021

"Sometimes I see why people fucking hate Kal". Well, sometimes I see why people fucking hate King. And this is why. He really, really doesn't get Supergirl, he doesn't get what being heroic means. Understandable for a former CIA, but it's not understandable when he tries to stain all of our beloved heroes.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6

Dec 21, 2021

How can such a beautifully-drawn book be so, so bad in the writing department? Answer: when it's written by Tom King and he writes women he doesn't understand. The rating is so big just for the art and because I liked Kara's interactions with Zor-El. But Tom King still can't write a decent Supergirl story, he's just not capable of it because he doesn't understand the character at all.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7

Jan 18, 2022

King still doesn't get Supergirl but that's not even the main issue. You can misunderstand a character and still write an entertaining story but this is just super boring. The only good news here is there is only one issue left of this. Definitely not the best Supergirl story ever, though lately there are no good Supergirl stories, unfortunately.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8

Feb 15, 2022

Just a horrendous story, yet another one where King takes a noble hero and throws that hero in the dirt probably to alleviate his own conscience and to feel better about himself. Horrible characterization for Supergirl, the "twist" at the end was so obvious and, of course, miserable at the same time. I genuinely laughed at Supergirl's lesbian haircut, let's hope they won't continue with it. There are two pages here I really liked but for the misery tour we've had to suffer it's just too little, too late. Let's hope DC will give Supergirl to a writer who doesn't have a feminist agenda (like they did these last few years) or to someone who doesn't hate superheroes, there is big potential ahead for the character, at least during Dark Crisis since Clark will be "dead".

Superman vs. Lobo (2021) #1

Aug 24, 2021

There's something about Seeley's writing that just doesn't work for me.

Superman vs. Lobo (2021) #2

Nov 10, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange: Strange Academy Presents #1

Nov 3, 2021

Awful stuff, kind of like everything Skottie Young writes. And of course we have another comic writer who feels the need to draw a parallel with the pandemic with kids staying at home instead of going to school. These people are sadistic, I'm starting to think they actually enjoy rubbing it in in our faces and capitalizing off the pandemic. Or they just lack any sort of originality, that may be it too.

The Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1

Nov 3, 2021

Empyre was a horrible event but the only issues I really liked were Paknadel's one-shots, I was hoping this would be more of the same. It's not, this is a non-story albeit not a terrible one, just boring and unimportant.

The Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox #1

Dec 1, 2021

Alyssa Wong cannot write a good story, she just can't.

The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1

Dec 1, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange: Blade #1

Dec 8, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men / Black Knight #1

Jan 19, 2022

Black Knight is not a disaster, but this book definitely is, as was Spurrier's Black Knight mini-series, total disrespect for the main hero, he's a side character in his own franchise.

Elektra: Black, White & Blood #1

Jan 5, 2022

Decent first story, the rest were bad, I'd like to see a bit more than just Elektra killing people left and right, there is more to the character than that.

Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 6, 2021

Thorne is still a douchebag but for a first issue it was fine, some bits were actually good, some were very bad.

Green Lantern (2021) #2

May 4, 2021

Yeah, this is going downhill pretty fast. It's not all bad but it's like Thorne has ADHD or something, he can't hold the story in one direction more than two-three pages, after which he goes in a completely different one and overall it just comes across as a mess, nothing seems to be satisfying by the end of the issue. Add to that his visceral hate towards Hal Jordan which is more and more visible in a stark contrast with his fawning over Stewart. And I like John Stewart, every kid who grew up with the JL cartoon can't not like Stewart but diminishing Hal who is probably the quintessential Lantern, especially for comic fans, is a wrong move. I'd say that normally this will be one of the first books DC will cancel but given the way they've treated the Lanterns these last few years I'm expecting they'll let Thorne sink this ship for however long he wants to.

Green Lantern (2021) #3

Jun 1, 2021

Green Lantern (2021) #4

Jul 6, 2021

...Of course Hal is Parallax again, the move literally no one asked for but Thorne needed to put in the book to satisfy his Hal Jordan hate boner. A mess overall, I'm giving up on this book. I'll give him something, though, he managed to make Teen Lantern even more annoying than in the Bendis era, something I thought would be difficult to do.

Man-Bat (2021) #5  
Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Apr 14, 2021

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #2

Apr 14, 2021

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #3

Jun 2, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 7, 2021

We continue the feminization of Jon Kent who this time comes up with a classic lesbian haircut, we're probably on the path of him coming out as gender neutral (the bi thing is clearly not enough for progressives) because, to quote Tom Taylor, "We don't need yet another straight white savior", we all know how disgusting those people are. And of course we get another rant about climate change because Taylor is just obsessed with that to the point that he sees nothing else in front of him, green propaganda has eaten his brain at this point. But by far my greatest issue with this is the rewriting of Superman's history just so Taylor can push his Mary Sue character to the front. Why does he act like Superman never tried reasoning with Lex and was always antagonistic? He has tried that at least 100 times, it never worked because Lex hates Superman from his guts and whatever happens, he can never get past that. And now Taylor pretends like, no, Superman was always antagonistic, Jon is so revolutionary trying to reason with him and manipulate him. I can tell the douchebag never read much Superman comics. And Jon Kent beating Lex at chess? I mean, sure, he's a Mary Sue character, of course he can.

The Thing (2021) #1

Nov 10, 2021

Pretty boring, I expected something better here.

The Thing (2021) #2

Dec 15, 2021

Wtf is this crap?

The Thing (2021) #3

Jan 12, 2022

Better than that abysmal last issue, but still pretty unengaging.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #2

Jul 27, 2021

These stories are all bad and no, Superman is not an arrogant, muscle-bound thug.

Wonder Woman: Black & Gold (2021) #3

Aug 24, 2021

Venditti's story is good and I also can't not like Epting's art and I guess the last story is decent. The others are just pure cringe, they would benefit if they would actually add writers based on their talents, not their sex.

Avengers (2018) #41

Jan 20, 2021

Avengers (2018) #45

Apr 22, 2021

Avengers (2018) #50

Dec 1, 2021

I dropped this book a long time ago because it was unreadable but I wanted to get back for the anniversary at least. And I had some fun. One of the reasons I had fun is that I could feel Aaron's pain for having to turn She-Hulk back to her sexy self, probably because of the tv show. Dude still carries a grudge for fans hating his version of She-Hulk and he peppered the book with hints at that, just as he insulted the fans for not liking his JaneThor. Imagine being a 50 year old man and crying because fans don't accept your stupid bullshit. I also had some fun because the whole multiversal stuff is fun. Dumb fun, but fun nonetheless. It's not great or anything but at least I didn't feel the need to constantly just roll my eyes in the back of my head. I still think that the Avengers desperately need a new writer and to go back to Avengers Mansion but for now this was ok. P.S.: It's super sad when what should be the main Marvel book, and its anniversary, is only reviewed by 3 users. It speaks just to how much Aaron has tarnished the brand with his idiocies.

Black Panther: Legends (2021) #1

Oct 13, 2021

Maybe I would have liked this more if not for the historical revisionism that Onyebuchi tries to apply here regarding Liberia, a country that doesn't give citizenship to white people (guess that's racist but whatever) and that was supposed to be a real life Wakanda but failed, even though white people didn't interfere as they did in the rest of the African continent. But for extremists the truth doesn't really matter, it's all about ideology. It's a shame that this book is targeted for YA and young people are impressionable so they would believe these lies. P.S.: I love it when losers screech at stuff they don't want to hear and try to cover that up by deliberately misinterpreting what I say and ramble on to try to "win", my job here was done. Please don't trust their lies and just inform yourselves on the matters discussed here.

Black Panther: Legends (2021) #2

Nov 17, 2021

Of course Hunter is the bad guy, I should have seen it coming, what else can someone like Onyebuchi write?

Black Panther: Legends (2021) #3

Feb 2, 2022

This is atrocious, just bad all around. Hunter comes across a douchebag, T'Challa comes across as a douchebag, the "fights" are boring. Why did they gave this guy a Captain America book? I mean, we all know why they gave it to him but he just doesn't deserve it.

Fantastic Four: Life Story #1

May 19, 2021

Fantastic Four: Life Story #2

Jun 23, 2021

The fact that Marvel allowed this character assassination, even in a non-canon book, is disgraceful but I suppose I should have seen it coming, it's Mark Russell, he has his obsessions and he just can't get over them.

Fantastic Four: Life Story #3

Aug 11, 2021

Every time I read a Mark Russell comic I set my expectations very low because I know everything he's written is ideologically-driven and he's also very stupid. But none of those things bother me as much as when he applies historical revisionism to fit his narrative. That is just disgusting. So to the point: yeah, Reagan's Star Wars program was pretty bonkers and it probably wouldn't have worked but it scared the Soviets enough to lose some sleep and, more importantly, money over it. Oddly enough, it contributed to the Soviet Union's fall because in the desperate arms race whatever insane shit one side did, the other would try to follow soon after. Another stupid complaint and a lie is that the pressure from Reagan was a bad thing. It was that particular pressure that helped make the Soviet Union fall. The appeasement strategy didn't work long term and yes, it was a risky gamble from Reagan but, again, it accelerated the USSR's fall, it worked. But I guess in Russell's idiotic mind America should've just given up and let the Soviets win. Thank God the people in charge were not as moronic as him. Because fortunately America won, freedom won and the fact that we live in a free world (though I'd argue that very freedom has been eroded since the pandemic) is owed in a pretty big part to Reagan. You believe otherwise, ask the people from former USSR countries or the countries from the Warsaw Pact (or any other country under heavy Soviet influence) about that. So yeah, dude has a hate-boner for Reagan and is willing to lie to justify it, shame on Marvel for allowing this to be published.

Fantastic Four: Life Story #4

Sep 16, 2021

Fantastic Four: Life Story #5

Dec 8, 2021

Ok, this was really good (and very sad at the same time), less stupid ranting from Russell and more decent storytelling, I liked this!

Fantastic Four: Life Story #6

Feb 2, 2022

The ending is bad, not horrible, I've read much worse from Russell, just bad. 5 out of 6 issues were really bad, #5 was the only good one. This could have been a much better book if it was written by someone other than Mark Russell who thinks being overly grim and pessimistic is cool and smart. Also, I didn't like that line that "In reality, there's no such thing as a hero", agree to disagree very much there.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #1

May 21, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #2

May 12, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #3

May 19, 2021

Heroes Reborn (2021) #4

May 26, 2021

Pure horseshit.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #5

Jun 2, 2021

God forgive me for I have liked this comic from the king of ridiculousness, Jason Aaron.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #6

Jun 9, 2021

Just pure cringe.

Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land (2021) #1

Sep 8, 2021

If I wouldn't have read the cover, I could've sworn this was a comic written by Tom King and drawn by Evan Doc Shaner. Now, the Shaner part is a compliment for the artist, the King part definitely isn't. Ka-Zar represents exactly the same pattern King has proposed lately for male characters. Submissive, depressed, put in his place by his wife and soon to be replaced by his son as a hero. Just a sad, pathetic excuse for a man. And the whole "we're vegetarians in the wild" had me laughing like crazy. I get that veganism is the new cool, progressive thing but let's keep it real a little, ok? At least the High Evolutionary is back, that seems interesting.

Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land (2021) #2

Oct 13, 2021

I think Zac Thompson is probably the type of guy who goes at a party not to have fun, but to talk about colonizing, since that's his only interest here and he's not being subtle about it at all.

Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land (2021) #3

Nov 17, 2021

This book is a meme at this point, a bad meme, Zac Thompson has some mental issues.

Nubia & The Amazons #1

Oct 19, 2021

I have this feeling like this would be better just with Stephanie Williams as a writer, Vita Ayala has this style with her writing all over the place, she's just not a good writer.

Nubia & The Amazons #2

Nov 16, 2021

This was a lot more Vita Ayala than Williams, I can always recognize her unnecessary verbal diarrhea that ultimately goes nowhere.

Nubia & The Amazons #3

Dec 21, 2021

Ok, this was retarded. "curious historian untrusting of the patriarchy". WHAT PATRIARCHY? I mean, the whole pAtRiArChY thing is idiotic even in our world but what patriarchy exists on Themyscira, the place where there are literally no men? Yeah, this is pure garbage.

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Jan 5, 2021

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 5, 2021

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1

Jan 5, 2021

Better then the Humphries crap DC put up in the last years. The art was difficult to follow.

Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #1

Jan 5, 2021

The first and second story were ok, the third one got off the rails. I really don't get the hate for Jonathan as Superman. So it's okay for Yara Flor to be Wonder Woman, it's okay for Tim Fox to be Batman, two characters that have absolutely nothing in common with the main characters but it's not okay for HIS SON to wear the mantle of Superman? That makes zero sense.

Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #1

Jan 5, 2021

I just can't get into anything Ram V writes, the guy has a pretentious writing-style with very little substance at the core of it and very few ideas that he repeats throughout everything he writes.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 12, 2021

9 for the first story, 7 for the second, I look forward to Bruce's story, so far it's interesting and Mora is really great.

Future State (2021): Green Lantern #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State (2021): Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #1

Jan 12, 2021

This was abysmal, both the story and the art, poor Supergirl just can't catch a break.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

Jan 12, 2021

The story needed just a little more substance, Barrows did the best he could.

Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #1

Jan 12, 2021

I expected better from Watters, he's a good writer, this isn't the best he's capable of.

Future State (2021): Teen Titans #1

Jan 12, 2021

Sandoval is great as usual, Sheridan has to work more on his storytelling.

Future State (2021): Immortal Wonder Woman #1

Jan 19, 2021

7 for the first (mostly for the art, the story could use some work), 3 for the second.

Future State (2021): Nightwing #1

Jan 19, 2021

Future State (2021): Shazam! #1

Jan 19, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #1

Jan 19, 2021

The first story is pretty uninteresting, we've seen this type of story a thousand times over, if this is the best that PKJ can come up with I don't have a lot of faith in his Superman for the future. Janin's art is good, though. The surprise was the Mister Miracle bit, I loved it. The last two stories were okay.

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State (2021): Aquaman #1

Jan 26, 2021

Great art, okay story.

Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Jan 26, 2021

If I could give it less than one, I really would, Bendis+Rossmo, it doesn't get worse than this.

Future State (2021): Catwoman #1

Feb 16, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman: House of El #1

Feb 23, 2021

I don't get how people get to claim that "Superman is in good hands" when this is the third story from PKJ when SUPERMAN IS BARELY IN IT. How can he be in good hands when he's not in the story? It looks like PKJ got a note from Bendis and he's applying the same system: doesn't care about Superman at all, he just tries to build other characters that maybe will pay off one day and he'll get the money for it.

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Feb 23, 2021

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2

Jan 19, 2021

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2

Jan 26, 2021

4 for the first story, Tamaki (as always, I should add) comes with the most stupid explanation for the mystery set up in the first issue and the dialogue is all cringey. Red Hood's story needed more context given that it's over in two issues but still, it was interesting.

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #2

Feb 2, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #2

Feb 2, 2021

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2

Feb 2, 2021

Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #2

Feb 2, 2021

Future State (2021): Teen Titans #2

Feb 9, 2021

This is such a huge mess, I'm sure the story didn't make sense even in Sheridan's head.

Future State (2021): Justice League #2

Feb 9, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #2

Feb 9, 2021

Future State (2021): Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #2

Feb 9, 2021

Trash would be a compliment for this.

Future State (2021): Green Lantern #2

Feb 9, 2021

I'm only giving it a 3 because of Hal's story and Dexter Soy's art.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #2

Feb 9, 2021

Future State (2021): Catwoman #2

Feb 16, 2021

I'm not a fan of Ram V at all but this was one of the best Future State titles. I would rate it even higher if Schimdt's art wouldn't be so mediocre.

Future State (2021): Immortal Wonder Woman #2

Feb 16, 2021

Future State (2021): Nightwing #2

Feb 16, 2021

It's a shame Scott's art was wasted on this comic.

Future State (2021): Shazam! #2

Feb 16, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #2

Feb 16, 2021

Yeah, for a Superman book the most you'll get of him is on the cover. Again, PKJ chooses to make even the second issue about someone else than Superman. Janin's art suffered too from this type of story. The Mister Miracle was somewhat fun but ultimately the story goes nowhere. The Midnigher one and the Black Racer are just awful. Overall, given the expectations for this book it is a disappointment.

Future State (2021): Aquaman #2

Feb 23, 2021

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #2

Feb 23, 2021

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2

Feb 23, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #2

Feb 23, 2021

Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #2

Feb 23, 2021

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3

Feb 2, 2021

I think I've read enough of Ridley to kinda see for myself what he's capable of and what his priorities are in terms of writing. Suffice to say, he's not a good addition to DC's roster of writers.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #3

Feb 9, 2021

Aaand eventually the story goes into classic Tamaki territory with cringy dialogue, super boring exposition and huge plotholes. It was a matter of time, as always when it comes to her. Rosenberg's story is not good either.

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #3

Mar 30, 2021

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #4

Feb 16, 2021

This was probably the best "Next Batman" story so far. Not that Tim is a compelling character or anything but the interactions between characters were pretty good and the art was very dynamic. Unfortunately, the backup stories were pure shit, especially Vita Ayala's. She's just not a good writer, I don't think I've read anything from her that I liked. I'd say I don't know why she keeps getting these gigs but I do know, unfortunately. Overall I can't say I'm looking forward to the Next Batman's story but it's not as bad as other Future State stories. He still isn't Batman for me but at least he acts in character close enough that I'm not feeling a huge difference in attitude between him and Bruce. Whether that's a flaw or a good thing is debatable.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4

Feb 23, 2021

Tamaki brings this whole issue down with her writing. Mora's art is still pretty good, but her writing is as chaotic as ever. The Red Hood story was pretty good and it turns out there's more to Jason's role in FS than what seemed to be, looking forward to that one.

Marauders (2019) #16

Dec 9, 2020

It's "Kitty" not "Kate", people loved Chris Claremont's Kitty Pryde, let it go, Gerry, maybe you'll sleep better at night if you do.

Marauders (2019) #17

Jan 13, 2021

The writing is juvenile (classic Duggan) and the art is messy, I swear Kitty (not Kate) had a moustache in a panel. Come on, you're professionals!

Marauders (2019) #18

Feb 17, 2021

Marauders (2019) #21

Jun 2, 2021

This deserves less just because of the insufferable Megan Rapinoe cameo but I'm feeling generous today.

Marauders (2019) #22

Jul 21, 2021

If this is where Shaw starts to switch sides, this was worth it, otherwise the book has lost its pace for some time now.

Marauders (2019) #23

Aug 18, 2021

I think Marvel should give this book to someone else, it has lost direction for some time now and it's become even worse since Duggan started writing X-Men, he's probably more focused on that one.

Marauders (2019) #27

Jan 12, 2022

Thank God this is over, at least for now, this started out well but it was truly bad for some time now.

Superman (2018) #28

Dec 15, 2020

Superman (2018) #29

Mar 9, 2021

The book is not bad and the message is a good one but again, there's very little of Superman IN A SUPERMAN BOOK! And it's the fourth PKJ Superman book doing this, I can see a very disconcerting pattern here. I happen to like Jonathan though so I'll give it a pass but this has to change. The art didn't do anything for me either.

Superman (2018) #30

Apr 13, 2021

Superman (2018) #31

May 11, 2021

By this point I already know PKJ's Superman shtick: tell us how great he is by working on getting rid of him.

Superman (2018) #32

Jun 22, 2021

"if you ever think of yourself as just the son of Superman know that YOU'RE the Superman against whom all heroes will be measured someday. The Superman that I aspire to be". WE GET IT, PKJ, Jonathan Kent is the next Superman and you couldn't give two shits about Clark Kent, no need to beat us over the head this way. What is really shitty is that in all the interviews this guy lied about how much he cares about Superman and the first thing he did was getting rid of him. What's even more annoying is that I actually like Jonathan but the way this guy throws Clark Kent aside in his hunger to make a name for himself is disgusting.

Daredevil (2019) #26

Jan 27, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 10, 2021

I'm really tired of Zdarsky shitting on Matt 24/7.

Daredevil (2019) #29

Apr 14, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #30

May 19, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #31

Jun 30, 2021

Another issue where Matt acts like a dumbass because Zdarsky wants to shit on him constantly.

Daredevil (2019) #32

Jul 28, 2021

Another sadistic writer who feels the need to capitalize on the pandemic with a very in-your-face similar lockdown and a Bullseye that at this point is a parody, he's a very thinly-veiled parallel to a virus.

Daredevil (2019) #33

Aug 11, 2021

Whenever Checchetto is on the art you can be sure the action fights are going to be great but Zdarsky continues with the same tired beats. The drug that makes the inmates violent is "Re-Cid". Get it? The inmates are violent because the warden of the prison deliberately makes them so, that's why they're recidivists. And of course, AGAIN Daredevil will get schooled by North, just as he was schooled by him in the beginning and by the black inmate that helped him during KiB. Honestly if only once Matt would be the conscience of this book and not be presented as a hypocrite and a madman I would probably like this a lot more. Still, this was a good issue overall mostly because of the very smart fights.

Daredevil (2019) #34

Sep 8, 2021

This was awful from start to finish, at least the Daredevil parts. The whole "re-cid" (recidivist) drug that makes the prisoners antisocial and violent just so they can come back is cringey and very, very idiotic. It's not like the people ending up there were the most responsible citizens in the first place. This victim mentality is nauseously obnoxious. Then there's Cole North who blatantly says the "only way to do good" is by busting cops. Are you freaking kidding me? It's not like the criminality rate is up to the sky and you'd have work to do, so busting cops is definitely NOT the only way to do good. We get it, Chip, you're with the "defund/abolish the police" crowd, just tone it down a notch, will you? Seriously, get help, you need it. And of course yet again the teacher's pet, Cole, is the moral voice for DD. The Bullseye-covid lockdown parallel is getting even more obvious with Bullseye being so "random and unpredictable". Seriously, this is bad all around.

Daredevil (2019) #35

Oct 27, 2021

Bad art, stupid plot, idiotic propaganda. Thank God this run is nearly over, maybe after this Zdarsky can actually focus on a story and not just infecting us with his stupid ideas about how prison turns people violent, because otherwise those people were obviously very decent citizens who got there just by crossing a red light. I'm really not one to wish other people harm, regardless of their stupid and moronic beliefs, but I would wish one of these stupid writers who are so detached from the world to just meet one of these "innocent victims of the system" in an alley, see if their stupid theories would work. These people are what Lenin called "useful idiots" as in people who in their stupidity are sabotaging their own country. They're like the idiots who at riots protest the police and then when an incident happens, they're all "call the police". Dude, are you crazy? Weren't you just asking a second ago for police to be abolished, why would you ask for their help? Then again, logic and sanity are not the strong suits of these people.

Daredevil (2019) #36

Dec 1, 2021

I reiterate my wish that Chip will be in a situation in which he will need the police's help, yet will have to stay true to his "principles" lol. He's like those idiots at protests that yell "abolish the police" and when shit hits the fan they go to the cops to ask for help. That being said, I like the dynamics surrounding Kingpin. I have very low expectations for Devil's Reign based on this run and on the solicits.

Dark Ages (2021) #1

Sep 1, 2021

Meh, the pacing is pretty off and the fact that Marvel planned this book a looong time ago and released it just now makes me think this won't be anything groundbreaking. So far it's true. But it was a decent, classic by now, apocalyptic Tom Taylor story. Coello is the big sell here for me.

Dark Ages (2021) #2

Oct 6, 2021

Another dumb issue that has no ground to stand on at any level.

Dark Ages (2021) #3

Nov 17, 2021

WTF was this? Does that sound like Dr. Doom? "Tick Tick"? Is Doom the jokester type? This is a parody of Doom. This whole series is a bad parody of Injustice. And Johnny dying was as predictable as it could have been, we knew it from page 1. Coello did a great job on art but story wise, this is just really bad.

Dark Ages (2021) #4

Jan 12, 2022

I see Tom Taylor continues with his hate of the Western world, but this time instead of shitting on America, he chooses Europe as his target, with hints that Wakanda is "far nicer than Europe" and, honestly, the idea of immigration from Europe to Africa is laughable considering the actual reality right now where Europe doesn't know how to stop the immigration from Africa and ended up paying a dictator like Erdogan for it or being played by another dictator, Lukashenko, for the same reason. Yeah, I know, I know, this is comics, not real world, but the fact that that's what Taylor imagines just shows where his mind is at. What I don't get about these writers that hate America, Europe and, in general, the Western world, is why are they still living in it. If it's so bad you feel the need to always shit on these parts, just move to Africa or the Middle East or wherever you think the good life is, see how that works out for you. And I still hate his literal self-inserts (if anyone's wondering he's on the bottom of the 2nd page).

New Mutants (2019) #21

Sep 1, 2021

While I continue to dislike Ayala's writing, there is a big development here, the clones being considered by the Five good to go for resurrection protocols. That should mean Madelyne Pryor, Evan Sabahnur or Stryfe could come back. Also, I keep expecting Thunderbird to come back, they've teased him in X-Men and here.

New Mutants (2019) #23

Dec 1, 2021

World of Krypton (2021) #1

Dec 7, 2021

I cannot stress enough how ugly this art is, especially in contrast with the cover, there's such a huge difference between those two. It's like a losing weight commercial, with the "before" and "after". It's like a bag of potato chips, seem so full when you buy it, but actually most of it is air. It's like how a burger looks vs actual reality. It's like that "we got food at home" meme. I could continue, but you get the point. The cover is great, the inside artwork is horrifying. The story isn't that great, either. I liked some interactions between characters, but the overall premise does nothing for me. I cringed a little at the reason those thought-beasts died, it's so stupid. I loved Venditti's Hawkman but a lot of the times he's mediocre and this seems more of that, unfortunately. And Krypton and kryptonians look very unimpressive overall. I hope this gets better but for now my hopes are pretty low.

World of Krypton (2021) #2

Jan 4, 2022

This is just very boring, lazy, totally unoriginal and with very bad art, I keep hoping it will get better but I think the opposite will happen.

World of Krypton (2021) #3

Feb 1, 2022

Venditti is very hit-and-miss. His Hawkman was really great, probably the best run for the character ever since Johns but a lot of the times he's just bad and this is the case here. I knew ever since the first panels of the first issue we're not going to escape a little bit of climate change alarmism and that he just won't leave Krypton's destruction being its own thing. No, he just had to go for it, he couldn't resist the stupid urge not to make it about that. What's more awful is that he seems to go full crazy implying that we should go the austerity way which, you know, when you're living in US it's easy to imply but some people cannot afford that austerity because they're already at the edge of it so condemning them to more austerity would be nightmarish for them. It's just such a bad idea and it comes across as very infantile. Zod seems to lose his cool of a sudden, Kara is very not in character here, the art is bad, honestly nothing works here at all. Make Krypton great again but not by comparing it to Earth, go full escapism which was awesome about them in the first place. This is just not it.

Defenders (2021) #1

Aug 11, 2021

This bored me out of my mind, I don't think I've read in a long time a book that made me fell asleep while reading it, it really was an effort to get through it, this is Ewing indulging himself in his worst reflexes.

Defenders (2021) #2

Sep 8, 2021

I have mixed feelings about this. It still has all the wrong signs of a bad Ewing book but on the other hand I appreciated that he keeps reminding us of his work with Galactus that Marvel threw away needlessly. I also liked Surfer's inner thoughts and the art. But everything else? Didn't really make a lot of sense and it's just cheap mumbo jumbo. Btw, pride is supposed to be a sin, a capital sin, so I wouldn't put it on the same level as love and joy, both being overwhelmingly positive emotions. I got that it was supposed to be pride as in "Pride" (it was not subtle with all the chromatic) but if we're going to dabble in the philosophical and esoteric, let's not reinvent history and religion.

Defenders (2021) #3

Oct 6, 2021

Great art, silly story.

Defenders (2021) #4

Dec 15, 2021

This is Ewing at his worst, all nonsense and the art can't save him.

Defenders (2021) #5

Jan 19, 2022

Decent ending for a pretty bad book overall.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

I will always appreciate a book with Mikel Janin's art but Morrison is a hard sell lately. This wasn't bad or anything and the idea is interesting but for a first issue out of four, I feel like we didn't get much. Manchester Black has always been poor man's Constantine and that tracks here, too. Also I found Superman's voice odd at times. I hope this gets better but I can't say I believe that, if Green Lantern was any indication, it will get worse actually.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #2

Aug 17, 2021

The amount of cringey shit Morrison spouts here really makes this a chore. He's not nearly as clever as he thinks he is. Also, we're basically at the half of this book that sets up an ambitious task, changing the world and all that, and we're still absolutely nowhere. I have serious doubts Morrison will deliver something of substance in the next two issues, if the first two were any indication. And the fact that Janin isn't drawing the whole book is another major minus for me.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #3

Sep 14, 2021

Janin's art is great but other than that, I have nothing. At least Morrison admits Superman is being replaced.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #4

Oct 12, 2021

Just bad all around and the premise that Grant promised to address was waved off like it was nothing.

Pennyworth (2021) #1

Aug 10, 2021

Scott Bryan Wilson is the type of writer who suffers from verbal diarrhea and still manages to bore you with the dialogue. An interesting concept but based on his previous writings I have little hope of this getting better. I'll stick with it for some issues though.

Pennyworth (2021) #2

Sep 14, 2021

It's an art to be this boring in so many, many, many, many words.

Pennyworth (2021) #3

Oct 12, 2021

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #1

Apr 21, 2021

The first story is good, the second one is pretty bad, I continue to not give a crap about the Tessa Thompson Valkyrie.

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #2

May 19, 2021

The Mighty Valkyries (2021) #3

Jun 16, 2021

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #1

Oct 26, 2021

It's incredibly ironic to hear Brandon Thomas have the real Aquaman, Arthur Curry, talk about Atlantis as what "belongs rightfully to him". To come up with that line while he's just as he's busy replacing him in Aquaman: Becoming shows a terrible lack of self-awareness. It's laughable but I can't say I'm surprised. The story is as dumb as most stories from this guy. Sure, Ollie may have Arthur's powers but arrow-shooting accuracy isn't a super-power so no, it doesn't work like that. Then again, logic was never this guy's strongest suit as we've established. It's fairly obvious what is happening here in terms of the plot. I would've rated it lower but I liked the art and I like the two main characters, both have been treated pretty badly these last few years. Unfortunately, this book doesn't help them very much.

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #2

Nov 23, 2021

Yeah, sorry, Brandon Thomas doesn't really get what being a hero means. There's a panel where Arthur chooses to save only one of the two pilots. It's true, it's implied the other was a traitor, but at that point Arthur had no idea that was the case. This being Brandon Thomas, a writer absolutely obsessed with race, I do think that in his disgusting mind, he thought a hero would prioritize saving a black guy over a white one. I really hope that's not the case.

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #3

Dec 28, 2021

What an utter mess, these two characters deserve better than this crap.

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #4

Jan 25, 2022

I still find the voices for the characters completely wrong but the art is still very good and there were at least two pages of dialogue that I liked. Brandon Thomas is still not a good writer and I don't think that will change very soon.

Batman '89 (2021) #1

Aug 10, 2021

This was interesting and the art really is splendid but some things threw me off a little. For one, Batman being sloppy and getting people killed in situations he usually avoids just for the sake of the plot felt wrong. And regarding the race stuff, some lines there from Harvey felt very odd and morally questionable, I hope we get less of that in the future. Still I'm looking forward to this, it's a pretty tense situation.

Batman '89 (2021) #2

Sep 14, 2021

I've heard that Sam Hamm had a different vision for the Batman '89 movie and that he couldn't get through with it because of all the people that were working on the movie then. Well I say to those people "congrats, you've done a great job". If this guy were to go all the way with it those movies wouldn't have got the cult following they did. I feel like he suffers from a severe case of white guilt, all the story is basically about race. Two-Face as a character is seen through those lenses, the DA job matters very little. Oh, and if you want to read YET ANOTHER comic where Bruce is trying to lose all his money, you've got it here. Seriously, this is a pattern. First, he loses his fortune in the main DCU. Then, his son Nightwing throws away all his money at problems, literally. And now here, Bruce is willing to do the same thing. Once it's no problem, twice it may be something there, but when it's the third time in these last months when a Batman character is having the same rhetoric, I can't pretend it's a coincidence and it's not ideological rhetoric.

Batman '89 (2021) #3

Oct 12, 2021

If Sam Hamm could just stop with his insane racial innuendos this would be a much better book especially when the art is so good but the man doesn't seem like he can help himself in that regard.

Batman '89 (2021) #4

Dec 7, 2021

There's a disgusting bit in the first panel of the first page where Quinones draws a panel in which a guy holds a banner with the very hidden message "cops are pigs", that's very stupid and immature and I didn't expect this bullshit even in a book that has pulled some weird ideas from the very beginning. In case you were wondering, it doesn't get any better because we get even more race bullshit when we find out that the evil Waynes oppressed Robin's ancestor and basically stole their company from them. This isn't the first time when comic history is being rewritten to the point of making the Waynes bad just so the "past is bad" narrative can be pulled forward. Here we just have it combined with race because Sam Hamm suffers from a last stage white guilt syndrome and he needs to punish us for it. Also, we have a very weird scene with Harvey in a subway underground that is filled with racial undertones. I again feel the need to thank the guys at DC that took the decision to rein in this guy, he would have killed the Batman movie franchise before it even began. And without the Keaton movies being so successful, I don't know if we would have gotten Nolan's masterpieces. So yeah, the guys that realized that Sam Hamm is cuckoo crazy and cut his bullshit out from the movie basically saved Batman in the cinematic medium, they're fucking heroes. To end on an optimistic note, the humor was cringe here and the way Robin cucks Batman all around makes me think the next issues could somehow be even worse.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): The Signal #1

Jul 6, 2021

Too much verbal diarrhea without any real meaning and I always hate it when writers use all that slang in a "how do you do fellow kids" kind of way. Another bad sign is the way all writers keep giving Duke new powers, thinking that that will somehow make him an interesting character. Spoiler: it won't, it just makes him a Mary Sue who at this point is giving Superman a run for his money with the multitude of powers. Still, I appreciated the overall idea of the book and that saves it a little.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): Huntress #1

Jul 27, 2021

Mariko Tamaki has that "magic touch" that can make any character feel dull and uninteresting, even though Huntress really isn't that way.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): Clownhunter #1

Aug 17, 2021

Honestly, better than I expected, pretty good surprise especially since Clownhunter is very boring as a character. But I enjoyed how Punchline explains that the clowns want to bait young people into violence. Very similar to what happens these days online with the radicalization of young people who can't take people disagreeing with them and think that violence is the solution. Also, yeah, if anyone should understand about a kid getting in over his head, it's Jason.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): Miracle Molly #1

Sep 21, 2021

How is it that Tynion's origin stories for his characters are always so, so predictable? Of course his most boring creation is yet another sum of cliches. Of course she is an apathetic girl who didn't fit in and she was disrespected at work and wanted kids instead of career blah blah blah. I can't wait for him to move to Substack and the likes of Punchline, Clownhunter, Miracle Molly, the Gardener and Ghost-Maker to be forgotten and never used again in a Batman story. Art was bad, too, there's nothing redeeming this story.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): Peacekeeper-01 #1

Oct 19, 2021

I liked this. Even though PK-01 reminds me a lot of Lock-Up (Tynion isn't exactly known for his originality) he's an interesting character. I'm not a fan of Tynion's decision to make it so that Sean actually put those barrels there to cover up his previous mistakes, I actually liked that even though he's obviously fucked up in the head, he displayed a decent feat of heroism saving those nurses, this retcon doesn't help the character much. Still, I've enjoyed this and this is the only character from Tynion that I hope doesn't go away. Unlike Miracle Molly, Clownhunter, Punchline, Gardener and Ghost-Maker, this guy has a hero complex but is obviously disturbed and that makes him pretty interesting in the Gotham ecosystem.

Batman: Secret Files (2021): The Gardener #1

Nov 16, 2021

Not as awful as I would have expected but I'm getting sick and tired of this environmentalism wave in comics that tries to present mass murderers as victims of society, so yeah, Tynion "does it again". Ivy is not a victim of "other men". She is an insane supervillain who thinks killing innocent people will make the world better. Anyone who tries to justify this needs a visit to a psychiatrist.

Avengers: Mech Strike (2021) #5

Jul 28, 2021

I rate it this high solely for Carlos Magno's art that just keeps getting better and better, the guy should draw an Avengers book (CAFU is my first choice, he's second) but Kang here is an idiot who wouldn't be capable to outwit even Jar Jar Binks to save his life, the writer is too dumb for such a character.

Black Manta (2021) #1

Sep 7, 2021

Ok so this is clearly a Milestone book since all of the action revolves around black people (the only white people are the villains, of course) and DC should label it as such. I've seen this in the Aquaman anniversary, all of a sudden Black Manta grows a conscience and starts to fight for the people because of course the ruthless mass murderer is now a man of the people since he's black. Race-baiting comic by race-baiting writer, nothing to see here. And of course this review will make me racist from the usual crowd since thought-process isn't something they engage in.

Black Manta (2021) #2

Oct 19, 2021

Yet another "lost tribe" plotline from DC, all too very similar with Thao-La and her group of Kryptonians. I understand DC is looking to ride that diversity train but could we get just a tiiiny bit of originality, is that too much to ask for? It gets points though for using one of the most ridiculous-but-in-a-good-way villains from DC, Gentleman Ghost. I've been criticized by some idiots here for saying this book is basically a Milestone one. There's a page in this issue that I think showcases exactly that so I guess I can say I'm happy I'm being proved right. But what got my attention was that Malcolm X was presented as a victim of racism and his death a casualty of that. Now I have no doubts Malcolm WAS a victim of racism during his life but his death was decidedly NOT a casualty of that. He got killed by Nation of Islam which, you know, wasn't a very friendly organization towards whites. So we have here yet another attempt from a comic writer to rewrite history to suit his cause. It's a disturbing pattern in the industry lately. Also, while Marcus Garvey was indeed a key figure in black history, he was a self-described fascist, he even went so far to say he was the first fascist before Mussolini, which of course was crazy talk (in his defense, he did realize his mistake after Italy's invasion of Abyssinia and condemned fascism), and he even collaborated with KKK in an effort to push his black separatist views. If you want to change the future and make it a better one, start by presenting the past how it was, not how you would have liked it to be, Chuck Brown.

Black Manta (2021) #3

Nov 10, 2021

This unofficial Milestone book (you have to be an idiot to pretend by now this isn't a Milestone book) bored me and the art was pretty bad.

Black Manta (2021) #4

Dec 14, 2021

Chris Claremont Anniversary Special (2021) #1

Jan 13, 2021

Man, this is a mess. Claremont doesn't know when to quit, the guy was probably the best X-Men writer ever but nowadays he's just incoherent. Brett Booth's art was really great though, can't wait to see him on X-Men with Hickman.

Shang-Chi (2020) #4

Dec 31, 2020

Pretty sure Gene Luen Yang is doing a massive bit of propaganda for China, why DC, an american company, allows this I won't understand.

Static (2021): Season One #1  
Justice League Infinity (2021) #1

Jul 6, 2021

Justice League Infinity (2021) #2

Aug 3, 2021

So I gave an 8 to that last issue mostly because it was good but also out of nostalgia, I'll admit, but that last page had me intrigued and not in a good way because I saw where it was heading. Still, I acted in good faith and pretended maybe it won't be like I thought it would be. Spoiler: it was. Of course DeMatteis had to infect this book with the stupid idea of nazis in America because of course America today is full of them, America 2021 is probably like Germany in the '30s in his twisted mind. Other than that annoying bit it was predictable overall and unfortunately the Amazo bits are moving too slow.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #3

Sep 7, 2021

I'm getting more and more bored with this book, get back to the Amazo stuff, that was more interesting.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #4

Oct 5, 2021

Justice League Infinity (2021) #5

Nov 3, 2021

Yeah, one global government sounds great, it totally would work wonders, absolute paradise. If you're a total idiot. No, we don't have "a long way to go", we're pretty fine as we are not centralizing global political power under one government. Go propagandize your moronic ideas somewhere else, DeMatteis.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #6

Dec 7, 2021

So, so, so boring, I have nothing else to add.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #7

Jan 4, 2022

Pretty decent ending for a series that got really, really bad at some point.

The United States of Captain America #1

Jun 30, 2021

Cantwell sure tried his best to hide his feelings of hate and disdain towards America but he failed in the end, his true colors poured throughout the book. Let's hate the past, the American dream was a lie, let's feel guilty for everything and join in this defeatist mentality. This is progressive propaganda. Which is ridiculous because Cantwell complains about Cap being used for political agenda in the book WHILE managing to do that exact thing, self-awareness is not something he dabbles in lol. Another thing I found amusing was that even in this book he managed to throw a sneer at Tony Stark, which really makes me question how much does this guy hate Iron Man. :)) The humor was cringe, I already know who the villains are because again, this is an ideologically driven book. Spoiler: it's the white people who hate minorities and want to kill them because white people are always racist as Cantwell surely believes. Eaglesham was awesome here, he's this book's saving grace. Also, a scrappy kid mops the floor with hired soldiers without any training whatsoever and of course the first guy he meets is also immediately his gay lover. :))

The United States of Captain America #2

Jul 28, 2021

Woke Captain America, part two for anyone who was missing it. Did you want Cap and Sam being scolded by a teenager for saving the world and not doing anything for the little guy (even if Sam's run was specifically about how he tried to go more grassroots level and Rogers was always a character who cared about the little guy)? Well, you have it here. Did you want every white person to be a caricature of racism (except one guy, I don't know how Cantwell managed to not write him as a racist, it must have been a real effort for him, poor guy)? Well, you have it here. Did you want yet another teenage activist, just like Jon Kent in Taylor's new series, because all teenage superheroes MUST be political activists today, Greta Thunberg be praised, or there's no reason to write them anymore, forget the Teen Titans and their personal dramas, it's all about politics these days. Well, you have it here. In Nichelle's defense I liked that at least her cause was a worthy one, clean water. As for the villains, I guess one of them makes sense, the other I'm still waiting to see why he's in on this. P.S.: Also, Sam Wilson has a BLACK shield instead of the real one, made by Misty Knight, obviously because they're black and of course black characters should have black shields even though he's Captain America... I don't think Cantwell realizes just how close his ideas are to those of segregationists, they're two sides of the same coin. P.P.S.: Notice how I live rent-free in idiots' heads, if only real-life rent would be so easy to pay. :))

The United States of Captain America #3

Aug 25, 2021

This was better than the last two (not that that's hard to achieve since those were full of cringe), I really liked Joe's character. Still, I have two big problems with this book. One, the backup stories are always bad and the art is pretty weak, I feel like it's doing a disservice to the main story. If you're going to want to push these characters put in some effort, not just this low-hanging fruit we're offered. And two, Marvel really advertised this in a disingenuous way. They said this was going to be all four Caps against the villains. We're at issue 3 of 5 and John Walker hasn't appeared yet while Bucky just appeared in a few pages, mind you, not as Captain America. Yes, I know, Walker will appear next issue (I'm sure Cantwell will shit on him as much as he can) but when you say you're going to have all four Caps and two of them are barely in it half past it, you're lying to the fans. If they would've said it's just Steve and Sam with his black shield (who cares about the flag motive, it's all about race now) it would've been much more sincere but I guess Marvel isn't in that business.

The United States of Captain America #4

Sep 22, 2021

The first page has me already disgusted at the division and wokeness that Cantwell continues to push in this comic. So Sam Wilson, one of Steve Rogers' best friends, if not a brother, says to Steve that he can't "validate" Steve because he PROBABLY is a descendant of slave owners. Again, let me it make clear: out of two people who have nothing but respect for each other and are as close as brothers, one can't "validate" the other because he MAY have been a descendant of slave owners, an action that Steve has no control over (and he wasn't btw). This is the most blatant case of division in a book that is supposedly trying to bring "unity". Absolutely disgusting! We have other free jabs from the current writer of Iron Man at Iron Man and an interdiction to use "Warrior Woman" as a moniker because it's 2021 and we're all woke like that. Just some free samples of the ridiculous shit Cantwell comes up with. The art is just atrocious, such a clear difference between the clean and nice art of Eaglesham and...this. The backup story is as cliche as they come, rich frat boy abuses a girl and the girls get together to expose him. Sure, nothing wrong with that but it's what I like to call a low hanging fruit. A much more interesting, and frankly more realistic story, would have been something to the likes of the mattress girl story or the Kavanaugh case, where women falsely accuse men in order to destroy them. All in all, I like how he used Walker, I was afraid he'd go to great lengths to humiliate him but he wrote him pretty good and I'm looking forward to see how Merrick will be like since Cantwell wrote that he was inspired by a real soldier he looked up to.

The United States of Captain America #5

Oct 20, 2021

The issue debuts with a fairly decent opening from U.S. Agent who tells us that we have to be careful about defining ourselves by what we disagree with. That's actually true, problem here is, when Cantwell shares this lesson through U.S. Agent his target is actually the more conservative side of America when in fact it's an excellent lesson for those who embrace woke ideology. You know, guys like Cantwell, people who are always looking to cancel others who don't think like they do. There's a terrible lack of self-awareness here even though the lesson in itself is a healthy one. Other than that I continue to like his voice for U.S. Agent, Bucky and Merrick, though he doesn't find quite the right voice for Steve who feels very hollow as a character here instead of feeling like a main character. Eaglesham draws an awesome BuckyCap costume and there is at least one panel that really shines here. I feel though that this was a missed opportunity because there is a big reunion of Caps here and a lot of former Caps are ignored just so we can have these new Caps that no one cares about. Oh, the only new Cap that we don't have a backup story here for is, of course, Merrick, who else. If you think there's a coincidence that we had backup stories for the gay Cap, the black female activist Cap, the Native American Cap and the Filipino chick but we don't have a backup story for the white soldier, you haven't been paying attention at the comic medium these last few years. I kept hoping that wasn't the case because Cantwell actually stated in an interview that he based Merrick on a real life soldier he met but I guess that wasn't enough to counterbalance the fact that he's not a minority and he's a soldier, those are probably two horrible flaws in Cantwell's view. From the new Caps I hope to see more of Joe, he's cool, and maybe Merrick, the others brought nothing to the story. All in all, a very mixed-up series (better than that horrendous Coates run but then again, that's a pretty low bar) that had some good that couldn't outweigh the bad, though. I'm not putting a lot of hope in Derek Landy's upcoming Captain America/Iron Man series, if his Falcon and Winter Soldier series is any indication it will be a shitshow. Cap really needs its own series and desperately needs a writer who gets who he is and whose main concern isn't promoting his ideology but actually trying to push the character in some new territory, questioning what America is about and facing the perils that actually haunt the country these days, not silly two-bit archaic villains.

X-Corp (2021) #1

May 12, 2021

X-Corp (2021) #2

Jun 16, 2021

This is too boring.

X-Corp (2021) #3

Jul 14, 2021

The Madrox bits are great, the others are cringe.

X-Corp (2021) #4

Aug 18, 2021

This should be good but it's just too boring.

X-Corp (2021) #5

Sep 22, 2021


Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1

Jan 12, 2022

Decent first issue, but nothing special.

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #2

Feb 2, 2022

Yeah, so the whole "OMG Matthew will find out" turns out it's bullshit, he already knew, and I always hate it when writers do that sort of stuff. Plus the story really isn't good. There's only one issue left but honestly, Elektra deserves better than this, Zdarsky really doesn't have a good voice for her, at least not in this book.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

I really don't get the people who feel the need to attack others preemptively just because they simp for some writers but oh well, crazies everywhere these days, right? The art from Putri is great and the premise for the story is interesting enough. Was it perfect? No, there are still some lines from Taylor that make me cringe all over, where his ideological obsessions still come through, but I liked so far what he did with the characters at play so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Much, much better than Dark Ages at Marvel, that's for sure.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2

Dec 7, 2021

It is clear to me, clear as day, that Tom Taylor hates Batman from the bottom of his heart, given how many times he has characters scorn him. Yes, he does "cool" things with him here and there, but that's just for the fanbase because he is the type of writer who knows his skills are limited and relies a lot on pleasing the fanbase, it's his modus operandi, hence also the "Jon is bi thing". I didn't like how Superman acted here either, he's way too douchy. Yes, he's in pain and yes, this is an elsewhere story but I still felt that some lines, particularly towards Bruce were totally uncalled for. And I have to say, I burst in laughter at the Wonder Woman and Zala kiss page. Taylor really doesn't know how to present a LGBT story, does he? He just slaps a page where two men/women kiss and waits for the applause, "hey, look at me, I'm so very progressive, aren't I the best?" But at least he pandered to his fanbase, that's what matters after all, isn't it? I also cringed at Harley pretty hard, I know Taylor likes her and in Injustice he wrote her pretty decently, but here it was just cringy. All in all, it turns out one good issue was all Taylor could do before he went back to his old, cringy and stupid ways.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #3

Jan 4, 2022

I'm really getting tired of Taylor's "style" of introducing characters only for them to be killed several panels later, it got boring a long time ago. Also notice how almost always those characters are men. If they were women, we'd talk about "fridging" but since they're men, who cares, right? Only in this book he did it 4 times already, he did it with Jor-el, he did with the Metal Men, he did it with Jefferson's son and with Jefferson. I know the classic morons will pretend, as always, that it's not a pattern here, but the rest of us don't have to do that, not all of us have the ideological blinders put on. Also he writes both Zara and Diana as the classic angry lesbians and that's not a good look for Wonder Woman or for lesbians, in general. So again Taylor does more harm than good to the people he's trying to pander to. But I'm sure he can't see that, he probably thinks he's a good progressive boi. Another bad and uninteresting issue where Jasmine Putri can only do so much to save Taylor's ass. I guess Taylor can ruin even fantasy now.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #4

Feb 1, 2022

Only Tom Taylor could portray Luthor as a dumb idiot and think it's "interesting". Also I call a lot of bullshit on the "Bruce's birth healed all the wounds". Yeah, I'm pretty sure they couldn't be best buddies after Jor-El screwed Martha but hey, it's Tom Taylor, just smile and don't think too much about it, all is good if he says so, it's not supposed to make a lot of sense. And he did a mix of Luthor and Joker, wow, so interesting and original. If you overlook these big, obvious flaws, the story isn't that bad. But the art kind of is, Putri was a big sell on the book and the fact that after three issues there is already some other artist on the book is a bad sign for the future.

Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 8, 2021

Yeah, this was very boring and pretty bad. I haven't been the biggest fan of Zdarsky's run but at least he managed here and there to create an entertaining story even if the basis for it was a stupid one. This, right here, is just a lame copy of the Civil War. Say what you want about Millar, at least he was original. Zdarsky just plagiarizes him with a very low-effort comic. Also, some of the lines were very, very stupid. For example, Fisk's line that "nobody else knows your true Achille's heel: your guilt". Lol, EVERYBODY knows Daredevil's weakness is his guilt, it's basically his signature at this point, that was such a dumb line. And of course, the cringiest line is, not at all surprisingly, about cops because Zdarsky really has an obsession with that: "yOu GoT a BaDgE nOw, ShOcKeR, yOu JuSt GrAdUaTeD fRoM tRaSh To OfFiCiAl TrAsH". That Chip is insane I already knew, I blame the editors for this, too. There are so many wrong things here. For example, why does U.S. Agent fight on Fisk's side? Yeah, he's a hothead, but he's always been on the heroes' side, there's no fucking way he would side with the villains. I'm pretty sure Zdarsky just doesn't understand the character and he's using him like this for political reasons. And man, that Miles Morales costume is garbage. Honestly, what was wrong with his previous costume? It looked very nice, it suited him. This one is just plain awful. Just a prediction: Tony Stark as mayor is a red herring, Luke Cage will get the job. A guy like Zdarsky wouldn't dare put a billionaire as mayor, he hates them too much for that. The only thing I liked is how he writes Fisk. I don't buy that he resists Kilgrave, but everything else with him was decent. Too little, too late.

Devil's Reign (2021) #2

Dec 29, 2021

Fucking called it last issue, Zdarsky can't handle letting a "rich guy" being mayor, dude is so predictable with his ideological fixations. Imagine being so disturbed and petty as a human being to hate people richer than you that you need to "get your revenge" on a fictional character. I'm making another prediction: Tony will turn out villainous here, he won't handle letting Cage run as mayor. Because when you're so blinded by ideology, you're eager to destroy beloved characters without hesitation, that hate is just pouring out of Chip. I did like the Spider-Man parts, those were really good. And the part with Elektra is interesting, too. Everything else is just garbage.

Devil's Reign (2021) #3

Jan 26, 2022

While I'll admit this was better than previous issues, I still don't like Zdarsky's voice for Daredevil. I just don't think he likes the character. And still, Marvel managed to get him another DD series after Devil's Reign. I'm wondering if that is Cameleon, where the hell is Tony Stark during all of this?

Devil's Reign (2021) #4

Feb 9, 2022

I liked this issue, Zdarsky is good when he focuses on story and characters and not social issues, he did a great job here with the voices for the characters, he captured Matt, Fisk, Butch and Mike pretty well. I like that it's shown that U.S. Agent is being controlled by Fisk but I still think that unless he's a double agent, he wouldn't have joined willingly. And hey, Rhino is still a good guy. He has some odd voices for the FF and I'm still not into Otto's plan with his Superior Four but these are minor complaints. Overall this was a pretty good issue.

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #2

Feb 5, 2021

Marvel continues to drive Claremont's legacy in the ground every time they give him something to write, he should quit while he's ahead.

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #3

Feb 10, 2021

I really liked Ridley's and Fornes' story, the others were not very good.

Detective Comics (2016) #1033

Dec 22, 2020

6 only because of Brad Walker's art, otherwise I'm really tired of Tomasi's favouritism regarding Damian as if anyone but him in the Bat-family just doesn't matter.

Detective Comics (2016) #1035

Apr 27, 2021

In classic Tamaki fashion, both stories are all over the place. I still have a glimmer of hope that the main story can be good but I've read too much Tamaki stories to really believe in it.

Detective Comics (2016) #1036

May 25, 2021

In usual Tamaki fashion the story is all over the place, the "mystery" is getting dumber and dumber, I could also do without the second story that doesn't add much.

Detective Comics (2016) #1037

Jun 8, 2021

Absolute shit, I couldn't care less about Tamaki's ramblings, just get her off the book and put Tomasi back, he was at least decent, Tamaki is ridiculously bad.

Detective Comics (2016) #1038

Jun 22, 2021

Get Tamaki off the book, this ship is sinking fast! Second story was decent.

Detective Comics (2016) #1039

Jul 13, 2021

Tamaki's awful story is finally over, the second one is ok.

Detective Comics (2016) #1040

Jul 27, 2021

I like that Penguin is back as a major threat, DC has forgotten about him.

Detective Comics (2016) #1041

Aug 10, 2021

I really, really hope that bandana over Red Hood's head will NOT be a thing in the future because it looks awful and ridiculous. Just no. Other than that, Tamaki's story is still utterly boring. At least we got to see the old costume and some good action drawn by Mora.

Detective Comics (2016) #1042

Aug 24, 2021

5 for the Red Hood story, get Tamaki off the book already.

Detective Comics (2016) #1043

Sep 28, 2021

I really liked the first story mostly because Dan Mora draws a kick-ass Batman but Tamaki was doing pretty good too... up until that freaking last page where she drew Hue Vile back in when no one wanted that. Still, it was a decent story, something we didn't have for a long time in Tec. The second story I'm not fully buying. I like the direction the story goes in but in order to make Jason go at it alone Rosenberg burned a lot of bridges that could have been avoided. I see no reason why Bruce "couldn't protect him from this" and the line about him having no friends couldn't have been more further from the truth at this moment for Jason. I don't think he's been so sociable within the superhero community ever since he was on the Titans as a child. So while I am interested in the Task Force Z story, the road there was not a very good one.

Detective Comics (2016) #1044

Oct 26, 2021

Tamaki's story is decent but the second one is stupid beyond reason. Why would Batman want to prevent another Arkham Asylum from rising? He has NEVER been against the idea of Arkham Asylum and common sense tells you if those lunatics won't be killed because of his code and they won't be locked up in Blackgate becaue they're insane they have to be caught in a MENTAL HOSPITAL. Why would he be against it? I have the sense that this is another one of those woke concepts that the villains are not insane, tHeY'rE jUsT mIsUnDeRsToOd. And yes, I know Arkham Asylum has not been doing a great job since they always escape but the alternative to not having a mental asylum, not locking them in prison and not killing them is just... leaving them on the streets to kill people. Oh wait, that's better, right?

Detective Comics (2016) #1045

Nov 23, 2021

I mean, Tamaki couldn't be more obvious to what she alluded here if she actually tried (she really didn't) but the story is not that bad. I still couldn't care less about the backup.

Detective Comics (2016) #1046

Dec 28, 2021

Both stories are just awful.

Detective Comics (2016) #1047

Jan 4, 2022

I mean, yeah, putting a mental asylum downright in the middle of the most dangerous city is a fucking great idea, surely no one will escape and kill a lot of people, plus it's great for the tourists. The whole story sits on a dumb premise, whoever came up with it needs to be fired. The art was good but the stories were very meh.

Detective Comics (2016) #1048

Jan 11, 2022

For a second there, I almost thought there's a good story here, that Wear might be an interesting character who takes his revenge on Gotham because his mother wasn't taken care of. Nope, turns out he hated his mother and he's an average crook. I guess expecting a good story from Tamaki was foolish on my part. The backup is even more bland.

Detective Comics (2016) #1049

Jan 18, 2022

Decent first story but I really liked the backup here, it got interesting.

Detective Comics (2016) #1050

Jan 25, 2022

I wasn't a huge fan of this issue. The first story is mediocre at best, I still don't get what's Tamaki idea of dealing with mental illness. She seems to think locking violent criminals up is bad, but so is treating them. That only leaves as a solution... them roaming free? That wouldn' work, to say the least. Unless this arc returns to the status quo with Arkam Asylum rebuilt on its proper place, this is a stupid event from DC. I did like Rosenberg's story, it was decent. And even though I saw a lot of people excited for Waid's return to DC, sorry to say, I'm not one of them. The man has lost the plot for a long time now and I have little faith in him these days. He's definitely a legend as a comic writer, no doubt about that, but so are Miller, Bendis and Claremont and whenever they get into writing these days I kind of want them not to.

Detective Comics (2016) #1051

Feb 1, 2022

I liked this, I kinda felt sorry for Psycho-Pirate there, I liked that it was linked to what happened in Infinite Frontier. Also, the kid from the backup really doesn't have a lot of luck, he escapes Scarecrow only to fall in Penguin's hands, that dude is surely bound to be majorly screwed up later on.

Detective Comics (2016) #1052

Feb 8, 2022

To all the people complaining that Nightwing isn't having a bigger role: you're reading a book written by a declared feminist, if you thought Nightwing was going to be the main character, it's honestly just your fault. Just demand better in the future from the writers if you're bothered by it. The first story is bad. The second one is very good. That kid is just having one bad luck after another. Jason really screwed him up here just by listening to Elliot's lies. Now I have one problem with the story: Hush is the same age as Batman, so Elliot being the same age as Jason just can't be possible. I really like the story, it's very good but I just can't ignore that continuity error.

Detective Comics (2016) #1053

Feb 15, 2022

Nightwing gets a glimpse of attention here but he'll probably need rescuing the next issue from Huntress or Batwoman, don't worry about it, he's not supposed to be important. The first story is decent but the second one shines again. If that kid is Nero, as some fans have started guessing, I do understand how he could have lost his mind like that. The concept is interesting, let's see what happens if a kid just has the bad luck to spend some time with every lunatic in Gotham, he'll probably grow up to be an upstanding citizen.

Rorschach (2020) #3

Dec 15, 2020

Heroes in Crisis, here we go again!

Rorschach (2020) #4

Jan 19, 2021

Rorschach (2020) #5

Feb 9, 2021

It's a King book so of course people will rate it with lots of tens and, God forbid, a 9 or 9.5.

Rorschach (2020) #6

Mar 9, 2021

Rorschach (2020) #7

Apr 13, 2021

I liked the dialogue but at the end of it, to quote Rolling Stones, I can't get no satisfaction. I don't know, the book just seems to go into crazy territory for the sake of it and some decisions from King are pretty weird. Some plots are pretty predictable, others very stupid.

Rorschach (2020) #8

May 11, 2021

Such a bore, endless exposition and the "twist" is sooo predictable.

Rorschach (2020) #9

Jun 8, 2021

Rorschach (2020) #10

Jul 13, 2021

Rorschach (2020) #11

Aug 10, 2021

I should've seen this coming given that Turley is basically Trump in this book, King has been campaigning online for Biden last year and the book was written much earlier, meaning during the campaign, the pandemic ruined the timing of it. At first I thought Alan was working on killing Turley but no, King doesn't look for subtlety in his books. I liked some stuff here but unfortunately most of the dialogue was very pseudo-philosophical and quite wacko at times and it seems to me like King is trying to legitimize extremism with this book (though it depends on how he'll end the book). Another stuff I hated is how things that were revealed in past issues here are just dismissed very easily and that just makes me think that King totally disrespects readers when he offers information to uncover his "mystery" only to brush it off here like "oh yeah, remember when I revealed that? it's total bullshit". The agent becoming Rorschach was predictable from day one, I guess the only question is if he kills Turley or not. P.S.: There is no such thing as Biden Derangement Syndrome, that's just lame and unoriginal, or in other words, classic lefty. Now TDS, on the other hand... we all know cases of that.

Rorschach (2020) #12

Sep 14, 2021

So this was all a big power fantasy from King where he murders a Trump-like character and he spits even more on the conservatives. Pretty sure he could've done that in less than 12 issues but a narcissist like him, who yet again inserted himself in the comic through the self-insert character and in art (Fornes drew him in a panel), wouldn't have been satisfied with just a mini-series, his ego needed more. And the comic is a form of endorsement of political extremism, just as I thought.

80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Aquaman #1

Sep 1, 2021

Another anthology, another book with mixed results. I liked Stephanie Phillips' story, she remembered Arion and I respect that, plus it really was a good story. Dan Watters' story was great, he wrote the YOTV one-shot for Orm too, he's the only writer who respects and understands Johns' version of the character. And Jurgens did a great job with his story, plus Epting on art is always a huge plus. The huge disappointment were Johns' story and Chuck Brown's. Since when is Manta an upstanding dad (Johns) or a guy who "fights for the people" (Brown)? Are you kidding me? Manta is a selfish douchebag, a horrible father and he fights only for himself, certainly he doesn't fight for "the people", even if they're black. He would slit the throat of anyone, regardless of the color of their skin, if it's in his best interest. I get that they're making a solo book for him but let's not change the character just because a writer wants him now to be a "man of the people". Overall not bad but not great either, I would certainly have liked more stories to focus on Arthur, rather than other characters, and the stuff they're trying to pull with Manta is pretty stupid.

80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Wonder Woman #1

Oct 5, 2021

Other than Stephanie Phillips' story, which is good, most are ranging from mediocre to bad with Willow Wilson's and Jordie Bellaire's being as bad as usual, as in very bad.

Are You Afraid of Darkseid? (2021) #1

Oct 5, 2021

Pretty boring and there was literally nothing even remotely scary here.

Avengers: Tech-On #1  
Black Cat (2020): Infinity Score #1

Dec 8, 2021


Cable (2020): Reloaded #1

Aug 25, 2021

I like Cable but as with Ewing's Defenders, this was such a slog to get through, at some point I wanted to drop it without finishing reading it. Another miss by Ewing who sometimes just thinks he's smarter and cheekier than he actually is. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who's not a Cable fan.

DC: Love Is A Battlefield (2021) #1

Feb 9, 2021

The stories are decent, the only ones that are bad are Frasier's, Ridley's and Sina Grace's (which was atrocious).

Doctor Doom (2019) #10

Dec 23, 2020

Cantwell just doesn't get Doom, he never did, and Larroca can only do so much to save him.

FCBD 2021: Avengers/Hulk #1

Aug 17, 2021

The Avengers story MAY be interesting but given it's Aaron I am very wary about it. The Hulk one is just uninteresting, maybe it's not fair that it comes after Immortal Hulk but I wouldn't have like this even if didn't come after a very good run.

Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant (2021) #1

Nov 30, 2021

Yeah, this was a weird one. 3 for the Penguin story, biggest wtf from this book, 5 for the Scarecrow one. I have to take the time though to talk about G Willow Wilson's story which is truly horrendous. I liked that she at least admitted, unintentionally though, that Ivy is an extremist and a terrorist, that's something a lot of people have forgotten these days, they just consider her heroic because she kills people who are polluting. Also, I laughed out loud at the cringy dialogue between Ivy and Janet. "You look gorgeous in a non-harassment kind of way"??? Who the hell talks like that? I'm pretty sure no real person has ever uttered those words. Yeah, it's a 1 for this story, is just wrong on so many levels. 7 for the Red Hood story, 6.5 for the Mad Hatter one, 7.5 for the Killer Moth one, 8 for the Ra's one and 6 for Talia's story. All in all, pretty disappointing one-shot, I expected a lot better, though it's par for the course for DC in the last years, they don't put good talent on these books.

Green Arrow (2016): 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1

Jun 29, 2021

I'm really glad that after such a long time DC decided to give Green Arrow the spotlight, even if briefly. That being said, as usual, these anthologies seem like they prioritize the number of stories over the quality and here it shows. There were three stories here that I really liked: Tom Taylor's with great art from Nicola Scott, Phil Hester's with 2000s Green Arrow who was the best Green Arrow ever (not to speak ill of the dead but O'Neill's version was too obnoxious at times even if that was the point) and Larry O'Neill's, which besides being an emotional story, made great use of Fornes' art, something the Rorschach book isn't capable of. The rest, unfortunately, were pretty mediocre and forgettable, especially Percy's (no, Ben, socialism isn't an utopia, it's a nightmare, stop trying to indoctrinate people) which I expected the most from given his very good run. Again, I'm glad Arrow is back and I hope that DC brings him back for good in his own book but they should do better than this.

Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1

Jun 16, 2021

The story was all over the place, the Gala was barely in the book, Duggan's writing was as insipid as usual. I loved the art but it couldn't save the book. The implications after this should be major, though. If mutants conquered a planet and declared it the capital of the Sol system and its ruler the regent of the system, humanity would be pretty dumb not to fight back fiercely, they are justified to attack now.

Teen Titans Academy (2021): 2021 Yearbook #1  
Arkham City: The Order of the World #1

Oct 5, 2021

Sometimes Dan Watters is very good and sometimes he's just not. This is the latter. The main character is just annoying and idiotic and Watters' narration is just not interesting. I had some hopes for this but this started pretty bad.

Arkham City: The Order of the World #2

Nov 2, 2021

Better than the first one though Jocasta Joy continues to be a very annoying character and I would like it if Azrael could say something more than "BLASHPEMER! DEMONS!" all over, Watters could try using some subtlety a little more.

Arkham City: The Order of the World #3

Dec 7, 2021

I want to like this, but I can't. It's not bad or anything, but I cringed every time Ten-Eyed Man spoke here. And Watters dialogue for Azrael resumes to "blashemer", "dephiler" and other stupid stuff, it's so boring. Also, Jocasta Joy is dumb af. Maybe next issue will be better, this one wasn't.

Arkham City: The Order of the World #4

Jan 4, 2022

This is a huge disappointment for me, I usually like Watters' writing but nothing here works, it's just terrible.

Arkham City: The Order of the World #5

Feb 1, 2022

First half was decent, then it all went down into try-hard territory, Dan Watters is all over the place in this run, thank God there is only one issue left of this.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #1

Jan 26, 2021

J.H. Williams's art was glorious.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #2

Jan 26, 2021

I was already cringing from Tom King's story with the singing, if he could only write just one issue without poetry or singing he would probably have a seizure. But no, his pretentiousness always gets the better of him.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #3

Feb 23, 2021

The first story is pretty racist, something I've come to expect from Ridley. Sure, the usual crowd will go "hOw iS iT rAcIsT?" because for some racism only goes one way. Which, of course, it doesn't. The second is just bad, the third is okay. The fourth and the fifth are pretty good, I was impressed by the art in both.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #5

Apr 27, 2021

4 out of 5 writers here are actually artists and it shows, I think the book is treading water by now.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #6

May 25, 2021

As soon as I read the name of the writer of the first story I knew what it would be about and the message of the book. Brandon Thomas is a race-baiter if I've ever seen one, there's not a single story of his that doesn't revolve around race. 1 for the story, the guy gets a job for one reason only and he didn't do anything so far to show he deserves it. 8.5 for the second, I really enjoyed it even though the art was unintelligible at some point. 5 for the third, 4.5 for the fourth, 5 for the last one. Again, artists don't usually make for good writers.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #9

Dec 9, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10

Jan 6, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #12

Mar 24, 2021

At the end of the day after all the hype, Ewing achieved absolutely nothing with his run so far, we're back to square one.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #13

Apr 14, 2021

Loved the entrance from Doom, best one in a while!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #15

Jun 23, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #16

Jul 21, 2021


Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #17

Aug 18, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #18

Sep 22, 2021

The first half was super boring but the second half was pretty good. Still, I'd lie if I'd say I'll miss this. Until #12 it was pretty bad, it picked up some steam in the last 6 issues but still wasn't enough to wow me. The Guardians need some fresh ideas and no writer in the last runs managed to bring that up. Also, I could have done without the constant winks from Ewing with all his polyamorous bullshit. So, again, decent ending, the stuff with Doom was exciting but it's better to end this way than dragging on and on without actually having something to say.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #10

Dec 15, 2020

I've had about enough of Grant's rambling and it only gets worse and worse, Liam Sharp can't keep saving his ass.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #11

Feb 9, 2021

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #12

Mar 9, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #770

Mar 9, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #771

May 11, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #772

May 11, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #773

Jun 8, 2021

Can we get a good writer for Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman (2016) #780

Oct 13, 2021

Diana's back, and that's great, but the writers still aren't capable of writing a really good issue, this was decent at best.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1

Aug 18, 2021

I had a lot of questions about this book but they were answered largely by the interview Hickman gave regarding his departure from the X-Men line. Seems to me like he got sidelined by the other X-books writers, which is a shame because his vision should have been respected, he's a much more better writer than them. Anyway, back to the book. Leah Williams has a big, big problem with her writing: she suffers from a severe case of verbal diarrhea. I swear, you could remove half of the dialogue from the first half of the book and you wouldn't lose anything at all. Also, because of the reason I brought up earlier, the book moves way too fast and the actions of the characters are not believable. I mean, until now, Magneto was basically the cult hero of Krakoa and the mutant who spearheaded the effort to relocate the Arakki to Mars. And now they all hate him because the guy just wants to resurrect his "daughter"? Wow, what a monster, let's all antagonize him. Now, to Leah's credit, you can tell she loves the characters and she knows her X-Men history and that's something I will always appreciate. Also, the way she wrote Magneto here was sound, a lot better than most writers these days. If only she could lay down on those tons of irrelevant dialogue. So overall, decent book but because of the rush of it, I have a hard time believing the characters' actions.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #2

Sep 15, 2021

This isn't a bad book per se but it's just X-Factor in disguise as a Trial of Magneto series. Half the issue is about the X-Factor characters, a book that otherwise was pretty bad, and they add absolutely nothing to the main story. Half the issue is just pointless.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #3

Oct 20, 2021

Yep, the book is falling more and more in classic Leah Williams territory, as in awfully bad, this is just a bunch of nonsense with mediocre art.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #4

Dec 1, 2021

One more issue and this book with Magneto in the title that has nothing to do with Magneto will finally be over.

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #5

Dec 22, 2021

I can't believe I'm saying this but I... kind of liked this? I mean, the "mystery" is total bullshit and the title of the book is still disingenuous, but I felt like here Leah played to her only saving grace as a writer: her X-Men knowledge. She basically reverted Toad to the loyal servant of Magneto he was in the beginning of the X-Men. Toad has moved on from that, it's true, but it's also true that he's been receiving very little attention lately and as someone who likes Toad, I appreciated the spotlight he got here. I hope The Brotherhood gets back together in the Pit somehow, Sabretooth is already there, Orphan Maker and Nanny are there, too, there's potential for those characters to come back with a vengeance. I liked Magneto's characterization and I especially liked that Thunderbird came back. I'm also happy for Wanda getting some redemption and because she brought back all mutantkind her slate is clean now. There was a line that bothered me, though, coming from the Wasp. "We have no right to dictate krakoan approach to morality". Yeah, I call big bullshit on that one, coming from an Avenger. It was really dumb. But overall I liked this issue.

X-Men: Legends (2021) #1

Feb 17, 2021

I loved the art but the story needed some more context, it felt like we were thrown into a story that only those that read the previous work that Nicieza continued here have the full image of. But yeah, this is some old X-Men shit and most of it works.

X-Men: Legends (2021) #5

Jul 21, 2021

X-Men: Legends (2021) #6

Aug 11, 2021

X-Men: Legends (2021) #8

Nov 3, 2021

I can't care about this since half the issue Hama is concerned about making sure people speak in the right languages, it's all very stupid.

X-Men: Legends (2021) #10

Feb 11, 2022

X-Men: Legends (2021) #11

Feb 11, 2022

Aquaman: The Becoming (2021) #1

Sep 21, 2021

I really don't get the fuss about this, the art was good, very Capullo-like but the story was disappointing. There's nothing compelling about Jackson and the way Arthur is pushed aside for a character that hasn't been turning any heads in the comics (unlike his counterpart in YJ) is just unnecessary. Especially at a time when Aquaman is more popular than ever thanks to the movies. Arthur is such a simp here, he has the aesthetics of the Peter David character but his personality is that of the Super Friends version. A lot of dialogue goes nowhere, a very uninteresting last page, the signs are not good. Just another Brandon Thomas story, after all.

Aquaman: The Becoming (2021) #2

Oct 26, 2021

Too much race-baiting from Brandon (it's par for the course by now) with the Xebel stuff but this is fairly decent.

Aquaman: The Becoming (2021) #3

Nov 16, 2021

The art was not as great as the last two issues but overall I really enjoyed it. Up until those last pages where Thomas went with the most classic possible comic trope ever. We really, really didn't need it, I was hoping the comic would take a more fresh approach but apparently that's too much to ask from Thomas. In an unrelated note, that Batgirls preview is ten levels of cringe, that book is going to be a dumpster fire for sure.

Aquaman: The Becoming (2021) #4

Dec 28, 2021

Wow, what a bore, I guess three decent issues was the best Brandon Thomas could do, this was awful and I feel like we're only going downhill from here.

Avengers Forever (2021) #1

Dec 22, 2021

I was joking these days about Jason Aaron saying that basically lately all he's doing is just picking up successful Marvel events from the past to catch people's eyes and trying to prop up his pet characters. Heroes Reborn? Sure, let's do Heroes Reborn even though his version was awful. Avengers Forever by Busier? Sure, let's do Avengers Forever. And I was joking that one of these days he's going to copy the Infinity Gauntlet with Robbie Reyes wielding it. Well, I was close. The first issue here is basically about Tony Stark as Ant-Man and Robbie Reyes being this awesome force of nature. Now I should add I like Robbie Reyes, I liked him in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I like his car, it's just funny that Aaron is so predictable these days. And bonus points, he brought those boring Daughters of the Hammer too at the end, like anyone ever cared about them. Overall though, this isn't bad, it's ok, I guess.

Avengers Forever (2021) #2

Jan 26, 2022

Batman (2016) #106

Mar 2, 2021

The art is wonderful and I'm probably giving it this rating because I missed Batman as Batman in Gotham as it should always be.

Batman (2016) #107

Apr 6, 2021

Wow, Tynion really must think himself so smart with the "strawman" metaphor that wasn't AT ALL super obvious to anyone. The Harley bits were cringe, even though I'm not against her role as sidekick to Batman, it's just that the writing was painfully bad. And again with the parallels to covid quarantine. What is it with these sadist writers that instead of helping us escape this nightmare we're living in, they're bombarding us with that stuff even in our comics? Also, the "unsanity" collective is another cringey idea, classic Tynion. I don't even want to think about what stupid idea he'll come up with for his next Punchline, Miracle Molly. The second story is bad too and I'm tired of him hyping Ghost-Maker just because he created him, there's no other reason to. The art from Jimenez is wonderful but I've seen this before, all setting up for future prospects, all to inevitably fail just as with the Joker War. Batman deserves a better writer or at least someone who's interested in the character, Tynion seems more preoccupied with the Joker book and Punchline, Clownhunter, Ghost-Maker, Holy Moley, basically his new Gotham.

Batman (2016) #108

May 4, 2021

Called it a long time ago, that the guy who saved the Arkham stuff was Peacekeeper-01. Other than that, Miracle Molly has a pretty shitty sell but apparently under Tynion Batman has two functional neurons and actually buys it. Whoever thought the main Batman book should be given to this guy needs to be charged for crimes against humanity. Sure, some of her ideas have merit regarding the social conditions in Gotham but the whole "unsane" thing it's still cringe and fucking stupid and her "solution" to the whole thing is really dumb. The second story is pretty bad, too.

Batman (2016) #109

Jun 1, 2021

3 just for the art, Jimenez really knows how to draw a fight, Tynion is as boring as ever.

Batman (2016) #110

Jul 6, 2021

Another issue where Jimenez can't save Tynion despite his great dynamic art.

Batman (2016) #111

Aug 3, 2021

Another boring issue from Tynion, I feel like fanfic would be better at this point. At least in fanfic most people use the characters from Gotham that people know and love, not the Unsanity Collective (still an idiotic name, btw) and Ghost-Maker, who is the lite and boring version of Red Hood. The whole issue is pretty bad with Molly escaping ridiculously from situations Batman would have trouble with. If his objective is to create an even more annoying character than Punchline or to make PK-01 sympathetic, he's doing a great job with Molly. Btw, Tynion, we get it, the whole "they" thing, no need to repeat that pronoun five times until we get you're woke. Even the art wasn't that great this issue and the second story is as bad as it's been so far.

Batman (2016) #112

Sep 7, 2021

I thought the first story was ok, again very great art from Jimenez, the second was just unnecessary and bad.

Batman (2016) #113

Sep 21, 2021

I felt like the writing was pretty inconsistent and the backup just doesn't add anything at all.

Batman (2016) #114

Oct 5, 2021

I'm so sad for Jimenez that he has to work with such a bad "script". No one cares about your stupid Molly, dude, she's boring. The fact that she's supposed to be a hero yet she thinks that she'll save people by brainwashing them is just crazy on Tynion's behalf. Batman is, as always in Tynion's run, a side character that has no control over anything that happens here. P.S.: Ten bucks that Clownhunter and Tim are going to be a couple if that kook Fitzmartin gets to write them.

Batman (2016) #115

Oct 19, 2021

This book should honestly be called "Miracle Molly" since Batman is just a sideshow for Tynion's pet character. Not even the art could save this because the art was also shitty. As was the backup. As is this whole event, Tynion can't go away to Substack faster.

Batman (2016) #116

Nov 2, 2021

I don't even have the energy to care anymore about this crap, Tynion just drew a straight line from Fear State to Future State, making PK-01 a power hungry maniac out of nowhere, since up until that now never seemed to be his shtick, Ivy is angry at men and wants to destroy Gotham but of course Harley will stop her and that backup is utterly boring. Williamson's run can't come up soon enough even though the premise with Batman kicked out of Gotham for the pretender to step in his place really annoys me. At least it won't be... this.

Batman (2016) #117

Nov 16, 2021

Tynion hates Batman and everything about Gotham, I have no doubts about it anymore. I think he may actually hate superheroes, overall. Or he just can't take the fact that people are not liking his stupid copies of characters. All the same, this wasn't a Batman story, it was a story delivered for the Harley-Ivy fanbase and a Miracle Molly story. The backup is cringey as well. The only good news here is we have only Fear State Omega and this nightmare will actually be over.

Batman (2016) #118

Dec 7, 2021

I am a bit conflicted about this. I don't enjoy seeing Batman kicked out of Gotham for nothing, so that kills a lot of the joy I should get from a Batman book from the start. On the other hand, at least Tynion's out so that's a huge plus. So was this good? It was good. It was good seeing Batman being Batman again, and not just a tool to make stupid "original" characters look better so the writer gets some sweet money in the future in case they end up in a tv show. Also, I liked how Williamson showed Bruce's vulnerability without slapping you in the face with it. The art is very good, and the last two pages are electric. It did have some faults however. For one, I have no idea how Batman puts on a Killer Croc suit so fast and Josh doesn't bother to explain us. I really didn't need another stupid billionaire line which was also a lie, as in Bruce definitely attended to many such galas, usually to HELP PEOPLE. Because that's who Bruce Wayne is. And I would have liked to know more about Abyss, to see if there's something there with his character. All in all, normally I would have given this 7.5 but I missed Batman so much that I was much more lenient with the rating. Let's hope this gets even better from here! P.S.: I also urge anyone to go to George Perez' facebook page and wish him whatever you feel you have to wish, awful news indeed, the man is a treasure to the comic book community!

Batman (2016) #119

Jan 4, 2022

A pretty good second issue, I especially liked the very good art and the interactions between Lex and Bruce, I've always seen them as Sherlock and Moriarty. Bruce was pretty patient here, I would've punched Lex just for spilling that wine, very weird flex there. But in his defense he's right about Nightwing, he is an idiot for throwing all the money away without any real plan. I have to say though, not impressed with Abyss so far, we've seen very little of him in two issues now. And that backup was pretty bad. All in all, I'm happy I can enjoy Batman yet again and hope the next issues will start to provide more answers, so far we've got some interesting hints.

Batman (2016) #120

Feb 1, 2022

I'm sorry but I don't feel this. The dialogue is all over the place, I'm not sure if the twist at the end will make any sort of sense, at this point it doesn't. I wasn't impressed by this, to say the least. The backup is also very boring. I liked the way he writes Luthor and what he's trying to do with him and I also liked the art, that's about it in terms of strengths. And Cayha, coming right after Wong from the Imposter, comes across as a shallow copy of that. I really hope next issue will explain some stuff and we'll see some team-up between Batman and Luthor because the book needs a big win at this point. It's better than Tynion's run but that's not very hard, to be honest.

Batman The Button

Jan 9, 2022

The issues with Fabok on art are gorgeous and honestly very good, too bad after this King proceeds to ruin Thomas Wayne as a character and now Williamson has to pick up the pieces.

Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham

Jan 9, 2022

A very good first arc that answers the question how would Batman react if Superman would activate in Gotham. Not very nicely, but in his defense he was right about Gotham. An interesting character that King kills in order to prop up Gotham Girl. Unfortunately, he fails on that front too, so ultimately he is the architect of his own undoing.

Batman Vol. 4: The War Of Jokes & Riddles

Sep 16, 2021

Very good arc, even though a full-scale Gotham war should be much more enticing that this but at least Batman and Riddler were given a decent treatment here.

Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding

Jan 9, 2022

This is the last time King was actually good on Batman. His decision to ruin the wedding is, of course, just awful, but the road there is very interesting. Unfortunately after this it all goes to shit and King loses his mind. What comes next can easily go into character(s) assassination territory.

Green Lantern (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 7, 2021

Jessica Cruz is one of the few characters from recent years at DC I've grown to love. So seeing her as a Yellow Lantern definitely felt cheap. Now the story isn't bad but once you read the whole story Sinestro's sell sounds pretty weak and stupid.

Wonder Girl (2021) #1

May 18, 2021

I just don't like Yara Flor as a character, she sounds way too much like a twitter-obsessed teenager, whenever she speaks I hate myself for reading it. BUT the art is great (Joelle Jones is indeed a great artist, not so much a good writer) and I'm interested in the world built around her. For a first issue it's good and way better than her FS book. Let's hope it gets better.

Wonder Girl (2021) #2

Jul 6, 2021

Wonder Girl (2021) #3

Aug 31, 2021

Wonder Girl (2021) #4

Oct 26, 2021

This was pretty good, best issue so far. Sure, the narration could get a lot better, Joelle Jones is not good at it but she makes up for it in the art department and character development. I was not a fan of this Yara Flor character but I am warming up to her.

Wonder Girl (2021) #5

Nov 30, 2021

I'm starting to warm up to Yara as a character, I appreciated that Cassie is also given some attention here and it seems like Donna Troy will too, but I can't shake this feeling Joelle Jones really doesn't know how to write a coherent story.

Wonder Girl (2021) #6

Dec 14, 2021

I keep having this feeling like this could be much better if there was some focus to it. The ideas are there, but the execution is pretty bad. And even though Donna Troy was teased last issue, we barely get one page with her, that was pretty shitty. DC truly doesn't give a crap about her or Cassie anymore.

Wonder Girl (2021) #7

Jan 25, 2022

A pretty messy finale for a messy book, Joelle Jones continues to not excel at writing. The idea for the character was good, the execution not too much. Maybe in the future some other writer will do a better job with Yara but the decision to put this book out of its misery is a good one.

X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1

Sep 22, 2021

"What we offer is no mere cult" Yeah, sorry to rain on your parade, Si, but that's definitely a cult you have there even if you want to pass it as a "culture". I may be too harsh with the rating for this one, I admit, but that's only because I was generous enough in the past when Spurrier kept promising this great resolution to the story and I'm sorry to say but this wasn't it. A communistic hivemind isn't the great answer I was looking for and frankly there are no "great ideas" here like he kept promising. His analogies were very poorly constructed (his winks with constantly turning left, not right, were not very subtle either), honestly, and the story got repetitive to the point of boring. And I'm really tired of the constant jabs these woke writers keep throwing at the police. No, the police isn't "punishing society's growing pains", it stops the society from falling into anarchy and lawlessness. If I would be a sadistic person I would like to see how one of these "high-minded" (that's how they consider themselves, not that they really are) writers would respond when someone attacks them on the street, knowing there is no one to be afraid of, since there would be no police and no consequences to their actions. I have a feeling their "philosophical" approach wouldn't do them any good. Luckily the world still is, for now at least, a normal place and we don't have to experiment that "utopia". I'm not particularly excited about the Legionnaires though I'm glad that Juggernaut is back in the mutant world, he really didn't deserve the treatment Krakoa offered him.

Human Target (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

Again, I have to reiterate what I said on the Dark Knights of Steel review: why are some people so defensive of the writers they like? And why does that ALWAYS, always happen just with the Two Toms: King and Taylor? Bendis is getting all types of awful reactions (and deservedly so!), people don't jump to his defense though I'm pretty sure Bendis also has a lot of fans from his better days. I don't jump to the defense of Hickman even though I think he's probably the best writer in the industry. But whenever someone dares to not like something King or Taylor, people are screeching like hell. My theory is twitter plays a big part on that, the way these two radicalize their fans there is insane. Anyway, back to the issue at hand, I can say that I liked the art, though I think this type of story doesn't suit Smallwood very much, it's the same as with the Rorschach book and Fornes. I feel like this type of story isn't playing to Smallwood's best attributes. And I liked the story, too, up until that penultimate page. If there was ONE team that didn't deserve the classic Tom King treatment, it was Justice League International. At this point I'm starting to think King does this on purpose, he deliberately tries to stain all the bright spots of the DCU to turn it into the Depresoverse. I hope it's a false lead, though, and it turns out one of the JLI didn't try to kill Luthor. So overall for a first issue it's good. Problem is, with King the first issue is good a lot of the times. It's what comes after that it's horrifying. I have no doubt it's going to happen here, too, but for now I liked this.

Human Target (2021) #2

Nov 30, 2021

This issue is very conflicting. On the one hand we have a good story here and a decent mystery so far. I like the way these two flirt with each other, I like how they're trying to read each other and this issue definitely was better for Smallwood's art. And he's found good voices for both characters, I can appreciate that. On the other hand, this is another King story where he fucks up another superhero and he tries to paint one of the funniest and light-hearted JL runs in a much darker color and people can't stop kissing his ass for it. What is it with this guy and his thorough obsession of darkening every superhero he can get his hands on? I get that he's CIA and those guys aren't the nicest, but does he need to infect all of us with his dirty soul? Overall, if you're a fan of the Depresoverse, you'll love this. Still, even for someone who's not a fan of King's approach to superheroes you can enjoy this one. And maybe calm down while you enjoy it, without screeching at others, that would help your mental health a lot.

Human Target (2021) #3

Dec 28, 2021

I'm no fan of Tom King, everyone here knows that by now. Still, I thought the first two issues were really good and I've rated them as such, despite my dislike of him. This, right here, is pure garbage. Ignore the human bots who rate this with 10 or 9.5 without even reading it, this was a very, very bad issue. He doesn't get Guy Gardner and he still doesn't get Booster Gold, no matter how much effort he puts in to trick us that he does. And he's destroying Ice, I swear this guy has a hard-on for turning heroes into murderers, it probably helps him sleep better at night after the shit he pulled as CIA, at least superheroes are murderers, too, right? And the twist at the end... yeah, if you have some functioning neurons you can see that it makes no sense at all.

Human Target (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

Is there an Eisner for writing the strongest female character or something like that? Because I would really like it if King won it. Dude is trying sooo hard and for so long to show he knows how to write female character and he always overpowers them to do that. Remember Catwoman beating up 3 Flashes like it was nothing? Remember Alanna Strange owning Adam Strange most of the time? Well, this is the same here, Ice is OP because King wants to be acknowledged he is the best female writer ever, so just give him a prize for it so he can cross that off his list. To his credit, he makes Ice intriguing but not because of the "oh look at her how strong she is" but through the seduction game she's playing. A lot of this comes from Smallwood's art that truly shines here, I wouldn't have rated this so high if not for the man's art. It was better than that horrendous last issue but it's still pretty stale and repetitive, the art makes all the difference in the world. P.S.: Just re-reading this I realized King basically ignored Forever Evil where at the end Luthor actually lets Kord keep his company after wanting to overtake it, that was a huge step for him towards turning into an antihero at the end of the book. Kinda disrespectful to Johns.

Extreme Carnage (2021): Alpha #1

Jul 7, 2021

This was decent but I guess the overall question of it is why would a serial killer like Carnage want to unnecessarily draw attention to himself and antagonize humans and symbiotes? If the main idea is Carnage running for president, it's a joke of a book. The issue felt kinda confusing at times even for someone who likes his symbiotes. Also, if Marvel tries to make an analogy between mutants and symbiotes... yeah, that doesn't fly, mutants were people BORN with abilites they didn't necessarily want and are feared for it, symbiotes usually work in collaboration with their hosts WILLINGLY, so humans have a pretty big reason to fear and act against them.

Extreme Carnage (2021): Scream #1

Jul 21, 2021

Extreme Carnage (2021): Phage #1

Jul 21, 2021

Extreme Carnage (2021): Lasher #1

Aug 4, 2021

Chapman always manages to ruin the symbiotes when he keeps scrambling them and tries to go "deep" with the metaphors and always, always fails, but I like that the pieces are starting to fall in place. This is a pure action book and that makes it just okay, nothing more.

Extreme Carnage (2021): Riot #1

Aug 25, 2021

The art is sometimes so unintelligible, they really should pick better artists for symbiotes.

Extreme Carnage (2021): Toxin #1

Sep 8, 2021

Extreme Carnage (2021): Agony #1

Sep 15, 2021

I don't think the twist is very solid if I check previous issues.

Extreme Carnage (2021): Omega #1

Sep 29, 2021

Great art for the symbiotes, shitty story, PKJ didn't even try.

Thor (2020) #11

Jan 6, 2021

Now this one I like.

Thor (2020) #12

Feb 17, 2021

Again, Odin is to blame for all that's bad, same old, same old.

Thor (2020) #13

Apr 10, 2021

Thor (2020) #14

Apr 14, 2021

This was great, Cates was treading water these last few issues but he ended this arc on a really high note, good job, it's just such a shame that we only have one more issue of Nic Klein's art.

Thor (2020) #15

Jul 14, 2021

This was decent and I really enjoyed Bandini's art more than I thought I would but... didn't we JUST had this whole thing with Aaron? Do we need to rehash that again now? Not to mention, if Thor can't lift the hammer because he's a king and not a warrior anymore, why would Loki be able to? He's also a king and he's clearly less of a warrior than Thor. Sorry but that just makes absolutely zero sense. Also, that's not how memory works. Cates really didn't think this through at all, which is a shame because I feel like he respects and cares for the character but I can't just roll with it if it doesn't make sense.

Thor (2020) #16

Aug 25, 2021

For a monthly book that sometimes even skips a month (or two) this should be better, Cates isn't really trying, I thought he was a Thor fan.

Thor (2020) #17

Sep 30, 2021

No! No to all of this shit from Cates. No to how annoying he made Angela here, no to the new Freyja, no to the "how cruel Thor is as a king" when he's been far more decent than Odin, no to all of it. Double-no for taking Aaron's "Phoenix is Thor's mother" shit seriously. Just no all around. I have less and less faith in the guy, he doesn't seem to care about this book at all.

Thor (2020) #18

Oct 20, 2021

Just give this book to someone who actually cares about the character, it's pretty clear Cates doesn't even try, this book has been getting worse and worse these last few months.

Thor (2020) #19

Nov 24, 2021

I know that people will appreciate that the filler is over but I can't be satisfied just by that. Cates basically wasted half a year of storytelling for nothing and the comeback is not really that engaging. Also, enough with inserting Knull in every bit of MCU prehistory. He was a very OP, cringey character, no one cares about him, he's basically poor man's Batman Who Laughs (at least BWL had an interesting origin story). And I really don't like how Thor behaves when Cates writes him. He's raging for nothing, the hammer getting taken for him was done by Aaron too many times already, I'm tired of the bashing of Odin. Honestly, there's nothing original or interesting here. It's nice to see Klein back on art but Thor deserves better. I still have hopes for this book but so far this isn't very good.

Thor (2020) #20

Jan 5, 2022

Yeah, this is bad, so Mjolnir is a... chick now? Kind of? Just get Donny Cates off the book, he doesn't care about it and he's just not in a good form lately, he's also bad on Hulk. I don't know what happened, maybe success got to his head, maybe he's having a hard time like King did when he wrote the second half of Batman, point is this is just bad, more Odin-bashing, angry-for-nothing Thor and awful interactions between characters. The rating is this high because of the art, but Thor deserves better than this.

Thor (2020) #21

Jan 26, 2022

Cringey dialogue, Mjolnir is basically behaving like a brat, Cates continues his decline in writing quality and that last page can't save a bad comic, sorry.

Thor (2020) #22

Feb 16, 2022

Yeah, this was a powerful issue. I have criticized a lot of the last few issues but when Cates writes a good one, he writes a good one. The art was also stelar. Very good issue, let's hope this book gets back on track.

Batman: Reptilian #1

Jun 22, 2021

I rate it this high solely for Sharp's art, the story is pretty bad, this version of Batman is a parody, Ennis disrespects the character here.

Batman: Reptilian #2

Jul 27, 2021

If you enjoy a parody of Batman, then this is for you. Otherwise it might leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. Even Sharp's art wasn't that great this issue.

Batman: Reptilian #3

Aug 24, 2021

Batman: Reptilian #4

Sep 28, 2021

Batman: Reptilian #5

Nov 2, 2021

First half it's pretty cringe but it really gets better after that. This is a series where if instead of Sharp it would've been someone like, say Rossmo, on art I would have dropped it but Sharp got me through and at times it does get better. This Batman is definitely more like a parody but still retains a heroic side to him.

Batman: Reptilian #6

Nov 23, 2021

Yeah, Batman letting that guy get killed it's totally not in character. It seems to be a theme this week, writers not getting what heroes are. Ennis was always this way so I get that, but Batman is bigger than his edginess.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #1

Apr 13, 2021

The main idea for the book isn't bad, it's pretty interesting actually but until the last page the book felt like a bore. It's probably Tom Taylor's storytelling that I always find very cliche and the fact that his characters sound the same in all his books. I'm not a huge fan of Kubert's art but here he was really good.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #2

May 11, 2021

Batman: The Detective (2021) #3

Jun 8, 2021

Batman: The Detective (2021) #4

Jul 13, 2021

Batman: The Detective (2021) #5

Sep 21, 2021

Oh look, the most predictable "plot twist" that we totally didn't see coming from the very first issue. How this guy manages to trick people into believing him an actual good writer is baffling to me. He's the best writer for people who really don't need to put any thought into it while reading comics.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #6

Nov 30, 2021

This is Tom Taylor so of course we get another good dose of propaganda, this time against the U.S. military. It's par for the course with this guy at this point. And of course Batman gets preached about the system and how everything is his fault because in Tom Taylor's mind it's always the fault of the straight white male for everything. And in case the classic idiot will come here to cry "you're a conspiracy theorist, Taylor has nothing against straight white males", he literally just said on CNN that he turned Jon bi because he didn't want "yet another straight white male savior". Which, of course, isn't racist or sexist or anything, everybody knows those straight white males are just awful and it's ok to characterize an entire group of people just based on aspects of themselves they have no control over. The dude has issues, to say the least. I do have a question, though: how is it Batman's fault that a smuggler who saved a guy ended up in prison after a crime scene he wasn't even involved in? The guy really, really does some twisted mental gymnastics just to satisfy his insane hate.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

The Red Hood story is clearly the star of the show here, the art is perfect for this type of story and the characterization of Red Hood is really great and spot on, with a tiny thing that irked me as a Red Hood fan. I know Chip Zdarsky is pro-drugs in a very upfront way but hearing Red Hood, a guy whose mother overdosed (and I think his dad also was a pusher and eventually got to jail), that drugs "sound great" really didn't sound very in character. But that's just one complaint in an otherwise excellent story and I can't wait to see more of it. The Harley and Outsiders stories were okay at best and the Grifter one was good if I'm being generous. Stil, overall, I can't say any story here was bad and if I add the Red Hood part, I'm more than happy about this one.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

I'm glad to see that this book gets so many good reviews and this is for sure one of the best books DC puts out at the moment. That being said, as a Red Hood fan, I do have some problems with it. First of all, if Zdarsky read any earlier comics with Jason, he would not put that scene in this book. Sure, Jason had some rough edges and he was a bit of a troublemaker as a little kid but not in that dark way, to push a dude downstairs. It seems to me like Zdarsky took inspiration more from Jason Todd from the Titans show, I do see that Jason doing that. But comic Jason? Neah, as a kid he knew right from wrong, he reached out to Batman when he knew Ma Gunn was up to no good with those kids. Yes, he did kill a dude who got away with stuff he shouldn't have but that was when he grew up (he was a teenager at that point) and the anger kept bubbling up. So, that's strike one for Zdarsky. Strike two is Jason's anger at Batman for the fact that "his moral code stops at the border". That just doesn't make sense, the other option for Batman would be to chase Red Hood across the country to bring him in and he doesn't want to do that. So if anything Jason should be grateful or at least understanding that Batman allows him to operate in Gotham under these conditions and doesn't chase him when Jason's killing people outside Gotham. All in all, I loved the scenes with Batman chasing those criminals, he's never been this menacing in comics for a long time. Castellucci's story is pretty weird, the Outsiders is okay as long as you're cool with Jefferson and Katana's thing and the last one is good too, though Grifter would never win one in one against Jason.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

Eh, I'm going to "break ranks" with my fellow Red Hood fans here and say this issue seemed like it was stalling. Not a lot going on and the fact that half-way in they switched Barrows' great art with an uglier one cements my belief that this issue was treading water. Also, Zdarsky's pro-drugs approach to the point of Batman saying they're not going to attack "addicts" who otherwise were selling that stuff to other people, making their lives miserable, seemed really silly and even though this issue tries to make Batman the reasonable one and Red Hood the reckless one, it's stuff like that makes me agree with Jason, despite the writers' intention. Really hope that the next issue goes somewhere because it looks like the story is not moving forward very much. The Shiva story was surprisingly good, I couldn't give two flying shits about Brandon Thomas' Outsiders and his weird "will they, won't they, oh no they're just friends but actually not" with Jefferson and Tatsu and the Grifter one would be a lot better if not for the classic cringey Rosenberg dialogue but it's still a decent enough story.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #4

Jun 8, 2021

So this one was better than the one before. Revisiting Jason's fall is always going to get me in the feels but there's one thing I didn't like here. Jason shouldn't fall that easily for a drugged-up Mr. Freeze. If Lobdell did one thing right, he made Jason a competent vigilante, someone like Mr. Freeze was easy-peasy for him. Now Zdarsky just put him back in that "helpless, reckless" territory, something the character has outgrown a looong time ago. But I have to say, I did enjoy seeing an angry, effective Batman, unlike the pussy he's in Tynion's book where he's second-guessing himself just because a no-one like Miracle Molly sells her shit to him. The Batwing story was pretty good too, I liked it. The third story is a really weird one, I didn't enjoy at all what Fitzpatrick tried to do with Tim, he's never "swinged that way" at all. And I'm getting tired of Rosenberg's Grifter, get to the point already, dude.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #5

Jul 13, 2021

Again, the three other stories drag this issue down. If this book was just Zdarsky's story, I think it's pretty safe to say this would be the best book at DC right now. But the other stories always manage to dilute this book. The Red Hood story was great, I'm really curious how it's going to end. The Batgirls stories was cringe, the Tim one was sooo boring and uninspired to say the least, while Rosenberg's was good, not great, just good. It's a shame this is DC's strategy and even when they manage to create a good book, they choose to bury it in more rubbish for extra money.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #6

Aug 10, 2021

So as much as I wanted to like this, it ended on such a sour note. The Jason story had a lot of potential and while some things in it worked, especially when it comes to the relation between Jason and Bruce, some really, really didn't. The two biggest faults being that this whole comic revolved around Red Hood and Batman, 5 issues of 6 it was just the two of them assisted by Oracle from her chair. I really didn't think including the Bat-family was necessary at this point. And the second one is even worse. Jason dropping his guns isn't necessary at all and it was probably made because of Zdarsky and DC's political views regarding guns. The biggest differences between Jason and Batman were that he killed and used guns. It's the whole reason for why they're antagonistic, he is the only member of the family that doesn't bend his views for Bruce's ideology. I get that Zdarsky is saying that he put the guns away supposedly because he killed the kid's father but, you know, there are other ways of killing people and guns or no guns really doesn't make any difference in that regard. The real reason I think this happened is because DC has shied away from Red Hood's guns, they even cut them off from the cover of RHATO #50 and nowadays they always replace the guns with swords on covers. And Zdarsky agrees with this. Same thing at Marvel with Punisher, he's been sidelined for some time now because of the police controversy. So a huge piece of the character is ripped away for political motivations. Yeah, I don't like that, I don't like it one bit. Barrows' art was great and the story overall was good too but, as was always the case along this run, some bits of Zdarsky's Red Hood just don't fit. At least he got his old suit back, that's a good thing. Regarding the rest of the stories, Rosenberg's was pretty mediocre but the Tim Drake one is downright shameless. A shameless self-insert for the Tim Drake character, a character that never in 30 years has shown any sign of attraction to males but because it's 2021 and progressives are hell-bent on pushing their ideology into every little thing and corner of our lives, they completely change a character and now we're supposed to pretend this was always the case. No, it wasn't, it still isn't and DC should completely ignore this piece of fanfic. Tim Drake is straight. The fourth one was pretty uninteresting too and I loled at Williamson's wokeness: "my hope is to take the evilest force in the world and make it work for us... MONEY". Yeah, dude, there's literally nothing worse than money on this world, so disgusting and vile, totally. :)) Overall, this issue deserves less than 5.5 but because the Red Hood story was decent overall, I'm a little lenient towards it.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #7

Sep 14, 2021

I didn't expect to like this, but I did. 7.5 for the Batman Beyond story, 6.5 for the Damian story (that last page killed it for me, it was better until then), 6.5 for the the third one and 7.5 for the last one.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #8

Oct 12, 2021

This would've been rated much lower if not for the Azrael story, the first two were pretty meh and as always Brandon Thomas's story is just bad.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #9

Nov 10, 2021

Just awful all around.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #10

Dec 14, 2021

Most of the stories are mediocre but the Tim Drake one is just cringey on all levels. Never mind that Tim being bi still sounds like fanfic and makes zero sense, the way Batman acted, the way the characters talked, the horrendous art, all was just so awful on a level a comic company like DC shouldn't ever produce. Seriously, it was just horrible.

Curse of the Man-Thing (2021): Avengers #1

Mar 31, 2021

Curse of the Man-Thing (2021): X-Men #1

May 9, 2021

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Dec 22, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses #1

Dec 29, 2020

King In Black #1

Dec 2, 2020

King In Black #2

Dec 23, 2020

Just get it over with and make Dylan the next Venom already, we can all see that that's where the story's going, if Cates thinks he keeps it as a secret, he's not doing a good job of it. Also, I'm really tired of his "dialogue" when absolutely everyone speaks in unfinished sentences, it's not an occurence, I've read enough of his work to see that it's a habit for him, and a bad one at that. Even Stegman didn't do his best work here.

King In Black #5

Apr 14, 2021

All I have is "meh".

One-Star Squadron (2021) #1

Dec 7, 2021

I have read much, much worse from Russell, this wasn't that bad though I can say I'm not at all a fan of what he's selling here with Power Girl, that bit is just bad.

One-Star Squadron (2021) #2

Jan 4, 2022

"Is there really any difference between heroes and villains?" Yes it is, and if you're asking yourself that, you have some moral problems that you need to work on. Other than that, this was fun and depressing at the same time. Gets minus points for the annoying literal self-insert, I guess Russell really needs to remember people his works because no one is interested in them otherwise.

One-Star Squadron (2021) #3

Feb 1, 2022

Pretty boring but those who want to read a uNiQuE cRiTiQuE oF cApItAlIsM (or, as one critic reviewer put it, "anti-work movements", whatever that may mean) will love it for ideological reasons, of course.

Shazam! (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

Not bad, not great either.

Shazam! (2021) #2

Aug 17, 2021

Shazam! (2021) #3

Sep 21, 2021

Shazam! (2021) #4

Oct 19, 2021

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

Aug 3, 2021

Oh boy, Azzarello is back. That's not necessarily a good thing. As a Jason Todd fan he baited me with the sell of the book though. Now there is an interesting story here and the final page sure blew up the stakes. But the dialogue is so annoying at times and it just sounds like ramblings from a mad man. Also he managed to throw in at least a controversial thing with Wild Dog which wasn't necessary from my point of view. The creators of the character strongly disagreed with this and rightly so. There was no really no need for this and it seems to be done just so Azzarello can make some headlines. At the same time, I do remember the same creators complaining about the Arrow version of Wild Dog which now they seemed to embrace in their latest message. I still agree with them on this, I'm just saying that on the other hand I'm kind of tired of creators complaining about stuff just so people can still remember them. So again, good idea of a story, pretty mediocre execution and the dialogue needs a lot of work. Still, I want to see how Jason gets out of this one.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #2

Sep 7, 2021

This is a very weird book for sure. It has some awful stuff in it but it also has some good stuff. The awful stuff? Jason Todd wanting to give Joker a lap dance instead of Harley Quinn. WTF, Azzarello, are you more insane than the Joker? Because even he couldn't come up with that shit. Very cringey dialogue, a seemingly weird obsession against striptease bars, like they're some unforgivable shit or something. I don't know, I really don't know what's in this man's mind. On the other part, that last page was fire, the lineup is interesting. Jason Todd is written pretty good as a leader, too. Wild Dog is pretty cuckoo crazy but in a good way somehow. But I do feel that overall the bad outweighs the good.

The Marvels (2021) #1

Apr 28, 2021

"Communism is the future - for us and the world" Busiek really lost it, he should tell that to the face of the people of Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia, see how that would go down. I get he feels the need to be hip with all the young people who stupidly believe in a system that has failed time and time again and has killed millions of people but he can do that another way. Other than that, the book has potential, but that stuff just threw me off. It sure was nice seeing the Punisher again after Marvel sidelined him for politically-correct reasons.

The Marvels (2021) #2

May 27, 2021

The Marvels (2021) #3

Jun 30, 2021

Kinda chaotic but still pretty good.

The Marvels (2021) #4

Aug 18, 2021

The Marvels (2021) #6

Dec 1, 2021

The Marvels (2021) #7

Jan 5, 2022

It was nice seeing the original Vision but everything else is either bad or boring.

Iron Man (2020) #6

Feb 17, 2021

I think I would like this comic a lot more if it was just Cafu's art without Cantwell's stupid dialogue. Why does Marvel hate Tony Stark so much and why do they always give the Iron Man book to writers who clearly hate the character? That said, I liked seing all of these vintage IM villains and I'm really glad War Machine is back. I can't stress enough how good the artwork is.

Iron Man (2020) #8

Apr 14, 2021

This was very bad, good idea, awful execution. Also no Cafu which is a clear minus though the artist did an okay job. Don't let yourself be deceived by the cover, Iron Man doesn't appear at all in this book because Cantwell is actually trying to sell a Hellcat book under a more succesful name.

Iron Man (2020) #9

Jun 9, 2021

I dislike Cantwell's writing but this was just great, I have to admit it, I loved it from start to finish. And Cafu's art, I barely have words, I would love to see this guy on an Avengers book (preferably without Jason Aaron writing it lol). Give me more Cafu drawing characters in a Golden Age fashion, it's brilliant. Didn't read the Korvac saga, but this comic makes me want to do it, to anyone who read it: was it good, would you recommend it?

Iron Man (2020) #10

Jul 14, 2021

I find it pretty hard to believe an individualist like Tony Stark would ever buy into the whole concept of space Paris commune but this was decent, I guess.

Iron Man (2020) #11

Aug 18, 2021

A good issue, even if a bit predictable, but I keep disliking how Cantwell insists on painting Tony as this ultimate douche just so he can keep his teacher's pet, Hellcat, moralizing to him. Also, a huge minus whenever Cafu isn't on the book.

Iron Man (2020) #12

Sep 15, 2021

I'm sorry but I don't see the purpose of this story other than (yet again) Stark is a jerk just for the hell of it. Avro-X dies meaningless. The art is decent but I really want CAFU back. And it seems like Cantwell took a hint with the songs in comics from King and that's not a compliment. I know the story is about to get big but the road there is tedious to say the least.

Iron Man (2020) #13

Oct 13, 2021

I'm having trouble taking seriously a supervillain that gets ambushed by Frog-Man of all people. I'm glad Cafu is back on art, that's always a plus and I have to give it to Cantwell, he knew how to make use of all the heroes on page. I think that the comic missed, though, a great opportunity for a heck of an ending and a glorious last page, it built very much into it and then decided to end it in a pretty dull way. This wasn't bad, it had some good elements to it but also some bad ones. I look forward to Iron Man's transformation.

Iron Man (2020) #14

Nov 24, 2021

I have to say, this is very disappointing. Same old story, Tony hates himself, Tony is a shitbag, that's all Cantwell knows what to do with the character. I think there's a little self-insert there too because Cantwell does seem to be the kind of guy who also hates himself for nutty reasons. I just throw a prediction out there: Tony will try to destroy everything and at the end the true hero of this run, Hellcat, will save the day. Amazing art by Cafu, I still want to see this guy drawing an Avengers book with the characters in classic wardrobe but I'm unimpressed by Iron God's design, he could've done much better there. The art is the true saving grace of this book, it seems like Cantwell just doesn't know how to write strong personalities, he failed with Doom, he fails with Iron Man too.

Iron Man (2020) #15

Dec 22, 2021

I liked this one. Cantwell took a break from the self-pity party and the visuals were stunning. I was skeptical of this issue without Cafu on art but Robinson did a great job here. The writing was ok, too.

Iron Man (2020) #16

Jan 26, 2022

Another dumb issue of the Hellcat... eh, sorry I meant Iron Man book. Though in all honesty the Hellcat title would have been much more genuine. She is the hero of this story. She is the one who came to Tony after ONE fucking panel where Janet broke up with him like it was nothing because that's how human beings behave in Cantwell's mind. It was fairly obvious by that fact alone what character Cantwell wants to shine his light on. The dialogue was atrocious, the art was bad and the fact that Doom appears at the end makes me think this book will only get worse. Cantwell's Doctor Doom book was awfully bad, much worse than his Iron Man, he just doesn't get the character but he insists he does so we'll have to suffer yet another one of his pathetic attempts to write Doom. This whole arc seems like it's going to get even worse.

Sinister War (2021) #1

Jul 14, 2021

Sinister War (2021) #2

Aug 4, 2021

Sinister War (2021) #3

Aug 18, 2021

Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 1, 2021

What was the point of all this? Other than to put Bagley draw as many Spider-Man villains as he can (and even that we didn't get much of since he didn't draw all the issues). Boomerang's sacrifice was so cheap, Ock's "redemption" was sooo predictable. Talk about event fatigue. I swear, if Spencer doesn't deliver on ASM #875 big time, his run won't be remembered pretty well. And I say that as someone who's enjoyed it.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #1

Mar 16, 2021

7.5 for Ridley's story, 7 for the second one, 4 for the third one which tried too hard for my taste, 9 for Watters' story, that one was really great, 4 for the last one.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #2

Apr 20, 2021

The first story is just atrocious, that's not Martha Kent by any means. The second one was okay though Cowan's art is pretty ugly these days, he is far from what he could produce on the Question in his prime. I liked the third and especially the last one, that was really fun, the fourth one is meh. Overall it seems like the book has no coherent direction.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #3

May 18, 2021

This is the best one yet. 10 for the first story, 9 for the second, 7 for the third, 6 for the fourth (expected better from Spencer), 8 for the last one. I loved the art for the 2nd, 3rd and last story, very, very good.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #4

Jun 15, 2021

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #5

Jul 20, 2021

I liked it up until that last page from Warren Johnson's story where he couldn't resist the need to remind us that we live in a pandemic and he thought necessary to draw masks on people's faces. Why did he need to torture us with that after some hopeful stories, I don't know, seems pretty sadistic to me. It's not enough the world is how it is, screw escapism, let's not give people one second of a breather and remind them of that in comics too. That's not to say I encourage people not to wear a mask, do it, I do it most of the times, I just don't understand this incessant need to pull people even further in this instead of helping them forget about it at least for a second.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #6

Aug 17, 2021

I want to start by appreciating Shaner's gorgeous cover, the guy does great work on that abysmal Adam Strange book too but he seems destined for Superman with his style. The stories were, as always, hit and miss. The first one is boring, the second one is ok. Now I'm not by any means a King fan but his story was really great, probably the best story overall from this series and it was really emotional. And not the cheap, Tom-Taylor, emotional type of moment either, it was a very strong story and a statement on who Superman is. Hats off for that one! The fourth was pretty good, especially with the art. And the fifth I would've been ok with, even if it was a blatant self-insert, if it were not for the "progress" flag. Intersectionality is a sick concept and anyone who embraces that type of thinking should be ashamed of themselves and not taken seriously. Overall this series started pretty badly, but it was decent, unfortunately very few stories really did something for Superman as a character. P.S.: I would really love it if idiots would stop making their reviews about mine but I guess that's not in the cards lol. Intersectionality is a dangerous ideological point of view that any sane and decent human being should reject. Those who embrace it, well...I've said my piece.

Adam Strange (1990) #3

Feb 12, 2022

Knowing I wasn't a fan of Strange Adventures, someone recommended this series to me as THE Adam Strange series. Suffice to say, it wasn't, at least for me. It's interesting for sure but it was really weird. There are some interesting themes about politics, religion, technology and the environment but the storytelling is just so... random and all over the place.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018): King's Ransom #1

May 12, 2021

Classic Spencer, building something for 50 issues, then changing it at the last moment for the shock of it.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Chameleon Conspiracy #1

Jun 30, 2021

Another "mystery" that isn't solved by Spencer by the end of the issue, nothing new here. He's actually a pretty good writer but he just loves going in circles a bit too much for my taste. This trick was cool once, twice but when you do it on and on at some point it gets tedious. And it got tedious some while ago, now it's just annoying. Still, like I said, he's a good writer and I'm looking forward to Sinister War.

Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers (1981) #13

Feb 14, 2022

This is a review for #1-13 plus the special. So I wanted to see how Kirby's doing when he was basically given free hand at doing whatever crossed his mind and... it's kinda bizarre? The art is still good but the storytelling suffers. A lot. Captain Victory seems to be Orion's son, "Darkseid" even makes a brief appearance here as a shadow or something like that. Honestly the stories are not very good, I'm generous with the rating because of the art. I would recommend the last three issues which serve as backstory for Captain Victory and the special, everything else is tediously weird, not my cup of tea.

Catwoman (2018) Annual: 2021  
Devil's Reign: X-Men #1

Jan 19, 2022

I liked Emma's way of dealing with the Treehouse situation but I'm not buying that last page reveal at all.

Monkey Prince (2022) #1

Feb 1, 2022

What does it mean that he wears shoes inside the house because "he has a white mom"? I just scratched my head at that one. And he goes at it again with your "white Karen of a mommy". Kinda weird language Yang is using, I don't suppose he would go on those diatribes for other races of people but with whites it's allowed, of course. Also the mom is terrible at her mom job (not that her regular job is a good one lol), no mom would react like that "oh are you smoking? Cool, cool". That last page is most assuredly bullshit, I always hate it when writers go for bullshit "twists" that make no sense and are used purely for the shock factor.

Secret X-Men (2022) #1

Feb 9, 2022

This was such a slog to read, I was interested in it because of the lineup but it was pretty bad.

She-Hulk (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2022

I was not a fan of the dialogue at all, very childish, but it wasn't that bad and those last two pages sure are interesting.

Silver Surfer: Rebirth (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2022

While this wasn't bad and it certainly fed the nostalgia, this is the second Marvel book right now where they keep teasing Mar-Vell on the cover only for him to either not be in it at all or be killed in a few pages. Either bring him back or let him dead but stop baiting us with his comeback.

Suicide Squad: Blaze (2022) #1

Feb 8, 2022

Yeah, I didn't like this. I had some slightly decent expectations from it, I'm not usually a fan of Spurrier but I really liked that the Squad is getting so much attention these days. Still, the issue is chaotic and not in a good way, Suicide Squad stories can be chaotic in a good way, see Robbie Thompson's run as an example. This isn't that. And the "regular Joes being part of the Squad" has been done before, I think they did it some years ago during Rebirth and it was better than this. And there's a line here that is literally racist, "long before you happen to hit someone rich enough or white enough". As Superman said in Doomsday Clock "the demonization of any group of people is WRONG", apparently some people (a lot, actually) didn't get the memo. Speaking of Superman, I hate what Spurrier is doing to him, he is put in a very bad light here. And of course we have people wearing masks in a comic because we're masochists and we need to constantly remind people about the pandemic, fuck escapism! Yeah, all in all I can't say this was bad but it definitely wasn't good either.

U.S.Agent The Good Fight

Jan 12, 2022

This was a pretty weird one, I think Gruenwald tried to make Walker discover faith but it was pretty wonky.

U.S.Agent (2020) #1

Apr 28, 2021

U.S.Agent (2020) #2

Dec 23, 2020

U.S.Agent (2020) #3

Feb 24, 2021

U.S.Agent (2020) #4

Mar 31, 2021

Priest is one of my favorite writers and I want so badly to like this more but I just can't. He deliberately tells the story in a disjointed way, I know this because he did it in Deathstroke too but that doesn't make his writing likable nor does it make it very smart, not here. And he doesn't seem to be very convinced himself of what messages he's trying to put forward. Also the fact that we have these awesome covers from Cecchetto and that mediocre art inside just makes me angry.

U.S.Agent (2020) #5

Apr 28, 2021

I tried my best to like this because Priest is one of my favorite writes and I really like U.S. Agent but this was all over the place.

Blue & Gold (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

I usually don't like when a writer decides to throw in tweets and cringy stuff like that but here it was fun all around. This isn't a groundbreaking book or anything but it's comedy at its best. I've missed these guys and this is a welcome return!

Blue & Gold (2021) #2

Sep 7, 2021

I still love this and I'm having fun, something most comics these days don't manage to do.

Blue & Gold (2021) #3

Oct 12, 2021

I didn't like this and Sook wasn't actually on the art, which sucked because the art was pretty ugly.

Blue & Gold (2021) #4

Nov 16, 2021

This was at times boring, at times fun, but that special appearance was awesome as fuck, I absolutely loved it!

Blue & Gold (2021) #5

Jan 18, 2022

Yeah, this is getting boring, nothing here was funny or interesting, I'm pretty disappointed.

Justice League: Last Ride #1

May 11, 2021

Ugh, did we REALLY need another story where Batman and Superman are angry with each other even though we all know it's a matter of time until they reconcile? This comes at such a bad time in contrast with what Yang is doing in Batman/Superman. Glad to see Hal in a leading role, I'm betting Geoffrey Thorne will have another breakdown if he reads this one. :))

Justice League: Last Ride #2

Jun 8, 2021

Justice League: Last Ride #3

Jul 13, 2021

Very underwhelming and boring, it tries to be dark but fails to be interesting, Zack Snyder's JL seems like Super Friends in comparison to the tone of this.

Justice League: Last Ride #4

Aug 10, 2021

I really don't get the high ratings for this. Sure, it had Mongul and Cyborg Superman in it but there's nothing great here. We still know very little about the main plot, the characters are pretty bland. "Not great, not terrible" kinda fits here.

Justice League: Last Ride #5

Sep 14, 2021

Darkseid is...BOOM! I loved that ending, I loved Hal and the way Zdarsky played with the whole "Darkseid is" thing. Other than that, story's decent but I feel like it still lacks something to truly love it from start to finish.

Justice League: Last Ride #6

Oct 12, 2021

It sucks that Zdarksy ruined Hal's moment of glory with such a cheap trick but other than that, it was okay.

Justice League: Last Ride #7

Nov 9, 2021

I definitely would have rated this lower under normal circumstances because the book in itself has a lot of flaws. Darkseid is such a bore and Chip's voice for him is just lackluster, all the other villains didn't make any difference in the story etc. But there's a lack of good JL stories lately and Hal has been treated like shit in the last years by DC, so Chip gets extra points for making good on those two fronts.

Swamp Thing (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

As always, Ram V's stories are overly pretentious but with very little substance.

Swamp Thing (2021) #2

May 4, 2021

Swamp Thing (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

I really don't want to rain on anyone's parade but this isn't a book that really deserves an average 10. I get what Ram V is doing here, he's trying to copy Ewing's Immortal Hulk with the Green being the Below-Place. And while it is an interesting idea, the execution is pretty different and not in a good way, the dialogue especially is pretty bad. It has potential but I don't think it will evolve beyond Ram V's usual platitudes.

Swamp Thing (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

Swamp Thing (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

Yet another writer who can't get over Brexit and feels the need to invent fascists in UK, which is amusingly ironic since UK was probably the only major country in Western Europe where fascism completely failed. But in Ram V's tiny mind conservatives and brexiteers are probably the fascists he dreams of. A lot of pseudo-philosophical stuff, art took a major step down from Perkins, we still have no reason to care about Levi Kamei. I'd say this book fails to gain very much attention and deservedly so.

Swamp Thing (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

The pace for this book is way too slow, Levi's story moves at a snail's pace and Ram V's "philosophical" storytelling is so very boring.

Swamp Thing (2021) #7

Sep 7, 2021

We're finally getting some reason to care a bit about Levi and Perkins did an awesome job here.

Swamp Thing (2021) #8

Oct 5, 2021

Swamp Thing (2021) #9

Nov 2, 2021

This is... okay, but a little bit predictable, in other words, classic Ram V.

Swamp Thing (2021) #10

Dec 7, 2021

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #7

Sep 7, 2021

I really liked how Rosenberg wrote Penguin, I'm glad someone at DC remembered this is one of the greatest Gotham villains and his mind is one of his greatest assets, he's more than "waaugh, waaugh, I'm going to shoot my umbrella now".

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #9

Oct 5, 2021

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #12

Jan 9, 2022

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #13

Jan 9, 2022

All this storyline was classic Rosenberg nonsense.

X-Force (2019) #16

Jan 20, 2021

X-Force (2019) #17

Feb 10, 2021

X-Force (2019) #20

Jun 2, 2021

Percy is losing his subtlety with what he's doing with Beast, it gets really tedious, but I enjoyed the parts with Deadpool being angry at mutants for treating him like dirt.

X-Force (2019) #21

Jul 7, 2021

Kind of a messy issue.

X-Force (2019) #22

Aug 11, 2021

X-Force (2019) #23

Sep 8, 2021

I'm not a fan of the treatment Percy keeps applying to Beast, just make him Dark Beast already and be done with it. Also, is the Chronicler some Marvel character or is that Percy doing a Morrison thing?

X-Force (2019) #24

Oct 13, 2021

Pretty weird issue but in a good way.

X-Force (2019) #25

Nov 17, 2021

So we've had to suffer through the annoying Quentin-Phoebe relationship just for them to break up all of a sudden? Screw you, Percy! Why the hell did you insist on this so much if it ultimately doesn't go anywhere? Also, pretty predictable story, we need to get back fast to the Colossus plot.

X-Force (2019) #26

Dec 15, 2021

For a last issue, it was decent.

Alien (2021) #1

Mar 31, 2021

Alien (2021) #2

Apr 21, 2021

Alien (2021) #7

Oct 27, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #29

Mar 16, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #30

Apr 20, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #31

May 18, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #32

Jun 15, 2021

Getting worse from issue to issue.

Catwoman (2018) #34

Aug 17, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #35

Sep 21, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #36

Oct 19, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #37

Nov 23, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #38

Dec 21, 2021

Boring ending to a boring run, not that putting Tini Howard on the book will make it better lol.

Action Comics (2016) #1029

Mar 23, 2021

Action Comics (2016) #1030

Apr 27, 2021

I remember reading the first stories from PKJ on Superman in Future State and even though it was obvious to anyone with eyes and half a brain that the guy couldn't give a flying crap about the character and can't wait to get him off his hands, people were saying "oh let's just wait a bit, don't judge too early". Yeah, no, I can see when someone doesn't care about a character and PKJ is not in it for him, he's just obsessed to see Jonathan in that role as soon as possible. And the thing is, I like Jonathan, I actually maybe like teenage Jonathan even more than kid Jonathan, which is a very unpopular choice. But there's so much potential for him as Superboy that he doesn't need to be thrown in the Superman role yet, Clark Kent has that role covered. But no, since PKJ doesn't know what to do with the character, it's much easier to just push him aside so he can be the guy that made Jonathan Kent Superman.

Action Comics (2016) #1031

May 25, 2021

Action Comics (2016) #1032

Jun 22, 2021

Action Comics (2016) #1033

Jul 27, 2021

Action Comics (2016) #1034

Aug 24, 2021

This was a good story, AC was constantly good later but I don't like where this is heading. Superman's behavior here, while justified by how tense he's been after the last issues, leads to his alliance with the Authority and, in conclusion, to Jon being Superman. I really, really don't like the way DC chooses to sneak all the 5G ideas down our throat. The Flash is the only one who isn't replaced so far. I would have preferred Sampere on art but overall I liked the story and how it was written. I just don't like the direction and the way it's done.

Action Comics (2016) #1035

Sep 28, 2021

For the last 4 issues I have rated AC pretty high because despite seeing where it was leading to, I enjoyed it. This time, I didn't. Sure, Sampere's art continues to be great. But Superman thrown out of the League after last issue? Yeah, sure, I don't buy that, not for one second. You can tell that editorial just wanted Clark out of the way for Taylor's stupid Jon Superman miniseries and PKJ came up with the flimsiest of reasons why Clark would be thrown out of the League. This isn't a story that flows naturally, this is a story mandated by DC editorial, aka Clark must be replaced with Jon because 5G and it shows. For the people that hate the past and love replacing all our heroes this will be great, for most people it won't.

Action Comics (2016) #1036

Nov 9, 2021

Perhaps I would like this more if I didn't know what DC is going for on the long run, so even though this isn't a bad story and the art is great, it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn't like how they made the connection with the Superman from Morrison's series, it was very lazy. I did somewhat like the backup, as in even though it wasn't great, it was a step up from that Midnighter bore.

Action Comics (2016) #1037

Nov 30, 2021

Yeah, I didn't enjoy this, sorry. The logic of it just isn't there. The council dude who argues against intervention just doesn't make sense. I get it, he was trying to delay offering help to Supes so he doesn't save the Phaelosians he was afraid of but his reasoning is flawed. I mean, whether they intervene in conjunction with Superman or after he was supposed to liberate Warworld, according to his logic, they would have to receive refugees either way, it makes no difference when they helped. And I find hard to believe that the whole UP armada wouldn't have ticked the scale against Warworld. So yeah, it makes zero sense. Other than that, the fights were boring, a lot of the dialogue was weird and I really missed Sampere on art. The backup is not very good, either, Shawn Aldridge is not a good writer, though I like that Martian Manhunter is in the spotlight. Tldr, PKJ should do better.

Action Comics (2016) #1038

Dec 28, 2021

Pretty mediocre story that always backs down whenever a serious choice with real consequences is to be made.

Action Comics (2016) #1039

Jan 25, 2022

Truth, Justice and the American Way. Come on, PKJ, you're not a lefty who hates America but pretends he doesn't, I know that, say it after me: Truth, Justice and the American Way. Nothing to be ashamed of, believe me. Putting that aside, this is an ok issue, as is this run so far. Ok, but nothing especially great. I usually like Federici's art but here I feel like he didn't have the chance to really shine. Also, how does Superman know the writing similar to the one on the Genesis Fragment runs upward? He just... knows that but has no idea what it says or just anything about it, kind of a weird thing, if you ask me. Also, you can let some pages just with Federici's art instead of writing dialogue in mongulese or whatever that stupid "language" is that doesn't actually translate into anything, that's just lazy writing there. The backup is slightly better but I'm still not impressed.

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #1

Mar 31, 2021

Beta Ray Bill (2021) #5

Jul 28, 2021

This was nice in the end and I'm getting used to this guy's art.

Black Widow (2020) #4

Dec 2, 2020

Black Widow (2020) #5

Feb 17, 2021

Black Widow (2020) #8

Jun 30, 2021

Black Widow (2020) #9

Jul 30, 2021

Gamma Flight #1

Jun 23, 2021

Yeaaah, this is Ewing at his worst, without oversight, he always misses out when someone doesn't reign him in.

Gamma Flight #2

Jul 21, 2021

As much as I want to like this, it doesn't feel right, without Bennett the magic isn't there and the comic resembles more of Ewing's failed projects, the dialogue is not good. Still, he baited me with that last page, not gonna lie.

Gamma Flight #3

Aug 18, 2021

Kind of confusing at times but this was the first issue on the level of Immortal Hulk.

Gamma Flight #4

Sep 22, 2021

I could do without the political messages from Ewing, especially since he seems so upset about them when they don't align with his particular views, but it's still a good read.

Gamma Flight #5

Oct 13, 2021

Expected better from the last issue, decent run overall but it doesn't add much to the gamma lore.

X-Men (2019) #1

Jul 3, 2021

X-Men (2019) #2

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #3

Jul 4, 2021

Pretty stupid issue from Hickman, humor is not his strongest suit.

X-Men (2019) #4

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #5

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #6

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #7

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #8

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #9

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #10

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #11

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #12

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #13

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #14

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #15

Jul 4, 2021

X-Men (2019) #16

Dec 31, 2020

This might not have been the best of issues but I feel like people are a bit harsh with Hickman, there are A LOT of more bad books in the industry that are getting better reviews here and, for better or worse, he has created something interesting with the X-Men, something the franchise desperately needed.

X-Men (2019) #17

Jan 27, 2021

I'm giving it 6.5 solely for Booth's art which was very 90s in a good way, Hickman disappointed me with the dialogue.

X-Men (2019) #18

Feb 24, 2021

The dialogue was pretty bad, Hickman continues to wing it on this title.

X-Men (2019) #19

Mar 31, 2021

I feel like this would've been much better with Yu's art, especially for how the Vault is built. I'm still trying my best to like Asrar's art but I can't seem to do it.

X-Men (2019) #20

May 26, 2021

Yeah, this is Hickman at his best. But that's just my problem with the whole X-Men series up until now, I could tell Hickman wasn't even trying. Now, when he's paving the way for his Inferno series he really tried and the quality leveled up immediately. So while I loved this, I find myself disappointed by Hickman's attitude towards this series overall, he really winged it big time, I don't think he had more than 5 issues at best when he actually wrote at his full potential.

X-Men (2019) #21

Jun 9, 2021

Really hope Planet-Size X-Men gets better than this because this was Hickman winging it once again.

X-Men (2021) #1

Jul 7, 2021

I rate it this high because I always enjoy seeing Larraz work on the X-Men but otherwise I have to say, this was pretty uninteresting. For one thing, the biggest plot point, the Mars terraformed by mutants is being treated as an afterthought by humanity in general which, let's face it, is pretty stupid. I was expecting all of these organizations and superheroes to respond somehow but no, it turns out humans are cool with Mars being home to warrior mutants that no one knows nothing about. This type of stuff is what makes me not take these writers seriously, when they treat serious and complex issues like no biggie. Secondly, Duggan's humor is as cringe and unnecessary as ever, the dialogue wasn't very good either. I did enjoy seeing some action on X-Men, something Hickman shied away from too much for my taste but that's it, that's all I really liked. I, too, don't understand why they made Laura just Wolverine with boobs, like, just put Wolverine on the book if that's what you want, he's always in 10 books at the same point anyway, one more won't change anything. Overall, this doesn't fill me with confidence and after Larraz will leave the book probably after 4 or 5 issues, I sense a big failure with this book. P.S.: Why isn't Thunderbird resurrected? Doesn't Cerebro have a copy of his mind or why is he still dead? I wanted so badly to see him resurrected but I see they treat him as someone who won't come back.

X-Men (2021) #2

Aug 4, 2021

I liked that this issue gave a spotlight to Sunfire and it annoyed me very much that Duggan has, once again, inserted himself in this issue. Enough with the self-inserts, dude, you've been doing it on Deadpool too. I was wondering why he managed to portray in a positive way a dude with a gun given Marvel's stances on the issue only to realize... it was actually him. Ok, that makes sense. :)) I also liked very much the team cooperation though the way he writes Lorna and Laura is very irritating.

X-Men (2021) #3

Sep 22, 2021

I was so excited the High Evolutionary was back for this issue only to find out that his job here was to preach about climate change and how we're already dead and we don't know it yet. Never change, Duggan, never change. Also, I cringed at the line about the "teslelephant" who remembers Tesla. Facepalm. Seriously, what is the editor of this book doing, is he smoking pot or how does this sort of stuff get past him? And why are the Vietnamese shown as ignorant confusing the X-Men with the Avengers? Also, I'm beginning to be less enthusiastic about Larraz' artwork, I feel like he's not trying to come up with anything new or interesting. I'm not giving up on this book because I'm very interested in the upcoming Captain Krakoa character and because I love the X-Men but Duggan needs to cut the silliness out and put in some effort.

X-Men (2021) #4

Oct 13, 2021

Another filler issue, get to the point, Gerry.

X-Men (2021) #5

Nov 24, 2021

This is getting worse and worse with each issue, there were several time I cringed pretty hard. I cringed at the villain's correction, "Dr. Polaris" just enough to make sure we get that Polaris is super smart even though we never got any proof of that, we're just told she is. I laughed at his anti-nuclear propaganda. I cringed again at how he copied the whole "iron in your blood" and "fillings in your teeth" from the way the movies used Magneto's powers. Great originality there, Gerry, you really did your best lol. Also, that's really not good journalism there, buddy, you don't go to the subject of the news telling him you're going to expose him. If this is how Duggan thinks journalism should work, boy, is he a lot dumber than I thought he was (and I do think he's pretty dumb). And where is Pepe Larraz? The art is ok, but I do miss Larraz. This book really needs to get better, I am interested in the new Captain Krakoa, but cautious of it at the same time, knowing Duggan he can botch this up in a pretty big way.

X-Men (2021) #6

Jan 5, 2022

Yeah, this was one big missed opportunity from Marvel. Turns out all Duggan's been building towards will be explained away with some shenanigan and Captain Krakoa is... Cyclops. Yeah, the twist you can see coming from a mile away unfortunately, even though the dialogue tries to conceal it in a pretty bad way. Duggan's creativity is, as always, pretty low, and this X-Men series is turning out to be a bad one. I also found it pretty ridiculous how Sunfire told Feilong that he'll provoke people by claiming Phobos after the mutants literally claimed Mars and called it the Sol system's capital, if that's not hypocritical I don't what is.

X-Men (2021) #7

Jan 26, 2022

Not great, not terrible.

X-Men (2021) #8

Feb 16, 2022

OMG, M.O.D.O.K. the dude who kills people "for science" is disabled, let's feel sorry for him. I facepalmed at that so hard I actually hurt myself. It's not bad but it's not very good either. The art is great, though.

Hulk (2021) #1

Nov 24, 2021

I'm really, really conflicted about this and for many reasons. One, we just got an entire awesome run where Banner and Hulk reach some kind of understanding of each other. Now here comes Cates totally shitting on that and just pretending that didn't happen, taking us back to the usual Banner-Hulk dynamic. Two, the way he writes Banner is just in bad taste. Banner has always had issues, sure, but he wasn't a full maniac like he is here. I really don't like this. Three, I get it, Hulk is dangerous, he always has been. But I worry that Marvel is really pushing him in villain territory and doing to him what they did to Hank Pym. Sure, it's ok to see our heroes going through more "extreme" phases but at some point you have to take a step back and see if that character is at all heroic or not anymore. I'm starting to feel that this is happening to Hulk and it's a shame to do that to one of the original Avengers. Now that being said, if you get through that and just enjoy the book for what it is, this is entertaining for sure. Ottley's art is good, Cates is very inventive here even though at times it gets pretty ridiculous. I have to give him credit for that. For a first issue it's good. I'm just not sure how I feel about it in the overall context for the character.

Hulk (2021) #2

Dec 15, 2021

Yeah, this is garbage. Not even the fun type of garbage, it's just... dull. Ottley's art is decent, but the story is pure nonsense and Banner continues to act like a douchebag, killing people with absolutely no qualms whatsoever. I don't know what happened to Donny Cates but lately he's been in a downward spiral, the Thor book is bad, King in Black was mediocre at best and this was very bad. Long gone are the days when he revolutionized Venom.

Hulk (2021) #3

Jan 19, 2022

Better than that dumb last issue and Ottley is indeed the star here.

Hulk (2021) #4

Feb 16, 2022

Pretty lazy script, if you ask me.

Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #1

Jul 27, 2021

Based on the Milestone Returns issue, I had very low hopes for this but for a first issue it has grabbed my interest.

Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #2

Aug 24, 2021

Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #3

Sep 29, 2021

I always find it very funny when writers who are cashing checks from big corporations complain that "capitalism sucks". Like, no one is forcing you to work for them, dude. Go do your indie thing. Oh, you're not actually that good and just love that sweet money? Maybe ease up on the preaching, in that case. Also, "money" is decidedly NOT a primitive concept, in fact it may be one of the best concepts humanity has ever come up with. That's why exchange of goods is being done peacefully and not in violent ways, because we all agree that these piece of papers have a certain value. Now, beyond these dumb lines that I just had to mention because I'm tired of stupid preaching, the book is actually good. Icon continues to be a powerful character not because of his plethora of superpowers but because of how a mature and wise character he is. Wish I could say the same about Rocket. There are some social messages I agree with here, others I do not but overall this is an engaging read and probably the best Milestone book by far.

Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #4

Nov 2, 2021

I've really liked this up until now, never rated it under 7 but this one was a miss for me. While it isn't necessarily bad, the whole "your neighborhood got wrecked so you're to blame" just to create an unnecessary conflict between the police and the people is really stupid. You're going to have to try harder than this if you really want me to buy that. Also, we didn't need a whole page about which black athlete is the best but if we're on that I'd say Reginald forgot some certain great ones like Usain Bolt or Kobe Bryant, God rest his soul.

Icon & Rocket (2021): Season One #5

Jan 18, 2022

The first three issues were great, and while this issue wasn't bad, it had some problems. I particularly don't like Icon's voice here, he is justified in his actions, however he doesn't sound as the old Icon. I'm sure Dwayne McDuffie, God bless his soul, wouldn't have approved of this voice for the character. I still think Hudlin vastly overestimates the economy's reliance on drugs but the discussion in class was pretty interesting. And hey, "stay off reddit" is indeed great advice, reddit is a cesspool for some very insane people, as is twitter.

Aliens: Aftermath (2021) #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #59

Feb 19, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #60

Feb 24, 2021

What I like about Spencer's writing on Spider-Man is that his writing is very retro, if you would have some art from the 60s in the background this would totally fit in that era.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #64

Apr 21, 2021

Man, I've missed Octavius for a while now!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #71

Jul 28, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #72

Aug 25, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 8, 2021

So this is a weird one. A lot happens here but I feel like this is a issue that only massive, massive Spider-Man fans, the kind of people who have read all issues, can totally grasp all the implications here. I like that he didn't pull back on Harry being Kindred, though. My biggest issue is another one, though. Spencer's run has been very wordy and while some people complained about this, I actually enjoyed that, it was very reminiscent of old comics but in a pretty modern way, it wasn't dated. So when he writes an issue like this, with so many lore and history I feel like he could've used that sort of storytelling to clue in people who haven't read all the issues of Spider-Man starting with Amazing Fantasy #15. It just feels very lazy on his part and this coming right after Sinister Six is a problem.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74

Sep 29, 2021

I'm sorry but after all the hype Spencer built all these years, after all the convoluted storytelling he went after at times... this is the best he could come up with? No. I'm sorry, but no. He put all his eggs in this one basket and the omelette we got was terrible, nothing he did here helped any character in a useful way, maybe Norman because he's less of an ass but that's it. Art didn't help either. Hell, the other stories were actually better than the main one!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 6, 2021

Pretty good first issue, it washed the bad taste in my mouth after Spencer's bad ending.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #76

Oct 13, 2021

Zeb Wells is doing a great job so far, I hope he can keep this up, that ending was badass!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #77

Oct 27, 2021

This is a step back in quality in both writing and art. I knew ever since I've heard this is a Kelly Thompson issue she'll take the chance to throw a little bit of vitriol towards men and of course she didn't miss the chance. Just think of the line about "the men parts being the problem, we should get rid of them", replace that with "women" and imagine that writer not getting immediately cancelled and probably fired. But since it's against men it's all good, no problem there. The art was not very good either, I really missed Gleason. I don't know how long Thompson will be on this book but I can't wait to move past her, this is not a book for her.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #78

Nov 10, 2021

Please get Thompson off the book as fast as possible, she couldn't care less about Spider-Man and it's pretty visible. There's such a stark difference between Zeb's writing and hers. The only thing she did here that I liked is that Peter reacted to Black Cat even though MJ was at his side all this time, which makes it super weird.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #78.BEY

Nov 17, 2021

I liked the bits with Ben, they were fun, couldn't care less about the rest of it except that last page with Monica Rambeau, I'm curious where they go with that.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #79

Nov 24, 2021

Better than what Thompson did for sure, this book was actually about Spider-Man.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80

Dec 1, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80.BEY

Dec 8, 2021

Pretty good issue, it sets up an interesting confrontation down the road.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #81

Dec 15, 2021

I'm sorry but Miles' costume is plain garbage, it hurts my eyes when I look at it. And the story was mediocre at best. I feel like other than Zeb Wells' issues, Spider-Man has been very hit-and-miss with a lot more misses than hits.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #82

Dec 22, 2021

Pretty simple story but the art elevates it a lot, it worked to Fornes' strengths.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #83

Dec 29, 2021

I didn't expect it to be so good from Gleason, but I really enjoyed this.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #84

Jan 5, 2022

Pretty decent issue, nothing special.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #85

Jan 12, 2022

That's it? I don't know, I expected some more spectacular revelations. Also, those first pages were pretty cringey. I look forward to Zeb Wells' next issue, his issues were the best in this Beyond era.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #86

Jan 19, 2022

Very good issue with very good art, Zeb Wells has yet to disappoint on ASM so far.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #87

Jan 26, 2022

Meh, pretty mediocre issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88

Feb 2, 2022

Some bits I liked, some bits I didn't but overall it was a good issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88.BEY

Feb 9, 2022

I expected to hate this given that Geoffrey Thorne is the guy who made me drop Green Lantern, one of my favorite DC franchises, but I didn't. It wasn't great but it was more than decent. I still liked Hobie as the Prowler more but this works too. The design is strikingly alike to Dragonfly and Dragonflyman though, I feel like that's a problem.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #89

Feb 16, 2022

Very good issue, this is the second time during the Beyond saga when Gleason surprises me in a good way.

Avengers (2018) Annual #1  
Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1

Aug 31, 2021

Maybe I'm generous today or maybe Tynion has managed to drop my expectations so low that even a half-decent issue makes me somewhat interested but this was better than his last issues of Batman. I liked Federici's art, he's a great artist. Unfortunately for him the book is set up in such a way that he couldn't shine at his brightest. Office scenes or Oracle's lair won't help him much. But still, it was nice seeing his art again. I enjoyed the first pages of Scarecrow's dialogue with Saint and Batman, it does feel like Tynion is putting some effort to elevate Scarecrow and it kinda works. I still couldn't give one damn about the Unsanity Collective, cringiest name/concept ever, the Harley, Ivy and Gardener (another annoying Tynion character that doesn't add anything to the Batman mythos) bit, the Alleytown bit or Tim Fox but Scarecrow, PK-01 and even Oracle's bits were decent. I'm sure down the line Tynion will make me regret hoping something good will come out from this because he is the type of writer who's not capable of developing a good concept but for now this was ok.

Batman (2016): The Audio Adventures Special #1

Oct 12, 2021

This was better than I expected, I particularly enjoyed the Two-Face story and the main story, Gotham was presented in a very fun way by Jack Ryder.

Batman (2016): Fear State Omega #1

Nov 30, 2021

This rating is so high just because I like Federici's art, otherwise the story suffers from the same idiotic tropes Tynion used us to by now. For example, his Batman says he let the Unsanity Collective roam free because they aren't a threat. Sure, dude, a bunch of anarchists who brainwash people aren't a threat to anyone for sure. I can't wait to live in that ideal society of Tynion where whackos brainwash me for my own good lol. This whole issue is just Batman simping to try to show us how great Tynion's characters are, how "dangerous" and "heroic" they are. They're really not, dude, they're just boring and no one cares about them. And all that dialogue at the end between Batman and Crane makes no sense. All this time Tynion rallied on how Crane wanted to change Gotham only to make an 180 at the very end and tell us how Crane was actually afraid of change. Would you fucking make up your mind? It seemed more to me like it was a breaking of the 4th wall to complain to us readers how we don't like his creations, how we're "afraid of change". Yeah we don't , they're dumb. And change doesn't always equate with "better". Change for the sake of change a lot of times does more harm than good. Case in point, Tynion's Batman run. It was a change for sure, but it was a shitty change. Let's hope Williamson and future writers just pretends this whole stupid thing never happened.

Batman / Fortnite: Foundation #1

Oct 26, 2021

Good concept for the story, very good action but it was ruined by Batman Who Laughs (I could actually tell which were Snyder's lines because they're childishly stupid) and by the fact that the narration makes no sense at the end of the issue.

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #4

Jun 1, 2021

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #5

Jun 15, 2021

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #6

Jul 6, 2021

Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf In Gotham #1

Sep 28, 2021

This was pretty good.

Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf In Gotham #2

Oct 19, 2021

This isn't a bad book but... that's not Dick Grayson. I though he was Damian or maybe Jason Todd but Willingham clearly doesn't care about the personality here because that's not Dick.

Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf In Gotham #3

Nov 16, 2021

Not very good, Batman seems like an idiot here.

Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) #1

Dec 21, 2021

I've been awaiting this book with some anticipation, given that lately Batman seems to have much better luck in Black Label books than in in-continuity books and that seems by design. On the other hand, I've never been a fan of artists trying their hand at writing, so I was a tiny bit skeptical all the same. Unfortunately, the latter instinct seemed more right. Sure, it's not bad and for a first issue you could say it's even good as an introduction but the story seemed all over the place to me and it makes even less sense in the grander scheme at DC right now. These days, DC seems to try and tell us that Arkham Asylum is useless and needs to be done with. What will it be replaced with, no one seems to know, just something a bit more soft for the insane criminals seems to be the answer for the writers who aren't right in their heads either, btw. This book seems to tell us that Arkham kinda works, at least partially until a better solution comes along, because Vasquez here actually has a decent idea: stop letting criminals thrive in a revolving door institution and try to actually lock them up. Yeah, I know it's Black Label but DC really seems to make no sense at this point about what security means for Gotham. The narrative gets even weirder when Jock tries to paint Vasquez the villain because while the transfer is done, the truck is getting ambushed by criminals with guns. Vasquez just complained that Gordon isn't doing his job apprehending criminals off the streets but somehow she's the villain here. And why is the transfer done during a hot weather when apparently that plays to E.M.P.'s advantage? Honestly, there are so many plotholes here I was scratching my head half the time. The art was good, but the story, while setting up an interesting premise, really suffers in the coherence department.

Captain Marvel (2019) #32

Sep 1, 2021

Marvel baited me with the comeback of the true Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell, so I'm in for this. Though I expect to be highly disappointed since they've tried for years to prop up Carol Danvers and surely they won't give up on that given their social stances. This was decent, Kelly Thompson is a decent writer (and the best female writer, probably the only good one right now) when she's not man-hating. I would've rated it higher, were it not for the ugly art.

Captain Marvel (2019) #33

Oct 6, 2021

Captain Marvel (2019) #34

Dec 1, 2021

Interesting use of her powers but I care more about seeing the other Marvels, so far we've seen little of them.

Captain Marvel (2019) #35

Jan 5, 2022

Meh, if next issue Mar-Vell isn't coming back I'm going to be pissed off, they keep teasing him.

Darkhawk (2021) #1

Aug 25, 2021

Decent start but I guess we still need some time to see where this is going, so far it wasn't bad but not great either.

Devil's Reign: Villains For Hire #1

Jan 19, 2022

This issue is just Thunderbolts killing people left and right, fighting amongst themselves and Fisk putting them in their place. Only on the last page does U.S. Agent join them and we still don't know the reason why. If he's either doing it to try to keep these crazies in line or he's somehow undercover for Steve, that's something I can buy. Any other reason, I don't see it in character.

Eternals (2021): Thanos Rises #1

Sep 15, 2021

I liked the art more than I thought I would, I didn't like that they changed the Eternals personas to fit the current day era and that Thanos was not in this issue at all.

Eternals (2021): Celestia #1

Oct 6, 2021

This is the first Eternals issue from Gillen I don't like, I loved the art otherwise I would've rated it much lower.

Future State: Gotham #1

May 11, 2021

The first story is really interesting though if my suspicion of who Jason is working with turns out to be true they'll have to really sell me on that one otherwise he's pretty gullible. The second story drags the issue down, there was really no need for it.

Future State: Gotham #2

Jun 8, 2021

I have to say, I expected better from Williamson, I didn't like this as much as I was expecting. Also, shame on DC for rewriting a story from Batman Black and White from a few months ago just to get those sweet extra-bucks, that's just totally disgraceful. And it wasn't even a good story at that.

Future State: Gotham #3

Jul 13, 2021

Future State: Gotham #4

Aug 10, 2021

I guess the only question is: was this necessary? It interrupted the story in a pretty important moment for what, a Harley vs Punchline fight? I guess there's that last page thing but I don't think anyone's excited about that.

Future State: Gotham #5

Sep 14, 2021

I've liked both stories, Red Hood here is pretty competent and the second one is not bad either if you don't think too much about it.

Future State: Gotham #6

Oct 12, 2021

Why does DC reprint a story that was released a few months ago in Batman Black and White? Just to milk some more money? I wasn't very impressed with the main story either.

Future State: Gotham #7

Nov 9, 2021

This was pretty good, seeing Jason achieving peace in a different way than usual was interesting. Though Warmonger is a shitty villain for sure, he's not Gotham material. Even the usurper Batman is tolerable here and I liked that Williamson made Jason the equivalent of Gordon in this Future State. Overall a pretty decent book though I'm not a fan of the manga style, not here at least. Still gets 0.5 in minus because again the second story was just released in a Batman Black and White earlier this year and on top of that it has Rossmo on art which is a sin in itself.

Future State: Gotham #8

Dec 14, 2021

Surprisingly, I've enjoyed the comic up until the new Joker bits, which were pretty lame.

Future State: Gotham #9

Jan 11, 2022

I actually liked this, as much as Future State was annoying and I'm glad DC is letting all of that go away. It's kind of my guilty pleasure, I guess.

Future State: Gotham #10

Feb 8, 2022

Not as good as last issue but I still liked this.

Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1968) #1

Feb 11, 2022

Amazing art by Steranko, weird story.

Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1968) #5

Feb 11, 2022

We still don't know who Scorpio is but the art was amazing, again, classic Steranko, and I really liked Fury here, I miss classic Fury.

Penultiman #4

Jan 13, 2021

This is a nice book but I always feel it could be more, it just needs to reach out juuuust a little farther.

Robin (2021) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

This was fun, I felt like Williamson didn't take this story seriously and that helped, especially when the stories involve Damian, who takes himself waaaay too seriously.

Robins (2021) #1

Oct 20, 2021

I've wanted for years a Robins book... it's just that I didn't want it written by Tim Seeley, he's one of the worst writers in the industry. To his credit though, he knew what the fans wanted and he won the contest fair and square so I guess we know have... this. And it's as bad as expected. Sure, he has some knowledge of Robins history, that's a plus but the writing is cringey and all over the place. And I'm not having a great feeling regarding the main villain. All in all, I hope that after the first 6 issues, DC doesn't end the book and just gives it to someone else. It's actually a great idea for a book, just not in the hands of this guy. At least he got the anarchists right as the insane, cringey, dangerous loonies they are so I'm giving him at least credit for that. Makhnovia may have been an interesting concept but the anarchists of today's state of mind really resembles the one Seeley is showcasing here.

Robins (2021) #2

Nov 16, 2021

Pretty good issue, much better than the first one, I'm starting to have some hopes for this even though I'm really, really no big fan of Seeley (I made a rhyme).

Robins (2021) #3

Dec 19, 2021

Yeah, when you pass by as someone's getting mugged and you do nothing, you might not make a great Robin lol.

Robins (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

It deserves this high a rating solely for annoying idiotic anarchists, good job, Seeley, good job!

Robins (2021) #5

Feb 14, 2022

Not bad necessarily, it's just all over the place.

Spider-Man: Life Story Annual #1

Aug 25, 2021

Not bad but at the end of it, just as at the beginning my first question was if this issue really was necessary at all.

Stargirl Spring Break Special #1  
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads #5

Nov 24, 2021

Dumb fun but I liked it.

The Joker (2021) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

Honestly this story is all over the place and I could definitely feel Rosenberg's hand at work, it's the exact chaotic type of storytelling that he uses in The Joker presents: A puzzlebox. But I had a few laughs so there's at least that, even though the story makes little sense. Gordon looks like a dumbass here, something I'm having a pretty hard time buying.

The Last Annihilation: Wiccan & Hulkling #1

Sep 1, 2021

Pretty decent, though it got a bit boring in the middle.

Thor (2020) Annual #1

Jul 21, 2021

I liked the art a lot, the story had potential but in the end it went nowhere.

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #1

Nov 16, 2021

Pretty good for a first issue, though Hawthorne's art is pretty ugly. But the premise of the story is worth it. Much, much better than the shit Conrad and Cloonan come up with in the main book.

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #2

Dec 21, 2021

This second issue is filler, last issue had a little more meat on the story. The art is quite ugly and the coloring is pretty weird, there where several panels where I could swore Diana was drawn like she's black. I'm still interested in the story but I need more from it.

Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #3

Jan 18, 2022

I liked this up until the part with Silver Swan, I just can't buy the victim narrative Phillips is selling for her.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #1

Sep 28, 2021

Maybe I'm not being totally fair since Priest's run has set the bar pretty high regarding what I expect from a Deathstroke comic (it was one of the best, if not the best, Rebirth comics) but this was slightly disappointing. It's called "Deathstroke Inc." so I was expecting something different and special from Slade. Instead he's just stealing Batman's weaponry and paints it orange, that's kind of the gist of the "Inc." part. Art doesn't help either. I hope Williamson will do a better job in the future, he's earned some leniency from me with his work but this first issue didn't feed me with a lot of confidence.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #2

Oct 26, 2021

Williamson has so many books at DC on his hands that I knew he was bound to slip somewhere and I think this book is that. This is just Porter's book basically, he's playing with all sorts of crazy stuff. It's not bad but it's not very good either. Still I appreciate the fun element to it but I can't help but compare it to Priest's book and the comparison doesn't help this book at all.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #3

Nov 23, 2021

The whole "Cheetah was wronged by the Legion" was pretty cringe but this book remains as it was until now, mediocre towards good.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #4

Dec 28, 2021

Pretty decent story, best one yet.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #5

Jan 25, 2022

I don't know, I liked this. I recognize its faults, I feel the parallels between Slade and Dinah are flimsy at best but it's a decent characterization for Slade. I kinda feel sorry the Calculator got killed, he had a pretty wild plan, though it was not very sound in the long run, if you ask me.

Titans United (2021) #1

Sep 14, 2021

I didn't feel this. I liked that Red Hood had his guns (even though the cover originally showed him with his guns too and then DC chickened out and replaced them with swords just as they did on the RHATO #50 cover) but apart from that the way he was written reverted him back to a place he hasn't been in some time. Nightwing isn't very compelling either, in fact none of the characters, other than Beast Boy, are and the art is very mediocre. And I get that Superboy is trying to channel Superman but that "nobody's average" line seemed pretty childish, like I hate to break it to you, buddy, but some people are average and there's no shame in it. I don't know, I feel like this was put out solely to promote the Titans show. Which, by the way, even though the third season is better, it still has a lot of the problems from previous seasons. So overall, I like that we have a Titans book (I don't count that Academy as one and it's pretty bad) but I think the Titans deserve better, I'm being generous with the rating.

Titans United (2021) #2

Oct 12, 2021

Maybe I'm more generous with this rating than I should be because I miss a good Titans book and the show doesn't help either.

Titans United (2021) #3

Nov 9, 2021

I like that Cavan Scott gets how insane Jason is in the field but can we slow it down on the "omg how he annoys us all" thing? Like, we don't need to hear that on every single page even if it's the charm of the character, it gets tedious after a while. Still like that at least here he uses his guns, it seems like it's more important that this book promotes the show than the ideological stupidities that DC has implemented on the character in main continuity.

Titans United (2021) #4

Dec 14, 2021

Titans United (2021) #5

Jan 11, 2022

Pretty bad issue.

Titans United (2021) #6

Feb 8, 2022

Yeah, I had a feeling Blackfire was a red herring as the true invader. I really liked how Jason challenged Conner, the balls on him to talk trash to a mad Kryptonian who already didn't like him that much. And I liked how Conner trash talked back to him. But the pacing here was not that good, which makes me downgrade my rating a bit.

Amazing Fantasy (2021) #1

Jul 28, 2021

Now this Cap I like, Cantwell, take notes, this is how you write Steve Rogers!

Amazing Fantasy (2021) #2

Aug 25, 2021

I continue to enjoy this book pretty much, even though it's a little weird at times.

Amazing Fantasy (2021) #3

Sep 29, 2021

Crime Syndicate (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 6, 2021

Better than the first one, kinda dumb fun sort of book but it still doesn't reach very high. I like that he borrowed the Owlman philosophy from the movie but it was very poorly executed in the backup story.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

I liked this one, the story seems like it needs to breathe more but I like what the writer is going for here.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

Crime Syndicate (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

Crime Syndicate (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

So overall this book was... so-so. It tried to revolutionize the Crime Syndicate and it came with some nice ideas but overall parts of the story felt nonsensical, especially in this issue. I liked that it embraced the characterization of Owlman from the movie, the nihilist persona. Ultraman was a caricature, I don't see the point of changing Superwoman from Lois to Donna Troy, John Stewart was an interesting character and the others I just didn't care for. Ultimately it's not a bad series but it's not a good one either, if you're a Crime Syndicate fan this can be for you, if you're not you probably won't like this.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1

Dec 9, 2020

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #2

Jan 13, 2021

Great characterization of Brand, I just don't buy Magneto being played by Cortez again.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #5

Apr 21, 2021

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6

Jun 23, 2021

See, I don't think Ewing is stupid but the fact that he thinks that a planet with a single government would actually work out, and better than one dIvIdeD bY nAtIoNs, is proof of stupidity. I know, these are comic books, we're not supposed to take them seriously when it comes to politics but these guys DO take themselves seriously when they preach what we should and shouldn't do in our world so I'm going to take their stupid ideas seriously. No, one world government would suck balls for everyone. Every single world organization has failed over time. The League of Nations has failed when we needed it most, to avert a world war. The UN has been a corrupt joke for a lot of years. And last year, the organization we needed to oversee our health, WHO, covered for China and now we're all in a pandemic because of that, nearly 4 million people died and our liberties and civil freedoms have been eroded. Is that proof enough that having ONE world government wouldn't actually be better? Also, turns out globalism wasn't the paradise that was promised, except for the corporations that profited from cheap labor force. I really liked the character work with Doom and Magneto though, those were great, Cap is kind of a sucker though if he doesn't realize mutants just screwed Earth over and the humans would be fools to take this one without fighting back.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #7

Jul 28, 2021

Abigail Brand, you little skank, that's the lowest of the lows. I guess we can all agree mutants are full villains now. Not just with Brands' actions and the terraforming of Mars, Storm acted pretty bitchy with Doom too, even though Doom was pretty reasonable, at least as reasonable as he can be. When you're douchier than Doom you quite fall into the villain category. I liked the dialogue bits but the whole war in itself is pretty boring. For all of Ewing's carefully constructed space politics, it's just very dull.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #8

Sep 29, 2021

"I edited your DNA with my mind"... I'm sorry, but I just burst into laughter after reading that, Ewing has these types of moments. And I really didn't enjoy the art at all.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #9

Oct 27, 2021

I'm sorry but I don't really see what's so great about this, it's decent but no more than that.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #10

Nov 17, 2021

Pretty boring issue, the narration for Wiz-Kid was such a chore even though the plot moved at a pretty good pace. Ewing is slowly losing the plot here. This gives me Marauders vibes, that book was great too in the beginning and then it slowly turned into a book with no direction and just the writer indulging himself in the worst ways. If Ewing is bored with the book, he should let someone else write it.

S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #11

Dec 22, 2021

It's a good thing this book got cancelled. Up until issue #7 I really liked it, it was one of my favorite Marvel books but after that it just got boring. This issue is no different. Sure, there is a twist than you can say it comes out of completely nowhere, while it's also predictable at the same time. Like, there was no strong build-up for the revelation here, but all throughout the book Brand has been sketchy so I can't say I'm shocked. Other than that, I kept seeing through it Al's worse instincts come through, something I don't particularly enjoy. Also, Ewing has problems in the comic knowledge department, Cable was Captain America in a divergent timeline or something like that.

Batman / Superman (2019) #15

Dec 22, 2020

Batman / Superman (2019) #16

Mar 23, 2021

Truth, Justice and the American Way, Yang, it's not forbidden to say "the American way", not yet, anyway.

Batman / Superman (2019) #17

Apr 27, 2021

The first one was better, but still pretty entertaining.

Batman / Superman (2019) #18

May 25, 2021

Still fun but I feel like the concept is wearing off a little. A lot of twists come out of nowhere which doesn't help the book. Reis' art is great, it really pays great homage to the early comics. I think one more issue of this would be enough, I'm getting a little bored by it.

Batman / Superman (2019) #19

Jun 22, 2021

Batman / Superman (2019) #20

Jul 27, 2021

I totally understand now why DC is cancelling this book. What started as something fun became more and more of a chore. You can only keep doing the same thing for so long until it becomes too boring.

Batman / Superman (2019) #21

Aug 24, 2021

I grew bored of this issues go but given it's the end of the arc and of the run I feel generous for a book that was consistently decent. P.S.: There's an annual after this so I've downgraded it to 6.

Batman / Superman (2019) #22

Sep 28, 2021

I loved this, Yang came up with yet another crazy issue and ended the run on a high and fun note, this was really great!

Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #1

Dec 8, 2021

Pretty decent first issue and very good art, the story was kinda wacky but in a good way.

Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #2

Jan 5, 2022

Really like the voices for Tony and Cap, especially for Cap, much better than what Cantwell or Coates did with him recently. I could do with less Veronica Eden, who I still have a hard time caring about. And yes, enough with the self-hate from Tony, if only Cantwell would get the message. I really liked how Cap got super mad when he saw the Hydra Supreme suit (yet another shitty thing Coates did, killing "Captain Hydra" for nothing). I'm excited for what comes next, I really hope this book maintains this level of quality, these characters deserve better than what Marvel does with them these days.

Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #3

Jan 26, 2022

Yeah, this was pretty boring and I just don't find Veronica Eden such an interesting character as Landy insists she is, I find her pretty juvenile.

Catwoman: Lonely City (2021) #1

Oct 19, 2021

Not bad, though I feel like the main premise is not very great but I enjoyed it for a first issue.

Catwoman: Lonely City (2021) #2

Dec 21, 2021

This book took a major u-turn with this issue and not for the best. First issue was good and seemed interested in telling a good story. Here we just get big doses of weird lefty ideas and I can't say I enjoyed that. Plus I just burst in laughter when I saw how Ivy looks here. She's fat because lefties think being fat equals "eMpOwErMeNt" but she just looks ridiculous, especially because being a femme fatale was always a major part of her character. Kinda hard being a sexy femme fatale when you look like you're stuffing your mouth with fast food 4 times a day. There still are some decent ideas but the quality took a serious blow here, especially during the second half of the issue which was horrible and I am starting to worry about what kind of book this will turn out to be.

Generations (2021): Shattered #1

Jan 5, 2021

I would have given it more if Reis would have drawn more of it, his art was splendid.

Generations (2021): Forged #1

Feb 23, 2021

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #1

Nov 30, 2021

Pretty mediocre to be honest, but Infinite Frontier started the same way and it got much better so I'm hoping next issues will improve. P.S.: I definitely disliked the way Williamson chose to poke fun at Thanos, it's really not Marvel's fault that DC hasn't known what to do with Darkseid in a looong time now and that Marvel developed Thanos into the character he is today.

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #2

Dec 21, 2021

The Batwoman who Laughs? Really? Yeah, other than the fact that he found a really good voice for Thomas Wayne, everything else here was bad, like really bad. If next issue won't improve, I feel like this will turn out to be a failure from Williamson.

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #3

Jan 4, 2022

Pretty bad dialogue and messy plot that's all over the place but I liked how he writes Darkseid, so that's a plus. Kinda laughed a little at how "Ulrich SAXman" and that beard didn't scream "Darkseid" to Cal and Maya, they're not the sharpest tools in the box, are they?

Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #4

Feb 1, 2022

I liked this. While the narration was at times a bit stiff, it all made sense. We all know Thomas Wayne isn't really dead since we'll have Geoff Johns' and Jeremy Adams' Flashpoint Beyond book (which I'm pretty excited about) so there's that. Unfortunately I don't care all that much about the JL Incarnate characters, they're pretty bland, except for Thomas. But the story is a decent one.

Robin (2021) #1

Apr 27, 2021

Not bad, it's just that I expected more and the way some of the best fighters in DCU are just ignored is silly.

Robin (2021) #2

May 25, 2021

Robin (2021) #3

Jun 22, 2021

Robin (2021) #4

Jul 27, 2021

Robin (2021) #5

Aug 24, 2021

I really don't enjoy issues where Damian beats all the other Robins easily, Tomasi used to do it too, but other than that this is decent.

Robin (2021) #6

Sep 28, 2021

Robin (2021) #7

Oct 26, 2021

Robin (2021) #8

Nov 23, 2021

Robin (2021) #9

Dec 28, 2021

The ending comes out of nowhere but I liked this.

Robin (2021) #10

Jan 25, 2022

Superman '78 (2021) #1

Aug 24, 2021

I've loved Venditti's Hawkman but this is his second attempt at Superman after the Man of Tomorrow run and it feels the same, decent but boring, guess it's a little unfair since my expectations were higher for my favorite version of Supes but I don't know, nothing here got me excited.

Superman '78 (2021) #2

Sep 28, 2021

Venditti really got the trick of how to capture the '78 movie atmosphere and its characters, Sam Hamm should take a lesson from him instead of obsessing over race theories like a lunatic.

Superman '78 (2021) #3

Nov 2, 2021

Venditti really does capture well Gene Hackman Lex's style!

Superman '78 (2021) #4

Nov 23, 2021

Superman '78 (2021) #5

Dec 28, 2021

Superman '78 (2021) #6

Jan 25, 2022

Decent ending but I was expecting a bit more from Lex Luthor, Venditti kept teasing he had a plan and he ultimately went nowhere with it.

Winter Guard (2021) #1

Aug 25, 2021

Pretty interesting for a first issue but I am slightly cautious about it.

Winter Guard (2021) #2

Sep 30, 2021

Winter Guard (2021) #3

Nov 3, 2021

I liked the bits with Red Guardian, I could feel the parallels with Captain America but Drakula's whole reasoning made absolutely no sense and a lot of the dialogue was just there for the sake of it.

Winter Guard (2021) #4

Dec 1, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #1

Feb 19, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #2

Feb 19, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #3

Dec 22, 2020

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #4

Jan 26, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #5

Feb 23, 2021

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #6

Mar 25, 2021

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 2, 2021

The story overall was not bad but a lot of directions for the characters are questionable to say the least. This issue was supposed to make me hopeful for the future of the DCU and it has failed in that matter. Compare this to DC Universe - Rebirth and the difference is huge in terms of quality. Yes, I know, there's another one coming in July but if it's like this, we're better off without it.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

Pretty mediocre, I liked the Roy part at the end and Thomas Wayne being back but other than that, the dialogue was bad overall and pretty stupid here and there, wasn't a huge fan of the art either. There's plenty of fan-service though. But I think given the huge scale of the story, this should've been better than this. And the fact that we're going to have yet another crisis coming after Williamson complains about this type of stuff in the book is pretty ridiculous on his part and shameful from DC.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #2

Jul 13, 2021

This is really good but I feel like for an event this big, the art should be better, I'm not saying it's bad, it's just...okay and for such a big book I feel like you should be putting your best artists on this.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #3

Jul 27, 2021

There are way too many things happening at the same time, the book needs some focus. Still, it's nice to see some characters back that DC has forgotten about. As fan service, this is great. Art is pretty mediocre.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #4

Aug 10, 2021

This continues to be fun and fan-servicey and we got hints to some answers this issue too, pretty good overall. I also like how Thomas Wayne's character is being fixed after King's horrible mess.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #5

Aug 31, 2021

I still like this and I enjoyed the explanations we got but something didn't particularly click for me here, Darkseid doesn't feel as big as he should feel and even in the context presented here I don't feel like so many people would fall for Darkseid's plan.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #6

Sep 7, 2021

A decent ending though the subliminal messages throughout the book and in that epilogue don't sit well with me. I want to say I'm reading too much into it but they've been repeated throughout the book so it's not a coincidence. Xermanico is the surprise for me, he has been really great. Again, a lot of fan-service and Flashpoint Batman is the star so far so I'm curious to see what's next.

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 21, 2021

MacKay usually does nothing for me but for a first issue this was good enough to keep my interest.

Moon Knight (2021) #2

Aug 18, 2021

Ok, I didn't have big hopes for this but there is something here for sure.

Moon Knight (2021) #3

Sep 22, 2021

I'm more interested in who the main villain is (I think it's Purple Man) than this.

Moon Knight (2021) #4

Oct 27, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #5

Nov 17, 2021

Moon Knight (2021) #6

Dec 22, 2021

This seemed to me like the weakest issue so far. It's not bad, it's just very safe. I hope we'll see more of Tigra next issues, I enjoyed her interactions with Moon Knight in the past. The other Moon Knight is also a good addition to the lore.

Moon Knight (2021) #7

Jan 19, 2022

Moon Knight is having the best ride he's had in a long while with this strong series, the upcoming Disney show, plus Marvel will even get him one of those Black&White books.

Moon Knight (2021) #8

Feb 9, 2022

Not a bad issue, Badr is an interesting character, just wasn't a big fan of the religious meaning behind the dialogue.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 14, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

Jun 9, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #3

Jun 9, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #4

Jul 14, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

Aug 11, 2021

Pretty meh ending, at this point Zdarksy just juggles between combinations of characters, it gets quite tedious after a while. This is the issue I liked less, I guess I expected something better than this. I'm not even sure the symbiote can be fooled like that but whatever.

Wolverine (2020) #9

Jan 27, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #10

Feb 24, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #13

Jun 23, 2021

Beast is not wrong, come down from your moral high horse, Emma, sure, dude brainwashed a country, that's bad; but you just claimed a PLANET that wasn't yours and proclaimed it capital of the solar system, that's ten times worse because it will probably lead to war.

Wolverine (2020) #14

Jul 30, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #16

Sep 30, 2021

I still couldn't give a crap about Loki-lite no matter how much Percy thinks that he makes him interesting because he's lewd.

Wolverine (2020) #17

Oct 27, 2021

Better than the last issues, that's for sure.

Wolverine (2020) #18

Nov 24, 2021

Wolverine (2020) #19

Dec 22, 2021

Yeah, this was awesome for a last issue (the next one is 4 months from now), Percy really captured who Wolverine is here.

Batman / Superman (2019) Annual: 2021

Aug 31, 2021

I liked this but I feel cheated by it. The last page from the last issue proposed an encounter with Darkseid. No such thing happened here. Both stories are good but I hate it when writers bait people to buy their books. I'm giving it 7.5 not just for this issue but overall because this series was pretty good from the beginning and who knows when the next Batman/Superman book will come out given DC's plans.

Batman: The World OGN

Sep 14, 2021

I was interested in this even though I'm not a big fan of anthologies but, man, was I surprised of this. This is the first DC enterprise in the last months I actually think has served them pretty well. They should try to search for writers in other parts because American writers are lately very one-note and the likes of Ridley or Tynion didn't help the character. European writers were very good, I have to say, I really, really liked their stories in particular. So I'm going to take every story and make a short review for each: 1.USA 9.5. Azzarello did a good job here introducing the book and the art from Bermejo was great, very good voice for Batman 2.France 9.5 Not a fan of the art but the story was a nice one and it played very funny on French stereotypes. 3.Spain 10 I'm not usually one who likes a story where there's very little dialogue but the art here was very good in its storytelling, I was really surprised of this one. 4.Italy 9.5 This one has a weird structure and I lost my interest halfway but at the end you get a sense of satisfaction. 5.Germany 6.5 This one I didn't like that much, I didn't want (yet) another cheap story about environmentalism but at least one of the characters is pretty crazy so that's in line with the Gretas of the world lol 6.Czech Republic 10 This one was awesome. Americans lately have been shying away from condemning communism with stupid people actually embracing an ideology responsible for the murder of tens of millions of people. That won't fly in Central and Eastern Europe where people have actually lived under such regimes and where they have experimented what that was like. Spoiler: It's fucking horrible. And this is shown here in spades. Anyone who embraces Communism or thinks "it wasn't that bad", read this story. It may have a Batman setup but the writer definitely tries to speak of what a total nightmare it was. 7.Russia 10 This was honestly awesome, as well. It was such a sweet story and it embraced a lot of the history of the times and comics and Batman and it ended on a very great note. 8.Turkey 6.5 This would've been better if the writer didn't try every page to tell us how great Turkey is and how it is the cradle of civilizations at least 10 times, if Erdogan would've written this he would've shut up about it but not this guy, no. 9.Poland 7 Another good story but the art didn't help at all, it was pretty bad. 10.Mexico 6 Ok story, good art 11.Brazil 3 This one bored me out of my mind, it embraced a lot of weird tropes and I wanted it to end a lot sooner. I expected better. 12.South Korea 8 Pretty good story with nice twists and decent art 13.China 2 Childish art, boring story and a little bit of Chinese propaganda that wasn't really necessary 14.Japan 4 By far the biggest disappointment, I expected from a manga story a much better quality level, not this. So overall I loved this, I wouldn't mind seeing DC giving more chances to writers around the world, especially Europeans because they did a great job here, maybe go a little bit to the East, see what those people can say about the character. Either way, congratulations, this was a good effort.

Cable (2020) #8

Feb 17, 2021

Cable (2020) #10

Apr 28, 2021

Cable (2020) #12

Jul 28, 2021

I'm no fan of Gerry Duggan but I have to give him some credit, he finished this exactly as I wanted. I like Old Cable but I also found Kid Cable pretty entertaining and I was afraid one of them would have to go. Luckily that's not the case. I also liked how Stryfe begged amnesty because imo the mutants are pretty shitty regarding clones. They're people too and deserve the same grace monsters like Sinister or Apocalypse got.

Captain America (1968) #323

Jan 2, 2022

Captain America (1968) #327

Jan 2, 2022

Captain America (1968) #328

Jan 8, 2022

Captain America (1968) #329

Jan 8, 2022

Captain America (1968) #332

Jan 8, 2022

This is the beginning of "The Captain" storyline, the second time when Steve Rogers drops the Cap identity. Unfortunately, while this may be slightly better than the first time, it's still a very unrefined and rushed issue. Rogers drops the mantle while not being very sure of how the whole Commission thing would go and it's more than evident that the writers' political feelings towards the Reagan administration are the real reason Rogers stops being Cap. Just as Englehart didn't like Nixon and poured his dislike towards Tricky Dick in his book and the transformation into Nomad, the same happens here. By adding that to Spencer's whole Secret Empire thing, a clear (and forced) parallel to Trump (although I liked Secret Empire!), you may start to see a pattern. Steve Rogers is a great character but unfortunately a lot of the times the frustrations the writers (advice: never read Ann Nocenti's Cap, it's just cringe) have towards US presidents (and somehow, it's almost always Republicans) are being poured through his mouth and that makes him a propaganda tool. And yes, I know, he was created specifically for that, against the Nazis, but that seemed fair game, this doesn't, not to me at least. Not when only one side gets the short stick every time. To the very least, if anyone ever gives Millar crap for portraying Cap as a libertarian and saying he "doesn't get" the character, read this. Cap throwing away his uniform, considering he alone, not the government, represents the American ideals, is the most libertarian thing one could do. And no, I'm not a libertarian, it's just that I find it funny how some people blame Millar for stuff other writers have done in the past with Cap.

Captain America (1968) #333

Jan 8, 2022

Great second issue, great characterization for Walker, you can tell how he's exactly the opposite of Steve at this point. I like how at the end while some stuff doesn't sit well with him, he sucks it up because he probably thinks it's un-American not to lol. He's also pretty loyal to his buddies, even though that will come back to bite him in the ass later.

Captain America (1968) #334

Jan 8, 2022

Walker sure has some distorted views and sees Cap through totally different lenses than Steve would but I like that he genuinely wants to be Cap and he takes it seriously. He may have started by phoning it in and looking for glory but he's in it now and he knows he has big shoes to fill. I also liked that at the end he chose to take responsibility for his idiotic decision, at the very least that is Cap-like.

Captain America (1968) #335

Jan 8, 2022

I laughed at this one, Walker sure has a rich imagination but he somehow ended up on the right conclusion. In this issue, though, he's a major douche by gambling with Lemar's life like that. Though I suppose his bet that Lemar will handle those Watchdogs isn't crazier than say, a vigilante who drags kids in bright-colored tights in a crime war, so if you look at it that way, Walker is no douchier than Batman is. Still, it's a risky decision on his part but he's lucky here.

Captain America (1968) #336

Jan 8, 2022

"You shouldn't take the law into your own hands", says the guy who literally gave up the shield to take the law into his own hands. Gruenwald's Cap is a good man, but very inconsistent in his reasoning. And man, Gruenwald could not make his peace with Reagan's presidency. Yes, Reagan was popular because he also upheld those ideals that Cap did. It's why I think Steve/Gruenwald doesn't know what he says. But at least Cap admits he isn't against Reagan, so that's something. What I really liked here is how Steve ends up setting some limits eventually on the whole "taking the law into your own hands". I've seen a lot of people laughing at Cap's moral dilemmas in this run but I think they're interesting. How far should one go when he decided he is above the law? If you don't set some clear boundaries, you may find yourself on slippery ground. Thankfully, Cap puts some limits on himself. Other than that, Brother Nature is so cringe it hurt.

Captain America (1968) #337

Jan 8, 2022

"Should work as long as no one asks me what I'm Captain of", I swear Gruenwald seems genius at times in his unending well of creativity, and sometimes he seems a little kid whose logic is slightly schizophrenic.

Captain America (1968) #338

Jan 8, 2022

People say Walker's crazy but Lemar is pretty fucked up as well, John always seems to keep him in line when Lemar is all too eager to go for the kill. And Jack Monroe sure is a piece of work, never heard someone talk about sex in the term of "creature contact" lol. At the end of the issue, though, we have a complete U-turn that I don't buy, Walker loses it completely all of a sudden and kills the villain in a fit of rage that wasn't at all indicated up until then. It's not that I don't see John Walker doing that, he's certainly not opposed to killing, it's just that up until then he was very composed, he even kept Lemar in check. Yeah, that's not great writing here. But hey, at least he feels bad about it? It's a pattern in Gruenwald's run, in the last panel of the last page Walker always has a Cap-like moment.

Captain America (1968) #339

Jan 8, 2022

It's funny that Gruenwald ties the red tape and bureaucracy to Reagan when the man hated both from his guts, shows how much he knows about Reagan and how irrational his hate towards him is. Other than that, this is another issue centered on The Captain, Nomad, D-Man and Falcon and those are always a bit less interesting than the new Cap, especially because D-Man and Falcon are pretty boring here while Nomad is a major douche.

Captain America (1968) #340

Jan 8, 2022

Armadillo is so sad here, I really felt bad for him. He even was nice enough to turn himself in voluntarily at the end of the issue, what a lad! The interactions between D-Man and Nomad are genuinely funny, I guess Jack wasn't entirely wrong when he accused D-Man of wanting to steal Vagabond (great superhero codename there, though I guess you can't be picky when your boyfriend calls himself Nomad lol) from him. I love the justification D-Man came up with, he just wanted to "show her some wrestling moves". Yeah, wrestling moves... if you know what I mean. The funny thing is in his childish mind D-Man may actually not do any of that on purpose but you can hardly blame Jack for suspecting him and Jack definitely is prone to rush and angry judgment. Cap got dark for a second there but he pulled himself back at the last moment, and just as Nomad was calling him a wimp, shows what he knows. I really liked that moment.

Captain America (1968) #341

Jan 8, 2022

Really good issue, we have the conclusion of the conflict between Cap and Iron Man, we have the (re)introduction of Right-Winger and Left-Winger and the beginning of "Snake War". Walker's identity is made public knowledge and that will come back to bite him in the ass in the worst way possible. What's worse is those are his buddies and he genuinely cared about them.

Captain America (1968) #342

Jan 8, 2022

Not much happens here, I'm sure D-Man will eventually show Vagabond his "wrestling moves". Diamondback is really into Cap and Nomad is really the chaddest of the chads, he complains about D-Man making moves on his girl, while he's eyeing Diamondback, gotta love the guy.

Captain America (1968) #343

Jan 8, 2022

I continue to laugh at Gruenwald's sexual innuendos, if he was alive today, he would get cancelled pretty quick. The part with Cap's group is still not very great, turns out Diamondback is into Nomad too (not as much as she's into Steve, he's a "hunk"), but still no love for D-Man, poor guy. I don't know if Gruenwald hates Nomad or something, but the dude is terrible at anything else than throwing his discs, he puts Cap in danger here big time. On Walker's story, we see again his idea that "the law is the law", it's not his job to think about it, the government knows better, something completely antagonistic to Steve's view and, frankly, quite wrong. But hey, at least he's nice enough to not want to report that Quill resisted arrest, that's got to count to something? I wonder if we'll see more of the Resistants in the future.

Captain America (1968) #344

Jan 14, 2022

Worst issue by far from what I've read in Gruenwald's run, other than Diamondback who was great here, most everything was bad, the plot was very stupid, it got pretty cringe at times, this is where I'd say Gruenwald went full lunatic, I hope he got it out of his system here. Also, I wonder what presidents Gruenwald doesn't consider "honorable", you can't just throw that shade without nominating anyone but if his opinion of Reagan is any indication, I'm not sure I really want to know his thoughts on any other US president.

Captain America (1968) #345

Jan 14, 2022

So it turns out Nomad wasn't crazy after all, Vagabond wanted the d from D-Man all along. But seriously Gruenwald goes out of his way almost every issue to make Nomad look bad, he almost hates him as much as he does Reagan. He definitely likes D-Man a lot while also disliking Jack Monroe with the same passion. By far though, Walker's drama is the best part here, he brutally murders the Watchdogs who kidnap his parents. And that last panel with him holding them and pretending they were still alive is haunting, here is when John starts to lose it, though you can hardly blame the guy. He basically experienced the same thing Batman did, only Bruce was a child who could virtually do nothing to stop Joe Chill, Walker is a super-powered dude who thinks he could have saved them and will blame himself for it, what happens here is actually in some ways even worse than what happened to Bats.

Captain America (1968) #346

Jan 14, 2022

I just loved the art here, Kieron Dwyer did a great job both in conveying a range of powerful emotions from Walker and the mutants who were made to fight their own and in drawing some awesome action, Walker fought like a powerhouse, here is where we start to see US Agent's birth and where he develops his own fighting-style. And again that last panel hits all the right notes.

Captain America (1968) #347

Jan 14, 2022

The issue starts symbolically with Walker getting dark there in those first panels when he (again) goes too far for Captain America and it's only the beginning. The fight against Left-Winger and Right-Winger is really great, he goes full berserk and the fighting is really imaginative, something you don't see very often in comics these days. John totally loses it there badly, BUT in his defense he does give them a chance, albeit a veeery tiny one and he calls it "mercy". That last page is iconic for Walker, at this point he is no longer Captain America by any means, he is U.S. Agent, who he was always meant to be. Can't wait for the next issue when he clashes with Flag-Smasher, they should be arch-enemies, since Walker is the ultimate nationalist, you could even call him a jingoist, and the other hates nationalism from his guts, he's basically the ultimate globalist. P.S.: In his defense, John was unbiased, he killed both Left-Winger and Right-Winger and he massacred the Watchdogs even though he agreed with their basic principles, people don't give him enough credit in terms of ideological flexibility.

Captain America (1968) #348

Jan 15, 2022

Here Walker gambles with a man's life in the most un-Cap possible way, dude is not ok at this point but, curiously, his "negotiation" works even though unfortunately he loses to Flag-Smasher. And hey, turns out Reagan was not ok with Steve deposed as Cap, Gruenwald probably decided to show some "leniency" towards him given that this is written near the end of his presidency.

Captain America (1968) #349

Jan 15, 2022

An ok issue that ends with D-Man trying to do the right thing and possibly (but unlikely) getting himself killed.

Captain America (1968) #350

Jan 15, 2022

So it turns out Rogers was slightly jealous on Walker for beating him and wanted to prove himself, I have to say he has some ego there for a boy scout. What bothered me is there's a line where Gruenwald says that Cap never killed and I remembered he used to have this stupid notion Cap got through WWII not killing anyone. Yeah, sorry, that's some major bullshit there, he would've endangered all his fellow soldiers if he went around tip-toeing against Nazis. Great fight between Walker and Rogers, Rogers beats John, then Walker saves him from Red Skull and he finally does the right thing and gives Rogers back his shield. And man, is Steve jolly about it! Btw, there is an interesting panel in the Red Skull's origin story at the end where the Red Skull is shown embracing a militant persona to agitate black people in Harlem to riot. Remember when riots were considered bad and not something good that should be done even during a pandemic (and all the subsequent deaths hidden in order to stick to the "peaceful protest" narrative)? Those were the times, weren't they? All in all, this was a good run, second only to Brubaker's run, in my book.

Civil War Vol. 1  
DC vs. Vampires (2021) #1

Oct 26, 2021

It's a good book for the concept but I can't pretend that I don't realize the reason this book was created for right now: to promote vaccination. The panels from Schmidt weren't subtle at all. Now, I should add, so that I'm not misunderstood, that I am vaccinated and I think people should get the vaccine so that this whole nightmare can be over as soon as possible, though I don't think it should be forced upon anyone. I felt the need to add that because I'm sure the usual crazies here would have come to attack and pretend they understand I said something else. Now the problem for me here is that the way Luthor creates the shot here is... just stupid. He just takes the syringe, injects himself in the neck gets the blood out and... that's it. Like, that just makes no sense. If this is DC's way to support vaccination I have to say, it's pretty uninspired. That's not how vaccines work, there is research and testing done, this was just very, very dumb.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #2

Nov 23, 2021

Unless Batman is a vamp here, this is the third time this week a DC writer doesn't understand how a hero acts. I'm starting to sense a pattern here. Other than that, this was enjoyable.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #3

Dec 28, 2021

First issue I didn't like here, this was a jumbled mess that makes no sense.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

Pretty good issue, I liked this, it's getting back on track.

FCBD 2021: Spider-Man/Venom #1

Aug 17, 2021

The Ben Reilly one was too short, but good, I'm interested in it. The Venom one got me a little bit excited even though I'm not a big fan of Dylan as a character. And, predictably, now that Trump is no longer president, Marvel will finally end the stupid mayor thing and they'll make him a gangster again.

Flash (2016) #768

Mar 30, 2021

Nothing I've read so far from Jeremy Adams satisfied me, his writing is too childish.

Flash (2016) #770

May 18, 2021

This was pretty fun.

Flash (2016) #771

Jun 15, 2021

Flash (2016) #772

Jul 20, 2021

Flash (2016) #773

Aug 17, 2021

Flash (2016) #774

Sep 21, 2021

Just pure fun.

Flash (2016) #775

Oct 19, 2021

As always, a fun book.

Flash (2016) #776

Nov 23, 2021

Pretty fun issue, as nearly always on this title!

Flash (2016) #777

Dec 28, 2021

Flash (2016) #778

Jan 25, 2022

A little less fun than usual.

Flash (2016) #779

Feb 15, 2022

An issue with a very powerful message and a very interesting last page, I really liked this.

Grayson Vol. 1: Agents Of Spyral

Feb 14, 2022

Rating for the whole run up until King left the book.

New Gods Collected

Feb 5, 2022

This is something I've been wanting to read for a while now and never got the time but I finally did it. And it's... slightly disappointing. Now the art is absolutely amazing when it comes to everything New Genesis or Apokolips. You can see how Kirby got a lot of ideas from the war experience, from Greek mythology, but he didn't just combine this stuff, he revolutionized it with some glorious designs. I could Marvel all day at his creations, he really is in his own league. Now the writing is another issue. Never mind that it's dated, I can get over that, it's just that the first six issues take place mostly on Earth and I'm not very interested in all that. It gets slightly better after that, especially in #7 where we get a lot of background information but when it gets back to Earth it's again very dull, I couldn't care less about the Earth characters. I did like the nuance he put into Darkseid and Lightray and I enjoy Orion's character, what happened in King's Mister Miracle... yeah, that wasn't Orion, this is Orion. "Even Gods Must Die" is probably the best issue, though, by far. It takes place on Apokolips so the art is absolutely amazing and the story is genuinely good. "The Hunger Dogs" is... a mess, yeah, I can't put it any other way. Again, it takes place on Apokolips so the art is great but the story is just hard to follow. Kirby has some ideas he wants to put forward but he just does it in a very messy way and I can't enjoy it. Again, I cannot recommend enough to check this or Kirby's work in general, at least for the art. There's this cover from his Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1, which is, if I understood correctly, basically a continuation of his New Gods (and New Gods is basically a continuation of his Eternals from Marvel, he even throws some tongue-in-cheek lines about Eternals and Marvel characters here and there) just at Pacific Comics, Captain Victory looks strikingly alike to Orion. Captain Victory has some guns on that cover that really put Cable's to shame. The man just had some amazing concepts of machinery and dashing superhero costumes. Just check his concept work on superhero costumes, not all of it made it to page for reasons I can't understand, they're genuinely awesome. But the writing? Yeah, it may not be for everyone, maybe others will appreciate it more, I kinda didn't.

Nightwing (2016) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

Ok so this was a pretty decent one. It wasn't as good as the Lobdell annual from RHATO during Rebirth but it was still pretty good. I especially liked the flashbacks and the way the relationship between Dick and Jason was portrayed. Though it does put both of them, especially Dick, in a better light. A lot of people remember that Jason had an inferiority complex towards Dick and he did, but they forget that Dick really didn't receive well the news that he has been replaced. All the same, I enjoyed the art from the flashbacks a lot and the writing is pretty decent on that part if you ignore the part where Taylor plays favorites. The modern day story is decent, too. The art is serviceable, but nothing great and the way Taylor endorses the dropping the guns thing is both ideologically motivated and stupid. Jason looks dumb with those crowbars. And the "explanation" that he uses the crowbar for the same reason Bruce dresses up as Batman... yeah, that's just facepalm, it's laughable. In the modern day story, Jason is yet again made dumber just so Dick can look good. They're battling Clayface, two panels later Clayface molds himself into Batman yet Jason supposedly buys that's Batman. Yeah, no one is really that dumb. When a writer deliberately dumbs down a character to make his pet character smarter, that's a sign of bad writing. Overall though, given this horrible and obnoxious run, I'd say this is the best issue yet. Less hating on the rich and capitalism, more bonding between brothers. This is really better. I'm sure Taylor will waste no time to disappoint me yet again next issue.

Sabretooth (2022) #1

Feb 2, 2022

Sabretooth is one of my favorite Marvel villains. While the pre-Hickman era was pretty boring, I felt that he had made some progress as a character. His relationship with Monet, the fact that he tried to rehabilitate himself (he was at some point kind of an anti-hero when he was on the team with Old Man Logan) and that, unlike Mystique who didn't give a crap, he actually went to hell to save Graydon Creed, all of these were things I really liked about his development. So while what happened in HoX-PoX was definitely in character, Victor is a savage animal, it kind of disappointed me that they forgot all of his development. Now this wasn't bad but I'm a bit confused, I kept expecting Toad, Nanny and Orphan Maker to make an appearance because they've also been thrown into the Pit but there's no sign of them. Also, I feel like that last page wasn't very interesting, attacking them isn't the way to go, he should try to forge an alliance with other mutants who are thrown into the Pit. So yeah, I liked this but I feel like there's a lot of squandered potential regarding Sabretooth and LaValle didn't capitalize on it.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #8  
Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

Much better than the FS stuff, the story was much more fluid.

Suicide Squad (2021) #2

May 4, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

They're hyping up Red X but there's a way to do that smartly and there's a way to just make him a Mary Sue, Thompson does it the wrong way. Better than Sheridan, though that's not a very high bar set lol.

Suicide Squad (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

I'm curious to see what the next issue brings us with Superboy but other than that I don't care very much about this.

Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Sep 7, 2021

Not as good as the annual but still very good and that last page reveal was actually pretty great. I could've done without Ambush Bug's humor, I don't feel like this is the book for this type of humor but it didn't bother me that much.

Suicide Squad (2021) #8

Oct 19, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021) #9

Nov 16, 2021

This continues to be one of the best DC books but Ambush Bug is pretty cringe.

Suicide Squad (2021) #10

Dec 7, 2021

Yeah, this is still one of the best DC books right now and one of the best Suicide Squad runs in years.

Suicide Squad (2021) #11

Jan 4, 2022

Yeah, this is still great, can't wait to see this Squad facing off against Earth-3 in the future event!

Suicide Squad (2021) #12

Feb 1, 2022

A very good ending to the best Suicide Squad run in years. I really like the pacing, something a lot of books don't manage very well these days, Thompson excels at it. Waller truly is stone cold here. I could've done without Ambush Bug but I guess every writer has his fixations. I'm really excited about War on Earth-3, can't wait for it.

Superman Vol. 6: Imperius Lex Rebirth

Jan 9, 2022

This was an arc that had me feel very conflicted and in the end disappointed me. Johns crafted some very interesting prospects for Lex: him becoming Superman and having been recognized by Apokolips as their would-be savior in Darseid's absence. Unfortunately he gives up the latter to Superman easily (he doesn't do anything about it either, just throws some cliches about coming back to help Apokolips to grow hope, something he doesn't do afterwards) for a reason I don't buy, that wasn't something Lex would do, and this whole artificial conflict makes him give up the Superman mantle, too. All so Snyder can pull his stupid aPeX lEx bullshit. The story isn't bad in itself but it had so much potential and knowing what it was sacrificed for makes me feel angry just thinking about it.

The Man of Steel (1986) #6

Feb 20, 2022

Review for the whole book. This was good, I read it a very, very long time ago and just re-read it right now and it's good, it's just... not as good as people remember it. The Bizarro issue is by far the best.

Transformers (2019) Annual: 2021 #1  
Venom (2021) #1

Nov 10, 2021

Not sure how I feel about this. It's ambitious to be sure but there's so much crammed here that it seems like at times is just jumps awkwardly from one point to another without a lot of explanations. For example, why are the military (I'm assuming that's the military though I'm not sure) attacking Venom? And were they attacking Dylan or Eddie or both? I guess Venom is now hunted down like Hulk and Swamp Thing? There's just no cohesion at all between the various plots. Also, the whole "I can move through time now like it's no big deal" asks a lot of suspension of disbelief from the reader, even for comic books. There are some good points, though. The stuff with Eddie is obviously of much more interest than what's happening with Dylan but somehow I didn't hate Dylan here, he was actually pretty good. Cates has been forcing this character for the last few years because he's feeling all fatherly lately wanting to become a father himself but he never got an interesting voice for Dylan, if anything he was annoying and wimpy. I kinda liked him here. As a huge Venom fan who has appreciated what Cates did with the character the last few years, it's a first issue that gives me some mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's a good creative team, with Ewing just finishing his Immortal Hulk run and probably on the lookout for the next big thing, with Ram V who is getting slightly better (though he's still limited as a writer, imo) and with good art from Hitch. On the other hand, it was a very chaotic issue and a lot of both of the writers' weaknesses were coming through. Here's hoping we get more of the former from here on!

Venom (2021) #2

Dec 1, 2021

Yeah, this really wasn't as great as some people are making it up to be and I say that as a big Venom fan, it's not bad but it's definitely not on the level of Cates' run in the beginning.

Venom (2021) #3

Dec 22, 2021

Good issue but the pacing for the story is very slow, that's one of Ram V's signature moves, decompressed stories.

Venom (2021) #4

Jan 19, 2022

I still can't get into Ram V's writing, as much as I try and I really am trying. I love Venom and I am even warming up to Dylan, but Ram V just makes every book he writes very decompressed and boring. He takes a nice concept and manages to make it dull. I really hope next issue Ewing pushes this book in some exciting territory because I'm not feeling this at all.

Venom (2021) #5

Feb 16, 2022

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it's definitely better than Ram V's deconstructed as hell story. On the other, it's just full of Ewing-isms, if I could say so. Some work, some don't. I'm interested but the way the story was told didn't work for me that much.

Wild Dog (1987) #4

Dec 23, 2021

This is a very nice, short read with a very interesting character that unfortunately DC doesn't know what to do with anymore. Lately they've used him as more of a villain because... I don't know, I can't say I get what DC does these days. It's not the Arrow character, though in some ways that depiction has stayed partially true to the character here. If you want to read about a car mechanic who takes on crime and he's pretty ruthless about it, this is a good read. P.S.: This is a review for the whole series, plus the special.

X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #1

Jan 26, 2022

Not bad, just a little bit over the place and I dislike the art.

X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #2

Feb 9, 2022

Maybe I am a little bit generous with the rating but I liked this, we got some answers and they were satisfying.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen Collected  
Task Force Z (2021) #1

Oct 26, 2021

You know how you can always tell a writer even without looking at the cover just by his quirks? Like Ewing always rants about "the esoteric" or "synchronicity", King puts songs in it, Bendis has that dialogue like the characters are all Muppets or Cantwell cries about white privilege. Well, for Rosenberg is always the "we don't use that word here". His obsession with controlling other people's language is always a theme, a side-effect from staying too much on twitter, probably. And so when Jason uses the word "monsters" for Bane or Man-Bat, Rosenberg is quick to point out that they are just misunderstood people wanting to redeem themselves even though that's total bullshit. Ok, maybe for Man-Bat that is the case but it's not for Bane certainly. He also has a problem with the word "zombies" in a book with... zombies. Dude is unredeemable (see what I did there?). Anyway overall the book is pretty dull. Jason looks like shit with the crowbars. After DC chickened out on the guns because propaganda I thought they were leaving him with swords. Nope, turns out those are off the table too and now he's stuck with crowbars. The whole crowbar motif has been worn thin to the point it's just annoying and again, it looks stupid and it sounds stupid. A vigilante with guns in a city like Gotham has chances of surviving it, a vigilante with swords maybe, but a vigilante with freaking crowbars is dead meat. And the whole forced parallel between Jason and his teammates is also a fallacy. No, Jason isn't like Man-Bat, Bane or the Arkham Knight. He has helped the Bat-family for the last years and even in his "villain" phase he has kept the collateral damage to a minimum and has adhered to a set of principles that allowed him to keep innocents out of harm's way. He's an antihero not a supervillain so he has very few in common with the likes of Bane. Overall a pretty bad first issue where Barrows saves the book but I can't say my expectations for this to get better are pretty high.

Task Force Z (2021) #2

Nov 23, 2021

Yes! They finally decided to bring Deadshot back, there was no need for him to die senselessly just because idiotic Tom Taylor needed a shocking death for people to read his stupid Suicide Squad run, one of the worst Squad runs in the last few years. This was better than the first issue. I'm starting to warm up to this, Bloom is up to no good.

Task Force Z (2021) #3

Dec 28, 2021

Pretty good issue, though it had some faults and inconsistencies (for example, last issue Jason had no clue who Crispin will bring in to help him, but now we're told he actually recommended Deadshot). There is at least a moment here that delivers a sound resolution for a big characters' useless death. And we find out who Crispin is, though I'm going to need a big sell on that in order to buy it. I enjoyed this overall and if the whole zombie thing is going away, it should get even better.

Task Force Z (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

The whole dynamic between these task forces is interesting but I had a lot of trouble with the dialogue between Red Hood and Batman. It seems like the writer is in Red Hood's corner and seems to think Jason is right but in that context... he really wasn't at all, Bats was. Batman is right, that woman would have been mugged and probably killed if they hadn't intervened. As Batman said, as a crime-fighter you don't choose who you save, Jason seemed really immature there. And the whole "I don't get a choice in anything" seems pretty weird coming after Jason CHOSE to accommodate to Bruce's methods by not using guns and not killing. Again, this isn't a problem with the character, it's a problem with writers like Rosenberg and Zdarsky and DC editorial. Rosenberg is the type of writer who thinks it's wrong to "beat drug addicts and mentally ill people at night", which, you know if those people endanger others, it is your job as a crime-fighter to stop so that's baloney. Then there's Zdarsky and DC's decision to drop the guns. Well, as long as you're stripping Jason Todd of those two big differences between him and Bruce, the kill rule and weapons, and you do that by his "choice" it's kind of hard to make the argument afterwards that Batman doesn't let him choose anything. So, you know, if you want to have an independent Jason Todd "my way or the highway" kind of character maybe don't strip him of the very things made him stand apart from the rest of the Bat-family.

Black Panther (2021) #1

Nov 24, 2021

Not a fan of Ridley at all but I really enjoyed this. Black Panther desperately needed a new writer, Coates was slowly killing the character. I like the way Wakanda is slowly changing, I like the way Panther was written and Cabal's art was excellent. Really hope that Ridley will refrain himself for the race-baiting he's doing in the fake Batman book and we get more of this because I really liked this.

Black Panther (2021) #2

Dec 22, 2021

This one took a big dip in quality from the last one. I liked what Ridley was doing there with T'Challa, him being distrustful, suspicious of everyone and having trouble adapting to democracy. But believing the Avengers would try to kill his sleeper agents is just a bit too much to swallow. And so is his line that as a king, there's no point in regretting his decisions. The idea Ridley goes for is interesting but he needs to tone it down a notch, he goes too far with it. There were also other lines that annoyed me and were more in line with what Ridley is currently doing in his abysmal not-Batman run. I hope the next issue will get better, the potential is there.

Black Panther (2021) #3

Jan 26, 2022

Very good first story, the second one was very stupid, Juni Ba shouldn't receive more chances to write stupid comics and the third one was pretty meh.

Robin & Batman (2021) #1

Nov 9, 2021

I'm not a fan of Lemire, never liked anything the guy wrote, I think he's massively overrated so I went here with very low expectations. Suffice to say, I liked this a lot. Sure, the art may not be for everybody but the story is good, you can see the frustrations of the characters trying to understand each other and acting accordingly. There's a particular sequence where you can feel that Bruce, even though he's always scolded for being cold, actually tries his best to get the people around him and showing them he values their happiness and safety but he just goes about it a little bit wrong. I hope the next two issues can be as good as this one.

Robin & Batman (2021) #2

Dec 14, 2021

This was a good comic and while there is a very dark twist at some point that I really enjoyed, there is a line from Bruce that I felt was totally not in character. Yes, Bruce is a pragmatist, but he isn't a jerk for the hell of it. And he always tried to protect Dick and tried to make him better than he is. This comic turns that on its head and I didn't appreciate that. Other than that, there is a lot of fun here, especially for Titans fans.

Robin & Batman (2021) #3

Jan 11, 2022

Once again, we have Lemire shitting on Batman just for the hell of it. I really don't see Bruce telling Dick to skip school for the mission, he always used to not let the Robins get in the field until their homework was done and stuff like that. Here, Lemire out of misguided dislike of the character, I'm sure, decides Bruce needs to be shitty so Alfred can shine instead. Given his hate of a beloved DC character, I can say I'm glad he is sticking to Image and Substack for the next years, DC and Marvel need to stop giving jobs to writers who hate our beloved heroes. But regarding the issue, the whole irony of it all is that even though Alfred is in the right that he should go to school, he's actually the one putting him in danger after all, given that Croc stalks the school, talk about unintended consequences. Another issue I had here is that again, the circus is shown to be some dark thing, something I've noticed in the past with comic writers. In the 50s when these characters were created the circus was something light, these last years writers are giving it much darker vibes. Also, Croc comes off extremely petty here, it's not like Dick had any power to help him, he was just a little kid. Overall this was a pretty weak conclusion after a very good first issue and a decent second one. It's not bad, it's just that: a)we've seen this story before, Dick confronting the darkness of his past and moving on from it and we've seen it told better than this and b)Lemire shits on Batman gratuitously and I'm frankly tired of that trope.

The Death of Doctor Strange #1

Sep 22, 2021

Best Doctor Strange issue I've read in some time, a very good start!

The Death of Doctor Strange #2

Oct 20, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange #3

Nov 24, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange #4

Dec 29, 2021

The Death of Doctor Strange #5

Jan 26, 2022

I liked the way old Strange acted here but I'm not very interested in yet another classic hero being replaced so I'm a bit undecided if I'll come back for the Clea upcoming story. Still, for what it was, this was pretty decent. Better than most Dr. Strange stories lately. I'm also a bit surprised with Marvel Comics killing Strange when MCU is putting so much faith in the movie, kind of a weird move. Unless he comes back until the release of the movie.

The Joker (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

I'm shocked to say it but Tynion is really good here, it's like he's not the same guy who writes Batman, he's awful on that book. March continues to excel with his work.

The Joker (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

The Joker (2021) #4

Jun 8, 2021

The Joker (2021) #5

Jul 13, 2021

The Joker (2021) #6

Aug 10, 2021

The Texas stuff is pretty boring but Gordon's narrations are really good and for the first time I didn't find the backup story that bad.

The Joker (2021) #7

Sep 14, 2021

I'm starting to have flashbacks to the Joker War storyline where it seems like Tynion doesn't know how to continue the story and he's just stalling for time. I really, really hope I'm wrong but we're at the half of it and we have so very few answers.

The Joker (2021) #8

Oct 12, 2021

This is all nice and well but it doesn't make any sense if you look at the bigger picture. If the leaders of Santa Prisca were discontent with Bane for being uncontrollable they should be thankful the Joker killed him (still don't buy that), they have no reason to want him dead. I'm becoming increasingly afraid this is another one of those stories where Tynion just makes stuff up as he goes along. The backup was decent here.

The Joker (2021) #9

Nov 9, 2021

So we finally have the answers (or some answers at least) Tynion has been teasing from the first issue. And I don't know how to feel about that. There's a convoluted plot here that seems like it's getting somewhere only for it to not matter at all in the end when the cannibals from Texas come to turn the tables on everyone else. I like where the stuff with the Talon is going, at least. Also, while the art was pretty decent, we need March back because he's been great on this.

The Joker (2021) #10

Dec 14, 2021

Yeah, this is getting very boring and I could again feel Rosenberg's writing permeating through this comic and it's not helping it at all. And the second story is just awful, the worst backup story so far from this comic. "The criminals are the REAL citizens of Gotham". Really?

The Joker (2021) #11

Jan 11, 2022

This book has lost steam for a while now, I'm starting to be more interested in that abysmal Punchline backup than the main story and that's a problem. I think we really need some answers and fast because otherwise this seems like the classic edgy Tynion story where he sets up some stuff and doesn't know what to do with it.

The Joker (2021) #12

Feb 8, 2022

Fucking called it! I called it that Bane isn't dead. I really didn't like the way Tynion inserted his depressing rhetoric into Gordon's mouth, that doesn't sound like Gordon at all, it sounds more like Tynion's boring "ideas" about society which he peppered through his Batman run too, which is odd because so far his voice for Gordon was spot on. But the twist is indeed good.

Truth & Justice (2021) #10

Mar 13, 2021

Truth & Justice (2021) #11

Mar 27, 2021

Truth & Justice (2021) #12

Mar 30, 2021

X Lives Of Wolverine (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2022

My opinion of Percy's Wolverine run was that he seems to get the character but he didn't have any fresh ideas to bring forth. This one is a somewhat fresh and interesting idea. I liked this, I hope it gets even better from here. There are some seeds thrown here regarding the main plot but sometimes you just need a little Snikt! to enjoy a Wolverine book and this qualifies.

X Lives Of Wolverine (2022) #2

Feb 2, 2022

Yeah, I didn't like this. A lot of the narration and dialogue is cringe, "cOlOnIaLisM iS iN yOuR bLOoD, xAvIeR", I rolled my eyes so hard at that, all the pseudo-phylosophy that Percy insists with, even though he sucks at it, all this Jean nonsense that needs to stop, Omega Red lying in bed with him which was super weird. Also how is Sabretooth contacting the Professor (if that's Xavier)? I'm being very generous with the rating here but I won't lie, this was a disappointment. I hope next issue will get better, I see Mystique will make an appearance, I've always found her relationship with Wolvie fascinating.

X Lives Of Wolverine (2022) #3

Feb 16, 2022

Percy seems to have done his homework on Wolvie's history which I appreciate but I still cringe at some of the lines. A better issue than the last one, for sure.

Nocterra #1

Mar 3, 2021

Nocterra #2

Apr 7, 2021

Power Rangers (2020) #11

Sep 16, 2021

Power Rangers (2020) #15

Jan 26, 2022

Way of X (2021) #1

Apr 21, 2021

I went into this with low expectations because Spurrier is not a good writer regardless of how crazy his fanboys are after his mediocre writings but I liked it. It does question a lot of what Krakoa is doing right now and Nightcrawler is the perfect character to ponder those choices. Could have done without the pretentious and very stupid at times commentary about religion but that's just his juvenile mind at work. Looking forward to what comes next.

Way of X (2021) #2

May 19, 2021

Way of X (2021) #3

Jun 23, 2021

Slight worse than the first two, but still pretty good.

Way of X (2021) #4

Jul 14, 2021

I feel like the series is getting worse but I did enjoy the "creative" manner in which Kurt saved the day, that was fun.

Way of X (2021) #5

Aug 18, 2021

I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I liked how Spurrier explained Onslaught's way of attacking mutants' minds. On the other, the book just ended and the answers that Kurt was looking for are few and far between and those that are given are not as "revolutionary" as we were told all along. Yes, I know, there's still a one-shot after this so it's not technically over but I guess I was expecting something more. I also don't enjoy the way Spurrier chooses to portray Charles here, mainly because of his fondness for Legion. A good book for sure but I feel like it didn't reach the highs that it proposed to do. Maybe the one-shot will do, I hope so.

Batman / Superman (2019): Authority Special #1

Nov 2, 2021

Decent book, in the spirit of continuing the Batman/Superman comic I would have wanted Yang on this because he was pretty good, but PKJ does the job here too. It's not perfect, I have some qualms with it but it's definitely better than Morrison's cringy shit.

Batman: The Imposter #1

Oct 12, 2021

Decent first issue, I didn't know Leslie Thompkins is supposed to be black nowadays but oh well, this is the trend, I guess. I'm not very interested in the psychiatrist angle but I am interested in the rest of the story, let's see how this develops.

Batman: The Imposter #2

Nov 9, 2021

The first half of this was boring and pretty nonsensical at times in terms of the characters. There's nothing new or insightful coming out of Leslie's therapy, same old stuff with some stupid exceptions, as in Bruce lacks empathy now. I know the trope, Bruce beats criminals hence he's the worst blahblahblah. Except, Bruce shows empathy even to supervillains a lot of the times. It's not his fault that most of them are beyond redemption mass murderers. Also, I don't see why this version of Alfred just leaves just so we can have Leslie fulfill his supporting role. It's bad enough he got killed needlessly by King in main continuity, we don't need him to be an asshole here too. And of course we get a sneaky remark about Thomas Wayne too because the whole "philanthropists, good parents" doesn't work anymore in the new paradigm. The second half gets better though and it coincides, just as last issue, with the Wong part of the comic. There we get a little bit of story with some interesting interactions and very good plot. I just wish we'd focus more on that because two out of two issues I'm not having fun at the Leslie parts.

Batman: The Imposter #3

Dec 14, 2021

Yeah, this was good but it's really not that good as most people make it up to be. I get that it's not a good time for Batman with Tynion, Tamaki and depressed King these last years but just because the quality was low in recent history doesn't mean we should pretend decent stories are groundbreaking. There are some very blatant flaws that people tend to overlook. For example, we get a big dose of bullshit of "Bruce Wayne doesn't help". This is a theme lately at DC Comics, it's like these writers haven't actually read any Batman comics. Bruce Wayne is a philanthropist, he has poured tons of money into Gotham, but like in real life, just throwing money at problems without actually having a good plan doesn't help. I get that marxist rhetoric is very trendy for these guys but some of us see through this crap. All the "therapy" with Leslie was super boring and didn't do shit during these 3 issues, it was filler and totally uninteresting. And I swear there are panels when Batman legit looks like a woman, those are not the lips of a man, Sorrentino did an awesome job with the fights, those looked great, but some panels looked really, really weird. On the plus side, I actually liked the ending, it was a very sound resolution for this story and I enjoyed Wong's character. The mystery was a decent one, too and like I said, the fights looked great. All in all, this is a good Batman comic but a lot of people are overpraising it because the Batman books have been lacking quality lately.

Batman: The Knight (2022) #1

Jan 18, 2022

I loved it up until the half of it when Zdarsky started to put his usual rants about cops and rich people, I don't get why one would insist on beating us over the head with the same ideas over and over and over. At this point he should know his audience and stop with it, not continue propagandizing. Other than that, this was decent for a first issue if you get over Chip's usual problems.

Batman: The Knight (2022) #2

Feb 15, 2022

Yeah, this was better than the first one, there are still some lines that I didn't like but overall it was really interesting. Lucie is like a combination of Magpie, Ducard and Catwoman.

Batman: The Long Halloween: Special #1

Oct 26, 2021

Very good story, obviously not as good as the original, the years have passed over both Loeb and Sale but it's still better than most of the comics today.

Batman: Three Jokers Collected

Sep 30, 2021

Great first issue, the second was very good too but Johns ended it pretty badly. Absolutely gorgeous art from Fabok, the guy is amazing! I would've rated it lower if not for his art.

Ben Reilly: Spider-Man (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2022

I like the fact that Ben Reilly is given this much attention these days and while this was indeed wordy, most of the narration had purpose. I totally dislike the art, though, it's just not my cup of tea at all. I cringed a little at the "supervillain is an offensive and toxic term" but that's a minor complaint. I'm curios to see what comes next but that artwork really kills a lot of the joy for me.

Beyond (2022): Mary Jane & Black Cat #1

Jan 26, 2022

It was ok, I liked the interaction at the end between Black Cat and MJ.

Captain America Prisoner of War

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 1: Winter Soldier Vol. 1

Dec 3, 2021

This is the start of an amazing run from Brubaker, I do miss Captain America being written by a competent writer, not hacks like Coates or Cantwell.

Captain America Vol. 2: Winter Soldier Vol. 2

Dec 3, 2021

Bucky feels like a real threat here and the ending is devastating for him.

Captain America Vol. 3: Red Menace

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 4: The Death of Captain America Vol. 1

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 5: The Death of Captain America Vol. 2

Dec 3, 2021

Bucky Barnes as Cap is how you replace a hero, this is how it's handled, not like they do it today!

Captain America Vol. 6: The Death of Captain America Vol. 3

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 7: The Man With No Face

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 8: Road To Reborn

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America #50 was amazing, the others not so much.

Captain America Vol. 9: Two Americas

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 10: No Escape

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 11: Trial of Captain America

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 12: The Life Story of Bucky Barnes

Dec 3, 2021

Captain America Vol. 13: Captain America and Bucky: Old Wounds

Dec 3, 2021

Devil's Reign (2021): Winter Soldier #1

Jan 26, 2022

Not sure how I feel about this. This is written by the same guys who will write Captain America #0 and proceed with the Sentinel of Liberty book, Steve's book. On one hand, I appreciate that they seem to have a plan with Bucky who's been generally ignored these last few years at Marvel. On the other hand, the tease in Timeless where Bucky is shown pitted against Steve, coupled with this, doesn't fill me with confidence. I also had some problems with the inner narration from Bucky, I always feel like Lanzing & Kelly want to punch above their weight with pretentious dialogue that ultimately doesn't mean anything. But I still managed to enjoy this somehow, overall. So, I don't know, maybe I am a bit generous with the rating here as I missed anything focused on Bucky really, but this was interesting, at least. P.S.: I liked the fact they acknowledged Bucky killing Nomad and that that's haunting him.

Fantastic Four (2018) #35

Sep 15, 2021

I loved this! Both stories are great. Slott's dialogue still suffers but I still liked it even if I'm not a fan of Romita's art. Waid's was somehow even better.

Fantastic Four (2018) #40

Feb 16, 2022

Fantastic Four (2018): Reckoning War Alpha #1

Feb 2, 2022

This was pretty good. The art is good, the story is told in an old-school kind of way but doesn't feel dated. I had zero trust in Slott but this gives me a bit of hope. I loved the fact that Fury is back, Marvel did him dirty all these last years. I like Jr. too but original Fury is always going to be better. Bring him back, Marvel, and bring S.H.I.E.L.D. back while you're at it, bring Maria Hill back too. So in conclusion, yeah, I'm interested in this.

Flash: Rebirth Vol. 1

Jan 9, 2022

Excellent work from Johns and Van Sciver, I recommend everyone who liked this to also read The Flash #8 from 2010 by Johns and Kolins, that's the best Thawne origin story, period!

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1982) #21

Feb 12, 2022

A lesson in comic book visual storytelling.

Hellions (2020) #9

Feb 3, 2021

Hellions (2020) #10

Mar 3, 2021

Hellions (2020) #11

May 5, 2021

Hellions (2020) #12

Jun 2, 2021

This one was not as good as those before, but still pretty fun.

Hellions (2020) #13

Jul 7, 2021

Hellions (2020) #14

Aug 4, 2021

I have a hard and quite unpleasant time with the dialogue of the Arakko characters but other than that I continue to like this. I also appreciate that unlike most of the X-Men books the infographics page actually adds to the story instead of just adding nonsense. Still, I miss Segovia, the book is always better with him.

Hellions (2020) #15

Sep 1, 2021

Hellions (2020) #16

Oct 6, 2021

Hellions (2020) #17

Nov 10, 2021

Hellions (2020) #18

Dec 8, 2021

The first two-thirds of the book are really not that great and the art is pretty bad. One thing I didn't like is how Nightcrawler asked for leniency for Orphan Maker, totally forgetting that he had no problem when Sabretooth got thrown into the pit for the same thing (if anything, Sabretooth was on a mission for Krakoa when he killed people, unlike Orphan Maker; yeah, I know it's Sabretooth but it's a clean slate and all that). It's the last third that gives all the characters a meaningful resolution. Honestly, this issue really wasn't that great but I give it a higher rating solely because this book has been, in my opinion, the best book after HoX-PoX. So while this issue was one of the weaker ones, overall I really liked Hellions and I'm glad it's over before the writer got bored with it. I hope to see more of these characters later on.

Immortal Hulk #41

Dec 18, 2020

Immortal Hulk #43

Feb 3, 2021

Immortal Hulk #44

Mar 10, 2021

Immortal Hulk #45

Apr 7, 2021

Immortal Hulk #46

May 5, 2021

Immortal Hulk #47

Jun 2, 2021

Immortal Hulk #48

Jul 7, 2021

Immortal Hulk #49

Aug 4, 2021

This was awesome, I loved how Ewing juxtaposed the Hulk, FF and the Avengers (even though the Avengers seem kinda like bullies here but I guess they're not 100% in their right minds). And Bennett... I have no words for it, massive congratulations. The only fear I have for #50 is that Ewing will repeat the failed experiment from #25. I honestly hope he doesn't and he ends this run on a high note, I look forward to it. Also, that cover from Alex Ross for #50 is absolutely gorgeous.

Immortal Hulk #50

Oct 13, 2021

A really great run with a very good last issue. While I liked this I felt like the One Below All was handwaved like he was nothing so that was a slight disappointment. Bennett was absolutely stellar here, say what you want about him, without his gorgeous art Ewing wouldn't have created this masterpiece (the same can be said about Al), there were times when the writing wasn't that great but Joe saved him. From now on in my mind the characters in Hulk's world will always be represented in this artstyle.

Infinity Gauntlet Collected

Jan 12, 2022

This is the book that Avengers: Infinity War was based on (there is an Infinity War series, too, also written by Starlin) and it's a pretty good series with plenty of Marvel characters and interesting moments.

Justice League Darkseid War Omnibus

Sep 30, 2021

Last time JL was actually good.

King Spawn #1

Aug 29, 2021

I didn't care for this at all but seeing all the high-rated reviews I checked it out. It was good for a first issue but I don't know, I've never been the biggest Spawn fan (liked the animated series but recent comics haven't been very great) and I don't have a lot of trust in Sean Lewis as a writer. Misinterpreting Bible quotes is something teenagers do to wrongly justify their disdain towards religion, I and every other sane human being have moved past that and I saw the "twist" coming from a mile away. That said, the stories in itself are diverse and pretty good for a fresh start.

Loki: Agent of Asgard Complete Collection  
Marauders (2022) Annual #1

Jan 26, 2022

Not a fan of Orlando but he set up something interesting here, even if the writing suffers from his usual writing flaws.

Maximum Security Collected

Jan 12, 2022

This isn't the best series overall and I'll be the first to admit I am subjective but I loved the character work that Busiek did with U.S. Agent here. He didn't change the core of the character, a stubborn ass who thinks he knows better than everyone in the room, but he expanded on Gruenwald's work by making him the self-proclaimed protector of the little guy and someone with a huge chip on his shoulder who, while actually wanting to belong with the Avengers, can't bring himself do it out of some very personal feelings, even though he clearly respects them. All in all, Busiek was someone who got the character, something writers today don't do, I'm looking at you, Chip Zdarsky!

Secret Empire Collected  
Suicide Squad (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 7, 2021

Ok, so this was pretty great. Great characters interactions, great art by Dexter Soy. And the future sounds pretty interesting, given Flag's intentions and means. Though I kinda have the feeling his change in approach will blow in his face. And his mole is pretty unreliable, too.

Super Sons (2017): Superman & Robin Special #1

Jan 25, 2022

"Ah, you're no fun anymore!" You're damn right, Damian. Jon isn't fun anymore because he's being made a propaganda mouthpiece for Tom Taylor. This book was filled with very tongue-in-cheek remarks regarding what DC has done to Jon. "Hey, not everybody gets me either" was clearly a hint at Bendis and Taylor. Those first pages were also basically Tomasi expressing his regret that his book got killed along the way because of other writers' egos and editorial choices by DC. Honestly the best thing possible would be to use that cube and de-age Jon and get it back from scratch. His Superman is boring, it doesn't sell, his personality as Superboy was much more charming. But that would actually mean DC admitting their mistakes, so we probably won't see that coming to fruition.

The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe

Feb 20, 2022

Pretty decent book, I feel like this is more King's wheelhouse than superhero stories are.

Transformers (2019): Halloween Special #1  
Hawkman Vol. 1: Awakening

Dec 7, 2021

Hawkman Vol. 2: Deathbringer

Dec 7, 2021

Hawkman Vol. 3: Darkness Within

Dec 7, 2021

Hawkman Vol. 4: Hawks Eternal

Dec 7, 2021

One of the best Hawkman runs in years, definitely Venditti's best DC work!

Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1

Feb 17, 2021

Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1

May 19, 2021

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #1

Aug 18, 2021

I'm not a fan of Lanzing&Kelly at all, none of their work so far has ever done anything for me so I went into this with very low expectations. I'm glad to say I was surprised. Very good characterization of Kang and I can't stress enough how great Magno's art is. He draws Kang perfectly, a lot of artists that draw him make him look like a caricature, here he is very imposable. Looking forward to see what's next.

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #2

Sep 15, 2021

Even better than the first and the art is again very good!

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #3

Oct 13, 2021

I feel like if you take a backseat some stuff here doesn't really make sense, but if I take into account the character work and Magno's gorgeous art (he can DRAW the Avengers, him and Cafu deserve a chance on an in-continuity Avengers book) this is still an enjoyable issue.

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #4

Nov 17, 2021

Again, the plot suffers, just like last issue, from the writers just making stuff up out of nowhere by not adhering to any rules, but the character work and the art are great. I hope the last issue will end up with a bang.

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #5

Dec 22, 2021

Pretty underwhelming finale. It seemed to me like after taking a trip through all of Kang's variants, the writers didn't really know what to do with the character. I guess this was decent but I expected better. Even the art wasn't that great here, Magno didn't have any chances to amaze us with his awesome splash panels.

Taskmaster (2020) #2

Feb 5, 2021

Taskmaster (2020) #4

Mar 19, 2021

Inferno (2021) #1

Sep 29, 2021

I liked this but maybe I expected a lot more from it because it's Hickman and this is his final chapter in the X-Men universe so I'm slightly disappointed. He built some interesting stuff with Moira and Destiny and Moira certainly has some tricks up her sleeve but I don't like how Cyclops gave up the captain role. Not that Bishop wouldn't deserve it, I'd say him and Cable were the best candidates for the job, it's just that Cyclops didn't have a lot to do so far in that position. I still cringe at Hordeculture, as always. Schiti isn't doing a bad job but I still miss Larraz and want to see Silva on the next issues. All in all, a good first issue but I feel like it should have been better and that's Hickman's fault for setting the bar so high with HoX/PoX.

Inferno (2021) #2

Oct 27, 2021

This isn't a bad issue but it's safe to say there are some HUGE plotholes that I can't ignore just because it's Hickman. So Charles and Erik know that Mystique is basically the biggest danger on Krakoa but they're somehow stupid enough not to have any contingencies against a shapeshifter that could impersonate them and get access to stuff she's not allowed to. Yeah, sorry, I can't pretend that makes any sense. These are two mature characters, they're not idiots, first thing they'd do is make sure Raven doesn't get away with that kind of stuff. Also, there's a huge error in art. Last issue "Magneto" has the black costume when he goes after the Cerebro helmet, here he's wearing the white one. This coming on top of the fact that last issue Hickman changed the dialogue from HoX-PoX between Moira and Destiny is annoying because the inconsistency is becoming a frequent issue. I don't think it's too much to ask for a little bit of coordination. Also, while Caselli's art isn't bad, it's not anywhere near Larraz' work on HoX-PoX or X of Swords, Silva's work on HoX-PoX and not even on Schiti's work on S.W.O.R.D. or on the last issue. I love Hickman but I feel like his heart isn't in it here and I think that's in part because of the fact that he isn't following his original plan and the other writers have forced his hand to write the story in a way he doesn't want to.

Inferno (2021) #3

Dec 8, 2021

This was pretty good, I really hope Hickman will end it with a bang, I'm really sorry Marvel cut his plans and he had to improvise here.

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

I love Hickman and I think I can say without exaggerating even a little bit that he made history with the X-Men these years. HoX-PoX is enough to cement him as one of the fundamental writers for the X-Men, there have been decades before him when the X-Men were stale as a franchise and he radically changed that. So I'm thankful for that. As per this... well, it's good but I would lie if I'd said it was spectacular. It's rushed as hell and that's not his fault, the other X-Men writers made him rush it and Marvel approved it which is a shame on their part, but at the end of the day, this is the comic I have to read and you can tell this is very rushed. A lot of stuff seems made up on the run while throwing away stuff we've established in the past so that's a shame. On the other hand, as someone who never gave a crap about any New Mutants, he made me like Cypher, so that's got to count for something. All in all, this is a decent conclusion but my rating is this high mainly because of Hickman's overall work for the franchise rather than this particular issue, otherwise I would've rated it lower. Farewell, Jonathan, you did a great job with HoX-PoX and here you were given lemons and the lemonade didn't taste that bad, it was quite decent. Good luck on the next Marvel project, my guess is it will be the Miracleman book teased in Timeless!

Captain America: Patriot #4

Feb 13, 2022

This is a 4 issues limited series but I'll put here the review for the whole book. Jeffrey Mace really is an interesting character. Forced to take up the mantle after William Naslund dies, here we explore a little bit who really is the Patriot. Kesel does a fine job of creating a unique personality for the character, as well as interesting supporting characters all around him. I enjoyed exploring his insecurities throughout this book and how difficult it was for him adjusting to the Captain America role. The way he gives up his Patriot identity is crushingly sad and I liked the subtlety with which Kesel approached a very touching subject, something we don't see a lot of these days. I really didn't expect this to be so good.

Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 1: The Last Iron Fist Story

Feb 18, 2022

An amazing first volume, another hit by Brubaker (and Fraction and Aja), read this if you really want a good Iron Fist story.

Timeless (2021): 2021

Dec 29, 2021

So I really liked the main story, as in Kang's characterization. Now the hints we got for the future... those didn't impress me at all. I couldn't care less about what's going in Strange Academy, dropped that book a long time ago. Replacing Iron Fist because of idiots screeching online that "iT's OfFeNsIvE hE's WhItE aNd NoT aSiAn" is absolutely disgusting behavior from Marvel. Never cave in to online morons. Danny Rand is Iron Fist, just as Tony Stark is Iron Man, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Matt Murdock is Daredevil etc. Same thing with Punisher, they dropped the logo for the same idiotic reasons. The skull looked great and it fit the character perfectly, not that cheap bullshit they're selling right now. Really don't care about "humanity with dominion over Earth", been there, done that sooo many times regarding X-Men, it seems like once Hickman will be gone, Marvel will go back to the same boring X-Men status quo that Hickman has shaken, hence all the success. And I can't stress enough that I really, really, really don't want to see Winter Soldier turned against Steve, that just shows the lack of ideas from the purported House of Ideas. The whole Spider-Gwen thing is a meme at this point and while I liked the Young Avengers in the past, I have zero faith in Marvel's writers doing them justice today. The last page intrigues me, I'll give them that. And the whole Avengers vs X-Men vs Eternals...well, Avengers vs X-Men was bound to be, given Krakoa's international stance but I'm very cautious of anything involving Aaron. I am curious of how Eternals will be involved in this and I just hope Gillen won't give up that book once he'll start writing Immortal X-Men. So overall, very good issue but a ton of bad ideas from Marvel loom over the horizon, not feeling very confident about the future.

Union Jack (2006) #4

Feb 12, 2022

A very good limited series, I enjoyed the diversity of the characters and their voices, this was in the pre-woke era when people weren't so sensible and the writers could touch certain topics without being afraid of being cancelled on twitter.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (2021) #1

Nov 30, 2021

Ok, so first of all, the art from Jimenez here is just gorgeous, he really outdid himself big time. He did some great work on Batman too, but this is next level stuff. I like the fact that DC gave this book to an artist, regardless of his sex, and they reaped the rewards in spades. Good job there! Now the story is another thing. If you know Kelly Sue DeConnick, you know the hating of men is par for the course with her so I expected that and we got that. What bothered me a lot was the way Aphrodite was depicted. The whole fat Aphrodite thing is ridiculous, I know today this is an unforgivable thing to say but I'm going to say it all the same: being fat isn't beautiful and is sure as shit isn't healthy. I know the woke brigade has embraced the fat positivity movement but that's wrong because it actually does a lot of harm to the people it claims to help. That got to me, I won't lie, because health matters much more than ideological bullshit. Also, last I checked, Aphrodite was not the god of appetite, that's Rosie O'Donell lol. This rating would be much lower if not for the art but Jimenez was awesome here and the story is not that bad either.

Venom (2018) #33

Feb 3, 2021

Venom (2018) #35

Jun 16, 2021

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, the book was strong in the sense that we got a lot of info about a lot of characters, something that doesn't usually happen in these kinds of books and I'm excited about some stuff here. On the other hand, I couldn't care less about Dylan, Eddie Brock was a complex and interesting character, it's why it clicked with people, Dylan is pretty boring. I'm not sure I like this sidelining of Eddie in a very Batman Beyond style while Dylan gets all the action. I get that Dylan is the teacher's pet, as in the character Cates created and he's pushing him forward, but I don't care about him and I really tried to. All in all though, this was a really great run for Venom and regardless of my personal preferences it deserves a lot of praise.

Venom Vol. 1: Rex

Sep 14, 2021

Eternals (2021) #1

Jan 6, 2021

I only give it a 9.5 because of Gillen's humour that doesn't land but otherwise it's a great book with great art.

Eternals (2021) #2

Feb 10, 2021

Eternals (2021) #3

Mar 10, 2021

Eternals (2021) #4

Apr 21, 2021

This continues to be one of the best books today but unfortunately it doesn't get the attention that it deserves.

Eternals (2021) #5

Jun 30, 2021

The worst issue so far but still much better than 90% of comic issues these days, that's saying something.

Eternals (2021) #6

Jul 28, 2021

I thought this was supposed to be a limited series but I guess now it's ongoing? Anyhow, I like the writing, I liked the twist and the world-building. But I guess there's just something missing, I can't quite put my finger on it. Humor needs some work too and Ribic's art was better in Secret Wars but all in all this is an entertaining comic and I'm curious what direction it will take with Thanos.

Eternals (2021) #7

Nov 10, 2021

Amazing, Gillen does it again, I really hope the movie's failure won't diminish the comic's success, Eternals are not very popular as it is.

Eternals (2021) #8

Dec 15, 2021

Not as good as last issue, but still pretty good. I just worry about the quality of the book when Gillen will take over Immortal X-Men. It will be really hard to maintain this level of quality while concentrating also on the biggest X-Men book of the new line. Until then, I can only hope this will draw more people in because I think it's safe to say it's the best Marvel book right now, by far.

Eternals (2021) #9

Jan 19, 2022

Another great issue and we're heading towards Judgment Day, the confrontation with the Avengers, that was teased already in the one-shot with Ajak and Makkari.

All-Star Superman Vol. 1  
Avengers (1963) #1

Sep 30, 2021

Who knew this would lead to everything we have today?

Crisis on Infinite Earths Collected  
Dark Nights: Metal Dark Knights Rising  
Deathstroke: The Terminator Vol. 1: Assassins

Dec 23, 2021

The first solo series of DC's best mercenary. Up until Priest's Rebirth run I would have said it's also the best but that run was something else, especially in the first half. Not that I'd rate this very far behind it, it just had some arcs that weren't as great as others. All the same, it's an awesome series, a great character analysis of who Slade Wilson is when he's not fighting kids in tights. It's got tons of action, intrigue, family drama, everything you'd want from a solo series. Plus it has probably the best Batman-Deathstroke fight ever in comics. I really recommend this to anyone who likes solo series and is a fan of this character, you get to see what makes Slade tick, great job (again) by Marv Wolfman. P.S.: This is a review for the whole run, not just this volume.

Iron Man (1968) #228

Jan 8, 2022

Very good issue and the interactions between Tony and Steve are great, both of them are stubborn in their beliefs and don't give up one inch.

Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1  
Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace (2022) #1

Jan 25, 2022

Yeah, this was indeed very dark and not the joke of a show on HBO. This was seriously disturbing while that show just takes two very dark characters, Peacemaker and Vigilante, and makes two Deadpools out of them. Admittedly Cena is decent at his job but the other guy is just bad. I didn't like the art here and Ennis has his usual eye-rolling rantings but in terms of character development, he sold Peacemaker as a very disturbed individual with a very weird definition of peace, something the show doesn't manage to do at all. Honestly, James Gunn's star has started to fall some time ago, he's just not funny anymore, DC shouldn't have attached themselves to him at this point in his career.

Secret Wars Collected  
Thanos By Donny Cates

Jan 9, 2022

This was when Donny Cates was on a roll, one of the best Thanos comics, only Starlin and the MCU managed to go beyond this version of the character in terms of quality.

Transformers (2019) #31  
Vigilante Vol. 1

Dec 23, 2021

This is one of my favorite series from the good old days, though I've read it a long time ago so I may look at it through rose tinted glasses. Adrian Chase is a man tormented by tragedy who can't put his past behind him and get back to his normal life even though the more he fights his war on crime, the more evident it is it's a suicide mission and everything he's built crumbles around him. Some arcs are better than others, I'll say that. If you know Marv Wolfman, you know he liked to experiment a lot (COIE is big proof of that) and sometimes it works, sometimes... it doesn't. You get many guest stars here, Batman, the Titans, Peacemaker among them. But the ride is enjoyable and the ending hits all the right notes, this series goes out with a bang. Long, solo series like this is what I miss about the comic industry these days. P.S.: The character assassination they're going to pull in the Peacemaker series with this character, based on what I've seen in the trailers, is going to be irritating, to say the least. That version has NOTHING in common with the tone of this series.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1  
Doomsday Clock Complete Collection  
Flash (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 13, 2021

I have to congratulate Adams for cleaning up one of Tom King's worst mistakes ever and making a fun and meaningful moment out of it. I have to confess I didn't like his beginning of the run but the last issues were better and better. I'm more of a Barry Allen fan but seeing Wally happy again put a smile on my face.

Forever Evil Vol. 1

Sep 30, 2021

Best work on Lex Luthor in a long time, too bad Snyder's ego ruined it after Rebirth.

Green Lantern: Rebirth Vol. 1

Jan 9, 2022

This is peak Geoff Johns with great character work and great art from He Who Must Not Be Named, Hal Jordan's redemption starts here.

Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1

Sep 30, 2021

This is when Taylor was trying to actually write good books, not to put forward progressive propaganda.

Journey Into Mystery By Kieron Gillen The Complete Collection  
Magneto (2014) #21

Sep 30, 2021

I loved that at the end Magneto saw the errors of his ways, too bad Marvel didn't know what to do with that.

Batman A Death in the Family

Oct 10, 2021

Batman Hush

Sep 30, 2021

Batman Under the Red Hood

Sep 30, 2021

Batman Year One

Oct 8, 2021

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Vol. 1  
Batman: The Killing Joke #1  
Batman: The Long Halloween Collected  
Captain America (2011) #19

Dec 3, 2021

An amazing issue, if someone were to ask me what Cap issue will best define what kind of man Steve Rogers is, this is the one I would recommend. Absolutely perfect characterization! Read this to wash your mouth from the last years of Cap comics, it's a breath of fresh air. And the art from Epting is absolutely gorgeous!

Deathstroke Vol. 1: The Professional  
Flash (2010) #8

Jan 9, 2022

Best Eobard Thawne origin story ever!

House of X House of X / Powers of X  
Kingdom Come Collected

Sep 30, 2021

I honestly can't describe what Alex Ross created here, all the compliments in the world wouldn't do it justice.

Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1: Dark Trinity  
Watchmen Collected  

Reviews for the Week of...


